Calculus of Variations Summer Term 2014: C Daria Apushkinskaya 2014
Calculus of Variations Summer Term 2014: C Daria Apushkinskaya 2014
Calculus of Variations Summer Term 2014: C Daria Apushkinskaya 2014
Lecture 5
7. Mai 2014
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Purpose of Lesson
Purpose of Lesson:
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Catenary of fixed length
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Catenary of fixed length
Zx1 q
J[y ] = y 1 + (y 0 )2 dx → min
but now we include the constraint that the lentgh of the wire is L,
Zx1 q
G[y ] = 1 + (y 0 )2 dx = L
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Catenary of fixed length
(y + λ)(y 0 )2
H − y 0 Hy 0 = p − (y + λ) 1 + (y 0 )2 = const
1 + (y 0 )2
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Catenary of fixed length
= C12 . (5.2)
1 + (u 0 )2
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Catenary of fixed length
Z1 q Z1
0 2
L= 1 + (y ) dx = cosh dx
−1 −1
x 1
= C1 sinh = 2C1 sinh
C1 −1 C1
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Catenary of fixed length
Z1 q x
y (−1) = y (1) = 2, L= 1 + (y 0 )2 dx = 2C sinh .
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Catenary of fixed length
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Pathologies
Note that in both cases (”simple Dido’s problem” and ”catenary of fixed
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Rigid Extremals
Example 5.3
For example
Z1 q √
G[y ] = 1 + (y 0 )2 dx = 2
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Rigid Extremals
Example 5.4
Maximize f (x, y ) = x + y , under the constraint that x 2 + y 2 = 0.
In Example 5.3, the constraint, and the end-point leave only one
choice of function, y (x) = x.
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Interpretation of λ
Interpretation of λ:
Consider again to finding extremals for
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Interpretation of λ
Interpretation of λ (cont.)
For example,
i.e., in this case, we didn’t need to change anything to get the right
shape, so the constraint had no affect.
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Interpretation of λ
Interpretation of λ (cont.)
Write the problem (including the constant) as minimize
H[y ] = F + λ(G − k )dx,
for the constant k = R , then
= λ,
a general shape,
without a coast,
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Green’s Theorem
Green’s Theorem
∂φ ∂ϕ
+ dxdy = φdy − ϕdx
∂x ∂y
Ω ∂Ω
This converts an area integral over a region into a line integral around
the boundary.
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Geometric representation of area
x y
In Green’s theorem choose φ = and ϕ = , so that we get
2 2
Area = 1dxdy = xdy − ydx
Ω 2 ∂Ω
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Dido’s Problem
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Isoperimetric constraint
Z Zx 1 q
G[y ] = 1ds = 1 + (y 0 )2 dx = L
to get I I q
G[y ] = 1ds = ẋ 2 + ẏ 2 dt = L
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Dido’s problem: Lagrange multiplier
So, H(t, x, y , ẋ, ẏ ) = 12 (x ẏ − y ẋ) + λ ẋ 2 + ẏ 2 , and there are two
dependent variables, with derivatives
∂H 1 ∂H 1 λẋ
= ẏ =− y+p
∂x 2 ∂ ẋ 2 ẋ 2 + ẏ 2
∂H 1 ∂H 1 λẏ
= − ẋ = x+p
∂y 2 ∂ ẏ 2 ẋ 2 + ẏ 2
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Dido’s problem: EL equations
1 λẋ 1
− y+p = y +A
2 2
ẋ + ẏ 2 2
1 λẏ 1
x+p =− x −B
2 2
ẋ + ẏ 2 2
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Dido’s problem: solution
ẋ 2 + ẏ 2
λ2 = (y + A)2 + (x + B)2
ẋ 2 + ẏ 2
(y + A)2 + (x + B)2 = λ2 ,
the equation os a circle with center (−B, −A) and radius |λ|.
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Isoperimetric problems (continued) Dido’s problem: End-conditions
Note, we can’t set value at end points arbitrarily.
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