Hydraulics Calculations and Field Application of Radial Jet Drilling
Hydraulics Calculations and Field Application of Radial Jet Drilling
Hydraulics Calculations and Field Application of Radial Jet Drilling
Summary jet bit to drill laterals (Fig. 2). The self-driving jet bit (Fig. 2) dif-
Multilateral-horizontal-well drilling is an efficient approach for fers significantly from a mechanical drill bit. It features forward
stimulating shallow, low-permeability, marginal, and coalbed- and backward nozzles to generate a high-pressure jet; the forward
methane (CBM) reservoirs. Radial-jet-drilling (RJD) technology, jet breaks the rock to create the borehole (30–50 mm), whereas
which uses a high-pressure water jet, aims to drill tens of laterals the backward jet drives the bit forward and expands the lateral di-
from a vertical wellbore. Hydraulics design is essential for suc- ameter behind the jet bit.
cessful field-drilling operations. However, detailed hydraulics cal- In addition, nearly 50–70% of jet-drilling-cuttings diameters
culations and design methods have not yet been published. are smaller than 1 mm (Chang 2006). Because the pump flow rate
In this study, the pressure loss, ejector force, and extending re- of RJD is lower than that of conventional drilling operations, most
sistance of an RJD system were measured at different flow rates cuttings flow back to the ground, whereas larger cuttings are dis-
at a full-scale RJD experimental facility. A set of pressure-loss posed of in the bottomhole of the vertical well (Fig. 1). According
models and a lateral-extending-force model of an RJD system to our field experience, the bottomhole space of the vertical well is
were then established, and a method to optimize the hydraulics of sufficient to contain the cuttings of an RJD operation.
RJD was proposed. Finally, a field case study with six radial later- In conventional drilling, hydraulics design aims to maximize
als in four different layers was conducted by use of our models the ROP under the limitations of economy, well structure, the
and optimization method. operating characteristics of the equipment and pipe, borehole sta-
The hydraulics calculations corresponded well with the field bility, and cutting-removal efficiency (Swanson et al. 1994). In
data. The model error was within 8%. The pressure loss of the RJD, the penetration process relies on the backward self-driving
high-pressure hose and jet bit represents a large proportion of the effect and forward high-pressure-jet rock-breaking effect of the
RJD-system pressure loss (41.2 and 55.8%, respectively). Accord- jet bit. The hydraulics design should satisfy the requirements of
ing to the operation profile, the calculated pump pressure will equipment-safety working pressure and lateral-extending capacity
help the field engineer to estimate the working status of downhole (Zhongwei et al. 2013).
tools. The results show that the pump flow rate should be opti- Previous works have focused on the equipment, procedure,
mized for different well configurations. The optimum flow-rate and stimulation effect of RJD by use of case studies from the field
range was determined by the minimum lateral-extending force, conducted in a variety of countries. However, the literature does
minimum rock-breaking jet-bit-pressure drop, and minimum not contain detailed operating hydraulics, such as the pump-flow
equipment-safety working pressure. To maximize the rate of pen- rate and pump pressure, or calculation and optimization methods
etration (ROP), the largest flow rate within that interval was have not been published. Ma et al. (2012) established the pres-
selected as the optimum flow rate. A flow rate of 57.24 L/min was sure-loss model of the circulation system of an RJD system. How-
optimal for the case well. ever, the pressure loss of the jet bit was not provided. Buset et al.
The present work provides a viable and detailed hydraulics- (2001) tested the rock-breaking ability and ejector force of a jet
calculation model and design method for RJD, and may be used bit. However, their test flow rate and ejector force were not suffi-
for both short-term troubleshooting and long-term operation plan- ciently high to be applied for field operation. Guo et al. (2009)
ning. It can serve as a guide for the development of safer and established a jet-bit-ejector-force analytical model for a jet bit,
more-effective RJD practices. but this model was not experimentally validated. Gang et al.
