Best Friend: Man's: The

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Boekwêreld • Ilizwe Leencwadi

Man’s best friend: the


ERICH BUCHHAUS seldom mentioned and when it is, the reference is usually negative.
Book Selector However, in ancient Persia and China, early folklore and supersti-
tion abound with dogs and they were regularly used to participate

he domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris), is a subspecies of in religious rituals. Dogs do participate in a number of early Greek
the gray wolf (Canis lupus), a member of the Canidae legends, and even in the folklore of ancient Rome stories of dogs’
family of the mammalian order Carnivora. The term “do- courage and fidelity were found. The dog was found to be useful in
mestic dog” is generally used for both domesticated and feral varie- matters of war, sport, and agriculture. More recently, it has become
ties. The dog may have been the first animal to be domesticated, a theme for literature, art and films.
and has been the most widely kept working, hunting, and pet animal ‘Humans have had a longer relationship with dogs than with any
in human history. . . . The present lineage of dogs was domesticated other domesticated animal, but only recently has literature devel-
from gray wolves probably about 15,000 years ago. Though remains oped that captures the close friendship we have with this species.
of domesticated dogs have been found in Siberia and Belgium The oldest literature concentrates on descriptions of the function
from about 33,000 years ago, none of those lineages seem to have and needs of the dog. Fables in which the dog takes on a human
survived the Last Glacial Maximum. Although DNA testing suggests character also exist in many cultures. Dog stories were originally
an evolutionary split between dogs and wolves around 100,000 written primarily for children, but in the last 200 years dog literature
years ago, no fossil specimens prior to 33,000 years ago are clearly has developed for adults, captivating readers with its portrayal of
morphologically domesticated dog.’ the dog’s unique relationship with mankind.’ (The encyclopedia of
Mankind’s first dogs were actually self-domesticated wolves which the dog by Bruce Fogle, DK 1995, p.26.)
were found to be extremely useful. It is unlikely that the domestic Courage, fidelity and devotion characterised 20th century dog lit-
dog developed from the wolf as a result of intentional selective erature, and this can be noted in the works of Jack London (White
breeding but rather over time evolved in size, physiology, and be- Fang) and Zane Grey. Even in JM Barrie’s Peter Pan the children are
haviour through natural selection. This new environment favoured looked after by a Newfoundland dog called Nana.
the survival of small, sociable animals. This can be read in John Dogs have been used over the years to provide entertainment
Bradshaw’s recently bought title In defence of dogs which provides for people. Hollywood’s first canine superstar was Rin Tin Tin, a
a radical new approach to canine psychology. German Shepherd messenger dog found wounded in battle and
As man’s contact with dogs evolved in early sites of permanent adopted by an American soldier, Lee Duncan, who lived close to
human habitation, we discover references in religion and folklore, Hollywood. Rin Tin Tin starred in 22 films and set the trend for
and dog images in early art, which further illustrate the role they future doggy films such as the 1940 classic Lassie come home.
came to play over the years in people’s lives. In the great trilogy The role of the dog in human society continues to evolve and
of world religions, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the dog is expand, reflecting changes in communities worldwide.

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B ook world
Boekwêreld • Ilizwe Leencwadi

