Superconducting Quantum Circuits, Qubits and Computing
Superconducting Quantum Circuits, Qubits and Computing
Superconducting Quantum Circuits, Qubits and Computing
DiVincenzo72 has formulated a set of rules and con- FIG. 3: The Bloch sphere. Points on the sphere correspond
ditions that need to be fulfilled in order for quantum to the quantum states |ψi; in particular, the north and south
computing to be possible: poles correspond to the computational basis states |0i and
1. Register of 2-level systems (qubits), n = 2N states |1i; superposition cat-states |ψi = |0i + eiφ |1i are situated on
|101..01i (N qubits) the equator.
2. Initialization of the qubit register: e.g. setting it to
3. Tools for manipulation: 1- and 2-qubit gates, e.g. can be characterised by a unit vector on the Bloch sphere:
Hadamard (H) gates to flip the spin to the equator,
UH |0i = (|0i + |1i)/2, and Controlled-NOT (CN OT ) The state vector can be represented as a unitary vector
gates to create entangled states, UCN OT UH |00 >= on the Bloch sphere, and general unitary (rotation) oper-
(|00i + |11i)/2 (Bell state) ations make it possible to reach every point on the Bloch
4. Read-out of single qubits |ψi = a|0i + beiφ |1i → a, b sphere. The qubit is therefore an analogue object with
(spin projection; phase φ of qubit lost) a continuum of possible states. Only in the case of spin
5. Long decoherence times: > 104 2-qubit gate opera- 1/2 systems do we have a true two-level system. In the
tions needed for error correction to maintain coherence general case, the qubit is represented by the lowest levels
”forever”. of a multi-level system, which means that the length of
6. Transport qubits and to transfer entanglement be- the state vector may not be conserved due to transitions
tween different coherent systems (quantum-quantum in- to other levels. The first condition will therefore be to
terfaces). operate the qubit so that it stays on the Bloch sphere
7. Create classical-quantum interfaces for control, read- (fidelity). Competing with normal operation, noise from
out and information storage. the environment may cause fluctuation of both qubit am-
plitude and phase, leading to relaxation and decoherence.
It is a delicate matter to isolate the qubit from a perturb-
B. Qubits and entanglement ing environment, and desirable operation and unwanted
perturbation (noise) easily go hand in hand. It is a major
A qubit is a two-level quantum system caracterized by issue to design qubit control and read-out such that the
the state vector necessary communication lines can be blocked when not
in use.
θ θ The state of N independent qubits can be represented
|ψi = cos |0i + sin eiφ |1i (3.1)
2 2 as a product state,
Expressing |0i and |1i in terms of the eigenvectors of the
|ψi = |ψ1 i|ψ2 i....|ψN i = |ψ1 ψ2 ....ψN i (3.4)
Pauli matrix σz ,
0 involving any one of all of the configurations |00...0 >,
|0i = , |1i = . (3.2) |00...1 >, ...., |11...1 >. A general state of an N-qubit
0 1
memory register (i.e. a many-body system) can then
this can be described as a rotation from the north pole be written as a time-dependent superposition of many-
of the |0i state, particle configurations
where the amplitudes ci (t) are complex, providing phase describing the time evolution of the entire N -particle
information. This state represents a time-dependent su- state in the interval [t, t0 ]. If the total Hamiltonian com-
perposition of 2N N-body configurations which in gen- mutes with itself at different times, the time ordering can
eral cannot be written as a product of one-qubit states be omitted,
and then represents an entangled (quantum correlated) Rt
−i Ĥ(t′ )dt′
many-body state. U (t, t0 ) = e h̄ t0 . (3.17)
In the case of two qubits, the maximally entangled
states are the so-called Bell states, This describes the time-evolution controlled by a ho-
mogeneous time-dependent potential or electromagnetic
|ψi = (|00i + |11i)/2 (3.6) field, e.g. dc or ac pulses with finite rise times but having
|ψi = (|00i − |11i)/2 (3.7) no space-dependence. If the Hamiltonian is constant in
|ψi = (|01i + |10i)/2 (3.8) the interval [t0 , t], then the evolution operator takes the
simple form
|ψi = (|01i − |10i)/2 (3.9)
U (t, t0 ) = e− h̄ Ĥ(t−t0 ) , (3.18)
where the last one is the singlet state. In the case
of three qubits, the corresponding maximally entan- describing the time-evolution controlled by square dc
gled (”cat”) states are the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger pulses.
(GHZ) states73 The time-development will depend on how many terms
√ are switched on in the Hamiltonian during this time in-
|ψi = (|000i ± |111i)/ 8 (3.10) terval. In the ideal case, usually not realizable, all terms
are switched off except for those selected for the specific
Another interesting entangled three-qubit state appears computational step. A single qubit gate operation then
in the teleportation process, involves turning on a particular term in the Hamiltonian
for a specific qubit, while a two-qubit gate involves turn-
|ψi = [|00i(a|0i + b|1i) + |01i(a|0i − b|1i) (3.11) ing on an interaction term between two specific qubits.
+|10i(b|0i + a|1i) + |11i(b|0i − a|1i)]/ 8 In principle one can perform an N -qubit gate operation
by turning on interactions for all N qubits. In practical
cases, many terms in the Hamiltonian are turned on all
C. Operations and gates the time, leading to a ”background” time development
that has to be taken into account.
Quantum computation basically means allowing the The basic model for a two-level qubit is the spin-1/2 in
N -body state to develop in a fully coherent fashion a magnetic field. A system of interacting qubits can then
through unitary transformations acting on all N qubits. be modelled by a collection of interacting spins, described
The time evolution of the many-body system of N two- by the Heisenberg Hamiltonian
level subsystems can be described by the Schrödinger X 1X
equation for the N -level state vector |ψ(t)i, Ĥ(t) = hi (t) Si + Jij (t) Si Sj (3.19)
ih̄∂t |ψi = Ĥ|ψi. (3.12) controlled by a time-dependent external magnetic field
hi (t) and by a time-dependent spin-spin coupling Jij (t).
in terms of the time-evolution operator characterizing by Expressing the Hamiltonian in Cartesian components,
the time-dependent many-body Hamiltonian Ĥ(t) of the hi (t) = (hx , hy , hz ), Si (t) = (Sx , Sy , Sz ) and introducing
system determined by the external control operations and the Pauli σ-matrices, (Sx , Sy , Sz ) = 12 h̄(σx , σy , σz ) we
the perturbing noise from the environment, obtain a general N-qubit Hamiltonian with general qubit-
qubit coupling:
|ψ(t)i = U (t, t0 )|ψ(t0 )i. (3.13)
Ĥ = − (ǫi σzi + Re∆i σxi + Im∆i σyi ) (3.20)
The solution of Schrödinger equation for U (t, t0 ) 2 i
Inserted into Eq.(3.17), this Hamiltonian determines to the operation fields. This also opens up the system
the time evolution of the many-qubit state. In the ideal to a noisy environment, which puts great demands on
case one can turn on and off each individual term of the signal-to-noise ratios.
Hamiltonian, including the two-body interaction, giving The readout operation is a particularly critical step.
complete control of the evolution of the state. The ultimate purpose is to perform a ”single-shot” quan-
It has been shown that any unitary transformation can tum non-demolition (QND) measurement, determining
be achieved through a quantum network of sequential the state (|0i or |1i) of the qubit in a single measure-
application of one- and two-qubit gates. Moreover, the ment and then leaving the qubit in that very state. Dur-
size of the coherent workspace of the multi-qubit memory ing the measurement time, the back-action noise from the
can be varied (in principle) by switching on and off qubit- ”meter” will cause relaxation and mixing, changing the
qubit interactions. qubit state. The ”meter” must then be sensitive enough
In the common case of NMR applied to to detect the qubit state on a time scale shorter than the
molecules74,75,76 , one has no control of the fixed, induced relaxation time T1∗ in the presence of the dissipa-
direct spin-spin coupling. With an external magnetic tive back-action of the ”meter” itself. Under these con-
field one can control the qubit Zeeman level splittings ditions it is possible to detect the qubit projection in a
(no control of individual qubits). Individual qubits can single measurement (single shot read-out). Performing a
be addressed by external RF-fields since the qubits have single-shot projective measurement in the qubit eigenba-
different resonance frequencies (due to different chemical sis then provides a QND measurement (note the ”trivial”
environments in a molecule). Two-qubit coupling can fact that the phase is irreversibly lost in the measurement
be induced by simultaneous resonant excitation of two process under any circumstances).
qubits. The readout/measurement processes described above
In the case of engineered solid state JJ-circuits, indi- can be related to the Stern-Gerlach (SG) experiment80 .
vidual qubits can be addressed by local gates, control- A SG spin filter acts as a beam splitter for flying qubits,
ling the local electric or magnetic field. Extensive single- creating separate paths for spin-up and spin-down atoms,
qubit operation has recently been demonstrated by Collin preparing for the measurement by making it possible in
et al.23 . Regarding two-qubit coupling, the field is just principle to distinguish spatially between the two states
starting up, and different options are only beginning to of the qubit. The measurement is then performed by
be tested. The most straightforward approaches involve particle counters: a click in, say, the spin-up path col-
fixed capacitive35,36,40 or inductive37,38 coupling; such lapses the atom to the spin-up state in a single shot.
systems could be operated in NMR style, by detuning There is essentially no decohering back-action from the
specific qubit pairs into resonance. Moreover, there are detector until the atom is detected. However, after de-
various solutions for controlling the direct physical qubit- tection of the spin-up atom the state is thoroughly de-
qubit coupling strength, as will be described in Section stroyed: this qubit has not only decohered and relaxed,
IX. but is removed from the system. However, if it was entan-
gled with other qubits, these are left in a specific eigen-
state. For example, if the qubit was part of the Bell pair
D. Readout and state preparation |ψi = (|00i + |11i)/2, detection of spin up (|0i) selects
|00i and leaves the other qubit in state |0i. If instead the
External perturbations, described by fi (t) and gi (t) in qubit was part of the Bell pair |ψi = (|01i + |10i)/2, de-
Eq.(3.20) can influence the two-level system in typically tection of spin up (|0i) selects |01i and leaves the other
two ways: (i) shifting the individual energy levels, which qubit in the spin-down state |1i. Furthermore, √ for the
may change the transition energy and the phase of the 3-qubit GHZ state |ψi = (|000i ± |111i)/ 8, detection
qubit; and (ii) inducing transitions between the levels, of the first qubit in the spin up (|0i) state leaves the
changing the level populations. These effects arise both remaining 2-qubit system in the |00i state.