(2013) conducted RJD experiments and field tests. The results of
Introduction these experiments can provide a theoretical basis for hydraulics
calculations. Li et al. (2015) developed an analytical model to cal-
RJD, which uses a high-pressure water jet, aims to drill numerous
culate the jet-bit-ejector force, which was validated by use of both
radial laterals in one layer or multiple layers from the main wellbore
experiments and computational-fluid-dynamics simulations. How-
(Dickinson and Dickinson 1985; Dickinson et al. 1989). RJD is an
ever, some model coefficients can only be determined experimen-
efficient method to exploit low-permeability, shallow, marginal,
tally, which is inconvenient for practical application.
and CBM reservoirs at low cost (Li et al. 2000; Kamel et al. 2013;
The present work aims to provide a set of hydraulics-calcula-
Liang et al. 2011). Over the past 30 years, RJD services have been
tion models and an optimization method. Models that correlate
used in many countries, such as the US, Canada, China, and Argen-
the pressure-loss models and lateral-extending force were estab-
tina, yielding significant improvements in productivity (Dickinson
lished on the basis of RJD experiments. A method to optimize the
et al. 1993; Bruni et al. 2007; Cirigliano and Talavera Blacutt 2007;
design of hydraulics was then established on the basis of the RJD
Liang et al. 2011; Salem Ragab and Kamel 2013).
characteristics. Finally, an RJD field case study with six radial lat-
The RJD system (Fig. 1) differs significantly from conven-
erals in four different layers in Well A was conducted by use of
tional drilling. RJD uses a high-pressure water jet to drill into the
our models and optimization method.
rock formation by means of a jet bit. The RJD operation first
anchors the deflector at the target formation by use of coiled tub-
ing (CT). Then, a special casing cutter runs into the hole to mill Experimental Studies
the casing and cement. After the casing and cement are pene-
A full-scale RJD experimental system was established to test the
trated, the high-pressure hose and jet bit run into the hole until
RJD equipment for Well A. This system can measure the hydraul-
they reach the formation, and drilling fluid is pumped through the
ics, such as the pressure loss, ejector force, and extending resist-
ance of the RJD system. The RJD tools and fluids prepared for the
Copyright V
C 2016 Society of Petroleum Engineers experiment were the same as those used for Well A. A regression
Original SPE manuscript received for review 18 January 2015. Revised manuscript received
analysis of these hydraulic measurements yielded several correla-
for review 5 November 2015. Paper (SPE 179729) peer approved 11 December 2015. tion coefficients for the hydraulics-calculations models.
CT unit
Working string
hose Deflector
Jetting bit
Backward water jet
Valve Valve
tank High-pressure
Pressure hose Steel-hose gripper
sensor Button-type
F force sensor
High-pressure Force
hose sensor
Pump F Horizontal moving
Steel Pipe
Jet bit
DpcT ¼
0:218q1:05 LcT
( Q2:05 ;
D 3:9625ld
d4:95 l0:05 D0:1 log
3:7065d qQ
1:1098 0:8981 !#)2
1 D ld
log þ 4:7096 ð3Þ
2:8570 d qQ
DpsT ¼
( Q2 ;
D 3:9625ld
Fig. 4—Jet bit, deflector, and high-pressure hose in Well A. d5 log
3:7065d qQ
1:1098 0:8981 !#)2
basis of our calculations, the fluid flow of the RJD system is 1 D ld
log þ 4:7096 ð4Þ
always turbulent in the field run. To simplify the calculation, 2:8570 d qQ
we assumed that the fluid flow in the hose and CT was
always turbulent flow.
• Assumption 3: For RJD, the pump-flow rate is lower than where LST is the length of the CT straight section (m); LCT is the
that used for conventional drilling. On the basis of our calcu- length of the CT spiral section (m); d is the CT inner diameter
lations for Well A, the pressure loss in the annulus is only (m); D is the diameter of CT reel drums (m); D is the CT wall
0.087 MPa. To simplify the calculation, we assumed that the roughness (m); l is the drilling-fluid dynamic viscosity (Pas); Q
annular-pressure loss was negligible. is the pump-flow rate (m3/s); and Lh is the length of the high-pres-
The pump pressure for RJD can be calculated as follows: sure hose (m).
