Blood Presure
Blood Presure
Blood Presure
Original Article (Pages: 2153-2166)
Background: Normal standard references of blood pressure (BP) for children and adolescents have
been suggested to be constructed based on anthropometric indices. Accordingly, we aimed to develop
first BP reference percentiles by weight and age for Iranian children aged 3-18 years old.
Materials and Methods: A total of 16,246 children and adolescents aged 3-18 years were included
from 3 cross-sectional studies conducted in Tehran- Iran. Data on demographic characteristics,
anthropometric indices and BP values of these subjects were gathered. Quantile regression model was
used to assess the need for weight adjustment in different percentiles of systolic and diastolic BPs
with age, gender, and the corresponding weight percentiles. Then, Age- and sex-specific BP
nomograms were developed according to weight.
Results: All the regression coefficients for weight percentiles were statistically significant in quantile
regression of BPs, which confirms the positive effect of adjustment for weight (P<0.05). The BP
percentiles by age and weight are presented for each gender. All the BP percentiles rose steadily in all
the weight percentiles with minor discrepancies between the two genders. Based on the weight-
adjusted BP curves, lean subjects are estimated to have a higher prevalence of hypertension while this
figure is lower among the overweight and obese children.
Conclusion: This study presents the first Iranian BP references by age and weight for 3 to 18 year old
children and adolescents. BMI-adjusted BP curves were found to be a better tool for assessing the
prevalence of hypertension in children and adolescents, on the basis of which a more reliable
classification standard for hypertension could be obtained.
Key Words: Blood Pressure, Children, Nomograms, References, Weight.
*Please cite this article as: Hosseini M, Baikpour M, Yousefifard M, Yaseri M, Fayaz M, Shirafkan H, et al.
Blood Pressure Nomograms by Age and Weight for Iranian Children and Adolescents. Int J Pediatr 2016; 4(7):
*Corresponding Author:
Neamatollah Ataei,MD , Department of Pediatric Nephrology, The Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Faculty
of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Address: Dr. Gharib St., Azadi Avenue,
14194 Tehran, Iran.
Received date Feb23, 2016; Accepted date: Mar 22, 2016
month to 2 years old infants and 2 to 7 be free for auscultation. Systolic and
years old children from kindergartens (28). diastolic BPs were recorded based on
Due to low sample size in ages 1 month to Korotkoff sounds (the K1 sound for
2 years old, in the present study, we systolic BP, the K4 and K5 sounds for
included children and adolescents aged 3- diastolic BP of 3-12 year olds and K5 for
18 years old. 13-18 year old children, respectively). The
A child with a normal general appearance, mean of two consecutive BP
no documented underlying disease, no measurements, measured at least 30
history of cardiovascular disorders and no seconds apart, was calculated for each
history of antihypertensive drug use was subject.
regarded as a healthy child, which was
2-4. Statistical analysis
established as the inclusion criterion for
this study. Detailed explanations of the 2-4-1. Age-gender-specific percentile
sampling methods are presented in our values
previous articles (19, 28, 29). Briefly, 20 To assess the correlation between weight,
districts were selected based on municipal blood pressure and age, the age-sex-
districts of Tehran. In each district, 1 all- specific normal deviations of weight was
girls school and 1 all-boys school were calculated. Then, the computed normal
randomly selected from the schools listed deviation was mounted in the standard
by Tehran education office. In each school, normal distribution and the corresponding
all the students were studied. percentile value was calculated to develop
Data were collected by the trained interns the age-sex-specific percentile values of
of the medical center. The parents or weight.
guardians of the subjects signed an 2-4-2. Construction of the BP
informed written consent prior to nomograms according to age, gender
inclusion. and weight
2-3. Measurements BP percentiles were presented as a
Weight measurements were done by a function of age and weight through
group of trained field technicians in each construction of two gender-specific
administrative district. A SECA scale separate models for systolic BP and
(USA, model 760) was used to weigh diastolic BP. First, the weight percentiles
children aged 3 to 6 years old with an were modeled with age for both genders
accuracy of 500 grams. School-aged using latent moderated structural (LMS)
children were weighed without shoes and equations method (30). Then an extension
heavy outer clothing via a daily calibrated of this method developed for two
SECA balanced scale (Germany, model covariates was used to simultaneously fit
710). Detailed descriptions of the BP the reference curves for by age and weight.
massurments are presented in previous The free R 2.15.2 statistical software
studies (22). Briefly, BP was measured via ( was used to fit
a standard mercury sphygmomanometer the Generalized Additive Models for
(Model 1002/ Presameter, Riester, Location Scale and Shape (GAMLSS)
Germany) with the child awake, after at with the Box-Cox-Cole-Green distribution
least 5 minutes rest in a comfortable sitting family (31-33). The modeling procedure is
position. The cuff was chosen in a way further explained in the study of Ataei et
that its bladder covered 80%–100% of the al. (22). The goodness of fit was assessed
right arm circumference and its width through evaluating the generalized Akaike
covered approximately 40% the arm information criterion and the proportion of
length, so that the antecubital fossa would data outside the smoothed percentiles.
