Deakin University: Lesson Planning Template: School of Education

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Date: Thursday 9th August 2018 Student Group: Level 1/2

Mentor Teacher: Mrs Joanne Ritchie School: Sommerville Primary school

Duration of the lesson: 60 minutes Class size: 27

Title of lesson/activity: Maths.
Intended Learning Outcomes/Learning I can share a set of objects equally.
intentions: I can make equal groups.
 What will the students be able to know I know other words for division.
and do by the completion of this lesson?
Success Criteria: I will know that the students have successfully achieved learning by observing
 How will you know that the students have them throughtout the lesson and correcting their worksheet. The summary or
successfully achieved the learning debrief at the closure of the lesson will also allow insight into whether the
outcome/intention? students have gained conceptual understanding of the lessons focus.
Prior Learning and Experiences: Lessons on multiplication.
 How will students’ prior learning and
experiences be used in this lesson?
Links to the curriculum (Victorian Curriulum) Level one: Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems
and to the curriculum planning of the school using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging
parts (VCMNA089).

Recognise the importance of repition of a process in solving problems


Level two: Solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of
mental and written strategies (VCMNA107).

Recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and

arrays (VCMNA108).

Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets and solve simple
problems using these representations (VCMNA109).
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority [VCAA] (2018)

Resources, Materials and Organisation: For the teacher:

 What additional human and physical  Cookies.
resources will be required for this  Paper plates.
activity?  Computer/t.v
 What specific teaching materials will need For the students:
to be prepared?  Pencils/erasers etc.
 How will ICT be utilised in the lesson?  Worksheet/s.
 What OH&S factors will need to be
considered for this activity?

Teaching Strategies and lesson structure: What you as teacher will What are the students Timing
do? doing?
Prompts for your planning: Beginning
 How will the lesson and ideas be The teacher will begin by The students will be 10 minutes.
introduced and made relevant to the explaining or restating the reminded of the lessons
students? lessons learning intention. learning intention and
 How will you engage the class? focus.
Next, the teacher will
remind students that The students will listen to
today’s lesson focus is the story - ‘The Doorbell
about ‘sharing’. Rang’ by Pat Hutchins.

The teacher will illustrate

 What specific teaching and learning on the board the correct
strategies will you use for the lesson? symbol to use and then
 What exactly will the students be required move the students in front
to do and what will be your role? of the t.v to play the book
 How will you create a collaborative - ‘The Doorbell Rang’ by
learning environment and how will the Pat Hutchins.
classroom be arranged to support this?
 How will you include all learners? What see -The Doorbell Rang
Curriculum and Pedagogy adaptations or
modifications will be required?
 How will you differentiate learning Middle
opportunities for diverse learners? The teacher will ask the The students will answer 35 minutes.
students: the questions proposed
 How will you ensure the students are on- What is this book about? by the teacher about the
task and what strategies will you use to story.
support positive behaviour? Once it is clear that the
story is about ‘sharing’ the The students will then get
teacher will ask: into their groups and
 How will you draw ideas together and What is sharing? (when begin working
conclude the lesson? something is shared collaboratively as the
 How will you conclude the learning equally or fair). story moves through.
experience/ learning findings?
The teacher will now Next, the students will
group the students write their own problem
(groups of 4 max) and and decide how many
send them back to the children to divide the
tables with their group. cookies between.

Next, the teacher will

come around with 12
cookies, 12 paper plates
and a worksheet for each
member of the group.

The teacher will explain

that we are going to go
through the book again
together and work the
‘sharing’ that is

The teacher will explain

that as we go through the
story together, the
students must be dividing
the cookies up on the
plates as per reqired and
recording their answers
on the worksheet

Once this is complete,

and if time permits, the
teacher will have the
students collect another
sheet that requires them
to write a problem
themselves and decide
how many children to
divide the cookies

The teacher will make it

clear that the cookies can
be earten after the lesson
or at lunch but for now the
students may need them
to aid their thinking and
The teacher will gather The students will share 5 minutes.
the students to the floor their stories on the floor
with their maths scrap with their peers and
books and ask or answer any questions
encourage any of the proposed by the teacher.
students to share their
own stories.

The teacher will revise the

term ‘sharing’ and ask
how many cookies each
of the students are
allowed by working out
how many students were
in their groups and how
many cookies there are.

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