Pressure Loss in the High-Pressure Hose. The high-pressure
hose is made from a composite material and consisted of polyur-
DpL ¼ DpcT þ DpsT þ Dph þ Dpb ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð1Þ ethane outer layer, braided-steel-wire middle layer, and polyamide
inner layer. Polyamide is a plastic used in engineering applications.
where DpL is the pump pressure (MPa), DpCT is the pressure loss The absolute roughness of plastic is much lower than that of com-
in spiral section of CT (Pa), DpST is the pressure loss in the mercial steel (Eugene et al. 2006). The Blasius (1913) friction fac-
straight section of the coiled tubing (Pa), Dph is the pressure loss tor is a simple, commonly used equation for smooth pipes. We
in the high-pressure hose (Pa), and Dpb is the pressure drop at the assumed that a high-pressure hose is a smooth pipe. To simplify the
jet bit (MPa). calculation, we derived our model from the Blasius correlation
Pressure Loss in CT. According to a steady-state mechanical- (1913) by introducing a frictional-correction factor a.
energy balance, the general CT pressure-loss formula can be writ- Blasius (1913) developed the Fanning friction factor in turbu-
ten as follows: lent smooth-pipe flow:
2f qLv2 f ¼ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð5Þ
Dpi ¼ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð2Þ NRe 0:25
where NRe is the Reynolds number of the fluid, defined as
where f is the Fanning friction factor (dimensionless), q is the
fluid density (kg/m3), v is the fluid mean velocity (m/s), di is the qvd 4qQ
NRe ¼ ¼ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð6Þ
pipe inner diameter (m), and L is the pipe length (m). l pld
On the basis of experimental data, Zhou and Shah (2004) and
Shah and Ahmed Kamel (2010) proposed the Fanning friction fac- Substituting Eqs. 5 and 6 into Eq. 2 yields the following pres-
tor of Newtonian turbulent flow in CT. Substituting the coeffi- sure-loss model in the smooth pipe (Dpss):
cients fCT and fST into Eq. 2, the CT pressure loss of coiled DpCT L
and straight DpST sections can be expressed as follows: Dpss ¼ 0:2399q0:75 l0:25 Q1:75 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð7Þ
Table 1—Parameters of the RJD tools for Well A. nf is the number of forward nozzles of the jet bit (pieces). nc is the number of forward-
central nozzles of the jet bit (pieces). nb is the number of backward nozzles of the jet bit (pieces). df is the forward-nozzle diameter of the jet
bit (m). dc is the forward-central-nozzle diameter of the jet bit (m). db is the backward-nozzle diameter of the jet bit (m). hf is the diffusion
angle of the forward nozzle (degrees), and hb is the diffusion angle of the backward nozzle (degrees).
Extending force
F = Fbit – Fw – Ff
Ff hose
Fw Fbit R
vb db Backward orifice
Forward orifice
Center orifice
θf vc
V0 dc
vb db
Fig. 8—Flow field of the self-driving multinozzle jet bit (Li et al. 2015).
For a specific type of jet bit and a known test fluid, the coeffi- where a and b are the correlation coefficients. The coefficients are
cient m is the only unknown term in Eq. 11. Thus, we can calcu- related to deflector-track structure, hose materials, and hose size.
late the jet-bit-ejector force by use of the model. We measured the Under our experimental conditions (Table 1), a and b are equal to
flow ratio (k) and the jet-bit-discharge coefficient (C) on the basis 0.88 and 6.06, respectively. Thus, we can calculate the deflector
of our experimental conditions (Table 1). The values of k and C resistance by use of the model.
are 0.43 and 0.56, respectively. Substituting k and C into Eq. 12 The submerged weight of the hose (Table 1) in water, qbh, had
yields a value for m of 6.46. The experiment results are shown in an experimental value of 0.96 N/m. The sliding-friction coeffi-
Fig. 9. To improve this model, we proposed an equation (Appen- cient, ls, between the high-pressure hose and borehole is related
dix B) to estimate the coefficient k instead of the use of an experi- to the rock-surface roughness and cleaning condition. In this pa-
mentally determined correlation. per, ls was assumed to be the sliding-friction coefficient between
According to our experiment results, ejector force is mainly polyurethane and concrete, the experimental value of which is
determined by pump-flow rate and jet-bit structure. It should be 0.35 (Ohnson and Storey 2000).
