Understanding Political Theory

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TEP awestion paper contains 2 Print ‘Sr.No. of Question Paper; ‘plus Foe Code Name of the Course TRA AT Name of the Paper Semester / Annual areata, Duration :3. Hours Wao wai wa : 3 Be Repe Maximum Marks : 75 Phe. 7s Instructions for Candidates Write your Roll No, ‘68 immediately on cecip of this ‘uestion paper. Attempt any four questions on the All questions carry equal marks, Answers may be written either in English or Hindi; but the same ‘medium should be used throughout the paper ordi gi fare Rider Seer Red Se Re me er SF apie fier | farét On wet 8 oer She wit wet S sis we Fe HET TS a RO ee, Tw sa mo 8 air aie Do you agree that the study of polities is mainly a study of power ? Explain your ities is main agree that th ae with reference to Steven Lukes’ three dimensional approach to the answ. a understanding of power. aa 3 a a oer get afl saan aa ao sunt 3 aah a se oe 3 fe eer gaa arr afta Aare aif | 8697 2 2 Discuss the liberal understanding of the state ‘aa A saree re A eT AR Write an essay examining the main features of normative Political theory. ita coer Raia B wae seed oor vita ae EE we Aeeu Fae | Discuss the core principles of liberalism, sereare ae Parc at Redan AA Explain the Marxist understanding of change with special reference to the ideas of mode of production and class struggle. Seat Tale ake ah werd S fare SB Aare aes ftaka at areraret wre A ey, maf Write an essay on Karl Marx’s concept of alienation. Assess its contemporary relevance, cared red ara afevnfea arena /rrt at sre aes eee fate | aa ae 3 oe ifrerar apart A Explain the concepts of sex ard gender from the feminist perspective. vatlardt gteatio % dare site dia A sraurenst aA creat AAA Write short notes on any two of the following : rafter % 2 fare a oe afer feoni faery: (a) Robert Dahl on Power afer w dad sa & fra (b)_ The role of passion in politics according to Michael Walzer Ree AE S sega Tor HF sata a spa (6) John Locke’s social contract theory “aia ater a arenes ter a rata (d) Patriarchy ‘

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