Business Strategy of Jollibee
Business Strategy of Jollibee
Business Strategy of Jollibee
Management/Marketing/Human Resource
Mr. Anoche
Adrianne Galvez
Section B
Business Management
1.1 Assessment on business missions, visions, objectives, goals and core competencies
inform strategic planning
Based on the business dictionary, a vision statement is an ambitious description of what
an organization would like to accomplish or achieve in the mid-term or long-term future. It is
intended to serves as a clear guide for choosing current and future courses of action. A mission
statement is a written declaration of an organization’s core purpose and focus that normally
remains unchanged overtime. The difference between the two is that a mission is something to be
accomplished whereas a vision is something to be pursued for that accomplishment.
Core competencies are what give a company or organization one or more competitive
advantages, in creating and delivering value to its customers in it chosen field.
Goals are an observable and measurable end result having one or more objectives to be
achieved within a more or less fixed timeframe.
Jollibee is the largest fast food chain in the Philippines, operating nationwide of over 750
stores. The company has also embarked on an international expansion plan in the United States
(26 stores), Hong Kong (1 Store), Vietnam (32 Stores), Saudi Arabia (7 stores), Brunei (11
stores) and Qatar (1 Store), firmly establishing itself as a growing international player.
(, n.d.)
Jollibee, a dominant market leader in the Philippines, brings its vision and mission
international. With a mission of “To serve great tasting food, bringing the joy of eating to
everyone” and a vision of
“We are the best tasting QSR..
The most endearing brand...
that has ever been...
We will lead in product taste at all times...
We will provide FSC excellence
in every encounter...
Happiness in every moment...
By year 2020, with over 4,000 stores worldwide,
Jollibee is truly a GLOBAL BRAND. (and the Filipino will be admired worldwide)”,
Jollibee has honored it to this very day. The reasons for its growth are all mentioned in its
mission and vision, due to its delicious menu and reasonably prices, it has given Jollibee
customer satisfaction worldwide.
Jollibee aims to be the largest homegrown quick fast food chain in Asia by 2020. To
support this long-term goal, Jollibee is motivated to have continuous expansions abroad.
Knowing the fact that Jollibee’s target market abroad is mostly Filipino’s, they have a huge
advantage due to the OFW’s (Overseas Filipino Workers). Jollibee has stayed true to its mission,
to remain the good tasting and signature foods that they serve.
So far, Jollibee is the largest homegrown fast food chain in Southeast Asia and the second
in the entire Asia continent in terms of sale.
Jollibee’s top performing outlet abroad is there branch in Singapore’s Lucky Plaza
shopping center, which attracted 35,000 overseas Filipinos and inquiring foreigners in its first
week of operations. (Morales, 2013)
1.2 Analysis of the factors that have to be considered when formulating strategic plans
Jollibee Food Corporation:
From 1980’s
Goal: to beat and compete with McDonald’s fast food chain
A strategy determines the direction in which an organization needs to move to fulfill its
mission. A strategic plan is like an outline for carrying out the strategy and achieving long-term
Strategic planning is to set your overall goals for your business and to develop a plan to
achieve them. It includes stepping back from you day-today operations and asking where your
business is headed and what it priorities should be.
As with any business activity, the strategic planning process itself needs to be carefully
accomplished. When it comes to strategic planning, one shouldn’t do it alone. Try to find people
who show the kind of logical skills that successful strategic planning alters upon. Consider the
opinions of other staffs like key employees, accountants, department heads, board members and
those of external stakeholders, which include customers, clients, advisors and consultants.
(, 2009)
The scheduling for the strategic planning process depends on the nature and needs of the
business and its immediate external environment. Like, based on the example in, planning should be carried out frequently in an organization whose
products and service are in an industry that is changing rapidly. In a situation like this, planning
might be carried out once or even twice a year and done in a very broad and detailed manner.
