GMRC of A Christian
GMRC of A Christian
GMRC of A Christian
- In this series we are going to study the Good Manners and Right Conduct of a Christian.
- We may not cover all the necessary characteristics of a true Christian but definitely we will cover the
most basics characteristics that most of us are starting to forget.
- Nakakalungkot man isipin but nowadays we don’t have a define and absolute GMRC.
- Today Right Conduct depends on how you feel, and on your rights.
- PRD said something in His SONA that became famous...
- It seems PRD dichotomize Human lives and human rights, that is why some people is saying that is the
same, and you cannot separate it.
- The truth is though the Human rights and human lives can be in one person, but a person may not
understand the difference and effects of fighting for your rights, and fighting for your life.
- Most of us...
- Most people today talks about their rights and what they want to do that would make them happy but
very few would talk about how to live right!
- A person may fight for his rights to drink alcohol, or smoke weeds, or use drugs because that is his
rights as a person, the rights to do what he wants to do and choose what makes him happy, but the
question is, is that the right way to live your life?
- Or nagmahal ka ng tao, right mo yon to love and be inlove, but paano kung me asawa naman yong
naka inlovean mo, is that the right way to live your life?
- Your rights can actually endanger your life and others life!
- GMRC is about living the right way that would benefit you and others!
- In this series we will study four basic good manners and right conduct of a christians.
- It is acronym GMRC, Gratitude, Money, Responsibility and Courtesy
- Today we will study the power of gratitude.
A. Gratitude to God
- The truth is everything about us, in us, around us is from God and about God. That gave us a reason to
be thankful for him.
- Do we really appreciate God of his grace, mercy, goodness, his love and his gift for us?
- Gratitude is giving appreciation to everything he had done for us, so what are you doing now that
would prove your gratitude for God?
- That is why serving him, loving other people, and giving your time talent, and treasure are simple way
of our gratitude to him.
Story: Before I became a Christian I had a sensitive consciousness of God, but I cannot really remember
that I am really grateful of Him. We are poor, I had a hard time as a kid, I am most of the time bullied,
My family is not ideal, my parents always fight, and we and my siblings also fight most of the time. Maybe
I thank God is something really good happens to me but I cannot really remember when and what is all
about. I had this idea - God is true but he put me in a position of sufferings that I had no reasons to be
really thankful about the life he gave. Gratitude and thankfulness to God is for those who are fortunate
enough to have a good life. But since the time I encountered God, I understand his Gift of salvation, and
the more i grew in his words and love, I had this heart of being so thankful to him and the attitude of
giving gratitude to him by giving my life to him thru my worship, service, and giving to him.
- The simple truth that God is Love, and so good, that means nothing happens to us that will destroys or
defeat us as long as we remain in his love and goodness!
- The truth is nothing actually happens to us that we could qualify as evil or bad. In God everything
happens for a reason and for a purpose, God allows everything that people consider bad and evil
because God is doing something good for us!
Story: The Story of a man with a beautiful horse and one and only son.
- The bible did not only wants us to be thankful to him but also to the people around us.
- Number one is our parents, next is our family and then the people in the church.
- The sad reality today people today are did not have a sense of gratitude to their parents.
- Some actually even abused their parents by being irresponsible and still becoming a huge responsibility
by their parents at an age that they should be working.
- we should be thankful to them and to the people in the church.
- The bible taught us to be thankful and grateful to everything and everyone in our life.
- Sa totoo lang mas marami ngayon ng angalites and reklamites. Puro angal and puro reklamo.
- What we don't know is that ingratitude and ungratefulness can be powerful or dangerous to our whole
- We will not discuss the negative effects of ungratefulness but let us look carefully the power of
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls
blossom. Marcel Proust
"Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy." Fred De
Witt Van Amburgh
Being grateful and expressing your appreciation to others not only attracts people to you,
but unleashes the best in them - jce
- Remember the Israelites during the time of Moses who are so ungrateful to everything that God did for
them and even to Moses who lead them, they all died tragically at the desert for this simple sin -
ungratefulness that leads to disobedient and contempt of God.
