Attitude Toward Science
Attitude Toward Science
Attitude Toward Science
Received 20 April 2015 Accepted 24 August 2015 Published online 28 Oct 2015
Elementary school teachers’ having a positive attitude toward science teaching might
encourage students to develop positive attitudes toward science learning. This cross-
cultural study aimed to validate the seven-factor structure of the Dimensions of Attitude
toward Science (DAS) scale by applying it in two countries. Moreover, it aimed to
determine the percentage distributions of in-service elementary school teachers’
attitudes on the confirmed seven categories. The DAS scale was translated into Turkish
and Spanish and administered to 185 teachers in Burdur and 202 teachers in Almeria.
Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that the factor structures of the
translated scales for the two countries correspond to the same seven-factor structure by
fitting the theoretical model. The DAS scale was compatible for both countries at an
adequate level. In both samples, most of the teachers were against gender stereotyping in
the science teaching/learning process, and they indicated they did not have any anxiety,
fear, or stress toward teaching science. The crucial difference between the two samples
was seen in the teachers’ responses to items measuring “Enjoyment” and “Perceived
Dependency Context Factors.”
& Pell, 2004; Osborne, Simon, & Collins 2003; van State of the literature
Aalderen-Smeets & Walma van der Molen, 2013).
Because they usually have low level of self-efficacy Teachers with negative or less positive
(Tosun, 2000) or they could not use time effectively attitudes toward science teaching are less
to teach and discuss science in the class (Harlen & likely encourages their students to develop
Holroyd, 1997; Jarvis & Pell, 2004). On the other positive attitudes toward science.
hand, teachers with positive attitudes toward It is crucial to examine science teachers’
science have greater self-efficacy and self- attitudes across various countries to
confidence to improve their students’ attitudes determine whether local needs and demands
(Bursal, 2010; Osborne et al., 2003). Therefore, are the same in the larger population.
elementary school teachers’ attitude toward science Several scales developed previously included
teaching should be carefully identified, since the and measured several attitude structures
progress in science lesson mostly belong teachers’ together. It is better to measure them on a
values and attitudes toward teaching science single scale. Further, many existing scales
(Blalock et al., 2008; Haney, Czerniak, & Lumpe, designed to measure attitude toward science
1996; Osborne et al., 2003; Saad & BouJaoude, 2012; teaching lack of statistical (e.g., reliability of
Yilmaz-Tuzun, 2008). The definitions and results) and theoretical standard (e.g.,
attributions of subject of attitude toward teaching construct validity).
science were not explicitly analyzed in many studies,
Contribution of this paper to the literature
as they are far from distinguishing the subject from
other measures like motivation (Blalock et al., 2008; In both countries, teachers possess high self-
van Aalderen-Smeets & Walma van der Molen, 2013; efficacy and this could be the reasons for the
van Aalderen Smeets, Walma van der Molen, & Asma, low rate of anxiety.
2012). For this purpose, Dimensions of Attitude The DAS scale is a new, coherent, and effective
Toward Science (DAS) scale was revised by van in assessing teachers’ attitudes toward
Aalderen-Smeets and Walma van der Molen (2013) science teaching since items measuring
to measure pre-service and in-service teachers’ “attitude toward science” and “science
attitude toward science teaching. In this study, at attitude,” were removed. The Turkish and
first the DAS was translated into Spanish and Spanish versions of the DAS scale appear to
Turkish and structure of translated versions was represent valid and reliable measures in both
validated with respect to original structure. Second, samples.
the variance in the factor structure across both The cross-cultural adaptation of the DAS scale
samples was evaluated. Finally, the data collected to might have led the further studies to combine
confirm the scale was assessed to determine teachers’ attitude toward science teaching
elementary in-service teachers’ perceptions for with the findings of other international
attitudes toward science teaching in both samples. studies such as TIMSS and PISA-Science.
Conceptual framework
In this particular study, the new theoretical framework for primary teachers’
attitude toward science, which corresponds personal attitude dimension, and the
teaching of science, which corresponds professional attitude dimensions was adopted
from the study of van Aalderen-Smeets et al. (2012, pp. 154-172). The general schema
of the framework is given in Figure 1.
