Republic Act No. 9003
Republic Act No. 9003
Republic Act No. 9003
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative of the (j) Strength the integration of ecological solid waste
Philippines in Congress assembled: management and resource conservation and recovery
topics into the academic curricula of formal and non-
CHAPTER I formal education in order to promote environmental
BASIC POLICIES awareness and action among the citizenry.
Article 1 Article 2
General Provisions Definition of Terms
Section 1. Short Title - This Act shall be known as the Section 3. Definition of Terms - For the purposes of this Act:
"Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000."
(a) Agricultural waste shall refer to waste generated
Section 2. Declaration of Policies - It is hereby declared the from planting or harvesting of crops, trimming or
policy of the State to adopt a systematic, comprehensive and pruning of plants and wastes or run-off materials from
ecological solid waste management program which shall: farms or fields;
(a) Ensure the protection of the public health and (b) Bulky wastes shall refer to waste materials which
environment; cannot be appropriately placed in separate containers
because of either its bulky size, shape or other physical
attributes. These include large worn-out or broken
(b) Utilize environmentally-sound methods that household, commercial, and industrial items such as
maximize the utilization of valuable resources and furniture, lamps, bookcases, filing cabinets, and other
encourage resource conservation and recovery; similar items;
(c) Set guidelines and targets for solid waste avoidance (c) Bureau shall refer to the Environmental
and volume reduction through source reduction and Management Bureau;
waste minimization measures, including composting,
recycling, re-use, recovery, green charcoal process,
and others, before collection, treatment and disposal in (d) Buy-back center shall refer to a recycling center that
appropriate and environmentally sound solid waste purchases of otherwise accepts recyclable materials
management facilities in accordance with ecologically from the public for the purpose of recycling such
sustainable development principles; materials;
(d) Ensure the proper segregation, collection, (e) Collection shall refer to the act of removing solid
transport, storage, treatment and disposal of solid waste from the source or from a communal storage
waste through the formulation and adoption of the best point;
environmental practice in ecological waste
management excluding incineration; (f) Composting shall refer to the controlled
decomposition of organic matter by micro-organisms,
(e) Promote national research and development mainly bacteria and fungi, into a humus-like product;
programs for improved solid waste management and
resource conservation techniques, more effective (g) Consumer electronics shall refer to special waste
institutional arrangement and indigenous and that includes worn-out, broken, and other discarded
improved methods of waste reduction, collection, items such as radios, stereos, and TV sets;
separation and recovery;
(h) Controlled dump shall refer to a disposal site at
(f) Encourage greater private sector participation in which solid waste is deposited in accordance with the
solid waste management; minimum prescribed standards of site operation;
(g) Retain primary enforcement and responsibility of (i) Department shall refer to the Department of
solid waste management with local government units Environment and Natural Resources;
while establishing a cooperative effort among the
national government, other local government units,
non- government organizations, and the private sector;
(ii) Segregation shall refer to a solid waste (nn) Source reduction shall refer to the reduction of
management practice of separating different materials solid waste before it enters the solid waste stream by
found in solid waste in order to promote recycling and methods such as product design, materials
re-use of resources and to reduce the volume of waste substitution, materials re-use and packaging
for collection and disposal; restrictions;
(jj) Segregation at source shall refer to a solid waste (oo) Source separation shall refer to the sorting of solid
management practice of separating, at the point of waste into some or all of its component parts at the
origin, different materials found in solid waste in order point of generation;
to promote recycling and re-use of resources and to
reduce the volume of waste for collection and disposal;
(pp) Special wastes shall refer to household hazardous
wastes such as paints, thinners, household batteries,
(kk) Solid waste shall refer to all discarded household, lead-acid batteries, spray canisters and the like. These
commercial waste, non-hazardous institutional and include wastes from residential and commercial
industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris, sources that comprise of bulky wastes, consumer
agricultural waste, and other non-hazardous/non-toxic electronics, white goods, yard wastes that are collected
solid waste. separately, batteries, oil, and tires. These wastes are
usually handled separately from other residential and
Unless specifically noted otherwise, the term "solid commercial wastes;
waste" as used in this Act shall not include:
(qq) Storage shall refer to the interim containment of
(1) Waste identified or listed as hazardous solid wastes after generation and prior to collection for
waste of a solid, liquid, contained gaseous or ultimate recovery or disposal;
semisolid form which may cause or contribute
to an increase in mortality or in serious or (rr) Transfer stations shall refer to those facilities
incapacitating reversible illness, or utilized to receive solid wastes, temporarily store,
acute/chronic effect on the health of persons separate, convert, or otherwise process the materials
and other organisms; in the solid wastes, or to transfer the solid wastes
directly from smaller to larger vehicles for transport.
(2) Infectious waste from hospitals such as This term does not include any of the following:
equipment, instruments, utensils, and fomites
of a disposable nature from patients who are
(1) a facility whose principal function is to (8) Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA);
receive, store, separate, convert or otherwise
process in accordance with national minimum (9) League of provincial governors;
standards, manure;
(10) League of city mayors;
(2) a facility, whose principal function is to
receive, store, convert, or otherwise process
wastes which have already been separated (11) League of municipal mayors;
for re-use and are intended for disposals, and
(12) Association of barangay councils;
(3) the operations premises of a duly licensed
solid waste handling operator who is receives, (13) Technical Education and Skills Development
stores, transfers, or otherwise processes Authority (TESDA); and
wastes as an activity incidental to the conduct
of a refuse collection and disposal business. (14) Philippine Information Agency.
(ss) Waste diversion shall refer to activities which The private sector shall be represented by the following:
reduce or eliminate the amount of solid waste from
waste disposal facilities;
(a) A representative from nongovernment
organizations (NGOs) whose principal purpose is to
(tt) White goods shall refer to large worn-out or broken promote recycling and the protection of air and water
household, commercial, and industrial appliances such quality;
as stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers, and clothes
washers and dryers collected separately. White goods
ate usually dismantled for the recovery of specific (b) A representative from the recycling industry; and
materials (e.g., copper, aluminum, etc.);
(c) A representative from the manufacturing or
(uu) Yard waste shall refer to wood, small or chipped packaging industry;
branches, leaves, grass clippings, garden debris,
vegetable residue that is recognized as part of a plant The Commission may, from time to time, call on any other
or vegetable and other materials identified by the concerned agencies or sectors as it may deem necessary.
