Mother-in-law from hell
or daughter-in-law from hell?
Everyone knows it can be difficult to get on with your in-laws,
but for 29-year-old Heidi Withers, it may now be impossible.
Heidi was invited to spend the weekend with her fiancé Freddie's
family at their house in Devon, in south-west England. But soon
after they returned to London, Heidi received a very nasty
email from Carolyn Bourne, Freddie's stepmother, criticizing
her manners.
Here are a few examples of your lack of manners:
‘* When you are a guest in another's house, you should not
declare what you will and will not eat— unless you are
allergic to something.
* You should not say that you do not have enough food.
* You should not start before everyone else.
* You should not take additional helpings without being
invited to by your host.
* You should not lie in bed until late morning.
* You should have sent a handwritten card atter the visit
You have never written to thank me when you have stayed.
Heidi was shocked, and immediately sent the email on to
some of her close friends. Surprised and amused, the friends
forwarded it to other people, and soon the email had been
posted on several websites, with thousands of people writing
comments about ‘the mother-in-law from hell’.should have
We use should have to talk about something that
happened in the past that you think was wrong, e.g. You
should have written me a thank-you letter. = you didn’t
write to me. I think this was wrong.
Now read some of the comments that were posted on
the internet. Write H next to the ones that support
Heidi, and C next to the ones that support Carolyn.
Mrs Bourne says Heidi should have sent a handwritten
thank-you note... however, she sends this letter by email!
We are in the 21st century. Nobody sends handwritten
letters any more. 13/07/2011 18:52
Why do we hear nothing about Freddie's role in all this?
Why didn’t he prepare Heidi? He must know what his
stepmother is like. He could also have prepared his
family by telling them about any eating problems his
girlfriend has. 13/07/2011 16:25
The email was a private communication. | don't think
Heidi should have sent it on to her friends. It makes
me think that Mrs Bourne might be right about her bad
manners. 13/07/2011 12:40
The stepmother seems to be extremely jealous of Heidi,
perhaps she wants to keep Freddie all to herself. If | were |
Heidi, | would leave him. 12/07/2011 10:15
| The mother-in-law may have a few good points but she
should have spoken to Heidi face-to-face, not sent her an
email. 11/07/2011 18:50
I think that the one with the extremely bad manners is
Mrs Bourne. 11/07/2011 14:10
Mrs Bourne, | agree with every ward you say. Young
people just don't have any manners nowadays. | hope
Freddie sees sense and finds someone better.
1107/2011 09:48Mot
What happened next...
By Reporter
sterday Heidi Withers married Freddie Bourne
in a £25,000 ceremony at St Mary the Virgin
Church in Berkeley, Gloucestershire. It was
followed by a reception at 900-year-old Berkeley
Castle. However, there was no sign of Carolyn,
Freddie's stepmother, the woman who was ridiculed
for the email she sent Heidi. She and her husband
Edward, Freddie's father, were not invited.
Heidi arrived almost 25 minutes late for the ceremony,
which was due to begin at 2.45 p.m. Perhaps, as.
Carolyn suggested was her habit, she had been in bed
until the last possible minute. She arrived at the church
with security guards holding umbrellas to prevent
onlookers from catching sight of her, and with her head
covered. This is a well-known tactic for celebrities, but
for a 29-year-old secretary it seemed, in the words of
one onlooker, ‘a bit ridiculous’.
Edward and Carolyn admitted being disappointed at
not receiving an invitation. They spent the weekend
on a walking holiday with friends. They have had no
contact with the couple since the saga began, and did
not even know the date of the wedding,(WHEN GREETING PEOPLE...
use more formal anguage
wen speak
Older person
kigs a woman on both
cheeks: when you meet
her for the first ime
pay for the meal ona
first date
watt for a woman to go
through the door first
accompany a
woman home
oureountey do in
= ciiticze the food (e.g iit is too
cold, sally, etc-)
take a present
write an email to say thank you
arrive more than ten minutes late
{or lunch or dinner
kiss your partner
post a private message or
conversation an an internet site
post an embarrassing photo
‘or video clip ofa friend without
asking their permission
the details of your break-
up with a partner