- Protection
- Diesel Control
- Monitoring
Function description
F1 F2 F3 F4
EPS Function description
Table of Contents
The “STOP” key is used to stop the set in MANUAL mode. By this stop the
generator CB is opened.
The “ACK” key serves for acknowledgement and resets stored alarms if the
LC display shows the alarm picture.
The mode selector switch at the switchboard cabinet allows activation of all major functions of
the emergency power system.
0 The functions are as follows:
1 Pos. 0 OFF - Diesel stop, generator CB off, mains CB control blocked.
Pos. 1 Manual – manual operation is enabled like start/stop, breaker orders.
2 Pos. 2 Automatic – automatic mode, stand by for mains failure.
Pos. 3 Parallel – automatic operation parallel to mains (generator supplying energy
3 to mains).
Pos. 4 Isolated – automatic isolated mode (consumers supplied by generator).
The “start blocking” key switch is the service switch for maintenance works at the diesel
The functions are as follows:
0 Pos. 0 unblocked - normal operation.
Pos. 1 Start blocking – Start is blocked, change to manual mode
In case of mains failure, the set will be started in automatic mode only.
Voltage and speed controls are active in automatic mode only.
The automatic mode is blocked, while a shut down alarm is active. Therefore, it is necessary to fix the
cause of shut down and acknowledge the Alarm on SYMAP.
Press the key twice for acknowledgement, if a picture like the following one is displayed.
CAUTION – In case of interrupted CAN bus line between SYMAP® units the “39. CAN
bus interrupted” alarm is displayed. After acknowledgement by “ACK” key
the “39. CAN lock failed” alarm appears. CB switch on is blocked since
otherwise faulty switching may occur. Operation of the system is available
when running but automatic load balancing between engines may be blocked.
All persons with access to the danger zone around the set must be informed
about the possibility of automatic starts without pre-indication.
Turn the “start blocking” switch in position“1” to avoid such unwanted diesel
starts during service works.
CAUTION - Do not exclusively rely on the blocking switch!
Disconnect the starter battery before working inside the diesel engine or the generator.
In addition to this, follow the standard safety rules for service works and operation of
combustion engines and automatic emergency diesel systems.
3. Applications
The containerized set with controller has been designed for most different applications. Find the possible
applications described in the following.
No mains
- Mode selector switch to position “0 –off”, “start blocking” switch position “1”.
- For starting, switch the “start blocking” switch to position “0”.
- Set the mode selector switch to position “2 – Automatic” to start the set and to position “0 – OFF”
to stop it.
Permanent supply
- The set is running automatically in permanent operation at constant voltage and frequency.
supply G1
- Mode selector switch to position “0 –off”, “start blocking” switch position “1”.
- Switch on mains voltage and check for clockwise rotating field and correct phase sequence.
- For starting, switch the “start blocking” switch to position “0”
- Set the mode selector switch to position “2 – automatic” - to select standby mode of the set.
- In mode selector switch position “3 – parallel” the diesel starts and is operated in parallel to
mains. In position “2 – automatic” the generator is unloaded and stopped again.
- In mode selector position “4 – isolated” the diesel starts and is operated in parallel to mains. Then
the mains breaker is switched off automatically. Consumers are supplied in isolated operation
mode. Changeover to position “2 – automatic” unloads the generator and stops it.
- Mains voltage is permanently monitored. In case of low voltage or lack of one phase, the diesel
engine will be started after a delay time of 1 second. As soon as the generator gets alive, the
mains breaker opens. The generator breaker closes and the consumers are supplied by the set then.
After return of the mains voltage for more than 60 seconds, generator and mains voltages are
synchronized and the mains breaker closes. Now, the generator is running at constant load in
parallel to mains for 5 minutes. After unloading of the generator the generator breaker opens and
the cooling down takes place for 3 minutes until the diesel engine stops.
Mains parallel
- In mode selector switch position “3 – Parallel” the set starts and is synchronized to mains voltage.
Generator CB closes and the load control increases output engine performance to the preset value.
The key
MENU G. | LOAD 100[%]| I%| G 1 COMMAND
allows display of the 1| | 0|Close :[ENTER]
setting window. |Start comm. :[ENTER]
Use the arrow keys in order to | -next :[ENTER]
move the cursor bar to the |Stop command:[ENTER]
item you want to control. |Speed :[ENTER]
Select the function by pressing |Voltage :[ENTER]
the “Enter/Menu” key again. |Op.mode : MANU
Select “Asymm. Load” and |Priority : 1
modify the setting by the |Asymm. load : 80 %
arrow up and down keys. |Asymm. PF : 0.95
Press “Enter/Menu” in order RETURN END .
to save the new setting. These
settings may be carried out even during operation.