- If you want to have a radical change in your life, in your faith, in your relationship with people and of
God, start to be thankful, appreciate God and people around you, your leaders, your pastors, your
parents and your office mates and class mates.
- The world called this positivity and good vibes, we called this gratefulness and faith to God and man.
- Can we repent of all of our ungratefulness, and lack of appreciation of God and people who help us
discover God, encourage us, provide for us, being around us and start to have this kind of attitude of
being grateful?
The power of Money
The root caused of most of our problems is money!
- The root cause of most of our problems and stress is money, because of the lack of
understanding of the power of money!
- Try to evaluate your most usual problem most likely it is because of money.
- You struggling and stress in your work because you don’t like your current job because you
feel you are not well compensated. Your salary is not worth the effort you are giving to the
- You always worried about your daily needs, utility bills and house rents because your salary is
not enough to fill in all your needs.
- You don’t have a boyfriend or a girlfriend because you don’t have money to spend for a nicer
clothes, or for beautification or to socialized and for courting.
- Your having a hard time studying because you don't have money to buy books, or lack of
nutrition, or gadgets you need or for your projects.
- You are worried because you build a successful business and worrying that someday you may
loss your business or go bankrupt.
- You have death threat because some people was so envious of you, or you did not help them
when they ask you for help.
- You have family members or friends that is now angry with you because they are saying you
change since you get rich.
- You are sick because of stress on thinking how to manage your company and money.
- Now who among you have problems, struggling in life, had lots of stress in life?
- Most likely it has something to do about money!
- So today we will study ...
- The Bible is so clear that it is not the money itself is evil, but the love of money is the root of
all kinds of evil.
- Loving money includes the strong desire to have it or to get rich
- Getting it by any means.
- You take pleasure when you have money and worried when you have none.
- You are not satisfied with what you have, always wanting for more money
- Having a hard time in giving your tithes and offerings.
- Having hard time helping others who are in need.
- Compromising your moral and godly standards because of money.
- When you love money you are actually inviting all kinds of evil in your life.
- Now let us define first what is evil before we enumerate the evil things that may come in our
- So what kind of evil that will come to you when you love money?
- By reading and watching the news or biographies of most villain and criminals in history is
related to money and wealth.
II. The power to prosper and protect you from all evil
- God’s principle on how to prosper is radically different from the principle of this world.
- The world tells you run after the money, hold on it, keep it to yourself and save it while God is
saying give it to me and I will prosper you!
- You get rich by giving not by holding on to it!
- You are secure by giving not by saving it all for you!
- You open doors of heaven by faithfully giving your tithes and offering.
- You prevent devourer and pest in your life by generous giving not by buying more insurance
- When you give you thrive and prosper, when you hold money you died and get poorer
- Now I will show you how powerful your money can be, when you give it to the church.
- When we are just starting a church a handful of students who gave their tithes and offering
that is more or less Php200 pesos, and less than 10 young professionals who gave more or less
Php1,500 a month.
- We were able win and disciple... Ian Kho, Alisa Domingo, Michelle Lumaban, and others.
- With a monthly collection of Php15,000 we were able to continue the campus ministry and
- Now and giving your tithes and offering we were able to support all of our fulltimers who is
now serving and leading our churches and campuses to reach more people for Jesus.
- By giving your Php200 mission fund multiply by 500 who committed as Mighty warriors we
can have a total collection of Php100,000. Now imagine hw many fulltimers and churches we
can open and sustain?
- Every year we are reaching and reaching Winning more than 2000 people.
Your money can actually fulfill the vision of Y-Rock and transform our nation for Jesus!
- For so long we allow money to control us, we allow the power of money to allow evil to come
into our lives, and actually make us instrument of evil by not giving to God.
- Now you have a choice...
- You have not realized that you have that power on your hands today!
- Now its your choice how to use it and control!