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FSNL Notice 31 07 PDF

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(A Govt.of India Undertaking)

Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited is a Mini Ratna-II Government of India Undertaking engaged in
rendering specialized services to the customer Plants in Scrap management & allied jobs. The
units of FSNL are situated at Rourkela, Burnpur, Bhilai, Bokaro, Visakhapatnam, Durgapur,
VISL-Bhadravati(Karnataka), SSP-Salem, Duburi near Jajpur Road (Odisha), Haridwar (inside
BHEL)-Uttarakhand, and ESSAR Steel-Hazira(Gujarat). The Registered Office of the
company is situated at Bhilai. The Company is on the look out for experienced candidates to
meet the requirement of Executives in the disciplines of "MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL
Post Vacancy Scale of pay Experience Age Reservation
(01-01-17) as on
(Rs.) 30.06.19
Jr.Manager(Maint.) 4 40000-3%- Post qualification Below SC – 2
Mechanical 140000/- experience of 3 30 yrs. ST – 1
years & above for OBC – 1
Jr.Manager(Maint.) 5 (Annual CTC: Degree Holders EWS – 1
Electrical Rs.9.64 Lakhs and 6 years & UR - 4
approx.) above for
Diploma Holders,
out of which must
have worked
atleast 1 year in
the immediate
lower grade

Jr.Manager 3 40000-3%- Post qualification Below SC – 1

(Matls.Mgmt.) 140000/- experience of 3 30 yrs ST - 1
yrs & above, out OBC – 2
Jr.Manager(Finance 3 (Annual CTC: of which must EWS – 1
& Accounts) Rs.9.64 Lakhs have worked UR - 4
approx.) atleast 1 year in
Jr.Manager(Pers. & 3 the immediate
Administration) lower grade

Manager(Finance & 1 70000-3%- Post qualification Below UR - 1

Accounts) 200000/- experience of 8 42 yrs
years & above,
(Annual CTC: out of which must
Rs.16.87 Lakhs have worked
approx.) atleast 1 year in
the immediate
lower grade.
Category Qualification Area of Experience
MECHANICAL & Degree in Mechanical/ Working experience in
ELECTRICAL Automobile/Electrical/ Overhauling/Repairing/Maintenance of
MAINTENANCE Electronics Engg. from a Heavy Earth Moving equipments like
recognized University/Open & Dozers, Pay Loaders, Hydraulic Excavators
and Bulk Material Handling Equipments like
Distance Learning mode
Dumpers, Belt Conveyor system.
approved by UGC/AICTE. Knowledge in Dragline Cranes of 100 Ton
capacity will be an added advantage.

Diploma holders from a Experience essential for Electrical

Recognized University/ an maintenance should be working knowledge
institution of repute/ Open & with responsibility for carrying our all
Distance Learning mode, categories of repair and maintenance of
approved by UGC/AICTE, in earthmoving equipment driven by H.T,/L.T.
the above discipline can also power sources, EOT cranes, Material
Handling Plant with Crusher Screens,
Conveyors etc.
MATERIALS Bachelor's Degree in any Procurement of Capital items (including
MANAGEMENT discipline, with atleast two heavy earthmoving machines) and
years MBA/PG Diploma in revenue items like Engineering Stores,
Management with spares and consumables AND/ OR
specialization in Materials Storekeeping of Engineering Stores and
Management/Logistics/ Spares in an Industry/project. Combined
Supply Chain experience of Stores & Purchase will be
Management/ Marketing/ preferred. Experience in material
International Trade, from inspection and vendor/ancillary
a Recognized development desired.
University/Institution of
Repute/Open & Distance
Learning mode approved


1)Jr.Manager(F&A) CA//ICMA/MBA(Finance) Should have exposure in F&A function
from a recognized such as Financial accounting, Cost
university/Institute of repute/ accounting, Budget & Budgetary
Open & Distance Learning control, Internal Audit, Income Tax,
mode, approved by Indirect Tax Laws, wages & salary
UGC/AICTE. administration, Purchase & Stores
financial concurrence. Exposure in
computerized accounting would be an

