Counting Statistics: Radiation Detect & Measure, Summer 2005 (RSM)
Counting Statistics: Radiation Detect & Measure, Summer 2005 (RSM)
Counting Statistics: Radiation Detect & Measure, Summer 2005 (RSM)
Example: 8, 14, 5, 9, 12
Mean = 9.6
Median = 9
• Standard deviation
– Square root of variance
• Binomial Distribution
• Poisson Distribution
– Simplification of binomial distribution with
certain constraints
From: The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging (Bushberg, et al) Radiation Detect & Measure, summer 2005 ( RSM)
Binomial probability density function
From: The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging (Bushberg, et al) Radiation Detect & Measure, summer 2005 ( RSM)
Binomial probability density function
mean and variance
D70. How many counts must be collected in an instrument with zero background
to obtain an error limit of 1% with a confidence interval of 95%?
A. 1000
B. 3162
C. 10,000
D. 40,000
E. 100,000
D70. How many counts must be collected in an instrument with zero background
to obtain an error limit of 1% with a confidence interval of 95%?
D. A 95% confidence interval means the counts must fall within t wo standard
deviations (SD) of the mean (N). Error limit = 1% = 2 SD/N, but SD = N1/2.
Thus 0.01 = 2(N1/2)/N = 2/ N1/2. Where [0.01]2 = 4/N and N = 40,000.
G74. A radioactive sample is counted for 1 minute and produces 900 counts.
The background is counted for 10 minutes and produces 100 counts. The net
count rate and net standard deviation are about ____ and ____ counts.
A. 800, 28
B. 800, 30
C. 890, 28
D. 890, 30
E. 899, 30