This document appears to be a market survey form for Sudarshan Gears to collect information about cranes and hoists. It asks for technical specifications like drum diameter, lifting speed, motor power, motor speed, and whether a variable frequency drive is used. It also requests information in various tonnage categories ranging from 0.5 tons to 50 tons.
This document appears to be a market survey form for Sudarshan Gears to collect information about cranes and hoists. It asks for technical specifications like drum diameter, lifting speed, motor power, motor speed, and whether a variable frequency drive is used. It also requests information in various tonnage categories ranging from 0.5 tons to 50 tons.
This document appears to be a market survey form for Sudarshan Gears to collect information about cranes and hoists. It asks for technical specifications like drum diameter, lifting speed, motor power, motor speed, and whether a variable frequency drive is used. It also requests information in various tonnage categories ranging from 0.5 tons to 50 tons.
This document appears to be a market survey form for Sudarshan Gears to collect information about cranes and hoists. It asks for technical specifications like drum diameter, lifting speed, motor power, motor speed, and whether a variable frequency drive is used. It also requests information in various tonnage categories ranging from 0.5 tons to 50 tons.
AAPS Advances in The Pharmaceutical Sciences Series 9 Sejal Shah, Michael A. Repka (Auth.), Michael A. Repka, Nigel Langley, James DiNunzio (Eds.) - Melt Extrusion - Materials, Technology and Drug PR