2)Manager(F&A) Associate Members of the Should have exposure in F&A function

Institute of Chartered such as Financial accounting, Cost
Accountants of India OR accounting, Budget & Budgetary
of the Institute of Costs control, Internal Audit, Income Tax,
& Management Indirect Tax Laws, wages & salary
Accountants of India administration, Purchase & Stores
(ICMA), OR MBA with financial concurrence. Exposure in
Finance from an computerized accounting would be an
institution of repute/ advantage. Experience in Finalization
Open & Distance of Annual Accounts will be an added
Learning mode approved advantage.
PERSONNEL & Graduate in any discipline with Should have adequate
ADMINISTRATION Two years MBA or PGDBA experience/knowledge in the areas of
having specialization in HRD, Handling and presenting Manage-
Human Resources ment in conciliation proceedings/
Management from a different level of Government
Recognized University/ machineries, handling multiple Unions
Institution of repute/ Open & with expertise in collective bargaining
Distance Learning mode and should have adequate knowledge of
approved by AICTE/UGC or the latest relevant Labour
Post Graduate Degree in Laws/Judgments/ Awards delivered/
Labour and Social Welfare or applicable for service
two years Diploma in organization/industries and should have
Personnel Management, MA in exposure in dealing with disciplinary
Sociology from a Recognized cases. Experience/ knowledge in
University/Institution of grievance handling will be an added
repute/ Open & Distance advantage.
Learning mode, approved by
UGC/AICTE. Degree in Law
from a recognized university/
institution of repute/Open &
Distance Learning mode
approved by UGC/AICTE,
will be an added advantage.


(Low Vision) (Partially deaf) (OL-One leg
affected) (R/L)
Finance & Accounts Manager - - 1 **

** This is the vacancy of Recruitment year 2018, carried forward to subsequent year.

NOTE : Persons with the Degree of disability of 40% and above shall alone be eligible for
applying for the "Divyang" category.

1. Besides Basic Pay & DA, the posts carry other Allowances/Perquisites under "Cafeteria
Approach", subject to a monthly ceiling of 35% of the Basic Pay, House Rent
Allowance, Leave encashment, Reimbursement of medical expenses for self & family,
P.F., Gratuity etc. as per Company’s rules.
2. Minimum percentage of marks secured will be 60% in Degree/Diploma exams
prescribed for various posts, except for those who have cleared the Final Exams
conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and Institute of
Cost & Management Accountants of India (ICMA).

3. All qualification should be from a recognized University/Institution/Open & Distance

Learning mode approved by UGC/AICTE. No qualification, on the ground of its being
equivalent to the one advertised, shall be considered.

4. Reservation of posts for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/Divyang candidates will be as per the

directives of the Govt.of India and relaxation in age by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for
OBC and 10 years for Divyang candidates will be given.
5. The candidates shall necessarily submit a copy of SC/ST/OBC/EWS/Divyang
certificate, as the case may be, from a competent authority.
6. The candidates will be required to submit along with the Application, the Xerox copies
of all Certificates/Testimonials in support of their Qualification, Experience and Present
Emoluments with breakup in detail.
7. All computations of experience/qualification shall be done with respect to the last date
of application as mentioned in the advertisement. The date of declaration of
result/issuance of mark-sheet shall be deemed to be the date of acquiring the
8. Depending on the requirement, the Company reserves the right to cancel/restrict/curtail
the recruitment process without any further notice and without assigning any reason
9..Place of posting will be any of FSNL’s units/Offices/Projects.

10.Candidates presently working in Govt/Public Sector organizations should send their

applications through their present employer OR produce “No Objection Certificate” at
the time of interview.
11.Candidates found eligible will only be called for Written Test/Interview.
12.In order to determine the parity in emoluments, in the absence of a regular pay scale in
case of Private Sector candidates, the annual CTC being drawn by them would be taken
into account:-

For Jr.Manager (E-1 grade) : Min.Rs. 7.23 Lakhs(CTC of immediate lower E-0 grade)
For Manager (E-4 grade) : Min.Rs.14.46 Lakhs(CTC of immediate lower E-3 grade)

13.To and fro AC III class single railway fare by shortest route will be paid to outstation
candidates called for interview, on submission of necessary proof.
14.While applying for any post, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfills the
eligibility and other norms mentioned above, as on the specified dates and that the
particulars furnished are correct in all respects. In case it is detected at any stage of
recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has
furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material facts, his/her
candidature will stand automatically cancelled. If any of the above shortcoming (s)
is/are detected even after appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated
without any notice.