Strategic planning should be done when an organization is just getting started. It should
also be done in preparation for new major venture. Strategic planning should too be conducted at
least once a year in order to be ready for the coming fiscal year. It should be conducted in time to
identify the organizational goals to be achieved at least over the coming year; resources needed
to achieve those goals, and funded needed to obtain the resources. (Fleming, 1991)
1.3 Evaluation on the effectiveness of techniques used when developing strategic business
BCG Growth share matrix is a portfolio-planning model developed in the 1970’s, which
is constructed on the observation
that a company’s business unit can
be classified into four categories
based on combinations of market
growth and market share relation
to the largest competitor, hence the
name “growth-share”.
(, n.d.)
The four categories are:
v Stars (High growth and
high market share) are leaders in
business. They generate huge
amounts of cash due to their strong
relative market share, but also
consume large amount of cash because of their high growth rate. Attempts should be
made to hold the market share otherwise; the star will become a CASH COW. (Wadekar,
v Cash Cows (Low growth and high market share) are the foundation of the company and
often the stars of yesterday. As leaders in a mature market, cash cows exhibits a return on
assets that is greater than the market growth rate, and thus generate more cash than they
consume. Such business units extract the profits by investing as little cash as possible.
(Wadekar, 2007)
v Dogs (Low growth and low market share) do not have the potential to generate nor
consume a large amount of cash. However, dogs are known as cash traps because of the
money tied up in a business that has little potential. (Wadekar, 2007)
v Question marks (High growth and low market share) are growing quickly and thus
consume large amount of cash, but they have low market shares they do not produce
much cash. The result is a large net cash consumption. Question marks have the potential
to become star and eventually cash cow when the market growth slows. They also have
the potential to become a dog, if they do not succeed in becoming the market leader and
the market growth declines. Question marks must be analyzed carefully in order to
conclude whether they are worth the investment necessary to grow market shares.
The BCG matrix is a good starting point for resource allocation decisions across a
portfolio. It’s popularity and ease of understanding makes it a powerful communication to assess
the profiles of products/businesses, the cash demands of products, the development cycles of
products and resource allocation and divestment decisions. (, n.d.)
The BCG matrix also has its limitations, like, it uses only two dimensions, relative market
share and market growth. The market growth rate is only one factor in industry attractiveness,
and relative market share is only one factor in competitive advantage. It also has problems on
getting data on market share and market growth.
Stakeholder Analysis is the method done to identify the important people who have to be
won over. You then use Stakeholder Planning to build the support that helps you succeed.
(, n.d.)
Based on the figure above, the CEO of Jollibee has high power and is interested. The
CEO is someone that people need to impress. He is one that puts most efforts in the company’s
future. He works hard with the other company leaders in maintaining the company.
Jollibee’s customers is high power but low interest. This is due to the fact that Jollibee
values their customers that whatever review the customers give, it has a big affect on the career
of Jollibee.
The government is high interest but low power. The government may be interested in
Jollibee due to it being one of the largest fast food chains although; the government does not
have much power over the company.
Most suppliers has high power but not for Jollibee. Jollibee has numerous supplies, which
means they are interested and replaceable.
The employee’s of Jollibee is high interest and low/medium power. These people are
interested in either making the company succeed or the company’s salaries. They don’t have a lot
of power because to the company, they are easy to be replaced.
Bannock, G. (2003). Dictionary of business. 1st ed. Princeton, N.J.: Bloomberg Press., (n.d.). free SWOT analysis template and method, free swot analysis
examples. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Aug. 2014].
Fleming, P. (1991). All About Strategic Planning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014]., (2009). Strategic planning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014]., (n.d.). Porter's Five Forces Analysis: Assessing the Balance of Power in a
Business Situation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Aug. 2014].
Mooradian, T., Matzler, K. and Ring, L. (2012). Strategic marketing. 1st ed. Boston, MA:
Pearson Prentice Hall.
Morales, N. (2013). Jollibee aims to become Asia’s largest homegrown chain. [online] PhilStar.
Available at:
asias-largest-homegrown-chain [Accessed 7 Aug. 2014].
Rosales, J. (2012). Blog#4 SWOT Analysis Jollibee (philippines). [online] Team Eight Marketing
Portfolio. Available at:
jollibee-philippines/ [Accessed 9 Aug. 2014]., (n.d.). Stakeholder Analysis: Winning Support for Your Projects. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 13 Aug.