Market Scan
Market Scan
Market Scan
Market Update (PGA page 724) Med cargoes (€/mt) (PGA page 1120) Med cargoes (€ cents/liter) (PGA page 1370)
Crude oil futures soared in London trading Wednesday FOB Med CIF Med FOB Med CIF Med
(Italy) (Genova/Lavera) Prem Unl 10 ppm ABXGA00 31.452 ABXGB00 32.266
afternoon following news that Saudi Arabian oil exports Naphtha* ABWHE00 368.968 ABWHD00 383.498 Jet ABXGH00 38.796 ABXGI00 40.342
plunged in December. Saudi Arabian crude export loadings Prem Unl 10ppm ABWGV00 416.740 ABWGU00 427.527 10 ppm ULSD ABXGO00 36.404 ABXGP00 38.800
Jet ABWGZ00 474.859 AAZBO00 493.792 Gasoil 0.1% ABXGY00 36.939 ABXGZ00 38.298
fell to 7.253 million b/d last month, according to media
10ppm ULSD ABWHM00 445.579 ABWHH00 459.008 Northwest Europe cargoes (€ cents/liter) (PGA page 1370)
reports. “Reports that Saudi oil exports were falling Gasoil 0.1% ABWGQ00 436.994 ABWGO00 453.064
dramatically changed the mood of the market,” Price Fuel Oil 1.0% ABWGH00 292.356 ABWGF00 306.886
Gasoline 10 ppm ABXGC00 33.180
Fuel oil 3.5% ABWGM00 268.580 ABWGK00 282.890
Jet ABXGJ00 39.695 ABXGK00 40.450
Futures Group senior market analyst Phil Flynn said. “Saudi *Naphtha FOB Med is basis East Med ULSD 10 ppm ABXGQ00 37.647 ABXGR00 38.540
Arabia is very serious about lowering the supply situation...It Northwest Europe cargoes (€/mt) (PGA page 1116) Diesel 10 ppm NWE ABXGS00 37.795 ABXGT00 38.707
really shows that cuts are going into effect today and will FOB NWE CIF NWE/
Gasoil 0.1% ABXHA00 36.865 ABXHB00 38.112
have an impact.” At the London close, March ICE Brent Northwest Europe barges (€ cents/liter) (PGA page 1370)
Basis ARA
jumped to $55.57/b, a $1.77/b increase from the settle of the Naphtha AAQCE00 393.184 FOB Rotterdam
Gasoline 10ppm ABWGS00 439.635 Eurobob ABXGD00 31.568
last trading day, while February NYMEX WTI also rose to Jet ABWHB00 485.867 AAQCF00 495.113 98 RON Gasoline 10 ppm ABXGE00 36.553
$47.13/b, a $1.72/b increase. The rise came after a volatile ULSD 10 ppm ABWHO00 447.120 ABWHI00 457.908 Premium Gasoline 10 ppm ABXGF00 33.280
Diesel 10ppm NWE ABWHP00 445.359 ABWHK00 455.926 Jet ABXGL00 39.857
morning in Asia which saw crude futures fall mid-afternoon Diesel 10 ppm UK ABWHJ00 459.008 Diesel 10 ppm ABXGU00 38.298
Gasoil 0.1% ABWGR00 436.113 ABWGP00 450.863 Gasoil 50 ppm ABXHC00 38.186
Gasoil 0.1% ABXHD00 37.256
ICE FUTURES Fuel oil 1.0% AAQCG00 281.129 ABWGG00 294.778
Fuel oil 3.5% ABWGN00 249.428 ABWGL00 268.580
Platts ICE 16:30 London assessments* (PGA page 703) Straight run 0.5-0.7% ABWHG00 320.535 GB PENCE PER LITER ASSESSMENTS 16:30 LONDON
Low Sulfur Gasoil Brent Northwest Europe cargoes (p/liter) (PGA page 1370)
West Africa cargoes (€/mt) (PGA page 1116)
Jan AARIN00 514.25 Mar AAYES00 55.57
Feb AARIO00 515.25 Apr AAYET00 55.82
Gasoline AGNWA00 430.830 AANWC00 449.322 Gasoline 10 ppm ABXGG00 29.933
Mar AARIP00 516.25 May AAXZY00 56.11
Jet ABXGM00 35.810 ABXGN00 36.491
Jun AAYAM00 56.38 FOB STS West Africa
ULSD 10 ppm ABXGV00 33.962 ABXGW00 34.768
*Platts ICE assessments reflect the closing value of the ICE contracts at precisely Gasoil 0.3% AGNWE00 470.456
Diesel 10 ppm UK ABXGX00 35.003
16:30 London time. Northwest Europe barges (€/mt) (PGA page 1118) Gasoil 0.1% ABXHE00 33.257 ABXHF00 34.382
ICE gasoil settlements (PGA page 702) FOB Rotterdam
Low Sulfur Gasoil Low Sulfur Gasoil Naphtha ABWHF00 389.662 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES (PGA page 1151)
Jan * ICLO001 517.00 Apr ICLO004 519.00 Eurobob ABWGT00 418.281 January 2, 2019 London 16:30
Feb ICLO002 518.00 May ICLO005 519.75 98 RON gasoline 10 ppm ABWGX00 484.325 Dollar/Swiss franc BCADC00 0.9886
Mar ICLO003 519.00 Jun ICLO006 522.50 Premium gasoline 10 ppm AAQCH00 440.956 GB pound/Dollar BCADB00 1.2588
*On day of ICE LS Gasoil midday expiry, M1 shows settlement value Reformate AAXPN00 444.699 Dollar/Yen BCACW00 109.2900
Jet ABWHC00 487.848 Euro/Dollar BCADD00 1.1356
ICE LS gasoil GWAVE (Previous day’s values) (PGA page 702)
Diesel 10 ppm* AAQCI00 453.064 Dollar/Ruble AAUJO00 68.7310
Jan PXAAJ00 506.25 Feb PXAAK00 505.00 Gasoil 50 ppm AAUQF00 451.744
Fuel oil 1.0% ABWGI00 273.644 ARA ($/mt) (PGT page 1918)
NYMEX FUTURES (16:30 London time) Fuel oil 3.5% AAQCK00 273.644
Rotterdam — Rotterdam TCAEI00 8.10
Fuel Oil 3.5% 500 CST PUAGO00 270.122
Rotterdam — Flushing TCAEJ00 9.00
NYMEX WTI (PGA page 703)
Rotterdam bunker 380 CST AAUHE00 280.028
Rotterdam — Ghent TCAEK00 9.50
$/barrel $/barrel
*FOB Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp Rotterdam — Antwerp TCAEL00 9.25
Feb AASCR00 47.13 Mar AASCS00 47.43
New York Harbor cargoes 16:30 London (€ cent/gal) (PGA pages 1350 & 1450) Germany ($/mt) (PGT page 1918)
NYMEX NY ULSD (PGA page 703)
FOB NY Harbor Rotterdam — Duisburg TCAEM00 17.20
¢/gal ¢/gal
Unleaded 87 AAPYV00 122.02 Rotterdam — Cologne TCAEN00 19.85
Feb AASCT00 172.32 Mar AASCU00 171.46
Unleaded 89 AAPYW00 127.48 Rotterdam — Karlsruhe TCAEO00 42.60
NYMEX RBOB (unleaded gasoline) (PGA page 703) Unleaded 93 AAPYX00 135.67 Antwerp — Duisburg TCAEP00 20.60
¢/gal ¢/gal Euro/US$ forex rate: 1.1356. Platts Euro denominated European & US product Switzerland ($/mt) (PGT page 1918)
Feb AASCV00 135.92 Mar AASCW00 136.62 assessments are based on market values and a Euro/US$ forex rate at 4:30 PM Rotterdam — Basel TCAEQ00 45.75
local London time.
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 2
after a bearish supply outlook kept a lid on prices. Brent the market had not responded by then. “We have to wait Alpine Meadow, was said by sources to be carrying 37,000
crude futures ended 2018 down 25%, the first annual decline until the end of the first quarter of 2019 to see the expected mt of gasoline across the Atlantic from UK Continent.
