Specifications - Overall

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(PART 2)

APRIL - 2019

CEG International Specification



1.0. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................2

2.0. USE AND MAINTENANCE OF THE SITE .............................................................................8

3.0. SITE ACCESS AND ENTRY ONTO THE SITE......................................................................9

4.0. PROTECTION ....................................................................................................................... 10

5.0. INTERFERENCE................................................................................................................... 12

6.0. PROJECT MEETINGS.......................................................................................................... 13

7.0. SUBMITTALS ....................................................................................................................... 16

8.0. MATERIALS.......................................................................................................................... 30

9.0. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY.......................................................................... 35

10.0. ENGINEER’S SITE FACILITIES........................................................................................... 42

11.0. CONTRACTOR’S SITE FACILITIES .................................................................................... 47

12.0. SETTING OUT OF THE WORKS ......................................................................................... 49

12.1 GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................49

13.0. TEMPORARY WORKS AND EQUIPMENT ......................................................................... 51

14.0. TEMPORARY CONTROLS .................................................................................................. 52

15.0. TRAFFIC DIVERSIONS ........................................................................................................ 54

16.0. PROJECT CO-ORDINATION ............................................................................................... 55

17.0. OTHER CONTRACTORS ..................................................................................................... 57

18.0. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 58

19.0. CLEARANCE OF SITE ......................................................................................................... 59

20.0. INSPECTION AND HANDOVER PROCEDURES ............................................................... 61

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1.1.1. Scope of this Section

1 This Section specifies the general clauses applicable to Works being carried out in
accordance with this Specification.

1.1.2. Scope of the Qatar Construction Specification

1 The clauses in this Specification are applicable to each and every part of the Works Their
function is to bring together all those statements which are normally common to most
types of work.
2 The Qatar Construction Specification applies to the entire Works, whether on the Site or
in yards, workshops and factories employed elsewhere in connection with the Works.


1.2.1. Compliance with the Qatar Construction Specification

1 Unless otherwise stated in the Project Documentation, the Contractor shall comply with
every requirement of the Qatar Construction Specification that is relevant to the type of
work forming any part of the Contract and shall adopt whichever permissible option or
alternative that is best suited to the needs of the construction work being undertaken.
2 Any information in the Contract documents as to the whereabouts of existing services
and mains is approximate and for the guidance of the Contractor who shall not be
relieved of his obligations under Clause 11 of the General Conditions of Contract or Part
19 of Section 1 of this specification.

1.2.2. Compliance with the General Conditions of Contract

1 The Qatar Construction Specification is intended for use with the General Conditions of
2 The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the General Conditions of Contract in
the course of construction of the Works.


1.3.1. References to Standards

1 Any standard referred to in this Specification shall be deemed to be the version of the
standard that was current forty-two days prior to the date of return of Tenders.
2 Any standard referred to in this Specification shall be taken as reference to an equivalent
3 The Contractor shall have copies of all referenced standards applicable to the work being
undertaken. Translations of standards not written in English shall be provided where

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1.3.2. Government Pulished Specifications, Regulations, Notices and Circulars

1 The works shall be executed in accordance with the following Government specifications,
regulations, notices and circulars.
a) The General Conditions of Contract.
b) The Qatar Construction Specification (QCS) issued by the Qatar Standards,
Laboratories and Standardisation Affairs, Ministry of Environment, 2014 and all
revisions and addenda issued by the same ministry prior to the date of the
announcement inviting tenderer.
c) The Code of Practice and Specification for Road Openings in the Highway prepared
by the Ministry of Industry and Public Works, January 1992.
d) The Guide for Civil Users of Explosives in Qatar prepared by the former Ministry of
Public Works.
e) The Qatar Survey Manual prepared by the Survey Section of the former Ministry of
Industry and Public Works.
f) The Qatar Traffic Manual prepared by the former Ministry of Public Works and the
Qatar Highway Design Manual prepared by MMAA, 1997.
g) The Traffic Control at Road Works Manual issued by the former Ministry of Industry
and Public Works.
h) Rules, Regulations and Code of Practice for Design and Installation of Air
Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation and Refrigeration (ACHVR) System for
Government Buildings, 2 Edition, 1989, prepared by Qatar General Electricity and
Water Corporation (QGEWC).
i) Regulations for the Installations of Electrical Wiring by the former Qatar National
Telephone Services.
j) The Regulations for the Installation of Electrical Wiring, Electrical Equipment and Air
Conditioning Equipment, Feb.2006 Edition prepared by the Qatar General Electricity
and Water Corporation (QGEWC).
k) Rules and Regulations for Plumbing Works prepared by the Qatar General Electricity
and Water Corporation (QGEWC).
l) Any current and relevant regulations, notices or circulars issued by the Public Works
Authority, Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Agriculture (including the previous Ministry of
Public Works and the previous Ministry of Industry and Public Works), Qatar General
Electricity and Water Corporation (QGEWC) (including the previous Ministry of
Electricity and Water), Qatar Telecom (Q-TEL), the Qatar Standards, the Supreme
Council for the Environment and Natural Reserves or the appropriate local
Municipality prior to the date of the announcement inviting tenderer.
m) State of Qatar Law No.30 of 2002 and all subsequent amendments concerning “The
Environment and Natural Resources Protection”- Articles 6, 17, 19 & 35.
n) State of Qatar Law No. (6) of 1987 and all subsequent amendments concerning
Materials and Equipment from Qatar or other CCASG countries.
o) The Method of Measurement of Roads and Bridgeworks published by the Ministry of
Industry and Public Works, Civil Engineering Department, 1987.
p) Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works published by the Ministry of
Public Works, Engineering Services Department, 1973.
q) Safety Rules issued by the Electricity Networks Department of the former Ministry of
Electricity and Water.
r) The Jointing Manual prepared by the Electricity Networks Department of the former
Ministry of Electricity and Water.
s) The Labour Law, No.(14) of the year 2004 Published by Labour Department of
Ministry of Civil Service Affairs and Housing, 2005.

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t) Developer’s Drainage Guide prepared by the Public Works Authority, 2007.

u) Qatar Traffic Law No. 19 of the Year 2007.
v) CDD (Civil Defence Department) – Fire Safety Handbook.
w) Civil Defence Law No. 9 of the Year 2012.
x) Worker Rights Booklet 2009 (National Human Rights Committee).
2 The Contractor shall be deemed to have his own copy of the Government specifications,
regulations, notices and circulars given at (a) to (t) above.
3 Where any standard publication, specification, regulation, notice, etc or any
correspondence refers to a Government Ministry, department, division, section, etc it will
be deemed to be the same as any successor Ministry, department, division, section, etc
which has or may subsequently be officially promulgated by the Government of the State
of Qatar.

1.3.3. Survey Marks

1 The Contractor shall consult the Engineer prior to any earth or other works to determine if
the work is likely to disturb survey marks. If the Engineer requires a survey mark to be
moved the Contractor will be responsible for recreating the survey mark to an approved
design and specification, and for resurveying the point using survey companies approved
by the Engineer authority.
2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the survey marks within the
boundaries of the site for the duration of the contract period, and shall be liable for all
costs of any remedial work required by the Engineer.
3 On the practical completion of the Works the Engineer will issue a certificate stating that
all survey marks, whether disturbed or otherwise by the Contractor, have been reinstated
or protected to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
4 In the event of failure to comply with the requirements of this Clause the Engineer,
without prejudice to any other method of recovery, may deduct the costs of any remedial
work after the practical completion date carried out by the Engineer, from any monies in
its Developer’s Drainage Guide prepared by the Public Works Authority 2007.


1.4.1. General
1 The following terms and conditions shall apply when used within, or in association with,
the Qatar Construction Specification Terms, which are restricted in their application to
certain types of material or workmanship, are dealt with in the appropriate Section.

1.4.2. The Contract

1 The binding agreement between the Owner and the Contractor for the construction of the

1.4.3. The Government

1 The Government of the State of Qatar.

1.4.4. The Contractor

1 The company or organization responsible for the construction of the Works.

1.4.5. The Engineer

1 The person, firm or corporation appointed as such by the Owner for the purposes of
the Contract unless specified otherwise in the Project Documentation.

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1.4.6. The Engineer’s Representative

1 The Resident Engineer or Resident Architect or assistant of the Engineer or any Clerk of
Works appointed from time to time by the Engineer to perform the duties set forth in
Clause 2 of General Conditions of Contract whose authority shall be notified in writing to
the Contractor by the Engineer.

1.4.7. The Owner

1 The Ministry, Municipality, Department, Affairs, Agency, Authority, or individual for whom
the Project is being undertaken and to whom the hand over of the final product will be

1.4.8. The Site

1 The land allocated for the Works.

1.4.9. The Works

1 The Works as defined in the Project Documentation.

1.4.10. The Drawings

1 The drawings included in the Project Documentation.

1.4.11. The Construction Plant

1 All appliances or things of whatsoever nature required in or about the execution,
completion maintenance of the Works or Temporary Works but does not include materials
or other things intended to form or forming part of the permanent work.

1.4.12. The Temporary Works

1 All temporary works of every kind required in or about the execution, completion or
maintenance of the Works.

1.4.13. The Specifications

1 All specifications contained in the Contract including any modifications or additions

thereto as may from time to time be issued or approved in writing by the Engineer.

1.4.14. Specified
1 Specified in the Project Documentation.

1.4.15. Approved
1 Means terms such as “approved’, “approved by”, “to the approval”, “as directed” and the
like refer always to approval or directions given by the Engineer in writing.

1.4.16. Project Documentation

1 All documents associated with and applicable to the Project Contract.

1.4.17. Guarantee
1 A guarantee is a written assurance that a material, product, component, item of
equipment, finishing or any other part of the Works meets certain defined standards or
quality criteria and/or lasts for a certain length of time.
2 A warrantee is the same as a guarantee as defined in Clause

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1.4.18. Government Departments and Utility Services

1 Any reference in the Specification to historic names of Government departments and
utility owners shall be read as the successor’s name.

2 TPA (Third Party Inspection Agency) - where stated in the documents is the approved
authority who is responsible on behalf of the Engineer for inspection/service/release.

1.4.19. Singular and Plural

1 Words importing the singular only also include the plural vice versa where the context


1.5.1. General
1 Units shall generally be in accordance with the Systèm International d’Unités and the
relevant provisions of BS 5775.
2 The following abbreviations are used in this Specification:
µ microns
A ampere
C Celsius
c centi
d day
dia diameter
g gram (me)
h hour
ha hectare
J joule
k kilo
l litre
M mega
m metre
m milli
N Newton
No. number
nr number
Pa Pascal
r radius
sec second
t tonne
V volt
W Watt

3 Reference to a technical society, institution, association or governmental authority is

made in the Specifications in accordance with the following abbreviations:

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ACI American Concrete Institute
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing & Materials
AWS American Welding Institute
AWWA American Water Works Association
BS British Standard
BS EN British Euro Standards
BSI British Standard Institution

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C & CA Cement and Concrete Association

CEE Commission of approval of Electrical Equipment
CIBSE Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
CIRIA Concrete Industry Research and information Association
CRSI Concrete reinforcing Steel Institute
CS Concrete Society
DIN Deutsches Institute fur Normung
EIA Electronic industries Association
EN European Standards (Euro-Norm)
FHWA Federal Highway Authority
FM Factory Mutual Engineering Division
GS Gulf Standards
ICE Institution of Civil Engineers
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEE Institution of Electrical Engineers
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
ISO International Standard Organization
LPC Loss Prevention Council
LPCB Loss Prevention Certification Board
MMAA Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association
NFPA National Fire Protection Agency
PCI Prestressed Concrete Institute
PWA Public Works Authority (Ashghal)
QCS Qatar Construction Specification
QGEWC Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation
QS Qatar Standards
Ooredoo Qatar Telecom
SIS Swedish Standards Commission
UK DOT United Kingdom Department of Transport
UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc
UPDA Urban Planning and Development Authority
VDE German Electrical Commission


1.6.1. General
1 The Site conditions shall be assumed to be as follows for tendering purposes
Maximum ambient temperature 50 C
Minimum ambient temperature 5C
Design ambient temperature 50 C
Maximum metal temperature under the sun 85C
Maximum ambient humidity 100 %
Minimum ambient humidity 20 %
Design ambient humidity 100 %

50-year return period Wind Speed:

(a) Nominal wind speed for 3 sec gust ……… 38 m/s (A per ASCE 7-05 / IBC
(b) Mean hourly wind speed…………….…… 25 m/s (as per BS 6399-2)
(c) Mean 10 minutes wind speed…………… 27 m/s (as per BS EN 1991-1-4)
Yearly rainfall 80 - 150 mm

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2 The wind is very directional and that the W-NNW sector predominates for velocities
greater than 8m/s (30km/h). However, the wind in coastal areas tends to exhibit a diurnal
pattern, with onshore winds during daylight hours changing to offshore at night.
3 The temperature is relatively mild from October to May and hot from June to September.
4 The relative ambient humidity is generally low from October to May and generally high
from June to September.
5 Under certain climatic conditions, considerable condensation may take place.
6 A considerable amount of salt is contained in the atmosphere which together with the
relatively high ambient humidity, can produce sever corrosion problems.
7 Distribution and occurrence of rainfall events are very erratic. Rainfall events are
generally of a high intensity with a short duration and usually occur between December
and March.
8 The prevailing wind directions are from the north and west.


1.7.1. Contract Language

1 All communications, meetings and documentation shall be in English.



2.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the uses and maintenance requirements of the Site.


2.2.1. General
1 The Site shall not be used for any purpose other than that of carrying out the Works.
2 Temporary camps, housing and cooking facilities shall not be permitted on the Site unless
otherwise stated in the Project Documentation When temporary camps, housing and
cooking facilities are permitted they shall comply with Section 1 Part 10.


1 The work shall be the Al Moez Logistic Complex composing of Warehouse,
Showroom, Administration Bldg., Accommodation, Warehouse Admin, Guard room
House and Underground Tank Room. The finishes, structure, electrical, sanitary,
mechanical installation, accessories, fittings, fixtures and the like are all as indicated on
the contract drawings as well as associated external works, landscaping,paving and


2.4.1 General
1 In accordance with the Conditions of Contract the Site, the equipment used upon it and
the Works shall be kept clean at all times.

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3.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for access to the Site including temporary access
roads, and the Contractor’s entry onto the Site.


3.2.1. Temporary Access Roads

1 The Contractor shall arrange for, construct, maintain and afterwards remove and reinstate
any access required for and in connection with the execution of the Works.
2 Reinstatement shall include restoring the area of any route to at least the degree of
safety, stability, drainage, level, contour and landscaping that existed at the time the
Contractor is given possession of site and all such reinstatements shall meet the
minimum requirements of the QCS
3 The Contractor is required to maintain and provide satisfactory temporary access and
traffic flow to, from and within the areas of the works. Temporary traffic signs and lighting
for temporary roads and diversions are to be in strict accordance with the requirements
of the Qatar Traffic Manual and any additional requirements instructed by the Traffic
Police or the Engineer. Details of proposals for any such measures are to be submitted
by the Contractor for approval to the Traffic Police and the Engineer prior to the
implementation of the diversions or temporary roads unless otherwise instructed. Such
approval shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under the
4 The Contractor shall maintain at all times pedestrian access to all properties fronting the
roads affected by the works.
5 The Contractor shall at all times during the Contract maintain safe and proper access to
and from adjacent buildings and properties.
6 The Contractor shall maintain at all times all the traffic signs, lighting, barriers, cones and
whatever additionally required to keep the diversions, temporary roads and pedestrian
access in a very good condition and best workable status.


3.3.1. Entry onto the Site

1 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing 14 days in advance of his intentions to
start work If construction of the Works includes operations in two or more areas, such
notifications shall apply to each area.
2 Working areas for which access is subject to time constraints shall be as detailed in the
Project Documentation.
3 Any known hazards in the working areas shall be detailed in the Project Documentation.
4 The Contractor shall keep records of the dates of his entry onto and departure from all
areas included in the Works, together with the dates of the erection and removal of
temporary hoarding, and shall furnish copies of these records when required by the
5 The Contractor shall make a record to be agreed with the Engineer on the condition of the
Site immediately before entering for the purpose of constructing the Works.

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6 Prior to commencing Work in roads the Contractor shall complete, and submit to the
Engineer, the necessary inventory forms (Road Safety Division Site Inventory form, the
Street Name Inventory etc). The Contractor shall be responsible for rectifying any
damage to the above signs in the absence of an approved inventory prior to construction.
7 Where work is required on the Owner’s plant the Contractor shall comply with the
Owner’s permit procedure prior to commencement of work.



4.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements associated with the protection of the Works and
other works, watching and lighting and for Site hoarding.


4.2.1. General Protection

1 The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care and protection of the Works and
temporary works against damage of any kind for the duration of the Contract.
2 In the event of any damage to the Works or temporary works, the Contractor shall
undertake all necessary repairs at his own cost.

4.2.2. Protection of Finishes, Equipment and Surfaces

1 The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the protection of finishes, equipment and
surfaces that form part of the Works Protective coatings and wrappings shall be left on
items for as long as possible and practicable.
2 In the event of any damage to finishes, equipment or surfaces, the Contractor shall all all
necessary undertake repairs at his own cost.


4.3.1. Protection against Damage

1 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to avoid causing any unwarranted
damage to roads, land, properties, trees and other features and, during the currency of
the Contract shall deal promptly with any complaints by owners or occupiers.
2 Where any portion of the Works is close to, across, or under any existing apparatus, the
Contractor shall temporarily support and work round, under or adjacent to the apparatus
in a manner designed to avoid damage, leakage or danger, and to ensure uninterrupted
operation of the apparatus.
3 Should any leakages or damage be discovered, the Contractor shall at once notify the
Engineer and the owner concerned, as appropriate and the Contractor shall afford every
facility for the repair or replacement of the apparatus affected.
4 The Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage caused by him, his work
people,sub-contractors or suppliers to public or private roads, paved areas, paths,
verges, trees, shrubs, fences, boundary walls, gates, signs, drains, ducts and services
during the execution of the Contract and shall bear the cost of making good any damage
to the entire satisfaction of the local and other authorities and owners. The Contractor
shall keep all private roads and paths clean and free from dirt and debris and any
obstruction associated with the works,which would prejudice the safe and unimpeded
normal use of the said roads and paths.

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4.3.2. Procedure for Complaints and Claims for Damage

1 Details of all claims or warnings of intended claims which the Contractor may receive
shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer without delay Likewise, any such claims
or warnings, which may be submitted directly to the Engineer, shall be passed to the
Contractor without delay.
2 A similar exchange of information shall also be made in relation to all complaints which
may be received.
3 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing immediately following any damage or
injury resulting from the execution of the Works.
4 The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with the repair of other works
due to damage caused by the Contractor.

4.3.3. Protection of Survey Control Points

1 The Contractor shall protect all Government survey control points within the limits of the
site from any damage whatsoever, during the construction of the Works.
2 All control points shall be clearly marked on Site by the Contractor and any necessary
temporary protection works shall be installed as directed by the Engineer.
3 Should any control point be damaged during the course of the works, its replacement and
any other costs incurred (such as resurveying) shall be borne by the Contractor.


4.4.1. Protection of the Public

1 Further to Clause 19 of the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall provide all
watching and lighting and everything else necessary by day and night for the protection of
the public.

4.4.2. Protection Against Theft

1 Further to Clause 19 of the General Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall provide
all watching and lighting and everything else necessary by day and night for the
protection against theft of goods, materials, plant, etc , from the Site to whomsoever

4.4.3. Protection Against Damage

1 Further to Clause 19 of the General Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall provide
all watching and lighting and everything else necessary by day and night for the
protection against damage of the Works.

4.4.4. Protection Against Trespass

1 The Contractor shall take all necessary and practicable precautions to prevent trespass
onto the Site whether it is intentional or unintentional.

4.4.5. Watchmen
1 The Contractor shall provide watchmen at the Site at all times outside of normal working


4.5.1. Temporary Site Hoarding

1 The Contractor shall only provide the temporary site hoarding described in this Clause
where it is stated as a requirement in the Project Documentation.

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2 The site hoarding shall be of painted corrugated galvanized sheet or similar, not less than
2 metres high and neat and uniform in appearance The hoarding shall be a sufficient
obstacle to prevent the access of unauthorized persons or children and shall be complete
with all necessary entrance gates, fans, screens, guard rails and gantries as may be
required to ensure the safety of the public, occupiers of adjacent lands and of the Works.
3 The Contractor shall maintain, move and adapt the hoarding as and when required during
the progress of the Works and shall dismantle and remove upon completion of the Works.



5.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements associated with interference with land interests,
existing properties, existing roads and apparatus.


5.2.1. Land Interests

1 The Contractor shall confine his construction operations within the Site, or such other
area of land as may be negotiated, and shall instruct his employees not to trespass.
2 Subject to any unavoidable disturbance which may be necessitated by the execution of
the Works, the Contractor shall not interfere with land use which may be enjoyed on or
near the Site.
3 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of his intention to utilise any land
outside the site and obtain the written approval of the Engineer before approaching any
landowner for use of their land.
4 Before exercising any right negotiated by him in connection with using land outside the
site, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of such arrangements. The details
of the arrangements shall include drawing and description of the land to be used, purpose
of its use and duration of the Contractor use of the land.

5.2.2. Existing Properties

1 The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer before interfering with access to
any property, and shall also obtain the approval of the Engineer to any alternative access
2 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer and the relevant owners and occupiers in writing
fourteen(14)days in advance of any such interference and shall confirm to the Engineer
that the alternative arrangements have been agreed with the relevant owners and

5.2.3. Existing Roads

1 The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to prevent vehicles entering and leaving
the Site depositing mud or other debris on the surface of adjacent roads or footways, and
shall remove any materials so deposited.
2 The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to public or private roads or streets
arising out of or by reason of the execution of the Works.
3 The Contractor shall not permit tracked vehicles to travel along permanent or temporary
roads without the use of timber mats or other approved precautions to prevent damage.

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4 The Contractors shall be held responsible for any damage caused by him, Contractor’s
Employees, sub-contractors or suppliers to public or private roads, paved areas, paths
verges, trees, shrubs, fences, boundary walls, gates, signs, drains and buildings, ducts,
and services arising out of or by reason of the execution of the Works and shall bear cost
of making good any damage to the entire satisfaction of the local , other authorities and
owners. The Contractor shall keep all private roads and paths clean and free from dirt
and debris and any obstruction associated with the Works, which would prejudice the
safe and unimpeded normal use of the said roads and paths.

5.2.4. Apparatus
1 The Contractor shall not obstruct access to any manhole or other surface access cover.



6.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the meetings that will take place before, during and after the
construction of the Works.


6.2.1. General
1 A pre-construction meeting shall be held at the Site. The Engineer shall set the date and
time of the meeting and shall notify the Contractor accordingly.
2 The Owner, the Engineer and the Contractor and their respective representatives shall
attend this meeting.
3 The Engineer shall provide the agenda a minimum of three (3) working days prior to the

6.2.2. Topics for Discussion

1 Contractual topics of discussion
2 Contractor’s Obligation topics of discussion
3 Site related topics of discussion
4 Drawing and communication topics of discussion
5 Miscellaneous topics of discussion


6.3.1. General
1 Progress meetings shall be held once a month where possible and practicable, progress
meetings shall be held at the same time, day of the month and location.
2 The Engineer shall prepare the agenda and submit it to the Contractor a minimum of
three (3) working days prior to the meeting.

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3 Progress Meetings shall be attended by the Engineer and his representatives and the
Contractor and his representatives Sub-contractors may attend when involved in the
matters to be discussed or resolved but only when requested by the Engineer. In addition
to the attendees named herewith, the meeting shall be attended by representatives of
utility owners, Government departments and authorities and any other regulatory
agencies having jurisdiction over the Project, if required, and such other persons the
Engineer may designate.
4 The time and location of the progress meetings shall be as directed by the Engineer. The
Engineer shall chair the meetings.
5 The Contractor shall submit the information itemized below to the Engineer at least three
(3) working days prior to each progress meeting.
a) A list of completed activities
b) A list of current activities with an estimate of time required for completion
c) A list of changes to planned starting dates and durations for all outstanding activities
d) Percentage completion for each current activity
e) A list of activities planned to start in the next period
f) Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality Data and issues.
g) Any other information required by the Engineer’s Representative
6 If the Contractor requires additional Progress Meetings he shall submit his request in
writing to the Engineer for any such additional meeting
a) The Contractor shall provide a proposed agenda for the meeting
b) The Contractor shall provide the names of all personnel who are required to attend
c) The Engineer shall chair these meetings

6.3.2. Topics for Discussion

1 Topics of discussion will include but not necessarily be limited to the following:
a) Actual start and finish dates for activities completed during the update period
b) Remaining durations and percentage completion for all activities not completed
c) Logic, activity duration and cost data for Variation Order work that will be incorporated
into the construction schedule.
d) Contractor’s proposed measures to recover lost time and place the Project back on
schedule by increasing manpower, materials and equipment resources and working
extended hours, additional shifts, etc


6.4.1. General
1 A pre-start up meeting is required prior to starting up any major plant component, sub-
system or system.
2 Pre-start up meetings shall be attended by the Engineer and his representatives and the
Contractor and his representatives. If necessary, equipment manufacturers and/or
suppliers shall also attend.
3 The agenda for the meeting shall be provided by the Engineer a minimum of three (3)
working days prior to the meeting.

6.4.2. Topics for Discussion

1 Topics for discussion will include but not necessarily be limited to the following:

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a) Start-up and validation prerequisites

b) Start-up plan and schedule
c) Temporary connections
d) Spare parts, chemicals, and operating fluids
e) Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality Considerations
f) Other items deemed necessary by the Engineer


6.5.1. General
1 A post construction meeting shall be held prior to final inspection of the Work.
2 Post-construction meetings shall be attended by the Engineer, the Contractor and their
respective representatives.
3 The Agenda for the meeting shall be provided by the Engineer a minimum of three (3)
working days prior to the meeting.

6.5.2. Topics for Discussion

1 Topics for discussion will include but not necessarily be limited to the following:
a) Discuss and resolve all unsettled matters
b) Guarantees and insurance
c) Schedules and procedures for final inspection process
d) Correction of defects and deficiencies
e) Documents required to be submitted by the Contractor
f) Other items deemed necessary by the Engineer


6.6.1. Minutes of Meeting

1 The Engineer will record minutes of each meeting.
2 A copy of the minutes shall be furnished to the Contractor within four (4) working days.
3 If the Contractor has any objections to the minutes he shall submit them in writing to the
Engineer not more than two (2) days after they are presented to him In the absence of
any objection, it shall be understood and agreed that the Contractor accepts the minutes
as true and complete record of the meeting.

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7.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the general procedures and requirements for submittals.

7.1.2. Mistakes in Information

1 The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay the extra cost, if any, occasioned by
any discrepancies, errors, or omissions in submittals supplied by him, whether they have
been approved by the Engineer or not.


7.2.1. Product Data and Shop Drawings

1 Product Data and Shop Drawings include drawings, diagrams, illustrations, brochures,
schedules, bills of materials and other data prepared specifically for the Works.
2 The information may be prepared by the Contractor, his sub-contractors, suppliers or
distributors, manufacturers or fabricators.
3 The information must illustrate or describe the manufacture, fabrication, construction and
installation of the Works or a portion thereof.

7.2.2. As Built Survey Drawings

1 As-Built Surveys are topographical surveys that show changes to topography as a result
of the construction of the Works Changes to topography include the construction of new
structures and roads, demolition of existing structures and roads and the like. The As-
Built Survey Drawings shall form a comprehensive record of the topographical changes
resulting from the construction of the Works in all respects.
2 As-Built Surveys shall also show all sub-surface elements of the Works Sub-surface
elements include pipelines, ducts, cables, chambers, manholes and the like. The As-Built
Survey Drawings shall form a comprehensive record of the sub-surface elements of the
Works as constructed in all respects.

7.2.3. As Built Record Drawings

1 As-Built Record Drawings are drawings that show the Works as constructed in all
respects. They are in addition to the elements of the Works shown on the As-Built Survey
2 In addition to the above, the As-Built record drawings shall include all finished horizontal
and vertical alignments, chainages, setting out, levels, and details. It shall also include all
underground services, utilities, surface features, and any additional information deemed
necessary to comprehensively represent the works.

7.2.4. Manufacturer’s Representative

1 Manufacturer’s representatives are persons actively working at the manufacturer’s factory
with a minimum of 5 years experience. They should be familiar with the actual process of
manufacturing, installing, and operating the product they represent.
2 Sales representatives or agents are not an acceptable alternative to manufacturer’s

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7.2.5. Temporary Works Drawings

1 Temporary Works Drawings are plans for temporary structures and facilities prepared by
the Contractor specifically for the Works.
2 Elements of work that may affect the safety of persons or property shall be checked and
certified by an approved safety inspector.
3 Calculations demonstrating adequacy of Contractor’s design shall be submitted with the
Temporary Works Drawings.

7.2.6. Samples
1 Samples are physical examples illustrating materials, equipment, or workmanship and
shall be used to establish standards by which the work will be judged.

7.2.7. Manuals
1 Manuals are manufacturer’s written installation, start-up, operating, maintenance and
repair instructions. They shall include parts lists, pictures, sketches and diagrams specific
to the equipment supplied.


7.3.1. General
1 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his review and approval all drawings and
data as called for in the Project Documentation or subsequently as covered by variations.
2 Submittals and their contents shall be properly prepared, identified, and transmitted in
accordance with the Project Documentation or as the Engineer may otherwise direct.
Where possible and practicable, the Contractor shall present submittals on A4 size paper.
3 All submittals shall be in triplicate unless otherwise specified in the Project

7.3.2. Schedule of Submittals

1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit a list of all submittals, required by the Contract
or otherwise, showing the forecast date for submission of each item within thirty (30 )
days of the start of the Contract.
2 Drawings and data shall be submitted to meet the time schedules stipulated in the Project
Documentation and where such time schedules are not specified, to meet the
requirements of the approved programme. Unless specified otherwise, the Contractor
shall allow not less than thirty (30) days for the review of submittals by the Engineer
(excluding the time necessary for delivery or postage) and shall cause no delay in the
work or the work of any other Contractor.
3 Extension of time will not be granted because of the Contractor's failure to make timely
and correctly prepared and presented submittals with allowance for the checking and
review periods.

7.3.3. Method of Submittal

1 The Contractor shall deliver submittals by means of dated, signed, and sequence
numbered transmittals. The transmittal shall be on the Contractor's letterhead and shall
fully describe the submittal contents. Submittals are not acceptable directly from sub-
contractors, suppliers, or manufacturers.
2 In each transmittal the Contractor shall state the Drawing numbers and Specification
Sections, Parts, and Paragraphs to which the submittal pertains. Accompanying data
sheets catalogues, and brochures shall be identified in the same manner. Where several
types or models are included in a single data sheet, catalogue or brochure, the Contractor

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shall delete non-applicable portions or specifically indicate which portions are intended
and applicable.

7.3.4. Contractor's Review and Approval

1 Every submittal shall bear the Contractor's review and approval stamp certifying that the
Contractor has:
a) Reviewed, checked, and approved the submittal.
b) Co-ordinated the contents with the requirements of the Works, the Project
Documentation and any related work.
c) Determined and verified all quantities, field measurements, field construction criteria,
materials, equipment, catalogue numbers, and similar data.

7.3.5. Corrections and Re-submission

1 The Contractor shall make all required corrections and shall resubmit corrected
submittals until approved.
2 The Contractor shall direct specific attention in writing to revisions other than the
corrections called for on previous submittals.
3 The Contractor shall identify each re-submission with the sequel number of the original
submittal followed by consecutive letters starting with "A" for first re-submission, "B" for
second re-submission etc.

7.3.6. Check of Returned Submittals

1 The Contractor shall check submittals returned to him for correction and ascertain if the
corrections result in extra cost to him above that included and allowed for under the
Project Documentation. The Contractor shall give written notice to the Engineer within five
(5) days if, in his opinion, such extra cost results from corrections.
2 By failing to so notify the Engineer or by starting any Work covered by a submittal, the
Contractor waives all claims for extra costs resulting from required corrections.

7.3.7. Review and Approval

1 Submittals will be reviewed only for conformance with the design concept of the Project
and with information given in the Project Documentation. The approval of a separate item
as such shall not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions.
2 The approval of submittals shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for any
deviation from the requirements of the Project Documentation unless otherwise agreed
with, and confirmed in writing by, the Engineer.
3 Any approval from the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors
or omissions in the submittals.

7.3.8. Incomplete Submittals

1 Submittals which are incomplete, including those not correctly transmitted, not correctly
titled and identified, or not bearing the Contractor's review and approval stamp, may be
returned to the Contractor without review.

7.3.9. Conformance
1 Work shall conform to the approved submittals and all other requirements of the Project
Documentation unless subsequently revised by an appropriate variation order, in which
case the Contractor shall prepare and submit revised submittals as may be required.

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7.3.10. Interrelated Submittals

1 Except where the preparation of a submittal is dependent upon the approval of a prior
submittal, all submittals pertaining to the same portion of the Works shall be submitted
2 The Contractor shall not proceed with any related work which may be affected by the
work covered under submittals until the applicable submittals have been approved.


7.4.1. Programme of Works

1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer a Programme of Works in
accordance with Clause 14 of the General Conditions of Contract.
2 The Contractor shall update the Programme of Works as required during the construction
of the Works.
3 When instructed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a detailed
programme for a particular section of the Works. The detailed programme shall be an
elaboration of the overall programme and shall be in an appropriate form.
4 The Contractor shall incorporate the times of occupation of all sub-contractors in the
programme and shall make provisions for the access of other Contractors as required by
the Engineer.
5 The Contractor shall submit a Programme of Works that shall include, but not be limited
to the following:
a) General description of the arrangements and methods proposed by the Contractor to
carry out the Works;
b) Detailed list of the Contractor’s resources (plant, equipment, vehicles, materials,
laboratory, workshop, professional personnel, specialists,labour, organization chart,
etc.assigned to the Works;
c) Time schedule of the mobilisation and deployment of the required resources and
their estimated average production rates to complete the Contract within the time for
d) The Programme required under the General Conditions of Contract;
e) Cash-flow statement showing anticipated payments due under the Contract.
6 The Programme shall be a linked and resourced Gantt chart produced on approved
project programming software and shall show the following:
a) The order in which the Works are to be constructed;
b) Design periods (if applicable);
c) Submission and approval periods for design, Operations & Maintenance (O&M)
manuals, record drawings, etc.;
d) Detailed activities for each task such as excavation, pipelaying, backfill,
reinstatement, etc.;
e) Procurement, installation and commissioning periods for Mechanical, Electrical,
Instrumentation, Control and Automation (MEICA) works;
f) Power and other services connections;
g) Test before and after (if applicable) completion.

7 The Contractor shall programme his work in accordance with the Contract and in such a
way that he shall not impede any other Contractor working on or adjacent to the Site.

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8 For sewerage works, unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall
programme his works such that he commences at the downstream manholes and
continues upstream in a logical sequence.
9 The Programme of Work shall identify when access to areas of live plant are required and
when shutdowns are required.
10 Any Programme of Work submitted with the tender documents shall be fully updated
before the start of the Works.
11 The Engineer shall give his comments on the programme within 7 days of its submission.
The Contractor shall not commence the permanent works until the Engineer has
approved his Programme of Work.
12 The approval by the Engineer of the Programme of Work shall not relieve the Contractor
of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract.
13 The programme shall be submitted in electronic format and as a paper print. The paper
print may hide (roll up) activities for individual tasks in order to reduce the size and
number of prints required. The electronic version shall be fully detailed.


7.5.1. Staff Organization Chart

1 The Contractor shall submit a Staff Organization Chart for the Engineer’s approval within
ten (10) days of the start of the Contract.
2 The chart shall show the organization of executive, administrative and supervisory
personnel associated with the Project and indicate the relationship between them where
appropriate. It shall include all personnel from Project Manager down to foreman level
and give a full description of their duties. The qualifications and experience of all
personnel shown on the chart shall be provided.
3 The Engineer may interview any of the personnel proposed by the Contractor prior to
4 The Contractor shall update the chart whenever key personnel are reassigned.

7.5.2. Health and Safety Organization Chart

1 The Contractor shall submit a Health and Safety Organization Chart for Engineer’s
approval within thirty ( 30 ) days of the start of the Contract.
2 The chart shall be as detailed in Part 10 Occupational Health and Safety of this section.

7.5.3. Quality Organization Chart

1 The Contractor shall submit a Quality Organisation Plan to the Engineer for approval no
later than 30 days from the start of the contract.
2 The plan shall be as detailed in Section 2 Quality Assurance and Quality Control.

7.6. PLANS

7.6.1. Health and Safety Plan

1 The Contractor shall submit his Health and Safety Plan to the Engineer no later than thirty
(30) days of the start of the Contract.
2 The plan shall be as detailed in Part 10 of this Section, Health and Safety.

7.6.2. Quality Assurance Plan

1 The Contractor shall submit his Quality Assurance Plan to the Engineer for approval no
later than thirty (30) days of the start of the Contract.

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2 The plan shall be as detailed in Part 8 of this Section, Quality Assurance.

7.6.3. Quality Control Plan (QC Plan) / Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)

1 The Contractor shall submit his QC Plan or ITP to the Engineer no later 30 days from the
start of the contract.

2 The plan shall be detailed as:

a) activities
b) references and acceptance criteria
c) recording format
d) inspection position for all parties


7.7.1. General
1 A Site Diary shall be kept on site by the Contractor and entered daily for the duration of
the Contract. The diary must be entered neatly and legibly in English and should indicate
all visitors to the Site and the reason for the visit. The diary shall also record the following:
a) Labour on site by trade and its allocation
b) Sub-contractors working on site
c) Material and equipment delivered to site
d) Material and equipment utilized
e) Plant, equipment and tools brought on to or removed from site including hired plant
f) Work progress during the day
g) Verbal instructions requiring written confirmation
h) Temperature and weather conditions
i) Details of any occurrence which may affect the progress of the Works
2 The Contractor shall also supply to the Engineer, weekly returns as to the number of men
and Construction Plant employed and the nature of the Works on which they were
3 The diary shall become the property of the Engineer on completion of the Works.


7.9.1. General
1 Where relevant, reports should be referenced to the Programme of Works
2 The Contractor shall submit three copies of each report unless otherwise specified

7.9.2. Procurement Status Reports

1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit a Procurement Status Report on a weekly basis
for the duration of the Contract The report shall include the following
a) A list of materials and items procured.
b) A list of items delivered to the site.
c) References to all correspondence and transmittals between the Contractor and the
Engineer regarding approval of such materials and items.

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7.9.3. Progress Report

1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit a Progress Report on a monthly basis for the
duration of the Contract The report shall be submitted to the Engineer before the seventh
day of each month. The report shall include the following:
a) Labour employed on the Site divided into supervisory staff, tradesmen and others
giving daily totals.
b) Labour employed on the Site by sub-contractors divided into supervisory staff,
tradesmen and others giving daily totals.
c) Plant, tools and equipment in working order on the Site on each day.
d) Accidents to anyone working on the Site which required medical attention.
e) Details of monthly progress and status of the Works in general terms.
f) The date of commencement and completion of all critical activities.
g) Details of problem areas.
h) Details of current or anticipated causes of delay along with their estimated impact on
progress and the corrective measures taken or proposed.
i) Progress photographs.


7.9.1. General
1 The Contractor shall obtain a photographic record of the execution of the Works by taking
photographs from various points as the Engineer shall specify from time to time. Any
photograph which is not clear and distinct, double exposed, over exposed, etc shall be
retaken until approved by the Engineer at the Contractor's expense.
2 Photographs taken in connection with the Project shall not be utilized by the Contractor
for commercial advertisement either of his organization or of any materials or equipment
used on the Works, without the written approval of the Engineer.
3 The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer, two number photographic albums suitable
for mounting all site and progress photographs.
4 All photographic records shall consist of the required number of colour prints on
photographic paper and a digital copy
5 The Contractor shall provide six digital cameras and one digital video camera for the
exclusive use of the Engineer or his designated representative and supply software,
batteries, cables and USB flash drives or external hard drives as required. The Digital
camera shall have a minimum specification of 35-105 zoom, with a minimum of 16.0
megapixels for prints up to 20”×30”, 8GB internal memory and video/audio facility. The
cameras shall be returned to the contractor at the end of the contract period.

7.9.2. Pre-Construction Photographs

1 The Contractor shall arrange to obtain a photographic and video record of the site before
the start of the works to fully record the existing conditions of the site and other matters of
interest in connection with the works or their surroundings of the project, by taking
photographs and videos films from positions agreed with the engineer within 7 days of the
photographs /videos being taken. Any photograph/video which is not clear and distinct,
double exposed, over exposed, blurred, etc., shall be retaken until approved by the
Engineer at the contractor’s expense.
2 The number of photographs taken shall be sufficient to clearly indicate the condition of

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3 After approval, the Contractor shall supply two (2) prints, which shall be mounted and
labelled by the Contractor, and these shall then be signed and dated by the Contractor
and the Engineer one set of prints shall be returned to the Contractor.

7.9.3. Monthly Photographs

1 The Contractor shall obtain a photographic record of the execution of the works by taking
photographs from various points agreed with the Engineer at the commencement of the
works, and also as he may specify from time to time during the course of the works.
Photographs shall be taken at each of the specified points on a monthly basis until the
completion works. The number of photographs to be taken shall be as specified by the
Engineer. Any photograph which is not clear and distinct, double exposed, over exposed,
etc. shall be retaken until approved by the Engineer at the contractor’s expense. Two
number 125×90 mm prints of each photograph and a digital copy on CD shall be
submitted to the Engineer with 7 days of the photographs being taken. The Contractor’s
shall also obtain video records showing the progress of the works, at locations and times
as specified by the Engineer. The quality and length of the video shall be as specified by
the Engineer and may be required to record specialised events or other matters of
interest in connection with the works. The video shall include the actual audio recording
taken at the time and it shall be in sync with the visual recording. Any video which is not
clear and distinct, double exposed, over exposed, blurred, etc. shall be retaken until
approved by the Engineer at the Contractor’s expense. A digital copy of the video on CD
shall be submitted to the Engineer within 7 days of the recordings being taken.
2 A selection of those photographs as agreed with the Engineer shall be included in the
monthly reports as described in clause 7.8.3 of this part complete with labels and any
pertinent support text.


7.10.1. Working Drawings and Shop Drawings

1 Each submitted drawing shall be complete with respect to dimensions, design criteria,
materials, connections, bases, foundations, anchors, and the like, and shall be
accompanied by technical and performance data and by calculations as necessary to
support the information shown on the drawings.
2 Unless otherwise specified, each submittal shall include six (6) sets of copies and shall be
submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to beginning the work to which the drawings are
related. Three sets of copies will be returned to the Contractor marked to show the
required corrections or approval.

7.10.2. As Built Record Drawings

1 The Contractor shall prepare As-Built record Drawings and submit them to the Engineer
for approval. Upon approval, the Contractor shall submit a further four (4) copies of each
As-Built Record Drawing to the Engineer. All As-Built record Drawings shall be prepared
on clear white polyester film or other durable and easily reproducible medium approved
by the Engineer.
2 The Contractor shall also submit two digital copies of As-Built Record Drawings. The As-
Built Record Drawings shall be accompanied by operation and maintenance manuals,
service literature and list of spare parts where applicable.
3 The Contractor must prepare the As-Built drawings according to the latest specifications
and requirements of utility departments, including production and data delivery.
4 The Contractor may be required to obtain approvals from utility departments on the As-
Built drawings as a pre-requisite for the Engineer’s final approval.

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5 As-Built Record Drawings and other documents shall be submitted before the expiry of
the period of maintenance named in the Contract. The final completion certificate will not
be issued, and therefore the final payment will not be released before the submission by
the Contractor, and approval by the Engineer of all drawings, documents, and records of
the project. One copy of each drawing and document shall be marked for archival
6 No final payment shall be made until the As-Built Record Drawings are complete in all
respects and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any extra
payment or extension of time for the preparation of the As-Built Record Drawings.

7.10.3. As Built Survey Drawings

1 The Contractor shall arrange for As-Built Survey Drawings to be prepared. The survey
shall be to the specification of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture and shall
be undertaken by a survey company on the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture’s
list of approved survey companies.
2 Where a permanent feature has been added, changed or removed the Contractor shall
conduct a topographical survey engaging an approved survey company as described in
item 1 of this Clause.
3 The Contractor shall submit one (1) set of As-Built survey Drawings to the Engineer for
approval. Upon approval, the Contractor shall submit a further four (4) sets to the
Engineer All As-Built Survey Drawings shall be prepared on clear white polyester film or
other durable and easily reproducible medium approved by the Engineer.
4 Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documentation, the Contractor shall arrange for
the As-Built Survey Drawings to be prepared in digital (electronic) format. The digital
format shall be in accordance with requirements of the Centre for Geographic Information
Systems (CGIS).The Contractor shall also submit two digital copies of As-Built Survey
Drawings. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the digital data compiled by
the approved survey company is comprehensive and complete. The Contractor shall at all
times during construction, maintain a comprehensive record of all setting-out details and
data for chainage, offsets, levels and all sub-surface elements, including pipe works,
ducts, cables and any other installation required under the Contract. These records shall
be verified by the Engineer. The records shall be incorporated into the As-Built survey
undertaken by the approved survey company to form a comprehensive and complete
record of the works.
5 No final payment shall be made until the As-built Survey Drawings are complete in all
respects. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any extra payment or extension of time
for the preparation of the As-built Survey Drawings. As-Built Survey Drawings another
documents shall be submitted before the expiry of the period of maintenance named in
the Contract. The final completion certificate will not be issued, and therefore the final
payment will not be released before the submission by the Contractor, and approval by
the Engineer of all drawings, documents, and records of the project. One copy of each
drawing and document shall be marked for archival storage.

7.10.4. Data Delivery

1 The mapping co-ordinate system for Public Works Authority projects (horizontal and
vertical control) is based on Qatar National Grid 1995. The following parameters shall be
applied for the digital data submittal.
a) The unit of measurement is the International Metre
b) Transverse Mercator projection, International (Hayford Spheroid)
c) Latitude of Origin 240-27’00” North
d) Longitude of Origin 510-13’00” East
e) False Easting 200,000
f) False Northing 300,000

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g) Semi major Axis 6 378 388.000

h) Semi minor Axis 6 356 911.945
i) Scale factor at Central Meridian (51 13’ E) 0.999 99
j) 1/f 1/297
k) e 0.006 722 670
2 The digital data shall be submitted in the following formats:
a) DXF files for use in AutoCAD shall be ASCII text files or otherwise agreed
with Engineer. File names should have a maximum of eight characters plus
the three character extension (DXF).
b) DWG files for use in AutoCAD should have a maximum of eight characters
plus the three-character extension (DWG).
c) A digital terrain model, including break lines and contours shall also be
supplied in a recognized format: ASCII data files, SDR MAP File, MX
GENIO file or as otherwise agreed with the Engineer.
3 The scale used shall be one-to-one scale.
4 The precision shall be double precision.
5 Feature accuracy shall be at least 0.01 metres.
6 In addition to the following and other pertinent requirements, the Contractor shall obtain
the “RD_CGIS LAYERING” *.dxf convention files from the relevant department, and
arrange it as per item 8 hereunder or otherwise agreed with Engineer.
7 Each layer shall contain only one feature type. If necessary, text may be added to a
separate layer to explain the feature type. Colours and line type of features shall be
specified by and not individual entities or blocks. Features shall not be duplicated across
layers. The Contractor shall obtain from the Engineer the most current specification
detailing colour and line type conventions.
8 Features should not be represented with user defined symbols. The following
representation shall be applied.
a) Polygons must comprise of lines to form closed areas where possible.
b) Line entities must be continuous, not a series of consecutive segments.
c) Arc must be continuous radius, not a series of consecutive segments.
d) Block entities are not allowed.
e) User defined symbols, fonts or line types must not be used on any layer.
9 Layer names should be general descriptions of features (e.g. Road centreline, kerb,
walls, and bollards). A list of all layers and associated descriptions shall be provided in
the submittal and the list shall be stored in an ASCII text file called: “layers.txt”. Layer
name should have up to 16 characters only and shall be restricted to letters and digits
with the first character of the name being a letter. Names shall not contain special
characters such as: $, -. #. The Contractor shall obtain from the Engineer the current
specification detailing naming conventions.
10 When the surface and other features are substantially in place, the contractor shall
submit the required *.dxf As-Built drawing files (for CGIS to execute the survey
verification and immediate update of CGIS Vector Database).
11 All information shall be supplied on CDs in the appropriate format.

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7.11.1. General
1 Submittals shall be approved before the materials or equipment covered by the submittals
are shipped out in the case of foreign supplies and delivered to the Site in the case of
local supplies.

7.11.2. List of Materials

1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit a list of the materials to be used in the
Construction of the Works within thirty (30) days of the start of the Contract. The materials
list shall be neatly bound and shall have an index listing the contents.
2 The data for each item listed shall be explicit with regard to details of the actual items
being furnished and shall include sufficient information for the Engineer to determine that
the products submitted conform to the requirements of the Project Documentation. Such
information shall include but not be limited to
a) Manufacturer's name and address
b) Trade or brand name
c) Local supplier's name and address
d) Catalogues, brochures and cuts, marked to indicate the items proposed the intended
e) Terms and conditions of the manufacturer's guarantee and warranty
f) Material inspection and testing agency
g) Any other information to fully describe the item
h) Supplementary information as may be required for approval
3 Unless otherwise specified, five (5) bound copies of the materials list shall be submitted,
two (2) of which will be returned to the Contractor marked to show the required
corrections or approval.

7.11.3. Samples
1 Unless otherwise specified, each submittal shall include two sets of samples one set of
approved samples and all disapproved samples will be returned to the Contractor.
2 Samples shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of relevant standards where
3 Unless otherwise specified, samples shall be labelled and properly identified with the
a) Date
b) Part(s) of the Works for which offered
c) Specification Section, Part and applicable Paragraph numbers
d) Supplier/manufacturer
e) Product identification (trade name)
4 Samples shall be accompanied by an approved transmittal form along with specifications
and other pertinent data required for the Engineer to determine that the material conforms
to the requirements of the Project Documentation.
5 If requested in writing by the Contractor, samples of value will be returned to the
Contractor after completion of the Work.
6 Approved samples returned to the Contractor may only be incorporated into the Works
upon written approval of the Engineer.

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7.11.4. Certificates
1 When stated in the Project Documentation or requested by the Engineer in writing, the
Contractor shall submit manufacturer’s certificates indicating that test results, component
manufacture or installation complies with the requirements of the Project Documentation
2 A statement from the Contractor, sub-contractor, equipment supplier, or agent indicating
the product installation complies with the requirements of the Project Documentation shall
not be considered as a certificate.

7.11.5. Manufacturer’s Guarantees and Warranties

1 Manufacturer’s Guarantees and Warrantees shall be submitted prior to handover and
final acceptance.


7.12.1. Final Dossier

1 The contractor shall submit final dossiers covering all civil, mechanical, electrical activities
and machinery installed in the work.
2 Contractor shall submit index of final dossiers to engineer for approval. This index shall
be included with the below points but not limited to:
a) Engineering Documents (detailed as below, but not limited to):
i) Philosophy
ii) Latest revision of the project specifications
iii) Geotechnical investigation reports (profile, survey, etc)
iv) Technical approvals.
b) Quality Records:
i) Construction inspection records as per QC Plan(s) or ITP(s)
ii) Authorized certifications (i.e. lifting equipments, lab records, etc)
iii) Calibration test certificates
iv) Process and/or personal qualification records
v) Non conformities reports.
c) Operation & Maintenance Manuals (soft and hard copy):
i) Guarantees & warrantees
ii) List of equipments (brand name, type, model, range and serial
iii) Original catalogues
iv) Manufacturers’ final documents and certifications
v) Manufacturers’ operation & maintenance guidelines
vi) Circuit drawings of brought out electrical equipments i.e. panel,
generator, fire alarm system etc
vii) Part lists and equipment drawings
viii) Spare part lists (for regular and overhauling maintenance separately
and easy to use).
d) Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) - Documents & Records
e) Training
i) Orientation plan
ii) Training material
iii) Training records.
f) As-Built Drawings (soft and hard copy):
i) List of As-Built drawing including revisions which are to be divided unit
wise and/or discipline wise
ii) As-Built drawings.

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g) Project Commissioning & Handover Records:

i) Commissioning plan
ii) Commissioning records & certificates
iii) Handing over records including closed snag lists.
h) Photographs

7.12.2. Structure of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals

1 This specification defines the production of installation, operation and maintenance
manuals and similar documents so that they provide information about plant and
processes in a consistent and informative way that shall make the documents easy to
use. Manuals shall be presented electronically and on paper. Documents from an
electronic source shall, when printed, conform to the requirements for documents
presented on paper.
2 General Requirements:
a) The plant operating manuals shall contain information relevant to the operation of the
plant installed. This information shall include descriptions of the plant together with
operating instructions and maintenance requirements.
b) The content shall be suitable for plant operators who are experienced in the
operation of similar equipment and have a basic technical knowledge. The
descriptions shall be clear and concise. Illustrations and schematics shall be used
where necessary
c) Manuals shall be produced using word processor for text and CAD for drawings.
d) Text produced by the contractor/consultant describing the specific operation and/or
maintenance of an asset, which is contained within an operations manual, shall be
generated via a word processor and supplied to the Owner in Adobe Acrobat format
or otherwise agreed with Engineer.
e) Technical manuals when provided on paper shall be contained in A4 size, 4-ring, and
durable, hard-backed, white standard PVC covered binders, strong enough to last
the expected life duration of the plant.
f) The manual shall be provided in several volumes as appropriate to the size and
complexity of the plant. Each of the volumes shall not be greater than 38mm thick
when printed.
g) The covers shall have a clear PVC pocket on the front and on the spine for top entry
insertion of a white title card on which shall be printed the following information:
i) Owner
ii) Name of location
iii) Title of manual (name of the plant)
iv) Description of manual
v) Volume of manual in the series
vi) Reference/sequence number of the manual
vii) Content of the volume
viii) Contract reference number
ix) Full name, address, telephone number and fax numbers of the supplier
x) Name of author or editor of the manual
3 Writing Operating Instructions
a) All operations instructions shall use ‘plain English language to reduce
reader difficulties. Statements shall be simple and short for easy
comprehension; equipment locations shall be clearly stated.
b) It may be valuable to begin the instructions with:
i) A condition:
ii) “If the pressure drops more than 5 bars, raise the…”
iii) A time phrase/clause: “
iv) When the meter displays Y, close the…”

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v) A location phrase/clause:
vi) “In the control room, turn…”
vii) A specification of tool or piece of equipment:
viii) “Using a screwdriver, remove…”
ix) A sitting phrase/clause:
x) “At instrument A, switch…”
4 Page and Sheet Layout
a) Text sheets shall be A4 size (portrait) having 4 No. punched holes and A3
size drawings (landscape), folded twice with title in bottom right hand
b) Full size drawings in plastic wallet placed at rear.
c) The bottom of each page shall define the manual reference number, issue
number with date (month/year) and page number.
d) The issue number commences at ‘1' on initial printing and shall be raised
each time the page is altered in any way.
e) Each page within a volume shall be numbered in sequence, including
illustrations pages, starting at the first page of the contents list.


7.13.1. Setting-out of the Works

1 Submittals associated with setting-out of the Works shall comply with the relevant
provisions of Part 13 of this Section, Setting out of the Works.


7.14.1. General
1 There is a legal requirement for Contractor including employers and self employed to
develop and submit for comments to the Engineer suitable and sufficient written method
of work (commonly known as method statement) for his work activities.
2 The above is also to be completed as and when instructed by the Engineer for any
identified work activity and submitted as per the timescales to be specified by the
3 The legal requirement is in the Regulatory Document Section 11 Part 1 in particular
section 1.1.7 (Risk Assessments and Method Statement).
4 Guidance on compliance with the requirement in regards to method statement is found in
Section 11 Part 2 in particular section 2.4 (Risk Assessment and Method Statement)


7.15.1. General
1 Applications and invoices for completed Works shall be submitted in accordance with the
Conditions of Contract.

7.15.2. Measurement of Quantities

1 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with all assistance, as and when required for
the measurement of all quantities. The Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation
and duplication of all calculations, cross-sections and other drawings related to quantities
in interim payments. These shall be submitted in draft to the Engineer in sufficient time to
enable him to check and agree them before submission for payments.

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8.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for materials incorporated in the Works In the context
of this Part, components and items of equipment are to be considered as materials and
all requirements applicable to materials are likewise applicable to components and items
of equipment.

8.1.2. Materials from AGCC States

1 All materials and components for the Works shall be obtained from the member states of
the Arab Gulf Co-operation Council unless the Engineer approves the use of alternative

8.1.3. Product Data

1 Unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit product data for
all materials to be incorporated in the Works.
2 Product data shall be explicit with regard to the actual material to be incorporated in the
3 Product data shall include, but not be limited to
a) Size and dimensions of product
b) Fittings and fixings associated with product
c) Colour and surface finish of product
4 The product data shall provide sufficient information for the Engineer to determine that
the products submitted conform to the requirements of the Project Documentation.
5 Where product data submittals include manufacturer’s catalogues which detail more than
one product or size, capacity etc of the same product, the Contractor shall clearly indicate
which product is being presented for approval.
6 Product data shall be presented on A4 size paper whenever possible.

8.1.4. Quality of Materials

1 All materials required to comply with a particular national or international standard shall
be marked with the certified trade mark associated with the organization responsible for
the standard. The mark of conformity of any approved third party certification body or an
equivalent mark shall be an acceptable alternative to this requirement.
2 The requirements of Clause 9.1.4 shall not apply where the Engineer is satisfied and
confirms to the Contractor in writing that third party quality assured materials are not
readily available or appropriate In such cases, and where materials are required to
comply with a particular standard or its equivalent, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer test certificates, furnished by the supplier or manufacturer of the materials,
indicating compliance with the relevant standard.
3 As soon as possible after the Contract has been awarded, the Contractor shall submit to
the Engineer for his approval a list of proposed suppliers and sources of materials
required for the execution of the Works.
4 Names of additional suppliers and sources of materials may be submitted by the
Contractor during the execution of the Contract, but no source of supply shall be changed
without the Engineer’s approval.
5 A single source of supply shall be used for materials which have characteristics that
a) Differ according to source of supply or manufacture

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b) Could affect the appearance of the completed Works

c) Could affect the performance of the completed Works
6 All materials and equipment incorporated in the Works shall be designed and
manufactured or constructed to withstand the climatic conditions experienced in Qatar.

8.1.5. Manufacturer’s Instructions

1 Unless otherwise described in the Project Documentation, the use, installation,
application or fixing of materials shall be in accordance with all applicable
recommendations and instructions of the manufacturers.
2 The Contractor shall obtain the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations relating
to all materials and proprietary articles and systems to be incorporated in the Works, and
shall keep copies of the same on site at all times for the information of the Engineer Such
instructions and recommendation shall be considered to be part of this Specification.
3 Where appropriate, the Contractor shall make use of any technical advisory service
offered by manufacturers regarding use and installation of materials

8.1.6. Samples
1 Samples shall be provided when requested by the Engineer or instructed by the Project
Documentation Materials subsequently supplied shall conform to the quality of the
samples which have been approved by the Engineer
2 Each sample shall bear a securely fixed label bearing the following information
a) Project identification
b) Contractor identification
i) Sample identification including all information as to manufacturer, model,
catalogue number, finish, etc
c) Space for approval signature of the Engineer
3 Where approval of materials is required, samples or other evidence of suitability shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval No such material shall be ordered or used until
written approval is received from the Engineer.
4 Where samples of finished work are specified, works shall not proceed until the Engineer
has approved the sample of the finished work Samples of finished work shall be made
under conditions similar to those which will be experienced during the construction of the
5 Samples which have been approved shall be carefully protected and maintained in a
manner which will not allow them to deteriorate Unless otherwise specified or forming part
of the finished Works, samples shall be removed when no longer required by the
6 All materials and workmanship shall be up to the standard of the approved samples
7 Samples shall be of sufficient size to indicate the general visual effect The minimum
acceptable size of sheet materials shall be 300 x 300 mm

8.1.7. Shop Drawings

1 The Contractor shall prepare Shop Drawings in accordance with the relevant provisions
of Part 7, Submittals, of this Section. The Shop Drawings shall include material
description and identification where applicable.

8.1.8. Alternative Materials

1 The Contractor may propose the use of alternatives to materials specified in the Project
Documentation Such proposals shall be complete with all supporting information showing
that the alternative is equal or better than the specified material in all respects

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2 The use of alternative materials shall only be permitted if approved by the Engineer in

8.1.9. Owner Furnished Materials

1 Materials to be furnished by the Owner and installed by the Contractor shall be as
specified in the Project Documentation
2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the collection and delivery to the Site of materials
to be furnished by the Owner and installed by the Contractor. The collection location of
such materials shall be as detailed in the Project Documentation
3 The Owner reserves the right to place and install items of equipment, furniture,
furnishings, partitions etc , in completed or partially completed parts of the Works upon
the understanding that the exercising of such a right will not substantially interfere with
the regular progress and completion of the Works.

8.1.10. Delivery of Materials to Government Stores

1 Materials to be delivered to the Government Stores shall be as detailed in the Project
2 Prior to delivery to store, the Contractor shall make all items available for inspection by
the Engineer's Representative.
3 The Contractor shall be instructed where to deliver the items and the date on which the
delivery is to be made.
4 Each delivery to store shall be accompanied by a detailed delivery note, which shall be
prepared by the Contractor, in a format approved by the Engineer.
5 On arrival at store, all items shall be re-inspected by the Engineer's Representative,
before being accepted.
6 The Contractor shall be issued with a receipt for the delivered items, which have been


8.2.1 Ordering Materials

1 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any material which he is unable to order due
to lack of information, non-availability, or for any other reason, within sixty (60) days of the
acceptance of the Contract.
2 The Contractor shall ascertain the quantities of materials for ordering from the Project
Documentation The Bill of Quantities alone shall not be used as a basis for ordering
3 The Contractor shall be responsible for any delays to the Contract due to non-compliance
with this Clause.

8.2.2 Delivery of Materials to the Site

1 Materials shall be new and shall bear complete identification Such identification shall
include, but not be limited to, the class, model, number and type of the material Where
materials are not so identified, the Contractor shall furnish copies of invoices or
certificates providing complete identification.
2 Deliveries shall be programmed to minimize handling and deterioration due to site

8.2.3 Handling or Materials

1 Materials shall be handled in such a manner as to avoid any damage or contamination,
and in accordance with all applicable recommendations of the manufacturers.

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2 Particular care shall be taken when handling components with lifting equipment Slings,
lifting hooks, forks and the like should only be applied at the points indicated as being
suitable for application by the manufacturer.

8.2.4 Storage of Materials on the Site

1 The Contractor shall allow for delivery of all materials & equipment to site, as well as
multiple handling required in the Works. The Contractor shall also provide for adequate
storage of all materials and equipment used in the Works for the whole period of the
Contract. The said storage shall be as per the applicable Specifications of all concerned
authorities and departments.
2 Materials shall be stored in such a manner as to preserve their quality and condition to
the standards required by this Specification Any recommendations made by the
manufacturer which relate to storage of materials and equipment shall be fully complied
3 The quantity of materials and equipment stored on the Site shall be consistent with that
necessary for efficient working.
4 Incompatible materials shall be separately stored.
5 Storage shall be such that any particular consignment can be readily identified by its
delivery ticket, test certificate, etc
6 Materials which are liable to deteriorate shall be used in the order of delivery.

8.2.5 Protection of Materials

1 Adequate protection against any form of damage or deterioration to materials shall be
provided and shall include protective tapes, casing and the like which shall be cleared
away on completion of the Works Tarpaulins shall be provided where necessary
2 Particular care shall be taken to protect finished surfaces during the application of
adjacent work
3 Materials which are subject to deterioration by ultra violet light shall be stored so that they
are not exposed to direct sunlight


8.3.1 General
1 The Engineer may test any materials before they leave the manufacturer’s premises or
after delivery to the Site.
2 The Engineer may reject any materials after delivery to the Site should he consider them
unsatisfactory, notwithstanding any preliminary test and approval of the materials at the
manufacturer’s premises.
3 The costs of all tests necessary to ensure compliance with the Contract, including the
cost of delivery to the testing laboratory, shall be borne by the Contractor.
4 Should the Engineer not inspect any materials or goods at the place of manufacture, the
Contractor shall without cost to the Contract obtain certificates of test from the supplier of
such goods and shall send such certificates to the Engineer. Such certificates shall certify
that the materials or goods concerned have been tested in accordance with the
requirements of the Specification and shall include the results of all tests carried out. The
Contractor shall provide adequate means of identifying the materials and goods delivered
to the site with the corresponding certificates.
5 The Engineer may require samples of materials to be delivered to the Ministry of
Environment (MOE) for additional tests. The Contractor shall provide attendance as
required by the Engineer to witness sample collection and testing carried out by the

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6 The Contractor shall be responsible for the organisation and appointment of an approved
Independent Testing Laboratory to carry out all the testing of materials as required by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall supply full details of the testing laboratory he proposes to
appoint including facilities, personnel, etc. for the Engineer’s approval within 7 days of the
Engineer’s order to commence work on site. This Independent Testing Laboratory shall
be chosen from the Ashghal approved labs list
7 All testing for compliance with the Specification shall only be carried out using laboratory
equipment , which has been calibrated and certified by a calibration service organisation
approved by the MOE. Provision of evidence of compliance with this clause shall be as
directed from time to time by the MOE.
8 All samples and records shall be preserved for as long as the Engineer may direct and
they should be kept and labelled in an orderly fashion. Testing equipment and all samples
and records shall be open to inspection by the Engineer or his representative at all times.
9 The laboratory shall be provided with equipment and trained personnel sufficient for
carrying out all the earthworks tests referred to in the Specification. The laboratory shall
be capable of carrying out all the relevant tests at the frequency required by the
Specification and by the rate of progress required by the Contractor’s approved
programme for the Works.

8.3.2 Institute Testing and Nuclear Density Measuring Devices

1 No person, company nor organisation will be permitted to determine insitu density by
means of a nuclear type density measuring device without complying with the following
a) Each device held by any organisation shall have a valid calibration
certificate issued by the MOE. The validity of any such certificate shall not
exceed six months.
b) Calibration certificates will only be issued for any particular device if MOE is
satisfied that the identified storage location of the device is, suitable and
safe, and that an approved radiation officer has been appointed by the
c) General and detailed storage location plan is to be provided to MOE for
each device. A letter of undertaking from the organisation stating that for
each device should there be a need for it to be stored elsewhere at anytime
overnight MOE will be so notified in advance to ensure compliance of safe
storage requirements.
d) Only persons holding a valid user certificate issued by MOE shall be
permitted to operate these devices. Such certificates shall only be issued
after the applicant has demonstrated competence in operating the device
both technically and safely. The validity of any certificate shall not exceed
six months.
e) During operation of the device the operator and any assistance shall wear
suitable film badges or a personnel radiation warning alarms. Evidence of
the organisation having these available during the intended validity of a user
certificate shall be required prior to the issue of such user certificates.
f) Non-adherence to the above requirements will be reported to the relevant
authorities for suitable action.

8.3.3 Test Certificates

1 Materials which have been tested shall be issued with a test certificate The test certificate
shall clearly indicate whether the material has passed or failed any test or tests performed
The test certificates shall also clearly indicate whether the tested material is suitable for
use or inclusion in the Works

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2 Test certificates shall be issued by the manufacturer, the Central Materials Laboratory, an
approved third party testing laboratory or other organization as designated in the Project
Documentation or as directed by the Engineer


8.4.1 Proprietary Articles and Systems

1 The specification of proprietary articles and systems supplied by particular firms is not
necessarily binding upon the Contractor If approval is obtained, the Contractor may order
from other sources supplying articles of equal quality
2 The Contractor shall submit full details and samples of the alternatives offered together
with samples of the items specified to enable a proper comparison to be made A
minimum of twenty one (21) days shall be allowed from the date all information required
by the Engineer has been submitted for his decision as to the acceptability or otherwise of
the alternative offered
3 The Contractor shall be deemed to have included for the specified item in the Contract
price, not his proposed alternative
4 If so directed, the Contractor shall have the proposed alternative tested for quality,
strength, durability, finish or efficiency by an approved testing laboratory
5 If the Engineer accepts an alternative, any costs resulting, including all engineering and
design services, and changes or adjustments in materials or work directly or indirectly
brought about by the substitution, shall be borne by the Contractor
6 On completion of the Contract, all instructions and recommendations for proprietary
articles and systems shall be neatly assembled in suitable folders or binders, provided
with a contents list and handed to the Engineer



9.1.1 Scope
1 This Part specifies health, safety and welfare requirements for construction and its
associated practices.

9.1.2 Responsibility
1 It is the Contractors responsibility to implement an Occupational Health and Safety
Management System meeting as a minimum the requirements of BS OHSAS 18001. It
shall be the duty of the Contractor to provide the following:
a) Safe plant and equipment;
b) Safe means of handling, transporting and storage of articles and
c) Adequate training, instruction, information and supervision;
d) A safe place of work with safe access to and egress from the place of work;
e) A safe and healthy environment; and
f) Adequate welfare facilities

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9.1.3 Organisation for Occupational Health and Safety

1 The Contractor shall submit an Occupational Health and Safety Organisation Plan
detailing planning and management considerations for construction at an organisational
level for the Engineer’s approval within Thirty (30) days of the award of the Contract.
2 The Occupational Health and Safety Organisation Plan shall provide the names,
qualifications, experience and skills of all the Safety Team and key support staff.
3 The Contractor shall submit the names of the following to the Engineer for approval:-
a) The details of its proposed competent and experienced Occupational Health
and Safety Manager. The minimum education for the proposed
Occupational Health and Safety Manager are but not limited to Bachelor
degree in Engineering / Science or equivalent with 10 years experiences in
the same field as Safety Manager and the ability to communicate with all
nationalities, plus Professional OHS Qualification by Examination
(NEBOSH, IOSH Managing Safely, OSHA 30 hours, ... etc), Management
Qualification prefer certified as BS OHSAS 18001 lead auditor,
implementation and continues improvement Relevant Training Attendance.
The Engineer shall review the details and if necessary interview the
proposed individual to assess his/her suitability for the position prior to
giving approval for appointment. The Contractor is not permitted to execute
any form of Work on the Worksite until such time as an approved
Occupational Health and Safety Manager has been deployed on a full time
basis to the Worksite. The Contractor shall not remove the appointed
Occupational Health and Safety Manager without prior approval from the
b) Deputy Occupational Health and Safety Manager who is capable of
performing all of the duties of the Occupational Health and Safety Manager
in the event of his absence. The requirements and procedure outlined in
Clause (a) above applies equally to the appointment of the Deputy
Occupational Health and Safety Manager.
4 The Contractor shall appoint Occupational Health and Safety Officers and support staff in
sufficient numbers to ensure the effective function of the Occupational Health and Safety
discipline within the Contractor’s organisation. The minimum education for the
Occupational Health and Safety Officer are HND / HNC with 4 years experiences in the
same field as Safety officer, certified from NEBOSH, IOSH or OSHA 30 hours,
Professional in control and monitoring the site activity. The Contractor shall appoint and
deploy full time on the Worksite one Occupational Health and Safety Officer for each and
every 50 persons employed at the Worksite. For a less than 50 persons employed at the
Worksite, a minimum of one (1) Safety Officer shall be present on site during all working
hours each day throughout the Contract period. This is in addition to the Occupational
Health and Safety Manager and his Deputy.
5 The Safety Officers shall have no other duties, either on-site or off-site, other than
Occupational Health and Safety duties, and shall be exclusive to one site.
6 The Contractor shall ensure that each and every Subcontractor employed on the
Worksite appoints suitably competent and experienced qualified Occupational Health and
Safety staff to ensure the effective function of the Occupational Health and Safety
discipline within the Subcontractor’s organisation. The requirements and procedure
outlined above for contractor Occupational Health and Safety staff to be applies equally to
the appointment of the Subcontractor Occupational Health and Safety Staff. The
Subcontractor shall appoint and deploy full time on the Worksite one Occupational Health
and Safety Officer for each and every 50 persons that they employ at the Worksite. Any
Subcontractor that employs more than 100 persons will appoint an Occupational Health
and Safety Manager. This is in addition to the Occupation Occupational Health and
Safety Officers.

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9.1.4 Reporting Accidents

1 The Contractor shall promptly report to the Engineer any accident whatsoever arising out
of, or in connection with, the Works whether on or adjacent to the Site which caused
death, personal injury or property damage, giving full details and enclosing statements of
2 Promptly shall mean immediately where it impacts on the operation of the project and in
all cases never more than 24 hours.
3 The Contractor shall implement arrangements for effectively managing any emergency
incident that may occur as a result of Work and/or on the Worksite.
4 The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for emergency preparedness
including, but not limited to, medical equipment and facilities, trained personnel,
communication systems, transportation, search and rescue equipment.
5 The Contractor shall produce and submit to the Engineer monthly performance reports
and incident reports. Reports shall be in the format approved by the Engineer.
6 The Contractor shall refer to, and in particular, QCS 2013 (Section 11, Part 2) for all
incident classifications and definitions.
7 Incident Investigation final reports to be submitted for all lost time major / reportable
Incidents within 10 days of the incident. All incidents that result in lost time from work,
near miss, dangerous occurrence or damage to property (asset) shall be reported. The
normal steps to be taken after an incident shall be;
a) Submit incident notifications immediately;
b) Conduct the investigation;
c) Prepare the report with conclusions and recommendations;
d) Prepare appropriate plan of corrective action;
e) Include in monthly Health and Safety statistics report;
f) Submit to Engineer for review and re-submittal if required

9.1.5 General Sanitation

1 The Contractor shall maintain the Site and all working areas in a sanitary condition and in
all matters of health and sanitation shall comply with the requirements of the Ministry of
Health and the Public Works Authority.
2 The Contractor is responsible for all measures necessary to prevent the breeding of
mosquitoes on the Site for the duration of the Contract.
3 The Contractor shall ensure that pests are not permitted to the Site facility by initiating a
routine pest control program. Non-toxic pest control methods shall be used.
4 The disposal surplus water and the accompanying growth of trees and the proliferation of
insects and rodents. Does the site cause an environmentally danger to the surrounding

9.1.6 Safety Notice Board

1 The Contractor shall set up and maintain (cleaned and legible) throughout the course of
the Contract safety notice boards in prominent places on the Site. These notice boards
shall be located in positions approved by the Engineer such that they are clearly visible to
the Contractor’s employees. They shall be fully illustrated and provide details of key
safety procedures to be followed.
2 The notice boards shall be in Arabic, English and;
a) In all other languages which are the mother tongue of five or more of the
Contractor’s employees, or

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b) The preferred languages (can be understood) by the workers on the

3 The Contractor’s employees shall be made fully aware of the notice boards prior to
commencing duties on Site.
4 The Contractor shall maintain up to date copies of all industry codes and standards that
apply to the Work.

9.1.7 Compensation for Damage

1 Claims for compensation arising from damage or injury caused by the Contractor’s failure
to provide adequate Occupational Health and Safety measures shall be the sole
responsibility of the Contractor.
2 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any claim made against him which is in any
way connected to the Contract.
3 The Contractor is required to copy to the Engineer any formal Occupational Health and
Safety related communication between the Contractor and enforcing authorities or
government organizations.

9.1.8 Occupational Health and Safety Performance

1 The Contractor shall ensure acceptable Occupational Health and Safety performance of
all Subcontractors, visitors, vendors, public and other parties that may enter the Worksite
or the amounts identified in the Bills of Quantities.
2 Should acceptable Occupational Health and Safety performance not be maintained by the
Contractor then the Engineer may, in addition to any other amounts withheld under the
Contract, withhold up to 10% of the amount of any interim invoice issued by the
3 The Contractor shall develop and implement programmes which shall act as incentives
for their teams at all levels, to make a positive contribution to good health and safety

9.1.9 Occupational Health and Safety Leadership and Accountability

1 The Contractor shall be committed to Health and Safety leadership and this is to be
achieved through working in partnership with the main project stakeholders including the
Engineer and the Client.

9.1.10 Safe-working Arrangements

1 The Contractor shall have arrangements to empower their staff to make sensible
decisions about their own safety and the safety of others affected by what they do, and
not put themselves or others at risk of harm.

9.1.11 Labour Rights, Benefits & Obligations

1 The Contractor shall document implementation of Labour Law, in particular with respect
to the following:
c) Recruitment
d) Contracts
e) Wages
f) Severance Pay
g) Records & Files
h) Work Rules & Disciplinary Rules.
i) Working Hours & Leave

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j) Collective Labour Disputes

k) Subcontracts As such, obligations, relating to Recruitment, Contracts,
Wages, Records & Files, Work Rules & Disciplinary Rules, Working Hours
& Leave and Collective Labour Disputes shall be passed on to the
subcontractor in the event that works are subcontracted by the Contractor.
Similarly, subcontractor records shall be made available to the Engineer.

9.1.12 Language barriers and communications issues

1 The Contractors shall ensure that their workforce fully understand site health and safety
requirements, including emergency arrangements and site rules in place. The language
needs of personnel shall be addressed during induction and through training. Emphasis
should be placed on ensuring proper supervision of all staff, but in particular those who
may have difficulties in understanding verbal or written communications. Where
practicable, signage shall make maximum use of pictograms.

9.1.13 Communications, Consultations and Participation

1 The Contractor shall be required to disseminate and transfer information regarding Health
and Safety issues. Typical information to be communicated should include but not be
limited to; any new policies or procedures and general awareness.

9.1.14 Management Review

1 The Contractor has to supply evidence that their senior management have carried out a
management review, at least annually, of their OHSE systems to ensure continuous


9.2.1 General
1 The Contractor shall prepare a Contract specific Occupational Health and Safety Plan
(the “Safety Plan”) and submit a Safety Plan to the Engineer for review and approval
within thirty (30) days of the award of the Contract. The Contractor is not permitted to
Work on the Worksite until such time as the Plan has been approved by Engineer. It will
be a condition precedent to starting the works that the Contractor will have an approved
Health and Safety Plan, Traffic Management Plan, and an Emergency Response Plan.
2 The Safety Plan shall include the Contractor’s proposals for the maintenance of safety on
the Site. These proposals shall address the safety measures applicable with respect to all
tasks to be undertaken in the construction of the Works.
3 The Safety Plan shall include the Contractor’s proposals for accident prevention. Accident
prevention shall include but not be limited to training, monitoring and review of safety
related procedures, enforcement of safety related matters and promoting safety

9.2.2 Occupational Health and Safety Policy

1 The Contractor shall comply with the Client vision, mission and strategic objectives.
2 The Contractor shall develop and implement its own written Occupational Health and
Safety Policy which shall be Project specific and demonstrate the Contractor’s
understanding of and commitment to maintaining standards of Occupational Health and
Safety (OHS) that are consistent with and an integral part of the Contractor’s business
3 The Contractor must set objectives and targets that shall be applicable to SMART -
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, and Realistic and to a Time scale.

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9.2.3 Risk Assessment and Job Hazard Analysis

1 Refer to Section 11 Part 1 (Regulatory Document) in particular section 1.1.7 and
Section 11 Part 2 (SAMAS) in particular section 2.4

9.2.4 Intervention
1 A system of positive intervention shall be used throughout the Project and the Contractor
shall adopt the system by authorizing and requiring all Contractor Personnel and
Subcontractor employees to intervene in any unsafe act or condition and take immediate
corrective action to prevent any incident occurring.
2 Work may be monitored by any representative of Client who may intervene in any unsafe
act or condition and require the Contractor to take immediate corrective action to prevent
any incident occurring.

9.2.5 Requirement for Training

1 The Contractor shall conduct training including contract specific induction, pre-work
briefings, tool box talks, general awareness training, skills training and formal training
conducted by training professionals or agencies. The contract specific induction will be at
least 2 hours duration, approved by the Engineer and provided for all persons that enter
the Worksite. Such induction training will be reviewed, revised and repeated for all
persons that enter the Worksite at periods not exceeding 6 months throughout the
duration of the Work. All training shall be provided in the languages preferred by the
recipients of the training.


9.3.1 General
1 The Contractor shall prepare an emergency response plans for the project and the
following but not limited to shall be addressed;


9.4.1 Background
1 During the month of April 2013 earthquakes occurred in Iran with varying degrees of
tremors felt in the State of Qatar and the wider Middle East Region.


9.5.1 Permits
1 A permit-to-work system (Hot work, Excavation, Scaffolding & Electric work) shall be
observed (correctly issued, Signed & Client requirement enforced) when undertaking any
work on an existing utility, service, item of equipment or structure.
2 A permit-to-enter system shall be observed (correctly issued, Signed & Client requirement
enforced) when undertaking any work in a confined space.


9.6.1 First Aid and Clinic

1 The Contractor shall provide and maintain first aid Boxes / Clinic (according to number of
workers as per Qatar Law No.14 of the Year 2004 – The Labour Law) complete with all
first aid kits and equipment (as a minimum but not limited to Clean room with potable
water supply, Stretcher, Ambulance, Standby Vehicle, ... etc) necessary for the initial care
of any of the Contractor’s or Engineer’s personnel who may be injured.

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9.7.1 General
1 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions against fire as required by the
insurance company insuring the Works, the Department of Civil Defence and the
2 Quantities of flammable materials on site shall be kept to an absolute minimum and shall
be properly handled and stored. Any handling and storage recommendations made by
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and the manufacturers of flammable materials shall
be strictly adhered to.
3 All flammable materials storage areas will be located at least 20m away from other
structures, areas where combustible materials are stored and areas where sources of
ignition are found. Storage areas will be freely ventilated to eliminate any possible build
up of flammable vapour or gas. Flammable material storage facilities will not be
constructed of combustible materials.


9.8.1 Working in Public Areas

1 The Contractor must ensure that control measures are in place to protect the public,
workforce and assets by providing appropriate lighting, fencing, barricades, and lockable
units. Adequate levels of security including the use of trained security guards will be
required. The Contractor must also ensure appropriate warning signage is displayed and
where appropriate safe pedestrian walkways are identified and maintained.


9.9.1 General
1 The Contractor must make arrangements for suitable welfare facilities to be present from
the start of the work. There are specific requirements for provision of welfare facilities in
the (Section 11, Part 1 Regulatory Document, 1.1.8, Appendix 1)


9.10.1 General
1 The Contractor shall provide space per person that meets or exceeds what is required by
local legislation or 4.5 m2 per person within each room/accommodation unit.

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10.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for the Engineer’s temporary site facilities and
includes site offices, utility connections, provision of equipment and supplies and


10.2.1. General
1 The Contractor shall provide site offices the type and number as stated in the Project
Documentation. The position of the site offices shall be to the approval of the Engineer.
2 Upon removal of the site offices, the area occupied or otherwise affected by them shall be
reinstated to its original condition.

10.2.2. Type 2 Offices

1 The Engineer’s site offices described in this Clause shall be provided in lieu of Type 1
Offices only where it is a stated requirement of the Project Documentation.
2 The offices shall be portable units, mounted on skids or similar and where directed in the
Project Documentation shall become the property of the Government on completion of
the Contract On completion of the Contract, the offices which are to become the property
of the Government shall be repaired and redecorated to the satisfaction of the Engineer;
they shall then delivered to a location designated by the Engineer within 50 km of the
3 The buildings shall conform to the general configuration shown below The number of
each type of unit shall be as stated in the Project Documentation.
4 The Contractor shall proceed with the provision of the portable offices, which shall be for
the exclusive use of the Engineer immediately following the award of the Contract and
shall provide temporary alternative accommodation to the Engineer’s approval until such
time as the offices are made available.
5 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a comprehensive specification
and drawings showing the accommodation proposed complete with furnishings,
equipment and fittings before placing any orders.
6 The units shall be mounted on adequate concrete foundations and shall be provided with
concrete access steps where necessary.
7 The units may be constructed of composite timber framed panels with wood or metal
cladding, any combination of these, or alternative forms or construction which comply with
the following levels of performance.
Walls Thermal conductance - 0.60 w/m ºC
Fire resistance - ½ hour

Roof Thermal conductance - 0.60 m ºC
Fire resistance - ½ hour

8 Roof coverings shall be selected for durability, freedom from excessive maintenance, and
the ability to withstand extreme exposure to sun, heat and humidity.
9 The units shall be finished internally and externally with low maintenance materials.

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10 The offices shall be air-conditioned with wall mounted units to maintain each room at a
maximum steady dry bulb temperature of 25ºC at a relative humidity of 5 % under the
expected climatic conditions expected at the Site Extract fans capable of 1 air changes
per hour shall be provided in the kitchen and toilets
11 The installation and testing of wiring and electrical equipment in the units shall be in
accordance with the latest requirements of the Electricity Department of the Qatar
General Electricity & Water Corporation
12 Each office shall be provided with the following furniture to the approval of the Engineer
a) 1 No kneehole pattern desk with a total of six lockable drawers and approximately
1500 x 800 x 760 mm in size
b) 1 No swivel chair with armrests
c) No stacking or folding chairs
d) No hanging file or plan chest suitable for AO size prints
e) 1 No wastepaper basket
f) 1 No two drawer filing cabinet
g) 1 No wall mounted pin board, 1000 x 2000 mm in size
13 Each toilet shall be provided with the following sanitary fittings to the approval of the
Engineer and an adequate supply of hot and cold water at all times
a) 1 No low level WC suite
b) 1 No wash-hand basin
c) 1 No shower tray, mixer fittings, rose and shower curtain
d) 1 No toilet roll holder, towel rail, soap dish and mirror
e) a suitable number of cups, saucers and drinking glasses
14 The samples and meeting room shall be provided with the following furniture to the
approval of the Engineer
a) No tables, each approximately 1200 x 2000 mm in size
b) No folding or stacking chairs
c) 1 No wall mounted blackboard, 1000 x 2000 mm in size
d) 1 No wall mounted pin board, 1000 x 3000 mm in size
e) 1 No shelf unit for approved samples with 5 tiers of shelves 400 mm wide x 2400
mm long overall
15 All furniture and equipment shall remain the property of the Contractor and shall be
removed following completion of the Works unless otherwise noted in the Project
16 The kitchen shall be provided with the following equipment to the approval of the
a) 1 No stainless steel single bowl single drainer sink with hot and cold water and
cupboards underneath
b) 1 No floor mounted two door cupboard to match sink
c) 1 No refrigerator with a capacity of 200 litres
d) 1 No three pint kettle and sufficient crockery and cutlery
17 The Contractor shall insure the site offices against fire, burglary and other risks
18 The Contractor shall keep on site at all times an adequate supply of clean, fresh, chilled
drinking water for the consumption of the Engineer
19 The Contractor shall maintain the Offices in a clean and sanitary condition

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10.2.3. Car Parking Facilities

1 Parking areas shall be paved or have a finished surface as approved by the Engineer and
shall be covered with a suitable canopy to provide shading.
2 The number of shaded car parking spaces required shall be 2 No for Type 1 Offices and
6 No for Type 2 Offices unless otherwise stated in the Project Documentation.


10.3.1. General
1 The Contractor shall make all arrangements and pay all charges in connection with the
installation, maintenance, operation and removal of the service utilities described in this

10.3.2. Electricity
1 The Contractor shall arrange for the provision of an uninterrupted electrical power supply
to the Engineer’s offices during all working hours and any at other time as requested by
the Engineer for the duration of the Contract.

10.3.3. Water
1 The Contractor shall arranged for the provision of an uninterrupted water supply to the
Engineer’s offices during all working hours and at any other time as requested by the
Engineer for the duration of the Contract.

10.3.4. Telephone
1 The Contractor shall arrange for the provision of two (2) land lines for the sole use of the
Engineer for Type 1 Offices and three (3) land lines for the sole use of the Engineer for
Type 2 Offices.
2 The Contractor may recover the net cost of international calls made by the Engineer.


10.4.1. General
1 The following items of equipment, supplies and associated level of service shall all be
provided unless detailed elsewhere in the Contract Documentation.

10.4.2. Computers and Printers

1 The Contractor shall provide new computers and printers for the sole use of the Engineer.
The number of computers and printers required and their performance specification shall
be as detailed in the Project Documentation. The Contractor shall also supply and install
any computer software as detailed in the Project Documentation.
2 The Contractor shall maintain the computer and printer for the duration of the Contract
and provide all consumables necessary for its operation.
3 The Contractor shall be responsible for installing legal copies of operating system and
software, trouble shooting, supplying of required consumables and maintenance of the
4 Operating system and software requirements shall be as specified by the Engineer, with
the following as a minimum:
a) MS Windows Professional with all required drivers
b) MS Office Professional.
5 All software must be of latest version and Arabic enabled, to the approval of the Engineer.

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10.4.3. Photocopier
1 The Contractor shall provide a new photocopier for the sole use of the Engineer. The
performance specification for the photocopier shall be as detailed in the Project
2 The Contractor shall maintain the photocopier for the duration of the Contract and provide
all consumables necessary for its operation.

10.4.4. Measuring and Recording Equipment

1 The Contractor shall provide measuring and recording equipment for the sole use of the
Engineer. The following items, which shall be to the approval of the Engineer, shall be
a) 1 No electronic distance measurement (EDM) station
b) 1 No. 1” Total Station theodolite (or equivalent) including all necessary tripods, prisms
c) 1 No. Automatic engineer’s level including tripod
d) 1 No. Metric levelling staff
e) 1 No. Calibrated steel survey band 50m long
f) 2 No. 30m nylon tapes
g) 2 No 25 m metal tapes
h) 4 No. 5m pocket tapes
i) 6 No. Ranging rods
j) 1 No. Mason’s Spirit level
k) 1 No. Bitmac thermometer
l) 1 No digital camera
m) Survey data books
2 Other equipment such as pegs, tools, etc, which are necessary for the checking of the
Works shall be provided as requested by the Engineer.
3 The Contractor shall maintain and replace as necessary the equipment for the duration of
the Contract. Surveying instruments shall be new or in as good as new condition, of an
approved make with a current certificate of adjustment.

10.4.5. Stationary Supplies

1 The Contractor shall supply stationary for the Engineer for the duration of the Contract
Stationary items shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following
a) Files and file dividers (A4 and A3 size)
b) Paper (A4 and A3 size)
c) Writing pens, marker pens, highlighter pens (various colours)
d) Pencils (various colours)
e) Pencil sharpeners
f) Erasers
g) Staplers and staples
h) Hole punches
i) Paper chips and bull dog clips

10.4.6. Safety Equipment and Clothing

1 The Contractor shall supply safety equipment and clothing for the Engineer and his staff
Safety equipment and clothing shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the
a) Safety helmets, boots, gloves and vests
b) Safety belts and harnesses

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c) Boiler suits
2 The Contractor shall also supply gas detection equipment and breathing apparatus in
accordance with the relevant provisions of Part 1 of this Section, Health and Safety

10.4.7. Telephones and Facsimile Machines

1 For Type 1 Offices, the Contractor shall supply and install a telephone and facsimile
machine. The telephone and facsimile machine should conform to the relevant provisions
of any Q-TEL standard or requirement.
2 For Type 2 Offices, the Contractor shall supply and install a telephone in each office and
the meeting room Each telephone shall be connected to a private address box exchange
(PABX) system. The Contractor shall also supply and install a facsimile machine. The
telephones, PABX system and facsimile shall conform to the relevant provisions of any Q-
TEL standard or requirement.

10.4.8. Site Vehicles

1 The Contractor shall provide a new, long wheel base, four wheel drive vehicle including
driver for the sole use of the Engineer Operation, dealer maintenance and repairs shall be
the responsibility of the Contractor and at the Contractor’s expense. The vehicle shall be
handed back to the Contractor at the end of the Project maintenance period unless
otherwise detailed in the Project Documentation


10.5.1 Assistance to the Engineer

1 The Contractor shall provide every assistance to the Engineer in carrying out his duties.
2 The Contractor shall provide for the use of the Engineer’s Representative and his staff,
any chainman/assistants to carry out any duties whatsoever, as required by the
Engineer’s Representative.

10.5.2 Contract Administration

1 The Contractor shall provide secretaries, cleaners and tea persons for the exclusive use
of the Engineer for the duration of the Contract.

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11.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for the Contractor’s temporary site facilities

11.1.2. Related Parts and Sections

1 Related Sections and Parts are as follows
This Section
Part 9 Materials


11.2.1. Buildings
1 The Contractor shall provide all offices, sheds, stores and other buildings necessary for
him to undertake all duties, obligations and activities associated with the construction of
the Works.
2 All buildings shall be supplied and maintained in good condition and shall be of neat
3 The position of all the Contractor’s temporary site buildings shall be to the approval of the
4 The Contractor shall maintain an office at the Site for the duration of the Contract. This
office shall be open at all times during Site working hours.
5 Upon completion of the Contract, all temporary site buildings shall be removed and the
area occupied or otherwise affected by them reinstated to its original condition.
6 The Government of Qatar will grant a right of access only within the road reservation.
Should the Contractor need to use adjacent areas of land for camps, plant site etc, he
shall arrange for the right to use the said land himself.
7 This clause in no way invalidates the obligations under Clause 33 of the General
Conditions of Contract.

11.2.2. Site Fabrication Areas

1 The Contractor shall provide an area suitable for assembly and fabrication purposes.
2 Fabrication areas shall simulate factory conditions if required in the Project

11.2.3. Materials Storage Area

1 The Contractor shall provide sufficient and appropriate materials storage areas. The
storage areas shall be suitable for the materials to be stored in them and shall offer
necessary protection where required.
2 The Contractor shall ensure that the storage areas comply with the relevant provisions of
Part 9 of this Section, Materials.

11.2.4. Power, Water, Lighting and Heating

1 The Contractor shall provide, maintain and subsequently remove temporary services for
power supply, water supply, lighting and heating.
2 All electrical installations shall be in the charge of a competent person who shall accept
full responsibility for its use and any alterations or additions thereto. The name,

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designation and telephone number of such person shall be prominently displayed close to
the main switch or circuit breaker of the installation, and also in the Contractor’s site
3 Site work power tool supplies (except for operation of pumps) shall be of 110 volts (55
volts to earth). All electricity supply cables shall be buried or properly supported and
protected and shall be armoured. Flexible cable shall only be allowed for hand lamps and
hand held tools and shall not exceed 6 metres in length. Industrial type plugs and sockets
shall be used.
4 All site electrical installations shall comply with the requirements of the current regulations

11.2.5. Miscellaneous
1 The Contractor shall provide, maintain and subsequently remove temporary roads, paths,
parking areas and refuse disposal areas. The area occupied by temporary roads, paths,
parking areas and refuse disposal areas or otherwise affected by them shall be restored
to their original condition on completion of the Contract.


11.3.1. Project Sign Board

1 Standard Signboard: The Contractor shall provide and erect a temporary signboard at the
location of his approved site compound. In addition he shall provide signboards at the
start and end of each ongoing work location for all works whether major or minor.
2 Project Identification Signboard: Information signboards shall be clearly displayed on
approaches to works in the highway at each ongoing work location for all works whether
major or minor. These shall be provided by the Contractor and shall be positioned so as
not to cause hindrance to the movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic. The signs shall
be mounted on sturdy metal frames, be mobile and reusable, and shall be illuminated at
3 The Project sign boards shall comply with the standard details, as updated by the project
drawings and specifications, and shall be to the approval of the Engineer. In addition, the
Contractor shall obtain all necessary approvals from the relevant authorities prior to
erection. The Contractor shall be responsible for the structural stability of the signboards
but shall submit details of his proposals for support to the Engineer for approval.
4 The Contractor shall maintain, move and adapt the signboards as required during the
progress of the Works and shall remove them upon completion.


11.4.1. Photographs
1 The Contractor shall not use photographs or any details of his work in connection with the
Contract in any form of publicity or advertisement in any part of the world without having
first obtained the Engineer’s approval to its content and context.

11.4.2. Name Boards and Other Advertising

1 Details of any further sign boards other than as designed in Clause 12.3.1 or
advertisements that the Contractor may wish to erect on site shall be to the approval of
the Engineer.

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12.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for setting out of the Works and includes locating
existing services, surveying the Site and establishment of temporary bench marks.
2 The Engineer reserves the right to order levels to be taken at any time considered
necessary for the full and proper supervision and measurement of the Works.


12.2.1. Site Information

1 Before commencing the setting out of the Works the Contractor shall ascertain the
location of all existing underground services within the Site boundary. The Contractor
shall prepare a plan detailing the location of the services.
2 Any conflict between existing services and any part of the proposed Works shall be
brought to the attention to the Engineer without delay.
3 Any re-work resulting from the Contractor’s failure to locate and identify services shall be
undertaken at the Contractor’s cost.

12.2.2. Site Inspection

1 Before commencing the setting out of the Works, the Contractor and the Engineer shall
make an inspection of the Site.
2 Where appropriate, the Engineer shall require the Contractor to arrange for surveys to be
undertaken, in conjunction with the owners or occupiers, of the condition of roads,
properties, lands and crops which may be affected by the Works Before any work
affecting such roads, properties, lands or crops is commenced, the Contractor shall
confirm in writing to the Engineer that the relevant survey is a true and accurate record of
their condition.


12.3.1. Temporary Bench Marks

1 The Contractor shall establish accurate temporary bench marks on permanent blocks
from which the levels to which the Works are to be constructed may be transferred. The
location of temporary bench marks shall be agreed with the Engineer. The level of
temporary bench marks shall be related to the Qatar National Height Datum An existing
bench mark or control station related to the Qatar National Height Datum will be indicated
by the Engineer for this purpose.
2 The Contractor shall prepare a plan detailing the location of the bench marks and
temporary bench marks and keep it up to date for the duration of the Contract.
3 The Contractor shall protect and maintain the temporary bench marks until the Works are
complete Upon completion of the Works the Contractor shall clear away the temporary
bench marks to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
4 The Contractor is responsible for checking the accuracy of temporary bench mark Any re-
work resulting from incorrect or inaccurate temporary bench marks shall be undertaken at
the Contractor’s cost.

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12.3.2. Site Grid

1 When it is a requirement of the Project Documentation, or unless otherwise notified by the
Engineer, the Contractor shall establish a Site Grid. The orientation of the Site Grid shall
be determined by the layout of the proposed works and as agreed with by the Engineer
Grid spacing shall be 20 m in each direction unless otherwise notified by the Engineer.
Grid notation shall be numerical in one direction (y-axis) and alphabetic in the other (x
2 The grid shall be tied to the Qatar National Grid An existing control station related to the
Qatar National grid will be indicated by the Engineer for this purpose.


12.4.1 Site Survey

1 Before the Works or any part thereof are commenced, the Contractor and the Engineer
shall together make a complete survey and take levels of the Site and agree all
particulars upon which settling out of the Works shall be based, including existing plant,
buildings and services.
2 The Contractor shall prepare drawings detailing all survey information and levels Such
levels shall be related to the temporary bench marks as aforesaid. The Plans shall also
show the Site Grid After agreement of the drawings they shall be signed by the Engineer
and Contractor and shall form basis of settling out of the Works
3 The Contractor shall submit the original signed Drawings with three copies to the
4 Failing such surveys and agreements being prepared and/or signed by the Contractor,
the surveys of the Engineer shall be final and binding upon both parties.


12.5.1. Setting Out of the Works

1 The Contractor shall carry out at his own cost the setting out of the Works
2 The Contractor shall be responsible for
True and proper settings our of the Works in relation to reference data given in the
Project Documentation
Accurately setting out the positions, levels and dimensions of all parts of the Works
3 Any delay or loss resulting from errors in the setting out of the Works shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor Setting out shall be reviewed by the Engineer before
commencing the Works, but such approval shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his
responsibility for the correct execution of the Work
4 The Contractor shall provide measuring and recording equipment for the Engineer in
accordance with the relevant provisions of Part 11 of this Section, Engineer’s Site
Facilities The Contractor shall maintain all measuring and recording equipment in good
working order at all times
5 The Contractor shall provide all assistance which the Engineer may require for checking
the setting out and taking measurements of the Works, including labour, equipment and

12.5.2. Setting Out of Works Sited on Private Land

1 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing fourteen (14) days in advance of his
intention to set out any of part of the Works that lies in private land.
2 The Contractor shall ensure that all requirements and instructions of private land owners
are strictly adhered to.

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13.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for temporary works required in connection with
construction of the Works and temporary plant and equipment required in connection with
aiding the construction of the Works It does not include over pumping activities in respect
of sewers and drains.


13.2.1. General
1 Everything used for and in connection with the temporary works shall be fit for the
purpose, in serviceable condition and in compliance with any relevant standard.
2 The Contractor shall design his temporary works to be of adequate strength and stability.
3 The Contractor shall submit details of any temporary works proposed to the Engineer for
review before commencing the work Such details shall include, but not be limited to
design calculations and drawings. The submission to the Engineer of any such details
shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for sufficiency of the temporary works
or of his other duties and responsibilities under the Contract
4 The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that temporary works are not in any way
detrimental to existing structures in any way Particular care shall be taken with scaffolding
to avoid staining or mechanical damage to finishings.
5 The Contractor shall make safe and reinstate all areas affected by temporary works.


13.3.1. General
1 The Contractor shall provide and maintain in good condition on the Site all plant, tools
and vehicles necessary for the proper and safe execution of the Works
2 Temporary equipment shall be fit for the purpose for which it is to be used
3 Temporary equipment shall only be operated by personnel who are trained and qualified


13.4.1. General
1 Cranes, whether used to construct the Works or provided as part of the permanent
Works, must have a current test certificate.
2 Each sling, shackle or other item of loose lifting tackle, whether used to construct the
Works or provided as part of the permanent Works, must have either a current
manufacturer's test certificate or a current test certificate.
3 Test certificates must be issued by a competent testing authority approved by the
4 The Contractor must have a copy of each test certificate on site available for inspection
by the Engineer.
5 The following Standards and Code of Practice shall be complied with:
a) Mobile and Tower Cranes: BS 1757, BS 2799 and CP 3010
b) Overhead Cranes: BS 466 and BS 5744

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c) Slings: BS 1290, BS EN 1492, ISO 4309 / 3481 Pt 2, ASME B30.9

d) Chain Blocks: BS 3243
e) Shackles: Alloy: BS 3551/ BS 6994
f) Chain: BS 4942 part 1 & 6
g) Hooks: BS 2903, ASME B30.10
h) Ring and link: BS 2902
6 A monthly inspection of lifting appliances shall be carried out by a competent person
employed by the Contractor. Full records of all such inspections and tests shall be kept by
the Contractor in an approved form and shall be made available to the Engineer
immediately upon demand. Copies of monthly inspection reports shall be submitted to the



14.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the Contractor’s responsibilities with respect to temporary controls
needed to protect the Works and the environment.
2 Related Sections and Parts are as follows:
This Section
Part 5 Interference


14.2.1. Construction Cleaning

1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper upkeep and maintenance of the Site
and Works and shall remove from the Site all rubbish and other waste as it accumulates
Materials and equipment shall be positioned, stored and stacked in an orderly manner.
2 Properly constructed rubbish chutes shall be used for clearing the debris from upper
floors Debris shall be accumulated in suitable pre-determined areas and removed from
the Site as often as is practical.
3 On completion of the Works, any protective tape and other temporary coverings shall be
removed and the internal and external surface of the structure shall be thoroughly
cleaned to completely remove all dust, dirt, stains, handmarks, paint spots, plaster,
mortar droppings and other blemishes.

14.2.2. Dust Control

1 The Contractor shall conduct his operations and activities in such a manner that no
operation shall be included which will emit into the atmosphere any flying dust or dirt
which might constitute a nuisance.

14.2.3. Noise
1 The Contractor shall restrict the use of plant, machinery, equipment and work practices
likely to produce unacceptable noise levels to normal working hours.

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14.2.4. Nuisance and Trespass

1 All reasonable means shall be used to avoid inconveniencing owners and occupiers of
adjacent properties. All plant, machinery or equipment shall be placed and used on the
Site so as to avoid any nuisance or trespass on adjoining property
2 Should it be necessary for any plant, machinery or equipment to project or operate over
adjoining property, the Contractor shall obtain the permission of the adjoining owner or
occupier Details of approvals shall be submitted to the Engineer in writing.
3 No workmen employed on the Works shall be allowed to trespass upon adjoining
4 If in the execution of the Works it is necessary for the Contractor to enter adjacent
properties, he shall firstly obtain the permission of the owners of the property. The
Contractor shall ensure that any instructions made by the owners of the properties are
strictly adhered to.
5 The Contractor shall be held responsible for and shall indemnify the Employer against all
claims, which may arise out of his failure to comply with provisions of items 1. 2. 3 and 4
of Clause

14.2.5. Pollution Control

1 The Contractor shall ensure that none of his operations or work practices results in the
polluting of the air, underground strata or any existing watercourse, canal, lake, reservoir
borehole and aquifer.
2 The Contractor shall rectify any problem resulting from pollution caused by the Contractor
to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

14.2.6. Surface Water and Groundwater Control

1 The Contractor shall keep the Work well drained until the Engineer certifies that the whole
of the Works is substantially complete and shall ensure that so far as is practicable all
work is carried out in the dry Excavated areas shall be kept well drained and free from
standing water.
2 The Contractor shall construct, operate and maintain all temporary dams, water courses
and other works of all kinds including pumping and well-point dewatering that may be
necessary to exclude water from the Works while construction is in progress Such
temporary works shall not be removed without the approval of the Engineer.
3 Notwithstanding any approval by the Engineer of the Contractor’s arrangements for the
exclusion of water, the Contractor shall be responsible for the sufficiency thereof and for
keeping the Works safe at all times, particularly during periods of rainfall that may result
in flooding Any damage to the Works arising through the Contractor’s failure to provide
sufficient protection against water, including flooding, shall be made good at his own
4 It is the Contractor’s responsibility to dispose of all extracted groundwater and collected
surface water The Contractor shall submit details of his proposed disposal methods to the
Engineer for approval Discharge of groundwater and/or surface water to existing drainage
facilities shall only be permitted if written approval is given by Public Works Authority
and/or concerned other authorities; copies of such approvals shall be submitted to the
5 The Contractor is to take all necessary precautions to avoid floatation of any structure
6 The Contractor shall ensure that his groundwater control activities do not adversely affect
any existing structure or service.

14.2.7. Environmental Protection

1 The Contractor shall comply with all conditions of the environmental clearance issued for
the project by the Supreme Council for the Environment and Natural Reserves.

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2 The Contractor shall comply with all rules and regulations regarding environmental
rotection and pollution control issued by the Supreme Council for the Environment and
Natural Reserves.



15.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies requirements associated with traffic diversions Traffic diversions
include for work in, or affecting the use of, roads, footpaths and right of ways and may
comprise the construction and maintenance of paved and unpaved detour carriageways
including all earthworks and the provision of adequate drainage, lighting, sign posting,
street furniture and traffic control devices

15.1.2. Conformance
1 Signs control and control devices associated with traffic diversions shall conform to the
relevant provisions of “Traffic Control at Roadworks” produced by the Ministry of Public
Works and shall be to the approval of the Traffic Police and the Public Works Authority.

15.1.3. Safety
1 The Contractor is responsible for all safety issues associated with the installation,
operation, maintenance and removal of traffic diversions.
2 The Contractor shall provide lighting in accordance with the relevant provisions of Part 4
of this Section, Protection.

15.1.4. System Description

1 Where the diversion of any existing road, footpath or public right or way is temporarily
necessitated by the Works, the Contractor shall provide and maintain an alternative which
shall be operational before interference with the existing facility.
2 Temporary traffic control devices as well as any other traffic management requirement
shall be erected and maintained by the Contractor for the duration of any activity in, or
affecting the use of, roads, footpaths and right of ways.

15.1.5. Traffic Police Division Requirements

1 Before any work in, or affecting the use of, any road, footpath, and right of way is
commenced, the Contractor’s proposed method of working shall be agreed with, and
confirmed in writing to, the Engineer and the Traffic Police Division
2 Throughout the execution of the Works and the maintenance period, the Contractor shall
co-operate with the Traffic Police Division concerning works in, or access to, roads,
footpaths and right of ways The Contractor shall inform the Engineer of any requirements
of, or arrangements made with, the Traffic Police Division.


15.2.1. General Requirements

1 The Contractor shall prepare detailed plans showing any proposed traffic diversions. The
plans shall fully detail the diversion in all respects and shall include construction details if
necessary. The plans shall show the position of ramps, traffic signs, cones, barriers,
demarcation posts and tape, flashing lights and any other traffic control devices .The
plans shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and shall be approved by the Traffic

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Police Traffic diversion apparatus shall not be erected until the Traffic Police have
reviewed and approved the traffic diversion plans.
2 Persons acting as flagmen shall be physically and mentally qualified, trained in their
duties and courteous Each flagman on duty shall be identified with appropriate and
distinctive apparel approved by the Engineer and equipped with bilingual STOP/GO signs
Reflective apparel is required for flagging duties during darkness.
3 Where paved carriageways, unpaved carriageways or ramps are required, they shall be
provided and maintained to a standard suitable in all respects for the class or classes of
traffic or pedestrians requiring using them.
4 On completion, all traffic diversion works and apparatus shall be removed and land
affected by them reinstated to its original condition.

15.2.2. Maintenance of Traffic Flow

1 The Contractor shall allow for the construction of temporary diversions to permit all
existing traffic movements for the duration of the Contract period.
2 All diversions shall be constructed in accordance with the Qatar Traffic Manual “Traffic
Control at Roadworks” booklet and the Qatar Highway Design Manual, and shall be
approved prior to the implementation by both the Engineer and Traffic Police. It is the
Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that any traffic diversion required is properly signed,
demarcated, illuminated, controlled and maintained at all times.
3 Upon the Engineer’s request, the Contractor shall install and commission temporary
traffic signals capable of handling the diverted traffic.
4 Sequential arrow boards operating on a 24-hour basis (engine or solar powered) must be
used at all diversion points.
5 Within the limits of the project where pedestrian traffic is present, all excavated areas,
regardless of depth, must be cordoned off by means of wired mesh panels of height no
less than 1.8m connected together to form a continuous barrier wall.



16.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the co-ordination activities for which the Contractor is responsible.

16.1.2. Responsibility
1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper co-ordination of all his activities
associated with the construction of the Works including that required between the
Engineer, utility owners, government departments, sub-contractors and other contractors.
2 No major operations shall be commenced or work outside the usual working hours
becarried out without the consent in writing of the Engineer.


16.2.1. Contractor’s Activities

1 The Contractor shall undertake the following co-ordination activities
a) Co-ordinate construction activities under the various Sections of these Specifications
to assure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Works.

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b) Co-ordinate construction operations included under the various Sections of this

Specification that is dependent upon each other for proper installation, connection,
and operation.
c) Where installation of one part of the Work is dependent on installation of other
components, either before or after its own installation, the Contractor shall prepare
schedules and construction activities in the sequence required to obtain the best
d) Where availability of space is limited, co-ordinate installation of different components
to assure maximum accessibility for required maintenance, service and repair.
e) Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation.
f) Where necessary, prepare memoranda for distribution of each party involved
outlining special procedures required for co-ordination; include such items as required
notices, reports and attendance at meetings.
g) Prepare similar memoranda for the Engineer, separate contractors and sub-
contractors where co-ordination of their work is required.
h) Take special care and precautions for specific co-ordination requirements for the
installation of plant and items of equipment.
i) Co-ordinate the scheduling and timing of required administrative procedures with
other construction activities to avoid conflicts and ensure orderly progress of the

16.2.2. Sub-Contractors
1 The Contractor is responsible for co-ordinating the work of his sub-contractors in all

16.2.3. Other Contractors

1 The Contractor shall co-ordinate his work as necessary with other contractors in
accordance with the relevant provisions of Part 18, Other Contractors, of this Section

16.2.4. Other Ministries

1 The Contractor shall co-ordinate his work as necessary with other Ministries in
accordance with the relevant provisions of Part 19, Regulatory Requirements, of this

16.2.5. Liaison with the Public Utility Authorities and other Contractors
1 The Contractor shall liaise with all public utility authorities for water, electricity,
telephones, etc and shall:
a) Provide public utility authorities with storage areas where applicable.
b) Assist in unloading of stores and equipment.
c) Ensure that all services or diversions of services are installed under the
carriageway and footways before they are surfaced.
d) Work out an overall programme for any works to be carried out by public
utility authorities and ensure that this programme is maintained.
e) Keep public utility authorities informed of the Contractor’s own progress.
f) Arrange for supply of services for all the affected permanent and temporary
Naccommodation, buildings, shops, trading areas etc even if it is not clearly
mentioned in the Project Documentation for the duration for the Contract:
g) Give the appropriate public utility authority adequate notice in writing, that
he intends to install dry ducts so that a representative of the utility

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concerned may attend the installation and record the location of the ducts
together with the Contractor.
2 The Contractor shall make due allowance for carrying out the works, whilst public utility
authorities are working on the Site, during the Contract period. This due allowance shall
include programming of the works to suit the programmes of the public utility authorities.
3 The Contractor shall at all times be responsible for the compliance with these
requirements of his sub-contractors.
4 Before final surfacing of any carriageways or footways takes place, the Contractor is
responsible for ascertaining from all public utility authorities that their underground works
have been completed. In the event that the Contractor failing to carry out this obligation to
the satisfaction of the Engineer and completed surfacing is subsequently disturbed, the
Engineer may instruct the Contractor to carry out work at his own expense.



17.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for access to the Site for other contractors, for co-
operation and co-ordination with other contractors and for the provision of facilities with
other contractors.


17.2.1. Unhindered Access

1 The Contractor shall allow other contractors unhindered access to any part of the Works
when in the opinion of the Engineer those parts are sufficiently completed.


17.3.1. Co-operation at Site Level

1 The Contractor shall carry out his work in a manner that causes the minimum amount of
interference to other contractors working on the Site.
2 The Contractor shall co-ordinate his operations with the activities of other contractors
where necessary in order to avoid conflicts and ensure orderly progress of the Works.
3 Those works associated with existing or future service installation shall only be carried
out by a contractor or sub-contractor approved by the public utility authority concerned.
The Engineer shall require proof of such approval in writing prior to the commencement of


17.4.1. Site Facilities for Other Contractors

1 If specified in the Project Documentation, the Contractor shall provide site facilities for
other contractors

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18.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for co-ordination, co-operation and liaison with the
following utility owners:
a) Drainage Affairs of the PWA
b) Roads Affairs of the PWA
c) Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation, QGEWC
d) Qatar Telecom, Q-TEL
e) Qatar Petroleum, QP
2 This Part also specifies the requirements for co-ordination, co-operation and liaison with
the following authorities and departments:
a) Civil Aviation Authority
b) Ministry of Interior (Civil Defence Department, Traffic Police, Department of
Immigration etc)
c) Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture
d) Municipalities
e) Ports and Customs Authority
f) Supreme Council for the Environment and Natural Reserves
g) Urban Planning and Development Authority
3 The above shall collectively be known as “Department” in this Part
4 Related Sections and Parts are as follows:
This Section Part 16 Traffic Diversions
Part 17 Project Co-ordination

18.1.2. Contractor’s Responsibility

1 Unless provided for in the Project Documentation, the Contractor is responsible for
obtaining all permits, licences, and no-objection certificates required for the proper
execution of the Works. The permits, licences and no-objection certificates shall also
cover all the materials, goods, instruments, etc.which are required to complete the Works
to the satisfaction of the Owner. The Contractor shall ensure that all necessary permits,
licences and no-objection certificates are obtained prior to starting the work to which they
relate All costs and fees associated with necessary permits, licences and no-objection
certificates shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor is also responsible for any
costs associated with charges made by the Department for examination, certification or
2 The Contractor shall comply with the relevant provisions of all codes, standards and
specifications of the Department if the Works, or any part thereof, falls under the
jurisdiction of the Department.
3 The Contractor shall consult each Department fourteen days before it is proposed to
commence any excavation or demolition work to ascertain whether any underground
installations will be affected In the event that an underground installation will be affected,
the Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements with the Department to safeguard
the installation.
4 The Contractor shall locate by excavating hand dug trial holes and mark with suitable
posts all the Department’s underground services within the Site and shall ensure that
such markers are maintained in the correct position at all times. The Contractor shall
advice the public utility authorities of any installation not found where shown on the
drawings, or found but not shown or found damaged or subsequently damaged. The
Engineer shall be notified clearly of any such findings.

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5 The Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of any repair work necessitated by
damage caused by him to any of the Department’s facilities or losses arising from their
6 Copies of all information obtained form each Department shall be submitted to the
Engineer and kept on the Site at all times


18.2.1. General
1 All notices required to be given by the Contractor to the Department shall be in writing
and delivered by hand. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with a copy of all
notices issued by the Contractor.

18.2.2. Notice of Intent

1 The Contractor shall give at least seven days notice to the Department of the date upon
which it is intended to operate plant or equipment or carry out any work for which
permission has been given in writing by the Department such operations or work shall
only be carried out in the presence a representative of the Department unless written
confirmation shall have been obtained that this unnecessary.


18.3.1. Work Required to be Carried out by the Department

1 If the Department requires work to be carried out on its installations during the execution
of the Works, the Contractor shall provide all facilities to the Department’s contractor or
workmen. The Contractor shall co-ordinate the work of the Department and his own
activities, and when necessary shall amend his programme to suit the requirements of the
Department and shall keep the Engineer informed of all arrangements made.

18.3.2. Regulation of Road Opening

1 For Works including road openings, the Contractor shall comply with all relevant
provisions of the PWA and the relevant provisions of Part 16 of this Section, Traffic



19.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for the final clearance of the Site.


19.2.1. General
1 Final clearing shall be done before the final inspection.
2 All waste materials shall be removed from the Site and disposed of properly.

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19.2.2. Internal and External Surfaces

1 The Contractor shall clean all interior and external surfaces exposed to view The
Contractor shall undertake the following to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
a) Remove temporary labels, stains and foreign substances
b) Polish transparent and glossy surfaces
c) Clean roofs, gutters, downspouts, and drainage systems
d) Remove debris and surface dust from limited access spaces
e) Broom clean concrete floors and unoccupied spaces
f) Clean light fixtures and lamps so they operate at maximum efficiency
g) Other cleaning tasks as specified by the Engineer

19.2.3. The Site

1 The Contractor shall clean the Site and shall undertake the following to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.
a) Sweep paved areas and rake all other surfaces
b) Remove litter and foreign substances
c) Remove stains, chemical spills and other foreign deposits
d) Any other cleaning tasks as specified by the Engineer
2 The Contractor shall abide by the latest regulations of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs
and Agriculture and relevant municipalities in clearance of construction works refuse.
3 Clearance and transportation of construction works refuse:
a) The Contractor shall undertake to carry out the following within a maximum
period of 30 days after completion of the agreed building or project and
preparing it for use or stoppage of work for an indefinite period.
i) Removal of the entire Contractor’s equipment, machinery and other
belongings from the work site.
ii) Clearance of all earth, debris and refuse whatsoever and transporting
them to the location designated by the concerned municipality,
delivering the building or project absolutely clean and free of any such
materials and delivery of the surrounding area levelled to the natural
level of the street pavement.
b) In the case of Contractor’s delay or refusal to carry out such a job, he shall
have to pay a penal compensation stated in the Project Documentation.
This compensation shall be final and the judiciary shall not be entitled to
mitigate it and it does not require establishing the occurrence of any
damage to the owner.
c) In addition, the Owner shall be entitled to clear the refuse himself and
transport it to the location designated by the concerned municipality. The
Owner shall deduct the cost of refuse clearance, transport and any other
related costs including the office expenses and overhead cost from the
payment or the money due to the Contractor. He may also stop the final
payment due to the Contractor until such refuse has been cleared and a
certificate confirming this has been obtained from the concerned

19.2.4. Miscellaneous
1 The Contractor shall clean or replace all mechanical filters for equipment included in the
Works and for equipment directly affected by the construction of the Works.

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20.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements and procedures associated with the inspection and
handover of the Works.

20.1.2. Pre-requisite for Final Inspection

1 The Contractor shall complete the following to the satisfaction of the Engineer before
requesting the pre-handover Inspection:
a) submit final manufacturer certification, guarantees, warranties and similar
b) submit occupancy permits, operating certificates, final inspection and test
certificates and similar releases enabling full and unrestricted use of the
c) submit record drawings, operation and maintenance manuals, final project
photographs, damage or settlement surveys, property surveys and similar
physical items.
d) complete submittal of record documents.
e) make final changeover of locks and deliver the keys to the Engineer.
f) complete start-up, testing of system, and training of the Owner’s operations
and maintenance personnel; submit equipment operating data as well as all
test reports and test data required by the Contract.
g) dismantle and remove temporary facilities and services from the Site; this
includes utilities, construction tools, buildings and facilities, mock-ups, and
similar elements.
h) complete final cleaning.
i) repair and restore exposed finishes which have been marred or otherwise
j) handover all spare parts, tools and maintenance equipment.
k) in Network Projects, partial handling over would be acceptable, if it
completely met all the above mentioned requirements.
2 When the Contractor has completed and cleaned the Works to the satisfaction of the
Engineer the Contractor shall request a final inspection. The request shall be forwarded
to the Owner by the Engineer’s Representative and a suitable date for the inspection
shall be arranged. The Contractor, Engineer’s Representative, maintenance department
(if any) and the supervising consultant (if any) shall be present. A list of outstanding items
(if any) shall be agreed and issued to the Contractor.
3 Upon completion of the listed outstanding items a further inspection shall be requested by
the Contractor, the request shall be forwarded to the Owner by the Engineer’s
Representative and a suitable date for the inspection shall be arranged. The Contractor,
Engineer’s Representative, maintenance department (if any) and the supervising
consultant (if any) shall be present.
4 A list of any items still outstanding shall be issued to the Contractor. If any of these are
deemed to be significant the Contractor shall complete these items and then request
another inspection as described in sub-clause 2 above.
5 In respect of pumping station or Works involving mechanical or electrical equipment if
items outstanding are deemed not to be significant or if no outstanding items remain then

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a 7 day commissioning and running test shall be initiated. On completion of all tests and

20.1.3. Approvals from Public Authorities

1 The Contractor shall obtain all clearance certificates and approvals required as a
prerequisite to connecting the Works to the permanent water and/or power supply.
2 The Contractor shall co-ordinate with the Engineer to obtain the necessary documents
from the Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation regarding connection to the
permanent water and/or power supply.

20.1.4. Hand Over

1 When the Contractor considers that the Works are complete he shall submit the following:
a) A certificate stating that the Works are complete and that all the requirements of the
Project Documentation have been met.
b) A certificate stating that the Works have been inspected.
c) A certificate from the appropriate Municipality regarding cleanliness of the Site.
d) Approval from the PWA regarding satisfactory trench reinstatement in the Highway (if


1 When the Contractor considers that the Works are complete he shall submit the following.

20.2.1 Provision of Tools, Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials

1 The Contractor shall provide all tools, spare parts and maintenance materials specified in
the Project Documentation.
2 The Contractor shall provide an itemized list of all the items to be furnished under this
Clause Each item to be furnished shall be given a unique reference number. The list shall
include the reference number, a description of the item and the appropriate Specification
Section and Paragraph.
3 All the items furnished under this Clause shall be packaged for long term storage Any
items requiring special storage conditions shall be brought to the attention of the
4 All items furnished under this Clause shall be provided with a mark or tag for identification
purposes. The mark or tag shall include the reference number detailed in Clause 21 2 1-
5 Unless otherwise instructed, all items furnished under this Clause shall be delivered to
the Government Stores in accordance with the relevant provision of Part 9 of this Section,

20.2.2 Guarantee Warrantees and Bonds

1 The Contractor shall provide notarized copies of all guarantees, warranties and bonds as
required by the Project Documentation. The guarantees, warranties and bonds should be
assembled in a binder with a durable plastic cover, complete with a table of contents.
2 The start of the warranty or guarantee period shall be either
The date when any item is placed into full time operation for the Government’s benefit
and with the Engineer’s approval
The date of issue of the completion certificate

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20.3.1. Operation Data

1 The Contractor shall provide all operating data for all mechanical and electrical
equipment supplied under the Contract.
2 The operating data shall be presented on A4 size paper in ring binder with a durable
plastic cover.

20.3.2. Operation and Maintenance Manuals

1 The Contractor shall provide approved Operation and Maintenance Manuals in
accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 9, Mechanical and Electrical
Equipment and Part 7 of this Section, Submittals.

20.3.3. Operational, Field and Performance Testing

1 After all construction and starting is complete and before taking-over of any part of the
Works, the Contractor shall perform operational, field and performance tests as called for
in the Project Documentation.
2 The Contractor shall demonstrate operation of the facilities of the Engineer showing
proper sequence of operation as well as satisfactory performance of the system and
individual components Any improper operation of the system or any improper, neglected
or faulty construction shall be repaired or corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall make such changes, adjustments or replacement of equipment as
may be required to make same comply with the Specifications, or replace any defective
parts or material.
3 Failure of the system to perform at the specified level at the time of testing will be the
responsibility of the Contractor In the event of failure of equipment to meet the specified
performance, the Owner reserves the right to reject such equipment or system, withhold
retention money or make claims on the Performance Bond.
4 The Contractor shall submit a consolidated schedule of operation, field and performance
tests no later than three (3) months before the schedule start of the first test and weekly a
schedule of tests to be carried out the following week The Contractor shall inform the
Engineer not later than 24 hours in advance of changes in the scheduling of a test.
5 For all specified performance tests, the Contractor shall prepare and submit the following
a) A draft test procedure no later than two (2) months in advance of the schedule test
b) A final test procedure no later two (2) weeks in advance of the scheduled test date.
c) A test report within two (2) weeks of the successful completion of the test


20.4.1 General
1 Project Record Documents shall be kept separate from construction/working documents
2 Project Record Documents shall be stored in facilities that provide a suitable environment
to prevent damage or deterioration and to prevent loss
3 Project Record Documents shall include, but not be limited to the following
a) Drawings
b) Specifications
c) Addenda
d) Variation orders
e) Correspondence
f) Transmittals

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1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................... 2

2. BOREHOLES.......................................................................................................................... 8

3. PITS AND TRENCHES.......................................................................................................... 12

4. SOIL SAMPLING ................................................................................................................... 14

5. IN-SITU TESTING, INSTRUMENTATION AND MONITORING ........................................... 17

6. LABORATORY TESTING ..................................................................................................... 21

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1. General requirements and information for the conduct of ground investigations.

1. The following standards and other documents are referred to in this Part:
BS 5930, Code of practice for site investigations,
BS 5750, Quality systems,
Deere D. U. et al., Design of surface and near-surface construction in rock. Proc. 8th US
symposium on rock mechanics. AIME, New York, 1967 Code of Practice and Specifications
for Road Openings in the Highway issued by the Government.

1. Topsoil: the surface layer of earth that contains organic material and can also support
2. Soil: earthen material not classified herein as topsoil or hard stratum.
3. Hard stratum and obstruction: The words 'hard stratum' and 'obstruction' shall mean natural or
artificial material, including rock, which cannot be penetrated except by the use of chiseling
techniques, rotary drilling, blasting or powered breaking tools. The term 'hard stratum' shall
apply during boring, where it is shown that condition (1) and either condition (2) or condition
(3) below are fulfilled, provided that the boring rig involved is in good working order and is fully
A. Condition (l) using 150 or 200 mm diameter equipment, boring cannot proceed at a rate
greater than 0.5 m/hour through the hard stratum/obstruction being penetrated
B. Condition (2) 100 mm diameter undisturbed sample tubes cannot be driven more than
300 mm
C. Condition (3) a standard penetration resistance test shows a resistance in excess of 35
blows/75 mm.
4. Fill: deposits or embankments which have been formed by persons, as distinct from geological
5. Exploratory Hole/Trench/Excavation: any boring, pit trench, adit or shaft formed for the
purpose of ground investigation.
6. Boring: hole in earth, excavated by either percussion or auger equipment.
7. Drilling: any hole in rock, excavated by rotary equipment.
8. Borehole: exploratory hole excavated by boring or drilling techniques.

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1.4.1 Programme of Works

1. The Contractor shall prepare a programme of works for the investigation which will
give a detailed schedule showing proposed time scales for all aspect of the work,
details of all plant and equipment to be supplied with time schedules and a similar
schedule for all the prepared personnel who will work on the project.

1.4.2 Preliminary Logs

1. The Contractor shall prepare a preliminary log of each exploratory hole similar to Form A. For
trial pits and trenches, a trial pit or trench map showing each face of the pit or trench shall be
provided, as appropriate, similar to Form B. Preliminary logs shall be submitted to the
Engineer in duplicate within seven working days of completion of the explorations to which
they refer, and shall contain the information required for the exploratory hole logs.

1.4.3 Exploratory Hole Logs

1. The exploratory hole logs shall be prepared as documents similar to Forms C and D, and
presented to a suitable vertical scale. The logs shall include all the information that follows,
such information having been updated as necessary in the light of laboratory testing and
further examination of samples and cores.
2. Information for exploratory hole logs:

Rotary Drilling Pit and Static

Boreholes Trench and
√ √ √ √
All the designated information
√ √ √ √
National grid co-ordinates

Ground level related to the datum √ √ √ √
 √ √ √ ( √)
Elevation of each stratum referred to the datum

Description of each stratum in accordance with

√ √ √ ( √)
BS 5930 and initials of person who carried out
the logging (and responsible Supervisor if under

Details of groundwater observations √ √ √ √

Symbolic legend of strata in accordance with BS √ √ √ √


Core recovery as percentage of each core run √

Rock Quality Designation, RQD (Deere et al.
1967) √

Note:  √ means information required; (√) means information required if applicable.

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1.4.4 Preliminary Laboratory Test Results

1. Laboratory test results shall he submitted to the Engineer in batches at the completion of each
week's testing. Legible photocopies of work sheets are acceptable.

1.4.5 Digital Data

1. Data from the investigation shall be provided in digital form to the approval of the Engineer.

1.4.6 Form of Report

1. The report shall comprise of a factual or interpretative or both types of reports as required by
the Employer or Engineer. Reports shall begin with a cover page showing the name of the
Contract and the names of the Employer, Engineer and Contractor. Report pages shall be
numbered consecutively.
2. The factual report shall contain, as a minimum, the following information:
A. A statement from the Engineer on the purpose and rationale of the investigation
B. A description of the work carried out, including reference to specification and standards
adopted and any deviations from them
C. Exploratory hole logs
D. In-situ test records
E. Laboratory test results
F. Plan with locations of exploratory holes
G. Site location plan
H. Geological cross-sections (if appropriate).
The plans shall be to a stated scale and shall include a north arrow. Additional information
shall be provided as designated.
3. The interpretative report shall contain the following information:
A. A written appraisal of the ground and water conditions
B. Analysis and recommendations as designated.
When so designated, the Contractor shall supply the calculations and analyses on which
recommendations are based.

1.4.7 Approval of Report

1. A draft copy of the factual report and the interpretative report shall he submitted to the
Engineer for approval before submission of the final report.


1. Only contractors holding a current approval certificate from the Central Materials Laboratory
shall be permitted to carry out ground investigations.
2. The work shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant British Standards.
3. Where specifically designated, all work shall be carried out in accordance with a quality
management system established in accordance with BS 5750. Records to indicate
compliance with quality management shall be made available to the Engineer on request.
4. The Contractor shall provide full time professional attendance on site. The professional
attendant shall be approved by the Engineer, and shall be responsible for the technical
direction of all fieldwork.
5. The Contractor’s geotechnical and environmental personnel employed on the Contract shall
be competent to undertake the work required. Categories of personnel who may be required
by the Contract are as follows:

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A. Technician
B. Graduate Engineer/Geologist/Environmental Scientist
C. Graduate Engineer/Geologist/Environmental Scientist with at least three years of relevant
experience since graduation
D. Professional Engineer/Geologist/Environmental Scientist with at least five years of
relevant experience
E. Professional Engineer/Geologist/Environmental Specialist with at least ten years of
relevant experience
6. All drillers employed on the Contract shall be experienced and competent in percussion or
auger boring or rotary drilling, to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer. One competent
drilling supervisor per site shall be permanently on the Site during borehole operations.


1.6.1 General
1. Contractor shall only use access routes to and between exploration sites that are approved by
the Engineer.
2. Where the presence of underground services is likely, exploratory holes shall be started by
means of a hand excavated inspection pit.
3. In addition to any designated notice, at least one working day's notice of the intended time of
entry shall be given to the land owner and occupier of the exploration site.
4. All work shall be carried out with the least possible damage to the Site and its environs.
5. All barriers breached or otherwise disturbed during the execution of site operations shall be
immediately repaired or replaced to the same standard.
6. Working hours shall be restricted to those designated.
7. Daily allocation sheets similar to Form E detailing the work carried out shall be submitted in
duplicate at the end of each day’s work.

1.6.2 Working Areas

1. Operations shall be confined to the minimum area of ground required for the Works. Unless
otherwise designated, on completion of each exploration all equipment, surplus material and
rubbish of every kind shall be cleared away and removed from the Site. Damage to land or
property in the vicinity of the exploratory hole and on access routes shall be made good. The
whole of the Site and any ancillary works shall be left in a clean and tidy condition.

1.6.3 Turf and Topsoil

1. Turf and topsoil shall be stripped from the site of each exploration and stockpiled for future
replacement. Vegetation and topsoil adjacent to the exploration which may be damaged by
the operations shall either be removed and stockpiled as above, or otherwise protected from
damage. After completion of the exploration all topsoil shall be replaced and the Site restored
to its original condition.

1.6.4 Paved Areas

1. Pavement from paved areas (other than paving slabs and blocks) shall be broken out to the
minimum extent necessary for each exploration. After completion of the exploration and
backfill of the excavation, the disturbed subgrade shall be compacted and the paving
2. Restoration of highway pavement shall be in accordance with the current Code of Practice
and Specification for Road Openings in the Highway issued by the Government.

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1.6.5 Paving Slabs and Blocks

1. Paving slabs and blocks shall be removed from the Site, as required for each exploration, and
stored for reuse.
2. Contiguous paving slabs and blocks which are liable to be damaged by the operations shall
either be removed and stored as above or otherwise protected from damage.
3. After completion of the exploration and backfill of the excavation, the disturbed subgrade shall
be compacted and the paving slabs and blocks relayed.

1.6.6 Claims for Damage

1. Any damage, or claim for compensation for damage by owners or occupiers of the Site, shall
be reported to the Engineer.

1.6.7 Geotechnical and Environmental Personnel

1. In addition to the provision of the designated personnel by the Contractor, the Engineer may
specifically require the services of geotechnical and environmental personnel for advice,
assistance or preparation of interpretative reports. The form of interpretative reports shall be
agreed with the Engineer. Details of the qualifications and experience of the personnel shall
be supplied to the Engineer.

1.6.8 Location of Exploratory Holes

1. The location of each exploratory hole shall be measured from an approved grid co-ordinate
system, and shall be accurate to within 1 m, and the position recorded on a plan as

1.6.9 Ground Elevation of Exploratory Holes

1. The elevation of the ground at each exploratory hole shall be established, on the basis of the
Qatar National Datum unless otherwise designated or approved by the Engineer, to the
nearest 0.05 m.

1.6.10 Exploratory Work

1. The location and depth of each exploratory hole shall be as designated. The Engineer may,
after consultation with the Contractor, vary the location and depth of any exploratory hole and
the sequence or quantity of in-situ testing depending on the actual ground conditions
encountered. When the position of an exploratory hole has been varied, the Contractor shall
take all necessary measurements and shall inform the Engineer of the revised coordinates
and ground elevation or other measurements required to locate the exploratory hole.

1.6.11 Methods of Investigation

1. The Engineer will have the option to require any of the following methods of investigation.
These options will comprise, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
A. Desk study
B. Geological mapping
C. Topographic survey
D. Aerial photographs.
Or any other methods described in this Section.

1.6.12 Hazardous and Contaminated Ground

1. The presence and nature of known areas of hazardous or contaminated ground are
designated, based on available records. If evidence of further hazardous or contaminated
ground is encountered, the Contractor shall immediately so inform the Engineer. If required by
the Engineer, the Contractor’s work plan shall be a revised appropriately to take into account

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the nature and level of contamination encountered. Where contaminated land is present or
suspected the Contractor shall take the appropriate health and safety precautions as directed
by the Engineer and where appropriate by the Civil Defence Department of the Government.
Care shall be taken to avoid contaminating the egress from the Site.
2. A method statement indicating the safety procedures to be followed during the investigation of
hazardous or contaminated ground shall be provided by the Contractor before beginning the
investigation in the hazardous or contaminated ground.

1.6.13 Anomalous Conditions

1. Where anomalous or unexpected features are revealed, the Contractor shall immediately
inform the Engineer.

1.6.14 Surface Water Control

1. Surface water or other water shall be prevented from entering the exploratory hole, except as
permitted by the Engineer.

1.6.15 Traffic Safety and Management

1. Traffic safety and management measures shall be provided, in accordance with the provisions
of traffic control of Section 1, General. Where the circumstances of any particular case are not
designated, proposals for dealing with such situations shall be submitted to the Engineer for

1.6.16 Photographs
1. Colour photographs shall be taken and supplied by the Contractor as designated. Each
photograph shall clearly show all necessary details, and shall have its scale identified.
2. A single gloss colour print (size 150 mm by 100 mm) copy of each photograph shall be
submitted to the Engineer for his approval, within seven working days of the photography. In
the event that the photographs are of a quality unacceptable to the Engineer, they shall be
3. On acceptance of the quality of the photograph, two complete sets of prints of all the
photographs shall be presented, annotated and submitted in bound volumes, together with the
photograph negatives with the factual report.
4. Particular requirements for photographs of cores and pits and trenches are given in Parts 3
and 4

1.6.17 Facilities for the Engineer

1. When required by the particular contract documentation, facilities to the designated standard
shall be provided for the use of the Engineer, as described in Section 1.

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2.1.1 Scope
1. Advancement of boreholes by percussion boring, auger boring, and rotary drilling in soils.


2.2.1 Method and Diameter

1. The method of advancement and the diameter of a borehole shall be such that the boring can
be completed and logged to the designated depth, and samples of the designated diameter
can be obtained, in-situ testing carried out and instrumentation installed.
2. The following methods may be employed for advancement of a borehole unless otherwise
A. Percussion boring
B. Auger boring (If hollow stem augering is proposed, the Contractor shall satisfy the
Employer that the SPT values obtained are not effected by disturbance of the soil by the
auger head, or the presence of material within the hollow stem.)
C. Rotary drilling.

2.2.2 Addition of Water to the Borehole

1. Jetting with water shall not be used to assist the advance of the borehole, except where
approved by the Engineer. Where the borehole penetrates below the water table and
disturbance of the soils is likely, a positive hydraulic head shall be maintained in the borehole.

2.2.3 Backfilling
1. The Contractor shall backfill boreholes in such a manner as to minimize subsequent
depression at the ground surface due to settlement of the backfill. In some circumstances,
grout or special infilling may be required by the Engineer. Where artesian or other water
conditions make normal backfilling impracticable, the Contractor shall consult and agree with
the Engineer a procedure for sealing the borehole.


2.3.1 Hard Stratum or Obstruction in Percussion Boring

1. In a borehole where percussion boring is employed and a hard stratum or obstruction is
encountered, the Contractor shall employ chiselling techniques for a period of up to 1 h.
Should this not penetrate through the hard stratum or obstruction the Contractor shall inform
the Engineer, who may instruct the use of one or more of the following:
A. Continuation of chiselling techniques
B. Rotary or other approved drilling until the stratum is penetrated
C. Abandonment of the borehole.


2.4.1 Hand Auger

1. Hand auger boring may be appropriate in suitable self-supporting strata.

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2.4.2 Continuous Flight Auger Boring

1. Where continuous flight auger boring is used, it shall be carried out under the full-time
supervision of a person meeting the requirements of Part 1 Clause 1.5 Paragraph 5 Item (c)
who shall produce, as boring proceeds, a record of the material and groundwater

2.4.3 Hollow Stem Flight Auger

1. Where hollow stem flight auger boring is used, the equipment used shall be such as to bore
and recover samples as designated. Sampling shall be carried out through the hollow stem.


2.5.1 General
1. Rotary drilling may be required for the recovery of cores, or for the advancement of a hole in
rock, with or without core recovery.

2.5.2 Drilling Fluid

1. The drilling fluid shall normally be clean water, air or air mist. However, with the approval of
the Engineer, drilling muds, additives or foam may be used.

2.5.3 Rotary Drilling with Core Recovery

1. Unless otherwise designated rotary core drilling shall be carried out by a double or triple tube
coring system incorporating a removable inner liner. The triple tube system may be affected
by use of a double tube barrel with an approved semi-rigid liner.
2. Rotary core drilling shall produce cores of not less than the designated diameter throughout
the core length. Care shall be exercised in the drilling so as to optimise core recovery.
3. The first drill run in each hole shall not exceed 1 m in length. Subsequent drill runs shall not
normally exceed 3 m in length and the core barrel shall be removed from the drillhole as often
as is required to obtain the best possible core recovery. The Engineer may designate in-situ
testing between drill runs.
4. Removal of cores and labelling of liners shall be carried out as follows:
A. All operations entailed in recovering the cores from the ground after completion of drilling
shall be carried out in a manner such as to minimise disturbance to the cores
B. Core barrels shall be held horizontally while the innermost liner containing the core is
removed without vibration and in a manner to prevent disturbance to the core. The core
should be rigidly supported at all times while it is being extruded and during subsequent
handling, and the liner containing the core must not be allowed to flex
C. Immediately after removing the liner the top and bottom shall be marked in indelible ink.
The ends of liners shall be capped and sealed using adhesive tape. Liners shall be cut to
the length of the enclosed core
D. Where the length of core recovered from any single core run is such that it cannot be
accommodated in one channel of the core box, the liner shall be cut to coincide, if
possible, with existing fractures. The liner either side of the cut shall be marked 'cut' and
the ends capped as above
E. Each section of liner shall be marked with the contract title, exploratory hole reference
number, date and the depths of the top and bottom of the drill run
F. Core obtained without a liner and that from within the core catcher but not inside the liner
shall be wrapped in two layers of plastic cling film and labelled to indicate the depth and
exploratory hole reference number.

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5. Core boxes, packing, labelling, storing shall be carried out as follows:

A. Core boxes shall be soundly constructed and fitted with stout carrying handles,
fastenings and hinged lids. The total weight of the cores and box shall together not
exceed 60 kg.
B. Cores shall be rigidly and securely packed at the site of drilling and during all subsequent
handling and storage the cores shall remain packed unless required for examination or
testing. Cores shall be placed in the box, in their liners where used, with the shallowest
core to the top left hand corner, the top being considered adjacent to the hinged section.
Cores from the core catcher shall also be placed in the core boxes at the correct relative
C. Depth shall be indicated on the core box by durable markers at the beginning and end of
each drill run. Rigid core spacers shall be used to indicate missing lengths. The contract
title, exploratory hole reference number and the depth of coring contained in each bore
shall be clearly indicated in indelible ink inside, on top and on the right-hand end of the
box and on the inside of the box lid.
D. Core boxes containing core shall be kept horizontal and moved and handled with care at
all times. Cores shall be protected from direct sunlight. At the end of each day's work,
core boxes shall be stored secure from interference and protected from the weather.
6. Cores shall be prepared for examination as follows:
A. Cores shall be prepared for examination by the removal of sealing materials and splitting
of liners in such a way as not to damage the cores. Plastic liners shall be cut lengthways
such that at least half the core circumference is exposed.
B. Before examination of the core, the Contractor shall photograph the cores. The time
between beginning preparation and the examination of the prepared and photographed
cores shall be minimised to prevent loss of moisture from the core samples.
C. Cores shall be examined and described on site by a person meeting the requirements of
Part 1 Clause 1.5 Paragraph 5 Item (c) in accordance with BS 5930 and the
recommendations of the Engineering Group of the Geological Society Working Party
Report The logging of rock cores for engineering purpose (1970).
7. When the examination of the cores has been completed, the Contractor may be required to
retain separately designated core sub-samples for possible laboratory testing. The Contractor
shall cut the liner and cap and seal the core sub-samples in such a way as to prevent loss of
moisture and sample disturbance. They shall be clearly labelled so that the location, depth
and origin of the sub-samples can be readily identified. Cores in their liners remaining after the
designated sub-samples have been removed shall be end-capped and resealed and replaced
in the original core box location. Rigid spacers shall be placed in the spaces in the cores
boxes previously occupied by the core sub-samples to prevent movement of adjacent cores
and these shall be labelled identically to the core sub-samples that they replace. The core
sub-samples shall be retained in separate core boxes clearly marked to indicate the origin of
the cores contained within.
8. The Contractor shall protect all cores and transport them including loading and unloading to
A. The Contractor's premises.
B. For a number of selected cores, to the designated address.
9. After submittal of the approved final report, the Contractor shall retain cores, other than those
delivered to the designated address, for a period of time required by the Engineer. The
Engineer's written permission shall be obtained before disposal of the cores, but the required
retention period will normally not exceed three months.

2.5.4 Rotary Drilling without Core Recovery

1. Rotary blind bit or rotary percussive drilling may be used to advance a hole. The hole diameter
shall be as designated.

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2. When used for the purpose of locating mineral seams, mineworkings, adits, shafts, other
cavities or anomalous conditions, drilling shall be under the full-time supervision of a person
meeting the requirements of Part 1 Clause 1.5 Paragraph 5 Item (c). As drilling proceeds a
systematic record shall be made of the drilling methods, rate of penetration, loss of flushing
medium, the material penetrated and any cavities or broken ground encountered.

2.5.5 Backfilling
1. Except where otherwise designated, the Contractor shall backfill rotary drillholes with clean,
well graded aggregate. The aggregate size and gradation shall be approved by the Engineer.
Under special circumstances grout may be required to backfill the holes. The grout shall
consist of equal portions by weight of ordinary Portland cement and bentonite mixed by
machine or hand to a uniform colour and consistency before placing, with a moisture content
not greater than 250 %. The grout shall be introduced at the bottom of the hole by means of a
tremie pipe, which shall be raised but kept below the grout surface as the filling proceeds.
2. Where artesian water conditions or voids make normal grouting impracticable, the Contractor
shall consult and agree with the Engineer a procedure for sealing the drillhole.

2.5.6 Photographs
1. In addition to the requirements of Part 1, the Contractor shall photograph cores where
required in a fresh condition before logging and ensure that the following criteria are fulfilled:
A. A graduated scale in centimetres is provided
B. Labels and markers are clearly legible in the photograph
C. A clearly legible reference board identifying the project title, exploratory hole number,
date, and depth of drill runs shall be included in each photograph
D. Core boxes are evenly and consistently lit
E. The length of the core box in each photograph fills the frame
F. The focal plane of the camera and the plane of the core box are parallel
G. The camera is placed in the same position with respect to the core box in every


1. When boreholes are required overwater the method of drilling and sampling shall comply in
general with the other requirements given in this Section, with the exception of backfilling.
2. Overwater boreholes shall be undertaken by the use of overwater staging, work over platform
(WOP) jack-up vessels, anchored floating vessels or any other methods agreed with the
3. Control of the elevation related to the borehole/seabed surface or varying stratums shall be
related to the top of the casing installed. Anchored floating vessels will keep a constant record
of tidal movement between the vessel and the fixed casing elevation and make any
allowances necessary.
4. Boring or drilling operations will cease when the wave height exceeds the designated
maximum value relating to standing time due to inclement weather, if this item is applicable to
the Contract under the contract specific documentation.
5. An accurate method of measuring wave height from trough to crest will be installed on the
drilling vessel or platform and calibrated and approved by the Engineer before beginning
drilling operations.
6. All overwater operations will comply with all local government regulations related to such
work and will also comply fully with any Safety of Lives at Sea (SOLAS) regulations in force
at the time.

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3.1.1 Scope
1. Inspection pits, trial pits and trenches, observation pits and trenches.

3.1.2 Quality Assurance

1. Trial pits and trenches and observation pits and trenches shall be examined and described by
a geotechnical person meeting the requirements of Part 1 Clause 1.5 Paragraph 5 Item (c)
and photographed, if required.


3.2.1 Pit and Trench Dimensions

1. Unless otherwise designated
A. Trial pits and observation pits shall have a minimum base area of 1.5 m
B. Trial trenches and observation trenches shall not be less than 1 m wide.

3.2.2 Contaminated Ground

1. Ground that is suspected of being contaminated shall be described by an environmental or
geotechnical person, as appropriate, meeting the requirements of Part 1 Clause 1.5
Paragraph 5 Item (c).

3.2.3 Groundwater
1. The Contractor shall divert surface water runoff from entering pits and trenches.
2. Groundwater shall be controlled by the use of well points or sump pumps to permit continuous

3.2.4 Protection to Pits and Trenches Left Open

1. Where pits and trenches are required to be left open and unattended, the Contractor shall
provide fencing together with all necessary lighting and signing.
2. Precautions shall be taken to protect the pits and trenches from the adverse effects of weather
during this period.

3.2.5 Backfilling and Restoration

1. Pits and trenches shall be backfilled as soon as practicable.
2. The backfill shall be placed in lifts of 150 mm thickness and compacted in such a manner as
to minimize any subsequent settlement of the ground surface.
3. The use of sand backfill compacted by flooding may be permitted, but this method requires
the approval of the Engineer.
4. In paved areas, the pavement shall be restored.

3.2.6 Photographs
1. In addition to the requirements of Part 1, photographs shall clearly show details of the ground
conditions in the pit and trench with any support in place and shall contain a graduated scale.
2. Material derived from the excavation shall be photographed, when directed by the Engineer.
Artificial lighting shall be used where necessary.

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3. Unless directed otherwise by the Engineer, three photographs will normally be required at
every pit and trench.


3.3.1 Excavation Method

1. Inspection pits for the location of underground services shall be excavated by hand to a depth
of 1.2 m unless otherwise designated.
2. Hand-operated power tools may be used to assist excavation where necessary.

3.3.2 Services
1. The locations, depths and dimensions of all services encountered shall be measured and
recorded in the daily report with other designated information.

3.3.3 Sidewall Stability

1. Due care shall be exercised to ensure the stability of the sides of the excavation at all times.


3.4.1 Excavation Method

1. Trial pits and trenches shall be excavated by hand to a maximum depth of 1.2 m or by
machine to the required depth to enable visual examination and sampling from outside the pit
or trench as required.
2. Where dewatering is required, the pumping equipment used shall be adequate to lower the
water table to the required level.

3.4.2 Services
1. The locations, depths and dimensions of all services encountered shall be measured and
recorded in the daily report with other designated information.

3.4.3 Sidewall Stability

1. Excavations deeper than 1.2 m shall be braced.


3.5.1 Excavation Method

1. Observation pits and trenches shall be excavated by hand or machine and shall be
adequately supported to enable personnel to enter safely and to permit in-situ examination,
soil sampling and testing as required. In areas where dewatering is required, the equipment
and methods proposed must be approved by the Engineer before beginning the work.

3.5.2 Services
1. The locations, depths and dimensions of all services encountered shall be measured and
recorded in the daily report with other designated information.

3.5.3 Sidewall Stability

1. Due care shall be exercised to ensure the stability of the sides of the excavation at all times.

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4.1.1 Scope
1. Taking of samples of soil, groundwater, gas and contaminants. Sample handling,
transportation, storage, retention and disposal.

4.1.2 References
1. The following documents are referred to in this Part:

BS 5930, Code of practice for site investigations

BSI –DD 175, Code of practice for the identification of potentially contaminated land and its
investigation (draft for development).
ICE et al, Soil Investigation Steering Group (SISG) Publication, Soil investigation in
construction, Part 4, Guidelines for the safe investigation by drilling of landfills and
contaminated land, Thomas Telford, (1993).


4.2.1 Sampling and Testing Frequency

1. The frequency of sampling and in-situ testing is dependent on the ground conditions. In the
absence of designated requirements the intervals observed shall be as follows:
A. In boreholes
1. first open tube sample (generally in clay soils) or standard penetration test (SPT)
(generally in granular soils) at 0.5 m depth, the next at 1.0 m depth, thereafter at 1 m
intervals to 5 m depth then at 1.5 m intervals.
2. Small disturbed samples shall be taken of the topsoil, at each change in soil type or
consistency and midway between successive open tube samples or SPT’s.
3. bulk disturbed samples shall be taken of each soil type.
B. in pits and trenches
1. Small disturbed samples shall be taken of the topsoil, at each change in soil type or
consistency and between successive bulk disturbed samples.
2. bulk disturbed samples shall be taken at 1 m depth intervals, with at least one large
bulk disturbed sample of each soil type.

4.2.2 Recording depths of samples

1. The depths below ground level at which samples are taken shall be recorded. For open tube
and piston samples the depth to the top and bottom of the sample, and the length of sample
obtained shall be given. For bulk samples the limits of the sampled zone shall be recorded.

4.2.3 Description of samples

1. All samples shall be examined and described by a geotechnical person meeting the
requirements of Part 1, Clause 1.3.1, Paragraph 5 Item (c) in accordance with BS 5930.
2. Samples of suspected contaminated ground and leachate shall be described by an
environmental or geotechnical person meeting the requirements of Part 1, Clause 1.5,
Paragraph 5 Item (c) in accordance with DD 175. Descriptions shall include colour and smell
with reference to specific inclusions.

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4.2.4 Labelling, Protection and Transportation of Samples

1. Samples shall be clearly labelled in accordance with BS 5930. Samples of fill, groundwater,
leachate or contaminated ground suspected to be toxic or hazardous shall be tagged with a
red label.
2. Samples shall be protected from direct heat and sunlight.
3. Samples shall be transported to the Contractor's premises. Where required by the Engineer,
selected samples shall be delivered to the designated address.

4.2.5 Retention and Disposal of Samples

1. Samples shall be kept for the designated period after submission of the approved final report.
This period shall not exceed three months, unless specifically designated otherwise. The
Contractor shall ultimately dispose of all samples other than those delivered to the designated


4.3.1 Small Disturbed Samples

1. Small disturbed samples shall weigh not less than 0.5 kg. They shall be placed immediately in
airtight containers, which they should sensibly fill.

4.3.2 Bulk Disturbed Samples

1. Bulk disturbed samples shall be representative of the zone from which they have been taken.
2. Normal bulk disturbed samples shall weigh not less than 10 kg.
3. Large bulk disturbed samples shall weigh not less than 30 kg.

4.3.3 Open Tube and Piston Samples

1. Open tube and piston samples shall be taken using the sampling equipment and procedures
as described in BS 5930. The diameter shall be 100 mm unless otherwise designated.
2. Before an open tube or piston sample is taken, the bottom of the hole shall be carefully
cleared of loose materials and where a casing is being used the sample shall be taken below
the bottom of the casing. Following a break in the work exceeding one hour, the borehole shall
be advanced by 250 mm before open tube or piston sampling is resumed.
3. Where an attempt to take an open tube or piston sample is unsuccessful the hole shall be
cleaned out for the full depth to which the sampling tube has penetrated and the recovered
soil saved as a bulk disturbed sample. A fresh attempt shall then be made from the level of
the base of the unsuccessful attempt. Should this second attempt also prove unsuccessful the
Contractor shall agree with the Engineer as to alternative means of sampling.
4. The samples shall be sealed immediately to preserve their natural moisture content and in
such a manner as to prevent the sealant from entering any voids in the sample.
5. Soil from the cutting shoe of an open tube shall be retained as an additional small disturbed

4.3.4 Standard Penetration Test Samples

1. When a standard penetration test (SPT) is made, the sample from the split barrel sampler
shall be retained as a small disturbed sample.

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1. Groundwater samples shall be taken from each exploratory hole where groundwater is
encountered. Where more than one groundwater level is found, each one shall be sampled
separately. Where water has been previously added, the hole shall be baled out before
sampling so that only groundwater is present. The sample volume shall be not less
than 0.25l.


1. Samples of suspected contaminated ground, groundwater and leachate shall be taken in
accordance with DD 175 and the SISG publication under the supervision of an
environmental or geotechnical person meeting the requirements of Part 1, Clause 1.5,
Paragraph 5 Item (c).
2. The size and type of sample and container, method of sampling and time limitations for
carrying out specific analyses shall be commensurate with the range of analyses to be carried
out or as designated.


1. Samples of gas for chromatographic analysis shall be obtained from exploratory holes or
standpipes in accordance with DD 175 and the SISG publication. The sampling method
shall relate to the volume of gas available and the type of laboratory analysis. The sampler
receptacle shall be airtight and may include lockable syringes, Teflon-lined bags or gas


1. The Engineer may require special sampling. This work will normally require supervision on
site by a geotechnical person and shall be carried out in accordance with BS 5930 or as

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5.1.1 Scope
1. Testing of soils in place, and provision of instrumentation and monitoring of groundwater and
subsurface gases.

5.1.2 References
1. The following standards and other documents are referred to in this Part:
BS 1377, Methods of tests for soils for civil engineering purposes
BS 5930, Code of practice for site investigations
BS 7022, Geophysical logging of boreholes for hydrogeological purposes

2. The Geological Society Engineering Group Working Party Report on Engineering

Geophysics, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 21, pp. 207-271, 1988.
Clarke B.G. and Smith A., A model specification for radial displacement measuring
pressuremeters, Ground Engineering, Volume 25, No. 2, March, 1992.


5.2.1 Testing
1. The following information shall be submitted for each test record to be included in the daily
report, preliminary log and factual report:
A. Date of test
B. Project name, exploratory hole number and location
C. Depth and location of test or depths covered by test
D. Information on water levels in exploratory hole during testing
E. Original ground level at test site
F. Soil type and description as identified from the sample.
2. All results shall be reported in SI units.
3. Where load, displacement or other measuring equipment is used which necessitates regular
calibration, then this shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant standard (the
preferred method) or the manufacturer's instructions, by a calibration service approved by the
Central Materials Laboratory. Evidence of calibrations and copies of calibration charts shall be
supplied to the Engineer prior to commencing work and when otherwise requested.

5.2.2 Instrumentation and Monitoring

1. The top of each standpipe, gas monitoring standpipe and piezometer tube shall be protected
by a cover. The type of protective cover shall be approved by the Engineer.
2. When instructed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall install a protective fence around the top
of a standpipe or piezometer. The fence shall be constructed of corrosion treated angle iron,
galvanized wire, and corrosion resistant wire mesh fencing suitable for use in the climate of
3. Daily readings of depths to water in groundwater monitoring standpipes and piezometers shall
be made by the Contractor, with an instrument approved by the Engineer.
4. Where the presence of gas is suspected or when directed by the Engineer, gas
measurements, using an approved in situ meter, shall be made by the Contractor during
construction of exploratory holes and in gas monitoring standpipes. The depth to water and
barometric pressure shall be measured immediately after each gas measurement.

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5. Unless otherwise designated, piezometers, and standpipes protection shall not be removed
from the site.
6. Other instrumentation and monitoring shall be carried out as designated.


5.3.1 Tests in accordance with BS 1377

1. The following in-situ tests shall be carried out and reported in accordance with BS 1377:
A. in-situ density by:
1. small pouring cylinder method
2. large pouring cylinder method
3. water replacement method
4. core cutter method
5. nuclear method
B. Static cone penetration test (CPT), capacity to suit scheduled depths unless otherwise
C. Dynamic probing (DPH or DPSH)
D. Standard penetration test (SPT)
E. Plate loading test
F. Shallow pad maintained load test
G. California bearing ratio (CBR)
H. Vane shear strength
I. Apparent resistivity of soil
J. Redox potential

5.3.2 Tests in accordance with BS 5930

1. The following in-situ tests shall be carried out and reported in accordance with BS 5930:
A. Constant head permeability test
B. Variable head permeability test
C. Packer permeability test

5.3.3 Geophysical Methods of Investigation

1. Geophysical testing shall be carried out as designated. The Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer a full description of equipment and procedure for each geophysical method required.
2. The equipment and procedure, and information to be submitted for the following geophysical
methods of investigation, shall be as described in BS 5930, BS 7022 and the Geological
Society Engineering Group Working Party Report on Engineering Geophysics:
A. Electrical resistivity method
B. Seismic refraction and reflection method
C. Magnetic method
D. Gravity method
E. Electromagnetic method
1. ground conductivity
2. transient electromagnetic

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3. ground probing radar (optional)

F. borehole geophysical logging
G. cross-hole seismic method

5.3.4 Special In Situ Testing

1. Special in-situ testing shall be carried out as designated.

5.3.5 Hand Penetrometer and Hand Vane for Shear Strength

1. Hand penetrometer and hand vane tests shall be carried out where required to give a
preliminary estimate of undrained shear strength of the soil tested.
2. Hand (or pocket) penetrometer equipment shall be of an approved proprietary make with
stainless steel tip of end area 31 mm with an engraved penetration line 6 mm from the tip.
The scale shall be suitably graduated. The procedure for the test shall be in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions. Both unconfined compressive strength and estimated shear
strength shall be reported for the soil tested.
3. Hand vane equipment shall be of an approved proprietary make with stainless steel vanes
having a length of 19 mm or 33 mm and a length-to-diameter ratio of 2:1. The scale shall be
suitably graduated. The procedure for test shall be in accordance with BS 5930 and the
manufacturer's instructions. Peak shear strength and residual shear strength shall be
4. The reported shear strengths for the hand penetrometer and handvane shall be the average
of 3 tests in close proximity. Tests giving inconsistent results shall be reported and comments
on the relevance of the tests noted.

5.3.6 Self-boring Pressuremeter

1. The equipment shall be of the Cambridge type (soft ground) self-boring pressuremeter (SBP)
unless otherwise designated. The instruments, calibration, operator, installation, testing
procedure, on-site data processing and analysis, information to be submitted, report data
processing and analysis and information to be submitted in the report shall be as described
by Clarke and Smith (1992) and as designated.


5.4.1 Groundwater
1. When groundwater is encountered in exploratory holes, the depth from ground level of the
point of entry shall be recorded together with depth of any casing. Exploratory hole operations
shall be stopped and the depth from ground level to water level recorded with an approved
instrument at 5 minutes intervals for a period of 20 minutes. If at the end of the period of 20
minutes the water level is still rising, this shall be recorded together with the depth to water
below ground level, unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer, and the exploratory hole
shall then be continued. If casing is used and this forms a seal against the entry of
groundwater, the Contractor shall record the depth of casing at which no further entry or only
insignificant infiltration of water occurred.
2. Water levels shall be recorded as required by the Contract and at the beginning and end of
each shift. On each occasion when groundwater levels are recorded, the depth of the
exploratory hole, the depth of any casing and the time shall also be recorded.
3. Where artesian conditions are encountered, the Contractor shall immediately inform the
Engineer and agree a method for dealing with the conditions.

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5.4.2 Installation of Standpipes and Piezometers

1. Standpipes for monitoring groundwater levels and changes in groundwater levels shall be
installed in exploratory holes, as instructed by the Engineer. They shall be to the designated
form and detail, and appropriate dimensions and depths shall be recorded at the time of
2. Standpipe piezometers for monitoring groundwater levels in exploratory boles shall be
installed as instructed by the Engineer. They shall be to the designated form and detail, and
appropriate dimensions and depths shall be recorded.
3. The Contractor shall install piezometers of the hydraulic, electrical or pneumatic type
described in BS 5930 as designated.

5.4.3 Installation of Gas Monitoring Standpipes

1. Standpipes for monitoring gas concentration in exploratory holes shall be installed as
instructed by the Engineer. Warning signs or other safety measures required by the Civil
Defence Department of the Government shall be complied with. Standpipes shall be of the
designated form and detail. All dimensions and depths shall he recorded at the time of

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6.1.1 Scope
1. Geotechnical tests and testing procedures carried out in the laboratory or, when designated,
on site.

6.1.2 References
1. The following standards and other documents are referred to in this Part:

BS 812, Testing aggregates

BS 1377, Methods of tests for soils for civil engineering purposes
BS 1881. Analysis of hardened concrete

ASTM SP 402, Special Technical Publications No. 402

Brown E.T. (Editor). Rock characterisation testing and monitoring. International Society for
Rock Mechanics Suggested Methods. 1981. Pergamon Press.
C2 through C25 and C27 through C31, Methods for examination of waters and associated
IRSM Commission on Testing Methods. Suggested method for determining Point Load
Strength (revised version). Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. and Geomech. Abst., 22,
51-60 (1985).


1. The Contractor shall prepare a schedule of tests for approval by the Engineer using a
document similar to Form F unless designated otherwise. It may be necessary to designate
additional testing after the results of the original tests are available. Unless otherwise agreed,
testing schedules are to be provided within six working days of the receipt by the Engineer of
the relevant preliminary logs. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer within six working days
from the receipt of the approved testing schedule if a sample referred to in the schedule is not
available for testing.


6.3.1 General
1. Where applicable, all preparation, testing and reporting shall be in accordance with the
relevant Qatar National Standard or British Standards. Where tests are not covered by these
Standards, they shall be performed in accordance with the procedures in the references or as
2. Calibration of load-displacement or other measuring equipment shall be carried out in
accordance with the relevant standard (the preferred method) or the manufacturer’s
instructions by a calibration service approved by the Central Materials Laboratory. Evidence of
current calibrations shall be supplied to the Engineer.

6.3.2 Geotechnical Testing on Contaminated Samples

1. Where geotechnical testing is required on samples of suspected contaminated material,
indicative chemical testing shall be carried out and a safe method of working approved by the
Engineer before any such work is started. It should be noted that this may include but is not
limited to the safe storage, transportation and handling of all suspect material.

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6.3.3 Soil Testing

1. Soil testing shall be carried out and reported in accordance with BS 1377 unless otherwise

6.3.4 Rock Testing

1. Rock testing shall be carried out and reported in accordance with the following references and
as designated:

A. classification
i. natural water content - Brown (1981)
ii. porosity/density - Brown (1981)
iii. void index - Brown (1981)
iv. carbonate content - BS 1881
v. petrographic description -Brown (1981)
B. durability
i. slake durability index - Brown (1981)
ii. soundness by solution of magnesium sulphate - BS 812
C. hardness
i. Shore sclerometer -Brown (1981)
ii. Schmidt rebound hardness - Brown (1981)
D. aggregates
i. aggregate crushing value - BS 812
ii. ten percent fines - BS 812
iii. aggregate impact value - BS 812
iv. aggregate abrasion value - BS 812
v. polished stone value - BS 812
vi. aggregate frost heave - BS 812
E. strength
i. uniaxial compressive strength - Brown (1981)
ii. deformability in uniaxial compression -Brown (1981)
iii. Tensile strength-Brown(1981)
 Direct tensile strength
 Indirect tensile strength by the Brazilian method
iv. undrained triaxial compression without measurement of porewater pressure-
Brown (1981)
v. undrained triaxial compression with measurement of porewater pressure-
ASTM P 402
vi. direct shear strength - Brown (1981)
vii. swelling pressure - Brown (1981)
 swelling pressure index under conditions of zero volume change
 swelling strain index for a radially confined specimen with axial surcharge
 swelling strain developed in an unconfined rock specimen.
viii. Point load test - IRSM Commission on Testing Methods (1985)
F. geophysical
i. seismic velocity-Brown (1981).


1. Chemical testing for contaminated ground shall be carried out and reported in accordance
with the following references and as designated:
A. primary contaminants in soil
i. arsenic total - C4
ii. cadmium total - C2
iii. chromium total - C2
iv. hexavalent chromium (undertaken if total chromium content >25 mg/kg dry

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mass) -C2
v. lead total - C2
vi. mercury total - C3
vii. selenium total - C4
viii. boron, water-soluble - C5
ix. copper total - C2
x. nickel total - C2
xi. zinc total - C2
xii. cyanide total (alkali extraction methods) - C6
xiii. cyanide complex - C6
xiv. cyanide free - C6
xv. thiocyanate - C6
(Tests xiii, xiv and xv undertaken if total cyanide >25 mg/kg dry mass. Methods
Shall follow alkali extraction.)
xvi. phenols total - C7
xvii. sulphide - C8
xviii. sulphate - total, acid, soluble - C9
xix. sulphate - water soluble, 2 : 1 extract - C9
xx. sulphur free - C10
xxi. pH value - C9
xxii. toluene extractable matter - Cl1
xxiii. coal tar/polyaromatic hydrocarbons
(undertaken if toluene extractable matter٢٠٠٠< g/kg dry mass of soil) - C12
xxiv. asbestos. Asbestos content determination shall be carried out by visual
examination and polarised light microscopy.

B. secondary contaminants in soil

i. antimony total - C13
ii. barium total - C13
iii. beryllium total - C15
iv. vanadium total - C13
v. cyclohexane extractable matter - C14
vi. freon extractable matter - C15
vii. mineral oils - C31
viii. chloride - C9

C. contaminants in water
ix. arsenic - C4
x. cadmium - C2 and C23
xi. chromium - C2 and C24
xii. hexavalent chromium - C2
xiii. lead - C2 and C25
xiv. mercury - C3
xv. selenium - C4
xvi. boron - C5 and C6
xvii. copper - C2 and C27
xviii. nickel - C2 and C28
xix. zinc - C2 and C29
xx. cyanide total - C6
xxi. cyanide complex - C6
xxii. cyanide free - C6
xxiii. thiocyanate - C6
xxiv. phenols total - C7
xxv. sulphide - C8
xxvi. sulphate - C9
xxvii. sulphur free - C10
xxviii. pH value - C9
xxix. polyaromatic hydrocarbons - C 12

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xxx. antimony-C13
xxxi. barium-C13
xxxii. beryllium-C15
xxxiii. vanadium - C 13
xxxiv. chloride - C9
xxxv. ammoniacal nitrogen - C16
xxxvi. nitrate nitrogen - Cl7
xxxvii. chemical oxygen demand - C18
xxxviii. biochemical oxygen demand - C19
xxxix. total organic carbon - C20
xl. volatile fatty acids - C21
xli. iron - C22
xlii. manganese - C22
xliii. calcium - C31
xliv. sodium - C31
xlv. magnesium - C31
xlvi. potassium - C21

D. constituents of gas samples

i. carbon dioxide - C30
ii. hydrogen - C30
iii. hydrogen sulphide - C30
iv. methane - C30
v. nitrogen - C30
vi. oxygen - C30
vii. ethane- C30
viii. propane- C30
ix. carbon monoxide - C30.

6.4.2 Laboratory Testing On Site

1. When designated, tests listed under laboratory testing shall be carried out on site.
2. The allowable soil pressure is 250 Kpa to be used in the foundation design.

6.4.3 Special Laboratory Testing

1. When designated, special laboratory testing shall be carried out.


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1. GENERAL............................................................................................................................... 2

2. AGGREGATES....................................................................................................................... 5

3. CEMENT ................................................................................................................................ 12

4. WATER .................................................................................................................................. 17

5. ADMIXTURES........................................................................................................................ 20

6. PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 25

7. BATCHING AND MIXING...................................................................................................... 47

8. TRANSPORTATION AND PLACING OF CONCRETE ........................................................ 53

9. FORMWORK ......................................................................................................................... 58

10. CURING ................................................................................................................................. 69

11. REINFORCEMENT ................................................................................................................ 72

12. JOINTS .................................................................................................................................. 81

13. INSPECTION AND TESTING OF HARDENED CONCRETE ............................................... 86

14. PROTECTIVE TREATMENTS FOR CONCRETE................................................................. 93

15. HOT WEATHER CONCRETING .......................................................................................... 105

16. MISCELLANEOUS ............................................................................................................... 110

17. STRUCTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE .............................................................................. 124

18. PRESTRESSED CONCRETE .............................................................................................. 131

19. TESTING OF WATER RETAINING STRUCTURES............................................................ 136

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1.1.1 Scope
1. This Section includes the requirements for concrete work for pipelines, roadworks, runways,
structures, water retaining structures, foundations and bases for structures and equipment.
2. This Part includes relevant standards, definitions, abbreviations, and requirements for testing
facilities, rejected materials, and record keeping.


1.2.1 Approved Products

1. The contract specific documentation may identify approved products and approved or
prequalified manufacturers and suppliers of products used in concrete work.


1.3.1 Approved Installers

1. The contract specific documentation may identify approved or prequalified providers of
concrete construction services.

1.3.2 Field Quality Control

1. The Contractor shall carry out the test procedures required by this Section and any other tests
and test procedures as directed by the Engineer from time to time. The test procedures shall
be carried out using the facilities of an approved independent testing laboratory.
2. Supply,storage,sampling and testing of materials shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor,unless the Contract specifies others.
3. The Engineer may also require the Contractor to take samples of materials and deliver them to
the Central Materials Laboratory for additional tests to be carried out by the Employer.
Sampling procedures and sample sizes shall conform to the requirements shown in Table
4. The minimum equipment required for testing on Site is given in Table 1.2. The equipment shall
be maintained on Site at all times during concreting operations together with the necessary
scoops, buckets, sample containers, and other items required for sampling. The cube curing
tank shall be located in an air-conditioned area.

1.3.3 Rejected materials

1. Any material rejected by the Engineer, in particular cement which has deteriorated or
aggregates which have segregated or become contaminated, shall be immediately removed
from the Site.

1.3.4 Records
1. The Contractor shall maintain on the Site full records of all work carried out accurately related
to the location of the work on site, which shall include:

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A. The time and date when all concrete was poured, formwork removed and when formwork
props were fully removed
B. All cubes and other tests
C. Daily maximum and minimum temperatures
2. One copy of all test results shall be sent to the Engineer immediately upon completion of the
Table 1.1
Sampling Procedure and Minimum Sample Sizes for Central Materials Laboratory

Material Test Sample Size

Cement Full range of tests Composite sample
of 7 kg taken from
at least 12 bags
Aggregate Full range of tests 200 kg
Sieve analysis
Chemical analysis
Soundness test
Specific gravity
Water absorption 50 kg
Bulk density
Flakiness index
Dust content
Abrasion value
Aggregate crushing value 25 kg
Ten per cent fines 25 kg
Immersed rotational test 100 kg
Reinforcement Tensile test 500 mm
Bend test 300 mm
Water Full range of tests 5 litre

Table 1.2
Minimum Testing Equipment for Each Site

Test Equipment to be Provided Number Required

Slump test Slump cone with base plate 1
BS EN - Tamping rod 1
12350-2 Trowel 1
GSO ISO 1920-2
300 mm rule 1
ASTM C143 Small scoop 1
Small scoop 1

Section 05- Concrete Page No.3

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Test Equipment to be Provided Number Required

Cube making 150 mm cubical or cylindrical moulds1 6
BS EN - 12390-1 and base plate
Tamping bar square or hemispherical
tip end face
Set of tools for assembling and stripping 1
BS EN Trowel Scoop as for slump test -
12350-1:2000 or Released agent in closed container with brush -
GSO ISO 1920-1
and 1
GSO ISO 1920-3
or ASTM C31 and

Cube curing Hessian or sacking, impervious sheet lot

Maximum/minimum thermometer Waterproof 1
marking crayon/paint or equivalent
12390-2 1
Curing tank (in air conditioned room) Supply
Or of packing materials for sending cubes to 1
GSO ISO 1920-3
commercial laboratory
or ASTM C39
ASTM C1064 Concrete thermometer 1

Note: The use of 100 mm cube moulds is not permitted.

1.3.5 Strength of Concrete

1. Mixes shall be designed by the contractor to produce concrete of the required compressive
strength such that the 28 days crushing cube strength of the reinforced concrete will not be
less than 40N/sq.mm ( 400kg/sq.cm ) unless otherwise mentioned in the structural drawings.

1.3.6 Plain Concrete

1. Mixes shall be designed by the contractor to produce concrete of the required compressive
strength such that the 28 days crushing cube strength of the reinforced concrete will not be
less than 20N/sq.mm ( 200kg/sq.cm ) unless otherwise mentioned in the structural drawings.

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2.1.1 Scope
1. This part covers the requirements of aggregates for use in structural concrete.

2.1.2 Source Approval

1. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval full details of the proposed sources of
aggregate. These sources of aggregate supply shall be regularly and thoroughly investigated
to ensure that the quality of the material supply is satisfactory and that it does not deteriorate
during the performance of the project.
2. The aggregates supplier shall provide the source name for every lot of aggregates delivered to
the concrete supplier
3. The aggregates supplier and the aggregates producer are preferable to be considered as ISO
9001 with a proper quality management system.
4. Upon the engineer request, the aggregate supplier shall be ready to provide a geotechnical
analysis on the rock samples before blasting and grinding to ensure the proper quality of
5. The aggregates shall be properly stocked and labelled without intermingling as classified at
any storage area.
6. Upon the engineer request, the aggregates supplier shall provide a historical data for the past
3 years that shows the consistency of materials and conformity with this specification.
7. The supplier shall verify the compliance of aggregates as per QCS by an independent qualified
testing agency accredited to ISO 17025
8. The technicians conducting the tests shall be qualified

2.1.3 Sampling
1. The Contractor shall provide samples of both fine and course aggregate to the Engineer, in
accordance with the requirements of BS 812 Part 101, Guide to Sampling and Testing
Aggregates, for testing at least two weeks before beginning deliveries to the Site.
2. All samples shall be taken in the presence of the Engineer.


1. Aggregates shall consist of tough, hard, durable and uncoated particles containing no harmful
material in quantities sufficient to adversely affect the concrete or reinforcing steel, and shall
contain no materials likely to cause staining or otherwise disfigure the concrete surface.
2. Aggregates which shall be obtained from a source approved by the Engineer, shall comply
with the requirements of BS EN 12620 with BS PD 6682, EN 12620, EN 13139 , EN 998-1
,EN 998-2, ASTM C33 and relevant EN, ACI and ASTM standards and codes of practice and
subject to Engineer’s acceptance except as modified here under. If required by the Engineer,
and in order to comply with these requirements the aggregates shall be washed with water to
meet with the requirements of part 04.
3. Contractor shall provide all data as specified in QCS 2014.
4. Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer that aggregates to be supplied will not give rise to alkali
aggregate reaction with the cement.
5. Sampling of the aggregates shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of BS EN
12620, BS EN 933, ASTM D75 and ASTM C702.

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6. Fine aggregates shall be natural sand or manufactured crushed rock sand. Crushed rock sand
shall be the direct product of a manufacturing process, not the by-product of coarse
aggregate production.
7. Beach sand shall not be permitted for use in concrete mixes.
8. The use of clean Dune Sand, blended with coarser sand, may be permitted providing it can be
shown that the sand if free from contaminants.
9. Aggregates shall meet the requirements of Table 2.1
10. Frequency of routine testing shall meet the requirements as listed in Section 1, part 8.
Frequency of testing might increase as per engineer request if testing results show
inconsistency, and frequency might reduce if approved by engineer if materials are highly
11. Mineralogical tests are to be carried out as instructed by the Engineer.
12. No aggregate deliveries shall be made to the Site until the Engineer has approved the samples
as complying with this specification.
13. Samples of aggregates shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of table 2.2.

1. The Contractor shall provide a means of storing aggregate at each point where concrete is
made such that
A. Each nominal size of coarse aggregate and the fine aggregate shall be kept separated at
all times
B. Building stockpiles are to prevent harmful segregation and breakage
C. stockpiles shall be on hard and clean surfaces with not more than 5 % slope
D. contamination of the aggregates by the ground or other foreign matter shall be effectively
prevented at all times
E. each heap of aggregate shall be capable of draining freely
F. stockpiles shall be protected from direct sunlight
G. intermingling of aggregates shall not be approved
H. unloading aggregate are to prevent harmful segregation and breakage.
I. Stockpiles located to prevent contamination; arranged to assure that each aggregate as
removed from its stockpile is distinct and not intermingled with others.
2. The Contractor shall maintain the stockpiles of coarse aggregate in separate gradings.
3. The preparation, location and size of any stockpiles and the methods of segregation shall be to
the approval of the Engineer.

Table 2.1
Limits for Physical, Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Aggregates for Concrete

Item Test Methods Permissible Limits

No. Requirement BS / EN ASTM GSO Fines Coarse
1. Grading 933 C136 Standard Standard

2. Material finer than 0.075 933 C117 & C136

Max. 3% Max.2%

Section 05- Concrete Page No.6

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Item Test Methods Permissible Limits

No. Requirement BS / EN ASTM GSO Fines Coarse
Crushed rock Max. 5% Max. 2%
or Material finer than 0.063
Uncrushed/Crushed Max. 3% Max. 1.5%
or used for foundations,
structures and structure
exposed to the weather.
Crushed Rock or used for
structure elements not
exposed Max. 5% Max. 1.5%
to the weather.
3. Clay lumps and friable C142 Max. 2% Max. 2%
4. Lightweight pieces C123 Max. 0.5% Max. 0.5%
5. Organic impurities for fine C40 Colour standard not darker than
aggregates Plate No. 3
6. Water absorption 1097-6 C128/C127 Max. 2.3% Max. 2%
Surface dried)
7. Sand Equivalent EN 933 D2419 Min 70% N.A
8. Specific gravity (apparent) 1097-6 C128/C127 Min. 2.6 Min. 2.6
for normal weight concrete
Used for reinforced

Used for non-reinforced Min. 2.4 Min. 2.4

9. Shell content: 933-7 Max. 3 % Max. 3 %

10. Particle shape: 933-3 D4791

Flakiness index
Used for reinforced Max. 30 %

Used for plain or non Max. 40 %

Elongation index
Used for reinforced Max. 35 %

Used for plain or non- Max. 45 %

11. Acid soluble chlorides : 1744

Section 05- Concrete Page No.7

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Item Test Methods Permissible Limits

No. Requirement BS / EN ASTM GSO Fines Coarse
A. Reinforced concrete
SRPC Max.0.06% Max. 0.03%
OPC and MSRPC Max. 0.03%
B. Mass Concrete with
SRPC Max. 0.03%
OPC/MSRPC Max.0.06 Max. 0.03%

C. Prestressed Concrete
Steam cured structural
Concrete Max.0.01 Max. 0.01%
12. Acid soluble sulphate 1744 Max. 0.4 % Max. 0.3%
13. Loss by magnesium C88 Max. 15 % Max. 15 %
Soundness (5 cycles)
Max. 12 %
Loss by Sodium Sulphate
14. Mechanical strength :
10 % fines value (dry 812- 111
condition) 1097-2
Aggregate Impact value
Loss by Los Angeles
Aggregate Crushing Value Min.150 kN Max.
812- 110 C131/C535 25 % Max. 30 %
15. Drying shrinkage 1367-4 Max.0.075 %

16. Potential reactivity :

• Of aggregates
Alkali-silica reaction Not reactive
6 month expansion 0.10%
Alkali-carbonation C586
C227 6 month expansion 0.1 %
• Of cement-aggregate Max.

1- Use of a fine aggregate failing in the test is not prohibited, provided that:

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A. The discoloration is due principally to the presence of small quantities of coal, lignite, or
similar discrete particles.
B. When tested for the effect of organic impurities on strength of mortar, the relative strength
at 7 days, calculated in accordance with ASTM C87, is not less than 95 %.
4. Air-cooled blast-furnace slag aggregate shall meet the requirements in BS EN 12620:2002 for
acid-soluble sulfate category AS1,0. In accordance with BS PD 6682-1 and BS EN 12620, air
cooled blast-furnace slag shall be free from dicalcium disintegration and from iron
disintegration when tested in accordance with BS EN 1744-1
5. The limit of 10% fines value (dry condition) is for 20 mm aggregates. Reference BS 812-111.
6. AIV The impact test can be used as an alternative to the Los Angeles test but a correlation
with the Los Angeles test should first be established to avoid double testing and ensure
mutual recognition of results. The Los Angeles test (reference method) should be used in
cases of dispute
7. It is applicable only for 20mm aggregates, for high strength concrete using 10 mm aggregates
the 10% fines value will be at least 100 KN


1. Fine aggregate shall consist of natural clean sand, stone screenings or a combination and can
be produced from natural disintegration of rock or gravel and/or by the crushing of rock or
gravel or processing of manufactured aggregate or artificial, conforming to the requirements
of physical and chemical properties complying with table 2.1 and subject to Engineer's
2. The gradation of fine aggregate for concrete and mortar shall be in accordance with the
gradation designations in EN 12620 with BS PD 6682, EN 13139 , EN 998-1 , EN 998-2,
relevant ACI and ASTM standards and codes of practice and subject to Engineer’s
3. Each batch of aggregate delivered to the Site shall be kept separate from previous batches,
and shall be stored to allow for inspection and tests to be carried out. .
4. The Contractor shall mechanically wash the aggregate to remove salts and other impurities in
order to meet the specified requirements.
5. The storage area for the clean washed sand shall be shaded from the direct rays of the sun
and shall be screened for protection from dust. The area in the neighbourhood of
stockpile/mixing plant shall be watered as necessary, to reduce as far as possible the rising
of dust.
6. The usage of dune sand shall be accepted as governed by the regulations of Qatar ministry of
environment and shall be:
A. Not used for any reinforced concrete
B. Used only for blocks, block mortar, plasters, soil cement, shotcrete and insulation


1. The coarse aggregate shall consist of clean crushed rock and free from deleterious
matter,conforming to the requirements of grading and physical properties requirements
complying with table 2.1 as a minimum requirements and subject to Engineer's acceptance
with in BS EN 12620, BS PD 6682 and ASTM C33.
2. For other types of concrete mixes subject to Engineer's acceptance, coarse aggregate shall be
complying with the relevant EN, ACI and ASTM standards and codes such as EN guideline
and ACI 237 for Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC) and ACI for shotcrete.
3. Aggregates that are deleteriously reactive with the alkalis in cement shall not be used.
4. Exception: Aggregates that have been shown by test or actual service to produce concrete of
adequate strength and durability and approved by the building official.

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5. Nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be not larger than: (a) 1/5 the narrowest
dimension between sides of forms, nor (b) 1/3 the depth of slabs, nor (c) 3/4 the minimum
clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars or wires, bundles of bars, individual
tendons, bundled tendons, or ducts.
6. These limitations shall not apply if, in the judgment of the licensed design professional,
workability and methods of consolidation are such that concrete can be placed without
honeycombs or voids.
7. The Contractor shall mechanically wash the aggregates to remove salts and other impurities in
order to meet the requirements specified.


1. The material passing the 0.063 mm sieve shall not exceed 3% of the combined aggregate (by
weight) and not exceeding 3.5% on 0.075mm sieve when used in accordance with ASTM
2. Combined aggregate gradation used in the work shall be as specified, except when otherwise
approved or directed by the Engineer.
3. Changes in the approved gradation shall not be made during the progress of the works unless
approved or directed by the Engineer.


1. Where aggregates have been washed shortly before delivery to the Site, or if stockpiles have
been sprayed to cool them samples of the aggregate shall be taken frequently to determine
the correct amount of water to add to the mix.


1. Two general types of lightweight aggregates are covered by this specification, as follows:
2. Aggregates prepared by expanding, pelletizing, or sintering products such as blast-furnace
slag, clay, diatomite, fly ash, shale, or slate, and Aggregates prepared by processing natural
materials, such as pumice, scoria, or tuff. The aggregates shall be composed predominately
of lightweight-cellular and granular inorganic material.
3. Lightweight aggregates shall be in accordance with ASTM C330 or BS PD 6682 and BS
4. Lightweight aggregates shall not contain excessive amounts of deleterious substances, as
determined by the following limits:
5. Organic Impurities (Test Method ASTM C 40): Lightweight aggregates that, upon being
subjected to test for organic impurities, produce a colour darker than the standard shall be
rejected, unless it is demonstrated that the discoloration is due to small quantities of materials
not harmful to the concrete.
6. Staining (Test Method ASTM C 641): An aggregate producing a stain index of 60 or higher
shall be rejected when the deposited stain is found upon chemical analysis to contain an iron
content, expressed as Fe2O3 equal to or greater than 1.5 mg/200 g of sample
7. Loss on ignition (Test Methods ASTM C 114): The loss on ignition of lightweight aggregates
shall not exceed 5 %.
8. The acid soluble sulfate content shall be not more than 1% when measured in accordance with
BS EN 1744-1


1. Recycled Aggregates RA and Recycled Concrete Aggregates RCA could be used in concrete
with designed strength of maximum 20 MPa. Its proportion shall be not more than a mass
fraction of 20% of coarse aggregate (BS 8500-2 sec 6.2.2).

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2. A representative sample of the RCA or RA is sieved into size fractions. For each size fraction
the particles are sorted by hand into concrete and normal-weight aggregates; masonry;
lightweight block materials; asphalt; other foreign matter.
3. The mass of each of these groups is determined and expressed as a mass fraction (%) of the
sieve size. For each sieve size, tests are carried out on duplicate test portions and the test
result is the average percentage from the two tests. The data for the different sieve sizes are
then manipulated to determine the mass fraction (%) of the combined RCA or RA.
4. When the composition of coarse RCA and coarse RA is tested in accordance with BS 8500
part 2 Annex B, the test result obtained for each type of particle shall not exceed the
maximum value specified in Table 2.3

Table 2.3 Requirements for coarse RCA and coarse RA Requirements given as mass fraction (%)
(BS 8500-2)
Type of
Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum
Aggregate masonry lightweight foreign acid soluble
fines Asphalt
content material 2 material sulphate
e.g. glass, (SO3)
RCA 5.0 5.0 0.5 5.0 1.0 1.0
RA 100 3 1.0 10.0 1.0

a. Where the material to be used is obtained by crushing hardened concrete of known

composition that has not been in use, e.g. surplus precast units or returned fresh
concrete, and not contaminated during storage and processing, the only requirements
are those for grading and maximum fines.
b. Material with a density less than 1 000 kg/m3
c. The provisions for coarse RCA may be applied to mixtures of natural coarse aggregates
blended with the listed constituents.
d. The appropriate limit and test method needs to be determined on a case-by-case basis
(see Note 6 to 4.3 of BS 8500-2).
5. Glass aggregates are specifically excluded from BRE Digest 330-2, and recycled aggregates
should be treated as highly reactive aggregate. The alkali contribution from Recycled
concrete aggregate shall be (reference made to BRE Digest 330-2) taken as either:
a. 0.20 kg Na2O eq per 100 kg of recycled concrete aggregate; or
b. where the composition of the recycled concrete aggregate is known (e.g. surplus precast
units; fresh concrete returned to the plant, allowed to harden and then crushed), the
alkali content calculated for the original concrete.
6. In addressing the risks of damaging alkali-silica reaction in concrete containing recycled
concrete aggregate, the 0.6 kg Na2O eq/m3 limit on alkalis contributed to the fresh concrete
from sources other than the cement or combination does not apply to alkali contributed by the
recycled concrete aggregate. The other aggregates in the concrete mixture should not be
classed as highly reactive.
7. For manufacturing of masonry concrete blocks the usage of recycled aggregates can reach
100% of coarse aggregates, if applicable then ACI 555 requirements shall be applied.

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3.1.1 Scope
1. This Part covers the requirements for the testing and use of cement in structural concrete.


1. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval full details of the proposed source of
cement. These sources of cement supply shall be regularly and thoroughly investigated to
ensure that the quality of the material supply is satisfactory and that it does not deteriorate
during the performance of the project.
2. The cement source shall not be changed without the Engineer's acceptance.
3. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval full details of the proposed source of
cement. These sources of cement supply shall be regularly and thoroughly investigated to
ensure that the quality of the material supply is satisfactory and that it does not deteriorate
during the performance of the project.
4. The Contractor shall supply the Engineer with the manufacturer’s test sheets for each
consignment of cement, certifying that the cement is in compliance with the relevant
5. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the date of manufacture and proof that the
specifications have been complied with, certified by an independent agency in the country of

1. The methods of obtaining samples of cement for testing shall be carried out as described in
EN 196 or ASTM C183
2. Each delivery of cement to the Site shall be accompanied by the manufacturer's test
certificates. If such certificates are not available, the Contractor shall take representative
samples from different bags or containers of each consignment, or as required by the
Engineer. The samples shall be packed, labelled and sent for testing to an accepted testing
laboratory. Fourteen days shall be allowed for the Engineer’s review of these samples.


1. The cement shall fully comply with relevant GSO, EN and ASTM specification with the
intended use. with minimum requirement stated in below table Specification Requirements for
the Chemical Composition of Portland Cements Made to GSO, EN and ASTM Standard
Table 3.1
Specification Requirements for the Chemical Composition of Portland Cements Made to BS and
ASTM Standard Specifications

ASTM C 150 BS EN 197-1 BS BS 1370

Compound / Property 4027 low

Silica, (SiO2) ≥ - 20.0 - - - - - - -

Alumina, (Al2O3) %  - 6.0 - - - - - - -
Ferric Oxide, (Fe2O3) %  - 6.0 - 6. 6.5 - - - - -
Magnesia (MgO), %  5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0** 4.0 5.0** 4.0

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ASTM C 150 BS EN 197-1 BS BS 1370

Compound / Property 4027 low
Sulphur trioxide (SO3), %
when tricalcium
aluminate 8.0%  3.0 3.0 3.5 2.3 2.3 - - - -
when tricalcium
aluminate >8.0%  3.5 - 4.5 - - - - - -
when tricalcium
aluminate 5.0%  - - - - - - 4.0 - 2.5
when tricalcium
 aluminate 5.0%  - - - - - - 4.0 - 3.0
when tricalcium
aluminate <3.5%  - - - - - 3.5 - - -
when tricalcium
aluminate ≥3.5%  - - - - - 3.5 - - -
when tricalcium
aluminate 3.5%  - - - - - - - 2.5 -

Loss on ignition %  3.0 3.0 3.0 2.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0
Insoluble residue %  1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Tricalcium silicate(C3S),%  - - - 35.0* - - - - -
Dicalcium silicate (C2S) ≥ - - - 40.0* - - - - -
3 3
C3S + C2S , % - 66.7 66.7
3 3
CaO/SiO2 . - 2.0 2.0

Tricalcium aluminate(C3A),%  - 8.0 15.0 7.0* 5.0^ - - 3.5 -

Tetracalcium aluminoferrite plus
twice the tricalcium aluminate
(C4AF+2(C3A)) , %  - - - - 25.0^ - - - -
C3A for moderate sulphate
Resistance, %  - - 8.0 - - - - - -
C3A for high sulphate
Resistance, %  - - 5.0 - - - - - -
C3S+C3A for moderate heat
of hydration, %  - 58.0 - - - - - - -
Equivalent Alkalis
(Na2O+0.658K2O) for low-alkali 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 - - 0.60
Cement, % 
Chloride, %  - - - - - 0.10 0.10 0.10 -

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1. Does not apply when the heat of hydration option is specified.

2. Does not apply when the sulphate resistance limit is specified.
3. Applies to the klinker rather than to the cement it self.
4. Low-alkali cement may be produced

Table 3.2
Specification Requirements for Physical and Other Properties of Portland Cements Made to BS and
ASTM Standard Specifications

ASTM C150 BS EN 197-1 BS 4027 BS 1370


Air entrained in

% of volume  12 12 12 12 12 42.5N 52.5 42.5N 52.5 42.5R

Setting Time
Vicat test 60 45
(min) Initial ≥ 45 45 45 45 45 60 45 60 60
(h) Final  6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 - - - 10
(Gillourne test)
(min) Initial ≥ 60 60 60 60 60 - - - -
(h) Final  10 10 10 10 10 - - - -

Fineness `
Air Permeability 280 350
280 280 280 - - - 275
(m2/kg) ≥ -
Turbidimeter 160 160 - 160 160 - - - -
(m2/kg) ≥
Autoclave 0.8
0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
expansion (%) 
Le Chatteler (mm) - - - - - 10 10 10 10 10 10
strength (MPa) 
mortar cubes
1d - - 12.0 - - - - - -
2d - - - - - 10 20 20 30 20 -
3d 12.0 10^ 24.0 - 8.0 - - - 10
7d 19.0 17. - 7.0 15.0 - - - -
4 4 4
28 d 28 28 - 17.0 21 42.5 52.5 42.5 52.5 42.5 28
concrete cubes -
2d - - - - - 15 - -
3d - - - - - - - - 5
28 d - - - - - - 38 - 19**

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ASTM C150 BS EN 197-1 BS 4027 BS 1370


Heat of Hydration
(kJ/kg) 
7d - 2906 - 2506 - - - - 250
28 d - - - 290 - - - - 290

1. Shall not be the same percent in concrete mix

2. Becomes 7.0 if the heat of hydration option or C3S+C3A chemical limit is specified.
3. Becomes 12.0 if the heat of hydration option or C3S+C3A chemical limit is specified.
4. And not exceeding 62.5.
5. And higher than the compressive strength at 3 days.
6. Optional


1. Cement shall be delivered to the Site in sealed and branded bags, or in the manufacturer’s
containers, bearing the manufacturer’s name, cement type and date of manufacture, in
batches not exceeding 100 tons.
2. Cement shall be stored at the site in such a manner, as to prevent its deterioration, intrusion of
moisture and foreign matter. It must be kept dry at all times.Immediately upon arrival at the
Site the Contractor shall store the cement in
A. bins or silos designed for the purpose. It shall be tight and provide for free movement to
discharge opening, or
B. dry, weather tight and properly ventilated structures with floors raised a minimum of 450
mm above the ground with adequate provision to prevent absorption of moisture.
3. All storage facilities shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer, and shall be such as to
permit easy access for inspection and identification. Prolonged storage of cement at site is to
be avoided.
4. Each consignment of cement shall be kept separately, and the Contractor shall use the
consignments in the order in which they are received.
5. The Contractor shall keep records of the various consignments of cement in store, giving
quantities received and used, and the sections of the work in which the cement has been
used, on a daily basis and make a weekly return to the Engineer accordingly. Cement
used in the Works shall be free flowing and free from lumps.
6. In no case shall bagged cement be stored in stacks more than eight bags high.
7. A free passage of at least 1 m shall be left between the cement and the side walls of the
8. Different types of cement shall be kept and clearly marked separate storage facilities.
9. Cement delivered to Site in drums or bags by the supplier or manufacturer shall be stored in
the drums or bags until used in the Works.
10. Any cement in drums or bags which have been opened shall be used immediately.
11. Cement that has partially or fully caked in storage will not be permitted in work and shall be
immediately removed from the storage area. Any bag or package or sample of cement which
has been damaged, or rebagged or in any way has deteriorated shall be rejected either as an
individual bag or package or as the whole consignment in which such bag, package or
sample is contained, as advised by the Engineer.

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12. Where Site limitations preclude the storage of cement of Site, cement shall be stored at a
central location and shall be delivered daily as required to specific job sites.
13. The Contractor shall provide weighing machines which shall be kept permanently in each shed
for checking the weight of the bags or barrels of cement. The weighing machines shall be
calibrated by an independent agency. The Engineer shall have access at all times to the
cement storage sheds.
14. During transport and storage the cement shall be fully protected from all weather elements.
15. Any consignment of cement not used within two months from the date of manufacture and
cement which in the opinion of the Engineer is of doubtful quality shall not be used in the
Works until it has been retested and test result sheets showing that it complies in all respects
with the specification and relevant standards have been delivered to the Engineer.
16. Cement stored for longer than 28 days shall be tested for “loss on ignition" prior to use to
check for deterioration, and any cement which fails the test shall not be used in the works.

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4.1.1 Scope
1. This Part includes water used for concrete mixes, washing of equipment, wetting of surfaces or
ponding during curing or for wetting formwork and washing reinforcement.


4.2.1 General
1. The potable water is suitable for use in concrete, while other water origin such as underground
water, natural surface water, recovered water, as well as municipal treated water or mixed
water shall be tested to prove that its quality shall conform to water quality requirements of
3.3.1 and as explained in Table 1 and chemical limitations listed in Table 2 & Table 3.
2. In site, where permit is issued for Municipal Treated Effluent use for concrete, the effluent
shall be treated by tertiary treatment stage: Reverse Osmosis (R.O.), and disinfection
(Ultraviolet Radiation, or ozonation).
3. The water shall be examined in accordance with the test procedures stated in Table 1, EN
1008. Water not conforming to one or more of the requirements in Table 1, EN 1008 may be
used only, if it can be shown to be suitable for use in concrete, in accordance with the
physical tests of Table 1 below.

4.2.2 pH of Water
1. The pH of water used in concrete works shall be as shown in Table 4.2.

4.2.3 Permissible Temperatures

1. Temperature of water for concrete shall not be less than 5 °C and not more than 40 °C
2. Water may be cooled to not less than 5 °C by the gradual addition of chilled water or ice as
A. No ice particles shall be present in the mix
B. Alternatively, flaked ice may be used
C. Ice to be used shall be crushed and shall be a product of frozen water which complies
with the acceptance criteria of Tables 4.1 and 4.2 of QCS Section 5, Part 4.
3. Every effort should be made to protect water pipes and tanks from the sun; e.g., burying,
shading, insulation or painting white.

4.2.4 Supply and Storage

1. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements and obtain the approval of the Engineer for
the supply of water.
2. Storage of water should be such that contamination is prevented from occurring. Any
measures taken to avoid contamination of the water shall be to the approval of the Engineer.


1. Whenever required to do so by the Engineer the Contractor shall take samples of the water
being used, or which it is proposed to use, for mixing concrete and test them for quality.
2. Samples of water of not less than 5 l shall be taken, sealed and sent for testing at an approved
independent laboratory, prior to the approval of any water source, and whenever the sources
of water is changed periodically during the continuance of its use.

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3. Water of questionable quality should comply with the physical tests of Table 4.1 and chemical
limitations listed in Table 4.2. & Table 4.3
4. No source of water shall be used until the required tests have demonstrated its suitability for
5. The use of water from a municipal or government supply does not preclude the requirement for

Table 4.1
Acceptance Criteria and Physical Tests for Mixing Water

Test Method Limits

Compressive strength, min % EN 196-1 90%

control at 7 d
Setting time, deviation from EN 196-3 from 1:00 early to
control, h:min 1:30 later

Table 4.2
Chemical Limitations for Mixing Water
Max. Concentration Test Method Maximum

Chloride (as CI)

(a-1) for Prestressed concrete.
(a-2) for reinforced concrete. 1000
(a-3)for concrete without
reinforcement. BS 1377 : Part 3 4500
(b) Sulphates (as S03) BS 1377 : Part 3 2000
(c) Alkali BS 6068-2.51

(c-1)carbonates and BS EN ISO 9963-1

bicarbonates BS EN ISO 9963-2
EN 196-2
(c-1)Alkali equivalent sodium

(d) Total dissolved ions, including BS 1377 : Part 3

a, b and c above
(d-1) for prestressed concrete 1000
(d-2) reinforced concrete 2000
(d-3) for concrete without
(e) pH BS 6068-2.50 6.5 – 9.0

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Table 4.3
Maximum limit of Harmful Contaminant

Parameter Test Method Maximum Limit,


COD SM 5220 B 50

Phosphate; expressed as PO4 - P SM 4500 P B, C, 30

SM 4500 PD by
Nitrate; expressed as NO3 -N ISO 7890-1 100

2+ SM 3125B 100
Lead; expressed as Pb
Zinc; expressed as Zn
SM 3125B 100

SM: Standards Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.


1. On site, where a permit is issued for Municipal Treated Water use in construction works, the
effluent should be treated by tertiary treatment stage including filtration and disinfectant
(Chlorine alone, or Ultraviolet Radiation, or ozonation). Furthermore, the following site health
and safety services and the Treated Effluent Quality shall be fulfilled:
A. Residual chlorine level shall be within the range of 0.5 – 1.0 mg/l. For water to be used
for concrete, the disinfectant shall be Ultraviolet Radiation, or ozonation.
B. Coliform level shall fulfil one of the following:
(i) Fecal Coliform < 200 CFU/100 ml, in case there is no direct exposure on site
(ii) Total Coliform < 23 CFU/100 ml, in case there is direct exposure on site labour.
C. The site shall be facilitated by health and safety guidelines signs, where it is indicated by
Arabic, English, and any other languages where there are 5 workers or more on the site,
that “Water not for Human Consumption”
D. The site shall be facilitated by health and safety equipment, as well as, personal health
and safety protection equipment.
E. Labour shall follow health and safety guidelines and instructions and use their health and
safety personal protection equibment.

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5.1.1 Scope
1. This Part includes materials added to the concrete materials during mixing.

5.1.2 Definitions
1. Admixtures shall mean materials added to the concrete materials during mixing for the
purpose of altering the properties of the concrete mix.

5.1.3 Submittals
1. In addition to the specified general requirements for approval of materials, approval of
admixtures shall be subject to extensive trials to demonstrate the suitability, adequacy of
dosing arrangements and performance.
2. The Concrete supplier shall furnish a series of at least ten trial mixes which clearly indicate
that the use of the admixture has consistently exhibited the specified absorption, permeability
and poring values. The trial mix should be verified by an approved independent laboratory.
The Concrete supplier shall also conduct (with the aforementioned) a trial showing that a
control mix without the admixture does not exhibit a greater density than that incorporating
the admixture.


5.2.1 General
1. Admixtures shall mean materials added to the concrete materials during mixing for the
purpose of altering the properties of the mix.
2. Where approved and or directed by the Engineer, admixtures shall be used as a means of:
A. Enhancing concrete durability
B. Increasing workability of the concrete without increasing the water:cement ratio
C. Controlling and limiting retardation and setting
3. Admixtures shall comply with the following requirements:
A. Water reducing admixture : ASTM C494, Type A
B. Retarding admixtures : ASTM C494, Type B
C. Water reducing, high range : ASTM C494, Type F
D. Retarding admixtures : ASTM C494, Type G
4. The methods of use and the quantities of admixture used shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instruction and subject to the Engineer’s approval after evaluation in trial
mixes and shall in no way limit the Contractor’s obligations under the Contract to produce
concrete with the specified strength, workability and durability.
5. The effects of accidental overdose of the admixture and measure to be taken if an overdose
occurs shall be provided by the Contractor to the Engineer.
6. No admixtures containing chlorides shall be used. In particular, the use of acceleration
admixtures containing calcium chloride shall not be used.
7. The use of the admixtures shall be controlled; i.e., strict quality control to ensure correct
dosages as prescribed by the manufacturer and justified by trial mixes to be used. A
calibrated dispenser or flowmeter shall be used to for the addition of the admixture.

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5.2.2 Trials
1. In addition to the standard requirements for the approval of materials, approval of admixtures
shall be subject to extensive trials to demonstrate the suitability, adequacy of dosing
arrangements and performance, when a proven history of performance can be provided to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.
2. The concrete supplier shall furnish a series of at least ten trial mixes which clearly indicate that
the use of the admixture has consistently exhibited the specified absorption, permeability and
porosity values. These are to be verified by an approved independent laboratory. The
concrete supplier shall also conduct (with the aforementioned) a trial showing that a control
mix without the admixture does not exhibit a greater density than that incorporating the


1. The strength activity index and the grade of cementitious materials shall be declared by the

5.3.2 Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag

1. Ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS) shall comply with the requirements of BS EN
15167 or ASTM C989.
2. The Contractor shall test each batch of GGBS delivered to site in accordance with the
requirements of BS 6699 and provide the Engineer with certificates for the following:
A. moisture content
B. loss of ignition
C. specific gravity
D. fineness
E. SO3 content
F. MgO content
3. The specific surface area, when tested in accordance EN 196, shall not be less than275
4. All GGBS shall be supplied from a single source. Should the Contractor wish to change the
source of supply he shall provide to the Engineer for his approval full test certification
detailing compliance with the requirement of this specification.
5. The mix proportion of cement to BS EN 197-1 with that of GGBS to BS EN 15167 ASTM C989
shall not be less than 30 % GGBS and not greater than 70 % GGBS by total weight of
cementitious material.

5.3.3 Pulverised Fuel Ash

1. Pulverised fuel ash (PFA) shall comply with the requirements of BS EN 450, ASTM C311 and
ASTM C618.
2. The Contractor shall provide for the approval of the Engineer test results and certificates in
accordance with BS 3892 for each batch of PFA delivered to site for the following:
A. Loss of ignition
B. Moisture content
C. Fineness
D. Specific gravity.
3. The specific surface area, when tested in accordance EN 196, shall not be less than 450

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4. All PFA shall be supplied from a single source. Should the Contractor wish to change the
source of supply he shall provide to the Engineer for his approval full test certification
detailing compliance with the requirement of this specification.
5. The mix proportion of cement to BS EN 197-1 with that of PFA to BS EN 450 ASTM C618
shall not be less than 25 % PFA and not greater than 40 % PFA by total weight of
cementitious material.

5.3.4 Silica Fume

1. Densified silica fume shall not exceed 8 % by total weight of cementitious material.
2. Silica Fume shall comply with ASTM C1240 Standard specification for silica fume in
cementitious mixture
3. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the intended form of microsilica. No other form of
microsilica, other than slurried shall be used without the written permission of the Engineer.
4. The Contractor shall provide for the approval of the Engineer the following test results and
certificates for each batch of microsilica delivered to site:
A. Loss of ignition
B. Moisture content
C. Fineness
D. Specific gravity.
5. All microsilica shall be supplied from a single source. Should the Contractor wish to change
the source of supply he shall provide to the Engineer for his approval full test certification
detailing compliance with the requirement of this specification


5.4.1 General
1. Hydrophobic pore blocking admixtures shall only be used with the permission of the Engineer.

5.4.2 Use
1. The admixture is to be added as per Manufacture supplier data sheet at the time of mixing. An
approved lab verification shall be made prior to use,
2. The manufacturer’s representative is to be present for all additions of the hydrophobic pore
blocking compound to ensure the correct dosage rate.


5.5.1 General
1. Non-organic corrosion inhibiting admixtures shall only be used when the advantages of using
such admixtures overweight the disadvantages. This has to be decided by the engineer
depending on the project conditions.


5.6.1 General
1. Where the concrete is deemed to be in a critical area the Contractor may propose the test of
an organic corrosion inhibiting admixture. The admixture shall be based on an aqueous
emulsion of amines and esters and shall be capable of inhibiting chloride penetration through
the capillary pores in addition to forming a protective corrosion resistant film around the steel

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2. The admixture shall have no effect on either the slump or temperature development of the
concrete in its plastic state
3. In its hardened state the admixture shall not affect strength development or concrete-steel
bond strengths in any way.
4. The corrosion inhibitor shall be capable of effecting protection to the steel where concrete has
cracked and allows access to the elements responsible for corrosion.
5. The corrosion inhibitor is to be added at a rate of five litres per cubic metre at the time of


5.7.1 General
1. This section specifies synthetic fibre reinforcement used as an additive in concrete. Fibres
shall serve as secondary reinforcement for concrete, and to protect concrete from stresses
which cause cracking initially after placement.

5.7.2 Submittals
1. The Contractor shall submit the manufacturer’s product data, installation instructions, use
limitations and recommendations for use.
2. The Contractor shall submit independent test data substantiating plastic crack control

5.7.3 Quality Assurance

1. Fibres shall be manufactured by a firm with a minimum of five years experience in the
production of fibres. Manufacturers proposed for use shall submit evidence of their ability to
meet all the requirements specified, and include a list of projects of similar design and
2. A preinstallation meeting shall be held two weeks prior to the commencement of field
operations to establish procedures to maintain optimum working conditions and to coordinate
this work with related and adjacent work. The agenda for the meeting shall include concrete
and fibre handling, placing, finishing, curing, and joint layout.
3. A representative of the distributor shall be present for project startup during initial concrete
placement. The Engineer may waive this requirement for the distributor’s representative if the
Contractor provides sufficient evidence that the producer and finisher have adequate
experience with fibres.

5.7.4 Materials
1. The fibre concrete additive shall comply with the following requirements:
A. Fibres shall be 12 mm long, manufactured from polypropylene and have a maximum
diameter of 18 microns (3 denier)
B. The fibres shall have a surface area of at least 225 m² per kg
C. Fibres shall be straight to ensure rapid dispersion during mixing (i.e, they shall not be
D. Fibres shall be supplied in cellulose bags which disperse during mixing.

5.7.5 Concrete Mix

1. The application rate shall be 0.6 kg. per cubic metre of concrete unless recommended
otherwise by the manufacturer. For uniform distribution mixing shall take place in the truck at
full mixing speed for a minimum of 5 min after fibre addition. Where possible the fibres shall
be added at the batch plant to ensure proper dispersion.

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5.7.6 Examination
1. Conditions that are found to be detrimental to the correct execution of the work shall be
notified to the Engineer.
2. Work shall not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected to the approval of the

5.7.7 Concrete Placement, Finishing and Curing

1. Concrete fibres shall comply with the manufacturer’s recommendations for addition and mixing
2. Concrete finishing and curing shall comply with ACI 302, ACI 308, and ACI 305.
3. Finished concrete surfaces shall be smooth with no exposed fibres.

5.7.8 Protection
1. Completed work shall be protected from damage and construction operations throughout
finishing and curing operations.

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6.1.1 Scope
1. This Part includes Grades 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 of concrete to be used in the Works, and
the requirements for workability, permeability, and drying shrinkage.

6.1.2 Definitions
1. Exposure conditions will apply as follows:
A. Class B: Blinding concrete of minimum strength 15 MPa, and minimum strength 10 MPa
for concrete Pavement (part 16). For this class, strength is only the requirement.
B. Class C0: No risk of corrosion or attack - All non-reinforced concrete or Slab on Ground.
C. Class C1’:All internal reinforced concrete in dry condition and protected against
humidity and weather conditions.
D. Class C1: Low Exposure - All other reinforced concrete in occasionally exposed to
humidity. Concrete surfaces protected against weather or aggressive conditions.
E. Class C2 Moderate Exposure - Concrete in contact with the ground or below ground,
concrete at roof level and all exposed concrete.Concrete sufaces continuously under
non-aggressive water. Concrete in contact with non-aggressive soil and subject to
moisture condensation.
F. Class C3: Severe Exposure - Concrete in contact with the ground, alternate wetting and
drying or severe condensation. Exposed to chloride from airborne
G. Class C 4: Aggressive Exposure – Concrete surfaces exposed to sea water spray or in
sea water tidal zone. Occasionally exposed to sea water spray. Exposed to corrosive
fumes. Exposed to abrasive action. Where chloride corrosion is the main effect of
concrete such as in tidal zone, causeways and structural concrete in contact with
water and chloride from airborne, the contractor shall assign a specialist to verify and
predict the life cycle of concrete. And to follow ASTM E-917 for basic standard
measuring and ACI 365 life-cycle costs of building and building systems
2. "Cementitious Materials": Portland cement in combination with one or more of the following:
blended hydraulic cement, fly ash and other pozzolans, ground granulated blast-furnace slag,
silica fume and Metakoalin; subject to compliance with requirements of this specification.
3. “Water/Cementitious Ratio” shall mean the ratio between the total weight of water in the
concrete (less the water absorbed by the aggregate) and the weight of cementitious
materials, expressed as a decimal fraction.
4. “Admixtures” shall mean a material other than water, aggregate, cementitious materials or fiber
reinforcement, used as an ingredient of concrete or mortar.
5. “Hot Weather” shall mean any combination of the following conditions that tends to impair the
quality of freshly mixed or hardened concrete by accelerating the rate of moisture loss and
rate of cement hydration, or otherwise causing detrimental results such as: a. High ambient
temperature (when the shade temperature is above 40 deg C on a rising thermometer, 43
deg C on a falling thermometer), b. High concrete temperature, c. Low relative humidity, d.
High wind speed and e. whenever the rate of evaporation exceeds 0.75 Kg/m2/h
6. Mass concrete” is defined as any volume of concrete with dimensions large enough to require
that measures be taken to cope with generation of heat form hydration of the cement and
attendant volume change to minimize cracking. Reinforced Massive concrete structures
include pile caps, transfer plates, and structural members where the least dimension exceeds
1.5 meters.
7. “Coarse Aggregate” shall be considered as that size passing a 28mm sieve (or larger sieve
size) and predominately retained on a 5mm sieve

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8. “Fine Aggregate” shall be considered as that size predominately passing a 5mm sieve and
predominately retained on a 0.063mm size.
9. “OPC” shall mean ordinary Portland cement or CEM I.
10. “PFA” shall mean pulverised fuel ash or fly ash.
11. “GGBS” shall mean ground granulated blast furnace slag.
12. “Gap-graded aggregate” shall mean graded aggregate without one or more of the intermediate
13. “Single-size aggregate” shall mean aggregates containing a major proportion of particles of
one sieve size.
14. “Target Mean Strength” shall mean the specified strength plus the margin.
15. “Margin” shall mean the difference between the specified strength and the target mean
16. “Acceptable or Accepted” shall mean acceptable or accepted by the Engineer.
17. “Approval or Approved” shall mean approval from the Engineer.
18. “All-in” aggregate shall mean the materials composed of a mixture of coarse and fine

6.1.3 Submittals
1. The Contractor shall submit details of mix designs to the Engineer for approval.
2. Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS or equivalent for all products. test results and other
information as required to prove compliance with the specification shall be submitted to the
Engineer for approval according to the relevant sections of QCS on at least the following
3. Cement:
A. Recent independent test results acceptable to the Engineer confirming compliance with
the specified requirements and referenced standards.
B. Manufacturer's certificates shall also be supplied for each batch of production of cement
or on a weekly basis, whichever is more frequent, certifying compliance with the
relevant standard.
C. The early compressive strength of each consignment of cement shall conform to the
requirements of QCS part 3 at the independent site laboratory. Deviation of more than
10% from either the previous consignment value or the rolling average shall be
immediately reported to the Engineer. Testing at an independent laboratory shall be
as instructed by the Engineer.
4. GGBS:
A. Recent independent test results acceptable to the Engineer confirming compliance with
the specified requirements and referenced standards.
B. Manufacturer's certificates with all information necessary to verify compliance shall also
be supplied for each consignment of GGBS or on weekly basis, whichever is more
C. The early compressive strength of each consignment of GGBS shall be determined in
accordance with ASTM C989 at the independent site laboratory based on a blend of
50/50 % GGBS and CEM 1. Deviation of more than 5% in strength from either the
previous consignment value or the rolling average shall be immediately reported to the
Engineer. Testing at an independent laboratory shall be as instructed by the Engineer.
5. PFA:
A. Recent independent test results acceptable to the Engineer confirming compliance with
specified requirements and referenced standards.

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B. Manufacturer's certificates with all information necessary to verify compliance with

internationally recognized standards shall also be supplied with each consignment of
C. The materials shall comply with QCS part 3. Deviation of the strength factor by more than
5% from either the previous consignment value or the rolling average shall be
immediately reported to the Engineer and the Technical Manager of the premix

6. Silica fume:
A. Recent independent test results acceptable to the Engineer confirming compliance with
specified requirements and referenced standards.
B. Manufacturer's certificates with all information necessary to verify compliance with
internationally recognized standards shall also be supplied with each consignment of
silica fume.
C. 7 day pozzolanic activity test in accordance with ASTM C 1240 on each consignment of
silica fume at the Independent site laboratory. Deviation of the activity index by more
than 5% from either the previous consignment value or the rolling average shall be
immediately reported to the Engineer and the Technical Manager of the premix
7. Aggregates:
A. Recent independent test results acceptable to the Engineer confirming compliance with
the specified requirements and referenced standards.
B. Full details of the proposed sources of aggregates.
8. Water: Recent independent test results acceptable to the Engineer confirming compliance with
the specified requirements and referenced standards.
9. Admixtures: Manufacturer’s technical specifications and recommendations. Recent trial results
acceptable to the Engineer illustrating the efficiency of the product for its particular
application. Tests on specific gravity and solids content shall be conducted at the
Independent site laboratory on each consignment.
10. Mix Designs: Submit concrete mix designs for each type and strength of concrete required at
least sixty (60) days before placing concrete.
11. Mix designs shall be verified by an approved independent testing laboratory in accordance
with requirements of QCS Part 05 and shall be coordinated with design requirements and
Contract Documents.
12. Submit complete mix design data for each separate mix to be used on the Project in a single
submittal with at least the following information:
a) Type of cement*.
b) Portland cement content*.
c) Cementitious content* (GGBS, PFA, natural pozzolan, rice husk ash and/or silica fume).
d) Max. aggregate size*.
e) Combined grading curve
f) Quantities of all individual materials*
g) Name(s) of admixture(s)*
h) Target slump/slumpflow (at discharge)*
i) Details to calculated Water/cementitious material (w/cm) ratio*
j) Compressive strength grade*
k) Hardened density
l) Water absorption (%) and water penetrability (mm)
m) Coulomb value
n) Chloride migration coefficient (m2/sec), if required
o) Bleeding
p) SO3 and Cl contents
q) Slump/slump flow variation over time.

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r) Initial and final concrete setting time for each mix design
s) Target fresh density*
t) Target temperature*
*Include on delivery report as a minimum
13. Data shall be from the same production facility that will be used for the Project.
14. Mix Design data shall include but not be limited to the following:
(a) Locations on the Project where each mix design is to be used corresponding to Structural
General Notes on the Drawings.
(b) Design Compressive Strength: As indicated on the Drawings.
(c) Proportions: Concrete constituent materials shall be proportioned to yield 1 m3
(d) Gradation and quality of each type of ingredient including fresh (wet) unit weight,
aggregates sieve analysis.
(e) Water/cementitious material (w/cm) ratio.
(f) Evaluate and classify fly ash in accordance with ASTM D 5759, C618 or BS EN 450.
(g) Report chemical analysis of fly ash in accordance with ASTM C 311.
(h) Ground Granulated Blast Furnace slag in accordance with BSEN 15167 C989.
(i) Slump
(j) Certification and test results of the total acid and water soluble chloride ion content of the
design mix.
(k) Air content of freshly mixed concrete by the pressure method (ASTM C231) for normal
and heavy weight concrete, or the volumetric method (ASTM C173) for lightweight
(l) Fresh Density of Concrete: ASTM C 138.
(m) Design strength at 28 days, as indicated on contract documents tested as per BS EN
(n) Submit strength test records, mix design materials, conditions, and proportions for
concrete used for record of tests, standard deviation calculation, and determination of
required average compressive strength.
(o) If early concrete strengths are required, contractor shall submit trial mixture results as
(p) Test records to support proposed mixtures shall be no more than 12 months old and use
current cement and aggregate sources. Test records to establish standard deviation may
be older if necessary to have the required number of samples.
(q) Manufacturer's product data for each type of admixture.
(r) Manufacturer’s certifications that all admixtures used are compatible with each other.
(s) All information indicating compliance with Contract Documents including method of
placement and method of curing.
(t) Normal weight Concrete: Density per ASTM C 138. Design the mix to produce the
strength, modulus of elasticity and density as indicated on the Contract Documents.
(u) Certification from a qualified testing agency indicating absence of deleterious expansion
of concrete due to alkali aggregate reactivity in accordance with ASTM C33.

15. Mass Concrete:

(a) Submit mix design for mass concrete elements in conformance with requirements of ACI
301 Section 8. The use of high early strength cement ASTM C 150 Type III cement and
cement grade with index “R” is prohibited. The concrete mix design shall not be designed
with a high early strength unless otherwise demonstrated by the Contractor for capability
of maintaining proper temperature and approved by the Engineer.
(b) Submit proposed methods of temperature control, including cementitious material content
control in mix design to reduce heat-generating potential of concrete, precooling of
ingredients to lower concrete temperature as placed, and methods to protect mass
concrete elements from excessive temperature differentials.
(c) Submit analysis of anticipated thermal development within mass concrete elements with
the proposed mix design for these elements. Results of the analysis, using methods in
ACI 207.1R and ACI 207.2R such as the Schmidt model and site specific data, shall
address the maximum differential temperature and the maximum temperature during

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(d) Submit proposed number and locations of temperature monitoring devices to record
temperature development between the interior and the exterior of mass concrete


6.2.1 General
1. Grades of concrete to be used in the Works shall in general be as shown in Table 6.1. Where
different grades of concrete are required the design of the mix shall follow the requirements of
this specification.
2. The concrete grades shall be designed mixes according to classes set in para 6.1.3 and shall
comply with the requirements set in the table 6.1:
3. Where adequate workability is difficult to obtain at the maximum water:cement ratio allowed,
the use of plasticisers or water reducing admixtures may be considered. Alternatively an
increase in cement content may be considered at the discretion of the Engineer where this
will not adversely affect the durability of the concrete.
4. Cement contents in excess of 400 kg/m3 shall not be used unless special consideration has
been given to reduce thermal stress in the concrete, and approval has been obtained from
the Engineer. The maximum cementitious content shall not exceed 500kg/m³
5. The proportioning, mixing and placing of the mixture shall be in accordance with Parts 7 and 8
of this Section
6. Temperature (at placement):
(a) Maximum fresh concrete temperature shall not exceed 32°C unless construction testing
to verify a proposed concrete mixture will function satisfactorily at a concrete temperature
greater than 32ºC. No concrete shall be placed if the concrete temperature is above
(b) Methods to reduce fresh concrete temperature shall minimize energy consumption in
accordance with the sustainability goals of the project.
(c) The concrete producer shall demonstrate that temperature of concrete due to hydration
particularly in mass concrete structures shall comply with this specification para
with the proposed maximum fresh concrete temperature. The supplier may use in his
demonstration testing heat sensors and simulation technologies which measure the
concrete heat of hydration and its rate versus concrete curing age.
7. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the concrete is able to be fully compacted
within the concrete element regardless of reinforcing density or other limitations. This may
involve reducing the maximum aggregate size, increase the level of concrete workability or
use self compacting concrete. Generally the slump of concrete as delivered to site shall be
in the range of 120mm to 200mm depending on the type/area of application unless
otherwise specified by the Engineer.

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Table 6:1a Minimum concrete cube strength grade based on concrete exposure conditions:

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Table 6.1b: Concrete mixtures grades requirements:

Concrete Minimum Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum mass of

Grade Cube Cylinder cementiti Water : Chloride cementitious
Compressive Compressive ous Cementitio limit for new material 2
strength @ 28 strength @ 28 content us construction, % by Maximum expansion
days f’c-cube days f’c-cyl Ratio mass of when tested using
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (Kg/m3) (W/C) cementitious ASTM C10123
material (months)
Acid Water 6 12 18
soluble soluble

B 10 10 8 - - N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A

B 15 15 12 - - N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A

B 20 20 16 - - N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A

C 25 25 20 260 0.55 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A

C 30 30 25 300 0.50 0.20% 0.15% N.A N.A N.A

C35 35 - 320 0.47 0.20% 0.15% 0.10% N.A N.A

C37 37 30 325 0.46 0.10% 0.08% 0.10% N.A N.A

C40 40 - 335 0.45 0.10% 0.08% 0.10% N.A N.A

C45 45 35 355 0.42 0.10% 0.08% 0.05% 0.10% N.A

C50 50 40 370 0.40 0.10% 0.08% N.A N.A 0.10%

C75 75 60 390 0.35 0.10% 0.08% N.A N.A 0.10%

1. The strength requirement is based on the design criteria; conversation of cylinder/cube shall be as
specified in above table or as indicated in QCS Part 05-06 clause
2. For Prestressed concrete the chloride limits are 0.08 and 0.06 respectively
3. Applicable where concrete is exposed to soils and water and not protected by waterproofing
4. Test method according to ASTM C1152 or BS 1881: Part 124.
5. Test method according to ASTM C1218 .

Table 6.1c: Concrete Durability Requirements and Tests

Durability level 1

No. Durability Requirements minimum Moderate Moderately High Level

Level Level High Level

1 concrete exposure condition Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Class 1 Class 2
Class 1

2 Minimum cube compressive C35 C40 C50 C75

strength grade

Durability Test1 Maximum Durability Requirement @ 28 days concrete age2

3 Water Penetration, BS EN 25 15 10 5
12390-8 (mm)

4 Resistance to Chloride ion 4000 2000 1000 500

Penetration (RCP), ASTM C
1202 (coulombs)

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5 Chloride Migration3, NT Build N.A 5.0 x 10-12 3.0 x 10-12 1.0 x 10-12
492 (m2/s)

6 Water Absorption, BS 1881: 2.5 2.0 1.6 1.2

Part 122 (%)
1. The durability level and requirement test or tests shall be applied when requested by the Engineer and
shall be tested at 28 days.
2. Exception will be made for mass concrete structure, or concrete mix containing fly ash, silica
fume, or GGBS , concrete strength grade C50 or more and for Exposure Conditions class 3 or class 4 the
durability requirement shall be requested at 56 days ,or 91 days if approved by the Engineer.
3. Optional requirement.

6.2.2 Design of Concrete Mixes

1. At the start of the construction period, the Contractor shall design a mix for each grade of
concrete as stated hereafter.
2. Each mix design shall be such that:
A. The aggregate shall comprise fine aggregate and coarse aggregate no greater than the
maximum size specified in part 2.
B. The combined aggregate grading shall be continuous
C. The aggregate quantity shall be calculated by weight SSD
3. Where a concrete production facility has strength test records not more than 12 months old,a
sample standard deviation, Ss, shall be established. Test records from which Ss is calculated
shall consist of at least 30 consecutive tests or two groups of consecutive tests totalling at
least 30 tests
4. Where a concrete production facility does not have strength test records meeting requirements
of 6.2.2(3) above, but does have test records not more than 12 months old based on 15 to 29
consecutive tests, a sample standard deviation Ss shall be established as the product of the
calculated sample standard deviation and modification factor of Table 6.2
Table 6.2
Modification Factor for Sample Standard Deviation When Less Than 30 Tests Are Available
No. of tests Modification factor for sample
standard deviation
Less than 15 Use para 7. Below
15 1.16
20 1.08
25 1.03
30 1.00
1- Interpolate for intermediate number of tests
2- Modified sample standard deviation, Ss, to be used to determined required
average strength f’cr

5. To determine the correction factor between cube strength and cylinder strength, the contractor
shall establish at least 30 consecutive strength tests from each proposed mix design. This
correction will remain valid thru the project providing that no change in the properties of the
materials and no change in source occurred.
6. Required average compressive strength (Target Mean Strength) f’cr used as the basis for
selection of concrete proportions shall be determined from Table 6.3 using the sample
standard deviation, Ss

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Table 6.3: Required Average Compressive Strength (Target Mean Strength) When Data Are Available
To Establish A Sample Standard Deviation
Specified compressive strength, Required average compressive strength,
N/mm2 or MPa Target Mean Strength, N/mm2 or MPa
F’c < 35 MPa --- see footnote F’cr = f’c + 1.34Ss ------------------ Eq. 1
F’cr = f’c + 2.33Ss – 3.5 ---------- Eq. 2
F’c > 35 MPa --- see footnote F’cr = f’c + 1.34Ss ------------------ Eq. 1
F’cr = 0.90f’c + 2.33Ss ------------ Eq. 3
Note: Use the larger value computed from any equation
7. When a concrete production facility does not have field strength test records for calculation of
Ss, Required average strength (Target Mean Strength) f’cr shall be determined as follow:
a. F’cr = f’c + 8.5 MPa when 20 < f’c < 35 MPa
b. F’cr = 1.10f’c + 5 MPa when f’c > 35 MPa

6.2.3 Portland Cement Concrete

1. Portland cement concrete shall consist of a mixture of Portland cement, fine aggregate, coarse
aggregate, water, and additives (when required). It shall be classified as in table 6.2.1 unless
otherwise stated hereafter and requested by the Engineer.
2. Blinding concrete
a. Blinding concrete shall be of minimum Grade 15 and above.

b. The thickness of the blinding concrete shall be as shown on the Drawings, but shall in no
instance be less than 75 mm.

c. The surface finish to blinding concrete shall be Class U2 as specified in Clause 9.3.1 of
Part 9 of this Section or as directed by the Engineer.

3. Mass Concrete
a. The fresh concrete temperature at placing shall not exceed 21oC unless otherwise a
higher temperature can be demonstrate the satisfactory of concrete with crack free from
thermal effect, Delayed Ettringite formation and/or internal sulphate attack. The maximum
allowable differential temperature between the interior and the exterior of the mass
concrete element shall not exceed 25 deg C. The maximum temperature in any location
within the mass concrete structure during curing shall not exceed 70 deg C. The drop in
concrete surface temperature during, and at the conclusion of the specified curing period,
shall not exceed 11 deg C in any 24 hour period. The internal differential temperature of
concrete shall not exceed 20oC for gabbro aggregates and 30oC for limestone

4. Self Consolidating Concrete

a. General: Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC) is an innovative concrete that does not
require vibration for placing and compaction. It is able to flow under its own weight,
completely filling formwork and achieving full compaction, even in the presence of
congested reinforcement. The hardened concrete is dense, homogeneous and has the
same engineering properties and durability as traditional vibrated, fully compacted

b. Self Consolidating Concrete Supplier: SCC shall be supplied by a competent concrete

producer with a record of successfully producing this type of concrete at considerable
volume and with high consistency.

c. Constituent Materials, General: The constituent materials for SCC are the same as those
used in traditional vibrated concrete conforming to EN 206-1, as specified in part 2 of this

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d. To achieve these requirements the control of the constituent materials needs to be

increased and the tolerable variations restricted, so that daily production of SCC is within
the conformity criteria without the need to test and/or adjust every batch.

e. Test Requirements for SCC:

Laboratory tests Field Tests

Slump-flow by Abrams cone 600 – 750 mm 550 – 750 mm
T500mm slump flow by Abrams 3 – 6 sec 3 – 10 sec
V-Funnel 6 – 25 sec N.A
5 minute V-Funnel < 3 sec N.A
L-Box (3 bars) > 0.80 N.A
J-Ring < 10mm N.A

f. Concrete specimens shall be moulded in single layer without rodding and tapping

g. Slump flow and VSI testing shall be performed as outlined in ASTM C 1611/C 1611M

5. Pile Concrete
a. The cementitious content shall not be less than 370 kg/m3

b. The water-cememtitous ratio shall not exceed 0.45

c. The concrete mixture shall be designed of high slump not less than 150 mm allowing
proper free fall with excellent homogeneity. When concrete mixture requires slump of
greater than 230 mm, it shall be designed as Self Consolidated Concrete. The increase in
slump shall be made using proper admixtures. The use of chemical admixture including
air-entraining or any other shall be evaluated as it increases the workability, if needed
and approved by the engineer.

d. The concrete slump shall have adequate retention using approved type of retarder and
shall be submitted in the design mix.

e. The increase in workability shall not permit any decrease in the specified design strength

f. The concrete in a pile shall, if at all possible, be placed in one continuous operation.

6. Underwater concrete shall generally comply with ACI 304 Chp 8 and following characteristics:
a. The Cementitious content shall not be less than 390 kg/m3

b. The water-cementitious ratio must not exceed 0.40

c. Fine aggregate contents of 45 to 55% by volume of total aggregate and air contents of up
to approximately 5% are generally specified.

d. Concrete shall be more cohesive and less prone to washout of cement or fines from the
concrete during placement. Antiwashout admixtures or alternative concrete mix shall be
used for underwater concrete.

e. Trial placements shall be conducted to verify that the concrete proportioned with the
antiwashout admixture can maintain adequate slump life and can flow for the required

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f. The concrete mixture shall be designed of high slump not less than 150 mm allowing
proper free fall with excellent homogeneity. The use of air-entraining admixture shall be
evaluated as it increases the workability. When concrete mixture requires slump of
greater than 230 mm, it shall be designed as Self Consolidated Concrete. The increase in
slump shall be made using proper admixtures.

g. The concrete slump shall have adequate retention using approved type of retarder and
shall be submitted in the design mix.

h. The increase in workability shall not permit any decrease in the specified design strength

i. The concrete shall be placed in one continuous operation

j. The final selection of a concrete mixture shall be based on test placements made under
water in a placement box or in a pit that can be dewatered after the placement. Test
placements shall be examined for concrete surface flatness, amount of laitance present,
quality of concrete at the extreme flow distance of the test, and flow around embedded
items, if appropriate.

7. Shotcrete
a. The classification of shotcreting shall be in accordance to the process used (wet-mix or
dry-mix) and the size of aggregates used.

b. All materials shall be as per QCS except for aggregate where gradation shall be as per
ACI 506R and 506.2R

c. Steel and synthetic fibers will be used to reduce propagation of cracks. Fibers shall be as
per Manufacturer supplier data sheet and shall conform to ASTM A 820 for steel fibers
and ASTM C1116 for synthetic fibers.

d. The nozzle operator should be certified (refer to ACI CP-60) and have completed atleast
one similar application as a nozzle operator on a similar project. The nozzle operator
should also be able to demonstrate, by test, an ability to satisfactorily perform the
required duties and to apply shotcrete as required by specifications

e. Before shotcreting the surface shall be prepared and maintained before and during
shotcrete application. Surface preparation shall conform to ACI 506 R chap. 5

f. The cementitious content shall not be less than 360 Kg/m3 where wet-mix is applied the
slump shall be in the range of 40 to 80 mm

g. Normal testing ages for compressive strength are 7 and 28 days; however, shorter
periods may be required for particular applications or conditions as directed by the
Engineer. Testing shall be on daily production or every 40 m3 whichever is greater.

h. Sampling and testing, however, should be varied according to the size and complexity of
the project. Sampling should be done in accordance with ASTM C 1385. Making extra
cylinders or panels shall be at the request of Engineer if testing results vary.

i. Testing for water absorption, drying shrinkage, and resistance to freezing-and-thawing

cycles shall be at the request of the Engineer.

j. Fiber-reinforced shotcrete requires fiber washout tests or flexural toughness testing

according to ASTM C 1018.

k. Acceptance of shotcrete should be based on results obtained from drilled cores or sawed
cubes (ASTM C 42). The use of data from nondestructive testing devices, such as impact
hammers or probes (ASTM C 805, ASTM C 803), ultrasonic equipment (ASTM C 597),
and pull-out devices (ASTM C 900) may be useful in determining the uniformity and
quality of the in-place shotcrete. These tests, however, may not provide reliable values
for compressive strength.

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l. Core grading is a method used to evaluate encasement of reinforcement. Core grading

shall be used for nozzle operator evaluation. Core grading should not be used to evaluate

8. No-Fines Concrete and Pervious concrete

a. No-fines concrete shall be made using a coarse aggregate conforming QCS section 5
part 3

b. Proportion of aggregate, cement and water shall be determined by trial mixes by the
Contractor and to be accepted by the Engineer.

c. All the aggregate particles are to be coated with a film of cement grout.

d. No-fines concrete when placed shall contain no layers of laitance.

e. No-fines concrete shall not be mixed by hand.

f. Vibration shall not be used to compact no-fines concrete.

g. Three test cubes of no-fines concrete shall be made of each preliminary mix.

h. Minimum crushing strength of the chosen mix shall be 5 MPa at 28 days.

i. The porosity of no-fines concrete shall be such that water will pass through a slab 300
mm thick at the rate of not less than 7 l/m2 • s of slab with a constant 100 mm depth of
water on the slab.

j. Where a slab incorporating vertical weep holes or drain holes is casted above a layer of
no-fines concrete; any polyethylene sheeting shall be pierced below the pipes forming
such drain holes and the edges of the sheeting sealed to the lower end of the pipe to
prevent the ingress of grout and fine particles from the slab concrete into the no-fines

k. The limit for the maximum height of drop while placing is not applicable for no fines

l. Formwork shall remain in place until the no fines concrete has gained adequate strength
to support itself as per the requirements of Part 10 of this Section.

m. Curing shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Part 11 of this Section

n. The fresh density of Pervious concrete shall be tested as per ASTM C1688 and the
infiltration rate shall be tested as per ASTM C1701 and to follow ACI 522.1R for testing
and quality control scheme.

9. Concrete with recycled aggregates shall be generally approved once the source of recycled
aggregates is identified based on type and approved by the Engineer.
a. The recycled aggregates shall be subject for examination as per ASTM C856.

b. The recycled aggregates shall meet with BS EN 12620 and QCS requirements.

c. Recycled aggregates shall always be moist above saturation stage at batching plant

d. The concrete made with recycled aggregates shall be limited to design strength of 20
MPa cube strength; unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer. EN 206, ACI 555 and
BRE digest 433 shall be the code of practice and guide for the usage of recycled
concrete aggregates in concrete.

e. Concrete made with recycled aggregates shall be tested for shrinkage, modulus of
rupture, carbonation, chloride penetration which they shall meet with design criteria of the

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f. The Water-cementitious ratio shall not exceed 0.45

g. To determine a target mean strength on the basis of a required strength, a higher

standard deviation (increased by 40%) shall be used when designing a concrete with
recycled aggregates of variable quality than when recycled aggregate of uniform quality
or virgin aggregates are used

h. Specific gravity, unit weight, and absorption of aggregates should be determined before
mixture proportion studies

i. The mixture proportion should be based on the measured density of the recycled
aggregates intended in the job concrete

j. Trial mixes shall be made to verify the requirements with project specification and QCS.

10. Heavyweight and radiation shielding concrete

a. The quality of the aggregates should comply with the requirements of QCS for
normal weight aggregates, ASTM C 637 for heavyweight aggregates and
ASTM C638 for aggregates to be used in radiation-shielding concrete.

b. When ferrophosphorous aggregates are used, tests shall be made to

determine if gases (nontoxic) might be released during construction.

c. Aggregates shall be checked for every delivery to ensure that they conform
completely with purchase specifications

d. Aggregates shall be frequently evaluated for the effects of deleterious

substances or aggregate coatings on concrete strength or the promotion of
corrosion in metallic aggregates or embedment’s

e. The chemical properties of all high-density aggregates must be provided to the

Engineer for evaluation before use with due consideration given to chemical
reactivity, particularly in highly alkaline environment as found in cement paste.

f. Tests for alkali-aggregate reactivity shall be determined from each source and
supplier and shall be made every 3 months.

g. The fresh density of high-density concrete shall be made from each truck

h. Lead shot concrete shall not be use for structural concrete.

i. Thermal conductivity, elastic behaviour and shrinkage, hardened density,

strength as

j. well as other hardened concrete properties shall be tested and verified before
the use of concrete

11. Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

a. Classification of fiber-reinforced concrete shall be made based on the material
type of the fiber incorporated:
i. Type I Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete—Contains stainless steel, alloy steel, or
carbon steel fibers conforming to Specification A 820/A 820M.
ii. Type II Glass Fiber-Reinforced Concrete—Contains alkali-resistant (AR) glass fibers
conforming to Specification C 1666/C 1666M.
iii. Type III Synthetic Fiber-Reinforced Concrete— Contains synthetic fibers for which
documentary evidence can be produced confirming their long-term resistance to
deterioration when in contact with the moisture and alkalis present in cement paste
and the substances present in admixtures

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iv. Type IV Natural Fiber-Reinforced Concrete— Contains natural fibers for which
documentary evidence can be produced confirming their long-term resistance to
deterioration when in contact with the moisture and alkalis present in cement paste
and the substances present in admixtures. Test Method ASTM D 6942 may be used
to determine the susceptibility of these fibers to deterioration as a result of exposure to
alkalis in concrete
v. When the purchaser chooses to permit the use of fibers other than those complying
with the above classifications, the manufacturer or supplier shall show evidence
satisfactory to the purchaser that the type of fiber proposed for use shows long-term
resistance to deterioration when in contact with the moisture and alkalis present in
cement paste and the substances present in admixtures
b. The contractor shall submit:
i. Type of fiber-reinforced concrete required
ii. Designated size, or sizes, of coarse aggregates
iii. Slump or time of flow required at the point of delivery, or when appropriate the point of
placement, subject to the tolerances hereinafter specified Slump shall be specified
when it is anticipated to be 50 mm or more, and time of flow shall be specified when
slump is anticipated to be less than 50 mm. Slump or time of flow shall not be
specified for shotcrete placed by the dry process. Time of flow shall be in general of 8
to 15 seconds.
c. Air content when air-entrainment is required, based on the air content of samples taken at
the point of discharge, or when appropriate the point of placement, subject to the
tolerances specified in ASTM C1116

d. Except as otherwise specifically permitted by the Engineer, cement, supplementary

cementitious materials, fine and coarse aggregates, mixing water, and admixtures shall
be measured in accordance with the applicable requirements of QCS

e. Fibers shall be measured by mass. When the fibers are to be measured by mass, bags,
boxes, or like containers are acceptable provided that such like containers are sealed by
the fiber manufacturer and have the mass contained therein clearly marked.No fraction of
a container delivered unsealed, or left over from previous work, shall be used unless

f. Prepackaged, dry, combined materials, including fibers, shall comply with the packaging
and marking requirements of Specification ASTM C 387 or C 1480 and shall be accepted
for use provided that after addition of water, the resulting fiber reinforced concrete meets
the performance requirements of this specification

g. Batching plant used for the preparation of continuously mixed fiber-reinforced concrete
shall comply with the applicable requirements of NRMCA. Fiber-reinforced concrete shall
be added directly to the concrete at the time of batching in amounts in accord with
approved submittals for each type of concrete required. Mix concrete in strict accord with
fiber-reinforced concrete manufacturer, instructions and recommendations

h. Fiber-reinforced concrete shall be free of fiber balls when delivered

i. The manufacturer of the fiber-reinforced concrete shall furnish to the purchaser a delivery
ticket or statement of particulars on which is printed, stamped, or written, information with
details of the type, brand, and amount of fibers used.

j. The contractor shall afford the inspector all reasonable access, without charge, for the
procurement of samples of freshly mixed fiber-reinforced concrete at the time of
placement to determine compliance with the requirements of this specification.

k. Samples of batch-mixed fiber-reinforced concrete shall be obtained in

accordance with Practice ASTM C 172 or C 1385/C 1385M for shotcrete as
appropriate, except that wet-sieving shall not be permitted. Sampling for
uniformity tests shall be in accordance with specification ASTM C 94/C 94M

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l. If the measured slumps, time of flow, or air content fall outside the limits
permitted by this specification, make a check test immediately on another
portion of the same sample. If the results again fall outside the permitted limits,
the material represented by the sample fails to meet the requirements of this

m. The following shall apply to all forms of fiber-reinforced concrete except dry-mix
shotcrete. When applicable, the slump shall be in tolerance with this section
para (a) and (b).

n. The time of flow shall be in the tolerances as follow:

i. When the project specifications for time of flow are written as a “minimum” or “not
less than” requirement

Specified time of flow

If 15sec or less If more than 15 sec
Plus Tolerance 5s 10s
Minus Tolerance 0s 0s

ii. When the project specifications for time of flow are not written as a “minimum” or “not
less than” requirement:

Tolerances for time of flow

For specified time of flow Tolerance
8 to 15 s + 3s
More than 15 s + 5s

o. Finishability - Pre-project trials shall be utilized to determine acceptable surface

finishability by the Engineer. The manufacturer shall provide the services of a
qualified technician to instruct the concrete supplier in proper batching and
mixing of materials to be provided.

p. Provide fibers for concrete reinforcing capable of achieving a two hour fire
resistance rating when tested under ASTM E 119. Fire tests must be certified.

