Heavy Metals, Fatigue, and Detox: © 2019. All Rights Reserved. 1

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Heavy Metals, Fatigue, and Detox

Guest: Wendy Myers, FDN-P, NC, CHHC

The contents of this presentation are for informational

purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute
for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
This presentation does not provide medical advice,
diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your
physician or other qualified health provider with any
questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Dr. Margaret Christensen: Well, welcome! I’m very excited to have on this
episode Wendy Myers, who’s founder of the MyersDetox.com. She’s a detox
expert, a functional diagnostic nutritionist, and an NES bioenergetic
practitioner in the Los Angeles, California area.

She’s the number 1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox

Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue. And she’s the host of The
Heavy Metal Detox Summit. So she’s been helping me out, giving me a lot of
points here. And she hosts 2 different podcasts, including Live to 110, which is
about detox, as well as The Supercharged Podcast about bioenergetics. And
we’re going to be talking about our energetics, as well as heavy metal detox
and other detoxification modalities.

Wendy’s really passionate about the importance of detox to live a long,

disease-free life. And that’s something we’re just going to really elaborate on,
that this is not a one-time thing. We’ve got to keep it going. And she’s created
the Myers Detox protocol after working with thousands of clients. So welcome,
Wendy! Thank you so much for being here with us.

Wendy: Thank you so much for having me.

Dr. Christensen: Yeah! So tell us, what’s your background? How did you get
into this field?

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Wendy: Well, I’m like a lot of people that became health practitioners. I had
my own health issues. And definitely mold was a part of that at one point in
my health journey. And I just went on Dr. Google trying to figure out what was
wrong with me after I got diagnosed with the hormone levels of a menopausal
woman at 37, and thyroid issues and other issues.

And I wanted to figure out what was wrong and address my health issues
naturally. And I discovered that heavy metal toxicity was at the root cause
after doing some testing hair mineral analysis, and discovered I had uranium
toxicity, cesium. I had thallium toxicity, and mercury among other toxicities,
arsenic. And went on a detox protocol, started feeling a lot better. And I just
was so fascinated by this that I started researching it heavily, and then started
publishing what I was learning, and founded MyersDetox.com.

Dr. Christensen: Well, that’s fabulous. So one of the biggest challenges with
mold toxicity is this fatigue issue. And we know that these toxins are affecting
the mitochondria. And that’s part of the fatigue problem. So can you discuss
what are some other causes of fatigue?

Wendy: Yeah. Yes, absolutely. So the mitochondria are very sensitive to a

specific set of metals. And that includes arsenic, aluminum, tin, thallium,
cesium, and also mercury and lead. And so these metals in different ways
impact the mitochondria’s functioning and their ability to produce our body’s
energy, which we need for recovery and healing and what not, and sleep.

And so what some of these metals do, like arsenic, aluminum, and thallium, is
they actually poison enzymes that transport nutrients into the mitochondria.
And tin will dispel the charge, the potential on the outside of the
mitochondrial membrane, rendering it less able to produce energy. The lead
will just completely choke it off. It just completely chokes off the mitochondria.

And so in those ways, many people, because they have these metal toxicities,
have reduced energy. But metals also dramatically impact immune system
functioning and the ability to battle mold and mold mycotoxins. So in studies,
many heavy metals are shown to reduce the actions of neutrophils and the

actions of other components of the immune system. And that can just
generally contribute to the body’s burden and having to deal with toxins. And
that impacts your body’s ability to fight mold.

Dr. Christensen: Yeah. What you’re saying about how important the heavy
metals are in terms of affecting the mitochondrial energy production. And so if
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you have both a high burden of heavy metals, which suppress the immune
system, suppress energy production, and you’ve also got mold along with
other things, this is why we’re seeing some of the people who are just as sick
as they are. So that’s really important. And I’ve never really known about
exactly where these different heavy metals are affecting the mitochondria. So
that’s fascinating.

Wendy: Yeah, there’s also something called the cell danger response that’s
worth nothing, whereby the mitochondria are producing energy. The body
senses a foreign invader like mold. And the mold can feed off the body of the
energy and reproduce with that energy, with those raw resources. And so the
mitochondria will shut down and reduce energy production so as to not feed
the foreign invader, not energize and give energy to the foreign invader. But
that also for the host causes fatigue for you because there’s less energy for
you. And that’s kind of a mechanism whereby a lot of people have chronic
fatigue, as well.

Dr. Christensen: So I guess you’ve already talked about…And can you list
them again? What are the metals, the top metals that end up decreasing the
body’s ability to produce energy?

Wendy: Yes, the main culprits that reduce energy production and impede
mitochondrial function are trivalent metals like arsenic, aluminum, tin,
thallium, and cesium

Dr. Christensen: Wow. So where’s all this stuff coming from? Where are these
heavy metals coming from?

Wendy: So metals enter our bodies in the air, food, and water. And so from

manufacturing, they are released into the air from coal burning. They’re
released into the air. They also enter our food supply. They get into the water,
and the water irrigates the crops, gets into our food. And when they’re in the
air, they can land on the soil and get into our food.

We shower in the water. A lot of medications, vaccines, we get high levels of

aluminum in vaccines. Thallium is naturally occurring in petroleum deposits.
So from coal burning, that gets loose into the atmosphere. We breathe it in.
Car exhaust, burning petroleum, we breathe that in. Arsenic is in
conventional chickens and eggs. It’s routinely in chicken feed. So chicken feed
from around the world has arsenic in it. And that’s just the conventional eggs.
And we also get cesium from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, as
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we’re losing an unprecedented amount of cesium into the environment, just
like the Chernobyl nuclear accident did. So I have a lot of clients that grew up
as children in Chernobyl. And they have very high cesium levels.

And then tin, we can get that in the air, food, and water, as well, from various
resources. On my website MyersDetox.com, I have a Toxic Metals Sources and
Symptoms Guide. And you can see every single metal and where you get it
and the symptoms that it may cause.

Dr. Christensen: Wow, that’s fascinating. I’m trying to remember. I had

another gal who had, not an IUD, but copper IUDs can be a source of excess
copper for some folks if it’s not balanced with enough zinc. Nickel, that’s what
it was. Nickel is very commonly used a lot of medical devices.

Wendy: Yeah, in mercury amalgam fillings, as well.

Dr. Christensen: Right. Yeah, and we didn’t even talk about actually the
dental sources that can be a huge amount of heavy metals and combinations
of all the different kinds of metals. Isn’t that correct?

Wendy: Oh, yes. Absolutely, yes. So anyone that has mercury fillings, you
want to get those out of your body because they’re not only mercury. They’re
an amalgam where they can have cadmium. They can have aluminum. They
can have tin. They have copper, as well, in them. And also for braces, when
people have braces or retainers, that releases metal into their body, as well.
And some root canals also do the same thing, as well.

Dr. Christensen: Well, dental, again, is such a huge source of chronic, low-
grade inflammation. So you may have an infection on top of heavy metal
issues, as well. And it’s just an important place to start looking. If we’re doing
all the right things, again, and you’re not feeling better, we’d definitely like to
look at dentition and the number of amalgams that somebody has.

The other thing about getting your amalgams out, you have to do it correctly.

Wendy: Yes, yes. You want to do it correctly or you’re going to release a ton of
metals into your body. And that can be the starting point that the downhill
precipitation in people’s health following improper removal of mercury fillings.
So you have to be very careful about your choice in removing them.

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Dr. Christensen: Yeah. Absolutely. And another source of some heavy metals
and what holds mercury can be if you have candida or fungal overgrowth. Can
you address that at all?

Wendy: Yeah, so it’s a really interesting conundrum because I know a lot of

people listening to me have had candida infections and have done candida
cleanses, and then the yeast just comes back. And the symptoms come back.
And so the reason for that is if you have mercury and other metals in your
body, the body’s very intelligent. It will allow candida and even parasites to
overgrow to clean up the toxic mess that is your body. And so the body’s
allowing that to happen. That’s why the colonies will come back.

And so you definitely want to control an active infection. And I recommend a

product called Catalyst Foundation. It’s the best product, hands down for
mold, for candida, and for other types of infections. I use this product almost
every single day. I love it. I put it on my skin to clear skin infections. I’ve put it
on fungal infections on my body. And it’s great for mold, as well. It’s plant

And essentially that is a fantastic part to at least bring the levels of candida
and other parasites and infections down. And then you have to bring your
metal level down. And that will naturally decrease the parasite and candida
levels and keep them under control so they don’t continue to overgrow.

Dr. Christensen: I think that’s so important. And, again, there’s step-wise, we

have to do this in very careful steps. You can’t just start detoxing. And we’ll
get to the steps in a minute. But let’s first talk about how do you assess? If
we’re looking for heavy metals, how are you doing it?

Wendy: Well, I start clients with a hair mineral analysis. I found out that this
is one of the most easy, less invasive or non-invasive tools people can do at
home. And it’s very inexpensive to do, as well. And it’s very accurate for
mineral levels. Minerals are very, very important in supplementing those to
push metals out of the body, displace metals out of the enzyme-binding sites
of the body.

And then we can also look at some of the metals, as well. There’s no test that
shows everyone’s metals, that shows the total body burden of metals. Start
with a hair mineral analysis. It gives us lots of information. And then from
there, after taking a client’s health history, then we’ll decide if they’re a
candidate for a urine DMSA challenge test. And so that is something not

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everyone can do. If their health is not well or if they have sulfur sensitivities,
they’re just not a candidate for that route of testing.

We also do stool metals testing, as well, because there’s some metals that
come out best in the stool. Some come out best in the urine. Some come out
best in the hair. And so that’s why it’s good to do a comprehensive type panel
like that to get a glimpse of your total body burden of metals.