In general, both dimensions of attitude include the same sub-dimensions as
cognition, affect, self-efficacy and behavioral intention. At first, the cognitive beliefs
included three cognitive attributes, as: a) ‘perceived relevance’ that is related to
importance and relevance of science and science teaching in primary schools. b)
‘perceived difficulty’ that is related to general beliefs about difficulty of science
relative to other disciplines and difficulty of teaching science. The items correspond
to beliefs of a teacher that she/he think ‘average’ teacher has regarding teaching
science (van Aalderen-Smeets & Walma van der Molen, 2013). c) ‘gender beliefs’ that
is related to various abilities of boys and girls in science and potential ability
differences between male and female teachers with respect to teaching science and
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Confirmatory analysis of teachers’ attitude
Figure 1. Theoretical framework for the seven-factor structure of the DAS Scale
(adapted from van Aalderen-Smeets et al., 2012).
their enjoyment in doing so. Indeed, some researchers claimed that developing an
attitude is directly related to developing cognitive beliefs (Tosun, 2000; Türkmen,
Secondly, affective states included ‘enjoyment’ and ‘anxiety’. Enjoyment is related
to positive emotions regarding science in real life, science related activities, and
science teaching. Enjoyment mainly depends on self-efficacy, which is linked with job
satisfaction and job stress (Klassen & Chiu, 2010). Anxiety, corresponds to negative
and unfavorable feelings regarding not only science related topics and activities but
also science teaching. To reduce anxiety in teaching science courses, and to make
students develop positive attitudes toward science, teachers should take courses
including true science applications, such as activities and experiments (Martin-
Dunlop & Fraser, 2008; Lin, Cheng, Chang, Li, Chang & Lin, 2014).
The third component of attitude toward teaching science was perceived control
that included ‘self-efficacy’ and ‘context dependency’. Self-efficacy includes both
views and feelings of personal capability to exhibit specific behavior (Bandura, 1997).
Elementary school teachers have higher levels of self-efficacy because of the contexts
in which they work (Klassen & Chiu, 2010). In this study, it is used to express in-
service teachers’ beliefs in their ability to succeed in science and their capability to
teach science. The next attribute, context dependency, is mostly related to context
factors of professional attitude toward science (van Aaalderen-Smeets et al., 2012).
They indicated four main context factors that are collegial support, lack of resources,
time allocated for science in the curriculum, and the time and effort needed to prepare
science lessons. The perception of these factors by the in-service teachers reflects
their beliefs that several external factors make their science teaching hard or easy.
Context factors affect attitudes toward science / science teaching (Ergül, 2009;
Martin-Dunlop & Fraser, 2008; van Aalderen-Smeets & Walma van der Molen, 2013).
The final component of attitude toward science is ‘behavioral intention’ that
measures someone’s behavior related to science mostly in daily life like reading a
science book and watching scientific programs. In terms of attitude toward science
teaching, behavioral intention includes teachers’ behaviors either finding extra hours
to teach science or willing to do science lessons more than other lessons like
mathematics (Van Aaalderen-Smeets et al., 2012). The analysis of gender stereotype
approaches along with self-efficacy approaches presents “Percevied Difficulty” and
“Gender Beliefs” were misevaluated or not sufficiently understood by the participant
teachers (van Aalderen-Smeets & Walma van der Molen, 2013). Therefore, they
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suggested that in future studies, these two dimensions should be evaluated in greater
depth, along with their relationship with other dimensions.
Teachers’ attitudes toward science teaching in Turkey and Spain
In the report of Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency-EACEA
(2011) that revealed how the science education in Europe is organized, average
performances of participants from some countries such as Turkey and Spain were
found to be below the European Union average. In this report it is recommended that,
the reasons for decrease in achievement, interest and attitude toward science should
be researched. Moreover, Štefaniková & Prokop (2015) indicated that there is a
decreasing interest toward learning science and students usually have negative
attitudes toward science from various cultures. It is clear that the attitudes of teachers
toward science teaching influence students’ attitudes as well as their academic
achievement (Bilen & Köse, 2012; Türkmen, 2013; Yakar & Baykara, 2014; Yaşar &
Anagün, 2008). In this context, it is crucial to determine perceptions of elementary in-
service teachers for attitudes toward science teaching, specific to Spain and Turkey.