Anthropologists have observed that it is a universal human condi- Read about this in Chandi: the
tion to want to feed and comfort young, furry animals. The dog is rescue dog who stole a nation’s
unique in its positive response. Because it shares a number of social heart by Tina Humphrey. We can
behaviours with humans it gives comfort and security in turn. It is also read about the dog star from
likely that the dog has provided warmth on cold nights and affec- the Oscar-winning movie The artist
tion for its owners since it was first domesticated. It is only in the in Uggie the artist: my star.
previous century that the dog’s role as companion has become its Author Jon Katz has written
most important attribute. This is especially so with regard to the a number of books covering his
elderly who sometimes do not have adequate social interaction experiences and his life with dogs.
with other people. While some people believe in the physical and These are alternatively hilarious
emotional benefits of owning a pet, scientists are currently working and heart-warming. Another
to verify these ideas with medical studies. There is now a medically- author, almost forgotten, is Sheila
approved class of what is commonly referred to as ‘therapy animals,’ Hocken, who wrote a series of
mostly dogs that are brought to visit confined humans or to serve titles about her dog Emma.
as guide dogs for the blind. Pet therapy utilises trained animals and An important title on dog behaviour is the Jan Fennell title called
handlers to achieve specific physical, social, cognitive, and emotional The dog listener where the author, inspired by Monty Roberts (of
goals with patients. Walking a dog can provide both the owner Horse whisperer fame), develops her own unique system of dog
and the dog with exercise, fresh air, and social interaction. Various training. The dog owner’s question and answer book by Don
books have appeared over the years that highlight this special gift Harper provides the answers to 300 commonly asked questions.
of dogs. In Endal: how one extraordinary dog brought a family Of all animals, dogs have the longest history of friendship with
back from the brink by Allen and Sandra Parton we read how a humans. If dogs had never been part of our world, the human race
Labrador played an important role in restoring harmony in the may never have reached its present state of civilisation. They have
life of the author who suffered a severe head injury while serving protected our lives and property from enemies, helped us hunt for
in the Gulf War of 1991. In A three dog life, Abigail Thomas tells other animals that provide sustenance, and helped us out of trouble,
how she acquires two extra dogs for company after her husband, sometimes sacrificing their own lives. Few other animals have been
Richard, had been hit by a car while walking their dog Harry. The as important to humankind as dogs. The love of dogs is as universal
traumatic head injury he suffered did not kill him, but it rendered as the desire for world peace.
him susceptible to large-scale memory loss and wild rages and he There are many more titles to consider which will at best be
was forced to be committed to an institution. Angel dogs: when provided in a select bibliography.
best friends become heroes by Allen Anderson, offers readers a
Selected booklist
selection of inspirational stories of how dogs have acted as angels in
peoples’ lives. General non-fiction
Some dog stories refer to dogs in a time of war such as Jay Bradshaw, John. In defence of dogs.- Penguin, 2012.
Kopelman’s From Bagdad with love: a marine, the war, and a Flint, Elsa. Understanding your dog.- New Holland, 2003.
dog named Lava, telling of a marine’s efforts to transport a stray Fogle, Bruce. The encyclopedia of the dog.- Dorling Kindersley,
dog back to America. In It’s all about Treo: life and war with the 1995.
world’s bravest dog by Dave Heyhoe, a dog is awarded the animal Harper, Don. The dog owner’s question & answer book.-
version of the Victoria Cross due to a successful career in finding Blandford, 1999.
hidden roadside bombs in Afghanistan. Horowitz, Alexandra. Inside of a dog: what dogs see, smell, and
Other books refer to dogs on tour such as in Boogie up the river know.- Simon, 2012.
by Mark Wallington, where a dog accompanies his master on a trip Palmer, Joan. Dog facts.- S. Paul, 1991.
to seek the source of the Thames river. A local title that received Tetsu, Yamazaki. Legacy of the dog.- Chronicle Bks., 1995.
a lot of attention is Joanne Lefson’s Ahound the world: my travels Whitehead, Sarah. The dog: a complete guide.- Silverdal Bks., 2001.
with Oscar. It tells of the author’s adoption of a stray dog from the
Caring and health
SPCA, naming him Oscar and setting off on a world tour to make
people aware of the plight of homeless dogs. (Unfortunately he Bauer, Nona Kilgore. Adopting a great dog.- TFH, 2003.
has recently died in a road accident Argus 17 January, Bush, Karen. The dog expert.- Expert Bks., 2010.
2013 – a memorial service was held for Green, Martin I. The South African home pet vet guide: dogs.-
him in Cape Town on 25 January.) Coombes, 1985.
Some dogs received fame as celebri- Maritz, NG. Your sick dog: the owner’s guide to understanding
ties, such as a rescue dog called Chandi and managing breeding, illness and injury.- Swan Hill Press, 2004.
who, together with her owner, Tina, Meadows, Graham. The dog owner’s handbook.- New Holland,
through their dancing became Crufts 2001.
champions and television stars.