Dr. Christensen: What labs do you like to use?

Wendy: For hair mineral analysis, I use Trace Elements International, TEI.
And for the urine and stool, I use Trace Minerals International. It can be kind
of confusing, but different labs.

Dr. Christensen: Okay, two different labs. Okay.

Wendy: It’s a lab in Germany that’s really, really good.

Dr. Christensen: Okay, great. I know that some people are using the tri-test,
looking for mercury. That’s a very specific one. And you can get blood levels
through regular Lab Corp or whatever. But unfortunately they’re not really
telling you about what’s stored in the tissues. And I think that’s why. Why
don’t you talk a little bit about a provoked urine test and what that involves
and why?

Wendy: Yeah, that’s the problem with blood. If you’re going to your doctor or
your doctor suspects metals or you ask them for a metals test, they’re going to
do blood typically. And the body is not going to allow metals to remain in your
bloodstream and affect your organs and your brain. It’s going to sequester it
away in fat and bone and other tissues. So you want to do other types of tests
to really get an idea of what you have because blood tests will typically be a
false negative where you won’t see any metals in the blood, but you actually
do have them still.

And so a urine test is amazing because that’s the best way to see lead. That’s
one of the best ways to see mercury, to see nickel, which we don’t typically see
in the hair very well. And we’ll see a host of other metals that are not tested on
the hair mineral analysis in the urine. Gadolinium. You can see gallium. You
can see palladium, platinum, and other rare metals that sometimes people
have these toxicities that are affecting them, and they just won’t see it with
any other testing modality.

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Dr. Christensen: So you’re provoking it with DMSA that you’re giving orally?

Wendy: Yes.

Dr. Christensen: So what that means, for those who are not familiar with that
is you will take a substance, DMSA…I can’t remember what it stands for. But
it helps to mobilize anything that might be in your tissues so that it gets it
into the bloodstream, then gets it into the urine and/or stool, whatever your
test is. We’re talking about urine here.

But, again, I like what you said. You have to really look at somebody’s history.
This is not a test that you want to do right off the bat on somebody who’s
really sick because you don’t want to mobilize heavy metals in somebody
who’s super sick.

Wendy: Yeah, it can really tank their health even more. And especially with
children, it just doesn’t work for them. We just have different methods that we
use, depending on the needs of the client.

Dr. Christensen: And can you just talk a little bit about the layers? As we get
into detoxification, what are you doing first as you’re moving up the scale
before you get to the moving those heavy metals? What are you making sure is

Wendy: Well, we first get clients started on binders. So I have a binder called
CitriCleanse, which is a modified citrus pectin, very natural, safe binder that
detoxes many, many, many different types of chemicals and metals and mold
mycotoxins, as well. And so that’s very, very effective.

A first step in any detox is taking binders. And then you want to get on
supplements that increase bile flow. Bile is one of the most effective binders
out there for heavy metals. You need to improve bile flow. You can do that
with eating bitter foods, coffee, lemons, artichokes, beets, things like that to
get that bile flowing. Bitters, as well, Swedish bitters.

Then we also get them started doing detox protocols like infrared saunas.
Those are really, really effective. Coffee enemas help to increase bile flow, help
to mechanically detox the liver. And we also use a bioenergetic program called
NES. So if someone knows that they need to detox…Because we know
everyone has metals. We know. That’s well established.

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But for any of you listening that may not be aware of everyone has them to
some degree. The question is just what do you have and how much do you
have. But many people that are very ill or have multiple issues going on where
they have supplement sensitivity or they just have tried detoxes and can’t do
it, then we start them on our NES Health Bioenergetic program and get them
stabilized, get into this foundational type program to address a lot of different
health issues in a very simple, incredibly effective way with a very simple,
relatively inexpensive protocol compared to others and really get them feeling
a lot better, resolving a lot of symptoms. And we want to build that bomb
shelter before we drop the bomb [inaudible] detoxing them with heavy
chelators, be they natural or synthetic.

Dr. Christensen: That’s great. You’ve hit on a lot of topics. So let me unpack
some of those for us. Number 1, we need to get the bowel moving and working.
And you need to be sure that it’s emptying and you’re pooping every day
because that is like number 1. It’s actually number 2, right?

Wendy: Yeah. [Laughs]

Dr. Christensen: Number 2 is number 1. And then you talked about making
sure that the bile gets flowing. And you mentioned bitters, artichokes, beets.
Those are natural colagog, which helps to move bile along. And
phosphatidylcholine is also something that can be helpful. Tudca, bile acids.
So those are some of the other things.

Wendy: Yes, ox bile. Yeah.

Dr. Christensen: Ox bile. So that sounds amazing.

Let’s talk about some of these other strategies, too. Infrared sauna is so great
and is something that I recommend all the time, again, for mold toxicity. But
it’s also very good for heavy metals. So how do infrared saunas work? What
are they doing?