12. Lightweight concrete

a. This clause of the specification refers to lightweight concrete with improved
insulation properties where the practical range of densities is between about
300 and 1850 kg/m3.

b. The required density and strength of the lightweight concrete will be specified
on the drawings or directed by the Engineer.

c. The method of production of lightweight concrete will be shown on the drawings

or directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit full technical details of
the materials and method of production for the lightweight concrete along with a
list of previous projects where the particular system has been used.

d. After source approval of the material and system the Contractor shall submit a
mix design for the lightweight concrete for the approval of the Engineer. After
the review and approval of the mix theoretical mix design the Contractor shall
carry out a trial mix to check the workability of the fresh concrete and to allow
samples to be made for compressive strength and density.

e. The Engineer may also instruct that tests are carried out for abrasion resistance
and thermal insulation properties.

f. Iightweight concrete shall be made with lightweight aggregates as approved in

part 2 of section 05 in QCS for its use in concrete

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g. The performance of lightweight concrete shall follow ACI 213R


1. As soon as the Engineer has approved the concrete mix design for each grade of concrete
and during or following the carrying out of the preliminary tests, the Contractor shall prepare a
trial mixes of each grade in the presence of the Engineer at least 35 days before
commencement of concreting. Trial mixes shall be mixed for the same time and handled by
means of the same plant which the Contractor proposes to use in the Works. The trial mix
shall comprise not less than 50% from the central mixing drum capacity but not less than 0.5
m3 of concrete.The trial mix can be exempted if concrete supplier provides thru an
independent approved testing agency adequate history on strength:
(a) Not less than 50 strength test results as in para 6.2.2 of this specification
(b) The results shall valid by no more than 6 months from the date of approval
2. Batch the field concrete trial mixture within -2°C of the proposed maximum allowable fresh
concrete temperature in a truck-mixer with a minimum batch size of 3 m3.
3. The concrete mixture shall be held in the mixer for 90 minutes, unless otherwise specified by
the Engineer. During the entire 90-minute period, agitate the mixer at 1 to 6 rpm. At the end of
90 minutes, mix the concrete mixture at full mixing speed designated by the manufacturer (6 to
18 rpm) for 2 minutes.
4. For each trial mix, a plant production trial shall be carried out and the slump of the concrete
checked immediately after discharge from the mixer and thereafter at 30 min intervals up to
the maximum time period envisaged for delivery and standing on site. Based on this trial the
mix design shall identify any adjustments to the range of plasticiser for acceptable workability
for different times after batching. Where ready mix concrete is being used, the above
requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Engineer if the Contractor has documented
previous experience of a particular mix design with test results available.
5. The proportions of cement, aggregate and water shall be carefully determined by weight in
accordance with the Contractor's approved mix design (or modified mix design after
preliminary tests).
6. Each sample shall consist of at least 9 specimens for strength analysis where 3 specimens for
each age will be tested to determine the concrete strength at the required age.
7. If either or both the average value of the strength of the three cubes tested at 28 d is less than
the required strength (target strength) or the difference between the greatest and the least
strengths is more than 20 % of the average strengths, the Contractor shall take measures as
deemed necessary such as:
(a) Propose new mix design
(b) Provide new materials and prepare and test further trial mixes until specified
requirements are achieved.

8. Additionally, the Contractor shall measure the temperature, workability of concrete in each
9. When requested by engineer, a mock-up of 2x2x2 m3 shall be made at jobsite and full scale
tests of the workability of each trial mix of each grade of concrete shall be made by the
Contractor in the presence of the Engineer. The trial mix of each grade of concrete shall be
batched, mixed and then transported a representative distance in the manner that the
Contractor proposes to batch, mix and transport the concrete to be placed in the Works. After
discarding the first batch so made, the concrete shall be placed and compacted in trial moulds
both for reinforced and mass concrete with dimensions typical of the Works. The sides of the
moulds shall be capable of being stripped without undue disturbance of the concrete placed
therein. The sides of the moulds shall be stripped after the concrete has set and the
workability judged on the compaction obtained. If the workability test shows that the workability
required is not attained for any trial mix for any class of concrete, the trial mix shall be
redesigned by the Contractor and a further full scale workability test shall be undertaken for
that trial mix of concrete.

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10. Redesign of the concrete mixes and trial mixes of concrete shall be repeated for each grade of
concrete until the concrete meets the requirements in this specification and it is verified by full
scale mockup test as described above.
11. The Contractor shall use only the approved mix of each grade of concrete in the Works. If at
any time during the construction of the Works the source of cement or aggregate is changed
or the grading of the aggregate alters to such an extent that the fraction of aggregate retained
on any sieve cannot be maintained within two percent of the total quantity of fine and coarse
aggregate when adjusted in accordance with this Clause, then further trial mixes of concrete
shall be made, tested and approved for use.
12. Approval of the job-mix proportions by the Engineer or his assistance to the Contractor in
establishing those proportions, in no way relieves the Contractor of the responsibility of
producing concrete which meets the requirements of this Specification.
13. The Engineer may also require practical tests to be made on the Site by filling trial moulds to
confirm the suitability of:
a. Mix for the works
b. Type of plant used for mixing
c. Face intended for use in the works
d. Type of form oil
e. Type of protective coatings.
14. All costs connected with the preparations of trial mixes and the design of the job mixes shall be
borne by the Contractor.
15. Whenever a change of brand or source for any of the concrete ingredients occurs, additional
“preliminary tests” will be required.
16. The Contractor shall declare any change in the source of the material and any changes in the
cement content consumption greater than 20.0kg/m³ from that used in the trial mixes.


6.4.1 General
1. In order to ensure that the quality of materials and mix proportions are maintained throughout
concreting operations, sampling and testing shall be carried out using the relevant standard
and all other relevant codes quoted in this specification in accordance with a routine testing
program that shall be agreed with the Engineer before the start of concrete work.
2. The Contractor thru third party approved testing agency,shall supply all necessary tools for
tests, shall cast all concrete specimens, strip and store them in water as stated in standard
procedure..The Contractor shall also arrange for the transport of samples to the place of
testing and shall supply the Engineer with duplicate copies of all test certificates.

6.4.2 Tests
1. Unless the Engineer directs otherwise, the program shall include at least the tests specified
2. Tests on aggregates shall be as described in Part 2 of this Section.
3. Concrete shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of this specification by qualified
field testing technicians or engineer. Concrete testing laboratory personnel shall be certified
from a recognised Institution. Field personnel’s in charge of sampling concrete, testing for
slump, and temperature; and making and curing test specimens shall be certified from a
recognised Institution too.
4. Slump tests (and VSI testing when applicable) shall be carried out at the rate of one test per
load of concrete delivered to the site, or one test per 10 m whichever is the lesser. for the first
3 3
50 m of concrete then at a rate of 1 slump test for every 50 m if concrete was consistent
during production. In the event of inconsistent slump values, the Engineer may instruct the

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Contractor to check the slump test on each truck of concrete at the plant. The Contractor shall
carry out an investigation to establish the cause of the high variation in slump and shall take
any necessary corrective measures. The slump requirements to thefresh concrete are to be
approved by the Engineer depending on location and exposure and it shall be recorded on the
batch ticket for each delivery.
5. Any variations from approved slumps necessitated by the use of superplactisers or other
admixtures or additives shall be approved by the Engineer. Unless other tolerances are
included in the project specification, the following shall apply:
a. When the project specifications for slump are written as a “maximum” or “not to exceed”

Specified Slump

If 75 mm or less If more than 75 mm

Plus tolerance 0 0

Minus tolerance* 40 mm 60 mm

b. When the project specifications for slump are not written as “maximum” or “not to
exceed” requirement:

Tolerances for nominal slumps

For specified slump of: Tolerance

50 mm and less 20 mm

50 mm to 100 mm 30 mm

More than 100 mm 40 mm

6. The adjustment for the slump of concrete to fit the job requirement can be conducted only one
time using a proper additive at jobsite provided that such addition does not increase the water-
cement ratio and setting time above the maximum permitted by the specifications.This addition
will only be made at the approval of Engineer.
7. Concrete shall be available within the permissible range of slump for a period of 30 min
starting either on arrival at the job site or after the initial slump adjustment as permitted above,
whichever is later. The first and last quarter m3 discharged are exempt from this requirement.
If the user is unprepared for discharge of the concrete from the vehicle, the producer shall not
be responsible for the limitation of minimum slump after 30 min have elapsed starting either on
arrival of the vehicle at the prescribed destination or at the requested delivery time, whichever
is later.
8. When air-entrained concrete is desired the purchaser shall specify the total air content of the
concrete. The air content of air-entrained concrete when sampled from the transportation unit
at the point of discharge shall be within a tolerance of +1.0% of the specified value.
9. Concrete strength test:
a. Each concrete strength sample shall consist of at least seven specimens, two to be
tested at 7 days, three at 28 days and two to be tested at the discretion of the Engineer.
Additional samples may be prepared as directed by the Engineer to be tested at the
discretion of the Engineer for strength and/or durability
b. When concrete cylinders have been specified, the concrete specimens shall not be
capped using sulphur for environmental effect. The Contractor shall follow one of the
following procedures and as approved by the Engineer:

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i. Cap the specimens in accordance with ASTM C617 using neat cement paste and/or
High-strength gypsum cement paste
ii. Saw cut and Grind the surface of the concrete to the desired planeness and
iii. Test the concrete cylinders using Unbonded Caps in accordance with ASTM C1231
iv. For field specimens, the contractor has the right to either use the conversation listed in
EN 206 or determine the conversion factor for each specified concrete mix design by
testing at least 36 comparative specimens (i.e. 18 cubes versus 18 cylinders sampled
from 3 consecutive batch trial mix).

c. A minimum of one sample shall be taken of each mix every day the mix is used
d. Samples shall be taken at the average rate of one sample every 30 m3 of concrete or
fractions thereof for the first 90 m3, then one sample every 100 m3 of concrete or fraction
thereof when continuous concrete production reaches up to 2000 m3 and later of one
sample every 200 m3 of concrete or fraction thereof when concrete production exceeds
2000 m3.
e. If the average strength of the three specimens at 7 d indicate that the required strength at
28 d will not be achieved the Contractor shall immediately:
i. stop all concreting until checks are made on material and equipment
ii. r ectify any defect which has become apparent as the result of checking.

f. At Contractor’s option, defective concrete may be removed and replaced without waiting
the 28 d test results.
g. A test shall be the average of the strength of the specimens tested at the age specified. If
a specimen shows definite evidence other than low strength, of improper sampling,
molding, handling, curing, or testing, it shall be discarded and the strength of the
remaining cylinder shall then be considered the test result. To conform to the
requirements of this specification, strength tests representing each class of concrete must
meet the following requirements:
i. The average of any three consecutive strength tests shall be equal to, or greater than,
the specified strength, f ‘c, and
ii. When the specified strength is 35 MPa or less, no individual strength test (average of
at least two specimen tests) shall be more than 3.5 MPa below the specified strength,
f ‘c
iii. When the specified strength is greater than 35 MPa, no individual strength test
(average of two specimen tests) shall be less than 0.90f ‘c.

h. If works test specimens fail at 28 days the Contractor shall suspend concreting operations
and shall not proceed further without approval. The Contractor shall carry out in-situ
testing of the suspect concrete in accordance with Part 13 of this Section, in the presence
of the Engineer. All defective work shall be replaced and retested to the satisfaction of the

6.4.3 Hardened Tests for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

1. When post-crack flexural performance is used as the basis for acceptance of fiberreinforced
concrete, make, condition, and test sets of test specimens in accordance with Test Method
ASTM C1399, C1550 or C1609/C1609M as specified.
2. When flexural strength is used as the basis for acceptance, make and test sets of at least
three test specimens in accordance with the requirements for sampling and conditioning given
in Test Method ASTM C1609/C1609M. Test specimens representing thin sections, as defined
in C1609/C1609M, or specimens representing fiber-reinforced shotcrete of any thickness, shall
be tested as cast or placed without being turned on their sides before placement on the
support system. Acceptance shall not be based on flexural strength alone when post-crack
performance is important.Test Method C1609/C1609M provides for the determination of first

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CEG International Specification

peak flexural strength when required by the purchaser. For many type-amount fiber
combinations, the first peak flexural strength is not significantly greater than the peak strength
in flexure.
3. When compressive strength is used as part of the basis for acceptance of fiberreinforced
concrete, make sets of at least two test specimens in accordance with the applicable
requirements of Practices ASTM C31/C31M and C192/C192M and as specified in this section,
or Test Methods C42/C42M or C1604/C1604M and condition and test in accordance with Test
Methods BS EN 12390, C39/C39M, C42/ C42M, or C1604/C1604M. Acceptance shall not be
based on compressive strength alone.
4. The frequency of tests on hardened fiber-reinforced concrete shall be in accordance with the
following requirements:
a. Batch-Mixing: Tests shall be made with same frequency as in conventional concrete
stated in Each test shall be made from a separate batch. On each day fiber-
reinforced concrete is mixed, at least one test shall be made for each class of material.
b. When fibers are added, subject for approval of the Engineer, at the truck mixer the tests
shall be made for each 20 m3 or fraction thereof, or whenever significant changes have
been made in the proportioning controls. On each day fiber-reinforced concrete is mixed,
at least one test shall be made for each class of material.
c. For Shotcrete: Tests shall be made for each 38 m 3 placed using specimens sawed or
cored from the structure or from corresponding test panels prepared in accordance with
Practice ASTM C1604 and C 1140. On each day fiberreinforced shotcrete is prepared; at
least one test shall be made for each class of material.

6.4.4 Quality Control charts

1. The Contractor shall submit a continuous statistical analysis, on a monthly bases, for strength
showing the potential strength of the concrete, variations in measured strength by determining
the standard deviation (margin), batch-to-batch variations of the proportions and
characteristics of the constituent materials in the concrete, the production, delivery, and
handling process, and climatic conditions; and variations in the sampling, specimen
preparation, curing, and testing procedures (within-test).
2. The Contractor shall provide in his analysis the mean strength, calculated standard deviation,
the normal distribution of concrete strength and the frequency histogram. The Contractor shall
draw the upper and lower lines for warning line (Target mean strength + 2 x standard
deviation) and control line (Target mean strength + 3 x standard deviation)
3. The contractor shall use the methods, of computing standard deviation along with coefficient of
variation and factors for computing within-test standard deviation from range, addressed in
ACI 214
4. This recalculated margin, if adopted by the Engineer, becomes the current margin for the
judgement of compliance with the specified characteristic strength of concrete
5. When standard deviation or coefficient of variation are relatively high that represent low
quality, the Engineer has the right to stop concreting until the Contractor provide corrective
and preventive measures.
For classes C0, C1’, C1 and when strength is equal or less than 35 MPa

Overall variation

Class of operation Standard deviation for different control standards, MPa

Recommended Acceptable Low

General construction testing Below 3.4 MPa 3.4 to 4.8 MPa Above 4.8 MPa

Within-test variation

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Class of operation Coefficient of variation for different control standards, %

Recommended Acceptable Low

Field control testing 4.0 4.0 to 6.0 Above 6.0

For classes C2, C3, C4 and when strength is higher than 35 MPa

Overall variation

Class of operation Coefficient of variation for different control standards, %

Recommended Acceptable Low

General construction testing Below 9.0 9.0 to 14.0 Above 14.0

Within-test variation

Class of operation Coefficient of variation for different control standards, %

Recommended Acceptable Low

Field control testing 4.0 4.0 to 6.0 Above 6.0


1. Test cubes shall be taken as specified from fresh mixed concrete which is being used in the
Works and which has been prepared in the normal way.
2. Cubes shall be numbered consequently and marked:
a. Time, date and name of individual
b. Section of work from which samples are taken
c. Mix reference and delivery note number
d. Name of technician
e. and any other relevant information.
3. Tests for slump and temperature shall be made and recorded whenever samples are taken.
4. When consolidation of concrete is by rodding procedure. The concrete shall be placed in
mould at 3 layers of equal height. Rod each layer 25 strokes. Rod the bottom layer throughout
its depth. Distribute the roddings uniformly over the cross section of the mould. For each upper
layer, allow the rod to penetrate through the layer being rodded and into the layer below about
25 mm. After each layer is rodded, tap the outsides of the mould lightly 10 to 15 times with the
mallet of 0.6 +0.2 kg, to close any holes left by rodding and to release any large air bubbles
that may have been trapped. Use an open hand to tap light-gage single-use cylinder moulds
which are susceptible to damage if tapped with a mallet.
5. When Self Consolidate Concrete is used, the concrete specimens shall not be consolidated in
moulds and it shall be placed in single lift then levelled with minimum manipulation.
6. All samples shall be moulded at jobsite on a levelled surface area to within 20 mm per meter
7. Immediately after moulding and finishing, the specimens shall be stored for a period up to 48 h
in a temperature range from 20 to 26oC and in an environment preventing moisture loss from
the specimens
8. Specimens shall not be transported or handled until at least 8 h after final set
9. Transportation time from site to laboratory for final curing and strength testing shall not exceed
4 hours. Specimens shall be protected direct sun or rapid evaporation and placed on cushion
layer to reduce vibration

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6.6.1 Rejection of Concrete Mixes:

1. Concrete mixes shall be rejected if they fail to meet one or more requirements, which cannot
be brought into compliance of visually unsatisfactory as related to any of the following:
a. Improper class of concrete
b. Improper workability
c. Overmixing
d. Air Content, slump or temperature not within specified limits
e. Oversized aggregate
f. Maximum water-cement ratio is exceeded

6.6.2 Unsatisfactory Concrete Works

1. A test shall be the average of the strengths of the specimens tested at the age specified. If a
specimen shows definite evidence other than low strength, of improper sampling, molding,
handling, curing, or testing, it shall be discarded and the strength of the remaining specimens
shall then be considered the test result and where the range of the test values is more than 15
% of the mean, the results shall be disregarded unless an investigation reveals an acceptable
reason to justify disregarding an individual test value. To conform to the requirements of this
specification, strength tests representing each class of concrete must meet the following
a. The average of any three consecutive strength tests shall be equal to, or greater than, the
specified strength, f ‘c, and
b. When the specified strength is 35 MPa or less, no individual strength test (average of at
least two specimen tests) shall be more than 3.5 MPa below the specified strength, f ‘c
c. When the specified strength is greater than 35 MPa, no individual strength test (average
of two specimen tests) shall be less than 0.90 f ‘c.
2. Should any of the test results be unsatisfactory, the Engineer may order the work to be
stopped pending his further instructions. Executed work for which test results are
unsatisfactory shall be liable to rejection and if so advised the work shall be rebuilt at the
Contractor's expense.
3. In the case of the 7-day works cube tests proving unsatisfactory, the work may be stopped but
shall not be liable to rejection pending the result of the 28-day test. If the test results fail to
comply with the requirements the work represented shall be immediately liable to rejection.The
Contractor may however be given the option of cutting three acceptable specimens from the
completed work and preparing from them test cubes or cores which shall be tested as for
Works test cubes. Should the average strength of these specimens attain the minimum 28day
strength the work will be accepted but otherwise the work will remain liable to rejection as
4. The cost of all such cuttings, preparation of specimens, transportation and testing, and of
making good the portions of the structure affected shall be borne by the Contractor.
5. Regardless of satisfactory test cube results, any concrete work which, in the Engineer's
opinion, is excessively honeycombed or in any other way is defective, shall be liable to
rejection. Minor defects apparent on stripping the formwork must be made good at the
Contractor's expense. No such repair work shall be carried out until after inspection by the
Engineer and his acceptance of the proposed treatment has been given. Work which has not
been previously inspected but which shows signs of such treatment shall be liable to rejection
as defective work.
6. The cost of all delays on site due to faulty concrete work shall be met by the Contractor.

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7.1.1 Scope
1. This Part covers batching and mixing of concrete and ready-mixed concrete.


7.2.1 General
1. During measurement operations, aggregates shall be handled in a manner to maintain their
desired grading, and all materials shall be weighed to the tolerances required for the desired
reproducibility of the selected concrete mix.
2. The coarse aggregate shall be controlled to minimize segregation and undersized material.
Fine aggregate shall be controlled to minimize variations in gradation, giving special attention
to keeping finer fractions uniform and exercising care to avoid excessive removal of fines
during processing
3. Avoid blending two sizes of fine aggregate by placing alternate amounts in bins or stockpiles
or when loading cars or trucks. Satisfactory results are achieved when different size fractions
are blended as they flow into a stream from regulating gates or feeders. A more reliable
method of control for a wide range of plant and job conditions, however, is to separate storage,
handling, and batching of the coarse and fine fractions
4. Stockpiling of coarse aggregate shall be kept to a minimum because fines tend to settle and
accumulate. When stockpiling is necessary use of correct methods minimizes problems with
fines, segregation, aggregate breakage, excessive variation in gradation, and contamination.
Stockpiles shall be built up in horizontal or gently sloping layers, not by end-dumping. Trucks,
loaders, and dozers, or other equipment shall not be operated on the stockpiles because, in
addition to breaking the aggregate, they frequently track dirt onto the piles
5. Stockpiles located to prevent contamination; arranged to assure that each aggregate as
removed from its stockpile is distinct and not intermingled with others. The concrete supplier is
asked to separate storage bins or compartments for each size and type of aggregate properly
constructed and charged to prevent mixing of different sizes or types
6. Sequencing and blending of the ingredients during charging of the mixers shall be carried out
in such a way as to obtain uniformity and homogeneity in the concrete produced as indicated
by such physical properties as unit weight, slump, air content, strength and air-free mortar
content in successive batches of the same mix proportions and as stated in ASTM C94 Annex
7. The mix recipe for the mixes to be produced shall be readily available to the mixer operator.
Only authorised personnel shall be allowed to make changes to the mix design.
8. All cement bags shall be stored in weathertight, properly ventilated structures to prevent
absorption of moisture.
9. Storage facilities for bulk cement shall include separate compartments for each type of cement
used. The interior of a cement silo shall be smooth, with a minimum bottom slope of 50
degrees from the horizontal for a circular silo and 55 to 60 degrees for a rectangular silo. Silos
shall be equipped with non-clogging air-diffuser flow pads through which small quantities of
dry, oil-free, low-pressure air can be introduced intermittently at approximately 3 to 5 psi (20 to
35 kPa) to loosen cement that has settled tightly in the silos. Storage silos shall be drawn
down frequently, preferably once per month, to prevent cement caking.
10. Each bin compartment from which cement is batched shall include a separate gate, screw
conveyor, air slide, rotary feeder, or other conveyance that effectively allows both constant
flow and precise cutoff to obtain accurate batching of cement

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11. Fly ash, ground slag, or other pozzolans shall be handled, conveyed, and stored in the same
manner as cement. The bins, however, shall be completely separate from cement bins without
common walls that could allow the material to leak into the cement bin.
12. All bins and silos shall be properly tagged at silos, bins and near charging hose.
13. Bags of cement should be stacked on pallets or similar platforms to permit proper circulation of
air. For a storage period of less than 60 days, stack the bags no higher than 14 layers, and for
longer periods, no higher than seven layers.
14. The water batcher and the water pipes should be leak-free. If ice is used, the ice facilities,
including the equipment for batching and transporting to the mixer, should be properly
insulated to prevent the ice from melting before it is in the mixer.

7.2.2 Plant Type

1. Manual control batching. Manual plants are acceptable for small jobs having low batching rate
requirements, generally for jobs up to a total concrete quantity of 1000 m3 and 10 m3 /h.
2. Semi-automatic control batching. In this system, aggregate bin gates for charging batchers are
opened by manually operated push buttons or switches. Gates are closed automatically when
the designated weight of material has been delivered.
3. Automatic control batching. Automatic batching of all materials is electrically activated by a
single starter switch. However, interlocks shall interrupt the batching cycle when the scale has
not returned to ±0.3 % of zero balance or when weighing tolerances detailed in Clause 7.2.5 of
this Part are exceeded.

7.2.3 Bins and Weight Batchers

1. Batch plant bins shall be of sufficient size to effectively accommodate the production capacity
of the plant. Compartments in bins separate the various concrete materials, and the shape and
arrangement of aggregate bins shall prevent aggregate segregation and leakage.
2. Weight batchers shall be charged with easy-operating clam shells or undercut radial-type bin
3. Gates used to charge semi-automatic and fully automatic batchers shall be power operated
and equipped with a suitable in flight correction to obtain the desired weighing accuracy. They
shall be calibrated by the plant supplier for the types of aggregate used at the standard range
of moisture contents.
4. Weigh batchers shall be accessible for obtaining representative samples, and they shall be
arranged to obtain the proper sequencing and blending of aggregates during charging of the
5. The amount of concrete mixed in any one batch shall not exceed the rated capacity of the
6. All mixing and batching plants shall be maintained free of set concrete or cement and shall be
clean before commencing mixing.
7. For each different type of cement at use at the plant a separate silo shall be provided.

7.2.4 Tolerances of Measuring Equipment

1. Scales for weighing concrete ingredients shall be accurate when in use within ±3 % and ±1.5
% for additives. Standard test weights shall be available to permit the checking of scale
2. Testing of the weighers shall be at three-month intervals. If water is dispensed by flow meter
the frequency of testing shall be at three-month intervals. Such testing shall be undertaken by
a calibration company approved by the Central Materials Laboratory.
3. Test certificates shall be displayed in the plant in prominent positions.

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7.2.5 Batching Tolerances

1. Operation of batching equipment shall be such that the concrete ingredients are consistently
measured within the following tolerances. The plant shall have the ability to flag values that are
outside these limits. The operator shall make manual adjustments to the batching and the final
weights shall be within the given limits stated in table 7.1. Any adjustments shall be displayed
on the batch weight printouts.
2. Cementitious materials shall be measured by mass. When supplementary cementitious
materials are used in the concrete mixtures, the cumulative mass is permitted to be measured
with hydraulic cement, but in a batch hopper and on a scale which is separate and distinct
from those used for other materials.
3. Aggregate shall be measured by mass. Batch mass measurements shall be based on dry
materials and shall be the required masses of dry materials plus the total mass of moisture
(both absorbed and surface) contained in the aggregate
4. Mixing water shall consist of water added to the batch, ice added to the batch, water occurring
as surface moisture on the aggregates, and water introduced in the form of admixtures. The
added water shall be measured by weight or volume.
5. Added ice shall be measured by weight. In the case of truck mixers, any wash water retained
in the drum for use in the next batch of concrete shall be accurately measured; if this proves
impractical or impossible the wash water shall be discharged prior to loading the next batch of
6. Chemical admixtures in powdered form shall be measured by mass. Liquid chemical
admixtures shall be batched by mass or volume

Table 7.1 Typical batching tolerances Ingredient

Batch weights greater than Batch weights less than

Typical batching 30% of scale capacity 30% of scale capacity
Ingredient Individual Cumulative Individual Cumulative
batching batching batching batching
Cement and other ±1% of required mass or ±0.3%
Not less than required weight or 4%
cementitious of scale capacity, whichever is
more than required weight
Materials greater

Water (by volume ±1 Not recommended ±1 Not recommended

or weight), %

±0.3% of scale
Aggregates, % ±2 ±1 ±2 capacity or
±3% of required
Weight, whichever is
Admixtures (by
volume or weight), ±3 Not recommended ±3 Not recommended

7. Cement supplied in bags shall be placed directly from the bag into the intake of the mixing
plant and each batch must contain one or more complete bags of cement. No mixer havinga
rated capacity of less than a one-bag batch shall be used and the mixer shall not be charged
in excess of its rated capacity.

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7.2.6 Charging the Mixer

1. Each batch shall be so charged into the mixer that some of the water will enter in advance of
the cement and aggregates. Controls shall be provided to prevent batched ingredients from
entering the mixer before the previous batch has been completely discharged.
2. The first batch of concrete through the mixer shall contain an excess of cement to allow for
coating of the inside of the mixing drum without reducing the required mortar content of the
3. Mixing plant that has been out of action for more than 30 minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned
before any fresh concrete is mixed in it.
4. When a change of mix is made to one using a different type of cement, the mixing plant shall
be thoroughly cleaned of all traces of the previously used cement, whatever is the time interval
between successive mixes.


7.3.1 Charging Concrete Materials

1. Water shall enter the mixer first with continuous flow while other ingredients are entering the
mixer. Water charging pipes must be of the proper design and of sufficient size so that water
enters at a point well inside the mixer and charging is completed within the first 25 % of the
mixing time and where concrete uniformity shall be verified by approved inspector.
2. Admixtures shall be charged to the mixer in accordance with the instructions of the
manufacturer. Automatic dispensers shall be used.

7.3.2 Charging Admixtures

1. Admixtures shall be charged to the mixer in accordance with the instructions of the
2. Automatic dispensers shall be used.

7.3.3 Mixing Time for Stationary Mixers

1. The mixing time required shall be based upon the ability of the mixer to produce uniform,
homogeneous, consistent mixture throughout the batch and from batch to batch.
2. Final mixing times shall be based on the results of mixer performance tests made at the start
of the project and the time fixed unless a change is authorized by the Engineer. The time
shall however not be less than 60 sec unless otherwise verified as stated hereafter. Where no
mixer performance tests are made, the acceptable mixing time for mixers having capacities of
0.75 m3 or less shall be not less than 1 min. For mixers of greater capacity, this minimum
shall be increased 15 s for each cubic meter or fraction thereof of additional capacity.
3. Where mixer performance tests have been made on given concrete mixtures in accordance
with the testing program ASTM C94 Annex A and NRMCA certification, and the mixers have
been charged to their rated capacity, the acceptable mixing time is permitted to be reduced
for those particular circumstances to a point at which satisfactory mixing defined in ASTM
C94 and NRMCA certification for central mixing plants shall have been accomplished. When
the mixing time is so reduced the maximum time of mixing shall not exceed this reduced time
by more than 60 s for air-entrained concrete. The mixing time shall be measured from the
time all ingredients are in the mixer.
4. Batch mixers with audible indicators used in combination with interlocks which prevent mixer
discharge prior to completion of a preset mixing time shall be provided on automatic plants
and are also desirable on manual plants.
5. The mixer shall be designed for starting and stopping under full load.

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7.3.4 Mixing
1. All structural concrete to be placed in-situ shall be manufactured in a computer controlled
batching plant of the types described in Clause 7.2.2 of this Part.
2. The plant shall be complete with suitable water chilling or ice making facilities, or both, to
ensure concrete temperatures are maintained as specified in Part 15 of this Section.
3. Concrete shall be mixed in batches in plant capable of combining the aggregates, cement and
water (including admixtures, if any) into a mixture of uniform colour and consistency and of
discharging the mixture without segregation.
4. Automatic moisture content probes, set in the hoppers shall be used to continuously determine
the moisture content of the aggregates.
5. Contractor shall make due allowance for the water contained in the aggregates when
determining the quantity of water to be added to each mix.
6. The amount of water added to each mix shall be adjusted to maintain the constant approved
water: cement ratio of the mixed concrete.

7.3.5 Limitation of Water: Cement Ratio

1. No concrete shall exceed the water: cement ratio as given in Table 6.1 of Part 6 of this
2. The quantity of water used in mixing shall be the least amount that will produce a workable
homogeneous plastic mixture which can be worked into the forms and around the
3. Excess water over the maximum allowed by the mix design shall not be permitted and any
batch containing such excess will be rejected.


7.4.1 General
1. The manufacture of readymix concrete for use in government projects may only be carried out
in batching plants that have an approval certificate issued by the Central Materials Laboratory.
In addition, the use of readymix concrete in any part of the work shall require the Engineer’s
written approval.
2. The Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer on the following:
A. Materials used in ready-mixed concrete comply with the specification in all respects
B. Manufacturing and delivery resources of the proposed supplier are adequate to ensure
proper and timely completion.
3. The specified requirements as to the sampling, trial mixing, testing and quality of concrete, of
various grades as described in Part 6 of this Section, shall apply equally to ready-mixed
4. Every additional facility, including but not limited to testing equipment, labour, laboratory
facilities and transport, which the Engineer or persons authorised by him may require for the
supervision and inspection of the batching, mixing, testing and transporting to Site of ready-
mixed concrete shall be provided by the Contractor at no extra cost.
5. Copies of all delivery notes shall be submitted to the Engineer in duplicate, on computer
generated forms and shall include at least the following information.
A. Name of supplier, serial number of ticket and date
B. Truck number
C. Name of Contractor
D. Name of Contract and location of office

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E. Grade of concrete
F. Specified workability
G. Type and source of cement
H. Source of aggregate
I. Nominal maximum size of aggregate
J. Quantity of each concrete ingredient
K. Type of admixture and quantity
L. Water content
M. Time of loading and departure from ready-mix plant
N. Arrival and departure times of truck
O. Time of completion of discharge
P. Notations to indicate equipment was checked and found to be free of contaminants prior
to batching.
6. A copy of the delivery note shall be given to the Engineer's site representative for each load.
7. Unless approved otherwise in advance of batching all concrete of single design mix for any
one day's pour shall be from a single batch plant of a single supplier.
8. Ready-mix concrete shall conform to GS 585 or BS 8500 in addition to BS EN 206-1, except
materials, testing and mix design shall be as specified in this Section.
9. Transit mixers equipped with automatic devices for recording the number of revolutions of the
drum shall be used.
10. Excess water over the maximum allowed by the mix design shall not be added.
11. Each mixer truck shall arrive at the job site with its water container full.
12. In the event that a container is not full or concrete tests give a greater slump than acceptable,
the load shall be rejected.
13. Shade temperature and concrete temperature shall be recorded at the point of discharge of
the mixer and at placement for each load of concrete delivered to site.
14. Maximum and minimum temperatures and wet bulb temperatures shall be recorded daily.
15. Slump tests shall be performed in accordance with BS EN 12350 or relevant GSO standard at
the point of placement for each load delivered to the Site.
16. No water shall be added at the Site.

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8.1.1 Scope of Work

1. This part deals with the transportation, placing and compaction of concrete

8.1.2 References
ACI 304, .............Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete
ASTM C94, ........Specification for ready-mixed concrete
BS 8500, ............Concrete, Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1.
BS EN 206-1, ....Concrete. Specification, performance, production and conformity
EN 1992-1-1 ......Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. General rules and rules for buildings

8.1.3 Submittals
1. Should the Contractor propose to use concrete pumps for the transportation and placing of
concrete, he shall submit details of the equipment and operating techniques he proposes to
use for the approval of the Engineer.
2. A method statements shall be submitted for approval for major concrete placements, which
shall address
A. The planned rate of placing
B. Number of batching plants
C. Number of trucks
D. Number and positioning of pumps
E. Pour sequence
F. Quality control measures
G. Spare equipment
H. Any other factors that might affect the placing of concrete.
The method statement should be submitted at least three days in advance of the planned
pour. If required by the Engineer or any other concerned party a prepour planning meeting
may be arranged with representatives from the ready-mix supplier, Contractor and Engineer.
3. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval details of his proposed operations
and standby equipment.


8.2.1 General
1. Transportation delivery and handling shall be in accordance with the requirements of BS 8500
and BS EN 206-1.
2. Concrete shall be conveyed from the mixer to its place in the Works as rapidly as possible by
methods which will prevent segregation or drying out and ensure that the concrete is of the
required workability at the point and time of placing.
3. Should segregation occur in the concrete then the materials shall be remixed to the
satisfaction of the Engineer or discarded. Furthermore the cause of the segregation shall be
determined and further occurrences prevented.
4. The Contractor shall ensure that the time between placing of different lifts or layers of concrete
is short enough to prevent the formation of cold joints. The Contractor shall ensure that there
is a back up plant that can be used in the event of a breakdown, and that adequate provision
has been made for the number of delivery trucks.

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5. The concrete shall be transported to the site in an approved type of truck mixer or agitator
truck which apart from the cab and chassis shall be painted white and kept clean at all times.
The discharge chute and other dirty areas shall be washed down after delivery to prevent
spillage on the roads.
6. If a truck mixer or a truck body with an agitator is used for central-mixed concrete, limit the
volume of concrete charged into the truck to 80% of the drum or truck volume as per ASTM
C94 and NRMCA requirements. if shrink mixing is approved by the engineer limit the volume
of concrete charged into the truck to 63% of the drum volume.
7. All trucks shall be rotated 30 revolutions at mixing speed before discharging concrete to
assure uniformity.
8. The insides of concrete mix trucks shall be inspected periodically, and any build up of concrete
removed that may impair the efficiency of the mixing action. All trucks shall be
9. NRMCA certified or any equivalent certification
10. Discharge of the concrete shall be completed within 90 min, or before the drum has revolved
300 revolutions, whichever comes first, after the introduction of the mixing water to the cement
and aggregates or the introduction of the cement to the aggregates. These limitations are
permitted to be waived by the purchaser if the concrete is of such slump or slump flow after
the 90 min time or 300-revolution limit has been reached that it can be placed, without the
addition of water, to the batch. In hot weather, or under conditions contributing to quick
stiffening of the concrete, a time less than 90 min is permitted to be specified by the Engineer

8.2.2 Pumped Concrete

1. Access for the pump shall be checked prior to the pour. If access cannot be assured, the
Contractor shall not continue with concreting operations.
2. If approval is obtained for pumped concrete, the Contractor shall ensure that shock is not
transferred from the pipeline to the formwork and previously laid concrete.
3. During placing concrete by pumping the end hose must never reach into the concrete. All
measures shall be taken to avoid blockage of the delivery hose system. The compaction of
concrete shall be carried out as per standard practice procedures.
4. Grout shall be pumped through the concrete pump to provide initial lubrication. The initial
discharge of any pumped concrete shall not be incorporated in the permanent works.
5. Where concrete is conveyed by chuting or pumping the plant shall be of a size and design to
ensure continuous flow in the chute or pipe. The slope of the chute or the pressure of the
pump shall allow the concrete to flow without the use of any water additional to that approved
by the Engineer to produce the required consistency and without segregation of the
ingredients. The delivery end of the chute or pipe shall be thoroughly flushed with water before
and after each working period and kept clean. The water used for this purpose shall be
discharged outside and away from any permanent works.

8.2.3 Records
1. Within 24 h of delivery, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with delivery notes giving the
information required under Paragraph of this Section.


8.3.1 General
1. The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer to his proposed arrangements before
beginning concreting.
2. All placing and compacting of concrete shall be carried out under the direct supervision of a
competent member of the Contractor’s staff with a minimum of five years of experience in
concreting works, and in a manner to produce a watertight concrete of maximum density and

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3. For night concreting operations, the Contractor shall arrange adequate suitable lighting.
4. The Contractor shall provide safe secure access for all personnel on concreting operations.
5. Where the thickness of the concrete section exceeds 600 mm the Contractor shall adopt
special precautions, to be approved by the Engineer, to avoid thermal cracking due to external
and core temperature differentials.
6. Concrete shall not be placed in adverse weather conditions such as dust storms or heavy rain.

8.3.2 Preparation
1. No concrete shall be placed until the Engineer has inspected and approved in writing the
surfaces upon which the concrete is to be placed, the formwork, and reinforcing steel. The
Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 24 hours notice to enable this inspection to be
carried out. If concrete is not placed within 24 hours of approval being given, approval shall be
obtained again before concreting. An inspection shall be made immediately prior to concreting
to check the cleanliness of the forms.
2. Wood forms, unless lined, shall be oiled or wetted with water in advance of placing concrete
so that joints will tighten and prevent seepage of cement grout from the mix.
3. The reinforcement shall be sprayed with a small amount of water prior to starting the pour.
Reinforcement shall be secured in position, inspected, and accepted by the Engineer before
placing the concrete.
4. All inserts, anchor bolts, sleeves and other embedded items shall be accurately located, using
templates where appropriate, and held securely to prevent displacement during the placing of
the concrete. Aluminium items shall be completely covered and protected when embedded in
the concrete.
5. Except where shown on the drawings, no fixtures shall be attached to the concrete by shot
fixing or drilling without acceptance by the Engineer. Notwithstanding any such
authorisation,the Contractor shall be responsible for all damage so caused to the concrete and
make good at his own expense.
6. Water shall be removed from excavations before concrete is deposited. Any flow of water
shall be diverted through proper side drains and shall be removed without washing over
freshly deposited concrete. All dewatering works shall be continued as long as
required.Hardened concrete, debris, and foreign materials shall be removed from interior of
forms and from inner surfaces of mixing and conveying equipment.
7. Runways or other means accepted by the Engineer shall be provided for wheeled equipment
to convey the concrete to the points of deposit. Equipment used to deposit concrete shall not
be wheeled over reinforcement nor shall runways be supported on reinforcement.
8. Before depositing new concrete on or against concrete that has set, existing surfaces shall be
thoroughly roughened and cleaned of laitance, foreign matter and loose particles. Forms shall
be re-tightened and existing surfaces slushed with a grout coat of mortar consisting of cement
and fine aggregate in the same proportion in the mix, but not leaner than one (1) part cement
to two (2) parts fine aggregate, after the existing surface has been moistened. New concrete
shall be placed before the grout has attained initial set. Horizontal construction joints shall be
given a brush coat of grout consisting of cement and fine aggregate in the same proportion as
concrete to be placed, followed by approximately 75mm of concrete of regular mix, except that
the proportion of coarse aggregate shall be reduced 50%.
9. High strength grout for precision support of machine base and soleplates, including equipment
subject to thermal movement, tanks, column baseplates, bridge seats, anchor bolts and
dowels, etc., shall be a non-shrink, ready-to-use, fluid precision grout material, proportioned,
premixed and packaged at the factory, delivered to the job site to be placed with only the
addition of water, formwork, and curing shall be as specified.

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8.3.3 Placing
1. Concrete shall be placed in its final position before initial set has commenced and shall not be
subsequently disturbed. All concrete shall be placed within 15 min of mixing unless carried in
purpose made agitators.
2. Concrete shall be carefully placed in horizontal layers which shall be kept at an even height
throughout the work. The depth of layers and time between placement of layers shall be such
that each layer can be properly merged into the preceding layer before initial set takes place,
the depth of layer shall be determined from the type of plant the Contractor proposes to use.
3. Concrete shall be allowed to slide or flow down sloping surfaces directly into its final position
from skips, down pipes or other placing machines or devices or, if this is not practical, it should
be shovelled into position, care being taken to avoid separation of the constituent materials.
4. Concrete placed in horizontal slabs from barrows or other tipping vehicles shall be tipped into
the face of the previously placed concrete.
5. Concrete dropped into place shall be dropped vertically. It shall not strike the formwork
between the point of its discharge and its final place in the Work, and except by approval of
the Engineer it shall not be dropped freely through a height greater than 1.5 m. Chutes and
conveyor belts shall be also designed so that there is no segregation or loss of mortar and
shall be provided with a vertical tapered down pipe, or other device, to ensure that concrete is
discharged vertically into place.
6. Concrete shall not be placed in standing water in the formwork.
7. Concrete that has attained its initial set or has contained its water content for more than 1.5
hours or 300 drum revolutions, whichever comes first, shall not be deposited in the work.
8. Cold weather concreting shall be in accordance with BS 8110 or CIRIA Report 67.
9. Hot weather concreting shall be in accordance with Part 15 of this section.
10. Special care shall be taken to protect new concrete from the harmful effects of drying winds.
11. During wet weather, the concrete shall be adequately protected as soon as it is in position.
12. No concreting shall be carried out during periods of continuous heavy rain unless it is
completely covered during mixing, transporting and placing.
13. No concrete shall be carried out during dust storms.
14. Underwater placing of concrete is allowed only for unreinforced components, the placing being
effected exclusively with stationary tremies or with a bottom-opening watertight boxes and
shall be in accordance with the requirements of DIN 1045 or equivalent as accepted.
15. Underwater concrete is to be placed continuously without interruption. For water depths up to
1 m the concrete may be placed without tremie. In the case of water depths exceeding 1 m the
concrete is to be placed in such a way that it does not fall freely through the water. The
tremies must at all times dip sufficiently far into the freshly placed concrete to ensure that the
concrete emerging from the tremie does not come into contact with the water.
16. All work connected with the placing of concrete under water shall be designed, directed and
inspected with due regard to local circumstances and purposes. Work shall not proceed until
all phases and methods to be used in the placing operations have been accepted by the
17. Stops in concrete, at the end of a period of work, shall be made only at construction joint
locations shown on the drawings and/or positions accepted. Where the positions of
construction joints are not indicated on the drawings, these may be assumed, for
estimating purposes, to occur at 5 metre intervals in foundations and retaining walls and at
one-third to one-quarter of span in slabs and beams subject to a maximum spacing of
approximately 9 metres.
18. At construction joint location the surface of the completed concrete shall be prepared by
spraying, wire brushing or chipping so that it is free from all laitance, scum and loose material
and shows a slightly roughened texture and tips of the coarse aggregate exposed. Before
continuing concreting the exposed concrete face shall be thoroughly wetted.

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19. In the ground floor slab (where ground bearing), construction joints, crack inducer joints,
contraction joints and expansion joints shall be incorporated into the work as appropriate. The
spacing of construction joints, crack induced joints, contraction joints and expansion joints in
water retaining structures shall be shown on the design drawings
20. Where the positions or type of joints are not indicated on the drawings in the ground floor slab,
the slab shall be cast in strips not more than 4.0 metres wide, in alternating sequence, across
the width of the building. A minimum of 3 days shall elapse between the casting of adjacent
strips. Within each strip, crack induced joints shall be provided at not more than 5.0 metre
spacing, and contraction joints shall be provided at not more than 15.0m spacing. Across the
width of the building, construction joint shall be provided between adjacent strips with
contraction joint at every 4th construction joint.
21. Wherever necessary and as required by the Engineer, waterstops of a type acceptable to the
Engineer shall be embedded in the concrete. The waterstop should be made of a high quality
material, which must retain its resilience through the service life of the structure for the double
function of movement and sealing. The surface of waterstops should be carefully rounded to
ensure tightness of the joint even under heavy water pressure. To ensure a good tightness
with or without movement of the joints, the waterstop should be provided with anchor parts.
The cross-section of the waterstops should be determined in accordance with the presumed
maximum water pressure and joint movements. The complete works of fixed and welded
connections must be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
22. Engineer’s acceptance shall be obtained by the Contractor, prior to start of work, on the
casting sequence and the layout of joints.
23. Waterstops shall be carefully maintained in position prior to concreting on accurately profiled
stop boards to create rigid conditions.
24. The type of waterbar to be used shall suit the joint and purpose according to water bar
manufacturers recommendations.

8.3.4 Compaction
1. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by vibration during the operation of placing and
thoroughly worked around the reinforcement, around embedded fixtures and into corners or
the formwork to form a solid mass free from voids.
2. When vibrators are used to compact the concrete, vibration shall be applied continuously
during the placing of each batch of concrete until the expulsion of air has practically ceased
and in a manner that does not promote segregation of the constituents of the concrete.
3. Immersion type vibrators shall be capable of producing not less than 10 000 cycles per minute,
and external vibrators not less than 3000 cycles per minute.
4. A sufficient number of vibrators in serviceable condition shall be on site to ensure that spare
equipment is always available in the event of breakdown.
5. Immersion type vibrators shall be inserted into the uncompacted concrete vertically and at
regular intervals. Where the uncompacted concrete is in a layer above freshly compacted
concrete the vibrator shall penetrate vertically for about 100 mm into the previous layer.
Vibrators shall not come into contact with the reinforcement or the formwork. They shall be
drawn back slowly from the mass concrete so as to leave no voids. Internal type vibrators shall
not be placed in the concrete in a random or haphazard manner nor shall concrete be moved
from one part of the work to another by means of the vibrators.
6. Operators shall be trained in the use of vibrators. Foremen shall have a minimum of five years
of experience in the supervision of placing concrete.
7. Vibration of the concrete shall not be applied by way of the reinforcement.
8. Compaction shall commence as soon as there is sufficient concrete to immerse the vibrator
and continue during the placing operations so that at no time shall there be a large volume of
uncompacted concrete in the formwork.

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9. The duration of vibration shall be limited to that required to produce satisfactory compaction
without causing segregation. Vibration shall on no account be continued after water or excess
grout has appeared on the surface.
10. During the placing of all reinforced concrete, a competent steel fixer and a competent
carpenter shall be in attendance on each concreting gang. They shall ensure the
reinforcement embedded fittings and forms are kept in position as work proceeds.

8.3.5 Continuity of Concrete Work

1. Whenever instructed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall carry out the work in such a manner
that the placing of the concrete in any particular section of the structure shall be executed
without any interruption whatsoever from the beginning to the end of the operation.
2. Casting of concrete shall not begin until a sufficient quantity of approved material is at hand to
ensure continuity of operation, nor shall work begin until there is sufficient equipment in
reserve in case of breakdown.



9.1.1 Scope
1. This Part includes permanent forms, temporary formwork, and falsework for structural and
architectural cast-in-place concrete including form liners, coatings, and accessories.

9.1.2 References
1. The following standards and other document are referred to in this part:

ACI Committee 117...“Standard Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials” (ACI 117-
90), American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 22 pp.
ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Parts 2 and 5.

BS 8500.....................Concrete, Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1

BS 5975.....................Code of practice for false work
BS EN 12812.............Falsework. Performance requirements and general design
CP3 chapter V-2: 1972
EN 1992-1-1..............Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. General rules and rules for
GSO EN 206-1..........Concrete. Specification, performance, production and conformity

9.1.3 Submittals
1. Shop drawings shall include plans and sections, giving the following minimum information for
each level:
A. Details of individual panels
B. Position, size and spacing of adjustable steel shores
C. Position, size and spacing of joists, soldiers, ties
D. Details of formwork for columns, beams, parapets, slab and kickers
E. Details of construction joints and movement joints

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F. details of retaining walls and deep beams showing the position and size of ties, joints,
soldiers and sheeting, together with detailed information on erection and casting
sequences and construction joints
G. General assembly details
H. Full calculation sheets
I. Proposals at all penetrations through the concrete
J. Proposed sequence of shoring and reshoring beams and slabs for different spans and
floor heights and number of floors shored, and the stripping time for supported and
suspended structural elements, clearly identifying the supported element and suspended
2. Scales of shop drawings shall be as follows:
A. Details: 1:1, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20
B. Construction: 1:50, 1:100
C. Layout and Site Plan: 1:100 or 1:200
3. The Contractor shall submit samples of all proposed formwork materials and samples of ties
proposed for use in general situations above the water table and for fair faced concrete.
4. The Contractor shall allow 14 days for Engineer’s review of submittals or samples.
5. Supply and delivery of built-in pipework should be clearly shown on the detailed construction
program to be submitted by the Contractor.

9.1.4 Quality Assurance

1. Formwork shall comply with the requirements of BS 5975 and EN 1992-1-1
2. The erection of formwork and associated falsework shall be executed and supervised by fully
qualified personnel having a minimum of five years experience.
3. The Contractor shall obtain approval to load any particular section of the works from the
4. Formwork design shall be carried out in accordance with the Concrete Society Technical
Report No. 13.
5. The erected formwork shall be watertight from the ingress of external liquids and the egress of
internal liquids. Adjustable steel supports and shores shall allow formboards and framework to
be accurately adjusted to line and level. The Contractor shall ensure that adequate ground
support for falsework is available, and if not shall take measures to make them suitable.
6. Formwork shall be designed to be sufficiently rigid to maintain the correct position, shape and
profile so that the final concrete structure is within the dimensional tolerances specified
Subpart 9.7 of this Part.
7. Formwork shall be designed to be demountable without causing shock, disturbance or
damage to the concrete.
8. Soffit formwork, properly supported on shores only, shall be capable of being retained in
position during the concrete maturing period.
9. The design shall allow free movement and accessibility under the formwork.
10. Shores for abnormal ceiling heights shall be specially designed.
11. The forms shall be designed to incorporate 20 mm chamfers on exposed corners of columns,
walls and beams.
12. The design of formwork shall take into account the following :
A. Height and rate of pour
B. Thickness of the member
C. Concrete slump and density

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D. Placing temperature
E. Texture of finish
F. Construction joints
G. Wind load
H. On soffit forms (in addition to concrete weight)
i. An additional live load of 2.5 kPa, or
ii. If a motorised cart is used, an additional live load of 3.75 kPa
I. Minimum design load for combined dead and live load
i. 6.50 kPa
ii. If a motorised cart is used, 7.75 kPa
J. The worst combination of:
i. Self-weight
ii. Formwork forces
iii. Reinforcement weight
iv. Wet concrete weight
v. Construction loads
vi. Wind loads, based on a design wind speed of 45 m/s
vii. Incidental dynamic effects caused by placing, vibrating and compacting concrete
viii. The use of externally applied vibrators
K. Method of concrete discharge
L. Access for concrete placement and vibration.
13. Before beginning related formwork operations the Contractor shall erect a job mock-up, to a
reasonable size including all items such as sheeting, stiffeners, soldiers, ties etc. (and
including release agents, where used) for the following types of formwork, and shall obtain the
approval the Engineer before proceeding:
A. Columns
B. Slabs and beams
C. Staircases
D. Fair-faced concrete (show method used to conceal tie holes) cove ties not required.
14. Upon prior consultation, agreement of location and approval, the job mock-ups may remain as
part of the finished work.


9.2.1 General
1. Forms shall be of wood; metal or other material acceptable to the Engineer.
2. The design of formwork shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
3. Formwork shall conform to the requirements of BS 8110
4. Form oil and form sealer shall be of quality as acceptable to the Engineer.

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9.3.1 Unformed surfaces

1. Unformed surfaces shall be classified as either:
A. U4, timber trowel finish
B. U3, steel trowel finish
C. U2, brush finished
D. U1 other finish designated by the Engineer
i. Screeded Finish - Where the floor slab is to receive a screeded finish, the slab shall
be laid to the slopes and levels shown on the drawings and the top surface shall be
tamped whilst unset, to produce a suitable keyed surface for the receipt of the
appropriate finishing materials.
ii. Floated Finish - Where a floated finish is required to the floor slabs the top surface
shall be leveled and floated whilst unset to an uniform finish to the slopes and levels
shown on the drawings. The floating shall be done in such a manner as not to bring
an excess of mortar to the surface.
iii. Dustproof Finish - Where concrete surfaces are required to provide a dustproof finish
these shall be treated with two coats of accepted material. Each coat shall be applied
with a soft brush on a clean and dry surface in accordance with the manufacturer's
printed instructions.
iv. Non-slip Finish - Concrete surfaces described on the drawings as having a nonslip
finish shall be treated with carborundum dust, evenly sprinkled on whilst the concrete
is still green, at a rate of 1½ kg/m² and lightly trowelled in before final finishing.
Alternatively, the carborundum dust may be incorporated into the finish by means of
a mechanical power float.
v. Hardened Finish - Where a hardened finish is required to the floor slabs these shall
be treated with three coats of accepted material. Each coat shall beapplied with a soft
brush on a clean and dry surface in accordance with the manufacturer's printed
vi. Finishing Unformed Surfaces - Finishing unformed surfaces shall be tamped, floated,
trowelled or brushed as defined below and shown on the drawings.
a) Type T - Tamped surfaces shall be formed by levelling and tamping the concrete
to produce a uniform plain or ridged surface, surplus concrete being struck off by
a straight edge immediately after compaction. It is also the first stage of the
following finish.
b) Type F - Floated surfaces shall be uniform surface which has be worked no more
than is necessary to remove screed marks by with a wood float or by power float
of a type acceptable to the Engineer. The surface shall not be floated until the
concrete has hardened sufficiently.
c) Type ST - Steel trowelled shall be a hard, smooth finish, free from trowel marks
and formed with a steel trowel under firm pressure. Trowelling shall not
commence until the moisture film has disappeared and the concrete has
hardened sufficiently to prevent excess laitance from being worked to the surface.
If laitance is brought to the surface it shall be removed.
d) Type BR - Brushed shall be formed before the concrete has hardened by drawing
a wire broom over the concrete surface at right angles to the traffic flow to give an
average texture depth of 1mm.
e) For ground slab concrete shall be treated with sodium silicate or a similar dust
preventive coating. This must be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's
2. The type of finish will be specified on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Before
beginning any concrete pour with unformed surfaces, the Contractor shall obtain confirmation
of the type of finish required from the Engineer.
3. Initial finishing of unformed surfaces shall commence immediately after the placing and
compaction have taken place.

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4. Suitable access boards or platforms shall be provided to allow access to all parts of unformed
surfaces to be finished.
5. Where a protective treatment or topping layer is to be applied to the concrete the
manufacturers and suppliers recommendations shall be followed concerning the required
6. Brush to finish shall be obtained by carrying out a steel trial finish and then using a suitable
stiff nylon brush dragged lightly across the surface.
7. The addition of small quantities of water to the finishing trowel will be permitted to aid finishing.

9.3.2 Surface Finish Classifications

1. Finishes to formed surfaces of concrete shall be classified as F1, F2 and F3, or such other
special finish as may be designated.
2. Where the class of finish is not designated:
A. All internal concrete shall be finished to Class F3
B. External concrete below ground shall be finished to Class F1
C. Where surfaces are to be tanked by covering with paint or sheeting, the formwork shall
be capable of achieving a finish suitable for the proposed tanking as directed by the

9.3.3 Formwork Materials

1. Formwork for Class F3 finish shall be lined with as large panels as possible of non-staining
material with a smooth unblemished surface such as sanded plywood or hard compressed
fibre board, arranged in a uniform approved pattern and fixed to back formwork by oval nails.
A. The same type of lining shall be used throughout any one structure
B. Unfaced wrought boarding or standard steel panels shall not be permitted.
2. Formwork for Class F2 finish shall be faced with wrought tongued and grooved boards or
plywood arranged in a uniform approved pattern free from defects likely to detract from the
appearance of the surface.
3. Formwork for Class F1 finish shall be constructed of timber, or of any suitable materials which
will prevent loss of grout when the concrete is vibrated.

9.3.4 Exposed Concrete Surface Finishes

1. Exposed concrete surfaces shall have a Class F3 finish.
2. Care shall be taken to ensure that the finish to the exposed concrete on the external and
internal surfaces are of the highest quality to produce a smooth concrete surface of uniform
texture and appearance without visible imprint of grains, steppings or ridges.
3. The resulting concreting shall be free from honeycombing, stains, fins, lipping, nail and screw
marks, raised grain marks or any other imperfections and shall be of a uniform surface texture
and colour. Only very minor surface blemishes caused by entrapped air or water will be
accepted provided that they do not exceed 0.5% by area of each square metre considered
separately and in addition they shall not be concentrated in a manner such that they are
4. Formwork to the wetted surfaces of water retaining structures shall be Class F3.
5. All exposed concrete corners and edges shall have 20 mm by 20 mm chamfers.
6. Grooves in exposed concrete shall be formed by attaching tapered planed timber battens
accurately aligned to the face of formwork.

9.3.5 Form Ties

1. Form ties shall conform to the following requirements:

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A. Factory-fabricated
B. Adjustable in length
C. Use removable or snap-off metal form ties
D. Designed to prevent formwork deflection and to prevent spalling concrete surfaces on
E. No metal shall be left closer than the applicable level of cover to the surface of the
F. Holes larger than 10 mm diameter in the concrete surface, when using snap ties shall not
be permitted
G. Form ties shall have a factor of safety not less than 1.5.

9.3.6 Coating and Accessories

1. Form coatings shall be commercial formulation form-coating compounds that will not bond
with, stain, nor adversely affect concrete surfaces requiring bond or adhesion, nor impede the
wetting of surfaces to be cured, shall be used. The use of form coatings shall be strictly in
accordance with the manufacturer instructions.
2. Formwork in contact with the concrete shall be treated with a suitable non-staining mould oil to
prevent adherence of the concrete.
3. Forms for exposed surfaces shall be coated with oil before reinforcement is placed. Forms for
unexposed surfaces may be thoroughly wetted with water in lieu of oiling, immediately before
placing of concrete except during freezing weather.
4. Excessive oiling of the forms shall not be permitted in order to prevent discoloration of the
cement plaster. Where concrete surface is to be painted, the form-oil must not affect the bond
between concrete and paint.
5. Care shall be taken to prevent the oil from coming in contact with reinforcement or with
concrete at construction joints. Any oil on reinforcing steel shall be removed.
6. Release agents shall not be used where concrete surfaces receive special finishes or applied
coatings which may be affected by the agent, unless approved by the Engineer.
7. Fillet and chamfer strips shall be PVC or timber to the approval of the Engineer.
8. Tapes to be used to seal joints of formwork panels for smooth finish concrete shall be plastic
faced adhesive tape to the approval of the Engineer.
9. Precast concrete moulds shall be rigid steel, wood or fibreglass moulds.
10. Flashing reglets shall be galvanised steel of the longest possible length


9.4.1 General
1. Where formwork to external faces will be permanently exposed, all horizontal and vertical
formwork joints shall be so arranged that joint lines will form a uniform pattern on the face of
the concrete.
2. Where the Contractor proposes to make up the formwork from standard sized manufactured
formwork panels, the size of such panels shall be approved by the Engineer before they are
used in the construction of the Works.
3. The finished appearance of the entire elevation of the structure and adjoining structures shall
be considered when planning the pattern of joint lines caused by the formwork and by the
construction joints to ensure continuity of horizontal and vertical lines.
4. Masonry nails or similar items shall not be used to fix formwork of the like to permanent
concrete works.

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9.4.2 Trial Panels

1. The trial panels shall comprise surfaces that have unformed surfaces and formed surfaces F1,
F2 and F3.
2. The concrete cast from the job mock-up shall be used to assess the acceptability of the
Contractor’s workmanship for finishing.
3. If the finishing is deemed unacceptable by the Engineer, the Contractor shall prepare a further
mock-up with a particular class of finish.
4. The job mock-ups shall be retained during the course of the works to allow comparative
inspection, with production concreting and finishing and for the purpose of colour comparison
to ensure colour consistency.

9.4.3 Formwork Face in Contact with Concrete

1. Faces of formwork in contact with concrete shall be free from adhering foreign matter,
projecting nails and the like, splits or other defects, and all formwork shall be clean and free
from standing water, dirt, shavings, chippings or other deleterious matter.
2. Joints between forms and tie holes shall be watertight to prevent the escape of mortar or the
formation of fins or other blemishes on the face of the concrete.
3. The Contractor shall verify lines, levels and measurement before proceeding with formwork

9.4.4 Sloping Surfaces

1. Formwork shall be provided for the top surfaces of sloping work where the slope exceeds 15 
from the horizontal (except where any such top surface is specified as a spaded finish).
2. The formwork shall be anchored to enable the concrete to be properly compacted and to
prevent flotation.
3. Care shall be taken to prevent air being trapped under the sloping formwork.

9.4.5 Temporary Openings

1. The Contractor shall provide temporary openings for inspection of the inside of the formwork
and for the removal of water used for washing down. The openings shall be formed as to be
easily closed before placing concrete.

9.4.6 Form Windows

1. The Contractor shall provide windows in forms wherever directed by the Engineer or
necessary for access for concrete placement and vibration.
2. The windows shall be of a size adequate for tremies and vibrators spaced at maximum 1.8 m
centres horizontally.
3. Any windows shall be tightly closed and sealed before proceeding to place concrete at a
higher level.

9.4.7 Co-ordination
1. The Contractor shall ensure that the work of other trades in forming and setting openings, slots
recesses, chases, sleeves, bolts, anchors and other inserts is fully co-ordinated.

9.4.8 Conduits
1. Conduits or pipes shall be located so as not to reduce the strength of the construction.
2. In no case shall pipes other than conduits be placed in a slab 125 mm or less in thickness.
3. Conduits embedded in a concrete slab shall not have an outside diameter greater than one-
third the thickness of the slab nor be placed below the bottom reinforcing steel or over the top
reinforcing steel.

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4. Conduits may be embedded in walls provided they are not larger in outside diameter than one-
third the thickness of the wall, are not spaced closer than three diameters on centre, and do
not impair the strength of the structure.
5. Embedded pipes and conduits shall be supported independently from reinforcing steel in a
manner to prevent metallic contact and thereby prevent electrolytic deterioration.
6. Pipes and conduits where embedded shall be placed as nearly as possible to the centre line of
the concrete section.
7. Conduits, piping, and other wall penetrations or reinforcements shall be subject to the
Engineer’s review and approval.

9.4.9 Ties and Bolts

1. The position of ties passing through concrete shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.
2. Ties, bolts or other devices shall not be built into the concrete for the purpose of supporting
formwork without the prior approval of the Engineer. The whole or part of any such supports
shall be capable of removal so that no part remaining embedded in the concrete shall be
nearer to the surface than the cover required for reinforcement.

9.4.10 Chamfers
1. Chamfer moulding strips shall be positioned on the exposed corners of columns and beams.

9.4.11 Cambers
1. If required, cambers shall be as shown on the Drawings.
2. The depth of beams at all points in the span, where cambers are used, shall be as shown on
the Drawings.
3. Allowance shall be made for compression and settlement of the formwork on line and level.

9.4.12 Exterior Angles

1. All exterior angles to concrete exposed to view in the completed structure shall be cast to the
true angles evenly throughout the length.
2. Care shall be taken to ensure that no waviness occurs along the angle and that no spalling
occurs to the concrete on removal of the formwork.

9.4.13 Surface Retarders

1. Surface retarders shall not be used on any formwork surface in contact with concrete unless
expressly authorised by the Engineer.

9.4.14 Detection of Movement during Concrete Placement

1. Devices of telltale type shall be installed on supported forms and elsewhere as required to
detect formwork movements and deflection during concrete placement.
2. Where required slab and beam cambers shall be checked and correctly maintained as
concrete loads are applied on forms.
3. Workmen shall be assigned to check forms during concrete placement and to promptly seal all
mortar leaks.

9.4.15 Building in Pipes

1. Pipes and pipe specials through concrete walls and floors shall as far as possible be
positioned and built in during construction. They shall be located exactly in the positions
shown on the Drawings and shall be true to line and level.
2. The Contractor shall take particular care to ensure that fully compacted concrete is in contact
with the pipe at all points.

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3. Where it is not practicable to cast pipes and specials in the concrete, boxholes shall be formed
in the shuttering.
4. The box shall have six or eight sides, depending on the pipe diameter, and shall be no larger
in size than will give adequate clearance for the subsequent positioning and grouting in of the
pipe. The sides of the boxhole shall be provided with a tapered central annular recess to
provide a positive key. The boxhole shall be provided with a grout hole and, at the top of the
central annular recess, a vent hole. The boxhole shall be stripped with the main shuttering and
the concrete surface thoroughly cleaned and roughened.

5. When the pipe is later fixed, the remaining hole shall be reshuttered and filled with non-shrink
epoxy grout or non-shrink concrete. In the case of water retaining structures, the Contractor
shall ensure that the measures adopted shall provide a finished joint which is resistant against
and free from leakage.


9.5.1 General
1. The Engineer shall be notified in writing before the removal of any formwork.
2. The Contractor, under no circumstances, shall strike the formwork until the concrete has
attained adequate strength to resist damage, in particular to arises and features.
3. Concrete shall be thoroughly wetted as soon as the forms are first loosened and shall be kept
wet during the removal operations and until the curing media is applied.
4. A potable water supply with hoses having fine fog spray attachments shall be ready at each
removal location before operations are commenced.

9.5.2 Stripping of Formwork

1. The period of time elapsing between the placing of the concrete and the striking of the
formwork shall be approved by the Engineer after consideration of the loads likely to be
imposed on the concrete and shall in any case be not less than the periods shown in Table 9.1
2. Stripping of the formwork within the time limits listed above does not relieve the Contractor
from successfully crushing test cubes and achieving the specified compressive strength
3. Notwithstanding the foregoing the Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage arising
from removal of formwork before the structure is capable of carrying its own weight and any
incidental loading.
4. Where finished surfaces have re-entrant angles, the formwork shall be removed as early as
possible, within the time limits set above, to avoid shrinkage cracks.
5. The formwork shall be carefully stripped to avoid sudden shocks from the removal of wedges,
or vibration which might cause damage to the concrete.
6. Reshoring to beams and slabs shall be placed immediately after stripping formwork.
Table 9.1
Stripping Times of Formworks
Minimum Period Before Stripping
Type Of Formwork (Times Are From Concrete

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Beam sides, walls and column 1d

Soffits of slabs (props left under) 4d
Soffits of beams, joists and girders
(props left under) 10 d
Props to slabs 11 d
Props to beams 15 d

9.5.3 Holes to be Filled

1. Holes formed in concrete surfaces by formwork supports or the like shall be filled neatly with
non-shrink grout.
2. The Contractor shall clean and scarify any hole that is to be filled with non-shrink grout.

9.5.4 Repair to Damaged Concrete Surfaces

1. Where the concrete surface has been damaged, the Contractor shall break out any loose,
broken or cracked concrete or aggregate.
2. The concrete surrounding the hole shall be then be thoroughly soaked after which the surface
shall be dried so as to leave a small amount of free water on the surface. The surface shall
then be dusted with ordinary Portland cement by means of a small dry brush until the whole
surface that will come into contact with the dry-pack mortar has been covered and darkened
by absorption of the free water by the cement. Any dry cement in the hole shall be removed.
3. Dry-pack material shall then be placed and packed in layers having a compacted thickness in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Compaction shall be carried out by the use of
a hardwood stick and a hammer and shall extend over the full area of the layer, particular care
being taken to compact the dry-pack against the side of the hole. After compaction the surface
of each layer shall be scratched before further loose material is added.
4. The hole shall not be over-filled and the surface shall be finished by layering a hardwood block
against the dry-pack fill and striking the block several times. Steel finishing tools shall not be
used and water shall not be added to facilitate finishing.
5. The surface of the concrete shall be rubbed down smooth with carborundum and water in an
approved manner within three days of removing the formwork. Holes left after removal of such
supports shall be neatly filled with non-shrink grout of a suitable consistency and matching


9.6.1 Delivery
1. The delivery of formwork materials shall be done in such a manner that damage can be

9.6.2 Storage
1. Formwork should be stored, after cleaning and preparing for reuse if used before, in such a
manner that access to all different materials is available.
2. Materials which can be affected by weathering shall be stored in appropriate buildings or
under cover.

1. The concrete work shall be constructed to an accuracy which shall permit the proper assembly
of components and installations and shall be compatible with the finish. The accuracy of the

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work shall be within the tolerances shown on the Drawings or specified elsewhere and, in the
absence of any other requirements, shall comply with the following:
All laying out dimensions ±5 mm
Sections of concrete members ±5 mm
Surface of foundations against ground ±10 mm
Top surfaces of foundations, bases and piers ±20 mm
Surface level of floor slabs (5m straight edge) ±5 mm
Surface level of floor slabs to datum ±10 mm
Plumb of columns and walls in storey height ±5 mm

Plumb of columns and walls in full building height (for each storey) above the top of foundation:
20m ≥ building height ±20 mm
150m ≥ building height ≥ 20 m ±(1/1000) of height
building height ≥ 150 m ± 150 mm
Inside faces of elevator shafts in storey height ±5 mm

Inside faces of elevator shafts in full building height (for each storey) above the top of foundation:
20m ≥ building height ±10 mm
150m ≥ building height ≥ 20 m ±(0.5/1000) of height
building height ≥ 150 m ± 75 mm


1. The Contractor should note that the loading from the falsework and wet concrete, during the
construction of a floor, will not exceed the permissible loading on the floor immediately below.
Consequently two of the floors immediately below the one being constructed will need to be
used, to share the loading.
2. While propping through two floors, the Contractor shall ensure, that the props beneath the
floor last constructed are released over its full extent as soon as the concrete has achieved
sufficient strength to support itself plus any superimposed loading, but not sooner than the
periods given in Table 9.1. The props shall then be re-tightened so that these may be used to
share the construction loading from the floor above.
3. Not withstanding the requirements of this Section for the removal times for formwork, the
following provisions shall apply to early loading of concrete.
4. Concrete shall at no time be subject to loading including its own weight which will induce a
compressive stress in excess of 0.33 of the actual compressive strength of the concrete at the
time of loading or 0.33 of the specified 28 d characteristic strength whichever is the lower. For
the purpose of this clause the assessment of the strength of the concrete and the stress
produced by the loads shall be subject to the agreement of the Engineer.
5. If, due to his method of construction, the Contractor wishes to place an imposed load on the
structure, he shall arrange for additional cubes to be cast at the point of the structure to be
loaded and these cubes will be crushed to monitor the compressive strength in accordance
with BS EN 12390-3 Compressive strength of test specimens.The Contractor shall submit
calculations showing the stresses induced by any proposed temporary loads to be placed on
the structure.
6. No superstructure load shall be placed upon finished piers or abutments until the Engineer has
given his approval in writing and in no case shall any load be placed until the curing period is
7. Deck slabs of bridges shall only be opened to traffic or construction equipment and plant when
authorized by the Engineer and in no case until the curing period is complete.

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10.1.1 Scope
1. This part covers the requirements for the curing of concrete.

10.1.2 References
BS 7542, Method of Test for curing compounds for concrete
ASTM C 309, Specification for Liquid Membrane-forming Compounds for Curing Concrete
AASHTO M 148.74, Liquid Membrane Curing
ISO 9000, Quality management and quality assurance standards
ISO 9001, Quality systems - Model for quality assurance in design, development, production,
installation and servicing

10.1.3 Submittals
1. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the proposed method of curing for approval.

10.1.4 Quality Assurance

1. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the details of proposed curing media,
if any. Details shall include chemical tests for the product in accordance with BS 7542 and
details of quality assurance procedures, including ISO 9000 certificates if held.

10.1.5 Storage
1. Chemical curing compounds shall be stored in accordance with manufacturer's


10.2.1 General
1. The Contractor shall ensure that curing is provided for 24 hours per day including holidays and
that all related necessary plant and labour resources are also available.
2. Special attention shall be given to the curing of vertical and overhanging surfaces to ensure
satisfactory curing.
3. The Contractor shall adopt curing measures that preclude the possibility of thermal shock to
the concrete during curing. This may be achieved by ensuring that the temperature of the
water used for curing does not differ from that of the concrete by more than 15C.
4. Curing shall continue for at least 7 days and until it attains an in-place compressive strength of
the concrete of at least 70% of the specified compressive or flexural strength, whichever
period is longer. Curing shall not stop unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
5. When low W/C is used, the concrete shall be preferably cured by water.

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10.2.2 Water for Curing

1. Water used for any curing purposes shall conform to the requirements of Part 4 of this Section.

10.2.3 General Requirements

1. Freshly placed concrete shall be protected from sun, wind, exposure and excessive drying out.
2. All fresh concrete shall be cured by liquid membrane curing compound or equivalent as soon
as possible, provided that the surface water has evaporated. The liquid membrane curing shall
not be applied if bleed water is forming or is present on the concrete surface.
3. If the concrete is cured by liquid membrane, the applied film should be protected from rain for
at least 3 hours and care should be taken to ensure that the film is not broken.
4. All concrete shall be cured for a period of time required to obtain the full specified strength, but
not less than seven consecutive days. The method of curing shall be by water for the first
seven days and by water or membrane until the concrete has reached the full specified
5. For mixtures with a low to zero bleeding rate, or in the case of aggressively evaporative
environments, or both, the curing shall start at early anytime between placement and final
finishing of the concrete. The curing shall be by reducing the moisture loss from surface using
fogging systems and the use of evaporation reducers such as monomolecular water curing
6. Exposed surfaces shall be protected from air blown contamination until 28 d after the concrete
is placed.
7. The method of curing shall ensure that sufficient moisture is present to complete the hydration
of the cement, and shall be to the approval of the Engineer. The method of curing shall not:
A. Disfigure permanently exposed surfaces
B. Affect bonding of subsequent coatings
C. Increase the temperature of the concrete
8. During the curing period, exposed concrete surface shall be protected from the direct rays of
the sun.

10.2.4 Curing of Formed Surfaces

1. Formed surfaces, including the underside of beams, girders, supported slabs and the like, by
moist curing with the forms in place for the full curing period, or until the forms are removed.
2. When the forms are stripped, curing shall continue by any approved method.

10.2.5 Curing of Unformed Surfaces

1. Unformed surfaces shall be protected as soon as possible after the concrete has been placed
by polythene sheeting. When sufficiently hard, hessian or other absorbent material shall be
placed on the concrete surface and shall be kept wet for the required period. The hessian shall
be overlaid with a sheet of 1000 gauge polythene to assist in the retention of water.
Alternatively a curing method approved by the Engineer may be used.

10.2.6 Moisture Curing

1. Moisture curing shall be performed by:
A. Covering the surface of the concrete with water and keeping it continuously wet
B. Continuous use of fine fog water sprays
C. Covering the surface with a saturated absorptive cover and keeping it continuously wet
2. Where method (a) is employed, the bunds used shall not be made from fill from excavations or
any other areas where there is the possibility of chloride contamination.

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10.2.7 Moisture Retaining Cover Curing

1. The concrete surface shall be covered with a suitable absorptive covering, such as hessian.
2. The absorptive covering shall be overlaid with a 1000 gauge polythene sheet.
3. The cover shall be in the widest practical widths and shall have 200 mm side and end laps.
4. The laps shall be sealed with adhesive tape.
5. Any penetrations or tear in the covering shall be repaired with the same material and
waterproof tape.

10.2.8 Liquid Membrane Curing

1. Liquid membrane curing shall be in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C 309 or
AASHTO M 148.74.
2. Membrane forming curing compounds shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations immediately after any water sheen which may develop after finishing has
disappeared from the surface and within 2 h of stripping formwork on formed surfaces.
3. Membrane forming curing compounds shall not be used on surfaces against which additional
concrete or other material is to be bonded unless:
A. It is proven that the curing compound will not prevent bond, or
B. Positive measures are taken to remove it completely from those areas which are to
receive bonded applications
C. On fair faced concrete surfaces.

10.2.9 Steam Curing

1. An enclosure shall be formed around the concrete using tarpaulin or other suitable means.
2. Application of steam shall not be commenced until at least 2 h after final placement of
3. Steam shall be applied at a temperature between 65C and 80C.
4. Excessive rates of heating and cooling shall be prevented during steam curing and
temperatures in the enclosure shall not be allowed to increase or decrease by more than 22
C per hour.
5. The maximum steam temperature shall be maintained in the enclosure until concrete has
reached its specified strength.

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11.1.1 Scope
1. This Part includes tension, compression, and temperature reinforcing steel, including welded
wire fabric, and epoxy coated reinforcing. The work includes furnishing, fabrication, and
placement of reinforcement for cast-in-place concrete, including bars, welded wire fabric, ties,
and supports.

11.1.2 References
QS 1705, Non-Weldable Reinforcing Steel
BS 4449, Specification for Carbon steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete
BS 8666, Specification for scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for
BS EN ISO 4066, Construction drawings. Bar scheduling
BS 4482, Specification for Cold reduced steel wire for the reinforcement of concrete
BS 4483, Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete
BS EN 1011, Welding. Recommendation for welding of metallic materials
BS ISO14654, Epoxy- coated steel for the reinforcement of concrete
BS ISO 14656, Epoxy powder and sealing material for the coating of steel for the reinforcement of
BS 5135, Specification for the process of welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels
BS 8110, Structural use of concrete
ASTM A706, Specification for Low-allow Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
ISO 9000, Quality management and quality assurance standards

11.1.3 Submittals
1. Product data including the manufacturer’s specification and installation instructions for
proprietary materials and reinforcement accessories shall be provided.
2. The Contractor shall submit the manufacturer’s records of chemical and physical properties of
each batch of billet steel bars and a certificate that the respective material furnished meets the
requirements for the steel reinforcement specified. The manufacturer’s records shall include
certificates of mill as well as analysis, tensile and bend tests of the reinforcement.
3. Three copies of the steel test report shall be furnished with each consignment of steel
reinforcement. The steel shall be tagged and cross-referenced with mill certificates.

11.1.4 Quality Assurance

1. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for source approval details of the proposed source
of supply of the reinforcement. Details shall include chemical and physical tests for the past six
months production and any independent test results for this period. Details of quality
assurance procedures, including ISO 9000 certificate if held, shall also be given.
2. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with a certificate of compliance for each shipment of
epoxy coated bars. The certificate of compliance shall state that representative samples of the

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epoxy coated bars have been tested and that the test results comply with the requirements
herein specified. Test results shall be retained by the Contractor for seven years. A complete
set of test results shall also be handed to the client at the completion of reinforcement works,
and shall be made available to the Engineer upon request.

11.1.5 Delivery Storage and Handling

1. On delivery, bars in each lot shall be legibly tagged by the manufacturer. The tag shall show
the manufacturer’s test number and lot number and other applicable data that will identify the
material with the certificate issued for that lot of steel. The fabricator shall furnish three copies
of a certification which shows the batch number or numbers from which each size of bar in the
shipment was fabricated.
2. Storage of reinforcement shall be on suitable structures a minimum of 450 mm above the
ground surface to prevent damage and accumulation of dirt, rust and other deleterious matter.
Storage facilities shall be such as to permit easy access for inspection and identification.
Reinforcement bundles shall be clearly tagged with bar schedule and bar mark reference.
3. The reinforcement shall not be roughly handled, dropped from a height, or subjected to shock
loading or mechanical damage. Steel reinforcing bars shall be kept clean and shall be free
from pitting, loose rust, mill scale, oil, grease, earth, paint, or any other material which may
impair the bond between the concrete and the reinforcement. The reinforcement shall be
covered to ensure protection from wind blown dust, condensation and other deleterious


11.2.1 Reinforcing Bars

1. Reinforcing steel bars shall be uncoated high yield deformed bars of characteristic strength of
500 N/mm² to BS 4449:2005+A2:2009, or ACI ASTM 615 as supplied by Qatar Steel
Company (QASCO), designated as grade 'T'. Contractor shall fully familiarise himself with the
strength, bonding and ductile qualities of the steel reinforcement that shall be used for
2. Steel wire fabric shall be of characteristic strength 485 N/mm² in accordance with BS
4483:2005 or equal.
3. Adjacent sheets of mesh reinforcement shall be overlapped by at least 300mm or 31 times
the diameter of the wires lying at right angles to the edges to be lapped, whichever is greater.
Laps shall be tied together on both longitudinal and transverse wires.
4. Mechanical bar couplers, where required, shall be specified as complying with the
requirements of BS EN 1992-1-1:2004. Associated strength and capacity tables shall be
submitted with the design calculations.
5. Reinforcement shall be fixed, supported and maintained in position by the adequate use of
chairs, spacers and tying wire.
6. Bending and cutting of steel reinforcement shall conform to BS 8666:2005 or ACI 315-43 (for
ACI ASTM 615 supply).
7. Reinforcement shall be from an acceptable source. All steel reinforcement shall comply with
the requirements of QS 1705 as a minimum and BS 4449 Grades 500 Type 2 (hot rolled bars).
8. Weldable reinforcing steel bars shall conform to the requirements of BS 4449: 1997.
9. Non-weldable reinforcing steel bars shall conform to the requirements of QS 1705.
10. If in the opinion of the Engineer the steel has excessive surface rust, dust or other deleterious
material then the steel shall be sand blasted. Sand for blasting shall not contain materials
deleterious to the durability of the reinforcement or concrete. Dune sand shall not be used for
the sandblasting of reinforcement.
11. All reinforcement shall be pressure washed with fresh water after erection and immediately
before placing concrete.

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11.2.2 Welded Steel Wire Fabric

1. Welded steel wire fabric shall conform to the requirements of BS 4483.
2. Welded intersections shall not be spaced more than:
A. 300 mm for plain round bars
B. 400 mm apart for deformed high yield bars in direction of calculated stress except when
used as stirrups

11.2.3 Tie Wire

1. Tie wire shall conform to the requirements of BS 4482.
2. 1.6 mm. black annealed mild steel shall be used for tie wire.
3. No wires smaller than size D-4 shall be used.


1. Inspection of reinforcing steel and the installation thereof will be conducted by the Engineer.
2. The Contractor shall give 24 hour notice to the Engineer before closing forms or placing
3. The Engineer may instruct the Contractor to break out and remove completely all sections of
the work already constructed under any of the following circumstances:
A. Reinforcing steel sample under test fails to meet the specification requirements at any
B. The Engineer considers that samples which were presented to him for test were not truly
C. It becomes apparent that reinforcing steel which has not been approved has been used
on the Works.

11.3.2 Sampling
1. Representative samples of all reinforcing steel that the Contractor proposes to use in the
Works must be submitted, before work is commenced, to the Engineer for his written approval.
2. Manufacturer's certificates stating clearly for each sample:
A. Place of manufacture
B. Expected date and size of deliveries to site
C. All relevant details of composition, manufacture, strengths and other qualities of the steel.
3. The Engineer reserves the right to sample and inspect all reinforcement steel upon its arrival
at the work site.
4. Contractor shall provide a certificate confirming that samples taken from the bars delivered to
the works pass the rebend test.
5. Frequency of sampling and the method of quality control shall be in accordance with Appendix
C of BS 4449.
6. Where epoxy coated steel is a used 0.3 kg sample of the coating, material from each batch be
supplied in an airtight container and identified by the batch number.
7. Allow 14 days for Engineer’s review of samples.

11.3.3 Testing
1. Tests shall be carried out when directed by the Engineer.
2. Tests shall be carried out in accordance with BS 4449.

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3. Tensile tests providing information on following will be required from each delivery of
A. Elastic limit
B. Ultimate strength
C. Stress/strain curve
D. Cross-sectional area
E. Deformation/bond characteristics of deformed bars.
4. The Contractor is to allow for dimensions and weight measurements, tensile, bend and/ or
rebend tests at his own cost, for each size of bar to be used in the concrete construction.
5. The Contractor is to allow for chemical analysis at his own cost if producer certificate is not
existed. Producer certificate shall be sufficient for chemical analysis.
6. Test results for each bar size shall be submitted to the Engineer three weeks before concrete
work commences on Site.
7. Full testing shall be required if the source of supply of reinforcement changes, in which case
the cost of such extra testing will be borne by the Contractor.
8. When any test results do not conform to the relevant standard the reinforcement steel shall be
removed from the Site and all costs resulting therefrom shall be borne by the Contractor.


1. Cutting and bending of reinforcement shall be in accordance with ISO 3766 or BS 8666 and
shall be done without the application of heat. Bends shall have a substantially constant
curvature. For epoxy coated steel the provisions of Clause 11.6.1 of this Part shall apply.
2. Shall the Contractor decide to use pre-bent steel reinforcement from his supplier as an
alternative to site bent steel, he shall provide a hand-bender and a small site stock of each
size and type of unbent reinforcement.
3. Reinforcement shall not be straightened or rebent without the approval of the Engineer. If
permission is given to bend projecting reinforcement care shall be taken not to damage the
concrete and to ensure that the radius is not less than the minimum specified in ISO 3766 or
BS 8666.


11.5.1 General
1. All reinforcement shall be securely and accurately fixed in positions shown on the Drawings to
ensure that the reinforcement steel framework as a whole shall retain its shape. The
framework shall be so temporarily supported as to retain its correct position in the forms during
the process of placing and consolidating the concrete.
2. The ends of all tying wires shall be turned into the main body of the concrete and not allowed
to project towards the surface.
3. No part of the reinforcement shall be used to support access ways, working platform or for the
conducting of an electric current.
4. The Contractor’s specific attention is drawn to the following general requirements:
A. Lapped joints shall be as indicated on the Drawings and/or in accordance with the
requirements of ISO 3766 or BS 8666.
B. Hooks shall be semicircular with a straight length of at least:
1. Four bar diameters for mild steel
2. Six bar diameters for high yield steel

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11.5.2 Welding
1. Welding shall not be used unless authorized by the Engineer and recommended by the
reinforcement manufacturer.
2. Where welding is approved it shall be executed under controlled conditions in a factory or
3. Welding shall not take place on site without the approval of the Engineer and unless suitable
safeguards and techniques are employed and the types of steel employed have the required
welding properties.
4. Welding if approved, may be used for:
A. Fixing crossing or lapping reinforcement in position
B. Fixing bars to other steel members
C. Structural welds involving transfer of loads between reinforcement or between bars and
other steel members
5. The length of run deposited in a single pass shall not exceed five times the bar diameter. If a
longer welded length is required, the weld shall be divided into sections with the space
between runs made not less than five times the bar diameter.
6. Butt welds shall be formed by flash butt welding or metal-arc welding. Other methods may be
approved, subject to their satisfactory performance in trial joints.
7. Metal-arc welding or electrical resistance welding may be used for fixing suitable steels or for
lapped joints.
8. Flash butt welding shall be executed with the correct combination of flashing, heating,
upsetting and annealing, using only machines which automatically control this cycle of
9. Metal-arc welding shall comply with BS 5135 and the recommendations of the reinforcement
10. Welded joints shall not be made at bends in the reinforcement. Joints in parallel bars of
principle reinforcement shall be staggered, unless otherwise approved. The distance between
staggered joints shall be not less than the end anchorage length joints.
11. Weldable reinforcement where shown on the Drawings shall conform to ASTM A706.

11.5.3 Mechanical Splices

1. Mechanical splices shall comply with EN 1992-1-1 or BS 8666, and shall be used as and
where indicated on the Drawings.
2. Details of mechanical splices shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.

11.5.4 Bundling and Splicing of Bundled Bars

1. Bundling and splicing of bundled bars shall be in accordance with EN 1992-1-1 or BS 8666.
2. Splicing, except where indicated on the Drawings or approved shop drawings, will not be
permitted without the approval of the Engineer.

11.5.5 Examination
1. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 24 hours before commencing the fixing of
reinforcement in order to facilitate the inspection of formwork.
2. The Contractor shall ensure that areas to receive reinforcement are cleaned before fixing.

11.5.6 Electrolytic Action

1. Reinforcement shall not be fixed or placed in contact with non-ferrous metals.

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11.5.7 Cover
1. Correct concrete cover to reinforcement shall be maintained with the aid of approved spacer
2. The cover shall not be less than as given below, according to the type of structural member
and the placing and exposure conditions as follows.
Condition 1: Concrete placed in forms and not to be exposed later to the weather,
groundwater, fresh water, or to any combination of these.
Condition 2: Concrete placed in forms but later to be exposed to the weather,
groundwater, fresh water, or to any combination of these.
Condition 3: Concrete placed directly in contact with the ground.
Condition 4: Concrete to be exposed to corrosive vapours, corrosive groundwater, sea
water or sea spray. Sufficient protection to the reinforcement shall be
provided by : adopting the minimum cover for exposure condition 3 and
applying a protective coating or membrane on the concrete surface. The
method of protection shall be in accordance with the provisions of the
specification and to the approval of the Engineer.
Table 11.1
Minimum Cover to Reinforcement
Minimum Cover (mm) for Placing of
Reinforcement for Exposure Condition
Structural Member Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3
Pad footings and Pile Caps - 65 75
Strip footings - 50 65
Bored or Cast Piles - 50 75
Columns of all types 30 40 75
Walls, including retaining walls 25 30 75
Beams 30 40 65
Slabs, including concrete joist and
hollow block construction 25 30 65
Cover to embedded pipes 25 30 65
Reinforcement adjacent to blocks in
hollow block slab construction which
are integral with the structure 10 - -

11.5.8 Spacers, Chairs and Other Supports

1. Spacers, chairs and other supports shall be provided as necessary to maintain the
reinforcement in its correct position.
2. In a member where the nominal cover is dimensioned to the links, spacers between the links
and formwork shall be the same dimension as the nominal cover.
3. Spacer bars shall be of the same diameter as longitudinal bars, but not less than 25 mm in
diameter, and shall be fixed between two layers at 1.5 m centres except where bundled bars
are detailed.
4. Spacers, chairs and other supports shall be made of concrete, plastic or other material to the
approval of the Engineer. Where supports are made of concrete they shall have at least the
same cube strength as the concrete in the host member.

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11.5.9 Reinforcement
1. Placing of all reinforcement steel bars will be checked by the Engineer and in no case is
concrete to be placed around any reinforcement steel that has not been approved by the
Engineer. Insertion of bars into or the removal of bars from concrete already placed will not be
2. Reinforcement steel temporarily left projecting from the concrete at the joints shall not be bent
without the prior approval of the Engineer.

11.5.10 Forms and Linings

1. Damage to forms and linings shall be avoided.

11.5.11 Tanking
1. Reinforcement shall not be fixed until completion of placing tanking (membrane) protection.

11.5.12 Adjustment and Cleaning

1. Check position of reinforcement before and during placing concrete:
A. Pay particular attention to the position of top reinforcement in cantilever sections.
B. Ensure that reinforcement is clean and free from corrosive pitting, loose rust, loose mill
scale, oil and other substances which may adversely affect reinforcement, concrete, or
the bond between the two.
2. Protect projecting reinforcement from the weather where rust staining of exposed concrete
surfaces may occur.
3. At the time of concreting, all reinforcement steel shall have been thoroughly cleaned and freed
from all mud, oil or any other coatings that might destroy or reduce the bond:
A. Clean all set or partially set concrete which may have been deposited thereon during the
placing of a previous lift of concrete.
B. All uncoated rust bars shall be again sand blasted and pressure washed.
4. Immediately before concrete placing the reinforcing steel shall be washed thoroughly with high
pressure potable water jets to remove any deposited salts.


1. All the forgoing clauses of this part apply equally to epoxy coated reinforcing bars.

11.6.2 Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Bars

1. Reinforcing steel which are to be coated shall be free of slivers, scabs, excessive pitting, rust,
grease, oil and other surface defects detrimental to proper coating.
2. The surface shall be prepared in accordance with BS 7295.
3. Coating shall be applied to the cleaned surface as soon as possible after cleaning and before
any visible oxidation to the surface occurs.
4. Reinforcing steel shall not have surface defects that would be detrimental to coating.
5. Coating material shall be epoxy resin powders as specified in BS 7295 for coating of
reinforcing bars and as follows:
A. Epoxy resin powders which do not meet the above requirements must be tested by an
approved independent testing laboratory and accepted by the Engineer before use.
B. Only fusion bonded epoxy-coated reinforcing steel will be accepted.
C. No other means of epoxy coating will be approved.

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6. Patching material shall be:

A. Furnished by the epoxy coating manufacturer
B. Compatible with the coating
C. Inert in concrete
D. Suitable for repairs to the coated reinforcing bars to be made by the coating applicator
and the Contractor at the project site.
7. Fabrication shall be performed before coating except as hereinafter specified for bent bars and
straight bars less than 7.6 m long.
8. Bent reinforcing steel bars shall be coated after bending, unless the fabricator can show that
satisfactory results can be obtained by coating before bending.
9. Any visible cracks in the coating on the outside of the bend or damage to coating resulting in
debonding of the coating after bending shall be rejected.
10. Bars less than 7.6 m long may be sheared or sawn to length after coating, provided:
A. End damage to coating does not extend more than 12 mm back.
B. Cut end is patched before any visible oxidation appears.
11. Flame cutting will not be permitted.
12. Epoxy coating shall be checked visually after cure for continuity of coating and shall be free
from holes, contamination, cracks and damaged areas.
13. There shall not be more than two holidays (pinholes not visually discernible) in any 300 mm of
the epoxy coated bar.
14. A holiday detector shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction to check the
epoxy coating for holidays. A 67.5 V detector such as the Tinker and Rasor Model M1 or its
approved equivalent shall be used.
15. Patching of holidays is not required if there are less than three holidays per 300 mm length.
Bars having three or more holidays per 300 mm shall be cleaned and recoated or replaced as
directed by the Engineer.
16. Epoxy coating film shall be cured and/or post cured to a fully cured condition. A representative
proportion of each production lot shall be checked by the epoxy coating applicator, using the
method most effective for measuring cure to ensure that the entire production lot of epoxy
coating is supplied in the fully cured condition.
17. Contractor shall repair all coating damaged by fixtures used to handle or support the bars in
the coating process as follows:
A. Patching shall be done as soon as possible and before visible oxidation occurs.
B. Excessive patching from other causes will not be permitted.
C. Satisfactory correction shall consist of proper adjustment of process, and rerunning the
bars through the plant.
18. The Engineer reserves the right for access to the epoxy coating applicator’s plant to witness
epoxy coating processes for project work and to obtain specimens from test bars for any
testing desired.
19. All chairs, tie wires and other devices used in connecting, supporting, securing or fastening
epoxy coated reinforcement steel shall be made of or coated with a dielectric material.
20. Before the reinforcement is lowered into place and before placement of the concrete, the
coated bars shall be inspected by the Engineer for damage to the epoxy coating.
21. Sheared ends of bars and other areas requiring limited repair due to scars and minor defects
shall be repaired, using the specified patching or repair materials.

11.6.3 Handling of Epoxy Coated Reinforcement

1. Reinforcement steel bars shall be handled and stored in a manner to prevent damage to bars
or, where used, the epoxy coating.

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2. Bars, or where used epoxy coating, damaged in handling or other operations shall be
satisfactorily repaired at no additional cost to the Employer.
3. Where epoxy coated bars are used all handling systems shall have plastic mandrel and
padded contact areas wherever possible.
4. Where epoxy coated bars are used all bundling bands shall be padded.
5. All bundles shall be lifted with a strongback, multiple supports or a platform bridge so as to
prevent bar to bar abrasion from sags in the bar bundle.
6. Bars or bundles shall not be dropped or dragged.
7. During vibration care shall be taken to ensure that the epoxy coated reinforcement is not
damaged by the pokers.

11.6.4 Testing of Epoxy Coated Reinforcement

1. Adhesion and flexibility of the epoxy coating shall be evaluated on test bars coated with each
production lot.
2. At least 1 % of the length or 6 m, whichever is less, of each size of bar to be coated shall be
furnished as test bars.
3. Test bars may be in one length or multiple lengths as required to have one test bar of each
size with each production lot.
4. The production epoxy coated test bars shall be evaluated by bending 1200(after rebound)
around a mandrel of a diameter corresponding to size of bar indicated in Table 11.2.
5. Bend shall be made at a uniform rate and may take up to one minute to complete.
6. Bend test shall be conducted at a room temperature of between 20 °C and 30 °C after the
specimen has been exposed to room temperature for a sufficient time to ensure that it has
reached thermal equilibrium.
7. No cracking of the epoxy coating shall be visible to the naked eye on the outside radius of the
bent bar.
Table 11.2
Mandrel Diameter for Bar Diameter for Evaluation Test of Epoxy Coated Test Bars
Bar Diameter Diameter of Mandrel
(mm) (mm)
10 79
12 95
13 103
14 111
16 127
18 143
20 159
22 175
24 191
25 198
26 206
28 222
30 238
32 254

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34 270
36 286



12.1.1 Scope
1. This part deals with movement and construction joints, slip bearings, waterstops and
associated sealants and filler materials.

12.1.2 References
BS 2571, General purpose flexible PVC compounds for moulding and extrusion
BS 2782, Methods of testing plastics
BS 6093, Design of joints and joining in building construction
BS 7164, Chemical tests for raw and vulcanized rubber
ISO 9001, Quality systems - Model for quality assurance in design, development,
production, installation and servicing
ISO 9002, Model for quality assurance in production, installation and servicing.

12.1.3 Submittals
1. The Contractor shall submit for approval by the Engineer as soon as practicable after
acceptance of his Tender and not less than three weeks before commencement of concreting,
drawings showing his proposals for the position of construction joints having due regard to any
that may be shown on the Contract Drawings.
2. For slide bearings the Contractor shall provide at least three samples of the proposed material,
together with the manufacturer's technical specifications and recommendations in respect of
application and performance.
3. For slip joints the Contractor shall provide at least three samples of materials proposed,
together with manufacturer's technical specifications and recommendations in respect of
application and performance.
4. For waterstops the Contractor shall provide at least three samples of proposed types,
including prefabricated joints and junctions, if applicable. If joints are to be made up on site,
provide worked samples, including samples for each make of waterstop, where samples from
different manufacturers are provided.
5. The Contractor must supply a certificate of compliance for the joint sealant, stating that it
meets the requirements of the specification. The Contractor shall also supply the
Manufacturer’s technical and installation data for the proposed material. The Contractor shall
provide details of previous installations of the product, with the client name, structure name,
type of joint and value of contract.
6. The Contractor shall prepare shop drawings that show the layout of the waterstops, specials
and joints.

12.1.4 Quality Assurance

1. The joint sealant, including primers and debonding materials shall be compatible with each
other and shall be supplied from a manufacturer operating the ISO 9001 or 9002 Quality
Assurance Scheme.

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12.1.5 Definitions
1. Construction Joint: The surface where two successive placements of concrete meet, across
which it is desirable to develop and maintain bond between the two concrete placements, and
through which any reinforcement which may be present is not interrupted.
2. Contraction Joint: Formed, sawed, or tooled groove in a concrete structure to create a
weakened plane and regulate the location of cracking resulting from the dimensional change
of different parts of the structure. (See also Isolation Joint.)
3. Expansion Joint: A separation between adjoining parts of a concrete structure which is
provided to allow small relative movements such as those caused by thermal changes to occur
4. Isolation Joint: A separation between adjoining parts of a concrete structure provided to isolate
and element and thus allow independent movement.
5. Joints Fillers: Materials that are used to fill space within movement joints during construction.
They may provide support to a sealant applied subsequently.


12.2.1 General
1. Where construction joints are required in slabs or beams they shall be located within the
middle third of their spans. Where slabs are supported by beams then the beams and slabs
shall be constructed in one operation.
2. In all cases vertical stop boards of a form to be approved by the Engineer shall be provided by
at the end of each section of work which is to be concreted in one operation and the concrete
shall be thoroughly compacted against these stop boards.
3. Where slabs, beams and walls incorporate construction joints, panels shall generally be
constructed consecutively. Where this is not possible a gap not exceeding one metre shall be
formed between adjacent panels. This gap shall not be concreted until a minimum interval of 7
d has expired since the casting of the most recent panel.
4. The size of bays for reinforced floors, walls and roofs shall be as shown on the drawings but in
no event shall they exceed 7.5 m in either direction and 6 m when unreinforced or with
nominal reinforcement.
5. Horizontal construction joints in walls will only be permitted when the wall is continuous with
the floor slab. Walls shall be keyed on cast kickers 150 mm high or on the tops of walls
meeting the soffits of suspended members.
6. Construction joints in monolithic structures shall be aligned with each other whenever
7. Before placing new concrete against concrete which has already set the latter shall be treated
to expose the aggregate over the full section and leave a sound irregular surface. This shall be
done while the concrete is still fresh by means of water spray and light brushing or other
means approved by the Engineer.
8. Immediately before the new concrete is placed all foreign matter shall be cleaned away and
the surface moistened.
9. If during the course of the Contract it should become apparent that the Contractor’s methods
of forming construction joints are not proving effective the Engineer may order the Contractor
to execute at the Contractor’s expense such preventative measures as the Engineer may
consider necessary to ensure the watertightness of the construction joints in further work.

12.2.2 Construction Joints in Water Retaining Structures

1. Waterstops shall be incorporated into construction joints in water retaining structures. The
Contractor shall ensure that all such construction joints are watertight and any joints which
may leak or weep shall be rectified by the Contractor to the Engineer’s satisfaction.
2. The spacing of construction joints in water retaining structures shall not exceed 5 m.

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12.3.1 General
1. Movement joints for expansion and contraction shall be constructed in accordance with the
details and to the dimension shown on the Drawings or where otherwise ordered by the
Engineer and shall be formed of the elements specified.
2. The Contractor shall pay particular attention to the effects of climatic extremes on any material
which he may desire to use on any movement joint and shall submit for approval by the
Engineer his proposals for the proper storage, handling and use of the said materials having
due regard for any recommendations made by the manufacturer in this connection.

12.3.2 Joint Filler

1. Joint fillers shall conform to the requirements of BS 6093.
2. The joint filler shall be fixed to the required dimensions of the joint cross-section and shall
provide a firm base for the joint sealer.

12.3.3 Joint Sealants

1. All joints to be sealed shall be formed and the groove grit blasted to remove all traces of
deleterious materials such as form oil or curing compounds and also to remove any surface
laitance from the sides of the joint. The joint shall be dry prior the application of priming. Where
the use of grit blasting is not possible the Contractor may propose alternative methods subject
to the approval of the Engineer.
2. The back of the joint shall receive a debonding tape or polyethylene foam backer cord in order
to provide the correct depth to width ratio and prevent three sided adhesion.
3. The areas adjacent to the joint shall be protected using masking tape.
4. The sides of the joint shall be primed with the relevant primer as recommended by the sealant
manufacturer and the sealant material applied in accordance with the manufacturers
5. The sealant material shall be a non-biodegradable multicomponent pitch polyurethane
elastomeric joint sealant, carefully selected as appropriate for the specific climatic and
environmental exposure conditions expected. Alternative types of sealant will be considered,
including epoxy-polyurethane, rubber bitumen and acrylic, subject to the requirements of the
specification and the approval of the Engineer.
6. Sealants shall exhibit the following properties:
Movement accommodation factor 25 %
Shore ‘A’ hardness 20 - 25
Solids content 100 %
0 0
Service temperature range 0 C to 90 C
Chemical resistance to Sewage, Sabkha, Mineral acids and Alkalis
Width to depth ratio 2:1
7. Where shown on the Drawings sealants shall also be suitable for use with potable water.
8. All surface preparation, priming, mixing and application shall be carried out in strict accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions.
9. The sealant shall have a proven track record of no less than ten years under similar local


12.4.1 General
1. Slip bearings shall be preformed low friction bearing strips to form a thin sliding joint.

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2. They shall be extruded from specially formulated polyethylene to form a durable lamina
resistant to sewage, mineral acids and alkalis, solvents and weathering.
3. Slip bearings shall be applied in two layers with the bottom layer bonded to the substrate with
a high quality solvent borne adhesive based on polychloroprene rubber. The substrate shall be
clean and free from deleterious materials such as form oil or curing compounds and surface
laitance. The surface shall be level and even along the full length of the joint
4. The applied loads for slip bearings shall not exceed 0.7 MPa.
5. Operating temperatures shall be up to 80C
6. The coefficient of friction shall not exceed 0.15


12.5.1 General
1. Waterstops and associated materials shall be by a manufacturer with a minimum of ten years
experience in the field of engineering waterproof products.
2. PVC waterstops shall be suitable for storage, handling, installation and service within a range
of 15C to 65 C.

12.5.2 Waterstops
1. The waterstop shall be a high performance system forming a continuous network as shown on
the Drawings.
2. Site jointing is to be limited to butt joints and shall be performed strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
3. Centrally placed waterstops shall employ centre bulbs/shutter stop with ribs on the web
4. Externally placed waterstops shall have ribs on either side of the centre of the waterstop. The
water bar used at the location of expansion joints shall have a bulb in the centre to
accommodate the movements.
5. Waterstops shall have a minimum thickness of 5 mm.
6. The minimum test performance data for PVC waterstops shall be as follows:
Tensile strength >12 MPa
Elongation at break 300 %
Hardness Shore ‘A’ 80 to 90
7. The materials shall tested in accordance with BS 2571 or BS 2782.

12.5.3 Butyl Rubber Waterstops

1. Butyl rubber waterstops shall have the properties stated in Table 12.1 when tested in
accordance with BS 903.
Table 12.1
Properties Requirements of Butyl Rubber Waterstops
BS 903 Property Requirements

Part A1 Density 1100 kg/m3 (± 5 %)

Part A26 Handness 60-70 IRHD
Part A2 Tensile Strength Not less than 17.5 N/mm
Part A2 Elongation at break point Not less than 450 %
Part A/6 Water Absosption (48 hours immersion) Not exceeding 5 %

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2. Butyl rubber waterstops shall be suitable for storage, handling, installation and service within a
temperature of 0 °C to 40 °C

12.5.4 Water Swelling Gaskets

1. Where active sealing is required for critical areas, waterstops shall be replaced with vinyl ester
gaskets such as masterflex 610E. The gasket shall conform to the following properties:
A. Water pressure resistance : 5 Bar (50 mtr)
B. Expansion in contact with water : 2 x original SRE
C. : Reversible
D. Application Temperatures : - 30 -+ 50 °C
E. Resistance to Micro Organisms : 6000
F. Freeze/Thaw Resistance : 6000
G. Dimensions: 25 x 20 mm
2. The selected gasket shall be available for three exposures:
A. Type W : Black (Fresh + Potable Water)
B. Type E : Red (Seawater + Blackish Water)
C. Type C : Yellow (Chemicals, OK, Grease Solvents etc.)
The supplier shall furnish references upon request of the Engineer.

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13.1.1 Scope
1. This Part of the specification covers the inspection, sampling and testing of hardened

13.1.2 References
1. The following standards are referred to in this part of the specification :
BS 1881, Methods of testing concrete
BS EN 12350 Testing fresh concrete
BS 4408, Recommendations for non-destructive methods of test for concrete
BS EN 12504-2, Non-destructive testing. Determination of rebound number
BS EN 12504-4, Determination of ultrasonic pulse velocity
BS EN 1367, Test Thermal and weathering properties of aggregates
BS 6089, Guide to assessment of concrete strength in existing structures
BS EN 12504-4, Determination of ultrasonic pulse velocity
Concrete Society Report No. 11.

13.1.3 Submittals
1. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer his quality assurance procedures for the particular
parts of the testing work that will be carried out.
2. The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s approval the curriculum vitae (CV) of the
supervisor proposed for the work.
3. The Contractor shall prepare a factual report that identifies the test methods used and the test
results. The report shall also identify any unusual results or pertinent information relating to the
testing. The report shall comply with the following requirements;
A. All test positions shall be uniquely referenced to allow their location of the structure to be
identified. This shall be by a sketch plan or detailed description
B. The Contractor shall supply one unbound master copy of the report in A4 size and two
bound copies of the report
C. The Contractor shall also supply one 3.5 inch floppy disk containing the computer word
processing and spreadsheet files that form the report ( IBM compatible )
D. The master copy of the report and the two bound copies shall include colour prints of the
concrete cores.
4. For each of the test results the Contractor shall identify the precision or repeatability of the
particular sampling and testing method. This shall be as given from experience of the
particular test by the laboratory or as expected from information in the particular test standard.

13.1.4 Quality Assurance

1. All field and laboratory testing of concrete shall be carried out by an independent laboratory
approved by the Engineer.

13.1.5 Non-Compliance of Work

1. If the 28 d works test cubes as defined in clause 6.6 of this Section fail to meet the minimum
criteria, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to carry out in-situ drilling and testing to obtain
concrete core results.
2. The parts or elements of the structure made from the defective batch or batches of concrete as
represented by the works test cubes shall be identified by the Engineer and based on this
information the Engineer shall instruct the Contractor on the required number and position of
concrete cores.

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3. The Engineer shall review the concrete core test results in conjunction with BS 6089 and
Concrete Society Report No. 11.
4. Based on this assessment the Engineer shall decide the acceptability of the concrete in the
structural element and may either:
A. Accept the concrete
B. Instruct that certain remedial works are carried out
C. Instruct that the element is replaced.

13.1.6 General Fieldwork Requirements

1. The Contractor shall make all arrangements to provide safe stable access to testing locations.
2. When gaining access to testing locations and whilst testing the Contractor shall take care not
to damage the structure or leave it in an untidy or unclean state.
3. The Contractor shall take precautions to ensure that cooling water from concrete coring/other
operations is discharged such as not to cause a mess or damage the interior or exterior parts
of the structure.
4. The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging the water supply required for testing.
5. The Contractor shall arrange for a suitable power supplies. Where testing is being carried out
on an occupied structure a power supply from the building services may not available and the
Contractor shall make arrangements for power supply and extension leads of adequate length.
6. The Contractor shall appoint a qualified field supervisor to co-ordinate and manage the field
work. The supervisor shall have not less than five years experience of such work.
7. Before starting the work, the Engineer with the Contractor’s supervisor will mark the positions
where field testing is to be carried out. A unique referencing system to identify each sample or
testing location will be adopted, and this will either be referenced on sketch plans or drawings
or by a detailed description used throughout the report to identify test locations.
8. If testing is being carried out on an occupied structure the Contractor shall co-ordinate with the
owner or operator of the structure to arrange the detailed programme for the works and gain
access to the various parts of the structure.
9. As soon as laboratory test results are available these shall be submitted by hand or faxed to
the Engineer in draft form.
10. All core holes, dust sample holes and exploratory investigation areas shall be reinstated with a
proprietary non shrink cementitious repair mortar. The preparation of the hole or area before
reinstatement shall be carried out as per the recommendation of the repair mortar supplier.
11. Before filling any core holes, dust sample holes or exploratory investigation areas, the
Contractor shall allow the Engineer time to inspect these areas and obtain written confirmation
from the Engineer before filling.


13.2.1 General
1. The drilling and testing of cores shall be carried out in accordance with BS 1881 Part 120. All
of the supplementary information listed in BS 1881 Part 120 shall be included in the test report
with photographs of the cores.
2. The Engineer will advise the required number of and locations for the cores. If the results of
the initial coring are inconclusive, the Engineer may instruct that further cores be taken at
certain locations.
3. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall ensure that coring does not
cut through any reinforcing steel.
4. The required diameter and depth of cores shall be as directed by the Engineer.

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13.2.2 Drilling Cores

1. Before beginning coring operations the Contractor shall use a proprietary cover meter to
identify the position of steel reinforcing bars at the testing location.
2. The Engineer may instruct that the core is taken through the concrete without hitting any
reinforcement or the Engineer may instruct that the core is taken in a position where it is
expected reinforcement will be cut in order to provide a sample of the reinforcement to check
its condition. The locations of all drilling points shall be chosen so that the core contains no
steel parallel to its length.
3. Before capping, the core shall have a length of at least 95 % of its diameter. Once prepared for
test the core shall have a length at least equal to the diameter and not more than 1.2 times its
4. Cores of both 100 mm and 150 mm nominal diameters may be tested provided that the
aggregate size does not exceed 20 mm and 40 mm respectively. Where possible 150 mm
cores should be taken to reduce the variability due to drilling and increase the reliability of the
testing, unless reinforcement is congested and the use of 100 mm cores will reduce the
possibility that the core will contain steel or it is necessary to restrict the sampling to a length of
less than 150 mm.
5. Where the size of the section precludes the use of 100 mm or 150 mm cores, smaller cores
may be used with the permission of the Engineer.
6. During drilling operations, a log of observations that may affect the interpretation of core
samples shall be prepared.
7. If instructed by the Engineer, immediately after the core has been cut and removed and the
structure a carbonation test will be carried out by using a 1 or 2 % solution of phenolphthalein
poured over the cut surface. A photograph shall be taken of the cut core with the
phenolphthalein solution applied to provide a record of the test.
8. If during the drilling of the core, the core collapses due to weak honeycombed or defective
concrete, the Contractor shall stop the drilling operation and carry out testing at an adjacent
location as advised by the Engineer. If when testing at the second location, the core again
breaks due to honeycombed or defective concrete the freshly cut core shall be retained for
reference and a note made of the condition.

13.2.3 Testing for Strength

1. The compressive strength of field concrete cores shall be assessed in accordance with BS EN
2. The details of the concrete core in accordance with BS EN 1367-4. :Section 8.3 shall be
recorded and two photographs on either side of the core taken.
3. Where there is reinforcement in the core, the size and the type of bar shall be noted along with
its cover to the concrete surface, the condition of reinforcing bars shall be noted with a detailed
description of any corrosion of the reinforcement.
4. Before carrying out the compressive strength testing of the cores, the Contractor shall inform
the Engineer to allow him to witness the testing if required.
5. Crushed core samples shall be retained by the laboratory and only disposed of after written
approval by the Engineer.

13.2.4 Assessment of Strength

1. The estimated in-situ strength of the concrete shall be calculated from the core result using BS
EN 1367-4.
2. Reference shall be made to BS 6089 and Concrete Society Report No. 11 for the interpretation
and use of strength results.

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1. The measurement of cover to reinforcing steel and other metallic items in concrete shall be
carried out in accordance with BS 1881 Part 204 using an electromagnetic device that
estimates the position depth and size of the reinforcement.
2. The locations for checking cover and the spacing between measurements shall be advised by
the Engineer based on the objective of the investigation. The Contractor shall carry out
calibrations of the electric magnetic device for a particular bar size to allow the bar diameter to
be measured.
3. While testing, the orientation of steel bars shall be checked.
4. The electromagnetic device shall incorporate scale or digital display range and shall be
calibrated in accordance with clause 6 of BS 1881 Part 204. When calibrated in this manner
the indicated cover to steel reinforcement shall be accurate to within ±5 % or ±2 mm which
ever is the greater over the working range given by the manufacturer.
5. The cover meter shall be used in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and checks
on the zero carried out as specified.
6. The search head shall be traversed systematically across the concrete, and, where
reinforcement is located, rotated until the maximum disturbance with electromagnetic field is
indicated by the meter.
7. The cover to the reinforcement shall be noted along with the axis of the reinforcement. The
cover shall also be recorded on the concrete surface with chalk or a suitable non-permanent
marking pen.
8. Care should be taken to avoid interference from other metallic sources or magnetic material.
9. The cover meter checks shall be carried out by an operator with five years experience.
10. The test report on cover shall include the following information:
A. Date
B. Time and place of test
C. Description of the structure or component under investigation
D. Location of test areas
E. Make and type of cover meter used
F. Date of last laboratory calibration of cover meter
G. Details of site calibration of cover meter, indicated values of cover
H. Estimated accuracy of quantitative measurements
I. Configuration of steel reinforcement


13.4.1 General
1. The ultrasonic velocity test equipment shall be capable of measuring the transit time of a pulse
vibration through concrete. The length of the pulse part between the transducer equipment
shall be measured, and the pulse velocity calculated.
2. Ultrasonic pulse velocity testing shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of BS
EN 12504-4.
3. Velocities shall be measured at a number of locations around a structure and a velocity
contour of the structure established. A minimum of 40 velocities shall be measured for each
structural element.

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13.4.2 Selection of Test Locations

1. Wherever possible direct transmission arrangements shall be used. The transducers shall be
mounted on a specially formed moulded surface.
2. The length of the pulse path shall be a minimum of 150 mm, but the path length shall not be
longer than required to detect small regions of bad concrete.
3. Where concrete contains steel the pulse velocity shall be adjusted in accordance with the
requirement of BS EN 12504-4.
4. Locations that contain reinforcement directly along or close to the pulse paths shall be
5. Where repositioning is not possible the semi-direct transmission measurement, where
transducers are placed on adjacent faces of the concrete, may be used.

13.4.3 Execution of Tests

1. Positions chosen for the test locations shall be clearly and accurately marked on the surface of
the concrete.
2. The surface of the concrete shall be shall be cleaned and free from grit and dust. Path lengths
shall be determined to an accuracy of 1 % and a suitable couplant (such as grease) applied
to each of the test points.
3. Pulse transit times shall be measured by a skilled operator, with a minimum of five years
experience in the use of the equipment.
4. Pulse velocity measurement equipment shall be in accordance with the requirements of BS EN
5. Test results shall be examined and any unusual readings repeated carefully for verification or

13.4.4 Estimated In-Situ Cube Strength

1. A correlation shall be established between the cube crushing strength of the particular mix
used in the structure and the pulse velocity.
2. Where it is not possible to obtain cubes with the same mix design as the original structure a
combination of coring and ultrasonic pulse velocity testing may be carried out at the direction
of the Engineer, where the cores are used to provide the correlation information required for
the interpretation of the ultrasonic pulse velocity tests.


1. Gamma rays and high energy X-rays, which illustrate by radiographs the concrete defects:
The testing shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of BS 1881-205 or


13.6.1 General
1. Testing of concrete surfaces for hardness using rebound hammers shall be carried out in
accordance with BS 1881 Part 202.
2. The rebound hammer shall only be used for estimation of concrete strength where a specific
correlation is carried out of the concrete from the structure being tested, this shall be from
works test cubes or cores taken from the structure.
3. The correlation between concrete strength and the rebound number shall be carried out in
accordance with clause 7 of BS 1881 Part 202. The precision of the correlation curve between
the mean rebound number and strength shall be stated and this shall be used when reporting
any strength interpretations from surface hardness readings. The use of general
manufacturer’s correlation or calibration curve for strength shall not be used.

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4. It should be noted that the rebound hammer number only provides information on a surface
layer of approximately 30 mm in depth of the concrete and that this should be quoted in the
test report.
5. The rebound hammer maybe used to establish the uniformity of the finish products or similar
elements in a structure at a constant age, temperature, maturity and moisture condition.

13.6.2 Method of Test

1. A minimum of 12 readings shall be taken to establish a single surface hardness at a particular
2. The reading shall be on a regular grid between 20 mm to 50 mm spacing over an area not
exceeding 300 mm by 300 mm.
3. The mean of each set of readings shall be calculated including abnormally high and
abnormally low results unless there is good reason to doubt the validity of a particular reading.
4. The coefficient of variation and the standard deviation of the readings shall be reported.

13.6.3 Equipment
1. The rebound hammer shall be a proprietary type that has been used successfully and serviced
for a minimum of five years.
2. The hammer shall comprise of a mass propelled by a spring that strikes a plunger in contact
with the surface.
3. The manufacturer’s literature shall identify the impact energy and contact area of the plunger
for the hammer.

13.6.4 Reporting
1. The test report shall affirm that the hardness was determined in accordance with BS EN
12504-2 and shall provide the following information:
A. Date time and place of test
B. Description of structure and location of test
C. Details of concrete
D. Type of cement
E. Cement content
F. Type of aggregate
G. Type of curing
H. Age of concrete
I. Type of compaction of concrete
J. Forming of surface
K. Moisture condition of the surface
L. Carbonation state of surface
M. Any suspected movement of the concrete under test
N. Direction of test
O. Any ormworother factors that are considered significant in influencing the hardness
2. The details of the rebound hammer correlation with strength including the mean, range,
standard deviation and coefficient and variation of each reading shall also be included.

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13.7.1 Sampling
1. The Engineer shall instruct the depth increments over which the dust samples are to be taken,
the types of chemical testing to be carried out and the quantity of sample required.
2. To provide uniform samples of cement matrix and aggregate, three separate holes shall be
drilled at one location. The diameter of the holes shall be between 12 and 20 mm.
3. Care shall be taken to discard the material from any render or finish unless this is specifically
required under the investigation.
4. Care shall be taken to ensure that dust increments are accurately measured by marking the
drill bit.
5. The dust samples increments shall be carefully transferred to plastic bags and sealed to avoid
contamination. Each sealed bag shall be uniquely identified by the sample identification and
depth increment.

13.7.2 Laboratory Testing

1. Residual split samples of dust from the field investigation shall be retained until the Engineer
has reviewed the chloride test results. The Engineer may instruct that repeat tests are carried
out on certain samples.
2. Chloride testing of concrete dust samples shall be by an acid soluble method in accordance
with BS 1881 Part 124. The results shall be reported to two decimal places.
3. Sulphate testing of concrete dust samples shall be in accordance with BS 1881 Part 124,
using an acid soluble method.

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14.1.1 Scope
1. This Part covers the materials and application requirements for coatings for concrete surfaces
including epoxy coatings, waterproof membranes, penetrative primers, protective coatings,
and coatings and treatments for specialist applications where there is a harsh environment.

14.1.2 References
1. The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS EN 12350, Testing fresh concrete
ASTM D412, Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubbers and Thermoplastic Elastomers Tension
ASTM D543, Test Method for Resistance of Plastics to Chemical Reagents
ASTM D570, Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics
ASTM D638, Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics (Metric)
ASTM D746, Test Method for Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers by Impact
ASTM D882, Test Methods for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting
ASTM D1000, Test Method for Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Coated Tapes Used for
Electrical and Electronic Applications
ASTM D1004, Test Method for Initial Tear Resistance of Plastic Film and Sheeting
ASTM D4541, Test Method for Pull Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion
ASTM E 96, Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials
ASTM E154, Test Methods for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth Under
Concrete Slabs, on Walls, or as Ground Cover
CIRIA Technical Note 130, Protection of Reinforced Concrete by Surface Treatments.
ISO 9000, Quality management and quality assurance standards
ISO 9001, Quality systems - Model for quality assurance in design, development, production,
installation and servicing

14.1.3 Submittals
1. The Contractor shall submit manufacturers' specifications, installation instructions and other
data to show compliance with the requirements of this part of the specification and the
Contract Documents.
2. The Contractor shall submit samples of all materials to be used in the works before delivery of
material to Site. Samples of membrane waterproofing shall be 300 mm square. Samples of
liquid components shall be a minimum of one litre.
3. The Contractor shall submit comprehensive test results for the protective coating system as
per the tests in the specification which shall clearly indicate whether the values are mean
values measured in current production or minimum values which the property does not fall
4. The Contractor shall clearly state the chemical composition of the material and the process by
which protection is given to the concrete.
5. In addition to the test methods identified in this clause of this specification, the Engineer may
require the Contractor to carry out further tests to different standards.

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6. If the Contractor wishes to propose a material which has been tested to alternative standards,
the Contractor shall submit correlation tests showing the comparable values of the two test
methods. These test results shall be comprehensive giving full details of the sample
conditioning, preparation, method of test, criteria for assessment etc.
7. The Contractor shall submit comprehensive information of previous applications of the material
in similar conditions and environments. This information shall include : project name,
type/grade of material used, quantity of material used, name of client, name of consultant,
name of Contractor. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall supply the contact
details of the client, consultant or Contractor where the material was previously installed.
8. The Contractor shall submit a guaranty for the protective coating system and the
workmanship. The guaranty shall be worded to reflect the required performance of the material
and shall be approved by the Engineer. The guaranty shall be worded to include the phrase
‘the Contractor shall, at the convenience of the Employer, effect all repairs and replacements
necessary to remedy defects all to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer’. Unless stated
otherwise in the contract specific documentation, the performance guaranty shall be for a
period of ten years except for the penetrative primer which shall be for a period of five years.
9. The use of alternatives may be considered by the Engineer. If the Contractor wishes to
propose such systems, a technical submission shall be made which shall include a
comprehensive justification giving an explanation of why the proposed system is equivalent or
superior to the one designated.

14.1.4 Quality Assurance

1. The protective coating system shall be supplied by a manufacturer who is certified to the ISO
9000 series of quality standards. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a copy of the
ISO 9000 series certificate that clearly states the scope of the certification.
2. The protective coating system shall be supplied by a manufacturer who provides technical
assistance on the suitability for the application and installation for the material. For the initial
use of the material on Site, the Contractor shall arrange for the technical representative of the
manufacturer to be present to demonstrate the correct use of the material.
3. The protective coating system shall be applied by a contractor or subcontractor who is certified
to the ISO 9000 series of quality standards. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a
copy of the ISO 9000 certificate that clearly states the scope of the certification. the Engineer
may permit the use of an applicator who is not certified to ISO 9000 if the applicator works to a
quality system that is approved by the Engineer.
4. The works shall be executed by an approved specialist subcontractor having a minimum of 5
years successful experience in the installation of the specified material. Only tradesmen
experienced with the installation of the materials specified shall be used.

14.1.5 Preinstallation and Co-ordination

1. After approval of all materials and before installation, a prework conference with the Engineer
shall be held at the Site. The meeting shall be attended by representatives of the Engineer,
Contractor, subcontractor, and manufacturer.
2. The parties shall:
A. Review drawings, specifications and approved materials
B. Correct conflicts, if any, between approvals and specification requirements
C. Examine Site conditions, including inspection of substrate, material labels and
methods of storing materials
D. Review installation procedures and scheduling
E. Review protection methods for finished work from other trades.
3. Before applying the coating system to the permanent works the Contractor shall carry out a
small trial of the coating system for the review and approval of the Engineer.

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14.1.6 Delivery, Storage and Handling

1. Materials shall be delivered in their original, tightly sealed containers or unopened packages,
all clearly labelled with the manufacturer's name, brand name, and number and batch number
of the material where appropriate. Materials and equipment shall be stored as directed in a
neat and safe manner.
2. Storage areas shall comply with the manufacturers requirements with regard to shade,
ventilation and temperature limits and shall be located away from all sources of excess heat,
sparks or open flame. Containers of liquid material shall not be left open at any time in the
storage area.
3. Materials not conforming to these requirements will be rejected by the Engineer and shall be
removed from the Site and replaced with approved materials.
4. The Contractor shall deliver materials to Site in ample time to avoid delay in job progress and
at such times as to permit proper co-ordination of the various parts.

14.1.7 Protection
1. The Contractor shall protect the protection system installation from damage during the
construction period so that it will be without any indication of abuse, defects or damage at the
time of completion.
2. The Contractor shall protect the building/structure from damage resulting from spillage,
dripping and dropping of materials.
3. The Contractor shall prevent any materials from running into and clogging drains.
4. Materials and plant shall not be stored on any newly constructed floor without the permission
of the Engineer.
5. Impervious membranes shall be laid as protection to all concrete surfaces in contact with the
soil and shall consist of tanking or similar accepted material, based on soil investigation report.
6. All foundations shall be provided with protection such as epoxy coatings or similar other
accepted equivalents so that concrete is not exposed to harmful effects of soil, chlorides etc.

14.1.8 General Requirements for all Treatments

1. Protective treatments shall be applied where designated in the contract specific
2. All protective coating systems to be used shall be applied strictly in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations.
3. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions against fire and other hazards during
delivery, storage and installation of flammable materials specified herein and comply any
regulations imposed by the Civil Defence Department of the Ministry of the Interior in respect
of the storage and use of hazardous materials required under this section.
4. The Engineer shall specify the required final colour of the coating and the Contractor shall
submit samples showing the colour before ordering the materials.

14.1.9 Final Inspection

1. Upon completion of the installation, an inspection shall be made by a representative of the
material manufacturer in order to ascertain that the system has been properly installed.


14.2.1 General
1. The coating shall be a decorative flexible high solids, epoxy polyurethane coating applied in
two coats to a dry film thickness of 400 µm minimum.

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14.2.2 Surface Preparation

1. The surface of the concrete shall be free from oil, grease, loose particles, decayed matter,
moss or algae growth and general curing compounds. All surface contamination and surface
laitance shall be removed by high pressure water jetting or sweep blasting.
2. Blow holes and areas of substantial pitting shall then be filled with a solvent free thixotropic
epoxy resin fairing coat. The mixing and application of this coat shall be in accordance with the
product manufacturer’s recommendations.
3. Where surface cracking is apparent these cracks shall be chased, by an approved mechanical
means, to the depth of the crack. A thixotropic epoxy resin shall be applied using a trowel,
scraper or filling knife ensuring that full compaction is achieved into the chased section and
providing a flush finish with the concrete surface. A minimum period of 24 h shall be allowed
before applying any subsequent protective coating systems.

14.2.3 Materials
1. External above ground coating materials shall provide protection against chlorides and
carbonation, and be UV and abrasion resistant.
2. The above ground coating shall be applied over the below ground coating and shall continue
for a minimum of 150 mm above the ground level.
3. The epoxy coating shall be UV stable.
4. The finished coating shall be pinhole free and have a total minimum dry film thickness of 400

14.2.4 Application
1. Where required by the Engineer, trial areas not exposed in the finished work shall first be
treated using the selected materials.
2. The exposed concrete surfaces as defined in the documents or as agreed with the Engineer
shall be treated with the material.
3. The coating shall be applied by spray, roller or brush to achieve a finish acceptable to the
4. In all operations of storage, mixing and application, the Contractor is to comply with the health
and safety recommendations of the manufacturer and governing authorities.


14.3.1 General
1. This Subpart covers the use of waterproof membrane for general protection to buried concrete.
2. Where indicated on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer, concrete in contact with the
ground shall be protected by a preformed flexible self-adhesive bituminous type membrane.
3. The laying, lapping and sealing of the membrane shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.

14.3.2 Materials
1. The material shall be an externally applied waterproof membrane shall be an impervious, cold
applied flexible laminated sheet, consisting of multilayer high density cross-laminated
polyethylene film with a backing of self-adhesive rubber bitumen compound, protected with
silicone coated release paper.
2. Primer for Sheet Membrane: As recommended by the manufacture of the sheet membrane.

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3. Protection Board: Provide a minimum 6 mm thick asphalt protection board manufactured from
selected aggregates, bound in modified bitumen encased between two layers of strengthened
asphalt paper. The bituminous material shall be a minimum of 2.0 mm thick and the membrane
shall be capable of bridging crack widths in the substrate up to 0.6 mm wide.

14.3.3 Waterproof Membrane

1. The material shall be suitable for use in the Gulf region the compound shall be specially
formulated for hot climates and shall have proven experience in the Middle East.
2. The waterproofing material shall conform to the standards detailed in Table 14.1

Table 14.1 Waterproof Membrane Property Requirements

Property Standard Value
Elongation Film ASTM D638 Longituduial 210 %
Transverse 160 %
Tear resistance ASTM D1004 Longitudinal 340 MPa
Transverse 310 MPa
Adhesion to primed concrete ASTM D1000 1.8 MPa
Elongation compound ASTM D1000 1.8 MPa
Puncture resistance ASTM E154 220 N over 65 mm
Water resistance ASTM D570 After 24 h. 0.14 %
After 35 d 0.95 %
Environmental resistance ASTM D543
Moisture vapour transmission rate ASTM E96 0.3g/M 24 h
Minimum thickness 2.0 mm.

14.3.4 Application
1. Waterproofing membranes placed on vertical concrete faces shall be protected by preformed
asphalt board.
2. Boards shall be bonded onto position with high quality solvent borne contact adhesive based
on polychloroprene rubber.
3. The Contractor shall co-ordinate the installation of waterproofing membrane with floor drains,
equipment bases and other adjacent work and mask adjacent work to prevent soil marks.
4. Areas where waterproofing is applied shall be protected from all traffic and where necessary
backfilling. All damage to finished portions of the waterproofing membrane shall be either
repaired or replaced, or both, in an manner acceptable to the Engineer.


14.4.1 General
1. The system shall be a penetrating hydrophobic treatment that protects concrete from both
water and chloride intrusion, while permitting water vapour transmission.
2. The treatment shall significantly reduce the absorption of water and water borne salts but allow
the transmission of water vapour from the substrate.

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3. The treatment shall not produce any discoloration of the substrate and shall have excellent
resistance to weathering.

14.4.2 Material
1. The material shall be a low viscosity silane-siloxane system which penetrates deeply into a
porous substrate and reacts to produce a bonded hydrophobic lining to the pores.
2. The material shall be resistant to petrol, oil, and atmospheric contaminants such as car
exhaust fumes and industrial exhausts.

14.4.3 Surface Preparation

1. The surface shall be dry, free from oil and grease, loose particles, decayed matter, algae
growth and curing compounds.
2. If the concrete surface is newly cast and has a very smooth finish, the surface shall be
roughened by sand or grit blasting, water blasting or some mechanical means. The Engineer
shall decide if this means of preparation is required.
3. Moss or algae growth on the surface shall be removed using a proprietary fungicidal wash in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
4. Concrete finishing required shall be completed before the application of the treatment.
5. Cracks of width greater than 0.2 mm shall be filled in accordance with the manufacturer’s

14.4.4 Application
1. Unless directed otherwise by the Engineer the treatment shall be applied a minimum period of
24 h after the wet curing period, and shall be surface dry.
2. The Contractor shall carry out tests to verify the depth of penetration of the material. These
tests shall be carried out on specimens of the actual mix design and shall use coloured dyes to
trace the penetration of the material.
3. Where fine cracking has occurred in the concrete (at a width not greater than 0.3 mm for
reinforced concrete and 0.2 mm for water retaining structures) an additional four 'stripe coats'
of the treatment shall be applied before the main treatment.
4. The application of the material on surfaces shall be by a low pressure spray direct from the
can. Under no circumstances should thinning of the material be carried out.
5. The rate of application shall ensure that the surface is completely saturated. The impregnated
coating shall be applied to two or more flood coats each flood coat shall be a minimum of 0.4
l/m .
6. The material shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and as
A. The material shall be applied by a fine nozzle spray
B. Application will not be permitted when the ambient air temperature is above 35 C or in
windy conditions
C. The surface shall be cleaned by a stiff brush or compressed air to remove all loose
D. Concrete to be treated shall be surface dry for a minimum period of 24 h before
E. Membranes, joint sealers and cast in concrete ancillaries shall be masked off before
F. Application shall be made by saturation flooding
G. The interval between application shall be at least 6 h
H. Treated areas shall be protected from sea water and rain for 6 h after treatment

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14.5.1 General
1. The coating system shall be used for the protection of new or existing reinforced concrete
structures against carbonation or chloride induced corrosion.
2. The system shall comprise of a penetrating, reactive primer and an acrylic polymer top coat
system to minimize ingress of acidic gases, chlorides and water.

14.5.2 Surface Preparation

1. Before application, all surfaces must be dry and free from oil, grease, loose particles, decayed
matter, moss or algae growth and general curing compounds.
2. All such contamination and laitence must be removed by the use of grit blasting, high pressure
water jetting or equivalent mechanical means.
3. Before proceeding to apply the protective coatings, all surfaces which are not to be coated but
which may be affected by the application of the coating shall be fully masked and, in particular,
flora and fauna shall be protected.
4. Blow holes and areas of pitting shall be made good with a one part modified cementitious
material and allowed to cure in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. In
particular, the application shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations,
with respect to the maximum application thickness.

14.5.3 Material
1. The materials are required to provide in-depth protection against carbonation and chloride
penetration whilst permitting water vapour transmission from the concrete.
2. The primer shall be a low viscosity silane-siloxane system which penetrates deeply into a
porous substrate and reacts to produce a bonded hydrophobic lining to the pores.
3. The material employed for the coating shall comply with the following requirements:
Wet film thickness 650 microns
Dry film thickness 400 microns
Carbon Dioxide diffusion resistance R Value at 325 µ > 161 metres.
(Taywood Engineering Laboratories)
Water vapour transmission
(Taywood Engineering Laboratories) Shall be more than 13 g/m •d
Reduction in chloride ion penetration 94 % minimum at 28 d
(BS 1881 : Part 124)
Tear Resistance (ASTM D624) 7.3 kN/mm
Crack bridging (BRE Method) 5.1 mm
Chloride Ion Diffusion
(Taywood Engineering Labororatories) 3.63 x 10 cm /sec.

4. Where test methods are not specified, the procedure for establishing compliance with the
above criteria shall be agreed with the Engineer.
5. The Contractor is required to adhere strictly to the manufacturer's recommendations regarding
the use, storage, application and safety rules in respect of the approved materials.

14.5.4 Application
1. Where required by the Engineer, trial areas not exposed in the finished work shall first be
treated using the selected materials. These trial areas shall be noted on the Drawings and
shall be carried out using the type of materials, mixing procedures and applications that will be
used on the contract and shall be approved by the Engineer before the Contractor commences
with the general work.

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2. The exposed concrete surfaces as defined in the documents or as agreed with the Engineer
shall be conditioned by the application of a penetrating hydrophobic treatment. The primer
shall be allowed to dry in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements.
3. The Contractor shall then apply two coats of pigmented topcoat in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. The finished coating shall be pinhole free and have a total
minimum dry film thickness of 150 µm. The colour and finish is to be as agreed with the
4. The coating shall be applied by spray, roller or brush to achieve a finish acceptable to the
5. In all operations of storage, mixing and application the Contractor shall comply with the health
and safety recommendations of the manufacturer and governing authorities.


14.6.1 General
1. This Subpart covers the supply and installation of sheet liners in reinforced concrete
2. The liner must be continuous and free of pinholes both across the joints and in the liner itself.
3. All work for and in connection with the installation of the lining in concrete pipe and structure,
and the field sealing and welding of joints, will be done in strict conformity with all applicable
specifications, instructions, and recommendations of the lining manufacturer.

14.6.2 Shop Drawings and Submittals

1. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the following:
A. Liner schedule
B. Material certifications
C. Test results
D. Material samples
E. The manufacturer of the lining will submit an affidavit attesting to the successful use of its
material as a lining for sewer pipes and structures for a minimum period of five years in
service conditions recognised as corrosive or otherwise detrimental to concrete.

14.6.3 Liner Material Requirements

1. The sheet liner shall be manufactured from, high molecular weight PVC or PE resin and other
components necessary to make a material of permanent flexibility suitable for a liner in
concrete pipes and structures in sewerage service. The weld strips and the joint strips shall be
made from like material. For PVC and PE sheet liners, the actual resin used in manufacture
must constitute not less than 99 % of the resin used in the formulation.
2. Copolymer resins will not be permitted.
3. All plastic sheets including locking extensions, all joints and welding strips shall be free of
cracks, asperities and other defects that may affect the protective properties of the material.
4. The properties of PVC and PE sheet are shown in Table 14.2

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Table 14.2
Properties of PVC and PE Sheet Liners
Property Test Method Requirement
Elongation at break ASTM D638/882 300 %
Tensile Strength ASTM D638/412 15 MPa
Low Temp. Brittleness ASTM D746 0°C
Elongation at break ASTM D638/882 Exceeds 600 %
Tensile Strength ASTM D638/412 10-20 MPa
Low Temp. Brittleness ASTM D746 -75 °C

14.6.4 Plastic Sheet Liner Strip Properties.

1. Except at shop welds, all plastic sheet liners and strips shall have the properties shown in
Table 14.3 when tested at 25 °C

Table 14.3 Properties of Plastic Sheet Liner Strips

Property Requirement
Tensile strength 15 MPa
Elongation at break 200 %
Shore Durometer 1 s 50 - 60 ±5 (with respect to 10 s 35- 50 ±5)
Weight change ±1.5 %

14.6.5 Basic Sheet Dimensions

The minimum thickness of the material shall be as shown in Table 14.4

Table 14.4 Plastic Sheet Liner Minimum Dimensions

Material Thickness Structures
Sheet with locking extensions 4.0 mm
Sheet, plain 2.3 mm
Joint strip 1.9 mm
Weld strip 2.4 mm

14.6.6 Liner Details

1. Locking extensions (T-shaped) shall be of the same materials as that of the liner and shall be
integrally extruded with the sheet.
2. Locking extensions shall be approximately 65 mm apart and shall be at least 10 mm high.
3. Sheets not used for shop fabrication into larger sheets shall be shop tested for pinholes using
an electrical spark tester set at 9000 V per 1.0 mm thickness of lining minimum. Holes shall be
repaired and retested.

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14.6.7 Installation
1. Installation of the lining, including preheating of sheets in cold weather and the welding of all
joints, shall be performed in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer.
2. The lining to be held snugly in place against inner forms by means of steel banding straps or
other means recommended by the manufacturer.
3. Concrete that is to be poured against the lining shall be vibrated, spaded, or compacted in a
careful manner to protect the lining and produce a dense, homogenous concrete, securely
anchoring the locking extensions into the concrete.
4. In removing forms care shall be taken to protect the lining from damage. In particular:
A. sharp instruments not to be used to pry forms from lined surfaces.
B. when forms are removed, any nails that remain in the lining to be pulled, without tearing
the lining, and the resulting holes clearly marked.
C. form tie holes to be marked before ties are broken off and all areas of serious abrasion or
damage shall be marked.
5. All nail and tie holes and all cut, torn, and seriously abraded areas in the lining shall be
patched as follows:
A. patches made entirely with welding strip to be fused to the liner over the entire patch area
B. larger patches may consist of smooth liner sheet applied over the damaged area with
C. all edges must be covered with welding strip fused to the patch and the sound lining
adjoining the damaged area.
6. Hot joint compounds, such as coal tar, shall not be poured or applied to the lining.
7. The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent damage to the installed lining
from equipment and materials used in or taken through the work.

14.6.8 Testing Requirements

1. Samples taken from sheets, joints or weld strips shall be tested to determine material
properties. Determination of tensile strength and elongation shall be in accordance with ASTM
D 412 using Die B. Determination of indentation hardness shall be in accordance with ASTM D
2240 using a Type D Durometer, except that a single thickness of material and indentation
hardness shall be made on 25 mm by 75 mm specimens. Thickness of specimens shall be the
thickness of the sheet or strip.
2. The measurement of initial physical properties for tensile strength, weight, elongation and
indentation hardness shall be determined before chemical resistance tests.
3. Chemical resistance tests shall be carried out to determine the physical properties of the
specimens after exposure to chemical solutions. Test specimens shall be conditioned to
constant weight at 43 °C before and after submersion in the solutions detailed in Table 14.5 for
a period of 112 d at 25 ± 3 °C.
4. Volumetric percentages of concentrated reagents of CP grade: At 28 day intervals, specimens
shall be removed from each chemical solution and tested. If any specimen fails to meet the
112 day exposure, the material will be subject to rejection.
5. Pull test for locking extensions: Liner locking extensions embedded in concrete shall withstand
a test pull of at least 18 kN/m, applied perpendicularly to the concrete surface for a period of 1
min, without rupture of the locking extensions or withdrawal from embedment. This test shall
be made at a temperature between 21 °C to 27 °C inclusive.
6. Shop-welded joints: Shop-welded joints, used to fuse individual sections of liner together, shall
be a least equal to the minimum requirements of the liner for thickness, corrosion resistance
and impermeability. Welds shall show no cracks or separations and shall be tested for tensile
strength. Tensile strength measured across the welded joint in accordance with ASTM D 412
using Die B shall be at least 15 MPa. Test temperature shall be 25 ± 3C and the measured
minimum width and thickness of the reduced section shall be used.

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7. Spark test: All liner shall be shop tested for holes with a spark tester set to provide from 15 000
to 20 000 V. Sheets having holes shall be satisfactorily repaired in the shop before shipment
from the manufacturer’s plant.
8. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with certified copies of test reports before the
shipment of the product to the Site.
Table 14.5 Chemical Resistance Tests
Chemical Solutions Concentration
Sulphuric Acid 20 %
Sodium Hydroxide 5%
Ammonium Hydroxide 5%
Nitric Acid 1%
Ferric Chloride 1%
Soap 0.1 %
Detergent (Linear alkyl benzyl
sulphonate or LAS) 0.1 %
Bacteriological BOD not less than 700 mg/l
Phosphoric Acid 50 %

14.6.9 Special Requirements

1. Liner sheets to be closely fitted and properly secured to the inner forms.
A. Sheets that are to be cut to fit curved and warped surfaces shall use a minimum number
of separate pieces
B. A 50 mm wide water resistant tape or welding strip shall be welded on the back of butt
joints to prevent wet concrete from flowing around the edges.
2. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the lining will be returned at least 75 mm at the
surfaces of contact between the concrete structure and items not of concrete and
A. The same procedure will be followed at joints where the type of protective lining is
changed or the new work is built to join existing unlined concrete
B. At each return, the returned liner will be sealed to the item in contact with the plastic lined
concrete with an adhesive system
C. If the liner cannot be sealed with this adhesive because of the joint at the return being too
wide or rough or because of safety regulations, the joint space shall be densely caulked
with lead wool or other approved caulking material to a depth of 50 mm and finish with a
minimum of 25 mm of an approved corrosion resistant material.

14.6.10 Joints in Lining for In-Situ Concrete Structures

1. Field joints and Lining at joints shall be free of all mortar and other foreign material and shall
be clean and dry before joints are made.
2. All welding is to be in strict conformance with the specifications of the lining manufacturer.

14.6.11 Testing and repairing damaged surfaces

1. All surfaces covered with lining, including welds, will be tested with an approved electrical
holiday detector with the instrument set at 9000 V per 1.0 mm of lining minimum:
A. All welds shall be physically tested by a non-destructive probing method
B. All patches over holes, or repairs to the liner wherever damage has occurred.

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2. Each transverse welding strip which extends to a lower edge of the liner will be tested by an
approved testing agency at the cost of the Contractor.
A. The welding strips will extend 50 mm below the liner to provide a tab.
B. A 5 kg pull will be applied to each tab. The force will be applied normal to the face of the
structure by means of a spring balance
C. Liner adjoining the welding strip will be held against the concrete during application of the
D. The 5 kg pull will be maintained if a weld failure develops until no further separation
E. Defective welds will be retested after repairs have been made
F. Tabs shall be trimmed away neatly by the installer of the liner after the welding strip has
passed inspection.
G. Inspection will be made within two days after joints has been completed in order to
prevent tearing the projecting weld strip and consequent damage to the liner from
equipment and materials used in or taken through the work.

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15.1.1 Scope
1. This Part covers the precautions to be taken for hot weather concreting for all structural
concrete except blinding concrete, where a minimum compressive strength is specified.

15.1.2 References
BS 8110, Structural use of concrete
BS EN 1992-1-1 - Eurocode 2, Design of concrete structures. General rules and rules for
BS EN 480, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods
BS EN 934, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout
ACI 305R-91, American Concrete Institute , Hot Weather Concreting
ASTM C1064, Measuring the Temperature of Concrete

15.1.3 Definition of Hot Weather

1. The requirements of the following clauses of the specification are applicable during the hot
weather period in Qatar.
2. The hot weather period shall be defined as starting when the maximum ambient air shade
temperature on the Site exceeds 35C for three consecutive days. The end of the hot weather
period shall be defined as the period when the maximum air shade temperature is below 35C
on three consecutive days.
3. The Contractor shall establish a thermometer on Site that records the ambient air shade
temperature. The thermometer shall be established at a position to provide representative air
temperature for the Site conditions. If requested by the Engineer the Contractor shall arrange
for the calibration of the Site thermometer.
4. Hot weather conditions include the existence of one or more of the following conditions:
A. High ambient air temperature
B. Low humidity
C. High solar radiation
D. High wind speeds.
E. Calculations or experiments showing that the dry bulb temperature of the placed
concrete, taking into consideration the heat of hydration of cement, exceeds 38ºC
and that the rate of water evaporation exceeds 980 g/m2 per hour.

15.1.4 System Description

1. The Contractor shall undertake hot weather concreting procedures that are effective in
controlling the following potential problems associated with concreting in hot weather:
A. Increased water demand of the mix
B. Increased rate of slump loss
C. Increased rate of setting
D. Increased tendency for plastic shrinkage cracking
E. decreased long-term strength
F. Increase tendency for drying shrinkage and cracking
G. Increased tendency for differential thermal effects with consequent cracking

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H. Decreased durability from cracking where there is increased permeability.

15.1.5 Submittals
1. The Contractor shall prepare weekly in advance his proposed concreting programme showing
the quantities to be placed and the anticipated placing hours.
2. At least one month before the start of the hot weather period the Contractor shall submit his
specific proposals for the control of the concrete temperature for the constituent materials;
cement, water aggregates.
3. Where required the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer his proposals for the use of liquid
nitrogen for cooling which shall include details of previous project application and the intended
methods to be used and quantities of liquid nitrogen.


1. This Subpart of the specification applies at all times of the year and at all times of the day.
2. The maximum temperature of concrete at the point of placing shall not be more than 32C.
3. Concrete shall not be placed if the shade temperature exceeds 40ºC or the concrete
temperature exceeds 32ºC.
4. he temperature of each truck of concrete shall be measured using either a glass, dial type or
electronic thermometer, just before the placing of the concrete and the temperature recorded
on the delivery ticket. The maximum temperature at placing shall apply to the entire load of
concrete in the truck or conveyer.
5. The Contractor shall allow for the increase in concrete temperature in the period from dispatch
from the plant while in transportation or whilst awaiting placement on Site and take adequate
measures to ensure the maximum temperature is not exceeded.


1. During the hot weather period as defined in Clause 15.1.3 of this Part, the Contractor shall
plan concreting operations such that no concreting takes place between the hours of 10:00
hours and 17:00 hours.
2. The Contractor shall arrange concrete pours such that the programme of works can be
achieved without concreting during the period from 10:00 hours to 17:00 hours
3. The Contractor shall nominate one member of his staff to be the co-ordinator for the supply of
concrete. The co-ordinator’s responsibilities shall include ensuring the batched rate matches
that of delivery and placement and the preparations needed before commencing a concrete


1. In the hot weather period, the Contractor shall review all concrete mix designs to ensure that
the design slump or workability specified is achieved without increase in the mix water content.
The Contractor shall make modifications to the mix design to allow for increased slump loss
during transportation in hot weather.
2. This shall be achieved by adjusting the proportion of admixture, plasticizer or super plasticizer.
The permitted range of admixture shall be clearly stated on the concrete mix design with
nominal values for cold weather and hot weather use.
3. Under no circumstances will the addition of extra water that increases the water cement ratio
be permitted during hotter weather.
4. All concrete materials and proportions used in periods of hot weather shall be those that have
a satisfactory record of use in such conditions.

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15.5.1 General
1. The Contractor’s specific proposals for the control of the concrete temperature shall include
extent and type of shading of aggregates, method of chilling mix water and procedures for
batching and mixing, transportation, placing and finishing, curing and protection.
2. These shall include calculations in accordance with ACI 305R, clause 3.1 “estimating concrete
temperature”. The Contractor shall calculate the temperature of freshly produced concrete
based on the input temperatures of the constituent materials and the weights from particular
mix designs. The calculations shall make allowance for the rise in temperature between mixing
and placing due to the transportation and waiting period. The calculations shall successfully
demonstrate that the temperature can be maintained below 32C at the point of placing.

15.5.2 Aggregates
1. All practical means shall be employed to keep the aggregates as cool as possible.
2. Stockpiles of aggregates shall be shaded from direct sunlight. Shades shall extend beyond the
edge of aggregate storage areas and stockpile layouts shall be such that direct sunlight is not
incident on the aggregates. Shades shall be constructed to allow access for mechanical
shovels or means of conveyance. Shades and stockpiles shall be constructed so as to permit
the free flow of air over the aggregates. Embedded cooling pipes may also be used to cool the
3. Sprinkling of coarse aggregates to reduce temperature by evaporation or direct cooling shall
not be permitted.

15.5.3 Water
1. Mix Water shall be cooled by storing in underground tanks or insulated tanks above ground.
2. The water shall be chilled by the use of proprietary chillers or the addition of ice to the water
tank. Measures shall be taken to ensure that ice pieces are not inadvertently deposited directly
into the mixer.
3. Water shall not be chilled below a temperature of 4C.
4. Tanks, pipes or trucks used for the storage or transportation of water shall be insulated and
painted white.
5. The mechanical refrigeration equipment and insulated water storage shall be adequate for the
anticipated hourly and daily production rates of concrete during the hot weather period.
6. Mixing water may also be chilled by injection of liquid nitrogen into an insulated holding tank;
such procedures shall be to the approval of the Engineer.
7. Ice shall be completely melted in mixing water prior to adding water to the mixer.

15.5.4 Cement
1. The use of freshly ground cement at very high temperatures is not permitted.
2. The cement shall be kept below the temperature which there is a tendency of false set.
3. Under no conditions shall the temperature of the cement exceed 75C when it enters the
4. The Contractor shall make arrangements for storage on Site to allow cooling of freshly ground
and delivered cement.

15.5.5 Addition of Ice

1. Crushed shaved or chipped ice can be used as part of the mixing water for reducing the
concrete temperature.

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2. The maximum nominal size of ice particles shall be 10 mm and all the ice must be melted
before the completion of mixing of the concrete in the pan.
3. To ensure proper concrete mixing the maximum proportion by substitution shall be 75 % of the
batch water requirement.
4. Crushed ice shall be stored at a temperature that will prevent lumps from forming by refreezing
of particles.
5. The batching plant shall incorporate a mechanical system for correctly proportioning and
weighing the ice to be added to the mixture.
6. The quantity of ice shall be deducted from the total batch water.
7. The Contractor shall ensure there are adequate quantities of ice in suitable refrigerated
storage on the Site at the plant to meet the anticipated daily and hourly production rates of
concrete during the hot weather period.

15.5.6 Liquid Nitrogen

1. Freshly mixed concrete maybe cooled by the injection of liquid nitrogen.
2. Care shall be taken to ensure that the concrete directly adjacent the injection nozzle is not
3. The use of liquid nitrogen for cooling concrete shall include a nitrogen supply vessel and
injection facility for the batching plant or one or more injection stations for truck mixers.
4. The system may be set up at the Site for injection just before placing.
5. Proper safety precautions as advised by the supplier of the liquid nitrogen shall be used.


1. The drums of concrete mixer trucks shall be painted white to minimise solar heat gain.
2. Where a truck mixer has been left standing in the sun, the empty drum shall be sprayed with
water and the drum flushed out with cold water before batching. Care shall be taken to ensure
all water is removed from the drum before batching.
3. The temperature of the concrete shall be checked after discharge from the mixer and written
on the delivery ticket. Temperature check shall be carried out at the plant on the concrete floor
for every 50 m produced or every hour which ever is the minimum
4. A water-reducing, set-retarding chemical admixture conforming to the requirements of BS EN
480 Parts 1, 2 and 4 may be used in varying proportions under different air temperature

1. The transportation, placing, compaction and finishing of concrete shall be at the fastest
possible rate. Delivery of concrete to the Site shall be properly scheduled to match the rate of
placement and compaction.


1. If the temperature of the first truck of concrete of a particular pour is above the specification
maximum temperature limit then placing shall not commence.
2. If a pour is in progress and the temperature of a particular truck exceeds the maximum
permitted temperature the placing may be allowed to continue at the discretion of the Engineer
in order to avoid the possible development of a cold joint.
3. However, no further concreting pours shall take place until the Contractor has submitted
revised calculations, in accordance with ACI 305R clause 3.1 to demonstrate that the
maximum temperature will not be exceeded in the future. Before beginning new pours the
temperature of the concrete constituent materials shall be monitored to verify that they meet
the assumptions of the calculations.

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1. Curing and protection shall conform to the requirements of Part 10 of this Section.
2. Evaporation shall be minimised, particularly during the first few hours subsequent to placing
concrete, by suitable means such as applying moisture by fog spraying or any other means
acceptable to the Engineer.


1. All thermometers used for the measurement of concrete temperature shall be calibrated
weekly against a glass mercury thermometer. Calibration shall be carried out over the
temperature range of 10C to 100C using a water bath with ice or heating.
2. Thermometers used to determine acceptance of temperature controlled concrete should be
calibrated in accordance with ASTM C1064.
3. All concrete test specimens for strength or other purposes shall be carefully protected and
4. Specimens shall be protected from accidental damage by plant personnel or equipment on
5. Specimens shall be kept moist by the addition of water or covering by suitable curing
6. The exact time of preparation of the specimen on Site shall be noted and the time when it is
transferred to the laboratory. These times shall be written on the test report.

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16.1.1 References
The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS EN 197-1, Cement. Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common
BS 146, Portland-blast furnace cement
BS 812, Testing aggregates
BS EN 12620, Aggregates for concrete
BS 1881, Testing concrete
BS EN 12350, Testing fresh concrete
BS 2782, Methods of testing plastics
BS 3892, Pulverised fuel ash
BS 4551, Methods of testing mortars, screeds and plasters
BS EN 998, Specification for mortar for masonry
BS 5075, Concrete admixtures
BS EN 480, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods (parts: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8,
10, 11, and 12)
BS EN 934, Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout (parts: 2, 6)
BS 8500, Concrete
BS EN 206-1, Concrete. Specification, performance, production and conformity
BS 6319, Testing of resin and polymer / cement compositions for use in construction
BS EN 197-1, Cement. Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common
BS 6610, Specification for pozzolanic pulverised-fuel ash cement.
BS 8203, Code of practice for installation of resilient floor coverings.
BS EN 12390-5, Flexural strength of test specimens
BS EN 1744-1, Tests for chemical properties of aggregates. Chemical analysis
EN 206-1, Concrete. Specification, performance, production and conformity
EN 1744-1, Tests for chemical properties of aggregates. Chemical analysis
EN 12350, Testing fresh concrete
ACI 506, Guide to Shotcrete


16.2.1 Scope
1. This Subpart covers the mix design for concrete used for aircraft aprons and roadworks as
surface slabs, continuously reinforced concrete roadbase, and wet lean mix except cement
bound granular material used as a roadbase or sub-base or as a backfill material for

16.2.2 Mix Designs

1. Concrete in rigid or composite pavements shall be one of the grades given in Table 16.1 below
, in accordance, with the pavement design shown on the Drawings or as directed by the
2. All concrete for use in pavements shall be designed mixes or equivalent standard mixes in
accordance with the relevant clauses of BS 8500 and BS EN 206-1, except where otherwise
3. Prescribed mixes may be used for rapid construction with the approval of the Engineer.

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Table 16.1
Pavement Grades
BS 8500 and BS 8500 and
Pavement Layer BS EN 206-1 BS EN 206-1
Designed Mix Standard Mix
Surface Slabs
Unreinforced Concrete C40
Jointed Reinforced Concrete ( CRCP ) C40
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement ( CRCP ) C40
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Roadbase ( CRCR ) C40
Ground Beam Anchorages C30

Wet Lean Mix Concrete 4 C20 ST4

Wet Lean Mix Concrete 3 C15 ST3
Wet Lean Mix Concrete 2 C10 ST2
Wet Lean Mix Concrete 1 C7.5 ST1

16.2.3 Cement
1. The general term 'cement' in this Part means the materials shown below.
Cement Complying with
Cement. Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for BS EN 197-1
common cements
Portland blast furnace cement BS 146
Specification for pozzolanic pulverised-fuel ash cement (grades BS 6610
C20 or below)

2. The use of a combination of Portland cement and ground granulated blast furnace slag is
permitted subject to the approval of the Engineer. In such cases, the Engineer will stipulate the
minimum combined cementitious material content required for the mix.
3. The use of a combination of Portland cement and pulverised fuel ash (PFA) is permitted
subject to the approval of the Engineer. In such cases, the Engineer will stipulate the minimum
combined cementitious material content required for the mix. PFA shall be in accordance with
BS 3892.
4. The use of microsilica in the mix designs will be permitted if approved by the Engineer. In such
cases the proportion of microsilica shall be 10 ± 1 % of the Portland cement content.
5. The Engineer will stipulate the minimum combined cementitious material content required for
the mix where PFA or GGBFS are used.
6. The maximum proportion of ground granulated blastfurnace slag with Portland cement shall be
not greater than 65 % of the total cement content for grades up to C30, and 50 % for C40.
7. In combination with Portland cement, the proportion of PFA by mass to the total cement and
the minimum Portland cement content of the blend shall be advised by the Engineer.
8. The limit of chloride content of the concrete shall be as stated in BS 8500 and BS EN 206-1.In
each cubic metre of fully compacted concrete the minimum cement content shall be:
BS Grade Portland Cement kg/m
C40 320

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C30 280
C20 180 max. aggregate:cement, 14:1
C15 160 max. aggregate:cement, 14:1
C10 130 max. aggregate:cement, 18:1
C7.5 120 max. aggregate:cement, 18:1

16.2.4 Water
1. Water for use in the making and curing of concrete shall conform to the requirements of Part 4
of this Section.
2. The water content shall be the minimum required to provide the agreed workability for full
compaction of the concrete to the required density, as determined by trial mixes or other
means approved by the Engineer, and the maximum free water:cement ratio shall be 0.45 for
grades C40 and C30 and 0.60 for grades C20 and C15.

16.2.5 Aggregates
1. The requirements of Part 2 of this specification will govern, except as modified below.
2. Aggregates for all pavement concrete shall be natural material complying with BS EN 12620 or
aggregate which when crushed complies with the quality and grading requirements of BS EN
3. Alternatively coarse aggregate may be crushed air-cooled blastfurnace slag complying with BS
EN 12620.
4. Once the appropriate gradings have been determined and approved they shall not be varied
without the permission of the Engineer.
5. If requested by the Engineer, the aggregate at source shall be tested in accordance with BS
812 Part 121 and shall have a soundness value greater than 75. Thereafter for routine testing
of such aggregates, the water absorption value of the coarse aggregate shall be determined
as in BS 812 Part 2 and BS EN 1097-3.. If the absorption value of the coarse aggregate is
greater than 2 %, the soundness test shall be carried out on the material delivered to Site.
6. The nominal size of coarse aggregate shall not exceed 40 mm. When the spacing between
longitudinal reinforcement is less than 90 mm, the nominal size of coarse aggregate shall not
exceed 20 mm.
7. The chloride ion content of the aggregate to be used in concrete with embedded metal,
determined in accordance with BS EN 1744-1, clause 7 shall satisfy the requirements of BS
EN 12620.
8. Fine aggregate containing more than 25 %, by mass of acid-soluble material as determined in
accordance with BS EN 1744-1, clause 12, in either the fraction retained on, or the fraction
passing the 600 micron BS sieve shall not be used in the top 50 mm of surface slabs.
9. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall carry out tests on the proposed aggregate
combination to check for the possibility of alkali silica reaction. Such tests shall be carried out
in accordance with the procedure laid down in Part 2 of this Section.

16.2.6 Admixtures
1. Plasticisers or water reducing admixtures shall comply with BS 5075, BS EN 480 and BS EN
934. Admixtures containing calcium chloride shall not be used.
2. Other chloride free admixtures may be used with the approval of the Engineer.

16.2.7 Air content

1. The total quantity of air in air-entrained concrete as a percentage of the volume of the mix shall
be 5 ±1.5 % for mixes of nominal aggregate size 20 and be 4 ± 1.5 % for mixes of nominal
aggregate size 40.

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2. The air content shall be determined at the point of delivery to the paving plant by a pressure
type air meter in accordance with BS EN 12350-7 or EN 12350-7,, at the rate of one
determination per 300 m of slab or at least six times per day whichever is the greater, in
conjunction with tests for workability and strength. For areas less than 300 m , the rate shall
be at least one determination to each 20 m length of slab or less constructed at one time or at
least three times per day. If the air content is outside the specified limits, a further
determination shall be made immediately on the next available load of concrete before
discharging. If the air content is still outside the limit, the Contractor shall immediately adjust
the air content of the concrete to improve its uniformity, before further concrete is used in the
3. The air-entraining agent shall be added at the mixer, by an apparatus capable of dispensing
the correct dose within the tolerance for admixtures given in BS EN 206-1 or EN 206-1,, and
so as to ensure uniform distribution of the agent throughout the batch during mixing.

16.2.8 Density
1. The density of concrete Grades C40 and C30 shall be such that without air-entrainment the
total air voids are not more than 3 %. With air entrainment, the total air voids shall be not more
than 8 %, for 20 mm aggregate or 7 % for 40 mm aggregate.
2. The density of concrete Grades C20, mix ST4 or below shall be at least 95 %, of the
theoretical maximum dry density.


1. No fines concrete shall be produced by the omission of the fine aggregate from the mix so that
a large number of voids are present.
2. No fines concrete shall be used for drainage works where a high permeability of water through
the concrete is required. No fines concrete shall not be used for reinforced concrete works.
3. No fines concrete shall comply with the requirements of the other appropriate parts of the
specification subject to the amendments that follow.
No fines concrete shall be produced with a predominantly single size aggregate of nominal
size 10 to 20 mm. Up to 5 % oversize and 10 % undersize is permitted. No material shall
pass a 5 mm sieve. The use of sharp-edged crushed aggregate that may crush under load is
not permitted.
4. The mix design for no fines concrete shall comply with one of the grades in Table 16.2 below.
5. The maximum densities for the mixes are nominal and the requirement may be waived by
6. A visual check shall be made to ensure that all the aggregate particles are coated with cement
7. The limit for the maximum height of drop while placing is not applicable for no fines concrete
8. Formwork shall remain in place until the no fines concrete has gained adequate strength to
support itself as per the requirements of Part 10 of this Section.
9. Curing shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Part 11 of this Section

Table 16.2
No Fines Concrete Mix Design
28 Day Compressive Maximum Density Maximum Aggregate/Cement
Strength MPa kg/m3 Water/Cement Ratio Ratio
14 2020 0.38 6
12 1970 0.40 7
10 1940 0.41 8
7 1870 0.45 10

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1. This clause of the specification refers to lightweight concrete with improved insulation
properties where the practical ranges of densities is between about 300 and 1850 kg/m .
2. The required density and strength of the lightweight concrete will be specified on the drawings
or directed by the Engineer.
3. Lightweight concrete shall be produced by one of the following methods;
A. The use of porous lightweight aggregate of low specific gravity
B. Introduction of large voids within the concrete, (this is different from extremely fine voids
produced by air entrainment), this type of concrete is variously known as aerated, cellular
or gassed concrete
C. Lightweight concrete can also be produced using polystyrene spheres in the mix.
4. The method of production of lightweight concrete will be shown on the drawings or directed by
the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit full technical details of the materials and method of
production for the lightweight concrete along with a list of previous projects where the
particular system has been used.
5. After source approval of the material and system the Contractor shall submit a mix design for
the lightweight concrete for the approval of the Engineer. After the review and approval of the
mix theoretical mix design the Contractor shall carry out a trial mix to check the workability of
the fresh concrete and to allow samples to be made for compressive strength and density.
6. The Engineer may also instruct that tests are carried out for abrasion resistance and thermal
insulation properties.


16.5.1 General
1. This Subpart covers a general purpose non-shrink cementitious grout. The grout shall be used
to where it is necessary to eliminate shrinkage when filling the void between a base plate and
a substrate such as in the grouting of stanchion bases, anchorage fixings, including masts,
anchor bolts and fence posts.
2. The grout shall be supplied by a reputable construction chemical company as a single pack
prepackaged cement based product which is chloride free.
3. For a particular application, the Contractor shall submit a method statement detailing how the
formwork will be placed and the points where the grout will be poured.
4. Before beginning work on large repetitive works, the Contractor shall arrange for a site trial of
the materials and methods with the suppliers representative being present to train the
Contractor’s personnel in the correct use of the material.

16.5.2 Material
1. The grout shall be suitable for filling gaps of thickness up to 100 mm and shall be free flowing
and non shrink.
2. Positive volumetric expansion shall take place while the grout is plastic by means of gaseous
expansion to avoid shrinkage and cracking.
3. The compressive strength of the grout when tested in accordance with BS 1881 Part 116 shall
be a minimum of 25 MPa at 24 h, 40 MPa at 7 d and 50 MPa at 28 d.
4. The grout shall exhibit a high early strength gain yet not be subject to cracking or other
detrimental effects.
5. At ambient temperatures above 35C, cool water shall be used for mixing the grout before

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16.5.3 Workmanship
1. The storage handling and pouring of the grout shall be in strict accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
2. The substrate surface shall be free from oil grease or loose or partially bonded material.
3. If the concrete surface is defective or has laitance it shall be cut back to a sound base.
4. Bolt holes and fixing pockets shall be blown clean of dirt or debris.
5. The substrate shall be soaked with fresh potable water before grouting, although immediately
before grouting, free water shall be removed and blown out of bolt holes or pockets.
6. Grout shall not be placed in a gap of less than 25 mm for base plates larger than 1 m wide. For
larger base plates or flow areas the manufacturer’s instructions shall be followed.
7. Base plates and metallic items shall be clean and free from oil, grease, or scale.
8. Vent holes shall be provided to allow the release of air from isolated spots.
9. Formwork shall be made leak proof by the use of form rubber strip or mastic sealant between
the constructive formwork and joints. Formwork shall extend above the required pour height
and if necessary shall be extended to allow a hydrostatic head to aid placement.
10. The grout shall be mixed mechanically with a slow speed drill fitted with a high-shear mixer.
11. The quantity of water to be added to the preweighed bags shall be enough to give the
desirable consistency as trowelable or flowable.
12. Mixing shall take place for a minimum of 5 min.
13. The grout shall be placed within the time limit specified by the manufacturer depending on the
actual application temperature.
14. Grout shall be poured from one side and it shall be verified that the grout has flowed under all
of the base plate with no voids. Pouring from several sides shall not be permitted.
15. Exposed areas of grout shall be thoroughly cured in accordance with Part 10 of this Section.


16.6.1 Scope
1. This Subpart covers screeds that provide by means of a layer of mortar a level surface in
flooring applications and to provide falls on flat concrete roofs.

16.6.2 General
1. Screeds shall be suitable for application onto a concrete substrate.
2. The screeds shall be suitable for receiving surface finishes which may arrange from thin
flexible sheeting to ceramic tiling. The screed is not intended to be the final wearing surface.
3. Screed mortars shall generally comprise sand and cement modified by additives or substituted
by other materials such as polymers in order to provide specific performance requirements.
4. For screeds of thickness greater than 40 mm it is permissible to incorporate a proportion of 10
mm aggregate.
5. Aggregates used for screeds shall not contain deleterious materials such as coal or iron
particles which may affect the finish the surface of the screed.
6. Admixtures for mortar screeds shall assist workability or alter rates of setting and hardening
and shall comply with the appropriate part of BS EN 480 and BS EN 934.
7. Polymer based additives may be used to improve adhesion and strength of thin or featured
screeds, these shall be based on polyvinyl acetate (PVA) styrene bituene rubber (SPR) or
acrylic polymers.
8. Ready to use sand cement screeds shall comply with the material requirements BS 4721.

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9. Screeds with a rapid drying time to enable earlier floor finishes to be applied shall be used
strictly in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
10. The interface of the screed in the concrete substrate shall be specified as one of the following
options by the Engineer:
A. Monolithic with the concrete base: The screed shall be applied within 3 hours of placing
the concrete base.
B. Bonded to the concrete base: Screed shall be laid onto a concrete base which is
hardened and is subsequently been prepared to receive the screed, the minimum
thickness of the screed shall be 25 mm and the maximum thickness 40 mm.
C. As an unbonded screed: The screed shall be laid on a separating layer.
D. As a floating screed: The screed shall be laid on an insulating material.
11. The cement and sand screed mix shall have the minimum amount of water added to give
sufficient workability and allow the material to be thoroughly compacted.
12. Pan type mixes shall be used to ensure efficient mixing of materials, the cement to aggregate
ratio shall be between 1 to 3 and 1 to 4.5 by weight. The mixing of the sand cement, water and
admixtures shall ensure a thorough homogeneous mixture with no balling up of the cement.
13. Screeds shall be laid either between carefully levelled and trued batons or between strips of
screed laid and compacted to a finished level.
14. For bonded screed where a high degree of bond is required the surface laitance of the
concrete base shall be mechanically removed to expose the coarse aggregate. A thin layer of
neat cement grout shall be applied to the prewetted or dampened concrete and the screed
applied and compacted while the grout is wet.
15. Screeds shall be fully compacted by heavy hand or mechanical tamping. The screed at joints
around the perimeter shall be particularly well compacted to avoid breaking out and curling.
16. Screeds thicker than 50 mm shall be laid in two approximately equal layers, screed shall be
kept protected by waterproof sheeting for at least 7 days after laying.
17. Sheet and non ceramic tiling finishes shall only be applied after the screed has cured and
necessary strength achieved.
18. If requested by the Engineer the Contractor shall carry out a soundness and impact test in
accordance with BS 8203.
19. Screeds shall be laid in bays of a size to minimise thermal moisture contraction. Contraction or
movement joints shall be provided as appropriate, where shown on the drawings or as directed
by the Engineer. Bays shall be laid alternatively.
2 2
20. Bay sizes shall be approximately 15 m for 100 mm thick screed and 12 m for 75 mm thick


16.7.1 General
1. The extent and nature of the defects in concrete shall be established in accordance with Part
15 of this Section. Based on these results the Engineer shall confirm the acceptability of the
work and whether remedial works are required.
2. If remedial works are required the Contractor shall submit a detailed method statement
identifying the specific materials to be used and the sequence of activities for the repair.
3. Only proprietary proven materials that form part of a standard repair system shall be used.

16.7.2 Honeycombing or Spalling

1. Where there is honeycombed concrete or concrete damaged by physical forces such as
impact that has caused spalling, the concrete shall be replaced using a high strength free
flowing cementitious micro-concrete.

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2. The areas of repair shall be marked out and agreed with the Engineer.
3. All honeycombed, loose, cracked or friable concrete in these areas shall be removed until
sound concrete is reached. Due account shall be taken of propping or other instructions given
by the Engineer regarding sequences of removal and repair.
4. The equipment and methods used to break out the concrete shall be such that no reinforcing
steel or other embedded items such as conduits, lifting sockets, or other inserts are loosened
or damaged unless so directed by the Engineer.
5. Where the removal of concrete by mechanical means is difficult due to reinforcement
congestion, then the use of high pressure water jetting shall be considered and necessary
provisions for protecting the rest of the structure shall be made.
6. The prepared void shall be profiled so that entrapment of air is avoided during the repair
process using fluid micro-concrete.
7. The minimum depth of repair shall be 40 mm throughout. The perimeter of the area to be
repaired shall first be cut to a depth of 10 mm using a suitable tool. Feather edges will not be
8. The prepared concrete surface shall be sound and clean and free of loose particles, dust and
9. Where exposed reinforcement is sound, it shall be mechanically cleaned of rust and loose
10. Reinforcement damaged during the removal of concrete or the preparation process shall, if
required by the Engineer, be repaired or replaced.
11. Adequate formwork shall be provided in accordance with of Part 9 of this Section. This shall be
securely fixed to withstand the hydraulic pressures of the fluid micro-concrete repair material
without distortion or movement during placement.
12. The formwork shall be watertight at all joints between panels and between the formwork and
the existing concrete surface so as to prevent grout leakage.
13. The formwork shall be constructed from appropriate materials as agreed with the Engineer to
achieve the required finish.
14. Formwork surfaces that are to be in contact with the repair micro-concrete shall be treated with
a suitable mould release agent. This shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's
15. The entry point of the feed pipe into the form shall be at the lowest point of the void. Sufficient
hydrostatic head or pumping pressure shall be maintained to ensure that the void is filled
completely and no air remains entrapped.
16. Where necessary, provision shall be made for controllable bleed points to prevent air
entrapment and enable the extent of flow of the repair material to be assessed.
17. The formwork shall be inspected by the Engineer and, if approved, filled with clean water
which demonstrates that the formwork is grout-tight and saturates the prepared concrete
surfaces. The formwork shall be then be completely drained and resealed.
18. In situations where the completed repair will be subjected to constant immersion an epoxy
bonding agent shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
19. Both the Compressive strength and Flexural strength shall be at a water:powder ratio of 0.18
and tested at 20oC
20. The thermal conductivity and the elastic modulus of the repair material shall be compatible
with the host concrete.
21. If requested by the Engineer, recent test results of the material for the following properties
shall be submitted:
A. Thermal conductivity
B. Elastic modulus, BS 1881

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C. Expansion characteristics, ASTM C 827, CRD 621-82A

D. Flow characteristic, UK DOT BD 27/86 paragraph 4.6 B.
22. The micro-concrete shall be mixed and placed in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations, particularly with regard to water content, mixing equipment and placing
23. As far as possible the placing of the micro-concrete shall be continuous. The mixing operation
shall be timed so that there is minimal interruption in the material flow. If, however, placing is
interrupted, the operation shall recommence as soon as possible while the repair material
retains its flow characteristics.
24. The formwork shall not be removed until the repair micro-concrete has achieved a
compressive strength of at least 10 MPa or as directed by the Engineer.
25. Immediately after removal of the formwork the repair area shall be cured in accordance with
Part 10 of this Section.
26. The repair material shall:
A. Be shrinkage compensated in both liquid and cured states
B. Contain no metallic expansion system
C. Be prepacked and factory quality controlled
D. Be a free-flowing cementitious material that has a coefficient of thermal expansion
fully compatible with the host concrete and which complies with the requirements of
Table 16.3.
Table 16.3
Property requirements of micro concrete
Property Test Method Minimum Value
Compressive strength BS EN 12390-3 @ 28d 50 MPa
Flexural strength BS 4551 @ 28d 10 MPa
Anchorage bond BS 8110 Passes

16.7.3 Crack injection

1. This clause of the specification covers non-active cracks within concrete elements caused by
shrinkage or other structural movement. Non-active cracks shall be injected with a low-
viscosity epoxy resin to fill and seal the crack and restore the structural integrity.
2. Before to starting the injection operation it shall be established by testing and investigation
work that cracks manifest within concrete elements due to either or both shrinkage or
structural movement are non-active.
3. The extent of the cracks to be filled will be as directed by the Engineer. The cracks to be filled
shall be marked out in detail on the concrete elements by the Contractor and agreed with the
Engineer before proceeding.
4. The extent of the work may be adjusted by the Engineer as the project proceeds, according to
the conditions found.
5. Grease, oil or other contaminants shall be removed. Algae and other biological growth shall
also be removed by scrubbing with bactericide or detergent and clean water. If necessary, wire
brushes shall be used.
6. Loose or spalling areas of concrete, laitance, traces of paint or other coating materials within
the marked out scope of the work shall be removed.
7. All cracks shall be thoroughly cleaned out using clean, oil-free compressed air. Both the
concrete surface and the cracks shall be allowed to dry thoroughly before continuing.
8. The injection nipples shall be fixed at intervals along the length of each crack. The distance
between each nipple will depend on the width and depth of the crack.

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9. Spacing shall be close enough to ensure that the resin will penetrate along the crack to the
next point of injection. This will normally be between 200 mm and 100 mm.
10. Each nipple shall be firmly bonded to the concrete surface by using a sealant. The sealant
shall be supplied in two pans (liquid base and hardener system). The two components shall be
thoroughly mixed together for 3 to 4 min until a putty-like consistency is achieved.
11. The mixed sealant shall be applied to the metal base of each surface-fixed nipple. They shall
be pressed firmly into place and held for several seconds until secure. The mixed sealant shall
be applied around each embedded nipple, ensuring a complete seal is made. In this way, all
the nipples shall be fixed along the length of the crack.
12. In the case of a wall or slab which is cracked all the way through, nipples shall be located on
both sides with those at the back placed at midway points between those it the front.
13. The surface of the cracks between the nipples shall be sealed with a band of sealant 30 to 40
mm wide and 2 to 3 mm thick. Both sides if cracks which go all the way through a wall or slab
shall be sealed in this way.
14. The prepared cracks shall be allowed to cure for 12 to 24 h. At low ambient temperatures (5
°C to 12 °C) the curing time will be extended and the Contractor shall ensure that the surface
sealant has adequately cured before continuing.
15. One end of the injection hose shall be attached to the lowest nipple on vertical cracks or to
either end of horizontal cracks.
16. Each crack shall be treated in a single, continuous operation. Sufficient material shall therefore
be made ready before the commencement of the work.
17. The Contractor shall to ensure that sufficient cracks are prepared to provide effective use of
the mixed material.
18. The preparation, mixing and application of the materials shall be undertaken in strict
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The Contractor is to ensure that all
necessary tools and equipment are on Site.
19. Both the compressive strength and flexural strength shall be tested at 7 d.
20. The material shall exhibit excellent bond to concrete and when tested for tensile adhesion the
failure shall be in the concrete and not at the interface.
21. The injection resin shall be of a prepackaged or preweighed type and only the use of full units
will be allowed. No part packs or on-Site batching will be allowed under any circumstances.
22. In all operations of storage, mixing and application, the Contractor shall comply with the health
and safety recommendations of the manufacturer and governing authorities.
23. The injected system shall be allowed to cure for 24 h and shall be left undisturbed for this time.
24. The nipples and bands of surface sealant shall then be removed and damaged areas made
good to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
25. The injection material shall be compatible with the host concrete and shall have the properties
shown in Table 16.4 when tested in accordance with the relevant standards.
Table 16.4
Property Requirement for Epoxy Crack Injection Material
Property Method Minimum Value
Compressive strength BS 4551, BS 2782, BS 6319 70 MPa
Flexural strength BS EN 12390-5


16.8.1 Scope
1. Gunite is defined as mortar or concrete conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected
at a high velocity onto a surface where the force of the jet and impacting compacts the

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material. The fresh material in place usually has zero slump and can support itself without
sagging. Gunite is also known by other names, such as sprayed concrete or pneumatic mortar.
2. This Subpart covers the use of gunite for the following representative applications:
A. curved or folded sections of new structures
B. reservoirs
C. swimming pools
D. tunnel
E. sewer and shaft linings
F. coatings for protection
G. aesthetic coatings
H. encasement of structural steel
I. strengthening work
J. repair work to structures
K. refractory linings.

16.8.2 General
1. All gunite work shall be carried out in accordance with the American Concrete Institute
publication ACI 506, Guide to Shotcrete.
2. All guniting shall be carried out in accordance with the following parts of the ACI 506 and the
additional requirements of this Part:
A. general
B. aggregates
C. cement
D. water
E. admixtures
F. curing
G. reinforcement
H. inspection and testing of hardened concrete
I. hot weather concreting.
3. Gunite shall consist of a concrete produced by the projection of a wetted sand cement
mixture onto a surface by means of air pressure applied through a continuously fed
pressure vessel.

16.8.3 Materials and Mix Design

1. The Engineer shall define the following performance specification data for the mix design:
A. cement type
B. aggregate gradation
C. compressive strength at specified age
D. specific performance requiring use of admixtures.
2. The aggregate grading for gunite shall comply with either gradation 1,2, or 3 of clause 2.4 of
ACI 506. Aggregates failing to comply with these gradations may be used if preconstruction
testing proves that they give satisfactory results or if acceptable service records are available.
3. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall prepare specimen samples of gunite for
tests of drying shrinkage in accordance with BS 1881 Part 5.

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4. Gunite shall either be of the grade 20, 30 or 40. These values represent the 28 d strength from
cored cylinders taken from trial panels of length:diameter ratio 1 next to the work. The strength
of the gunite shall be evaluated in accordance with ACI 506.
5. The use of steel fibres or non-metallic fibres in the gunite shall only be used with the
expressed written permission of the Engineer.

16.8.4 Trial Panels

1. The Contractor shall arrange for guniting of test panels simulating the actual work conditions to
provide a sufficiently reliable indication of quality to be expected in the structure. A separate
panel shall be fabricated for each mix proportion being considered and for each shooting
position such as horizontal or overhead.
2. The trial panels shall contain reinforcement as per the actual work, cores shall be obtained
from the panels and tested for compressive strength.
3. The mix proportions shall be such that the average strength in the trial panels is 10 MPa above
the minimum design.
4. Cored specimens shall also be carefully examined to check for soundness and uniformity of
the material placed. The trial panels shall establish a working method and procedure for the
application of the gunite with the required blend of ratio of aggregates to cement, control of
mixing water, nozzle velocity and nozzle technique and manipulation.

16.8.5 Plant and Equipment

1. The equipment for guniting shall consist of a gun or pump, compressor, mixer, nozzles, hoses
and other ancillary equipment.
2. The gun and placing equipment shall be of a approved well tried typed suitable to the work
involved in the contract. The air operating pressure at the gun outlet shall not be less than 240
3. Guns shall be single or double chamber guns or continuous feed guns, rotary and shall comply
with the requirements of clause 3.2 of ACI 506.
4. An air compressor of adequate capacity shall be provided and maintain a supply of clean dry
oil free air for maintaining required nozzle velocities while simultaneously operating all air
driven equipment and the blow pipe clearing away rebound.
5. The mixer shall uniformly distribute the cement powdered admixtures and aggregates.
6. Air and water hoses shall be of a suitable diameter for the compressor and pressures being
used couplings shall not obstruct flow and shall have proper safety restraints for blow out
7. The discharge nozzle at the end of the material delivery pipe shall allow the injection of water
or air into the moving stream of particles to premix water and solids and to provide a uniform
distribution of mixture.
8. Production equipment shall be placed as close as possible to the work to minimise the length
of the material hose.
9. All equipment and plant shall be inspected and cleaned on a daily basis and a preventative
maintenance programme shall be established.

16.8.6 Personnel
1. The Contractor shall ensure that an experienced skilled gunite crew are used for the work.
2. The crew shall consist of a foreman, a nozzleman , finisher, system nozzleman , gunmen or
pump operator, mix operator and labourers.
3. The foreman shall have proficiency and experience at all the crew positions and shall have a
minimum of 3000 h experience .

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4. The nozzlemen shall be certified to ACI 506.3 or equivalent and have a minimum of 3000 h of
experience as a nozzleman and have completed at least one similar application as a
5. The Contractor shall use as part of the crew a blow pipe operator to work alongside the
6. The Contractor shall ensure a proper system of communication between different personnel as
adopted, this shall be by hand signals or other means of communications such as whistles,
two way radios or telephone. Signals shall be established for different activities and shall be
understood by each crew member to ensure a safe and proper application.

16.8.7 Preparation
1. Gunite shall be produced by the dry mix process as follows
A. The cement and aggregate shall be thoroughly mixed and fed into special mechanical
feeder or gun, the mixture shall be introduced by metering device such as a feed
wheel rotor or feed wheel
B. Materials shall be carried by compressed air through the delivery hose to a nozzle
C. The nozzle body shall be fitted by a watering ring through which water is introduced
under pressure and intimately mixed with other ingredients
D. The materials shall be jetted from the nozzle at high velocity onto the surface to be
2. The use of the wet mix process for gunite is not permitted unless approval is given in writing by
the Engineer.

16.8.8 Application and Workmanship

1. All gunite shall be placed against a firm unyielding surface of adequate structural integrity. The
surface may be earth, steel concrete masonry, rock or wood. The surface preparation in each
case shall comply with chapter 5 of ACI 506.
2. Special anchor devices shall be used in gunite work to support or space reinforcement. The
maximum recommended spacing of anchors shall comply with clause 5.5 of ACI 506.
3. The Contractor shall ensure that proper alignment control is carried out to achieve the required
lines and grades by the use of ground wires, guide strips, depth gauges, depth probes or
conventional forms.
4. Contraction joints shall be formed by prepositioning specific thickness strips of wood or steel or
by saw cutting the gunite shortly after its final set.
5. Joints shall be spaced between 5 m to 10 m apart unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or
directed by the Engineer.
6. Square construction joints that may form traps for rebound shall not be used. When finishing
guniting for the day, work shall be tapered to an edge for approximately one half of the
application thickness.
7. The Contractor shall take measures to protect adjacent surfaces and structures from rebound,
overspray and dust resulting from guniting application.
8. Rebound and overspray shall be controlled or minimised by the proper use of nozzle.
9. The nozzle shall be held at the optimum position for placement.
10. Vertical surfaces shall be worked from the bottom up.
11. No rebound shall be mixed into subsequent batches.
12. No batch shall be used in the work if it is stood for more than 1 h after mixing.
13. All rebound or sand pockets shall be cut and made good.

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14. Guniting shall not be carried out under inclement weather conditions or high winds and dust
storms or rain.
15. The Engineer shall advise whether the gunite application shall be left as the natural textured
uneven finish or whether a specific finish is required. Where instructed to improve the finish for
alignment, appearance or smoothness, the Contractor shall remove excess material by
trimming, slicing, or scraping to a true alignment and grade advised by the Engineer. This shall
be carried out when the gunite has stiffened adequately. Finishing may be carried out with a
timber or steel float.
16. The Contractor shall take safety measures to ensure that all personnel working in the vicinity
of the nozzle shall have proper protection including eye protection and if necessary barricades
shall be installed.

16.8.9 Quality Control

1. The quality control of gunite work shall be monitored by the taking of tests panels from the
production work. Test panels shall be set up to represent the application conditions; i.e.,
horizontal, vertical or overhead, and shall be constructed of strong plywood of size 900 mm by
600 mm by 75 mm thick unless directed otherwise by the Engineer.
2. The Contractor shall arrange for cores of a diameter and length as specified by the Engineer to
check the compressive strength and for a visual inspection.
3. Cores shall be tested in accordance with BS EN 12504-1 and the results reported as an
equivalent cube strength.
4. The Contractor shall arrange for adhesion or bond test to be carried out in accordance with
Gunite Handbook for Engineers, C&CA Chapter 7, Adhesion.
5. The Engineer may also instruct that tests are carried out for absorption, permeability, acid
resistance, and surface hardness by rebound hammer.

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17.1.1 Scope
1. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment, appliances
and materials and performing all operations in connection with Structural Precast Concrete

17.1.2 References
The following standards and other documents are referred to in this Part:
BS 8110, The structural use of concrete
BS EN 1992-1-1 - Eurocode 2, Design of concrete structures. General rules and rules for
BS 6399-2, Loading for buildings. Code of practice for wind loads
EN 1992-1-1 - Eurocode 2, Design of concrete structures. General rules and rules for
AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway Bridges, Section 25
ISO 9000, Quality management and quality assurance standards
Prestressed Concrete Institute, Manual 116

17.1.3 Submittals
1. Manufacturer's Literature:
A. The Contractor shall provide copies of manufacturer's specifications and installation
instructions for each item of proprietary material to be used, showing compliance with
this specification. Information on equipment, embedded items and other accessories
shall also be provided.
2. Design Mixes:
A. Copies of mix designs with support material
B. The requirements of the mix design shall be in accordance with Parts 6 and 7 of this
3. Product Design Criteria:
A. loadings for design:
1. initial handling and erection stresses
2. all dead and live loads as specified on the contract drawings or as required (iii) all
other loads specified for the member where they are applicable.
4. Product Design Calculations:
A. The design calculations shall be performed by a Structural Engineer experienced in
precast concrete design. They shall cover all stages of handling, transportation and
erection. The design shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of BS
EN 1992-1-1
B. Calculations for the design of precast members shall be supported by a statement
explaining the principle of design and type of analysis adopted.
C. The influence of individual members in achieving the overall stability of the structure
should be considered
D. Computer programmes used in the designs shall be fully described and details of input
and printout shall be presented in a manner which can be readily understood and the
following requirements shall be met:
1. programme manuals and instructions to programme users shall be made available to
the Engineer upon request

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2. where such programme cannot be demonstrated by the Contractor to have been fully
checked or where the Engineer considers it necessary, the Contractor shall run such
test examples as the Engineer may choose, in order to verify the completeness and
accuracy of the programme
E. Members that are exposed to the weather shall be designed to provide for the
movement of components without damage, failure of joint seals, undue stress on
fasteners or other detrimental effects when subject to seasonal or cyclic day/night
temperature ranges
F. Precast systems shall be designed to accommodate construction tolerances,
deflection of other building structural members and the clearance of intended
G. Calculate structural properties of framing members in accordance with BS 8110 and
BS EN 1992-1-1.
5. Shop Drawings. The Contractor shall provide the following information for the approval of the
A. Layout plans and detailed fabrication and placement drawings for each structural
precast element
B. Shop drawings are to include the following information:
1. size, grade, profile and dimensions of all materials used
2. connection and anchorage details
3. lifting devices, locations and handling limitations
4. steel reinforcement details
5. all openings, sleeves, inserts and other provisions in full co-ordination with all trades in
the Contract
6. identification marks.
6. Erection Procedures:
A. Detailed outline of sequence and methods of erection including but not limited to
types, capacities and numbers of cranage, methods of support and transportation.
7. Fabrication Records:
A. A record shall be kept for every piece of precast element produced showing the
1. type and number
2. date of pour
3. concrete test results
4. shop drawing reference number
5. type and duration of curing
6. date of delivery to Site
7. date of fixing in position.
8. Test Reports:
B. Copies of all testing and inspection reports.
8. Trial Panels:
A. The Contractor shall produce trial panels in accordance with the requirements of Part
10 of this Section.
B. Trial panels shall be retained for reference purposes for the acceptance of the
production work.

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17.1.4 Qualifications
1. Structural precast work shall be executed by an approved specialist Subcontractor for casting
and also for transportation, handling and erection.
2. The Contractor may execute this work himself if he can satisfy the Engineer that he has
sufficient experience and expertise in this field. As a minimum the Contractor shall:
A. a) Provide satisfactory evidence that his tradesmen and their supervisory personnel
engaged in such work have successful experience with work comparable to that
shown and specified
B. Provide details of organised quality control and testing procedures.

17.1.5 Quality Assurance

1. The precast concrete supplier shall have a quality assurance scheme that meets ISO 9000 or
2. All work shall be performed to secure for the project homogeneous concrete having the
required strength, surface finish, materials, durability, and weathering resistance, without
planes of weakness or other structural defects, and free of honeycombs, air pockets, voids,
projections, offset of plane and other defacements of concrete.
3. No alterations or substitutions of the structural systems shown on the Drawings are permitted
unless otherwise specified.
4. The Contractor shall supervise and co-ordinate all phases of the structural precast concrete
construction process and be responsible for the complete manufacturing process.
5. All methods of manufacture and practices of handling raw materials and manufactured
concrete shall be reviewed by the Engineer before execution of the structural precast concrete
work, at least 14 days before the beginning of precasting work.
6. Only materials of known quality shall be incorporated in the work.
7. All materials shall be properly selected, reviewed and approved by the Engineer before use,
and maintained during shipment, storage and use.
8. Construction systems and techniques shall be properly selected, reviewed and approved by
the Engineer before use, and maintained throughout the complete structural precast concrete
construction phase.
9. Adequate spare equipment, parts, additional components and repair facilities shall be available
for all tools and equipment.
10. Regardless of approvals by the Engineer, the Contractor shall be responsible for all materials
and methods of structural precast concrete work.
11. If work does not meet the specified requirements, the Contractor shall at no additional cost to
the Employer:
A. Implement removal, replacement or remedial work
B. Revise procedures or materials to prevent recurrence of unacceptable work.

17.1.6 Quality Control

1. The Contractor shall prepare and provide his quality control programme for structural precast
concrete work with particular attention to details, pre-checking processes, procedures and
close supervision, and in particular the Contractor shall:
A. in order to assure that proper work is performed to prevent later corrective actions,
assign at least one experienced supervisor full time to provide quality control for
structural precast concrete work
B. the assignment will not relieve the Contractor's other quality control personnel of their
duties relative to the quality control of the structural requirements and surface finish of
the structural precast concrete work.

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2. The Contractor shall arrange for the training of his quality control personnel who will perform
quality control of structural precast concrete work and whose training shall include but not be
limited to:
A. Materials evaluation
B. Special mix design techniques
C. Mix placement
D. Vibrator selection and use
E. Formwork details formwork protection
F. Release agent use
G. Reinforcing steel
H. Detailing and installation
I. Finishing equipment and techniques
J. Corrective procedures and protection of completed work.
3. The Contractor's quality control personnel shall be responsible for verifying all details
necessary to produce the final structural design objectives.
4. The Contractor's quality control personnel shall also verify the quality of the structural precast
concrete work and guide the production of results which will be within acceptable physical

17.1.7 Testing
1. Concrete shall be tested as specified in Part 6 of this Section.
2. The Contractor shall:
A. Furnish labour required to facilitate testing
B. Inform the Engineer with at least one day's advance notice when concrete is to be
C. Provide storage facilities for concrete test cubes
D. Provide material samples and access to materials as required for testing.
3. Should the batching plant be located more than 500 meters away from the site offices, the
Contractor shall provide suitable transport acceptable to the Engineer, for the sole use of the
Engineer's staff.
4. The Contractor shall station a qualified technician at the casting site to continuously test,
inspect and report on the following:
A. That concrete testing is being carried out in accordance with the requirements of Part
6 of this Section
B. Check the following and verify conformance with specified requirements and approved
shop drawings:
1. all reinforcing bars
2. all embedded items
3. all formwork
C. check all openings and provisions for co-ordination with all trades in the Contract as
shown on approved shop drawings.
5. The Contractor shall provide facilities and equipment for the conducting of all tests specified
herein except for the strength test which should be carried out by an approved independent
testing agency.

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17.1.8 Delivery, Storage and Handling

1. The structural precast elements shall be removed from the form without damaging or over
stressing and stored or placed for transportation on a stable bed that will not allow distortion of
the member.
2. Separate stacked members with suitable battens and bracing.
3. Mark each member with an identifying reference or piece mark, and the date of casting.
4. All piece marks are to be correlated with test reports and plan layouts or erection drawings.
5. The structural precast element shall be transported with sufficient battens, bracing, and
supports so as to prevent over-stress by vibration or impact loadings. The Contractor shall
submit his proposed method of transportation to the Engineer for approval.
6. Structural precast units shall be stored, handled and transported in a manner that will avoid
undue strains, hair cracks, staining, or other damage.
7. The Contractor shall deliver the units from the casting site to the project Site in accordance
with schedule and proper setting sequence.
8. Structural precast units shall be stored free of the ground and protected from wind or rain
9. The units shall be covered and protected from dust, dirt or other staining materials.
10. During fabrication, construction and after erection, the Contractor shall protect the castings to
avoid the possibility of damage.

17.1.9 Design Loadings, Actions and Structural Members Selection

1. The provisions of this Clause shall apply if the Contractor is responsible for the design of the
structural precast units.
2. The precast elements shall be designed to withstand all loading conditions against which
strength and serviceability must be measured.
3. Vertical loads shall include the self-weight of precast elements, floor coverings and live loads
as indicated on the contract drawings.
4. The wind pressure shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of BS 6399 Part 2
using a basic wind speed of not less than 162 km/h.
5. Account shall be taken of the loads and deformation caused by temperature and time
dependent deformations. For such purpose 55 °C temperature variation and 90 % relative
humidity should be considered for all members, except exterior elements and facade elements
shall consider 85 oC.
6. Precast elements shall be designed in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1 or EN 1992-1-1.
Design tensile stresses should not exceed the design flexure tensile stress of concrete, at the
particular age of the concrete.
7. Nominal cover to steel including links must meet the durability requirement of severe condition
of exposure and to meet requirement for 2 h period of fire resistance, as provided for in BS EN
1992-1-1 or EN 1992-1-1.
8. Total deflection of precast elements should be limited to 1/350 of the span of this element.
9. Plan and design for openings for building services, where required or necessary.


17.2.1 General
1. The Contractor shall obtain cement, aggregates and water from a single source, sufficient to
complete the entire structural precast concrete work to assure regularity of appearance and
uniformity of colour.

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2. The Contractor shall provide all materials in accordance with and meet all applicable
requirements of this section.

17.2.2 Reinforcing Bars

1. Reinforcing bars shall conform to the requirements of Part 11 of this Section

17.2.3 Bearing Pads

1. These shall be Elastomeric neoprene, conforming to AASHTO Standard Specifications for
Highway Bridges (Section 25) with the following stipulations:
A. Use unfactored loads for design
B. Maximum compressive stress, 0.70 MPa
C. Maximum shear stress, 0.07 MPa
D. Maximum shear deformation, 1/2 thickness
E. Maximum compressive strain, 15 %

17.2.4 Embedded Steel

1. All embedded items shall be of stainless steel Grade 316L.


17.3.1 General
1. Forms and casting beds are to be firmly seated so as not to deflect or be displaced under
concreting or tensioning loads.
2. Correct for thermally induced strains or forces.
3. For member penetrations larger than 150 mm, coring or field cutting is not permitted unless
approved by the Engineer.
4. Clean and coat forms with release agent before installation or reinforcing or embedments.

17.3.2 Tolerances
1. Permissible deviations of formed surfaces are not to exceed tolerances outlined in PCI Manual
116, with items as summarised or modified in Table 17.1
Table 17.1
Tolerances for Structural Precast Concrete
Description Tolerance
Dimensions 
Length: ±5 mm.
Width: ±3 mm
Thickness: Stem ±3 mm; Flange ±2.0 mm.

Embedment or penetration location: ±0.2 %

Straightness: ±3 mm. for 300 cm

End squareness:
Thickness: ±3 mm

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17.4.1 General
1. The Contractor’s erection responsibilities include the safe and proper placing, aligning, and
levelling of the structural precast elements on the accepted bearing surfaces and affecting
their proper fastening.

17.4.2 Survey
1. Before placement of the structural precast elements the Contractor shall survey and maintain
all temporary supports shown or required to control alignment, and deflection.
2. Temporary supports shall be retained until framing elements braced thereby have attained
integral stability in accordance with the design.

17.4.3 Guying, Bracing and Shoring

1. The Contractor shall install in proper sequence and maintain all temporary supports shown or
required to control alignment, deflection and stress levels.
2. Temporary supports shall be retained until framing elements braced thereby have attained
integral stability in accordance with the design.

17.4.4 Adjustment and Correction

1. The Contractor shall compensate and correct for the misaligning affect of temperature, draw
from welding, bolting or erection sequence or grouting.

17.4.5 Erection Tolerances

The following erection tolerances shall apply unless otherwise specified in the Contract:
Variations from plumb 6 mm in 6 m run;
12 mm total in a12 m or longer run
Variation from level or elevation 6 mm in runs;
12 mm in 12 m run; maximum 12 mm at
single locations
Variation from position in plan ±12 mm maximum.
Offsets in alignment of adjacent
members at joints 1.5 mm in 3 m run, 6 mm maximum.

17.4.6 Welding
1. Where permission for welding is given by the Engineer, the following shall apply:
A. Welding shall not take place until all adjacent elements to be connected have been
aligned, firmly seated and braced
B. Control of heat build-up by limiting voltage, electrode size, and rate
C. Spalled or heat damaged concrete around weldments shall not be acceptable.

17.4.7 Grouting
1. Joints, gaps and connections shall be filled with grout as shown on the Drawings and as
approved by the Engineer.

17.4.8 Field Cutting

1. Field cutting of holes may be done only with the Engineer's concurrence, and only with power
saws or core drills. Steel reinforcement or prestressing strand shall be avoided; where the
reinforcement or strand is damaged the unit shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the
Engineer, or rejected.

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2. The maximum hole size shall be 150 mm diameter or as limited by member size or strand
3. Any cracks, spalls and sharp corners created by field cutting are to be ground, eased, and
patched with epoxy type bonding and patching compounds.



18.1.1 Scope
1. This section describes the requirements for prestressed post-tensioned concrete, including
materials and procedures for installation, stressing and grouting.

18.1.2 References
BS 1881, Testing Concrete.
BS EN 12350, Testing fresh concrete
BS 5896, Specification for high tensile steel wire and strand for the prestressing of concrete.

18.1.3 Submittals
1. Samples
A. A 1 m length sample of strand shall be taken from every 1000 m of strand to be
installed in the works with a minimum of one sample of strand per reel, on Site in the
presence of the Engineer for strength test at an independent laboratory approved by
the Engineer. A reel shall only be accepted if both the breaking load and the 0.1 %
proof load of the sample exceed the characteristic load given in BS 5896 table 6
B. A minimum of three samples of strand shall be taken at random from each reel of
prestressing steel on Site in the presence of the Engineer. The reels on Site shall only
be accepted if the relaxation values determined by the tests are equal to or lower than
the specified relaxation class of BS 5896.
2. Technical details of the proposed materials and equipment shall be submitted. Details of the
jack type and size shall be submitted to allow for clearances to be checked.
3. Design Data. The Contractor shall submit:
A. Details of the proposed grout mix design
B. Tendon extension calculations
C. Vent pipe spacing and location details.
4. Other Submittals. The Contractor shall also submit:
A. Curriculum vitae and experience record of the supervisor proposed, who shall have a
minimum of five years experience in such a position
B. Safety procedures, including warning signs, barricades and communication between
different stressing locations
C. The name of the proposed the prestressing company, giving details of previous

18.1.4 Storage and Handling

1. Prestressing steel shall be stored on palettes at least 300 mm above the ground, and be
protected from contamination by wind blown sand or rain.

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2. Prestressing steel shall be in coils of sufficiently large diameter to ensure that the strand pays
off straight.


18.2.1 General
1. Prestressing operation shall be carried out only under the direction of an experienced and
competent supervisor and all personnel operating the stressing equipment shall have been
properly trained in its use.
2. In addition to the normal precautions against accident, which should be taken at all times for
the whole of the Works, special care shall be taken when working with or near tendons which
have been tensioned or are in the process of being tensioned.
3. The system of prestressing used shall be a system approved by the Engineer. Such system
shall be used strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the system manufacturer.
4. Under no circumstances shall equipment or fittings designed for use with one system of
prestressing be used in conjunction with equipment and fittings designed for use with another
5. Prestressing components shall be stored in clean dry conditions. They shall be clean and free
form loose rust and lose mill scale at the time of fixing in position and subsequent concreting.
Slight rusting of the steel, which can be removed by moderate rubbing, is acceptable, but the
surface shall not show signs of pitting.

18.2.2 Wires and Strands

1. All prestressing strands shall be seven-wire super stabilised low relaxation strands with a
Guaranteed Ultimate Tensile Strength (GUTS) of not less than 1770 MPa, complying with BS
2. All wires or strands to be stressed at the same time shall be taken from the same parcel. The
coil numbers of the steel used for each tendon shall be recorded.
3. Welding of tendons shall not be permitted.
4. All cutting of strands shall be carried out using a high-speed abrasive cutting wheel or friction
saw at not less than one diameter from the anchor. Cutting shall take place only after the
Contractor has submitted the stressing records and the Engineer has approved them in
writing. Flame cutting will not be permitted.
5. Tendons shall be built into the Works strictly in accordance with the system which is being
6. Sufficient strand shall project from the anchorage to allow jacking to take place at either end of
the tendon.
7. The cable or individual strands comprising the cable shall not be kinked or bent. No strand that
has become unravelled shall be used in the Works.

18.2.3 Sheaths and Cores

1. Sheaths shall be accurately located both vertically and horizontally as described in the Specific
Project Specification. Unless otherwise described in the Specific Project Specification the
tolerance in the location of the centre line of the sheath shall be within ±5 mm.
2. All sheaths and cores shall be maintained in their correct positions during the placing of the
concrete. Unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer, sheaths shall be rigidly supported at
points not less than 50 mm and not more than 500 mm apart. The method of support shall be
to the approval of the Engineer.
3. Where sheaths are used, the number of joints shall be kept to a minimum and sleeve
connectors shall be used for jointing. Each joint shall be adequately sealed against the ingress
of material. Joints in adjacent sheaths shall be staggered by at least 300 mm.

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4. Sheaths shall be kept free of matter detrimental to the bond between the grout and the sheath
and, except for material sealing a sheath joint, between the sheath and concrete.
5. Within 24 hours of the concrete being placed the Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer that the
tendons are free to move if they are in ducts or that the ducts are free from obstruction.
6. The number and position of grout vents for entry and outlet points and for checking that the
entire length of duct has been adequately grouted, shall be agreed with the Engineer before
the ducts are formed.
7. Vents shall be provided at low points in the tendon profile to allow the disposal of water that
may have collected as a result of rain or curing, for example. The vents shall be sealed before
grouting operations beginning.

18.2.4 Anchorages
1. Anchorages, end blocks and plates shall be positioned and maintained in position during
concreting so that the centre line of the duct passes axially through the anchorage assembly.
2. All bearing surfaces shall be clean before concreting and tensioning.

18.2.5 Jacking Equipment

1. All jacking equipment used for stressing operations shall be of the type applicable to the
system adopted.
2. Jack and pumps shall be calibrated at an independent facility, in the presence of the Engineer,
before beginning stressing operations. Calibration of the equipment shall take place at six-
month intervals for equipment permanently present on Site. Whenever new equipment is
brought to the Site, or equipment is removed and returned, or serviced, recalibration of the
equipment as described will be required.
3. All gauges, load cells, dynamometers and other devices used for measurement shall have a
reading accuracy of within ±2 %.

18.2.6 Tensioning
1. The Contractor shall submit details of the proposed stressing loads and stressing sequence to
the Engineer for approval.
2. Tensioning shall be carried out only in the presence of the Engineer or his representative
unless permission has been granted to the contrary.
3. The Contractor shall ensure that personnel carrying out the stressing are provided with
particulars of the required tendon loads, order of stressing and extensions.
4. Immediately before tensioning, the Contractor shall prove that all tendons are free to move
between jacking points.
5. Unless otherwise permitted in the Contract, concrete shall not be stressed until it has reached
at least the age at which two test cubes taken from it attain the specified transfer strength. The
cubes shall be made and tested as described in BS 1881 and BS EN 12350. They shall be
cured in similar conditions to the concrete to which they relate to, and in a manner approved
by the Engineer.
6. The friction factors assumed for the calculation of tendon extension shall be verified by on Site
measurement of the force-extension relationship of a typical sample of installed tendons.
7. The Contractor shall establish the datum point for measuring extension and jack pressure to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.
8. The tendons shall be stressed at a gradual and steady rate until they attain the force required.
9. The maximum force exerted on the shall not exceed 75 % of the GUTS of the strand. For the
purposes of cable detensioning, where the installed strand is to be discarded the jacking force
may be increased to 80 % GUTS.
10. The force in the tendons shall be obtained from the readings on a load cell or pressure gauge
and the extension of the tendons measured. The two readings shall conform to the limits set

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by the Engineer but in all cases the force in the tendon as computed from the extension
measurement shall be within +5 % to -2 % of the force indicated by the gauging system.
11. When stressing from one end only the pull in at the dead end shall be accurately measured
and the appropriate allowance made in the measured extension at the live end.
12. If the calculated and measured extensions vary from each other by more than 6 % then
corrective action shall be taken. This may involve detensioning and retensioning of the
tendons if required by the Engineer.
13. When the required force, including overloads of short duration, has been applied to the
satisfaction of the Engineer, the tendons shall be anchored. The jack pressure shall then be
relieved in such a way as to avoid shock to the anchorage or tendons.
14. If the pull-in of tendons at the completion of anchoring is greater than that acceptable to the
Engineer, the tendons shall be detensioned and the tendon tensioned again.
15. The Engineer may direct that the force in any tendon be tested by rejacking. This will only be
instructed if there is doubt that the calibration of tensioning equipment is accurate. Care shall
be exercised by the Contractor during the retensioning to ensure that the jacking load does not
exceed more than 80 % of the GUTS of the strand.
16. If it is necessary to crop the tendons to enable the ducts to be grouted, this shall be delayed as
long as is practicable up to the time of grouting. In all other cases, unless otherwise agreed
with the Engineer, the tendons shall not be cropped less than three days after grouting.
17. The Contractor shall keep full records of all tensioning operations, including the measured
extensions, pressure gauge or load cell readings and the amount of pull-in at each anchorage.
Copies of these records, on suitable forms, shall be supplied to the Engineer within 24 hours of
each tensioning operation.

18.2.7 Grouting
1. Grouting shall take place only with the written approval of the Engineer.
2. All ducts shall be thoroughly cleaned by means of compressed air and all anchorages shall be
sealed before grouting.
3. Ducts shall be grouted as soon as practicable after the tendons in them have been stressed
and the Engineer’s written permission to commence has been obtained. Grout shall be
injected in one continuous operation and allowed to flow from the vents until the consistency is
equivalent to that being injected. The maximum time between mixing and injection shall not
exceed 30 min.
4. The ducts shall be completely filled with grout.
5. Vents shall be sealed consecutively in the direction of flow and the injection tube sealed under
pressure until the grout has set. The filled ducts shall be protected to the satisfaction of the
Engineer to ensure that they are not subject to shock or vibration for one day.
6. Two days after grouting, the level of grout in the injection and vent tubes shall be inspected
and made good if necessary.
7. The Contractor shall keep full records of grouting including the date each duct was grouted,
the proportions of the grout and admixtures used, the pressure, details of interruptions and
topping up required. Copies of these records shall be supplied to the Engineer within three
days of grouting.

18.2.8 Grout Mixer

1. The grout mixer shall produce a grout of colloidal consistency. The grout injector shall be
capable of continuous operation with a sensibly constant pressure up to 0.7 MPa and shall
include a system of circulating or agitating the grout whilst the actual grouting is not in
progress. All baffles to the pump shall be fitted with sieve strainers size BS 14.
2. The equipment shall be capable of maintaining pressure on completely grouted ducts and shall
be fitted with a nozzle which can be locked off without loss of pressure in the duct.

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3. The pressure gauges shall be calibrated before they are first used in the Works and thereafter
as required by the Engineer. All equipment shall be thoroughly washed with clean water at
least once every three hours during grouting operations and at the end of use for each day.
4. The Contractor shall ensure that standby grouting equipment is available in the event of a

18.2.9 Grout Trials

1. The Contractor shall carry out grouting trails to the satisfaction of the Engineer before actual
grouting taking place.
2. Unless otherwise directed or agreed as a result of grouting trials, the grout shall:
A. Consist only of ordinary Portland cement, water and an approved expansion agent
B. Have a water:cement ratio as low as possible consistent with the necessary
workability. Under no circumstances shall the water:cement ratio exceed 0.4
C. Not be subject to bleeding in excess of 2 % after 3 h or 4 % maximum when measured
at 18 C in a covered glass cylinder approximately 100 mm diameter with a height of
approximately 100 mm and the water shall be reabsorbed after 24 h.
3. Admixtures containing chloride or nitrates shall not be used. Other admixtures shall be used
only with the written permission of the Engineer and shall be used strictly in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions.
4. The grout shall be mixed for a minimum of 2 minutes and until a uniform consistency is

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19.1.1 Scope
1. This Part of the specification applies to the testing of structures that are designed with the
intention of retaining water.

19.1.2 References
1. BS 8007, Code of Practice for Design of concrete structures for the retaining of aqueous

19.1.3 Submittals
1. The Contractor shall record and submit to the Engineer within 24 hours the results of the
watertightness tests carried out.

19.1.4 General
1. Water retaining structures shall be watertight when subjected to external groundwater
pressures or to tests as specified in this Part.


19.2.1 General
1. The Contractor shall test water tightness of water retaining structures including storage
reservoirs and other miscellaneous structures that require to be watertight.
2. All water used for testing shall be potable or irrigation water and the Contractor shall make
arrangements for the supply and disposal of this water.
3. Water retaining structures shall be tested for water tightness after completion, in accordance
with the following method or as directed by the Engineer:
A. The structure shall be filled with potable or irrigation water in stages not exceeding 1
m in 24 h held at each water level for such time as the Engineer may require. Should
dampness or leakage occur, the water shall be drawn off and the defects remedied to
the satisfaction of the Engineer
B. In the case of structures which are subdivided into individual tanks, each individual
tank shall be tested separately. In the case of underground or partially underground
structures, the testing shall take place before application of water proofing membrane,
liner material or perimeter drain, filter material or backfilling is placed against the walls
C. In the case of hopper bottomed tanks, this shall be taken to mean that no material is
placed against the vertical external walls of the tank, the sloping walls of the hopper
bottoms of the tanks being assumed built directly against the excavation apart from
the blinding concrete
D. No placing of material against the walls shall take place until the Engineer has given
his written approval and acceptance of the water retaining structures as watertight
E. Filling shall not take place earlier than 28 d after the casting of the final sections of the
structure which will be stressed by the filling of the structure.
F. Testing shall not be undertaken until the structure to be tested has been; completed
structurally including roof, if any, and has been passed by the Engineer in writing as
satisfactory in all respects other than water tightness, especially in regard to the final
finish of the work

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G. Not withstanding the satisfactory completion of the seven day test, leakage, cracks,
and damp patches and sweating visible on the outside faces of the structure shall be
rectified from the water face by an injection system to the approval of the Engineer
H. Repair making the outer face only watertight wall not be accepted, this applies to
bobbin holes also
I. The structure shall be retested until the water tightness is approved by the Engineer.
J. Should the structure fail a test in the above respects, the Contractor shall immediately
take such steps as may be necessary to:
1. Ascertain the nature and positions of defects or leakage's
2. Empty the structure
3. Remedy the defects in a manner approved by the Engineer, employing workers
who are specialists in this class of work
K. When the remedial work has been completed in the manner approved by the
Engineer, the testing and if necessary rectification shall be repeated until a
satisfactory test is achieved.
L. If necessary, in extreme cases of lack of water tightness, the Engineer may reject the
structure or portions thereof.

19.2.2 Cleaning
1. All water retaining structures shall, on completion, be carefully cleaned of all debris, to the
complete satisfaction of the Engineer as follows:
A. Shall be brushed down on all internal faces with a stiff broom while still dry
B. All resulting debris removed
C. All associated reservoir pipe work shall be cleaned in accordance with the specified
D. The structure shall then be flooded with approximately 75 mm of clean water
E. Whole of internal faces shall be carefully brushed down with stiff brooms using the
water continuously until all faces are clean
F. Water shall then be drained off
G. Walls and floors hosed and flushed with clean water until perfectly clean.


19.3.1 Walls
1. After completion and cleaning of the structure and all associated pipe work, if any, the
Contractor shall fill the structure up to the top water level and leave for a stabilizing period of
21 d in order to allow for absorption and autogenous healing to take place.
2. Water shall be added over this period to maintain the top water level.
3. The Contractor shall ensure that all pipes and specials are available in ample time ahead of
4. Two sets of evaporation trays shall be provided along with two sets of rain gauges.
5. Levels in the trays and structure shall be made and recorded by a hook gauge with vernier
6. Before and during testing, flows in the structure under drainage, if any, shall be monitored,
measured and recorded.
7. Each under drain shall be numbered and observations reported by under drain number to
facilitate analysis of the data.

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8. All leaks shall be repaired within one month of their detection.

9. On the twenty-second day, two shallow watertight evaporation trays of area 0.4 m2 shall be
filled with 75 mm of water and placed to float in the structure.
10. The water level in the structure shall be recorded and the test commenced and carried out
over the next 7 d.
11. Readings of water levels in the structure and trays shall be made and recorded every 24 h
over this period.
12. If the water level in the tank falls by more than indicated by the evaporation trays, or other sign
of leakage occurs by the end of the test period then the Contractor shall search and mark all
areas of defect.
13. The structure shall then be emptied and the defects made good as specified herein.
14. After completion of remedial measures the structure shall be refilled and the test repeated.
15. This process shall be repeated until the structure is watertight to the satisfaction of the
16. The fall of water level in the structure over the test period of 7 d, minus the fall accounted for
by evaporation and rainfall shall not exceed 1/500 of the average water depth of the full
structure or 10 mm whichever is less.

19.3.2 Roofs
1. The roofs of structures shall be tested for water tightness before laying of roof membrane.
2. Roof and fittings shall be hosed down vigorously and this shall be repeated in such a way as to
keep the roof wet for three successive days.
3. Roof and fittings shall be deemed satisfactory for water tightness if no discernible leaks or
damp patches show in the soffit.
4. Roof covering shall be completed as soon as possible after testing.

19.3.3 Disposal of Water Used for Testing

1. The Contractor shall provide suitable means for disposal of water used for testing, such that no
damage results to facilities, structures or property.
2. These means shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and local authorities.
3. Details shall be submitted to Engineer on request. The Contractor shall be responsible for
damage caused by his filling, testing, flushing and wastewater disposal operations.


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PART - 01 General 1-6

PART - 02 Site Clearance 1 - 10

PART - 03 Earthworks 1 - 25

PART - 04 Unbound Pavement Materials 1 – 13

PART – 05 Asphalt Works 1 - 57

PART - 07 Asphalt Plant 1 - 30

PART - 11 Kerbs, Footways and Paved Areas 1-9

PART - 13 Traffic Signs, Markings and Studs 1 - 21

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1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 2
1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS & REGULATIONS ................................................ 2
1.2 BENCH MARKS AND MONUMENTS............................................................ 2
1.2.1 General 2
1.2.2 Permanent Monuments 2
1.2.3 Setting Out 3
1.3 EXISTING GROUND LEVELS....................................................................... 3
1.4 MATERIALS TESTING .................................................................................. 4
1.5 NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING DEVICES .................................................... 5
1.6 TEMPORARY FENCING ............................................................................... 5
1.7 ROAD OPENING ........................................................................................... 5
1.8 CONCRETE WORKS .................................................................................... 5
1.9 STANDARDS AND CODES OF PRACTICE ................................................. 6
1.10 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ............................................................................. 6
1.11 ARMED FORCES .......................................................................................... 6

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1 The information given in this Part is supplemental to QCS Section 1 - General. Reference should
be made to Section 1 – General prior to referring to the clauses in this part of the specification
which cover specific requirements for roadworks and are additional to Section 1
- General.

2 The Government specifications, regulations, notices and circulars mentioned in QCS Section
1 – General are amended and complemented by this Specification as detailed hereafter. In the
case of any ambiguity or discrepancy the provisions of this Specification shall prevail over the
provisions of the aforementioned Government published specifications.


1.2.1 General

1 The Contractor shall consult the Survey Section of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Agriculture prior to any earthworks or site clearance to determine if the work is likely to disturb
survey marks.

2 If the survey section require a survey mark to be moved the Contractor will be responsible for
recreating the survey mark to an approved design and specification, and for re surveying the point
using survey companies approved by the Survey Section.

3 On the Practical Completion of the W orks the Survey Section will issue a certificate stating that all
survey marks, whether disturbed or otherwise, by the Contractor have been reinstated or protected
to the satisfaction of the Survey Section.

4 In the event of failure to comply with the requirements of this Clause the Government, without
prejudice to any other method of recovery, may deduct the costs of any remedial work after the
Practical Completion date, carried out by Survey Section from any monies in its hands due to or
which may become due to the Contractor.

5 All pertinent levels, lines and locations must be checked and verified by the Contractor before
commencing the Works.

1.2.2 Permanent Monuments

1 At the time of substantial completion of the whole of the works, a schedule and plan drawings of all
remaining Project related and supplementary bench marks and monuments shall be prepared
and transmitted to the Engineer. All project related bench marks and monuments made permanent
as above will be shown on the as-built plans, including the co-ordinates and level information for

2 Certain bench marks and monuments determined by the Engineer shall be made into
permanent bench marks and monuments.

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3 Fabrication and installation of bench marks and monuments shall be as shown on the
drawings or in the specifications and shall include attaching warning reflectors and painting if
required. Each bench mark and monument shall be set accurately at the required location
and elevation and in such manner as to ensure its being held firmly in place.

4 The Contractor may request the Engineer's approval for concrete monuments, markers and
posts supplied by an established commercial manufacturer, whose capability of producing
survey monuments has been well established by both testing and performance. W ritten
approval shall be obtained prior to installation of the units on the project.

1.2.3 Setting Out

1 The level datum for the works shall be the Qatar Datum as defined by the PW A.

2 The works shall be set out to the Qatar national grid as defined by the PW A. The Contractor
will be supplied with the details and grid reference of setting out monuments.

3 The works shall be set out in accordance with the standard specification of the PWA.

4 Before commencing the works the Contractor shall obtain from the Engineer all information
pertaining to project related bench marks and monuments bearing local grid co-ordinates.

5 After the Contractor takes possession of the Contract Drawings and has noted all the existing
bench marks, he shall carry out at his own expense the setting out of the works, definition of
levels, center lines and slopes, all in accordance with the Drawings.

6 The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the work in relation
to original points, lines and levels of references given in the Drawings and for the accuracy of
the positions, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the work, and for any delay or
loss resulting from errors made in completing the setting out of the work.

7 The Contractor shall protect, preserve and be responsible for all existing bench narks, pegs
and boundary marks and shall keep these in place or replace them when necessary either in
their positions or in other approved positions.

8 Setting out shall be approved by the Engineer before commencing the W orks, but such
approval shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the correct execution of
the works.


1 The Contractor will survey cross-sections of the site prior to the commencement of works in
any section.

2 The Contractor shall include in his critical path programme the date by which survey work
should be completed in each section of the site. No works may commence in any section
prior to the programme date without the written approval of the Engineer.

3 Sections will be prepared at such intervals as are necessary to give a representative record
of existing conditions and in no case will the intervals exceed 50 meters.

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4 The Engineer may choose to carry out his own survey of the site and in such cases will give
the Contractor 48 hours notice of his intention to carry out survey work in any particular
section of the Site.

5 The Contractor may nominate a representative to be present to observe the survey. If, having
been given such notice, the Contractor fails to appoint a representative or if the
representative should fail to be present during the survey work, the Engineer shall proceed
with the survey which shall be deemed to have been prepared in the presence of the

6 The Contractor shall prepare drawings showing the various cross-sections obtained from the
above survey.

7 The original of the drawings shall be signed by the Engineer and the Contractor as an agreed
record of the existing ground levels.

8 A copy transparency of each original drawing will then be given to the Engineer. These
drawings shall be deemed to be the Contract Drawings replacing the original.


1 Reference should be made to the requirements for the provision of facilities and equipment
for the testing of materials given in Section 1.

2 In addition to these requirements the Contractor shall provide a fully equipped site laboratory
or shall arrange for materials and samples to be transported to the Ministry of Environment
(MOE) for testing or otherwise specified by the Engineer or the Project Documentation.

3 In addition the Contractor shall provide suitable facilities at the asphalt batching plants to
enable the Engineer to carry out all necessary tests on the raw materials and mixes. Such
facilities will be subject to the Engineer's approval and the preparation of asphalt mixes shall
not be allowed until the facilities have been approved by the Engineer.

4 Approved equipment shall be maintained on site at all times to:

(a) Determine the laying and rolling temperature of bituminous materials.

(b) Check surface tolerance by using a straightedge and wedges or rolling straightedge.
(c) Carryout soil grading shape, classification, moisture content and compaction tests, as
(d) Carryout in situ dry density tests.
(e) Carryout bitumen extraction.

5 Equipment shall also be made available when required by the Engineer to take 150 mm
diameter cores from the carriageway.

6 The Engineer may require samples of materials to be delivered to the MOE for additional

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1 No person or company will be permitted to determine in-situ density by mean of a nuclear

density measuring device without complying with the following regulations:

(a) Each device shall have a valid Calibration Certificate issued by the MOE.
(b) Persons operating the device shall hold a valid authorized user certificate issued by the
(c) During the operation of the device the person operating it and any assistants shall
wear a suitable film badge or a personal radiation warning alarm. Copies of radiation
exposure report of the film badges should be submitted on monthly basis to the MOE.


1 Temporary fencing shall be appropriate to the usage of the adjoining land and unless
otherwise described on the drawings may be of a type selected by the Contractor taking into
account the usage of the adjoining land subject to the approval of the Engineer.

2 As soon as the Contractor is placed in possession of any part of the site he shall immediately
erect fencing on the boundaries of the land as shown on the Drawings. In places where
permanent fencing cannot be erected immediately or where none is required, the Contractor
shall erect, and when and where required re-erect and maintain, temporary fencing and
subsequently take down and remove as necessary.

3 The Contractor shall not use barbed wire in areas accessible to the general public. Access
shall be made in temporary fencing as necessary for the use of the occupiers of adjacent

4 If temporary fencing is removed temporarily for the execution of any part of the Works it shall
be reinstated as soon as possible and in the meantime, subject and without prejudice to the
Conditions of Contract, the gap in the fencing shall be patrolled so that no unauthorized entry
onto adjoining land takes place.

5 Temporary fencing shall remain in position either until it is replaced by permanent fencing or
until its removal on completion of the W orks, unless otherwise described in the contract or
directed by Engineer.


1 Road openings shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures laid down in The Code
of Practice and Specification for Road Openings in the Highway, prepared by the Ministry of
Industry and Public W orks, January 1992.

2 Newly compacted bituminous courses shall not be opened to traffic until they have cooled to
ambient temperature. Longer periods may be applied during the summer months for heavily
trafficked roads at the discretion of the supervising engineer


1 All concrete works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Section 5.

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2 Concrete works shall include; mass concrete, reinforced concrete, in-situ concrete, precast
concrete and pre-stressed concrete.

3 Concrete works shall be deemed to include reinforcement, formwork and all the other
materials procedures and requirements covered by Section 5 - Concrete.


1 The standards, codes of practice and other reference documents referred to in the roadworks
section of the specification are listed in the first clause of each of the parts of the

2 Unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer a full set of these documents shall be provided by
the Contractor within 30 days of the commencement of the contract. These documents shall
be kept at the site and shall be available at all times for the use of the Engineer and his staff.


1 The Contractor shall comply with all instructions given by the Qatar Traffic Police in relation to
traffic management and road safety.


1 The Contractor shall comply with all reasonable instructions given by the Qatar Armed
Forces to allow them access to the W orks and with the PW A.


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2 SITE CLEARANCE............................................................................................... ... 2

2.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 2
2.1.1 Scope of Work 2
2.1.2 References 2
2.1.3 Submittals 2
2.3 RECOVERY OF MATERIALS ................................................................................. 4
2.4 CLEARING AND GRUBBING .................................................................................. 4
2.5 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES ................................................................................ 5
2.6 REMOVAL OF STREET FURNITURE..................................................................... 6
2.7 REMOVAL OF FENCES......................................................................................... . 6
2.8 REMOVAL OF EXISTING PAVEMENTS................................................................. 6
2.8.1 General Requirements 6
2.8.2 Cutting Back Pavement 6
2.8.3 Stockpiling Asphalt Pavement 7
2.8.4 Stockpile Site 7
2.9 MEASURES FOR STATUTORY UNDERTAKERS .................................................. 8
2.10.2 Underground Storage Tanks 8
2.10.3 Removal of Culverts 8
2.10.4 Abandoned Pipes and Culverts 9
2.10.5 Total Removal of Pipelines 9
2.10.6 Grouting of Pipelines 9
2.10.7 Plugging of Pipelines 10
2.10.8 Cut-off Walls and Capping Slabs 10
2.10.9 Manholes and Access Shafts 10
2.10.10 Drainage Inlets and Gullies 10
2.11 DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS.................................................................................. 10

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2.1.1 Scope of Work

1 This Part includes:

(a) Excavating for, demolishing and removing wholly or in part and disposing of
designated redundant pavements, fences, buildings, culverts, manholes, inlets, gullies,
pipelines or any other obstructions.
(b) Associated earthworks to uncover facilities to be demolished, removed or recovered
and to backfill and compact all trenches, holes, pits or excavations resultant from
demolition, removal and recovery works.
(c) Recovering designated materials for storage and reuse.
(d) Removing and, where required, recovery of designated water, gas and sewage
pipelines and fittings and of underground cables.
(e) Disposal of materials not recovered.
(f) Removal of vegetation and surface boulders and rocks.

2 Related Parts and Sections are as follows:

This Section: Part 3 Earthworks
Part 5 Asphalt W orks
Part 11 Works in Relation to Services

Section 2 Building Demolition

Section 5 Concrete
Section 8 Sewerage
Section 12 Earthworks Related to Buildings
2.1.2 References

1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:

BS 5228......................Code of practice for noise control on construction and demolition sites
BS 6187......................Code of practice for demolition

The Guide for Civil Users of Explosives in Qatar prepared by the former Ministry of Industry
and Public W orks.
2.1.3 Submittals

1 Where existing services are to remain and are in close proximity to the works the Contractor
shall submit to the Engineer details of proposed measures to ensure that the existing
services are kept in a safe and stable condition for the duration of the Works.

2 Structures and installations to be dismantled or demolished shall be surveyed by the

Contractor to ascertain exposed constructional dimensions and details. The Contractor shall
prepare sketches of the structures and installations and submit these to the Engineer. This
information shall be used by the Engineer to confirm the scope of the dismantling or
demolition and confirm materials or equipment to be recovered.

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3 The method of dismantling and demolition including the sequence of operations and any
special procedural requirements shall be submitted to the Engineer for consideration not less
than seven days before the work is due to begin. Demolition work shall be carried out in
accordance with BS 6187, and the submittal shall include information demonstrating the
Contractor’s proposed methods to attain compliance.

4 Before any blasting operation the Contractor shall submit a detailed method statement for the
work. Blasting work shall be carried out in accordance with The Guide for Civil Users of
Explosives in Qatar, prepared by the former Ministry of Industry and Public W orks. Approvals
for blasting work shall be obtained as per the requirements of part 3 of the specification for
rock excavation.

5 The Contractor shall submit for approval his proposed method of grouting pipes to be

6 Before commencing work on the construction of reinforced concrete cut-off walls and
reinforced concrete capping slabs the Contractor shall submit details for the Engineer's


1 The Contractor shall conduct his operations in such a manner as to avoid hazards to
persons, property and vehicles. After work is started on any structure, work on that structure
shall be continued to completion promptly and expeditiously.

2 Services to unused installations shall be safely disconnected before demolition. Notification

of disconnection shall be given to the appropriate authorities.

3 Drains, manholes and gullies that are to remain shall be protected and kept clear of debris at
all times. They shall be left clean and in working order.

4 Details of any underground caverns, chambers, wells or voids discovered during the
demolition operation shall be reported to the Engineer. Dangerous openings shall be
protected and illuminated.

5 Precautions shall be taken to prevent leakage or formation of flammable, explosive,

unhealthy or environmentally hazardous gas or vapour.

6 Pits, drains and manholes shall be checked before entry to ensure that the atmosphere is fit
for respiration.

7 The quantity of dust in the atmosphere shall be minimised by spraying the demolition works
with water.

8 The recommendations of BS 5228: Part 2 shall be followed in minimising noise and vibration.
Silencing devices on plant shall be fitted where practicable and ear defenders shall be
provided for site personnel where noisy machinery is used.

9 The location of any survey stations shall be reported to the Engineer. The Engineer may
require the Contractor to transfer existing survey stations to new locations and carry out a
survey to verify the level and co-ordinates of the new survey stations.

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10 All existing structures, paving, services, fittings, and other features which are not to be
demolished, dismantled, removed or otherwise dealt with shall be protected from damage by
a means approved by the Engineer.

11 Adjacent structures shall be surveyed for movement, cracks or deformations before and after
demolition. The definition of adjacent structures in this context will be decided by the
Engineer dependent on the type of structure to be demolished and the method of demolition
proposed by the Contractor and the risk of damaging adjacent property.

12 A photographic record of the adjacent structures before and after demolition shall be taken.

13 Where structures, paving, services, fittings or other features are damaged by the Contractor,
they shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer.


1 Where required the Contractor shall recover designated materials without undue damage,
carry out any required cleaning and shall deliver the recovered materials to locations
designated by the Engineer and unload and place them into storage.

2 Where on-site reuse is designated recovered materials shall be stored on site before their
incorporation in the W orks.

3 Materials to be recovered shall be handled and stored in such a manner as to avoid any
damage which will impair their reinstallation and reuse. W here the absence of care results in
damage, the Contractor shall repair the damage at his expense. If repairs are deemed to be
impracticable the Contractor shall provide replacements at his expense.


1 The Contractor shall excavate and remove surface material such as debris, windblown sand,
vegetation and any other unsuitable material in the areas and to the thickness instructed by
the Engineer. Clearing and grubbing shall be restricted to removal of surface material and
debris and shall not include the excavation of natural ground unless directed by the Engineer.

2 The removed material shall be loaded and transported to an approved dumping area.

3 All surface objects, trees, stumps, roots and other protruding obstructions not designated to
remain shall be grubbed and cleared as follows:

(a) In areas inside of the grading limits of cut and embankment areas, stumps and non
perishable solid objects shall be cut off not less than one meter below the subgrade
level in the area.
(b) In areas outside of the grading limits of cut and embankment areas, stumps and non-
perishable solid objects shall be cut off not less than 500 mm below finished ground
(c) In areas to be rounded at the top of cut slopes, stumps shall be cut off flush with or
below the surface of the final slope line.
(d) Grubbing of pits and ditches will be required only to the depth necessitated by the
proposed excavation within such areas.

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(e) Except in areas to be excavated, stump holes and other holes from which obstructions
are removed shall be backfilled with suitable material and compacted.
(f) Where designated the Contractor shall carefully remove existing trees, plants or
shrubs and carefully transport these to a location designated by the Engineer.


1 Unless otherwise directed the Contractor shall demolish and remove all buildings and
structures within the limit of works limits together with all foundations and retaining walls,
piers, partitions and columns down to a plane not less than one meter below the finished
ground level or one meter below the subgrade level in the area.

2 Upon receipt of notification by the Engineer, the Contractor shall take over all responsibility of
the building or buildings then acquired and vacant and shall proceed with the demolition and
removal thereof.

3 All structures shall be neatly trimmed off and the reinforcement shall be cut or trimmed off
close to the concrete and made safe; basement floor slabs shall be broken into pieces;
excess debris and other foundations, concrete floor slabs, sidewalks, driveways, signs,
sheds, garages, fences and other facilities shall be removed.

4 The Contractor shall arrange for the discontinuance and disconnection of any services to the
structure or structures in accordance with the requirements of the agency concerned. The
Contractor shall disconnect and properly seal in an approved manner any sewer outlets that
serve any structure he is to remove. The Contractor shall keep the Engineer informed of his
plans for the performance of any work in connection with the sealing off of such outlets in
order that proper inspection can be provided at the time the work is performed.

5 Any additional small out-buildings or temporary structures even if not shown on the Drawings
shall also be removed if directed by the Engineer.

6 Demolition and removal works shall be carried out mechanically or by hand as necessary in
such a manner as to cause no undue damage to the public, property, vehicles, pavements,
services and structures, and the Contractor shall provide temporary works for protection
when necessary, in accordance with any special requirements of the concerned authorities.

7 Blasting or other operations necessary for the demolition and/or removal of facilities which
may damage new construction shall be completed before placing the new work, unless
otherwise directed by the Engineer.

8 In all cases the Contractor shall be responsible for all claims resulting from damage, of any
nature, caused by carelessness or negligence on the part of the Contractor, his
subcontractors or agents.

9 Demolition or removal operations for any particular facilities shall not be started until written
approval is obtained from the Engineer.

10 Throughout the demolition period the Contractor shall provide and maintain sufficient and
adequate temporary supports.

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1 Where designated, street furniture shall be recovered, cleaned and either delivered to and
placed into storage at the stores of the designated authority or set aside for re-erection as
part of the Works, or shall be removed and disposed of.

2 The W orks shall include the excavation, removal and disposal of all foundations.

3 Before proceeding with the removal of any of the above installations the Contractor shall
contact the relevant authority and obtain approval.

4 The recovery of existing street lighting installations shall form part of the W orks and shall be
in accordance with the requirements of the Public W orks Authority.


1 Where designated, fencing, including all support posts, gates, other accessories and
foundations shall be removed.

2 The Contractor shall provide suitable termination's for remaining fencing whether inside or
outside the right-of-way limits.

3 Unless otherwise directed all fencing, posts, gates and other accessories shall remain the
property of the Employer and shall be carefully dismantled and delivered to and place into
storage on site or at the Employer's stores, the location of which shall be obtained from the
Engineer. The supporting posts and supports shall be carefully cleaned of concrete, avoiding
damage to the posts.

4 Foundations and sections of fencing which are designated unsuitable for recovery by the
Engineer shall be disposed of.


2.8.1 General Requirements

1 On sections of redundant existing roadway (and detours and diversions that are no longer
needed for traffic) the existing pavement structure together with all kerbs, kerb base and
backing, sidewalk paving, edging or kerb to sidewalk paving including base and backing to
same and other items shall be broken out and removed.

2 Non-asphaltic pavement, kerbs, kerb base and backing, gutters and other associated debris
shall be disposed of unless such items are designated for recovery.

3 Where designated side drainage ditches and excavations shall be filled and the roadway
rough graded to restore approximately the original contour of the ground or to produce
natural, rounded slopes. After the rough grading is completed, the area of the old roadbed
shall be scarified or ploughed to mix the remaining road material thoroughly with earth and
then shall be harrowed and smoothed.

2.8.2 Cutting Back Pavement

1 The Contractor shall cut back all existing construction in such a manner to avoid damage to
the construction which is to remain.

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2 Any damage to the existing pavement and other work areas which are to remain shall be
restored to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

3 The details and dimensions of the cutting back of the existing pavement construction shall be
as designated subject to a minimum benching step of 300 mm between each pavement

4 The method of cutting back all existing construction shall be as approved by the Engineer.

5 Once cut back all pavement edges shall be suitably protected against damage from
construction traffic. Any such damage shall be made good before proceeding with pavement

2.8.3 Stockpiling Asphalt Pavement

1 During the recovery and stockpiling operations asphalt pavement containing soil or other
debris shall be kept separate from recovered pavement which does not contain soil or other

2 Existing pavement designated for recovery shall be removed and stockpiled by methods
which will minimize losses and prevent it being contaminated with other materials. Especially,
the Contractor shall ensure that the material is reasonably free of soil and other matter when
it is stockpiled.

2.8.4 Stockpile Site

1 The Engineer may direct that removed asphalt or concrete pavement is stockpiled for
possible future use and the Contractor will transport all removed asphalt or concrete
pavement to the designated stockpile location.

2 The Contractor shall inform the Engineer at least seven (7) days before he is ready to
commence stockpiling operations and obtain written approval from the Engineer.

3 If not previously protected, the Contractor shall provide a protective enclosure around the
stockpile site to prevent unauthorized dumping by other Contractors and ensure that material
is not removed without authorization. The protective enclosure around the stockpile site shall
include a suitable lockable gate for entry.

4 The Contractor shall assure responsibility for maintenance of the stockpile site during the
time he is depositing and removing material from the stockpile.

5 Maintenance responsibility shall include but not be limited to:

(a) Furnishing plant when directed by the Engineer to spread the material and shape the
stockpile as successive loads of salvaged material are delivered.
(b) Ensuring by whatever means required that no unauthorized dumping is allowed.
(c) Consolidating and reshaping of stockpile from time to time and when final operations
are complete.

6 When directed by the Engineer the Contractor shall permit other contractors access to the
stockpile site to deliver or remove materials.

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1 The Contractor shall take all measures required by any statutory undertaker, the
management of other publicly owned services, or owners of privately owned services or
supplies, for disconnection and proper sealing off of all redundant drains, services and

2 The Contractor shall observe and comply with all the safety regulations that are in force for
work associated with various services.

3 Before commencing work on the removal or treatment to any utilities the Contractor shall
contact the statutory undertakers and obtain their written approval.

4 The removal of overhead power lines shall be carried out by the QGEW C or by a specialist
contractor approved by the QGEW C.


2.10.1 General

1 Designated existing underground storage tanks, culverts, box culverts, pipelines, pipes,
manholes, inlets, gullies and similar facilities for drainage or other designated utilities shall be
totally or partially demolished as designated, all debris removed, the facility thoroughly
cleaned out and the resultant void backfilled with suitable material (as defined in Section 6
Clause 3.3) and compacted.

2 Underground utilities, pits, chambers, cesspools and similar facilities shall be demolished to a
depth of one meter below the finished subgrade level in the area, and shall be properly
cleaned out to full depth and backfilled with approved compacted materials.

3 Where designated, manhole and access shaft covers and frames and drainage inlet covers
and frames shall be carefully removed, cleaned and transported to and placed into storage at
designated storage areas.

4 Materials not recovered for reuse shall be disposed of.

2.10.2 Underground Storage Tanks

1 Existing underground storage tanks on the site or under structures designated for removal
shall be removed and disposed of by the Contractor. The Contractor shall take all necessary
precautions during the removal and disposal of any fluid within the tanks and of the tanks

2.10.3 Removal of Culverts

1 Where the total demolition of a culvert is designated the culvert top slab, walls, base slab and
all manhole shafts, shall be broken out and all debris removed and disposed of.

2 Where the partial demolition of the culvert is designated the top slab of the culvert shall be
removed together with all manhole shafts. The side walls shall be broken out to the
designated level or to a minimum of one meter below the subgrade level or the finished
ground level in the area. The walls shall he neatly trimmed off and the reinforcement shall be
cut or burned off close to the concrete.
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2.10.4 Abandoned Pipes and Culverts

1 Pipes and culverts no longer required which are designated to be abandoned in place shall
either be filled with grout or concrete, as designated by the Engineer.

2 All ends of abandoned pipes with a nominal diameter greater than 100 mm and less than 600
mm and all ends of abandoned culverts with a cross-sectional area of 1.0 m2 or less shall be
plugged by either mass concrete or a reinforced blockwork wall.

3 All ends of abandoned pipes with a nominal diameter of 600 mm or greater and all ends of
abandoned culverts with a cross-sectional area greater than 1.0 m2 shall be provided with a
cut-off wall as designated.

2.10.5 Total Removal of Pipelines

1 Where designated, pipelines, manholes and fittings together with any plain or reinforced
concrete bed, haunch or surround shall be broken out, removed and disposed of.

2 Designated pipes and ring fittings to be reused shall be recovered in such a way as to leave
them undamaged and suitable for reuse.

3 The method of taking apart the pipes and fittings shall be agreed with the Engineer before the
start of the work.

4 Materials damaged in the process of recovery shall be repaired by the Contractor.

5 The pipes and fittings recovered shall have all extraneous material including concrete
surround carefully removed, they shall then be thoroughly cleaned and delivered to the
designated storage area and placed into storage.

2.10.6 Grouting of Pipelines

1 Where designated, abandoned-in-place pipelines 300 mm or less in diameter shall he

completely filled with a sand-cement grout.

2 The cement, fine aggregate and water used for the grout shall comply with the requirements
of section 5 of the Qatar Construction Specification. The sand used for the grout shall be a
fine graded rounded sand that produces a free flowing grout.

3 The grout shall comprise of one part cement to two parts fine aggregate with enough water to
produce a free flowing and pumpable mix. The use of admixtures to improve the flow and
setting characteristics of the grout will be permitted subject to the prior approval of the

4 Each end of the pipe shall be plugged. No grouting shall commence until the Engineer's
approval has been obtained.

5 The Contractor may propose alternative methods of filling the pipe for the approval of the
Engineer. The Engineer shall retain the right to designate certain pipes that shall be filled with
grout irrespective of any approval to alternative methods of filling.

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2.10.7 Plugging of Pipelines

1 Designated pipes shall be plugged by mass concrete as per section 5 of Qatar Construction
Specification to a minimum of one meter lateral extent into the pipe.

2 The method of constructing the plug to ensure a solid watertight seal shall be approved by
the Engineer.

2.10.8 Cut-off Walls and Capping Slabs

1 Where designated the Contractor shall construct a reinforced blockwork cut-off wall to box
culverts and pipelines and a reinforced concrete capping slab to manholes and access

2 Reinforced blockwork cut-off walls shall extend beyond the edges of the pipe and shall be
founded on a mass concrete of grade 20 as per section 5 of Qatar Construction

2.10.9 Manholes and Access Shafts

1 Unless otherwise designated, manholes and access shafts shall be broken out to a plane not
less than one meter below the subgrade level or the finished ground level in the area or to
immediately below the manhole and/or access shafts cover slab, whichever is the lower.