since 2015, with oversupply and slower global growth results of the new agreement on the reduction of Elsewhere, flows out of Northwest Europe into West Africa
prospects keeping sentiment bearish going into 2019. “It production,” the minister said. have slowed as much of the product being stockpiled
was a volatile year for oil prices in 2018, initially hitting multi- ahead of the February 16 election in Nigeria has arrived in
year highs in October, only to tumble subsequently due to the region. “WAF could drop off as they have prestocked in
concerns of a potential supply glut and weaker energy front of the election,” a second source said. The
demand from an expected global slowdown,” UOB analysts Market analysis: (PGA page 1399) The European gasoline Mediterranean market, meanwhile, has seen a lack of
said in a note. Prior to the Saudi export announcement, market saw sustained support Wednesday as the marginal arbitrage opportunities out of the region hitting values,
market participants remained unconvinced of OPEC’s ability recovery seen last week continued. Conditions in resulting in growing availability of product. “I still see length
to balance oil markets despite efforts from the cartel to Northwest Europe were the main factor, as potential trans- in the Med, and the arbitrage to the US is not doable in my
reduce production. Algeria’s energy minister Mustapha Atlantic arbitrage opportunities emerged, sources said. eyes,” the first source said. In other news in the region, the
Guitouni said Sunday in Algiers he was confident oil prices “The freight is relaxing a bit. Arb values are improving, so I 321,000 b/d ISAB refinery in southern Italy has completed
would return to between $65/b and $70/b by April, but guess [arbitrage] from NWE could work,” one source said. maintenance on its North plant that started on October 15,
stressed the OPEC alliance would cut production further if As a result, one ship put on subjects on the day, the the union sources said. Moreover, the 260,000 b/d
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 3
Wihelmshaven, Germany, refinery, owned by Hestya Energy, Gasoline Prem Unleaded 10ppmS FOB Rdam Barge MARINE FUEL (PGA page 30)
aimed to start operations at a unit at the currently closed assessment rationale: (PGA page 1306) FOB AR 10 ppm $/mt Change
0.5% FOB Singapore cargo AMFSA00 366.180 NANA
site “later this year”, it said. In the paper market, the premium unleaded gasoline barges were assessed at a
0.5% FOB Fujairah cargo AMFFA00 358.520 NANA
February Eurobob crack was assessed at $1.15/b. The $25.75/mt premium to physical Eurobob gasoline barges, 0.5% FOB Rotterdam barge PUMFD00 380.500 NANA
January/February spread widened to minus $3.00/mt, from steady on the day, in the absence of competitive indications $/barrel
minus $2.00/mt, while February/March narrowed to minus in the Platts Market on Close assessment process. 0.5% FOB US Gulf Coast barge AUGMA00 60.700 NANA
0.5% Dlvd US Atlantic Coast barge AUAMA00 61.860 NANA
$3.25/mt from minus $4.00/mt. Meanwhile, the January The above commentary applies to the market data code: PGABM00 vs FO 380 MOPS strip ($/mt)
Med/north gasoline differential — the spread between the 0.5% FOB Singapore cargo AMOPA00 44.500 NANA
January FOB Mediterranean 10 ppm cargo swap and the Gasoline Eurobob FOB ARA Barge assessment rationale:
equivalent FOB Rotterdam Eurobob barge — was assessed (PGA page 1306) Eurobob gasoline barges were assessed at a mt, adjusted for a significant crude move between the time
at $7.00/mt, down from $7.50/mt, while February was 25 cents/mt premium to the February swap, on the back of of the trade and the close.
steady at, $10.50/mt. a competitive trade off a bid over front-end dates at $479/ The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAQZV00
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 4
EUROPEAN OIL STORAGE consistently applied and accepted as part of normal trading practice. Counterparties are expected to perform on trades reported in the MOC
based on typical GT&Cs that have been applied and accepted by both counterparties in the open market. If an offer is lifted by a buyer during
CONFERENCE the Platts MOC process, Platts would expect typical GT&Cs between both parties to be applicable, even where the GT&Cs stated in the
originally published offer may differ, if the companies have not conventionally performed on the published GT&Cs. At no time can a company
January 24-25, 2019 impose its own GT&Cs after taking out a bid or lifting an offer made under a different standard. Furthermore, a company’s GT&Cs regarding
Amsterdam, Netherlands | Amsterdam Marriott Hotel vetting are not applicable to a third party terminal. Please send all comments, feedback and questions to and For written comments, please provide a clear indication if comments are not intended for publication by Platts for
#PlattsOilStorage public viewing. Platts will consider all comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential available upon request.
The essential gathering place for the worlds’ leading
storage owners, operators, oil majors, financiers, Platts to amend port baskets for LSFO Med netback calculations
solution providers and industry experts. In line with changes in the most commonly-seen low sulfur fuel oil trade routes, S&P Global Platts will amend the basket of ports used to
Register today > calculate the netback formulas for CIF and FOB Med 1% fuel oil cargoes. Platts will use the flat rate for Antwerp-Agioi Theodoroi to calculate
CIF Med 1% fuel oil cargoes from 1% FOB NWE cargoes, after a drop in liquidity was observed on the Antwerp-Milazzo route. Platts will also
change the basket of routes used to calculate FOB Med LSFO cargoes as a freight netback from CIF Med LSFO cargoes to the following:
Ashdod-Agioi Theodoroi Lavera-Aspropyrgos Leixoes-Aliaga Fos-Milazzo Tarragona-Malta Please send any comments and feedback to
Gasoline 10ppmS CIF NWE Cargo assessment rationale: and For written comments, please provide a clear indication if comments are
(PGA page 1389) The CIF NWE gasoline cargo market was not intended for publication by Platts for public viewing. Platts will consider all comments received and will make comments not marked as
assessed at a $24.25/mt premium over Eurobob gasoline confidential available upon request.
barges, steady on the day, in the absence of competitive
indications in the Platts Market on Close assessment Platts proposes to review US VGO, straight run pricing basis
process. S&P Global Platts is proposing to change the pricing basis for its US Gulf Coast and US Atlantic Coast VGO and straight run fuel oil
differential assessments to the prevailing WTI crude futures contract, from the current cash WTI basis, with effect from August 20, 2018.
The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAXFQ00
The proposed change is designed to reflect market convention. Platts understands that most spot trade in these markets uses the
prevailing WTI futures contract as the pricing basis. As a result, from August 20, Platts will assess the differential and apply it to the
Gasoline Prem Unleaded 10ppmS FOB Med Cargo
relevant futures contract. The differentials will be assessed versus the relevant WTI futures contract, and this will roll to the next month on
assessment rationale: (PGA page 1389) The FOB the day the futures contract expires. Platts would apply the front-month differential for the entire 5-15 day laycan. Platts may use market
Mediterranean gasoline cargo market was assessed at a data priced off future months in the assessment, but it will be normalized to this basis. There will no name change to the affected
$5.50/mt discount to the January Mediterranean gasoline differential assessments as a result of this change. The affected differential assessments are:
swap, steady on the day, in the absence of competitive
Assessment name Code Assessment name Code
indications in the Platts Market on Close assessment
VGO 0.5% USGC vs WTI AAJNY00 Straight run LS Dlvd USGC vs WTI Mo02 AALGE00
VGO 1.0% USGC vs WTI AAWLU00 Straight run LS Dlvd USAC vs WTI Mo01 AALFU00
The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAWZA00 VGO 2.0% USGC vs WTI AAWLV00 Straight run HS Dlvd USAC vs WTI Mo01 AALGG00
Straight run LS Dlvd USGC vs WTI Mo01 AALFS00 Straight run LS Dlvd USAC vs WTI Mo02 AALFV00
Gasoline Prem Unleaded 10ppmS CIF Med Cargo Straight run HS Dlvd USGC vs WTI Mo01 AALGC00 Straight run HS Dlvd USAC vs WTI Mo02 AALGI00
assessment rationale: (PGA page 1389) The CIF Straight run LS Dlvd USGC vs WTI Mo02 AALFT00
Mediterranean gasoline cargo assessment was derived as a
The assessments are published on Platts Global Alert page 764, in the Platts North American Crude and Products Scan and in the Platts
freight net-forward from the FOB Mediterranean gasoline price database. Please send questions and comments by August 3, 2018, to and
cargo assessment, using the following: FOB Mediterranean For written comments, please provide a clear indication if comments are not intended for publication by Platts
gasoline cargo assessment plus the cost of transporting a for public viewing. Platts will consider all comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential available upon request.
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 5
30,000 mt clean cargo from a basket of Mediterranean SUBSCRIBER NOTES (continued) (PGA page 1500)
ports to a basket of Mediterranean destinations.
The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAWZB00 Platts to begin publishing LPG assessments as percentages of naphtha
S&P Global Platts will begin publishing its daily suite of European LPG assessments as percentage of physical naphtha equivalents effective
Gasoline Barge exclusions: (PGA page 1305) No market data July 9, 2018. The following assessments will be calculated as physical percentage equivalents versus Naphtha Cargoes CIF NWE which
appears under the assessment code PAAAL00, on Platts Global Alert page 1386, and in the Platts LPGaswire and European Marketscan.
was excluded from the January 02 assessment process.
The new assessments will appear alongside the current flat price assessments on Platts Global Alert page 1775 and in the Platts
LPGaswire. The new assessment codes will appear as follows:
Gasoline Cargo bids/offers/trades: (PGA page 1390)
■■Gasoline Cargo: Deal Summary: Propane NWE Propane Western Med
■■CIF NWE: None.
■■FOB MED: None.
■■Gasoline Cargo: Outstanding Interest:
■■CIF NWE: None.
Butane NWE Butane Western Med
■■FOB MED: None.
Gasoline Cargo exclusions: (PGA page 1390) No market data FCA ARA PMABIPT
was excluded from the January 02 assessment process. CIF 1-3k mt PMAAJPT
Alongside the launch of new LPG assessments, the nomenclature of the naphtha assessments published on page two of the Platts
Russian Gasoline (PGA page 1396)
LPGaswire will change to Naphtha Cargoes CIF NWE and Naphtha Cargoes CIF Med. Please send any comments or queries to
NA with a cc to For written comments, please provide a clear indication if
comments are not intended for publication by Platts for public viewing. Platts will consider all comments received and will make comments
not marked as confidential available upon request.
