Neurobiology of Arachnids

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The document discusses a book on the neurobiology of arachnids such as spiders, scorpions, and their relatives.

The book documents important aspects of the neurobiology of spiders, scorpions, and their kin based on studies made in the last decade.

Several arguments led the authors to conclude that arachnid neurobiology should be documented, including that studies have made considerable progress since the last comprehensive treatment in 1965.


of Arachnids
Edited by
Friedrich G. Barth
K. S. Babu . F. G. Barth· A. D. Blest· B. Claas
Gerta Fleissner· Gunther Fleissner· R. F. Foelix
L.Forster· P. Gorner· M. F. Land· R. Legendre
H. Mittelstaedt· A. ReiBland· T. M. Root
E.-A. Seyfarth· R. G. Sherman· P. Weygoldt
S. Yamashita

With 162 Figures

Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo
Zoologisches Institut
Fachbereich Biologie
J.- W.-Goethe-Universitat
SiesmayerstraBe 70
D-6000 Frankfurt am Main 1

Cover illustrations:
Poecilotheria rega/is an Indian bird-spider
Scorpio maurus an Algerian scorpion, natural length 6 cm
both redrawn from
PIERRE-P. GRASSE (ed.): Traite de Zoologie. Tome VI, Masson et Cie. Paris 1949

ISBN-13: 978-3-642-70350-8 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-70348-5

DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-70348-5

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data. Main entry under title: Neu-
rology of arachnids. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Nervous system-Arach-
nida. 1. Barth, Friedrich G., 1940- . II. Babu, K S. QL459.2.N48 1985
595.4'04182 85-4753

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg 1985
Softcover reprint of the hardcover I st edition 1985

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Dedicated to all those who
- for no good reason -
dislike animals with eight legs

Arachnids rarely come to mind when one discusses arthropod

neurobiology. In fact much more is now known and written about the
nervous systems of insects and crustaceans. Several arguments have led
us to conclude, however, that the time has come to document impor-
tant aspects of the neurobiology of spiders, scorpions, and their kin, as
Studies of arachnid neurobiology have made considerable progress
since the last comprehensive treatment by Bullock and Horridge in
their monumental monograph on invertebrate nervous systems pub-
lished in 1965. This is especially true for research performed in the last
decade. Several problems related to the structure and function of
arachnid nervous and sensory systems have now been studied in con-
siderable depth but have so far not been given adequate space under
one cover.
A particular incentive to produce this book has been the impor-
tance attributed to comparative approaches in neurobiology. Neglect-
ing a large taxonomic group such as the arachnids - which comprises
some 60,000 species living a wide range of different lives - would
mean ignoring an enormous potential source of knowledge. In writing
the chapters of this book we have striven to present some of the unique
features of the arachnids. But the result of our efforts is not just meant
to contribute to an understanding of the particularities of the arach-
nids. Knowledge of the adaptive radiation among at least all the large
arthropod groups can also sharpen our insight into the basic traits
found again and again, and likely to be shaped by similar demands for
carrying out a particular task.
Having committed myself to work with spiders - which are not
just "honorary insects" - and having been intrigued by their sensory
and behavioral capacities over the years, I am hopeful that our book
will lure some of our colleagues into work with arachnids. As the
papers in this volume amply testify, there are excellent experimental
animals among them, and there is a wealth of unanswered questions,
many of which are addressed here in the various chapters.
The scope of the book ranges from the neuroanatomy of the central
nervous system, sensory physiology and neuroethology to cybernetics
and the circadian clock. We feel that none of the specializations of
VIII Preface

modern neurobiology - valuable and necessary as they may be -

should be considered in isolation. Also, neurobiology has become a
truly interdisciplinary science. It will be obvious to the reader that we
have not striven for an encyclopedia listing all known details. Rather
we intended - wherever possible - to focus on principles and mecha-
nisms and to add the necessary framework and background.
I am very grateful to the authors for their generous cooperation, to
Dr. D. Czeschlik and the editorial staff of Springer-Verlag for their ad-
vice and patience, to Mrs. U. Ginsberg for competent secretarial work,
to Mrs. H. Hahn for help with the figures, and to Dr. E.-A. Seyfarth for
valuable comments and criticism.
Special thanks are due to my wife and children. They charmingly
tolerated my many manuscripts even under the Mediterranean sun
during our vacations.

Frankfurt am Main, Spring 1985 FRIEDRICH G. BARTH


A The Central Nervous System: Structure and Development

I Patterns of Arrangement and Connectivity in the

Central Nervous System of Arachnids. K. S. BABU.
(With 7 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
II Ontogeny of the Arachnid Central Nervous System.
P. WEYGOLDT. (With 6 Figures) ........ 20
III The Stomatogastric Nervous System and Neurosecretion.
R. LEGENDRE. (With 2 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . 38

B Structure and Function of Sensory Systems

IV The Morphology and Optics of Spider Eyes. M. F. LAND.
(With 13 Figures) ................. 53
V The Fine Structure of Spider Photoreceptors in Relation
to Function. A. D. BLEST. (With 8 Figures) . . . . . . 79
VI , Photoreceptor Cells in the Spider Eye:
Spectral Sensitivity and Efferent Control. S. YAMASHITA.
(With 10 Figures) ................ 103
M echano- and Chemoreception
VII Mechano- and Chemoreceptive Sensilla. R. F. FOELIX.
(With 11 Figures) ............... 118
VIII Trichobothria. A. REISSLAND and P. GORNER.
(With 12 Figures) .......... . 138
IX Slit Sensilla and the Measurement of Cuticular Strains.
F. G. BARTH. (With 8 Figures) . . . . . .. 162
Sensory Nerves and Peripheral Synapses
X Sensory Nerves and Peripheral Synapses. R. F. FOELIX.
(With 7 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
X Contents

C Senses and Behavior

XI Neuroethology of the Spider Vibration Sense.

F. G. BARTH. (With 7 Figures) . . . . . . 203
XII Spider Proprioception: Receptors, Reflexes, and Control
of Locomotion. E.-A. SEYFARTH. (With 8 Figures). 230
XIII Target Discrimination in Jumping Spiders (Araneae:
Salticidae). L. FORSTER. (With 11 Figures) . . . . 249
XIV Homing Behavior and Orientation in the Funnel-Web
Spider, Agelena labyrinthica Clerck. P. GORNER and
B. CLAAs. (With 11 Figures) . . . . . . . . . . . 275
XV Analytical Cybernetics of Spider Navigation.
H. MITTELSTAEDT. (With 11 Figures) 298

D The Motor System

XVI Neural Control of the Heartbeat and Skeletal Muscle

in Spiders and Scorpions. R. G. SHERMAN.
(With 13 Figures) ............ 319
XVII Central and Peripheral Organization of Scorpion
Locomotion. T. M. ROOT. (With 4 Figures) 337

E Neurobiology of a Biological Clock

XVIII Neurobiology of a Circadian Clock in the Visual System

of Scorpions. G. FLEISSNER and G. FLEISSNER.
(With 13 Figures) 351

SUbject Index 377

You will find the addresses at the beginning of the respective contri-

BABU, K. S. 3 LAND, M. F. 53
BARTH, F. G. 162,203 LEGENDRE, R. 38
FOELIX, R. F. 118,189 SHERMAN, R. G. 319
GORNER, P. 138,275 YAMASHITA, S. 103
A The Central Nervous System:
Structure and Development
I Patterns of Arrangement and Connectivity in the
Central Nervous System of Arachnids

I Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 External Morphology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1 Nerves Arising from the Central Nervous System 4
2.2 Ventral Nerve Cord . . . . . . . . 6
3 Internal Morphology . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1 Types and Distribution of Nerve Cells 6
3.2 Fibrous Mass 8
4 Physiology . 15
5 Conclusions. I7
References . 18

1 Introduction

In arthropods the organization of the central nervous system is related to the

body segmentation and to the degree of development of segmental appendages
and sense organs. In arachnids the body is divided into a prosoma and opis-
thosoma. Arachnids do not have antennae or appendages on the opisthosoma
apart from spinnerets and the appendages they have are concentrated on the
prosoma. In addition, arachnids have developed special sensory structures like
pectines, malleoli, flagella, modified sensory legs, slits and other sense organs.
These and other characteristic features are reflected by the structure of the
arachnid central nervous system (eNS). This chapter gives a comparative ac-
count of the external morphology and internal anatomy of the eNS of five well-
known arachnid orders (scorpions, whip scorpions, tailless whip scorpions,
wind scorpions and spiders). What we know of the major features of the arach-
nid eNS is mostly due to the work of a few authors (Saint-Remy 1890, Bomer
1904; Gottlieb 1926; Hanstrom 1928; Kaestner 1932, 1933, 1940; Millot 1949;
Babu 1965, Babu and Barth 1984). A brief review of its less-known functions is

Department of Zoology, S. V. University P. G. Centre, Kavali - 524202, Nellore Dt. (A. P.)
4 K. Sasira Babu

2 External Morphology

The arachnid central nervous system consists of a dorsal, anterior brain or

supraesophageal ganglion with circumesophageal connectives joining it to the
subesophageal mass, which in turn may be connected to a ventral cord of seg-
mental ganglia.
Although the segmentation of the arachnid brain is still a topic of discussion
(see Weygoldt Chap. II, this Vol.), it is generally accepted that the supraeso-
phageal ganglion (brain) consists of a protocerebrum and tritocerebrum. The
absence of antennae implies the absence of a deutocerebrum as found in crus-
taceans and insects. The tritocerebrum is the anterior-most part of the ventral
chain of ganglia embryologically, but during development it migrates forward,
fuses with the preoral brain and constitutes the cheliceral ganglion. Thus the
brain of an adult arachnid is made up of a protocerebral and tritocerebral
Located underneath the brain is the sub esophageal nerve mass, the foremost
part of the ventral nerve cord. Fusion of subesophageal ganglia is characteristic
of arachnids. The degree of this fusion varies in different orders. This nerve
mass is formed of 9 ganglia in Scorpionidea (Heterometrus) , 10 in Solifugida
(Galeodes) , 12 in Uropygida (Thelyphonus), 16 in Araneae (Poecilotheria) and
17 in Amblypygida (Phrynichus).
An arthropod-type long double ventral nerve cord with seven ganglia is
present in scorpions. In whip and wind scorpions a small single abdominal
ganglion is located in the opisthosoma. Abdominal ganglia are absent in most
other arachnids.
A feature of arachnids not so pronounced in other arthropods is the pres-
ence of coverings around the central nervous system. The cephalothoracic nerve
mass is surrounded externally by a tissue, called the neural lamella, which is
especially thick on the ventral side between the sternum and the subesophageal
ganglia. This tissue is also present in thin layers at other parts of the CNS. The
sub esophageal mass is also covered on its dorsal side by an extensively devel-
oped endosternite.
The neural lamella is composed of four to six compactly arranged cell
layers. A cellular perineurium beneath the neural lamella like that found in in-
sects is absent. Neuroglial cells occupy spaces left by the nerve cells, and in the
central fibrous core. The entire dorsal surface of the brain, the subesophageal
ganglia, and main nerve trunks are traversed by blood vessels and sinuses.

2.1 Nerves Arising from the Central Nervous System

The only nerves arising from the protocerebrum are the optic nerves (Fig. 1).
Most arachnids have four pairs of eyes. The median optic nerves form one
(whip scorpions) to two pairs (scorpions, wind scorpions, spiders) arising from
the dorsal and anterior-most part of the protocerebrum. Ventral to these are the
lateral optic nerves: one pair in scorpions (Heterometrus) and wind scorpions
(Galeodes) , and three to four pairs in spiders (Cupiennius) , whip scorpions
(Thelyphonus) and tailless whip scorpions (Phrynichus).


ABDG7 - -I-fA...


Fig. 1 a-c. Topography of the central nervous system of arachnids, dorsal view. a Scorpion
(Heterometrus); note anterior fused nerve mass, and ventral nerve cord with seven free ab-
dominal ganglia. b Spider (Poecilotheria), showing the single anterior fused nerve mass and
lack of ganglia in the opisthosoma. c Spider (Cupiennius), cephalothoracic nerve mass: dorsal
brain or supraesophageal ganglion and ventral composite subesophageal ganglia. ABDG 7 sev-
enth abdominal ganglion; ABDN abdominal nerves; AMNl-4 first to fourth leg nerves; BL
book lungs; BR brain or supraesophageal ganglion; OES esophagus; OPTN optic nerves; PDN
pedipalpal nerve; SOG sub esophageal ganglia; ST sting; VN ventral nerve cord. (a, b after
Babu 1965; c Babu and Barth 1984)
6 K. Sasira Babu

A pair of thick nerves innervate the chelicerae from the tritocerebrum. This
part of the brain also gives off one (scorpions) to three pairs (whip scorpions)
of small rostral or sympathetic nerves that constitute part of the sympathetic
nervous system of arachnids (see Legendre Chap. III, this Vol.).
The large size of the sub esophageal mass is primarily related to the origin of
one pair of pedipalpal and four pairs of leg nerves (Fig. 1 c). Several pairs of
abdominal nerves also arise from the subesophageal mass, and their number
varies in different groups of arachnids. The anterior four mesosomatic seg-
mental nerves in Heterometrus, five in Galeodes, seven in Thelyphonus, and all
the opisthosomatic nerves of Phrynichus and Cupiennius arise from the subeso-
phageal ganglia.
The special types or arrangements of sensory receptors concentrated either
on the first pair of walking legs (Thelyphonus and Phrynichus), or the malleoli
(racket organs) on the fourth pair of walking legs (Galeodes) or the pectines
(comb plates) in the second mesosomatic segment (scorpions) are innervated by
especially large nerves.

2.2 Ventral Nerve Cord

In amblypygids, araneids (only Mygalomorphae have one free terminal gangli-
on; Hanstrom 1928), and phalangids free abdominal ganglia are absent. They
have migrated forward and fused with the subesophageal ganglia.
Among arachnids, only scorpions have a long double ventral nerve cord,
connected to the sub esophageal ganglia (Fig. 1 a). There are seven free ganglia,
three in the mesosoma and four in the metasoma, joined by double longitudinal
connectives. Two ganglia fuse to form the last (seventh) abdominal ganglion
that innervates the fourth and fifth metasomatic segments and also the terminal
sting apparatus. Typically, each ganglion gives off two pairs of segmental
nerves of equal size, of which the anterior one innervates the dorsal part of the
body and the posterior one its ventral region.
In the solifugid Galeodes, a single abdominal ganglion is present in the first
abdominal $egment. It is connected to the posterior part of the subesophageal
mass by a pair of thin connectives. This small ganglion gives off five pairs of
nerves that innervate the posterior six abdominal segments.
The uropygids (Thelyphonus) also have single small abdominal ganglion, lo-
cated between the eigth and ninth abdominal segments, and connected with the
subesophageal mass by a pair of connectives. The free abdominal ganglion
gives off seven pairs of nerves that innervate the eigth to twelfth abdominal seg-
ments as well as the mobile multisegmented sensory flagellum.

3 Internal Morphology

3.1 Types and Distribution of Nerve Cells

As in other arthropods, in all ganglia the cells are arranged in the periphery,
whereas the central parts of the ganglia are fibrous (Fig. 7 c). In the brain, the
Neuroanatomy of the Central Nervous System 7

a b

Fig. 2 a, b. Diagramatic view of the various important centers of the brain of Cupiennius
(Babu and Barth 1984). b Brain of a wandering spider, dorsal view (Golgi method, after
Hanstrom 1921). ABDG abdominal ganglion; AMGI-4 first to fourth leg ganglion; BR bridge;
CB central body; CR cellular layer; GB globuli cells; GL glomeruli; OPL optic lamella; PD
peduncle; RFprimary receptor fibers

cells are packed in the frontal, dorsal, and lateral areas, but are absent from the
posterior and ventral regions. In the subesophageal and abdominal ganglia the
cells are restricted to the ventral and ventrolateral regions. Synaptic contacts are
known to occur in the central fibrous core and in special neuropile masses.
They are never found in the cellular cortex.
The nerve cells are typical monopolar neurons: from their cell body arises
one neurite, whIch gives off several short highly branched processes and a
single axon (Fig. 5 a). Single-cell characterizations by electrical recordings and
morphological identification with CoS preparations are still fragmentary. Four
types of cells are known only on the basis of histological studies applying classi-
cal reduced silver stains (Babu 1965, 1969).

Globuli Cells (Type A Cells). A common feature among arachnids is the pres-
ence of a compactly arranged mass of globuli cells in the protocerebrum
(Figs. 2, 3, and 6 c). These cells give off fine parallel bundles ofaxons (diameter
0.4 J..lm) arranged in characteristic shapes, called the mushroom bodies. Each
globuli cell has a large, chromatin-rich nucleus (6 to 8 J..lm) and poorly staining

Type B Cells. This second category of small cells is numerous in the brain,
subesophageal and abdominal ganglia. Their cytoplasm is clear and the nucleus
8 K. Sasira Babu

has granular chromatin with or without nucleoli. The cell diameter ranges from
10 to 15 /lm, with a nucleus of 8 to 12 !lm.

Neurosecretory Cells (Type C Cells). The third category of cells was histologi-
cally demonstrated as neurosecretory. More of these cells are found in the pro-
tocerebrum than in other ganglia. Their average size ranges from 20 to 30 !lm,
with a nucleus of 12 to 20 !lm.

Motor! Interneurons (Type D Cells). These are the largest cells in the central
nervous system of arachnids (Fig. 6). They function as motor or interneurons.
They are prominent in all ganglia except in the proto cerebrum. In some spiders
type D cells are as large as 140 !lm. Their average size, however, varies from 30
to 80 /lm.

3.2 Fibrous Mass

The. central fibrous mass of both the brain and the sub esophageal mass is to-
tally devoid of nerve cell bodies (Fig. 7 c). It consists only of processes of
neurons and the terminal arborizations of peripheral sensory neurons. In the
brain and other ganglia, fibrous mass is highly organized into longitudinal and
transverse tracts which lack synaptic contacts. Instead, the areas of synaptic con-
tacts are special structured neuropile masses of the protocerebrum like the optic
ganglia, the mushroom bodies, and the central body, as well as the dense fine
fibrous neuropile regions of other ganglia.

3.2.1 Protocerebrum

In arachnids the important and complex neuropile masses are located in the

Globuli and Mushroom Bodies. A pair of compact masses of globuli cells is lo-
cated in the anterior mid-central part of the protocerebrum (Figs. 2 and 6). The
degree of their development varies widely in different groups of arachnids. The
globuli and associated mushroom bodies (corpora pedunculata) are completely
absent in sedentary spiders (Agelenidae, Drassidae and Dysderidae; Hanstrom
1921), whereas in amblypygids they are very well developed and occupy the en-
tire mid-dorsal and even the lateral parts of the protocerebrum. They occupy
3.4% of the brain in wind scorpions (Galeodes) , 3.7% in scorpions
(Heterometrus), 12.6% in whip scorpions (Thelyphonus) and 48% in tailles whip
scorpions (Phrynichus). In Phlynichus there are two independent bodies which
are highly convoluted (Babu 1965). Similarly well-developed structures were
found in Neophrynus (49%) and Limulus (79%) (Hanstrom 1928).
The shape of the mushroom bodies is characteristic of each group. A single
large haft formed by densely packed, fine and short axons and dendrites arising
mostly from globuli cells is present in Galeodes and Cupiennius. In scorpions,
whip scorpions, and tailless whip scorpions, these form smaller secondary hafts.
Neuroanatomy of the Central Nervous System 9

The functions of these mushroom bodies are still largely unknown, which is al-
so the case even with regard to insects and crustaceans. The shape and arrange-
ment and their connections with the brain and other ganglia suggest that they
are associated with complex behavioral activities. In insects they are known to
have an inhibitory effect on locomotor, respiratory, and reflex activities (Huber
1967). Among different castes and species of bees and termites their high devel-
opment is related to complex social behavior (Wheeler 1910). In Phrynichus,
Lim u Ius, ants, and in some decapods, polychaetes, and onychophores, the
mushroom bodies are particularly well developed but have no known func-
tional significance that we can as yet detect (Bullock and Horridge 1965).

Optic Mass. Compared to insects and ~rustaceans, the optic masses of arachnids
are poorly developed. Often these are small masses of neuropile, without any
obvious specialization. Also in arachnids fewer types' of neurons are present in
association with optic neuropile, as compared to insects and crustaceans.
The optic lobes in the anterior part of the protocerebrum are composed of
several distinct neuropile masses, each surrounded by small type B cells. Details
of neuron connections are known from Golgi preparations (Hanstrom 1921)
and electron microscope studies (Trujillo-Cenoz 1965). The axons from the eye
end in the first optic neuropile, where each of them makes multiple synaptic
contacts with visual ganglion cells. These ganglion cells in turn relay informa-
tion to the deeper optic neuropile, which itself is connected to the central body
and the corpora pedunculata (Fig. 2b).
Like the degree of development of the mushroom bodies, that of the eyes
and the optic centers varies widely among the arachnids and even within the
spiders. Some hunting spiders have exceptionally well-developed eyes and as-
sociated ganglionic masses (Fig. 6e) (see also Chaps. IV to VI, this Vol.). Thus
the optic neuropiles of jumping spiders (Salticidae) and wolf spiders (Lycosidae)
are well developed, whereas they appear much less refined in sedentary spiders
(Araneae) (Hanstrom 1921). This is also reflected by the total mass of the optic
neuropiles which in the Araneida occupy only 3 to 4% of the total brain volume,
compared to 25~/o in the Salticidae. Similarly, in web-building and sedentary
spiders, axons of the lateral eyes do not end as a palisade in the first optic
neuropile and there are no glomeruli in their second optic neuropile. In Sal-
ticidae and Lycosidae, however, the degree of development of the optic
neuropiles associated with the lateral eyes is highest among arachnids. The
median eyes have two simple masses of optic neuropiles on each side of the
brain and are posteriorly interconnected with the central body. Both the optic
neuropiles of the lateral eyes are better developed. Axons from the lateral eyes
terminate as a palisade in the large horseshoe-shaped first neuropile mass. The
two optic masses are joined through a well-formed chiasma. The second optic
mass, which also contains glomeruli, receives fibers from the globuli cells, apart
from fibers coming from the surrounding type B cells. The second optic mass of
the lateral eyes also is linked with the central body through a well-formed large
optic tract (Fig. 2a).
In scorpions (Vejovis, Hanstrom 1923), the median eyes are associated with
one and the lateral eyes with two optic neuropiles on each side; both meet at a
10 K. Sasira Babu

common third optic neuropile. The optic masses of the median eyes are one on
each side in Galeodes and Thelyphonus and two in Phrynichus. The optic masses
of the lateral eyes are one in Thelyphonus and Poecilotheria, two in Phrynichus,
and absent in Galeodes.

Central Body. In all arachnids the central body appears to be the final integrat-
ing center for visual input from both median and lateral eyes. Apart from this,
axons from other parts of the protocerebrum and subesophageal ganglia also
terminate here, suggesting that it is a motor and association center. Neither
electron microscope studies nor ablation, or lesion or stimulation experiments
have been done to understand the functional significance of the central body in
Although present in all arthropods, the central bodies in different groups
may not be homologous structures or even have similar functions. Their posi-
tion and structure is characteristic of each group. In arachnids the central body
is a flat, crescent-shaped mass of neuropile which lies across the postero-dorsal
part of the protocerebrum (Fig. 6e).1t is covered by layers ofsmall type B cells
on its dorsal and posterior sides. As in other arthropods the central body is di-
vided into lamellae (Fig. 7 a, b, and c) and consists of several lobes (two in
Galeodes, three in Phrynichus and Poecilotheria, and four in Heterometrus and
Thelyphonus). In different arachnids its relative volume varies: 4.3% of the total
volume of the brain in the spider, 3.5% in the scorpion, 3.1% in whip scorpion,
2% in wind scorpion, 0.8% in tailless whip scorpion.
The absence or poorly developed nature of one or more of the important
centers of the protocerebrum appear to be compensated by another well-devel-
oped nerve center. Thus, for example, the highest development of the central
body in the spider (Theraphosidae) is accompanied by poorly represented
globuli cells and the absence of mushroom bodies. Similarly, the extremely
well-developed globuli and associated structures in the amblypygid go along
with a much reduced central body. Such inverse relationships are also known in
some other spiders (Hanstrom 1928), insects and crustaceans (Bullock and Hor-
ridge 1965).

3.2.2 Subesophageal Mass

Although the sub esophageal mass is composite and consists of several individ-
ual ganglia, it presents a unified structure integrated by connections between
these ganglia, which are seen as well-formed longitudinal and transverse tracts
(Fig. 3).
The sub esophageal mass is traversed in the antero-posterior direction by six
to seven pairs of longitudinal tracts, as in insects. In each ganglion the tracts
pass through the fibrous mass at different levels, maintaining characteristic dis-
tances between each other. The dorsal tracts are larger and contain fibers of
larger diameter (6 to 10 11m) arising from motor or interneurons of each gangli-
on. The ventral tracts, on the other hand, contain smaller fibers primarily con-
tributed from incoming sensory axons. Anteriorly, these tracts ascend into the
Neuroanatomy of the Central Nervous System 11

Fig. 3. Dorsal view of the cephalo-

thoracic nerve mass showing impor-
tant centres and fiber tracts of the
brain and subesophageal nerve mass
of Cupiennius salei (Babu and Barth
1984). Central body not represented
for reasons of clarity. BR bridge;
CL centro-lateral tract; CT central
tract; GB globuli cells; GL glomeruli;
OPL optic lamella; PCC protocerebral
commissure; PD peduncle; MC mid-
central tract; M D mid-dorsal tract;
MV mid-ventral tract; VL ventro-lat-
eral tract

500IJ m

/ "

Fig. 4a, b. Examples of neurons as revealed by Golgi stain. a Sub esophageal nerve mass.
b First free abdominal ganglion of scorpion (Vejovis, aster Hanstrom 1923). ABDN abdominal
nerve; AMN 1-4 first to fourth leg nerves; CON connectives; PHN peripheral nerves; 1-12
motor neurons; 13 -19 interneurons; SN sensory neurons; TH through fibers
12 K. Sasira Babu

brain through esophageal connectives and terminate either in the mushroom

bodies or the central body.
Around the pedipalpal and four pairs of leg ganglia, the axons of type Band
D cells are arranged into bundles and form conspicuous commissures in-
terconnecting the opposite ganglia. Axons from these bundles enter the longi-
tudinal tracts or peripheral nerves or disappear in the central mass of the neuro-
pile. The motor pathways (with large fibers) in general are dorsally located in a
ganglion. The sensory pathways (many fine fibers contributed mainly by the
peripheral nerves) occupy the ventral regions of the ganglion.
The distribution pattern of some motor and interneurons from Golgi prep-
arations is shown in Fig. 4a (HallStrom 1923). An important feature of neuronal
organization is the wide ramification of some interneurons, which spread into
several ganglia of one side (scorpion) and some into many ganglia of both sides
(spiders) of the sub esophageal mass. There are also intraganglionic neurons.
Motor neurons were identified on the basis of a large cell body and peripheral
axon. According to the distribution of their dendrites, they were classified into
different types of ipsilateral and contralateral motor neurons. The majority
seem to have the cell body, dendrites, and the axon on the same side of a
ganglion (Hanstrom 1923). With minor changes, these observations were con-
firmed by intracellular dye injections (cobalt stain) and electrophysiological re-
cordings in a scorpion (Bowerman and Burrows 1980). In this latter study eight
classes of motor neurons have been characterized physiologically and the dif-
ferent motor neurons innervating a particular muscle were found to have their
cell bodies widely separated in the ganglia. Sensory axons, as they enter, termi-
nate on the same side of the ganglion and in some cases on the opposite side
(Hanstrom 1923, Babu 1969).
Anatomically specialized neuropile masses have developed in the subeso-
phageal mass in relation to some of the highly specialized sense organs of vari-
ous arachnids (Babu 1965). Thus the first pair of modified sensory legs in
Phrynichus and Thelyphonus, which are used as a sort of antennae, are well rep-
resented in the subesophageal mass by particularly well-developed ventral sen-
sory association centers. In Galeodes, the malleoli, which are racket-shaped
sense orgahs of undetermined function, also form a large and conspicuous sen-
sory mass in the ventral region of the sub esophageal mass. Similarly, the pec-
tines of scorpions, known to function as mechano- and chemoreceptors, are con-
nected to special pectinal sensory mass.
According to the analysis of the post-embryonic development of the nervous
system of a spider (Argiope), the number of neurons remains the same at all
stages of growth. The total cephalothoracic nerve mass increases 24-fold in vol-
ume from the first instar to the adult stage. This growth is due to an increase in
cell volume and the number of glial cells. Most of the neural growth is due to
the growth of fibrous mass, that is an increase in fiber size and ramification and
number of incoming sensory fibers (Babu 1975). A recent cell count in Cu-
piennius showed that the two ganglia of the brain contain ca. 50,900 cells,
whereas all 16 ganglia of the sub esophageal mass together have ca. 49,000 cells
(Babu and Barth 1984). In Argiope, which exhibits great sexual dimorphism,
the number of cells is higher in females than in males by 11% in the subeso-
Neuroanatomy of the Central Nervous System 13

phageal mass and by 58% in the brain. During postnatal growth of the nervous
system the volume of type B cells (somata) increases 50-fold and of type D cells
600-foldin female spiders.

3.2.3 "Free" Abdominal Ganglia

The basic structure of abdominal ganglia as found in scorpions and wind scor-
pions is the same as that of the subesophageal ganglia (Babu 1965). Again, the
cellular cortex is located on their ventral and ventro-lateral sides, while glial tis-
sue is present on the dorsal and dorso-lateral regions. Type Band D cells are
present and the former are numerous. The central region of the ganglion is oc-
cupied by the fibrous mass, which again presents an organized arrangement of
longitudinal and transverse tracts. In the scorpion, traversing along the entire
length there are seven pairs of major longitudinal tracts starting from the
sub esophageal ganglia and passing through all the abdominal ganglia. In each
ganglion they maintain the same spatial distance hetween each other.
In the scorpion, the transverse tracts are well represented as dorsal com-
missures in each ganglion. Similar tracts are also present on the ventral side,
and these are dominated by sensory fibers coming from the paired segmental

a b

200 IJm
Fig. Sa, b. Seventh abdominal ganglion of scorpion (Heterometrus). (After Yellamma et al.
1979). a Motor neurons of fourth and fifth metasomatic segmental nerves and ascending in-
terneurons. 1 and 2 ipsilateral motor neurons; 5 and 6 contralateral ascending intemeurons.
b Through fiber and sensory endings. SN sensory fibers; TH, ascending sensory fiber, giving off
collaterals in the seventh ganglion; TH2 descending neuron with terminations on the dendritic
neuropile of motor neurons. CoS method
Neuroanatomy of the Central Nervous System 15

nerves. Groups of cells on each side containing both type Band D cells send
their processes into the ipsilateral segmental nerves. A few of them also enter
the contralateral segmental nerves.
In the abdominal ganglion, there are ipsi- and contralateral motor neurons
and ascending and descending intemeurons. Sensory axons either terminate on
the same side or send arborizations to the opposite side (Fig. 4 b).
The large musculature of the fifth metasomatic segment in scorpions, which
operates the sting, is innervated by two ipsilateral and two contralateral groups
of motor neurons located in the posterior region of the ganglion (Yellamma et
al. 1979). One ipsilateral group of neurons gives rise to giant axons (diameter
40 11m) with conduction velocities of 6 to 7 ms- 1 (Fig. 5). The diameter of other
axons ranges between 5 to 20 11m.. Sensory fibers from the fourth and fifth
metasomatic segmental nerves, connectives, and tel sonic nerve terminate ip-
silaterally on the dendritic neuropile of the motor neurons. Electrical recordings
show monosynaptic connections between the sensory fibers and these giant
motor neurons. Some of the sensory fibers, while passing through the seventh
ganglion, send collaterals that activate the contralateral intemeurons (Sanjeeva-
Reddy and Rao 1970).

4 Physiology

Knowledge of the physiological properties of the central nervous system of

arachnids is very scarce, and much behind of that in insects and crustaceans.

Neurochemistry. According to histochemical studies, there is cholinergic synap-

tic transmission in the spider CNS. In the neuropile mass of araneid and
agel enid spiders, acetylcholinesterase was shown to be particularly rich and less
so in the optic ganglia and the central body (Meyer and Pospiech 1977). In ad-
dition, the presence of neurohumor ally active amines was demonstrated (Meyer
and lehner 1980).
The modulation of the electrical activity in the central nervous system is
thought to be due to neurohormones that regulate the circadian locomotor
rhythm in scorpions (see also Fleissner, Chap. XX, this Vol.). From the few bio-
chemical and electrophysiological studies on scorpions we know that the isolat-
ed ventral nerve cord exhibits maximal spontaneous electrical activity between
16.00 hand 24.00 h. Extracts of the cephalothoracic nerve mass and blood
isolated at 17.00 hand 20.00 h enhanced the electrical activity of the ventral
nerve cord. Similar extracts taken at 23.00 h and at 02.00 h, however, dimin-

Fig. 6a - e. Globuli cell mass (a), small cells (type B) and large (type D) motor neurons (b) in a
hunting spider (Cupiennius) (Babu and Barth 1984). Corpora pedunculata and central body of a
tailless whip scorpion (Phrynichus) in horizontal (c) and of a scorpion (Heterometrus) in sagit-
tal (d) sections (from Babu 1965). Note the large lobulated stalks of the mushroom bodies of
the tailless whip scorpion. e Horizontal section of the protocerebrum of the spider, Cupiennius.
(Babu and Barth 1984). CB central body; CPT corpora pedunculata; GB globuli cells;
GL glomeruli; OPL optic lamella; OPTN optic nerves
16 K. Sasira Babu


Fig. 7 a-c. Transverse sections of the central body of a a spider (Cupiennius) and b a scorpion
(Heterometrus). c Transverse section of subesophageal nerve mass to show the distribution of
cell layers with respect to the central fibrous core in spider (Cupiennius). (Palmgren 1948 silver
technique) (a and c Babu and Barth 1984). AMN2 second leg nerve; CB 1-4 lobes of central
body; COM commissure; CR cellular layer; FBR fibrous core; NP neuropile
Neuroanatomy of the Central Nervous System 17

ished the electrical activity (Rao and Gopalakrishna Reddy 1967). The chemi-
cal factors involved are presumed to be neurohormonal and produced by the
neurosecretory cells of the sub esophageal ganglia. A diel rhythm of the ACh
content and the AChE activity also was reported in the scorpions (Venkatachari
and Muralikrishna Dass 1968, Vasantha et al. 1975).

Electrophysiology. The basic physiological properties are comparable to those

found in insects and crustaceans. Intracellular recordings from the somata of
motor neurons in the sub esophageal mass of scorpions suggested that the spike-
initiating site is distant from the soma. Two motor neurons innervating syner-
gistic muscles share many of their synaptic inputs (Bowerman and Burrows
Motor fibers arising from the abdominal ganglion of the scorpion showed a
resting discharge varying from regular to intermittent bursts. Electric shocks or
mechanical stimuli elicited multiple responses, postburst depression, inhibition,
excitation and activation. Intemeurons in the ventral nerve cord showed spatial
summation, synaptic lability, activation of silent units, after discharge and
inhibition (Venkatachari and Babu 1970, Babu and Venkatachari 1972).

Behavioral Analysis. In the scorpion, Heterometrus, the defensive strike response

was analyzed by behavioral and lesion studies of the sub esophageal mass (Pal-
ka and Babu 1967). It is quite different from the evasive responses of cockroach
and earthworm. The strike pathway is characterized by strong resistance to
habituation, graded response and longitudinal lability, as indicated by in-
dependent movement of the tail and pedipalps. It was found to have a response
time of 20 to 150 ms, and appears to be initiated by small receptors scattered
over the surface of the legs and other parts of the body. The strike response can
be unilaterally abolished by lesions in the subesophageal nerve mass while
sparing locomotor and leg withdrawal movements.
In the spider (Cupiennius), predatory or escape behavior can be elicited by
both substrate and air-borne vibrations. The metatarsal (Hergenroder and
Barth 1983a and b) and pretarsal (Speck and Barth 1982) slit sense organs and
trichobothria (Gomer and Andrews 1969) together determine these responses
(see also Barth, Chap. VIII and Rei Bland and Gomer, Chap. XI, this Vol.). In
scorpions, the direction and distance of prey is sensed by substrate vibrations
through mechanoreceptors on its tarsal leg segments (Brownell and Farley
1979a and b). Details of conclusions drawn on the circuitary in the CNS from
these and other behavioral studies are given in Chapter VIII (Barth) and Chap-
ter XV (Mittelstaedt), this Volume.

5 Conclusions

Obviously the central nervous system of arachnids is a rich unexplored field,

ready for harvesting. Our knowledge of the finer anatomy and physiology of
the CNS of arachnids is much behind what is known in insects and crustaceans.
The urgent need is to adopt modern staining procedures like fluorescent dyes,
18 K. Sasira Babu

cobalt chloride, and HRP, as well as electrophysiological recording techniques.

Features of particular attraction for such studies are those which set the arach-
nids apart from other arthropods. Examples are the lack of a deutocerebrum
found in insects and crustaceans and the large fused subesophageal ganglionic
mass which receives most of the sensory input from the legs and pedipalps in-
stead of antennae.
In particular from the comparative point of view, special neuropile masses
like mushroom bodies, optic masses, central body, and sensory neuropiles de-
serve much more attention than they have so far received. These important as-
sociation centers are all located in the protocerebrum and show great variation
among different groups of arachnids. Thus the central body, a large conspicuous
mass of neuropile in the postero-dorsal region of the proto cerebrum consists of
two (spider) to four (scorpion) lobes. The mushroom bodies are highly devel-
oped in some arachnids, such as tailless whip scorpions, but altogether absent
in others, such as sedentary spiders. The optic masses are in general poorly de-
veloped in arachnids as compared to insects and crustaceans, the jumping and
wolf spiders, however, being notable exceptions (see also Chap. IV to VI, this
Vol.) on vision.
Another feature worth more detailed study are neuropile masses in the
subesophageal ganglia developed in relation to sensory structures only found in
some arachnids such as the comb plates of scorpions, the racket organs of wind
scorpions, and the modified antenna-like first legs of whip scorpions.
Acknowledgments. I thank H. Hahn and G. Kreuder for valuable help with the preparation of
the illustrations and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for support during my stay at the
Zoology Institute of the University of Frankfurt (grant SFB 45/A4 to F. G. Barth).

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n Ontogeny of the Arachnid Central Nervous System

I Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2 Development of Ganglia in Arachnids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3 Embryology of the Chelicerate Nervous System and Head Morphology 22
3. I The Problem . . . . . . 22
3.2 Pseudoscorpions . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3 Amb\yopygids and Araneids . . . . . . . 27
4 Postembryonic Development of the Spider CNS 33
5 Condusions. 34
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

1 Introduction

Our knowledge of the development of nervous systems has greatly increased

during the last few years. Specific cell markers like horseradish peroxidase and
monoclonal antibodies have made possible studies of the cell lineages leadjng
to the formation of neuromeres in insects and leeches. In both cases, the num-
ber of neuroblasts that form a particular ganglion is known; in leeches it was
even possible to trace the history of these neuroblasts back to individual blasto-
meres. Similar studies are under way for vertebrates (Barald 1982; Goodman
1982; Jacobsen 1982; Stent et al. 1982). In the grasshopper, Goodman and co-
workers have shown the events by which - by a fixed pattern of cell divisions
and differentiation - neurons are formed by particular neuroblasts. These
authors have been able to demonstrate that the neurons derived from a particu-
lar neuroblast share certain features, such as transmitters, and vary with respect
to others, such as electrical properties, which, however, are shared by the pro-
geny of a given birth position (Goodman et al. 1980; Goodman and Spitzer
1981 a, b). In addition, the problem of pathfinding by growing axons and of the
formation of synaptic connections has been studied with success. In insects,
pioneer neurons and muscle pioneers have been identified that are formed ear-
ly in development and later guide axons to their targets (Edwards 1982; Flaster
et al. 1982; Goodman et al. 1981, 1982; Ho et al. 1983).

Biologisches Institut I (Zoologie), Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat, Albertstr. 21 a, D-7800 Frei-

burg i. Br., Federal Republic of Germany
Ontogeny of the Arachnid Central Nervous System 21

Such exciting studies do not exist for arachnids. The development of the
nervous system of this group of arthropods has been studied mainly by authors
interested in morphological problems.
In particular, data on brain development have been used to learn about the
metameric composition of the arthropod forehead, segment formation, and the
homology of various parts and appendages of the anterior body regions. Orders
studied in this respect include the scorpions (Brauer 1895; Mathew 1956) am-
blypygids (Weygoldt 1975), uropygids (Kaestner 1951; Yoshikura 1961), spi-
ders (Legendre 1958, 1959, 1979; Pross 1966; Rempel 1957; Yoshikura 1955,
1958), and, to a lesser extent, opilionids (Moritz 1957), solpugids (Junqua
1966), and mites (Aeschlimann 1958). Orders in which development has not
been studied include the palpigradids'and ricinuleids. Studies in which changes
in behavior are related to developmental processes in the nervous system, or
studies demonstrating the development of integration of various parts of the
nervous syst~m are, as far as I know, nearly nonexistent. Only the papers by
Meier (1967) and Babu (1975) address such questions to some extent.
The larger part of this chapter will therefore deal with the embryology of
the chelicerate nervous system and its bearing on morphological questions.

2 Development of Ganglia in Arachnids

The developmental events leading to the formation of an arachnid segmental

ganglion differ from the corresponding events in crustaceans and insects. In the
grasshopper (Goodman 1982) and in the crustacean Diastylis (Dohle 1976), a
number of neuroblasts differentiate from the embryonic ectoderm. By a fixed
pattern of cell divisions perpendicular to the ventral surface of the embryo, the
neuroblasts form rows of ganglion mother cells, the uppermost of which divide
to form ganglion cells. Thus, in the grasshopper or crustacean, a developing
ganglion consists of cell rows arranged in a regular pattern and starting with a
neuroblast at the outer surface.
Developing ganglia of arachnids look different. Multiplications of cells re-
sult in invaginations instead of cell rows (Fig. 6). The underlying cellular events
have not been studied in detail. Neuroblasts have been mentioned only for the
scorpion Heterometrus (Mathew 1956) and for the liphistiid spider Heptathela
(Yoshikura 1955). Most studies on arachnid embryology do not mention neuro-
blasts (Anderson 1973). It seems that small neuroblasts or ganglion mother cells
divide to form cell clusters which finally invaginate. The innermost cells of the
invaginations are the first ganglion cells and soon start to grow fibers.
Invaginations during ganglion formation have also been observed in pycnogonids (Winter
1980), myriapods (Tiegs 1940, 1947; Dohle 1964) and in onychophorans (Pflugfelder 1948). In
these arthropods, each ganglion is formed from a single invagination called ventral organ.
In pycnogonids, the ventral organs are composed of invaginated neuroblasts which then
divide to form ganglion cells or ganglion mother cells (Winter 1980).
22 P. Weygoldt

3 Embryology of the Chelicerate Nervous System and its Bearing

on Head Morphology

3.1 The Problem

Numerous chelicerates have been studied in order to obtain information on the

segmental composition of the anterior part of the pros om a and on its homology
with the forehead of other arthropods. The following discussion is only mean-
ingful if there is reason to believe that the chelicerates are related to other
arthropods. In fact, all studies applying the methods developed by Remane
(1956)" and Hennig (1950) have shown that the Euarthropoda form a natural
taxon including the Arachnata with trilobites and <:;helicerates and the Man-
dibulata with crustaceans and tracheates (Boudreaux 1979 a, b; Lauterbach
1973, 1980a, b; Paulus 1979; Weygoldt 1979). The studies of Manton (1973,
1977, 1978) seem to indicate separate origins for the different arthropod
subphyla. They are masterpieces on functional morphology but have little bear-
ing on taxonomic questions.
The arthropod body is composed of a number of segments or metameres,
each originally having its own pair of appendages, a pair of ganglia (more ad-
equately called neuromeres), and a pair of coelomic cavities. Anterior to the
first segment there is the acron, a presegmental, region, homologous to the an-
nelid prostomium. It lacks coelomic cavities and appendages, but contains a
ganglion, the archicerebrum.
The primitive arthropod head bears five pairs of appendages, one pair of
antennae and four pairs of legs .in trilobites, and two pairs of antennae and
three pairs of mouth parts in crustaceans. Chelicerates lack antennae; their first
pair of appendages are the chelicerae. The cheliceral ganglion has been
homologized to the tritocerebrum of the Mandibulata - and the chelicerae to
the second antennae - since it retains a postesophageal commissure in some
(not all) arachnids, and since it is connected to the stomatogastric system
(Holmgren 1916; Hanstrom 1928; Snodgrass 1952, 1960).
There is general agreement that the region bearing the second antennae or,
in chelicerates, the chelicerae, is a true segment or metamere, the tritocephalon.
There are, however, different interpretations of the region anterior to the tri-
tocephalon. According to Holmgren (1916), Hanstrom (1928), and Snodgrass
(1952, 1960), everything in front of the tritocephalon belongs to the pre-
segmental acron. Many embryologists, however, have observed that during
development the region of the first antennae does not differ from that of the
second antennae. It bears a pair of appendages, a pair of ganglia (the
deutocerebrum), and a pair of mesodermal somites, sometimes even with coe-
lomic cavities. It is therefore considered a true segment, the deutocephalon,
serially homologous to the tritocephalon. Embryologists have even found an
additional pair of coelomic cavities, the preantennulary coelom, indicating a
further vestigial segment, the prosocephalon (Heymons 1901; Manton 1928,
1934, 1949, 1960; Tiegs 1940, 1947; Weber 1952, 1954; Siewing 1963, 1969;
Weygoldt 1959, 1961; Scholl 1963, 1969, 1977; Larink 1969, 1970; Malzacher
1968; Knoll 1974). According to these authors, the arthropod forehead is com-
Ontogeny of the Arachnid Central Nervous System 23

posed of a presegmental acron, the preantennulary segment or prosocephalon,

the antennulary segment or deutocephalon and the antennary segment or tri-
tocephalon (Table 1).
If the chelicerates which lack antennae are the sister group of the trilobites
and if the Arachnata are the sister group of the Mandibulata, then it seems
reasonable to search for vestigial antennular structures, particularly for a ves-
tigial deutocerebrum, in the chelicerate brain.
Various authors have expressed different opinions concerning the compo-
sition of the arachnid forehead (Legendre 1979). 10hannson (1933) tried to find
traces of antennular ganglia in Limulus, and Pross (1966, 1977) even claimed to
have discovered the homologs of all parts of the mandibulate brain in the spi-
der Pardosa. Legendre (1959, 1979) found even more segments and neuromeres
in the spider brain. Other authors have failed to find structures which can, with
certainty, be considered ganglia of reduced segments. Part of this controversy is
due to the fact that the termini "segment" and "ganglion" have been used dif-
ferently, sometimes meaning any region of the body or any accumulation of
ganglion cells.
In the following I will concentrate on the description of brain development
in two groups of arachnids in which the development of the nervous system
shows different degrees of complexity, that is in pseudoscorpions on the one
hand, and amplypygids and spiders on the other.

3.2 Pseudoscorpions

Pseudoscorpions are small arachnids with a specialized development. Their

embryos develop in a brood pouch and are fed by a fluid secreted by the ovary.
Many pseudoscorpions inhabit leaf litter, tree bark, or similar dark places, and
have reduced eyes. Other species have two or four lateral eyes. Median eyes
and their ganglia are always lacking, as are also corpora pedunculata. The
development of pseudoscorpions is characterized by a precocious development
of a large embryonic pharynx and hollow appendage rudiments filled by diver-
ticula of the embryonic gut (Fig. 1 A) (Weygoldt 1964,1965,1968).

3.2.1 Development of Neuromeres and Brain

The segmental ganglia, in pseudoscorpions, arise as paired invaginations

(Figs. 1B, C). In the opisthosoma, each invagination represents a developing
ganglion. During further development the invaginations separate from the
epidermis and the thickness of their interior walls increases due to numerous
cell divisions (Fig. 1 D). Thereby, the ganglionic cavities decrease in size and
finally disappear (Figs. 2, 3). At the same time, before the complete disappear-
ance of the cavities, the uppermost cells differentiate into neurons and grow
dendritic fibers, and the developing neuropil forms commissures and con-
In the prosoma, as well as in the opisthosoma, there is a stage in which each
developing neuromere is easily recognized by the presence of the slowly nar-
24 P. Weygoldt


Fig. 1. A - D The development of neuromeres in the pseudoscorpion, Neobisium muscorum.

A Side view of a transparent embryo. Except for the pharynx with its huge embryonic upper lip,
the only internal structures visible are the invaginating rudiments of the nervous system. B The
developing ganglionic anlagen drawn into the outline of a slightly older embryonic stage.
C and D Cross-sections through the developing opisthosoma showing the invaginations of
neuromeres. b early brain rudiment; c coelomic cavity; ch chelicera; e entoderm; eul upper lip
(labrum) of the embryonic pharynx; gch ganglion of the cheliceral segment; gp" gP2 ganglia of
the first and second leg segments; gpd ganglion of the pedipalpal segment; m mesoderm; n de-
veloping neuromere; op opisthosoma; p,- P. anlagen of the first to fourth legs; pd pedipalpus;
I and II brain rudiment during the process of division into two parts with two cavities. (Wey-
goldt 1964, 1965)

rowing ganglionic cavity and the developing commissure. There are six such
neuromeres in the prosoma, representing the neuromeres of the appendage-
bearing segments. Anterior to the chelicerae, however, there are two such
ganglionic cavities on either side (I and II on Fig. 1 Band 3), which have devel-
oped from a single pair of invaginations.
Further development of the nervous system involves drastic changes. The
opisthosomal ganglia, once they have separated from the epidermis, start mov-
Ontogeny of the Arachnid Central Nervous System 25


Fig. 2. A and B Cross-sections through the developing fourth opisthosomal segment of an em-
bryo of the pseudoscorpion, Chernes cimicoides, showing later stages of the developing
neuromeres with the disappearing ganglionic cavities. In A these cavities are still present, in B
the neuromere has fully separated from the epidermis and the cavities are obliterated. c coe-
lomic cavity; e entoderm; m mesoderm; n neuromere; p. fourth leg; s splanchnic part of meso-
derm; t invaginating trachea; y yolk entoderm. (Weygoldt 1964)

ing forward, and all postcheliceral ganglia merge into one large sub esophageal
mass. The brain develops from the cheliceral neuromere and from the anlagen
in front of these. As stated above, the anlagen early divide into two parts, each
of which contains a ganglionic cavity. During the elevation of the anterior body
region, the anterior-most part of the brain anlage, together with the anterior-
most pair of ganglionic cavities, is shifted upward and finally backward
(Fig. 3 B). Later it occupies the posterior-most part of the supra esophageal
ganglionic mass and gives rise to the developing central body.
26 P.Weygoldt

Fig. 3 A - C. The develop-

ment of the nervous system
in the pseudoscorpion, Psela-
phochernes scorpio ides, as seen
in diagrammatic parasagittal
sections (right) and front views
(left). gch chelicera! ganglion;
gPl first leg ganglion; gpd pedi-
pal pal ganglion; I and II the
two cavities of the developing
brain. (Weygoldt 1964)

3.2.2 Discussion
Now the question of the segmental composition of the pseudoscorpion fore-
head and its brain is open for speculation. There can be no doubt that the che-
liceral ganglionic rudiment represents a neuromere. The anlagen in front of it
may be interpreted in three ways. They could be the archicerebrum, that is the
ganglion (not neuromere) of the presegmental acron (homologous to the an-
nelid prostomium). The early appearance of two pairs of ganglionic cavities
may be an early subdivision of the archicerebrum for functional reasons. They
could also be the anlagen of two neuromeres, represented by the rudiments with
their ganglionic cavities; an archicerebrum would then not be present. Finally,
they may be interpreted as an archicerebrum and a neuromere of a prechelic-
eral segment, the first rudiment, with its cavity representing the archicerebrum,
and the second representing the neuromere of a precheliceral metamere.
Ontogeny of the Arachnid Central Nervous System 27

3.3 Amblypygids and Araneids

3.3.1 Segmental Ganglia

In these arachnids, the development of the CNS is more complex than in

pseudoscorpions. Each neuromere is formed by a number of invaginations
(Fig. 4A), not by a single pair of invaginations as in pseudoscorpions. Cells
rapidly divide and form small clusters which invaginate. They continue to pro-
liferate when the innermost cells are differentiating into neurons and growing
axons. Thus, sections through developing ganglia show proliferating cells at the
periphery of the neuromeres and growing axons which form commissures and
connectives at the interior side.

3.3.2 Brain

Brain development is even more complex (Lambert 1909, Pross 1966; Weygoldt
1975; Yoshikura 1955). At first, a pair of large cephalic lobes are formed in
front of the cheliceral segment (Fig. 5A - D). The lobes quickly thicken by di-
visions of many cells which form numerous invaginations of different sizes
(Fig. 4B). At the same time two crescent-shaped grooves appear on the anterior

Fig. 4. A Cross-section through a developing prosomal ganglion of the whip spider, Ta-
rantula marginemaculata. Arrow points to one of the numerous invaginations which develop
along with an increase of the number of neurons. The interior-most neurons grow dendritic
processes which form the neuropile. Bar=O.2 mm. B Cross-section through the brain anlagen
of an embryo of Tarantula marginemaculata. The brain is in the developmental stage shown in
Fig. 5B. Iv points to the initial stage of the formation of the lateral vesicles. Bar=OA mm.
(Weygoldt 1975)
28 P. Weygoldt

Fig. 5 A-D. The development of the brain of the whip spider, Tarantula marginemaculata,
drawn from whole mounts of the brain anlagen of four different stages. in A the brain anlagen
is only a pair of epithelial thickenings in front of the anlagen of the chelicerae. Broken lines
indicate the borders of the precheliceral and cheliceral coeloms. In B a hood is starting to over-
grow the thickenings. In C the hood is growing farther backward and the lateral vesicles are
separating from the interior brain cavities. D shows a later stage. The tissue surrounding the
interior brain cavities represents the anlagen of the central body, and the lateral vesicles will
form the optic masses of the lateral eyes. chc cheliceral coelom; h hood; ie interior brain cavity;
Iv lateral vesicle;pcoel precheliceral coelom. (Weygoldt 1975)

part of the lobes, and each groove is overgrown by a hood (Fig. 5 B, C; 6 B, C).
Soon afterward each groove divides into a large anterior and a smaller lateral
part. The lateral parts form the lateral vesicles, each of which is later split into
an anterior and a posterior part, i.e., the anlagen of the anterior and posterior
optic masses of the lateral eyes (Fig. 5 C, D). .
The median parts of the crescent-shaped grooves are separated from the ex-
terior when their hoods fuse with their bases. By this process the interior brain
cavities are formed. These and their surrounding cells soon move backward and
fuse medially thereby forming the rudiment of the central body (Fig.6B).

Fig. 6 A - C. Sections through advanced stages of the developing brain of the whip spider,
Tarantula marginemaculata. A The cross-section shows that even in this advanced stage there
are still many invaginations of different sizes (most of them seen in cross-section). Band C
Sagittal sections through the same stage. B is a more lateral section which clearly shows the
hood covering a large part of the brain rudiment and forming the exterior brain cavity which
is still in open connection with the exterior. The interior brain cavity is nearly obliterated and
forms the anlagen of the central body. C shows a more medial section with the developing cor-
pora pedunculata. ame anterior optic mass of the median eye; bs blood sinus; cb central body;
ep corpora pedunculata; ee exterior brain cavity; h hood; Iv lateral vesicle; pc precheliceral
coelom; pme posterior optic mass of the median eye; vs ventral sinus. Bar=O.1 mm. (Weygoldt
c .
Table 1. Composition of the mandibulate and chelicerate head as seen by many embryologists w

Mandibulata Chelicerata

Region Appendage Part of Brain Appendage Part of brain

Acron - Archicere brum - Archicerebrum

1st Segm. Prosocephalon Protocere brum Protocerebrum

(preantennulary Labrum? Prosocerebrum Labrum? Prosocerebrum

2nd Segm. Deutocephalon Antennules Deutocerebrum Lost Deutocerebrum

lost or fused
to above

3rd Segm. Tritocephalon Antennae Tritocerebrum Chelicera Cheliceral neuromere

4th Segm. Segm. of Mandibles Mandibular neuromere Pedipalpus Pedipalpal neuromere


5th Segm. Segm. of Maxillules Maxillulary neuromere 1st leg 1st leg neuromere

6th Segm. Segm. of Maxillae Maxillary neuromere 2nd leg 2nd leg neuromere
---_ .. _ - ----- -

Ontogeny of the Arachnid Central Nervous System 31

Thus, the central body which later occupies the posterior-most part of the brain
again develops from the anterior-most part of the cephalic lobes.
The hood continues to overgrow the brain anlagen and, when the rudiments
of the central body have separated from the remaining parts of the cephalic
lobes, it forms an anterior or exterior pair of brain cavities (Fig. 6B, C). From
their bases many small invaginations continue to thicken the brain anlage and
to increase the number of neurons. The further development of some of these
invaginations can easily be followed, e.g., of those giving rise to the optic mass-
es of the median eyes (Fig. 6A). The hood later forms the median eyes.

3.3.3 Discussion

Although there are differences between orders, development of the central ner-
vous system of other arachnids is similar to that described here for whip spiders
and spiders. The two pairs of cavities in the pseudoscorpion brain rudiment
are probably homologous to the interior and exterior brain cavities of other
arachnids. As is evident from many descriptions, brain development is rather
complicated in arachnids and there are no easily recognizable intersegmental
boundaries or delineations between possible neuromeres. Therefore, different
parts of the brain anlagen have been claimed by various authors to represent
neuromeres indicative of reduced segments. For example, Legendre (1979) as-
sumed that the lateral vesicles are vestigial appendages of a preantennulary seg-
ment, and Pross (1966) believes the same structures to represent the
deutocerebrum. As stated above, the lateral vesicles are the anlagen of the optic
masses of the lateral eyes. According to Siewing (1969), Pross (1966, 1977), and
Winter (1980), the brain of arachnids contains all the neuromeres supposed to
constitute the mandibulate brain (Table I). They suppose the preantennulary
ganglion or prosocerebrum to be represented by the central body (which, in
arachnids, develops from the anterior-most part of the embryonic brain an-
lagen, and which mayor may not be homologous to the central body of crus-
taceans and insects), the protocerebral bridge, and the accessory lobes. Their ar-
gument is that'in crustaceans and insects these structures develop in the region
hypothesized to represent the prosocerebrum (gl in Fig. 7B). This is arguing in
The question of the segmental composition of the arthropod forehead cannot
be answered by studies of the nervous system alone. There are preantennulary
coelomic cavities in many arthropods, clearly indicating reduced segments or a
segment tightly fused to the acron. Therefore, the search for a preantennulary
ganglion seems justified. None of the structures observed during brain devel-
opment in spiders and whip spiders and other arachnids, however, can be
homologized with segmental neuromeres with certainty. In particular the cen-
tral body is very unlikely to indicate the existence of a neuromere following the
archicerebrum, since it develops from the anterior-most part of the cephalic
lobes. This does not imply that the arachnid brain has evolved from the ar-
chi cerebrum alone. In fact, none of the various hypotheses on head devel-
opment and segmental composition of the arthropod and arachnid forehead
32 P. Weygoldt



Fig. 7 A, B. Comparison of the brain anlagen of an arachnid as exemplified by the whip
spider, Tarantula marginemaeulata (A), and a crustacean as exemplified by the shrimp,
Palaemonetes varians (B). The brain rudiment of the arachnid does not show a clear division
into lobes; there is one large protocerebral mass which, in most arachnids, develops from two
pairs of brain cavities. The lateral vesicles are not homologous to neuromeres but may be
homologous to the optic ganglia of the crustacean brain; they form the optic masses of the lat-
eral eyes. The brain anlagen of the crustacean is early divided into a number of lobes. The
largest of these are the optic lobes (go) . The protocerebrum is formed by these and by the
lobes g,. aa anterior aorta; deut deutocerebrum; g, protocerebrum; go optic ganglia; Iv lateral
vesicles; peoel in the arachnid: precheliceral coelom, in the crustacean: preantennulary coelom;
trit tritocerebrum. (Weygoldt 1975)

can be falsified with the available data. The idea that the arthropod brain is
composed of an archicerebrum, a prosocerebrum, a deutocerebrum, and the
tritocerebrum, and that all of these except the first one are homologous to seg-
mental neuromeres is probably correct. The attempts to homologize certain
parts of the arachnid brain to any of these neuromeres, however, are not con-
vincing. I prefer to consider the arachnid brain as composed of a protocere-
brum of unknown segmental composition and of the tritocerebrum. The deu-
tocerebrum has either been lost or is completely fused to the protocerebrum.
The brain development in mandibulates and chelicerates shows typical dif-
ferences (Fig. 7 A, B). The mandibulate, exemplified by a decaped crustacean
(Fig. 6B), develops large optic lobes and a small protocerebrum anlage (Fig. 7,
gl) which mayor may not contain a prosocerebrum and is followed by the
deutocerebrum. In the arachnid, exemplified by a whip spider, vision appears
relatively poorly developed and the homologa of the optic lobes are the small
lateral vesicles. The bulk of the brain rudiment may be homologous to the
small protocerebrum anlage of the mandibulate.
10hannson (1933), when studying the development of Limulus, found struc-
tures which he hypothesized to represent the antennal glomeruli of a reduced
deutocerebrum. It seems that what he saw were small ganglionic lobes of un-
known significance, but not glomeruli. The antennal glomeruli are association
centers processing the sensory inputs coming from the antennules. They are
Ontogeny of the Arachnid Central Nervous System 33

quite similar in insects and crustaceans. In some isopods which tend to reduce
the antennules, antennal glomeruli develop in the tritocerebrum, processing
sensory inputs from the antennae, and in whip spiders, similar glomeruli are
found in the ganglion of the first pair of legs which, in these animals, are highly
specialized sensory structures resembling antennae.

4 Postembryonic Development of the Spider eNS

At hatching, all ganglia and all neurons have been formed and the process of
concentration which leads to the fusion of all opisthosomatic ganglia with the
subesophageal ganglion is complete or nearly so. In spite of this, the eNS of a
freshly hatched spiderling or whip spider is quite different from that of an
adult spider (Babu 1975). In Argiope, at this early stage the eNS constitutes
more than 40% of the prosomal volume. The cell bodies of the neurons are of
nearly equal size and form a nearly uniform cortex surrounding the neuropile.
During postembryonic development the eNS continues to grow, although
this growth is negatively allmetric if compared to the volume ofthe prosoma. In
Argiope, the adult brain constitutes only 4% of the prosomal volume in the fe-
male and 10% in the male. Postembryonic growth of the eNS is due to the fol-
lowing processes (Babu 1975): (1) Increase of cell size in different types of
neurons. Some motor neurons increase by up to 600%. (2) Increase of the neuro-
pile mass by continuous growth of dendritic and axonic fibers. (a) Throughout
postembryonic development the complexity of the eNS increases by addition
of more and new connections among different parts of the neuropile, thus per-
mitting more complex behavior. (b) Motor fibers not only grow longer but also
thicken, in some motor neurons from a diameter of 1 J..lm in the first instar to a
maximum of 16 J..lm in adults. (c) Glial cells form neural lamellae surrounding
part of the eNS and also individual envelopes of nerve fibers. The number and
size of glial cells increase, as well as the thickness of the neural lamellae. (d)
The neuropile further increases by the addition of new afferent fibers from
sense organs differentiating during postembryonic development. Trichobothria,
slit sensilla, chemotactile hairs and other sensilla increase in number during
postembryonic growth. In Limulus the number of ommatidia of the compound
eyes also increases during development. In arachnids, most of the sensory input
comes from the pedipalps and legs; the subesophageal ganglionic mass there-
fore is its main recipient. The brain: only receives information coming from the
eyes and from the chelicerae.· The growing importance of the sensory inputs
from the pedipalps and legs is reflected by the relative growth of the brain and
subesophageal mass. In Argiope, the brain, during postembryonic development,
increases about lO-fold, the sub esophageal mass 36-fold.
The brain contains the most important association centers, such as the cor-
pora pedunculata and the central body. In particular, the corpora pedunculata
receive strong fiber bundles coming from the subesophageal sensory centers,
such as the glomeruli of the antenniform legs in whip spiders (Weygoldt 1975).
Both the corpora pedunculata and the central body receive fibers from all sen-
sory centers including those of the eyes, and they are connected with the motor
34 P. Weygoldt

centers of the sub esophageal mass (Babu 1965). Thus, although the subeso-
phageal ganglion is the major recipient of sensory input as well as the main
place of motor centers, the brain remains the most important association center
processing incoming information and controlling motor activities (see also
Babu, Chap. I, this Vol.).
There are, however, great differences in the morphology of the brain of vari-
ous arachnids (Meier 1967). Arachnids without eyes lack optic ganglia. Some
arachnids in which vision is of minor importance also lack corpora pedun-
culata, e.g., pseudoscorpions. In still others, like whip spiders, whip scorpions,
and opilionids, which also do not seem to largely depend on vision, corpora
pedunculata are well developed. In spiders, corpora pedunculata are well devel-
oped in fast-moving species, e.g., lycosids and thomisids, but missing in dys-
derids and web-building spiders like agelenids and argiopids. Postembryonic
brain development also varies in different spiders. In dysderids, for example,
motor neurons and motor centers are well-differentiated at hatching, whereas
the development of the association centers is delayed. As early as after the first
postembryonic molt (that is, the first molt after shedding of the chorion) the
spiderlings of these species start to move in the female tube web. In agelenids,
on the other hand, the spiderlings remain in the egg cocoon and the devel-
opment of motor centers is delayed. In Argiope, web-building starts in the late
second and early third instar. This behavior seems to be correlated with the
final differentiation of the central body (Babu 1975) which, in this species, is
the only but well-developed association center.

5 Conclusions

As is evident from the short outlines given, the study of the ontogeny of the
arachnid central nervous system is still in its infancy. This is partly due to the
fact that, because of their predatory habits, it is laborious to breed arachnids in
large numbers. Furthermore, the highly developed parental care of many
arachnids makes a continuous supply of eggs for experimental studies difficult.
There ,are unique characters in the development of the nervous system of
arachnids, not shared by insects and crustaceans. The formation of the
neuromeres, as well as the development of the gross morphology of the brain,
are different. During the development of the arachnid neuromeres, invagi-
nations are the most conspicuous processes. The same is true for the developing
brain, and no clearly demarcated lobes are apparent. The developing crus-
tacean and insect brain is early divided into a constant number of lobes which
invite speculations about their nature as neuromeres of fused segments. The
phylogenetic significance of these differences is still obscure.

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Ontogeny of the Arachnid Central Nervous System 37

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m The Stomatogastric Nervous System
and Neurosecretion

1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . 38
2 Comparison Among Arthropods 38
3 The Recent Arachnid Orders 40
3.1 Spiders. . . 40
3.2 Other Orders 44
4 Conclusion 47
References . . . 47

1 Introduction

The stomatogastric nervous system seems to be built according to the same pat-
tern in all the arachnids. The general scheme apparently even holds for all
arthropods. In all these cases the anterior sympathetic ganglia, in the mouth re-
gion, lose part of their nervous function to become endocrine organs similar to
the neurosecretory cells of the central nervous system, with which they are
closely related functionally.
In the following, the structure of the stomatogastric system is first compared
among the recent arthropods and then described in detail for the spiders, which
are the best-studied arachnid case. Finally, its anatomy in the other arachnid
orders will be surveyed.

2 Comparison Among Arthropods

The nervous system of all annelids and arthropods (Annulata) is basically com-
posed of five primitive nerve trunks: two double nerve trunks and a single
trunk, the origin of which can be traced to the nervous system of archaic Tur-
bellaria (Chaudonneret 1978).
In the Arthropoda we have theoretically the following nerve trunks:
a) The main double nerve cord with paired segmental ganglia which forms the
central nervous system. It folds upon itself during ontogeny, and many
Laboratoire de Zoologie, Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc (Montpellier 11),
Place E. Bataillon, F-34060 Montpellier, France
Stomatogastric Nervous System and Neurosecretion 39

neuromeres fuse, especially in the anterior part. The degree of flexion and fu-
sion differs between the different classes and corresponds to evolutionary steps
which are not completely analyzed as yet.
b) A lateral double nerve cord running along the central nervous system. This
nerve cord may be very small or split into several fine branches; it is par-
ticularly visible in the head region. The most anterior of its ganglia may fuse
with the brain or remain independent. In general they lose their nervous func-
tion and become neuroendocrine organs; their evolution differs from taxon to
c) A dorsal single nerve trunk running along the anterior part of the digestive
tract. This unpaired structure is very small and may be absorbed by the other
parts of the nervous system. It can disappear in some taxa. Its function is purely
nervous: innervation of the stomodeal part of the digestive tract.
In arachnids the lateral paired cord is present in many orders like spiders,
pseudoscorpions and whipspiders (Amblypygi), and the anterior ganglia lose
their nervous function by different degrees to become neuroendocrine organs
with secondary connections to the hind part of the brain. The unpaired nerve
cord is present in all classes: it consists of the stomodeal bridge, rostral nerve,
and recurrent nerve, which innervate the muscles of the pharynx, rostrum, and
esophagus, respectively. An autonomous sympathetic heart system as known in
many other arthropods (Bullock and Horridge 1965) can also be seen in some
arachnids like scorpions and spiders (see Sherman Chap. XVI, this Vol.). The
particularities of arachnids become clearer by a comparison with other arthro-
In the insects the anterior ganglia of the paired lateral cord fuse to form the corpora car-
diaca. In the Apterygota each part of the corpus cardiacum has a nervous connection with the
corresponding neuromere of the central nervous system. The underlying embryogenetic pro-
cesses are very complex, due to morphogenetic acceleration and deceleration. The lateral
ganglia of the mandibulary and maxillary metamere give rise to the corpora allata. In the
more advanced insects, the corpora allata are no longer connected to the corresponding neuro-
mere, but there is a secondary connection to the brain through the corpora cardiaca. It is pos-
sible that the following lateral ganglia (labial and mesothoracic) form the molting gland,
whereas the others may contribute to the formation of the lateral peri sympathetic organs.
In myriapods the anterior ganglia of the lateral paired cord form two neuroendocrine or-
gans: the paraesophageal gland and the cerebral gland (Gabe's organ). The initial nervous
connection with the corresponding neuromeres disappears and Gabe's organ makes a new sec-
ondary connection with the protocerebrum. It is not possible at this time to say what happens
with the rest of the lateral cord.
In crustaceans the fundamental organization persists but can be much modified in each
taxon. In the Decapoda, the sinus gland, the "deutocerebral" organ, the lateral organ, and the
Y-organ may belong to the lateral paired cord.
Neurosecretory cells are present in practically all Invertebrata (Gabe 1966),
including arachnids, of which the spiders are the best-studied group (Gabe
1954a; Legendre 1954a). The neurosecretory material moves along the axon to
a storage organ, near to or far from the site of its production (paraganglionic
plates, neurohemal organs). The neurosecretory material can, during its mi-
gration, transit through a retrocerebral endocrine organ where new secretions
will be added before the combined material is kept in a storage organ until re-
leased into the hemolymph (Juberthie 1983). The activity of the neurosecretory
40 R.Legendre

cells is a cyclic one and known to be involved in different physiological func-

tions. Some authors had thought that the activity of the neurosecretory cells of
arachnids was linked to the elaboration of the new cuticle during the molt cycle
(review by Gabe 1966), but new observations establish that the elaboration of
the products of neurosecretion coincides with the activity of the gonads in both
sexes (in spiders, Araneae: Gabe 1955, Kuhne 1959, Legendre 1959, 1971,
Streble 1966, Sadana 1975; in harvestmen, Opiliones: Juberthie 1964; in ixodid
ticks, Acari: Eichenberger 1970). During the hibernation of adult spiders of the
genus Tegenaria, the cerebral groups of neurosecretory cells show no activity
(Kuhne 1959). During a long fasting period in adult spiders of the genus Coe/o-
tes, the activity of the cerebral neurosecretory cells is not disturbed (Streble
1966). It is now clear that the neurosecretion of the central nervous system of
arachnids has no direct implication in the molt cycle, but an indirect one (Bo-
naric 1980).

3 The Recent Arachnid Orders

3.1 Spiders

Anatomy. The anatomy of the stomatogastric nervous system is well known in

spiders. Schneider (1892) described a pair of sympathetic ganglia behind the
brain. Their endocrine functions were demonstrated by Legendre (1953,
1954 b). He also named them Schneider's organs I, together with a pair of
ganglia situated behind the first organs, near the sucking stomach, called
Schneider's organs II. This neuroendocrine retrocerebral system was found in
many species of spiders. Kuhne (1959), discovered the "Tropfenkomplex" be-
hind and connected with the first organ of Schneider. This is a third organ filled
with secretory products. Other authors (Streble 1966; Babu 1973) showed that
the Tropfenkomplex is a storage organ and connected to the first organ of
This neurohemal organ has no own secretion but it stores (1) the cerebral
neurosecretion (after transit through the first organ of Schneider), (2) the se-
cretion of Schneider's organ I itself and (3) the products of neurosecretion of
the subesophageal nerve mass, which are collected in the subesophageal para-
ganglionic plates. The latter partly follow the segmentary dorsal nerves through
the endosternite to reach the neurohemal organ independently (Babu 1973; Bo-
naric 1980; Bonaric et al. 1980). Some species of spiders (Meta menardi,
Araneus quadratus, A. cornutus, Argiope bruennichi) have no neurohemal organ
(Tropfenkomplex) and the neurosecretions of the brain and the secretion of the
first organ of Schneider itself are stored in the lateral part of Schneider's organ
I (Streble 1966). A recent study (Bonaric and Juberthie 1983) describes the ul-
trastructure of this neuroendocrine complex.
The single stomatogastric nerve trunk is formed by the rostral nerve, in front
of the brain, a recurrent nerve running on the dorsal part of the esophagus, and
sometimes a supra-esophageal ganglion. The stomodeal bridge also belongs to
this system, but is secondarily incorporated in the cheliceral ganglion
Stomatogastric Nervous System and Neurosecretion 41



Fig. 1. Retrocerebral neuroendocrine complex and neurohemal formations in the spider Pi-
saw'a mirabilis CI. (After Bonaric et al. 1980) A.c. Aorta cephalica; A.p. Aorta perigastrica;
Cns.ab protocerebral neurosecretory cells; Cns. I ch tritocerebral neurosecretory cells; End en-
dostemite; Gs supra esophageal ganglion; M.NS.O. subesophageal nerve mass; Nab abdomi-
nal nerve; cheliceral nerve; Ni interganglionic nerve; Np1, p2, p3, p4 nerves of the walk-
ing legs; Np principal nerve of the first organ of Schneider; Npd nerve of the pedipalp; Nph
pharyngeal nerve; Nap optical nerve; Nr recurrent nerve; 0 esophagus; O.Nh neurohemal
organ (Tropfenkomplex); O.Sch 1, O.Sch 2 first and second organ of Schneider; P.P.G. para-
ganglionic plate; PROTOCER. protocerebrum; T.D. digestive tract; TR ITO CER. trito-
cerebrum (axillary ganglia and lateral nerve not represented)

(Legendre 1956). A prolongation of the paired sympathetic nervous system was

described in sOl1).e spiders (Legendre 1959): the axillary ganglia with the lateral
nerves, which are localized between the neuromere of the appendage and the
segmental nerve. The axillary ganglia are connected through the lateral nerve,
which enters the brain in the posterior part of the cheliceral ganglion. The func-
tion of this complex (observed in Dolomedes jimbriatus) is unknown. The
paired sympathetic nervous system is interpreted as being formed by the axil-
lary ganglia and Schneider's organ I and perhaps partially by Schneider's organ
II as well.
Embryologically, the first organ of Schneider develops from an epiblastic
zone between the metamere of the rostrum and the metamere of the chelicera,
whereas the second organ of Schneider appears as an evagination of the eso-
phagus (Legendre 1959). The connection with the brain is realized through the
principal nerve. The roots of this nerve are tritocerebral. A second nerve, the ac-
cessory nerve, is protocerebral, but its existence is still partly hypothetical. An
interganglionic nerve runs from the first to the second organ; it is a prolongation
of the principal nerve. The second organ is directly innervated through the
42 R.Legendre

pharyngeal nerve which runs along the lateral side of the sucking stomach. The
roots of this nerve are in the tritocerebrum and the stomodeal bridge. Nerve
ramifications leave the second organ and innervate the mid-gut.
The first organ of Schneider lies behind the brain near the endosternite, but
its position varies in detail in different families of spiders. Typically, this organ
contains both glandular cells and neurons. In Mygalomorphae all transitions be-
tween pure secretory function and pure nervous function are known (Legendre
1958; Streble 1966; Yoshikura and Takano 1972).
In each genus and each family, the gross anatomy of this sympathetic
neuroendocrine complex is subject to variations. In Polybetes (Clubionidae),
the first organ of Schneider includes two groups of secretory cells separated by
a constriction (Serna de Esteban 1973); in Latrodectus mirabilis (Theridiidae) a
second neurohemal organ behind the second organ of Schneider has been de-
scribed (Serna de Esteban 1981).
Ultrastructural study (Fig. 2) shows that the neurosecretory cells in
Schneider's organs have the same structure as that found in the neurosecretory
cells in the central nervous system (Bonaric and luberthie 1983). The
neurosecretory cells of the brain lie in the protocerebrum (two groups), in the
tritocerebrum (one group) and in each ganglion (pedipalps and four pairs of
walking legs and cauda equina) of the subesophageal nerve mass (for a recent
survey, see luberthie 1983).
Recently, Bonaric (1980) discovered another storage organ in spiders, the
paraganglionic plates: they lie in dorsal and dorsolateral parts of the subeso-
phageal nerve mass and in the posterior part of the brain. They specifically col-
lect the neurosecretory material from the sub esophageal ganglia. Four pairs of
metameric nerves run from the sub esophageal paraganglionic plates through
the neurilemma and the endosternite to the prosomatic neurohemal organ. The
products of neurosecretion (neurosecretion of the brain and neurosecretion of
the first organ of Schneider and neurosecretion of the subesophageal nerve
mass) are stored in this prosomatic neurohemal organ and released from it into
the blood sinus through exocytosis (Bonaric et al. 1980).

Physiology. The physiological aspects of the stomatogastric nervous system

were comprehensively treated by Bonaric (1980, 1981), who demonstrated ex-
perimentally the presence and the role of ecdysteroids in the molt cycle and the
diapause. Several organs are involved in the molt cycle and winter diapause:
the neurosecretory cells of the central nervous system, the neurosecretory cells
of the first organ of Schneider and the molting gland. This molting gland was
originally described as "endocrine tissue" by Millot (1930). Legendre (1959)
suspected an endocrine role of this tissue during molting, but the experimental

Fig. 2a, b. Ultrastructure of the neuroendocrine complex in Pisaura mirabilis d. (from Bonaric
1980). a A secretory cell of the first organ of Schneider. G Golgi apparatus; Gs granular se-
cretion; m mitochondria; N nucleus; Pc (egJ) portion of glial cell; Reg reticulum (scale I/!m).
b Penetration of the principal nerve (Npp) into the prosomatic neurohemal organ (ONh) which
is filled with neurosecretory granules. Al axon terminal; Ln neural lamella; Sh hemolymphatic
sinus (scale I /!m)
Stomatogastric Nervous System and Neurosecretion 43

44 R.Legendre

attempts of Streble (1966) have not confirmed this conjecture. This organ is
generally formed by cells localized in the hemolymph sinus in front of the brain
and of the pedipalp ganglion, near the rostrum. It shows no innervation. In Pi-
saura mirabilis (Pisauridae), it is made up oflateral symmetric islets in a meta-
meric arrangement at both sides of the ventral nervous mass and by a hind
"ring" of endocrine cells which surrounds the cauda equina. The ultrastructure
of the glandular cells shows the characteristics of a steroidogenous tissue and
the periodical secretion of this gland can be related with the molt cycle (Bo-
naric and Juberthie 1980). The precise dosing of endogenous ecdysteroids
shows a peak at the last third of the molt cycle, which is accompanied by an
activation of the epidermis cells. During ecdysis, the rate of hormone secretion
is low. After ecdysis, a brief increase of the rate goes along with the formation
of the endocuticle. Introduction of exogenous ecdysteroids induces per-
turbations of the molt cycle.
In the nymphs of Pisaura mirabilis, the neurosecretory cells of the pro-
tocerebrum are active during the first half of the molt cycle. At the same time,
many mitoses occur in the cells of the molting gland. During the second half of
the molt cycle, the neurosecretory cells of the first organ of Schneider are ac-
tive, and the endocrine cells of the molting gland show great secretory activity.
A correspondingly high amount of ecdysteroids is found in the hemolymph.
During the winter diapause, the spider nymph does not molt, its weight re-
mains stable, its respiratory metabolism is low and the secretory activity of the
neurosecretory cells is low both in the central nervous system and in the organs
of Schneider. The products of neurosecretion are accumulated in the proso-
matic neurohemal organ and in the paraganglionic plates.

3.2 Other Orders

Ricinulei. No data have been published except for a short mention of the exis-
tence of a paraganglionic plate in a neotropical species (Juberthie 1983).
Solffugae, windscorpions. Anatomical studies in Othoes saharae (Junqua
1966) show that the paired stomatogastric nervous system is absent. In Eremo-
bates, the unpaired stomatogastric nervous system is formed by a rostral nerve
and a recurrent nerve (Henry 1954). Three groups of neurosecretory cells are
present in the brain periphery. The axons of these cells carry products of
neurosecretion to the paraganglionic plate which is localized in the typical
arachnid position. They are active during the intermolt cycle in Othoes saharae.
Neurosecretory cells of the subesophageal nerve mass are active during the
nonfeeding period.
Uropygi, whipscorpions. One median nerve with a paired root runs forward
(rostral nerve) and another backward (recurrent nerve) from the base of the
brain, in Mastigoproctus sp. (Henry 1954). The presence of a paired sympath-
etic system is probable.
Palpigrada, microwhipscorpions. Little is known about the stomatogastric
nervous system of the Palpigradi. Three groups of neurosecretory cells are pres-
ent in the brain of Eukoenenia austriaca, and a metameric group exists in each
Stomatogastric Nervous System and Neurosecretion 45

ganglion of the ventral nerve mass. Products of neurosecretion have been seen
in the neuropil of the brain and of the ventral ganglia, but nothing is known
about the destination of these products (Juberthie and Juberthie-Jupeau 1963).
Seorpionidae, scorpions. They have been relatively well investigated and
their stomatogastric system was first mentioned by Patten in 1890. Police (1903)
described one pair of sympathetic ganglia situated behind the syncerebrum in
EuseOlpius italieus. These ganglia, also called "ganglia of Police", have a direct
nervous connection with the hind part of the brain. Gabe (1955) reported the
presence of neurosecretory cells in the brain of Euseorpius italieus, E. car-
pathieus and Buthus oeeitanus, where he also observed the pathways of the
neurosecretory product to the ganglion of Police.
Following these descriptions, other authors have studied the scorpions
(Habibulla 1961, 1971; Gabe 1966; Streble 1966; Kwartinikow 1980).
Neurosecretory cells are found in groups in the protocerebrum and the tri-
tocerebrum. Still other groups are metamerically arranged in the subesophageal
nerve mass. A rostral nerve, in front of the brain, and a recurrent nerve behind
it (in Uroetonus) are the rest of the dorsal single nerve trunk (Henry 1949). The
lateral double nerve cord is well represented: a first pair of nerves (lateral
nerves of Police) run from the hind part of the brain to the ganglia of Police
(equivalent to the first organ of Schneider of the spiders); a second pair of
nerves (intestinal nerves of Police) run backward along the lateral part of the
digestive tract and show one or two ganglia corresponding to the second organs
of Schneider in spiders.
All these ganglia contain secretory products, which have the same tinctorial
affinities as the neurosecretory cells of the brain. They can be considered as
neurohemal storage organs. Electron microscopy shows that the ganglia of Po-
lice have a neurohemal part with its own secretory products and its own
secretory cells (Stockmann, personal communication).
According to Police (1903) a pair of cardiac nerves leaves the hind part of
the brain, and, after fusion, forms a single epicardial nerve on the dorsal wall of
the heart.
Amblypygi, <whipspiders. They have neurosecretory cells in the ventral cor-
tex of the subesophageal ganglion. In Tarantula marginemaculata the product of
these cells is stored in the dorsal part of the neuropil (neurohemal organ) (Wey-
goldt 1975). In Phrynus whitei, the neurosecretion of the brain is localized in a
retrocerebral paraganglionic plate, located at the junction of the syncerebrum
and the subesophageal ganglion in the hind part of the brain. The single sym-
pathetic tract is formed by the stomodeal bridge, with subesophageal com-
missures (Babu 1965). In front of the stomodeal bridge lies a small frontal (ros-
tral) ganglion. The rostral nerve has a paired root.
The paired sympathetic system is well developed. A pair of pharyngeal
nerves runs backward along the esophagus and into two small intestinal
ganglia, which are secretory (this formation seems to correspond to the second
organ of Schneider of spiders). Behind the brain lies one pair of retrocerebral
glands connected with the brain through a tritocerebral nerve. These glands
make contact with a typical neurohemal organ, which stores their secretion. On
the other part, they are connected to other small sympathetic nerves which in-
46 R.Legendre

nervate the musculature of the foregut. At the origin of each appendicular

nerve from the ventral ganglia, there are one, two, or three small ganglia. These
ganglia are not strictly metameric, and not interconnected through a "lateral
nerve" (Heurtault 1978). Their fibers innervate the muscles of the appendage.
PseudoscOlpiones, pseudoscorpions. Initially described by Gabe (1955) in
Garypus beauvoisi and Chelifer cancroides, neurosecretory cells in the central
nervous system have been found by other authors in other species (Heurtault
1969, 1973; Boissin and Cazal 1969). These cells are localized in the cellular
cortex of the brain near the central body, and are active during the egg-laying
period (Heurtault 1971). The neurosecretory pathway runs to the paragangli-
onic plates at the posterior side of the brain and above the anterior part of the
sub esophageal nerve mass (Juberthie and Heurtault 1975). Neurosecretory cells
are also present in the subesophageal nerve mass.
The sympathetic stomatogastric nervous system has been well studied in
Neobisium caporiaccoi (Heurtault 1973). The single nerve cord runs about the
stomodeum and gives off the rostral nerve forward and a recurrent nerve back-
ward; these serve the pharyngeal and oesophageal musculature respectively. A
paired sympathetic nerve trunk with small ganglia near the ambulatory nerves
2, 3, and 4 was also found. Behind the brain and lateral to the subesophageal
nervous mass there are two retrocerebral glands called Gland G2. The gland
G I has a nervous sympathetic structure. The second gland (G2) mostly contains
glandular cells and receives innervation from gland G I. The nerve ramifations
issued from the glands Gland G2 run to the musculature of the midgut.
Opiliones, harvestmen. The anatomy and the histology of the nervous sys-
tem of the harvestmen have been well studied. In the protocerebral part of the
brain, Gabe (1954b, 1955, 1966), Herlant-Meewis and Naisse (1957), Naisse
(1959), Juberthie (1964, 1965) and Streble (1966) have described a neurosecre-
tory system (eight groups of cells) which is connected to a neurohemal organ
(paraganglionic plate) in the typical arachnid position behind the brain.
Neurosecretory cells were also described in the sub esophageal nerve mass
(Juberthie 1964) and studied with the electron microscope (Juberthie and
Juberthie-Jupeau 1974). The paired sympathetic system is formed by the eso-
phageal nerves which originate from the rostral region of the brain, run back-
ward along the esophagus and finally enter the esophageal ganglia. Each of
these ganglia consists of few neurons and four or five glandular cells embedded
in glial cells. According to their ultrastructure, they are homologous to the sec-
ond organ of Schneider of spiders (Juberthie and Bonaric 1980).
Acari, mites. In the world of the mites and ticks only two taxa have been
well investigated for neurosecretion and the sympathetic nervous system: the
ixodids and the argasids. Gabe (1955) first discovered the neurosecretory cells
and the paraganglionic plates. More recent investigators (Obenchain 1974;
Gabbay and Warburg 1977) recognize as many as 10 to 18 neurosecretory cen-
ters in the condensed nervous system of the tick, with 13 distinct neurosecretory
cell types (according to their staining and cytological properties): this is the
highest number of neurosecretory cell types described in arachnids.
The neurosecretory product is stored in the paraganglionic plates localized
at the posterior part of the brain and the dorsal part of the subesophageal ner-
Stomatogastric Nervous System and Neurosecretion 47

vous mass, close to the esophagus. From here the material is released into the
blood sinus through the neural lamella.
Laterosegmental organs of neural nature and similar to the axillary ganglia
of spiders lie in the hemocoel between the pedal nerve trunks and along the
sympathetic lateral nerves. The retrocerebral organ complex described by Oben-
chain and Oliver (1975) in Dermacentor variabilis may be part of this lateral paired
sympathetic system; it consists of two pairs of organs, closely related with each
other, on either side of the esophagus. On each side, the organs fuse to form a
compound organ with (1) latero-ventral lobes and (2) a dorsal lobe. (1) The
latero-ventrallobes are ganglia and consist of few unipolar neurons embedded
in a glial matrix. (2) The dorsal lobe consists of two fused ganglia supplied by a
pair of nerves running on each side of the esophagus. The origin of this paired
nerve lies in the cheliceral ganglion and the rostral ganglion. The dorsal lobe is
also supplied by a paired accessory nerve originating from the protocerebrum.
The compound nerve (rostrocheliceral and protocerebral) passes through the
dorsal lobe and enters the lateroventral lobe. It terminates in front of the mid-
gut in a proventricular plexus, which can be regarded as a neurohemal organ.
In Hydrachna and Thrombidium, Streble (1966) described two protocerebral
nerves running backward along the esophagus to enter a ganglionic mass near
the brain. Wright (1969) in Dermacentor albipictus and Sannasi and
Subramoniam (1972) in Rhipicephalus sanguineus have shown that applications
of ecdysteroids induce an interruption of larval diapause.

4 Conclusion

The morphological variations of the basic plan of the stomatogastric nervous

system found in different orders of arachnids are an expression of evolutionary
trends. These, however, cannot be outlined at the present state of our knowl-
edge. The sample of species - out of more than 50,000 arachnids recently -
studied anatomically, histologically, and physiologically is as yet too small to
permit definitive statements.
Acknowledgments: I wish to express my particular thanks to my friend and colleague Dr. Ch.
Dondale (Ottawa) who kindly read and criticized the manuscript. I thank Dr. 1. C. Bonaric for
his help during the preparation of this chapter.

Publications with important bibliographies are marked with an asterisk.
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B Structure and Function of Sensory Systems
IV The Morphology and Optics of Spider Eyes

I Introduction. . . . . . . . . . 53
2 Morphology of the Eyes . . . . 54
2.1 Principal and Secondary Eyes 54
2.2 Layout and Fields of View of the Eyes 57
3 Basic Optics of Simple Eyes 60
3.1 Resolution. . . . 60
3.2 Focal Length . . 61
3.3 Ophthalmoscopy . 63
3.4 Sensitivity. . . . 65
4 The Optical Performance of Spider Eyes 66
4.1 Resolution. . . . . . . . . 66
4.2 Sensitivity. . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.3 The Tiered Retina in Salticids 72
4.4 Eye Movements in Salticids . . . . . 74
4.5 Colour and Polarization Detection Outside the Salticidae 75
5 Conclusions. 76
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

1 Introduction

The modem arachnids are the only group of arthropods in which the main or-
gans of sight are camera-type eyes, not unlike our own, rather than compound
eyes. The copepod crustaceans also lack compound eyes, but their nauplius eyes
are rarely more than a trio of simple eye-cups, with a handful of receptors each.
By contrast, spider eyes at their best have retinae with 103 to 104 receptors, and
in the salticid Portia the inter-receptor angles may be as small as 2.4 min of arc
(Williams and McIntyre 1980), which is only six times greater than in man
(cone spacing 0.42 min), and is six times smaller than in the most acute insect
eye (the dragonfly Aeschna, minimum inter-ommatidial angle 14.4 min; Sherk
1978). Thus, in some spiders, but by no means· all, vision is excellent, and ri-
valled amongst invertebrates only by the cephalopod molluscs.
The probable ancestors of the spiders, relatives of the xiphosurans like
Limulus and the extinct eurypterids, had both simple and compound eyes. Re-

School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton BNI 9QG, Great Britain
54 M.F.Land

cent opinions about the origins of the eight eyes of most spiders suggests that
one pair, the principal eyes, is derived from the ancestral pair of simple eyes,
and that the other three pairs (the secondary eyes) came from the splitting up of
the ancestral compound eyes (Paulus 1979). In the scorpions, the secondary eyes
do seem to have a relic of the ommatidial form of the compound eye, in that
the retina contains star-shaped rhabdoms reminiscent of those of Limulus
(Scheuring 1913). Whatever the initial reasons for the ancestors of spiders
abandoning compound eyes in favour of camera-type eyes, it was a fortunate
development. Compound eye resolution is limited by diffraction at each small
facet, whereas the single large lens of a simple eye does not restrict resolution in
this way. The acuity of a jumping spider eye would be unattainable by a com-
pound eye of a size which would fit onto a spider's head (Kirschfeld 1976). The
camera-type eye is basically the better optical design.
Although good anatomical descriptions of spider eyes have been available
for over a century (Grenacher 1879), the spiders remain a neglected group. Of
the earlier anatomical papers, those of Scheuring (1914) and Widmann (1908)
are important, and more recently there has been the excellent review by Ho-
mann (1971), which deals in detail with the diversity of spider eyes, and is
largely based on his own earlier studies (Homann 1951, 1952). Information
about the optics of spider eyes is much more scarce. We know a great deal
about the optics of jumping spider eyes (Homann 1928; Land 1969a; Williams
and McIntyre 1980), and a little about lycosids (Homann 1931), thomisids (Ho-
mann 1934), pisaurids (Williams 1979) and dinopids (Blest and Land 1977).
These, however, are to a large extent visual hunters, and the majority of spiders
are web-builders whose principal senses are mechanoreceptive. They have eyes,
but of a type which is not similar optically to those of the hunters, and which
has yet to be properly studied.
Partly because of this lack of basic information I shall spend part of this
chapter outlining methods appropriate to the study of spiders' eyes, in the hope
that others may take up the subject. There is more at this stage to learn than
there is to review.

2 Morphology of the Eyes

2.1 Principal and Secondary Eyes

Most spiders have eight eyes, arranged roughly in two rows (Fig. I a). The first
row contains the antero-median (AM) and antero-lateral (AL) eyes, and the
second the postero-median (PM) and the postero-lateral (PL) eyes. The exact
positions and sizes of the eyes vary greatly from family to family, and are im-
p011ant taxonomic guides. One pair, always the antero-medians, is different
from the others. They are usually referred to as the principal eyes, although this
does not necessarily indicate their size or importance (in the lycosids, for
example, the postero-lateral and postero-median eyes are much larger than the
antero-medians). The principal eyes differ from the remaining secondary eyes
(Nebenaugen) in four ways. (1) The principal eyes develop from a thickening
Morphology and Optics of Spider Eyes 55

a b

100 IJm
Fig. 1. a Layout of the eight eyes on the prosoma of the house spider Tegenaria (Agelenidae).
(After Bristowe 1958). b Principal (AM) and secondary (AL) eyes of Tegenaria, from two fig-
ures of Widmann (1908). Note that the rhabdoms (dark region of the receptors) are distal to
the nuclei in the principal eye and proximal to them in the secondary eye. o.n optic nerve;
r receptors; tap tapetum; v. c vitreous cells

of the prosoma which folds over to produce three layers, and invaginates from
below; the secondary eyes are formed from a simple invagination of the surface
(Homann 1971). (2) The nuclei of the receptors in the principal eyes lie in the
centre of the cell, with the rhabdoms distal to them; in the secondary eyes the
nuclei lie distal to the rhabdoms (Fig. I b). (3) The principal eyes lack a
tapetum, a reflecting layer behind the receptors which is usually present in the
other eyes. (4) The principal eyes are moveable. The retina, but not the lens,
can be moved by a set of muscles varying in number from one to six. The
retinae of the secondary eyes are always immobile. In some families
(Dysderidae, Sicariidae and Oonopidae) there are only six eyes, and in these it
is the principal eyes that are missing.
The secondary eyes usually have a tapetum. This consists of several layers of
thin (0.1 !-lm) crystals, probably of guanine, which act as a colour-selective in-
terference reflector (Land 1972a). The tapetum usually reflects green light best.
Its function is probably the same as vertebrate tapeta, at least in hunting spi-
ders, that is to reflect light back through the receptors, giving them a second
opportunity to absorb photons. Homann (1971) distinguishes three types of sec-
ondary eye on the basis of tapetal morphology, although by no means all sec-
ondary eyes fit this classification (Table I). The simplest kind of tapetum - the
"primitive type" - is simply a reflecting sheet with holes in it where the axons
of the receptors penetrate. This is found in the Mesothelae, Orthognatha and
Haplogynae and does seem to be the ancestral form of the tapetum. The com-
monest kind of tapetum is the "canoe-shaped" type. This consists of two lateral
walls which enclose the rhabdomeric regions of the receptors. At the base of the
canoe, where its keel should be, there is a slit through which the axons of the
receptors leave the eye. In all the eyes of this type that I have been able to
examine, it appears that the lens forms an image well below the retina and ta-
petum. This implies that if the retina is to receive a focused image of any kind,
56 M.F.Land

Fig. 2 a-c. "Grate" - (a, c) and "canoe" - (b, d) type tapeta. Left sides of a, b show a surface
view of the retinae, cut off at the level of the rhabdoms. Right sides show transverse sections.
Arrows indicate the plane of symmetry of the eyes. band d show the two types of tapeta on
their own before development is complete; arrows indicate the direction in which development
proceeds. The diagram in b is a section at right angles to that of the section of the secondary
eye of Tegenaria in Fig. I b. hI' basal segments of receptors, h hypodermis, Liens, pn pigment
cell nuclei, rh rhabdoms, rhr rhabdom rows, rn receptor nuclei, sf slits in the tapetum, t ta-
petum, v vitreous cells. (Compiled and modified from figures in Homann 1951, 1971)

the tapetum must be acting as a concave focusing mirror in conjunction with

the lens; I shall return to this point later. Canoe-shaped tapeta are found in the
eyes of most spider families except the hunting spiders. The third kind of ta-
petum - the "grate" type - has the reflecting material arranged in strips which
resemble the grill of an oven. The rhabdomeric portion of each receptor sits on
the tapetal strip as though on a chair, with the axon bending round and under
the strip before leaving the eye (Baccetti and Bedini 1964). Grate-type tapeta
are found in the hunting spiders (Lycosidae and related families) and in a
modified form in crab spiders (Thomisidae). In hunting spiders the receptors
and tapetum lie at the focus of the lens. The canoe and grate tapetal types are
shown in Fig. 2.
It is likely that the principal and secondary eyes have different roles in the
spider's behaviour, but this is only known with certainty in the case of jumping
spiders (see also Forster, Chapt. XIII, this Vol.). In that family the lateral eyes
detect movement, and initiate leg movements which turn the animal to face
the source of the movement (Land 1971; Duelli 1978). From that point the
principal eyes take over, and in particular they identify the nature of the stimu-
lus as potential prey or a potential mate (Homann 1928; Drees 1952). During
this identification period the retinae of the principal eyes move in a complicat-
ed scanning pattern (Land 1969 b), which seems to be a search procedure con-
Morphology and Optics of Spider Eyes 57

Table 1. Secondary eye types in different families of spiders (Homann 1971)

1. Tapetum of the primitive type

Mesothelae, Orthognatha, Haplogynae, Pholcidae, Urocteidae, Filistatidae
2. Eyes with canoe-shaped tapetum
Zodariidae, Palpimanidae, Theridiidae, Hadrotarsidae, Nesticidae, many Linyphiidae,
Micryphantidae, many Araneidae, Symphytogn~thidae, Mimetidae, Textricellidae,
Agelenidae, Argyronetidae, Prodidomidae, Gnaphosidae, Platoridae, Ammoxenidae,
Homalonychidae, Cithaeronidae, Clubionidae, Amaurobiidae (Zorocrates), Tengellidae
3. Eyes with grate-shaped tapetum
Lycosidae, Oxyopidae, Senoculidae, Zoropsidae; Thomisidae"
4. Other types
No tapetum in: Philodromidae, Salticidae, Lyssomanidae, U1oboridae, Dinopidae,
Eresidae, Tetragnathidae (Tetragnatha)
Eyes with a simple tapetum but an advanced eye structure: Sparassidae (= Heteropodidae),
Different types of tapetum in different eyes: some Araneidae, Tetragnathidae (Pachy-
gnatha), Oecobiidae, Toxopidae, Hersiliidae, Psechridae, Acanthoctenidae
Urocteidae have eyes between the primitive and canoe-shaped types; Hypochilidae have a
thick tapetum but no lens

aHomann regards the Thomisidae as having an eye structure similar to that of the Lycosidae,
but not closely related to the other families with grate-shaped tapeta, which he believes are

cerned with the detection of legs or leg-like contours in the stimulus. No other
spiders turn to face moving objects in the same way as jumping spiders, so it is
not clear whether this division of behaviour applies in other families. It would
seem likely, though, that the fixed secondary eyes will generally be concerned
with the detection of motion relative to the spider, and the movable principal
eyes with the examination of objects which do not necessarily move themselves.

2.2 Layout and Fields of View of the Eyes

The sketch of Tegenaria in Fig. 1 a shows the typical double row of eyes found
in most spider families. With the exception of some of the visual hunters, the
eyes are usually of similar size, with the principal eyes slightly smaller than the
others. Where the eyes are used in hunting, however, specialization often oc-
curs, and interestingly it is not always the same pair or pairs of eyes that are
enlarged - and by a fairly safe inference more important. In the Salticidae the
principal (AM) eyes are by far the largest, and the PM eyes are vestigial in most
species. In the Lycosidae, in contrast, the PM and PL eyes are enlarged, and in
the nocturnal hunter Dinopis (Dinopidae) the PM eyes are enormous (Fig. 9).
In the crab spiders (Thomisidae) the AL eyes are somewhat larger than the rest.
This specialization is reflected to some extent in the fields of view of the
eyes, some of which are shown in Fig. 4. Before discussing them, however, I
58 M.F.Land

a Fig. 3 a-c. Sketch of ap-

paratus used to map out
fields of view of spiders (a),
and optical diagram (b).
L collimated light source;
M half-silvered mirror;
T small telescope. c Three
views of a huntsman
(Sparassidae) taken with
this apparatus. Left right
PM eye glowing; centre
H both AL eyes; right left AL


should mention how they were obtained. The method makes use of the fact that
in a well-focused eye with a reflecting tapetum (e.g. in a cat or a lycosid spider),
light entering the eye is reflected out almost exactly along its original direction
of incidence. Thus by rotating around the eye with a small telescope and a co-
axial light source it is possible to establish the angular extent of the retina
(strictly, the tapetum, but retina and tapetum are usually co-extensive). If a
suitable Card an arm mount is used for the telescope, the co-ordinates of the
field of view can be obtained directly as latitude and longitude (Fig. 3). This
method, originally devised by Homann (1928), works well with most of the
hunting spiders, but less well for spiders with eyes of the canoe-shaped tapetum
type, which unfortunately are the majority. The reason for this is that in these
eyes the tapetum is not in the focal plane, and light emerges from the eye over
an angle of 30° or more, which means that the fields of view cannot be sharply
defined. Jumping spider (salticid) eyes can be mapped in this way, too, because
Morphology and Optics of Spider Eyes 59

Spar assidae
(Oh•• ,



Fig. 4. Fields of view of the secondary eyes of hunting spiders from four families. The fields
are plotted onto a globe with the spider at the centre. The globe is viewed from 15 0 above the
equator, and 30 0 to the spider's longitudinal axis. The appearance of the retinae of the same
spiders is given in Fig. 8. ant anterior; dors dorsal; tat lateral

although they lack a tapetum the retina reflects a characteristic pink colour.
Principal eyes never have a tapetum, and are very difficult to map; they are not
included in Fig. 4.
The frontal fields of view of four families of hunting spiders are shown in
Fig. 4. In the huntsman Olios the three secondary eyes are of similar size, and
the whole field of view is divided fairly equally between them: the AL eyes
look forwards and down, the PM eyes look upwards and the PL eyes look lat-
erally with a field of view extending all the way to the rear. The fields are con-
tiguous or slightly overlapping, and meet 50 0 from the front and 10 0 above the
equator. In the Lycosidae the PM eyes have moved forwards and their field has
extended downwards, taking over the whole frontal region; the fields of left and
right PM eye are exactly contiguous in the midline. The AL fields are still pres-
ent in the normal position, but their resolution is poor (see below) and their
function may well have been usurped by the PM eyes. The PL eyes are also
60 M.F.Land

large, ana take over where the PM eyes leave off, between 60 ° and 80 ° from
the front. In the thomisid crab spiders, the situation is almost opposite to that in
the lycosids. The fields of the PM eyes have contracted upwards, and those of
the AL eyes have extended into the dorso-frontal quadrant. In the salticids the
PM eyes are usually rudimentary, and they do not have a field of view that can
be mapped (this is not the case in some primitive salticids like Portia, where
the PM eyes are still functional, and their field is an oblique 20o-wide strip be-
tween the fields of the AL and PL eyes, which in other salticids are contiguous).
It is interesting that in all four families the fields of the AL eyes overlap the
midline, so that there is a region of binocularity. This suggests that one of their
functions may be distance judgment, and there is some evidence in favour of
this in salticids (Homann 1928; Forster 1982, and Chap. XIII, this Vol.).
I realise that in the last paragraph I have implied an evolutionary progres-
sion from the sparassid type of visual field division towards the lycosid type on
the one hand and the thomisid on the other. This is a possibility, and it is hard
to avoid making up evolutionary stories, but one must remember that the fields
of view of the eyes are only one of many characters to be considered in develop-
ing an accurate phylogeny of the spiders.

3 Basic Optics of Simple Eyes

Before proceeding to review the capabilities of spider eyes, in terms of their

resolution and sensitivity, it will be helpful to give a brief summary of the
theoretical performance of eyes of the type found in spiders, and also to outline
the ways in which the actual performance can be discovered. A full discussion
is given in Land (1981).

3.1 Resolution

The ability of an eye to resolve detail depends on the fineness of the retinal
mosaic: tlle coarser the mosaic, in angular terms, the worse the resolution. One
measure of resolution is the inter-receptor angle (L1¢) subtended at the nodal
point of the eye by an adjacent pair of receptors (Fig. 5). Thus:

L1¢=d;e (radians). (1)

where dee is the centre-to-centre spacing of the retinal receptors, and f is the
focal length (specifically the posterior nodal distance) of the eye. Spider re-
ceptors are usually contiguous, so that dee ~ dp the receptor width. An alterna-
tive measure of resolution is the highest resolvable spatial frequency for a
grate-like image. This is also known as the sampling frequency of the retina, vs '
and this is given by:
I f
v =--=-- (radians-I). (2)
s 2L1¢ 2d ee
Morphology and Optics of Spider Eyes 61

Fig. 5. Image formation in a simple eye. The inter-re-

ceptor angle (11</» is given by dec/f, where dec is the
centre-to-centre separation of the receptors, and f is the
focal length measured from the nodal point (N) to the
image. A simple method for obtaining fis shown in

This has the advantage that it increases as the eye's resolution gets better. The
factor of 2 in the expression simply indicates that two receptors are required to
resolve each line-pair in a grating. (Note that I radian=I 80In=57.3 0).
There is also a theoretical limit to optical performance set by diffraction at
the aperture of the eye; the bigger that aperture the better, theoretically, is the
performance. Diffraction blurs the image of a point source into a circle of con-
fusion known as the Airy disc, which has a roughly Gaussian distribution of
light with a half-width of AID radians, where A is the wavelength of light
(",0.5 ~m) and D is the lens diameter. The effect of this blurring on the capaci-
ty of the eye to resolve stripes in a grating is to impose an absolute limit to the
fineness of gratings that can be resolved. This is known as the cut-off frequency,

Veo = ~ (radians-I). (3)

Whether an' eye's performance is limited by the receptor grain [Eq. (2)] or
diffraction [Eq. (3)] clearly depends on the dimensions of the eye and the re-
ceptors. If we take the case of the PM eye of a medium sized wolf spider (Ly-
cosidae), this has a lens diameter of about 200 ~m, a focal length that is very
similar, and receptors about 5 ~m across. This gives Vs equal to 20 cycles per ra-
dian, and Veo equal to 400. Clearly it is the retinal mosaic that limits the eye's
resolution, and not diffraction. Only one instance is known in which the retinal
mosaic approches the diffraction limit, and this is in the principal eyes of the
jumping spider Portia (Williams and McIntyre 1980), which also holds the spi-
der resolution record (see below).

3.2 Focal Length

A crucial measurement in establishing an eye's performance is the focal length
of the optics (0, the distance from the eye's nodal point to the image. The
62 M.F.Land

reason for choosing this definition of focal length is that the nodal point is that
point in the eye through which rays pass undeviated, which means that the
angle subtended by an object outside the eye is the same as the angle subtended
at the nodal point by the conjugate image inside the eye (Fig. 5). Thus if 0 and
I are the linear dimensions of the object and image, and the object is at a known
large distance u from the eye, then:
o u
I f .
If f is known, it is easy to work out the size of the retinal image of any object,
and equally the projection of retinal structures (especially receptors) onto ob-
ject space can be determined from Eq. (4).
The location of the nodal point can often be guessed with reasonable ac-
curacy from good central sections through an eye. In the eyes of many spiders,
the cornea is almost a hemisphere and the lens structures inside it tend to be
concentric with the corneal surface. Under these circumstances the nodal point
must lie at the common centre of curvature, because rays directed to that point
will strike all refracting surfaces at 90 0 , and will not be deviated. If only sec-
tioned material is available, then the distance from the estimated nodal point to
the retina is the focal length (t), provided there is good reason for thinking that
the retina is in focus (again, any eye with a canoe-shaped tapetum should be
treated with caution). It is much better to measure f directly, and this can be
done by a simple and elegant method devised once again by Homann (1928).
The cornea and lens are dissected out and placed in a hanging drop of saline so
that the cornea has its outer face in air, as in life (Fig. 6 a). An object of known
size is placed beneath the slide with the hanging drop, at a distance of about
10 cm, and with the condenser of the microscope removed. The size of the
image formed by the cornea and lens is then measured in the hanging drop,
using a suitable microscope objective. With this method, 0, I and u in Eq. (4)
are known or measured, and f is just u I/O.
It is instructive to compare the focal lengths of spider eyes with those ex-
pected from refraction at the cornea alone. For a single spherical surface with
its convex face in air the posterior nodal distance is given by:
f=(n_l)' (5)
where r is the corneal radius of curvature, and n is the refractive index inside
the eye. If one uses this formula with n ~ 1.4 (between that of water, 1.333, and
chitin, 1.52) it usually gives an answer for f which is much too long. This means
that the lens behind the cornea must actually be quite powerful. An extreme
example· of this is provided by the nocturnal ambusher Dinopis, where
r=660 11m, suggesting a focal length of 1650 11m. In fact the focal length mea-
sured by Homann's hanging drop method is less than half this, 771 11m. The
lens in Dinopis does indeed have a very short foca11ength, and a structure remi-
niscent of the powerful and optically inhomogeneous lenses of fish eyes (Blest
and Land 1977). On the other hand, the AM eyes of salticids have focal lengths
not much shorter than that of the cornea alone, and thus have relatively weak
lenses (Land 1969a).
Morphology and Optics of Spider Eyes 63

Fig. 6. a Homann's hang-

ing-drop method for
a c
measuring focal length. The
lens is suspended from a
drop of Ringer, and the size
of the image of an object at
a known distance is mea-
sured. Then if u is large,
f=u 110 (see text). b, c Con-

version of a microscope (b) eye-piece
into an ophthalmoscope (c)

by addition of a lens which L===r=;:r=;==
focuses the back focal plane
of the objective onto the
eye-piece. This plane is
conjugate with infinity, and
hence with the retina. An
ophthalmoscope must also
contain an arrangement for u
illuminating the retina

3.3 Ophthalmoscopy

A useful device for studying both the anatomy and resolving power of eyes is an
ophthalmoscope. The basis of all ophthalmoscopy is that one uses the optics of
the subject's own eye to examine structures in or near the retina. It has the ad-
vantage over histological methods that it can be used on living animals. The
optical arrangement for looking at the retina is shown in Fig. 6 c, and detailed
descriptions of-practical instruments are given in Land (l969b, 1984). The most
important feature of these instruments is that they are basically telescopes
rather than microscopes; light from a point on the retina emerges from the eye
as a parallel beam, which means that any instrument used to image the retina
must be focused on infinity. There is a way of using a microscope as a telescope
by introducing an extra lens into the path which images the back focal plane of
the objective onto the eyepiece: the back focal plane is conjugate with infinity
(Fig. 6c).
Some examples of spider retinae photographed through an ophthalmoscope
are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. Figure 7 (left) shows the face of a wolf spider
viewed with a microscope in its normal configuration, whereas the pictures on
the right are taken with the extra lens in place, and correspond to a plane at
infinity, and hence the retina (of the PM eyes). These photographs permit
several important conclusions. Firstly, the grate-type tapetum is clearly visible,
as are small striations across the bars of the grate: these correspond to the rhab-
64 M.F.Land

Fig. 7. Eyes of Lycosa sp. illuminated from in front, and viewed by ordinary microscopy (left)
as in Fig. 6 b. The largest eyes are the PM's, with a diameter of 490 !lm. Right ophthalmoscop-
ic view of the retinae of the PM eyes taken with the same instrument, but incorporating the
extra lens of Fig. 6c. The "grate" structure of the tapetum is clearly visible, as are the receptor
boundaries crossing the stripes. Upper part medial edges of the fields of view of both PM eyes;
lower part that of the right PM eye alone. Note the way the two fields of view touch without
overlapping (cf. with the Iycosid in Fig. 4). Dark circular surround is the limit of the field of
view of the instrument (about 25 0 ), not of the eye. Bar=5°

doms of the receptors themselves. The fact that these are visible means that the
retina is in focus, and also that the optics of the eye are very good - better in
fact than the resolving power of the retinal mosaic, because if the optical blur
circle were larger than the receptors they would not be visible. Secondly, the
resolution of the eye can be measured directly. The ophthalmoscopic image can
be calibrated in angular terms (the simplest way to do this is to remove the
spider and photograph a 1-cm scale at 57.3 cm. One division on the film then
equals 1 0 ) • .The receptor spacing in the Iycosid in Fig. 8 is about 2 0 , and in the
centre of the AL eye of a jumping spider (Fig. 8) it is about %o. Notice that
ophthalmoscopy gives A¢ directly [Eq. (1)], but cannot give the receptor spac-
ing dee or the focal length f. However, if either dec or f is known, then the other
can be obtained from equation 1 and the ophthalmoscopic measurement (see
-Fig. 5).
The spiders which give the best ophthalmoscopic images, and hence have
the best optics, are all hunting spiders. Of the families I have examined, the
Salticidae, Lycosidae, Thomisidae and Sparassidae all give good images, both
of retinal structures and of objects in outside space. So far I have not found an
eye with a canoe-shaped tapetum in which there is any sign of an in-focus
image, and this is true not only of the web-building families, but of the
nocturnal hunters (Gnaphosidae and Clubionidae) as well. This is further
strong evidence for thinking that in this kind of eye the image, if one is present,
is not at the focus of the lens (see Fig. 11).
Morphology and Optics of Spider Eyes 65

3.4 Sensitivity

The amo~nt of light that an eye is able to capture in its receptors is just as im-
portant as its ability to resolve detailed images. We refer to this as the eye's
sensitivity (S). The reason it is important is that light is quantal in nature,
which means that at low light levels receptors may be receiving very small num-
bers of photons in a given time period. Small photon samples, like all other ran-
domly distributed small samples, are unreliable, or to use the electronic analo-
gy, they are noisy. This means that as the number of available photons de-
creases, shades of grey cease to be distinguishable, and ultimately black cannot
be told from white. It is this fundamental statistical limitation that imposes the
absolute threshold for vision in the dark, in humans and in all other animals
(Pirenne 1967; Land 1981). In animals which are active at night, which prob-
ably includes the majority of spiders, it is of great importance to ensure that as
many photons as possible are caught by the photopigment of the receptors.
It is possible to calculate the amount of light the receptors receive from an
extended field whose luminance is known. The sensitivity (S) is given by the

pts )= (: r· (~ r· d~·

S= F (1- e- k1 ), (6)

where Fp(abs) is the flux absorbed by a receptor, L is the luminance of the ex-
tended source, D is the lens diameter, f its focal length, dr is the receptor di-
ameter, 1 the receptor length and k is the extinction coefficient of the photopig-
ment in the receptors (in rhabdomeric receptors the best available value for k is
0.67% per J.!m). A full derivation of this formula is given in Land (1981). Notice
that all the quantities on the right-hand side (except k for which we have an
estimate) can be determined from observation or histology, so that it is possible
to determine an eye's ability to see in dim light from anatomical studies alone.
Although Eq. (6) looks daunting, it is actually quite straightforward. If we ig-
nore the (nI4)2 term which only arises because apertures and receptors are
round rather than square, the other three terms are respectively the relative
aperture of the eye which determines the light flux passing through the retina,
the cross-sectional area of a receptor, and the proportion of the light entering a
receptor that is actually absorbed by it. Values for S can be compared between
species (see below) to determine how well each would fare under low light con-
ditions, but S can also be used to find the absolute number of photons that re-
ceptors receive. Suppose L=1 candela per m2, the luminance of a white card at
sunset. This is approximately equal to 4 x 1015 photons S-1 m- 2 steradian-1. Sup-
pose, too, that anatomical studies show that S=1O (J.!m 2, if d is measured in J.!m)
then the number of photons caught per receptor per second will be L . S X 10-12
(10- 12 is the number of J.!m2 in 1 m2). With the values of Land S chosen, this
comes to 4 x 102 photons per second. This is certainly enough to see with, but
had the illumination been starlight (10- 4 cd m- 2) then this figure would reduce
to 4 per second, which does not permit much discrimination.
Resolution and sensitivity are in competition in the design of eyes. Reso-
lution improves as the ratio of receptor diameter to focal length decreases [Eq.
66 M.F.Land

(2)], but sensitivity improves as the same ratio increases [Eq. (6)]. In an eye of a
given size there is, in a sense, a choice between the two conflicting demands. If
greater resolution is required without sacrificing sensitivity, then the eye must
increase in size to accommodate more receptors, and if increased sensitivity is
required without loss of resolution, then the eye must become larger because
each receptor must be wider. Good resolution and high sensitivity both require a
large eye. We see the former in the AM eyes of jumping spiders (Fig. 9) and the
latter in the extraordinary PM eyes of Dinopis (Fig. 9).

4 The Optical Performance of Spider Eyes

4.1 Resolution

We know very little about the resolving power of the eyes of web-building spi-
ders, but the various groups of hunting spiders have been comparatively well
studied. A summary of available information is given in Table 2. The only fam-
ily in which the inter-receptor angles (L1c/» are less than 1 degree is the Sal-
ticidae; in the others L1c/> is in the range 1 0 - 5 0, which is very much the same
range as that found in the compound eyes of insects. The salticids really are
much better than the rest, and in the case of Portia the resolution approaches
that of primates. The structural basis for this fine resolution can be seen from
Table 3. Recall that L1c/> = d/f, so that the smaller the receptor diameter d and the
longer the focal length f, the smaller the value of L1c/>. In Portia the focal length
of the AM eyes is nearly 2 mm, and the receptor diameter (1.4 ~m) is close to

Table 2. Inter-receptor angles (~ifJ) in hunting spiders

Family Eye Reference


(Portia) 2.4' (1)
(Evarca) 12-39' 35'-2.2° (2)
(Epiblemum) llo 2° (2)
(Metaphidippus) 11-39' 27'-1.5° 1° (3)
(Lycosa) 4- 7° 7° 1.8-2.3° 1.8° (4)
(Xysticus) 3.6° 1.8-2.6° 4.2° 3° (5)
(/sopeda) 1.7° 3.2° 1.8° (6)
(Dinopis) 1.5° (7)

References. (1) Williams and Mcintyre (1980); (2) Homann (1928); (3) Land (1969a); (4) Ho-
mann (1931); (5) Homann (1934); (6) present study; (7) Blest and Land (1977).
A dash (-) indicates that no data are available.
Morphology and Optics of Spider Eyes 67

Fig. 8. Ophthalmoscope photographs of the tapeta and retinae of the eyes of the same four
spiders whose fields of view are given in Fig. 4. Lycosa (top left PM eye) has a grate tapetum,
and receptors arranged as in Fig. 2a. The thomisid Tharpyna (lower left AL eye) is similar, ex-
cept that each receptor is surrounded by black pigment. In the sparassid Olios (top right PL
eye) the tapetum is a continuous sheet (similar to Homann's "primitive type") punctuated by
holes for the receptor axons. The salticid Plexippus has no tapetum (lower right AL eye) but
the receptors are visible because the pigment granules in the surrounding cells reflect some
light. The scale bar (5°) applies to all four figures. It is evident that the salticid has better res-
olution than the others. Note: "Lycosa" may not be the correct genus; the tapetum corresponds
to Homann's description of Trochosa

the theoretical minimum (if receptors are narrower than about 1 ~m they be-
come "leaky", with much of the light travelling outside them; see Snyder 1975).
The long focal length is achieved in an interesting way, too. The lens itself has a
focal length of 1273 ~m, but just above the retina there is a concave refracting
interface which behaves as a second, negative, lens, and the effect of this is to
extend the focal length of the combination to 1980 ~m (Williams and McIntyre
1980). This combination of separated positive and negative lenses is the way
that photographic telephoto lenses are designed, and in nature the same kind of
arrangement is found in the eyes of hawks, with the concave foveal pit acting as
the second lens (Snyder and Miller 1978).
In the secondary eyes of salticids and the other hunting spider families the
values for LlcjJ given in Table 2 can be compared directly with the oph-
thalmoscope photographs in Fig. 8. What emerges is that the 50-year-old
68 M.F.Land

Fig. 9. Photographs of the champions. Portia (left) has an inter-receptor angle of only 2.4 arc
min in its large AM eyes. In the wholly nocturnal Dinopis (right) the largest eyes are secondary
PM's. The inter-receptor angle (1.5 0 ) is typical of hunting spiders, but the eyes are more than
3000 times as sensitive as the AM eyes of Portia (details in Table 3). (Portia photograph cour-
tesy of David Blest)

measurements of Homann (1928, 1931, 1934), made by measuring separately

the focal length f and receptor spacing dee and calculating L1¢ from Eq. (1), are
almost identical to those obtained directly from the retinal image. It is a pity
that Homann's optical measurements were confined to only three spider fami-
At the other end of the scale are the secondary eyes of web-building spiders.
These usually have canoe-shaped tapeta, and several pieces of evidence point to
them having rather unconventional optics, and probably very poor resolution. If
we consider the secondary eyes of Tegenaria, which were described in detail by
Widmann (1908), we find that the retina consists of just two rows of receptors,
with each row containing about 40 cells. The slab-like rhabdoms are at right
angles to the receptor rows and hence lie across the axis of the tapetum (Fig. I b
and 2c). Although Tegenaria itself has not been studied optically, we know
from other spiders with canoe-shaped tapeta, for example Storena (Zodarii-
dae), that the focus of the lens is deeper than the tapetum (Fig. 10). This makes
the slit in the tapetum visible in the eye without ophthalmoscopy, and means
that in contrast to the situation in the hunting spiders (Fig. 8) the retina is seri-
ously out of focus. However, the tapetum is a concave mirror, and must there-
fore behave as part of the optical system to produce an image in the receptor
layer in front of the tapetum (Fig. II). This image will be of poor quality be-
cause the tapetum has different curvatures along and across its long axis: thus
the focal lengths are different for rays in different planes, and the image will be
very astigmatic. From Widmann's plates it appears that the shorter radius of
curvature of the tapetum is 20 11m, and the longer 100 11m. Depending on the
exact position of the focus of the lens, this would put the final image near the
Morphology and Optics of Spider Eyes 69

Fig. lOa, b. Photographs of the PM eye of Storena (Zodariidae), which has a canoe-type tape-
tum. Left focused on the cornea; right focused about 0.6 mm below cornea. At this level the
enlarged image of the slit in the tapetum (Fig. 2c, d) is in focus and clearly visible. b Expla-
nation of a: if an object at 0 lies inside the focus of the lens (j), then an enlarged, upright vir-
tual image of the object will be formed at i, beyond the focus (j). This means that in Storena
(and probably most other eyes with canoe-type tapeta) the focus of the lens is behind the re-
tina and tapetum

a b

Fig. 11 a, b. An attempt to represent the optics of eyes with canoe-type tapeta. a Light entering
the lens is focused behind the reflector. The reflector intercepts this light and brings it to a
focus in front of the reflector. Because the reflector has different radii of curvature along and
across its long axis (indicated by the black slit), the resulting image is not a point but an
astigmatic line (I). Rays in the plane of the reflector's axis (a, a') are focused nearer the lens
than those at right angles to that plane (b, b'). b Where the reflector is in the focal plane of the
lens, as in the eyes of cats and hunting spiders (Fig. 8), it has a purely passive role, and reflects
the entering beam out of the eye back along its original course
70 M.F.Land

bottom of the rhabdoms for light reflected from the sides of the tapetum, and
above the rhabdoms for light reflected along the length of the tapetum. The ef-
fect of this is probably to fill the receptors efficiently with the available light,
but it is hard to see how the quality of the resulting messy image can approach
the potential resolution provided by the rhabdom spacing, which is about 5 ).lm
or close to 3 0 in angular terms.
In certain of the secondary eyes of web-building argiopid spiders, Epeira for
example, there is both a conventional retina not unlike that of a hunting spider,
and also a canoe-shaped tapetum occupying about a quarter of the retinal area,
and with the transverse slab rhabdom arrangement typical of canoe-type
retinae (Widmann 1908; Uehara et al. 1978). The importance of these eyes is
that they imply that both the ordinary "in-focus" optics and the less com-
prehensible canoe-tapetum arrangement have different but useful functions.
Possibly the former resolves better, but the latter - by virtue of its shorter focal
length and hence lower F-number - has higher sensitivity in dim conditions.
However, until we have a clearer idea of the way eyes with canoe-shaped tapeta
work optically any further speculation is premature.

4.2 Sensitivity

As pointed out in the theoretical section above, it is possible from anatomical

measurements alone to arrive at a figure which indicates how much light a re-
ceptor receives when the eye is viewing a scene of known brightness. The higher
this number (S) the more sensitive the eye. In practical terms, if S is 100 times
greater in one eye than in another, then the first eye is capable of a similar per-
formance to the second (in terms of its ability to resolve contrast) at light in-
tensities 100 times lower.
The impressive feature of the sensitivity values in Table 3 is that there is an
excellent agreement with habitat. At one extreme the salticids are diurnal, and
at the other Dinopis is a strictly nocturnal hunter, remaining in a stick-like
cryptic posture during the day. The sensitivity difference between the AM eyes
of salticids and the PM eyes of Dinopis is more than 3 log units, which in-
cidentally is much the same as that between the diurnal eye of a bee and the
nocturnal eye of a moth (Kirschfeld 1974). This seems an enormous difference,
and it is achieved mainly by the much larger diameter of the receptors in the
nocturnal spider, and to a lesser extent by the larger ratio of lens diameter to
focal length. However, impressive as these differences are, they are only part of
the way towards meeting the difference between day and night, which is not
three log units, but closer to six. A particularly interesting comparison is be-
tween the two dinopid species in Table 3. Menneus is crepuscular, building its
catching net about half an hour after sunset, when the light intensity is 2 - 3 log
units lower than daylight, whereas Dinopis builds its snare about I h after sun-
set when it is practically night, about 5 log units dimmer than daylight (Austin
and Blest 1979). It seems that at crepuscular light levels no spectacular modifi-
cations of the eyes are required: Menneus PM eyes are similar in most respects
to the PL eyes of the small lycosid listed in Table 3. However, to stretch the
Morphology and Optics of Spider Eyes 71

Table 3. Optical data and sensitivities of the eyes of hunting spiders

Family f D d I:!¢> S Reference

Eye ([,lm) ([,lm) ([,lm) (fJ.ill) (' or 0) ([,lm2)

AM 1980 810 1.4 90 2.4' 0.09 (I)
AM 767 380 2 23 9' 0.09 (2)
PL 135 214 4 30' 1.8° 8.2 (3,4)
AL 115 150 6 30' 3° 12.5 (5,6)
AL 450 450 14 30' 1.8° 40 (6,7)
PM 771 1325 20 113 1.5° 387 (8,9)
PM 170 235 4 36 1.4° 6.2 (10)

References. (1) Williams and McIntyre (1980); (2) Land (1969 a); (3) Homann (1931); (4) Wid-
mann (1908); (5) Homann (1934); (6) Homann (1951); (7) present study; (8) Blest and Land
(1977); (9) Blest (1978); (10) Blest et al. (1980).
Notes. The sensitivity S is calculated from Eq. (6). f, focal length; D, lens diameter; d, receptor
diameter; 1, receptor length .
• Indicates a tapetum and 2 x 1 is used to calculate S; I:!¢> is the inter-receptor angle.

eyes' sensitivity another 2 log units does require a huge enlargement of the re-
ceptors (20 flm in Dinopis, 4 flm in Menneus), and since the interreceptor angle
(LJ¢) is the same in the two animals, this means that the whole eye must in-
crease in size by the same amount. The result is the spectacular appearance of
Dinopis, the "ogre-faced spider" (Fig. 9).
In Table 3 it has been assumed that photopigment-bearing microvilli oc-
cupy the whole cross-section of the receptors. In the dark this is often nearly
true, but many spiders have the ability to remove most of the photoreceptor
membrane during the day, leaving only a narrow "rind" of short microvilli
around the cell (Blest 1978). This reduces the amount of photopigment by at
least a factor of 10, and so, presumably the sensitivity as well (see Blest, Chap.
V, this Vol.). In fact this seems to be the only known method of dark/light
adaptation in spiders: there are no reports of mobile irises around the lenses of
the eyes, nor of movement of screening pigment in the vicinity of the receptors.
In calculating sensitivities using Eq. (6), we have to assume that the re-
ceptors do effectively transduce all the photons that they receive. It is now pos-
sible to measure the absorption of photons by receptors directly, by microelec-
72 M.F.Land

trode recording. Laughlin et al. (1980) recorded the 10 m V "bumps" which re-
sult from photon captures in the receptors of the PM eye of Dinopis, and com-
pared their results with a similar study made earlier on the PL eyes of a jump-
ing spider, Plexippus, by Hardie and Duelli (1978). They found that with the
receptors in their depleted diurnal state, about 7% of photons were captured,
which is roughly what would be expected from the amount of membrane avail-
able, and implies that in the nocturnal state a very much higher percentage
would be caught. The cells gave half-maximal responses at intensities which
were "midway between starlight and moonlight under clear sky conditions".
Laughlin et al. found that to produce the same response in Plexippus required
2 x 10 5 times more light. Of this difference about 3 log units could be explained
by structural differences [Eq. (6)] and the other 2 log units by the much greater
electrical amplification in Dinopis, which has very much larger photon
"bumps" than Plexippus. The electrical amplification does not necessarily im-
prove the eye's performance, however, because it is the number of photon ab-
sorptions that matters, rather than the size of the response they produce; a noisy
signal remains noisy when amplified. It is of great value to have this direct elec-
trophysiological confirmation of the sensitivity estimates based solely on the
eyes' anatomy.

4.3 The Tiered Retina in Salticids

The retina of the AM eyes of jumping spiders is so different from that of any
other spider that it deserves separate consideration. Although the eyes had been

t 10

(0) uyo,)
(0) Layer 4

Fig. 12. Left horizontal longitudinal section through the centre of the retina of the right prin-
cipal (AM) eye of a jumping spider (Metaphidippus) showing the four retinal layers. Right
frontal (transverse) view of the four retinal layers, showing that layer 1 has the highest re-
ceptor density, and that layers 3 and 4 are confined to the centre of the retina. (Land 1969 a)
Morphology and Optics of Spider Eyes 73

described originally by Grenacher (1879), their most intriguing feature was not
found until nearly a century later. This is the fact that the retina has four layers,
one behind the other in the light path (Land 1969 a; Eakin and Brandenburger
1971; Blest et al. 1981). The arrangement of the layers is shown in Fig. 12. The
deepest layers (1 and 2) occupy the whole boomerang-shaped area of the retina,
whereas the more superficial layers (3 and 4) are present in the central region of
the retina only. Layer 1 has the densest receptor packing, and hence the highest
acuity, and layers 2-4 have progressively poorer acuity. There are distinct dif-
ferences in the shape of the receptors of the different layers, as well as ul-
trastructural differences. In particular, layer 1 receptors are long and thin, and
undoubtedly function as light-guides rather like insect rhabdomes. This is usu-
ally not the case in other spider eyes, mainly because the lens supplies a cone of
light that is much wider than the receptors can accept. When receptors can be-
have as light-guides they can receive a sharply focused image at their distal
tips, rather than a somewhat blurred image whose light passes obliquely
through the length of the receptor, so this is an daptation to fine resolution (see
Blest, Chap. V, this Vol.).
It is natural to ask why the receptors should be layered in this way. Land
(1969a) considered two possibilities. The first was that the layering acted to in-
crease the eye's depth of focus, with nearby objects focused deep in the retina,
and distant objects in the more superficial layers. Although the dimensions are
roughly compatible with this idea, it is unattractive because salticids have, and
need, their finest resolution at large distances, so that infinity should be focused
on layer 1, which would mean that the other layers are not conjugate with
planes in front of the spider. Blest et al. (1981) point out that layer 1 itself has a
substantial "staircase", with the distal ends of lateral receptors lying about
20 ~m closer to the lens than the medial receptors. This distance is sufficient for
different parts of layer 1 to receive in-focus images from 3 cm to infinity, as the
eye scans across the scene (see Land 1969b), and this is surely adequate for the
animal's predatory needs, since it jumps on objects closer than about 3 cm. This
still leaves open the question of the function of the other three layers. The sec-
ond suggestion (Land 1969 a) was that the different layers are situated in the
best image planes for light of different wavelengths. The lens of Plexippus does
have substantial chromatic aberration (Blest et al. 1981), amounting to 5% of
the focal length between the UV and red, so that there would be a gain in image
quality to be had by situating receptors with different photopigments in dif-
ferent layers. One would predict that long wavelengths would be focused on
layer 1, and short wavelengths on layer 4. There have been a number of studies
implicating colour vision in jumping spiders (rev. Forster 1982 and Chap. XIII,
this Vol.) , and there have also been three intracellular studies (see also
Yamashita, Chap. VI, this Vol.). DeVoe (1975) found green and UV receptors
in Phidippus regius, and also some cells with peaks in both parts of the spec-
trum. Yamashita and Tateda (1976) found blue and yellow receptors in addi-
tion to UV and green, in Menemerus, and it would certainly be convenient to
suppose that their four colour types coincided with the four layers of the
salticid retina. However, they only characterised a total of seven cells, and in
neither of the preceding studies were the receptors marked. In the study -of Blest
74 M.F.Land

et al. (1981) the receptors were dye-marked. They found green receptors (Amax
520 nm) in layers 1 and 2, and UV receptors (Amax 360 nm) in layer 4. No layer
3 cells were marked. The situation thus is that these eyes are at least dichro-
matic, and possibly have more than two colour types; the green and UV cells
that have been found are in appropriate regions of the retina in relation to the
eye's chromatic aberration. The remaining problems are that layers 1 and 2
seem to have overlapping functions, which would seem to make layer 2, with its
coarser mosaic, redundant, and that no function has been found for layer 3.

4.4 Eye Movements in Salticids

The very narrow and elongated structure of the AM retinae only begins to make
sense when the movements of the eyes are taken into account. A fairly complete
description of these is given by Land (l969b), although Homann (1928) and
Dzimirski (1959) had observed them earlier. Unlike vertebrate eyes, in which
the whole eye rotates in its socket, it is only the retina which moves in salticids:

(I) Spontaneous

(iI) Saccades

Fig. 13. Types of eye

(iii) Trackinl movement shown by the
principal eyes of jumping
spiders. The two boomer-
ang-shaped retinae
(Fig. 12) together have a
field of view which is
X-shaped. Movements of
the retinae, brought about
by the operation of six
- - - t - t 7 ' - - - (iv) Scanninl muscles attached to each
eye, are indicated by the
open arrows. Explanation in
the text. (Land 1969 b)
Morphology and Optics of Spider Eyes 75

it scans the fixed image produced by the lens. The movements are of four types
(Fig. 13). (1) Wide angle spontaneous scanning movements, in which the cen-
tres of the AL retinae wander at varying speed over a large vertical and hori-
zontal field, probably co-extensive with the fields of view of the AL eyes
(Fig. 4). These movements probably serve to locate objects of interest that do
not themselves move. (2) Saccades: these are rapid movements which centre the
cross made by the fields of view of the two retinae onto objects which have just
moved, either in the field of view of the AM eyes themselves, or that of the AL
eyes. (3) Tracking: if an object acquired by a saccade moves in the field of view,
then the retinae keep it centred by tracking movements. (4) Scanning: these
movements are remarkable and distinctive and occur whenever the AM retinae
have acquired a new target. The two retinae oscillate laterally across the target
at a rate of 0.5 to 1 Hz, and at the same time rotate about the eyes' long axes
through about 50° at a much slower rate - about 0.1 Hz. We know from the
earlier work of Heil (1936) and Drees (1952) that the important features that
salticids use to distinguish prey from conspecifics are the presence of appropri-
ately disposed "legs" or leg-like contours. It seems likely that the scanning
movements which follow target acquisition are a stereotyped procedure de-
signed to determine the presence or absence of appropriate contours in the tar-
get (Land 1969b, 1972b). Usually, both retinae move together (conjugate eye
movements), but they can also move independently. Eye movements of the
complexity described here are only found in salticids; in other families the AM
retinae may show movements that amount to little more than a tremor,
although in crab spiders (Thomisidae) there is a suggestion of movements that
look more like tracking (Homann 1934).

4.5 Colour and Polarization Detection Outside the Salticidae

The few studies that have been made of the electrophysiology of spider retinae
suggest that the secondary eyes are colour blind, with only one type of receptor,
but that colour vision in the principal eyes may be fairly widespread. DeVoe
(1972), recording from single receptors in wolf spiders, found that cells in the
AL eyes had a single wavelength of maximal sensitivity in the blue-green at
about 510 nm. Hardie and Duelli (1978) similarly found a single type of re-
ceptor in salticid PL eyes, with a peak at 535 nm. By comparison, DeVoe found
that the AM eyes of wolf spiders had cells with two sensitivity maxima, one in
the green (510 nm) and one in the UV at about 365 nm. In different cells the
sensitivity ratio between green and UV varied considerably, suggesting that the
cells contained varying amounts of two different photopigments. Yamashita
and Tateda (1978) found cells with three different spectral sensitivities in the
AM eyes of orb-web spiders (Argiope). One class peaked in the UV at 360 nm,
one in the blue (480- 500 nm) and one in the green at 540 nm. It seems that sal-
ticids are not unique in having colour vision mediated by the AM eyes (see also
Yamashita, Chap. VI, this Vol.).
The pattern of polarization in skylight is a cue that all animals with
microvillous receptors are potentially able to exploit for the purpose of navi-
76 M.F.Land

gation (review by Waterman 1981). This is because the geometry of the

microvillus ensures that more photo-pigment molecules are aligned along the
microvillar axis than at right-angles to it, and this in turn means that the
microvillus will absorb preferentially polarized light with its E-vector parallel
to the axis (Moody and Pariss 1961). Most or all spiders have a retinal organi-
zation that would permit the analysis of polarized light, but there seem to be
only two convincing reports of spiders making use of this facility. These are in
the web-building spider Agelena labyrinthica (Gomer 1962) and the lycosid Arc-
tosa variana (Magni et aI., 1964, 1965). In both spiders the eyes involved appear
to be the principal eyes. In Arctosa, rotating a sheet of polaroid above a fleeing
animal changes its direction of flight, and this seems to be part of a more gen-
eral mechanism for finding the home direction, based either on the direction of
the sun, or when it is not visible, on the pattern of polarization in the sky (Mag-
ni et ai. 1964). The same authors (1965) found that the ERG's from both princi-
pal and secondary eyes showed polarization maxima and minima, but appar-
ently only the AM eyes are involved in the behaviour. Single receptors in the
PL eyes of a jumping spider have been shown to have a modest polarization
sensitivity (Hardie and Duelli 1978), but it is not known whether these spiders
use polarization information. .

5 Conclusions

Despite their small size and similar appearance, the simple eyes of spiders show
at least as great a functional diversity as the compound eyes of insects. Speciali-
zations for extreme acuity are found in the principal (AM) eyes of jumping spi-
ders, and for extreme sensitivity in the secondary (PM) eyes of dinopid spiders
(Fig. 9). The optical performance of the eyes is only known with certainty in the
hunting spiders where the lens produces a focused image on the retina; in most
web-building spiders the eyes have a canoe-shaped tapetum which is not at the
focus of the lens, and the way these eyes work is not properly understood. Spi-
der photoreceptors have been studied electrophysiologically, and they are es-
sentially similar to those of insects. However, nothing at all is known about the
processing of visual information by the nervous system. In jumping spiders the
secondary eyes are concerned with the detection of movement, and the move-
able principal eyes with the identification of objects. Whether or not this divi-
sion of labour applies in families other than the Salticidae is again not known.
At all levels of analysis - optical, neurophysiological and behavioural - the
study of spider vision still offers a wide range of problems for future research.

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V The Fine Structure of Spider Photoreceptors
in Relation to Function

I Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . 79
2 Organisation of Spider Photoreceptors 80
2. I Cytology and Function . . . . . 80
2.2 Glial Components of the Retina . 81
2.3 Efferent Terminals in the Retinae 84
3 Physiological Aspects of Retinal Ultrastructure 85
3. I Diurnal Adjustments of Rhabdom Size in Spiders, and the Turnover of
Rhabdomeral Membranes . . . . . . . . 85
3.3 Scotopic and Photopic Receptors 86
4 Functional Implications of Retinal Organisation 87
4. I Receptor Mosaics . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.2 The Design and Evolution of Photoreceptors in the Salticidae 92
5 Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Implications of Retinal Ultrastructure 97
5. I Taxonomic Implications of Retinal Structure 97
5.2 The Phylogenetic Lability of Photoreceptor Mosaics 97
6 Conclusions. 99
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

1 Introduction

The eyes of spiders are ocelli, and it is natural to compare their performance
with that of compound eyes and of the ocelli of insects. The latter, which are
underfocused and usually possess receptor mosaics of indifferent quality (Wil-
son 1978), are better known than those of arachnids, and have not encouraged
workers to examine those of spiders in much detail. Nevertheless, the ocelli of
spiders range from the principal eyes of jumping spiders whose sophisticated
organisation sustains high visual acuities (Land 1969a; Eakin and Bran-
denburger 1971; Jackson and Blest 1982a; Blest and Price 1984) to many, per-
haps the majority, that can hardly be supposed to sustain much in the way of
image analysis at all.

Department of Neurobiology, Research School of Biological Sciences, The Australian Nation-

al University, Canberra, A.C.T. 2601, Australia
80 A. D. Blest

Widmann (1908) examined the eyes of a number of spiders by light mi-

croscopy in an important pioneer study, and Homann (1951, 1971) extended his
work by a series of massive comparative surveys. It is a tribute to their dili-
gence that so much of what has subsequently been revealed by electron mi-
croscopy does little more than elaborate on the foundations that they laid.
With the notable exception of the Salticidae, spiders are not primarily vi-
sion-dependent, although vision plays a significant role in the behaviour of
many families. All spiders, however, must discriminate between different class-
es of prey, mates and territorial rivals. For those reliant to whatever degree on
vision, fine spatial resolution can be accepted as an evolutionary goal, and one
must ask how it has been achieved.
The present chapter summarises briefly those features of photoreceptor or-
ganisation that are common to all arthropods as an introduction to the special
aspects that characterise the photoreceptors of spiders. The optics of spider
ocelli are reviewed in Land, Chapter IV, this Volume. Given that images of
good or poor quality are presented to spider retinae, one may ask how receptors
are disposed to make the best use of them? We shall see that in jumping spiders
(Salticidae) a number of devices are employed in the retinae of the principal
eyes to optimise fine spatial analysis, but that the ultrastructural strategies
unique to this family are not significantly developed in any other.
Spiders are not tractable material for studies of the basic biophysics of vi-
sion, and the relevant theoretical background derives from work on insects and
Limulus. Reviews of the optics of invertebrate vision are given by Land (1980)
and Snyder (1979), and of the electrophysiology of photo receptors with particu-
lar reference to information coding by Laughlin (1980). These treatments will
seldom be specifically cited in the following account, but should be regarded as
n,ecessary theoretical background.
, Four questions of broad interest will be addressed:
1. How are the photoreceptors of spiders organised and with what optical
2. What is the quality achieved by the receptor mosaics, and what special
features have evolved to serve the requirements of high visual acuity where it
has been achieved?
3. How do strategies for the turnover of phototransductive membrane relate to
functional demands?
4. To what extent can retinal organisation be employed as a taxonomic charac-

2 Organisation of Spider PhotoreceptoJ:"s

2.1 Cytology and Function

Photons whose energy is transduced by photoreceptors to provide electrical sig-

nals are captured by integral membrane pigments which in arthropods are pro-
teins termed rhodopsins. Photon capture is relatively inefficient, so that large
amounts of pigment must be interposed in the light path. Thus, the membrane
Fine Structure of Spider Photoreceptors 81

containing it is amplified: in arthropods, specialised domains of the photo-

receptor plasma membrane are organised as rhabdoms composed of arrays of
slender microvilli (Figs. 1- 3). Microspectrophotometry of rhabdoms indicates
high concentrations of rhodopsin which together with other integral membrane
proteins are seen as densely packed particle arrays on the P-face of freeze-etch
replicas (Fig. 3). In photoreceptors of flies, at least, the particle density of
microvillar membrane matches that of nearby regions of flat plasmalemma
(Schinz et al. 1982; Blest and Eddey 1984), and genetic dissection has shown the
particles of both largely to consist of rhodopsin: the major specialisation of the
rhabdom lies in the amplification of the membrane. Photoreceptor microvilli
contain cytoskeletons (Blest et al. 1982a, b; Blest et al. 1983) and recent evi-
dence suggests that some cytoskeletal components may serve to constrain trans-
lational diffusion of the photopigmtmts (De Couet et al. 1984). Cytoskeletal
architectures have not been described in the microvilli of spiders, but our own
preliminary observations suggest that they may be rather diverse.
The receptive segment of a spider photoreceptor lies beneath and usually
near to a corneal lens, and is associated with a cell soma containing the nucleus.
There is a trivial difference between the dispositions of the somata in the prin-
cipal and secondary eyes: in the former, somata lie proximally beneath the re-
ceptive segments, while in the latter they lie distally between the receptive seg-
ments and the "glass cells" that secrete the corneal lens. Usually, there is a pro-
nounced "intermediate segment" near to the receptive segment, consisting of a
swollen region filled with endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and the ly-
sosomal systems concerned with the turnover of rhabdomeres (see below). In
the latter context, receptive segments often contain numerous pinocytotic ves-
icles (Fig. 5) and multivesicular bodies generated by the internalisation of
rhabdomeral membrane. The photoreceptors narrow abruptly as their axons
leave the retina for their final destinations in the first optic neuropil of the pro-
tocerebrum, where they form synapses with second-order visual interneurons.
The basic organisation of spider photoreceptors is schematised in Fig. 8.

2.2 Glial Components of the Retina

The photoreceptors of spiders are to a greater or lesser extent ensheathed by th~
processes of glial cells. Two kinds of glia can be distinguished, and are de~
ployed in a variety of ways. Somata of the non-pigmented gUa lie distal to the
receptive segments; in secondary eyes they are interspersed with the somata of
the receptors. Their processes invade the layer of receptive segments and may,
as in the Salticidae, achieve great architectural regularity (Eakin and Bran-
denburger 1971; Blest 1983, 1984; Blest and Sigmund 1984). Somata of pigment-
ed glial cells lie proximal to the receptive segments. In secondary eyes they are
intercalated with the intermediate segments of the receptors; in principal eyes
they lie between the proximal receptor somata. In either case, a large number of
receptive segments is ensheathed by processes derived from a much smaller
number of glial cells.
The role of the non-pigmented glia is not clear. In insects, there is evidence
to suggest that analogous glial components are concerned with ionic exchanges
82 A. D. Blest
Fine Structure of Spider Photoreceptors 83

Fig. 1. Microvillar bases of the paired rhabdoms of a secondary eye of Plexippus (Salticidae).
mv microvilli; er sheets of smooth endoplasmic reticulum closely adpressed to the bases of the
Fig. 2. Receptors of layer IV of a principal eye of Portia (Salticidae) to illustrate the close jux-
taposition of rhabdomeres of adjacent receptors. A junction between two receptors is indicated
by arrows. mat retinal matrix
Fig. 3. A freeze-etch replica of a junction shown in Fig. 2 (arrowed), to show that the P-face of
the microvillar membranes is densely particulate, the particles consisting of rhodopsin mol-
ecules or aggregates. mit tubular mitochondria; er a flat saccule of smooth endoplasmic re-
Fig. 4. A rhabdom (Rh) of the posterior median eye of Lampona (Gnaphosidae), to show a
nearby synaptoid terminal (syn.t) embedded in non-pigmented glia
Fig. 5. A rhabdom of a posterior median eye of Lampona (Gnaphosidae) to show pinocytotic
vesicles and other endocytotic profiles (arrowed) shed from the microvilli during the break-
down phase of turnover
Figs. 6, 7. Rhabdoms of peripheral layer I (6) and layer II (7) of a principal eye of Lagnus
(Salticidae), to show that in layer I the cytoplasm is almost empty of organelles, whereas in
layer II it is densely packed with tubular mitochondria that have been shown to equilibrate the
refractive indices of rhabdomeres and their cytoplasmic surrounds. Rh rhabdom; Cyt cyto-
plasm. Scale bar on 7





INTERMEDIAT:;.E_ _--1rt-_


,Fig. 8. The basic organisation of receptors in the secondary and principal retinae of spiders.
The dioptrics lie beyond the confines of the diagram at the top. Associated glial components
are not shown for the receptor of the principal retina, at right
84 A.D. Blest

with the receptors and with K+ regulation in particular (e.g. Tsacopoulos et al.
1983). Whilst this may prove to be true in some spiders, in many species the
non-pigmented glia is reduced at the level of the receptive segments to columns
so slender as to render such a function implausible (e.g. Fig. 10).
The pigmented glia in both principal and secondary eyes shields the re-
ceptive segments from stray light transmitted antidromically through the cuticle
of the cephalothorax. Although pigmented glial processes usually penetrate the
layer of receptive segments, they do not always contain pigment granules at that
level (cf. Blest 1983, 1984). When they do, as in the secondary eyes of diurnal
Lycosids (Bacetti and Bedini 1964; Melamed and Trujillo-Cen6z 1966) and ad-
vanced Salticids (Eakin and Brandenburger 1971; Blest 1983), they are also able
to shield receptors from stray light scattered from their neighbours.
There is no evidence for any substantial movement of pigment granules in
the pigmented glia during light or dark adaptation. A minor invasion of the re-
ceptive layer by pigment during dark adaptation has been noted in the Dinopid
Menneus (Blest et al. 1980), but it is too slight to be of optical significance. Even
in retinae that sustain high visual acuities there are no pigment granules within
the receptors themselves, so that equivalents of the longitudinal pupil mecha-
nisms found in various insect photoreceptors (e.g. Kirschfeld and Franceschini
1969) are not present in those of spiders.

2.3 Efferent Terminals in the Retinae

The retinae of some spiders contain the efferent terminals of central neurons.
Such terminals were observed by Bacetti and Bedini (1964) and Melamed and
Trujillo-Cen6z (1966) in retinae of Lycosids; by Blest and Day (unpublished) in
the Pisaurid, Dolomedes; by Blest (unpublished) in all retinae of Clubiona (Clu-
bionidae), Lampona (Gnaphosidae: Fig. 4) and the mygalomorph Darcyops;
and by Dr. A. Uehara in Argiope (Argiopidae) (unpublished: Professor H.
Tateda, personal communication). The terminals are synaptoid endings located
in the retinal glia, and also invade the receptors. They contain electron-dense
vesicles and small mitochondria (Fig. 4).
Synaptoid terminals have not been found despite intensive search in either
Menneus or Dinopis (Dinopidae), primitive or advanced Salticidae, or in a
number of genera of Australian Sparassidae (Blest, unpublished observations),
so that they cannot be a universal feature of the retinae of spiders. With respect
to other arachnids, they have been noted in the retinae of a scorpion (Fleissner
and Schliwa 1977; see also Fleissner and Fleissner, Chap. XVIII, this Vol.) and
are well-known in Limulus to contribute to the circadian modulation of sensi-
tivity (Barlow et al. 1977) and the control of transductive membrane turnover
(Chamberlain and Barlow 1979), although in Limulus the exact nature of the
latter phenomenon is not yet understood (cf. Stowe 1981).
The presence or absence of efferent retinal terminals amongst the families
of spiders is so distributed as to indicate that although they may, in some
species, be concerned with the regulation of membrane turnover, they cannot
be necessary for it: Dinopids, Sparassids, and some Clubionids and Gnaphosids
Fine Structure of Spider Photoreceptors 85

use membrane turnover to achieve massive geometrical changes to their rhab-

doms in the course of a daily cycle along the lines described by Blest (1978) for
Dinopis, yet in the first two of these families efferent terminals are, apparently,
Similar arguments apply to the control of sensitivity. Yamashita and Tateda
(1981, 1983) have shown that the sensitivity of photoreceptors of Argiope is
modulated by efferent inputs, including some that stem from photosensitive
neurons in the protocerebrum (see also Yamashita, Chap. VI, this Vol.). Never-
theless, secondary eyes of a Salticid adapted for diurnal vision (Hardie and
Duelli 1978) and the posterior median eyes of the nocturnal Dinopis which
traverse 2 log units of sensitivity during dark adaptation (Laughlin et al. 1980)
both lack efferent innervation.