from desirable control operations and from unwanted Finally, in the case of the three-qubit entangled state
noise (see42,77,78,79 for a discussion of superconducting in the teleportation process, Eq.(3.11), detection of the
circuits, and Grangier et al.80 for a discussion of state first qubit in the spin up state |0i, leaves the remaining
preparation and quantum non-demolition (QND) mea- 2-qubit system in the entangled state [|0i(a|0i + b|1i) +
surements). |1i(a|0i−b|1i)]/2. Moreover, detection of also the second
To control a qubit register, the important thing is to qubit in the spin-up state√|0i will leave the third qubit
control the decoherence during qubit operation and read- in the state (a|0i + b|1i)/ 2. In this way, measurement
out, and in the memory state. In the qubit memory state, can be used for state preparation.
the qubit must be isolated from the environment. Op- Applying this discussion to the measurement and read-
eration and read-out devices should be decoupled from out of JJ-qubit circuits, an obvious difference is that the
the qubit and, ideally, not cause any dephasing or relax- JJ-qubits are not flying particles. The detection can
ation. The resulting intrinsic qubit life times should be there not be turned on simply by the qubit flying into
long compared to the duration of the calculation. In the the detector. Instead, the detector is part of the JJ-qubit
operation and readout state, the qubit must be connected circuitry, and must be turned on to discriminate between
the two qubit states. These are not spatially separated and project onto the basis states
and therefore sensitive to level mixing by detector noise X
with frequency around the qubit transition energy. The Ĥ |mihm|ψi = E|ψi (4.4)
sensitivity of the detector determines the time scale Tm m
of the measurement, and the detector-on back-action de-
termines the time scale of qubit relaxation T1∗ . Clearly obtaining the ususal matrix equation
Tm ≪ T1∗ is needed for single-shot discrimination of |0i X
and |1i. This requires a detector signal-to-noise (S/N) hk|Ĥ|miam = Eak (4.5)
ratio ≫ 1, in which case one will have the possibility also
to turn off the detector and leave the qubit in the deter- where ak = hk|ψi, and
mined eigenstate, now relaxing on the much longer time
scale T1 of the ”isolated” qubit. This would then be the
ultimate QND measurement. ǫ ∆
Hqp = − hk|σz |mi − hk|σx |mi (4.6)
Note that in the above discussion, the qubit dephas- 2 2
ing time (”isolated” qubit) does not enter because it is giving the Hamiltonian matrix
assumed to be much longer than the measurement time,
Tm ≪ Tφ . This condition is obviously essential for uti-
lizing the measurement process for state preparation and 1 ǫ ∆
error correction. Ĥ = − (4.7)
2 ∆ −ǫ
A. The two-level state ∆ 1 ǫ
a1 = 1/ 1 + = √ 1± (4.12)
ǫ + 2E 2 |2E|
The general 1-qubit Hamiltonian has the form
1 ǫ
a2 = ± 1 − a1 = ± √ 1∓ (4.13)
Ĥ = − (ǫ σz + ∆ σx ) (4.1)
2 2 |2E|
The qubit eigenstates are to be found from the stationary We finally simplify the notation by fixing the signs of
Schrödinger equation the amplitudes,
1 ǫ 1 ǫ
r r
Ĥ|ψi = E|ψi (4.2) a1 = √ 1+ ; a2 = √ 1− ; (4.14)
2 |2E| 2 |2E|
To solve the S-equation we expand the 1-qubit state in a
complete basis, e.g. the basis states of the σz operator, and explicitly writing down all the energy eigenstates,
X |E1 i = a1 |0i + a2 |1i (4.15)
|ψi = ak |ki = c0 |0i + c1 |1i (4.3)
k |E2 i = a2 |0i − a1 |1i (4.16)
The probability amplitudes of finding the system in one Let us consider, for example, the diagonal qubit Hamil-
of the two charge states is then tonian, Ĥ = (ǫ/2)σz , and apply a pulse δǫ during a
time τ . This operation will shift phases of the qubit
h0|ψ(t)i = a21 e−iE1 t + a22 eiE1 t
(4.36) eigenstates by, ±δǫτ /2h̄. If the applied pulse is such
−iE1 t iE1 t
h1|ψ(t)i = a1 a2 (e −e ) (4.37) that ǫ is switched off, and instead, the σx component,
∆, is switched on, Fig 5, then the state vector will ro-
If the system is driven√to the degeneracy point ǫ1 = 0, tate around the x-axis, and after the time ∆τ /2h̄ = π
where |a1 | = |a2 | = 1/ 2, then (π-pulse) the ground state, |+i, will flip and become,
|+i → |−i. This manipulation corresponds to the quan-
h0|ψ(t)i = cos E1 t (4.38) tum NOT operation. Furthermore, if the pulse duration
h1|ψ(t)i = sin E1 t (4.39) is twice smaller (π/2-pulse), then the ground state vector
will approach the equator of the Bloch sphere and pre-
In particular, the probability of finding the system in cess along it after the end of the operation. Such state is
state |1i (level 2) oscillates like an equal-weighted superposition of the basis states (cat
p2 (t) = |h1|ψ(t)i| = sin2 E1 t
= [1 − cos (E2 − E1 )t] (4.40)
2 D. Adiabatic switching
with the frequency of the interlevel distance. On the
Bloch sphere, this describes free precession around the Adiabatic switching represents the opposite limit to
X-axis. sudden switching, namely that the state develops so fast
on the time scale of the Hamiltonian that this can be Thus, the dynamics of a driven qubit is characterized by
regarded as ”frozen” , i.e. the time-dependence of the a linear combination of the two wave functions,
Hamiltonian becomes parametric. This implies that en-
ergy is conserved and no transitions are induced - the 1
|ψ (1) i = √ e−iλx t/2h̄ e−iE1 t/h̄ |E1 i + e−iE2 t/h̄ |E2 i ,
system stays in the same energy level (although the state 2
changes). (2) 1 iλx t/2h̄ −iE1 t/h̄
|ψ i = √ e e |E1 i − e−iE2 t/h̄ |E2 i .
E. Harmonic perturbation and Rabi oscillation (4.48)
IJ = Ic sin φ, (5.3)
h̄2 φ̇2 h̄
L(φ, φ̇) =
− EJ (1 − cos φ) + Ie φ.
0 φ
It is straightforward to check that the Kirchhoff equation FIG. 9: SQUID potential: the full (dark) curve corresponds
(5.5) coincides with the dynamic equation following from to integer bias flux (in units of flux quanta), while the dashed
the Lagrangian (5.11), using (light) curve corresponds to half-integer bias flux.
d ∂L ∂L
− = 0. (5.12) where Φe is the external magnetic flux threading the
dt ∂ φ̇ ∂φ
SQUID loop. The Kirchhoff rule for this circuit takes
It is important to emphasize, that the resistance of the form
the junction can only be neglected for low temperatures, h̄ h̄ h̄
and also only for slow time evolution of the phase; both C φ̈ + φ̇ + Ic sin φ + (φ − φe ) = 0. (5.14)
2e 2eR 2eL
the temperature and the characteristic frequency must be
small compared to the magnitude of the energy gap in the While neglecting the Josephson tunneling (Ic = 0), this
superconductor: T, h̄ω ≪ ∆. The physical reason behind equation describes a damped linear oscillator of a con-
this constraint concerns the amount of generated quasi- ventional LC-circuit. The resonant frequency is then,
particle excitations in the system: if the constraint is 1
fulfilled, the amount of equilibrium and non-equilibrium ωLC = √ , (5.15)
excitations will be exponentially small. Otherwise, the LC
gap in the spectrum will not play any significant role, and the (weak) damping is γ = 1/RC.
dissipation becomes large, and the advantage of the su- In the absence of dissipation, it is straightforward to
perconducting state compared to the normal conducting write down the Lagrangian of the rf-SQUID,
state will be lost.
h̄2 φ̇2 (φ − φe )2
L(φ, φ̇) = − EJ (1 − cos φ) − EL . (5.16)
4EC 2
The last term in this equation corresponds to the energy
of the persistent current circulating in the loop,
The rf-SQUID is the next important superconducting
circuit. It consists of a tunnel Josephson junction in- Φ20
serted in a superconducting loop, as illustrated in Fig. 8. EL = . (5.17)
4π 2 L
This circuit realizes magnetic flux bias for the Josephson
junction113 . To describe this circuit, we introduce the The potential energy U (φ) corresponding to the last two
current associated with the inductance L of the leads, terms in Eq. (5.16) is schetched in Fig. 9.
For bias flux equal to integer number of flux quanta,
h̄ 2e or φe 2πn, the potential energy of the SQUID has one ab-
IL = (φ − φe ), φe = Φe (5.13) solute minimum at φ = φe . For half integer flux quanta
2eL h̄
φ1 φ2 I
FIG. 11: Single Cooper pair box (SCB): a small supercon-
FIG. 10: dc SQUID consists of two tunnel junctions included ducting island connected to a bulk superconductor via a tun-
in a superconducting loop; arrows indicate the direction of nel junction; the island potential is controlled by the gate
the positive Josephson current. voltage Vg .
The so defined momentum has a simple interpretation: The commutation relation between the phase operator
it is proportional to the charge q = CV on the junction and the pair number operator has a particularly simple
capacitor, p = (h̄/2e)q, or the number n of electronic form,
pairs on the junction capacitor,
[φ, n̂] = i. (6.13)
p = h̄n. (6.4)
The meaning of the quantization procedure is the fol-
The Hamiltonian for the current-biased junction has lowing: the phase and charge dynamical variables can
the form (omitting a constant), not be exactly determined by means of physical measure-
ments; they are fundamentally random variables with the
h̄ probability of realization of certain values given by the
H = EC n2 − EJ cos φ − Ie φ. (6.5) modulus square of the wave function of a particular state,
Similarly, the Hamiltonian for the SQUID circuit has the hφi = ψ ∗ (φ) φ ψ(φ) dφ, hqi = ψ ∗ (φ) q̂ ψ(φ) dφ.