In this particular study, the Spanish and Turkish versions of the current DAS scale
contribute to analyzing elementary school teachers’ attitude toward science teaching
in detail.
In Turkey, teacher candidates had moderate-level attitude scores and did not
perceive themselves as enthusiastic about teaching science subjects (Bursal, 2010;
Duban & Gökçakan, 2012; Türkmen, 2013). In Spain, in-service science teachers’ held
moderate attitudes toward the teaching science profession (Guisasola, Robinson, &
Zuza, 2007) and prospective elementary school teachers on the other hand had a
rather positive attitude toward teaching science related to which self-efficacy beliefs
or attitudes toward science / science teaching (Brígido, Borrachero, Bermejo, &
Mellado, 2013).
Effective instruction mostly depends on self-efficacy, and enjoying the job (Azar,
2010; Bursal, 2010; Ergül, 2009; Guisasola et al., 2007; Tekkaya, Çakıroğlu, & Özkan,
2004). Klassen and Chiu (2010) found that teachers with high self-efficacy reported
high levels of job satisfaction. Further, teachers reported low job satisfaction because
they had high levels of stress. According to The Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD) report, teachers from a few countries (including
Turkey and Spain) reported comparatively weak self-efficacy, and teachers’ job
satisfaction usually increases with tenure (OECD, 2009).
The two countries have similar elementary school teacher training programs as
pre-service teachers must take 60 credits and 25 hours per credit point. Further, both
countries participate in the ERASMUS student exchange program. In Turkey and
Spain, students begin elementary school in the calendar year of their sixth birthday,
and education is free of charge. In Turkey, science lessons start in third or fourth
grade (at the age of 10 to 11), which corresponds to the second cycle in Spain.
However, in Spain, science lesson start in the first cycle (at the age of 6 to 8).
In both countries, students take Program for International Student Assessment
(PISA) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) exams.
More than 80% of the students who took the PISA in Turkey agreed that “Science and
Technology teaching is important for society” (International Council for Science
[ICSU], 2011, p. 13). In the PISA-Science section, although students in Turkey held
more positive attitudes than their counterparts in Spain, their achievement in PISA-
2012 was lower. These results raise the query whether the current variance among
students’ attitudes are similar to the elementary school teachers’ attitudes toward
science teaching in the two countries. Therefore, it is paramount to admit worldwide
standards for effective science teaching (PISA, 2012) and to analyze teachers’
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Confirmatory analysis of teachers’ attitude
attitudes toward teaching science that is one of the factors affecting students’
attitudes toward learning science.
Studies of pre-service elementary school teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy in
Turkey and Spain indicated the teachers did not enjoy studying science, but they felt
competent to teach it, meaning they had adequate self-efficacy (Brígido et al., 2013;
Bursal, 2008; 2010; Ergül, 2009; Tosun, 2000). The review of the studies in Turkey
and Spain that measure the attitudes of in-service elementary teachers toward
science teaching generally focus on self-efficacy, job satisfaction and enjoyment. The
aim of the current study is to analyze the attitudes even for the other sub-dimensions
discussed in the framework.
The scales measuring attitudes toward science
Researchers that measured attitudes toward science teaching used various scales
in previous studies. Türkmen (2013), who also conducted some other longitudinal
studies of attitudes toward science, adapted The Science Teaching Attitude Scale II
from Moore and Foy (1997) with 95 in-service elementary and 38 in-service science
teachers. The scale included items measuring general attitude toward science lessons
rather than attitude toward science teaching.
The mostly used instrument was the Attitude Scale Toward Science Teaching,
which was adapted into Turkish by Özkan, Çakıroğlu, and Tekkaya (2002) based on
Thompson and Shrigley (1986). Thompson and Shrigley’s original scale includes 22
items and it divides attitude into four sub-dimensions. It is adapted into various
cultures and used in many studies. However, it was prepared for pre-service teachers
and lacks items that directly measure elementary school teachers’ attitudes toward
science teaching (Tosa, 2009). In addition, van Aalderen-Smeets and Walma van der
Molen (2013) indicated that it included several attitude structures like self-efficacy
related to science, feeling toward science, and self-efficacy of science teaching
components. They recommended that it is better to measure them with different
subscales than to represent them on a single scale. Osborne et al. (2003), Blalock et
al. (2008) and Gardner (1995) emphasized that many existing scales designed to
measure attitude toward science teaching lack of statistical (e.g., reliability of results)
and theoretical standard (e.g., construct validity). In this sense, as the result of need
for a new and up-to-date scale that would measure the attitude toward science
teaching, van Aalderen-Smeets and Walma van der Molen (2013) revised the DAS
scale, which was first developed by van Aalderen-Smeets et al. (2012). They offered
to adapt the scale to the other cultures. Thus, this particular study provides Spanish
and Turkish adapted versions of the DAS scale.
