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Oral Question Dubai Municipality G+12 Exam. 1. What Is Story Drift

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Oral Question Dubai Municipality G+12 Exam.

1. What is Story Drift

Ans: story drift may be defined as DRIFTX and measured as the difference in
UX displacement between vertically aligned points on adjacent floors. Average
values may also be obtained by scaling x displacements by 1/x.
2. Ev and Eh
Ans: For Strength Design, Ev has the effect of increasing compression and
tension/uplift effects on vertical load carrying systems. Ev is not applicable for
Allowable Stress Design. The new term, Ev, was introduced in the 1997 UBC.
UBC Section 1630.1 defines Ev as the load effect resulting from the vertical
component of the earthquake ground motion.

For Strength Design, Ev is defined as 0.5CaID. For Allowable Stress Design,

Ev is defined as 0.
Ca= seismic coefficient from UBC Table 16-Q
I = importance factor from UBC Table 16-K
D = dead load

UBC Section 1630.1.1 defines the earthquake load, E, as the earthquake load
on an element of the structure resulting from the combination of the horizontal
component Eh and the vertical component Ev.
E = Rh*Eh + Ev (UBC 30-1)

Rh= redundancy factor defined in UBC Section 1630.1.1

Eh = earthquake load resulting from either the base shear, V, or the design
lateral force, Fp

Substituting the definition of Ev into this equation results in:

E =Rh*Eh + 0.5CaID (Modified 30-1)

The 1997 UBC defines load combinations in Section 1612. Strength load
combinations 12-5 and 12-6
include E.
1.2D + 1.0E +(f1L + f2S) (UBC 12-5)
0.9D (1.0E or 1.3W) (UBC 12-6)
Substituting modified equation 30-1 into these equations results in:
1.2D + 1.0 Eh + 0.5CaID + (f1L + f2S) (Modified 12-5)
(0.9 + 0.5CaI)D + Eh (Modified 12-6a)
(0.9 - 0.5CaI)D - Eh (Modified 12-6b)
For typical California values of Ca = 0.40 and I = 1, the modified equations
1.4D + 1.0Rh*Eh + (f1L + f2S)
1.1D + Rh*Eh
0.7D + Rh*Eh

The impact of the vertical earthquake component on modified Strength Design

equations 12-5 and 12-6a is to increase compression effects on columns and
foundations. The impact of the vertical earthquake component on modified
Strength Design equations 12-6b is to increase tension and uplift effects on
columns, anchorage, and foundations. There is no impact of the vertical
earthquake component on Allowable Stress Design load combination

In etabs we use EQX , EQY for respective directions. so this earthquake force
should have carry both its vertical and horizontal component with itself. so
there is no need to define these modified equations when we are assisted by
software. but during manual calculations we have to incorporate these
modified equations.
if vertical component is applicable in your design then you must select
appropriate settings from special seismic loading form and define rho and
omega factors. You should also manually check the collector elements for
increased forces.

3. Load Combination
Ans: As per ACI –ASCE –UBC97 . ( Refer Model +Excel Sheet)
4. Modulus of Sub grade Reaction


Measure of the stiffness of the subgrade; load per unit area causing unit
deflection, expressed as k
The modulus of subgrade reaction is used in the design of ground supported
slabs to represent the reaction of the ground which the slab is constructed
upon. The modulus of subgrade reaction is represented in calculations as k.

The value of the modulus of subgrade reaction is calculated from plate bearing
tests. When the standard plate is used ~750mm diameter the value is directly
calculated as the load imposed upon the plate to achieve a deflection of
1.25mm. This give a value in N/mm2/mm or N/mm3.

If a smaller plate is used there are conversion graphs available to convert the
value gained to an equivalent 750mm plate value.

Typical values are between 0.03N/mm2/mm and 0.08N/mm2/mm. The

modulus of subgrade reaction represents the stiffness of the soils below the
slab up to a depth of 2-3m.

The modulus of subgrade is used to model the elasticity of the soil directly
below the slab in the calculations. Greater values of the modulus of subgrade
reaction represent stiffer soils and therefore higher elastic resistances below
the slab. Provided that the soil and slab are stiff enough to resist the loads
imposed upon them the load will be distributed throughout the soil such that
by 2-3m depth the load can be treated as uniformly distributed. It is important
when designing a warehouse to take account of long term settlements of soils
below this 2-3m region, this should be conducted by a geotechnical engineer.