(φ − φe )2 The time evolution of the wave function is given by the
H(n, φ) = EC n2 − EJ cos φ + EL . (6.6)
2 Schrödinger equation,
The dc SQUID considered in the previous Section V C ∂ψ(φ, t)
has two degrees of freedom. The Hamiltonian can be ih̄ = Ĥψ(φ, t) (6.15)
written by generalizing Eqs. (6.5), (6.6) for the phases
φ± . In the symmetric case we have, where H̄ is the circuit quantum Hamiltonian. The ex-
plicit form of the quantum Hamiltonian for the circuits
H = EC n2+ + EC n2− − 2EJ cos φ+ cos φ− considered above, is the following:
(2φ+ − φe )2 h̄
+ EL + Ie φ− . (6.7) rf-SQUID:
2 2e
(φ − φe )2
For the SCB, Eq. (5.28), the conjugated momentum has Ĥ = EC n̂2 − EJ cos φ + EL ; (6.16)
the form, 2
Current biased JJ:
h̄CΣ h̄ Cg
p= φ̇ − Vg , (6.8) h̄
2e 2e CΣ Ĥ = EC n̂2 − EJ cos φ + Ie φ; (6.17)
and the Hamiltonian reads,
H = EC (n − ng ) − EJ cos φ, (6.9)
Ĥ = EC n̂2+ + EC n̂2− − 2EJ cos φ+ cos φ−
where now EC = (2e)2 /2CΣ , and n = p/h̄ has the mean- (2φ+ − φe )2 h̄
+ EL + Ie φ− . (6.18)
ing of the number of electron pairs (Cooper pairs) on the 2 2e
island electrode. ng = −Cg Vg /2e is the charge on the
gate capacitor (in units of Cooper pairs (2e)), which can and finally the single Cooper pair box (SCB):
be tuned by the gate potential, and which therefore plays
the role of external controlling parameter. Ĥ = EC (n̂ − ng )2 − EJ cos φ, (6.19)
The quantum Hamiltonian results from Eq. (6.2) by For junctions connecting macroscopically large elec-
substituting the classical momentum p for the differential trodes, the charge on the junction capacitor is a con-
operator, tinuous variable. This implies that no specific boundary
∂ conditions on the wave function are imposed. The sit-
p̂ = −ih̄ . (6.10) uation is different for the SCB: in this case one of the
∂φ electrodes, the island, is supposed to be small enough
Similarly, one can define the charge operator, to show pronounced charging effects. If tunneling is for-
bidden, electrons are trapped on the island, and their
∂ number is always integer (the charge quantization con-
q̂ = − 2ei , (6.11) dition). However, there is a difference between the ener-
gies of even and odd numbers of electrons on the island:
and the operator of the pair number, while an electron pair belongs to the superconducting
condensate and has the additional energy EC , a single
∂ electron forms an excitation and thus its energy consists
n̂ = − i . (6.12) of the charging energy, EC /2 plus the excitation energy,
∆ (parity effect)116 . To prevent the appearance of indi- resonance width, γ = 1/RC compared to the resonance
vidual electrons on the island and to provide the SCB frequency, γ ≪ ωLC . It is intuitively clear that the quan-
regime, the condition ∆ ≫ EC /2 must be fulfilled. Thus tization effect will be destroyed when the level broaden-
when the tunneling is switched on, only Josephson tun- ing exceeds the level spacing. For quantum behavior of
neling is allowed since it transfers Cooper pairs and the the circuit, narrow resonances, γ ≪ ωLC , are therefore
number of electrons on the island must change pairwise, essential. However, even in this case it is hard to ob-
n− = integer. In order to provide such a constraint, peri- serve the quantum dynamics in linear circuits such as
odic boundary conditions on the SCB wave function are LC-resonators123 because the expectation values of the
imposed, linear oscillator follow the classical time evolution. Thus
the presence of non-linear circuit elements is essential.
ψ(φ) = ψ(φ + 2π). (6.20) The linear oscillator provides the simplest example of
This implies that arbitrary state of the SCB is a super- a quantum energy level spectrum: it only consists of dis-
position of the charge states with integer amount of the crete levels with equal distance between the levels. The
Cooper pairs, level spectrum of the Josephson junction associated with
X a pendulum potential is more complicated. Firstly, be-
ψ(φ) = an einφ . (6.21) cause of the non-linearity (non-parabolic potential wells),
n the energy spectrum is non-equidistant (anharmonic),
The uncertainty of the dynamical variables are not im- the high-energy levels being closer to each other than the
portant as long as the relative mean deviations of dy- low-energy levels. Moreover, for energies larger than the
namical variables are small, i.e. the amplitudes of the amplitude of the potential (top of the barrier), EJ , the
quantum fluctuations are small. In this case, the particle spectrum is continuous. Secondly, one has to take into
behaves as a classical particle. It is known from quan- account the possibility of a particle tunneling between
tum mechanics, that this corresponds to large mass of neighboring potential wells: this will produce broadening
the particle, in our case, to large junction capacitance. of the energy levels into energy bands. The level broad-
Thus we conclude that the quantum effects in the circuit ening is determined by the overlap of the wave function
dynamics are essential when the junction capacitances tails under the potential barriers, and it must be small
are sufficiently small. The qualitative criterion is that for levels lying very close to the bottom of the potential
the charging energy must be larger than, or comparable wells. Such a situation may only exist if the level spac-
to, the Josephson energy of the junction, EC ∼ EJ . ing, given by the plasma frequency of the tunnel junction
Typical Josephson energies of the tunnel junctions in is much smaller than the Josephson energy, h̄ωJ ≪ EJ ,
qubit circuits are of the order of a few degrees Kelvin i.e. when EC ≪ EJ . This almost classical regime with
or less. Bearing in mind that the insulating layers of Josephson tunneling dominating over charging effects, is
the junctions have the thickness of few atomic distances, called the phase regime, because phase fluctuations are
and modeling the junction as a planar capacitor, the esti- small and the superconducting phase is well defined. In
mated junction area should be smaller than a few square the opposite case, EC ≫ EJ , the lowest energy level lies
micrometers to observe the circuit quantum dynamics. well above the potential barrier, and this situation corre-
One of most important consequences of the quantum sponds to wide energy bands separated by small energy
dynamics is quantization of the energy of the circuit. Let gaps. In this case, the wave function far from the gap
us consider, for example, the LC circuit. In the classical edges can be well approximated with a plane wave,
case, the amplitude of the plasma oscillations has con- iqφ
tinuous values. In the quantum case the amplitude of ψq (φ) = exp . (6.23)
oscillation can only have certain discrete values defined
through the energy spectrum of the oscillator. The linear This wave function corresponds to an eigenstate of the
oscillator is well studied in the quantum mechanics, and charge operator with well defined value of the charge, q.
its energy spectrum is very well known, Such a regime with small charge fluctuations is called the
charge regime.
En = h̄ωLC (n + 1/2), n = 0, 1, 2, ... (6.22)
One may ask, why is quantum dynamics never ob-
served in ordinary electrical circuits? After all, in high- VII. BASIC QUBITS
frequency applications, frequencies up to THz are avail-
able, which corresponds to a distance between the quan- The quantum superconducting circuits considered
tized oscillator levels of order 10K, which can be observed above contain a large number of energy levels, while for
at sufficiently low temperature. For an illuminative dis- qubit operation only two levels are required. Moreover,
cussion on this issue see the paper by Martinis, Devoret these two qubit levels must be well decoupled from the
and Clarke123 . According to Ref. 2 it is the dissipation other levels in the sense that transitions between qubit
that kills quantum fluctuations: as known from classi- levels and the environment must be much less probable
cal mechanics, the dissipation (normal resistance) broad- than the transitions between the qubit levels itself. Typi-
ens the resonance, and good resonators must have small cally that means that the qubit should involve a low-lying
0 ∋ φ̃2
Ĥosc (φ̃) = 4EC ñˆ2 + EL , (7.9)
and the interaction term reads,
Ĥint = EJ sin cos(φ− ) φ̃ . (7.10)
FIG. 15: Energy spectrum of the SCB (solid lines): it results
from hybridization of the charge states (dashed lines).
Thus, the circuit consists of the non-linear oscillator of
the SCB linearly coupled to the linear oscillator of the
SQUID loop. This coupling gives the possibility to mea-
sure the charge state of the SCB by measuring the per-
|E1 i, |E2 i = |0i ∓ |1i. For theses states, the average
sistent currents and the induced flux.
charge on the island is zero, while it changes to ∓2e far
Truncating Eq. (7.8) we finally arrive at the Hamil-
from the degeneracy point, where the qubit eigenstates
tonian which is formally equivalent to the spin-oscillator
approach pure charge states.
The SCB was first experimentally realized by Lafarge
et al.117 , observing the Coulomb staircase with steps of 1
2e and the superposition of the charge states, see also13 . ĤSCT = − (ǫσz + ∆(φe )σx ) + λφ̃σx + Hosc . (7.11)
Realization of the first charge qubit by manipulation of
the SCB and observation of Rabi oscillations was done In this equation, ∆(φe ) = 2EJ cos(φe /2), and λ =
by Nakamura et al.1,119,120 , and further investigated the- EJ sin(φe /2).
oretically by Choi et al.121 .
C. Flux qubit
2. Single Cooper pair Transistor - SCT
1. Quantum rf-SQUID
In the SCB, charge fluctuations on the island gener-
ate fluctuating current between the island and large elec- An elementary flux qubit can be constructed from an
trode. In the two-junction setup discused at the end of rf-SQUID operating in the phase regime, EJ ≫ EC . Let
Section V D, an interesting question concerns how the us consider the Hamiltonian (6.6) at φe = π, i.e. at half
0 φ
Ĥl |li = El |li, Ĥr |ri = Er |ri. (7.14)
with a superposition,
(φ − φe )2 1
U (φ) = EJ (1 − cos φ) + EL Ĥ = − (ǫσz + ∆σx ). (7.18)
2 ! 2
φ̃ 1+ε 4 The Hamiltonian of the flux qubit is formally equiva-
≈ EL −ε − f φ̃ + φ̃ , (7.12)
2 24 lent to that of the charge qubit, Eq. (7.5), but the phys-
ical meaning of the terms is rather different. The flux
where φ̃ = φ − π, f = φe − π, and where qubit Hamiltonian is written in the flux basis, i.e. the
basis of the states with certain averaged induced flux, φl
EJ and φr (rather than the charge basis of the charge qubit).