stressed that the jet bit has some surrounding effects in the actual
drilling environment, such as the borehole diameter, underpres- Hydraulics-Optimization-Design Method. According to the
sure-force effect (Buset et al. 2001), and standoff distance (Gang characteristics of RJD, the jet-drilling process is accomplished by
et al. 2013). According to our computational-fluid-dynamics sim- the backward jet self-driving effect and the forward high-pres-
ulation, the surrounding flow field of jet bit is complex, and it is sure-jet rock-breaking effect (Fig. 2).
difficult to develop a theoretical model to describe those sur- To drive the jet bit to persistently move forward, the minimum
rounding factors. Therefore, we simplified the model by neglect- flow rate should satisfy the two effects simultaneously: the ejector
ing those surrounding effects. The influence of these surrounding force, Fbit, should be greater than the lateral-extending resistance,
effects on ejector force needs further research. Fr, and the pressure drop of the jet bit, Dpb, should be greater than
Extending Resistance. The extending resistance is the sum of the threshold rock-breaking pressure, Pmin. For the RJD operation,
the wellbore resistance and deflector resistance. We estimated we conservatively estimated that the rock-breaking jet-bit-pres-
the deflector resistance by means of experimental regression sure drop should be greater than 15 MPa (Appendix D). The max-
(Fig. 10). A detailed correlation of the deflector resistance Ff is imum flow rate should ensure that the equipment-working
presented in Appendix C. pressure is lower than its yield pressure. Thus, we could determine
The extending-resistance model can be expressed as follows: the optimum flow-rate range. The largest flow rate in that range
was selected as the optimum flow rate to maximize the ROP. In
summary, the hydraulics-optimization-design method was pro-
Fr ¼ Fw þ Ff ¼ lqbh Lh þ aðDph þ Dpb Þ þ b; . . . . . . ð13Þ posed as shown in Fig. 11.
80 50
Model estimation Experimental data
70 Experimental value Fitting curve R 2 = 0.99
Drilling Resistance (N)
Ejector Force (N)
30 10
20 0
30 35 40 45 50 55 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Flow Rate (L/min) Inner Pressure of Hose (MPa)
Fig. 9—Ejector force of the jet bit. Fig. 10—Deflector resistance with a pressurized hose.
Extending resistance
Minimum flow rate
Hydraulics-Design Procedure and to 20, 40, and 100 m. The results are shown in Fig. 14. To drive
Field Application the jet bit to persistently move forward, the minimum flow rate
The reservoir and well parameters of Well A are shown in should ensure that the ejector force, Fbit, is greater than the lat-
Table 2. The preliminary well design consisted of six 100-m-long eral-extending resistance, Fr, and the pressure drop of the jet bit,
radial laterals drilled in four layers. The bottomhole assembly Dpb, should exceed 15 MPa. According to Fig. 12, the minimum
included a casing-milling assembly and jet-drilling assembly. The rock-breaking flow rate is 46.14 L/min (dashed pink line).
Well A tools are specified in Tables 1 and 3. According to Fig. 14, for a 100-m-long lateral, the minimum lat-
eral-extending-flow rate is 54.74 L/min (farthest-right black dot
line). To satisfy both conditions simultaneously, 54.74 L/min was
Hydraulics Optimization. Taking the No. 3 lateral of Well A as selected as the minimum flow rate at the No. 3 radial wellbore in
an example, the optimum flow rate was obtained and analyzed by Well A.
use of the proposed hydraulics-calculation models (Eqs. 1 through Optimum Flow Rate. As shown in Fig. 12, the pressure loss
13) and the design method (Fig. 11). of the CT, 1.16 MPa, comprises only 3% of the pressure loss in
According to the well design, the depth of the No. 3 lateral is the system, which was 41.01 MPa in Well A. The pressure-loss
2304.600 m. The designed lateral length is 100 m. Because the gradient of CT in Well A was 0.31 MPa/1000 m. The maximum
total length of the CT is known to be 4000 m, we were able to depth interval of the laterals was 18.30 m; thus, the depth of the
determine the lengths of the spiral-section tubing, the straight-sec- wellbore minimally influences the optimal flow rate in this case.
tion tubing, and high-pressure hose, which are 1695.40, 2304.60, In summary, in Well A, the optimum flow-rate range is
and 100 m, respectively. 54.74–57.24 L/min in Well A, and the optimal flow rate to maxi-
Maximum Flow Rate. The pressure loss and inner pressure of mize the ROP was determined to be 57.24 L/min.
