Meetings & Its Importances
Meetings & Its Importances
Meetings & Its Importances
1. What one thing could you do, that if you did it at every meeting, would take your meetings to the next level?
2. How much time a week are you spending in meetings? How much time are you asking of others for meetings?
3. Are you contributing usefully to the meetings you attend? (Beware of too much talking or none at all.)
4. What have you committed to at previous meetings that remains undone?
In great meetings. People don't feel like prisoners in meetings. They know why they are meeting. They know who
needs to be there. And they know what happens afterwards. Too many companies miss out on the impact of
great meetings because they don't know why they are meeting.
Here are some tips in meetings that will help you increase awareness, make informed choices and realize better
Write it down
Take minutes at your meetings. Then send them out as soon as possible. Include action steps in your minutes.