The more generic form of the equation can be written as:

Ks = stress/displacement


I = Safety factor

qa is the allowable bearing capacity

is the allowable soil settlement

5. When we have to consider wind flow. Where we have to apply

wind on structure.
Ans: low rise and high rise definition as per code. ASCE7-05
Two options are available for wind auto-lateral-load application per ASCE
7-05, including the following:
a Use Exposure from Diaphragms and specify the case applicable within
Figure 6-9:
b Use Exposure from Area Objects as follows:

6. Wind Velocity for Dubai

Ans: 45m/sec.
However as per Dubai wind code.
Assuming that the distribution function of extreme wind speeds is
asympthotic to the Fisher-Tippet (i.e., Type 1) distribution, and matching a
distrbution to the peak values, as shown in Figure 3.2, the basic wind velocity
for Dubai is
determined to be Vb = 25 m/s (90 km/h). Based on the relationship developed
by Durst [7]
between the short-time and hourly averaged wind velocities (as shown in Fig.
3.3), the basic
wind velocity of 25 m/s calculated for averaging time of 10-min. corresponds
to a basic wind
velocity of 38 m/s (137 km/h) for averaging time of 3-sec. Although Fig. 3.1
shows that dominant winds are from the north and the west, in light of all the
other uncertainties that are
discussed in the next section, the wind directionality is not considered as a
factor in the
calculation of wind loads.
7. Vertical Wind component :
Ans: Refer Ev and Eh
8. Pile Spacing : American and BS
Ans: 2.5 to 3.5 of Pile Diameter
if spacing pile to pile more than 3 x pile perimeter is no need to applied group
reduction factor.
Bearing piles; 2.5d
Friction Piles 3.0d
Bearing piles on Rock 2.0d
Where d is the diameter of pile. I do not understand what is meant by
"diagonal length of pile"!
In BS8004:1986 Cl 7.3 .4.2;... "for friction piles the spacing center to center
should be not less than the perimeter of the pile or, for circular piles, three
times the diameter. The spacing of piles deriving their resistance mainly from
end bearing may be reduced but the distance between the surface of the
shafts of adjacent piles should be not less than the least width of the piles."
criterion of minimum spacing between two piles as 2 times pile dia if they
draw their capacity by end bearing and 3 times pile dia if they are friction
9. Stiffness Modifier
despite, big number of things to be taken into consideration,
Structural Members / Service / Ultimate
Beams / 0.5EcIg / 0.35EcIg
Columns / 1.0EcIg / 0.70EcIg
Walls /
Uncracked 1.0EcIg / 0.70EcIg
Cracked 0.5EcIg / 0.35EcIg
Flat plates / 0.35EcIg/ 0.25EcIg.
Flat plates (equivalent slab-beams consideration)/1.0EcIe / 0.70EcIe
This is basically according 10.11.1 and R10.11.1 x1.43 for service as per ACI

Why Stiffness modifiers are used to account for cracking in concrete.

It is the nature of concrete to crack and hence, it is important to modify its
stiffness to accurately get deflections and P-Delta moments.

In a building with shear walls and beams/columns (which I presume is your

case), cracking the columns/beams will reduce their stiffness and more
moments/shears are transferred to the shear walls based on relative stiffness.

Stiffness attracts force. As a result, if your column/beam is relatively less stiff

than the shear wall, it will have less moments and shears. This will result in
lesser reinforcing.
Just a clarification on ACI 318-11 Code: We use reduced properties
(Cracked Section) for Concrete Frame analysis for Service Loads and
at Factored (Limit State) Loads . Even if we are not doing P-Delta (Second
Order) analysis, we have to use Modified Properties (Cracked Section) for
analysis. I had an interesting discussion on this with some engineers who
insisted that we use Cracked Section properties only when we do P-DELTA
analysis. I got that checked from ACI. Concrete Section cracks when there is
even a small Flexure Tension at Service Load level. For what values of Cracked
Section properties based on ACI 318-11 to be used see my SEFI Post dated
11th June 2014:

10. How to deisgn raft foundation resting on soil. Should be

more ?
Ans: Refer attached.
11. R value for building
Refer UBC97. For detail table.A-4

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