3 Physiological Aspects of Retinal Ultrastructure

3.1 Diurnal Adjustments of Rhabdom Size in Spiders, and the Turnover

of Rhabdomeral Membranes

The rhabdoms of invertebrate photoreceptors are not stable structures: the

phototransductive membrane is in a state of flux, and is continuously removed
and replaced by a variety of strategems. The turnover of rhabdomeral mem-
brane was initially disclosed by Eguchi and Waterman (1967, 1976), White
(1968) and White and Lord (1975). Blest (1980) has reviewed breakdown pro-
cesses on a comparative basis, and Blest et al. (1984) provide a broad overview
of the physiological and molecular correlates of turnover.
The nocturnal spider Dinopis, the posterior median eyes of which are re-
markably specialised to achieve high sensitivity (Blest and Land 1977; Laughlin
et al. 1980) offered the first demonstration that changes in the dimensions of
some rhabdoms follow natural daily cycles of illuminance, and are triggered by
the transitions between light and darkness (Blest 1978). At dawn, membrane is
removed from the rhabdoms, so that during the day they are small, whilst at
nightfall, new membrane is added, so that they become large. Later studies
found that similar events take place in the photoreceptors of certain crabs
(Nassel and Waterman 1979; Stowe 1980, 1981) and locusts (Williams 1982,
1983). Our own unpublished results demonstrate that identical changes take
place in the rhabdoms of Clubionid, Gnaphosid and Sparassid spiders. The re-
sults of Blest and Day (1978) indicate that they are also found in retinae of noc-
turnal Pisaurids, although in that study the changes observed were not un-
fortunately related to real daily cycles of illuminance. The ultrastructure of the
eyes of Argiopid spiders described by Uehara et al. (1977, 1978) implies that
daily adjustments of rhabdom size may occur in that family, too.
These phenomena pose two obvious questions:
1. What happens to the membrane that is removed during the breakdown
phase? With one exception, in secondary eyes of the salticid spider Plexippus
(Blest and Maples 1979), membrane is shed from the rhabdomeral microvilli by
basal pinocytosis and enters a lysosomal system (Blest et al. 1978 a, b). Acid
86 A. D. Blest

phosphatase ultrastructural cytochemistry (Blest et al. 1979) indicates that the

membrane and its associated rhodopsins are probably degraded rather than
merely being recycled, an inference supported but not yet proved by more de-
tailed work on analogous crustacean systems (Blest et al. 1980; De Couet and
Blest 1982).
2. What effects do increments in rhabdom size have upon the sensitivity and
spatial resolution of the receptors? Laughlin et al. (1980) attempted to answer
this question for the posterior median eyes of Dinopis using electroretinograms
and intracellular recordings. They failed, because test flashes of light presented
to the retinae were sufficient to disrupt the process of rhabdom assembly at
dusk, so that recordings from rhabdoms in the night state could not be ob-
tained. Thus, although ca. 210g units increase of sensitivity were observed during
the first 2 h of dark adaptation at the normal time of nightfall, it took place in
the absence of significant morphological changes to the rhabdoms. Calculations
derived solely from the dimensions of the receptors and their rhabdoms suggest
that a day rhabdom of Dinopis can be expected to catch some 6% of photons
incident upon a single receptor, and a night rhabdom 74% (Blest and Land
1977; Blest 1978). Intracellular recordings by Laughlin et al. (1980) support the
first value, so that the second may be reasonable. An increase of ca 1 log unit of
sensitivity attributable to morphological adjustments to the rhabdom is un-
remarkable compared to the 2 log units apparently contributed by other pro-
cesses. The consequences of changes to the dimensions of rhabdoms during the
daily cycle of illuminance were measured for photoreceptors of the compound
eye of a locust by Williams (1983); the lack of any increase of sensitivity to
photons delivered to an ommatidium on-axis, coupled with identical particle
densities revealed by freeze-etch preparations on the P-faces of day and night
rhabdomeral membranes (Williams 1982) implies that the replacement of day
rhabdoms by new membrane at night is not a device to augment the concentra-
tion of photopigment in the membrane.
How, precisely, new rhabdomeral membrane is differentiated within a
photoreceptor, transported to the region occupied by a rhabdom, and re-
organised as microvilli is still, in detail, unresolved. In Dinopis and many other
spiders with massive turnover routines, intermediate segments are occupied by
large amounts of endoplasmic reticulum, a feature common to many photo-
receptors (Whittle 1976). As in a crab (Stowe 1980), it appears to be the im-
mediate precursor of rhabdomeral membrane, but despite the current ul-
trastructural evidence, such a supposition implies many difficulties that remain
to be resolved (Blest et al. 1984).

3.2 Scotopic and Photopic Receptors

Blest (1980) noted that arthropod photoreceptors with low absolute sensitivities
appear also to exhibit a sluggish turnover of rhabdomeral membrane. Re-
ceptors of species whose ecology requires them to function over the whole daily
cycle (e.g. locusts, the crab Leptograpsus, and the spider Dinopis) perform mas-
sive exchanges of microvillar membrane in the course of a day. These dif-
Fine Structure of Spider Photoreceptors 87

ferences (which have yet to be more widely surveyed, and must be examined
more precisely in terms of exact rates of turnover, and of absolute sensitivities
measured as voltage gains of transduction) invite an obvious speculation: do
any retinae of spiders contain receptors of both kinds, so that they can respond
effectively at both high and low levels of illuminance?
Two unusual eyes suggest that retinae with both photopic and scotopic re-
ceptors may exist. Widmann (1908) described a posterior median eye of an Ar-
giopid, Epeira, which is apparently similar to the posterior and anterior lateral
eyes of Argiope whose ultrastructure was figured by Uehara et al. (1978). Two
different kinds of receptor are disposed at different distances from the corneal
lens. The receptive segments have not been observed at different points in a
daily cycle, but the populations of secondary lysosomes within them imply that
one class of photoreceptor may engage in substantial turnover of rhabdomeral
membrane, whilst the other is relatively stable.
A similar possibility is suggested by the extraordinary posterior median eye
of a Gnaphosid, Lampona (Land and Blest, in preparation). A major class of
receptors engages in massive turnover and reorganisation during a daily cycle,
whilst a minor population does not.

4 Functional Implications of Retinal Organisation

4.1 Receptor Mosaics

Receptors in the retinae of spiders display mosaics of very variable quality.

Although there is much diversity of detail, receptor mosaics can be broadly
classified as follows:

4.1.1 Rhabdomeral Networks

Rhabdoms of adjacent receptive segments are contiguous and microvilli de-

rived from contiguous rhabdoms may wholly or partially interdigitate (Fig. 9).
Because the receptive segments are cylindrical or roughly hexagonal in trans-
verse profile and their entire surfaces are composed of microvilli, the rhabdoms
are arranged rather like the wax in a honeycomb, so that transverse sections of
the receptors present the appearance of a network (Fig. 10).
Contiguity and interdigitation of the microvilli of adjacent cells mean that
there is optical pooling between receptors. There may also be electrical cou-
pling, a possibility discussed in more detail by Laughlin et al. (1980).
Rhabdomeral networks are typical of the retinae of many nocturnal spiders,
and the eyes to which they belong are necessarily of limited spatial acuity. For
receptors of the posterior median eye of Dinopis in the "day" state, the mean
acceptance angle, calculated from the half widths of angular sensitivity func-
tions measured from intracellular recordings, was 2.3 0 (Laughlin et al. 1980).
The angular periodicity of the receptors is 1.5 0 , and the corneal lens, which is
substantially corrected for spherical aberration and has an f-ratio of 0.58, forms
an image of a point source with a diameter of 1.8 0 (Blest and Land 1977).
Fig. 9. Microvilli of the adjacent rhabdomeres of a posterior median retina of Lampona (Gna-
phosidae) to illustrate total interdigitation. Open bases of microvilli are indicated by arrows
Fig. 10. Transverse section through the rhabdomeral network of an anterior median eye of
Isopeda (Sparassidae). Rh rhabdomeres; Rec limits of a receptor; Gl. Col. glial column
Fine Structure of Spider Photoreceptors 89

Laughlin et al. (1980) note that the inferior angular resolution of the receptors
implied by their measurements could have resulted, in part, from quite small
mechanical deformations of the retinae imposed by the recording procedure.
Even if that were so, coupling between receptors must severely prejudice spatial
resolution, so that the architecture of the rhabdoms makes it impossible for a
receptor to attain the spatial resolving power suggested by its own angular
In the "night" state, spatial acuity can only be worse: additional phototrans-
ductive membrane is synthesised and incorporated into microvilli; the trans-
verse profiles of the receptive segments become more complex and irregular,
and the receptive segments lengthen (Blest 1978) increasing the scatter of a fo-
cused point source into adjacent receptors (Laughlin et al. 1980).
It is not known to what extent the performance of eyes with rhabdomeral
networks belonging to other families is inferior to that of Dinopis. In Sparas-
sidae and probably in the anterior median (AM) eye of the Gnaphosid Lam-
pona there is much to suggest that the retinae receive focused images. Accessory
eyes with boatshaped tapeta, however, are underfocused (see also Land, Chap.
IV, this Vol.), and their spatial resolution can only be poor. It is possible that
rhabdomeral networks that receive good images from superior dioptrics are
late evolutionary products that represent the best that could be achieved from
unpromising precursors. Comparison between the two Australian genera of
Dinopidae, Dinopis and Menneus, discussed below (Sect. 5.1) makes this sim-
plistic view questionable.

4.1.2 Punctate Mosaics Without Refractive Index Barriers

Retinae of all eyes in many phylogenetically advanced spiders present mosaics

that are, in some sense punctate: rhabdomeres are closely juxtaposed and the
resultant rhabdoms are arranged in regular arrays (Fig. 11). In terms of the
image analysis that they can sustain, such mosaics are a considerable advance
on the rhabdomeral networks of more primitive spiders, but they are often
suboptimal in two respects:
a) The receptors usually contain two rhabdomeres situated on opposite sides of
a receptive segment. A rhabdom, however, may be composed of the closely
contiguous rhabdomeres of two adjacent cells. Thus, in optical terms, such a re-
ceptive unit pools the information received by two receptors and the ideal solu-
tion in which one rhabdomere can correspond to a single point in object space
is not achieved. Spatial resolution can only be less than would be implied sim-
ply by the intervals between photoreceptors. This unsatisfactory anatomy is
found in the retinae of Pisauridae (Blest and Day 1978) and in some nocturnal
Lycosidae (e.g. Geolycosa: Land (1984) and unpublished data), but is resolved in
at least one diurnal hunting spider in the Oxyopidae, where the two rhab-
domeres of each receptive segment are reasonably close together, and are well
separated from those of adjacent receptors (Fig. 11 B). In some, presumably
diurnal, Lycosidae, receptive segments are isolated from each other by pig-
mented glia (Bacetti and Bedini 1964; Melamed and Trujillo-Cen6z 1966).
90 A.D. Blest

Jlililli c

IlDOO[ o
Fig. 11 A-D. Trends in the evolution of punctate receptor mosaics. A Rhabdoms constructed
from the contiguous rhabdomeres of adjacent receptors, implying optical pooling along linear
strips (e.g. Pisauridae). B Receptive segments isolated but not optically screened from each
other (e.g. Oxyopidae). C Receptive segments optically isolated by pigmented glia to form a
true punctate mosaic (e.g. some diurnal Lycosidae). D Receptive segment optically isolated by
(a) a refractive index barrier, and (b) screening pigment (secondary eyes of advanced Sal-

b) The absence of a refractive index barrier between rhabdoms and their sur-
rounds must be interpreted in the light of two considerations: firstly, if the
rhabdoms are short, little light will be scattered from them if images are accu-
rately focused within the receptive layer, but absorption of photons will be inef-
ficient (see Land 1984) and signal-to-noise ratios will be poor. If, on the con-
trary, rhabdoms are long, scatter, particularly for the case of a corneal lens of
wide aperture, will be significant, but both absorption and signal-to-noise ratios
will be improved.
It is remarkable and so far unexplained that these two serious problems for
the design. of ocelli have only once been solved in spiders, by all eyes of the
advanced Salticidae.

4.1.3 Punctate Mosaics with Refractive Index Barriers

A substantial refractive index difference between a rhabdom and its immediate

surround allows light focused on the tips of a rhabdom to be confined within it,
throughout its length, by total internal reflection (rev. Snyder 1979). This means
that an image of superior quality received by a punctate mosaic can be con-
served even through the rhabdoms that register and transduce it are long: ab-
sorption of photons, and signal-to-noise ratios can be optimised.
Two classes of receptor in the advanced Salticidae exploit this design:
(a) photo receptors and their glial surrounds in the secondary eyes, and
(b) Layer I photoreceptors of the principal eyes, whose anatomy and modus
operandi are described in Land, Chapter IV, this Volume.
Fig. 12. Transverse section through layer II of the principal retina of Lyssomanes (Salticidae).
rec limits of a single receptive segment with twin rhabdomeres
Fig. 13. Transverse section through an anterior lateral (secondary) eye of Plexippus (Saltici-
dae). Each rhabdom (Rh) is surrounded by a sleeve composed of non-pigmented glia oflower
refractive index, and the complex is ensheathed by six processes of the pigmented glia, densely
packed with pigment granules
92 A.D. Blest

4.2 The Design and Evolution of Photo receptors in the Salticidae

4.2.1 The Secondary Eyes

The secondary eyes of advanced Salticidae determine extremely precise orien-

tation responses (Land 1969b). Rhabdoms consist of two rhabdomeres with
hemicircular transverse profiles, separated from each other by insignificant
cytoplasmic clefts (Fig. 13). The amount of material interposed between lens
and receptive segment is reduced in the anterior lateral eyes by a displacement
of the receptor somata to the margins of the retinal cup, and the bulk of the
cytoplasm of the receptive segment and its organelles is situated proximally, be-
low the tapered rhabdom (Eakin and Brandenburger 1971). Each rhabdom is
isolated from its neighbours by two components: a refractive index barrier is
created by two processes of the non-pigmented glia that contain almost no cyto-
plasmic elements other than microtubules and parallel the cylindrical shape of
the rhabdom as a sleeve; surrounding these processes in tum are six processes
of the pigmented glia which protect the rhabdoms against stray light (Eakin
and Brandenburger 1971). Hardie and Duelli (1978) showed by intracellular
recording that these receptors are of low absolute sensitivity, possess spectral
sensitivities with maxima around 530- 550 nm which contrast with the
510-520 nm recorded for the nocturnal Dinopis (Laughlin et al. 1980), and
achieve excellent angular resolutions (see also Land, Chap. IV, this Vol.).
The posterior median eyes of advanced salticids are vestigial (Eakin and
Brandenburger 1971), incapable of forming images, and make no detectable
contribution to the spiders' visual fields (Land, Chap. IV, this Vol.). Their con-
servation as functional ocelli in the Spartaeinae is a major reason for supposing
the subfamily to be primitive (Wanless 1984). Although the Lyssomaninae are
usually regarded as primitive on other grounds, they, too, have vestigial pos-
terior median eyes (Blest 1983). The secondary retinae of Lyssomanes, two
genera of the Spartaeinae (Yaginumanis and Portia), and the advanced Sal-
ticidae present an interesting series: rhabdoms of Lyssomanes are not shielded
by a refractive index barrier (Fig. 14) and for much of their lengths are virtu-
ally contiguous. Rhabdoms of Yaginumanis and Portia have rectangular trans-
verse profiles, and the processes of the non-pigmented glia that surround them,

Fig. 14. Transverse section through two receptive segments of an anterior lateral (secondary)
eye of Lyssomanes (Salticidae), to illustrate their close contiguity. Rh rhabdom; gl glial par-
Fig. 15. Transverse section through a posterior median (secondary eye) of Yaginumanis (Sal-
ticidae). Rh rhabdom; npg non-pigmented glial process; 1-4 four processes of the pigmented
glia, which in this species does not have pigment granules at the level of the receptive seg-
Fig. 16. Transverse section through an anterior lateral (secondary) eye of Portia (Salticidae),
to show that the arrangement of components is identical to that of Yaginumanis, except for the
content of pigment granules in the four processes of the pigmented glia that surround each
Fine Structure of Spider Photoreceptors 93
94 A.D. Blest

although devoid of microtubules, are much divided distally, and would seem to
provide a relatively inefficient refractive index barrier. In both species, an outer
sleeve is provided by four processes of the pigmented glia: that of Yaginumanis
is not equipped with pigment at the level of the receptive segments (Fig. 15); in
Portia, each process contains large, rather scattered pigment granules (Fig. 16).
Optically, the arrangement can only be suboptimal.
This small series can be regarded as representative of stages in the evolution
of the sophisticated secondary eyes of advanced jumping spiders, although it
must be emphasised that the taxonomic relationships between the three pre-
sumptively primitive genera are controversial and incompletely understood.

4.2.2 The Principal Eyes

Despite the diversity of the secondary eyes, the complex anatomy of the princi-
pal eyes is, in essence, fully developed and largely conserved throughout the
Salticidae (Blest and Price 1984; Blest and Sigmund 1984). The tiering of the
retinae to provide four layers, and its optical implications are described and il-
lustrated in Land, Chapter IV, this Volume. Briefly: the telephoto optics of the
dioptric system analysed by Williams and McIntyre (1980) and Blest et al.
(1981) in conjunction with the ultrastructural anatomy (Blest and Price 1984)
indicate that in species with high visual acuities (Jackson and Blest 1982a)
layer I, farthest from the dioptrics, alone possesses a mosaic quality sufficient to
sustain them (Fig. 17). Foveal layer I receptive segments each bear a single
rhabdom on one face of a cell whose cytoplasm lacks organelles. Because rhab-
doms are long and are isolated by a refractive index barrier, they both can and
must act as light guides (Williams and McIntyre 1980; Blest and Price 1984).
Specialisation for high visual acuity at the fovea is most marked in Portia
(Fig. 18), whose unusual ethology places a premium on the making offine visu-
al discriminations at substantial distances (Jackson and Blest 1982b; see also
Forster, Chap. XIII, this Vol.). Microtubules have been eliminated from the re-
ceptor cy.top1asm, perhaps as a device marginally to enhance the refractive in-
dex difference between rhabdom and surround. The 1.4-flm spacing between
receptors is close to the physical limit below which there would be significant
optical cross-talk between receptors. The long foveal rhabdoms can be sup-
posed to optimise signal-noise ratios. Perhaps it is not surprising that these de-
tailed adaptations are found in the receptors of a mosaic that in combination
with its associated dioptrics achieves a minimal visual angle of 2.4 min of arc

Fig. 17. Transverse section through a principal retina of Plexippus (Salticidae) at the level of
distal layer I, to indicate the region illustrated for Portia in Fig. 18. The anatomical outer side
of the retina is at the left, and the mid-point is indicated by arrows. Note the "boomerang"
Fig. 18. Transverse section through distal layer I of a principal retina of Portia (Salticidae).
Large arrows indicate the foveal region of highest acuity. RET transverse limits of the field of
receptors; MAT retinal matrix. Note the absence of microtubules in the cytoplasm of the re-
ceptive segments
Fine Structure of Spider Photoreceptors 95
96 A. D. Blest

(Williams and McIntyre 1980), the highest spatial resolution that has been
estimated for any invertebrate ocellus.
Space does not permit an account of layers II - IV: they are, however, of in-
ferior mosaic quality, and present an interesting cellular adaptation. Degra-
dation of images received by layer I would be significant if they were required
to pass through three tiers of receptors with large refractive index differences
between rhabdomeres and cytoplasm. The cytoplasm of layers II - IV is packed
with long, tubular mitochondria (Figs. 6 and 7) which have been shown to
equilibrate the cytoplasmic and rhabdomeral refractive indices (Williams and
McIntyre 1980) and appear not to be metabolically active (Blest and Price
Portia, although primitive in many respects, is ethologically very specialised
(Jackson and Blest 1982b) and cannot be taken as a paradigm of the Spar-
taeinae within which it is currently placed (Wanless 1984). Less specialised
Spartaeinae (e.g. Yaginumanis and Spartaeus) and Lyssomanes have principal
eyes whose organisation gives some hint as to the pathway by which high
acuity retinae may have been evolved. A speculative model is discussed by
Blest and Sigmund (1984). Here, discussion must be confined to the difficult
matter of layers I and II which in Plexippus have been shown to have identical
spectral peaks in the green at ca. 520 nm (Blest et al. 1981). Optical models that
account for the properties of layer I fail to offer a convincing role for layer II,
which must receive blurred images. Trivially, this can be held to account for the
mostly poor mosaics of layer II, but evades an important question: why should
there be two spectrally identical tiers in the first place?
In Yaginumanis and Lyssomanes foveal layer I mosaics are of poor quality:
each receptive segment bears two rhabdomeres, and rhabdomers of adjacent re-
ceptors are closely contiguous, so that there must be substantial optical pooling.
Layer II receptive segments are organised in the same way and are of equiv-
alent mosaic quality (cf. Fig. 12). If we assume that in these forms layer I and II
receptors have identical spectral sensitivities as they do in Plexippus, tiering of
the two layers can be interpreted as Land (1969a) originally proposed as an
alternative to colour vision extending into the red: focused images will be re-
ceived by 'the two layers from objects at different distances so that tiering com-
pensates for the inability of the visual system to accommodate. Blest and Sig-
mund (1984) model the evolution of the principal eye by assuming that this
situation is phylogenetically primitive and was subsequently modified to allow
the evolution of a mosaic in layer I able to sustain high visual acuities. The
principal retina of Spartaeus (Blest and Sigmund, 1985) represents a putative
intermediate stage in this posited transformation.
Interpretations of Salticid principal retinae are constrained by the paucity of
data concerning the spectral sensitivities of the receptors. Using different
species, De Voe (1975) and Blest et al. (1981) found only green and ultraviolet
receptors, the latter belonging to marked cells in layer IV. Yamashita and
Tateda (1976) found green, yellow, blue and ultraviolet receptors in Menemerus
which they did not localise to layers. The resolution of these ambiguities is
critical for optical models that seek to explain how Salticid retinae work, and
how they may have evolved (see also Yamashita, Chap. VI, this Volume).
Fine Structure of Spider Photoreceptors 97

5 Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Implications of Retinal Ultrastructure

5.1 Taxonomic Implications of Retinal Structure

Homann's (1951, 1971) survey of retinal organisation throughout the spiders

was conducted by light microscopy. The major phylogenetic conclusions of his
seminal study remain unimpaired by subsequent work. At a more detailed ana-
tomical level, ultrastructural analysis poses some interesting and so far un-
resolved questions:
1. To what extent should it be supposed that retinal organisations are conserva-
tive, and can be used as taxonomic characters? .
2. Alternatively, to what extent can it be supposed that eyes are so subject to
stringent selection pressures that they will always be modified and optimised
to a degree that renders them useless as taxonomic characters?
As far as we know at present, basic retinal organisations are well-conserved
within taxonomic groupings, forms conventionally regarded as phylogenetically
primitive retaining receptors arranged as optically inefficient rhabdomeral net-
works; in these groups adaptive radiation is probably achieved primarily by
modifications to the dioptrics, and by manipulations of the exact dispositions
and functional roles of the tapeta underlying the receptors (not dealt with in
this account).
The two following cases introduce a note of caution and suggest that the ul-
trastructure of spider photoreceptors can be subject to radical modification by
rapid selection.

5.2 The Phylogenetic Lability of Photoreceptor Mosaics

The posterior median eyes of Dinopid spiders in the genera Dinopis and Men-
neus provide a pertinent example of the dangers of inferring too much from dif-
ferences of reti.nal ultrastructure alone in a systematic context. The anatomy of
the receptive segments is given in Figs. 19 and 20.
In Dinopis, the big posterior median eyes are specialised for nocturnal vi-
sion (Blest and Land 1977; Blest 1978; Laughlin et al. 1980). The receptors pres-
ent a rhabdomeral network with large (20-22 ~m) centre-to-centre spacings
between receptive segments, each of which in the day state bears rhabdomeres
disposed as a thin peripheral rind whose microvilli interdigitate with those of
the photoreceptors that flank it. In the night state, the receptive segments
lengthen by the addition of more rhabdomeral membrane throughout: the opti-
cal consequences are noted under Section 3.1 above.
A closely related genus, Menneus, possesses small posterior median eyes
whose anatomy and optics are discussed by Blest et al. (1980). They have
f-numbers of 0.72 (compared to 0.58 for Dinopis); the retinal illuminances of
M enneus: Dinopis have a ratio of 1: 1.54. However, the receptive segments of
Menneus are disproportionately small, so that the relative illuminance of single
receptors becomes a ratio of ca. 1: 38. If this ratio is extrapolated by including
98 AD.Blest

® N


Figs. 19, 20. Comparison of the retinal architectures of the posterior median eyes of Menneus
(A) and Dinopis (8), displayed by schematic longitudinal (19) and transverse (20) sections, the
latter taken at the level of the receptive segments. The smaller components are those of Men-
neus, structures being represented in the day state, with the exception of one of the transverse
profiles of a Menneus receptive segment in the night state given in 20A for comparison. n.p.g.
non-pigmented glia; ree. som. receptor somata; ree. seg. receptive segments; p.l. pigment layer;
into seg. intermediate segment; D day state; N night state; Ro - RB receptors. Scale at left of 19
in microns

the relative lengths of the receptors in the calculation, it seems probable that
the relative photon capture efficiency for Menneus:Dinopis amounts to a ratio
of ca. I: 100.
This difference in presumptive photon capture efficiency (which necessarily
relates to sensitivity), amounts to some two orders of magnitude derived from
differences in optical design alone, and can be related to the ecology of the two
genera. Austin and Blest (1979) found that in the same habitat, Dinopis only be-
comes active and constructs a snare after nightfall; Menneus does so before
None of this accounts for the radical distinction between the anatomy of the
photoreceptive segments in the two genera: Dinopis has a rhabdomeral net-
work, whilst Menneus has receptive segments each with two rhabdomeres that
are not contiguous with those of adjacent receptors (Figs. 19 and 20). Were it
Fine Structure of Spider Photoreceptors 99

not for the difference in size between the posterior median eyes of the two
genera, Dinopis and Menneus might well be treated by taxonomists as congen-
eric, yet one has a reaeptor organisation associated with relatively primitive
families with poor vision, the other receptors which resemble those of partially
vision-dependent families such as the Lycosidae.
A second example concerns Supunna, an Australian genus of diurnally ac-
tive spiders currently placed in the Clubionidae. Our unpublished data show
that the secondary eyes possess vestigial and non-functional tapeta; they are
overlain by receptor mosaics that bear no relationship to the rhabdomeral net-
works of the Clubionidae and the related Gnaphosidae, but seem, instead, to be
irregular equivalents of the gridiron receptor mosaics of phylogenetically more
advanced spiders such as the Lycosidae and Thomisidae. There is little to indi-
cate whether this circumstance means that retinal architectures are more labile
than has been supposed, or whether Supunna has been assigned to an inap-
propriate family. Further examination of the eyes of spiders will doubtless re-
veal other anomalies.

6 Conclusions

The foregoing account demonstrates that the ocelli of spiders contain a range of
retinal types: on the one hand, optically inefficient rhabdomeral networks; or, at
another extreme, precise mosaics serving superior dioptrics in such a way that
the eyes of some salticids can plausibly be supposed to be diffraction-limited
(Williams and McIntyre 1980; Blest et al. 1981). The latter ideal state has not
been achieved by any compound eye known to us. We are left with the problem
posed by Laughlin et al. (1980): what advantage does the compound eye pres-
ent over the spider ocellus, given what the latter can be shown to have
achieved? Why have so few spiders developed ocelli to their best advantage?
There would appear to be many reasons, and it is beyond the scope of a short
review to discuss them. The diversity of spider ocelli in terms of their func-
tional designs snould persuade us that they are worthy of more detailed physio-
logical analysis, despite the formidable technical difficulties of doing so.