In their study, van Aalderen-Smeets and Walma van der Molen (2013) gave the
Dutch version of the DAS scale to 158 in-service and 398 pre-service teachers and
found inter-item correlations from .39 to .59. Their explanatory factor analysis with
direct oblimin rotation revealed that the items were loaded on seven factors with
loadings between .37 and .90.
Van Aalderen-Smeets and Walma van der Molen (2013) also applied a multifaceted
and atypical confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) including various steps beginning
with principal axis factoring to confirm the seven-factor structure. The reliability
coefficients (Cronbach’s alpha) for the seven categories ranged from .74 to .93. The
inter-item correlation coefficients among the sub-categories ranged from .44 to .85.
Sixty nine percent of total variance was explained with the seven-factor structure. Van
Aalderen-Smeets and Walma van der Molen also validated the scale’s construct and
face validity. They proposed that with 28 items and its seven-factor structure, the DAS
scale can thoroughly measure elementary school teachers’ attitudes toward science
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Based on the findings of the detailed review, in-service teachers’ attitudes toward
science teaching should be identified in Spain and Turkey, since the comparison is
valuable to support various related findings in global reports (e.g., PISA, ICSU).
Moreover, cross-cultural studies, such as Campbell, Medina-Jerez, Erdogan, and
Zhang (2010), suggest that it is crucial to examine science teachers’ attitudes across
various countries to determine whether local needs and demands are the same in the
larger population. Further, van Aalderen-Smeets and Walma van der Molen (2013)
recommended comparing the findings of applications of the DAS scale in different
languages and countries with the results of their study. Therefore, this study adapted
the scales into Turkish and Spanish. The multi-group CFA is applied in order to
validate the DAS scale with proposed seven-factor structures for two countries and to
confirm that the model is invariant across groups. Bryne (2010) stated that, this
purpose was one of the five purposes defined in several studies that aimed to seek
evidence of multi-group equivalence. The two main research questions of this study
are as follows:
1) Do the adapted scales confirm the originally implemented seven-factor
structure of the DAS scale through their application in two groups, Burdur,
Turkey and Almeria, Spain? More specifically, the answer to this question was
analyzed through two hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1: The multi-dimensional structure of the DAS comprising
self-efficacy (SE), perceived relevance (PR), gender stereotyping (GS),
anxiety (A), difficulty of science teaching (DST), perceived
dependency on context factors (PDC), and enjoyment (E) is valid
across both groups.
Hypothesis 2: This seven-factor structure of the DAS is invariant
across the two groups.
2) What are the percentage distributions of in-service elementary school
teachers’ attitudes on the confirmed seven categories for both groups?
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(default model in AMOS) only the factor loadings are constrained equal to the data of
each group separately. Secondly, by satisfying the conditions of measurement
invariance a multi-group CFA was conducted by including factor-loading parameters
remained constrained and equality constraints were then placed on the factor
variances and covariance for both groups simultaneously to test the second
hypothesis. This process is specifically named as “the manual multiple-group
approach” (Byrne, 2010, p.214). The common fit indices are given in Table 1 with
their critical value ranges. In this particular study, the similarity between two groups
was controlled by ensuing a similar analysis procedure carried out by Sanchez,
Gallego, Soria, and Aborg (2008) was closely followed.