Provided, That representatives from the NGOs, recycling and
CHAPTER II manufacturing or packaging industries shall be nominated
INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISM through a process designed by themselves and shall be
appointed by the President for a term of three (3) years.
Section 4. National Solid Waste Management Commission -
There is hereby established a National Solid Waste Provided, further, That the Secretaries of the member agencies
Management Commission, hereinafter referred to as the of the Commission shall formulate action plans for their
Commission, under the Office of the President. The respective agencies to complement the National Solid Waste
Commissioner shall be composed of fourteen (14) members Management Framework.
from the government sector and three members from the private
sector. The government sector shall be represented by the
The Department Secretary and a private sector representative
heads of the following agencies in their ex officio capacity:
of the Commission shall serve as chairman and vice chairman,
respectively. The private sector representatives of the
(1) Department of Environment and Natural Resources Commission shall be appointed on the basis of their integrity,
(DENR); high decree of professionalism and having distinguished
themselves in environmental and resource management. The
(2) Department of the Interior and Local Government members of the Commission shall serve and continue to hold
(DILG); office until their successors shall have been appointed and
qualified. Should a member of the Commission fail to complete
his/her term, the unexpired portion of the term. Finally, the
(3) Department of Science and Technology (DOST); members shall be entitled to reasonable traveling expenses and
(4) Department of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH); The Department, through the Environmental Management
Bureau, shall provide secretariat support to the Commission.
(5) Department of Health (DOH); The Secretariat shall be headed by an executive director who
shall be nominated by the members of the Commission and
(6) Department of Trade and Industry (DTI); appointed by the chairman.
(7) Department of Agriculture (DA); Section 5. Powers and Functions of the Commission - The
Commission shall oversee the implementation of solid waste
(i) Develop a mechanism for the imposition of Section 6. Meetings - The Commission shall meet at least once
sanctions for the violations environmental rules and a month. The presence of at least a majority of the members
regulations; shall constitute a quorum. The chairman, or in his absence the
vice-chairman, shall be the presiding officer. In the absence of
the heads of the agencies mentioned in Sec. 4 of this Act, they
(j) Manage the Solid Waste Management Fund; may designate permanent representatives to attend the
(k) Develop and prescribe procedures for the issuance
of appropriate permits and clearances. Section 7. The National Ecology Center - There shall be
established a National Ecology Center under the Commission
(l) Review the incentives scheme for effective solid which shall provide consulting, information, training, and
waste management, for purpose of ensuring relevance networking services for the implementation of the provisions of
and efficiency in achieving the objectives of this Act; this Act.
(m) Formulate the necessary education promotion and In this regard, it shall perform the following functions:
information campaign strategies;
(a) Facilitate training and education in integrated
(n) Establish, after notice and hearing of the parties ecological solid waste management;
concerned, standards, criteria, guidelines, and formula
that are fair, equitable and reasonable, in establishing (b) Establish and manage a solid waste management
tipping charges and rates that the proponent will information data base, in coordination with the DTI and
charge in the operation and management of solid other concerned agencies:
waste management facilities and technologies.
(d) Provide or facilitate expert assistance in pilot Section 10. Role of LGUs in Solid Waste Management -
modeling of solid waste management facilities; and Pursuant to the relevant provisions of R.A. No. 7160, otherwise
known as the Local government code, the LGUs shall be
(e) Develop, test, and disseminate model waste primarily responsible for the implementation and enforcement of
minimization and reduction auditing procedures for the provisions of this Act within their respective jurisdictions.
evaluating options.
Segregation and collection of solid waste shall be conducted at
The National Ecology Center shall be headed by the director of the barangay level specifically for biodegradable, compostable
the Bureau in his ex officio capacity. It shall maintain a multi- and reusable wastes: Provided, That the collection of non-
sectoral, multi-disciplinary pool of experts including those from recyclable materials and special wastes shall be the
the academe, inventors, practicing professionals, business and responsibility of the municipality or city.
industry, youth , women and other concerned sectors, who shall
be screened according to qualifications set by the Commission. Section 11. Provincial Solid Waste Management Board - A
Provincial Solid Waste Management board shall be established
Section 8. Role of the Departmen. - For the furtherance of the in every province, to be chaired by the governor. Its members
objectives of this Act, the Department shall have the following shall include:
(a) All the mayors of its component cities and
(a) Chair the Commission created pursuant to this Act; municipalities;
(b) Prepare an annual National Solid Waste (b) One (1) representative from the Sangguniang
Management Status Report; Panlalawigan to be represented by the chairperson of
either the Committees on Environment or Health or
(c) Prepare and distribute information, education and their equivalent committees, to be nominated by the
communication materials on solid waste management; presiding officer;
(d) Establish methods and other parameters for the (c) The provincial health and/or general services
measurement of waste reduction, collection and officers, whichever may be recommended by the
disposal; governor;
(e) Provide technical and other capability building (d) The provincial environment and natural resources
assistance and support to the LGUs in the officer;
development and implementation of local solid waste
management plans and programs; (e) The provincial engineer;
(f) Recommend policies to eliminate barriers to waste (f) Congressional representatives from each
reduction programs; congressional district within the province;
(g) Exercise visitorial and enforcement powers to (g) A representative from the NGO sector whose
ensure strict compliance with this Act; principal purpose is to promote recycling and the
protection of air and water quality;
(h) Perform such other powers and functions
necessary to achieve the objectives of this Act; and (h) A representative from the recycling industry;
(i) Issue rules and regulations to effectively implement (i) A representative from the manufacturing or
the provisions of this Act. packaging industry; and
(ii) a representative from the NGO sector whose (7) Develop an appropriate incentive scheme as an
principal purpose is to promote recycling and the integral component of the Provincial Solid Waste
protection of air and water quality; Management Plan;
(iii) a representative from the recycling industry; and (8) Convene joint meetings of the provincial, city and
municipal solid waste management boards at least
(iv) a representative from the manufacturing or every quarter for purposes of integrating,
packaging industry. synchronizing, monitoring and evaluating the
development and implementation of its provincial solid
waste management plan;
The Board may, from time to time, call on any other concerned
agencies or sectors as it may deem necessary.