Moreover, to assess the effect of weight on than 0.001, which confirms the positive
diagnosis of hypertension, the prevalence effect of adjustment for weight. BP
of hypertension was calculated in three percentiles for boys and girls according to
groups of lean, average, and overweight age and weight are presented in Tables.3
and obese children (<25th, 25th-75th, and and 4. The 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th,
>75th percentiles of BMI, respectively) 90th and 95th percentiles of weight are
using the 95th percentile of weight given in kilograms. As can be seen, all the
adjusted BP references and the figures SBP percentiles rose steadily in all the
were then compared to the method weight percentiles of both genders. In
proposed by the Fourth Report on the earlier ages, the SBP values among boys
Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of are slightly higher than girls, but the
High Blood Pressure in Children and differences decrease in a way that the
Adolescents criteria, that applies the 95th figures approximate each other in the two
percentile of unadjusted BP references genders and stay steady from the age 5
(34). Finally, the fitted percentile curves through 12 years old.
were compared with the reference values After the age of 12 the curves diverge
developed by USA (13), Germany (17), again and the values among boys rise
Turkey (10), Great Britain (8), China (16), persistently while the increasing trend of
and Saudi Arabia (7). SBP values among girls slows down. DBP
values among girls were slightly higher
than boys before the age of 5, and from
A total of 8,381 (51.59%) boys and that point on through the age of 8 the
7,865 (48.41%) girls aged 3–18 years were values were nearly similar in both genders.
included and their BPs and weights were The curves start to part again from the age
measured. Demographic characteristics of of 8 and the DBP percentiles for girls
the included subjects are presented in remain higher than the values for boys
Table. 1. As demonstrated, in all age with smaller divergences compared to SBP
groups the mean of weight and height for curves. The prevalence of hypertension
boys was higher than girls. The estimated based on the standard curves of
discrepancies between the two BP adjusted by anthropometric indices is a
measurements of BP were not significant better indicator of this disorder in the
(P>0.05). The average of absolute population. Therefore, we aimed to
differences for boys ranged from 0.22 to estimate the prevalence of hypertension
1.48 mmHg and among girls varied from based on weight-adjusted BP values in the
0.3 to 1.58 mmHg. Accordingly, the three BMI categories. The figures using
average of the two values for each subject the US references presented in the fourth
was calculated and included in the task force report for subjects with BMIs in
analysis. The mean of diastolic and the <25th, 25th-85th, and >85th percentiles
systolic BPs for boys was higher than girls, were calculated to be 3.56, 7.0 and 12.90%
in almost all the age groups, except for the for girls and 3.10, 3.85, and 10.17% for
SBP in age group of 7-12 years where girls boys, respectively. But using weight-
present with a slightly higher average. adjusted BP percentiles, the prevalence of
Quantile regression models were utilized hypertension for the mentioned BMI
for different percentiles of BPs with age, categories were found to be 8.08, 8.35, and
gender and the corresponding weight 6.91% for girls and 9.76, 6.60, and 7.80%
percentile to assess the need for weight for boys, respectively. As can be seen, the
adjustment. As presented in Table.2, the prevalence of hypertension was estimated
P- values calculated were found to be less to be higher among the lean subjects and
lower, among the overweight and obese weight decreased the false negative cases
children when the weight-adjusted in lean subjects and false positive cases
standard curves of BPs are used instead of among overweight and obese children and
unadjusted BP references. Therefore, adolescents (Figure.1).