Wendy: Well, essentially let’s start with a regular sauna, which everyone’s
familiar with. So a regular sauna at your gym, it’s a Swedish or Finnish dry
sauna. And those are great. They heat you up. Really it’s the heat that we’re
after to help to heat your body up 2 or 3 degrees. And that starts killing off all
kinds of mold, parasites, cancer cells that everyone has, abhorrent cells that
the DNA isn’t working properly. And just all different types of parasites and
other things and bacteria. And so those don’t tolerate heat very well. But your
body will to 106 degrees roughly.
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But the problem with those is you can’t stay in them very long. They’re too
hot. They can be 200 plus degrees. And if you’re very ill, that’s just not going
to work for you. And so what an infrared sauna does is it sends you infrared
rays that penetrate your skin. And that will heat you up from the inside out,
heat the inside of your body up so that the ambient air temperature around
you doesn’t have to be as hot. So it’s much, much more comfortable. You can
stand about 110 degrees to 140 degrees.

And the far infrared saunas are what’s heating you up. So that’s the energy
that’s heating you. There are other benefits to mid and near infrared. There’s a
lot of misinformation or wrong information regarding near and far infrared
saunas because there’s bulb saunas or red lightbulb saunas that are
marketed as near infrared saunas. And they do emit near infrared energy. But
they’re mainly emitting far infrared energy in the far infrared spectrum
because that’s the part that heats you up. That’s the part that detoxes you,
gets you sweating and expelling all of the metals and chemicals and other
issues that people have inside their body.

And then there’s red and near infrared LED panels. Those are a great addition
to add to your sauna. They don’t detox you. But they do have health benefits.
They have amazing health benefits. But really it’s that far infrared sauna that
you’re looking for for maximum detox impact.

Dr. Christensen: So what’s happening is we’re sweating. We’re stimulating a

circulation in the whole body. So we have a lot more circulation going when
you’re heated up like that. But the sweat itself, that’s been tested. You can
actually test to see what comes out. And when you’re sitting on a towel, it’s
kind of grody.

But it’s a very age-old way for good health. And it’s real interesting. The Native
Americans have had sweat lodges for thousands of years. And it is actually a
way of spiritually detoxifying and purifying. We certainly know that
Scandinavians have been sitting in saunas for years and years and years and
helping their good health.

Wendy: Absolutely. Yeah, there recently a study that was completed. It was a
Finnish study. And I forget how many there was. It was a very large study.
And they found that with the men that were using a sauna five days a week,
they had a 40% reduction of mortality from all causes. That’s profound. That
is incredible. And it just speaks to the power of saunas. And so that would be
multiplied even more with an infrared sauna. That study was on regular
saunas. But with infrared, those tend to be more effective for detox purposes.
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Dr. Christensen: That’s amazing. And a lot of our clients, particularly women
are worried about excess weight and weight challenges. And one of the things
that you said is that one of the ways the body helps protect itself is sequester.
So it’s holding in fat.

And so by doing things like infrared sauna, whether it’s for heavy metals,
whether it’s for volatile organic compounds, whether it’s for toxic mold, that is
one of the ways actually it can help you lose weight because you’re getting rid
of these things that are affecting weight. Is that something that you’ve seen?

Wendy: Oh, absolutely, 100% because the body has to put these toxins
somewhere. It’s not going to be in your organs. It’s going to be in your storage
facilities, which are your fat cells. And so anyone that is having resistant
weight loss or experiencing that like a lot of people today, including myself at
one point, you really have to detox all that stuff out of your body. And an
infrared sauna is an amazing way to do that’s pleasurable. You sweat this
stuff out.

You can also add niacin. And niacin has a detox component to it. And that will
actually cause the fat cells to burst and release all their toxic contents and
really rapidly increase the detox. You don’t want to do that just by itself. It’s
not about just taking more niacin. It’s a very, very specific, 3-week protocol
that you can get on the Facebook group called Smart Detox. And they have a
very specific protocol you can follow for that. But that’s a great way to detox
and to release, kill the fat cells and release their toxic contents.

And just long term, doing a detox protocol like my Myers Detox protocol,
working with a practitioner and doing infrared saunas and coffee enemas, all
that combined together, doing a holistic type program can definitely help move
the needle with people who are having trouble losing weight and are really
doing everything that they’re supposed to be doing, and it’s just not budging.

Dr. Christensen: Yeah. That’s great. And I learned from the Environment and
Health Center, Dr. William Ray, Bill Ray, very famous pioneer in the
environmental health movement who recently passed and to whom this
summit is dedicated. He also has a whole protocol for the far infrared sauna.

