Poster Presentation
Poster Presentation
Poster Presentation
These calculations justify the proposed alterations to the existing period terraced property at the above
The existing building comprises lower-ground, ground, first, second & third floors, constructed form
load bearing solid masonry walls with traditional timber floors & roof construction.
The new proposals comprise of a new basement constructed using reinforced concrete underpins in
bay sequence to the full length of the property’s party walls and front wall, and a piled retaining wall to
the width of the property to the front boundary, a double level basement area to the rear garden will be
constructed by use of a contiguous pile wall, the loads from the rear elevation of the main house will be
diverted and carried by a double level steel box frame that will bear onto the new underpin walls in the
permanent condition.
Lateral stability is achieved by diaphragm action in the upper timber floors and lower RC floors
transferring horizontal forces into in-plane shear in the masonry party walls and transverse RC
underpin and pile walls. These forces are in-turn transferred to RC wall base footings and resisted by
friction and passive resistance at the interface to the firm clay soil onto which the building is founded.
- Loading schedule
- Load take-down on party walls (ext vs proposed)
- LGF summary of calcs
- LGF concrete slabs
- LGF concrete beams (inc. bracer element)
- LGF lintels over front wall
- Basement summary of calcs
- Basement plant room capping slab
- Basement rear stepped slab
- Basement 1.0m wd RC underpins integral with stepped slab (Temp & Perm)
- Basement .45m wd RC underpin strips
- Pile calc – outline sizing checks for 350 dia
- Pile 01 – rear adjacent lowered/dble height area
- Pile 02 – rear adjacent plant room
- Pile 03 – front
- Pile caps
- Front area summary of calcs
- Front bracer beams + post support
- Front RC slabs
- Wind Loading
- Primary Steel Frame
The calculations should be read in conjunction with the following structural engineering drawings:
1157/L01, 1157/L02, 1157/L03, 1157/SQ01, 1157/D01, 1157/D02