In addition to the critical values in Table 1, Hu and Bentler (1999), for example,
suggested a combination of rules for a reasonably good fit between the baseline model
and the source data. a) SRMR values are close to or below .08; b) RMSEA values are
close to or below .06; and c) CFI and TLI values are close to or greater .95. Hu and
Bentler indicated that these are necessary to improve the acceptability of Type I and
Type II error rates. There is no strict difference between their combined values and
the critical limits of this study, given in Table 1. In Table 1, χ2 (CMIN) value is not a
unique index of good model fit, and it is sensitive to sample size (Brown, 2012;
Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007). Statistically significant χ2 is not enough to imply a poor-
data-to-model fit. In such a case, the model fit could be evaluated by comparing the
value of χ2 with two times of degrees of freedom (Byrne, 1989), by analyzing the
critical limits for χ2/df value, and by analyzing the other fit indexes. Further, analysis
was conducted for the comparisons of the original seven-factor structure model
(Model7) with the model in which only the factor loadings are constrained equal
among groups (Model7MW); all factor loadings, variances and covariance are
constrained equal among groups (Model7SC); and all factor loadings, variances,
covariance and error variances are constrained equal among groups (Model7MR). As
Byrne (2010, p.221) indicated, evidence of invariance between Model7 and the other
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Confirmatory analysis of teachers’ attitude
Table 2. Goodness-of-fit indices from cfa conducted separately on the data for the Almeria and Burdur
Sample Model χ2 df p χ2/df SRMR GFI AGFI RMSEA RMR IFI CFI
202 Model7 643.984 329 <.001 1.957 0,071 .922 .880 .070 .053 .919 .917
185 Model7 611.143 329 <.001 1.858 0,056 .925 .884 .062 .047 .917 .916
Note: χ2: chi square; df: degrees of freedom.
three models were based on the differences in CFI values presenting a probability
<.001. The second research question was evaluated through a detailed descriptive
analysis for both samples.
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Figure 2. The path diagram of the original seven-factor structure and respective factor loadings derived
from the two sample (Almeria, N=202/ Burdur, N=185)
loadings, variances and covariance are constrained equal among groups (Model7SC)
were successfully fitted to the data of two groups. Therefore, it can be concluded that
all factor loadings constrained to be equal across two groups, Spanish and Turkish in-
service elementary school teachers. The confirmed factors correspond to categories
of attitude toward science teaching. The category names given by van Aalderen-
Smeets and Walma van der Molen (2013) were also used in this study.
The construct validity was also controlled by convergent and discriminant validity.
The convergent validity, which estimates the degree to which items of a theoretical
construct relate to each other, was tested. If the items of a construct load strongly
together, this is an indicator of high convergent validity (Ullman, 2007). The factor
loadings, most of which are above the critical value of .50, found at the end of the
multi-group CFA, ranged from .43 to .99 within the seven-factor structure. Moreover,
312 © 2016 iSER, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. & Tech. Ed., 12(2), 303-320
Confirmatory analysis of teachers’ attitude
Table 4. The Cronbach’s Alpha values with respect to the seven sub-dimensions of the DAS scale
α α α
Item Numbers
(Almeria data) (Burdur data) (Both)
SE 1-4 .83 .85 .84
PR 5-9 .76 .71 .74
GS 10-14 .90 .84 .87
A 15-18 .95 .95 .95
DST 19-21 .91 .83 .87
PDC 22-24 .56 .60 .57
E 25-28 .95 .97 .96
OVERALL -- .82 .76 .80
Note. SE: self-efficacy; PR: perceived relevance; GS: gender stereotyping; A: anxiety; DST: difficulty of science teaching; PDC:
perceived dependency on context factors; E: enjoyment.
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In both samples, teachers’ negative responses constituted more than 80% in the
“Anxiety” dimension. This indicates that they had little to no anxiety, fear, or stress in
science teaching. In Burdur sample around 66% of teachers and in Almeria sample
almost 76% of teachers (shown by their negative responses; Table 5) were against
gender-stereotyping in the science teaching/learning process. In both samples,
agreement was strongly in the sub-dimensions (shown by their positive responses;
Table 5) of “Self-efficacy” and “Perceived Relevance” as the percentages was above 80
for each of them. The other two common positive categories are “Perceived
Dependency Context Factors” and “Enjoyment.” The teachers in Burdur perceived
that their attitudes toward science teaching were affected by contextual
environmental factors, e.g diversity of students more than teachers in Almeria. In
Burdur, almost 90% of the teachers indicated that they enjoyed science teaching and
liked their jobs. In Almeria, 65% of the teachers said the same, whereas 32% of them
said they had neutral feelings on the matter.