(9) Represent any of its component city or municipality
in coordinating its resource and operational
Provided, That representatives from the NGOs, recycling and requirements with agencies of the national
manufacturing or packaging industries shall be selected through government;
a process designed by themselves and shall be endorsed by the
government agency representatives of the Board.
(10) Oversee the implementation of the Provincial Solid
Waste Management Plant;
The Provincial Solid Waste Management Board shall have the
following functions and responsibilities:
(11) Review every two (2) years or as the need arises
the Provincial Solid Waste Management Plan for
(1) Develop a provincial solid waste management plan purposes of ensuring its sustainability, viability,
from the submitted solid waste management plans of effectiveness and relevance in relation to local and
the respective city and municipal solid waste international development in the field of solid waste
management boards herein created. It shall review and management; and
integrate the submitted plans of all its component cities
and municipalities and ensure that the various plan
complement each other, and have the requisite (12) Allow for the clustering of LGUs for the solution of
components. The Provincial Solid Waste Management common solid waste management problems.
Plan shall be submitted to the Commission for
approval. Section 12. City and Municipal Solid Waste Management
Board - Each city or municipality shall form a City or Municipal
The Provincial Plans shall reflect the general program Waste Management Board that shall prepare, submit and
of action and initiatives of the provincial government implement a plan for the safe and sanitary management of solid
and implementing a solid waste management program waste generated in areas under in geographic and political
that would support the various initiatives of its coverage.
component cities and municipalities.
The City or Municipal Solid Waste Management Board shall be
(2) Provide the necessary logistical and operational composed of the city or municipal mayor as head with the
support to its component cities and municipalities in following as members:
The City or Municipal Solid Waste Management Board may, (10) Provide the necessary logistical and operational
from time to time, call on any concerned agencies or sectors as support to its component cities and municipalities in
it may deem necessary. consonance with subsection (f) of Sec. 17 of the Local
Government Code;
Provided, That representatives from NGOs, recycling and
manufacturing or packaging industries shall be selected through (11) Recommended measures and safeguards against
a process designed by themselves and shall be endorsed by the pollution and for the preservation of the natural
government agency representatives of the Board. ecosystem; and
The City and Municipal Solid Waste Management Boards shall (12) Coordinates the efforts of its components
have the following duties and responsibilities: barangays in the implementation of the city or
municipal Solid Waste Management Plan.
(1) Develop the City or Municipal Solid Waste
Management Plan that shall ensure the long-term Section13. Establishment of Multi-Purpose Environment
management of solid waste, as well as integrate the Cooperatives or Association in Every LGU - Multi-purpose
various solid waste management plans and strategies cooperatives and associations that shall undertake activities to
of the barangays in its area of jurisdiction. In the promote the implementation and/ or directly undertake projects
development of the Solid Waste Management Plan, it in compliance with the provisions of this Act shall be encouraged
shall conduct consultations with the various sectors of and promoted in every LGU.
the community;
(2) Adopt measures to promote and ensure the viability COMPREHENSIVE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT
and effective implementation of solid waste
management programs in its component barangays; Article 1
General Provisions
(3) Monitor the implementation of the City or Municipal
Solid Waste Management Plan through its various Section 14. National Solid Waste Management Status Report -
political subdivisions and in cooperation with the The Department, in coordination with the DOH and other
private sector and the NGOs; concerned agencies, shall within six (6) months after the
effectivity of this Act, prepare a National Solid Waste
(4) Adopt specific revenue-generating measures to Management Status Report which shall be used as a basis in
promote the viability of its Solid Waste Management formulating the National Solid Waste Management Framework
Plan; provided in Sec. 15 of this Act. The concerned agencies shall
submit to the Department relevant data necessary for the
(5) Convene regular meetings for purposes of planning completion of the said report within three (3) months following
and coordinating the implementation of the solid waste the effectivity of this Act. The said report shall include, but shall
management plans of the respective component not be limited to, the following:
(a) Inventory of existing solid waste facilities; (b) Identification of critical solid waste facilities and
local government units which will need closer
(b) General waste characterization, taking into account monitoring and/or regulation;
the type, quantity of waste generated and estimation of
volume and type of waste for reduction and recycling; (c) Characteristics and conditions of collection,
storage, processing, disposal, operating methods,
(c) Projection of waste generation; techniques and practices, location of facilities where
such operating methods, techniques and practices are
conducted, taking into account the nature of the waste;
(d) The varying regional geologic, hydrologic, climatic,
and other factors vital in the implementation of solid
waste practices to ensure the reasonable protection of: (d) Waste diversion goal pursuant to Sec. 20 of this Act;
(1) the quality of surface and groundwater (e) Schedule for the closure and/or upgrading of open
from leachate contamination; and controlled dumps pursuant to Sec. 37 of this Act;
(2) the quality of surface waters from surface (f) Methods of closing or upgrading open dumps for
run-off contamination; and purposes of eliminating potential health hazards;
(3) ambient air quality. (g) The profile of sources, including industrial,
commercial, domestic, and other sources;
(e) Population density, distribution and projected
growth; (h) Practical applications of environmentally sound
techniques of water minimization such as, but not
limited to, resource conservation, segregation at
(f) The political, economic, organizational, financial and source, recycling, resource recovery, including waste-
management problems affecting comprehensive solid to-energy generation, re-use and composting;
waste management;
(i) A technical and economic description of the level of
(g) Systems and techniques of waste reduction, re-use performance that can be attained by various available
and recycling; solid waste management practices which provide for
the protection of public health and the environment;
(h) Available markets for recyclable materials;
(j) Appropriate solid waste facilities and conservation
(i) Estimated cost of collecting, storing, transporting, systems;
marketing and disposal of wastes and recyclable
materials; and (k) Recycling programs for the recyclable materials,
such as but not limited to glass, paper, plastic and
(j) Pertinent qualitative and quantitative information metal;
concerning the extent of solid waste management
problems and solid waste management activities (l) Venues for public participation from all sectors at all
undertaken by local government units and the waste phases/stages of the waste management
generators. program/project;
Provided, That the Department, in consultation with concerned (m) Information and education campaign strategies;
agencies, shall review, update and publish a National Solid
Waste Management Status Report every two (2) years or as the
need arises. (n) A description of levels of performance and
appropriate methods and degrees of control that
provide, at the minimum, for protection of public health
Section 15. National Solid Waste Management Framework - and welfare through:
Within six (6) months from the completion of the national solid
waste management status report under Sec. 14 of this Act, the