2 Manhole and access shaft walls shall be neatly trimmed off and reinforcement shall be cut or
burned off close to the concrete and made safe.

3 Manholes and access shafts shall be cleaned out and all debris, sediment and refuse and
other unsuitable material disposed of, and backfilled with approved compacted material.

2.10.10 Drainage Inlets and Gullies

1 Unless shown otherwise, all redundant drainage inlets, gullies and similar facilities shall be
broken out to full depth.


1 Materials removed but not recovered shall be disposed of in a lawful manner at approved
dumping areas. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the location of the
dumping area as well as the necessary permits and approvals from the relevant authorities.


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3 EARTHWORKS............................................................................................... ........ 3
3.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 3
3.1.1 Scope of Work 3
3.1.2 References 3
3.1.3 Definitions 4
3.1.4 Submittals 4
3.1.5 Quality Assurance 6
3.2 EARTHWORKS BY OTHERS ................................................................................. 6
3.3 MATERIALS ............................................................................................................ 6
3.3.1 General 6
3.3.2 Unsuitable Materials 7
3.3.3 Fill and Subgrade Materials 7
3.3.4 Rock Fill 8
3.3.5 Water 9
3.3.6 Performance Indicators 9
3.4 MAIN PLANT FOR EARTHWORKS ........................................................................ 9
3.4.1 General 9
3.4.2 Compaction Trials 10
3.4.3 Rotary Cultivators 10
3.4.4 Water Sprinklers 10
3.4.5 Bulldozers 10
3.4.6 Motor Graders 11
3.4.7 Shovel Tractors 11
3.4.8 Compacting Equipment 11
3.5 EXCAVATION GENERAL ............................. ........................................................ 12
3.5.1 Removal of Unsuitable Soil and Soft Spots 12
3.5.2 Excavating High Level Areas 12
3.5.3 Rock Excavation 13
3.5.4 Manual Excavation 13
3.5.5 Excavation for Pits and Trenches 14
3.5.6 Double Handling 14
3.6 FILLING GENERAL .................................................................... ........................... 14
3.6.1 General 14
3.6.2 Filling Around Utilities 15
3.6.3 Fill Supplied by Qatar National Transport Organization (QNTO) 15
3.6.4 Contractors Imported Fill 15
3.6.5 Rock Fill 16
3.6.6 Compaction 17
3.6.7 Filling of Pits and Trenches 18
3.6.8 Work Over Sabkha 18
3.6.9 Trimming Side Slopes 19
3.7 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION AND FILLING............................... ........................... 19
3.7.1 General 19
3.7.2 Excavation Supports 20
3.7.3 Dewatering 20

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3.7.4 Excavation for Structures 20

3.7.5 Use of Materials 21
3.7.6 Cofferdams 21
3.7.7 Backfill Adjacent to Structures 22
3.8 FORMATION PREPARATION............................................................................... 22
3.8.1 Scope 22
3.8.2 Protection 23
3.8.3 Rectification 23
3.9 TOPSOIL............................................................................................................... 23
3.10 TESTING............................................................................................................... 23
3.10.1 General 23
3.10.2 Testing Degree of Compaction 24
3.10.3 California Bearing Ratio 24
3.10.4 Testing Levels and Evenness of the Formation 25
3.10.5 Testing Formation Works after Completion 25

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3.1.1 Scope of Work

1 This Part includes all the earthworks required to construct and maintain the roadway facilities
as follows:

(a) Removing unsuitable materials.

(b) Excavating selected material from the roadway and borrow pits for use as specified.
(c) Placing and compacting of selected material.
(d) Structure excavation.
(e) Backfilling.
(f) Supplying and placing topsoil (sweet soil).
(g) Laying and compaction of fill for shallow embankments where additional slope
protection measures are not required.

2 Related Parts are as follows:

This Section
Part 1,.............. General
Part 2,.............. Site Clearance
Part 4,.............. Unbound Pavement Materials
Part 5, ............. Asphalt W orks
Part 6, ............. Concrete Road Pavements
Part 19, ........... Miscellaneous

Section 8, Drainage W orks

Section 12, Earthworks Related to Buildings

3.1.2 References

1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:

ASTM D1556 .............Standard Test Method for Density and Unit W eight of Soil in Place by
Sand-Cone Method
ASTM D1557 .............Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of
3 3
Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft lbf/ft (2,700 kN m/m ))
ASTM D4718 .............Standard Practice for Correction of Unit W eight and W ater Content for
Soils Containing Oversize Particles
ASTM D1883 .............Standard Test Method for CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of
Laboratory Compacted Soils
ASTM D4318..............Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity
Index of Soils
ASTM D6913 .............Standard Test Methods for Particle Size Distribution (Gradation) of
soils using Sieve Analysis

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ASTM D4429..............Standard Test Method for (California Bearing Ratio) CBR of Soils in
ASTM D4944..............Standard Test Method for Field Determination of W ater (Moisture)
Content of Soil by the Calcium Carbide Gas Pressure Tester
ASTM D6938..............Standard Test Method for In-Place Density and W ater Content of Soil
and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)
ASTM D1140..............Standard Test Method for Amount of Material in Soils Finer than No.
200 (75-μm) Sieve
ASTM E1703 ..............Standard Test Method for Measuring Rut-Depth of Pavement Surfaces
Using a Straightedge

AASHTO T307 ..........Standard Method of Test for Determining the Resilient Modulus of
Soils and Aggregate Materials

BS 1377 - Part 3 ........Methods of test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes: Chemical and
electro-chemical tests

3.1.3 Definitions

1 LSA: Laboratories and Standardization Affairs – Ministry of Environment.

2 Suitable material: material which is acceptable in accordance with Clause 3.3.3.

3 Imported material: suitable material obtained from outside of the Site.

4 Optimum moisture content (OMC): the moisture content of soil at which a specified
compaction effort will produce the maximum dry density when determined in accordance with
ASTM D1557.

5 Maximum dry density (MDD): The dry density of soil obtained using a specified compaction
effort at the optimum moisture content when determined in accordance with the modified
compaction test ASTM D1557. Unit weight and moisture content of materials containing more
than 5% by mass of oversize fraction tested in accordance with ASTM D1557 should be
corrected following ASTM D4718.

6 Subgrade: the compacted existing ground or fill for 500mm beneath formation.

7 Formation: the completed earthworks level shaped in accordance with the Drawings in
readiness to receive the sub-base.

3.1.4 Submittals

1 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval his proposals for the compaction of
each type of material to be used in embankments detailing the type of plant, number of
passes and maximum loose depth of layer.

2 The contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval method statements for the following:

(a) Materials production, handling, storage, identification, marking and traceability to

source of production.
(b) Quality assurance and quality control plans for all construction activities.

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(c) Quality control testing plan.

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(d) Equipment and its suitability to fulfill all construction activities to the required quality.
(e) Personnel capability.
(f) Safety and environment preservation measures.

3 Before commencing any structural excavation work greater than 1.5 m in depth, the
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his review details of proposals for supporting
excavated faces.

4 The proposals shall be submitted in the form of calculations and drawings which clearly
indicate the extent of excavation at all points along the structure relative to adjacent
properties, roads and services.

5 In the case of supported excavations the proposals shall, for the actual soil properties,
comprise detailed drawings of the support system stating method of installation and showing
support member materials, sizes, spacing and engineering calculations to validate the design
of the above, including the maximum theoretical deflections of the support members. The
support system shall be designed in such a manner that no support members extend through
surfaces exposed in the finished construction and no shoring or bracing is placed under
permanent structures.

6 The engineering calculations shall be in English and shall show lateral earth pressures for the
full excavation depths, faces at various stages of support during installation and removal and
concrete placement, the anticipated equipment loads, anchorage loads of any description,
the maximum design loads to be carried by various members of the support system and strut
preload forces.

7 If the structure support system proposed includes tie-back anchors, the Contractor's
submittal drawings shall show the profile of the soil in which each anchor is to be installed,
the design load for the full depth of the excavation, the maximum design and proof loads,
surcharge loads of any description; equipment loads, forces at various stages, support during
installation and removal, and the criteria proposed for deformations under proof loads.

8 In addition to the approval submittal, shop drawings of the support system are to be
submitted. W here a proposed system of tie-back anchors projects onto adjoining property
beyond the vertical projection of the designated limits of the Contract, the permission of the
owner shall be obtained in writing and documentation of such permission shall be included in
the submittal.

9 Complete working drawings showing the type of dewatering and groundwater control system
proposed shall be submitted for review. The submittal drawings shall show the arrangement,
location and depths of the proposed dewatering system if required. A complete description of
the equipment and materials to be used and the procedure to be followed shall be shown
together with the standby equipment, standby power supply, and the proposed location or
locations of points of discharge of water. Details of methods of cofferdam construction shall
be included in the submittal.

10 The method and the type of equipment to be used for advancing dewatering wellpoints shall
be submitted for review.

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3.1.5 Quality Assurance

1 The designs of the structure excavation support systems and the dewatering system shall be
prepared by and signed by a professional engineer specializing in this type of design work.

2 Blasting work shall be carried out by a specialist company with the appropriate license as
detailed in clause 3.5.3.


1 Where earthworks have been carried out by others before commencement of the W orks, the
Contractor shall carry out all tests he considers necessary to satisfy him that the work already
executed complies with this specification.

2 Should the Contractor consider the result of the tests unsatisfactory he shall immediately
provide full details of all such tests carried out for the Engineer's review as to the remedial
work to be undertaken.

3 The Contractor will be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the adequacy of any previous
earthworks when he proceeds with his own work, and he shall be responsible for repairs to or
replacement of any defective layer or surface where such failure was due to a fault in the
previously executed work which would have been revealed by normal testing procedures.


3.3.1 General

1 All excavated material shall be the property of the Owner and shall not be removed from the
Site without the written consent from the Owner.

2 Suitable and approved excavated material from any part of the Site shall be hauled and used
for filling in any other section of the Site. The Contractor shall store such material when
necessary until the need arises for its use in filling as required by the phases of construction,
or as directed by the Engineer.

3 Where the amount of suitable material exceeds the amount of fill required for the W orks, the
Contractor shall dispose of the surplus material at designated locations. The Contractor shall
off-load, spread, level, water and carry out other related operations at the disposal site as
directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall ensure that the disposal site has been
approved by the Municipality concerned.

4 Any excavation greater than the net volume required for the W orks in length or width, shall be
made up with suitable compacted fill material at no cost to the Owner and subject to
inspection and approval of the Engineer.

5 Any additional excavation to remove unsuitable material at or below the bottom of foundation
level or construction layers shall be replaced with mass concrete.

6 Before using material resulting from excavation for filling, the Contractor shall carry out field
and laboratory testing to establish the suitability of said material for filling work. W henever
such excavated material indicates a change in characteristics the Contractor shall carry out
additional testing.
CEG International Specification

7 Where the contract provides for the supply of fill material by others the Contractor shall
remain responsible for checking each load received to ensure that it is in accordance with the
specification requirements and for rejecting unsuitable material. The Contractor shall be
responsible for maintaining all records of deliveries and documentation relating to the quality
of such material.

3.3.2 Unsuitable Materials

1 Unsuitable materials shall mean materials other than suitable materials and include;

(a) Material from marshes.

(b) Tree and plant stumps.
(c) Perishable material.
(d) Deposits of sabkha with more than 5% water-soluble salts.
(e) Material subject to spontaneous combustion.

3.3.3 Fill and Subgrade Materials

1 The subgrade material and the material used for filling and compacting below the formation
level of the roadway, sidewalks, hard shoulder, drainage ditches and other areas on site shall
consist of material approved for filling resulting from the excavation works.

2 In the event that such material is unsuitable or insufficient, the Contractor shall obtain and
use filling material from borrow pits.

3 This material shall be clean and free from any unsuitable material and complies with the
requirements listed in Table 3.1.

4 The maximum particle size of fill material shall be 75 mm unless the material is classified as
rock as per this part of the specification and the placing and compaction are carried out
according to the requirements for rock fill.

5 Unit weight and moisture content of materials containing more than 5% by mass of oversize
fraction tested in accordance with ASTM D1557 should be corrected following ASTM D4718.

6 When nuclear gauge is used for field density and moisture content testing, 3 readings shall
be made at each test location within a radius of 2 meters. The average of the 3 readings is
considered to be the density for that test location. Individual density readings shall not be less
than the target relative density by more than 0.5%.

7 Recycled aggregate produced from excavating natural ground and from demolition wastes
can be used for filling purposes provided that the specifications stated in Section 6 - Part 9
are complied.
CEG International Specification

Table 3.1
Fill and Subgrade Materials and Construction Specifications

Parameter Standard Specification Limits Minimum Frequency

Percent passing the

ASTM D6913 100%
75mm sieve
Percent passing the
ASTM D1140 30% max.
0.075mm sieve - Each Source
ASTM D4318
Liquid limit 30% max. - Visible change in
Method A
Plasticity Index ASTM D4318 10 % max.
- 1 per 1000 m
California Bearing
ASTM D1883 15% min. at 95% MDD
Ratio (CBR)
Swelling 2% max.

ASTM D6938 - 1 per 200 m

Field Density Min. 95% of MDD
ASTM D1556 layer

In Place Moisture ASTM D6938 - 1 every 75m per

2  2% of OMC
Content ASTM D4944 lane per layer

In Place California 2
ASTM D4429 15% min. 1 per 2000 m
Bearing Ratio (CBR)
Acid soluble Chloride
BS 1377 Part 3 2% max.
Acid soluble sulphate 1 per 3000 m
BS 1377 Part 3 3% max.
Organic Matter BS 1377 Part 3 2% max.
Loose materials for testing and acceptance shall be sampled from the un-compacted in- place layer.
During compaction.
3.3.4 Rock Fill

1 Rock shall be defined as any naturally formed solid matter encountered in excavation having
2 2
a crushing strength of not less than 7 N/mm when dry and not less than 4 N/mm after
submergence in water for 24 hours.

2 This shall be determined on samples of 100 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm cubes obtained from
the material (equivalent cores in lie u of cubes may be considered for testing at the discretion
of the Engineer and the method of testing and acceptance criteria will be advised by the
Engineer in such cases).

3 Individual masses of solid material found in excavation and weighing less than 500 kg shall
not be considered as rock.

4 Any artificially formed solid matter such as block work or concrete shall not be considered as
CEG International Specification

5 The Contractor shall supply any equipment and labor necessary to obtain suitable samples
and carry out testing of rock or suspected rock. The Engineer shall determine the location
and quantity of samples necessary to determine the extent of the rock. These samples shall
be taken in the presence of the Engineer.

6 In the event that the tests prove that the material is rock, the Engineer shall determine the
extent of such material and shall instruct the Contractor accordingly.

3.3.5 Water

1 Potable or brackish water shall be used for all earthwork operations except that only potable
water shall be used for compaction of backfill material within one meter from all surfaces of
the structure and for the backfill of all service trenches.

2 Brackish water shall have a maximum total dissolved solids (TDS) of 5000 ppm, a maximum
chloride content of 1500 ppm and a maximum sulphate content (as SO 3) of 2000 ppm.

3.3.6 Performance Indicators

1 Upon the request of the Engineer, the following performance indicators shall be determined
from loose in place materials for verification of the pavement structural design following the
AASHTO Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide:

(a) Resilient Modulus (MR) in accordance with AASHTO T307 at optimum moisture
content and maximum density as per ASTM D1557.
(b) Parameters and moduli required for determining the Permanent Deformation Potential
in accordance with AASTHO Mechanistic Empirical Design Guide.
(c) Parameters and moduli required for measuring the Fatigue Cracking Potential for
stabilized and surface layers in accordance with AASHTO Mechanistic Empirical
Design Guide.
2 For performance testing, one sample shall be tested every 10,000 m , and for constructions
having less than 10,000 m volume, one sample shall be tested every 50% of the total


3.4.1 General

1 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with copies of catalogues, technical data and
charts of the machinery to be used on site before the commencement of the work.

2 The Engineer will inspect the machinery and tools before the commencement of work. The
machinery and tools used in carrying out earthworks and other related works for the road
construction and in maintenance of the work shall be in good working condition, and the
Contractor shall maintain them in such condition for the whole duration of the Work.

3 The Contractor shall use power screens equipped with clay reject screen with sufficient
screen area and clay reject conveyor belt when processing subgrade materials. Static
screens shall not be used to produce subgrade materials. Any deviations from this process
must be approved by the Engineer.
CEG International Specification

4 The Contractor shall supply an adequate type and number of machines and tools for the
proper and timely execution of the Works. The number of machines shall not be limited to the
types of equipment or recommended minimum number stipulated in the Contract
Documents, which shall be used for guidance purposes only.

5 The Contract is awarded on the understanding that the actual numbers of machines and
other plant will not be reduced below the numbers shown in the Contract.

6 No plant shall be removed from the site without the specific written approval of the Engineer.

3.4.2 Compaction Trials

1 Before commencing construction of the permanent works, unless otherwise agreed with the
Engineer, the Contractor shall carry out compaction trial, after submitting a method
statement, for each type of fill material and construction situation of the earthworks to
establish an approved rolling/compaction procedure which shall then be used as a minimum
requirement for the permanent works unless otherwise directed or agreed by the Engineer.

2 The compaction trials shall involve all procedures specified for the permanent works
including testing and any equipment, processes or procedures as proposed by the Contractor
which are not included as a part of these specifications. Compaction trials for each main type
of material shall be carried out on areas having dimensions of approximately 50 meters by 10

3 Construction of the permanent works shall not commence until a compaction procedure has
been approved in writing by the Engineer.

3.4.3 Rotary Cultivators

1 Rotary Cultivators shall have axles rotated by a powerful motor and be equipped with metal
teeth or plates. They shall be designed in such a way as to ensure proper pulverization and
mixing of soil. They must be equipped with apparatus to lift and lower the axles so as to be
always to the required depth.

3.4.4 Water Sprinklers

1 Water sprinklers shall be borne by trucks with pneumatic tires and shall be equipped with a
pressure pump and water sprinkling distribution equipment. The pump shall be powered in
such a manner that the pump pressure will remain uniform regardless of variations in truck
speed. The distributors shall be so designed as to allow sprinkling and adding of water to the
soil uniformly and in controlled quantities and shall be equipped with an approved gauge to
control the quantity of water added during operation. Special spray bar attachments shall be
provided and used in order to sprinkle water on sloped sections. The activation of the water
system shall be controlled from the cab by the driver.

3.4.5 Bulldozers

1 Bulldozers may be tracked or pneumatic-tire vehicles and shall be equipped with a blade for
earth moving and levelling. Ripper attachments shall be provided when necessary. The blade
level shall be hydraulically controlled to raise or lower it so that the work surface can be
formed and adjusted as required.
CEG International Specification

3.4.6 Motor Graders

1 Motor graders shall be pneumatic-tire and shall be equipped such that it is possible to lift,
lower and adjust the angle of the blade as required to control the grading operation and to
perform grading without making undulations.

3.4.7 Shovel Tractors

1 Shovel tractors shall be tractors equipped with a shovel for earth hauling or moving and may
be either on tracks or on pneumatic tires. The shovel shall be hydraulically controlled to raise
and lower it as required.

3.4.8 Compacting Equipment

1 Rolling compacting equipment shall consist of pneumatic-tire and steel wheeled rollers as
described below:

(a) Pneumatic-tire rollers shall be equipped with tires of equal size and diameter which
shall be uniformly inflated so that the air pressure of the tires shall not vary
significantly, from one another. The wheels shall be spaced so that one pass will
accomplish one complete coverage equal to the rolling width of the machine. There
shall be a minimum of 6mm overlap between the tracks of the front and rear tracking
wheels. Self-propelled, pneumatic-tire rollers shall have a minimum weight of
9 tons without ballast and a minimum weight of 18 tons with ballast.

(b) Steel wheeled rollers shall be of the following types:

(i) Three-wheeled rollers shall be self-propelled and equipped with a reversing
clutch, a differential drive and with adjustable scrapers to keep the wheel
surface clean.
(ii) Tandem rollers shall be self-propelled and equipped with reversing clutches and
adjustable spring scrapers fitted to the driving and steering roller to scrape in
both directions.
(iii) Vibratory steel tandem rollers shall have the requirements of the foregoing steel
tandem rollers with a static weight of at least 5000 kg and a vibrating frequency
between 1500 and 2000 cycles per minute.
(iv) Single drum vibratory steel rollers shall be double axle, self-propelled units with
the rear axle equipped with pneumatic flotation wheels, they shall have vibrating
frequency capabilities between 1500 and 2000 cycles per minute.

2 Portable vibratory compaction rollers shall be double axle tandem single-drum self-propelled
equipped with a vibrating element delivering an impact of not less than 1590 kg at a
frequency of about 5000 cycles per minute. The roller shall be easily maneuvered, of
adequate width and suitable for rolling ditches with their side slopes having grades of up to

3 Hand plate compactors shall be capable of delivering an impact of between 750 to 1500
CEG International Specification


3.5.1 Removal of Unsuitable Soil and Soft Spots

1 If during the progress of the work the soil encountered has characteristics, as determined by
tests conducted under the direction of the Engineer, that render it unsuitable for incorporation
in the road embankment, the Contractor shall excavate and remove such unsuitable material
to the extent directed by the Engineer.

2 Where contractor finds isolated soft spots during excavation, this material shall be removed
to the extent directed by the Engineer.

3 No excavated suitable material shall be removed from the Site without the approval of the
Engineer. Should the Contractor be permitted to remove suitable material to suit his
operational procedure then he shall make good any consequent deficit of fill material arising

4 Where the excavation reveals a combination of suitable and unsuitable material the
excavation shall, unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer, be carried out in such a manner
that the suitable materials are excavated separately for use in the W orks without
contamination by the unsuitable material.

5 The hauling of excavated material to areas of fill shall proceed only when sufficient spreading
and compacting plant are operating at the place of deposition to ensure placing and

6 Unsuitable excavated material shall be removed and carted away to an approved dumping
area after approval from the Engineer.

7 The Contractor shall replace this unsuitable material by other suitable surplus or imported
material in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness to the density specified.

8 If the contractor considers in some situations it is impractical to replace unsuitable material

with imported material he may elect to use granular material, which shall comply with the
requirements of part 4 of this specification.

9 Granular material placed beneath water shall not require compaction, granular material
placed above water shall be compacted and tested as per the requirements of part 4 of this

10 If any solution cavities are found in lime stone material they shall be brought to the attention
of the Engineer. The Engineer shall advise what treatment is to be carried out in such

3.5.2 Excavating High Level Areas

1 The Contractor shall excavate high level areas in all materials including rock for the full width
of the road construction down to the top of the required subgrade.

2 The Contractor shall then scarify a layer not less than 150 mm deep except that this
requirement shall not apply where rock is present.
CEG International Specification

3 The soil shall be pulverized, watered as required, mixed, shaped and compacted to 95 %
maximum dry density, as per ASTM D1557, to a depth of 150 mm.

4 In all excavations the groundwater level shall be maintained at least 300 mm below the
formation level during the works.

3.5.3 Rock Excavation

1 Excavation in rock shall be as defined in clause 3.3.4 of the specification.

2 Excavation in rock may be carried out by a tracked bulldozer and ripper or by the use of
blasting with explosives or any other method approved by the Engineer.

3 Blasting using explosives shall only be permitted if authorized by the civil defense, police and
any other statutory authority. The Contractor’s method statement shall be agreed before any
blasting operation.

4 Blasting work shall be carried out in accordance with The Guide for Civil Users of Explosives
in Qatar prepared by the former Ministry of Industry and Public W orks.

5 For any blasting work involving the use of explosives the Contractor shall use a specialist
company, licensed to carry out such work by the former Ministry of Industry and Public

6 The specialist company shall possess the appropriate license for the required scope of work.

7 The purchase and delivery of each consignment of explosives for blasting work should be
covered by a separate application for a possession license.

8 The transportation of explosives shall only be carried out after notification to the police and
civil defense.

9 For each planned blasting operation the Contractor shall arrange for advance notification to
be made to the police and civil defense authorities.

10 After it has been established that the excavated material is rock and after the area where
such rock exists has been defined, the Contractor shall incorporate the rock in the

11 When excavated material contains more than 25 % of rock larger than 150 mm in greatest
diameter the rock shall be crushed, pulverized and further broken down. The resultant
material from the excavation shall be placed on the embankment in accordance with clause

3.5.4 Manual Excavation

1 The Contractor shall excavate manually in the vicinity of all services, structures, and any
other areas, and if necessary uncover them, all as directed by the Engineer.

2 The Contractor shall take all precautions to prevent damages to services, properties and
persons, and any damage resulting from the negligence of the Contractor, his agents, or his
employees. Any such damage shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own expense.
CEG International Specification

3.5.5 Excavation for Pits and Trenches

1 All trenches and pits under roads shall, where possible, be excavated, backfilled and
compacted before road construction commences.

2 The sides of the excavation shall be adequately supported at all times.

3 Trenches and pits shall be kept free of water.

4 In tidal and high water table areas the excavation shall be kept free from standing water at all
times during construction.

5 Trenches for pipes or ducts shall be excavated to the levels and gradients indicated in the
contract documents.

3.5.6 Double Handling

1 It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to assess at the start of the contract the quantity of
suitable material available from an excavation for use as fill material and the requirement for
imported fill material.

2 The Contractor shall plan earthworks operations to minimize the handling of fill material and
disruption due to dust and noise from transportation operations.

3 The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment for double handling of any
excavated material from the site for imported fill.

4 If it is necessary to double handle the material the Contractor shall take all measures to avoid
degradation or contamination of fill material.

5 The Engineer may instruct that the tests to assess the properties of the fill material are taken
at any point during the transportation, placing and compaction process.


3.6.1 General

1 Filling low-level areas shall be to the level of subgrade as designated. After completion of
clearing and grubbing, the Contractor shall carry out the necessary levelling in order to
control the thickness of the layers of fill.

2 The existing natural ground shall then be scarified in place to a minimum depth of 150 mm
for the full width of the embankment except where the material is classified as rock. The
scarified material shall be watered as required, thoroughly mixed, shaped and compacted to
a minimum of 95 % maximum dry density.

3 Where an existing embankment is being widened, the existing embankment slope shall be
trimmed and compacted into benches of minimum width 1m and depth 500mm before
placing and compacting each layer of new embankment material unless otherwise directed
by the Engineer to suit particular circumstances.

4 The Contractor shall not proceed with filling and compacting any subsequent layer before
testing and securing the approval of the Engineer for the previous layer.

5 All fill material for a depth of 500 mm below the formation level must meet the requirements
provided in clause 3.3.3.
CEG International Specification

3.6.2 Filling Around Utilities

1 Filling around culverts, storm water and sewerage pipes, utility and structures, and between
building plot and footpath areas shall be done in accordance with the specific requirements of
the relevant utility authority and the following additional requirements.

2 Filling for these areas shall be from surplus excavated material obtained on site and
approved by the Engineer. In the case of insufficiency of such material then approved
material shall be obtained from borrow pits and filled to the designated levels. The maximum
size of particle allowed in the backfill within one meter of culverts, storm water and sewage
pipes, utilities and structures shall be 25 mm.

3 The Contractor shall take every precaution to protect bridge columns and lighting equipment
when filling between median barriers and any damage to these items arising from the filling
works shall be repaired by the Contractor.

4 The Contractor shall agree the type of plant or equipment to be used with the Engineer
before undertaking this work.

3.6.3 Fill Supplied by Qatar National Transport Organization (QNTO)

1 If instructed under the projects specification, fill will be imported from other sources using the
Qatar National Transport Organization (QNTO).

2 It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to monitor and control both the quality and the
quantity of this imported fill.

3 The Contractor shall ensure that all delivery notes for such material are verified and
authenticated and then collated for submission to the Engineer.

3.6.4 Contractors Imported Fill

1 The project specifications shall designate areas for the Contractor to obtain borrow material
for use in the construction of the W orks. It is the Contractor's responsibility to satisfy himself
that there is sufficient borrow material of suitable types.

2 The Contractor may elect to use alternative sources of borrow material.

3 It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to obtain all permits or permission and make any
payments that may be required in acquiring the rights to borrow material whether the
Contractor uses the designated areas or elects to use alternative areas. The Contractor shall
ensure that the source of all borrowed material has been approved by the Municipality

4 The Contractor shall obtain and supply to the Engineer representative samples from the
borrow pits he intends to use. The Engineer will be afforded the opportunity to be present
during the sampling operations.

5 The Contractor will carry out the necessary laboratory and, if required, field testing to
establish the suitability of the material for filling work and will advise the Engineer of the
results. The Engineer will advise the Contractor whether such material is acceptable and
whether the borrow pit is an approved source of borrow material.
CEG International Specification

6 The Contractor will test samples of the approved borrow pits material actually being imported
onto the site, and should such material fail to meet the requirements of these Specifications,
approval to the use of the borrow pits will be withdrawn and the Contractor shall immediately
cease importation from the borrow pits until such time as the Engineer may approve
alternative sources of material from within the same borrow pits based on sampling and
testing as specified above.

7 The Engineer will decide whether the material already imported from the concerned borrow
pits can remain as placed on the site, or whether the Contractor shall remove and replace the
said material at his own expense.

8 Overburden and any unsuitable top layers at the borrow pit shall be stripped and stockpiled to
the satisfaction of the Engineer. Upon completion of excavation the Contractor shall replace
the overburden and unsuitable material, smooth the surface and leave the area clean and
tidy to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

9 The Contractor's haul and traffic arrangements will be subject to the Engineer's approval
before the work may be commenced.

3.6.5 Rock Fill

1 Material consisting predominantly of rock fragments of such a size that it cannot be placed in
layers of the thickness allowed without crushing, or further breaking down, may be placed in
the embankment in layers not exceeding twice the average size of the larger fragments.

2 No layer of rock fill shall exceed 800 mm loose thickness.

3 Rock fill shall be placed and spread so that the largest boulders and fragments are evenly
distributed, with the voids in-between completely filled with smaller fragments, sand or gravel,
watered in if necessary.

4 Each layer shall be bladed and leveled by a track laying tractor.

5 Quality control tests will not normally be performed on this material but each layer must be
approved in writing by the Engineer before the next is placed.

6 Embankment layers which consist of material that contains rock but also has sufficient
compatible finer material other than rock shall be placed and compacted as for soil
embankments. Quality control tests will be made wherever the Engineer determines they are

7 Compaction shall be carried out by a vibratory roller with the following minimum mass:

Mass per Meter W idth of Depth of Fill Minimum number of Passes of the
Vibration Roll (kg/m) Layer ( mm ) Roller on each Layer
2300 - 2900 400 5
2900 - 3600 500 5
3600 - 4300 600 5
4300 - 5000 700 5
>5000 800 5
CEG International Specification

3.6.6 Compaction

1 The Contractor shall carry out the required compaction specified after grading and leveling
the surface to be compacted. In areas to be filled, compaction shall include adding necessary
soil, water and compacting the first layer in addition to subsequent layers up to the proposed

2 In areas already excavated down to the required level, compaction shall include adding the
necessary water, and compacting the surface, in accordance with the procedure outlined in
paragraphs 3 to 12 below.

3 After carrying out the grading, leveling, scarifying and pulverizing of the soil layer the
Contractor shall add the necessary amount of water to permeate the pulverized soil.

4 The soil shall then be thoroughly turned after each addition of water so as to achieve
homogeneous moisture content in the whole thickness of the layer.

5 Before compacting, samples of the pulverized soil shall be tested using a 'Speedy Moisture
Device' (ASTM D4944) or similar instrument to measure the moisture content. If the moisture
content is not within  2 % of the optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D1557,
the area represented by this sample shall be scarified and aerated or water added until the
moisture content is within  2 % of the optimum moisture content. The soil shall then be
primarily leveled in order to commence earth compaction.

6 After primary levelling referred to above, compaction shall be commenced by means of the
approved rolling pattern.

7 Filling shall be in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness.

8 All areas including embankment roadway, medians, shoulders, sidewalks and verges shall be
compacted to 95 % of Maximum Dry Density as determined by ASTM D1557 unless
otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer.

9 The rolling shall be carried out in the direction of the road axis until the soil reaches the
required density. In crowned sections, rolling shall start from both edges of the road in the
direction of the road axis. If the road is super elevated, rolling shall commence from the lower
side and continue to the higher side. In order to compensate for the amount of water loss in
evaporation during the course of compaction, additional quantities of water shall be added as

10 Each layer shall be levelled and rolled to achieve uniform compaction free from undulations,
soft spots and depressions.

11 No layer shall be covered by the next layer until it has been tested, inspected and approved
by the Engineer.

12 The Contractor shall be responsible for reinstatement to the satisfaction of the Engineer of
any layer damaged or disturbed after compaction and approval, by any means or cause,
before placing the next layer.
CEG International Specification

3.6.7 Filling of Pits and Trenches

1 The bottom of all excavations shall be formed to the lines and levels shown on the drawings.

2 Any pockets of soft soil or loose rock in the bottom of pits and trenches shall be removed and
the resulting cavities and any large fissures filled with suitable material and compacted to a
minimum relative compaction of 95 % based on ASTM D1557.

3 Prior to proceeding with filling, the base of the excavation shall be compacted to a minimum
relative compaction of 95 % based on ASTM D1557.

4 The full width of the compaction plant shall fit inside the surface area of the backfilling with
sufficient space to permit adequate compaction. Under no circumstance shall compaction be
carried out with plant straddling backfilled and existing surfaces.

5 Trenches and pits shall be backfilled in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness
unless otherwise directed by the engineer.

3.6.8 Work Over Sabkha

1 Where the road embankment passes over Sabkha areas with a high water table the
contractor shall take special precautions during the construction.

2 These precautions shall include but shall not be limited to the construction of suitable
temporary haul roads for all construction plant operating in the area.

3 Haul roads shall be constructed using rock fill and geotextiles as necessary to ensure a safe
stable surface.

4 The use of geotextiles and Geo-synthetics shall be in accordance with Part 15 when used for
the permanent embankment.

5 If directed by the Engineer the Contractor shall construct embankments over Sabkha areas
with a surcharge of excess material that shall remain in place till all appreciable settlement
has stopped. The Contractor shall provide a means of monitoring the settlement. The
Engineer shall decide when appreciable settlement has stopped.

6 Unless a specific treatment in using geotextiles or Geo-synthetics is described elsewhere in

the contract, work over Sabkha shall comprise of initially stabilizing the existing Sabkha area
by laying and rolling rock fill layer type 1 according to Table 3.2. This operation should be
continued by adding and rolling type 1 rock fill layer with steel vibratory roller till the layer is
completely stabilized.

7 A layer of geotextile fabric should be laid over the compacted type 1 pervious backfill.

8 A layer of 50mm pervious backfill type 2 according to Table 3.2 should be laid over the
stabilized layer to protect the geotextile fabric.

9 Layer of 200mm thick rock fill type 1 should be laid over type 2 pervious backfill to receive the
required road layers after the above operation.
CEG International Specification

Table 3.2
Definition of Type 1 & 2 backfill materials
Percentage Passing
Size (mm)
Type 1 Type 2
152.0 Max. -
125.0 85 - 100 -
100.0 75 - 90 -
50.0 45 - 65 -
37.5 35 - 55 -
19.0 20 - 35 100
12.5 10 - 25 95 – 100
9.5 5 - 20 70 – 100
4.75 - 0 – 55
2.36 - 0 – 10
0.075 - 0–3

3.6.9 Trimming Side Slopes

1 Embankment side slopes shall be trimmed to the profiles and dimensions shown on the
contract drawings.

2 The earthworks shall be trimmed to within  20 mm of the designated profile.

3 The side slopes shall be thoroughly compacted after trimming to ensure a hard surface.

4 Side slopes shall be tested for compaction in accordance with this part of the specification
and the minimum density requirement shall be 95% of the maximum dry density as per
ASTM D1557.


3.7.1 General

1 In addition to the work specified, the Contractor shall include all operations necessary to
excavate and backfill as required for the construction of any structure’s installations and

2 This work shall include necessary, pumping, dewatering, draining, sheeting, bracing, and the
necessary supply and construction of cribs and cofferdams and their subsequent removal.

3 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, to
prevent loss of natural cementation in the existing subsoil during, and as a consequence of,
dewatering operations.

4 This work shall also include the furnishing and placing of approved foundation fill material or
concrete to replace unsuitable material encountered below the foundation elevation of
CEG International Specification

3.7.2 Excavation Supports

1 Battered excavation slopes greater than 1.5 m high shall not be used without the express
written permission of the Engineer. W here such permission is not granted or where only a
part of the overall depth of an excavation is permitted to be with battered slopes all faces of
excavations greater than 1.5 m high shall be supported.

2 The Contractor shall submit his proposals for supporting excavated faces.

3 Before commencing any structural excavation work greater than 1.5 m in depth, the
Contractor shall obtain the Engineer’s approval of his proposals for supporting excavated

3.7.3 Dewatering

1 At locations where the excavation extends below the groundwater table, a dewatering system
shall be provided. This will effectively reduce the hydrostatic pressure and lower the
groundwater levels below excavation levels, as required for the safe and proper excavation of
the work. It will result in obtaining a stable, dry subgrade for the execution of subsequent

2 The Contractor shall design dewatering methods and settling basins so that no critical
amounts of soil, sand or silt are removed during either the initial operations or the
construction operations. Complete working drawings showing the type of dewatering and
groundwater control system proposed shall be submitted to the Engineer for his review.

3 The Contractor's submitted drawings shall show the arrangement, location and depths of the
proposed dewatering system if required. A complete description of the equipment and
materials to be used and the procedure to be followed shall be shown, together with the
standby equipment, standby power supply, and the proposed location or locations of points of
discharge of water.

4 Any required dewatering system design shall also include the measures taken to prevent
damage due to settlement of pavement, utilities, sewers, buildings and other structures
outside the excavation but within the area affected by the dewatering procedures.

5 Dewatering shall not be terminated without the approval of the Engineer and in the case of
structures retained by ground anchors dewatering shall not be terminated until the ground
anchors have been stressed to the full working load and approved by the Engineer.

3.7.4 Excavation for Structures

1 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer sufficiently in advance of the beginning of any
excavation so that cross-sectional elevations and measurements may be taken of the
undisturbed ground.

2 Trenches or foundation pits for structures or structure footings shall be excavated to the
designated lines and grades or elevations. They shall be of sufficient size to permit the
placing of structures or structure footings of the full width and length shown. The designated
elevations of the bottoms of footings shall be considered as approximate only and the
Engineer may order, in writing, such changes in dimensions or elevations of footings as may
be deemed necessary, to secure a satisfactory foundation.
CEG International Specification

3 Boulders, logs, and any other unsuitable material encountered in excavations shall be
removed from the site.

4 Unless otherwise designated structure excavation shall be carried out for a width of at least
500 mm beyond the horizontal outside limits of the foundation, footing, box culvert or
structural member to which the excavation relates. Concrete blinding or sub-foundations are
not to be considered as structure for the purpose of defining such excavation.

5 If during the progress of the work, loose or improperly compacted soil or such other material
as the Engineer considers would be detrimental to load distribution of new foundations to the
underlying soil is encountered below the structure foundation level such material shall be
removed within the limits as directed by the Engineer.

6 The resulting void shall be backfilled with either blinding concrete or with suitable material
compacted to a density not less than 95 % of the maximum dry density as per ASTM D1557.
The Engineer shall specify the type of backfill to be employed at each location.

7 After each excavation is completed, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer to that effect,
and no footing, bedding material or pipe culvert shall be placed until the Engineer has
approved the depth of excavation and the character of the material on which the foundations
will bear.

8 All rock or other hard foundation material shall be cleaned of all loose material and cut to a
firm surface, either level, stepped, or serrated as directed by the Engineer. All seams or
crevices shall be cleaned and grouted. All loose and disintegrated rock and thin strata shall
be removed. W hen the footing is to rest on material other than rock, excavation to final grade
shall not be made until just before the footing is to be placed.

3.7.5 Use of Materials

1 All excavated material, so far as it is suitable, shall be used as backfill or roadway fill.

2 All excavated material shall be approved by the Engineer before being used as fill. All surplus
excavated material and excavated material rejected by the Engineer for use on the site shall
be removed from the site and disposed of in locations approved by the Engineer.

3 Where the Engineer designates a disposal location this shall be within a 50 km radius of the
site of the Works.

3.7.6 Cofferdams

1 Suitable and practically watertight cofferdams shall be used wherever water-bearing strata
are encountered above the elevation of the bottom of the excavation.

2 Cofferdams or cribs for foundation construction shall, in general, be carried well below the
bottoms of the footings and shall be well braced and as nearly watertight as practicable. In
general, the interior dimensions of cofferdams shall be such as to give sufficient clearance
for the construction of forms and the inspection of their exteriors, and to permit pumping
outside of the forms. Cofferdams or cribs which are tilted or moved laterally during the
process of sinking shall be righted or enlarged so as to provide the necessary clearance.
CEG International Specification

3 When conditions are encountered which, as determined by the Engineer, render it

impracticable to dewater the foundation before placing the footing, the Engineer may require
the construction of a concrete foundation seal of such dimensions as he may consider
necessary, and of such thickness as to resist any possible uplift. The concrete for such a seal
shall be placed as directed by the Engineer. The foundation shall then be dewatered and the
footing placed.

4 If weighted cribs are employed and the weight is used to overcome partially the hydrostatic
pressure acting against the bottom of the foundation seal, special anchorage's such as
dowels or keys shall be provided to transfer the entire weight of the crib to the foundation
seal. W hen a foundation seal is placed under water, the cofferdam shall be vented or ported
at low water level as directed.

5 As an alternative to a cofferdam, the Contractor may propose a wellpoint dewatering system,

for approval by the Engineer, to keep structural excavation works dry. Such proposal shall
include, but not be limited to, sufficient calculations, sketches and drawings, to justify the
wellpoint positions and lengths in addition to pumping capacity required. The use of a
wellpoint dewatering system may not preclude the use of support or shoring within the
excavation to provide adequate stability and safety to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

3.7.7 Backfill Adjacent to Structures

1 Excavated areas around structures shall be backfilled with suitable excavated materials or
imported materials as approved by the Engineer. Backfill materials shall be placed in
horizontal layers not over 150 mm in depth and compacted to a minimum of 95% of the
maximum dry density obtained by ASTM D1557.

2 Material used for backfill adjacent to structures shall have a sulphate content of less than
2.5 g/L when tested in accordance with BS 1377.

3 Each layer shall be moistened or dried as required and thoroughly compacted as specified.
The maximum size of particle allowed in the backfill within one meter of structures shall be 50

4 Backfill and embankment behind walls of any culvert shall not be placed until the top slab of
the culvert has been placed and cured.

5 Backfill to culvert walls shall be carried out simultaneously behind opposite walls.


3.8.1 Scope

1 This work shall consist of the preparation of the graded formation upon which sub-base, base
course or pavement materials are to be placed, all in accordance with these Specifications.

2 All subgrade shall be compacted to the previous requirements of these Specifications.

3 Preparation and surface treatment of the formation shall be carried out after all duct and pipe
installations in the subgrade have been completed.
CEG International Specification

4 Any non-compliant subgrade material shall be excavated, replaced, and compacted to the
required density.

3.8.2 Protection

1 Once prepared, the formation shall be maintained in the finished condition until the first
succeeding course of sub-base, base, or asphalt pavement material has been placed.

2 The Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to protect the formation from damage:
hauling over finished subgrade shall be limited to that which is essential for construction

3 Any equipment used for hauling over the prepared subgrade which in the opinion of the
Engineer is causing undue damage to the prepared subgrade or to the underlying materials
shall be removed from the Works at the request of the Engineer.

4 All cuts, ruts and breaks in the surface of the subgrade shall be repaired by the Contractor
before placing any subsequent layer. The Contractor shall protect the prepared subgrade
from both his own and public traffic.

5 The Contractor shall maintain the subgrade by blading and rolling as frequently as may be
necessary to preserve the subgrade in a completely satisfactory condition.

3.8.3 Rectification

1 Any surface area of the formation which is too high shall be graded off, scarified and re-
compacted to the full depth of the affected layer.

2 Any surface area of the formation which is too low shall be scarified and corrected by the
addition of subgrade material of the same classification and moisture content.

3 The Contractor shall carry out additional testing as required by the Engineer to ensure that
the standard of compaction is satisfactory through the full depth of a layer or previously
placed layers.


1 Topsoil (sweet soil) shall be fertile, free draining, non-toxic soil capable of sustaining healthy
plant growth.

2 The material proposed for use as topsoil shall be approved by the Agricultural Department of
the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture.

3 Topsoil shall be loosely placed at the designated thickness.


3.10.1 General

1 For verification of material, moisture content, compaction, thickness and other properties of
the materials or workmanship the Engineer shall at all times have access to all portions of the
works and sites. All sampling and testing of material and work shall be carried out under the
direction of the Engineer.
CEG International Specification

2 The minimum frequency of testing shall follow the frequencies mentioned in Table 3.1 unless
more frequent tests are shown elsewhere in the contract documents or directed by the
Engineer. Other testing shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer.

3.10.2 Testing Degree of Compaction

1 Testing shall be done in accordance with ASTM methods of testing, or other approved
equivalent test or designated procedure.

2 The density-in-place of earthworks layers shall be tested by the sand replacement method
(ASTM D 1556) or nuclear method (ASTM D6938).

3 Nuclear density gauge testing should only be carried out by personnel who have approved
user certification issued by the Ministry of Environment.

4 Each in-situ density nuclear gauge shall be calibrated and a calibration form issued. The
Contractor shall maintain on site and with the instrument a copy of the Ministry of
Environment safety and training manual for the use of nuclear density gauges.

5 When nuclear gauge is used for field density and moisture content testing, the density and
moisture content for each material shall be verified by measurements in accordance with
ASTM D1556 and ASTM D2216, respectively. The mean value of the replicate readings shall
be used as the calibration point value for each material.

6 When determining the laboratory maximum dry density the method described in ASTM
D1557 shall be applied.

7 No person or company will be permitted to determine in situ density by means of a nuclear

type density measuring device without complying with the requirements of the Ministry of
Environment. Refer to clause 1.5 of part 1 of this Section.

8 The density of any layer requiring compaction shall be determined in accordance with the
specifications mentioned in Table 3.1.

9 If a layer does not conform to the required density, additional tests may be taken to
determine the limits of the failing area, after which the Contractor shall rework the area until
the specified density is obtained. The Contractor shall allow enough time in his daily work
programme to permit the performance and checking of the above tests, before he proceeds
into any subsequent operations.

3.10.3 California Bearing Ratio

1 The soaked value of the California Bearing Ratio shall be determined on specimens
compacted at the optimum moisture content and 95 % of the maximum dry density as per
ASTM D1557 after soaking for 4 days in accordance with ASTM D1883. CBR value shall
comply with the minimum requirement as per Qatar Highway Design Manual (QHDM).

2 The test surcharge to be used for the equivalent pavement thickness shall be designated by
the Engineer.
CEG International Specification

3.10.4 Testing Levels and Evenness of the Formation

1 The Engineer shall test the levels and evenness of the finished formation surface to ascertain

2 The Contractor shall make available to the Engineer a three-meter straight-edge and a crown
template of sturdy and approved design and the necessary labor to assist in the checking

3 When tested in accordance with ASTM E1703 by a three-meter straight-edge placed at right
angles to, or parallel to, the road centerline or when tested by a crown template placed
centrally at right angles to the road centerline, the maximum gap between the road formation
surface and the testing edge shall not be greater than 20 mm. Measurements shall be carried
out at maximum spacing of 50m of road length for each lane.

4 The subgrade shall be prepared to the levels shown on the contract drawings to a tolerance
of between  15 mm and  20 mm when checked by a level instrument.

5 Variation in the falls to cross-sections of the road shall not exceed 0.4 %.

6 These tests shall be made at any point requested by the Engineer. In the event of any failure,
the Contractor shall correct the unevenness of the surface and resubmit the area for approval
by the Engineer.

3.10.5 Testing Formation Works after Completion

1 All completed works shall be inspected at any time as directed by the Engineer in order to
verify the compliance of the executed work to the requirements of the contract as per
requirement of Part 5 in Section 3.

CEG International Specification

4 UNBOUND PAVEMENT MATERIALS ..................................................................... 2

4.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 2
4.1.1 Scope 2
4.1.2 References 2
4.1.3 Definitions 3
4.1.4 Submittals 3
4.1.5 Quality Assurance 4
4.2 MATERIALS ............................................................................................................ 4
4.2.1 Sources of Materials 4
4.2.2 Storage and Handling of Materials 4
4.2.3 Inspection Testing and Control 5
4.2.4 Fine Aggregate 5
4.2.5 Coarse / Combined Aggregate 6
4.2.6 Recycled Aggregate 7
4.2.7 Water 8
4.2.8 Performance Indicators 8
4.3 MAIN EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................. 8
4.3.1 General 8
4.3.2 Paving Machines 9
4.3.3 Central Mixers 9
4.4 MIX DESIGNS ......................................................................................................... 9
4.5 SCREENING AND MIXING ..................................................................................... 9
4.6 SPREADING AND COMPACTION ........................................................................ 10
4.7 CORRECTIVE ACTION........................................................................................ . 11
4.8 PROTECTION OF SURFACE ............................................................................... 11
4.9 TESTING............................................................................................................... 12
4.9.1 General 12
4.9.2 Thickness 12
4.9.3 Evenness and Level 12
CEG International Specification



4.1.1 Scope

1 This Part includes materials, equipment and construction requirements for unbound layers
(aggregate Subbase and Road Base courses).

2 Related Parts are:

Part 1 General Part 3
Part 5 Asphalt W orks

4.1.2 References

1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:

ASTM C88..................Standard Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium

Sulphate or Magnesium Sulphate
ASTM C131................Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size
Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles
ASTM C136................Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse
ASTM C535................Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Large-Size
Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles
ASTM D1556..............Standard Test Method for Density and Unit W eight of Soil in Place by
Sand-Cone Method
ASTM D1557..............Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of
Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2,700 kN-m/m3))
ASTM D1883..............Standard Test Method for CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of
Laboratory-Compacted Soils
ASTM D2216..............Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of W ater (Moisture)
Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
ASTM D2419..............Standard Test Method for Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine
ASTM D4318..............Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity
Index of Soils
ASTM D4429..............Standard Test Method for CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Soils in
ASTM D4791..............Standard Test Method for Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat
and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate
ASTM D4944..............Standard Test Method for Field Determination of W ater (Moisture)
Content of Soil by the Calcium Carbide Gas Pressure Tester
CEG International Specification

ASTM D5821..............Standard Test Method for Determining the Percentage of Fractured

Particles in Coarse Aggregate
ASTM D6913 .............Standard Test Methods for Particle Size Distribution (Gradation) of
Soils Using Sieve Analysis
ASTM D6938..............Standard Test Method for In-Place Density and W ater Content of Soil
and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)
ASTM E1703 ..............Standard Test Method for Measuring Rut-Depth of Pavement Surfaces
Using a Straightedge
AASHTO T307 ...........Standard Method of Test for Determining the Resilient Modulus of
Soils and Aggregate Materials
BS 1377 Part 3 ...........Methods of test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes: Chemical and
electro-chemical tests

4.1.3 Definitions

1 LSA: Laboratories and Standardization Affairs – Ministry of Environment.

2 Optimum moisture content (OMC): the moisture content of soil at which a specific
compaction effort will produce the maximum dry density when determined in accordance with
the ASTM D1557.

3 Maximum dry density (MDD): The dry density of soil obtained using a specified compaction
effort at the optimum moisture content when determined in accordance with the modified
compaction test ASTM D1557. Unit weight and moisture content of materials containing more
than 5% by mass of oversize fraction tested in accordance with ASTM D1557 should be
corrected following ASTM D4718.

4 Subgrade: the compacted existing ground or fill for 500mm beneath formation.

5 Formation: the compacted subgrade level shaped in readiness to receive the Subbase or
Road Base courses.

6 Subbase: It is the layer between the subgrade and the Road Base. It consists of compacted
selected granular materials.

7 Road Base: It is the layer directly beneath the asphalt course layers and above the subbase
or subgrade layer. It consists of compacted selected materials. It can be untreated or treated
with suitable stabilizing admixtures.

4.1.4 Submittals

1 The Contractor shall submit recent test results for the proposed sources of materials for all
quality requirements of the Contract. The Contractor shall submit a test certificate that proves
that the raw materials that are purchased/used comply with specifications. The testing may
be performed by an approved private laboratory or by the laboratory associated with the plant

2 The contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval method statements for the following:

(a) Materials production, handling, storage, identification, marking and traceability to

source of production.
(b) Quality assurance and quality control plans for all construction activities.
CEG International Specification

(c) Materials production, handling, storage, identification and marking, traceability to

source of production.
(d) Quality control testing plan.
(e) Equipment and its suitability to fulfill all construction activities to the required quality.
(f) Personnel capability.
(g) Safety and environment preservation measures.

4.1.5 Quality Assurance

1 If requested the Contractor shall arrange for the Engineer to visit the source of the materials
and jointly take samples for testing. The Contractor shall carry out testing as directed by the


4.2.1 Sources of Materials

1 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the proposed sources of materials. The
Contractor shall ensure that the sources of all aggregates have been approved by the
Municipality concerned.

2 The Engineer shall approve the sources before delivery of materials to the site.

3 Where a proposed source of material is not approved, the Contractor shall propose an
alternative source of material.

4.2.2 Storage and Handling of Materials

1 Materials shall be so stored and handled as to assure the preservation of their quality and
fitness for use in the works. Even after source approval has been given materials may again
be inspected and tested before use in the work.

2 Stored material shall be located so as to facilitate prompt inspection.

3 All storage sites shall be restored to their original condition before acceptance of the Works.

4 Handling and stockpiling of aggregates shall at all times be such as to eliminate segregation
or contamination of the various sizes. Stockpiles shall be kept flat, and the formation of high
cone-shaped piles shall not be permitted. W hen conveyor belts are used for stockpiling
aggregates the Engineer may require the use of baffled chutes or perforated chimneys.

5 When trucks are used to construct stockpiles, the stockpiles shall be constructed one layer at
a time with trucks depositing their loads as close to the previous load as possible. The use of
tractors or loaders to push material deposited at one location to another location in the
stockpile shall not be allowed during the construction of the stockpile and their use shall be
limited to levelling the deposited material only.

6 The Contractor shall take all necessary protection measures in the storage, handling and
stockpiling of materials to prevent contamination of materials by dust. The measures that the
Contractor proposes to take shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.
CEG International Specification

4.2.3 Inspection Testing and Control

1 Loose materials for testing and acceptance shall be sampled from the un-compacted in-place

2 For verification of plant weights and measures, character of materials used in the preparation
of the mixes, testing and other quality control requirements, the Engineer shall at all times be
provided access to all portions of the mixing plant, aggregate plant, storage yards, crushers
and other facilities used for producing and processing the materials of construction.

3 The Engineer shall have authority to take samples and perform tests on any material
supplied to the site from any source whatsoever in order to establish compliance and to
accept or reject as he deems necessary. Samples shall also be taken from completed work
to determine compliance. The frequency of all sampling and testing shall be as designated by
the Engineer.

4 The Contractor shall provide suitable facilities at the quarry or plants to carry out all
necessary tests on the raw materials and mixes.

5 The Contractor shall arrange for obtaining specimens of materials and samples taken from
stockpiles, including the provision of any necessary equipment and plant. This work shall be
performed in the presence of the Engineer if so directed by the Engineer.

6 Materials that are not in compliance shall be rejected and removed immediately from the site
of the works unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer.

7 Where defects in the materials or the completed work have been corrected, the Contractor
shall not proceed with subsequent work until approval has been given by the Engineer.

4.2.4 Fine Aggregate

1 Fine aggregate (passing the 4.75 mm sieve) shall consist of crushed mineral aggregate
and/or natural sand.

2 The fine aggregate shall be clean and free from clay-balls and other extraneous or
detrimental materials.

3 Where the source of fine aggregate does not meet the requirements listed in Table 4.1, the
Contractor may, with the Engineer's approval, add fine aggregate and filler to correct the
gradation or to change the characteristics of the material passing the 0.425mm sieve so as to
meet the requirements. Such additional material shall be added in a manner which ensures a
completely homogeneous material.
CEG International Specification

Table 4.1
Specifications of fine aggregates for Road Base and Subbase layers

Specification Limits
Parameter Standard Minimum Frequency
Road Base Subbase

Liquid Limit ASTM D4318 25%max. 25% max.

- Each source
Plasticity Index ASTM D4318 6 % max. 6 % max.
- Visible change in material
Sand equivalent ASTM D2419 35 min. 25 min. - 1 test every 1000m

Organic content BS 1377

0.5% max. 0.5% max.
Part 3

4.2.5 Coarse / Combined Aggregate

1 Coarse aggregate (retained on the 4.75 mm sieve) shall consist of crushed stone or crushed
gravel and shall be free from organic matter, clay and other extraneous or detrimental

2 The required properties of coarse aggregates for Road Base and Subbase layers are listed in
Table 4.2.
Table 4.2
Specifications of coarse aggregates for Road Base and Subbase layers

Specification Limits
Parameter Standard Minimum Frequency
Road Base Subbase

Fractured Faces ASTM D5821 50% min. 50% min.

- Each source
Flat and Elongated
ASTM D4791 10% max. 15% max.
Particles (5:1) - Visible change in

ASTM C131 material

Loss by Abrasion 30% max. 40% max.
ASTM C535 3
- 1 test every 3000m
ASTM C88 15% max. 20% max.
(5 cycles by MgSO4)

3 Loose materials for testing and acceptance shall be sampled from the un-compacted in-
place layer.

4 The required properties of combined aggregate for Road Base and Subbase layers are listed
in Table 4.3.

5 Unit weight and moisture content of materials containing more than 5% by mass of oversize
fraction tested in accordance with ASTM D1557 should be corrected following ASTM D4718.
CEG International Specification

6 When nuclear gauge is used for field density and moisture content testing, 3 readings shall
be made at each test location within a radius of 2 meters. The average of the 3 readings is
considered to be the density for that test location. Individual density readings shall not be less
than the target relative density by more than 0.5%.

7 When nuclear gauge is used for field density and moisture content testing, the density and
moisture content for each material shall be verified by measurements in accordance with
ASTM D1556 and ASTM D2216, respectively. The mean value of the replicate readings shall
be used as the calibration point value for each material.

8 In case abnormally high relative density values are encountered, it will be required to re-
evaluate the related field and laboratory density values.

9 Gradation requirements of combined aggregate for Road Base and Subbase layers are listed
in Table 4.4.

4.2.6 Recycled Aggregate

1 Recycled aggregate produced from excavating natural ground and from demolition wastes
can be used in subgrade and subbase layers provided that the specifications stated in
Section 6 - Part 9 are complied.
Table 4.3
Specifications of combined aggregates for Road Base and Subbase layers

Specification Limits
Parameter Standard Minimum Frequency
Road Base Subbase
2.15 Mg/m 3 2.05 Mg/m
Maximum Dry Density ASTM D1557 - Each source.
min. min.
Gradation ASTM D6913 Table 4.4 Table 4.4 - Visible change in
California Bearing material
ASTM D1883 80% min. 70% min.
Ratio (CBR) 3
(Soaked) - 1 test per 1000m
Swelling 0.5% max. 1.0% max.
ASTM D6938 - 1 per 200 m per
Field Density 100% of MDD 100% of MDD
ASTM D1556 layer
In Place Moisture ASTM D6938 - 1 every 75m per
2  1.5% of OMC  2% of OMC lane per layer
Content ASTM D4944
In Place California 2
ASTM D4429 80% min. 70% min. 1 per 2000 m
Bearing Ratio (CBR)
Acid soluble Chloride
BS 1377 Part 3 2% max. 2% max.
Content 3
1 per 3000 m
Acid soluble sulphate
BS 1377 Part 3 3% max. 3% max.
Loose materials for testing and acceptance shall be sampled from the un-compacted in- place layer.
During compaction.
CEG International Specification

Table 4.4
Gradation limits for Road Base and Subbase layers

Sieve Size Road Base Subbase

50.0 mm 100 100

37.5 mm 95 – 100 90 – 100
19.0 mm 70 – 92 70 – 90
9.5 mm 50 – 70 45 - 75
4.75 mm 35 – 55 30 – 60
0.600 mm 12 – 25 10 – 30
0.075 mm 0–8 0 – 12

4.2.7 Water

1 Sea, brackish or saline water shall not be used in the mixing, spreading and compacting
operations for Road Base / Subbase layers.

4.2.8 Performance Indicators

1 Upon the request of the Engineer, the following performance related indicators shall be
determined from loose in place materials for verification of the pavement structural design
following the AASHTO Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide:

(a) Resilient Modulus (MR) in accordance with AASHTO T307 at optimum moisture
content and maximum density as per ASTM D1557.
(b) Parameters and moduli required for determining the Permanent Deformation Potential
in accordance with AASTHO Mechanistic Empirical Design Guide.
(c) Parameters and moduli required for measuring the Fatigue Cracking Potential for
stabilized and surface layers in accordance with AASHTO Mechanistic Empirical
Design Guide.
2 For performance testing, one sample shall be tested every 10,000 m , and for constructions
having less than 10,000 m volume, one sample shall be tested every 50% of the total


4.3.1 General

1 Unless otherwise stipulated herein the provisions of Section 6, Part 3 (Earthworks), in respect
of the main machinery and tools used in earthworks construction, shall be adhered to,
subject to the modifications and additions in this clause.

2 The Contractor shall not be allowed to use any equipment or plant before obtaining the
approval of the Engineer, and the Contractor shall undertake sound technical methods in
operation and to engage skilled and trained operators, mechanics and labor to carry out the
CEG International Specification

3 The Engineer shall have the right to stop the use of any equipment or plant which he deems
to be inferior to the quality required and to instruct the removal of such equipment and to
have it replaced by suitable equipment or to alter the method of operation at any time he so

4 The Contractor shall immediately comply with such instructions without being entitled to any
indemnities or extensions as a result of such instructions.

5 The Engineer shall have the right to expel any operators, mechanics or labor and to instruct
suitable replacement thereof at any time he deems such action is necessary.

4.3.2 Paving Machines

1 Paving machines shall be self-propelled and shall be capable of spreading the Subbase and
Road Base materials in one operation so as to make it ready for compaction with minimum

2 The paving machines shall be provided with a screed that strikes off and distributes the
material to the required width and level.

3 The width of each spread shall not be less than a traffic lane wide.

4 The screed shall be adjustable to the required width being laid.

5 Screed action includes any practical motion that produces a finished surface texture of
uniform appearance.

4.3.3 Central Mixers

1 A central mixing plant shall be either of an approved drum or pugmill type with a moisture
control system so that the material may be spread without further mixing or processing.

2 Means shall be provided for regulating the flow of material to the mixer. The various feeds
shall be calibrated to allow adjustments to the mix design to be carried out.


1 Aggregate Subbase and Road Base courses shall consist of crushed mineral aggregates or
natural mineral aggregates of the designated gradation and thickness.

2 The maximum dry density and the optimum moisture content of the material shall be
ascertained as per the test procedure given in ASTM D1557 and this shall be used to assess
the degree of compaction of the mix after rolling.

3 The pavement layer designated as sub-base may be substituted by any of the materials
designated to be laid on it subject to the approval of the Engineer.


1 Screening shall be required for the materials used in Subbase and Road Base courses to
ensure that the designated gradation is attained.
CEG International Specification

2 Screens shall be of the size and number required to remove oversize aggregate and to
separate the materials into two or more fractions so that they may be combined to meet the
required gradation.

3 A central mixing plant shall be used for the mixing of materials.

4 Mixing of separate materials on the roadway by motor grader will not be permitted.


1 Before commencing the construction of the Subbase and Road Base courses, a written
approval for the Engineer must be obtained that the subgrade is in compliance.

2 The optimum moisture content of the material shall be noted from the mix design and the
actual moisture content determined at the plant after mixing.

3 If the natural moisture content is less than the optimum moisture content, the necessary
amount of water must be added to obtain the optimum content.

4 Allowance shall be made for the quantity of moisture which may be lost by evaporation in the
process of raking, levelling and compacting, depending on atmospheric temperature.

5 The compacted layer shall have moisture content within  1.5% of the optimum moisture
content for Road Base layers and within  2% for Subbase layers.

6 The moisture content shall be uniform in all parts of the section where the work is being
carried out and in the various depths of the layer thickness.

7 Subbase and Road Base courses shall be laid by a paving machine with a spreader box.

8 Loose samples of materials for testing and acceptance shall be obtained from behind the
paving machine upon the approval of the Engineer.

9 Compaction shall start immediately the material has been laid and as per the approved rolling

10 Work on the Subbase and Road Base courses shall not be permitted during rainy weather.

11 Material shall be spread to a thickness that would result in layers not more than 150 mm thick
after compaction. W here the finished compacted thickness exceeds 150 mm placing shall
be executed in composite layers each layer not exceeding 150 mm in compacted thickness
as directed by the Engineer.

12 The course shall not be rolled when the underlying material is soft or yielding or when the
rolling causes a wave-like motion in this course.

13 When the rolling develops irregularities, the irregular surface shall be loosened, then refilled
with the same kind of material as used in constructing the course and again rolled.

14 Along places inaccessible to rollers, the Subbase and Road Base courses material shall be
tamped thoroughly with suitable mechanical tampers to achieve the required density and
CEG International Specification

15 Rolling must continue until a relative density of not less than 100 % of the maximum dry
density has been obtained as determined by the moisture-density relationship in ASTM

16 Care shall be taken so that layers already compacted under the layer being executed are not
damaged, or that the formation is not damaged.

17 This aspect must be given special attention in places where rolling equipment makes turns to
change direction.

18 Any such damage resulting in mixing the various layers constituting the different subgrades,
Subbase and Road Base courses shall be carefully made good by the Contractor at his own
expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.


1 Any material that fails to meet test requirements shall either be reworked or removed and
replaced and then retested to check for compliance.

2 Any soft spots, irregularities or depressions that develop in the surface of the Subbase or
Road Base courses, shall either be corrected by loosening the surface of such areas and
adding further material, or by removing the material in such areas and replacing with further
approved material.

3 In the event of heave occurring during compaction, caused either by excessive build-up of
pore water pressure or the groundwater table being sufficiently high to affect construction
techniques, either of the following procedures shall be adopted subject to the approval of the

(a) Sufficient time shall be allowed to elapse enabling the excess pore water to dissipate
before further construction or compaction is carried out
(b) The affected material shall be removed, and approved alternative construction layers

4 For correction of low density or incorrect level, the top 75 mm shall be scarified, reshaped
with material added or removed as necessary and re-compacted to the designated
requirement. The area treated shall not be less than 30 meters long and 2 meters wide or
such area determined by the Engineer as necessary to attain compliance.

5 Where the surface of the sub-base is covered in a very thin smooth skin composed of fine
particles cemented together acting as a barrier to the prime coat the top 75 mm shall be
scarified, reshaped, watered if necessary, and re-compacted prior to the application of prime

6 The Contractor shall carry out additional testing if required by the Engineer to ensure that the
standard of compaction is satisfactory through the full depth of the layer.


1 The Contractor shall protect the Subbase and Road Base courses so that it shall be
maintained sound during work progress, after its completion and before receiving the
bituminous layers or before laying the surface overlay thereon.
CEG International Specification

2 Any damage caused to the layer if exposed to traffic or natural conditions resulting in damage
to its surface shall be made good at the expense of the Contractor and to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.

3 The Engineer has the right to stop all hauling over completed or partially completed Subbase
and Road Base courses when in his opinion such hauling is causing damage.

4 Following the completion of the Subbase or Road Base courses the Contractor shall perform
all maintenance work necessary to keep the course in a condition for priming.


4.9.1 General

1 Loose materials for testing and acceptance shall be sampled from the un-compacted in-place

2 All testing shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM, AASHTO and BS standards listed in
section 4.2.

3 Testing frequency for the properties of Subbase or Road Base layers are listed in Tables 4.1,
4.2 and 4.3.

4 At any stage in the mixing, transportation, spreading or compaction process, the Engineer
may instruct that these tests are carried out.

5 Before the application of any prime coat or any other paving course, the aggregate Subbase
or Road Base courses shall have been tested for compliance with the requirements of this
clause on testing and approved by the Engineer.

4.9.2 Thickness

1 The thickness of the material shall be derived from checking the level by dipping from string
lines stretched across the roadway between pins or kerbs. Unless agreed otherwise with the
Engineer dipping shall be carried out at intervals of not less than 10m.

2 The thickness of the material shall be measured at the location where the material is
removed from the roadway for gradation analysis.

3 Wherever the thickness of compacted aggregate Subbase or Road Base courses is found to
vary from the thickness specified in the project drawings or specification by more than 10 %
the area involved shall be satisfactorily corrected to provide the required thickness
constructed to the designated grade level.

4.9.3 Evenness and Level

1 The final surfaces of the Subbase or Road Base courses shall be tested by means of a 3
meter long straight edge in accordance with ASTM E1703 and no rises or depressions in
excess of 10 mm shall appear in the surface. Measurements shall be carried out at
maximum spacing of 30m of road length for each lane.
CEG International Specification

2 The finished surface shall also be checked by dips or spot levels and shall be constructed to
the designated grade levels to within  10 mm.

3 Where these requirements are not met, the Contractor shall determine the full extent of the
area which is out of tolerance and shall make good the surface of the course by scarifying to
a minimum depth of 75 mm or 4 times the maximum particle size, whichever is greater,
reshaping by adding or removing material as necessary, adding water if necessary and re-

CEG International Specification

5 ASPHALT WORKS............................................................................................... ... 3

5.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 3
5.1.1 Scope 3
5.1.2 References 3
5.1.3 Definitions 7
5.1.4 Submittals 7
5.1.5 Quality Assurance 8
5.2 MATERIALS ............................................................................................................ 8
5.2.1 Unacceptable Materials 8
5.2.2 Fine Aggregate 9
5.2.3 Coarse Aggregate 9
5.2.4 Recycled Aggregate 10
5.2.5 Mineral Filler 10
5.2.6 Asphalt Binder 11
5.2.7 Prime Coat 13
5.2.8 Tack Coat 13
5.2.9 Delivery, Storage and Handling 13
5.2.10 Inspection and Control 14
5.3 MARSHALL MIX DESIGN .................................................................................... . 14
5.3.1 General 14
5.3.2 Marshall Mix Design Criteria 15
5.3.3 Quality Control Testing 17
5.4 DENSE BITUMEN MACADAM .............................................................................. 20
5.5 SUPERPAVE MIX DESIGN ................................................................................... 22
5.6 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE................................ 24
5.7 DELIVERY, SPREADING AND FINISHING........................................................... 25
5.7.1 Delivery of Mixes 25
5.7.2 Spreading and Finishing 25
5.7.3 Compaction of Mixes 26
5.7.4 Transverse Joints 27
5.7.5 Longitudinal Joints 28
5.7.6 Paving Edges 28
5.7.7 Breakdown Rolling 28
5.7.8 Intermediate Rolling 29
5.7.9 Finish Rolling 29
5.7.10 Protection of Laid Courses 29
5.8 COLD PLANING ............................................................................................... ..... 29
5.9 PRIME COAT ........................................................................................................ 30
5.9.1 General 30
5.9.2 Equipment Required 30
5.9.3 Surface Preparation 30
5.9.4 Application 30
5.9.5 Maintenance and Traffic 31
CEG International Specification

5.10 TACK COAT .......................................................................................................... 31

5.10.1 General 31
5.10.2 Equipment Required 31
5.10.3 Surface Preparation 32
5.10.4 Application 32
5.10.5 Maintenance and Traffic 32
5.11 THICKNESS AND LEVEL..................................................................................... . 32
5.11.1 Thickness 32
5.11.2 Transverse Evenness 33
5.11.3 Evenness and Rideability 33
5.12 PAVEMENT EVALUATION TECHNIQUES ........................................................... 35
5.13 PRODUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE COURSES ........................................ 35
5.13.1 Weather Limitations 35
5.13.2 Equipment Required 35
5.13.3 Survey and Preparation 35
5.13.4 Heating of Asphalt Binder 36
5.13.5 Heating of Mineral Aggregate 36
5.13.6 Proportioning and Mixing 36
5.14 HAULING EQUIPMENT........................................................................................ . 37
5.15 OTHER EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................... . 37
5.15.1 Spreading and Finishing Equipment 37
5.15.2 Rolling Equipment 38
5.15.3 Liquid Asphalt Distributor 39
APPENDIX ......................................................................................................................... . 40
CEG International Specification



5.1.1 Scope

1 Materials, equipment, and construction of bituminous paving works including prime coating
and tack coating.

2 Related Parts

Part 1, ............. General

Part 3, ............. Earthworks
Part 4, ............. Unbound Pavement Materials.

5.1.2 References

1 The following standards and other documents are referred to in this Part:

ASTM C40..................Standard Test Method for Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for
ASTM C50..................Standard Practice for Sampling, Sample Preparation, Packing and
Marking of Lime and Limestone Products
ASTM C51..................Terminology Relating to Lime and Limestone (as used by the industry)
ASTM C88 .................Standard Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium
Sulphate or Magnesium Sulphate
ASTM C117................Standard Test Method for Materials Finer than 75-μm (No. 200) Sieve
in Mineral Aggregates by Washing
ASTM C127 ...............Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity),
and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate
ASTM C128 ...............Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity),
and Absorption of Fine Aggregate
ASTM C131 ...............Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Small Size
Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles
ASTM C136 ...............Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse
ASTM C142 ...............Standard Test Method for Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in
ASTM C150................Specifications for Portland Cement
ASTM C535 ...............Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Large Size
Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles
ASTM D5....................Standard Test Method for Penetration of Bituminous Materials
ASTM D6....................Standard Test Method for Loss on Heating of Oil and Asphaltic
ASTM D36..................Standard Test Method for Softening Point of Bitumen (Ring-and-Ball
CEG International Specification

ASTM D75 .................Standard Practice for Sampling Aggregates

ASTM D92 .................Standard Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open
Cup Tester
ASTM D113................Standard Test Method for Ductility of Bituminous Materials
ASTM D140 ...............Standard Practice for Sampling Bituminous Materials
ASTM D242................Standard Specification for Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving
ASTM D402................Standard Test Method for Distillation of Cutback Asphaltic
(Bituminous) Products
ASTM D546................Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Mineral Filler for
Bituminous Paving Mixtures
ASTM D946 ...............Standard Specification for Penetration Graded Asphalt Cement for
Use in Pavement Construction
ASTM D977................Standard Specification for Emulsified Asphalt
ASTM D979................Standard Practice for Sampling Bituminous Paving Mixtures
ASTM D995-95...........Standard Specification for Mixing Plants for Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid
Bituminous Paving Mixtures
ASTM D1188: ............Standard Test Method for Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of
Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Coated Samples
ASTM D2027..............Standard Specification for Cutback Asphalt (Medium-Curing Type)
ASTM D2041 .............Standard Test Method for Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and
Density of Bituminous Paving Mixtures
ASTM D2042..............Standard Test Method for Solubility of Asphalt Materials in
ASTM D2172 .............Standard Test Methods for Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen from
Bituminous Paving Mixtures
ASTM D2419 .............Standard Test Method for Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine
ASTM D2726 .............Standard Test Method for Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Non
Absorptive Compacted Bituminous Mixtures
ASTM D2872.............. Standard Test Method for Effect of Heat and Air on a Moving Film of
Asphalt (Rolling Thin Film Oven Test)
ASTM D2950..............Standard Test Method for Density of Bituminous Concrete in Place by
Nuclear Methods
ASTM D2995..............Standard Practice for Estimating Application Rate of Bituminous
ASTM D3319..............Standard Practice for the Accelerated Polishing of Aggregates Using
the British Wheel
ASTM D3549..............Standard Test Method for Thickness or Height of Compacted
Bituminous Paving Mixture Specimens
ASTM D4318 .............Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity
Index of Soils
ASTM D4402 .............Standard Test Method for Viscosity Determination of Asphalt at
Elevated Temperatures Using a Rotational Viscometer
ASTM D4791 .............Standard Test Method for Flat Particles, Elongated Particles, or Flat
and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate
CEG International Specification

ASTM D5361..............Standard Practice for Sampling Compacted Bituminous Mixtures for

Laboratory Testing
ASTM D5444..............Standard Test Method for Mechanical Size Analysis of Extracted
ASTM D5546 .............Standard Test Method for Solubility of Asphalt Binders in Toluene by
ASTM D5581..............Standard Test Method for Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous
Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus (6 inch-Diameter Specimen)
ASTM D5821 .............Standard Test Method for Determining the Percentage of Fractured
Particles in Coarse Aggregate
ASTM D6307..............Standard Test Method for Asphalt Content of Hot-Mix Asphalt by
Ignition Method
ASTM D6373..............Standard Specification for Performance Graded Asphalt Binder
ASTM D6521 .............Standard Practice for Accelerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using a
Pressurized Aging Vessel (PAV)
ASTM D6648 .............Standard Test Method for Determining the Flexural Creep Stiffness of
Asphalt Binder Using the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR)
ASTM D6723..............Standard Test Method for Determining the Fracture Properties of
Asphalt Binder in Direct Tension (DT)
ASTM D6926 .............Standard Practice for Preparation of Bituminous Specimens Using
Marshall Apparatus
ASTM D6927..............Standard Test Method for Marshall Stability and Flow of Bituminous
ASTM D6931..............Standard Test Method for Indirect Tensile (IDT) Strength of
Bituminous Mixtures
ASTM D7173 .............Standard Practice for Determining the Separation Tendency of
Polymer from Polymer Modified Asphalt
ASTM D7175 .............Standard Test Method for Determining the Rheological Properties of
Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer
ASTM D7405 .............Standard Test Method for Multiple Stress Creep and Recovery
(MSCR) of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer
ASTM E11 .................Standard Specification for W oven W ire Test Sieve Cloth and Test
ASTM E274 ................Standard Test Method for Skid Resistance of Paved Surfaces Using a
Full-Scale Tire
ASTM E303 ................Standard Test Method for Measuring Surface Frictional Properties
Using the British Pendulum Tester
ASTM E950................. Standard Test Method for Measuring the Longitudinal Profile of
Travelled Surfaces with an Accelerometer Established Inertial Profiling
ASTM E965 ................Standard Test Method for Measuring Pavement Macrotexture Depth
Using a Volumetric Technique
ASTM E1926............... Standard Practice for Computing International Roughness Index of
Roads from Longitudinal Profile Measurements

AASHTO M82.............Standard Specification for Cutback Asphalt (Medium-Curing Type)

CEG International Specification

AASHTO M92.............Standard Specification for W ire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes

AASHTO M140...........Standard Specification for Emulsified Asphalt

AASHTO M208...........Standard Specification for Cationic Emulsified Asphalt (ASTM D2397-
AASHTO M320...........Standard Specification for Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder
AASHTO M332...........Standard Specification for Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder Using
Multiple Stress Creep Recovery (MSCR) Test, Single User Digital
AASHTO R28 .............Standard Practice for Accelerated Aging of Asphalt Binder Using a
Pressurized Aging Vessel (PAV)
AASHTO R35 ............ Standard Practice for Superpave Volumetric Design for Hot-Mix Asphalt
AASHTO T44 .............Standard Method of Test for Solubility of Bituminous Materials
AASHTO T48 .............Standard Method of Test for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open
AASHTO T240 ...........Standard Method of Test for Effect of Heat and Air on a Moving Film of
Asphalt Binder (Rolling Thin-Film Oven Test)
AASHTO T313 ...........Standard Method of Test for Determining the Flexural Creep Stiffness
of Asphalt Binder Using the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR)
AASHTO T283 ........... Standard Method of Test for Resistance of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures
to Moisture-Induced Damage
AASHTO T314 ...........Standard Method of Test for Determining the Fracture Properties of
Asphalt Binder in Direct Tension (DT)
AASHTO T315 ...........Standard Method of Test for Determining the Rheological Properties of
Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)
AASHTO T316 ...........Standard Method of Test for Viscosity Determination of Asphalt Binder
Using Rotational Viscometer
AASHTO T350 ...........Standard Method of Test for Multiple Stress Creep Recovery (MSCR)
Test of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)
AASHTO PP60 ........... Standard Practice for Preparation of Cylindrical Performance Test
Specimens Using the Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC)
AASHTO PP61 .......... Standard Practice for Developing Dynamic Modulus Master Curves for
Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Using the Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester
AASHTO TP79 .......... Standard Method of Test for Determining the Dynamic Modulus and
Flow Number for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Using the Asphalt Mixture
Performance Tester (AMPT)

BS 812-110 ................Testing aggregates Methods for determination of aggregate crushing

value (ACV)
BS 1377 Part 3 ...........Methods of test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes: Chemical and
electro-chemical tests
BS EN 12697-13 ........Bituminous mixtures. Test methods for hot mix asphalt. Temperature
CEG International Specification

5.1.3 Definitions

1 LSA: Laboratories and Standardization Affairs – Ministry of Environment.

2 Base Course: One or more bituminous layers beneath W earing Course and above the
unbound Road Base Layer. It usually consists of a mixture of aggregates and bituminous
materials and functions as a structural portion of pavement.

3 Wearing Course: Top surface bituminous course, which resists skidding, traffic abrasion, and
the disintegrating effects of climate.

5.1.4 Submittals

1 The Contractor shall submit for approval a proposed Job Mix Formula (JMF) together with all
applicable design data at least one month before beginning the work. The JMF shall give a
combined gradation showing a single definite percentage passing each sieve as well as a
percentage of each material to be used in the mix. The JMF shall also establish the mixing
and compaction temperature values and a compaction reference density. The Engineer will
test samples of the materials proposed for use in order to check their quality and to check the
proposed mix design. The Contractor shall report all the values obtained in the laboratory
design and shall submit these together with a copy of the plotted curves resulting from the
tests in an approved form to the Engineer. The Engineer may require verification of the
submitted design before giving approval. The Engineer shall approve the optimum binder
content based upon the design values submitted by the Contractor and shall notify the
Contractor of the value. No asphalt works will be allowed to commence before the
Contractor receives written approval from the Engineer for his JMF.

2 The asphalt mix design submission shall include a copy of valid calibration certificates from a
calibration service agency approved by the Laboratories and Standardization Affairs (LSA) for
the batching plant and the relevant laboratory equipment such as but not limited to balances,
proving rings, and load devices. Approval certificates for mix designs will not be issued if the
above requirements have not been complied with.

3 Based on the Engineer request, the Contractor shall submit the pertinent certifications of
materials, equipment, plants, personnel and processes in relation to the project. Certificates
must be issued by a competent authority approved by the Engineer.

4 The contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval method statements for the following:

(a) Bituminous and asphalt materials production, storage, transportation, identification and
marking procedure and traceability to source of production.
(b) Quality assurance and quality control plans for laying, compaction and all construction
(c) Quality control testing plan.
(d) Equipment and its suitability to fulfil all construction activities to the required quality.
(e) Personnel capability.
(f) Safety and environment preservation measures.

5 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a complete report on the origin and
composition of all stone and/or gravel aggregates to be used in the work (Aggregate
Resources Report). All materials shall comply with the specified requirements for the various
CEG International Specification

6 Delivery of materials produced from commercial manufacturing process shall be

accompanied by the manufacturer’s certification and test reports from local approved
laboratory showing the materials compliance with the specification for which it is stipulated.

7 After receiving the approval of specific sources of material the Contractor cannot change
these sources without prior written approval of the Engineer.

5.1.5 Quality Assurance

1 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the sources of materials and the Engineer shall
approve the sources. All materials shall be tested and approved before use.

2 Where the quality of material from a source of material does not comply with the designated
requirements, the Contractor shall furnish material that does comply from other sources.
Delivery of materials produced from commercial manufacturing processes shall be
accompanied by the manufacturer's certification and test report showing that the materials
comply with the designated requirements.

3 No change shall be permitted in the source of any of the materials until the technical
submissions listed in the specification have been made and approved by the Engineer.

4 All processed materials shall be tested and approved before being stored at the site or
incorporated in the works and may be inspected and tested at any time during the progress
of their preparation and use. Questionable materials, pending laboratory testing subsequent
approval shall not be unloaded and incorporated with materials previously approved and

5 It is the full responsibility of both the asphalt mixture producer and the Contractor to obtain a
certificate which proves that the asphalt binder complies with the specifications. Furthermore,
both the asphalt mixture producer and the Contractor shall perform all the required tests in an
approved private laboratory to make sure that the asphalt binder being purchased complies
with the specifications. The LSA will, at any time, take samples from the asphalt mixtures
producer’s plants and test them as part of its quality practice.


5.2.1 Unacceptable Materials

1 Materials that do not conform to the designated requirements shall be rejected and
immediately removed from the site of the works unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer.
No rejected material, the defects of which have been corrected, shall be used until approval
has been given by the Engineer.

2 Bituminous paving courses shall consist of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler material,
and bitumen binder. Mixture of two different types of rocks, e.g. igneous and sedimentary
having different engineering properties shall not be permitted.

3 During execution of works, variations in the specific gravity of any individual fraction of
aggregates used in the asphalt mixes by more than 1% shall cause the Engineer to request
for evaluation of aggregates consistency and compliance and/or mix design validation.
CEG International Specification

5.2.2 Fine Aggregate

1 Fine aggregate is that portion of the mineral aggregate passing the 2.36mm ASTM sieve for
the Marshall mix design and passing the 4.75mm sieve for the Superpave mix design.

2 Fine aggregate shall consist of crushed hard durable rock and shall be of such gradation that
when combined with other aggregates in proper proportions, the resultant mixture will meet
the required gradation. Fine aggregate shall be non-plastic and chemically stable.

3 The source of natural fine aggregate is considered to be the crusher site at which it is
produced. Crushed fine aggregate shall be produced by crushing clean coarse aggregate
and shall not be thin, flaky or elongated. Sampling of fine aggregate shall be in accordance
with ASTM D75.

4 Fine aggregate shall be clean and free from organic matter, clay, cemented particles and
other extraneous or detrimental materials.

5 Unless permitted elsewhere in the contract, the aggregate type for wearing course shall be
Gabbro. The aggregate type for Base Course shall be either Gabbro or Limestone.

6 The Contractor shall ensure that the sources of all fine aggregates have been approved by
the Municipality concerned.

7 The specifications of fine aggregates for asphalt mixtures are listed in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1
Fine Aggregate Specifications for Marshall Mixes

Parameter Standard Specification Limits Minimum Frequency

4% max. (stockpile)
Plasticity index ASTM D 4318
Non Plastic (hot bins)
Sand equivalent value ASTM D2419 45% min. - Each source
Soundness by magnesium
ASTM C88 18% max. - Visible change in
Acid soluble chloride content BS 1377 Part 3 0.1% max. 3
- 1 test every 2000m
Acid soluble sulphate content BS 1377 Part 3 0.5% max.
Clay lumps and friable particles ASTM C142 None
Organic Impurities ASTM C40 No Impurities

5.2.3 Coarse Aggregate

1 Coarse aggregate is that portion of the mineral aggregate retained on the 2.36mm ASTM
sieve for the Marshall mix design and retained on the 4.75mm ASTM sieve for the
Superpave mix design. Coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed natural stones and gravel.
Crushed particles shall be cubic and angular in shape and shall not be thin, flaky or
elongated. The gradation shall be such that when combined with other aggregate fraction in
proper proportions, the resultant mixture will meet the required gradation.

2 The source of crushed aggregate is considered to be the crushing site from which it is
produced. Sampling of coarse aggregate shall be in accordance with ASTM D75.
CEG International Specification

3 Coarse aggregate shall be clean and free from organic matter, clay, cemented particles and
other extraneous or detrimental material.

4 The specifications of coarse and combined aggregates for asphalt mixtures are listed in
Table 5.2.

5 Unless permitted elsewhere in the contract, the aggregate type for wearing course shall be
Gabbro. The aggregate type for Base Course shall be either Gabbro or Limestone.

6 If directed by the Engineer, the polished stone value (PSV) should be determined for wearing
course aggregates of main lane as per ASTM D3319. The PSV shall not be less than 45.

5.2.4 Recycled Aggregate

1 Recycled aggregate produced from excavating natural ground can be used in asphalt
mixtures for temporary roads and for roads, which serve agricultural areas provided that the
specifications stated in Section 6 - Part 9 are complied.
Table 5.2
Coarse and Combined Aggregate Specifications for Marshall Mixes
Specification Limits
Parameter Standard Base Course Base Course Wearing Frequency
(Class A) (Class B) Course
One or more Fractured
ASTM D5821 100% min. 100% min. 100% min.
Two or more Fractured
ASTM D5821 85% min. 85% min. 85% min.
Table 5.7, Job Mix gradation and Table
Gradation (Combined) ASTM C136 - Each source
5.10 tolerances
Flat and Elongated - Visible change
ASTM D4791 15 % max. 15% max. 10 % max.
Particles (5:1) in material
ASTM C88 15 % max. 15% max. 10 % max. - 1 test every
(5 cycles by MgSO4) 3
Los Angeles Abrasion 30% max. 30% max. 25% max.
Water absorption ASTM C127 2.0% max. 2.0% max. 1.5% max.
Aggregate Crushing BS 812
25 % max. 25 % max. 20% max.
Value (ACV) Part 110
Higher values can be recommended by the engineer based on the design ESAL.
5.2.5 Mineral Filler

1 Mineral filler when separately supplied from an external source shall consist of finely ground
mineral matter in accordance with ASTM D242 such as rock dust, hydrated lime, cement or
other material which can satisfy the Engineer will produce asphalt mixes of at least equal
quality. It shall be free from organic substances and clay, shall be thoroughly dry and free
from agglomerations, shall be non-plastic and shall meet the grading requirements shown in
Table 5.3.

2 Hydrated lime shall conform to the definitions given in ASTM C51. Sampling, packaging and
marking of hydrated lime shall be in accordance with ASTM C50. Storage and use of the
hydrated lime shall at all times be such as to protect the material from the weather.
CEG International Specification

Table 5.3
ASTM Sieve % Mass Passing
600 µm 100
300 µm 95 - 100
150 µm 90 – 100
75 µm 70 – 100
3 The grading of mineral filler shall be carried out in accordance with ASTM D546.

4 When cement is used as mineral filler, it shall meet the requirements of ASTM C150.

5.2.6 Asphalt Binder

1 The asphalt binder specified for use in the asphalt mixes shall be either of the following:

(a) Penetration grade 60-70: This binder type shall be graded in accordance with ASTM
D946. The 60-70 binder specifications are listed in Table 5.4. Sampling shall be in
accordance with ASTM D140. The 60-70 penetration graded binder is generally
equivalent to PG 64-10 performance graded binder.
(b) PG 76-10: Based on the Engineer approval, the PG76-10 binder can be used in
asphalt mixes. This binder type shall be a polymer-modified binder (PMB) meeting
AASHTO M320 and ASTM D6373 specifications in addition to separation test criteria
as listed in Table 5.5. Sampling shall be in accordance with ASTM D140.

2 Prior to the commencement of the mix design, the Contractor shall provide a certificate
indicating conformance of binder with the specifications stated above. This certificate shall be
obtained from an approved laboratory.

3 The asphalt binder shall be prepared by the refining of petroleum and shall be uniform in
character. Blending of asphalt binders from different refineries will be permitted only with the
written approval of the Engineer.
Table 5.4
Specifications of Bitumen Penetration Grade 60 – 70
60 – 70 Pen
Parameter Standard Minimum Frequency
Min. Max.
Penetration (0.1 mm) at 25C - Each source
ASTM D5 60 70
-100g, 5 Sec
- Visible change in material
Softening Point Ring & Ball
ASTM D36 46 - - 1 test per 75t of asphalt
Apparatus, C binder per layer
Flash Point, Cleveland Open
ASTM D92 230 -
Cup, C
Ductility at 25 C, cm ASTM D113 100 - - Each source
Solubility Trichloroethylene, % ASTM D2042 99 -
- Visible change in material
Loss on heating, % ASTM D6 - 0.2
Penetration of Residue of - 1 test per 450t of asphalt
ASTM D5 52 -
original after TFOT, % binder per layer
Ductility of Residue after
ASTM D113 50 -
TFOT at 25 C, 5cm/min, cm
CEG International Specification

Table 5.5
Specifications of Performance Graded Binders / Polymer Modified Binders (PMB)

Standard Minimum
Parameter Specification
Tests on Original Binder
Average 7 days maximum pavement
o - - < 76
design temperature, ( C)
Minimum pavement design - - - Each source
o >-10
temperature,( C)
- Visible change in
Flash Point Temperature, Minimum ( C) T48 D92 230 material
Rotational Viscosity, Maximum 3 Pa.s,
o T316 D4402 135 - 1 test per 450t of
Test Temperature ( C)
asphalt binder per
Dynamic Shear, G*/sinδ, Minimum, 1.00
o T315 D7175 76 layer
kPa , Test Temperature ( C) at 10 rad/s
Solubility, min, % T44 D5546 99
Separation Test: Absolute Difference
between G* @ 76 C and 10 rad/s of Top - D7173 20
and Bottom Specimens, Maximum, %
Requirements of the Rolling Thin Film Oven Residue ( T240 / D2872)
Mass Loss, Maximum, Percent T240 D2872 1
Dynamic Shear, G*/sinδ, Minimum, 2.20
o T315 D7175 76
kPa , Test Temperature ( C) at 10 rad/s
- Each source
Pressure Aging Vessel Residue (D6521 / R28)
PAV Aging Temperature , ( C)
R28 D6521 110 - Visible change in
Dynamic Shear, G*.sinδ, Maximum 5000 material
o T315 D7175 37
kPa , Test Temperature ( C) at 10 rad/s - 1 test per 450t of
Creep Stiffness, S, Maximum 300 MPa asphalt binder per
and m-value, Minimum 0.300 at 60 T313 D6648 0 layer
seconds , Test Temperature ( C)
Direct Tension , Failure Strain, Minimum,
1.0% (loading rate of 1.0 mm/min),Test T314 D6723 0
Temperature( C)
Absolute Difference = Abs(100x(top-bottom)/top).
If the creep stiffness is below 300 MPa, the direct tension test is not required. If the creep stiffness is
between 300 and 600 MPa, the direct tension failure strain requirement can be used in lieu of the creep
stiffness requirement. The m-value requirement must be satisfied both cases.

4 Based on the Engineer approval, when bitumen grades PG76-10 H, V or E are specified for
heavy, very heavy, and extra heavy loading, the bitumen shall meet the requirements of
AASHTO M332 and will be required to indicate elastic response in percent recovery when
tested in accordance with AASHTO T350 / ASTM D7405.

5 Binders modified using Crumb Rubber and other binders containing particulate materials,
which are graded according to AASHTO M320 and/or AASHTO M332, shall not include
particles with longest dimensions of more than 250μm. In addition, the requirements listed in
Table 5.5 shall be satisfied.
CEG International Specification

5.2.7 Prime Coat

1 Liquid asphalt for use as prime coat shall be MC-70 medium curing cutback asphalt in
accordance with ASTM D2027 or AASHTO M82.

2 The prime coat shall be a cutback consisting of a 60/70 penetration grade bitumen and
kerosene. The residue from the distillation test, carried out to 360 C in accordance with
ASTM D402, shall be a minimum of 55 % (by volume), as determined by the difference
method. Sampling shall be in accordance with ASTM D140. One sample shall be tested
every 5 tons.

5.2.8 Tack Coat

1 Emulsified asphalt for use as tack coat in asphalt works may be CSS 1h or CRS-2 cationic
emulsified asphalt in accordance with AASHTO M 208 or SS 1h anionic emulsified asphalt in
accordance with ASTM D977 or AASHTO M140 unless otherwise designated.

2 Emulsified asphalt shall be of the slow-setting cationic or anionic type of the CSS-1h or SS-
1h grades respectively and shall conform to the designated requirements. Sampling shall be
in accordance with ASTM D140. One sample shall be tested every 5 tons.

5.2.9 Delivery, Storage and Handling

1 Materials shall be so stored and handled as to assure the preservation of their quality and
fitness for use. Materials, even though approved before storage or handling, may again be
inspected and tested before use in the W orks.

2 Stored material shall be located so as to facilitate their prompt inspection. All storage
locations on land not owned by the Contractor shall be restored to their original condition at
the Contractor's expense.

3 Handling and stockpiling of aggregates shall at all times be such as to eliminate segregation
or contamination of the various sizes and to prevent contamination of materials by dust.
Stockpiles shall be kept flat and the formation of high cone-shaped piles shall not be
permitted. W hen conveyor belts are used for stockpiling aggregates, the Engineer may
require the use of baffle-chutes or perforated chimneys.

4 Where trucks are used to construct stockpiles, the stockpiles shall be constructed one layer
at a time with trucks depositing their loads as close to the previous load as possible. The use
of tractors or loaders to push material deposited at one location to another location in the
stockpile shall not be allowed during the construction of the stockpile, and their use shall be
limited to levelling the deposited material only.

5 Stockpiles of aggregate located at permanent asphalt plant sites shall be separated by bin
walls and shall be constructed on asphalt or concrete floors. Stockpile locations and
procedures at temporary asphalt plant sites shall be as approved by the Engineer.

6 Intermediate storage of hydrated lime and commercial mineral filler for equipment feeding the
asphalt plant shall be silos of adequate size to ensure a minimum of one day's continuous
CEG International Specification

5.2.10 Inspection and Control

1 For verification of weights and measures, character of materials and determination of

temperatures used in the preparation of the asphalt mixes, the Engineer shall at all times
have access to all portions of the mixing plant, aggregate plant, storage yards, crushers and
other facilities used for producing and processing the materials of construction.

2 The Engineer shall have authority to instruct sampling and testing of any material supplied to
the site from any source whatsoever in order to establish their compliance and to accept or
reject as he deems necessary. Samples shall also be taken from completed work to
determine compliance. The frequency of all sampling and testing shall be as designated.

3 The Contractor shall arrange for obtaining specimens of materials, asphalt mixes and
samples cut from the paving courses after compaction, including the provision of necessary
equipment and plant for obtaining these specimens and samples. This work shall be
performed in the presence of the Engineer. The Engineer shall take possession of the
samples upon their removal from the roadway unless the Contractor is authorized otherwise

4 In particular, the Contractor shall provide a portable coring machine and bits for taking 150
mm diameter full depth cores of all bituminous paving courses. The coring machine shall be
available to the Engineer upon request.

5 In addition to the foregoing, one set of three laboratory compacted specimens and one
un-compacted coated sample for each mix type and mixer plant for each day’s production,
shall be delivered to LSA no later than 12 hours after compaction of the specimens together
with the mix type and project details.

6 Upon the first erection of the batching plant and at least once every three months thereafter,
the plant shall be calibrated by a calibration service organisation approved by the LSA.


5.3.1 General

1 The types of bituminous paving mixes shall be as designated on the project drawings or in
the contract documents.

2 The LSA shall act as the engineer for the approval of asphalt mix designs and materials
submitted by the Contractor.

3 The contractor shall prepare the mix design with all necessary supporting documentation
which shall include the results of the Contractor’s own laboratory procedures.

4 The Contractor shall carry out a trial batching and trial laying of the particular mix design.

5 The testing and sampling of the mix design by the LSA will take place for both the laboratory
verification and the trial batching and laying.

6 Based on the results of the trial batching and laying the contractor may be required to make
amendments to the mix design. Providing the mix design conforms to the specification the
mix shall be approved by the LSA.

7 The LSA shall issue a certification for the job standard mix to the Contractor.
CEG International Specification

8 The approved Job Mix Formula may be amended as a result of experience in the execution
and performance of the permanent asphalt works. Such an amendment may be submitted by
the Contractor for the Engineer's approval in which case the Contractor shall submit full
details of the proposed amendment together with such data as is necessary to support his
submittal. Amendment may also be directed by the Engineer.

9 Approval by the Engineer of the Job Mix Formula or amendments thereto shall in no way
relieve the Contractor of his obligations under the Contract, and the Contractor shall be
responsible for the soundness of the asphalt paving mixes and the satisfactory execution and
performance of the asphalt paving courses.

5.3.2 Marshall Mix Design Criteria

1 The Asphalt Institute MS-2 “Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete and Other Hot-Mix
Types” shall be used in designing the bituminous mixtures using Marshall design method.

2 The recommended compacted layer thicknesses are shown in Table 5.6.

Table 5.6
Recommended Compacted Layer Thicknesses
Base Course Base Course Wearing
(Class A) (Class B) Course(WC)

80 to 100 mm 60 to 80 mm 45 to 55 mm

3 When tested according to ASTM C136, the combined mineral aggregate shall conform to
Table 5.7 for asphalt concrete mixes.
Table 5.7
Combined Aggregate Gradation for Asphalt Concrete Marshall Design Mixes

Percentage Passing (By Weight)

ASTM Sieve Size
Base Course Base Course
Wearing Course
(Class A) (Class B)
37.5 mm 100 - -
25.0 mm 80 - 100 100 100
19.0 mm 62 - 92 80 - 100 86-100
12.5 mm - 63 - 85 69 - 87
9.5 mm 45 - 75 57 - 77 58 - 78
4.75 mm 30 - 55 40 - 60 40 - 60
2.36 mm 20 - 40 25 - 45 25 - 45
0.850 mm 15 - 30 15 - 30 15 - 30
0.425 mm 10 - 22- 10 - 22 10 - 22
0.180 mm 6 - 15 6 - 15 6 - 15
0.075 mm 2-8 2-8 2-8

4 The "Laboratory Designed Mixture" for all types of bituminous coated courses shall comply
with the requirements given in Table 5.8. Note that any deviation from these requirements
shall be approved by LSA.
CEG International Specification

Table 5.8
Design Criteria for Marshall Design Mixes
Base Course Base Course
Parameter Wearing Course
(Class A) (Class B)
Aggregate Properties Tables 5.1 and 5.2
Aggregate Grading Table 5.7
Number of Compaction blows at each
75 75 75
end of specimen (see paragraph 5)
Binder Content (% of total mix)
3.2 – 4.4 3.4 – 4.4 3.4 – 4.4
inclusive of tolerances
Stability minimum (kN) 9.5 min. 9.5 min. 11.5 min.
Flow (mm) 2 to 4 2 to 4 2 to 4
Marshall Quotient (Stability/Flow)
4.75 min. 4.75 min. 4.75 min.
Voids in Mix (Air Voids) (%) 4 to 8 4.5 to 8 5 to 8
Voids in Mineral Aggregate VMA (%) Table No.5.9
Voids Filled with Asphalt VFA (%) 50 to 70 50 to 75 50 to 75
Voids in Marshall Specimen at 400
Blows per face at optimum binder 3.2 min. 3.4 min. 4.0 min.
content (%)
Retained Stability (%) 75 min. 75 min. 75 min.
(Filler/Binder) Ratio 0.8 to 1.5 0.8 to 1.5 0.75 to 1.35
Note: Relevant ASTM standards shall be used for testing.
5 Base Course (Class B) and W earing Course samples shall be prepared and tested using
Marshall apparatus in accordance with ASTM D6926 and ASTM D6927, respectively, while
Base Course (Class A) samples shall be prepared and tested in accordance with ASTM
D5581. However, based on the Engineer approval, samples having aggregate sizes larger
than 25mm can be prepared and tested according to ASTM D6926 and ASTM D6927 by
substituting all aggregate sizes over 25mm with an equal weight of aggregate sizes in the
next lower grading sizes.

6 Upon the request of the Engineer, the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) in accordance with
ASTM D6931 shall be obtained for the mix for quality control purposes. The TSR acceptance
limits shall be determined at mix design stage and approved by the Engineer.
Table 5.9
Minimum Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA)
Minimum VMA, Percent
Nominal Maximum
1, 2
Particle Size (mm) Design Air Voids, Percent3
3.0 4.0 5.0
1.18 21.5 22.5 23.5
2.36 19.0 20.0 21.0
4.75 16.0 17.0 18.0
9.5 14.0 15.0 16.0
12.5 13.0 14.0 15.0
19.0 12.0 13.0 14.0
25.0 11.0 12.0 13.0
37.5 10.0 11.0 12.0
50 9.5 10.5 11.5
63 9.0 10.0 11.0
CEG International Specification

Standard Specification for Wire Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes, ASTM E11 (AASHTO M92).
The nominal maximum particle size larger than the first sieve to retain more than 10 percent.
Interpolate minimum voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) for design air voids values between
those listed.
7 After the Job Mix Formula has been established and approved, all mixes furnished shall
conform thereto within the following tolerances:
Table 5.10
Job Mix Tolerances For Field Mixtures
Base Course Base Course Wearing
(Class A) (Class B) Courses
Aggregate retained on 4.75mm sieve
 5%  4%  4%
or larger

Aggregate passing 4.75mm sieve

 4%  3%  3%
and retained on 850m sieve

Aggregate passing 850m sieve and

 3%  2%  2%
retained on 75m sieve

Aggregate passing 75m sieve  1.5%  1.0%  1.0%

Binder Content  0.3%  0.2%  0.2%

8 The ‘Job Standard Mix Density’ shall be obtained by making six standard Marshall specimens
from samples of the approved ‘Job Standard Mixture’ determining the bulk specific gravity of
each and comparing them with the mean value of the six. Any individual result which differs
from the mean by more than 0.015 shall be rejected, and provided that not more than two
results are so rejected the mean of the remaining result shall be designated the ‘Job
Standard Mixture Density’. The absolute density shall be considered as the theoretical
specific gravity calculated in accordance with ASTM D2041.

5.3.3 Quality Control Testing

1 The Contractor shall submit a testing plan to the Engineer for approval that demonstrates
how he shall prove compliance with the requirements for compaction, mix composition, level,
evenness and all other requirements of Section 6. Each lot shall be approved by the
Engineer before placing any subsequent asphalt concrete course. In cases where the asphalt
course is laid in more than one layer, each layer shall be tested and approved before placing
the subsequent asphalt concrete layer.

2 In addition to the following requirements one set of three laboratory-compacted specimens

and one un-compacted coated sample for each mix type and mixer plant for each day’s
production shall be delivered to the LSA no later than 12 h after compaction of the
specimens. Details of compaction date, time and temperature of mix shall be provided with
the specimens together with mix type and project details.

3 The Contractor shall cut samples from each completed asphalt course during the progress of
the work and before final acceptance as directed by the Engineer. The Engineer shall
determine the location of the samples.

4 When testing for compaction at joints the edge of the core shall not be more than 50 mm or
less than 25 mm from the joint.
CEG International Specification

5 Compacted samples shall be taken by coring in accordance with ASTM D5361, for testing by
an approved laboratory. The core diameter shall be 150 mm. where the Contractor fails to
provide cores as required by the Engineer, the Engineer may arrange for the taking of cores
on behalf of the Contractor at his cost. Samples shall be taken of the asphalt mix for the full
depth of the course. A sample shall comprise a pair of adjacent cores and the average
density of these shall be the density of the sample.

6 Whenever deficiencies are noted in loose mix samples or core samples, the Engineer may
direct the taking of additional cores at the Contractor's expense in order to define the area of
pavement involved.

7 Hot asphalt mix of the same type shall be placed and compacted in holes left by sampling.
The mixture shall be compacted to the percentage compaction required for the layer using a
vibrating hammer.

8 Quality control testing of the asphalt mixtures during construction shall follow the frequencies
shown in Table 5.12 for Marshall Mixtures:

9 Base Course (Class B) and W earing Course samples shall be prepared and tested using
Marshall apparatus in accordance with ASTM D6926 and ASTM D6927, respectively, while
Base Course (Class A) samples shall be prepared and tested in accordance with ASTM
D5581. However, based on the Engineer approval, samples having aggregate sizes larger
than 25mm can be prepared and tested according to ASTM D6926 and ASTM D6927 by
substituting all aggregate sizes over 25mm with an equal weight of aggregate sizes in the
next lower grading sizes.

10 Upon the request of the Engineer, the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) in accordance with
ASTM D6931 shall be tested for quality control purposes. The TSR acceptance limits shall be
based on the mix design obtained limits approved by the Engineer.

11 If it appears from the analysis of samples of loose mix or cores that the asphalt content or
aggregate gradation are beyond the permissible tolerances specified for the Job Mix Formula
(established for each respective asphalt course mix) and that, such variation affects the
characteristics of the asphalt mix conformity to the designated requirements is concerned,
this shall be considered a major defect in the work. The portion of the asphalt course
represented by these samples shall be rejected.

12 The density of the compacted mixes shall be related to the daily Marshall density determined
by making minimum four Marshall specimens from samples collected from behind the paver.
The density of each sample shall be determined and compared with the mean value. Any
individual result, which varies from the mean by more than 0.015gm/cm shall be rejected.
The daily Marshall density shall not differ from the Job Mix Design Density by more than

13 The field density, as determined from each core sample and related to the daily Marshall
Density, obtained as shown above, shall be as follows:
Table 5.11

Layer Relative Density (%)

Base Course 97 – 101.8
Wearing Course 98 – 101.8
CEG International Specification

14 The finished road surface shall be inspected visually techniques and if directed by the
Engineer the structural ability of the pavement in terms of layer modulus shall be assessed
by using the Falling W eight Deflectometer (FW D) and Light weight Deflectometer (LW D).

15 For safety purposes the pavement surface friction shall be measured by the pendulum
portable tester or locked wheel tester in accordance with ASTM E303.
Table 5.12
Quality Control Testing of the Marshall Mixtures

Item / Parameter Standard Specification Limits Minimum Frequency

Aggregate conformance Sections 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3

Mineral Filler conformance Section 5.2.5 Every 300t
Prime Coat conformance Section 5.2.7
Tack Coat conformance Section 5.2.8
Asphalt Binder conformance Section 5.2.6
0.45 – 0.75 kg/m 2
Rate of application for Prime Coat ASTM D2995 - 1 per 250 m
at 60 – 85 C
2 - 1 every 75m per
0.15 – 0.38 kg/m
Rate of application for Tack Coat ASTM D2995 lane
at 10 – 60 C
Sampling of bituminous mixtures ASTM D979 - Test based
 10 C of JMF
temperature in truck
BS EN 12697
 135 C min. at paver
Temperature of bituminous mixture Each truck
Part 13
 120 C min. prior
ASTM D27262 1.0% of Job
Daily Bulk density (See paragraph 12) 3 Daily
ASTM D1188 Standard Density
Table 5.7, Job Mix
ASTM D5444
Gradation of extracted aggregates gradation and Table
5.10 tolerances
ASTM D2172 Job Mix value with
Binder content
ASTM D6307 Table 5.10 tolerances
Marshall Stability, Flow and ASTM D6927 - Each source
4 Table 5.8
Stability/Flow Ratio ASTM D5581 - Visible change in
ASTM C127 material
Voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) Table 5.9 - 1 test per 300t per
ASTM D2726
2 layer for Base
Voids filled with asphalt (VFA) 3 Course
ASTM D1188
- 1 test per 150t per
Voids in Mix (Air Voids) (%) layer for W earing
ASTM D2041
Voids in Marshall Specimen at 400 ASTM D2726
2 Course
3 Table 5.8
Blows per face at optimum binder ASTM D1188
content (%)
ASTM D2172
(Filler/Binder) Ratio ASTM D6307
- 1 test per 600t per
layer for Base
ASTM D2041
2 Course
In-place air voids ASTM D2726 5 – 8%
3 - 1 test per 300t per
ASTM D1188
layer for W earing
CEG International Specification

Item / Parameter Standard Specification Limits Minimum Frequency

ASTM D6927 1 test per 3000t per
Retained Stability (%) (Paragraph 16) 4 75 min.
ASTM D5581 layer
5 At 50m intervals in
Field density (nuclear gauge) ASTM D2950 Table 5.11
alternate wheel tracks
ASTM D5361 - 1 test per 200t per
5 2
Field density (2 cores) ASTM D2726 Table 5.11 layer for Base Course
ASTM D1188 - 1 test per 100t per
ASTM D5361 layer for W earing
Thickness Section 5.11.1 Course
ASTM D3549
Evenness of surface Section 5.11.2 & 5.11.3
As per polymer manufacturer recommendation and mix design for polymer modified binders
If water absorption ≤ 2%
If water absorption > 2%
For samples containing more than 25mm size aggregates
For acceptance of in-situ compaction

16 The Retained Stability is the percentage of the average stability of 3 samples conditioned for
24 hours at 60  1C water bath and the average stability of 3 samples conditioned for 4
hours in 60  1C air bath. These two sets of samples shall be prepared at the optimum
binder content by applying 75 blows and kept at ambient temperature for 17 – 20 hours and
shall have similar average densities.

17 Each day the produced mixes shall be tested for checking their compliance with the approved
Job Standard Mix criteria. W hen unsatisfactory results or changed conditions make it
necessary, a new job-standard following approval of new mix design shall be established.


1 The mix properties for Dense Bitumen Macadam are listed in Table 5.13.
Table 5.13
Properties of Mix for Dense Bitumen Macadam

Specification Limits
Parameter Base Wearing
Course Course
Number of Compaction blows at each end of specimen 75 75
Binder Content (% of total mix) inclusive of tolerances 3.2 – 4.0 3.5 – 4.1
Stability minimum (kN) 7.5 10.0
Flow (mm) 2-4 2–4
Marshall Quotient (Stability/Flow) (kN/mm), min 3.7 4.9
Voids in Mix (Air Voids) (%) 7 - 11 6–9
Voids in Mineral Aggregate VMA (%) 14 - 20 14 - 20
Voids Filled with Asphalt VFA (%) 47 - 60 48 - 60
Retained stability 75 min. 75 min.

2 When tested according to ASTM C136, the combined mineral aggregate shall conform to
Tables 5.14, 5.15 and 5.16.
CEG International Specification

Table 5.14
Aggregate Gradation for Dense Bitumen Macadam Road Base (Unbound)
B.S Sieve Aggregate, Crushed Rock or Gravel
(mm) Percentage by mass passing
50.0 mm 100
37.5 mm 95 - 100
28.0 mm 70 - 94
14.0 mm 56 - 76
6.3 mm 44 - 60
3.35 mm 32 - 46
0.300 mm 7 - 21
0.075 mm 2- 8

Table 5.15
Aggregate Gradation for Dense Bitumen Macadam Asphalt Base Course

Aggregate, Crushed Rock or Gravel

B.S Sieve
(mm) Percentage by Mass Passing for Finished Thickness of Base Course
80 - 100 mm 70 - 90 mm 50 - 70 mm
50.0 100 - -
37.5 95 - 100 100 -
28.0 70 - 94 95 - 100 100
20.0 - 71 - 95 95 - 100
14.0 56 - 76 58 - 82 65 - 85
10.0 - - 52 - 72
6.3 44 - 60 44 - 60 39 - 55
3.35 32 - 46 32 - 46 32 - 46
0.300 7 - 21 7 - 21 7 - 21
0.075 2 - 8 2 - 8 2 - 8

Table 5.16
Aggregate Gradation for Dense Bitumen Macadam Asphalt W earing Course

Aggregate, Crushed Rock or Gravel

B.S Sieve
(mm) Percentage by Mass Passing for Finished Thickness of Wearing Course
50 - 60 mm 40 - 50 mm 30 - 40 mm
28.0 100 - -
20.0 95 - 100 100 -
14.0 70 - 90 95 - 100 100
10.0 55 - 75 70 - 90 95 - 100
6.3 40 - 60 45 - 65 55 - 75
3.35 25 - 40 30 - 45 30 - 45
1.18 15 - 30 15 - 30 15 - 30
0.075 2 - 6 2 - 6 2 - 6
CEG International Specification


1 Based on the Engineer approval, the Superpave Mix Design Method can be used to design
the asphalt mixtures for Wearing Course and Base Course layers. The design of the
Superpave asphalt mixtures shall follow the method outlined in AASHTO R35 and SP-2
“Asphalt Institute Superpave Mix Design Method” in liaison with LSA.

2 The contractor shall prepare the mix design with all necessary supporting documentation
which shall include materials production and handling specifications, plant quality procedures,
construction quality control and quality assurance procedures, quality control tests, mix
acceptance criteria and performance evaluation testing programme. All documentations shall
be submitted to LSA for review and approval.

3 Based on the Engineer approval, the PG76-10 binder can be used in asphalt mixes. This
binder type shall be a polymer-modified binder (PMB) meeting AASHTO M320 and ASTM
D6373 specifications and the criteria listed in Table 5.5.

4 Based on the Engineer approval, when bitumen grades PG76-10 H, V or E are specified for
heavy, very heavy, and extra heavy loading, the bitumen shall meet the requirements of
AASHTO M332 and will be required to indicate elastic response in percent recovery when
tested in accordance with AASHTO T350.

5 Based on the Engineer approval, the guidelines shown in the Appendix can be used for the
mix design. Note that software (ePAVE3) shall be validated prior use.

6 The recent editions of the references shown in the Appendix are recommended to be used
for preparation of mix design and quality control schemes.

7 Table 5.17 can be used as a guide for sampling and testing frequency for quality control of
Superpave mixtures.

8 Performance tests shown in Table 5.18 can be used to evaluate performance of Superpave
asphalt concrete mixtures.

9 Before producing bituminous concrete mixtures, the Contractor shall submit in writing to the
Engineer for approval, detailed information for each mix which he proposes to furnish. The
information shall include, but not be limited to the following:

(a) Copy of mix certificate approval obtained from LSA and the mix design report.
(b) The source(s) of the aggregate for each mix as well as the pertinent test data and a
written certification that the aggregates conform to all of the quality requirements.
(c) Type of Asphalt modifier intended to be used in the project along with the Certificate of
Conformity of the modified asphalt binder to the required grade according to the
Superpave Performance Based Grading System.
(d) Pertinent test data on the type and properties of the aggregates, asphalt binder,
modified asphalt binder, mineral filler, and chemical admixtures/asphalt modifiers to be
(e) The type and location of plant to be used for mixing each mix.
(f) Any other support data and information special to the project (e.g. technical data
sheets of a polymer in case it was used).
CEG International Specification

Table 5.17
Sampling and Testing Frequency of Superpave Field Mixtures
Item / Parameter Standard Specification Minimum Frequency
Aggregate Conformance Sections 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3 and Table 6 - Appendix
Mineral Filler conformance Section 5.2.5 Every 300t
Prime Coat conformance Section 5.2.7
Tack Coat conformance Section 5.2.8
Asphalt Binder conformance Section 5.2.6
0.45 – 0.75 kg/m 2 2
Rate of application for Prime Coat ASTM D2995 - 1 per 250 m
at 60 – 85 C
2 - 1 every 75m per
0.15 – 0.38 kg/m
Rate of application for Tack Coat ASTM D2995 lane
at 10 – 60 C
Sampling of bituminous mixtures ASTM D979 - Test based
 ±10 C of JMF
temperature in truck
 Min. JMF compaction
BS EN 12697 temperature +20 C at
Temperature of bituminous mixture Each truck
Part 13 paver
 Min. JMF compaction
temperature prior rolling
(sec. 1.5.4 – Appendix)
ASTM D2172
Binder content (%) JMF value ±0.40
ASTM D6307
Table 9
Gradation of extracted aggregates ASTM D5444
Effective Specific Gravity of ASTM D6857
Gsb < Gse < Gsa - Each source;
Aggregates (Gse) ASTM D2041
- Visible change in
Voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) AASHTO T312 ±1.5 material
Voids in Mix (Va) ASTM D6857 or - 1 test per 500t per
ASTM D2041 ±1.3 layer for Base
(Min 2 Gyratory specimens at Ndes)
Density (% of Gmm) at Nmax (Eq. 2) Table 5 Course
(Min 1 Gyratory specimens at Nmax) ASTM D2726 Appendix - 1 test per 250t per
ASTM D6857 / layer for W earing
ASTM D2041 Course
Table 5
Dust to binder ratio (P0.075 / Pbe) ASTM D2172 /
ASTM D6307
ASTM D5444
Indirect tensile strength (IDT) ASTM D6931 IDT of JMF min.
ASTM D6931
Sec. 1.5.8
Moisture Sensitivity (Retained IDT) Sec. 1.5.8 Weekly
Dynamic Modulus at 10 Hz, 45 C,
AASHTO PP60 Min. 1920 MPa
0kPa confinement
Flow Number (Fn) at 54.4 C, 600kPa Procedures A, B Every 10,000t
deviatory stress, and 0kPa AASHTO PP61 Min. 740
ASTM D5361 - 1 test per 200t per
In-place air voids 6 – 8%
ASTM D2726 layer for Base
ASTM D5361 - 1 test per 100t per
Thickness Section 5.11.1
ASTM D3549 layer for W earing
At 50m intervals in
Field density (nuclear gauge) (%Gmm) ASTM D2950 92 – 94% alternate wheel
Evenness of surface Section 5.11.2 & 5.11.3
CEG International Specification


1 Based on the Engineer request, the asphalt mixture performance properties can be

2 The performance properties of asphalt mixtures shall be measured for every asphalt
concrete layer at least on the following frequencies:

(a) Prior asphalt laying on a laboratory prepared sample at the asphalt binder content
specified in the JMF.
(b) Asphalt mix sampled from behind the paver every 10000t of mix.

3 The purpose of the performance testing is to allow for pavement performance evaluation and
verification of pavement structural design through the AASHTO Mechanistic-Empirical
Pavement Design Guide. Performance models, references, test conditions are shown in table
5.18 below:

Table 5.18
Performance Models Criteria

Performance Test
Test Conditions Applications / Use
Model Reference
100X150mm cylindrical
The E* is used in mechanistic
AASHTO PP60, sample under uniaxial
Dynamic Modulus analysis to evaluate the structural
TP79 Procedure stress, zero confining
Master Curve responses of the asphalt
A, & PP61 pressure and sinusoidal
concrete layers
deviator stress

AASHTO PP60 100X150mm cylindrical To evaluate the rutting

Rutting Model & TP79 sample under tri-axial characteristics of the asphalt
Procedure B stress mixture in the form of a rutting
model or Flow Number (FN)

64x50x380mm beam The initial flexural stiffness is

specimen is subjected to measured at the 50th load cycle.
a 4-point bending with Fatigue life or failure shall be
Fatigue Model AASHTO T321 free rotation and defined as the number of cycles
horizontal translation at corresponding to 50% reduction
all load and reaction in the initial stiffness.
Conduct asphalt binder Viscosity-temperature relationship
A-VTS test in the (A-VTS) of the asphalt binder is
Rheometer (DSR) to determined in order to assess the
Aging Model ASTM D7175 measure G* and  in impact of binder aging on the E*
accordance with ASTM property of the asphalt mix at
D7175 at multiple various stages of the pavement
temperatures life

4 Modelling methods adopted by Asphalt Institute and Shell or equivalent shall be used. The
contractor shall submit a proposal includes performance modelling testing and interpretation
procedures to the Engineer for approval.
CEG International Specification


5.7.1 Delivery of Mixes

1 Sufficient plant capacity, haul vehicles and storage shall be provided so that adequate
supplies of mixture are delivered to site to ensure that continuous paving can be achieved.

2 The dispatching of the hauling vehicles to the job site shall be so scheduled that all material
delivered may be placed in daylight, unless the Engineer has approved the use of artificial
light. Delivery of material shall be at a uniform rate and in an amount well within the capacity
of the paving and compacting equipment.

3 All precautions shall be taken to protect the mix from the weather during transit and while
waiting to discharge.

4 Hauling vehicles shall not be permitted to carry out tight turns on the laying surface.

5 The mixture at delivery to the paver shall be within 10 C of the Job Mix Formula temperature
and above an absolute minimum temperature of 135 C. Material which has fallen below the
minimum temperature of 135 C before discharge shall be rejected and immediately removed
from site. Delivery temperature shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified for
mixing at the plant

6 Should a significant proportion of the mixture delivered to the paver fail to meet this
requirement, or should cold lumps be found in the mixture, the Engineer shall order that
paving operations be suspended until measures are taken, to the approval of the Engineer, to
ensure compliance.

5.7.2 Spreading and Finishing

1 The Contractor shall prepare a paving plan and obtain approval of the Engineer to ensure
adequate equipment and paving sequences.

2 Based on the approved paving plan and prior to the commencement of delivery of the mix the
Contractor shall erect and maintain an approved reference guide wire for controlling the
levels of the laid mix. The reference guide wire shall be supported at intervals of not more
than 5m.

3 The mix shall be laid upon an approved surface and only when weather conditions are
suitable and as designated. Upon arrival at the point of use, the asphalt mix shall be spread
and struck off to the grade, elevation and cross-section shape intended, either over the entire
width or over such partial width as may be required. If the material does not conform to the
requirements, it shall not be used and shall be discarded.

4 The laid material shall be compacted as soon as rolling can be effected without causing
undue displacement and while the temperature does not fall below 120 C for unmodified
asphalt mixes. Materials still un-compacted and below this temperature shall be rejected.

5 The compaction temperature for the laid polymer-modified asphalt binder mixes shall be
selected based on one of the following:
(a) As specified in the JMF.
CEG International Specification

(b) As established from the trial section.

6 The Contractor shall supply accurate calibrated thermometers suitable for measuring the
inner and surface temperature of the material. The material temperature shall be checked
immediately before rolling and at least every 30 minutes thereafter during forward progress.
A record of these temperatures shall be passed to the Engineer at the end of each day’s

7 While paving is in progress, the output of the batching plant shall be exclusively reserved for
the operations and no mixture shall be supplied to other sites or projects.

8 If during laying, the paver is repeatedly delayed because of lack of mixture or if the paver
stands at one location for more than thirty minutes (for any reason), a transverse joint shall
be constructed. Paving shall not recommence until the Engineer is satisfied that paving will
proceed uninterrupted and until at least four loaded vehicles have arrived at the paving site.

9 The asphalt course shall be constructed to proposed levels and shall be homogeneous,
providing after compaction an even surface free from undulations, rises or depressions and
within the tolerances stipulated.

10 In no case shall construction of a new asphalt concrete course begin until the previously laid
course has been tested and approved.

11 When the same asphalt course is to be laid in more than one layer the second layer shall be
placed as soon as practicable after the first layer has been finished, rolled and cooled, and
the Engineer may at his discretion request cleaning of the first layer and the application of a
tack coat thereon if he so deems necessary.

12 Transverse joints in succeeding layers shall be offset at least 2 m. Longitudinal joints shall
be offset at least 300 mm.

13 The use of motor grader or hand spreading of the asphalt mix shall not be permitted except
in places where it is impractical to use pavers and shall be only with the specific permission
of the Engineer. The asphalt mix shall comply with all conditions regarding trueness of level,
thickness, and homogeneity of the mix.

14 Automatic electronic screed controls shall be required on all pavers and shall be used with a
9 m long articulated averaging beam or grade wire control as approved by the Engineer.

5.7.3 Compaction of Mixes

1 At least three rollers shall be required at all times, one self-propelled pneumatic-tire and two
self-propelled steel-wheeled. As many additional rollers shall be used by the Contractor as
necessary to provide specified asphalt course density and surface characteristics in an
orderly, efficient and continuous manner.

2 Before beginning construction of the permanent works, unless otherwise agreed with the
Engineer, the Contractor shall carry out compaction trials for each type and thickness of
asphalt course to establish an approved compaction procedure which shall then be used as a
minimum requirement for the compaction of the permanent works unless otherwise directed
or agreed by the Engineer.
CEG International Specification

3 The compaction trials shall involve all procedures specified for the permanent works
including testing as specified for the asphalt course under consideration and any equipment,
processes or procedures proposed by the Contractor which are not designated. Construction
of the permanent works shall not commence until a compaction procedure has been
approved in writing by the Engineer. Such approval shall in no way relieve the Contractor of
his responsibilities and obligations stipulated in the Contract.

4 Immediately after the asphalt mix has been spread and struck off, the surface shall be
checked and any irregularities adjusted and then compacted thoroughly and uniformly by

5 To prevent adhesion of the mix to steel-wheeled rollers, the wheels shall be kept properly
moistened but excess water shall not be permitted.

6 After the longitudinal joints and edges have been compacted, rolling shall start longitudinally
at the sides of the road and shall gradually progress towards the center. On super elevated
sections, rolling shall begin on the low side and progress to the high side, overlapping on
successive trips by at least one-half the width of tandem rollers and uniformly lapping each
proceeding track. The rollers shall move at a slow but uniform speed with the drive wheels
nearest the paver. The speed shall not exceed 4-5 km/h for steel-wheeled rollers or 8 km/h
for Pneumatic-tire rollers. The operating speed shall be approved by the Engineer.

7 The line of rolling shall not be changed suddenly or the direction of rolling reversed suddenly.
If rolling causes displacement of the material, the affected areas shall be loosened at once
with hand tools and restored to the original grade of the loose material before being rerolled.
Heavy equipment or rollers shall not be permitted to stand on the finished surface before it
has been compacted and has thoroughly cooled.

8 When paving in a single width, the first lane placed shall be rolled in the following order:

(a) Transverse joints.

(b) Longitudinal joints.
(c) Outside edge.
(d) Initial or breakdown rolling, beginning on the low side and progressing towards the high
(e) Intermediate rolling.
(f) Final rolling.
1 When paving in echelon, 50 mm to 100 mm of the edge which the second paver is following
shall be left unrolled. W hen paving in echelon the edges between the first and the second
paver shall not be exposed more than 15 minutes nor 50m by distance without being rolled.
Particular attention shall be given to the construction of the transverse and longitudinal joints
in all courses.

5.7.4 Transverse Joints

1 Transverse joints shall be carefully constructed and thoroughly compacted to provide a

smooth riding surface. Joints shall be checked with a straightedge to assure smoothness and
true alignment. Joints shall be formed with a bulkhead, such as a board, to provide a straight
line and vertical face.
CEG International Specification

2 If the joint has been distorted by traffic or by other means, it shall be trimmed to line and the
face shall be painted with thin coating of emulsified asphalt before the fresh material is
placed against it. To obtain thorough compaction of these joints the material placed against
the joint shall be tightly pushed against the vertical face with a steel-wheeled roller.

3 The roller shall be placed on the previously compacted material transversely so that not more
than 150 mm of the rear rolling wheel rides on the edge of the joint. The roller shall be
operated to pinch and press the mix into place at the transverse joint. The roller shall
continue to roll along this line, shifting its position gradually across the joint, in 150 to 200 mm
increments, until the joint has been rolled with the entire width of the roller wheel. Rolling
shall be continued until a thoroughly compacted, neat joint is obtained.

5.7.5 Longitudinal Joints

1 Longitudinal joints shall be rolled directly behind the paving operations. The first lane placed
shall be true to line and grade and have a vertical face. The material being placed in the
abutting lane shall then be tightly pushed against the face of the previously placed lane.
Rolling shall be done with a steel-wheeled roller.

2 The roller shall be shifted over onto the previously placed lane so that not more than 150 mm
of the roller wheel rides on the edges of the newly laid lane. The rollers shall then be
operated to pinch and press the fine material gradually across the joint. Rolling shall be
continued until a thoroughly compacted, neat joint is obtained.

3 When the abutting lane is not placed in the same day, or the joint is distorted during the day's
work by traffic or by other means, the edge of the lane shall be carefully trimmed to line,
cleaned and painted with a thin coating of emulsified asphalt before the adjacent lane is

4 The longitudinal joints in the surface course shall be along the same line as the traffic lane

5.7.6 Paving Edges

1 The edges of the asphalt course shall be rolled concurrently with or immediately after rolling
the longitudinal joint.

2 Care shall be exercised in consolidating the course along the entire length of the edges.
Before it is compacted, the material along the unsupported edges shall be slightly elevated
with hand tools. This will permit the full weight of the roller wheel to bear on the material to
the extreme edges of the mat.

5.7.7 Breakdown Rolling

1 Breakdown rolling shall immediately follow the rolling of the longitudinal joints and edges.
Rollers shall be operated as close to the paver as possible to obtain adequate density without
causing undue displacement. In no case shall the mix temperature be allowed to drop below
120 C before breakdown rolling.

2 If the breakdown roller is steel wheeled, it shall be operated with the drive wheel nearest the
finishing machine. Pneumatic-tire rollers may be used as breakdown rollers.
CEG International Specification

5.7.8 Intermediate Rolling

1 Pneumatic-tire rollers or Steel wheeled rollers shall be used for the intermediate rolling.

2 The intermediate rolling shall follow the breakdown rolling as closely as possible and while
the paving mix is still hot. Rollers shall be used continuously after the initial rolling until all of
the mix placed has been thoroughly compacted. Turning of rollers on the hot paving mix
which causes undue displacement shall not be permitted.

5.7.9 Finish Rolling

1 The finish rolling shall be performed with three-axle tandem rollers unless otherwise
permitted by the Engineer. Finish rolling shall be accomplished while the material is still warm
enough for the removal of roller marks.

2 All rolling operations shall be conducted in close sequence.

3 In places inaccessible for the operation of standard rollers as specified, compaction shall be
performed by manual or mechanical tampers of such design as to give the desired density.

4 After final rolling, the smoothness, levels, cross-falls, density and thickness shall be checked
and any irregularity of the surface exceeding the specified limits and any areas defective in
texture, density or composition shall be corrected as directed by the Engineer, including
removal and replacement as directed by the Engineer.

5.7.10 Protection of Laid Courses

1 Sections of the newly finished work shall be protected from traffic of any kind until the mix
has been properly compacted and cooled. In no case shall traffic be permitted less than 24 h
after completion of the asphalt course unless a shorter period is authorized by the Engineer.


1 The cold planing plant shall be to the approval of the Engineer.

2 Cold planing plant shall have sufficient power, traction and stability to maintain the required
depth of cut and slope. The control of the depth of cut and the slope shall be by an automatic
system based on reference wires.

3 Cold planing shall be carried out to straight cross-falls to the designated thickness. Planing
shall be to a tolerance of  5 mm of the designated amount. The average thickness of
planing achieved shall be at least the thickness designated.

4 In areas where there is severe deformation of the existing pavement, it may be necessary to
vary the depth of planing.

5 Existing kerbs, gullies, manholes and other features shall not be disturbed by the planing
process. This may require the use of smaller plant or removal by hand tools.

6 Any joints at the edge of planed areas shall be cut vertically and straight using asphalt saws.

7 Cold planing shall be carried out in a longitudinal direction.

CEG International Specification

8 After planing the prepared surface shall be thoroughly brushed and suction swept by
mechanical means to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The surface shall be free from
gouges, ridges, continuous grooves and shall have a reasonably uniform finish.

9 Cold planing shall be performed so that at the end of a day’s work the termination line does
not present a hazard to traffic that may use the road.

10 Any cracks noted in the pavement shall be blown clean with compressed air. The Engineer
will inspect the planed surface and may instruct that further work is carried out for treating
cracks in the pavement.


5.9.1 General

1 The work shall consist of furnishing and applying liquid asphalt and blotter material, if
required, to a previously prepared and approved subgrade or granular base/sub-base course
as designated and to the full designated width.

2 Prime coat shall not be applied when the ambient temperature is less than 13 C nor during
rain, fog, dust storms or other unsuitable weather.

5.9.2 Equipment Required

1 The equipment used by the Contractor shall include a liquid asphalt distributor as described
in clause 5.17.3.

2 If the surface is covered in wind-blown dust or fine aggregate then a power broom shall be
provided. The power broom shall be self-propelled and equipped with a cylindrical, rotating
nylon bristle brush of not less than 760 mm in diameter and not less than 1800 mm in length.
The brush shall be capable of being angled to the right and left with adjustable ground
pressure. W here necessary for the proper preparation of the surface, motor graders, rollers
and water trucks shall also be provided.

5.9.3 Surface Preparation

1 Immediately before applying the prime coat, all loose dirt, earth and other objectionable
material shall be removed from the surface with a power broom of approved design and/or a
power blower as required, and any ruts, soft spots or unacceptable irregularities in the
surface shall be repaired in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer. If the Engineer
so requires, the surface shall be lightly bladed and rolled immediately before the application
of the prime coat, in which case brooming or blowing may not be required.

2 Priming will not be permitted when there is free water present on the surface.

5.9.4 Application

1 After preparing the road surface as above, the prime coat shall be applied by means of the
distributor at the temperature and rate shown in Table 5.12. Hand-spraying of restricted,
inaccessible areas is permitted, subject to the approval of the Engineer.

2 The surface of structures, kerbstones and other appurtenances adjacent to areas being
treated shall be protected in such a manner as to prevent their being spattered or marred.
CEG International Specification

3 The prime coat shall usually be applied to 1/3 or 1/2 of the road width at a time. W hen
applied in two or more lanes, there shall be a slight overlap of asphalt material along
adjoining edges of the lanes. It should be noted that no overlapping is allowed at the
transverse joints and that thick paper shall be used at the joint to protect the previous
application and the joining application shall begin on the paper. The paper used shall be
removed and satisfactorily disposed of by the Contractor after use. Care shall be taken that
the application of prime coat material at the junctions of spread is not in excess of the
specified amount. Excess bituminous material shall be removed from the surface.

5.9.5 Maintenance and Traffic

1 Traffic shall not be permitted on the primed surface until the asphalt material has penetrated
and dried and, in the judgement of the Engineer, will not be picked up under traffic. If it
becomes necessary to permit traffic before that time, but in no case sooner than 48 hours
after the application of the asphalt material, blotter material shall be applied as directed by
the Engineer and traffic shall be permitted to use the lanes so treated.

2 Blotter material shall be spread from trucks operated backward so that the wheels will not
travel in uncovered wet asphalt material. W hen applying blotter material to an asphalt treated
lane that adjoins a lane that has not been treated, a strip at least 200 mm wide along the
adjoining edge shall be left devoid of blotter material in order to permit an overlap of asphalt

3 The Contractor shall maintain the primed surface in good clean condition and before the
application of the next course, any surface irregularities shall be corrected and all excessive
blotter material, dirt or other objectionable materials shall be removed.


5.10.1 General

1 This work shall consist of furnishing and applying diluted emulsified asphalt to a previously
prepared Base or W earing courses, to provide bond for a superimposed course to the full
designated width.

2 Tack coat shall not be applied when the ambient temperature is less than 13C nor during
rain, fog, dust storms or other unsuitable weather.

5.10.2 Equipment Required

1 The equipment used by the Contractor shall include liquid asphalt distributor as well as a
power broom and a power blower. Power broom shall be self-propelled and equipped with a
cylindrical, rotating nylon bristle Brush of not less than 760 mm in diameter and not less than
1800 mm in length. The brush shall be capable of being angled to the right and left with
adjustable ground pressure. In addition, the Contractor shall supply and use efficient and
approved equipment for diluting the emulsified asphalt with water.
CEG International Specification

5.10.3 Surface Preparation

1 The full width of the surface to be treated shall be cleaned with a power broom or power
blower to remove dust, dirt or other objectionable materials. All faulty or unsuitable patches,
excess cracks or joint filler and all surplus bituminous material shall be corrected in
accordance with the instructions of the Engineer. The surface shall be dry when treated.

5.10.4 Application

1 Immediately after cleaning the surface, the tack coat shall be applied by means of the
distributor at the temperature and rate directed by the Engineer. Hand spraying of restricted,
inaccessible areas is permitted, subject to the approval of the Engineer.

2 The diluted emulsion shall be applied at a rate shown in Table 5.12. The Contractor shall
ensure that excessive application of tack coat is avoided.

3 The surface of structures, kerbstones and other fixed objects adjacent to areas being treated
shall be protected in such a manner as to prevent their being spattered or marred.

5.10.5 Maintenance and Traffic

1 After application, the surface shall be allowed to dry until it is in a proper condition of
tackiness to receive the superimposed course. Tack coat shall be applied only so far in
advance of the superimposed course placement as is necessary to obtain this proper
condition of tackiness.

2 Until the superimposed course is placed, the Contractor shall protect the tack coat from

3 If the tack coat is unavoidably damaged by rain or dust, it shall be allowed to dry, shall be
cleaned again by a power broom or power blower and, if required by the Engineer, a
subsequent light application of tack applied to the surface. W here, in the opinion of the
Engineer, a tack coat is not necessary between layers of freshly placed courses, he may give
instructions in writing to omit the tack coat. Any cleaning required in these areas shall be
carried out before the application of the next course.


5.11.1 Thickness

1 Cores shall be taken to determine the thickness of asphalt paving courses. As determined
from each core, the thickness of a paving course shall not be less than that specified by more
than 5 mm in the case of a single-layered construction. Furthermore, the thickness of the
Wearing course shall not be less than that specified by more than 5 mm and the total
thickness of all asphalt paving courses combined shall not be less than that specified by
more than 10 mm.

2 In addition, the variations in the falls to cross sections of the road shall not vary from the
required value by more than 0.3 %. Any asphalt paving course containing deviations or
variations exceeding these tolerances shall be corrected or removed and replaced by the
Contractor, in accordance with the instructions and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
CEG International Specification

3 Where any individual course is marginally out of tolerance on the low side, the Engineer may
allow adjustment in the succeeding course to correct the overall thickness of the pavement.

4 The tolerances herein specified shall not invalidate the tolerances set forth for the evenness
of surface of the asphalt paving course.

5 As directed by the engineer the laid thickness shall be checked by cutting test pits and/or
using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for the determination of the structural capacity of the

5.11.2 Transverse Evenness

1 The Engineer shall test the evenness of surface for each course of the various asphalt
paving courses to determine compliance.

2 The Contractor shall put at the disposal of the Engineer a 3m long straight edge and a crown
template of sturdy and approved design and enough labour to assist in the checking
operations. The maximum allowable differences between the pavement surface and the
straight edge shall be 3mm. Transverse measurements shall be carried out every 20m of
road length for each lane.

3 Any layer containing deviations or variations exceeding the tolerances specified here shall be
corrected or removed and replaced in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer and to
his satisfaction.

5.11.3 Evenness and Rideability

1 Smoothness is a measure of the evenness and rideability of the pavement surface. It shall be
measured on the driving surface of the completed pavement for all major roads before
opening to the traffic.

2 Any section containing deviations or variations exceeding the criteria specified here or by the
Engineer shall be corrected or removed and replaced in accordance with the instructions of
the Engineer and to his satisfaction at the Contractor’s cost.

3 The minimum length of the rectification work undertaken shall be 100m.

4 All rectified segments shall be re-tested following the completion of rectification work at no
additional cost to the client.

(a) Evenness

5 The evenness of the driving surface of road pavements shall be measured with a 3m rolling
straight edge along any line or lines parallel to the center line of the pavement on sections of
300m selected by the Engineer, whether or not it is constructed in shorter lengths. Sections
shorter than 300m forming part of a longer pavement shall be assessed using the number of
irregularities for a 300m length prorated to the nearest whole number. W here the total length
of pavement is less than 300m the measurements shall be taken in 75m lengths.

6 The number of deviations (from the bottom face of the straight edge) over the length of the
section greater than or equal to 4mm shall be counted. None of the measured deviations
shall exceed 6mm. The evenness of the driving surface of the tested section shall be within
the relevant limits given in Table 5.19.
CEG International Specification

Table 5.19
Evenness of Driving Surface
Section Length (m) Allowed number of deviations ≥4mm
300 20
75 9

(b) Rideability

7 For major roads the International Roughness Index (IRI) shall be used to monitor the
roughness and condition of the pavement surface. The acceptable IRI for ride quality shall be
decided by the Engineer.

8 The rideability of the driving surface of the completed pavement shall be measured in terms
of the International Roughness Index (IRI) which shall be tested with a certified and
calibrated Inertial Profiler meeting the requirements of ASTM E950–Class 1.

9 The testing method shall be in accordance with ASTM E950. The IRI shall be calculated
according to ASTM E1926.

10 Calibration checks on the inertial profiler shall be conducted using test methods in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, at the beginning of the day of
operation and at any other time the operator may suspect changes of system performance
since the last calibration.

11 Calibration checks on the inertial profiler and all other quality checks shall be submitted in a
method statement to the Engineer for approval.

12 The selected measuring speed shall be the posted speed and within the range
recommended by the manufacturer and shall remain nearly constant during testing, not to
exceed +/-5 km/h of the selected speed.

13 The profiler system shall stabilize at the test speed prior to entering the test sections. This
requires bringing the profiler vehicle to the desired test speed at least 100 m prior to the
beginning of the test location. Any Features along the test section such as bridges, culverts,
milepost or other pertinent information shall be identified. The test shall be conducted in the
paving direction.

14 The start and end point of the test section shall be automatically identified by using a photo
detector. The coordinates of the test section shall be identified by using a GPS.

15 Three runs of data collection (both wheel tracks in each lane) shall be conducted. The
processing of the data for IRI shall include calculating the average IRI value of the three runs
for the two wheel tracks. The processed data shall be reported on 25m and 400m sub-
sections calculated using the Moving Average statistical method and applying a 250mm
CEG International Specification


1 Pavement evaluation tests shall be carried out for the completed pavement structure at any
point of the road as directed by the Engineer to assess the serviceability condition of the
pavement and verify compliance with specifications.

2 Pavement evaluation methods can be grouped into two main categories, destructive and

3 The Contractor shall allow and provide all necessary arrangements for the execution of all
pavement evaluation test required by the Engineer.

4 As directed by the Engineer the structural ability of the pavement in terms of load-deflection
response and layer modulus shall be assessed by using the Falling W eight Deflectometer
(FW D).

5 The pavement surface friction shall be measured based on the Engineer request using the
portable pendulum tester (ASTM E303), locked wheel tester (ASTM E274) or the sand patch
method (ASTM E965).


5.13.1 Weather Limitations

1 Production and spreading of asphalt Concrete mix shall not be permitted when the ambient
temperature is less than 8 C, nor during rain, fog, dust-storms or other unsuitable weather.

5.13.2 Equipment Required

1 The equipment required for construction of the asphalt concrete courses shall include but not
be limited to the equipment mentioned in Clauses 5.3 to 5.6 of this Part, together with such
miscellaneous equipment and tools as required for the satisfactory preparation and
performance of the work.

2 All equipment shall be checked, calibrated and approved by the Engineer before use. The
equipment shall be satisfactorily maintained and shall be used in an approved manner.

3 Adequate equipment and labour shall be used so that there is continual production and
distribution of the asphalt course being constructed.

5.13.3 Survey and Preparation

1 The area to be paved shall be true to line and grade and shall have a properly prepared
surface before the start of paving operations.

2 When an asphalt concrete pavement course is to be placed on top of an existing pavement,

the existing pavement surface shall be prepared as designated by the Engineer.

3 Priming or tacking of surfaces to be paved shall be carried out as designated.

CEG International Specification

4 The surface of kerbs, vertical faces of existing pavements and all structures in actual contact
with asphalt mixes shall be painted with a thin and complete coating of tack coat as
instructed by the Engineer to provide a closely bonded, watertight joint.

5 All openings or structures in the road for water, drainage and other specified utilities shall be
constructed and their positions and levels determined before the start of paving operations.

5.13.4 Heating of Asphalt Binder

1 The 60/70 penetration grade bitumen shall be heated to a temperature of between 150 to 165
degrees centigrade.

2 Bitumen of other penetration grade shall be heated to yield viscosity's in the range of 150 to
300 centistokes (175 to 150 seconds Saybolt-Furol) when delivered to the mixer, as
determined from the Temperature Viscosity Chart of the product used.

3 Penetration Graded Asphalt Binders shall not be used if foaming occurs or shall it be heated
above 175 C at any time.

4 Polymer-modified binder shall be heated to a temperature specified by the supplier.

5.13.5 Heating of Mineral Aggregate

1 When using 60/70 penetration grade asphalt binder the materials shall be thoroughly dried
and heated so that their temperature is 165 to 180 degrees centigrade.

2 When using asphalt binder of other penetration grade the materials shall be thoroughly dried
and heated so that their temperature is within ± 8 C of the temperature needed to satisfy the
viscosity requirements of the asphalt cement.

3 The moisture content of the heated and dried materials shall not exceed 1%.

4 The quantity of materials fed through the drier shall in all cases be held to an amount which
can be thoroughly dried and heated within the limits specified.

5 The heated materials shall be screened into sizes such that they may be combined into a
gradation meeting the requirements of the Job Mix Formula and the hot aggregate storage
bins shall be such as to minimize segregation and loss of temperature of aggregate.

6 Hot bins shall be drawn and cleaned of material at the end of each day's operation.

5.13.6 Proportioning and Mixing

1 The heated ingredients together with the mineral filler and bitumen shall be combined in such
a manner so as to produce a mixture which complies with the requirements of the Job Mix
Formula. Plant settings, once established, shall not be changed without the approval of the

2 Mineral filler, in a cool dry state, shall be proportioned into the mixer either with the aggregate
or after the introduction of the bitumen to avoid loss of fines that may occur in dry mixing as a
result of turbulence in the mixer.
CEG International Specification

3 In batch type plants a dry mixing period of not less than four seconds shall precede the
addition of the bitumen to the mix. Excess wet mixing shall be avoided. W et mixing shall
continue as long as it is necessary to obtain a thoroughly blended mix but shall not exceed 75
seconds nor be less than 30 seconds.

4 Once approved, mixing times shall not be altered unless so ordered or further approved by
the Engineer.


1 Vehicles used for the transport of aggregates or bituminous mix shall have tight, clean and
smooth insulated metal bodies and shall be free from dust, screenings, petroleum oil and
volatile or other mineral spirits which may affect the material being hauled. The vehicle metal
bed shall, if required, be sprayed with a minimum amount of soapy water or lime solution to
prevent the bituminous mix from adhering to the bed. After spraying, the truck shall be raised
and thoroughly drained and no excess solution shall be permitted. Use of diesel or other
solvents to spray in the truck bed is prohibited.

2 Provision shall be made for covering truck loads with canvas or other suitable material of
such size that the bituminous mix is fully covered.

3 Any truck causing excessive segregation of material by its spring suspension or other
contributing factors, or that shows oil leaks in detrimental amounts, or that causes undue
delays, shall, upon the instruction of the Engineer, be removed from the work until such faults
are corrected.

4 End dump trucks shall be equipped with chains on the tail gates for control when dumping
the mix into the paving machine. Hauling trucks shall not be routed over wet or muddy
access ways such that tires accumulate dirt that is deposited on the laying surface.

5 The Contractor shall provide an adequate number of trucks of such size, speed and condition
to ensure orderly and continuous progress of the work all to the approval of the Engineer.


5.15.1 Spreading and Finishing Equipment

1 The asphalt mixture shall be fed to the paver by end tipping of the truck or by means of a
windrow elevator. The equipment for spreading and finishing the asphalt mixtures shall be of
an approved mechanical, self-powered electronic controlled floating screed type, capable of
spreading and finishing the mixture true to line, grade and required crown.

2 The pavers shall be self-propelled and equipped with hoppers and distributing screws of the
reversing type to place the mixture uniformly in front of adjustable electronic controlled
screeds. The pavers shall be so designed to allow a minimum paving width of 2 m, although
paving in widths of less than 3 m will require the approval of the Engineer.

3 Pavers shall be equipped with such provisions and attachments to suit paving widths
specified for road widening as well to as to suit paving on sloped sections. They shall be
equipped with fast and efficient steering devices and shall have reverse as well as forward
travelling speeds. The operational speed of the pavers shall be adjustable from 3 to 6 m/min
in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer.
CEG International Specification

4 The pavers shall employ mechanical devices as equalising runners, straight edge runners,
evener arms or other compensating devices to maintain trueness of grade and to confine the
edges of the pavement to true lines without the use of stationary side forms. The equipment
shall include blending or joint levelling devices for smoothing and adjusting longitudinal joints
between lanes. The assembly shall be designed and operated in such a manner that it will
place the material at the required compacted thickness.

5 Electronic screeds shall include automatic feed controls to maintain a constant level of
material along the full length of the screed, automatic grade control and automatic slope
control. Unless waived by the engineer, on projects with smoothness (IRI) requirements, the
paver shall carry minimum 9.0m long average beam equipped with an ultrasonic sensors
capable of sensing a pavement section at several spatially separated spots. The automatic
slope control shall be equipped with a proportioning manual override to enable smooth
transition of changing slope rate. Automatic screed controls shall be approved by the
Engineer before use.

6 Screeds shall be provided with devices for heating the screeds to the temperature required
for the laying of the mixture without pulling or marring. Pavers shall also be provided with the
standard attachable screed extensions. All screeds shall be of the vibrating type that permits
material to be tamped into position.

7 The term "screed" includes any cutting, crowning or other physical action that is effective in
producing a finished surface of the evenness and texture specified, without tearing, shoving,
or gouging.

8 If, during construction, it is found that the spreading and finishing equipment in operation
leaves in the pavement surface tracks or indented areas or other objectionable irregularities
that are not satisfactorily corrected by scheduled operations, the use of such equipment shall
be discontinued and other satisfactory spreading and finishing equipment shall be provided
by the Contractor.

5.15.2 Rolling Equipment

1 Rolling equipment shall consist of vibratory steel-wheeled rollers, dead weight steel-wheeled
rollers and pneumatic-tire rollers as required for proper compaction and finishing of the
asphalt surface. Unless otherwise permitted, rollers shall be equipped with reversible or dual
controls to allow operation both forward and backward with the operator always facing in the
direction of movement.

2 Steel-wheeled rollers shall be two-axle tandem rollers or three-axle tandem rollers. These
rollers shall be self-propelled and equipped with power units of not less than four cylinders
and under working conditions shall develop contact pressures under the compression wheels
of 45 to 65 kg/cm of width. Each two-axle roller shall have a minimum weight of 10,000 kg
each and three-axle roller shall have a minimum weight of 13,000 kg. Vibrating steel-wheeled
rollers shall have dual drums with a minimum weight of 7000 kg. Vibrating frequency shall be
between 2000 and 3000 cycles per minute with individual controls for each tandem drum.
Rollers shall be in good working condition and shall be equipped with a reversing clutch.
Rollers shall be equipped with adjustable scrapers to keep the wheel surface clean and with
efficient means of keeping them wet to prevent mixes from sticking. These surfaces shall
have no flat areas or projections which will mark the surface of the asphalt courses. The
three-axle rollers shall be equipped with a center axle which may be operated either fixed or
floating. The three-axle tandem roller shall be so constructed that when locked in a position
CEG International Specification

for all treads to be in one plane, the roller wheels are held with such rigidity that, if either front
or center wheel is unsupported the other two wheels will not vary from the plane by more than
6 mm. All steel-wheeled rollers shall be in good condition and the Contractor shall furnish to
the Engineer the manufacturer’s technical data for each roller and no roller shall be used
except after approval of the Engineer.

3 Pneumatic-tire rollers shall be self-propelled. The rollers shall be equipped with pneumatic
tires of equal size and diameter which are capable of exerting varying average contact
pressure. Pneumatic-tire rollers shall be in good condition and with enough ballast space to
provide uniform wheel loading as may be required. The Contractor shall furnish to the
Engineer charts or tabulations showing the contact areas and contact pressures for the full
range of tire inflation pressures and for the full range of tire loading for each type and size
compactor tire furnished and used in pneumatic-tire rollers. The total operating weight and
tire pressure may be varied by the order of the Engineer to obtain contact pressures which
will result in the required asphalt course density.

5.15.3 Liquid Asphalt Distributor

1 The liquid asphalt distributor truck shall be of the pressure type with insulated tanks. The use
of gravity distributors will not be permitted. The distributor shall have pneumatic tires of such
width and number that the load produced on the road surface shall not exceed 100 kg/cm tire

2 Spray bars shall have a minimum length of 2.4 m and shall be of the full circulating type.
Spray bar extensions shall also be of the full circulating type. The spray bar shall be
adjustable to maintain a constant height above the surface to be treated.

3 The spray bar nozzles shall be slotted and shall be of such design so as to provide a uniform
unbroken spread of asphalt material on the surface. The valves shall be operated by levers
so that one or all valves may be quickly opened or closed in one operation. The distributor
shall be equipped with a hose and nozzle attachment to be used for spotting areas
inaccessible to the distributor. The distributor and booster tanks shall be so maintained at all
times as to prevent dripping of liquid asphalt material from any part of the equipment.

4 The distributor shall be equipped with devices and charts to provide for accurate and rapid
determination and control of the amount of liquid asphalt material being applied and with a
tachometer of the auxiliary wheel type reading speed in m/min. The spreading equipment
shall be provided with a separate power unit for the pump or a variable displacement pump
driven by a hydrostatic transmission so that a uniform application of liquid asphalt material, in
controlled amounts, may be made ranging from 0.15 to 5.0 kg/m . The distributor shall have
satisfactory heating equipment and thermometers in order to provide the full range of
application temperatures for the liquid asphalt material being used.

5 Before commencing the work and as required by the Engineer, the liquid asphalt distributor
shall be checked and calibrated such that the rate of transverse spread or longitudinal spread
shall not vary more than 10 % from the required rate of application.
CEG International Specification

CEG International Specification

1 APPENDIX - ASPHALT WORKS........................................................................... 42

1.1 DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................ 42
1.2 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... .... 44
1.3 SUPERPAVE DESIGN PARAMETERS ................................................................. 44
1.3.2 Traffic 44
1.3.3 Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size (NMAS) 45
1.4 SELECTION OF HMA PROPERTIES & REQUIREMENTS ................................... 46
1.5 OVERVIEW OF SUPERPAVE MIX DESIGN PROCESS....................................... 47
1.5.2 Step1: Selection of Materials 47
1.5.3 Step2: Selection of a Design Aggregate Structure (DAS) 48
1.5.4 Work Instructions of Step 2 Selection of DAS 50
1.5.5 Step 3: Selection of the Design Asphalt Content 51
1.5.6 Work Instruction of Step 3- Selection of DAC 52
1.5.7 Nmax and Ndes Verification 52
1.5.8 Step 4: Evaluation of the Strength and the Moisture Sensitivity of the Mixture 53
1.5.9 Work Instructions of Step 4 Evaluation of Strength and the Moisture Sensitivity 54
1.6 JOB MIX DESIGN PROPOSAL ............................................................................. 54
1.6.2 Acceptance of Job Mix Formula 55
1.6.3 Construction Quality Control: 56
1.7 REFERENCES ............................................................................................... ....... 57
CEG International Specification



1 Superpave: Is an abbreviation of Superior Performing Asphalt Pavement. Superpave

system consist the following steps:

(a) Performance-Based Asphalt Binder Grading System

(b) Performance-Based Specifications of Materials & HMA.
(c) Test methods and practices for material selection & mix design.
(d) Performance prediction of HMA.

2 Asphalt Binder Content (Pb): the percent by weight of asphalt binder in the total mixture.

3 Initial Trial Asphalt Binder (Pbi): the percent by weight of the asphalt binder in the total
mixture for each trial blend in the selection of the Design Aggregate Structure (DAS).

4 Bulk Specific Gravity (G 1, 2, to n; … Gsb, Gmb): the ratio of the weight in air of a unit volume
of a permeable material (including both permeable and impermeable voids connected to
the surface of the aggregate particle) at a stated temperature relative to the weight in air of
an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at the stated temperature. This definition
generally applies to individual aggregate stockpiles (Gl through Gn), the blended
aggregate (Gsb, AASHTO T84, T85 and T100) or the compacted mix (G mb, AASHTO T166 or

5 Effective Binder Content (Pbe): the volume of the asphalt binder that is not absorbed into
the aggregate but remains in the mixture to coat the aggregate particles.

6 Effective Specific Gravity (Gse): the ratio of the weight in air of a unit volume of a
permeable material (excluding voids permeable to binder) at a stated temperature relative to
the weight in air of an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at the stated temperature.

7 Maximum Specific Gravity (G mm): the ratio of the weight of a given volume of voidless
(Va=0) loose HMA at a stated temperature (usually 77 °F (25°C)) to a weight of an equal
volume of gas-free distilled water at the same temperature (AASHTO T209).

8 Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA): It is the total space between the aggregate particles
in the compacted paving mixture which includes 1) the air voids (Va) and 2) the effective
binder volume . The VMA is defined as the volume of void space between the aggregate
particles before adding the binder. Note: mineral aggregate is the aggregate which does not
include any or organic material but it is the material that consists of minerals and compounds
such as calcium, silicon, etc ….

9 Air Voids (Va): The total volume of the small pockets of air between the coated aggregate
particles throughout a compacted paving mixture, expressed as percent of the bulk
volume of the compacted paving mixture.

10 Voids Filled with Asphalt (VFA): the percentage portion of the volume of intergranular void
space between the aggregate particles (i.e. VMA) that is occupied by the effective asphalt
binder volume. It is expressed as the ratio of (VMA-Va) to the VMA.
CEG International Specification

11 Volume of Absorbed Binder (Vba): the volume of binder absorbed into the aggregate (equal
to the difference in aggregate volume when calculate with the bulk specific gravity and
effective specific gravity).

12 Dust to Binder Ratio (P0.075/Pbe): ratio by weight of the percentage of the aggregate
passing the 0.075 mm sieve (P200) to the effective binder content (Pbe).

13 Standard Axle: is 8.2 ton (18,000 lb) single axle with dual wheels; the center to center
distance of dual wheels is 34.29 cm (13.5 in); the tire pressure is 0.517 MPa (75 psi).

14 ESAL's: is an abbreviation of Equivalent Single Axle Load. The equivalency factor is the
number of repetition of the standard axle required to induce the same damage as the given
axle. AASHTO Road Test has shown that an equivalent number of the standard axle
can represent the damaging effect of the passage of an axle of any mass. This means that
the ESAL is the number of applications of the standard axle that is equivalent in the damage
to the pavement to an axle of any mass. The relationship is non-linear and is a fourth
degree. For example, one application of a 16.2 ton single axle (36,000 lb twice as the
standard axel) was found to cause damage equal to approximately sixteen applications of
the standard axle; or one application of a 16.2 tons axle were required to cause the same
damage or reduction in the pavement serviceability as sixteen applications of the
standard axle. Also, one application of a 5.47 ton single axle (12,000 lb two thirds of the
standard axel) was found to cause damage equal to approximately 0.2 applications of the
standard axle; or five applications of a 5.47 tons axle were required to cause the same
damage or reduction in the pavement serviceability as one applications of the standard

15 Standard Sieves: Superpave standard sieve sizes are 50.0, 37.5, 25.0, 19.0, 12.5, 9.5,
4.75, 2.36, 1.18, 0.6, 0.3, 0.15 and 0.075 mm

16 Maximum Aggregate Size (MS): one standard size larger than the nominal maximum
aggregate size (This definition applies only to Superpave mix design.)

17 Nominal maximum aggregate size (NMAS): one standard size larger than the first sieve
that retains more than 10 percent of the aggregate (this definition applies only to Superpave
mix design).

18 Nini, Ndes and Nmax: These are the number of gyrations of the gyratory compactor at
three compaction levels simulating the construction traffic for N ini, the design traffic for Ndes
and the maximum anticipated densification by the highest traffic for Nmax

19 Design Aggregate Structure (DAS): the aggregate blend meeting all Superpave

20 Design Asphalt Content (DAC): the percent by weight of the asphalt binder in the total mix
selected at 4.0 % air voids in the mix meeting all Superpave requirements.

21 ePAVE3: is a user-friendly menu driven Excel programme for the Superpave mix
design system. It is a decision making programme that includes all the computations,
requirements and comparisons to design hot mix asphalt for a given project. ePAVE3
includes Superpave requirements based on the latest (to date) Asphalt Institute Superpave
Mix Design – Superpave Series No. 2 (SP-2), third Edition 2001 and last edition of
AASTO 2005 including M323 specification "Standard Practice for Designing Superpave
HMA", and R35.
CEG International Specification

22 Polymer: An organic substance that is originated from petroleum gases. It is the product of
a complicated chemical process. The word “polymer” originally consists of two words
“poly” which means numerous and “meros” which means parts; therefore, polymer means
the substance with many parts. Polymers can be either copolymers or homopolymers. The
most common polymers that are used to modify the asphalt binder for road applications are
either “Elastomers” such as SBS or “Plastomers” such as EVA and Polyethylene.

23 Neat and Polymer Modified Binder (PMB): neat binder is a black or dark brown material
produced from refining of petroleum oil in petroleum refineries. The polymer modified binder
is a neat binder that has been modified by the addition of polymers. The purpose of blending
polymer and other chemical substances is to improve the neat binder Rheological properties
to achieve the Performance Grade (PG) requirements of Superpave grading system. This
process is complicated and involves accurate control of the process parameters such as
mixing mechanism, temperature, time, concentration and blending details


1 This guide, which is based on ref. 1, should be considered as a guide to assist Engineers,
consultants and contractors to design Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) using Superpave system. It is
the contractor full responsibility to select the applicable parameters for his project in liaison
with the Engineer and LSA. This system was developed using the last editions of the Asphalt
institute “Superpave Mix Design”, 2001, and AASHTO, 2005.


1 Before starting any HMA design using Superpave system for any project, the mixture and
materials specifications and requirement must be identified. Superpave mix design system
requires three parameters in order to design a mix. These Parameters are:

(a) Expected traffic volume in the project.

(b) Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size (NMAS).
(c) Location of the project.

2 The contract documents shall specify and define the design parameters for the project. A
brief description of the basic design parameters is given in the following sections.

1.3.2 Traffic

1 In Superpave, Traffic is defined as the total anticipated project level equivalent single
axle load (ESALs) on the design lane for a period of 20 years. To simplify the design
process, traffic class designations for each ESALs that appears in the Superpave system is
specified herein. If the contract documents do not specify the ESALs applicable to the
project, the Engineer can use the information provided in Table 1 to select the traffic classes
needed to establish Superpave criteria.
CEG International Specification

Table 1
ESAL and Traffic Designation

Class Designation ESALs Range Applications

Agricultural roads with light traffic , local

VL Very Light Less than 300,000
and city streets without trucks

L Light 300,000 to 3 million Agriculture, Feeder and collector roads

M Medium 3 million to 10 million Main roads and city streets

H Heavy 10 million to 30 million Highways and Expressway

Heavily trafficked highways, industrial

VH Very Heavy More than 30 million
areas ...

1.3.3 Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size (NMAS)

1 Six Nominal Maximum Aggregate Sizes (NMAS) are identified in the Superpave system;
these are 37.5, 25.0, 19.0, 12.5, 9.5 and, 4.75 mm as specified in Table 2.

Table 2
SUAERPAVE Standard NMAS mixtures

Nominal Maximum Size Maximum Size


37.5 mm 50.0 mm

25.0 mm 37.5 mm

19.0 mm 25.0 mm

12.5 mm 19.0 mm

9.5 mm 12.5 mm

4.75 mm 9.5 mm
2 The selection of design NMAS for a specific layer is based on the general rule that the
NMAS does not exceed half to one-third (1/2 to 1/3) the layer thickness. If the
contract documents do not specify the NMAS for the project, the Engineer can use the above
criteria and the information provided in Table 3 to select the NMAS of the project.

Recommended NMAS for Different Layer Types

Layer Recommended NMAS

Sand Mix 4.75 mm

Wearing coarse 9.5 or 12.5 or 19.0 mm

Base coarse 25.0 or 37.5 mm

CEG International Specification


1 Based on the specified design parameters (Traffic in ESAL, NMAS, geographic

location of the project and location of required layer to be designed), the mixture properties
and requirements can be selected. These properties include compaction level, which can be
identified from Table 4 and the properties of HMA, which can be identified from Table 5.

Table 4
Superpave Gyratory Compactive Effort (SGCE)

Traffic Gyrations
(ESAL, million) Nini Ndes Nmax

VL (< 0.3) 6 50 75

L (0.3 to 3) 7 75 115

M to H (3 to < 30) 8 100 160

VH (> 30) 9 125 205

Table 5
Superpave Criteria for the Mixture Design

Traffic Class Designation (or ESAL,

Criteria million)

Ninitial < 91.5 < 90.5 < 89.0

Ndesign 96.0
Required Density (% Gmm)
Nmax < 98.0
37.5 11.0 %
Voids in the Mineral 25.0
Aggregate (VMA %min) 12.0 %
Maximum 19.0 13.0 %
Important Note: mixtures Size, mm
with VMA greater than 2.0% 12.5
above the minimum should 14.0 %
be avoided. 9.5 15.0 %
4.75 16.0%
37.5 64-80 64-78 64-75

25.0 67-80 65-78 65-75

19.0 70-80 65-78 65-75

Voids Filled with Asphalt, %
12.5 70-80 65-78 65-75

9.5 70-80 65-78 65-75

4.75 70-80 65-78 65-75

CEG International Specification

Traffic Class Designation (or ESAL,

Criteria million)


Dust Proportion (DP) Ratio, if gradation line is For all NMAS DP = 0.6 - 1.2, for NMAS 4.75
above the PCS DP = 0.9 - 2.0

Dust Proportion (DP) Ratio, if gradation line is 0.8 – 1.6

below the PCS.

Average Indirect Tensile Strength of the Dry Set Report

in the Moisture Sensitivity Evaluation, kPa


1 According to SP-2 and AASHTO R 35, there are four major steps in the volumetric mix
design process. These steps consist of

(a) Material Selection, (Type of binder and aggregate).

(b) Selection of Design Aggregate Structure (DAS).
(c) Selection of Design Asphalt Content (DAC).
(d) Evaluation of Strength and Moisture Sensitivity of the Mix.

Step 4:
Strength and Moisture Sensitivity

Step 3:
Selection of DAC

Step 2:
Selection of DAS

Step 1:
Selection of Materials
(Binder, Aggregate and Modifiers)

2 ePAVE3 programme should be used to assist in the preparation of the mix design and obtain
the mix deign report summarizing the computations and test results. ePAVE3 mix design
report shall be submitted to the Engineer for acceptance then to LSA for approval.

1.5.2 Step1: Selection of Materials

1 This process includes the selection of the asphalt binder PG (ABPG) and the aggregates that
meet all Superpave criteria.
CEG International Specification

2 The selection of ABPG necessitates an understanding of the climatic condition (e.g.,

temperature) in which the pavement will be constructed and operated. This includes both
the average seven-day maximum high temperature and the single-day minimum low
temperature for the last twenty years and the latitude for that particular geographic location.

3 To account for traffic volume and speed or both, adjustments should be made to the selected
ABPG using AASHTO M332.

4 The requirements of the aggregate are selected based on the anticipated traffic and position
of the layer within the pavement. The quality criteria for Superpave aggregates are
summarized in Table 6. In order to be used in Superpave mixtures, the aggregate blends
must meet two sets of criteria known as source properties and consensus properties. Source
property requirements apply to each aggregate stockpile, but consensus properties apply
to the combined blend of multiple stockpiles. The consensus properties are mandatory
for all Superpave aggregate blends while; source properties are left to the contracts.

(a) Consensus Properties (Superpave Requirements):

i. Coarse Aggregate Angularity, (CAA) ASTM D5821
ii. Fine Aggregate Angularity, (FAA) AASHTO T304-Method A
iii. Flat and Elongated Particles (F&E) ASTM D4791
iv. Sand Equivalent, (SE) AASHTO T176
(b) Source Properties (QCS Requirements):

QCS General Specifications, source properties are considered specific to the geology
of a particular region and the experience with local materials.
i. Toughness AASHTO T96
ii. Soundness AASHTO T104
iii. Clay lumps & friable particles AASHTO T112
iv. Others.

Table 6
Superpave Criteria for Aggregate Consensus Properties
Traffic Class Designation (or ESAL, million) Layer Depth,
VH(>30) H(10to<30) M (3 to<10) L (0.3 to 3) VL (< 0.3) mm

100/100 95/90 85/80 75/- 55/- < 100 mm CAA, %

100/100 80/75 60/- 50/- -/- > 100 mm

45 45 45 40 - < 100 mm FAA, %

45 40 40 40 - > 100 mm

50 45 45 40 40 SE, % min

10 10 10 10 - F&E, % max

Note: CAA values (X/Y) denotes that X% of the coarse aggregate has one fractured face and Y%
has two or more fractured faces

1.5.3 Step2: Selection of a Design Aggregate Structure (DAS)

1 Once a group of aggregates has been identified, these aggregates are combined at
different percentages to produce at least three distinct blends conforming to Superpave
gradation requirements presented in Table 7 according to designed NMAS.
CEG International Specification

Table 7
Aggregate Gradation Requirements – Control Points

Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size, mm - Control Point (Percent Passing)

Sieve Size 37.5 mm 25.0 mm 19.0 mm 12.5 mm 9.5 mm 4.75 mm

Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.

50.0 mm 100 - - - - - - - - - - -

37.5 mm 90 100 100 - - - - - - - - -

25.0 mm - 90 90 100 100 - - - - - - -

19.0 mm - - - 90 90 100 100 - - - - -

12.5 mm - - - - - 90 90 100 100 - 100 -

9.5 mm - - - - - - - 90 90 100 95 100

4.75 mm - - - - - - - - - 90 90 100

2.36 mm 15 41 19 45 23 49 28 58 32 67 - -

1.18 - - - - - - - - - - 30 60

0.075 mm 0 6 1 7 2 8 2 10 2 10 6 12

2 Primary Control Sieve (PCS) shown in Table 8 can be used to determine if the nominated
blend is fine or coarse gradation. If the gradation line passes below the PCS, it is considered
as coarse graded and it is considered fine gradation if the line passes above the PCS.

Table 8
Gradation Classification - PCS Control Points

9.5mm 12.5mm 19mm 25mm 37.5 mm Nominal Maximum Size

2.36mm 2.36mm 4.75mm 4.75mm 9.5mm Primary Control Sieve Size

47% 39% 47% 40% 47% %Passing PCS

3 Typically, three blends are developed ranging from the coarse to the fine side of the
Superpave control points for a given nominal maximum size (note: control points and PCS
differ for different NMAS). After selecting a blend (i.e. from the three trial blends), the
aggregate consensuses properties must be confirmed to meeting Superpave criteria by
actual testing.

4 The most difficult part of designing an aggregate structure is the creation of the VMA
necessary to meet the volumetric criteria. The procedure is typically a trial and error
process; however, there are some general guidelines that will assist in obtaining the
VMA. The following recommendations may be tried to increase VMA:

(a) Move the gradation away from the maximum density line;
(b) Use highly angular particles;
(c) Use particles with a rough surface texture;
(d) Reduce the percent of natural sand and use more percent of the crushed sand;
(e) Reduce the amount of P200 used in the HMA; and
CEG International Specification

(f) Use S-shaped gradation curve.

5 A good design aggregate structure is one that is economical and meets Superpave
volumetric criteria.

1.5.4 Work Instructions of Step 2 Selection of DAS

1 To select the design aggregate structure, do the following:

(a) Obtain representative hot bin specimens from the plant.

(b) Determine the consensus properties, water absorption, bulk and apparent specific
gravities for each aggregate fraction.
(c) Grade the specimens using Superpave standard sieve set.
(d) Input the values from two and three into ePAVE3 or combine manually. to
develop three blends that meet the Superpave criteria (i.e. within the control points for
the design NMAS)
(e) Estimate the initial trial asphalt binder content using ePAVE3 or by using formulas
presented in ASSHTO R35.
(f) For unmodified asphalt binders, determine the mixing and compacting temperature for
the proposed asphalt binder as follows:

(i) Measure the rotational viscosity using AASHTO T316 or ASTM D4402 at 135 C
and 165 C.
(ii) Input the measured viscosities into ePAVE3. ePAVE3 will generate the viscosity-
temperature relationship.
(iii) From the graph, determine:
2 The mixing temperature at a rotational viscosity of 0.17 ± 0.02 Pa.s.
3 The compaction temperature at a rotational viscosity of 0.28 ± 0.03 Pa.s.
(g) For modified asphalt binders, determine the mixing and compaction temperature in
accordance with one of the methods presented in NCHRP 648.
(h) Prepare enough hot mix to make two 150 mm (or 100 mm) gyratory specimens and
two specimens to measure the Maximum Specific Gravity (Gmm) for each blend at the
estimated initial trial asphalt content.
Note: small specimen size of 100 mm is used for mixes having NMAS of 19.0 mm or below.

(i) Leave the mix in the oven for two hours at the compaction temperature then
compact two 150.0 mm (or 100 mm) specimens for each blend using the Superpave
Gyratory Compactor (SGC) to Ndes according to AASHTO T312 (minimum number of
specimens is six).
(j) For the specimens that were compacted to Ndes, measure the bulk specific gravity
(Gmb), and obtain the specimen height at Nini and Ndes from the gyratory compactor
that is automatically recording the specimen height for each gyration.
(k) Measure the Maximum Specific Gravity (G mm) for two specimens for each blend
according to ASSHTO T209.
(l) Input the measured values into ePAVE3. ePAVE3 will perform the computations,
display results, and check them against the criteria of the project.
CEG International Specification

(m) Check the results given by ePAVE3 for the three blends and select the most
conforming blend as the DAS; in case none of the three blends meets Superpave
criteria, repeat the design by developing additional aggregate blends from the same
source ; if the criteria is not met change the sources.

2 Preparation of the binder and aggregate mixtures for the gyratory compactor (SGC) should
be timed such that a minimum of 20 minutes is allowed between batches. Batched
specimens should be conditioned in a closed draft oven for a minimum of 2 hours ± 5
minutes prior to compacting them in the SGC. Refer to AASHTO R30 for more details. The
short time oven aging is performed to permit time for the aggregate to absorb the
binder. All specimens including those for SGC and maximum specific gravity tests, should
be cured the same amount of time.

1.5.5 Step 3: Selection of the Design Asphalt Content

1 The selected aggregate blend (DAS) will then be mixed with four different proportions of the
binder as follows:

(a) Estimated asphalt binder content corrected to give 4.0% air voids.
(b) Estimated asphalt binder content corrected to give 4.0% air voids minus 0.5 %.
(c) Estimated asphalt binder content corrected to give 4.0% air voids plus 0.5 %.
(d) Estimated asphalt binder content corrected to give 4.0% air voids plus 1.0 %.

2 A sufficient amount of the proposed aggregate blend will need to be prepared to

permit two specimens to be compacted in the SGC according to Superpave system for
gyrations equal (Ndes), and the maximum specific gravity to be determined at each of the
four binder contents.

3 Preparation of the binder and aggregate mixtures for the SGC specimens should be timed
such that a minimum of 20 minutes is allowed between batches. Batched specimens should
be conditioned in a closed draft oven for a minimum of 2 hours ± 5 minutes prior to
compacting them in the SGC. Refer to AASHTO R30 for more details. The short time oven
aging is performed to permit time for the aggregate to absorb the binder. All
specimens including those for SGC and maximum specific gravity tests, should be cured the
same amount of time.

4 The procedure used for design in the laboratory will need to closely match the field conditions
at the time of construction. Failure to consistently test the materials at the same time interval
may result in a highly erratic all specific gravity values and possibly failure to achieve the
required VMA. After the necessary testing has been accomplished, the calculation of the
volumetric parameters can begin. The averaged results of the various volumetric calculations
need to be plotted relative to the corresponding binder content. The design binder content is
selected as that which satisfies the specified volumetric criteria at 4 percent air voids (refer to
AASHTO R35 for more details).
CEG International Specification

1.5.6 Work Instruction of Step 3- Selection of DAC

1 To select the deign asphalt content, do the following:

(a) After selecting the most conforming blend (DAS) from step 2, prepare enough
hot mix to make two 150 mm (or 100 mm) gyratory specimen and two specimens to
measure the Maximum Specific Gravity (Gmm) for four trial mixes using DAS of the
selected blend and four asphalt binder levels as specified in item (5.5.4) herein.
(b) Compact two 150.0 mm (or 100 mm) specimens for each mix using the Superpave
Gyratory compactor to Ndes according to AASHTO T312 (total number of specimens
are eight)
(c) For the specimens that were compacted to N des, measure the bulk specific gravity
(Gmb), and obtain the specimen height at Nini and Ndes from the gyratory compactor
that is automatically recording the specimen height for each gyration.
(d) Input the measured values into ePAVE3. The programme will perform all
calculations, produce the results and compare the results with required mix design
properties for the project.
(e) ePAVE3 will generate the design curves, these are:
(i) % air voids vs. asphalt content.
(ii) % VMA vs. asphalt content.
(iii) % VFA vs. asphalt content.
(iv) % Gmm at Nini vs. asphalt content.

(f) From the percentage, air voids vs. asphalt content curve determine the design asphalt
content (DAC) which corresponds to 4.0 % air voids.
(g) Use the %VMA vs. asphalt content, %VFA vs. asphalt content % and %Gmm vs.
asphalt content graphs to obtain the VMA, FVA and the % Gmm @ Nini values at the
design asphalt content.
(h) Input the DAC, %VMA, %VFA % and G mm @ Nini into the appropriate cells in
ePAVE3. ePAVE3 will perform the computations, display results, and check them
against the criteria of the project.
(i) If the mix properties at the design asphalt content conform to the Superpave criteria
then go to the Nmax verification; if not then analyze, evaluate and modify the
design as needed until the mix properties at the design asphalt content (DAC)
conform to the criteria.

1.5.7 Nmax and Ndes Verification

1 After conforming to Superpave criteria, then do the Nmax verification as follows:

(a) Prepare enough hot mix at the selected gradation from (DAS) step 2 and the selected
design asphalt content (DAC) from step 3, to compact two 150 mm (or 100 mm)
specimens and two Gmm specimens.
(b) Compact the specimens to Nmax using the gyratory compactor according to AASHTO
(c) Measure the Gmb at Nmax for the two specimens that were prepared using SGC and
measure the Gmm.
CEG International Specification

(d) Input the values into ePAVE3, which will perform the computations, provide the results,
and compare them with the Superpave criteria.
(e) Check the results of ePAVE3, if acceptable then the design is concluded if not
then redesign the mix.

2 After conforming that the mix properties at Nmax meet Superpave criteria, then do the Ndes
verification as follows:

(a) Prepare enough hot mix at the selected gradation from (DAS) step 2 and the selected
design asphalt content (DAC) from step 3, to compact two 150 mm (or 100 mm)
specimens and two Gmm specimens.
(b) Compact the specimens to Ndes using the gyratory compactor according to AASHTO
(c) Measure the Gmb at Ndes for the two specimens that were prepared using SGC and
use the Gmm from the previous step. Obtain the specimen height at Ndes and Nini from
the gyratory compactor that is automatically recording the specimen height for each
(d) Input the values into ePAVE3, which will perform the computations, provide the results,
and compare them with the Superpave criteria.
(e) Check the results of ePAVE3, if acceptable then the design is concluded if not
then redesign the mix.

1.5.8 Step 4: Evaluation of the Strength and the Moisture Sensitivity of the Mixture

1 The identification of the combination of a design aggregate structure and design binder
content is now complete. The mixture now needs to demonstrate that it is capable of
resisting the moisture induced damage. This evaluation is performed in accordance with

2 Moisture sensitivity evaluation requires that a total of six specimens consisting of the
proposed aggregate blend and binder at the design binder content, be prepared and
compacted to approximately 7 ± 0.5% air voids. This group of specimens is divided into
two subsets with three of the specimens being identified as the control specimens and
the other three being identified as conditioned specimens.

3 At the end of the conditioning period all of the specimens are loaded to failure in indirect
tension. Report the average Indirect Tensile Strength (IDT) of the dry subset in the mix
design report (see Table 5); and if the ratio of the average strength of the conditioned subset
to the control subset (retained strength) is more than or equal to 80% , then the mixture
passes the test. If the retained strength is less than 80%, then the mixture fails. The retained
strength can be increased by substituting part of the material finer than 0.075 mm by
mineral admixtures or by using chemical anti-stripping agents. Prepare another six (6)
specimens and test them as previously described. If this procedure does not improve the
retained strength to more than 80%, then the design process should be repeated using
different source.
CEG International Specification

1.5.9 Work Instructions of Step 4 Evaluation of Strength and the Moisture Sensitivity

1 To check the Strength and the moisture sensitivity of the designed mix, do the following:

(a) Prepare enough hot mix to make six 150 mm (or 100 mm) gyratory compactor
specimens using the selected gradation (DAS) and the design asphalt content (DAC).
(b) Use the Nmax verification densification data to identify the number of gyrations required
to achieve 7.0 ± 0.5% % air voids (i.e. %G mm = 92.5 to 93.5 %).
(c) Compact six 150.0 mm (or 100 mm) specimens using the Superpave Gyratory
Compactor according to AASHTO T312 compactor (total number of specimens are
six) to a number of gyrations that will provide approximately 7.0 ± 0.5 % air voids.
(d) Use ASSHTO T283 to test the six specimens.
(e) Input the measured values into ePAVE3. ePAVE3 will perform the computations and
provide the results and compare them with the Superpave criteria
(f) Check the results given by ePAVE3. Report the average IDT of the Dry group in the
mix design report (see Table 5). If the ratio of the average IDT of the conditioned
subset to the control subset is 80% or more, then the mixture passes the test if not
consider redesigning the mix and use some additives.


1 A proposed Job Mix Formula (JMF) shall be formulated by the Contractor and submitted to
the Engineer and LSA for approval. The JMF shall be prepared by the Contractor in precise
compliance with Superpave system. The Contractor shall select his sources of aggregate
and bituminous material and, after sufficient quantities have been stockpiled or are available
for use, obtain representative specimens of the materials and test to determine if they
conform to the requirements of the specifications.

2 Before producing bituminous concrete mixtures, the Contractor shall submit in writing to the
Engineer, detailed information for each mix which he proposes to furnish. The information
shall include, but not be limited to the following:

(a) Copy of mix certificate approval obtained from LSA.

(b) The source(s) of the aggregate for each mix.
(c) Pertinent test data and a written certification that the aggregates conform to all of the
quality requirements specified herein and in section 5.2.
(d) Type of Asphalt modifier intended to be used in the project. The Asphalt binder
modifier shall be an approved modifier; along with the Certificate of Conformity of the
modified asphalt binder to the required grade according to the Superpave Performance
Based Grading System.
(e) Pertinent test data on the type and properties of the asphalt binder, modified asphalt
binder, mineral filler, and chemical admixtures/asphalt modifiers to be furnished.
(f) Superpave mix design report in ePAVE3 format.
(g) The type and location of plant to be used for mixing each mix.
CEG International Specification

(h) Type of Asphalt modifier intended to be used in the project. The Asphalt binder
modifier shall be an approved modifier; along with the Certificate of Conformity of the
modified asphalt binder to the required grade according to the Superpave Performance
Based Grading System.
(i) Pertinent test data on the type and properties of the asphalt binder, modified asphalt
binder, mineral filler, and chemical admixtures/asphalt modifiers to be furnished.
(j) Superpave mix design report in ePAVE3 format.
(k) The type and location of plant to be used for mixing each mix.
(l) The proposed beginning date for producing bituminous concrete mixtures.
(m) Any other support data and information special to the project (e.g. technical data
sheets of a polymer in case it was used).

3 The Engineer shall be provided access to the materials sampling and testing operations at all

4 At the same time that the above information is provided, the Engineer shall obtain one
hundred (100) kilogram specimens of each individual aggregate size, eight (8) liters of
bituminous material and, when used, sufficient quantities of the mineral filler and the
chemical admixture/asphalt modifier to complete two (2) proposed mix design checks,
all representing the materials which the Contractor proposes to furnish. The final job
mix formula shall be made by using hot-bins aggregate.

1.6.2 Acceptance of Job Mix Formula

1 The Engineer shall review the JMF to determine that it contains all required information. If it
does not contain all required information, it shall be returned within seven (7) days to the
Contractor for further action and resubmission by the Contractor.

2 If the proposed JMF contains all required information but fails to meet all of the requirements
specified, it shall not be accepted by the Engineer and will be returned to the Contractor
within fourteen (14) days. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer a new
JMF conforming to the requirements specified and propose a new date for beginning
production of the bituminous mixtures.

3 When the Engineer is satisfied that the JMF proposed by the Contractor conforms to all the
requirements of the specifications, he shall order the Contractor to construct a minimum of
two hundred (200) meter long field test strip; but, not exceeding one day's production. The
test strip is used for three purposes:

(a) To check the contractor ability to produce the approved mix within tolerances.
(b) To check the contractor ability to construct and compact the mix to satisfy job
(c) To check the riding quality according to project specifications.

4 The Engineer shall evaluate the test strip as to its constructability and compactability and the
mix for conformance to the laboratory tested JMF within the tolerances listed in Table 9. Five
(5) specimens shall be obtained from the test strip and tested.

5 If the Engineer is not satisfied with the results of the test strip, he shall state his
objections in writing and request a revised JMF and a new test strip.
CEG International Specification

6 When the Engineer is satisfied that the JMF proposed by the Contractor conforms to all
requirements of the specifications and the test strip results are acceptable, he will issue
written acceptance to the Contractor to begin producing the proposed mixes. Production of
bituminous concrete mixtures shall not begin until the Engineer has given written acceptance
of the Job Mix Formula.

7 Acceptance of the JMF by the Engineer does not relieve the Contractor of his obligation to
produce bituminous concrete mixtures conforming to all specified requirements.

1.6.3 Construction Quality Control:

1 Testing to control the quality of bituminous concrete mixtures produced shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor.

2 For each class of bituminous concrete produced and each day's production, the Contractor
shall perform one (1) complete Superpave analysis at Ndes including gradation and asphalt
binder content, air voids, %VMA, %VFA, DP ratio, Indirect tensile strength on a specimen
obtained from the discharge gate or hauling vehicle. In addition, the Contractor shall
evaluate on a weekly basis the strength and moisture sensitivity of the mix from a specimen
obtained from the discharge gate or hauling vehicle.

3 No mixture conditioning is required when conducting quality control or quality

assurance testing on plant-produced mixture.

Table 9
Superpave Job Mix Formula Tolerances for HMA Plant Mix

Mix Composition Property Tolerance Limit

Asphalt Binder Content (Pb) ±0.40

Gradation Passing 4.75 mm and Larger Sieves ±5

Gradation Passing 2.36mm to 150μm Sieve ±4

Gradation Passing 75μm Sieve ±1.2

Air Voids (Va) ±1.3

Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) ±1.5

Field Density 92 to 94 (%Gmm)

CEG International Specification

1) Hot Asphalt Mix Design System Using Superpave System Detailed in Asphalt Institute
SP-2 and the AASHTO 2005 Standards – MOT – Saudi Arabia, 2006.
2) AASHTO M323: Standard Specification for Superpave Volumetric Mix Design.
3) (NCHRP) Report 567: Volumetric Requirements for Superpave Mix Design.
4) (NCHRP) Report 409: Quality Control and Acceptance of Superpave-Designed Hot
Mix Asphalt.
5) (NCHRP) Report 539: Aggregate Properties and the Performance of Superpave-
Designed Hot-Mix Asphalt.
6) (NCHRP) Report 513: Simple Performance Tester for Superpave Mix Design.
7) (NCHRP) Report 648: Mixing and Compaction Temperatures of Asphalt Binders in
Hot-Mix Asphalt.
8) AASHTO T320: Standard Method of Test for Determining the Permanent Shear Strain
and Stiffness of Asphalt Mixtures Using the Superpave Shear Tester (SST).
9) AASHTO T321: Standard Method of Test for Determining the Fatigue Life of
Compacted Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) Subjected to Repeated Flexural Bending.
10) AASHTO T322: Standard Method of Test for Determining the Creep Compliance and
Strength of Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) Using the Indirect Tensile Test Device.
11) AASHTO T340: Standard Method of Test for Determining the Rutting Susceptibility of
Hot Mix Asphalt (APA) Using the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA).

CEG International Specification

7 ASPHALT PLANTS ............................................................................................... .. 3

7.1 ASPHALT BINDERS DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE .............................. 3
7.2 ASPHALT PLANTS PRODUCTION CONTROL ...................................................... 4
7.2.1 Factory Production Control (FPC) 4
7.2.2 Factory Production Control Quality Plan 4
7.2.3 Organizational Structure 5
7.2.4 Internal Audits 5
7.2.5 Management Review 5
7.2.6 Document Control 5
7.3 PRODUCT REALISATION ...................................................................................... 6
7.3.1 Constituent Materials 6
7.3.2 Customer Supplied Product 6
7.3.3 Process Control 6
7.3.4 Handling, Storage and Delivery 7
7.3.5 Plant Calibration and Maintenance 7
7.3.6 Plant Quality Control Laboratory 8
7.4 INSPECTION AND TESTING.................................................................................. 9
7.4.1 General 9
7.4.2 Incoming constituent materials 9
7.4.3 Finished Asphalt Mixture 9
7.5 NON-CONFORMITY ............................................................................................ . 10
7.5.1 General 10
7.5.2 Non-conformity of Material or Asphalt Mixtures 10
7.6 INSPECTION, MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT ......................................... 11
7.7 PLANT GENERALLY............................................................................................ . 11
7.8 ASPHALT PLANT............................................................................................... ... 12
7.8.1 General 12
7.8.2 Automatic Operation 12
7.8.3 Cold Bins System 12
7.8.4 Drier 13
7.8.5 Dust Collector 13
7.8.6 Screens 13
7.8.7 Hot Bins 13
7.8.8 Asphalt Binder Storage 14
7.8.9 Thermometric Equipment 14
7.8.10 Control of Mixing Time 14
7.8.11 Pugmill 14
7.8.12 Temporary Storage of Mix 15
7.8.13 Safety Requirements 15
7.8.14 Weigh-Box 15
7.8.15 Scales or Meters 16
7.8.16 Plant Control System 16
CEG International Specification

APPENDIX "P\' ................................................................................................................... .17
APPENDIX "B" .................................................................................................................... 22
APPENDIX "C".................................................................................................................... 25
CEG International Specification



1 Before loading, the bitumen manufacturer shall examine the shipping container and remove
all remnants of previous cargos that may contaminate the material to be loaded.

2 The manufacturer shall furnish with each shipment two (2) copies of the delivery ticket
containing the following:

(a) Consignees’ details.

(b) Net liters.
(c) Net weight.
(d) Type and amount of anti-stripping agent (if any).
(e) Identification number (truck, car tank, etc.)
(f) Destination.
(g) Date.
(h) Loading temperature, and the recommended delivery temperature range.
(i) Specific gravity.

3 The bitumen manufacturer shall deliver a signed Certificate of Compliance to cover the
quality and quantity of material and the condition of container for each shipment. Test results
shall be provided with the shipment.

4 Bituminous materials furnished without a Certificate of Compliance should not be introduced

into the work until the Contractor has had sufficient time to sample and test the delivered

5 The delivery tanker shall be insulated with a rock wool or similar material. Burner tubes shall
be designed so that the bituminous material is evenly heated with no hot spots within the
tanker. Temperature gauges shall be calibrated and positioned such that the maximum
temperature in the tanker shall be indicated. The temperature of unmodified and modified
bitumen during delivery shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer
recommendations. Tankers shall be designed to enable the safe sampling of the bitumen
from the top of the tanker or from a sampling valve. Sampling shall not take place whilst the
tank is under pressure.

6 The Contractor shall obtain acceptance samples of bituminous material according to ASTM
D140 at the applicable point of acceptance.

7 For bituminous material used in direct application on the road, samples shall be taken from
each shipping container at the time of discharge into distributors or other conveyances on the

8 For bituminous material initially discharged into storage tanks on the project, samples shall
be taken from the line between the storage tank and the distributor or the asphalt plant after
each delivery. Samples shall be taken after a sufficient period of circulation has taken place
to ensure samples are representative of the material in the storage tank.
CEG International Specification

9 The manufacturer of bituminous materials shall test all materials produced and the test
results retained for reference. Each shipment of bituminous material delivered to the asphalt
plant shall be sampled. The samples shall be numbered consecutively and identified by
project, type and grade of bituminous material, date of delivery and use. Samples testing
frequency shall be based on LSA and the Engineer approval.

10 Each bitumen delivery and storage tank and its associated delivery pipe and control valve
must be independently and uniquely identified with the tank number.

11 Storage tanks must also display the grade of bitumen held in the tank.

12 Adequate and reliable means of gauging the bitumen tank contents and ullage must be
available at the discharge point.

13 Vent pipes must be fitted in bitumen tanks and located where they do not pose a risk to any
personnel or delivery vehicles and must be kept clear at all times.

14 It is recommended that bitumen tanks should be fitted with a correctly designed drain valve to
enable the safe emptying of the tank for cleaning and maintenance. In the absence of a drain
valve, a specific risk assessment must be carried out prior to any uplift of product.

15 Samples must not be taken from the bitumen delivery vehicle or hoses at the delivery site
unless equipment is fitted to do so safely.

16 If there is a requirement to take bitumen samples a purpose designed valve should be

permanently fitted to the tank (or corresponding pipework).


7.2.1 Factory Production Control (FPC)

1 The Organization shall establish and operate a permanent factory production control system
to ensure delivery of the quality requirements of the project specification whilst
maintaining a regime of continuous improvement and ensure the competence and
training of staff and operators. The Organization shall document and maintain the FPC
system in which procedures, regular inspections and tests and/or assessments and the
use of the results to control raw and other incoming materials or components, equipment,
the production process and the product.

2 A sample plant inspection checklist, which includes the minimum items to be covered as part
of LSA inspection, Engineer inspection and producer internal audit system, is provided in
Appendix “C”.

7.2.2 Factory Production Control Quality Plan

1 The Organization shall establish and maintain FPC documentation for each asphalt
production site used to supply the works.

2 The FPC documentation shall include a means for identifying and detailing the specific
processes that directly affect the quality of the asphalt. This shall particularly address:

(a) Producer’s organizational structure relating to conformity and quality.

(b) Document control.
CEG International Specification

(c) Control procedures for constituent materials and purchaser supplied product.
(d) Process control
(e) Requirements for the handling and storage of the product.
(f) Plant calibration and maintenance.
(g) Quality control laboratory calibration and maintenance.
(h) Requirements for inspection and testing of processes and products.
(i) Procedures for handling non-conformity.

7.2.3 Organizational Structure

1 The responsibility, authority and inter-relation of all personnel who manage, perform and
verify work affecting conformity and quality shall be defined in the quality plan, particularly for
personnel who have authority to:

(a) Initiate action to prevent the occurrence of product non-conformity.

(b) Identify and record any product quality problems.

2 The producer shall identify a person with appropriate authority, knowledge and experience to
supervise Factory Production Control and to ensure that the requirements of the quality plan
are implemented and maintained. The person identified may exercise such supervision over
a group of plants.

3 The management structure shall be documented. Names, affiliations, and positions of

principal staff shall be listed. The organization chart shall clearly define relationships with
other partner organizations where applicable.

7.2.4 Internal Audits

1 The Organization shall carry out internal audits to verify which activities comply with the
planned arrangements and to determine the effectiveness of the Factory Production Control
system. Audits shall be scheduled on the basis of the status and importance of the activity.
The audits and follow up action shall be carried out in accordance with documented
procedures. The results of the audits shall be documented and brought to the attention of the
personnel having responsibility in the area audited. The management personnel responsible
for the area shall take timely corrective action on the non- conformities found by the audit and
shall keep a record of the action taken.

2 The frequency of such audits shall be that each area of process is audited at least annually.

7.2.5 Management Review

1 The system shall be reviewed at least annually by management to ensure its continuing
suitability and effectiveness.

7.2.6 Document Control

1 The producer shall establish and maintain documented procedures to control all documents
and data that relate to the requirements of these specifications.
CEG International Specification

2 The producer shall maintain all documents related to daily production quality records, test
methods, practices, procedures, and specifications.

3 Records relating to Factory Production Control shall be maintained and accessible by the
Organization and shall be produced if requested by the Engineer or any authorized audit

4 Management review, internal audits, 3rd party assessment, and inspection and testing of
finished asphalt shall be kept for a minimum of ten years. All other quality records shall be
kept until at least five years after the completion of the project, or longer as the Organization


7.3.1 Constituent Materials

1 Adequate supplies of constituent materials shall be available to ensure that the

planned rates of production and delivery can be maintained.

2 The specification and tolerances for incoming constituent materials shall be established
and communicated to suppliers by appropriate traceable and confirmable means.

3 The control procedures shall verify that suppliers of incoming materials are capable of
providing the required quality of materials.

4 Different material types or grades shall be transported and stored in such a manner
as to avoid intermingling, contamination or deterioration which may adversely affect the
quality of the product.

5 The general requirements of this clause shall be translated into more detailed plant
specific requirements within the FPC and include the following:

(a) Procedures for the control of aggregates delivered to a depot or plant site.
(b) Requirements for labelling of storage bays and silos.
(c) Requirements for heating, temperature control and insulation of binder tanks, pipes
and pumps.
(d) Requirements for controlling delivery of binders into the correct tanks, including
stirrers/agitators and labelling of tanks, and the selection of the correct tanks for use.
(e) Requirements for the control of additives.
(f) Requirements for the manufacture of polymer modified binders at site by the
Organization or its supplier, where applicable.

7.3.2 Customer Supplied Product

1 Any constituent material supplied by the customer for inclusion in the asphalt shall be
handled, stored and maintained free of contamination by the Organization.

7.3.3 Process Control

1 The FPC quality plan shall include the following items of process control:
CEG International Specification

2 A description of the flow of materials and the processes carried out on them from receipt at
the plant to delivery to the job site. This shall incorporate a flow diagram.

3 A statement of the production control processes necessary to maintain and regulate the
quality of material in conformity with the specification. This will include the procedure for the
control of batching instructions.

4 A schedule for monitoring the performance of the process, which is shown in Table A-1 in
Appendix “A”, resulting in a record of plant performance against stated tolerances.

5 A detailed method statement for the production of polymer modified binder including storage
and quality control, and the procedure for the handling of nonconforming product.

7.3.4 Handling, Storage and Delivery

1 The FPC quality plan shall contain procedures to ensure that the asphalt mixture is handled,
stored, discharged and delivered at the specified temperature range, minimizing segregation
and degradation.

2 The asphalt mixture shall be identifiable and traceable with regard to its production data and
can be referenced from information on the delivery ticket from its manufacture to its point of
installation. The quality plan shall however make clear the point to which the Organization’s
responsibility for handling storage and delivery extends.

3 The quality plan shall describe the characteristics of any hot storage system and define its
mode of operation. The Organization shall ensure thorough checks, inspections and records
that such systems are used correctly and that bituminous mixtures maintain their suitability
for use.

4 Bituminous materials shall not be heated during the process of its manufacture or during
construction so as to cause damage to the materials as evidenced by the formation of
carbonized particles.

7.3.5 Plant Calibration and Maintenance

1 The FPC quality plan documentation shall identify those items of measuring equipment which
require calibration and the frequency of such calibration which shall comply with the
requirements of QCS 2014, or its revisions, and the contract specification.

2 Calibration procedures shall be provided, including the permitted tolerances for the
equipment to remain in service. The quality plan shall state the required accuracy of all plant
calibrations and shall identify any that require traceability to national reference standards (e.g.
mass or weight).

3 The plant shall be maintained to ensure that it continues to be capable of producing asphalt
to the required specifications and tolerances. Table A-2 gives guidance with regard to
schedules for calibration and checks.

4 The FPC quality plan documentation shall identify those items and areas of the plant where
constant use and wear will affect the quality of production including, but not limited to, the
dryer drum, hot elevator, screen deck and meshes, hot bins, weighing and mixing apparatus,
and state the inspection and maintenance schedules for these items in order to maintain
them to the condition necessary to ensure the quality of production.
CEG International Specification

5 A maintenance schedule shall be available and maintenance records shall be kept.

7.3.6 Plant Quality Control Laboratory

1 The asphalt plant shall have a quality control testing laboratory capable of conducting the
following tests:

(a) Sieve analysis (ASTM C117, C136, and D5444).

(b) Specific gravity for coarse and fine aggregates (ASTM C127, C128).
(c) Theoretical maximum specific gravity and density of asphalt mixtures (ASTM D2041).
(d) Quantitative extraction of asphalt binder from asphalt mixtures (ASTM D2172).
(e) Bulk specific gravity and density of compacted asphalt mixtures (ASTM D1188,

2 The asphalt plant laboratory shall have the following:

(a) Efficient quality management system.

(b) Qualified laboratory manager.
(c) Qualified technicians.
(d) Calibrated equipment.

3 The asphalt plant laboratory shall have a database includes but not limited to the following:

(a) Production data.

(b) Testing data.
(c) Materials type and materials traceability to source data.

4 The plant laboratory shall keep records of materials and asphalt mixtures properties on a
daily basis.

5 The laboratory shall maintain a position description for each technical operational position
shown on the laboratory’s organization chart. Position descriptions shall identify the position
and include a description of the duties, required skills, and education and experience
associated with the position.

6 The laboratory shall maintain technical staff training records, qualifications, work experience,
licensure, certifications, and current position for each supervisory technical staff member.

7 The laboratory shall maintain a procedure which describes the methods used for laboratory
personnel training to perform tests in accordance with standard procedures. Records of
laboratory personnel training shall be maintained.

8 The laboratory shall maintain a procedure describing the method used to evaluate staff
competency to ensure that each test covered by the scope of this standard is performed in
accordance with standard procedures. This description shall include the frequency of
competency evaluations for each technician and indicate what position or employee is
responsible for evaluating staff competency and maintaining records. The procedure shall
ensure that each technician receives a performance evaluation for each test that technician
CEG International Specification

9 The laboratory shall calibrate, standardize, and check all significant equipment associated
with tests which the laboratory performs.

10 The laboratory shall have a procedure for the storage, retention, and disposal of test


7.4.1 General

1 All necessary facilities, equipment and personnel shall be available to carry out the required
inspections and tests.

2 Inspection and testing shall be carried out at least as frequently as indicated in Tables A-3 to
A-7. Sampling shall be randomised so as not to introduce undue bias in the assessment of
compliance. Due care shall be taken to adequately cover both large and small volumes of

3 At least 10% of quality control tests related to constituent materials and finished mixtures
shall be carried out by an approved thirty party laboratory. Third party testing schedule shall
be liaised with the Engineer.

4 The results of all tests carried out on materials shall be recorded. Tests taken specifically for
the resolution of problems arising from process control shall be kept separately and need not
be used for the purpose of calculating compliance with the technical specifications.

5 All sampling and testing shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant standard
procedures required by the specification.

7.4.2 Incoming constituent materials

1 Incoming constituent materials shall be inspected and tested using procedures detailed in the
quality plan and to a schedule complying with this clause and the requirements of QCS 2014,
or its revisions, and the contract specification.

2 The required inspections of materials in storage shall be maintained to establish that no

deterioration has occurred.

3 Detailed requirements shall be as follows:

(a) Aggregates: see Table A-3.

(b) Filler: see Table A-4.
(c) Additive: see Table A-5.
(d) Binders: see Table A-6.
(e) Finished Asphalt Mixture: see Appendix “B”.

7.4.3 Finished Asphalt Mixture

1 The finished asphalt mixture shall be inspected and tested using procedures detailed in the
quality management system documentation and to a schedule complying with the
requirements of QCS 2014 and the contract specification.
CEG International Specification

2 Appropriate statistical records shall be maintained in order to monitor and verify process
capability and product characteristics.

3 Individual batch readings shall be recorded as part of the quality records. The plant
pyrometer shall be calibrated in accordance with ASTM E2847 and checked daily against a
calibrated laboratory thermometer, the record of which shall be maintained in the plant
control cabin/office. The temperature of the finished asphalt shall be the average load
temperature however no batch or part of the load shall exceed the maximum JSM
temperature for the mix. Measurement shall be in accordance with QCS 2014.

4 As a regular audit check on the efficacy of the plant quality control laboratory, 10% of
samples analysed for mix composition by the plant control laboratory shall have a duplicate
sample analysed in an independent laboratory, which is ISO17025 accredited in related tests.
The duplicate sampling may be done simultaneously as part of the Organization’s other
testing obligations conducted by an approved independent laboratory. The duplicate results
shall be regularly reviewed and any differences falling outside the reproducibility limits
published in the test standard applicable to the ASTM test methods employed shall be

5 The results of all tests carried out on materials shall be recorded. Tests taken specifically for
the resolution of problems arising from process control shall be kept separately and need not
be used for the purpose of calculating compliance with the technical specifications.

6 All sampling and testing shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant standard
procedures required by the specification.

7 Sampling frequencies, operating compliance level (OCL) and test frequencies are provided in
Appendix “B”.


7.5.1 General

1 The producer shall establish and maintain documented procedures to ensure that constituent
materials or asphalt mixture which when identified by in-process inspection does not conform
to specified requirements is prevented from use or installation. This control shall provide for
identification, evaluation, separation from conforming product (when practical) and disposal
of the nonconforming material or asphalt mixture.

2 The non-conformance process shall include:

(a) Constituent materials upon arrival at the plant or storage site.

(b) Constituent materials in storage.
(c) The manufacturing process.
(d) Handling, storage and delivery of the finished product.

7.5.2 Non-conformity of Material or Asphalt Mixtures

1 Where non-conforming constituent materials or finished asphalt mixtures are identified, the
cause of the non-conformance shall be investigated and identified to effect appropriate
corrective actions to prevent a reoccurrence. Such corrective actions shall be incorporated
into the FPC quality plan.
CEG International Specification

2 Corrective actions may involve reworking the material, adjusting the process, redirection to
another use where it may be acceptable, recycling for further use or rejection and disposal.

3 The FPC quality plan shall identify the action to be taken in process control when non-
conforming product is identified from analysis.

4 The FPC quality plan shall state the process under which the installation contractor and the
supervising agency will be notified of non-conforming analysis results.


1 The Organization shall control, calibrate and maintain suitable measuring and test equipment
as required by this guidance document and QCS 2014.

2 To ensure the testing of incoming constituent materials and finished asphalt conforms to the
relevant test method specification, the Organization, or where an independent laboratory is
employed by the Organization to conduct its quality control testing, shall ensure within the
FPC quality plan that the measuring and test equipment used is maintained in a known state
of calibration and maintenance.

3 The equipment control procedures shall demonstrate the following:

(a) Accuracy and frequency of calibration, which should be in accordance with the relevant
test standard.
(b) Equipment is used in accordance with a documented procedure.
(c) Equipment is uniquely identified.
(d) Calibration records to be maintained.


1 The machinery and tools used in constructing the various items involved in asphalt works
shall be in good working condition and free of oil and fuel leaks. The Contractor shall
maintain and preserve them for the whole duration of the work. The Engineer shall approve
the machinery and tools before works begin and the Contractor shall supply adequate
quantities of such machinery in order to execute the work with due speed and precision.
Equipment approved for use shall not be removed from the Site without the approval of the

2 If required the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with the manufacturer's catalogues,
specifications and other published data for the equipment and machinery he proposes to use.

3 On first erecting an asphalt plant and at least once each three months thereafter, the plant
shall be calibrated by a calibration service organization approved by the LSA. Production
shall not be permitted if the weigh batch calibration does not comply with the requirements of
ASTM D995-95.

4 The Engineer shall have the right to stop the use of any equipment or plant which he deems
to be inferior to the quality required or detrimental to the permanent works and to instruct the
removal of such equipment and to have it replaced by suitable equipment.
CEG International Specification

5 The Contractor shall immediately comply with such instructions without being entitled to any
indemnities or extensions as a result of such instructions. The Contractor shall not be
allowed to use any equipment or plant before obtaining the approval of the Engineer, and the
Contractor shall undertake to follow sound technical methods in operation and to engage
skilled and trained operators, mechanics and labour to carry out the works. The Engineer
shall have the right to expel any operators, mechanics or labour and to instruct suitable
replacement thereof at any time he deems such action is necessary.

6 The Contractor shall comply with any special plant requirements published by the concerned


7.8.1 General

1 All plant used by the Contractor for the preparation of asphalt hot mixes shall be batch type
plants conforming to the requirements as detailed below.

2 The Engineer may permit the use of continuous drier drum type asphalt plants after a fully
detailed technical submission by the Contractor itemising the differences from the
specification. In such cases after approval of the technical submission the Contractor shall
carry out a full scale laying trial with testing of the hot and laid mix and monitoring of the plant
operation by the Engineers staff to assess the suitability of the proposed plant.

3 No laboratory verification or plant trial shall be carried out by the LSA unless an automatic
compaction apparatus is available at the producer’s laboratory.

7.8.2 Automatic Operation

1 The plant shall be designed, coordinated and operated so as to continually produce an

asphalt mix within the job mix tolerances specified.

2 The plant shall be equipped and operated so that the proportioning of the hot aggregate, filler
and bitumen, together with the dry and wet mixing cycles are all controlled automatically.
Positive interlock shall be provided so that proportioning, mixing and discharge are
accomplished by one operation without manual control of the separate phase.

3 The use of manual and semi-automatic plants for the production of asphalt is not permitted
unless specific approval is given in writing by the Engineer.

7.8.3 Cold Bins System

1 The plant shall include a sufficient number of cold storage bins so that there is at least one
bin for each different stockpile of material being used.

2 Intermixing of material from different stockpiles in one bin or on the ground before putting into
the bin is prohibited.
CEG International Specification

3 The cold bins and loading equipment used shall be compatible to prevent overflow between
the bins. Baffle plates shall also be used between bins to prevent overflow of one bin into
another. Each cold bin shall include an accurate means for continuously feeding the required
amount of mineral aggregate so that uniform production is achieved. The settings on the cold
bins shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be checked and calibrated as often as he
may deem necessary to ensure their continued accuracy. Change of settings shall be made
only with the approval of the Engineer.

7.8.4 Drier

1 A drier of satisfactory design shall be provided. The drier shall be capable of uniformly drying
and heating the aggregate to the moisture and temperature required without leaving any
visible burned oil or carbon residue on the aggregate when discharged from the drier.

7.8.5 Dust Collector

1 The plant shall be provided with a dust collector designed to waste, or to return all or part of
the material collected to the asphalt plant.

2 The asphalt plant shall have an efficient fugitive emission collection and control system to
control dust or fume emissions from the drying, screening, weighing and mixing operations.
The collection system shall be so designed to prevent the emission of dust and fumes into
the atmosphere in accordance with the environmental standards of Qatar.

3 The collected dust from the drying process shall pass through a coarse collector which will
pass the coarse particles, substantially greater than 0.075mm, back to the hot elevator or to
a silo for the controlled return to the asphalt mix. The reclaimed dust substantially less than
0.075mm shall be collected and passed into a storage silo for the controlled return as mineral
filler to the asphalt mix through the filler weigh-box or sent to waste.

4 The plant shall be equipped with a filler silo for recovered filler. An additional dry storage silo
shall be provided for imported mineral filler with a provision of a separate weighing hopper to
proportion this filler into the mix.

7.8.6 Screens

1 Plant screens shall be capable of screening all aggregates to the specified sizes and
proportions. They shall have capacities equal to or greater than the maximum rated capacity
of the plant. They shall have an operating efficiency such that the aggregate deposited in any
bins shall not contain more than 10 % oversize or undersize material. This screen tolerance
shall not invalidate the job mix tolerances specified.

7.8.7 Hot Bins

1 The plant shall include at least three storage bins for hot aggregate of sufficient size to supply
the pugmill when it is operating at full capacity. They shall be arranged to ensure separate
and adequate storage of appropriate fractions of the aggregate. Each compartment shall be
provided with an overflow pipe that shall be of such size and at such location as to prevent
any backing up of material into other bins or against the screens. Bins shall be so
constructed that samples can be readily obtained therefrom. The hot bins shall be equipped
with continuous level indicators to provide information about the level of each ingredient of
the JMF and to avoid shortage or overflow of aggregate from one bin to another.
CEG International Specification

7.8.8 Asphalt Binder Storage

1 Tanks for storage of asphalt binders shall be equipped for heating the material using positive
and automatic control at all times, to a temperature within the specified range. The heating
shall be accomplished by hot thermal oil, electricity or other approved means such that no
direct flame shall come in contact with the bitumen or heating tank.

2 The circulating system for the asphalt binder shall be of adequate size to ensure proper and
continuous circulation during the entire operating period. Suitable means shall be provided
either by double jacketed steam or hot oil or other insulation for maintaining the specified
temperature of the bituminous material in the pipeline, meters, weigh buckets, spray bars,
and other containers and flow lines.

3 The storage tank capacity shall be sufficient for at least one day's operation. Circulation
return lines to the asphalt storage tanks should be submerged to the same elevation in the
storage tanks as the feeder line. Two or three vertical slots may be cut in the return line
above the high level mark to break vacuum when reversing the pump.

4 The Contractor shall provide a sampling outlet in the asphalt binder feed line connecting the
plant storage tanks to the asphalt binder weighing or metering box. The outlets shall consist
of valves installed in such a manner that samples may be withdrawn slowly at any time during
plant operation. The locations of the sampling outlets shall be readily accessible and free
from obstructions. Drainage receptacles shall be provided for flushing the outlets before

7.8.9 Thermometric Equipment

1 An armored thermometer reading from 38 C to 204 C shall be fixed in the bituminous feed
line at a suitable location near the discharge valve. Similar devices shall be fixed in the
heating and storage tanks.

2 The plant shall be further equipped with either an approved dial-scale, mercury-actuated
thermometer, an electric pyrometer, or other approved thermometric instruments placed at
the discharge chute of the drier and in the hot fines bin so as to register automatically or
indicate the temperature of the heated aggregates. For better regulation of the temperature
of the aggregates, replacement of any thermometer by an approved temperature recording
apparatus may be required by the Engineer and he may further require that daily temperature
charts be submitted to him by the Contractor.

7.8.10 Control of Mixing Time

1 The Plant shall be equipped with positive means to govern the time of mixing and to maintain
it constant unless changed at the direction of the Engineer.

7.8.11 Pugmill

1 The batch mixer shall be an approved twin pugmill type, capable of producing a uniform
mixture within the job-mix tolerances. It shall be so designed as to permit a visual inspection
of the mix. The mixer capacity shall be not less than 600 kg per batch and shall be so
constructed as to prevent leakage of contents.
CEG International Specification

2 The bitumen system shall deliver an even flow of binder into the mixer to ensure an even
distribution of bitumen binder throughout the mix during the wet mixing cycle.

3 The mixer shall be fully enclosed with sufficient air extraction to prevent emissions of dust
and fumes. The mixing cycle shall be controlled such that from charging of the mixer until the
closing of the mixer door at the completion of the cycle there shall be no leakage of
aggregate, filler or bitumen from the weighing hoppers. The system shall permit a dry mixing
period, defined as the interval of time between opening of the weigh box gate and the start of
application of bitumen, if required by the mixing process.

4 The wet mixing period is defined as the interval between the discharge of the bitumen binder
into the mixer and the mixer gate is opened to discharge the mix, and shall be not less than
30 seconds. The wet mix time shall be capable of being incrementally set at intervals of not
more than five seconds up to a wet mix time of three minutes. A mechanical batch counter
shall register the completely mixed batches.

5 The mixer shall be equipped with a full set of mixer paddles in a suitable arrangement, in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specification, to produce a proper and uniformly mixed
batch. All paddle arms and tips, and mixer liners shall be in good condition. Mixing shall
cease if any mixer arms or tips are missing, and shall not resume until replaced and

7.8.12 Temporary Storage of Mix

1 Plants may be equipped with skips or elevators for delivering batched mix to hoppers or silos
before discharging to hauling units. The skips or elevators shall not be sprayed with diesel or
other solvents; where necessary they may be sprayed with a minimum amount of lime water,
soap or detergent solution. Hoppers or silos shall be of such design that no segregation or
loss in temperature of the mix occurs.

7.8.13 Safety Requirements

1 Adequate and safe stairways to the mixer platform and guarded ladders to other plant units
shall be placed at all points required for accessibility to all plant operations. Accessibility to
the top of truck bodies shall be provided by means of a platform or other suitable device to
enable the Engineer to obtain mixture temperature data. To facilitate handling scale
calibration equipment and sampling equipment, a hoist or pulley system shall be provided to
raise or lower the equipment from the ground to platform or vice-versa. All gears, pulleys,
chains, sprockets and other dangerous moving parts shall be thoroughly guarded and
protected. Ample and unobstructed passage shall be maintained at all times in and around
the truck loading space. This space shall be kept free from drippings from the mixing

2 Accessibility to the top of loaded truck body shall be provided by means of a platform to
enable obtaining asphalt mixture samples and temperature readings and to check truck body
condition. All necessary safety measures shall be provided for accessing the top of loaded
truck body.

7.8.14 Weigh-Box

1 The plant shall include means for accurately weighing each size of aggregate in a weigh-box
or hopper, suspended on scales, ample in size to hold a full batch without hand raking or
running over.
CEG International Specification

2 The weigh-box or hopper shall be so constructed that they will not be thrown out of alignment
or adjustment. All edges, ends and sides of weighing hoppers shall be free from contact with
any supporting rods and columns or other equipment that will in any way affect the proper
functioning of the hopper.

3 There shall also be sufficient clearance between hoppers and supporting devices to prevent
accumulations of foreign materials. The discharge gate of the weigh-box shall be so hung
that the aggregate will not be segregated when dumped into the mixer and shall close tightly
when the hopper is empty so that no material is allowed to leak into the batch in the mixer
during the process of weighing the next batch.

4 Weighing boxes and hoppers shall be free hanging and placed on high precision load cells or
strain gauges.

7.8.15 Scales or Meters

1 Scales or meters used for proportioning aggregates, mineral filler and bitumen shall be
accurate to 1 % of the indicated quantity. Scales and meters shall be substantially
constructed. Scales and meters that require frequent adjustment shall be replaced. Scales
shall be constructed and located so as to prevent vibration in the dial pointer.

2 Weighing sequence of hot aggregates shall progress from coarse to fine.

3 Bituminous material shall be automatically proportioned by either weighing or metering. The

minimum gradation shall be not more than 1 litre or 1 kg. Bituminous scales and weigh
buckets shall be such that the required amount of bitumen is provided in a single weighing
and delivered to the pugmill without loss due to overflow, splashing or spillage.

4 Bituminous weigh buckets shall be satisfactorily insulated to prevent loss of heat in the
bitumen or accumulation of bitumen in the bucket. Bituminous metering devices shall be
rotating positive displacement pumps and shall be capable of providing the designated
quantity of material for each batch.

5 All scales and meters shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be checked and calibrated
as detailed in Clause 5.3. Production shall not be permitted if the weight batch calibration
does not comply with the requirements of ASTM D955-95.

7.8.16 Plant Control System

1 The asphalt plant operations shall be fully automated and connected to a centralized control
system. Preferably, the plant operating software shall be capable to store the detailed
production history.
CEG International Specification

CEG International Specification

Table A-1: Process control minimum inspection schedule

Control Area Inspection/Test Purpose Minimum frequency

Aggregate stockpiles As FPC quality plan Daily
intermingling, level
ground for tipping,
stock availability
Ensure correct
Cold feed bins As FPC quality plan feeding to plant and Weekly
maintenance of bins
inspection to ensure Monthly or as
Aggregate dryer As FPC quality plan FPC quality plan
effective heating and
Dried Control for Continuously
heated conformance in production

Aggregate screens As FPC quality plan Identify mechanical Weekly or as

and physical defects FPC quality plan

As FPC quality plan Identify mechanical

and physical defects
Hot aggregate bins Weekly
Check screening
Hot bin gradations
Identify mechanical
and physical defect
Weighing apparatus As FPC quality plan Check weighing Weekly
efficacy against truck

Check storage
Tank temperature Daily
Bitumen In accordance with
Binder properties As FPC quality plan
or in case of doubt
Temperature Test of To ascertain the
monitoring accuracy equipment is
equipment for comparison Weekly
functioning correctly
drying/heating and with calibrated
asphalt mix reference
process thermometer

Ensure temperature Each batch or

Asphalt mix Mix temperature continuously in
CEG International Specification

Table A-2: Minimum plant calibration and check requirements

Item of Plant Inspection/Test Purpose Minimum frequency

To ensure that
Visual inspection as
weighing equipment is Daily
described in procedures
functioning correctly
equipment To ensure accuracy a) on installation 1
Testing of weighing within quality plan b) every 3 months
accuracy - calibration requirements c) in case of doubt.

To ensure that
First batch of the day
dispenser is
Organoleptic* inspection containing admixture
Admixture/additive functioning correctly
dispensers To ensure accuracy a) on installation1
Test for accuracy as
within quality plan b) every 3 months
described in procedures.
requirements c) in case of doubt.

Comparison of the actual To ensure accuracy a) on installation 1

Flow meters amount with the metered within quality plan b) every 3 months
amount by reconciliation requirements c) in case of doubt.

Comparison of actual
mass of constituents in To ensure the batching
a) on installation1
Batching system the batch with the accuracy in
b) every 3 months
(on batch plants) intended mass using the accordance with the
c) in case of doubt.
method prescribed in the quality plan
quality plan
Comparison of actual
mass in a measured To ensure the 1
a) on installation
Proportioning period of time with the accuracy in
b) every 12 months
system (cold feed) intended mass using the accordance with the
c) in case of doubt.
method prescribed in the quality plan
quality plan
To ensure the
Visual as described in
equipment is Daily
functioning correctly
Test of accuracy To ensure the
comparison with equipment is Weekly
calibrated reference functioning correctly
pyrometer) To ensure correct a) on installation
Test of accuracy - temperatures are b) every 12 months
calibration recorded c) in case of doubt.

Temperature To ensure the

Visual as described in
monitoring equipment is Daily
equipment (contact functioning correctly
probe or 1
thermocouple for To ensure correct a) on installation
drying heating Test of accuracy - temperatures are b) every 3 months
process) calibration recorded c) in case of doubt.
CEG International Specification

Table A-3: FPC Inspection and test guidance for aggregate stockpiles

Inspection/Test Purpose Minimum frequency

Tests for aggregate properties To check suitability for As required by QCS 2014,
intended use or its revisions

Each size: W eekly

Tests for aggregate consistency To check consignment quality Each consignment: in
by sieve analysis case of doubt

To check consignment is
Inspection of delivery ticket as ordered and from Each delivery
correct source

Table A-4: FPC inspection and test guidance for Filler

Inspection/Test Purpose Minimum frequency

Tests for filler properties To check suitability As required by QCS 2014,

for intended use or its subsequent revisions

Tests for filler consistency To check consignment Gradation: W eekly

or production quality
Plasticity: W eekly
Filler: Non plastic
Appropriate tests to To confirm characteristics Each delivery or weekly
determine specified of product or check for reclaimed filler dust
properties compliance with
Inspection of delivery ticket To check consignment is Each delivery
as ordered and from
correct source

Table A-5: FPC inspection and test guidance for additives

Inspection/Test Purpose Minimum frequency

Appropriate tests to To confirm characteristics a) Source approval prior

determine intrinsic of product or check to initial use and
properties compliance with b) as stated in the quality plan

Inspection of delivery ticket To check that consignment Each delivery

is as ordered and from the
correct source

Organoleptic* For comparison with Each delivery, if

check of normal appearance practicable; otherwise in
consignment accordance with quality
CEG International Specification

Table A-6: FPC Inspection and test guidance for bitumen binder

Inspection/Test Purpose Minimum frequency

Tests for bitumen properties To check suitability for As required by QCS 2014 and
intended use project particular specification

Inspection of delivery ticket To check consignment is as Each delivery or production batch

ordered and from the correct
Temperature To check that binder is within (a) Each delivery or production
specified temperature limits batch
(b) Each tank recorded daily

Grade Properties (60/70) To assess compliance with 1 per 450 tons of binder delivered
specification in normal production

Grade Properties (PG76- 10) To assess compliance with 1 per 450 tons of binder delivered
specification in normal production
Prior to production if stored for
more than 3 days without further
deliveries or production batches

Organoleptic* Check For comparison with normal Each delivery or daily survey of
perceptible properties tanks

Table A-7: FPC minimum inspection/test frequencies for product quality control

Inspection/Test Purpose Minimum frequency

Organoleptic* check on For comparison with normal Every load

mixed asphalt appearance with regard to
grading, evenness of mixing
and adequacy of binder

Suitability of delivery To check adequacy of a) Prior to first use

vehicles by visual insulation b) In case of doubt.

Cleanliness of delivery To avoid contamination Every load prior to loading

vehicles by visual To control use of release agent

Mixed asphalt temperature To assess conformity a) As required under Table

b) W henever samples

Grading and binder content To assess conformity In accordance with QCS

Other characteristics included To assess conformity In accordance with QCS
in technical specifications 2014

* Organoleptic check: a broader evaluation made with the senses: sight, touch, smell, hearing etc. rather
than a visual inspection.
CEG International Specification

CEG International Specification



1 This Appendix includes sampling frequencies and tolerances for mixture composition for use
in the evaluation of conformity of mixed asphalt during production. It is consistent with QCS
2014 but is specifically intended as guidance for the Organization (Asphalt Producer) to
maintain the quality control of the finished asphalt mixture at the point of manufacture and
does not impede on the requirements of QCS 2014, or its revisions, or the contract
specification. The sampling and frequencies are the minimum that should be considered for
control but it is to discretion of the Organization to ensure sufficient samples, tests and
assessments are made in order for the asphalt mixture conforms to specification

2 The properties of asphalt mix characteristics shall conform to the requirements of QCS 2014
and the contract specification. Should these not properties be found not to conform to the Job
Mix Formula the design should be assessed.

3 The guidance provides for three levels of minimum frequency. The minimum frequency which
shall be carried out for all production circumstances and higher frequencies which are
appropriate where it is necessary to give a greater assurance of consistency where the
measured level of conformity has decreased.

4 A guide to assessment of production quality control test conformity is given.

Testing tolerances and conformity assessment

1 Asphalt mixture composition Job Mix Tolerances shall be in accordance with QCS 2014, as
indicated in Table B.1:

Table B.1: Job Mix Tolerances

Description Base Course Wearing Courses
Aggregate retained on 4.75mm ±5% ±4% ±4%
sieve or larger
Aggregate passing 4.75mm sieve
±4% ±3% ±3%
and retained on 850m sieve
Aggregate passing 850m sieve
 3%  2%  2%
and retained on 75m sieve

Aggregate passing 75μm sieve ± 1.5 % ± 1.0 % ± 1.0 %

Binder Content ± 0.3 % ± 0.2 % ± 0.2 %

Operating Compliance Level

1 The Operating Compliance Level (OCL) shall be applicable to each single plant and shall be
determined on an ongoing basis from the number of non-conforming compositional test
results within the last 32 analyses of all asphalt mixtures tested. In addition, the OCL shall
take into account the consistency of production with assessment of the mean deviation from
target as detailed in Table B.2.
CEG International Specification

2 In the event of 5 or more of the previous 32 results being non-conforming, and/or variance of
the mean deviation from target from the prescribed tolerances, the plant shall be subject to
an immediate and comprehensive review of equipment and procedures.

Mean Deviation from Target

1 For each analysis the deviation from target shall be determined for each of the sieves sizes
and binder content indicated in Table B.1. A running mean of the deviations for the last 32
analyses of each asphalt mixture shall be maintained.

2 Should the running mean of the deviations exceed the values stated in Table B.2, this shall
be deemed to be non-conforming asphalt mixture in accordance with Clause 25.4.2 and the
appropriate corrective quality control action taken. The Operating Compliance Level shall be
lowered by one level for as long as the mean deviation stays outside tolerance.

Table B.2: Mean deviation from target tolerances

Description Base Course Intermediate Wearing Course

Aggregate passing 19 mm ±4 ±3 -
Aggregate passing 12.5 mm - ±3
Aggregate passing 9.5 mm ±4 ±3 ±3
Aggregate passing 4.75 mm
±3 ±2 ±2
Aggregate passing 2.36 mm
±3 ±2 ±2
Aggregate passing 75 μm sieve ± 1.5 ± 1.0 ± 1.0
Soluble Binder Content ± 0.3 ± 0.2 ± 0.2

Test Frequency

1 The frequency for sampling shall be determined weekly and shall be maintained at the
operating compliance level minimum frequency indicated in Table B.3.

Table B.3: Determination of Operating Compliance Level and Sampling Frequency

Number of nonconforming Operating Compliance

Minimum Sample Frequency
analyses in last 32 Level

0-2 A 1 per 250t per mix or part thereof

3-6 B 1 per 200t per mix or part thereof

≥6 C 1 per 100t per mix or part thereof

2 New plants commencing production, plants restarting after relocating, a major repair or
overhaul, or those recommencing commercial production after a period exceeding 3 months
cessation shall operate under OCL until 32 results have accumulated after which the
frequency shall revert to the OCL achieved.
CEG International Specification

CEG International Specification

Table C-1: Sample of plant inspection checklist

Aggregate Stockpiles Yes No

Are aggregate stockpiles separated by walls or clear space
1 with signed labelling?
Are the stockpiles free of significant contamination and
2 segregation? (Plant drain-out aggregate is acceptable if the
aggregate size is similar and uncoated.)
Is the aggregate in good condition with no signs of degradation
3 on the stockpile due to vehicle/plant movements?

Is the truck tipping area at the stockpile level? (Non-level

4 surfaces can cause trucks to tip over.)
Do the aggregate delivery and test records conform to the
5 approved mix designs?
Have the aggregates been sampled and tested in accordance
6 with requirements?
Aggregate Cold Feed
Has each aggregate size its own designated and labelled
1 bin/hopper?
Are bins/hoppers in good condition with no holes, with bin wall
2 divider plates between each?
Is aggregate overflow between hoppers being prevented by
3 divider plates?
If meshes (grizzlies) are fitted over the bins/hoppers, are they
4 in reasonable condition and fit for purpose?
Are the feeder gates, feeder belts and vibrators in good
5 condition?
Are there no-flow paddles/sensors on each feeder and are
6 they working?
7 Date of the last feeder calibrations:
Is the aggregate collecting conveyor in good condition, with no
8 holes or splits, or evidence of tracking (side movement) and
the belt scrapers are in good order?

Is there any significant aggregate spillage under the dryer
1 conveyor, the dryer drum or around the base of the hot
Are the dryer lifters and flights are in good condition without
2 undue bending or deformation and none missing. (when dryer
is cold and stopped)
Is the drum exit chute temperature pyrometer, thermocouple
3 or probe clean, working and in calibration?
4 Date of last pyrometer, thermocouple or probe calibration:
Has the drum exit chute Date:
temperature equipment been
checked recently with a Drum chute: °C
5 referenced laboratory probe?
Laboratory probe:
CEG International Specification

Dust Collection
Does the pre-skimmer or knockout box return the collected
1 fine sand to the plant hot elevator?
a: returned to a silo for re-use?

Is the bag house b: directly fed back into the asphalt

extracted dust:- plant?

c: wasted?
Does the laboratory monitor the gradation of the coarse pre-
3 skimmer or knockout box fines and bag house filler?
4 Is there a dust emission monitoring system on the plant?
5 Date of last certified plant stack emission test?
Is the plant stack emission is visually clean with no obvious
6 dust or smoke??
Aggregate Screening
1 Is there any spillage around the screen deck area?
2 Did the last screen inspection indicate any defects?
3 Date of last screen deck inspection:
Are there any signs of damage or wear, especially adjacent to
4 screen bearings or shafts?
Is there any significant dust emission from the screen housing
5 lids, covers or doors?
Is there any evidence of holes, splits or tears in the screen
6 meshes and is there any apparent and significant pegging or
Are there any loose screen meshes that need tightening or
7 support bars that are loose and need welding?
Is there evidence of side seal seepage which could
8 contaminate screened aggregate or wear other parts?
Hot Aggregate Bins
Is there any indication of hot bin oversize or undersize in hot
1 bin drain-outs?
2 Bin 1 Aggregate size 0 / X mm
3 Bin 2 Aggregate size X / X mm
4 Bin 3 Aggregate size X / X mm
5 Bin 4 Aggregate size X / X mm
6 Bin 5 Aggregate size X / X mm
7 Bin 6 Aggregate size X / X mm
Are the individual hot stone bin overflow chutes/pipes blocked
8 or damaged?
Are there holes or damaged seams or welds in the hot bin
walls, especially in the corners and in the lower half of the

Do the hot stone bin doors stick or seize? Is there evidence of

holes in or leakage from the doors?
CEG International Specification

Weighing and Measuring Apparatus

Are the calibrations of the aggregate, filler and bitumen
1 weighing apparatus current and in date?
2 Aggregate weighing apparatus calibration date:
3 Bitumen weighing apparatus calibration date:

4 Filler weighing apparatus calibration date:

5 Mixed asphalt pyrometer calibration date:

Has the mixed asphalt pyrometer been
6 checked recently with a referenced Pyrometer: °C
laboratory probe? Laboratory probe: °C
Weighing efficacy:
Do the printed batch weights equal the weight indicators and
1 are total load batch weights similar to the truck scale net
Does the bitumen bucket/kettle pass the static load test?
(Hold a fully weighed batch of bitumen for at least 30 seconds
2 and note any change in weight. Repeat when empty and note
any major change in tare)
Does the aggregate and filler weighing apparatus pass the
3 static load test?
Is there any bitumen seepage or leakage from the charge and
4 the discharge pipes, and the butterfly valve underneath on
direct gravity discharge bitumen bucket/kettle systems?
Is the bitumen bucket/kettle adequately insulated and heated?
Seepage or leakage from the charge and the discharge
5 pipes? Check the butterfly valve underneath for direct gravity
discharge systems.
Bitumen Storage and Pumping
Where fitted, are breather vents clear on the bitumen weigh
1 bucket/kettle and delivery pipe to the mixer?
Are the bitumen tanks and are all tanks clearly labelled
2 according to the grade of binder stored?
Are stored binder tank temperatures compliant with
3 specification or supplier recommendations?
Where PMB is stored, are the stirrers operational and in good
4 condition?
Is there a supplier defined procedure for the storage and use
5 of polymer modified binders?
Are all tanks, pipes, pumps and flow meters properly
6 insulated and the surrounds clean and in good order?
Is there any evidence of excessive bitumen or oil
7 seepage/leaks from pump(s), valves or manifolds?
Are bitumen tank temperatures monitored and recorded daily
8 by the plant staff?
Are the bitumen binders tested for foaming when heated to
9 175°C?
Is there a control or procedure for tank/binder grade selection
10 according to asphalt mix recipe to avoid using the incorrect
CEG International Specification

Asphalt Mixing
Are the weighing apparatus and mixer external surrounds in
1 clean and good order with no apparent seepage or leakage of
aggregate, filler or bitumen?
Are inspection hatches secure and sealed to prevent dust
2 emission?
Are electric cables, hydraulic and air lines well maintained and
3 in good order?
Are all mixer arms, paddles and tips, liners and door seals
4 present and in good condition?
Is the aggregate weighing sequence, coarse size to fine size?
Is there excessive overflow from the aggregate overflow
6 chutes?
7 Check the required batch weights on the mix card.
Are batch deviations within acceptable guide tolerance?

9 Batch aggregate component ±1.5% of total batch weight

10 Bitumen deviation ±0.1% of total batch weight

11 Mineral filler deviations ±0.1% of total batch weight

Are the in-flight adjustments being made automatically by the

12 plant control system?
13 What is the delay time after aggregate discharge for bitumen: sec.
14 What is the delay time after aggregate discharge for filler: sec.
What is the total wet mixing time in seconds?
(From the complete discharge of the bitumen and filler to the
15 sec.
emptying of the finished batch)

On completion of the mixing cycle, does the mixer fully

16 empty?
On visually inspecting single batches of asphalt, is the
17 appearance consistent from side to side and front to back,
and not segregated?
Does each batch conform to the mix temperature
18 specification requirement?
Does the plant indicated mixed asphalt temperature
19 correspond with a laboratory check?
Where used, is the skip hopper acceptably clean?

Are the empty hot storage silos acceptably clean without cold
21 asphalt sticking to the sides and corners?
Are all trucks acceptably clean prior to loading without any
1 evidence of diesel being used as a release agent?

Are all trucks equipped with load cover sheets or canvasses?

Are the loaded trucks free of significant segregation?
CEG International Specification

Is the asphalt temperature acceptably consistent and within

4 range tolerance throughout the load front to back?
Has the correct delivery ticket been issued to the driver with
5 accurate asphalt description, truck reference or number, site
address, driver name, and ticket number?
Is the plant sampling technician equipped with all necessary
PPE including safety helmet, steel-capped boots, overalls,
6 gloves, hi-visibility jacket, and protective eye glasses?

Are the plants sampling procedures being following by the

7 technician to ensure a representative sample?
(Ask for and retain a copy of the sampling procedures.)

Are plant sample details, including truck delivery details, are

8 recorded on each plant sample?

Request plant compliance rate for each product supplied to the

9 project or contract for record purposes.

CEG International Specification

11 KERBS, FOOTWAYS AND PAVED AREAS............................................................ 2

11.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 2
11.1.1 Scope 2
11.1.2 References 2
11.1.3 Submittals 2
11.1.4 Quality Assurance 2
11.2 KERBS .................................................................................................................... 3
11.2.1 General 3
11.2.2 Materials and Manufacture 3
11.2.3 Laying 5
11.3 PRECAST CONCRETE PAVING BLOCKS ............................................................. 6
11.4 LAYING PRECAST CONCRETE PAVING BLOCKS ............................................... 7
11.5 PRECAST CONCRETE PAVING SLABS ................................................................ 8
11.6 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAVED AREAS....................................................... 9
11.7 BITUMINOUS PAVED AREAS ................................................................................ 9
CEG International Specification



11.1.1 Scope

1 Highway kerbs, edging kerbs for footways and other paved areas. Precast concrete paving
slabs and precast interlocking concrete block areas.

2 Related Sections and Parts:

This Section
Part 3 Earthworks
Part 4 Unbound Pavement Materials
Part 5 Asphalt W orks

Section 5, Concrete

Section 13, Masonry

11.1.2 References

1 The following standards and other documents are referred to in this Part:
BS 812........................Testing Aggregates
BS 1377......................Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes
BS 7533......................Code of practice for laying precast concrete units
BS 7533-3 ..................Laying precast concrete paving blocks
BS EN 197-1 ..............Cement composition specifications and conformity criteria for
comments cements
BS EN 1338................Precast concrete paving blocks
BS EN 1339................Concrete paving flags
BS EN 1340................Concrete kerbs unit
BS EN 12620..............Aggregates for concrete
BS EN 12878..............Pigments for the colorsing of building materials

11.1.3 Submittals

1 The Contractor shall submit samples of the various types of concrete kerbs and other
pavement materials for approval by the Engineer before beginning the work.

11.1.4 Quality Assurance

1 Tests shall be carried out on the concrete mix before beginning manufacture of precast kerbs
and other items to ascertain the strength and surface finish requirements can be met. If the
required strength and surface finish are not obtained, the Engineer may order revisions to be
made in order to achieve the designated requirements.
CEG International Specification

2 The Engineer shall, at all reasonable times, have access to the place where paving blocks
and other items and their constituent materials are manufactured and stored, for the purpose
of examining and sampling the materials and finished blocks, inspecting the process of
manufacture and marking the blocks.

3 The laying of paving blocks shall comply with the requirements of the Code of Practice for
Laying Precast Concrete Block Pavements and BS EN 1338 except where otherwise

11.2 KERBS

11.2.1 General

1 The following are the types of precast kerbs to be constructed where designated together
with associated channels, edgings and quadrants:

(a) Non-mountable.
(b) Dropped.
(c) Flush.

2 The dimensions and shapes of the different kerb types shall be as per the details in BS EN
1340 unless otherwise shown on the drawings or designated in the contract.

3 The bedding and support for such units shall be as shown on the drawings.

4 Except as modified in this Part, all precast concrete kerbs, channels, edgings and quadrants
shall be hydraulically pressed complying with BS EN 1340.

5 Kerbs shall be laid and bedded in accordance with BS 7533 on the concrete pavement slab,
a mortar bed, the road base, or on a concrete foundation while it is still plastic or after it has
set. All precast units shall be backed with concrete as per the designated details.

6 The use of cast-in-situ concrete for kerbs will not be permitted except with the express written
approval of the Engineer.

11.2.2 Materials and Manufacture

1 Constituent concrete materials for kerbs shall conform to the requirements designated in
Section 5. Kerbs shall be prepared with a concrete mixture containing not less than 400
kg/m3 of sulphate resisting Portland cement.

2 Testing of concrete kerbs shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of BS EN
CEG International Specification

3 The aggregate shall meet the designated requirements and conform to the following
Table 11.1
Aggregate Gradation for Kerb Concrete

Sieve mm % Passing by W eight

19 100
13.2 76-100
9.50 60-80
4.75 40-60
2.36 22-42
1.18 12-32
0.6 7-23
0.3 4-15
0.15 2-10
0.075 0-2

4 The 28-day compressive strength of the concrete shall be not less than 30 N/mm2
determined on 150 mm cube specimens, and not less than 75 % of this figure after seven

5 Non-mountable kerb, dropped kerb, flush kerb and heel kerb elements shall only be precast
from concrete produced in a fully automatic batching plant.

6 Before approval of elements of commercial manufacture, cores shall be taken from a random
sample to ascertain that the concrete strength is not less than 25 N/mm2 at 7 days.

7 Elements shall be manufactured to the designated dimensions as standard 900 mm lengths

unless specified otherwise in the contract documents.

8 Non-mountable and dropped precast kerbs shall be formed by elements 500 mm long where
required to be laid in straight lines but may be reduced to 250 mm long where required to be
laid to curves, depending on the radii of the curves.

9 The finished product shall be of solid appearance with clean planar faces, be free of
segregation, honeycombing, pits, broken corners or other defects and there shall be no
evidence of external rendering.

10 Bull-nosed and curved faces shall be of constant radius with a smooth change from radius to

11 Tolerances of manufacture shall be 3 mm in any one dimension and end faces shall be truly
perpendicular to the base.
CEG International Specification

12 Transverse strength requirements shall be assessed in accordance with BS EN 1338

appendix B. The loads at failure shall not be less than the appropriate value given in Table
Table 11.1A
Transverse strength of kerbs, channels and edgings
Depth as tested Width as tested Load at failure
(mm) (mm) (kN)

150 305 22.2

125 150 8.0

125 255 13.3

50 255 5.1

50 205 4.5

50 150 3.3

Dropper kerbs
125 255 to 150 10.3

13 Water absorption requirements shall be assessed in accordance with BS EN 1338 appendix

C. The water absorption shall not exceed the appropriate value given in Table 11.1B.
Table 11.1B
Water absorption of kerbs, channels and edgings

Water absorption in % by mass

Kerbs, channels and quadrants Edgings

3.0 3.6

11.2.3 Laying

1 Elements shall be set on to the designated lines and grades. Under no circumstances shall it
be permitted for levels to be set by direct measurement from pavement layers.

2 Unless otherwise indicated, elements shall be laid either directly onto a wet-concrete base or
onto a sand/cement (3:1) mortar bedding, 25 mm thick, on a previously laid concrete base or
approved subbase. The dimensions of the base and concrete class shall be as designated.

3 After kerb units have been laid, a contiguous backing of concrete shall be poured for the
elements using steel forms, unless otherwise designated. Lateral resistance shall be
provided to the kerbs by placing dowel bars in the backing concrete in not more than 500mm
CEG International Specification

4 No pavement layers shall be laid against kerbing until such time as the backing is completed,
backfilled and approved by the Engineer.

5 Joints between kerbs, shall have a width of 4 mm. These joints shall be filled completely with
fluid sand cement mortar approved by the Engineer and the joints shall be formed again.

6 Immediately after any concrete is in place, and for seven days thereafter, the kerbs, base,
and backing shall be fully cured and protected from drying out and against the harmful effects
of weather, including rain and rapid temperature changes. The method of protection shall be
subject to the Engineer's approval. The use of colored curing membranes will not be
permitted. Concrete not properly cured and protected will be rejected and shall be removed
from the site.

7 At every 10 m interval movement joint 20 mm thick shall be formed through the concrete bed
and backing. The joint filler shall be bitumen impregnated cork board. The filler shall extend
through the kerb, bed, backing and channel, and shall be trimmed to the finished shape of
the kerb and channel.