The DAS scale was developed by van Aalderen-Smeets and Walma van der Molen
(2013) was translated into Spanish and Turkish. The validity and reliability of the
results of both versions were also examined. The results confirmed that the seven-
factor structure of the translated scales is valid for the two samples. Further, the
multi-group CFA verifies the theoretical model proposed by van Aalderen-Smeets et
al. (2012). The items intended to measure a specific sub-dimension loaded onto that
specific factor without cross-loadings. Therefore, the seven factor structure of DAS is
invariant across the samples.
With respect to two sub-dimensions of cognitive states, “Gender Stereotyping” and
“Difficulty of Science Teaching”, van Aalderen-Smeets and Walma van der Molen
(2013) recommended that they should be analyzed thoroughly. The two sub-
dimensions, as they have crucial factor loadings, were analyzed in both samples. It
was found that the teachers were against gender stereotyping in science teaching.
Further, almost 60% of the teachers in the sample of this study perceived that
‘average’ elementary teacher did not find difficult to teach science. The other sub-
dimension is ‘perceived relevance’ which has high percentage scores related to
teachers’ perceptions indicating their strong cognitive beliefs. It is possibly explained
by the teachers’ understanding the importance of science teaching and knowing how
to adapt science to technological and social developments. The results of this study
(almost 80 % of the teachers) and related studies (Harlen & Holroyd, 1997; van
Aalderen-Smeets & Walma van der Molen, 2013) indicate that elementary teachers
identified that science teaching is important and they expressed it is relevant to
primary school level.
The percentage score for self-efficacy that is a sub-dimension of perceived control
is high in both countries. The reason might be the teachers’ high self-confidence as
well as their low rate of anxiety. Around 70% of the teachers graduated from the
university in the city where they lived, so they knew the culture, level of education,
and socio-economic status in these cities, which allowed them to develop self-
confidence. Further, the teachers in this study were mostly experienced and tended
to lack anxiety. For example, in Burdur the large percentage (70%) of participants had
more than 21 years of teaching experience. This result contradicts the report (OECD,
2009) indicating teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs in both countries are weak. However,
the results of this study are consistent with corresponding findings in related
literature (Brígido et al., 2013; Bursal, 2008, 2010; Ergül, 2009; Osborne et al., 2003;
Tekkaya et al., 2004; Tosun, 2000; Türkmen, 2013).
“Anxiety” together with “Enjoyment” are the sub-dimensions of affective states. In
both samples most of the teachers were tenured, and therefore, they may have felt
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Confirmatory analysis of teachers’ attitude
more relaxed and confident, as indicated by the OECD report (OECD, 2009). In terms
of “Enjoyment”, on the other hand, teachers in Burdur had higher scores. One might
expect the scores to be similar since both cities are in the Mediterranean region of
respective countries and Mediterranean people are known for their warm and
moderate job-related attitudes. However, there may be differences in job satisfaction
between the two countries, because of the perceived job stress (Bursal, 2010; Klassen
& Chiu, 2010). There was also a crucial difference between the two countries in terms
of “Perceived Dependency Context Factors”. The teachers, in Burdur, thought that
they might feel relax when they had more support, such as collegial support and time
allocation for science in the curriculum, as these factors decrease anxiety (Ergül,
2009; Martin-Dunlop & Fraser, 2008; van Aalderen-Smeets & Walma van der Molen,
2013). The behavioral intention of the teachers is not directly measured as the results
were limited how elementary teachers perceived the items in the DAS scale. However,
as indicated in related literature teachers’ perceptions of attitudes may affect their
behavioral intention and cause a change in their behaviors (Haney et al., 1996; van
Aalderen-Smeets et al., 2012; Yilmaz-Tuzun, 2008).
This study presents Spanish and Turkish translated versions of the new and the
current DAS scale that provide broader perspective than previous scales’ in terms of
teachers’ attitude toward science teaching. In the translation and adaptation process,
highly suggested approaches reviewed and a well-planned five-step guideline was
conducted. The guideline includes some structural, semantic and conceptual
equivalence of the translations. Translation equivalence procedures were rigorously
explained, as they might lead up future studies aimed to adapt it into other languages.
The model fit, examined with CFA, of seven-factor structure of the DAS scale for both
versions also supports construct equivalence of the translated scales. Therefore, this
study in general contained clear directions for further studies aimed to adapt and
validate the DAS scale that can be adapted to other cultures.