Commission created under Sec. 4 of this Act shall, with public (1) Protection of the quality of groundwater
participation, formulate and implement a National Solid Waste and surface waters from leachate and run-off
Management Framework. Such framework shall consider and contamination;
(2) Disease and epidemic prevention and
(a) Analysis and evaluation of the current state, trends, control;
projections of solid waste management on the national,
provincial and municipal levels; (3) Prevention and control of offensive odor;
For LGUs which have considered solid waste management (c) Collection and Transfer - The plan shall take into
alternatives to comply with Sec. 37 of this Act, but are unable to account the geographic subdivisions to define the
utilize such alternatives, a timetable or schedule of compliance coverage of the solid waste collection area in every
specifying the remedial measure and eventual compliance shall barangay. The barangay shall be responsible for
be included in the plan. ensuring that a 100% collection efficiency from
residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural
sources, where necessary within its area of coverage,
All local government solid waste management plans shall be is achieved. Toward this end, the plan shall define and
subjected to the approval of the Commission. The plan shall be identify the specific strategies and activities to be
consistent with the national framework and in accordance with undertaken by its component barangays, taking into
the provisions of this Act and of the policies set by the account the following concerns:
Commission; Provided, That in the province of Palawan, the
local government solid waste management plan shall be
approved by the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development, (1) Availability and provision of properly
pursuant to R.A. No. 7611. designed containers or receptacles in
selected collection points for the temporary
storage of solid waste while awaiting
Section 17. The Components of the Local Government Solid collection and transfer to processing sites or
Waste Management Plan - The solid waste management plan to final disposal sites;
shall include, but not limited to, the following components:
(2) Segregation of different types of solid
(a) City or Municipal Profile - The plan shall indicate the waste for re-use, recycling and composting;
following background information on the city or
municipality and its component barangays, covering
important highlights of the distinct geographic and (3) Hauling and transfer of solid waste from
other conditions: source or collection points to processing sites
or final disposal sites;
(1) strategies in reducing the volume of solid (3) New facilities and expansion of existing
waste generated at source; facilities needed to implement the recycling
(2) measures for implementing such
strategies and the resources necessary to The LGU recycling component shall described
carry out such activities; methods for developing the markets for recycled
materials, including, but not limited to, an evaluation of
the feasibility of procurement preferences for the
(3) other appropriate waste reduction purchase of recycled products. Each LGU may
technologies that may also be considered, determine and grant a price preference to encourage
provided that such technologies conform with the purchase of recycled products.
the standards set pursuant to this Act;
The five-year strategy for collecting, processing,
(4) the types of wastes to be reduced marketing and selling the designated recyclable
pursuant to Sec. 15 of this Act; materials shall take into account persons engaged in
the business of recycling or persons otherwise
(5) the methods that the LGU will use to providing recycling services before the effectivity of this
determine the categories of solid wastes to be Act. Such strategy may be base upon the results of the
diverted from disposal at a disposal facility waste composition analysis performed pursuant to this
through re-use, recycling and composting; Section or information obtained in the course of past
and collection of solid waste by the local government unit,
and may include recommendations with respect to
(6) new facilities and expansion of existing increasing the number of materials designated for
facilities which will be needed to implement recycling pursuant to this Act.
re-use, recycling and composting.
The LGU recycling component shall evaluate
The LGU source reduction component shall include the industrial, commercial, residential, agricultural,
evaluation and identification of rate structures and fees governmental and other curbside, mobile, drop-off and
for the purpose of reducing the amount of waste buy-back recycling programs, manual and automated
generated, an other source reduction strategies, materials recovery facilities, zoning, building code
including but not limited to, programs and economic changes and rate structures which encourage
recycling of materials. The Solid Waste Management
Plan shall indicate the specific measures to be (2) Any permitted disposal facility which will
undertaken to meet the waste diversion specified be available during the 10-year planning
under Sec. 20 of this Act. period; and
Recommended revisions to the building ordinances, (3) All disposal capacity which has been
requiring newly-constructed buildings and buildings secured through an agreement with another
undergoing specified alterations to contain storage LGU, or through an agreement with a solid
space, devices or mechanisms that facilitate source waste enterprise.
separation and storage of designated recyclable
materials to enable the local government unit to The plan shall identify existing and proposed disposal
efficiently collect, process, market and sell the sites and waste management facilities in the city or
designated materials. Such recommendations shall municipality or in other areas. The plan shall specify
include, but shall not be limited to separate chutes to the strategies for the efficient disposal of waste through
facilitate source separation in multi-family dwellings, existing disposal facilities and the identification of
storage areas that conform to fire and safety code prospective sites for future use. The selection and
regulations, and specialized storage containers. development of disposal sites shall be made on the
basis of internationally accepted standards and on the
The Solid Waste Management Plan shall indicate the guidelines set in Sec. 41 and 42 of this Act.
specific measures to be undertaken to meet the
recycling goals pursuant to the objectives of this Act. Strategies shall be included to improve said existing
sites to reduce adverse impact on health and the
(g) Composting - The composting component shall environment, and to extent life span and capacity. The
include a program and implementation schedule which plan shall clearly define projections for future disposal
shows the methods by which the LGU shall, in site requirements and the estimated cost for these
combination with the source reduction and recycling efforts.
components, reduce a sufficient amount of solid waste
disposed of within its jurisdiction to comply with the Open dump sites shall not be allowed as final disposal
diversion requirements of Sec. 20 hereof. sites. If an open dump site is existing within the city or
municipality, the plan shall make provisions for its
The LGU composting component shall describe the closure or eventual phase out within the period
following: specified under the framework and pursuant to the
provisions under Sec. 37 of this Act. As an alternative,
(1) The types of materials which will be sanitary landfill sites shall be developed and operated
composted under the programs; as a final disposal site for solid and, eventually, residual
wastes of a municipality or city or a cluster of
municipality and/or cities. Sanitary landfills shall be
(2) The methods for determining the designed and operated in accordance with the
categories of solid wastes to be diverted from guidelines set under Secs. 40 and 41 of this Act.
disposal at a disposal facility through
composting; and
(i) Education and public information - The education
and public information component shall describe how
(3) New facilities, and expansion of existing the LGU will educate and inform its citizens about the
facilities needed to implement the composting source reduction, recycling and composting programs.