Platts clarifies methodology for 0.5% sulfur marine fuel assessments
Market analysis: (PGA page 1398) The European naphtha
S&P Global Platts will begin publishing daily cargo and barge assessments for marine fuels with a maximum sulfur limit of 0.5% across key ports
market continued to see some petrochemical demand on
globally from January 2, 2019, using the same assessment methodology it currently uses to assess high sulfur fuel oil barrels in each region. The
the first trading day of the new year, but the tone on the new assessments would be named “Marine Fuel 0.5%,” and would be published initially for cargoes or barges loading from the key bunkering
product generally remained bearish, with demand for hubs of Singapore, Fujairah, Rotterdam and Houston. This follows an announcement by Platts March 26, 2018, that it will begin publishing these
naphtha as a gasoline blending component failing to offer assessments from January 2, 2019, following extensive consultation with the industry and a formal review of its global residual and bunker fuel
much additional momentum. “The buying for storage has assessments in February 2017. The announcement can be viewed at:
hindered naphtha. You put gasoline in the tank and don’t notes/032618-platts-to-publish-05-sulfur-marine-fuel-assessments. The launch of these “Marine Fuel 0.5%” assessments would come 12
buy naphtha, especially when the naphtha front spread is months ahead of the planned introduction of new sulfur limits in marine fuels by the International Maritime Organization from January 1, 2020.
backwards,” one source said. Demand for the product for NEW ASSESSMENT SPECIFICATIONS: As previously announced, these new assessments would reflect specifications for RMG fuels as
petchem use had been supported of late, however, defined by the International Organization for Standardization in document ISO 8217:2010 Petroleum products - Fuels (class F) -
Specifications of marine fuels, but with a sulfur cap of 0.5%. Feedback received so far also suggests that new 0.5% sulfur marine fuel
although a source noted that interest could quickly wane.
blends are likely to be of comparatively lower viscosity than prevailing fuels. The new assessments will reflect existing parameters for
“The petchem buying has been good, but everyone is
volume, delivery period, size, and pricing basis for HSFO cargoes in Singapore and Fujairah, and HSFO barges in Houston and Rotterdam.
stuffed full now,” the source added. However, signs of
ASIA: The “FOB Singapore Marine Fuel 0.5%” assessment would reflect FOB Straits bids, offers and trades for 20,000-40,000 mt cargoes
longer conditions had surfaced, according to a source, with loading 15 to 30 days from the date of assessment. Market participants should specify loading for a five-day date range when submitting
product heard to be still outstanding. “There are barges bids and offers for publication.
floating that are not being sold, and a lot of oil offered,” a MIDDLE EAST: The “FOB Fujairah Marine Fuel 0.5%” assessment would reflect bids, offers and trades for cargoes typically 20,000 to
source said. Light virgin naphtha premiums remained weak, 40,000 mt each, for loading 20 to 40 days from the date of assessment. Market participants should specify loading for a five-day date
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 6
continuing to trade around all-time lows. “Light virgin SUBSCRIBER NOTES (continued) (PGA page 1500)
naphtha premiums are [at] some of the lowest points ever.
range at the time of submitting a bid or offer for publication. Cargoes loading from any safe and sound port within the region would be
It’s a bad market, they are reflecting the underlying
considered for the assessment and normalized for loading FOB Fujairah.
weakness in the market,” the source said. On the paper EUROPE: The “FOB Rotterdam Marine Fuel 0.5% Barge” assessment will reflect parcels of 2,000 to 5,000 mt each. Barges are typically
market, the January CIF NWE naphtha crack swap moved traded in 2,000 mt lots. In all cases, the smallest tradeable size is considered to be the strongest indication of value, and in this case the
down 80 cents/b from December 28, the previous trading smallest size applicable is 2,000 mt. The assessment will reflect the value of barges loading FOB basis Rotterdam, for loading 3-15 (Monday
day, to minus $6.10/b at the close. The January/February to Tuesday) or 5-15 (Wednesday through Friday) days forward, with value normalized to reflect the mean value of these loading ranges.
backwardation narrowed to $1.25/mt, while February/March Barges typically trade for the front five days, middle five days or the back five days. The Platts 0.5% barge assessment will be based on
shrunk to $1.50/mt. Elsewhere, the February naphtha east/ bids/offers and trades for 5-day loading windows.
west spread — the premium of CFR Japan naphtha cargo AMERICAS: The “USGC Marine Fuel 0.5%” assessment will reflect barges loading seven to 15 days forward from date of publication, with a
swaps over the CIF NWE naphtha cargo swap — narrowed minimum volume of 45,000 barrels. It will reflect marine fuel loading basis FOB Houston from the following terminals: Intercontinental Deer
slightly to $16.25/mt, down 25 cents/mt on the day. No new Park Terminal, Magellan Galena Park Terminal, Bayport Container Terminal (LBC), Houston Fuel Oil Terminal (HOFTI) and Battleground Oil
Specialty Terminal (BOSTCO). Bids, offers and trades published on any basis other than FOB Houston, including FOB New Orleans and FOB
naphtha fixtures were heard Wednesday. In other market
Galveston Bay, may be normalized for reflection in the assessment. Timing laycans are standardized as front window (seven to nine days
news, the 321,000 b/d Lukoil ISAB refinery in southern Italy
forward), middle window (10-12 days forward), back window (13-15 days forward), and full window (seven to 15 days forward). In any full
had successfully completed maintenance on its North plant
window bid or offer, the buyer must declare a three-day delivery window upon lifting during the MOC process. Product reflected in all Platts
that started on October 15 and had been scheduled for marine fuel assessments shall not contain petrochemical wastes, residues from acid-catalyzed refining process, spent chemicals, waste
some 53 working days, union sources told S&P Global Platts lubricants, tar bottoms or hazardous waste.
Wednesday. The company was not immediately available to MOC PUBLICATION GUIDELINES: Platts would consider for publication in its Market on Close assessment process information from
confirm that the work had been completed. The companies that are able to participate in the fuel oil MOCs in the respective markets. Participants may submit bids, offers and trades on a
maintenance had been originally scheduled to take place fixed- or floating-price basis. In addition, all Platts MOC and operational guidelines for the existing HSFO assessments in the respective
between March and April last year but had been postponed markets would apply to the new assessments.
until the autumn. Elsewhere, Hestya Energy aimed to start
operations at a unit at the currently closed 260,000 b/d Platts to assess basis volume in its FOB West Med butane coaster assessment
Wilhelmshaven refinery in Germany “later this year,” it said S&P Global Platts will assess a basis volume of 4,000 mt in its FOB West Mediterranean butane coaster assessment with effect from
Wednesday. The refinery has been idle since 2009 when it September 3, 2018. The assessment currently reflects full or part-cargoes of at least 1,600 mt. In line with industry feedback, Platts has
was mothballed on poor margins. observed a change of market flows in the Mediterranean where smaller pressurized coasters have been repositioned and larger
pressurized coasters are increasingly being utilized to load butane from West Mediterranean locations. Full or part-cargoes of at least 1,600
mt will continue to be included in the assessment, with alternative cargo sizes normalized back to the basis volume of 4,000 mt. This
Naphtha CIF NWE Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA page
decision follows a proposal published on July 24, 2018. The subscriber note is available here:
1386) The CIF NWE naphtha cargo assessment was derived
methodology/subscriber-notes/072418-platts-proposes-to-assess-basis-volume-in-fob-west-med-butane-coaster-assessment. Please
using the following input: January 23 was assessed at send any comments or queries to: with a cc to For written comments, please
$446.25/mt, factoring in an outstanding bid for a 12,500 mt provide a clear indication if comments are not intended for publication by Platts for public viewing. Platts will consider all comments
cargo, for January 21-25 delivery in the Platts Market on received and will make comments not marked as confidential available upon request.
Close assessment process. A 4 cents/day backwardation
was applied to the physical curve. Platts updates clean refined products netbacks for 2019
The above commentary applies to the market data code: PAAAL00 The following changes will be made on January 2 across clean refined products price assessments by S&P Global Platts for the Europe and
Africa region to reflect Worldscale freight rates for 2019:
Naphtha FOB Med Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA page DIESEL Effective January 2, Platts will update all its Worldscale flat rates for ultra low sulfur diesel cargoes in Northwest Europe and the
Mediterranean. The flat rate used to calculate the netback formula for ULSD 10 ppmS FOB Mediterranean cargoes becomes $7.59/mt. The
1376) The FOB Mediterranean naphtha cargo assessment
flat rate used to calculate the netback formula for ULSD 10 ppmS FOB NWE cargoes becomes $7.92/mt. The flat rate used to calculate the
was derived as a freight netback from the CIF NWE naphtha
netback formula for ULSD 10 ppmS FOB NWE basis Le Havre cargoes becomes $8.16/mt. The flat rate used to calculate the net-forward
cargo assessment, using the following assessments: CIF
formula for ULSD 10 ppmS CIF NWE basis UK cargoes becomes $2.29/mt. The flat rate used to calculate the net-forward formula for ULSD
NWE naphtha cargo assessment minus the cost of 10 ppmS CIF NWE basis Le Havre cargoes becomes $1.49/mt.
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 7
transporting a 27,500 mt naphtha cargo from Alexandria in SUBSCRIBER NOTES (continued) (PGA page 1500)
the Mediterranean to Rotterdam.
GASOIL Effective January 2, Platts will update all its Worldscale flat rates for 0.1% gasoil cargoes in Northwest Europe and the
The above commentary applies to the market data code: PAAAI00
Mediterranean. The flat rate used to calculate the netback formula for FOB Mediterranean 0.1% gasoil cargoes will be $8.52/mt. For FOB
Northwest Europe 0.1% gasoil cargoes, the flat rate will be $8.88/mt.
Naphtha Cargo bids/offers/trades: (PGA page 1387) GASOLINE Effective January 2, the Worldscale flat rate used to calculate the net-forward formula for the CIF Mediterranean premium
■■NAPHTHA CARGO CIF NWE MOC deals: No trades gasoline 10 ppm cargo is $6.25/mt. The 2019 Worldscale flat rate used to calculate the net-forward formula for the CIF West Africa
reported. NAPHTHA MOC: OUTSTANDING INTEREST: BIDS: assessment is $15.45/mt.
