Periodization of Training For Team Sports Athletes.9
Periodization of Training For Team Sports Athletes.9
Periodization of Training For Team Sports Athletes.9
Intensity: 6–8RM multijoint lifts Stop clean Incline dumbbell bench press
8RM assistance lifts Volume: 3-5 sets Bench press Wide-grip chins
Push press Dumbbell shoulder press
Rest: Bent-over barbell row Narrow-grip dips
Multijoint lifts 2–3 min Parallel back squat One-arm dumbbell row
Assistance lifts 60 s Single-leg knee extension Dumbbell bicep curl
tigue effects, up until the beginning of while the athletes are fresh, whereas fa- As suggested earlier in the article, a
warm-up matches towards the end of tiguing workouts are performed at the modified version of the classic format
preseason. Specifically, workouts early end of the week to allow the athlete the for training periodization still has appli-
in the week emphasize complex core lifts weekend to recover (7). cation during this phase of training for
team sports. According to this classic tated in sequence (in the traditional A further suggested manipulation is to
model, exercise selection features a pro- order), culminating in a peaking cycle incorporate day-to-day variation, by
gression from general strength exercises prior to the start of the playing season varying prescribed RM loads during
to sport-specific lifts as the player ad- (19). The relative emphasis in terms of each respective training week. This al-
vances through preseason training cycles length and number of each mesocycle will lows variation on multiple levels—both
(39). be determined by the requirements of the within and between microcycles, which
sport (19). For example, in a sport that is has been suggested to favor optimal
Another suggested amendment to the clas- reliant on lean body mass, the hypertro- training responses (37).
sical model during the preseason prepara- phy cycles will be relatively longer and will
tion phase for team sports athletes is to feature more prominently. Conversely, The volume of plyometrics, speed, and
shorten the duration of the respective cy- sports in which excessive hypertrophy is agility work will vary depending on the
cles to a maximum of 3 weeks (19). In counterproductive will similarly favor training cycle. These training modes will
turn, these shorter mesocycles can be ro- strength and particularly power cycles. feature most prominently in strength-
Day 1
preseason as training time is more re- DB front raise Incline DB bench Bench press Bench skips
stricted and there is a greater demand for DB triceps One-arm DB row Parallel back squat Ballistic push-up
technical and tactical practices. An exam- DB hammer curls DB shoulder press B/over barbell row Narrow-grip chins
ple of a preseason mesocycle with sample DB lateral raise Knee extension DB step up
workouts from each cycle is presented
6RM; 2 Sets 6RM; 3 Sets 5RM; 3 Sets
in Table 2.
Day 2 Jump squat Snatch Jump squat
In-season Wide-grip dips Single-leg drop Alternate box hops
Undulating nonlinear periodization Push press jump Incline DB bench
models are typically suggested for in- Narrow-grip chins Ballistic push up Front squat
season training (39). The rationale for Wide-grip chins B/over barbell row
this is that these methods may be better
Table 3b
suited to maintain the athlete close to
Three-week (2:1) In-season Summated Microcyle
their peak throughout an extended sea-
son of regular competitions. Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
80% 1RM in order to maintain strength Bench press Alternate box hops Resisted knee drive
levels during the course of a playing sea- Wide-grip chins Parallel back squat Ballistic push-up
son (20). High loads (≥80% 1RM, or DB shoulder press Bench press B/over DB raise
≥8RM) are implemented 2 days per week Narrow-grip dips One-arm DB row
for multijoint lifts. This loading scheme
6RM; 2 Sets 5RM; 3 Sets
is shown to maintain, or even increase,
strength levels throughout the playing
Day 2
ing average training intensity above (28). These cycles are repeated in series scribed by the summated mesocycles ap-
80% 1RM. at greater or lesser relative intensities. proach. In the weeks preceding the un-
This basic pattern can be repeated over loading week, steplike increases in vol-
It has been shown that low volume/high an extended period, to create a wavelike ume load (product of loads lifted and
intensity in-season programs may not be pattern in lifting intensity and training repetitions completed) are achieved by
sufficient to maintain lean body mass in volume. lifting higher loads, greater selection of
power sports athletes, specifically Ameri- heavy load lifts, and finally increases in
can football players (1). A novel approach It is proposed that the summated micro- number of sets (see Tables 3a–3c). How
suggested for such team sports players cycles approach may be altered in order these variations of in-season microcycles
that are reliant on strength and power in- to tailor respective microcycles to the are sequenced into the in-season plan
volves multiple mini-microcycles. This fixture list. Specifically, the length of will depend on the fixture list and densi-
method comprises hypertrophy, strength, each summated microcycle can be modi- ty of games in different periods within
power, and peaking cycles of short dura- fied according to the competetive games the season.
tion (2 weeks) performed in series (1). in the period. Important matches and
This (8-week) series can be repeated games against particularly strong oppo- Conversely there will generally be op-
throughout the length of the playing sea- nents represent natural times to taper portunities during the season for more
son. Hence, this approach is essentially a training in-season; likewise, periods intensive strength training, such as dur-
condensed version of the traditional clas- with many games concentrated into a ing fixtures in lesser competitions, or
sical periodization format. short space of time will obviously re- midseason breaks for international
quire reduced training frequency. In matches. In sports with an extended
The “summated microcycles” approach both these instances there will necessari- competitive season, such as is seen in
would also appear to offer a framework ly be the unloading week at the end of European soccer and rugby leagues, this
for in-season periodized training (28). the summated microcycle, in order to may be necessary to maintain physiolog-
Variations of this approach have been allow players to enter these matches in ical adaptations. This will tend to be the
successfully applied in both rugby union peak condition. Hence, depending on case particularly in collision sports that
and rugby league (2). This format in- the timing of these games the summated are reliant upon high levels of lean body
volves a steplike increase in volume load microcycle may range from 2 to 4 weeks mass, strength, and power. At appropri-
(the product of training volume multi- in length, always concluding with an ate times midseason, mini (1-week)
plied by training intensity) followed by a unloading week. Therefore, microcycles overload microcycles may therefore be
pronounced taper. Classically, the sum- may feature a 1:1, 2:1, or 3:1 ratio of implemented. Table 4 features an over-
mated microcycles format operates loading to unloading weeks. load week to be used for shock eleva-
around a 4-week cycle, with the final tions in volume-load mid-season that
week of the 4-week cycle acting as an un- Tables 3a–3c display typical microcycles may be necessary for team sports that
loading week, featuring a pronounced featuring variations in frequency and fulfill the relevant criteria.
taper in volume load. This is designed to volume load according to the approach
accommodate the time course of the described of average volume load that Weekly scheduling of workouts in-sea-
physiological processes underlying will form the foundation for the wave- son is dictated by the dual need to allow
training adaptations and fatigue effects like manipulations in volume-load de- the player to recover from the previous