Health Administration at Union and State Level
Health Administration at Union and State Level
Health Administration at Union and State Level
The Ministry of health and family welfare plays a vital role on the
national efforts to enable the citizens to lead a healthy and happy life. The
Ministry has several centrally sponsored schemes, which are
implemented through the states. All these schemes aim at fulfilling our
national commitment to attain the goal of health for all by 2000 AD. The
administration and implementation of all these schemes and programmes
are organized through an integrated structure of health and family welfare
services in the country. The union ministry of health and family welfare
comprises various departments. Health according to the Constitution of
India is a state subject. The main responsibility for providing health
services to all people lies with the state health department. Therefore
health administration at union level and state level is very important.
Therefore in the present chapter the researcher will discuss role of union
government, its structure, administration and functions for health
administration as well as organization of state health department.
1 Health administration at union and State level
The present research study is on managerial appraisal of public hospital
located at district headquarter of Gujarat State. Hence before discussing
profile of public hospital and a managerial appraisal of public hospital
located at district head quarter of Gujarat State,the researcher has tried to
discuss Health administration at Union and State level.
1.1 Health administration at Union level
1.1.1 Role of the Union Government
Health and Human development form integral components of overall
socio-economic development of a nation. Amartyasen in his keynote
address to the Fifty Second World Health Assembly, geneva (18th may,
1999) made strong plea for promoting health to ensure development1.In
view of the federal, nature of the Constitition areas of operation have
been divided between Union Government and State Governments.
Seventh Schedule of Constitution describes three exhaustive lists of
items, namely, Union list, State list and Concurrent List. Through some
items like public health, hospitals, sanitation, etc. fall in the state list, the
items having wider ramification at the national land like population
control and family welfare, medical education, prevention of good
adulteration, quality control in manufacturing of drugs, etc. have been
included in the Concurrent List.
According to the Constitution, the central Government is concerned only
with international health matters, assisting and coordinating State
activities, establishing standards and promoting research and professional
education. Most other health matters are thus reserved for the State and
their health departments, through a few such as mental health , food
adulteration, drugs and vital statistics are on the Concurrent list. The 42nd
Amendment to the Constitution has made “population Control and family
planning” a concurrent subject and this provision has been made effective
from January 1977. The two Health Survey Committees ( bhore and
Mudaliar ) reporting in 1946 and 1961, did not recommend an
amendment to the Constitution although it was stressed that the Central
Government should have greater power to coordinate the activities of the
State authorities dealing with health. Many persons from time to time
have stressed that the Ministry of Health should be given more power to
deal with health matters2.
The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is Instrumental and
responsible for implementation of various programmes on a national
scale in the areas of Health And Family welfare, prevention and control
of major communicable disease and promotion of traditional and
indigenous systems of medicines. A part from these , the Ministry also
assists states in preventing and controlling the spread of seasonal disease
outbreaks and epidemics through technical assistance.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare incurs expenditure either directly
under Central Schemes through its two departments, including the
attached offices of DGHS and its various subordinate offices, or by way
of grants in aids to the autonomous/statutory bodies etc. and NGOs. In
addition to the 100% centrally sponsored family welfare programme, the
Ministry is implementing several World Bank assisted programmes for
control of AIDS, Malaria, Leprosy, and Tuberculosis and Blindness in
designated areas. Besides, State Health Systems Development Projects
with World Bank assistance are under implementation in various states.
The projects are implemented by the respective state government and the
Department of Health and Family Welfare only facilities the States in
availing of external assistance. All these schemes aim at fulfilling the
national commitment to improve access to primary Health care Facilities
keeping in view the needs of rural areas and where the incidence of
disease in high3.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare plays a vital role on the
national efforts to enable the citizens to lead a healthy and happy life.
Under the Indian Constitution, the items of public health, sanitation,
hospitals and dispensaries fall in the State List. Items like population
control and family planning, medical education, adulteration of foodstuffs
and other goods, drugs and poisons, medical professions, vital statistics
including registration of birth and deaths and lunacy and mental
deficiency find a place in the Concurrent List.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare at the Centre is responsible
for implementation of numerous programmes of national importance like
family welfare, primary health care, prevention and control of major
diseases, etc. which from the main plank of our development efforts. The
Ministry has several Centrally sponsored schemes which are implemented
through the States. At the same time it also implements various Central
Sector Schemes. All these schemes aim at fulfilling our national
commitment to attain the goal of Health for All by 2000 AD in
accordance with Alma Ata declaration of September 1978 to which India
is also a signatory.
Realising the need for establishing comprehensive and integrated primary
health care services and family welfare services to reach the peoples
doorsteps even in the remote and far flung rural areas, an integrated
health care delivery system with the maximum community participation
has been developed and is being implemented. The administration and
implementation of all these programmes is organized through an
integrated structure of health and family welfare services in the country4.