The plan shall make provisions to ensure that
The LGU composting component shall describe information on waste collection services, solid waste
methods for developing the markets for composted management and related health and environmental
materials, including, but not limited to, an evaluation of concerns are widely disseminated among the public.
the feasibility of procurement preferences for the This shall be undertaken through the print and
purchase of composted products. Each LGU may broadcast media and other government agencies in the
determine and grant a price preference to encourage municipality. The DECS and the Commission on
the purchase of composted products. Higher Education shall ensure that waste management
shall be incorporated in the curriculum of primary,
(h) Solid waste facility capacity and final disposal - The secondary and college students.
solid waste facility component shall include, but shall
not be limited to, a projection of the amount of disposal (j) Special Waste - The special waste component shall
capacity needed to accommodate the solid waste include existing waste handling and disposal practices
generated, reduced by the following: for special wastes or household hazardous wastes,
and the identification of current and proposed
(1) Implementation of source reduction, programs to ensure the proper handling, re-use, and
recycling and composting programs required long-term disposal of special wastes;
in this Section or through implementation of
other waste diversion activities pursuant to (k) Resource requirement and funding - The funding
Sec. 20 of this Act; component includes identification and description of
project costs, revenues, and revenue sources the LGU activities and other resource recovery activities; Provided, That
will use to implement all components of the LGU solid the waste diversion goals shall be increased every three (3)
waste management plan; years thereafter; Provided, further, That nothing in this Section
prohibits a local government unit from implementing re-use,
The plan shall likewise indicate specific projects, recycling, and composting activities designed to exceed the
activities, equipment and technological requirements goal.
for which outside sourcing of funds or materials may be
necessary to carry out the specific components of the Article 2
plan. It shall define the specific uses for its resource Segregation of Wastes
requirement s and indicate its costs. The plan shall
likewise indicate how the province, city or municipality Section 21. Mandatory Segregation of Solid Wastes - The
intends to generate the funds for the acquisition of its LGUs shall evaluate alternative roles for the public and private
resource requirements. It shall also indicate if certain sectors in providing collection services, type of collection
resource requirements are being or will be sourced system, or combination of systems, that best meet their
from fees, grants, donations, local funding and other needs: Provided, That segregation of wastes shall primarily be
means. This will serve as basis for the determination conducted at the source, to include household, institutional,
and assessment of incentives which may be extended industrial, commercial and agricultural
to the province, city or municipality as provided for in sources: Provided, further; That wastes shall be segregated into
Sec. 45 of this Act. the categories provided in Sec. 22 of this Act.
(l) Privatization of solid waste management projects - For premises containing six (6) or more residential units, the
The plan shall likewise indicate specific measures to local government unit shall promulgate regulations requiring the
promote the participation of the private sector in the owner or person in charge of such premises to:
management of solid wastes, particularly in the
generation and development of the essential
technologies for solid waste management. Specific (a) provide for the residents a designated area and
projects or component activities of the plan which may containers in which to accumulate source separated
be offered as private sector investment activity shall be recyclable materials to be collected by the municipality
identified and promoted as such. Appropriate or private center; and
incentives for private sector involvement in solid waste
management shall likewise be established and (b) notify the occupants of each buildings of the
provided for in the plan, in consonance with Sec. 45 requirements of this Act and the regulations
hereof and other existing laws, policies and promulgated pursuant thereto.
regulations; and
Section 22. Requirements for the Segregation and Storage of
(m) Incentive programs - A program providing for Solid Waste - The following shall be the minimum standards and
incentives, cash or otherwise, which shall encourage requirements for segregation and storage of solid waste pending
the participation of concerned sectors shall likewise be collection:
included in the plan.
(a) There shall be a separate container for each type
Section 18. Owner and Operator - Responsibility for of waste from all sources: Provided, That in the case of
compliance with the standards in this Act shall rest with the bulky waste, it will suffice that the same be collected
owner and/or operator. If specifically designated, the operator is and placed in a separate designated area; and
considered to have primary responsibility for compliance;
however, this does not relieve the owner of the duty to take all (b) The solid waste container depending on its use
reasonable steps to assure compliance with these standards shall be properly marked or identified for on-site
and any assigned conditions. When the title to a disposal is collection as "compostable", "non-recyclable",
transferred to another person, the new owner shall be notified "recyclable" or "special waste", or any other
by the previous owner of the existence of these standards and classification as may be determined by the
of the conditions assigned to assure compliance. Commission.
(a) measures providing economic incentives and Section 35. Guidelines for Compost Quality - Compost products
assistance including loans and grants for the intended to be distributed commercially shall conform with the
establishment of privately-owned facilities to standards for organic fertilizers set by the DA. The DA shall
manufacture finished products from post-consumer assist the compost producers to ensure that the compost
materials; products conform to such standards.
Section 32. Establishment of LGU Materials Recovery Facility. - Section 38. Permit for Solid Waste Management Facility
There shall be established a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Construction and Expansion - No person shall commence
in every barangay or cluster of barangays. The facility shall be operation, including site preparation and construction of a new
established in a barangay-owned or -leased land or any suitable solid waste management facility or the expansion of an existing
open space to be determined by the barangay through its facility until said person obtains an Environment Compliance
Sanggunian. For this purpose, the barangay or cluster of Certificate (ECC) from the Department pursuant to P.D. 1586
barangays shall allocate a certain parcel of land for the MRF. and other permits and clearances form concerned agencies.
