Datasheet 6x36 Galvanised WS Fibre Core

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6x36 is a flexible general engineering wire rope which has
an equal lay construction (warrington seale) and achieves
a superior breaking load than the 6x19 construction range.
This construction gives flexibilty with a good fatigue life.

Galvanised Pulley Suitable Flexible Fibre Core

Breaking Load Table

Nominal Diameter Approximate Mass Minimum breaking loads - 1770 Mpa Minimum breaking loads - 1960 Mpa
[mm] [kg/m] [kN] [kg] [kN] [kg]
8 0.235 37.4 3813 41.4 4222
9 0.297 47.3 4825 52.4 5343
10 0.367 58.4 5957 64.7 6597
11 0.444 70.7 7209 78.3 7982
12 0.528 84.1 8579 93.1 9500
13 0.620 98.7 10068 109.3 11149
14 0.719 114.5 11677 126.8 12930
15 0.826 131.4 13405 145.5 14844
16 0.940 149.5 15252 165.6 16889
18 1.189 189.2 19303 209.6 21375
19 1.325 210.9 21507 233.5 23816
20 1.468 233.6 23831 258.7 26389
22 1.776 282.7 28835 313.1 31931
24 2.114 336.4 34317 372.6 38000
26 2.481 394.9 40274 437.2 44598
28 2.877 457.9 46709 507.1 51723
30 3.303 525.7 53620 582.1 59376
32 3.758 598.1 61008 662.3 67557
34 4.243 675.2 68872 747.7 76265
36 4.756 757.0 77213 838.3 85501
38 5.299 843.4 86030 934.0 95265
40 5.872 934.6 95325 1034.9 105557
42 6.474 1030.4 105095 1141.0 116377
44 7.105 1130.8 115343 1252.2 127724
46 7.766 1236.0 126067 1368.6 139600

48 8.456 1345.8 137268 1490.2 152003 +44 (0)1442 353005

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