the RJD circulation system were calculated by use of Eqs. 3 and 4
and Eqs. 8 and 9, respectively. The results are shown in Figs. 12
and 13. According to the results, the pressure loss of the high- Field Results. Six laterals were drilled in Well A by use of the
pressure hose and jet bit comprise the majority of the pressure hydraulics-calculation results and optimal flow rate presented in
loss of the entire system (41.2 and 55.8%, respectively). As shown this study. The specific details of the field results are shown in
in Fig. 13, the CT inner yield pressure was 83 MPa (horizontal Table 4. The RJD operating profile in the No. 4 lateral is shown
red dot line), and the high-pressure-hose inner yield pressure was in Fig. 15. The hydraulics-calculation results closely approxi-
40 MPa (horizontal blue dot line). To avoid CT or hose failure, mated the field data, with a model error of 8%.
the inner pressure should always be lower than the inner yield In addition, the downhole working status of the tools can be
pressure. On the basis of Fig. 13, we could easily select 57.24 L/ determined on the basis of the operation profile. Specifically, a
min (vertical blue dot line) as the maximum flow rate. Thus, the dramatic pressure drop would be observed if the high-pressure
shaded area of Fig. 13 is the safety-operation zone of the lateral. hose suddenly cracked under the harsh bottomhole environment.
Minimum Flow Rate. The ejector force and lateral-extending The RJD ROP is manually controlled by the run-in speed of the
resistance were calculated by use of Eqs. 11 and 12. The extend- CT. The jet bit should first penetrate the front formation rock and
ing resistance was estimated when the radial wellbore was drilled then slowly run the CT into the hole. Because the formation is
90 150
CT 140 High-pressure hose Pyield = 40 MPa
80 130
Straight tubing 120 CT Pyield = 83 MPa
Pressure Loss (MPa)
Fig. 12—Pressure loss/flow rate of tools in No. 3 lateral. Fig. 13—Hose and CT inner pressure/flow rate in No. 3 lateral.
mation rock was not sufficiently soft for penetration. At the 54-m
point of the No. 4 lateral, the high-pressure hose burst after
75 two attempts.
1. A set of RJD hydraulics-calculation models were established
0 on the basis of full-scale RJD experiments. An experimental
–25 correlation model was established for predicting the high-
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 pressure-hose pressure loss. The ejector-force model was
improved by proposing an estimation equation for an experi-
Flow Rate (L/min)
mentally determined coefficient k. The deflector-resistance
Fig. 14—Extending resistance and ejector force/flow rate in No.
model was established by use of a regression method of the
3 lateral. linear relation between the deflector resistance and high-pres-
sure-hose inner pressure.
2. According to the characteristics of RJD, an RJD hydraulics-
heterogeneous, it contains areas of hard rock. When the threshold optimization-design method was proposed. Specifically, the
rock-breaking pressure of the hard rock is lower than the jet-bit- optimum flow-rate range was determined on the basis of mini-
pressure drop, the hard rock prevents the jet bit from rapidly pene- mum lateral-extending force, minimum rock-breaking pressure
trating the rock while the CT is run in. In this situation, the high- drop, and minimum equipment-safety working pressure. The
pressure hose bends considerably, resulting in a sudden increase largest flow rate in that range was then selected as the optimum
in pressure. To prevent the high-pressure hose from bursting, the flow rate to maximize the ROP.
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100,000 RJD includes a lateral annulus and a casing annulus. Accord-
CT d = 0.031 m
High-pressure hose d = 0.01 m ing to Fig. A-1, the lateral-annular flow and casing-annular flow
Casing annular de = 0.048 m were considered to be turbulent. The annular-pressure loss can be
80,000 Lateral annular de = 0.016 m calculated by use of Eq. 2 and the hydraulic diameter, de:
Re = 4,000 turbulent flow
de ¼ d2 d1 ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ðA-1Þ
0 10 20 30 40 50 Appendix B—Calculation of the
Flow Rate (L/min) Self-Propelled-Ability Coefficient m
On the basis of the Li et al. (2015) model, the self-propelled-abil-
Fig. A-1—Reynolds number of the RJD system. ity coefficient m is given as follows: