Penanda Wacana Cohesive Devices 2

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Penanda Wacana Cohesive Devices 2

Selain itu Furthermore, In addition, Not only this, Apart

from that, Besides,
Keadaan ini This, This situation,
Namun begitu, Walau bagaimanapun However, Yet
Akibatnya As a result, consequently
Begitu juga Similarly,
Sebaliknya On the other hand, On the contrary, In contrast
Walaupun, Although, Even though
Kesimpulannya To conclude, In conclusion, In a nutshell
Pada keseluruhannya, Pada amnya Generally, In general
Akhirnya Lastly, Finally
Seterusnya Next, Then
Dengan perkataan lain In other words, In another word
Oleh hal demikian Because of this
Tegasnya He/She reiterates that, he stresses that,
Justeru So, Therefore, Hence, Thus
Jelaslah It is clear that, It is evident that
Sementara itu Meanwhile, In the meantime
Sebelumnya Before, Before this, Previously, Prior to this
Kini Now, Lately,
Khususnya Especially,
Ringkasnya In summary, To summarise,

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