ε= − 1 ≪ 1. (7.13)
EL The energy spectrum of the flux qubit is obviously the
same as that of the charge qubit,
determines the height of the tunnel barrier.
The qubit Hamiltonian is derived by projecting the 1p 2
whole Hilbert space of the full Hamiltonian (6.6) on the E1,2 = ∓ ǫ + ∆2 , (7.19)
D. Potential qubits ∆ 1
0 φ 2π
0 1 2
A. Readout: why, when and how? FIG. 21: Measurement of the phase qubit. Long-living levels
form the qubit, while the dashed line indicates a leaky level
with large energy.
As already mentioned in Section III D, the ultimate
objective of a qubit readout device is to distinguish the
eigenstates of a qubit in a single measurement ”without
destroying the qubit”, a so called ”single-shot” quantum eigenstate. Then the value is predetermined and the
non-demolition (QND) projective measurement. This qubit left in the eigenstate (Stern-Gerlach-style).
objective is essential for several reasons: state prepara- On the other hand, to extract the desired final result it
tion for computation, readout for error correction during may be necessary to create an ensemble of calculations to
the calculation, and readout of results at the end of the be able to perform a complete measurement to determine
calculation. Strictly speaking, the QND property is only the expectation values of variables of interest, performing
needed if the qubit must be left in an eigenstate after quantum state tomography131.
the readout. In a broader sense, readout of a specific
qubit must of course not destroy any other qubits in the
system. B. Direct qubit measurement
It must be carefully noted that one cannot ”read out
the state of a qubit” in a single measurement - this is pro- Direct destructive measurement of the qubit can be il-
hibited by quantum mechanics. It takes repeated mea- lustrated with the example of a single JJ (phase) qubit,
surements on a large number of replicas of the quantum Section VII A. After the manipulation has been per-
state to characterize the state of the qubit (Eq. (3.1)) - formed (e.g. Rabi oscillation), the qubit is left in a su-
”quantum tomography”131. perposition of the upper and lower energy states. To
The measurement connects the qubit with the open determine the probability of the upper state, one slowly
system of the detector, which collapses the combined sys- increases the bias current until it reaches such a value
tem of qubit and measurement device to one of its com- that the upper energy level equals Or gets close to) the
mon eigenstates. If the coupling between the qubit and top of the potential barrier, see Fig. 21. Then the junc-
the detector is weak, the eigenstates are approximately tion, being at the upper energy level, will switch from the
those of the qubit. In general however, one must con- Josephson branch to the dissipative branch, and this can
sider the eigenstates of the total qubit-detector system be detected by measuring the finite average voltage ap-
and manipulate gate voltages and fluxes such that the pearing across the junction (voltage state). If the qubit
readout measurement is performed in a convenient en- is in the lower energy state the qubit will remain on the
ergy eigenbasis (see e.g.42,79 ). Josephson branch and a finite voltage will not be de-
Even under ideal conditions, a single-shot measure- tected (zero-voltage state). An alternative method to
ment can only determine the population of an eigenstate activate switching30 is to apply an rf signal with reso-
if the system is prepared in an eigenstate: then the an- nant frequency (instead of tilting the junction potential)
swer will always be either ”0” or ”1”. If an ideal single- in order to excite the upper energy level and to induce the
shot measurement is used to read out a qubit superpo- switching event, see Fig. 21 (also illustrating a standard
sition state, e.g. during Rabi oscillation, then again the readout method in atomic physics).
answer can only be ”0” or ”1”. To determine the qubit It is obvious that, in this example, the qubit upper
population (i.e. the |a1 |2 and |a2 |2 probabilities) requires energy state is always destroyed by the measurement.
repetition of the measurement to obtain the expectation Single-shot measurement is possible provided the MQT
value. During the intermediate stages of quantum com- rate for the lower energy level is sufficiently small to
putation one must therefore not perform a measurement prevent the junction switching during the measurement
on a qubit unless one knows, because of the design and time. It is also essential to keep a sufficiently small rate of
timing of the algorithm, that this qubit is in an energy interlevel transitions induced by fluctuations of the bias
t << t ms t < t ms t = t ms
0 t I(n0x ) t I(n1x ) m
FIG. 23: Probability distributions P of counted electrons as
functions of time after the turning on the measurement beam
of electrons. Courtesy of G. Johansson, Chalmers.
capacitively coupled to a charge qubit has also been ex-
tensively discussed in literature132,139,140,141,142,143,144 .
FIG. 22: Single Electron Transistor (SET) capacitively cou- The induced charge on the SET gate depends on the
pled to an SCB. state of the qubit, affecting the SET working point
and determining the conductivity and the average cur-
rent. The development of the probability distributions
current and by the current ramping. of counted electrons with time is shown in Fig. 23.
A similar kind of direct destructive measurement was As the number of counted electrons grows, the distribu-
performed by Nakamura et al.1 to detect the state of the tions separate and become distinguishable, the distance
charge qubit. The qubit operation was performed at the between
√ the peaks developing as ∼ N and the width
charge degeneracy point, ug = 1, where the level splitting ∼ N . Detailed investigations144 show that the two
is minimal. An applied gate voltage then shifted the SCB electron-number probability distributions correlate with
working point (Fig. 15), inducing a large level splitting the probability of finding the qubit in either of two energy
of the pure charge states |0i and |1i (the measurement levels. The long-time development depends on the inten-
preparation stage). In this process the upper |1i charge sity and frequency distribution of the back-action noise
state went above the threshold for Cooper pair decay, from the electron current. With very weak detector back
creating two quasi-particles which immediately tunnel action, the qubit can relax to |0i during the natural re-
out via the probe junction into the leads. These quasi- laxation time T1 . With very strong back-action noise at
particles were measured as a contribution to the classical the qubit frequency, the qubit may become saturated in
charge current by repeating the experiment many times. a 50/50 mixed state.
Obviously, this type of measurement is also destructive.
D. Measurement via coupled oscillator
C. Measurement of charge qubit with SET
Another method of qubit read out that has attracted
much attention concerns the measurement of the proper-
Non-destructive measurement of the charge qubit has ties of a linear or non-linear oscillator coupled to a qubit.
been implemented by connecting the qubit capacitively This method is employed for the measurement of induced
to a SET electrometer69 . The idea of this method is to magnetic flux and persistent current in the loop of flux
use a qubit island as an additional SET gate (Fig. 22), qubits and charge-phase qubits, as well as for charge mea-
controlling the dc current through the SET depending surement on charge qubits. With this method, the qubit
on the state of the qubit. When the measurement is to affects the characteristics of the coupled oscillator, e.g.
be performed, a driving voltage is applied to the SET, changes the shape of the oscillator potential, after which
and the dc current is measured. Another version of the the oscillator can be probed to detect the changes. There
measurement procedure is to apply rf bias to the SET are two versions of the method: resonant spectroscopy of
(rf-SET69,133,134,135 ) in Fig. 22, and to measure the dis- a linear tank circuit/cavity, and threshold detection us-
sipative or inductive response. In both cases the trans- ing biased JJ or SQUID magnetometer.
missivity will show two distinct values correlated with The first method uses the fact that the resonance fre-
the two states of the qubit. Yet another version has re- quency of a linear oscillator weakly coupled to the qubit
cently been developed by the NEC group136 to perform undergoes a shift depending on the qubit state. The
single-shot readout: the Cooper pair on the SCB island effect is most easily explained by considering the SCT
then tunnels out onto a trap island (instead of the leads) Hamiltonian, Eq. (11.1),
used as a gate to control the current through the SET.
The physics of the SET-based readout has been exten- 1
sively studied theoretically (see42,137,138 and references ĤSCT = − (ǫσz + ∆(φe )σx ) + λ(φe )φ̃σx
therein). A similar idea of controlling the transmission 1
of a quantum point contact (QPC) (instead of an SET) +4EC ñˆ2 + EL φ̃2 . (8.1)
Let us proceed to the qubit energy basis, in which casee Vout (t) u(t)
√ qubit Hamiltonian takes the form −(E/2)σz , E =
ǫ2 + ∆2 . The interaction term in the qubit eigenbasis
will consist of two parts, the longitudinal part, λz φ̃σz ,
λz = (∆/E)λ, and the transverse part, λx φ̃σx , λx =
(ǫ/E)λ. In the limit of weak coupling the transverse part SCB
of interaction is the most essential. In the absence of
interaction (φe = 0), the energy spectrum of the qubit +
oscillator system is
E 1
En∓ = ∓ + h̄ω(n + ), (8.2)
2 2
where h̄ω = 8EC EL is the plasma frequency of the
oscillator. The effect of weak coupling is enhanced in Vg
the vicinity of the resonance, when the oscillator plasma
frequency is close to the qubit level spacing, h̄ω ≈ E. Let
us assume, however, that the coupling energy is smaller FIG. 24: SCT qubit coupled to a readout oscillator. The
than the deviation from the resonance, λx ≪ |h̄ω − E|. qubit is operated by input pulses u(t). The readout oscillator
Then the spectrum of the interacting system in the lowest is controlled and driven by ac microwave pulses Vg (t). The
perturbative order will acquire a shift, output signal will be ac voltage pulses Vout(t), the amplitude
or phase of which may discriminate between the qubit ”0”
λ2x h̄ω and ”1” states.
δEn± = ± (n + 1) . (8.3)
EL (h̄ω − E)
This shift is proportional to the first power of the oscilla-
tor quantum number n, which implies that the oscillator
frequency acquires a shift (the frequency of the qubit is
also shifted145,146,147,148,149 ). Since the sign of the oscil-
lator frequency shift is different for the different qubit
states, it is possible to distinguish the state of the qubit
by probing this frequency shift.
