General Science & Ability
General Science & Ability
General Science & Ability
51) Planets are always small compared with stars because otherwise ______.
( a) the rotation of the planets would cause them to disintegrate
(b) the great mass of the planets would cause them to be pulled into their parent star
(c) the great mass of the planets would prevent them from being held in orbit and they would escape
(d) the planets would be stars themselves
Answer: (d)
52) The least likely reason why planetary systems have not been directly observed around
stars other than the sun is that __
(a) Planets are small
(b) Planets shine by reflected light
(c) Planetary systems are rare
(d) Other stars are far away
Answer: (c)
53) Which of the following is the correct ordering of the inner planets according to their
proximity to the sun? (CSS 2012)
(a) Jupiter, Saturn , Uranus , Neptune
(b) Phobos, Deimes , Europe , Tias
(c) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
(d) None of these
Answer: (c) 1/11
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55) Which planet of our solar system is called as Morning star? (CSS 2008)
Answer: Venus
57) The number of natural satellites orbiting around the Mars is: (CSS 2002/2003)
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 5
(d) 14
Answer: (b)
Mars has two natural satellites, discovered by Asaph Hall in 1877. The innermost of these, Phobos, is
about 7 mi (11 km) in diameter and orbits the planet with a period far less than Mars’s period of
rotation (7 hr 39 min), causing it to rise in the west and set in the east. The outer satellite, Deimos,
is about 4 mi (6 km) in diameter.
59) Our galaxy milky way is shaped like a large thick concave lens with a large central
bulge (CSS 2002)
60) The coldest planet of the solar system is: (CSS 2000)
(a) Earth
(b) Venus
(c) Neptune d) Pluto
(e) None of these
Answer: (c)
In the past, the title for “most frigid body” went to Pluto, as it was the farthest then-designated
planet from the Sun. However, due to the IAU’s decision in 2006 to reclassify Pluto as a “dwarf
planet”, the title has since passed to Neptune. As the eight planet from our Sun, it is now the
outermost planet in the Solar System, and hence the coldest.
61) Venus is the smallest planet of the solar system. (CSS 1999)
62) Black hole is a hypothetical region of space having a gravitational pull so great that no
matter or radiation can escape from it. (CSS 1998) 2/11
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In the Solar System, there are 179 satellites. A majority of those moons belong to the planet of
Jupiter, the second most belonging to Saturn. The largest of these moons is Ganymede, which is one
of the Galilean Moons.
64) ——- cannot be nominated for the Nobel Prize. (CSS 1996)
(a) Physicists
(b) Economists
(c) Astronomers
(d) None of these
Answer: (c)
65) The largest planet of the solar system is Jupiter. (CSS 1995)
69) This is the greatest amount of water vapor the air could hold at a certain temperature
(a) Absolute humidity
(b) Relative humidity
(c) Variable humidity
(d) None of these
Answer: (a)
Absolute humidity is the measure of water vapor (moisture) in the air, regardless of temperature. It
is expressed as grams of moisture per cubic meter of air (g/m3).
The maximum absolute humidity of warm air at 30°C/86°F is approximately 30g of water vapor –
30g/m3. The maximum absolute humidity of cold air at 0°C/32°F is approximately 5g of water vapor
– 5g/m3. 3/11
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70) This is how much actual water vapor is in the air at a certain temperature.
(a)Absolute humidity
(b) Relative humidity
(c) Variable
(d) None of these
Answer: (b)
Relative humidity also measures water vapor but RELATIVE to the temperature of the air. It is
expressed as the amount of water vapor in the air as a percentage of the total amount that could be
held at its current temperature.
73) The most splendid and the most magnificent constellation on the sky is: (CSS-2009)
(a) Orion
(b) Columbia
(c) Canis Major
(d) Taurus
(e) None of these
Answer: (a)
(Canis Major is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name means “the greater dog” in Latin.) Orion,
which is located on the celestial equator, is one of the most prominent and recognizable constellations
in the sky and can be seen throughout the world.
74) Which of the following explains the reason why there is no total eclipse of the sun?
(a) Size of the earth in relation to that of moon
(b) Orbit of moon around earth
(c) Direction of rotation of earth around sun
(d) Area of the sun covered by the moon
(e) None of these
Answer: (b) 4/11
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more than 200 asteroids larger than 60 miles (100 kilometers) in diameter. Scientists estimate the
asteroid belt also contains more than 750,000 asteroids larger than three-fifths of a mile (1 km) in
diameter and millions of smaller ones. Not everything in the main belt is an asteroid — for instance,
comets have recently been discovered there, and Ceres, once thought of only as an asteroid, is now
also considered a dwarf planet.
76) The largest circular storm in our solar system is on the surface of which of the
following planets?
(a) Jupiter
(b) Venus
(c) Uranus
(d) Earth
Answer: (a)
Jupiter boasts the largest storm in the Solar System . It is called the Great Red Spot and has been
observed for hundreds of years that kind of storm is dwarfed by the Great Red Spot, a gigantic storm
in Jupiter. There, gigantic means twice as wide as Earth. Today, scientists know the Great Red Spot is
there and it’s been there for a while, but they still struggle to learn what causes its swirl of reddish
78) Rounded to the nearest day, the Mercurian year is equal to:
(a) 111 days
(b) 87.97 days
(c) 50 days
(d) 25 days
Answer: (b)
Mercurian Year: A year on Mercury takes 87.97 Earth days; it takes 87.97 Earth days for Mercury to
orbit the sun once
79) One of the largest volcanoes in our solar system-if not the largest-is named Olympus
Mons. This volcano is located on:
(a) Jupiter’s moon Callisto
(b) Venus
(c) Saturn’s moon Titan
(d) Mars
Answer: (d)
Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in the solar system. The massive Martian mountain towers high
above the surrounding plains of the red planet, and may be biding its time until the next eruption.
Olympus Mons rises three times higher than Earth’s highest mountain, Mount Everest, whose peak is
5.5 miles above sea level. 5/11
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81) The time interval between two successive occurrences of a specific type of alignment
of a planet (or the moon) with the sun and the earth is referred to as:
(a) a conjunction
(b) an opposition
(c) a sidereal period
(d) a synodic period.
Answer: (d)
Synodic period , in astronomy, length of time during which a body in the solar system makes one
orbit of the sun relative to the earth, i.e. The synodic period of the moon, which is called the lunar
month, or lunation, is 291/2 days long; it is longer than the sidereal month.
82) Of the following four times, which one best represents the time it takes energy
generated in the core of the sun to reach the surface of the sun and be radiated?
(a) Three minutes
(b) Thirty days
(c) One thousand years
(d) One million years
Answer: (d)
The amount of magnetic flux that rises up to the Sun’s surface varies with time in a cycle called the
solar cycle. This cycle lasts 11 years on average. This cycle is sometimes referred to as the sunspot
84) The Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram of stars DIRECTLY compares what TWO of the
following properties of stars?
(a) size
(b) temperature
(c) luminosity
(d) Both b & c
Answer: (d)
One of the most useful and powerful plots in astrophysics is the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
(hereafter called the H-R diagram). It originated in 1911 when the Danish astronomer, Ejnar
Hertzsprung, plotted the absolute magnitude of stars against their color (hence effective
temperature). Independently in 1913 the American astronomer Henry Norris Russell used spectral
class against absolute magnitude. Their resultant plots showed that the relationship between
temperature and luminosity of a star was not random but instead appeared to fall into distinct
groups. 6/11
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The majority of stars, including our Sun, are found along a region called the Main Sequence. Main
Sequence stars vary widely in effective temperature but the hotter they are, the more luminous they
are, hence the main sequence tends to follow a band going from the bottom right of the diagram to
the top left. These stars are fusing hydrogen to helium in their cores. Stars spend the bulk of their
existence as main sequence stars. Other major groups of stars found on the H-R diagram are the
giants and supergiants; luminous stars that have evolved off the main sequence, and the white
dwarfs. Whilst each of these types is discussed in detail in later pages we can use their positions on
the H-R diagram to infer some of their properties.
86) About how many light years across is the Milky Way? Is it:
(a) 1,000
(b) 10,000
(c) 100,000
(d) 1,000,000
Answer: (c)
100 000 light years across
A light-year is precisely equal to a whole number of meters, namely 9460730472580800 m or
approximately 9.46073 1015 m. That’s the distance traveled by light in a vacuum, at a speed of
299792458 m/s, during a “scientific year” of 31557600 s. All these numbers are exact… In particular,
“Einstein’s Constant” is exactly c = 299792458 m/s, because of the latest definition of the meter,
officially adopted in 1983.
87) Who was the first man to classify stars according to their brightness. Was it:
(a) Aristarchus
(b) Pythagoras
(c) Copernicus
(d) Hipparchus
Answer: (d)
The first person to classify stars by their apparent magnitude (brightness) was Hipparchus in about
130 BC. He divided the stars into classes based on how bright they appeared in the night sky. The
brightest stars were classified as magnitude 1, those that were just visible to the naked eye as
magnitude 6. In practice the intensity of a magnitude 1 star is 100 times that of a magnitude 6 star,
so the 5 magnitude steps correspond to a multiple of 100. For a geometric series of magnitudes each
magnitude must be a times the intensity of the previous one with a5 – 100. This means that going up
one magnitude increases the intensity by a factor of a = 2.51. So magnitude 3 is 2.51 times as
intense as magnitude 4 and so on.
88) For what reason was the Schmidt telescope specially built? Was it to serve as:
(a) a sky camera
(b) a radio telescope
(c) an optical telescope
(d) a solar telescope
Answer: (a) 7/11
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89) The greatest distance of a planet from the sun is called what? Is it the planet’s:
(a) aphelion
(b) perihelion
(c) helix
(d) eccentricity
Answer: (a)
The closest point to the Sun in a planet’s orbit is called perihelion. The furthest point is called
90) How is the atmospheric pressure of Mars as compared to the atmospheric pressure of
the earth? Is it:
(a) about the same as the earth’s
(b) about 100 times as great as the earth’s
(c) about 1/200th that of the earth’s
(d) half as much as that of the earth’s
Answer: (c)
The atmosphere and (probably) the interior of Mars differ substantially from that of the Earth. The
atmosphere is much less dense and of different composition, and it is unlikely that the core is molten.
The atmosphere has a pressure at the surface that is only 1/200 that of Earth. The primary
component of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide (95%), with the remainder mostly nitrogen. Seasonal
heating drives strong winds that can reach 100 mph or more, stirring up large dust storms. Clouds
form in the atmosphere, but liquid water cannot exist at the ambient pressure and temperature of the
Martian surface: water goes directly between solid and vapor phases without becoming liquid.
91) A typical galaxy, such as our Milky Way galaxy, contains how many billion stars? Is it
(a) 10 billion
(b) 40 billion
(c) 400 billion
(d) 800 billion
Answer: (c)
According to astronomers, our Milky Way is an average-sized barred spiral galaxy measuring up to
120,000 light-years across. Our Sun is located about 27,000 light-years from the galactic core in the
Orion arm. Astronomers estimate that the Milky Way contains up to 400 billion stars of various sizes
and brightness.
According to astronomers, there are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable
Universe, stretching out into a region of space 13.8 billion light-years away from us in all directions. 8/11
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93) Spectral line splitting due to the influence of magnetic fields is called:
(a) Boltzmann Effect
(b) Zeeman Effect
(c) Planck Effect
(d) Zanstra’s Effect
Answer: (b)
The Zeeman effect is the splitting of a spectral line by a magnetic field. That is, if an atomic spectral
line of 400 nm was considered under normal conditions, in a strong magnetic field, because of the
Zeeman effect, the spectral line would be split to yield a more energetic line and a less energetic line,
in addition to the original line at 400 nm.
95) Which of the following men wrote the book “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly
(a) Kepler
(b) Euclid
(c) Copernicus
(d) Newton
Answer: (c)
De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) is the seminal
work on the heliocentric theory of the Renaissance astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543).
96) The most distant planet in the solar system is (CSS 1995)
(a) Mars
(b) Pluto
(c) Jupiter
(d) None of these
Answer: (d)
New Dwarf Planet In Our Solar System May Be The Farthest One Yet. Object V774104 was discovered
in late October, 2015, and is one of the most distant objects ever detected in the solar system. It
appears to be about half the size of Pluto, but with an orbit two to three times larger than Pluto’s.
(Nov 12, 2015)
98) If you were watching a star collapsing to form a black hole, the light would disappear
because it:
(a) is strongly red shifted
(b) is strongly blue shifted
(c) its color suddenly becomes black 9/11
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100) According to Kepler’s Laws, the cube of the mean distance of a planet from the sun is
proportional to the:
(a) area that is swept out
(b) cube of the period
(c) square of the period
(d) fourth power of the mean distance
Answer: (c) 10/11
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Shahzad F. Malik 11/11