Weight, Head Circumference Girls Between: Length, and Curves For Boys and of 20 and 42 Weeks' Gestation
Weight, Head Circumference Girls Between: Length, and Curves For Boys and of 20 and 42 Weeks' Gestation
Weight, Head Circumference Girls Between: Length, and Curves For Boys and of 20 and 42 Weeks' Gestation
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1170 Archives of Disease ini Childhood, 1988, 63
haemorrhage due to any cause is extremely rare. It References
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mother's fall down stairs at 33 weeks' gestation was 3 Eastman JR, Triplett DA, Nowakowski AR. Inherited factor X
a likely cause of her subdural haemorrhage. Because deficiency: prescntation of a case with etiologic and treatment
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management in the postnatal period.
We thank Professor MG Elder and Dr M Silverman for permission
to report thesc patients who wcrc under their carc. Accepted 13 April 1988
Weight, length, and head circumference curves for boys and girls of
between 20 and 42 weeks' gestation
Jessop Hospital for Women, Sheffield
1 and 2. dealing with extremely premature infants.
Table Means (SD) weight, length, and head circumference by week of gestation
Gestation No Weight (g) Lenigth (cm) Head circumference
(weeks) (cm)
20 49 340(54) 26-4(2-2) 18-6(0-5)
21 28 455(90) 27-0(0-8) 21*0(0-8)
22 20 508(97) 29-6(0-6) 27-0(1-1)
23 21 575(63) 31*3(2-4) 21*3(1*3)
24 24 676(115) 31-3(2-1) 22-0(1-5)
25 37 752(117) 33-3(2- 1) 23-4(1-1)
26 51 909(155) 33-8(2-7) 24-2(1-4)
27 51 1083(130) 37-6(2-3) 25.8(1 1)
28 85 1126(227) 37-2(3-2) 26-3(1.4)
29 52 1285(203) 38-4(2-6) 26-7(1*2)
30 89 1433(404) 41-4(3-3) 28-4(3-1)
31 60) 1547(241) 40-2(4-4) 28-8(1*0)
Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
32 101 1894(423) 1523(320) 44-6(4.5) 41*3(4.3) 30-5(2-3) 29-6(4-3)
33 114 2020(376) 1696(365) 44.7(3-0) 42.4(4-0) 30-7(1-3) 29-6(2-4)
34 156 2177(431) 1960(329) 46-8(4-3) 45-8(2.9) 32-1(1-8) 31-1(1.2)
35 60 2588(347) 2592(452) 47.1(4-4) 49-3(1.6) 33-4(1*2) 32-8(1*3)
36 60 2640(298) 2693(467) 48-2(2-2) 47.5(3-8) 33-2(1-2) 33-1(1-4)
37 61) 3047(431) 2945(365) 50-4(2-4) 50.2(3-0) 34-3(0-9) 33-9(1*2)
38 120 3350(422) 3130(394) 52.2(2-3) 51 1(3-1) 35-0(1*2) 34-0(1*5)
39 120 3527(502) 3379(497) 51.9(3-2) 51*8(2-9) 35-2(1*4) 34-4(1*2)
40 120 3726(341) 3438(334) 53.7(2.3) 52-7(1*8) 35-6(0-9) 34-7(1*2)
41 60 3584(409) 3467(537) 53.2(2-8) 53-0(2-7) 35-9(1-2) 34-8(1.4)
42 60 3788(429) 3599(483) 54.5(3-6) 53.2(2-5) 35-5(1*2) 35.2(1*2)
*We could not distinguish accurately between boys and girls until 32 weeks' gestation.
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.63.10_Spec_No.1170 on 1 October 1988. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.com/ on 28 July 2019 by guest. Protected by
1172 Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1988, 63
cm cm
45 --
Ler_gt -Length
35 - 3 0-_ w . 35-
30 o _ - kgL.-
30- 4.5
15 3.0
2. circumference_7 _-6 - 2.5 circumferene 7
2.0 Or-
11 1
*.a 1.0
We thank Mrs P Kenyon for her assistance in collecting the data, uterine growth curvcs for an Australian hospital population.
and Dr RP Petchey for computer processing. Aust Paediatr J 1983;19:157-61.
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Gairdner D, Pearson J. Revised Gairdner-Pcarson growth Northern General Hospital, Sheffield S5 7AU.
charts. Arch Dis Child 1985;60:1202.
3 Kitchen WH, Robinson HP, Dickenson AJ. Revised intra- Accepted 3 February 1988