Synoptic View of Health System in India
Health System Infrastructure
Sub-Centers Health
Workers M/F
People-1027 Million
(Male:531,Female:496 )
1.1.2Structure, growth and existing set up
Before 1947, the medical and health services at the Centre were
administered by two separate departments, one under the Director -
General mod IMS and the other under the Commissioner of Public
Health. After independence, these two offices were amalgamated under
the Director – General of Health Services and the post of Commissioner
of Public Health was abolished5. The Union Ministry of Health was
vested with several additional responsibilities, namely, family planning,
Works and Housing and Urban Development. The functions of Works
and Housing and Urban development were transferred from this ministry.
Family planning was raised to the status of a fully fledged department in
1966, and the Ministry was designated as the Ministry of Health and
Family Planning. It is known at present as “Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare”.
The Union Ministry of Health and family welfare is headed by a Cabinet
Minister with a minister of State to assist him: The Union Minister of
Health and Family Welfare comprises of the following department each
of which is headed by a Secretary to the Government.
The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare comprise the
following departments, each of which is headed by a Secretary to the
Government of India:
A. Department of health and family welfare
B. The Department of Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy
1.1.3 Administration
In order to achieve the commitment of the Government to provide better
health care facilities, the Department of Health and Family Welfare has
enforced discipline and accountability amongst its officers and staff.
Necessary steps and new initiatives have been taken to ensure that the
Government policies and programmers are implemented in efficient and
in a time bound manner. The Department has also taken initiatives and
mode vigorous efforts to ensure and improve effectiveness of different
National Programmes and Schemes.
With a view to provide responsive administration and streamline system
for redressed of staff grievances, Deputy Secretary (Administration) is
attending to the service related grievances of the staff in the Department
of Health and Family Welfare who is available for personal hearing of the
staff on every Tuesday between 10.30 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. Secretary,
Department of Health and Family Welfare also gives personal hearing to
the staff grievances on first Monday of Every month. For redressal of
public grievances. Joint Secretary in the Department of Health and family
Welfare in functioning as nodal Officer for public grievances relating to
the Department to gear and take steps for Quick disposal of the
grievances. He is assisted by Director (Welfare and PG) for timely
redressed of grievances of the public.
1.1.4 Functions
Most of the functions of this ministry are implemented through an
autonomous organization called Director General of Health Services The
functions of the Union Ministry of Health and family welfare in terms of
specific responsibilities are:
a. Maintenance of international health relations, administration of port
health and quarantine laws.
b. Administration of Central Health Institutions, training colleges,
laboratories and hospitals.
c. Promorion and maintenance of appropriate standards of eduction
health medicine, nursing , dental, pharmaceutical and of ancillary health
personnel through statutory bodies and coordination and collaboration
with various national associations in health programmes.
d. Promotion of medical and public health researches through the Indian
Council Of Medical research and other research institutions and bodies.
e. Regulation and development of medical, dental, nursing and
pharmaceutical professions in consultation with the State Government.
f. Establishment and maintenance of drug standards ( including
antibiotic) and of control over the manufacture and sale of drugs and
biological products.
g. Collection of information regarding development in the medical and
health services in India and abroad to be made available to all State
Government through the Central Bureau of Health Intelligence.
h. Maintenance of a Central Medical Library.
i. Promotion and coordination of health activities through the Central
Council of Health.
j. Establishment of close contact with other minister in respect of health
measures, e.g. Employees State Insurance Scheme, Factories Act , etc.
k. Coordination of various activities through consultative committees of
the Parliament, Statutory bodies, committees and associations.
l. Negotiations with International bilateral agencies.
m. Planning and organization of health activities throughout the country
in collaboration with the State Government and the planning commission.
n. Evaluation of health schemes organized in the country.
o. Assessment of health conditions in the country through health and
morbidity surveys and by regular collection of vital and health statistics
and spreading of the information throughout the country.
p. Promulgations of Central enactments on health matters as may be
provided by the Constitution of India.
q. Organisation of health measures as are requires for (1) the control of
inter State spread of communicable diseases,(2) the sanitary control of
inter State traffic and (3) control of food drugs in the inter State
r. Organisation and maintenance of a Central Health Service.
s. Establishment of total medical care programmes for the Central
Government Employees (Central Government Health Scheme).
t. Carrying out of the functions of health services in the centrally
administered areas.
u. Power to lay down and enforce minimum standards of health
administration for these services which are within the immediate control
of other department, e.g. railways, prisons, Labour etc.