1) STASCO Bids CIF NWE Naphtha Cargo 28,000 mt +/- NAPHTHA Effective January 2, the Worldscale flat rate used to calculate the netback formula for FOB Mediterranean naphtha cargoes
10%, at $446/mt for January 12 to January 16 delivery, becomes $12.72/mt, including the additional 91 cents/mt, reflecting calculated port fees in Rotterdam. The Worldscale flat rate used to
TQC:-; Indic 1, optol at flat. 2) GLENCORE Bids CIF NWE calculate the net-forward formula for CIF Mediterranean naphtha becomes $7.72/mt. JET FUEL Effective January 2, the Worldscale flat rate
Naphtha Cargo 24,000 mt +/- 10%, at $446/mt for used to calculate the netback formula for FOB Mediterranean jet will be $10.17/mt. An additional $1/mt will be added for Rotterdam port
January 21 to January 25 delivery, TQC:- Indic 1: optol at fees. Please send any questions or comments to with a cc to
plus $1.50/mt 3) LITASCO Bids CIF NWE Naphtha Cargo
12,500 mt +/- 10%, at $446/mt for January 21 to January Platts clarifies jet density reference in in GBP, EUR per liter assessments
25 delivery, TQC:- Indic 1 OFFERS: 1) GUNVOR Offers CIF S&P Global Platts wishes to clarify the reference density adopted in the calculation of its Euro/liter and GB pence/liter denominated
NWE Naphtha Cargo min 32,000 mt, at $450/mt for assessments of jet fuel. The reference density is 0.817 kg/m3, with a liter/tonne conversion factor of 1224. In previous subscriber notes,
January 12 to January 16 delivery, TQC:- Indication 1, optol Platts had erroneously reported a reference density of 0.800 kg/m3. Platts assessments of jet fuel reflect standard commercial Jet-A1
flat. 2) GUNVOR Offers CIF NWE Naphtha Cargo 12,500 mt specifications, as defined by UK Ministry of Defence in DEFSTAN 91-091, which outlines a density range of 0.775-0.840 kg/l. The
assessments appear on Platts Global Alert pages 1370 and 1371; in Platts’ European Marketscan and Oilgram Price Report; and in the Platts
+/- 10%, at $450/mt for January 16 to January 20 delivery,
price database under the following codes:
TQC:- Indication 2 3) STASCO Offers CIF NWE Naphtha
Euro cents per liter assessments codes:
Cargo 12,500 mt +/- 10%, at $450/mt for January 23 to
FOB Med Cargoes: ABXGH00
January 27 delivery, TQC:- Indication 2 CIF Mediterranean cargoes: ABXGI00
FOB NWE Cargoes: ABXGJ00
Naphtha Cargo exclusions: (PGA page 1387) No market data CIF NWE cargoes: ABXGK00
was excluded from the January 2 assessment process. NWE barges FOB Rotterdam: ABXGL00
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6672 | Diesel: +44-20-7176-1294 | Gasoil: +44-20-7176-7813 | HS Fuel Oil: +44-20-7176- including as part of or via any internal electronic system or intranet), firm or entity, including any data of ICE and NYMEX or its licensors/suppliers, and you shall use best efforts to prevent the
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assessment, using the following calculation: CIF NWE jet Indonesia (PGA page 2516)
FOB Indonesia ($/barrel)
cargo assessment minus the cost of transporting a 27,500
LSWR Mixed/Cracked PPAPU00 58.64–58.68 58.660 -1.650
mt clean cargo from Augusta, Italy, to Rotterdam,
Gasoline components (PBF page 2010)
Netherlands. FOB Singapore ($/mt)
The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAIDL00 MTBE PHALF00 507.00–509.00 508.000 -10.000
Singapore Swaps (PPA page 2654)
Jet Barge trades: (PGA page 1482) February ($/barrel) March ($/barrel)
■■Trades: None. Naphtha Japan ($/mt) AAXFE00 435.75–436.25 436.000 -23.250 AAXFF00 432.75–433.25 433.000
Naphtha PAAAQ00 45.63–45.67 45.650 -3.150 PAAAR00 45.28–45.32 45.300 -2.950
Gasoline 92 unleaded AAXEL00 53.38–53.42 53.400 -0.610 AAXEM00 54.06–54.10 54.080 -0.590
Jet Barge bids: (PGA page 1480) Reforming Spread AAXEO00 7.73/7.77 7.750 +2.540 AAXEP00 8.76/8.80 8.780 +2.360
■■Bids: None. Kerosene PJABS00 66.30–66.34 66.320 -0.580 PJABT00 66.58–66.62 66.600 -0.770
Gasoil POAFC00 64.81–64.85 64.830 -0.370 POAFG00 65.39–65.43 65.410 -0.550
HSFO 180 CST ($/mt) PUAXZ00 321.13–321.17 321.150 -13.200 PUAYF00 318.63–318.67 318.650
Jet Barge offers: (PGA page 1481) Middle East (PGA page 2004)
■■1) STR Offer, 2-3 kt, FARAG, MW3 (12/1 - 16/1), ICE LSGO M1
FOB Arab Gulf ($/barrel)
$40.00; Naphtha ($/mt) PAAAA00 398.67–401.67 400.170 -23.570
Naphtha LR2 ($/mt) AAIDA00 411.53–414.53 413.030 -20.440
Kerosene PJAAA00 61.67–61.71 61.690 -1.260
Jet Barge exclusions: (PGA page 1483) No market data was Gasoil 10 ppm AAIDT00 60.57–60.61 60.59 -1.040
excluded from the January 02 assessment process. Gasoil 0.005% sulfur AASGJ00 60.32–60.36 60.340 -1.040
Gasoil 0.05% sulfur AAFEZ00 59.52–59.56 59.540 -0.990
Gasoil 0.25% sulfur AACUA00 58.52–58.56 58.540 -0.990
Jet Cargo trades: (PGA page 1487) Gasoil POAAT00 60.57–60.61 60.590 -1.040
■■Trades: None.
HSFO 180 CST ($/mt) PUABE00 310.60–310.64 310.620 -10.460
Japan (PGA page 2006)
C+F Japan ($/mt) Premium/Discount
Jet Cargo bids: (PGA page 1485) Naphtha PAAAD00 439.50–442.50 441.000 -23.750
■■“1) TOTSA Bid, CIF Basis Le Havre CIM Terminal, Main: 27 Naphtha MOPJ Strip AAXFH00 432.75–433.25 433.000 -19.500 AAXFI00 7.75/8.25 8.000
kt, 12/1 - 16/1, Indication: 1 Laycan : seller to declare a 5 Naphtha 2nd 1/2 Feb PAAAE00 444.50–445.00 444.750 -23.750
Naphtha 1st 1/2 Mar PAAAF00 442.00–442.50 442.250 -23.750
day window at the time of the trade if applicable Main Naphtha 2nd 1/2 Mar PAAAG00 439.50–440.00 439.750 -23.750
volume pricing : 27kt ccm related pxg full feb Optol : 0-6 Gasoline unleaded ($/barrel) PGACW00 55.69–55.73 55.710 -0.960
kt (pricing basis 3 quotes after COD with COD =0) at CCM Kerosene ($/barrel) PJAAN00 67.07–67.11 67.090 -1.150
HSFO 180 CST PUACJ00 341.13–341.17 341.150 -10.110
(continued on page 12)
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© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 11
flat Spec: Jet A1 DEFSTAN 91-091, meeting JFSCL latest SUBSCRIBER NOTES (continued) (PGA page 1500)
issue (current at bill of lading) with possible exception of
electrical conductivity (Stadis to be provided on board in GB pence per liter assessments codes:
drums), ISPS compliant CP: Full NWE charter party FOB NWE Cargoes: ABXGM00
CIF NWE cargoes: ABXGN00
options at charter party rate, terms and conditions
The assessments were launched on October 2, 2017 with a decision note published August 29, 2017 and available at
Vessel: BP/Totsa/KPIAC, 100% of main at Jet CIF NWE Crg
Please send all comments to, and For written
$3.00, Full Mnth, Feb” “2) TOTSA Bid, CIF Basis Le Havre
comments, please provide a clear indication if comments are not intended for publication by Platts for public viewing.