Application should be submitted on plain paper in A-4 size affixing a recent passport size
photograph on the right side at the top of the application, in the format stating (1) Name of the
post (2) Name of the applicant (in block capital letters), (3) Father’s name, (4) Date of birth and
age as on 30.06.2019(5) Category (SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PH/Gen), (6) Present postal address for
communication, alongwith Contact numbers & e-mail IDs, if any(7) Permanent address, (8)
Academic/Professional qualification in the following proforma:
Exam passed Institution/ Date of Class/Division % of marks
University Passing
(9) Details of past & present experience
Name of the Post Held From / To Nature of Total monthly
organization duties emoluments with scale
of pay & Basic pay OR
CTC with breakup

(10) Whether presently working in Private/Govt/Public Sector Undertaking.

(11) Signature of the applicant with date.
The application in an envelope superscribing the post applied for along with a crossed Demand
Draft of Rs. 500/- (SC/ST/PH candidates exempted) drawn on any scheduled Bank payable at
Bhilai favouring Ferro Scrap Nigam Ltd., Bhilai, may be sent through Post only to
Asst.General Manager (P&A), Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited, Post Box No. 37, FSNL Bhawan,
Equipment Chowk, Central Avenue, Bhilai – 490001, Dist: Durg (Chhattisgarh), latest by 8th
August 2019. No applications sent through Courier or E-mail shall be entertained.

Incomplete applications may be rejected summarily. No applications will be received after the
last date of receipt of application and such applications will be returned. We do not take any
responsibility for postal delay, if any.

The applications should be made exactly as per the above format and canvassing in any manner
would disqualify the candidature.

Decision of FSNL in all matters regarding eligibility, tests & selection would be final and
binding on all candidates. No representation or correspondence will be entertained in this
regard. Court of jurisdiction for any dispute, will be at Durg(Chhattisgarh).
Qsjks LdzSi fuxe fyfeVsM
¼Hkkjr ljdkj dk midze½
fuxeu dk;kZy;
bfDoiesaV pkSd] lsUVªy ,osU;w
iksLV ckWDl dz-37] fHkykbZ&490001¼NRrhlx<½
nwjHkk"k% 0788&2222474@2222475@2220013

4 40000- vgZrk ds i'pkr

3%- fMxzh /kkjdksa ds
140000/- fy, 3 o"kZ ,oa
¼okf”kZd vf/kd rFkk
5 lhVhlh% fMIyksek /kkjdksa ds
yxHkx fy, 6 o"kZ ,oa
#-9-64 vf/kd dk vuqHko]
yk[k½ ftues] U;wure
1 o"kZ ds fy,
fudVre fupys
xzsM es dk;Z
fd;k gksuk
3 40000- vgZrk ds i’pkr
3%- 3 o"kZ o vf/kd
dk vuqHko]
3 ftlesa U;wure
1 o"kZ ds fy,
fudVre fupys
3 xzsM es dk;Z
fd;k gksuk
1 70000- vgZrk ds i’pkr
3%- 8 o"kZ o vf/kd
¼okf”kZd dk vuqHko]
lhVhlh% ftlesa U;wure
yxHkx 1 o"kZ ds fy,
#-16-87 fudVre fupys
yk[k½ xzsM es dk;Z
fd;k gksuk

;ksX;rk vuqHko dk {ks=

fdlh ekU;rk izkIr fo'ofo|ky;@ Mkst+j] is&yksMj] gkbZMªkfyd
,DldosVj vkfn Hkkjh Fkyxr
;wthlh@ ,vkbZlhVhbZ ls ekU;rk izkIr eqDr
okguksa] MEij] csYV dUos;j iz.kkyh
,oa nwjLFk f’k{kk iz.kkyh }kjk ;akf=dh@
tSls o`gr ekyokgd okguksa@
vkWVkseks ckbZy@ fo|qrh;@ bysDVªkWfuDlmidj.kksa dh laiw.kZ
vfHk;kaf=dh esa Lukrd dh mikf/kA tkap@ejEer@vuqj{k.k dk dk;Z
vuqHkoA 100 Vu {kerk okys
fdlh ekU;rk izkIr fo'ofo|ky;@izfrf"Br MzSxykbu dzsu dk Kku vfrfjDr
laLFkk@ ;wthlh@ ,vkbZlhVhbZ ls ekU;rk ykHkiznrk gksxhA
izkIr eqDr ,oa nwjLFk f’k{kk iz.kkyh }kjk
mijksDr fo"k;ksa esa fMIyksek /kkjd Hkh vkosnu ,pVh@,yVh ikoj lkslZ] bZvksVh
dzsu] dz’kj] Ldzhu] dUos;j vkfn
dj ldrs gSaA ;qDr eVsfj;y gSa.Mfyax IykaV ,oa
lHkh izdkj ds Fkyxr midj.kksa dh
nq#Lrh ,oa vuqj{k.k dh ftEesnkjh
ds lkFk dk;Z vuqHko] fo|qrh;
vuqj{k.k ds fy, vfuok;Z gSA