The MRF shall receive mixed waste for final sorting,
segregation, composting, and recycling. The resulting residual Section 39. Guidelines for Controlled Dumps - The following
wastes shall be transferred to a long term storage or disposal shall be the minimum considerations for the establishments of
facility or sanitary landfill. controlled dumps:
Section 33. Guidelines for Establishment of Materials Recovery (a) Regular inert cover;
Facility - Materials recovery facilities shall be designed to
receive, sort, process and store compostable and recyclable
material efficiently and in an environmentally sound manner. (b) Surface water and peripheral site drainage control;
The facility shall address the following considerations:
(c) Provision for aerobic and anaerobic decomposition;
(a) The building and/or land layout and equipment must
be designed to accommodate efficient and safe (d) Restriction of waste deposition to small working
materials processing, movement, and storage; and areas;
(b) The building must be designed to allow efficient and (e) Fence, including provisions for litter control;
safe external access and to accommodate internal
flow. (f) Basic record-keeping;
Section 40. Criteria for Siting a Sanitary Landfill - The following (e) Cover - two (2) forms of cover consisting of soil and
shall be the minimum criteria for the siting of sanitary landfills: geosynthetic materials to protect the waste from long-
term contact with the environment:
(a) The site selected must be consistent with the overall
land use plan of the LGU; (i) a daily cover placed over the waste at the
close of each day's operations, and;
(b) The site must be accessible from major roadways
or thoroughfares; (ii) a final cover, or cap, which is the material
placed over the completed landfill to control
infiltration of water, gas emission to the
(c) The site should have an adequate quantity of earth atmosphere, and erosion.
cover material that is easily handled and compacted;
(f) Closure procedure with the objectives of
(d) The site must be chosen with regard for the establishing low maintenance cover systems and final
sensitivities of the community's residents; cover that minimizes the infiltration of precipitation into
the waste. Installation of the final cover must be
(e) The site must be located in an area where the completed within six (6) months of the last receipt of
landfill's operation will not detrimentally affect waste;
environmentally sensitive resources such as aquifer,
groundwater reservoir or watershed area; (g) Post-closure care procedure - During this period,
the landfill owner shall be responsible for providing for
(f) The site should be large enough to accommodate the general upkeep of the landfill, maintaining all of the
the community's wastes for a period of five (5) years landfill's environmental protection features, operating
during which people must internalize the value of monitoring equipment, remediating groundwater
environmentally sound and sustainable solid waste should it become contaminated and controlling landfill
disposal; gas migration or emission.
(g) The site chosen should facilitate developing a Section 42. Operating Criteria for Sanitary Landfills - In the
landfill that will satisfy budgetary constraints, including operation of a sanitary land fill, each site operator shall maintain
site development, operation for many years, closure, the following minimum operating equipments:
post-closure care and possible remediation costs;
(a) Disposal site records of, but not limited to:
(h) Operating plans must include provisions for
coordinating with recycling and resource recovery (1) Records of weights or volumes accepted
projects; and in a form and manner approved by the
Department. Such records shall be submitted
(i) Designation of a separate containment area for to the Department upon request, accurate to
household hazardous wastes. within ten percent (10%) and adequate for
overall planning purposes and forecasting the
Section 41. Criteria for Establishment of Sanitary Landfill - The rate of site filling;
following shall be the minimum criteria for the establishment of
sanitary landfills: (2) Records of excavations which may affect
the safe and proper operation of the site or
(a) Liners - a system of clay layers and/or cause damage to adjoining properties;
geosynthethic membranes used to contain leachate
and reduce or prevent contaminant flow to (3) Daily log book or file of the following
groundwater; information: fires, landslides, earthquake
damage, unusual and sudden settlement,
(b) Leachate collection and treatment system - injury and property damage, accidents,
installation of pipes at the low areas of the liner to explosions, receipts or rejection of
collect leachate for storage and eventual treatment and unpermitted wastes, flooding and other
discharge; unusual occurrences;
(c) Gas control and recovery system - a series of (4) Record of personnel training; and
vertical wells or horizontal trenches containing
permeable materials and perforated piping placed in (5) Copy of written notification to the
the landfill to collect gas for treatment or productive use Department, local health agency, and fire
as an energy source; authority of names, addresses and telephone
(b) Water quality monitoring of surface and ground (j) The site shall have communication facilities
waters and effluent, and gas emissions; available to site personnel to allow quick response to
(c) Documentation of approvals, determinations and
other requirements by the Department; (k) Where operations are conducted during hours of
darkness, the site and/or equipment shall be equipped
(d) Signs: with adequate lighting as approved by the Department
to ensure safety and to monitor the effectiveness of
(1) Each point of access from a public road
shall be posted with an easily visible sigh
indicating the facility name and other pertinent (l) Operating and maintenance personnel shall wear
information as required by the Department; and use appropriate safety equipment as required by
the Department;
(2) If the site is open to the public, there shall
be an easily visible sign at the primary (m) Personnel assigned to operate the site shall be
entrance of the site indicating the name of the adequately trained in subject pertinent to the site
site operator, the operator's telephone operation and maintenance, hazardous materials
number, and hours of operation; an easily recognition and screening, and heavy equipment
visible sign at an appropriate point shall operations, with emphasis on safety, health,
indicate the schedule of changes and the environmental controls and emergency procedures. A
general types of materials which will either be record of such training shall be placed in the operating
accepted or not; record;
(3) If the site is open to the public, there shall (n) The site operator shall provide adequate
be an easily visible road sign and/or traffic supervision of a sufficient number of qualified
control measures which direct traffic to the personnel to ensure proper operation of the site in
active face and other areas where wastes or compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, permit
recyclable materials will be deposited; and conditions and other requirements. The operator shall
notify the Department and local health agency in
writing of the names, addresses, and telephone
(4) Additional signs and/or measures may be number of the operator or responsible party. A copy of
required at a disposal site by the Department the written notification shall be placed in the operation
to protect personnel and public health and record;
(o) Any disposal site open to the public shall have an
(e) Monitoring of quality of surface, ground and effluent attendant present during public operating hours or the
waters, and gas emissions; site shall be inspected by the operator on a regularly
scheduled basis, as determined by the Department;
(f) The site shall be designed to discourage
unauthorized access by persons and vehicles by using (p) Unloading of solid wastes shall be confined to a
a perimeter barrier or topographic constraints. Areas small area as possible to accommodate the number of
within the site where open storage, or pounding of vehicles using the area without resulting in traffic,
hazardous materials occurs shall be separately fenced personnel, or public safety hazards. Waste materials
or otherwise secured as determined by the shall normally be deposited at the toe of the fill, or as
Department. The Department may also require that otherwise approved by the Department;
other areas of the site be fenced to create an
appropriate level of security;
(q) Solid waste shall be spread and compacted in
layers with repeated passages of the landfill equipment
(g) Roads within the permitted facility boundary shall to minimize voids within the cell and maximize
be designed to minimize the generation of dust and the compaction. The loose layer shall not exceed a depth
tracking of material onto adjacent public roads. Such approximately two feet before compaction. Spreading
roads shall be kept in safe condition and maintained and compacting shall be accomplished as rapidly as
such that vehicle access and unloading can be practicable, unless otherwise approved by the
conducted during inclement weather; Department;
(h) Sanitary facilities consisting of adequate number of (r) Covered surfaces of the disposal area shall be
toilets and handwashing facilities, shall be available to graded to promote lateral runoff of precipitation and to
personnel at or in the immediate vicinity of the site; prevent pounding. Grades shall be established of
sufficient slopes to account for future settlement of the
fill surface. Other effective maintenance methods may
be allowed by the Department; and
(s) Cover material or native material unsuitable for participate in any program geared towards the
cover, stockpiled on the site for use or removal, shall promotion thereof as provided for in this Act.