CIM Terminal, Main: 27 kt, 12/1 - 27/1 (wide laycan),
Indication: 2 Laycan : seller to declare a 5 day window at
the time of the trade if applicable Main volume pricing : Shell/BP/Total approvals, 100% of main at EFP ICE LS GO December, a total of 1.842 million mt of oil products arrived
27kt ccm related pxg full feb Optol : 0-6 kt (pricing basis 3 $47.00, Month, Feb” “2) UNIPECSG Offer, CIF Basis in the region with 137,000 mt thought to be gasoil,
quotes after COD with COD =0) at CCM flat Spec: Jet A1 Rotterdam, Main: 27 kt, 22/1 - 27/1 (wide laycan), according to data from S&P Global Platts trade flow
DEFSTAN 91-091, meeting JFSCL latest issue (current at indication 2, oco indication 1 Laycan: buyer to narrow at software cFlow. “Prices ex-rack are still on a downward
bill of lading) with possible exception of electrical time of booking (if applicable) Main volume: 27kt pricing trend due to oversupply,” the trader added. As of
conductivity (Stadis to be provided on board in drums), CCM related, 16-31 January 2019 Vol Tol: 0-6kt EFP- Wednesday, 722,000 mt of oil products are scheduled to
ISPS compliant CP: Full NWE charter party options at related at Feb19 ICELS + $47 Spec: Jet A1 DEFSTAN arrive in West Africa in the month of January. Based on
charter party rate, terms and conditions Vessel: BP/ 91-091, meeting JFSCL latest issue (current at bill of fixtures seen by Platts, of these arrivals 685,000 mt were
Totsa/KPIAC, 100% of main at Jet CIF NWE Crg $1.00, Full lading) with possible exception of electrical conductivity thought to be gasoline and 37,000 mt gasoil. The Nigerian
Mnth, Feb” “3) TOTSA Bid, CIF Basis Rotterdam, Main: 27 (Stadis to be provided on board in drums) CP Options: National Petroleum Corporation remained the central
kt, 12/1 - 27/1 (wide laycan), Indication: 2 Laycan : seller to NWE CP Options @ CP cost, terms and conditions Vessel: demand center in the region as it continued to import and
declare a 5 day window at the time of the trade if Shell/BP/Total approvals, 100% of main at Jet CIF NWE supply gasoline and gasoil to the local market ahead of the
applicable Main volume pricing : 27kt ccm related pxg full Crg $2.50, Any Day, See TQC” country’s February general election, traders said.
feb Optol : 0-6 kt (pricing basis 3 quotes after COD with Meanwhile, the holiday season also affected activity in the
COD =0) at CCM flat Spec: Jet A1 DEFSTAN 91-091, Jet Cargo exclusions: (PGA page 1488) No market data was Northwest European gasoil complex. “At the moment most
meeting JFSCL latest issue (current at bill of lading) with excluded from the January 02 assessment process. [end-consumers] seem to be still [on holiday],” one trader
possible exception of electrical conductivity (Stadis to be active in the region said Wednesday. The reduced buying
provided on board in drums), ISPS compliant CP: Full NWE JET INDEX (PGA page 115) activity from end-consumers comes despite continuously
December 28, 2018 Index $/mt
charter party options at charter party rate, terms and higher Rhine water levels and lower associated barge
Europe & CIS PJECI00 183.31 PJECI09 536.13
conditions Vessel: BP/Totsa/KPIAC, 100% of main at Jet MidEast & Africa PJMEA00 192.40 PJMEA09 508.33 freight rates along the Rhine. WSV, the German waterways
CIF NWE Crg $-1.00, Full Mnth, Feb” Global PJGLO00 184.50 PJGLO09 532.20 authority, pegged water levels at key choke-point Kaub at
around 184 cm at 1200 GMT Wednesday. However, while
Jet Cargo offers: (PGA page 1486) freight rates along the Rhine had fallen since the beginning
■■“1) UNIPECSG Offer, CIF Basis Rotterdam, Main: 27 kt, 22/1 of December, they remained comparatively high on a year-
- 27/1 (wide laycan), indication 1, oco indication 2 Laycan: Market analysis: (PGA page 1499) Market activity in the West on-year basis which in turn dampened demand for 50 ppm
buyer to narrow at time of booking (if applicable) Main African gasoil market remained subdued as a result of the and 0.1% gasoil barges, traders said. Clean barge freight
volume: 27kt pricing EFP-related Vol Tol: 0-6kt EFP- holiday season. “[The market is] still in holiday mode,” one rates from Rotterdam to Duisburg, Germany, were assessed
related at Feb19 ICELS + $47 Spec: Jet A1 DEFSTAN trader active in the region said Wednesday. “I expect at $17.20/mt Wednesday, compared with $6.30/mt on
91-091, meeting JFSCL latest issue (current at bill of activity to pick up as from next week.” Meanwhile, the January 2 last year. Similarly, freight rates for clean barges
lading) with possible exception of electrical conductivity trader said price differentials for FOB STS cargoes of 0.3% from Rotterdam to Basel, Switzerland, were assessed at
(Stadis to be provided on board in drums) CP Options: gasoil offshore Lome came under pressure as a result of $45.75/mt Wednesday, compared with $15.95/mt on
NWE CP Options @ CP cost, terms and conditions Vessel: ample supply of gasoil in the region. In the month of January 2, 2018.
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 12
Gasoil 0.1%S (1000ppm) FOB ARA Barge assessment Med 0.1% gasoil cargo assessment, using the following Gasoil Mediterranean exclusions: (PGA page 1393) No
rationale: (PGA page 1428) The FOB ARA 0.1% gasoil barges assessments: CIF Med 0.1% gasoil cargo assessment minus market data was excluded from the January 02
assessment was based on the following input expressed at the cost of transporting a 30,000 mt clean cargo from a assessment process.
a differential to the front-month ICE LSGO futures contract: basket of ports in the Mediterranean to Genoa, Italy, and
A competitive bid of minus $14/mt in the back end of the Lavera, France.
assessment curve. A contango structure of around 3 cents/ The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAVJI00
mt per day was applied throughout the rest of the Market analysis: (PGA page 1498) The European diesel
assessment curve. Gasoil 0.1%S (1000ppm) CIF Med Cargo assessment complex started the year on a steady note amid mixed
The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAYWT00 rationale: (PGA page 1392) The CIF Mediterranean 0.1% gasoil fundamentals, as stocks were generally low and the
cargo assessment was based on the previously established arbitrage from the US Gulf Coast was closed but the
Gasoil 0.005%S (50ppm) FOB ARA Barge assessment relationship between the physical and swaps markets, arbitrage from the East of Suez region still looked open and
rationale: (PGA page 1419) The FOB ARA 50 ppm gasoil barge adjusted 50 cents/mt lower, in the absence of competitive supply of cargoes was reported as healthy. The volume of
assessment was based on the previously established indications in the Platts Market on Close assessment middle distillates scheduled to arrive in Europe from the US
relationship with 10 ppm FOB ARA ULSD barges, in the process. Gulf Coast in January so far amounted to around 700,000
absence of competitive indications in the Platts Market on The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAVJJ00 mt, including 500,000 mt on its way to Northwest Europe
Close assessment process. and 200,000 mt to the Mediterranean, data from S&P Global
The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAUQC00 Gasoil 0.1% Barge exclusions: (PGA page 1427) No market Platts trade flow software cFlow showed Wednesday.
data was excluded from the January 02 assessment Around 1.39 million mt of middle distillates from the USGC
Gasoil 0.1%S FOB NWE Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA process. arrived in December into Europe, but now the arbitrage
page 1443) The FOB Northwest Europe 0.1% gasoil cargo looks firmly shut with the HOGO spread firming in the latter
assessment was derived as a freight netback from the CIF Gasoil Barge 50ppm exclusions: (PGA page 1418) No market half of December. The HOGO — the spread between NYMEX
NWE 0.1% gasoil cargo assessment, using the following data was excluded from the January 02 assessment diesel and ICE low sulfur gasoil futures — reached an
assessments: CIF NWE 0.1% gasoil cargo assessment process. 11-month high on December 20 of 9.91 cents/gal according
minus the cost of transporting a 22,000 mt clean cargo to Platts assessments of the contracts at the London close.
from a basket of ports in the Baltic and Northwest Europe Gasoil NWE Cargo bids/offers/trades: (PGA page 1444) The spread had narrowed back to around 7 cents/gal
to Le Havre, France. ■■Bids: “1) BP Bid, CIF Basis Amsterdam, Main: 18 kt, 12/1 - Wednesday afternoon, but remained higher than the
The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAYWR00 16/1, INDICATION NUMBER 1 MAIN VOLUME PRICING: 18KT majority of assessed values over 2018. According to a
PRICING EFP OPTOL: 0-4 KT PRICING EFP AS PER LAST couple of industry sources, January ULSD export program
Gasoil 0.1%S CIF NWE Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA DIFFERNTIAL ON MAIN VOLUME INDICATION SPEC: from the Russian Baltic Sea port of Primorsk is scheduled
page 1443) The CIF Northwest Europe 0.1% gasoil cargo FRENCH FOD CP: HAMBURG-BORDEAUX RANGE, ALL to be around 1.48 million mt, broadly in line with December’s
assessment was based on the previously established OTHER CP OPTIONS AVAILABLE/OBTAINABLE AT COST. 1.455 million mt and January 2018’s 1.462 million mt. In the
relationship between the physical and swaps markets, VESSEL: ESSO/BP/TOTSA , 100% of main at EFP ICE LS GO paper market, the ICE low sulfur gasoil futures started the
adjusted 25 cents/mt lower, in the absence of competitive $-7.00, Month, Jan” Offers: None. Trades: None. year with further volatility in flat prices. The front-month,
indications in the Platts Market on Close assessment now January, ICE low sulfur gasoil futures contract rose
process. Gasoil NWE Cargo exclusions: (PGA page 1444) No market $24.50/mt Wednesday to be assessed at $514.25/mt at the
The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAYWS00 data was excluded from the January 02 assessment London close. This was up from a 16-month low when the
process. contract was last assessed on Friday. Aside from the flat
Gasoil 0.1%S FOB Med Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA price moves, activity in middle distillates paper markets
page 1392) The FOB Mediterranean 0.1% gasoil cargo Gasoil Mediterranean bids/offers/trades: (PGA page 1393) was largely muted, with the January/February ICE LSGO
assessment was derived as a freight netback from the CIF ■■Bids: None. Offers: None. Trades: None. contango narrowing to $1/mt from $1.25/mt Friday. Platts
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 13
assessed CIF NWE cargoes of ULSD at a $3.50/mt premium transporting a 30,000 mt clean cargo from a basket of Diesel NWE Cargo trades: (PGA page 1470)
over the front-month ICE low-sulfur gasoil future ports in the Baltic to Le Havre, France. ■■Trades: None.