8 At access points, the kerbs, including the bed backing shall be dropped to show a face of
25 mm or as otherwise designated.

9 At the termination of any kerb run, the end kerb section shall be sloped down to ground level,
if applicable, and angled away from the road at 30 degrees in accordance with BS 7533.

10 All kerbs shall be thoroughly cleaned of all extraneous materials.

11 Kerbs shall be laid within a tolerance of  3 mm, at each end of an element, to the designated
lines and grades.


1 Standard rectangular precast concrete paving blocks shall have a work size length of 200
mm and a work size width of 100 mm. Paving blocks of any other shape may be made
provided they fit within a 295 mm square coordinating space. The preferred work size
thicknesses are 60 mm, 80 mm and 100 mm for all types of paving blocks.

2 The actual sizes of the paving blocks as determined in accordance with BS EN 1338 shall not
deviate from the work size dimensions by more than the following tolerances:

Length  2 mm

Width  2 mm

Thickness  3 mm

3 The binder used in making the paving blocks shall be Ordinary Portland Cement, Sulphate
Resisting Portland Cement or Moderate Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement which complies
with BS 4027 or ASTM C150; respectively.

4 The aggregates used in making the paving blocks shall be Gabbro, and they shall comply
with section 5 of QCS.
CEG International Specification

5 The water used in the manufacturing of the blocks shall be of drinking quality or shall be in
conformance with section 5 of the QCS.

6 The pigments, which are used to give colors to the paving blocks, shall comply with BS EN

7 The average tensile splitting strength of 16 paving blocks tested in accordance with BS EN
1338 shall not be less than 3.6MPa and the strength of any individual block shall not be less
than 2.9MPa and the failing load not lower than 250N/mm.

8 The average water absorption of three tested samples shall not exceed 5% and no individual
block shall have a water absorption greater than 6%.


1 The paving blocks shall be laid generally in accordance with BS 7533-3 and to a pattern
approved by the Engineer.

2 A laying course consisting of fine aggregates (sand), which complies with the corresponding
grading requirement given in Table 11.2, shall be constructed. The fine aggregates shall be
placed in a moist but not a saturated condition and shall be compacted so that a laying
course thickness of 50 mm approximately is formed. This sand layer shall be placed on a
compacted aggregate subbase or base as indicated in the project specifications/drawings.

3 The paving blocks shall be laid on the laying course and compacted using a plate compactor
with a plate area of not less than 0.25 m2, transmitting an effective pressure of not less than
75 kN/m2 of plate at a frequency of vibration in the range of 75 Hz to 100 Hz.

4 A maximum deviation for the block paving from design levels of  6 mm shall be maintained.

5 The joints between the paving blocks shall be filled with dry jointing sand by spreading it over
the surface and brushing it into the joints. The dry sand shall be natural and shall comply with
the corresponding grading requirement given in Table 11.2. The block paving shall be
vibrated to ensure that the joints have been completely filled.
Table 11.2
Grading for laying course & jointing sand

% Passing
Sieve Size
Laying Course Sand Jointing Sand

10 mm 100
5 mm 90-100 100
2.36 mm 75-100 95-100
1.18 mm 55-90 90-100
600 m 35-70 55-100
300 m 8-35 15-50
150 m 0-10 0-15
75 m 0-3 0-3
CEG International Specification


1 Precast concrete paving slabs shall be hydraulically pressed, complying with BS EN 1339.

2 The dimensions of precast concrete paving slabs shall be as per Table 3 of BS EN 1339
unless shown otherwise on the contract drawings.

3 Where permitted by the Engineer as an alternative, slabs 450 mm x 450 mm and smaller
may be bedded on a layer of clean sharp sand complying with BS EN 12620 Grading C or M,
25 mm  10 mm thick.

4 On circular work where the radius is 12 m or less, all slabs shall be radially cut on both edges
to the required line.

5 Transverse strength and water absorption requirements shall be assessed in accordance

with BS EN 1339 - appendix B and appendix C; respectively. The loads at failure shall not be
less than the appropriate value given in Table 11.3 and the water absorption shall not exceed
the limit given in the aforementioned Table.
Table 11.3
Transverse strength and water absorption of flags
Minimum load at failure for thickness
Maximum water
Flag type absorption in %
50 mm 60 mm 63 mm 65 mm 70 mm by mass

A 8.3 - 12.7 - -
B,C,D 11.1 - 16.9 - -
E 9.6 - - - 18.8 4.0
F 9.1 - - 15.4 -
G 9.6 13.8 - - -

6 The mortar bed shall be spread only after the base has been approved by the Engineer. The
subbase shall be tested for density and the minimum density shall be greater than 95% of the
maximum dry density.

7 Slabs shall be laid in accordance with BS 7533 to the designated cross-section and with
joints at right angles to the kerb.

8 Slabs shall be bedded on a sand/cement (3:1) mortar bedding not less than 10 mm and not
more than 40 mm thick.

9 Unless designated elsewhere paving slabs shall be laid with close joints of between 2 to 4
mm. After laying the joints shall be filled with sand complying with clause 8.3.3.

10 Where designated paving slabs shall be laid with open joints of between 5 to 10mm laid in
accordance with BS 7533.
CEG International Specification


1 Cast-in-place concrete for footways and paved areas shall only be permitted for small areas
where it is awkward or impractical to use one of the alternative paving materials specified in
this part of the specification.

2 The use of steel reinforcement bars or mesh in cast-in-place concrete slabs is not permitted.

3 Paving shall be cast in sizes to avoid the formation of shrinkage cracks. The actual maximum
size of area to be cast at one time will be advised by the Engineer based on the mix design
and layer thickness shown on the drawings. The Contractor may be permitted to cast larger
areas at one time if non-metallic fibres are added to the concrete mix to eliminate cracking. In
such cases the maximum pour size shall be proposed by the Contractor and approved by the

4 Cast-in-place concrete for footways and paved areas shall be mixed, laid and cured as
described in Section 5.

5 The grade of concrete, layout, thickness, position of joints and surface finish shall be as

6 Cast-in-place concrete shall be laid on a designated sub-base in accordance with Part 4.


1 Flexible surfacing for footways and paved areas shall be made and laid in compliance with
Part 5.

2 The type of mix and the surface treatment/finish to the paving will be as designated..

3 Surfacing shall be laid to true levels and cross-falls and be of the designated thickness.

4 Surfacing shall be laid on a designated sub-base in accordance with Part 4.

CEG International Specification

13 TRAFFIC SIGNS, MARKINGS AND STUDS................................................. 2

13.1 GENERAL...................................................................................................... 2
13.1.1 Scope 2
13.1.2 References 2
13.1.3 Definitions for Reflective Traffic Studs 2
13.1.4 Submittals 3
13.2 TRAFFIC SIGNS ........................................................................................... 3
13.2.1 Scope of Work 3
13.2.2 Sign Foundations 4
13.2.3 Traffic Sign Materials 5
13.2.4 Installation Requirements for Traffic Signs 7
13.2.5 Advance and far Advance Directional Signs 8
13.3 PAVEMENT MARKINGS ............................................................................. 10
13.3.1 Scope of Work 10
13.3.2 Materials for Pavement Markings 10
13.3.3 Application of Thermoplastic 12
13.3.4 Performance Requirements and Testing 13
13.3.5 Protection of Pavement Markings 14
13.4 TEMPORARY ROAD MARKING ................................................................. 14
13.5 REFLECTIVE STUDS ................................................................................. 15
13.5.1 General 15
13.5.2 Reflectors 16
13.5.3 Reflectivity 17
13.5.4 Installation of Reflective Studs 18
13.6 NON-REFLECTIVE STUDS ........................................................................ 19
13.6.1 General 19
13.6.2 Materials and Manufacture 20
13.6.3 Installation 21
CEG International Specification



13.1.1 Scope

1 This Part covers the supply and installation of traffic signs (complete with posts and
foundations), thermoplastic road marking, road marking paint for temporary roads and
diversions, reflectorized studs and non-reflective studs.

2 Related Sections and Parts:

This SectionPart 16, Traffic

Section 5, Concrete
13.1.2 References

1 The following manuals and standards are referred to in this Part:

Qatar Traffic Control Manual

BS 381C .....................Colors for identification purposes

BS 873........................Road traffic signs
BS 1470......................W rought aluminum for general engineering purposes; plate sheet and
BS 1474......................W rought aluminum for general engineering purposes; bar, extruded
round tubes and sections
BS 1490......................Aluminum and aluminum alloy ingots for general casting purposes
BS 2000, Part 58 ........Determination of softening point of bitumen (ring and ball)
BS 3262,(Part 1) l989.Hot applied thermoplastic road marking materials
BS 6088 1981.............Solid glass beads for Road Marking
BS EN ISO 591-1 .......Titanium dioxide pigments
BS EN ISO 1461 ........Hot dipped galvanizing

ASTM A307 ................Steel anchor bolts

ASTM C373................Standard test methods for water absorption
ASTM C424................Test methods for crazing resistance

CML 14-97..................Standard Method of test for determination of appearance, shape,

and compressive strength of ceramic non-reflecting road studs.
TRL Road Note 27 .....Skid resistance portable tester.

13.1.3 Definitions for Reflective Traffic Studs

1 Entrance Angle: The angle in the horizontal plane between the direction of incident light and
the normal (perpendicular) to the leading edge of the stud.
CEG International Specification

2 Observation Angle: The angle at the reflector between observer's line of sight and the
direction of the light incident on the reflector.

3 Specific Intensity (S.I.): The candle-power of the returned light at the chosen observation and
entrance angles for each foot candle of illumination at the reflector on a plan perpendicular to
the incident light.

13.1.4 Submittals

1 Within three weeks of acceptance of the manufacturer's tender, the Contractor shall submit
for approval working drawings for signs posts and base plates. Fabrication shall not begin
until approval has been given.

2 The Contractor shall submit detailed drawings of the foundations proposed for traffic signs.

3 The Contractor shall submit samples of the proposed materials for approval on request by
the Engineer before delivery to Site, at his own cost.

4 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval three copies of his working drawings
for all traffic sign faces both in Arabic and English. Size and style of lettering shall be as
designated. No order shall be placed without written agreement of the Engineer and the
Concerned Authorities.

5 Before proceeding with drilling holes for sign foundations, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer for approval; the type of plant proposed for drilling holes, details of any temporary
metal casings, proposed method of concreting and the proposed method of conduit


13.2.1 Scope of Work

1 This work shall consist of furnishing and installing road signs and posts assemblies as
designated. All sign faces and lettering shall be in accordance with the Qatar Traffic Control
Manual. The required post sizes for different sign sizes shall be as tabulated in the Qatar
Traffic Control Manual. Where in this section of the specification the term “designated” is
used, this refers to the contract drawings and the Qatar Traffic Control Manual.

2 The minimum depths and sizes for sign foundations shall be as per the requirements of the
Qatar Traffic Control Manual. For each of the signs the Contractor shall submit design
calculations for the proposed foundations.

3 The following documents should be specifically referred to for this work;

(a) BS 873

(b) Qatar Traffic Control Manual

4 Permanent traffic signs shall be reflectorized or non- reflectorized illuminated and shall, in
respect of quality, comply with the requirements of the latest editions of;

(a) BS 873
(b) Qatar Traffic Control Manual
CEG International Specification

5 In the case of conflict with these specifications and the above documents, the matter shall be
referred to the Engineer.

6 All foundations, framing and fixings for information signs shall be suitable for local conditions.
The design calculations shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. The wind loads shall
be calculated based on the wind speed provided in Section 1 part 1 clause 1.5.2.

7 A positive system of identification of signs, posts and all fittings shall be adopted. The
reference number of the sign together with the date of manufacture shall be indicated by self-
adhesive numbers on the reverse side of the sign in the bottom left hand corner and in a
consistent and readily visible position on all posts and fittings. The manufacturer's name of
trademark will not be permitted on the face of the sign. It may be affixed on the back of the
sign, provided approval to the size and colors of the mark has been obtained from the
Engineer. Any previously marked reference number should be transferred to new signs on

8 All road signs shall be guaranteed by the Contractor against any defect in material and
workmanship for a period of five years from the date of completion of the W orks under the
Contract. If any defect should arise due to poor material or workmanship, it shall be rectified
by the Contractor.

13.2.2 Sign Foundations

1 Sign foundations shall either be reinforced concrete columns in drilled holes or shallow
reinforced concrete spread footings. The dimensions and details of the foundations shall be
as designated.

2 The number of anchor bolts and bolt locations and anchor bolt dimensions shall be as
designated. All anchor bolts nuts and washers shall be hot dipped galvanized to BS EN ISO
1461. Any protruding parts to the bolt thread or nut shall be further protected by the
application of a wax or grease impregnated tape. Any conduit cast into the foundation for
cable access shall be mild steel, hot dipped galvanized after fabrication to BS EN ISO 1461.
The minimum bend of conduit shall be 600 mm radius.

3 All concrete and reinforcing steel used in the sign foundations shall be of the designated
grade and type and shall comply with the requirements of Section 5. Anchor bolts shall
comply with the requirements of ASTM A307 with a minimum tensile strength of 414 N/mm .

4 Each bolt shall be supplied with two hexagonal nuts for levelling purposes complete with

5 If an obstruction is encountered whilst drilling the foundation hole the Contractor shall inform
the Engineer. The Contractor may elect to bore or drill through the obstruction depending on
its nature or may propose to reallocate the signs slightly to avoid the obstruction subject to
the approval of the Engineer. In either case the work is deemed to be included in the scope
covered by this Part.

6 The sides of excavation shall be vertical and any additional excavations carried out beyond
that designated, for the particular post and sign being erected, shall be filled with concrete or
granular material as directed by the Engineer.
CEG International Specification

7 The reinforcement cage shall be securely fixed centrally about the axis of the foundation, any
electrical conduit shall be securely fixed in position as designated before replacement of

8 The top of the concrete foundation shall be finished with a steel trowel to a smooth finish.

9 The top of the concrete foundation shall not extend more than 100 mm nor less than 50 mm
above the finish grade level unless otherwise designated.

10 All backfilling and compaction shall be completed before the erection of any sign on the

11 All excavations shall be approved by the Engineer before the sign is erected and before
backfilling with fill or concrete as designated.

13.2.3 Traffic Sign Materials

1 Sign plates shall be manufactured either from sheet aluminum to BS 1470, SIC - 1/2H, NS3-
3/4N, NS-1/2H or HS 30-WP with a minimum thickness of 3 mm (11 swg) or from extruded
aluminum plank sections to BS 1470, HE 9-W P, HE 9P or HE 30-W P or extruded aluminum
alloy plank sections to BS 1474, HE 9 TE and HE 30 TF. However information signs shall be
constructed in extruded aluminum planks, which will either be self-locking or rear fixing, and
the aluminum shall be BS 1470, BS 1474 or BS 1490 or other approved equivalent
International standard.

2 All sign plates shall have clean, smooth edges cut to the required shape of the sign, and shall
be etched and degreased to the sign sheeting manufacturer's specifications before
application of the sheeting.

3 Illuminated signs shall be covered with "Super Engineering Grade" reflective sheeting.

4 Reflective signs shall be covered over the whole front face with "High Intensity" reflective
sheeting. The sheeting shall be of the designated colors and shall have a manufacturer's
guarantee of not less than five years. The rear faces shall be non-reflective grey and should
give a similar life span to the sign face.

5 The reflective sheeting shall be fixed to the sign plate either with a heat activated adhesive
using vacuum applicator or with a pressure sensitive adhesive using a pressure roller in
accordance with the sheeting manufacturer's instructions.

6 Sign faces shall be formed from a single piece of reflective sheeting, but if for any reason the
sign face must be fabricated from more than one piece of material all joints in the material
shall be overlapped by not less than 6 mm and where sheeting is applied to extruded
sections it shall extend over the top and bottom edges of the sections by not less than 3 mm.
No butt joints shall be permitted and in horizontal joints the overlap shall be from the top.

7 The corners of all direction signs shall be rounded to a radius of 75 mm.

8 Signs constructed of aluminum sheet shall, when recommended by the Traffic Signs Manual,
be framed on all edges using hot dipped galvanized steel angle or angle-channel of
equivalent section.
CEG International Specification

9 Signs constructed from extruded aluminum plank sections are to present the same flanged
appearance on all edges of the sign by fitting an aluminum end capping to the exposed ends
of the plank section on both sides of the sign.

10 Where the designated sign width requires the use of more than one length of plank section,
support beams shall be provided and positioned as approved by the Engineer.

11 For plank type signs supported on two posts the plank rails and support beams shall be
manufactured from one length of extruded aluminum section. One tie bar shall be fitted
between the bottom two plank rails (or the plank rail and support beam) at the center of the
span between the mounting posts.

12 Where plank type signs are supported on more than two posts, and the designated sign
width is wider than the plank rail and support beams, the plank rail and support beam may
comprise two or three lengths provided butt joints occur at an inner post. One tie bar shall be
fitted between the bottom plank rail and support beam at the center of the span between the
mounting posts.

13 All stiffening and framing shall be continuous and shall prevent the sign from twisting.

14 All rivets or other devices fixing sign plates to their framework shall be of non-staining steel or
other material approved by the Engineer and shall have a sufficient cross-sectional area to
prevent failure from thermal stresses or wind pressure or such other stresses as may be

15 All rivet and bolt holes shall be edge-sealed with clear lacquer after the application of the
plastics sheeting.

16 Rivets shall be spaced at not more than l50 mm apart, around the outside edge of the sign
plate and on cross braces the spacing shall be not more than 300 mm.

17 Any rivet brought through the sign face shall be colored to match the sign face. Any rivet or
other device fixing sign plates to their frame work shall have a protective washer of nylon or
other approved insulating material inserted where they would be in contact.

18 All brackets, clips, screws, bolts, nuts and washers used for mounting sign plates to support
posts shall be manufactured from stainless steel. For plank type signs, brackets and clips
shall be extruded aluminum alloy section.

19 Saddles shall be aluminum alloy or other material approved by the Engineer and shall be
provided with a nylon strip or other approved insulating material.

20 There shall be full adhesion of all sheeting material including letters, symbols and borders
and there shall be no air bubbles, creases or other blemishes.

21 All panels, cut-out letters, numbers, borders, symbols and back grounds on reflective
sheeting shall be carefully matched for colors at the time of sign fabrication to provide
uniform appearance both by day and night. The sheeting manufacturer's recommendations
on colors matching methods shall be observed. Non-uniform shading or undesirable contrast
between reflective sheeting on any one sign will not be accepted.

22 The edges of all applied sheeting materials including edges of all plates which make up a
sign, letters, symbols and borders shall be sealed as designated by the manufacturer.
CEG International Specification

23 Where required by the sheeting manufacturer the face of the sign plate shall have a coat of
clear lacquer of a type designated by him.

24 The top of sign support posts shall be capped with a plastic cap.

13.2.4 Installation Requirements for Traffic Signs

1 All sign faces shall be of the designated type, colors and size.

2 Signs delivered for use in the project shall be in new and unused condition, except where
otherwise designated; and shall be stored off the ground and under cover in a manner
approved by the Engineer. Any sign damaged, discolored or defaced during transportation,
storage or erection shall be rejected.

3 The position and mounting height of each sign shall be as designated.

4 Designated post lengths are approximate only. When progress of the work is at the
appropriate stage the Engineer will authorise the location of each sign, with the chainage and
offset distance from the edge of the road pavement. The Contractor shall be responsible for
determination of the exact post lengths to provide the designated vertical clearance. Field
cutting of posts shall be performed by sawing. W elded posts will not be permitted.

5 All posts shall be erected vertically and where two or more posts are provided for any sign
the faces of these posts shall be lined up and their deflection angle checked for compliance
with this Part before concreting in.

6 For a period of 14 days after concreting in position, all posts shall be suitably braced to
prevent movement. Sign faces should not be fixed to posts until after the bracing has been
removed and the Engineer has inspected and approved the post stability and foundations.

7 All posts shall be of the designated type and shall be protected against corrosion by hot dip
galvanizing to BS EN ISO 1461.

8 Unless otherwise designated, all signs shall be erected so that the edge and face of the sign
are truly vertical and the face is at an angle of 95  to the centerline; that is, facing slightly
away from the centerline of the lane which the sign serves. W here lanes divide or are on
sharp curves, the Contractor shall refer the orientation of the sign face to the Engineer for his

9 All sign supports shall be plumbed vertical.

10 The distance between the lower edge of the signs and the road surface shall be as

11 Signs shall be fastened to sign supports in accordance with the designated requirements and
the recommendations of the sign manufacturer to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

12 The Contractor shall at his own expense, immediately after erection and approval by the
Engineer cover the sign in order to prevent misleading information being displayed. The
covering shall be close weave hessian securely fixed over the face of the sign using a lacing
of nylon cord so as not to damage the sign. The Contractor shall maintain such coverings in
good order until receipt of the Engineer's instruction for their removal.
CEG International Specification

13 Signs shall be thoroughly cleaned immediately before being handed over. The type of
detergent used shall be approved by the Engineer.

13.2.5 Advance and far Advance Directional Signs

1 The face of the sign shall be completely covered with 3M Diamond Grade or similar approved
reflective material complying with the following Table 13.1A for retro-reflectivity.

Table 13.1A
Minimum Coefficients of Retro-Reflection

(a) 4° Entrance Angle
Observation Angle

0.2° 0.33° 0.5° 1.0°

White 430 300 250 80
Yellow 350 250 200 65
Red 110 75 60 20
Green 45 33 25 10
Blue 20 15 10 4.0

(b) 30° Entrance Angle
Observation Angle

0.2° 0.33° 0.5° 1.0°

White 235 150 170 50
Yellow 190 130 140 40
Red 60 30 40 13
Green 24 18 19 5
Blue 11 7 7 2.5

(c) 90° Orientation, 40° Entrance Angle
Observation Angle

0.2° 0.33° 0.5° 1.0°

White 150 85 35 20
Yellow 125 75 30 17
Red 40 25 10 6
Green 15 8 3.5 2.0
Blue 6 4 1.5 0.7
Observation (Divergence) Angle – the angle between the illumination axis and the
observation axis
Entrance (Incidence) Angle – The angle from the illumination axis to the retroreflector axis
the retroreflector axis is perpendicular to the retroreflective surface.
CEG International Specification

Values for screened red colors on white sheeting may be significantly lower.

2 The material also shall satisfy the requirements of the following Tables 13.1B & 13.1C with
regard to colorsimetric and photometric performance.

Table 13.1B
Chromacity factors
1 2 3 4 Limit Y (%)
Colors X Y X Y X Y X Y Min Max
White .035 .305 .355 .355 .335 .375 .285 .325 40 -
Yellow .487 .423 .545 .454 .465 .534 .427 .483 24 45
Red .690 .310 .595 .315 .569 .341 .655 .345 3 15
Green .030 .398 .166 .364 .286 .446 .201 .794 3 9
Blue .078 .171 .150 .220 .210 .160 .137 .038 1 10

Table 13.1C Minimum

Luminance Factors
Colors Factor
Red 0.03
Yellow 0.24
Blue 0.01
White 0.40
Green 0.01

3 All plastic sheeting shall be fixed in accordance with the sheeting manufacturer’s instructions.

4 Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, sign faces shall be formed from a single piece of
plastic sheeting.

5 Where, with the agreement of the Engineer, more than one sheet is used the number of
sheets shall be kept to a minimum.

6 Only vertical and horizontal joints shall be permitted and all joints in plastics sheeting shall be
overlapped by not less than 6 mm. The overlap on the horizontal joints shall be from the top;
but joints in plastics sheeting shall not be permitted. The number of joints shall be kept to

7 Where sheeting is applied to extruded sections by pressure roller, it shall extend over the top
and bottom edges of these sections by not less than 3mm.

8 All materials comprising the sign face, including the background, border and legends shall be
carefully matched for colors at the time of sign fabrication to provide uniform appearance
both by day and night. The sheeting manufacturer’s recommendations on colors matching
methods shall be observed.
CEG International Specification

9 Letter, numerals, symbols and borders shall be of material compatible with the sheeting to
which they are applied. They shall be applied in accordance with the sheeting
manufacturer’s instructions.

10 Sheeting materials including letters, numerals, symbols and borders shall be fully adhered
with a pre-coated heat activated adhesive using a vacuum applicator equipped with a
temperature controller and there shall be no air bubbles, creases, cracks or other blemishes.
Application of the material shall be made using equipment specifically designed and
manufactured for the purpose by the sheeting manufacturer and maintained according to his
instructions. W here the sheeting manufacturer requires the assembly materials to be
provided with a coat of clear lacquer, it shall be uniform and continuous. All lacquer shall be
applied at the time of fabrication of the sign face and shall be of a type specified or supplied
by the sheeting manufacturer.

11 Details of the graphic designs, Arabic and English legends to be used on directional and
certain informatory signs are given on the Contract Drawings. The Contractor shall submit
design drawings detailing the proposed layout of all such signs for the approval of the
Engineer prior to their manufacturer. Otherwise, the signs shall be in accordance with the
specified regulatory, warning and informatory signs detailed in the Qatar Traffic Manual,
Volume 1.


13.3.1 Scope of Work

1 This W ork shall consist of the supply and application of thermoplastic road marking paint for
marking of the pavement as outlined herein. It shall include the marking of the centerline, the
shoulder strip or edge, the barrier lines, the cross walks and any other markings required on
the pavement for the control and direction of the traffic.

2 Where designated, thermoplastic road marking paint shall be used in the construction of
rumble strips and jiggle bars. In such cases the requirements of this Part will apply except
that the thickness and profile of the thermoplastic will be as per the designated details.

3 The pavement markings shall be painted on the road to the dimensions and in the locations
designated on the drawings as per Qatar Traffic Control Manual.

4 The Contractor shall set out the markings and obtain the Engineer's approval before
beginning the work.

13.3.2 Materials for Pavement Markings

1 The material used shall conform to the superimposed type British Standard Specification for
Road Marking Materials BS 3262: Part 1. W here the materials do not conform to the BS
the deviations shall be clearly given in reference to the relevant tables and paragraphs of BS
3262: Part 1.

2 Ballotini shall comply with the requirements of BS 6088.

3 The material shall consist of light colored aggregate, pigment and extender, bound together
with hard wearing resins, plasticized with oil as necessary in approximately the proportions by
weight as Table 13.1.
CEG International Specification

Table 13.1
Composition of Thermoplastic

Material Composition

Aggregate 40 %
Ballotini Pigment and 10 - 20 %
Extender Binder 20%
20 %

4 The Contractor shall be responsible for blending the material to ensure that the performance
requirements of this part of the specification are met. This approximate composition of the
material as indicated above shall include the sprayed on ballotini.

5 The grading of various ingredients shall be such that the final product, when in a molten
state, can be sprayed on the surface at a nominal 1.5 mm thickness.

6 The aggregate shall consist of white silica sand, crushed calcite, calcined flint or quartz, or
other approved aggregate, and the colors shall comply, with the requirements laid down in
paragraph 4b of BS 3262: Part 1.

7 Ballotini incorporated in the mixture shall be reasonably spherical, and free from flaws and
not less than 80 % shall be transparent glass. The grading of the ballotini shall be as stated in
BS 6088.

8 The pigment shall be titanium dioxide in accordance with paragraph 6a (I) of BS 3262: Part 1
and shall be not less than l0 % by weight of the mix.

9 The extender shall be whiting in accordance with paragraph 6b of Part 1 of BS 3262.

10 For yellow material sufficient suitable yellow pigment in accordance with BS 3262 shall be
substituted for all or part of the titanium dioxide to comply with the performance requirements
of this specification.

11 The binder shall not contain more than 5 % of resin or other acidic material. It shall consist
mainly of hydrocarbon resins plasticized with mineral oil.

12 The resins used shall be of a colors at least as pale as Grade W G resin. It shall have an acid
value not greater than 2, and must pass the heat stability test described below.

13 The oil used as plasticizer shall be a mineral oil with colors and viscosity as defined in
paragraph 7a (ii) of BS 3262: Part 1; i.e., at least as pale as grade 4 on the P-R-S- Shellac
and Varnish "A" Disc, and 1/2 to 3 1/2 poises at 25 C viscosity. In addition, when heated for
16 hours at 150 C it shall not darken excessively.

14 The softening point of the binder shall be used only as a guide to quality control, and the
behavior of the thermoplastic shall be judged from the performance tests described below.

15 The viscosity of the melted binder at the spraying temperature must be such as to produce a
thermoplastic mix of the required spraying properties.
CEG International Specification

16 The temperature limits imposed by BS 3262: Part 1 for materials based on resin shall not
apply. Temperatures up to 220 C may be used; at these temperatures the material shall not
discolors in the time required for its use.

17 Containers shall be made of a material which does not contaminate the contents and will
protect the contents from contamination.

18 The capacity of each container shall be not less than 25 kg or more than 100 kg.

19 Each container shall be clearly marked with the manufacturer's name, batch number and
date of manufacture.

20 Testing for the composition of the material and the grading of the aggregate shall be carried
out in accordance with the methods in BS 3262 except as modified by this part of the
specification. The composition of the laid material as found on analysis shall comply with
Table 13.2 & Table 13.3;
Table 13.2
Proportion of Constituents
Percent by W eight
Minimum Maximum

Binder 18 22

Aggregate, pigment and extender and ballotini 78 82

Table 13.3
Grading of Combined Aggregate Pigment and Extender
Percent by W eight
BS Sieve (mm)
Minimum Maximum
0.850 100 -
0.600 75 95
0.300 35 65
0.075 25 35

13.3.3 Application of Thermoplastic

1 Application shall be by mobile sprayer, either hand-propelled or self-propelled.

2 The road surface shall be dry, and free of loose, detritus mud, or other extraneous matter.

3 All existing markings of more than 1 mm thick shall be removed completely before new
markings are applied.

4 A tack coat should not be necessary when the thermoplastic is applied to carriageways.
Where it is considered necessary to use a tack coat, this shall be r ubber ized
type recommended by the manufacturers of the thermoplastic material.
CEG International Specification

5 In addition to the ballotini included in the mix, an additional quantity of glass beads shall be
sprayed on to the hot thermoplastic line at the time of application. The rate of application
shall be at the rate of about 0.5 kg/m .

6 The thermoplastic material shall be applied in intermittent or continuous lines of thickness

1.5 mm  0.3 mm.

7 For special lettering, arrows or symbols the material shall be applied by hand methods.

8 The finished lines shall be free from raggedness at all edges and be true in place with the
road surface.

9 The upper surface shall be level, uniform and free from streaks, blisters, lumps and other

13.3.4 Performance Requirements and Testing

1 The thermoplastic material shall meet the requirements of Table 13.4:

Table 13.4
Properties of Thermoplastic Material
Property Minimum Maximum
Density, g/cm 2.0 approx. -
Open flashpoint °C 230 -
Softening point (ring and ball BS 2000 Part 58), °C 95 105
Luminance 65 -
Luminance (Yellow) 45 -
Flow resistance No Slump -
Flow resistance after 48 h at 40 °C - 25
Abrasive wear 9/100 revs - 0.3
Skid resistance 45 -

2 Testing of thermoplastic material shall be as described below. All specimens shall be

prepared by carefully heating a representative sample to a temperature of (softening point +
50 C) whilst stirring thoroughly to avoid segregation. The molten material shall be used
without delay.

3 Heat Stability Luminance Test: The material shall be cast on to a suitable flat, glossy surface
coated with a colorsless release agent to give a slab 100 mm square by 3 mm thick. The
luminance of the cast face, with reference to that of a block of magnesium oxide (luminance
factor l00) shall be measured with the sample illuminated by a tungsten light source at an
angle of 45  viewed at right angles by a selenium barrier layer photoelectric cell.

4 Flow Resistance Test: The material shall be cast into a conical mold having an apex angle
of 60  and a vertical height of 100 mm. After cooling and setting for 24 h the cone shall be
removed from the mold, placed on a flat level surface and maintained at a temperature of
23 C ± 2 C for 48 h.
CEG International Specification

5 Impact Test: A 3 mm thick coating of material shall be prepared as a screed on a Monel alloy
panel 1.25 mm thick, previously coated with rubberized bitumen emulsion. The impact
instrument, a 4.7 kg weight, shall be dropped vertically through 250 mm on to the surface of
the panel, striking the surface with a hemispherical indentor of radius of 6 mm. The panel
shall be retained by a metal block drilled to allow the indentor to strike the panel, with the
depth of indentation limited to 2 mm. Five panels shall be tested and no fracture shall result
from impact. A crack not longer than 2 mm will be accepted provided there is a smooth
indentation in the material.

6 Abrasive Test: A 3 mm thick coating of material shall be screened on to a Monel alloy panel
and subject to wet (water lubricated) abrasion at 23 C on a Taber Model 503 standard
abrasion tester using H-22 Calibrated wheels, refaced between tests. The loss in weight after
two successive tests of 100 revolutions shall be recorded and the average taken as the
abrasive wear. The abrasive wear shall be less than the figure in Table 13.4.

7 Skid Resistance: A 100 mm wide line of material 1.5 mm thick shall be screened on to a flat,
level base for a minimum length of 800 mm. After cooling to ambient temperature the skid
resistance shall be measured using the TRRL Portable Tester as described in Road Note 27.
Measurements shall be made on different parts of the specimen, corrected for temperature
effects, and the average recorded.

13.3.5 Protection of Pavement Markings

1 The Contractor shall control the traffic in such a manner as to protect the freshly marked
surface from damage. The traffic control shall be so arranged as to give minimum
interference to the travelling public. Signs, barricades, flagmen and control devices shall be
supplied by the Contractor and a system of spaced warning flags or blocks shall be used to
protect the fresh marking until it has dried as required. Any lines, stripes or markings which
become blurred or smeared by the traffic shall be corrected by the Contractor.



1 The use of road marking paint shall be restricted to traffic diversions or for other uses as
directed by the Engineer.

2 Road marking paint shall be by an approved manufacturer. It shall be suitable for applying by
brush or mechanical means to cement, concrete or bituminous pavement to give a
chemically stable film of uniform thickness and shall be chlorinated rubber, one pack epoxy
or alkyd based.

3 White paint shall contain not less than 6 % by mass of titanium dioxide as a pigment,
conforming to type A (anatase) or type R (rutile) specified in BS EN ISO 591-1

4 Yellow paint shall be standard colors BS 381C No. 355, except where an alternative shade
has been designated, and contain not less than 6 % by mass of a suitable yellow pigment.
CEG International Specification

5 The paint shall be supplied fresh and ready for use in sealed containers and stored in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The paint shall be applied without the use of
thinners or other additives.

6 Paint shall be applied at a covering rate recommended by the manufacturer and approved by
the Engineer.

7 Where markings are to be reflectorized with ballotini it shall be sprayed uniformly on to the
wet paint film at the rate of 400-500 g/m . Ballotini shall be graded to comply with the
requirements of BS 6088.

8 Road marking materials shall only be applied to surfaces which are clean and dry. Markings
shall not be ragged at their edges and shall be uniform and free from streaks. Carriageway
lane and edge lines shall be laid by approved mechanical means to a regular alignment.


1 For temporary diversions the use of self adhesive proprietary marking strips will be permitted.

2 Self adhesive proprietary road marking strips shall be of the details and dimensions shown
on the drawings.

3 The strips shall have a metallic backing that peels of and shall have reflective properties by
the incorporation of ballotini.


1 Where it is necessary to remove existing thermoplastic road markings the material shall be
completely removed by sand blasting or other abrasive methods.

2 Care shall be taken to avoid damaging the wearing course surface during this operation.

3 Any damage caused to the wearing course shall be made good to the satisfaction of the

4 The painting over of old road markings with black paint shall not be permitted.


13.5.1 General

1 Reflective road markers shall be smooth, pressure molded aluminum alloy, complying with
BS 1490 with lenses to meet the performance requirements of this specification. They shall
be capable of withstanding the climatic conditions of Qatar and be maintained free. A
performance guarantee of five years is required.

2 The Road stud shall measure 130 mm x 115 mm x 25 mm when seated on the road surface.
Exact size of the road stud shall be as designated.

3 The shaft shall be "Anti-Twist/Hot-Tite", 76 mm long.

4 The slope of the reflecting face shall be 20.

CEG International Specification

5 The enveloping profile of the head of road studs shall be smooth and the studs shall not
present any sharp edges to traffic.

6 The body of the stud shall be constructed in one integral part.

7 The anchorage part of the stud shall consist of a circumferential ribbed shank with parallel
flats, the flats on the alternative ribs being at 90  to each other to prevent rotation of the stud
when located in the road surface.

8 The studs shall be constructed in aluminum alloy to BS 1490 to provide a robust and durable
location for the lenses. The alloy shall have the characteristics listed in Table 13.5.

Table 13.5
Composition of Alloy for Road Studs
Composition Minimum (%) Maximum (%)
Copper - 0.1
Silicon - 13.0
Iron - 0.6
Manganese - 0.5
Nickel - 0.1
Zinc - 0.1
Lead - 0.1
Tin - 0.1
Titanium - 0.5
Aluminum - Remainder

The Contractor shall submit mill certificates for the material showing the actual composition.
9 Reflective studs mechanical and physical properties shall comply with the Table 13.6
Table 13.6
Mechanical and Physical Properties of Reflective Studs

Mechanical Properties Minimum

0.2 proof stress test, N/m 120
Tensile Strength, N/mm . 280
Elongation, mm 2-5

Physical Properties Minimum

Specific gravity 2.65

Method of Casting Injection
Corrosion rating Excellent
Brinell hardness number 55 - 60

13.5.2 Reflectors

1 The reflectors shall be rectangular in shape. The rectangular reflective unit shall be firmly
located into a recess within the body of the stud such that the reflective face is established at
the correct orientation. A sample of the proposed reflective studs shall be submitted for the
Engineer’s approval.
CEG International Specification

2 The Optical Performance (specific intensity) of each crystal reflecting surface shall not be
less than the values listed in Table 13.7.
Table 13.7
Optical Performance of Reflectors
Observation Angle, ° 0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0
Entrance Angle, ° 5 10 10 15
Specific Intensity 160 100 27 3
Specific Intensity 120 72 20 2

3 For yellow reflectors the specific intensity shall be 50% of the value for crystal. For red and
green reflectors the specific intensity shall be 20% of the value for crystal.

4 The colors limits of the reflector(s) when illuminated by CIE standard illumination A, with an
entrance angle V= 0 , H= 5  L or R, and an observation angle of 0.3  shall comply with the
requirements given in the following paragraphs.

5 White (uncolored) reflectors shall not produce a selective reflection; that is to say, the
trichromatic co-ordinates X and Y of the standard illuminant A used to illuminate the reflector
shall undergo a change of more than 0.91 after reflection by the reflector.

6 Red reflectors shall have chromaticity co-ordinates which lie within the area formed by the
straight lines defined by the following pairs of points, 1 and 2, 2 and 3, the spectrum locus,
and the line joint the ends of the spectrum locus:
Co-ordinate Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
X 0.665 0.657 0.730
Y 0.335 0.335 0.262
7 Amber reflector shall have chromaticity co-ordinates which lie within the area formed by the
straight lines defined by the following pairs of points, 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4, and the
spectrum locus:-
Co-ordinates Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4
X 0.330 0.228 0.321 0.302
Y 0.385 0.351 0.493 0.692
8 Compliance with the colorimetric requirements shall normally be verified by means of a visual
comparison test. If any doubt remains after this test, compliance shall be verified by the
determination of the trichromatic co-ordinates as defined in the proceedings of the 1951
meeting of the International Commission (CIE).

13.5.3 Reflectivity

1 A sample of the road stud shall be submitted by the Contractor and relevant technical
information, catalogues supplied by the manufacturers shall accompany the sample.

2 The reflectivity of the stud when new shall well exceed minimum standard as laid down in BS
873 and meet typical values as shown below:
CEG International Specification

Table 13.8
White Reflectors Tested to BS 873
CIL Value CIL Value
(mod/1x) (mod/1x)
Typical Minimum

Observation angle 2  Entrance Angle 15  L and 15  R. 5-7.5 2

Observation Angle 2  Entrance Angle 10  L and 10  R 26.5-30 10
Observation Angle 0.5  Entrance Angle 10  L and 10  R 59-93 15
Observation Angle 0.3 Entrance Angle 5  L and 5  R 100-190 20

Table 13.9
Amber Reflectors Tested to BS 873
CIL Value CIL Value
(mod/1x) (mod/1x)
Typical Minimum
Observation angle 2  Entrance Angle 15  L and 15  R. 3-4 1.0
Observation Angle 1  Entrance Angle 10  L and 10  R. 10-20 5.0
Observation Angle 0.5  Entrance Angle 10  L and 10  R. 20-50 7.0
Observation Angle 0.3  Entrance Angle 5  L and 5  R. 30-90 10.0

Table 13.10
Red Reflectors Tested to BS 873
CIL Value CIL Value
(mod/1x) (mod/1x)
Typical Minimum
Observation angle 2  Entrance Angle 15  L and 15  R 1.5-2.0 2.0
Observation Angle 1  Entrance Angle 10  L and 10  R 4.5-7 10.0
Observation Angle 0.5  Entrance Angle 10  L and 10  R 10-20 15.0
Observation Angle 0.3  Entrance Angle 5  L and 5  R. 16-35 20.0

13.5.4 Installation of Reflective Studs

1 Reflective studs shall be installed and anchored to the pavement as follows:

(a) Drill a hole into the asphalt pavement to the dimensions recommended by the
manufacturer. Ensure that the hole is free of dust and also the pavement surface
within a radius of 200 mm of the hole is free from debris and dust.

(b) Fill the hole to overflow with the two part epoxy adhesive of the type specified in clause
CEG International Specification

(c) Immediately after pouring the grout, the road stud shall be inserted into the hole and
the reflective face aligned to the oncoming traffic. The road stud shall be firmly
embedded into the ground ensuring a good bed of grouting compound under the road
stud and solid fixing. Protect the installed marker until the epoxy adhesive has
completely set.
(d) Clean off any surplus grouting and protect the road stud from traffic for approximately
60 minutes.


13.6.1 General

1 Non-reflective road studs shall be ceramic and of approximately 100 mm diameter at the
base, the studs shall consist of a heat-fired, vitreous ceramic base and a heat fired opaque
smooth matte surface.

2 The colors of the studs shall be white unless otherwise designated. The base of the stud
shall have a rough surface to ensure a good bond to the road.

3 The adhesive used for the installation of non-reflective ceramic studs shall be a two part
epoxy or other material recommended by the manufacturers and tested under the climatic
and traffic conditions prevalent in Qatar.

4 The non-reflective ceramic studs shall conform to the dimensions and shapes shown on the
drawings and shall be installed at the location indicated on the drawings or where designated
by the Engineer.

5 The studs shall be ceramic manufactured and shall consist of a heat-fired, opaque, glazed
surface. The glazed surface shall not be present on the bottom of the studs which will be
cemented to the road surface. The outer surface of the studs shall be smooth except for
purpose of identification, and all edges exposed to traffic must be convex and the radius
nearest the edge may be less. Any change in curvature shall be gradual. The bottom
surface of the marker shall be of a roughness comparable to at least that of a fine grade of
sandpaper, and shall be substantially free form gloss or substance that may reduce its bond
to the adhesive.

6 The body of the marker shall be white.

7 Brightness will be measured with equipment conforming ASTM E97 using a Brightness
Standard of 75%. The minimum weight of the marker shall be 125 grams.

8 A random sample of 5 buttons shall be subjected to the compressive load test. The average
compressive strength of the 5 buttons shall not be less than 680 kg and no individual button
shall have a compressive strength less than 544 kg. The button shall be centered base
down, over the open end of a vertically positioned hollow metal cylinder. The cylinder shall
be 25.4 mm high, with an internal diameter of 76.2 mm and a wall thickness of 6.4mm. A
load necessary to break the button shall be at speed of 2.5 mm per minute to the top of the
button. In the event that the bottom of the marker is dimpled, a 2 mm layer of wood shall
insert between the base of the maker and the hollow cylinder. Should any of the samples
tested for strength fail to comply with this specification, 10 additional samples will be tested.
The failure of any one of the additional samples shall be cause for rejection of the entire lot or
shipment represented by the samples.’
CEG International Specification

13.6.2 Materials and Manufacture

1 The studs shall be produced from a combination of intimately mixed clays, shales, flints,
feldspars or other inorganic material which will ensure the required properties are met. All
studs shall be thoroughly and evenly matured and free from defects which affect appearance
or serviceability.

2 The studs shall be of uniform composition and free from surface irregularities cracks,
chipping, peeling spoiling, crazing and any other physical damage. The studs shall be precast
in the form of a single based spheroidal segment terminating in a rounded or squared

3 The height of the studs above road level shall be between 18 mm and 20 mm.

4 Compliance of the studs with respect to appearance, shape, dimensions and compressive
strength shall be determined in accordance with CML Method 14-97. In particular, they shall
exhibit an average compressive load at failure for each sample of 5 studs of not less than
680 kg and no individual value shall be less than 544 kg. Furthermore, the water absorption
shall not exceed 1.0% when tested in accordance with ASTM C373. And the glazed surface
of the stud shall not craze, spell, or peel when subjected to one cycle of the Autoclave test at
250 psi when tested in accordance with ASTM C424.

5 The adhesive for reflective studs and non-reflective studs shall be a two component epoxy.
Each component shall be supplied in separate clearly marked containers and the time of use
the contents of the two parts shall be thoroughly redispersed by mixing. Only complete
containers of each part shall be used and these shall be mixed thoroughly until a uniform
colors is achieved with no streaks of individual colors. The blend of the two components of
epoxy thoroughly mixed together shall meet Table 13.11.

Table 13.11
Specification for Epoxy Adhesive

Property Value

Gel time 5 to 30 minutes

Minimum Tensile strength of 1.6 mm film between steel blocks cured 2

7 N/mm
24 h at 21 °C tested at 21 °C

Shore hardness on 24 h sample at 21°C 70 to 80

Shore hardness on 24 h sample at 49 °C 30 minimum

Deformation temperature, °C 49 minimum

6 The Contractor shall submit recent test results that confirm the above properties of the
supplied adhesive are met.

7 The epoxy shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation for
storage preparation, mixing and application. Any differences from the manufacturer’s
recommendations and this specification shall be referred to the Engineer.
CEG International Specification

8 The final colors of the epoxy adhesive shall be uniform grey unless designated otherwise.

13.6.3 Installation

1 All sand, dirt and extraneous material shall be removed from the mark location and the
surface cleaned and abraded. Cleaning shall be by compressed air. In the case of adhering
material the application of heat or sand blasting will be required.

2 The surface shall be completely dry for the application of the adhesive.

3 The base of the supplied stud shall be free of any wax or grease from the manufacturing
process. Any such wax or grease shall be sanded off the bottom of the marker.

4 The adhesive components shall be stored at the temperature recommended by the

manufacturer both before use and during application. The two components of the adhesive
shall be added to each other just before use, any unused mixed adhesive shall be discarded
when catallic actions cause stiffening and reduction of workability or balls of gelled resin
formed in the container.

5 The mixed adhesive shall be applied to the prepared pavement area to be covered by the
marker and the stud pressed onto the adhesive so as to squeeze out a small bead of
adhesive around the periphery of the stud.

6 The Contractor shall carry out a trial outside of the permanent works to establish the
approximate amount of adhesive required per marker and application on the works shall be
carried out to this quantity.

7 The studs shall not be fixed to the pavement where asphalt has been laid within the last 14
days unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The studs shall be spaced and aligned as
designated or as per the Qatar Traffic Control Manual. The tolerance for placing shall be not
more than  10 mm.

8 Where studs are to be applied to pavement where the road is to be opened to public traffic
shortly after placing, the preheating of the roadway surface to permit a rapid set is permitted.
In such cases, the procedure followed shall be as recommended by the supplier of the epoxy
adhesive and as approved by the Engineer.

9 On roadway sections that are not opened to public traffic no preheating of the studs or road
surface is required as long as the required bond strength of 12 kg/cm can be achieved in
less than 3 h.

CEG International Specification




1. GENERAL............................................................................................................................... 2

2. EXCAVATION......................................................................................................................... 4

3. FILLING .................................................................................................................................. 7

4. UTILITY TRENCHES ............................................................................................................. 10

5. INSTALLATION OF PROTECTIVE MEMBRANES .............................................................. 11

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1.1.1 Scope
1. This Section specifies the requirements for excavation and filling as necessary to facilitate the
construction of the Works. It does not include earthworks associated with trenches for
pipelines or service ducts.
2. The cost of all operations needed for the excavation and disposal work as required and
specified, including temporary and permanent support work, breaking, loading, hauling and
dumping in accordance with the provisions of the Project Documentation shall be included in
the Contractor’s rates.
3. The Contractor shall be deemed to have examined the site and verified for himself the exact
nature and quality of the materials to be excavated. The Contractor shall carry out his own
survey of the existing ground levels and satisfy that the quantities of all excavated and
imported materials are correct.
4. Removal operations shall be conducted with the least interference to the public and shall not
be started until approved by the Engineer.

1.1.2 References
1. The following standards are referred to in this Section:
BS 812 Testing Aggregates
BS 1377 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes
BS 6906 Methods of tests for geotextiles

1.1.3 Ground Investigation

1. The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the character of the Site and
all the various materials, strata, ground water levels, etc., and of all items liable to affect, or
be encountered in, the excavations and earthworks.
2. If a ground investigation is not included in the Project Documentation the Contractor shall
immediately after taking possession of the Site prepare a minimum of two trial pits in positions
to be agreed with the Engineer. Chemical analysis tests are to be carried out on the materials
from each of the pits and the results submitted to the Engineer. Similarly, chemical analysis
tests shall be carried out on any water present in the pits and the results submitted to the
Engineer. Ground investigation tests in accordance with the relevant provisions of BS 812,
BS 1377 and BS 6906 shall be undertaken where geotextiles are to be used for temporary or
permanent protection.
3. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer when the trial pits are ready for inspection and shall
not commence excavation work until approval to proceed has been given. All trial holes and
their subsequent backfilling shall be carried out at the Contractor’s expense and will only be
allowed in positions approved by the Engineer. All trial holes shall be backfilled as soon as
the required information has been obtained and open excavations shall be adequately
protected and cordoned off using temporary lights and barriers or similar method approved by
the Engineer.
4. If a ground investigation is included in the Project Documentation, it is provided solely for the
guidance of the Contractor and no guarantee is given regarding its accuracy, nor is it
guaranteed that similar conditions apply elsewhere on the Site.

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1.1.4 Site Clearance

1. Before commencing any excavation or fill, the area shall be cleared of all trees, stumps, roots,
bushes, vegetation, debris, materials or other obstructions.
2. Before removal of any trees or shrubs the Contractor shall obtain written consent from the
Engineer at least two weeks in advance of the planned removal.
3. All bushes, undergrowth, etc. to be removed shall be grubbed up and disposed of in a
manner as agreed with the Engineer. Holes left by stumps or roots shall be filled with suitable
material, compacted to the Engineer’s satisfaction in accordance with Part 3 of this Section
within one week of the work being performed.
4. The Contractor shall at his own expense make good any damage done to other property
during the site clearing. Sweet soil excavated during the course of these works shall be
preserved and protected by the Contractor, until removed by the Employer or until the
expiration of the Contract.

1.1.5 Preservation of Property not to be affected by the Works

1. Attention is directed to the Contractor’s obligations with regards to damage, particularly with
regard to protection of property, plants and landscape and to responsibility for damage
2. The form of protection to vegetation within the Site shall be as agreed with the Engineer.

1.1.6 Disposal of Historical Artifacts

1. Where specified, certain materials arising from site clearance and excavation work are to
remain the property of the Owner. All fossils, antiquities and other objects of interest or value
which may be found or uncovered on the Site shall remain or become the property of the
Owner. Upon discovery of such an object the Contractor shall forthwith:
A. Use his best endeavours not to disturb or damage the object
B. Cease work which would endanger the object or prevent or impede its removal
C. Inform the Engineer of the discovery and precise location of the object.
2. The Engineer will issue an instruction on the procedure to be adopted which may include
conditions to permit the examination, excavation or removal of the object by a third party.

1.1.7 Special Requirements of Utility Authorities

1. Prior to commencing excavation work, the Contractor shall ascertain from the responsible
Utility Authorities whether any mains or services need to be diverted or cut-off in accordance
with the procedure described in Part 19 of Section 1.

1.1.8 Control of Ground Water

1. Prior to the commencement of construction at any particular location, the Contractor shall
install and maintain a system of standpipes and other devices to monitor ground water levels
in any area, which in the opinion of the Engineer, is likely to be affected by the dewatering.
The number, location and depth of all standpipes shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
2. The Contractor shall check ground water levels weekly or when instructed by the Engineer.
The results of such checks shall be submitted to the Engineer in a written report within 24
hours of the level being taken. The format of the report shall be as agreed with the Engineer.
3. In the case of uncontrolled flow of water into any excavation, the Engineer reserves the right
to order the Contractor to take immediate action to control the inflow of water. Such actions
and remedial works shall be to the Engineer’s approval.

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1.1.9 Record Procedure

1. If the Engineer requires foundation or formation level depths to be varied from those shown
on the drawings it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that proper records of
the actual excavated levels are kept.



2.1.1 Scope
1. This Section specifies the requirements for the excavation for structures, culverts, headwalls,
catch basins, manholes, inlets, retaining walls and the like. The work includes all necessary
clearing and grubbing and the disposal of all material resulting from such excavation The
work also includes the provision, and subsequent removal, of all necessary bailing, drainage,
pumping, sheeting, strutting, coffer dam construction and crib construction.
2. Rates for excavation shall include for excavation in any material. Excavation in any material
shall include common excavation, side shoring, support systems, excavation in artificial hard
material and shall be inclusive of all encountered impediments, including roots, boulders etc.
Blasting will not be permitted without the written approval of the Engineer.


2.2.1 Excavation Support

1. Prior to Commencing any structural excavation work which is 1.5 m or greater in depth, the
Contractor shall design an excavation support system.
2. Details of the excavation support system shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and
approval at least one week before any excavation work commences. Details of the excavation
support system shall be complete with, but not limited to, the following:
A. Drawings of the structural support members showing materials, sizes and spacing.
B. Calculations showing the maximum theoretical deflection of the support member.
3. The system is to be designed so that no members extend through surfaces exposed in the
finished construction, and no shoring or bracing is placed under permanent structures.
4. The Contractor shall submit to the engineer calculations of lateral earth pressure for the full
excavation depths, surcharge loads of any description, equipment loads, forces at various
stages of support during excavation, the maximum design loads to be carried by various
members of the support system and strut pre-load forces.
5. If the structure support system proposed includes tieback anchors, the Contractor’s submitted
details shall include drawings that show the profile of the soil in which each anchor is to be
6. Tieback anchors that project beyond the vertical limits of the Site boundary on to adjoining
property shall only be permitted if permission to do so is given by the owner of the property in
writing. Copies of such written permission shall be submitted to the along with excavation
support system proposals.

2.2.2 Removal of Water

1. At locations where the excavation extends below the groundwater table, a dewatering system
is to be provided which will lower ambient groundwater levels. The resulting groundwater
level shall be at a depth which is sufficiently below the excavation level so as to allow the safe
and proper execution of the work. The resulting foundation level shall be a stable, dry sub-
grade which is suitable for the execution of subsequent operations

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2. The Contractor is to design the dewatering methods and settling basins so that no critical
amounts of soil, sand or silt are removed during either the dewatering operations.
3. Complete working drawings showing the type of dewatering and groundwater control system
proposed shall be submitted to the Engineer for his review. The Contractor’s submittal shall
include drawings that show the arrangement, location and depths of the proposed dewatering
system. A complete description of the equipment and materials to be used and the
procedures to be followed to be given, together with details of required standby equipment
and standby power supply. The Contractor shall also indicate his proposed location(s) for the
discharge of extracted groundwater.
4. The dewatering system design should also include the details of measures required to
prevent damage due to settlement of roads, pavements, utilities, sewers, buildings and other
structures outside the excavation but within the area affected by the dewatering.

2.2.3 Approvals
1. The designs of the structure excavation support system and the dewatering systems specified
above is to be prepared by and signed by a qualified engineer experienced in this type of
design work. Approval of the designs and shop drawings will not relieve the Contractor of the
adequacy and performance of these temporary works.

2.2.4 Inspection
1. In addition to the provisions of Part 13 of Section 1, the Contractor shall also undertake the
following described in the following Clauses unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer.
2. Following a detailed inspection of all adjacent structures, the Contractor shall prepare a report
on the pre-construction condition of all structures that may be affected during construction of
the Works. The report will include photographs, drawings and sketches with levels and
dimensions fully illustrating the structure's condition. In particular, it shall note any existing
damage or structural inadequacy. Deficiencies and damage are to be suitably marked on the
structure in a way that it is not permanently defaced.
3. Three (3) copies of the Report shall be submitted for the approval of the Engineer. Once
approved, five (5) additional copies shall be supplied to the Engineer.
4. The Contractor shall carry out a survey of levels of undisturbed ground before commencing
any excavations.
5. When the excavation has been carried down to formation level the Contractor shall advise the
Engineer’s Representative that the excavation is ready for inspection and the Engineer’s
Representative shall, without reasonable delay, inspect the excavation unless he considers it

2.2.5 Unsound Materials

1. Any loose, improperly compacted, soft or other unsuitable material which is encountered
below or adjacent to structural foundation levels shall be completely removed, backfilled with
a suitable material and compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by BS
1377 Part 4. Backfilling shall be done in layers with an unconsolidated thickness not
exceeding 200 mm up to the foundation level.The limits of such work shall be as directed by
the Engineer. Alternatively, the Engineer may instruct that removed material be replaced with
Class C25 concrete.

2.2.6 Over-Excavation
1. Any over excavation is to be backfilled with Class C25 concrete at the Contractors expense.

2.2.7 Finishing to Excavation

1. All rock or other hard foundation material is to be cleaned of all loose material. All seams or
crevices are to be cleaned and grouted. All loose and disintegrated rock and thin strata is to
be removed.

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1. When the structure is to rest on material other than rock, excavation to final grade should not
be made until just before the structure is to be placed / constructed and special care is to be
taken not to disturb the excavated surface. The surface required shall be rolled and
compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density.

2.2.8 Storage of Excavated Material

1. Excavated material is not to be stored or deposited in such a way as to endanger structures
or cause an obstruction of any kind.


2.3.1 Excavated Material

1. All excavated material will be the property of the Owner and no material shall be
removed,transported and disposed of without the prior written approval of the Engineer.

2.3.2 Common Excavation

1. Common excavation consists of the excavation and satisfactory disposal of all soils, certain
strata and rock boulders less than one (1) cubic metre in volume. Strata which are altered
and weathered and are in place, but which are not firm enough, or in the opinion of the
Engineer are not rigid enough to have all the characteristics of rock excavation is to be
classified as common excavation.

2.3.3 Rock Excavation

1. Rock excavation consists of the excavation and satisfactory disposal of all unaltered and
unweathered firm and rigid igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary solid rock that in the
opinion of the Engineer can only be excavated by the use of pneumatic hammers or other
such similar apparatus.

2.3.4 Blasting
1. Blasting will not be permitted without prior approval. (Refer to Section 6: Roadworks).


2.4.1 General
1. All materials arising from site clearance or excavation which are surplus to or suitable or
unsuitable for use in the Works will become the property of the Owner and will not be
disposed of by the Contractor either off the Site to an approved tip without written approval
from the Engineer. If directed, or otherwise agreed by the Engineer, the Contractor may
dispose of surplus material on the Site in an approved manner as directed by the Engineer.

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3.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies materials for filling purposes.

3.1.2 References
1. The following Standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 812 Testing Aggregates
BS 1377 Methods of test for soil for civil engineering purposes


3.2.1 Top Soil

1. Top soil is to be fertile, friable soil obtained from well drained arable land and to be free
draining, non-toxic and capable of sustaining healthy plant growth.

3.2.2 Suitable Material

1. Suitable material for earthworks shall be approved soil with a liquid limit not exceeding 35%
and a plasticity index not exceeding 10%. The materials passing the 0.075mm sieve shall not
exceed 20% and the organic matter content shall not exceed 2% (as defined by BS 1377 Part
2. Where excavated rock is to be used as fill material elsewhere on the site, the Contractor is
responsible for ensuring that the excavated rock meets the requirement of the Specification
for fill material.
3. The Contractor is responsible for mixing the excavated rock with suitable fill material imported
and/or excavated from within the site should it be necessary in order to produce a suitable fill
material that complies with the requirements of the Specification and he should allow in his
rates and programme for carrying out the work.
4. Sweet soil and any excavated materials which are considered re-usable by the Engineer,
shall be preserved and protected by the Contractor, until they are removed by the Owner or
until the expiration of the Contract.
5. No excavated suitable material is to be removed from the Site without the Engineer’s written
permission. Should the Contractor be permitted to remove suitable material from the site to
suit his operational requirements, then he is to make good any consequent deficit or filling
arising therefrom at his own expense.

3.2.3 Unsuitable Material

1. Unsuitable materials include:
A. Rock particle exceeding 75mm in size
B. Organic material (as defined in BS 1377 Part 3) containing greater than 2% stumps and
other perishable material
C. Material susceptible to spontaneous combustion
D. Soils of a liquid limit exceeding 35% and/or plasticity index exceeding 10%.
E. Material containing more than 5% of water soluble salts by weight of dry soil as tested in
accordance with BS 1377 (Method 7 and 5 for water soluble chloride and sulphate
F. Any other material which the Engineer may deem to be unsuitable for earthworks

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3.2.4 Utilization of Excavation Materials

1. All excavated material determined as suitable by the Engineer, is to be utilised as backfill.
The surplus material shall be disposed of as specified in Part 2 of this Section.


3.3.1 General
1. The Contractor is to employ only plant which is suited to the soils to be handled. He should
not at any time use plant which damages or reduces the natural strength of the soil either in
its in-situ state or during handling and placing or in its final compacted state. Unsuitable or
faulty plant shall be removed from the work site and borrow pits at the order of the Engineer.


3.4.1 General
1. Excavation is only be backfilled after the permanent works therein have been approved and
after the removal of any building debris or deleterious material from the excavations.
2. Selected excavated material will normally be used or backfilling in the manner described in
Clause 3.5 of this Part. Where the excavated material is not considered suitable, selected
material form an approved source is to be used.
3. The backfill will be brought to a suitable level above grade to provide for anticipated
settlement and unless indicated otherwise, is to be sloped away from the structure.
4. The bottom of all excavations are to be probed and any poor bearing area shall be reported
to the Engineer who will direct remedial work. Soft spots and other unsound materials are to
dealt with as specified in Part 2 of this Section.
5. In circumstances where backfill has to be deposited below standing water, only rock, as
specified in Section 6, Roadworks, is to be used.


3.5.1 General
1. Fill to be compacted by a suitable plate type vibrator, pedestrian operated vibrator roller, small
tandem roller or other approved compaction plant.
2. The material is to be placed in layers within the effective range of compaction of the plant
provided that the maximum loose (uncompacted) thickness of each layer dose not exceed 200
3. The material is to be watered and mixed as necessary to ensure that prior to compaction the
moisture content of the whole layer is ± 3% of the optimum moisture content. Compaction of
each layer is to continue until a density of a least 95% of the maximum dry density has been
4. The dry density/moisture content relationship will be determined by the heavy compaction test
(4.5% rammer method) of BS 1377.
5. All fill material used in earthworks shall be compacted as per related Specification by plant
approved by the Engineer for that purpose. If required by the Engineer the Contractor shall
carry out compaction trials on the material supplemented by laboratory testing to determine
the correct plant and number of passes required to achieve the specified requirements.
6. Potable water shall be used for compaction of all fill material within the area of excavation.
7. The Contractor shall carry out moisture content determinations at frequent intervals or when
there is a change in the material on the soils undergoing compaction so as to ensure that the
moisture content of the soil is within the optimum range for the field compaction determined
from compaction trials.

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8. All adjustment of moisture content shall be carried out in such a way that the specified
moisture content remains uniform through out compaction.
9. No completed fill layer shall be covered by the next layer until it has been tested, inspected
and approved by the Engineer.
10. The finished surface of earthworks for paved surfaces (other than public roads) shall be
shaped and rolled and then tested for accuracy so that maximum local irregularities in the
finished profiles lie within the tolerance of 20mm for formation, as well as 10mm and 
5mm respectively for longitudinal and transverse profiles of finished surfaces, when tested by
a straight edge or level instrument. The frequency of local irregularities shall be at the
discretion of the Engineer.
11. Where fill material is to be deposited in areas where the existing ground is sloping, the
Contractor shall excavate benches so that fill material is deposited onto a horizontal
surface.The levels of the benching terraces shall match the layers of the fill material that are
deposited in the adjacent areas.

3.5.2 Water
1. The water to be mixed with the soil / fill materials to achieve the desired moisture content in
the filling / earthworks operations shall be potable.


3.6.1 General
1. The installation of cable ducts for service entries and service pipework is to be completed
before placing of the fill to receive the ground slab.
2. The compacted fill or hardcore is to be shaped and trimmed to the required levels and
dimensions and blinded with sand.


3.7.1 Concrete Blinding

1. Immediately on completion of excavations for concrete structures a blinding layer of concrete
Grade OPC 25 not less than 75mm thick shall be placed to prevent deterioration of the
formation and to provide a clean working surface for the structure.

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4.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the requirement for utility trenches. It does not include trenchworks for
pipelines and service ducts.

4.1.2 References
1. The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 1377 Methods of tests for soils for civil engineering purposes.

4.1.3 Excavation of Utility Trenches

1. The trench to be excavated with the width and to the depth shown on the drawings or as
indicated by the Engineer.
2. The sides of pits and trenches are to be vertical and adequately supported at all times.
Excavation may if considered necessary be battered with a safe slope, but only with the
Engineer’s written permission.
3. Care is to be taken to excavate to the depths indicated. Where rock is encountered, the rock
is to be excavated 150 mm lower than the required depth. Such depth in rock is to be
backfilled with approved fill material and compacted as specified and/or as directed by the
4. Excavated material will, if found unsuitable as defined in Part 3 of this Section, be disposed of
to an approved tip and replaced with suitable material. All surplus material to be disposed of
in accordance with Part 2 of this Section.

4.1.4 Backfilling of Utility Trenches

1. After the utilities have been laid, the trench refilling is to commence with approved fill in
compacted layers not exceeding 150 mm unconsolidated thickness. Each layer shall be well
compacted by hand with iron rammers weighing not less than 5 kg, until the trench has been
filled to a height of 300 mm above the top of the utility.
2. The remainder of the trench is then to be refilled in compacted layers not exceeding 250 mm
unconsolidated thickness. Each layer being well compacted, with power rammers, vibrating
plate compactors or other mechanical means of a type to be approved until the ground is
thoroughly consolidated up to the required level for surface reinstatement. Each layer is to be
compacted to 95% of its maximum dry density as determined by BS 1377.
3. Trenches are not to be backfilled until all required tests are performed on the utilities and until
the Engineer has verified that the utilities have been installed in accordance with the Project
4. Where cover to utilities is less than 400 mm, or where ordered by the Engineer, protection in
the form of precast concrete tiles is to be provided according to an approved drawing or as
ordered by the Engineer.
5. PVC warning tape shall be laid above the utility or the concrete tiles, after partial backfilling
and approximately 300 mm below finished ground level.

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5.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies geotextile fabric systems used for temporary or long term stabilization of
earthworks during construction.

5.1.2 References
1. The following standards are referred to in this part:
BS 6906 Methods of test for Geotextiles

5.1.3 General Requirements

1. In areas where the Engineer deems the use of geotextile fabric necessary, the Contractor is
to furnish an80d place geotextile fabric as specified and as directed by the Engineer.
2. The geotextile fabric furnished by the Contractor is to be of an approved grade suitable for
placement over fine sand. The geotextile fabric shall be a woven or non-woven fabric
consisting only of long chain polymeric filaments or yarns formed into a stable network such
that the filaments or yarns retain their relative position to each other. The fabric is to be
stabilized against ultra violet light, inert to commonly uncounted chemicals and chemical
properties of the in-situ soil and water, and it should conform to the following minimum
Weight 135 g/m
Thickness under load (2 kN/m ) 0.7 mm
Tensile Strength (200 mm width) ASTM D1682 1.6 kN
Puncture Resilience (DIN 54307) 1.5 kN
Permeability 50 litres/m /s
3. The surface to receive the geotextile fabric is to be prepared to a relatively smooth condition
free of obtrusions, depressions, and debris. The geotextile fabric should not be laid in a
stretched condition. In the event that the width of the proposed area for fabric requires more
than one panel width of fabric, the panels are to be overlapped a minimum 15 percent of the
panel width. Longitudinal joints in the fabric are to have an overlap of 500 mm. To prevent
slippage of the overlapping fabric, the areas of overlap are to be stabilized as approved by
the Engineer with pins, anchor blocks, or aggregate piles. In the event that construction
machinery is used to place the fabric, the working platform for the machinery should be the
soil and not the previously laid fabric.
4. Prior to placement of the granular material (stabilizing crushed material) the Contractor is to
spread a layer of sand over the geotextile fabric as directed by the Engineer. The aggregate
material should not be dumped directly on the fabric. Haulage trucks are not to be driven on
the fabric. The aggregate is to be spread by a wheeled front-end loader. The blade or bucket
is to be kept sufficiently high so that the aggregate is not being pulled over the fabric, but
being dropped at a minimum height to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
5. Fabric damaged or displaced before or during installation or during placement of overlaying
aggregate material is to be replaced of repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the
Contractor’s expense.
6. Where pipes or other elements pass through the geotextile fabric, the openings around such
are to be made watertight by methods as approved by the Engineer.


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CEG International Specification

Section 13 - MASONRY

1. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................1

1.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................1

1.2 APPROVAL OF SUPPLY SOURCE ......................................................................................1

1.3 SAMPLES, TESTING AND SUBMITTALS ............................................................................1

1.4 PRODUCT HANDLING...........................................................................................................2

1.5 WORKMANSHIP ....................................................................................................................2

1.6 CLEANING..............................................................................................................................2

2. MORTAR AND GROUT..........................................................................................................3

2.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .....................................................................................................3

2.2 MORTAR MATERIALS...........................................................................................................3

2.3 EPOXY ....................................................................................................................................4

2.4 HIGH BOND ............................................................................................................................4

2.5 GROUTS .................................................................................................................................4

2.6 PIGMENTS FOR COLOUR ....................................................................................................5

3. ACCESSORIES ......................................................................................................................6

3.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .....................................................................................................6

3.2 CONTROL JOINTS.................................................................................................................6

3.3 JOINT REINFORCEMENT .....................................................................................................6

3.4 LINTELS .................................................................................................................................6

4. UNIT MASONRY.....................................................................................................................7

4.1 GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................7

4.2 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS.............................................................................................7

5. MASONRY LAYING ...............................................................................................................9

5.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................9

5.2 WORKMANSHIP ....................................................................................................................9

5.3 BLOCKWORK ........................................................................................................................9

5.4 REINFORCEMENT ................................................................................................................10

5.5 FAIR FACED BLOCK WALLS..............................................................................................10

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Section 13 - MASONRY

5.6 OPENINGS ............................................................................................................................11

5.7 INTERSECTING WALLS AND PARTITIONS .......................................................................11


5.9 JOINTS BETWEEN PARTITIONS AND FLOOR SOFFITS..................................................11

5.10 FILLING HOLLOW BLOCK WALLS.....................................................................................12

5.11 DAMP-PROOF COURSES ....................................................................................................12

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1.1.1 Scope
1. This Section covers the products, erection and all associated accessories for construction of
concrete masonry unit blockwork as well as requirements for stonework.


1.2.1 General Requirements

1. All products supplied under this Section must be obtained from an approved source.
2. The Contractor will not be permitted to change his source of supply without the permission of
the Engineer.


1.3.1 General Requirements

1. Samples of each type of masonry unit to be used shall be submitted to the Engineer for
approval before use. All subsequent units are to be up to the standard of the approved
2. Initially, twelve (12) units will be selected by the Engineer from the first batch of units
manufactured or delivered. The units shall be delivered by the Contractor to an approved
independent testing laboratory, or if the Engineer so directed, to the Government Materials
Testing Laboratory.
3. The sample is to be accompanied by the following written information:
A. Type of unit
B. Means of identification of unit
C. Name of manufacturer
D. Type of masonry units making machine
E. Capacity of plant and present stocks available
F. Certificates stating that the units are suitable for the purpose for which they are to be
4. A number of units to indicate colour range for exposed work to be submitted to the Engineer
for approval prior to commencement of the Works.
5. Further samples will be selected and tested as directed by the Engineer.
6. The Contractor shall submit details of his proposed methods for reinforcement to the Engineer
for approval. The Contractor shall also submit details of his proposed methods for constructing
lintels, anchors and anchor channels.

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1.3.2 Sample Panels

1. Before any fair or faced masonry work is commenced, the Contractor is to erect one sample
panel, size 1800 mm long x 2000 mm high, of each type of finish to be used.
2. The panels should incorporate a typical opening detail and a typical corner detail, and a
typical movement joint.


1.4.1 Storage of Materials

1. Masonry units delivered to the Site are to be carefully unloaded and handled so as to prevent
chipping and breakage. Tipping of units will not be allowed.
2. The units are to be stacked on a level area in an orderly manner on planks or other suitable
supports to ensure that they are free from contact with the ground. Stored units shall be kept
under waterproof covers.
3. Packaged materials shall be stored in their original containers.


1.5.1 General Requirements

1. Tops of walls shall be covered with waterproof covering when the work is not in progress.
2. When starting or resuming work, loose mortar and foreign materials shall be cleaned from the
top surface of the work. Surfaces of clay type masonry shall be wetted before resuming work.
3. Newly laid blockwork and brickwork shall be protected from the harmful effects of sunshine,
rain, drying wind, and surface water.
4. Blockwork shall be water cured for a minimum of three days.
5. Units that will be exposed to view in finished work shall be supplied in adequate quantities to
permit selection and mixing of brick from several deliveries in advance of laying. Units shall be
exposed to the atmosphere for minimum of two weeks before laying.


1.6.1 General Requirements

1. Clean exposed masonry surfaces on completion. Protect material liable to damage.

1.6.2 Concrete Masonry Units

1. Immediately following setting, brush exposed surfaces free of mortar or other foreign matter.

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2.1.1 Scope
1. This Section specifies mortar and grout for masonry.


2.2.1 Preparation Requirements

1. The required class of mortar, together with the type of mix, shall be as described in the Project
2. Mortar shall be mixed only as and when required in the relevant proportions indicated in Table
2.1, until its colour and consistency are uniform. The constituent materials shall be accurately
gauged allowance being made for bulking of sand.
Table 2.1
Mortar Mixes

Nominal Mix by mass and their compressive strength

Cement (C), Lime (L) & Cement (C) & Sand (S)
Sand (S) with or without with or without strength at 28
Class entrainment (kg) entrainment (kg) days
N/ mm
M2 70 50 740 85 775 2
M4 105 35 725 110 755 4
M6 135 25 700 155 710 6
M12 190 20 655 190 675 12

3. The inclusion of mortar plasticisers will not be permitted without approval of the Engineer.
4. All mortar shall be conveyed fresh to the works as required for use. Mortar which has begun to
set or which has been site-mixed for a period of more than one hour in the cases of Classes
M2 and M6, and two hours in the case of classes M4 and M12 shall not be used.
5. Plasticizing and set retarding mortar admixtures shall comply with BS EN 934-3 and shall be
supplied with instructions for use.
6. Ready-mixed lime: sand for mortar and ready-to-use retarded mortar shall comply with the
relevant provisions of BS EN 998-2 or ASTM C270.

2.2.2 Cement
1. Cement is to comply with the relevant provisions of Section 5, Concrete.
2. Mortar for use in contact with the ground will be mixed using sulphate resistant cement and
comply with the relevant provisions of Section 5, Concrete.

2.2.3 Aggregates
1. Aggregates are to generally comply with the relevant provisions of Section 5, Concrete.

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CEG International Specification

2.2.4 Water
1. Water is to comply with the relevant provisions of Section 5, Concrete.

2.2.5 Lime
1. Lime for mortar shall be in the form of lime putty, complying with the relevant provisions of BS
en 459-1


2.3.1 General Requirements

1. Epoxy grouts shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS EN 12004, BS EN 13888 as


1. Mortar mixture is to consist of, by volume, one-part Portland cement, three-parts sand with
addition of water and liquid acrylic resin.
2. The mortar will have the following properties when tested in accordance with the relevant
provisions of PD 6678:
A. Compressive strength : minimum 20 N/mm², using 50 x 50 x 50 mm cubes
B. Tensile strength : minimum 4 N/mm², using the 25 x 25 x 25 mm briquettes
C. Flexural strength : minimum 6 N/mm², using flexural bar
D. Brick bond strength : minimum 3 N/mm², using crossed brick.


2.5.1 General Requirements

1. The required class of mortar, together with the type of mix, shall be as described in the Project
2. Cement grout shall be mixed in the relevant proportions indicated in the Table 2.2 using the
minimum quantity of water to ensure the necessary fluidity and to render it capable of
penetrating the work.
Table 2.2
Grout Mixes
Nominal Mix by Mass
Cement Sand pfa

G1 1 - -
G2 1 3 -
G3 1 10 -
G4 1 - 10
G5 1 - 4
G6 1 - 1/2

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CEG International Specification

3. Cement grout shall be used within one hour of mixing, except where containing a retardant
4. Sulfate-resisting cement shall not be used as a constituent of grouts containing pulverised fuel
5. Grout to have a compressive strength of 17,500 kPa at 28 days.


2.6.1 General Requirements

1. Mineral pigments only to be used.
2. Any pigments used to colour cement or cement products should meet the requirements of BS
EN 12878.
3. Pigments shall be inert, stable to atmospheric conditions, alkali resistant and water insoluble.

2.6.2 Cleaning
1. Exposed masonry surfaces shall be cleaned on completion.
2. Mortar droppings and other foreign substances shall be removed from the wall surfaces.
3. Surfaces shall be wetted with clean water, and then washed down with a solution of soapless
detergent specially prepared for cleaning masonry. Brush with stiff fibre brushes while
washing, and immediately thereafter hose down with clean water. Free clean surfaces from
any traces of detergent, foreign streaks or stains of any nature.
4. Protect adjoining construction materials during cleaning operations.

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3.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies anchor and tie system, joint control, reinforcement and lintels associated
with masonry works.


3.2.1 Movement Joints

1. Movement joints to be 12 mm wide and formed where indicated or where continuous runs of
block walling exceed 8 metres in length.
2. The joints are to be straight and vertically formed with uncut faces of the blocks to each side
and filled with an approved compressible material manufactured specifically for building into
movement joints.
3. External joints are to be sealed with a mastic compatible with the joint filling material when the
block walling is thoroughly dry and the joint surfaces have been cleaned with a wire brush or
mechanical tool.
4. A primer is to be applied to the joint surface if specified by the manufacturer of the mastic.
5. Mastic sealing to unfilled movement joints to be on an approved foam backing strip placed to
ensure the correct depth of sealant.


3.3.1 Reinforcement for Concrete Block Masonry

1. Expanded mesh lath reinforcement is to be fabricated from minimum nominal thickness 0.3
mm as per BS EN 13658-2:2005 , or welded wire lath or mesh with a minimum weight of 0.87
kg/m² as per BS EN 13658-2:2005; or Zinc coated steel with one of the surface quality Types
"B" or “C” with minimum zinc coating - 225 g/m² as per BS EN 10346:2009, as directed by the
Engineer or Project Documentation
2. Reinforcing bars shall comply with the relevant provisions of Part 11 of Section 5.
Table 3.1
Expanded Steel Mesh Joint Reinforcement Widths
Block Thickness Reinforcement Width
(mm) (mm)
100 50
150 64
200 114


3.4.1 Precast or Cast In-situ Lintels

1. Precast or cast in-situ lintels to be manufactured in accordance with the relevant provisions of
Section 5.
2. An open joint not less than 12 mm are to be left between the ends of precast or cast in-situ
concrete lintels and the blocks adjacent to these ends. These open joints should be left as
long as possible during construction and not be filled in until plastering or other works
necessitate such filling.
3. Lintels are to have a minimum end bearing of 200 mm.

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4.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies clay and concrete masonry units.


4.2.1 Concrete Blocks

1. Blocks to be made with Portland cement unless used below ground level in which case
sulphate resisting cement shall be used.
2. All blocks are to be manufactured, supplied and tested in accordance with BS EN 771-3, BS
6073-2, and approved by Qatar Standards.
3. The use of blocks shall comply with Table 4.5. The minimum compressive strength of the
average of 3 blocks shall be as given in Table 4.5. The associated mortar requirements for
use with different applications for blocks is also provided in Table 4.5. Details of mixes for the
class of mortar specified is provided in Part 2 of this Section.

Table 4.5
Compressive Strength

Classification Minimum Compressive

Strength (N/mm )
Class of
Average Lowest Uses for which Blocks are Suitable
Classes of 10 Individual
Blocks Block

1 7.0 5.6 External non-load bearing walls M6

2 10.4 8.3 Load bearing walls M6

3 17.4 14 Load bearing walls below ground M12

4 14.0 11.2 Soakaways and manholes M12

5 4.0 3.6 Internal non-load bearing walls M6

5 4.0 3.6 Roof Block M4

5 4.0 3.6 Protective skins to foundations M6

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4. Manufacturer should label or clearly define the classification or the uses of the blocks in
5. Consultant or contractor should also mention the classification or the uses of the blocks in
request sheet when the samples submit for testing in laboratory.
6. The volume of the cavities in the block shall not exceed 50 % of the gross volume of the block.
The overall dimensions and wall and web thicknesses shall comply with Table 4.6.
Table 4.6
Block Dimensions and Wall and Web Thickness

Minimum Thickness (mm)

Co-ordinating (nominal) Work Size (mm)
Size (mm) Wall Web
400 x 200 x 100 390 x 190 x 100 19 19

400 x 200 x 150 390 x 190 x 150 25 25

400 x 200 x 200 390 x 190 x 200 32 30

A. Co-ordinating size is the size of the space allocated to the block including the joints and
B. Work size is the actual size for manufacture within the tolerances specified.
7. Unless otherwise specified, all block faces are to provide a satisfactory bond for mortar,
plastering or rendering.
8. Each block manufactured from sulphate resisting cement is to be colour coded with an
identifying mark.

4.2.2 Manufacture of Concrete Blocks

1. Blocks are to be manufactured in a vibrated/pressure block making machine using cement
and aggregate in the proportions required to produce the minimum strengths given in Table
2. The design of the cavities and webs in hollow blocks is to be submitted to the Engineer for
approval before production commences.
3. The materials to be mixed in a mechanical mixer and placed in the block-making machine in
layers not exceeding 100 mm, each layer being thoroughly vibrated and compacted before the
addition of the next.
4. Immediately after manufacture the blocks are to be stacked on clean, level, non-absorbent
pallets in honeycomb fashion. The pallets are to be marked with the date of production (in
English and Arabic) and stored in a level curing and stacking area in such a manner that one
day’s production is separated from the next.
5. Blocks manufactured from mobile machines are to be cast on to a clean concrete
hardstanding. Each day’s production shall be easily identifiable and kept separate from the
6. All blocks, however manufactured, are to be immediately protected from the effects of the sun
and wind by suitable moisture retaining coverings.

4.2.3 Block Dimensions

1. Block dimensions are to be measured in accordance with BS EN 772-2.
2. Blocks not exceeding 75 mm thick and blocks for use in the ground are to be solid unless
otherwise directed. All other blockwork is to be hollow.

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5.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies workmanship and setting out of masonry works.


5.2.1 General Requirements

1. Work is to be performed by experienced workers under the direction of a qualified supervisor
who is fully aware of the Project requirements. Final work is to be equal to any sample panels
submitted to, and approved by, the Engineer.


5.3.1 Setting Out of Blockwork

1. All blockwork is to be fully set out before laying commences to ensure:
A. Correct bonding over all lengths of wall particularly at openings and piers
B. Minimum cutting
2. The average thickness of both vertical and horizontal mortar joints is to be 10 mm exclusive of
any key in the joint surfaces of the unit.

5.3.2 Wetting Blockwork Units

1. All blocks are to be adequately wetted with water before they are laid and the tops of walls left
off from the previous day’s work are to be similarly wetted before the new work commences.

5.3.3 Laying of Blockwork

1. Block walls are to be built from undamaged blocks in stretcher bond unless otherwise
2. All bed and vertical joints are to be spread with mortar to ensure complete and solid bedding
and grouting through the full thickness of the wall. All keys in jointed surfaces must be
completely filled.
3. Mortar extending into the cavities of hollow blocks which are to be reinforced and filled shall
be removed.
4. Each block is to be adjusted to its final position in the wall whilst the mortar is still plastic. Any
block which is moved after the mortar has stiffened shall be removed and relaid with fresh
5. Half blocks and special blocks are to be used as required to ensure correct bonding.
6. All perpends, quoins and joints are to be kept true and square, other angles are to be plumbed
and bed joints levelled as the work proceeds.
7. The work is to be carried out course by course not leaving any part more than 800 mm lower
than another. Work, which is left at different levels, is to be racked (stepped) back to the
approval of the Engineer.
8. In cavity wall construction both leaves are to be carried up together, not leaving any leaf more
than 400 mm below the other.

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9. Partitions shall be 100 mm thick unless otherwise noted. Partitions having lavatories or other
plumbing fixtures secured to them back-to-back (or approximately so) are to be a minimum of
150 mm thick. Solid concrete masonry units shall be built in where full units cannot be used or
where needed for the fixing of accessories. Bells or hubs of pipes must be completely
10. Reinforced masonry partitions are to fully extend to the underside of slabs.
11. When pipes or conduits or both occur in plastered partitions, at least one web of the hollow
masonry units must be retained.


5.4.1 General Requirements

1. Expanded stainless steel mesh joint reinforcement, if specified, will be embedded in the
horizontal mortar joints not closer than 20 mm from the external face of the wall and, except at
movement joints, is to be continuous and lapped at least 75 mm at all passings. Full lap joints
are to be provided at angles.
2. Vertical bar reinforcement is to be properly positioned and secured against displacement. The
cavities containing the reinforcement are to be completely and solidly filled with the specified
concrete. The whole surface of the reinforcement is to be in contact with the mortar or
concrete. The minimum clear distance between the vertical bars and the block is to be 12 mm.

5.4.2 Placing Reinforcing

1. At the time of placement, steel reinforcement is to be free from loose flaky rust, mud, oil, or
other coatings that will destroy or reduce the bond.
2. Steel reinforcement is to be in place at the time of grouting. Horizontal reinforcement shall be
placed as the masonry work progresses.
3. The minimum clear distance between reinforcing and masonry units shall be 12mm.
4. The minimum clear distance between parallel bars shall be one bar diameter.
5. Vertical steel reinforcement shall be held in place by centring clips, caging devices, or other
approved methods.
6. Vertical bars shall be supported near each end, and at intermediate intervals not exceeding 80
bar diameters.
7. Horizontal reinforcement shall be set in a full bed of grout.
8. Reinforcement shall be spliced or attached to dowels by placing in contact and wiring
9. Splices shall be staggered in adjacent reinforcing bars. Reinforcing bars shall be lapped at
splices at a minimum of 40 bar diameters.


5.5.1 General Requirements

1. Fair faced block walls and walls built of facing blocks are to be constructed generally as
Clause 5.3.3 with particular care being taken to ensure:
A. The specified bonding or joint pattern is consistent
B. The perpends are truly plumb for the full height
C. The blocks used are of the same texture and appearance to avoid a patchy effect
D. The colour of the mortar is consistent.

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2. When a block has been placed in the wall, the extruded mortar is to be struck off flush, extra
care being taken to avoid smearing the mortar on the face of the block.
3. Joints are to be left to stiffen slightly (thumb print hard) and then be firmly compacted with a
jointing tool to the required profiles. The tooling of wet mortar will not be permitted.
4. If mortar droppings have struck to the blocks it must be allowed to dry and the surplus
removed by a trowel. The remaining residue shall be cleaned by rubbing with a small piece of
block and subsequent brushing down.
5. Where the cutting of blocks in fair face work is unavoidable, this should be done using a
mechanical saw.
6. The cutting of facing blocks will only be permitted where this can be achieved without a visible
alteration to the facing pattern.


5.6.1 General Requirements

1. Openings are to be square and the jambs, vertical and formed with the uncut faces of the
2. If door and window frames are to be built-in the requirements of Clause 5.3.4 of Section 18
shall be complied with and the fixing cramps built-in solid in the mortar joints.
3. The jamb walling is to be built up against the frame all round as the work proceeds.


5.7.1 General Requirements

1. Walls and partitions are to be bonded or tied to one another at junctions, unless movement
joints are indicated.
2. If ties are used they should consist of 3 x 20 mm stainless or galvanized steel as directed by
the Engineer fully embedded in the horizontal mortar joints at vertical spacings not exceeding
600 mm.
3. The ends of the ties are to project a minimum of 75 mm into each wall or partition.


5.8.1 General Requirements

1. All connections between block walls or partitions and concrete or steel columns are to be
reinforced at maximum 400 mm centres by means of stainless steel or zinc coated expanded
metal as directed by the Engineer or approved proprietary ties shot fired to the column and
built into and fully embedded in the mortar joints of the block walls or partitions.
2. Stainless steel or expanded metal ties as directed by the Engineer are to be a width that will
allow 20 mm clearances from each face of the wall or partition and be embedded for a
minimum distance of 200 mm in the mortar joint.


5.9.1 General Requirements

1. Non-load bearing internal walls and partitions shall be built-up to leave a 20 mm joint between
the top of the wall or partition and the soffit of the slab.

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2. After the walling has thoroughly dried out and after the expected deflection in the slab due to
dead load has taken place, the joint is to be filled solid with a Class M7 mortar in accordance
with the relevant provisions of Part 2 of this Section.
3. Where concrete slabs are supported on blockwork, a layer of polythene sheet is to be
provided between the top of the wall and the slab for the full width of the wall.


5.10.1 General Requirements

1. In the following situations, the cavities of hollow block walls are to be filled solid with either
Class M7 mortar in accordance with the relevant provisions of Part 2 of this Section or
concrete Grade C15:
A. Jambs of all openings
B. Ends, angles and junctions of walls and partitions
C. Junctions of walls and partitions with columns
D. At sills
E. At tops of partitions, if so specified
F. To provide a solid fixing for false ceiling perimeters
2. The filling to courses is to be supported on a strip of expanded metal lathing embedded in the
joint below.
3. Walls which are to be filled solid are to be built up in lifts not exceeding 1,200 mm and be filled
after allowing a minimum period of 24 hours to elapse to enable the mortar to harden. The
initial compaction of the concrete is to be carried out by hand using a 25 x 50 mm wooden rod
or by vibrator. The final compaction shall take place 10-15 minutes after initial compaction.


5.11.1 General Description

1. Damp-proof courses shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 743.
2. Damp-proof courses are to extend through the full thickness of the wall, including pointing,
applied rendering or any other facing material.
3. The mortar bed upon which the damp-proof course is to be laid is to be even and free from
projections liable to cause damage to the damp proof course.
4. Where the damp-proof course is situated in a hollow block wall, the blocks are to be filled solid
in the course below the damp proof course.
5. All damp-proof courses are to be solidly bedded in mortar.
6. Joints of all damp-proof courses shall be lapped a minimum of 100 mm at all passings and


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1.0. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................2
1.1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................2
1.2. PREPARATION WORK ..........................................................................................................4
1.3. GUARANTEE..........................................................................................................................4
1.4. PROTECTION .........................................................................................................................4
1.5. TESTING .................................................................................................................................4
2.0. MEMBRANE ROOFING..........................................................................................................5
2.1. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................5
2.2. BUILT-UP BITUMINOUS FELT ROOFING ............................................................................6
2.3. COLD APPLIED BITUMINOUS COATING ...........................................................................13
2.4. PREPARED ROLL ROOFING ...............................................................................................13
2.5. MODIFIED BITUMINOUS SHEET .........................................................................................13
2.6. SINGLE LAYER MEMBRANE...............................................................................................13
2.7. FLUID APPLIED MEMBRANES............................................................................................14
2.8. COATED SPRAY APPLIED FOAM.......................................................................................14
2.9. PERMEABLE FILTER MEMBRANE .....................................................................................15
2.10. PROTECTED MEMBRANE ...................................................................................................15
2.11. TORCH APPLIED WATERPROOF MEMBRANE.................................................................15
3.0. METAL ROOF SANDWITCH PANELS ................................................................................ 16
3.1. GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................16
3.2. INSULATED ROOF SYSTEMS .............................................................................................17
3.3. EXAMINATION ......................................................................................................................18
3.4. INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................................18
3.5. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .................................................................................................19
3.6. CLEANING .............................................................................................................................20
3.7. PROTECTION ........................................................................................................................20
4.0. ROOF AND DECK INSULATION ......................................................................................... 21
4.1. GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................21
4.2. RIGID BOARD INSULATION ................................................................................................22
4.3. POLYSTYRENE BOARD INSULATION ...............................................................................22
4.4. INSULATING CONCRETE ROOF SCREEDS ......................................................................22

Section 14- Roofing Page No.1

CEG International Specification




1.1.1. Scope
1 This Section specifies general requirements for various types of roof covering materials
and accessories.
2 Related Sections are as follows:
Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery
Section 15 Insulation of Buildings

1.1.2. References
The following standards are referred to in this Section:
BS 12 Portland cement
BS 402 Clay plain roofing tiles and fittings
BS 680 Roofing slates
BS 747 Roofing felts
BS 812 Testing aggregates
BS 882 Aggregates from natural sources for concrete
BS 1070 Black paint (tar based)
BS 1105 Wood wool cement slabs up to 125 mm thick
BS 1197 Concrete flooring tiles and fittings
BS 1202 Nails
BS 1210 Wood screws
BS 1474 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
purposes:Bars, extruded round tube and sections
BS 1494 Fixing accessories for building purposes
BS 1521 Water proof building papers
BS 3083 Hot-dip zinc coated and hot-dip aluminium/zinc coats corrugated steel
sheets for general purposes
BS 3379 Flexible polyurethane cellular materials for load bearing applications
BS 3416 Bitumen based coatings for cold application, suitable for use in contact
withpotable water
BS 3690 Bitumens for building and civil engineering
BS 3797 Lightweight aggregates for concrete
BS 3837 Expanded polystyrene boards
BS 3869 Rigid expanded polyvinyl chloride for thermal insulation purposes and
building applications
BS 3927 Rigid phenolic foam (PF) for thermal insulation in the form of slabs and
profiled sections
BS 4016 Building papers (breather type)
BS 4154 Corrugated plastic translucent sheets made from thermo-setting
polyester resins (glass fibre reinforced)
BS 4841 Rigid polyurethane (PUR) and polyisocyanurate (PIR) form for building
BS 4868 Profiled aluminium sheet for building
BS 5075 Concrete admixtures
BS 5284 Methods of sampling and testing mastic asphalt used in building and civil
BS 5534 Code of Practice for slating and tiling

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BS 6515 Polyethylene damp-proof courses for masonry

BS 6229 Flat roofs with continuously support coverings
BS 6676 Thermal insulation of cavity walls using man-made mineral fibre batts
BS 8000 Workmanship on Building Sites
BS 8217 Code of Practice for built-up felt roofing
BS EN 485 Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Sheet, strip and plate
BS EN 490 Concrete roofing tiles and fittings-product specifications
BS EN 491 Concrete roofing tiles and fittings-test methods
BS EN 538 Clay roofing tiles for discontinuous laying-flexural strength test
BS EN 539 Clay roofing tiles for discontinuous laying-determination of physical

1.1.3. Definitions
1 For purposes of this Section, certain terms are designated in the following paragraphs:
a) BASE SHEET is one layer of felt or combination sheet secured to the deck over
which may be applied additional felts, a cap sheet, organic or inorganic fibre shingles,
smooth coating or mineral aggregate.
b) BUILT-UP ROOF COVERING is two or more layers of roofing consisting of a base
sheet, felts and cap sheet, mineral aggregate, smooth coating or similar surfacing
c) CAP SHEET is roofing made of organic or inorganic fibres, saturated and coated on
both sides with a bituminous compound, surfaced with mineral granules, mica, talc,
ilmenite, inorganic fibres or similar materials.
d) CEMENTING is solidly mopped application of asphalt, cold liquid asphalt compound,
coal tar pitch or other approved cementing material.
e) COMBINATION SHEET is a glass fibre felt integrally attached to kraft paper.
f) CORROSION-RESISTANT is any non-ferrous metal or any metal having an
unbroken surfacing of non-ferrous metal, or steel with no less than 10 % chromium or
with not less than 0.20 % copper.
g) FELT is matted organic or inorganic fibres, saturated with bituminous compound
h) FELT, NONBITUMINOUS SATURATED is matted asbestos fibres with binder for use
with wood shingle and wood shake assemblies.
i) GLASS FIBER FELT is a glass fibre sheet coated on both sides with bituminous
j) INTERLAYMENT is a layer of felt or non-bituminous saturated asbestos felt not less
than 450 mm wide, shingled between each course of roof covering.
k) INTERLOCKING ROOFING TILES are individual units, typically of clay or concrete,
possessing matching ribbed or interlocking vertical side joints that restrict lateral
movement and water penetration.
l) METAL ROOFING is metal shingles or sheets for application on solid roof surfaces,
and corrugated or otherwise shaped metal sheets or sections for application on solid
roof surfaces or roof frame works.
m) NON-NAILABLE DECK is any deck, which is incapable of retaining an approved
n) PREPARED ROOFING is any manufactured or processed roofing material, other
than untreated wood shingles and shakes, as distinguished from built-up coverings.
o) SPOT CEMENTING is discontinuous application of asphalt, cold liquid asphalt
compound, coal tar pitch or other approved cementing material.

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p) UNDERLAYMENT is one or more layers of felt or non-bituminous saturated asbestos

felt over which the finish roofing is applied.


1.2.1. General Requirements

1 Before commencing installation of the roof, waterproofing and insulation system all
construction work and installations above roof level are to be completed as far as
possible. Particular care is to be taken to ensure:
a) All rainwater, plumbing, air-conditioning and ventilation duct outlets have been fixed
in position and are protected against blockage or accidental damage
b) Supports to ductwork, pipework, cable trays and the like have been installed
c) All kerbs to roof lights, access doors, plant and water tanks have been installed
d) All chases for skirtings, etc., have been prepared.
2 The surface of the roofing substructure is to be clean and dry, free from ridges or
indentations, laid to falls as required and not contaminated with oil or other deleterious
3 No waterproofing membrane is to be applied until the roofing substructure has been
inspected and approved by the Engineer.

1.2.2. Storage of Materials

1 Polystyrene insulation boards are to be protected against prolonged exposure to sunlight.
2 Blanket type insulation is to be protected from moisture.


1.3.1. General Requirements

1 The Contractor is to provide the Engineer with a seven (7) year unconditional guarantee
against failure of the roof waterproofing system whether caused by defective materials or
workmanship. The guarantee should be valid from the date of completion of the
installation and must be provided to the Engineer in accordance with Section 1, General.


1.4.1. General Requirements

1 Adequate protection against damage to the roof waterproofing system is to be provided
where further construction work is necessary in the area.


1.5.1. General Requirements

1 On completion of application of new roof waterproofing material to an existing roof but
before application of insulation and protection, the Contractor shall seal off all rainwater
outlets and flood the roof to a depth of 25mm. After 48 hours, visual inspection of the roof
shall be undertaken from inside the building in the presence of the Engineer's
Representative to establish that there are no leaks in the structure. The Contractor shall
make up any loss of water during the test due to either evaporation or leakage. The
Contractor shall be responsible for the locating and sealing of any leaks found. The test
shall be repeated, at the Contractor's expense, until no leaks exist.

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2.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies requirements for flexible roof coverings of various types.
2 Related Sections are as follows:
Section 5 Concrete
Section 15 Insulation of Buildings
Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery

2.1.2. References
The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 747 Specification for roofing felts
BS 812 Testing aggregates
BS 882 Aggregates from natural resources
BS 1070 Black paint (tar based)
BS 1197 Concrete flooring tiles and fittings
BS 1202 Nails
BS 1210 Wood screws
BS 1494 Fixing accessories for building purposes
BS 1521 Waterproof building papers
BS 3416 Bitumen based coatings for cold application, suitable for use in contact with
potable water
BS 3690 Bitumens for building and civil engineering
BS 4016 Building papers (breather type)
BS 5284 Methods of sampling and testing mastic asphalt used in building and Civil
BS 6229 Flat roofs with continuously supported coverings
BS 7263 Pre-cast concrete flags, kerbs, channels, edgings and quadrants
BS 8000 Workmanship on Building Sites
BS 8217 Code of practice for built-up felt roofing

2.1.3. General Description of Workmanship

1 The roof coverings are not to be applied to a damp base and care is to be taken to ensure
that no moisture is trapped between successive layers.
2 Skirtings are to be a minimum of 150 mm above the roof finish at any point.
3 Protective finishes and surface treatments are to be applied as soon as possible after
completion of the roof coverings.
4 Projections passing through the roof covering are to be provided with hoods or caps to
permit the roof covering to terminate beneath the hood and be protected by it from
weather elements.
5 Outlets for surface water, whether in gutters or roof areas, are to be set slightly below the
adjacent roof surface and be suitably flashed to allow a bonded lap of roofing felt and
flashing material of 100 mm (minimum).
6 Roof waterproofing materials shall be applied by specialist personnel or a specialist sub-
contractor having previous experience of the system and approved by the Engineer's
Representative. The specialist sub-contractor shall provide the guarantee specified in
Part 1 of this Section in favour of Public Works Authority.

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7 On completion of application of waterproofing material to an existing concrete roof but

before the application of insulation and protection, the Contractor shall seal off all
rainwater outlets and flood the roof to a depth of 25mm. The Contractor shall make up
any loss of water due to evaporation or leaks. After 48 hours, visual inspection of the roof
shall be undertaken from inside the building in the presence of the Engineer’s
Representative to establish if there are any leaks in the structure. The Contractor shall
locate and seal any leaks. The test shall be repeated at the Contractor’s expense until no
leaks exist.
8 On new roofs the test detailed in sub-clause 7 shall be carried out prior to application of
lightweight screed and waterproofing membrane.


2.2.1. General Requirements

1 This section specifies built-up bituminous felt roofing on new roofs and for repairs to
existing roofs.

2.2.2. Delivery, Storage and Marking

1 Roofing materials shall be delivered to the Site in original sealed packages or containers
marked with the name and brand, or trademark of the manufacturer or seller.
2 Roofing materials shall be kept dry and stored in weathertight facilities or under canvas
tarps. Use of polyethylene or plastic tarps to cover materials is not permitted. Roofing
materials shall be stored above ground or deck level on wood pallets. Ground under
stored materials shall be covered with a plastic cover.
3 Rolled materials (felts, base sheets, paper) shall be stored on end. Materials shall not be
stored on top of rolled materials.
4 Aggregate are to be maintained in a surface dry condition as defined by BS 812 and BS
5 Materials shall be protected from damage from handling, weather and construction
operations before, during, and after installation.

2.2.3. Materials
1 Built-up bituminous materials are to conform to applicable Standards listed in Clause
2 Asphalt materials (general) include:
a) Primer
b) Organic felt
c) Asphalt
d) Glass reinforced felt
e) Venting asphalt base sheet
f) Mineral surface roll roofing
g) Roof cement
3 Coal tar materials include:
a) Primer
b) Organic felt
c) Coal-tar bitumen
d) Roof cement

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4 Miscellaneous component requirements are as follows:

a) Aggregate requirements include:
i) Aggregates to comply with requirements of BS 882.
ii) Chippings are to be approved, clean, crushed white or pale grey aggregate size
15 to 30 mm.
iii) Rounded gravel shall e free of sharp angular or broken pieces.
b) Roof walkway requirements include:
i) Prefabricated asphalt plank consisting of a homogeneous core or asphalt,
plasticizers and inert fillers, bonded by heat and pressure between two saturated
and coated sheets of felt. The top side of planks shall be surfaced with ceramic
ii) Concrete masonry paving units shall comply with BS 1197 and BS 7263.
c) Building paper (sheating paper) shall comply with BS 1521 and BS 4016.
5 Fasteners to be used include the following:
a) Nails and staples shall comply with BS 1210 and BS 1202
b) Nails for securing built-up flashing and base sheets to wood deck shall be either:
i) Zinc coated steel roofing nails with a minimum head diameter of 9 mm through
metal discs at least 25 mm across
ii) One piece nails with an integral flat cap at least 24 mm across.
c) Fasteners for securing building paper and dry felt edge strips to wood nailer and
decks shall be either:
i) Zinc coated steel roofing nails with a minimum head diameter of 16 mm
ii) Flat top crown, zinc coated staples
d) Nails for plywood are to be annular thread type and shall penetrate plywood by at
least 19 mm
e) Nails for securing built-up flashing to masonry shall be either:
i) Hardened steel nails through metal discs at least 25 mm in diameter
ii) One piece nails with an integral flat cap at least 24 mm across.
f) Nails for securing venting base sheet to insulating concrete shall be galvanized steel
self-clinching type having a integral flat cap at least 25 mm across. They are to have
a holding power of not less than 130 kg when pulled from approximate dense
g) Nails for securing base sheet, building paper, or first layer of vapour retarder to
structural wood fibre decks shall be the self-clinching type having an integral flat cap
not less than 25 mm across. They are to have a holding power of not less than 85 kg
per fastener
h) Nails for securing base sheet to poured gypsum roof deck shall be specially shaped
nails providing a diverging or hooking point. They shall have a flat cap not less than
32 mm across and have a withdrawal resistance of not less than 85 kg per fastener.

2.2.4. Execution of Work

1 Roofing materials shall not be applied if the deck will be used as a subsequent work
platform, for storage of materials, or if staging or scaffolding will be erected thereon.
2 The entire roof deck construction of any section of the building is to be completed before
roofing work is begun including:

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a) Installation of curbs, blocking, edge strips, fillets, and other components where
insulation, roofing and base flashing is attached shall be in place ready to receive
insulation and roofing
b) Co-ordination of roof operations with roof insulation and sheet metal work so that
insulation and flashing is installed concurrently to permit continuous roofing
3 Roofing materials are to be dry when applied.
4 Surfaces, including the flutes of metal deck that become wet from any cause during
progress of the work shall be dried out before roofing work is resumed. Materials shall
only be applied to dry substrata.
5 Except for temporary protection, materials shall not be applied during damp or rainy
weather, during excessive wind conditions, nor while moisture (dew or fog) is present in
any amount in or on the materials to be covered or installed.
6 Materials shall not be applied when the temperature is below 10 ºC.
7 Phased construction is not permitted. The installation of all layers is to be completed in
the same day, including insulation, base flashings, and the layers surfaced with either the
flood coat and aggregate or with a glaze coat except for the area where temporary
protection is required when work is stopped.
8 Temporary protection shall comply with the following requirements:
a) install temporary protection consisting of glazed coats and water cut-offs at the end of
each day’s work and when the work is halted for an indefinite period or work is
stopped when precipitation is imminent
b) Glaze coat all exposed surfaces of felts to seal in the bitumen coating. No felt
surfaces or edges are to be left exposed
c) Install temporary cap flashings over the top of base flashings where permanent
flashings are not in place. Temporary cap flashings are to provide complete
protection against moisture entering the roof system through or behind the base
flashing. Securely anchor in place to prevent blowing off and damage by construction
d) Provide for removal or drainage of water away from the work
e) Provide temporary protection for roofing by means of duckboard walkways, plywood
platforms, or other materials, as approved by the Engineer, for roof areas that are to
remain intact, and that are subject to foot traffic and damage.
f) Provide notches in sleepers to permit free drainage.
9 Heating of bitumen for installation of roofing shall comply with the following requirements:
a) Heat the asphalt to the equiviscious temperature ±1 °C; at the time of application
asphalt should not be heated greater than 35 °C above the equiviscous temperature
b) Coal-tar bitumen is not to be heated above 215 °C with an application temperature
ranging from 160 °C to 200 °C
c) At no time should bitumen be heated above the flash point temperature
d) Provide heating kettles with a thermometer kept in operating condition at all times.
Kettlemen are to be in attendance at all times during heating to insure that the
bitumens are heated within the temperatures specified.
10 Asphalt or coal-tar products shall be used, except as specified below:
a) Use asphalt only with asphalt-saturated or asphalt-impregnated felts
b) Use coal-tar pitch and coal-tar-saturated felts in conjunction with coal-tar roofing
c) Asphalt-saturated felts may be used for flashings.

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11 Installation of roofing materials with hot bitumen shall comply with the following
a) Apply bitumen in quantities required, immediately followed by felts or other materials
to be embedded therein before bitumen cools below the application temperature limit
b) Do not apply more material than can be covered at one time
c) Re-coat cooled bitumen areas with hot bitumen
d) Roll felts into bitumen, rolling, squeezing or brushing down to firmly embed in the hot
bitumen free of wrinkles, blisters, bubbles, voids, air pockets or other defects that
prevent complete adhesion. Use squeegees only on glass felts
e) Felts shall be lapped shingle fashion for the number of layers specified starting with
starter strips at right angles to slope of roof
f) The laying of the roofing materials should commence at the low points
g) Bitumen is to separate all felts or substrata so that subsequent layers do not touch
previous placed layers of felt or substrata unless noted specifically
h) Cut the felt to fit closely around pipes, roof drains, bitumen stops, and similar roof
12 Laps for felts and base sheet shall be as follows:
a) Base sheet shall be lapped 75mm
b) Two layers of felt with 500 and 900 mm starting widths shall be lapped 600 mm
c) Three layers of felt with 300, 600 and 750 mm starting widths shall be lapped 600 mm
d) Four layers of felt with 225, 500 mm and 750 starting widths shall be lapped 700 mm.
13 Primer shall be applied with 3.5 litres of primer per 10 m of surface area unless
otherwise recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer.
14 Quantities of bitumen used shall be as follows:
a) Between substrata and layers of organic felt:
i) Asphalt, 33 to 55 kg/m
ii) Coal tar, 44 to 66 kg/m
b) Between substrata and layers of glass fibre felts
i) Asphalt, 9 to 13 kg/m2
c) Glaze coats:
i) Asphalt, 33 to 55 kg/m
ii) Coal tar, 44 to 66 kg/m
d) Pour or flood coats:
i) Asphalt, 122 to 144 kg/m
ii) Coal tar, 155 to 177 kg/m
15 Nailing or anchorage of felts or base sheets to nailable decks shall include the following
a) Nails or fasteners appropriate for type of deck to be covered shall only be used.
b) Two layers of felt shall be laid as follows:
i) Nail down both layers along bottom edges at intervals not to exceed 225 mm
ii) Nail down both layers at both edges at intervals not to exceed 225 mm

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c) Anchorage of base sheets shall be as follows:

i) Nail along laps and edges at intervals not to exceed 225 mm with end and edge
laps solidly sealed with roof cement
ii) Stagger nails down centre of sheet in two rows 300 mm apart at intervals of not
more than 500 mm in each row.
16 Building paper shall be laid as follows:
a) Lay paper smoothly without buckles or wrinkles at right angles to the roof slope
starting at the low point
b) Lap each sheet of paper at least 50 mm over proceeding sheet, and at the ends
c) Staple or nail sufficiently to hold in place until the roofing is installed.

2.2.5. Surface Preparation

1 Sweep decks and remove all dust, dirt and debris.
2 Remove projections that might penetrate or damage roofing felt materials.
3 Preparation of concrete decks, (except insulating concrete) for installation of roofing shall
comply with the following requirements:
a) Test concrete decks for moisture prior to application of roofing materials. Heat
bitumen as specified and pour approximately 0.5 litres of bitumen on surface to which
roofing materials are to be applied. If bitumen foams upon contact with the deck or if
after bitumen has cooled and bitumen is stripped from deck leaving no residue, the
deck is not dry enough for application of prime coat or roofing.
b) Prime concrete decks, including precast units, with primer as recommended by the
manufacturer for certification. Keep the primer 100 mm back from the joints in precast
c) Allow primer to dry before application of bitumen.
4 Roof surfaces of wood sheathing, gypsum, gypsum plank and cement wood fibre plank
shall be covered with a layer of building paper.

2.2.6. Installation of Built-Up Roofing Membrane

1 The built-up roofing membrane is to be aggregate surfaced, three layer, glass fibre felt
construction using asphalt or four layer organic felt and coal tar bitumen. Building paper
or a base sheet is not considered as a layer.
2 General requirements of installation of built-up roofing membrane are as follows:
a) Where nailers occur at roof edges under gravel stops or penetrations to receive metal
base flashing, nail a continuous strip of 400 mm wide dry organic felt envelope over
the nailers before the first layer sheet is applied. The organic felt strip is to be
installed on top of the venting base sheet. After the membrane is installed, turn the
dry felt back over the roofing, and secure in place with hot bitumen before gravel
stops or other metal flanges extending out onto the membrane are installed
b) Where fillets occur at vertical surfaces, cut off layers of the membrane 50 mm above,
the top of fillet strips. At prefabricated curbs, scuttles and other roof accessories
having integral fillets, extend the membrane over the fillet and up the vertical surface
to the top of the curb or nailer as shown in drawings
c) Where a fascia-fillet occurs at the roof edges, extend the membrane beyond the
outside fillet face and cut off at the outside after the base flashing is installed. Do not
cut off the venting base sheet outside the fillet face, extend it down over the outer
fillet face to allow for venting

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d) Where a recessed flashing occurs at vertical surfaces, extend layers of roofing up into
recessed flashing the full depth of the recessed flashing.
3 Built-up roofing installed over on insulation shall be sealed down as specified Clause
4 Built-up roofing installed on concrete and precast concrete Units shall comply with the
following requirements:
a) Prime deck as specified Clause 2.2.4-13
b) Keep bitumen back 100 mm from joints in precast units
c) Seal down membrane as specified Clause 2.2.4.
5 Built-up roofing installed on nailable decks shall include requirements as follows:
a) On insulating concrete decks, install one layer of venting base sheet with the mineral
aggregate surface down. Fasten base sheet to deck as required, followed by
membrane as specified
b) Termination venting base sheet:
i) At vertical surfaces: extend venting base sheet up vertical surface over fillets to
top of base flashing or curb
ii) At the roof edges under gravel stops install a venting base sheet over the
blocking. The base sheet shall be extended not less than 50 mm beyond the
outer edge and it shall be turned down so that venting can be accomplished
iii) At the roof edge over a fascia-fillet: extend the base sheet over the top of the fillet
and turn it down over the outer face of the fillet to permit venting at the edge.
c) On poured gypsum, precast gypsum plank, cement-wood fibre plank, wood plank or
plywood decks, install one layer of building paper followed by either:
i) Two layers of 33 kg organic felt laying both layers down dry to deck except to
seal between laps. Lap and nail as specified to deck. Follow immediately by the
membranes sealed down to the felt
ii) One layer of base sheet or venting base sheet. Lay base sheet down dry on the
deck. Lap as specified and seal the edge laps with roofing cement. Nail as
specified followed by the roofing membrane sealed down to the base sheet.
6 Cover the exposed surface of the last layer of felt, except on fillets and under concrete
pavers or runners of wood roof walkways, with bitumen and aggregate as specified.

2.2.7. Base Flashing

1 Provide built-up base flashings over fillets and wherever necessary to make the work
2 Install flashing before final bituminous coat and roof aggregate is installed.
3 Prime vertical surfaces of masonry and concrete with asphalt primer except where the
vented base sheet is required to provide edge venting.
4 When applying a flashing on top of built-up roofing, up the face of fillets and up the face of
the vertical surfaces, between 200 mm and 300 mm above the built-up roofing, the
following shall apply:
a) At fascia-fillets, extend the flashing to the top of fillet and cut off at the top of fillet
b) At recessed flashings, extend the flashing full depth into the recessed flashing
c) Where venting base sheet is used with insulating concrete, do not seal edges of
venting base sheet with bitumen in order to allow for venting.
5 Flashing is to consist of two layers of 33 kg/m glass fibre felt or fabric, surfaced capped
as specified.

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a) Extend the first layer of flashing 100 mm out on the roofing, and the second layer of
flashing 75 mm beyond the first layer. Lap ends 75 mm with joints broken 500 mm in
each layer.
b) Cap sheet is to be mineral surfaced roll roofing or modified bitumen sheet extending
from toe of fillet to top of base flashing. Lap the ends 75 mm with joints not coinciding
with joints in under layers.
6 Base flashings may be set either in asphalt (hot applied method) or in roof cement (cold
applied method), with only one method only used throughout. Application of either
method shall be as follows:
a) Cold applied method:
i) Embed each layer of flashing in roof cement so layers do not touch felt
ii) cover the last layer of flashing with a troweled on coat of the roof cement, into
which embed the cap sheet from toe of the fillet to top of the base flashing and
seal laps with roof cement
iii) Use cold applied method with coal tar roofing.
b) Hot applied method:
i) embed each layer of flashing and cap sheet in asphalt so that the layers do not
ii) Set the cap sheet in hot bitumen with laps sealed with hot bitumen.
c) Except for venting roof edges, seal the top edge of the base flashing with roof
7 Except at metal fascia fillets, secure top edge of the base flashing with nails on a line
approximately 25 mm below the top edge, and at not more than 200 mm centres. All nail
heads shall be covered with roof cement. The top of the base flashing shall be covered
with counter flashing. At fascia fillets, secure the top edge of the flashing with fascia
compression clamps.

2.2.8. Stripping
1 Before the final bituminous coat and roof aggregate is installed, cover that portion of the
horizontal flanges of metal base flashings, gravel stops, and other flanges extending out
onto the roofing with a composition flashing consisting of two layers of glass fibre felt or
fabric. Use organic felt with coal tar bitumen for stripping.
2 Extend the first layer of flashing out on the roofing 100 mm beyond the edge of the flange
and the second layer 75 mm beyond the edge of the first layer. Cut edges to fit tight
against vertical members of the protruding flange.
3 Each layer of flashing shall be embedded in hot bitumen or roofing cement.

2.2.9. Roof Pour Coat and Aggregate

1 After bituminous base flashing and stripping have been installed uniformly coat the entire
roof surface except fillets with hot asphalt or coal-tar bitumen poured on, as directed in
Clause 2.2.4 of this Part.
2 While still hot, embed necessary amount of aggregate to cover the roofing felt completely
2 2
without bare spots, but not less than 888 kg/m of dry gravel or 666 kg/m of dry slag. The
aggregate cover shall be such that no bitumen is left exposed.
3 Placing the aggregate material in piles or rows on bare or glaze coated felt before
placement is prohibited.

2.2.10. Roof Walkways

1 Walkways may be concrete masonry units or prefabricated asphalt planks.

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2 Place concrete masonry units on top of the pour coat. Aggregate shall not be embedded
under runners of wood roof walkways. Butt concrete masonry units to provide a
continuous walkway surface.
3 When prefabricated asphalt planks are used, sweep away loose roof aggregate from the
areas to receive planks. Set the planks in hot bitumen poured over the firmly embedded
roof aggregate as specified for pour coat. Maintain a minimum of 75 mm to a maximum of
150 mm space between planks.


2.3.1. General Requirements

1 The Contractor is to clean and prepare roofing surface areas immediately prior to
application of bitumen coating. Black bitumen coating solutions to be applied in
accordance with BS 3416.
2 Application of cold applied bituminous solution is to be done by a qualified experienced
3 All openings and roof vents are to have watertight flashings.


2.4.1. General Requirements

1 Prepared roll roofing is the top layer in a built-up roofing membrane. Standard prepared
roll roofing material consists of a glass fibre mat coated on both sides with a stabilised
asphalt coating and surface coated with non-combustible ceramic granules.
2 Prepared roll roofing material is to be compatible with, and manufactured by the supplier
of, the built up roofing membrane.
3 Prepared roll roofing is to be sealed with hot bitumen or cold adhesive as recommended
by manufacturer.
4 The Contractor shall guarantee roll roofing for fifteen (15) years.


2.5.1. General Requirements

1 Modified bituminous sheet is a cold applied membrane composed primarily of modified
bituminous material prefabricated in sheet form.
2 Modified bituminous sheet is reinforced with glass fibre, polypropylene, or polyester fabric
which may be bonded to a plastic sheet, and supplied in this form by the manufacturer.
3 The standard sheet thickness shall be 4 mm.
4 The sheet is to be provided with a release sheet to prevent bonding of the sheet to itself.


2.6.1. General Requirement

1 A single layer membrane is a 4mm (minimum) single layer bituminous felt membrane and
is torch applied.
2 Overlaps in the applied membrane are to be in the same direction as the roof slope.
3 Base flashing items as specified in Clause 2.2.8 of this part are to be completed prior to
the installation of the single layer membrane.

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2.7.1. General Description

1 Liquid applied membranes shall be non-aqueous and should consist of a two component
coal tar polyurethane elastomer which when mixed cures to form a flexible, elastomeric
waterproof membrane having the following minimum properties after ageing:
Tensile strength: 4.0 N/mm .
Elongation: 300-400 %
Shore Hardness: I.R.H.D. 70 %.
Total Solids: 90-95 %
Moisture vapour transmission: 8.5 ml/m /24 hours
2 The waterproofing membrane is to incorporate the sealer/primer, reinforcing and
reflective coating materials recommended by the manufacturer of the membrane.
3 The Contractor is to submit to the Engineer the manufacturer’s literature concerning the
shelf life of each component material of the system to be used, together with authoritative
evidence of the dates of production.

2.7.2. Liquid Applied Waterproofing Systems

1 Surfaces receiving the waterproof membrane are to be treated with the recommended
primer sealer and allowed to dry.
2 When all the surfaces receiving the membrane and the equipment to be used are ready,
the materials are to be mixed in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
using a mechanical mixer. Only that amount which can be used within the pot life of the
material is to be prepared.
3 Reinforcing strips at construction and movement joints, shrinkage cracks, pipe
inlets/outlets, electrical conduit, air-conditioning ducting etc., must be applied in the
widths and thickness recommended by the manufacturer prior to final applications of the
4 When the reinforcing strips and expansion joint covers have cured, the membrane is to
be applied using an airless spray, trowel, squeegee or any other recommended method
producing the required membrane thickness.
5 Site operatives are to be kept off the membrane until it has cured sufficiently to accept
foot traffic. Tackiness of the surface may be neutralised by dusting with dry cement.
Areas where labourers will be working applying topping materials should be covered with
a protective layer of fibreboard.
6 Surfaces which are not to receive a permanent protective covering are to be treated with
a solar reflective finish recommended by the manufacturer of the membrane.


2.8.1. Description
1 This Clause specifies general requirements for spray applied foam insulation which is
covered with a protective coating.

2.8.2. Installation
1 Prior to spray application of the foam all welding or other hot work required on the roof is
to be completed and all surfaces not to receive the insulation are to be securely wrapped
or otherwise protected with suitable covering.
2 The equipment used by the Contractor is to provide thorough mixing of components and
be calibrated prior to commencing work to ensure correct metering of the material

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3 Under no circumstance should spraying be carried out in the presence of water or when
the wind speed is in excess of 25 kilometres per hour.
4 The foam to be applied in minimum 12 mm layers to build up the specified thickness.
5 The first coat or layer of the protective covering is to be applied the same day the foam
insulation is installed.
6 If for any reason more than 48 hours elapses between application of the foam and a
protective coating, the foam surface is to be inspected for contamination or oxidation.
Should either be present, the surface is to be brushed with a stiff broom or mechanically
scoured and reformed prior to application of the protective covering.


2.9.1. General Requirements

1 Permeable filter membrane are to be chemically stable and made of rot resistant fabric,
manufactured from synthetic, thermally bonded, non woven fibre weighing not less than
140 g/m and minimum 0.7 mm thick. The membrane is to be capable of freely passing
water but preventing the passage of salt and clay particles.
2 Application and execution of workmanship must comply with procedures recommended
by the manufacturer.
3 Fabric must be applied around projections or areas of reinforcement in the widths and
thickness recommended by the manufacturer prior to final applications of the membrane.


2.10.1. General Requirements

1 Protective membranes to membrane roofing shall be as specified in Part 4 of this Section.


2.11.1. General Requirements

1 Torch applied waterproofing membrane (Awazel, Derma or approved equivalent) shall
consist of a reinforced bitumen-polymer membrane having the following minimum
Thickness 4mm
Tensile Strength BS 2782 7.5N/mm
Elongation BS 2782 40%
Tear Resistance ASTM D1004 100N
Moisture Vapour Permeability BS 2782 8.5g/m2/day
2 The waterproofing system shall incorporate the priming and reflective coating materials
recommended by the manufacturer of the membrane.
3 The waterproofing system shall be applied strictly in accordance with the instructions
supplied by the manufacturer.

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3.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies requirements for use of metal roofing systems for buildings and
2. Related Sections are as follows:
Section 15 Insulation of Buildings
Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery

3.1.2 References
1. The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 1210 Wood Screws
BS 1474 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
purposes. Bars, extruded round tube and sections
BS 1494 Fixing accessories for building purposes
BS 3083 Hot-dip zinc coated and hot-dip aluminium/zinc coated corrugated steelsheets
for general purposes.
BS 3416 Bitumen based coatings for cold application, suitable for use in contact with
potable water
BS 4154 Corrugated plastic translucent sheets made from thermo-setting polyesterresins
(glass fibre reinforced)
BS 4868 Profiled aluminium sheet for building
BS EN 485 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Plate, sheet and strip

3.1.3 System Description

1. The extent of each type of preformed metal roofing panel as indicated on the drawings
shall include preformed metal roof panels, flashing required to weatherproof the system
(ridge, hip, valley, cleat, eave, rake wall, rake edge, apron, inside corner, outside corner,
gutter, downspout, drip sill, end wall, and other miscellaneous flashing), related
accessories including but not limited to; underlayment, butyl tape, sealants used in
conjunction with the roofing system, and necessary attachment hardware as required to
meet the performance standards and complete the roofing system.
2. Design Requirements:
a. Continuous, one-piece, preformed, prefinished single length roof panels.
b. Panels, clips, and other components required for specific project conditions.
c. Manufacturer is responsible for providing evidence acceptable to Architect that
manufacturer's specified roof system is capable of meeting thermal, wind uplift, and
performance requirements specified.
3. Thermal Movement:
a. Complete metal roofing and flashing system shall be capable of withstanding
expansion and contraction of components caused by changes in temperature without
buckling,producing excess stress on structure, anchors or fasteners, or reducing
performance ability.
b. Interface between panel and expansion clip shall provide for applicable thermal
movement in each direction along longitudinal direction.

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3.1.4 Submittals
1. Shop Drawings Submittals:
a. Manufacturer of the metal roof system shall provide complete shop drawings.
b. Shop drawings shall be submitted and returned as approved/approved as notedprior
c. to the beginning of product production.
2. Product Data Submittals:
a. Submit manufacturer's detailed product literature including the system profile sheet,
system description including: material base-sheet gauge, seam height, panel on-
center, finish, and sealant as required.
b. Submit manufacturer's installation guidelines of the specified product.
3. Submit a sample of each type of roof panel profile and a color sample. In the case where
custom color is specified, submit a custom color chip for written approval and a standard
color product sample for finish system review.


3.2.1 Introduction
1. This classification report defines the resistance to fire classification assigned to roof
made of sandwich panels KINGSPAN KS 1000RW 60 IPN or panels KINGSPAN KS
1000 RW 100 IPN in accordance with the procedure given in EN 13501-2:2007

3.2.2 Details of Products

1. The element is defined as is defined as a long-bearing roof with fire resistance

3.2.3 Product description

1. Roof is made of sandwich panels KINGSPAN or approved equal
a. Type KS 1000 RW 60 IPN with thickness 60mm ( and 95mm measured in
the wave of trapezoidal sheet) or
b. Type KS 1000 RW 100 IPN with thickness 100mm ( and 135mm measured in the
wave of trapezoidal sheet)
2. Modular width of panels is 1000mm. Roof made of panels KS 1000 RW 100 IPN is
produced in 2 variants ( A,B)
3. Core of sandwich panel is created by PIR foam IPN with density 37 kg/m3 (KS 1000 RW
60 IPN and KS 1000 RW 100 IPN, variant A) or 41.2 KG/M3 9KS 1000 RW 100IPN,
variant B). Bottom side of PIR foam is covered by 0.4 mm thick steel sheet and upper
face of PIR foam is covered by 0.5mm thick steel sheet, whereupon a 200 µm thick
Plastisol-PVC is used as a surface treatment of steel sheets.
4. Individual panels are fixed to each other by self drilling screws Ø4.8mm x 19mm – E14 in
max.distance of 300mm. There are used PE insulating strips in joint of panels KS 1000
RW 60 IPN and KS 1000 RW 100 IPN, variant A. As for roof made of sandwich panels
KS 1000 RW 100 IPN, variant B, there are used insulating strips PROMASEAL XT (15 x
2.2) mm (width x thickness) in the panel to panel joints.

3.2.4 Product Fixation

1. Roof made of sandwich panels KS RW 60 IPN and KS 1000 RW 100 IPN, variant A)
was tested as 2 and more span continuous beam with span o 2900mm
2. Fixation of roof to the load bearing profiles (beams) is realized by means of self drilling
screws Ø 6.3 mm (125 mm long- it concerns roof with thickness 60/95 mm or 175 mm
long – it concerns roof with thickness 100/135 mm, variant A) placed at the edge of the
product and each bottom wave of trapezoidal sheet.

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3. Roof made of sandwitch panels KS 1000 RW 100 IPN, variant B) was tested as 2 and
more-span continuous beam with span of 2000mm.
4. Fixation of roof to the load-bearing profiles (beams) is realized by means of self drilling
screws Ø 6.3 mm x 155 mm with washers and EPDM sealing placed at each wave of
trapezoidal sheet.

3.2.4 KS1000 FF Roof Panel

1. KS1000 FF is a trapezoidal form roof system with a standard fastening method (a
through fix) and the core made from mineral fibre, which is applicable for all building
applications, where the roof slope is:
2. Higher than 5° (8.5%) for roofs with one panel in the slope direction
3. Higher than 8° (14%) for roofs with two or more panels in the slope direction.
4. The KS1000 FF panel is universal, with high fire performance and can be also used for
wall cladding.

1. Examine alignment and placement of building roof structure before proceeding with
installation of preformed metal roofing.
2. Examine metal roof deck before starting installation. Deck shall be clear, clean and
smooth, free of depressions, waves, or projections, dry and shall remain dry and free of
ice and snow, after roofing application commences. Deck flutes shall be clean and dry.
3. Field check dimensions and check support alignment with taut string or wire. Support
misalignment may cause additional stresses in the panels and contribute to oil canning.
4. Do not proceed with installation until conditions are satisfactory. Notify the architect in
writing of unsatisfactory conditions.
5. Underlayment Installation:
a. Verify that underlayment has been installed over solid substrate.
b. Ensure underlayment is installed horizontally, starting at the eave working to the
ridge with a 6 inches (152 mm) minimum overlap.
c. Ensure that all fasteners are totally flush with the substrate.

1. General Requirements:
a. Install roofing and flashing in accordance with approved shop drawings and
manufacturer's product data, within specified tolerances.
b. Isolate dissimilar metals, masonry and concrete from metal roof system with
bituminous coating.
c. Anchorage shall allow for thermal expansion and contraction without stress
or elongation of panels, clips or anchors.
d. Coordinate flashing and sheet metal work to provide watertight conditions at
roof terminations. Fabricate and install in accordance with standards set
forth in the SMACNA Manual using continuous cleats at all exposed edges.

2. Underlayment:
a. Install proper protection to finished substrate to prevent moisture infiltration
to roofing assembly prior to placement of panels. Cover complete roof area
to receive metal roof panels with DynaClad® Ultra HT Wind & Water
Seal™(for roof slopes less than 3:12) or a combination of DynaClad®
Premium Roofing Underlayment and DynaClad® Ultra HT

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b. Wind & Water Seal™ at the eaves, valleys, rake walls, rake edges, and
around all penetrations as required (for roof slopes equal or greater than
3. Preformed Metal Panels:
a. Fasten anchor clips with fasteners as recommended by the manufacturer
as required to meet the performance criteria specified.
b. Install starter and edge trim before installing roof panels.
c. Remove strippable plastic film prior to installation of roof panels.
d. Erect metal roofing with lines, planes, rises and angles sharp and true, and
plane surfaces free from objectionable warp, dents, buckle or other physical
e. Do not allow traffic on completed roof.
f. Protect installed roof panels and trim from damage caused by adjacent
construction until completion of installation.
g. Remove and replace any panels or flashing components that are damaged
beyond successful repair.
4. Flashing:
a. Comply with SMACNA"Architectural Sheet MetalManual" recommendations
for installation work where the manufacturer's approved shop drawings do
not define a specific detail.
b. Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions wherever possible.
c. Hem all exposed edges of sheet metal flashing that are exposed with at
least 3/4 inch (19 mm) fold under.
d. Insert metal flashing into reglets, anchor with wedges and seal all joints.
e. Set sheet metal items level, true to line and plumb.
f. Secure all metal flashing to wood nailers with screws as indicated on the
approved shop drawings.
g. Use cleats to keep flashing end laps closed when face width exceeds 8
inches (203 mm).


1. Tolerances:
a. Applicable erection tolerances: Maximum variation from true planes or lies
shall be 1/4 inch (6 mm) in 20 feet (6.1 m) or 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) in 40 feet
(12.2 m).
b. Metal roof systems cannot correct any previously installed support or wood
nailer problems that do not meet the above tolerances.

2. Manufacturer's Field Service:

a. Manufacturer's representative shall inspect all Watertight Warranted
projects during the installation of the metal roof system.
b. Inspections shall be scheduled as required by the manufacturer of the
roofing system.
c. Two mandatory visits are required:
 Inspection of proper panel and flashing installation. 

 Final inspection upon completion of the metal roof installation. 

d. Upon final inspection a report will be issued to the installer of any
discrepancies and requirements for additional work. If additional work
required the manufacturer will provide another final inspection to verify
acceptance of completed work.

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1. Clean exposed surfaces of work promptly after completion of installation. To prevent rust
from staining the painted finish, immediately remove filings produced by drilling or cutting.
2. Clean roof in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
3. Touch up minor abrasions and scratches in finish with manufacturer's supplied PVDF
touch up paint.
4. Remove all scrap and construction debris from the site.

1. Protect installed products until completion of project.
2. Touch-up, repair or replace damaged products before Substantial Completion.

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4.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies requirements for types of roofing and deck insulation.
2 Related Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 2 Membrane Roofing
Part 3 Metal Roof Sandwitch Panels
Part 4 Roof and Deck Insulation

Section 1 General
Section 15 Insulation of Buildings

4.1.2. References
1 The contractor is to submit the following to the Engineer for approval before
commencement of work in this section.

a) Manufacturers literature and samples of roofing, thermal insulation, vapor barrier,roof

accessories, bitumen waterproof membranes, waterproofing materials, dampproof
coursing and elastometric sealants, etc.

2 Primary roofing materials inclusive of insulation, barriers or membranes should be

obtained from only one manufacturer if possible. Where secondary materials must be
used, the primary manufacturer is to be provided with adequate literature and samples for
concurrence that the secondary products are compatible for roofing warrantees.
Concurrence will be provided by the Contractor in writing to the Engineer prior to
commencement of work.

4.1.3. Submittals
1 The contractor is to submit the following to the Engineer for approval before
commencement of work in this section.
2 Manufacturers literature and samples of roofing, thermal insulation, vapor barrier, roof
accessories, bitumen waterproof membranes, waterproofing materials, dampproof
coursing and elastometric sealants, etc.
3 Primary roofing materials inclusive of insulation, barriers or membranes should be
obtained from only one manufacturer if possible. Where secondary materials must be
used, the primary manufacturer is to be provided with adequate literature and samples for
concurrence that the secondary products are compatible for roofing warrantees.
Concurrence will be provided by the Contractor in writing to the Engineer prior to
commencement of work.

4.1.4. General Application

1 Expanded extruded polystyrene boards shall comply with BS 3837, Grade EHD, Type A,
extruded board with skins.
2 Spray applied polyurethane or isocyanurate foam insulation is to be protected from
deterioration due to ultra violet light by a covering approved by the manufacturer of the
3 Where spray applied foam is used as an integral part of the roof waterproofing system it
must be specifically included in the manufacturer’s guarantee requirements.

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4 Unless otherwise specified the insulation is to be at least equivalent to 50 mm thick

material having an ultimate thermal conductivity of 0.032 W/mK at a mean temperature of
0 2
10 C and a compressive resistance of not less than 150 kN/m .


4.2.1. General Requirements

1 Rigid insulation boards are to be installed as a single layer to the thickness specified.
2 All joints between rigid insulation boards are to be tight and no gaps should exist where
the board meets rooflights, edge details and services penetrating the roof structure. End
joints are to be staggered.
3 On corrugated surfaces all long edges are to be supported by the crown of the


4.3.1 General Requirements

1 Polystyrene board insulation shall conform to BS 3837, and shall include the following
a) Water absorption shall not be more than 0.1 % by weight
b) Density shall not be less than 32-35 kg/m for Type VI
2 Standard polystyrene boards shall conform to the following requirements:
a) Nominal size shall be approximately 600 by 1200 mm minimum
b) They shall have a drainage channel on the bottom longitudinal edge of the board
c) They are to have a flat top surface where gravel ballast in used or ribbed bottom
pavers are used
d) They are to have ribbed top surface where flat bottom paver is used
e) They are to be tapered for roof slope where top surface is level
f) The edges shall be square, except for drainage channels.
3 Mortar faced boards shall conform to the following requirements:
a) Boards shall be top surfaced with 10 mm thick facing of Portland cement latex mortar
having the following physical properties:
i) Density 1240 kg/m
ii) Compressive strength (28 days) 25 MPa
iii) Bond strength to insulation 1 MPa
iv) Troweled finish with texture
b) Drainage channels on bottom longitudinal edges of board
c) Nominal size shall be approximately 600 by 1200 mm minimum
d) They shall have tongue and grooved longitudinal edges


4.4.1 General Description

1 This section covers insulating concrete placed on a prepared structural deck.

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2 Insulating concrete placed on steel deck forms are to have underside venting through
slotted holes formed in the metal deck, combined with edge venting or topside venting
through roof relief vents.
3 Insulating concrete placed over cast-in-place concrete or precast concrete substrates, is
to be vented through the use of topside roof relief vents combined with edge venting.

4.4.2 Materials
1 Refer to Section 5, Concrete, for specifications relating to sand, cement, aggregates and
2 Portland cement shall conform to BS 12.
3 Concrete roofing tiles shall conform to BS EN 490 and BS EN 491.
4 Light weight aggregates shall conform to BS 3797.
5 Chipping shall be approved, clean, crushed white or pale grey, size 15 to 30 mm and
shall comply with BS 3379.
6 Air entraining agent refer to BS 5075 Prt 2 and shall be a type as recommended by
aggregate suppliers. Admixtures with chloride salts or pre-generated foam types are not
7 Permeable filter membrane shall be to Clause 2.9.1.
8 Control joint filler shall be glass fibre or similar highly compressible material, which will
compress to half of its thickness under a load of 170 KPa or less.
9 Wire mesh reinforcing shall be used when roof deck slopes exceed 1:3 and for fire rated
roof assemblies using metal decking. The wire mesh shall be 1 mm galvanized steel wire
twisted to form 50 mm hexagons with 1.6 mm galvanised steel wire woven into mesh
spaced 200 mm apart. Welded wire fabric of equivalent size may also be used an
approval of the Engineer.

4.4.3 Execution of Work

1 The surface of the concrete base must be clean, firm and rough to ensure a good bond.
2 The base should be soaked with water for at least 12 hours and all surplus water
removed before laying commences.
3 To obtain the required falls and thickness of screed, leveling battens are to be used,
carefully fixed to line and level and fully bedded. There should be a minimum thickness of
50 mm of screed over the top of any conduit or duct.
4 Immediately prior to laying the screed, a thick brush coat of wet cement grout should be
applied to the damp surface of the base concrete and be well scrubbed in. The brush coat
must not be applied more than 10 minutes before it is covered with screed. Alternatively,
the Engineer may required that surfaces which have been left for an excessive period of
time before the screed is laid be treated with an approved bonding agent.
5 The screed is to consist of 1 part of cement to 5 parts of sand by weight. The mix shall
only contain sufficient water that will allow full compaction and be evenly spread to a
thickness approximately 10 mm greater than that required. The screed is to be thoroughly
compacted by tamping and drawing off to the required level with a screed board.
6 The screed is to be laid in alternated bays, maximum 10 m², with plain butt joints to
provide minimum falls of 1:80 and a minimum thickness of 50-70 mm. Movement and
construction joints in the base should be carried through the screed.
7 The joints between bays and at junctions with all upstands are to be minimum 12 mm
wide and be filled for the full depth of the joint with sealing strip or an approved
polysulphide joint filler and sealing compounds.
8 A 50 x 50 mm triangular fillet is to be provided at the junction with all upstands.

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9 The top surface is to be floated to smooth and even falls suitable for the waterproofing
system to be employed and be free of low areas, lumps and projections. Care should be
taken to avoid excessive trowelling which may cause crazing.
10 As soon as each bay is completed and has hardened sufficiently to prevent damage to its
surface, it should be covered with polythene or similar sheets which should be adequately
lapped and held down. The screed must not be allowed to dry out for a minimum period
of seven (7) days and no traffic should be permitted on the surface during this time.


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1.0. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................2

1.1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................2

1.2. MATERIALS............................................................................................................................3

2.0. BUILDING INSULATION ........................................................................................................3

2.1. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................3

2.2. INSULATION MATERIAL TYPES ..........................................................................................4

2.3. INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................................6

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1.1.1. Scope
1 This Section covers the type, quality and application of exterior wall and roof insulation,
damp proof courses, waterproof membranes; and related joints, caulking and insulation.
2 Related Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 2 Building Insulation

Section 1 General
Section 13 Masonry
Section 14 Roofing
Section 16 Structural Metalwork
Section 17 Metalwork
Section 24 Finishes to Buildings
Section 25 Glass and Glazing

1.1.2. References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Section:
BS 874 Methods for determining thermal insulating properties
BS 1142 Fibre building boards
BS 1202 Nails
BS 1210 Wood screws
BS 1449 Steel plate, sheet and strip
BS 2502 Manufacture of sectional cold rooms (walk in type)
BS 2972 Method of test for inorganic thermal insulating materials
BS 3692 ISO metric precision hexagon bolts, screws and nuts
BS 3837 Expanded polystyrene boards
BS 3927 Rigid phenolic foam (PF) for thermal insulating in the form of slabs and
profiled sections
BS 3958 Thermal insulation materials
BS 4841 Rigid polyurethane (PUR) and polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam for building
BS 5250 Code of practice for control of condensation in buildings
BS 5617 Urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam systems suitable for thermal insulation of
cavity walls with masonry of concrete inner and outer leaves
BS 5618 Thermal insulation of cavity walls (with masonry of concrete inner and
outer leaves) by filling with urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam systems
BS 5803 Thermal Insulation for use in pitched roof spaces in dwellings
BS 6203 Guide to fire characteristics and fire performance of expanded
polystyrene materials (EPS and XPS) used in building applications
BS 6676 Thermal insulation of cavity walls using man-made mineral fibre batts
BS 7021 Code of practice for thermal insulation of roofs externally by means of
sprayed rigid polyurethane (PUR) or polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam
BS 7456 Code of practice for stabilization and thermal insulation of cavity walls
(with masonry or concrete inner and outer leaves) by filling with
polyurethane (PUR) foam systems.

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BS 8208 Assessment of stability of external cavity walls for filling with thermal

BS 8216 Code of practice for use of sprayed lightweight mineral coatings used for
thermal insulation and sound adsorption in buildings


1.2.1. General Requirements

1 Types for insulation are: thermal /acoustic / fire / damp proof courses / waterproof
2 Thermal insulation materials shall meet requirements of BS 2972 for testing for inorganic
thermal quality and expanded polystyrene materials shall meet fire requirements of BS
6203 or EN 13501-1 or ISO 11925-2.
3 Insulation material shall comply with any reference in paragraph 1.1.2, or approved by
Qatar Standards.
4 Insulation materials shall be approved by Civil Defence Department

1.2.2. Submittals
1 Submittals shall comply with the relevant provisions of Section 1, General.
2 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the manufacturer’s literature and data for the
(a) insulation, each type used
(b) adhesives, each type used
(c) tape
3 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer details of all insulation materials to be
installed. The details shall include, but not be limited to, the type, dimensions and thermal
/acoustic/damp proof courses/waterproof insulating properties of the insulation.
References to all applicable standards shall be included with the submission.

1.2.3. Storage
1 Materials shall be stored in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 1, General.



2.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the type, quality and application of exterior wall insulation.
2 Related Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General

Section 5 Concrete
Section 13 Masonry
Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery

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2.1.2. References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Section:
BS 874 Methods for determining thermal insulating properties
BS 1142 Fibre building boards
BS 1202 Nails
BS 1210 Wood screws
BS 3692 Isometric precision hexagon bolts, screws, nuts
BS 3837 Expanded polystyrene boards
BS 3958 Thermal insulation materials
BS 4841 Rigid urethane foam
BS 5250 Code of practice for control of condensation in buildings
BS 5617 Urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam systems suitable for thermal insulation of
cavity walls with masonry or concrete outer leaves
BS 5618 Thermal insulation of cavity walls (with masonry or concrete outer leaves)
by filling with urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam systems
BS 5803 Thermal insulation for use for use in pitched roof spaces in dwellings
BS 6676 Thermal insulation of cavity walls using man-made mineral fibre batts
BS 8216 Code of practice for use of sprayed lightweight mineral coatings used for
thermal insulation and sound absorption in buildings
BS 8208 Assessment of stability of external cavity walls for filling with thermal


2.2.1. General
1 Various types of insulation may be specified for varying conditions or wall construction.
The BS, EN classification system is to be used for insulation material.
2 The Contractor shall use only one type of insulation in any particular area where more
than one type is optional unless approved other wise by the Engineer.
3 Where insulation is used at exterior walls, roof surfaces, or below grade, the requirements
for condensation control shall be to BS 5250 and BS 5803.

2.2.2. Cavity Wall Insulation

1 Mineral Fibre Board shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1142 and be faced
with a vapour retarder having a perm rating of not more than 0.5.
2 Polyurethane or polyisocyanurate board shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS
4841 and be faced with a vapour retarder having a perm rating of not more than 0.5.
3 Polystyrene board shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 3837.
4 Foam system insulation used in cavity walls shall be to BS 5617 and BS 5618.
5 Unless otherwise stated on the drawings cavity wall insulation shall be extruded
polystyrene board of minimum density 25 kg/m to the thickness detailed.

2.2.3. Perimeter Insulation

1 Polystyrene board where used for exterior perimeter insulation below ground and in
contact with soil shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 3837 and BS 8216.
2 Where sprayed lightweight mineral coatings are used, they shall be to BS 8216.

2.2.4. Exterior Framing or Furring Insulation

1 On approval by the Engineer, batt or blanket type insulation can be used for exterior wall
insulation provided that proper protection, as designated in the Project Documentation, is

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2 Mineral fibre shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 6676.

2.2.5. Rigid Insulation

1 Rigid insulation shall be applied to the inside face of exterior walls, spandrel beams,
floors and where indicated in the Project Documentation.
2 Mineral fibre board shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 6676 Part 1 and Part

2.2.6. Masonry Fill Insulation

1 Vermiculite insulation shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 8208.
2 Fasteners for masonry fill insulation shall be as follows:
(a) Staples or nails complying with the relevant provisions of BS 1202, zinc-coated, size
and type best suited for purpose.
(b) Screws complying with the relevant provisions of BS 1210 and BS 3692, with washer
not less than 50 mm in diameter.
(c) Steel impaling pins with heads not less than 50 mm in diameter with adhesive for
anchorage to substrata; the impaling pins shall be of sufficient length to extend
beyond the insulation and retail cap washer when a washer is placed on the pin.

2.2.7. Roof Deck Insulation

1 It shall consist of a layer of Min. 50 mm extruded closed cell polystyrene foam or
other approved on a clean and true surface.
(a) Density : 32 – 35 kg/m3
(b) Thermal Conductivity : K = 0.029 W/Mdeg. C.
(c) Water Absorption : Less than 0.1%
(d) Capacity : None
2 Polystyrene board insulation shall conform to BS 3837, and shall include the following
(a) Water absorption shall not be more than 0.1 % by weight
(b) Density shall not be less than 32 kg/m3 for Type VI
3 Standard polystyrene boards shall conform to the following requirements:
(a) Nominal size shall be approximately 600 by 1250 mm minimum.
(b) It shall have a drainage channel on the bottom longitudinal edge of the board.
(c) It shall have a flat top surface where gravel ballast in used or ribbed bottom
pavers are used.
(d) It shall have ribbed top surface where flat bottom paver is used.
(e) To be tapered for roof slope where top surface is level.
(f) The edges shall be square, except for drainage channels.

2.2.8. Adhesive
1 Adhesives shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the insulation.

2.2.9. Tape
1 Tape used to seal cuts, tears or unlapped joints of insulation shall have pressure
sensitive adhesive on one face.

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2 The perm rating of the tape shall not be more than 0.50.


2.3.1. Execution and Workmanship

1 Insulation shall be installed with the vapour barrier facing the heated side, unless
specified otherwise.
2 Rigid insulating units shall be installed with joints close and flush, in regular courses and
with cross-joints broken.
3 Batt or blanket insulation shall be installed with tight joints and filling framing void
completely. Seal cuts, tears, and unlapped joints with tape.
4 Insulation shall be fitted tight against adjoining construction and penetrations, unless
specified otherwise.

2.3.2. Masonry Cavity Walls

1 Insulation shall be mounted on exterior faces of inner leaves of masonry cavity walls and
brick faced concrete walls. Fill joints with the same material used for bonding.
2 Polystyrene board shall be bonded to surfaces with adhesive or Portland cement mortar
mixed and applied in accordance with recommendations of insulation manufacturer.
3 Mineral fibreboard and polyurethane shall be bonded to surfaces with adhesive as
recommended by insulation manufacturer.

2.3.3. Perimeter Insulation

1 When applying vertical perimeter insulation, the contractor shall:
(a) Fill joints of insulation with the same material as used for bonding
(b) Bond polystyrene board to surfaces with adhesive or Portland cement mortar mixed
and applied in accordance with recommendations of the insulation manufacturer.
2 When applying horizontal perimeter insulation under concrete floor slabs the Contractor
(a) lay insulation boards and blocks horizontally on level, compacted and drained fill
(b) extend insulation from foundation walls towards the centre of the building.

2.3.4. Exterior Framing or Furring Blanket Insulation

1 The insulation shall be packed around door frames and windows and in building
expansion joints, door soffits and other voids. Open voids are not permitted. The
insulation shall be held in place with pressure sensitive tape.
2 Vapour retarder flanges shall be lapped together over the face of the framing for a
continuous surface. Seal all penetrations through the insulation.
3 The blanket insulation shall be fastened between metal studs or framing and exterior wall
furring by continuous pressure sensitive tape along flanged edges.
4 The blanket insulation between wood studs or framing shall be fastened with nails or
staples through the flanged edges on the face of the stud. Fastenings shall be spaced the
not more than 150 mm apart.
5 For roof rafter insulation or floor joist insulation, mineral fibre blankets shall be placed
between the framing to provide not less than a two 50 mm space between the insulation
and the roof sheathing or sub-floor.
6 Ceiling insulation and soffit insulation shall be as follows:

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(a) At wood framing, blanket insulation shall be fastened between the wood framing or
joist with nails or staples through flanged edges of insulation.
(b) At metal framing or ceiling suspension systems, blanket insulation shall be installed
above suspended ceilings or metal framing at right angles to the main runners or
framing; the insulation shall be taped tightly together so no gaps occur and metal the
framing members are covered by insulation.
(c) in areas where suspended ceilings adjoin areas without suspended ceilings, either
blanket, batt, or mineral fibreboard insulation shall be installed; the insulation shall
extend from the suspended ceiling to underside of deck or slab above; the insulation
shall be secured in place to prevent collapse or separation of the insulation and
maintain it in a vertical position; blanket or batt insulation shall be secured to the
structure above with continuous cleats.

2.3.5. Rigid Insulation

1 Rigid insulation shall be securely fixed to the interior face of exterior walls of solid
masonry, or to concrete walls, beams, beam soffits, underside of floors, and to the face of
studs where shown on the Project Drawings for interior walls unless otherwise approved
by the Engineer.
2 The insulation shall be bonded to solid vertical surfaces with adhesive as recommended
by insulation manufacturer. Joints shall be filled with adhesive cement.
3 Impaling pins shall be used for attachment of the insulation to the underside of horizontal
surfaces. Fastenings shall be spaced as necessary to hold insulation in place and prevent
4 Insulation board is to be fastened at walls or underside of ceilings with screws, nails or
staples. Fastenings shall be spaced not more than 25 mm apart and there shall be a
fastening in each corner. The fasteners shall be staggered at the joints between boards.
5 Floor insulation shall be as follows:
(a) Insulation shall be bond to concrete floors in attics by coating surfaces with hot
asphalt applied at rate of not less than 35 kg per 10 m , and firmly bed the insulation.
(b) When applied in more than one layer, bed succeeding layers in hot asphalt applied at
the rate to equal a total of not less than 35 kg per 10 m when completed.
(c) Insulation may be installed with non-flammable adhesive in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions when a separate vapour barrier is used.

2.3.6. Masonry Fill Insulation

1 Fill insulation shall be poured into cavity voids of masonry units from the tops of walls, or
from a sill where windows or other openings occur.
2 The fill insulation shall be poured in lifts of not more than 6 metres.


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1. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................1

1.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................1

1.2 DEFINITIONS..........................................................................................................................1

2. MATERIALS ...........................................................................................................................3

2.1 GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................3

2.2 SURFACE CONDITION..........................................................................................................4

2.3 SUBSTITUTION OF MATERIAL OR FORM ..........................................................................4

2.4 WELDING CONSUMABLES ..................................................................................................4

2.5 STRUCTURAL FASTENERS.................................................................................................4

2.6 SHEAR STUDS.......................................................................................................................5

2.7 PROTECTIVE TREATMENT MATERIALS ............................................................................5

3. DRAWINGS ............................................................................................................................6

3.1 GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................6

3.2 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT DRAWINGS ............................................................................6

3.3 FOUNDATION PLAN DRAWINGS ........................................................................................6

3.4 FABRICATION DRAWINGS ..................................................................................................6

3.5 ERECTION DRAWINGS.........................................................................................................8

3.6 DRAWING ACCEPTANCE.....................................................................................................8

3.7 AS ERECTED DRAWINGS ....................................................................................................8

4. FABRICATION........................................................................................................................9

4.1 GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................9

4.2 IDENTIFICATION....................................................................................................................9

4.3 HANDLING .............................................................................................................................9

4.4 CUTTING AND SHAPING ......................................................................................................9

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4.5 MACHINING...........................................................................................................................10

4.6 DRESSING.............................................................................................................................10

4.7 HOLING .................................................................................................................................10

4.8 ASSEMBLY ...........................................................................................................................11

4.9 CURVING AND STRAIGHTENING .......................................................................................11

4.10 INSPECTION .........................................................................................................................11

4.11 STORAGE..............................................................................................................................11

5. WELDING ..............................................................................................................................12

5.1 GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................12

5.2 WELDER QUALIFICATION ..................................................................................................12

5.3 WELDING PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................12

5.4 ASSEMBLY ...........................................................................................................................12

5.5 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF WELDS ........................................................................13

5.6 SHEAR STUD WELDING ......................................................................................................14

6. BOLTING ...............................................................................................................................15

6.1 GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................15

6.2 ORDINARY BOLTED ASSEMBLIES....................................................................................15

6.3 FIT-UP WHEN USING ORDINARY BOLTS..........................................................................16

6.4 HIGH STRENGTH FRICTION GRIP ASSEMBLIES .............................................................16

6.5 FIT-UP WHEN USING HSFG BOLTS ...................................................................................16

7. ACCURACY OF FABRICATION...........................................................................................17

7.1 GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................17

7.2 PERMITTED DEVIATIONS ...................................................................................................17

8. ERECTION.............................................................................................................................17

8.1 GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................17

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8.2 ERECTION.............................................................................................................................17

8.3 STABILITY.............................................................................................................................18

8.4 ERECTION LOADS ...............................................................................................................18

8.5 LINING AND LEVELLING .....................................................................................................19

8.6 SITE WELDING .....................................................................................................................19

8.7 SITE BOLTING ......................................................................................................................19

8.8 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION ....................................................................................19

9. ACCURACY OF ERECTED STEELWORK ..........................................................................20

9.1 GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................20

9.2 INFORMATION FOR SUB CONTRACTORS........................................................................20

9.3 DEVIATIONS .........................................................................................................................20

10. PROTECTIVE TREATMENT .................................................................................................21

10.1 GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................21

10.2 SURFACE PREPARATION...................................................................................................21

10.3 SPRAYED METAL COATINGS ............................................................................................22

10.4 GALVANIZING.......................................................................................................................22

10.5 SURFACE COATINGS (PAINT)............................................................................................22

CEG International Specification




1.1.1 Scope
1. This Section specifies the requirements associated with all aspects of structural steelwork
including materials, drawings, workmanship and protective treatment.

1.1.2 References
1. The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 5950 Structural use of steelwork in building
Eurocode 3: Part 1.1 (DD ENV1993-l.l), General rules and rules for buildings


1.2.1 General
1. Terms which are defined in this section are treated as Proper Nouns throughout the text of the
Specification. The following definitions apply for the purposes of this Specification:

1.2.2 Connection Design

1. The design of bolts, welds, cleats, plates and fittings required to provide an adequate load path
between the end of a member and the component it connects to.

1.2.3 Design Calculations

1. Calculations, prepared by the Engineer, showing the design and analysis of the structure,
including computer data sheets.

1.2.4 Design Drawings

1. Fully dimensioned drawings prepared by the Engineer showing all members with their size and
material grades, the forces to be developed in their connections, any cambers and eccentricities
and other information necessary for the design of the connections and completion of Fabrication
and Erection Drawings.

1.2.5 Erection Drawings

1. Drawings, prepared when necessary by the Contractor, showing details to amplify the
information given in the Contractor's erection method statement and showing details of any
temporary steelwork (see Part 8 of this Section).

1.2.6 Fabrication Data

1. Numerical control tapes, computer discs, data bases or other electronic means of
communication for automatic methods of fabrication.

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1.2.7 Fabrication Drawings

1. Drawings, prepared by the Contractor, showing all necessary information required to fabricate
the structural steelwork.

1.2.8 Fittings
1. Plates, flats or rolled sections which are welded or bolted to structural steel components.

1.2.9 Foundation Plan Drawings

1. Drawings, prepared by the Contractor or the Engineer, indicating location of column bases and
details of foundation connections to the steelwork.

1.2.10 Shop Drawings

1. Drawings, prepared by the Contractor, showing plans, cross sections and elevations, main
dimensions and the erection marks of components.

1.2.11 Inspection Authority

1. A qualified independent body or association which verifies compliance with the Project

1.2.12 Ordinary Bolts

1. A bolt used in a non-preloaded bolt assembly which is designed to carry forces in shear,
bearing or tension.

1.2.13 Production Test Plate

1. A plate used for testing purposes, which is made of the same material and using the same
procedures as the joint in a component.

1.2.14 Quality Assurance

1. Activities concerned with the provision of systems, equipment and personnel necessary to
achieve the required level of quality.

1.2.15 Fillet Weld

1. A weld, other than a butt or edge weld, which is approximately triangular in transverse cross
section and which is generally made without preparation of the parent material.

1.2.16 Full Penetration Weld

1. A weld between elements which may be in-line, in the form of a tee, or a corner in which the
weld metal achieves full penetration throughout the joint thickness.

1.2.17 Partial Penetration Weld

1. A weld formed using a technique which ensures a specified penetration which is less than the
depth of the joint.

1.2.18 Full Strength Weld

1. Any of the above welds designed to develop the full strength of the element which it connects.

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2.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the materials requirements for structural steelwork.

2.1.2 Material Qualities

1. Material shall be steel in rolled sections, structural hollow sections, plates and bars and shall
comply with the appropriate standard shown in Table 2.1.
2. The steel designations used in this publication are those given in BS 5950.

2.1.3 Material Testing

1. All steel shall have been specifically tested in accordance with the appropriate material quality
standard shown in Table 2.1.

2.1.4 Test Certificates

1. The Contractor shall obtain the manufacturer's test certificates and submit them to the
Engineer for review.

2.1.5 Dimensions and Tolerances

1. Dimensions and Tolerances shall comply with the appropriate standard shown in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1
Material and Dimension Standards
Form Material Quality Dimensions Tolerances

U.B. and U.C. BS 4 : Part 1 BS EN 10034

Joists BS 4 : Part 1 BS 4 : Part 1
Channels BS EN 100251 BS 4 : Part 1 BS 4 : Part 1
Angles BS 4848 : Part 4 BS 4848 : Part 4
Plate and Flats Not Applicable BS EN 100293
Structural Hollow
BS EN 10210-I2 BS 4848 : Part 2 BS 4848 : Part 2
Sections Hot Finished

Hollow Sections
BS 6363 BS 6363 BS 6363
Cold Formed

Galvanised Open
BS EN 10147 Not Applicable BS 2989
Sections and Strip

1. Material quality requirements for Fine Grain Steels are given in EN 10113 Material quality
requirements for Weather resistant grades are given in EN 10155.
2. BS EN 10210-1 contains material quality requirements for Non-alloy and Fine Grain Steels.
3. Tolerances for plates cut from wide strip produced on continuous mills are given in BS EN

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2.2.1 General
1. Steel surfaces when used shall not be more heavily pitted or rusted than Grade C of BS 7079
Part Al.
2. Surface defects in hot rolled sections, plates and wide flats revealed during surface
preparation which are not in accordance with the requirements of BS EN 10163 shall be
rectified accordingly.
3. Surface defects in hot rolled hollow sections revealed during surface preparation which are not
in accordance with the requirements of BS EN 10210-1 shall be rectified accordingly.


2.3.1 General
1. Material quality or section form of components may, with the agreement of the Engineer be
substituted where it can be demonstrated that the structural properties are not less suitable
than the designed component.


2.4.1 Standards
1. Consumables for use in metal arc welding shall comply with BS 639, BS 2901, Part 1, BS
4165 or BS 7084 as appropriate.

2.4.2 Storage
1. Consumables to be stored in the Contractor's works and on the Site shall be kept in a
controlled atmosphere, in accordance with BS 5135. Any drying or baking of consumables
before issue shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.


2.5.1 Ordinary Bolt Assemblies

1. Shop and site bolts and nuts shall be to one the following grades:
A. Grade 4.6 in accordance with BS 4190
B. Grade 8.8 or 10.9 in accordance with BS 3692.
2. Dimensions, tolerance and threaded length to BS 4190.
3. Refer to Clause 6.2.1 of this Section for bolt/nut combinations.

2.5.2 High Strength Friction Grip (HSFG) Bolt Assemblies

1. HSFG bolt assemblies shall be in accordance with BS 4395.
2. Refer to Clause 6.4.1 of this Section for bolt/nut combinations.

2.5.3 Foundation Bolts.

1. Holding down bolts shall be in accordance with BS 7419.

2.5.4 Cup and Countersunk Bolts

1. Cup and countersunk bolts shall be in accordance with BS 4933.

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2.5.5 Washers
1. Metal washers shall be made in accordance with BS 4320 Section 2. Unless otherwise
specified, black steel washers to Form E shall be used.
2. Refer to Clause 3.4.6 for washers for holding down bolts.

2.5.6 Lock Nuts

1. Lock nuts shall be in accordance with BS 4929: Part 1.

2.5.7 Fastener Coatings

1. Where specific coatings are required, they shall be provided by the fastener manufacturer.


2.6.1 General
1. Proprietary studs used in composite construction shall be the headed type with the following
properties after being formed:
A. Minimum yield strength - 350 N/mm
B. Minimum ultimate tensile strength -450 N/mm
C. Elongation of 15% on a gauge length of 5.65 √A, where A is the area of the test specimen.


2.7.1 Metallic Blast Cleaning Abrasives

1. Chilled iron grit shall be in accordance with BS 7079 Part E2, and cast steel grit shall be in
accordance with BS 7079 Part E3.

2.7.2 Surface Coatings

1. Paint materials and other coatings supplied shall be in accordance with the appropriate British
Standard or European Standard for the materials.

2.7.3 Sherardized Coatings

1. Sherardized coatings shall be in accordance with BS 4921.

2.7.4 Galvanizing Materials

1. The composition of zinc in galvanizing baths shall be in accordance with BS 729.

2.7.5 Proprietary Items

1. All proprietary items shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and

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3.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the requirements for drawings associated with structural steelwork.

3.1.2 General Requirements

1. All design, fabrication and erection drawings shall be made in accordance with BS 1192 Parts 1
and 2.
2. All welding symbols shall conform to BS 499 Part 2.


3.2.1 Marking System

1. Every component which is to be individually assembled or erected shall be allocated an erection
2. Members which are identical in all respects may have the same erection mark.

3.2.2 General Arrangement Drawings (Marking Plans)

1. Drawings shall be prepared by the Contractor showing plans and elevations at a scale such that
the erection marks for all members can be shown on them. Preferred scales are 1:100 or larger.
2. The drawings shall show the grid locations as indicated on the design drawings, main
dimensions, member levels and centre lines. Details at an enlarged scale should also be made
if these are necessary to show the assembly of members.


3.3.1 General Requirements

1. Foundation Plan Drawings shall show the base location, position and orientation of columns,
the marks of all columns, any other members in direct contact with the foundations, their base
location and level, and the datum level.
2. The drawings shall show complete details of fixing steel or bolts to the foundations, method of
adjustment and packing space.


3.4.1 Fabrication Shop Drawings

1. Fabrication Drawings shall show all necessary details and dimensions to enable fabrication of
components to proceed.

3.4.2 Attachments to Facilitate Erection

1. The Fabrication Drawings shall show details of holes and fittings necessary to provide for lifting
and erection of components (see Clause 8.2.1 of this Section).
2. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, such holes and fittings may remain on the permanent
structure. Account shall be taken of Clause 5.4.5 of this Section when detailing the welding of
temporary attachments.

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3.4.3 Welding
1. Any requirements for edge preparations for welds shall be indicated on the Fabrication
Drawings. Welding inspection requirements which differ from those specified in Clause 5.5.5 of
this Section shall be indicated on the drawings.

3.4.4 Packings, Clearances and Camber

1. When preparing Fabrication Drawings, the Contractor shall make provision for the following:
A. Packings which may be necessary to ensure proper fit-up of joints (see Clauses 6.3.1 and
6.5.1 of this Section)
B. The need for clearances between the fabricated components so that the permitted
deviations in fabrication and erection are not exceeded (see Parts 7 and 9 of this Section)
C. The Engineer's requirements for pre-set or cambers.

3.4.5 Hole Sizes

1. Holes shall be shown on the Fabrication Drawings to the following sizes:
A. For ordinary bolts and HSFG bolts:
1. not exceeding 24mm diameter - 2 mm greater than the bolt diameter
2. greater than 24mm diameter - 3 mm greater than the bolt diameter
B. For holding down bolts:
1. 6mm greater than the bolt diameter, but with sufficient clearance to ensure that a bolt,
whose adjustment may cause it to be out of perpendicular, can be accommodated
through the base plate (see Table 9.1 Item 3 of this Section).
C. For fitted bolts:
1. in accordance with Clause 6.2.8 of this Section.

3.4.6 Holding Down Bolt Covers

1. Holding down bolt details shall include provision of loose cover plates or washers with holes 3
mm greater than the holding down bolts.

3.4.7 Connections to allow Movement

1. Where the connection is designed to allow movement, the bolt assembly used shall remain
secure without impeding the movement.

3.4.8 Machining Note

1. Any machining requirements shall be clearly noted on the Fabrication Drawings.

3.4.9 Drilling Note

1. The Fabrication Drawings shall indicate those locations where holes shall be drilled in
accordance with the situations noted below (see also Clause 4.7.3 of this Section):
A. In non-slip connections for HSFG bolts
B. At locations where plastic hinges are assumed in the design analysis
C. In elements of rigid connections where yield lines are assumed;
D. Where repetition of loading makes fatigue critical to the member design
E. Where the design code of practice does not permit punched holes.

3.4.10 HSFG Faying Surfaces

1. When considering the coefficient of friction to use in the design of high strength friction grip
bolted connections, the following values are to be used:

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A. Unless the Engineer advises otherwise, untreated surfaces which are in accordance with
BS 4604 may be considered as having a slip factor of 0.45; masking shall be used to keep
the surfaces free of protective treatments.
B. Surfaces which have been machined, or given any type of treatment, shall have the slip
factor determined by tests carried out in accordance with BS4604 Part1.


3.5.1 Erection Method Statement

1. When necessary to amplify the information given in his erection method statement, the
Contractor shall prepare Erection Drawings.

3.5.2 Temporary Steelwork

1. Details and arrangements of temporary steelwork necessary for erection purposes shall be
shown on the Erection Drawings.


3.6.1 Acceptance by the Engineer

1. Drawings made by the Contractor shall be submitted to the Engineer for acceptance in the
period designated by the Employer.

3.6.2 Meaning of Acceptance

1. Acceptance by the Engineer of drawings prepared by the Contractor means that the Contractor
has correctly interpreted the design requirements and that the Engineer accepts the Connection
2. Acceptance does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for accuracy of his calculations,
detail dimensions on the drawings, nor the general fit-up of parts to be assembled on site.

3.6.3 Acceptance Classification

1. The designations given in Table 3.1 shall be used by the Engineer when accepting drawings:
Table 3.1
Acceptance Classification of Drawings
Ref. Classification Meaning
1 Accepted or Reviewed or Approved or Drawing is accepted and may be
No Comment released for construction
2 Accepted subject to comments Drawing must be amended in line with the
comments, and re -submitted for acceptance
Drawing must be amended in the way
3 Not Accepted
indicated and re-submitted for acceptance


3.7.1 General Requirements

1. On completion of the contract, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer paper prints of "As
Erected" drawings comprising:
A. General Arrangement Drawings
B. Fabrication Drawings
C. Drawings made after fabrication showing revisions
D. The fabrication drawing register.

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4.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the general requirements for the fabrication of structural steelwork


4.2.1 Traceability of Steel

1. All steel to be used in the Works shall have a test certificate (see Clause 2.1.5 of this Section).

4.2.2 Material Grade Identification

1. The material grades of all steel shall be identifiable except for design grades 43A and 43B, and
in the case of structural hollow sections, 43D.

4.2.3 Marking Steelwork

1. Individual pieces shall be capable of positive identification at all stages of fabrication.
2. Completed components shall be marked with a durable and distinguish erection mark in such a
way as not to damage the material. Hard stamping may be used, except where otherwise
specified by the Engineer.
3. Where areas of steelwork are indicated on the drawings as being unmarked, they shall be left
free of all markings and hard stamping.


4.3.1 General Requirements

1. Steelwork shall be bundled, packed, handled and transported in a safe manner so that
permanent distortion does not occur and surface damage is minimised.


4.4.1 Cutting Operations

1. Cutting and shaping of steel may be carried out by shearing, cropping, sawing, nibbling, laser
cutting or machine flame cutting, except that where machine flame cutting is impractical, hand
flame cutting may be used.

4.4.2 Flame-cut Edges

1. Flame-cut edges which are free from significant irregularities shall be accepted without further
treatment except for the removal of dross, otherwise cut edges shall be dressed to remove

4.4.3 Columns
1. Columns with ends not in direct bearing or intended to be erected on packs or shims shall be
fabricated to the accuracy given in Item 2 of Table 7.1 of this Section.
2. Columns intended to be in direct bearing shall be fabricated to the accuracy given Item 3 of
Table 7.1 of this Section.
3. Column sections which are one metre and over in width or depth and are intended to be in
direct bearing, shall be specially prepared at the butting ends so that the erection tolerances in
Items 4 and 5 of Table 9.2 of this Section can be achieved.

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4.5.1 Thickness of Machined Parts

1. The thickness of elements shown on the drawings as requiring machining shall mean the
minimum thickness after the machining operations.


4.6.1 Removal of Burrs

1. Cut edges shall be dressed to remove dross, burrs, and irregularities. Holes shall be dressed as
required to remove burrs and protruding edges.

4.6.2 Dressing of Edges

1. Sharp edges shall be dressed, but a 90 rolled, cut, sheared or machined edge is acceptable
without further treatment.


4.7.1 Matching
1. All matching holes for fasteners or pins shall register with each other so that fasteners can be
inserted without undue force through the assembled members in a direction at right angles to
the faces in contact. Drifts may be used but holes shall not be distorted.

4.7.2 Drilling Through More Than One Thickness

1. Drilling shall be permitted through more than one thickness where the separate parts are tightly
clamped together before drilling. The parts shall be separated after drilling and any burrs

4.7.3 Punching Full Size

1. Full size punching of holes shall be permitted when:
A. The tolerance on distortion of the punched hole does not exceed that shown in Item 3 of
Table 7.2 of this Section.
B. The holes are free of burrs which would prevent solid seating of the parts when tightened
C. The thickness of the material is not greater than the hole diameter
D. The maximum thickness for all steel grades used from the standards listed in Table 2.1 of
this Section is:
1. 2mm for sub-grade A
2. 16mm for sub-grade B
3. 20mm for sub-grade C or higher sub-grade; in spliced connections when the holes in
mating surfaces are punched in the same direction.

4.7.4 Punching and Reaming

1. Punching is permitted without the conditions in Clause 4.7.3 of this Part, provided that the holes
are punched at least 2 mm less in diameter than the required size and the hole is reamed to the
full diameter after assembly.

4.7.5 Slotted Holes

1. Slotted holes shall be made by one of the following methods:

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A. Punched in one operation

B. Formed by drilling two holes and completed by cutting
C. Machine operated flame cutting.


4.8.1 General Requirements

1. All components shall be assembled within tolerances specified in Section 7 of this Section and
in a manner such that they are not bent, twisted or otherwise damaged.
2. Drifting of holes to align the components shall be permitted, but must not cause damage or
distortion to the final assembly (see Clause 6.3.2).


4.9.1 General Requirements

1. Curving or straightening components during fabrication shall be performed by one of the
following methods:
A. Mechanical means, taking care to minimize indentations, or change of cross-section
B. The local application of heat, ensuring that the temperature of the metal is carefully
controlled, and does not exceed 650 C
C. The induction bending process where the procedure used includes careful temperature
control; after curving or straightening, welds within the area of curving or straightening shall
be visually inspected. Welds which are to be subject to non destructive examination shall
have these tests carried out after curving or straightening.


4.10.1 General Requirements

1. Sufficient components shall be checked for dimensional accuracy and conformity to drawing, to
prove that the manufacturing process is working satisfactorily.


4.11.1 Stacking
1. Fabricated components which are stored prior to being transported or erected shall be stacked
clear of the ground, and arranged if possible so that water cannot accumulate. They shall be
kept clean and supported in such a manner as to avoid permanent distortion.

4.11.2 Visible Markings

1. Individual components shall be stacked and marked in such a way as to ensure that they can
be identified.

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5.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the requirements for welding associated with structural steelwork.

5.1.2 System Description

1. Welding shall be a metal arc process in accordance with BS 5135 and BS 4570, as appropriate,
together with other clauses contained in this section, unless otherwise specifically permitted by
the Engineer.
2. Welding consumables used shall be chosen to ensure that the mechanical properties of the
weld metal are not less than those required for the parent metal.
3. Joints shall be prepared in accordance with BS 5135. Precautions shall be taken to ensure
cleanliness of the connection prior to welding.


5.2.1 Testing
1. Welders shall be tested to meet the requirements of BS EN 287 Part 1 but, in the case of
welders engaged on fillet welding only, BS 4872 Part 1 is an acceptable alternative.
2. As an alternative, when permitted by the Employer, welders may be tested to meet the
requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME IX, or the American
Welding Society, AWS Dl.1.

5.2.2 Certification
1. Welder testing shall be witnessed and certificates endorsed by an independent Inspection
2. The certification shall remain valid providing it complies with the conditions for re-approval of
certification specified in BS EN 287 Part 1.


5.3.1 Preparation of Procedures

1. Approved written welding procedures shall be available in accordance with BS 5135, and tested
in accordance with BS EN 288 Part 3 by the Contractor.

5.3.2 Approval of Procedures and Procedure Tests

1. Procedures and tests shall be approved by an independent Inspection Authority.

5.3.3 Availability of Welding Procedure Sheets

1. Welding Procedure sheets shall he made available to the welder prior to the commencement of
the work and shall be available to the Engineer and Inspection Authority on request.


5.4.1 Fit-up
1. Joints shall be fitted up to the dimensional accuracy required by the welding procedure,
depending on the process to be used, to ensure that the quality in Table 5.2 is achieved.

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5.4.2 Jigs
1. Fabrications assembled in jigs may be completely welded in the jig, or may be removed from
the jig after tack welding.

5.4.3 Tack Welds

1. Tack welds shall be made using the same procedures as for the root runs of main welds. The
length of the tack shall be the lesser of 4 times the thickness of the thicker part or 50 mm,
unless demonstrated by a weld procedure qualification.
2. Tack welds which are not defective may be incorporated into main welds provided that the
welder is qualified as in Clause 5.2 of this Part. However, where joints are welded using an
automatic or mechanized process, the suitability of the tack weld used for incorporation into
automatic processes shall be demonstrated in the weld procedure qualification.
3. Where tack welds are made in circumstances other than those identified above, they must be

5.4.4 Distortion Control

1. The sequence of welding a joint or a sequence of joints shall be such that distortion is
minimised (see Part 7 of this Section).

5.4.5 Fabrication or Erection Attachments

1. Welding of attachments required for fabrication or erection purposes shall be made in
accordance with the requirements for a permanent weld.
2. When removal is necessary, they shall be flame cut or gouged at a point not less than 3 mm
from the surface of the parent material. The residual material shall be ground flush and the
affected area visually inspected. When thicknesses are greater than 20 mm it shall also be
checked by magnetic particle inspection. Acceptance criteria are as set out in Table 5.2.
Attachments shall not be removed by hammering. (See Clause 3.4.2 of this Section).

5.4.6 Extension Pieces

1. Where the profile of a weld is maintained to the free end of a run by the use of extension pieces
they shall be of material of a similar composition, but not necessarily the same grade, as the
component. They shall be arranged so as to provide continuity of preparation and shall be
removed after completion of the weld and the surface ground smooth.

5.4.7 Production Test Plates

1. Where production test plates are required for testing purposes, they shall be clamped in line
with the joint. The grade of material and rolling direction shall match the parent plate, but need
not be cut from the same plates or cast.


5.5.1 Record of Testing

1. The test results shall be recorded and be available for inspection by the Engineer.

5.5.2 Visual Inspection of Welds

1. Visual inspection shall be made in accordance with guidance given in BS 5289 over the full
length of the weld and before NDT inspection is performed (see Tables 5.1 and 5.2). Any welds
which will be rendered inaccessible by subsequent work shall be examined in accordance with
Tables 5.1 and 5.2 prior to the loss of access.
2. A suitably qualified person for visual inspection of welds may be a welding inspector or a welder
who can provide evidence of having been trained and assessed for competence in visual
inspection of the relevant types of welds.

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5.5.3 Surface Flaw Detection

1. Where a closer examination of a weld surface is required in accordance with Table 5.1,
magnetic particle inspection (MPI) shall be used in accordance with the recommendations given
in BS 6072.
2. If magnetic particle inspection equipment is not available, dye penetrant inspection (DPI) may
be used in accordance with the recommendations given in BS 6443.
3. Final surface flaw detection of a welded joint shall be carried out not less than 16 hours from the
time of completion of the weld to be inspected, or not less than 40 hours in the case of welds to
Design Grade 55 material. The Contractor shall note that where a welding procedure requires
an inspection after initial weld runs before further welding is performed, such inspections may
be carried out when the weld metal has cooled to ambient temperature.
4. A suitably qualified person for surface flaw detection of welds may be a welding inspector or a
welder who holds a current certificate of competence in surface flaw detection of the relevant
types of work, from a nationally recognized authority.

5.5.4 Ultrasonic Examination

1. Where ultrasonic examination is required in accordance with Tables 5.1 and 5.2, it shall be
made in accordance with BS 3923 Part 1, Level 2B. Examination shall be carried out not less
than 16 hours from the time of completion of the weld to be inspected, or not less than 40 hours
in the case of butt welds thicker than 40 mm or any welds to Design Grade 55 material.
2. Operators carrying out final ultrasonic examination of the weld shall hold a current certificate of
competence from a nationally recognized authority.

5.5.5 Scope of Inspection

1. The scope of inspection shall be in accordance with Table 5.1.

5.5.6 Acceptance Criteria and Corrective Action

1. Acceptance criteria, corrective action and re-testing shall be in accordance with Table 5.2 for
components subject to static loading.
2. The acceptance criteria shown in Table 5.2 are not intended to apply to bridges, offshore
structures, or other dynamically loaded structures.


5.6.1 Method
1. Shear studs shall be welded in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for
materials, procedures and equipment.

5.6.2 Trial Welding

1. When specified by the Engineer and before production welding of studs commences, procedure
trials shall be carried out. The trials shall be made on samples of material and studs
representative of those to be used in the work. The samples of materials and studs shall be
agreed with the Engineer.
2. Where primers are to be applied to the work prior to the welding of studs they shall be applied
to the sample material before the procedure trials are made.

5.6.3 Tests and Inspection

1. All studs are to be visually inspected. They shall show a full 360 collar.

2. At locations agreed with the Engineer a minimum of 5% of studs which have satisfied the visual
inspection shall have a bend test. The bend test shall be made by striking the head of the stud
with a 6kg hammer until it is displaced laterally a distance of about one quarter of the height of
the stud. The stud weld shall not show any signs of cracking or lack of fusion.

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3. Studs subjected to the bend test shall not be straightened.

5.6.4 Defective Studs

1. Studs with defective welding shall be removed in the manner described in Clause 5.4.5 of this
Part, and replaced and re-tested as in Clause 5.6.3 of this Part.



6.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the requirements for bolting associated with structural steelwork.


6.2.1 Bolt/Nut Combinations

1. The combinations of bolts and nuts shall be not less than the following:
A. 4.6 bolts with grade 4 nuts (BS 4190)
B. 8.8 bolts with grade 8 nuts (BS 3692)
C. 10.9 bolts with grade 12 nuts (BS 3692).
2. Any bolt assemblies which seize when being tightened shall be replaced.

6.2.2 Differing Bolt Grades

1. Different bolt grades of the same diameter shall not be used in the same structure, except when
agreed otherwise by the Engineer.

6.2.3 Bolt Length

1. The bolt length shall be chosen such that, after tightening, at least one thread plus the thread
run-out will be clear between the nut and the unthreaded shank of the bolt and at least one
clear thread shall show above the nut.

6.2.4 Washers
1. When the members being connected have a finished surface protective treatment which may be
damaged by the nut or bolt head being rotated, a washer shall be placed under the rotating
2. A suitable plate, or heavy duty, washer shall be used under the head and nut when bolts are
used to assemble components with oversize or slotted holes.

6.2.5 Taper Washers

1. When the bolt head or nut is in contact with a surface which is inclined at more than 30from a
plane at right angles to the bolt axis, a taper washer shall be placed to achieve satisfactory

6.2.6 Galvanized Nuts

1. Nuts shall be checked after being galvanized for free running on the bolt and retapped if
necessary to ensure a satisfactory tightening performance.

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6.2.7 Bolt Tightening

1. Bolts may be assembled using power tools or shall be fully tightened by hand using appropriate
spanners in accordance with BS 2583.

6.2.8 Fitted Bolts

1. Precision bolts to BS 3692 may be used as fitted bolts when holes are drilled or reamed after
assembly so that the clearance in the hole is not more than 0.3 mm.


6.3.1 Fit-up
1. Connected parts shall be firmly drawn together. If there is a remaining gap which may affect the
integrity of the joint, it shall be taken apart and a pack inserted.

6.3.2 Reaming
1. Where parts cannot be brought together by drifting without distorting the steelwork, rectification
may be made by reaming, provided the design of the connection will allow the use of larger
diameter holes and bolts.


6.4.1 Bolt/Nut/Washer Combinations

1. Bolt/nut/washer combinations shall comply with BS 4395 Parts1 or2, as appropriate.

6.4.2 Tightening
1. The use of friction grip bolts shall comply with BS 4604. Part 1 or 2.
2. Tightening which complies with BS 4604 Part 1, may be by the torque control method, part-turn
method, or with load indicating devices used in accordance with the manufacturer's

6.4.3 Calibration of Torque Equipment

1. Torque spanners and other devices shall have a calibration check at least once per shift, and
shall be re-calibrated where necessary in accordance with BS 4604.

6.4.4 Discarded Bolt Assemblies

1. If, after complete tightening, a bolt or nut has to be slackened off, the whole bolt assembly is to
be disposed of.


6.5.1 Fit-up
1. Connected parts shall be firmly drawn together with all bolts partially tightened. The joint shall
then be examined and if there is any remaining gap which may affect the integrity of the joint, it
shall be taken apart and a pack inserted before recommencing the tightening procedure .

6.5.2 Reaming
1. Where parts cannot be brought together by drifting without distorting the steelwork, rectification
can be made by reaming, provided that the design of the connection will allow the use of larger
diameter bolts.
2. Calculations shall be made to demonstrate that the connection remains adequate for the forces
in the connection.

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7.1.1 Scope
1. This Part deals with the accuracy of fabrication of structural steel sections.


7.2.1 Permitted Deviations in Rolled Components after Fabrication

1. Permitted deviations in rolled components after fabrication (including structural hollow sections)
are given in Table 7.1

Table 7.1
Permitted Deviations in Rolled Components after Fabrication
Item Component Deviation
1 Cross Section after Fabrication In accordance with the tolerances specified
In BS 4 or BS 4848 as appropriate.
2 Squareness of Ends Not
Prepared for Bearing
See also clause 4.4.3-1.



8.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the requirements for the erection of structural steelwork.


8.2.1 Erection Method Statement

1. The Contractor shall prepare a written method statement, taking into account the requirement of
the design, erection procedure and programme, respectively.
2. The Contractor shall submit the method statement to the Engineer for acceptance at least two
weeks before erection commences.
3. Erection shall not commence before the method statement has been accepted by the Engineer.

8.2.2 Meaning of Acceptance

1. Acceptance by the Engineer of the Erection Statement does not reduce the contractors
responsibility for the safety of the erection process.

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8.2.3 Provision of Setting-Out Lines by the Employer

1. The Contractor shall provide and maintain until the steelwork is accepted, setting-outlines and
datum levels within, or immediately adjacent to, the Works.

8.2.4 Handling and Storage

1. Components shall be handled and stored in such a manner as to minimise the risk of surface
abrasion and damage.
2. Fasteners and small fittings shall be stored under cover in dry conditions.

8.2.5 Damaged Steelwork

1. Any steelwork damaged during off-loading, transportation, storage or erection shall be restored
to conform to the standards of manufacture as given in this Specification.

8.2.6 Column Base Plates and Slabs

1. Steel packings shall be supplied to allow the structure to be property lined and levelled and of
sufficient size to avoid local crushing of the concrete.
2. Base packings shall be placed so that they do not prevent subsequent grouting to completely fill
all spaces directly under the base plates.
3. Base packs may be left permanently in place.

8.2.7 Grouting
1. Grouting shall not be carried out under column base plates until a sufficient portion of the
structure has been aligned, levelled, plumbed and adequately braced.
2. Immediately before grouting, the space under column base plates shall be clean and free of all
extraneous matter.


8.3.1 Temporary Restraints until Permanent Features are Built

1. The Engineer shall advise the Contractor of positions on the structure where temporary bracing
or restraints are necessary until walls, floors or other non-steel structures are built. He shall also
provide details of the forces and moments in these elements.
2. The Contractor shall design and provide the temporary bracing or restraints.

8.3.2 Other Temporary Restraints used by the Contractor

1. If the Contractor uses temporary restraints during erection which do not substitute for
permanent features, they may be removed after the structure has been lined, levelled and
plumbed provided that sufficient steelwork and or permanent bracing has been erected to
ensure the stability of the structure under the worst expected conditions of dead, imposed and
wind loading.


8.4.1 General Requirements

1. The Contractor shall ensure that no part of the structure is permanently distorted by stacking of
materials or temporary erection loads during the erection process.

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8.5.1 Alignment of Part of the Structure

1. Each part of the structure shall be aligned as soon as practicable after it has been erected.
Permanent connections shall not be made between members until sufficient of the structure has
been aligned, levelled, plumbed and temporarily connected to ensure that members will not be
displaced during subsequent erection or alignment of the remainder of the structure.

8.5.2 Temperature Effects

1. Due account shall be taken of the effects of temperature on the structure and on tapes and
instruments when measurements are made for setting out, during erection, and for subsequent
dimensional checks. The reference temperature shall be 30 C.


8.6.1 General Requirements

1. Site welding shall be carried out in accordance with Part 5 of this Section.
2. Welding shall not be permitted during inclement weather, unless adequate protective measures
are taken.


8.7.1 General Requirements

1. Bolting shall be carried out in accordance with Part 6 of this Section.


8.8.1 General Requirements

1. When the steelwork, or portion of the steelwork, has been completed, the Contractor shall
present a certificate for the Engineer and the Contractor to sign.
2. The completion of the certificate means the following:
A. The Contractor's signature signifies that an inspection has been made to ensure that all
connections are completed and that the steelwork is erected in accordance with this
Specification and contract requirements.
B. The Engineer's signature signifies acceptance that the structure, or part of the structure,
has been built in accordance with this Specification and the contract requirements.

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9.1.1 Scope
1. This Part the requirements for the accuracy of erected structural steelwork.

9.1.2 General Requirements

1. Permitted maximum deviations in erected steelwork shall be taking account of the following:
A. All measurements be taken in calm weather, and due note is to be taken of temperature
effects on the structure.
B. The deviations shown for I sections apply also to box and tubular sections.
C. Where deviations are shown relative to nominal centrelines of the section, the permitted
deviation on cross-section and straightness, given in Part 7 of Section, may be added.


9.2.1 General
1. The Contractor shall advise sub contractors engaged in operations following steel erection of
the deviations acceptable in this document in fabrication and erection, so that they can provide
the necessary clearances and adjustments.


9.3.1 Permitted Deviations For Foundations, Walls And Foundation Bolts

1. The permitted deviations for foundations, walls and foundation bolts are given in Table 9.1.

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10.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the requirements for protective treatment for structural steelwork.

10.1.2 Method Statement

1. The Contractor shall prepare a written method statement giving sequential details of the surface
preparation and protective treatment procedure (including touching-in procedures) to be used in
achieving the Employer's specification.

10.1.3 Working Conditions

1. Work shall he carried out in accordance with the recommendations given in BS 5493.

10.1.4 Storage of Materials

1. Protective treatment materials shall he stored in a clean, dry area which is protected from
extreme temperatures, and used in order of delivery, in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations and within the advised shelf life.

10.1.5 Application Procedures

1. Materials shall he prepared, and coatings applied to surfaces, in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations.

10.1.6 Handling and Storage

1. The procedures for handling and storage shall he so arranged that the protected surface is
unlikely to he damaged.


10.2.1 General
1. Unless it has been specifically approved by the Engineer all steelwork surfaces which are to be
painted shall be blast cleaned.

10.2.2 Wire Brushing

1. Surfaces which are not to be blast cleaned, but are to be coated, shall be wire brushed to
remove loose mill scale, and cleaned to remove dust, oil and grease.

10.2.3 Blast Cleaning

1. The standard of blast cleaning specified shall be in accordance with BS 7079 Part Al.
2. The methods used shall be capable of cleaning all surfaces of the component. The surface
roughness shall be compatible with that recommended for the coating to be applied but shall
not be to a lesser quality than Sa 2 as defined in BS 7079
3. The cleanliness levels specified shall be those existing at the time of the application of coating.
4. When abrasives are recycled in the blast cleaning system, the equipment shall be fitted with a
dust removal system to remove fines and contaminants.

10.2.4 Surface Defects

1. Surface defects revealed during surface preparation shall be dealt with in accordance with
Clause 2.2.1-2 and 2.2.1-3 of this Section.

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10.3.1 Method
1. Sprayed metal coatings may consist of either zinc or aluminium applied to the surface as a
molten dispersed spray in accordance with BS EN 22063 to a level given in the Protective
Treatment Specification.

10.3.2 Storage and Handling

1. Storage and handling procedures shall be so arranged that the sprayed metal surface is
unlikely to he damaged.

10.3.3 Repair of Extensively Damaged Areas

1. The area shall be cleaned using a needle gun or abrasive papers or cloths. After washing down
and drying, the area shall be resprayed overlapping the undamaged area by 20mm.

10.3.4 Repair of Minimally Damaged Areas

1. An area less than 10 cm may be repaired after cleaning, as described in Clause 10.4.3 of this
Part, by applying a paint which is compatible and has similar properties to the metal spray.

10.3.5 Sealing Before Painting

1. Sprayed metal coating shall be sealed before the application of paint coats in accordance with
BS 5493 Table 4C Part 2.


10.4.1 Procedures
1. Galvanizing shall be performed in accordance with BS 729.

10.4.2 Touch-up of Galvanized Surfaces

1. Small areas which are within 10mm of intact galvanized coating may be touched up in
accordance with Appendix D of BS 729.
2. Preparation for touching up is to be as required by the manufacturer of the touch-up product.

10.4.3 Vent Holes

1. If so required by the Engineer, vent holes in hollow members, necessary during the galvanizing
process, shall be sealed after galvanizing with a plug of approved material.


10.5.1 Surface Condition Prior to Painting

1. Steelwork shall be dry and cleaned to the surface cleanliness specified in Clause 10.2 of this

10.5.2 Surfaces to be Embedded in Concrete

1. Steel surfaces to be embedded in concrete shall be left unpainted and need not be blast
cleaned unless required by the Project Documentation.

10.5.3 Coatings
1. Where steelwork is to be finished with a paint coating system it shall be carried out in
accordance with the requirements of BS 5493 and to the requirements of the Project

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10.5.4 Application Life

1. All paint products shall be used within the manufacturer's recommended pot life.

10.5.5 Multiple Coats

1. Where two or more coats of a product are to be applied, a different colour shade shall be used
for each coat.

10.5.6 Stripe Coats

1. Additional stripe coats of primer or undercoat shall be applied in the following circumstances:
A. Welded surfaces where a weld-through primer has been used
B. Steelwork which will be exposed externally in the finished works
C. All edges and corners
D. Seal gaps between adjacent components such as shop and site bolted connections.

10.5.7 Storage and Handling

1. Storage and handling procedures shall ensure that damage to the protective system is

10.5.8 Painting on Site

1. Work shall not proceed when the steel surfaces are wet or the ambient temperature, or dew
point, is below that recommended by the paint manufacturers. (See Clause 10.1.4 of this Part).

10.5.9 Painting of Site Fixed Bolts and Welding

1. All protruding portions of bolt assemblies and site weld surfaces shall be cleaned to remove
traces of oil, dust, welding flux etc. to the levels specified in 10.5.1.
2. The paint system specified in the Project Documentation shall be applied to ensure similar
properties and compatibility with the surface treatment system being used on the surrounding
3. Bolt assemblies which are supplied with a protective treatment need not be painted except
when the Employer's specification requires it.


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1.0. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................3

1.1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................3

1.2. SUBMITTALS .........................................................................................................................4

2.0. MATERIAL TYPES AND FINISHES.......................................................................................6

2.1. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................6

2.2. PROTECTIVE TREATMENTS FOR METALS .......................................................................7

2.3. ALUMINIUM FINISHES ..........................................................................................................7

2.4. CARBON STEEL FINISHES .................................................................................................10

3.0. METAL DOORS AND WINDOWS........................................................................................ 12

3.1. ALUMINIUM DOORS AND WINDOWS.................................................................................12

3.2. FIXING ALUMINIUM WINDOWS AND DOORS ...................................................................14

3.3. STEEL DOORS ......................................................................................................................15

3.4. INSTALLATION OF STEEL DOOR FRAMES ......................................................................17

3.5. STEEL ROLL-UP DOOR .......................................................................................................17

4.0. ARCHITECTURAL METAL WORK ...................................................................................... 19

4.1. GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................19

4.2. HANDRAILS AND BALUSTERS ..........................................................................................19

4.3. GRATINGS.............................................................................................................................21

4.4. FINISHES ...............................................................................................................................22

4.5. EXTERNAL STEEL LADDER ...............................................................................................22

4.6. DOWNPIPES AND GUTTERS ..............................................................................................22

5.0. LIGHT METAL SUPPORT .................................................................................................... 23

5.1. GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................23

5.2. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS .....................................................................................23

5.3. COMPONENTS......................................................................................................................23

6.0. VERTICAL CLADDING......................................................................................................... 24

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7.0. WORKMANSHIP................................................................................................................... 26

7.1 GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................26

7.2 EXAMINATION ......................................................................................................................26

7.3 FABRICATION AND ASSEMBLY.........................................................................................26

7.4 INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................................29

7.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL .................................................................................................31

7.6 CLEANING .............................................................................................................................31

7.7 PROTECTION ........................................................................................................................32

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1.1.1 Scope
1. This Part provides the specification for preparation of shop drawings, engineering, testing,
fabrication, delivery erection and installation of steel doors, roller shutters, aluminium
doors, windows and flyscreens, aluminium support and cladding systems and
architectural metal work.

1.1.2 References
1. The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 476 Fire tests on building materials and structures
BS 729 Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles
BS 1245 Metal door frames (steel)
BS 1282 Guide to the choice, use and application of wood preservatives.
BS 1449 Steel plate, sheet and strip.
BS 1474 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
purposes, bars, extruded round tube and section
BS 1615 Method for specifying anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and alloy
BS 1706 Electroplated coatings of nickel and chromium
BS 1722 Fences
BS 1723 Brazing
BS 1724 Bronze welding by gas
BS 2901 Filler rods and wires for gas shielded and welding
BS 2994 Cold rolled steel Sections
BS 2997 Aluminium rainwater goods
BS 3049 Pedestrian guard rails (metal)
BS 3083 Hot-dip zinc coated and hot-dip aluminium/zinc coated corrugated steel
sheets for general purposes..
BS 3987 Anodic coatings on wrought aluminium for oxidation external architectural
BS 4147 Bitumen based hot applied coating material for protecting iron and steel,
including suitable primers where required.
BS 4254 Two-part polysulphide based sealants
BS 4255 Rubber used in pre-formed gaskets for weather exclusion from buildings
BS 4300 Specification (supplementary series) for wrought aluminium and
aluminium alloys for general engineering purposes.
BS 4315 Methods of test for resistance to air and water penetration
BS 4873 Aluminium alloy windows
BS 5368 Method of testing windows.
BS 5707 Solutions of wood preservatives in organic solvents.
BS 6213 Guide to selection of constructional sealants
BS 6375 Performance of windows
BS 6496 Powder organic coatings for application and storing to aluminium alloy
extrusion, sheet and pre-formed sections for external architectural
purposes, and for the finish on aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and pre-
formed sections coated with organic coatings.
BS 6497 Powder organic coatings for application and storing to ho-dip galvanized
hotrolled steel Section and steel sheet for windows and associated
external architectural purposes, and for the finish on galvanized steel
Section and sheet coated with organic coatings.
BS 6510 Steel windows, bills, window boards, and doors

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BS 7036 Code of practice for provision and installation of safety devices for
automatic power operated pedestrian door systems
BS 7773 Code for practice for cleaning and preparation of metal surfaces
BS EN 288 Approval of welding procedures for metallic materials
BS EN 485 Aluminium and aluminium alloys –sheet, strip and plate
BS EN 10142 Continuously hot-dip zinc coated low carbon steel sheet and strip for cold
forming: technical delivery conditions.
BS EN 10143 Continuously hot-dip metal coated steel sheet and strip –Tolerances on
dimensions and shape.
BS EN 10152 Electrolytically zinc coated cold rolled steel flat products –Technical
delivery conditions


1.2.1. Samples
1. The Contractor shall submit samples and mock-ups in accordance with the relevant
provisions of Section 1, General, and as follows:
A. Submit samples of all materials and finishes including the following:
1. Samples matching the appearance, colour, texture, and other
characteristics of each finish required.
2. Finished samples of panels and major extrusions.
3. Range samples showing the complete range of variation in colour,
texture, and other characteristics resulting from the manufacture,
finishing, fabrication, delivery, assembly, installation, and cleaning
4. Samples showing finishes over welds and over materials welded.
B. The size of all samples to be agreed with the engineer or as noted in the
contract documents
C. The Contractor shall submit any pre-printed or prepared manufacturer’s
performance data.

1.2.2. Protection Materials

1. The Contractor shall provide information or direction for application and removal
procedures for all protection materials used on or for samples during shipping, storage,
and installation.

1.2.3. Mock-ups
1. The Contractor shall provide test mock-ups as indicated in the Project Documentation,
and as required for tests.
2. The Contractor shall provide visual mock-up as indicated in the Project Documentation.

1.2.4. Engineering Calculations

1. The Contractor shall submit engineering calculations as directed in the Project
2. Engineering calculations shall be submitted concurrently with the corresponding shop
3. All engineering calculations are to bear the stamp of a professional engineer.

1.2.5. Test Reports

1. The Contractor shall submit test reports for all tests specified herein. Test reports shall be
submitted in a timely manner and prior to execution of any Works.

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2. Product test reports: a qualified independent testing agency approved by the Engineer
shall be used to indicate and interpret test results on tests on components and
assemblies relative to compliance with the requirements of the Project Documentation.
3. Reconstruction test reports: a qualified independent testing agency approved by the
Engineer shall be used to indicate and interpret test results on test mock-ups relative to
compliance with the requirements of the Project Documentation.
4. Field test reports: a qualified independent inspecting and testing agency approved by the
Engineer shall be used to indicate and interpret field test results relative to compliance
with the requirements of the Project Documentation.

1.2.6. Inspection and Production Testing Programs

1. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a detailed description of inspection and
production testing programmes and inspection reports for all types of coating of
aluminium or aluminium alloy.

1.2.7. Shop Drawings

1. Shop Drawings shall be prepared in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 1,
General. Shop Drawings shall be prepared and approved by the Engineer prior to the
fabrication of any off-site item.

1.2.8. Maintenance Manual

1. A maintenance manual describing the various materials, equipment, and procedures for
cleaning and maintaining the parts of the Works included in this Section shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval upon completion of the Project.

1.2.9. As-Built Drawings

1. As-Built Drawings, prepared in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 1,
General, shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval upon completion of the Project.

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2.1.1. Scope
1. This part specifies the requirements for material types and finishes for non-structural
metal work.
2. Related Sections and Parts are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 3 Metal Doors and Windows
Part 4 Architectural Metal Work
Part 5 Light Metal Support and Cladding System
Part 6 Workmanship

Section 16 Structural Metalwork

Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery
Section 26 Painting and Decorating

2.1.2. References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:

BS 729 Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron on steel articles

BS 1224 Electroplated coatings of nickel and chromium
BS 1285 Metal door frames (steel)
BS 1449 Steel plate, sheet and strip
BS 1615 Method for specifying anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and alloys
BS 1706 Electroplated coatings of cadmium and zinc on iron and steel
BS 3083 Hot-dip zinc coated and hot-dip aluminium/zinc coated corrugated steel
sheets for general purposes
BS 3987 Anodic coatings on wrought aluminium of oxidation external architectural
BS 4147 Bitumen – based hot-applied coating material for protecting iron and
steel, including suitable primers where required.
BS 6497 Powder organic coatings for application and stoving to hot dip
galvanized hotrolled steel sections and steel sheet for windows and
associated external architectural purposes, and for the finish on
galvanized steel sections and sheet coated with organic coatings.
BS 7773 Code of practice for cleaning and preparation of metal surfaces
BS EN 10142 Continuously hot- dip zinc coated low carbon steel sheet and strip for
cold forming; technical delivery conditions
BS EN 10143 Continuously hot-dip metal coated steel sheet and strip-tolerances on
dimensions and shape.
BS EN 10152 Electrolyticall

2.1.3. System Description

1. Materials and components used shall be as specified or be suitable equivalents as
approved by the Engineer.
2. Materials not specified are to be of the best quality and suitable for the purpose intended
and as approved by the Engineer.
3. All materials are to be free from any defect that may impair the strength, functioning,
durability, or appearance of the work of this Section or of adjacent construction.

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2.1.4. Metals
1. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to select the alloy, degree of alloy control,
homogeneity, temper, metallurgical quality, degree of hardness or softness, mill
tolerances, cutting tolerances and flatness required to achieve the requirements of
design, quality, and colour matching of finish set forth in the Project Documentation.
2. Suitable low-friction separation materials shall be provided where metal materials are
adjacent and subject by design to relative movement against one another. Suitable low-
friction separation materials are as follows:
A. Teflon strip, 750 microns thick and teflon tape, 125 microns thick
B. High-impact polystyrene
C. Other materials as approved by the Engineer.
3. Low-friction material shall be impervious to moisture.


2.2.1. General
1. Galvanized carbon steel (hot-dip) shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 729, BS
1245, BS 6497, BS EN 10142, BS EN 10143.
2. Zinc-rich coating system shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 3083, BS EN
3. Nickel and chromium shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1224.
4. Zinc plating shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1706.
5. Aluminium/zinc-coating shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1615.
6. Bituminous paint shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 4147.


2.3.1. General Requirements

1. The requirements and specification for finishes on aluminium as referred to in this Part
shall comply to the following paragraphs.
2. Final colours will be selected by the Engineer from actual samples submitted by the
3. Metal surfaces are to match the appearance, colour, and texture of samples submitted to
and approved by the Engineer.
4. The Contractor shall submit a writing list of all aluminium products used in the Works.
This list shall identify the location of each product and their finishes as per the following
principal finishes:
A. mechanical finishes:
as fabricated
directional textured
non-directional textured.
B. chemical finishes
non-etched cleaned
chemical conversioncoatings

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C. coatings
resinous and other organic coatings
vitreous coatings
electroplated and other metallic coatings
laminated coatings
5. All aluminium and aluminium alloy products used in the Works that are to be finished in a
similar way shall be obtained from the same source unless otherwise approved by the
6. All metal surfaces which are required by Project Documentation or manufacturer’s
standards to receive a chemical conversion coat pre-treatment are to meet the minimum
requirements of BS 3987 and BS 1615.

2.3.2. Finishes for Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys

1. Unless otherwise specified for one of the alternative finishes listed Clause 2.2.1 in the
specific Project Documentation, the finish in general for aluminium shall be as follows:
2. Exterior exposed aluminium: All metal surfaces exposed to the exterior, including framing
members, shall receive either a two or three coat polyvinyl di-fluorine (PVDF) liquid
coating as follows:
A. Surfaces shall receive a thermally-cured, pigmented, PVDF coating system,
containing not less than 70% of the fluoropolymer resin
B. The coating system is to be spray applied under factory conditions to a pre-treated
base metal in a two-coat, two-bake process or three-coat, three-bake process in
accordance with the coating system manufacturers recommendations
C. Unless otherwise stated in the Project Documentation, the coating system shall
include a primer for added substrate protection as recommended by the
manufacturer to meet any coating system guarantees
D. Finished coating thickness is to be minimum of 55 microns dry film finish (18 microns
primer, 18 microns colour coat, and 18 microns clear top coat to seal and protect the
system). The final dry film thickness shall be 55 to 65 microns
E. The coating system is to be applied by a licensed applicator approved by the coating
system manufacturer. The applicator is to propose a program of records and
samples are to be made available to the Engineer upon request
F. The surface quality of the coating is to be smooth and free of flow lines, streaks,
blistering, and other imperfections. The coating will be opaque and be uniform in
colour and tonality, within the range of approved upper and lower limit samples when
viewed under a uniform light source such as north daylight or light source approved
by the Engineer
G. Prior to production coating, the Contractor is to present for approval full-size
extrusions and sample panels representative of the maximum proposed range of
colour and tonality to be expected in the finished work. The number of full-size
sample panels for each coating colour is to be as approved by the Engineer
H. To assure consistency of paint colour and tonality in the finished work, the
Contractor should propose and implement a quality control program as approved by
the Engineer. The quality control program is to be vertically integrated, and include
controls by the coating manufacturer and applicator, as well as by the Contractor
during assembly and installation of the finished work
I. If required, the quality control program will include the use of co-ordinated empirical
inspection methods, such as the use of calibrated multi-angle spectrophotometers to
provide 3 independent checks of paint colour and tonality at the point of paint
application, during assembly, and during installation

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J. No production coating application is to commence prior to approval of this quality

control program, any installed work with coating defects or variation in colour or
tonality in excess of the approved sample range will be subject to rejection
K. The colour and finish are subject to the sample approval procedures specified herein
and shall include:
(i) surface exposed to view
(ii) concealed surfaces
L. Provide a compatible field touch-up PVDF coating system formulated for air-drying
at ambient temperature.
M. The organic coating shall not peel, check, crack, chalk or change Interior used
aluminium: All surfaces exposed to the interior and not exposed to the exterior shall
receive a high-performance acrylic enamel organic non-metallic coating as follows:
(i) The coating is to be spray applied under factory conditions to pre-treated base
metal in a one-coated process in accordance with the coating system
manufacturer’s recommendations
(ii) Unless otherwise stated in the Project Documentation, the coating system shall
include a primer for added substrate protection as recommended by the
manufacturer to meet any coating system guarantees
(iii) The finished coating thickness shall be a minimum of 25 microns dry film
thickness (typical) unless otherwise approved by the Engineer
(iv) The coating system to be applied by a licensed applicator approved by the
coating system manufacturer. The applicator is to propose a program of
records and samples of the entire coating production for approval by the
Engineer, and which records and samples shall be made available to the
Engineer upon request
(v) The surface quality of the coating shall be smooth and free of flow lines,
streaks, blistering or other imperfections. The coating is to be opaque and be
uniform in colour and tonality; within the range of approved upper and lower
limit samples when viewed under a uniform light source such as north daylight
or light source approved by the Engineer
(vi) Prior to production coating the Contractor will present for approval full-size
extrusions representative of the maximum proposed range of colour and
tonality to be expected in the finished work.
(vii) To assure consistency of paint colour and tonality in the finished work, the
Contractor should propose and implement a quality control program as
approved by the Engineer. The quality control program to be vertically
integrated, and include controls by the coating manufacturer and applicator, as
well as by the Contractor during assembly and installation of the finished work.
If necessary, such a quality control program is to include the use of co-
ordinated empirical inspection methods, such as the use of calibrated multi-
angle spectro-photometers to provide 3 independent checks of paint colour and
tonality at the point of paint application, during assembly, and during
(viii) No production coating application should commence prior to approval of this
quality control program by the Engineer. Notwithstanding the implementation of
an approved quality control program, any installed work with coating defects or
variation in colour or tonality in excess of the approved sample range will be
subject to rejection
(ix) The colour and finish are subject to the sample approval procedures specified
herein and are to include a one-coat acrylic enamel to match Engineer’s

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(x) Provide a compatible field touch-up acrylic enamel coating system formulated
for air-drying at ambient temperature in a colour to match the factory applied
(xi) The organic coating shall not peel, check, crack, chalk or change colour for a
period of 5 years from the completion of the Project.

2.3.3. Storage and Handling of Materials

1. Material shall not be shipped, delivered or supplied when the finish of such material:
A. Has not been inspected and tested in the manner and by the means specified above
and as approved
B. Does not meet all the specifications for the finishes set forth in the alloy
manufacturer’s instructions
C. Does not fall within the colour and tonality range approved by the Engineer
D. Has been rejected by the Engineer
E. Has not otherwise been processed in accordance with the specified requirements.
2. Protection of Aluminium. All aluminium surfaces in contact with blockwork, concrete,
render or other alkaline materials shall be coated with two coats of black bitumen solution
or similar approved protective coating. Alternatively, shims of fibre, neoprene, or other
materials which will not interact with the aluminium or other adjacent materials may be
provided and gaps filled with backer rod and sealant as approved by the Engineer.


2.4.1. General
1 Requirements and specification for finishes on carbon steel as referred to this Section
shall comply to the following:

(a) all surfaces of steel members incorporated in Works shall be finished as required in
this Section

(b) if concealed from view, steel surfaces are to receive a finish in accordance with
Section 16, Structural Steel, and Section 26 Painting

(c) if exposed to view, steel surfaces are to receive the following coating system:
(i) surface preparation: BS 7773
(ii) primer: fast curing epoxy primer coat
(iii) intermediate coat: high-build epoxy-polyamide paint
(iv) top coat: aliphatic acrylic polyurethane finish system.

2.4.2. Painted Steel

1. The Contractor will propose and implement a quality program for approval by the
Engineer. The quality control program is to be vertically integrated, and include controls
by the steel fabricator and the steel finisher, as well as by the Contractor to provide
independent checks of steel quality and finish at the point of fabrication, finishing, and
during installation.
2. Preparation of steel shall be as follows:
A. Steel received from the mill will be inspected for any defects or damage which could
adversely affect the fabrication and finishing of the steel. All steel members are to be
blast cleaned prior to final fabrication and assembly.
B. All fabrication is to be done prior to finishing. All welds are to be ground smooth and
finished to match adjacent surfaces, all burrs and foreign particles removed, and any
other defects remedied prior to finishing

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C. Prior to finishing all fabricated steel is to be inspected and if, in the determination of
the coating applicator, the steel is not sufficiently cleaned to ensure a high-quality
finish, the steel is to be further cleaned as required to achieve the finish desired.
D. Verify that all surfaces to be painted are dry, clean and free of dust, dirt, oil, wax,
grease, or other contaminants
E. After steel members are installed, inspect steel for damage and staining. Repair or
replace damaged members. All repair procedures are subject to approval by the
Engineer who will have the right to reject any installed work notwithstanding any
rededication procedures instituted.
3. Painting applications shall be as follows:
A. Steel is to be shop-painted with one coat of fast-curing epoxy primer and one coat of
epoxy intermediate coat as specified herein. The epoxy primer coat is to be in a
contrasting colour from the epoxy intermediate coat
B. All steel to be painted in accordance with the recommendations of the coating
C. Mix and apply all coatings in accordance with paint manufacturer’s recommendations.
Apply paint only under the climatic conditions recommended by paint manufacturer
D. Check dry film thickness after application of each coat in accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturer
E. Inspect finished steel members thoroughly prior to shipping to the Site. Package,
ship, store and protect primed steel prior to installation
F. Prior to application of the finish coat, inspect the primed substrates for any defects or
conditions which may affect the application and quality of the finish coat
G. Spray or roller apply the finish coating in accordance with paint manufacturer’s
recommendations. If roller applied, finish coat is to be rolled in one direction; avoid
backrolling of any kind. Avoid combining application procedures; all surfaces are to
be rolled or all surfaces are to be sprayed
H. The surface quality of the coating is to be smooth and free of flow lines, sags, dry
spray, overspray, imbedded particles, and other imperfections
I. The coating is to be opaque and uniform in colour and tonality when viewed under a
uniform light source such as north daylight. Inspection shall be by visual comparison
with previously approved range samples and if necessary, include the use of co-
ordinated empirical inspection methods, such as the use of calibrated multi-angle

2.4.3. Stainless Steel Finishes

1. Stainless steel finishes as referred to in this Section shall comply with the following.
2. Stainless steel shall comply with BS 1449 Part 2.
3. Unless otherwise specified in the Project Documentation, the quality of metal work
components manufactured from stainless steel shall comply with the following:
A. Externally Type 316
B. Internally Type 304
4. Unless otherwise specified in the Project Documentation, the finish of metal work
components manufactured from stainless steel shall comply with the following:
A. Non visible surfaces 2D mill finish (e.g., roof flashings)
B. Visible surfaces 3B brush polished finish.
The finish is to be uniform and free from blemishes, scratches, and other defects.
Notwithstanding the above, the finish shall be appropriate for its function and selected
so as not to invalidate its warranty.

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5. The grain of stainless steel and brushed finishes are to run in the same direction for
contiguous or adjacent components.
6. For special applications (e.g. use in swimming pools or in environments where exposure
to chemicals may occur), the usage of stainless steel type shall be as stated in the
Project Documentation.



3.1.1. Scope of Work

1. This Part provides specification for supply and installation of steel and aluminium doors
and windows.
2. Windows and doors are collectively referred to as “units” in this Section.
3. Related Sections and Parts are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 2 Materials Classification
Part 6 Workmanship

Section 1 General
Section 16 Structural Metalwork
Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery
Section 25 Glazing

3.1.2. References
1 Standards referred to in this Part are as follows:

BS 476 Fire tests on building materials and structures

BS 729 Hot dipped galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles
BS 990 Steel windows generally for domestic and similar buildings
BS 1245 Metal door frames
BS 1282 Guide to the choice, use and application of wood preservatives
BS 1449 Steel plate, sheet and strip.
BS 1474 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering purpose
bars, extruded round tubes and sections.
BS 3987 Anodic oxide coatings on wrought aluminium for oxidation external
architectural applications.
BS 4254 Two-part polysulphide-based sealants
BS 4255 Rubber used in pre-formed gaskets for weather exclusion from buildings
BS 4873 Aluminium alloy windows
BS 5368 Method of testing windows
BS 5707 Solutions of wood preservatives in organic solvents
BS 6213 Guide to selection of constructional sealants
BS 6375 Performance of windows
BS 6496 Powder organic coatings for application and stoving to aluminium alloy
extrusion, sheet and pre-formed sections for external architectural purposes,
and for the finish on aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and pre-formed
sections coated with organic coatings
BS 6510 Steel windows, gills windows boards, and doors
BS 7036 Code of practice for provision and installation of safety devices for automatic
power operated pedestrian door systems
BS EN 485 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Sheet, strip and plate

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BS EN 10142 Continuously hot-dip zinc coated low carbon steel sheet and strip for cold
forming: technical delivery conditions
NFPA 80 Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Windows

3.1.3. Detailed Specification

1. Alternative alloys may be used where integral colour anodising is required provided the
physical properties of the alloy meet relevant BS Standards for the specific material.
2. All screws, nuts bolts, reverts, washers and other fastenings are to be aluminium or
stainless steel (Type 316 S16).
3. The units are to be fabricated at the manufacturer’s works as far as possible and
delivered complete and ready for installation. Aluminium windows shall be to BS 4873,
BS 1474, BS 3987, BS 6496, and BS EN 485.
4. The overall sizes of assembled units are to be maintained within a tolerance of ± 1.5 mm.
Frame assemblies to be square with a maximum difference in the diagonals of 4 m.
5. The finished units to be free from all sharp edges, burrs and the like.
6. Joints in frames are to be made by screw spleen, shear block or other approved system
capable of accommodating the thermal movement of the unit and providing tightly fitting
and inconspicuous joints.
7. The main web of the aluminium outer frame should not be less than 1.2 mm thick.
Frames to be self-draining and no holes for fastenings are to be located in the external
channel at sill level.
8. All opening units are to be fully weather stripped using siliconized woven polypropylene,
wool pile or neoprene retained in dovetailed or undercut grooves formed in the aluminium
extrusions. The weather-stripping should be capable of being removed without disturbing
the glazing system and without removing the outer frame from the structure.
9. The design of the units should permit re-glazing without the need to remove the outer
frame from the structure.
10. All hardware is to be supplied and fixed by the unit manufacturer, and should match the
finish of the surfaces of the units and be replaceable without removing the outer frame
from the structure. Fasteners are to be designated so that they cannot be released from
the outside by the insertion of a thin blade or other simple tool.
11. Windows are to meet the performance requirements of “severe (a) exposure”, that is a
maximum three second gust speed of 180 kph and probable maximum wind loading of
2300 N/mm2, when tested in accordance with BS 6375, BS 5386.
12. Horizontal sliding units are to be supported on rustproof and dustproof bearing devices
that may easily be repaired or replaced and that prevent contact between the unit and the
track. Horizontal and vertical sliding units to be separated and not slide upon each other.
13. The mechanism for vertical sliding windows is to be accessible for adjustment, repair or
replacement after the windows have been installed.
14. No window is to be openable or removable from the outside when it is fastened in a
closed position except by the use of special tools or by breaking part of the window or
15. All opening windows are to be fitted with flyscreens.
16. All unit surfaces which will be visible in the finished work are to be protected after
manufacture by low tack tape or other suitable means capable of being removed after
exposure to the high temperatures prevalent in Qatar to leave clean, undamaged
17. Sill frames to slope outward (level frames are not allowed).
18. Weepholes where required are to be as detailed in the shop drawings

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19. Metal frames for glazed doors and windows shall be of coloured powder coated
aluminium section for single-glazing and double glazing to BS 3987, all parts thereof
frames. Sills, silling strips, beads and clip, weather stripping dust strips and the like;
including all required ironmongery thereof window locks, aluminum fly screens and other
accessories; assembled and fixed to block work or concrete as per the fixing method
pointed all around with clear silicone including back-up rod as necessary without
distortion, free operation of all moving parts, sealed and weatherproof upon completion.

3.1.4. Aluminum Windows

1. Metal frames for glazed windows shall be of coloured powder coated aluminium 10 cm
wide section (Blexco or Gulf Extrusuion) with double-glazing ( 6mm thick 60% solar
effective gloss and 8mm air space + 6mm air space + 6mm thick clear glass) to BS 3987,
all parts thereof frames. Sills, silling strips, beads and clip, weather stripping dust strips
and the like; including all required ironmongery thereof and other accessories; assembled
and fixed to block work or concrete as per the fixing method pointed all around with clear
silicone including back-up rod as necessary without distortion, free operation of all moving
parts, sealed and weatherproof upon completion.

3.1.5. Aluminum Doors

1. Metal frames for glazed doors shall be of coloured powder coated aluminium 10 cm wide
section (Blexco or Gulf Extrusuion) with double-glazing ( 6mm thick 60% solar effective
gloss and 8mm air space + 6mm air space + 6mm thick clear glass) to BS 3987, all parts
thereof frames. Sills, silling strips, beads and clip, weather stripping dust strips and the
like; including all required ironmongery thereof and other accessories; assembled and
fixed to block work or concrete as per the fixing method pointed all around with clear
silicone including back-up rod as necessary without distortion, free operation of all moving
parts, sealed and weatherproof upon completion.


3.2.1 General Requirements

1. Windows are to be fixed with sufficient fastenings to comply with Clause 3.1.3, and in no
case will the number be less than the minimum specified in BS 6510 for the nearest
applicable co-ordinating size.
2. All units are to be fixed square, level and plumb without distortion.
3. Where the method of fixing is be screw fastenings direct to concrete or blockwork
surrounds, the screws are to extend a minimum of 25mm into the reveal and the plugs be
of proprietary manufacture sized to suit the screw. Wooden plugs will not be permitted.
Holes in the frames are be predrilled and the screws countersunk so as to avoid
scratching, gouging or locally distorting the frame.
4. Frames are to be protected from alkaline materials in accordance with Clause 2.2.1 or by
approved isolating tape.
5. Timber sub-frames to be treated in accordance with BS 1282 and to meet specified
requirements of BS 5707. Treatment certificates to be submitted to the Engineer.
6. Timber sub-frames to be primed or sealed before the installation of the units.
7. Joints between the frames of external units and the surrounding construction are to be
sealed in accordance with BS 6213 BS 4254 and Clause 2.2.1 in such a way as to form a
complete weatherproof seal between the frame and the surround. The sills of sliding
doors are to be bedded in mastic. Rubber used in pre-formed gaskets for weather
exclusion to the building shall be to BS 4255.
8. After installation all opening units to be eased and adjusted to provide free operation and
all moving parts are to be lubricated.

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9. Safety metal MS Enamel painted Safety Grills at Ground Floor windows only


3.3.1 General Requirements

1. Steel doors and frames shall comply with the provisions of BS 1245 and steel windows
and frames shall comply with the provisions of BS 990.

3.3.2 Steel Doors and Frames

1. The specification for proprietary steel doors shall be as follows unless otherwise specified
in the Project Documentation.
2. All steel doors shall be manufactured in properly equipped workshops by tradesmen
proficient in such work. All machinery employed shall be capable of accurately preparing,
producing and finishing doors.
3. The door shall be finished, 45 mm or 55 mm thick of double skinned, insulated sheet
steel construction and shall be fabricated from two zink coated steel sheets not less than
1.6 mm thick with lock seam joints at sides. The door faces shall be free of seams or
joints. Top and bottom of the doors shall be either welded flush or closed with recessed
spot-channel closures. The doors shall be provided with continuous welded “U” shaped
reinforcing channels to head and foot. Door construction shall be one of the following:
4. not less than 1mm steel interlocking vertical channels of “Z” shaped members spaced not
more than 300 mm apart or horizontal channels not more than 350 m apart
5. not less than 1 mm steel horizontal “U” shaped sections spaced in parallel rows not over
220 mm on centre welded in alternating sequence to the inside face of each outer sheet
so that horizontal stiffening occurs approx
6. a continuous truss-formed inner core of not less than 1 mm sheet metal spot-welded to
the face sheet every 70 mm horizontally and vertically over the entire surface of both
7. The doors shall be insulated with mineral wool or pressure injected polyurethane foam for
sound and thermal insulation.
8. Doors clearance shall not exceed the following:
9. 3mm at jamb and heads
10. mm at meeting stile of pair doors with round or bevelled edges and 6 mm for doors with
square edges
11. 3mm at bottom measured from finished floor line.
12. Doors shall be provided with a sound deadening material to eliminate sound incident to
the normal operation of the door as necessary or required by the Engineer.
13. The finished work shall be rigid, neat in appearance and free from defects, warp, or
buckle. Moulded members shall be sharp in detail, straight, and true. Corner joints shall
be coped or mitered, well-formed, in true alignment, welded and cleaned off.
14. Spot welding shall be used where practicable. Construction joints shall be welded along
their full length. Exposed welded joints shall be cleaned off and dressed smooth.
15. The doors shall be suitably reinforced, morticed and tapped to receive all ironmongery.
16. Steel doors shall be finished as detailed in the Project Documentation. They shall be
cleaned, filed, ground smooth and either painted with one coat of redhead primer prior to
the finished painting or stove enamelled to a colour chosen by the Engineer.
17. Door frames are to be formed of not less than 1.2 mm nominal thickness mild steel hot
dip galvanized after manufacture or, alternatively, may be made from hot dip galvanized
steel sheet complying with BS EN 10142.

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18. Door frames shall be given primer coat and finish as specified for the matching steel
19. Where frames support door leaves in excess of 60 kg require one-hour fire resisting door
assemblies, the minimum steel thickness is to be increased to 1.6 mm.

3.3.3 Fire Rated Doors

1. Single Leaf Swing Type Steel Door – 2 hrs rating with 20-18 gauge (face sheet) and
insulation of block type thermal insulation. Hollow metal frames of either cold rolled or
galvanealed steel, degreased and cleaned of all imperfections , with a factory coat of rust
inhibitive primer baked on. Frames to be mortised reinforced & drilled and tapped for all
mortise finish hardware.
2. Double Leaf Swing Type Steel Door - 1 hr rating with 16 gauge (face sheet) and
insulation of rigid cellular polystyrene thermal insulation. Hollow metal frames of either
cold rolled or galvanealed steel, degreased and cleaned of all imperfections , with a
factory coat of rust inhibitive primer baked on. Frames to be mortised reinforced & drilled
and tapped for all mortise finish hardware.
3. Double Leaf Swing Type Steel Door – 1.5 hrs rating with 16 gauge (face sheet) and
insulation of rigid cellular polystyrene thermal insulation. Hollow metal frames of either
cold rolled or galvanealed steel, degreased and cleaned of all imperfections , with a
factory coat of rust inhibitive primer baked on. Frames to be mortised reinforced & drilled
and tapped for all mortise finish hardware.
4. Foam Core Standards- Polystyrene/polyurethane. As per
ASTM C165- Method for measuring compressive properties of thermal insulations.
ASTM C177 – Test for steady-state heat flux requirements and thermal insulations.
ASTM C303- Test method for density of preformed block-type thermal insulations.
ASTM C355- Test for water vapor transmission of thick materials.
ASTM E84- Test for surface burning characteristic of building materials.
5. Notes:
Doors & frames to be in compliance with Fire Tests of Door Assemblies UL 10b and Fire
Door Frames U.L.63

3.3.4 Steel Louver Doors

1. Providing and fixing steel louvered door of required size and thickness. The blade must
be single with all its necessary fittings, fixings, screws, hinges etc., complete as per
manufacturer specification. The Contractor should submit shop drawing and sample for
consultant’s approval.
2. Steel Doors shall be constructed and assembled in accordance with The specification for
proprietary steel windows shall be as detailed in the Project Documentation. In addition,
steel windows shall comply with the provisions of BS 5368 and BS 6375 for testing and
3. Steel Doors and frames shall be manufactured in properly equipped workshops by
tradesmen proficient in such work. All machinery employed shall be capable of accurately
preparing, producing and finishing door frames.
4. Steel Doors and frames made of hot dip galvanised steel shall additionally conform to BS
5. Steel Doors shall be finished as shown in the Project Documentation. They shall be
cleaned, filed, ground smooth and either painted with one coat of redhead primer prior to
the finished painting or stove enamelled to a colour chosen by the Engineer.

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3.4.1. General Requirements

1. Frames will be fixed plumb, level and securely to prevent deflection or movement.
2. Frames built-in as the surrounding structure is constructed are to be fixed with cramps at
maximum 600 mm centres. One cramp is to be located 200 mm from the bottom of the
frame and 200 mm from the top or at the nearest adjacent bed joint. Voids in the backs of
frames are to be filled in solid with grout as the work proceeds.
3. Frames which are to be built-in are to be braced with temporary struts to prevent
distortion. Base ties to be removed after the blockwork has set and before the floor finish
is laid.
4. Frames to previously prepared openings are to be fixed with screw fastenings extending
into the structural reveal at least 40 mm and at maximum 450 mm centres. One fastening
to be located 200 mm from the bottom of the frame and one 200 mm from the top.


3.5.1 General
1. Roll-up doors shall be or motor operated as stated in the Project Documentation.
2. The door panel Slats, formed in continuous lengths of stainless steel to BS 1449 or
galvanized steel
3. Each end of the slats to be fitted with malleable iron end locks, continuous, to act as
wearing surface in the guides to maintain slat alignment and to prevent flame passage
4. Each overhead roller shutter door as a complete unit produced by manufacturer,
including hardware, accessories, mounting and installation of components.

3.5.2 Description of Work

1. Extent of roll-up doors is indicated on the drawings.

2. Types of overhead roll-up doors include the following:

(a) Steel security roll up doors.

(b) Motors

(c) Controls

(d) Electrical requirements for doors

3.5.3 Quality Assurance

1. Single Source Responsibility: Provide roll-up doors as complete units products by a single
manufacturer, including necessary accessories, fittings and anchorage’s.

3.5.4 Submittals
1. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and erection of doors. Show size of
opening and clearance requirements.
2. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s product data and installation instructions for doors,
including installation details.
3. Maintenance Data: Submit manufacturer’s maintenance and service data, including
address and telephone number of nearest authorized Service Representative.

3.5.5 Roll Up Doors

1. General: Provide the manufacturer’s standard steel security roll-up door of this type,

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speed, function, operation, size and construction indicated, complete with controls,
panel protection devices and accessories required.
2. Type: Provide springless steel security roll-up doors designed for permanent
installation at the location indicated.

3. Function: Provide steel security roll up door designed as an efficient environmental

barrier and reduced maintenance alternative to other steel roll-up doors in both
interior/exterior traffic applications. Unlimited cycle operation and greater speed than
conventional roll-up doors.
4. Cycle: Opening Speed -15” to 18” per second Closing Speed -15” to 18” per second
5. Activation: Provide one or more of the following activation(s): electric pull cord,
electric push button, photo eye, motion detector, remote control or induction loop
6. Panel Protection Devices: Provide the manufacturer’s standard and optional devices
as follows: automatic electric reversing contact edge and two (2) thru-beam style
reversing photocells.
7. Standard Panel Material: Solid 20 gauge galvanized steel, non-insulated.
8. Optional Panel Material: Solid 24 gauge galvanized steel, insulated (first wrap is non
insulated.) Optional perforated panel available in non-insulated only.
9. Control: Supply manufacturer’s standard NEMA 4, control box enclosure with PLC
and e-stop and reset buttons on face. All critical connections between motor, brake,
and reversing edge are to be factory hard-wired to the control box.
10. Construction: Springless design and operation of the door to be such that no springs,
pulleys or counterbalance systems are included. Door shall be equipped with a
minimum 1-1/2 HP, direct drive high-torque 90-degree motor having a 5-year
unlimited cycle warranty, rated at 350 cycles per hour under load and include a
positive brake release for manual override operation Optional in-line motor available
to allow for manual chain hoist operation.
11. Polyethylene lined disks on ends of roll tube keep panel centered in guide tracks as
door moves up and down.
12. Heavy duty, vertical guide tracks shall be a minimum ¼” steel, hinged to open and of
low profile design having a maximum projection of 3-5/8” from wall and 8” outboard of
jamb. Full perimeter gaskets and dual brush seals to be included as standard. No
metal-to-metal contact exists between the panel slats and guide tracks.
13. Finish and Color: Provide enamel painted, color gray, steel guide tracks and
mounting brackets.

3.5.6 Preparation
1. Coordinate installation of steel security roll-up doors. Examine the conditions under which
the doors are to be installed and do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory
conditions have been corrected.

3.5.7 Installation
1. General: Comply with manufacturer’s detailed instructions for the installation of roll-up
door. Electrical field wiring by electrician.

3.5.8 Final Adjustment

1. Make necessary adjustments for safe, efficient operation of steel security roll-up doors.

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4.1.1. Scope
1 This Part provides specification for miscellaneous types of metal work not included
2 Related Sections and Parts are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 2 Material Types and Finishes
Part 6 Workmanship

Section 1 General
Section 13 Masonry
Section 16 Structural Metalwork

4.1.2. References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:

BS 729 Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel artivles

BS 970 Wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes
BS 1387 Screwed and socketed steel tubes and tubulars and plain end steel tubes
suitable for welding or for screwing to BS 12 threads
BS 1471 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
BS 1473 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
purposes -forging stock
BS 1474 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering
purposesbars, extruded round tubes and sections
BS 1490 Aluminium and aluminium alloy ingots and castings for general
engineering purposes
BS 1615 Method for specifying adonic oxidation coatings for general engineering
BS 2997 Aluminium rainwater goods
BS 4360 Weldable structural steels
BS 6180 Protective barriers in and about buildings
BS 6323 Seamless and welded steel tubes for automobile, mechanical and
general engineering purposes


4.2.1. General Requirements

1 Protective handrails and railings shall be 900 mm high and shall comply with the
provisions of BS 6180 for Building.
2 Handrails and railing shall be manufactured from material complying with the relevant
provisions of the appropriate British Standard, as set out in Table 4.1

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Table 4.1
Handrails Balusters
Solid Tubular Solid Tubular
BS Grade BS Grade BS Grade BS Grade
Mild Steel 4360 43A 1387 - 4360 43A 1387 -
- or or
6323 HFW2 6323 HFW2
t t

2 2
Stainless 970 Pt 316S3 6323 LW17K 970 Pt 316S3 6323 LW17K
Steel 2 1 Pt 8 M 1 1 Pt 8 M
Aluminium 1474 6082 1474 6082 1490 LM6 1474 6082
or or
1471 6082 - 1471 6082
3 After manufacture, mild steel and aluminium balusters shall be hot dip galvanized or
anodised, as appropriate, in accordance with BS 729 or BS 1615, Grade AA25.

4.2.2. Handrail and Railing

1. The handrail and railing should be securely located in position, true to line and level until
the fixings have attained full strength.
2. Stair handrails are 50mmØ Stainless Steel pipe to be fixed to concrete or blockwork by
means of screw fastenings. Drilled bolt anchorages and similar dry fixings may only be
used with the approval of the Engineer and shall comply with the relevant provisions of
BS 1473.
3. Stair handrails are 50mm Ø B.I. Steel and 38mm- 25mmØ B.I. railing powder coated
to be fixed to concrete or blockwork by means of screw fastenings. Drilled bolt
anchorages and similar dry fixings may only be used with the approval of the Engineer
and shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1473.
4. Stair handrails are 50mm Galvanized Steel in powder coated to be fixed to concrete or
blockwork by means of screw fastenings. Drilled bolt anchorages and similar dry fixings
may only be used with the approval of the Engineer and shall comply with the relevant
provisions of BS 1473.

4.2.3. Expansion
1. Expansion joints shall be provided in horizontal members where required by design.
2. Expansion joints shall also be provided where the handrail or balustrade coincides with
an expansion joint in the structure to which it is fixed.
3. Expansion joints shall be as detailed in the Project Documentation.

4.2.4. Fitting and Fixing

1. Mortises in concrete or blockwork to receive handrails and balustrades are to be formed
as follows:
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2. With a minimum distance of 50 mm between the outer edge of the mortise and the outer
edge of the concrete of blockwork excluding any finishing materials.
3. To the same shape as the handrail or balustrades allowing for a minimum clearance all
round of 13 mm, e.g., a 51 mm diameter hole for a 25 mm diameter standard.
4. To allow a minimum fixed depth of 100 mm in the concrete or blockwork excluding any
finishing material.
5. Mortises are to be thoroughly cleaned and wetted and made good with Class M5 mortar
in accordance with Part 2 of Section 13, well compacted around the member being fixed.
6. The handrail or balustrades should be securely located in position, true to line and level
until the fixings have attained full strength.
7. Handrails and balustrades are not to be fixed to concrete or blockwork by means of screw
fastenings. Drilled bolt anchorages and similar dry fixings may only be used with the
approval of the Engineer and shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1473.
8. After installation handrails and balustrades are not to be used as strutting or supports for
other work and shall be wrapped with polythene sheet or similar, securely taped to protect
the finished work until completion.


4.3.1 Metal Bar Gratings

1. Fabricate welded steel gratings.
2. Grating Mark: As indicated, but with bearing bar size not less than that required to
comply with structural performance requirements.

4.3.2 Paint
1. Shop Primer for Ferrous Metal: Fast-curing, lead and chromate-free, universal modified-
alkyd primer complying with performance requirements in FS TT-P-664; selected for good
resistance to normal atmospheric corrosion, compatibility with finish paint systems
indicated, and capability to provide a sound foundation for field-applied topcoats despite
prolonged exposure.
2. Galvanizing Repair Paint: High-zinc-dust-content paint for regalvanizing welds in steel,
complying with SSPC-Paint 20.
3. Bituminous Paint: Cold-applied asphalt mastic complying with SSPC-Paint 12, except
containing no asbestos fibers, or cold-applied asphalt emulsion complying with
ASTM D 1187.

4.3.3 Fabrication
1. Shop Assembly: Fabricate grating sections in shop to greatest extent possible to
minimize field splicing and assembly. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping
and handling limitations. Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces.
Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation.
2. Form from materials of size, thickness, and shapes indicated, but not less than that
needed to support indicated loads.
3. Shear and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs.
4. Ease exposed edges to a radius of approximately 1/32 inch (1 mm), unless otherwise
5. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints.

4.3.4 Steel Finish

1. Shop primer applied according to manufacturer's standard practice.

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2. Hot-dip galvanized with a coating weight of not less than 1.8 oz./sq. ft. (550 g/sq. m) of
coated surface.

4.3.5 Installing Metal Bar Gratings

1 Install gratings to comply with recommendations of referenced metal bar grating
standards that apply to grating types and bar sizes indicated, including installation
clearances and standard anchoring details.
2 Attach removable units to supporting members with type and size of clips and fasteners
indicated or, if not indicated, as recommended by grating manufacturer for type of
installation conditions shown.
3 Attach nonremovable units to supporting members by welding where both materials are
the same; otherwise, fasten by bolting as indicated above.


4.6.1 General Requirements

1. Finishes for metals covered in this Part shall be as detailed in Part 2 of this Section
unless described otherwise.


1 Providing and fixing 25Ømm G.I.Ladder rungs, 500 mm wide spaced at 400 mm c/c and
50 x 10mm thk G.I. Vertical Ladder Frame with 50 x 8mm thk. G.I. Vertical supports. The
upper ring 60 x 10mm thk.G.I. and 50 x 8 mm thk G.I. Ladder ring shall fix and fitted with
necessary steel angle brackets, steel expansion bolt etc. Ladder includes all painting
work as per direction of the supervising engineer.


2. All rainwater disposal installations shall comply with BS EN 12056-3:2000 based on life
expectancy of the building of a minimum 25 years.
3. No part of the roof drainage systems (except for vertical downpipes) shall encroach below
the clear dimension from finished floor level to haunch of the steel frame. Pipework to be
fabricated in ambient conditions.
4. Adequate underground drainage must be provided for protection to ensure no ponding or
flooding of hardstanding or the erosion of tracks, landscaping and the like.
5. Overflow weirs are to be provided across the full width at the end of valley gutters and
eaves gutters. These telltale weirs should be positioned approximately 5mm above the
maximum water depth in the gutter.
6. Downpipes are to be positioned externally on perimeter walls of building only (and the
colour matched to the cladding). There are to be no rainwater pipes within the Warehouse
A1, Lubricant and Chemical Store area.
7. There shall be no permanent below ground drainage beneath the Warehouse , Lubricant
and Chemical Store footprint.

4.4.1 General Requirements

8. Aluminium rainwater items such as gutters, downpipes and outlets shall comply with the
relevant provisions of BS 2997.
9. Rainwater items made of materials other than aluminium shall be as specified in the
Project Documentation.

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5.1.1. Scope
1. This Part, which provides reference of specification for metal support framing, is to be
used in conjunction with Part 4 of Section 25, Glazed Curtain Walling.
2. Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 2 Material Types and Finishes
Part 6 Workmanship

Section 1 General
Section 16 Structural Metalwork
Section 25 Glass and Glazing

5.1.2. References
1 The following standards referred to in this Section:
BS 5368 Method of testing windows
BS 6375 Performance of windows


5.2.1. General Requirements

1. Performance of individual and aggregate components of the Work of this section are to
be designed, fabricated, assembled, transported, installed and protected so that that no
evidence of the following will be apparent, visually or measurable, when Work of this
Section is subject to the pressures, loads, temperatures, and conditions specified.
2. Damage of any kind
3. Deflections as specified in the project specification
4. Panel flatness in excess of that specified herein
5. Offset from the true alignment between consecutive components in line in excess of 1.0
mm in 6 metres
6. Water Infiltration in accordance with BS 5368, Part 2
7. Air Infiltration in accordance with BS 5368, Part 3 and BS 6375
8. Colour variation in accordance with Part 2 of this Section
9. Oil canning: panel surfaces are to remain flat without noticeable (detectable) oil canning
or surface deformation.


5.3.1. General Requirements

1. Components are to be manufactured from extruded or sheet aluminium, unless otherwise
indicated. Substitutions for aluminium may be considered only for such components that
are not finished or exposed to the weather.
2. Metal panels are to be fabricated from the specified alloy of aluminium. Thickness gauge)
of aluminium sheet shall be as specified in the project specifications
3. Metal panels are to comply with the profiles indicated on the Drawings

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4. Panels are to be fabricated so that the grain of all panels is oriented in the same direction
upon installation
5. Panel support construction to result in a panel visual flatness acceptable to the Engineer
6. Panels subject to impact and where indicated on the Drawings are to be reinforced with
aluminium members or other suitable method as approved by the Engineer
7. Extruded aluminium stiffeners and other panel stiffening devices to be designed to
prevent telegraphing or read-through of the stiffening device on the exposed face of the
8. Panel anchorage is to be designed to permit replacement without disturbing contiguous
work. All panels shall be easily removable and replaceable for inspection of the seam or
sub-roof system.


6.1. General Requirement

1. The elevations shall be generally white with vertical feature strips, colour to be agreed
with the Representative of the Client.
2. The cladding is to be designed to comply with wind loads calculated in accordance with
BS6399. The wall system to the office areas is to be to a designated ‘U’ value of
0.35w/m2K as required by Approved Document L (2002) of the Building Regulations.
3. The liner panels to be minimum 0.7mm Brilliant White Lining Enamel. The liner panel
assembly is to be sufficiently sealed and may form a vapour control layer. The wall
system to be classified a Grade B, LPCB approved construction in accordance with
LPS1181 Test for Resistance to fire.
4. Where required, under the Building Regulations, to provide fire protection to an external
wall, then a system is to be an LPCB certified Grade A construction in accordance with
LPS1181 Test for Resistance to fire. The firewall must comply with the requirements of
BS476 Parts 4 and 22. The firewall is to have a cavity depth the same as that of the rest
of the elevation to ensure there is no ‘step’ in the elevation.
5. The internal lining to any cladding is to be Class O rating for surface spread of flame a
tested to BS 475:Part 7:1971. Lining panels will be finished with a factory-applied
polyester coating to a minimum thickness of 22 microns and galvanised to be minimum
coating weight of 275g/m2.
6. The Contractor is to ascertain all requirements for acoustic and ventilation louvers as may
be necessary to support all elements of QVC Utility rooms, and shall incorporate all such
louvers into the development.
7. All elements of the wall cladding system will be covered by a 25 year warranty provided to
the Purchaser and Occupier.

6.2. Alternative Vertical Cladding Specification

1. The Wall Cladding together with its thermal, fire, vapour barrier characteristics, air
leakage performance and the design and detail of panel joints and penetrations shall be a
Composite Insulated Panel.

2. Core Material – Polyisocyanurate (PIR) Insulants

Minimum density: 38kg/m3
Minimum Compressive Strength at 10% deformation: 140KPa
Maximum Thermal Conductivity: 0.023 W/mK.

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3. Core/Skin Bonding
Panel skins are to be pre-finished steel sheet of hot dip galvanised steel with a minimum
zinc coating thickness of 135 g/m2 each side and removable protection film.

4. Wall Panel profiles are to be as follows:

External Surface – Micro Rib Finish.
Internal Surface – Slightly Ribbed or Flat finish (flat to office areas)

5. Skin finishes are to be as follows:

Internal: Food Grade PVC Laminate, minimum 100 microns including primer for wall
External: The preferred wall panel finish is a PVC liquid coating, 200 microns thick of the
British Steel Colorcoat HPS200 (Scintilla) type. It is recommended that the colour is kept
as light as possible to avoid any issues with solar radiation and gains that could impose
unnecessary heat loads to the building.
6. For the purposes of tender the Main Contractor/Cold Store Specialist Installer shall allow
for the building to be completed in RAL 9010 (White) with feature strips in an alternative
colour TBC.
7. Typical Wall Construction (TBC)
150mm or 175mm (thickness TBC) Kingspan ‘1100 CS’ Longspan wall cladding system
(or similar approved) fixed to steelwork in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

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7.1.1 Scope
1. This Part provides general specification for workmanship of fabrication and assembly of
architectural metalwork items
2. Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 2 Materials Classification
Part 3 Metal Doors and Windows
Part 4 Architectural Metal Work
Part 5 Light Metal Support and Cladding System

Section 1 General
Section 25 Glass and Glazing

7.1.2 References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 1723 Brazing
BS 1724 Bronze welding by gas
BS 2901 Filler rods and wires for gas-shielded are welding
BS 5368 Methods of testing windows
BS 6375 Performance of windows
BS EN 288 Approval of welding procedures for metallic materials


7.2.1 General Requirements

1. Prior to the start of the installation, the building to be inspected to verify all conditions and
dimensions as being acceptable to receive the Work of this Section.
2. Should any conditions be found that may prohibit proper execution of the Work, the
Contractor is to immediately notify the Engineer in writing of these conditions. Installation
is not to proceed until remedial action, acceptable to the Engineer, has been executed.