The multi-group CFA confirmed that the factor structures of the adapted scales are
invariant across the Spanish and Turkish samples. The two versions of the DAS scale
appear to represent valid and reliable measures of attitudes toward science teaching
of in-service elementary teachers in both samples. The reason for this fit is likely that
the original scale was applied again in a European country (Netherlands), where the
education system, science curriculum, teacher training program, or expectations of
teachers may yield almost the same effects on teachers’ attitudes toward science
teaching. As stated by van Aalderen-Smeets and Walma van der Molen (2013), the
DAS scale is coherent and effective in assessing elementary teachers’ attitudes toward
science teaching because items measuring “attitude toward science” and “science
attitude,” which could be confused, were removed. The most crucial products of this
study are not only the Turkish and Spanish versions of the scale but also confirmation
of the cross-cultural structure of the DAS scale that would be useful in further studies
on attitudes toward science teaching. In fact the cross-cultural adaptation of the DAS
scale might have led the further studies to combine teachers’ attitude toward science
teaching with the findings of other international cross-cultural comparison studies
such as TIMSS and PISA-Science. The confirmed seven factors of the DAS are the sub-
categories of the attitude toward science teaching.
Future studies could analyze how in-service elementary school teachers’ attitudes
toward science teaching in each country affect students’ achievement related to the
seven categories confirmed in this study. Moreover, the model fit of the DAS scale can
be investigated in other cultural contexts as well. Finally, a subsequent investigation
could be organized with the teachers in the Almeria sample to explore the reasons
behind their moderate level of enjoyment in science teaching.
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1 Öğrencilerden gelen fenle ilgili soruların rahatlıkla üstesinden gelebiliyorum.
2 Fen içeriği ile ilgili konuları ilkokul öğrencilerine anlatabilecek düzeyde yeterli bilgiye sahibim.
3 Öğrencilerin sınıfta araştırma ve tasarım yapmalarını destekleyebilecek düzeyde iyi malzeme bilgisine sahibim.
Eğer ilkokul öğrencileri fen ile ilgili ödevlerinde bir çözüm üretemezse, bu ödevlerinde ilerleme göstermeleri
konusunda onlara yardım edebileceğimi düşünüyorum.
5 İlköğretimde fen bilimlerine mümkün olduğunca erken başlanması gerektiğini düşünüyorum.
6 Fen bilimleri eğitiminin ilkokul öğrencilerinin gelişimi için gerekli olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Fen bilimleri eğitiminin ilkokul öğrencilerinin toplumdaki teknolojik problemlerle ilgilenmelerini sağlaması için
gerekli olduğunu düşünüyorum.
İlkokulda fen bilimleri eğitimi öğrencilerin çalışmaları ile ilgili doğru tercihler (kariyer seçimi ve ders seçimi gibi)
yapabilmeleri için gerekli olduğunu düşünüyorum.
İlkokulda fen bilimleri eğitimi o kadar önemlidir ki deneyimsiz öğretmenler bu alanda fazladan eğitimler
Erkek ilkokul öğretmenlerinin, bayan ilkokul öğretmenlerine göre fen bilimlerini öğretmekten daha fazla
hoşlandıklarını düşünüyorum.
İlkokuldaki erkek öğrencilerin kız öğrencilere göre daha büyük olasılıkla fen ile ilgili ödev seçeceklerini
Öğrencilerle bir araştırma veya teknik ödevi erkek ilkokul öğretmenlerinin, bayan ilkokul öğretmenlerine göre
daha rahat yapabileceklerini düşünüyorum.
İlkokuldaki erkek öğrencilerin, kız öğrencilere göre malzemelerle ve kimyasal maddelerle deney yapma
konusunda daha fazla hevesli olduklarını düşünüyorum.
14 Bir fen gösterisi için bilinçli olmayarak bir kız öğrenciden daha çok erkek öğrenci seçeceğimi düşünüyorum.
15 Sınıfta fen öğretirken gergin hissederim.
16 Fen öğretirken sinirli hissederim.
17 Fen öğretmek beni sinirli yapıyor.
18 Sınıfımda fen öğretmem gerektiğinde stresli oluyorum.
19 Çoğu ilkokul öğretmeninin, fen ile ilgili konuları öğretmeyi zor bulduğunu düşünüyorum.