In terms of what you drink, niacin can be part of it, in taking it ahead of time,
but also drinking a lot of minerals. So I have folks drink minerals and take
some glutathione or NAC before they go in. And then when they come out,
consider doing some binders, as well. So those are some other tips I don’t
know what else you tell folks to do.
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Wendy: Yeah. Definitely, we have them do binders. And we have them on a
very specific protocol, taking lots and lots of minerals. And I recommend
people drink coconut water after they get out of the sauna. That can really
help replete the electrolytes. But people do need to be taking a lot of minerals.
Minerals are very, very bulky. I really like Ocean’s Alive marine phytoplankton.
It has a lot of trace minerals and macrominerals, as well. That can help to
replete minerals that can be lost with frequent sauna use.

Dr. Christensen: Well, Patricia Kane is one of our interviewees, too. And she
has a PK protocol that uses high-dose phosphatidylcholine. And that’s one of
the things that she does for heavy metal detox, besides using the
phosphatidylcholine is, again, lots of minerals, lots of electrolytes so you’re
pushing the bad guys out. And you’re repleting as you’re doing that. So it
sounds like you’ve got all that wrapped up into your program, which is great.

Wendy: Yeah, absolutely. We use a lot of liposomal supplements, too, that the
base, the liposomes or the phosphatidylcholine, that’s given as a delivery
system with all of the nutrients that we give. But, yeah, that’s the building
block of bile and helps the body in a lot of different ways.

Dr. Christensen: Absolutely. And it’s what makes things fat soluble. So you
can transfer into cells to allow the cells themselves to detox. So that’s great.

So let’s talk about coffee enemas because, again, this is an old healing
technique. It’s been around for a long time. What’s really amazing I’m finding
over and over, no matter who I’m talking to, whether it’s creating a healthy
building or creating a healthy body, we’re returning to all these very ancient or
time-tested techniques. The coffee enemas is one of them. So how do those
work? And it’s really funny; you bring that up to people and they open their
eyes. “Ugh.”

Wendy: Well, if people want more information, I did a Facebook Live on this.
Very, very comprehensive information, lots of Q&A on
YouTube.com/WendyMyers. They’re all posted there also. But number 1, you
want to do coffee enemas to help mechanically detox the liver. So they’re not
to clean out the colon so much. People really mistake that with colon
hydrotherapy, which is done with water.

The benefit of a coffee enema is the caffeine and the coffee have this hormetic
effect where it stimulates or shocks the liver into excreting its toxins into the
intestines for elimination. So what the caffeine is doing, it’s dilating the
capillaries and then kind of shocking it. And then it will excrete its toxic
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contents. And it will also increase bile production and also increases
glutathione production. And it also cleans out the colon, too. A lot of people
aren’t going to the bathroom enough today. So it helps remove that fecal
matter that have lots of metals and toxins in that, in your feces. So it prevents
hepatic recirculation of those toxins back into the liver and then back into the
circulation in your body. So it’s doing a lot of different things.

And some people are sensitive to caffeine. Those people will need to use a lot
less coffee in the water than someone who is not, like myself. I can use 2 big
heaping tablespoons of coffee. But everyone’s different. You only need to use
the amount of coffee that you need that stimulates a response in your body.
So everyone’s a little bit different.

Dr. Christensen: And definitely from the mold side of things, a lot of coffees
are moldy. So the brands that I recommend to do coffee enemas with is a
green coffee that’s specifically made for this, organic, that’s made for coffee
enemas. So I don’t know what you’re using. But coffees can be contaminated
with mold.

Wendy: Absolutely. I use Purity Coffee. Purity Coffee is mold certified free. And
it’s organic, pesticide free. And so that’s a great one because I actually drink
my regular coffee with it. But I save the grounds and then brew them again to
use it for the coffee enema.

Dr. Christensen: Oh, wow. Okay!

Wendy: So I’m not buying a separate product for that. And it’s a very superior
coffee. It’s amazing, tastes great.

Dr. Christensen: Well, there you go! Okay. All right. Again, we’ve all learned
from different ways, different places. And so I had learned to use this green
coffee that I was getting from Canada that’s not for drinking.

Yeah, so coffee enemas have been used. A lot of people may be familiar with
the Gerson therapies that are for cancer. And Gerson developed this. They
were doing several coffee enemas a day as a way to help get rid of cancer. I’ve
not tried that.

Wendy: Yeah, that’s certainly a method. Like if you have cancer and you’re
gravely ill, you’re trying to save your life. So that’s a very different protocol
than, say, someone that’s just looking for detox. That’s a very good point you
bring up because a question in people’s mind: how often should I do coffee
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enemas? I recommend about every other day. Some people are particularly
sensitive to mineral loss doing coffee enemas. And I’ve seen this with clients
who are doing them on a daily basis. So I don’t recommend them on a daily
basis for that reason. I recommend them on an every-other-day or an as-
needed basis. Especially if you have nausea or you have pain, you have PMS
cramps, you have headaches or anything like that, they’re amazing for pain
relief. So just every other day is a good pace.

