Pengaruh Saluran Distribusi Terhadap Volume Penjualan Pada Pt. Sinar Kalimantan Berau Tanjung Redeb
Pengaruh Saluran Distribusi Terhadap Volume Penjualan Pada Pt. Sinar Kalimantan Berau Tanjung Redeb
Pengaruh Saluran Distribusi Terhadap Volume Penjualan Pada Pt. Sinar Kalimantan Berau Tanjung Redeb
Ira Indriani
The purpose of research conducted is to find out how big the influence of
distribution channels on sales volume at PT. Sinar Kalimantan Berau
Tanjung Redeb. Analyzer used in this research is simple linear regression
equation. The result of research that has been done, can be seen that simple
linear regression equation about distribution channel to sales volume at PT.
The Berau Kalimantan ray is Y = - 7254.487.642,28 + 124.071.508.09 X, this
result shows a positive influence. Where each addition of 1 distribution
channel will affect the panjualan volume of Rp. 124.071.508.09. Correlation
coefficient from result of distribution channel analysis to sales volume there
is strong correlation that is equal to 64%, where increasing of distribution
channel will be followed by increase of sales volume. The value of coefficient
of determination indicates that the ups and downs of sales volume at PT.
Sinar Kalimantan Berau is influenced by distribution channels by 41%, while
the rest is influenced by other variables by 59%. Hypothesis testing that has
been proposed before, that is whether distribution channel have significant
effect to sales volume at PT. Sinar Kalimantan Berau, then t test with degrees
of freedom df (degree of freedom) = n-2, 21-2 = 19 is 3.65 with ttable value
2.093. Then the value of t arithmetic (th) compared with the value (tt), with
the result of th greater than tt (th> tt), then the hypothesis proposed in this
study accepted or proved that the distribution channel significantly influence
the sales volume at PT. Sinar Kalimantan Berau
Pemasaran merupakan dimaksud yaitu merencanakan,
keseluruhan kegiatan yang dilakukan menentukan harga, mempromosikan,
suatu perusahaan guna mencapai sampai mendistribusikan produk
tujuannya yaitu mendapatkan laba ketangan konsumen akhir/ pemakai.
yang optimal, kegiatan yang
Swasta. dkk (2008 : 07),
Manajemen Pemasaran adalah Kotler. dkk (2017 : 106),
penganalisaan, perencanaan, dan dalam bukunya menjelaskan saluran
pengawasan program – program pemasaran (marketing channels)
yang ditujukan untuk mengadakan