7.3.1 General Requirements

1. Use no materials, equipment or practices that may adversely affect the functioning,
appearance and durability of the completed works.
2. The works are to be installed in compliance with the specified criteria without buckling,
opening of joints, undue stress on fasteners, sealants and gaskets, opening of welds,
cracking of glass, leakage, noises or other harmful effects.
3. Conform to the materials, finishes, shapes, profiles, sizes, thicknesses, and joint locations
required by the Project Documentation.
4. Match all materials to produce continuity of line, texture and colour.
5. All work to be of the highest quality, in accordance with the best trade practices, and
performed by skilled workmen. All work shall be to the approval of the Engineer.
6. To the fullest extent practical, fabrication and assembly is to be executed in the

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7. All components exposed in the finished work are to be free from wrapping, oil-canning
effects, telegraphing of welds, studs, and other fasteners; streaks, and tool and die
8. Exposed metal edges are to be finished to match typical finished surfaces.
9. To the fullest extent possible, all fabrication is to be done prior to finishing.

7.3.2 Fabrication and Assembly

1. The design of the works should endeavour to keep Project site operations to a minimum.
Manufacturing, finishing, and assembly processes shall, wherever possible, be carried
out off-site and under controlled environmental conditions.
2. Assembly procedures to be carried out on the Project site are to be simple to execute and
capable of execution within the time allowed in the Project construction schedule.

7.3.3 Manufacturer’s Standards

1. Materials, components, and systems incorporated in the Work are to be mixed, applied
and installed in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the respective
2. Standards referred to in Section 25, Glazing, to apply to this Section.

7.3.4 Jointing and Reinforcing:

1. Accurately fit and firmly secure all exposed metal joints with metal-to-metal hairline joints.
2. All fastenings are to be installed at approved spacings. Fasteners are not to penetrate
primary gutters and drainage systems. Fasteners may penetrate the secondary system;
however, they must be properly sealed.
3. All screws and bolts up to and including 8 mm and all that are tapped into a aluminium
shall be 300 Series stainless steel.
4. All bolts 10 mm and larger to be stainless steel.
5. No self-drilling fasteners are to be allowed outboard of the primary air-seal line of metal
roofs and exterior wall cladding.
6. All jointing and splicing of members are to be concealed. Exposed fasteners to occur only
where approved by the Engineer. Where exposed in finished surfaces, screw heads shall
be Phillips oval-head countersunk type, finished to match adjacent surfaces. Pop rivets
are not to be used.
7. Conceal all joint sealants unless otherwise indicated in the Project Documentation.
8. All work is to be properly reinforced for hardware, anchors, and other attachments.

7.3.5 Welding
1. All welding of steel are to be in accordance with the recommendations of BS EN 288.
2. Steel welding is to be done by skilled mechanics qualified by test as contained in BS EN
288 and as applicable to the material thickness and type of welded joint on which the
welders will be employed.
3. All welding is to be done with electrodes and/or methods recommended by the suppliers
of the metals being welded. The type, size, and spacing of welds are to be as shown on
the approved shop drawings. Welding materials and methods are to be such as not to
cause distortion, discoloration, or result in any other adverse effect on the required
profiles and finishes or visible surfaces of the work.
4. Welding of aluminium alloys and the qualifications of aluminium welders shall conform to
BS 2901, Part 4.

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5. Welding of stainless steel shall be by TIG welding or other methods subject to approval.
Use double bevel butt welds, backing bars to remove heat, jigging, tack welds and any
other measures necessary to minimise distortion to conform to BS 2901, Part 2.
6. Welds splatter and welding oxides on exposed surfaces to be removed. All exposed
welds are to be finished to match and blend with adjacent parent metal prior to final finish
7. Stud welding is to be done by mechanics trained by the manufacturer of the stud setting
system. The manufacturer will develop specific programs and instructions in co-operation
with the fabricator to suit the needs of the specific details. The fabricator is to exercise
particular care that all recommendations of the manufacturer are followed.
8. Brazing where required shall comply to BS 1723, Parts 1, 2 and 3.
9. Welding of bronze metals shall be to BS 1724.
10. Visible marks (telegraphing) on finished surfaces due to welding of studs will not be

7.3.6 Visual Consistency of Metal Panels

1. All exposed flat metal panels are to be designated, fabricated, and installed in such a
manner that they appear visually flat when viewed from any angle. Any short length
distortions, ripples, waves, oil canning, or telegraphing of fasteners will not be permitted.
2. Provisions are to be made to allow for differential thermal movement between framing
members and the exposed metal components without noise and without distortion of the
exposed face.
3. In the event that metal flatness requires interpretation by measurement, this is to be done
by measuring and calculating the slope between any two points on the exposed surface
25 mm apart. This slope should not exceed 0.5 % from the nominal surface plane, when
measured at an ambient temperature of 25 ‫؛‬C.

7.3.7 Sealant and Gasket Applications

1. Sealing mechanisms (sealants and gaskets) shall be provided when required by the
Project Documentation or required for a permanently weathering installation. The sealing
mechanism for each location and use shall be as indicated in the Project Documentation.
In those locations where a mechanism is necessary but is not indicated, it shall be of a
type recommended by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.
2. Unless otherwise specified sealants for perimeter caulking are to be either one part
acrylic or one, two or three part polyurethane sealants having elastometric properties and
not subject to ultraviolet degradation.
3. Sealant is to be used with the joint primer and filler recommended by the manufacturer for
the type of material and width of joint to which it is to be applied. Exposed sealants are to
match the colour of the adjacent metal component.
4. Bond breaker tape is to be self-adhesive polyethylene tape or other plastic tape
recommended by the manufacturer of the sealant.
5. Joint backing is to be closed-cell polyethylene, non-bleeding neoprene, butyl rod or other
flexible, permanent, durable non-absorptive material recommended for compatibility by
the manufacturer of the sealant.
6. Specific alloys, compounds, etc. of gasket materials shall be appropriate for the function
intended and are subject to approval by the gasket manufacturer and Engineer for
compatibility and peel adhesion testing.

7.3.8 Application of Sealant

1. Sealants and primers are to be applied in the exact manner specified by the manufacturer
and are not be used when the shelf life shown on the tins or cartridges has expired.

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2. The minimum width and depth of the sealant is to be 6mm and for wider joints the depth
shall be not less than half the width of the joint.
3. The surfaces of the joint are to be free from laitence, grease, loose particles, etc., and
temporary protective coatings are to be removed from metal components. All surface are
to be cleaned as necessary to ensure they are suitable for adhesion of the sealant and
should be dry.
4. Unless the sealant manufacturer recommends otherwise:
A. The joint surfaces are to be primed.
B. Joint backing is to be used to control the depth of sealant.
C. Where the joint design will not permit the use of joint backing, an adhesive backed
polyethylene bond breaker tape is to be installed to prevent three sided adhesion.
5. Adjacent surface to the joint be masked with tape to prevent staining by the primer or
sealant. The tape should be removed as soon as the joint has been sealed by drawing it
across, and not away, from the joint.
6. The sealant to be applied with sufficient pressure to completely fill the joint, so as to
exclude all air pockets and to ensure adhesion of the material to the joint bond surfaces
equally on opposite sides. The surface of the sealant is to be tooled smooth and flush
with the adjacent surfaces unless detailed otherwise.
7. Apply sealants and gaskets under the climatic conditions recommended by the
manufacturers. All surfaces to receive sealants shall be treated (cleaned, primed or un-
primed) in accordance with the instructions of the sealant manufacturer.
8. All exterior glazing gaskets shall be vulcanized, injection moulded, or heat-welded at the
corners to form a continuous closure.


7.4.1 General Requirements

1. The Works are to be erected plumb, square, level, and correctly aligned within the
following limitations:
2. Offset from true horizontal, vertical, and design location is not to exceed plus or minus 3
mm per 4 m nor plus or minus 12 mm over any one length or part thereof of the building.
3. Maximum offset from true alignment between abutting components or components
separated by less than 75 mm should not exceed 1 mm.
4. All tolerances shall be non-cumulative.
5. Joint widths as indicated are the design joint width at an ambient temperature of 25C.
Installation procedures are to be adjusted to take into account the ambient temperature at
the time of installation.
6. Care is to be exercised to properly support and reinforce units against racking during
hoisting and installation.

7.4.2 Anchors and Connections

1. Anchors and connections are to be provided to comply with requirements for adjustability,
movement and load transfer.
2. Connections between different materials to be designed to allow for the differential
thermal movement of the respected materials.
3. Anchors and connections that are designed for movement are to be of such construction
that friction is low enough to allow for such movement without buckling or distortion of the
finished surface and other damage and without causing binding and noises.
4. Self-drilling, self-threading fasteners are to be Type 316 stainless steel, unless otherwise
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5. Metal surfaces shall be separated in such a manner that metal does not move on metal.
Materials used for this purpose should be low-friction components, sealants, or gaskets
as applicable.
6. Anchorages to structural steel should not induce rotational forces in supporting members.
7. All anchors, connections, fixings, and fasteners to be Type 316 stainless steel, unless
otherwise indicated.
8. Where indicated in the Project Documentation, bolted fasteners exposed to view are to be
corn-head bolts with matching nuts as approved by the Engineer.
9. The total thickness of a shim pack is not to exceed a dimension equal to the diameter of
the fastener/anchor.
10. Shim packs that resist compressive forces only may be high-impact plastic. Shims subject
to shear forces are to be stainless steel plates pinned together to form a monolistic shim.

7.4.3 Corrosion Protection

1. No metals, including alloys of the same base metal, are to be placed together in a
manner, combination or location likely to give rise to damage by electrolytic action or
other corrosion.
2. Isolation of dissimilar metal surfaces to prevent electrolytic action is to be accomplished
by materials which are impervious to moisture and non-absorptive.
3. All steel parts are to receive a protective treatment commensurate with their respective
functions and locations.
4. Where used to the exterior of air-seals, or in any location vulnerable to moisture, steel
shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication.
5. Field welds on galvanized steel shall be treated with an approved field cold galvanizing
6. Aluminium surfaces in contact with mortar, concrete, fireproofing, plaster, masonry, or
absorptive materials of any kind shall be coated with an anti-galvanic material, impervious
to moisture.

7.4.4 Lightning Protection

1. All metal cladding components, including panels, glazing frames, mullions, transoms,
fixings, and support structures are to be fully bonded electrically to ensure electrical
continuity of the building envelope.
2. All metal cladding components, as above, are to be connected to the building ground by
earthing jumper cables and connections.
3. Provide for the installation of lightning arrestors, air terminals, and similar items without
electrical bonding to the metal cladding components.

7.4.5 Installation of Insulation and Safing (Fire Protection)

1. Install thermal insulation and safing where indicated and as required to meet overall fire
separation requirements.
2. Provide insulation with a minimum R-value of R-10 behind any opaque exterior surface
which has conditioned space behind.
3. Install insulation using welded or mechanically fixed impaling and/or retaining clips.
Attachment methods are not to penetrate waterproofing membranes. Adhesive
attachment of insulation is not permitted.
4. Install foil tape around perimeter of foil-free of insulation board to adjacent metal framing
to achieve a positive vapour barrier.
5. Seal between foil-face of safing and foil-back of insulation at curtain wall with a smoke
resistant sealant to provide a positive smoke barrier between floors.
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7.4.6 Flashing
1. Where required or otherwise necessary to prevent leakage, flashing is to be formed from
appropriate thickness of stainless steel, aluminium, or 1.5 mm thick neoprene
(polychloroprene) or EODM sheet as part of a cured/uncured elastrometic sheet flashing
system. Stainless steel flashing is to be a minimum 1.0-mm thick; aluminium flashing to
be a minimum 1.5 mm thick.
2. Where vertical or horizontal joints occur to accommodate movement, an elastrometric
flashing system is to be used unless otherwise detailed in the Project Documentation and
approved by the engineer.
3. Elastromeric flashing connecting to work of other Sections is to be provided by the work
of this Section, including the attachment systems to this Work and to other work (except
waterproofing or roofing)
4. Where elastomeric or other flashing connects to roofing and waterproofing work, provide
200 mm of flashing beyond the point of attachment to the Work of this Section. The
connection to roofing work is to be provided by the roofing installer. Connections of such
flashing to other than water proofing work is to be provided by the work of this Section.
5. Elastomeric flashing exposed to view is to be bonded to the substrata without blistering;
joints are to be neat and as infrequent as possible. Elastomeric flashing not supported by
substrate material shall receive another layer of 1.5 mm flashing for reinforcement, fully
bonded to the finish layer and the substrate and extending at least 25 mm beyond the
unsupported area.


7.5.1 Site Tests

1. The Contractor is to engage an independent testing and inspecting agency to perform
field inspections and tests and to prepare test reports.
A. The testing agency is to conduct and interpret tests and state in each report whether
tested Work complies with or deviates from requirements
B. The Contractor is to correct deficiencies in or remove and replace work that
inspections and test reports indicate do not comply with specified requirements
C. Additional testing at Contractor’s expense is to be performed to determine
compliance of corrected Work with specified requirements.
2. Air Infiltration. Test areas of installed system indicated in the Project Documentation or as
directed by the Engineer, BS 5368 and BS 6375.
3. Water Penetration. Test areas of installed system indicated in the Project Documentation
or as directed by the Engineer for compliance with system performance requirements
according to BS 5368 and BS 6375 at minimum differential pressure of 20 % of inward
acting wind-load design pressure. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
Structures, but not less than 300 Pa.

1. Clean the entire work not more than four (4) days prior to date scheduled for inspections
that establish the date of Substantial Completion.
2. Clean all components of the Work in accordance with the recommendations of the
3. Clean the work from the topmost levels down in order to avoid staining of cleaned
surfaces from cleaning solution residue and runoff.
4. Clean glass with approved glass cleaning solutions only and ensure that cleaning solution
is completely removed from the surface after cleaning. Do not clean glass when it is
exposed to direct sunlight.

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7.7.1 General Requirement

1. Protect the works from material, equipment or procedures that may impair the functioning,
appearance, or durability of the work or other construction.
2. Protect the installed work from damage by subsequent construction activities.
3. Protection materials, such as plastic membrane tapes and adhesive sheeting, are to be
suitable for the intended protection application and protection period.
4. Protection materials are to be installed in a manner that will not trap harmful moisture or
otherwise contaminate the Work.


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1.0. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................3

1.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................3

1.2. TIMBER TYPES ......................................................................................................................4

1.3. QUALITY .................................................................................................................................4

1.4. MOISTURE CONTENT ...........................................................................................................6

1.5. STORAGE OF MATERIALS...................................................................................................6

2.0. WOOD TREATMENT..............................................................................................................7

2.1. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................7

2.2. PRESERVATIVE TREATMENT .............................................................................................7

2.3. FIRE RETARDANT TREATMENT..........................................................................................8

2.4. INSECT TREATMENT ............................................................................................................8

3.0. ARCHITECTURAL TIMBER ...................................................................................................8

3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................8

3.2 TIMBER MATERIALS (NON-STRUCTURAL FRAMES) .......................................................9

3.3 PLYWOOD .............................................................................................................................11

3.4 WOOD PANELING ................................................................................................................11

3.5 BLOCKBOARD AND LAMINBOARD ...................................................................................12

3.6 LAMINATED PLASTIC SHEET .............................................................................................12

3.7 KITCHEN CABINETS ............................................................................................................13

3.8 MISCELLANEOUS WOOD PRODUCTS ..............................................................................13

4.0. JOINERY ............................................................................................................................... 13

4.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................13

4.2 WORKMANSHIP....................................................................................................................14

4.3 TIMBER DOOR TYPES .........................................................................................................14

4.4 PURPOSE MADE FITTINGS .................................................................................................16

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4.5 ARCHITRAVES, QUADRANTS, BEADS..............................................................................17

4.6 TIMBER SKIRTINGS .............................................................................................................17

5.0. FASTENERS AND ADHESIVES .......................................................................................... 17

5.1 GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................17

5.2 FASTENERS..........................................................................................................................17

5.3 ADHESIVES ...........................................................................................................................18

5.4 ROUGH HARDWARE AND FRAME CRAMPS ....................................................................18

6.0. IRONMONGERY ................................................................................................................... 19

6.1 GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................19

6.2 PRODUCTS ...........................................................................................................................19

6.3 FITTING AND TESTING ........................................................................................................20

6.4 STANDARD IRONMONGERY FOR INTERNAL DOORS ....................................................20

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1.1.1. Scope
1 Section 9 specifies materials, accessories, and workmanship for the use of wood in
building construction. Part 1 of Section 18 defines general specifications as applicable.
2 Related Sections are as follows:
This Section:
Part 2 Wood Treatment
Part 3 Structural Timber
Part 4 Architectural Timber
Part 5 Joinery
Part 6 Fasteners and Adhesives
Part 7 Ironmongery

1.1.2. References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Section:
BS 476 Fire tests on building materials and structures
BS 729 Hot dip galvanised coatings on iron and steel articles
BS 1088 Plywood for marine craft
BS 1142 Specification for fibre building boards
BS 1186 Quality of timber and workmanship in joinery
BS 1202 Nails
BS 1203 Synthetic resin adhesive for plywood
BS 1204 Synthetic resin adhesives (phenolic and aminoplastic) for wood
BS 1210 Wood screws
BS 1282 Guide to the choice, use and application of wood preservatives
BS 2572 Phenolic laminated sheet and expoxy cotton fabric laminated sheet
BS 3444 Specification for blackboard and lamination board
BS 3621 Thief resistant locks
BS 3794 Decorative laminated plastic sheet
BS 4072 Wood preservation by means of copper/chromium/arsenic
BS 4079 Compositions
BS 4756 Ready mixed aluminium priming paints for woodwork
BS 4965 Decorative laminated plastic sheet veneeral boards and panels
BS 5268 Preservative Treatments for Constructional timbers Part 5
BS 5358 Plywood for marine craft
BS 5589 CP for preservation of timbers
BS 5666 Wood preservatives and treated timber
BS 5707 Solutions of wood preservatives in organic solvents
BS 6459 Door closers, mechanical performance
BS 6462 Casement stays, mechanical performance
BS 6566 Plywood
BS 7036 CP for installation of safety devices for automatic power operated
pedestrian door systems
BS 7352 Strength and durability performance of metal hinges
BS 8201 Timber flooring
BSEN 635 Plywood, clarification by surface appearance
BSEN 1014 Wood preservatives, creosote and creosoted timber methods of sampling
and analysis
TRADA Wood information sheets

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1.1.3. Definitions
1 Concealed surfaces: Surfaces which after installation in the building will be concealed by
the surrounding work, not merely by decoration.
2 Semi-concealed surfaces: Surfaces such as the internal parts of cupboards or fittings
which are not visible when the fittings are closed.
3 Class 1 finish: Refers to the exposed surfaces of joinery which are selected for clear
4 Class 2 finish: Refers to the exposed surfaces of joinery which are selected for painting.


1.2.1. General Description

1 Softwood is to comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1186, Part 1.
2 Hardwood is to comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1186, Part 1. Planed
representative samples of each hardwood species specified are to be submitted to the
Engineer before the manufacture of any joinery work.
3 The following hardwoods are approved for use:
(a) Iroko
(b) Afrormosia
(c) Dark Red Meranti
(d) Opepe
4 Under no circumstances shall Light Red Meranti be used.
5 Where Teak is specified no alternative hardwood will be acceptable.


1.3.1. General Description

1 Timber should comply with the requirements of Table 1.1 and should be free of the
following defects:
(a) Unsound knots, dead knots, loose knots and knot holes.
(b) Sapwood on any external hardwood or Class 1 finish surface.
(c) Splits extending through the piece from one surface to another and ring shakes.
(d) Decay and insect attack other than pinholes as defined in Tables 1.1 and 1.2.
2 Except in Class 1 finish work, defects arising from manufacture and knots may be cut or
bored out and replaced with a plug or inserts of the same species, well glued in. The plug
is to be the full depth of the hole and the grain to be in the direction of the grain of the
piece into which it is inserted. The width of any plug or insert should not be more than 6
mm greater than the maximum limit of the knot size.
3 In jointed panels each piece is to be of the same species and in Class 1 finish work all the
exposed surfaces of each piece are to have the same character of grain and are to be

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Table 1.1 Quality of Timber

Features Exposed Surfaces
Class 1 Finish Class 2 Finish
Knots Pin knots up to 6 mm Up to 25mm width 25- - one half of timber -
diameter only unless the 50mm width 50- 15mm - one quarter -
knots are specified as a 100mm width Over 25mm
feature. 100mm width
Checks, Width splits 0.3 mm 1.5 mm (filled if over 0.5 mm)
Length and Depths 300 mm 300 mm
Shakes One quarter of timber One Quarter of timber
Pitch pockets Not Permitted Not Permitted unless cut out and filled
Plugs and inserts Not Permitted Width not to be 6mm greater than maximum
limit of permitted knot size
Joints and
None Not unduly conspicuous
Glue Lines
Rate of Growth Not fewer than 8 growth rings per 25 mm at any point on any cross section
Slope of grain Not greater than 1 in 10 in softwoods and 1 in 8 in hardwoods
Boxed Heart Permitted in softwoods only if there is no shake on exposed surfaces
Pitch Not permitted Permitted if hard
Pin-holes Not permitted Permitted if filled

Table 1.2 Quality of Timber

Features Concealed and Semi-Concealed Surfaces
Knots Up to 45mm width 45-60mm width -two-thirds of timber -20mm
60-100mm width -one half
Over 100mm width -50mm
Checks, Width splits Any width
Length and Depths Not continuous for whole length
Shakes One Half of timber
Pitch pockets Permitted
Plugs and inserts Width not to be 6mm greater than maximum
limit of permitted know size
Joints and Lamination No specified requirement
Glue Lines
Rate of Growth Not fewer than 8 growth rings per 25mm at any point on any cross section
Slope of grain Not greater than 1 in 10 in softwoods and 1 in 8 in hardwoods
Boxed Heart Permitted in softwoods
Pitch Permitted
Pin-holes Permitted

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1.4.1. General Description

1 All timber is to be kept in stores, properly stacked, for a minimum period of three months
to ensure conditioning to a maximum moisture content from time of delivery and during
site storage to be no more than the following:
(a) timber 50mm and less in thickness to have a moisture content of 19% or less
(b) boards to have a moisture content of 19% or less
(c) timber over 50mm thick to have a moisture content of 25% or less.
2 Particular care is to be taken to ensure that all carpentry and joinery timbers, plywood,
blockboard and other timber based composite board, whether in prefabricated or loose
form, are delivered and maintained at the required maximum moisture content stated.
Refer to BS 6566 Part 5 for moisture content in plywood.
3 When instructed by the Engineer the Contractor is to make available a moisture meter for
the testing of moisture content on site. The test is to be carried out according to the
instrument manufacturer’s instructions at a point not nearer than 600 mm from either end
or at the centre if the length is less than 1200 mm.
4 For information related to use of moisture meters refer to the following Timber Research
and Development Association (TRADA) wood information sheets, reference:
(a) No. 14 Moisture in timber 4284 910
(b) No. 18 Moisture metres for wood 461795.


1.5.1. General Requirements

1 The Contractor is to comply with the following requirements when dealing with structural
timbers (rough carpentry):
(a) Protect timber and other products from dampness both during and after the
delivery to the site.
(b) Pile timber in stacks in such a manner as to provide air circulation around the
surfaces of each piece.
(c) Stack plywood and other board products so as to prevent warping.
(d) Locate stacks on well drained areas, supported at least above ground and
cover as necessary for protection from driving rain and prolonged sun
exposure, whilst providing ventilation.
2 The Contractor is to comply with the following requirements when dealing with
architectural timber (finished carpentry and shopwork).
(a) Joinery is to be stacked on bearers on level, dry floors. Components are to be
staggered or separated with spacers as necessary to prevent damage by and
to projecting ironmongery, beads, etc.
(b) Components which cannot be immediately unloaded into conditions of storage
recommended by the manufacturer or approved by the Engineer are not to be
delivered to the site.
(c) During transit and while stored on site, doors are to be stacked horizontally in
piles, each pile on not fewer than three cross bearers laid level and true.

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2.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the use of preservative, insect protection and fire retardant treatment
for wood construction, inclusive of Structural Timbers and Architectural woodwork. Unless
stated otherwise in the Project Documentation, the guide to choice, use and application of
wood preservatives is BS 1282.
2 Related Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 3 Structural Timber
Part 4 Architectural Timber
Part 5 Joinery
Part 6 Fasteners and Adhesives

2.1.2. References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 1282 Guide to the choice, use and application of wood preservatives
BS 5268 Preservative treatments for constructional timbers
BS 5707 Solutions of wood preservatives in organic solvents
BS 6566 Plywood
BS EN 1014 Creosote and creosoted timber

2.1.3. Submittals
1 In accordance with the Project Documentation, provide certification as specified that
required preservation treatment or fire retardant has been completed, or in the absence of
specific requirement that at minimum the manufacturers required standard application
has been used.
2 Provide a sample of woodwork as indicated by the engineer with required coatings or
treatment application for testing where required.


2.2.1. General Application

1 The preservative treatment is to be applied by pressure impregnation or the double
vacuum process. Dipping, deluging, spraying, brushing or other methods which only
provide shallow protection are not permitted.
2 The treatment to be carried out under factory conditions at the source of supply of the
timber and the Contractor is to provide a Certificate of Impregnation when required by the
3 Treatment is to be carried out after all cutting and shaping has been completed. If
subsequent cutting of the timber is unavoidable all freshly exposed surfaces are to
receive a liberal application of the preservative recommended in the relevant treatment

2.2.2. Standard Pressure Treated Preservative

1 Wood members and plywood exposed to weather or in contact with plaster, masonry or
concrete, including wood framing of openings in exterior walls of concrete or masonry,
roofed structures; wood sills, sole plates, furring; and, wood members used in connection
with roofing and flashing materials to be treated in accordance with BS 1282, BS 5268,
BS 6566, and/or BS 5707.

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2.2.3. Other Preservative Treatments

1 Creosote and creosoted timber where used as structural timber to be sampled or
analyzed to BS EN 1014.


2.3.1. General Application

1 Each piece of treated material will bear identification of the testing agency and will show
the performance rating. Treatment and performance inspection is to be by an
independent and qualified testing agency that establishes performance ratings.


2.4.1. General Application

1 All hardwood and softwood for permanent incorporation in the Works is to be treated with
preservative to provide protection against damage from insect larvae, termites and fungal
decay to BS 6566, Part 7. Organic solvent type preservatives are to contain a water
repellent. Certificates are to be provided confirming all necessary treatments required
have been completed.



3.1.1 Scope
1 This part includes specifications for fabrication and installation of exterior and interior
finished carpentry and millwork, and plastic laminate covered counters, cabinets, and
other such items.
2 Related Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 3 Framing, Furring and Blocking
Part 3 Wood
Part 5 Joinery

3.1.2 References
1 The following references are referred to in this Part:
BS 476 Fire tests on building materials and structures
BS 1088 Plywood for marine craft
BS 1142 Specification for fibre building boards
BS 1282 Choice, use and application of wood preservatives
BS 2572 Phenolic laminated sheet and epoxy cotton fabric laminated sheet
BS 3444 Specification for blockboard and lamin board
BS 4072 Use of copper/chromium/arsenic compositions
BS 4079 Plywood for marine craft
BS 4965 Decorative laminated plastic sheet veneered boards and panels
BS 5268 Part 5 - preservative treatment of structural timber
BS 5589 Code of Practice for preservation of timber
BS 5666 Methods of analysis of wood preservatives and treated timber
BS 5707 Specification of solutions for timber
BS 6566 Plywood
BS EN 635 Plywood Part 2 Hardwood

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3.1.3 Submittals
1 In accordance with the Project Documentation, provide Shop Drawings and Samples as
specified, or at minimum as follows:
(a) Shop Drawings showing detailed finished work such as cabinetry, counters, built-in
furniture requiring shopwork finished carpentry should have large scale shop
drawings provided.
(b) Samples of architectural woodwork (shopwork) with final surface finishing and any
required coatings of paint, varnish, stain or other coatings, at approximate size of 700
x 100 mm.
(c) Samples of plastic laminate finish on plywood or particle board at size of 300 x 15
(d) Certificates indicating preservative treatments, insect protection or fire retardant
treatment of materials as meets the project requirements.
(e) Certificates indicating moisture content of materials as meets the project

3.1.4 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling

1 Protect shopwork items from dampness both during and after delivery to site.
2 Store finished shopwork in weathertight well ventilated structures or in space in existing
buildings designated by the Engineer.
3 Do not install finished shopwork in any room or space where concrete, masonry, or
plaster work is not completed and dry.


3.2.1 Grading and Marking

1 Members are to bear the grade mark, stamp, or other identifying marks indicating grades
of materials, and rules or standards under which produced.

3.2.2 Sizes
1 Size references, unless otherwise specified are nominal sizes, and actual sizes are to be
within manufacturing tolerances allowed by the standard under which the product is

3.2.3 Specific Items

1 Timber for (shopwork), exterior walkways handrails, shelves, handrails, seats, cabinets
and other such items is specified in the Project Documentation and drawings.

3.2.4 Moisture Content

1 Moisture content of timber and shopwork at the time of delivery to the site should be as
(a) Interior finished timber, trim and shopwork 30 mm or less in thickness, moisture
content to be 12 % minimum on 85 % of the work and a maximum of 15 % on the
(b) Exterior treated or untreated finished timber 100 mm or less in thickness, moisture
content to be 15 % minimum.

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3.2.5 Fire Retardant Treatment

1 Where timber members and plywood are specified to be fire retardant treated, the
treatment is to be in accordance with BS 476.
2 Treatment and performance inspection is to be by an independent and qualified testing
3 Each piece of treated material is to bear the identification of the testing agency and
should indicate performance in accordance with such a rating.

3.2.6 Preservative Treatment

1 All softwood for permanent incorporation in the Works to be treated with preservative to
provide protection against damage from insect larvae, termites and fungal decay. Organic
solvent type preservatives are to contain a water repellant.
2 The preservative treatment is to be applied by pressure impregnation or the double
vacuum process. Dipping, deluging, spraying, brushing or other methods which only
provide shallow protection are not permitted.
3 The treatment is to be carried out under factory conditions at the source of supply of the
timber and the Contractor is to provide a Certificate of Impregnation when required by the
4 Treatment is to be carried out after all cutting and shaping has been completed. If
subsequent cutting of the timber is unavoidable all freshly exposed surfaces are to
receive a liberal application of the preservative recommended in the relevant treatment
specification. Refer to BS 1282, BS 4072, BS 5268, BS 5589, BS 5666 and BS 5707.

3.2.7 Fixing of Exterior Shopwork

1 Fixing of exterior shopwork:
(a) All edges of timber members exposed to weather are to be end grain.
(b) All shopwork is to be primed and back painted before fixing.
(c) Shopwork is to be nailed, screwed or bolted at each support (blocking).
(d) All joints are to be close fitted, mitred, tongue and grooved, rebated or lapped to
exclude water.
2 Edges of members in contact with concrete or masonry are to have a square corner
caulking rebate.
3 Staff beads are to have a caulking rebate.

3.2.8 Fixing of Interior Shopwork

1 Except where special profiles are shown, trim is to be standard stock molding and all
members to be of the same species. All finished shopwork is to be free from pitch
pockets. Plywood is to be a minimum 12 mm thick, unless otherwise shown or specified.
2 No interior woodwork is to be set until primed and back-painted; or until all concrete,
masonry and plaster in buildings is complete and dry.
3 Interior shopwork which is to receive a transparent finish is to be primed and back-painted
only on surfaces to be concealed. Secure trim with fine finishing nails and with screws
and glue where required. Set nails for putty stopping.
4 All members such as moulding strips, chair rails, and base strips which are less than 4.25
m in length are to be from one piece of timber, back channeled and molded as shown.
5 Interior trim and items of shopwork to be painted may be fabricated from jointed, built-up,
or laminated members, unless otherwise shown on the drawings.

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3.3.1 Softwood Plywood

1 Softwood plywood is to comply with the relevant provisions of BS EN 635 Part 2.
2 Fire resistant softwood plywood is to meet all requirements for flamespread and smoke
developed when tested in accordance with BS 476.
3 Plywood is to bear the label of the testing agency designating rate of flame spread, fuel
contributed and smoke developed.
4 Each sheet of plywood is to bear the mark of a recognized association or independent
inspection agency that will maintain a continuing control over the quality of the plywood.
The mark is to identify the plywood by species group or identification index, and show the
glue type, grade, and compliance with BS 6566.

3.3.2 Hardwood Plywood

1 Hardwood plywood is to comply with the relevant provisions of BS EN 635 Part 2.
2 Fire resistant hardwood plywood
(a) Core is to be exterior type softwood plywood; face and back veneer to be untreated;
factory seal planed edges, to prevent loss of fire retardant by the manufacturers
(b) Plywood panels are to meet all requirements for flamespread, smoke developed and
fuel contributed, when tested in accordance with BS 576
(c) Each panel is to bear the label of testing agency designating rate of flame spread,
fuel contributed and smoke developed.

3.3.3 Marine Plywood

1 Marine plywood shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1088 and BS 4079.


3.4.1. General
1 This part specifies requirements for use of board planks or sheet panelling of unfinished
or pre-finished surfaces for use as wall covering, wainscots, or built-in type furniture such
as counter surfaces.

3.4.2. Board Planking

1 Timber type and finish to be applied is to be as specified by the Project Documentation.
2 Unless specified otherwise board planks are to be as follows:
(a) Timber stock to be 19 mm thick with each board in one piece floor to ceiling, V-cut as
shown on plans
(b) Blind nail each board at each bearing on furring strips.

3.4.3. Wall Sheet Paneling

1 Use hardwood plywood, premium grade, with unfinished or factory prefinished surface.
Project drawings will specify, thickness and if surface will be vertical V-grove random
planked, or flush grooved.
2 Joints are to be tightly butted and plumb.
3 Panelling is to be laid vertically and blind nailed to wood furring.
4 Wood mouldings are to be solid wood members of the same species as the wall paneling.

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5 The Type of finish required on factory prefinished wall panels to be as specified on the


3.5.1 General Requirements

1 Blockboard and laminboard to be free from bow, twist and warp and conform to BS 3444.
2 On 3-ply boards the thickness of the veneers to be a minimum of 2.5 mm and a maximum
of 3.6 mm.
3 Cores are to consist of strips of wood of the same species throughout any one board. In
blockboard the width of each strip is not to be less than 8 mm and not more than 25 mm,
and in laminboard it is not to be less 7 mm.
4 The strips are to be laid side by side with the grain parallel and run in the longer direction
of the board. The strips may be butted end to end provided there is not gap at the butt
and that the butts in adjacent strips are staggered by at least 150 mm. The strips are to
be assembled in such a manner that the finished board is the equivalent of a solid slab
free from all voids.
5 The grain of each veneer is to be parallel to that of the corresponding veneer and that of
the veneers next to the core to be at right angles to the direction of the strips in the core.
6 Face plies Class 1 and Class 2 finish to be as for plywood except that Class 1 finish
veneers may be of one or more pieces. When of more than one piece it is to be well
jointed and matched for colour at the joints. The pieces are to be equal in width subject to
a deviation of ± 10% and not less than 250 mm wide.

3.5.2 Fixing Laminated Timber Boards

1 Blockboard and laminboard are to be fixed with the laminations running in the direction of
the longest span.
2 Blockboard and laminboard are not to be used externally.
3 Plywood is not to be installed with exposed edges in external work.
4 The new edges formed by cut-outs in laminated timber boards for sinks, taps and the like
are to be liberally coated with waterproof glue to form a seal.


3.6.1 General Requirements

1 Laminated Plastic is to comply with BS 2572 and BS 4965.
(a) Standard grade: thickness is to be not less than 1.59 mm for horizontal work and 0.08
mm for vertical work
(b) Bending grade: thickness is to be not less than 0.60 mm for on site bending to a
radius of 75 mm or less
(c) Post formed grade: minimum thickness to be 1.1 mm.

3.6.2 Fixing Laminated Plastics

1 Adhesive to be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and be
approved by the sheet surfacing manufacturer. Adhesives other than a contact type are to
be bonded in presses.
2 Where veneers are next to each other they are to be matched both for colour and pattern.
3 When not otherwise specified, the Contractor is to apply to the back face a sheet of
similar timber veneer the same thickness as the face veneer, ensuring that moisture
content of the veneers is equal.

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4 When using laminated plastics, a sheet of similar material and thickness to the face sheet
is to be applied to the back face unless otherwise specified. The material to be
conditioned before fixing in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
5 Edges of laminated plastics are to be chamfered at all external angles. Standard grade is
to be used for flat work and postforming grades for shaped work. The material is to be
bonded to chipboard, blockboard or plywood of at least 15 mm thickness.
6 Joints are to be made level by positioning cores splines or dowels and tightened by
means of drawbolts. Joints between postformed sections should be mitred at 45º for
accurate positioning. Vertical joints are to be bevelled to produce a V joint.


1 Kitchen cabinets to be made of 20 mm thick Blockboard shutter with aluminium finish 50
x50mm wood frames having Granite top counter 30 mm thick with Stainless steel Sink
single bowel as per dimensions shown on drawings.
2 Kitchen door Fire Rated as per Civil defense rules/approved drawings.


3.8.1 Building Board (Handboard)

1 Building board is to comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1142.



4.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies workmanship and special detail construction for doors, windows,
architraves, beads, and timber skirting, and speciality wood flooring of block or parquet
2 Related Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 2 Wood Treatment
Part 3 Structural Timber
Part 4 Architectural Timber
Part 6 Fasteners and Adhesives
Part 7 Ironmongery

4.1.2. References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:

BS 476 Fire tests on building materials and structures

BS 729 Hot dip galvanised coatings on iron and steel articles
BS 1186 Quality of timber and workmanship in joinery
BS 1202 Nails
BS 1204 Synthetic resin adhesives (phenolic and aminoplastic) for wood
BS 1210 Wood screws
BS 3794 Decorative laminated plastic sheet
BS 4756 Ready mixed aluminium priming paints for woodwork
BS 5358 Solvent-borne priming paints for woodwork

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4.2.1 Joinery Workmanship

1 Timber used for joinery work is to be finished to the sizes indicated in the Project
Documentation and to BS 1186.
2 The joinery to be constructed exactly as shown on the drawings. Where types of joints
are not specifically indicated they are to be recognised forms of joints for each position
and shall be made so as to comply with BS 1186, Part 2.
3 All joints are to be glued and screwed or doweled to BS 1204, BS 1210 or BS 1186 as
4 Exposed and semi-concealed joinery is to be planed and sanded to remove all machinery
and other surface defects so that after application of the specified finish imperfections in
manufacture will not be apparent.
5 Exposed edges and corners are to be sanded off to form a “ pencil rounded” arris.
6 Architraves, cover fillets, skirtings and the like are to be accurately shaped to fit the
contour of any irregular surface against which they are required to form a close
7 Joinery for painting on site is to be primed before delivery to the site to BS 4756, BS


4.3.1 Flush Doors

1 Minimum door leaf thickness is to be:
(a) Internal door 40 mm
(b) External door 50 mm
2 Solid core doors to be comprise of softwood timber battens laminated together with a
minimum 4mm plywood skin. The core laminations softwood are to be a maximum 50 mm
wide and are to be laid alternately to balance stresses.
3 Semi-solid core doors are to contain a minimum 50% timber and are to be constructed on
the stressed skin principle having a minimum 4 mm plywood skin.
4 Exterior quality doors are to be constructed using Type WBP adhesives and an exterior
quality 4 mm plywood skin.
5 All facing materials including veneered materials are to be such that the following defects
do not appear on the finished surfaces:
(a) Lifting at edges
(b) Blistering
(c) Sinking or raising of the surface due to knots or other defects in the core material
(d) Ripple effect whereby the construction of the core is seen on the face of the door.
(e) To BS 3794
6 Doors are to be hardwood lipped on both horizontal and vertical edges. Lippings to be
solid and measured at least 8 mm on the face of the door. Lippings to doors with a Class
1 finish are to match the face skin.
7 If the construction of the door is such that the lock, hinges or bolts can only be fitted
where blocks are provided to receive them, the position and extent of the blocks are to be
indicated by a suitable markings on the edge of the door. Where a surface mounted
closer or a flush bolt is specified, blocks shall also be suitably positioned to receive them.

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8 Where a flush or mortised door closer is specified a solid timber rail insert minimum 75
mm wide is to be provided for all door types. Closers are to not be fixed to the end grain
of solid core doors.
9 Openings for glazing or grilles in semi-solid core doors are to be formed with a sub-frame
all round the opening minimum 36 mm wide.
10 The maximum deviation from a true plane on either face of a door when measured by a
straightedge is to be:
(a) Bow in length: 3 mm
(b) Horizontal bow: 2 mm
(c) Deviation from the true plane (twist) : 4 mm
(d) The ends of the braces are to be splay notched to the ledges and the ends of the
ledges set back 15 mm from the edges of the door. The direction of the braces should
be upwards from the hanging stile.

4.3.2 Fire Resisting Door Assemblies

1 Half-hour and one-hour fire resisting door assemblies are to have a minimum fire resisting
performance when tested in accordance with BS 476, Part 8 of 30/30 and 60/60
2 The door and frame of fire resisting door assemblies are to be supplied by the same
manufacturer and be installed strictly in accordance with his instructions.
3 A copy of the Test Certificate shall be submitted to the Engineering for each type of door
assembly supplied.
4 The doors to generally comply with the requirements of Part 5.2.1 and are to have a
minimum 4 mm plywood skin.
5 The doors are to be marked on the hanging stile with an appropriate reference indicating
the fire resisting performance of the door assembly.
6 Doors are to be fitted with an automatic self-closing device and be hung on a minimum of
three hinges, manufactured from non-combustible material having a melting point in
excess of 850ºC. Rising butt hinges are not acceptable as an automatic self-closing
device. No ‘HOLD OPEN OPTION’ is permitted unless the magnetic catch is operated by
the fire alarm system.

4.3.3 Hanging Timber Doors

1 The maximum clearance between frames and door when hung is to be 3 mm.
2 The maximum clearance between an internal door and finished floor level is to be 6 mm
(unless noted to be undercut) and between an external door and threshold or finished
floor level to be 3 mm.
3 External doors and doors exceeding 20 kg in weight are to be hung on three 100 mm x 75
mm hinges as a minimum.
4 Hinges to be stainless steel, aluminium or brass as noted in the project documentation or
as directed by the Engineer and to BS 729 where applicable.
5 Main Entrance doors to Apartment to be Semi Solid with 4 mm thick Teak veneer on both
sides Merantee wood frame 5 cm thick for full wall thickness (without sub frames) and
Merantee wood architrave 7 cm x 2 cm.
6 All internal doors to be of hollow core flush doors with 4mm thick Teak veneer on both
sides. Merantee wood frame 5 cm thick for full wall thickness (without sub frames) and
Merantee wood architrave 6 cm x 2 cm.

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4.3.4 Door Frames, Sub-frames and Linings

1 Frames, sub-frames and linings are collectively referred to as “frames” in this Part.
2 Frames are to be manufactured with either mortise and tenon or tongued joints so as to
be square and flat.
3 The backs of frames are to be painted with two coats of primer to BS 5358, or BS 4756
before installation.
4 Frames to be fixed plumb, level and securely to prevent deflection or movement.
5 Frames built-in as the surrounding structure is constructed are to be fixed with cramps at
maximum 600 mm centres. One cramp to be located 200 mm from the bottom of the
frame and one 200 mm from the top or at the nearest adjacent bed joint. All cramps are to
be secured to the frame by two screws. Alternative fixing methods are to be approved by
the Engineer and to BS 1202, BS 1204, and BS 1210 as applicable.
6 Frames which are to be built-in are to be temporarily braced sufficient to prevent
7 Frames to previously prepared openings are to be fixed with screw fastenings at
maximum 450 mm centres. One fastening is to be located 200 mm from the bottom of the
frame and one 200 mm from the top.
8 Packing between the frame and reveal to accurately position the frame in a previously
prepared opening is to be hardwood, located only where the fastenings tighten against
the reveal.
9 Screw fastenings are to extend into the structural reveal by at least 40 mm or the
thickness of the frame excluding any stop, whichever is the greater.
10 Door frames which occur in wet areas should not extend below the finished floor level.


4.4.1. General Requirements

1 Fittings to be constructed in accordance with Part 7 and are to be installed plumb and
2 Critical site dimensions are to be checked before commencing manufacture of the fittings
and no fittings dimension is to be altered without the approval of the Engineer.
3 All surfaces are to be smooth and free from splinters and no parts to have exposed rough
or sharp edges whether on the inside or outside of the fitting.
4 Where a door overlaps the frame or another door the face of the rebate is not to be more
than 1.5 mm from the face of the frame or door at any point.
5 Where a door is fitted into the surrounding framework the clearance between each edge
of the door and the frame or another door should not be more than 1.5 mm.
6 Door hinges or pivots are to be fitted in alignment.
7 Drawers should slide freely and be fitted with runners and guides so that there is no
undue play in any direction which could produce wedging or jamming.
8 Where a drawer overlaps the frame, the face of the rebate is not to be more than 1.5 mm
from the face of the frame at any point when the drawer is closed.
9 Where a drawer is fitted into the surrounding frame work the clearance around the edge
of the drawer when closed is not to be more than 1.5 mm.

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4.5.1. General Requirements

1 Architraves, quadrants, beads and the like are to be in unjointed lengths between angles
or ends of runs. Angle joints to be mitred.
2 Architraves and quadrants should not be installed until after the wall coverings have been
formed or constructed.
3 Glazing beads where required are to be wrought splayed and rounded and be neatly
mitred and fixed with small brads or lost-head mails.


4.6.1. General Requirements

1 Skirting are to be fixed with screws at maximum 600 mm centres.
2 Angle joints to be mitred. Joints in the running length should be kept to a minimum and
where necessary be splayed.



5.1.1. Scope
1 This part deals with the specification of fasteners and adhesives.

2 Related Sections are as follows:

This Section
Part 1 General
Part 2 Framing furring and blocking
Part 3 Wood doors
Part 4 Architectural timbers
Part 5 Joinery

5.1.2. References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 729 Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles.
BS 1202 Nails
BS 1204 Synthetic resin adhesives (phenolic and aminoplastic) for wood
BS 1210 Wood screws


5.2.1. Nails and Screws

1 Nails and screws are to comply with BS 1202, Part 1 and BS 1210 respectively.

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5.2.2. Fastenings
1 Fastenings in external areas are to be sheradised, galvanized or non-ferrous.
2 Nails are not to be less than 25 mm long or 2½ times the thickness of the member
through which the nails are being driven, whichever is the greater.
3 Screws are not be less than 12 mm long or twice the thickness of the member through
which the screws are being driven, whichever is the greater.
4 Regardless of the specified minimum lengths, nails and screws are not to be longer than
the total thickness of the members being joined, less 5 mm.
5 Nail heads should be punched, and screw heads not required to be pellated to be
countersunk, not less than 2 mm below surfaces which will be visible in the finished work,
the holes filled with putty or a proprietary filler and sanded smooth and flush.
6 Plugs for screw fastenings into blockwork or concrete are to be of proprietary
manufactured sized to suit the screw. Wooden plugs will not be permitted.

5.2.3. Pellating
1 Screw heads which are to be pellated are to be countersunk 6 mm below the timber
surface. Pellets to be cut from matching timber not less than 6 mm thick, glued in with the
grain matched, planed and sanded off flush with the face.
2 Screw heads are to be pellated where the timber surface is to receive a clear finish.


5.3.1. General Requirements

1 Adhesives used in carpentry and joinery work should be synthetic resin adhesives
complying with BS 1204, Parts 1 and 2 Type WBP for all external work and Type BR for
internal work.


5.4.1. General
1 This Part specifies fasteners and fastening systems used for Structural Timber
construction and within some framing with Architectural woodwork.

5.4.2. Products
1 Cramps to be mild steel size 2 x 25 x 250 mm girth, galvanized after fabrication to BS
729, turned up at one end and drilled twice for 3 mm diameter screws and fish tailed at
the other end for building in.
2 Furnish rough hardware, except nails, with a standard plating, applied after punching,
forming and assembly of parts. Galvanized anchors and bolts (with nuts and washers),
straps, and hangers except bolts may be cadmium plated, or zinc-coated by electro-
galvanising process. Aluminium-alloy nails, plated nails, or zinc-coated nails, for nailing
woodwork exposed to weather are to be used. Bolt heads and nuts bearing on wood
should be fitted with washers. For work exposed to the weather, washers of cast iron, or
zinc or cadmium coated steel are to be used. Special nails as required for use with ties,
anchors, framing connectors, joint hangers and similar items are to be used in
accordance with the item manufacturers instructions or as directed by the Engineer.
3 Joist Ties: Are to be mild steel flats, 5 mm by 32 mm size with ends bent 30 degrees from
horizontal, and extending at least 40 mm onto the framing. Each end to be punched for
three spikes.

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4 Wall anchors for Joists and Rafters: Provide a mild steel strap, 5 mm by 32 mm with wall
ends bent 50 mm, or provide 9.5 mm by 127 mm pin through the strap and build into
masonry. Provide anchors parallel to framing long enough to extend at least 406 mm onto
framing and punch for three spikes. Provide anchors at right angles to framing; long
enough to extend onto three joists or rafters, punched for spiking at each bearing.



6.1.1 Scope
1 This Part deals with the specification of ironmongery items.
2 Related Sections are as follows:
Section 1 General
Section 17 Metal Work
Section 21 Electrical Works

6.1.2 References

1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:

BS 3621 Specification for thief resistant locks
BS 5725 Emergency Exit Devices
BS 6459 Door closers
BS 6462 Casement stays
BS 7036 CP for powered doors
BS 7352 Specification for metal hinges
BS EN 60730 Electrically operated door locks


6.2.1 General
1 The Contractor is to provide and fix ironmongery required by the Project Documentation
complete, including all necessary screws, bolts, plugs and other fittings. The use of nails
for fixing ironmongery will not be permitted. The Contractor to hand over all work in a
finished state and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
2 All ironmongery is to be of first quality and be obtained form an approved manufacturer.
Butt hinges are to be aluminium alloy, stainless steel or brass as specified with double
stainless steel washers to BS 7352.
3 The Contractor will be required to submit for approval samples of all items of ironmongery
that he proposes to use.
4 All doors are to be provided with an approved floor stop plugged and screwed to the floor
or wall and all opening areas of aluminium work (louvered doors) are to be provided with
appropriate stays (friction type to plant room or service area doors opening out) to BS
6462. The size, materials, finishes, type and quality of ironmongery will be as described in
the Project Documentation.

6.2.2 Finish
1 The finish of the various items of ironmongery is to be as described in the Project
Specification or shown on the Drawings.

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2 Ironmongery not obtainable from the same range and/or manufacturer as the general
ironmongery for the Works is to match the general ironmongery as closely as possible.
3 Ironmongery to metal windows and doors is generally to match the general framing and is
to be supplied and fixed with matching metal fixing screws and bolts and additional


6.3.1 General Requirements

1 All screws used for fixing ironmongery are to be of the correct type, material, finish, size
and shape to the approval of the Engineer.
2 The hinges on which doors, windows, flyscreen doors, etc., are hung are to be carefully
housed or let into the door, window, flyscreen doors, etc., and to the frames.
3 All fittings are to be removed before commencing any painting operations and are to be
refixed in place after all painting works are completed and approved by the Engineer.
4 All ironmongery is to be carefully wrapped and protected until the completion of the work
and any items or parts which are damaged or defaced or found to be defective are to be
replaced at the Contractor’s expense before handing over.
5 On completion of all locks, catches and similar items of ironmongery they are to be
properly cleaned, tested and oiled, and all keys are to be clearly labelled with metal tags
approximately 50 x 20 mm and securely fixed to the keys and handed to the Engineer.
Thief resistant locks are to BS 3621.
6 Door closers are to be fitted a maximum of two weeks before handover. Power door
closers are to BS 7036 and other standard closers to BS 6459 as applicable.
7 All floor and door springs are to be fully charged with oil and their operation checked to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.
8 Hinges are to be fitted in a standard position 250 mm from the top or bottom edge of the
door to the centre of the hinge. Where a third hinge is fitted it is to be located centrally
between the top and bottom hinges.
9 Locks are to be fitted so that the centre of the handle is at height of 1020 mm from the
bottom of the door and to BS 3621 as applicable.


6.4.1 General Requirements

1 Each door leaf is to be fitted with 1½ pairs of 100 x 75 mm satin anodized aluminium,
stainless steel or brass, double stainless steel washered butts unless otherwise noted in
the Particular Project documentation and drawings.
2 Where a supplier cannot offer the particular required ironmongery the Contractor is to
produce samples of other supplier’s items most nearly matching the general ironmongery
and/or produce alternative ironmongery by the main supplier most closely conforming
with the specification for the approval of the Engineer and to BS 7352.
3 All locks are to be provided with 2 keys on a key ring neatly labelled.
4 ‘Master Key’ locking systems are as stated in the Project Documentation.
5 All knob sets are to include for the appropriate mortise latch or lock with a 70 mm backset
and with standard face-plates and roses unless otherwise noted.

6.4.2 Ironmongery
1 All exposed ironmongery i.e., handles, plates, door closures, kicking plates etc. to be as
listed below. Contractor to provide samples of all ironmongery items for Engineer's

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2 All Ironmongery shall be as noted below or equivalent Stainless steel finish matt finish or
hairline finish. All Ironmongery shall be from “ ALL GOOD MODRIC” or equivalent in
polished Stainless steel finish unless otherwise noted & approved by Engineer
3 The Contractor shall provide an ironmongery schedule in accordance with the
architectural schedule and specification to Engineer's approval.
4 Butt Hinges:
(a) Each door shutter shall be providing with 3 hinges or as instructed by the
Engineer. Hinges shall be – Triple knuckle, satin chrome plated steel – size 100 x
75 x 2.5mm.
(b) All hinges shall be 100mm in height.
5 Mortise Lock – HL Oval mortise lock, S/S low friction latch bolt, heavy
6 Spring for levers, 92 x 60mm Oval Cylinder – good advanced double cylinder, anti pick
paracentric keyway with exclusive T6 pins
7 Cylinder shall be Profile Type. The Backset for the lock shall be 50mm & the Forend
8 Double action door locks shall be Heavy duty. Cylinder shall be Profile Type with latch.
The Backset for the lock shall be 60mm & the Forend 24mm.
9 Locks with shoot bolt & roller catch shall be Heavy duty. Cylinder shall be Profile The
Backset for the lock shall be 35mm & the Forend square.
10 Dead Locks with Shoot bolt shall be Heavy duty. Cylinder shall be Profile Type. The
Backset for the lock shall be 40mm & the Forend square.
11 Door Closer – Overhead Hydraulic Transom concealed – Double action
End load installation Type, complete with all accessories -
- Closer arm with channel
- Closer arm with angle bracket
- Floor pivot set
- Threshold pivot set
12 Door Stopper
13 Lever handles -22mm HD safety lever handle – size 133 x 55 x 22mm
14 Back plate-Square with Oval Cylinders – size 152 x 152 mm
15 All doors for WC shall be provided with the following:
Back plate – on the inside.
Turn indicator – on the outer side with concealed Fixing Rose.
Room signs for Toilets
16 Flush bolts shall be lever action – 2 nos per door. Dust proof flush bolt shall be
provided at floor level.
17 Pull handle
18 Push plate
19 Kick plate - 3mm thk – 200 wide length to suit door leaf
20 Letter plates
21 Room indicator Anodized Aluminum finish signboard to be provided in the doors as per
ironmongery schedule. Size must be 50mm high 5mm thick and 300mm width (width
can be changed according to the length of room designation)
22 All double leaf doors shall be provided with “ASTRAGAL”.
23 Basic system for door locking control shall be as follows.
(a) Master keys for access to all rooms in all building.
(b) Master keys for access to mechanical, electrical and services installation rooms

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(c) Keys to each separate lockable room.

24 Key System
(a) Key systems for hardware sets are to be approved by the Engineer. Key and
master key requirement is 3 keys for each lock.
(b) Wall mounted security key box in gray metal (lockable) to be provided by the
Contractor for all keys. Location of box to be agreed by the Client.
(c) All keys shall be die-stamped and a complete cross-indexed schedule, including
cards and key index finders for the complete keying system.
25 Coat hooks are to be satin aluminium and fixed to toilet door.
26 Drawer pulls shall be powder-coated aluminum and sliding rail shall be powder coated.
27 The Contractor shall provide an ironmongery schedule in accordance with the
architectural schedule and specification to Engineer's approval.
28 Door Signage to all Rooms
(a) Stainless steel satin finish plate to match with iron mongery range size 2 x 170
mm to suit with the width of door (contractor should take dimension) each plate
shall be engraved with room number and room occupancy. Door signage cross
plate to be provided to the doors. Sample to be submitted for Client's approval.
Contractor should provide schedule and room indication system for Engineer's
approval. F.S.B- Fronz Shcneider, or equal and approved. All room numbering
and room designation must be in English.


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1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 3

1.2 REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS...................................................................................... 3

1.3 CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITY .................................................................................... 3

1.4 CODES & STANDARDS ........................................................................................................ 4

1.5 CRAFTSMEN .......................................................................................................................... 4

1.6 MATERIALS ........................................................................................................................... 5

1.7 DRAWINGS ............................................................................................................................ 5

1.8 SITE WORKS .......................................................................................................................... 6

1.9 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS ................................................................... 6

2. WATER DISTRIBUTION......................................................................................................... 7

2.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................... 7

2.2 WATER SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................. 7

2.3 COLD WATER PUMPS .......................................................................................................... 7

2.4 WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPEWORK ................................................................................... 11

2.5 PIPES AND FITTINGS – INSTALLATIONS ......................................................................... 13

2.6 PIPE FIXINGS ........................................................................................................................ 17

2.7 VALVES STOPCOCKS AND GAUGES................................................................................ 17

2.8 PIPE INSTALLATIONS ......................................................................................................... 19

2.9 INSULATION OF WATER PIPES ......................................................................................... 20

2.10 MISCELLANEOUS ................................................................................................................ 20

3. PLUMBING PIPEWORK IN TRENCHES .............................................................................. 21

3.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................. 21

3.2 PIPES AND FITTINGS........................................................................................................... 21

3.3 PIPEWORK JOINTING .......................................................................................................... 21

3.4 PIPE LAYING ......................................................................................................................... 22

4. COLD WATER STORAGE .................................................................................................... 26

4.1 GENERAL .................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.1


4.2 WATER TANK ....................................................................................................................... 27

4.3 FILTERS ................................................................................................................................ 29

5. WATER PURIFIER ................................................................................................................ 30

6. ELECTRICAL WATER HEATERS ........................................................................................ 30

6.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................. 30

7. SANITARY WARE INSTALLATIONS: .................................................................................. 31

7.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................. 31

7.2 TESTING PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................... 31

8. COMMISSIONING OF SYSTEMS ......................................................................................... 30

8.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................. 31

8.2 PIPELINE IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................................. 32

8.3 TESTING AND INSPECTION ................................................................................................ 33

9. WARRANTY .......................................................................................................................... 36

10. LIST OF RECOMMENDED MANUFACTURERS ................................................................. 36

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.2





1.1.1 Scope
1. This Section specifies the requirements for the construction and installation of all works
associated with the supply, storage and distribution of potable water, with the exception of
those works normally undertaken by the Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation


1.2.1 Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation

1. The Contractor shall conform to all the requirements of the Plumbing Works” as prepared by


1.3.1 General
1. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals and permits required to
complete the Works.

1.3.2 Approval to Carry Out Plumbing Works

1. Approval to carry out plumbing works must be obtained from QGEWC for new installations and
extensions or alternations to existing installations.
2. All approval procedures shall be as required by QGEWC.

1.3.3 Registration of Plumbers and Plumbing Contractors

1. All plumbers and plumbing contractors shall be approved by QGEWC.

1.3.4 Notice of Intent

1. The Contractor shall notify QGEWC in writing at least 14 days prior to the commencement of
any plumbing works.
2. During the course of the Works, QGEWC or its nominated representative shall have full
access to the Works.

1.3.5 Existing Services

1. The Contractor is responsible for locating and identifying all existing services in the area of the
work or likely to be affected by the Work.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.3


1.3.6 Maintenance Period Requirements

1. The Contractor is responsible for all the maintenance period requirements for all parts and
components of the Works covered in this Section. Such requirements shall include, but not be
limited to, the requirements of the Project Documentation and the manufacturer’s


1. The installation, materials, and all components shall comply with all statutory instructions and
Regulations current at the time of the tender whether so detailed or not, and shall conform in
all respects with the following: -
A. Qatar Construction Specifications 2014

B. Safety Health & Welfare Regulations issued by the State of Qatar

C. Water Regulations issued by the Ministry of Electricity & Water Department

D. The Fire Department Regulations

E. All relevant British Standards

BSCP 310 - Water Supply

BSCP 2005 - Sewerage

BS 5572 - Code of Practice for Sanitary Pipe work

BS 8301 - Building Drainage

F. National Fire Protection Association ( NFPA)

G. Under Writers laboratories

2. Should any conflict arise between the codes and the standards mentioned above, then the
Regulations issued by the State of Qatar shall take precedence.


1.5.1 Workmanship
1. Construction of each part of the Works covered in this Section shall be undertaken by
experienced craftsmen capable of performing the tasks allocated to them in a professional and
competent manner.
2. If required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall instruct craftsmen to demonstrate their ability
to perform tasks allocated to him.

1.5.2 Qualifications
1. Where the Project Documentation specifies that specialist craftsmen are required to undertake
a specific work task, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with copies of qualifications
pertinent to performing such work tasks for those craftsmen who will be undertaking the work.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.4



1.6.1 General
1. All materials, components and products shall comply with the relevant provisions of Section 1,
General, subject to the provisions of Clause 1.2.2 of this Part.
2. All materials, components and products shall be supplied by experienced and approved
manufacturers as designated in the Project Documentation and to the written approval of the


1.7.1 Explanation of Project Drawings

1. For purposes of clearness and legibility, the Project Drawings are essentially diagrammatic,
and although size and location of equipment are drawn to scale where possible, the Contractor
shall make use of all data in all of the Contract Documents and shall verify this information
prior to and during construction.
2. Scale and figure dimensions are approximate and are for estimating purposes only. Before
proceeding with any part of the Work, the Contractor shall assume all responsibility for the
fitting of his materials and equipment to other parts of the Works.
3. All work not shown in complete detail shall be installed in conformance with accepted standard
practice and manufacturer’s recommendations.
4. All items shall be installed in a manner and in locations avoiding all obstructions, preserving
headroom and keeping openings and passageways clear. Changes shall be made to the
location of equipment and materials as may be necessary in order to accomplish this.
5. The drawings are essentially diagrammatic to the extent that many offsets, beds, traps, special
fittings and exact locations are not indicated. The Contractor shall carefully study the drawings
and premises in order to determine the best methods, exact locations, route, building
obstructions, etc., and shall install all apparatus and equipment in the available locations.
6. Work indicated on drawings, but not mentioned in Specifications, or vice versa, shall be
performed as if specifically mentioned or indicated by both. Any supplementary labour or
materials required for a complete, approved, and properly operating installation shall be
furnished by the Contractor.

1.7.2 Shop Drawings

1. The Contractor shall prepare shop drawings for all parts of the Works to be installed or
constructed under this Section and submit them to the Engineer for approval. The shop
drawings shall include diagrams, illustrations, schedules, general arrangements of equipment
and appurtenances in relation to buildings and structures, method statements and details of
specialised installation and construction work.

1.7.3 Co-ordination Drawings

1. These shall be prepared by the Contractor to show how interdisciplinary work will be co-
ordinated. The location, size and details of fixings, box-outs, ducts, holes, pipe chases and
plinths shall be shown on the detailed layout drawings which are co-ordinated with all other
work disciplines.

1.7.4 Record Drawings

1. The Contractor shall prepare Record Drawings of all works constructed or installed under this
Section. These shall be prepared as work proceeds. They shall provide a record of any
modification to materials and equipment, and to the layout, arrangement and installation of the

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.5



1.8.1 Openings
1. The Contractor shall co-operate with all trades in obtaining information as to openings required
in walls, slabs and footings for all piping and equipment. Sleeves shall be accurately located
and placed in forms before concrete is poured. Where several pipes pass through floors in
close proximity, the Contractor may provide a single framed opening in lieu of individual
sleeves. Framed openings shall be to the approval of the Engineer and shall be provided with
100 mm high curbs, on all sides. The Contractor shall pay all extra costs for cutting of holes as
a result of incorrect, delayed or neglected locations of sleeves or frame openings.

1.8.2 Painting
1. All finished painting shall be done as specified in the Project Documents. All apparatus and
equipment, not specified otherwise, shall be provided with a shop prime coat. All exposed
ironwork, tanks pipes, and fittings without factory finish, including pipe hangers and rods shall
be primed and painted with one coat of black asphalt varnish suitable for hot surfaces.
Exposed pipe threads in bare or insulated piping shall be thoroughly cleaned and painted with
two coats of metallic paint or red lead.

1.8.3 Co-operation with other Trades.

1. The Contractor shall so organize work progress to harmonize with the work of all trades so that
work may proceed as expeditiously as possible. The Contractor shall be responsible for the
correct placing of the Works and the connection thereof to the work of all related trades.

1.8.4 Protection of Finish

1. The Contractor shall provide adequate means for, and shall fully protect, all finished parts of
materials and equipment against damage from whatever cause during the progress of the
work and until final completion. All materials and equipment in storage and during construction
shall be covered in such a manner that no finished surfaces will be damaged or marred and all
moving parts shall be kept perfectly clean and dry. All damaged or defective work shall be
replaced prior to applying for final acceptance.

1.8.5 Clean-Up
1. During the progress of work, premises shall be kept reasonably free of the debris, waste
materials and rubbish resulting from work carried out under this Section. Upon completion and
before final acceptance of the Works, all debris, temporary protective coverings, rubbish, left-
over materials, tools and equipment shall be removed from the Site. Exposed piping,
machinery and other apparatus shall be thoroughly cleaned of cement, plaster, paint and other
materials; grease and oil spots shall be removed with cleaning solvent. Surfaces shall be
carefully wiped and all cracks and corners scraped clean. Chromium or nickel plated materials
and equipment shall be thoroughly polished. The entire installation shall be left in a neat, clean
and usable condition.


1.9.1 General Requirements

1. The Contractor shall prepare Operation and Maintenance Manuals for all mechanical,
electrical and electronic equipment installed under this Section.
2. Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall conform to the requirements of Clause 1.1.4 of
Section 9.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.6




2.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the requirements for the installation, testing and commissioning of services
supplying water for use within buildings. It covers the system of pipes, fittings and connected
appliances installed to supply any building with water for ablutionary, cleaning, sanitary and
laundry purposes.

2.1.2 Quality Assurance

1. Items and equipment specified in this Part shall be provided by experienced and approved
manufacturers and fabricators as designated in the Project Documentation or to the written
approval of the Engineer.


2.2.1 General Requirements

1. Internal hot and cold water supply installations shall be constructed so that water delivered is
not liable to become contaminated to the extent that it is hazardous to health or is unfit for its
intended use.

2.2.2 Cold Water Systems

1. Cold water systems shall be capable of providing cold water at the locations and in the
quantities required and specified in the Project Documentation.
2. All cold water draw-off points shall be served via a cold water storage tank. The cold water
storage tank will be served directly from the Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation
(QGEWC) supply mains.

2.2.3 Hot Water Systems

1. Hot water systems shall be capable of providing hot water at the locations, in the quantities
and at the temperatures required and as specified in the Project Documentation.


2.3.1 General Requirements

1. The installation of a pumped system should be undertaken by competent specialists
experienced in such work.
2. Pumps shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and in an
accessible location such that they may be readily maintained.
3. All pumps and associated equipment shall be capable of continuous operation in ambient
temperatures of up to 50 C.
4. Pumps shall be low speed and quiet in operation.
5. Pumps shall be firmly mounted. Measures to prevent vibration shall be taken where
6. No pump, required to increase pressure in or rate of flow from a supply pipe or any fitting or
appliance connected to a supply pipe, shall be connected unless prior written approval from
QGEWC is obtained.
7. Pumps located externally shall be provided with a suitable sun shade.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.7


1. Centrifugal pumps with electric motors shall be used.
2. The pumps may be either the vertical type or horizontal type and shall be directly coupled to
their electric motors.
3. Pump capacity shall be as stated in the Project Specification.
4. Where the pumping system has duty and standby pumps, the pumps shall be used alternately.
5. Supply and install Transfer pump set as shown on drawings and in accordance with the
schedule of equipment furnished. Manufactured Units

1. The factory packaged domestic vertical type transfer pump set ( 1 duty/standby) shall consist
of a structural base, pumps, motors, suction, pressure gauges, pressure switch, flexible
connectors, discharge headers, electronic pump control panel, and interconnecting piping.
2. System shall require a single point power connection and suction & discharge piping
3. Each pump in the system shall be of equal size to minimize spare parts requirements. Pumps
shall have the duty/stand by points as scheduled in the drawings. Components
1. Water pressure Transfer pump set package shall comprise of one duty, one standby/ assist
and electronic pump controller / panel unless otherwise noted. Duty, assist / stand-by pump
sets shall be of identical performance characteristics. All the pumps shall be vertical multistage
design having all wetted parts in stainless steel usable for potable water applications. The
packaged pumping system shall be constructed with Type L copper suction and discharge
headers, valves, Y-strainer and flexible connectors. Unit shall be rated for 1.5 times the
working pressure.
2. Headers shall be easily removable to allow for service access and moving the package
through doorways.
3. The “pump set” shall be capable of following programmed operations: -
A. Duty pump, run on pressure demand.
B. Duty pumps constant speed on pressure demand.
C. Duty pump, stop on no demand.
D. Assist/ standby pump auto-changeover start on after 24-hour Duty pump running.
E. Assist/ Stand-by pump auto-change over on failure of duty pumps as required.
F. Cycling of duty pump with Assist/ standby pump is set to achieve equal running hours.
G. Low water level pump trip.
H. Measurement of system pressure & settings, voltage and current.
4. The pump control panel shall provide the following standard user-selectable features:
A. Low level Alarm and Cut Out
B. No - Flow Shut Down
C. Audio Visual alarm with “push button silence” feature
D. Overload Failure Alarm
E. Pump Failure Alarm

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.8


5. Packaged pump sets shall be self-contained fully automatic packaged units using vertical
multi-stage, high efficiency pumps, of stainless construction, unless otherwise indicated. The
pumps shall be interconnected using copper pipe work to BS.2871 Table X suction and
discharge headers and shall incorporate isolating valves flexible connectors and non-return
valves, electronic pump control panel, pressure gauges, & pressure switch. The units shall be
complete with duty/ standby pumps, and an IP65 automatic control panel & electronic pump
control panel; all mounted on a common heavy gauge galvanized steel base plate.
6. The speed of pumps shall not exceed 2900 rpm. The pressure sizing shall be made in order to
provide minimum run time on the lead pump.
7. Pump shall be controlled automatically by means of float ball valve and float switch or level
switch installed on the Roof water tank.
8. All motors shall be designed to suit the maximum temperature of air passing over the motors
and the additional temperature rise caused by exposure to the sun. The type of winding
insulation shall, however, be not less than Class ‘B’. The motors for exhaust fans shall have
the insulation suitable to operate on 50 ˚C ambient temperature. Pumps units shall be fitted
with constant pressure drive and other necessary accessories for safety operation.
9. All motors smaller than 0.50KW shall be designed to operate on single phase. All motors
0.75KW and above shall be designed to operate on three phase. All motors shall be wound for
240 Volts, single phase, or 415 volts, 3 phases, 50 Hz, A.C system, TEFC type.
10. The installation of a pumped system shall be undertaken by competent specialist experience in
such work.
11. Any motors brought to site not complying with above mentioned voltage and insulation
requirements shall not be accepted.

2.3.3 C.W.S BOOSTER PUMP SET General
1. Pressure booster system supplied as compact assembly according to DIN standard 1988/T5.
2. All pumps are with built-in frequency converter. It maintains a constant pressure through
continuous adjustment of the speed of the pumps. The system performance is adapted to the
demand through cutting in/out the required number of pumps and through parallel control of
the pumps in operation. Pump changeover is automatic and depends on load, time and fault.
All pumps in operation will run at equal speed.
3. The system consists of two (2) pumps (one duty and one stand-by), horizontal multistage
centrifugal pumps and motor and frequency-converter controlled. All pump parts in contact
with the pumped liquid are made of stainless steel. The pump bases and heads are of cast
iron; other vital parts are made of stainless steel.
4. Pump operation is controlled with the following functions:
A. Intelligent pump controller.
B. Constant pressure control through continuously variable adjustment of the speed of each
individual pump.
C. Constant pressure at setpoint, independent of inlet pressure.
D. On/off operation at low flow.
E. Automatic cascade control of pumps for optimal effic
F. Selection of min. time between start/stop, automatic pump changeover and pump priority.
G. Automatic pump test function to prevent idle pumps from seizing up.Manual operation.
5. The pumps shall have system on/off, max., min. or user-defined duty and up to 7 alternative
setpoints. Digital inputs and outputs can be configured individually.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.9


6. Pump and system monitoring functions:

A. minimum and maximum limits of current value
B. inlet pressure
C. motor protection.
D. Sensors and cables surveyed against malfunction.
E. Alarm log with the previous 24 alarms.
7. Pumps, piping, cabling complete as well as Control are mounted on the base frame.
8. Supply and install pressure booster sets where shown on drawings and in accordance with the
schedule of equipment furnished. The booster set shall generally comprise of vertical multi-
stage pumps. Manufactured Units

1. The packaged domestic water pressure booster set factory assembled system shall consist of
a structural base, pumps, motors, suction & discharge headers, valves, flexible connectors,
diaphragm pressure vessel electronic pump control panel, pressure gauges, pressure switch
and necessary interconnecting piping.
2. Potable booster pump set shall be installed to pressurized water services. The unit shall be
complete with pump controller; diaphragm pressure vessel, electronic pump control panel,
interconnecting pipe work, suction and discharge headers, valves, flexible connectors
electrical wiring etc. fixed to a single base plate.
3. All pumps shall be high efficiency closed coupled horizontal / vertical centrifugal type
multistage type of pump casing cast iron construction with stainless steel shaft, stainless steel
impeller, stainless steel base plate and with mechanical sealed bearing. Pump units shall be
fitted with variable frequency drive and other necessary accessories for safety operation. Components
1. Water pressure booster pump set package shall comprise of one duty, one standby/ assist and
diaphragm pressure vessel unless otherwise noted. Duty, assist / stand-by pump sets shall be
of identical performance characteristics. All the pumps shall be horizontal / vertical multistage
design having all wetted parts in stainless steel usable for potable water applications. The
packaged pumping system shall be constructed with Type L copper suction and discharge
headers, valves, Y-strainer and flexible connectors. Unit shall be rated for 1.5 times the
working pressure.
2. Headers shall be easily removable to allow for service access and moving the package
through doorways.
3. The “pump set” shall be capable of following programmed operations: -

A. Duty pump, run on pressure demand.

B. Duty pump speed variation on pressure demand.
C. Duty pump, stop on no demand.
D. Assist/ standby pump auto-changeover start on after 24-hour Duty pump running.
E. Assist/ Stand-by pump auto-change over on failure of duty pumps as required.
F. Cycling of duty pump with Assist/ standby pump is set to achieve equal running hours.
G. Low water level pump trip.
H. Measurement of system pressure & settings, voltage and current.

4. The pump control panel shall provide the following standard user-selectable features:

A. Low level Alarm and Cut Out

B. No - Flow Shut Down
C. Audio Visual alarm with “push button silence” feature
D. Overload Failure Alarm

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.10


E. Pump Failure Alarm

5. All motors shall be designed to suit the maximum temperature of air passing over the motors
and the additional temperature rise caused by exposure to the sun. The type of winding
insulation shall, however, be not less than Class ‘B’. The motors for exhaust fans shall have
the insulation suitable to operate on 50°C ambient temperature. Pumpset shall be fitted with
variable frequency drive and other necessary accessories for safety operation.
6. Pumps shall be low speed & quite in operation.
7. Pump shall be controlled automatically thru HMS by means of electronic pump control panel.
8. All motors smaller than 0.50KW shall be designed to operate on single phase. All motors
0.75KW and above shall be designed to operate on three phase. All motors shall be wound for
240 Volts, single phase, or 415 volts, 3 phases, 50 Hz, A.C system, TEFC type.
9. The installation of a pumped system shall be undertaken by competent specialist experience
in such work.
10. Any motors brought to site not complying with above mentioned voltage and insulation
requirements shall not be accepted.

2.3.4 Pipework Connections

1. Flexible connections shall be used so as to prevent the transmission of pump and motor noise
via pipework.
2. All pipework connections to and from the pump shall be adequately supported and anchored
against thrust.
3. Inlet and outlet pipework connections to lift pumps shall be fitted with gate valves complying
with the relevant provisions Clause 2.10 of this Part.
4. Inlet and outlet pipework connections to circulating pumps shall be fitted with servicing valves
complying with the relevant provisions Clause 2.9 of this Part.


2.4.1 General Requirements

1. Every pipe, pipe joint and connected fitting shall be capable of withstanding, without damage
or deterioration, sustained temperatures of up to 50°C for cold water installations and up to
70C, with occasional short-term peaks of up to 100C for heated water applications.
2. Pipes, pipe joints, pipe linings and connected fittings shall be made of materials that do not
impart taste, colour, odour or toxicity to the water nor promote or foster microbial growth under
the conditions where they are going to be installed.
3. If pipes, pipe joints or fittings are of dissimilar metals, measures shall be taken to prevent
corrosion. Dissimilar metals shall be avoided in below ground installations.

2.4.2 Pipe Materials

1. Copper pipework shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 2871: Part 1; underground
pipes shall be to Table Y with a coating of seamless continuous PVC sheeting and above
ground pipes shall be to Table X. Copper and copper alloy tube fittings should comply with the
relevant provisions of BS 864: Part 1, Type B or BS 864: Part 2, Type A.
2. The use and installation of polyethylene pipework shall comply with the relevant provisions of
BS 1972 (above ground use), BS 6437 (general purposes) and BS 6572 (below ground use).
Copper alloy tube fittings for polyethylene pipes shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS
864: Part 3. Joints for polyethylene pipes shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 5114
and BS 3505.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.11


3. The use and installation of polypropylene pipework shall comply with the relevant provisions of
BS 4991 and shall be Series 1.
4. The use and installation of unplasticized PVC (PVC-U) pipework shall comply with the relevant
provisions of BS 3505. Solvent welded joints and fittings for PVC-U pipes shall comply with the
relevant provisions of BS 4346: Part 1. Mechanical joints and fittings for PVC-U pipes shall
comply with the relevant provisions of BS 4346: Part 2. PVC-U pipework shall only be used for
cold water applications.
5. The use and installation of chlorinated PVC (CPVC) pipework shall comply with the relevant
provisions of DIN 8079 and DIN 8080.
6. Stainless steel pipework shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 4127.

2.4.3 Pipework Jointing

1. Jointing of pipes shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of BS 6700
2. All proprietary joints shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
3. Care shall be taken to establish satisfactory jointing techniques for all water service pipework.
All burrs shall be removed from the ends of the pipes and any jointing materials used shall be
prevented from entering the water system.
4. All piping and fittings shall be cleaned internally and be free from particles of sand, soil metal
filings and chips etc.
5. Jointing systems using elastomeric sealing rings shall be Type W, complying with the relevant
provisions of BS 2494, and shall be obtained from the pipe manufacturer.

2.4.4 C.W.S - Above the ground (riser & downfeed)

1. All above the ground cold water pipe work within the buildings inside ducts & ceiling, pumps
suction/ discharge, on roof, exposed etc., shall be in copper tube to BS 2871 or EN 1057 Part
1 Table ‘ X ‘ All fittings shall be of the capillary or compression type to BS 869: Part 2
Manufactured from even metal, copper or dezincification resistance brass.
2. All fittings shall be lead free.

2.4.5 CWS – Underground & CWS/HWS with in Building.

1. The copper tube shall be to BS 2871 or EN 1057 Part 1 Table ‘ Y ‘ externally coated over
entire length with a continuous seamless Polythene sheathing for cold water piping. The
colour of the Sheathing shall be green as per BS 4800 Ref: 12 D 45. For hot water piping
the sheathing shall be polythene with air channels on the internal surface. Joints shall be
carefully wrapped with PVC waterproof tape to maintain protective coating.
2. The copper tubes shall comply with the following specifications with regard to the sizes:

Outside Diameter
Nominal size (mm)
(mm) Nominal Wall thickness of sheathing
Min Max Min

15 15.045 14.965 1.0 1.0

22 22.055 21.975 1.2 1.0

28 28.055 27.975 1.2 1.0

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.12


35 35.070 34.990 1.5 1.6

42 42.070 41.990 1.5 1.6

54 54.070 53.990 2.0 1.6

2.4.6 Cold Water supply – Inside toilet areas / pantries / embedded in screed, wall & wall chase.
1. All pipework inside Toilets / pantries, embedded in screed, wall & wall chase.shall be in
polypropylene to DIN 8078 and all other pipework (above false ceiling, inside ducts, on roof,
exposed, pumps suction/ discharge, etc.) shall be in copper to BS 2871Part 1.
2. Polypropylene (PP-R) shall be conforming to DIN: 8078. Polypropylene random-copolymer
shall be of high molecular weight and stabilized to high temperature.
3. Fittings shall be both fusion welding fittings and metal insert fittings. All metal inserts shall be
in dezincification resistant brass. Jointing between pipes and fittings shall be made by melting
the parts. Locations where pipe is to be connected to equipment, PR-R fittings with metal
insert shall be used.
4. Polypropylene valves shall be used where available with manufacturers in their product range.
All the metal components inside the valve in contract with water shall be in dezincification
resistant brass.
5. All components of polypropylene pipe systems shall be suitable for a working pressure of 8.5
bars at 70°C for 50 years life expectancy. The whole polypropylene piping installation including
supports shall be carried out strictly in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The
Contractor shall make allowance for expansion in the pipework. The whole PR-R installation
shall be guaranteed for a period of 5 years.
6. The pipe sizes shown on the drawings shall represent the following equivalent PR-R pipe

Pipe sizes shown on the Equivalent PR-R outside

drawings diameter (mm)

15 Ø 20

22 Ø 25

28 Ø 32

35 Ø 40

42 Ø 50

54 Ø 63


2.5.1 Joints for Copper Pipes

1. The jointing of copper pipe work shall be by means of dezincification resistant integral solder
ring. Bronze welding will not be permitted.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.13


2.5.2 Installation, Storage & Protection

1. All pipe work; fittings & accessories shall be installed strictly in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations and due allowance shall be made for thermal movement.
2. All pipe work; fittings & accessories shall be obtained from one manufacturer only, who shall
be nominated by the contractor in writing and approved by the Engineer prior to ordering any
Materials. All pipe work; fittings & accessories shall be stored in properly ventilated & well-
supported racked storage sheds.
3. All pipe work shall be installed to present a neat & orderly appearance arranged to or at right
angles to the structural member of the building, giving maximum headroom and not obstructing
window or doorways. Pipes shall bend round piers, projections and recesses forming part of
the structural works whether indicated in the drawing or not. Pipe work shall be installed such
that there is a minimum of 150mm clear below to the finished floor level & at least 25mm clear
to the finished wall face.
4. All pipe work, which is to be insulated, shall allow space for each pipe to be insulated around
its whole circumference. Adequate clearance shall be provided between insulated pipe work
running together adjacent to walls & floors. Clearance between insulation & floor & insulation
and wall shall be as for bare pipe work.
5. No joints shall be formed in the thickness of floor slabs or roof slabs. No pipe work shall be
chased into floor or roof slabs. During the installation period open ends of pipe work shall be
capped off using purpose made plugs or blank counter flanges.
6. All pipe work shall be plumb in the vertical and leveled to the turn of a bubble in the horizontal,
except where wall or floor finishes deviate from the vertical or horizontal, all pipe work shall be
erected such that it may be vented and drained satisfactorily.
7. Swing joints, offsets, expansion joints etc., shall be provided wherever necessary to
accommodate expansion of piping.
8. Unions or flanges shall be provided at all by–passes, tanks, heaters, pumps and elsewhere as
may be required.
9. Expansion joints shall be placed in all pipes where they cross building expansion joints.
10. The contractor shall check all plumbing layouts with structural drawings.
11. All pipe work, valves and fittings & other components forming the installation shall be such that
they are accessible for maintenance and repairs. Unions and flanges shall be provided as
appropriate in order to allow for equipment removal.
12. All exposed pipe work in toilets, etc., shall be painted (minimum 2 coats) matching with the
tiles as per the instructions of the Engineer.

2.5.3 Pipe Supports, Brackets & Hangers

1. All pipe work shall be adequately supported in such a manner as to permit free movement due
to expansion, contractions, vibrations or other changes in the system. Supports shall be
arranged as near as possible to the joints and changes of direction. Spacing of support shall
comply with Table 13 of BS 5572:1978. Vertical rising pipes particularly in shafts shall be
adequately supported at the base to withstand the total weight of the riser. Under no
circumstances shall branches from vertical rising pipes be the means of support for the vertical
pipe work.
2. Pipe work up to and including 67mm diameter shall be supported clear of the structure with
cast brass brackets. Where exposed to view, bright finish brass hospital brackets shall be used
with crawl plugs and brass screws.
3. Where pipe work is concealed, bright finish brass single pipe ring with BSP female screwed
end and bright finish brass pack plate with male screwed end shall be used and fixed to the
wall using brass screws & crawl plugs.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.14


4. All multi runs of pipe work within false ceilings or service shafts shall be supported on purpose
designed proprietary brackets suitable for carrying more than one pipe run, and shall be
secured using expanded plugs or other purpose designed fixing devices. Soft wood plugs shall
not be allowed. All-purpose designed proprietary brackets shall be submitted to the Engineer
for approval prior to ordering.
5. Where rollers and chairs are required, these shall be performed as manufactured by a
specialist approved by the Engineer, and where used singularly, they shall have restraining U-
bolts formed over the diameter of the pipe and bolted to the base support of the chair. The “U”
bolts shall be fitted to all movement of the pipe without binding.
6. All steel hangers & supporting brackets shall be painted with two coats of red oxide before
dispatch from the works. The spacing of supports where not specified must not exceed the
spacing given in the following schedules. Where one support carries more than one pipe
diameter, the spacing shall be that specified for the smallest diameter.


Support Spacing (m)

Nominal size of pipes (mm)
Vertical Pipes HorizontalPipes

15 1.8 1.2

22 2.4 1.8

28 2.4 1.8

35 3.0 2.1

42 3.0 2.1

54 3.0 2.4

67 3.6 2.4

76.1 3.6 2.4

108 3.6 2.4

2.5.4 Pipe Sleeves

1. Pipe sleeves shall be supplied where pipe work passes through walls, floors. Footings and
waterproofing membranes. Sleeves shall be built in the correct locations at the time required,
by the main contractor. The inside diameter of all sleeves shall not be less than 1.5mm larger
than the outside diameter of the pipe passing through. Where pipes pass through buried walls
or fittings, sleeves shall be 25mm larger than the outside diameter of the pipe passing through.
The space between the pipe sleeves shall be neatly packed using asbestos string or rope to
prevent the passage of noise, vermin or smoke. Sleeves shall not protrude beyond the finished
surface, where pipe work is exposed to view and passes through wall or floor, chromium
plated copper pipe flanges of the correct pipe diameter shall be fitted.
2. The pipe sleeves shall be in new concrete construction before pouring. Sleeves in foundation
wall shall make water tight installation. Sleeve through walls, floor and partition walls shall be
in copper sleeve, through outside wall shall be UPVC sleeve properly caulked to ensure water
tight joints. Pipe sleeve shall not be arranged to support the pie work.
3. All pipe work on the roof shall be installed with 25mm thick preformed rigid glass fiber sections
of 48 kg / cum

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.15


4. The insulation shall further be covered with 6 oz. canvas and painted with two coats of vapour
seal material of minimum thickness of 1mm. The thermal insulation shall be non – corrosive to
the metal, water repellant & fire retardant.
5. All sanitary ware shall be provided as shown on the drawing and approved by the Engineer.
Bibb with mixers, taps, valves or mixer taps shall be bronze or gun metal castings or hot
pressing of brass or manganese bronze and shall be chromium plated. Spindles. Glands,
crutches, washer plates and nuts shall be of brass or bronze. The taps shall have crutch or
capstan head made of metal, being marked hot or cold with tail having external parallel thread.
They shall be marked with manufacturer’s name or trade mark.
6. The water supply connection to sanitary fittings shall be in the following sizes:


Washbasin 20mm*

Bidet 20mm*

W.C. 20mm*

Sink Unit 20mm*

*Pipe size based on Polypropylene

2.5.5 Flashing / Puddle Flanges

1. Where pipe pass through water proofed membranes, sleeves shall be provided with a flashing
flange to which a flashing shield can be clamped or brazed. The shield shall be zinc or copper
and shall not be less than 200mm from the sleeve in all directions. The space between the
sleeve and the pipe passing through shall be packed with waterproof material and mastic

2.5.6 Anchors and Guides

1. All pipe anchors shall be heavy gauge steel collars with lugs and bolts for clamping and
attaching to anchor braces. No anchor brace shall be installed in a location where its
installation may result in damage to the building structure. All anchors and guides shall be
submitted to the Engineer for his final approval prior to the installation.
2.5.7 Pipe work Expansion

1. Provision for pipe work expansion and contraction shall be made by changes in the direction of
pipe work. The supports and brackets provided give adequate allowance for this movement. In
certain cases expansion loops or expansion bellows shall be provided in the position indicated
in the drawings. These items shall be manufactured by a specialist approved by the Engineer.
All bellow shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions .
2.5.8 Pipe Insulation
1. All the exposed pipe work on the roof shall be installed with 50mm thick preformed rigid glass
sectional insulation with 96 kg / m3 density, covered by canvas glass cloth with 200 gm/m2
and painted with two coats of weatherproof painting with minimum thickness of 1mm. The
thermal insulation shall be non-corrosive to the metal, water repellant and fire retardant.
2. Pipe Insulation: flame-attenuated glass fiber, bonded with thermosetting resin, maximum K
factor of 0.25 at 240C mean temperature.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.16



2.6.1 General Requirements

1. Copper and stainless steel piping shall be secured by clips or brackets made from copper or
2. Steel piping shall be secured by clips or brackets made from steel, copper alloy or suitable
plastic. Copper clips or brackets shall not be used for fixing steel piping.
3. PVC-U, polyethylene, polypropylene and CPVC piping shall be secured by clips or brackets
made from suitable metal or plastic Allowance shall be made for free lateral movement within
the clips and brackets.
4. Piping that is insulated shall be secured on clips or brackets that allow sufficient space behind
the back of the pipe and the batten or wall to which the pipe is fixed for the insulation to be
properly installed.


2.7.1 General
1. All valves and stopcocks shall comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Electricity and
Water, Water Department and shall be dezincification resistant. Valves shall be provided as
shown on the drawings and detailed below or similar and approved, all valves shall be
submitted for approval to the Engineer and this should be obtained in writing prior to ordering.
2. All valves, strainers and non-return valves shall be numbered clearly using white/black
‘Traffolyte‘ label securely fixed to the valve or valve handle. These labels shall indicate the
service and function of the valve. The exact wording shall be approved by the Engineer prior to
manufacture of the labels.
3. Once a manufacturer has been approved and selected all valves shall be of the same

2.7.2 Isolating Valves

1. All valves shall be fitted in readily accessible positions. They shall be of even thickness
throughout, clean, smooth and free from scale. All stuffing boxes shall be packed with material
specially selected and recommended by the manufacturer for the particular service in which
each valve is used.

2.7.3 Non – Return Valves / Check Valves

1. Non –Return valves shall be screwed BSPT or flange BS 4504: Part 2 in accordance with the
valve schedule in this specification. All non – return valves shall be suitable for both vertical
and horizontal mounting and shall be fitted in readily accessible positions.
2. Non-return valves shall be in-line spring loaded, swing design with lever and weight or lever
and spring.

2.7.4 Strainers
1. All strainers shall be fitted in a readily accessible position and adequate access shall be
allowed for maintenance and cleaning of the strainer basket. All strainers shall be
manufactured by specialists and have a stainless steel 80mm mesh screen basket.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.17


2.7.5 Drain cocks

1. All drain cocks shall be of the same manufacturer and be in accordance with BS 2879.
Generally drain cocks shall be provided at all low points in the system and other points where
necessary and as directed by the Engineer.

2.7.6 Stopcock
1. All stopcock used shall be as per BS 1010 with all parts in contact with water made from
material resistant to dezincification (example ) Yorkshire 501 GM. The size shall be 15mm –

2.7.7 Float Valves

1. Float valves shall be hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated valve with the pilot control
and float mechanism mounted on the cover of the main valve. The float positions the pilot
control and close the valve when float contacts the upper stop and to open the valve when the
floats contacts the lower stop.

2.7.8 Valve Schedule

Isolating Valves Bronzed screwed BS 5154 PN 16 at 100ºC

15 – 80

Drain cocks screwed (F) bronze 15 – 28 BS 2879, 6 bar at 110ºC

Strainers “Y” bronze screwed (F) BS 5154 PN 16, Series "B"

Patt with 80 meshes copper 15 – 80

Non – Return valves bronze

15 – 65 BS 5154 PN 16 at 100ºC
screwed (F)

Ball Valves 15 – 54 BS 1212 Pattern II or Portsmouth

Ball valves equilibrium 15 – 54 Under Hayes gunmetal body

2.7.9 Servicing Valves

1. Servicing valves shall be located in accessible positions so as to enable the flow of water to
individual or groups of appliances to be controlled and to limit the inconvenience caused by
interruption of supply during repairs.
2. A servicing valve shall either comply with the requirements for stopvalves shall be capable of
withstanding a static pressure 1.5 times the maximum pressure it will be subjected to in use,
be leaktight when closed against the latter pressure and, when installed on any pipe
pressurised from the mains or on any pipe under a static pressure exceeding 1 bar, shall be
operable only by means of a key, screwdriver or coin inserted into a slot on the valve.
Screwdown servicing valves shall not be of loose jumper design. Copper alloy gate valves
complying with the relevant provisions of BS 5154 may be used as servicing valves.
3. A servicing valve shall be fitted upstream of, and as close as practicable to, every float
operated valve connected to a supply pipe.
4. Pipes taking water from a storage tank of capacity exceeding 18 litres shall be fitted with a
servicing valve. The valve shall be fitted as close to the storage tank as practicable. Pipes
taking water from storage tanks with a capacity that does not exceed 18 litres shall not be
fitted with servicing valves.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.18



2.8.1 General Requirements

1. Pipe runs within buildings should not be laid exactly horizontal but to a slight fall to reduce the
risk of air locks forming.

2.8.2 Pipework Expansion

1. In installations with limited straight runs and many bends and offsets, thermal movement is
accommodated automatically. In installations that do not have limited straight runs and many
bends and offsets, allowance for expansion and contraction of the pipes shall be made by
forming expansion loops, by introducing changes of direction to avoid long straight runs or by
fitting proprietary expansion joints. This is particularly important where temperature changes
are considerable and where the pipe material has a relatively large coefficient of expansion.
2. The maximum length of a straight run for each different pipe material to be used shall be
detailed in the Project Specification or shown on the Project Drawings.

2.8.3 Pipe Sleeves

1. Where a pipe enters a building it shall be accommodated in a sleeve that has previously been
solidly built-in and the space between the pipe and the sleeve shall be filled with non-
hardening, non-cracking, water-resistant material for a minimum length, of 150 mm at both
ends to prevent the passage of water, gas or insects.

2.8.4 Concealed Pipework

1. Concealed pipework shall be housed in properly constructed builders work ducts or wall
chases and have access for maintenance and inspection.
2. Ducts and chases should be constructed as the building structure is erected and should be
finished smooth to receive pipe fixings.
3. No pipe or joint in or under a building shall be embedded in any wall or solid floor or in any
material below a solid floor at ground level except for the following:
A. The enclosing of any pipe and associated pipe joints in a purpose made duct or chase
in a solid floor in such a way that the pipe and pipe joints can be exposed for purposes
of examination, repair or replacement without endangering the structural integrity of
the building
B. The enclosing of any pipe and associated pipe joints in a purpose made chase in a
solid wall (but not within the cavity of a hollow wall) in such a way that the pipe and
pipe joints can either be capped off and isolated or be exposed for purposes of
examination, repair or replacement without endangering the structural integrity of the
C. The enclosing of any pipe and associated pipe joints in any internal wall that is not a
solid wall
D. The enclosing of any pipe within a purpose made pipe sleeve or duct in or under any
solid floor in such a way that the pipe may be removed and replaced; for pipes laid in
such a way, there shall be an inspection access point at each joint.
4. No pipe or pipe joint shall be located under floorboards or a suspended floor, at ground floor
level unless every pipe and pipe joint is accessible for examination.
5. Where access panels are formed in floor panels of structural chipboard or plywood, the
structural stability of the building shall not be affected.
6. All pipe laid in ducts shall be adequately supported by clipping as specified in Table 2.1.

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2.9.1 General
1. Thermal insulating materials shall comply with BS 5422 and BS 3958 where applicable.
2. Thermal insulating materials shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. They shall be kept dry before, during and after application, except for water
which may be required for the purpose of mixing. Gaps shall not be left at the joints of the
insulating materials.
3. Where necessary, the insulating material shall be resistant to, or protected by a suitable
covering against, mechanical damage, rain, moist atmosphere, groundwater and vermin.
4. Examples of suitable materials of insulating purposes are:
A. polyurethane foam
B. foamed or expanded plastics
C. corkboard
D. amoliated vermiculite.

2.9.2 Application
1. While insulating material shall be continuous over pipes and fittings, it shall be finished in such
a manner as to allow access to valves for operation.
2. Where cold water pipes pass through areas of relatively high dew point, e.g. habitable areas,
they shall be insulated to prevent condensation forming on them.
3. Pipes in hot water supply systems that exceed the maximum lengths given in Table 2.6 shall
be thermally insulated in accordance with BS 5422.
Table 2.6
Maximum Permissible Lengths of Uninsulated Hot Water
Pipes Outside diameter of pipes Maximum length
(mm) (m)
12 20
Over 12 up to and including 22 12
Over 22 up to and including 28 8
Over 28 3


2.10.1 Electrical Work Related to Plumbing Works

1. Electrical works related to plumbing works shall be done in accordance with the relevant
provisions of BS 7671 and the requirements of QGEWC.

2.10.2 Water Meter Cabinet

1. Water meter cabinets shall comply with the Rules and Regulations Guide for Plumbing Works
prepared by QGEWC.
Water meter cabinets shall be located in an easily accessible place as approved by

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3.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the requirements for pipes and fittings for below ground plumbing works.


3.2.1 General Requirements

1. Pipes shall have adequate strength to meet the loading requirements, be sufficiently robust to
withstand site handling and be sufficiently durable to remain watertight for the anticipated life
of the system. Pipes and joints should remain sufficiently water tight to prevent the ingress of
ground water.
2. Every pipe, pipe joint and connected fitting shall be capable of withstanding, without damage
or deterioration, sustained temperatures of up to 65C when operating under normal working
3. Pipe materials, fittings, linings and jointing materials shall impart no taste, colour, odour or
toxicity to the water nor promote or foster the microbial growth under the conditions where they
are going to be installed.
4. If pipes, pipe joints or fittings are of dissimilar metals, measures shall be taken to prevent
corrosion. Contact between pipework components of dissimilar metals shall be avoided in
below ground installations.

3.2.2 Pipe Materials

1. Copper pipework shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 2871: Part 1, Table Y, coated
with seamless continuous PVC sheeting. Copper and copper alloy tube fittings should comply
with the relevant provisions of BS 864: Part 2.
2. The use and installation of polyethylene pipework shall comply with the relevant provisions of
BS 6572. Copper alloy tube fittings for polyethylene pipes shall comply with the relevant
provisions of BS 864: Part 3, Joints for polyethylene pipes shall comply with the relevant
provisions of BS 5114 and BS 3505.
3. The use and installation of polypropylene pipework shall be in accordance with the relevant
provisions of BS 4991 and shall be Series 1.
4. The use and installation of unplasticized PVC pipework shall comply with the relevant
provisions of BS 3505. Solvent welded joints and fittings for PVC-U pipes shall comply with the
relevant provisions of BS 4346: Part 1. Mechanical joints and fittings for PVC-U pipes shall
comply with the relevant provisions of BS 4346: Part 2.
5. Ductile iron pipework shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 4772.
6. Stainless steel pipework shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 4127.


3.3.1 General Requirements

1. Jointing of pipes shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of BS 6700.
2. All proprietary joints shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
3. Care shall be taken to establish satisfactory jointing techniques for all water service pipework.
All burrs shall be removed from the ends of the pipes and any jointing materials used shall be
prevented from entering the water system.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.21


4. All piping and fittings shall be cleaned internally and be free from particles of sand, soil metal
filings and chips etc.
5. Jointing systems using elastomeric sealing rings shall be Type W, complying with the relevant
provisions of BS 2494, and shall be obtained from the pipe manufacturer.


3.4.1 General
1. Where socketed pipes are required to be laid on a granular or sand bed, or directly on a trench
bottom, joint holes shall be formed in the bedding material or final excavated surface to ensure
that each pipe is uniformly supported throughout the length of its barrel and to enable the joint
to made.
2. Pipes shall be laid on setting blocks only where a concrete bed or cradle is used.
3. Where pipes are required to be bedded directly on the trench bottom, the final excavated
surface shall be trimmed and levelled to provide even bedding of the pipeline and shall be free
from all extraneous matter that may damage the pipe, pipe coating, or sleeving. Where rock is
encountered, the trench shall be cut at least 150 mm deeper than other ground and made up
with well compacted selected fill material.
4. No protective cap, disc or other appliance on the end of a pipe or fitting shall be removed
permanently until the pipe or fitting which it protects is about to be jointed. Pipes and fittings,
including any lining or sheathing, shall be examined for damage and the joint surfaces and
components shall be cleaned immediately before laying.
5. Suitable measures shall be taken to prevent soil or other material from entering pipes, and to
anchor each pipe to prevent flotation or other movement before the Works are complete.
6. Where pipeline marker tape is specified, it shall be laid between 100 mm and 300 mm above
the pipe.
7. All underground pipelines shall be laid to true levels in straight lines to even gradients.
Pipelines laying shall not commence until the Engineer has inspected and approved the
granular bed and trench. All pipes passing through walls and foundations shall have sleeves
with puddle flanges. The flanges shall not be less than 200 mm from sleeve in all directions.
The space between the sleeves and pipes passing through shall be packed with waterproof
material and mastic compound.
8. When slings are used, only flat braided steel wire or band slings shall be used.
9. The cutting of pipes shall be by hacksaw and al burrs shall be trimmed off by filing.

3.4.2 Bedding
1. Bedding for pipes shall be constructed by spreading and compacting granular bedding
material over the whole width of the pipe trench. After the pipes have been laid, additional
material shall, if required, be placed and compacted equally on each side of the pipe, and
where practicable, this shall be done in sequence with the removal of the trench supports.
2. Unless otherwise detailed in the Project Documentation, bedding material shall be in
accordance with Table 3.1

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.22


Table 3.1
Bedding Material
Pipe Diameter Bedding
up to 65 mm Sand
- 100 mm mm single sized aggregate
100 - 200 mm or 14 mm single sized or 14-15 mm
Over 200 mm graded aggregate
10,14 or 20 mm single sized or 15-5 or 20-5
mm graded aggregate.
3. Nominal single sized aggregate and graded aggregate shall comply with Table No. 4 of BS
4. Sand for bedding material shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 882.
5. Bedding systems other than those specified above may be allowed upon approval of the
Engineer or as recommended by the pipe manufacturer.

3.4.3 Granular Bedding

1. Pipework shall be laid on a granular bed with a minimum cover above the crown of the pipe as
2. Pipe lines: 600mm cover when there is no traffic on the ground above the pipeline
3. Pipe lines: 1000mm cover when there is traffic on the ground above the pipeline.
4. The granular bedding shall comprise of gravel, stone chippings or crushed stone to pass
through 12mm sieve and be retained on a minimum of 5mm sieve mixed with free draining
coarse sand, in the ratio of two parts of crushed stone to every part of sand. Bedding material
shall not contain more than 0.3% sulphate nor shall it be obtained from locations 0.1%
sulphate is present in the ground water.
5. Bedding shall be laid 150mm deep along the length of the trench and compacted prior to work
commencing on the pipe laying. After pipe laying, inspection and testing, a further 300mm of
bedding material shall be compacted by hand above the uppermost crown of the pipe lines
along its entire length. The bedding material shall span the entire width of the trench and shall
be laid in not more than 150mm deep layers, each layer being compacted by hand.

3.4.4 Anchors and Thrust Blocks

1. All pipelines shall be anchored with thrust bocks at dead ends, tees, bends, tapers and valves
to resist the thrust arising from internal pressure.
2. Where pipelines are laid in waterlogged areas, pipelines to be weighted to prevent floating.
Where pipelines are laid on steep inclines they shall have transverse anchors as detailed in
the table below:

1 in 2 and steeper 5.50

below 1 in 2 to 1 in 4 11.00

below 1 in 4 to 1 in 16.50

below 1 in 5 to 1 in 22.00

below 1 in 6 not required

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.23


3.4.5 Concrete Protection to Pipes

1. Pipes to be bedded on or cradled with concrete shall be supported on precast concrete setting
blocks. The top face of each block shall be covered with two layers of compressible packing
complying with BS 743.
2. Concrete provided as a protection to pipes shall be Grade C20, placed to the required depth in
one operation. Where pipes with flexible joints are used, concrete protection shall be
interrupted over its full cross-section at each pipe joint by a shaped compressible filler of
bitumen impregnated insulating board to BS 1142 or equally compressible material. The
thickness of the compressible filler shall be in accordance with Table 3.2.
Table 3.2
Thickness of Compressible Filler

Nominal bore of pipe (mm) Thickness of compressive filler (mm)

Up to 300 13
Over 300 and up to 600 25
Over 600 and up to 1200 38
3. Rapid hardening cement shall not be used in concrete for the protection of plastics pipe.
4. Plastics pipes shall be wrapped with a layer of plastic sheeting complying with a composition in
accordance with Clause 3 of BS 6076 and a nominal thickness of 125 microns before being
surrounded by concrete.
5. Concrete work shall comply with the relevant provisions of Section 5, Concrete.

3.4.6 Completion of Pipe Surround

1. Fill material shall, where required, be placed and compacted over the full width of the trench in
layers not exceeding 150 mm before compaction, to a finished thickness of 250 mm above the
crown of the pipes.

3.4.7 Backfilling
1. Backfilling shall, wherever practicable, be undertaken immediately the specified operations
preceding it have been completed. Backfilling shall not, however, be commenced until the
parts of the Works to be covered have achieved a strength sufficient to withstand all loading
imposed thereon.
2. Backfilling around existing structures shall be undertaken in such manner as to avoid uneven
loading or damage.
3. Filling material to excavations shall be deposited in layers not exceeding 250 mm
unconsolidated thickness and compacted to 95% modified proctor.
4. Where the excavations have been supported and the supports are to be removed, these,
where practicable, shall be withdrawn progressively as backfilling proceeds in such a manner
as to minimize the danger of collapse. All voids formed behind the supports shall be carefully
filled and compacted.
5. After completion of granular bed and surround, the trench shall be backfilled using selected
excavated Material free from all rocks, large hard objects and builders’ debris of greater than
40mm and shall be in layers of 150mm, each fully compacted over the width of the trench.
Power rammers and vibrators shall be used to compact backfilling when the cover over the
crown of the pipe exceeds 0.50 meters.

3.4.8 Protective Coatings

1. Coatings, sheathings or wrappings shall be examined for damage, repaired where necessary,
and made continuous before trench excavations are backfilled.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.24


3.4.9 Pipes under Buildings

1. Where a pipe has less than 300 mm of cover under a load bearing slab, it should be
surrounded with concrete as an integral part of the slab. Where possible, the concrete
surround shall be poured at the same time as the slab. The surround shall be tied to the slab
with nominal steel reinforcement placed vertically with turned over ends.
2. No provision for pipe flexibility along the concrete surround shall be made, unless an
expansion joint is included in the slab. A construction joint should be included in the surround
at that point which must also coincide with a pipe joint.
3. In normal, stable ground conditions, and with 300 mm or more of cover to the pipeline beneath
the slab, a total granular surround can be used as a pipe bedding. Refer to Clause 3.4.2 for
bedding specification.
4. Flexibility shall be incorporated into the pipeline as it leaves any concrete surround.
5. Where plastic pipes are to be surrounded in concrete, Clause 3.4.3 of this Part shall be
complied with.

3.4.10 Avoidance of Contamination

1. No pipe shall be laid or installed near a sanitary manhole, cesspool, septic tank, soakaway,
refuse pit or other feature likely to cause the water to become contaminated and/or cause
deterioration to the pipe material.
2. Any pipe that crosses over a sewer shall be laid so that there is at least 600 mm clearance
between the pipe barrels. Any pipe that lies adjacent to a sewer shall be laid so that there is at
least 3m between the barrels. Plumbing pipes shall not be laid below sewers.
3. Where the above criteria cannot be met, and with the approval of the Engineer in writing, the
pipe shall be encased in concrete. The limit of the concrete encasement shall be determined
on site by the Engineer. No breaks in the concrete encasement shall be made at joints. If the
concrete encasement extends over one or more joints it shall be treated as a beam and
reinforced appropriately; in such cases, the Contractor shall prepare reinforcement details with
supporting calculations and submit them to the Engineer for approval.
4. Where it is necessary to determine the extent of contamination, the Contractor shall arrange
for soil samples to be taken and tested. The locations at which soil samples are taken and the
number of samples to be taken shall be determined by the Engineer.

3.4.11 Restraint of Pipes

1. Except where the method of jointing and normal trench backfill are adequate to prevent
longitudinal movement, Grade C20 concrete thrust blocks cast in contact with undisturbed
ground shall be constructed at changes in direction , junctions and blank ends.
2. Any additional excavation required to accommodate thrust blocks shall be carried out after the
bend or branch is in position and the thrust face shall be trimmed back to remove all loose or
weathered material immediately prior to concreting.
3. Thrust blocks shall be required to develop adequate strength before any internal pressure is
applied to the pipeline.
4. Where plastic pipes are to be surrounded in concrete, Clause 3.4.3. of this Part shall be
complied with.

3.4.12 Pipeline Inspections

1. Written notice shall be given at least 24hours in advance for the purpose of inspection,
measurement and testing for each of the following cases:
A. Setting out complete
B. Excavation complete
C. Bedding laid

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.25


D. Pipeline laid and thrust block in position

E. Pipeline bedding cover complete and compacted between joints and backfilling as
necessary, complete and compacted between joints, ready for testing.
F. Joints, bedding cover complete and compacted and backfilling complete and
compacted with ground level finish, ready for final testing.

3.4.13 Testing of Pipework

1. Pressure tests shall be carried out on below ground plumbing pipes. Test procedures are
detailed in Part 6 of this Section.
2. All sections of pipe work shall be hydraulically tested during the installation of the works to
avoid the necessity for disturbing the building programme at the later stages. No pipes shall be
insulated, covered or made inaccessible before they have been tested. All tests are to be
recorded and signed by the Contractor’s Senior Site representative and witnessed by the
Engineer or his representative.
3. All pipe work except open ended vents and drain pipes shall be tested to 700KN/sq m or twice
the working pressure whichever is greater, for a period of not less than four (4) hours.
4. Following successful completion of the test, the pipe work shall be thoroughly flushed out and
all open ends carefully plugged to prevent the entry of any contamination.
5. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to see that the tests are correctly carried out and that any
necessary remedial measures are effected and the section retested, so that on completion of
the Works each and every section has been tested satisfactorily and a complete set of test
certificates has been forwarded to the Engineer.



4.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the requirements for cold water storage systems.

4.1.2 System Description

1. Cold water storage tanks shall impart no taste, colour, odour or toxicity to the water nor
promote or foster microbial growth under the conditions where the tank is going to be installed.
2. The tank shall be supported on a firm level base capable of withstanding the weight of the tank
when filled with water to the rim.
3. Where possible and practicable, tanks shall be positioned in locations where they can be
easily accessed for inspection, cleaning and maintenance.
4. Tanks positioned outside buildings shall be provided with a suitable shade.
5. Where two or more tanks are coupled together in series, the inlet and outlet shall be at
opposite ends of the series.
6. Each tank shall be fitted with a outlet for connection to a washout pipe. The outlet shall be
flush with the bottom of the tank. The floor of tank shall be laid at a slight fall towards the
outlet. A washout pipe and a stop-tap shall be fitted to the outlet. The washout pipe shall be
run to a point as detailed in the.plans.
7. Every pipe supplying water to a cold water tank shall be fitted with a float operated valve or
some other equally effective device, as detailed in Part 2 of this Section, to control the inflow of
water and maintain it at the required level. The float valve shall be securely fixed to the tank
and be installed so that the level of water in the tank when full under normal conditions is not
less that 25 mm below the level of the warning or overflow pipe. A stopvalve complying with

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.26


the relevant provisions of Part 2 of this Section shall be fitted to the pipework immediately
upstream of the float valve to shut off supply of water to that valve.
8. Distribution pipes for tanks shall be connected so that the lowest point of the outlet is not less
than 50 mm above the bottom of the tank.
9. Connections to distribution pipes feeding hot water apparatus shall be set at a level of at least
25 mm above connectors to pipes feeding cold water outlets.
10. Any tank with an effective capacity of up to 4500 litres shall be fitted with a warning type
overflow pipe. Tanks with an effective capacity exceeding 4500 litres shall be fitted with one or
more overflow pipes. For capacities exceeding 4500 litres, either the lowest pipe will be a
warning type overflow pipe, or a device shall be fitted that gives an audible or visual alarm
when water in the tank reaches a level at least 50 mm below the lowest point of the lowest
overflow pipe.
11. The invert level of the overflow pipe shall be not less than 75 mm below the invert level of the
inlet pipe.
12. Overflow pipes shall be made of a rigid corrosion resistant material. No overflow or warning
pipe shall rise in level outside the cistern.
13. Warning type overflow pipes shall discharge water immediately the water in the tank reaches
the overflow level and shall discharge to a conspicuous position; these shall be outside the
building where appropriate.
14. The overflow pipe or pipes should be able to convey water away from the tank at a rate equal
to or greater than the rate of flow of water into the tank. Notwithstanding, warning type
overflow pipes shall be not be less than 20 mm in diameter.

4.1.3 Submittals
1. The Contractor shall provide manufacturers’ specifications for all items to be supplied under
this Part.
2. The Contractor shall provide design calculations and shop drawings for the fabrication and
erection of sectional type storage tanks, unless otherwise detailed in the manufacturer’s data
3. The Contractor shall provide design calculations and shop drawings for the fabrication and
erection of tank support assemblies unless otherwise detailed in the manufacturer’s data
4. The submittal shall include catalogue pages, erection descriptions and manufacturer data.
5. Unless the positions of the discharges for the overflow pipes are described in the Project
Documentation, the Contractor shall submit his proposals for their positioning to the Engineer
for approval.

4.1.4 Quality Assurance

1. Fabricated cold water storage tanks and associated equipment shall be provided by
experienced and approved manufacturers and fabricators as designated in the Project
Documentation and to the written approval of the Engineer.


4.2.1 General
1. This section covers for the supply, delivery, installation / construction, testing and
commissioning and leaving in complete working order water ground storage tanks, as
indicated on the CONTRACT Drawings. The tanks shall be made of Concrete tank at below
internal road & parking area ( 2 locations) & GRP Polyethylene tank at Roof floor.Glass Fibre
Reinforced Polyster (GRP) Insulated Panel Construction. Each tank shall be provided with a
heavy duty cover fully sealed screened vent, service and inspection manholes, float valves

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.27


and valves connection, ladders. GRP partition as it is a compartmentalized Ground tanks and
epoxy painted steel skid base and concrete plinth where Panel tanks are to be mounted
2. Cold water storage tanks shall impart no taste, colour, odour or toxicity to the water nor
promote or foster microbial growth under the conditions where the tank is going to be installed.
3. Tanks shall be of the type and nominal capacity shown in the schedules and as noted on the
4. Jointing materials shall be suitable for the liquid to be stored. In the case of drinking water,
jointing materials shall be of a non-toxic nature and food grade. All facilities for pipe
connections shall be made at the manufacturer's works. Pipe connections for up to 50mm
nominal bore pipe work shall be BSP screwed sockets. Pipe connections for pipe work 65mm
nominal bore and above shall be studded pads suitable to receive counter flanges to BS.10.
5. All tanks shall be provided with purpose made manholes of a minimum diameter of 458mm
with hinged or bolted lids. Where tanks are provided with internal ladders separate manholes
shall be provided to the ladder and to the ball float valve or float switch or provided with one
manhole positioned to allow access both to the tank interior and to the ball float valve.
6. Tanks shall also be provided with cowls to adequately ventilate the interior.
4.2.2 Elevated Cold Water Storage Tank
1. The cold water storage tanks at Roof Deck shall be made of Polyethylene tank Glass fibre
reinforced polyester (GRP) Insulated panel construction.The tank shall be of
compartmentalized panel construction with GRP partition in between of equal capacity, duly
reinforced both horizontally and vertically. It shall have smooth inner surface to prevent
clogging of dust and other impurities. The top cover shall be bonded to the tank with a hinged
manhole cover. The tank shall be resistant to ultraviolet light and shall be insulated GRP water
tank. Insulation shall be factory applied prior to shipment. Standard insulation shall be
minimum 2” thick layer of rigid polyurethane foam. and shall be coated with a high solids latex
coating for external side for all weather protection. All fitting shall have insulation to protect the
connection. Manhole cover shall be insulated as well to further protect water from heat.
2. Cold water storage tanks shall be manufactured to BS 6920 (British Standard for drinking
water storage) and comply strictly with the standards of the Water Department of the State of
Qatar, guaranteed by the manufacturer for a minimum of seven (7) years.
3. The tanks shall be provided to the capacities, dimensions and locations shown on the
drawings shall not encourage the growth of algae, have a smooth internal surface single piece
body with no seams of joints.
4. Tank is to be fixed on a concrete plinth which supports the whole of the tank. The details of the
tank base are to be approved by the Engineer before any installation work begins.
5. Tanks shall be fitted with the following:
A. Electrical type float switch.

B. Overflow pipe one size larger than float valve, with SS insect screen at terminal.

C. Drain valve provided at the bottom of the tank

D. Cold water outlets at 50 mm or as per manufacturer standard above the bottom of the tank.

E. Close fitting openings on top of the tank for float switches wiring.

F. Sealed manhole cover adjacent to float valve.

G. drain pipe with stainless steel insect screen.

6. Connections 50mm and larger shall be flanged, 35mm and below shall be screwed BSP

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.28


7. After installation, tanks shall be filled with water for testing for 24 hours. No leakage shall be

4.2.3 Buffer Tank / Underground Water Tank ( Below Internal Road & Parking Area )
1. Underground Domestic Water Tank Shall be Reinforced concrete, see Civil / Structural
specifications. The tank shall be fitted with the following:
H. Electrical type float switch

I. Close fitting openings on top of tank for float switch wiring

J. Sealed manhole cover adjacent to float valve

K. Vent pipe with stainless steel insect screen

L. Internal ladder

4.2.4 General Requirements

1. Cold water storage tanks shall be constructed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations
for Plumbing Works as prepared by QGEWC.
2. The tanks shall be constructed with one of the following materials/methods:
A. Fibre glassed reinforced plastic
B. Polyethylene Tank
C. Reinforced concrete (underground storage).
3. Tanks smaller than 6m in length shall have a removable close-fitting vermin proof cover. Tanks
greater than 6m in length shall have two or more securable manhole covers.


4.3.1 General Requirements

1. Filters shall be of a type as detailed in the Project Documentation
2. As a minimum, filters shall be able to remove the following:
A. Harmful bacteria
B. Giardia cysts
C. Chlorine tastes and odours
D. Sediment to 1 micron
3. Filters shall have the following characteristics:
A. Inhibit the growth of bacteria and other micro-organisms
B. Easy to inspect, clean and maintain
4. Filters shall not unduly affect distribution rates

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.29



1. Ultraviolet Water Purifier
2. Ultra violent lamps that produes short wave radiation lethal to microoraganisms present in water
such as bacteria and viruses.
3. 2 to 416 gallons per minute, 120 to 25,0000 GPH
4. Potable and high purity applications
5. 304 or 316 Stainless Steel, electropolished and passivated
6. Interchangeable chamber for 5,000 GPH and up
7. Maximum operating pressure is 100 p.s.i.
8. Pressure drop at maximum flow rate is less than 5 p.s.i



6.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the requirements for hot water systems.
1.) Capacity, rating and other technical description of water heaters are indicated on the
Equipment schedule of the plan.
2. Water heaters shall be horizontal ceiling mounted inside kitchen and toilets, vertical upright
floor mounted at Roof Deck. Kilowatt rating and storage capacity is as per schedule/drawing.
The tank will be glass lined and have an anode for additional corrosion protection. The electric
element shall be coppersheated. The controls shall include a thermostat and a manual reset
high temperature safety cut-off thermostat. The element, the thermostat and the anode shall
be flange mounted for ease of access and maintenance. The water heater shall be supplied
with a safety valve.
3. The water heaters shall be horizontal storage type and upright model type suitable for wall
mounting at high level and floor mounting respectively. The inner container shall be made of
glass lined type, the composition of which shall comply with the requirements of BS 2870. The
inner container of pressure type water heaters shall be suitable for a working pressure of
minimum 10 bars.
4. The outer casing of the water heater shall be manufactured in white textured plastic coated
corrosion proof steel or aluminum jacket. The thermal insulation shall be CFC free fire
retardant expanded polyurethane, 50 mm thick.
5. Each water heater shall complete with:
A. Safety Pressure /temperature relief valve
B. Drain cock with dielectric union
C. Electrical immersion heater
D. Temperature Gauge
E. Variable water temperature thermostat
F. Low water cut-off
G. Pilot lights for on/off cycle

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.30


H. Shunt trip disconnect


1. Sanitary ware shall be as specified in the contract documents. All sanitary ware shall be
installed in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions for conditions indicated and as
required to obtain a rigid installation. The location of each fixture and the fixing method of
ceramic fixtures shall be as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
2. After all fittings have been mounted and are ready for use and before completion, all fittings
furnished and mounted shall be thoroughly cleaned removing all plaster, stickers, rust, hair
and other foreign matter or discoloration of fixtures, leaving each and every part in perfect
condition and ready for use.
3. The Contractor shall take adequate precautions to ensure that the sanitary ware is not
damaged in any way before or after installations. Any piece of sanitary ware that is damaged
shall be replace at the Contractor's expenditure.


1. Just prior to handing over the building to the Client, each piece of sanitary ware shall be
tested. Each water closet shall be flushed twice and checked for leaks and any other defects
by the Engineer. Each basin and sink shall be filled to the overflow level and then after running
the water through the overflow for a minimum of 30 seconds, the plug shall be removed or
opened. Each of the above mentioned fixtures shall be inspected for leaks and defects by the
2. Any defects or leaks shall be repaired or in the case of the defect being chips or cracks or
other visible damage, the fixture shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. Any sanitary
ware condemned by the Engineer for any other reason shall be replaced at the Contractor's
3. All sanitary wares to be of ideal standard (Andria model) or equivalent and fixtures Italian
a. Western Type Water Closet With Cistern (White).
b. Counter Top Wash Basin With Mixture Tap.
c. Service Sink.
d. Shower Head And Mixture Tap.
e. Kitchen Sink With Mixture, Single Bowl And Single Drain As Specified.



8.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the requirements for identification markings for components of plumbing
installations, testing of plumbing installations and disinfection of plumbing installations.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.31


8.1.2 System Description

1. Where possible and practicable, the parts of all Works covered in this Section shall be split into
sections for interim testing purposes. Final testing shall be done when the installation is
2. Disinfection shall not be undertaken until all tests and inspections have been completed to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

8.1.3 Submittals
1. The Contractor shall prepare a detailed testing and inspection programme, including method
statements, and submit it to the Engineer for approval. This programme shall identify each
item to be tested, the type of test to be performed and the date and time of the test.
2. The Contractor shall prepare test record sheets for all tests undertaken. The format of the test
record sheet shall be to the approval of the Engineer. On successful completion of a test, the
test record sheet shall be signed and stamped by all parties. The Engineer shall retain the
original test record sheet.
3. The Contractor shall prepare a detailed disinfection programme, including method statements,
and shall submit it to the Engineer for approval. This programme shall identify the date and
time at which each item is to be disinfected.
4. The Contractor shall prepare disinfection record sheets for all disinfections undertaken. The
format of the disinfection record sheet shall be to the approval of the Engineer. On completion
of disinfection, the disinfection record sheet shall be signed and stamped by all parties. The
Engineer shall retain the original disinfection record sheet.

8.1.4 Connection to Water Supply System

1. Connection to the Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation (QGEWC) water supply
system shall not take place until all tests and inspections have been successfully completed
and the system has been disinfected.
2. The Contractor shall comply with all the requirements of the QGEWC with respect to making
the connection to the water supply system.


8.2.1 Tags and Colour Coding System

1. Marker tape shall be laid above all underground water mains. The marker tape shall be blue
PVC or polyethylene mesh or ribbon at least 50 mm wide, incorporating a corrosion resistant
tracing system. The tape shall be clearly marked “WATER” in both English and Arabic in black
2. Where aesthetically acceptable, above ground piping shall be clearly and indelibly marked
“WATER” in both English and Arabic. Pipes solely for the use of fire fighting purposes shall be
distinguishable from other water pipes.
3. Every valve in hot and cold water service pipework installed above ground shall be provided
with an identification label. The label shall be secured by either non-corroding, incombustible
means to the valve or fixed to a permanent structure near the valve. Labels secured to valves
shall be of a non-corroding and incombustible material and clearly marked, by stamping or
engraving, with a reference number for the valve. The reference numbers for the valves shall
be as stated in the Project Documents. Labels fixed near valves shall comply with the
requirements for labels secured to valves except that they need not be incombustible.
4. Surface boxes shall have “WATER” in both English and Arabic cast on. They shall be painted
blue with a durable epoxy paint.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.32



8.3.1 General Requirements

1. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least two clear working days before hand of his
intention to test any section of the Works.
2. Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, both interim and final tests shall be undertaken on
each section of the Works.
3. The Contractor shall also carry out any further testing or inspections specifically requested by
4. Unless otherwise provided in the Project Documentation, the Contractor shall be responsible
for providing all equipment and materials for testing purposes and for their removal and proper
disposal on completion of testing.
5. The Contractor shall activate and operates the whole installation for a period of not less than
48 hours, during which time all valves, heaters, fixtures, etc., shall be operated as would occur
in the normal operation of the installation for the full period of this test. At the conclusion, the
whole of the system shall operate to full satisfaction of the Engineer. Testing generally shall be
in accordance with BS CP 310:1965.

8.3.2 Pipework Pressure Testing

1. All pipework services shall be subjected to a test of 700 KN/m2 or one and a half times
working pressure whichever is the greater, for not less than 2 hours.
2. Where pipework is tested in sections, all valves shall be blanked off temporarily using plugs or
blank flanges. The valve wedge shall not be used to retain the water. The Pipework services
shall be charged with water allowing all air to escape and avoiding shock or water hammer.
The test pressure gauge shall be mounted within the pipework system with a loop and cock
and shall be calibrated such that the test pressure falls above its mid-range.
3. The contractor shall carry out his own test first to ensure there are no leaks prior to requesting
the Engineer to witness the test. The witnessed test shall maintained for a minimum of one
hour without measurable loss and a without further pumping.
4. Pipework main laid in ground shall be tested for 24 hours and leakage shall be measured by
the quantity of water pumped into the main under test.
5. The Engineer shall witness all pipework tests. The contractor shall give the Engineer a
minimum of 24 hours notice of all tests. The contractor shall also provide test sheets set out in
an agreed manner for each pipework section to be tested.

8.3.3 Proving Tests

1. Prior to fixing on site, all water heaters shall be re-tested for water tightness ensuring damaged
equipment is not installed.
2. Each water service shall be cleaned down and thoroughly flushed out to remove all dirt within
the pipework system.
3. After the particular water service has been flushed out, refilled and pressure tested, each tap
and draw-off fitting shall be checked for satisfactory rate of flow. Particular attention shall be
given to groups of sanitary fittings to ensure satisfactory flow with a number of taps open, also
that is not drawn into any of the remaining taps or fittings when opened.

8.3.4 Sterilization of Water Services

1. All pipe works, fittings and storage tanks shall be sterilized starting with the external water
supplies storage tanks and finally the water distribution system,
2. No sterilization shall be carried out until the system has been flushed out and approval
received in writing form the Engineer to begin sterilization.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.33


3. The following procedure shall be adopted for sterilization of the water distribution systems:
A. Flush out all tanks, pipework, etc.
B. Recharge all water systems adding sufficient sterilization chemical at the roof tank to a
concentration shall be confirmed by using a measuring instrument approved by the
Water Department.

8.3.5 Inspection
1. Visual inspection shall be carried out at both interim and final testing in order to detect faults in
construction or materials not shown up under testing but which could lead to premature failure.
A careful record shall be kept of such inspections.
2. On external pipelines, the following shall be visually inspected:
A. Pipe bed
B. Pipe line and level
C. Joints
D. Air valves
E. Washout valves
F. Gate valves
G. Thrust blocks
H. Pipe protective coating
I. Any other pipeline appurtenance.
3. Trenches shall be inspected to ensure that excavation is to the correct depth to guard against
mechanical damage due to traffic loading.
4. No part of the pipe trench shall be backfilled until the above are satisfactory completed and
approved by the Engineer.
5. All internal pipework shall be inspected to ensure that it has been securely fixed.
6. Before testing takes place, all cisterns, tanks, hot water cylinders and water heaters shall be
inspected to ensure that they are properly supported and secured, that they are clean and that
cisterns are provided with correctly fitting covers.
7. Before testing takes place, all electrical and mechanical items shall be inspected in
accordance with Section 9, Mechanical and Electrical Equipment.

8.3.6 Leakage Test for Underground Pipelines

1. After satisfactory visual inspections have been completed, hydraulic pressure testing shall be
carried out on the installation. The testing procedure shall be as follows:
A. Gauges used for testing pressure pipelines shall either be of the conventional circular
type, not less than 200 mm diameter, calibrated in metres head of water, or shall have
a digital indicator capable of reading increments of 0.1m head. Before any gauge is
used, the Contractor shall arrange for it to be checked independently and a dated
certificate of its accuracy shall be provided.
B. Before testing, valves shall be checked and sealed, the sections of pipe filled with
water and the air released. After having been filled, pipelines shall be left under
operating pressure for the period described in the Project Documentation or as
directed by the Engineer, so as to achieve conditions as stable as possible for testing
C. The pressure in the pipeline shall then be raised steadily by pumping in water until the
specified test pressure, as given in the Project Documentation or as directed by the
Engineer, is reached in the lowest part of the section. The pressure shall be
maintained at this level, by pumping if necessary, for a period of one hour. The pumps

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.34


shall then be disconnected, and no further water shall be permitted to enter the
pipeline for a further period of one hour. After the one hour test period, the pressure in
the pipe shall be recorded. At the end of this period the original test pressure shall be
restored by pumping in water and the loss measured by drawing off water form the
pipeline until the pressure as recorded at the end of the one hour test period is again
D. The permissible loss shall not exceed 2 litres per metre nominal bore per kilometre
length per metre head (calculated as the average head applied to the section) per 24
hours. This relationship in equation format, with the leakage measured in litres, can be
written as follows:
1. Permissible leakage per day = 2 x D x P x L
2. For the one hour test period, this equation can be rewritten as follows:
3. Permissible leakage = (2 x D x P x L) / 24
D = pipe diameter (m)
P = test pressure (m)
L = length of test section (km)
E. In addition to the tests on separate sections, the whole pipeline shall be tested on
completion to the same pressure and by the same procedures as that outlined for
individual sections
F. Where a new pipeline is to connect to an operational pipeline the final connection shall
be inspected visually under normal operating pressure and there shall be no visible
2. To avoid the risk of contamination, water used for testing shall be obtained from a potable
3. Before accepting a pipeline, a check shall be made that valve boxes are properly aligned, that
suitable operating keys are provided which can be easily fitted to the valves and in the case of
deep valves, that adequate extension spindles are installed.

8.3.7 Testing of Installation within Buildings

1. When the installation is complete and visual inspection has been satisfactorily completed, it
shall be slowly filled with water, with the highest draw-off point open to allow air to be expelled
from the system. The installation, including all cisterns, tanks cylinders and water heaters,
shall then be inspected for leaks.
2. The system shall be hydraulically tested in the following way:
A. Subject the pipes, pipe fittings and connected appliances to a test pressure at least
1.5 times the maximum working pressure for a period of at least 24 hours
B. Check the installation for leaks; including all cisterns, tanks, cylinders and water
3. Each draw-off tap, shower fitting and float-operated valve shall be checked for flow against
specified requirements. Performance tests shall also be carried out on any specialist items to
show that they meet the requirements detailed in the Project Documentation.

8.3.8 Back-Siphonage
1. It shall be verified that the appropriate back-flow prevention devices have been selected and
that they have been installed correctly.

Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.35


8.3.9 Mechanical and Electrical Equipment

1. Mechanical and electrical equipment shall be tested and commissioned in accordance with
Section 9, Mechanical and Electrical Equipment.

1. The Contractor shall warranty for a period of 400 days after the Practical Completion of the
installation that all plant and equipment shall operate free of any defects due to defective
material or bad workmanship, and that any part found defective during this period shall be
replaced free of cost by the Contractor.
2. The contractor shall also guarantee the efficiency of performance of the plant and equipment
as per specification for a similar period of 400 days after the practical completion, and if the
services of Contractor’s personnel are requisitioned during this period such works shall be
made available free of cost to the client.
3. If the defects are not rectified within a reasonable period, the Client may proceed to rectify
these defects by another agency at the Contractor’s entire risk and expense without prejudice
to any rights of the Client.


1. Pumpsets : PULLEN


2. uPVC Pipes and Fittings : KEY TERRAIN

3. Water Heaters : A.O. SMITH, BRADFORD WHITE


Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.36


4. Copper Tubes : WEDNESBURY


5. Copper Fittings : WEDNESBURY


6. Gun Metal Valves : NEWMAN HATTERSLEY


7. Supports : MUPRO

8. Insulation : IZOCAM



Note: For approval of materials equivalent to the specified, Engineer’s decision shall be final and


Section 19- Plumbing Works Page No.37




1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................... 3

1.2 SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................. 3

1.3 CODES & STANDARDS ........................................................................................................ 3

2. INTERNAL DRAINAGE AND RAIN WATER PIPEWORK & FITTINGS ............................... 3

2.1 JOINING OF WC OUTLET TO UPVC .................................................................................... 4

2.2 UPVC ACCESS PLATES AND RODDING EYES ................................................................. 4

2.3 ROOF TERMINALS ................................................................................................................ 4

2.4 FLOOR GULLIES AND CLEANOUTS ................................................................................... 4

2.5 STORAGE AND HANDLING OF UPVC PIPEWORK ............................................................ 4

2.6 SOIL & WASTE STACK ......................................................................................................... 4

2.7 SEWAGE LIFT PUMP ............................................................................................................ 4

2.8 RAINWATER SYSTEMS AND ROOF OUTLETS .................................................................. 4

3. PIPEWORK INSTALLATIONS ............................................................................................... 5

4. EXTERNAL DRAINAGE ......................................................................................................... 6

5. MANHOLES ............................................................................................................................ 6

6. MANHOLE COVERS AND GRATING ................................................................................... 7

7. ROAD GULLIES ..................................................................................................................... 7

8. TESTING AND COMMISSIONING FOR DRAIN PIPES ........................................................ 7

8.1 WATER TEST FOR DRAINS ................................................................................................. 7

8.2 WATER TEST FOR MANHOLES ........................................................................................... 7

9. TESTING AFTER BACKFILLING .......................................................................................... 8

10. RECORD OF TESTS .............................................................................................................. 8

11. RODDING BEFORE HANDOVER .......................................................................................... 8

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.1


12. BACK INLET GULLY ............................................................................................................. 8

13. SOAKAWAY PIT ( SAP-1 ) .................................................................................................... 8

14. PIPES AND FITTINGS - WORKMANSHIP ............................................................................ 9

14.1 PIPE SUPPORTS, BRACKETS AND HANGERS ................................................................. 9

14.2 JOINTING .............................................................................................................................. 10

14.3 LAYING RIGID PIPE.............................................................................................................. 10

14.4 MARKER TAPE ..................................................................................................................... 10

14.5 SETTING OUT AND PIPE ALIGNMENT............................................................................... 10

14.6 CONCRETE PROTECTION TO PIPELINES ........................................................................ 11

14.7 PIPELINES PROTECTION FROM EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL .......................................... 11

14.8 TRENCHES ............................................................................................................................ 11

14.9 GRANULAR BEDDING MATERIAL FOR RIGID PIPES ...................................................... 12

14.10 GRANULAR BEDDING FOR PLASTIC PIPES .................................................................... 12

14.11 BACKFILLING EXCAVATION .............................................................................................. 12

14.12 SAND TRAP / MANHOLES ................................................................................................... 13

14.13 CEMENT AND CONCRETE .................................................................................................. 13

15. COMMISSIONING AND TESTING ........................................................................................ 17

15.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................. 17

15.2 PROVING TESTS .................................................................................................................. 18

15.3 WATER TEST ........................................................................................................................ 18

15.4 AIR TEST ............................................................................................................................... 18

15.5 PROFILE TEST ...................................................................................................................... 18

15.6 MANHOLE TEST ................................................................................................................... 19

15.7 WARRANTY .......................................................................................................................... 19

16. LIST OF APPROVED MANUFACTURERS .......................................................................... 19

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.2





1. Attention is drawn to the General Specifications, the Qatar Construction Specification 2014
(QCS) together with the additional particular clauses applicable to the Building Services.


1. The scope of works covered by this specification shall include the whole of the labor &
materials Necessary to form “ Complete Installation “ of soil/waste and drainage systems &
such commissioning and testing as described in QCS section 20 (Drainage Work for
2. The Scope of Work shall include the following:
a. Soil/waste and storm water drainage systems along with all associated manhole.


1. The installation, materials, and all components shall comply with all statutory instructions and
Regulations current at the time of the tender whether so detailed or not, and shall conform in
all respects with the following:
2. Qatar Construction Specifications 2014
3. Safety Health & Welfare Regulations issued by the State of Qatar
4. Drainage Regulations issued by the Drainage Department
5. Uniform Building Code
6. All relevant British Standards
a. BSCP 2005 - Sewerage
b. BS 5572 - Code of Practice for Sanitary Pipe work
c. BS 8301 - Building Drainage
7. Should any conflict arise between the codes and the standards mentioned above, then the
Regulations issued by the State of Qatar shall take precedence.


1. Internal above ground drainage pipework/fittings shall be UPVC to BS 4514 and internal
underground drainage pipework/fittings shall be UPVC to BS 4660. All pipework, fittings and
accessories shall carry Kitemark and be installed strictly in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations. The Contractor shall ensure that the UPVC used is of a sufficiently high
temperature rating to withstand the environmental conditions.
2. Waste pipes 50 mm and under shall be of UPVC or ABS to BS 5255. UPVC sockets shall
have an integral seal ring or alternatively solvent welded joints as required to suit the
installation requirement and allow for thermal movement between fixed points.

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.3



1. Joining of WC outlet to UPVC pipework shall be by means of either a straight or bent
connector as required complete with rubber seal ring and suitable connection for the W.C.
spigot outlet and shall be complete with the fittings and pipework.


1. UPVC pipework shall be fully accessible with bolted full width access door incorporating
central bolt or bolted side fixing. A single 'Wye' fitting may be used having a screwed plug on
pipework below 50 mm. Rodding eyes shall be screwed cap type with threaded and gasketed


1. Where pipework passes through the roof, adequate weathering precaution shall be taken to
ensure a water tight arrangement using weather apron. The pipework shall be terminated 900
mm above the roof level with a UPVC cowl and stainless steel mesh screen.


1. Floor gullies and cleanouts shall consist of cast stainless steel (unless otherwise mentioned
on the drawings) grating I frame, UPVC straight connector, UPVC “P or S” traps (with gullies).
Exact location of the floor gullies and cleanouts shall be coordinated with the architectural
tiling layout. Floor gully grating to be provided equidistant in one tile space. Floor gullies and
cleanouts installed with number of floor tiles cut unevenly will not be acceptable. All floor
gullies and cleanouts shall be set in concrete and installed as shown on the drawings.


1. The UPVC pipework and fittings shall be stored preferably in air-conditioned stores or storage
space suitable for temperature limits of the material. UPVC pipework shall not be stored in
open air, unventilated spaces or under direct sunlight. Discolored and distorted pipework will
be rejected.


1. Soil/waste stacks including the main Horizontal pipe to the sewer manhole shall be Upvc to
BS 4514.


1. Sewage lift pump shall be submersible duplex centrifugal type, cast iron body, and bronze
Non-clog impeller with mechanical seal. Unit shall be directly coupled to explosion proof
motor. Pumps shall be complete with mounting steel plate, permanent guide rails, chain
discharge pipe, power cable and float or electrode type liquid level controller and a 24 hr.
Pump changeover. Capacity, quantity and electrical data shall be as shown on the equipment
schedule. Motor shall be continuous duty, 1.15 service factor, 50HZ frequency and with
enclosure of totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC). Motor controller shall be combination circuit
breaker, magnetic starter, auxiliary contacts for BMS connection requirement and other
accessories for safety operation.


1. Pipes and Fittings
2. Rainwater pipes shall not be encased in concrete columns or structural walls and it is
important rainwater pipes in casing or ducts are accessible for maintenance, repair and
3. Relevant regulations of BS 6367 shall be followed to ensure good performance of the
rainwater system.

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.4


4. BS 4514 UPVC soil and vent pipes, fittings and accessories and BS 4576 UPVC rainwater
goods may be used for rainwater system.
5. Underground and under slab rainwater drainage shall be as per these specifications for
building drainage system.
6. When jointing UPVC pipes a gap should left between spigot end of pipe and shoulder of
socket that it enters in order to allow for thermal movement.
7. UPVC pipes shall be with solvent weld sockets usable with seal ring adaptor.
8. Drive-in type UPVC clips complete with galvanized steel spike (171mm long) and galvanized
steel nuts and blots shall be used to fix pipes and fittings to the walls, columns. Minimum
stand off distance of 52mm shall be provided.
9. The clamps shall be gray, black or white colour as approved by the Engineer.
10. Alternatively, adjustable plastic coated steel holder bats shall be used to support pipe or
secure fittings.
11. UPVC pipes shall be connected to other materials, where applicable, with PVC caulking
bush, and special adaptors.
12. Rainwater pipes shall terminate with a shoe when discharging over a gully.
13. Roof outlets shall be lacquered cast iron body, cast aluminium dome/grating complete with
fixing accessories.

1. During installation of the internal drainage and waste system, the Contractor shall make due
allowance for the expansion of the Vulcathene I PVC pipework and fittings during normal
working conditions. Further allowance shall be made for solvent weld joining of the above
materials with regard to temperature and humidity.
2. The bores of all pipework shall be smooth and free from all burrs or obstructions; bends
wherever possible shall be of the long radius type. All connections between soil, waste, vent
or fixtures shall be made with approved connectors. The termination at high level of all vent
stacks shall be carried out with a vent guard.
3. All sanitary fittings which discharge directly to the foul drainage system shall be provided with
traps in accordance with BS 5572. Each trap shall be provided with a disconnecting union for
future removal and cleaning.
4. All fixtures and fittings draining into the internal drainage installation shall be fitted with traps.
In case of traps for sanitary fitments, e.g. wash hand basins, sinks etc., these shall be of the
deep seal type having a seal of 75 mm.
Sinks - 40 mm
Wash basins - 32 mm
5. Pipework shall be fixed accurately to approved falls, the gradient shall be consistent and
pipework shall follow a true line. Allowance shall be made for the rodding of the whole
installation, in addition to which, at all changes of direction, a rodding eye shall be installed.
The pipework shall be fixed to the walls using standard PVC coated mild steel or PVC
brackets of a screw-on type as recommended by the manufacturer.
6. The maximum spacing between supports shall be as follows:

Pipe Diameter Low Gradient Pipes Vertical Pipes

32 to 40 mm 0.5m 1.2 m
50 mm 0.6 m 1.2 m
75 to 100 mm 0.9 m 1.8 m

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.5


7. The Contractor shall provide access or rodding eyes wherever required to provide full access
to the system. The rodding eye shall be provided at the foot of all vertical stacks at the point
of connection to the underground drain pipe.
8. Access doors in suspended pipework within 0.5 m of the suffix shall not face upwards but be
located on the side or underneath the pipe. Where traps, access branches and access doors
are located above false ceiling, removable panels shall be provided.
9. No offsets shall be installed in pipework other than those indicated on the drawings, without
the consent of the Engineer. The offsets provided shall be sufficient to allow all parts of the
installation to be rodded in the event of a blockage.
10. Access doors provided shall be sufficient to allow all parts of the installation to be rodded in
the event of a blockage. The whole of the installation shall be tested in accordance with the
requirements of BS 5572, the tests being to the full satisfaction of the Engineer.

1. The external drainage system consists of complete sewer system comprising of manholes
and interconnected pipework. Pipework and fittings used in external drainage installation are
to be of extra strength vitrified clay to BS EN 295:1991 and BS 65: 1991. Pipework and
fittings used in external surface water drainage shall be UPVC to BS 4660 as indicated on the
drawings. All pipework shall be laid with due regard to the falls and invert levels set out on the
drawings or as given on site by the Engineer. All pipework is to be laid accurately with
consistent gradients and following a true line.
2. All bends shall be of the long radius type. The bore of the pipework shall be clear of all
obstructions; further the Contractor shall ensure that, no cement or other substance which
sets hard when the contact with water is allowed, to remain in the installation. The Contractor
shall ensure that during backfilling of the excavations required to install the external drainage
no damage is caused to this installation.
3. Pipework passing through the walls or foundations shall be sleeved with UPVC of sufficient
size to allow clearance round the drain pipe. The gap between the drain pipe and sleeves
shall be caulked with mastic. Where drains pass through or below foundations, flexible
couplings shall be provided not closer than 150 mm or more than 300 mm from the face of
the building.
4. The whole of the external drainage installation shall be tested in accordance with the
requirement of BS 8301, this shall be to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer.

1. The Contractor shall provide manholes at the locations and to the sizes shown on the
drawings. Manholes shall be constructed in accordance with the detailed drawings and as
described in this specification.
2. Manhole chambers with depth upto one meter shall be constructed in sulphate resisting
concrete blocks of minimum strength 7.0 MN/m2 laid in bond and joined with a 3 : 1 sand and
sulphate resistant cement mortar and set on a 150 mm thick concrete base. The block
courses shall be laid even and uniform and broken blocks are not to be used except for snap
headers. Block cavities shall be filled with concrete and finished smooth with face rendering.
Manholes with depth more than one meter shall be cast insitu with reinforced cement
concrete as detailed in the drawings.
3. An in-situ concrete cover shall be constructed over the manhole to the size and thickness
shown on the drawings with a clear opening to suit the type of cover specified. The opening
being located to afford direct access onto the step irons.
4. Half channels with three quarter section bends shall be laid in the bottom of the manhole with
flexible joints on the drains immediately outside the manhole wall.

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.6


5. Concrete benching shall be formed to a fall of not less than 1 in 10 to the channel and
finished smooth with 12 mm thick 2: 1 sand and cement mortar trowel led with all angles
6. External faces of structures shall be kept clear for inspection until they have been approved
by the Engineer.
7. Re-inforcing bars for cover slab shall be 12 mm diameter, high tensile or 16 mm mild steel
fixed at 100 mm centers with 25 mm cover from the underside of slab. The minimum
thickness of slabs shall be 150 mm.


1. All manhole covers, frames and gratings shall be as detailed on drawings and shall comply
with BS 497. Heavy duty manhole covers shall be suitable for use in carriageways carrying
vehicles with wheel loads upto 11.5 tones. Medium duty manhole covers shall be suitable for
use in minor roads and other areas carrying slow moving commercial vehicles with wheel
loads upto 5 tones. Manhole covers shall have sizes and duties as shown on the drawings.
Two sets of lifting keys shall be provided for each type of manhole cover.

1. The type, position, dimensions and clear openings of gullies will be as designated on the
drawings or in the project specifications.
2. Gullies shall be constructed so that no part of the spout or trap has a cross sectional area
less than 2/3 that of the outlet.


1. The Contractor shall provide all equipment necessary for testing. Generally, the whole
installation shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of BS 5572 and 8301.
2. Before any test is carried out, the Engineer shall be given 24 hours notice. All defects located
shall be corrected before further work proceeds and the whole of the section of work affected
shall be re-tested. No section of drain shall be backfilled before it has been tested.

8.1 Water Test for Drains

1. Testing shall be carried out before any pipes are hunched or surrounded with concrete. All
joints shall be exposed.
2. Drains should be tested in sections from manhole to manhole. Short branches connected to
main runs shall be tested at the same time.
3. The length to be tested shall be subjected to a static head pressure of not less than 1.5 m at
the highest point of the section being tested. After sufficient length of time has been allowed
for, the absorption of water into joints, the section under test shall be 'topped-up' and the
head maintained without apparent loss for not less than one hour.

8.2 Water Test for Manholes

1. All manholes shall be tested separately. The external faces of manholes shall be kept clear
until after they have been tested.

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.7


2. All inlets and outlets to the manhole shall be plugged and the manhole filled with water. After
a sufficient length of time has been allowed for the absorption of water into the structure, the
water level should be 'topped-up' and the water level should remain constant for a period of
time not less than one hour. Arrangements should be made for the easy removal of water
from manholes after the completion of tests.


1. After backfilling of drain trenches has been completed and consolidation has taken place, all
drains shall be retested as previously specified.


1. The Contractor shall keep a proper record of tests carried out on the drainage installation
throughout the contract, recording date of test, by whom tested, witnessed and result; one
copy of the record shall be sent to the Engineer on completion of each phase of the contract.
Records shall be countersigned by the witness.
2. A final test of the whole installation shall be carried out in the presence of the Engineer or his
representative at or about the completion of the contract. The satisfactory completion of an
earlier test during the progress of work shall in no way relieve the Contractor of any of his
obligations, and any defects found at the time of the final tests, or during the period of
maintenance shall be made good to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer.


1. Before the installation is handed over all drains and soil waste and vent and rain water pipes
shall be rodded and cleaned out. All traps shall be cleared of any collected debris and the
system shall be demonstrated to be operating in an efficient manner to the satisfaction of the


1. Gully pot shall be 450 mm diameter x 1050 mm deep internally and comply with the
requirements of B.S. 5911, except that gullies shall be manufactured from non-reinforced
concrete containing not less than 350 kg of sulphate resisting cement per cubic meter of
concrete. Gully gratings and frames shall be of ductile iron complying with BS 497.


1. Soakaways shall be constructed in accordance with the tender drawings. Excavation and
disposal of surplus earth shall be as per general specifications for the purpose under Civil
2. The soak away shall be composed of Flo-tank modules, inter lockable, lightweight injection
moulded plastics which are assembled in 4 large plates by clipping together to form the box
structure.The whole assembled modules shall be wrapped of non-woven polypropylene
Geotextile filter fabric.Leveled and compacted excavated trench where flo-tank modules are
to be placed –in. Filtration units as part of th Flo-tank soak away package shall be provided at
every inlet or as required by the manufacturer.

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.8




1. All pipework shall be adequately supported in such a manner as to permit free movement due
to expansion contraction, vibration or other changes in the system. Supports shall be
arranged as near as possible to joints and changes in direction. Spacing of supports shall
comply with British Standard
2. BS 5572: 1978 Code of Practice for sanitary pipework, and maximum supports centers as
Soil Waste Overflow/Vent
Horizontal 1.00m 0.75m 0.75m
Vertical 2.0m 1.50m 1.50m
3. Vertical stack shall be adequately supported at the base to stand the total weight of the riser.
Under no circumstances shall branches from vertical rising pipes be the means of support for
the vertical pipework.
4. High temperature PVC waste pipework 32mm, 40mm and 50mm shall be supported using
stand off two piece clips screwed to the wall using round head zinc plated wood screws. Pipe
clips shall be plastic coated galvanized mild steel where exposed to view and galvanized mild
steel where concealed.
5. UPVC solid and ventilation pipework 82mm, 100mm and 150mm shall be supported using
two piece holder bats screwed to the wall using round head zinc plated wood screws.
6. Brackets shall be galvanized steel and be rigid. Where soil and ventilation pipes are
suspended from the underside of slab, they shall be held rigid in position. Single angle iron
supports may be sued for pipework up to 500mm form underside of slab. Double angle iron
supports shall be used for pipework 500mm – 1000mm form the underside of the slab. All
supports shall be proprietary brand and manufactured from galvanized steel. Double angle
iron braces shall be installed on both single and double angle iron supports at 6-meter
centers for vertical and horizontal runs of pipework and anchored as necessary.
7. Rodding Eyes
8. Rodding and cleaning eyes shall be provided as indicated on the contract drawings and as
9. Vent Pipes
10. Vent shall be provided at horizontal trap-vent distance as follows, unless otherwise shown on
Soil / Waste Trap-Vent
Pipe dia. mm distance m
32 1.2
40 1.7
50 2.3
82 3.4
110 & larger 4.6
11. All vent-thru-roof pipes shall terminate 300mm above the pint of exit from the service duct, or
above parapet whichever is higher.
12. Vent for water closet shall be 50mm dia. minimum. Other vent sizes to be as shown on

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.9


1. Joints of UPVC and high temperature PVC shall be O-ring and solvent welded. Prior to
jointing, all pipework, fittings and accessories shall be thoroughly cleaned. Pipework shall be
cut square, end chamfered and swarf and dust removed. Prior to jointing, pipes and fitting
should be checked for correct position and alignment and marked to ensure accurate
2. Where O-ring joints are to use pipes shall be marked for insertion depth, O-ring placed in ring
seal prior to application of small quantity of lubricant or petroleum jelly around the chamfered
spigot end. The pipe shall then be inserted into the socket joint and finally adjusted to the
correct insertion depth.
3. Where solvent joints are to be sued, special care shall be taken to ensure both spigot and
socket are free from all dir, grease and swarf. Solvent cement shall then be applied liberally
and evenly to both socket and spigot prior to inserting spigot into socket. The joint shall
immediately be cleaned of surplus solvent with a dry cloth around newly formed joint.
4. Joining of W.C. outlet to UPVC pipework shall be by means of either a straight or bent
connector as required complete with rubber seal ring and suitable connection for W.C. spigot


1. Each pipe immediately before being laid shall be carefully brushed out and inspected for
2. Pipes with flexible joints, except where concrete protection is provided as specified hereafter,
shall be laid on a well compacted bed of granular bedding material extending for the full width
of the trench and with sufficient material at the side to permit the pies to be worked into the
granular material and firmly supported to true line and level. Sufficient space should be left to
enable the joints to be made, tested and inspected but fully contractor shall ensure that at
least three quarters of the pipe length is fully supported. After the pipeline has been tested
and approved by the Engineer the trench shall be carefully filled to 300 mm above the crown
of the pipe with granular materials.
3. All operations involving the laying, bedding, joining, backfilling etc. of pipes plastic materials
shall be strictly in accordance with the manufactures recommendations subject to the
approval of the Engineer.


1. Marker tape shall be laid 150mm above all sewerage and effluent pressure pipelines. The
marker tape shall be red, non-biodegradable plastic and inscribed with the words
2. “DANGER – NON POTABLE WATER”, in both English and Arabic and shall be of a type
approved by the Engineer. Where specified in the Contract documents blue marker tape as
above shall be laid above potable water mains and inscribed with the words “WATER MAIN”
in both English and Arabic.


1. All pipes and pipeline shall be laid to the lines and depths shown on the drawings or as
otherwise directed by the Engineer.
2. All pipelines shall be laid accurately to line and gradient so that, except where otherwise
specified, the finished pipeline is in a straight line in both horizontal and vertical planes.
Where shown on the drawings or otherwise permitted by the Engineer shall allow changes of
direction achieved by deflection at joints within the maximum permitted by the manufacturer.
Where the angle of the bend required is greater than that obtainable by joint deflection at
joints then the manufactured bends of the appropriate degree shall be used. Manufactured
bends shall only used where shown on the drawings or where otherwise permitted by the

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.10


3. All pipelines forming part of a drainage system shall be laid to the specified line and levels so
that every pipeline lies in a straight line in both horizontal and vertical planes between
successive manholes on the line. No bends will be permitted other than at manholes.
4. Every pipe shall be placed in position individually and shall be set out accurately to the line
and level required. All setting out to line and level of both pipeline and individual pipes shall
be achieved by methods approved by the Engineer.
5. Where pipelines of constant gradient are to be laid, the Contractor shall provide, fix and
maintain at such points as may be directed by the Engineer properly painted sight rails and
boning rods of pre-determined measurement for the boning in of individual pipes to correct
alignment. The sight rails shall be situated vertically over the line of pipes or immediately
adjacent to and there shall at no time be less than three sight rails in position on each length
of pipeline under construction to any one gradient.
6. If the Contractor wishes to propose an alternative method of controlling pipeline alignment, he
shall submit his proposed method to the Engineer for approval.


1. All underground drainage pipework shall be surrounded with 150mm thick Grade SRC 35
sulphate resisting concrete, along its entire length, in the following location.
a. All drainage below buildings or structural.
b. All drainage with less than 600mm covers.
c. Drainage with cover of between 600mm and 1200mm, where there is vehicular traffic over
the ground above the drain line.
d. Elsewhere as indicated on the Contract Drawings.
2. The required depths of concrete bed and height of concrete backfill shall be as indicated on
the Contract Drawings.
3. Where a concrete bed and surround is specified, a minimum of 75mm blinding of concrete
Grade 20 shall first be laid over the full width of the trench.
4. The Pipes shall be laid, jointed and supported on precast concrete blocks, which shall be
separated from the barrel by 25mm thick timber packing.
5. After the pipeline has been tested and approved by the Engineer the top of the concrete bed
shall be thoroughly cleaned and additional concrete Grade SRC 35 carefully placed and
compacted under and around the pipe to a height of at least 150mm above the crown of the
6. Where pipes with flexible joints are to be surrounded, 13mm thick fiberboard or polystyrene
sheet shall be fixed at the pipe coupling joint extending for the full cross section of the
remaining concrete bed and surround, and accurately cut to fit the profile of the pipe.


1. The pipelines shall at all times be kept free of extraneous material and when work is not in
progress the open ends of the pipeline shall be securely plugged with an approved watertight
plug or stopper. Claw type plugs or any type liable to damage the pipe will not be approved.
2. The Contractor shall clear the inside of each fitting and pipe length immediately prior to
jointing and shall swab all fittings and pipe lengths to remove all dirt, sand or other matter that
may contaminate the pipeline. The entire absence of foreign matter from the completed line
shall be a condition precedent to acceptance.

1. All trench excavation shall comply fully with all the relevant clauses of QCS Section 20 and
this specification.

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.11


2. Trench depths shall be sufficient to allow the installation of the required pipe bedding,
granular or concrete, as specified. Generally the depth of cover shall not be less than 600
mm unless otherwise indicated on the Contract Drawings.
3. Trench width shall be in accordance with the following table:
Nominal Minimum Maximum
Pipe Bore Width Width
mm mm mm
75 400 600
100 430 630
150 490 690
200 560 760
4. The maximum and minimum widths shall apply from the bottom of the trench to 300 mm
above the crown of the pipe.
5. Should the trench be excavated to a depth greater than is required in the opinion of the
Engineer, the Contractor shall fill in the bottom of the trench to the required depth with
concrete or other such materials as the engineer may direct.
6. In the case of trench excavations made in roads, footpaths, verges, central strips or within 5
meters of buildings, the Contractor will be required to execute the works so as to minimize
damage and disturbance. Vertical trench sides will generally require support by timbering or
other suitable means. Under-cutting of trench sides will not be permitted.


1. Granular bedding material for rigid pipes shall consist of gravel or broken stone and shall be a
suitable “all in” ballast or stone.
2. For pipes up to 1200 millimeters nominal bore the material shall be graded 12 millimeters to 5
millimeters all passing 12 millimeters and not more than 20 percent passing 5 millimeters B.S
3. The minimum thickness of granular material below the barrel of the pie shall be as follows:
4. 150 millimeters for pipes up to 600 millimeters nominal bore.
5. 200 millimeters for pipes over 600 millimeters nominal bore and up to 1200 millimeters
nominal bore.
6. 300 millimeters for pipes over 1200 millimeters nominal bore.
7. In rock or mixed soils containing rock, boulders, large flints or stones or other irregular bard
spots the thickness of granular fill shall be increased by 100 millimeters.


1. Granular bedding material for flexible pipes shall consist of coarse graded sand up to 10 mm
and shall not contain particles with sharp edges, which could cause damage to the pipes. The
minimum thickness of sand around the barrel of the pipes shall be 100 mm.


1. After compaction of the granular bed and surround or completion of concrete surround, the
trench shall be backfilled using selected excavated material free from all rocks, large hard on
objects and builders debris of greater than 40 mm. Backfilling shall take place immediately
after the specified operations preceding it has been completed and shall be in layers of 150
mm, each fully compacted over the full width of the trench. Power rammers and vibrators
shall be used to compact backfilling when the cover over the crown of the pipe exceeds 0.5

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.12




A. Cement
1. All cement used in all classes of concrete for drainage and sewerage works, whether above
or below ground level, shall be sulphate resistant cement, complying with BS 4027.

B. Granolithic Concrete
1. Granolithic Concrete shall be mixed using one part by weight of Portland cement to two parts
of clean granite chippings graded as table 1 of BS 882, to one part of sharp siliceous and
graded as Table 2 and clear water sufficient to form a stiff but workable mix and provide a
dense concrete.

C. Cement Mortar
1. Cement mortar shall consist of sulphate-resisting cement and sand gauged by volume in
suitable boxed in the proportions given.
2. Unless otherwise specified cement mortar shall be SRC Class No. 1
3. The ingredients of the mortar shall be mixed in an approved mechanical mixer or shall be
mixed together dry on a clean wooden stage until the mix is homogeneous in color. Water
shall then be added through a rose in sufficient quantity to give no more than stiff workability.
The whole shall then be turned until perfectly mixed.
4. Mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of mixing and shall not be remixed or worked up again
after it has stiffened. Any mortar that has commenced to set shall be removed from the

D. Concrete Classification
SRC 30 30 Precast Concrete
SRC 25 25 Normal Reinforced
Concrete, Blinding
Thrust Blocks
SRC 25 25 Mass concrete
Hard standings
SRC 20 20 Mass concrete
Protection and
Protection to
Taking and
Hollow block infill

E. Mix Proportion for Cement Mortar

Cement Sulphate Resisting Sand Lime
No. 1 1 2
No. 2 1 3 -

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.13


No. 3 1 5 1

F. Rendering to Manhole Bedding

Rendering to manhole benching shall comprise a 12 mm thick layer of approved epoxy mortar.

G. Manholes - General
Manholes shall be provided at all changes in direction, gradient or diameter.
The manholes shall be of the sizes and grades indicated on the Contract drawings and fully comply
with CED regulations and Q.C.S. Section 20.

H. Blockwork Manholes
1. Blockwork manholes shall be constructed on the drain lines in the positions and to the
dimensions indicated on drawings or as directed on site by the Engineer.
2. The type of construction for each chamber shall be as indicated on the Contract Drawings.
3. Concrete blocks used for chamber construction shall be manufactured with sulphate resisting
cement and shall comply with the requirements of QCS Section. 13. Hollow concrete blocks
shall be filled solid with concrete Grade SRC 35.
4. Each manhole shall be built on a minimum of 75mm thick blinding of grade SRC 20 concrete
which shall be laid on a dry clean firm foundation free from unsound material. If the bed of the
excavation is wet, the top surface of the blinding shall be coated with an approved
waterproofing material.
5. Foundation base slabs shall be cast in-situ. Mass concrete foundation slabs shall be of
concrete Grade SRC 35. Reinforced concrete foundation slabs shall be of concrete Grade
SRC 35.
6. Internal and external faces of the blockwork walls shall be finished with 12 mm thick SRC
mortar rendering Class 1.
7. All internal faces of manhole chambers except benching and vitrified clay channel fittings
shall be painted with one primer coat and two final coats of black bitumen coating
waterproofing solution to BS 3416, type 1 or equal and approved.
8. All exterior faces of manhole chambers shall be protected with 1000-gauge polythene
membrane with hardboard protection against damage during backfilling.
9. Where indicated on the Drawings, manhole cover frames shall be supported on solid precast
concrete bricks, manufactured from Grade SRC 35 concrete.
10. Reinforced cover slabs shall be provided where manhole access openings are less than the
internal dimensions of the manhole chamber.
11. The cover slabs shall be mounted by ductile or cast iron manhole covers and frames of the
quality specified. The covers in roads and paved areas shall be accurately set on precast
concrete brickwork to the level and slopes of the roads or pavements.
12. Manhole inverts shall be constructed of half section vitrified clay channels. Half section
vitrified clay channel branch bends shall be used for branch connections. Benching in
manholes shall be carefully formed according to the number, diameter and positions of the
incoming and outgoing pipes. The benching in the manholes shall have vertical sides
extending from the vitrified clay channels at least to the level of the crown of the highest pipe.
The benching shall be sloped towards the channels at a gradient of 1 in 10 or as otherwise
detailed on the drawings. The benching shall be rendered with a 12 mm thickness of epoxy
mortar rendering. The ends of all pipes entering and leaving the manhole are to be carefully
cut to shape to suit the internal dimensions of the manholes, and shall project through on the
inside, the benching being continued round the pipe to form a fillet.

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.14


I. Precast Concrete Manholes

1. The base shall be cast in-situ and shall be Grade SRC 20 concrete to the dimensions shown
on the drawings.
2. The whole base including the outside surround to the pipes shall be cast monolithic.
Immediately before concreting, lengths of pipes to be built in shall be surrounded with a layer
of cement mortar No. 1
3. All chamber and shaft rings of the manholes shall comprise precast Grade SRC 35 concrete
units as shown on the drawings.
4. The formwork for all precast concrete rings shall be purpose made in mild steel and shall
incorporate surface vibrators of adequate performance to ensure proper compaction of the
concrete. The forms must have provisions for allowing the casting in of the step irons. All
precast components for manholes shall be made in accordance with BS 5911 or equivalent
approved standard. Precast concrete components shall immediately after the removal of
forms, be sprayed with an approved curing membrane. Regular spraying with water will not
be an acceptable method of curing.
5. Where the Contractor does not own forms with surface vibrators for the production of precast
concrete manhole components he may, with the written approval of the Engineer employ an
approved method of hand compaction. If the Engineer gives such written approval, this does
not imply acceptance of the quality of the finished work.
6. The positions of lifting holes or eyes in precast components are to be approved by the
Engineer. Lifting holes are to be grouted up after construction of the manhole.
7. Step irons are to be positioned in the chamber shaft rings in such manner that the step irons
are vertically linear. The joints at each step iron shall be made watertight and strong, free
from any crack and if found otherwise the Engineer may reject the precast ring or may
instruct the Contractor to take any necessary measures to make the ring watertight.
8. The first step iron shall be fixed at a maximum of 600 mm below the cover level and the last
step iron shall be fixed at a maximum of 300 mm from the top level of the lowest adjacent
9. Step irons shall be staggered at 300 mm centers vertically and horizontally.
10. All joints between rings or slabs shall be made watertight to the satisfaction of the Engineer
with a bituminous mastic strip sealant as approved. The external face of the joint is to be
sealed with epoxy mortar.
11. A 150 mm thick in-situ Grade SRC 20 concrete surround shall be placed around the manhole
as shown on the drawings.

J. Chamber Rings
1. Chamber rings shall be manufactured from concrete Grade SRC 35.
2. Both internal and external surfaces of the chamber rings shall be coated with a solution of
bitumen refined from asphalted crude oil, the solution having total solids contents of
approximately 45% and a viscosity corresponding to a No. 4 Ford cup time of approximately
30 seconds.

K. Soakaways
1. Soakaways shall be constructed using precast concrete manhole rings 1800 mm diameter
and shall have a minimum dept of 2.5 meters below invert of entry pipe and constructed to
BS 5911: Part 1- 3.
2. The precast concrete rings shall be made from sulphate resisting cement to British Standard
4027:1980. The precast rings shall be a minimum of 100 mm thick with 75 mm diameter
perforations, space 30 mm vertically and 410 mm horizontally with each symmetrically
staggered. The bottom ring shall be set on a cost in situ concrete base of a minimum 150 mm
thick from concrete with a 300 mm diameter bore hole lining sleeve cast in centrally as shown
on the drawings. All rings shall be bedded in cement mortar and the soakaway shall be

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.15


surrounded by granular material. All soakaways shall also comply with “Developer Drainage
Guide” published by the Ministry of Public Works Civil Engineering Department, Sewerage
Division where applicable.
3. The granular infill shall extend 500 mm each side of the soakaways walls. The entire void
surrounding the soakaway walls shall be filled in layers of 300 mm each layer, tamped by
hand. The granular fill shall be clean crushed rock to the approval of the Engineer and shall
have grading complying with the following table.
At Sieve side mm Percentage by weight
200 – 150 100
100 85
50 30
25 5
4. The soakaway cover slab shall be reinforced precast concrete with cast iron cover and frame
as shown in the manhole schedule and complying with British Standard BS 497.

L. Manhole Covers and Frames

1. Manhole covers and frames shall be ductile iron and comply with BS 497 – 1976 and shall be
of the sizes and types as shown on the Contract Drawings.
1. In general, manhole covers and frames shall be one of three types, as follows, unless
otherwise specified:
Heavy Duty, to BS 497 Grade A
Medium Duty, to BS 497 Grade B1
Light Duty, to BS 497 Grade C

M. Heavy Duty
1. All manholes installed in roadways or trafficked and paved areas shall be heavy to BS 497
Grade A Reference MA 60. In paved areas, cover shall be recessed type or as per Engineer’s
2. The cover and frame shall be made from ductile iron and the cover shall be of the loosely
bolted double triangular type with three point suspension to provide stability under load. Such
manholes shall incorporate double seal between cover and frame. Sealing groove shall be
filled with grease to provide airtight seal.
3. For diesel fuel fill chamber, cover shall be single, triangular, lockable, non rock to BS 497
Grade “A” 600 x 600 mm.

N. Medium Duty
1. All manholes installed external to buildings, but not in roadways or trafficked and paved
areas, shall be medium duty to BS 497 Grade B1.
2. The cover and frame shall be of grey or ductile iron and the cover shall be either rectangular
or circular as specified in the Manhole Schedule. Such manholes shall incorporate a double
seal between cover and frame. Following flushing out and testing of the drainage system, the
sealing groove shall be filled with grease to provide an airtight seal.

O. Double Seal
1. Duplicate vertical “tongue in groove” relationship between a cover edge and frame. To allow a
double grease seal against the agrees of odour.

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.16


P. Light Duty
1. All manholes installed with buildings and not subject to motor vehicles or industrial trolleys
etc. shall be light duty to BS: 497 Grade C of the lockable type.
2. The cover and frame shall be made from ductile iron and shall incorporate a double seal
between cover and frame. Following flushing out and testing of the drainage system, the
sealing grooves shall be filled with grease to provide an airtight seal.
3. In those areas where it is required to accept a tiled floor finish; the manhole covers shall be of
the recessed type. In kitchens, or other areas subject to washing-down, manhole covers and
frames shall have stainless steel edging and trim. Double-cover units shall be provided where
specified in the Manhole schedule.
4. The Contractor shall provide two sets of lifting keys for each type of manhole.
5. Manhole covers and frames shall be as approved.

Q. Step Irons
1. Step irons shall be manufactured form galvanized malleable cast iron and shall comply with
BS 1247 and be of the general purpose or precast concrete manhole pattern as applicable.
2. The tail length shall be 230 mm for both manhole types.


1. All drainpipes shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of BS 8301 and the
requirements of section of 20 of the Q.C.S.
2. The Engineer shall witness all drainage tests. The Contractor shall give the Engineer a
minimum of 24 hours notice of all tests. The Contractor shall also provide test sheets set out
in an agreed manner for each drain section to be tested.
3. The Contractor having ensured that water, electricity and other necessary supplies are
available shall set to work the completed works or part thereof, at the instruction of the
Engineer, and make the necessary adjustments to ensure correct functioning.
4. After the installation or part thereof has been set to work and adjusted, the Contractor shall
demonstrate its operation at a time selected by and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Tests
shall be in accordance with British Standard BS 6700: 1987.
5. The test shall demonstrate: -
A. That equipment provided complies with the Specification in all particulars and is of
adequate capacity for its full rates of duty.
B. That all items of plant and equipment operate quite sufficiently to meet the specified
C. That all instruments, protection and control devices, etc., are correctly calibrated and
D. That all drainage runs satisfy the required water tests.
6. The details of method of carrying out the recording of tests shall be agreed with the Engineer.
The Client’s representative and the Engineer shall be at liberty to be present at tests and to
participate in the test. This shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities for carrying
out the tests satisfactorily.

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.17


7. The Contractor shall make all the records during the tests and on completion thereof shall
provide the Engineer with a test report and record, both in triplicate. The Contractor shall also
provide all test instruments together with skilled supervision and adequate labor for carrying
out the tests.


1. All under slab, underground drainage, soil and waste system shall be cleaned down and
thoroughly flushed out to remove all dirt within each pipework system.
2. After each system has been flushed and each draw off fitting opened and the drainage soil
and waste system shall be checked for satisfactory rate flow. Particular attention shall be
given to groups of sanitary fittings to ensure satisfactory flow when a number of fittings are
flushed and air not drawn into the system via any trap.


1. All drains shall be tested before backfilling, immediately after the drain has been properly laid
on the correct trench bed and after joining materials has had time to set. A water test
pressure of 1.3 m head above the soffits of the drain shall be applied at the high end, but not
more than 2.4 m head at the low end. The test shall be carried out on lengths of drain not less
than half the distance between manholes, all to be agreed with the Engineer on site. The
lower end of the drain shall be plugged and the higher end shall have a stand pipe not less
than 1.2 m high. The drain shall be filled, taking care to eliminate trapped air. After repair of
leakage due to defective pipes, joints and plugs, the drain under test shall be left for one hour
to allow water absorption by pipes and fittings.
2. The loss of water over a period measuring vessel at intervals of ten minutes of noting the
quality of water required maintaining the original level in the standpipe. For drains up to 300
mm diameter, the water quantity added shall not exceed 0.06 liter per hour per 100 linear
meters per millimeter of nominal bore of the drain under test.
3. All drains shall be tested for a second time as described above after correct bedding cover
and selected backfill have been consolidated and the finished surface complete.


1. A gauge in the form of a “U” tube shall be connected to the plug fixed at one end of the length
to be tested and all junctions and connections to the sewer on drain shall be plugged. Air
shall then be pumped in form the other end of the drain ender test until a pressure equal to
100 mm of water is indicated on the gauge. Without further pumping, the pressure shall not
fail more than 25mm during a period of five minutes.
2. Air tests shall be carried out after 3 pm and all pipework shall be shaded from the sun at all
times. Should an air test fail, a water test shall be carried out as described in this


1. A hardwood ball, of an approved profile, shall be drawn through all foul drains from manholes
at manhole and through branch foul drains before soil pipes; gullies and W.C’s are filled. The
diameter of the ball or profile shall differ form the nominal internal diameter of the pipe by not
more than 6mm or by not more than 4% of the nominal internal diameter of the pipe,
whichever is the greater difference.
2. During commissioning, all manhole cover shall be removed and water flow tests shall be
carried out to ensure that the drains are flowing at their designed capacity and that they are
free of debris.

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.18



1. All manholes shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of BS 8301 and the
requirements of section 20 of Q.C.S.
2. The Engineer shall witness all manhole tests. The Contractor shall give the Engineer a
minimum of 24 hours notice of all tests. The Contract shall also provide test sheets set out in
an agreed manner for each manhole to be tested.
3. All concrete manholes cast in-situ and precast concrete manholes shall be water tested by
plugging all necessary connections and filling the manhole with water to a minimum height of
600 mm above the top of the benching. Water shall be added at ten-minute intervals until
absorption has ceased. No change of water level shall occur for an uninterrupted period of
three hours.

1. The Contractor shall guarantee for a period of 400 days after the Practical Completion of the
installation that all plant and equipment shall operate free of any defects due to defective
material or bad workmanship, and that any part found defective during this period shall be
replaced free of cost by the Contractor.
2. If the defects are not rectified within a reasonable period, the Client may proceed to rectify
these defects by another agency at the Contractor’s entire risk and expense without prejudice
to any rights of the Client.


1. Pumpsets : PULLEN

2. UPVC Pipes and Fittings : KEY TERRAIN


3. Floor Gullies and : FROST

Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.19


Rain Water Outlets HARMER


4. Gun Metal Valves : NEWMAN HATTERSLEY

5. Supports : MUPRO

6. Insulation : IZOCAM

Note : For approval of materials equivalent to the specified, Engineer’s decision shall be final and binding.


Section 20- Drainage Works for Buildings Page No.20


Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................... 1

SECTION 21, ELECTRICAL WORKS .................................................................................................. 11


1.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 11
1.1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 11
1.1.2 References ................................................................................................................. 12
1.1.3 Regulations ................................................................................................................ 12
1.1.4 Existing Services ....................................................................................................... 13
1.1.5 Contract Drawings..................................................................................................... 13
1.1.6 Shop Drawings .......................................................................................................... 13
1.1.7 Progress Drawings .................................................................................................... 15
1.1.8 As built drawings....................................................................................................... 15
1.1.9 Builders Work ............................................................................................................ 15
1.1.10 Program ...................................................................................................................... 16
1.1.11 Equipment and Materials Approval ......................................................................... 16
1.1.12 Fire and Safety Precautions ..................................................................................... 16
1.1.13 Protection ................................................................................................................... 17
1.1.14 Quality of Staff/Personnel ........................................................................................ 18
1.1.15 Climatic Conditions ................................................................................................... 18
1.1.16 Samples ...................................................................................................................... 18
1.1.17 Quality of Materials ................................................................................................... 19
1.1.18 Equipment Duties and Ratings ................................................................................ 19
1.1.19 Workmanship ............................................................................................................. 19
1.1.20 Labels/Circuit Lists/Cable Identification ................................................................. 20
1.1.21 Segregation of Services ........................................................................................... 21
1.1.22 Electricity Supply ...................................................................................................... 22
1.1.23 Polarity ....................................................................................................................... 22
1.1.24 Safety Interlocks ........................................................................................................ 22
1.1.25 Spare Parts ................................................................................................................. 23
1.1.26 Protection of Excavation .......................................................................................... 24
1.1.27 Supply of Materials.................................................................................................... 24
1.1.28 Training ...................................................................................................................... 24

2 PART 2, LV FACTORY BUILT ASSEMBLIES (FBA’S) ......................................................... 24

2.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 24
2.1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 24
2.1.2 General Reference ..................................................................................................... 25
2.1.3 References ................................................................................................................. 25
2.1.4 Submittals .................................................................................................................. 28
2.1.5 Quality Assurance ..................................................................................................... 29
2.2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 29
2.2.1 Low Voltage Panel (LVP) .......................................................................................... 29

2.2.2 Submain Switchboard (SMSB) ................................................................................. 40

2.2.3 Distribution Boards (DB) .......................................................................................... 41
2.2.4 Automatic Transfer Switch ....................................................................................... 42
2.2.5 Manual Transfer Switch ............................................................................................ 43
2.3 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................... 43
2.3.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 43
2.3.2 Earth Bonding ............................................................................................................ 43

3 PART 3, PROTECTIVE DEVICES ........................................................................................... 43

3.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 43
3.1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 43
3.1.2 Ratings ....................................................................................................................... 44
3.1.3 References ................................................................................................................. 44
3.1.4 Overcurrent Protective Device Coordination ......................................................... 44
3.1.5 Quality Assurance ..................................................................................................... 45
3.1.6 Manufacturers ............................................................................................................ 45
3.2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 45
3.2.1 Air Circuit Breakers (ACB) ....................................................................................... 45
3.2.2 Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB) ................................................................. 46
3.2.3 Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB) ............................................................................ 47
3.2.4 MCB/ELCB .................................................................................................................. 47
3.2.5 Isolating Switches ..................................................................................................... 47
3.2.6 Control Relays/Auxiliary Relays/Interposing Relays ............................................. 47
3.2.7 Protection Relays ...................................................................................................... 48

6 PART 6, CABLES AND SMALL WIRING ............................................................................... 49

6.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 49
6.1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 49
6.1.2 References ................................................................................................................. 49
6.1.3 Quality Assurance ..................................................................................................... 50
6.1.4 Submissions .............................................................................................................. 50
6.1.5 Products Delivery, Storage and Handling .............................................................. 50
6.2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 51
6.2.1 Performance Requirements for Environmental Conditions ................................. 51
6.2.2 Cables ......................................................................................................................... 51
6.2.3 Sundries ..................................................................................................................... 55
6.3 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................... 57
6.3.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 57
6.3.2 Cable Trays ................................................................................................................ 61
6.3.3 Trench Depth ............................................................................................................. 62
6.3.4 Removal of Existing Cables ..................................................................................... 62
6.3.5 Ducts ........................................................................................................................... 62
6.3.6 Quarry Scalping ......................................................................................................... 62

7 PART 7, CONDUITS AND CONDUIT BOXES ........................................................................ 62

7.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 62

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7.1.1 References ................................................................................................................. 62

7.1.2 Description ................................................................................................................. 63
7.1.3 Submissions .............................................................................................................. 63
7.2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 63
7.2.1 Rigid PVC Conduit and Fittings ............................................................................... 63
7.2.2 Steel Conduit and Fittings ........................................................................................ 64
7.2.3 Flexible Conduit and Connections .......................................................................... 65
7.3 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................... 65
7.3.1 Preparation ................................................................................................................. 65
7.3.2 Installation of Conduit .............................................................................................. 65
7.3.3 Installation of Flexible Conduit ................................................................................ 68
7.3.4 Cleaning ..................................................................................................................... 68

8 PART 8, TRUNKING ................................................................................................................ 68

8.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 68
8.1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 68
8.1.2 References ................................................................................................................. 68
8.1.3 Submissions .............................................................................................................. 68
8.2 PRODUCT ................................................................................................................... 69
8.2.1 Trunking ..................................................................................................................... 69
8.3 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................... 70
8.3.1 Installation .................................................................................................................. 70
8.3.2 Cleaning and Adjustment ......................................................................................... 70

9 PART 9, CABLE TRAYS ......................................................................................................... 70

9.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 70
9.1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 70
9.1.2 References ................................................................................................................. 71
9.1.3 Quality Assurance ..................................................................................................... 71
9.1.4 Submissions .............................................................................................................. 71
9.1.5 Delivery, Storage and Handling ............................................................................... 71
9.1.6 Coordination .............................................................................................................. 71
9.2 PRODUCT ................................................................................................................... 71
9.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 71
9.2.2 Materials ..................................................................................................................... 72
9.3 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................... 73
9.3.1 Installation .................................................................................................................. 73
9.3.2 Erection ...................................................................................................................... 73
9.3.3 Earthing ...................................................................................................................... 74

10 PART 10, WIRING ACCESSORIES AND GENERAL POWER .............................................. 74

10.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 74
10.1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 74
10.1.2 References ................................................................................................................. 74
10.1.3 Description of Work .................................................................................................. 75

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10.2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 75

10.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 75
10.2.2 Outlet Boxes .............................................................................................................. 75
10.2.3 Switches ..................................................................................................................... 75
10.2.4 Ceiling Roses ............................................................................................................. 76
10.2.5 Socket Outlets ........................................................................................................... 76
10.2.6 Shaver Socket Outlets .............................................................................................. 77
10.2.7 Cooker Control Units ................................................................................................ 77
10.2.8 Disconnect Switches and Switch Fuses ................................................................. 77
10.2.9 Fused Connection Units ........................................................................................... 77
10.2.10 Junction, Pull and Terminal Boxes.......................................................................... 78
10.3 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................... 78
10.3.1 Mounting Heights ...................................................................................................... 78
10.3.2 Installation of Outlet Boxes ...................................................................................... 78
10.3.3 Installation of Switches ............................................................................................ 78
10.3.4 Installation of Junction, Pull and Terminal Boxes ................................................. 78
10.3.5 Testing ........................................................................................................................ 78

11 PART 11, LIGHT FITTINGS .................................................................................................... 79

11.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 79
11.1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 79
11.1.2 Quality Assurance ..................................................................................................... 79
11.1.3 References ................................................................................................................. 79
11.1.4 Submittals .................................................................................................................. 80
11.2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 80
11.2.1 Lamps ......................................................................................................................... 80
11.2.2 Luminaires ................................................................................................................. 81
11.2.3 LED Lamps/Luminaires ............................................................................................ 82
11.2.4 Termination/Earthing ................................................................................................ 82
11.2.5 Ceiling System ........................................................................................................... 82
11.2.6 Noise and Interference .............................................................................................. 82
11.2.7 External Lighting ....................................................................................................... 82
11.3 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................... 83
11.3.1 Lighting Installation .................................................................................................. 83
11.3.2 Installation of Lamps ................................................................................................ 83

12 PART 12, EMERGENCY LIGHTING ....................................................................................... 84

12.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 84
12.1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 84
12.1.2 References ................................................................................................................. 84
12.1.3 Quality Assurance ..................................................................................................... 84
12.1.4 Submittals .................................................................................................................. 84
12.1.5 Warranty ..................................................................................................................... 84
12.2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 84
12.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 84
12.2.2 Emergency Luminaires ............................................................................................. 85

Electrical Specification Page 4 of 161


12.2.3 Self-Contained Emergency Luminaire .................................................................... 85

12.2.4 Exit Signs ................................................................................................................... 85
12.3 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................... 86
12.3.1 Wiring ......................................................................................................................... 86
12.3.2 Installation of Batteries ............................................................................................. 86
12.3.3 Luminaries and Lamps ............................................................................................. 86

13 PART 13, TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS ............................................................................. 86

13.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 86
13.1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 86
13.1.2 References ................................................................................................................. 86
13.2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 87
13.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 87
13.3 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................... 87
13.3.1 Incoming Line/Site Services ..................................................................................... 87
13.3.2 Conduits and Trunking ............................................................................................. 87
13.3.3 Special Requirements ............................................................................................... 87

14 PART 14, STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS .................................................................... 88

14.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 88
14.1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 88
14.1.2 References ................................................................................................................. 88
14.2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 88
14.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 88
14.2.2 Horizontal Copper Cables ........................................................................................ 88
14.2.3 Data and Telephone Outlets ..................................................................................... 89
14.2.4 Patch Panels (Cu/RJ45)` ........................................................................................... 89
14.2.5 Equipment Racks ...................................................................................................... 90
14.2.6 Patch Cords ............................................................................................................... 90
14.2.7 Optical Fiber Cables .................................................................................................. 90
14.2.8 Fiber Optic Patch Panels .......................................................................................... 91
14.2.9 Fiber Optic Patch Cords ........................................................................................... 91
14.3 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................... 91
14.3.1 Containment Systems ............................................................................................... 91
14.3.2 Testing and Commissioning .................................................................................... 91

16 PART 16, POWER FACTOR CORRECTION CAPACITORS (PFCC) ................................... 92

16.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 92
16.1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 92
16.1.2 References ................................................................................................................. 92
16.1.3 Submittal .................................................................................................................... 93
16.1.4 Quality Assurance ..................................................................................................... 93
16.2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 93
16.2.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 93
16.2.2 Capacitors .................................................................................................................. 93
16.2.3 Control and Protection ............................................................................................. 94

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16.3 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................... 94

16.3.1 Installation .................................................................................................................. 94
16.3.2 Field Tests .................................................................................................................. 94

17 PART 17, STANBY GENERATOR .......................................................................................... 95

17.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 95
17.1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 95
17.1.2 References ................................................................................................................. 95
17.1.3 Quality Assurance ..................................................................................................... 95
17.1.4 Submittals .................................................................................................................. 96
17.1.5 Period of Maintenance .............................................................................................. 97
17.2 PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................ 98
17.2.1 Generator Set ............................................................................................................. 98
17.2.2 Control Panel ............................................................................................................ 104
c. System Operation and Performance ............................................................................. 105
17.2.4 System Responsibility ............................................................................................. 106
17.3 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 106
17.3.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 106
17.3.2 Paint Work ................................................................................................................. 106
17.3.3 Site Quality Control .................................................................................................. 107
17.3.4 Commissioning ......................................................................................................... 107
17.3.5 Training of Operation and Maintenance Personnel .............................................. 107

18 PART 18, UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS (UPS) .................................. 108

18.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 108
18.1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 108
18.1.2 Description ................................................................................................................ 108
18.1.3 References ................................................................................................................ 108
18.1.4 Submissions ............................................................................................................. 108
18.1.5 Design Requirements .............................................................................................. 109
18.1.6 Warranty .................................................................................................................... 110
18.1.7 Quality Assurance .................................................................................................... 110
18.2 PRODUCT .................................................................................................................. 111
18.2.1 UPS System .............................................................................................................. 111
18.2.2 Configurations .......................................................................................................... 111
18.2.3 System Protection .................................................................................................... 111
18.2.4 Standard Components ............................................................................................. 111
18.2.5 Fabrication ................................................................................................................ 114
18.3 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 115
18.3.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 115
18.3.2 Test ............................................................................................................................ 115
18.3.3 Record Information .................................................................................................. 115

21 PART 21, LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM (LPS)]........................................................ 115

21.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 115
21.1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 115

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21.1.2 Reference .................................................................................................................. 115

21.1.3 System Requirements .............................................................................................. 115
21.1.4 Submittal ................................................................................................................... 115
21.2 PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................... 115
21.2.1 Material ...................................................................................................................... 115
21.3 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 116
21.3.1 Earth Links: ............................................................................................................... 116
21.3.2 Earth Rod Electrodes: .............................................................................................. 116
21.3.3 Earth Pits: .................................................................................................................. 116
21.3.4 Testing ....................................................................................................................... 117

22 PART 22, EARTHING AND BONDING .................................................................................. 117

22.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 117
22.1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 117
22.1.2 Reference .................................................................................................................. 117
22.1.3 Quality Assurance .................................................................................................... 117
22.1.4 Submittals ................................................................................................................. 117
22.2 PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................... 117
22.2.1 Materials .................................................................................................................... 117
22.3 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 118
22.3.1 Installation ................................................................................................................. 118
22.3.2 Testing ....................................................................................................................... 119

23 PART 23, INSPECTION AND TESTING ................................................................................ 119

23.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 119
23.1.1 Inspection and Tests at Manufacturer's Place ...................................................... 119
23.1.2 Inspection and Tests at Site .................................................................................... 120
23.2 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION TESTING ................................................................ 121
23.2.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 121
23.2.2 Verification of Polarity ............................................................................................. 121
23.2.3 Earth Electrode Resistance ..................................................................................... 121
23.2.4 Insulation Resistance .............................................................................................. 122
23.2.5 Ring Circuit Continuity ............................................................................................ 122
23.2.6 Phase Rotation ......................................................................................................... 122
23.2.7 Continuity of Protective Conductor ........................................................................ 122
23.2.8 Earth-fault Loop Impedance .................................................................................... 122
23.2.9 Operation Tests ........................................................................................................ 122
23.3 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT TESTING...................................................................... 123
23.3.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 123
23.4 COMMISSIONING...................................................................................................... 123
23.4.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 123

25 PART 25, ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATIONS......................................................................... 124

25.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 124
25.1.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 124

Electrical Specification Page 7 of 161


25.1.2 Nameplates and Labels ........................................................................................... 124

25.1.3 Wire and Cable Markers ........................................................................................... 125
25.1.4 Interconnecting Cabling Identification “ICA” ........................................................ 125
25.1.5 Underground Warning Tape .................................................................................... 126
25.1.6 Installation ................................................................................................................. 126

26 PART 26, ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY .............................................................. 126

26.1 REGULATIONS ......................................................................................................... 126
26.1.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 126
26.1.2 EMC: Electromagnetic Compatibility ..................................................................... 126
26.1.3 The CE Marking ........................................................................................................ 126
26.1.4 EMC Directive and Standards ................................................................................. 127
26.2 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REDUCING INTERFERENCE .................................... 127

30 PART 30, DUCT BANKS AND MANHOLES ......................................................................... 127

30.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 127
30.1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 127
30.1.2 Description ................................................................................................................ 127
30.1.3 Submissions ............................................................................................................. 127
30.2 PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................... 128
30.2.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 128
30.2.2 Galvanized Steel Conduit ........................................................................................ 128
30.2.3 Plastic Conduit ......................................................................................................... 128
30.2.4 Pre-Cast Concrete Manholes .................................................................................. 128
30.2.5 Accessories .............................................................................................................. 129
30.2.6 Cast in Place Manhole Accessories ....................................................................... 129
30.3 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 129
30.3.1 Duct Bank Installation .............................................................................................. 129
30.3.2 Pre-Cast Manhole Installation ................................................................................. 130
30.3.3 Cast in Place Manhole Installation ......................................................................... 130

31 PART 31, POWER TRANSFORMER (11/0.433KV) .............................................................. 131

31.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 131
31.1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 131
31.1.2 References ................................................................................................................ 131
31.1.3 Submittals ................................................................................................................. 132
31.2 PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................... 132
31.2.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 132
31.3 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 132
31.3.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 132
31.3.2 Quality Control and Test Procedures ..................................................................... 132
31.3.3 Environment .............................................................................................................. 132

32 PART 32, 11KV SWITCHGEAR ............................................................................................. 133

32.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 133
32.1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 133

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32.1.2 References ................................................................................................................ 133

32.1.3 Quality Assurance .................................................................................................... 134
32.1.4 Submissions ............................................................................................................. 134
32.2 PRODUCT .................................................................................................................. 134
32.2.1 General Design & Construction .............................................................................. 134
32.3 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 134
32.3.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 134

35.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 135
35.1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 135
35.1.2 Performance .............................................................................................................. 135
35.1.3 Submittals ................................................................................................................. 135
35.2 PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................... 135
35.2.1 System Equipment ................................................................................................... 135
35.2.2 Distribution Network ................................................................................................ 137
35.2.3 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 139
35.2.4 General ...................................................................................................................... 139
35.2.5 Distribution System.................................................................................................. 139
35.2.6 Components .............................................................................................................. 139
35.2.7 Testing ....................................................................................................................... 139
35.2.8 Training ..................................................................................................................... 139

36 PART 36, CCTV SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 139

36.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 139
36.1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 139
36.1.2 References ................................................................................................................ 140
36.1.3 System Requirements .............................................................................................. 140
36.1.4 Submittals ................................................................................................................. 140
36.2 PRODUCT .................................................................................................................. 140
36.2.1 General Cameras ...................................................................................................... 140
36.2.2 Fixed Dome Cameras ............................................................................................... 141
36.2.3 Pan/Tilt/Zoom Dome Cameras ................................................................................ 141
36.2.4 PC Workstations ....................................................................................................... 141
36.2.5 Servers ...................................................................................................................... 141
36.2.6 Storages .................................................................................................................... 142
36.2.7 Local Area Network .................................................................................................. 142
36.3 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 142
36.3.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 142
36.3.2 Type of Cables .......................................................................................................... 142
36.3.3 Cabling and Wiring ................................................................................................... 142
36.3.4 Testing and Commissioning ................................................................................... 142
36.3.5 Training ..................................................................................................................... 143

SECTION 23, FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION ............................................................... 144

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3 PART 3, FIRE DETECTION & ALARM SYSTEM (FDAS) ..................................................... 144

3.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 144
3.1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 144
3.1.2 References and Compliance ................................................................................... 144
3.1.3 Submittals ................................................................................................................. 144
3.1.4 System of Operation ................................................................................................ 144
3.1.5 System of Wiring ...................................................................................................... 145
3.2 PRODUCT .................................................................................................................. 145
3.2.1 Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) ............................................................................ 145
3.2.2 Addressable Manual Call Points ............................................................................. 149
3.2.3 Point Type Detectors ............................................................................................... 149
3.2.4 Alarm Sounders ........................................................................................................ 150
3.2.5 Strobes ...................................................................................................................... 150
3.2.6 Addressable Relay Output Modules ....................................................................... 150
3.2.7 Addressable Contact Monitoring Modules ............................................................ 150
3.2.8 Addressable Analog Monitoring Modules ............................................................. 150
3.2.9 Addressable Sounder Driver Modules ................................................................... 150
3.2.10 Sounder Booster Modules ....................................................................................... 151
3.2.11 Fire Sprinkler System Alarm & Monitoring ............................................................ 151
3.2.12 Control Relay & Monitor Modules........................................................................... 151
3.2.13 Line Isolator Modules .............................................................................................. 151
3.2.14 Battery/Charger Console ......................................................................................... 151
35.2.9 High Sensitivity Smoke Detection (HSSD) ............................................................. 151
3.2.15 Ancillary Equipment ................................................................................................. 154
3.3 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................... 154
3.3.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 154
3.3.2 Installation of Detectors .......................................................................................... 155
3.3.3 Installation of Control Devices ................................................................................ 155
3.3.4 Installation of Fire Controller Equipment .............................................................. 155
3.3.5 Installation of HSSD ................................................................................................. 156

SCHEDULE OF MANUFACTURERS .................................................................................................. 157

END OF SECTION ............................................................................................................................... 160

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1.1.1 Scope
A. The Electrical Installation Contractor, herein referred to as the 'Contractor' within this
part and all other Section 21 parts of this specification shall carry out all electrical works
complete in accordance with the requirements of the Project Documentation.
B. The switchgear manufacturer must have a previous record of satisfactory service in
Qatar for at least 3 years.
C. The scope of works to be executed under this contract includes the supply, installation,
testing and commissioning of the electrical materials and equipment as per the
specifications drafted in this section and the Project Drawings. The Contractor shall
provide complete installations for the project and other associated works such as
supporting structures, ancillary works, and etc. A brief description of electrical works will
be as follows:
1. The supply and installation of all services, equipment, components, accessories and
fittings required for the operation of the facility to the extent specified and detailed
on the Drawings and Specifications including 400 days maintenance after
provisional handover;
2. Builders work in connection with the Electrical Installations, including supply,
necessary inserts and sleeves;
3. The supply, install, testing, and commissioning of 11kV Switchgear, and Power
Transformers within the Substation, in accordance to Kahramaa Standards and
Approved Building Permit Application, and as shown upon the drawings, inclusive of
11kV cables from main street to 11kV switchgear and to transformers, and
secondary winding cables and connections to the associated LV Panels;
4. The supply, install, testing, and commissioning of Main Low Voltage Panel(s) within
the Substation, as shown upon the drawings, inclusive of the main cables and
connections to the associated Sub-Main Distribution Boards, fixed loads and
Distribution Boards;
5. The supply, install, testing, and commissioning of Standby Generator Set for the
Facility (supply of Genset for Warehouses, by Tenant), as shown in the drawings;
6. The supply, install, testing, and commissioning of Power Factor Correction
Capacitor Bank, as shown in the drawings;
7. The supply, install, testing, and commissioning of Sub-Main Distribution Boards
(SMSB), as described within this specification and as shown upon the drawings;
8. The supply, install, testing, and commissioning of Lighting and Power Distribution
Boards, as described within this specification and as shown upon the drawings,
inclusive of the final circuit cables and connections to the associated lighting and
power loads;
9. The supply, install, and testing of lighting and power installations, as described
within this specification and as shown upon the drawings;
10. The supply, install, and testing of Emergency Lighting, as described within this
specification and as shown upon the drawings;
11. The supply, and installation of Cable Containments for all the electrical systems, as
described within this specification and as shown upon the drawings;
12. The supply, install, testing, and commissioning of Un-Interruptible Power Supply
(UPS) System, as described within this specification and as shown upon the

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13. The supply, install, and testing of Complete Earthing and Bonding System within the
development, as described within this specification and as shown upon the
14. The supply, install, and testing Complete Lightning Protection, as described within
this specification and as shown upon the drawings;
15. The supply, install, testing, and commissioning of Fire Detection & Alarm System,
as described within this specification and as shown upon the drawings;
16. The supply, install, and testing of Structure Cabling System, as described within this
specification and as shown upon the drawings;
17. The supply, install, testing, and commissioning of Complete Satellite Master
Antenna Television System, as described within this specification and as shown
upon the drawings;
18. The supply, installation, and testing of cables, conduits, boxes and termination
points, for the motors, starters, controls and the like for the Process Equipment,
Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning and Plumbing services;
19. Arranging for installation of permanent Electrical supply by the Qatar General
Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa), including submission of all
necessary documents to Kahramaa, and carrying all necessary approvals and
obtaining consumption meters;
20. Attending upon the Supply Authority installing mains power supply and carrying out
primary and secondary injection tests;
21. Arranging and carrying out all necessary approvals with Ooredoo for the Telephone
22. Arranging and carrying out all necessary approvals with the Qatar Civil Defense
Department for the Fire Alarm System, extinguishing and protection systems.
23. Any work which can be reasonably inferred as necessary for the safe, satisfactory
operation of each system, whether such work is specified or shown on drawings or

1.1.2 References
A. The following standards are referred to in this Section:
 BS 921 - Specification. Rubber mats for electrical
 BS EN 60903 - Live working. Gloves of insulating material;
 BS EN 60309-1 - Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial
purposes. General requirements;
 BS EN 60309-2 - Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial
purposes. Dimensional interchangeability
requirements for pin and contact-tube
 BS 546 - Specification. Two-pole and earthing-pin plugs,
socket-outlets and socket-outlet adaptors;
 BS 1363 - A plugs, socket-outlets, adaptors and
connection units

1.1.3 Regulations
A. All supplies and services offered in response to this specification shall conform to the
latest standards.
B. The design, equipment and installation requirements shall comply with the standards
and recommendations lay down by the following:
1. Regulations for Electrical Installations, as issued by the Qatar General Electricity
and Water Corporation (Kahramaa) Qatar;

Electrical Specification Page 12 of 161


2. Regulations for Electrical Installations as issued by the Institution of Electrical

Engineers (IEE), London, BS 7671, (for points not included in Kahramaa
3. Recommendations for Lighting Installations, as issued by Kahramaa and the
Chartered Institute of Building Services, London;
4. Standards relating to Electrical Installations and equipment, as issued by
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and British Standards Institute
5. Regulations for telephone system installation as issued by Ooredoo;
6. National Electrical Code issued by National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
Boston, USA;
7. Rules of the Qatar Civil Defense Department (QCDD), for Fire Alarm installations;
and Power System installations for Fire related devices and equipment.
C. Where two or more applicable standards and/or the Specifications are in conflict, the
most stringent shall apply.

1.1.4 Existing Services

A. The Contractor is deemed to have visited and inspected the site to familiarize himself
with the existing site conditions and services at tender stage.
B. The Contractor shall obtain the existing services record drawings from Kahramaa and
various utility services departments (i.e. Ooredoo, QCDD etc).
C. Coordination between shop drawings, work on site and existing services shall be carried
out by the Contractor.
D. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any damages to the existing services
including repairs, and penalties imposed by the concerned parties etc and for removing
any site obstacles such as underground cables, pipes, civil works etc. which is
obstructing his work on site.
E. The Contractor shall also be responsible for liaison with Kahramaa, Ooredoo and all
other government utility departments to disconnect or divert the existing services supply
to the existing site prior to demolishing.

1.1.5 Contract Drawings

A. The indication and/or description of any item on the Drawings or in the Specification,
unless otherwise specifically stated, implies an instruction to supply and fix such items.
B. Notes on Drawings referring to individual items of work take precedence over the
C. Drawings show the general run of cables, raceways, etc. and the approximate location
of equipment and utilities; symbols and schematic diagrams are of no dimensional
significance. Obtain from the Engineer dimensions not shown on, or which cannot be
determined from Drawings. Do not scale drawings to obtain locations.
D. Notify the Engineer of conflicting requirements. Where departures from the drawings are
deemed necessary, details of such departure and reasons thereupon shall be submitted
to the Engineer for approval.
E. No such departure shall be made without prior written approval of the Engineer.

1.1.6 Shop Drawings

A. The term 'shop drawings' includes fabrication, erection, layout and setting out drawings;
manufacturer's standard drawings, schedules; descriptive literature, illustrations,
catalogues and brochures; performance and test data; wiring and control diagrams and
other drawings and descriptive data pertaining to materials, equipment, raceway
systems, control systems and methods of construction as required to show that
materials, equipment and systems and position thereof, conform to the Contract
Documents. The term 'manufactured' applies to standard units usually mass produced.

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The term 'fabricated' means items specifically assembled or made out of selected
materials to meet individual design requirements.
B. Shop drawings shall establish actual detail of all manufactured or fabricated items,
indicate proper relation to adjoining work, amplify design details of electrical equipment
in proper relation to physical spaces in the structure, and incorporate minor changes of
design or construction to suit actual conditions.
C. The Contractor shall submit for approval, and obtain in due time to conform to the
Contract Program, all shop and installation drawings based on the design drawings
approved by the Kahramaa and all other relevant Municipality and Government
D. The Contractor, immediately after being awarded the said Contract, shall prepare and
submit shop drawings. Shop drawings shall be submitted with such promptness as to
cause no delay in his own work nor to any other Contractor. No extensions of time will
be granted because of failure to have shop drawings submitted in ample time to allow
for processing, in accordance with the submittals schedule outlined in Section 9, Part 1,
clause 1.1.4.
E. Provide shop drawings, to a scale not smaller than the corresponding layout drawings,
showing the following and obtain approval before commencing work:
1. Exact runs and sizes of conduits, ducts, cables, cable trays and trunking;
2. Layout drawings for each separate electrical installation showing the actual
locations of points, suitably identified, the locations of switchgears switchboards,
motor control centers and distribution boards, details and types of fittings;
3. Plans showing the equipment assembly, space requirements, clearances and
locations for cable entrances and anchor bolts;
4. Elevations showing all parts, devices, components and nameplates, positions and
arrangements of the equipment. Show as many elevations as necessary to clearly
depict component and device arrangements;
5. Schedules of points, indicating how the various outlets are connected to the
distribution boards, size of circuit wiring, the rating of the protective device and the
type and size of appliance of fitting;
6. Schematic diagram of connections of distribution boards, and equipment to main
switchboards showing sizes of feeders, etc;
7. Schematic and elementary wiring diagrams, of each unit of each equipment,
showing numbered terminal points, numbered wires and numbered interconnections
to other equipment and remote devices;
8. Connection wiring diagrams, of each unit of each equipment, showing numbered
terminal points, numbered wires and numbered interconnections to other equipment
and remote devices;
9. Complete catalogue information of all parts and components of electrical
10. All cable routings and layouts for the different electrical services, feeders and
branch circuits showing routes, sizes and types of cables; and
11. Any other data necessary for the proper maintenance of the installations.
F. Drawings shall be ISO standard size A1. Lettering shall be stenciled. Shop drawings
and samples shall be properly identified with the name of the Project, the Contractor,
the Sub-Contractor and the date, and signed by Contractors Authorized Engineers.
G. Final co-ordination of electrical works with mechanical, structural and architectural work
shall be carried out from complete shop drawings and sufficient time shall be allowed for
coordination and checking of shop drawings and calculations after shop drawings are
H. Individual shop drawings shall be submitted following the distribution of the coordination
drawings and shall bear a stamp indicating that the work has been coordinated with
other trades.

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I. The Engineer's review and approval of shop drawings submitted by and approved by
the Contractor is for general conformance with the design concept and information
given in the Contract Documents and shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility
for any deviations from the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Engineer's
review and approval shall not be construed as a complete check nor shall it relieve the
Contractor from responsibility for error of any sort in shop drawings or schedules, or
from the necessity of furnishing any work required by the Contract Documents which
may have been omitted on the shop drawings. The Engineer's review and approval of a
component item shall not indicate review and approval of the complete assembly in
which it functions.
J. The Engineer or the supervising consultant shall forward electrical drawings and
specifications which are to be submitted for approval to Kahramaa, when appropriate.
However, it shall be the Contractors’ responsibility to obtain written approval from
Kahramaa for all such drawings and specifications appertaining to the work carried out
under the contract. Kahramaa approvals may take a considerable time to obtain and the
contractor should make allowance for this and be available for liaising with and pursuing
approvals with Kahramaa.

1.1.7 Progress Drawings

A. Provide and keep on the job at all times, one complete and separate set of blackline
prints of the electrical work on which shall be clearly, neatly and accurately noted,
promptly as the work progresses, all architectural and electrical changes, revisions and
additions to the work. Whatever work is installed otherwise than as shown on the
Contract Drawings, such changes shall be noted.
B. Indicate daily progress on these prints by coloring in the various conduits, ducts,
trunking, cable trays, fixtures, apparatus and associated installation works erected.

1.1.8 As built drawings

A. The Contractor shall provide the as built drawings, as approved by the Engineers, in
AutoCAD DWG format, in CD-ROM, as per the Project Documentation requirement. The
drawings shall be submitted not later than 2 months after completion of the Project, or
putting into operation, whichever is earlier. An addition, 3 sets of hard copy of all
relevant drawings, which will be required for operation and maintenance, shall be
supplied in bound book forms immediately after the commissioning of the Project.
B. The Contractor shall provide the as built drawings, as approved by the Engineers, in
DXF format or AutoCAD DWG format, in CD-ROM, as per the Project Documentation
requirement. The drawings shall be submitted not later than 2 months after completion
of the Project, or putting into operation, whichever is earlier. An addition, 3 sets of hard
copy of all relevant drawings, which will be required for operation and maintenance,
shall be supplied in bound book forms immediately after the commissioning of the
C. The Contractor shall supply, 3 sets of all operation and maintenance manuals in
original, from the manufacturer in bound book forms, at least 2 weeks prior to
commissioning of the equipment. These shall also be supplied, in CD-ROM, based on
popular Microsoft window based publishing software programs, along with the as built
drawings as mentioned above, as specified in the Project Documentation.

1.1.9 Builders Work

A. Lay electrical works in advance of pouring concrete slabs and construction of walls.
Obtain Engineer's approval before commencing builder's work in connection with
electrical installation. Related coordinated shop drawings shall be submitted for
approval as per the related clause 1.1.5 of this section. Materials approval shall be
obtained as per procedure detailed in clause 1.1.9 below. The Contractor shall make it
certain that drawings properly coordinated with other works are submitted immediately
after signing of the contract and approval of drawings and the materials are obtained at
least one month prior to the commencement date of the construction.

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B. Check with other trades to ensure equipment and material can be installed in space
C. Provide other trades with information necessary for them to execute their work.
D. Details on drawings which are specific regarding dimensions and locations, are for
information purposes. Coordinate with other trades to ensure work can be installed as

1.1.10 Program
A. The Contractor shall produce a work program based on CPM or Bar-chart form
indicating the time required for various operations to complete the Project in time. The
following points shall be highlighted in the program:
1. Mobilization;
2. Drawings/submittals;
3. Approvals;
4. Equipment deliveries including delivery periods from supply sources external to the
State of Qatar;
5. First fix;
6. Cabling;
7. Main/sub-main distribution equipment;
8. Second fix;
9. Fixing of light fittings;
10. Testing; and
11. Commissioning and handing over.
B. The Contractor is responsible for all liaisons with Kahramaa in respect of programming
the installation and commissioning of complete electrical system. The Contractor shall
ensure that Kahramaa are at all times kept informed of the current progress of the
electrical works on site and that his approved electricity supply subcontractor programs
the cable laying works in the specified sequence in accordance with the approved

1.1.11 Equipment and Materials Approval

A. Approval of materials and equipment shall be based on latest manufacturer's published
B. Complete and detailed information of all materials and equipment to be incorporated in
the work shall be submitted. Submit detailed description and specifications, catalogues
cuts, installation data, diagrams, dimensions, controls and any other data required to
demonstrate compliance with the Contract Documents. Each item submitted shall be
referenced to the applicable paragraph in the Specification.
C. At the request of the Engineer, submit a sample of any equipment or material for further
study before approval. Where samples are required by the Engineer, the period
required to obtain the sample will be taken into account when scheduling approvals.
D. Only approved materials shall be employed at the site. All materials installed which are
not approved shall be removed and reinstated by approved ones.
E. Time periods for equipment and materials approvals shall be as outlined in Section 9,
Part 1, clause 1.1.4.

1.1.12 Fire and Safety Precautions

A. Establish from Architectural Drawings where fire and smoke barriers exist, and make
adequate provision of fire and smoke barriers in and around trunking, conduits, cables,
etc., where they pass through floors and fire rated walls, and where protection systems
are installed pack space between wiring and sleeve full with Fire Retardant Material and
seal with caulking.

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B. The Contractor shall ensure that this work is carried out such that the integrity of any
such fire barrier is properly maintained where pierced by electrical services.
C. For each switchboard the Contractor shall supply the following equipment:
1. 1 no. electrical grade rubber mat to BS 921, 1000 mm wide extending the full length
of the switchboard
2. 1 no. pair of electrical grade rubber gloves to BS EN 60903. The hand glove should
have the date of test stamped on it.
3. 1 no. notice in English and Arabic advising treatment for a person suffering from
electrical shock.
D. The Contractor shall put the notice for electrical shock treatment in details with sketches
and instructions as per standard procedures. The notice shall comply with the
requirement of the Kahramaa in content and format. However, this should include the
following as a minimum,
a. Safeguard Yourself
b. Switch off current or break electric circuit
c. Use or stand on some dry non-conducting material to remove the CASUALTY
from cable or source of electricity.
d. Start artificial respiration and call for Medical Aid.
a. Lay the casualty on back and if possible on a table
b. Kneel or stand near to the casualty’s head
c. Remove any obstruction from the mouth
d. Support the nape of the neck and press top of the head so that it is tilted
e. Open your mouth and take a deep breath, pinch the casualty’s nostrils with your
fingers. Seal your lips round his mouth and blow into his lungs until the chest
f. Remove your mouth and watch the chest falls
g. Repeat and continue inflation at your natural rate of breathing. Continue to give
artificial respiration until natural breathing is restored or until the medical aid
h. When the casualty is breathing, place in recovery position, lying and resting on
the side. Remain with and watch casualty closely.

1.1.13 Protection
A. The Contractor shall be responsible for his work and equipment until finally inspected,
tested and accepted. Materials and equipment which are not immediately installed after
delivery to site shall be stored carefully. Close open ends of work with temporary covers
or plugs during construction to prevent entry of obstructing material.
B. Protect work and material of other trades from damage that might be caused by his
work or workmen and make good damage thus caused.
C. Protect exposed live equipment during construction for personnel safety.
D. Shield and mark live parts "LIVE 240 VOLTS" or with appropriate voltage in English and
E. Arrange for installation of temporary doors for room containing electrical distribution
equipment. Keep these doors locked except when under direct supervision of an

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1.1.14 Quality of Staff/Personnel

A. The electrical services installation shall be carried out in a professional manner by
experienced and qualified personnel.
B. Electrical contractor shall be to the classifications required by Kahramaa and shall carry
a valid license.
C. Prior to the commencement of works the Contractor shall notify the Engineer of his
intended site staffing levels.
D. The Contractor shall appoint one graduate Electrical Engineer full time with 5 years,
experience in similar works and qualified staff/personnel for the supervision of the
Electrical Installation Works.
E. The name, qualifications and experience of the nominated Engineers shall be submitted
to the Engineer for approval within 15 days of the receipt of the order to commence the
F. An Electrical Foreman of 10 years, experience in similar projects should be full time
available on site for direct follow up and implementation of the electrical works.
G. Qualified and Experienced Electricians shall be available on site to carry out the works
in accordance with the program.
H. The Engineer reserves the right to require the Contractor to provide information and
documentation as may be necessary to establish the validity of any individual persons
proficiency and effect their removal from site should they prove to be unsatisfactory.

1.1.15 Climatic Conditions

A. The climate in Qatar in the summer months is hot and humid and a humidity of 100% at
30 °C has been recorded.
B. Violent sand and dust storms of several hours duration occur and even on
comparatively still days, fine dust is carried in suspension in the atmosphere.
C. All apparatus and equipment shall, therefore, be so designed and constructed that they
operate satisfactorily and without any deleterious effect for prolonged and continuous
periods in the conditions stated above and at the following ambient temperature
1. Maximum sun radiation temperature in summer - 84 °C;
2. Maximum ambient temperature in summer - 52 °C;
3. Average max. ambient temperature in summer - 45 °C;
4. Minimum ambient temperature in winter - 0 °C; and
5. The altitude of Qatar may be taken as sea level.
D. The temperatures quoted above make no allowance for heat generated from equipment
itself or from any other equipment in the vicinity.
E. The capacity and ratings of all electrical equipment and materials given are, unless
otherwise indicated, for Qatar climatic conditions. Provide the basis of the derating
factors applied in each case.
F. Where specific sizes are indicated e.g. cable sizes, due allowances have been made in
the design for the climatic conditions of Qatar and derating has been applied.
G. Where no ratings or sizes are indicated for components and other accessories, supply
equipment which will give trouble free service in the ambient conditions stated above.

1.1.16 Samples
A. The term ‘samples’ includes natural materials, fabricated items, equipment, devices,
appliances, or parts thereof as specified and other samples as may be required to
determine whether kind, quality, construction, workmanship, finish, color and other
characteristics of materials conform to requirements of the Contract Documents.
B. Samples shall establish kind, quality and other required characteristics of various parts
of the work. Indicate details of construction, dimensions, capacities, weights and
electrical performance characteristic of equipment or material.

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C. Samples and sample board should be prepared and identified by the manufacturer and
stamped/engraved with make, type, Cat No. and size marking should be indelible and

1.1.17 Quality of Materials

A. Manufacturers shall provide their standard guarantees for products furnished under this
Contract. However, such guarantees shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other
liabilities which manufacturers and the Contractor may have by law or by other
provisions of the Contract Documents.
B. All materials, items of equipment and workmanship furnished under this Contract shall
carry standard warranty against all defects in materials and workmanship. Any faults
due to defective or improper material, equipment, workmanship or Contractor's design
which develop shall be made good, forthwith, by and at the expense of the Contractor,
including all other damage done to areas, materials and other systems resulting from
this failure.
C. Guarantee that all elements of the systems are of sufficient capacity to meet the
specified performance requirements as set forth herein or as indicated.
D. Upon receipt of notice from the Engineer, of failure of any part of system or equipment
during the period of maintenance, the affected parts shall be replaced

1.1.18 Equipment Duties and Ratings

A. Power ratings shown for the proposed equipment are in accordance with the best
information available to the Engineer and are to be considered as minimum ratings. In
the event equipment items proposed by the Contractor should require motors with
different power rating than shown, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to furnish
circuit breaker, starting equipment, feeder and branch circuits, conduits, and
accessories etc. as required to comply with the electrical code and prevent excessive
voltage drop without added cost to the Client.
B. Where equipment to be furnished is installed in an existing enclosure or adjacent to
existing equipment, the Contractor shall field check the dimensions of existing
equipment, location of conduits, etc., and shall familiarize himself with all existing
conditions and difficulties to be encountered in performing such work.
C. Degree of protection for all electrical equipment shall be as follows:
1. IP 54, for indoor equipment;
2. IP 55, for outdoor equipment; and
3. IP 68, for submersible equipment.
D. All external equipment shall be of metallic construction.
E. The equipment shall be located generally as indicated on the drawings and the
contractor shall ensure that the equipment is suitably constructed to permit installation
as shown.
F. The equipment arrangements and single line diagram are for guidance only and show a
practical arrangement that would be acceptable. The Contractor may propose an
alternative arrangement which meets the requirements of the specification.
G. All equipment performing similar duties shall be of a single type and make and be fully
interchangeable in order to limit the stock of spare parts required. This is to apply
particularly to such items as motors, switchgear, instruments, controls, relays, etc.

1.1.19 Workmanship
A. The entire work provided in this specification shall be constructed and finished in every
respect in a workmanlike and substantial manner. The Contractor shall provide the
system in accordance with the best trade practice and to the satisfaction of the
B. Keep others fully informed as to the shape, size and position of all openings required for
apparatus and give full information sufficiently in advance of the work so that all

Electrical Specification Page 19 of 161


openings may be built in advance. Provide and install all sleeves, supports, etc.,
hereinafter specified or required.
C. Obtain detailed information from the manufacturers of apparatus as to the proper
method of installing and connecting same. Obtain all information from others which may
be necessary to facilitate work and the completion of the whole Project.
D. Provide the services of an experienced foreman, who shall be continuously in charge of
the erection of the electrical work, together with all necessary skilled workmen, helpers
and laborers, required to properly unload, transfer, erect and connect up, adjust, start,
operate and test the system.
E. Before installing any work, verify that it does not interfere with clearance required for
other work. Notice of adverse conditions shall be forwarded in writing to the Engineer
before any work in question is installed. If notification is not made, and work installed
causes interference with the contemplated design, make such changes in his work as
directed by the Engineer to permit the installation of all work of the Project, at no
additional cost to the Client.
F. Raceways shall be run as straight and direct as possible in general forming right angles
with or parallel with walls or piping and neatly spaced, with risers erected plumb and
true, maintain a clearance of at least 25 mm between finished coverings and adjoining
work. Approved ceiling height shall be obtained from Architectural Drawings.
G. All equipment and accessories shall operate without objectionable noise or vibration.
Should operation of any of the equipment or systems produce noise or vibration which
is, in the opinion of the Engineer objectionable, make change in equipment and do all
work necessary to eliminate the objectionable noise or vibration at no additional cost to
the Client.
H. Wherever possible services shall not cross expansion joints. Where this is unavoidable
the services shall accommodate the design movement without damage, by use of
approved expansion couplings/flexible conduit arrangement.
I. All MV, HV and EHV works shall be carried out by a Contractor or Sub-contractor pre-
qualified and approved by Kahramaa. Proof of such approval shall be required in writing
prior to the works commencing on site and the name of any Sub–contractor to be used
shall be entered in the relevant form of tender when the tender is submitted. All cable
jointers to be used on the Contract shall be required to undertake and pass a trade test
conducted by Kahramaa at the Contractor’s expense.

1.1.20 Labels/Circuit Lists/Cable Identification

A. For substations, switchgears, switchboards, motor control centers and panel boards:
B. Engraved lamacoid name plates, black with minimum 6 mm high white lettering.
C. For Distribution Boards and Circuit Breakers:
1. Where individually enclosed or in substations, switchgears, switchboards, motor
control centers and panel boards without doors: engraved lamacoid nameplates,
black with 3 mm high white lettering.
2. In panel boards with doors: directories mounted inside transparent plastic covers in
metal frames.
D. Wiring Identification:
1. Identify wiring with permanent indelible, identifying markings, either numbered or
colored, heat shrinkable tube or ferrules, on both ends of phase conductors of
feeders and branch circuit wiring
2. Maintain phase sequence and color coding throughout
3. Color code to standards above as specified elsewhere
4. Use color coded wires in communication cables, matched throughout system.
E. Conduit and Cable Identification:
1. Color code conduits and metallic sheathed cables

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2. Code with plastic sleeve or paint end points where conduit or cable enters wall,
ceiling or floor and also at 15 m intervals along its length.
3. Colors to be 25 mm wide prime color and 20 mm wide auxiliary color to standards
4. Number code, per Circuit Schedule, all feeder and branch circuit cables at both
connection points and in manholes, handholes, pull-boxes and junction boxes with
fiber or non-ferrous metal tags, fastened with non-ferrous wire.
F. Device Plates:
1. For Device Plates of local toggle switches, toggle switch type motor starters, pilot
lights and the like, whose junction is not readily apparent: plates to be engraved
with 3 mm high letters describing equipment controlled or as indicated.
G. For Busbars:
1. Busbars shall be sleeved for phase identification by using high temperature grade
heat shrinkable colored PVC sleeving throughout its length. In no circumstances will
any kind of wrapping tape be accepted on busbars.
H. For Doors:
1. Where switchboard rooms, cable chambers, metal screened spaces and the like
contain electric power cables, bus bars or equipment operating at voltages
exceeding 600 V: enameled sheet metal, red on white, reading "Danger - High
I. For Rooms:
1. To switchboard rooms, electric closets, metal screened spaces assigned to
electrical equipment, and the like: enameled sheet metal, red on white, reading
"Electrical Equipment Room - No Storage Permitted".
J. Languages:
1. Nameplates with directional, operational or warning labels shall be in Arabic and

1.1.21 Segregation of Services

A. Electrical services shall be segregated as specified throughout the installation to obviate
the following:
1. Electrical interference from one circuit to another;
2. A fault on one circuit affecting another;
3. Unnecessary fire damage;
4. Difficulties in circuit identification;
5. Voltage limits for general safety; and
6. Difficulties in removal and/or maintenance.
B. All raceways shall be kept clear of other services except where intentionally earthed or
bonded. Generally, raceways shall be kept 150 mm away from and above hot water and
75 mm away from other services.
C. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, normal, emergency, low voltage cables and
wiring shall be segregated throughout the installation generally in the following manner:
1. Armored and sheathed cables: Where more than one tray has been specified or is
necessary to accommodate the number of cables on a run, where practical,
segregation shall be achieved by dedicating each tray to either normal or
emergency services. Where normal and emergency cables have to run together in
trays, ducts or trenches, they shall be formed in two groups, one normal and one
2. Insulated conductors: Insulated conductor circuits shall, where possible, be
segregated throughout by enclosing in separate conduits, trunking or trunking
D. Fire Alarms:

Electrical Specification Page 21 of 161


1. Fire alarm cables shall be segregated from other services throughout and be either
armored and sheathed cable, or insulated conductors enclosed in conduit or
trunking, as indicated on the drawings.

1.1.22 Electricity Supply

A. The Supply Authority will make available at the incoming terminals of each Low Voltage
Main Switchboard (LVMSB) at 3 phase + Neutral, 4 wire, 415 V, 50 Hz supply of
adequate capacity and having the following tolerances:
1. Voltage ± 6 %;
2. Frequency ± 0.1 Hz (short term ± 0.15 Hz for a duration of only a few seconds)
3. Phase rotation of supply to BS 158;
4. Neutral: Solidly earthed at LV Main Switchboard location; and
5. Earthing system: TNS.
B. Main Switchboards: Allow for adequate and appropriate cable glands, lugs and boxes.
C. After inspection and approval of the contractor’s installation, Kahramaa will permit
energization of the feeder cables to the installation.
D. Kahramaa will only inspect the contractor's installation and permit energization of the
power supply after receiving a written request to do so from the contractor.
E. The Contractor will be responsible for any delay caused by omission to make the
request in good time.
F. The Contractor shall provide a generator of adequate capacity to carry out all pre-
commissioning tests. Per-commissioning tests may be carried out using mains
electricity if this is available.

1.1.23 Polarity
A. The polarity of all apparatus used for the Works specified shall be arranged as follows
when apparatus is viewed from the front:
1. For two pole apparatus the phase or “live” pole at the top (or left hand side) and the
‘“neutral or earthed” pole at the bottom (or right hand side). On plug and socket
outlets the polarity shall conform to BS 60309-1, BS EN 60309 -2, BS 546, or BS
1363 as appropriate.
2. For three or four pole apparatus the phases in order red, yellow, blue and neutral
reading from top to bottom or left to right in the case of vertical and horizontal
layouts respectively.
B. All cables shall be so connected between main switchboards, distribution boards, plant
and accessories so that the correct sequence of phase colors is preserved throughout
the system.
C. All cable cores shall be identified with phase colors. Where more than one phase is
incorporated on a common system in one room then the live cores shall be red, yellow,
blue, as appropriate, and fittings and switch accessories shall be permanently labeled
and segregated in accordance with BS 7671.

1.1.24 Safety Interlocks

A. A complete system of interlocks and safety devices shall be provided as necessary for
the safe and continuous operation of the plant in order to provide for the following:
1. Safety of personnel engaged on operation and maintenance of the plant;
2. Correct sequence of operation of the plant during start up and shut down; and
3. Safety of the plant when operating under normal or emergency conditions.
B. Interlocks shall be preventive and not corrective
C. The Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation of interlocking schemes for the
approval of the Engineer.
D. Locks for interlocking purposes shall be of the figure lock type.

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E. No spare or master key shall be provided, unless specified.

F. Device items are to be arranged to ensure that there is no danger of interchange with
existing locks on other units.

1.1.25 Spare Parts

A. General:
1. Provide sufficient spare parts for all the electrical items included within the scope of
works. Submit to the Engineer a list of all spare parts to be required for a further two
years operation from the date of issue of the Maintenance Certificate.
2. Spare parts required include but not necessarily limited to those listed below,
provided specified in the Project Documentation or where quantities for each item or
equipment is recommended by the manufacturer.
3. Spare parts to be delivered to central stores.
B. Low Voltage Main Switchboards:
1. 2% spare molded case circuit breakers of all different frame sizes, but in any case
not less than 2 nos. circuit breaker of each size.
2. 5% spare indicating lamps for each indicating lamp in the switchgear.
3. One set of tools required for switchgear maintenance.
4. Provide complete spare parts, as recommended by the manufacturer for different
sizes of ACB.
C. Switchboards, Motor Control Centers and Distribution Boards:
1. 5% spare combination magnetic motor starters.
2. 5% spare circuit breakers for each rating of each MCCB.
3. 5% spare HRC fuses for each rating.
4. 5% spare of load break switch (isolators) of each size.
5. 5% spare of current operated ELCB of each size.
D. Disconnecting Switches:
1. 5% spare switch of each size.
E. Circuit Accessories:
1. Plug fuses - furnish ten percent (10%) of the number of each size and type of fuses
installed, but in any case not less than six fuses of each sizes.
2. Wall switches - provide five percent (5%) of the number of each size and type of
wall switch installed.
3. Socket outlets - provide five percent (5%) of the number of each size and type
4. Lamps - provide five percent (5%) lamps of each size and type for indicating panels
and pilot lights installed for different systems.
F. Lighting Fixtures: For lighting fixtures provide the following spare parts:
1. 2% of the total quantity of each type of lighting fixture. This quantity shall not be less
than one fixture of each type.
2. Additional diffusers for 5 % of the total quantity of each type of lighting fixture
provided with acrylic, plastic or glass enclosures. Diffusers shall be identical to
those of the installed fixtures. This quantity shall not be less than two diffusers of
each type.
3. 10% spare lamps of each wattage of different type.
4. 5% of the total quantity of controlgear (ballast) of each type and size but in no case
less than (6) ballast of each size and type.
G. Emergency Generating Sets:
1. Complete itemized list of different spares to be included and priced by the
tenderers. For emergency generator, furnish by the generator supplier to maintain it
for two years.
Electrical Specification Page 23 of 161

H. The tenderer shall submit with his offer detail prices of the spare parts he is required to
provide under the Contract indicating the quantity and the unit rate of each item.

1.1.26 Protection of Excavation

A. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of the Police Department for marking,
lighting and protecting excavations. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ascertain
the requirements of Police Department and to comply fully with these requirements. No
additional payments will be authorized under any circumstances for marking, lighting or
protecting excavations.
B. Where carriageway works and road crossings are performed the Contractor shall
provide steel plates of sufficient size and quality to permit the safe passage of traffic and
the plate shall be so placed (if necessary fixed) to permit reasonable traffic flow.
C. All doorways, gates and entrances shall be kept clear with full access. Where
excavations impede pedestrian access, crossings boards shall be provided. Crossing
boards shall be 1250mm wide with a hand rail on both sides, 1 meter high and guard
rails on both sides at vehicular access to premises etc. Ducts will not be installed at
entrances to premises unless instructed by the Engineer.
D. Materials excavated shall be placed so as to prevent nuisance or damage. Where this is
not possible, the material shall be removed from site and returned for backfilling on
completion of cable laying at the Contractor’s expense. In cases where the excavated
material is not to be used for backfilling trenches it must be removed from site on the
same day as it is excavated. Surplus material shall only be disposed of at Government
approved sites. At the time of Contract award the Contractor shall contact the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs and Agriculture to ascertain the approved sites and route.

1.1.27 Supply of Materials

A. Where materials are to be supplied by the Contractor, the following shall apply:
1. Materials shall be ordered in accordance with the Specifications issued by
2. Specifications and details of the proposed supplier shall be submitted to Kahramaa
before a firm order being placed; and
3. On delivery of materials from outside of Qatar, Kahramaa inspectors shall be given
the opportunity to inspect the materials prior to their use.

1.1.28 Training
A. The Contractor shall conduct training courses in the operation and management of the
systems to the Employer’s designated staffs and to the approval of the Engineer.
B. The training course will be given at the installation during normal working hours, and
shall start after the system is functionally complete but prior to final acceptance tests.
C. The field instructions shall cover all of the items contained in the approved operating
and maintenance instructions, as well as the demonstration of routine maintenance



2.1.1 Scope
A. This part shall include all labor, materials and accessories for the complete performance
of all Low Voltage Main Switchboards, Submain Switchboards, Motor Control Centers,
Distribution Boards in accordance with the Specification and Drawings.
B. Factory built assemblies of switchgear shall be suitable for operation under the ambient
and service conditions specified. They shall comply with all local regulations and

Electrical Specification Page 24 of 161


requirements. The Contractor shall be responsible for making himself aware of any
special conditions which apply to the installation.
C. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all details relating to the
construction and protection systems are fully compliant with the latest requirements of
Kahramaa and construction shall not commence until Kahramaa approval has been
obtained. The Contractor shall provide all protective relays, interlocks and devices
deemed necessary by Kahramaa.

2.1.2 General Reference

A. The work of this part is integral with the whole of the Project Documentation and is not
intended to be interpreted outside that context.
B. Coordinate the work with all other services affecting the work of this part.

2.1.3 References
A. The following standards are referred to in this Section:
 BS HD 60269-2, BS 88-2 - Cartridge fuses;
 BS EN 60255 - Measuring relays and protection equipment;
 BS 159, BS EN 60439-2 - Busbar and connection;
 BS EN 60044-1, - Current transformers;
 IEC 60044-1
 BS EN 60947-5 - Control devices;
 BS 37 Pt. 1 - Electricity meters general;
 BS 89, IEC 60051 - Direct acting indicating electrical measuring
 IEC 60521 - Electric meters;
 BS EN 60439-1 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
assemblies. Type-tested and partially type-
tested assemblies;
 BS EN 60439-2 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
assemblies. Power switchgear and controlgear
 BS EN 60439-3 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
assemblies. Distribution boards intended to be
operated by ordinary persons (DBO);
 BS EN 60947-1 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.
General rules;
 BS EN 60947-2 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.
 BS EN 60947-3 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.
Switches, dis-connectors, switch-dis-
connectors and fuse-combination units;
 BS EN 60947-4 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.
Contactors and motor-starters.
Electromechanical contactors and motor-
 BS EN 60947-5 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.
Electromechanical control circuit devices;
 BS EN 60947-6 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.
Multiple function equipment. Transfer switching

Electrical Specification Page 25 of 161


 BS EN 60947-7 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.

Ancillary equipment. Terminal blocks for
copper conductors
 BS EN 60947-8 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.
Control units for built-in thermal protection
(PTC) for rotating electrical machines
 IEC 61641 - Enclosed low-voltage switchgear and
controlgear assemblies - Guide for testing
under conditions of arcing due to internal fault
 BS EN 61557-12 - Electrical safety in low voltage distribution
systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c.
Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring
of protective measures. Performance
measuring and monitoring devices
 IEC 61643-11 - Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 11:
Surge protective devices connected to low-
voltage power systems - Requirements and
test methods
 BS 5472 - Specification for low voltage switchgear and
controlgear for industrial use. Terminal marking
and distinctive number. General rules
 BS EN 60529, IEC 60529 - Degree of protection of enclosures;
 BS EN 60073 - Basic and safety principles for man-machine
interface, marking and identification coding
principles for indicators and actuators
 BS 4800 - Schedule of paint colours for building purposes
 BS EN 81346 - Industrial systems, installations and equipment
and industrial product. Structuring principles
and reference designations
 BS EN 61666 - Industrial systems, installations and equipment
and industrial products. Identification of
terminals within a system
 BS EN 61175 - Industrial systems, installation and equipment
and industrial products. Designation of signals
 BS EN 60445 - Basic and safety principles for man-machine
interface, marking and identification.
Identification of equipment terminals, conductor
terminations and conductors
 BS 6231 - Electric cables. Single core PVC insulated
flexible cables of rated voltage 600/1000 V for
switchgear and controlgear wiring
 BS EN 61010-1 - Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use.
General requirements
 BS EN 62052-11 - Electricity metering equipment (AC). General
requirements, tests and test conditions.
Metering equipment
 BS EN 62053-21 - Electricity metering equipment (a.c.).Particular
requirements. Static meters for active energy
(classes 1 and 2)
 BS EN 62053-22 - Electricity metering equipment (a.c.).Particular
requirements. Static meters for active energy
(classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S)

Electrical Specification Page 26 of 161


 BS EN 61557-12 - Electrical safety in low voltage distribution

systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c.
Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring
of protective measures. Performance
measuring and monitoring devices
 BS 88, BS EN 60127 - Cartridge fuses;
 BS 159, BS EN 60439-2 - Busbar and connection;
 BS 4800 - Schedule of paint colours for building
 BS EN 60044, IEC 60044 - Instrument transformer, Current transformers;
 BS 37 Pt. 1 - Electricity meters general;
 BS 89, IEC 60051 - Direct acting indicating electrical measuring
 BS 5685, IEC 60521 - Electric meters;
 BS EN 60255 - Measuring relays and protection equipment;
 BS EN 60439 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
 BS EN 60947 - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.
 EC 61641 - Enclosed low-voltage switchgear and
controlgear assemblies - Guide for testing
under conditions of arcing due to internal fault
 BS EN 61557-12 - Electrical safety in low voltage distribution
systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c.
Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring
of protective measures. Performance
measuring and monitoring devices
 IEC 61643-11 - Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 11:
Surge protective devices connected to low-
voltage power systems - Requirements and
test methods
 BS 5472 - Specification for low voltage switchgear and
controlgear for industrial use. Terminal marking
and distinctive number. General rules
 BS 6231 PVC - Insulated cables for switchgear;
 BS EN 60529, IEC 60529 - Degree of protection of enclosures;
 BS EN 60073 - Basic and safety principles for man-machine
interface, marking and identification coding
principles for indicators and actuators
 BS 4800 - Schedule of paint colours for building purposes
 BS EN 81346 - Industrial systems, installations and equipment
and industrial product. Structuring principles
and reference designations
 BS EN 61666 - Industrial systems, installations and equipment
and industrial products. Identification of
terminals within a system
 BS EN 61175 - Industrial systems, installation and equipment
and industrial products. Designation of signals
 BS EN 60445 - Basic and safety principles for man-machine
interface, marking and identification.
Identification of equipment terminals, conductor
terminations and conductors

Electrical Specification Page 27 of 161


 BS 6231 - Electric cables. Single core PVC insulated

flexible cables of rated voltage 600/1000 V for
switchgear and controlgear wiring
 BS EN 61010-1 - Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use.
General requirements
 BS EN 62052-11 - Electricity metering equipment (AC). General
requirements, tests and test conditions.
Metering equipment
 BS EN 62053-21 - Electricity metering equipment (a.c.).Particular
requirements. Static meters for active energy
(classes 1 and 2)
 BS EN 62053-22 - Electricity metering equipment (a.c.).Particular
requirements. Static meters for active energy
(classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S)
 BS EN 61557-12 - Electrical safety in low voltage distribution
systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c.
Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring
of protective measures. Performance
measuring and monitoring devices

2.1.4 Submittals
A. Shop Drawings: All submittals in accordance with Part 1:
1. Submit dimensional drawings of all the switchboards, motor control centers, feeder
pillars, and distribution boards including sections and elevations, showing the
a. Arrangement of all components, instruments, indication and dimensions of all
b. Positions and method of fixing cables and boxes;
c. Location of terminal blocks;
d. Single line diagram of the circuits showing the rating of all components, the type
and size of the incoming and outgoing feeders;
e. Schematic and elementary wiring diagrams, for each control unit, showing
numbered terminal points, numbered wires and numbered interconnections to
other equipment and remote devices;
f. Connection wiring diagrams, for each control unit, showing numbered terminal
points, numbered wires and numbered interconnections to other equipment and
remote devices;
g. Complete catalogue information for all components;
h. A complete list of parts, with prices, that would be necessary to maintain and/or
modify the equipment; and
i. Other relevant data.
B. Product Data:
1. Full specifications of the enclosures and the components of the switchgear, and
switchboards, with relevant sheets of manufacturer’s catalogues.
2. Type test certificates of all components and whole assembly from an internationally
recognized testing authority or from independent testing lab in accordance with IEC
3. Confirmation that the switchgears, and switchboards comply with the relevant
specification as mentioned in this Section.

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2.1.5 Quality Assurance

A. The switchgear manufacturer must have a previous record of satisfactory service in
Qatar for at least 3 years.
B. All switchboards manufactured by overseas manufacturer shall be submitted for testing
by an internationally approved laboratory testing agency and test certificates issued
accordingly shall be submitted prior to delivery to shipment. Locally manufactured
switchboards and motor control centers shall be tested at the manufacturer’s testing
laboratory witnessed by the Engineer. The tests shall be done in accordance with IEC
60439 and shall include mechanical test, voltage test, short circuit test, degree of
protection test, creepage distances and clearances in air test and other required tests
as approved by the Engineer. .
C. All switchboards and motor control centers shall be subject to routine tests to detect
faults and workmanship in accordance with BSEN 60439-1 clause 8.3.1. Standard
assemblies and/or products used within the assembly shall also be subject to tests at
the manufacture’s works who supplied the products. Routine tests shall include:
1. The effectiveness of mechanical actuating elements, interlock, locks etc. shall be
checked. The conductors and cables shall be checked for proper laying and the
devices for proper mounting. A visual inspection is also necessary to ensure that
the prescribed degree of protection, creepage and clearances are maintained.
2. All termination types and connections especially screwed connections shall be
checked for adequate contact.
3. The tests so conducted on the assembly at manufacturer's works shall be repeated
as integrated tests on site with all field devices and interfaces present.
4. The manufacturer shall submit in advance, the testing procedure to the Engineer for
approval prior to conducting the tests.
5. The protective measures with regard to protection against direct and indirect contact
shall be checked as per BSEN 60439-1 clause 8.3.3.
6. The switchboard shall be Totally Type Tested to BSEN 60439-1 clause 8.2.
ASTA/KEMA type test certificate together with test report including reports/terms
under (k) shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.
7. Following is a list of verifications and tests to be performed on a Totally Type Tested
Assembly according to Table 7 clause 8.2 of BSEN 60439-1. A test report shall be
submitted to the Engineer.
a. Temperature rise limits;
b. Dielectric properties;
c. Short circuit withstand strength;
d. Effectiveness of protective circuit;
i. Effective connection between the exposed conductive parts of the assembly
and the protective circuits.
ii. Short circuit-withstand strength of the protective circuit.
e. Clearances and creepage distances;
f. Mechanical operation; and
g. Degree of protection.


2.2.1 Low Voltage Panel (LVP)

A. General:
1. LVP shall be of indoor construction, purpose made, floor standing, totally enclosed,
cellular cubicle type, dust protected, vermin proof, and of clean and modern
appearance containing the main components shown on the Project Drawings and/or

Electrical Specification Page 29 of 161


2. LVP shall be fabricated, assembled, wired, checked, tested and coordinated at the
factory by one manufacturer using the same make for all internal switchgear
components and shall be constructed in accordance with BS EN 60439 or IEC
3. LVP shall be equipped with Air Circuit Breakers, molded case circuit breakers,
relays, instruments, transformers, ancillary devices necessary for operation
protection or measurement purposes, as indicated on the Drawings
4. The normal components, fittings and accessories required for safe and proper
operation of switchgear shall be provided, whether specifically mentioned herein or
5. To withstand thermal and mechanical stresses set up by short circuit conditions in
accordance with the fault through current of the feeding transformer. In general fault
breaking capacities for main switchboards shall be as stipulated in Kahramaa
6. Spare ways indicated on the Single Line Diagram shall be fully equipped
7. LVP shall have a manufacturers’ name plate, indicating busbar rating, fault current,
year of manufacture, serial no., etc.
8. LVP shall be designed, manufactured and tested to IP54 in compliance with the
requirements of IEC 60529.
9. LVP shall be designed and type tested to withstand a fault current of as indicated on
the Project Drawings. Additionally the LVPs shall be type tested for safe
containment of an internal arcing fault, which will check the capability of the steel
structure to withstand the forces associated with the arc, and ensure safety and
integrity of the assembly for continuous use. This is to establish that the enclosure
of LVP together with internal partitions and/or barriers withstands the pressure and
temperature arising from internal arcing with short circuit current and thus provides
protection for persons in front of or within the close proximity of the switchboards in
the event of internal arcing.
10. The test certificate must show that the neutral bar has been tested with the full fault
current and for the full time specified.
11. The maximum height of assemblies shall be 2400 mm above the finished floor level.
12. Site consideration including safety and maintenance shall be taken into account in
the design of assemblies. These considerations shall include:
a. Clear floor space of at least 900 mm shall be provided in front of the
switchboard from the free edge of the doors in the open position. Clear floor
space of 900mm shall be provided behind the switchboard when the doors are
in the open position if the switchboard is less than 4000mm long. If the
switchboard is 4000mm or longer the space provided shall be 1200mm.
b. The clear floor space behind the switchboard is not required when a true front
access assembly is provided.
c. In order to provide an unobstructed exit route a clear path of not less than 900
mm shall be provided at each end of the switchboard.
d. Provision of sufficient space to allow for doors to open fully without fouling other
items of equipment or other open doors.
e. Limiting the size and weight of assembly sections to those imposed by
transportation, site access and permitted levels of site floor loading.
f. Clear floor space of at least 1000 mm shall be provided from the sides of all
switchboards in order to allow possible future extension.
B. Construction:
1. Unless specified otherwise in the Project Documentation the LVP shall be for
general purpose indoor uses shall be constructed to comply with the requirements
of BS EN 60439-1 (IEC 60439) Form 4b, Type 6 minimum and conform with

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2. LVP shall be factory built, totally enclosed, and have provision for rear access. Size,
rating arrangements shall be as indicated on the Drawings.
3. LVP shall consist of standard cubicles assembled together on continuous base
channels to form a rigid in line flush fronted free standing continuous switchboard
assembly. For small installations where particularly specified, true front access must
be provided. For all other cases front and rear access must be provided.
Switchboards shall be constructed such that doors and covers are flush with one
another and aligned to a common vertical plane; manufactured out of mild steel
coated with Alu-zinc having the following thickness:
a. Plinth/bed frame - 3.00 mm;
b. Frames - 2.00 mm;
c. Covers and Doors - 2.00 mm;
d. Mounting plate - 3.00 mm; and
e. Gland Plate - 3.00 mm.
4. A separate cubicle section shall be provided for the main incoming air circuit
breaker and cable glands shall be provided for the incoming cables in accordance
with the Kahramaa Regulations.
5. Each cubicle shall be divided into segregated busbar section and circuit section.
The circuit section shall be further divided into segregated compartments for
housing main and emergency circuit breakers and other devices. Access to internal
components of any compartment must be feasible by isolating its particular switch.
The hinged door shall be mechanically interlocked with the switch in such a manner
that the door can be opened only in the ‘OFF’ position
6. LVP shall be totally enclosed, all hinged doors and covers shall be gasketted to
provide protection against dust.
7. Cabinet shall have adequate means of lifting and shall be capable of being rolled or
moved into the installation position and bolted directly to the floor
8. LVP shall be provided with suitable cable glands to suit the type, size and number
of cables as indicated on the Drawings. The cable glands or bracket where required
shall be adequately mounted inside the switchboard. The switchboards shall be
provided with the proper cable fixing clamps and terminal lugs for incoming and
outgoing cables as well as earth bonding connections
9. After fabrication, steel work shall be cleaned, zinc sprayed and stove enameled with
one prime coat, two under-coats and one finishing coat, the surface being rubbed
down after each coat
10. The finish of all parts shall be entirely suitable for the climatic conditions on site.
11. The equipment shall be finished with at least two coats of undercoat and two coats
of high grade acrylic stove enamel or approved equivalent. Cubicle interiors shall be
completely painted white, however this is not essential for the rear of the door.
12. Any damage caused to the finish during transportation and erection shall be
returned to the manufacturer for repair if it cannot be perfectly repaired on site.
13. The exterior shall be green to BS 4800, shade 14E53.
14. All plastic parts used within the assembly shall be of flame-retardant, self-
extinguishing type and halogen free.
15. LVP shall have internal separation by means of metallic or non-metallic partitions or
16. All internal components within the compartment/cubicle shall be provided with the
degree of protections to IP 2X as minimum whereas the degree of Protection to
IP4X shall be provided to adjacent functional units preventing contact with live parts.
17. Electrical continuity between the exposed conductive parts of Switchboards and
protective circuits of the installation shall be ensured to provide protection against
indirect contact by using protective circuits.