;ksX;rk vuqHko dk {ks=

fdlh ekU;rk izkIr fo'ofo|ky;@iz[;kr fdlh m|ksx@ifj;kstuk esa iwfa txr
laLFkku@;wthlh@ ,vkbZlhVhvkbZ }kjk vuqeksfnr lkefxz;ksa dh [kjhn ¼Hkkjh Hkwfexr
eqDr ,oa nwjLFk f’k{kk iz.kkyh }kjk fdlh Hkh fo"k; e'khusa Hkh 'kkfey½ ,oa jktLo
esa Lukrd rFkk lkexzh izca/ku@ ykftfLVDl@ lkefxaz;ka] ;Fkk] baftfu;fjax LVkslZ]
lIykbZ psu esustesaV@ ekdsZfVax@ baVjus'kuy VªsM LiSlZ] o dUL;wescYl] ,oa@ vFkok
esa fo'ks"kKrk ds lkFk U;wure nks o"kZ dk ,ech,@ baftfu;fjax LVkslZ ,oa LiSlZ dh
eSustesVa esa ihth fMIyksekA LVksjdhfiaxA LVkslZ ,oa ijpsl ds
la;qDrvuqHko dks izkFkfedrk nh
tk,xhA lkefxz;ksa dh tkap rFkk
xzkgd@lgk;d fodkl ds {ks= esa
vuqHko okaNuh; gSA
fdlh ekU;rk izkIr fo’ofo|ky;@laLFkku@ foRr o ys[kk dk;ksZa dk Kku tSls]
;wthlh@ ,vkbZlhVhbZ ls ekU;rk izkIr eqDr ,oa foRrh; ys[kk iz.kkyh] ykxr ys[kk
nwjLFk f’k{kk iz.kkyh }kjk lh,@ iz.kkyh] ctV o ctV fu;a=.k]
vkbZlh,e,@ ,ech,¼foRr½ dh mikf/kA vkarfjd ys[kk ijh{k.k] vk;dj]
vizR;{k dj dkuwu] etnwjh ,oa
osru izca/ku] dz; ,oa Hk.Mkj lac/a kh
foRrh; vuqeksnu] dEI;wVjhd`r ys[kk
iz.kkyh esa dk;kZuqHko ykHkdkjh gksxhA

bfULVV~;wV vkWQ pkVZMZ ,dkamVa UV~l vkWQ bf.M;k foRr o ys[kk dk;ksZa dk Kku tSls]
vFkok bfULVV~;wV vkWQ dkWLV ,.M eSut s esaV foRrh; ys[kk iz.kkyh] ykxr ys[kk
,dkamVa UV~l vkWQ bf.M;k¼vkbZlh,e,½ ds iz.kkyh] ctV o ctV fu;a=.k]
,lksf’k;sV esca j] vFkok fdlh ekU;rk izkIr vkarfjd ys[kk ijh{k.k] vk;dj]
fo’ofo|ky;@laLFkku@ ;wthlh@ ,vkbZlhVhbZ ls vizR;{k dj dkuwu] etnwjh ,oa
ekU;rk izkIr eqDr ,oa nwjLFk f’k{kk iz.kkyh ls osru izca/ku] dz; ,oa Hk.Mkj lac/a kh
,ech,¼foRr½ dh mikf/kA foRrh; vuqeksnu] dEI;wVjhd`r ys[kk
iz.kkyh esa dk;kZuqHko ykHkdkjh gksxhA
okf"kZd ys[kk lekiu dk;Z dk
vuqHko vfrfjDr ykHkizn gksxhA