Wednesday, up from a $3/mt premium Friday. CIF The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAWZC00
Mediterranean ULSD cargoes were assessed at a $7/mt Diesel NWE Cargo bids: (PGA page 1468)
premium over the front-month ICE LSGO future, unchanged ULSD 10ppmS CIF NWE Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA ■■“1) GUNVORSA Bid, CIF Basis Thames, Main: 27 kt, 12/1 -
from the previous trading day. Finally, FOB ARA ULSD page 1472) The CIF NWE diesel Cargo market was based on 18/1 (wide laycan), Seller to narrow at time of booking
barges were assessed at a 25 cent/mt premium, down from the following inputs, expressed as differentials to the front- Main Volume: 27kt pricing EFP Optol : 0-6 kt as per last
a 50 cent/mt premium Friday. month ICE LSGO futures contract: Value on January 16 was price differential pricing Spec : ULSD UK winter specs,
assessed at $3.75/mt, factoring an outstanding bid for 0.842 max, C&B CP : hbg-bdx range + Nspain +ECUK +
ULSD 10ppmS FOB ARA Barge assessment rationale: (PGA January 14-18 delivery in the Platts Market on Close others obtainable at cost Vessel : BP/Shell/Exxon
page 1478) The FOB ARA 10 ppm ULSD barges assessment assessment process. Value on January 14 was assessed at approved , 100% of main at EFP ICE LS GO $3.75, Month,
was based on the following inputs, expressed as $2.65/mt, factoring an outstanding offer for January 12-16 Jan” “2) BP Bid, CIF Basis Hamburg, Main: 27 kt, 12/1 -
differentials to the front-month ICE LSGO futures contract: delivery in the Platts MOC. A 55 cents/day contango was 16/1, Indication: 1 Seller to narrow at time of trade Main
Value on January 15 was assessed at 50 cents/mt, factoring implied between January 14 and January 16 and extended Volume: 27kt pricing EFP Optol : 0-6 kt as per last price
an outstanding offer for back-end dates in the Platts Market to the front of the physical curve. A contango of around 5 differential pricing Spec : ULSD 10ppm German Winter
on Close assessment process. Value on January 12 was cents/day was applied to the back of the physical curve. C&B CP : hbg-bdx range + Nspain +ECUK others
assessed at 50 cents/mt, factoring an outstanding bid for The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAVBG00 obtainable at cost Vessel : Totsa/BP/Shell approved ,
midwindow dates in the Platts MOC. Value on January 9 100% of main at EFP ICE LS GO $1.50, Month, Jan” “3)
was assessed at 50 cents/mt, factoring an outstanding bid ULSD 10ppmS CIF Med Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA UNIPECSG Bid, CIF Basis Amsterdam, Main: 27 kt, 14/1 -
for front-end dates in the Platts MOC. A flat structure was page 1456) The CIF Med diesel cargo market was based on 18/1, Main Vol: pricing 14-18 Jan Optol: 0-6kt pricing
implied between the three points and extended to the front the following input, expressed as differential to the front- average of 3 mean quotes after COD, as per last
and the back of the physical curve. month ICE LSGO futures contract: Value on January 25 was differential on main volume indication Quality: French
The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAJUS00 assessed at $7.12/mt, factoring an outstanding offer for winter 10ppm ULSD max density 0.842 c&b cp: hamburg/
January 23-27 delivery in the Platts Market on Close bordeaux range + N.Spain + ECUK + options obtainable
ULSD 10ppmS CIF NWE Basis UK Cargo assessment assessment process. A backwardation of around 4 cents/ and available at cost Vessel: BP/TOTAL/SHELL acceptable
rationale: (PGA page 1472) The CIF UK diesel cargo day was applied to the physical curve. , 100% of main at ULSD CIFNWE Crg $-0.50, Any Day, See
assessment was derived as a freight net forward from the The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAWYZ00 TQC” “4) UNIPECSG Bid, CIF Basis Amsterdam, Main: 27
CIF Northwest Europe (ARA) diesel cargo assessment, kt, 23/1 - 27/1, Main Vol: pricing 21-25 Jan Optol: 0-6kt
using the following assessments: CIF NWE (ARA) diesel ULSD 10ppmS FOB Med Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA pricing average of 3 mean quotes after COD, as per last
cargo assessment plus the cost of transporting a 30,000 page 1494) The FOB Mediterranean 10ppm ULSD cargo differential on main volume indication Quality: French
mt clean cargo from a basket of ports in the Baltic to assessment was derived as a freight netback from the CIF winter 10ppm ULSD max density 0.842 c&b cp: hamburg/
abasket of UK ports. Med 10ppm ULSD cargo assessment, using the following bordeaux range + N.Spain + ECUK + options obtainable
The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAVBH00 assessments: CIF Med 10ppm ULSD diesel cargo and available at cost Vessel: BP/TOTAL/SHELL acceptable
assessment minus the cost of transporting a 30,000 mt , 100% of main at ULSD CIFNWE Crg $-0.50, Any Day, See
ULSD 10ppmS CIF NWE Basis Le Havre Cargo assessment clean cargo from a basket of ports in the Med to Genoa, TQC” “5) UNIPECSG Bid, CIF Basis Thames, Main: 27 kt,
rationale: (PGA page 1472) The CIF Northwest Europe (Le Italy, and Lavera, France. 23/1 - 27/1, Main Volume: pricing 21-25 Jan Optol : 0-6kt
Havre) diesel cargo assessment was derived as a freight The above commentary applies to the market data code: AAWYY00 pricing average of 3 mean quotes after COD, as per last
net forward from the CIF NWE (ARA) diesel cargo differential on main volume indication Quality : UK Winter
assessment, using the following assessments: CIF NWE Diesel Barge exclusions: (PGA page 1477) No market data ULSD 842 max density, 56 min flash, 100 min cond, 0 bio,
(ARA) diesel cargo assessment plus the cost of was excluded from the January 02 assessment process. non Belarus origin, FBT 2.52 max, C&B, CP : hbg-bdx
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 14
14/1 - 18/1, Indication 2 Optol 0-6 kt: diff as per main, Withdrawals GLENCOREUK offers 1-3kt: $-0.5/mt
■■No offers reported ■■PLATTS GASOIL 50PPM BARGE 1-3KT ICE LSGO M1: ARA: BE: STR
pricing COD +3 quotations (COD =0) spec: ulsd 10ppm
** Denotes OCO order. offers 1-3kt: $1.00/mt
french winter (inc 0.842 min density) CP: Hamburg-bdx, ■■PLATTS GASOIL 50PPM BARGE 1-3KT ICE LSGO M1: ARA: BE:
ECUK + N Spain Vessel: Total/Exxon/lukoil, 100% of main VITOL offers 1-3kt: $0/mt
at ULSDCIFHavreCrg $0.00, Laycan, As Per Laycan” “2) EBOB Barges
GLENCOREUK Offer, CIF Basis Le Havre, Main: 27 kt, 12/1 - Trades (PGA page 1304) ■■No offers reported
16/1, Indication 1 Optol 0-6 kt: diff as per main, pricing ** Denotes OCO order.
■■EBOB: FE: GUNVORSA sold to STR* 1kt: kt $479.00/mt 16:26:14
COD +3 quotations (COD =0) spec: ulsd 10ppm french ■■EBOB: FE: GUNVORSA sold to STR* 1kt: kt $476.00/mt 16:28:22
winter (inc 0.842 min density) CP: Hamburg-bdx, ECUK + * Denotes market maker. All times GMT Gasoil 0.1% Barges
N Spain Vessel: Maersk Edgar (IMO 9276430), 100% of
main at ULSDCIFHavreCrg $-1.25, Laycan, As Per Laycan” Bids (PGA page 1302) Trades (PGA page 1426)
“3) GLENCOREUK Offer, CIF Basis Amsterdam, Main: 27 ■■No bids reported
kt, 23/1 - 27/1, Indication 3 Optol 0-6 kt: diff as per main, GUNVORSA sold to VITOL* 3kt: kt $-14/mt 16:29:52
Withdrawals * Denotes market maker. All times GMT
pricing COD +3 quotations (COD =0) spec: ulsd 10ppm ■■EBOB: FE: STR no longer bids 1kt: $476.00/mt
french winter (inc 0.842 min density) CP: Hamburg-bdx, ** Denotes OCO order. Bids (PGA page 1424)
ECUK + N Spain Vessel: Total/Exxon/Lukoil, 100% of main ■■PLATTS GASOIL 0.1 BARGE 1-3KT ICE LSGO M1: ARA: BE: VITOL
at ULSD CIFNWE Crg $2.00, Laycan, As Per Laycan” Offers (PGA page 1303)
bids 1-3kt: $-14/mt
■■No offers reported
Diesel NWE Cargo exclusions: (PGA page 1471) No market Withdrawals ■■PLATTS GASOIL 0.1 BARGE 1-3KT ICE LSGO M1: ARA: MW: VITOL
data was excluded from the January 02 assessment ■■EBOB: FE: TRAFI Withdraws offer 1kt: $482.00/mt no longer bids 1-3kt: $-14/mt
process. ** Denotes OCO order. ** Denotes OCO order.