be placed so as not to cause problems or interfere with
unloading, spreading, compacting, access, safety (1) Fiscal Incentives. - Consistent with the provisions of E.O.
drainage, or other operations. 226, otherwise known as the Omnibus Investments Code, the
following tax incentives shall be granted:
Article 7
Local Government Solid Waste Management (a) Tax and Duty Exemption on Imported Capital
Equipment and Vehicles - Within ten (10) years upon
Section 43. Guidelines for Identification of Common Solid effectively of this Act, LGUs, enterprises or private
Waste Management Problems - For purposes of encouraging entities shall enjoy tax and duty free importation of
and facilitating the development of local government plans for machinery, equipment, vehicles and spare parts used
solid waste management, the Commission shall, as soon as for collection, transportation, segregation, recycling, re-
practicable but not later than six (6) months from the effectivity use and composing of solid wastes: Provided, That the
of this Act, publish guidelines for the identification of those areas importation of such machinery, equipment, vehicle and
which have common solid waste management problems and are spare parts shall comply with the following conditions:
appropriate units for clustered solid waste management
services. The guidelines shall be based on the following: (i) They are not manufactured domestically in
sufficient quantity, of comparable quality and
(a) the size and location of areas which should be at reasonable prices;
(ii) They are reasonably needed and will be
(b) the volume of solid waste which would be used actually, directly and exclusively for the
generated; above mentioned activities;
(c) the available means of coordinating local (iii) The approval of the Board of Investment
government planning between and among the LGUs (BOI) of the DTI for the importation of such
and for the integration of such with the national plan; machinery, equipment, vehicle and spare
and parts.
(d) possible lifespan of the disposal facilities. Provided, further, That the sale, transfer or disposition
of such machinery, equipment, vehicle and spare
Section 44. Establishment of Common Waste Treatment and parts, without prior approval of the (BOI), within five (5)
Disposal Facilities - Pursuant to Sec. 33 of R.A.7160, otherwise years from the date of acquisition shall be prohibited,
known as the Local Government Code, all provinces, cities, otherwise, the LGU concerned, enterprise or private
municipalities and barangays, through appropriate ordinances, entities and the vendee, transferee, or assignee shall
are hereby mandated to consolidate, or coordinate their efforts, be solidarily liable to pay twice the amount of tax and
services, and resources for purposes of jointly addressing duty exemption given it.
common solid waste management problems and/or establishing
common waste disposal facilities. (b) Tax Credit on Domestic Equipment - Within ten (10)
years from the effectivity of this Act, a tax credit
The Department, the Commission and local solid waste equivalent to 50% of the value of the national internal
management boards shall provide technical and marketing revenue taxes and customs duties that would have
assistance to the LGUs. been waived on the machinery, equipment, vehicle and
spare parts, had these items been imported shall be
given to enterprises, private entities, including NGOs,
CHAPTER IV subject to the same conditions and prohibition cited in
INCENTIVES the preceding paragraph.
Section 45. Incentives. - (c) Tax and Duty Exemption of Donations, Legacies
and Gift - All legacies, gifts and donations to LGUs,
(a) Rewards, monetary or otherwise, shall be provided enterprises or private entities, including NGOs, for the
to individuals, private organizations and entitles, support and maintenance of the program for effective
including non-government organizations, that have solid waste management shall be exempt from all
undertaken outstanding and innovative projects, internal revenue taxes and customs duties, and shall
technologies, processes and techniques or activities in be deductible in full from the gross income of the donor
re-use, recycling and reduction. Said rewards shall be for income tax purposes.
sourced from the Fund herein created.
(2) Non-Fiscal Incentives. - LGUs, enterprises or private entities
(b) An incentive scheme is hereby provided for the availing of tax incentives under this Act shall also be entitled to
purpose of encouraging LGUs, enterprises, or private applicable non-fiscal incentives provided for under E.O. 226,
entities, including NGOs, to develop or undertake an otherwise known as the Omnibus Investments Code.
effective solid waste management, or actively
(4) information, education, communication (6) Open dumping, burying of biodegradable or non-
and monitoring activities; biodegradable materials in flood prone areas;
(8) The mixing of source-separated recyclable material (d) Any person who violates Sec. 48, pars (8), (9), (10)
with other solid waste in any vehicle, box, container or and (11) for the first time shall, upon conviction, pay a
receptacle used in solid waste collection or disposal; fine of Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
plus and amount not less than five percent (5%) but not
(9) Establishment or operation of open dumps as more than ten percent (10%) of his net annual income
enjoined in this Act, or closure of said dumps in during the previous year.
violation of Sec. 37;
The additional penalty of imprisonment of a minimum
(10) The manufacture, distribution or use of non- period of one (1) year but not to exceed three (3) years
environmentally acceptable packaging materials; at the discretion of the court, shall be imposed for
second or subsequent violations of Sec. 48, pars. (9)
and (10).
