Inception Report - Development Plan
Inception Report - Development Plan
Inception Report - Development Plan
June 2015
Joint Venture of
dm.Watch Disaster Management Watch [dm.Watch]
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas Project
Joint Venture of
Disaster Management Watch (dm. Watch)
The Project Director
“Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas”
Room #407, 3rd Floor, Urban Development Directorate
82, Segunbagicha
Ref: Consulting Services for Preparation of Development for Package-5, Ramu Upazila
(391.71 sq km), District: Cox’s Bazar, & Rangunia Upazila (361.54 sq km), District:
Chittagong under “Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas”
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to submit herewith 07 (seven) copies of the Final Inception Report along with a
soft copy of the above assignment as per Appendix-2 of the contract signed on 23.12.2014 for
your kind information and necessary action.
Yours sincerely,
Encl: As stated.
Project Office: House # B-154, Ground Floor, Road # 22, DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1206,
Tel: 9894206, 9894209, Fax: 9894285, Email:,
Inception Report is the second report underPackage-5 of“Preparation of Development Plan
for Fourteen Upazilas” projectand it is the initiation of consultancy service.Under this
package the development plan will be prepared for two important upazillas of Chittagong
Region which are Ramu upazila and Rangunia upazila. The report is being submitted in
fulfillment of the agreement signed between the client Urban Development Directorate
(UDD) and Join venture of House of Consultants Limited(HCL)& Disaster Management
Watch and subsequent Work order issued by the UDD.
The Inception report describes the background, objective, scope and location of the project
area, initial activities performed by the consultants as per TOR and the detailed work plan
and methodologies to be performed by consultants in fulfilling the preparation of
Development Plan for Ramu and Rangunia.The aim of the project is to prepare five tire of
development plan such as- sub-regional plan, structure plan, urban area plan, rural area
plan and action area plan to facilitate the improvement of infrastructure and services of the
upazila.These plans includeseveral sectoral components such as- socio-economic, housing,
population, urban and rural economy, hydrology, geology, disaster, environment, agriculture
The current project is a planning effort of central government agency of physical planning
that will fulfill the objectives of uplifting the living standard of the people of both the upazila.
The main objective of upgrading the living standard of the local people is to income
generation through different economic activities and employment opportunities. The
implementation of Upazila Development Plan will create congenial environment for new
investment through development of basic infrastructure facilities and services through
participatory planning. The aim is also to devise a control mechanism for sustainability of the
infrastructure and environmental development through integrating Disaster Risk Reduction
(DRR) approaches into landuse planning.
Under the preparation of development plan project the consultants have accomplished the
initial consultation meetings with differentstakeholders (e.g. local people, administration,
public representatives and business groups) through several FDGs tea stall meeting and
courtyard meetings in Ramu and Rangunia upazila. Collection of secondary sourcesof data
and reconnaissance survey has been done. Collection of Mauza map and stereo images is
almost completed. In the meantime the planning team has been mobilized and a number of
support staff has been appointed to assist the consulting team.Set up of siteoffices inRamu
and Rangunia Upazilais completed. The consultants have gone through the work plan and
methodologies as per TOR and Technical Proposal and revised detailed work plan and
methodologies have been provided for accomplishing the service successfully.
This is a very important report for the project initiation as all of activities, output and
methodologies for carrying out the activities have clearly stated in this report.