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18. All outgoing circuit’s protective conductors shall have a separate terminal of
adequate size duly identified in accordance with the Identification Section explained
elsewhere in QCS.
19. Floor mounted assembles shall either be provided with an integral plinth or a
separate rolled mild steel channel bed frame, at least 50 mm high. Fixing shall be
by not less than four holding down bolts per assembly section, located around the
periphery of the section. The fixing shall not be visible from outside the section, but
shall be readily accessible from within.
20. Fixings for wall and pole mounted enclosures shall be provided outside the
enclosure. The back of the enclosure shall not be drilled to accept fixings.
21. Interconnecting cables between adjacent compartments shall not proceed directly
from one to the other but shall pass through a vertical wall into a cabling
compartment before re-entering. Holes for interconnecting cables shall be of the
minimum size necessary. All such holes shall be filled with insulating grommets.
22. All cubicles shall be provided with a means of ensuring that equipment can be
adequately isolated for maintenance purposes without interrupting essential loads
which may continue to operate whilst maintenance is being undertaken.
23. Doors shall be adequately sized to accommodate readily and neatly all mounted
equipment, open at least 120 degrees, be rigidly constructed, suitably braced and
provided with at least two substantial hinges which shall be captive when the door is
closed. Doors shall be provided with stays to prevent over opening.
24. Each door shall be provided with non-rusting metallic ‘T’ type handles at least one
of, which shall be lockable.
25. The doors shall be fixed to the frame by substantial single knuckle non-rusting type,
or internal concealed type hinges. Hinges shall be on the left hand side of the door.
Hinges shall not be welded to either the door or frame. Substantial continuous
stainless steel type hinges over the whole height of the door may be considered if
the manufacturer can provide evidence of long continuous service of this type of
hinge on his product.
26. Locking combinations shall be provided as specified. Three keys for each key type
shall be provided on individual key rings having a nametag showing identify details.
27. Where the need of padlocking facilities is identified by the Engineer/Employer, the
padlocks shall be supplied and fitted.
28. Equipment shall not be mounted on covers. Covers shall not weigh more than 30
kg, and any cover over 7.5 kg shall be provided with a means of supporting the
lower edge when its securing bolts are being inserted or removed.
29. Removable back covers shall be provided.
30. Each door shall be provided with an internal welded earthing stud, and shall be
bonded to the assembly main earth bar.
31. Every incomer, feeder, etc. shall have an individual terminal/gland box.
32. Terminal/gland boxes may be externally mounted on the rear of the Switchboard or
internal. Terminal/gland boxes shall not inhibit access to or maintenance of any part
of the Switchboard.
33. Outgoing main cables shall be glanded at the compartment so as to ensure a full
earth screen to each compartment and shall also be glanded at plinth level to make
the complete Switchboard vermin-proof. Compartment gland plates shall be a
minimum of 300mm above the plinth level gland plate.
34. Gasket material used for sealing panel doors and covers and for door mounted
instruments shall be of highest quality and should not be subject to deterioration by
temperature, UV, hydrogen sulphide and methane.
35. Doors and covers giving access to potentially live conductors shall be provided with
prominent warning labels, in English and Arabic.
36. Doors on outdoor assemblies shall be retained in the open position by the provision
of adequately fixed stays.
Electrical Specification Page 32 of 161

37. Each cubicle/compartment shall be provided with a removable steel components

mounting plate located clear of the cubicle rear panel.
38. All components, other than door mounted, shall be located on the component
mounting plate by bolting into tapped holes or by using self-tapping screws. Nuts
used for securing components shall be captive.
39. Rail type fixings may be used where appropriate. Components shall not be mounted
on any other surface.
40. No components shall be located within the assembly at a height greater than 2000
mm or less than 500 mm above finished floor level.
41. It shall be possible to replace and maintain any component without first removing
other components.
42. Bolts and nuts for cover fixing shall be captive and provided with protective washers
to prevent damage to paintwork.
43. Each compartment shall be provided with a separately fixed compartment heater
rated 110 volts AC. The heaters shall be controlled by means of individual
“OFF/AUTO” switches. Auto operation shall be by means of adjustable panel
mounted humidistat covering the range of humidity envisaged.
44. Switchboards shall be designed for ready extension at each end.
45. All terminals for outgoing connections shall be located at a low level in the
compartment adjacent to the cable gland trays. Adequate space shall be provided
the installation and dressing of site cables. It should be noted that site cables are
frequently oversized to allow for high ambient temperatures and long cable routes.
Direct termination on equipment such as Distribution Board Fuses or Miniature
Circuit Breakers (MCB’s) shall not be permitted.
46. All main switches shall be arranged such that a minimum distance of 700mm exists
between the gland plate and the bottom of the circuit breaker or terminals,
whichever is the less.
47. All live terminals shall be fully shrouded by using high-grade high temperature
48. All cable entries shall be affected using brass cable glands to IP rating as specified.
49. All cable glands shall be provided with earth tags.
50. Cables shall enter assemblies through detachable steel or aluminum/brass (for
single core cables); gland plates fitted at least 200 mm above finished floor level.
51. Gland plates shall be rust proofed and provided with a welded and bonded earthing
stud, and adequately sized to accommodate present and known future cabling
requirements. Access to both sides of each gland plate when it is in position shall
be possible from within the assembly. Cables shall enter at the top or bottom of
assemblies as specified and/or as shown on the relevant drawings where
52. Cableways shall be provided to ensure that apart from inter-connections no cable
routed to one cubicle shall pass through any other cubicle.
53. For cable sizes 300mm2 and above insulated glands shall be fitted.
54. Provision for accommodation of rising armored cables shall be provided with
adequate cable supports and a form of cable entry via approved cable glands
secured to a steel glanding plate.
55. Space shall be provided to accommodate cable glands of appropriate size for
incoming and outgoing circuits. All gland plates and trays shall be adequately
56. Within each assembly, all metal parts of equipment supplied, other than those
forming part of an electric circuit, shall be bonded to the earth bar. Metalwork may
be used for this purpose provided that earth continuity conductors are fitted at all
joints and other discontinuities and those connections to metal work are made using
a welded or bolted stud.

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57. The following metal parts must be provided with equipotential bonding connected to
an earth busbar system by using yellow/green earth cable of at least 6.0 mm
a. Gland plates;
b. Gland covers;
c. Side sheets;
d. Top barriers;
e. Intermediate barriers;
f. Top covers;
g. End covers;
h. Rear Covers;
i. Front covers;
j. Cable Boxes;
k. Doors and bolted front covers; and
l. Horizontal busbar barriers.
C. Labels:
1. Provide identification on all equipment e.g. raceways, boxes and conductors,
devices etc in accordance with BS 81346, BS EN 61666, BS EN 61175 and BS EN
60445 standards or latest edition of other applicable standards to the approval of
the Engineer.
2. All labels shall be permanent, and be machine generated. NO HANDWRITTEN OR
3. Prior to making any label or nameplate for the purpose of identification, submit a
detailed schedule indicating nameplate size, lettering size, color, material and actual
nameplate information for the Engineer's review and approval.
4. All external labels, nameplates, operational and warning signs shall be provided in
5. Material used in making the engraved labels shall be of highest quality suitable for
the environmental and climatic conditions as specified in the relevant section.
6. Critical devices such as service feeders and branch circuit protective feeders shall
be legibly labeled to indicate its purpose and point of origin. The legibility distance
shall not be less than 2.0 meters.
7. Identification nameplates shall be provided in addition to the manufacturer's
equipment nameplates as required by BS, IEC or UL.
8. Warning signs and instruction labels wherever needed shall be provided in
accordance with all applicable local regulations.
9. The Contractor shall clearly show locations and fixing arrangements of nameplates
and labels on layout drawings.
10. The Contractor shall comply with the following requirements for labels:
a. Provide equipment identification labels for all electrical equipment including, but
not limited to switchgear, control panels, switchboards, disconnect switches,
transformers, generators, power factor capacitors, fixed equipment, motor
starters, etc.
b. Provided sub-classification label for all emergency power system, junction
boxes and pull boxes.
c. External labels: Clear Perspex back engraved, in black letters on white
background in English with chamfered edges fixed with stainless steel screw
switch nuts and flat & lock washers. The letters should be filled in white and the
rear surface painted black.

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d. Internal labels: Multi-layered plastic to an approved design engraved in English,

and fixed with stainless steel screws. Alternatively special purpose made DIN
rail may be used for fixing labels as approved by the Engineer.
e. All labels shall be screw or rivet fixed and adhesive labels shall not be permitted
under any circumstances.
f. Internal components labels shall have circuit designations correlated with the
g. Labels shall not be attached to trunking covers or other readily removable
h. Electrical equipment enclosures, vaults, doors and fences shall be provided with
"DANGER KEEP OUT" warning sign, showing proper voltage.
i. Emergency devices shall have "CAUTION" warning signs as directed by the
j. Provide a main Title Label all for electrical distribution and all other control
equipment, panels etc.
k. Provide a Function Label for door mounted components.
l. Every internal component - Identification Label.
m. Provide an Identification Label for Protective devices - (e.g. fuse/mcb type,
n. Provide a Title Label for Communication equipment.
o. Compartments with doors and covers not electrically interlocked to an isolator,
external label - “DANGER, LIVE TERMINALS” with flash and voltage in red
letters on white background in Arabic and English.
p. Provide a function description Label for group of terminal blocks.
q. Letter sizes shall be to the approval of the Engineer
D. LVP Wiring:
1. Wiring shall generally be of the multi-stranded high temperature to minimum 105°C
flexible PVC insulated, 600/1000V single core stranded copper type cable to BS EN
6231. Where it is proposed to use alternative high temperature, double insulated or
other special cable or insulated flexible laminated bus bar this should be brought to
the attention of the Engineer for his approval.
2. Wiring shall be supported in insulated cleats or cable trunking. Adhesive type cleats
or mounts shall not be used unless augmented by screw fixings.
3. Busbar chambers shall not be used as trunking for small wiring.
4. Wiring shall be neatly laid and run in limited compression insulated cleats, insulated
straps or, where more than ten wires follow the same route, in plastic slotted-sided
trunking with clip-on covers. Where trunking is used, the effective overall cross
sectional area of cables shall not be greater than 70% of the trunking cross
sectional area.
5. Wiring to items of equipment mounted on hinged doors or subject to movement
shall run in plastic sleeving or flexible conduit, being securely anchored at both
ends; leaving ample slack to prevent wiring strain, arranged so that they are subject
to torsion rather than bending.
6. Holes in steelwork through which cables pass shall be protected using grommets or
bushes, suitable for the size of hole.
7. A sufficient number of terminal connections including 15% spare terminals shall be
provided for all control and instrument wiring.
8. All wiring shall be identified at each end by means of glossy plastic ferrules showing
the wire number as on the schematic diagrams. Ferrules shall be color coded, ‘Z’
type and indelibly marked.
9. Where single core cable is to be accommodated, a non-magnetic gland plate shall
be provided. For cable size 300mm² and above insulated glands shall be fitted.

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10. Undrilled gland plates shall be provided for the reception of conduits and threaded
glands. Boxes and glands shall be within the cubicles except where otherwise
11. Single strand wire shall not be used. The minimum cross sectional area of the wire
used shall be 1.0mm²(multi strand flexible) for control circuit and 2.5mm²for power
circuit. Both ends of every wire shall be fitted with a white cable marker as
described above. Clip on type cable markers shall not be used. Color-coding shall
a. Red - Red phase;
b. Yellow - Yellow phase;
c. Blue - Blue phase;
d. Black - Neutral;
e. Green and Yellow - Earth/Protective conductors;
f. Grey - 110V AC;
g. White - 60V DC;
h. Purple - <50VAC; and
i. Brown - Current Transformers
12. Identification of conductors and auxiliary circuit shall be in accordance with BS EN
60445 and BS EN 60446
13. Terminations shall be as follows:
a. All wiring shall have crimped terminations, only one wire being held by any one
crimp. Crimped lugs shall be of the insulated type without conductor exposure
between the crimp and wire insulation.
b. The type of crimp used shall be appropriate for the type of terminal to which it
connects. The crimping shall be tubular when the tightening screw sits directly
above it, or fork type if the tightening screw passes through the lug.
c. Terminations shall be neatly arranged leaving adequate length for one
d. All terminal blocks for the connection of small wiring shall comprise shrouded
anti-tracking molding of melamine phenolic or comparable material with
provision for securing conductors either by high tensile screws and clamps or
alternatively in the case of small telephone type conductors by solder tag
e. Terminal blocks shall be arranged to facilitate easy access to both terminals
and wiring ends. Connections for outgoing circuits to auxiliary pilot cables shall
be provided with test links.
f. Removable rail terminals shall be provided for all wiring, mounted at an angle to
provide ease of access. Centre-disconnecting link type terminals shall be
provided for analogue signal circuits, external control devices and all
alarm/telemetry signals. Sufficient, suitably sized earth terminals and end stops
shall also be provided.
g. The gap between gland plates and associated terminals shall be such that
conductors can be safely manipulated and connected without damage.
Terminals shall face the door of a cubicle for ease of connection.
h. Barriers shall be provided on all terminal banks, to group terminals into logical
divisions. Power terminals of different phases shall be barriered from each other
and separated from control terminals.
i. In all cases care shall be taken to ensure that terminals are easily accessible
after all wiring and plant cabling has been installed and terminated. All
connections shall be made on the front of terminal blocks.
j. No more than one conductor shall be connected to one side of a terminal.
Where several conductors are to be connected, shorting bars shall be provided

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across multiple terminals. Outgoing cables shall be wired so that all assembly
wiring is connected to one side only.
k. The terminal numbers, voltage grouping and terminal block layout shall
correspond precisely with wiring diagrams so that quick and accurate
identification of wiring can be made.
l. All terminals shall show the circuit wire number reference.
14. The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval, samples of wires,
numbered ferules, and terminal pins or lugs which he proposes to use.
E. Safety Measures:
1. Circuit breakers shall be provided with suitable means to prevent unauthorized and
accidental operations. Interlocks to prevent dangerous operations shall be provided
wherever necessary. High voltage parts shall be protected to prevent accidental
human contact. Warning signs of durable type fixed on visible place shall be
provided on high voltage parts. Earthing of metal parts shall be provided.
2. Mechanical interlocking shall be provided where required. All electrical interlocking
shall be of the double interlocked type having separate permissive and prohibitive
interlocks. Thus to allow a device to operate there must be an absence of
prohibitive signals and a presence of permissive signals from the remaining devices
in the interlocked system i.e. fail safe.
3. Suitable equipment shall be provided mechanically to prevent a device being
manually operated when a prohibitive signal from another part of the interlocked
system is present.
4. When the Switchboard includes a standby generator incomer in addition to the
Kahramaa incomer, mechanical and electrical interlocks shall be provided in
accordance with Kahramaa regulations.
F. Pilot Devices:
1. Pilot devices shall confirm to BS EN 60947-5.1. These shall be circular, 22 mm dia.
suitable for mounting on the cubicle door. The pilot devices shall have two main
parts the operator and the Snap-On contact block. The mounting between the
cubicle door and the operator shall be done through Snap-On flange. Pilot devices
shall be designed to provide IP65 as a minimum protection when installed in the
enclosures. Terminals shall be protected to IP2X.
2. Selector switches shall comply with the following specifications, unless specified
otherwise in particular requirements:
a. Standard design;
b. Lever type cam operated;
c. Twist Release/Push-Pull/KEY type where specified and/or approved by
d. Non illuminated;
e. Anodized aluminum bezel;
f. No. of positions as per logic diagram;
g. BLACK color; and
h. 1NO+1NC configuration minimum
3. Indicators shall comply with the following specifications, unless specified otherwise
in particular requirements:
a. Low voltage transformer latch type 110V/50Hz primary;
b. Bulbs shall be long life neon types rated at least 10% higher than the operating
c. LEDs shall not be permitted unless forming built-in feature of stand-alone
product/controller to indicate operation status;
d. LEDs shall be allowed only when forming built-in feature of stand-alone
product/controller to indicate operation status.

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G. Busbars:
1. The busbars shall be electro-tinned hard drawn copper, high conductivity 99.9 %
purity, suitably sleeved for phase identification to BS 158
2. All busbars shall extend through the length of the board with same cross section
throughout unless indicated otherwise
3. A copper Earth Busbar sized at least 50% of the phase busbars or 300 mm2,
whichever is greater, shall be provided along the full length of the board
4. Busbars shall be adequately supported by porcelain or molded insulators spaced on
suitable centers so that the complete assembly can withstand the maximum
mechanical stresses to which it may be subjected to under fault conditions
5. Unless otherwise stipulated in the particular specification or drawings busbars shall
be housed in separate adequately ventilated compartment which shall not contain
any wiring or apparatus other than that required for connections for busbars
6. Rating: As indicated on the drawings.
7. The mechanical and dielectric strength of bus bars and supports shall be capable of
withstanding the worst conditions of electrical surge, which can occur in the
8. Bus bars shall be sleeved for phase identification by using high temperature grade
heat shrinkable colored PVC sleeving throughout its length. In no circumstances will
any kind of wrapping tape be accepted on busbars.
9. All three phases and the neutral busbar shall be of same size enclosed in a
common separate chamber.
10. The mains horizontal busbars shall be housed in a separate chamber located on the
top of the assembly. Busbars located elsewhere not on the Top shall be accepted at
the discretion of the Engineer after verifying the certification, site location, available
space and considering other factors necessary for ease in operation and
maintenance of the assemblies. Insulation barriers shall be provided at each cubicle
11. Vertical busbars shall be fully enclosed in a separate chamber.
12. Bus bars connections shall be identified by phase color marking and adequately
supported by suitable supports designed to withstand the full fault capacity as
specified herein.
13. Connections from the main bus bars to MCCB outgoing distribution feeder shall be
via solid copper bus bars.
14. Connections to busbars shall take the form of rigid bolted copper strips. Caliper
sliding connections or similar movable contacts shall not operate directly onto the
busbars or down-droppers.
15. The utilization of “Fault Free Zones” will be permitted for the connection between
the busbar risers and functional units rated 32 amps or below. These may be of
copper conductors of solid rigid manufacture or insulated flexible conductors
provided that they are securely fastened, provided in both cases that under normal
operating condition an internal short circuit is only a remote possibility. For all
functional units the connections between the busbar and the functional units should
be sized to the frame rating of the short circuit protection device in the functional
unit and an ASTA/KEMA certificate for their short circuit let though (I2T) capability
shall be provided.
16. Bolted copper bus bar links shall be provided where specified and shall be used for
maintenance purposes only. The link section shall be easily accessible from the
front or top of the board and shall have a lockable cover. Provision for storing the
links nuts and bolts shall be made in the switchboard.
17. The temperature rise of busbars shall be limited to that which will not cause damage
to the insulating material when carrying their rated current at the site ambient
temperature and shall in any case not exceed 60°C reduced by the amount the site
ambient temperature exceeds 40°C.

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18. The neutral shall be solidly earthed at the Switchboard. The neutral-earth link shall
be adjacent to the incomer, externally labeled and be easily accessible.
H. Instruments:
1. The Measuring Instruments shall include ammeters, voltmeters, kWh meters,
selector switches and associated accessories as indicated on the Drawings and
described herein as follows:
a. Ammeter, Voltmeter and Power Factor Meter:
i. The measuring instruments shall be moving iron vane type, flush pattern
with dust and moisture proof enclosure. Anti-glare glass front, anti-parallax
scales and white faces with black numerals and marking shall be used. All
instruments shall be of long scale 240 degree with full load indicating
approximately at 180°.
ii. The dial size shall be 10 x 10 cm².
iii. Accuracy shall be one percent of full scale values.
iv. Moving elements shall be provided with zero adjustments located at face of
v. The ammeter shall be capable of withstanding twice of rated current for
10minutes and overload sustained under fault conditions without damage or
loss of accuracy.
vi. Voltmeter shall have a measuring range from 0 to 500 V and shall withstand
twice the rated full scale voltage for 1.0 minute without damage.
vii. Three ammeters or a single ammeter with selector switch shall be provided
to read the current of each phase, as indicated on the Drawings.
viii. The voltmeter selector switch shall be of the rotary type with cam operated
contactor and shall have (7) positions off, R-Y, Y-B, R-B, R-N, Y-N, B-N.
ix. Single and poly phase power factor meters with associated current and
potential transformers shall be provided as required and specified herein.
x. Ammeters shall have maximum demand pointers.
b. Current Transformers:
i. Current transformers shall be of the bar primary type, air cooled and
suitably insulated. The current transformers shall be of Class X accuracy for
restricted earth fault protection and Class 1 accuracy for metering
purposes, as stipulated in the Kahramaa Regulations.
ii. Current transformers shall be rated not less than 5VA and shall have
thermal and mechanical rating at least equal to those of the main circuit
iii. Following are the approved ratings of the current transformers (CTs) as
approved by Kahramaa.
 100/5;
 200/5;
 500/5;
 800/5;
 1200/5;
 1600/5;
 2000/5;
 2500/5.
iv. Removable links shall be located on the main busbars of each phase and
neutral to enable easy maintenance and replacement.
v. Current transformers shall comply with BS EN 6004 and should be suitably
rated and designed to carry out the appropriate function as indicated.

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vi. The rated burden of the current transformers shall be 30% in excess of the
sum of burdens of all relays, instruments and related loads.
vii. The short time rating shall not be less than 44kA for 3 seconds and as per
Generator Set fault current as indicated on Project Drawings.
viii. Identification labels giving type, ratios, rating output, manufacturer and
serial numbers shall be fitted. Duplicate rating labels are to be fitted on the
exterior of the mounting chambers suitably located to enable reading
without removal of any cover. Labels shall be supplied for multi ratio current
transformers indicating the connection required for alternative ratios.
ix. Bar type current transformers shall be provided in preference to those with
wound primaries. Short time current factors shall relate to the full fault level
for three seconds. For overcurrent protection the product of VA rated
burden and rated accuracy limit factor shall be 150 unless otherwise agreed
with the Engineer.
x. One secondary terminal of each current transformer shall be earthed
through a removable link.
c. Restricted Earth Fault Protection
i. Restricted earth fault protection shall be provided for main switchboards in
accordance with the Kahramaa Regulations.
d. Electronic Power Meter (EPM):
i. Provide Electric Power Meter as indicated on the Project Drawings, shall be
suitable for 3 phase + neutral (4 wire), 415 V, 50 Hz, to provide three-phase
metering and time of use analysis, as follows:
 Current:
 Voltage;
 Real Power;
 Reactive Power
 Apparent Power;
 Power Factor;
 Real Energy
 Reactive Energy;
 Energy Accumulation Modes; and
 Minimum/Maximum Reading.
ii. EPM shall have an accuracy of Class 0.5.
iii. EPM shall have graphical LCD display and keypad for entering all set points
and reading all measured values.
e. Anti-Condensation Heaters
i. Anti-condensation heaters shall be provided inside each compartment in
strategic positions. These shall be controlled by an internally mounted
humidistat and an external overriding ON/AUTO switch
ii. Heaters shall be of sufficient size to maintain the air temperature inside
compartment at least 10C above the outside ambient.

2.2.2 Submain Switchboard (SMSB)

A. General
1. Submain Switchboards (SMSBs) shall be manufactured in accordance to BS EN
60439-1, factory assembled and certified by an authorizing testing body.
2. The SMSB shall be suitable for operating on a 3 phase, 4 wire, 415 V supply, 50hz.
3. The symmetrical through fault rating shall be 25 kA for 3 seconds duration.
B. Construction

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1. SMSB shall be for general purpose indoor uses shall be constructed to comply with
the requirements of BS EN 60439-1, Form 2, minimum, unless otherwise indicated
on the Project Drawings.
2. The SMSB shall be of robust construction, fabricated from heavy gauge folded steel
angles strengthened by horizontal and vertical folded channels.
3. The frame work shall be enclosed in self-supporting, screw -on front, rear and top
covers of sheet steel with gaskets.
4. The doors shall be lockable and have concealed hinges provided with gaskets.
5. Thickness of the steel sheet shall be not less than 1.5 mm.
6. The SMSB shall be suitable for wall mounting.
7. The structure shall be protected from rust and oxidization before being given a coat
of primer and finishing coats.
8. The finished paint color shall be to Engineer’s approval selected from BS 381.
C. Busbars
1. The bus bars shall be of high conductivity, rectangular section, hard drawn copper,
electrolytically tined suitably marked and color coded in accordance with BS
2. The short circuit ratings of the bus bars shall be as stated above.
D. Components
1. The switchboards shall comprise of the following components:
a. Incoming: suitably rated isolator/MCCB as indicated on the tender drawings and
to comply with relevant Clauses of this specification.
b. Outgoing: Molded Case Circuit Breakers of 25 kA fault level with ratings as per
the tender drawings. All MCCB of rating 100 Amps and above shall have
adjustable thermal and magnetic facilities.
c. Meters: 3 ammeters with dead pointer to indicate the maximum reading and 1
No. 0-500 Volt voltmeter with Off/ph-ph/ph-N selector switch, for incoming

2.2.3 Distribution Boards (DB)

A. Distribution Boards shall be in accordance to BS EN 60439-3.
B. DBs shall be provided to serve lighting, fans, socket outlets, and other appliances.
Board shall be arranged in banks of ways as indicated on the schedule of points.
C. DBs shall be flush mounted type, or surface mounted type, as indicated on the Project
Drawings. The boards shall be totally enclosed, dust protected, vermin proof type.
Distribution boards installed in all plant rooms and other process areas shall be
corrosion resistant.
D. Enclosure shall be fabricated from robust galvanized sheet steel fully rust-proofed,
Stove enameled, of minimum thickness of 1.5mm and shall be protected to IP 32 for
internal use with neoprene gaskets for the doors.
E. The DBs shall be provided with fixed cover and a hinged door with padlock which can
be opened without any obstruction about 120 degrees and conduit knockouts from the
top and bottom. The hinged door with a lock and key shall be integral part of the fixed
F. The cabinet shall be constructed so that it is necessary to open the door to operate
Miniature Circuit Breakers or ELCB. Access to interior components and internal wiring
shall be gained by removing a separate barrier within the enclosure.
G. All DBs shall be controlled by an adequately rated on-load isolator or circuit breaker to
interrupt the supply to the entire distribution board.
H. A circuit label shall be provided to indicate the area served by each MCB.
I. Busbars shall:

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1. Be of appropriate current carrying capacity at least equal to the rating of the main
incoming isolator or circuit breaker; and
2. Be of high electrical conductivity copper.

2.2.4 Automatic Transfer Switch

A. Equipment Criteria:
1. The automatic load transfer equipment shall comply with the following standards
and criteria:
a. UL 1008 - Standard for Transfer Switch Equipment
b. IEC 60947-6-1 Low Voltage Switchgear and Control Gear; Multifunction
equipment; Automatic Transfer Switching Equipment
c. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code
d. NFPA 110 - Emergency and Standby Power Systems
2. The automatic load transfer equipment shall be designed and manufactured to
achieve the following functions:
a. Monitor normal power supply voltage
b. Initiate automatic start-up of the generator on failure or abnormal voltage drop
of normal power.
c. Automatically transfer the load from normal supply to generator power source
when the generator reaches its rated speed, voltage and frequency.
d. Automatically transfer the load from the generator power source back to the
normal power supply when normal power is restored.
e. Shut down generator unit.
f. Interface with generator and fire alarm package to achieve specified operation
under general and mains failure conditions.
g. Interface with controls package to provide monitoring facilities.
B. Equipment
1. The automatic transfer shall be 240/415V, three phase, 4 pole, contactor type, in
double throw arrangement.
2. Transfer switches shall be rated continuous duty at capacity specified, and shall be
electrically operated, mechanically held, operating from a single coil mechanism
momentarily energized. Switches shall be inherently interlocked mechanically and
electrically, and failure of any coil or disarrangement of any part shall not permit a
neutral position. Mains contacts shall be protected by separate arcing contact with
blowout coils and arc chutes.
3. Operation of switch shall be such that when any phase of normal power supply at
transfer switch drops below 75% (adjustable) of normal voltage for 0.5-6 seconds, a
relay on that transfer switch shall operate to cause both diesel engines to be
started. When diesel alternator reaches rated voltage and frequency, and a permit
signal is received from the generator load control system the transfer switches shall
operate to transfer load to diesel alternator, via a 0-5 minutes delay timer. When
normal power supply is restored and voltage on all phases is 90% (adjustable) or
more for 5 (0-30) minutes, switch shall transfer load back to normal power supply as
permitted by the generator load control system (Generator cool down timer 0-60
4. Operation of transfer switches shall conform to Emergency Generator System.
5. A four position off-auto-run-test control switch shall be provided on the front of the
enclosure. The run position shall start the engine without operating the transfer
switch. The test position shall simulate a power failure and shall transfer the load to
the emergency source. Test switch shall operate via the timer contacts hence
simulating a power failure.
6. A pilot light shall be located on door of each transfer switch to indicate that switch is
in Emergency feed position.

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7. Automatic transfer switches shall be enclosed in oversized enclosures to

accommodate the number of cables and/or bus ducts entering switch. Phase
collection shall take place within enclosures and shall include bus work to
accommodate bus duct flanged entries.
8. Enclosures shall be dead front code gauge steel construction complete with
overhanging watertight dripshield. The enclosure shall be gasketted and fabricated
in such a way as to prevent sprinkler liquids from entering into the electrical
equipment and/or interfering with its operation in compliance with BS 5490 IP54
with perspex viewing windows over instrumentation and controls.
9. Flush mounted devices shall be fitted with the above noted requirement.
10. Sensing and control relays shall be continuous duty, industrial control quality.
11. Transfer switch shall be capable of withstanding fault current of 50,000. A
symmetrical until its supply circuit breaker trips without damage to switch.
12. Control voltage between transfer switch and diesel controls shall be compatible for
interconnection of control wiring or an appropriate relay shall be installed by
manufacturer of automatic transfer switch.

2.2.5 Manual Transfer Switch

A. Manual Transfer Switch shall be breaker type, construction same as SMSB, and shall
be 4 poles.


2.3.1 General
A. The LV Panels shall be supplied and installed in the building or in a separate services
building or in substations, as indicated on the Project Drawings.
B. The Contractor shall submit details of proposed equipment and method of installation to
the Engineer and Kahramaa for approval prior to commencement of installation work.
C. Provide all the motor control equipment installations, wiring installations and tests,
including connections and interconnections for the electrical controls as indicated,
specified and required. Assure proper fits for all equipment and materials in the spaces
shown on the Drawings.
D. Equipment shall be installed level and securely attached to the concrete foundations
and walls with expansion anchors. The sections shall be joined together with bolts, nuts
and washers to form a complete unit assembly. Floor standing equipment shall be
installed on

2.3.2 Earth Bonding

A. Each panel section shall be individually bonded to main earth bar located in the
electrical rooms.
B. Each panel section shall be cross bonded to adjacent panel section earthing terminal.



3.1.1 Scope
A. The Contractor shall provide the protective devices as indicated on the Project
B. The Contractor shall confirm and conduct protective devices Coordination Studies on all
the protective devices.

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3.1.2 Ratings
A. The ratings of the various over current protective devices shall be, in general, as
indicated on the Project Drawings. However, the protective device ratings shall be
confirmed based on the equipment and items being provided by the Contractor.
Contractor shall provide calculation and justification for proposing any change in the

3.1.3 References
A. The following standards shall be complied with:
 BS 88 - Cartridge Fuses
 BS 5992-6 - Electrical relays
 BS EN 60269, IEC 60269 - Cartridge fuses for voltages up to and including
1000VAC and 1500 V AC
 BS EN 60947-2, IEC 60947-2 - Low voltage circuit breakers
 BS 7629-1 - Electric cables. Specification for 300/500 V fire
resistant screened cables having low emission
of smoke and corrosive gases when affected
by fire. Multicore and multipair cables
 BS EN 61810-1 - Electrical Relays
 BS EN 61008-1 - Earth Leakage circuit breakers
 IEC 60898 - Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for
household and similar installations
 IEC 61009 - Residual current operated circuit-breakers with
integral overcurrent protection for household
and similar uses (RCBOs)
 BS EN 60255-1 - Measuring relays and protection equipment.
Common requirements
 IEC 60947 - Low-voltage switchgear and control gear
 IEC 60255-8 - Electrical relays - Part 8: Thermal electrical
 BS EN 116000 - Harmonized system of quality assessment for
electronic components. Generic specification:
electromechanical all-or-nothing relays.
 BS EN 116205 - Harmonized system of quality assessment for
electronic components. Blank detail
specification. Hermetically sealed relays. For
severe static environmental conditions;

3.1.4 Overcurrent Protective Device Coordination

A. The Contractor shall carry out and provide an overcurrent protective devices
Coordination Studies on all sections of the Power Single Line Diagram and as outlined
B. The overcurrent protective devices shall be coordinated for adequate continuous current
and interrupting capacity to assure proper overcurrent protective devices operation
under normal and fault conditions in the system.
C. Coordination shall perform as follows. When two or more overcurrent protective devices
(including the first upstream protective device of the existing system) in series with each
other experience current flow greater than their rated current, the device with the lowest
rated current shall trip and/or open the circuit first and thereby prevent the higher rated
devices from operating.
D. The Supplier of the overcurrent protective devices shall prepare a co-ordination study to
verify the above stated performance requirements. The study shall be documented by
the Supplier and the documents shall include but not be limited to the following:
Electrical Specification Page 44 of 161

1. A composite drawing or drawings (on full size, reproducible, log-log paper) showing
the entire new electrical system (including the first upstream protective device of the
existing system) showing all protective device curves (including motor overloads),
short circuit duties, motor starting curves and damage curves for motors, equipment
and conductors. This drawing or drawings shall show that all protective devices are
properly coordinated to perform as stated above
2. Manufacturer’s overcurrent operating curves (on full size, reproducible, log-log
paper) for each overcurrent device. In the case of fuses, both minimum melt and
maximum clearing time curves shall be included
3. Reproducible copies of all Project single line diagrams so marked to show short
circuit duties at all switchboards and motor control centers, and which operating
curve applies to each overcurrent device on the diagram (the operating curves shall
also be correspondingly marked)
4. A tabulation of the short circuit duties at all switchboards and motor control centers,
sizes and ratings of all overcurrent protective devices and the required settings of all
of the adjustable overcurrent protective devices so that the performance
requirements are met. Protective devices which have earth fault protection features
are specifically required to meet this performance requirement.
E. This documented co-ordination study shall be submitted for review before the
overcurrent devices are supplied for the Project.

3.1.5 Quality Assurance

A. The suppliers manufacturing facility shall be certified to the ISO - 9001 series of
standards from the International Standards Organization.

3.1.6 Manufacturers
A. Preference will be given to one manufacturer of ACB, MCCB and MCB to ensure proper
coordination in accordance with Clause 3.1 above.


3.2.1 Air Circuit Breakers (ACB)

A. To IEC 60947-2 or BS EN 60947-2 and BS EN 60947-3, suitable for triple/four pole
service and shall have breaking capacity of 50 kA symmetrical for 3 seconds at 415
B. The Air Circuit Breakers (the conventional type and not molded case circuit breaker)
shall be 500 V, 50 Hz, triple pole with neutral link for transformer incoming. and
outgoing ACB, ratings as indicated in the Project Drawings. They shall be air break, trip
free, draw-out type with mechanical and electrical ON/OFF indicators.
C. Where air circuit breakers are to be electrically operated by automatic motor wound
spring mechanism, a standby manual operating handle shall be provided for operating
the circuit breaker in case of power or motor failure.
D. The air circuit breaker shall be provided with built-in overcurrent, short circuit and earth
fault protection having the following characteristics:
1. Adjustable long time protection from 40 – 100% of the trip unit rating with adjustable
time delay;
2. Adjustable short time protection from 1.5-10x of long time protection with adjustable
time delay;
3. Adjustable instantaneous protection from 2-15x of the trip unit with adjustable time
delay; and
4. Adjustable earth fault protection 20–100% for rating greater than 400A and less
than 1250A, and 500A-1200A for rating greater than 12500A, with adjustable time
E. The circuit breaker shall have three positions, on the draw-out mechanism, namely
service position where all main and auxiliary contacts are made, test position where

Electrical Specification Page 45 of 161


main contacts are open but auxiliary contacts are closed and isolated position where all
contacts are open. An indicator shall clearly show these positions and provisions shall
be made for locking the breakers in any position. ON/OFF indicator shall be provided.
F. Mechanical Interlocks shall be provided to prevent withdrawing or inserting of the
breaker when it is ‘ON’. Any attempt to do so shall trip the breaker automatically.
G. The withdrawable part of the circuit breaker shall be effectively connected to earth
through scraping contacts that shall make before and break after the main and auxiliary
H. The moving contacts comprising the main and arcing contacts shall be of the spring
loaded, self-aligning type. The arc contacts shall be arranged to make before and break
after the main contacts.
I. The air circuit breaker shall include but not limited to the following as minimum:
1. 8NO/8NC auxiliary contacts;
2. Arc chutes;
3. Folding extension rail;
4. Charging handle;
5. Open and close push buttons;
6. Trip indicator;
7. Spring charge motor;
8. Spring charge indicator;
9. Breaker position indicator mechanically and electrically;
10. Micro-processor based protection and management unit that provides the following;
11. Control and monitoring features:
a. Overcurrent protection;
b. Short circuit protection;
c. Earth fault protection; and
d. Nneutral protection;
12. Carriage/Lifting Truck for ACB exceeding 25 Kg in weight [One carriage for each
site/project regardless of number of breakers provided; and
13. Shunt trip
J. The Main Incoming Circuit Breakers shall be provided with cable terminal boxes to suit
the incoming cables from the transformer/source supply.
K. Circuit breakers shall be tropicalized to operate continuously in an ambient temperature
of 55°C and high relative humidity.
L. Type test certificate for each size of circuit breakers from an internationally recognized
testing authority acceptable to the Engineer shall be provided.

3.2.2 Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB)

A. Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB) shall comply with IEC 60947-1 and 60947-2.
B. Shall have a combination of thermal and magnetic tripping giving an inverse time delay
protection against sustained overloads and instantaneous tripping under heavy
overloads and short circuits. Unless otherwise stated in the particular specification or
drawings, MCCB shall have a minimum short circuit rating of 25 kA.
C. Breakers shall have a quick make, quick break over-center switching mechanism that is
mechanically trip free from the handle so that contacts cannot be held closed against
short circuits and abnormal current.
D. Tripping due to overload or short circuits shall be clearly indicated by the handle
assuming a position mid-way between the manual ON and OFF position.
E. Latch surfaces shall be polished.
F. Poles shall be constructed to open, close and trip simultaneously.

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G. Ampere ratings shall be clearly visible.

H. Breakers shall be completely enclosed in a molded case to IEC 60157-1A, suitable for
installation inside switchboards.
I. Non-interchangeable trip breakers shall have the trip unit sealed.
J. Breakers with earth leakage relay protection shall be provided with shunt trips.
K. Frame sizes shall be as per manufacturer’s standard size and as approved by the
L. The magnetic trip shall be adjustable type for rating 200 Amp. and above, with 8
settings from 1.5 to 10 times the rated current of the circuit breaker.
M. Each MCCB shall be housed in a separate compartment with the operating handle door
interlocked when used as feeder, so that access can only be gained to the
Compartment with the MCCB in the OFF position. Padlocking shall be provided in the
OFF position only. When the MCCB is used for control transformers, distribution or ICA
compartments the handle shall be internally mounted with appropriate shrouding and
warning labels.
N. Type test certificate for each size of circuit breakers from an internationally recognized
testing authority acceptable to the Engineer shall be provided.

3.2.3 Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB)

A. These shall be type C for general purpose uses, suitable for the load they feed, and
shall have short circuit rating of 9 kA, unless specified otherwise in the Project
B. They shall be fault rated so that fuse backup protection is not required.
C. They shall be rated in accordance with BS EN 60898, IEC 60898.
D. They shall include the following minimum features:
1. Magnetic and thermal trip elements;
2. Trip-free mechanisms; and
3. Locking of facilities with detachable proprietary brackets and clearly marked ratings.
E. RCBO shall comply with BS EN 61008-1 & BS EN 61009-1

3.2.4 MCB/ELCB
A. Combined MCB/ELCB units shall be provided for final circuits supplying socket outlets,
water heaters and water pumps.
B. The units shall have a trip sensitivity of 30 mA.

3.2.5 Isolating Switches

A. The switch when used alone as explained above as an Isolator shall confirm to the
utilization category AC23 and shall fully comply with the requirement specified for
isolating functions specially the isolating distance in accordance with the applicable
B. An Isolator shall be capable of opening and closing the circuit ON-LOAD with full
voltage applied across the terminals.
C. The Isolator shall be capable of carrying currents under normal circuit conditions and
carrying for specified time currents under abnormal conditions such as those of short-
D. All other features of the Isolator shall be same as specified above for combination fuse
switch unit

3.2.6 Control Relays/Auxiliary Relays/Interposing Relays

A. All auxiliary relays shall mainly comply with BS EN 116000 and BS EN 116205-7.
B. Where similar relays have different operating voltages and/or different contact
configurations, they shall be non-interchangeable.

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C. Voltage at nominal operating temperature and shall not ‘drop-out’ at greater than 60 %
of the nominal coil voltage.
D. Relays shall be continuously rated and capable of sustaining a voltage 10 % in excess
of the nominal coil voltage.
E. Relays shall be fully encapsulated and be of the plug-in type, with terminals protected to
a minimum of IP2X.
F. Plug-in relays shall be fitted with transparent dust-proof covers. External connections
shall be screw clamp terminals, which are easily accessible with the relay in position.
G. Relays shall include the provision for manual operation.
H. The pin configuration of the relay shall be printed on the casing and on the bases in
order to ensure correct pin alignment.
I. Relays shall be suitable for operation at plus 10% and minus 20% of their nominal rated
J. The contacts configuration shall be either normally open/normally closed or changeover
contact combinations.
K. The contact material used in the Relay for general logic design shall be AgCdO.
Specific applications requiring extra low switching current shall have GOLD Flash
contacts for minimal voltage drop across the contacts.
L. It will not be permitted to use mixed voltages on the different contacts of a particular
relay. If necessary additional relays shall be used by employing good engineering
practices such as operation of add-on relay through auxiliary contact of main relay.
M. Relays Coil shall be vacuum impregnated ensuring satisfactorily operation for the
adverse climatic conditions as specified.
N. The relays shall be mounted on DIN Rail.
O. Relays shall be secured to their bases by retaining bar or clip to prevent malfunction
due to the relay being loosened in its base.
P. Care shall be taken to ensure that relay contacts and associated wiring are suitably
fused protected.
Q. All type of relays shall have a means of visual indication e.g. light emitting diode (LED)
or neon bulb mounted within their clear covers connected directly across the relay coil
to indicate when the relay is energized. These indicators shall be easily seen when the
relay compartment door is opened.
R. A permanent means of identification shall be affixed to both relay and base in line with
the circuit diagram reference.
S. Where remote supply voltages are used, a warning label engraved in English and
Arabic shall be fitted, clearly identifying the source of supply.
T. The relay shall be designed for minimum 1 Million mechanical operation and 200,000+
electrical operations at rated load.

3.2.7 Protection Relays

A. Protection relays shall comply with BS EN 60225-6, BS EN 61810-1, IEC 255.
B. Protection relays shall comply with BS 142.
C. Secondary injection shall be easily possible by means of purpose-made voltage and/or
current plug-in type test terminal blocks which automatically open circuit or short circuit
the integral voltage transformers or current transformers respectively and provide
termination’s for the test supply. Disconnection of any permanent wiring will not be

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6.1.1 Scope
A. This part specifies the general requirements for power cables and small wiring systems.
It shall be read in conjunction with other parts of the Project Documentation.

6.1.2 References
A. Cables and wires shall comply with the following standards as appropriate:
 BS 2484 - Straight concrete and clayware cable covers;
 BS 5308 - Instrumentation cables
 BS 5467, IEC 60502 - Electric cables. Thermosetting insulated,
armoured cables for voltages of 600/1000 V
and 1900/3300 V;
 BS 5839 - Fire detection and fire alarm systems for
 BS 6004, IEC 60227 - Electric cables. PVC insulated, non-armoured
cables for voltages up to and including 450/750
V, for electric power, lighting and internal wiring
 BS 6387 - Specification for performance requirements for
cables required to maintain circuit integrity
under fire conditions
 BS 6746 - PVC Insulation and sheath of electric cables
 BS 6746C - Color chart for insulation and sheath of electric
 BS 7655 - Specification for insulating and sheathing
materials for cables;
 BS 7846 - Electric cables. Thermosetting insulated,
armoured, fire-resistant cables of rated voltage
600/1000 V, having low emission of smoke and
corrosive gases when affected by fire;
 BS 7671 - Requirements for electrical installations
 BS EN 50200 - Method of test for resistance to fire of
unprotected small cables for use in emergency
 BS EN 60228, IEC 60228 - Conductors of insulated cables
 BS EN 60702 - Mineral insulated cables and their terminations
with a rated voltage not exceeding 750 V;
 ISO 9000 - Quality management and assurance standards
 IEC 60754, BS 50267 - Common test methods for cables under fire
 IEC 61034, BS EN 50268 - Measurement of smoke density of cables
burning under defined conditions;
B. Cable terminations and solders shall comply with the following specifications:
 BS 4579 - Specification for performance of mechanical
and compression joints in electric cable and
wire connectors. Compression joints in nickel,
iron and plated copper conductors;
 BS 6121 - Mechanical cable glands;

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 BS 6910 - Cold pour resin compound and heat shrink

cable joints in the voltage range up to 1000 V
AC and 1500 V DC
 BS EN ISO 9453 - Soft solder alloys. Chemical compositions and

6.1.3 Quality Assurance

A. The Contractor shall determine the correct size of cables to be used for the equipment
selected, based on current rating and voltage drop, as relevant, after taking into
1. Type of cable and wire;
2. Ambient conditions;
3. Method of installation;
4. The disposition of each cable relative to other cables;
5. Fault power level;
6. Protective device ratings; AND
7. Motor circuit voltage drop during starting.
B. Voltage drop and current ratings shall be calculated according to Kahramaa
C. All cables and wires shall be suitable for installation and continuous service in the
ambient conditions described in Part 1, and shall be manufactured to ISO 9000 or
D. Approximate cable route lengths and equipment power ratings indicated on the Project
Drawings shall be for calculating cable sizes for tendering purposes. The Contractor
shall determine exact cable lengths from site measurement s and calculate cable size
from the power ratings of the actual equipment being proposed. The Contractor shall be
responsible for any increase in costs or design work associated with proposed
equipment which has different electrical characteristics than the equipment on which the
design was based.
E. Cables from manufacturer whose product have been in satisfactory use in similar
services in the state of Qatar for not less than 5 years shall be used only. Certificate of
origin shall be submitted with the offer.

6.1.4 Submissions
A. Shop Drawings and Product Data
1. Submit full technical details including cable sizing calculations and catalogue
information of each type of cable or wire proposed for the Engineer’s approval
before ordering
2. Submit copy of test certificates from the manufacturer or an independent testing
authority confirming that cables comply with the Specifications
3. Submit exact route of the cable runs and relevant Sections in the shop drawings,
including fixing details, termination details etc.

6.1.5 Products Delivery, Storage and Handling

A. Reference Part 1.
B. Each drum length of cable shall be allotted a distinct and separate reference number.
This number shall appear on the test certificates covering the respective length of cable
and shall also be clearly marked on the cable drum.
C. The Contractor shall advise the Engineer upon delivery to site of each drum length,
quoting the reference number. The test certificates shall be handed to the Engineer for
examination and approval.

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D. All cables shall be delivered to site with the manufacturer’s seals, labels or other proof
of origin intact. These labels and seals shall not be removed until the cable is required
for use and shall be retained for inspection by the Engineer.
E. The Contractor shall be responsible for the off-loading and handling of the cables on
site, and shall ensure that cables are delivered to site on drums and properly protected
against mechanical damage. Where lengths are cut from cables, the open cable ends
shall be sealed.


6.2.1 Performance Requirements for Environmental Conditions

A. The Contractor shall be aware of the need to supply and install all wires and cables for
this Contract which are most suitable for the special environmental conditions prevailing
in Qatar.
B. All conductors shall have good fatigue resistance and not be subject to breaks due to
nicks or cuts when terminating.

6.2.2 Cables
A. Unless otherwise specified, cables and wires of the following specified voltage ratings
shall be used as indicated.
1. 600/1000 V rated cables: Main and sub-main distribution panels, motor control
centers, circuits serving process equipment;
2. 450/750 V rated cables: Final sub-circuit supplies for lighting, socket outlets, etc;
3. 300/500 V rated cables: Instrumentation;
4. 250 V rated cables: Extra low voltage wiring, communication circuits where the
maximum voltage is 50 V; and
5. Special screened: Music/paging systems, Cable and TV system cable twisted pair
conductors circuits.
B. General:
1. Conductors shall be high conductivity copper, to BS EN 60228, IEC 60228, unless
otherwise indicated.
2. Copper conductors shall be stranded.
3. Signal control cables shall have solid conductors.
4. Flexible cords shall have fine stranded conductors.
5. Conductor sizes shall be metric conductors with cross sectional areas smaller than
those specified will not be accepted.
6. Insulation for each conductor shall be color coded or otherwise identified as
required by the Regulations. Color coding shall be maintained throughout the
7. The current carrying capacity of conductors has been determined in accordance
with the specified Regulations, the specified type of insulation and the expected
conditions of installation.
8. All cables shall be as far as practicable, of one manufacturer only. All cables shall
comply with the relevant IEC/BS.
C. 600/1000V rated PVC Insulated armoured cables:
1. PVC/SWA/PVC cable: 600/1000 V Grade, to BS 6346.
2. Conductor: Annealed high conductivity copper, stranded, shaped and laid in an
approved manner.
3. Armour: Single layer of galvanized steel wires for multicore cables.
4. Insulation: Color coded to BS 6746C.
5. PVC for sheath and insulation to BS 7655.

Electrical Specification Page 51 of 161


6. Cables shall be terminated with compression glands as specified below, giving

adequate mechanical support by locking on the armour and ensuring a high earth
D. PVC Insulated PVC Sheathed (PVC/PVC) Cable
1. To BS 6346, 600/1000V Grade, or to BS 6004, 300/500 V Grade.
2. Flat twin and three core cables shall be to BS 6004 and incorporate an earth
conductor placed between the red and black cores for two core cables and between
the yellow and blue cores for three core cable.
3. Conductor shall be annealed high conductivity copper, stranded, shaped and laid in
an approved manner.
4. Insulation shall be color coded to BS 6746C
5. PVC for sheath and insulation shall comply to BS 7655.
E. Single core PVC Insulated Wires:
1. Cable shall be to BS 6004, rated 450/750 V, with high conductivity copper
conductors and PVC compound insulation. Color coding shall be in accordance with
Table 51 of BS 7671.
2. Wires shall be continuous from outlet to outlet and no splice shall be made except
within outlet and junction boxes. A separate neutral wire shall be provided for each
circuit. Wires shall be left sufficiently long enough (minimum 150 mm) to permit
making final connections.
F. Mineral Insulated Cable:
1. To BS EN 60702, Part 1, rated 600/1000V.
2. Cable shall comprise of a pressure packed magnesium oxide insulation contained
within a continuous soft ductile copper sheath and copper conductors embedded in
the dielectric in standard formation
3. Cable termination kit shall comprise of conductor insulation of neoprene sleeving
retained by cone shaped beads beneath a fibre sealing disc. Each conductor shall
be identified with regard to phase etc., by means of sleeving placed over the
neoprene insulation
4. Cable seals shall comprise of screw-in-pot type seals, with brass ring glands
designed to accommodate the pot seal.
G. Terminals:
1. For cable up to 6 mm2 shall be two screw pinching type.
2. For cable over 6 mm2 shall be grip lug type cable sockets.
3. Brass saddles shall be purpose made, two fixing screw type.
H. Flexible Cable:
1. To BS 6007, or BS 6500, rated in accordance with manufacturer’s tables
2. Flexible cables subject to excessive heat shall be insulated as (8) above, (a) or (b)
as per the Project Documentation requirement.
I. 600/1000V rated XLPE Insulated Cable
1. To BS 5467, 600/1000V grade, designated XLPE/SWA/PVC for armoured multicore
cable, and XPLE/PVC for unarmoured cable.
2. Conductors shall be plain annealed copper to BS EN 60228(BS 6360).
3. Cable shall comprise of plain copper, stranded circular conductors insulated with an
adequate thickness of extruded cross linked polyethylene (XLPE).
4. Conductors shall be laid up together and warmed circular with suitable performed
fillers and warnings, bound with polythene terephthalate (PTP) tape and covered
with an extruded PVC sheath, minimum 1.4 mm thick for multicore cable.
5. Armoured multicore cable shall have steel wire armouring and extruded sheath of
black PVC.

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6. Armoured single core cable shall have aluminum wire armouring and extruded
sheath of black PVC.
7. Outer sheath of single core cables shall be at least 2.5 mm thick.
8. Conductor screen shall be non-metallic comprising either semi-conducting tape or a
layer of extruded semi-conducting material.
9. Prevent void formation in insulation by careful control of its passage through
temperature graded water baths.
10. Cable shall be terminated with compression glands as specified below, giving
adequate mechanical support by locking on the armour and ensuring high earth
J. Instrumentation Cables - Analogue Signals:
1. To BS 5308, Part 2, type 2,300-500V.
2. Single copper conductor 1/0.8 mm.
3. Polyethylene insulation.
4. Individual screen of aluminum backed polyester tape with tinned copper stranded
drain wire.
5. Collective screen of aluminum backed polyester tape with tinned copper stranded
drain wire.
6. Extruded PVC bedding.
7. Galvanized steel wire armour.
8. PVC outer sheath, gray.
9. Core identification as BS 5308, Part 2.
K. Instrumentation Cables - Digital Signals:
1. To BS 5308 part 2, type 2, 300-500 V.
2. Single copper conductor 1/0.8 mm.
3. Polyethylene insulation.
4. Collective screen of aluminum backed polyester tape with tinned copper stranded
drain wire.
5. Extruded PVC bedding.
6. Galvanized steel wire armour.
7. PVC outer sheath, gray.
8. Core identification as BS 5308, Part 2.
L. Fire Alarm System, Fire Resistant Cable:
1. Cable shall meet BS 5839-1, and BS 7629-1, 300/500V grade.
2. Conductors shall be solid or stranded plain annealed copper.
3. Insulation shall be enhanced silicon rubber, with enhanced close weave glass tape
4. Cable shall have solid or stranded tinned annealed copper earth conductor
5. Conductors shall have enhanced aluminum/polyester laminated tape electrostatic
shield and enhanced thermoplastic zero halogen, low smoke (OHLS) compound
6. Cable shall achieve circuit integrity in accordance to BS 5839-1; BS 8434-2; BS EN
50200; and BS 6387 C, W, and Z;
7. Cable shall achieve acid gas emission in accordance to IEC 60754, and BS EN
8. Cable shall achieve flame propagation in accordance to IEC 60332-3, IEC 60332-1,
BS EN 50265, and BS EN50266.
9. Cable shall achieve smoke emission according to IEC 61034, and BS EN 50268.

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M. Power, Fire Resistant Cable, for Life Safety and Fire-Fighting Applications:
1. MG/XLPE/SWA/OHLS to comply BS 7346-6, 600/1000V grade.
2. Conductors: plain annealed copper to BS EN 60228.
3. Insulation shall be mica-glass fire resistance tape, covered with extruded cross
linked polyethylene (XLPE).
4. Conductors shall be laid up together with polyester tape binder and extruded layer
of zero halogen, low smoke compound.
5. Armoured multicore cable shall have steel wire armouring and extruded sheath zero
halogen low smoke compound.
6. Cable shall be terminated with compression glands as specified below, giving
adequate mechanical support by locking on the armour and ensuring high earth
7. Cable shall achieve circuit integrity in accordance to BS 7346-6.
8. Cable shall achieve acid gas emission in accordance to IEC 60754, and BS EN
9. Cable shall achieve flame propagation in accordance to IEC 60332-3, BS EN 50265
and BS EN 50266.
10. Cable shall achieve smoke emission accordance to IEC 61034, and BS EN 50268.
N. Power, Fire Resistant Cable, for Life Safety and Fire-Fighting Applications, Single-core
1. OHLS to comply BS 6387 categories C, W, & Z; 600/1000V grade.
2. Conductors shall be plain annealed copper to BS EN 60228.
3. Insulation shall mica-glass fire resistance tape covered with extruded layer cross-
linked zero halogen, low smoke compound (OHLS).
4. Cable shall achieve acid gas emission according to IEC 60754-1 and BS EN 50267-
5. Cable shall achieve flame propagation in accordance to IEC 60332-1 and BS EN
6. Cable shall achieve smoke emission in accordance to IEC 61034, and BS EN
O. 6350/11000V Cables and Pilot Cables
1. The Contactor shall be a Kahramaa Electricity Networks Affairs (ENA) approved
Contractor or the Contractor shall engage a Kahramaa Electricity Networks Affairs
(ENA) approved Subcontractor to carry out all the electric works inside the project
premises which include all the cable installation and terminations, including but not
no limited to, the cable loops between MV switchgear and transformer in
accordance to Kahramaa’s Substation in Basement Agreement.
2. The Contractor shall coordinate with Kahramaa to obtain the Kahramaa Scheme
3. The Contractor shall provide 6350/11000kV Cables and Pilot Cables, as indicated in
the Kahramaa Scheme Drawings, complete with cable jointing and complying with
the latest specifications and requirements of Kahramaa.
4. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the latest version of Kahramaa
specification for 6350/11000kV Cable and Pilot Cables and shall be responsible for
obtaining Kahramaa approval, prior procurement.
P. Source Tests on Cables:
1. Provide test certificates against each drum and /or cable length. These shall
2. High voltage D.C. insulation pressure test, between cores, each core to earth,
metallic sheath or armor as applicable.
3. Insulation resistance test.

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4. Core continuity and identification.

5. Conductor resistance test.
Q. Field Tests on Cables:
1. Inform the Engineer prior to the testing of the cables and be responsible for liaising
with any other Contractor to whose equipment the cables may be terminated to
ensure that all parties concerned are aware of the impending tests, to guarantee the
safety of personnel and that the isolation of any equipment has been completed.
Any special isolation or preparation required to be carried out before cable testing
can be completed, shall be carried out by the Contractor responsible for that
equipment. All tests shall be carried out by the Contractor and supervised by the
2. All cables shall be tested in accordance with the latest Kahramaa requirements and
the relevant BS and BS 7671, for the class of cable.
3. Demonstrate correct phasing of cores in all cables throughout the works and test
the insulation of all cables, both between the cores and between the cores and
earth, during installation with a 500-volt insulation tester.

6.2.3 Sundries
A. Cable Jointing and Termination:
1. Joints in wires and cable shall be avoided wherever possible. Joints in flexible
cables and cords are not permitted
2. Joints and terminations of all power cables shall be made by skilled cable jointers
approved by the Engineer
3. No reduction in the number of strands of a cable core shall be allowed at a cable
joint or termination
4. Ferrules, compression connectors and bare portions of cable core resulting from a
jointing or terminating process shall be insulated with an approved type of insulating
tape or heat shrinkable tubing after completion of process. Such insulating tape or
heat shrinkable tubing shall have equal or better electrical and mechanical
properties than those of the original insulation removed, and shall be adhered to the
cores etc. securely and permanently. The final thickness shall be in smooth contour
throughout the whole length
5. Every compression joint shall be of a type which has been the subject of a test
certificate as described in BS 4579. When a compression joint is made, the
appropriate tools specified by the manufacturer of the joint connectors shall be
6. A circuit protective conductor having adequate cross sectional area and of same
material as the phase conductors shall be installed and connected to maintain the
effectiveness of the earth continuity across every cable joint.
7. All cable jointing and termination shall be witnessed by the Engineer.
8. Sufficient spare cable shall be allowed to remake the joint or termination.
9. Above ground cable joints and terminations shall be accessible.
10. Cable cores shall pass through glands or termination boxes directly to equipment
terminals, without crosses if practicable.
B. Joints:
1. Straight through joints for copper conductors: Where permitted by the Engineer,
conductors shall be jointed by approved type compression connectors using the
appropriate tools and connectors.
2. Joints shall be made core-to-core.
C. Joints Boxes and Termination Boxes:
1. Malleable cast iron boxes for joints in all power cables shall be compound filled and
of adequate size. The boxes shall be fitted with suitable armouring clamps and
glands. The armouring of the cables shall be terminated at the armouring clamps

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and the inner sheath shall pass through the gland. Self-amalgamating tapes shall
be applied to give fully screening insulation reinstatement where the insulation is
2. The box and compound shall be at the correct temperature before the compound is
poured to allow total adhesion between the compound and the box. The compound
shall then be allowed to cool and topped up before the box is closed. No air locks
shall be formed within the box.
3. With the consent of the Engineer, plastic shells fitted with suitably sized armour
bond and filled with an approved type of cold pouring encapsulating compound to
BS 6910 may be used as an alternative to the compound filled cast iron joint boxes
for jointing PVC-insulated power cables. In such cases, the complete jointing kit,
including plastic shell, compound, insulating tape etc. shall be from the same
proprietary manufacturer who is specialized in manufacturing products for this
purpose. The jointing methods and procedures, as laid down by the manufacturer,
shall be followed in strict accordance.
D. Cable Glands:
1. Cable glands shall be used for terminating cables to switch gear, switch boards,
motor control centers, motors and other equipment.
2. They shall be brass compression glands and comply with the relevant part of BS
6121, except for MICC cables, which shall comply with BS 6207 Part 2.
3. Glands for armoured or screened cables shall have suitable clamps
4. External compression glands shall have close fitting PVC shrouds
5. Earthing for armouring and metallic sheaths: suitable brass or copper clamps, and
copper strip conductor in accordance with Kahramaa requirements, and not less
than 2.5 sq. mm
6. Cables forming part of a LAN or structured cable system shall be terminated to floor
plates or wall sockets compatible with the media interface connector specified for
the particular network being used.
E. Cable Sockets:
1. Shall be correct size for type of cable.
2. Shall be sweating type, or an approved crimping type used with an approved
crimping tool.
3. Sweating sockets for conductors 70 sq. mm. and over shall be machined cast
F. Fire Barriers:
1. Shall be purpose made, comprising a rigid fixed frame with adjustable seals and a
suitable clamping device.
2. In fire compartment separation walls and floors shall be same standard of fire
resistance as wall or floor.
G. Cable Covers:
1. Cable cover shall be to BS 2484 and concrete covers exceeding 300 mm wide shall
be reinforced.
H. Pipe Ducts:
1. Pipe ducts shall be PVC or as indicated.
I. Solder:
1. Solders shall bean alloy of lead and tin to BS EN ISO 9453 grade F or H, unless
otherwise recommended by cable manufacturer.
J. Cable Sealing Compounds:
1. Cable sealing compounds shall be tropical grade to BS 1858 or BS 6910 and
approved by cable manufacturer, of an oil-resisting compound where the difference
in level between cable ends exceeds 6 m.
K. Cleats:

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1. Cleats shall be approved claw type cast aluminum, gunmetal, plastic or brass of
approved type, two bolts fixing for cables greater than 50 mm diameter.
L. Cable Markers:
1. Shall be precast concrete, minimum size 300 x 300 mm x 100 mm deep
2. The markers shall be engraved “ELECTRIC CABLE”, “ELV CABLE”, “EARTH PIT”
or “CABLE JOINT”, as applicable
3. Cable marker construction details and engravings shall be approved by Kahramaa.
M. Cable Transits:
1. Cable transits shall have a stainless steel frame which shall be cast into or bolted to
the structural concrete.
2. The insert blocks shall be proofed against fire, explosion, water, rodents and gas.
3. The design shall be such that at a later date cables can be added or removed with
minimal disturbance to the remaining cables.
4. The whole cable transit assembly shall be of an approved proprietary modular
system which shall be certified by a recognized International Testing Authority.
5. Full details of proposed cable transits shall be submitted for the approval of the


6.3.1 General
A. Installing cables:
1. Pull cable into position by hand, where possible using an adequate number of
operative roller guides suitably positioned along cable length
2. Obtain approval of pulling cables by winch or similar appliance
3. When pulling by winch or the like, fit a suitable tension gauge into the haulage line
between winch and cable. Pulling tension shall not exceed the limit recommended
by the cable manufacturer
4. Do not allow cable to twist or rotate about its longitudinal axis
5. Lay 3 phase groups of single core cables in trefoil formation. If this is not possible
obtain instructions
6. Install cables to allow any one cable to be subsequently removed without disturbing
the remainder
7. Underground cable horizontal separation shall be a minimum of 150 mm
8. Damaged cables shall be removed, unless the Engineer agrees to a repair.
9. All cables shall be neatly run in all situations. Where two or more cables are to be
installed, cable tray must be provided.
10. Where power cables are surface run on the external faces of structures or above
ground level they shall be installed on cable tray. They shall be protected from
radiation of the sun by means of purpose made sunshades, which shall be of an
approved design, securely fixed and fully ventilated.
11. Mechanical protection by cable tray covers shall be provided for all cable trays
above ground/floor level to a height of 1000mm.
12. When more than one cable is to be terminated at particular items of equipment
special care should be taken to ensure that all cables to that equipment are routed
from a common direction and each is terminated in an orderly and symmetrical
fashion. Each and every cable shall be permanently identified at each end by its
cable number as noted within the schedules. The identification label shall be of
adequate size and style to a pattern approved by the Engineer and shall be
securely fixed to its relative cable.
13. Identification labels shall also be fixed on cables at each and every entry and exit
point of buried ducts, exits and entry to any structure and in such other positions as

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are necessary to identify and trace the route of any site cable. The use of punch
type adhesive labels (Dymo-tape) will not be permitted.
14. Where cables enter or leave structures or panel plinths, the ducts including spare
ducts shall be sealed at the points of entry or exit. Caulking shall be carried out with
an approved asbestos compound and followed by not less than 40mm of epoxy
resin two-mix cold waterproof compound or a weak sand/cement mixture as
directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for temporarily
sealing all cable ducts into structures during the installation stage to prevent
accidental flooding of structures.
15. During caulking care should be taken to ensure that the serving and/or armoring of
any cable is not damaged. Any damaged cables shall be replaced entirely.
16. All cables entering or leaving hazardous areas (e.g. wet well), air conditioned areas
or areas protected by a fixed fire fighting installation shall do so via approved
proprietary manufactured cable transits. Cables entering or leaving structures or
passing between rooms of the same classification may be sealed by alternative
means subject to the agreement of the Engineer.
17. Cables shall be free from kinks and the whole installation shall present a neat
18. Ties of PVC, nylon, plastic or similar material will not be permitted under any
19. Protection of cables against possible mechanical damage shall be provided
wherever seen to be necessary by the Engineer. All cables are to be run with
particular regard to neatness. Multiple runs are to be arranged so that cables
entering or leaving the run do so in a logical order.
20. All power cables shall be terminated with palm type compression terminals of the
correct type and size.
21. Special terminals shall be provided where necessary. Standard terminals which
have palms/holes which are oversized for the application will not be acceptable.
Standard terminals which are drilled out to a larger size, reducing the area of the
palm will not be acceptable.
22. Removal of strands or shaving of conductors to enable them to be terminated at
terminals which are not designed for the size of cable necessary will not be
permitted at any point.
23. Pneumatic crimping machines shall be employed with correctly sized dies. Hand
crimping shall not be used..
B. Bending Radius: as large as possible and cable shall not to bend to a radius less than
that specified in the relevant British Standard, Kahramaa regulations or manufacturers’
recommendation, whichever is largest.
C. Underground Cables in PVC-u Ducts:
1. Cables shall be installed in ducts where there is hard standing or vehicular passage.
Ducts where there is vehicular passage shall be concrete encased
2. Cable duct size shall be as specified in the Drawings, to BS 3506, Class B or BS
3. Run cables at least 300 mm clear of other services, whether the latter run parallel or
transversely to cable trench. use pulling compound, or lubricant to avoid excessive
stress on the cable, if required
4. Run cables below intersecting piped services, unless the cable would be at a depth
exceeding 2 m, in which case seek instructions
5. Ducts shall not be filled with cables to more than 60 % of their capacity
6. Nylon draw cords shall always be left in ducts
7. Cable duct pits shall be provided at each change in direction and in any case at
distances not exceeding 30 m

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8. Ducts shall be suitably sealed with polyurethane foam or proprietary cable sealing
arrangements if specified
9. Empty ducts shall be plugged with removable plugs
10. Ducts shall have a minimum diameter of 100 mm.
D. Direct Buried Cables:
1. The excavation and backfilling of cable trench work shall be carried out by the
2. Excavated spoil shall be removed from the route of the trench. There shall be no
loose stones or other debris on either side of the trench for a distance of 1000mm.
3. The Contractor shall supply and lay the sand bedding, cables, sand blinding, cable
cover tiles and marking tape. He shall also supply and lay cable route marker posts
after the backfilling and top soiling has been carried out.
4. The sanding and laying of all cables shall satisfy the following requirements:
5. Cable depths shall be measured from the finished ground level unless otherwise
directed by the Engineer.
6. LV cables shall be laid at a depth of 0.6 meter.
7. MV and LV cables may be run in the same trench but should be staggered.
However where necessary to pass through ductwork, cables shall be laid vertically
on top each other with the MV cables at the lowest level with a good sand blinding
forming the sand bedding for the LV cables.
8. Before laying in cables the Contractor shall inspect the trench work to ensure that
the trench bottom is of a smooth and firm contour and free from any sharp materials
or obstructions.
9. Cable bedding within the trenches shall be formed by a 200-mm sand layer.
10. Cables shall be laid with adequate separation and shall be “snaked” to avoid
tension during backfilling operations and subsequent settlement.
11. Before sanding and backfilling, all laid cables shall be inspected by the Engineer,
and a further inspection following sanding and tiling shall be made by the Engineer
before backfilling.
12. After cables have been laid, they shall be covered by a further 200-mm of sand,
which shall be well tamped around the cables. Mechanical punners shall not be
used for this work.
13. After sanding cable cover tiles shall be placed in position to overlap the cables by a
minimum of 50 mm either side of the cables as per Clause 6.3.5 of this Section.
14. The Contractor shall carry out backfilling and shall ensure that cable cover tiles are
undisturbed and that large rocks, stones and the like (more than 20mm diameter)
are eliminated from backfill spoil.
15. After backfilling the Contractor shall reinstate to finished ground level. The
Contractor shall lay in position the necessary cable route markers at a maximum of
10 meters apart and at entries to buildings and any change in direction.
16. Cables are to be spaced in accordance with Kahramaa requirements i.e. LV/LV –
700mm, LV/MV. – 1000mm and MV./MV – 1000mm.
17. The Contractor shall provide cable route markers to the approval of the Engineer
and engraved “Electricity Cables”, or other suitable legend, with the appropriate
E. Cables above Ground:
1. Protection shall be provided where mechanical damage is possible
2. Unarmored cables shall be protected by conduit, ducting or trunking
3. Cables shall be protected from direct sunlight
4. Cable spacing and layouts shall be in accordance to Kahramaa regulations or Table
4A of BS 7671.
5. Cables shall be run at least 150 mm from other services.
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F. Underground Cables in Trenches:

1. In areas of hard standing cables may also be installed in concrete or brick cable
trenches with removable covers
2. Cables may be laid in a single layer on the trench floor, otherwise they shall be
supported on the sides of the trench on cable tray by cleats or ladders
3. Cable spacing and layouts in the trenches shall be in accordance to Kahramaa
Regulations or Table 4A of BS 7671.
4. Other services shall not be run in cable trenches.
G. Cable Supports:
1. Cables shall be supported in accordance with the methods described in Table 4A of
BS 7671. Other methods shall be approved by the Engineer
2. Cables shall be supported at regular intervals and at spacing of 400mm maximum
for cleats for horizontal runs and 550 mm for vertical runs
3. Vertical cable runs exceeding 100 m shall incorporate tension releasing sections.
4. Structured cable management systems or ladders shall be of G.R.P or galvanized
steel cable supports shall be provided at 300 mm intervals
H. Flexible Cables:
1. Flexible cable shall be kept to a minimum and concealed if possible
2. Mechanical retainment shall not depend on electrical connections.
I. Sealing Cables:
1. Seal both ends of cables immediately after tests
2. Seal MICC cables immediately after cutting to prevent hygroscopic action by the
dielectric. All cables shall give an infinity test when tested on a 1000 volt Megger
immediately, and 48 hours after sealing
3. Seal aluminum sheathed cables with a metal cap plumbed to the sheath
4. Seal plastic sheathed cables with a plastic cap embracing the wires and outer
5. Mark cable ends in accordance with the relevant BS.
J. Cable Segregation:
1. Only conductors carrying signals of the same instrumentation signal category shall
be contained within any one multi-core cable.
2. In each instrumentation signal category, a further segregation is required to ensure
that conductors forming part of an intrinsically safe circuit are contained within multi-
core cables reserved solely for such circuits.
3. High integrity signals such as data transmission or critical shut down signals shall
be contained in separate cables.
4. ICA/Telemetry cables sharing a cable tray, duct or route with power cables shall be
avoided. Power cables are defined as A.C. cables above 50 volts with a 10-amp
rating. Where this is not practicable, a minimum maintained separation between
cables should be provided in accordance with Table 6.1.
5. Where the maximum current exceeds 100 amps or the voltage exceeds 650 volts,
the minimum segregation shall be in accordance to Clause 6.3.3 of this Section.
6. Where the length of an enforced parallel run between power and ICA/Telemetry
cables is greater than 500 meters, a progressive “pro-rata” increase in the
segregation distance shall apply.
7. The segregation distances shall be maintained by positive means and shall apply to
both above ground and below ground installations.
8. Where a crossover between power and ICA/Telemetry cables is unavoidable the
cable shall be arranged to cross at right angles. The number of crossovers shall be
kept to a minimum.

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9. Where cable installations are of a restrictive nature such as entries into buildings
panels' etc. relaxation of the minimum segregation distance requirement from a
power cable(s) is acceptable. The minimum segregation distance shall then be the
distance, determined by the length of the parallelism at the restrictive section of the
10. Where a manufacturer’s installation specification requires greater segregation than
detailed in Table 6.1 such as for data highway cables etc. the Contractor shall
comply with the manufacturer’s segregation specification.
11. Cables of different categories shall not be installed in the same duct
12. Public Telephone service (Ooredoo) cables shall be installed in separate ducts.
Table 6.1: Minimum Segregation Distance for Cables
Distance over which parallelism Minimum Segregation Distance
exists between signal and power Requirement in mm
cables in meters Power Cable
Instrumentation Signal Classification
Category to BS 6739 or equivalent
Cat.2 Cat.2
Maximum current 0 - <3 50 50
10 amps at any
phase voltage up 3 - <10 100 100
to 250 volts a.c. or 10 - <25 100 150
25 - <100 150 200
100 - <250 200 250
250 - <500 250 300
Maximum current 0 - <3 50 150
50 amps at any
3 - <10 150 200
phase voltage up
to 650 volts a.c. 10 - <100 200 250
100 - <250 275 350
250 - <500 350 450
Maximum current 0 - <3 50 250
100 amps at any
3 - <10 200 300
phase voltage up
to 650 volts a.c. 10 - <100 250 054
100 - <250 350 525
250 - <500 500 650

6.3.2 Cable Trays

A. Generally:
1. Install cables on trays in a single layer, unless otherwise specified.
2. Use purpose made straps or saddles to maintain cables in a neat regular
3. Secure cables with load bearing cleats securely fixed to the tray, where trays do not
directly support the cables.
4. Space cleats, saddles and straps at maximum centers recommended in Kahramaa
Regulations, as above, or by cable manufacturer.
5. Cable trays and installation shall be in accordance with Part 9 of this section,
Kahramaa Regulations and BS 7671.

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6.3.3 Trench Depth

A. Low Voltage:
1. For 1,000 V main cables the trench shall be 850mm deep.
2. For 1,000 V service cables the trench shall be 650mm deep.
B. Arrangements for Trenches with Medium Voltage and Low Voltage Cables - Where
11,000 volt and 1,000 volt cables are to be laid along the same route a stepped trench
shall be dug with the 1,000 volt cables laid inside, i.e. away from the road.

6.3.4 Removal of Existing Cables

A. The Contractor shall liaise directly with Kahramaa regarding the removal of existing
cables and shall not, under any circumstances, commence removal of cables until
Kahramaa have verified such apparatus as being redundant. Removal of cables shall
only be carried out in the presence of a Kahramaa Engineer.
B. The Contractor shall arrange uplift of empty cable drums from Kahramaa Stores and
shall return all recovered cables neatly coiled on the drums provided.

6.3.5 Ducts
A. Ducts are to be supplied by the Contractor. They shall be of the following type:
a. Material - High impact resistance PVC;
b. Internal Diameter - 150 mm, or 100 mm, or as specified; and
c. Minimum wall thickness - 3.6 mm (for 150 mm ducts), or2.4 mm (for 100
mm ducts).
B. Samples shall be provided for approval by the Engineer prior to use.

6.3.6 Quarry Scalping

A. Quarry scalping shall comprise of quarried limestone materials having particle sizes
varying from 5 mm down to dust with a homogenous mixture of all particle sizes.
B. The materials shall have specific mechanical and thermal resistive qualities as defined
1. Thermal Resistivity - The material shall be subject to a 90 % compaction, using an
amount of water equal to optimum moisture content. After subsequent drying, such
that the water content does not exceed 2% of the weight of the sample, the thermal
resistivity of the material shall not exceed 2.0 C M/Watt
2. Mechanical Qualities - The scalping material shall have mechanical qualities that
meet the requirements of the QCS Roadworks Section.



7.1.1 References
A. The following references are referred to in this Part:
 BS 2782 - Method of testing plastics
 BS 4568 - Steel conduits and fittings, metric units
 BS 4607 - Non-metallic conduits and fittings for electrical
installations rigid PVC conduits and conduit
fittings, metric units
 BS EN 50086 - Specification for conduit systems for cable
 BS EN 60423, IEC 60423 - Conduit systems for cable management.
Outside diameters of conduits for electrical

Electrical Specification Page 62 of 161


installations and threads for conduits and

 BS EN 61386 - Conduit systems for cable management.

7.1.2 Description
A. This Section to include the supply, installation and commissioning of all conduit works in
accordance with the Project Documentation.
B. General
1. Light and power circuits, fire alarm, telephone, signal and other low current system
wiring shall be drawn in conduits unless otherwise indicated
2. Conduit system shall generally be concealed and installed as indicated, unless
otherwise indicated.
3. Light and power circuits, fire alarm wiring, telephone wiring, signal wiring and low
current system wiring shall each be run in separate conduit and wire way.
4. Cable insulated for two different categories of circuit shall be segregated
5. Irrespective of service, conduit and fitting used shall be:
a. Where embedded, conduit shall be heavy gauge rigid PVC complying to BS
4607, BS EN 60423 and BS EN 61386-21.
b. Where surface mounted, exposed, conduit shall galvanized steel conduit, Class
4, complying to BS 4568, BS EN 50068, and BS EN 61386.
c. Where installed above false ceilings and in voids, conduits shall be galvanized
steel throughout the circuit.
d. Where installed in flame proof and hazardous areas, conduits shall be
galvanized steel.
e. From terminal box to machine conduit shall be flexible steel conduit as per BS
EN 61386-1.

7.1.3 Submissions
A. Samples
1. Cut-away samples of all sizes of conduits, conduit boxes and fittings of each type
shall be fixed to a board and submitted to the Engineer.
B. Product Data:
1. At the time of submitting samples submit manufacturer’s details, catalogues and
copies of test certificates confirming that offered types comply with the
C. Shop Drawings:
1. Submit drawings of proposed conduit layout and obtain approval before
commencing work.


7.2.1 Rigid PVC Conduit and Fittings

A. Standards:
1. Conduit and fittings shall comply with BS 4607: Part 1 and CEE Publication 26. In
addition, conduit and fittings shall comply with this specification where requirements
are more stringent
2. Conduit diameters shall comply with Kahramaa regulations.
B. Physical Properties:
1. Conduit and fittings shall be:
a. Resistant to high temperatures;
b. Non-hygroscopic;
c. Self-extinguishing;
Electrical Specification Page 63 of 161

d. Of adequate insulation resistance and electric strength;

e. Inert to all liquid normally discharged from residential, commercial and industrial
f. Suitable for installation, storage and transportation at temperature not normally
below -5 ° C. or above 85 ° C. and at these temperatures shall not:
i. Soften or suffer any structural degradation; and
ii. Show signs of cracking, or deform so that cables cannot be easily drawn in
or are likely to be damaged when drawing in, when bent, compressed or
exposed to extreme temperature;
g. Of adequate mechanical strength and thermal stability;
h. Suitably and indelibly marked and identified. Markings shall include nominal
size and be easily legible;
i. Smooth inside and outside and free from burrs and sharp edges. Surfaces and
corners over which cables may be drawn shall be smooth and well rounded.
C. Sizes of Conduit:
1. Minimum 20 mm, internal diameter unless otherwise indicated.
2. Where size is not indicated: select in accordance with the regulations and as proper
to the number and size of conductors.
D. Fittings:
1. Conduit entries shall be designed to ensure a watertight joint.
E. Expansion fittings:
1. Type to be approved.
F. PVC Conduit Boxes:
1. PVC Conduit Boxes can be used through PVC Conduit raceway system and shall
comply with BS 4607
2. Metallic conduit boxes as specified elsewhere in this section can be used
alternatively if required for PVC conduit raceway system
3. All boxes shall be provided with tapped brass inserts for fixing the screws
4. All boxes for switches, sockets, outlets, etc., shall be rigid PVC or metallic type and
their dimensions shall be suitable for fixing the switches, sockets and other

7.2.2 Steel Conduit and Fittings

A. Galvanized Steel Conduit:
1. All galvanized steel conduits shall meet Class 4, zinc coated both inside and
outside, and shall comply to BS 4568, BS EN 50086, and BS EN 61386. Coating
shall have uniform quality and appearance throughout all surfaces.
2. Conduits shall not be less than 20 mm diameter size, and shall be complete with all
necessary threaded fittings, couplings and connecting devices having galvanized
equivalent finish.
3. Conduits and fittings shall be manufactured specially for electric wiring purposes.
When manufactured by a continuous weld process, weld heads both inside and
outside the tube shall be completely removed prior to galvanizing.
4. All conduits and fittings shall be free from rust or other defects on delivery to the site
and shall be properly stored in covered racking so that it is protected from
mechanical damage and damage by weather and water whilst stored on the site.
5. All conduits shall be coupled to boxes and trunking wires using brass male bushes.
All such bushes shall be hexagon headed, heavy duty long threaded type.
6. All conduit expansion couplings used shall be fabricated from material equal or
equivalent to that of the conduit with which the coupling is to be used, having factory
installed packing ring and pressure ring to prevent entrance of moisture. All coupling
shall be equipped with earthing ring or earthing conductor

Electrical Specification Page 64 of 161


7. All conduit runs shall be fixed using spacer bar pattern saddles giving not less than
3 mm clearance between the conduit and the surface to which it is fixed. Saddles
shall have finish to match the conduit and saddle clips shall be secured to the bar
by means of brass screws.

7.2.3 Flexible Conduit and Connections

A. Flexible Conduit:
1. To BS EN 61386, IP65, PVC sheathed, spiraled metal type. The conduit shall be
terminated at boxes and equipment by means of approved compression glands
2. To be of the unpacked type for normal atmospheric conditions and non-asbestos
packaged for damp situations. Adapters shall be of the solid type
3. Flexible conduit shall be used for the final connection of rigid conduit to the terminal
boxes of machines fitted with a means of drive adjustment and/or where vibrations
is likely to occur.
4. Flexible conduit for use outdoors shall be weatherproof and certified to be resistant
to UV radiation.
B. Flexible Connections:
1. Where connections to electrical machines are to be by multi-core glands, the final
termination shall be by ring type universal glands and locknuts, and adequate slack
cable in the form of a loop or spiral being left to allow for the movement of motors
necessitated by belt re-tensioning, vibration, etc.


7.3.1 Preparation
A. Sets and Bends:
1. Conduits up to 32 mm diameter; form on site with an approved bending machine
using proper formers, guides, springs, etc., taking care not to deform conduit
2. Conduits over 32 mm diameter: use coupling fittings.

7.3.2 Installation of Conduit

A. General:
1. Run conduit in square, symmetrical lines, parallel to or at right angles to walls and in
accordance with the accepted practice.
2. Conduit system shall be mechanically continuous and watertight after installation.
All conduit system shall be arranged wherever possible to be self-draining.
3. Conduit runs between draw-in positions shall conform to Kahramaa Regulations
regarding no. of bends and lengths of straight run.
4. Installation shall permit easy drawing in of cables.
5. Keep conduits at least 100mm from pipes and other non-electrical services.
6. Where conduit runs are to be concealed in the structure or are to pass through floor
slabs, the Contractor shall be responsible for marking the accurate positions of all
chases and holes on site. The Contractor shall arrange the conduit routing to make
maximum use of any preformed conduit holes and slots provided in structural
beams. Conduit installation on shear walls shall be kept to a minimum. All routings
necessary on shear walls shall be agreed with the Engineer before work is put in
7. Install conduits so as not to interfere with ceiling inserts, lights or ventilation outlets.
8. Install conduit in accordance with Kahramaa regulations.
9. Install nonmetallic conduit in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
10. Arrange supports to prevent misalignment during wiring installation.
11. Support conduit using coated steel or malleable iron straps, lay-in adjustable
hangers, clevis hangers, and split hangers.

Electrical Specification Page 65 of 161


12. Group related conduits; support using conduit rack. Construct rack using steel
channel; provide space on each for 25 percent additional conduits.
13. Fasten conduit supports to building structure and surfaces under provisions of
Section "Supporting Devices".
14. Do not support conduit with wire or perforated pipe straps. Remove wire used for
temporary supports.
15. Do not attach conduit to ceiling support wires.
16. Arrange conduit to maintain headroom and present neat appearance.
17. Route conduit parallel and perpendicular to walls.
18. Route conduit installed above accessible ceilings parallel and perpendicular to
19. Route conduit in and under slab from point-to-point.
20. Maintain adequate clearance between conduit and piping.
21. Cut conduit square using saw or pipe cutter; de-burr cut ends.
22. Bring conduit to shoulder of fittings; fasten securely.
23. Join nonmetallic conduit using cement as recommended by manufacturer. Wipe
nonmetallic conduit dry and clean before joining. Apply full even coat of cement to
entire area inserted in fitting. Allow joint to cure for 20 minutes, minimum.
24. Use conduit hubs or sealing locknuts to fasten conduit to boxes and fittings.
25. Install no more than equivalent of two 90-degree bends between boxes. Use
conduit bodies to make sharp changes in direction, as around beams. Use hydraulic
one-shot bender to fabricate and factory elbows for bends in metal conduit larger
than 2-inch (50-mm) size.
26. Avoid moisture traps; provide junction box with drain fitting at low points in conduit
27. Provide suitable fittings to accommodate expansion and deflection where conduit
crosses seismic, control and expansion joints.
28. Provide suitable pull string in each empty conduit except sleeves and nipples.
29. Use suitable caps to protect installed conduit against entrance of dirt and moisture.
30. Provide supports for fittings independently of any false ceiling for sunk and
concealed conduit systems.
31. Size conduits, draw-in boxes and junction boxes in accordance with regulations.
32. Swab whole of the conduit system to remove any loose matter or dirt before cables
are pulled in.
33. Where conduits connect to switch boxes draw-in boxes and the like the conduits
must have a machined faced socket screwed on to the end which when tightened is
flush with the outside of the box. The conduit is then to be secured to the apparatus
by means of a hexagon smooth bore brass bush screwed from the inside of the
apparatus into the conduit socket in order to make a sound and tight mechanical
34. All horizontal runs shall be supported at no more than 900 mm. Vertical runs shall
be supported at no more than 1200 mm. Where directional changes occur support
shall be provided at no more than 150 mm either side of the bend.
35. Hot bending shall be carried out on all non-metallic conduits. A bending spring of
the correct size shall be used in all cases. The heat source shall be provided by a
hot air torch. When the conduit is in a pliable state it shall be bent around a suitable
former and held in position until the conduit has set. No other method will be
36. Couplers, slip type bends and spouted fittings shall be made using semi-permanent
mastic sealing compounds. Expansion couplers shall be used in surface
installations where straight runs exceed 8 meters.

Electrical Specification Page 66 of 161


37. Standard junction or adaptable boxes shall be provided at all junctions and at sharp
changes of direction in addition to any special positions where they are required on
Site. Inspection couplers may be used in long runs to facilitate drawing in cables.
38. Particular care must be taken to ensure that no water is allowed to enter conduit at
any time and all conduits shall be arranged with adequate ventilation and drainage
where necessary as directed by the Engineer. Inaccessible junction boxes will not
be allowed.
39. Only continuous lengths of buried conduit shall be installed between boxes, no joint
boxes being allowed in the floor screeds. Conduits crossing expansion joints shall
be fitted with couplings of approved manufacture.
40. The ends of conduits laid or set in formwork prior to concreting shall be temporarily
sealed off with a coupler and a plug.
41. Fixing to surfaces of walls shall be by means of spacer bar saddles securely fixed
by screws. Where conduits are concealed or laid in structural floors they shall be
held in position with substantial fixings of make and pattern to be approved by the
42. Adaptable boxes shall be manufactured from PVC as previously detailed for conduit
boxes and sized to provide sufficient space factor.
43. Weatherproof boxes and accessories shall be used outdoors where agreed on Site
by the Engineer or where indicated in this Specification or on the Drawings.
44. Conduit shall be installed such as to permit complete rewiring without the need to
remove false ceiling or carry out builders work.
45. No single conduit serving phase socket outlets lighting points and switches shall
contain more than one phase.
46. Wiring shall be carried out on the looping-in system and no joints other than at
looping-in points will be allowed.
47. Where the conduit system terminates at any equipment requiring a non-rigid
connection a flexible conduit shall be installed of the PVC or PVC sheathed metallic
type fully watertight with purpose made connection adapters.
48. Each flexible connection shall include not less than 400mm length of flexible conduit
and a separate earth conductor shall be run within the conduit connected to the
earth terminals in the equipment and the fixed conduit run. The flexible conduit shall
not be used as an earth continuity conductor.
B. Runs in Reinforced Concrete:
1. Obtain approval for placing PVC conduits before pouring concrete.
2. Run conduits in concrete slabs parallel to main reinforcing steel.
3. Additional openings in finished slabs, where approved, shall be made by drilling, not
by breaking.
4. Conduit boxes shall not be nailed to shuttering boards.
C. Horizontal or Cross Runs:
1. To be avoided in partitions and side walls.
D. Surface Mounted Conduit (including conduit installed above false ceiling):
1. Fix with distance spacing saddles to allow conduits to be taken directly into
accessories without bends or sets.
E. Concealed Conduit:
1. Fix securely to prevent movement before casting of concrete and screeds,
application of plaster and the like.
2. Spacing of clips shall be not greater than as follows:
Conduit Size Spacing
Up to 25 mm 600 mm
32-38 mm 900 mm

Electrical Specification Page 67 of 161


50mm 1000 mm
3. Supports for exposed conduit shall be fixed at each side of bends.
F. Expansion Fittings:
1. Fix in conduit wherever it crosses as expansion joint in the structure to which it is
G. Terminations:
1. Make with a flanged coupling, lead washer and hexagonal male brass bush, where
conduit runs terminate in cable trunking, distribution boards or any sheet metal
H. Conduit Boxes:
1. Fix at all outlet points.

7.3.3 Installation of Flexible Conduit

A. All conduits must be secured to outlet boxes, junction boxes or cabinets by placing
locknuts on outside of box and locknuts and bushings on the inside of box.
B. Conduits connecting recessed fixtures and their adjacent junction boxes must be
flexible metallic conduit 20 mm minimum size and shall be of sufficient length to permit
dropping of the fixture below the ceiling and to gain access to the junction box.
C. Conduit to motors shall be terminated in the conduit fittings on the motors, the final
connection being made with liquid tight flexible conduit and suitable liquid tight
D. A green insulated 4 mm (minimum) tinned copper earth connection shall be made
between the solid conduit or cable sheath and the equipment, the copper cable being
run inside the flexible conduit. Couplings fitted to removable covers or non-metallic
equipment etc. shall be bonded to the earthing terminal of the equipment etc. Where
changes to flexible conduits occur, a watertight outlet box with threaded entries shall be
inserted and the earth connection made to an internal terminal. The cover screws shall
not be used for earthing connections.

7.3.4 Cleaning
A. The conduit outlets when installed and before wiring shall be temporarily closed by
means of well-fitting wooden plugs, and immediately before cables are drawn in, conduit
systems shall be thoroughly swabbed out until they are dry and clean



8.1.1 Scope
A. The Contractor shall supply and install the complete trunking system, as required.

8.1.2 References
A. The following standards are referred to in this Section:
 BS 3382 - Zinc on steel components;
 BS 4678 - Cable trunking of insulating materials;
 BS 4607 - Fittings and components of insulating
materials; and
 BS EN 10142 - Hot dip zinc coated sheet steel.

8.1.3 Submissions
A. Samples:
1. Submit samples of trunking and accessories.

Electrical Specification Page 68 of 161


B. Product Data:
1. At the time of submitting samples submit manufacturer’s details, catalogues etc.
C. Shop Drawings:
1. Submit drawings showing route of trunking system and obtain approval before
commencing work.


8.2.1 Trunking
A. General:
1. Trunking, associated parts and accessories shall be fabricated from hot dipped
galvanized sheet steel in accordance BS 4678 Part 1.
2. Trunking shall be supplied in 3m lengths or bigger, each length complete with lid,
coupler and coupler screws and shall provide adequate earth continuity throughout
the whole trunking run.
3. Shall be complete with necessary fittings and accessories. All accessories and
fixing materials shall also be of galvanized sheet steel of not less than 1 mm
4. Trunking shall not be smaller than the minimum size stated on the Drawings or
specified later and shall be so sized, if not specified, that a space factor of 35% is
not exceeded. The Contractor shall check the minimum size of trunking specified is
large enough for his requirements without exceeding this space factor
B. Trunking and Connectors:
1. Trunking shall be to BS 4678: Part 1, but thickness of metal for body and cover
material may not be less than those in Table 1.
2. Metal thickness for trunking and connectors exceeding 150 x 150 mm external
dimensions shall be to approval and shall not be less than that specified in BS4678
Part 1 for the largest trunking detailed.
3. Finish for steel trunking:
a. For internal use: Class 3 heavy protection internally and externally (e.g.
galvanised steel to BS EN 10142; protection to BS 4678: Part 1).
b. For external use: Class 3 protection.
4. Lids shall be clipped and fixed at regular intervals not exceeding 2 m on straight
runs, by quick release cam type fasteners.
5. Partitions shall be at least 1 mm thick, finished to same standard as trunking. The
means of fixing partitions shall prevent them being misplaced and shall not cause
corrosion or electrolytic action.
6. Connectors shall span the complete internal surface of the trunking. Trunking
sections shall have butt joints.
7. Accessories for bends and tee-off shall be supplied from the same manufacturer
and provided with lids as necessary. Reduction type tee-offs shall be provided
where smaller size branch trunking is required.
C. Bonding links and fastenings:
1. Shall satisfy continuity conditions of BS 4678.
2. Shall not cause corrosion.
3. Separate protective conductor of size not less than 4 mm² shall run in the PVC
trunking system.
D. Braided Copper Tape:
1. Shall be 15 x 2 mm minimum having a resistance from fixing to fixing equal to or
less than the links used in standard trunking joints.
E. Steel Screws and Fasteners:
1. Shall have a zinc coating finish to BS 729 or BS 3382: Part 2, or equivalent
Electrical Specification Page 69 of 161

2. Fixings used for securing or fitting shall not cause corrosion or electrolytic action.
Black screws are not acceptable
3. Brackets, mild steel angle or channel finished to same standard as trunking.
F. Vertical Trunking:
1. Shall have cable support units with insulated pins at centers not exceeding 3
G. Horizontal Trunking:
1. Sizes exceeding 100 x 50 mm shall have cable separators with insulated pins at
maximum centers not exceeding 2 m.


8.3.1 Installation
A. Fixing Trunking:
1. Trunking shall be properly aligned, and securely fixed at maximum 2 meters centers
on straight runs. At bends, angles and offsets fix with additional fixings at centers
not exceeding 150 mm on each side of the fitting.
2. Only manufacturer’s bends, T-offsets and accessories shall be used. Site
fabrication shall not be permitted.
B. Settlement and Expansion Joints:
1. Make a trunking joint where trunking crosses such joints.
2. Make connection through slotted holes allowing a 10 mm movement horizontally
and vertically.
3. Earth continuity link across joints shall be braided copper tape which is long enough
to allow for the maximum movement of trunking. Fold braid ends.
C. Fire Barriers:
1. Where specified, install non-combustible, non-metallic fire barriers.
2. Where trunking passes through walls, floors and ceilings at each floor level when
trunking is installed in riser ducts.
D. Connections:
1. Make connections to conduits, multiple boxes, switchgears, switchboards, motor
control centers and distribution boards with flanged units.
E. Cable Retaining Straps:
1. Fix at not exceeding 1m centers.

8.3.2 Cleaning and Adjustment

A. Making Good:
1. Make good cutting and damages of the steel trunking systems, remove burrs and
rough edges and corrosion and treat with a rust proofing agent, followed by an
application of zinc epoxy.
2. Provide the paint after application of the zinc epoxy for steel trunking system.



9.1.1 Scope
A. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, services and accessories necessary to furnish
and install the work of this Section, complete and functional, as indicated in the Project
Documentation and as specified herein.

Electrical Specification Page 70 of 161


9.1.2 References
A. The following standards are referred to in this Part:
 BS EN ISO 1461 - Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron
and steel articles;
 BS 61537 - Cable management. Cable tray systems and
cable ladder systems

9.1.3 Quality Assurance

A. Reference standards as detailed under Part 1.

9.1.4 Submissions
A. Shop Drawings: All submittals in accordance with Part 1:

9.1.5 Delivery, Storage and Handling

A. Deliver, store and handle materials and products in a manner to prevent damage.
B. Reference Part 1

9.1.6 Coordination
A. The work of this Section shall be completely coordinated with the work of other services.


9.2.1 General
A. The cable tray system shall be of one manufacturer and shall include factory-made
trays, tray fittings, connectors and necessary accessories and supports to form a
complete cable support system.
B. The cable tray system shall include the following factory-made tray elements:
1. Straight cable trays;
2. Fittings as horizontal and vertical bends of various angles, crosses, tees, wyes,
reducers, vertical riser elements;
3. Connectors; and
4. All necessary fixing accessories.
C. Manufacturer’s standard accessories shall be used and site fabrication shall not be
D. Horizontal run of cables laid on cable tray and exposed to direct sunlight shall be
provided with covering at higher level to allow for ventilation. Cable tray shall be raised
15 cm from finished floor level.
E. Cable trays shall confirm to requirements as specified in BS 7671.
F. Cable trays specification and installation shall be in accordance with Kahramaa
regulations and BS 7671, as applicable.
G. The product selected and proposed shall include manufacturer's Instructions that
Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing
agency specified under regulatory requirements.
H. The Contractor shall select the product only from manufacturer’s specializing in
manufacturing products specified in this Section, with a minimum five years
documented experience of the products being satisfactorily in use in a similar service
and climatic conditions.
I. The Contractor shall ensure proper co-ordination with related civil activities prior to the
selection of the equipment.
J. The Contractor shall clearly show locations of trays, service fittings, junction boxes, and
branch circuiting arrangements on the drawings.

Electrical Specification Page 71 of 161


9.2.2 Materials
A. The whole of the tray work, trays, fittings, and supports shall be of mild steel hot dipped
galvanized after manufacture to BS EN ISO 1461.
B. Cable trays shall be constructed from mild steel hot dip galvanized and of minimum
thickness of 1.5 mm.
C. Insert elements, bolts, screws, pins, etc., shall be mild steel cadmium plated.
D. Tray work shall have oval perforations. Ladder type trays shall be used for vertical runs
as approved by the Engineer.
E. All trays (straight and fittings) shall be welded construction and be a heavy duty
returned flanged, perforated type, unless specified otherwise. The minimum thickness of
heavy duty returned flanged cable trays shall be 1.5 mm.
F. Tray components shall be accurately rolled or formed to close tolerances and all edges
rounded. Flanges shall have full round smooth edges.
G. Ladder racks shall be of similar construction. The rungs shall be spaced at maximum
300 mm. The system shall allow for installing additional rungs and for replacement of
H. For all trays, flanges shall be a minimum of 50 mm deep, unless otherwise specified.
I. Cable tray width and radius of curved sections shall be selected to suit the number of
cables as shown on drawings and to the approval of the Engineer.
J. Cable Tray, Ladder Type
1. Ladder tray shall be ladder type, heavy duty, and shall conform to BS 61537.
2. Cable tray and accessories shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrication in
accordance BS EN ISO 1461.
3. Cable tray inside width and depth shall be as indicated on the Project Drawings.
4. Cable tray straight section rung spacing shall be 300mm maximum
5. Fitting inside radius shall be 600 minimum.
6. Provide manufacturer's standard clamps, hangers, brackets, splice plates, reducer
plates, blind ends, barrier strips, connectors, and grounding straps.
7. Covers: Flanged or Non-flanged as specified, solid or ventilated and flush or raised
cover as specified.
8. Bond trays carrying LV cables to earth with 16 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper
single core cable.
K. Cable Tray, Returned Flanged Type
1. Cable tray shall be perforated, returned flanged type; heavy duty; and shall conform
to BS 61537.
2. Cable tray and accessories shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrication in
accordance BS EN ISO 1461.
3. Cable tray slot pattern shall be in accordance to manufacturer’s standard.
4. Cable tray inside width and depth shall be as indicated on the Project Drawings.
5. Fitting inside radius shall be 600 minimum
6. Provide manufacturer's standard clamps, hangers, brackets, splice plates, reducer
plates, blind ends, barrier strips, connectors, and earthing straps.
7. Covers shall be flanged or non-flanged as specified, solid or ventilated and flush or
raisedcover as specified.
L. Cable Trays, Wire Mesh (Basket) Type
1. Cable trays shall be manufactured from steel wires, welded together, bent into final
shape, and shall conform to BS 61537.
2. Cable tray and accessories shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrication in
accordance BS EN ISO 1461.
3. Provide manufacturer's standard clamps, hangers, brackets, splice plates, reducer
plates, blind ends, barrier strips, connectors, and earthing straps.
Electrical Specification Page 72 of 161

M. Warning Signs
1. Engraved nameplates shall be provided and installed along the route of the cable
tray, 13-mm black letters on yellow laminated plastic nameplate, engraved with the


9.3.1 Installation
A. Drilling, machining or cutting shall not be carried out after application of protective coat,
unless previously agreed by the Engineer. If cutting or drilling is necessary, edges shall
be cleaned up and painted with zinc based paint before erection.
B. Installation of vertical runs of tray along the line of vertical expansion joints in structure
of the facility shall not be allowed.
C. Cables shall be fixed to the trays by means of PVC covered saddles or straps secured
with brass or cadmium plated bolts, nuts and washers.
D. 20% spare capacity shall be maintained once all cables have been installed on trays.
Double banking of cables shall not be permitted. space between adjacent cables shall
be not less than the radius of the bigger cable.
E. Trays shall not be smaller than the minimum size stated on the Drawings or specified
later and shall be so sized; if not specified, the Contractor shall calculate the size of the
tray and submit to the Engineer for approval. The Contractor shall check the minimum
size as specified is large enough for his requirements and provide 20% spare capacity
for future use.
F. Support trays in conjunction with supporting devices as described under Section
"Supporting Devices". Provide supports at each connection point, at the end of each
run, and at other points to maintain spacing between supports of 1200 mm maximum.
G. Use expansion connectors where required.
H. Provide fire stopping under provisions of relevant Section to sustain ratings when
passing cable tray through fire-rated elements.
I. Ground and bond cable tray under provisions of the Earthing and Bonding Part of QCS.
1. Provide continuity between tray components.
2. Use anti-oxidant compound to prepare aluminum contact surfaces before assembly.
3. Provide specified cross section copper equipment grounding conductor through
entire length of tray; bond to each component.
4. Connections to tray may be made using mechanical or exothermic connectors.
J. Where specified, install warning signs at 1500 mm centers along cable tray, located to
be visible.
K. Plastic tie-wraps of any description shall not be used for fixing cables to cable tray.
L. Saddle and cleat cables in position as they are installed along the route. Cables should
be neatly dressed and crossing of cables should be avoided by good detailed design of
cable routing.
M. All cable tray changes in direction or level shall be made via sets and adequately sized
angles to provide a support to the cables.
N. Single core cables of the same circuit shall be laid and mounted in purpose made trefoil

9.3.2 Erection
A. Cable trays arranged one above the other shall have spacing in relation to their width
not exceeding a ratio of 1:2 with a minimum distance of 150 mm.
B. Supports, install fixings and supports:
1. At 3 meter centres.

Electrical Specification Page 73 of 161


2. 150 mm from bends, tees, intersections and risers.

3. As close as practicable to joints.
4. Each side of expansion joints..
C. Supports shall be selected from the following types, to suit the site conditions:
1. M12 steel threaded drop rods fixed to ceilings complete with GI channels or
2. Wall support brackets.
3. Cantilever arms.
4. Steel channels.
D. The cable trays shall be fixed in accordance with site conditions and manufacturer’s
E. Join cable tray and accessories with hardware per Manufacturer’s recommendations.
F. Avoid mid-span joints.
G. The Contractor shall submit, as required, all calculations relating to tray work and tray
supports demonstrating acceptable mechanical stresses and sag.
H. Cable trays installed on roofs shall be supported using GI brackets or concrete blocks.
Removable cable tray cover shall be fitted.
I. Access shall be available at all times to remove or replace cables with a minimum of
400 mm between trays and physical obstructions, A/C ductwork etc.

9.3.3 Earthing
A. Cable trays and accessories shall be electrically and mechanically continuous
throughout their length.
B. The entire cable tray system shall be bonded.



10.1.1 Scope
A. This Section shall include all labor, materials, equipment, appliances and accessories
necessary for the complete performance of all switches, socket outlets etc, in
accordance with the Specifications and Drawings.

10.1.2 References
A. The following standards are referred to in this Part:
 BS 67 - Specification for ceiling roses;
 BS 1362 - Specification for general purpose fuse links for
domestic and similar purposes;
 BS 1363 - 13A Plugs, Switched, and Un-switched Socket
Outlets and connection units;
 BS 4177 - Cooker Control Units rated 30 Amp. and 45
Amp. 250 volts single phase supply;
 BS EN 55014 - Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements
for household appliances, electric tools and
similar apparatus;
 BS EN 60309, IEC 60309 - Industrial Plugs, Socket Outlets and Couplers
 BS EN 60669 - Switches for household and similar fixed
electrical installations.
 BS EN 60947-3 - Fuse Switches and Switch Fuses;

Electrical Specification Page 74 of 161


 BS EN 61558-2-5 - Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply

units and combinations thereof. Particular
requirements and tests for transformer for
shavers, power supply units for shavers and
shaver supply units

10.1.3 Description of Work

A. This Section shall include all labor, materials, equipment, appliances and accessories
necessary for the complete performance of all switches, socket outlets etc. In
accordance with the Specifications and Drawings.


10.2.1 General
A. All individual items of materials shall be of the same make throughout the Project unless
specifically approved by the Engineer.

10.2.2 Outlet Boxes

A. Outlet Boxes:
1. Galvanized one piece pressed steel, sizes and designs shall suit devices to be
B. Outlet boxes mounted externally or in damp locations shall be totally sealed to ensure
water tightness.

10.2.3 Switches
A. Lighting Switches
1. To BS EN 60669-1.
2. To be rated 10, 15 or 20 amps depending on connected load, as stipulated in the
Kahramaa regulations.
3. Recessed with concealed conduit, surface pattern elsewhere.
4. Quick make and break type.
5. Single pole, double pole, one way, two way or intermediate as indicated.
6. Surface mounted switches to be either poly-carbonate, or metallic and as indicated
in the Project Documentation.
7. Flush mounted switches to be of the grid fixing type with finish as noted in the
Project document.
8. Switches shall be certified for AC-23A duty.
B. Waterproof Switches:
1. To be watertight IP 56 or as indicated in the Project Documentation.
2. To be made of poly-carbonate for indoor application in damp and wet areas.
3. To be metallic suitable for AC-23A duty and have sunshades fitted where exposed
to direct sunlight.
4. To be provided with rear entry for outdoor use to avoid the exposure of
conduit/cables to the harmful effects of the sun.
C. Switch Plates
1. Where two or more switches are grouped together and connected to the same
phase, multi-gang devices and common plates shall be used.
D. Double Pole Switches:
1. To BS EN 60669-1;
2. The double pole switches shall be with neon indication lamps and shall be rated 20,
30 or 45 Amps. as indicated on the drawings

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3. The face plate shall be of matt chrome, unless specified otherwise in the Project
Documentation and shall be engraved ‘WATER HEATER’, ‘WATER COOLER’ etc.
as required.
4. Switches shall be certified for AC-23A duty.
E. Push switches for lighting contactor control:
1. To BS EN 60669-1;
2. Push to make momentary contact switch
3. Suitable for inductive load
4. Surface mounted type shall be either poly-carbonate, metallic, protected to IP 56 or
as indicated in the Project Documentation
5. Where two or more switches occur in one position they shall be contained in one
case and each shall be appropriately labeled to indicate its function.
6. Switches shall be certified for AC-23A duty and contactors shall be certified for AC-
3 duty.
F. Switches in plant areas, workshops etc., shall be surface mounted, metalclad type and
shall comply with BS EN 60669-1.

10.2.4 Ceiling Roses

A. Ceiling roses shall be of the all insulated type conforming to BS 67, with a white finish.
B. Ceiling roses shall be provided with insulated terminals for the switched live, neutral and
protective conductors; loop-in facilities shall be provided.
C. Plug-in ceiling roses shall be used in large buildings, with extensive false ceiling
systems, as detailed in the particular specification.

10.2.5 Socket Outlets

A. General purpose Socket Outlets:
1. To BS 1363.
2. Rectangular pin (2P+E) shuttered, with combined switch, rated 13A, 250 V.
3. To be supplied with plug complete with fuse.
B. Weather proof Sockets:
1. 13A Sockets: to BS 1363
2. Rectangular pins, Un-switched type to be complete with weather proof plugs
3. Plugs: 13 Amps
4. Sockets: fused type with single pole cartridge fuse link of same rating as plug
5. Sockets and plugs:
a. To have minimum IP 55 grade protection
b. Housing parts: brass or pressure die-cast finished in grey hammered stove
6. Plugs:
a. Cable grips shall have rubber compression rings there shall be rubber gasket
between plug and socket to ensure weather tightness.
b. Sockets shall have screw on caps that close tight on socket when plugs are not
7. Socket Outlet Plates:
a. Socket outlet face plates shall be finished as indicated in the Project
C. Industrial Sockets:
1. BS EN 60309-2, IEC 60309-2, rating shall be as indicated on the Project Drawing.
2. Three phase socket shall be 5 pin type’
3. Single phase socket shall be 3 pin type.

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4. Plugs of the same manufacturer to be provided sockets and plugs.

5. To have minimum IP 44 ingress protection.
D. Socket outlets in plant areas, workshops etc., shall be surface mounted, metalclad type
and shall comply with BS 1363.

10.2.6 Shaver Socket Outlets

A. All shaver socket outlet units shall comply with BS EN 61558-2-5 and IEC 335.
B. Shaver units shall be flush pattern with white molded insert in matt chrome plate
engraved ‘Shaver Only’ and be suitable for installation in bathrooms, incorporating a
double wound isolating transformer to provide an earth free supply.
C. Units shall incorporate primary winding circuit protection in the form of a self-resetting
thermal overload device.
D. Units shall incorporate an ‘ON/OFF’ switch with red neon indicator together with a
selector switch for 20 VA load capacity at 240 Volts and 115 Volts
E. Units shall incorporate two pin shuttered outlet configuration and have terminals to
accept 2.5 mm conductors.
F. Unit outlet boxes shall be a minimum of 45 mm deep, rustproof by galvanizing of equal
finish and complete with a brass earthing stud secured to the back of the box.

10.2.7 Cooker Control Units

A. Cooker Control Unit shall comply to BS EN 4177 and BS 1363;
B. Cooker control units shall incorporate a 32 Amp. double pole switch and 13A, 3 pin
switched socket outlet and neon indicator lights for both cooker and socket.
C. The cooker control unit shall be flush mounted.

10.2.8 Disconnect Switches and Switch Fuses

A. Generally
1. To be metal clad with front operated handles interlocked with switch fuse case to
prevent opening switch in the “ON” position b) switch shall have “ON/OFF”
indication and provision for locking in “OFF” position c) utilization category AC 23A
B. Fuse switch and switch fuses
1. To BS EN 60947-3, IEC60947-3.
2. Fuses: to BS 88 bolted type, class Q1, certified for 415V and AC 80 Duty, rated as
3. Fused switch carriages: withdrawable type
4. Fuse switches: ASTA certified to 50 KA.
C. Disconnect switches
1. Same design as switch-fuses, with solid copper links in place of fuses b) single pole
and neutral or triple pole and neutral c) ratings, as indicated.
D. Outdoor Equipment
1. Equipment intended for outdoor use shall be certified by the manufacturer as being
weatherproof and suitable for use outside in the prevailing conditions and shall be in
compliance with the requirements of Part 28, clause 28.2.6 of this Section.

10.2.9 Fused Connection Units

A. 240 V fused connection units shall be switched, shall comply with BS 1363 and shall be
fitted with a fuse complying with BS 1362 with a rating as specified.
B. All fused connection unit shall be fitted with a neon indicator.
C. Live contacts shall not be exposed under normal operating conditions when replacing a
D. Fuse connection units in plant areas, workshops etc., shall be surface mounted,
metalclad type and shall comply with BS1363.
Electrical Specification Page 77 of 161

E. The type of fused connection unit, particularly relating to the flex outlet, shall be
authorized by the Engineer prior to the ordering of accessories.

10.2.10 Junction, Pull and Terminal Boxes

A. The Junction Box shall be completed with a terminal block suitable for connecting up to
10 mm² copper conductor (phase, neutral and earth) and an all insulated molded white
cover plate with removal covers.
B. The cover plate shall be raised for connecting outgoing cable.


10.3.1 Mounting Heights

A. The mounting heights of wiring accessories shall be as stipulated in the
Kahramaaregulations, or as otherwise approved by the Engineer.

10.3.2 Installation of Outlet Boxes

A. Location of Boxes:
1. Determine exact location of boxes on site and obtain the Engineer’s approval before
commencing installation
2. Make allowance for overhead pipes, ducts, variations in arrangement, thickness of
finish, window trim, panelling and other construction when locating boxes.
B. Fixing:
1. Fix outlet boxes securely
2. Fix exposed outlet boxes to permanent inserts or lead anchors with machine

10.3.3 Installation of Switches

A. Lighting Switches:
1. Located at the strike side of the door, approximately 150 mm from the edge of door
2. Plates shall be installed with all four edges in continuous contact with finished wall.
3. Plates shall be installed with an alignment tolerance of 1.5 mm.
4. All switch assembly louvered plates shall have their earthing terminal connected to
the earth terminal attached to the switch box by an insulated 2.5mm² protective

10.3.4 Installation of Junction, Pull and Terminal Boxes

A. Generally:
1. Fix junction, pull and terminal boxes where indicated and where required to facilities
pulling of wires and cables and connection of future appliances.
2. Locate boxes as inconspicuously as possible, but accessible after work is
B. Pull Boxes:
1. Fix at maximum 10m spacing and to limit the number of bends in conduit to not
more than two 90° bends.

10.3.5 Testing
A. Test all switches, socket outlets etc. for correct polarity and continuity of conductors in
the presence of and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.
B. Carry out live phase to earth loop impedance tests at all switches and socket outlets
with an approved earth loop impedance tester to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.
Ensure that all device plates have satisfactory earth continuity to the protective
conductor system.

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C. Test all socket outlets for instantaneous tripping of associated distribution board current
operated earth leakage circuit breaker using testing equipment, approved by the



11.1.1 Scope
A. This section includes the supply and installation of lighting fittings as shown on the
drawings, and as specified.

11.1.2 Quality Assurance

A. Design Criteria
1. Lighting fittings shall be of first class quality, made by approved manufacturers and
shall be suitable for trouble free operation on the system voltage at the site
2. Lighting fittings shall be complete with internal wiring between lamp holder and
termination point. Wiring shall be in silicone rubber insulated heat resistant flexible
3. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the light fitting installation with
any other components of the ceiling systems.
4. All lighting fittings shall be complete with accessories and fixing hardware
necessary for installation whether so detailed under fixture description or not.
5. Outdoor lighting fittings shall be installed at mounting heights as specified or
instructed on site by the Engineer.
6. All outdoor lighting fittings shall be suitably constructed and protected to withstand
the corrosive atmosphere and high ambient temperatures of the site, whether
indicated under the fittings description or not.
7. Lighting fittings shall have power factor not less than 0.9.

11.1.3 References
A. The following standards are referred to in this Part:
 BS 4533 - Luminaires
 BS EN 13032 - Photometric data for luminaires
 BS EN 60081 - Tubular fluorescent lamps for general lighting
 BS EN 60400 - Lamp holders for tubular fluorescent lamps and
starter holders
 BS EN 60238 - Edison screw lamp holders
 BS EN 60529 - Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
 BS EN 60662, IEC 60662, - High pressure sodium vapor lamps
 BS EN 61167 - Metal halide lamps
 IEC 61347 - Lamp control-gear;
 IEC 61547 - Equipment for general lighting purposes - EMC
immunity requirements;
 IEC 60929 - AC-supplied electronic ballasts for tubular
fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements
 BS EN 60598-1, IEC 61000 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Electrical Specification Page 79 of 161


11.1.4 Submittals
A. Products Data
1. Fluorescent fittings and other electrical discharge lamp fittings, submit:
a. Full technical details of the fittings, including the control gear, indicating the type
and size of materials used in construction
b. Relevant sheets of manufacturer’s catalogues and dimensional drawings of the
fittings, clearly showing the location of the component
c. Wiring diagram of internal connections indicating color, size and type of wiring
d. Confirmation that control gear is suitable for prolonged and continuous service
in the ambient conditions described in Part 1
e. The power factor under operating conditions and illumination data sheets.
f. Type and quality of any plastic materials used in the fittings.
2. Other lighting fittings, submit:
a. Full technical details of the fittings, with relevant manufacturer’s catalogues and
illumination data sheets
b. Type and quality of all metal finishes
c. Size and quality of all glassware.
B. At least one piece of each of the lighting fixtures originally specified and quoted shall be
submitted and displayed at the site office, including the alternative items for comparison
in the event an alternate make is offered.


11.2.1 Lamps
A. General:
1. Lamps shall be furnished and installed in all luminaires covered under the Contract
2. Lamps used for temporary lighting services shall not be utilized in the final use in
fixture units
3. Lamps for permanent installation shall not be placed in the fixtures until so directed
by the Engineer, and this shall be accomplished directly before the building areas
are ready for occupancy by the Employer
4. Lumen output of lamps shall be in accordance with BS EN 13032.
5. Generally, high output, low consumption, tri-phosphorus lamps shall be used,
unless otherwise indicated.
B. Fluorescent Lamps:
1. Tubular fluorescent lamp, to BS EN 60081. Lengths/diameters as indicated in the
Project Documentation
2. Tube color: cool white, unless otherwise indicated
3. Fittings shall comply with BS 800, for suppressing radio frequency interference.
4. High Pressure Mercury Vapor Lamps:
5. Wattage as indicated in the Project Documentation
6. Color: deluxe white
7. Lumen output of lamps shall be in accordance with BS EN 60118( replaces BS
8. Burning position: universal.
9. High Pressure Sodium Lamps
10. Wattage as indicated in the schedule of luminaires
11. Lamps with a high color rendering index of 80 shall be used as indicated, suitable
for indoor applications
12. Lumen output of lamps shall be in accordance with BS EN 60662.

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C. Metal Halide Lamps

1. Wattage as indicated in the schedule of luminaires
2. Lumen output of lamps shall be in accordance with BS EN 61167
D. Control Gear For Fluorescent Lamps:
1. High frequency electronic ballast not less than 25 kHz to IEC 928, unless specified
2. When specified, conventional type low loss ballast with electronic starters shall be
used and shall provide flicker free operation, as indicated in the Project
3. Glow starters shall not be used.
4. Capacitors shall be supplied with discharge resistors and shall be housed in
aluminum canister
E. Lamp Holders:
1. SBC, BC GES, Bi-pin, etc. as necessitated by the lamp cap
2. Edison screw lamp holders, to BS EN 60238, to be designed so that the lamp cap
only makes electrical contact when fully screwed home, and to have means to
prevent the unscrewing of the lamp due to vibration or similar cause
3. Lamp holders for fluorescent lamps, shall be the spring loaded rotary type, toBS EN

11.2.2 Luminaires
A. Luminaires shall be manufactured to BS 4533 with an appropriate IP classification to BS
EN 60529.
B. All lighting fittings shall be supplied complete with appropriate control gear where
necessary, lamps, mounting and fixing accessories etc. whether explicitly mentioned in
the description of each light fitting or not. All the fittings shall have the same
appearance, material, technical details and approximate dimensions.
C. Luminaires shall be connected to the main circuit wiring with heat resistant flexible
cables of a minimum conductor size of 1.5 mm 2 insulated with silicon rubber.
D. Break joint rings shall be used in conjunction with batten holders, ceiling roses or back
plates mounted onto a flush installation.
E. Standard fluorescent luminaires shall have two suspension or fixing points.
F. All lamp-holders for flexible pendants shall be of the all insulated skirted pattern with
code grips and for batten or wall mounting shall be of similar pattern. All lamp holders
shall be of the bayonet cap pattern.
G. The point box suspensions and other parts of the lighting fittings shall be provided to be
erected at festival time to suit the building programme for decoration as per the
requirements of the Project Documentation.
H. The glassware diffusers, shades and lamps shall not be fitted until all building work is
I. All fittings shall be easy to clean inside and outside, when mounted.
J. All fluorescent fittings shall be suitable for instant start irrespective of any catalogue or
list numbers quoted.
K. Diffusers on fluorescent luminaires shall be poly-carbonate unless otherwise specified in
the Project Documentation.
L. All fittings that are mounted in areas accessible to the public shall be provided with
vandal proof high strength diffusers and shall be additionally provided with a galvanized
steel mesh security guard.
M. All luminaires shall be certified by the manufacturer for use in an ambient temperature
of 50°C.

Electrical Specification Page 81 of 161


N. Wet well luminaries, fixtures and cabling shall conform to ingress protection IP67,shall
be PTFE coated and shall be provided with tungsten halogen lamps i.e. no run up or re-
strike time for safety reasons.
O. All wet well luminaries, fixtures and cabling shall conform to ingress protection IP67.

11.2.3 LED Lamps/Luminaires

A. LED light fittings shall have life loss of L80 and physical failure of B10, for 50,000Hrs.
B. Life time of driver shall be equal or greater than life time of LED.
C. LED Luminaire MacADAM SDMC shall be less than 3 (SDCM < 3).
D. LED light fittings shall conform to IEC 62560, IEC 62612, IEC 61347, IEC 62384, IEC
605598, IEC 62722-2-1, and EU No 1194/2912.
E. Dimmable LED light fittings shall be capable of multi-level control, according to the
control strategy.

11.2.4 Termination/Earthing
A. Fused terminal blocks shall be fitted and be of sufficient capacity for the wiring involved.
Each terminal shall be capable of accommodating two 2.5 mm2 conductors.
B. Connector strip terminals shall have a current rating not less than the rating of the circuit
protective device and shall be encapsulated in self-extinguishing grade polyethylene.
C. Where connector strips are provided in boxes behind heat producing appliances,
porcelain connectors shall be used where temperatures in excess of 70°C are likely.
D. Conductors shall be clamped between metal surfaces such that no screws make direct
contact with the conductor. The metal used in construction of the connector shall be at
least 85 °C copper alloy such that good conductivity and electrolytic compatibility are
maintained at all times.
E. All light fittings shall be provided with an earthing terminal which shall be connected to
the earth continuity lead of the final sub-circuit.
F. The earthing of all pendant or semi-pendant fittings shall be by a separate core in the
connecting flex or cable securely bonding the earth terminal on the fitting to the glanded
joint of interconnecting cables. In no case shall pendant chains or conduit support tubes
be used as a means of earthing.

11.2.5 Ceiling System

A. In false ceilings, luminaires whether surface or recessed mounted shall not be
supported by the false ceiling construction. Separate independent supporting systems
shall be provided for each luminaire, comprising drop rods, chains or similar.
B. Luminaires installed in false ceilings shall be connected to the lighting circuit using
mechanically coupled plug-in ceiling roses.
C. Luminaires shall be positioned to provide ease of access for maintenance, cleaning etc.,
while not impairing the distribution of light.
D. The Contractor shall ensure that the luminaire manufacturer has the correct details of
the ceiling system, including suspension, tiles, etc. He shall ensure that the luminaires
are supplied with the correct trim, suspension system and are fully compatible with the
ceiling system.

11.2.6 Noise and Interference

A. The noise level from control gear, obtained from the average of sound pressure levels
each measured at 2000 mm from the control gear in at least five positions (on each side
and below), shall not exceed 30 dB Scale “A” (Noise Rating Number).

11.2.7 External Lighting

A. General:

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1. External lighting system shall consist of supply and installation of lighting columns,
foundation and fixing of the columns, underground cabling, high pressure sodium
vapor lamps or as specified, and control equipment as required
2. Contactor units, where specified incorporating a controlling photocell and time
switch, shall be provided within the external lighting distribution board for the control
of external lighting
3. Underground lighting cabling shall be XLPE or PVC/SWA/PVC or as detailed in in
the Project Documentation.
B. Lighting Columns
1. Columns shall be hot-dip galvanized steel of either tapered or tubular construction
complete with luminaire fixing arms or brackets, as per design.
2. All columns shall be externally painted with 2 coats of aluminum paints, internal
surface including the studs inside the cable connecting box with red lead
anticorrosive paints, the finishing shall be micaceous iron oxide paint pigmented
with aluminum
3. The column shall be equipped with auxiliary control gear and a 15 amp. single pole
and neutral cut-out (with a three phase and neutral terminal block), two cable glands
and two entry slots in the base of the pole for incoming and outgoing cables
4. A two core and earth 2.5 mm sq. butyl rubber insulated heat resistant flexible cable
shall connect the lantern to the cut-out
5. Columns shall be provided with base plates having fixing holes and anchor bolts for
6. Unless specified otherwise, the column length shall be 5m including buried part or
4m when plinth mounted. The diameter at the bottom shall not be less than 120
C. All external lighting fittings shall be adequately earthed.
D. Control gear shall form an integral part of the lighting fittings except where specified, or
where this is not possible, it shall be totally enclosed in a housing to suit the installation
E. All external fittings shall be dust-tight and waterproof to IP 65.
F. The particular requirements for road lighting and high mast floodlighting are specified in
Section 6, Part 12.


11.3.1 Lighting Installation

A. Terminations:
1. General fluorescent fittings mounted direct to conduit outlet boxes shall have the
circuit wiring run direct to the fittings terminal position. Flexible conduit pigtail shall
be provided for all fixtures to J-boxes.
2. Terminations for recessed, or semi-recessed pat tern fittings fitted in false ceilings,
shall have the circuit wiring terminal above the ceiling in a ceiling rose Outlets shall
be mounted adjacent to the fitting.

11.3.2 Installation of Lamps

A. Generally install new lamps in all luminaires at substantial completion of work.

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12.1.1 Scope
A. This Part specifies the general requirements for emergency lighting and accessories
both maintained and non-maintained. It shall be read in conjunction with other parts of
the Specifications and the Project Drawings.

12.1.2 References
A. The following standards and documents of other organizations are referred to in this
Part, and shall be complied with:
 BS 5266 - Emergency lighting
 BS 7671 - Requirements for Electrical Installations
 BS EN 1838 - Lighting applications. Emergency lighting
 BS EN 50171 - Central power supply systems
 BS EN 50172 - Emergency escape lighting systems
 BS EN 55015 - Limits and methods of measurement of radio
disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting
and similar equipment
 BS EN 60598-2-22 - Luminaires for emergency lighting
 IEC 61547 - Equipment for general lighting purposes - EMC
immunity requirements.
 IEC 61000 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

12.1.3 Quality Assurance

A. The supplier’s manufacturing facility shall be certified to ISO 9000 or equivalent.

12.1.4 Submittals
A. Submittal as per Submittal clause 11.1.4.
B. Products Data
1. Emergency lighting equipment;
2. Central Battery System (CBS); and
3. Central Emergency Lighting System Testing (CELST)
C. Shop Drawing
1. Riser diagram: Submit riser and block diagrams for the CELTS indicating type of
different components in the system, interface with other systems and also the
arrangement of the central equipment.

12.1.5 Warranty
A. Battery units, luminaires and accessories shall be warranted for a minimum of 5 years
by the manufacturer. The battery shall have minimum 10 years useful life.


12.2.1 General
A. Emergency lighting installations shall be complete with emergency batteries, chargers,
luminaires and wiring, all as described in Specifications and as indicated on the Project
Drawings, complying with BS 5266 Part 1.
B. Non-maintained luminaires shall be supplied directly from the battery system.
Maintained exit luminaires etc., shall be supplied from a separate supply via an
independent transformer and shall only operate from batteries during mains failure.

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C. The operation of the system shall be such that on loss of one or all phases of the main
electricity supply, a set of central batteries or individual battery packs shall provide
power for 1 hour to illuminate emergency luminaires throughout the building. On
restoration of the mains supply the batteries shall be charged by an integral charger
such that the system supplies not less than 80 % of its rated voltage after a period of 12

12.2.2 Emergency Luminaires

A. General:
1. The following illumination level shall be considered for designing the number of
luminaries for emergency lighting: (refer to BS 5266, Part 1). Space to Height Ratio
for luminaries shall be 4:1
a. 5 lux for vital positions:
i. First aid and safety equipment;
ii. Exit doors;
iii. Fire alarm call points;
iv. Fire fighting equipment;
v. Exit and safety signs;
vi. Changes of direction;
vii. Corridor intersection; and
viii. Adjacent areas of final exit points.
b. 1 lux for normal working spaces:
i. On the center line of escape route;
ii. Toilets;
iii. Lift cars and moving ways;
iv. Plant rooms; and
v. Covered car parks.
2. Illumination levels shall be in accordance to NFPA 110,

12.2.3 Self-Contained Emergency Luminaire

A. Battery pack units shall consist of converter/inverter devices, with nickel-cadmium
batteries to provide 3 hours operation under mains failure, unless the main supply is
restored prior to this.
B. Luminaries with self-contained battery packs shall be connected to the ‘live side’ of the
local lighting circuit and lamps shall operate automatically under mains failure
C. Units shall have the capability of sustaining high temperature so that they can be
accommodated in fittings with high internal temperatures. However, if the internal
temperature of the fittings exceeds 50 °C, the battery unit shall be mounted remote to
the luminaries. In the case of remote mounting, a purpose made remote mounting box
shall be provided.
D. Self-contained Emergency Luminaires shall comply to BS EN 60598-2-22, BS EN
61547, and BS EN 55015.

12.2.4 Exit Signs

A. General
1. Exit signs shall be [self-contained] [CBS slave] type, designed in conformance to BS
EN 1838, BS EN 60598.2.22, & BS EN 55015.
2. Exit sign luminaries lettering shall be both in Arabic and English. The Arabic text
shall be above the English text.
3. Maximum viewing distance for minimum legend height shall be guided as follows:
a. H > L/200

Electrical Specification Page 85 of 161


b. H = Height of Legend
c. L = Distance of viewer from the sign
B. Self-contained LED Exit Sign
1. Provide with automatic power failure device, and fully automatic high/low trickle
charger in a self-contained power pack. Battery shall be sealed type Ni-cd, with
emergency run time of 3 hours (minimum).


12.3.1 Wiring
A. Where the emergency lighting system installation is via a central battery unit, the wiring
to emergency luminaries shall be carried out in Fire Rated cables, unless specified
B. Where the emergency lighting scheme is self-contained emergency packs, the wiring
system shall either be in PVC insulated single core wires in conduits.
C. Generally, cables shall be 2.5 mm cross-sectional area unless specified otherwise
D. The Contractor shall pay careful attention to cable routings so as to keep cable runs to
the shortest possible length and ensure the overall volt drop on any circuit is within the
tolerances of the luminaries connected and within the limits specified in the Kahramaa

12.3.2 Installation of Batteries

A. The manufacturer’s recommendation/instructions shall always be followed.
B. Insulated tools shall be used.
C. Personnel erecting battery banks shall remove metallic objects form their person i.e.
watches, rings etc.
D. Eye and hand protection shall be provided.
E. Batteries shall not be left on site for prolonged periods without being trickle charged to
maintain their condition i.e. if delivery is some weeks before commissioning of the
F. Due care shall be observed when handling acidic substances.

12.3.3 Luminaries and Lamps

A. Luminaries and lamp installation shall comply with the requirements stipulated in Part
11 for general light fittings.



13.1.1 Scope
A. This Part specifies the general requirements for telephone installations carried out as
part of a contract for other works. It shall be read in conjunction with the other Parts of
the Specifications and the Project Drawings

13.1.2 References
A. The following standards and documents of other organizations are referred to in this
Part, and shall be complied with.
 BS 13631 - 3A plugs, socket outlets, adapters and
connection units
 Ooredoo Regulations - Qatar Telecom Regulations

Electrical Specification Page 86 of 161



13.2.1 General
A. Telephone cabling and equipment supply and installation shall be carried out by an
approved Ooredoo Contractor specializing in telephone installations.
B. All telephone related installations carried out by the Contractor shall conform to the
Ooredoo Standard specifications and regulations together with this specification and the
Project Drawings.
C. The Contractor shall supply and install cable ways, empty conduits with draw wires
and/or trunking, telephone points and outlets, PVC ducts, telephone junction boxes, and
manholes as required and shown on the Project Drawings, unless otherwise specified.


13.3.1 Incoming Line/Site Services

A. The Contractor shall supply and install the incoming line underground through Q-Tel
approved PVC-u pipe ducts with draw wires, together with the manholes/draw pits as
indicated on the drawings.
B. The works shall be carried out in co-operation with Ooredoo Engineers.
C. Standard Ooredoo type manhole and manhole covers shall be utilized, appropriate to
the manhole location.
D. External ducts shall be installed in an 800 mm deep trench on 200 mm of dune sand
covered with 200 mm of dune sand and completed with selected fitting materials.
E. Trenches for Ooredoo ducts through rockfill shall be lined with Terram Grade 1000 filter
fabric material as specified in Section 6 Clause 14.9.5
F. Contractor shall arrange with Q-tel for inspection of the installation during execution
stage and on completion, all costs are deemed to be included in his price.

13.3.2 Conduits and Trunking

A. The Contractor shall if required by the Project Specification or on the Project Drawings,
allow for the supply and installation of an empty conduit system complete with draw
wires and/or a trunking system between the outlet points and the telephone equipment
B. Conduit installations shall be concealed within the building fabric and/or concealed in
suspended ceiling voids.
C. Conduit and trunking installations shall conform to the requirements of the
Specifications and Q-Tel requirements.
D. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum size of the conduit installed shall be 25 mm
diameter and telephone underground duct 90 mm diameter.
E. The Contractor shall be responsible for liaison with the specialist telephone installer
and/or Q-Tel engineers to ensure that:
F. The proposed conduits and trunking are adequate to accommodate cables
G. The specialist installer is provided with the program requirements and that his work is
carried out in accordance with the Contractor’s main program.

13.3.3 Special Requirements

A. The Contractor shall consult the Ooredoo not less than one month before it is proposed
to commence work to ascertain whether any underground installations will be affected
by the proposed works, in which event the Contractor shall make all necessary
arrangements with Ooredoo to safeguard the installation.
B. The Contractor shall give at least one week’s notice in writing to Ooredoo of the dates
upon which it is intended to operate plant or equipment or carry out work for which
permission has been given in writing by Ooredoo; such operations of work shall only be

Electrical Specification Page 87 of 161


carried out in the presence of Ooredoo unless notice shall be obtained in writing from
Ooredoo that they do not require to be present.
C. Ooredoo may require work to be executed on their installations during the period of the
Contract; the Contractor shall afford all facilities to Ooredoo’s contractors or workmen
until their diversion work is complete. The Contractor shall co-ordinate the work of
Ooredoo and his own activities and when necessary shall amend his program of work to
suit all requirements of Ooredoo in connection with their diversion work and keep the
Engineer informed in writing of all arrangements made



14.1.1 Scope
A. This Part specifies the general requirements for structural cabling system used in data
transmission applications for buildings or sub-systems thereof.

14.1.2 References
A. The following standards and documents of other organizations are referred to in this
Part, and shall be complied with:
 BS EN 60950 - Safety of information technology equipment,
including electrical business equipment
 EN 50173 - Information Technology, Generic Cabling
 ISO/IEC 11801 Ed.2 - Information technology, Generic cabling for
customer premises
 ANSI/TIA/EIA568-B.1 - Commercial Building Telecommunications
Cabling Standard
 ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B.2 - 100 Ohm Twisted Pair Cabling Standard
 ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B.3 - Optical Fiber Standards
 ANSI/TIA/EIA-569 - Commercial Building Standard for
 ANSI/TIA/EIA-606 - Administration Standard for the
 ANSI/TIA/EIA-607 - Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding
Requirements for Telecommunications


14.2.1 General
A. The Contractor shall provide structured cabling installations for telephone and computer
networks, including distribution frames, patch panels, racking systems (cabinets), patch
cords, outlets, adaptors, conduits, PVC ducts and junction boxes, in accordance with
the Project Specification and Drawings.
B. Wiring for cabling systems shall be carried out by a Specialist Contractor approved by
the Engineer and Ooredoo, who has 5 years’ experience in Qatar.

14.2.2 Horizontal Copper Cables

A. Horizontal cabling from the building Patch Panel to telephone/data outlets shall be 4
pair UTP CAT-6a cable to meet the quality and performance criteria necessary to
ensure correct operation of the installation in future and compliance with the warranty.
B. The installation design and routing of all cables shall take account of the manufacturer
limits for the continued performance of the cables and the compliance with the warranty.

Electrical Specification Page 88 of 161


C. The cable conductors shall be of gauge AWG 23 and have an overall sheath from low
smoke and zero halogen that shall not give off toxic fumes due to the action of fire and
resist flame propagation (fire retardant). Traceability numbers should accompany the
cable supplied from the manufacturers packaging to assist in quality validation of the
installed cable.
D. In the construction of the cable, cross-talk performance shall be maintained using a C³
(Central dielectric Cross-talk Cancellation) member set between the 4 pairs.
E. All internal telephone conduits shall be 25 mm diameter. Unless otherwise specified.
PVC conduit, cable basket, boxes and accessories shall comply with the relevant
clauses of these specifications

14.2.3 Data and Telephone Outlets

A. The outlet shall be fully compliant to IEC 60603-7-4 standard that defines the screened
CAT-6a connector, as specified in ISO/IEC 11801 standard.
B. Each outlet shall provide both T568A and T568B colour code identification for the IDC
terminals at the rear of the outlet. The punch down IDC terminals shall be in accordance
with T568B with respect colour coding. Reassignment of pairs is forbidden.
C. All conductors from the 4 pair cable are to be terminated on the respective terminals.
D. To avoid installation errors, the wire organizer of the snap-in connector must be
identified by the same standard color coding as the wires.
E. All CAT-6a, RJ45 outlets shall be fully compliant with ISO/IEC 11801:2002.
F. The presentation of the outlet shall provide for labelling and identification. A transparent
window shall protect the label tag on the front plate.
G. The outlets shall be designed to snap fit within a modular front plate intended for
installation on standard electrical accessory back boxes.
H. Outlet boxes shall be provided where shown on drawings. Pull boxes shall be provided
according to Ooredoo Regulations and wherever needed to facilitate the pulling-in of

14.2.4 Patch Panels (Cu/RJ45)`

A. Patch panels shall be constructed and configured for full integration into a standard 19"
Cabling Box.
B. The vendor shall make proposals for the use of either 24, 32, 48, 60 port Snap-in format
(Modular) patch panels equipped with a cable management mechanism that provides
strain relief and earthing features.
C. The patch panel shall provide for labelling using a printed numbering system.
D. If circuit cross-over or impedance matchers are used, these shall be external to the
patch panel.
E. The connector shall provide both T568A and T568B color code identification for the pins
at the rear of the connector. Patch panel outlets must each have a CAT-6a, RJ45
connector, connected separately. The IDC punch down terminals shall be in accordance
with the T568B color coding. Reassignment of pairs is forbidden.
F. All conductors from the 4 pair cable are to be terminated on the respective terminals.
G. To avoid installation errors, IDC blocks must be identified by the same standard color
coding as the conductor pairs.
H. Each Patch Panel shall provide a means to locate and clamp the incoming cables
without causing damage to the cable or affecting the performance of the Link.
I. The installer must avoid any risk of cable pinching or compression during the installation
or termination of the cables. Therefore the use of Velcro cable ties is preferred.
J. In the rack, the patch panels shall be separated by metallic patch-guides that have a
closed front to protect the patch cords. The height of these guides will be 1U or 2U
depending on the layout of the rack.

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K. The metal frame of the patch panel must not be earthed to the cabinet with a separate
earth strap if the patch panel automatically makes contact with the metal frame of the
Cabinet when fixed in position. If the cabinet is not designed to provide the panels with
an automatic contact with the earth, then the patch panels must be connected with a
separate earth strap to the earth key.

14.2.5 Equipment Racks

A. 42U Cabinet:
1. The racks shall incorporate horizontal and vertical management hardware, both
front and rear, to properly dress cables and patch cords.
2. The racks shall have a load carrying capacity of 1200kg.
3. The racks shall be specially designed for Data Center with self-levelling feet and
floor anchor brackets so as to sit directly on to the access floor. Any feet must be
able to support the maximum load capacity of the cabinet.
4. The racks shall be fabricated from galvanized and welded steel, including with
levelling feet and floor anchor brackets.
5. The racks shall be 800 x 1000mm minimum size with number of RU as indicated on
the Project Drawings.
6. The racks shall have at least 63% perforation on both front and rear doors, for
better passive ventilation;
7. The surfaces of the racks shall be protected by good quality paintwork. The paint
shall be smooth, continuous and free from blemishes and scratches. The colour of
the paintwork shall be agreed with the client and architect before installation.
8. The rack shall be equipped for electrical grounding to meet EIA/TIA 606 stables with
fans and power strip unit.
9. Each RU shall be marked and numbered on all mounting rails making it easy to
locate and install equipment.
10. Heavy-duty shelves and fan trays shall be available to be purchased.
11. Each rack shall be provided with at least two units of Power Distribution Units
(PDUs), designed for installation and use within 19” the rack. Each unit shall
comprises of a high quality aluminium extruded housing into which are loaded with
12 numbers of BS1363 sockets and 3 meters input lead, terminated with a 16 or 32
amperes, IEC 60309, 2P+E plug. Each unit shall contain an LED indicator to
confirm power to the unit.
12. Contractor shall check the Architectural space requirements.
B. Wall Mounted Cabinet:
1. Provide wall mounted data cabinet, fully assembled, as indicated on the plans,
complying EIA-310-E.
2. The cabinet shall have lockable ventilated glass front door and ventilated side
panels for increased airflow

14.2.6 Patch Cords

A. The CAT-6a cords must be fitted with CAT-6a, RJ45 booted plugs. The characteristic
impedance of the pairs must be identical to that of the horizontal cables.
B. The cable used for the Patch Cords shall be CAT-6a, LSZH sheathed patch cable. The
cable shall be a 4 twisted pair cable with stranded conductors. All pairs must have an
impedance of 100 Ohms.

14.2.7 Optical Fiber Cables

A. Fiber optic cables shall be provided for connecting the main data patch panel in
the Ooredoo Room and CCTV Equipment Room to Data Patch Panels serving
various areas.

Electrical Specification Page 90 of 161


B. Cable shall be of single mode type with diameter of 9/125 microns

(core/cladding) and shall be suitable for 1300 to 1550 nm wavelength window.
Fiber Optic cores shall be color coded in accordance with GB13993.3.
C. The structure shall be tight buffer type and cable shall be reinforced with coated
glass fiber. Outer jacket shall be of LSOH Polyethylene outer jacket. Other
features shall be the following: Secondary coating shall be 900 um, Maximum
allowable tension: 1000 N, External diameter: 7mm, Operating temperature:
0°C to +60°C. Minimum bending radius shall be 100mm. The cable shall have a
crush resistance: 300N/cm. Cable shall be marked with name of manufacturer,
type of cable, reference number etc. at regular intervals.
D. The following matrix gives the minimum technical characteristics expected from
the SM FO cables.
Characteristics Value
Core Diameter 9.2 ± 0.5 µm
Cladding Diameter 125 ± 2 µm
λ = 1300 nm ≤0.45 dB/Km
λ = 1550 nm ≤0.30 dB/Km

14.2.8 Fiber Optic Patch Panels

A. Both ends of all FO Cables shall be terminated at FO patch panels. These patch
panels shall include a drawer and 6 port adapters pluggable in the drawer. All
adapters shall have LC type connectors.
B. The drawer shall be suitable for mounting in a 19” cabinet and the height shall
be 1U. A 1U unit shall provide at least 24 FO cable ports. Multiple units shall be
provided as required, at each data patch panel location. Cable entry shall be
from the back with proper bushes and all accessories to protect the FO cores.
The optical fiber patch panels should also accommodate storage and
management of at least two meters of slack per fiber. The front panel shall be
adjustable and shall have label holders.
14.2.9 Fiber Optic Patch Cords
A. Fiber patch cords shall be supplied with the system to facilitate the Network
equipment supplier to commission the system as specified. The FO Patch cords
shall be LC-LC type and of lengths 1.2m and 3 m, depending on the specific
applications, each of both lengths shall be supplied with the system. Buffered
fiber overlaid with strength material, such as kevlar, and a second PVC jacket
shall be used for patch cords.


14.3.1 Containment Systems

A. Containment shall be provided from Telecom Room to Main Distribution Frame (MDF)
and to Intermediate Distribution Frames, as indicated on the Project Drawings.
B. Conduits, trunking and cable trays shall be provided for structured cabling installations,
complying with Parts 7, 8 and 9 respectively of Section 21.

14.3.2 Testing and Commissioning

A. General

Electrical Specification Page 91 of 161


1. The Specialist Contractor shall test the complete cabling network to ensure that
noise is not interfering with systems and contact resistance are kept within
acceptable levels
2. Certificates shall be supplied by the Specialist Contractor to certify efficient working
of the networks.
B. Copper Cable and Connectors: Each RJ-45 Jack connector shall be tested to ensure
Category 6a performance. Each RJ-45 Jack shall be tested for Point to Point
connectivity, by utilizing hand held time domain reflectometers (TDR), capable of
generating pulses of 500 MHz, and of testing that the following parameters are in
accordance with EIA/TIA 568A.
1. Wire mapping for correct polarity;
2. Length for point to point connectivity under 90 metres;
3. Near end cross talk (NEXT);
4. Resistance;
5. Impedance;
6. Capacitance;
7. Noise; and
8. Attenuation;
C. Optical fiber cable shall comply with the following:
1. Certificates of compliance with EIA/TIA specifications, and manufacturer’s test
certificates attached to the reels/drums.
2. White light tests shall be performed to confirm end to end connectivity on delivery to
site, after installation and prior to field termination.
3. After field termination point to point connectivity shall be tested on each cable by a
hand held optical time domain reflectometer, (OTDR), or optical power light meter
and light source, capable of reading and measuring signal loss by generating wave
lengths of 950 mm and 1300 mm. This shall check the field termination loss and
that no damage has occurred from macro/micro bending.



16.1.1 Scope
A. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, services and accessories necessary to furnish
and install the work of this Part, complete and functional, as indicated in the Project
Documentation and as specified herein.

16.1.2 References
A. The following standards are referred to in this Part:
 BS HD 60269-2, BS 88-2 - Low-voltage fuses
 BS EN 60831-1, IEC 60831-1 - Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type
for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to
and including 1kV. General. Performance,
testing and rating. Safety requirements. Guide
for installation and operation
 BS EN 60831-2, IEC 60831-2 - Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type
for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to
and including 1000 V. Ageing test, self-healing
test and destruction test

Electrical Specification Page 92 of 161


 BS EN 60439-1, IEC 60439-1 - Low-voltage switchgear and control gear

assemblies. Type-tested and partially type-
tested assemblies
 BS EN 60947 - Low-voltage switchgear and control gear
 BS EN 61010-1, IEC 61010-1 - Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use.
General requirements
 BS 6231 - Electric cables. Single core PVC insulated
flexible cables of rated voltage 600/1000 V for
switchgear and control gear wiring
 BS EN 55014-1 - Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements
for household appliances, electric tools and
similar apparatus. Emission
 IEC 61326 - Electrical equipment for measurement, control
and laboratory use - EMC requirements

16.1.3 Submittal
A. Shop Drawings:
1. Submit shop drawings for approval in accordance to Part 1.
2. Submittal requirement in Part 2, clause 2.1.4 shall apply in this Part.

16.1.4 Quality Assurance

A. Quality assurance n Part 2, clause 2.1.5 shall apply in this Part.


16.2.1 General
A. The work of this Section shall be completely coordinated with the work of other services.
B. Power factor improvement equipment shall be provided in LVMSB. Correction shall be
automatic and be capable of correcting the power factor to within range 0.9 lagging to
unity as required by the design. The power factor setting shall be adjustable.
C. All capacitors must be arranged so that they are connected in stages. These stages
shall be sized to prevent system over-voltage during light loads conditions

16.2.2 Capacitors
A. Capacitors shall comply with BS EN 60831-1, BS EN 60831-2 and shall be of a dry
metalized film construction, containing no liquid and must have low losses (typically 0.5
B. Each capacitor shall be housed in a sealed container and be fitted with a fail-safe,
pressure sensitive disconnect device.
C. Each capacitor shall be equipped with suitable discharge resistors to reduce the voltage
to less than 50V in one minute, or less, after supply disconnection.
D. The capacitors shall be housed in a metal enclosure, forming part of the LVMSB. The
enclosure size should allow enough space and cabling etc., for at least one additional
capacitor unit to be fitted at a later date.
E. Provision shall be made to ensure that a connection point is available for a series
connected, de-tuning reactor in case of problems with harmonics.
F. The equipment must comply with BS 800 with respect to electrical interference.
G. The capacitors shall be protected by a main circuit breaker at the LVMSB.
H. The capacitor manufacturer must recommend the maximum fuse or circuit breaker that
will ensure the protection of each capacitor bank.
I. All power and control cables used within the capacitor bank enclosure must be in
accordance with BS 6231 Type BK.

Electrical Specification Page 93 of 161


16.2.3 Control and Protection

A. Power Factor Regulator:
1. The controller shall comply with IEC 61326 and IEC 61010-1 with the minimum
number of capacitor switching steps shall be six (6) as far as practically possible for
smaller rating capacitor banks and between 6 to 12 steps for others. The capacitors’
KVAR shall be so chosen to provide maximum programming flexibility such as
switching sequence 1:2:2:2, 1:1:1:1 etc. in order to maintain the power factor within
the set limits for most of the operating time.
2. An alphanumerical LCD, micro-processor based automatic power factor correction
regulator shall be provided to control steps and display measurement of the
a. Power factor;
b. No. of steps connected;
c. Step connection and disconnection time
d. Actual current;
e. Reactive current;
f. Active power;
g. Reactive power;
h. THD voltage; and
i. Alarm conditions.
3. The regulator shall have built-in alarm relay for remote indication and following
alarm conditions locally:
a. Low power factor;
b. Abnormal power factor;
c. Leading power factor;
d. Overcurrent;
e. Over-temperature;
f. Overvoltage;
g. THD high;
h. Capacitor overload; and etc.
4. The regulator shall provide facility to manually energize/denergize capacitor steps
for the purpose of testing and verification of required/set power factor.
B. Switching contactors shall have a minimum duty category AC4 to BS EN 60947 and a
minimum current rating of 1.3 x the current consumed by the capacitor bank.


16.3.1 Installation
A. Documentation shall be provided detailing:
1. Type test certificate
2. Routine test certificate
3. Maintenance requirements
4. Fault diagnosis
5. Parts list with part numbers and recommended spares
6. Commissioning instructions

16.3.2 Field Tests

A. The PFCC assembly shall be tested at site during commissioning. The results so
obtained shall be verified with the actual requirements and Kahramaa regulations.

Electrical Specification Page 94 of 161


Modifications if any Modifications if any shall be carried-out at no extra cost to the




17.1.1 Scope
A. The Contractor shall supply, install, commission, test and handover in good operable
manner including 400 days guarantee and maintenance of 415 V mains failure, prime
diesel generator set and 5 years guarantee for electric motors, as per the Project
Documentation. The set shall be arranged for either automatic or manual start on mains
failure, as indicated on the Project Drawings. The set shall be complete with diesel
engine, generator, control panel, batteries, starting motor, built-in air cooled radiator,
daily fuel storage tank, and all other accessories as specified.

17.1.2 References
A. The following standards are referred to in this Part:
 BS 799-5 - Oil burning equipment. Carbon steel oil storage
tanks. Specification;
 BS 4800 - Schedule of paint colours for building
 BS 5514, ISO 3046 - Reciprocating internal combustion engines;
 BS ISO 8528, ISO 8528 - Reciprocating internal combustion engine
driven alternating current generating sets;
 BS EN 10255 - Non-alloy steel tubes suitable for welding and
threading. Technical delivery conditions;
 BS EN 55014-1 - Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements
for household appliances, electric tools and
similar apparatus. Emission;
 BS EN 60034-1 - Rotating electrical machines. Rating and
 BS EN 60085 - Electrical insulation. Thermal evaluation and
 BS EN 61000-6-2 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic
standards. Immunity for industrial
 BS EN 61000-6-4 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic
standards. Emission standard for industrial
environments; and
 BS EN 12285-2 - Workshop fabricated steel tanks. Horizontal
cylindrical single skin and double skin tanks for
the aboveground storage of flammable and
non-flammable water polluting liquids; and
 IEC 60939-1 - Passive filter units for electromagnetic
interference suppression;

17.1.3 Quality Assurance

A. Manufacturer's Qualification:
1. The generator set shall be the product of a single manufacturer, regularly engaged
as a manufacturer of such equipment.
B. Installer's Qualification:

Electrical Specification Page 95 of 161


1. All the Genset installation work shall be carried out by a Genset Sub-contractor.
Genset Sub-contractor shall be one who is normally an agent representing one or
more of the approved makes of Genset. Genset installation shall be supervised,
checked and tested by a qualified representative of the manufacturer and handover
the works in perfect running order to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
C. Source Quality Control:
1. Test the combined engine generator set at the factory and submits the certified test
copies of all tests to the Engineer for his approval.
D. Local Agent:
1. The manufacturer should have an agent in Qatar who is well experienced in
installation and maintenance of diesel generators of the size specified herein. The
agent should have been associated with the manufacturer for a minimum period of
five years.
E. Design Criteria:
1. All materials and equipment shall comply with relevant IEC and BS specifications as
regards quality of materials, performance and proving tests.
2. The emergency power supply system and its components shall be such as may be
properly maintained and serviced without the necessity of carrying expensive spare
part stocks, or being subjected to interrupted service due to the lack of spare parts.
3. Emergency generator set shall be designed to allow easy replacement of major
items subject to wear.

17.1.4 Submittals
A. Shop Drawings:
1. Submit shop drawings for approval in accordance to Part 1.
2. Shop drawings shall be complete, as to be record drawings, not general outline
drawings used for sales and guide layouts.
3. Submit a complete wiring diagram for the generator set, drawn on a single standard
size sheet, showing the following:
a. All components of:
i. Engine starting control;
ii. Engine alarm;
iii. Generator control;
iv. Battery;
v. Battery charger; and
vi. Earthing.
vii. Interior wiring, terminals and interconnecting wiring.
viii. Certified dimensions and weights.
4. Submit a composite wiring diagram of the entire emergency transfer system
showing all wiring between the engine starting panel, engine generator set and MV
a. Wiring diagrams shall clearly show:
i. Main current conductors, in heavy lines;
ii. Control conductors, with colour and/or number coding;
iii. Location of relays and apparatus; and
iv. Description of function, type and catalogue, of all components.
b. Alternator Control Panel: Submit a schematic line diagram showing:
i. Interlocks;
ii. Protection; and
iii. Instruments.

Electrical Specification Page 96 of 161


5. Submit general arrangement drawings of the generator installation and the

generator building layout.
B. Product Data submitted in accordance to Part 1.
1. Submit curves showing the actual performance of a similar engine (same model,
stroke, etc.) to that proposed, superimposed on the standard published
performance curves for continuous and maximum operation.
2. Submit the detailed information together with manufacturer's catalogues for the
a. Generating set manufacturer;
b. Name and address;
c. Generating set model no.;
d. Diesel engine;
e. Radiator;
f. Fuel system;
g. Alternator;
h. Exciter;
i. Starting battery;
j. Generator controller; and
k. Service facilities;
l. Test certificates.
m. List of spare part:.
n. Certified factory test reports;
o. Instruction manuals for operation and maintenance; and.
p. Parts catalogue with manufacturer address.

17.1.5 Period of Maintenance

A. During the maintenance period of 400 days the Sub-contractor shall repair and replace
directly, at his own expense, any of the plant, material or work performed or furnished
under the respective works in the Project which may develop under the conditions
provided for by the Project and under proper use in the works or that portion thereof
taken over by the Engineer. The guarantee period for all electric motors shall be 5
B. The Sub-contractor shall obtain and submit to the Engineer all guarantees or certificates
or warranty available from the manufacturers, but only as supplementary to the sub-
contractor's own liabilities under the Project and in no way invalidate them.
C. The Genset Sub-contractor shall be responsible for the satisfactory operation of the
Genset installation during the Maintenance and Guarantee Period. He shall carry out
necessary inspection, preventive maintenance and testing to keep the set ready all the
time. The set shall function satisfactorily during power failures. The Genset Sub-
contractor shall carry out routine testing of the installation once in every month
throughout the Maintenance and Guarantee Period. The testing shall be carried in
presence of Engineer. The Sub-contractor shall himself provide all electrical and
mechanical spare parts, grease, lubricating oils, touch-up paints, etc., required for the
maintenance of the Genset installation. The owner shall be responsible only for
providing diesel oil as and when required. The Genset Sub-contractor shall prepare log-
books listed full details of maintenance work and each log-book entry shall be
countersigned by the Engineer.

Electrical Specification Page 97 of 161



17.2.1 Generator Set

A. Factory-assembled and -tested, engine-generator set. The set shall be of rugged
reliable design and built for long trouble free service under the worst specified climatic
conditions and made by an approved reputable manufacturer.
B. The generator starting time shall comply with NFPA 110, Type 10 or equivalent.
C. Engine generator shall share real and reactive load proportionally within plus or minus 3
percent with all other engine generators in the system.
D. Rating:
1. The rated output shall be as indicated on the drawings, at 0.8 power factor and shall
be designed to supply 240/415 volts, 3 phase, 4 wires, and 50 Hz. The rated output
shall mean the net standby rating capacity, de-rated output in Qatar at an ambient
temperature up to 50°C at a relative humidity of 95%, in accordance to ISO 3046,
IEC 60034-1, and ISO 8528. Auxiliary equipment shall be designed for continuous
duty at 100 percent of rated net capacity of engine-generator set.
E. Diesel Engine:
1. Engines shall be heavy duty, four-cycle, naturally aspirated, turbocharged and
intercooled, in-line, water cooled, designed for continuous electrical duty, stationary
service. The steel base frame shall be provided with spring type vibration isolators.
The engine shall be able to deliver full load in the shortest possible time after start.
The engine speed shall not exceed 1500 rpm. The engine construction shall be in
such a way as to allow for dismantling of any engine component for inspection or
repair without undue complication i.e. without dismantling of other non-defective
parts. The crank case shall be provided with inspection windows
2. Engine Shutdown: Equip engine with shutdown devices listed. These devices shall
shut down the engine by shutting off the fuel supply to fuel injectors. Shutdown
devices shall be positive, direct in action and independent of the governor.
Shutdown devices shall have factory-set fixed set points and shall be equipped with
either auxiliary electrical contacts, relays or equivalent device for shutdown.
Auxiliary contacts shall be suitable for starting battery voltage. Shutdown shall open
the MV Switchboard generator main circuit breaker. Provide the following shutdown
a. Overspeed device which operates when engine speed exceeds normal
synchronous speed by 18 percent. Device shall require manual reset.
b. Pressure device which operates when engine and turbocharger lubricating oil
pressure drops below a preset value.
c. Temperature device which operates when jacket coolant temperature exceeds
a preset value.
d. Other shutdown devices as recommended or normally provided by engine
3. Starting System: The diesel engine shall be equipped with starting system detailed
hereunder and as per Engineer's approval.
a. Battery Starting System:
i. The engine shall be started by a 24Vdc starting motor automatically
engaging with engine flywheel and positively disengaging on engine
ii. The engine starting control equipment shall be arranged to disconnect the
battery charger to prevent it from being over-loaded during starting. The
starter motor shall be of adequate power of its duty.
iii. Batteries for starting shall be of the lead acid type, 12V, heavy duty diesel
starting type and of sufficient capacity to provide continuous cranking of 1.5
minute duration without recharging. Batteries should have sufficient
capacity to provide three successive starts.

Electrical Specification Page 98 of 161


iv. The batteries shall be filled with electrolyte and installed on proper racks
with cables and clamp. A hydrometer shall be supplied with the batteries.
v. The battery charger shall be static type enclosed in an adequately
ventilated sheet steel case and incorporated within the control panel with its
associated instruments and controls mounted on front of panel
vi. The charger shall be complete with all necessary relays, cut-outs, controls,
switches and instruments for automatic charging of batteries. The charger
shall automatically control the charging rate to suit state of battery thus
charging at high rate following a period of use of battery and, when battery
nearly fully charged, reverting to trickle charging automatically.
vii. An ammeter and voltmeter in the control panel shall indicate the state of the
battery and its charging rate.
4. Cooling System:
a. Radiator: Closed loop, liquid cooled, with radiator factory mounted on engine-
generator-set mounting frame and integral engine-driven coolant pump;
sufficient capacity to dissipate the total joules per hour rejected by the engine
cooling system at 100 % full load.
b. Blower fan: To have sufficient pressure to circulate required quantity of air for
engine cooling. The fan shall be provided with a suitable guard. Genset room
inside temperature should not exceed 56°C.
c. Jacket water heaters: To be provided on engine to facilitate quick starting under
low ambient conditions.
d. The cooling system shall be capable of keeping the temperature of cooling
water at safe limits at all conditions of load required in the specifications.
Maximum temperature of cooling water after 10 hours of continuous running at
full load at worst Qatar climatic conditions shall not exceed the maximum
temperature limits of the diesel engine.
e. The cooling system shall include an engine shaft driven circulating water pump.
The water jacket of the engine cylinder shall be so constructed that the water in
the jacket can be drained completely.
f. The radiator finned tubes shall have a common inlet and common outlet
g. Drain valve and a filling valve shall be provided to the radiator for flushing and
quick filling.
h. Cooling water piping, complete with all necessary supports; control valves,
flanges and fittings, thermometers, pressure gauges, relays etc., shall be
supplied and installed to form a complete engine water cooling line. Piping shall
be as of BS 1387.
i. The water pump discharge valve shall preferably be a globe valve, the other
valves shall be (sluice) gate valve.
j. Temperature Sensors: Engine shall be equipped with coolant temperature
sensors. Temperature sensors shall provide signals for pre-high and high
indication and alarms.
5. Fuel System
a. The engine shall be suitable for running on diesel oil as described below:
i. Specific gravity at 60°F : 0.834;
ii. Distillation (P.P.123/40)
 IBM : 219 C;
 10% : 250 C;
 50% : 276 C;
 90% : 314 C;
 F.E.P. : 342 C;

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 Flash Point PME : 189 C;

iii. Sulphur : 1.1%;
iv. Calorific value BTU/lb. : 19750;
gross carbon residue
v. 0.01/wt diesel index : 62; and
vi. Viscosity redwood : 34.seconds at 100°F
b. Daily Fuel Tank: Provide sub base-mounted tank with a minimum capacity of 8
hours of engine-generator set operation at full-rated load. Tank may be the
standard design as provided by engine manufacturer and shall be complete with
the following minimum equipment and facilities:
i. Inspection cover;
ii. Vent/breather pipe;
iii. Filler pipe connection;
iv. Overflow connection;
v. Drain valve and sump drain;
vi. Emergency dump valve operated by the fire alarm system and by a fusible
link mounted over the diesel engine;
vii. Dial type contents gauge calibrated in gallons and litres;
viii. Level switches to operate high and low fuel level alarm circuits in the genset
controller; and
ix. Other devices as recommended or normally provided by manufacturer.
c. Main Fuel Storage Tank:
i. The Main Fuel Storage Tank will supply fuel to six Warehouses and Life
Safety Generators. The Tank shall have the capacity of 60,000 liters. The
tank and accessories shall comply with Woqod Standards.
ii. The Contractor’s scope includes design and required approvals, i.e. Woqod
and QCDD.
iii. The Contractor shall provide the required Tank’s containment and anchors.
iv. The Contactor shall provide fuel system distribution, including pumps,
monitoring and controls, instrumentations, and piping system. The piping
shall include provision for metering at the supply points.
v. The tank shall be welded mild steel construction suitably protected from
corrosion in accordance with BS. 2594 and shall be installed in the location
indicated on the drawings.
vi. The tank shall be provided with 600 mm inspection manhole with cover, 50
mm filling pipe with cooped filling terminal, 50 mm air vent pipe with screen
outlets, isolating valve, valved drain etc.
6. Lubricating System
a. The lubricating oil system shall be forced fed type. The details of the system
shall be included in the offer. The shaft bearing lubricating shall be directly fed
from the lubricating oil pump and not through the main bearings.
b. The lubricating oil shall be of a type readily available internationally.
c. The lubrication system shall be positive displacement type. By-pass
arrangement should be provided in case of filter clogging.
d. A heat-exchanger shall be provided for cooling the lubricating oil and this shall
be of long-life type i.e. the system shall not require constant cleaning or other
maintenance work. A valve for taking oil sample shall be provided. The coolant
for the above shall be jacket water of the engine. That is, the cooling system of
the engine and the lube-oil heat-exchanger cooling system shall work in parallel
or in series. If the lube-oil pressure reaches low value, the engine shall be shut
down automatically and also immediately should give audible alarm together

Electrical Specification Page 100 of 161


with visual indication. The lube-oil system shall be provided with means to
monitor pressure at important points at the engine-monitor panel.
e. A large capacity oil sump shall be provided and incorporated in the construction
of the bed plate.
f. The system of lubrication shall ensure that adequate oil is pumped to all rotating
g. The system shall incorporate a level dipstick, filler cap and tube and crankcase
breather pipe or outlet.
a. The capacity of the lubricating oil system shall be sufficient to enable the engine
to run continuously for 12 hours at any load without replenishment.
b. Suitable manual-pumping arrangement for easy draining of the whole quantity
of lube-oil into a drum shall be provided.
c. Lube-Oil Sensors: Engine shall be equipped with lube-oil pressure sensors.
Pressure sensors shall be located downstream of the filters and provide signals
for required indication and alarms
7. Exhaust System:
a. Exhaust pipes shall be of Schedule 40 black steel and of adequate size to
ensure that back pressure does not exceed the value specified by the
b. The exhaust pipe shall be connected through airtight flexible coupling to the
c. Exhaust pipes shall be adequately lagged with 75 mm thick (minimum) rock
wool covered with aluminum sheaths of minimum thickness 1.5 mm so that to
take care of exhaust gas temperature in pipes exceeding 500°C. When exhaust
pipes pass through walls or roof a suitable weatherproof sleeve or thimble shall
be provided to isolate exhaust pipe from the building.
d. A silencer of heavy duty, residential type shall be provided in the exhaust
system and it shall also be lagged. The operation of casting the sleeves in the
concrete, if required, will be carried out by a Civil Contractor.
e. Exhaust pipes and silencers shall be supported from the ceiling by special
vibration isolating hangers and the pipe shall be slanted away from the engine
and a condensate trap fitted at the lowest points. Approved rain caps shall be
installed at the discharge end of the exhaust pipes on the roof.
f. Suitable flexible expansion joints shall be provided along the pipe run to take
care of expansion requirements.
g. Suitable guards shall be provided with the exhaust pipe to prevent small
animals/reptiles from entering.
h. Filters: Cleanable/replaceable elements should be provided.
8. Fuel Oil System
a. The system shall have the following filters fitted before the fuel injection pumps:
b. A primary fuel filter of ample capacity to prevent all particles of 10 microns size
or smaller.
c. A secondary filter to prevent all particles down to 3 microns size or smaller.
9. Lubricating Oil System: This system should have full flow filters of sufficient capacity
a. Tenderers shall give full particulars of the filters used. It shall be mentioned in if
filter elements are cleanable for replaceable, in which case, the working hours
after which the element and the Lubricating oil is to be replaced should be
10. Intake and Exhaust System: Air is inducted to the engine manifold through Pre-
a. Large capacity air cleaner both filters are required due to severity of dust storms
and dust suspensions in the air.

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b. The engine exhaust line shall be fitted with flexible fitting efficient silencer to
give efficient silencing with minimum back pressure and terminated outside the
engine room.
11. Ventilation:
a. The following ventilation works are required for the diesel engine generator
i. Metal louvers with metal cleanable filters shall be provided for outside air
intake into the engine room. Filters shall be permanent heavy duty metal
cleanable type minimum 4" thickness. Filters to be sized to perform their
duty with a face velocity not more than 350 fpm when engine is running.
Filters to be installed in an appropriate arrangement on the room walls.
Total filter area shall consider air for engine intakes and radiators cooling.
Filters with handles and latches shall be provided.
12. Governing System:
a. The engine governor shall be digital type, providing adjustable isochronous
speed, with speed sensing.
b. The governor shall control the engine, to run steadily at any load within its rating
at its rated speed, and the changes in speed due to change in load shall comply
with BS 5514/77 for Class A1 or with ISO 3046.
F. Coupling and Common Bed:
1. The engine and the alternator shall be suitably coupled directly without interposing
gear arrangement.
2. The common bed shall be provided with spring type anti-vibration mountings
devices for fixing to the floor.
3. The engine vibration shall be the minimum possible and shall comply with the
relevant BS. The vibratory force induced as the engine passed through resonance
revolutions during starting and stopping period shall not cause any damage to the
whole system.
G. Alternator and Exciter
1. The alternator shall be able to withstand the stresses caused by the sudden
application of the loads.
2. Type: Self-excited, self-ventilated, air cooled, splash-proof, synchronous alternator;
3. Output: As per Project Documentation, at Qatar Climatic Condition;
a. Voltage : 415 V;
b. Frequency : 50 Hz;
c. No. of poles : 4;
d. No. of phases : 3, (ungraded neutral to be brought out);
e. Power factor : 80% lagging;
4. Commercial efficiency not less than 90 % (including excitation and field losses); and
5. Class "H" insulation shall be applied to stator, rotor and exciter windings with the
temperature rise of Class F and de-rated for the ambient conditions.
6. The alternator shall be suitable for continuous running duty type S1, BS EN 60034-
7. The alternator unit shall be capable of giving 110% of nominal rated output for one
hour under site conditions. The rotor shall be capable of withstanding an over-speed
test of 15% for 5 minutes.
8. Frequency regulation shall be isochronous, under varying load from no load to
100% full load.
9. Random frequency variation shall not exceed ±0.25% of its mean value for constant
loads, no load to full load.
10. Voltage Regulator: The voltage regulator shall be compatible with PSB generator
controller as per clause 2.2.2.B and shall be solid-state type, separate from exciter,
Electrical Specification Page 102 of 161

providing performance as specified. The voltage regulation system shall be

microprocessor-controlled, 3-phase true RMS sensing, full wave rectified, and
provide a pulse-width modulated signal to the exciter. No exceptions or deviations
to these requirements will be permitted.
11. Distortion of no-load voltage waveform at alternator terminals shall be within 5%
from the sinusoidal wave.
12. Voltage adjustable range of the output voltage by adjusting the exciter shall be not
less than 3% of rated voltage at rated load and not less than ±5 % of rated voltage
under no-load conditions.
13. The alternator shall not be switched on the load until terminal voltage has reached
at least 90% of the nominal value. It is essential that the voltage regulation
equipment shall have sufficient fast response time so that the alternator is ready to
accept load in the shortest possible time.
14. The voltage regulator shall be designed to maintain the alternator terminal voltage
constant within ±1% of the nominal value from no load to full load within normal
variations of engine speed with change in load.
15. The exciter shall be permanent magnet, brushless, rotor mounted type. The
rectifying elements shall be silicon. The silicon diodes of the three phase rectified
bridge assembly shall be protected against surges and overloads such that the
generator will continue to run with a diode failure. Diodes shall have heat sinks
suitable for the ambient conditions described. Means shall be provided to indicate
exciter diode failure on the remote control panel.
16. The unit shall be suitably protected so that when there is a sudden variation of load,
the sudden increase of field current in the rotor shall be curtailed and thus the
speed build-up of the engine and the voltage build-up of generator shall vary
17. Alternator protection The alternator shall be provided with protection against over
speed, over voltage, over current, short circuit, reverse power, single phasing earth
fault and any other found necessary. The neutral points of alternators shall be solid
by connecting to earth.
18. Terminals with cable end boxes shall be provided respectively for the alternator and
19. The cooling air for alternator and exciter shall be drawn through openings at the
non-drive end and exhausted sideways at the driving end.
20. The alternator shall be fitted with anti-condensation heater to keep the winding in
good, dry and safe condition. The anti-condensation heater shall be automatically
cut-off when the machine is running. Necessary on-off switches shall be provided
on the control panel and the operation status of the heater shall be indicated
21. Temperature Rise: Alternator components shall be sound electrically and
mechanically in continuous operation lasting over 24 hours at the rated output.
22. Insulation Resistance: Insulation resistance of the machine at strategic points shall
be provided along with the submission.
23. Dielectric Strength: The dielectric strength, the voltage of testing and test procedure
at various points of the machine shall be submitted with the shop drawings.
24. Radio and television interference suppression devices shall be provided in
accordance with the requirements of BS EN 55014-1. Components used for
suppression shall be to IEC 60939-1.
25. Vibration at the fixed components of the alternator under excited no-load operation
shall be as per relevant BS.
26. Terminal symbols for the alternator shall be in accordance BS EN 60034-8
H. Panel Wiring

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1. All wiring of battery charger, exciter and control panel shall be P.V.C tropical grade
of adequate current carrying capacity to prevent over-heating under worst climatic
2. All wiring shall conform to the relevant BS and at least 50% de-rated with minimum
size of 2.5 sq. mm. or its equivalent.
3. Terminal Board
4. Terminal boards shall have pairs of terminals for Incoming and Outgoing wires and
not more than two wires shall be connected to any one terminal.
5. Insulating barriers shall be provided between adjacent connectors. Labels for wiring
designation marks shall be provided on the fixed portion of the terminal boards as
well as wires. No live metal shall be exposed at the back of the terminal boards.
6. Terminal boards having pressure type terminal lusts or equivalent shall be used so
that no terminal clamp is necessary 10% spare terminals shall be provided for each
terminal board assembly.

17.2.2 Control Panel

A. Cabinet
1. Heavy gauge, 2.5 mm thick, sheet steel construction, totally enclosed, dust and
water protected and vermin proof to IP 55.
2. A hinged, lockable door shall give access to control and instruments.
3. "Live" parts shall be secured to prevent inadvertent contact with them.
4. Controls for diesel engine, alternator, exciter, meters and alarm device shall be
positioned to give ample space for removing and installing components.
B. Genset Controller:
1. The Genset Controller shall be of rigid and robust construction and rust-proof and
shall be microprocessor-based and shall provide starting, monitoring, protection,
and metering functions. The controller shall provide an operator interface, digital
voltage regulation, digital governing and generator set protective functions. The
controller shall be capable of operating under the operating temperature range of 0°
to +70°C. The controller shall be CE compliant. Unless otherwise specified in the
Project Documentation, the controller shall provide the following minimum features:
a. Operators interface
i. Manual start/stop;
ii. Auto/remote start;
iii. Not in auto LED;
iv. Manual LED;
v. Common shutdown LED;
vi. Common warning LED;
vii. Emergency Stop (local and remote);
viii. Alphanumerical screen;
ix. Remote start input active LED; and
x. Fault reset
b. Engine measurement and instrumentation
i. Oil pressure;
ii. Water temperature;
iii. Engine speed;
iv. Hours run;
v. Number of start; and
vi. Battery voltage;
c. Alternator measurement and instrumentation

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i. 3 phase L-L & L-N voltage and frequency;

ii. 3 phase current
iii. kWh
iv. Total kVA, kW, kVAR,
v. Power Factor; and
vi. Per phase kW, kVA, kVAR
d. Engine shutdown protection and indication.
i. Low fuel oil;
ii. Low oil pressure;
iii. High engine coolant temperature;
iv. Failure to crack shutdown;
v. Over crank (failure to start); and
vi. Over speed.
e. Alternator shutdown protection and indication
i. Under and over voltage;
ii. Under and over frequency;
iii. Over current;
iv. Reverse power; and
v. Reverse VAR.
f. Threshold warning indication
i. Low oil pressure;
ii. Low engine coolant temperature;
iii. High engine coolant temperature;
iv. Low coolant level;
v. Low battery voltage;
vi. High battery voltage;
vii. Fuel low level;
viii. Fuel high level; and
ix. Overcurrent.

c. System Operation and Performance

A. The normal mode of system operation shall provide for unattended automatic transfer of
load for the emergency power system. Emergency power shall be supplied to the
system emergency loads within 10 seconds after interruption of the normal service.
Upon receiving a signal from the LVP indicating a failure or normal power from
transformer, the system control unit will signal engine generator to start. LVP generator
circuit breaker is open at this time and the emergency busbar is dead. The generating
set to reach approximately 90% of rated frequency and voltage signals to start sensor.
The sensor then inhibits the operation of sensors and initiates a closing signal to circuit
breaker, connecting this generating set to the emergency busbar.
B. If the generating set fails to start after cranking for the suitable cranking period, it shall
be locked off the busbar and the over-crank will be indicated on the control panel and
the alarm sound. The control prevents LVP to transfer to emergency. The generating
set may receive troubleshooting signals after placing its engine control function switch in
the "OFF" position. When the generating set is operational, it may again be placed into
automatic operation by returning its function switch to the "remote" position.
C. If a generating set stalls and shuts down during normal operation, its respective
LVMSB’s generator circuit breaker shall open, removing it from the busbar. The
appropriate failure light operates and the alarm sounds.

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D. After normal power has been restored to LVP and after the time delay on re-transfer has
expired, the LVP shall return to normal power. After the time delay on stop has expired,
the LVP generator circuit breaker shall open simultaneously and controls automatically
return to a reset condition in preparation for the next operation. The set shall then shut
down simultaneously.
E. Manual Operation
1. The manual operation of the Genset shall have the following features:
a. The emergency power system shall have the capacity of being manually
operated. The generator may be started by engine control switch located on the
engine control unit. Once started and stable, the generator may be manually
connected to the emergency busbar through generator circuit breaker
b. The generator control unit shall be equipped with a generator breaker control
switch, engine speed adjusting potentiometer and a generator voltage adjust
thermostat and facilitate.

17.2.4 System Responsibility

A. The generating set shall be interconnected according to building load requirements and
to manufacturer's recommendations, to prevent the emergency generating system from
stalling or faltering due to momentary or temporary overloads beyond system rating,
from distribution faults, motor starting loads.


17.3.1 General
A. Product Delivery, Storage Handling:
1. Lift all generator equipment using eyes, yokes and skids provided by the
2. Do not store equipment assemblies exposed to weather
3. Physically protected all generator equipment against damage from work of other
4. Cover all generator equipment with suitable material to avoid damage to finish.
5. Contractor shall submit the calculation to prove the adequacy of capacity of the
crane he intends to use for installation of the genset set
B. Installation:
1. The engine and generator shall be properly aligned and mounted on a common
steel base through resilient mountings to prevent vibrations. The whole set shall be
fixed on the concrete slabs through suitable number of adjustable spring type
vibration isolators. Foundation and other builder's work shall be as recommended
by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer
2. Except as may be described in this Section or shown on the drawings carry out
installation strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.
C. Control Boards:
3. Run all outgoing cables from the generator to the control boards in the floor trench
as indicated on the Project Drawings.
D. Record Print:
4. Fix record print of each generator set, framed behind non-glare plexi-glass, on a
wall near the generator control room.

17.3.2 Paint Work

A. Paint work of each set shall be of the highest quality to withstand the worst weather
conditions specified. All steel works such as tanks, pipes, frames, louvers, ladders,
platform, etc. shall be given two undercoats of anti-rust paint and two enamel finishing.

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17.3.3 Site Quality Control

A. Final Testing:
1. Testing shall be carried out at full load after completion of installation by the Engine
manufacturer's qualified representative in the presence of the Engineer.
2. If the above cannot be done then testing shall be done at the
manufacturer/supplier's premises at full load in the presence of the Engineer. All
arrangements and costs incurred by such a test shall be responsibility of the Sub-

17.3.4 Commissioning
A. Simulated Power Failure Test:
1. Engine-generator shall be made ready for automatic operation and started by
means of the test transfer switch on the automatic transfer switch. Unit shall run for
the duration of all time delays and then automatically shut-down. This test shall be
made with unit operating, and twice with unit simulated for a starting failure.
B. Testing of the Set:
1. Engine:
a. The engine shall be tested at site before and after erection to BS 649 and
amendments or equivalent including items which are said to be subject to
mutual agreement. The test shall include inspection, after testing the following
b. Subsequent running test of eight hours shall be carried out of the set
c. The engine shall be subjected to vigorous performance tests at site to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and the main items shall include:
i. Output characteristics;
ii. Temperature rise;
iii. Checking of valve clearance, fuel pump setting, governor setting, pipeline
connections, exhaust piping and flexible connections;
iv. Checking the base and set are level in all directions, checking alignment of
engine and generator and vibration isolators location and proper
v. Checking of proper operation of engine safety devices; and
vi. Checking of fuel pipelines, fuel pumps, tank level gauges and level control
switches operation.
2. Alternator and Exciter:
a. The alternator and exciter shall be tested to BS 5000, P.99 amendments
b. Tests at site before erection and after erection prior to handing over shall be
carried out to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The main items of tests deemed
necessary by the Engineer shall be carried out at the expense of the Contractor.
The performance test shall be for 24 hours under the worst climatic conditions
prevailing in Qatar.

17.3.5 Training of Operation and Maintenance Personnel

A. The Contractor shall conduct a training course in accordance to Part 1 clause 1.1.28.
B. The training has to be carried out by qualified staff of the Contractor for each specified
service and shall be provided for a one month period following the Certificate of

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18.1.1 Scope
A. Provide all labor, materials, products, equipment and services to supply and install the
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) unit and associated distribution system as
indicated on the Project Drawings and specified in these specification.
B. The details and system configuration described within the specification and drawings
indicate the general principal and standards required for the tender purposes. The final
configuration shall be subject to the approved supplier equipment and specific

18.1.2 Description
A. The UPS shall be provided for ICT and CCTV Systems, as specified outlets as indicated
on the Project Drawings.
B. These UPS shall be modular and scalable, consisting of one or more single power
module units connected in parallel inside rack(s) without the need for either an
additional system controller or an external centralized main bypass static switch. The
UPS shall automatically maintain AC power within specified tolerances to the critical
load, without interruption (for specified duration as per battery run time), during failure or
deterioration of the mains power supply. The UPS shall be expandable by paralleling
additional modules of the same rating, to provide for module load growth requirements.
The manufacturer shall design and furnish all materials and equipment to be fully
compatible with electrical, environmental, and space conditions at the site. It shall
include all equipment to properly interface the AC power source to the intended load
and be designed for unattended operation

18.1.3 References
A. The following Standards are referred to in this Part:
 IEC 62040-3 - Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 3:
Method of specifying the performance and test
 IEC 61000-4 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
 IEC 62040-1 - Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 1:
General and safety requirements for UPS;
 IEC 62040-2 - Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 2:
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
 IEC 62040-3 - Uninterruptible power systems (UPS). Method
of specifying the performance and test
 ISO 3746 - Sound power levels.

18.1.4 Submissions
A. Submit in accordance with Part 1.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit dimensional drawings of the main switchboard, including
sections and elevations, showing the following:
1. Sizes and positions of components;
2. Positions and method of fixing cable and boxes;
3. Location of terminal boards; and
4. Other pertinent data.

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C. Project Data: Submit full specifications of the enclosure and the components of the
equipment with relevant sheets of manufacturer’s catalogues confirmation that the
equipment complies with the relevant specifications.

18.1.5 Design Requirements

A. General
1. Rating as indicated on the Project Drawing. The UPS system shall be sized to
provide a minimum of three (3) modules, manufactured in accordance to IEC
2. The battery system shall have a capacity of at least 15 minutes. The battery will be
installed in battery cabinets.
B. Modes of Operation
1. The UPS shall be designed to operate as an on-line, double-conversion, reverse-
transfer system in the following modes:
2. Normal: UPS inverters continuously powers the critical AC load. The
rectifier/chargers derives power from the mains AC power supply source converting
this to DC power to supply the inverters, while simultaneously float/boost charging
the battery system. Power supplied by the UPS inverters is, to within specified
tolerances, at rated voltage and frequency.
3. Battery: Upon failure of the mains AC power supply source, the critical AC load is
powered by the inverter, which gets, without interruption, power from the battery
system. There shall be no interruption in power to the critical load upon failure or
restoration of the mains AC power supply source. Upon restoration of the mains AC
power supply source, power to the rectifier initially is restricted by a gradual power
walk-in. Following the short power walk-in period, the rectifier powers the inverter
and simultaneously recharges the battery through the battery converter. This shall
be an automatic function and shall cause no interruption to the critical load.
4. Off-Battery or Frequency Converter: When the battery system is taken out of
service for maintenance or the UPS is used as a frequency converter, it is
disconnected from the battery converter and inverter by means of (an) external
disconnect breaker(s). The UPS shall continue to function and meet all of the
specified steady-state performance criteria, except for the power outage back-up
time capability.
5. Bypass: If the inverter fails, or the inverter overload capacity is exceeded, or the
inverter is manually turned off by user, and at this time the inverter is synchronous
with the bypass, the static transfer switch shall perform a transfer of the load from
the inverter to the bypass source with no interruption in power to the critical AC
load. If the inverter is asynchronous with the bypass, the static switch will perform a
transfer of the load from the inverter to the bypass with interruption in power to
critical AC load. This interruption must be less than 15ms. The static bypass shall
be able to support continuously 135% of rated UPS capacity.
6. Maintenance: Each UPS has an internal/external maintenance bypass. If the UPS
needs to be maintained or repaired, after the inverter is turned off and the load is
transferred to bypass, the internal maintenance bypass or external maintenance
bypass can be turned on and the UPS can be shut down and the battery can be
disconnected for maintenance purposes.
7. Module Paralleling: For higher capacity or higher reliability, power modules can be
paralleled inside the UPS rack; parallel power modules automatically share the
load. The largest parallel capacity is up to five times the nominal load of each power
module composing the system. Each power module shall have its own intelligent
control logic to avoid single point of failure. There should not be any common
controller that controls all power modules in parallel.
8. Regen Mode: The UPS rack system shall have the ability to perform self test for full
rated capacity without using any external load banks. In this mode, UPS rectifier,

Electrical Specification Page 109 of 161


inverter and static bypass shall be tested up to full load capacity without any failure.
Power consumption in this mode shall only be full load losses of UPS.
9. Source Share mode: A part of the critical AC load is supplied by the mains AC input,
and the remainder of the critical AC load is supplied by battery. The ratio of the
input and the remainder of the critical AC load is supplied by battery. The ratio of
the power. This mode is mostly used in generator mode when a smaller generator
than needed is employed.
C. Scalability & Modularity:
1. The UPS rack system shall consist of hot swappable power modules with each
modules rated for 15kVA and scalable up to 120kVA. Modularity design of the UPS
system shall enable ease of service and upgradability or downgrade-ability of the
UPS rack system without interruption to the whole system.
2. Performance Requirements The UPS is VFI classified (according to IEC 62040-3)
producing an output waveform that is independent of both the input supply
frequency and voltage.
3. UPS Module AC Input:
a. Voltage Range : 415V, -25%, +20%;
b. Number of phases : 3P + N + E;
c. Frequency Range : 50Hz, ±10%;
d. Power Factor : > 0.99; and
e. Current Distortion : Less than 3%
4. UPS Module AC Output:
a. Voltage : 415V, ±1.0%;
b. Number of phases : 3P + N + E;
c. Frequency Range : 50Hz, ±0.05%;
d. Voltage distortion : 1.0%;
e. Overload : 125%for 10 minutes, 150% for 1.0 minutes; and
f. Crest factor : 3:1
5. Bypass Static Switch
a. Voltage : 415V, ±15.0%, 3P+N+E; and
b. Frequency Range : 50Hz, ±1.0%;

18.1.6 Warranty
A. Warranty shall be in accordance to Part 1, 1.1.17 (B).
B. Battery Warranty
1. The Battery Manufacturer's standard warranty shall be passed through to the end

18.1.7 Quality Assurance

A. Manufacturer Qualifications
1. A minimum of twenty years of experience in the design, manufacture and testing of
solid state UPS systems is required. The manufacturer shall be certified to ISO
B. Factory Testing
1. Before shipment, the system shall be fully and completely tested to ensure
compliance with the specification.

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18.2.1 UPS System

A. The UPS system shall consist of an appropriate number of power module units to meet
capacity. Each UPS System shall consist of standard rack enclosure, three phase
power module/s, mains bypass static, protective devices and accessories as specified.
Each UPS system shall also include a battery disconnect and battery system. The UPS
system shall be modular and scalable in design and shall be hot swappable with internal
power distribution modules and branch monitoring system.

18.2.2 Configurations
A. The UPS rack system shall consist of two or more units in the same UPS rack
enclosure. Systems greater than one power module shall operate simultaneously in a
parallel configuration with the load shared equally between the connected modules
B. All the modules making up the UPS system shall supply the full rated load. If a module
should malfunction, and that the remaining modules cannot support the load, the load
has to be transferred, automatically and uninterrupted, to the bypass line by the use of
the internal static mains bypass switch.

18.2.3 System Protection

A. The UPS shall have built-in protection against: surges, sags, and over-current from the
AC rectifier input source, over-voltage and voltage surges from output terminals of
paralleled sources, and load switching and circuit breaker operation in the distribution
B. The UPS rack system shall be protected against sudden changes in output load and
short circuits at the output terminals. The UPS shall have built-in protection against
permanent damage to itself and the connected load for all predictable types of
malfunctions. Fast acting current limiting devices shall be used to protect against
cascading failure of solid state devices. Internal UPS malfunctions shall cause the
module to trip off-line with minimum damage to the module and provide maximum
information to maintenance personnel regarding the reason for tripping off line. The load
shall be automatically transferred to the bypass line uninterrupted, should the connected
critical load exceed the capacity of the available on-line modules. The status of
protective devices shall be indicated on a graphic display screen on the front of the unit.

18.2.4 Standard Components

A. Rectifier:
1. The rectifier shall be of Digital Signal Processor (DSP) controlled design and utilize
insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs).
2. Input Current Total Harmonic Distortion: Less than 3% at full rated UPS output load
and 100% balance non-linear load (with input voltage THD ≤ 2%).
3. Power factor correction: The rectifier also performs a PFC function; input power
factor shall be a minimum 0.99.
4. AC Input Current Limiting: The maximum Input current limit can be reduced at 100%
for generator operation.
5. Input Power Walk-in: The rectifier/charger shall provide a feature that limits the total
initial power requirements; the power of rectifier will increase gradually and power
walk-in time can be set from 5 seconds to 30 seconds (default shall be 10 seconds).
6. Mains AC Input phase sequence reverse protection: Before soft starting of the
rectifier, if the phase sequence of the main AC input is reversed, the rectifier will not
start and an alarm displayed on the LCD.
7. Input Over Current Protection: Each AC phase is individually fused so that loss of
any semiconductor shall not cause cascading failures.
B. Battery Converter

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1. Constant current boost charging, constant voltage boost charging, float charging
(float charging compensation) and EOD protection are available for different kinds
of batteries.
2. Charging: In addition to supplying power to the load, the battery converter shall be
capable of producing a battery charging current sufficient to replace 95% of the
battery discharge power within ten (10) times the discharge time. Ripple voltage at
the battery terminal (RMS) should be less than 1%, and ripple current must not
exceed 5% (of C-10 Ah rating) nominal discharging current.
3. Discharging: The battery converter will supply power to the inverter when the
rectifier is shut down or in joint mode, and also the rectifier is current limiting.
C. Batteries
1. General
a. Batteries shall be valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA), capable of providing 15
minutes full load autonomy;
b. Batteries shall be sized based on five years end of life.
2. Battery Cabinet
a. Batteries shall be housed in a suitable rack sized cabinet matching in
appearance, eight and depth of the UPS rack. This matching battery cabinet
shall contain the batteries and the battery circuit breaker for taking out the
batteries for maintenance.
3. External Battery Temperature Sensor
a. To ensure temperature compensated charging to protect battery life, a battery
temperature monitoring probe is necessary to monitor the battery enclosure
temperature rise caused by the AC mains power loss and of the battery’s
internal resistance when operating. The probe system includes one battery
temperature sensor and one temperature transport
D. Inverter
1. The inverter shall be solid-state, capable of providing the rated output power. The
inverter shall be of Vector Controlled design and utilize insulated gate bipolar
transistors (IGBTs), switching at high frequency in order to minimize output voltage
2. Overload Capability:
a. 150% of UPS rated output with a resistive load for one minute.
b. 125% of UPS rated output with a resistive load for ten minutes.
c. 110% of UPS rated output with a resistive load for one hour.
3. Output Frequency: The inverter shall track the bypass mains supply continuously
providing the bypass source remains within the limits for the rated frequency
(50Hz). The inverter will change its frequency at 0.1Hz per second to maintain
synchronous operation with the bypass. This shall allow make-before-break
transfers of the load between the inverter and the bypass mains supply. If the
bypass mains supply frequency falls outside of these limits, the inverter shall revert
to an internal digital oscillator that maintains the inverter output frequency to within
+/-0.05% of nominal frequency in single module mode and 0.25% in parallel mode.
4. Phase-to-Phase Balance: System logic shall provide individual phase voltage
compensation to obtain phase balance of ±1% under all conditions including up to
100% unbalanced non-linear load.
5. Fault Sensing and Isolation: Fault sensing shall be provided to isolate a
malfunctioning inverter from the critical load bus to prevent disturbance of the
critical load voltage beyond the specified limits. The inverter output static switch
shall be switched off to isolate a malfunctioning module from the critical load.
6. Battery Protection: The inverter shall be provided with monitoring and control
circuits to protect the battery system from damage due to excessive discharge.
Shutdown of the inverter shall be initiated when the battery has reached the end of

Electrical Specification Page 112 of 161


discharge (EOD) voltage. The battery EOD voltage shall be calculated and
automatically adjusted (increased) for reduced load conditions to allow for extended
autonomy periods without damage to the battery.
E. Static Bypass
1. For time when maintenance is required or when the inverter cannot maintain
voltage to the load due to sustained overload, current limiting or malfunction, a
bypass circuit shall be provided for each single module that forms part of the UPS
system. The modular bypass circuit(s) shall provide for isolation of the inverter(s)
and provide a path for power directly from an alternate AC (bypass) source. The
UPS control shall constantly monitor the availability of the inverter bypass circuit to
perform a transfer. The inverter bypass of each module shall consist of a static
transfer switch, operating in conjunction with the inverter output static switch. The
static switches shall denote the solid-state devices that, operating simultaneously,
can instantaneously connect the load to the alternate AC source.
2. Manual Load Transfers: A manual load transfer between the inverter output and the
alternate AC source shall be initiated from the control panel.
3. Automatic Load Transfers: An automatic load transfer between the inverter output
and the alternate AC source shall be initiated if an overload or short circuit condition
is sustained for a period in excess of the inverter output capability or due to a
malfunction that would affect the output voltage. Transfers caused by overloads
shall initiate an automatic retransfer of the load back to the inverter only after the
load has returned to a level within the rating of the inverter source.
F. Internal/External Maintenance Bypass
1. The UPS shall be provided with Internal/External Maintenance Bypass, with fully
rated bypass circuit shall be fitted to provide an alternative path for power flow from
the alternate AC supply to the critical load for the purpose of maintaining the UPS
when it is completely powered down.
G. Man-Machine Interface (MMI)
1. UPS Display and Control Panel: Each UPS module shall be equipped with a 320 x
240 dot graphic LCD display This shall automatically provide all information relating
to the current status of the UPS as well as being capable of displaying metered
values. The display shall be menu-driven, permitting the user to easily navigate
through operator screens. The LCD shall be able to store 512 historical event
records that can be retrieved and reference and diagnosis.
2. Metered Values: An MCU or DSP shall control the display functions of the
monitoring system. All three-phase parameters shall be displayed simultaneously.
All voltage and current parameters shall be monitored using true RMS
measurements for accurate (±1%) representation of non-sinusoidal waveforms
typical computers and other sensitive loads. The following parameters shall be
a. Main Input
i. Three-phase main input line-to-neutral voltage
ii. Three-phase main input line-to-line voltage
iii. Three-phase main input current
iv. Main input frequency
v. Three-phase input power factor
b. Bypass
i. Each phase bypass input line-to-neutral voltage
ii. Bypass input line-to-line voltage
iii. Bypass input frequency
c. UPS output
i. Each phase output voltage of UPS
ii. Each phase output current of UPS
Electrical Specification Page 113 of 161

iii. Output line-to-line voltage of UPS

iv. Power factor of each phase
v. UPS output frequency
d. Local load
i. Load of each phase (% of total load)
ii. Active power, apparent and reactive power of each phase (output)
iii. Load crest factor
e. Battery
i. Battery bus voltage
ii. Battery current
iii. Forecasted Battery backup time (remaining time)
iv. Battery temperature (in degree centigrade)
3. Power Flow Mimic: Each UPS module shall be equipped with a mimic to indicate
power flow to the critical load along with an indication of the availability of the
rectifier/charger, battery, automatic bypass, inverter, load. The mimic shall provide a
quick and easy indication of the load level (displayed on LCD), including for
overload conditions (displayed on LCD). This power flow is also shown in the LCD
4. Alarms and Status Information: Alarm and status conditions shall be reported at a
single module UPS system. The display and control panel shall report the alarms
and status information listed below. Each alarm shall be visually displayed in text
form and an audible alarm will sound for each alarm displayed
H. Inverter ON/OFF:
1. Each UPS module shall be equipped with an inverter ON/OFF buttons which will
transfer the load from all UPS modules to the bypass mains supply, if it is available.
The inverter ON/OFF control shall be protected under menu confirm protect if the
bypass mains is not available.

18.2.5 Fabrication
A. Materials
1. All materials of the UPS Rack System shall be new, of current manufacture, high
grade and shall not have been in prior service except as required during factory
testing. All active electronic devices shall be solid-state. Control logic and fuses
shall be physically isolated from power train components to ensure operator safety
and protection from heat. All electronic components shall be accessible from the
B. Wiring
1. Wiring practices, materials and coding shall be in accordance with the requirements
of IEC. All electrical power connections shall be torqued to the required value and
marked with a visual indicator (English tag). Provision shall be made in the cabinets
to permit installation of input, output, and external control cabling. Provision shall be
made for bottom access, allowing for adequate cable bend radius, to the input and
output connections.
C. Construction
1. The UPS shall be housed in an IP20 enclosure, designed for floor mounting. The
UPS rack shall be structurally adequate and have provisions for forklift handling.
D. Cooling
1. Adequate ventilation shall be provided to ensure that all components are operated
well within temperature ratings. Temperature sensors shall be provided to monitor
UPS internal temperature. Upon detection of temperatures in excess of
manufacturer’s recommendations, the sensors shall cause audible and visual
alarms to be sounded at the UPS control panel. A separate room ambient

Electrical Specification Page 114 of 161


temperature sensor shall be provided to allow control of the battery charging voltage
with change of temperature.


18.3.1 General
A. Install the UPS unit(s) strictly in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.
B. Employ the services of the UPS agent to fully test and commission the installation,
including complete battery discharge tests.

18.3.2 Test
A. The UPS shall be factory tested in accordance to IEC 62040-3.

18.3.3 Record Information

A. Provide comprehensive record information of the UPS information within the as-built
record drawings and O&M Manual.
Include all testing and commissioning data and log of all maintenance carried out on
the UPS prior to final handover to the Engineer.



21.1.1 Scope
A. This Part specifies the requirements for Lightning Protection System (LPS)

21.1.2 Reference
A. The following Standards are referred to in this Part:
 BS 62305 - Protection against lightning
 BS 7430 - Code of practice for earthing

21.1.3 System Requirements

A. The lightning protection for buildings and other structures shall be designed and install
in accordance with BS 62305.

21.1.4 Submittal
A. Shop Drawings:
1. Submit shop drawings for approval in accordance to Part 1.
2. Shop drawings to indicate all components.
3. Exact route of down conductors.
B. Product Data:
1. Full specifications of all components. and


21.2.1 Material
A. The products used in the lightning protection system shall be copper or an approved
copper alloy, unless otherwise specified, and specifically manufactured for the purpose.
Lightning air terminals and down conductors for lightning air terminals shall be provided
as required. Where vertical air terminations are used, they shall be min of 15mm
diameter tinned copper (air termination rod) 0.8 meter long with top spike, unless
otherwise specified in the project drawings.

Electrical Specification Page 115 of 161


B. Generally, roof conductors and down conductors shall be of PVC sheathed 3 x 20 mm

(minimum) copper tape. PVC color to be approved by the Engineer. However, bare
copper tape may be used unless indicated otherwise in the project drawings. Air
termination rods shall be securely anchored and welded down conductors shall be run
along the outer surface of the wall or column of the building. Further, down conductor
shall be as short as possible, protected and directly connected to earthing through test
links. Anchoring bolts shall be used to hold roof conductors and down conductors in firm
position. Lightning conductor connectors shall be provided for conductor splice
connections and conductor terminal connections. The connectors shall be heavy duty,
cast metal, and shall have hex-head screws in the bodies and holes in the tongues for
bolts. TV antenna, HVAC equipment, handrails, and structures in the vicinity of the
lightning protection system, if any, shall be bonded to the system by 3 x 20 mm
(minimum) PVC sheathed copper tape.
C. The main earth loop shall be 25 x 3 mm tinned copper tape, unless otherwise indicated
on the project drawings.
D. Earth electrodes shall be the earth rod electrode type, unless impracticable to drive
deep into the particular soil and shall be driven at least to the depth 2 m below water
table in summer time Earth rod electrodes shall have 16mm diameter steel core copper
jacketed type, comprising a high strength steel alloy core with a molten welded copper
covering, minimum thick 0.25mm thick. The length of the earth rod to be not less than
3.6m long, in 1.2m sections coupled by strong bronze couplers.
E. The connection with the earth connectors shall be bolted type.
F. The removable earth links shall comprise a bolted copper link fixed on porcelain
insulators and complete with studs, nuts, and washers to take the earth tape and a
bolted lug adequately sized for the final connection of the earth electrode.

G. The bolts, washers, and nuts in bolted connections shall be high copper alloy or silicone
bronze. Ferrous hardware is not acceptable.
H. The earth pit cover shall of heavy duty cast iron. It shall be provided with recessed lifting
hook and shall have a brass plate, engraved “Electrical Earth Below”.


21.3.1 Earth Links:

A. Removable earth links shall be fixed in every main earth lead to enable the electrode
system to be disconnected for testing. It shall also be installed in an accessible position,
above ground as close as possible to the earth electrode.
B. Where bare copper is bolted in connections contact surfaces shall be silver
electroplated. In case earthing terminal connections are to be brazed to equipment,
thoroughly clean metal prior to brazing and repaint impaired surfaces to prevent
C. The connections between dissimilar metals shall be protected by painting with a
moisture resistant bituminous paint or compound, or wrapping with protective tape to
exclude moisture.

21.3.2 Earth Rod Electrodes:

A. Drive extensible rods of the same diameter into the ground, either manually or by power
driven hammer, to a suitable depth to obtain low resistivity in the particular soil. Weld
earth connectors to the top of the rods, in sufficient number to make connection with all
incoming cables.

21.3.3 Earth Pits:

A. Construct a small concrete pit complete with removable heavy gauge cast iron cover
with recessed lifting hook, at the head of the earth rod, to protect the rod and allow
access to connections for testing.

Electrical Specification Page 116 of 161


21.3.4 Testing
A. Testing earthing systems by the ground resistance tester.
B. The resistance of any one point in the lightning protection earth continuity system to the
main earth electrode shall not exceed 10 ohms, unless allowed otherwise by Kahramaa,
without taking account of any bonding to other services.
C. Install additional earth electrodes in parallel, if these figures are not met.



22.1.1 Scope
A. This Part specifies the requirements for earthing and bonding.

22.1.2 Reference
A. The following standards are referred to in this Part
 BS 7430 - Code of practice for earthing

22.1.3 Quality Assurance

A. Design Criteria: the earthing system shall be in accordance with Kahramaa Regulations.

22.1.4 Submittals
A. Shop Drawing and product data per Part 1.
B. Submit full technical details and conductor size calculations of each type of cable or
wire proposed
C. Submit exact route of each cable or wire proposed.


22.2.1 Materials
A. Generally:
1. Products used in the earthing system shall be copper or an approved copper alloy,
unless otherwise specified, and specifically manufactured for the purpose.
B. Earth Continuity Conductors:
1. Sizes shall be as specified by Kahramaa regulations, unless otherwise indicated,
but in no case shall size be less than half that of the associated phase conductors
2. Insulation shall be of the same material as insulation in associated sub-circuits.
C. Rod Electrodes:
1. Shall be of the earth rod type.
2. Earth rod electrodes shall be 16 mm diameter steel core, copper jacketed type,
comprising a high strength steel alloy core with a molten welded copper covering
3. Shall be 3.6 m long, in 1.2 m sections coupled by strong bronze couplers.
D. Earth Connectors:
1. Connection of rod electrodes: shall be bolted type.
E. Removable Earth Links:
1. To comprise a bolted copper link fixed on porcelain insulators and complete with
studs, nuts and washers to take the earth tape and a bolted lug adequately sized
forthe final connection of the earth electrode.
F. Bolts, Washers And Nuts In Bolted Connections:
1. High copper alloy or silicone bronze. Ferrous hardware is not acceptable.
G. Earth Pit Cover

Electrical Specification Page 117 of 161


1. Shall be of heavy duty construction.

2. Shall have a recessed lifting hook.
3. Shall have a brass plate, engraved “Electrical Earth Below”.


22.3.1 Installation
A. Circuit Wiring:
1. Shall have a green/yellow colored insulated earth continuity cable connecting the
earth bus or earth terminal in switchboards, switchgears, and panel boards to the
motor, equipment, outlet and other device by earthing lugs. All hand rails and other
metal works within 2 m of a potentially live metal surface shall be earthed.
B. Removable Earth Links:
1. Fix in every main earth lead to enable the electrode system to be disconnected for
2. Install in an accessible position, above ground as close as possible to the earth
C. Exposed Earth Cables:
1. Install and locate in a manner to provide maximum mechanical protection, utilizing
ceiling corners, suspended ceiling and webs of beams as much as possible.
D. Bolted Connections:
1. Multiple bolt type
2. Where bare copper is bolted in connections contact surfaces shall be silver
E. Bolted Connections:
1. Multiple bolt type
2. Where bare copper is bolted in connections contact surfaces shall be silver
F. Brazed Connections:
1. Where earthing terminal connections are to be brazed to equipment, thoroughly
clean metal prior to brazing and repaint impaired surfaces to prevent corrosion.
G. Connections Between Dissimilar Metals:
1. Protect by:
a. Painting with a moisture resistant bituminous paint or compound, or
b. Wrapping with protective tape to exclude moisture.
H. Equipment Earthing:
1. Connect all non-current carrying metallic parts of the electrical/mechanical
installation to the earthing system
2. Non-current carrying metallic parts of the electrical installation include:
a. Metal conduit, cable armour, raceways, outlet boxes, cabinets, and the like
b. Exposed metal parts of apparatus
c. Enclosures, doors, grills, barriers and the like protecting or shielding
electrical equipment from direct access
3. Series earthing of one piece of equipment to another is not acceptable. Each item
shall be individually connected to earth system
I. Fire Fighting Equipment:
1. Earth on a separate ring system.
J. Motors Earthing:
1. Connect the motor terminal box to the relative earth loop. The terminal must be
mechanically connected to the frame or, where this is not feasible

Electrical Specification Page 118 of 161


2. Extend the earthing conductor through an insulated bushed opening in the

connection box and connect to the frame.
K. Main Switchboards, Switchgears and Motor Control Centres Earthing:
1. Connect the special earthing lug or busbars inside the cabinet to the main earth
copper tape.
2. Connect all parts of the switchboards, switchgears and motor control centres other
than “live” parts, to the earth bar in the board in an approved manner.
L. Distribution Boards Earthing:
1. Connect an earthing conductor from the main distribution earth busbar to an earth
connector welded to the cabinet and earthing bushings on the incoming and
outgoing feeder conduits.
M. Cable Armour Earthing:
1. Connect steel armour to the earthing system.
N. Earth Rod Electrodes:
1. Extensible rods of the same diameter shall be installed in holes drilled into the
ground. If ground conditions permit, rods may be driven into the ground either
manually or mechanically. The earth electrode shall be installed at such a depth that
it penetrates the summer water table by a minimum of 2 metres.
2. Bolt earth connectors to the top of the rods, in sufficient number to make connection
with all incoming cables
O. Earth Pit:
3. Provide concrete/PVC pit complete with removable heavy gauge cast iron cover
with recessed lifting hook, at the head of the earth rod, to protect the rod and allow
access to connections for testing.

22.3.2 Testing
A. Testing earthing systems shall be done by the earth megger test.
B. The resistance of any point in the earth continuity system to the main earth electrode
shall not exceed 1 ohm, unless approved otherwise by Kahramaa.
C. Install additional earth electrodes if these figures are not met.



23.1.1 Inspection and Tests at Manufacturer's Place

A. The Engineer shall be authorized to inspect, examine and test at any reasonable time
and in the premises of the manufacturer, the quality of the material used for the
equipment to be supplied. These work inspections shall include but not be limited to the
following equipment, lighting fixtures, emergency power equipment, switchgears,
switchboards, motor control centers, main and sub-main distribution boards. He shall
also be authorized to verify the qualifications of the staff employed by the manufacturer.
B. Should part of the equipment be subcontracted to another manufacturer, the Contractor
shall ensure that the Engineer is authorized to inspect, examine and test the equipment
in the premises of the Sub-Contractor.
C. These inspections, examinations and tests shall not relieve the Contractor, in any case,
from the contractual responsibility and commitments.
D. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing at least 15 days beforehand of the
date and place at which any equipment shall be available for the tests to be made
according to the provisions of the contract. Should the Engineer not have appeared at
the place indicated within 7 days following the date indicated by the Contractor, the later
shall proceed with the tests and it shall be deemed that they have been witnessed by

Electrical Specification Page 119 of 161


the Engineer. The Contractor shall send the Engineer duly certified copies of the results
of the tests.
E. The Engineer shall notify the Contractor of his intentions to attend the test 24 hours
F. Should the Contractor provide for tests to be made in the premises of the Contractor or
any Sub-Contractors or suppliers, the Contractor shall afford any assistance, labor,
materials, electricity, fuel supplies, equipment and instrument required and which can
be reasonably requested for these tests.

23.1.2 Inspection and Tests at Site

A. This specification defines the tests to be made on electrical equipment, distribution
systems and installations at site to establish compliance with the specification and to
ensure they are entirely suitable for the intended purposes.
B. For all tests a minimum of 15 days notice in writing shall be given by the Contractor to
the Engineer to enable the tests to be witnessed, if considered necessary.
C. All electrical tests, unless otherwise specified, shall be made either in a manner
prescribed in the relevant:
1. British Standard Specification and Code of Practice
2. BS 7671, IEE Regulation (latest edition)
3. Kahramaa regulation
4. Civil Defense Department regulation
5. Or where no Standard/Code/Regulation exists, in a manner approved by the
D. A pre-closing Inspection shall be carried out on all items of Electrical equipment, cables
and conduit to be permanently concealed i.e. underground cables and ducts, conduit in
screed or plastered into walls, above ceiling etc.
E. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with 3 clear working days notice of his
intention to cover the works. Failure to comply with this requirement shall result in the
re-exposure. Engineer's inspection and re-exposure of the works being carried out shall
be at the Contractor's expense.
F. The inspection and tests specified herein do not supersede but are supplementary and
complimentary to the tests called for in Project Specifications and clauses for
equipment, systems and installation.
G. The Contractor shall supply all necessary instruments, apparatus, consumable stores,
connection, skilled and unskilled labors and services with proper, reasonable and safe
facilities required for the tests. Any costs which may be involved in the tests shall be
included in the tender. The Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer that the instruments
and the equipment to be used for any test are adequate as regards accuracy and
calibration for the tests to be undertaken.
H. Workmanship shall be checked during work in progress and completed work
inspections. Any work not to the satisfaction of the Engineer during such inspection
shall be replaced to a standard approved by the Engineer at the Contractor’s expense,
and prior to any subsequent inspection.
I. A complete written record shall be made by the Contractor of all inspections and tests.
These records shall be made at the time of the tests and shall be countersigned by the
Engineer, if present, as a true record. A copy of each record sheet shall be included
with the operation and maintenance manual. Inspection or approval of tests, acceptance
of test certificate and waiving of tests, by the Engineer, of any equipment, works or
installation shall not relieve the Contractor from the obligation to supply the complete
equipment and complete work and installations in accordance with the Project
Specification and suitable for the purpose intended.
J. Certificates of tests shall contain or have attached to them, the following information:
1. The job name and number as designated by the Engineer
2. The name, address and contract or order number of the Contractor
Electrical Specification Page 120 of 161

3. A description of the item, component, equipment, system or installation tested

including any fabrication, block or production number
4. Date and time of test
5. Environmental conditions including weather, if relevant
6. The testing party (if other than the Contractor) and signature of the Engineer
7. The properties to be tested and the source of the parameters for such properties,
i.e. British Standard, Codes of Practice, Kahramaa Regulation, Specifications, etc
8. The results of the tests and any divergence from the specification, production
drawings or statutory requirements
9. The detail of any works to be completed but which is outside the scope of this test.
K. The Engineer shall have discretion to waive inspection/testing for either any part or of
the complete installation.


23.2.1 General
A. On completion of the entire electrical installation work or any separate or distinct part
thereof, notify the Engineer, in writing, that the complete part of the electrical work is
ready for inspection and testing. Before doing so, perform initial trial tests. Test, correct,
adjust, balance, regulate, etc., the section concerned as necessary until required
conditions are obtained.
B. The results and readings obtained for tests shall be equal or better than the
requirements of the BS7671 and the Kahramaa regulations and these shall be recorded
on Forms similar to the ones described in the BS 7671. The tests shall be carried out in
a manner as described in these regulations.
C. The Contractor shall supply all instruments and tools required for carrying out the tests.
D. In case the tests specified below are satisfactory and no errors or faults appear in the
installation, submit the necessary test forms, duly filled out, to Kahramaa to repeat, if
necessary, the tests in the presence of Kahramaa inspectors.
E. Upon Completion of testing, the Contractor shall follow-up and make all necessary
arrangements with the Kahramaa and Ooredoo for the purpose of providing permanent
electricity supply and telephone services to the new facilities. Also provide all facilities
and attendance to Kahramaa for any other tests to be carried out before energizing the
F. The testing of the installations shall comprise of the following but not limited to:

23.2.2 Verification of Polarity

A. Verification of polarity shall be made to ensure that all fuses and single pole control
devices are connected only on the live phase conductor. The neutral must not be
connected through any of these devices.
B. The centre contact of Edison type screw lamp holder shall be connected to the phase
conductor, the outer threaded metal part shall be connected to the neutral conductor.
C. Wiring to plugs and socket outlets should be such that that they are connected with
phase conductor on the right pole when viewed from the front.
D. A suitable type of testing device shall be used to confirm the above.

23.2.3 Earth Electrode Resistance

A. Upon installation of earth electrode, test shall be carried out to ensure that the
installation of electrode has reduced the earth fault impedance effectively to the
required value.
B. Resistance to earth of all earthing rods, each earth termination network, continuity of
conductors and all bends and joints shall be tested by means of a Wenner test. The
electrode resistance shall not exceed 8 ohms requirement or as specified in the
Kahramaa regulations.

Electrical Specification Page 121 of 161


23.2.4 Insulation Resistance

A. Insulation resistance test shall be carried out before a completed installation is
permanently connected to the supply. Large installations may be divided into groups. A
DC voltage not less than twice the normal supply voltage (RMS value of AC system
voltage) shall be applied for the measurement of the insulation resistance. For low
voltage installations, where apparatus voltage rating does not exceed 55 V, shall be
tested applying 500 V DC only.
B. When measured with all fuse links in place, all switches (including, if possible, the main
switch) closed, the insulation resistance for whole installation shall not be less than 1
meg ohm.
C. When measured between one phase conductor and other conductors connected
together to earth, in turn for all phases, the insulation resistance shall be not less than 1
meg ohm.
D. Wherever possible, so that all parts of the wiring may be tested, all lamps shall be
removed, all current using apparatus disconnected, all local switches shall be closed;
where removal of lamps or disconnection of current using apparatus is not practicable,
respective control switches shall be opened.
E. Where apparatus is disconnected for the tests, the insulation between the enclosure or
frameworks and all the live parts (phase) of the apparatus shall be measured separately
and shall comply with the requirements as per BS for the corresponding apparatus,
where such standard is not available, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 0.5
meg ohm.

23.2.5 Ring Circuit Continuity

A. A test shall be carried out to verify the continuity of all conductors (including the earth
continuity conductor) of every ring circuit and all readings shall be tabulated.

23.2.6 Phase Rotation

A. The complete installation shall be tested to ensure that all distribution boards are
connected to give correct phase rotation for the corresponding apparatus as required.

23.2.7 Continuity of Protective Conductor

A. A test shall be carried out to verify that all protective conductors are connected correctly
and are electrically sound, before power supply is connected to an installation.
B. When the protective conductor is a core in multi-core cable or a separate protective
conductor, a DC ohmmeter may be used to measure the resistance. Where steel
conduits or other metallic structure is used as protective conductor, the test shall be
carried out by current injection at a voltage not exceeding 50 V AC or DC and current
about 1.5 times the normal circuit current but not exceeding 25 Amps. When using DC
source, it must be ensured that inductors are not connected in the test path.
C. A portable hand generator is preferable to use for this test so that the disconnected
phase conductor can be connected to the consumer earth terminal and tests can be
made between phase conductor and the protective conductor at each outlet point

23.2.8 Earth-fault Loop Impedance

A. Each completed installation shall be tested for effectiveness of the earthing by means of
an earth fault loop impedance test. The test shall be carried out by using earth loop
impedance test instrument

23.2.9 Operation Tests

A. This clause applies to relays, Interlocks and any other protective and control device,
viz., residual current devices, to ensure correct functioning.
B. Suitable test pro forma shall be prepared, as per the recommendation of the
manufacturer for protective relay tests and submit to the Engineer for approval. Logic
diagram for control and interlocks shall be prepared, based on the requirement for

Electrical Specification Page 122 of 161


functional tests, and shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Tests shall be
carried out according to the approved form and all results shall be tabulated.
C. The RCDs shall be tested by external supply to check for instantaneous operation. The
testing device shall be single phase double wound continuously variable type
transformer (variac) with maximum output voltage 50 V and loading resistors to control
current. While rated current applied, the device shall operate instantaneously or within a
time delay as per manufacturer data sheet. The test current to be applied shall be as
per manufacturer recommendation.


23.3.1 General
A. The Contractor shall fully test and commission the whole of electrical installation in
accordance with Kahramaa regulations and BS 7671, as per requirements of the Project
Documentation and as outlined in this section.
B. The following equipment will be inspected and tested on site after installation. Any
omission or defects, or faults raised by the Engineer are to be remedied or corrected by
the Contractor and re-testing made at the direction of the Engineer at the Contractor’s
1. 415V switchgear
2. Mains cable
3. Motors
4. Starters and control gear
5. Control and starter panels
6. Small wiring etc.
7. Elevator, walkway system
8. Radio and TV interference
9. Fire alarm and detection system
10. Public address system
C. Following functional tests shall be carried out to ensure proper functioning of the plant
and all apparatus.
1. All protective circuits, interlocks, control and alarm shall be tested for correct
2. All lighting circuits shall be energised and checked to ensure that they are
3. All motors, plants and electrical equipment connected with mechanical services
shall be checked to ensure that they run freely in the correct direction/rotation and in
correct sequence
4. Fire alarm system, elevator system and building management system (if applicable)
shall be tested for correct operation.
D. The testing requirements and procedures for the various items of electrical equipment is
specified in the other relevant specification parts for electrical works and relevant


23.4.1 General
A. This specification deals with the Contractor’s work involved in commissioning to
energize the electrical distribution systems, installations and plants after inspections and
tests to ensure safety and proper operation; and the evaluation of performance by
means of further inspection and tests to ensure the works operate in conformity with the
design specification.

Electrical Specification Page 123 of 161


B. Commissioning works shall be carried out by the Contractor using trained, experienced
commissioning engineers. The commissioning engineer shall perform switching
operations and also must be in charge for the opening and closing of circuits, interlocks
and safety devices.
C. The Contractor in conjunction with the Engineer shall prepare a commissioning
schedule. This shall show a time scale and the extent of power or other services
requirements for setting the plant to work. The following information shall be made
available to the Engineer:
D. Specification of work:
1. Test certificates from works test at manufacturers
2. Test results from site progress tests.
3. Notes from pre-commissioning meetings.
E. The method statement shall be submitted to the Engineer and get it approved at least 1
month before the commencement of commissioning tests.
F. After commissioning, the plant shall operate for the guarantee period as per the
requirements of the Project Documentation, from the date of practical completion
certificate issue in accordance with normal requirements without defect of any kind. Any
defect which appears shall be remedied forthwith by the Contractor without any cost to
the contract and reliability run shall start after re-commissioning. The guarantee period
shall be calculated from the latest date of such re-commissioning.



25.1.1 General
A. Provide identification on all equipment e.g. control panels, FBA, controllers, raceways,
boxes and conductors, devices etc in accordance with BS EN 81346, BS 61666, BS
61175 and BS60445 standards or latest edition of other applicable standards to the
approval of Engineer.
B. All labels shall be permanent, and be machine generated. NO HANDWRITTEN OR
C. Prior to making any label or nameplate for the purpose of identification submit a detailed
schedule indicating nameplate size, lettering size, color, material and actual nameplate
information for Engineer's review and approval.
D. All external labels, nameplates, operational and warning signs shall be provided in
Arabic and English.
E. Material used in making the engraved labels shall be of highest quality suitable for the
environmental and climatic conditions as specified in the relevant section.
F. Critical devices such as disconnect switches; service feeders and branch circuit
protective feeders shall be legibly labeled to indicate its purpose and point of origin. The
legibility distance shall not be less than 2.0 meters.
G. Identification nameplates shall be provided in addition to the manufacturer's equipment
nameplates as required by NEMA, BS, IEC or UL.
H. Warning signs and instruction labels wherever needed shall be provided in accordance
with local regulations of Kahramaa, Civil Defense Department etc.
I. Contractor shall clearly show locations and fixing arrangements of nameplates and
labels on layout drawings.

25.1.2 Nameplates and Labels

A. Nameplates:
1. Provide equipment identification labels for all electrical equipment including, but not
limited to Switchgear, control panels, switchboards, transfer switches, disconnect

Electrical Specification Page 124 of 161


switches, transformers, generators, power factor capacitors, fixed equipment, motor

starters, FBA etc.
2. Provided sub classification label for all emergency power system, junction boxes
and pull boxes.
3. External labels: Clear Perspex, back engraved in black letters on white background,
in Arabic and English with chamfered edges fixed with stainless steel screws with
nuts and flat and lock washers.
4. Internal labels: Multi-layered plastic to an approved design engraved in Arabic and
English, and fixed with stainless steel screws. Alternatively special purpose made
DIN rail may be used for fixing labels as approved by the Engineer.
5. Adhesive labels shall not be permitted.
6. Internal components labels shall have circuit designations correlated with the
7. Labels shall not be attached to trunking covers or other readily removable items.
8. Electrical equipment enclosures, vaults, doors and fences shall be provided with
"DANGER KEEP OUT" warning sign, showing proper voltage.
9. Disconnect switches and emergency devices shall have "CAUTION" warning signs
as directed by the Engineer.
B. Locations:
1. Provide Title Label for electrical distribution and all other control equipment, panels
2. Provide Function Label for door mounted component.
3. Every internal component - Identification Label.
4. Provide Identification Label for Protective device - (e.g. fuse/mcb type, rating).
5. Provide Title Label for Communication equipment.
1. Compartments with doors and covers not electrically interlocked to an isolator,
external label - “DANGER, LIVE TERMINALS” with flash and voltage in red letters
on white background in Arabic and English.
2. Provide Function description Label for group of terminal blocks.
C. Letter Size is to be approved with Engineer.

25.1.3 Wire and Cable Markers

A. Description:
1. Interlocking ferrules of white insulating material engraved in black. Letters and
symbols to IEC 61296 shall be used for control wiring and Flameproof Cable tags
for appropriate cable group.
B. Locations:
1. Conductor at pull boxes outlet, junction boxes and each load connection.
2. Cable laid in trenches, duct, raceways etc.
C. Legend:
1. Power and Lighting Circuits: Branch circuit or feeder number indicated on drawings.
2. Control Circuits: Control wire number indicated on schematic and interconnection
diagrams on drawings.

25.1.4 Interconnecting Cabling Identification “ICA”

A. Each horizontal cable from instruments, transmitter, controller etc. termination blocks or
patch panel if any to an outlet box shall be labeled at both ends.
B. Tags shall be consecutively numbered so that no two (2) cables have the same
identification number.
C. In addition the cable tag shall indicate the reference of location where the associated
outlet is located and the device is installed.

Electrical Specification Page 125 of 161


25.1.5 Underground Warning Tape

A. Description: 100 mm wide plastic tape, detectable type, colored yellow with suitable
warning legend describing buried electrical lines e.g. 0.6/1KV, 11KV etc.

25.1.6 Installation
A. Degrease and clean surfaces to receive nameplates and labels.
B. Install nameplate and label parallel to equipment lines.
C. Secure nameplate to equipment front as specified.
D. Secure nameplate to inside surface of door on panelboard that is recessed in finished
E. Identify underground conduits using underground warning tape. Install one tape per
trench at 150 mm below finished grade.



26.1.1 General
A. Ensuring electrical components, equipment and systems supplied are safe and does not
interfere with the normal operation of other equipment is the basis for Electromagnetic
Compatibility regulation.
B. Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC; shall apply to electrical equipment designed for use
at a rated voltage of 50 to 1000 V for alternating current and 75 to 1500 V for direct
current. Rated voltage shall refer to the input or output voltage of the equipment and not
voltages which are generated internally.
C. The electro technical product shall also meet the requirements of other applicable
directives in addition to the Low Voltage Directives. The compliance of individual
components with the requirements of appropriate European Norms (EN) does not imply
compliance of the end product. End product testing ensures that interconnections as
well as manufactured CE marked components are performing to what is formally stated
in their declaration of conformity.

26.1.2 EMC: Electromagnetic Compatibility

A. EMC is the ability of different items of electrical equipment to work together without
suffering the effects of interference. All equipment shall operate without interfering with
broadcast and communications signals and be immune to normal levels of such signals.
B. EMC implies that equipment shall not generate unacceptable levels of interference,
which affect the performance of other products designed to operate in the same
environment. Also, equipment shall have sufficient immunity to electrical interference,
such that the equipment continues to operate in an acceptable manner.
C. The contractor shall submit a certificate issued by the manufacturer that the electrical
equipment's supplied against the contract under execution complies with the
requirements of the EMC Directive.

26.1.3 The CE Marking

A. All electrical products shall have CE Marking as an EU recognized certification mark
that confirms the product has been tested and complies with the European Union
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive and other relevant directives, standards or

Electrical Specification Page 126 of 161


26.1.4 EMC Directive and Standards

A. The electrotechnical products shall be designed and constructed that do not cause
excessive electromagnetic interference and are not duly affected by electromagnetic
interference. Electrical products shall carry a CE mark and manufacturers 'Declaration
of Conformity'.
B. There are four generic standards:
 BS EN 61000-6-3:2007 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic
standards. Emission standard for residential,
commercial and light-industrial environments
 BS EN 61000-6-4:2007 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic
standards. Emission standard for industrial
 BS EN 61000-6-1:2007 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic
standards. Immunity for residential, commercial
and light-industrial environments
 BS EN 61000-6-2 2005 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).Generic
standards. Immunity for industrial environments


A. The Contractor shall exercise the manufacturer's recommendation for reducing
interference. Following is basic guidelines for ready reference that helps reduce
radiated interference by screening of the equipment and cables. The conducted
interference can be reduced by filtering of the mains supply.
1. Keep all cables as short as possible
2. Separate power cables and signal cables from each other and from different
3. Shield the mains cable to the welding equipment if any
4. Apply earthing and equipotential bonding to the welding installation
5. Connect the equipment to a separate mains supply spur or using a different phase
6. Physically separate welding equipment from other equipment
7. Weld at times, which cause minimum disruption.



30.1.1 Scope
A. This Part specifies the requirements for duct bank and manholes.

30.1.2 Description
A. Duct bank and manholes shall be provided as specified and shown on the drawings.

30.1.3 Submissions
A. Shop Drawings submission shall include dimensional drawings of the duct bank and
manholes, including sections and elevations, showing the following:
1. sizes and positions of manholes
2. duct routing
3. location of entry to buildings
4. other pertinent data.
B. Submission of the project data shall be as follows:

Electrical Specification Page 127 of 161


1. Full specifications of the enclosure and the components of the equipment with
relevant sheets of manufacturer’s catalogues
2. Confirmation that the equipment complies with the relevant specifications.


30.2.1 General
A. Duct Banks and manholes shall confirm to requirements as specified in relevant
standard as applicable.
B. The product selected and proposed shall include manufacturer's instructions that
indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by the product testing
agency specified under Regulatory Requirements.
C. The Contractor shall select the product only from the manufacturer specializing in
manufacturing products specified in this Part with minimum five years documented
experience of the products being satisfactorily in use in a similar service and climatic
D. The Contractor shall ensure proper co-ordination with related civil and other project
associated activities prior to the selection of the equipment.
E. The contractor shall clearly show locations and arrangements of fittings on the
F. To ensure that field measurements are as indicated.
G. Provide detail routing and termination locations of duct bank prior to excavation. for
rough in.
H. Provide locations of manholes prior to excavating for installation.

30.2.2 Galvanized Steel Conduit

A. In accordance to clause 7.2.2.

30.2.3 Plastic Conduit

A. In accordance to clause 7.2.1.

30.2.4 Pre-Cast Concrete Manholes

A. Pre-cast concrete manholes shall be as specified as follows:
1. Description: Precast manhole designed in accordance with ASTM C858, comprising
modular, interlocking sections complete with accessories or as specified.
2. Loading: ASTM C857, Class A-16, A-12, A-8 or A-0.3 as specified.
3. Shape: Square or rectangular with truncated corners or as indicated.
4. Nominal Inside Dimensions: Specified or indicated mm x mm.
5. Corner Panel Dimensions: Specified mm wide.
6. Inside Depth: Specified mm.
7. Wall Thickness: Specified mm.
8. Base Section: Include 75 or specified mm deep x 350 or specified mm round sump
with cast sleeve, and two 25 mm ground rod openings where specified
9. Top Section: Include 1000 mm diameter or other approved size and shape grooved
opening for frame and cover.
10. Riser Casting: 150 or 300 mm as specified or indicated, with manhole step cast into
11. Frames and Covers: ASTM A48; Class 30B gray cast iron, 686 or 762 mm size as
specified or other approved standard and size, machine finished with flat bearing
surfaces. Provide cover marked ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE or as directed by the
Engineer to indicate utility.
12. Duct Entry Provisions: Single duct knockouts, window knockouts or windows with
plastic duct terminators and diaphragms as specified.
Electrical Specification Page 128 of 161

13. Duct Entry Locations: As specified or indicated.

14. Duct Entry Size: 100 or 150 mm as specified.
15. Cable Pulling Irons: Use galvanized rod and hardware. Locate opposite each duct
entry. Provide watertight seal.
16. Cable Rack Inserts: Minimum load rating 365 kg or as specified. Locate at specified
or indicated distance on center.
17. Cable Rack Mounting Channel: 38 x 19 mm or approved size steel channel, 1.2 m
or specified length. Provide cable rack arm mounting slots 38 mm or at standard
18. Cable Racks: Steel channel, 38 x 19 x 350 mm or other approved size, with
fastener to match mounting channel.
19. Cable Supports: Porcelain, Maple or other approved type clamps and saddles.
20. Manhole Steps: Polypropylene plastic manhole step with 13 mm steel
reinforcement, Cast steps at 300 mm on centre vertically or as specified or indicated
or Ladder: Aluminium rung, approved length, with top hook to engage manhole step
in riser casting. Provide one ladder for each manhole.
21. Sump Covers: ASTM A48; Class 30B gray cast iron or other approved standard.
22. Source Quality Control: Inspect manholes in accordance with ASTM C1037 or other
approved standard.

30.2.5 Accessories
A. Underground Warning Tape: 100 mm wide plastic tape, detectable type, coloured
yellow with suitable warning legend describing buried electrical lines.

30.2.6 Cast in Place Manhole Accessories

A. Frames and Covers: ASTM A48; Class 30B gray cast iron, 686 or 762 mm size as
B. or other approved standard and size, machine finished with flat bearing surfaces.
C. cover marked ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE or as directed by the Engineer to indicate
D. Cable Pulling Irons: Use galvanized rod and hardware.
E. Cable Rack Inserts: Minimum load rating of 365 kg or as approved.
F. Cable Rack Mounting Channel: 38 x 19 mm or approved size steel channel, 1.2 m or
specified length. Provide cable rack arm mounting slots 38 mm or at standard centers.
G. Cable Racks: Steel channel, 38 x 19 x 350 mm or other approved size, with fastener to
match mounting channel.
H. Cable Supports: Porcelain, Maple or other approved type clamps and saddles.
I. Manhole Steps: Polypropylene plastic manhole step with 13 mm steel reinforcement,
Cast steps at 300 mm on center vertically or as specified or indicated or Ladder:
Aluminum rung, approved length, with top hook to engage manhole step in riser casting.
Provide one ladder for each manhole.
J. Sump Covers: ASTM A48; Class 30B gray cast iron or other approved standard.


30.3.1 Duct Bank Installation

A. Install duct to locate top of duct bank at depths as indicated on drawings or install duct
to locate top of duct bank minimum specified or indicated mm below finished grade.
B. Install duct with minimum slope of 100 mm per 25.4 m (0.33 percent) or as specified or
indicated. Slope duct away from building entrances.
C. Cut duct square using saw or pipe cutter; de-burr cut ends.

Electrical Specification Page 129 of 161


D. Insert duct to shoulder of fittings; fasten securely.

E. Join non-metallic duct using adhesive as recommended by manufacturer.
F. Wipe non-metallic duct dry and clean before joining. Apply full even coat of adhesive to
G. entire area inserted in fitting. Allow joint to cure for 20 minutes, minimum.
H. Install no more than equivalent of two 90-degree bends between pull points.
I. Provide suitable fittings to accommodate expansion and deflection where required.
J. Terminate duct at manhole entries using end bell.
K. Stagger duct joints vertically in concrete encasement 150 mm minimum.
L. Use suitable separators and chairs installed not greater than 1200 mm on centres.
M. Band ducts together before backfilling or placing concrete.
N. Securely anchor duct to prevent movement during concrete placement.
O. Place concrete under provisions of relevant section. Use mineral pigment to colour
concrete where specified.
P. Provide minimum 75-mm or other specified concrete cover at bottom, top, and sides of
Q. Provide specified or indicated steel reinforcing bars in top of bank under paved areas.
R. Connect to existing concrete encasement using dowels.
S. Connect to manhole wall using dowels.
T. Provide suitable pull string in each empty duct except sleeves and nipples.
U. Swab duct. Use suitable caps to protect installed duct against entrance of dirt and
V. Backfill trenches under provisions of relevant section.
W. Interface installation of underground warning tape with backfilling specified in relevant
section. Install tape 150 mm below finished surface.

30.3.2 Pre-Cast Manhole Installation

A. Excavate for manhole installation under the provisions of relevant section.
B. Install and seal precast sections in accordance with ASTM C891 or other approved
C. Install manholes plumb.
D. Use precast neck and shaft sections to bring manhole cover to finished elevation.
E. Attach cable racks to inserts after manhole installation is complete.
F. Where specified or indicated, install drains in manholes and connect to site drainage
system or provide DN100 pipe terminating in 1/4 cu m crushed gravel bed under
provisions of relevant section.
G. Damp proof exterior surfaces, joints, and interrupt ions of manholes after concrete has
cured 28 days, under provisions of relevant section.
H. Backfill manhole excavation under the provisions of relevant section.

30.3.3 Cast in Place Manhole Installation

A. Excavate for manhole installation under the provisions of relevant section.
B. Formwork: Form inside and outside manhole surfaces in accordance with provisions of
relevant section.
C. Reinforcing: Install reinforcing under the provisions of relevant section.
D. Concrete: Provide air-entrained, 20 mPa compressive strength at 28 days under the
provisions of relevant section or as specified.
E. Shape: As specified or indicated.
F. Nominal Dimensions: As specified or indicated.
G. Inside Depth: As specified or indicated.

Electrical Specification Page 130 of 161


H. Wall Thickness: As specified or indicated.

I. Base: Include 350 mm drain opening and two 25 mm ground rod openings where
specified. Slope to drain at 6.35 mm per m (2 percent).
J. Top: Include 1000-mm diameter or other approved size and shape opening; cast 13-mm
rod in opening to accept ladder hook.
K. Duct Entry: Cast ducts openings in walls as indicated.
L. Cable Pulling Irons: Locate opposite each duct entry.
M. Cable Rack Inserts: Locate at specified mm on cent re.
N. Construct brick collar with 760-mm or approved size clear opening to bring cover to
proper elevation.
O. Manhole Steps: Cast steps at 300 or specified mm on center vertically or install ladder
in each manhole.
P. Attach cable racks to inserts after manhole construction is complete.
Q. Install drains in manholes and connect to site drainage system or provide 100 mm pipe
terminating in 0.25 cu m crushed gravel bed under provisions of relevant section where
specified or indicated.
R. Damp proof exterior surfaces, joints, and interruptions of manholes after concrete has
cured 28 days, under provisions of relevant section.
S. Backfill manhole excavation under the provisions of relevant section



31.1.1 Scope
A. The Contractor shall supply, install, test and commission ONAN outdoor, mineral oil
filled, Power Transformers, as indicated on the Project Drawings.
B. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the latest version of Kahramaa
specification for Power Distribution Transformers and shall be responsible for obtaining
Kahramaa approval.
C. The Contractor shall provide full technical details of the proposed transformers together
with a copy of all relevant standards for review and comment by the Engineer, prior to
submission to Kahramaa for approval.
D. The Contactor shall be a Kahramaa Electricity Networks Affairs (ENA) approved
Contractor or the Contractor shall engage a Kahramaa Electricity Networks Affairs
(ENA) approved Subcontractor to carry out all installation of the Power Transformer in
accordance to Kahramaa’s Standards.

31.1.2 References
A. Power Distribution Transformers shall be provided in accordance with Kahramaa latest
specifications and the International Standards referred to here below:
 BS EN ISO 1461:2009 - Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Iron and Steel;
 Articles. BS 381C 1980 - Specification for Colours for Identification,
Coding, and Special Purposes
 BS 3692 - ISO Metric Precision Hexagonal Bolts, Screws
and Nuts
 BS 4190 - ISO Metric Black Hexagonal Bolts, Screws and
 BS 7079, BS EN ISO 8501 - Surface Finish of Blast Cleaned Steel for
 BS EN ISO 8503

Electrical Specification Page 131 of 161


 BS 2562 1979 - Specification for Cable Boxes for Transformers

and Reactors
 BS EN ISO 12944 - Code of Practice for Protective coating for Iron
 BS EN ISO 14713 and Steel Structures against Corrosion
 BS 6435 1984 - Specifications for Unfilled Enclosures for the
Dry Termination of HV Cables for Transformers
and Reactors.
 BS IEC 60076, IEC 60076 - Power Transformers
 IEC 529/BS 5420 - Specification for Degrees of protection
Provided by Enclosures.

31.1.3 Submittals
A. Tender information and drawings shall be submitted to Kahramaa through the
supervising consultant. Submissions shall be in accordance with the requirements of the
latest Kahramaa specifications.


31.2.1 General
A. The transformers shall be ONAN outdoor, mineral oil filled, in compliance with
Kahramaa’s latest Standards. The Contractor shall obtain the latest Kahramaa
B. The product selected and proposed shall include manufacturer's instructions that
indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by the product testing
agency specified under Regulatory Requirements.


31.3.1 General
A. Install Products in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
B. A contractor who is currently approved by Kahramaa must carry out the installation. The
written approval of Kahramaa for the Contractor to carry out the work must be
forwarded to the Engineer, and be acknowledged by him, before any installation work
C. Earth and bond duct under provisions of Part 22, "Earthing and Bonding".

31.3.2 Quality Control and Test Procedures

A. General
1. The manufacturer shall provide proof of a stringent Quality Control (QC) Plan or
Inspection Test Plan (ITP). In particular the main equipment manufacturing stages
sanctioned by appropriate tests such as: incoming components inspection, discrete
sub-assembly tests and complete functional checks on the final product. Final
inspection and calibration operations shall be documented in a report drawn up by
the supplier’s Quality Inspection department.
2. The Assembly shall not leave the manufacturer’s works until the works test sheets
have been duly approved and stamped by the Engineer and written permission is
obtained for their dispatch to site.

31.3.3 Environment
A. General
1. Environmental conditions shall be as specified in Section 1 Part 1 and/or Kahramaa
specifications as applicable.

Electrical Specification Page 132 of 161




32.1.1 Scope
A. The Contractor shall supply, install, test and commission 11 kV Switchgear with vacuum
circuit breakers, complete with all accessories and complying with the latest
specifications, requirements, 11kV Scheme of Kahramaa.
B. The Contractor shall obtain the 11kV Kahramaa Scheme, shall be responsible for
obtaining the latest version of Kahramaa Specification for 11kV Switchgear and
obtaining Kahramaa approval.
C. The design, manufacture, testing, packing, supply, delivery and performance
requirements of Air Insulated, Metal-Enclosed Switchgear panels shall, generally,
conform to the requirements of IEC 62271-200, IEC 62271-1, IEC 62271-100, and
specifically conforms to requirements of ‘special service conditions’, ‘system &
environmental conditions’, and other additional requirements stated in this document,
which may be over and above those mentioned in IEC standards.
D. The switchgear panels are intended for use on the Electricity Secondary Distribution
Networks for system voltages up to 12kV, in Indoor applications with non-air conditioned
sub-station building rooms with natural ventilation (without any forced ventilation).
E. The switchgear panels need to provide highly reliable and trouble free service during its
life expectancy, with minimal maintenance, under the specified system, environmental &
special service conditions. The switchgear shall be capable of withstanding the
electrical and mechanical stresses.
F. The Contactor shall be a Kahramaa Electricity Networks Affairs (ENA) approved
Contractor or the Contractor shall engage a Kahramaa Electricity Networks Affairs
(ENA) approved Subcontractor to carry out all installations of the 11KV Switchgear, in
accordance to Kahramaa Standard.