Çoğu ilkokul öğretmeninin, fen bilimleri dersinin içeriği açısından konuları öğretmeyi zor bulduğunu
21 Öğretmenlerin fen bilimleri dersinde karşılaşılan konuları karışık bulduklarını düşünüyorum.
22 Bana göre, uygun kullanıma hazır paket malzemelerin kullanılması sınıfta fen öğretimi için gereklidir.
23 Bana göre, uygun bir fen öğretim yönteminin olması sınıfta fen öğretmek veya öğretmemek için belirleyicidir.
24 Bana göre, meslektaşlarımın ve okulun desteği sınıfta fen öğretmek veya öğretmemek için belirleyicidir.
25 Fen öğretirken kendimi mutlu hissediyorum.
26 Fen öğretmek beni neşeli yapıyor.
27 Fen öğretmekten çok zevk alıyorum.
28 Fen öğretmek beni heyecanlandırıyor.
© 2016 iSER, Eurasia J. Math. Sci. & Tech. Ed., 12(2), 303-320 319
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En desacuerdo
Totalmente de
De acuerdo
1 Soy perfectamente capaz de resolver las preguntas de mis alumnos/as sobre ciencias.
Tengo suficiente conocimiento sobre los contenidos de ciencias para enseñar adecuadamente dichas
asignaturas en la educación primaria.
3 Tengo un dominio suficiente del material para ayudar a mi alumnado en la investigación y diseño de clase.
Si los niños/as de educación primaria no alcanzan una solución durante las tareas de ciencias, considero que
podré tener éxito ayudándolos a solucionar dichas tareas.
5 Pienso que las ciencias deben enseñarse en la educación primaria tan pronto como sea posible.
6 Pienso que la enseñanza de las ciencias es esencial en educación primaria para el desarrollo del/a niño/a.
Pienso que la enseñanza de las ciencias es esencial para hacer que los/as niños/as de educación primaria se
involucren más en los problemas tecnológicos de la sociedad.
Pienso que la enseñanza de las ciencias en la educación primaria es esencial para que los/as alumnos/as sean
8 capaces de tomar buenas decisiones acerca de sus estudios (por ejemplo, elección de una carrera y elección de
un curso)
La enseñanza de las ciencias es tan importante en la educación primaria que maestros/as inexpertos/as
deberían recibir una formación adicional en este área.
10 Pienso que la enseñanza de las ciencias sociales es más divertida para los maestros que para las maestras.
Pienso que en educación primaria los niños son más propensos que las niñas a elegir tareas que tienen que ver
con la ciencia.
Pienso que los maestros de educación primaria pueden hacer una investigación técnica con mayor facilidad que
las maestras.
Pienso que los niños de educación primaria son más entusiastas acerca de lo experimentado con materiales y
sustancias químicas que las niñas.
Pienso que yo inconscientemente sería más propenso a elegir para una demostración científica a un niño que a
una niña.
15 Me siento tenso/a mientras enseño ciencias en clase.
16 Me siento nervioso/a mientras enseño ciencias en clase.
17 La enseñanza de las ciencias me pone nervioso/a.
18 Me siento estresado/a cuando tengo que enseñar ciencias en mi clase.
Pienso que la mayoría de los/as maestros/as de educación primaria tienen dificultades para enseñar temas
relacionados con la ciencia.
Pienso que la mayoria de los/as maestros/as de educación primaria encuentran la ciencia una materia difícil de
enseñar en términos de contenido.
21 Pienso que los/as profesores/as encuentran complicados los temas que surgen en la ciencia.
Para mí, la disponibilidad de un paquete de materiales listo para su uso es esencial para la enseñanza de la
ciencia en el aula.
Para mí, la disponibilidad de un método de enseñanza de las ciencias es decisivo independientemente de si voy
a enseñar o no ciencias en clase.
Para mi, el apoyo de mis compañeros/as y de la escuela es decisivo independientemente de si voy a enseñar o
no ciencias en clase.
25 Me siento feliz mientras enseño ciencias.
26 Enseñar ciencias me hace estar alegre.
27 Me divierto mucho enseñando ciencias.
28 La enseñanza de las ciencias me entusiasma.
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