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 15
GLENCOREUK sold to MABADEUT* 2kt: kt $0/mt 16:27:01 GLENCOREUK offers 1-3kt: $0.50/mt
quiet, with the region well supplied, a trader said. In other longer bids 1-3kt: $0/mt 2kt: kt $311.00/mt 16:29:38
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 16
news, traded volumes in the Platts European 3.5% FOB DEALS SUMMARY (continued)
Rotterdam barge Market on Close assessment process for
■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: FE: VITOL sold to 2kt: $307.00/mt
2018 plunged 1.068 million mt compared with 2017, as more
GUNVORSA* 2kt: kt $310.00/mt 16:29:55 ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: FE: TOTSA Withdraws bid
cargoes were shifted directly from the Baltic to the East to ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: FE: VITOL sold to BPBV* 2kt: $306.00/mt
avoid the high backwardation dominating NWE, particularly 2kt: kt $310.00/mt 16:29:58 ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: FE: VITOL-VITOLBRK
during the second half of 2018 — 7.036 million mt was traded ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: MW: LITASCO sold to Withdraws bid 2kt: $304.00/mt
during 2018 versus 8.104 million mt in 2017. Further afield, GUNVORSA* 2kt: kt $311.50/mt 16:29:32 ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: FE: LITASCO Withdraws
■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: MW: LITASCO sold to bid 2kt: $302.00/mt
0.5% sulfur marine fuel cargoes were bid and offered on an
GUNVORSA* 2kt: kt $311.00/mt 16:29:42 ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: FE: LITASCO Withdraws
FOB Singapore basis in the S&P Global Platts Market on Close
■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: BE: MERCURIASA* sold to bid 2kt: $299.00/mt
assessment process Wednesday, the day that Platts launched
STR 2kt: kt $312.00/mt 16:12:33 ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: MW: GUNVORSA no
its assessments for this product globally. BP submitted a bid ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: BE: MERCURIASA sold to longer bids 2kt: $311.50/mt
for 20,000 mt of Marine Fuel 0.5% on an FOB Singapore basis GUNVORSA* 2kt: kt $311.50/mt 16:29:41 ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: MW: GUNVORSA no
for January 22-26 loading at $335/mt before lowering its bid * Denotes market maker. All times GMT longer bids 2kt: $311.00/mt
to $332/mt. BP also offered a similar volume of Marine Fuel ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: MW: VITOL-VITOLBRK
Bids (PGA page 1503) Withdraws bid 2kt: $308.00/mt
0.5% for January 22-26 ship-to-ship loading from its floating
storage unit Grace Star at $395/mt. Mitsui Energy Trading
$308.00/mt 2kt: $307.00/mt
Singapore also offered 20,000 mt of Marine Fuel 0.5% for ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: MW: GUNVORSA bids 2kt: ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: MW: TOTSA Withdraws
January 27-31 ship-to-ship loading from its floating storage $310.50/mt bid 2kt: $306.00/mt
unit Energy Star at a premium of $75/mt to the average of ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: MW: BPBV bids 2kt: ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: MW: MERCURIASA
Mean of Platts Singapore 180 CST high sulfur fuel oil $310.50/mt Withdraws bid 2kt: $304.00/mt
assessments. S&P Global Platts assessed FOB Singapore
Marine Fuel 0.5% at $366.18/mt Wednesday. This was $40.25/ $310.00/mt Withdraws bid 2kt: $304.00/mt
mt higher than 380 CST HSFO, currently the dominant fuel
$308.00/mt bid 2kt: $301.50/mt
used by ships around the globe. ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: BE: GUNVORSA bids 2kt: ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: MW: LITASCO Withdraws
rationale: (PGA page 1564) 0.5% Marine Fuel FOB Rotterdam $311.00/mt bids 2kt: $311.50/mt
barges were assessed at $380.50/mt, a $69.75/mt premium
to high sulfur fuel oil. There were no bids or offers in the $310.00/mt Withdraws bid 2kt: $308.00/mt
Platts Market on Close assessment process so the price
$308.00/mt 2kt: $307.00/mt
was informed by movements observed in other related ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: BE: TOTSA Withdraws bid
markets such as high sulfur fuel oil, low sulfur fuel oil and 2kt: $305.00/mt
vacuum gasoil. As there was little demand for 0.5% marine ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: BE: MERCURIASA
Withdraws bid 2kt: $312.00/mt
fuel observed in Rotterdam, price movements of distillate ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: FE: GUNVORSA no longer Withdraws bid 2kt: $304.00/mt
products were judged to be of lower relevance. ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: BE: VITOL-VITOLBRK
bids 2kt: $311.50/mt
■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: FE: GUNVORSA no longer Withdraws bid 2kt: $304.00/mt
FOB Rotterdam 0.5% Marine Fuel barge bids/offers/ bids 2kt: $310.00/mt
■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: FE: BPBV no longer bids bid 2kt: $301.00/mt
trades/exclusions: ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: BE: LITASCO Withdraws
2kt: $310.00/mt
Bids (PGA page 1560) ** Denotes OCO order.
Withdraws bid 2kt: $308.00/mt
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 17
■■No market data was excluded from the January 02 $313.00/mt 2kt: $316.50/mt
assessment process.
The above bids, offers, trades, exclusions and rationale apply to the $314.50/mt offer 2kt: $319.00/mt
market data code: PUMFD00
$314.50/mt offer 2kt: $319.00/mt
FO 1%S FOB Rdam Barge assessment rationale: (PGA page $318.00/mt offer 2kt: $319.00/mt
1507) 1% FOB Rotterdam barges were assessed at parity to ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: MW: LITASCO offers 2kt: ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: BE: TRAFI Withdraws
3.5% FOB Rotterdam barges in the absence of any $311.00/mt offer 2kt: $319.25/mt
indications. ** Denotes OCO order.
The above commentary applies to the market data code: PUAAP00 $313.00/mt
rationale: (PGA page 1507) 500 CST FOB Rotterdam barges $318.00/mt Offers (PGA page 1504)
were assessed at $4/mt below 3.5% FOB Rotterdam ■■No offers reported
barges. 2kt: $311.50/mt
■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: BE: TOTSA offers 2kt: Withdrawals
The above commentary applies to the market data code: PUAGN00 ■■No offers reported
** Denotes OCO order.
Fuel Oil Barge exclusions: (PGA page 1506) No market data $313.00/mt
was excluded from the January 02 assessment process. ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: BE: VITOL offers 2kt: HSFO RMK 500 barges
■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: BE: LITASCO offers 2kt: Trades (PGA page 1505)
FO 1%S CIF NWE Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA page
1588) The CIF Northwest European low sulfur fuel oil cargo $317.00/mt ■■No trades reported
■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: BE: LITASCO offers 2kt: * Denotes market maker. All times GMT
assessment was derived as a freight net forward to the FOB
Northwest European low sulfur fuel oil cargo assessment ■■PLATTS FUEL OIL 3.5% RDAM BARGES: BE: BPBV offers 2kt: Bids (PGA page 1503)
using the following input: the FOB Northwest European low $318.00/mt ■■No bids reported
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 18
sulfur fuel oil cargo assessment plus the cost of DEALS SUMMARY (continued)
transporting a 30,000 mt fuel oil cargo from a basket of
Withdrawals Offers (PGA page 1504)
NWE ports to the assessment basis port of Antwerp. ■■No bids reported ■■No offers reported
The above commentary applies to the market data code: PUAAL00 ** Denotes OCO order.
■■No offers reported
FO 1%S FOB NWE Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA page
** Denotes OCO order.
1588) 1% FOB NWE cargoes were assessed on the previous
trading day’s swaps differential in the absence of
indications. Mediterranean ports. former yugo/Syria and TOC)
The above commentary applies to the market data code: PUAAM00 The above commentary applies to the market data code: PUAAZ00 ■■2)Platts HSFO Med Crg CIF bss Malta 10-25, TRAFI offers
Jan 20-Jan 24 100% 3.5% CIF Med cargoes Any Day See
FO 1%S CIF Med Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA page Fuel Oil NWE Cargo bids/offers/trades: (PGA page 1589) TQC $2.50 for 27000-27000 “FULL CARGO Main Volume
1580) 1% CIF Med cargoes were assessed on the previous ■■LSFO NWE CARGO MOC: DEAL SUMMARY: None. pricing 21-27 Jan (27kt) Optol: 0-6kt pricing 3 quotes after
trading day’s swaps differential as the outstanding bid did ■■LSFO NWE CARGO MOC: OUTSTANDING INTEREST: BIDS: COD at same differential to main volume RMG380 as per
not test value. None. ISO 8217:2010, 3.5pct Sulphur max, H2S 2ppm max in
The above commentary applies to the market data code: PUAAJ00 ■■LSFO NWE CARGO MOC: OUTSTANDING INTEREST: liquid, EU QUALIFIED Vessel acceptable to Repsol / ENI /
OFFERS: None. CEPSA CP: Full Med (Exc. Israel/Libya/Albania/yugo/
FO 1%S FOB Med Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA page ■■HSFO NWE CARGO MOC: DEAL SUMMARY: None. former yugo/Syria and TOC
the following assessments: the CIF Mediterranean low OFFERS: None. ■■LSFO MED CARGO MOC: OUTSTANDING INTEREST: BIDS:
sulfur fuel oil cargo assessment minus the cost of ■■1)Platts LSFO Med Crg CIF bss Port - See TQC 10-25, TOTSA
transporting a 30,000 mt fuel oil cargo between a basket of Fuel Oil NWE Cargo exclusions: (PGA page 1589) No market bids Jan 23-Jan 27 100% 1% FOB NWE cargoes Half Mnth
Mediterranean ports. data was excluded from the January 02 assessment process. H2 Jan $26.00 for 27000-27000 “CIF Basis Agioi Theodoroi
The above commentary applies to the market data code: PUAAK00 Optol: 0-6kt , pricing 3 quotes after COD, same premium as
Fuel Oil Mediterranean bids/offers/trades: (PGA page 1581) main. Spec: RMG 380 as per ISO 8217:2010 with sulphur
FO 3.5%S CIF Med Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA page ■■HSFO MED CARGO MOC: DEAL SUMMARY: None. max 1.00%. EU Qualified. No Israeli Origin. CP: Full Med C/P
1580) 3.5% CIF Med cargoes were assessed on the previous ■■HSFO MED CARGO MOC: OUTSTANDING INTEREST: BIDS: options excl Yugo/Former Yugo/Albania/TOC/Lybia/Syria.
trading day’s swaps differential as the outstanding offers None. Vessel acceptable to Total/Repsol/BP
The above commentary applies to the market data code: PUAAY00 OFFERS: OFFERS: None.