Table of Contents
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas. Package-5 (Ramu and RanguniaUpazila)
Page No.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary II
Table of Content III
List of Tables X
List of Figures X
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms XI
Chapter-1: Introduction
1.1 Project Background 1-1
1.2 Objectives 1-2
1.3 Understanding of the Scope of Services 1-5
1.4 Inception activities as per TOR 1-7
1.5 Activities Performed in Inception Period 1-8
1.6 Description of the Project Area 1-8
1.6.1 RamuUpazila 1-8
1.6.2RanguniaUpazila 1-8
1.7 Organization of the Inception Report 1-9
Chapter-2: Approach and Methodology
2.1 Methodology of Field Survey& Plan Preparation 2-1
2.2 Review of National Development Plans &Policies 2-1
2.2.1 Introduction 2-1
2.2.2 Rationale of Relating National and Local Plans 2-1
2.2.3 Perspective Plan 2-1
2.2.4 Sixth Five Year Plan 2-2
2.2.5 Poverty Reduction Strategy Plan 2-2
2.2.6 Millennium Development Goal/SDG 2-3
2.2.7 National Disaster Management Plan 2-3
2.2.8 Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Policy 2-3
2.2.9 Other Sectoral policies and Acts related to Landuse Planning 2-4
2.2.10 Linkage of National Plans and policies with Development plan of 2-4
14 Upazila Project
2.3 Collection of Relevant Documents 2-5
2.4 Collection of Maps, Basic Statistics and Information 2-5
2.5 Preparation of Base Map using GIS and Mouza Map 2-5
2.5.1 Collection of Mouza Maps 2-7
Table of Contents
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas. Package-5 (Ramu and RanguniaUpazila)
Table of Contents
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas. Package-5 (Ramu and RanguniaUpazila)
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
A brief description of some important aspects of the above methodology has been given in the
following subsections.
Field observations for Permanent Ground Control Point (GCP) will be conducted using Differential
Global Positioning System (DGPS) based survey technique. As per TOR, accuracy level of
permanent GCP will be maintained within 10 cm.
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Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
BM) whose position is known. The receiver collects positioning information and calculates a
position fix, which is then compared to the known coordinates, while another receiver is placed on
target point (constructed BM Pillar) whose coordinates are unknown. This receiver collects
positioning information from the same satellites as the control receiver. Then the signal files from
both the receivers are down loaded to a personal computer for post-process the signals using
post processing software. From post-processing of the received signals, coordinates for the
unknown points are established. These coordinates will then be used to geo-ruler the survey
To obtain precise position from a GPS receiver, we use techniques called “Differential GPS”. This
involves at least two GPS receivers. One is stationary, at a known point or bench mark; we call
this the “Base or Reference” receiver/unit and the other Rover receiver/unit. The base unit ties all
the satellite measurements into a solid local reference i.e. known point or bench mark. The Base
receiver measures and records the timing errors and then transmit correction information to the
other receivers those are roving around. The roving GPS receivers, possibly moving at an
unknown point, calculates precise position by using the signals it receives from the satellites, and
the correction information receives via radio from the Base. The correction information could be
transmitted through online radio communication system or could be incorporated by off-line data
processing software. Differential GPS usually gives within one meter accuracy.
The verified results of each baseline will be stored for the subsequent network adjustment. After
completing the baseline survey, network adjustment will be done with respect to the known values
(Latitude, Longitude, and Ellipsoidal Height) of selected reference BMs available inside and
around the project area. The adjustment module of Trimble Geomatic Office software will be used
for network adjustment. After network adjustment the precise co-ordinates (Latitude, Longitude,
and Ellipsoidal Height) of each BM will be obtained.
With the output co-ordinates of the BMs in latitude, longitude and ellipsoidal height from the
network adjustment result, a network of geoid points will be established for the project area.
HCL-dm.Watch 2-17
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
However, to be a precise geoid model the ellipsoidal heights need to be converted to the
corresponding geoidal heights. Furthermore, in order to develop the Geoid Model of the project
area in terms of a functional datum i.e. mPWD, it is required to determine the heights or levels of
the BMs in mPWD datum.
Scientists measured the earth’s gravity in a grid of several kilometers all over the world and then
made a mathematical model, which is known as “World Geoid Model”.
To establish a relationship between the ellipsoidal height (h) & geoidal height (N) of an area, the
relationship between the world geoid model and local land topographic (undulation)
characteristics of that area is required. The following procedure will be applied for that purpose:
Using the network adjustment data of baseline survey as input the “World Geoid Model” the geoid
separation or geoidal height (N) for each of the surveyed points i.e. BM will be obtained. Then the
orthometric height (H) will be calculated by using the above equation. The combination of “World
Geoid Model” and the surveyed data will make a new model known as “Local Geoid model”.
