Hydrogen Production From Coal and Biomass Co-Gasi Ca-Tion Process With Carbon Capture and Storage
Hydrogen Production From Coal and Biomass Co-Gasi Ca-Tion Process With Carbon Capture and Storage
Hydrogen Production From Coal and Biomass Co-Gasi Ca-Tion Process With Carbon Capture and Storage
1 Introduction
Introduction of hydrogen in energy system as a new energy carrier complementary to
electricity and conventional fuels (e.g. natural gas, oil derived products, coal etc.) is raising
much interest, as this offers significant advantages including reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions at the point of end use, enhancement of the security of energy supply and
improvement of economic competitiveness. Hydrogen is used in chemical industry for
various processes, e.g. ammonia and methanol synthesis, hydrogenation, hydro-cracking
and hydro-desulphurization processes and it is currently produced from natural gas, oil
derived products and coal. Among these feedstock types, solid fuels (fossil sources like coal
and lignite but also renewable energy sources like biomass) are likely to play a key role using
gasification-based processes for large-scale hydrogen production, as required for the
development of the hydrogen economy.
By gasification process, a solid feedstock is partially oxidized with oxygen and steam to
produce syngas which can be used for conversion into different valuable compounds (e.g.
hydrogen, ammonia, synthetic fuels) or to generate power in a combined cycle gas turbine.
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) is one of energy conversion processes
having the highest potential for carbon capture with low penalties in term of efficiency and
cost. In a modified IGCC scheme designed for carbon capture and storage, the syngas is
catalytically shifted to maximize hydrogen level and to concentrate carbon species in form of
carbon dioxide that can be later capture in a pre-combustion arrangement. After CO2 and
H2S capture in a double stage Acid Gas Removal (AGR) system, hydrogen-rich gas is used
in a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) for power generation and/or for production of
purified hydrogen stream which can be used in (petro)chemical industry or for transport
sector in hydrogen-fuelled fuel cells (PEM).
The paper assesses from technical point of view the hydrogen production through co-
gasification process of coal and biomass (e.g. sawdust, agricultural wastes, meat and bone
meal) simultaneous with carbon capture and storage (more than 90 % feedstock carbon
capture rate). The main aim of the paper is to describe the methodology to design and
evaluate the plant performances using critical factors like: fuel selection criteria, choice of
gasification reactor, heat and power integration, carbon capture and storage (CCS)
technologies, ancillary power generation, plant flexibility, methods to increase the plant
energy efficiency, hydrogen and carbon dioxide quality specifications considering the use of
hydrogen in transport sector (PEM fuel cells) and carbon dioxide storage in geological
formation or using for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). The case studies were investigated in
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detail by process flow modelling (using ChemCAD software package) and the most
promising plant concepts identified.
Figure: Layout of IGCC scheme for hydrogen production with carbon capture and storage
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Main differences of this scheme compared with conventional IGCC scheme without carbon
capture are the following: introduction of catalytically conversion stage of CO (also called
water gas shift – WGS); a modified Acid Gas Removal (AGR) system which captures, in
addition of H2S as in the conventional technology, also CO2; the hydrogen purification stage
by Pressure Swing Absorption (PSA) for the stream to be delivered to external customers (H2
purity for export was set at 99.95 % vol. to be compatible with PEM fuel cells) and a
combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) running on hydrogen-rich gas.
Hydrogen produced is intended to be used in PEM fuel cells for transport sector which imply
very strict quality specification (>99.95 % H2 and virtually no CO and H2S due to the
possibility of fuel cells poisoning) [2]. Also, a major factor which influences the ancillary
power consumption of the plant is the compression of captured carbon dioxide stream to
more than 100 bar before being sent to geological storage or utilized for Enhanced Oil
Recovery (EOR). This additional step gives a significant difference compared with
conventional IGCC scheme. The compression of carbon dioxide stream is requiring a
significant amount of energy which in the end will imply an energy penalty of the carbon
capture design. The captured CO2 stream will have to have very low concentration of water
(<500 ppm) and hydrogen sulphide (<100 ppm) as these components could give corrosion
problems along the pipeline network [3].
technology over the conventional power plant is the ability to use lower grade coals or
alternative fuels (e.g. biomass and solid wastes) most of them unable to be processes in a
conventional power plant because of high ash, sulphur and chlorine content and low ash
melting point. Processing lower grade coals or renewable energy sources has also an
important economic benefit because these fuels are presumed to be cheaper. This paper
investigates the possibility to blend the coal with various sources of biomass (e.g. sawdust,
agricultural waste) for hydrogen production based on an IGCC scheme. Table 1 presents the
composition and thermal characteristics of evaluated fuels.