32.1.2 References
A. Particular details of these options are specified within the body of this specification. The
specification is based upon or has reference to the following international standards
 IEC 62271-200 - AC Metal Enclosed switchgear & Control gear
for voltages up to 52kV;
 IEC 62271-1 - HV Switchgear & Control gear – Common
 IEC 62271-100 - High Voltage AC Circuit-breakers;
 IEC 62271-102 - High Voltage AC Dis-connectors & Earthing
 IEC 62271-103 - High Voltage AC Switches for Voltages above
1kV and below 52kV
 IEC 60721-1 - Classification of Environmental conditions –
Environmental Parameters;
 IEC 60721-3 - Classification of Groups of environmental
parameters and their severities;
 IEC 60529 - Degrees of Protection provided by Enclosures;
 IEC 61243-5 - Live Working – Voltage Detection Systems
 IEC 60044-1 - Current Transformers;
 IEC 60044-2 - Voltage Transformers;
 IEC 60050(441) - International Electro-technical Vocabulary –
Switchgear & Control-gear;
 IEC 60068-2 - Environmental testing – Tests;
Electrical Specification Page 133 of 161

 IEC 60947-2 - LV Circuit Breakers (including MCBs);

 ISO 3864 - Labels;
 IEC 60270 - Partial Discharge measurements;
 BS 5685 - Electricity Meters;
 IEC 62053 - Electricity Metering Equipment;
 IEC 62052 - Electricity Metering Equipment – Tests and
Test conditions;
 IEC 61243-5 - Live Working – Voltage Detectors – Voltage
Detecting system
B. All standards shall include all additions or amendments to date.
C. In all cases of variance between this specification and relevant standards the
requirements of this specification shall prevail.
D. In case of variance between the International Standards, the most enormous condition
shall prevail

32.1.3 Quality Assurance

A. The manufacturer of the equipment specified shall possess certification for design,
manufacture, testing of 11kV Indoor Switchgear Panels, issued by a body authorized to
do so, which indicates that the manufacturing unit operates to a standard equivalent to
ISO 9001.

32.1.4 Submissions
A. Technical information and drawings of proposed arrangements shall be
forwarded by the Contractor to the Consultant and KAHRAMAA for approval
prior to commencement of manufacture.


32.2.1 General Design & Construction

A. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the latest version of Kahramaa
specification for 11 kV Switchgear and shall be responsible for obtaining Kahramaa
approval, prior fabrication of the 11kV Switchgear.
B. The product selected and proposed shall include manufacturer's instructions that
indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by the product testing
agency specified under Regulatory Requirements.
C. The Contractor shall provide full technical details of the proposed 11 kV Switchgear
together with a copy of all relevant standards for review and comment by the Engineer,
prior to submission to Kahramaa for approval.
D. The switchgear panels are intended for use on the Electricity Secondary Distribution
Networks for system voltages up to 12kV, in Indoor applications with non-air conditioned
sub-station building rooms with natural ventilation (without any forced ventilation).


32.3.1 General
A. Install Products in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
B. Contractor who is currently approved by Kahramaa must carry out installation. The
written approval of Kahramaa for the Contractor to carry out the work must be
forwarded to the Engineer, and be acknowledged by him, before any installation work
C. Earth and bond duct under provisions on Part 22 "Earthing and Bonding ".

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35.1.1 Scope
A. The Contractor shall provide the complete operational Satellite Master Antenna TV
(SMATV) System, as indicated on the Project Drawings. Satellite dishes and Local
Channel Arial Antennas shall be installed on the roof top to receive satellite signals,
Intermediate Frequency (IF) and (RF) Terrestrial channels and will be distributed within
the building.
B. The Contractor shall appoint a specialist SMATV Contractor to install, test, and
commission the Complete SMATV system, as shown in the design drawing.
C. The details and system configuration described within the specification and drawings
indicate the general principal and standards required for the tender purposes. The final
configuration shall be subject to the approved supplier equipment and specific

35.1.2 Performance
A. The SMATV shall be installed to deliver adequate signals to a suitable satellite receiver
for the viewer to experience good quality sound and pictures with no blocking or
pixellation visible. Contractors shall design for a signal delivered from the faceplate at
55dBµV but the acceptability criterion will be from the viewer’s experience.
B. System Hardware Design
1. System hardware shall be solid state and shall utilize modular components to
provide maximum flexibility, ease of maintenance, and ease of expansion where
practicable. Solid state and integrated circuitry containing silicon-based materials
shall be employed to the maximum practicable extent. Mechanical and electro-
mechanical relays, tuning controls, and other mechanical components and parts
shall not be used where the necessary functions can be performed in a more
reliable manner by electronic components.
C. The Contractor shall perform system calculations of the proposed installation, which
shall encompass the losses and gains for the various components of the system,
including cable runs. The Contractor shall establish the required signal strengths for
each component of the signal reception system and shall verify each with respect to
signal strength and quality.

35.1.3 Submittals
A. Submit shop drawings for approval in accordance to Part 1.
B. Product data per Part 1, including system calculations
A. Test Reports.


35.2.1 System Equipment

A. The System equipment used in the system shall have the following specifications.
1. Offset Satellite Dishes
a. Offset Satellite Dishes shall be a metallic parabolic antenna whose reflector is
an offset section of a larger parabola. It is used to reflect and focus the satellite
TV Signal from the satellite on to the Low-Noise Block, which is positioned at
the focus of the antenna with the following characteristics:
i. Diameter : 130 cm;
ii. Type : Offset
iii. Efficiency : 65-75%
iv. Gain (11,2GHz) : 41.1dB

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v. Gain (12,2GHz) : 41.8dB

vi. Beam Width : <1,5
vii. Cross Polarization : <-27dB;
viii. Focal ratio : 0.64;
ix. LNB Diameter : 40;
x. Pole bridle : 32-80mm;
2. Optical Offset LNB
a. LNB is located at the focus of the offset dish (twin LNB or QUAD). The signal
after reflecting from the dish is focused on to the LNB. LNB shall have the
following characteristics:
i. Input Frequency Range : 10.7- 12.75 GHz
ii. Output Frequency Range : 950/1950 MHz-1100/ 2150 MHz
iii. Wavelength : 1310nm
iv. Output Polarity and Band : 0.7 dB (Typ.)
 H/V, Low : 1
 H/V, High : 1
v. Local oscillator : 9.75/7.3GHz
vi. Output connector : FC/PC type
vii. Operating Temp : -30ºC -60ºC
3. FM , VHF and UHF Antennas
a. The Contractor shall provide FM, VHF, and UHF local aerials antennas, as
indicated on the Projects Drawings. Antennas shall be made from aluminum
and rust-proof plastic to withstand the harshest weather conditions, wide
temperature changes, strong winds and UV radiation. Its poles and mounts
are galvanized steel in order to provide resilient and reliable performance
over the years
b. FM antenna shall be Omni directional dipole antenna to receive local FM
c. VHF antenna shall be 4 elements, yagi antenna to receive local VHF signals III
(174 to230MHz).
d. UHF antenna shall be double arrays antenna to receive local UHF signals.
Antenna FM VHF UHF
i. Frequency Range : 87.5-108Mhz 174-230Mhz 589-686Mhz
ii. Channels : E-5 – E-12 37-47
iii. Gain ; 0dBi 4dB 13.5dB
iv. Impedance : 75Ώ 75Ώ 75Ώ
v. Polarity : H/V H/V H/V
4. Trunk RF Amplifiers
a. Provide Trunk RF Amplifier shall be compact amplification station s for Head-
end and Distribution applications with high gain and high output with minimal
distortion and noise for independent amplification for FM, VHF and UHF.
Trunk amplifier shall have the following characteristics.
i. Inputs Number : 4;
ii. Adjustable bands : FM-I-III-U;
iii. Sep. Amplification : FM-I/III-U;
iv. Gain-FM/I/III/U band (dB) : 33/40/40/40;
v. Gain Regulation : 0/-20 dB;
vi. Out Level (dBuV) : 115/V-117/U;
vii. Noise Factor (V-U) : 7-6 dB;
Electrical Specification Page 136 of 161

viii. Out Test : -20 dB; and

ix. Supply Voltage : 230Vac

35.2.2 Distribution Network

A. The distribution network shall be designed for the highest transmission frequency within
the system on an output level to meet the minimum requirements as listed below.
1. Fiber Optic Cable: Cable shall be in accordance to Part 14, clause 14.2.7.
2. RG – 11 Cable Specifications:
a. Copper Diameter : 1.65mm;
b. Dielectric Diameter : 7.1mm;
c. Outer Conductor : Aluminium + Copper;
d. Minimum Bending Radius : 8 cm;
e. Velocity ratio of Propagation : 77%; and
f. Nominal Capacitance : 55 pF / m
3. RG – 6 Cable Specifications:
a. Re
b. Inner Conductor : Copper with 1 mm Diameter;
c. Dielectric : Poly Ethylene with 4.6 mm Diameter;
d. Outer Sheath : PVC White with 6.8mm diameter; and
e. Braid : 70% coverage factor.
4. RG 6 / 11 Cable Connectors:
a. It shall be Crimp type connectors with a material of Nickeled brass.
b. Crimping done by proper crimp tools (UCF-170)
i. RG-6 Connector : CTF-190; and
ii. RG-11 Connector : CTF-125.
5. Optical Fiber Splitter
a. The Contractor shall provide 8-ways optical splitter with the following
i. Output : 8
ii. Connector : FC/PC type
iii. Wavelength : 1310/150nm
iv. Insertion Losses : 10.1 dB
v. Fiber Type : Single Mode;
6. Optical Fiber Converter
a. The Contractor shall provide optical fiber converter with the following
i. Satellite
 Horizontal High Band : 1100-2150MHz
 Vertical High Band : 1100-2150MHz
 Horizontal Low Band : 950-1950MHz
 Vertical Low Band : 950-1950MHz
 Return Loss : >10dB;
 Nominal Impedance : 75Ω
 Gain Variation Across Band : <7dB;
 Terrestrial Rejection : 30dB; and
 Typical Outputs Levels : 75dBµV.

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 Frequency Range : 47-862MHz;
 : FM88-108;
 : DAB 174-240;
 : DTT 470-862
 Return Loss : >10dB;
 Nominal Impedance : 75Ω;
 Gain Variation Across Band : <5dB;
 Satellite Rejection : 20dB;
 Typical Outputs Levels DAB

 Multiple, 1 : 62dBµV;
 Multiple, 6 : 56dBµV;
 Multiple, 8 : 54dBµV;
 Typical Outputs Levels FM/DTT
 Multiple, 1 : 74dBµV;
 Multiple, 6 : 68dBµV;
 Multiple, 8 : 66dBµV
B. Cascade Multi-switch
1. Cascade multi-switch shall be capable of handling twelve (12) IF plus one active
RF; switching on 13/18V, 0/22KHz, and compatible with DiSEqC 2.0. Cascade
switch shall have the following characteristics:
a. Freq. Range : 47 – 2400 MHz;
b. Inputs : 12 Sat+1Terr;
c. Tap Outputs : 12/16;
d. Tap Loss
i. RF (dB) : 8;
ii. IF (dB) : 6;
e. Through Outputs` : 12+1;
f. Through Loss
i. RF (dB) : 4;
ii. IF (dB) : 3;
g. Max. Input Level (dB) : Terr=85 /SAT=103
C. RF&IF Distribution Amplifier
1. Provide RF&IF Distribution Amplifier shall have the following characteristics.
a. Frequency Range : 47-2400 MHz;
b. Inputs : 12 sat + 1 terr;
c. Outputs : 13;
d. Power Consumption : 400mA Max;
e. Power Supply : 18VDC(in)RCA jack;
f. LNB Power Supply : 4x14VDC+4x18VDC Max;
g. MHz ; Terr.47-862 SAT.950-2400
i. Gain (dB) : 15±2,5 (15...24)±2,5
ii. Gain Control (dB) : 22±3.5 20±3.5
iii. Slope Control (dB) : >23 >25
iv. Return Loss (dB) : >8 >8

Electrical Specification Page 138 of 161


h. dB : Terr.IMA360 SAT.IMA335
i. Output Level : >100dBμV >105dBμV
ii. Max. Input Level : >85dBμV >90dBμV
D. TV- FM-IF Outlets
1. The outlets shall be triple socket for TV-FM-IF to cover frequencies up to 2,400
MHz, connection of coaxial cable by means of screw terminal.


35.2.4 General
A. Installations shall comply with system components shall be installed and tested in
accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and recommendations.
B. The system components shall be located as indicated in Project Drawing. The system
grounding shall comply with Kahramaa Regulations.

35.2.5 Distribution System

A. The Contractor shall configure the distribution system components in a manner
consistent with the manufacturer's specifications. The distribution system configuration
and placement shall conform to available cable routing and proposed equipment
locations as shown.

35.2.6 Components
A. Amplifiers, combiners, splitters, and power supplies shall be located in a secured area
on the specified equipment backboard or rack mounted.
B. Satellite Dishes and Antennas
1. Satellite Dishes and Antennas shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. Exact antenna alignment to receive the maximum
signal level and quality is the responsibility of the Contractor. Antenna downlead
cable shall be supported at intervals of not more than one meter three feet.

35.2.7 Testing
A. After installation of the cable and before connection to system components, each cable
section shall be tested using a time domain reflectometer (TDR) to determine shorts,
open, kinks, and other impedance discontinuities and their locations. Cable sections
showing adverse impedance discontinuities (defined as greater than 6 dB loss) shall be
replaced at the Contractor's expense. There shall be no cable splices between system
components unless approved.
B. An end-to-end system test shall be conducted to determine if the system performance
requirements have been met. Tests shall also be performed on randomly selected
equipment, components, and modules selected at the time of testing by the
Government, to determine if the system meets the specified requirements. Deficient
portions of the system shall be repaired and retested at the Contractor's expense.

35.2.8 Training
A. The Contractor shall conduct a training course in accordance to Part 1, clause 1.1.28.



36.1.1 Scope
A. This Part shall include labor, materials and accessories for the complete performance of
the CCTV System.
B. The complete CCTV system shall be in accordance to the latest MOI-SSD guidelines.

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C. The Contractor shall employ an approved MOI-SSD CCTV Contractor to provide labor,
materials, and services to supply, install, test and commission the CCTV System.
D. The Contractor shall liaise with MOI-SSD for the required approval of the CCTV system
design and Project Inspection during construction, testing and commissioning
E. The System components shall be from a reputable manufacturer having full service
facilities. The system shall be designed, installed, commissioned and tested by an
authorized agent.
F. The details and system configuration described within the specification and drawings
indicate the general principal and standards required for the tender purposes. The final
configuration shall be subject to the approved supplier equipment and specific

36.1.2 References
A. The following standards and documents of other organizations are referred to in this
Part, and shall be complied with:
 BS 7958 - Closed circuit television (CCTV). Management
and operation. Code of practice
 BS 8418 - Installation and remote monitoring of detector-
activated CCTV systems;
 BS EN 50132 - Alarm systems. CCTV surveillance systems for
use in security applications; and
 MOI-SSD Guidelines.

36.1.3 System Requirements

A. All devices shall be MoI-SSD approved.
B. The Contractor/Subcontractor shall be an approved MOI-SSD Contractor/Supplier; to
supply, install, test, and commission of CCTV System.
C. Complete system CCTV system shall be IP-based, using MJPEG and H.264 formats,
across several resolution configurations, as indicated on the Project Drawings. The
package includes software for remote monitoring.
D. The system shall be composed of open IP cameras, video ware, LCD monitors, and
LAN switches.

36.1.4 Submittals
A. The Contractor shall submit to MoI-SSD the required Construction Documents for
approval prior implementation.
B. Product data: The following shall be provided:
1. Technical data sheets;
2. Quick reference setup guide; and
3. A complete set of instruction manuals.


36.2.1 General Cameras

A. All equipment and materials used shall be standard components that are regularly
manufactured and utilized in the manufacturer’s system.
B. All cameras shall be support open IP standards and shall have 1.3 megapixel resolution
(minimum), network indoor/outdoor rugged dome camera designed with industry-
leading image quality and high performance processing power. Its sturdy metal design
is vandal and tamper resistant and is designed for worry-free use in a wide range of
environmental operating conditions
C. All systems and components shall have been thoroughly tested and proven in actual

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D. The cameras shall have auto iris, auto exposure, back light compensation, wide
dynamic range, contrast enhancement, digital noise reduction, digital image
stabilization, privacy masking, motion detection, digital/optical zoom, multiple gain
control, white balance, intelligent video analytics, audio I/O, VPS interlaces scanning
E. All cameras shall support two simultaneous video streams. The two streams can be
compressed in MJPEG and H.264 formats across several resolution configurations. The
streams can be configured in a variety of frame rates, bit rates, and group of pictures
(GOP) structures for additional bandwidth administration.
F. In extreme lighting conditions, all exits, and entrances, cameras shall have Wide
Dynamic Range (WDR) performance.
G. Outdoor cameras shall be provided with infrared.

36.2.2 Fixed Dome Cameras

A. Fixed dome cameras shall have the following characteristics:
1. Image device : 1/3” or 1/2”;
2. Image type : CMOS;
3. Image readout : Progressive scan; and
4. Minimum resolution : 1280 x 1024.

36.2.3 Pan/Tilt/Zoom Dome Cameras

A. Pan/tilt/zome dome cameras shall have the following characteristics:
1. Image Device : 1/3 or 1/2”;
2. Image Type : CMOS;
3. Image Readout : Progressive scan;
4. Minimum resolution : 1280 x 1024; and
5. Pan Range : +/-180 endless.

36.2.4 PC Workstations
A. The PC Workstation shall provide displays of no more than nine (9) cameras at anytime
in a standard 32” Full HD LED monitors, at any given circumstances, the numbers of
cameras per display screen will depend primary as the size of screen. The system must
have full function control units (joystick control units) including keyboard and mouse
facility to use with.

36.2.5 Servers
A. The Contractor shall provide high end server(s) to manage CCTV system components.
The server shall consist of video management server, recording server, video analytics
and fail over/redundant server.

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36.2.6 Storages
A. The Contactor shall provide high performance array storage and recording server,
sufficient storage system capable of storing 120 day in MPEG-4 or H.264 format or
better quality compression technology. The recording frame rate and resolution must be
programmable from the user level. It should provide the ability to customize also the
quality to video output based on the viewing needs and storing capacity. The integration
of the recording server, recording software, and storage array into a highly optimized
chassis can easily support standard resolution and megapixel camera recording
workloads. The purpose-built, highly optimized design reduces annual operating costs
by eliminating the cost of additional servers and the associated heating, ventilation, and
cooling requirements they introduce. Reliability is enhanced through the use of
redundancy at all common failure points. To mitigate any downtime resulting from
Compact Flash errors, the database is striped across the storage array. The RAID 6
storage configuration provides double parity protection of recorded data. The hard drive
bay is cooled through the use of high capacity, redundant fans to ensure that the drives
are kept at an optimum operating temperature.

36.2.7 Local Area Network

A. Provide Local Area Network for dedicated for CCTV, in accordance to MoI-SSD


36.3.1 General
A. Provide, install, test and commission the system in accordance with the plans and
specifications and approved shop drawings. Upon completion, certify the complete
system. Wiring color code shall be maintained throughout the installation.
B. Installation of equipment and devices that pertain to other work in the contract shall be
closely coordinated with the appropriate subcontractors.
C. Clean all dirt and debris from the inside and the outside of the CCTV equipment after
completion of the installation.
D. The manufacturer's authorized representative shall provide onsite supervision of
installation to ensure published recommendations are complied with.

36.3.2 Type of Cables

A. All camera signals and power shall be transmitted over the Cat 6 cabling and fiber
backbone. All power to cameras shall be PoE.
B. Cable shall be in accordance to Part 14, Structured Cabling, clauses 14.2.3 and 14.2.7.

36.3.3 Cabling and Wiring

A. Wiring for the CCTV system shall be segregated from all lighting and power systems.
B. Wiring within any control equipment shall be readily accessible without removing any
components or parts.
C. All cabling shall be concealed in the building fabric for all conditioned areas.
D. Cables fixed to cable trays above ceilings shall be installed on a single layer to enable
access to all cables.

36.3.4 Testing and Commissioning

A. Upon the completion of the installation, the system shall be subject to functional and
operation performance tests including test of each camera.
B. Provide the service of competent, factory trained engineer or technician authorized by
the manufacturer of the CCTV equipment to technically supervise and participate during
all of the adjustments and commissioning of the system
C. Before energizing the cables and wires, check for correct connections and test for earth
faults, continuity and insulation.

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D. All camera lenses shall be tested for proper viewing angle. The viewing angle shall be
adjusted at site.
E. The Storage shall be tested for the recording in the hard disk.

36.3.5 Training
A. The Contractor in conjunction with the specialist vendor shall include Six (6) days
training in the operation and management of the system to the Employer, designated
staff and to the approval of the Engineer.

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3.1.1 Scope
A. This part specifies the requirements for the material, installation, testing and
commissioning of services for analogue addressable fire alarm systems for use within
B. Fire alarm panels, repeater panels, detection components, alarm components, cables,
other materials and their installation shall be approved by Civil Defense Department.
C. The fire alarm system Contractor shall be registered with, and on the approved
contractors list of, the Civil Defense Department.

3.1.2 References and Compliance

A. The following standards are referred to in this Part:
 BS 5839 - Fire detection and alarm systems for buildings:
 BS 5445 - Components of automatic fire detection
systems: detectors
 BS 5501 - Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive
 BS 7671 - IEE Wiring regulations
B. Where applicable, the fire detection and alarm system and its installation shall comply
with the relevant standards, regulations, rules and recommendations of the following:
 British Standards BS
 National Fire Prevention Association NFPA
 Underwriters Laboratory, Inc. UL
 Loss Prevention Council Board LPCB
 Ministry of Interior General Admin. Civil Defense Fire Prevention Department
C. Where applicable, the Fire Detection and Alarm System and its installation shall comply
with the relevant standards, regulations, rules and recommendations of the Civil
Defense Department, Ministry of the Interior, State of Qatar.

3.1.3 Submittals
A. Shop Drawings: All submittal shall be in accordance to Section 21, Part1.
B. Product Data.
C. Cause and Effects Matrix System:
1. The Contractor shall provide a detailed cause and effects matrix system as a shop
drawing which shall reflect all details about the fire alarm condition, supervision
conditions and trouble conditions for all fire alarm components and all related
system interfaces.
2. Updating of the cause and effect matrix system subject for approval by the operator
and the Consultant Supervision at construction phase.

3.1.4 System of Operation

A. The alarm activation of any area smoke detector, heat detector, and manual pull station,
the following functions shall automatically occur:
1. The internal audible device shall sound at the control panel.

Electrical Specification Page 144 of 161


2. The LCD display shall indicate all applicable information associated with the alarm
condition including; zone and time/date.
3. All system activity/events shall be documented in system history.
4. Local annunciator LCD/LED's associated with the alarm zone shall be illuminated.
5. Activate notification audible appliances throughout the building
6. Activate visual strobes notification appliances throughout the building. The visual
strobe shall continue to flash until the system has been reset. The visual strobe
shall not stop operating when the "Alarm Silence" is pressed.
B. The alarm activation of any villa smoke and/or heat detector, the following functions
shall automatically occur:
1. The internal audible device shall sound at the control panel.
2. The LCD display shall indicate all applicable information associated with the alarm
condition including; zone and time/date.
3. All system activity/events shall be documented in system history.
4. Local annunciator LCD/LED's associated with the alarm zone shall be illuminated..

3.1.5 System of Wiring

A. Fire alarm wiring shall be completely segregated from all other systems.
B. All wiring shall be fire rated, refer to Section 21, Part 6, clause 6.2.2 (L). Cable
conductors shall not be less than 1.5mm² for initiating circuits and 2.5 mm² for
notification circuits. Joints in cables shall be made only at accessories unless otherwise
agreed with the Engineer when the joint box shall be detailed on record drawings.
C. Equipment shall all be connected on a two wire fully maintained closed circuit. Fire
alarm cables shall be installed in conduits concealed in the building fabric except in
plant rooms and service where a surface installation shall be provided.
D. Cables and wire entries to the fire control panel and associated devices shall be fitted
with glands or grommets to prevent possible damage to the insulation.
E. All cables from the fire alarm control panel to the detection and alarm devices shall be
clearly labelled.
F. The fire alarm system mains power isolating switch shall be colored RED and clearly
G. All cabling and wiring shall be tested before they are connected to the fire control panel
and its associated devices.


3.2.1 Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP)

A. The Fire Alarm Control Panel shall be a multi-processor-based system designed
specifically for fire system application; and shall be networked with other panels in the
Facility, to form part of the Complete Fire Alarm System.
B. The system shall be designed and equipped to receive, monitor, and annunciate signals
from devices and circuits installed throughout the building. Standard LED annunciators
may be combined in common enclosures provided that the groups of LEDs comprising
each of the required annunciators are separated from one another (Fire, Supervisory,
Trouble and Status) and clearly labeled.
C. Each FACP shall have four lines by 20 characters LCD text display, configurable to
display the status of any combination of alarm, supervisory, trouble, monitor, or service
group event messages.
D. Clear distinction shall be provided between unacknowledged and acknowledged alarm,
supervisory, trouble, and monitor status messages.
E. The fire alarm control panel shall be QCDD approved.

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F. The control panel shall be capable of receiving and analysing signals from fire
detectors, providing audible and visual information to the user and initiating automatic
alarm response sequences.
G. It shall be modular in construction allowing for future extension of the system and shall
be able to be easily configured to meet the exact detection zone and output-mapping
requirements of the areas considered and are microprocessor based operating under a
multi-tasking software program. Operating programs and configuration data must be
contained in easily up-datable non-volatile memory (EEPROM).
H. It shall incorporate a real time clock to enable events to be accurately referenced
against time and date.
I. It shall be possible, for an Engineer to perform configuration updates on site at the
panel or at the control workstation in the control room.
J. The Contractor responsible for the installation shall operate an approved document
control system for the retention of configuration data.
K. The panel shall comprise separate processors; cross-monitoring each other’s correct
operation, for the major functions of the systems. In particular different processors must
be used for the main control function, the detection input and alarm output functions and
the display and control function. No more than 200 addressable input or output points
shall be controlled by a single processor.
L. The panel shall incorporate a key switch to prevent unauthorized use of the manual
M. The panel shall be capable of operating with intelligent addressable detectors and
addressable ancillary equipment.
N. Provision shall be made for each addressable loop to be sub-divided into geographical
zones. The section of wiring corresponding to each zone circuit shall be protected from
faults in other sections by line isolator modules.
O. In order to facilitate re-configuration and system extension, the allocation of addresses
to devices shall be independent of their physical arrangement on the loops.
P. The panel shall have provision to house the AC Main power supply and batteries.
Q. The panel shall monitor the status of all devices on the addressable loops for fire, short-
circuit fault, open-circuit fault, incorrect addressing, unauthorised device removal or
exchange, pre-alarm condition and contaminated sensor condition.
R. All internal connection and interfaces including charger, battery and remote signalling
functions shall also be monitored.
S. The following discrete visual indications shall be provided:
1. POWER ON - green LED indicator;
2. FIRE ALARM - dual red LED indicator;
3. FAULT - yellow LED indicator;
4. DISABLED / ISOLATED - yellow LED indicator; and
5. FIRE ZONES - red LED indicator per zone.
T. In addition the panels shall also have an integral LCD alphanumeric display. In order to
provide an easy identification of different information, the LCD display shall be arranged to
display the following :
1. Event type;
2. Zone message;
3. Addressable point message; and
4. Circuit identifier / Point number / Zone number and Number of events in the system.
U. The panel shall provide a set of push button controls to enable an authorised operator to
perform the following :
1. EVACUATE - actuates ALL alarm sounders in the system;
2. SILENCE - stops all currently actuated alarm sounders; and

Electrical Specification Page 146 of 161


3. RESET - returns the panels to quiescent condition.

V. A facility to manually check all the discrete LED indicators shall be available. This shall be
clearly marked 'LAMPTEST' and be accessible at all time.
W. The panel shall have a simple to operate keypad to enable a user, interacting with the
information displayed on the LCD, to access the various built-in functions. A customer
configurable pass code facility for the following levels of access shall be provided:
1. User Operator;
2. User Manager;
3. User Engineer;
4. Specialist Engineer;
5. Specialist Engineer Supervisor; and
6. Alarm Company Engineer.
X. The panel shall provide facilities to drive visual indication LED mimic displays for each of
the following zonal status :
1. Alarm;
2. Fault; and
3. Isolated.
Y. The panel shall provide volt-free contact facilities for remote signalling the following system
conditions :
1. Alarm;
2. Pre-alarm;
3. Fault; and
4. Zone Isolated.
Z. The panel shall be capable of monitoring and controlling remote devices, such as relays for
the control mechanical equipment directly from the addressable loops.
AA. The panel shall interrogate each addressable device at least once every 2 seconds and
shall incorporate fire decision algorithms specifically adapted to the response characteristic
of the intelligent addressable detectors employed.
BB. The algorithms shall perform a trend analyst of the signal received from the intelligent
addressable detectors in order that non-fire events may be differential.
CC. The circuitry shall be designed so that, for each type of intelligent addressable detectors
the overall response time including the detector, the signal transmission system and the
fire decision algorithm, meets the requirement of the relevant part of BS 5445 (EN54).
DD. A special scanning sequence so that designated manual call points provide alarm
indication and warning within 1 second of operation shall be provided.
EE. A facility to automatically adjust the sensitivity of intelligent detectors to a higher level for
periods of time when the building is unoccupied shall be provided.
FF. The panel shall have the ability to annunciate a pre-alarm condition designed to give the
earliest possible warning of a potential fire condition without raising the full alarm condition.
GG.The panel shall have the ability to automatically adjust the alarm and pre-alarm threshold
levels to compensate for changes in detector sensitivity due to contamination over a period
of time.
HH. The panel shall have the ability to provide automatic warning that a detector has reached a
level of contamination, which requires that it be replaced or serviced.
II. The panel shall be capable of providing a two-stage sounder facility that can be
programmed, either on a zonal basis or common system basis. Three possible sound
outputs shall be available as follows:
1. Alert pulsed tone;
2. Evacuate continuous tone; and
3. User definable tone for specialised events.

Electrical Specification Page 147 of 161


JJ. The panel shall have the facility to change the sound output dependent upon whether the
source of alarm is an automatic sensor, a manual call point or an EVACUATE command.
KK. The panel shall be capable of generating customer definable time delay sequences to
upgrade, without the need for external timers, alarm sounder responses as follows:
1. Silent to Alert;
2. Alert to Evacuate; and
3. Silent to user defined tone.
LL. The panel shall monitor all critical system components and interconnections, internal and
external, such that failure, which would prevent the correct operation of the alarm functions,
causes the FAULT indicator to light and a message to be given on the alphanumeric
display. The following faults shall be reported:
1. Loop Short Circuit;
2. Loop Open Circuit;
3. Un-configured Device;
4. Addressable Device Failure;
5. Device Not Responding;
6. Incorrectly Configured Device;
7. Detector Condition Monitoring Device;
8. Call Point wiring Open Circuit;
9. Call Point Wiring Short Circuit;
10. Detector Circuit Wiring Fault;
11. Repeater / Repeater LCD, Remote Printer Failure;
12. Power Supply Unit Fault;
13. Charger Fault;
14. Battery Fault;
15. Battery Critical;
16. Mains Failure;
17. Relay Output Stuck;
18. Signalling Fault;
19. Sounder Wiring Open Circuit; and
20. Sounder Wiring Short Circuit
MM. The panel shall provide text messages to indicate the precise location of where a fault
has occurred in the system.
NN. The panel shall incorporate the following system management facilities:
1. Isolate/re-connect a particular addressable point;
2. Isolate/re-connect a particular detector zone;
3. Isolate/re-connect a particular sounder zone;
4. View the number of alarms since power up;
5. View the number of software initialization since power up;
6. View common alarm status;
7. View common fault status;
8. View common disabled status;
9. View zonal alarm status;
10. View zonal fault status;
11. View zonal isolated status;
12. View point address status;
13. Print event log;
14. Print points isolated;
Electrical Specification Page 148 of 161

15. Print points in detector Condition Monitoring Fault; and

16. Print point status.
OO.The panels shall have an event log capable of storing events that have occurred. It shall be
possible to view the content of the log via the alphanumeric display.
PP. Events shall be displayed in chronological order in any of the following three options:
1. Newest event first;
2. Oldest event first; and
3. Highest priority event first.
QQ.The panel shall be capable or providing audible and visual warning when a weekly system
test, as defined in BS 5839 is required.
RR. The panel shall be capable, via a suitable addressable timer unit, of isolating a group of
selected detectors in areas of the building where maintenance work is being carried out.
The detectors shall be automatically re-instated after a pre-determined time.
SS. The controller panel shall contain a RS232 printer/programming port for programming
locally via a PC. When operational, each controller shall support a printer through the
RS232 port and be capable of message routing.
TT. The controller panel shall contain a RS485 port for networking all the FACP in the Villas
and the Fire Alarm System Workstation.

3.2.2 Addressable Manual Call Points

A. Addressable manual call points shall monitor and signal to the control and indicating
equipment, the status of a switch operation by a "break glass" assembly. The
addressable manual call point shall comply with BS 5839: Part 2.
B. The addressable call points shall be capable of operating by means of thumb pressure
and not require a hammer. The addressable call points shall be capable of monitoring at
least three slave conventional manual call points.
C. The addressable call points shall be capable of being mounted in weatherproof casing
with ingress protection to IP 66.
D. The addressable call points shall incorporate a mechanism to interrupt the normal
addressable loop scan to provide all alarm response within less than 1 second and
shall be capable of being tested using a special key, without the need of shattering the
E. The addressable call points shall be field programmable to trigger either an alert or an
evacuate response from the central indicating equipment. The addressable call points
shall provide an integral LED to indicate activation.
F. All inscriptions on the manual call points shall be permanently made on the cover and
not on the glass.
G. The alarm condition shall be maintained until reset by an authorized person by means
of a special tool provided for that purpose.

3.2.3 Point Type Detectors

A. All detectors shall be of addressable type suitable for mounting to a common base and
connected to a two-wire looped circuit.
B. Heat detectors shall generally be designed to operate on "rate of rise" and a fixed
temperature 57ºC. Where heat detectors are installed in kitchens, plant spaces etc.,
where rapid temperature changes may occur they shall be fixed temperature type 90ºC.
Rate-of rise shall operate at temperature rise gradients of between 8.25ºC – 13.5ºC.
C. Smoke detectors shall be of the photo-optical type. They shall incorporate green colored
LED's to indicate that the unit is operational. Smoke and heat detectors shall also
incorporate red colored LED's to indicate when the unit is in an "alarm" state.
D. The detector locations shown on the drawings are typical only. The Contractor shall
include in his tender for all necessary detectors to provide a system completely in

Electrical Specification Page 149 of 161


accordance with project requirement including detectors in ceiling voids greater than
800mm in depth, duct work etc. where required by the Project.

3.2.4 Alarm Sounders

A. Alarm sounders shall be of the electronic type capable of being programmed with
different tones. The location of sounders shown on the Project Drawings is typical only.
The Contractor shall allow for sufficient number of sounders and provide the sound level
and level of uniformity required by BS 5839. All fire alarm sounders within the building
shall have similar sound characteristics except in areas of high background noise. The
sounders shall be located within the ceiling near to the air-conditioning return grill in
non-visible locations. The location of sounders shall be co-ordinated at site.

3.2.5 Strobes
A. Provide low profile wall mount horn/strobes at the locations shown on the drawings.
The sounder/strobe shall provide an audible output of 84dBA at 3m. Strobes shall
provide synchronized flash outputs. The strobe output shall be determined as required
by its specific location and application from a family of 15cd, 30cd, 60cd, 75cd & 110cd
devices. The horn shall have a selectable steady or synchronized temporal output.
B. Strobes shall provide synchronized flash outputs. The light output shall be an even “Full
Light” pattern with no hot spots. It shall be possible to flash the strobe at a temporal
flash rate to match the alarm sounder.
C. It shall be possible to change the strobe setting without removing the device from the
D. The location of strobes, shown on the Project Drawings is typical only. The Contractor
shall allow for sufficient number of sounders and provide the sound level and level of
uniformity required by BS 5839.

3.2.6 Addressable Relay Output Modules

A. The addressable relay output module shall provide a volt free changeover relay
contacts operated by command from control and indicating equipment. The contacts of
the addressable relay output module shall be rated at 1 amp at 24 volt DC. The module
shall monitor the relay coil for open circuit and transmit the fault signal to control and
indicating equipment.
B. The addressable relay output module shall be capable of deriving power for its
operation, from the addressable loop. It shall have a red LED indication when the
contact has operated.

3.2.7 Addressable Contact Monitoring Modules

A. The addressable contact monitoring module shall provide monitoring of the status of
switched input signals from either NO or NC contacts. The module shall provide a red
LED indicator when a contact has operated.
B. The addressable contact monitor module shall be capable of deriving its power directly
form the addressable loop.

3.2.8 Addressable Analog Monitoring Modules

C. The addressable analog monitoring module shall provide monitoring of the status of the
4-20mA input signals from other devices, such as carbon monoxide sensor.
D. The addressable analog monitor module shall be capable of converting the analog
signal to relay output, to provide signal to other devices.

3.2.9 Addressable Sounder Driver Modules

A. Addressable sounder driver module shall be capable of monitoring and driving a circuit
of alarm sounders.
B. Sounder driver modules shall be capable of operating the sounders in a pulsing or
continuous mode as determined by the panel.

Electrical Specification Page 150 of 161


C. Sounder driver modules shall provide the facility to monitor the wiring to the sounders
for open or short circuit and transmit the necessary fault signal to the panel.
D. Sounder driver modules shall provide the facility to monitor for failure of the power
supply for the sounder and transmit the necessary fault signal to the panel. Addressable
sounder driver modules shall provide red LED indicators that the sounder circuit has
been actuated.

3.2.10 Sounder Booster Modules

A. Sounder booster modules shall be capable of monitoring and driving a heavy-duty
circuit of sounders. Sounder booster modules shall be capable of interfacing either to
the common sounder outputs of the panel or to the output of the addressable sounder
driver module.
B. Sounder booster modules shall be designed to maintain the monitoring of the sounder
circuit and transmit a fault signal either via the addressable sounder driver module or
directly to the panel.

3.2.11 Fire Sprinkler System Alarm & Monitoring

A. Fire sprinkler system shall be provided and installed with monitoring modules to provide
alarm and monitoring to all buildings.

3.2.12 Control Relay & Monitor Modules

A. All buildings sliding doors shall be provided and installed with control relay and monitor
modules, to control and monitor the doors in case of fire.

3.2.13 Line Isolator Modules

A. Line isolator modules shall provide protection of the addressable loop by automatically
disconnecting the section of wiring between two modules where a short circuit has
B. Line isolation module shall derive power directly from the addressable loop and have an
LED indication that the module has tripped.

3.2.14 Battery/Charger Console

A. Battery / charger console shall be provide where it is not an integral part of the control
panel and in which case it shall be a completely self-contained console enclosing both
nickel cadmium batteries and automatic battery charger for DC power.
B. The charger shall be two-rate constant potential unit maintaining the batteries fully
charged under all service conditions. After an AC power failure longer than 10 seconds,
a timer shall automatically switch the charger to its high-rate mode. Following the
predetermined high-rate charge period, the timer shall automatically return the batteries
to float charge. A remote initiation of the timed high-rate charge mode shall be possible.
C. The front panel shall include a DC voltmeter, a DC ammeter, indicator lights for float
and high-rate charge modes, and a push-button permitting manual initiation of the timed
high-rate charge mode.
D. The front of the cabinet shall be provided with hinged doors held closed by magnetic
catches. Built-in stepped steel shelves shall position the rows of translucent plastic cells
for visual check of electrolyte levels.
E. Access to the charger compartment shall be by a lift-off top cover, held in place with
F. The unit shall be ventilated through louvers.
G. The cabinet shall be made of sheet steel finished in baked grey enamel.
H. The unit shall be provided with float potentiometer, high-rate potentiometer, AC & DC
fuses, AC failure alarm relay, 24 hour automatic timer, earth detectors, AC pilot light etc.

35.2.9 High Sensitivity Smoke Detection (HSSD)

A. General

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1. The purpose of this specification is to establish the minimum requirements for the
manufacture, testing, supply, design of the sampling pipe and point network,
installation, testing and commissioning of the Complete High Sensitivity Smoke
Detection System.
2. The system shall consist of a high sensitivity laser based smoke detector chamber,
aspiring pump and a network of detector pipe work designed to monitor the
designated area.
3. Both light scattering and particle counting shall be utilized in this device as follows:
a. The laser detection chamber shall use Light scattering technology and be
capable of detecting a broad spectrum of smoke; and
b. A particle counting method shall be employed for the purpose of monitoring
contamination (dust & dirt etc.) to prevent nuisance alarm and to automatically
alert when maintenance is required.
4. It shall be modular, with each detector monitored by a display featuring LEDs and
visual indicators.
5. System shall provide four level of alarms i.e. Alert-1, Alert-2, Fire-1 & Fire-2 at pre
specified alarm threshold.
6. The system shall be configurable by a programmer. The programmer may be either
integral to the system or portable.
7. The system shall allow programming of:
a. Four level Smoke threshold alarm levels;
b. Alarm delays;
c. Fault level including airflow detector monitoring and power etc; and
d. Relay outputs for remote indication of alarm and fault conditions.
8. The pipe network shall consist of a designed and balanced air sampling pipe
network to transport air to the detection system.
9. HSSD system shall also have following facilities:
a. Dedicated graphics package;
b. Interface with Building Fire Alarm Systems; and
c. Plug in PC facilities.
10. The system shall be microprocessor based with self-diagnostic features.
11. The system shall allow programming of:
a. Both online and offline configuration of logics as well as graphics; and
b. Future modifications shall be possible without interrupting the existing system.
B. Submittal
1. The Contractor shall submit detailed design of the Sampling Pipe and Point
Network, including isometric diagrams, complete with dimensions. The design shall
be supported by calculations showing transport time, vacuum pressures and
balance details of each sampling point.
2. Completed system commissioning data and witness test sheets of fire simulation in
accordance with BS 6266 shall be issued upon project completion.
C. Specific Requirements
1. System design shall ensure compatibility with the Building’s Fire Detection System
& HSSD system.
2. The system design shall be such that it can effectively monitor all areas of the room
where there is potential for fire, i.e. voids/ cable cellars and false ceilings etc.
3. System design shall take due consideration of number of air changes per hour
within the rooms, type of air conditioning, air movement and cleanliness of the
rooms and shall clearly identify and specify appropriate method of installation.
D. Dirty and Dusty Areas

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1. HSSD systems shall incorporate filtration or methods to compensate for dust, within
the HSSD unit. In very dusty environment additional filters shall be used. These
must be applicable to the application and installed in accordance with
manufacturer’s guidelines.
E. HVAC Duct Detection
1. Sampling pipe installed within the return air duct shall be installed in accordance
with the BFPSA COP for HSSDs.
2. Sampling pipe installed within the duct will require the sample points positioned at
an angle of 30-60°C off centre into the airflow. It is recommended that each sample
point shall have a maximum area coverage of 0.4 m2 of the cross sectional area.
3. Where possible the sampling pipe should be installed in the centre of the airflow
and away from bends. It is also recommended that the sampling pipe be installed
close to inspection hatches for maintenance purpose.
4. Due to the use of high efficiency particle filters within the HVAC systems, it is
recommended that monitoring be carried out before the filter, as smoke particles
may also be removed by the filter.
F. HSSD Detector Assembly
1. The detector and aspirator shall be housed in a mounting box and shall be arranged
in such a way that air is drawn from the risk area through a monitored particle knock
out unit and to the detector by the aspirator.
2. The detector shall be laser based type and shall have obscuration sensitivity in the
range of better than 0.03% to 25% Obsc/meter. Sensitivity at each sampling point
shall not be less than 5% Obsc/meter (as specified by BFPSA code).
3. The detector shall incorporate facilities to transmit detector fault and air flow fault
4. The particle knock out unit shall be capable of filtering air born heavy particles from
the air sample to protect the detector optics and prolong service life of the unit.
5. The aspirator shall be a purpose built air pump. It shall be capable of allowing for a
sampling pipe run of up to 200 meters or a multiple of 4 pipe runs of 50 meters per
pipe, with a transport time of less than 120 seconds.
6. The assembly must contain relays for alarm and fault conditions. The relay shall be
software programmable to the required functions.
7. The assembly shall be able to be mounted directly to a wall.
8. The assembly shall have built in data and event logging, include smoke levels and
fault monitoring.
9. Each display shall have following minimum features:
a. An obscuration % display;
b. Independent field programmable alarm thresholds with corresponding output
c. 0-60 second adjustable time delays for each alarm threshold;
d. Test, isolate and reset front penal switches that when operated incorporate:
i. Lights and Audible tests;
ii. Reset Capability; and
iii. Fire Zone Isolation;
e. Units used for executive action shall provide executive action override;
f. Display of real time % per meter smoke obscuration level; and
g. Display of smoke sensitivity setting.
10. Each programmer shall have following minimum features:
a. Able to program any device in the system;
b. Able to view the status of any device in the system;
c. Able to record an event log for later viewing;

Electrical Specification Page 153 of 161


d. Able to adjust the sensitivity of the nominated detector;

e. Program latching or non-latching relay operation;
f. Program flow fault settings for air flow supervision;
g. Program aspirator sped control;
h. Program maintenance intervals; and
i. Select auto learn features to automatically self-configure the system’s alarm
levels at the time of commissioning to suit the current environment.
11. Sampling Pipe and Point Network Design: The contractor/vendor shall complete the
detailed design for the sampling pipe and point network. The sampling pipe and
point network shall be arranged to provide optimum efficiency. The transport time
from the last sampling point in the system shall not exceed 120 seconds and the
system shall be balanced so that the volume of air drawn from the last sampling
point shall not be less than 70% of the volume from the first sampling point.
G. HSSD Power Supply
1. The system shall be suitable to operate in 230V AC.
2. The HSSD System power supply shall include, rectifier, battery charger, nickel
cadmium batteries and control panel. The charger shall be two-rate constant
potential unit maintaining the batteries fully charged under all service conditions.
After an AC power failure longer than 10 seconds, a timer shall automatically switch
the charger to its high-rate mode. Following the predetermined high-rate charge
period, the timer shall automatically return the batteries to float charge. A remote
initiation of the timed high-rate charge mode shall be possible. The front panel shall
include a DC voltmeter, a DC ammeter, indicator lights for float and high-rate
charge modes, and a push-button permitting manual initiation of the timed high-rate
charge mode.
3. Battery capacity shall be capable of supplying the HSSD System for 24 hours on
quiescent mode and 10 minutes on alarm mode.

3.2.15 Ancillary Equipment

A. All ancillary equipment shall be QCDD approved.


3.3.1 General
A. Correct installation, combined with the use of high quality equipment, components and
cabling ensures that the fire detection and alarm system shall operate as designed and
provide many years of trouble free service.
B. The Contractor shall install the alarm system in accordance with the manufacturer’s
documented installation instructions.
C. The Contractor shall provide all relevant installation documentation required for each
component of the system.
D. Installation of the system shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of BS
5839: Part 1 and BS 7671.
E. The Contractor shall be responsible for the correct sitting of all equipment and
components of the system in accordance with the Project Documentation.
F. All cabling and wiring shall be tested before they are connected to the fire controller and
its associated devices. The Contractor shall note that if the tests are carried out after the
cables and wires have been connected to the controller and its devices, components
within the controller and devices will be damaged by high voltages used during testing.
G. At detector and sounder locations, cables shall be terminated in approved black
enamelled/galvanized junction boxes. All other devices forming part of the system shall
utilize dedicated/custom back boxes.

Electrical Specification Page 154 of 161


3.3.2 Installation of Detectors

A. All detectors (and bases) shall be installed in accordance with the relevant provisions of
BS 5839: Part 1, BS 7671 and the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer.
B. The number and type of detectors required to be installed shall be as detailed on the
Project Drawing. The location of each type of detector installed shall generally be as
shown on the Project Drawings but their final position shall be determined on site.
C. All detector bases shall be securely fixed to boxes and allow for easy fitting and removal
of detectors.
D. Cable and wire entries to detector bases shall be fitted with grommets to prevent
possible damage to the insulation.
E. Cable and wire strain relief clamps shall be provided at all entries to detector bases.
F. Cable entries of detector bases used in environments with abnormal atmospheric or
operating conditions shall be appropriately sealed to prevent ingress of dust, water
moisture or other such contaminants.

3.3.3 Installation of Control Devices

A. All control devices (e.g. call points, sounders, interface modules, etc.) shall be installed
in accordance with the relevant provisions of BS 5839: Part, BS 7671 and the
installation instructions provided by the manufacturer.
B. The location of control devices and associated modules to be installed shall generally
be as shown on the Project Drawings but their final position shall be determined on site.
C. The type of control device installed in each particular location shall be the type specified
in the Project Documents.
D. All control devices and associated modules shall be securely fixed, and if required,
marked with appropriate notices, warnings, signs as applicable.
E. Cable and wire entries to all control devices and associated modules shall be fitted with
grommets or glands so as to prevent possible damage to the insulation.
F. Cable entries of control devices and associated modules used in environments with
abnormal atmospheric or operating conditions shall be appropriately sealed to prevent
ingress of dust, water, moisture or other such contaminants.

3.3.4 Installation of Fire Controller Equipment

A. The fire controller equipment shall be installed in accordance with the relevant
provisions of BS 5839: Part 1, BS 7671 and the installation instructions provided by the
B. The installation location of the fire controller and its associated component parts shall
generally be as shown on the Project Drawings but their final position shall be
determined on site.
C. The type of fire controller and its associated component parts installed shall be the type
specified in the Project Documentation.
D. The fire controller equipment shall be securely fixed, and if required, marked with
appropriate notices, warnings, signs as applicable.
E. Cable and wire entries to the fire controller and associated devices shall be fitted with
grommets or glands to prevent possible damage to the insulation.
F. The fire alarm system mains power connections to the fire controller equipment shall be
accordance with the guidelines set out in the relevant British Standards and the
installation instructions provided by the manufacturer.
G. The fire alarm system mains power isolating switch shall be colored red and clearly
H. Each circuit of the system shall be connected to the fire controller via associated fuse or
circuit breaker devices located within the fire controller unit.
I. All cables from the fire controller equipment to the detection and alarm devices shall be
clearly labeled as part of the fire detection and alarm system.

Electrical Specification Page 155 of 161


3.3.5 Installation of HSSD

A. Installation Detection System: HSSD system shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s installation and instruction manual.
1. Installation of Sampling Pipe Network
a. The main sampling pipe shall be made of non-metallic, ABS (Acrylonitrile
Butadiene Styrene) plastic or equivalent having lightweight, high weatherability,
high toughness, durability and chemical resistance features.
b. Internal diameter of sampling pipe shall be in range of 15 to 25 mm to conform
with the detection response time requirement and shall be identified as
Detection Sampling pipe at intervals not exceeding 2 meters.
c. The far end of each trunk or branch pipe shall be fitted with an end cap and
drilled with a hole (normally of 4 mm diameter) appropriately sized to achieve
the performance as specified and as calculated by the system design.
d. All joints shall be air tight and made by using solvent cement or similar suitable
e. All pipes shall be supported at not less than 1.5 m centres.
2. Installation Sampling Point Network
a. Sampling holes appropriately sized to achieve the performance as specified and
calculated by the system design, shall not be more than 10 meter intervals for
installations complying with BS 5839 pt 1 and 5 meters for installations
complying with BS6266, along the length of pipe.
b. Each sampling point shall be identified in accordance with the specification
c. Consideration shall be given to the manufacturer’s recommendations and
standards in relation to the number of sampling points and the distance of the
sampling points from the ceiling or roof structure and forced ventilation systems.

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3. Low Voltage Main Switchboards SIEMENS (GERMANY) & AUTHORIZED

4. Sub Main Switchboards, Distribution SIEMENS (GERMANY) & AUTHORIZED
Boards, Manual Transfer Switch, and PANELBUILDER ,
Steel Enclosure with full complement ABB (SWEDEN) & AUTHORIZED
5. Power Factor Correction Equipment SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC (GERMANY),
6. Automatic Transfer Switch ASCO POWER TECHNOLOGIES (USA),
7. Static Uninterruptible Power Supply MERLIN GERIN (FRANCE),
8. Fuse Switch, Switch Fuse and SOCOMEC (FRANCE),
Isolators SCAME(ITALY),

Electrical Specification Page 157 of 161


9. Low Voltage (415V) Cable and Cable RIYADH CABLE (KSA),
Accessories DUCAB (UAE),
10. Fire Rated Cables and Accessories DRAKE (UK),
11. Instrument Cables BELDEN (USA)
12. Cable Gland and Lugs BICC (UK),
13. Identification Labels and Cable 3M (UK),
DYMO (USA) (for Panelboards and Junction
14. Cable Ties (for LV Installation) 3M(UK),
15. Earthing and Bonding System WALLIS (UK),
16. PVC Conduits and Accessories, PVC DECODUCT (UAE),
Enclosure Recessed/Surface EGA (KSA),
17. PVC Conduits and Accessories OMAT (UAE),
(Underground Electrical System) QADDCO (QATAR),
18. Galvanized Steel Conduits and BURNTUBE (UK),
Accessories KOPEX (UK),

Electrical Specification Page 158 of 161


19. Flexible Conduits and Accessories BARTON (UK)
21. Cable Trunking and Accessories INDUSTRY EXPERT(INDEX)(UAE),
(PSI)(UAE) ,
22. Metal Enclosure Recessed/Surface RITTAL(GERMANY),
Mounted and Accessories High MK (UK),
impact heavy gauge type
23. Weather Proof Enclosures RITTAL(GERMANY),
24. Wiring Accessories MK (UK),
25. Ceiling Roses, White PVC High ASHLEY KLIK (UK)
impact, heavy gauge type Plug in MEM (UK),
Type (BS:6972 and BS: 7001)
MK (UK),
26. Weatherproof Socket Outlets MK (UK),

Electrical Specification Page 159 of 161


27. Light Fittings IGGUZZINI,


28. Standalone Emergency Pack for VENTILUX(UK),

Lighting and Exit Sign COOPER LIGHTING & SAFETY(UK),
29. Fire Detection System HONEYWELL (USA),
30. Structured Cabling System SIEMON (USA),


Electrical Specification Page 160 of 161


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CEG International Specification

1. AIRCONDITIONING AND VENTILATION.........................................................................................2
2. EXTENT OF CONTRACT ..................................................................................................................2
3. EXCLUSION.......................................................................................................................................3
4. STANDARD OF WORK .....................................................................................................................3
5. PROGRAMME ...................................................................................................................................3
6. DATA TO BE SUPPLIED WITH TENDER ........................................................................................3
7. PRACTICAL COMPLETION..............................................................................................................4
8. BASIS OF DESIGN............................................................................................................................4
9. GENERAL ..........................................................................................................................................5
10. DESCRIPTION OF AIR AIR CONDITIONING & VENTILATION SYSTEM ......................................5
11. VENTILATION....................................................................................................................................5
12. GENERAL REQUIREMENT ..............................................................................................................6
13. TEST AT SITE....................................................................................................................................9
14. DX PACKAGED AIR CONDITIONING UNITS (PACU) ..................................................................10
15. SPLIT TYPE AIR CONDITIONING UNIT (FCU)..............................................................................12
16. VIBRATION ISOLATORS................................................................................................................14
17. CONDENSATE DRAIN PIPES ........................................................................................................14
18. DUCTWORK ....................................................................................................................................14
19. MANUAL DAMPERS .......................................................................................................................16
20. FIRE DAMPERS ..............................................................................................................................17
21. TEST HOLES ...................................................................................................................................17
22. FRESH AIR INTAKE AND OUTLET LOUVERES ..........................................................................17
23. FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................................18
24. DUCT HANGERS AND SUPPORTS ...............................................................................................18
25. GRILLES, REGISTERS AND DIFFUSERS.....................................................................................18
26. ACCESS DOORS ............................................................................................................................19
27. INSULATION....................................................................................................................................19
28. EXHAUSTAIR FANS .......................................................................................................................20
29. ELECTRICAL WORKS ....................................................................................................................24
30. CONTROL SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................26
31. BUILDERS WORK...........................................................................................................................26
32. PAINTING AND FINISHING ............................................................................................................27
33. CLEANING AND FLUSHING ..........................................................................................................27
34. IDENTIFICATION/COLOUR CODING.............................................................................................27
35. INSPECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING ..........................................................................27
36. WARRANTY.....................................................................................................................................28
37. SCHEDULES, EXPLANATORY NOTES.........................................................................................28
38. DETAILS OF PROPOSED EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS .........................................................29
39. SCHEDULE OF APPROVED MANUFACTURERS (AIR-CONDITIONING)...................................33
CEG International Specification
1. References shall be made to relevant Qatar Construction Standards (QCS-Latest).
2. In case of any discrepancy the most stringent requirement shall be applied and as
approved by Supervision Consultant.
3. The CONTRACTOR shall use the latest issued standard of any standards defined by
4. THE CONTRACTOR is responsible to provide, at no additional cost, one soft & hard copy
of all Standards defined by Specifications, to be available on the Site for Consultants.
5. The CONTRACTOR is responsible to prepare, at no additional cost, all the required
design/engineering drawings that are necessary to meet the intended facility
performance/requirements and function requirements.
6. The CONTRACTOR is responsible to prepare & produce, at no additional cost, all
necessary shop drawings, coordination drawings, and Composite Plan Drawings that are
required for the successful execution & completion of the project.
7. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for Design and execution of Drawings inputs, at no
additional cost, that may be required for connection with the Utility Services and is
responsible, at no additional cost, for the Coordination of such works on site.
8. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for correcting and implementing on site, at no
additional cost, any required drawings or documents that are found to be incorrect due to
any errors, omissions, misjudgements in the design and inadequate co-ordination with
utility services, the contractor is responsible to produce all necessary engineering
drawings, data sheets, shop drawings for completion of the work.
9. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for preparing and producing AS-Built Drawings, at no
additional cost.
10. The CONTRACTOR is aware that the detailed design has been developed and tendered in
a Good Faith before obtaining the Authority Approvals (DC1, Civil Defence, Services
Approvals, DC2, etc.) and some alterations to the Detailed Drawings might be required to
fulfil the Authority Review Process and approval requirements. The CONTRACTOR is
responsible for updating, at no additional cost, the design drawings, shop drawings and AS
BUILT Drawings accordingly to suit the Authority Approvals Requirements.
11. A/C and ventilation system installation shall be carried out as per the Qatar Construction
Specification, with the following additions and amendment.
12. A/C and ventilation system installation shall be carried out as per the Qatar Construction
Specification, with the following additions and amendment.
13. The contractor to provide indoor ac unit outside of all critical area such as computer room,
Electrical room, elv room, tx room etc.
14. MFD (motorized fire damper) shall be provided to isolate the ductwork in the space during
the FM200 operation.
15. Fire damper shall be provided in Air Transfer Opening (ATO) 30mnts above fire rated wall.
16. Battery room Ventilation shall be as per NFPA-1 chapter 52, and “Fans shall be Explosion
proof. “

The work under this section of the specification shall include for the supply, delivery to site,
installation, testing and commissioning and setting to work the new Air conditioning and
Ventilation systems
1. as given hereunder:
a. All air conditioning and ventilation system complete with all accessories and controls, as
per specifications, schedules and drawings.
b. Complete air distribution system, return air collecting system, fresh air and ventilation
system as shown on the drawings and as specified.
CEG International Specification
c. Various controls, instruments and their connections, electrical works related to air
conditioning and ventilation systems as detailed in the specifications.
2. The Contractor shall provide all the materials, labour, cartage, plant and appliances
necessary for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the work and all other
minor and incidental works necessary for the system.
3. The specifications and drawings are intended to indicate the nature and scope of the
project. The Contractor shall be responsible for the installation of plant of the correct
capacity and shall guarantee the efficient performance of the equipment.

1. Items necessary for the completion of the plant but not included in the tender are to be
listed as exclusions. It will be assumed that any items or services necessary to the air
conditioning plant and not specifically excluded will be provided by the Contractor even if
not mentioned in the tender.

1. Unless otherwise specified, all equipment is to comply with the current Kahra-maa
regulations, relevant British and American codes of practice as listed below. However, the
Kahra-maa / QCS Latest regulations shall take precedence over all other regulations.
a. ASHRAE : American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Engineer
b. IHVE : The Institute of Heating and Ventilation Engineers (UK)
c. ASME : American Society of Mechanical Engineers
d. ARI : Air conditioning Refrigeration Institute (USA)
e. ASTM : American Society of Testing and Materials
f. AWS : American Welding Society
g. DW142 : Specification for Sheet metal ductwork
h. SMACNA : Sheet Metal and Air conditioning Contractor's National
i. AIA : American institute of Architects
j. QCS : Qatar Construction specification
k. NFPA : National Fire Protection Agency
l. ARI : American Refrigeration Institute
m. CDC & HICPAC : Healthcare infection control practices advisory committee U.S.A
n. USDHHS : United State Department of Health & Human Services
2. The workmen employed must be accustomed to the highest class of air conditioning
3. A competent Engineer must be in regular attendance throughout the whole contract. The
whole of the installation shall be executed in conformity with the drawings, specifications,
internationally accepted codes of practice and local regulations.

1. Immediately on receipt of an order the Contractor shall prepare a programme detailing the
services and sequence of installation.
2. Approval of programme by the Engineer or Client shall not relieve the Contractor from his
obligations to execute and complete the works in conformity with the directions and
requirements of the Engineer.


1. Full description of equipment's and system proposed.
2. Exclusions and departures from specifications.
3. Guarantee particulars.
CEG International Specification
4. Letter of compliance confirming that the offer fully complies with the tender documents,
specifications and tender drawings and that there are no deviations.

1. The Contractor shall deliver the Operation and Maintenance Manuals along with the 'As-
built' drawings and loose items if any to the Client before practical completion. The
completion certificate will be issued by the Engineer after obtaining the Operation and
Maintenance manuals.
2. Recommendation for release or the release of Practical Completion Certificate would not
absolve the Contractor of his responsibility to provide the installation complete in all
respects and in satisfactory working order. If any item is discovered later during
commissioning, maintenance period or at F.C.C. stage to be short supplied or not in
working order, the Contractor shall be liable to make good the same to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.

The broad design parameters of air conditioning system shall be as follows:
Latitude : 25° North

8.1 Outside design conditions

a. Summer : 46°C. DB, 30°C. WB : (115°F. DB, 86°F. WB)
b. Winter : 10°C. DB, 90% RH

8.2 Inside design conditions

The following internal environmental conditions are envisaged:
Offices premises : 23 C db (dry bulb)
50% rh ( relative humidity )

Toilet (indirect A/C) : 24.5°C db ( dry bulb)

(through door undercut ) 50% rh (relative humidity)

Humidity shall vary between 40% to 60% but not beyond the comfort zone as set by ASHRAE
Kansas State University Standard.

Winter heating is not envisaged.

8.3 Lighting load

Showroom : 12 watts / sq.m

Offices : 12 watts / sq.m
Accomm. : 12 watts / sq.m

Electrical Lighting load of other room is based on the recommendations of ASHRAE Standard
90.1-Latest Edition and has to be adjusted as per the final Equipment.

8.4 Noise Criteria

All mechanical equipment were carefully vibration and sound isolated to assure quiet comfort
for both the staff and visitors. The ACMV systems were designed to ensure a sound level not
exceeding the following values:

The mechanical systems shall be designed so that the overall system noise level shall not
exceed the following:
CEG International Specification
1. Showroom NC 30-35
2. Offices premises NC 30-35
3. Accommodation NC 35-40
4. Toilets / kitchen NC 35-40

17. Electric Supply : 415 V, 3 Ph, 50 Hz, 4 wire and
: 240 V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz A.C. supplies
18. 'U' Factors
* Heat Transmission Co-efficient : 0.077 Btu/ft. sq.hr.°F
(U) Value for the roofs (0.437 watts/m.sq.°C)
(As per Kahra-maa Circular)

* Heat Transmission Co-efficient : 0.1 Btu/ft. sq.hr.°F

(U) value for the walls (0.568 watts/m.sq.°C)
(As per Kahra-maa Circular)

* Windows wall raitio

1. 5 to 40 % : 0.58 Btu/ft. sq.hr.°F (3.30 watts/m.sq.°C) Max Shading
coef. 0.40
2. Above 40 % : 0.36 Btu/ft. sq.hr.°F (2.10 watts/m.sq.°C) Max Shading
coef. 0.35

Rating for Continuous Service & Local Ambient Conditions

The outside air temperature may occasionally rise to 50°C. (122°F). All apparatus shall be
rated for continuous service, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week throughout its
normal rated life except for necessary routine maintenance. The Contractor shall offer
equipment which is capable of operating at the ambient temperature of 50°C without any


10.1 DX Air Conditioning

1. The air conditioning system shall be designed to have comfort conditions keeping in view
the environmental conditions of institutional requirement, specific ventilation requirement
and air quality as recommended by ASHRAE, AIA and in accordance with the international
standards and codes of practice.
2. The air conditioning scheme is based upon DX Packaged Unitary Air conditioning System
and DX Split Type System having air cooled condensing units and fan coil units.


11.1 General
1. This section shall be comply as per QCS-Latest section 22 part 8
2. Exhaust fans shall be supplied and installed by the contractor as shown on the drawings.
Capacity, type and rating of the fans shall be as indicated in the schedule. The fan motors
and switches shall be in accordance with this specification regarding electrical works.
Fixing details shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. All roof fans
shall be suitable to operate for 50°C ambient temperature.
3. Toilets areas shall be mechanically ventilated using axial wall exhaust
CEG International Specification
11.2 Toilets
1. These areas shall be mechanically ventilated centrifugal exhaust fan and centralized
ducting system is utilized complete with all diffusers to areas being served and roof
mounted exhaust fan.

11.3 Controls
1. The complete building shall be provided with DDC control system for maintaining all the
conditions as detailed in the design data, Kahra-maa / QCS-Latest requirements and as
specified herein and in the drawings.


12.1 Quality of Equipment and Materials

1. All equipment and materials shall be brand new, of a quality accepted by the Engineer and
presenting no dent, damage or breakage during transportation or installation. All metal
parts shall be protected on site from rust, corrosion and dirt by properly storing, packing
and covering. All rusted parts of metal, subject to the Engineer's approval shall be cleaned
of corrosion products and given two coats of anti-rust paint before installation.

12.2 Instructions for Operation and Routine Maintenance

1. The contractor shall provide written instructions both in Arabic and English languages as to
the method of operation of equipment and the routine maintenance works (cleaning of
air filters etc.). Six copies of such instructions shall be handed over to the engineer.

12.3 Painting, Tags, Nameplates

1. All steel works in connection with supports for pipes, cable trays etc., exposed to the
elements are to be painted with two coats of an approved rust preventive paint, preferably
zinc rich primer and two coats of enamel paint of grey colour or as approved by the
2. All exposed metal surfaces of refrigeration and electrical apparatus, motors, guards,
insulated pipework etc., must be painted with one coat of under-coat and two coats of
enamel paint finish to approved colour. Identification bands, colour codes (refer BS 1710:
1975) and directional flow arrows shall be painted on piping or insulation at frequent
intervals indicating the unit services and the fluid conveyed. Lettering shall be in English.
3. Identification of ductwork, colour codes, directional flow arrows and application of symbols
shall be carried out in accordance with DW 142. Internal surfaces of ducts at the grille or
diffuser terminals and connections visible to occupants in rooms shall be painted with two
coats of dull black paint.
4. All power supply switches shall be tagged identifying the area served, the capacity of
switching and equipment they feed. Same identification must appear on the wiring diagram
submitted with the operating instructions. All wires shall bear identification numbered tags
corresponding to the same wiring diagram mentioned above. Drawings, submittals,
instructions, manuals and samples

5. All drawings and material submissions, other information and samples must be supplied to
the engineer as laid down in the specifications and as and when agreed during the site
meetings, in the progress chart or as instructed by the engineer.

Submittals and Engineers Approval

6. The contractor shall submit for approval a detailed information data for all the equipment
he proposes to install. Such submittals shall contain the following information:
a) Model number
b) Name of manufacturer and country of origin
c) Manufacturer's data showing the capacity of equipment, physical dimensions, list of all
components and their characteristics.
CEG International Specification
7. The engineer shall check, if he so requires, all parts of installation and materials. Any part
rejected shall be immediately dismantled, removed from site and replaced or repaired to
conform to the specifications and to the full satisfaction of the engineer. Any part requiring
realignment or repositioning in co-ordination with the decoration, false ceilings, carpentry
or finishing works as required by the engineer shall be carried out without delay.
8. Any interim approval given by the engineer does not relieve the contractor of his
obligations under this contract.

Shop Drawings to be prepared by the Contractor

9. The contractor shall prepare and submit for approval, detailed shop drawings for all
equipment or distribution services described herein. Such drawings shall indicate:
a. All civil works, openings, bases, position of sleeves etc.
b. The physical dimensions of the equipment.
c. The sizes of foundation base wherever required.
d. Location of centre bolts to base.
e. Position of motors, controls, air duct connections etc.
f. Detailed wiring diagram of all electrical systems consisting of control wiring diagram
for various controls, instruments, sensors, step controllers etc., and their connections,
power wiring diagram from isolator / control panel in various equipment etc., as
detailed elsewhere in the specification.
g. Detail piping connection in double line with position of valves, controls, instruments
and fittings.
h. Isometric piping for the complete piping layout (water/refrigerant).
i. Coordinated drawings with all other services, structure space frame and finishes or
any other drawing found necessary or requested by the Engineer for co-ordination of
j. The following drawings shall be provided by the A.C. Contractor for each panel.
i. General arrangement of control panel
ii. Control schematics
iii. Single line diagram
iv. Circuit diagram
v. Terminal block connection diagram
vi. Cable schedule
vii. Material list
10. The work described on any shop drawing submitted shall be properly checked by the
contractor for all clearance, field conditions, maintenance space and proper coordination.
Equipment layout is to be detailed on drawings showing the exact method of installing and
clearly illustrating components to be used in making all connections.
11. The contractor shall submit to the engineer, shop drawings of all sheet metal ductwork and
pipework for approval before work is fabricated and installed.
12. Ductwork drawings must show clearances between the ductwork and masonry. All
dampers, fresh air inlets, exhaust outlets, connections to equipment and methods of
support and any other details necessary for the satisfactory installation of the system must
be indicated. Each type of register, diffuser and louver is to be referenced in a schedule
and the type and size clearly indicated at each location.
13. Piping drawings must be fully detailed showing all piping in double line and indicating the
precise size of fittings, valves and equipment.
14. Position of hangers and supports with reference numbers must be indicated and large
scale detail must be given showing the type and method of installation of each type of
hanger. A schedule is to be included on each drawing, detailing the type of hanger fixing
with a reference number for each type.
15. All general layout drawings are to be drawn in 1:50 scale. Details of hangers, method of
fixing of pipes and ducts, detailed cross sections of pipes, ducts and risers, details of
control and piping connections to equipment are to be drawn in 1:10 scale.
CEG International Specification
16. In case the contractor fails to produce the shop drawings and co-ordinated shop drawings
in accordance with the specified/agreed time schedule, the engineer reserves the right to
engage an outside agency to undertake this work and debit the entire cost to the
contractor's account.
17. At all places where multiple services cross over, the contractor shall submit specific details
on the drawings of all services on a larger scale, which should be thoroughly checked by
the a.c. contractor for their location, clearances, method of fixing etc., before submitting to
the engineer for approval.
18. The contractor shall prepare drawings and schedules showing precise details of holes in
concrete, masonry etc., and necessary wooden frames required for passage of ducts,
pipes and fittings of grilles, registers, diffusers, louvers, plant, plant supports etc.
Drawings and schedules approved by the engineer must be available before any structural
work requiring holes or other modification is constructed. This schedule is to be submitted
in a form to be agreed with the engineer.
19. All drawings prepared by the contractor shall be submitted in the form of three sets of blue
prints to the engineer for approval, who in turn, after making his comments will return one
set of the same to the contractor for necessary revisions if any. Thereafter the contractor
shall submit five sets of blue prints for the engineer's final approval. Once the drawings are
finally approved, the contractor shall submit in reproducible copy negative for engineer's
signature and the same shall be kept on site for execution. It is the contractor's
responsibility to co-ordinate all grilles, equipment, pipes, light fittings, false ceiling layout
and other services to allow a completely symmetrical installation.
20. The contractor shall supply to the engineer a set of 'as-installed' drawings showing the
works 'as-installed' together with any other information necessary for operation and
maintenance. Six copies of each such drawing shall be supplied. In addition, two sets of
copy negatives for each drawing shall be handed over to the client.

21. The contractor shall make provision for the supply of three copies of the instruction manual
before issue of practical completion certificate this manual shall include the following items
a. Complete list of all items of equipment, controls and accessories as actually supplied
including serial nos. and all name plate details.
b. A set of 'As-built' drawings showing equipment layout foundation details, ducting
layout and details, electrical wiring and drain piping. The drawings shall show plans
and sections necessary to show all required information correctly.
c. A set of manufacturer's catalogues, wiring diagram and installation drawings relevant
only to the particular item of air conditioning and ventilation equipment concerned.
General catalogues will not be acceptable.
d. Manufacturer's printed spare parts list for all items of equipment.
e. Operational description of the air conditioning plant including starting, stopping and
seasonal shut-down.
f. Preventive maintenance routine at weekly, monthly and yearly maintenance
procedures for all plant and equipment intervals and
g. Manufacturer's full name and address together with telephone, fax numbers.
h. Name, address, telephone and fax numbers of local agents / suppliers.

Storage of Materials and Equipment

22. All materials and equipment must be stored properly so as to prevent damage, corrosion,
deterioration or dirt penetration.
23. All duct outlets must be adequately closed to prevent dust and dirt penetration during the
course of erection.

Tests Certificates
24. The contractor shall supply all the test certificates in original to the engineer at the time of
handing over the project.
CEG International Specification

13.1 General
1. The contractor shall submit to the engineer, one month prior to the date of commencement
of the tests, six (6) copies of the complete test procedures to be used. The procedure,
method of calculation etc., shall be approved by the engineer before any test is carried out.
Six (6) copies of the test results shall be furnished to the engineer for his approval.
2. The contractor shall supply skilled staff and all necessary instruments and carry out tests
of any kind on a piece of equipment, apparatus, part of system or a complete system if the
consultant requests such a test, for determining specified or guaranteed data as given in
the specifications or in the schedule of equipment filled in by the contractor.
3. Any damage resulting from the tests shall be repaired and/or damaged material replaced,
all to the satisfaction of the engineer. In the event of any repair or adjustment required to
be made, other than the normal running adjustment, the tests shall be void and shall be
recommended after the adjustments or repairs have been completed. The tests shall not
be void due to circumstances beyond the contractor's control.
4. All testing, balancing and final adjustment shall be in accordance with the provision of the
applicable 'ASHRAE' standards.

13.2 Ductwork
1. All branches and outlets shall be tested for air quantity and the total of the air quantities
shall be within five per cent of fan capacity. Volume control dampers and splitter dampers
shall be tested for proper operation.

13.3 Equipment
1. All air handling and ventilating equipment, ductwork and air outlets shall be adjusted and
balanced to deliver the specified air quantities indicated at each inlet and outlet on the
2. Where the equipment or systems depend upon controls for proper operation, functioning
and performance, the latter shall be operated simultaneously with the equipment or system
during tests. If air quantities cannot be delivered without exceeding the speed range of the
sheaves or the available horse-power, the engineer shall be notified before proceeding
with the balancing of air distribution system.
3. Other tests as specified under the specific equipment headings are to be completed to the
satisfaction of the engineer.

13.4 Electrical Equipment

1. All electrical equipment shall be cleaned and tested on site before application of power as
mentioned below:
a. Wire and cable tests
b. Insulation resistance test, phase to phase and phase to earth on all circuits and
equipment's using a 500 volt megger. The insulation resistance shall not be less than one
(1) meg.ohm.
c. Earth resistance between conduit system and earth must not exceed five (5) ohms.
d. Phasing out and phase rotation tests.
e. Operating tests on all protective relays to prove their correct operation before energizing
the main equipment.
f. Operating tests on all starters, circuit breakers etc.
g. Any other test required as per Kaahra-maa regulations.

13.5 Test on Completion

1. The contractor shall employ a specialist agency to carry out testing & commissioning of all
plant & equipment including air balance and water balancing. The specialist contractor
shall be subject to approval of the engineer.
CEG International Specification
2. After finishing the above tests and adjustments, the contractor shall be responsible for
running a reliability trial test for the whole plant installed. The whole of the trial of the plant
shall take place during the appropriate seasons when design conditions are met or
approximated. The trial shall take place at any reasonable time subject to the approval of
the engineer. The trial shall last for a period of thirty one (31) consecutive days during
which time the whole of the plant shall operate continuously without readjustments or
repair to the satisfaction of the engineer.
3. During the reliability trial test, performance tests shall be conducted on the refrigerating
and air conditioning equipment. The test data shall not deviate by more than three per cent
from the guaranteed capacity data. Temperature readings shall be taken for the entering
and leaving air of each air handling unit. Should any part of the apparatus or system fail to
meet with the specification requirements, it shall be adjusted, repaired or replaced to the
satisfaction of the engineer. The complete performance test shall then be repeated. The
date of commencement of the above said tests shall be subject to agreement with the
engineer. As soon as all tests prescribed in this clause are carried out satisfactorily in the
opinion of the engineer, a formal letter of completion shall be drawn up in three (3) copies
and signed by the engineer.
4. During the maintenance period, the contractor shall demonstrate that all equipment and
apparatus fulfil the requirements of the specifications and he shall operate all fans,
refrigeration and air conditioning equipment for a sufficient time to adjust all dampers,
thermostats and controls and shall provide the engineer with a complete log and report
indicating air quantities, fan speed etc., throughout each of the various systems for the
operating seasons.

13.6 Maintenance Test

1. During 400 days maintenance period, the operation and day to day routine maintenance of
the plant and equipment shall be carried out by the owner's staff whereas the defects /
failure in the plant and equipment not as a result of inadequate maintenance, shall be part
of the contractor's responsibility and shall be rectified free of cost by the contractor. After
testing and commissioning, first set of filters for all AHU's shall be provided by the
2. During the last month of the maintenance period, the contractor shall demonstrate to the
engineer that all equipment and systems are operating according to the capacities and the
manner set down in the specifications. On completion of these tests, the engineer shall
issue a formal letter of acceptance for the equipment and system or parts of the system
satisfactorily tested and approved.
3. The maintenance certificate will not be issued to the contractor by the engineer until all
plant has received the above mentioned letter of acceptance and/or unless a bank
guarantee is provided by the contractor for the performance of that part of the plant and
equipment not formally tested and accepted.


1. Units shall have sectional constructed major components. Units shall have capacity and
configuration as shown on the drawings and as manufactured by a reputable
manufacturer. All units shall be furnished factory assembled, tested and piped complete
with compressors, fans, motors, integrally wired control panel, starters, fan section,
cooling coil section, drain pan and combination mixing box and filter section, spring type
vibration isolators, steel base, and refrigerant control accessories. Unit shall have heavy
gauge corrosion protected weather proofed casing.

2. Compressors shall be of the semi-hermetic type and rated to operate at not more than
1750 RPM at full load. Units shall be equipped with reversible oil pumps, shut-off valves,
oil level sight glass, high and low pressure cut-outs, oil safety switches and crankcase
heaters to control oil dilution during shut-down.

3. Condenser coils shall be seamless copper with mechanically bonded aluminium plate
fins. Coil size, refrigerant circuiting and number of rows deep shall be compatible with the
CEG International Specification
compressor displacement and capacity at the specified operating conditions with
minimum refrigerant pressure drop.

4. Condenser fans shall be statically and dynamically balanced propeller type fans directly
driven by totally enclosed and inherently protected motors.

5. The evaporator fan section shall be constructed of heavy gauge black steel formed
channel base for integral mounting of fan, motor, and casing panel which is phosphate
treated, epoxy coated then finish painted with baked on enamel. Fan scroll and bearing
are to be mounted on “A” or “H” frame structure rigidly secured to the channel base.
Motor mounting shall have slide rails with adjusting screws. Bearings shall be self-
aligning pillow block regreaseable ball type designed for an average life of 200,000 hours
at designed operating conditions. Bearings shall be provided with grease lines extending
to the drive side of the fan shafts. Fans shall be of the centrifugal forward curved type.
Fans and shafts shall be selected to operate at 25% below the first critical speed. Fan
wheels shall be statically and dynamically balanced as an assembly. The entire unit is to
be given a final vibration test. Wheels shall be corrosion protected steel epoxy coated
and finished with baked enamel.

6. Direct expansion cooling coils shall be constructed of 13 mm. copper tubing with
aluminium fins securely bonded to the tubes. Coil shall be tested with 325 psig
compressed air under water. The completed coil shall be dehydrated including headers,
return bends and distributor and sealed with positive internal pressure. Each coil shall be
furnished with a brass distributor with solder type connections. Suction and discharge
connections shall be on the same end regardless of rows deep.

7. The dampers shall be of the throttling type opposed blades. The blades shall be break-
formed at the edges and mechanically secured to 16 mm. diameter steel rods rotating in
nylon bushings installed in galvanized steel damper frames. Dampers shall be
sectionalized to limit blade length to not more than 1.50 meters in order to prevent
excessive blade warping and assure tight enclosure.

8. The condensate drain pan shall be heavy gauge corrosion protected steel with threaded
drain connection on both sides and shall extend under the complete fan-coil section. The
drain pan shall be insulated with moisture resistant insulation with thickness suitable for
the service, faced with aluminium foil vapor barrier and cemented between the steel outer
pan. The pan is to be finished with a coating of corrosion resistant asphalt based

9. Insulation for the panels shall be 25-mm. thick neoprene coated fiberglass. Insulation
shall be secured to the casing with waterproof adhesives and permanent fasteners. All
casing panels shall be gasketed and the entire unit shall be given an external finish coat
of air dry enamel.

10. Air filter media shall be of the washable type synthetic fiber with an average arrestance of
80%-85% based on ASHRAE 52-57 test method. Filter frame shall be constructed of
heavy gauge steel metal sheet to house the pleated filter media.

11. Motor starters, control components and power terminal shall be grouped in an accessible
control box inside the unit casing. Electrical components shall be pre-wired and control
circuits shall be independently protected with fuses or breakers. Compressor protection
shall include automatic relays to prevent excessive compressor short cycling.

12. A complete operating charge of refrigerant 410a/407c and compressor oil shall be
CEG International Specification

15.1 General
1. The plant required shall consist of air cooled split type air conditioning unit of wall mounted
and ceiling concealed type. The unit shall be composed of an indoor unit with refrigerant
circuit and an air cooled outdoor unit for application with r410a / r407c refrigerant and
should have a minimum Energy Efficiency Ratio of 11.5 (at ARI conditions) as per QCS /
GSO standards. Units should be selected to match the required capacities at an ambient
temperature of 46ºC. Compressor shall be scroll type.

15.2 Indoor unit

1. The indoor wall mounted and ceiling concealed ducted type AC unit shall comprise of an
evaporator, evaporator fan, fan motor, air filter, liquid and gas inlets, strainer/drier, controls,
internal wiring and piping all housed in a decorative sheet steel cabinet with banked resin
pain for the decorative free discharge type. The cabinet interior shall be fully insulated to
prevent sweating and to muffle the sound.
2. the evaporator coils shall be the multi-pass, cross-finned tube type, equipped with
aluminium plate fins, mechanically bonded to seamless oxygen free copper tubes. The
coil shall be cleaned, dehydrated and tested for leakage at the factory.
3. The evaporator fan shall be forward curved, centrifugal type, statically and dynamically
balanced and directly driven by the motor. The fan motor shall be permanently lubricated.
The evaporator fan must be selected to operate quietly with no overloading of fan motors.
4. The air filter shall be washable type, long life as per manufacturer’s standard. The panels
should be easily removable to provide access for servicing.
5. The refrigerant circuit shall have one shot coupling for liquid and gas inlets, a strainer, a
capillary tube and an evaporator coil. AC unit shall be complete with fresh air intake with
sand trap louver and volume damper & insect screen.

15.3 Outdoor Unit

1. The outdoor unit shall comprise of air cooled condenser, condenser fan and fan motor,
suction and discharge outlets, liquid line shut-off valves and necessary safety controls
such as crank-case heater, solid state motor protector, anti-recycling control etc., all as per
manufacturer’s standard. The outdoor unit shall be factory assembled, piped internally,
pre-wired, charged with r410a / r407c refrigerant and shall be designed to operate at
outdoor ambient temperatures as high as 50°c.
2. The cabinet shall be constructed of steel, finished with baked synthetic resin paint. The
fan guard wire net shall be mounted on top or side of the unit and shall be adequately
protected against corrosion.
3. The unit shall contain a hermetic multi-cylinder reciprocating compressor from the same
manufacturer. The hermetic compressor shall be welded shell type and spring suspended
internally. The compressor shall be protected against breakdown by the mercury over
current relay, pressure switch and an in-built internal thermostat.
4. The condenser coil shall be the multi-pass, cross-finned type, equipped with aluminium
plate fins mechanically bonded to seamless oxygen free copper tubes. The coil shall be
cleaned, dehydrated and tested for leakage at the factory. The condenser fan shall be
propeller type with aluminium blades, statically and dynamically, balanced and driven
directly by the motor for up flow or horizontal air discharge. The motor shall be
permanently lubricated and shall be protected from water invasion. the refrigerant circuit
shall be composed of a gas inlet, one shot coupling, a condenser coil and a liquid outlet
one shot coupling.

15.4 Unit Control

1. The indoor unit shall be equipped with an operation switch, fan speed selector switch and
a thermostat mounted on the remote control switch for indoor units. The operation switch
shall have the function of off-fan-cool. The operation control shall conform to manual
starting, automatic continuous operation whenever the thermostat requires and protection
CEG International Specification
devices allow. The unit shall be restarted by resetting the operation switch if any one of the
protection devices trips.

15.5 Condensate pipework

1. Condensate pipework shall be installed by the supplier’s approved Installer in accordance
with supplier’s Design and Installation Instructions and the unit’s installation manual.

15.6 Commissioning & testing

1. Commissioning shall be carried out by a trained engineer with the optional assistance of
2. The entire refrigeration system shall be pressurised with Nitrogen to 38 bar for a period of
3. Leak testing shall be carried out with a calibrated electronic leak detector, or similar if the
system fails to hold pressure within testing period.
4. Upon completion of pressure test the pressure shall be released and vacuum pump
installed on the system to remove air and moisture from the system. The system shall be
evacuated to –101.1kPa (-758mmHg, 2 torr) and held for a period of 2 hours with the
vacuum pump switched off.
5. Refrigerant should be charged to the liquid pipe in its liquid state to ensure that the
refrigerant composition is assured. The refrigerant charge shall be calculated to the system
requirements and in accordance with Supplier’s Design and Installation Instruction booklet.

15.7 Protection Devices

1. The magnetic switch box incorporated in the outdoor or indoor unit shall contain magnetic
contractor for all motors, including condenser fan motor, over current relays and auxiliary

15.8 Noise Level and Sound Isolation (for Split Unit)

1. Noise level inside the conditioned area resulting from the unit shall not exceed 50 dba
(nc45) at low speed and 55dba (nc50) at high speed when measured at one meter
distance in a room with normal occupancy and furnishing.
2. All the running equipment’s shall be isolated from the building structure and the support
isolated from other items of equipment. All the units shall have anti-vibration mountings of
approved make and shall be as described elsewhere.

15.9 Electrical Works

1. The electrical works shall include the following:
a. Provide all power and control wiring from isolator to outdoor unit, from outdoor unit to
indoor D.P switch, from D.P switch to indoor unit and the control panel.
b. Provide earthling for A.C. equipment as per Kahra-maa regulations.
2. All electrical works shall be carried out in conformity with the current i.e.e and kahra-maa

15.10 Refrigerant Pipes

1. Refrigerant pipe work between the condensing unit and indoor unit shall be installed as per
applicable ASHRAE standards and to the satisfaction of the engineer.
2. Refrigerant quality seamless cold drawn copper piping shall be used. Silver brazing alloy
shall be used for making joints. The pipe work will be run as indicated on the drawings and
as per instructions. All necessary unions, flanged valves or fittings should be provided for
3. In case the refrigerant piping is fabricated at site, the system shall be pressure tested with
nitrogen to at least 1½ times the working pressure for leaks, vacuum dried and then
charged with refrigerant in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
4. Factory supplied, pre insulated, pre-charged refrigerant piping kit may be used for the split
unit of smaller capacity (up TO 2.5 TR nominal). But this refrigerant piping shall be
CEG International Specification
additionally wrapped with glass cloth and finished with two coats of vapor barrier

15.11 Thermal Insulation for Pipes

1. The thermal insulation shall be non-corrosive to the metal, water repellent and fire
2. Refrigerant suction lines and liquid lines (wherever required) shall be insulated with 19 mm
thick foam rubber insulation. The insulation materials shall be submitted to the engineer
for approval prior to ordering.
3. All pipe surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and treated with approved corrosion inhibitor
before applying insulation.
4. The pipe insulation shall be stuck to the pipe work with an approved adhesive. The
insulation shall be applied to the pipes with longitudinal joints staggered; laps and sealing
strips shall be sealed applying adhesive on circumferential joints.
5. Insulation shall be covered externally with 200 gm/sq.m quality glass cloth and painted with
two coats of approved weather proofing compound forming minimum thickness of 1 mm as
per kahra-maa regulations.

15.12 Pipework Supports

1. All refrigerant piping shall be supported to prevent deflection, buckling and vibration.
2. Piping shall be supported at all changes in direction and at intervals of not more than 1.5
meters on straight runs. Pipe supports and clamps shall be subject to approval of the
3. Pipe work on roof shall be supported on off-set clamps, floor or rikker stands. The pipe
support stands shall be bolted to the concrete slab/base.
4. Condensate drain pipe supports shall be capable of vertical adjustment after installation of
piping. Pipe work on roof shall be supported on off-set clamps, floor or riker stands. The
pipe support stands shall be bolted to the concrete slab/base.
5. All pipe work passing through the walls, floors and roof slabs shall be provided with pipe
sleeves of adequate size to allow the passage of insulation.


1. The condensing units of split units have anti-vibration mountings in the following form:
a. Multi-layer rubber pads with square grid convolutions on both sides, spaced with
steel shims and of a thickness to suit the points of uniform loading of the plant item,
but of a minimum thickness of 10 mm spaced not more than 750 to 1000 mm apart.
2. The condensing unit of split unit shall also have similar a.v. pads as described above.
However, the thickness shall be 10 mm.


1. Condensate drains shall be provided in copper pipes to BS 2871 part 1 table 'x' above
ground and in UPVC to BS 5255 for vertical drops buried in the walls, in floors or below
ground and shall be adequately supported along their length. All condensate drains shall
be fitted with 75 mm deep trap with dirt pocket and removable plug provided and extended
to the nearest drains/soak-away as shown on the drawings. Removable plugs shall be
provided at every change in direction to allow rodding access.
2. All surface mounted condensate drains within the building shall be insulated with 10 mm
thick rubber foam and weather proofed with glass cloth & vapour barrier to the
satisfaction of the engineer. All exposed pipes external to the building shall be painted
with two coats of paint matching with the building colour.


18.1 General
1. The contractor shall provide and erect all ductwork including controls, isolating/balancing
dampers, grilles, diffusers and vapour proof insulation to form a complete air distribution
CEG International Specification
system as indicated on the tender drawings. The contractor shall balance, test and
commission all installations prior to the engineer issuing a completion certificate. Shop
drawings shall be submitted to the engineer prior to the commencement of works.
2. All sheet metal ductwork shown on the drawings, specified or required for various air
conditioning and ventilating systems, shall be fabricated and finished from best quality,
cold rolled annealed galvanized mild steel sheets of soft bending quality specially suitable
for air conditioning works. Materials used for ductwork, shall be free from blisters, pits and
imperfections in coating.
3. All bracing and reinforcement angles shall be preferably galvanized or made of black steel
properly cleaned from rust and painted with two prime coats of zinc-chromate paint prior to
installation, as approved by the engineer. Angles shall be carried around all four sides of
4. Reinforcing angles shall be fixed to the ducts by means of bolted joints made with
cadmium plated or galvanized steel hexagonal nuts and bolts with flat steel washers to the
following sizes :
25 mm angles : 6 mm diameter bolts at 10 cm centres
38 mm angles : 8 mm diameter bolts at 10 cm centres
5. Pockets, locks, deflectors and all branch ducts which need joints between two sheet metal
pieces, shall be made by aluminium rivets 5 mm diameter by 10 mm length minimum size
having head at one side. Rivets will be as specified in HVAC/DW/142.
6. Ductwork shall be so constructed that when erected, it shall be made air tight by tightly
sealing after fabrication and free from movement, sagging or drumming under all operating
conditions. It shall be true to size and accurately lined-up.
7. While the tender drawings shall be adhered to as closely as possible, runs and sizes of
ductwork may be varied only by the engineer, at no extra cost to the client, when deemed
necessary for co-ordination purpose with other works.
8. All duct elbows having an inside radius smaller than the width of the elbow shall be
equipped with approved vanes tightly riveted to the duct and in general as shown on the
details of the tender drawings.
9. Approved duct-turn shall be installed in all cases where 90 degree square elbows are used
and short take-offs are used on large ducts. Guide splitter vanes shall not be spaced more
than 15 cm apart.
10. Take-offs from main ducts shall be conical. All take-offs and connections shall be
constructed to minimize pressure loss. All raw edges of ductwork seams, rivets and areas
where galvanizing has been destroyed shall be cleaned, prepared and painted with zinc
rich paint at works and a further coat shall be applied after erection.
11. Allowances shall be made in ductwork construction for instruments and control
connections and adequate local stiffening shall be incorporated to provide rigid mountings.
12. The fabrication of ductwork shall be carried out in accordance with HVAC/DW/142,
ASHRAE or SMACNA standards.
13. Galvanized sheet hot dip galvanized steel shall be to astm-a527-87 standard, steel
shall be of lock forming quality, zinc coating designation z-27 or equivalent approved
14. Flexible ducting pre-insulated flexible ducting for the linear diffusers shall be suitable for
low / medium pressure. The inner core shall shield the fibre glass insulation from the air
stream. The outer jacket shall be of very tough spirally reinforced multi-layer aluminium
laminated construction.
15. Duct sealant duct sealant shall be non-hardening, non-migrating mastic or liquid sealant as
compounded and recommended by the manufacturer specially for sealing joint and seams
in the duct.
16. Aluminium alloy sheet shall be easy to form and to join and shall have extra resistance to
moist atmosphere (bs 1470).
17. PVC/polyethylene/grp suitable material shall be proposed by the contractor for engineer’s
CEG International Specification
18.1.2 Fire Resistance Ductwork
1. Provide non-combustible and fire resistance ductwork where shown on the drawings. Fire
resistant ducting shall be tested as per BS 476 part 24 for stability, integrity and insulation
by an independent laboratory and the certificates shall be submitted for approval.
2. Fire resistance rating of the ductwork, when tested from either side, shall not be less than
2 hours for stability, integrity and insulation.
3. The ductwork systems shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with BS5588
part 9 and shall be suitable to class C pressure/leakage classification of DW144.
4. Manufacturer’s proprietary insulating material tested and certified as per BS 476 can be
used for the fire rated ducting. Sprayed coatings, where used, shall be cement spray
system with smooth, hard set exterior finish.
5. All joints in the insulation shall be glued using suitable fire rated glues or secured with
nails. The jointing method shall be as per Manufacturer’s standards.


19.1 Damper Quadrants

1. All dampers other than dampers behind registers shall be fitted with substantial locking
cast metal quadrants. Quadrants shall be mounted outside the duct in an accessible
position. On insulated ducts, the quadrants shall be fastened to bearing plates flush with
the outside finish of the insulation.

19.2 Volume Control Dampers

1. Manual volume control dampers shall be provided as shown on the drawings or as
required additionally for balancing purposes the dampers shall have sturdy corrosion
resistant construction. All dampers shall have multi-leaf double skin aerofoil section
opposed blades. Individual blades should not exceed 1200 mm in length or 175 mm in
width. Double skin blades shall be made out of minimum 22 gauge galvanized steel sheet.
Damper frames shall be galvanized made out of 16 gauge steel sheet.
2. Single blade dampers with single skin blade section may be used for damper sizes up to
300 x 150 mm. Single skin blades shall be fabricated from 18 gauge galvanized steel
sheet. The blades shall be securely bolted to plated steel spindles, the ends of which shall
be extended to the outside of the duct with a groove in line with the blade. Spindles shall
be carried in brass or nylon bearings.
3. The control linkage shall be outside the air stream. Clear air flow area equal to the duct
size shall be maintained within the damper frame. Maximum clearance between the blades
and between the blades and the frame shall be limited to 3 mm. It should be noted that the
dampers shall be separate and independent from the dampers, here-after specified to be
set behind registers and diffusers.

19.3 Splitter Dampers

1. At each point of division in a supply duct, where a branch is taken off a trunk, an
adjustment splitter or deflecting damper shall be fitted to the duct, with the operating rod
and locking quadrant as above, with length extending through the duct to externally
mounted bearing plates. These deflecting dampers shall be permanently set and locked in
position after completion of the installation and adjustment. For phenolic duct system follow
manufacturer’s recommendation on the installation of splitter dampers.

19.4 Non-return Dampers

1. Non-return dampers shall be manufactured similar to duct dampers but shall incorporate
additionally, felt rubber or neoprene strips on long edges of blades to ensure positive shut-
off and quiet closure.
2. Dampers on fresh air inlets shall be similarly edged to prevent ingress of dust and sand
CEG International Specification
19.5 Motorized Dampers
1. Motorized dampers shall be provided in the positions indicated on the drawings. Dampers
shall be constructed of galvanized steel sheet or extruded aluminium frame in natural
anodized finish. All dampers shall have multi-leaf double skin aerofoil section opposed
blades. The blade shaft shall be in steel / brass and bearing section in PVC or ball
bearings. Dampers shall be two stage type with motor suitable for 24 volt supply (low
voltage) and tied to the timer for fresh air intake control.
2. Location of all dampers shall be identified by fixing different coloured pins on the false
ceiling tiles.


1. Fire dampers shall be of the galvanized steel curtain type.
2. The steel blades of the damper curtain shall fold completely upon themselves and be
stacked at one end of the damper outside the air stream. The dampers shall be arranged
for vertical operation as detailed on the drawing.
3. The damper fusible links shall be rated at 72°c.
4. The fire dampers shall be constructed generally to the same standards of air tightness as
the rest of the system. Both the curtain and the fusible link shall be accessible for servicing
through air tight inspection doors placed up and down stream wherever possible.
5. Each access door shall be of a minimum size of 450 mm square or full duct width on ducts
less than 450 mm.
6. Each damper shall be rated at 2 hours fire resistance.
7. Dampers shall be fitted in all fire-break walls and other fire barriers as indicated on the
contract drawings.
8. Ducting dampers and casings are to be manufactured in strict compliance with BS 476 part
8 and appropriate fire and other statutory regulations for fire damper specifications where
such exist (otherwise to HVAC specifications DW/142). The fire damper frame shall not be
less than 18 g thick.
9. Any necessary fixing framework shall be supplied and installed by the contractor.


1. The test holes shall be provided in the horizontal side of the duct and shall be of 22 mm
dia. fitted with an effective removable seal. The test holes shall be located at the following
1. At fans (in the straight section of duct near to fan outlet)
2. At cooling coils
3. At main branches after regulating dampers
4. At any other position as per Engineer's requirements.
5. Location of test holes shall be marked on the duct surface or on the insulation.


1. All fresh air inlets shall be fitted with double skin opposed blade volume control dampers,
sand traps, insect wire mesh and filter as indicated on the drawings.
2. All fresh air inlets shall be fitted with aluminium mesh bird screens and louvers in addition
to 50 mm thick washable metallic filters. Filter media thickness shall not be less than 45
mm, having same efficiency as filters for AHU’s.
3. Fresh air louvers shall be of extruded aluminium having colour / finish as approved by the
4. Louver blade extrusion shall be of a design to prevent ingress of rain and shall be
approved by the engineer.
5. Exhaust air outlets shall be fitted with aluminium mesh bird screens.
CEG International Specification
1. Flame proof flexible connections shall be fitted on all intake and discharge connections of
fans and air conditioning units for preventing the transmission of vibration through the
ducts to occupied spaces.
2. Flexible connections shall also be provided where ductwork passes across building
expansion joints.
3. Flexible connections shall be factory fabricated from chemically impregnated canvas.
Connections shall fit closely and be secured in airtight fashion to connections to ductwork,
fans and apparatus.
4. The material shall have a penetration time of at least fifteen minutes when tested in
accordance with BS 476 and shall remain flexible and without strain or distortion. Flexible
connections shall be 150 mm minimum and 250 mm maximum in length.


1. Ductwork shall be supported by means of pre-galvanized fully threaded drop rods and also
pre galvanized mild steel angle/channel sections, with spacing between supports not
exceeding 2.4 m and projecting 100 mm on either side to allow for proper insulation.

Rectangular Duct

Maximum Supporting Alternative Rod Bolt

Duct size bottom angle flat iron hanger dia.mm
(longer side) mm iron - mm mm dia. mm
400 25x25x1.5 25x0.8 6 6
600 25x25x3 25x3 8 8
1000 30x30x3 30x3 8 8
1500 40x40x3 40x5 10 10
2000 40x40x4 40x5 10 10
3000 According to 40x6 12 12

Circular Duct

Maximum Duct Supporting stirrup Rod hanger Bolt.

dia. mm mm mm
305 25x0.8 6 6
813 30x4.0 8 8
1016 40x5.0 10 8
1524 50x5.0 15 15

2. All channels and angles shall be pre galvanized and shall be painted with a further two
coats of grey paint on exposed metal parts after erection. Ductwork supports shall
preferably be positioned close to dampers, diffusers and all similar equipment. Ductwork
supports shall in general conform to HVAC/DW/142 or SMACNA standards. Galvanized
serrated band with insulating band type supports shall also be acceptable up to duct size
of 600 mm except in the plant room. Contractor to summit complete details for approval
before fixing.


25.1 General
1. Air outlets and air inlets of an approved make, type and model shall be provided with sizes
as indicated on the drawings. They shall be fitted with sponge rubber gasket behind the
frames and nylon bushings at the blades connection to the frame. All air outlets and inlets
shall be of white powder coated extruded aluminium / custom proprietary finish and a
sample of all air devices must be approved by the engineer prior to ordering.
CEG International Specification
25.2 Grilles and Registers
1. Supply and return air registers shall have individually adjustable horizontal front blades,
vertical rear blades and shall be equipped with opposed blade dampers. Exhaust air
registers shall be single deflection fixed horizontal blades and be equipped with opposed
blade volume control damper. Exhaust air grilles shall be similar to exhaust air registers
but without volume control dampers.
2. Outside air louvers shall be equipped with insect screen.
3. Wooden frames with grooved jointed pattern shall be used with all grilles and registers and
shall be supplied and installed by the contractor.

25.3 Diffusers
1. The diffusers shall be fitted with opposed blade volume control dampers as furnished by
the manufacturer. Volume controls for these outlets shall be accessible through the outlet
from below the ceiling and shall maintain their setting, when adjusted. Each diffuser shall
be provided with sponge rubber or felt gasket and angle ring or frame for securing to
ductwork. Return air diffusers shall be identical to supply air diffusers.
2. Diffusers shall be of the type and shape indicated on the drawings, a sample of which must
be approved by the engineer prior to ordering.

25.4 Door Grilles/Undercuts

1. Door grilles shall be of the inverted 'v' blade type, not permitting vision through the grille
blades and not more than 12 mm apart. Minimum free area shall be at least 50%.louvres
shall be of the double frame type with a frame on each side of the door.
2. Undercuts shall be provided on doors wherever indicated on the drawings.

25.5 Alternative
1. Contractor can offer circular adjustable diffusers of aluminium construction, however, throw
and noise level should comply with the requirement and specifications. The circular
diffusers shall also be fitted with opposed blade dampers.
Note :
All diffusers, grilles, registers, linear diffusers etc., shall be powder coated including the
pattern adjustment and volume control elements in linear diffusers to match the interior
finish or as advised by the engineer.
No internal insulation or lining shall be used inside the ducts, plenums etc.


1. Wherever necessary, the contractor shall provide suitable access openings to permit
inspection, operation and maintenance of all filters, controls, dampers, fire dampers,
bearings or other apparatus. Doors shall be of double skin construction of not less than 20
gauge metal sheet and shall have sponge rubber gaskets around their entire perimeter. On
insulated ductwork, the space between the inner and outer door sheets shall be insulated
as specified for ductwork and insulation thickness be equal to duct insulation. All access
doors in sheet metal shall be air tight and shall be hinged or lift-off type and secured in the
closed position by means of cam latches.


27.1 General
1. All insulating materials required for piping, mechanical equipment, ductwork etc., shall be
furnished and installed under this section of the specifications. The thermal insulation shall
be non-corrosive to the metal, water repellent and fire-retardant.
2. All metal surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and treated with approved corrosion
inhibitor before applying insulation. Inhibitor coating will not be required for galvanized
surfaces. All surfaces to be insulated shall be dry and free of loose scale, dirt, oil or water,
when insulation is applied. Application and completion shall be of highest quality and shall
comply with bs 5244 and cp 3005.
CEG International Specification
3. Insulation shall be carried out neatly and to a high standard by skilled workers,
experienced in the trade. Insulation shall be applied in such a manner that there will be no
air circulation within the insulation or between the insulation and the applied surface.
4. Surface imperfections in the insulation such as chipped edges, small joints or cracks and
small voids not over 25 mm square shall be filled with light insulating material or with
insulating cement. Samples of all materials proposed for use shall be submitted.
5. All duct flanges, stiffeners and inspection doors etc., shall be insulated in accordance with
the recommended practices and to the engineer's approval. Where a vapour barrier is
fixed at site, it shall be fixed in such a manner as to obviate the possibility of moisture
6. No piping, ducts or equipment shall be insulated until tested and approved for air/water
7. Insulation for all services shall be continued through sleeves. The insulation on exposed
riser extend through the floor slab. All materials including fixing and furnishing materials
shall be rated grade 'p' when tested for ignitability as defined in BS 476 - part 4.


28.1 General
1. Exhaust and Fresh air fans shall be supplied and installed by the contractor as shown on
the drawings. Capacity, type and rating of the fans shall be as indicated in the schedule.
The fan motors and switches shall be in accordance with this specification regarding
electrical works. Fixing details shall be in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations. All roof fans shall be suitable to operate for 50°C ambient temperature.

28.2 Centrifugal Fans

1. Centrifugal Fan blower shall be statically and dynamically balanced and tested by the
manufacturer. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, blower wheels shall be steel,
and shall be designed for low noise level, high efficiency and shall have non-overloading
characteristics. Wheel construction shall consist of die formed sturdy blades welded
between a heavy back plate and retaining ring. All wheels shall be checked for axial and
radial run out and shall be statically and dynamically balanced.

2. Housings shall be of heavy gauge steel, structurally reinforced and suitably braced to
prevent vibration or pulsation, and shall be arc welded throughout. Lifting lugs shall be
welded to the housing to facilitate handling of the fans. Straightening vanes shall be
standard construction to assure maximum efficiency and lowest noise levels.

3. The entire rotating assembly, including the wheel, bearings, shaft, motor and pulleys shall
be mounted on a single, hinged swing-out door to eliminate the need for disassembly for
servicing or cleaning.

4. Inlets shall be fully streamlined and the inlet cone assembly shall be removable through
the swing-out servicing door. The inlet cone shall be designed to overlap the wheel cone to
minimize air bypass and noise levels and maximize efficiency. The inlet cone shall retract
by means of a handle located on the outside of the unit. In its retracted position, the inlet
cone shall permit free clearance for the door and rotating assembly to swing in an outward
direction, minimizing free clearance for the door and rotating assembly to swing in an
outward direction, minimizing the force needed to break any coating seals which may
develop inside the fan during operation. A roller on the bottom of the door and a roller track
on the housing shall be provided to allow easy door closure to assure proper wheel

5. Door gaskets shall be heavy duty, neoprene compound, and extruded P-mold design to
ensure gas-tight construction and prevent leakage during operation and wash down cycles.
CEG International Specification
A positive locking mechanism shall be provided to prevent accidental opening of the swing-
out door by unauthorized personnel.

6. Wheels shall be mounted on a single shaft designed to operate without undue vibration
and shall be driven with V-belts selected for 150 per cent of the motor horsepower. They
shall be encased in a heavy gage steel housing that is sufficiently reinforced as to be rigid
and flutter free. The shaft shall be turned, ground and polished and shall be selected for
operation well below the first critical speed and shall have rust preventive coating. Self-
aligning bearing with grease seal and lubrication fittings shall support shafts.

7. Case of Belt Drive Shaft shall be constructed of steel, turned, ground and polished.

8. Bearings: (Case of Belt Drive Fan) shall be of the sleeve / ball-bearing type mounted
directly on the fan housing. Bearings shall be designed especially for quiet operation and
shall be of the self-aligning, oil / grease pack pillow block type.

9. Motor : Fan motor shall be energy efficient and suitable for 415±10% volts, 50 cycles, 3
phase AC power supply, squirrel-cage, totally enclosed, fan-cooled motor, provided with
class F insulation, and of approved make. Motor name plate horsepower shall exceed
brake horsepower by a minimum of 10%. Motor shall be designed specially for quiet
operation and motor speed shall not exceed 1440 rpm. The fan and motor combination
selected for the particular required performance shall be of the most efficient (smallest
horse power), so that sound level is lowest.

10. Drive to fan shall be provided through belt with adjustable motor sheave and a standard
belt guard. Belts shall be of the oil-resistant type.

11. Vibration Isolation : MS base shall be provided for both fan and motor, built as an integral
part, and shall be mounted on a concrete foundation through vibration isolators. The
concrete foundation shall be at least 15 cm above the finished floor level, or as shown in
approved-for-construction shop drawings.

28.3 In-line Fans

1. Frame in extruded aluminium profile, removable panels in galvanized steel sheet.

2. Fan is fixed by using the outlet flange and suitable brackets on the sides of the fan.
3. Inside lining of the plenum in techno polymer class I
4. Fans, forward or backward curved, DIDW, direct or belt driven type.
a. Scroll: High quality galvanized steel sheet or Aluminium Construction as per site

b. Impeller: The impeller is made of quality hot galvanizing steel sheet and is designed
to a special configuration according to aerodynamics to make the efficiency highest
& the noise lowest.

c. Bearings: For belt drive cabinet fan, high quality bearing to minimize the ventilator
noise level. Bearings are pre-lubricated, sealed & self - centering.

d. Shaft: For belt driven cabinet fan, the shafts are made of C40 or C45. The shafts are
rough machined and then stress relieved before final machining. The shaft diameters
are machined to vary accurate tolerance levels and they are fully checked to assure
CEG International Specification
precision fits. They are coated after assembly in order to provide corrosion

5. Motors:

1. Fan motor shall be suitable for 415  10% volts, 50 cycle 3 phase power supply, squirrel
cage, TEFC motor, provided with class F insulation, and of approved make. Motor
nameplate horsepower shall exceed brake horsepower by a minimum of 10%. Motor shall
be designed especially for quiet operation and motor speed shall not exceed 1450 rpm.
The fan and motor combination selected for the particular required performance, shall be
of the most efficient (smallest horse power), so that noise level and power consumption are

2. Direct driven built-in motor, asynchronous single phase or three phase, class F, suitable for
speed regulation (Using speed regulator)

6. Drive:

1. Drive to fan shall be provided through belt with adjustable motor sheave. Belt shall
be of the oil resistant type. Belts and pulleys shall be sized for a minimum 150% of
the installed motor horsepower. The belt speed shall not exceed 40m/s. The pulley
shall be of Taper Lock SPZ, SPA, SPB or SPC type. Conventional type of pulley is
not acceptable.

2. Vibration Isolation: AL / MS base shall be provided for both fan & motor, built as an
integral part, and shall be mounted on the cabinet base through vibration isolators.

28.4 Axial Flow Fans

1. Housings shall be of heavy gauge steel, structurally reinforced and suitably braced to
prevent vibration or pulsation, and shall be arc welded throughout. Lifting lugs shall be
welded to the housing to facilitate handling of the fans.

2. Cast aluminium wheel with air foil shaped blades shall be statically and dynamically
balanced and tested by the manufacturer. All wheels shall be checked for axial and radial
run out. Wheel shall be provided with a taper lock hub for ease in wheel removal.

3. Wheels shall be mounted on a single shaft designed to operate without undue vibration
and shall be driven with V-belts selected for 150 per cent of the motor horsepower. They
shall be encased in a heavy gage steel housing that is sufficiently reinforced as to be rigid
and flutter free. The shaft shall be turned, ground and polished and shall be selected for
operation well below the first critical speed and shall have rust preventive coating.

4. Self-aligning bearing with grease seal and lubrication fittings shall support shafts.

5. Shaft and bearing cover shall be provided to isolate bearings and drive from the airstream
for less maintenance and longer life.

6. The drive motor shall be mounted on an adjustable motor mount with positive screw
adjustment for easy belt tensioning.

7. Fan shall be complete with motor, motor mount, belt driven (or direct driven) and vibration
isolation type, suspension arrangement as per approved for construction shop drawings
CEG International Specification
8. Wheels shall be mounted on a single shaft designed to operate without undue vibration
Casing: Casing in rolled steel sheet with corrosion resistance Hot Dipped galvanizing with
fixing flanges. For Long Cased an inspection door and neoprene gasket shall be provided.
Casing shall have flanged connection on both ends for ducted applications Support
brackets for ceiling suspension shall be bolted to the casing for connection to hanger bolts.

9. Rotor: Impeller with aerofoil profile blades in techno-polymer material / Aluminium and die-
cast aluminium hub. Variable pitch angle in still position. Hub. Execution 4 (with impeller
directly coupled to the motor shaft end) and airflow from motor to impeller.

10. Motor: Asynchronous three-phase or single phase motor according to international

standards IEC34-IEC72 and 89/392 EEC-89/336 EEC73/23 EEC, CE marked, IP55, class
F S1 service (Continuous working at constant load).

11. Drive: Case of belt drive axial fan, impeller & hub assembly mounted on a cast iron mono-
block, with ball bearing.

28.5 Roof Exhaust Fan Centrifugal type

1. Axial or centrifugal belt driven in line supply fan shall be constructed of heavy gauge
galvanized steel. The fan wheel shall be axial type and shall be statically and dynamically
2. Motors shall be heavy duty ball bearing type carefully matched to the fan load and
furnished at the specified voltage, phase and enclosure. Motors and drives shall be
mounted out of the airstream for motor be readily accessible for maintenance.
3. Drives shall be sized for a minimum of 150% of driven horsepower. Pulleys shall be of the
fully machined cast iron type keyed and securely attached to the wheel of the motor shafts.
Motor pulley shall be adjustable for final system balancing.
4. A NEMA 1 disconnect switch shall be provided with standard factory wiring shall be
provided from motor to the handy box.
5. All fans shall bear the AMCA certified ratings seal for both sound and air performance.
6. Each fan shall bear a permanently affixed manufacturers nameplate containing the model
number and individual serial number for identification.

28.6 Wall Mounted (Propeller Fan)

1. Supporting frame in drawn steel sheet with wide ray in aspiration. Protected against the
atmospheric agents with epoxy particle painting.

2. Impeller with wing profile blades in plastic material and hub in die-cast aluminium alloy.

3. Execution 4 (direct coupling with impeller) Airflow type A (from motor to impeller)

4. Motor: Asynchronous three-phase or single phase motor according to international

standards IEC34-IEC72 and 89/392 EEC-89/336 EEC73/23 EEC, CE marked, IP55, class
For small capacity fan - Shielded pole motor, single phase, IP 20, Class B, with supply
cable and built in thermal protection.

5. Accessories : The following accessories shall be provided with propeller fans and gravity
Shutter protected against the atmospheric agents

28.7 Smoke vents / roof ventilators

CEG International Specification
1. For highly efficient natural ventilation and smoke control. Its virtually maintenance free
design, its low weight and a special designed adapter flange ensure that it can easily be
installed. It is tested and approved in accordance with EN12101-2 and it is supplied in mill
finish aluminium.

2. Double skin base made from 1.5 mm thick aluminium with integrated non-flammable
mineral wool insulation. Specially designed hinges are 2.5mm stainless steel to ensure
long life and a correct opening of the lids.

3. Lids made from 16 mm opaque polycarbonate, comprising 7 skins and 6 chambers, held in
place by an extruded aluminium frame. Continuous seals between base and lids keep out
wind and rain and also reduce noise ingress. The ventilator has EPDM seals set into
profiles which run right round the base. This precludes the risk of the seals being ripped
out when the ventilator opens.

4. The louvers are operated by two 24V electric actuators. The actuators which have been
treated with a special permanent lubrication and are low in maintenance. The channels are
made from 3mm thick extruded aluminium.

5. The unit has no thermal release mechanism and to be fitted on to a suitable upstand.

1. Each control panel to control a maximum of 10 ventilators.
2. Wall mounted control panel to provide automatic operation of the ventilators mentioned in
item 1 with a VFC input for accepting a fire signal.
3. The panel will automatically open the ventilators upon receipt of a fire alarm signal.
4. The panel will have battery backup to keep the smoke ventilators functioning for up to 72
hours, in the event of failure in the electrical supply to the control panel.
5. The panel will also have the facility for manual operation of the ventilators.
6. Power supply required 240V/1Ph/50 Hz


29.1 General
1. All electrical works and materials shall be as described under the electrical specifications
and shall conform to the regulations of ministry of electricity and water.
2. All electrically operated equipment shall be so designed that it will continue to function
without damage to itself or otherwise, if the voltage and/or frequency vary within the
following tolerances:
Voltage -± 6%
Frequency -± 0.3%
3. All electrically operated equipment shall be suitable for continuous and prolonged
operation within the ambient temperature or exposed condition to the atmosphere where
they are installed to operate. Allowance for the local high ambient temperature shall be
made by reducing the permitted rise of temperature above ambient or by de-rating the
capacity and ratings.

29.2 Electrical Motors

1. All motors shall be designed to suit the maximum temperature of air passing over the
motors and the additional temperature rise caused by exposure to the sun. The type of
winding insulation shall, however, be not less than class 'b'. The motors for exhaust fans
shall have the insulation suitable to operate on 50°C ambient temperature.
CEG International Specification
2. All motors smaller than 0.50 kw shall be designed to operate on single phase. All motors
0.75 kw and above shall be designed to operate on three phase. All motors shall be wound
for 240 volts, single phase, or 415 volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz, A.C. system.
3. Any motors brought to site not complying with above mentioned voltage and insulation
requirements shall not be accepted.

29.3 Electrical Wiring

1. All power cabling up to and including isolators to the control panels in all equipment on the
roof and fan controlled isolator as indicated on the drawing shall be carried out by the
electrical contractor. The electric supply shall be terminated into the main incomer of the
control panel/isolator. It is the A.C. contractor's responsibility to continue the connections
from the isolator up to all the air conditioning and ventilation units.
2. The A.C. contractor shall be responsible for complete electrical equipment/controls
associated with the air conditioning and ventilation works. A.C. contractor's scope of works
shall include but not be limited to the following:
1. All control wiring including necessary conduits, cables, cable trays etc., for the air
conditioning equipment, controls and remote emergency push buttons (if required),etc.
All HVAC control components such as flow switches, temperature sensors,
thermostats etc., are to be wired to control panel and other associated components
using armoured cable on galvanized cable rack / tray. Power cabling from FCU control
panel to FCUs, sequence control panel to isolator to FCU, pressurization unit and
power cabling from isolators to fans etc. shall be carried out by the A.C. Contractor. In
case of remote installed A.C. control panels, the power cabling from the control panel
up to the isolator near the A.C. equipment shall be carried out by the Electrical
Contractor. (For continuity, refer electrical drawings and specifications).
2. Specifications for conduits, cables, cable trays to conform to electrical specifications.
3. Power cabling from the controller of twin extract fans to the actual fan units.

29.4 Starters
1. All three phase motors for a.c. units shall be provided with d.o.l. / star delta starters having
the following facilities :
a. To disconnect the supply in the event of power failure or voltage drop.
b. To protect the motor from over load in each phase.
c. Start/stop push button.
d. ON/OFF/TRIP indicating lamp.
e. Single phase preventer.
2. All three phase starters shall have thermal overload protection in each phase as well as
under voltage reset plus two auxiliary normal open contacts.

29.5 Isolators
1. All electrical drives shall have local isolators, weather proof to ip 55. Isolators shall be of
reputed manufacturers, up to engineer's approval.

29.6 Earthling
1. All motors starting equipment panels shall have their frames, carcasses and all metal parts
effectively and continuously connected to the general mass of the earth.

29.7 Testing
1. All wiring within control panels shall be works checked, prior to despatch, for loose
connections, correct terminations and compliance with wiring diagrams. In addition,
functional checks shall be carried out in the works to ensure that all interlocking and
sequencing is in accordance with the performance requirements of the specification. The
engineer shall be given 7 days written notice of such tests so that he may attend if he so
CEG International Specification
2. With all control circuits disconnected but with all isolators closed and power fuses fitted,
the panels shall be subjected to a voltage test of 2.5 kv for one minutes, across the
following points:
a. Phase to phase
b. Phase to neutral
c. Phase to earth
d. Neutral to earth
3. Certified schedules detailing all tests and their results shall be submitted to the engineer
within fourteen days of the test.

29.8 Approval of Workmanship Standards

1. The standard of workmanship shall comply with the requirements of the engineer who shall
carry out periodic inspections of completed work and work in progress.
2. Any work not to the engineer's satisfaction during such inspection shall be replaced to a
standard satisfactory to the engineer at no cost to the contract for the subsequent

29.9 Tags, Colour Coding

1. All equipment shall be properly identified by means of permanent tags. All components
shall be labelled in the control panel as per the approved drawings. All wires shall be
colour coded in accordance with the electrical regulations of the Kahra-maa. Labelling
system shall be agreed with the engineer.

29.10 Wiring and Regulation

1. All installation shall comply with the electrical regulations of Kahra-maa.


30.1 General
1. This section shall be complied with QCS-Latest section 22 part 9 clause 9.4
2. The air conditioning installation shall be capable of automatic operation. Necessary
operational and safety controls shall be provided for air handling units. Low voltage control
system shall be preferred. The location of controls should permit easy access for
calibration, adjustment and maintenance.
3. Selector switches shall be provided for manual selector switch for pumps and automatic
operation of a.c. plants. The a.c. control panel to be located as indicated on the drawings
shall be suitable for operation at 50°c ambient condition.
4. The contractor shall submit the control schematic diagrams indicating the single line from
all the control functions in sequential order, control wiring diagram and power wiring from
control panel as a whole to the engineer for his approval.

30.2 Exhaust Fan Controls

1. Exhaust fans shall be controlled from automatic starters installed as shown on the
drawings. All other fans shall be controlled through their respective control panels.
Interlinking shall also be carried out as detailed elsewhere.


1. The contractor shall carry out the cutting of holes and making them good where pipes,
conduits, cable and cable trays are passing through the walls, floor and roof slabs as
measured in the bill of quantities.
2. Two sets of builders work drawings shall be submitted to the engineer for his approval.
CEG International Specification
1. After completion of the installation, the entire work shall be checked for finish and
appearance. Any portion of work found damaged, unpainted or not finished to the
satisfaction of the engineer shall be rectified, painted and finished satisfactorily.


1. Each system shall be thoroughly flushed and all extraneous material removed from the
pipe bore to the engineer's satisfaction prior to the pressure test.
2. Upon the completion of the pressure tests and prior to putting the system into operation,
the pipework shall be thoroughly cleaned. This operation should be carried out strictly in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
3. Any pipework, fittings or accessories which may be prone to damage during the cleaning
and flushing operation should be isolated or removed and subsequently refitted upon


1. All insulation, exposed pipework and ductwork shall be identified by colour codes/safety
indicated and basic colour identification bands to b.s. 1710.
2. The safety colour and colour code indication bands shall be 100 mm wide between two
basic colour identification bands each of length 150 mm. The identification shall be at
centres of not more than 6 meters and adjacent to all valves, items of plant, changes in
direction and both sides where the pipework passes through walls, floors etc., and all
service access points.
3. Pipe sizes, pipe contents, flow and return (f & r) designation and direction of flow arrows in
black shall be applied on the basic colour identification band as detailed in tables 1, 2 and
appendix 'd' of b.s. 1710. An extract from the 1975 edition of appendix 'd' is shown in the
table at the end of this section.
4. The safety colour, contents, code and colour identification bands shall be applied by
means of self-adhesive coloured or printed tape.
5. Flow and return (f & r) and direction of flow arrows shall be in black with letters 25 mm high
on 50 mm wide white self-adhesive tape applied in a continuous band around the pipe
6. Pipe contents shall be in black lettering 25 mm high on 50 mm wide clear self-adhesive
tape with one set of identification letters per colour code.
7. Pipe sizes shall be metric in black printed lettering 25 mm high on 50 mm wide clear self-
adhesive labels.
8. All ductwork whether insulated or exposed shall be identified in accordance with DW/142
appendix 'a' together with descriptive lettering approved by the engineer.
9. The materials employed shall be as for pipework identification, i.e. Self-adhesive plastic.
10. All the lettering and wording shall be in Arabic and English.


1. All works shall be inspected at any stage during the progress of work and after the
completion of works. All works shall be tested and commissioned in accordance with the
relevant British standards, specifications and codes of practice to the entire satisfaction of
the engineer. Any defects pointed out at any time during the progress of work during the
test or occurring after the test, shall be rectified and retested at no additional cost to the
2. No insulation shall be carried out on any section of the works or concealed in any other
way prior to testing and inspection.
3. At least two copies of test certificates of the tests carried out at manufacturer's works shall
be forwarded to the engineer prior to despatch of the materials to site.
4. All the test points required for carrying out the tests and commissioning of the system
including the measuring instruments to measure pressure, temperature, pressure drop,
CEG International Specification
velocity, volume, flow rate or any conditions to be measured shall be provided by the
5. The contractor shall employ a specialist agency to carry out testing & commissioning of all
plant & equipment including air balance and water balancing. The contractor shall carry out
all the performance tests initially before requesting the engineer to witness the tests in
order to avoid unnecessary delay. All the necessary labour force, skilled or unskilled,
required during the test, prior to or after the test shall be provided by the contractor.
6. It shall be ensured that the system is free from any dirt, welding snag or any other foreign
matter before the system is finally filled with working fluid. The system shall be properly
vented for bringing it to operating conditions. The system shall then run at full load and the
flow rate then regulated to specifications and design conditions. All readings on air, water
and electrical power consumption shall be recorded every hour and details forwarded to
the engineer.
7. The system shall be regulated and balanced for flow rates, temperature and pressure drop
tests. A copy of the test showing the final operating point shall be submitted to the
8. During the tests, all the readings of pressure, temperature, flow rates, pressure drop,
power consumption, noise level or any other, as advised by the engineer shall be tabulated
and at least two copies submitted to the engineer.
9. Statutory authority approval
10. Contractor shall submit the final official approval from the concerned statutory authority.

1. The contractor shall guarantee for a period of 400 days after the practical completion of the
installation that all plant and equipment shall operate free of any defects due to defective
material and bad workmanship and that any part found defective during this period shall be
replaced free of cost by the contractor.
2. Maintenance period for all air conditioning equipment, controls, components and systems
etc., shall start only after regular electricity power supply is available at site.
3. All the compressors up to and including 15 hp shall be guaranteed for a period of 5 years
from the date of regular power supply at site. The contractor shall also guarantee the
performance and efficiency of the plant and equipment as per the specifications for a
similar period of 400 days after the practical completion and if the services of contractor's
personnel are requisitioned during this period, such works shall be made available free of
cost to the client.
4. If the defects are not rectified within a reasonable period, the client may proceed to do so
by another agency at the contractor's entire risk and expense without prejudice to any
rights of the client.


1. The schedules have been prepared for the purpose of facilitating selection of equipment
and evaluating the tenders. The reference given against each item in the schedules refer
to the appropriate references in the drawings.
2. Technical details of the equipment offered by the contractor should be furnished, as asked
for in the technical schedules enclosed.
3. The external static pressure for fans, where given are approximate and the contractor will
be required to supply equipment to handle the requirements of his installation without extra
cost to the contract.
4. Should the contractor wish to amplify any information to be provided, this should be set
out on separate sheets and submitted with his tender together with explanatory
manufacturer's catalogues, curves and selection charts.
5. If the equipment selected by the tenderer should require any special alteration or addition
to the architectural or structural work, he must list the requirements separately.
CEG International Specification
1. The technical schedules listed hereunder must be filled in and signed by the tenderer and
they must be attached with the offer with complete engineering catalogues for every piece
of equipment to enable the engineer to evaluate each offer. Offers submitted without such
information will not be acceptable.


Type :.................................................................................

Total Static Pressure :.................................................................................

B.H.P. :.................................................................................

Motor H.P. :.................................................................................

Class of Insulation :.................................................................................

Miscellaneous Information

Type of filters and thickness :.................................................................................

Type of Insulation and density:.................................................................................

Controls provided :.................................................................................

Reheaters capacity :.................................................................................

Reheater flow rate :.................................................................................


a. Fresh Air Filters

Make :.................................................................................

Type/Model :.................................................................................

Frame :.................................................................................

Number of Cells :.................................................................................

Cell Dimensions Efficiency :.................................................................................

Face Velocity (fpm) :.................................................................................

Pressure drop inch of water :.................................................................................

CEG International Specification
b. Return Air Filters


Model No. :.................................................................................

Type of Filter

Location of Filter :.................................................................................

Is the filter :-

a. Throwaway type :.................................................................................

b. Replaceable media
Type :.................................................................................

c. Cleanable type :.................................................................................

d. High Efficiency
Filters :.................................................................................

Area of media ft.sq. :.................................................................................

Face Area Efficiency :.................................................................................

Face Velocity :.................................................................................

Initial Pressure drop

(inch of water) :.................................................................................

Filter life, hours of

Operation :.................................................................................

Packaged Air conditioning Units


Make :..................................................................................

Type :..................................................................................

Model :..................................................................................

No. of units offered :..................................................................................

Net cooling capacity

of each :.................................................................................

Refrigerant used :.................................................................................

Power supply :.................................................................................

CEG International Specification
Power consumption :.................................................................................

Split Air conditioning Units


Make :..................................................................................

Type :..................................................................................

Model :..................................................................................

No. of units offered :..................................................................................

Net cooling capacity

of each :.................................................................................

Refrigerant used :.................................................................................

Power supply :.................................................................................

Power consumption :.................................................................................

Indoor Unit
Model :.................................................................................

Nominal Capacity :.................................................................................

Net Capacity :.................................................................................

H :.................................................................................

W :.................................................................................

D :.................................................................................

Net Weight :.................................................................................

Refrigerant :.................................................................................

No. of circuits :.................................................................................

Flow Control :.................................................................................

Evaporator fan :.................................................................................

Nominal air flow :.................................................................................

High :.................................................................................

Low :.................................................................................

Motor :.................................................................................

Evaporator :.................................................................................

Coil construction :.................................................................................

CEG International Specification

Type of blower :.................................................................................

Outdoor Unit

Model :.................................................................................

Outer dimension :.................................................................................

Net weight :.................................................................................

Refrigerant :.................................................................................

Number of circuits :.................................................................................

Compressor model :.................................................................................

Motor :.................................................................................

Quantity :.................................................................................

F.L. Current :.................................................................................

Condenser :.................................................................................

Condenser fan :.................................................................................

Motor :.................................................................................

Quantity :.................................................................................

Coil construction :.................................................................................


Manufacturer :.................................................................................

Type : …………………………………………………………...

Density : ……………………………………………………………

Finish : ……………………………………………………………

Ventilation/Exhaust Fans

Reference : ……………………………………………………………

Location : ……………………………………………………………

Service : ……………………………………………………………

Type : ……………………………………………………………

Make : ……………………………………………………………

Model : ……………………………………………………………

Size : ……………………………………………………………
CEG International Specification

CFM : ……………………………………………………………

Static Pressure : ……………………………………………………………

Motor Rating : ……………………………………………………………


S.No Item Make









6. Grilles, Registers and Diffusers : CRAY FLOW

CEG International Specification

7. Sound Attenuators AEROVAC, GALLOWAY


8. Vibration Isolator : RUBATEX



10. Volume Control Dampers/Fresh Air : AEROVAC QADNET/QA
Intake / Access Doors CIACO

11. Fire Dampers AEROVAC, QADNET/QA


12. Flexible Ducts : SAFID, PROFLEX


13. Duct Flexible Connections : DURODYNE


14. Duct Insulation & Pipe Insulation AEROFOAM, PROFLEX


15. Rubber Foam Insulation AEROFOAM, PROFLEX


16. Hangers / Support FAIMCO


17. Copper Pipes YORKSHIRE


18. Copper Pipe Fittings WEDNESBURY

CEG International Specification









The above recommended manufacturers should meet the detailed specification given in the relevant

CEG International Specification

1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................... 2

2.0 CODES AND STANDARDS ................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.0 SCOPE OF WORK.................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.0 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS/FIRE BLANKETS ................................................................................................ 12
5.0 STANDPIPE AND HOSE SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................... 17
6.0 SPRINKLER SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
7.0 FIRE WATER PIPING ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
8.0 FIRE PUMP SET ..................................................................................................................................................................... 31
9.0 FIRE WATER TANKS ........................................................................................................................................................... 42
10.0 CLEAN AGENT FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM (FM-200)............................................................................................ 43
11.0 MISCELLANEOUS ................................................................................................................................................................ 55
12.0 APPROVED SCHEDULE OF MANUFACTURERS ........................................................................................................ 59

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CEG International Specification

This technical specification provides an overview of the comprehensive firefighting
system to be provided for the proposed Al Moez Logistics Complex in Al Wakra, State of

The purpose of this technical specification is to summarize the fire suppression system as
recommended in the applicable codes and standards for the proposed project. This
specification also identifies the minimum code requirements that will provide an
acceptable level of fire safety measures referring to the applicable codes, chapters and
sections in detail.

1.2 GOAL
The main goal is to provide the sustainable fire protection system to protect the occupant’s
life and property.

The overall purpose and objective of the firefighting system for the entire project is to
provide systems or equipment which will offer means of mitigation in the event of fire so
as to reduce the risk of escalation for the facility and extinguishing of fires.

In order to protect life, the environment and asset the fire suppression systems are
designed to:

a) Provide the ability to combat and extinguish fires;

b) Minimize the spread of fire, smoke and combustion products;
c) Control larger fires to limit escalation and equipment damage.

The fire suppression systems shall be designed, installed, tested & commissioned in
accordance with relevant NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) fire safety codes &
standards, QCDD regulations, client requirements and other international acceptable
standards to protect human life and properties.

In this document:

The term “Employer” refers to the “Client”.

The term “Engineer” refers to the “Consultant”
The term “Contractor” refers to the company executing the works.


This document is part of the contractual documents mentioned in the Contract given to
the contractor (as defined in the General Conditions of Contract).

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CEG International Specification

This document is a technical description of the works given to the contractor and is
supplemented with drawings. These drawings are listed in drawings list documents
appended to this file.

The present tender document has been precisely defined according to the latest

The contract drawings provide the necessary guidelines so as to define the main elements.

The contractor, using his professional knowledge, will define, in their entirety, the works
to be performed according to the specification, contract drawings and other contract

The contractors shall verify this specification by consulting the architectural and all
technical documents.

The contractors shall present any eventual errors or omissions to the documents before
signing the contract. The Engineer shall take no claims relative to tender documents into
account once the contract has been signed.


The Contractor is responsible for the quality and the satisfactory operation of the
installations entrusted to him, as well as for compliance with the performance stipulated
in this document. Consequently, for his own account and under his own responsibility,
he must carry out all calculations and select the necessary materials and equipment.

Apart from the required performance definitions, this document and the relevant
drawings also provide many indications resulting from the studies carried out by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall review these studies and check the corresponding
indications. The same applies to equipment selection, for which the information given in
this document must be deemed as indicative and defines only the minimum

The specialist fire suppression system contractor shall have minimum 15 years of
experience in the design, engineering, manufacture, procure, supply, installation, testing,
commissioning and maintenance of relevant fire protection systems. The specialist fire
suppression system contractor shall be ISO 9001, ISO 29001, ISO 14001 & OSHAS 18001
certified and shall be of UL registered firm. In addition, the specialist contractor shall be
“A” Grade approved contractor by the Qatar Civil Defence department to carry out the
fire protection system design & installations of unlimited projects.


The contractor shall furnish all labour, materials, tools, supplies, equipment,
transportation, supervision, technical, professional and other services, and shall perform
all operations necessary and required to satisfactorily complete all the necessary
engineering, procurement services, construction work and commissioning for the fire

Page 3 of 64
CEG International Specification

suppression systems and warranted for 400 days from the date of commissioning of the
proposed project.


Refer to the tender drawings and specific technical documents issued.


Refer to the approved IFT Drawings and other related Contract Documents.


This Specification is prepared referring to the internationally recognized codes and
standards, Qatar Civil Defence Department (QCDD) Regulations and Qatar Construction
Specifications (QCS).


The following standards and regulations shall be followed on the design and installation
of the firefighting system:

 Qatar Civil Defence Department (QCDD) Standards and Regulations

 Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS)

 Client Requirements


All systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with the requirement of
International Codes and Standards and Local Authority having Jurisdiction. They shall
be particularly in accordance with the following NFPA /BS EN/Vds standards:

 NFPA 1, Fire Code

 NFPA 3, Recommended Practice for Commissioning of Fire Protection and Life
Safety Systems
 NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire extinguishers
 NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems
 NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems
 NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and their
 NFPA 25, Standard for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water Based Fire
Protection Systems
 NFPA 37, Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engine
and Gas Turbines

Page 4 of 64
CEG International Specification

 NFPA 70, National Electric Code

 NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code
 NFPA 92A, Standard for Smoke Control Systems

 NFPA 96, Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial
Cooking Operations

 NFPA 101, Life Safety Code

 NFPA 110, Standard for Emergency and Stand by Power systems

 NFPA 170, Standard for Fire Safety Symbols

 NFPA 204, Standard for Smoke and Heat Venting

 NFPA 220, Standard for types of Building Construction

 NFPA 221, Standard for Fire Walls and Fire Barrier Walls

 NFPA 780, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems

 NFPA 1963, Standard for Fire Hose Connections

 NFPA 2001, Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems

 NFPA 5000, Building Construction & Safety Code

 BS EN3, Portable Fire Extinguishers

 BS EN 1866, Mobile Extinguishers

 Other applicable codes approved by QCDD


This specification covers the supply, delivery and complete installation on site and in full
working order of the equipment specified in this document and as shown on the

Full particulars, performance curves and illustrations of the equipment, complying as

closely as possible with this specification, shall be provided with the tender, but any
deviations from the specification must be fully and clearly indicated in the tender
submission schedules.

The Contractor shall provide and install:

 The complete fire pumping station, including the firewater pumps (pumps,
diesel engines drive, pump controllers, skid & pump), the jockey pump (pumps,

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electric drive, electric drive controllers), the piping & hanging, the valves, check-
valves, relief valves, fittings, the instrumentation, the storage fire water tanks
and feeding controllers (valves & controllers).

 The standpipe system including pipes and fittings, hanging and supports,
isolation valves and all other appurtenances necessary for the satisfactory
operation of the system.

 The sprinkler system including pipes and fittings, hanging and supports,
isolation valves and all other appurtenances necessary for the satisfactory
operation of the system.

 The foam-water system including fire detection and alarm system, pipes and
fittings, hanging and supports, isolation valves and all other appurtenances
necessary for the satisfactory operation of the system.
 The portable fire extinguishers including necessary brackets.

 The clean agent (FM200) system including fire detection and alarm system, pipes
and fittings, hanging and supports, isolation valves and all other appurtenances
necessary for the satisfactory operation of the system.

 The water main network including pipes and fittings, hanging and supports,
isolation valves and all other appurtenances necessary for the satisfactory
operation of the system.

 Other necessary appurtenances not mentioned but required for the satisfactory
operation of the fire protection systems.

 The marking of all the safety equipment

The Contractor shall be responsible for all the following aspects of the provided systems:

 Checking of the tender drawings and any calculations supplied with the
drawings. The Contractor shall check each drawing and satisfy himself that the
design is correct for the equipment offered and will meet all applicable rules and

 Provision of any additional information required by the Contractor’s installation

engineers who are particular to the equipment being supplied (e.g. fabrication
drawings, equipment data sheets, commissioning instructions, etc.).

 Provision of drawings and equipment data related to the systems as required by

the Engineer

 Supply of all required equipment and other fixtures associated with the systems

 Painting

 Shop testing of equipment and provision of inspection facilities

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 Certification

 Packing

 Transport

 Offloading into stores

 Drawing from stores

 On-site testing

 Pre-Commissioning and commissioning

 Provision of sleeves, fire rating restoration of walls when pipes/cables passes

through fire rated compartments

 Preparation and submission of as-built drawings, as built calculations and other

as-built documents

 Supply of a complete set of spares and special tools and equipment required for
use in connection with the systems

 Provision of scaffolding, ramps and any other equipment required to enable the
systems to be installed, tested and commissioned correctly

 A demonstration to key personnel in the use and testing of the systems and
equipment supplied

 Preparation and submission of operating and maintenance manuals.

The Contractor shall supply all materials necessary to install an effective and
operable firefighting and suppression system for the proposed facility particularly:

 All the necessary pipe work, valves, equipment and instrumentation required for
the fire suppression system

 All electrical cable between panels, junction boxes, sensors, call points, pressure
switches, alarm bells, flashing lights, and generally all the cable (and their
supports) required for the installation of fire detection and alarm system for the
clean agent systems.

 The Contractor shall define in the quotation the full specification of every system
proposed (pipe work, cables, equipment,etc.)

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All materials shall conform to the requirement of Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS).
Only materials meeting quality guidelines mentioned specifically for the products shall be
subject to the approval of the Engineer.

Wherever applicable, the system and material is to comply with the relevant International
Standards or British Standards /VDs /LPCB/UL/FM.

All Materials should have at least been certified by two independent Certification
Organizations from International Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies
as LPCB/ BSI Kite mark / VDs and or UL/FM.


The Contractor shall be responsible for detailing, supplying and installing all ancillary
materials such as supports, cables trays, bolting, gaskets, sealants, foundation bolts,
sealing materials, earthing, straps, clips, junction boxes, glands and closure plates, as
necessary for the satisfactory completion of works.


The equipment and materials to be used shall be acceptable to the authority having
jurisdiction and shall be listed for the intended service. UL listed, FM approved, BSI
Kitemark, Vds approved equipment shall be used where possible. Where equipment is
offered without the above approval or listing, these items shall be listed with the type of
certificate or approval granted indicated and subject to the approval of the authority
having jurisdiction.

Certification shall be required for equipment to be used in areas classified as hazardous

due to a potentially explosive atmosphere.

The Contractor shall supply only proven and established equipment which is suitable for
the duty.

The Employer reserves the right to call for either substitute or alternative units, or to
nominate manufacturers or models for any class of equipment.

The installing contractor shall submit the following design information and drawings for
approval prior to starting work on this project:

 Product Data (technical data sheets)

 Field installation layout drawings/shop drawings detailing the location of all

equipment, pipe runs including pipe sizes and lengths, controls and other

 Separate layouts, or drawings, shall be provided for each level, (i.e.; room, under
floor, and above ceiling) and each system.

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 A separate layout or drawing showing isometric details of all major equipment,

mounting details and proposed pipe runs and sizes.

 Electrical layout drawings showing the location of all devices and include point-
to-point conduit runs and a description of the method(s) used for detector

 A cause and effect matrix and complete sequence of operation for each proposed

The workmanship shall be of the highest grade and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All
inferior work shall, on indication by the Engineer, immediately be removed and rectified
by at the expense of the Contractor.

The successful Tenderer for this Contract shall, immediately after he has been officially
notified that his tender has been accepted, and at any time thereafter as may be
necessary, notify all the relevant authorities, pay fees and take any other steps which may
be required or prescribed to execute the installation as specified.

Copies of such correspondence shall be forwarded to the Engineer who shall at all times
be kept informed.


3.9.1 Shop Drawings

The Contractor shall provide shop drawings for each system detail as required by the
Engineer. It is the contractor’s responsibility to co-ordinate with other services while
preparing the shop drawings and to obtain approval of the Engineer.

3.9.2 As-Built Drawings

Upon completion of each system, the installing contractor shall provide copy of "As-
Built" drawings to the Engineer for approval. The drawings shall show actual installation
details including all equipment locations as well as piping and conduit routing. One (1)
copy of reproducible engineering drawings shall be provided reflecting all actual
installation details.

These drawings shall be as accurate and complete as possible.

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The Contractor shall provide and install the complete fire protection system of the
proposed facility.

All civil works necessary for the installation of the firefighting/suppression system shall
be the responsibility of the Contractor.


The Contractor shall provide and install the entire systems (equipment, cables, cables
trays,) from his systems to power cabinets and/or panels.

The main supply to power cabinet and/or panels shall be included on the Main
Contractor’s scope of work.

Fire Suppression & Detection System:

The Contractor shall provide and install the entire systems of fire suppression and
detection components and other interfaces of his extinguishing systems (Control panels,
detectors, abort switches, manual release switches, sounders, flashers, safety signs, auto
dialler, power supply units, cables, cables trays, cylinders, nozzles, piping system, etc.).

The interfacing of the firefighting/suppression system to the main fire alarm control
panel shall be part of the Main Contractor’s scope of work.


3.11.1 Generalities

This specification, together with the related documents and drawings, is intended to
express with the maximum possible detail, the design principles and general
arrangements which the structures and/or installations to be built must satisfy.

It is the responsibility of the Contractor, selected among other criteria for its professional
skill, to:

 Draw the Employer’s attention to possible unsuitability of any general

arrangements or principles proposed, due to the type or intended use of the
structures and/or installations to be built,

 Request any further information he feels necessary in order to be able, in full

knowledge of the facts, and with full responsibility, to carry out his own
execution studies, and then build the structures and/or installations planned
within the present lot.

 It is pointed out that the approvals which may be given by the Employer
concern the Contractor's respect of the general arrangements and design
principles he sets.

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 The approvals cannot be taken to be a check regarding the relevance of

calculations, execution studies and construction details, which remain the
contractor's exclusive responsibility.

 Under no circumstances can the Contractor use the inaccuracy of parts

supplied or omissions as an argument to refuse within the context of his
contract all or part of the structures required for entire completion of his

 It is his responsibility to evaluate the importance and type of the structures,

and to propose, through his professional experience, the modifications
required to obtain correct execution of the work in agreement with the

3.11.2 Obtention of Performance

The Contractor shall provide an efficient fire protection system. The Contractor shall take
all the necessary steps to obtain these performances.

3.11.3 Special Points

The installations are designed for fully automatic operation and easy maintenance.

Parts which are frequently dismantled must not require intervention by specialists other
than the installation operators.

It must be possible to access all areas, on every type of device, for inspection, cleaning,
lubrication, dismantling, replacement and repair of all the parts.


Refer to tender documents.


Inspection and testing shall be performed as required by the Employer.

The Employer or his appointed representative shall, at his discretion, check for compliance
with specified requirements and approved drawings and for satisfactory practice.

Certificate shall be provided by the Contractor certifying that the provision of this
specification has been incorporated into the design and manufacture of the equipment.


Discharge tests shall be carried out on Site at the discretion of the Employer.

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All tests shall be carried out in the presence of the Employer’s insurers or their nominated

The Contractor shall provide all the necessary tools and equipment for testing and
commissioning activities.

As the minimum, the tests indicated in the relevant NFPA Standards shall be carried out
and reports shall be submitted duly signed and stamped by the QCDD approved fire
protection system specialist contractor.

In the event of the results being unsatisfactory, the Contractor shall provide the materials,
equipment and personnel to effect the necessary corrections and re-test within a
reasonable period, to prove the system. The cost of these will be to the account of the


All the Fire Protection systems installed in the proposed facility / building shall be
approved by the Authority having jurisdiction (Qatar Civil Defence Department).

It is the responsibility of the Contractor to produce the fire protection systems detailed
engineering drawings to obtain the Consultant Engineer approval prior to the
commencement of work and to implement the Authority requirements. The Contractor
shall also submit the ‘As Built’ drawings to the Consultant Engineer and make necessary
arrangements for Final Inspection & testing in order to obtain the Final NOC / approval
from the concern Authorities.


All the documentation (drawings, diagrams, specifications…,) shall be updated as the
final issue to be in accordance with the as built systems.


Fire Extinguishers shall have been certified by two Certification Organizations from
International Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB Approval /
BSI KITE mark approval and or UL listed/FM Approved.

Fire Extinguishers shall be manufactured to comply with BS EN 3 (portable), BS EN 1866

(Mobile) standards.

Fire Extinguishers shall comply with NFPA-10 or BS 5306 for the installation.

The classification of fire extinguishers shall consist of a letter that indicates the class of fire
on which a fire extinguisher has been found to be effective, preceded by a rating number
(Class A, Class B and Class F only) that indicates the relative extinguishing effectiveness.

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The distribution of fire extinguishers shall comply with the prescribed requirements of
NFPA-10, as shown on the drawings and the specific requirements of the local Civil
Defence Authorities.
Cabinets housing fire extinguishers shall not be locked.

Portable fire extinguishers shall be maintained in a fully charged and operable condition,
and kept in their designated places at all times when they are not being used.

The type of extinguisher needed depends on the right type of fire that may occur in the
room or building.

According to NFPA 10, several classes of fire have been defined as below:

Class A Fires: Fires in ordinary combustible materials, such as wood, cloth & papers.

Class B Fires: Fires in flammable liquids, combustible liquids, petroleum greases,

tars, oils, oil-based paints, solvents, lacquers, alcohols, and flammable gases.

Class C Fires: fires that involve energized electrical equipment where the electrical
non-conductivity of the extinguishing media is of importance. (Where electrical
equipment is de-energized, fire extinguishers for class A or B fires can be used safely.)

Class D Fires: Fires in combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, zirconium,

sodium, lithium, and potassium.

Class K Fires: Fires in cooking appliances that involve combustible cooking media
(vegetable or animal oils and fats.)

Building presenting class B or C fire hazard shall be equipped with a regular number of
class A extinguishers dedicated to the building protection, and shall also be equipped
with adding class B or C extinguishers.

According to these definitions, all parts of the buildings shall be equipped with class ABC
type extinguishers. In the meantime, rooms such as Storages, Workshops and other
rooms housing electrical equipment, shall be equipped with adding class C extinguishers.


4.3.1 Foam Fire Extinguisher

Foam type Fire extinguisher shall be manufactured in accordance to BS EN 3 (portable)

and BS EN 1866 (mobile) and shall be operated by means of a lever operated self closing
control valve to enable the discharge to be interrupted tempororily and provided with a
safety pin. The cylinder shall have minimum working pressure of 12bar. The temperature
shall range from +5° to 60°C. The extinguisher must have a plastic base. It must be coated
inside by electrostatic PVC resin to resist corrosion. The cylinder shall be made special
cold rolled steel sheet with Argon/CO2 welding process and the suction tube shall be

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made of Rigid PVC with filter. The foam type fire extinguisher shall use 3% Aquaeous
Film Forming Foam (AFFF) and and a Nitrogen propellant. The capacity shall be of 9
iters. All extinguishers shall carry instructions for use in English and Arabic.

The foam type fire extinguishers should have at least been certified by two independent
Certification Organizations from International Testing Laboratories & Accredited
Certification Bodies as LPCB approval/KITE mark approval and or UL listed/FM

The capacity of the extinguisher shall be of 9Lts and 2 ½” Gallon shall have a minimum
fire rating of 13A as per BS EN3.

The water extinguishers are recommended with the capacities and minimum fire rating
as follows:

SL # Capacity Fire Rating

1 9 ltr (3%AFFF) 27A/183B

4.3.2 ABC Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher

ABC Dry powder fire extinguishers (Multi purpose) shall be manufactured in accordance
with BS EN3 for portable extinguishers and BS1866 for mobile extinguishers and shall be
operated by means of a lever/squeeze handle operated valve provided with a safety pin
which shall avoid inadvertent operation and the valve shall be capable for controlling
partial discharge. The cylinder shall have minimum working pressure of 14bar. The
temperature shall range from -20° to 60° C. The extinguisher must have a plastic base
(Only for portable). It must be coated externally by electrostatic polyester powder and
oven baked for corrosion resistance. The cylinder shall be made special cold rolled steel
sheet with Argon/CO2 automatic welding process and the suction tube shall be made of
PVC material. All extinguishers shall carry instructions for operation and maintenance in
English and Arabic.

The Dry powder fire extinguishers should have at least been certified by two
independent Certification Organizations from International Testing Laboratories &
Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB Approval / BSI KITE mark approval and or
UL listed/FM Approved.

The extinguishers are recommended with the capacities and minimum fire rating as

SL # Capacity Fire Rating

1 6 Kg 34A& 183B

Multipurpose Dry Chemical Extinguishers (Class A, Class B, and Class C Fires).

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Fire extinguishers of this type shall contain an ammonium phosphate base agent.
Multipurpose agents used are shall exactly the same manner as ordinary dry chemical
agents on Class B fires. For use on Class A fires, the multipurpose agent shall have the
additional characteristic of softening and sticking when in contact with hot surfaces. In
this way, it can adhere to burning materials and form a coating that will smother and
isolate the fuel from air. When applying the agent, it is important to try to coat all
burning areas in order to eliminate or minimize the number of small embers that could be
a potential source of re-ignition. The agent itself has little cooling effect and, because of its
surface coating characteristic, it cannot penetrate below the burning surface. For this
reason, extinguishment of deep-seated fires could possibly not be accomplished unless
the agent is discharged below the surface or the material is broken apart and spread out.

4.3.3 Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers shall be manufactured in accordance with BS EN 3

(portable) and BS EN 1866 (mobile) and shall be operated by means of a lever /squeeze
handle operated valve provided with a safety pin which shall avoid inadvertent
operation and the valve shall be capable for controlling partial discharge. The cylinder
shall be made of high grade seamless carbon steel pipe or aluminum alloy and it must be
coated externally by electrostatic polyester powder quoting and oven baking to resist
corrosion. The cylinders shall be free from leakage during hydrostatically pressure tested
to 250bar. The temperature shall range from -20° to 60° C.

The suction tube shall be Aluminium. All extinguishers shall carry instructions for
operation and maintenance in English and Arabic.

Typical applications are electrical & electronic equipment, food preparation areas,
laboratories, and printing or duplicating areas, telephone equipment Rooms, Engine
Rooms, Control Rooms, Paint spray Booths, Flammable liquid storage areas etc,. Since the
agent is discharged in the form of a gas/snow cloud, it has a relatively short range of 3 ft
to 8 ft (1 m to 2.4 m). This type of fire extinguisher is not recommended for outdoor use
where windy conditions prevail, or for indoor use in locations that are subject to strong
air currents because the agent can rapidly dissipate and prevent extinguishment. The
concentration needed for fire extinguishment reduces the amount of oxygen (air) needed
for life safety when the discharge is in a confined area (space).

The Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers should have at least been certified by two
independent Certification Organizations from International Testing Laboratories &
Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB approval/KITE mark approval and or UL
listed/FM Approved.

The CO2 extinguishers are recommended with the capacities and minimum fire rating as

SL # Capacity Fire Rating

1 5 Kg 55B

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4.3.4 Clean Agent fire Extinguisher

Clean agent fire extinguishers shall be manufactured in accordance with BS EN 3

(portable) and BS EN 1866 (mobile) and shall be operated by means of a lever /squeeze
handle operated valve provided with a safety pin which shall avoid inadvertent
operation and the valve shall be capable for controlling partial discharge. The cylinder
shall be made of high grade seamless carbon steel pipe or aluminum alloy and it must be
coated externally by electrostatic polyester powder quoting and oven baking to resist
corrosion. The cylinders shall be free from leakage during hydrostatically pressure tested
to 250bar. The temperature shall range from -20° to 60° C.

The suction tube shall be Aluminium. All extinguishers shall carry instructions for
operation and maintenance in English and Arabic.

The Clean agent fire extinguishers: The product should have at least been certified by
two independent Certification Organizations from International Testing Laboratories &
Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB approval/KITE mark approval and or UL
listed/FM Approved.

The clean agent extinguishers are recommended with the capacities and minimum fire
rating as follows:

SL # Capacity Fire Rating

1 6 kg 5A 70BC

4.3.5 Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher

The Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers shall have LPCB Approved /BSI KITE mark
approved and comply with BS EN3 standards. The cylinder shall be tested to 30 bar
and shall have minimum pressure of 10 bar. The capacity shall be of 3 liters 25F/13A & 6
liters with 75F/13A ratings. They shall be provided in all the kitchens. The temperature
shall range from +5° to 60°C.

The Wet chemical type fire extinguishers: The product should have at least been
certified by two independent Certification Organizations from International Testing
Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB approval/KITE mark
approval and or UL listed/FM Approved.

The Wet Chemical extinguishers are recommended with the capacities and fire rating as

SL # Capacity Fire Rating

1 6 ltr 13A & 75F

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4.3.6 Fire Blankets

Provide fire blankets in Kitchens. Fire blanket shall be good quality with silicon coating
provided on both sides. The size shall be 4 Feet x 6 feet. The product should have at least
been certified by two independent Certification Organizations from International
Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB/KITE mark approved.


Fire extinguishers shall be conspicuously located where they will be readily accessible
and immediately available in the event of fire. Preferably they shall be located along
normal paths of travel, including exits from areas.

Fire extinguishers shall not be obstructed or obscured from view.

Portable fire extinguishers other than wheeled types shall be securely installed on the
hanger or in the bracket supplied or placed in cabinets or wall recesses. The hanger or
bracket shall be securely and properly anchored to the mounting surface in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions. Wheeled-type fire extinguishers shall be located in
a designated location.

Fire extinguishers having a gross weight not exceeding 40 lb (18.14 kg) shall be installed
so that the top of the fire extinguisher is not more than 5 ft (1.53 m) above the floor. Fire
extinguishers having a gross weight greater than 40 lb (18.14 kg) (except wheeled types)
shall be so installed that the top of the fire extinguisher is not more than 31/2 ft (1.07 m)
above the floor. In no case shall the clearance between the bottom of the fire extinguisher
and the floor be less than 4 in. (10.2 cm).

Fire extinguishers shall be installed in a 1.2 mm thick, stainless steel, polished finish
cabinets where required in finished rooms / office areas and as shown on the drawings
and shall be confirmed with the Engineer.


Stand pipe & hose system shall be provided as per NFPA – 14 and Authority Having
Jurisdiction requirements. The purpose of stand pipe system is to provide a means to
manually apply water to fires in buildings. They shall be available at strategic points for
use by the occupants and the fire department personnel. They shall be used to convey
water to hose points without the need for laborious laying out of hoses over large heights
and distances, thus significantly improving the efficiency of manual firefighting


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5.2.1 Fire Hose Reels

The hose reel drum shall be made of electrogalvanized steel sheet or stainless sheet and
the cabinet shall be supported with reinforced support arm and swing through 180
degrees. Welding of any part on cabinet front shall not be allowed. The middle piece of
the hose reel shall be not less than 200mm diameter. The reels shall comply with BS EN
671-1 and comprise a reinforced semi rigid hose. The semi rigid hose use for the hosereel
shall be LPCB/BSI Kite mark and or having Local Civil Defense approved in
conformance to BS EN 694. The semi-rigid hose shall be 25mm diameter x 30m long,
coiled on a revolving drum. The outer end of a hose shall be fitted with a “jet / spray /
shut-off” control nozzle. The inner end of the hose shall be connected through the reel to
the water supply. All water passage must be brass chrome plated and plastic parts are
not permitted. Complete unit to be listed. The product should have at least been
certified by two independent Certification Organizations from International Testing
Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB approval/KITE mark, UL or
FM Approval. Incase of automatic hose reels, the reels shall incorporate a valve that
automatically turns on the water supply when approximately 3 mtr of hose is unreeled,
and shut off again when the hose is re-wound onto the reel. A manual shut-off valve of
the wheel type shall also be installed on the service pipe to each hose reel.

The control nozzle shall be, JET/SPRAY/SHUT OFF type.

The fire hose reel shall be fitted with lock shield valve, pressure reducing valve (if
required) and other accessories as shown on the drawings.

Each hose reel shall be installed and tested to deliver 50 gpm at 65 psi when the two top-
most reels are in use simultaneously providing a jet of approximately 6 mtr. in length.
Pressure reducing devices shall be provided whenever necessary to limit the pressure as
per local authority.

Brief operating instructions should be clearly displayed on or by each hose reel in both
English & Arabic languages

The hose reels shall be suitable for working pressures up to 12 bar (175psi) and shall be
installed in

5.2.2 Lock Shield Valves

Lock shield valves shall be of pressure restricting type devices acceptable to the
Authority Having Jurisdiction. This device shall be 25 mm diameter. The product should
have at least been certified by two independent Certification Organizations from
International Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB
approval/BSI KITE mark approval and or UL listed/FM Approved.

The valve shall be of brass / Gunmetal construction with approved finish.

5.2.3 Landing Valves

Landing valves shall be of pressure reducing and restricting type devices acceptable to
the Authority Having Jurisdiction. This device shall have 65mm inlet diameter bore fitted
with 65 mm. instantaneous female coupling conforming to BS 336 and a blank cap

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secured by a suitable length of chain. The product should have at least been certified by
two independent Certification Organizations from International Testing Laboratories
& Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB approval/BSI KITE mark approval and or
UL listed/FM Approved.

The valve shall be of brass / Gunmetal construction with approved finish.If the landing
valve is UL listed then the outlet coupling must be quick instantanious with local fire
services. The installation of the coupling should be done by an authorized installer.

Landing valves shall be installed inside cabinets, at a height above floor level between
1000 mm and 1400 mm. The outlet shall be installed to give clearances of not less than 150
mm on both sides and below the valve and not less than 200 mm clearance above the
hand wheel.

5.2.4 Fire Hose Cabinets

Fire hose cabinets should have at least been certified by by two independent
Certification Organizations from International Testing Laboratories & Accredited
Certification Bodies as LPCB/BSI Kitemark approval.

The fire hose cabinet shall be either wall-mounted type or recessed type as shown on the
drawings or as approved by Engineer. The cabinet shall be double door to accommodate
fire hose reel in the upper compartment and other fire equipment including landing
valve and hose rack in the bottom compartment. The cabinet has to be made of minimum
1.2mm steel plate. The doors can be different type like wood, marble finish, MDF wooden
door, clear glass or wired glass. Stainless steel cabinets shall be polished finish type, the
finish shall be decided upon the approval of the architect.

The Double fire hose reel cabinet in different locations of the building shall have
following specified fire equipment:

(a) Automatic or manual Fire Hose Reel

(b) 5 kg CO2 Fire Extinguisher
(c) 6 kg DCP Fire Extinguisher

Cabinet shall be manufactured by ISO9001 manufacturing company and duly certified

(e.g. UL, LPCB and others).

5.2.5 Breeching Inlets (Fire Dept. Connection)

Breeching inlets shall be UL Listed/FM Approved, with cast brass body, 6” with 4 way
connections with thread compatible with QCDD requirements and housed in a cabinet
that is at least been certified by by two independent Certification Organizations from
International Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB/BSI
Kitemark approval.

The breeching inlet shall be mounted 750 mm above the surrounding level. A UL
Listed/FM approved check valve shall be installed on the breeching inlet line.

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5.2.6 Zoning Valves

Zone control valves shall be gear operated butterfly valve with built-in supervisory
switch, wafer/lug type for mounting between ANSI flanges or OS&Y gate valve with
tamper switch, flanged end connections. The valve shall be rated for 12 bar working
pressure, cast iron body, EPDM seat and bronze disc. The product shlould at least been
certified by two independent Certification Organizations from International Testing
Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB/BSI Kitemark approval.

5.2.7 Water Flow Detectors

Water flow detectors shall be designed for use with wet pipe fire protection system. They
shall utilize a vane type sensor use to actuate two (2) single pole double throw snap-
action switches when water flowa at a sustained flow rate. The product shlould at least
been certified by two independent Certification Organizations from International
Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB/BSI Kitemark

Water flow switch shall be used where sectional water flow signals are required.

5.2.8 Pressure Gauges

Pressure gauges shall be fitted to meet the requirements of LPCB. Pressure gauges shall
conform to BS 1780 or equivalent International Standards. The maximum reading of the
scale shall be 150% of the maximum system pressure and each scale shall have divisions
not exceeding 0.2bar.

5.2.9 Drain Valves

The system shall incorporate a drain 50mm drain valves and to serve as drainage of feed
mains. The product shlould at least been certified by two independent Certification
Organizations from International Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification
Bodies as LPCB/BSI Kitemark approval.

Standpipe and hose systems shall be installed in accordance with NFPA-14, QCDD
requirements and as shown on the drawing.

The Fire protection contractor shall be responsible to co-ordinate his work with all other
trades and shall be completely familiar with and shall make allowance for conditions
which affect the fire protection installation.

The Fire hose cabinets shall be mounted securely in the concrete block walls, shimmying
the back box and mortaring tightly in place.

Provide a pressure guage with a isolation cock with inspectors test plug on top and
bottom of the each stand pipe risers.

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Chrome plated escutcheons shall be provided where pipes penetrate the cabinet.

A waterflow switch shall be provided in each standpipe riser and interfaced to fire alarm
system for monitoring and to locate the section of waterflow during fire fighting

A drain valve and piping, located at the lowest point of the standpipe piping
downstream of the isolation valve, shall be arranged to discharge water at an approved


The Contractor shall provide and fix in an approved location a fire safety plan which shall
clearly indicate the location of the fire hose cabinets and main stop valves.


The contractor shall label each valve. The label shall relate to a framed glass covered valve
chart to be supplied and installed in each equipment location, stand pipe riser chamber or
as required by the Engineer. The charts shall indicate the function of the valves. No two
valves on the system shall bear the same number.


Pipes and all items of equipment shall be delivered, stored and maintained in closed
storage with their open ends effectively plugged, capped or sealed. All fittings, valves
and sundry items shall be stored in clean bins or bagged and stowed in suitable racks. All
such stored items shall be maintained under weatherproofed cover to be supplied by the
contractor until they are ready for incorporation in the works. Particular care shall be
taken to ensure that electrical equipment and components are kept clean and dry.

Before installations are handed over or subjected to the inspection and tests, the entire
installation shall be thoroughly cleaned, both internally and externally.

All fire protection installations shall be flushed out with clean water. During the flushing
out, provision shall be made to exclude any items of plant, which could be damaged by
the cleaning operation. The entire operation shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the

The fire protection system shall be tested in accordance with the NFPA codes and the
relevant standards, with particular reference to the requirements set forth in this section:

 All testing shall be performed under the work of this section. All services
required for testing shall be a responsibility of the work of this section. The
Contractor shall notify the Engineer of all tests, 48 hours prior to testing.
 The fire protection piping system shall be tested hydrostatically for not less
than 2 hours and at not less than 250 psi or 50 psi above the system working

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pressure without any leaks or as directed by the local Civil Defence


 If the systems are tested in sections, the connection to the previously tested
section shall be included.
 All tests that may be required by the local fire authorities shall be performed
under the work of this section, in the presence of their representative, if so

 All leaks shall be corrected and the system re-tested until no leaks are found.
 Functional tests of all water flow alarms and supervisory switches.

 When the various systems are completed, operation tests shall be run on all
equipment to demonstrate proper operating conditions. These tests shall be run
under the observation of the Engineer and the Employer’s operation
representative. The Employer’s operators shall be instructed during this period.

 Should any piece of equipment or apparatus of any material or work fail in any
of these tests, it shall be immediately removed and replaced by a perfect
material, and the portion of the work replaces shall again be tested to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

 Cost to repair any damages to the building construction prompted by pipe

leaks or defective materials shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. All
corrective work shall commence immediately after damage occurs.



Sprinkler system shall be provided on areas shown on the drawings and on the related
fire and life-safety documents.

The sprinkler system shall generally be designed, procured, installed, tested and
commissioned in accordance with the requirements of applicable NFPA standards and
QCDD requirements.

All sprinkler system products should have at least been certified by two independent
Certification Organizations from International Testing Laboratories & Accredited
Certification Bodies as LPCB approval/BSI KITE mark approval and or UL listed/FM

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All zone or sectional valves shall be provided with supervisory/tamper switches to

indicate closure. Water flow switches shall be installed in the zone check valve assembly
to sense the flow of water in the corresponding zone. Supervisory & flow switches shall
be interfaced with the facility main fire alarm system panel.

The final design and installation shall be carried out by a specialist Contractor approved
by QCDD. The sprinkler system shall be a hydraulically calculated system. The layout
shown on the drawings are indicative only and shall be subjected to coordination and
hydraulic calculations. Hydraulic calculations shall use internationally recognized
computer software.


6.2.1 Sprinkler Heads General
The sprinkler heads shall be of the spray pattern installed in an upright position or
pendant position as may be required. Sprinkler in false ceilings shall be concealed to
ceiling and to architects’ approval.

The design criteria for all sprinklers such as K-factor, type and operating temperature
shall be submitted for approval.

A set of spare sprinkler heads shall be provided and located in a cabinet in the fire
pump room together with sprinkler spanners for use in removing and installation of the
heads as recommended in NFPA-13 and local authority requirements.

In locations where sprinkler heads are liable to be operated or damaged by accidental

blows, stout metal guards should protect them; care being taken to ensure that the
normal operation of the sprinkler head in the event of fire is not thereby impeded.

The contractor shall supply set of spare sprinkler heads in each type / temperature
range kept in a cabinet located where the temperature to which they are subjected will
at no time exceed 100ºF (38ºC) together with sprinkler spanners for use in removing and
installation of the heads as recommended in NFPA-13 and local authority requirements.

Finish of sprinklers shall be to the approval of the Engineer.

All sprinklers shall be of UL listed / FM Approved / LPCB approved type. Pendent Sprinkler Heads

Sprinklers consisting of a unique 2 piece base and cover assembly with a pendent
sprinkler. The base element shall be suitable for accommodating the pendent sprinkler

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and shall also orient the sprinkler in the ceiling opening. The finish of cover plate shall
be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

The sprinkler head shall have 1/2 “ NPT or BSPT inlet, K- Factor K-5.6, Standard
coverage, Quick response type, having 68 C operating temperature range, in chrome
finish and to be approved by the architects. Upright Sprinkler Heads

Upright sprinkler heads shall be standard coverage type, standard /quick response,
79C operating temperature or as indicated on the drawings, in brass / chrome finish
and to be approved by the Engineer. All sprinklers shall be of UL listed / FM Approved
/ LPCB approved type.

6.2.2 Alarm Valves

Alarm valves shall be check type with rubber faced clapper, designed for use in wet pipe
systems for automatic actuation. The alarm valve shall be vertical type with inlet and
outlet connection complying to relevant provison of ANSI B 16.1. The products should
have at least been certified by two independent Certification Organizations from
International Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB
approval/BSI KITE mark approval and or UL listed/FM Approved.

The alarm valve shall be complete with basic trim and retard chamber. The retard
chamber shall prevent any false alarm that maybe caused by small variation of pressure.
The chamber should consist of a by-pass check valve to permit slow as well as small
transient increases in water supply pressre to be passed through to the system and held
at their highest value without opening of the water way clapper.

Alarm check valves shall be cast iron body rated for 175psig (12bar) working pressure.

6.2.3 Pressure Alarm Switches

Pressure alarm switches shall be designed to indicate water discharge from the wet pipe
system and the start up or shut down of auxillary fire protecttion equipment. The single
pole double throw snap-action switch’s main component shall be enclosed in an oil
resistant IP 22 rated enclosure. The products should have at least been certified by two
independent Certification Organizations from International Testing Laboratories &
Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB approval/BSI KITE mark approval and or UL
listed/FM Approved.

6.2.4 Water Motor Alarms

Water motor alarm shall be hydraulically operated outdoor alarms, suitable for
mounting to any rigid wall and to consist of an approved “Y” strainer for use in the
alarm line utilising a high energy efficient, light weight, impeller design which can
produce a very high pressure sound level. The gong, gong mount and water motor

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casing shall be made with corrosion resistant aluminum alloy. The drive shall be of the
type that does not require lubrication. The products should have at least been certified
by two independent Certification Organizations from International Testing
Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB approval/BSI KITE mark
approval and or UL listed/FM Approved.

The water motor alarm gong should be installed at a maximum of 23 m and 6 m high
from the alarm valve.

6.2.5 Isolation Valves

Isolation valves shall be indicating type gate valves, flanged end connections, cast iron
body and rated for 12 bar operating pressure. The products should have at least been
certified by two independent Certification Organizations from International Testing
Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB approval/BSI KITE mark
approval and or UL listed/FM Approved.

6.2.6 Zone Control Valves

Zone control valves shall be gear operated butterfly valve with built-in supervisory
switch, wafer/lug type for mounting between ANSI flanges or OS&Y gate valve with
tamper switch, flanged end connections. The valve shall be rated for 12 bar working
pressure, cast iron body, EPDM seat and bronze disc. The products should have at least
been certified by two independent Certification Organizations from International
Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB approval/BSI KITE
mark approval and or UL listed/FM Approved.

6.2.7 Water Flow Detectors

Water flow detectors shall be designed for use with wet pipe fire protection system.
They shall utilize a vane type sensor use to actuate two (2) single pole double throw
snap-action switches when water flowa at a sustained flow rate. The products should
have at least been certified by two independent Certification Organizations from
International Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB
approval/BSI KITE mark approval and or UL listed/FM Approved.

Water flow switch shall be used where sectional water flow signals are required.

6.2.8 Pressure Gauges

Pressure gauges shall be fitted to meet the requirements of LPCB. Pressure gauges shall
conform to BS 1780 or equivalent International Standards. The maximum reading of the
scale shall be 150% of the maximum system pressure and each scale shall have divisions
not exceeding 0.2bar.

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6.2.9 Check Valves

Flanged or grooved end connections, ductile iron body, bolted bonnet, epoxy
coated interior & exterior rated for 12 bar working pressure. The products should
have at least been certified by two independent Certification Organizations from
International Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB
approval/BSI KITE mark approval and or UL listed/FM Approved.

6.2.10 Test and Drain Orifice

The system shall incorporate a 32mm drain and 13mm test orifice for flow control during
inspection, testing and to serve as drainage of feed mains. The products should have at
least been certified by two independent Certification Organizations from
International Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB
approval/BSI KITE mark approval and or UL listed/FM Approved.

6.2.11 Air Release Valves (Automatic air Vents)

Air release valves shall be of the float operated, simple lever or compound lever design,
and capable of automatically releasing accumulated air in the system.

The air release valves shall be made of cast iron body and cover with threaded
connection. The float and internal parts shall be constructed from stainless steel T316. It
must be UL Listed/FM Approved.

The air release valves shall be installed at the top most part of firefighting risers with the
accessories as shown on the drawings.

6.2.12 Auxiliary Valves - DN50 (2ӯ and Below)

Shall be bronze body with threaded ends according to the following:

 Gate Valves: Rated for 175 psi working pressure, UL 262, OS&Y type or,
if not available in size required, provide rising-stem type acceptable to
authorities having jurisdiction.

 Check Valves: Rated for 175 psi working pressure, UL 312, swing-check
type or, if not available in size required, provide swing-check type
acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction.

6.2.13 Breeching Inlet (Fire Dept. Connection)

Breeching inlets shall be UL Listed/FM Approved, with cast brass body, 6” with 4
way connections with thread compatible with QDCC requirements and housed in a
cabinet that is at least been certified by two independent Certification

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Organizations from International Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification

Bodies as LPCB/BSI Kitemark approval.

The breeching inlet shall be mounted 750 mm above the surrounding level.


The contractor shall label each valve. The label shall relate to a framed glass covered
valve chart to be supplied and installed in each equipment location, stand pipe riser
chamber or as required by the Engineer. The charts shall indicate the function of the
valves. No two valves on the system shall bear the same number.



7.1.1 General

Pipes and fittings shall be in conformance with the following specifications unless
specified otherwise by the Qatar Civil Defence, QCS and as required by the
Employer/Engineer. Pipes and Fitting shall be UL listed and/or FM approved and
QCDD approved for fire fighting system.

7.1.2 Aboveground Piping

Pipes and fittings shall be in conformance with the following specifications unless
specified otherwise by the Authority having jurisdiction. Obtain approval of local
Authorities before proceeding with the work.

Pipe shall be of UL listed Seamless steel pipe manufactured as per ASTM A 53, Grade
B, Schedule 40.

Pipes are assembled by screwed fitting for 2ӯ and below and by roll-grooved for 2-
1/2ӯ and above.

Seamless Steel pipes must have factory galvanized internal and external surfaces or
shall be shot blasted and Electrostatic Powder coated RAL 3000 on external surfaces to
prevent corrosion. The threaded extremities must be oil treated to prevent corrosion
and shall have a thickness of not less than 100 microns. The painted pipes shall be
subject to oven baking at 200 Deg.C. The paint powder used shall be UV stabilized
suitable for external weather condition and a certificate from manufacturers must be
submitted. The pipes must be well wrapped so it will not be scratched during


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 Minimum diameter is DN25

Pipes bending:

 Schedule 40 Steel pipes bending is allowed if bending are executed with no

defaults, no diameter reduction and no significant deviation in the pipes circle
 The bending minimum radius must be:
 6 pipe diameters for a diameter < 2 ‘’, and
 5 pipe diameters for a diameter > 2 ½ ’’.

Pipes marking and identification:

 Firewater pipes shall be marked to indicate its destination.

Pipes Drainage:

 Pipe drains shall be accomplished by sloping pipe to low point with auxiliary
drain as per NFPA13.

Special Requirements:

 Full flanges or plugs, according to the diameter shall be installed on the

collector’s extremities for flushing/ rinsing of the pipes

7.1.3 Pipe Fittings

Fittings for piping 50mm and below shall be UL listed and FM approved threaded
galvanised ductile iron with 300 psi pressure rating or cast iron fittings, class 300 to
ANSI B 16.4 or galvanised malleable iron fittings, class 300 to ANSI B 16.3.

Fittings for piping larger than 50 mm shall be mechanical grooved fittings and
mechanical joints. Fittings, gaskets and mechanical couplings shall be UL listed and
FM approved. The fittings shall be suitable for 300 psi working pressure.

Pipes welding shall not be carried out on site.

The galvanised steel fittings shall comply with:

ASTM A 234 : Specification Standard for carbon steel formed accessories;

ANSI B16.5 : Pipes flanges and flanged accessories;
ANSI B16.11 : wrought, screwed or fitted accessories, and
ANSI / ASME B1.20.1 : American standard taper pipe thread (NPT). Yarn and paste
are only to be applied on the male part of the screw thread.

Unions and Couplings

Screwed unions shall not be used for pipe grater than DN50. For pipes above, grooved
type fittings will be used.

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Reducers and male/female reducers

A one-piece reducing fitting must be used for each pipe diameter change.
Male/female reducer for a direction change with reduction (T shape + reducer or
reducing tee)

7.1.4 Supports

Pipe hangers and supports must be in accordance to NFPA13.

Pipes supports shall be designed to maintain their integrity in case of fire exposure.

All underground piping / valves shall be supported with concrete anchor / thrust
blocks as recommended by the manufacturer. Provide calculation for the Engineers

All Above ground piping / equipments hangers, supports and sway braces shall be
fabricated in accordance with ANSI B 31.1. The hangers, rod supports and supporting
devices and accessories shall be capable of supporting at least the weight of water filled
pipe + 114 kg on the point of hanging. All hangers, supports and accessories shall be UL
listed and FM approved make.

Hangers shall be adjustable clevis type, of yoke and lower U strap design with cross bolt
and manufactured from galvanised steel. Cross bolt shall have a double locking nuts.
Vertical adjustable supporting rod shall have a load nut below the yoke and a locking
nut above the yoke.

Concrete anchors shall be factory made cadmium plated alloy steel expansion shield

Concrete inserts shall be factory made galvanised malleable iron, poured in place type,
screwed or toggle style.
Riser clamps shall be galvanised steel bands shaped to tightly fit O.D. of the pipe,
secured with bolts and nuts.

Piercing of load supporting system is not permitted.

The supporting structure can be directly attached to equipments if the equipment

supplier certifies this supporting feasibility;

The welding of pipes on the pipe supports is not permitted;

Pipes support system must be reinforced in order to reduce any movements resulting
from nozzles reaction and therefore preserve the system performance and integrity if
battering ram is used;

The maximum length for a non-supported DN 25 pipe shall be as per NFPA 13;

If spring hangers are used, they shall be installed and located in accordance with NFPA
13 specifications.

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7.2.1 General

The pipe sizes shall be determined by hydraulic calculation with all sections in service.
Pipe flow simulation exercise shall be carried out by the Contractor for each system. The
water velocity shall be limited to maximum of 6 metres per seconds.

7.2.2 Flushing and Testing

Before installations are handed over or subjected to the inspection and tests, the entire
installation shall be thoroughly cleaned, both internally and externally.

All fire protection installations shall be flushed out with clean water. During the
flushing out, provision shall be made to exclude any items of plant, which could be
damaged by the cleaning operation. The entire operation shall be carried out to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

The fire protection system shall be tested in accordance with applicable NFPA codes
and relevant standards, with particular reference the requirements set forth in this

All testing shall be performed under the work of this section. All services required for
testing shall be a responsibility of the work of this section. The Contractor shall notify
the Engineer of all tests, 48 hours prior to testing.

The fire protection piping system shall be tested hydrostatically for not less than 2
hours and at not less than 250 psi or 50 psi above the system working pressure without
any leaks or as directed by the QCDD.

If the systems are tested in sections, the connection to the previously tested section shall
be included.
All tests that may be required by the local fire authorities shall be performed under the
work of this section, in the presence of their representative, if so required.

All leaks shall be corrected and the system re-tested until no leaks are found, at no
additional cost to the client.
Functional tests of all water flow alarms are a responsibility of the works of this Section.

When the various systems are completed, operation tests shall be run on all equipment
to demonstrate proper operating conditions. These tests shall be run under the
observation of the inspector and the client’s operating engineer. The client’s operators
shall be instructed during this period. Operation tests shall be performed under the
work of this section.

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Should any piece of equipment or apparatus of any material or work fail in any of these
tests, it shall be immediately removed and replaced by a perfect material, and the
portion of the work replaces shall again be tested under the work of this Section.

Cost to repair any damages to the building construction occasioned by pipe leaks or
defective materials shall be become under the works of this section, at no cost to the
client. All corrective work shall commence immediately after damage occurs.

The flushing shall be maintained as long as the water coming out of the pipe is not clear
and devoid of any solid matter.

The required flushing flows shall be in accordance with NFPA 13 which requires a
flowrate of 3 m/s are given the following flowrates:

1500 L/min for 100 mm pipe;

3300 L/min for 150 mm pipe;
5900 L/min for 200 mm pipe, and
9200 L/min for 250 mm pipe.



The firewater pumpset shall consist of:

One (1) - Electric Motor Driven Fire Pump (Duty)

One (1) - Diesel Engine Driven Fire Pump (Standby)
One (1) - Jockey Pump

The pump capacity shall be in accrodance with the fire water demand based on worst
case fire scenario.

The Contractor shall provide and install all equipment for the firewater supply
(including pumps, engine and motor drives, controllers, instrumentation, piping, valves,
relief valves) and all other appurtenances requried for the efficient operation of the fire
protection system.

The supply and installation of the fuel tank of the engine is part of the Contractor’s scope
of work. The fuel tank (and all the fuel installation) shall be in accordance with NFPA

The air supply system of the diesel engines drive (automatic opening, venting panels, ..)
is included in the Contractor’s scope.

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The fire pumps, motor and engine drives, pump controllers shall be UL listed or FM

The fire pumps and engine drive shall be in accordance with NPFA 20 (curves, starting,
protection, …).

The problem of surge (hammer effect) shall be taken into account in the design. A surge
analysis shall be conducted and specific surge pressure control system shall be installed.

Over-pressure system shall also be installed.

The contractor shall provide certified shop test. The pumps shall be furnished with a full
set of bench test certificates proving acceptability for the design points of this installation.


8.2.1 Fire Pumps

Fire pumps shall be UL or ULC listed and FM approved and manufactured by an

approved manufacturer. Each pump shall have a capacity as shown in pump schedule,
adjusted as necessary to suit the hydraulic calculations.The fire pump set shall meet all
requirements of the NFPA 20.

The fire pumps shall be able to deliver 150% of its rated capacity at not less than 65% of
the rated head. The shutoff pressure shall not exceed 140% of the rated head. Fire Pumps Type:

Each fire pump shall be of horizontal split case fire pump single stage or multistage
construction, specifically labeled for fire service and capable of providing the required
flow and pressure of the entire development. The suction supply for the fire pump
shall be from a storage tank at a maximum pressure of 20 kPa and a minimum
pressure of 0 kPa. The pump casing shall be cast iron and rated to withstand twice the
working pressure.
. Pump Construction:

The pump construction shall be cast iron casing, Bronze impeller, Stainless Steel
shaft and gland packing. Pump Discharge & Head

The pump discharge & head shown on the drawing schedule is an estimate. The
fire protection contractor shall select a pump discharge and head to satisfy the fire
protection system requirements resulting from the system hydraulic calculations
based on worst case fire scenario including handline hose stream water demand as
recommended in NFPA codes & standards.

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The Fire Pumps shall include the following accessories, as required by NFPA
standards. The pump accessories should have at least been certified by two
independent Certification Organizations from International Testing Laboratories
& Accredited Certification Bodies as LPCB approval/BSI KITE mark approval
and or UL listed/FM Approved.

 Flow Metering Device

 Discharge pipes and fittings

 Necessary isolating valves with supervisory switches and check valves.

 Air release valve and fittings.

 Pressure gauges.

 Main relief valve, pilot operated, enclosed relief valve overflow cone and
discharge tee with elbow (diesel drive only).

 Main relief valve with discharge pipes to water tank.

 Pump casing relief valve.

 Other accessories necessary for the efficient operation of the fire pumps.

8.2.2 Electric Motor Drive

The electric motor shall be a horizontal, open drip-proof type, wound for 380 V, 3 phase,
50 Hz (cycle) current. The motor shall be of such capacity that 115% of the full-load
ampere rating shall not be exceeded at any condition of the pump load for UL Listed fire

With an ambient temperature not exceeding 40 deg. C, the motor shall be designed for a
temperature rise not exceeding 60 deg. C when carrying fully rated-load continuously,
and shall be capable of operating continuously with an overload of 15% without stress or
excessive rise in temperature. The locked rotor current shall not exceed the values
specified in NFPA 20.

Bearings shall be anti-friction ball or roller type.

8.2.3 Control Equipment for Electric Motor Drive

The Fire Pump motor control shall be UL listed and FM Approved. It shall be completely
assembled, wired and tested by the control manufacturer before shipment from factory,

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and shall be labeled 'Fire Pump Controller". The controller shall be located as practical
and within the sight of the motor.

The controller shall be so located or protected that it will not be injured by water
escaping from the pump or connection. The controller shall be of the combined manual
and automatic star & delta type. and shall be complete with:

 Disconnect switch - externally operable, quick-break type.

 Circuit breaker - time delay type with trips in all phases set for 300% of the
motor full load current-

 Motor starter, capable of being energized automatically through the pressure

switch or manually by means of an externally operable handle. Motor starter
shall be of the autotransformer type.

 Pressure switch, of adjustable type.

 Running period timer - set to keep motor in operation, when started

automatically, for a minimum period of one minute for each 10 HP motor
rating, but not to exceed 7 minutes.

 Pilot lamp - to indicate circuit breaker closed and power available.

 Ammeter test link and voltmeter test studs.

 Alarm relay - to energize an audible or visible alarm through an

independent source of power to indicate circuit breaker open or power

 Manual selection station - a two position station shall be provided on the

enclosure marked "Automatic" and Non-automatic".

 Means shall be provided on the Controller to operate an alarm signal

continuously while the pump is running.

 The fire pump controller shall meet or exceed all requirements of NFPA20 &

8.2.4 Diesel Engine Drive

Diesel engine shall be UL listed and FM approved for fire protection service.

The engine shall be of the self contained open type, mounted on a suitable base with the
following minimum accessories :

 Dual battery set sized to NFPA -20 requirements with electrolyte shipped in
separate containers, rack and cables.

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 Dual battery charger of proper type for batteries used ( included in UL

Listed / FM Approved controller ). Wiring from control panel to battery
chargers shall be by the contractor.

 Electric starter with suitable generator and voltage regulator.

 Heat exchanger cooling system.

 Water cooled or ceramic blanketed exhaust manifold.

 Lubricating oil pump and filter.

 Fuel injection system.

 Air cleaner.

 Proper instrument panel, complete with engine run warning light, water
temperature gauge, oil pressure gauge, voltmeter, totalizing type tachometer
and hour meter.

 Residential Grade Muffler.

 Cooling water line for the engine heat exchanger assembly.

 Flexible exhaust connectors.

 Other appurtenances required for the efficient operation of the fire pump.

All engine wiring for automatic operation shall terminate in a proper junction box to
permit connection to control panel. Fuel System

A suitable fuel system for the diesel engine shall be furnished. It must be in
accordance with NFPA 20 and shall include fuel storage tank, flexible hose
connectors, combination vent, flame arrestor and fill cap. Silencer ( Muffler )

The silencers shall be Silex series JA. The silencer shall be for turbo-charged
engines, sized and selected to accommodate the allowable pressure drop of the

The silencer shall provide an average attenuation of 20-25 dB(a).

The silencer shall be designed by HEAVY DUTY APPLICATIONS, with noise

attenuation across the entire audible range of the frequency spectrum 63 through
8000 Hz. The silencer shall consist of a series of chambers connected by non-
resonant tubes. The entire silencer shall be manufactured from plate steel and be of
a completely welded design. The heavy plate ensure longer silencer life and better

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resistance to damage. The heavy plate shall prevent shell radiated noise. There
shall be no spot welds or press fits used.

Silencer inlet and discharge shall be flanged, manufactured from minimum 10mm
thick plate and drilled to ANSI 70 kg. Silencers shall be either and in/end out and
side in/end out configurations to suit installation.

Provide 12mm drain connections. Prior to shipping, the silencers shall be

thoroughly cleaned and coated in a high temperature 650ºC aluminium paint.

8.2.5 Diesel Engine Drive Controller

Diesel Drive Engine Control Panel : The engine control panel shall be UL/FM approved
for fire pump service and meet the requirements of NFPA20. The panel shall be of the
floor mounted type, and enclosed in a moisture and dust tight housing. A combination
manual and automatic type controller with “Manual-Off-Automatic” selector shall be
provided and a 24 volt single phase power failure relay or a pressure switch, which will (
when the system pressure drops ) activate all electric circuits to automatically start the

Should the engine fail to start after the required cranking cycles, the controller shall
disconnect the starting circuit and activate an alarm system using lights and buzzer or
bell. “Low oil pressure” and “high jacket-water temperature” shall also be indicated by a
suitable alarm system. The engine shall not shut down if either of these conditions
occurs during an operating cycle.

The engine shall be started automatically by the Controller at least once a week,
adjustable, and operate a minimum of 30 minutes ( adjustable ). An appropriate timing
arrangement shall determine the day and hour of this test.

Pressure recorder ( 7 day drive ) shall be provided within the control panel.

The controller shall incorporate the following :

1. Each charger shall be completely independent of the other charger and equipped
with its own individual power transformer, rated for a maximum continuous
charge current of 10A. The charger shall be of solid state electronic design, with
semi-conductor type rectifier, and include the following supervisory and safety
features :

i. Current limiting in every charging mode

ii. Over current shut-off
iii. Automatic selection of bulk or charge by sensing battery voltage
iv. Trickle charge limited to less than 500MA
v. Reverse voltage shut-off
vi. Dead cell detection
vii. Over and under voltage alarm

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In case of battery failure, the charger shall initiate an alarm and provide a signal to
prevent the use of the defective battery during the start attempt cycle.

2. Relays : All relays shall be equipped with manual test buttons, status “ON” –
“OFF” indicators, be of the plug in type and shall meet all voltage and current

3. Remote Alarm Circuit : A total of five ( 5 ) standard alarm contacts, rated at 10 A,

12 V shall be provided and wired to the field terminal block, to indicate the
following engine conditions :

i. SPDT contact : Engine Running

ii. 1 N/O contact : Contact shall close when main switch in Auto-position
iii. 1 N/O contact : Contract shall close when main switch is in OFF or
Manual position.
iv. SPDT contact : Engine trouble. This shall be a common alarm contact
indicating the following conditions. Engine overspeed, engine fail to
start, low oil pressure, high coolant temperature.

4. Description of Operation : A four positions main switch shall provide selection of

three starting method and one OFF position.

i. OFF position shall shut down engine and alarms under any condition.

ii. AUTO position : a water pressure switch mounted inside the controller
shall provide the engine start on water pressure drop. The automatic
starting circuit shall alternate the two storage batteries after each start
attempt. The attempt to start cycle shall consist of six cranks and five
rest periods of 15 seconds duration. In the event of one battery failure,
the starting cycle shall lock itself to the remaining battery. In case of
engine failure, the controller shall stop any further cranking and
energize the ENGINE FAIL TO START alarm. A manual stop
pushbutton shall enable engine shut down, but only after all starting
causes have returned to normal. The automatic Weekly Exercise cycle
shall also be operational in the auto-position. This cycle shall be
programmed on the 7 day time clock. A short opening of the water
solenoid valve shall create a momentary pressure drop and cause
automatic engine start. At the end of the programmed Exercise cycle,
engine shall shut down automatically. A manual test switch located on
the time clock shall allow for manual test operation of the weekly
exercise cycle. The 7 day time clock shall hold its time on A/C power
failure and not require resetting.

iii. TEST Position : Engine shall start in the same manner as the above
exercise cycle start. Turning main switch to Auto or Off position shall
shut down engine.

iv. MANUAL Position : Start pushbutton “Battery 1” or “Battery 2”, shall

override all automatic starting circuits, and allow for direct manual
engine start.

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v. Safety Shut Down : Engine overspeed condition shall shut down engine
without time delay and lock out until manually reset.

The controller shall provide the following additional safety features Engine shut down in
case of low oil pressure or high coolant temperature during exercise, test or optional AC
failure operation only.

8.2.6 Jockey Pump

The Jockey pump capacity and pressure shall be as indicated in the pump schedule on
the drawings.

Pump shall be constructed as follows:

Type : Vertical multi-stage motor driven,

Rotation : Counter-clockwise, viewed down
Motor : TEFC
Motor bracket : Cast type, connecting motor to pump
Diffuser cases : Pressure containing, flow directing
Impellers : Stainless steel
Shaft, l : Stainless steel,
Pump discharge : Flanged type
Control : Definite purpose type, magnetic starter In NEMA II
enclosure, with reset button

Pump controller shall be factory pre-wired and tested. Pressure switch shall sense low
pressure in the fire pump system. Set cut-in pressure 5 PSI above main fire pump cut-in
pressure. Set cut-out pressure at system pressure. Provide minimum run timer to operate
the pump for a minimum of 3 minutes.

Across the line start, H-O-A selector switch.

Control panel to contain a fusible 3-pole disconnect switch, magnetic motor contractor
and thermal overload relays with external reset Enclosure to be wall mounted with
hinged door.


(This Format should be typed on the approved Manufacturer Letter Head and Orignal Copy to be
submitted to Qatar Civil Defense Department)


Project Name: _________________________________________________
Consultant: _________________________________________________
Pump Type: _______________ Capacity: ________ Pressure: __________
Manufacturer Ref. No. (for Fire Pump Set): _________________________

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With reference to the above project fire pump set, we would like to confirm the

1. Pump / Driver / and Controller provided for this project are listed and certified


Motor Driver
Engine Driver
Motor Controller

Engine Controller

2. The Pump / Driver / Controller supplied from (Manufacturer Name) as whole set
3. Testing for the entire pump set is performed by (Manufacturer Name) in (Country) in
accordance to NFPA 20.
4. Performance test reports for the tested pumps is enclosed.

We hereby confirm that the above information is true.

Name: ________________________
Date: ________________________
Company Stamp:


The fire pumps shall be provided with a supervised isolating valve, flow meter and
throttling valve on the test piping. Test piping shall discharge water to the fire water tank
through a galvanized steel diffuser pipe.

Each pump, whether diesel or electric driven shall be complete with suction and
discharge pressure gauges, circulation relief valve, automatic air release valve, drain
valves coupling guard and pump controller.

Batteries shall be furnished in a dry charge, condition with electrolyte liquid in a separate
container. Electrolyte shall be added and the battery given a conditioning charge at the
time that the engine is put into service. Batteries shall be located so as to be readily
accessible for servicing and at least 300 mm above floor level.

The electric motor driven unit shall have the pump and electric motor mounted on a
common base. The entire unit will be factory tested prior to shipping.

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The automatic engine control panel and the electric motor driven unit control panel shall
be specifically designed for fire pump service. All wiring between pump, pump devices
and controller shall be wired and tested on site. Wiring between controller and the
building fire alarm system shall be by the fire alarm system contractor. Power wiring for
the electric fire pump controllers shall be by the electrical system contractor.

The control panels shall be securely mounted in an enclosure which will protect the
equipment against mechanical injury and fading drops of water. All switches required to
keep the controller in the "automatic" position shall be within the locked cabinet.

A wiring diagram shall be provided and permanently attached to the inside of the each
enclosure showing exact wiring for the controller, including a legend of identifying
numbers of individual components. AH wiring terminals shall be plainly marked to
correspond with the wiring diagram furnished.

Wiring elements of the controllers shall be designed on a continuous-duty basis. All

wiring leading from the panel to the engine and to the batteries shall have adequate
carrying capacity. Such wiring shad be protected against mechanical injury by metal

Each operating component of the controllers shall be marked to plainly indicate an

identifying number referenced to the wiring diagram. The markings shall be located so
as to be visible after installation.

Complete instructions covering the operation of the controllers shall be provided and
conspicuously mounted on the controllers.

Prior to shipment, the electric pumps and control panels shall be thoroughly shop-tested
as a unit by the pump manufacturer. A characteristic curve showing the pump
performance based upon the results of the shop test shall be submitted to the Consultant
prior to shipment, and shall include the performance of the pump and engine at the set-
governor's speed. Absence of these test reports, indicating that the complete unit has
been tested in the factory by the driver, will be ample grounds for the rejection of the
equipment. The contractor shall include in his price the cost and expenses of having one
representative of the Owner from Qatar witness the complete factory test prior to


The electric fire pump shall be the lead fire pump. The diesel fire pump shall be backup
fire pump and will only operate if the lead fire pump cannot maintain system pressure
such as in case of power supply fails for the duty fire pump.

The Jockey pump shall maintain the system pressure.


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The field acceptance test results shall be as good as the manufacturer's certified shop test
characteristic curve for tha pump being tasted within the accuracy limits of the test


The pump shall operate at peak load conditions without objectionable heating of
the bearings or of the prime mover. The operating pump speed shall be the speed
at which the pumping unit would be expected to operate during a fire.

The engine shall not show signs of overload or stress and its governor shall
properly regulate the speed.


The fire pump controller shall be put through not less than ten automatic and ten
manual operations.

A running interval of at least five minutes at full speed shafts is allowed before
repeating the starting cycle.

Automatic operation of the controller shall start the pump from all the provided
starting features, such as pressure switches, valves, etc.

The pump shall be in operation not less than one hour (total time) during the
foregoing tests.

The pump, driver, and all controls and necessary attachments, specified herein,
shall be purchased under a unit contract. Field wiring of remote panels,
installation and wiring of water level indicators and fuel piping and wiring from
the main storage tank to the local tank shall be provided by the Contractor. The
pump manufacturer/supplier shall assume unit responsibility and shall provide
the services of a qualified Engineer to supervise the installation and alignment of
equipment. Field tests shall be conducted to satisfy Local Authorities having
Jurisdiction of satisfactory operation of pump driver and controller. The pump
manufacturer/supplier engineer shall be at the job site, supervising the test. The
control manufacturer shall have their representative at the Job site to train
operators in the use of the controls.

Spare parts and tools necessary for two years operation, as recommended by the
manufacturer, shall be provided as a part of the contract for the engine. A list of these
spares shall be included in the offer.

Provide and install water relief valve and test discharge piping back to the fine water

Provide and install all water cooling piping, valves, controls for the engine, silencer and
gear box cooling heat exchangers.

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Contractor shall provide hydraulic calculations calculations based on shop drawings

before final selection of pumps.



The fire water tank shall be constructed in accordance with NFPA 22 and QCDD

The fire water tank shall be built of non-combustible materials.

Fire water supply shall be dedicated for fire protection use only. The capacity shall meet
the single largest demand of the firefighting system determined by hydraulic
calculations. Effective fire water capacity shall be sufficient enough to supply water for
fire fighting operations for a period of 120 minutes when the pump is operating at full
load condition. The effective fire water capacity shall be calculated sans the pump
operating suction requirements and adequate freeboard.

The piercing and the installation of connection flanges inside the wall of water tank shall
be included in the Contractor’s scope.


The fire water tank shall be constructed of reinforced concrete with two compartments
that allow maintenance without impairment of the system. Each compartment shall be
capable to contain at least 50% of the total fire water requirement.

Each tank compartment shall have the following minimum attachments:

 Independent water supply inlet capable of refilling the tank from empty within a
time of six (6) hours shall be provided. In any case it shall be not less than the size
of the “Kharamaa” supply line

 Visual water level indicator of non-combustible construction

 Balancing line/valve

 Drain valve having a minimum size of 3 inches diameter

 Suction connections

 Test/return pipes

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 Overflow pipe of minimum size one diameter larger than the inlet pipe.

 A water level indicator and level switches shall be provided in each compartment
for local & remote monitoring of water levels. An alarm facility shall be provided
for connection to the fire pump control panel to indicate low water level and to
provide a signal to fire alarm system for monitoring purpose.


All pipes and other openings into the tank shall be fitted with devices to prevent
the ingress of insects.

Commissioning and testing shall be earned out on completion of the installation.

Fire Water tanks shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected prior to bringing into


This specification outlines the requirements for a “Total Flooding” Clean Agent Fire
Suppression System with automatic detection and control. The work described in this
specification includes all engineering, labor, materials, equipment and services necessary,
and required, to complete and test the suppression system.


The FM 200 Fire Suppression System installation shall be installed in accordance with the
drawings, specifications and applicable codes & standards.


The specialist Contractor shall include the following materials / works in their scope but
not limited to:

 Design & Engineering of clean agent fire suppression system;

 Prepare shop drawing and technical submittals;

 Perform flow calculation;

 Clean agent gas storage cylinders filled with gas and all hardware accessories;

 Cylinder manifold and discharge piping;

 Discharge nozzles;

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 Gas low pressure switch & gas discarge pressure switch;

 Fire detection and alarm system c/w optical smoke detectors, manual release,
auto / manual selector switch, abort unit, first stage alarm bell, second stage
alarm sounder, strobe horn, gas discharge warning sign and associated cabling

 Gas release control panel

 Interlock wiring and conduit for shutdown of HVAC, motorized dampers

and/or electric power supplies, relays or shunt trip breakers.

 Integrity test and functional test;

 Training to the client representatives;

 Provide as-built drawings and Operation & Maintenance Manuals.

The work listed below shall be provided by the Contractor and shall be under this section
of this specification:

 120 VAC or 208/220 VAC power supply to the fire suppression control panel.

 Connection to local/remote fire alarm systems, listed central alarm station.

 Sealing of openings to maintain the protected room enclosure as “Air tight”.


The manufacturer of the Suppression System hardware and detection components shall
have a minimum of 10 years experience in the design and manufacture of similar types
of suppression systems and who can refer to similar installations providing satisfactory

The name of the manufacturer, part numbers and serial numbers shall appear on all
major components.

All devices, components and equipment shall be new, standard products of the
manufacturer’s latest design and suitable to perform the functions intended.

All equipment shall be UL Listed and/or FM approved.


The installing contractor shall be trained by the supplier to design, install, test and
maintain suppression systems.

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The installing contractor shall be an experienced firm regularly engaged in the

installation of automatic clean agent, or similar, fire suppression systems in strict
accordance with all applicable standards.

The installing contractor must have a minimum of ten (10) years experience in the
design, installation and testing of clean agent, or similar fire suppression systems.
A list of systems of a similar nature and scope shall be provided on request.

The installing contractor shall maintain, or have access to a clean agent recharging
station. The installing contractor shall provide proof of his ability to recharge the largest
clean agent system within 24 hours after a discharge. Include the amount of bulk agent
storage available.

The installing contractor shall be an authorized stocking distributor of the clean agent
system equipment so that immediate replacement parts are available from inventory.

The installing contractor shall show proof of emergency service available on a twenty-
four hour, seven-days-a-week basis.


The installing contractor shall submit the following information for approval to the local
Fire Prevention Agency, owners Insurance Underwriter, Architect/Engineer, and all
other Authorities Having Jurisdiction before starting installation:

 Field installation layout drawings scale shall be 1:100m detailing the location of all
agent storage tanks, pipe runs, including pipe sizes and lengths, control panel(s),
detectors, manual pull stations, abort stations, audible and visual alarms, etc.

 Auxiliary details and information such as maintenance panels, door holders,

special sealing requirements and equipment shutdowns.

 Separate layouts, or drawings, shall be provided for each level, ( i.e.; room,
underfloor, and above ceiling) and for mechanical and electrical work.

 A separate layout or drawing shall show isometric details of agent storage

containers, mounting details and proposed pipe runs and sizes.

Electrical layout drawings shall show the location of all devices and include point-to-
point conduit runs and a description of the method(s) used for detector mounting.

Internal control panel wiring diagram shall include power supply requirements and field
wiring termination points.

Graphic Annunciator wiring schematics and dimensioned display panel illustration shall
be provided. (Optional device)

Complete flow calculations shall be provided from a UL listed computer program, for all
engineered clean agent systems. Calculation sheet(s) must include the manufacturers

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name and UL listing number for verification. The individual sections of pipe and each
fitting to be used, as shown on the isometrics, must be identified and included in the
calculation. Total agent discharge time must be shown and detailed by zone.

Provide calculations for the battery stand-by power supply taking into consideration the
power requirements of all alarms, initiating devices and auxiliary components under full
load conditions.

A complete sequence of operation detailing all alarm devices, shutdown functions,

remote signaling, damper operation, time delay and agent discharge for each zone or


10.7.1 System Description & Sequence of Operation

The system shall be a Total Flooding Clean Agent Suppression System supplied &
installed by the manufacturer’s Authorized contractor.

The system shall provide minimum design concentration according to NFPA 2001 but
shall not be less than 7%, in all areas and/or protected spaces, at the minimum
anticipated temperature within the protected area. System design shall not exceed the
NOAEL value of 10.0%, adjusted for maximum space temperature anticipated, unless
provisions for room evacuation, before agent release, are provided.

The system shall be complete in all ways. It shall include all mechanical and electrical
installation, all detection and control equipment, agent storage containers, FM 200 agent,
discharge nozzles, pipe and fittings, manual release and abort stations, audible and
visual alarm devices, auxiliary devices and controls, shutdowns, alarm interface,
caution/ advisory signs, functional checkout and testing, training and all other
operations necessary for a functional, UL Listed and/or FM Approved FM 200 Clean
Agent Suppression System.

The installing contractor shall provide two (2) inspections during the first year of service.
Inspections shall be made at 6 month intervals commencing when the system is first
placed into normal service.

The Main Contractor shall be responsible for sealing and securing the protected spaces
against agent loss and/or leakage during the 10 minute "hold" period.

The system(s) shall be actuated by cross zoned detectors installed at a maximum spacing
of 250 sq. ft. (23.2 sq. m) per detector, in both the room, underfloor and above ceiling
protected spaces. If the air flow is one air change per minute, photoelectric detectors
shall be installed at a spacing not to exceed 125 sq. ft. (11.6 sq. m) per detector. (Ref.
NFPA No. 72 - current edition)

Detectors shall be wired in standard Cross-Zoned using either a Class "A" or Class "B"
wiring arrangement. No other detection / wiring arrangements will be acceptable.

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Automatic operation of each protected area shall be as follows:

1) Actuation of one (1) detector, within the system, shall:

 Illuminate the "ALARM" lamp on the control panel face.

 Energize an alarm bell and/or an optional visual indicator.

 Transfer sets of 5 Amp rated auxiliary contacts which can perform

auxiliary system functions such as:

o Operate door holder/closures on access doors.

o Transmit a signal to a fire alarm system.

o Shutdown HVAC equipment.

 Light an individual lamp on an optional graphic annunciator.

2) Actuation of a 2nd detector, within the system, shall:

 Illuminate the "PRE-DISCHARGE" lamp on the control panel face.

 Energize an predischarge horn or horn/strobe device.

 Activate/Shut down auxillary equipment.

 Start time-delay sequence (not to exceed 60 seconds). System abort

sequence is enabled at this time.

 Light an individual lamp on an optional graphic annunciator.

3) After completion of the time-delay sequence, the FM 200 gas shall discharge and
the following shall occur:

 Illuminate a "SYSTEM FIRED" lamp on the control panel face.

 Shutdown of all power to high-voltage equipment

 Energize a visual indicator(s) outside the hazard in which the discharge


 Energize a "System Fired" audible device. (Optional)

The system shall be capable of being actuated by manual discharge devices located at
each hazard exit. Operation of a manual device shall duplicate the sequence description
above except that the time delay and abort functions SHALL be bypassed. The manual
discharge station shall be of the electrical actuation type and shall be supervised at the
main control panel.

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The clean agent system materials and equipment shall be standard products of the
supplier's latest design and suitable to perform the functions intended. When one or
more pieces of equipment must perform the same function(s), they shall be duplicates
produced by one manufacturer.

All devices and equipment shall be U/L Listed and/or FM approved and shall have
approval from QCDD.

10.8.1 Clean Agent System (FM 200) & Distribution

Each system shall have its own supply of clean agent.

The system shall be stand-alone type.

Systems shall be designed in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines.

Each supply container shall be located outside and within 2 meters away form the
protected enclosure as required by QCDD.

The clean agent shall be stored in Agent Storage Containers. Containers shall be super-
pressurized, with dry Nitrogen, to an operating pressure of 360 psi @ 70 F. (2482 kpa at
21 C). Containers shall be of high-strength alloy steel construction and conform to
NFPA 2001.

Clean agent containers with an impulse valve can be actuated by the following methods
and solenoid valve is not allowed:

Method 1: Electric actuation – Single container system with Impulse Valve

Operator (IVO) & Impulse Release Module (IRM)

Method 2: Electric actuation – Multi container system with Impulse Valve

Operator (IVO) & Impulse Release Module (IRM)

Method 3: Electric & Pneumatic actuation – Two container system with

Impulse Valve Operator (IVO) & Impulse Valve Pnuematic
Operator (IVPO)

Method 4: Electric & Pneumatic actuation – Multi container system with

Impulse Valve Operator (IVO) & Impulse Valve Pnuematic
Operator (IVPO)

Each container shall have a pressure gauge and low pressure switch to provide visual
and electrical supervision of the container pressure. The low pressure switch shall be
wired to the control panel to provide an audible and visual "Supervisory" alarm in the
event the container pressure drops below 288 psi (1986 kpa). The pressure gauge shall be
color coded to provide an easy, visual indication of container pressure.

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The container shall be fitted with manual mechanical means of discharging the FM200

Each container shall have a pressure relief provision that automatically operates when
the internal temperature exceeds 150F. (66C).

Engineered discharge nozzles shall be provided, within the manufacturers guidelines, to

distribute the clean agent throughout the protected spaces. The nozzles shall be
designed to provide proper agent quantity and distribution.

 Nozzles shall be available in pipe sizes 3/8” thru 2.0” (BPS 10mm thru 50mm).
Each size shall be available in 180 and 360 distribution patterns.

 Ceiling plates, can be used with the nozzles to conceal pipe entry holes through
ceiling tiles.

Distribution piping, and fittings, shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's
requirements, NFPA 2001 and approved piping standards and guidelines. All
distribution piping shall be installed by qualified individuals using good, accepted
practices and quality procedures. All piping shall be adequately supported and
anchored at all directional changes and nozzle locations.

 All piping shall be reamed, blown clear and swabbed with suitable solvents to
remove burrs, mill varnish and cutting oils before assembly.

 All pipe threads shall be sealed with Teflon tape pipe sealant applied to the male
thread only.

10.8.2 Releasing Control Panel

The releasing contorl panel and its components, shall be UL listed and FM approved for
releasing service and be suitable for clean Agent release service.

The releasing control panel shall perform all functions necessary to operate the system
detection, actuation and auxiliary functions, as outlined.

The releasing control panel shall be capable of providing 7AH or 18AH battery standby
power supplies.

The releasing control panel shall be microprocessor based with hardware and software
integration designed to guarantee reliability.

The releasing control panel shall support Cross Zoned, Sequential, Single Detector
Release and Manual Release detection/actuation methods.

The releasing control panel shall provide the following capabilities and functions:

 Three (3) Class B (Style Y) indicating appliance circuits rated for 2.0
amps @ 24 VDC.

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 Four (4) Class B (Style A) initiating circuits

 Optional Class A (Style D) module for initiating circuits

 Eight (8) Status LEDs plus alpha-numeric display for troubleshooting:

AC normal; alarm; pre-discharge; release; supervisory; trouble; alarms
silenced and system abort.

 Programmable pre-discharge and discharge timers

 Resettable and continuous auxiliary output power

 Five (5) optional Abort types

 Intelligent Transistor protection to prevent noise spikes and

microprocessor failure from inadvertently activating release outputs

 A dedicated Disarm switch for release outputs

 Dedicated alarm and trouble contacts programmable for alarm, trouble,

pre-discharge, discharge, abort, supervisory or waterflow functions,
depending on panel configuration.
 Two (2) Form “C” relays, rated at 5 amps, are provided on the panel
board. Installation of the optional SRM4 Relay Module (P/N 10-2176)
will provide four (4) additional 5 amp relays.

 Multiple input power source - 120 VAC or 208/220 VAC @ 50/60 Hz

 2.6 amp @ 24 VDC power supply to operate high current draw horns
and strobes. Capable of allowing expansion to 8 amp external power
supply for a total of 10.6 amps of available power.

 Available in either Red or Gray finish

10.8.3 Optical Smoke and Heat Detector

The detectors shall be spaced and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's
specifications and the guidelines of NFPA 72 – current edition.

The optical smoke detector shall continuously measure the smoke level in the air, and
gives a proportional output. It shall comply with the requirements of EN54 part 7.

The smoke detector shall be an optical light scattering type sensitive to visible smoke and
be stable under all environmental conditions. The internal test and calibration circuits
shall use the same optical elements as the smoke sensing circuits, to ensure reliability.

Heat detectors shall be rate of rise or fixed temperature type with rating selected in
accordance with the ambient temperature of the protected area.

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A light emitting diode (LED) on the base must illuminate when a detector is in alarm

10.8.4 Manual Release (Electric)

The electric manual release switch shall be a dual action device which provides a means
of manually discharging the suppression system.

The Manual Release switch or Manual Pull station shall be a dual action device(s)
requiring two distinct operations to initiate a system actuation.

Manual actuation shall bypass the time delay and abort functions, shall cause the system
to discharge, and shall cause all release and shutdown devices to operate in the same
manner as if the system had operated automatically.

A Manual Release switch shall be located at each exit outside the protected hazard and
shall have an advisory sign, provided at each location.

10.8.5 Abort Station

The Abort Station shall be the "Dead Man" type and shall be located inside the protected

The Abort Station shall be supervised and shall indicate a trouble condition at the
Control Panel, if depressed, and no alarm condition exists.

"Locking" or "Keyed" abort stations shall not be permitted.

10.8.6 Audible and Visual Alarm

Alarm audible and visual signal devices shall operate from Releasing Control Panel.

The Alarm Bell, Alarm Horn and Horn/Strobe devices shall operate on 24 volts Dc
power to allow supervision of the circuit wires.

The alarm bell and horn shall deliver a minimum sound level of 92 decibels at a distance
of 3m.

Horn and strobe light are to operate simultaneous from one power supply with flash rate
of 1-3 flashes per second minimum over the listed input voltage range.

A Strobe device shall be placed outside, and above, each exit door from the protected
space. Provide an advisory sign at each light location.

10.8.7 Caution and Advisory Signs

Provide signs, as required, to comply with NFPA 2001 and the recommendations of the
equipment supplier:

 Entrance sign: (1) required at each entrance to a protected space.

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 Manual Discharge sign: (1) required at each manual discharge station.

 Flashing Light sign: (1) required at each flashing light over each exit from a
protected space.

10.8.8 Illuminated Warning Signs

Provide signs, as required, to comply with the QCDD requirements as follows:

"DO NOT ENTER - GAS DISCHARGED" illuminated signs shall be external to the
protected enclosure and mounted above all entrances so as to be visible to any person
entering. The lettering shall be a minimum of 50mm high. It shall be visible at all times of
the day. The illumination shall be activated by a pressure switch fitted to the discharge

"EVACUATE NOW – GAS DISCHARGE" illuminated signs shall be provided above the
exits of the protected enclosure. The lettering shall be a minimum of 50mm high. It shall
be visible at all times of the day. Illumination shall be activated by on commencement of
the discharge time delay.


All system wiring shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor.
All wiring shall be installed in electrical metallic tubing (EMT), or conduit, and must be
installed and kept separate from all other building wiring.

All system components shall be securely supported independent of the wiring. Runs of
conduit and wiring shall be straight, neatly arranged, properly supported, installed
parallel and perpendicular to walls and partitions.

The sizes of the conductors shall be those specified by the manufacturer. Color coded
wire shall be used. All wires shall be tagged at all junction points and shall be free from
shorts, earth connections (unless so noted on the system drawings), and crosses between
conductors. Final termination’s between the control panel and the system field wiring
shall be made under the direct supervision of a factory trained representative.

All wiring shall be installed by qualified individuals, in a neat and workmanlike manner,
to conform to the National Electrical Code, Article 725, and Article 760, except as
otherwise permitted for limited energy circuits, as described in NFPA 72 - current
edition. Wiring installation shall meet all local, state, province and/or country codes.

The complete system electrical installation, and all auxiliary components, shall be
connected to earth ground in accordance with the National Electrical Code.

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After the system installation has been completed, the entire system shall be checked out,
inspected and functionally tested by qualified, trained personnel, in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommended procedures and NFPA standards.

All containers and distribution piping shall be checked for proper mounting and

All electrical wiring shall be tested for proper connection, continuity and resistance to

The complete system shall be functionally tested, in the presence of the owner or his
representative, and all functions, including system and equipment interlocks, must be
operational at least five (5) days prior to the final acceptance tests.

 Each detector shall be tested in accordance with the manufacturer's

recommended procedures, and test values recorded.

 All system and equipment interlocks, such as door release devices, audible
and visual devices, equipment shutdowns, local and remote alarms, etc. shall
function as required and designed.

 Each releasing control panel circuit shall be tested for trouble by inducing a
trouble condition into the system.


Prior to final acceptance, the installing contractor shall provide operational training to
each shift of the owners personnel. Each training session shall include system SHP
Control Panel operation, manual and abort functions, trouble procedures, supervisory
procedures, auxiliary functions and emergency procedures.


Prior to final acceptance, the installing contractor shall provide complete operation and
maintenance instruction manuals, four (4) copies for each system, to the owner. All
aspects of system operation and maintenance shall be detailed, including piping
isometrics, wiring diagrams of all circuits, a written description of the system design,
sequence of operation and drawing(s) illustrating control logic and equipment used in
the system. Checklists and procedures for emergency situations, troubleshooting
techniques, maintenance operations and procedures shall be included in the manual.


Upon completion of each system, the installing contractor shall provide four (4) copies of
system "As-Built" drawings to the owner. The drawings shall show actual installation
details including all equipment locations (i.e.: control panel(s), agent container(s),

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detectors, alarms, manuals and aborts, etc.) as well as piping and conduit routing details.
Show all room or facilities modifications, including door and/or damper installations
completed. One (1) copy of reproducible engineering drawings shall be provided
reflecting all actual installation details.


At the time "As-Built" drawings and maintenance/operations manuals are submitted, the
installing contractor shall submit a "Test Plan" describing procedures to be used to test
the control system(s). The Test Plan shall include a step-by-step description of all tests to
be performed and shall indicate the type and location of test apparatus to be employed.
The tests shall demonstrate that the operational and installation requirements of this
specification have been met. All tests shall be conducted in the presence of the owner
and shall not be conducted until the Test Plan has been approved.

The tests shall demonstrate that the entire control system functions as designed and
intended. All circuits shall be tested: automatic actuation, solenoid and manual
actuation, HVAC and power shutdowns, audible and visual alarm devices and manual
override of abort functions. Supervision of all panel circuits, including AC power and
battery power supplies, shall be tested and qualified.

A room integrity test shall be conducted, in each protected space, to determine the
presence of openings which would affect the agent system concentration levels. The
test(s) shall be conducted using the Retro-Tec Corp. Door Fan system, or equivalent, with
integrated computer program. All testing shall be in accordance with NFPA 2001.

If room pressurization testing indicates that openings exist which would result in leakage
and/or loss of the extinguishing agent, the installing contractor shall be responsible for
coordinating the proper sealing of the protected space(s) by the general contractor or his
sub-contractor or agent. The general contractor shall be responsible for adequately
sealing all protected space(s) against agent loss or leakage. The installing contractor shall
inspect all work to ascertain that the protected space(s) have been adequately and
the first room pressurization test is not successful, in accordance with these
specifications, the installing contractor shall direct the general contractor to determine,
and correct, the cause of the test failure. The installing contractor shall conduct
additional room pressurization tests, at no additional cost to the owner, until a successful
test is obtained. Copies of successful test results shall be submitted to the owner for

Upon acceptance by the owner, the completed system(s) shall be placed into service.


The installing contractor shall provide two (2) inspections of each system, installed under
this contract, during the 400 day warranty period. The inspection shall be at six month
interval after system acceptance. Inspections shall be conducted in accordance with the
manufacturer's guidelines and the recommendations of NFPA 2001.

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Integrity Test must be done by qualified certified Engineer. The installer must have
UL/FM/QCDD approved filling station in the State of Qatar for refilling and
maintenance purpose

Documents certifying satisfactory system(s) operation shall be submitted to the owner

upon completion of each inspection.


All system components furnished, and installed under this contract, shall be guaranteed
against defects in design, materials and workmanship for the full warranty period which
is standard with the manufacturer, but in no case less than 400 days from the date of
system acceptance.



All equipment shall be suitable for the environment and hazardous area classification.

All items shall be securely bonded to earth points. Flexible connections shall be braided
using copper braids.

All exposed pipes or support shall be painted. Painting shall be to vendors standard. The
Contractor shall submit details of the standard offered with the quotation.
RALColor shall be selected by the Architect. Sample shall be submitted to the engineer
Piping shall be marked to indicate it’s destination (fire water) following NFPA standards
and local rules.


 Piercing

The pockets in the concrete wall (or floor slab) to pass cables and pipes of fire
protection systems shall be indicated on specific drawings by the Contractor. If the
indications are supplied after the date defined by the Employer in the work schedule,
the extra cost shall be assumed by the Contractor.

The piercing of the partition walls and the drop ceilings shall be made by the

 Refilling

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The refilling of all the holes made for the passage of fire protection cables and pipes
shall be made by the Contractor.

The refilling of holes in the fire walls shall be made with approved fire sealant. The
system and material used shall prevent fire, smoke, water and toxic fumes from
penetrating wall (or floor).

The fire sealant shall be installed/applied & certified by an approved QCDD



All the fire protection systems furnished by the Contractor shall be provided with
adequate marking, in accordance with NFPA standards & Local Regulation.

Fire fighting equipment must be identified by a special colour and a sign indicating their
placement or by the particular colour of the placement itself or of the access to the place
where they can be found.

Detectors and manual call points shall be permanently marked with a nominated
identification number.


The work covered by this Contract is to be carried out within the period set out in the
tender. The successful Tenderer must allow to coordinate his work within the activities
of other contractors, in particular those engaged in the execution of electrical services, air
conditioning installations, fire sprinkler services installation, and building work, etc., as
might be applicable.

A detail installation programme will be agreed between the successful tenderer and the
Employer before commencement of work.

Tenderers must include for the complete supply, delivery to site, off loading, positioning,
installation and wiring of the plant and equipment and fixings as specified in this
document in running order.

Tenderers are to thoroughly acquaint themselves with site conditions and access.

The installation must comply with all applicable regulations and standard engineering

The contractor shall carry out painting of all portions of the installation.

Before painting is undertaken, the work is to be thoroughly cleaned of all rust, scale, etc.,
by brushing with a stiff wire brush or other aceptable means.

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The work is to be given an undercoat of first quality zinc chromate primer followed,
when thoroughly dry, by two coats of high gloss first quality enamel, in a colour to be
decided on site by the Engineer.


The appointed Contractor will be required to carry out periodic and final equipment tests
to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The requisite test instruments, properly calibrated are
to be provided by the Contractor.

The installed equipment will be checked and inspected for the compliance with the
Specification and with the following:

 The operation and type of equipment installed is to conform fully with the
accepted tender

 All labels are to be correctly fixed and the operating instructions are to be
bilingual. The equipment is to be free from scratches, marks etc., and is to be

 System /Devices/Componets will be checked for correct operation.

 The control unit is to be tested fully. All functions are to be tested and
compared with the detailed operating instructions.

 Throughout the testing, inspection and acceptance procedure, the Contractor

shall ensure that the technical staff responsible for the installation be present
with the Engineer.


At the time "As-Built" drawings and maintenance/operations manuals are submitted,

the installing contractor shall submit a "Test Plan" describing procedures to be used to
test the control system(s). The Test Plan shall include a step-by-step description of all
tests to be performed and shall indicate the type and location of test apparatus to be
employed. The tests shall demonstrate that the operational and installation
requirements of this specification have been met. All tests shall be conducted in the
presence of the owner and shall not be conducted until the Test Plan has been approved.

Upon acceptance by the owner, the completed system(s) shall be placed into service.


The installing contractor shall provide two (2) inspections of each system, installed
under this contract, during the 400 day warranty period. The inspection shall be at six
month interval after system final acceptance. Inspections shall be conducted in
accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines and the recommendations of NFPA.

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Documents certifying satisfactory system(s) operation shall be submitted to the owner

upon completion of each inspection.


All system components furnished, and installed under this contract, shall be guaranteed
against defects in design, materials and workmanship for the full warranty period which
is standard with the manufacturer, but in no case less than 400 days from the date of the
complete system acceptance in all respects. In addition, the specialist systems installer
must guarantee the system against false actuation or leakage due to faulty equipment,
design or workmanship for a period of 400 days from final acceptance. In the event of
agent leakage or system discharge from any of the above conditions, the specialist
systems installer shall completely recharge and reset the system at no cost to the owner.


A list of spare parts and tools for 1 year operation as recommended by the manufacturer
shall be provided along with operation and maintenance manual. The same shall be
purchased by the client as required.

The successful tenderer will be required to maintain the installation in good running
order for a period of 400 days from final delivery.

During this time the contractor shall repair or replace any defective or faulty item free of
charge and make any adjustments necessary to maintain the installation in good running

The contractor shall report to the engineer and to the contractor any items that become
unserviceable through fair wear and tear or damaged beyond the control of the
contractor. The contractor shall immediately submit a detailed quotation for the repair or
replacement of such parts to the client.

All parts shall be guaranteed by the contractor for 400 days from final delivery and he
will be responsible for replacing the defective ones during this period.


After completion of the installation and when the facility is in running order, the
successful tenderer will be required to instruct an attendant in the operation of the
installation until he is fully conversant with equipment and the handling thereof.

Three copies each of the approved commissioning, maintenance, fault localising and
operating manual, together with full wiring diagrams are to be handed over to the
Employer's representative on site.

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As a minimum, the Contractor shall provide a technician for 6 months on an on-call basis
to demonstrate to key personnel in the use and testing of the systems and equipment


This shall be conducted in accordance with the following:

 The Contractor shall firstly satisfy himself that the installation is in accordance
with the specification and any variations that may have been passed during the
contract period. Once he is satisfied that the installation is complete in all
respects, he shall apply in writing to the Engineer for a first delivery inspection.

 The Contractor's attention is drawn to the fact that all equipment required for
testing of plant must be at hand and ready for operation upon request during the
first delivery inspection. It must also be noted that every item of equipment
included in the contract will be checked for compliance with the specification
with respect to quality and capacity.

 Prior to commencement of the first delivery inspection, the Contractor must hand
over to the Engineer one copy each of all wiring diagrams, maintenance, fault
localising, operating manuals of procedure, commissioning data, etc., for his
scrutiny and approval.


All materials supplied under this contract shall be from one of the manufacturers listed
below. No alternate makes shall be accepted unless all the makers are unavailable.
Materials proposed from listed makes also must fully comply with the detailed
specifications, country of origin, where listed, must be complied.

All materials should have at least been certified by two independent Certification
Organizations from International Testing Laboratories & Accredited Certification Bodies
as LPCB/ BSI Kitemark /Vds and or UL/FM.

All materials shall also be aprrooved by QCDD.

Item Make

Galvanized Piping a. Shield (UK)

b. British Steel Corp (UK)
c. Grinnell (USA)
d. Nippon (Japan)
e. Or approved Equal

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Item Make

Threaded Fittings a. Grinnell-Gruvlok (USA)

b. Crane (USA)
c. Aeroquip Corp. (USA)
d. Shield (UK)
e. Or approved equal

Grooved End Pipe Joints/Fittings a. Shield (UK)

b. Aeroquip (USA)
c. Grinnell (USA)
d. Victaulic (USA)
e. Viking (USA)
f. Or approved Equal

Sprinklers a. Viking
b. Reliable
c. Globe
d. Gem
e. Tyco
f. Or approved equal

Strainers a. Spirax Sarco (USA)

b. Shield (Europe, UK)
c. Hattersly (UK)
d. Or approved equal

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Item Make

Hangers & Accessories a. ITT Grinnell Corp. (USA)

b. Murpro (Germany)
c. PHD (USA)
d. Mason (USA)
f. Weico (India)
g. Or approved equal

Vibration Isolation a. Kinetics Energy (USA)

b. Mason (USA)
c. Vibration Management Corporation
d. Vibro (Canada)
e. Or approved equal

Air Vents a. Tyco (USA)

b. Bell & Gosset (USA)
c. Nibco (UK)
d. Flamco (UK)
e. Or approved equal

Meters & Gauges a. Weksler Instruments (USA)

b. Wels (USA)
c. Dwyer Instruments (USA)
d. Or approved equal

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Item Make

Pressure Regulating and Pressure a. Grinnell (USA)

Relief Valves b. Claval (Canada)
c. Gem (UK/USA)(Part of Tyco);
d. Potter Roemer (USA)
e. Or approved equal

Fire Protection Valves a. Crane (UK)

b. Grinnell (UK)
c. Kennedy (USA)
d. Viking
e. Victaulic
f. Or approved equal

Alarm Pressure Switches and a. Grinnell

Water Flow Switches b. Central
c. Viking
d. Angus
e. Potter
f. Or approved equal

Tamper/Supervisory Switches a. Grinnell

b. Central
c. Viking
d. Angus
e. Potter
f. Or approved equal

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Item Make

Fire Hose cabinet a. Viking

b. Chubb
c. Naffco
d. Kidde
e. Bristol
f. Or approved equal

Fire Hose Reels and Landing a. Angus Fire Armour (UK)

Valves b. Norsen
c. Naffco
d. Kidde
e. Viking
f. Or approved equal

Fire Extinguisher Cabinets a. Viking

b. Chubb
c. Naffco
d. Kidde
e. Bristol
f. Or approved equal

Fire Extinguishers a. Viking

b. Chubb
c. Naffco
d. Kidde
e. Bristol
f. Or approved equal

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Item Make

Fire Pumps a. Reddy Buffalo

b. ITT
c. Armstrong
d. Aurora
e. Or approved equal

Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing a. Chubb (UK)

Systems b. Honeywell (UK)
c. Fike (USA)
d. Chemetron
e. Or approved equal

Fire Alarm System a. Honeywell (USA)

b. Simplex (USA)
c. Siemens (USA)
d. Notifier (USA)
e. Fike
f. Or approved equal

LV Wire and Cables a. BICC General Cables (USA)

c. Gulf Cables (Kuwait)
d. Prysmian Cables (Europe)
e. Or approved equal

------End of Section-----

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1.0. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................3

1.1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................3

1.2. SAMPLE PANELS AND CONTROL SAMPLES....................................................................4

2.0. LATH AND PLASTER ............................................................................................................4

2.1. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................4

2.2. NON-LOAD BEARING WALL FRAMING SYSTEMS............................................................5

2.3. NAILS, SCREWS AND WASHERS........................................................................................7

2.4. GYPSUM LATH AND PLASTER............................................................................................7

2.5. METAL LATH..........................................................................................................................9

2.6. SKIM COAT PLASTER BASE AND PLASTER....................................................................11

2.7. BEADS AND STOPS .............................................................................................................13

2.8. WELDED-FABRIC MESH FOR REINFORCED RENDERING .............................................13

2.9. PREPARATION OF SUBSTRATA ........................................................................................14

2.10. PREPARATION OF MIXES FOR RENDERING....................................................................14

2.11. PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER .........................................................................................16

2.12. TABLE PIGMENTS FOR CEMENT.......................................................................................17

2.13. TEST FOR DRYNESS ...........................................................................................................17

3.0. DRY LINING (WALLBOARD)............................................................................................... 17

3.1. GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................17

3.2. DRY LININGS ........................................................................................................................17

3.3. FIXING OF WALLBOARD .....................................................................................................18

4.0. TILES..................................................................................................................................... 20

4.1 GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................20

4.2 TILE ADHESIVES ..................................................................................................................21

4.3 CERAMIC TILES....................................................................................................................21

5.0. FLOOR SCREEDS AND TREATMENTS ............................................................................. 24

5.1 GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................24

5.2 MATERIALS...........................................................................................................................24
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5.3 PREPARATION AND PROCEDURES ..................................................................................25

5.4 INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................................25

5.5 SCREED APPLICATION .......................................................................................................25

5.6 FLOORING FOR THE PARKING AND DRIVEWAYS ..........................................................26

5.7 DRIVEWAY (GROUND FLOOR) ...........................................................................................26

6.0. CARPETING ......................................................................................................................... 27

6.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................... 27

6.1. SHEET CARPETING (STANDARD ROLL CARPET ) ..........................................................28

6.2. CARPET ADHESIVES ...........................................................................................................29

7.0. JOINTS, CAULKING AND SEALANTS ............................................................................... 30

7.1. GENERAL ..............................................................................................................................30

7.2 MOVEMENT JOINTS IN TILED FLOORS.............................................................................31

8.0. CEILINGS.............................................................................................................................. 32

8.1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................32

8.2. GYPSUM BOARD CEILING ..................................................................................................33

8.3. EXECUTION...........................................................................................................................34

8.4. ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS ......................................................................................................35

9.0. SKIRTING ............................................................................................................................. 37

10.0. CONCRETE SLAB UNDER FACE PLASTER AND PAINT ................................................ 37

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1.1.1 Scope
1 This Section specifies the general requirements for various methods and types of interior
finishes within buildings for walls, floors, and ceilings.
2 Related Sections are as follows:

Section 1 General
Section 5 Concrete
Section 15 Thermal Insulation
Section 17 Metalwork
Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery

1.1.2 References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Section:
ASTM Standard Specification for Nails for the Application of Gypsum Board
BS 476 Fire tests on building materials and structures
BS 812 Testing aggregates
BS 882 Aggregates from natural sources for concrete
BS 890 Building limes
BS 1006 Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles
BS 1014 Pigments for Portland cement and Portland and cement products
BS 1202 Nails
BS 1230 Gypsum plasterboard
BS 1494 Fixing accessories for building purposes
BS 1706 Electroplated coatings of cadmium and zinc on iron and steel
BS 1199 Building sands from natural sources
BS 1200 Building sands from natural sources
BS 2592 Thermoplastic flooring tiles
BS 2874 Copper and copper alloys rod and sections (other than forging stock)
BS 3260 Semi-flexible PVC floor tiles
BS 3261 Unbacked flexible PVC flooring
BS 3416 Bitumen based coating for cold application, suitable for use in contact with
potable water
BS 4131 Terrazzo tiles
BS 4223 Determination of constructional details of textile floor coverings with yarn pile
BS 4682 Methods of test for dimensional stability of textile floor coverings
BS 5212 Code applied joint sealant systems for concrete pavements
BS 5224 Masonry cement
BS 5229 Code of practice for the installation of textile floor coverings
BS 5262 Code of practice for external rendering
BS 5390 Code of practice for stone masonry
BS 5808 Underlays for textile floor coverings
BS 5980 Adhesive for use with ceramic tiles and mosaics
BS 5975 Code of practice for false work
BS 6073 Precast concrete masonry units
BS 6431 Ceramic floor and wall tiles
BS 8000 Workmanship on building sites
BS 8203 Code of practice for installation of sheet and tile flooring
BS 8204 In-situ flooring
BS EN 10142 Continuously hot-dip zinc coated low carbon steel sheet and strip for
cold forming technical delivery conditions
BS EN 10143 Continuously hot-dip metal coated steel sheet and strip – Tolerances
and dimensions and shapeming: technical delivery conditions.
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1.1.3 Workmanship
1 All work is to be performed by experienced and trained specialists or under supervision
by specialists or trained personnel.

1.1.4 Scaffolding
1 Scaffolding is to be erected to external facades and any other areas where it is required
before any work is commenced, so that good access is obtained to the whole of the
working area.
2 Scaffolding is to be supported independently of the working area and is to provide
platforms at about 2 metre intervals. A gap of at least 250 mm should be left between the
work face and the scaffolding to allow sufficient clearance for working.
3 Scaffolding to be designed and erected in accordance with BS 5975.


1.2.1. Samples
1 Sample panels minimum size 600 x 600mm are to be prepared for all textured coatings to
be used in the Works.
2 If the Engineer so requires, a control samples of a finishing materials shall be prepared in
an agreed location within the Works (e.g. the floor tiling to a complete room). The area to
be used as a control is to be completed and approved to the standard of workmanship
and appearance obtained before the application of the material is proceeded with
elsewhere in the Works.



2.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies requirements for lath and plaster finishes for buildings and related
2 Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 3 Fry Lining (Wallboard)
Part 5 Tiles

Section 1 General
Section 15 Thermal Insulation
Section 17 Metalwork
Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongerey

2.1.2. References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:

ASTM C 472 Test Methods for Physical testing of Gypsum, Gypsum Plasters and
Gypsum Concrete
BS 12 Portland cement
BS 405 Uncoated expanded metal carbon steel sheets for general purposes
BS 476 Fire tests on building materials and structures
BS 882 Aggregates from natural sources for concrete
BS 890 Building lines
BS 1014 Pigments for Portland cement and Portland cement products
BS 1191 Specification for gypsum building plaster
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BS 1199 Building sands from natural sources

BS 1200 Building sands from natural sources
BS 1202 Nails
BS 1369 Steel lathing for internal plastering and external rendering
BS 1449 Steel plate, sheet and strip
BS 1494 Fixing accessories for building purposes
BS 1706 Electroplated coatings of cadmium and zinc on iron and steel
BS 3148 Water for making concrete
BS 4551 Method of testing mortars, screeds and plasters
BS 5262 Code of practice for external vendering
BS 5270 Bonding agents for use with gypsum plaster and cement
BS 5492 Code of Practice for internal plastering
BS 6452 Beads for internal plaster and dry lining
BS 8000 Workmanship on building sites
BS EN 10142 Continuously hot-dip zinc coated low carbon steel sheet and strip for
cold forming: technical delivery conditions
BS EN 10143 Continuously hot-dip metal coated steel sheet and strip – tolerances
on dimensions and shape.


2.2.1. General Description

3 Steel stud wall systems, shaft wall systems, ceiling or soffit suspended or furred framing,
wall furring, fasteners, and accessories for the screw attachment of gypsum board,
plaster bases or other building boards are to be as described herein.
4 The following requirements are applicable for wall framing members of 1 mm thick
material or lighter with the exception of rolled steel channels of 1.5 mm thick material.

2.2.2. Terminology
1 Underside of Structure Overhead: In spaces where steel trusses or bar joists are shown,
the underside of structure overhead is to be the underside of the floor or roof construction
supported by beams, trusses, or bar joists.
2 Thickness of steel is specified in millimeters and is the minimum bare (uncoated) steel

2.2.3. Submittals
1 In accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 1, General, the Contractor is to
provide the manufacturer's literature and data on the following:
(a) Studs, runners and accessories
(b) Hanger inserts
(c) Channels (rolled steel)
(d) Furring channels
(e) Screws, clips and other fasteners.
2 In accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 1, General, the Contractor is to
provide the shop drawings showing the following:
(a) Typical ceiling suspension system
(b) Typical metal stud and furring construction system including details around openings
and corner details
(c) Typical shaft wall assembly
(d) Typical fire rated assembly and column fireproofing showing details of construction as
used in fire rating test.
3 In accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 1, General, the Contractor is to
provide the literature test results indicating the fire rating test designation, for each
framing system.

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2.2.4. Protection
1 Steel studs, runners, rigid furring channels, “Z” shaped furring channels and resilient
furring channels shall be galvanized in accordance with the relevant provisions of BS

2.2.5. Steel Studs and Runners

1 Not less than two cutouts shall be provided in the web of each stud, approximately 300
mm from each end, and intermediate cutouts on approximately 600 mm centres.
2 Doubled studs for openings and studs for supporting concrete backer-board shall be not
less than 850 mm thick.
3 Studs 3.5 m or less in length shall be in one piece.

2.2.6. Fasteners, Clips, and Other Metal Accessories

1 Fasteners, clips, and other metal accessories for fire rated construction shall be of the
type and size used in fire rating test.
2 Fasteners for steel studs thicker than 8 mm are to be steel drill screws of size and type
recommended by the manufacturer of the material being fastened.
3 Clips used in lieu of tie wire are to have a holding power equivalent to that provided by
the tie wire for the specific application.
4 Concrete ceiling hanger inserts (anchorage for hanger wire and hanger straps) shall be
galvanized steel, designed to support twice the hanger loads imposed.

2.2.7. Execution of Work

1 Where fire rated construction is required for walls, partitions, columns, beams and floor-
ceiling assemblies, the construction shall be the same as that used in any fire rating tests
undertaken. Construction requirements for fire rated assemblies and materials shall to
conform to BS 476.
2 Installing studs shall be carried out as follows:
(a) Studs spaced at not more than 400 mm centres
(b) When studs are to extended to underside of structure overhead, they shall be cut 6
mm to 9 mm less than floor to underside of structure overhead
(c) Where studs are shown to terminate above suspended ceilings, bracing shall be
provided as indicated in the Project Documentation. Alternatively, the studs shall be
extended to the underside of the structure overhead.
(d) Studs shall be extended to the underside of the structure overhead for fire partitions,
smoke partitions, shafts, and sound rated partitions or insulated exterior wall furring.
(e) At existing plaster ceilings, studs may terminate at the ceiling
(f) At openings:
(i) Frame the jambs of openings in stud partitions with two steel studs placed back
to back.
(ii) Fasten back to back studs together with 9 mm long “S” type panhead screws at
not less than 600 mm centres, staggered along webs
(iii) Studs fastened flange to flange are to have splice plates on both sides. The
splice plates shall be approximately 600 mm x 75 mm in size. They shall be
screwed to each stud with two screws. The splice plates shall be located at 600
mm centres, between the runner tracks.
3 Fastening studs shall be carried out as follows:
(a) Studs located adjacent to partition intersections, corners and studs at jambs of
openings to shall be fastened to the flange of runner tracks with either two screws
through each end of each stud and the flange of runner; alternatively, by use a of
metal lock fastener tool
(b) Studs shall not be fastened to the top runner track when studs extend to underside of
structure overhead

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(c) At chase wall partitions, locate cross braces for the chase wall partitions to permit the
installation of pipes, conduits, carriers and similar items; studs or runners used as
cross bracing are to be not less than 60 mm wide.
(d) Building seismic or expansion joints shall be formed with double studs, back to back,
spaced 75 mm apart plus the width of the joint
(e) Control joint shall be formed with double studs spaced 12.5 mm apart.

2.2.8. Installing Supports Required by Other Trades

1 Provide for the attachment and support of electrical outlets, plumbing, laboratory or
heating fixtures, recessed type plumbing fixture accessories, access panel frames, wall
bumpers, wood seats, toilet stall partitions, dressing booth partitions, urinal screens,
chalkboards, tackboards, wall-hung casework, handrail brackets, recessed fire
extinguisher cabinets and other items supported by stud construction.


2.3.1. General Requirements

1 Nails, screws and washers are to be galvanized or of stainless steel as indicated in the
Project Documentation or directed by the Engineer. Pins for shot-firing to be of steel with
a tight coating of cadmium or zinc complying with BS 1706.
2 Clout nails shall be galvanized steel and shall comply with BS 1202, Part 1.
3 Staples shall be galvanized steel and shall comply with BS 1494, Part 1.


2.4.1. General Requirements

1 Proprietary spray-on plaster systems may be substituted for plaster system specified
herein if approved by Engineer upon submission of complete details of materials and
methods of the spray-on system.

2.4.2. Terminology
1 Underside of Structure Overhead: In spaces where steel trusses or bar joists are shown,
the underside of structure overhead is to be the underside of the floor or roof construction
supported by beams, trusses, and bar joists.
2 Self-furring Lath: Metal plastering bases having dimples or crimps designed to hold the
plane of the back of the lath 6 mm to 9 mm away from the plane of the solid backing.
3 Solid Backing or Solid Bases: Concrete, masonry, sheathing, rigid insulation, and similar
materials to which plaster is directly applied.
4 Wet Areas: Areas of a building where cyclic or continuous exposure to very humid or wet
conditions occurs, or in which a dew point condition may occur in the plaster.

2.4.3. Submittals
1 In accordance with procedures of Section 1, General, the Contractor is to submit Shop
drawings showing:
(a) Details of floating interior angle, unrestrained construction
(b) Details of assembly and anchorage of lath and accessories.
2 In accordance with procedures of Section 1, General, the Contractor is to submit
manufacturers' literature and data of the following:
(a) Accessories for plaster, each type
(b) Metal plaster bases, each type
(c) Fasteners
(d) Bonding compounds, including application instructions
(e) Admixtures, including mixing and application instructions
3 In accordance with procedures of Section 1, General, the Contractor is to submit
manufacturers certificates for details of gypsum plaster cement to be used in the Works.

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4 In accordance with procedures of Section 1, General, the Contractor is to submit samples

of each type of plaster accessory. The samples shall be of a size approved by the

2.4.4. Project Conditions

1 Maintain work areas at a minimum temperature of 13 C for not less than one week prior
to application of plaster, during application of plaster and until plaster is completely dry.