Secondly it is needed to make a relationship between the orthometric height (H) and the local
datum (PWD). To do so, few numbers of BMs those covers the boundary conditions of Local
Geoid Model are needed to be surveyed with respect to PWD datum from one or more reference
BM available in the project area. Then an input data file for the “local geoid model” which consists
of Latitude, Longitude, Ellipsoidal height, and m PWD height will be prepared. Incorporating this
input file to the Local Geoid Model a relationship data file will be established between the
orthometric height (H) and local datum (PWD). This data file is known as “local model input data
Finally, if the Latitude, Longitude, and Ellipsoidal height of a particular point (whose local datum
i.e. PWD datum is unknown) is used as input to this “Local Geoid Model” in association with the
local model input data file, then the mPWD height of that unknown point will be calculated by the
HCL-dm.Watch 2-18
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
Survey will also cover location of all existing exposed light/electric, telephone posts and towers,
water, sewerage line roads etc. Data will be recorded with separate ID or code number for each
feature (a Line, Point and Polygon). Later on the survey data will be transferred directly to the GIS
database where the feature will be kept in separate layer wise with specified code or ID. Physical
feature survey information will be presented on the Mouza maps.
HCL-dm.Watch 2-19
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
Two types of database will be developed these are GIS Database and Textual Database. The
GIS database will contain spatial layers such as structures, roads, waterbodies, etc. with their
attributes and the textual database will contain textual data such as socio-economic survey data,
traffic survey data, etc.
Spatial Data
Spatial data is optimized to store and query data that represents objects defined in a geometric
space. Most spatial databases allow representing simple geometric objects such as points, lines
and polygons.
Points will be used to represent the locations of the features that are too small to be represented
as areas. For example telephone pole, electricity pole, post box, Radio/TV/Telecommunication
towers etc. A point data is geographic location of that point and details of that point feature is i.e
Latitude and Longitude, or a co-ordinate reference with details entity of that point.
Line will be used to represent features that are linear in nature such as roads, railway lines,
embankments, different utility services line etc. They can also be used to represent linear features
that do not exist in reality, such as administrative boundaries or international borders. A line is
simply an ordered set of points. It is a string of (x, y) co-ordinates joined together in order and
usually connected with straight lines.
Polygon or Area will be used to represent geographical closed zones such as building structures,
vacant land, water body, administrative areas etc. Polygon/Areas are represented by a closed set
of lines.
The spatial dimension of data can be regarded as the values, character strings or symbols that
convey to the user information about the location of the feature being observed. As GIS have no
‘local knowledge’ about spatial data used in GIS, therefore GIS needs a mathematical spatial
reference. It means spatial data is depends on:
purpose of use
spatial entities
projection system
spatial referencing system
Sources of spatial data for development of GIS database of Preparation of Development Plan for
Ramu and Rangunia Upazila may be outlined below:
HCL-dm.Watch 2-20
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
In this project all spatial data will be structured and stored in GIS database using layer based
approach, the most common method of structuring spatial data in GIS. Every layer will be
thematic and that will reflect either a particular use or a characteristic of the landscape.
There are some most common spatial layers to be used in the project are given below:
Building structures
Road networks
Utility services
Land Use category
Physical infrastructures etc.
HCL-dm.Watch 2-21
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
Formal and Informal Industrial Survey data of both urban and rural areas
Recreational Open Space survey data
Health Facilities survey data
Educational Facilities survey
Agricultural Land Demarcation Survey data
Archaeological survey data
Pollution survey data
HCL-dm.Watch 2-22
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
Table-2.7: Proposed Shape Files Description and Legend (Compatible to use in ArcGIS
desktop info version).