24 Cape Librarian, January/February 2013

B ook world
Boekwêreld • Ilizwe Leencwadi

Messonnier, Shawn. The natural vet’s guide to preventing and

treating arthritis in dogs and cats.- New World Library, 2011.
Oberem, Pamela. Cats and dogs: a guide to animal diseases in
South Africa.- Briza Publ., 2008.
Vaughan, Cathy. How to start a home-based pet-sitting and dog-
walking business.- GPP, 2011.
Woodhouse, Barbara. The A to Z of dogs and puppies: all you
need to know about buying, breeding, diseases, exercising, feeding,
house training, inoculations, injuries, the law, sharing, vices, etc.-
B. Woodhouse, 1981.
Davis, Caroline and Davis, Keith. Dog training in a weekend: the
easy way to train your dog.- Hamlyn, 2003.
Fennell, Jan. The dog listener: [learning the language of your best
friend].- HarperCollins, 2000.
Fennell, Jan. The practical dog listener: [the 30-day path to a life-
long understanding of your dog].- HarperCollins, 2006.
Geller, Tamar and Cagan, Andrea. The loved dog: the gentle way to
teach your dog good manners.- Vermilion, 2007.
Killik, Robert. Dog showing: from beginners to winners.- Collins,
Ray, Mary. Dog tricks: fun and games for your clever canine.-
Hamlyn, 2005.
Simes, Graeme. The dog whisperer: how to train your dog using Mayle, Peter. A dog’s life.- Penguin, 1996.
its own language.- Headline, 2008. Parton, Allen and Sandra. Endal: how one extraordinary dog
Smythe, Stella. Collins dog training handbook: a 10-week training brought a family back from the brink.- Harper, 2009.
course.- HarperCollins, 2001. Pearse, Emma. Sophie, dog overboard: the incredible true adven-
Woodhouse, Barbara. Dog training my way, and difficult dogs.- tures of the castaway dog.- Hodder, 2011.
B. Woodhouse, 1981. Thomas, Abigail. A three dog life.- Phoenix, 2008.
Zeigenfuse, Mary Ann Rombold. Dog tricks step by step.- Howell, Wallington, Mark. 500 mile walkies.- Arrow Bks., 1987.
2003. Wallington, Mark. Boogie up the river: one man and his dog to the
source of the Thames.- Arrow, 1994.
Popular readable non-fiction
Badger, Louise. Todo in Tuscany: the dog at the villa.- Hodder, 2012. Dog celebrities
Carter, Hazel. A dog in a million: my life with Connie.- Preface, Anderson, Allen. Angel dogs: when best friends become heroes.-
2009. Penguin, 2009.
George, Isabel. The dog that saved my life: sacrifice, loyalty, love Fleischer, Leonore. The dog who rescued cats: the true story of
beyond all bounds.- Abacus, 2010. Ginny.- Simon, 1997.
Herriot, James. James Herriot’s dog stories.- Pan, 1992. Grogan, John. Marley & me: life and love with the world’s worst
Hocken, Sheila. Emma and I.- Gollancz, 1982. dog.- Hodder, 2006.
Hocken, Sheila. After Emma.- Gollancz, 1988. Heyhoe, Dave. It’s all about Treo: life and war with the world’s
Katz, Jon. A dog year: rescuing Devon, the most troublesome dog bravest dog.- Quercus, 2012.
in the world.- Ebury, 2008. Humphrey, Tina. Chandi: the rescue dog who stole a nation’s
Katz, Jon. A good dog: the story of Orson, who changed my life.- heart.- Pan, 2012.
Ebury, 2009. Koperman, Jay. From Baghdad with love: a marine, the war, and a
Katz, Jon. A home for Rose: how my life turned upside down for dog named Lava.- Bantam Bks., 2008.
the love of a dog.- Ebury, 2009. Lefson, Joanne. Ahound the world: my travels with Oscar.- Zebra
Katz, Jon. Saving Izzy: the abandoned dog who stole my heart.- P., 2010.
Ebury, 2010. Uggie the artist: my story.- HarperCollins, 2012.
Martin, Peter. A dog called Perth: the true story of a beagle.-
Adult fiction
Orion, 2002.
Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff. Dogs never lie about love: reflections Angus, Sam. Soldier dog.- Macmillan, 2012.
on the emotional world of dogs.- Vintage, 1998. Cameron, W Bruce. A dog’s purpose: a novel for humans.- Pan,

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B ook world
Boekwêreld • Ilizwe Leencwadi

Hiaasen, Carl. Sick puppy.- Macmil-

lan, 2000.
Johnston, Linda O. Beaglemania:
a pet rescue mystery.- Wheeler,
Koontz, Dean R. The darkest
evening of the year.- HarperCollins,
Roberts, Nora. The search.-
Piatkus, 2010.
Sheehan, Jacqueline. Lost & found.-
Ebury, 2008.
Stein, Garth. The art of racing in
the rain.- HarperCollins, 2008.
Terhune, Albert Payson. Lad: a dog.- Dent, 1965.
Wilson, Susan. One good dog.- St. Martin’s Griffin, 2010.
Wroblewski, David. The story of Edgar Sawtelle.- Fourth Estate,
Junior fiction
Baudet, Stephanie. A dog in hiding.- H. Hamilton, 1986.
Behrens, Andy. The fastest and the furriest.- Yearling Bks., 2010.
Brown, Bobby. Greyfriars Bobby.- Andersen, 1995.
Cook, Sue. The totally true story of Devon, the naughtiest dog in
the world.- Red Fox, 2010.
Crisp, Marty. White Star: a dog on the Titanic.- Scholastic, 2006.
Daniels, Lucy. Puppies in peril.- Hodder, 2011.
Doder, Joshua. A dog called Grk.- Andersen P., 2005.
Fitzpatrick, James Percy. Jock of the Bushveld.- Penguin, 1976.
Grogan, John. Bad dog, Marley!- HarperCollins, 2007.
Lisle, Rebecca. The dog in the diamond collar.- Andersen P., 2006.
London, Jack. The call of the wild.- Puffin, 1994.
Long, Jonathan. The dog that dug.- Bodley Head, 1992.
Martin, Ann M. Everything for a dog.- Scholastic, 2012.
Nash, Margaret. Dog’s new coat.- Franklin Watts, 2010.
Pyron, Bobbie. A dog’s way home.- Katherine Tegen Bks., 2012;
Richardson, Jean. A dog for Ben.- Methuen, 1988.
Junior picture books
Cooper, Helen. Dog biscuit.- Corgi, 2009.
DiSalvo-Ryan, DyAnne. A dog like Jack.- Holiday House, 1999.
Gormley, Greg and Angaramo, Roberta [illustrator]. Dog in boots.-
Gullane, 2011.
Hest, Amy and Bates, Amy. The dog who belonged to no one.-
Abrams, 2008.
Kasza, Keiko. The dog who cried wolf.- Putnam, 2005.
Fine, Anne. Ruggles.- Andersen P., 2001.
Gravett, Emily. Dogs.- Macmillan, 2009.

26 Cape Librarian, January/February 2013

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