Dr. Christensen: Yeah. It’s funny because I get this, again, kind of deer in the
headlights look a lot of times when I’m suggesting that someone would want to
do coffee enemas. And I had one young guy who’s—I don’t know—like 32,
who’s like, “No way. No way. No way. No way.” Because we were doing IV stuff
on him and all these other things. And finally he did a coffee enema and was
like, “Oh, my God. I feel great.”

Wendy: Yes, you feel amazing. You feel like a million dollars. And not everyone
does. Some people, it takes them a minute to kind of associate the feeling with
the coffee enema. And you get low blood sugar after a coffee enema, and so
that can make people not feel good. But you just have to eat after you do it.

Dr. Christensen: And the other thing I tell everybody is, “Hey, look. Have a
good sense of humor. Have a lot of towels in the bathroom the first couple
times you do this.” And I’m sure you have a lot of good tips. I’m really grateful
to hear about your YouTube about this. So we definitely need to get that as a
resource for ourselves to go through it because there’s a lot of different ways
to go about it.

So I totally agree that infrared saunas and coffee enemas are good. Another
kind of sauna that can be very helpful is ozone saunas. And that’s a whole
nother fascinating field and way to upregulate the mitochondria and oxygen
production. I don’t know if you have any experience in that particular area or

Wendy: Yes. I’ve been meaning to get one, actually, because our bodies tend
to be low oxygen. We don’t have as much oxygen in the environment and then
getting into our bodies as we used to back hundreds and thousands of years
ago. And so doing ozone is a great way to increase the oxygen content in your
body. And those can help to kill bacteria and kill off mold and kill off the
critters that are not supposed to be there. That’s a great addition to any health
protocol, including your detox protocol.

Dr. Christensen: Absolutely. And I just came back from an ozone conference.
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And I’ve known about it for a long time. We’ve definitely done some ozone
injections here. I have a doc here who uses it to treat pain. And we use it to
help with sinus infections. But I’m very interested in, again, the detoxing
properties and adding oxygen. People don’t understand ozone. And we’re not
going to talk about it. People think, Ozone, that’s bad, but not when it’s used
correctly in the body. And I’m really excited about that piece.

And what are some of your favorite nutrients that you like to use in terms on
the detoxing side?

Wendy: One of my number 1 things I use with clients is something called the
Mitochondria Detox Supplement Kit. And you can learn more about that at
MitoDetox.com. And that is something that contains a binder. That’s the first
step when thinking about any type of detox. And the first product is called
CitriCleanse. And it’s modified citrus pectin. It’s amazing at absorbing all
types of metals and chemicals. It’s very, very comprehensive. And it’s all
natural. It’s made from citrus peels. So it’s very safe for children and adults

And the next product is called Activated Silica. And that’s one to detox metals
that cause fatigue. So it’s specifically formulated to bind onto trivalent metals
like arsenic, aluminum, tin, thallium, and cesium. And those are the metals
that disrupt mitochondrial functioning. And so in taking those two products,
that can really help to improve your energy production in your body, improve
mitochondrial functioning.

There’s also a bioenergetic component in there called MitoTox. It’s this product
right here. This sends information. It’s imprinted onto the salt water in the
product. And that sends correct operating instructions to your cells and to
your mitochondria. And it gives some people an energy boost, not everybody.
But it does help some people feel better while they’re doing the detox.

So there’s other supplements I like for detox, as well, which we can get into in
a minute. Did you have a question?

Dr. Christensen: Well, I was just going to say, with the saline water that you
have activated that’s, to me, what I hear is homeopathy, that there’s an
energetic, homeopathic component to it.

Well, let’s actually go ahead and just dive into the bioenergetics because I
think that’s another very, very fascinating area. And I wanted to cover that
before we had to close. So let’s talk about energy and how our bodies, we’re
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made of energy. We’re stardust that’s been slowed down. It’s E=mc2. Our
bodies are matter, are light that has been slowed down into matter. They
energetically vibrate. So it’s another way that we can go after illness. But,
again, in western conventional medicine, it’s something that is really not
thought about.

So tell us about your bioenergetic program.

Wendy: Yes. So I discovered this program about 2 years ago called NES
Health. And I met the founder of it, the developer of it, Harry Massey, in a
conference and tried it. And I was really blown away by my results. And I’ve
been using it for about 2 years, continued to be amazed. I use it on a daily

And I started using it with my clients. We have hundreds and hundreds of

clients on this type of program. And we specifically use it for people that are
very ill that really have a lot of food sensitivities, a lot of immune system
issues that can’t take supplement. And they’re really backed into a corner.
They can’t do conventional or functional medicine. What do you do with these
people? And so I wanted to find some way to help them. They can’t detox. So
what do you do?

And so what bioenergetics is basically is it starts with doing a body scan. So

people get sent a scanner to their home. And they put their hand on the
scanner. It looks like a mouse. And that scan is sent to the practitioner. And
then it tests about 450 different data points. And basically it’s looking for
energetic blocks on your meridians, on your organs, looking for emotional
traumas. It also tests heavy metal toxicities, nutrient deficiencies, your
energetic immunity, how your immune system is functioning. It tests so much
information, it’s shocking.