The important activities of the Ministry affecting Community/Primary
Health Care are listed below
1. National Health programmes.
2. National Vector Board Disease Control Programme.
3. Prevention of Food Adulteration (PFA).
4. Control of Drugs Standards.
5. Medical Education.
6. Medical Research.
7. Health Intelligence.
8. National Medical Library.
9. Facilities for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
10. Central Government Health Scheme.
11. International Cooperation for Health and Family Welfare.
1.2 Health Administration at State Level
Health according to the Constitution of India, is a State subject. The main
responsibility for providing health services to all people lies with the
State Health Department with the assistance of local health organizations
wherever these exist e.g. Corporations, Municipalities, Panchayati Raj, ad
hoc statutory bodies like the Mines Board of Health, Employees, State
Insurance Corporation and so on.
The Executive machinery of the government at the State level is headed
by the Governor. Article 163 of the Constitution provides for a Council of
ministers with the Chief Minister as its head to aid and advise the
Governor. The business of the government of the State (viz law and order
administration, local government, public works, irrigation, health
education, cooperation, etc.) is allocated by the Governor amongst the
Minister in Accordance with the provisions contained is Article 166(3) of
the Constitution5.
1.2.1Organization of state health department
(a) Political Head
In every State a minister of a Cabinet rank is the political head of the
Health Department. He/She has to bear a heavy responsibility for
formulating policies and monitoring the implementation of these policies
and programmes.
The Health Minister has to perform both types of activities, viz.,
political as well as administrative. These can be broadly discussed as
a. As a member of the State Legislature, it is his duty to support and
safeguard the total policies of the Government because of the collective
responsibility of the Cabinet.
b. As a member of the Ministry, he/she brings all the bills pertaining to
his Department for the approval of the legislature.
c. As political head of the Health Department, he/she acts as an
executive and administrator. He/she has to see that the policies approved
by the legislature are faithfully implemented.
d. He is the custodian of the interests of the people in general and of his
constituency in particular.
e. As a member of the Government, he performs ceremonial duties.
(b) Administration Head
In order to keep a record of the policies framed by the political heads
and to watch over their implementation and executive, the State
administration has to take the help of an office, which is known as the
state secretariat. The world ‘Secretariat’ refers to the complex of
departments which vary from State to State.
(c) Technical Head
Below the State Secretariat, there are Executive departments. These
department are headed mostly by the specialists and are concerned with
the supervision, coordination and control of the policy framed by the
State Government. Based on our personal observation and discussion, it
was revealed that notwithstanding the apparently clear demarcation of
functions as between the secretariat and the executive Department a lot of
duplication and overlapping still persists between the Secretariat (Health
Department) and the executive Department. This results in too much
interference in the day to day functioning of the Executive Department.
As a matter of policy the Secretariat should restrict its activities only to
policy making.
Chart 5.2
Commissioner of Health
Regional Director
2. Conclusion :
The union ministry of health and family welfare is instrument and
responsible for implementation of various programmes and schemes on a
national scale in the areas of health and family welfare and assists states
in preventilg and controlling the spread of seasonal diseases out breaks
and epidemics through technical assistance. The union ministry of health
and family welfare is headed by a cabinet minister with a minister of state to
assist him and it comprises two departments - (A) Department of health and
family welfare (B) the department of Indian system of medicine and
homeopathy each of these department is headed by a secretary to
Government ofIndia. In order to achieve the commitment of the Government
to provide better health care facilities, the department of health and family
welfare has enforced discipline and accountability amongst its officers and
staff. Most of the functions of this ministry are implemented through an
autonomous organization called director general of health services.
Health according to the Constitution of India is a state subject and the main
responsibility for providing health services to all people lives with the state
health department with the assistance of local health organizations, like
corporations, municipalities, panchayati raj, ad hoc statutory bodies etc. The
executives machinery of the Government at the state level is headed by the
Governor. In every state a minister of a cabinet rank is the political head of
the health department. The health minister has to perform both types of
activities political as well as administrative. In order to keep a record of the
policies framed by the political heads and to watch over their
implementation and executive, the state administration has to take the help
of an office, which is known as the state secretariat. Below the state
secretariat there are executive departments. These departments are headed
mostly by the specialists and are concerned with the supervision,
coordination and control of the policy framed by the state government. Thus
the central government is concerned with assisting and coordinating state
activities, establishing standards and promoting research and professional
education for promoting health and the state health department is
responsible for providing health services to all people in respective state
through the assistance of local health organizations.
1. S.L.Goel, Organizational structure of health care system and hospital
administration, deep & deep publication pvt. ltd, New Delhi, 2010, p.31
2. Ibid. p.19
3. Ibid, p.128
4. Ibid, p.95
5. Ibid, p.102