KJ SPMB 2018 Tugas Belajar
KJ SPMB 2018 Tugas Belajar
KJ SPMB 2018 Tugas Belajar
A. Implements
B. Implemented
C. Has implement
D. Had implemented
2. Hardly ... my homework before got an email of another task.
A. I had finished
B. I have finished
C. Had I finished
D. Have I finished
3. We are going to the flea market in town that sells ... goods.
A. Second hand
B. Second-hand
C. Second handed
D. Second-handed
4. The fruit ... from the market turned out to be rotten.
A. Buy
B. Bought
C. That buy
D. That bought
5. We ... the wedding on time if we had left thee house earlier.
A. May have attended
B. Have attended
C. Might have attended
D. Had attended
6. George’s car is newer ... Charles.
A. Than that of
B. Than that by
C. Than that
D. Than
7. The ... tentacles from the unknown creature seems to be venomous.
A. Protuding
B. Protuded
C. Protudes
D. Protude
8. On top of the pedestal ... that continues emanating queer scent.
A. Set the incense
B. Sets the incense
C. The incense sets
D. The incense is setting
9. The vice president is adamant that the board meeting ... on time.
A. Start
B. Starts
C. Shoud be started
D. Would start
10. Between Patricia and Jeanne, the former is ...
A. Cleaverer
B. Cleaverest
C. More clever
D. Most clever
11. ... nice, we would have gone out.
A. Have the weather been
B. Has the weather be
C. Had the weather been
D. Have the weather be
12. Because of the approaching exams, Ginny appears ... more time in the library.
A. Deducates
B. Dedicating
C. To dedicate
D. Dedicated
13. His mother questioned why ... home last night.
A. He does not came
B. He do not come
C. He did not came
D. He did not come
14. Those ... are brave should act against an oppressor.
A. Who
B. Which
C. Whom
D. Whose
15. By the time we arrive at the hall, the keynote speech ...
A. Will have end
B. Will has end
C. Will have ended
D. Will has ended
16. Despite the coming hardship, we need to ... the current issue.
A. Focus in
B. Focus at
C. Focus of
D. Focus on
17. ... what happened last night, we need to pretend that nothing happened.
A. In spite
B. Despite
C. Although
D. Even though
18. The defendant believes there will be ... way to win the trial.
A. The other
B. Another
C. Others
D. Other
19. I have to submit the proposal ... Monday.
A. For
B. In
C. By
D. At
20. The government ... about the tsunami preceding the last earthquake.
A. Have warn
B. Had warned
C. Have been warning
D. Has warn