Learning Episode Overview: The School's Learning Resource Center

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FS 3.Episode 1 [Malto, Jason C.

The School’s Learning Resource Center

Learning Episode Overview

Episode 1 provides opportunity for students to examine a Learning Resource Center
or Multi-Media Center and learn about its collection, services, equipment and reflect on how it
supports the teaching learning process.

Intended Learning Outcomes

In this episode, I must be able to:
 describe the goals of a Learning Resource / multi-media Center
 identify and classify resources that facilitate the teaching-learning processes
 explain the services of the center that support learning

Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following:
- Quality of my observations ad documentations
- Completeness and depth of analysis
- Depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection
- Completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio
- Time of submission of portfolio

Learning Essentials
1. A school usually sets up a center which will provide valuable support to the teaching-
learning process. Over the years, the name if this center has evolved. Some of the
names are Audio-Visual Center, Media and Technology Resource Center, Teaching-
Learning Technology Department, or simply Learning Resource Center.
2. With the very fast development of information and communications technology
(ICT), the natural outcome was the ever-expanding interface between the traditional
library and ICT both in terms of hardware and software systems and applications.
3. Schools may have different set-ups when it comes to a Learning Resource Center
(LRC). Some have replaced the term library with LRC. Some have a separate library,

FS 3.Episode 1 [Malto, Jason C.]

LRC, and Audio Visual or Media Center. Some just have the LRC both for teachers
and students.
4. The common purpose among these centers is to provide print, audio-visual and ICT
resources to support the teaching-learning process.
5. The goals of the Center may include, orienting and training teachers in the use of
audio-visual and ICT training teachers in the use of audio visual and ICT resource,
working with teachers and administrators in producing instructional materials,
making available useful resources to the students, teachers and the school
6. In order to support the philosophy and aims of the school, the Center must fulfil the
following functions:
a. Center of resources
b. Laboratory of learning
c. Agent of teaching
d. Service agency
e. Coordinating agency
f. Recreational reading center
g. A ink to other community resources

Learning Map
To realize my intended learning outcomes, I will work my way through the steps

FS 3.Episode 1 [Malto, Jason C.]

Learning Activities
As you visit and observe the Learning
Resource Center, use activity forms provided to
document observations. Ask the assistance of the one
manning the center courteously.


1. Go around the Learning Resource Center.
2. Find out what learning resources are present.
3. Examine and describe how the materials are arranged and how they are classified.
Are they free from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for easy access?
4. Read the guidelines/procedures for borrowing of materials. Are these
guidelines/procedures posted or available for the users to refer to?
5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. You may choose to take
photo of the center (if allowed).

After you have observed, classify the resources available that you believe are most
useful. Use the activity form provided for you.
Name of Center Observed: Library and ICT room
Date of Observation: July 26, 2017
Name of Observer: Jason C. Malto
Course / Year / School: BSIE-ELT/ 4-D/ BUCIT
List of Available Learning Resources
Available Learning Characteristics and Unique Teaching Approaches where the
Resources (Enumerate in Capabilities Resource is Most Useful
bullet form)
1.Print Resources These printed resources are Printed resources are most
 Books arranged in different subject useful in deductive and
 Modules areas. All of this contains piece inductive teaching approach
 Magazines of information that contributes because the most widely used
 Journals and helps the student in their of this approach are direct
learning. teaching and instructional

FS 3.Episode 1 [Malto, Jason C.]

2.Audio Resources These two audio resources well These audio resources are
 Speaker help both teachers and useful in reciprocal teaching
 Lapel students in their teaching and approach. It helps the teacher
learning process. It also used in to introduce the subject matter
different activities that and it is like interactive
conducted in the school. dialogue between teacher and
3. Non-electronic visual Chalkboard and charts are These non-electronic visual
resources basic materials that used in the resources are useful in concept
Chalkboard classroom. It is very important teaching because it helps the
Charts because it the first aid in teacher to easily present the
teaching. key concept of the subject
4. ICT Resources These ICT resources are useful I think these ICT Resources are
Computers and easily use in teaching and useful in all teaching
Projectors learning process. Teachers and approaches because the use of
Printer students become multi-takers technology is very wide.
Wifi connection
Network frame
Impression about the LRC
The learning resource center of the education institution is designed and developed to cater
the needs of the students. With all the learning facilities and resources they could easily respond
to the diverse nature of the learners in the surrounding community.

Name and Signature of Observer


Name and Signature of the Learning Resource Center in-charge

FS 3.Episode 1 [Malto, Jason C.]

1. Were the learning resources/materials arranged properly
according to their functions and characteristics?
Yes, because the books are arranged according to
subjects so that they can easily access every time they
need it. The ICT is organized in their place for easily access
and safety of the learners.

2. Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the

materials by the teachers? Why? Why not?
Yes. Guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to
the materials because anyone has an opportunity to use
the materials but the teacher needs to guide/monitor the
students. They follow the library rules.

3. What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?

The strength of this learning resource center which are the

library and ICT room. The strength of the library is that it is
easily access by the student and it is clean. The strength of
the ICT room is that it has an enough tools and equipment’s
and properly organized in their proper places. They can
also easily access to the internet.

FS 3.Episode 1 [Malto, Jason C.]

4. What are its weaknesses?

The weaknesses of those learning resource centers are it has a small
space to accommodate all the learners. The learners cannot perform
well if the facility is overcrowded and their focus is not in the
discussion but in the environment.

5. What suggestions can you make?

I suggest that they find a room that can accommodate all the
learners and they can feel comfortable and free from distraction.

FS 3.Episode 1 [Malto, Jason C.]

Reflections / Insights
1. Which of the materials in the Learning Resource
Center caught your interest the most? Why?
The materials caught my interest and attention
the most is the LCD projector because first it is
placed at the ceiling and facing to the board.
LCD projector is very helpful because the teacher
can easily present the lesson that can catch the
attention of the students because of creative and
attractive presentation.

2. Which gadgets/materials are you already confident

to use/operate?
The gadget that I am confident to use is computer
because I always used it in doing my assignments,
projects and research. I have my own laptop that
is why easily learned and use it. I can create
attractive and meaningful presentation using

3. Which ones do you feel you need to learn more

The learning material that I need to learn more
is the LCD projector I didn’t know how to
troubleshoot the LCD projector if it is not
functioning well. I’ve already experience how
operate this materials but I am expert about
the parts and functions of this material.

FS 3.Episode 1 [Malto, Jason C.]

Learning Portfolio
Paste an article about an example of technology gadget/material that you
want to learn more about. How can this gadget/material be useful in
Best projectors you can actually afford
by: David Katzmaier
Nothing beats a home theatre projector at putting up a jaw-
dropping image for as little money as possible. Sure it's not
quite as plug-and-play as a TV. You'll need the space and a dark
room, and it really helps to have a screen and a separate audio
system (or at least a decent powered speaker). A projector takes
a minute or so to warm up, and unless you mount it on the
ceiling, you'll get a case
of the shadow puppets when
you walk in front.
For all of these reasons and
more, TVs are much more
popular than projectors. You
can get a 65-inch TV for
$900 or less, complete with
4K resolution and HDR.
That's big enough for most
people, but compared to a projector it's positively tiny. A 100-
inch projection screen is more than 7 feet wide, with almost 2.5
times the screen area of a 65-inch TV.

LCD projector is one of the most modern technologies used in teaching.

Because of this gadget the teacher can cater more and clear information about
the lesson. The teachers save time in making visual aids, presenting the topics,
give realistic pictures, easily explain and present the topic and create more
interactive teaching and learning process. In the part of the student is that they
acquire meaning knowledge and actively participate in discussion.

FS 3.Episode 1 [Malto, Jason C.]

Learning Rubric
EPISODES (4) (3) (2)






Overall Score Equivalent

Professor’s Initials / Date

FS 3.Episode 1 [Malto, Jason C.]

This is how you will be scored:

Exemplary (4) Superior (3) Satisfactory (2)
EPISODES Improvement (1)
Fewer than half of
All tasks were done
All or nearly all Nearly all tasks the tasks were
with outstanding
Learning tasks were done were done with done or most
quality; work
Activities with high acceptable objectives were
quality quality met but need
All questions were
Questions were
answered Questions are
completely; Answers to
completely; not answered
answers have questions are
theories were completely;
depth; thoroughly confusing;
Analysis somehow vaguely related
grounded on grammar and
mentioned; to the theories;
theories; used spelling are
grammar and grammar and
exemplary unsatisfactory
spelling are spelling are fair
grammar and
Statements are Statements are Statements are Statements are
profound and clear, but not shallow; limited unclear and
Reflection / clear; supported by clearly supporting shallow; not
Insights experiences from supported by experiences supported by
the learning experiences from from learning experiences from
episodes learning episodes episodes learning episodes
Complete, clear, Portfolio is
Complete, clear,
well-organized; incomplete; Portfolio is
well-organized; all
Learning most supporting supporting practically empty;
documents are
Portfolio documents are documents are documents are
located in sections
available and organized but very minimal
clearly designated
logical lacking
Submitted before A day after the Two days or more
Submission On the deadline
deadline deadline after the deadline

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