;ksX;rk vuqHko dk {ks=

fdlh ekU;rk izkIrfo'ofo|ky;@iz[;kr laLFkku@ ekuo lalk/ku {ks= esa Ik;kZIr
;wthlh@,vkbZlhVhvkbZ }kjk vuqeksfnr eqDr ,oa vuqHko@Kku] dfUlfy,'ku
nwjLFk f’k{kk iz.kkyh ek/;e ls ekuo lalk/ku izca/ku izkslhfMaXl gSMfyax o fofHkUu
esa fo'ks"kKrk ds lkFk nks o"kZ dk ,ech, vFkok 'kkldh; e'khufj;ksa ds le{k izca/ku
ihthMhch,]vFkok Je o lkekftd dY;k.k esa dk izfrfuf/kRo@fofo/k Jfed
LukrdksRrj fMxzh] vFkok dkfeZd iz'kklu esa nks o"kZ laxBuksa dks laHkkyuk o lkewfgd
dk fMIyksekA fdlh ekU;rk izkIr fo'ofo|ky;@ lkSnkdkjh] rFkk lsok
iz[;kr laLFkku@;wthlh@,vkbZlhVhvkbZ }kjk laLFkkuks@a m|ksxksa ls lacaf/kr
vuqeksfnr eqDr ,oa nwjLFk f’k{kk iz.kkyh ek/;e ls vk/kqfud o izklafxd Je
lekt&'kkL= esa ,e,A fdlh ekU;rk izkIr dkuwuks@a fu.kZ;uks@ a fuf.kZr QSlys
fo'ofo|ky;@ iz[;kr laLFkku@ ;wthlh@ vkfn dh v|ru tkudkjh gks] rFkk
,vkbZlhVhvkbZ }kjk vuqeksfnr eqDr ,oa nwjLFk f’k{kk vuq'kklukRed dk;Zokfg;ksa ls
iz.kkyh ek/;e ls fof/k¼dkuwu½ dh fMxzh vfrfjDr lacaf/kr leqfpr Kku gksA xzhokUl
ykHkizn gksxhA gSUMfyax dk vuqHko@Kku vfrfjDr
ykHkizn gksxhA
^^fnO;kax** O;fDr;ksa ds fy, fu/kkZfjr fjDrh
foHkkx in vkjf{kr inksa dh la[;k
Ogh,p ,p,p vks,p
¼ean n`f"V½ ¼va'kr% cf/kj½ ¼,d Vkax ckf/kr½
foRr o ys[kk izca/kd & & 1 **
** ;g HkrhZ o"kZ 2018 dh fjDrh gS] ftls vuqorhZ o"kZ esa c<k;k x;k gSA
uksV%& dsoy ogh mEehnokj] ftuds fu%'kDrrk dh n'kk 40%,oa mlls vf/kd gS] ^^fnO;kax**
Js.kh ds rgr mEehnokjh ds gdnkj gksx
a sA
1- ewy osru ,oa Mh, ds vykok] daiuh ds fu;ekuqlkj **dSQsVsfj;k vizksp** ds rgr ewy
osru ds 35% dh ekfld lhek ij vU; HkRrs@vuqykHk] rFkk gkml jsUV ,ykmUl] yho
,udS'kesaV] Lo;a ,oa ifjokj ds fy, fpfdRlk O;; dh okilh] izkfoMsaV QUM] xzsP;qVh
vkfn bu inksa ij ykxw gksx
a hA
2- bufLVV~;wV vkWQ pkVZMZ ,dkmaVaV~l vkWQ bf.M;k ¼vkbZlh,vkbZ½ rFkk bufLVV~;wV vkWQ
dkWLV ,.M eSustesaV ,dkmaVaV~l vkWQ bf.M;k ¼vkbZlh,e,½ }kjk vk;ksftr ijh{kkvksa ds