In the case of the SCT, the LC oscillator is a generic
part of the circuit. It is equally possible to use an addi- Vg
tional LC oscillator inductively coupled to a qubit. This
type of device has been described by Zorin71 for SCT
readout, and recently implemented for flux qubits by
Il’ichev et al.27,39 . FIG. 25: SCT qubit coupled to a JJ readout quantum oscil-
Figure 24 illustrates another case, namely a charge lator. The JJ oscillator is controlled by dc/ac current pulses
qubit capacitively coupled to an oscillator, again pro- Ib (t) adding to the circulating currents in the loop due to the
viding energy resolution for discriminating the two qubit SCT qubit. The output will be dc/ac voltage pulses Vout (t)
levels150 . Analysis of this circuit is similar to the one dis- discriminating between the qubit ”0” and ”1” states.
cussed below in the context of qubit coupling via oscilla-
tors, Section IX. The resulting Hamiltonian is similar to
Eq. (9.20), namely, inserted in the qubit loop, as shown in Fig. 25.
When the measurement of the qubit state is to be per-
Ĥ = ĤSCB + λσy φ + Ĥosc . (8.4) formed, a bias current is sent through the additional junc-
In comparison with the case of the SCT, Eq. (8.4) has tion. This current is then added to the qubit-state depen-
a different form of the coupling term, which does not dent persistent current circulating in the qubit loop. If
change during rotation to the qubit eigenbasis. There- the qubit and readout currents flow in the same direction,
fore the coupling constant λ directly enters Eq. (8.3). the critical current of the readout JJ is exceeded, which
Recently, this type of read out has been implemented for induces the junction switching to the resistive branch,
a charge qubit by capacitively coupling the SCB of the sending out a voltage pulse. This effect is used to distin-
qubit to a superconducting strip resonator151,152,153 . guish the qubit states. The method has been extensively
used experimentally by Vion et al.21,22,23 .
To describe the circuit, we add the Lagrangian of a
E. Threshold detection biased JJ, Eq. (5.11),
Vg Vg
FIG. 27: Fixed inductive (flux) coupling of elementary flux
qubit. The loops can be separate, or have a common leg like
in the figure.
FIG. 28: Fixed capacitive coupling of charge qubits
(φ − φe )
Ĥ = EC n̂2 + EJ (1 − cos φ) + EL (9.2)
2 for each qubit. The last matrix element is exponentially
small, while the first two ones are approximately equal to
h̄ the minimum points of the potential energy, φl and φr ,
Ĥ = EC n̂2 + EJ (1 − cos φ) + Ie φ. (9.3)
2e respectively. This implies that the truncated interaction
In a multi-qubit system the induced gate charge in the basically has the zz-form,
SCB, or the flux through the SQUID loop, or the phase Ĥint = λσz1 σz2 ,
in the Josephson energy, will be a sum of contributions 2
from several (in principle, all) qubits. The energy of the 1 h̄
λ= (L−1 )12 (φl − φr )1 (φl − φr )2 . (9.7)
system can therefore not be described as the sum of two 8 2e
independent qubits because of the quadratic dependence,
and the cross terms represent interaction energies of dif-
ferent kinds: capacitive, inductive and phase/current. C. Capacitive coupling of charge qubits
Moreover, using JJ circuits as non-linear coupling ele-
ments we have the advantage that the direct physical One of the simplest coupling schemes is the capacitive
coupling strength may be controlled, e.g tuning the in- coupling of charge qubits. Such a coupling is realized by
ductance via current biased JJs, or tuning the capaci- connecting the islands of two SCBs via a small capacitor,
tance by a voltage biased SCB. as illustrated in Fig. 28. This will introduce an addi-
tional term in the Lagrangian of the two non-interacting
SCBs, Eq. (5.27), namely the charging energy of the
B. Inductive coupling of flux qubits capacitor C3 ,
C3 V32
A common way of coupling flux qubits is the inductive δL = . (9.8)
coupling: magnetic flux induced by one qubit threads 2
the loop of another qubit, changing the effective external The voltage drop V3 over the capacitor is expressed via
flux. This effect is taken into account by introducing the the phase differences across the qubit junctions,
inductance matrix Lik , which connects flux in the i-th
loop with the current circulating in the k-th loop, V3 = (φ̇1 − φ̇2 ), (9.9)
X 2e
Φi = Lik Ik . (9.4) and thus the kinetic part of the Lagrangian (5.28) will
k take the form
The off-diagonal element of this matrix, L12 , is the mu- 2 X
1 h̄
tual inductance which is responsible for the interaction. K(φ̇1 , φ̇2 ) = Cik φ̇i φ̇k
By using the inductance matrix, the magnetic part of the 2 2e
potential energy in Eq. (6.16) can be generalized to the 2
case of two coupled qubits, h̄ X
− Cgi Vgi φ̇i , (9.10)
2 X 2e i
1 h̄
(L−1 )ik (φi − φei )(φk − φek ). (9.5) where the capacitance matrix elements are Cii = CΣi +
2 2e
ik C3 , and C12 = C3 . Then proceeding to the circuit quan-
Then following the truncation procedure explained in tum Hamiltonian as described in Section VI, we find the
Section VII C, we calculate the matrix elements, interaction term,
hl|φ̃ − f |li, hr|φ̃ − f |ri, hl|φ̃ − f |ri, (9.6) Ĥint = 2e2 (C −1 )12 n̂1 n̂2 . (9.11)
Vg Vg
FIG. 30: Capacitive coupling of single JJ qubits
which should be combined with the kinetic energy of the the displacement does not change the oscillator ground
oscillator, leading to renormalization of oscillator capac- state energy, which then drops out after the averaging,
we finally arrive at the Hamiltonian of the direct effective
Expanding the Josephson energy, after the change of qubit coupling,
variable, gives λ1 λ2
Ĥint = − σy1 σy2 . (9.23)
EJi cos(φi − aφ) ≈ EJi cos φi − EJi aφ sin φi . (9.19) EL
provided the amplitude of the oscillations of φ is small. for the oscillator-coupled charge qubits in Fig. 31.
The last term in this equation describes the linear cou-
pling of the qubit to the LC-oscillator.
Collecting all the terms in the Lagrangian and perform- 2. Current coupling of SCT qubits
ing quantization and truncation procedures, we arrive at
the following Hamiltonian of the qubits coupled to the Charge qubits based on SCTs can be coupled by con-
oscillator (this is similar to Eq. (8.4) for the SCT), necting loops of neighboring qubits by a large Josephson
X junction in the common link155,156,157,158,159,160,161 , as il-
Ĥ = (ĤSCB,i + λi σyi φ) + Ĥosc , (9.20) lustrated in Fig. 32,
i=1,2 The idea is similar to the previous one: to couple qubit
variables to a new variable, the phase of the coupling
where ĤSCB is given by Eq. (7.5), and Josephson junction, then to arrange the phase regime
for the junction with large plasma frequency (ECcoupl ≪
EJi Cg EJcoupl ), and then to average out the additional phase.
λi = , (9.21)
CΣ Technically, the circuit is described using the SCT Hamil-
tonian, Eqs. (7.7), (7.8), for each qubit,
is the coupling strength, and
λ1 λ2 φi
Ĥint = σx1 σx2 , λi = EJ sin (9.26)
EJ,c 2
This coupling scheme also applies to flux qubits: in this FIG. 33: Flux transformer with variable coupling controlled
case, the coupling will have the same form as in Eq. (9.7), by a SQUID.
but the strength will be determined by the Josephson
energy of the coupling junction, cf. Eq. (9.26), rather
than by the mutual inductance.
on the controlling flux is given by the equation167 ,
G. Variable coupling schemes Φ2 EJ πΦcx
= 1+ cos , (9.27)
Φ1 EL Φ0
Computing with quantum gate networks basically as-
sumes that one-and two-qubit gates can be turned on where EJ is the Josephson energy of the SQUID junction,
and off at will. This can be achieved by tuning qubits and EL is the inductive energy of the transformer.
with fixed, finite coupling in and out of resonance, in
NMR-style computing162 .
Here we shall discuss an alternative way, namely
to vary the strength of the physical coupling between 2. Variable Josephson coupling
nearest-neighbour qubits, as discussed in a number of re-
cent papers155,156,158,159,160,163,164,165,166 . A variable Josephson coupling is obtained when a sin-
gle Josephson junction is substituted by a symmetric dc
SQUID whose effective Josephson energy 2EJ cos(φe /2)
1. Variable inductive coupling depends on the magnetic flux threading the SQUID loop
(see the discussion in Section V C). This property is
To achieve variable inductive coupling of flux qubits commonly used to control level spacing in both flux and
one has to be able to the control the mutual inductance charge qubits introduced in Section V D, and it can also
of the qubit loops. This can be done by different kinds be used to switch on and off qubit-qubit couplings. For
of controllable switches (SQUIDS, transistors)163 in the example, the coupling of the charge-phase qubits via
circuit. In a recent experiment, a variable flux trans- Josephson junction in Fig. 32 can be made variable
former was implemented as a coupling element (see Fig. by substituting the single coupling junction with a dc
33) by controlling the transforming ratio167 . The flux SQUID155,156 .
transformer is a superconducting loop strongly induc- The coupling scheme discussed in Section IX F 1 is
tively coupled to the qubit loops, which are distant from made controllable by using a dc SQUID design for the
each other so that the direct mutual qubit inductance is SCB as explained in Section V D). Indeed, since the cou-
negligibly small. Because of the effect of quantization of pling strength depends on the Josephson energy of the
magnetic flux in the transformer loop112 , the local vari- qubit junction, Eq. (9.21), this solution provides vari-
ation of magnetic flux Φ1 induced by one qubit will af- able coupling of the qubits. Similarly, the coupling of
fect a local magnetic flux Φ2 in the vicinity of the other the SCTs considered in Section IX F 2 can be made con-
qubit creating effective qubit-qubit coupling. When a dc trollable by employing a dc SQUID as a coupling ele-
SQUID is inserted in the transformer loop, as shown in ment. A disadvantage of this solution is that the qubit
Fig. 33, it will shortcircuit the transformer loop, and the parameters will vary simultaneously with varying of the
transformer ratio Φ2 /Φ1 will change. The effect depends coupling strength. A more general drawback of the dc
on the current flowing through the SQUID, and is propor- SQUID-based controllable coupling is the necessity to
tional to the critical current of the SQUID. The latter is apply magnetic field locally, which might be difficult to
controlled by applying a magnetic flux Φcx to the SQUID achieve without disturbing other elements of the circuit.
loop, as explained in Section V C and shown in Fig. 33. This is however an experimental question, and what are
Quantitatively, the dependence of the transformer ratio practical solutions in the long run remains to be seen.