And it also tests your EMF sensitivities, what EMFs you may be sensitive to.
Are you getting enough grounding in? Are your circadian rhythms off? If
you’re getting enough exercise, diet, or water, hydration, just a lot of different
data points are checked. And your scan is compared against a perfectly
energetically functioning body. The company has spent 45 years figuring that
out. So it’s very, very different from other bioenergetic modalities.

And so the protocol that you’re given are these what are called infoceuticals,
where there’s information, correct operating instructions imprinted on the
waters. And then you can also do, this is an optional that you can try. It’s
called MyHealth. There’s about 200 different settings on this. And then based
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on your scan, you’ll be given settings to use in the MyHealth. And usually 2 or
3, maybe 4 infoceuticals to do per month. You do a scan every month. And it’s
a really, really effective way to improve immune system functioning and to
improve symptoms of really any type of issue that people are dealing with,
including mold or whatever health issues that they have.

The problem is that it’s an energetic issue. If you have energetic blocks in your
body, those are going to impede communication in your body. So the main
way your body communicates is actually energetically. Your heart will send
operating instructions to all your various body parts. And if there are energetic
blockages, your communication system is going to be impeded. And then you
have a breakdown in physical functioning.

So that’s essentially a very simple description of what bioenergetics is and this

type of program that’s used to correct energetic functioning, and thus physical
functioning. If anyone wants to do a deep dive, I have a podcast called
Supercharged with Harry Massey, who’s the founder of the company.

And we learn about all different aspects of bioenergetics. It’s really the future
of medicine. It’s really where medicine is going because a lot of aspects of
functional medicine and conventional medicine aren’t working for a subset of
the population. And so this is great for really anyone.

And also there’s podcasts on the MyHealth. And what this is and what it does,
I use this thing every single day. It’s like having a doctor in your pocket. Very,
very portable.

Dr. Christensen: It’s interesting because my medical and business partner is

Dr. Heidi Iratcabal, she’s a naturopath. And she has a similar unit. And,
again, people ask, “Well, that’s all voo-doo or woo-woo, Star Trek.”

But, again, if you understand, we are energetic beings. Our heart puts off an
electromagnetic field that goes out several feet. Our brain puts out
electromagnetic feet, but it goes out about 20 inches. So, again, Asians figured
this out in Oriental medicine a long time ago that the acupuncture meridians
are actually energetic lines or energetic fields. And we know that we have
energetic fields around us. You can feel when you walk into a room if
somebody is pissed off or angry or if they’re joyful without even talking.

Wendy: Yeah, you feel that in their energy field. There are some people that
are glowing, that are really happy, that are really attracted to them. It’s this
ora, this energy that they’re emitting. And you feel it. It’s undeniable.
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Dr. Christensen: And there’s a lot of different tools now that are tapping into
this, whether you’re looking at Alpha-Stim or HeartMath. Dr. Lee Cowden uses
a ZYTO machine that sounds like something very similar.

Wendy: Actually, Dr. Lee Cowden and Dr. Joe Mercola were at training.
Actually I worked personally with Dr. Joe Mercola to do his own NES program.
I worked with him for 3 months. And he has 3 of these. And he brought his
personal doctor, Dr. Lee Cowden, to NES Health training, as well.

Dr. Christensen: Awesome, well, there you go. I haven’t seen Lee in a while.
I’m going to go there. So maybe I’m going to end up doing NES Health instead
of ZYTO. But, again, energy is also light. And we can use light therapy just
like we were talking about infrared sauna.

But there’s intravenous ultraviolet light. There’s a lot of other ways that we
can use energetic modalities. And there’s also things like tapping and EFT. I
know Mercola really talks about that a lot. EMDR is another way for people
who have had trauma. So these are all energy modalities. And it sounds like
you really tapped into a really cool one. I want to find out more about it.

And, yeah, you’re absolutely right. It’s these super sensitive people often
who’ve had a lot of trauma in their background and they’re super overreactive
or they’ve also had head injuries, and using subtle energies like this can be
something very powerful.

Wendy: Yeah. And emotional trauma is something to really talk about with
anyone listening that’s very ill. Emotional trauma plays a big role in physical
health. There’s studies on this, tons of research on adverse childhood events,
ACEs. And those people have much higher rates of cancers and autoimmune
disease and other health issues.

And so what’s amazing about NES Health is that it helps you to identify…It
has Dr. Hamer’s work infused into the readings that you get in the scan that
you do. And he did work with 60,000 cancer patients and found that the
emotional traumas that they had in what organ that they had the cancer in.
So all this data is in NES Health’s scans. It detects what type of trauma that
you have.