It can be noticed from Table 1 that all alternative fuels investigated in the present paper
(sawdust, agricultural wastes and meat and bone meal - MBM) have significant increased
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content of modifier oxides (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium oxides) and lower
silica and alumina content which means low slag viscosity temperatures [5]. These
alternative fuels could be added to the coal to reduce the slag viscosity in a blending ratio (up
to 20 – 30 % wt. alternative fuels) which does not change significantly reactor characteristics
and performances compared with operating only on coal. At the same time, blending coal
with these alternative fuels offers good option to find a useful way of recover the energy
content of these materials in condition of reducing consumption of non-renewable energy
sources (coal).
The plant concepts for hydrogen production with carbon capture and storage based on coal
with or without addition of sawdust, wheat straw (WS), corn stalks (CS) and meat and bone
meal (MBM) were modeled and simulated to quantify the overall plant performance
indicators. Five case studies were investigated thoroughly in this paper (for all five cases, the
feedstock thermal energy was 1000 MW):
Case 1 – Coal only as feedstock;
Case 2 – Coal with addition of sawdust (80 / 20 % wt. blending ratio);
Case 3 – Coal with addition of wheat straw (80 / 20 % wt. blending ratio);
Case 4 – Coal with addition of corn stalks (80 / 20 % wt. blending ratio);
Case 5 – Coal with addition of meat and bone meal (80 / 20 % wt. blending ratio).
As can be noticed from Table 2, in term of hydrogen production all case studies produce
about 560 - 590 MWth (based on hydrogen LHV) with an efficiency in range of 56 – 59 %.
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Regarding the plant overall hydrogen efficiency, for cases 2 to 4 there is little to be
differentiated among them (less than 0.7 % in term of overall hydrogen efficiency of the plant)
and they are comparable with case 1 (coal only). Case 5 (coal blended with MBM) is more
efficient with about 2.15 – 3.3 % compared with rest of the cases. This increase of plant
efficiency can be explained by the cumulative effect of optimizing gasifier performances
(lowering slag viscosity comparing with case 1 – coal only) and improved calorific value of
alternative fuel used to be blended with coal, in this case MBM (comparing with cases
2 to 4).
Also, it can be noticed the fact that coal to alternative fuels blending ratio does not influence
significantly the plant performance (comparing case 1 vs. cases 2 to 5). Specific CO2
emissions (fossil and renewable) are in the range of 42 – 45 kg/MWh with about 92 – 93 %
carbon capture rate. When counting only the fossil specific CO2 emissions, the cases 2 to 5
are performing better than case 1 (only fossil). IGCC technology has also other benefits from
environmental point of view: very low SOx and NOx emissions, possibility to process lower
grade coals or other types of solid fuels (as evaluated in this paper) which are difficult to
handle by conventional energy conversion process (e.g. steam plant).
5 Conclusions
The paper assesses the technical aspects of hydrogen production scheme with carbon
capture based on a modified IGCC plant design. The aim was to develop a set of criteria that
can be used to select the most appropriate gasification concepts for hydrogen and electricity
co-production plant with carbon capture and storage and then to quantify the overall energy
efficiency of the plant. A particular attention was devoted to the fuel selection (e.g. fuel
blending) for both optimization of the gasifier performance and promote the usage of non-
fossil fuels (various biomass sorts).
The most promising plant concepts for hydrogen production with carbon capture are all
based on entrained-flow gasifiers. For one case of entrained-flow gasifier reactor (Siemens)
with various feedstock (coal only or coal blended with various biomass sorts) different case
studies were presented in detail for assessing the main plant performance indicators (e.g.
hydrogen output; plant ancillary demand; hydrogen efficiency, specific CO2 emissions etc.).
This work was supported by Romanian National University Research Council (CNCSIS-
UEFISCSU), project number PNII – IDEI code 2455: “Innovative systems for poly-generation
of energy vectors with carbon dioxide capture and storage based on co-gasification
processes of coal and renewable energy sources (biomass) or solid waste”.
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