vafre ifj{kk mRrh.kZ djus okyksa dks NksM+dj] fofHkUu inks ds fy, mYysf[kr
fMxzh@fMIyksek ijh{kkvksa esa izkIrkad U;wure 60% gksuh pkfg,A
3- lHkh 'kS{kf.kd vgZrk,a ekU; fo'ofo|ky;@laLFkku@;wthlh@,vkbZlhVhvkbZ }kjk
vuqeksfnr eqDr ,oa nwjLFk f’k{kk iz.kkyh dh gh gksuh pkfg,A foKkiu esa okafNr ;ksX;rk
ds led{k ;ksX;rk tSls nkos ij fopkj ugh fd;k tk,xkA
4- vuq-tkfr@tutkfr@v-fi-o-@vYi vk; oxZ ¼bZMCY;w,l½@fodykax mEehnokjksa ds fy,
inksa dk vkj{k.k] ljdkj ds uhfr&funsZ'kksa ds vuqlkj gksxk] rFkk vuq -tkfr@tutkfr ds
mEehnokjksa dks vk;q lhek esa 5 o"kZ] vU; fiNMs oxZ ds fy, 3 o"kZ rFkk fodykax ds
fy, 10 o"kZ dh f'kfFkyrk nh tk,xhA
5- mEehnokjksa dks vfuok;Z :i ls vuqlwfpr tkfr@tu tkfr@vU; fiNM+k oxZ@vYi
vk; oxZ@fodykax] buesa ls tks Hkh ykxw gks] ds laca/k esa l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk fuxZr
izek.k i= miyC/k djkuk gksxkA
6- mEehnokjksa dks viuh ;ksX;rk] vuqHko ,oa fooj.kkRed orZeku vk; ds iq"Vhdj.k gsrq
rRlaca/kh izek.k&i=ks@
a dkxtkrksa dh Nk;kizfr vkosnu ds lkFk layXu djuh gksxhA
7- vuqHko@;ksX;rk dk vfHkdyu] foKkiu esa vkosnu gsrq n'kkZ, x;s vafre frfFk ds
vk/kkj ij gksxkA ifj.kke ?kksf"kr gksus dh frfFk@ekdZ'khV tkjh gksus dh frfFk gh ;ksX;rk
vftZr djus dh frfFk ekuh tk,xhA
8- fcuk fdlh lwpuk ,oa fcuk dksbZ dkj.k crk,] vko';drkuqlkj HkrhZ izfdz;k dks fujLr
djus@lhfer djus@?kVkus dk vf/kdkj daiuh ds ikl lqjf{kr gSA
9- in LFkkiuk dk LFkku ,Q,l,u,y dh dksbZ Hkh bdkbZ@dk;kZy;@ifj;kstuk gksxhA
10- orZeku esa ljdkjh@lkoZtfud midzeksa esa dk;Zjr mEehnokjksa dks viuk vkosnu vius
orZeku fu;kstd ds ek/;e ls fHktokuk gS] vFkok lk{kkRdkj ds le; ^^vukifRr
izek.k&i=** izLrqr djuk gSA
11- dsoy ik= mEehnokj gh fyf[kr ijh{kk@lk{kkRdkj gsrq cqyk, tk,axsA
12- futh laLFkkuksa ds mEehnokjksa ds fy,] fuf'pr osrueku dh vuqiyC/krk dh n'kk es]a
vk; ds vkadyu esa le:irk gsrq x.kuk] lacaf/kr mEehnokj ds orZeku okf"kZd lhVhlh
ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tk,xk %&