Proposed Coverage Name Feature Type Type
Land Use Polygon Shape
Boundaries Line/Polygon Shape
Roads/Railways Line/Polygon Shape
Road Island/Divider Line/Polygon Shape
Embankments and Drainage Divides Line/Polygon Shape
River, Khal and Natural Drainage Line/Polygon Shape
Artificial Drainage System Line/Polygon Shape
Pond, Water Bodies, Swamp Areas Line/Polygon Shape
Hydraulic Structures Point Shape
Towers Point Shape
Utilities Services Point/Line Shape
Structures Polygon Shape
Natural Features Polygon/Line Shape
Other Features Line Shape
b. Field Reconnaissance
The consultant will conduct a reconnaissance visit to the Ramu and Rangunia project area to get
first hand information on the site data, on site location, access, communication, land condition,
requirement of personnel, and equipment etc. will be collected for detailed site analysis. The field
reconnaissance will be done with an overall visit to the entire project area, discussions with PMO/
Upazial Parishad for collecting of existing data. The detailed tasks may be further specified in the
Interaction with the Project officials of PMO, UDD.
Collection of existing data and project maps.
Collection of existing Bench Mark (BM) information in and around the project area.
Planning the proposed BM/Control points network and selection of tentative Locations for
those BM/Control Points.
Detail planning of the survey activities.
Arrangement of field office.
Arrangement for communication and field transport.
Calibration of equipments.
HCL-dm.Watch 2-23
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
2.12.2 Deliverables
Physical feature survey will be done on the enlarged mouza map at a scale of RF 1: 3960.
Physical features map will be updated based on the data/information collected during physical
verification in the proposed project area. Updating will be done on the computer through
digitization. This updated physical feature map will be used for further activities of the project.
Topographic survey by using RTK-GPS and Total Station to obtain 3-D data (X,Y, Z
value)-location and alignment of all roads, flood embankments and other drainage
networks. Location and alignment of all drainage and irrigation channels/canals showing
depth and direction of flow. Closed boundary/outline of homestead, water bodies,
swamps, forests etc. junctions, spot heights or land levels at roughly 10 m intervals for
urban area and 20 m intervals for rural areas.
All collected raw data submitted to PD before processing.
Generating contours at 0.5 meter intervals with denser intervals for undulations.
HCL-dm.Watch 2-24
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
Alignment and crest levels (not exceeding 50meter) of roads, embankments, dykes and
other drainage networks.
Alignment of rivers, lake, canal and drainage channels etc.
Outline of bazaars, water body, swamps etc.
2.13.2 Deliverables
The delivered topographic map will include roads, flood embankments and other drainage
networks and location and alignment of all drainage and irrigation channels/canals showing depth
and direction of flow. Closed boundary/outline of homestead, water bodies, swamps, forests etc.
junctions, spot heights or land levels at roughly 10 m intervals for the whole project area and
close interval as and when required such as dyke, embankment, roads, rail-roads, river bank, rail
line etc.
The survey team equipped with GPS, Total Stations and other necessary tools will be at field with
draft plots of the mouza maps. Corrections will be done on the draft plot during field verifications
and will involve adding missing lines and points for attributes of the existing features. During the
field verification the information will be checked as per the format given in Table-2.9 and Table-
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Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
D. Railways
HCL-dm.Watch 2-26
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
Z Value (Z measurement
Data Type
Sl. Physical Feature Descrip
No Name On Not tion
Poi Polyg On
Line Ground/l Requir
nt on Top
evel ed
3. Railway Junction
22 x x
Length, width, condition of abutments and wing-
E. Other Structure and Flood works
23 1. Bridge / Culverts x x area,
24 2. Embankments x x
3. Pump Station for
25 x x Name
26 4. Sluice Gates x x Name
5. Bus/Trucks right
27 x x
Terminals way and
Harbor/ Bathing/boat
28 x x Boat
F. Natural Features
Area >
29 1. Forest x x 2500
Area <
30 2. Group of trees x x 2500
3. Group of Trees
31 x x
4. Wetlands / Bog/ Area >
32 Marshland/ Flood x x 2500
prone area Sqm
Area >
33 5. Sand/Sand Dunes x x 2500
34 Significant Single Tree x x
d single
E. Utility Services
1. High voltage Electric
35 x x /regional
36 2. Telephone Line x x
37 3. Gas Line x x
38 4. Utility Substation x x Telepho