(11) Importation of consumer products packaged in
non-environmentally acceptable materials;
(e) Any person who violates Sec. 48, pars. (12) and
(13) shall, upon conviction, be punished with a fine not
(12) Importation of toxic wastes misrepresented as less than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00) but not
"recyclable" or "with recyclable content"; more than Two hundred thousand pesos
(P200,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than thirty
(13) Transport and dumplog in bulk of collected (30) days but not more than three (3) years, or both;
domestic, industrial, commercial, and institutional
wastes in areas other than centers or facilities (f) Any person who violates Sec. 48, pars. (14), (15)
prescribe under this Act; and (16) shall, upon conviction, be punished with a fine
not less than One hundred thousand pesos
(14) Site preparation, construction, expansion or (P100,000.00) but not more than One million pesos
operation of waste management facilities without an (P1,000,000.00), or imprisonment not less than one (1)
Environmental Compliance Certificate required year but not more than six (6) years, or both.
pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1586 and this Act
and not conforming with the land use plan of the LGU; If the offense is committed by a corporation, partnership, or other
juridical identity duly recognized in accordance with the law, the
(15) The construction of any establishment within two chief executive officer, president, general manager, managing
hundred (200) meters from open dumps or controlled partner or such other officer-in-charge shall be liable for the
dumps, or sanitary landfill; and commission of the offense penalized under this Act.
(16) The construction or operation of landfills or any If the offender is an alien, he shall, after service of the sentence
waste disposal facility on any aquifer, groundwater prescribed above, be deported without further administrative
reservoir, or watershed area and or any portions proceedings.
The fines herein prescribed shall be increased by at lest ten
Section 49. Fines and Penalties - (10%) percent every three (3) years to compensate for inflation
and to maintain the deterrent functions of such fines.
(a) Any person who violates Sec. 48 paragraph (1)
shall, upon conviction, be punished with a fine of not Section 50. Administrative Sanctions - Local government
less than Three hundred pesos (P300.00) but not more officials and officials of government agencies concerned who fail
than One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or render to comply with and enforce rules and regulations promulgated
community service for not less than one (1) day to not relative to this Act shall be charged administratively in
more than fifteen (15) days to an LGU where such accordance with R.A. 7160 and other existing laws, rules and
prohibited acts are committed, or both; regulations
(b) Any person who violates Sec. 48, pars. (2) and (3), CHAPTER VII
shall, upon conviction be punished with a fine of not MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
less than Three hundred pesos (P300.00) but not more
than One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or imprisonment Section 51. Mandatory Public Hearings - Mandatory public
of not less than one (1) day but to not more than fifteen hearings for national framework and local government solid
(15) days, or both; waste management plans shall be undertaken by the
Commission and the respective Boards in accordance with
(c) Any person who violates Sec. 48, pars. (4), (5), (6) process to be formulated in the implementing rules and
and (7) shall, upon conviction, be punished with a fine regulations.
of not less than One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) but
not more than Three thousand pesos (P3,000.00) or Section 52. Citizens Suits - For the purposes of enforcing the
provisions of this Act or its implementing rules and regulations,
any citizen may file an appropriate civil, criminal or (a) adverse health effects of the release into the
administrative action in the proper courts/bodies against: environment of materials present in solid wastes, and
methods to eliminate said effects;
(a) Any person who violates or fails to comply with the
provisions of this Act its implementing rules and (b) the operation and financing of solid waste disposal
regulations; or programs;
(b) The Department or other implementing agencies (c) the planning, implementing and operation of
with respect to orders, rules and regulations issued resource recovery and resource conservation systems;
inconsistent with this Act; and/or
(d) the production of usable forms of recovered
(c) Any public officer who willfully or grossly neglects resources, including fuel from solid waste;
the performance of an act specifically enjoined as a
duty by this Act or its implementing rules and (e) the development and application of new and
regulations; or abuses his authority in the performance improved methods of collecting and disposing of solid
of his duty; or, in any many improperly performs his waste and processing and recovering materials and
duties under this Act or its implementing rules and energy from solid waste;
regulations; Provided, however, That no suit can be
filed until after thirty-day (30) notice has been given to
the public officer and the alleged violator concerned (f) improvements in land disposal practices for solid
and no appropriate action has been taken thereon. waste (including sludge); and
The Court shall exempt such action from the payment of filing (g) development of new uses of recovered resources
fees and statements likewise, upon prima facieshowing of the and identification of existing or potential markets of
non-enforcement or violation complained of, exempt the plaintiff recovered resources.
from the filing of an injunction bond for the issuance of
preliminary injunction. In carrying out solid waste researches and studies, the
Secretary of the Department or the authorized representative
In the event that the citizen should prevail, the Court shall award may make grants or enter into contracts with government
reasonable attorney's fees, moral damages and litigation costs agencies, nongovernment organizations and private persons.
as appropriate.
Section 55. Public Education and Information - The
Section 53. Suits and Strategic Legal Action Against Public Commission shall, in coordination with DECS, TESDA, CHED,
Participation (SLAPP) and the Enforcement of this Act - Where DILG and PIA, conduct a continuing education and information
a suit is brought against a person who filed an action as provided campaign on solid waste management, such education and
in Sec. 52 of this Act, or against any person, institution or information program shall:
government agency that implements this Act, it shall be the duty
of the investigating prosecutor or the Court, as the case may be, (a) Aim to develop public awareness of the ill-effects of
to immediately make a determination not exceeding thirty (30) and the community based solutions to the solid waste
days whether said legal action has been filed to harass, vex, problem;
exert undue pressure or stifle such legal recourses of the person
complaining of or enforcing the provisions of this Act. Upon (b) Concentrate on activities which are feasible and
determination thereof, evidence warranting the same, the Court which will have the greatest impact on the solid waste
shall dismiss the complaint and award the attorney's fees and problem of the country, like resource conservation and
double damages. recovery, recycling, segregation at source, re-use,
reduction, and composing of solid waste; and
This provision shall also apply and benefit public officers who
are sued for acts committed in their official capacity, there being (c) Encourage the general public, accredited NGOs
no grave abuse of authority, and done in the course of enforcing and people's organizations to publicity endorse and
this Act. patronize environmentally acceptable products and
packaging materials.
Section 54. Research on Solid Waste Management - The
Department after consultations with the cooperating agencies, Section 56. Environmental Education in the Formal and
shall encourage, cooperate with, and render financial and other Nonformal Sectors - The national government, through the
assistance to appropriate government agencies and private DECS and in coordination with concerned government
agencies, institutions and individuals in the conduct and agencies, NGOs and private institutions, shall strengthen the
promotion researches, experiments, and other studies on solid integration of environmental concerns in school curricula at all
waste management, particularly those relating to: levels, with particular emphasis on the theory and practice of
waste management principles like waste minimization,
> specifically resource conservation and recovery, segregation at
source, reduction, recycling, re-use,and composing, in order to
promote environmental awareness and action among the