Vg Vg
FIG. 35: Variable capacitance tuned by a voltage-controlled
EJ2 sin2 (φ0 /2) with coefficients depending on the gate potentials. The
Ĥint = λσx1 σx2 , λ = , (9.28) second term in this expression gives the zz-coupling (in
EJ,c cos φ0
the charge basis), and the coupling constant ν may, ac-
and local magnetic field biasing is not required. cording to the analysis of Ref.165 , take on both positive
and negative values depending on the coupling junction
gate voltage. In particular it may turn to zero, implying
4. Variable capacitive coupling qubit decoupling.
and proceeding to the qubit eigenbasis (phase basis in The manipulation should not necessarily be step-like, it
this case), we write the Hamiltonian on the form (cf. Eq. is sufficient to pass the resonance rapidly enough to pro-
(7.10), vide the Landau-Zener transition, i.e. the speed of the
frequency ramping should be comparable to the qubit
X ∆i
Ĥ = − σzi − λi σx φi + Ĥosc [φ]. (9.32) level splittings.
2 References to recent work on the entanglement of
qubits and oscillators will be given in Section IV C.
Let us consider the following manipulation involving the
variation of the oscillator frequency (cf. Ref164 ): at time
t = 0, the oscillator frequency is off-resonance with both X. DYNAMICS OF MULTI-QUBIT SYSTEMS
A. General N-qubit formulation
h̄ω(0) < ∆1 < ∆2 . (9.33)
Then the frequency is rapidly ramped so that the oscil- A general N-qubit Hamiltonian with general qubit-
lator becomes resonant with the first qubit, qubit coupling can be written on the form
h̄ω(t1 ) = ∆1 , (9.34) X ǫi ∆i 1X
Ĥ = − ( σzi + σxi ) + λν,ij σνi σνj
2 2 2 i,j;ν
the frequency remaining constant for a while. Then the i
frequency is ramped again and brought into resonance (10.1)
with the second qubit,
To solve the Schrödinger equation
h̄ω(t2 ) = ∆2 . (9.35)
Ĥ|ψi = E|ψi (10.2)
Finally, after a certain time it is ramped further so that
the oscillator gets out of resonance with both qubits at we expand the N-qubit state in a complete basis, e.g. the
the end, 2N basis states of the (σz )N operator,
h̄ω(t > t3 ) > ∆2 . (9.36)
|ψi = aq |qi
When passing through the resonance, the oscillator is = a0 |0..00i + a1 |0..01i + a2 |0..10i + ...a(2N −1) |1..11i
hybridized with the corresponding qubit, and after pass- (10.3)
ing the resonance, the oscillator and qubit have become
entangled. For example, let us prepare our system at and project onto the basis states
t = 0 in the excited state ψ(0) = |100i = |1i|0i|0i, X
where the first number denotes the state of the oscilla- Ĥ |pihp|ψi = E|ψi (10.4)
tor (first excited level), and the last numbers denote the p
(ground) states of the first and second qubits, respec-
tively. After the first operation, the oscillator will be obtaining the ususal matrix equation
entangled with the first qubit, X
hq|Ĥ|piap = Eaq (10.5)
ψ(t1 < t < t2 ) = cos θ1 |10i + sin θ1 eiα |01i |0i.
where aq = hq|ψi, with typical matrix elements given by
After the second manipulation, the state |100i will be
entangled with state |001i, Hqp = hq|Ĥ|pi = h1..01|Ĥ|0..11i (10.6)
With q = {kl} and p = {mn}, we get dealing with pure charge states. The secular equation
factorises according to
X ǫi ∆i
Hqp = −hkl| σzi + σxi ) + λ12 σz1 σz2 |mni det (Ĥ − E) =
2 2 2 2 2 2
i=1,2 = [(λ − E ) + ǫ(λ + E)][(λ − E ) − ǫ(λ + E)] = 0
ǫ1 ∆1 (10.13)
= −( hk|σz1 |mi + hk|σx1 |mi)hl|ni
2 2
ǫ2 ∆2 giving the eigenvalues
−hk|mi( hl|σz2 |ni) + hl|σx2 |ni)
2 2
+ λ12 hk|σz1 |mihl|σz2 |ni E1 = ǫ + λ , E2,3 = −λ , E4 = −ǫ + λ (10.14)
(10.9) The corresponding eigenvectors and 2-qubit states are
given by
The longitudinal zz-coupling only connects basis states
with the same indices (diagonal terms), |kli ↔ |kli. Eval-
E1 = ǫ + λ :
uation of the matrix elements results in the Hamiltonian
matrix (setting λ12 = λ, ǫ1 + ǫ2 = 2ǫ, ǫ1 − ǫ2 = 2∆ǫ) a2 = a3 = a4 = 0 (10.15)
ǫ + λ − 21 ∆2 − 21 ∆1
− 1 ∆2 ∆ǫ − λ |ψ1 i = |00i (10.16)
2 0 − 12 ∆1
Ĥ =
− 1 ∆1 (10.10)
−∆ǫ − λ − 12 ∆2
2 0 E2,3 = −λ :
0 − 12 ∆1 − 21 ∆2 −ǫ + λ
a1 = a4 = 0 (10.17)
The one-body operators can only connect single-
particle states, and therefore the rest of the state must be
unchanged (unit overlap). Zero overlap matrix elements |ψ2 i = |01i , (a3 = 0) ; |ψ3 i = |10i , (a2 = 0) (10.18)
1. Biasing far away from the degeneracy point where E1 < E2 < E3 < E4 . For E = E1,4 , the corre-
sponding eigenvectors and 2-qubit states are given by
Far away from the degeneracy points in the limit ǫ ≫ ∆1 + ∆2
∆1 , ∆2 , the Hamiltonian matrix is diagonal and we are a1 = a4 , a2 = a3 ; , a2 = −a1 (10.24)
λ + 2E
|E1 i = a1 (|00i + |11i) + a2 (|01i + |10i) (10.25) Inserting the energy eigenstates from expressions
(10.25),(10.26),(10.29),(10.30) we obtain the time evolu-
|E4 i = a2 (|00i + |11i) − a1 (|01i + |10i) (10.26) tion in the charge basis,
3. Two-qubit dynamics under dc-pulse excitation As one example, we will calculate p3 (t) + p4 (t), which
represents the probability of finding the qubit 1 in the
We now investigate the dynamics of the two-qubit state upper state |1i, independently of the state of qubit 1
in the specific case that the dc-pulse is applied equally (the states of which are summed over).
to both gates, ǫ1 (t) = ǫ2 (t), where ǫ1 = ǫ1 (ng1 ) = p3 (t) = | (a21 + a22 ) cos E1 t − (b21 + b22 ) cos E2 t
EC (1 − 2ng1 ), ǫ2 = ǫ2 (ng2 ) = EC (1 − 2ng2 ), taking the
−i (a21 − a22 ) sin E1 t − (b21 − b22 ) sin E2 t |2 (10.41)
system from the the pure charge-state region to the co-
degeneracy point and back. This is the precise analogy p4 (t) = | [2ia1 a2 sin E1 t − 2ib1 b2 sin E2 t] |2 (10.42)
of the single-qubit dc-pulse scheme discussed in Section
IV C. Adding p3 (t) and p4 (t) we obtain
Since the charge state |00i of the starting point does
not have time to evolve during the steep rise of the dc- p3 (t) + p4 (t) =
pulse, it remains frozen and forms the initial state |00i 1 1 1
= − cos E1 t cos E2 t + χ sin E1 t sin E2 t
at time t = 0 at the co-degeneracy point, where it can be 2 4 4
expanded in the energy eigenbasis, 1 1
= − (1 + χ) cos E+ t + (1 − χ) cos E− t (10.43)
2 4
|00i = |ψ(0)i = c1 |E1 i + c2 |E2 i + c3 |E3 i + c4 |E4 i
where E+ = E2 + E1 , E− = E2 − E1 , and where χ =
(10.32) 2
(1 − 2|Eλ1 E2 | ).