dfu"B izca/kd ds fy,¼bZ&1 xzsM½% U;wure #- 7-23 yk[k¼fudVre fupys bZ&0 xzsM dh lhVhlh½
izca/kd ds fy, ¼bZ&4 xzsM½% U;wure #-14-46 yk[k¼fudVre fupys bZ&3 xzsM dh lhVhlh½

13- lk{kkRdkj gsrq cqyk, x, ckgjh LFkkuksa ds mEehnokjksa dks ;k=k laca/kh vko';d izek.k
miyC/k djkus ij] fudVre ekxZ ls vkus&tkus dk ,lh&3 Js.kh dk ,dy jsy fdjk;k
iznku fd;k tk,xkA

14- fdlh Hkh in ds fy, vkosnu izLrqr djrs le; vkosnd ;g lqfuf'pr dj ys fd
bafxr frfFk dks og mijksDr okafNr ik=rk ,oa vU; ekunaMksa dh iwfrZ djrk@djrh gS]
,oa mlds }kjk izLrqr leLr fooj.k iw.kZ :i ls lgh gSaA HkrhZ izfdz;k ds fdlh Hkh Lrj
ij ;fn ;g Kkr gksrk gS fd mEehnokj okafNr ik=rk ekunaMksa dks iwjk ugh
djrk@djrh gS ,oa@vFkok mlds }kjk xyr@feF;k lwpuk iznku fd;k x;k gS vFkok
mlds }kjk fdlh rF; dks fNik;k x;k gS] rks ,slh fLFkfr esa mldh mEehnokjh Lor%
fujLr gks tk,xhA mijksDr dksbZ Hkh =qfV fu;qfDr ds i'pkr Hkh ;fn mtkxj gksrh gSa]
rks fcuk fdlh lwpuk ds ml mEehnokj dh lsok [kafMr dh tk ldsxhA

vkosnu ,d lkns ,&4 vkdkj ds dkxt ij Åij nkabZ vksj mEehnokj ds orZeku ikliksVZ
vkdkj dk Nk;kfp= yxkdj bl izk:i esa fHktokuk gS%& ¼1½ vkosfnr in dk uke ¼2½
vkosnd dk uke ¼lqLi"V cMs v{kjksa es½a ] ¼3½ firk dk uke ¼4½ tUe frfFk ,oa fnukad 30-
06-2019 dks vk;q ¼5½ Js.kh ¼vuq-tkfr@tutkfr@v-fi-o-@vYi vk; oxZ @
fnO;kax@lkekU;½] ¼6½ laidZ gsrq nwjHkk"k ,oa bZ&esy ¼;fn gks½ ds lkFk orZeku irk ¼7½
LFkkbZ irk ¼8½ 'kS{kf.kd@O;kolkf;d ;ksX;rk fuEufyf[kr izk:i esa%&
ijh{kk laLFkk @ mRrh.kZ djus oxZ@Js.kh izfr'kr
mRrh.kZ fo'ofo|ky; dh frfFk vad
¼9½iwoZ ,oa orZeku vuqHko dk fooj.k
laLFkk in ---ls@--- rd dk;Z dk ewy osru ,oa osrueku ds lkFk
dk uke fooj.k dqy ekfld vk; vFkok
lhVhlh czsd&vi ds lkFk

¼10½ D;k orZeku esa futh@ljdkjh@lkoZtfud midze esa dk;Zjr gSa

¼11½ vkosnd dk gLrk{kj ,oa fnukad
,d fyQkQs ij vkosfnr in Li"V :i ls vafdr djrs gq, vkosnu dks fdlh 'ksM~;qYM
a dk ^^Qsjks LdzSi fuxe fyfeVsM** ds uke fHkykbZ esa ns; #-500@& ek= ds js[kkafdr
fMek.M MªkQ~V~ ¼vuq-tk@t-tk-@fodykax mEehnokjks ds fy, ekQ½ ds lkFk lgk;d
egkizca/kd ¼dkfeZd ,oa iz'kklu~½] Qsjks LdzSi fuxe fyfeVsM] iksLV ckWDl dz-37]
,Q,l,u,y Hkou] bfDoIesVa pkSd] lsUVªy ,osU;w] fHkykbZ] 490001] ftyk% nqxZ
¼NRrhlx<½ ds irs ij fnukad 08-08-2019 rd dsoy Mkd }kjk Hkstk tk,A dksfj;j
vFkok bZ&esy }kjk izsf"kr vkosnu Lohdk;Z ugh gSaA viw.kZ vkosnu lh/ks vLohd`r gks
tk,axsA vkosnu izkfIr dh vafre frfFk ds i'pkr dksbZ vkosnu Lohdkj ugh fd,
tk,axs] ,oa ,sls vkosnu ykSVk fn, tk,axsA Mkd }kjk foyac ds fy, gekjh dksbZ
tokcnkjh ugh gksxhA
vkosnu iw.kZr% mijksDr izk:i esa gh gksuk pkfg,] rFkk fdlh izdkj dh flQkfj'k ij
mEehnokj viuh ik=rk [kks nsaxsA
ik=rk] ijh{kk ,oa p;u laca/kh lHkh izdj.kksa esa ,Q,l,u,y dk fu.kZ; vafre ,oa lHkh
mEehnokjksa ds fy, ck/;dkjh gksxkA bl laca/k esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dk vfHkosnu@
i=kpkj Lohdk;Z ugh gksx a sA fdlh Hkh izdkj ds fookn ds fy, U;k;kf/kdkj]
nqxZ¼NRrhlx<½ esa gksxhA

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