adjustment of these curves according to
Table-1: Baseline characteristics of the included children and adolescents (8381 boys and 7865 girls
aged 3–18 years)
Age groups (year)
Subjects’ characteristics
3-6 7-12 13-18
Number of children
Boys 746 4505 3130
Girls 635 4698 2532
Mean (±standard deviation) of weight (kg)
Boys 16.96 (4.06) 29.50 (8.38) 58.33 (15.15)
Girls 15.86 (3.50) 27.73 (7.92) 48.28 (11.51)
Mean (±standard deviation) systolic blood pressure
Boys 93.56 (10.24) 107.24 (8.98) 115.35 (11.51)
Girls (10.61)
91.50 (8.79) 107.45 (8.90) (11.72)
108.97 (10.66)
Mean (±standard deviation) diastolic blood pressure (10.61) (11.72)
Boys 55.35 (9.61) 63.69 (9.49) 72.41 (7.87)
Girls (10.61)
54.41 (8.48) (10.61)
63.34 (9.57) (11.72)
71.21 (9.11)
(10.61) (10.61) (11.72)
Table-2: Estimated quintile regression for blood pressure measurements according to age and weight
percentile and gender
25th 50th 75th / 85th 95h
Coeff (±SE) P-value Coeff (±SE) P-value Coeff (±SE) P-value Coeff (±SE) P-value
Systolic Blood Pressure
Age (years) 1.34 (±0.03) <0.001 1.42 (±0.02) <0.001 1.53 (±0.02) <0.001 1.87 (±0.03) <0.001
Gender -1.49 (±0.21) <0.001 -1.45 (±0.17) <0.001 -1.00 (±0.17) <0.001 0.05 (±0.25) 0.84
0.08 (±0.003) 0.07 (±0.003) 0.06 0.09 (±0.004)
Weight (Percentile) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Intercept 84.7 (±0.40) <0.001 90.9 (±0.30) <0.001 95.6 (±0.29) <0.001 96.9 (±0.40) <0.001
R2 0.1467 0.1569 0.1892 0.2428
Diastolic Blood Pressure
Age (years) 1.50 (±0.03) <0.001 1.42 (±0.02) <0.001 1.43 (±0.02) <0.001 1.53 (±0.03) <0.001
Gender 0.14 (±0.21) 0.495 0.04 (±0.18) 0.849 0.04 (±0.12) 0.001 1.13 (±0.18) <0.001
0.06 (±0.003) 0.06 (±0.003) 0.04 0.04 (±0.003)
Weight (Percentile) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Intercept 41.7 (±0.37) <0.001 48.9 (±0.32) <0.001 54.2 (±0.20) <0.001 57.7 (±0.33) <0.001
R 2 0.1688 0.1780 0.2104 0.2428
R2: Coefficient of determination; SE: Standard error; All coefficients (Coeff) for weight percentiles are
statistically significant at P < 0.001.
Table- 3: Blood pressure values for boys according to age and weight
SBP (mm Hg) DBP (mm Hg)
Age Weight 50th 50th
(Year) (kg) 90th 95th 99th 90th 95th 99th
Percentile Percentile
Percentile Percentile Percentile Percentile Percentile Percentile
(Median) (Median)
3 8.4 81 90 92 97 48 57 59 63
3 9 82 91 93 97 48 57 59 63
3 10.1 83 92 94 99 49 58 60 64
3 11.4 84 94 96 101 49 58 60 64
3 12.9 86 95 98 103 50 59 61 65
3 14.4 88 97 100 104 50 60 62 66
3 15.3 89 98 101 106 51 60 62 67
4 10.2 86 96 98 103 51 60 62 66
4 10.9 87 96 99 104 51 60 63 67
4 12.2 88 98 100 105 52 61 63 67
4 13.8 90 100 102 107 52 62 64 68
4 15.6 92 101 104 109 53 62 65 69
4 17.5 93 103 106 111 54 63 66 70
4 18.8 94 105 108 113 54 64 66 70
5 11.9 91 101 103 108 53 63 65 69
5 12.7 91 101 104 109 54 63 65 69
5 14.1 93 103 105 110 54 64 66 70
5 16 94 104 107 112 55 64 67 71
5 18.2 96 106 109 114 56 65 68 72
5 20.5 98 108 111 117 57 66 69 73
5 22.1 99 110 113 118 57 67 69 74
6 13.5 94 105 107 112 56 65 67 71
6 14.4 95 105 108 113 56 65 68 72
6 16 96 107 109 114 57 66 68 72
6 18.1 98 108 111 116 57 67 69 73
6 20.7 100 110 113 118 58 68 70 74
6 23.4 101 112 115 121 59 69 71 76
6 25.3 103 114 117 122 60 69 72 76
7 15.1 98 108 111 116 58 67 69 73
7 16 98 109 111 117 58 67 70 74
7 17.8 99 110 113 118 59 68 70 74
7 20.1 101 111 114 120 59 69 71 75
7 23.1 102 113 116 122 60 70 72 77
7 26.3 104 115 118 124 61 71 73 78
7 28.5 106 117 120 125 62 72 74 79
8 16.7 100 111 114 119 59 69 71 75
8 17.7 101 111 114 119 60 69 71 76