Your protocol is infused with emotional detox, so to speak, to release this stuff
energetically. And it’s amazing what happens. People’s addictions fall away.
They stop smoking. They stop drinking. Their eating disorders fall away. They
just stop engaging in these compulsive type trauma-driven behaviors. And
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that’s part of their physical health healing. And so it’s really quite profound for
a lot of people. People aren’t even trying to stop their behavior. It just improves
dramatically because of releasing the emotional trauma associated with that.

Dr. Christensen: And I just want to totally second that. When I interviewed
Marcelle Pick, we definitely talked about ACEs and having adverse childhood
events, traumatic experiences growing up, and/or as an adult. Even being
chronically ill is a traumatic experience in and of itself.

Wendy: Yes.

Dr. Christensen: And oftentimes you’re going from one doctor to another to
another and being told you’re crazy and are making this up. So I think really
addressing the emotional healing is absolutely critical. And also the other
thing, when we were communicating before, is just talking about the toxic
relationships. That’s a whole nother ball of wax that I think that we have to
pay attention to if you’re in a toxic relationship or a toxic work situation.

So what are your comments on that? What do you tell your clients there?

Wendy: Well, we have a lot of people detoxing their boss and their husbands
or whatnot because once people start feeling better, especially once they start
doing NES or start detoxing metals and just start feeling better, have more
energy, more brain power, the fog kind of lifts. And they have the energy to
leave their partner or they have the courage to change their job where they
may not have before. The people that really make dramatic shifts in their life
on every level, they start getting better.

Dr. Christensen: And that’s definitely one of the things that we warn people
about ahead of time. When you start doing a detoxification process, you are
not only just physically detoxing. Oftentimes you are emotionally, as well. And
things may come up that you didn’t realize were there or were buried or
hidden. So it sounds like you’ve really got your finger on that pulse.

Wendy: Yes. Yeah.

Dr. Christensen: That’s so important. And the other thing that I think is
important from an energetic level is at whatever level, tapping into something
that’s greater than ourselves to channel it through us, whatever you want to
call it, under whatever umbrella of spiritual practice or not or energy or nature
or whatever. But connecting to something that’s larger than ourselves. Is that
something that you also encourage with your clients?
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Wendy: Yeah. It’s probably more messaging that we should have. We don’t
really discuss that very much on my site or program. But you talk about
reducing stress and doing meditation. But getting in touch with your purpose
is really for many people that gateway to feeling better and fighting depression
and feeling better generally. I think a lot of people definitely are not in contact
with their purpose and their higher calling, whatever that may be.

And part of actually the messaging in NES Health and the bioenergetic
program is that people do step more into their life purpose. There’s actually a
screen. I forget what it’s called exactly. It’s the life cycle. And Harry Massey
actually spent 7 years on this. And it tracks 36 different points about where
people are in their life path.

And doing the program really helps you step more into your purpose because
they just feel better. They have energy. They have the energy to go out and do
what it is they’re meant to be doing in their lives. So we actually do have
messaging about that.

Dr. Christensen: Yeah. That’s great. And it’s something that I’ve talked to a
number of the interviewees about the different practitioners that when we’re
able to help somebody see what is the higher purpose and meaning of going
through whatever this toxic journey is, look what it’s done for you. Wow. Look
where you are now because of what you’ve been through. So I think anything
that really helps to support us in our greater purpose, why are you here

Any closing thoughts or words about this whole subject? It’s a big one.

Wendy: Yes, absolutely. So if anyone is looking to detox, it’s one of those

things where detox is a lifestyle. It’s really not about doing a 30-day detox,
which some companies market. It’s really more about, the Myers Detox
protocol is more about educating people so that they can take the
supplements that they need, learn the detox protocols that work, and take
that information and do these things for life because while you may do an
intense detox to remove the majority of bodily burden that you have, the
majority of toxic metals that you have, we’re exposed every single day to
metals and chemicals, you continue to do these toxic protocols and
incorporate them into your already-healthy lifestyle and your health regimen.

And that’s really my best advice is to not think of detox as this place you’re
trying to achieve or get to. You want to just incorporate it into your lifestyle.

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Dr. Christensen: Yeah, I couldn’t agree with you more that this is an ongoing
process. We’re being bombarded every day by everything from EMFs to toxic
news to our food, air, water is challenging. So when all of us are pulling
together and creating community and thinking in this way, how we create
health for ourselves on a daily basis.

So where can we find you, Wendy, and all of your great podcasts?

Wendy: Yes, you can go to MyersDetox.com. I’ve got actually hundreds of

podcasts. I’ve got almost 300 podcasts and hundreds of articles. And I’ve been
talking for awhile about this stuff.

Dr. Christensen: That’s so great!

Wendy: If you want to learn more about your potential for metal toxicity, you
can go to MetalsQuiz.com and take the quiz and learn some solutions there
based on your results.

Dr. Christensen: Sounds great! Well, thank you so much for spending this
very enlightening time with us in your very busy schedule. And we look
forward to your next podcast!

Wendy: Yes, thank you for having me!

Dr. Christensen: You’re welcome!

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