HCL-dm.Watch 2-27
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
Z Value (Z measurement
Data Type
Sl. Physical Feature Descrip
No Name On Not tion
Poi Polyg On
Line Ground/l Requir
nt on Top
evel ed
e, Gas
5. Overhead Water
39 x x Capacit
4. Waste disposal and municip
40 x x
treatment points ality and
41 3. Water work x x
5. Deep Tube well deep
42 x x
Stations tube
F. Area Polygon
43 Residential Area x x
44 Commercial Area x x
of shops
g small
45 Educational, Health x x
Govt. office
HCL-dm.Watch 2-28
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
Z Value (Z measurement
Data Type
Sl. Physical Feature Descrip
No Name On Not tion
Poi Polyg On
Line Ground/l Requir
nt on Top
evel ed
Industrial (as classified
46 x x type of
by acts and rules)
All types
47 Agricultural Area x x
ral uses
48 Recreation / sports x x facilities,
49 Religious / cemetery x x
49 Graveyard. Cemetery x x Sites
51 Historic Place x x Sites
cut for
52 Borrow Pits x x
53 Vacant Land x x with no
t use
Place of
54 Public gathering x x
HCL-dm.Watch 2-29
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
Z Value (Z measurement
Data Type
Sl. Physical Feature Descrip
No Name On Not tion
Poi Polyg On
Line Ground/l Requir
nt on Top
evel ed
n Rea,
55 Garden x x
e etc
ng the
56 Disaster prone areas x x
area in
ake and
fault line
During the field verification the Consultant team will check the following information and include
on the base map:
HCL-dm.Watch 2-30
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
2.14.2 Deliverables
All the collected data will be presented with maps, graphs and charts.
Work details
1. Checking every plot of land and building and its current use.
2. Checking infrastructure provisions
3. Social infrastructure e.g. school, hospital, etc. with location
4. Physical infrastructure e.g. housing, offices, energy, work, sanitation etc.
5. Transportation with width of roads with and without drainage links with other areas
6. Recording of natural physical conditions of the land like: rivers, drainage, canals etc.
7. Review of topography of the area from the Topographic Maps.
8. Density of population averaging from the no. of existing household, slum/squatters
and mouza-wise areas under the study area. Field sheets would be joined together
and every item of land use would be hatched or colored for different indexes
categorically on the land use map as described in the TOR or as per the suggestions
of the supervisory officials of City Corporation/PD office.
Land use survey data analysis
This will pertain to the study area only and include:
- Existing Land use and analysis
- Mouza-wise distribution of urban and semi-urban functions
- Characteristics of land use changes with existing economic potentials
- Adequacy of land use economically and socially
- Identification of areas of income generating activities
The preparation of list of occupants in the project area will start with reference to the mouza map.
The field data collectors will prepare a list of occupants on the basis of field study. Legal/illegal
status of occupation will be verified from records.
HCL-dm.Watch 2-31
Inception Report
Preparation of Development Plan for Fourteen Upazilas
Package 05-(Ramu Upazila, District-Cox’s Bazar and Rangunia Upazila, District-Chittagong)
2.15.2 Deliverables
Utilizing the physical feature base map, the land use survey maps will be prepared showing the
twelve categories of land use according to the occupancy type indicated in TOR (Appendix-3).
The characteristics of each land use area will fully be described in the survey report. The Land
Use Maps will be prepared on BS maps at specified scale based on the data collected through
land use survey and the information of the base map. Perfection in land use determination will be
attained through intensive field verification. The land use data will be made compatible to
Workstation/ArcGIS 10.2 package. As per specification in the TOR land use information has to be
extracted from physical features survey. After completion of data processing and draft mapping,
land use surveys have to be updated through field verification.
2.16.2 Deliverables
It is expected that from the survey, the following type of data/information (but not limited to this)
will be available for using in the plan preparation and it will be represented by using graphs,
Holding information like area of holding, number and types of housing structure;
Housing size, age, sex composition, educational, occupational status, income,
expenditure, etc;
Holding information like house structure, service provision such as electricity, gas
supply, water supply connection, etc;
Holdings tenure ship, nature of land, sanitation information, type of latrine, sewerage,
drainage system, etc.;
HCL-dm.Watch 2-32