8 19.7 102 112 115 121 60 70 72 76
8 22.3 103 114 117 122 61 70 73 77
8 25.6 105 116 119 124 62 71 74 78
8 29.3 107 118 121 126 63 73 75 80
8 32 108 119 122 128 64 74 76 81
9 18.6 103 113 116 121 61 70 73 77
9 19.7 103 114 117 122 61 71 73 77
9 21.9 104 115 118 123 62 71 74 78
9 24.9 105 116 119 125 63 72 74 79
9 28.6 107 118 121 127 64 73 76 80
9 32.9 109 120 123 129 65 74 77 81
9 36 110 121 124 130 66 75 78 82
10 20.8 104 115 118 124 63 72 74 78
10 22.1 105 116 119 124 63 72 74 79
10 24.5 106 117 120 125 64 73 75 79
10 27.9 107 118 121 127 64 74 76 80
10 32.1 109 120 123 128 65 75 77 81
10 37 110 122 125 130 67 76 79 83
10 40.7 111 123 126 132 67 77 80 84
11 23.4 106 117 120 125 64 73 76 80
11 24.8 106 117 120 126 65 74 76 80
11 27.6 107 118 121 127 65 74 77 81
11 31.4 108 120 123 128 66 75 77 82
11 36.2 110 121 124 130 67 76 79 83
11 41.9 112 123 126 132 68 78 80 84
11 46 113 124 127 133 69 79 81 85
12 26.3 107 118 121 126 66 75 77 81
12 28 108 119 122 127 66 75 77 81
12 31.1 109 120 123 128 67 76 78 82
12 35.4 110 121 124 129 68 77 79 83
Table 4: Blood pressure values for girls according to age and weight
SBP (mm Hg) DBP (mm Hg)
Age Weight 50th th th th 50th
(Year) (kg) 90 95 99 90th 95th 99th
Percentile Percentile
Percentile Percentile Percentile Percentile Percentile Percentile
(Median) (Median)
3 7.4 81 89 92 96 47 55 57 61
3 8 81 90 92 97 47 56 58 61
3 9.1 82 91 94 98 48 56 58 62
3 10.4 83 92 95 99 49 57 59 63
3 11.9 85 94 96 101 50 58 60 64
3 13.5 86 96 98 103 51 59 62 65
3 14.5 87 97 99 104 51 60 62 66
4 8.7 86 95 97 102 50 58 60 64
4 9.3 86 96 98 103 50 59 61 65
4 10.6 87 97 99 104 51 59 62 66
4 12.1 89 98 101 105 52 60 63 67
4 14 90 100 102 107 53 62 64 68
4 16 92 101 104 109 54 63 65 69
4 17.3 93 102 105 110 54 64 66 70
5 10 90 100 103 107 52 61 63 67
5 10.8 91 100 103 108 53 61 64 68
5 12.2 92 101 104 109 53 62 65 69
5 14.1 93 103 106 111 54 63 66 70
5 16.3 94 105 107 113 55 64 67 71
Fig.1: Prevalence of hypertension based on unadjusted blood pressure (BP) and weight-
adjusted BP, for lean (<25th), average (25th-75th) and overweight and obese (>75th) children
and adolescent base on body mass index (BMI) categories.
As for the DBP, the highest curve belongs among other curves till it becomes the
to Saudi Arabia in almost all the ages for lowest curve after the age of 9 years old.
both genders, except among girls older One of the main strengths of our study is
than 15 years where Iranian curve exceeds the large sample population which is
theirs. Overall Iranian DBP curve presents nationally representative and covers a wide
with the steepest slope in a way that up to range of ages. Standardized measurements
the age of 7, Iranian curve is among the of BP and anthropometric indices, using a
two lowest curves but it increases to BP measuring device suitable for children,
become the highest among girls and the measuring BPs twice for each subject and
second highest among boys after the age of the simultaneous modeling by age and
15. Great Britain’s DBP curve presents weight with advanced statistical methods
with the mildest slope, downgrading could be considered as other strengths of
the present survey.
Fig.2: Comparison of the 95th percentile of blood pressure values in boys (A) and girls (B) from
several countries. Blood pressure values of American (USA) and German children and adolescents
correspond to the 50th percentile of height. Blood pressure values of Iranian children and
adolescents correspond to the 50th percentile weight.
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