In the mode selector switch position “2 –Automatic” the set is automatically stopped and set to
Consumer Consumer Consumer
feeder feeder feeder
- Select position “0 – OFF” on all mode selector switches; set all “start blocking” switches to
position “1”.
- Connect all consumer feeders to consumer busbar.
- Plug the CAN bus lines between engines. Connector –X115 / -X116.
F3 G.|LOAD 100[%]| I%|N|M| STATE |L.S|PM
- Press key
repeatedly until generator 2| | 0 |0|M|STOPPED |ON |ON
overview is displayed. All 3| | 0 |0|M|STOPPED |ON |ON
connected generators should
appear in the list otherwise the
operation must not be
initiated. If a generator is
missing in the list inspect or
replace the CAN bus line.
- Before starting, set the “start blocking” switch to position 0.
- Start by selecting position “2 – automatic” on the mode selector switch and stop the engine by
selecting the position “0 – OFF”.
- If unloading the set is required before switching off, set the mode selector switch to “1 – manual”
and start unloading by the STOP key and the generator CB opens automatically.
Permanent operation
- The sets are automatically running in permanent operation at constant voltage and frequency and
distribution of the active power and the reactive current is symmetrical on the generators.
CAUTION – In case of interrupted CAN bus line between SYMAP® units the “39. CAN
bus interrupted” alarm is displayed. After acknowledgement by “ACK” key
the “39. CAN lock failed” alarm appears. CB switch on is blocked since
otherwise faulty switching may occur. Operation of the system is available
when running but automatic load balancing between engines may be blocked.
Consumer Consumer Consumer
feeder feeder feeder
G1 G2 G3
Mains infeed
- Mode selector switch to position “0 –off”, all “start locking” switches to position “1“.
- Connect consumer lines to consumer output.
- Connect mains infeed to mains CB and lay connecting cable to all other mains CBs and connect
as well (see above example).
- Plug CAN bus lines between sets. Connector –X115 / -X116.
F3 G.|LOAD 100[%]| I%|N|M| STATE |L.S|PM
- Press key
repeatedly until generator 2| | 0 |0|M|STOPPED | ON| ON
overview is displayed. All 3| | 0 |0|M|STOPPED | ON| ON
connected generators should
appear in the list otherwise the
operation must not be
initiated. If a generator is
missing in the list inspect or
replace the CAN bus line.
- For starting, switch the “start blocking” switch to “0” position.
- Set the mode selector switch to position “2 – automatic” - to select standby of the set.
- In mode selector switch position “3 – parallel” the diesel starts and is operated in parallel to the
mains. In position “2 – automatic” the generator is unloaded and stopped again.
- In mode selector position 4 – “island” the diesel starts and is operated in parallel to the mains.
Then the mains breaker is switched doff automatically. Consumers are supplied in isolated
operation mode. Select position “2 – automatic” to switch over to mains supply, to unload the
generator and stop it.
Stand by
- Mains voltage is permanently monitored. In case of low voltage or lack of one phase, all diesel
engines will be started after a delay time of 1 second. As soon as the generators are live all mains
CBs open. The first generator CB is closed and the other generators are synchronized and
interconnected with the first set. The sets are running automatically at constant voltage and
frequency and distribution of the active power and the reactive current is symmetrical on the
generators. After return of the mains voltage for more than 60 seconds the generators are
synchronized to mains voltage and the mains breakers close. Now, the generators are running at
constant load in parallel to mains for 5 minutes. After unloading of the generators the generator
breakers open and cooling down takes place for 3 minutes until all diesel engines stop.
Mains parallel
- In mode selector switch position “3 – Parallel” the set is started and synchronized to mains
voltage. Generator CB closes and the load control increases output engine performance to the
preset value.
The key
MENU G. |LOAD 100[%]| I%| G 1 ORDER
allows display of the 1| | 0|CLOSE :[ENTER]
setting window. 2| | 0|Start order :[ENTER]
Use the arrow keys in order to 3| | 0| -next :[ENTER]
move the cursor bar to the |Stop order :[ENTER]
item you want to control. |Speed :[ENTER]
Select the function by pressing |Voltage :[ENTER]
the “Enter/Menu” key again. |Op.mode : MANU
Select “Asymm. Load” and |Priority : 1
modify the setting by the |Asymm. load : 80 %
arrow up or down keys. Press |Asymm. PF : 0.95
“Enter/Menu” key in order to RETURN END .
save the new setting. These
settings may be carried out even during operation.
In the mode selector switch position “2 –Automatic” the set is automatically stopped and set to
CAUTION – In case of interrupted CAN bus line between SYMAP® units the “39. CAN
bus interrupted” alarm is displayed. After acknowledgement by “ACK” key
the “39. CAN lock failed” alarm appears. CB switch on is blocked since
otherwise faulty switching may occur. Operation of the system is available
when running but automatic load balancing between engines may be blocked.