To find the coefficients we project onto the charge basis,
C. Two qubits, transverse x-x coupling
hkl|00i = c1 hkl|E1 i + c2 hkl|E2 i + c3 hkl|E3 i + c4 hkl|E4 i
(10.33) This model is relevant for charge qubits in current-
and use the explict results for the energy eigenstates to coupled loops. The Hamiltonian is now given by
calculate the matrix elements, obtaining
X ǫi ∆i
Ĥ = − ( σzi + σxi + λ σx1 σx2 (10.44)
|00i = a1 |E1 i + b1 |E2 i − b2 |E3 i − a2 |E4 i (10.34) i=1,2
2 2
For t > 0 this stationary state then develops in time Proceeding as before we have
governed by the constant Hamiltonian as
X ǫi ∆i
|ψ(t)i = a1 e−iE1 t |E1 i + b1 e−iE2 t |E2 i − Hqp = hkl| σzi − σxi ) + λ σz1 σz2 |mni
−b2 e+iE2 t |E3 i − a2 e+iE1 t |E4 i (10.35) i=1,2
2 2
ǫ1 ∆1
=( hk|σz(1) |mi − hk|σx1 |mi)hl|ni
2 2
ǫ2 ∆2
+hk|mi( hl|σz2 |ni) hl|σx2 |ni)
2 2
+ λ hk|σx1 |mihl|σx2 |ni
XI. EXPERIMENTS WITH SINGLE QUBITS In Fig. 36 the readout control pulse can be a dc pulse
(DCP) or ac pulse (ACP). A DCP readout most often
leads to an output voltage pulse, which may be quite
In this section we shall describe a few experiments destructive for the quantum system. An ACP readout
with single-qubits that represent the current state-of- presents a much weaker perturbation by probing the
the-art and quite likely will be central components in ac-response of an oscillator coupled to the qubit, creating
the developmement of multi-qubit systems during the much less back action, at best representing QND readout.
next five to ten years. The first experiment presents
Rabi oscillations induced and observed in the elemen-
tary phase qubit and readout oscillator formed by a
single JJ-junction30,31,32,33,34 . The next example de-
scribes a series of recent experiments with a flux qubit24 1. Spectroscopic detection of Rabi oscillation
coupled to different kinds of SQUID oscillator read-
out devices25,26,168 . A further example will discuss the
charge-phase qubit coupled to a JJ-junction oscillator21 In the simplest use of the classical oscillator, it does
and the recent demonstration of extensive NMR-style op- not discriminate between the two different qubit states,
eration of this qubit23 . The last example will present the but only between energies of radiation emitted by a lossy
case of a charge qubit (single Cooper pair box, SCB) resonator coupled to the qubit. In this way it is possible
coupled to a microwave stripline oscillator147,148,151,152 , to detect the ”low-frequency” Rabi oscillation of a qubit
representing a solid-state analogue of ”cavity QED”. driven by continuous (i.e. not pulsed) high-frequency
Before describing experiments and results, however, we radiation tuned in the vicinity of the qubit transition en-
will discuss in some detail the measurement procedures ergy. If the oscillator is tunable, the resonance window
that give information about resonance line profiles, Rabi can be swept past the Rabi line. Alternatively, the Rabi
oscillations, and relaxation and decohrence times. The frequency can be tuned and swept past the oscillator win-
illustrations will be chosen from Vion et al.21 and related dow by changing the qubit pumping power27 .
work for the case of the charge-phase qubit, but the ex-
amples are relevant for all types of qubits, representing
fundmental procedures for studying quantum systems.
2. Charge qubit energy level occupation from counting
electrons: rf-SET
A. Readout detectors
In this case, the charge qubit is interacting with a beam
Before discussing some of the actual experiments, it of electrons passing through a single-electron transistor
is convenient to describe some of basic readout-detector (SET) coupled to a charge qubit (e.g. the rf-SET,69 ), as
principles which more or less the same for the SET, rf- discussed in Section VIII and illustrated in Fig. 22. In
SET, JJ and SQUID devices. A typical pulse scheme for these cases the transmissivity of the electrons will show
exciting a qubit and reading out the response is shown two distinct values correlated with the two states of the
in Fig. 36: qubit.
2∆ eV
FIG. 38: Schematics of readout dc SQUID coupled to flux
FIG. 37: Current-voltage characteristic of tunnel junction
qubit; left - inductive coupling, right - direct phase coupling
(solid line) consists of the Josephson branch - vertical line at
V = 0, and the dissipative branch - curve at eV ≥ 2∆. When
the current is ramped, the junction stays at the Josephson
branch and when the current approaches the critical value Ic ,
the junction switches to the dissipative branch (dashed line). pacitance Csh and lead inductance L is used to ”tune”
ωp ). Thus, the plasma frequency takes different values
(0) (1)
ωp or ωp depending on the state of qubit, representing
3. Coupled qubit-classical-oscillator system: switching two different shapes of the SQUID oscillator potential.
detectors with dc-pulse (DCP) output In the dc-pulse-triggered switching SQUID7,24,25 , a
dc-current readout-pulse is applied after the operation
In Section VIII we analyzed the case of an SCT qubit pulse(s) (Fig. 36), setting a switching threshold for the
current-coupled to a JJ-oscillator (Fig. 25) and discussed critical current. The circulating qubit current for one
the Hamiltonian of the coupled qubit-JJ-oscillator sys- qubit state will then add to the critical current and make
tem. The effect of the qubit was to deform the oscillator the SQUID switch to the voltage state, while the other
potential in different ways depending on the state of the qubit state will reduce the current and leave the SQUID
qubit. The effect can then be probed in a number of in the zero-voltage state.
ways, by input and output dc and ac voltage and current In an application of ac-pulse-triggered switching
pulses, to determine the occupation of the qubit energy SQUID26 , readout relies on resonant activation by a mi-
levels. crowave pulse at a frequency close to ωp , adjusting the
Using non-linear oscillators like single JJs or SQUIDS power so that the SQUID switches to the finite voltage
one can achieve threshold and switching behaviour where state by resonant activation if the qubit is in state |0i,
the JJ/SQUID switches out of the zero-voltage state, re- whereas it stays in the zero-voltage state if it is in state
sulting in an output dc-voltage pulse. |1i. The resonant activation scheme is similar to the read-
Switching JJ: The method is based on the dependence out scheme used by Martinis et al.30,31,32,33 . (see Section
of the critical current of the JJ on the state of the qubit, XI C).
and consists of applying a short current DCP to the JJ
at a value Ib during a time ∆t, so that the JJ will switch
out of its zero-voltage state with a probability Psw (Ib ).
For well-chosen parameters, the detection efficiency can
approach unity. The switching probability then directly 4. Coupled qubit-classical-oscillator system: ac-pulse
measures the qubit’s energy level population. (ACP) non-switching detectors
Switching SQUID: In the experiments on flux qubits
by the Delft group, two kinds of physical coupling of
the SQUID to the qubit have been implemented, namely This implementation of ACP readout uses the qubit-
inductive coupling (Fig. 38 (left))7,168 and direct cou- SQUID combination7 shown in Fig. 38 (left), but with
pling (Fig. 38 (right)):24,25,26 The critical current of ACP instead of DCP readout, implementing a nonde-
the SQUID depends on the flux threading the loop, and structive dispersive method for the readout of the flux
therefore is different for different qubit states. The prob- qubit168 . The detection is based on the measurement
lem is to detect a two percent variation in the SQUID of the Josephson inductance of a dc-SQUID inductively
critical current associated with a transition between the coupled to the qubit. Using this method, Lupascu et
qubit states in a time shorter than the qubit energy relax- al.168 measured the spectrum of the qubit resonance line
ation time T1 . The SQUID behaves as an oscillator with a and obtained relaxation times around 80 µs, much longer
characteristic plasma frequency ωp = [(L + LJ )Csh ]−1/2 . than observed with DCP.
This frequency depends on the bias current Ib and on A related readout scheme was recently implemented by
the critical current
p IC via the Josephson inductance Siddiqi et al.169 using two different oscillation states of
LJ = Φ0 /2πIC 1 − Ib2 /Ic2 (the shunt capacitor with ca- the non-linear JJ in the zero-voltage state.
FIG. 39: Left: qubit energy level scheme. The vertical dashed
line marks the qubit working point and transition energy. The FIG. 40: Decay of the switching probability of the charge-
arrow marks the detuned microwave excitation. Right: pop- qubit readout junction as a function of the delay time td
ulation of the upper level as a function of the detuning; the between the excitation and readout pulses. Courtesy of D.
inverse of the half width (FWHM) of the resonance line gives Esteve, CEA-Saclay.
the total decoherence time T2 . Courtesy of D. Esteve, CEA-
To study the resonance line profile, one applies a sin- FIG. 41: Left: Rabi oscillations of the switching probability
gle long weak microwave pulse with given frequency, fol- measured just after a resonant microwave pulse of duration.
lowed by a readout pulse. The procedure is then repeated Right: Measured Rabi frequency (dots) varies linearly with
for a spectrum of frequencies. The Rabi oscillation am- microwave amplitude (voltage) as expected. Courtesy of D.
plitude, the upper state population, and the detector Esteve, CEA-Saclay.
switching probability p(t) will depend on the detuning
and will grow towards resonance. The linewidth gives
directly the total inverse decoherence lifetime 1/T2 =
3. Rabi oscillations and T2,Rabi decoherence time
1/2T1 + 1/Tφ . The decoherence-time contributions from
relaxation (1/T1 ) and dephasing (1/Tφ ) can be (approx-
imately) separately measured, as discussed below. To study Rabi oscillations (frequency Ω ∼ u, the am-
plitude of driving field) one turns on a resonant mi-
crowave pulse for a given time tµw and measures the up-
per |1i state population (probability) p1 (t) after a given
2. T1 relaxation times (short) delay time td . If the systems is perfectly coher-
ent, the state vector will develop as cos Ωt |0i+sin Ωt |1i,
To determine the T1 relaxation time one measures the and the population of the upper state will then oscil-
decacy of the population of the upper |1i state after a late as sin2 Ωt between 0 and 1. In the presence of de-
long microwave pulse saturating the transition, varying coherence, the amplitude of the oscillation of p1 (t) will
the delay time td of the detector readout pulse. The decay on a time scale TRabi towards the average value
measured T1 =1.8 microseconds is so far the best value p1 (t = ∞) = 0.5. This corresponds to incoherent satura-
for the Quantronium charge-phase qubit. tion of the 0 to 1 transition.
5. Spin-echo
4. Ramsey interference, dephasing and T2,Ramsey
decoherence time The spin-echo and Ramsey pulse sequences differ in
that a π-pulse around the x-axis is added in between the
two π/2-pulses in the spin-echo experiment, as shown in
The Ramsey interference experiment measures the de-
Fig.43. As in the Ramsey experiment, the first π/2-pulse
coherence time of the non-driven, freely precessing, qubit.
makes the Bloch vector start rotating in the equatorial
In this experiment a π/2 microwave pulse around the x-
x-y plane with frequency E/h̄ = ν01 . The effect of the
axis induces Rabi oscillation that tips the spin from the
π-pulse is now to flip the entire x-y plane with the rotat-
north pole down to the equator. The spin vector rotates
ing Bloch vector around the x-axis, reflecting the Bloch
in the x-y plane, and after a given time ∆t, another π/2
vector in the x-z plane. The Bloch vector then continues
microwave pulse is applied, immediately followed by a
to rotate in the x-y plane in the same direction. Finally
readout pulse.
a second π/2-pulse is applied to project the state on the
Since the π/2 pulses are detuned by δ from the qubit z-axis.
|0i → |1i transition frequency, the qubit will precess If two Bloch vectors with slightly different frequency
with frequency δ relative to the rotating frame of the start rotating at the same time in the x-y plane, they will
driving field. Since the second microwave pulse will be move with different angular speeds. The effect of the π-
applied in the plane of the rotating frame, it will have pulse at time ∆t will be to permute the Bloch vectors,
a projection cos δt on the qubit vector and will drive and then let the motion continue in the same direction.
the qubit towards the north or south poles, resulting This is similar to reversing the motion and letting the
in a specific time-independent final superposition state Bloch vectors back-trace. The net result is that the two
cos δt |0i + sin δt |1i of the qubit at the end of the last Bloch vectors re-align after time 2∆t.