2.4.5. Plastering Bases (Lath)

1 Expanded Metal used for plastering shall be to BS 405.
2 Gypsum Lath used for plastering shall be to BS 1369.

2.4.6. Gypsum Plasters

1 Gypsum base and finish coats shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 5492 and
BS 1191, Part 1, unless otherwise indicated in the Project Documentation. 2 The
compressive strength of base coats for high-strength gypsum and cement finish coat
plaster shall be 20,000 kPa when tested in accordance with ASTM C 472 3 The
compressive strength of finish coat (when fully dry) of high-strength gypsum plaster shall
be 35,000 kPa. 4 Natural sand, except grade aggregates, shall comply with BS 1199.
Vermiculite and perlite aggregates are not permitted, except where required for fire rated
assemblies. 5 Water shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 3148. 6 Bonding
compound for interior work shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 5270.

2.4.7. Fasteners
1 Tie, wire, screws, clips, and other fasteners shall conform to BS 1706, BS 1202 and BS
2 Fasteners for securing metal plastering bases are to have heads, or be through washers
large enough to engage two strands of the metal plastering base.
3 For fire rated construction, the type and size of fastener shall be as used in the fire rated

2.4.8. Fixing Lath Bases

1 Fixing lath bases shall be carried out in accordance with BS 1369 unless otherwise
indicated in the Project Documentation.
2 Metal plastering bases shall be used where the plaster is required on partitions, ceilings
and furring. Where required, metal plastering bases shall also be used for setting ceramic
tiles in adhesive on gypsum plaster and for lighting troughs, beams and other curved or
irregular surfaces.
3 Gypsum plaster or gypsum board may be used for adhesive applied ceramic tile in areas
not considered wet. Portland cement plaster is required for walls and ceilings above
ceramic wall tile in showers and similar wet areas.
4 Where plaster is required on solid bases, metal plastering bases are not required, unless
otherwise indicated in the Project Documentation.
5 Form true surfaces in plaster board, straight or in fair curves where shown, without sags
or buckles and with long dimension of lath at right angles to direction of supports.
6 Shape lathing to within 19 mm of the finished profiles of irregular surfaces.
7 Lath for ceiling construction should terminate at a casing bead where butting into or
penetrated by walls, columns, beams, and similar elements.
8 Gypsum lath may be used in lieu of metal lath for gypsum plaster only on straight flat
surface of partitions and walls, and on furring, except for lathing in wet areas and as a
base for granite finishes.
9 Installation of metal plastering bases shall be undertaken in accordance with the
(a) Where metal plastering bases are required over solid backing, self-furring, galvanized
metal plastering base with vapour permeable backing shall be used

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(b) Self-furring metal lath shall be attached directly to masonry and concrete with
hardened nails, power actuated drive pins or other approved fasteners; fasteners
shall be located at the dimples or crimps only
(c) Where metal plastering bases are required over steel columns, self-furring, diamond
mesh, expanded metal lath shall be used
(d) With the exception of 9 mm rib lath used above ceramic title wainscots where the
finish above the wainscot is required to finish flush with the tile face, rib lath should
not be used
(e) Metal plastering bases should not be continuous through expansion and control
joints, but shall terminate at each side of the joint.

2.4.9. Gypsum Plaster Application

1 Gypsum plaster application shall be undertaken in accordance with BS 8000, Part 10.
2 The thickness of plaster to shall be in accordance with BS 5492, BS 1199 and BS 8000
except as follows:
(a) Where greater thickness is indicated in the Project Documentation
(b) Where thickness is required to match existing
(c) Where greater thickness is required for fire rated construction
(d) Finish coats shall be applied at a uniform thickness of approximately 1.5 mm with not
more than 3 mm thickness at any point.
3 A 1.5 mm deep V-joint shall be cut in the finish coat of plaster adjacent to metal
doorframes and wherever plaster finishes flush with other materials, except where casing
beads are required. The 1.5 mm deep V- joint shall be omitted on walls and partitions
where the plaster is recessed back from face of doorframes and other such similar
4 Plaster is to have a smooth-trowel finish unless indicated otherwise in the Project
5 Cleaning and patching upon application of gypsum plastering shall be as follows:
(a) Remove plaster droppings from property, materials and all other surfaces of others
before it sets
(b) Cut off beads, screeds and metal trim, and leave plaster and accessory surfaces
ready for specified finishing
(c) Cut-out and patch defective plaster and cracks, prior to decorating to match adjacent
surfaces in texture and finish and with no visible joint lines.


2.5.1. General
1 Expanded metal lath is to be manufactured from tight coat galvanized sheet made in
accordance with the requirements of BS EN 10142 and BS EN 10143 Grade Z2, coating
type “C”. It shall have a minimum aperture of 6 mm measured the short way of the mesh.
It should weigh not less than 1.22 kg/m where used as reinforcement over different
backgrounds and not less than 1.90 kg/m where used as a background for plastering or
2 Where shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer, stainless steel expanded
metal lath is to be used in the Works.
3 Wire ties are to be galvanized with a minimum diameter of 1.20 mm.

2.5.2. Fixing Plain Expanded Metal Lath Backgrounds

1 Hangers, runners and bearers are to be spaced at intervals recommended by the
manufacturer of the lath.
2 The lath is to be fixed with the long way of the mesh at right angles to the supports and
with all strands sloping in the same direction. In vertical work the strands are to slope
inwards and downwards from the face of the coating.
3 The side edges of the lath are to be lapped not less than 25 mm and secured with wire
ties at not more than 150 mm centres.
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4 The ends of the lath are to be lapped not less than 50 mm at supports and 75 mm
between supports and secured with wire ties at not less than 150 mm centres.
5 The lath is to be fixed to timber supports with 40 mm clout nails or staples at not more
than 100 mm centres along each support, driven at and angle to tighten the mesh.
Hardwood or galvanised metal distance pieces are to be placed between the timber
supports and the lath to permit the render to be forced through the openings completely
encasing the lath.
6 The lath is to be fixed to metal supports with wire ties at not more than 100 mm centres
along each support.
7 The ends of wire ties are to be twisted tightly together, the surplus cut off and bent away
from the face of the coating.
8 The lath is to be fixed tightly from the centre outwards in such a manner that the lath and
support system create a rigid background to receive the render or other coating.
9 After fixing, staples, nail heads, all cut edges and breaks in the coating to the lathing is to
be treated with one coat of black bitumen.

2.5.3. Fixing Ribbed Lathing Backgrounds

1 Hangers, runners and bearers are to be spaced at intervals recommended by the
manufacturer of the lath.
2 The lath is to be fixed with all strands sloping in the same direction and with the ribs
towards and at right angles to the supports. In vertical work the strands should slope
inwards and downwards from the face of the coating.
3 The side ribs of adjacent sheets are to be lapped, pressed well together and secured with
wire ties at not more than 150 mm centres.
4 The ends of the lath are to be lapped at supports wherever possible. The lap should not
be less than 50 mm and are to be secured with a wire tie at each rib. Between supports
the lap must not be less than 100mm and are to be secured with two wire ties at each rib.
5 The lath is to be fixed to timber supports with one 40 mm clout nail driven through each
rib at a slight angle.
6 The lath is to be fixed to metal supports with two wire ties at each intersection of rib and
7 The ends of wire ties are to be twisted tightly together, the surplus cut off and bent away
from the face of the coating.
8 The lath is to be fixed tightly from the centre outwards in such a manner that the lath and
support system create a rigid background to receive the render or other coating.
9 After fixing, staples, nail heads, all cut edges and breaks in the coating to the lathing are
to be treated with one coat of black bitumen solution.

2.5.4. Expanded Metal Lath at Junctions of Differing Backgrounds

1 Where a rendering or plaster is to be continuous across backgrounds of different types, a
strip of metal lath with a minimum width of 300 mm and an isolating membrane of
polythene sheet or building paper behind, is to be fixed across the junction. Where small
widths of one material less than 300 mm wide are, the width is to be bridged completely
and for a distance of 150 mm on both sides.
2 The metal lath should be stretched taut and fixed along each edge at 100 mm centres
using washers and shot fired pins, nails or screws. The screws shall be fixed into plugs in
predrilled holes.
3 All cut edges of the metal lath and the fastenings are to receive a coating of bitumen
4 Zinc coatings only partially surrounded by cement plaster or rendering are particularly
liable to corrosion and care should be taken to ensure that the metal lath is completely
5 Metal lath should not be provided where the drawings show a groove in the rendering or

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2.6.1. General
1 The location and type of skim coats and plaster bases shall be defined in a finishing
schedule included in the Project Documentation.

2.6.2. Terminology
1 Underside of Structure Overhead: In spaces where steel trusses or bar joists are shown,
the underside of structure overhead is the underside of the floor or roof construction
supported by the trusses or bar joists.

2.6.3. Submittals
1 In accordance with procedures in Section 1, General, the Contractor is to furnish
manufacturer’s literature and data on the following:
(a) Gypsum skim coat plaster
(b) Gypsum base for skim coat plaster
(c) Accessories
(d) Joint reinforcing materials
(e) Laminating adhesive.
2 In accordance with procedures in Section 1, General, the Contractor is to furnish shop
drawings for typical skim coat plaster installation, showing corner details, casing details,
control joint details and other similar details.

2.6.4. Skim Coat Base

1 Skim coat base when used shall be 15 mm thick unless otherwise approved by the

2.6.5. Gypsum Skim Coat Plaster

1 The minimum compressive strength of finish coat plaster is to be 17.25 MPa.

2.6.6. Accessories
1 Corner bead, edge trim and control joints shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS
6452 unless otherwise indicated in the Project Documentation.
2 Corner bead and edge trim shall be a minimum of 4 mm thick, galvanized or stainless
steel sheet or rigid PVC plastic as indicated in the project Documentation or directed by
the Engineer.
3 Flanges of the bead or trim not less than 22 mm wide with punch-outs are to provide a
plaster bond.
4 Joint reinforcing tape shall be as required or recommended by the skim coat plaster
5 Laminating adhesive shall be as recommended by skim coat base manufacturer.
6 Screws shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1706 and BS 1202.
7 Staples shall be flattened zinc-coated steel wire, with a minimum 15 mm leg for securing
corner beads or casing and a minimum 10 mm leg for securing joint reinforcement to BS
8 Bonding compounds shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 5270.

2.6.7. Installation Criteria

1 Where fire rated construction is required for walls, partitions, columns, beams and floor-
ceiling assemblies, the construction is to be the same as that used in fire rating test.

2.6.8. Application of Skim Coat Base

1 Unless otherwise indicated in the Project Documentation, gypsum board shall be
extended from the floor to the underside of structure overhead on partitions and furring as

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(a) Two sides of the wall for

(i) fire rated partitions
(ii) smoke partitions including cross corridor smoke partitions
(iii) sound rated partitions
(iv) full height partitions
(v) corridor partitions
(b) One side of the wall for
(i) the inside of exterior walls and furring
(ii) the room side of rooms without suspended ceilings
(iii) furring for pipe and duct shafts except where fire rated construction is shown.
2 All layers of gypsum board construction used for fireproofing of columns shall be
extended from the floor to underside of structure overhead, unless otherwise indicated in
the Project Documentation.
3 In locations other than those specified above, extend gypsum board as follows:
(a) Not less than 100 mm above suspended acoustical ceilings
(b) To ceiling of suspended gypsum board ceilings.
(c) To existing ceilings.
4 A skim coat base of maximum practical length shall be used.
5 Skim coat base shall be installed with the long dimension direction as follows:
(a) On ceilings, at 90to the framing to which it is applied.
(b) On partitions, horizontally or vertically, except when the partition is fire rated apply
base as designed in the fire rating test.
6 In the vertical application of a skim coat base, panels of length required to reach the full
height of vertical surfaces in one continuous piece shall be used.
7 The skim coat base shall be erected so that the leading edge of the base is first attached
to the open end of the metal stud flange.
8 A space approximately 6 mm shall be left at the bottom of the skim coat base for caulking
or sealant.
9 At edge and end joints:
(a) Locate edge joints over framing in fire rated partitions
(b) Locate end joints over furring or framing in all cases
(c) Stagger end joints of adjoining boards or multiple layer boards
10 At control joints:
(a) Are not required for wall length less than 10 m
(b) Do not extend the skim coat base across control joints
(c) Extend control joints the full width and height of the wall or length of soffit/ceiling skim
coat plaster membrane.
11 For two-ply construction:
(a) Joints between layers to be staggered or off-set and falling over framing member
(b) Use screws to hold skim coat base in place
12 Accessories and casings beads to be installed where required or shown.

2.6.9. Sealant Application

1 Sealants should be applied to the skim coat plaster base and to all cut outs, penetrations,
and intersections with adjoining materials prior to application of skim coat plaster for
acoustic partitions.
2 Refer to part 10 of this Section for application of sealants.

2.6.10. Skim Coat Plaster Application Over Gypsum Board Base

1 Skim coat plaster for one-component plasters shall be mixed and applied in accordance
with BS 1191 unless otherwise indicated in the Project Documentation.

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2 Joint reinforcement shall be as recommended by the skim coat plaster manufacturer for
plaster systems applied over steel framing.
3 A smooth-trowel finish shall be applied to skim coat plaster over gypsum board base.
4 On fire rated, smoke barrier, sound barrier and other partitions, which are shown to
extend to the underside of structure overhead or full height (floor to floor), the skim coat
plaster finish may terminate 100 mm above the suspended ceiling.
5 All joints and fastener heads shall be sealed and reinforced above ceilings.

2.6.11. Repairs
1 After accessories and joint reinforcement have been installed and before application of
skim coat plaster, all damaged and defective skim coat base work including non-plastered
areas shall be repaired as follows to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
(a) Holes or openings 12.5 mm or less in diameter (or equivalent size) shall be patched
with a setting type joint adhesive or patching plaster
(b) Holes or openings over 12.5 mm diameter (or equivalent size) shall be repaired with a
16 mm thick skim coat base secured in such a manner as to provide solid tight
construction of skim coat base
(c) Any water damaged skim coat base shall be removed and replaced
(d) Paper face that is loose or stripped shall be removed and replaced.
2 Damaged skim coat plaster:
(a) At crumbly areas, remove loose material, brush, clean, apply bonding agent and
(b) For blistering, cut and remove unbonded paper face, apply bonding compound if
gypsum core is exposed and refinish
(c) Repair, as recommended by manufacturer of skim coat plaster, other defects such
(i) joint ridging and beading
(ii) craze and map cracking
(iii) field cracking
(iv) spalling
(v) stain
(vi) soft, weak surfacing
(vii) dryouts.


2.7.1. Materials
1 Beads and stops are to be manufactured from light coat galvanized steel to BS 2989
Grade Z2, coating Type “C”, profiled to suit the depth of plaster or render to be applied.
2 Stainless steel beads and stops shall comply with BS 1449 Part 2.

2.7.2. Fixing Beads and Stops

1 Beads, stops and the like are to be fixed plumb, square and true-to-line with 40 mm
galvanized clout nails or plaster dabs at not more than 600 mm centres to each mesh
2 Cut edges are to be treated with one coat bituminous solution.


2.8.1. Materials
1 Reinforcement for rendering is to consist of galvanised welded-fabric mesh with 50 x
50mm squares having wires not less than 2.5mm diameter.

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2.9.1. Preparation of Background to be Rendered

1 Surfaces to be rendered are to be thoroughly cleaned of all mould oil, dust and loose
2 If dubbing out is required it should be done well in advance of the undercoat, using a mix
at least as strong as the undercoat but not stronger than the background. If the thickness
needed is greater than 16 mm, it is be built-up in two coats; no coat is to exceed 13 mm
3 Concrete surfaces are to receive one of the following treatments before the application of
the undercoat:
(a) hacking by hand or mechanical means to remove all laitence and to roughen the
whole of the surface to a depth of at least 3 mm to expose the aggregate.
(b) a spatterdash treatment of one part of cement and two parts of coarse sand, mixed
with sufficient water to give a consistency of a thick slurry is to be dashed on to the
dampened background with either a trowel or a scoop to give a thin coating with a
roughcast uneven appearance. To prevent rapid loss of moisture the spatterdash is to
be dampened periodically and then be permitted to dry out slowly and harden before
the application of the rendering.
4 Blockwork surfaces are to have the joints raked out during construction. Where the joints
have not been raked out or where in the opinion of the Engineer high strength concrete
blocks with smooth surfaces will provide insufficient key, a spatterdash treatment is to be
applied in accordance with Clause 2.9.1-3.
5 Junctions of differing backgrounds are to be treated in accordance with Clause 2.5.4. A
strip of metal lath minimum 200 mm wide should also be provided over all electrical
conduits and service pipework running within chases, fixed in accordance with Clause


2.10.1. Preparation Procedures and Selection of Materials

1 Unless specified elsewhere in the Project Documentation the mixes for rendering are to
be selected from Table 2.1 and will vary in accordance with the types of background to
which the render is to be applied. Backgrounds are subdivided as follows:
(a) dense, strong and smooth materials - which include high density concrete and
concrete blocks providing low porosity, little suction and having smooth surfaces
(b) moderately strong and porous materials - which include medium density concrete and
concrete blocks providing some suction and mechanical key
(c) moderately weak and porous materials - which include medium density concrete and
concrete blocks providing some suction and mechanical key
(d) metal lathing

Table 2.1
Rendering Mixes

Undercoats Final Coat

Background Material
Cement : Lime : Sand Cement : Lime : Sand

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Dense, strong, smooth 1 : ½ : 4½ 1:1:6

Moderately strong, :1:6 :2:9
porous Moderately
weak, porous Metal :2:9 :2:9
lathing (first coat) :¼:3 :1:6
Metal lathing : ½ : 4½ :1:6

2 The selection of the mixes is to take account of the following:

(a) Strong mixes rich in cement have a relatively high drying shrinkage and are liable to
cracking and crazing
(b) The high drying shrinkage of strong mixes applied to weak backgrounds may cause
shearing at the surface of the background
(c) The mix for each successive coat must never be richer in cement than the mix used
for the coat to which it is applied
(d) Two coats having the same mix proportions can only be applied successively if the
second coat is appreciated thinner than the first. A 10 to 12 mm first coat should only
receive a 5 to 6 mm final coat of the same mix.
3 The mixes for rendering below ground level are to be made with sulphate resisting
4 Cement, lime and sand for each batch are to be accurately measured by volume using
properly constructed gauge boxes or, wherever possible, whole bags of cement or
hydrated lime. Lime shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 890.
5 Mixing should preferably be by machine. Where, however, small quantities are required,
mixing may be carried out on a board or platform which should be cleaned after each
batch has been removed.
6 The hydrated lime is first to be thoroughly mixed with the sand. Cement shall then added
and mixing continued until the material is uniform in appearance. Water should then be
added while continuing mixing until the materials are workable and of a uniform colour
and consistency.
7 To improve workability of the mix, the hydrated lime, sand and water may first be mixed in
the required proportions and then allowed to stand undisturbed for at least 16 hours
before mixing with the cement. If allowed to stand for a longer period it must be protected
from drying out.
8 Propriety plasticisers may not be used as a substitute for lime without the approval of the
Engineer. Amongst other considerations, the Engineer will not give approval unless:
(a) The manufacturer, brand and chemical composition of the admixture is disclosed
(b) The Engineer is satisfied that correctly calibrated equipment is available to control the
amounts used.
9 The whole of each batch is to be used within an hour of being mixed.

2.10.2. Application of the Various Render Coats

1 The work is not to be started until the background has been properly prepared in
accordance with Clause 2.9 of this Part.
2 The render shall generally be applied in two coats except where the background is metal
lathing where three coats shall be applied.
3 Before applying any coat the background or preceding coat is to be brushed down to
remove any loose particles and is to be dampened sufficiently to ensure uniform
4 The undercoat is to be applied either by laying on with, or throwing from, a trowel or float.
It should be as uniformly thick as possible, and not less than 8 mm or more than 13 mm
thick in any part.
5 The undercoat is to be left rough and open from the edge of the trowel, and after it has
been left long enough to set firm, it should be combed with evenly spaced wavy

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horizontally lines. the lines are to be approximately 20 mm apart and 5 mm deep (less in
the case of a first coat on metal lathing). The surface should not be scratched.
6 The first undercoat applied to metal lathing is to be well worked into the lath to ensure
that the material is completely embedded.
7 The finishing coat should not to be less than 5 mm or more than 10 mm thick and is to be
laid on with a trowel and finished with a wood float, care being taken not to over-work the
8 All coats are to be applied with firm pressure to exclude air and to ensure a good bond.
9 All coats are to be prevented from drying out too quickly. Between the hot months of April
and November the work should only be carried out in the shade. All external rendering is
to be protected by properly constructed hessian or similar screens during this period.
10 Each coat is to be kept damp by means of a fog spray of water for a minimum of three
days to allow the render to cure and then be allowed to dry out for at least a further three
days before a subsequent coat is applied or, in the case of the finish coat, before the
protective screens are removed.
11 The surface of the finish coat is to be smooth, true and free from waviness, irregularities
or blemishes with straight, level or plumb angles. External angles are to be pencil
12 Care is to be taken when rendering up to plaster beads or stops to avoid excessive
polishing at the arris and damage to the galvanizing, or stainless steel.


2.11.1. Materials
1 Cement shall comply with the requirements of BS 12.
2 Aggregates shall generally comply with the requirements of BS 1199 except where
modified by the grading limits of Tables 2.2 and 2.3.
Table 2.2
Sands for Rendering Finishing Coats

BS Sieve Size (mm) Percentage Passing (%)

2.36 100
1.18 75 - 100
0.600 55 - 100
0.300 10 - 50
0.150 0 - 10
0.075 0-3

Table 2.3
Sands for Rendering Undercoats and Screeds
BS Sieve (mm) Percentage Passing (%)
5.00 100
2.36 90 - 100
1.18 70 - 100
0.600 40 - 80
0.300 10 - 40
0.150 0 - 10

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0.075 0-3

3 Water shall comply with the requirements of Clause 2.11 and BS 3148


2.12.1. Materials
1 Any pigments used to colour cement or cement products shall meet the requirements of
BS 1014.


2.13.1. Procedures
1 Moisture content is to be ascertained by use of a hygrometer or similar approved
instrument. A substrate will be considered “dry” when all readings taken in the corners,
along edges and at various points over the area being tested show 75 % relative humidity
or less.



3.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for use of dry wallboard or plaster board.
2 Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section

Part 1 General
Part 2 Lath and Plaster

Section 1 General

3.1.2. References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 1230 Gypsum Plasterboard
BS 8000 Workmanship on building sites


3.2.1. Materials
1 Gypsum wallboard is to consist of either 9.5 or 12.7 mm thick gypsum plasterboard
complying with BS 1230, having one face finished for direct decoration.
2 Thermal wallboard is to comply with Table 3.1 and consist of an insulation core having a
thermal conductivity of not less than 0.037 W/mºC bonded on one side to the gypsum
wallboard and on the reverse side with a water-vapour resistant membrane.
Table 3.1
Thermal Wallboard
Nominal Overall Wallboard Insulation Thickness Minimum Thermal
Thickness Thickness Resistance
(mm) (mm) (mm) (W/m ºC)
22 9.5 12.7 0.40

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25 12.7 12.7 0.42

28 9.5 19.0 0.57
32 12.7 19.0 0.59
3 The edge profiles of wallboard to be:
(a) Tapered - for smooth seamless jointing
(b) Bevelled - for V-jointing
(c) square - for stippled textured coatings, corner strip jointing or plaster.
4 Accessories for installing wallboard are to be approved proprietary materials
recommended by the manufacturer of the board and are to comply with the requirements
of BS 8000, Part 8.

3.2.2. Storage of Materials

1 Wallboards are to be stored flat in dry conditions and should always be carried on edge. 2
Rolls of sheet materials are to be stored standing on end.


3.3.1.Fixing Wallboard to Framed Backgrounds

1 The background is to provide supports at the maximum centres shown in Table 3.2.
Additional framing members are to be provided as necessary to ensure that all board
edges are supported.
Table 3.2
Maximum Support Centres for Gypsum Wallboard and Thermal Wallboard on Framed Background

Type of Board Thickness Width Maximum Centres

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
9.5 900 450 450
5 1200 400 400
Wallboard 7 600 600 450
7 900 450 450
7 1200 600 600
22 1200 400 400
Thermal 25 1200 600 600
Wallboard 28 1200 400 400
32 1200 600 600

2 The boards are to be fixed to backgrounds with the paper covered edges vertical and to
ceilings with the paper covered edges at right angles to the main supporting
3 The boards are to be fixed to the backgrounds not nearer than 15 mm from the edges
using 40 x 2 mm galvanized clout nails for wallboard and 60 x 2.5 mm galvanized clout
nails for thermal wallboard.
4 The nails should be driven home straight and firmly so that the heads are slightly below
the surface of the board. Care shall taken not to fracture the board. Care shall also be
taken to ensure hat the insulation is not compressed unduly.
5 Boards to receive direct decoration are to be fixed so that:
(a) Paper covered edges are lightly butted together
(b) Cut edges occur at internal angles
(c) Cut edges occurring at external angles are masked by paper covered edges
(d) Cut edges meeting in the same plane have a 3 mm gap between them.
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6 The insulation to thermal wallboard is to be rebated at external angles to give a

continuous plasterboard face.

3.3.2. Fixing Wallboard to Solid Background

1 The walls are to be thoroughly brushed down with a hard broom to remove dust,
crystallised efflorescent salts and loose mortar.
2 Bitumen impregnated fibreboard levelling pads size approximately 75 x 50 mm are to be
bedded into minimum 3 mm thick plaster dabs set plumb by use of a straightedge and
builder’s level at not more than 1 metre centres vertically and to bridge each board joint
plus one intermediate row horizontally.
3 When the pads have set an adhesive recommended by the manufacturer of the boards
should be applied to the wall in dabs to stand proud of the pads. Unless recommended
otherwise the dabs shall be 50 to 75 mm wide by the length of the trowel with 50 to 75
mm gaps, in lines:
(a) Set in 25 mm around the perimeter of each board.
(b) On the line of the intermediate fixing pads.
4 The boards shall then to be pressed back firmly to the line of the pads and temporarily
fixed with double headed nails until the adhesive has set. A true and flat surface should
be achieved.
5 Boards to receive direct decoration are to be fixed so that:
(a) Paper covered edges are lightly butted together.
(b) Cut edges occur at internal angles.
(c) Cut edges occurring at external angles are masked by paper covered edges.
(d) Cut edges meeting in the same plane have a 3 mm gap between.
6 The insulation to thermal wallboard is to be rebated at external angles to give a
continuous plasterboard face.

3.3.3. Jointing of Dry Lining for Direct Decoration

1 The joints of square edge boards which are to receive a stippled textured coating are to
be finished with a paper faced cotton joint tape fixed with a suitable adhesive.
2 The joints of bevelled edge boards are to have the “V” joint completely filled with joint filler
and the surplus removed.
3 The joints of tapered edge boards should either be finished by the manual methods
described in the following paragraphs, or except for joints at external angles, by approved
mechanical methods recommended by the manufacturer of the board.
4 Before jointing commences the boards are to be checked to ensure that all are securely
fixed and protruding screws or nails are driven home. Cut edges are to be lightly sanded
to remove burrs and treated with a brush coat of PVC sealer.
5 Joints in straight runs of tapered edge boards are to be finished as follows:
(a) A continuous, thin band of joint filler is to be applied to the trough of the tapered edge
joints using an applicator and making sure areas are not left uncovered. A 45 mm
wide joint tape is to then be pressed into the band of filler using a taping knife. The
tape is to be firmly bedded and free from air bubbles, with sufficient filler under the
tape to ensure good adhesion
(b) Immediately after the tape has been fixed a new layer of filler is to be applied over it.
This should be brought flush with the surface of the board. Before the filler begins to
stiffen, a jointing sponge should be moistened and surplus material wiped from the
edges of the joint, taking care not to disturb the main joint filling
(c) Once the filler has set, any slight depressions in the surface are to be filled with
another coat of the filler an any projections cut back with the taping knife.
(d) When the filler has set a thick layer of joint finish is to be applied to a broad band 200
to 250 mm wide over the joint using the applicator. The edges of this band shall be
immediately feathered out with a slightly damp jointing sponge. When this band of
jointing finish has dried, another application is to be made and feathered out as
before. The first coat of finish must dry before the final finish coat is applied.
6 Joints at internal angles of tapered edge boards are to be finished as follows:
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(a) The jointing tape is to be folded and pressed firmly into the angle using a brush or
applicator to make sure any air bubbles are removed and the tape is firmly bedded. A
thin layer of joint finish 150 mm wide centred on the joint is to be applied immediately
and the edges feathered out with the jointing sponge.
(b) Surplus material is to be removed from the extreme edges as described in sub-
paragraph 5(b) above.
(c) When this coat has dried, another coat of joint finish 200-250 mm wide is to be
applied and the edges feathered out with the jointing sponge.
7 Joints at external angles of tapered edge boards are to be finished as follows:
(a) The edges of the board to be treated as recommended by the dry lining manufacturer
with the insulation cut back and using a bound and tapered edge so as to mask the
cut edge of the dry lining.
(b) The angles should be reinforced with a 54 mm wide corner tape consisting of strong
paper tape with bonded parallel steel reinforcement strips. The tape is to be cut to the
required length and creased firmly at the angles to allow the steel strips to lie close to
the board surfaces. A 50 mm wide band of joint filler is to be applied to each side of
the angle and the tape be pressed firmly into the corner with a taping knife, making
sure that the arris of the folded tape is straight.
(c) Immediately after bedding the tape, a 125 mm band of joint filler shall be applied to
both sides of the angle with an applicator and the edges feathered out with the
jointing sponge.
(d) After the filler coat has set, a thin layer of joint finish is to be applied and the edges
again feathered out with the jointing sponge.
(e) When the first filler coat is dry, the process is to be repeated with a further application
of joint finish.
8 Nail and screw indentations are to be filled with joint filler and finished flush. When the
filler has set a thin layer of joint finish is to be applied and the edges feathered out with
the jointing sponge.
9 When all jointing and filling has been completed and the last application of joint finish has
dried, a slurry coat of joint finish shall be applied over the entire surface of the boards to
give an even sponged texture.

4.0. TILES


4.1.1 Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for use of ceramic tile products and the installation of
such for wall and floor surfaces.
2 Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 2 Lath and Plaster
Part 3 Dry Lining (Wallboard)
Part 4 Special Wall Surfaces
Part 6 Terrazzo
Part 7 Stone Flooring
Part 8 Unit Masonry Flooring
Part 9 Floor Screeds and Treatments
Part 10 Joints, Caulking and Sealants

Section 13 Masonry

4.1.2 References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Section:
BS 1286 Clay tiles and flooring
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BS 5980 Adhesives for use with ceramic tiles and mosaics

BS 6431 Ceramic floor and wall tiles
BS 8000 Workmanship on building sites


4.2.1 Adhesive Types

1 Adhesives used for fixing ceramic tiles to comply with BS 5980, Class A.


4.3.1 General
1 This specification includes ceramic wall tiles used in standard applications for floor and
wall surfaces. Tile products and application for walls and floors shall comply with BS
8000, Part 11.

4.3.2 Glazed Ceramic Wall Tiles

1 Glazed ceramic wall tiles for internal use shall comply with BS 6431 and for external use
must be recommended for the purpose by the manufacturer.
2 Grout for wall tiling to be an approved proprietary grout.
3 As indicated on Drawings, size of vitrified glazed ceramic wall tiles shall be 200mm x
200mm x 8mm thickness grouted and pointed with approved epoxy cement grout and
adhesive from “Forsoc” or approved equal. Colors and patterns shall be as selected by
the Engineer from manufacturers’ full ranges.

4.3.3 Fixing Internal Ceramic Wall Tiles

1 Ceramic wall tiles shall be fixed by bedding in an approved adhesive on cement
rendering. The rendering shall be applied in accordance with Clause 2.10 to 2.16 of Part
2 of this Section except where modified by the requirements of this Part.
2 All backgrounds are to receive the spatterdash treatment described in Clause 2.10.1 –
3(b) of Part 2 of this Section before the surfaces are rendered.
3 The rendering is to be in one coat, except where applied to metal lathing when two coats
are to be used, and be left with a wood float finish. It is to be as uniformly thick as
possible and not less than 8 mm or more than 13 mm thick in any part.
4 Mesh reinforcement is to be incorporated in the rendering in accordance with Clause 2.9
of Part 2 of this Section where:
(a) The structure is out of line and the thickness of render required exceeds 13mm
(b) The rendering is to be applied over differing structural materials (See Clause 2.10 of
Part 2 of this Section)
(c) The surface of the structural wall will be subject to excessive movement.
5 Where the tiling is to be bedded in a thin-bed adhesive, the trueness of the rendering is to
be such that when tested with a 3 m straightedge, no gap exceeds 3 mm. Where the gap
exceeds 3 mm but is less than 6 mm, or if the walls are out of plumb by not more than 6
mm, the Engineer may permit a thick-bed adhesive to be used or may direct that the
defective areas are cut back and made good. Deviations from true or plumb in the surface
of the rendering exceeding 6 mm are to be made good.
6 Thin-bed adhesive should not be used for fixing tiles with backs incorporating deep keys
or frogs; for these thick-bed adhesives must be used.
7 The tiles are to be set out before the work commences so that:
(a) Cut tiles are kept to a minimum and where they do occur, are as large as possible
(b) Joints are horizontal and vertical, with horizontal joints aligning in walls that are
8 The tiles shall be neatly and accurately cut to a close fit where necessary at abutments
and around outlets, pipes and the like.
9 Movement joints not less than 6 mm wide are to be provided:

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(a) At all internal vertical corners

(b) At all angles with structural walls and ceilings
(c) To give bays not greater than 3000 x 4500 mm
(d) Over all structural movement joints.
10 The joints are to be carried through the rendering to the structural wall and shall be
partially filled with an approved joint filler and finished flush with an approved sealant
recommended by the manufacturer for the situation in which it will be used.
11 Glazed edge tiles to be used where edges are exposed.
12 The adhesive is to be prepared and applied with a trowel to dry rendering in the manner
recommended by the manufacturer. The tiles are to be pressed firmly into the adhesive
with a twisting/sliding action, tapped firmly into position and cleaned as soon as the
bedding is complete.
13 It is essential that the tiles are fixed in position before the surface of the adhesive dries
and the work is to be carried out in small areas of not more than 1m at a time.
14 The finished surface of the tiles should be plumb and true such that when checked with a
3 m straightedge no gap exceeds 3 mm.
15 The joints are to be even, approximately 2 mm wide and where tiles without spacer lugs
are used, spacer pegs of suitable and even thickness to be inserted between the tiles as
the work proceeds.
16 The joints are to be grouted after the adhesive has set and not less than 48 hours after
fixing. The grout should be well worked into the joints so that they are completely filled,
and finished flush. Surplus grout is to be cleaned off as the work proceeds using a damp
cloth and the joints tooled smooth.

4.3.4 Floor Tiles

1 Ceramic floor tiles and fittings for interior use shall be extruded tiles to BS 6431: Part 3.
All floor tiles shall have body of white ceramic mix with abrasive admixture of silicone
carbide, aluminium oxide or other rustproof abrasive in the wearing surface.
2 Ceramic floor tiles shall be with surface treatments to reduce the possibility of slipping
and with unglazed finish. Hardness rating shall index of 50 or greater to ASTM C501.
Back of tiles shall be keyed.
3 Non-slip vitrified Homogeneous porcelain floor tiles shall be 600 x 600 x 10mm thick
and 200 x 200 x 8mm thick Non-slip Ceramic floor tiles grouted and pointed with
approved epoxy cement grout and adhesive from “Forsoc” or approved equal. Colors and
patterns shall be as selected by the Engineer from manufacturers’ full ranges.
4 Ceramic floor tiles shall be laid in semi-dry mix method.

4.3.5 Laying Ceramic Floor Tiles by the Semi-Dry Mix Method

1 The areas of concrete substrata to be tiled are to be brushed clean and dampened until
absorption ceases and the finished floor level is to be established by means of dots and
2 The mortar for bedding the tiles is to be to the thickness shown elsewhere in the Project
Documentation. It shall consist of 1 part of cement to 4 parts of sand by volume, mixed
semi-dry in a mechanical mixer with only sufficient water added to give a crumbly
consistency that retains its shape when squeezed in the hand.
3 The minimum thickness of bedding with this system of laying is to be 40 mm. Where a
bedding thickness in excess of 70 mm is required a maximum 10 mm aggregate is to be
incorporated in the proportion of 1 part cement, 1.5 parts dry sand and 3 parts dry coarse
aggregate, by weight, laid in two applications of approximately equal thickness. The lower
layer is to be roughly compacted, but not allowed to stiffen, before the final layer is placed
on top.
4 The mix is to be spread to a thickness approximately 10 mm greater than that actually
required for the bed and be thoroughly compacted by tamping and drawing off to the
required level with a screed board. Only sufficient mortar is to be mixed and spread as
can be covered with tiles before it has attained its initial set.

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5 A slurry of 1 part cement and 1 part sand, by volume, is to be poured over the surface of
the semi-dry mix bedding and spread with a trowel until it is approximately 2 mm thick.
Dry tiles are then to be laid on the slurry and beaten firmly into position with a wooden
beater to ensure a true surface and contact between the tiles and bedding is complete.
6 The tiles must be correctly positioned at the time they are placed and laid with joints of
about 3 mm.
7 Grouting of the joints to be carried out within a period of 4 hours of the completion of the
laying of the tiles so that the grout will attach itself firmly to the bedding. Care is to be
taken to avoid disturbing the tiles and walking boards are to be used during the grouting
8 The grouting mix is to either consist of 1 part cement to 1 part fine, dry sand by volume,
or an approved proprietary grout may be used.
9 The tiles are to be neatly and accurately cut to a close fit where necessary at abutments
and around outlets, pipes and the like.
10 Tiles are to be laid level or to 1% falls in “wet” areas, as may be required. Localized
variations in level for a nominally flat floor are to be a maximum of ±3 mm under a 3 m
straightedge. Particular care is to be taken in “wet” areas to prevent low spots and the
pooling of water.
11 Skirtings of the same tile size as the floor are to be fixed in such a manner that their
vertical joints coincide with the horizontal joints of the floor tiles.

4.3.6 Laying Ceramic Floor Tiles by the Direct Mortar Bedding Method
1 The areas of concrete substrata to be tiled should be brushed clean and dampened until
absorption ceases and the finished floor level is to be established by means of dots and
2 The mortar for bedding the tiles is to consider of 1 part of cement to 4 parts of sand by
volume, mixed in a mechanical mixer to a stiff plastic consistency so that when tamped
and fully compacted into place free water does not bleed to the surface.
3 The bedding mortar is to be laid on the concrete substrata 15 to 25 mm thick, except
where tiles 10 mm thickness or less are used in which case the bedding is not to exceed
15 mm, and shall be levelled and tamped with a straightedge board.
4 The tiles are to be soaked in clean water for 15 to 30 minutes before fixing and allowed to
drain for 10 minutes to remove all surplus water. Fully vitrified tiles do not require soaking.
5 The bedding mortar is to be lightly dusted with dry cement sprinkled from a flour sieve
and lightly trowelled level until the surface becomes damp. The tiles are then to be laid on
the bedding and beaten firmly into position with a wooden beater to ensure a true surface
and that contact between the tiles and bedding is complete.
6 Grouting and the other requirements of the semi-dry mix method described in Clause
5.3.6 of this Part of this Section also apply to the direct mortar bedding method.

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5.1.1 Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for the installation of floor screeds and treatment.
2 Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section

Part 5 Tiles
Part 6 Terrazzo
Section 1 General
Section 5 Concrete

5.1.2 References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:

BS 8000 Workmanship on building sites


5.2.1 Screed Materials

1 Portland Cement : BS EN 197-1, ordinary type of grey colour.
2 Sand : BS 882, grading and fine limits according to Table 1 of BS 8204-1, but with 100%
passing sieve size 5.00 mm to BS 410.
3 Aggregates for Fine Concrete Screeds
4 Gravel : 10-mm single-sized material to BS 882, Table teel wire fabric, eye size not more
than 50 x 50 mm and wire diameter 3.00 mm mini3.
5 Structural Screed Reinforcement : BS 4483, welded s mum.
6 Non-Structural Screed Fibrous Reinforcement : 100 % virgin polypropylene, fibrillated
fibres containing no reprocessed olefin materials and specifically manufactured to an
optimum gradation for use as concrete secondary reinforcement. Fibrous reinforcement
shall have the following properties:
(a) Specific gravity : 0.91
(b) Tensile strength : 345 - 758 N/mm2
7 Water for Mixing and curing : Potable.
8 Absorptive Cover for Curing : Burlap cloth made from jute or kenaf, weighing
approximately 305 g/sq. m when dry.
9 Joint-Filler Strips : Asphalt-saturated cellulosic fibre, cork or self-expanding cork.
10 Acrylic-Bonding Agent : Non-redispersible, acrylic emulsion or styrene butadiene. Use of
PVA-based bonding agents shall not be permitted.
11 Admixtures : To BS 4887, certified by manufacturer to contain not more than 0.1% water-
soluble chloride ions by mass of cementitious material and compatible with other
admixture and cementitious materials. Do not use admixtures containing calcium chloride.
Use only liquid type admixtures.
12 Flexible Joints : Are to be pre-fabricated, heavy-duty EPDM rubber section reinforced with
aluminium or PVC angles and confirming to the applicable requirements of BS 5385: Part
3. Select depth of flexible joints so as top edges of side angles will be flush with adjoining
finish material.

5.2.2 Epoxy-Based Floor Coating and Hardener

1 Shall be two-pack, epoxy-based floor hardening coating that impregnates the surface of
the concrete or cementations screed and case hardens and dustproofs the wearing
surface. Penetrating substance shall be epoxy resins. Percentage of solids shall not be
less than 96% and flash point not less than 100 degree centigrade.

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2 Erect epoxy floor coating in two-coat application and finish to a high gloss. Minimum dry
film thickness shall be a minimum of 500 microns (d.f.t).
3 Colour shall be selected by Engineer from manufacturer's full range. Finished colour is
to be totally even.
4 Hardener shall be certified by manufacturer as produced for use for workshop floorings.
5 Finished surface shall be of remarkable wear and chemical resistance with high bonding
strength to substrate.


5.3.1 Cement and Sand Floor Screeds

1 The surface of the concrete base must be clean, firm and rough to ensure a good bond.
This is to be achieved by hacking thoroughly to remove all laitence and to expose the
aggregate over the whole area, followed by sweeping clean and hosing down to remove
all dust.
2 The base is to be soaked with water for at least 12 hours and any surplus water removed
before laying commences.
3 Screeds to receive thin flexible finishes (i.e. of vinyl and rubber sheet or tile) are to consist
of 1 part of cement of 3 parts of sand by weight to BS 8000, Part 9.
4 Screeds to receive strong rigid coverings (e.g. quarry and ceramic tile) are to consist of 1
part of cement to 4 parts of sand by weight to BS 8000, Part 9.


5.4.1 Workmanship
1 To obtain the required thickness of screed, leveling battens are to be used, carefully fixed
to line and level and fully bedded. There is to be a minimum thickness of screed of 20mm
over the top of any conduit or duct.
2 The screed is to be laid in alternate bays with plain butt joints. The length of a bay is not
to exceed 1.5 times the width. The maximum plan area of a bay shall not exceed 15 m .
Movement and construction joints in the base are to be carried through the screed.
3 Immediately prior to laying the screed a thick brush coat of wet cement grout is to be
applied to the damp surface of the base concrete and be well scrubbed in. The brush coat
must not be applied more than 10 minutes before it is covered with screed.
4 The mix is only to contain sufficient water that will allow full compaction and shall be
evenly spread to a thickness approximately 10mm greater than that required. The screed
should then be thoroughly compacted by tamping and drawing off to the required level
with a screed board.
5 If a smooth surface is required, the final working up is to be done with a wood float, steel
trowel, power float or other finish as specified elsewhere in the Project Documentation.
Care is to be taken to avoid excessive trowelling which may cause crazing.
6 Screeds to receive thin flexible finishes or screeds which are finished as paving are to be
laid to a tolerance such that localized variations do not exceed ±2 mm under a 3 metre
straightedge and ±10 mm over large areas, measured from datum.
7 As soon as each bay is completed and has hardened sufficiently to prevent damage to its
surface, it is to be covered with polythene or similar sheets which are to be adequately
lapped and held down. The screed should not be allowed to dry out for a minimum period
of 7 days and no traffic shall be permitted on the surface during this time.


1 General : Apply screeds in strict accordance to with requirements of BS 8204-1 Start
screed application in presence of manufacturer's technical representative.
2 Bonding Agent : apply in strict accordance with manufacturer’s printed instructions.
3 Thickness of Levelling Screed : As required to attain finish floor levels indicated on
Drawings for different overlaying floor finishes.

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4 Roof Screeds : Minimum 50 mm at roof drains; comply with roof slopes indicated Place
screed continuously in a single layer, tamping and consolidating to achieve tight contact
with bonding surface. Do not permit cold joints or seams to develop within pour strip.
5 Screed surface with a straightedge and strike off to correct elevations.
6 Slope surfaces uniformly where indicated or where necessary to drain surface water to
floor drains in toilets, bathrooms, laundries and other similar wet areas.
7 Begin initial floating using bull floats to form a uniform and open-textured surface plane
free of humps or hollows.
8 Wire Reinforcement : Where thickness of levelling screeds is 70 mm and more, use one
layer of fabric reinforcement as specified placed at mid height of screed. Cast screed in
two layers and vibrate to achieve monolithic consolidated construction. Provide
minimum 100 mm laps at edges of fabric reinforcement.
9 Finishing of Levelling Screeds : Consolidate surface with power-driven floats as soon as
screed can support equipment and operator. Restraighten, cut down high spots, and fill
low spots. Repeat float passes and restraightening until surface is left with a uniform
and smooth texture.
10 Finishing of Roof Screed : Smooth float finish using hand float or skip float to give an
even surface with ridges or steps.
11 Tolerances : Comply with BS 8204-1, if not covered in this Clause.
12 Field Quality Testing : Engage an inspection and testing agency approved by the
Engineer to perform field quality testing specified in this Article. All field quality testing
shall be at the Contractor’s expense Mix sample sets at point of placement, testing and
inspecting agency shall take a set of 3 moulded-cylinder samples from the screed mix
for the first 50 sq. m plus 1 set of samples for each subsequent 150 sq. m of screed, or
fraction thereof, but not less than 6 samples for each day's placement. Samples shall
be tested according to BS 4551-1 for compliance with compressive strength


1 All parking slots and driveways for all buildings with non-metallic aggregate and cement
toping concrete slabs with approved hardener. The surface of the slabs should be smooth
cement concrete surface powder floated and be painted with preliminary colored coat of
epoxy material and two final coats which has good resistance for the abrasion.Sample
with materials specification and characteristics to be submitted from MBT or equivalent to
the engineer for approval. Five years guarantee should be offered with the submittal of
the epoxy materials application.


1 Driveway in ground floor shall be asphalt. Asphalt Work is in accordance with Q.C.S.
Section-6 Part-5

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6.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies requirements for carpet and other textile floor coverings and
installation requirements for the same.
2 Carpet and other textile floor coverings are collectively referred to as “carpet” in this
3 Related Parts and Section are as follows:
This Section

Part 1 General
Part 5 Floor Screeds and Treatments

Section 1 General
Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery
Section 20 Painting and Decorating

6.1.2. References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:

BS 1006 Methods of test for colour fastness of textiles

BS 4223 Determination of constructional details of textile floor coverings with yarn pile
BS 4682 Method of test for the dimensional stability of textile floor coverings
BS 5229 Code of Practice for the installation of textile floor coverings
BS 8203 Code of Practice for the installation of sheet and tile flooring
BS 5808 Underlays for textile floor coverings

6.1.3. Submittals
1 The Contractor shall submit the following samples with an attached label stating brand
name and ordering reference to the Engineer for approval:
(a) Carpet, 300 mm x 300mm square heavy duty each colour and texture, with cut
edges sealed if necessary
(b) Metal edge strip, 150 mm long
(c) Plastic edge strip, 150 mm long, each colour
(d) Carpet edge strip, 150 mm long, each colour.
2 Manufacturer’s certificates for the following shall be submitted:
(e) Stating critical radiant flux rating of carpet
(f) Stating approval of adhesive, crack filler and seaming tape
(g) Installer’s qualifications as specified.
3 Manufacturer’s literature and data, including maintenance and cleaning manuals, shall be
submitted to the Engineer.
4 Manufacturer’s guarantee is to be provided for all carpeting is to be submitted. The
guarantee shall be valid from the date of handover of the Works to a period of three (3)
years unless otherwise stated in the Project Documentation. The guarantee shall cover
excessive wear, edge ravel, backing separation, shrinking, stretching and static
electricity. Excess surface wear means loss of more than 15 % by weight of face fibre.
5 Shop drawings, including installation layout plan showing seams and cuts, shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval.
6 All carpet and textile products used for flooring shall comply with the relevant provisions
of BS 1006, BS 4223, BS 4682 and BS 8203.

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6.2.1. General
1 This Clause specifies installation of standard roll carpet.

6.2.2. Products
1 Carpet to be included in the Works will include manufacturer’s written verification of
following characteristics:
(h) Construction type
(i) Gauge
(j) Finished pile height
(k) Pile weight
(l) Face yarn
(m) Yarn weight
(n) Dye method
(o) Total weight
(p) Static control
(q) Primary backing
(r) Secondary backing

6.2.3. Installation of Carpet

1 Carpet is to be installed in accordance with the requirements of BS 5229 by skilled
operatives so that it is flat and sufficiently taut to ensure that movement of furniture over
the surface does not cause racking to take place.
2 Carpet is not to be laid until:
(a) The building is weathertight
(b) The wet trades have finished their work
(c) All painted work is finished and dry
(d) The air-conditioning system is fully operational if the carpet is to be laid in the hot
months between April and November
(e) Socket outlets, duct covers and the like around which the carpet needs to be cut have
been fixed
(f) The substrate is dry and clean.
3 Carpet is to be cut and fitted to all socket outlets and other fixtures and be cut in at all
doorways and recesses. It is not to be pieced in.
4 Where practicable, room coverings are to start with a full width of carpet on the same side
as the door.
5 On completion of the installation, all loose nap ends are to be trimmed and the carpet
cleaned with a beater type vacuum cleaner. Upon completion of the cleaning, the carpet
shall be covered with clean dustsheets, hardboard or similar, as necessary to prevent
damage from dust and traffic until handover.
6 Spare carpet suitable for patching is to be handed to the Engineer.

6.2.4. Installation of Carpet Using Tackless Fixings

1 Unless the manufacturer specifically recommends otherwise, all carpet other than foam
backed and fibre bonded carpet, shall be fixed by means of tackless strip (gripper).
2 The underlay is to be installed so that its seems do not shadow through the carpet and do
not coincide with those of the carpet when laid in the same direction. Uneven edges are
to be overlapped and cut through.
3 The seams of rubber and rubber-based underlays are to be joined with approved tape not
less than 50 mm wide.
4 The underlay is to be fixed along its perimeter in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations and be butted up to the edge of the gripper.

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5 The underlay is to cover the treads and risers of stairs and be fixed to prevent movement
and wrinkling.
6 Seams in carpet are to be joined by approved heat-bonded tape unless alternative forms
of jointing are indicated elsewhere in the Project Documentation. Care is to be taken to
ensure that:
(a) The joints are strong enough to permit the carpet to be stretched and not break down
under use
(b) The pile is laying in the same direction
(c) The pattern matches where a repeating motif occurs
(d) The pile is not caught down into the seam
(e) The seams are straight.
7 The carpet is to be laid with the seams parallel to one main axis of the room.
8 The gripper is to be fixed around the perimeter of the area to be covered, leaving a gap
approximately two thirds of the thickness of the carpet. The carpet should be stretched
into position over the gripper using a knee kicker or power stretcher as appropriate to
form a neat edge.
9 Binder bar are to be used at all free edges of carpet and double binder bar are to be used
where carpets of a different type, colour or pattern meet.
10 Single or double binder bars as appropriate are to be used at all doorways situated under
the centre line of the door leaf. Grippers are not to be fixed across doorways.
11 At stairs, the pile of the carpet is to be inclined towards the bottom of the stair unless
otherwise recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer. Grippers
are to be fixed to the bottom of all the risers and to the adjacent horizontal surface of the
12 All carpet is to be re-stretched at least once during the Maintenance Period.


6.3.1. Installation of Carpet Using Adhesive

1 Adhesives used for fixing carpet are to be waterproof, peel-up type recommended for the
purpose by the carpet manufacturer.
2 Fibre bonded, high density foam backed carpet and carpet where the manufacturer
specifically so recommends shall be fully bonded to the floor using a peel-up adhesive
applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Low density foam backed
carpet (less than 1.2 kg/m2 backing weight) should not be fixed with adhesive.
3 Joints in the carpet are to be bonded with adhesive recommended by the manufacturer of
the carpet are to be parallel to one main axis of the room. Where applicable care is to be
taken to ensure that:
(a) The pile is laying in the same direction.
(b) The pattern matches where a repeating motif occurs.
(c) The pile is not caught down into the joint.
(d) The joints are straight.
4 Adhesive marks are to be removed from the carpet and other exposed surfaces as the
work proceeds.
5 Edge trim or dividing strip is to be used at free edges and where carpets of different type,
colour or pattern meet. The trim or strip is to be situated under the centreline of the door
leaf at all doorways.
6 At stairs the pile of the carpet is to be towards the bottom. The carpet is to be folded
under any exposed edges and fixed to each tread and riser as one continuous piece
unless a nosing is provided.

6.3.2. Tapes and Trims for Carpet

1 Adhesive tapes for seams are to be approved heat bonded type, minimum 75 mm wide,
and as recommended by the manufacturer of the carpet.

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2 Fixing bars and carpet grippers used with self adhesive surface strip or for application of
adhesive, are to be of the type recommended by the manufacturer of the carpet and are
to have an anodised aluminium finish to exposed surfaces where applicable.



7.1.1 Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for joints, caulking and sealants.
2 Related Parts and Sections are as follows
This Section
Part 4 Tiles
Part 5 Floor Screeds and Treatments

Section 1 General
Section 5 Concrete
Section 17 Metalwork

7.1.2 References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 5212 Cold applied sealant systems for concrete pavements
BS 5390 Code of practice for stone masonry
BS 8203 Code of practice for installation of sheet and tile flooring
BS 8204 In-situ flooring

7.1.3 System Description

1 The Contractor is to include for all pointing, sealing, jointing caulking etc., in all locations
indicated on the drawings and where elsewhere required for waterproofing, movement,
sealing, etc. All materials shall be of a proprietary manufacture whose instructions shall
be followed at all times and shall be to the approval of the Engineer.
2 All materials shall be compatible with the other materials they shall come into contact with
and shall be specifically manufactured for the location in which they have to be used.

7.1.4 Samples
1 The Contractor shall submit two cartridges or representative samples of all sealants and
backup materials.
2 The samples shall include the following information:
(a) Supplier
(b) Name of material
(c) Specification
(d) Colour
(e) Date of manufacture
(f) Life expectance and shelf life.
3 The Contractor shall submit two (2) copies of manufacturer’s specifications,
recommendations and installation instructions for each type of sealant and associated
miscellaneous backup material required.
4 These shall include manufacturer’s published data or letter of certification, or certified test
laboratory reports, indicating that each material is intended generally for the applications

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7.1.5 Test Panels

1 Before sealant installation work commences, test panels of each type and application of
sealant shall be installed in strict conformity with the manufacturer’s requirements in
finished work. If necessary, this work shall be supervised by a representative of the
sealant supplier.
2 The Engineer shall be informed of the location of such test panels, and may change their
location if he deems necessary.
3 Test panels designated to be incorporated in the Works shall not be considered
acceptable until the Engineer provides written approval. As-built drawing with the
locations of each test panel shall be submitted to the Engineer.
4 Each test panel of a type and application of sealant shall be no less than 7.5 linear
metres. The test panels shall be used for determining faults should any joint failure occur
at a later stage.

7.1.6 Certification
1 The manufacturer of the sealant shall certify:
(a) That the sealants and accessory materials to be used are compatible with each other,
chemically and in adhesion
(b) That the materials are fit for the purpose and conditions of use
(c) That the sealant, primer where required, and backer rod are compatible and will
cause no staining of material in which they are installed.


7.2.1 Installation and Workmanship

1 Unless otherwise indicated in the Project Documentation, a 10 mm movement joint is to
be formed at the perimeter of all tiled floors and where the tiling meets structural features
such as columns, machine bases etc.
2 In clay floor tiling additional intermediate movement joints are to be provided where the
flooring exceeds 6 m in any direction. In other tiled floor finishes additional intermediate
movement joints are to be provided where the flooring exceeds 12 m in any direction.
3 Where a structural movement joint is provided in the base, a movement joint of the same
width in the bedded finish is to be positioned immediately above.
4 The movement joint cavities are to extend through the combined thickness of the finish
and the bedding mortar or compound and be completely filled and sealed after grouting of
the normal joints takes place.
5 The requirements of this Part shall be implemented with additional compliance to BS
5212: Part 2, BS 5390, BS 8203, and BS 8204 as applicable for the flooring system used.
6 Changes in colour or type of finish in doorways where movement joints occur are to be
situated under the centreline of the door leaf.

7.2.2 Movement Joint Filler and Sealant

1 Movement joint filler is to be approved impregnated fibreboard or cellular polyethylene
which is compatible with the sealant being used and which does not excrete bituminous
or oily products.
2 Sealants are to comply with the requirements recommended by the manufacturer for the
situation in which they will be used.
3 Butyl mastics and other forms of soft sticky mastics are not to be used.

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8.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies the requirements for suspended ceiling systems of lay-in type and
fixed type construction.
2 Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 3 Dry lining (Wallboard)
Part 10 Concrete Slab Underface Plaster and Paint

Section 17 Metal Work

Section 18 Carpentry
Section 26 Painting and Decorating

8.1.2. References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Section:
BS 476 Fire tests and building materials and structures
BS 1191 Gypsum building plasters
BS 1230 Gypsum plasterboard
BS 5492 Code of practice for internal plastering
BS 8000 Workmanship on building sites
BS 8212 Code of practice for dry lining and partitioning using gypsum plasterboard
BS 8290 Suspended ceilings

8.1.3. General Requirements

1 The suspended ceilings shall not be installed until:
(a) The building is weathertight
(b) The wet trades have finished their work
(c) All work above the ceilings such as ductwork, pipework and electrical work has been
installed, tested, inspected and approved
(d) The positions of light fittings, diffusers and the like have been checked
(e) The position of access panels have been confirmed with the Engineer.
2 The ceiling shall be installed to within 3 mm of required level. When measured against a
straight edge over a distance of 3 m, the gap between the straight edge and the ceiling
shall not exceed 3 mm.
3 The manufacturer’s recommendations for the use and installation of products covered in
this Part shall be strictly adhered to unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer.
4 Existing conditions shall be inspected before commencing installation of suspended
ceilings to ensure the following:
(a) That services all have been installed
(b) That fastenings and supports installed by others are in place
(c) That installation of others will not touch the back of ceiling system.
The Contractor shall verify to the Engineer in writing that such inspections has been
performed and that work is ready to commence.

8.1.4. Submittals
1 The Contractor is to submit shop drawings showing general layout, support framing, and
installation details including lay-in, hanger and support details.
2 Samples of support framing, lay-in, lay-in hangers and hanger insert are to be submitted
for approval.
3 Suspended ceilings shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 8212 and BS 8290.
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8.2.1. General
1 Furnish all labour, materials, tools, equipment, and services for gypsum board work, in
accordance with provisions of Contract Documents. Completely co-ordinate with work of
other trades. Although such work is not specifically indicated, furnish and install all
supplementary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances and devices incidental to or
necessary for a sound, secure and complete installation
2 Insatallation of gypsum board for suspended ceilings and associated plaster or rendering
work shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1191 and BS 5492.
3 Gypsum boards shall be coated with moisture-resistant protective coating for applications
exposed to external weathering or exposed to moist.
4 gypsum board for suspended ceilings and associated plaster or rendering work shall
comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1191 and BS 5492.

8.2.2. Material
1 Material shall be constructed of gypsum reinforced with cellulose fibers, water
resistant. Provided with required Metal Suspension System, gypsum boards shall be of
the following requirements:
Thickness : 12.5mm, minimum
600 x 600 mm
Surfaces Hardness: 220 Kg/m2
Fire Rating: 30 minutes up to 300 degrees Centigrade
Intensity Not less than 10 kg/m2
Product: Large plaster board or equal and approved
System: Seamless Ceiling Provide all correspondence
Accessories (Jointing tape, metal suspension
Accessories,putty, etc) from the same Manufacture.
8.2.3. Adhesive
1 As recommended by gypsum board manufacturer.

8.2.4. Gypsum Board Accessories

1 Standard types, ASTM C840, galvanized for general use, zinc alloy for wet areas.
(a) Corner bead: Type CB-114 x 114 accessory for outside corners; 1.5 mm ground
and 31 mm wide fine-mesh expanded flanges, tapered along outer edges to
enhance concealment casing bead: Type LC series, square nose, 1.5 mm ground
and 31 mm wide fine mesh expanded flange with tapered edge.
(b) Trim bead: Type L series, square nose, 1.5 mm ground, and 31 mm wide fine-mesh
expanded flange with tapered edge.
(c) Foam tape: Self-adhering one or two sides, minimum 0.79 mm thick. Use where
bead abuts exterior windows, window frames or other metal components, to
separate trim from other material.
(d) Control or expansion joints: Vee-type for interior locations, with 18 mm perforated
wings, 6 mm wide open slot protected by removable plastic tape, and 2.38 mm

8.2.5. Screws
1 ASTM C646, self-drilling, self-tapping, bugle-head type, length to penetrate framing
member or stud not less than 9 mm.

8.2.6. Furring channels

1 ASTM C645, 0.5 mm galvanized, hat-shaped, screw type.

8.2.7. Foam tape:

1 Non-connected cellular polyvinyl chloride (PVC) foam tape, 12 x 6 mm pressure-sensitive
adhesive single or double sided as required.
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8.2.8. Joint treatment compound

1 ASTM C475, ready-mixed

8.2.9. Joint tape:

1 Perforated type, ASTM C475, feathered edges, 50 mm nominal width.

8.2.10. Sound caulking (acoustical sealant) for concealed locations

1 A highly elastic, water-based caulking, specially formulated for the purpose, as used in
laboratory tests for sound-rated partitions; permanently flexible, shrink and stain-
resistant, non-bleeding; with excellent adherence to most surfaces.

8.2.11. Suspension wire

1 Galvanized steel, soft annealed, 4 mm.

8.2.12. Tie wire

1 Galvanized steel, soft annealed, 1.5 mm.

8.2.13. Carrying channels

1 37 mm galvanized steel; or U.L. fire-rated or non-fire rated double-web, direct-hung,
suspended wallboard ceiling system, ASTM C635, heavy-duty.

8.2.14. Sealer for water resistant board

1 Water-resistant compound recommended by gypsum board manufacturer for sealing cut
edges of board.


8.3.1. Installation – General

1 Install board on ceilings with long dimension across supports and with ends centred on
webs of supports. Stagger ends between adjoining courses. Secure boards to each
support or framing member with screws.In areas having board or gypsum veneer base
ceilings and walls, install ceiling first. Bring boards into contact but do not force into place.
Fit neatly and carefully. Hold board in firm contact with support while fasteners are being
driven.Proceed with attachment from centre of board toward ends and edges.When
necessary to cut board, scribe and cut neatly.
2 Where sound rated walls are indicated, install sound insulation in walls.Install so that
coverage required for sound rating is achieved.Pack spaces around and behind electric
boxes and around other penetrations to maintain full sound reduction.Provide sound
caulking material for rating required.Install horizontal insulation support strips, across
metal studs before gypsum board is applied.In fire rated ceiling assemblies, fasten
minimum 100 mm wide gypsum board strip continuous over all joints.Seal board ends,
cutouts and screw penetrations with water-resistant sealant. Install open or loosed flash-
gap adjacent walls as indicated on drawings.Stagger edge joints on opposite sides of a
partition so they occur on different framing members.

8.3.2. Finishing
3 Securely attach continuous corner beads to all external corners of gypsum board and
gypsum veneer base in accord with manufacturer's directions.Apply joint treatment
compound to board in accord with manufacturer's directions. Fill joints and internal
corners with compound. Embed tape in compound. After drying, apply additional
compound to joint, feather out on each side of joint until a smooth, even surface, free of
defects, is obtained. Install other accessories in like manner. Apply joint treatment
compound for board over heads of fasteners. Allow to dry, then lightly sand. Apply
second layer and sand. Avoid roughing paper face of board. If board is damaged, or
surfaces are roughened, repair satisfactorily or remove the unacceptable material and
provide new board as approved by the Client and/or Engineer, at no additional cost to the
Client and/or Engineer. After painter has applied primer to board and refinish areas which
show defects.

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8.4.1. General
1 This section includes:
(a) Acoustical ceiling panels.
(b) Grid suspension system.
(c) Wire hangers, fasteners, main runners, cross tees, and wall angle moldings.

8.4.2. Submittals
1 Product Data : Submit manufacturer's technical data for each type of acoustical ceiling
unit and suspension system required.
(a) Samples : Minimum 6 inch x 6 inch samples of specified acoustical panel; 8 inch
long samples of exposed wall molding and suspension system, including main
runner and 4 foot cross tees.
(b) Shop Drawings : Layout and details of acoustical ceilings. Show locations of items
which are to be coordinated with, or supported by the ceilings.

8.4.3. Quality Assurance

1 Single-Source Responsibility : Provide acoustical panel units and grid components by a
single manufacturer.
(a) Fire Performance Characteristics : Identify acoustical ceiling components with
appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting organization.
(b) Surface Burning Characteristics : As follows, tested per ASTM E 84 and complying
with ASTM E 1264 for Class A products.
1. Flame Spread : 25 or less
2. Smoke Developed : 50 or less
3. Handle acoustical ceiling units carefully to avoid chipping edges or damaged
units in any way.

8.4.4. Delivery, Storage and Handling

1 Deliver acoustical ceiling units to project site in original, unopened packages and store
them in a fully enclosed space where they will be protected against damage from
moisture, direct sunlight, surface contamination, and other causes.
(a) Before installing acoustical ceiling units, permit them to reach room temperature
and stabilized moisture content.
(b) Handle acoustical ceiling units carefully to avoid chipping edges or damaged units
in any way.

8.4.5. Warranty
1 Acoustical Panel : Submit a written warranty executed by the manufacturer, agreeing to
repair or replace acoustical panels that fail within the warranty period. Failures include,
but are not limited to:
(a) Acoustical Panels : Sagging and warping
(b) Grid System : Rusting and manufacturer's defects
2 The Warranty shall not deprive the Owner of other rights the Owner may have under
other provisions of the Contract Documents and will be in addition to and run concurrent
with other warranties made by the Contractor under the requirements of the Contract

8.4.6. Maintenance
1 Extra Materials : Deliver extra materials to Owner. Furnish extra materials described
below that match products installed. Packaged with protective covering for storage and
identified with appropriate labels.
(a) Acoustical Ceiling Units : Furnish quality of full-size units equal to 5.0 percent of
amount installed.

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(b) Suspension System Components: Furnish quantity of each exposed suspension

component equal to 2.0 percent of amount installed.

8.4.7. Materials
1 Panels: Mineral-base acoustical panels, nodular, cast or molded.
2 Type, Form and Finish of Panels: Provide Type III, form 1 units per ASTM E 1264 with
painted finish that comply with pattern and other requirements specified hereafter.
3 Fissured Pattern: Units fitting ASTM E 1264 pattern designation D with and unless,
otherwise indicated on Drawings, other characteristics as follows:
(a) Surface Texture : Fine
(b) Color : White or equal and approved.
(c) Size : 600 x 600 x 19mm
(d) Classic Design Pinhole Type by Knauf AMF Ceilings
4 Edge Detail: Bevelled edge, kerfed and rabbet, or bevelled and kerfed for concealed
suspension system, and square or rabbet for exposed one.

8.4.8. Exposed Metal Suspension System

1 Suspension System: Non-fire-resistance-rated, exposed, direct-hung, single-web
suspension system, main and cross runners roll-formed from pre-painted or electrolytic
zinc-coated cold-rolled steel sheet.
2 Standard for Metal System: Provide manufacturer’s standard exposed metal suspension
system of type, structural classification and finish indicated that comply with applicable
ASTM No. C 635 requirements.
3 Finish and Color: Unless otherwise indicated on Drawings or directed by the Engineer,
provide manufacturer’s standard factory-applied finish for type of system indicated.
4 Attachment Devices: Size for 5 times design load indicated in ASTM C 635, Table 1,
Direct Hung.
5 Post-Installed Anchor in Concrete: Expansion anchors fabricated from corrosion-
resistant materials with holes or loops for attachment of hangers of type indicated and
with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 5 times that imposed by ceiling
construction, as determined by testing per ASTM No. E 488, conducted by a qualified
independent testing laboratory.
6 Wire for Hangers and Ties: ASTM No. A 641, Class 1 zinc coating, soft temper. Provide
wire sized so that stress at 3 times hanger design load (ASTM No. C 635, Table 1,
Direct-Hung) will be less than yield stress of wire, but provide not less than 2.7 mm
diameter (12-gauge)

8.4.9. Concealed Metal Suspension System

1 Suspension System: Non-fire-resistance-rated concealed, direct-hung, metal suspension
system composed of snap-in main runners supported with hangers attached directly to
building structure with following requirements:
(a) Hangers: Angles or channels of same metal of main runners.
(b) Main Runners: galvanized steel sheet to ASTM No. 527, lock-forming quality,
coating designation G 90.
(c) Structural Classification: Intermediate system.
2 Standard for Metal System: Provide manufacturer’s standard concealed metal
suspension system of type, structural classification and finish indicated that comply with
applicable ASTM No. C 635 requirements.
3 Finish and Color: Unless otherwise indicated on Drawings or directed by the Engineer,
provide manufacturer’s standard factory-applied finish for type of system indicated.
4 Attachment Devices: Size for 5 times design load indicated in ASTM No. C 635, Table 1,
Direct Hung.
5 Post-Installed Anchor in Concrete: Same as for acoustical panel ceiling metal
suspension system.

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6 Wire for Hangers and Ties: Same as for acoustical panel ceiling metal suspension

8.4.10. Moldings and Trim

1 Metal or extruded plastic of types and profiles indicated or, if not indicated, provide
manufacturer’s standard molding for edge and penetrations of ceiling that fits with type
of edge detail and suspension system indicated.

8.4.11. Access Panels

1 Manufacturer’s standard frames, fixing system and panels of same material and
requirements of the ceiling suspension system and panels or tiles for providing access
doors and panels to ceiling plenums.

8.4.12. Sealants
1 Non-drying, non-hardening, non-migrating, non-staining, non-bleeding, gunnable
acoustical sealant as recommended by manufacturer of units of each acoustical ceiling.

8.4.13. Installation
1 Measure each ceiling area and establish layout of acoustical units to balance border
widths at opposite edges of each ceiling. Avoid use of less than half width units at
borders, and comply with reflected ceiling plans. Coordinate panel layout with mechanical
and electrical fixtures.
2 Install suspension system and panels in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions,
and in compliance with ASTM C 636 and with the authorities having jurisdiction.
3 Suspend main beam from overhead construction with hanger wires spaced 4-0 on center
along the length of the main runner. Install hanger wires plumb and straight.
4 Install wall moldings at intersection of suspended ceiling and vertical surfaces. Miter
corners where wall moldings intersect or install corner caps.
5 For reveal edge panels : Cut and reveal or rabbet edges of ceiling panels at border areas
and vertical surfaces.
6 Install acoustical panels in coordination with suspended system.

8.4.14. Adjusting and Cleaning

1 Replace damaged and broken panels.
2 Clean exposed surfaces of acoustical ceilings, including trim, edge moldings, and
suspension members. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and touch up
of minor finish damage. Remove and replace work that cannot be successfully cleaned
and repaired to permanently eliminate evidence of damage.

1 Approved 100mm Porcelain Tiles Skirting
2 Approved Wood Skirting


1 Concrete slab under-face or spaces without provision of suspended drop ceiling as
indicated on the drawing shall receive 15 mm thick two coats of cement and sand render
(1:1:6) base coat and (1:2:9) final coat, trowelled smooth to receive Acrylic paint finish.
However, where suspended drop ceiling is to be provided, slab under face shall receive
(1:1:6) base coat alone.

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1.0. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................2

1.1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................2

2.0. GLASS ....................................................................................................................................4

2.1. GENERAL GLASS TYPES AND GLAZING...........................................................................4

2.2. GLASS TYPES AND REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................4

2.3. GLAZING MATERIALS ..........................................................................................................6

3.0. WORKMANSHIP.....................................................................................................................7

3.1. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................7

3.2. STANDARD GLAZING ...........................................................................................................7

3.3. GLAZING ALUMINIUM WINDOWS EXTERNALLY ..............................................................8

3.4. FIXING MIRRORS...................................................................................................................9

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1.1.1. Scope
1 This Section specifies the requirements for glass, plastic, glazing related materials and
glazing accessories. Glazing products specified apply to factory or field glazed items.
2 Related Sections are as follows:
Section 15 Insulation of Buildings
Section 17 Metalwork
Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery
Section 24 Finishes to Buildings
Section 27 External Works

1.1.2. References
1 The following standards referred to in this Section:
BS 544 Linseed oil putty for use in wooden frames
BS 952 Glass for glazing
BS 1494 Fixing accessories for building purposes
BS 2571 General purpose flexible PVC compounds for moulding and extrusion
BS 5051 Security glazing
BS 5357 Code of Practice for installation of security glazing
BS 5516 Code of Practice for design and installation of sloping and vertical patent
BS 5544 Anti-bandit glazing (glazing resistant to manual attack)
BS 5588 Fire precautions in the design and construction of buildings
BS 5713 Hermetically sealed flat double glazing units
BS 6206 Impact performance requirements for flat safety glass and safety plastics for
use in buildings
BS 6262 Code of Practice for glazing for buildings
BS 8000 Workmanship on building sites
BS EN 572 Glass in Buildings - Basic soda lime silica glass products

1.1.3. Labels
1 Temporary labels are to be provided on each pane of glass or plastic material identifying
manufacturer or brand and glass type, quality and nominal thickness. Temporary labels
shall remain intact until the Engineer approves the pane.
2 Permanent labels in accordance with BS 952 and the manufacturer’s standard label are
to be provided on the following:
(a) Tempered glass panes
(b) Laminated glass panes

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(c) Organic coated glass panes

(d) Bullet resistive glass or plastic panes in accordance with BS 5051, BS 5357, and BS
3 The label shall be located in the corner for each pane.

1.1.4. Submittals
1 Samples not less than 150 mm square shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer for
all types of panes to be used in the Works.
2 Manufacturer's certificates for glazing to be used in the Works are to be provided as
(a) Certificates stating that tempered glass, laminated glass, organic coated glass, and
wire glass meet the requirements for safety glazing material as specified in BS 5357
(b) Certified test report stating that bullet resistive material meets the test requirements of
BS 5051
(c) Certificates stating the following characteristics of the glass:
(i) Visible light transmittance
(ii) Visible light reflectance
(iii) Shading coefficient
(iv) Winter U-value
(v) Summer U-value
(vi) K-value
(vii) Relative heat gain
(viii) Any other characteristic as required by the Project Documentation or as
requested by the Engineer.
3 Manufacturer’s guarantees are to be provided by the Contractor for the following:
(a) Guarantee bullet resistive plastic material to remain visibly clear without discoloration
for 10 years
(b) Guarantee insulating glass units to remain sealed for 10 years
(c) Guarantee laminated glass units to remain laminated for 5 years
(d) Guarantee polycarbonate to remain clear and ultraviolet light stabilised for 5 years
(e) Guarantee insulating plastic to not have more than 6 % decrease in light transmission
and be ultraviolet light stabilised for 10 years.
4 Manufacturer's literature and data is to be submitted to the Engineer for the following:
(a) Glass, for each type required
(b) Plastic glazing materials, for each type required
(c) Distance setting and location blocks
(d) Elastic compound for metal sash glazing
(e) Putty, for wood sash glazing
(f) Glazing cushions
(g) Sealing compounds
(h) Transparent (one-way vision glass) mirrors
(i) Gaskets
(j) Any other component or material if asked for in the Project Documentation.

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5 Storage for all glass to be used in the Works is to be in a shaded and ventilated area and
to be protected from dirt and accidental damage. Care is to be taken to prevent the
accumulation of water between the sheets and any stacked glass that show signs of
dampness are to be separated and dried.

2.0. GLASS


2.1.1. Scope
1 This Part specifies various types of glass available.
Related Sections are as follows:

This Section
Part 1 General
Part 3 Workmanship

Section 15 Insulation of Buildings

Section 17 Metalwork
Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery
Section 24 Finishes to Buildings
Section 27 External Works

2.1.2. References
1 The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 952 Glass for glazing
BS 2571 General purpose flexible PVC compounds for moulding and extrusion
BS 5051 Security Glazing
BS 5713 Hermetically sealed flat double glazing units
BS 5544 Anti-bandit glazing (glazing resistant to manual attack)
BS 5588 Fire precautions in the design and construction of buildings
BS 6206 Impact performance requirements for flat safety glass and safety plastics for
use in buildings
BS 6262 Code of Practice for glazing for buildings
BS EN 572 Glass in Buildings - Basic soda lime silica glass products


2.2.1. General Requirements

1 Glass shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 952.
2 Glazing for buildings shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 6262.
3 Vacuum sealing requirements for double glazing units shall comply with the relevant
provisions of BS 5713.

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2.2.2. Transparent Glass

1 Transparent glass shall be clear float or polished plate glass not less than 4 mm nominal
thickness. Sheet glass shall not be used in the Works.

2.2.3. High Performance Glass

1 High performance glass (which includes reflective and insulating glass) is at minimum to
comply with the following:
(a) High performance glass for vision areas shall be 6 mm toughened (heat
strengthened) glass. The glass may be clear, coloured or colour coated. The
characteristics of the glass shall be as detailed in the Project Documentation.
Typically, the characteristics of the glass will be as shown in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1
Characteristics of Glass for Vision Areas

Coloured or Colour Clear Glass

Coated Glass
Light Transmittance (%) 5 to 45 > 85
Light Reflectance (%) 5 to 45 < 10
Shading Coefficient 0.20 to 0.60 > 0.95
4.0 to 5.5 5.5 to 6.0
U-Value in W/(m .K)
o 2
0.70 to 0.95 0.95 to 1.05
U-Value in Btu/( F.ft .h)
Heat Gain Coefficient 0.17 to 0.50 > 0.80

(b) insulating high performance glass units for vision areas are to consist of an outer
pane of 6 mm toughened (heat strengthened) glass and an inner pane of 6 mm clear
toughened glass separated by a 12 mm airspace. The outer pane of glass may be
clear, coloured or colour coated. The characteristics of the glass used in the units
shall be as detailed in the Project Documentation. Typically, the characteristics of the
units will be as shown in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2
Characteristics of Insulating Glass Units

Coloured or Colour Clear Glass Units

Coated Glass Units
Light Transmittance (%) 2 to 75 80 to 85
Light Reflectance (%) 5 to 45 10 to 15
Shading Coefficient 0.25 to 0.70 0.80 to 0.85
U-Value in W/(m2.K) 1.5 to 3.0 3.15 to 3.20
U-Value in Btu/(oF.ft2.h) 0.25 to 0.55 0.55 to 0.56
Heat Gain Coefficient 0.10 to 0.60 0.7 to 0.75

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(c) High performance reflective glass for spandrel areas shall be 6 mm toughened (heat
strengthened) glass with colour coating or coloured glass. The characteristics of the
glass used in the spandrel areas shall be as detailed in the Project Documentation.
Typically, the characteristics of spandrel areas will be as shown in Table 2.2.
Table 2.3
Characteristics of Spandrel Glass
Light Transmittance (%) 2 to 75
Light Reflectance (%) 5 to 45
Shading Coefficient > 0.70
U-Value in W/(m2.K) 2.5 to 4.5
U-Value in Btu/(oF.ft2.h) 0.55 to 0.80
Heat Gain Coefficient > 0.60
(d) Applicable standards:
(i) All substrates for coatings shall be of float quality and shall conform to BS 952
(ii) All fully tempered glass to be tested to BS 6206
(iii) All insulating glass units to be tested to BS 5713.

2.2.4. Mirror Glass

1 Mirror glass is to be 6 mm float glass or polished plate glass, silvered on one side. The
silvering shall be protected by a copper backing and protective paint coating. Mirror
edges shall be ground and polished. Mirror edges shall be bevelled.

2.2.5. Fire Resistant Glass

1 Fire rated clear glass to meet minimum 1 hour rating to Engineers approval. Resistance
for integrity, stability and insulation shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 5588
Part 3.
2 Wired glass to be square pattern (13 mm square), 6 mm nominal thickness and shall
conform to BS EN 572 Part 3.

2.2.6. Patterned and Rough Cast (obscured) Glass

1 To be 6 mm nominal thickness unless otherwise to the approval of the Engineer.

2.2.7. Bullet Resisting Glass

1 Bullet resisting glass shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 5051.

2.2.8. Toughened Glass

1 Toughened glass shall be processed float or polished plate glass satisfying the impact
requirements of BS 6206 Class B.


2.3.1. Glazing Compounds

1 Glazing compounds shall be non-setting oil based materials containing butyl rubber and
shall be approved by the Engineer.

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2.3.2. Distance Setting and Location Blocks

1 Distance pieces (for setting between) glass panes), setting and location blocks shall be
plasticised PVC complying with BS 2571 (softness numbers 35 to 45), rigid nylon or
sealed hardwood. Plasticised PVC shall not be used for heavy glass panes, or solar
control (reflective and insulating) glasses or sealed double glazing units.

2.3.3. Glazing Gasket

1 Glazing gaskets shall be of neoprene or EPDM material as approved by the Engineer.



3.1.1. Scope
1 This Section specifies workmanship requirements for glazing.
2 Related Sections and Parts are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 2 Glass


3.2.1. General Requirements

1 External glazing is to be wind and watertight on completion.
2 All rebates and grooves are to be clean, dry, free from burrs and other projections,
smooth and undistorted.
3 The minimum thickness of glass other than fully toughened glass is to be 6 mm when
situated in the following locations:
(a) Any hinged fully, or partly, glazed door and any adjacent side panel
(b) Any sliding fully, or partly, glazed door and any adjacent side panel
(c) Any glass wholly or partially within a zone between floor level and 800 mm above
floor level.
4 Glazing to internal wood doors and screens is to be bedded in self-adhesive black velvet
or approved proprietary tape and secured with hardwood glazing beads fixed with brass
cups and screws.
5 Glazing to external wood doors and screens to be bedded in approved polymer mastic
preformed tape and secured with hardwood glazing beads fixed with brass cups and
6 All rebates to wood doors and screens to be primed and sealed.
7 Fire resistant glazing channel shall be butt jointed at corners and fixed with 38 mm
countersunk brass screws at not more than 200 mm centres and not more than 50 mm
from each end. The butt joints of glazing channels for one-hour fire resisting doors are to
be sealed with intumescent mastic.

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3.3.1. General Requirements

1 Generally, the glazing system will utilize snap-in beads and glazing gaskets of neoprene
or EPDM as approved by the Engineer. Other glazing techniques involving the use of
glazing compounds, sealants, etc. are to be submitted to the Engineer for approval
together with details of similar installations successfully employed elsewhere in the Gulf
2 Unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in the Project Documentation the maximum
permitted size of an external glass pane, with all four edges fully supported, in a low rise
building (maximum 10 m high) should not exceed the areas given in Table 3.1.
3 For maximum areas of glass panes situated externally, the recommendations of the glass
manufacturer are to apply in situations that are not covered by Table 3.1, provided that
information is not provided elsewhere in the Project Documentation.
The recommendations are to be based on a 3 second gust exceeding 180 kph (50 m/s) at
10 m above ground level and a ground roughness category of 1.
Table 3.1
Maximum Areas for Glass Panes Situated Externally
Type of Glass Nominal Thickness (mm)
4 5 6 7 10 12
Transparent float or polished plate 1.30 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.50 8.00
Wired cast - - 1.25 - - -
Wired polished - - 1.80 - - -
Rough cast and patterned 0.70 1.20 1.75 - - -
Fully toughened 1.80 2.90 4.20 - 1.00 -
Transparent laminated - - 2.80 4.00 5.50 -
(i) Areas given are in square metres
(ii) The table does not apply where the building exceeds 10 m high or where the length
to breadth ratio of the pane is greater than 3:1: in such cases the recommendations
of the manufacturer shall be followed.
The depth of rebates for bead glazing are not to be less than that shown in Table 3.2
and the minimum edge clearance (distance between the edge of the glass and the
surround) should not be less than 3mm for any glass up to and including 12 mm
nominal thickness. The recommendations of the glass manufacturer are to apply for
all glass over 12 mm nominal thickness.
Table 3.2
Minimum Rebate Depths for Bead Glazing
Nominal Glass Thickness (mm) Minimum Rebate Depth (mm)
4 10
5 12
6 12
10 15
12 15

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The minimum edge cover to single glazing shall be as Table 3.3 and equal all round
each pane. The edge cover and clearance to double glazing units shall be as
recommended by the manufacturer of the units.

Table 3.3 Minimum Edge Cover for Single Glazing

Glass Area (m²) Edge Cover (mm)
Up to 0.5 5
0.5 to 1.5 9
1.5 to 4.0 12
Over 4.0 As recommended by glass manufacturer
(iii) 6 Setting blocks are to be used between the edges of the glass and the frame or
surround in order to support and centralise the glass in the opening. The minimum
length of each block shall be equal to 30 mm per m2 of glass area and the width to be
equal to the thickness of the glass (or glass insulating unit) plus the back clearance.
(iv) Location blocks shall be used in opening windows and doors between the edges of
the glass, other than the bottom edge, to prevent movement when they are opened.
Each block shall be at least 25 mm long and the width shall be equal to the thickness
of the glass (or glass insulating unit) plus the back clearance.
(v) Setting and location blocks shall be positioned as near to the quarter points of each
side as possible.
(vi) Glazing gaskets are to be positioned on both sides of the glass and be correctly sized
so that when forced into the space between the glass and surround, sufficient
pressure is provided to support the glass structurally and to form an effective seal
against the weather. Care is to be taken to ensure that the gasket is correctly located
in the grooves and that the glass is completely bedded.


3.4.1. General Requirements

1 Mirrors are to be fixed with spacer washers to compensate for irregularities in the wall
surface and with sleeves and washers to prevent contact between the mirror and the


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1. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................2

1.1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................2

1.2 SUBMITTALS AND SAMPLES ..............................................................................................2

1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE, HANDLING AND PRODUCT MARKING .......................................3

2. SURFACE PREPARATION FOR PAINTING .........................................................................3

2.1 GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................3

2.2 GENERAL PREPARATIONS .................................................................................................3

2.3 PREPARATION OF PLASTERED AND RENDERED SURFACES ......................................4

2.4 PREPARATION OF WOOD SURFACES...............................................................................4

2.5 PREPARATION OF METAL SURFACES ..............................................................................5

2.6 PAINT REMOVERS ................................................................................................................5

3. PRIMERS, PAINTS AND COATINGS ....................................................................................5

3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................5

3.2 APPLICATION ........................................................................................................................6

3.3 PRIMERS AND UNDERCOATINGS ......................................................................................6

3.4 PAINTS AND FINISH COATINGS..........................................................................................7

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1.1.1 Scope
1. This Section specifies the requirements for the following:
A. Preparation, painting or finishing of exterior and interior surfaces exposed to
B. Wall covering requirements and installation of fabrics, vinyl, decorative papers
and other such decorative wall coverings
C. It does not include factory applied finishes and the painting of metal surfaces of
mechanical and electrical installations unless otherwise required by Project

1.1.2 References
1. The following standards are referred to in this Section:
BS 245 Mineral solvent (white spirit and related hydrocarbon solvents) for
paints and other purposes
BS 1336 Knotting
BS 4652 Metallic zinc-rich priming paint (organic media)
BS 4756 Ready-mixed aluminium priming paints for woodwork
BS 5082 Water-borne priming paints for woodwork
BS 5358 Solvent-borne priming paints for woodwork


1.2.1 Samples
1. Sample panels are to be prepared for each type and colour of coating material to be
used in the Works and shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. As a
minimum, the following sample panels shall be submitted:
2. Paint Colours: 300 x 300 mm samples labelled to indicate finish, formula, colour name
and/or, number, sheen and gloss units of approved colours for:
A. Each specified colour in each specified finish coat material.
B. Each standard wood finish on specified wood species.
3. Other Materials: 500 x 500 mm (minimum) samples of each paper/fabric material
minimum size showing at least the pattern repeat where applicable.

1.2.2 List of Materials

1. Before ordering materials, the Contractor is to submit a list of those materials
proposed for use on the Project for the Engineer’s approval.

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1.3.1 Marking of Containers

1. Materials to be delivered in sealed containers shall be clearly labelled with the
following information:
A. Manufacturer’s name, initials or recognised trade mark
B. Title and specification number
C. Whether the material is primer, undercoat or finishing coat
D. Whether the material is for internal or external use, where appropriate
E. Colour reference from BS 4800
F. Method of application
G. Batch number and date of manufacture or re-test.
2. No paint is to be used more than 18 months after manufacture or re-test.
3. Coating materials other than spray paints, bituminous paints and textured masonry
paints are to be in containers not exceeding 5 litres capacity.



2.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the process and workmanship to be used in preparing surfaces to
be painted.
2. Related Parts and Sections are as follows:
This Section

Part 3 Primers, Paints and Coatings

Section 24 Finishes to Buildings

2.1.2 References
1. The following standards are referred to in this Section:
BS 245 Mineral solvent (white spirit and related hydrocarbon solvents) for
paints and other purposes
BS 1336 Knotting


2.2.1 Preparation
1. Before painting commences all surfaces in the work area are to be washed and
scrubbed clean of debris and every possible precaution taken to keep down dust. No
paint is to be applied to surfaces structurally or superficially damp and all surfaces
must be ascertained to be free from condensation, efflorescence, etc., before the
application of each coat.
2. All items not required to be painted (e.g., ironmongery) are first to be fitted and then
removed before any painting preparation commences. The fittings shall be refixed in
position when all painting is completed.

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3. Brushes, pails, kettles, etc., used in carrying out the work are to be clean and free
from foreign matter. They are to be thoroughly cleaned before being used for different
types or classes of material.
4. All materials to be used for surface preparations are to be used strictly in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions.

2.2.2 Preparatory Materials

1. Paint removers, abrasive papers and blocks, cleaning agents, etching solutions,
stopping, knotting, fillers and other commodities are to be of the types recommended
by the manufacturer of the coating to be applied.
2. White spirit shall comply with BS 245.
3. Knotting shall comply with BS 1336.
4. Stopping and filler for woodwork shall be an approved proprietary lead free, oil-based
type recommended for internal or external work as appropriate. Stopping for
woodwork to receive a clear finish shall be tinted to match with the surrounding
5. Filler for plaster and rendering to be an approved proprietary type.


2.3.1 Execution and Workmanship

1. The surface is first to be scraped to remove mortar splashes, etc., and then made
good, cutting out all defective work and repairing with plaster or render of the same
type as previously used.
2. The surface is then to be rubbed down with fine glass paper to remove loose particles
and to smooth irregularities before the application of the filler coat which is to be
spread evenly with a scraper over all surfaces and allowed to dry.
3. The first application of filler coat will be rubbed down and a second application of filler
coat made as before.
4. The surface is then to be sanded using progressively finer grades of paper until
perfectly smooth and approved by the Engineer.
5. All rendered surfaces are to receive one full coat of alkali resistant primer before the
application of oil based paints.


2.4.1 Execution and Workmanship

1. All large, loose or resinous knots are to be cut out and the holes plugged with sound
wood. Nails are to be punched well below surfaces.
2. All surfaces are to be rubbed down with fine glass paper in the direction of the grain to
give a smooth, even finish with arises rounded or eased.
3. After dusting off all oily woods such as teak and afrormosia they are to be washed
with white spirit.
4. Two thin coats of knotting should be applied to all knots and any other resinous parts
of softwood.
5. A full coat of primer is to be vigorously brushed in, particular care being taken to fill
end grain. Backs of members are to receive two coats of primer.
6. After priming all nails, screw holes and similar depressions are to be filled with
stopping, pressed well in and finished off flush with the surface. Screw heads are to
be countersunk sufficiently to hold the stopping.
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7. After priming and stopping is completed, pore and grain irregularities are to be treated
with a coat of brush or knife applied filler, and the surface rubbed down smooth and


2.5.1 Execution and Workmanship

1. Iron and steel surfaces are to be wire brushed to remove rust, loose scale, welding
slag and spatter, and cleaned with white spirit to remove oil, grease and dirt.
2. Iron and steel surfaces are to receive two coats of primer.
3. On pre-primed surfaces care is to be taken to ensure that defective primer, rust and
loose scale are removed back to bare metal and patch primed.
4. Blast cleaned surfaces shall be primed within 1 hour of blasting. All other surfaces
shall be primed no later than 3 hours after preparation.


2.6.1 Materials
1. The use of paint remover products are to be used only under conditions of acceptable
air ventilation/circulation for those performing the work and for the surrounding
environs if occupied or used by the public.
2. Paint remover products are to be of the type recommended by the manufacturer of
the coating to be applied.
3. Mineral solvent (white spirit and related hydrocarbon solvents) used in relation to
paint removal process is to conform to BS 245.
4. Manufacturer’s recommended procedures and application of paint remover products
are to be followed.



3.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies requirements for products of primers, paints and coatings for
building surfaces and elements.
2. Related Sections are as follows:
This Section
Part 1 General
Part 2 Surface Preparation for Painting
Section 24 Finishes to Buildings

3.1.2 References
1. The following Standards are referred to in this Section:
BS 4652 Metallic zinc-rich priming paint (organic media)
BS 4756 Ready-mixed aluminium priming paints for woodwork
BS 5082 Water-borne priming paints for woodwork
BS 5358 Solvent-borne priming paints for woodwork

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3.2.1 General
1. Coatings are to be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction to clean,
dry surfaces, in dust free and dry atmospheric conditions and after any previous coats
have hardened.
2. All brands of primers, paints and coatings are to be approved and shall comply with
the relevant British Standards.
3. Paints of different brands are not to be mixed or used in the same coating system.
4. No dilution of painting materials is to be allowed except strictly as detailed by the
manufacturers and as approved by the Engineer
5. No primed or undercoated woodwork and metalwork is to be left in an exposed or
unsuitable location for any undue period before completion of the painting process.
No exterior or exposed painting is to be carried out under adverse weather conditions,
such as rain, extreme humidity, dust storms, etc.


3.3.1 Materials
1. Primers for plaster and rendering are to be alkali resistant. Primers for other surfaces
shall comply with Table 3.1.
Table 3.1
Suitable Primers for Background
Non resinous wood Low lead oil based primer to BS 5358 or
Aluminium wood primer to BS 4756 or Solvent
borne acrylic primer
Resinous woods Aluminium wood primer to BS 4756 or long oil
alkyd based oxidative drying primer
Iron and steel Red lead primer to BS 2523, Type “B” or zinc
phosphate pigmented urethane alkyd modified
Galvanised steel Calcium plumbate primer to BS 3698, Type “A” or
Zinc chromate primer
Two component polyamide cured epoxy or
modified vinyl based physically drying primer.
Blast cleaned iron and steel or Zinc-rich primer to BS 4652, Types 1, 2, and 3
touching-up damaged zinc coatings
Aluminium and aluminium alloys Etch primer plus zinc chromate primer
Copper Two component polyamide adduct cured epoxy or
Modified vinyl based physically drying primer
Lead Long oil alkyd based oxidative drying primer
Plastics Two component polyamide adduct cured epoxy
primer or

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Solvent borne acrylic based physically drying

2. Undercoats on wood and metal surfaces are to be of the drying-oil/resin binder type
pigmented with titanium dioxide and/or coloured pigments providing a matt or low-
sheen finish suitable for subsequent application of a drying-oil type finish.
3. Water thinned priming paints and undercoats shall only be used with the approval of
the Engineer. In order to obtain such approval, the Contractor shall demonstrate that
proposed water thinned priming paints and undercoats comply with BS 5082.
4. As primer on hot dipped galvanized surfaces which are to receive epoxy paint.
A. Alkyd based anticorrosive primer pigmented with Zinc Chromate, Paint of Equal
and approved by Engineer.

3.3.2 Workmanship
1. Priming coats are to be applied by brush unless other methods are approved taking
care to work the primer into the surface, joints, angles and end grain.
2. Any primed surfaces which have deteriorated on site or in transit are to be touched up
to the approval of the Engineer.
3. All surfaces of joinery which have not been primed in the workshop are to be primed
immediately on arrival at site and before fixing.
4. Undercoats are to be applied as an even film over all exposed surfaces avoiding an
uneven thickness at edges and angles.
5. All priming and undercoats are to be rubbed down to a smooth surface with fine
abrasive paper and cleaned of all dust before the application of the next coat.


3.4.1 Materials
1. The number of coats shall be as specified by the paint manufacturer, or at minimum,
as specified on Table 3.2.
Table 3.2
Minimum Number of Coats for Drying-Oil/Resin Based Paint Systems on New Work
Wood-oil paint Internal 1 coat primer
1 coat undercoat
1 coat alkyd gloss finish or
1 coat primer
2 coats alkyd mid-sheen finish
External 1 coat primer
2 coats undercoat
1 coat alkyd gloss finish
(lead free)
Wood-natural finish Internal 3 coats varnish or polyurethane
External 4 coats exterior grade varnish
Iron and steel including Internal 1 coat primer
1 coat undercoat
1 coat alkyd gloss finish
(lead free)

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Galvanized steel External 2 coats primer

2 coats undercoat
1 coat alkyd gloss finish
(lead free)

1 coat etch primer

Aluminium Internal and 1 coat primer
1 coat undercoat
1 coat alkyd gloss finish
(lead free)
Cement rendering Internal 1 coat alkali resistant primer
1 coat undercoat
1 coat alkyd gloss finish
(lead free)

2. External Wall Paint

A. Exterior walls; columns, soffits, parapets, and the like which are to receive exterior
paints shall be rendered with 20 mm thick, two coats of cement and sand plaster
compressing of (1:1.5:4:5) base coat and (1:1:6) finish coat, troweled smooth colors
subject to drawings and engineers approval.
B. One coat of Alkali Resistant water based primer, Jotun, or Hempel or Equal and
approved by Engineer.
C. One coat of Alkali based texture compound, Jotun or Hempel or Equal and
approved by Engineer.
D. Two coats of Acrylic Topcoat, Jotun or Hempel or Equal and approved by
3. Internal Wall Paint and Gypsum False Ceiling
A. Interior wall, columns and the like which are to receive interior paint finish shall be
rendered with 15 mm thick two coats of cement and sand plaster comprising of
(1:1:6) base and (1:2:9) finish, coat troweled smooth.
B. One coat of Copolymer water based primer, Jotun or Equal and approved by
C. One coat of copolymer putty, Jotun or Equal and approved by Engineer.
D. Two coats of Acrylic copolymer/latex emulsion (FENOMASTIC SILK 07), Jotun or
Equal and approved by Engineer.

3.4.2 Workmanship
1. Care shall be taken to ensure that finish coats applied over calcium plumbate primer
are compatible with the primer.
2. Finish coats will be applied as an even film over all exposed surfaces, avoiding brush
marks, sags, runs and other defects. Where two gloss finish coats are specified the
second coat shall be applied within 48 hours of the first.
The application of paint systems for iron and steel should result in a minimum total
film thickness of 125 microns internally or externally notwithstanding the number of
coats specified.

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1. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................2

1.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................2

1.2 MATERIALS ...........................................................................................................................2

2. BLOCK PAVED AREAS.........................................................................................................3

2.1 GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................3

2.2 INTERLOCKING CONCRETE PAVING BLOCKS ................................................................3

2.3 INSTALLATION OF PAVING BLOCKS.................................................................................4

2.4 KERBS, EDGINGS .................................................................................................................4

2.5 CAR PARK MARKING ...........................................................................................................5

2.6 APPLICATION OF THERMOPLASTIC..................................................................................6

3. FENCES AND GATES............................................................................................................7

3.1 GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................7

3.2 FENCES ..................................................................................................................................7

3.3 SECURITY GATES.................................................................................................................8

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1.1.1 Scope
1. This Section provides specifications for miscellaneous external works.

1.1.2 References
1. The following standards are referred to in this Section:
BS 1014 Pigments for Portland cement and Portland cement products
BS 6717 Precast concrete paving blocks
BS 7293 Precast concrete kerbs, channels, edging and quadrants
ASTM C 936 Specifications for Solid Concrete Interlocking Paving Units.

1.1.3 Quality Standards

1. All items within this Section are to be designed, manufactured, and installed with safety of the
public as a priority.

1.1.4 System Description

1. Some of the Parts in this Section specify the work in general terms only. If external work items
related to this Section are not fully specified or otherwise detailed within the Project
Documentation, the Contractor shall submit appropriate specifications for approval by the
2. Any standards or other documentation to support the suitability of Contractor supplied
specifications for the work shall be submitted to the Engineer for review.


1.2.1 Supply, Handling and Storage

1. All materials, components and accessories shall be stored in accordance with the relevant
provisions of Section 1, General.

1.2.2 Approval of Supply Source

1. All products supplied under this Section must be obtained from an approved source.
2. The Contractor will not be permitted to change his source of supply without the permission of
the Engineer.

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2.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the requirements block paved areas surfaces not otherwise covered in
Section 6, Roadworks.

2.1.2 General Requirements

1. All items in this Part require approval by the Engineer.
2. The Contractor shall submit manufacturer’s literature, drawings, samples or mock-up units for
items covered in this Part for approval by the Engineer.
3. If external work items related to this Part are not specified or otherwise detailed within the
Project Documentation, the Contractor shall submit appropriate specifications for approval by
the Engineer.
4. Bedding requirements for paved surfaces shall be in accordance with Section 6, Roadworks.
5. Blocks supplied in accordance with this part shall be marked with the following particulars:
A. Identification of the manufacturer by name or logo
B. Date of production
C. Product name
D. Standards to which the block is manufactured
6. The surface of paving blocks shall not exhibit any defects such as cracking, delamination or

2.1.3 Compliance
1. All paving works which are subject to public use or use by any governmental department or
agency shall comply with all health and safety requirements of all applicable government
departments and agencies.
2. The Contractor is responsible to obtain written approvals or documentation from all applicable
government departments and agencies in connection with Clause 2.1.4-1.

2.1.4 Materials
1. The paving material shall be such that it does not develop a polished surface of low skid
resistance when trafficked.
2. The colour of the paving units shall be as described in the Project Documentation.


2.2.1 Materials
1. Materials for interlocking concrete paving blocks shall conform to BS EN 1338 and Section 5,
2. Pigments shall be inorganic, stable and shall comply with BS 1014. Pigments can be used in
powder, liquid or granular form.
3. The facing layer of composite blocks consisting of a facing layer and a backing layer shall not
be less than 4 mm.

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4. All the platforms around the project’s building shall be laid with Interlocking paving block of red
colour shall be rectangular size 100 x 200 x 60mm thick. Herringbone and basket weave
Pattern. Contractor shall submit patterns and shop drawings for Engineer approval.
5. The thickness of interlocking concrete paving blocks shall be:
A. 60mm on footpaths.
6. The strength of interlocking concrete paving blocks shall be as follows:
A. The average tensile splitting strength of 16 blocks shall be tested in accordance with BS
EN 1338 and shall be not less than 3.6MPa and the failing load not lower than 250N/mm.
B. The tensile splitting strength of any individual block shall be not less than 2.9MPa.
7. Water absorption of interlocking concrete paving blocks shall be as follows:
A. An average of 3 specimens tested in accordance with BS EN 1338 shall not be greater
than 5%.
B. No individual result shall be greater than 6%.


2.3.1 General Requirements

1. These clauses are for the installation of interlocking concrete paving blocks.
2. Paving blocks shall be laid on the sand laying course in such a manner as not to disturb the
blocks already laid.
3. The paving block shall be laid on 50 mm sand bed on the top of compacted sub grade. Sand
shall consist of washed sharp sand containing not more than 3 % silt and clay by weight, with
not more than 15% retained on 2-6mm sleeve. The sand shall be placed in a moist but not a
saturated condition and shall be compacted so that a laying course thickness of 50mm
approximately is formed. Each block shall be placed firmly against its neighbor to fits closely
together. The paving blocks shall be vibrated to their final level using a plate vibrator with a
plate area of 0.2-0.3m2 and centrifugal force of approximately 1 ton. Surplus sand shall be
swept away.
4. Each block shall be placed firmly against its neighbour so that they fit closely together.
5. Joints between blocks shall not exceed 3 mm.
6. Laying of the paving blocks shall commence at right angles to the main pavement axis starting
at one end of the area.
7. The blocks shall be laid in patterns as shown in the Project Documentation or instructed by
the Engineer.
8. Where blocks do not fit the edge restraints or other obstructions such as manholes or
upstands, the gaps shall be filled using cut blocks.
9. Blocks shall be cut using only a mechanical or hydraulic block splitter.


1. Concrete kerbs shall be of 125 x 250 x 420mm for road sidewalk half battered hydraulically
pressed pre-cast concrete manufactured from sulphate resisting cement, with aluminum
compressive strength of 7.0 N/sq mm. It shall rest on concrete foundations and backings to
SRC 20 and shall be laid to such bedding each unit on a 10 mm thick class 1 mortar to spread
over its entire length as per Q.C.S. finished with smooth textured paint.
2. Raised kerb, half batter precast concrete kerb complying with SS 7263 and to dimensions and
details shown on the drawings hydraulically pressed.

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CEG International Specification


1. This work shall consist of the supply and application of Thermoplastic Road / Car Park
Marking Paint for marking of the pavement.
2. The pavement markings shall be painted on the parking area to the dimensions and in
locations designated on the drawings and as per Qatar Traffic Control Manual. The Contractor
shall set out markings and obtain the Engineer’s approval before beginning the work.
3. Materials for marking paints shall consist of light colored aggregate, pigment and extender
bound together with hardwearing resins, plasticized with oil as necessary in approximately the
proportions by weight as Table 2.1
Table 2.1. Composition of Thermoplastic.

Material Composition

Aggregate 40%

Ballotini 10 – 20%

Pigment and Extender 20%

Binder 20%

4. The Contractor shall be responsible for blending the material to ensure that the performance
requirements of this part of the specification are met. This approximate composition of the
material as indicated above shall include the sprayed-on Ballotini.
5. The aggregate shall consist of white Silica sand, crushed Calcite, calcine flint or Quartz, or
other approved aggregate, and the color shall comply with the requirements laid down in
Paragraph 4b of BS 3262, Part 1.
6. Ballotini incorporated in the mixture shall be reasonably spherical and free from flaws and shall
not less than 80% shall be transparent glass. The grading of the Ballotini shall be as stated in
BS 6088.
7. The pigment shall be Titanium Dioxide in accordance with Paragraph 6a of Part 1 of BS 3262
and shall be not less than 10% by weight of the mix.
8. The extender shall be whiting in accordance with Paragraph 6b of BS 3262, Part 1.
9. For yellow material sufficient suitable yellow pigment in accordance with BS 3262 shall be
substituted for all or part of the titanium dioxide to comply with the performance requirements of
this specification.
10. The binder shall not contain more than 5 % of resin or other acidic material. It shall consist
mainly of hydrocarbon resins plasticised with mineral oil.
11. The resins used shall be of a colour at least as pale as Grade WG resin. It shall have an acid
value not greater than 2, and must pass the heat stability test described below.
12. The oil used as plasticiser shall be a mineral oil with colour and viscosity as defined in
paragraph 7a (ii) of BS 3262: Part 1; i.e., at least as pale as grade 4 on the P-R-S- Shellac and
Varnish "A" Disc, and 1/2 to 3 1/2 poises at 25 C viscosity. In addition, when heated for 16
hours at 150 C it shall not darken excessively.
13. The softening point of the binder shall be used only as a guide to quality control, and the
behaviour of the thermoplastic shall be judged from the performance tests described below.
14. The viscosity of the melted binder at the spraying temperature must be such as to produce a
thermoplastic mix of the required spraying properties.
15. The temperature limits imposed by BS 3262: Part 1 for materials based on resin shall not
apply. Temperatures up to 220 C may be used; at these temperatures the material shall not
discolour in the time required for its use.
16. Containers shall be made of a material which does not contaminate the contents and will
protect the contents from contamination.

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CEG International Specification

17. The capacity of each container shall be not less than 25 kg or more than 100 kg.
18. Each container shall be clearly marked with the manufacturer's name, batch number and date
of manufacture.
19. Testing for the composition of the material and the grading of the aggregate shall be carried out
in accordance with the methods in BS 3262 except as modified by this part of the specification.
The composition of the laid material as found on analysis shall comply with Table 2.2 & Table
Table 2.2
Proportion of Constituents

Percent by Weight
Minimum Maximum

Binder 18 22
Aggregate, pigment and extender and ballotini 78 82

Table 2.3
Grading of Combined Aggregate Pigment and Extender

Percent by Weight
BS Sieve (mm)
Minimum Maximum

0.850 100 -
0.600 75 95
0.300 35 65
0.075 25 35


1. Application shall be by mobile sprayer, either hand-propelled or self-propelled.
2. The road surface shall be dry, and free of loose, detritus mud, or other extraneous matter.
3. All existing markings of more than 1 mm thick shall be removed completely before new
markings are applied.
4. A tack coat should not be necessary when the thermoplastic is applied to carriageways. Where
it is considered necessary to use a tack coat, this shall be rubberised type recommended by
the manufacturers of the thermoplastic material.
5. In addition to the ballotini included in the mix, an additional quantity of glass beads shall be
sprayed on to the hot thermoplastic line at the time of application. The rate of application shall
be at the rate of about 0.5 kg/m2.
6. The thermoplastic material shall be applied in intermittent or continuous lines of thickness 1.5
mm  0.3 mm.
7. For special lettering, arrows or symbols the material shall be applied by hand methods.
8. The finished lines shall be free from raggedness at all edges and be true in place with the road
9. The upper surface shall be level, uniform and free from streaks, blisters, lumps and other

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CEG International Specification



3.1.1 Scope
1. This Part specifies the requirements for fences and gates and for wind breaks.

3.1.2 References
1. The following standards are referred to in this Part:
BS 729 Hot dipped galvanized coatings on iron and steel articles
BS 1722 Fences
BS 3470 Field Gates and Posts

3.1.3 Submittals
1. Shop drawings are to be provided with layout of fences and gates with dimensions, details of
all components, accessories, material finishes and post foundations.
2. The Contractor shall provide manufacturer’s catalogues indicating proposed materials and
components for approval by the Engineer.
3. The Contractor shall provide a colour selection for finishes designated and samples of
materials (e.g., finials, caps, and accessories) if instructed by the Engineer.
4. The Contractor shall provide mock-ups if instructed by the Engineer.


3.2.1 General Requirements

1. Fittings and dimensions of fences shall be as detailed in the Project Documentation.
2. Permanent gates shall generally be built in accordance with the relevant provisions of BS
1722 and as specified herein. Table 3.1 provides Part numbers of BS 1722 for all fencing
Table 3.1
Fencing Types in BS 1722
Part of BS 1722 Type of fencing
1 Strained wire fences
2 Mild steel (low carbon steel) continuous bar fences
Mild steel (low carbon steel) fences with round or
square verticals and flat posts and horizontals

3. Concrete for the surrounding the bases of fencing posts shall be in accordance with BS 1722
and shall comply with the relevant provisions of Section 5, Concrete.
4. The Contractor shall provide calculations showing that the fence and it components can
satisfactorily sustain a 3 second gust of 180 kph (50 m/s).

3.2.2 Wire Fences

1. Wire fences shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1722 Parts 2 and 3 and of
Section 18, Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery.

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CEG International Specification


3.3.1 General Requirements

1. Fittings and dimensions for gates shall be as detailed in the Project Documentation.
2. The Security gates, posts and fittings shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 3470.
3. The both pedestrian and vehicular gates are required in front of / adjacent to all entrance &
exit barriers.
4. All fittings and steel field gates and posts shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with BS


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CEG International Specification



1. SANITARY WARE INSTALLATIONS ....................................................................................2

2. SANITARY APPLIANCES......................................................................................................2

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CEG International Specification



1. Sanitary fittings shall, unless otherwise stated in the Project Documentation, be as described
in the following Clauses.
2. Where screws are used to fix sanitary appliances to concrete, blockwork they shall be rust-
proofed steel and plugged.


1. Sanitary ware and accessories installation shall comply with Part 2.8, Section 20 of QCS 2010
2. All Sanitary wares shall be Vitreous China to B.S. 3402 and in accordance to B.S. 6465.
Sanitary wares Item’s Approved Manufacturers shall be from Twyford / Armitage shank or
approved equal.
3. Alternate fittings shall be for approval by the Engineer.


1. Water Closet shall be close-coupled type with fittings WC and cistern screwed to wall,
provided with seat and cover.
2. Hand spray shall be Nimbus bib tap with flexible hose Jet and wall hook.
3. Liquid Soap dispenser, Tissue Paper Holder, and the likes shall be chrome plated and
mounted and screw to wall. Soap Holder shall be vitreous China recessed into wall.
4. Countertop wash basins shall be self rimming with 3 tap holes, provided with silicone building
sealants, complete with fittings.
5. Coat Hook shall be Satin Aluminum, Wall Mounted ‘M/S Modric’ OR EQUAL- All W.C’s as per
6. Taps: Fix securely, making a watertight seal with the appliance.
7. Mirror glass shall be 6mm thick x 900 high, length varies as per detail drawings and in
accordance with Section 25 of Q.C.S. Glazing. Float glass or Polished Plate glass, silvered on
one side. The silvering shall be protected by a copper backing and protective paint coating.
Mirror edges shall be ground and polished. Mirror edges shall be bevelled. – All toilet wash
basins as per drawings
8. Grab Rail for disabled toilet shall be Nylon Coated Aluminum mounted and screw to wall.
Each wall plates is provided with 3 sets of plugs and 45mm screws (Cover plates are bayonet

2.3 TAPS
1. Fix securely, making a watertight seal with the appliance.
a) 95% Cost Savings vs. Paper Towels
b) Source Reduction Alternative
c) Promotes Hygiene

Sanitary ware Page No. 2

CEG International Specification

d) Hand dryer machine motor shall be a series commutated through-flow discharge vacuum
motor/blower (5/8 HP / 20,000 RPM) which provides air velocity of 16,000 LFM (linear


1. Specification
a) Overall size: 40'' x 22''
b) Bowl Size: 21'' x 18-5/8 x 8''
c) This is drilled with (1) Faucet Hole
d) 18 Gauge Stainless Steel single bowl and single drain


1. Specification
a) Type 304 stainless steel with glass bead blasted finish.
b) 6" x 6" x 1/2" Stainless Steel Square drain plate. 12 GA Body.
c) 4" diameter x 1/2" thick removable drain cover.
d) 6" Deep x 4" diameter drain sump of sanitary single piece seamless construction with
large radius corners for easy cleaning and sanitizing.
e) 12 Gauge Sump Body and Concrete Setting Ring.
f) 4" Stainless steel pipe drain outlet x 4" long.
g) One stainless steel drain basket with 4-1/2" deep x 8" diameter perforated strainer basket
or sediment basket.


1. Assemble and fix appliances and accessories so that surfaces designed to falls, drain as
2. Use nonferrous or stainless steel fastenings unless specified otherwise.
3. When not specified otherwise, use jointing and bedding compounds recommended by the
manufacturers of the appliances, accessories and pipes being jointed or bedded.
4. Prevent use of appliances, accessories and pipes being jointed or bedded.
5. On completion, remove protective coverings, tapes, etc., check for damage and defects and
test for satisfactory operation. Replace damaged or defective components and accessories.
Clean thoroughly.


Sanitary ware Page No. 3

CEG International Specification


Table of Contents
SECTION-28 LANDSCAPE PLANTING ......................................................................................... 1
1.0. LANDSCAPING ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.1. General Requirements ...................................................................................................... 5
1.1.1. Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.0. SOFT LANDSCAPING WORKS ............................................................................................ 5
2.1. Applicable Codes and Standards ..................................................................................... 5
2.2. General ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3. Soil Preparation .................................................................................................................. 6
2.3.1. Materials and Products ..................................................................................................... 6
2.3.2. Workmanship and Qualifications ................................................................................... 7
2.3.3. Excavation............................................................................................................................ 8
2.3.4. Subsoil Preparation ........................................................................................................... 8
2.3.5. Spreading and Preparation of Topsoil ........................................................................... 8
3.0 SOIL SPECIFICATION .......................................................................................................... 9
3.1. Soil Mix ................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2. Soil Additives....................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.1. Procedure A Consists of the following components: .............................................. 9
3.2.2. Procedure B Consists of the following components: ............................................ 10
3.3. SOIL CONDITIONER .......................................................................................................... 11
3.3.1. Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.2. Supply Conditions ............................................................................................................ 12
3.3.3. Compost Specifications ................................................................................................... 12
3.3.4. Attributes of the Compost ............................................................................................... 13
3.3.5. Application Rates ............................................................................................................. 14
3.3.6. Sampling and Testing ...................................................................................................... 14
3.3.7. Contractor’s Responsibilities ......................................................................................... 15
3.3.8. Supervising Officer’s Responsibilities.......................................................................... 15
3.3.9. Chemical Testing Results Required Determining the Fertilizer Equivalence of
the Compost. ...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.10. Standards and References .............................................................................................. 16
3.3.11. Planting Soil Mix (Sweet Soil) ........................................................................................ 17
4.0. PLANTING MATERIALS .................................................................................................... 17
CEG International Specification
4.1. TREES AND PLANTS ......................................................................................................... 17
4.1.1. Plants .................................................................................................................................. 17
4.1.2. Nomenclature.................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.3. Trees ................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.4. Fruit Trees ......................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.5. Palms .................................................................................................................................. 18
4.1.6. Shrubs ................................................................................................................................. 18
4.1.7. Hedges ................................................................................................................................ 18
4.1.8. Groundcovers and Succulents ....................................................................................... 18
4.2. GUARANTEES – PLANTING MATERIAL ......................................................................... 18
4.2.1. Contractor .......................................................................................................................... 18
4.2.2. Certificate........................................................................................................................... 18
4.2.3. Nursery Inspection........................................................................................................... 18
4.2.4. Site Nursery ....................................................................................................................... 18
4.2.5. Time Guarantee ................................................................................................................ 19
4.3. ACCESSORIES ..................................................................................................................... 19
4.3.1. Stakes for Trees ................................................................................................................ 19
4.3.2. Stakes for Small Shrubs and Hedges............................................................................. 19
4.3.3. Protection Shelter for Fruit and Specimen Trees ...................................................... 19
4.3.4. Guys for Palms .................................................................................................................. 19
4.3.5. Tree Stake Wires .............................................................................................................. 19
4.3.6. Twine for Tying................................................................................................................. 19
4.3.7. Burlap ................................................................................................................................. 19
4.3.8. Plastic Mowing Strip ........................................................................................................ 20
4.4. TRANSPLANTING PLANTS .............................................................................................. 20
4.4.1. Certificates ......................................................................................................................... 20
4.4.2. Samples .............................................................................................................................. 20
4.4.3. Inspection .......................................................................................................................... 20
4.4.4. Planting Schedule ............................................................................................................. 20
4.4.5. Packaged Materials .......................................................................................................... 20
4.4.6. Manufacturer’s Recommendations............................................................................... 20
4.5. PLANTING TIME ................................................................................................................ 20
4.6. WATER CONSUMPTION ................................................................................................... 21
4.7. PERCOLATION TEST......................................................................................................... 21
4.7.1. QCS Percolation Test........................................................................................................ 21
4.7.2. Percolation Test Procedure ........................................................................................... 21
CEG International Specification
4.7.3. INSTALLATION OF TREES & SHRUBS ............................................................................ 21
4.7.4. INSTALLATION OF PALM................................................................................................. 22
5.0. GRASS .................................................................................................................................. 22
5.1. MATERIALS & PRODUCTS ............................................................................................... 22
5.1.1. Grass Stolons ..................................................................................................................... 22
5.2. WORKMANSHIP AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................ 22
5.2.1. Certificates ......................................................................................................................... 22
5.2.2. Requirements.................................................................................................................... 22
5.2.3. Samples .............................................................................................................................. 23
5.2.4. Supplier / Grower ............................................................................................................ 23
5.2.5. Installer .............................................................................................................................. 23
5.2.6. Packaged Materials .......................................................................................................... 23
5.2.7. Manufacturer’s Recommendation ................................................................................ 23
5.2.8. Coordination ..................................................................................................................... 23
5.3. SOIL PREPARATION ......................................................................................................... 23
5.3.1. Final Cultivation of Planted Areas ................................................................................ 23
5.3.2. Final Cultivation of Seeded Grass Areas ...................................................................... 23
5.4. DELIVERY AND STORAGE ................................................................................................ 23
5.5. SEEDING ............................................................................................................................. 24
5.5.1. Weather Condition ........................................................................................................... 24
5.5.2. Fertilizer ............................................................................................................................ 24
5.5.3. Sowing Grass Seeds .......................................................................................................... 24
6.0. INSTALLATION OF CARPET GRASS................................................................................ 24
6.1. PREPARATION................................................................................................................... 24
6.1.1. Examination ...................................................................................................................... 24
6.1.2. Preparation of Topsoil .................................................................................................... 24
6.1.3. Levels .................................................................................................................................. 24
6.1.4. Scarify ................................................................................................................................. 24
6.1.5. Cultivation ......................................................................................................................... 24
6.1.6. Coordination ..................................................................................................................... 24
6.1.7. Placing of Soil Mixture ..................................................................................................... 24
6.1.8. Rolling of Carpet Grass .................................................................................................... 24
6.1.9. Filling-up ............................................................................................................................ 24
6.1.10. Irrigation ............................................................................................................................ 25
6.2. WATERING, CUTTING AND COMPLETION .................................................................... 25
6.2.1. Watering............................................................................................................................. 25
CEG International Specification
6.2.2. Plastic Mowing Strip / Planting Separator .................................................................. 25
6.2.3. First Cut .............................................................................................................................. 25
6.2.4. Subsequent Cuts ............................................................................................................... 25
6.2.5. Cleanliness ......................................................................................................................... 25
7.0. MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................. 25
1.1.1 7.1. GENERAL ..................................................................................................................... 25
1.1.2 7.1.1. Maintenance Personnel........................................................................................ 25
1.1.3 7.1.2. Maintenance Manual ............................................................................................. 25
1.1.4 7.1.3. Penalty for Non-Performance or Delay ............................................................. 26
1.1.5 7.1.4. Plant Replacement ................................................................................................ 26
1.1.6 7.1.5. Duration of Maintenance Period ........................................................................ 26
1.1.7 7.1.6. Cleanliness .............................................................................................................. 26
1.1.8 7.1.7. Tags and Labels ...................................................................................................... 27
1.1.9 7.1.8. Personnel ................................................................................................................ 27
1.1.10 7.2. APPEARANCE OF THE GROUND .............................................................................. 27
2.1.1 7.2.1. The Trees, Shrubs and Grasses ........................................................................... 27
2.1.2 7.2.2. The Ground ............................................................................................................. 27
2.1.3 7.2.3. Fallen Leaves .......................................................................................................... 27
2.1.4 7.2.4. Surfaces for Palms and Trees .............................................................................. 27
2.1.5 7.2.5. Defects ..................................................................................................................... 27
2.1.6 7.2.6. Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 27
2.1.7 7.2.7. Cultivation ............................................................................................................... 28
2.1.8 7.2.8. Fertilizer .................................................................................................................. 28
2.1.9 7.2.9. Prune Plants ........................................................................................................... 28
2.1.10 7.2.10. Pruning Paint ....................................................................................................... 28
2.1.11 7.2.11. Hedges and Topiary ............................................................................................ 28
2.1.12 7.2.12. Burlap Wrapping ................................................................................................. 29
2.1.13 7.2.13. Tree Stakes ........................................................................................................... 29
2.1.14 7.2.14. Raking .................................................................................................................... 29
2.1.15 7.2.15. Weeding ................................................................................................................ 29
2.1.16 7.2.16. Pest and Disease Control ................................................................................... 30
2.1.17 7.2.17. Cultivating and Hoeing ....................................................................................... 30
2.1.18 7.2.18. Iron Deficiency..................................................................................................... 30
2.1.19 7.3. GRASS MAINTENANCE .............................................................................................. 30
2.1.20 7.3.1. Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 30
2.1.21 7.3.2. Defects ..................................................................................................................... 30
CEG International Specification
2.1.22 7.3.3. Maintenance Period .............................................................................................. 30
2.1.23 7.3.4. Mowing .................................................................................................................... 30
2.1.24 7.3.5. Edging and Trimming ........................................................................................... 31
2.1.25 7.3.6. Plug Aeration .......................................................................................................... 32
2.1.26 7.3.7. Vertical Cutting ...................................................................................................... 32
2.1.27 7.3.8. Watering .................................................................................................................. 32
2.1.28 7.3.9. Percolation.............................................................................................................. 32
2.1.29 7.3.10. Rolling ................................................................................................................... 32
2.1.30 7.3.11. Inorganic Fertilizer ............................................................................................. 32
2.1.31 7.3.12. Sprinklers Level................................................................................................... 33
2.1.32 7.3.13. Grass Replacement ............................................................................................. 33
2.1.33 7.3.14. Hard Mowing ........................................................................................................ 33
2.1.34 7.3.15. Pesticide Application .......................................................................................... 33
2.1.35 7.3.16. Top Dressing ........................................................................................................ 35
2.1.36 7.3.17. Lawn Mowers ....................................................................................................... 35
2.1.37 7.3.18. Spiking and Raking ............................................................................................. 36
2.1.38 7.3.19. Weeding ................................................................................................................ 36

Appendix 1. Plant List, Spacing and Size Requirements.

A. PALMS…………………………………………………………………………………………….39

B.DECIDUOUS TREES……………………………………………………………………….…….39




1.1. General Requirements

1.1.1. Scope

1 All landscaping work required to be carried out. Applicable provisions of the QCS 2014
shall apply and other relevant standards.
The Landscape Planting Provisions of this Specification shall be in compliance with
Section 28 Part 1 of QCS 2014.


2.1. Applicable Codes and Standards

1. QCS 2014 Section 28 Specification is applied unless amended by this particular Project
Specification. In case a contradiction, this Specification shall prevail.
CEG International Specification
2. Landscape planting shall conform to the relevant requirements of the following standards,
unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.

“Grade and Standards for Nursery Trees – Part II: Palms and Trees” by the Department of
Agriculture, Florida, USA

“Standard Plant Names (AJCHN), Latest Edition” by the American Joint Committee on
Horticultural Nomenclature

“Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture” by Charles W. Harris and Nicholas T.


ANSI Z60-1 American Standard for Nursery Stock

ASTM C 136-81 Standard Methods of Sieve and Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse
ASTM C 516 Specifications for Vermiculite Loose Fill Thermal Insulation
ASTM C 549 Specifications for Perlite Loose Fill Insulation
ASTM D 422-63 Standard Methods of Particle Size Analysis of Soil

ASTM D 2607-69 Standard Classification of Peat, Mosses, Humus, and Related

ASTM D 2974-71 Standard Method of Test for Moisture, Ash, and Organic Matter of
Peat Materials
ASTM D 2976-71 Standard Method of Test for pH of Peat Materials
ASTM D 2977-71 Standard Method of Test for Particle Size Range of Peat Materials
AOAC Association of Analytical Chemists: Official Method of Analysis,
11 Edition, October 1970
BS 1377 Method of Test of Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes
BS 3882 Topsoil
BS 3936 – Part I Nursery Stock and Shrubs
BS 3998 Tree Work
BS 4043 Transplanting Trees
BS 4428 General Landscape Operation
BS 5236 Cultivation and Planting of Trees in the Extra Large Nursery
Stock Category

3. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, information and certificate for all
materials proposed for use in Soft Landscaping Works. These shall include but not be
limited to the following:

a) Manufacturer’s certified analysis of all standard products, including fertilizers, soil,

peat, inorganic and organic mulches and pesticides.
b) Certificates confirming the origin, size and age of all plant materials.
c) Health certificates for all imported plant materials.
d) Manufacturer’s literature, samples and certified laboratory analysis of all recommended
amendments to the planting soil mix.

2.2. General

1. Work covered in this section consists of furnishing all labour, equipment and materials
necessary to perform all operations required for landscaping herein specified.

2. Landscape planting is inclusive but not limited to finished grading, supplying and spreading of
soil, layout of plants, turfing, seeding and sprigging of new lawns, landscape edges,
maintenance period, landscape warranty and services necessary for and incidental to all
completing all planting operations in a workmanship-like manner, according to the provisions
of the Project Documentation.

2.3. Soil Preparation

2.3.1. Materials and Products

CEG International Specification
1. SOIL – soil is composed of a mixture of sand and clay. Sand is dune sand from the
government approved site. Clay is from the government approved site.

2. DRAINAGE STONE – crushed hard durable stone washed free of loam, sand, clay and other
foreign substances and evenly graded from 20 mm minimum to 30 mm maximum size.

3. STONE MULCH – washed white stone pebbles, washed free of loam, sand, clay and other
foreign substances, evenly graded 25 to 50 mm.

4. WOOD BARK MULCH – coniferous wood bark, free of disease and pests, not shredded,
minimum 10 mm x 50 mm pieces with a pH of 4.5 as minimum.

5. PERMEABLE MEMBRANE – non-woven, 70% polypropylene, 0.3 mm thick, weighing 70

2 2
g/m , with permeability to water of 80 liters/m /sec at 100mm head of water. Membrane is to
be resistant to all naturally occurring soil acidities and to tearing and stress and is to remain
unaffected by direct sunlight for up to one (1) month.

6. NURSERY – shall be Qatari-based company specializing in growing and cultivating of the

plants of proven experience.

2.3.2. Workmanship and Qualifications

1. SAMPLES – submit sample of materials for approval as per Table 1. For standard products,
the manufacturer’s analysis will be acceptable. For all other materials, analysis is to be
provided by recognized laboratories.

Table 1. Soft Landscaping Material Submittal Required

Item Description Sample Required Literature Required

1 Soil Mix Yes Yes

2 coco peat or equal Yes Yes

3 Fertilizer Yes Yes

4 Organic Manure Yes Yes

5 Soil Conditioner Yes Yes

6 Pesticides Yes Yes

7 Gravel Mulch Yes Yes

8 Wood Mulch Yes Yes

9 Pruning Paint Yes Yes

10 Gypsum Paint Yes Yes

11 Wood Stakes Yes

2. TOPSOIL SAMPLE – soil samples will be taken by the Engineer upon his request and at
random time and location, samples will be tested at a certified soil laboratory at the
Contractor’s expense.

3. SAMPLING AND TESTING – shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be
performed no additional cost to the Client, by an approved commercial testing laboratory.

a. Test shall be performed in sufficient number to ensure that the materials meet
the specified requirements.
b. Copies of the test result shall be furnished to the Engineer for approval.
CEG International Specification
2.3.3. Excavation

1. EXCAVATION AND FILLING – this shall be in accordance with the requirements of QCS
Section No.3.

2. Excavate and provide earth filling as necessary to achieve the subsoil levels and profiles
required. Depths of excavation shown on Table 2 are from finish topsoil level.

Table 2. Depth of Excavation

Item Size
Palms Trees for
2000 x 2000 x 2000 mm.
Ashghal projects
Palm Trees for
2000 x 2000 x 2000 mm.
other projects
1500 x 1500 x 1500 mm.
Large Shrubs 1000 x 1000 x 1000 mm.

Small Shrubs 600 mm.

Hedges 600 mm. width x 600 mm. depth

Groundcovers 500 mm. deep

Grass 400 mm. deep with proper drainage if ground below is impermeable

2.3.4. Subsoil Preparation

1. Excavate and provide earth filling as necessary to achieve the subsoil levels and profiles

2. Break up soil for a depth of 300 mm and grade to levels and profiles shown on drawings in
order to achieve tolerance specified for the finished level of topsoil.

3. Where the topsoil is to be laid on rock sub-strata, break up and loosen the rock surface for a
minimum depth of 300 mm.

4. Root Barrier (Root Control System) as per the details drawing.

5. is to line the tree pits or trenches, over or beside service pipes and hard landscape structures
such as sidewalks, pavements, and concrete building foundations to prevent structural
damage due to root penetration or heaving.

2.3.5. Spreading and Preparation of Topsoil

1. TOPSOIL FILLING – spread over prepared subsoil in layers not exceeding 200 mm and firm
each layer before spreading next.

2. UNSUITABLE TOPSOIL – remove any soil which is imperfect or insufficiently clean, or which
contains large stones, rubbish, etc. from site and replace with specified soil.

3. FINAL GRADING – when topsoil is reasonably dry and workable, grade to levels shown on
drawings shall have slope for adequate drainage removing minor hollows and ridges.

4. FINISH LEVELS – unless otherwise stated, finish levels of topsoil, after settlement, are to be:

a) 70 mm below adjacent paving or kerb

b) not less than 150 mm below finish ground floor slab level of adjoining buildings married-in
with adjoining soil areas.
CEG International Specification
5. FALLOW PERIOD – where possible, carry out cultivation of topsoil sufficiently early for it to
lie fallow for several months. During this period, prevent growth and seeding of weeds by
further cultivation or by application of herbicides if permitted.


1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the procurement, transportation, mixing, placing,
mounding and finish grading.

2. The specified mix shall be strictly controlled over all the grading work.

3.1. Soil Mix

1. Soil mix shall consist of a mix of dune sand, clay and approved organic materials with the
following proportion:
2. 75% sand, 20% clay, 5% organic materials for all plants in parks, roads and open areas.
3. 100% sand for grass in sports fields

4. The contractor shall furnish agricultural soil from approved sites.

5. Materials shall be stored in piles less than one (1) meter high. Piles shall be protected from
undue compaction and maintained free of contamination and construction debris.

6. The soil shall comply with the following chemical criteria:

a) pH Value not less than 6.5 nor more than 8.5

b) Electro-Conductivity less than 4 mm mhos/cm saturated extract at 25°C
c) Free Carbonates less than 0.5% air dried
d) Chlorides less than 200 ppm in saturated extract
e) Sulphates less than 200 ppm in saturated extract
f) Exchangeable Sodium less than 15% in neutral normal Ammonium Acetate
g) Boron less than 1.5 ppm, hot water-soluble

7. The soil shall comply with the grading criteria in Table 3.

Table 3. Grading Criteria

Sieve Size (mm) % by Massing Passing

5.000 100

2.380 65 to 100

1.180 45 to 100

0.600 35 to 100

0.300 5 to 48

0.150 0 to 15

0.075 0 to 13

3.2. Soil Additives

There are two applicable procedure, contractors shall follow EITHER procedure (A) OR
procedure (B).
3.2.1. Procedure A Consists of the following components:

1. PEAT - Composted organic waste shall be a recycled waste product such as cocopeat, or a
fully natural authority approved composted product shredded and granulated to pass through
a 12 mm mesh screen and conditioned in storage piles for at least 6 months. The compost
CEG International Specification
shall be free from sticks, stones, roots, and other objectionable matter. It shall have a pH
value of not less than 7 and nor more than 7.5. The minimum organic content shall be 85%
on a dry weight basis. Compost shall be delivered in undamaged recyclable bags in air dry

2. MANURE – shall be pasteurized dried pelletized sewage sludge or decomposed animal

manure of fully fermented pre-dried, sheep, horses, goat, cow or chicken manure with
nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potassium and a pH value of 6.0 to 7.5. Manure shall be free of
stones, sticks and non-biodegradable material. Manure shall be heat treated, free from
pathogen, weeds and other pollutant. A health certificate shall be submitted for the proposed
sample. Animal manure shall not be used for top dressing of grass area.

3. FERTILIZER – shall be commercial grade and uniform in composition. Fertilizer shall be of

slow release, 2 months minimum, and shall bear the manufacturer’s guaranteed statement of

4. GRANULAR FERTILIZER – for trees, shrubs, groundcovers and seasonal plants shall
consist of, percentage by weight, 5% Nitrogen (N), 10% available Phosphoric Acid (P) and
5% Potassium (K). For grass use, minimum of 11% Nitrogen, 11% available Phosphoric Acid
(P) and 11% Potassium and micro-nutrients.

5. PLANT-DERIVED FERTILIZERS – shall be used in all soil mix as alternative option to animal
manure. It shall be heat treated, free from seeds and nematodes and possess the following

a) Organic Content more than 70%

b) C:N Ratio more than 20%
c) Particle Size not bigger than 2 mm for 80% of the mix
d) Humic Acid more than 10%
e) pH Value not less than 5.0 nor more than 6.0

6. Dry Plant Fertilizers shall have following properties:

(a) Fertiliser shall be commercial grade and uniform in composition.
(b) Packets of slow release fertiliser shall bear the manufacturer’s guaranteed statement of
(c) Granular fertiliser for trees and shrubs shall consist of, by percentage by weight, 5 %
nitrogen (N), 10 % available phosphoric acid (P) and 5 % potassium (K).
(d) Controlled release fertiliser shall consist of, by percentage by weight, 5 % nitrogen (N), 10
% available phosphoric acid (P) and 5 % potassium (K). Control released fertiliser may be in
packet or tablet

7. Turf Fertilizer shall be commercial grade, free flowing and uniform in composition and bear
the manufacturer’s guaranteed statement of analysis.

8. Edging Material shall be galvanized steel, polyethylene, electrostatically painted aluminium or

other as approved by the Engineer. The material shall be to the sizes designated in the
drawings. Edging anchors shall be as recommend by the manufacturer.

9. Irrigation Water shall be provided by the Contractor from an off-site source approved by the
Engineer as being suitable for irrigation. Water shall be free from substances harmful to plant
life. Water sources shall not exceed the following parameters:

(a) pH: 6 to 7
(b) total dissolved solids: less than 1000 ppm

3.2.2. Procedure B Consists of the following components:

1. There are two applicable procedure, contractors shall follow EITHER procedure (A) OR
procedure (B).
2. Procedure B Consist of the following components:
CEG International Specification
3. MANURE – shall be decomposed animal manure of fully fermented pre-dried, heat treated
sheep, horses, goat, cow or chicken manure with nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potassium
and a pH value of 6.0 to 7.5. Manure shall be free of stones, sticks and non-biodegradable
material. Manure shall be heat treated, free from pathogen, weeds and other pollutant. A
health certificate shall be submitted for the proposed sample. Animal manure shall not be
used for top dressing of grass area.
4. Soil conditioner: shall be as detailed in the following paragraphs.
a) Soil Conditioner shall be added with the organic manure only, as a replacement for
peatmoss, it must meet the requirements below (Table 4.)

Table 4. Moisture Retaining Soil Additive Proportion for Plants

Organic or Organic Fertilizer
other Inorganic Mixing
Plant Type Soil Conditioner
composted Fertilizer Depth
waste Animal Plant

As per 5% soil
Palms manufacturer volume 5 kg/palm 100 g/Tree 40 cm.
As per 5% soil
Trees manufacturer volume 5 kg/tree 50 g/Tree 40 cm.
As per 5% soil
7 1 25
Large Shrubs manufacturer volume 30 cm.
kg/shrub kg/shrub g/Shrubs
As per 5% soil
5 0.5 2
Small Shrubs manufacturer volume 25 g/m 30 cm.
kg/shrub kg/shrub
As per 5% soil
Hedges manufacturer volume 5 kg/Lm 0.5 kg/Lm 25 g/Lm 20 cm.
As per 5% soil
Groundcovers 2 2 2
manufacturer volume 5 kg/m 0.5 kg/m 25 g/m 20 cm.
& Seasonal
As per 5% soil
2 2 2
Lawn manufacturer volume 5 kg/m 1.0 kg/m 50 g/m 20 cm.


The following are specifications for composted products suitable for use as a soil amelioration agent.
Hereinafter described as “the composted products”. Soil Conditioner shall be added with organic
manure only as a replacement for peat moss and must meet the following Soil Conditioner
3.3.1. Definitions

1. CONTRACTOR means the person or company that will be responsible for the supply and use
of the composted product and is contracted directly with the principle.

2. SUPPLIER means the person or company that will supply the composted product to the


addresses physical, chemical and biological controls as a means of prevention rather than
inspection of finished products.

4. SUPERVISING OFFICER means a person authorized by the principle to undertake the roles
defined in this specification.

5. PRINCIPLE means the authorized representative of the Public Works Authority (ASHGHAL)
or the municipality.
CEG International Specification

3.3.2. Supply Conditions

1. All products supplied shall conform fully to the standards indicated herein or to an equivalent
standard subject to the agreement of the Supervising Officer (SO).

2. It is noted that the composted products may vary, within acceptable limits, to the physical and
chemical parameters stated within this specification. Such variation must not compromise the
agronomic characteristics of the product and where variations in analysis occur. The
Supervising Officer must be informed prior to placement of the product.

3. The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Supervising Officer that the Suppliers (manufacturer)
of the composted product have HACCP accreditation or equivalent with the agreement of the
Supervising Officer. Where HACCP accreditation is not in place documentation of a site
based product management plan that demonstrates the principles of HACCP is necessary.

4. The Contractor shall supply appropriate production and sampling documentation from the
Supplier that shall clearly indicate that the product conforms to the composted specification
(Refer to Appendix 2).

5. The Supervising Officer may reject any product or batch that, on the basis of analysis and
documentation, is deemed not to conform to standards specified herein. On this basis, the
Contractor must submit all documentation ten (10) working days prior to placement to allow
for interpretation of the analyses and for the approval of placement to be granted or with-held
as appropriate.

6. The whole quantity required to complete the Project must be of the same type, manufacturer
and/or source. No change of source will be permitted without approval. As such written
evidence of the source of the compost must be supplied when requested by the Supervising

3.3.3. Compost Specifications

1. All composted products must conform to the minimum requirements specified in Table 5 and
Table.6. The particle size distribution grades of the composted product must meet the criteria
for a top-dressing product (Table 5, as specified in AS 4419 - Soils for Landscaping and
Garden Use, 2003).

2. As a minimum requirement, all composted products to be used as a soil conditioner must

meet the temperature, time and turning frequency as specified by the US EPA Standard
(1999) for pathogen disinfection and vector reduction.

3. Pathogen disinfection and weed seed reduction shall be achieved by the aerobic, hemophilic
decomposition of organic matter which produces a humus-like material. Using the window
composting method, temperature of the window is maintained at 55°C (131°F) or higher for
fifteen (15) consecutive days or longer. During the period when the compost is maintained as
55°C (131°F) or higher, there shall be a minimum of 5 turnings of the window (USEPA 1999).

4. Contamination of the compost may occur due to poor source separation as with municipal
green waste and/or through poor control in turning and loading during production. These
indicate poor composting practice and procedure. As such, any batches found to contain
deleterious material (e.g. soil, sharps like glass or metal, or contaminants like plastics or
stones) will be rejected by the Supervising Officer.

5. In addition, the fines of the compost (<10mm particle size) shall be analyzed for chemical and
organic contaminants, to verify compliance with appropriate threshold level (Table 5) for
minimizing the contamination of soils with potentially hazardous substances (e.g. NSW EPA
1997 Threshold Levels for Grade A Bio-Solids). Where a case can be made, that higher
concentrations of trace elements such as Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) may be beneficial, limits
of 1,500 mg/kg and 2,800 mg/kg may be accepted (Kirchhoff et al. 2003). No detectable PCB
compounds are permitted, at a 0.2 mg/kg detection limit.
CEG International Specification
Table 5. Contaminant Acceptable Concentration Limits for Composted Soil Conditioner

(NSW EPA 1997)

Maximum Maximum
Heavy Metal Organic Chemical
Concentration Concentration
Contaminant Contaminant
mg/kg mg/kg

Arsenic 10 DDT/DDD/DDE 0.5

Cadmium 20 Aldrin 0.02

Chromium (Total) 300 Dieldrin 0.02

Copper 1000 Chlordane 0.02

Lead 300 Heptachlor 0.02

Mercury 10 HCB 0.02

Nickel 200 Lindane 0.02

Selenium 50 BHC 0.02

Zinc 2500 PCBs not detectable

3.3.4. Attributes of the Compost

1. To be appropriate for use as a soil conditioner in sandy soils of Qatar, the composted product
must be verified as possessing the following attributes.

a) A high total water holding capacity to function in part as a replacement for sphagnum
b) A high cation exchange capacity (nutrient holding capacity of the soil) to function in part
as a replacement for sphagnum peat.
c) A low chloride ion concentration and low exchangeable sodium percentage to minimize
the salt concentration in the rooting zone, and
d) A high proportion of Nitrogen and Phosphorus fertilizer value of the product to be in the
slow-release organic form, to reduce the risk of leaching nutrients into the groundwater.

2. Composting product shall comply with the chemical testing results required for the <2 mm
fines of a composted soil conditioner to verify the suitability of the soil conditioning properties
of the composted product for Qatar, refer to Table.6.

Table.6. Chemical Testing Results for the <2 mm Fines of the Composted Soil Conditioner.

Compost Parameter Test Method Parameter Requirements

<2% by weight >5mm,

Particle Size Top-Dressing AS 4419 <15% by weight pass a 5mm
sieve but not a 2 mm sieve
NSW EPA (1997) Threshold
Heavy Metal and Organic
Levels for Grade A Bio- Refer to Table 5
Chemical Contaminants

pH 1:5 Soil Water Extract # 5.5 to 8.5

CEG International Specification

Electrical Conductivity 1:5 Soil Water Extract # <2.5 dS/m

Wet Ability Appendix C AS 3743 < 2 minutes

Total Water Holding Capacity Appendix B AS 3743 ≥ 40%

Chloride 1:5 Soil Water Extract * ≤ 600 mg/kg

% Organic Carbon Dichromate Wet Oxidation * ≥ 15% by mass

1 M Ammonium Chloride
Effective Cation Exchange
pH7, no pre-treatment for ≥ 40 Meq/100g
Capacity (ECEC)
salts *
1 M Ammonium Chloride
Exchangeable Sodium %
pH7, no pre-treatment for ≤ 15%
(from Exchangeable Cations)
salts *
As Received Moisture
Oven-Dry 105°C Basis ≤ 40% by mass

a) Method indicated by a hatch (#) and the parameter requirements are based on the
Australian Standard AS 4419 – Soils for Landscaping and Garden Use.
b) Reference to AS 3743 – Potting Mixes indicates that the method and parameter
requirements are based on the Australian Standard AS 3743 2003.
c) Methods preceded by an asterisk (*) are internationally recognized for testing the
chemical properties of soil, and are described in the text Rayment and Higginson (1992),
Australian Laboratory Handbook of Soil and Water Chemical Methods.

3.3.5. Application Rates

1. The composted product will be incorporated into a soil to improve its physical and chemical
properties at rates determined by the site, planting and soil parameters.

2. Composted products verifying compliance with Table 5 and Table.6 are considered suitable
for application to soils of Qatar as a soil conditioner. The preferred mode of application is
incorporation into the soil, to a depth of 200mm. However, after a routine cultivation
maintenance operation such as plugging in turf, a composted soil conditioner may be applied
to the surface of the soil as a top-dressing.

3. The rate of application to soil of a composted soil conditioner shall be based on the Fertilizer
Equivalence of the product. For chemical testing (Refer to Table 6), the composite sample
shall be screened through a sieve with an aperture size of 2 mm with the particles retained on
the sieve excluded from the analysis. A bulk density test shall be undertaken on the compost
(Refer the method in Appendix B of AS 4419 2003), to enable the calculation of Fertilizer
Equivalence on a mass basis, to a volumetric basis for ease of application.

4. The maximum application rate permitted for incorporation into a soil shall be based on the
results of chemical testing of the receiving soil.

3.3.6. Sampling and Testing

1. SAMPLING COMPOST – the Contractor shall ensure that the Supplier takes from each
separate batch at least ten (10) random samples each having a volume of not less than 200
milliliters that are blended to produce a composite sample of not less than 2 liters (Appendix
A AS 4419 2003). Where necessary, the compost sample shall be air-dried overnight at room
CEG International Specification
temperature of less than 35°C to facilitate sieving. The size of a batch will be determined in
accordance with the HACCP procedures.

2. TESTING METHOD AND REQUIREMENTS – internationally accepted testing method must

be applied to the compost samples and a certificate of analysis supplied with each compost
consignment must be submitted or as requested by the Supervising Officer.

3.3.7. Contractor’s Responsibilities

1. The Contractor shall verify that the compost has been produced according to a HACCP-
based site and product management plan, and that production temperature and turning
records comply with the USEPA Pathogen Disinfection and Vector Reduction requirements.

2. The Contractor shall use the results of the chemical tests listed on Table 6 to calculate the
plant-available (immediate fertilizer) and slow-release fertilizer equivalence of each specific
batch of compost intended for use as a soil conditioner. The results shall be expressed on the
oven-dry mass basis of the <2 mm particle size grade.

3. The Contractor shall also calculate the maximum (field weight basis) application of the
composted soil conditioner on the fertilizer (plant-available) equivalence of the least limiting
major nutrient (most commonly Phosphorus and Potassium) in the compost, and the annual
fertilizer application recommendations for the receiving soil.

4. The Contractor shall ensure that the Supplier has provides all documentation to the
Contractor as required by same. This shall include HACCP (or equivalent) Certification,
temperature and turning records of the material, physical and chemical testing results for
each batch of compost supplied.

3.3.8. Supervising Officer’s Responsibilities

1. Ensure that the appropriate documentation is in place in accordance with the specifications.

2. Adjust all other inorganic fertilizer application rates to account for the fertilizer equivalence of
the applied compost. Accounting for the fertilizer contribution of the compost in the fertilizer
management regime is necessary to avoid causing nutrient imbalance or nutrient excess in
the rooting zone. Nutrient imbalance and/or excess are known to increase the severity of root

3.3.9. Chemical Testing Results Required Determining the Fertilizer Equivalence of the Compost.

1. The following methods have been selected as the most suitable for testing of minerals
contained within an organic matrix. Subtracting the fertilizer value of the nutrient from the total
value indicates the slow-release (organic) nutrient pool. In case of Nitrogen, subtracting the
Ammonium concentration (Table.6) from the total Nitrogen value will indicate the slow-
release (organic) nutrient pool. Potassium is a component of the cell sap in organic materials,
with very little locked up in the organic (slow-release) form. The received moisture content is
required to enable calculations of the oven-dry application rates to be adjusted for the field
moisture content of the product.

Table 6. Chemical Testing Results to Determine the Fertilizer Equivalence of the Compost
Reference in Rayment and
Compost Parameter Test Method
Higgins on

Fertilizer Phosphorus Bicarbonate Extractable P 9B

X-ray Fluorescence or
Total Phosphorus 9A
Sodium Carbonate Fusion

Fertilizer Potassium Bicarbonate Extractable P 18A1

Nitrate Nitrogen In the presence of Nitrite 7C1b

CEG International Specification

Total Nitrogen Kjeldahl 7A

Exchangeable From ECEC in Table.6 15A1

As Received Moisture
From Table.6 2B1

3.3.10. Standards and References

1. The following standards are referred to:

a) USEPA (1999) Appendix J: The Bio-Solids Composting Process. In Control of Pathogens

and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge. EPA/625/R-92/013
b) NSW EPA (1997) Threshold Levels for Grade A Bio-Solids
c) Australian Standards (AS 3743 and AS 4419)
d) AS 3743 (2003) Australian Standard – Potting Mixes. Standards Australia, Sydney,
e) AS 4419 (2003) Australian Standard – Soils for Landscaping and Garden Use. Standard
Australia, Sydney, Australia.

2. Reference cited in this Specification

a) AS 3743 (2003) Australian Standard – Potting Mixes. Standards Australia, Sydney,

b) AS 4419 (2003) Australian Standard – Soils for Landscaping and Garden Use. Standard
Australia, Sydney, Australia.
c) Kirchhoff C, Malina J and Barrett (2003) Characteristics of Compost: Moisture Holding
and Water Quality Improvements. CRWR On-line Report, Center for Water Resources,
University of Texas, Austin.
d) NSW EPA (1997) Use and Disposal of Bio-Solids Products. New South Wales Australia
Environmental Protection Agency.
e) Rayment GE and Higginson FR (1992) Australian Laboratory Handbook of Soil and
Water Chemical Methods. Inkata Press, North Ryde, Sydney, Australia.
f) USEPA (1999) United States Environmental Protection Agency Appendix J: The Bio-
Solids Composting Process. In Control of Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage
Sludge. EPA/625/R-92/013.

Appendix 2. Checklist of Documents Required for Product Verification

Requirement in this Standard Documentation Relevant Standard Example

HACCP-based site and

ISO 9000 or equivalent QA
Product Management Plan: ISO 9000 or equivalent
Certificate or Manual
Section 3.3
USEPA (1999) Appendix J:
Pathogen and Weed Seed Window Temperature and
The Bio-Solids Composting
Disinfection: Section 4.3 Turning Records
Compliance with Physical and
Chemical Testing Results NSW EPA (1997) Use and
Chemical Contaminant
verifying compliance with Disposal of Bio-Solids
Threshold Levels:
Table 5. Products
Section 4.4 and 4.5
Product Specification verifying
Physical and Chemical AS 3743, for potting mixes
its suitability for use as a Soil
Testing Results verifying AS 4419: Soils for
Conditioner in Qatar:
compliance with Table.6 Landscaping and Garden Use
Section 5.1, 5.2, & 5.3
CEG International Specification

Rayment and Higgins (1992)

Immediate and Slow-Release Chemical Testing Results Australian Laboratory
Fertilizer Properties of the obtained using the methods Handbook of Soil and Water
Compost: Section 5.4 specified Chemical Methods or

3.3.11. Planting Soil Mix (Sweet Soil)

1. The planting soil mixture shall consist of approved soil (Sand and Clay), peat, organic and
inorganic fertilizer.

2. The mixture shall be placed in accordance with the requirements of the trees, shrubs or grass
to be planted as per Table.6 above.

3. Soil additives shall be added as per Table.6 shown above.

4. Peat and compost or soil conditioner shall be added for palms earlier than 4 months after
planting, subject to the approval by the Engineer.

5. Provide analysis of soil mixture from samples approved by the Engineer.



4.1.1. Plants

1. Generally, shall comply with BS 3936: Part 1: 1980 and Part 10: 1981, free from pest and
diseases, representative of their species or variety, or size not less than what is specified
in the drawings, with well-branched head and vigorous root system, free from injury and
obtained from a nursery or other approved sources.
2. All plants and turf materials will conform to the varieties specified or shown in the project
documentation and be true to the botanical name as listed.
3. Plants shall be supplied from localities similar to the climatic conditions of the project.

4.1.2. Nomenclature

1. Nomenclature of trees and plants shown on the drawings conform to scientific name
given in the “Standard Plant Names” of the American Joint Committee on Horticultural
Nomenclature (AJCHN).

a) Royal Horticultural Society – “Director of Gardening”.

b) Post, George E., “Flora of Syria, Palestine and Sinai”, American University of Beirut.
c) Sunset Western Garden Book, Latest Edition.
d) Wyman, Donald, “Wyman’s Gardening Encyclopedia”, Macmillan Publishing
e) Company, New York, USA, Colliers Macmillan Publishers, London, Second Edition,
f) Tropical Color Encyclopedia of Exotic Plants and Trees, by Alfred Byrd Graf.

4.1.3. Trees

1. Trees are to have straight trunk or trunks, well-shaped tops, intact leaders and are to be
undercut at least once in the nursery. All trees are to be supplied earth-balled and
Hessian-covered or container-grown. Trees shall be of the quantities, species, and sizes
as shown in plants Tabwhich shall define the perimeter or the circumference of the trunk
measure at 1.5 meters from the base.

4.1.4. Fruit Trees

1. Fruit trees shall be grafted on true rootstock, graft to be at least 200 mm above planting
soil level, two (2) meters minimum height or as specified by the Engineer.
CEG International Specification
4.1.5. Palms

1. Palms are to have crown of new leaves, proper color of leaves of adult palms, and
sufficient hardiness. Palms are to be supplied earth-balled and Hessian-covered with the
exception of imported palms, handling of which may be subject to government current
regulations. Palms shall be of the quantities, species, and sizes as shown in the Plant
Material Schedule in the drawings.

2. Date palms to be minimum two (2) meters and average of three (3) meters straight clear
trunk. Height of palms shall be as indicated in the drawings.

3. Palm trees could be imported if not available locally but the root system shall be at least
300mm around the base of the tree in all direction. Local palm trees shall have a root
zone at least 500mm around the base of the tree in all direction.

4.1.6. Shrubs

1. Shrubs are to be well-grown and filled-out. Deciduous shrubs may be supplied bare-
rooted, earth-balled, or container-grown. Evergreen shrubs and vines are to be either
earth-balled or container-grown. Shrubs shall be of the quantities, species and sizes as
shown in the plants table (Table9).

4.1.7. Hedges

1. Hedges shall have a spacing of 300 to 500 mm and height as specified in the plants table
(Table9) and planted as single row in one straight continuous trench.

4.1.8. Groundcovers and Succulents

1. Groundcover and succulent plants which are provided in pots and other containers and
which have been acclimatized to outside conditions are acceptable provided they are
equal in quantity to field grown stock and are not root bound. Groundcover plants shall be
of the species, sizes, and spacing shown on the Plant Materials Schedule plants table


4.2.1. Contractor

1. The Contractor shall certify in writing that all plant material of each consignment delivered
to site to be utilized will be according to these specifications are true to their species. If
Contractor supplies through import, he shall submit a guarantee of availability of plants
with specified characteristics such as size, height, caliper, etc. issued by the supplier for
Engineer’s approval.

4.2.2. Certificate

1. The Contractor shall also submit Certificate of Origin, Phyto-Sanitary Certificate and
Certificate of Guarantee from supplier stating that the imported plants are true to the
specified species for Engineer’s approval.

4.2.3. Nursery Inspection

1. If the plants are to be grown in Doha, samples of all specified varieties shall be submitted
in the form of a reserved plot at the mother nursery ready for inspection and approval by
the Engineer.

4.2.4. Site Nursery

1. Due to some project need, the Engineer could ask for site nursery to be used for storing
and care-taking of plants prior to planting. This site nursery shall have its own water
tanks, power, shade and irrigation system.
CEG International Specification
4.2.5. Time Guarantee

1. Trees, shrubs, groundcovers and grasses shall be guaranteed for the duration of the 400
days maintenance period with 4 days lawn grass cut, each 4 days in summer and each 6
days in winter.

2. Palm trees shall be guaranteed for a period of 400 calendar days after installation


4.3.1. Stakes for Trees

1. De-barked timber, straight, free of knots, splits or other projections, pointed at the end,
lower end to minimum 150mm above grade level shall be treated with non-injurious wood
preservative carried out at least two (2) weeks before stakes are used, with minimum
section of 50mm and minimum length of 2 meters depending on height of a tree. The
stakes shall be laid 500mm deep in the soil.

a) Position two (2) stakes close to tree but outside the perimeter of the root ball, and
drive vertically to a minimum of 500mm into the pit and until top of stake is at required
b) Consolidate material around stake during backfilling, secure trees with wire and tie
trees as shown on drawings.

4.3.2. Stakes for Small Shrubs and Hedges

1. De-barked timber, straight, free of knots, splits or other projections, pointed at the end,
lower end to minimum of 150 mm above grade level shall be treated with non-injurious
wood preservative carried out at least two (2) weeks before stakes are used, with
minimum section of 25 mm and length depending on the height of shrub or hedge. The
stakes shall be laid 300 mm deep in the soil.

a) Position one (1) stake close to shrub or hedge but outside the perimeter of the root
ball, and drive vertically to a minimum of 300 mm into the pit and until top of stake is
at required height.

4.3.3. Protection Shelter for Fruit and Specimen Trees

1. These shall be made of four (4) wooden stakes 2 meters long, 50 x 50 mm section and
300mm deep in the ground at 100mm away from the tree branches. The wooden stakes
are wrapped with shade net 70% shade factor and braced one to the other on top.

4.3.4. Guys for Palms

1. Guys are only for palms with root ball less than 400 mm. Palms shall be tied to the
ground 500mm below the crown with three (3) GI wires placed inside a 15mm
Polyethylene tube around the palm trunk, and tied to steel anchors dug 600mm deep into
the soil and flush with ground level.

4.3.5. Tree Stake Wires

1. Tree stake wires shall be 3 mm in diameter, solid galvanized wire in suitable lengths fixed
to a position approximately two-thirds of the tree height, looped around the stem and
protected by an approved tree-tie.

4.3.6. Twine for Tying

1. Twine shall be made of lightly tarred medium or coarse Sisal yarn.

4.3.7. Burlap
CEG International Specification
1. Burlap shall be made of jute of 0.20 kg/m or cloth having the same strength and
resistance to tearing and capable of rotting in the ground.

4.3.8. Plastic Mowing Strip

1. Super-edge made of durable, flexible Polypropylene. The edge shall have 3.5 to 4%
Carbon-black concentrate added to for UV stabilization and medium density with a melt
factor under 2. Minimum average thickness shall be 95/1000 to 95/1000 of an inch.

2. Overall height shall be 5 inches minimum. Top edge shall have 1 inch horizontal circle
and galvanized steel anchoring stakes at least every 2 meters.

3. A 15-year guarantee shall be given against cracking, rot, disintegration and manufacturer


4.4.1. Certificates

1. The Contractor shall provide manufacturer’s and supplier’s analysis for fertilizer materials
and other substantiating materials that comply with specified requirements.
4.4.2. Samples

1. The Contractor shall submit samples of materials for approval. For Standard products,
the manufacturer’s analysis will be acceptable. For all other materials, analysis is to be
provided by recognized laboratories.

4.4.3. Inspection

1. The Engineer reserves the right to inspect trees and shrubs either at place of growth or
on site before planting to verify compliance with requirements for names, variety, size
and quality, condition of root systems, presence of insects, injuries, and latent defects.
Remove rejected trees and shrubs immediately from site at Contractor’s expense.

4.4.4. Planting Schedule

1. The Contractor shall submit planting schedules showing proposed planting dates for each
type of planting to be approved by the Engineer taking into consideration season
limitation on planting seasonal plants, grass, and palms.

4.4.5. Packaged Materials

1. The Contractor shall deliver packaged material in unopened containers showing weight,
analysis, and name of manufacturer. Protect materials from deterioration during delivery
and while stored in site. Damaged materials are to be replaced as required.

4.4.6. Manufacturer’s Recommendations

1. The Contractor shall apply fertilizer, herbicides and the like strictly in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations and observe all precautions. Remove containers from
site when no longer required.


1. Planting shall be done during normal planting season for each type of plant as approved
by the Engineer.

2. Planting shall not be done when soil is waterlogged or excessively dry or when persistent
cold or drying winds are likely to occur. The Contractor shall obtain approval from the
Engineer to vary planting dates if special conditions so warrant.

3. The Contractor shall give the Engineer 48 hours’ notice before commencing planting,
maintenance or replacement work using checklists supplied by the Engineer.
CEG International Specification

4. No planting shall be carried out during periods of heavy rain, sandstorms, heavy winds,
or during intense daytime heat. Plants and trees shall only be moved or planted between
mid-September and mid-May.


1. Daily water requirement for different plant type is shown below in Table 7.

Table 7. Peak Daily Water Requirements

Item Plant Type Daily Water Requirement

1 Palms 120 L/day/palm

2 Large Trees 80 L/day/tree

3 Small Trees 60 L/day/tree

4 Groundcovers 10 L/day/m
5 Seasonal Plants 10 L/day/m

6 Hedges 12 L/day/meter length

7 Large Shrubs 20 L/day/plant

8 Small Shrubs 8 L/day/plant

9 Grass 12 to 18 L/day/m

2. Daily water requirement will differ depending on season and particular type of
groundcover and shrub species.

3. During rain, irrigation system feeding drip emitters shall be switched off when
precipitation rate exceeds 12 mm. Otherwise allow for more salt leaching effects to


4.7.1. QCS Percolation Test

1. The Contractor shall fill each planting pit with irrigation water and ensure the water can
drain away. In case of poor drainage, a percolation test shall be carried out and drainage
holes shall be put if required.

4.7.2. Percolation Test Procedure

1. One (1) day prior to the test, the pit/bed shall be filled with water.

2. A marker bar is placed in the pit/bed before the test is performed.

3. The pit/bed is half filled with water and the level is indicated with tape on the marker bar.

4. The test is monitored over a period of one (1) hour. If water level drops by 20mm or more
within that time, the pit/bed passes.
5. If a pit/bed failed the percolation test, boreholes shall be dug out, two (2) boreholes per
tree pit or 10 meter spacing in planting beds. Tests shall be repeated at each 0.5m depth
of boreholes until test is passed.


CEG International Specification
1. Plants shall be handled carefully and arranged so they take full advantage of the
individual character of each plant in relationship to other plants.
2. Trees shall be placed in the center of each pit, set plumb and held in place until sufficient
backfill mixture has been firmly placed around the root ball.
3. Ball & burlap plants shall have twine, metal, plastic and wire ties removed from the tops
of the earth ball after backfill soil has been placed to aprox. Two third of the ball depth,
tamped lightly and watered.
4. Those plants supplied in non-biodegradable containers shall be removed to prevent
damage to plant or root system before planting, all damage root shall be carefully
trimmed and removed.
5. Plants shall be guyed or staked as required. Newly installed trees and shrubs shall be
protected with burlap wrapping against wind and sunlight where necessary.
6. Trees 1.2 to 1.8 m tall shall be held in place with one (1) bracing stake and shall be
driven firmly into the ground positioned close to the tree windward side tight with double
stand of wire inserted in rubber hose.
7. Trees 1.8 to 2.5 m tall shall be held in place with two (2) bracing stakes placed on
opposite sides and shall be driven vertically into firm ground tight with double stand of
wire inserted in rubber hose.
8. Trees taller than 2.5 m shall be held in place with three (3) guying lines of doubled stand
wire placed equidinstantly around the tree. The wire shall be anchored with ground
stakes driven into firm ground outside the earth saucer. The wire shall be anchored to the
tree at a point equal of each height.


1. Palm shall be lifted and moved with a crane or other approved method to avoid any damage
to any part of the palm.
2. Palm shall be placed in the center of each pit, set plumb and held in place until sufficient
backfill mixture has been firmly placed around the root ball. The top of the root ball should be
100mm below the top of the planting pit. The pit shall be backfilled with specified mixture to
approximately two third of the depth of the root ball, tamped lightly and watered. Backfilling
around plant shall be completed in 150mm layers after water has drained away.earth saucer
shall be formed around the palm. And should be larger than and outside the backfilled area.

5.0. GRASS

5.1.1. Grass Stolons

1. Paspalum vaginatum (Bahia Grass), Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda Grass) or other type of
grass as specified shall have a minimum age of 12 months with root of sufficient
development that will support growth.

2. The Contractor shall submit certification of grass species.


5.2.1. Certificates

1. The Contractor shall provide manufacturer’s or supplier’s certified analysis for grass and
fertilizer materials and other data substantiating that materials comply with specified

5.2.2. Requirements

1. The Contractor shall comply with regulatory agencies for fertilizer and herbicide

2. The Contractor shall also provide Certificate of Compliance from authority having
jurisdiction indicating approval of fertilizer and herbicide mixtures.
CEG International Specification
5.2.3. Samples

1. The Contractor shall submit samples of materials for approval by the Engineer. For
standard products, the manufacturer’s analysis will be acceptable. For all other materials,
analysis is to be provided by recognized laboratories.

5.2.4. Supplier / Grower

1. The Supplier or Grower shall be a Qatar-based company specializing in the production

and/or propagation of the work in this section.

5.2.5. Installer

1. The Installer shall have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience and approved by the

5.2.6. Packaged Materials

1. The Contractor shall deliver packaged materials in unopened containers showing weight,
analysis, and name of manufacturer.

2. The Contractor shall also protect materials from deterioration during delivery while stored
on site. Damaged materials are to be replaced as required.

5.2.7. Manufacturer’s Recommendation

1. The Contractor shall apply fertilizer, herbicides and the like strictly in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions and observe all precautions.

2. The Contractor shall also remove containers from site when no longer required.

5.2.8. Coordination

1. The Contractor shall coordinate the installation of trees, palms, shrubs and groundcovers
with the installation of underground sprinkler system piping and watering heads.


5.3.1. Final Cultivation of Planted Areas

1. The Contractor shall remove stones and fill eroded areas with fresh topsoil in case found.

5.3.2. Final Cultivation of Seeded Grass Areas

1. After final grading, the Contractor shall lightly and uniformly firm soil and reduce top 100
mm to fine tilth. Rake to true, even surface, removing stones more than 25 mm in any

2. The Contractor shall also add organic fertilizer or inorganic fertilizer at recommended and
approved dates.

3. The Contractor shall also obtain approval of prepared soil by the Engineer before


1. The Contractor shall deliver grass in stolons, or sprigs form bundled and packaged in
accordance with standard trade practices.

2. The Contractor shall not deliver more than what can be spread and planted within 24
CEG International Specification

5.5.1. Weather Condition

1. The Contractor shall not sow if soil is waterlogged or excessively dry or when persistent
drying winds are likely to occur.

5.5.2. Fertilizer

1. One (1) day before sowing, the Contractor shall apply inorganic fertilizer at the rate of 50
g/m over grass areas and water in.

5.5.3. Sowing Grass Seeds

1. Grass seeds shall be spread evenly at the rate of 1 kg/30m or as stated on supplier’s
catalogue and approved by the engineer applied in two (2) equal sowings in transverse
directions. Lightly harrow or rake and water.



6.1.1. Examination

1. The Contractor shall verify that the prepared soil mixture-base is ready to receive the
work of this section.

6.1.2. Preparation of Topsoil

1. The Contractor shall prepare the sub-soil and eliminate uneven areas and low spots.

6.1.3. Levels

1. The Contractor shall maintain lines, levels, profiles and contours. Otherwise changes
shall be made in gradual grades and blend slopes into level areas, with the approval by
the Engineer.

6.1.4. Scarify

1. Topsoil shall be scarified to a depth of 100mm where soil mixture is placed.

6.1.5. Cultivation

1. Cultivation shall be repeated in areas where equipment used for hauling and spreading
soil mixture has compact the subsoil.

6.1.6. Coordination

1. Carpet grass installer shall coordinate with irrigation installer and utility inspector prior to
this work.

6.1.7. Placing of Soil Mixture

1. Refer to 3.3.11 above.

6.1.8. Rolling of Carpet Grass

1. Carpet grass shall be rolled with a use of water drum roller to compact grass lightly.

6.1.9. Filling-up

1. Low patches and low areas shall be filled-up with dune sand as final levelling.
CEG International Specification

6.1.10. Irrigation

1. Grass shall be irrigated adequately to saturate the top 100mm of soil.


6.2.1. Watering

1. During establishment of grass areas, sufficient water application shall be ensured to

maintain healthy growth. Carry out watering using sprinklers until full depth of topsoil is

6.2.2. Plastic Mowing Strip / Planting Separator

1. Grassed planting bays shall be separated from adjacent groundcovers, shrubs or

aggregate finish areas by an approved plastic mowing strips fixed to manufacturer’s

6.2.3. First Cut

1. When 90% of the area is covered by grass, lawn shall be cut to a height of approximately
40mm using mowing machines in preference to cutting knives.

2. After cutting, the area covered by grass shall be fertilized with Sulphate of Ammonia at
the rate of 30 g/m then water thoroughly.

6.2.4. Subsequent Cuts

1. The area shall be mowed subsequently to keep grass at approximately 50 mm height.

6.2.5. Cleanliness

1. Soil shall be removed from hard surfaces and leave the site in a clean and tidy condition.

1.1.1 7.1. GENERAL

1.1.2 7.1.1. Maintenance Personnel

1. Maintenance personnel shall have experience in Qatar-based landscape contracting

company specializing in installing and planting.

1.1.3 7.1.2. Maintenance Manual

1. Upon completion of defects and liability period, and prior to final acceptance, the
Company shall be provided with four (4) copies of a bound and waterproof maintenance

2. The manual shall contain seasonal irrigation water and fertilizer application rates,
pesticide, insecticide, fungicide and herbicide applications by plant type.

3. Maintenance manual shall also include in detail all general landscape maintenance
procedures for soil and all types of planting groups being part of the Project including but
not necessarily limited to:

a) Pruning i) Irrigation
b) Trimming j) Disease Control
c) Thinning k) Insect Control
d) Edging l) Pest Control
e) Mowing m) Weed Control
CEG International Specification
f) Fertilization n) Re-sprigging
g) Top-dressing o) Replanting
h) Weeding p) Repairing

4. The manuals shall be written in both Arabic and English.

1.1.4 7.1.3. Penalty for Non-Performance or Delay

1. Due to the nature of the soft landscaping and the effect it has on the public appearance,
the Contractor shall carry out the maintenance work as scheduled and directed by the
Engineer. Failure to do so will have severe consequences on the Contractor, and the
Engineer may take action on the maintenance work.

2. The main Contractor shall bear all the cost implications arising from this action and no
payment shall be processed until the main Contractor processes the payment due to the
new Contractor that carried out the work.

3. The Contractor shall execute the require maintenance work in accordance with the
approved maintenance program or schedule without any delay and to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.

4. In the event the Contractor fails to carry out the work specified, the Client shall employ
persons other than the Contractor’s staff to carry out the work and shall recover from the
Contractor such costs incurred thereby from any moneys due, or which become due, to
the Contractor.

5. In addition, the Contractor shall be liable to penalties as follows:

a) Delay in cutting and maintaining grass – QR500 per 1000m per day.
b) Delay in cutting and maintaining groundcover plants – QR500 per 1000m per day.
c) Delay in pruning and maintaining hedges – QR500 per meter per day.
d) Delay in pruning and maintaining trees and shrubs – QR50 per plant per day.
e) Delay in applying fertilizer and soil amendment – QR500 per 1000m per day.
f) If delay in replacing dead plant is more than 6 days, the Client will reserve the right to
hire another Contractor to replant the missing plant and shall recover from the main
Contractor such costs incurred thereby from any moneys due, or which become due,
to the Contractor.

1.1.5 7.1.4. Plant Replacement

1. All dead and unhealthy plants shall be removed immediately; palms that do not show a
healthy growth within 90 days shall be replaced.

1.1.6 7.1.5. Duration of Maintenance Period

1. Maintenance works upon planting material and irrigation installations shall be carried-out
by the Contractor for the period of 400 days from the date of issue of Primary Hand-over

1.1.7 7.1.6. Cleanliness

1. The Contractor shall maintain all materials installed and keep the site clean during

2. The premises shall be kept neat and orderly at all times including storage areas for plants
and other materials.

3. Rubbish including debris resulting from horticultural works shall be removed from the site
daily as the work progresses.

4. Paved areas shall be kept clean by sweeping and/or hosing.

CEG International Specification
1.1.8 7.1.7. Tags and Labels

1. Nursery stakes and ties shall be removed from all plants.

1.1.9 7.1.8. Personnel

1. The Contractor shall submit list of personnel, workforce and adequate equipment to
perform the maintenance works herein specified to be carried out from the date of
acceptance of the Project by the Engineer until the completion of the 400 days plant
establishment period.



2.1.1 7.2.1. The Trees, Shrubs and Grasses

1. Trees, shrubs, grasses and other plants shall thrive and the Contractor shall carry out all
normal horticultural operations to ensure coming about.

a) All the supplied plants shall be healthy and not weak nor dead, it must be meeting
the Project’s requirements as per specifications.
b) During maintenance period, the Contractor is responsible for maintaining and
replacing withered plants until the end of the contract.
c) All agricultural processes shall be under the supervision and approval of the

2.1.2 7.2.2. The Ground

1. Ground shall appear neat, tidy and well-cared for and the collection and disposal of
rubbish and litter of all sorts from paths, lawns and beds shall be part of the Contractor
responsibilities and he shall allow for it in his rates.

2.1.3 7.2.3. Fallen Leaves

1. Fallen leaves, small barks and twigs, and debris shall be cultivated in to the soil if
approved by the Engineer.

2.1.4 7.2.4. Surfaces for Palms and Trees

1. Surfaces for palms and trees shall not be dug deep. On the contrary, the saucers shall be
maintained as shallow as possible and surrounding groundcover or grass shall not be
allowed to reach the tree.

2.1.5 7.2.5. Defects

1. Trees, shrubs, or plants that are found to be dead, unhealthy or vandalized during the
maintenance period shall be removed and immediately replaced with the approved, true-
to-species and equivalent trees, shrubs or plants.

2.1.6 7.2.6. Maintenance

1. Maintenance of planted areas shall be provided from the date of provisional acceptance
until the end of the maintenance period and final acceptance.
CEG International Specification
2.1.7 7.2.7. Cultivation

1. Planting beds shall be kept clear from weeds by cultivating and applying of herbicides. If
necessary, fork over beds to keep the soil loose.

2.1.8 7.2.8. Fertilizer

1. Fertilizer shall be applied for all plants as specified in Table 1.

Table 1. Fertilizer Application Schedule During Maintenance Period

Type of Ground Seasonal

Item Grass Hedges Palms Trees Shrubs
Fertilizer Cover Plants

Urea / 2 2 2 2 1 kg/tree 2 2
20 g/m 25 g/m 25 g/m 30 g/m 25 g/m 25 g/m
1 Ammonium every 6
monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly
Sulfate months

2 2 2 2 1 kg/tree 2 2
20 g/m 25 g/m 25 g/m 30 g/m 25 g/m 25 g/m
2 NPK every 6
monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly
Slow 20 g/m 500 g
200 g / 40 g / 3
3 Release every 2 - - - February
3 times times
Fertilizer months and May
as per as per As per
as per as per as per as per
Table.6 Table.6 Table.6
Organic Table.6 Table.6 Table.6 Table.6
4 After January January
Fertilizer Every 6 Before Every 6 January
plug and And
months planting months and May
aeration May May

2.1.9 7.2.9. Prune Plants

1. At appropriate time to remove dead or dying and diseased wood and suckers, to promote
healthy growth and natural shape.

2. Dress cut end exceeding 25 mm diameter with approved tree wound dressing.

3. Preserve the natural character. Do not remove leader or small branches along trunks.

4. Use clean sharp tools and make cuts clean and flush without leaving stubs.

5. Cut back to living tissue.

6. Cuts, scars and bruises shall be shaped as not to retain any water.

2.1.10 7.2.10. Pruning Paint

1. Pruning paint shall be an approved asphalt-based commercial paint (tree seal or

approved equal) prepared for tree surgery containing fungicide and shall be applied to
any tree or shrub wound larger than 20 mm diameter.

2. Paint shall cover all exposed cambium as well as other exposed living tissues.

2.1.11 7.2.11. Hedges and Topiary

1. All hedges and topiaries shall be trimmed every four (4) weeks during high vegetation
period, every two (2) weeks in case of excessive growth of certain species. The wood
shall never appear after trimming.
CEG International Specification
2. Topiary shall be trimmed with specific steel wire frame to match designed topiary. The
geometrical patterns shall be trimmed using stretched ropes and high guides to maintain
shape personnel.

3. Trimming of topiary shall be done in accordance with designed shapes while hedges
shall be maintained in accordance with designed continuity.

4. Cut back dead stems to just above healthy buds. Limit the amount of pruning to minimum
necessary to encourage proper growth and not to change natural shape habit.

5. Apply tree wound dressing or fungicide on all pruned stems to avoid infection.

2.1.12 7.2.12. Burlap Wrapping

1. Remove burlap or Hessian cloth wrapping from palm when new leaves show vigorous

2.1.13 7.2.13. Tree Stakes

1. Check condition of stakes, ties and guards. Replace broken or missing items. Adjust ties
if necessary to prevent rubbing of bark. Cut back damaged bark and treat wound with
tree wound dressing.

2.1.14 7.2.14. Raking

1. Gravel shall be raked to even surface, and any filter shall be removed.

2.1.15 7.2.15. Weeding

1. Removal of weed is to be done on a weekly basis for both dicotyledonous and

monocotyledonous weeds.

2. Weeds have to be removed with roots and shall not be left on grass areas for any reason,
and instead shall be put in a fresh directly to avoid spreading and falling of seeds.
3. Herbicides can be used for controlling dicotyledonous weeds.

4. Before every mowing, the grass areas are to be checked for presence of any weeds.

5. The weeding dates shall be mentioned by the Contractor and the work to be done under
the supervision and approval of the Engineer according to the site requirements as per
the Weeding Activity Record on Table 2.

Table 2. Weeding Activity Record

Weeding Date Period
Item Month Observation
st nd rd th
1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week

1 January

2 February

3 March

4 April

5 May

6 June

7 July

8 August
CEG International Specification

9 September

10 October

11 November

12 December

2.1.16 7.2.16. Pest and Disease Control

1. The Contractor shall check plant materials and take remedial action as appropriate and in
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Application of pest control schedule
is required and approval from Site Engineer is needed.

2. Fungicides or insecticides shall not be performed during the day to avoid leaf burns.
Application shall be done in the evening or early morning.

2.1.17 7.2.17. Cultivating and Hoeing

1. Cultivating shall consist of scarifying the top 80-100 mm of planting bed so lumps of soil
are all less than 50mm and all weeds are removed.

2.1.18 7.2.18. Iron Deficiency

1. Plants prone to iron and/or trace elements deficiency shall be checked monthly and
diluted iron applied as required.


2.1.20 7.3.1. Maintenance

1. Maintain grass areas immediately after placement until grass is well established and
exhibits a vigorous growing condition. Continue maintenance until Final Acceptance. Turf
areas will be accepted upon 100% coverage being approved by the Engineer.

2.1.21 7.3.2. Defects

1. Re-cultivate and re-seed bare areas and areas of dead grass. At the end of the
Maintenance Period, grass area shall already have a healthy condition, with full coverage
of grass, and without thin or bald areas.

2.1.22 7.3.3. Maintenance Period

1. Provide maintenance of the grass areas as specified below from the date of handling
over until the end of the Maintenance Period.

2.1.23 7.3.4. Mowing

1. Cut grass regularly during the growing season to maintain a height of approximately 50
mm, using approved mechanical cylindrical mowers.
2. Mowing of the grass areas are to be done to keep the height of the grass at 30 mm
minimum and 50mm maximum.

3. For mowing operations, only cylindrical lawn mowers are to be used. The blades of
mowers shall always be sharp to have proper cutting. Use of blunt blades will not
produce even shape. The lawn mowers shall be in proper condition and there shall not
have leakage of oil or petrol on the grass areas. Only trained personnel are allowed to
mow the grass areas.

4. The mowing must be done in one direction, the Contractor shall change the mowing
direction each two (2) mowing operations.
CEG International Specification
5. The Contractor shall ensure the removal of all grass cutting products and garbage
properly the same day after the grass has mowed, and dumped to an approved dumping

6. Where mowing strip is not provided, edges shall be trimmed with an appropriate weed-
eater machine. Vertical trim shall be done using manual lawn trimmer.

7. Clippings shall be raked off and taken away from site unless directed by the Engineer.

8. Grass shall be mowed in parallel strips at regular speed. Edges shall be trimmed
manually and maintained neat and tidy, curves to be smooth to centers.

9. The Contractor shall follow the schedule of mowing operation stated below.

a) May – September every 6 days

b) September – April every 5 days

10. The lawn mowing equipment shall have the following feature:

a) “Walk Behind” mower shall be used for narrow and small areas while “Ride On”
mower shall be used for larger areas.
b) The cutting width of the “Walk Behind” mower shall be 530 mm and “Ride On” shall
be 1000 mm. All mowers shall have bag attachment in the rear.
c) The lawn mower shall be capable of mowing in wet conditions.
d) After mowing, the mower shall be run over the mowed areas as a vacuum to collect
any uncollected debris.

2.1.24 7.3.5. Edging and Trimming

1. Along with the mowing operations, the edges of the grass areas are to be trimmed with
approved trimming machines.

2. Under no circumstances, the grass shall be allowed to grow down the road kerb or along
the walkway.

3. The Contractor must be accurate during edging operation and shall maintain the distance
between the grass and the garden kerb to be 50mm.

4. The grass growing along the tree barns shall be trimmed and properly maintained.

5. The edging must be done under the supervision and approval of the Engineer.

6. The edging dates shall be mentioned by the Contractor as per Table 3.

Table 3. Edging Activity Record

Item Month Dates of Edging Observations

1 January

2 February

3 March

4 April

5 May

6 June

7 July

8 August
CEG International Specification

9 September

10 October

11 November

12 December

2.1.25 7.3.6. Plug Aeration

1. Plug aeration must be done by using specific machines (aerators).

2. To have an effective growth, aeration of the grass shall be done once in every four (4)

3. Immediately after aeration and scarification, fertilizer with NPK + Urea has to be done
followed by rolling after two (2) days.

4. Aeration shall be done immediately after hard mowing to a depth of 120 mm minimum.

2.1.26 7.3.7. Vertical Cutting

1. Vertical cutting shall be done every six (6) months and immediately followed by watering
and rolling. Speed of scarifying shall be to the manufacturer’s specifications. Rake to
remove matted and dead grass and roots.

2. First, the Contractor has to mow the lawns as normal and then use scarification machine
to loosen and thin the root zone.

3. Direction of scarifying shall be altered at each scarifying session.

2.1.27 7.3.8. Watering

1. Water grass as per schedule to prevent grass and soil from drying out.

2.1.28 7.3.9. Percolation

1. In case of visibly poor soil drainage, perform soil percolation test and prepare remedy
report for the approval by the Engineer.

2.1.29 7.3.10. Rolling

1. Roll grass after watering using a light roller as required.

2.1.30 7.3.11. Inorganic Fertilizer

1. The grass areas are to be fertilized once a month, this has to be done under the
Engineer’s approval and supervision.

2. Fertilization shall be done immediately after the mowing operations.

3. Apart from those mentioned, macro or micro-nutrient application shall be applied when

4. Immediately after fertilization, proper wetting shall be done to dissolve the fertilizer.

5. The used mixture must be done according to the following proportions shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Monthly Inorganic Fertilization Application for Grass

CEG International Specification

Item Month Mixed Proportion Used NPK Contents Observations

1 January 32 g NPK + 8 g Urea

2 February 20 g NPK + 20 g Urea

3 March 20 g NPK + 20 g Urea

4 April 20 g NPK + 20 g Urea

5 May 24 g NPK + 16 g Urea

6 June 36 g NPK + 4 g Urea

7 July 36 g NPK + 4 g Urea

8 August 36 g NPK + 4 g Urea

9 September 36 g NPK + 4 g Urea

10 October 32 g NPK + 8 g Urea

11 November 32 g NPK + 8 g Urea

12 December 32 g NPK + 8 g Urea

2.1.31 7.3.12. Sprinklers Level

1. All pop-up grass sprinklers and heads shall be adjusted to be flushed with the final grade
and 250 mm from edge of grass.

2.1.32 7.3.13. Grass Replacement

1. Grass shall be replaced immediately after showing signs of deterioration or bare spots.
Protect sodded areas with warning signs during maintenance period.

2.1.33 7.3.14. Hard Mowing

1. Hard mowing shall be done three (3) times per year to 5mm prior to aeration.

2.1.34 7.3.15. Pesticide Application

1. Application of pesticides must be undertaken by an experienced staff. The work shall be

performed and supervised at all times by qualified personnel. The Contractor has to
ensure all the safety conditions for his staff. All staff must be wearing proper working
clothes, gloves and put mask during treatment.

2. The Contractor shall arrange for an inspection request prior to application.

3. The Contractor shall submit catalogue’s data and literature of manufacturer and
suppliers, it must contain information about:

a) The chemical name, structure and concentration of the active ingredients with the
spreading and emulsion materials of each product.
b) The date of product and expiry, all products must be produced no more than one (1)
year before treatment and not expired.
c) The commercial name of each product, formula description, manufacturer’s
recommended dosage for each plant, safety period after treatment, chemical
residues of each product on plants or soil, mixing ability with other pesticides or
fertilizers, and LD 50.

4. All pesticides shall be delivered to the site in the original, unopened containers bearing
the manufacturer’s guarantee and all the necessary information of usage.
CEG International Specification

5. The treatment must be done at early morning or before sunset. Water shall not be
applied only at least 24 hours after treatment.

6. The Contractor must not spray pesticides during windy and rainy weather. Ideal pressure
setting shall be used to avoid air drifting of pesticides.

7. Prior to application, the Contractor shall submit a pesticide treatment plan to the
Engineer. Application of the program shall be approved and supervised by the Engineer.

8. The Contractor shall use the save active ingredients mentioned in the plan, approved by
the Engineer who will preserve the rights to increase or decrease the dosage and
choose the best formulation of each pesticide.

9. Hydraulic equipment (Spraying Machine) shall be provided for liquid application of

pesticide with a leak-proof tank, two (2) operational nozzles to ensure a good and
sufficient coverage, positive agitation methods, controlled application pressure and
metering gauges. The Contractor may use the pesticide holder with multi-nozzle for

10. The Contractor must not apply all pesticides mentioned in the specification at the same
application to prevent the bad effects of the chemical on plants or soil. The Contractor
shall also use various types of pesticides alternatively to avoid the pest’s resistance and
shall be approved and supervised by the Engineer.

11. The Contractor must keep newly treated areas with pesticides off limit as per
manufacturer’s recommendation. The Contractor shall protect treated areas with warning
tape and signage approved by the Engineer showing the date of re-entry in Arabic and

12. According to the activity peak of the pests in Qatar, the Contractor shall do four (4)
preventive applications to ensure the inhibition of the pests during season as follows:

a) In November, the Contractor shall apply fungicide (Metalaxyl) in a slow-release

formulation such as granules to control the soil-born fungi, addition to other general
fungicide and a systemic insecticide to control other types of fungi and insects which
are capable of being active during cold weather.
b) In February, the Contractor shall apply the same formulation (Metalaxyl) with a
mixture of another general fungicide and a systemic insecticide taking into
consideration that the Contractor shall use different types of general fungicide and
insecticide than the previous application to avoid pest’s resistance.
c) In May, the Contractor shall apply a mixture of insecticide consisting of systemic and
contact insecticides in addition to general fungicide.
d) In September, the Contractor shall apply the same mixture of insecticide and
fungicide but shall use different active ingredients to ensure the best results from

13. Any occurrence of infection with different types of pests, insects, fungi and nematodes
during the whole project period, the Contractor shall be responsible of identifying and
controlling all types of infections by using the proper pesticides. Selection of pesticides
with a proper formulation and dosage shall be approved by the Engineer.

14. The Contractor shall fill the Pesticide Treatment Schedule in Table 5.

Table 5. Pesticide Treatment Schedule






Date of






1 January
CEG International Specification
2 February
3 March
4 April
5 May
6 June
7 July
8 August
9 September
10 October
11 November
12 December

2.1.35 7.3.16. Top Dressing

1. Top dressing shall be done immediately after pesticide application plug aeration spread
and brush inorganic fertilizer as per quantities shown above in Table.6. Otherwise,
aeration shall be done twice a year, end of May and beginning of September. The
aerated lawns shall be top dressed with a mix of 80% dune sand and 20% well
composted bagged animal manure.

2.1.36 7.3.17. Lawn Mowers

CEG International Specification
1. Lawn mower maintenance shall be done in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendation especially in regard to greasing and blades sharpening.

2. Blunt blades shall not be used. It alters the general appearance of the lawn.

2.1.37 7.3.18. Spiking and Raking

1. Spiking and raking shall be done once a year. During the dormant period, spike the grass
area using a spiked or hollow tined roller and rake to remove matted and dead grass and

2.1.38 7.3.19. Weeding

1. Remove weeds as they develop, either by hand or use of approved selective weed killer.
Apply herbicide in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation. Remedy damage
resulting from improper use of herbicides.

Appendix 3. Plant List, Spacing and Size Requirements.

(L/PLANT) (MM) (MM) (MM) (M)

Washingtonia Washingtonia As per

120 - 750 - - 3.0
Robusta Fan Palm design

(L/PLANT) (MM) (MM) (MM) (M)

Azadirachta Margosa As per

60 - - 60 - 1.5
Indica Tree design

Plumeria Temple As per

60 - - 460 - 1.5
Obtusa Tree Design

(L/PLANT) (MM) (MM) (MM) (M)

As per
Canna Indica Lanqa 10 200 - - 300 0.3

Bougainvilla Paper As per 100 -

12 - - 500 0.5
Glabra Flower design 150

Hymenocallis Peruvian As per 100 -

10 - - 500 0.3
Narcissiflora Daffodil design 150

Rhapis Lady As per 100 -

12 - - 500 0.5
Excelsa Palm design 150
CEG International Specification

(L/PLANT) PER M2) (MM) (MM) (MM) (M)

Joyweed 10 9 100 - - 100 - 150 0.3

Gazania Treasure
10 9 100 - - 300 0.2
Pavonia Flower
Herbstii Iresine 10 9 150 - - 300 0.25
Lantana 12 9 200 - - 300 0.3

Russelia Coral
10 9 200 - - 400 0.3
Equisetiformis Plants

Wedella Creeping
10 9 150 - - 400 0.3
Trilobata Daisy

(L/M2) PER M2) (MM) (MM) (MM) (M)

Paspalum Bahia
12 to 18 - - - - - -
vaginatum Grass


References shall be made to relevant Qatar National Construction Standards 2014 (QCS 2014).

In case of any discrepancy the most stringent requirement shall be applied and as approved by
Supervision Consultant.
CEG International Specification



1 GENERAL ……………………………………………………………………… 2

1.1 Description 2
1.2 Scope 2
1.3 Quality Assurance 3
1.4 Standards and References 3
1.5 Drawings 4
1.6 Submittals 5

2 PRODUCTS …………………………………………………………………….. 8
2.1 Pipe & Fittings 8
2.2 Application Devices 9

3 EXECUTIONS ………………………………………………………………….. 19
3.1 Protection 19
3.2 Performance 20
3.3 Inspection 20
3.4 Installation 20
3.5 System Testing 25
3.6 Flushing 27
3.7 Testing & Commissioning 27

4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE……………………………………….... 27

4.1 Maintenance Program 27
4.2 Duration of Maintenance Period 29
4.3 Operational Personnel and Manual 29
4.4 Operation Program 29

5 SPARE PARTS …………………………………………………………………. 30

5.1 General 30
CEG International Specification


1.1 Description

The purpose of this project is to supply, install and commission an automated

irrigation system with all related components for the “ Warehouse Project”
which will consists of remote control units, remote control valves, control
wires, piping system, valves, fittings, sprinklers, in-line drippers, bubblers, pump
systems, filter, water tank, and necessary accessories in all respects and in
accordance with the Project Documentation.

1.2 Scope

The scope of work shall be read in conjunction with the contract material
specifications, contract drawings, bill of quantities, contract documents,
installation details, and it includes but not limited to the following:

(a) The contractor shall undertake pressure drop calculations through

the network in addition to validation of pumps adequacy to handl e
anticipated flow & pressure drop to the satisfaction and approval of the
Client’s Engineer.

(b) The contractor shall prepare the shop drawings showing but not limited to the
Main line, laterals, solenoid valves, Irrigation Controllers, control wires
route and numbers, sprinklers, on-line drippers, and flush valves.

(b) All equipment and materials shall be supplied, installed, tested and
commissioned by an irrigation specialist employed by the contractor and
approved by the Client’s Engineer.

(c) The contractor shall submit for Engineer’s approval the technical
information and samples of the material he intends to use which should
be in accordance with the material specifications of this project.

(d) It shall be the responsibility of the contractor specialist to ensure that the
plant and equipment supplied by them produces the desired results. The
Specialist shall include all equipment, materials, accessories, finishing materials
etc., required so as to have a complete functional system. This shall include
all items of a minor nature necessary to complete the installation and usually
included in similar work whether or not specifically mentioned in the contract

(e) All materials and workmanship not fully specified herein or covered by QCS, BS
or BSCP or approved alternative shall be of such a kind as is used in first
class work and is suitable for the climatic conditions of the state of Qatar.
(f) The complete irrigation system for each site shall be fine-tuned to efficiently
CEG International Specification

and evenly irrigate all areas in accordance with the engineered design and
shall be complete in every respect. The system shall be set in operation and
adjusted to the satisfaction of the Client’s Engineer.

(g) All irrigation equipment and components shall be the product of an approved
manufacturer having a local representative Engineer capable of advising and
assisting in making the required adjustments to the system. The approval for
the manufacturer shall be obtained from the Client’s Engineer prior to
commencing any supply of work.

(h) The contractor shall commission the irrigation system upon completing the
work and then shall be handed over.

(i) The contractor and upon completing the work shall provide the Engineer
with four original sets of As-Built drawings accurately reflecting the
executed works and installation details.

(j) The contractor shall upon completing the works provide the Engineer with
detailed Operation and Maintenance Manuals (With applicable Arabic
translations) in four originals. The manuals shall include but not limited to;
complete and marked literature of all products used on the project and its
reordering part numbers. It shall also include a list of the recommended spare
parts for a period of 5 years. It shall include original color print and softcopy
of the As Built drawings.

(k) The Client’s Engineer prior to issuing the Project Handing over Certificate shall
approve the As- Built Drawings and the Operation & maintenance Manual.

(l) The details pertaining to this scope of work are herein Appendix A and
Appendix B. The Contractor shall execute his work as per the details in
Appendix A and Appendix B.

1.3. Quality Assurance

Manufacturers: Firms regularly engaged in the manufacture of irrigation

equipment, control systems, pumps, pipes, and fittings whose
products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not
less than 5 years and backed by a recognized local agent or to
the approval of the Client’s Engineer.

Installers: Firms regularly engaged in the installation of irrigation works of a

similar quality and scope as this project and to be approved by the
Client’s Engineer.

1.4 Standard and References

References shall be made to the latest QATAR CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS in

conjunction with all relevant international standards to irrigation. A list of some
of these related are shown below (but not limited to):
CEG International Specification

ASTM D 2241 ……Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pressure rated pipes
ASTM B3 ………….Bare soft and annealed copper un-insulated uncoated 14-4 AWG
solid wire
ASTM B8 …………. Class B concentric-lay-stranded copper conductors
ASTM D2466 ……. Specification for uPVC pipe Fittings Schedule 40
ASTM D2467 ……. Specification for uPVC pipe Fittings Schedule 80
ASTM D1248 ……. Standard specification for polyethylene plastic
ASTM D1785 ……. American standard for testing of material for PVC pipes
ASTM D2219 ……. Specification for PVC insulation for wire and cable
BS 1780 ………….Specification for bourdon tube pressure and vacuum
BS 3505 ………….. Specification for uPVC pressure pipes for cold
potable water
BS 4346 ………….. Joints and fittings for use with uPVC pressure pipes
BS 5150 …………..Specification for cast iron wedge and double disk gate
valves for general purposes
BS 5150 ………….. Specification for copper alloy globe, globe stop and check,
check and gate valves for general purposes
BS 8010 ………….. Code of practice for pipelines
DIN 8061 ………… Conforming to German Standards DIN 8061
DIN 8062 ……….uPVC pipes Dimensions According to German
DIN 8063 …………Pipe joint assembly and fitting for uPVC
pressure pipe
SASO 14&15 ……. Conforming to Saudi Pipes Standards

In case of any discrepancy the most stringent requirement shall be

applied and as approved by Supervision Consultant.

1.5 Drawings

1. The Tendering Contractor shall provide all necessary construction, co-ordination

drawings and certified manufacturer’s drawings for the works.

2. The drawings t o be prepared a n d provided b y the Tendering Cont ract or

shall be of recognized quality for their purpose and shall include adequate plans,
elevations, sections, schematics and other views as necessary to provide
satisfactory illustration of the services to be installed. The drawings shall be fully
co-ordinated with all other services and trades to ensure that they are co-ordinated
with the building fabric.

3. The construction drawings shall be produced to the

CEG International Specification

following scales:

(a) Schematics – not to scale.

(b) External incoming infrastructure drawings not less than 1:200.

4. The Tendering Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary

dimensions and information required for the preparation of the construction, co-
ordination, certified manufacturers, and builders work drawings.

5. The Tendering Contractor drawings shall be based on the latest drawings produced by
the Architect, or other Consultants appointed by the client.

6. The Client’s Design Team comments on a l l d e s i g n d o c u m e n t a t i o n

b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o o n l y drawings but includes specifications, calculations,
material submittals, & etc. and shall not relieve the Contractor from its
responsibility as identified or indicated in the Contractor Documents or providing
a fully functioning, efficient, operational and maintainable system.

7. The Tendering Contractor must produce and issue all the drawings, for
comments by others. Sufficient copies of these drawings shall be allowed for this

8. The construction drawings shall be issued to the Contract Administrator for

comment in adequate time to allow for any amendments and revisions to
be carried out without affecting procurement procedures or contract

9. An overall period of 14 working days will be required from receipt of drawings to

the issue of comments.

10. The Tendering Contractor shall be responsible for producing all necessary
builders work drawings in connection with the irrigation infrastructure
installations. These drawings shall include all details such as pipe
connections, sleeves, chases, weights and point loadings & etc. required to
install the services within the contract.

1.6 Submittals

1. Prior to start of any work at site the contractor has to approach all re le van t
service authorities in Qatar to obtain no objection for the work included in this
contract and record drawings for their existing services. Copy of these
drawings and no objection certificate f r o m a u t h o r i t i e s shall be submitted
to the Client’s Engineer before starting the actual work at site.

2. Shop Drawings - The contractor shall submit shop drawings in 3 sets of black
hardcopies, one set colored hardcopy and a soft copy, which to be approved by
the Client’s Engineer prior to commencing installation work. The shop
drawings shall show but not limited to valves, control wires route and numbers,
CEG International Specification

controllers’ location and flow balancing. The irrigation network shop drawings
shall as well include all necessary drawings (sections, elevations, & other views)
essential to clearly demonstrate provisions to drain the network, which shall
consists of terminal pit and others as required.

3. Please note that the contractor shall prepare detail survey of existing levels in the
contract area.

4. Trial pits should be taken at every 50 meter interval. All the existing services
shall be marked in reference to the road edge & building line along with
these depths from existing ground level & the proposed finish level. Contractor
to check availability of all the existing ducts that are marked on the tender
drawings. Contractor to propose the route of Irrigation piping based on this
information. All this information regarding trial pits, existing and proposed
levels, availability of existing ducts shall be made available to the Client’s
Engineer within mobilization period of the contract. All information shall be made
available on hardcopy & in Digital format to the Client’s Engineer as it is required
for adjusting pipes and other services alignment. In case, results of trial pits reveal
modifications on the design components, the Contractor shall be responsible to
prepare the design adjustments accordingly and submit to the Client’s Engineer
for approval.

5. Any delay to provide the above-mentioned information regarding trial

trenches, existing services & levels which affect the progress of works shall be
the responsibility of the Contractor.

6. The successful contractor shall submit shop drawings, for approval by the Client’s
Engineer, for the following:

(a) In case of any conflict between contract drawings and any existing or future
services which may necessitate re-routing the proposed irrigation main
or laterals, the Contractor has to prepare the shop drawings accordingly
and submit to the Client’s Engineer for approval. On the contrary, these
discrepancies between drawings and actual site conditions shall be flagged to the Client Team
with proposed methods and should be approved by the Client’s Engineer prior to the integration
on the shop drawings. This shall be considered as essential part of the contract.
(b) The pump/filtration chamber mechanical, electrical and civil works shop
drawings. Necessary modifications to the existing feeding chambers (civil
and m e c h a n i c a l ). Valve chambers including valves, pipe works and civil
works. Electrical control equipment with circuit diagrams.

(c) Details of mainline, profile drawings for mainline, connection to existing

approved by authority or alternative approved source of supply, lateral pipes
and other typical connections.

(d) Wiring diagrams including conduits, pull boxes, sizing and calculations to
verify that cable sizing is in accordance with Kahramaa regulations and
equipment manufacturer’s recommendations.
CEG International Specification

(e) Electrical power and control wiring diagrams for irrigation controllers, field
wiring and grounding.

(f) Layout plans for drip line layout.

(g) Layout plans for sprayer and sprinkler layouts.

(h) Detail of valve chambers and any modification to the existing feeding chambers.

(i) The approval shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibility
under the contract for successful completion of the work.

7. Products

(a) The contractor shall submit for Client’s Engineer approval prior to
commencing installation works; the products he intends to use with all
technical details and literature in accordance with the specifications
below. Material submittal shall include all irrigation system component,
fitting and accessories including but not limited to warning tape, PVC
cement and cleaner, wires, Teflon tape. A sample board shall be
submitted for approval. A material submittal list must be arranged by the
Contractor as follows:

Material Submittal List

1. Air Release Valve

2. Screen Filter
3. Polyethylene In-Line Drip
3. On-Line Dripper
4. Pressure Compensating Bubbler
5. Pop-Up Spray
6. Irrigation Controller
7. Irrigation Control Wire
8. Flow Meter
9. Solenoid Valves
10. Quick Coupling Valve
11. Rain Sensor
12. Gate Valve
13. Check Valve
14. Valve Box
15. PVC Pipe
16. PVC Fittings
17. PVC Cement
18. PVC Cleaner
19. Irrigation Pumps & Panels
20. Shop Drawing Submittal
21. Flow Balance Submittal
CEG International Specification

(b) Operation & Maintenance Manuals - The contractor shall submit four (4) sets
of black hardcopies, one set colored hardcopy and a soft copy of detailed
Operation & Maintenance Manual and one softcopy with equipment
reordering codes and literature.

(c) As-Built Drawings- The contractor shall submit 3 sets of black hardcopies,
one set colored hardcopy and a soft copy of the complete project as-built
drawings reflecting the actual site installation.

(d) Calculation: The contractor shall submit a friction loss calculation for the
irrigation system installed including a full system flow balance calculation.

(e) Guarantees: The contractor shall submit manufacturer and supplier material
guarantees for materials submittal as specified in the material specification

(f) Origin catalogue cuts, diagrams, samples, drawings and such other data
may be required to demonstrate compliance with the specification.


All materials to comply with QCS requirements.

2.1. Pipe and Fittings

1. All primary distribution pipe work shall be non-plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride

(uPVC) Class E or equivalent for all laterals and mainlines.

2. PVC pipes shall be manufactured according to ASTM D1785 or equivalent.

3. All primary distribution pipe fittings shall be solvent welded uPVC 15 bars or

4. All non-plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe fittings shall be manufactured to ASTM

D1785 or equivalent and Class E or equivalent.

5. Polyethylene pipes and fittings.

6. Flexible Pipes for irrigation in line drippers shall be in the required sizes as shown
on the drawings and extruded from linear low density polyethylene version
raw material. Pipes shall be resistant to algae and ultraviolet deterioration with
Carbon Black content not less than 2.25%.

7. Pipes and fittings manufacturer should be ISO certified with 5 years

manufacturing experience, test certificate from reputable labs should be
available prior to material ordering.
CEG International Specification

2.2. Application Devices

1. Spray Pop-Up Sprinkler

(a) The spray pop-up sprinkler shall be equipped with an adjustable arc (25-360º)
nozzle discharging at haft circle as shown in design drawings.

(b) The spray pop-up sprinkler shall automatically adjust the flow depending on
the arc setting in order to have a matched precipitation rate.

(c) The sprinkler shall have arc and radius capability. It shall also be possible to
adjust and radius from the top of the riser assembly, using an adjustment key.

(d) The sprinkler shall have an inlet screen. The body and riser of the sprinkler
shall be constructed of non-corrodible, heavy duty A.B.S. or UV R.P.

(e) The sprayer shall be located 25 cm from grass edge or as noted on design

(f) Refer to design drawing for exact radius of coverage and flow needed for each

(g) Sprinkler flow and radius coverage should be as per design drawings.

(h) The sprinkler shall carry a one-year manufacturer and supplier exchange
warranty (not prorated).

2. Integrated Dripper Line

(a) The dripper line shall consist of on ultra violet resistant low density linear
polyethylene tube with internal pressure compensating continuously self-
cleaning integral flat or cylindrical drippers welded to the inside of the wall of
the tube at the specified spacing as an integral part of the tubing assembly.

(b) The tube shall have a 15 to 17 mm outside diameter.

(c) The dripper shall be constructed of plastic with a hard plastic diaphragm
retainer and a self-cleaning diaphragm extending the full length of the dripper.
It shall have an inlet filter raised from the wall of the tubing. It shall have the
ability to independently regulate discharge rates with a constant flow at a
pressure of 7-60 psi.

(d) The dripper discharge shall be as specified on the design drawings utilizing a
combination turbulent flow/reduced pressure compensating cell mechanism
and a diaphragm to maintain uniform discharge rates. It shall also be
continuously self-cleaning during operation and under pressure.

(e) The dripper flow versus pressure shall be tested by an independent reputable
organization, and shall have available reports to be presented upon request by
the Engineer.
CEG International Specification

(f) The dripper flow shall not be affected by temperature up to 60 degrees Celsius
and shall not have a spike at start up.

(g) The filtration requirement of the dripper shall be a maximum of 120 mesh.

(h) The dripper line shall have 2 years guarantee against solar radiation and 1 year
manufacturer and supplier warranty against manufacturing defects.

3. On-Line Dripper for Irregularly Laid-Out Shrubs

(a) Single outlet, pressure compensating drippers are acceptable.

(b) Pressure compensating design deliver uniform flow at a pressure variable from
15 to 50 psi.

(c) Made of durable plastic construction and UV resistant.

(d) Diaphragm resistant to chemicals.

(e) Built in self-flushing action.

(f) Available in self-piercing inlet barb.

(g) The flow is as design drawing.

(h) On-line dripper shall be extended with a distribution component made of a UV

resistant polyethylene resin materials, 4 mm inside diameter.

(i) Polyethylene and UV resistant pipe 16 mm is used to insert in the on line

dripper, this pipe is laid underground at 5 cm depth including the online
dripper, only the distribution component is extended out the ground to a
maximum of 25 cm length.

(j) The dripper line shall have a 2 years guarantee against solar radiation and 1
year manufacturer and supplier warranty against manufacturing defects.

4. Bubbler

(a) The bubbler shall be of the pressure compensating type having a fixed flow
under a pressure range of 20 to 70 psi. It shall be constructed to corrosion and
UV resistant plastic material.

(b) The bubbler shall have an integral flow bushing to maintain a constant flow at
different pressure range.

(c) The bubbler shall have a plastic screen filter to protect it from debris that could
be available in the water.
(d) The bubbler shall be available in 0.25 to 2.0 GPM flow rates.

(e) Bubbler flow and numbers are as per design drawings details and two bubblers
are needed for palm trees and one for trees.
CEG International Specification

(f) The bubbler shall carry a two years manufacturer and supplier replacement

5. Electrical Control Solenoid Valves

(a) The electrical control solenoid valves shall be of the electronically actuated,
diaphragm operated.

(b) The valve’s body and bonnet shall be molded of non-corrodible, glass
filled nylon, rated at an operating pressure of 200 PSI. The body of the
valve shall have brass inserts, with through holes, which will accept the bonnet
Stainless steel bolts.

(c) The valve shall be equipped with an internal filter as well with a self-cleaning
metering rod, so that only clean water can enter the solenoid chamber. A
filter cleaning system, that continuously cleans the filter when the valve is
operating, shall be available.

(d) The valve shall be equipped with a flow control mechanism with handle,
which regulates the flow from full on to completely off. It shall have an
accurate set pressure regulator, to keep the downstream pressure constant
after setting it. The regulator shall be of the top dial model with clearly
shown pressure values in bar and psi. It shall regulate the flow at a pressure
range of 20 to 100 psi.

(e) The valve shall be available in 1.5, 2 and 3” inch sizes and it shall have a BSP
female thread inlet and outlet.

(f) The valve shall be equipped with automatic self-cleaning system for filter.

(h) The valve shall carry a 3 years manufacturer and supplier exchange warranty.

6. Quick Coupling Valves

(a) The Valve shall be operated by insertion of a compatible hollow coupler key.

(b) The valve shall be operated by a 90º turn in clockwise direction with
reverse turn for closure and be capable of 360-swivel action.

(c) The valves shall be of the low-pressure loss type.

(d) The valve body shall be made from brass material and have the one or
two-section type with removable upper body. It shall be supplied with
spring loaded locking cover made from thermoplastic rubber. The cover spring
shall be of stainless steel material.

(e) The valve size is 1”.

(f) The valve shall carry a 3 years manufacturer and supplier exchange warranty.
CEG International Specification

7. Gate Valves

(a) Gate valves shall be designed for a working pressure of not less than 10
bars and water operating temperature of 45° C.

(b) Valves shall be the same size as the incoming line size with a clear waterway
equal to the full nominal diameter of the valves and shall be
opened by turning counterclockwise.

(c) The operating nut or wheel shall have an arrow cast in valve indicating the
direction of opening.

(d) Valves smaller than 4” shall be all bronze conforming to BS or ASTM with
screwed end connections. Valves 4” and larger shall be cast iron body,
and shall conform to BS or ASTM with flange end connections.

(e) The valve shall carry a five years manufacturer and supplier exchange warranty.

8. Air/Vacuum Release Valves Specifications

(a) Air relief valves shall be (1”-3”) size as shown on the Drawings and shall be of
the kinetic/automatic type that will automatically release air when the lines
are being filled with water and when air entrapment occurs while the system is

(b) The Valves shall be of plastic or brass male base.

(c) The body of the valve shall be constructed of heavy duty plastic or 100%
corrosion resistant materials.

(d) The valve working components shall be constructed of 100% corrosion

resistant materials to ensure maximum life and minimum water loss due to

(e) The Valve shall remain open even when pipeline air pressure reaches
(3-10) psi.

(f) The air release valve shall employ rolling seal mechanism made of

(g) The valve shall carry a 3 years exchange warranty.

9. Check Valves

(a) The valve shall be having constructed of Brass, Cast Iron, Ductile Iron and
stainless steel materials, 100% non-corrosive.

(b) The valve shall allow flow in one direction by the action of a spring loaded
CEG International Specification

flap which closes against a rubber seal.

(c) The spring and the flap shall be connected via a moment arm in order to
ensure that the spring pressure is maximum when the valve is closed.

(d) The valve shall have a pressure rating of 16 bars.

(e) The valve shall have an external position indicator.

(f) The valve shall be available in 3”, 4”, and 6”size.

(g) The valve shall carry a 3 years exchange warranty.

10. Valve Boxes

(a) The valve boxes shall have enclosures, which are injected molded plastic or
HDPE with ultra violet additives. It shall be light in weight with reduced side
angles and increased break resistance. The valve box shall be non-conductive or

(b) The valve box cover shall have rating which indicates the substance load.

(c) The top of all valve boxes shall be set parallel with the grade and should be
located parallel to paving, kerbstone, walls or similar structures in a proper and
logical manner.

(d) Valve boxes shall have a weather proof tag attached on the inside showing the
valve number, controller number, and station number.

(e) The valve boxes shall be available in sizes to fit the solenoid valve assembly
including the union fittings and allow for easy removal of valves for

(f) The valve box should have a two years replacement warranty against buckling
and five years against cracking. All valve boxes should be name tagged with
aluminum or brass name tags, placed inside the valve box and riveted to the
outside box cover. The name tag size should be 2" by 3" and 2mm thick.

11. Filters

(a) Use a 3” disc filter on all distribution chambers with a disc filters of 120 mesh
size of 0.10 mm.

(b) Disc filters shall be corrosion resistant, with minimum pressure and high
particle retention filter area.

(c) Filters shall handle a pressure of 8 bars minimum.

d) The filter shall carry a 1 year manufacturer and 2 years supplier warranty.
CEG International Specification

12. Controllers

(a) The controllers should be capable of running the irrigation system as

scheduled; it should have a seasonal adjustment option, multiple programs,
running 2 solenoid valves at the same time using one station.

(b) The controllers should have a stainless-steel pedestal and should be

weatherproof and resists the elements.

(c) The number of stations for each controller should be equal to the total of
existing stations for all used solenoid valves, the extra spare wires for future
use and wires for future flow meter and master gate valves at each chamber.

(d) Additional 2 numbers of 10 gauge wires should be laid as provisional for

future installation of flow sensor and master gate valves at each distribution

(e) The controller should have 2 years minimum warranty against

malfunctioning and 10 years available software upgrade. Irrigation schedule
should laminate and placed in each controller cabinet.

13. Power Source

(a) The contractor shall be responsible for providing the electrical power source to
the controller from any nearby distribution panel board.

(b) The location of the controllers should not be changed and the power sourcing
should be done to suit that condition. All coordination and permits should
be arranged by the contract and at his own expense.

14. Trench Marker Tape

(a) Furnish and install trench marker above all buried irrigation pressure
pipelines and electric power cable.

(b) Provide tape manufactured from low density polyethylene material or

equivalent approved material.

(c) Provide tape 150mm wide and a minimum thickness of 100 micron.

(d) Print tape in both Arabic and English. CAUTION: IRRIGATION LINE BURIED
BELOW/ ELECTRIC CABLE BURIED BELOW (or) equivalent text that is applicable
for usage.

15. Water Wire Connector & Sealant

(a) Wire connector shall be waterproof underground wire connections.

CEG International Specification

(b) Splices of wire shall be accomplished using 3M or equivalent epoxy type compound.

16. Power Cable for Irrigation Controller and Control Panel

(a) Selection of power cable for irrigation controller and panel as per the
manufacturer recommendation.

(b) The detail of Voltage, Ampere and size of cable as per the
manufacturer recommendation and technical data.

(c) The cable shall carry a 1 year manufacturer and 2 years supplier warranty.

17. Irrigation Control Cables

(a) Electrical materials for irrigation purposes shall comply with the relevant
provisions of Section 21, Electrical Works.

(b) Irrigation control cables shall be used between the solenoid valves and the
irrigation controllers. The cables shall be of the single conductor type UF and
they shall be engineered for direct burial use. The common wire shall be
gauge 12 and the control wire shall be gauge 14.

(c) For master control valves and flow meter wires use 10 gauge wires.

(d) The wires shall be of the solid or stranded construction with soft bare
copper conductor. They shall have extra heavy thickness of special polyvinyl
chloride insulation highly resistant to the saline, acid or alkaline contaminants.

(e) The copper conductors of the wires shall meet the requirements of ASTM B-3, B-8.

(f) The thermoplastic insulation shall meet UL standard 493 and 83. All
irrigation wires shall have surface printing on insulation.

18. Irrigation Pump System

(a) The irrigation pumping system shall consist of an irrigation booster pump.
The size of the pump is as specified in each project specification.

(b) The irrigation pump should have a variable frequency drive that controls
and keep pressure constant with a variable drive system.

(c) The pump should be made of the best materials and made by a
reputable manufacturer.

(d) The operation and maintenance schedule should be submitted.

(e) The minimum replacement warranty for the pump should be 2 years if
defect occurs more than twice per year.
CEG International Specification

(f) The supplier should submit a guarantee of 2 days maximum repair time for
the pump including availability of spare parts.

(g) The pump warranty should cover all parts of the pumping system including the
control board piping and check valve to a minimum of five years against
manufacturer defects.

(h) The Materials of Construction of the irrigation pump system shall be as follows:

(i) Pump

The pump shall composed of two (2) vertical multistage centrifugal pumps
(booster pump set) fitted with standard motor. Each pump should consist of
a base and a pump head. The chamber stack and outer sleeve shall be
secured between the pump head and the base by means of stay bolts.

The pumps shall be equipped with mechanical shaft seal. The base shall have
a suction and discharge ports on the same level (in-line) and of the same port
size. Pump head and base should be made of cast iron with stainless steel
shaft, impeller, chamber, and outer ring. All other hydraulic parts of the
pump must be made of stainless steel.

Pumps shall perform the specified duty at a maximum ambient temperature

of 52ºC. The pump unit should be fitted with variable frequency drive and
other necessary accessories for safety operation.

(ii) Motor

Motors shall be totally enclosed, fan cooled (TEFC) rated 415 V, 3 phase, 50
Hz, A.C. system, and should have a minimum Class ‘B’ insulation.

All motors should suit the maximum temperature of air passing over the
motors and the additional temperature rise caused by exposure to the sun.

All motors brought to site not complying with the above mentioned voltage
and insulation requirements shall not be accepted.

(iii) Manifold

Suction and discharge manifolds shall be made of galvanized iron (GI) pipe,
Schedule 40. Such manifolds should be fitted on the suction and discharge
side of the pumps.

Gate valve shall be fixed between the suction manifold and the individual
pumps. While a gate valve and non-return valve shall be fitted between the
discharge manifold and the individual pumps as shown in the drawing.

(iv) Control Panel

CEG International Specification

The control panel shall be built-in with all necessary components (e.g. with a
fan to remove the surplus heat generated by the frequency converter).

The control panel should be mounted on its own steel angle base frame. This
shall be suitable for floor mounting.

The cable supplied shall allow the control panel to be placed up to 2 meters
from the pump system.

The control panel shall be provided with auxiliary contacts for integration to
Central Control System (CCS) or Building Management System (BMS).

(v) Contractor shall validate the pump selection parameters as indicated on

the Equipment Schedule against its shop drawing routing and selected
terminal and control devices pressure drop requirements, failure to do so,
the Contractor shall be responsible of replacing the pump with one to

19. Underground Irrigation Water Tank

The underground water tank shall be reinforced concrete, see Structural detailed
drawings and specifications.

The tank shall be fitted with, but not limited to the following:

(a) Electrical type float switch.

(b) Close fitting openings on top of tank for float switch wiring.

(c) Sealed manhole cover adjacent to float valve.

(d) Vent pipe with stainless steel insect screen.

(e) Internal stainless steel ladder

(f) Puddle flanges for inlet and outlet pipes connection

20. Flow Sensor

(a) The flow meter shall be of an Electromagnetic insertion type, operated with
24 V direct current.

(b) It shall be compatible with the irrigation control system. And Capable of
reading flow from 0 to 25% higher than the maximum flow in the largest
mainline pipe.
CEG International Specification

(c) Frequency of sampling and reading flow shall be selectable from 10 times per
second to one time in 10 minutes or (As per manufacture requirements).
(d) The wire of flow sensor should be minimum 20 AWG.

(e) The warranty shall include the flow meter and the signal converter and
should be for 5 years suppliers’ warranty.

21. Master Control Valve

(a) The master control valve should be cast iron compatible with the existing
controller and operated with 24 V direct Electrical current.

(b) The warranty should be for 3 years suppliers warranty and 1 year
minimum manufacturer warranty.

(c) The local supplier should be an existing Qatari firm with minimum 5 years of
operational history.

22. Miscellaneous

(a) Irrigation Drip Line Stakes: Stakes for securing flexible pipes shall be heat
resistant plastic.

(b) Keys: the Contractor shall provide Keys for all valves, controller cabinets,
boxes, quick couplers, etc. The number of keys to be provided to the
Engineer for each type of fitting shall be six (6).

(c) Hoses: Hoses, quick couplers and appropriate connectors shall be provided
by the Contractor for quick coupling valves, drain down points, etc. The
number of hoses/connectors shall be: 1 (one as sample) the hose should be
fifty (50) meters of industrial weight double nylon cord reinforcement or
double tire cord reinforced of an untangling and high pressure type.

(d) Quick couplers Swivel end unit: One (1) quick coupler with swivel end unit
shall be provided for each installed eight (8) quick coupling valves.

(e) Distribution chamber: Should be made of reinforced concrete as specified and

approved by the drainage department, it should allow for easy
installation and removal of component inside and should be water
proofed with waterproofing paints and membrane. The membrane should
be protected with a protection board.

(f) Chamber Aluminum cover: The aluminum cover should be made to fit the
new chambers shown on the project details drawing and it should have the

(i) Hinged aluminum access cover shall be obtained from an approved

experienced manufacturer and shall be fabricated from checker-plate. The
cover shall be capable of withstanding a load of 750 kg/m2 without
CEG International Specification

deflecting more than 1% of the span, and without damage or permanent


(ii) Hinges shall not stand proud of the cover, and sealed lifting eyes shall be
provided completed with two lifting keys for each cover.

(iii) Covers should open to approximately 10 degree past the vertical, and
stays should be provided to hold the cover in this position.

(iv) All joints shall be welded/soldered in an inert atmosphere.

(v) The faces of the frame which will come into contact with the cement
mortar or concrete shall be painted with two coats of bituminous paint
before installation of the frame.

23. Connection to Existing Services

(a) The Contractor shall co-ordinate and provides water and electrical connection
points as follows:

(i) connections to water sources

(ii) make all connections to electrical panels or transformers

(b) The Contractor shall be responsible for making connections to existing

piping, valves, conduit, and appurtenances utilizing proper adaptation tools
and procedures.


3.1 Protection

1. All materials shall be handled and shipped in accordance with the relevant
provisions of Part 9 of Section 1, General.

2. All materials shall be shipped or otherwise conveyed in such a manner as to

assure no damage. All boxes shall be securely sealed and clearly marked with the
name of the manufacturer. All pipes shall be protected from crimping, crushing
and splitting. All nonmetallic system components shall be protected from sunlight
exposure as per the manufacturer's recommendations.

3. Work and materials shall be protected from damage during storage, handling and
construction. Particularly, non-metallic pipes and fittings shall be protected from
direct sunlight during storage. Facilities of the necessary dimensions shall be
provided and maintained for storage of all non-metallic irrigation materials in
their entirety. All non- metallic materials shall be handled carefully and stored
under cover to avoid damage. Pipes that have been damaged or dented will not be
CEG International Specification

used in this work.

4. In addition to the provisions for the protection of non-metallic

components, special attention shall be given to the protection of the control
system components. Protection shall be provided as per the manufacturer's
written recommendations.

5. Openings into the system, apparatus and equipment shall be securely covered,
both before and after being set in place, to prevent obstruction in the pipes and
the breakage, misuse or disfigurement of the apparatus or equipment.

6. Barricades, guards, warning signs and lights as necessary or required, for the
protection of the public and the work force shall be provided.

7. Utilities: The location of existing underground utilities shall be determined and

the works performed in a manner which will avoid possible damage. Hand
excavation, as required shall be carried out to minimize the possibility of damage
to existing underground utilities.

3.2 Performance

1. The Contractor shall stake-out the locations of all pipe and valves and the layout
of work as accurately as possible.

2. The Contractor shall verify all horizontal and vertical site dimensions prior to staking.

3. The Contractor will be responsible for relocating any existing services after first
obtaining the Client’s Engineer approval. The Contractor shall remove and
relocate such services, at his own expense, if so directed by the Client’s Engineer.

4. Before starting work on irrigation systems, the Contractor shall carefully check all
grades to determine that work may safely proceed, keeping within the specified
material depths.

5. Fittings installed on pipes beneath pavements or walls shall be shown on drawings.

6. All changes shall be recorded daily on the “As-Built" worksheets.

3.3 Inspection

1. The Contractor shall inspect all products for damage immediately before
installation. Any products that are found to be damaged or not in accordance
with the specifications shall immediately be repaired or removed from the site
and replaced. Repairs shall not be undertaken without the Client’s Engineer
approval of Contractor's proposed action.

3.4 Installation

1. Excavation and backfilling shall be in accordance with detail drawings.

CEG International Specification

(a) Mainline shall be placed at 70 cm deep and warning tape 20 cm above pipe as
shown in design drawings.

(b) Lateral lines should be placed at 35 cm deep without warning tape

above. (c) Width of trench to be 40 cm minimum width.

2. Sand bedding layer of 10 cm minimum is required under the irrigation pipe.

3. Sand surround to a minimum 15 around the irrigation pipe is required.

4. In bedding and backfilling granular material shall be used below and above the
pipes. The backfill material shall be free of stones.

5. Cast-in-place concrete shall be in accordance with the common civil works

standards covering the concrete class, shattering work, curing procedures etc.

6. All products shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions

and the drawings.

7. Location of Irrigation Lines

(a) Where the location of an irrigation line is not clearly dimensioned on the
drawings, the irrigation line shall not be laid horizontally closer than 3.0 meters
from a sewer.

(b) However, where the bottom of the irrigation line will be at least 0.3 meters
above the top of the sewer pipe, the irrigation line shall not be laid closer
horizontally than 1.5 meters from the sewer.

(c) Where irrigation lines cross under gravity-flow sewer lines, the sewer pipe
shall be fully encased in concrete, for a distance of at least 3.0 meters each
side of the crossing or shall be made of pressure pipe with no joint located
within 1.0 meters horizontally of the crossing.

(d) Irrigation lines shall, in all cases, cross 0.6 meter above sewage pressure mains.

(e) Lateral lines shall be 2 meters away from center of trees, palms and large shrubs.

(f) Generally, where the irrigation distribution or secondary main with

accompanying cable bundle is running under hard surfaces or landscaped
areas the pipe and the cables will be directly buried in a clean sand bed with
a marker tape above. At road junctions or other locations where pipes cross
the road they shall be contained in a direct buried PVC sleeve. The sleeve
shall extend beyond the road crossing by at least one meter on both sides.
The sleeve shall be a minimum of 100 mm diameter and for larger pipes will
be at least 25mm greater in diameter than the pipe running through it.
CEG International Specification

8. Placing and Laying

(a) Pipes shall not be laid in water or when trench conditions are otherwise
unsuitable for the work. Water shall be kept out of the trench until the
material in the joints has hardened or until caulking or jointing is completed.
When work is not in progress, open ends of the pipe, fittings, and valves shall
be securely closed so that no substance will enter the pipes or fittings.

(b) Pipe ends left for future connections shall be valve, plugged or capped, and
anchored, as shown or as directed. Pipes that have the grade or joint
disturbed after laying shall be taken up and laid.

(c) All piping with the exception of the flexible irrigation drip line shall be
surrounded by a sand bed to the dimensions as shown on the drawings.

9. Plastic pipes: Pipes with threaded joints shall be snaked from side to side of the
trench to allow for expansion and contraction.

10. Jointing

(a) Pipe joints of UPVC shall be installed in accordance with recommendations

of the manufacturer. Excess jointing material shall be removed. Heavy duty
jointing material will be used only. (b) UPVC male adaptors with specified
threaded joint compounds to make connections between plastic pipe and
valves shall be used as detailed, and tightened with light wrench pressure.

11. Concrete thrust blocks shall be constructed on main pipelines at all changes in
direction or size. The thrust blocks shall be non-reinforced concrete and shall
have a minimum dimension of 300 mm. The pipelines shall be located centrally in
the thrust blocks.

12. Irrigation piping from the remote control valve boxes to the end of the irrigation
drip lines shall be buried to the depths as shown on the Drawings.

13. Closing of Pipe and Flushing Lines

(a) Closing: Openings in piping systems shall be capped or plugged, leaving caps
and plugs in place until removal is necessary for completion of the
installation. Dirt and debris shall be prevented from entering pipe or

(b) Flushing: All pipes and tubing shall be thoroughly flushed out before
installation of the emitter control valves. Butt joints, fittings and connections
shall remain visible.

14. Tagging and Identification: All remote control valves, motor-operated valves,
pressure reducing valves, manually-operated gate valves and controllers shall
be tagged and identified. All identifying numbers shall be consistent with like
CEG International Specification

designations indicated on the irrigation controller schedule.

15. Site Equipment Installation

(a) Isolation Valve/Gate Valve: Shall be installed as detailed and where

indicated on Drawings.

(b) Remote Control Valve Assembly: Shall be installed in the positions as

indicated in the details, remote control valve assembly comprising gate valve,
remote control valve with pressure regulator, and all appurtenances. Valve
boxes containing the assembly shall not be placed closer than 300mm to
paved areas. When the pressure gauge will be properly attached, the outlet
pressure shall be set as required during coverage tests.

(c) Valve Boxes: Shall be installed as detailed and where indicated on Drawings.
All valves and valve assemblies shall be mounted in boxes as detailed.

(i) The top of all boxes shall be set parallel with the grade and as detailed in a
neat and orderly fashion.

(ii) Shall be placed parallel to paving, kerbstone, walls or similar structures

and where more than one box, parallel to each other.

(iii) All box locations shall be reviewed with the Engineer prior to installation
of valves.

(iv) Valve boxes shall not rest on or come in contact with the valve, piping,
hose or conduit.

(v) Solenoid valve boxes shall have a weather proof tag attached on the inside
showing the valve number, controller number and station number.

(vi) A filter fabric shall cover the valve box and the soak away and taped to
the valve box side just 10 cm below cover.

16. Control System

(a) Irrigation Controller

(i) An irrigation controller shall be installed in locations approved by the

Engineer, with the control cables, clearly marked with identification
markers, attached to the appropriate terminals in the approved manner.

(ii) Shall be secure to a concrete pad with approved anchor bolts. Chipping,
cracking, or otherwise marring the finish of enclosure when securing to the
concrete pad shall be avoided.

(iii) Programming of Irrigation Controller: Using the controller schedule

CEG International Specification

provided on the drawings, as a guide, the irrigation controller shall be

programmed to correspond with the initial irrigation sequencing and
duration of the cycles for each zone. The Contractor may find that during
establishment and maintenance the schedule has to be modified to
achieve a correct irrigation regime in accordance with good
horticultural practice, such modification shall be approved by the engineer.

17. Irrigation - Electrical

(a) All electrical work shall be in conformance with Qatar General Electricity &
Water Corporation (QGEWC) Regulations and as further specified in
Section 21, Electrical Work, inclusive of the following:

(i) The contractor shall provide, install, test and commission all items of
electrical equipment associated with the irrigation systems.

(ii) All electrical works shall be in accordance with the BS and IEC.
(iii) The irrigation system shall commence at the controllers, which shall be
fitted into a dwarf type distribution cabinet with solar shade and shall
have a bolting down foot for mounting on a pre-formed concrete base.
All incoming and outgoing cables shall be from below ground level. The
cabinet shall have a hinged lockable opening door to provide full front
access to the controller and equipment and shall be sized according to
the equipment being installed.

(iv) All equipment, conductors, termination, etc., within the pillar and
throughout the irrigation system generally shall be fully insulated such
that there are no live parts or connections exposed and shall be to the
complete satisfaction of the Engineer.

(v) The irrigation pillar shall have sufficient free space for fitting a kWh
meter together with any additional equipment or accessories required to
complete the equipment.

(vi) Each irrigation pillar shall have permanently fixed on the inside of the
door, a distribution diagram showing all circuits connections, ratings,
cable sizes, etc., together with a current controller schedule.

(vii) All terminals shall be of the crimped spade type with insulated grip
at all connection locations 150 mm of "slack" shall be provided.
(viii) Conductor markers shall be used throughout which shall clearly indicate
the circuit reference or number. These shall be white plastic with
black letters or numbers and of the type which acts as a sleeve over the
conductor insulation.

(ix) Connections onto valves shall be made in a below ground PVC resin
filled molded waterproof connector with integral wire clamp.

(x) Solenoid valve cables shall be laid along the mainline at a horizontal
CEG International Specification

distance of 20 cm from the irrigation pipe.

(xi) Wiring under streets, driveways and other vehicular areas, and under
walks, plazas and other hardscapes areas shall be installed as specified in
Section 6, Roadworks:

18. Drip Line/Soft Line Testing

(a) Drip lines shall be carefully uncoiled and laid in position without kinking.
Any kinked section shall be cut from the line and subsequently rejoined with a
line joiner section.

(b) Drip lines shall be snaked as required for maximum coverage without the use
of compression fittings. Sharp bends shall be avoided where there is a
likelihood of causing kinks in the line.

(c) Drip lines shall be laid on the ground surface for a minimum of 48 hours prior
to the installation of irrigation emitters or stakes.

19. Concrete Pads

(a) Installation as detailed and where shown on the Drawings of controllers


(b) The exact location shall be confirmed to the Engineer prior to pouring.

(c) Specified non-metallic conduit shall be provided as required to penetrate

boxes and enclosures as approved by the Engineer.

(d) The anchor bolts shall be set in coordination with enclosure hole locations.

3.5 System Testing

1. Purging

(a) Immediately prior to hydrostatic testing, all irrigation lines shall be

thoroughly purged of all entrapped air.

(b) Mainline piping system may be tested in sections. Lateral Systems shall be
tested valve by valve.
(c) Water shall be discharged from a single outlet by manipulation of
isolation control valves and installation of temporary caps.

(d) Water shall be introduced into lines to be tested at full operating head and
the water flow at end discharge point, and observed until all air and
residual debris has been expelled from the line.

2. Initial System Test

CEG International Specification

(a) Individual parts of the main network between isolation valve points having a
length not greater than 500 meters shall be tested together with dead legs
before backfilling operation.

(b) Test shall be made only after completion of the above operations and not
until at least seven days after the last concrete thrust anchor block has been

(c) Contractor shall supply all testing material and equipment, including all
caps, valves, pumps, tanks, water and gauges as required.

(d) Pressure gauges shall be dual reading in bar and psi units. Calibration shall
be such that accurate determination of potential pressure loss can be

(e) The section of the main pipeline to be tested shall be filled with potable
water and all air expelled. After the main pipeline has been completely
filled, the pressure shall be steadily and gradually increased until the specified
test pressure has been reached. Simultaneous pressure and leakage tests and
separate pressure test shall be made at 150 % of working pressure at the
point of test, but not less than 125% of normal working pressure at
highest elevation. Separate elevation test shall be made at 150 % of normal
working pressure of the segment tested. The minimum pressure test for
mainlines is 9 bars and leakage test for lateral lines. Duration of pressure and
leakage tests shall be 4 hours. All testing shall comply with AWWA M23-80,
Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe Design and Installation. Testing shall comply with
AWWA specifications and requirements.

(f) Separate tests shall be applied to the lateral distribution pipe work and the
irrigation pipe work from the remote control valves outwards. Test
pressures for these shall be as described above.

(g) When testing the irrigation lines from the valves, discharge devices shall be
replaced with temporary plugs or caps.

(h) All trenches with pipe installed shall be immediately backfilled with
preliminary sand backfill sufficient to prevent arching or slipping under
pressure. All joints, fittings and connections are to remain exposed until
successful completion of hydrostatic testing.

(i) Other than for preliminary sand backfill over pipes, no work shall be covered
before it has been inspected, tested and approved by the Engineer.

(j) During the tests, all exposed couplings, fittings and valves shall be carefully
examined for defects and leakage. Leaking pipes, couplings, joints, fittings
and equipment shall be repaired or replaced and the section retested as
previously specified.
(k) Upon receipt of approval of the Engineer to proceed, the remaining
backfill shall be placed and compacted to ninety percent (90%) of maximum dry
CEG International Specification


3. Final System Test: The tests as specified above shall be repeated for the entire
network after pipelines have been backfilled, cleaned and inspected. Each test
shall be restricted to pipes of one class and particular care shall be taken to
isolate air valves, etc. and not to apply higher pressures than specified at any
point on the pipeline and to ensure that the pipelines are adequately anchored
before any test is carried out.

4. Test Results: Written records of every test clearly identifying the tested section of
the pipe together with time of test and name of testing engineer in tabulated
format shall be submitted for review and approval by the Engineer upon
completion of the tests.

3.6 Flushing

1. General: On completion of the system test, the system is to be thoroughly

flushed, the velocity of water being at least 1 m/s. Should the main water
supply be unavailable or inadequate for this purpose at the time of flushing,
then a swab of adequate size shall be used to remove all foreign matter from
the pipeline. This process shall continue until the pipeline is completely clean.
Each control valve shall be opened separately and the terminal systems also
thoroughly flushed. After completion of flushing, the emitters and other discharge
devices shall be fitted.

2. Operation Test: After the hydrostatic test, emitters shall be installed and the
system completed and tested to demonstrate functional efficiency. This shall be
prior to covering the laterals with mulch if used.

3. The lines shall be operated for a period of 24 hours, not necessarily in one
continuous period, and all emitters checked for satisfactory operation. Any
faulty/blocked emitters shall be replaced.

3.7 Testing and Commissioning

1. On completion of the entire irrigation system installation, the system shall be

commissioned to demonstrate the proper functioning of the system. The
process of commissioning shall be carried out in the presence of the Engineer’s
2. Adjustment and re-testing of emitters, control valves etc., shall be carried out
until satisfactory result is obtained and the whole system is functioning to
the design requirement.


4.1 Maintenance Program

1. Maintenance Personnel: to h a v e e x p e r i e n c e in Q a t a r b a s e d
CEG International Specification

l a n d s c a p e co n t ractin g company specializing in installing irrigation system

for landscape.
2. Maintenance Manual: Upon completion of work and prior to initial acceptance,
provide the Engineer with Four (4) copies of a bound maintenance manual and one
(1) softcopy. (a) The manual shall contain a list of all irrigation system components

(i) Component description.

(ii) Supplier name, address, telephone, email and contact person.

(iii) Warranty start and end date.

(iv) Spare parts available for each component.

(v) Maintenance program by date for each component and the description of
the maintenance procedure, cleaning, flushing, lubricating, changing
parts, updating etc.

3. The general manual headings and descriptions shall be both Arabic and English.

4. PENALTY FOR NON-PERFORMANCE/ DELAY: Due to the nature of the soft

landscaping and the effect it has on the public appearance, the contractor must
carry out the irrigation maintenance work as scheduled and direct by the
Engineer. Failure to do so will have severe consequences on the contractor
and the Engineer may take action the maintenance work. The Main
Contractor shall bear all the cost implications arising from this action and no
payment shall be processed until the Main Contractor processes the payment
due to the new contractor that carried out the work.

5. The Contractor shall execute the required maintenance work in accordance with
the approved maintenance program / schedule without any delay and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. In the event the Contractor fails to carry out the
work specified, The authorized person shall employ persons other than the
Contractor’s staff to carry out the work and shall recover from the Contractor
such costs incurred thereby from any monies due, or which become due, to the
Contractor. In addition the Contractor shall be liable to Penalties as follows:

(a) Delay in replacing damaged sprinklers.

(b) Delay in replacing damaged manual valves.

(c) Delay in replacing damaged remote valves.

(d) Delay in replacing damaged valve boxes.

(e) Delay in replacing damaged pipes.

CEG International Specification

(f) Delay in cleaning “Y” strainer.

(g) Delay in cleaning disc filters.

(h) Delay in repair of pumps beyond 2 days- Replacement of the pump in

addition to cost of irrigating by hand.

(i) Delay or manual operation of controllers.

(j) Delay in replacement of controllers.

(k) Delay in watering plants.

(l) Not following the approved irrigation schedule.

(m) Opening irrigation valves outside the irrigation schedule.

(n) Water leaks to the street.

(o) Due to non-availability of TSE water the contractor shall deliver and
properly irrigate the area.

4.2 Duration of Maintenance Period

1. Maintenance works upon irrigation installations shall be carried-out by the

Contractor for the period of 400 days from the date of issue of Primary Hand-
over Certificate.

4.3 Operational Personnel and Manual

1. Operational Personnel: to have experience in Qatar based landscape contracting

company specializing in installing irrigation system for landscape.

2. Operational Manual: Upon completion of work and prior to initial acceptance,

provide the Engineer with Four (4) Hard copies of a bound operational manual and
one (1) softcopy.

(a) The manual should contain a list of all irrigation system components including:

(i) Original operational manual.

(ii) Operational schedules.

(iii) The general manual headings and descriptions shall be both in Arabic and

4.4 Operation Program

1. The contractor shall operate and maintain the irrigation system

CEG International Specification

throughout the maintenance period, and shall provide staff in full time attendance
throughout the period.

2. The maintenance of the irrigation system shall cover all work necessary to
adequately operate and keep all irrigation equipment, valves, pipelines and
appurtenances in proper operating condition, all to the satisfactory of the

3. Maintenance shall include but not limited to the following:

(a) Supply of irrigation water of suitable quality and adequate quantities to

meet the irrigation requirements. The contractor shall arrange to obtain
water from an approved source. A full analysis of the irrigation water shall
be submitted to the engineer for approval and then at one month intervals
thereafter during the maintenance period.
(b) Irrigation of areas forming part of the works at a frequency and depth as
required for every season in the maintenance period.

(c) Maintenance and repair of all irrigation equipment, pipes, valves and all
appurtenances; records shall be kept of all maintenance, repairs and
operation activities carried out during the maintenance period.

(d) The contractor shall provide to the engineer at the end of the maintenance
period a report which shall include details of the date, location and type of
work performed, all repairs and replacements, the amount of water applied
and the duration of each irrigation cycle, results of water analysis and all
other relevant information of work and activities carried out during the
maintenance period.

4. Layout work

(a) The contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of all layout work.

(b) Drawings shall be diagrammatic to the extent that swing joints offsets and
all fittings shall not show and shall be the responsibility of the contractor to
incorporate as needed and as compatible or acceptable with other included
(c) Lines shall be in common trenches wherever possible.

(d) Remote controls valves shall be grouped wherever possible and aligned at a set
distance from road edges, footpaths and buildings.


5.1 General

1. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a list of all spare parts to be
required for a further two years operation from the date of issue of the
Maintenance Certificate or otherwise specified herein after.
CEG International Specification

2. Spare parts required include but not necessarily limited to those listed below,
provided specified in the Project Documentation or where quantities for each
item or equipment is recommended by the manufacturer

3. Spare parts shall be delivered to central stores.

4. The tenderer shall submit with his offer detail prices of the spare parts he is
required to provide under the Contract indicating the quantity and the unit rate of
each item.

5. The Contractor shall provide sufficient spare parts as follows:

(a) Air Release Valve: 10% spare, but in any case not less than 1 nos. as
specified and used in the project or in this section & shall carry a 3 years
exchange warranty.
(b) Screen Filter: 10% spare, but in any case not less than 2 nos. of
cartridges as specified & used in the project or in this section.

(c) Irrigation Controller: 5% from the total number used and as specified in the
project as per the manufacturer recommendation and technical data and
shall carry a 1 year manufacturer and 2 years supplier warranty.

(d) Irrigation Control Wire: 10% from the total length used in the project, the
detail of Voltage, Ampere and size of cable as per the manufacturer
recommendation and technical data and shall carry a 1 year manufacturer and
2 years supplier warranty.

(e) Solenoid Valves: 10% from the total number used in the project plus 20%
from the required coils, the valve sizes, number and flow rate must be as used
& shown on the design drawings and shall carry a 3 years manufacturer
and supplier exchange warranty.

(f) Quick Coupling Valve: 10% spare, but in any case not less than 1 valve. The
valve must be of the low-pressure loss type of 1 inch, brass body with all
fittings and accessories used in the project or specified by the
manufacturer and shall carry a 3 years manufacturer and supplier exchange

(g) Gate Valve: 10% spare, but in any case not less than 1 valve. As specified and
used in the project or in this section and shall carry a five years
manufacturer and supplier exchange warranty for the bronze or brass
type and 3 years manufacturer and supplier exchange warranty for the
PVC types with all fittings required by the manufacturer manual.

(h) Check valve: 10% spare, but in any case not less than 1 valve. As specified and
used in the project or in this section and shall be available in 3”, 4”, and
6”size & carry a 3 years exchange warranty.

(i) Valve Boxes: 10% spare, but in any case not less than 1 box as specified and
CEG International Specification

used in the project or in this section with two (2) years replacement
warranty against buckling and five years against cracking.

(j) PVC Pipes & Fittings: 10% from the total length used in the project from
different sizes with same ratio of the required fittings and accessories or
equivalent all up to engineer’s approval.

(k) HDPE Pipes & Fittings: 10% from the total length used in the project from
different sizes with same ratio of the required fittings and accessories or
equivalent all up to engineer’s approval.


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