Deakin University: Lesson Planning Template: School of Education
Deakin University: Lesson Planning Template: School of Education
Deakin University: Lesson Planning Template: School of Education
Level two: Solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of
mental and written strategies (VCMNA107).
Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets and solve simple
problems using these representations (VCMNA109).
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority [VCAA] (2018)
Teaching Strategies and lesson structure: What you as teacher will What are the students Timing
do? doing?
Prompts for your planning: Beginning
How will the lesson and ideas be The teacher will begin by The students will be 10 minutes.
introduced and made relevant to the explaining or restating the reminded of the lessons
students? lessons learning intention. learning intention and
How will you engage the class? focus.
Next, the teacher will
remind students that The students will listen to
today’s lesson focus is the story - ‘The Doorbell
about ‘sharing’. Rang’ by Pat Hutchins.