WBL Travel Claim Forms
WBL Travel Claim Forms
WBL Travel Claim Forms
Deadline for submission to the Work Based Learning Office: 22nd June 2011
Forms should not be submitted to tutors or inside the WBL report
Claims submitted after the deadline will not be considered
• We will only reimburse the cost of travel to and from your placement minus your normal University travel costs for a 5-
week period.
• To make a successful claim you must complete and return this form. If travelling by car you must include a multimap
(www.multimap.co.uk) or equivalent route planner of your route, clearly stating the mileage. If using public transport, you
must include your original bus/train transport tickets (in date order) OR ticket receipts with your claim.
• Your placement timesheet will be used to verify the days you attended the placement – please ensure that your placement
provider returns this document to Work Based Learning by the deadline.
• The University is able to subsidise travel expenses up to a 30 mile radius (i.e. a 60 mile round-trip) from your
accommodation whilst on placement to your workplace, per day up to a maximum of 25 days and up to the value of £200.
• Claims will only be considered on completion of the placement, submission of the WBL assessment and the documentation
as listed above.
* If you use your own car to travel to and from your placement we will pay 10p per mile . If you will be taking WBL passengers add
2p per mile per passenger. Please list the names of your passenger(s) below:
Please turn over, complete the evidence and Bank/Building Society Details section and sign
SECTION 4: Evidence
I confirm that I have attached a multimap or equivalent route planner of my route illustrating the mileage
I confirm that I have attached and listed below each ticket I purchased and wish to claim for (public transport only)
I confirm I will encourage my placement provider to return the placement timesheet to substantiate this claim
I confirm that the information I have provided in this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and
understood the Terms & Conditions For Payment of Travel Expenses (back page).
FLL - 23604085
……………………………………………………………. ………………… …..:……
SECTION 5: Bank/Building Society Details
Payment will be made by electronic transfer to your bank or building society account:
• The details requested below are for use by the University of Chester Finance Office.
• Travel Expenses Claims will be processed after the WBL Subject Assessment Board in June 2011. Please note that due
to the nature of the travel expenses claims and the workload of the WBL Office and Finance Office at the end of the
academic year, successful claims will be paid into your bank account (subject to the Terms & Conditions for Payment of
Travel Expenses Claims) by the 31 August 2011.
• Incorrectly completed forms or queries on claims may be subject to a delay in processing.
• If the details are incorrect, the University of Chester Finance Office may issue a cheque as an alternative method of
payment. Please ensure you enter the address below where you wish the cheque to be sent. Please note that the
claim may take up to two months to process so ensure that you give details of the most appropriate address (e.g.
home address rather than term time address).
Student Name:
Branch Address:
Account No (8 or 9 digits):
Finally . . .
Please read the Terms & Conditions for Payment of Travel Expenses Claims overleaf before submitting your form and
please ensure that you keep a copy of your form and tickets/receipts/multimap (or equivalent route planner) for your
personal records. Please remind your placement provider to return your timesheet to the WBL Office.
Please turn over to read the Terms & Conditions for Payment of Travel Expenses Claims
then SIGN the form on page 2
SECTION 6: Terms & Conditions for Payment of Travel Expenses Claims
2. It is University policy that students are only entitled to claim for travel costs which are in addition to the normal
cost of travel between the term-time residence and University.
3. Claims will normally be considered for up to a maximum of 25 days. Work Timesheets must be submitted by the
placement provider to substantiate all claims. Please note any days you have not worked e.g. Bank Holidays,
School Holidays or absences, should not be included in the claim.
4. Claims can be made for travel to your place of work from your address whilst on placement, up to a radius of 30
miles, only where your placement has been approved by Work Based Learning. Where placements exceed this
distance, only the first 30 miles of each journey will be considered.
5. All tickets or receipts for public transport must be attached to the Travel Claim, as proof of purchase, for each
journey claimed, reimbursement cannot be made for missing receipts/tickets. Please note that some train
ticket barriers retain tickets once you have passed through them.
6. Where a student chooses to use a car for travel to and from their placement, it is the student’s responsibility to
ensure that they have appropriate car insurance, tax etc. and that the vehicle is in roadworthy condition.
7. Car travel expenses claims will be paid at a rate of 10p per mile and an additional 2p per mile per passenger
(WBL student passengers only – please list names on this form). Mileage rates correct at time of printing.
8. The inclusion of an item on Travel Claim Form does not in itself guarantee payment for that item.
9. The University Finance Office will pay approved expense claims electronically to your Bank or Building Society
account. Please note due to the heavy workload of the WBL and Finance Office at this time of year, claims will
be paid into your bank account (subject to these Terms & Conditions for Payment of Travel Expenses Claims) by
the 31st August 2011.
10. Claims will only be considered on completion of the placement and submission of the WBL assessment.
11. Claims submitted after the deadline of 22 June 2011 will not be considered.