π/2 pulse. The readout pulse then catches the qubit In NMR experiments, the different Bloch vectors cor-
in this superposition state and forces it to decay if the respond to different spins in the ensemble. In the case
qubit is in the upper |1i state. The probability will of a single qubit, the implication is that in a series of re-
oscillate with the detuning frequency, and a single-shot peated experiments, the result will be insensitive to small
experiment will then detect the upper state with this variations δE of the qubit energy between measurements,
probability. Repeating the experiment many times for as long as the energy (rotation frequency) is constant
different pi/2 pulse separation ∆t will then give |0i or during one and the same measurement. If fluctuations
|1i with probabilities cos2 δt and sin2 δt. Taking the occur during one measurement, then this cannot be cor-
average, and then varying the pulse separation, will rected for. The spin-echo procedure can therefore remove
trace out the Ramsey interference oscillatory signal. the measurement-related line-broadening associated with
Dephasing will make the signa decay on the timescale Tφ . slow fluctuations of the qubit precession, and allow ob-
servation of the intrinsic coherence time of the qubit.
1. General considerations
δEi (V, Φ) = Qi δV + Ii δΦ + Ci δV 2 + Li δΦ2 (11.4)
or, equivalently,
As described in Section VII, the charge-phase qubit
circuit consists of a single-Cooper-pair transistor (SCT) δEi (ng , φe ) = Q̃i δng + I˜i δφe + C̃i δng 2 + L̃i δφe 2
in a superconducting loop, The Hamiltonian for the SCT (11.5)
part of this circuit is given by
On the energy level surfaces (Fig. 46), the special point
1 (ng , φe ) = (0.5, 0) is an extreme point with zero first
ĤSCT = − [ ǫ(ng ) σz + ∆(φe ) σx ] (11.1)
2 derivative. This means that the energies of the |0i and
|1i states will be invariant to first order to small varia-
where the charging and tunneling parameters are them- tions of charge and phase, which will minimize the qubit
selves functions of external control parameters, gate sensitivity to fluctuations of the working point caused by
charge ng and loop flux φe , ǫ(ng ) = EC (1 − 2ng ) and noise.
A. General discussion
A. Bell measurements
I bi−1 Cgi I bi
tial step is to develop JJ-hardware with long coherence Anticrossing - Lifting of degeneracy (level crossing) of
time to study the quantum dynamics of a two-qubit cir- quantum levels during variation of the system parameters
cuit and to perform a ”test” of Bell’s inequalities (or when an interaction is switched on
rather the JJ-ciruitry) by creating entangled two-qubit Average measurement - Measurement of an expecta-
Bell states and performing simultaneous projective mea- tion value of a dynamic variable in a certain state
surements on the two qubits. Bloch sphere - Geometrical representation of the man-
A first breakthrough would be to perform a significant ifold of quantum states of a two-level system as points
number of single- and two-qubit gates on a 3-qubit clus- on the unit sphere.
ter to entangle three qubits. Combined with simultane- Bloch vector - Normalized state vector of a two-level
ous projective readout of individual qubits, not disturb- system represented by a radial unit vector of the Bloch
ing unmeasured qubits, this would form a basis for the sphere.
first solid-state experiments with teleportation, quantum Charging energy - Electrostatic energy of a capacitor
error correction (QEC), and elementary quantum algo- charged with a single electron (e) (or a single Cooper pair
rithms. This will provide a platform for scaling up the (2e)).
system to 10 qubits. Charge qubit - Superconducting qubit based on a a
This may not look very impressive but nevertheless single Cooper pair box (SCB), whose computational basis
would be an achievement far beyond expectations only consists of the two charge states of the superconducting
a decade back. The NMR successes, e.g. running Shor- island.
type algorithms using a molecule with 7 qubits76 , are Charge-phase qubit - Superconducting qubit based on
based on technologies developed during 50 years using a single Cooper pair box (SCB) whose charging energy is
natural systems with naturally long coherence times. of the order of the Josephson energy of tunnel junctions
Similarly, semiconductor technologies have developed for CNOT gate - Controlled-NOT gate: two-qubit gate
50 years to reach today’s scale and performance of clas- which changes or does not change the state of a target
sical computers. It is therefore to be expected that QI qubit depending on the state of a controlling qubit.
technologies will need several decades to develop truly Cooper pair - Bound state of two electrons (2e), the
significant potential. Moreover, in the same way as for elementary charge carrier in superconducting equilibrium
the classical technologies, QI technologies will most prob- state.
ably develop slowly step by step, ”qubit by qubit”, which Coulomb blockade - Suppression of current through
in itself will be an exponential development. a tunnel junction or small metallic island due to large
Moreover, in future scalable information processors, charging energy associated with a passage of a single elec-
different physical realizations and technologies might be tron.
combined into hybrid systems to achieve fast processing CPHASE gate - Controlled-phase gate: two-qubit gate
in one system and long coherence and long-time informa- which changes or does not change the phase of a target
tion storage in another system. In this way, solid state qubit depending on the state of a controlling qubit.
technologies might be combined with ion trap physics to Decoherence - Evolution of a quantum system, inter-
build large microtrap systems254 , which in turn might be acting with its environment; cannot be described with
coupled to superconducting Josephson junctions proces- a unitary operator; consists of decay of phase coherence
sors via microwave transmission lines255 . (dephasing) and/or changing of level population (relax-
Density matrix - Characteristics of a quantum system,
Acknowledgments which contains full statistical information about the state
of the system.
This work has been supported by European Commis- Dephasing - Decay of phase coherence of a superpo-
sion through the IST-SQUBIT and SQUBIT-2 projects, sition state, represented by decreasing off-diagonal ele-
by the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Founda- ments of the density matrix.
tion for Strategic Research and the Royal Academy of Entanglement - Specific non-local coupling of quantum
Sciences. systems when the wave function of whole system cannot
be presented as a product of partial wave functions
Flux qubit - Superconducting qubit based on a SQUID,
GLOSSARY whose computational basis consists of the two states of
the SQUID having opposite directions of the induced
Adiabatic evolution - Development of a quantum sys- flux.
tem without transitions among the quantum levels. Hadamard gate - Transformation of computational ba-
Algorithm - Finite sequence of logical operations, which sis states of a single qubit to equally weighted superpo-
produces a solution for a given problem. sitions of the basis states (cat states).
Level crossing - Degeneracy of quantum levels appear- Holonomic quantum computation - Using the geo-
ing at a certain value of a controlling system parameter metric phases when a quantum system is taken around a
(e.g. gate voltage, bias flux, etc.). closed circuit in the space of control parameters.
Gate operation - Controlled transformation of the state resonant driving perturbation, consists of periodic oscil-
of one or several qubits; a basic element of an algorithm. lation of the level populations with the frequency propor-
Josephson effect - Non-dissipative current flow be- tional to the amplitude of the perturbation.
tween two superconductors separated by a non- Readout - Measurement of a qubit state.
superconducting material (insulator, normal metal, etc.). Relaxation - Change of population of the energy eigen-
Josephson junction - Junction of two superconductors, states resulting in approaching the equilibrium popula-
which exhibits the Josephson effect. tion.
Josephson critical current - Maximal value of the SCB - Single Cooper pair Box: superconducting analog
Josephson current maintained by a particular junction. of SEB, where it is energetically favorable to have only
Josephson energy - Inductive energy of a Josephson paired electrons on the island.
junction proportional to the critical Josephson current. SCT - Single Cooper pair Transistor: a superconducting
π pulse - High frequency control pulse with a specific device containing a small island whose charging energy is
duration applied to a qubit, producing inversion of the controlled by an electrostatic gate electrode to increase
qubit level populations (π rotation; qubit flip) or decrease current flowing through the island from one
π/2 pulse - High frequency control pulse with a specific large electrode (source) to another (drain).
duration applied to a qubit, typically tipping the Bloch SEB - Single Electron Box: small metallic island con-
vector from a pole to the equator, or from the equator to nected to a large electrode via resistive tunnel junction,
a pole, on the Bloch sphere. whose charging energy hence amount of trapped electrons
Phase gate - Single qubit gate, transforms a superpo- is controlled by an electrostatic gate.
sition of two quantum states into another superposition SET - Single Electron Transistor: a device containing a
with different relative phase of the states small island whose charging energy is controlled by an
Precession - Dynamic evolution of a two-level system in electrostatic gate electrode to increase or decrease cur-
a superposition state, i.e. linear combination of energy rent flowing through the island from one large electrode
eigenstates. (source) to another (drain).
QND measurement - Quantum Non-Demolition Mea- rf-SET - SET driven by an rf signal, is used as an ul-
surement: measurement of a state of a quantum system, tra sensitive electrometer by monitoring a linear response
which does not destroy the quantum state and makes function of the SET, which is sensitive to the electrostatic
possible repeated measurements of the same state. gate potential.
QPC - Quantum Point Contact: a constriction in a con- SQUID - Superconducting Quantum Interferometer De-
ductor with ballistic transport through a small number vice: a device consisting of a one or more Josephson junc-
of conduction channels. tions included in a superconducting loop.
Qubit - Quantum two-level system; basic element of a dc-SQUID - SQUID containing two Josephson junc-
quantum processor. tions.
PCQ - Persistent Current Qubit: synonymous with flux rf-SQUID - SQUID containing one Josephson junction.
qubit. Single-shot measurement - A measurement which
Rabi oscillation - Dynamics of two-level system under gives an ”up/down” answer in one single detection event.
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