■■1)Platts HSFO Med Crg CIF bss Malta 10-25, TRAFI offers
FO 3.5%S FOB Med Cargo assessment rationale: (PGA Jan 23-Jan 27 100% 3.5% CIF Med cargoes Any Day See Fuel Oil Mediterranean exclusions: (PGA page 1581) No
page 1580) The FOB Mediterranean high sulfur fuel oil cargo TQC $2.50 for 27000-27000 “FULL CARGO Main Volume market data was excluded from the January 02
assessment was derived as a freight netback to the CIF pricing 26-31 Jan (27kt) Optol: 0-6kt pricing 3 quotes assessment process.
Mediterranean high sulfur fuel oil cargo assessment, using after COD at same differential to main volume RMG380 as
the following assessments: CIF Mediterranean high sulfur per ISO 8217:2010, 3.5pct Sulphur max, H2S 2ppm max in
Russian Fuel Oil (PGA page 1596)
fuel oil cargo assessment minus the cost of transporting a liquid, EU QUALIFIED Vessel acceptable to Repsol / ENI /
30,000 mt fuel oil cargo between a basket of CEPSA CP: Full Med (Exc. Israel/Libya/Albania/yugo/ NA
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 19
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 20
withdrawn offer which challenged the previous trading BNB FOB Jan 22-24 at Dtd $0.00 for 600000 “OCO” OCO (Mar): Onyx bids -1.18; Vercer bids -1.20; Vitol offers -1.14;
day’s assessment. A contango of 5 cents/day was applied w/ BP Forties offer; BP OFFERS Forties FOB Jan 24-26 at Equinor offers -1.12; Glencore offers -1.10; ChinaOil offers
across the full 10-day forward to month ahead assessment Dtd $0.10 for 600000 “OCO” OCO w BP Brent offer -1.10; Mercuria offers -1.10; Jan 28-Feb 1 (Apr): Vercer bids
period. Oseberg was assessed higher in line with a stronger ■■NORTH SEA: MOC WITHDRAWN: TOTSA WITHDRAWS -1.45; Onyx bids -1.45; Glencore offers -1.35; Mercuria
Ekofisk market and in the absence of fresh indications. OFFER Forties FOB Jan 21-24 at Dtd $-0.65 for 600000 offers -1.35; Equinor offers -1.33; ChinaOil offers -1.30; DV
Ekofisk was assessed higher with the previous day’s curve (WD-16:23:35.621); GUNVOR WITHDRAWS OFFER Forties Trading offers -1.28; Vitol offers -1.25; PetroIneos offers
rolled forward in line with the previous day’s assessment. FOB Jan 25-27 at Dtd $0.00 for 600000-600000 (WD- -1.25; Feb 4-8 (Apr): Gunvor offers -1.35; PetroIneos offers
Troll was assessed unchanged in the absence of fresh 16:23:12.174); VITOL WITHDRAWS OFFER Forties FOB Jan -1.20; ChinaOil offers -1.20
indications. 17-19 at Dtd $-0.50 for 600000 (WD-16:22:29.247)
The above commentary applies to the market data code: PCAAS00 ■■CASH BFOE: MOC DEAL SUMMARY: Mar 55.76 x100 North Sea exclusions: (PGA page 1290) The following
Mercuria-Shell; Glencore b. Apr19 55.98 x100 (Mar19: indications were excluded from the January 2 North Sea
BFOE assessment rationale: (PGA page 1297) March Cash Mercuria-BP 55.37; Mar19/Apr19: BP b. -0.25 x100) Platts Market on Close assessment process (too late):
BFOE was assessed below an outstanding offer on the level ■■CASH BFOE: MOC OUTSTANDING INTEREST: Mar19: ■■Hartree offer Mar19 $55.67/b
of the EFP seen during the day. April Cash BFOE was Hartree offers 55.70; Mercuria offers 55.73 Glencore ■■Mercuria offer Mar19 $55.70/b AND $55.71/b
assessed between an outstanding bid and an outstanding offers 55.83; Apr19: Glencore offers 56.08 ■■DV Trading rebid Jan 21-25 (Mar) -$1.17/b
offer for the March/April Cash BFOE roll. The outstanding ■■CASH BFOE: CASH SPREADS: MOC DEAL SUMMARY:
heard seen during the day. INTEREST: Mar19/Apr19: BP bids -0.24; Hartree offers Market analysis: (PGA page 1598) The European low sulfur
The above commentary applies to the market data codes: -0.22 straight run market saw little change Wednesday as the fuel
PCAAQ00, PCAAR00, PCARR00 ■■BFOE CFD: MOC DEAL SUMMARY: Jan21-Jan25 Mar-1.15 oil crack remained rangebound despite volatile activity in
x100 Mercuria-DV Trading; Jan21-Jan25 Mar-1.15 x100 crude futures. News of buying activity in the US Gulf was
CFD assessment rationale: (PGA page 1297) January 7-11 was Glencore-DV Trading; Jan21-Jan25 Mar-1.15 x100 Vitol- muted as a wider Brent-WTI spread made the economics to
assessed below an outstanding offer, converted to April Onyx; Jan21-Jan25 Mar-1.15 x100 Petroineos-Onyx; Jan14- send product from Europe less attractive. Meanwhile, the
pricing. January 14-18 was assessed on the level of several Jan18 Mar-1.15 x100 Glencore-Onyx; Jan14-Jan18 Mar-1.15 steady performance in Urals crude values provided
traded offers, converted to April pricing. January 21-25 was x100 Mercuria-Onyx; Jan14-Jan18 Mar-1.15 x100 Vitol- marginal support to the feedstocks market, given that LSSR
assessed below an outstanding offer, which challenged Onyx; Jan21-Jan25 Mar-1.1 x100 ChinaOil-Onyx; Jan21- typically prices at a discount to Brent futures, making it a
several earlier trades, converted to April pricing. January Jan25 Mar-1.1 x100 Petroineos-Onyx; Jan21-Jan25 Mar-1.1 cheaper alternative to crude when prices rise. In other
28-February 1 was assessed using a flat roll between the x100 Mercuria-Onyx; Jan21-Jan25 Mar-1.1 x100 Vitol- news, the 35,000 b/d fluid catalytic cracker at the Sines,
January 21-25 and January 28-February 1 pricing weeks Vercer; Jan21-Jan25 Mar-1.1 x100 Glencore-Onyx; Jan21- Portugal, refinery was running again after concluding
after the rest of the curve was proved to be stronger. Jan25 Mar-1.1 x100 Petroineos-Onyx; Jan28-Feb1 Apr-1.4 maintenance that started in the third week of October, a
February 4-8 was assessed below an outstanding offer. x100 Gunvor-Vercer; Jan21-Jan25 Mar-1.14 x500 Vitol-DV spokesman for Galp Energia said. According to the
The above commentary applies to the market data codes: Trading; Jan14-Jan18 Mar-1.15 x100 Vitol-Shell; Jan21- company, the works lasted 54 days and the restart was in
PCAKA00, PCAKC00, PCAKE00, PCAKG00, AAGLU00, AAGLV00, Jan25 Mar-1.15 x100 Glencore-Onyx; Jan21-Jan25 Mar-1.13 line with schedule. The halt was used to change the
AALCZ00, AALDA00 x100 Petroineos-Vercer; Jan21-Jan25 Mar-1.16 x100 catalyst in the unit but Galp also used the outage to adapt
Gunvor-DV Trading units for lower sulfur marine fuel regulations being
North Sea bids/offers/trades: (PGA page 1290) ■■BFOE CFD: MOC OUTSTANDING INTEREST: Jan 7-11 (Mar): introduced next year by the International Maritime
■■NORTH SEA: MOC DEAL SUMMARY: PETROINEOS-VITOL Vercer bids -1.30; ChinaOil bids -1.35; Mercuria offers -1.15; Organization and also to prepare the plant for a new cycle
BNB FOB bss Jan 29-31 at Dtd $-0.10 for 600000 (MM; Jan 14-18 (Mar): ChinaOil bids -1.16; Onyx bids -1.20; of other projects. During the halt, the company installed a
PetroIneos; TD-16:25:21.77) Glencore offers -1.10; Mercuria offers -1.10; Vitol offers catalyst cooler which allows the processing of heavier raw
■■NORTH SEA: MOC OUTSTANDING INTEREST: BP OFFERS -1.10; BP offers -1.05; ChinaOil offers -1.05; Jan 21-25 material, thereby increasing the flexibility of the refining
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 21
complex. Meanwhile, from December 19-31, LSSR arrived at following inputs: The LSSR FOB NWE differential was LSSR Cargo bids/offers/trades: (PGA page 1585)
US ports at an average rate of 120,335 b/d, according to assessed at a $1.80/b discount to ICE March Brent crude ■■LSSR CARGO MOC: DEAL SUMMARY: No deals.
customs data compiled by S&P Global Platts Analytics. futures. The outright LSSR price was derived using the ■■LSSR CARGO MOC: OUTSTANDING INTEREST: None.
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 22
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