Spisak Obaveznih Filmova

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1. Short Cuts (1993) Robert Altman 47.

Spartacus (1960) Stanley Kubrick

2. The Thin Red Line (1998) T. Malick 48. Giant (1956) George Stevens
3. Cinema Paradiso (1988) G. Tornatore 49. Bigger Than Life (1956) Nicholas Ray
4. Unforgiven (1992) Clint Eastwood 50. Lolita (1962) Stanley Kubrick
5. Pulp Fiction (1994) Quentin Tarantino 51. Shock Corridor (1963) Samuel Fuller
6. Braveheart (1995) Mel Gibson 52. Paths of Glory (1957) Stanley Kubrick
7. Heat (1995) Michael Mann 53. La Dolce Vita (1960) Federico Fellini
8. Trainspotting (1996) Danny Boyle 54. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
9. The Matrix 1 – Wachowski 55. The Color Purple (1985) S. Spielberg
10. The Matrix 2 – Wachowski 56. Eraserhead (1977) David Lynch
11. The Matrix 3 – Wachowski 57. Mad Max (1979) George Miller
12. Requiem for a Dream Darren Aronofsky 58. Chariots of Fire (1981) Hugh Hudson
13. The Lord of the Rings 1 - Peter Jackson 59. Tootsie (1982) Sydney Pollack
14. The Lord of the Rings 2 - Peter Jackson 60. Out of Africa (1985) Sydney Pollack
61. Top Gun (1986) Tony Scott
15. The Lord of the Rings 3 - Peter Jackson
62. On the Waterfront (1954) Elia Kazan
16. Dances with Wolves (1990) K. Costner 63. Robin Hood (2010)
17. JFK (1991) Oliver Stone 64. Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
18. Being John Malkovich (1999) S. Jonze 65. Hannibal (2001)
19. Novecento (1976) Bernardo Bertolucci 66. Man on Fire (2004)
20. Nashville (1975) Robert Altman 67. The Game (1997)
21. Badlands (1973) Terrence Malick 68. Mulholland Drive (2001)
22. Serpico (1973) Sidney Lumet 69. Carlito's Way (1993)
23. The Conversation (1974) F. F. Coppola 70. 21 Grams (2003)
24. The Mirror (1975) Andrei Tarkovsky 71. Straw Dogs (1971)
25. All the President's Men -Alan J. Pakula 72. Mystic River (2003)
26. Days of Heaven (1978) Terrence Malick 73. Face/Off (1997)
27. Halloween (1978) John Carpenter 74. Minority Report (2002)
28. Ordinary People (1980) Robert Redford 75. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
29. Mean Streets (1973) Martin Scorsese 76. Twelve Monkeys (1995)
30. The English Patient (1996) A. Minghella 77. Munich (2005)
31. The Blair Witch Project (1999) Daniel 78. Spy Game (2001)
Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez 79. The Ghost Writer (2010)
32. The Hurt Locker (2008) K. Bigelow 80. Lost Highway (1997)
33. The Social Network (2010) D. Fincher 81. Children of Men (2006)
34. Chinatown (1974) Roman Polanski 82. Death Proof (2007)
35. Barry Lyndon (1975) Stanley Kubrick 83. Kill Bill 1
36. Das Boot (1981) Wolfgang Petersen 84. Kill Bill 2
37. Fanny och Alexander (1982) I. Bergman 85. The Bourne Identity; Ultimatum (2007)
38. Amadeus (1984) Milos Forman 86. Léon: The Professional (1994)
39. Dirty Harry (1971) Don Siegel 87. Hobiti 1
40. Hugo (2011) Martin Scorsese 88. Hobiti 2
41. A Streetcar Named Desire - E. Kazan 89. Hobiti 3
42. High Noon (1952) Fred Zinnemann 90. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
43. The 39 Steps (1935) Alfred Hitchcock 91. Game of thrones - 70
44. How Green Was My Valley - J. Ford 92. Sopranos - 86
45. The Tree of Life (2011) Terrence Malick 93. The wire - 60
46. Satyricon (1969) Fellini 94. Mad man - 92

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