Acknowledgements. I am indebted to successive technical assistants for the skillful preparation

of thin sections: Ling Kao, Karen Powell, Joanne Maples, Dean Price, Wendy Eddey and
Claudia Sigmund. Dr. Sally Stowe prepared the freeze-etch replica illustrated in Fig. 3, and
with Drs. M. F. Land, P. McIntyre, S. B. Laughlin and D. S. Williams provided many stimulat-
ing discussions. Gary Brown prepared the line drawings.

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VI Photoreceptor Cells in the Spider Eye:
Spectral Sensitivity and Efferent Control

I Introduction. . . . . . . 103
2 Spectral Sensitivities . . . 104
2.1 Anterior Median Eyes 104
2.2 Posterior Lateral Eyes lOS
3 Efferent Signals in the Optic Nerve 106
3.1 Circadian Rhythm . . . 106
3.2 Illumination of the Brain 108
3.3 Illumination ofthe Eyes 109
3.4 Dimming . . . . . . 110
4 Color Vision and Behavior 112
4.1 Salticidae . 112
4.2 Lycosidae. . . . . . 114
4.3 Dinopidae. . . . . . 115
4.4 Argiopidae . . . . . . 115
4.5 Comparison with Other Arthropods 115
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

1 Introduction

Most species of spiders have four pairs of simple eyes arranged in two rows, an-
terior and posterior, in the frontal part on the prosoma. These eyes are referred
to as the anterior median, anterior lateral, posterior median, and posterior lat-
eral eyes. The anterior median eyes are generally referred to as principal eyes
and the other three pairs as secondary eyes.
The light responses of the eyes have been recorded electrophysiologically in
wolf spiders (DeVoe 1962, 1967a, b, 1972; DeVoe et al. 1969), jumping spiders
(DeVoe 1975; Yamashita and Tateda 1976a, b, 1982; Hardie and Duelli 1978;
Blest et al. 1981), orb-weaving spiders (Yamashita and Tateda 1978, 1981,
1983) and net-casting spiders (Laughlin et al. 1980). These studies have re-
vealed that spider eyes possess more complex functions than hitherto assumed.

Biological Laboratory, Kyushu Institute of Design, Shiobaru, Fukuoka 815, Japan

104 s. Yamashita

Yamashita and Tateda (1981) showed that efferent axons in the optic nerve
control the photoreceptor cells in orb-weaving spiders. They (1983) found that
the efferent neurons are directly sensitive to light, and that the responses of
these neurons are affected significantly by illumination of the eyes. In this
chapter, attention is directed to the spectral sensitivities of the eyes, the cerebral
photosensitive neurons (the efferent neurons), and the neural interaction be-
tween the photoreceptors and the cerebral photosensitive neurons of orb-weav-
ing spiders.

2 Spectral Sensitivities

2.1 Anterior Median Eyes

The spectral sensitivities of the receptor cells in the anterior median eyes of the
orb-weaving spiders, Argiope bruennichii and A. amoena were examined by in-
tracellular recordings of receptor potentials. Light stimulation elicited a de-
polarizing receptor potential in all cases. The anterior median eyes had three
types of receptor cells, UV cells with maximum sensitivities at about 360 nm,
blue cells at 480- 500 nm, and green cells at 540 nm (Fig. 1 A). The average in-
tensity-response curves of these cells in the dark-adapted state are shown in
Fig. 1 B. In the dark-adapted state, the sensitivity of the blue cell is higher than
that of the green and the UV cells. On the other hand, in the light-adapted state,
the sensitivity of the blue cell was lower than that of the green and UV cells
(Fig. 2).
As can be seen in Fig. 1A, each curve has a small secondary peak in the
ultraviolet or visible region. Furthermore, spectral sensitivity curves which had
two or three peaks were sometimes obtained (Fig. 3). In such cases, however,
the spectral sensitivities often changed with time following impalement, i.e., the
spectral sensitivity curves obtained immediately following impalement had
single narrow peaks, but those obtained several minutes later had two or three
broad peaks. These observations suggest that a certain amount of damage oc-
curs to the photoreceptor cell at the site of microelectrode insertion, and that
the high secondary spectral sensitivity peak may be the result of some sort of
artificial coupling. Thus, in orb-weaving spiders, it probably cannot be con-
cluded that there are electrical interactions among different receptor cells or a
mixture of two or even three different visual pigments within a cell.
The recovery processes following illumination of the less sensitive cells (UV
and green cells) and those of the more sensitive cells (blue cells) differed. Fig-
ure 2 shows two examples, one obtained from a green and the other from a blue
cell. Initially, the control light, serving also as the test light, was presented. This
was followed by the conditioning light and after various time intervals by the
test light. The amplitude of the response of the green cell to the control light
was about 7 m V. Ten seconds after the conditioning stimulus, the response to
the test light increased (about 8 mY). This increase in response to the test
stimulus reflects an increase in sensitivity of the photoreceptor cells following
illumination rather than during a complete adaptation to the dark (Yamashita
Spider Photoreceptors: Spectral Sensitivity and Efferent Control 105

Fig. 1 A, B. The average A B

spectral sensitivity curves 1.0
(A) and the average intensi-
ty response curves (B) of
three UV, two blue, and
four green cells in the dark-
adapted anterior median
eyes of Argiope bruennichii
and A. amoena. The intensi-
ty response curves were de-
termined at 360 nm for the
UV, at 480 nm for the blue
and at 540 nm for the green
cells. Vertical lines indicate
the standard deviation.
(Yamashita and Tateda

Fig. 2. Increased (green

cell) and decreased (blue
cell) responses 'following a

light stimulus of I s dura-
tion (Argiope). The control
light (C) of 2.5 ms duration
was presented to the dark-
Green cell l-- ~~-.LI
-r------L..- ...L-- - ' - - - ' - -
adapted eye. The test lights

L~ ...LLLI
were presented to the eye
lOs, 30 s and 60 s following
the conditioning stimulus
(CD). Calibrations: 5 mY, Blue cell
0.5 s (Yamashita and -' --'-- - ' - - --'--

Tateda 1978) C CD 105 305 60s

and Tateda 1976b, 1978, 1982). The response of the blue cell to the control light
was about 10 mY. Ten seconds after the conditioning stimulus, the response to
the test light was very small, and recovery to the dark-adapted level was

2.2 Posterior Lateral Eyes

All recorded receptor cells, except for one cell in the posterior lateral eyes,
showed peak sensitivities at about 480-500 nm and/or at about 540 nm. The
exceptional cell had a peak sensitivity at about 360 nm and a secondary peak at
about 500 nm. Figure 3 shows the average spectral sensitivity curves for single-
peaked blue and green cells, and the double-peaked "UV" cell. The peak sen-
sitivities of these cells are similar to those of the UV, blue, and green cells in the
anterior median eyes. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that the posterior lat-
eral eyes also have three types of visual cell, as do the anterior median eyes.
106 s. Yamashita

Fig. 3. The average spectral sensi-

tivity curves of three blue cells, five
green cells, and one "UV" cell in the
dark-adapted posterior lateral eyes of
400 500 600
Wavelength. nm

0.4 1.0

E $c
oi o
"0 a.
:[0.2 "'0.5
" '>"
w &
o~~.~ __.__ ~•.___ 0, . . . .
Time. 12 0 12 0 12 0 12 10-510-4 10-3 10-2 10. 1 1 10
June 25 26 27 28 Rela t ive i ntensit y

Fig. 4. A Circadian changes in ERG amplitude for the anterior median eye (Argiope). The spi-
der was collected from the open field in the morning and recording was begun at II :30 h under
background illumination. After cessation of background illumination at 18:00 h, ERG's were
recorded under constant darkness for 3 days. Throughout these periods, a light flash of 10 ms
duration was automatically presented every 2 min. (Yamashita and Tateda 1978). B Circadian
changes in ERG intensity-response curves determined at about 18:00 h (curve a), 19:30 h (b),
22:30 h (c) and 7:30 h (d). (Yamashita and Tateda 1981)

3 Efferent Signals in the Optic Nerve

3.1 Circadian Rhythm

The eyes of the intact orb-weaving spiders show a circadian oscillation of sensi-
tivity (Fig. 4A and B). In Fig. 4A, the amplitude of the ERG from the anterior
median eye changes with a period of approximately 22 h, under conditions of
constant darkness. ERG intensity-response curves of the anterior median eye
under constant darkness were determined at various times during "low" and
"high" sensitive states (Fig. 4 B). In this figure, four series of responses ob-
tained at about 18:00 h (curve a in Fig. 4B), 19:30 h (b), 22:30 h (c) and 07:30 h
(d) are plotted. The intensity-response curve determined at about 18:00 h is
typical fQ~ the "low" sensitive state. At about 19:30 h just after the threshold be-
Spider Photoreceptors: Spectral Sensitivity and Efferent Control 107

gins to increase, the saturated value markedly increases, i.e. the slope of the in-
tensity-response curve is the steepest at that time. At about 22:30 h, the
threshold is more than 10 times lower and the saturated value is about 1.1 times
higher than during the "low" sensitive state. At about 07:30 h, while the
threshold is kept at a low level, the saturated value markedly decreases, i.e. the
slope of the intensity-response curve is the slightest at that time. Subsequently,
there was a reversion of intensity-response curves for the "low" sensitive state.
These results show that changes in the saturated value of the light response
which suggest changes in the gain of the photoreceptors are rapid and transient,
and that changes in the threshold which suggest changes in the quantum catch
are slow and sustained.
The spectral sensitivities of the anterior median eyes during the high and
low sensitive states were studied by recording ERG's from intact eye. Figure 5A
shows spectral response curves for the high and low sensitive states, under con-
ditions of constant darkness, and a spectral response curve for the high sensitive
state during dim white light adaptation. During the "high" sensitive state under
dark conditions, the peak responses are observed at 360 nm in the ultraviolet
and at 480-540 nm in the visible. During the low sensitive state, the ERG am-
plitude to each monochromatic light decreases, as compared with the ERG's
for the high sensitive state. The decrease in the ERG amplitude is large in the
blue, but small in the ultraviolet and the red. Consequently, peak responses for
the low sensitive state are observed at 360 nm and at 540 nm. These results sug-
gest that the blue cells have a circadian oscillation of sensitivity. If such is in-
deed the case, the same spectral response curve for the low sensitive state under
constant darkness should be obtained for the high sensitive state by a moderate
adaptation of the blue cells. To test this hypothesis, ERG's were recorded dur-
ing the high sensitive state under various intensities of dim light. As can be seen
in Fig. 5 A, the spectral response curve for the "high" sensitive state during dim
light adaptation was all but coincident with that for the low sensitive state in
the dark. It is, therefore, concluded that the blue cells show a circadian oscilla-
tion of sensitivity.
The spectra,l response curves for the posterior lateral eye during the high
and low sensitive states under constant darkness were similar to those for the
anterior median eye, except that the curves for the posterior lateral eye showed
no obvious peak in the ultraviolet. Thus, it is likely that the blue cells in the
posterior lateral eye also show a circadian oscillation of sensitivity.
The circadian sensitivity change of the eyes may be mediated by efferent
optic nerve signals. If this is true, the circadian change should be lost after cut-
ting the optic nerve. Figure 5 B shows the ERG spectral response curves for the
anterior median eye with intact and cut optic nerves in the same preparation in
situ. During the most sensitive state, peak responses for the eye with the intact
optic nerve (right AM) are observed at 360 nm in the ultraviolet and at
480-540 nm in the visible. For the eye with the cut optic nerve (left AM), the
ERG amplitude to each monochromatic light is small, as compared to the ERG
for the eye with the intact optic nerve. The difference of the ERG amplitude is
large in the blue, but small in the ultraviolet and the red. The spectral response
curves for the eyes with intact and cut optic nerves were very similar to those
108 s. Yamashita


o 400 500 600 0 400 500 600

Wavelength, nm Wavelength, nm
Fig. 5. A The spectral response curves (ERG) for the circadian states of high (closed circles)
and low (open circles) sensitivity under constant darkness, and that for the "high" sensitive
state during dim light adaptation (half-closed circles) (Argiope). The relative amplitude of re-
sponse to a monochromatic light stimulus of equal quanta is plotted against the stimulus
wavelength. The magnitude of the response to a 480 nm flash for the "high~' sensitive state in
the dark is referred to as 1.0. (Yamashita and Tateda 1978.) B Effects of cutting the optic nerve
on the spectral response curves (ERG). The optic nerve for the left anterior tnedian eye (AM)
was cut (open circles) and that for the right AM was intact (closed circles). Both curves are nor-
malized to a relative response of 1.0· at 360 nm. (Yamashita and Tateda 1981)

for the circadian high and low sensitive states, respectively (Fig. SA). Electrical
stimulation applied to the distal end of the cut optic nerve produced effects on
the ERG spectral responses of the anterior median eye similar to endogenous
efferent activity, i.e., the spectral response curves determined before and
80-100 min after the onset of electrical stimulation were also similar to those
for the circadian high and low sensitive states, respectively. Thus, it is conclud-
ed that efferent signals in the optic nerve mediate the circadian sensitivity
change of the photoreceptor cells, especially of the blue cells.
The presence of efferent optic nerve fibers which control the circadian sensi-
tivity change in the eyes has been also reported for Limulus (Barlow et al. 1977;
Chamberlain and Barlow 1977; Kaplan and Barlow 1980) and for scorpions
(Fleissner and Schliwa 1977; Fleissner and Fleissner 1978; see Fleissner, Chap.
XVIII, this Vol.). In both Limulus (Fahrenbach 1969, 1973) and scorpions
(Fleissner and Schliwa 1978; Fleissner and Heinrichs 1982), the efferent fibers
are neurosecretory. It is reasonable to consider that efferent fibers in the optic
nerves of spiders are neurosecretory as well, since they have several morpho-
logical and physiological similarities to neurosecretory fibers (Melamed and
Trujillo-Cen6z 1966; Yamashita and Tateda 1981, Uehara, personal communi-

3.2 Illumination of the Brain

Efferent optic nerve activity in response to light stimulation of the brain was
studied in isolated preparations consisting of the brain and optic nerve. In most
Spider Photoreceptors: Spectral Sensitivity and Efferent Control 109

Log I
1 _._.II__
1.0 ----..~II"IIW~~._'II •• II.III.WIIlllllIII~1I1111U1l1l1l1lmlll~.j...1- - -
Fig. 6. Efferent optic nerve impulses in response to white light stimulation of the brain (10 s
duration at various intensities) obtained from an isolated brain-optic nerve preparation after
blocking the synaptic action by the addition of 2 mM Co2+ to the saline (Argiope). Horizontal
bar duration of illumination. Calibrations: 0.2 mY, 1 s. (Yamashita and Tateda 1983)

cases, recording from the optic nerve in the dark gave rhythmic bursts of im-
pulses (Fig. 8). However, impulse frequencies in the dark varied from prep-
aration to preparation. For example, while no impulse was observed in one case
about 10 imp S-1 was observed in another. Frequencies of over 20 imp S-1 were
obtained within the bursts. The efferent optic nerve activity increased during
illumination of the brain, showing that certain photosensitive neurons are pres-
ent in the brain. To determine whether or not the efferent neurons were directly
photosensitive, efferent impulses were recorded after blocking chemical trans-
mission by adding 2 mM Co2+ to the saline bath. Studies have shown these
cations to be potent blockers of transmission at chemical synapses (e.g., Weakly
1973). In C0 2+- containing saline, rhythmic bursts of impulses characteristic of
the dark-adapted state disappeared completely. llluminatioRof.the brain, how-
ever, elicited efferent activity consisting of continuous discharges of impulses
(Fig. 6). The impulse frequency increased with increasing light intensity. These
observations show that the efferent neurons are directly sensitive to light and
receive inputs from other neurons involved in the rhythmic bursts of impulses.
The spectral sensitivity of the efferent neurons was determined by recording
efferent impulses from the optic nerve after blocking the synaptic action. As
shown in Fig. 7, each spectral sensitivity curve has a single peak at
420-440 nm, suggesting that the efferent neurons contain a single photopig-

3.3 Illumination of the Eyes

The discharge rate of efferent optic nerve impulses decreased during illumi-
nation of the eyes, in the case of the isolated eyes-optic nerve-brain prepara-
tion (Fig. 8). The impulse frequency during each stimulation period decreased
with an increase in the intensity of illumination. This observation shows that
receptor cells of the eyes are inhibitory to the efferent neurons. The spectral
sensitivity for the inhibition by ocular illumination is shown in Fig. 9. The
spectral sensitivity curve has a broad peak at 480- 540 nm in the visible region
and an additional peak at 360- 380 nm in the ultraviolet one. These peaks were
similar to those of the UV, blue, and green cells in the eyes (Figs. 1A and 3),
suggesting that all three kinds of photoreceptor cell may have inhibitory effects
on the efferent neurons.
110 S. Yamashita

1.0 .

Fig. 7. Spectral sensitivities of the cerebral
photosensitive neurons obtained from four
preparations by recording efferent impulses
0 __7.=~______~.~__~~~~.~ (Argiope). (Yamashita and Tateda 1983)
350 450 550
Wavelength. nm

Log I
4.2 ~.~
5.4Jk- II U 11m
II I ~ I ~ 11~IIWIlIIIIU ~I ill
Fig. 8. Efferent optic nerve impulses in response to white light stimuli of the eyes (10 s dura-
tion at various intensities) obtained from an isolated brain-optic nerve-eyes preparation (Ar-
giope). An opaque chamber divided into two was used for recording. Selective illumination of
the eyes was achieved by placing an opaque sheet over the part of the recording chamber that
contained the brain. The slow transients at onset and at offset of illumination are ERG's of the
eyes. Calibrations: 0.2 mY, I s. (Yamashita and Tateda 1983)


Fig. 9. Spectral sensitivity curve (ERG) for

inhibition of the efferent optic nerve im-
pulses during illumination of the eyes (Ar-
giope). The relative sensitivity was defined,
for convenience, as the reciprocal of the rela-
tive number of quanta required to elicit five
impulses during lOs of ocular illumination,
and calculated from intensity-response curve
for each wave-length. (Yamashita and
OL-----~~------~--------~- Tateda 1983)
400 500 600
Wavelength. nm

3.4 Dimming

The discharge rate of efferent optic nerve impulses increased transiently follow-
ing diminution of the light intensity striking the eyes (Fig. lOA and cf. Fig. 8).
The response to the dimming of light is hereafter called the "dimming re-
sponse". The minimum decrement of light intensity necessary to elicit the
smallest dimming response was about 0.04 log units or less. The dimming re-
L --I
Spider Photoreceptors: Spectral Sensitivity and Efferent Control 111

0.04 ....... -Ill II
0.08 .-

I:. log 10
Iii I
0.20 --\....~1Ii- ~ II JII 1111 I kl 0.20 ---.... .~III.~IIIIIIIIIIII~ .. IlIIII
.,....., •• _- _. -jJ\---_. - ----- -_._-_. ---- .,...,-- -- - --11-.- - -- ----- -- --. - - -- •• -
10 : : I:. log 10 Ioj ,Ll:.loglo
I *
Fig. 10 A, B. Efferent optic nerve impulses in response to dimming of white light on the eyes
(A) and those to both the eyes and the brain (B) (Argiope). Decrement of light intensity (Lllog
Io) is indicated for each trace in log units. A and B are the same preparation. Calibrations:
0.1 mY, 0.5 s. (Yamashita and Tateda 1983)

sponse increased as the decrement in intensity increased. Saturation occurred at

a decrement of 0.6-1.0 log units.
When the lights striking the eyes and the brain were dimmed simul-
taneously, the dimming response was enhanced, as compared to the response
obtained to a dimming of the light striking the eyes alone (Fig. lOB). The dif-
ference was particularly obvious following small decrements in intensity. For
example in Fig. 10, five impulses followed a 0.04 log units decrement of ocular
illumination (Fig. lOA), whereas 25 impulses were recorded following simulta-
neous ocular and cerebral illumination (Fig. 10 B). This observation suggests
that the cerebral photosensitive neurons playa role in increasing the dimming
response, i.e., short-lasting excitability of the cerebral photosensitive neurons
(the efferent neurons) following diminution of cerebral illumination (Fig. 6)
should strengthen transient increase in excitability following diminution of ocu-
lar illumination (Fig. lOA).
In addition, efferent effects on the receptor cells of the eyes also playa role
in increasing the dimming response. When the efferent activity increases, the
resting membrane potential of the photoreceptor cell hyperpolari~.s
(Yamashita and Tateda 1981). Similar hyperpolarization is also directly eliciii
ed by diminution in the intensity of the light striking the eyes and resulting in
an increase in' efferent activity. This means that there is a positive feedback
loop for the dimming response between the cerebral photosensitive neurons and
the eyes. The interaction between the efferent neurons and the eyes may well
enable these spiders to detect even a slight diminution in light intensity.
Prominent responses to the offset and the dimming of light have been
shown for the second order cells (I-cells) and the third order cells (A-cells) in
the barnacle visual pathways (Stuart and Oertel 1978; Oertel and Stuart 1981)
and for the pallial nerve of Spisula solidissima (Kennedy 1960). The impulses
generated in the A-cells of barnacles in response to dimming cause a with-
drawal of the cirri and closure of the opercular plates (Gwilliam 1963, 1965,
1976); impulses in the afferent axon of the pallial nerve of Spisula cause with-
drawal of the siphon (Kennedy 1960). In orb-weaving spiders, impulses in the
cerebral photosensitive neurons produced as a result of the interaction of the
cerebral photosensitive neurons and the eyes seem to play a role in shadow
reaction behavior. ' ..
112 s. Yamashita
4 Color Vision and Behavior

4.1 Salticidae

A number of behavioral activities of the jumping spiders, a hunter species, are

initiated by visual stimuli (see also Forster, Chap. xm, this Vol.). The anterior
median eyes playa significant role in the initiation of various behavioral events
and are aptly named the principal eyes. Homann (1928) and Crane (1949)
showed that blinding the principal eyes results in a cessation of prey-catching as
well as courtship behavior, while blinding two pairs of the lateral eyes affects
only the initial turn toward an object moving outside the visual field of the
principal eyes. The anterior median eyes of jumping spiders are capable of a
certain extent of color recognition. The majority of jumping spiders have spe-
cific colorful adornments. Peckham and Peckham (1894) showed that painting
various parts of live female jumping spiders in atypical colors greatly reduces
male sexual display. Crane (1949) found that the yellow patches on the clypeus
of Corythalia xanthopa are essential for the release of threat display. A crude
two-dimensional model with similar yellow patches initiated threat display,
while a model with white patches did not. Such differences, according to Crane,
cannot be attributed to differences in intensity. Kastner (1950) observed that
jumping spiders, Evarcha Jalcata, leap upon and climb up a striped wall. Black
and white stripes elicited the behavior, most effectively, while black and gray
stripes were only weakly effective. On the other hand, colored (blue or orange)
and gray stripes were equally as effective as black and white stripes. Kastner
concluded that the anterior median eyes are capable of color discrimination.
Land (1969) observed that the retina of the anterior median eyes of the
jumping spiders, Phidippus johnsoni and Metaphidippus aeneolus, consists of
four layers of receptor cells (1, 2, 3 and 4 from the deepest layer forward). He
showed that red light from infinity focused on layer I, blue-green on 2, violet or
near ultraviolet on 3, and ultraviolet on 4. Land proposed two hypotheses to ex-
plain the layering of the receptors in the anterior median eye. (1) The several
receptor layers act in lieu of a focusing system, the animal using one or another
layer to examine objects at different distances. (2) Each receptor layer contains
a different photopigment situated in a plane for maximum absorption of light
for that pigment, and thus for best image formation (see also Land, Chap. IV,
this Vol.).
Yamashita and Tateda (1976a) found that the anterior median eye of the
jumping spider, Menemerus conJusus has UV cells with a maximum sensitivity
at about 360 nm, blue cell at 480- 500 nm, green cell at 540 nm and yellow cell
at 580 nm (see Table I). Possession of four types of receptor cells suggests that
the anterior median eyes are capable of color discrimination. The spectral
sensitivity curves determined by ERG's had a very broad peak between 490 nm
and 590 nm in the visible, and an additional peak at 360 nm in the ultraviolet.
The ERG's recorded from the optic nerve side (proximal part of the retina)
were affected considerably by long wave chromatic light and those on the cor-
neal side (distal part of the retina) by short wave chromatic light. These results
support the latter hypothesis proposed by Land.
Spider Photoreceptors: Spectral Sensitivity and Efferent Control 113

Table 1. Spectral sensitivities of the principal eyes

Family Species Receptor type Futher observation Reference


Salticidae Phidippus UV(370}, Ratios ofUV-to-green sen- DeVoe, 1975

regius green (532) sitivities for the UV-green
UV-green cells varied greatly
(370 and 525) from cell to cell
Menemerus UV (360), ERGs from proximal part Yamashita and
confusus blue (480-500), of retina were affected Tateda, 1976a
green (520-540), greatly by long wavelength
yellow (580) and those from distal part
by short wavelength
Plexippus UV(360), Marking. Peripheral layer 1 Blest et a1.
validus green (520) and peripheral and central 1981
layer 2 receptors:
green cells; layer 4:
Lycosidae Lycosa UV-green Each cell contains variable DeVoe, 1972
baltimoriana (360-370 amounts of both UV and
L. miami and 510) green pigments
L. lenta
Argiopidae Argiope UV (360), The blue cells are the most Yamashita and
bruennichii blue (480-500), sensitive and have a Tateda, 1978
A. amoena green (540) circadian oscillation of

On the other hand, DeVoe (1975) found UV cells (maximum sensitivity at

360 nm), green cells (532 nm) and UV-green cells (both 370 nm and 525 nm) in
the retinae of Phidippus regius, but not blue and yellow cells. Blest et al. (1981)
also found only UV (maximum is 360 nm) and green (520 nm) cells in the re-
tinae of Plexippus validus. In both species, the spectral sensitivity curves deter-
mined by ERG's have a single narrow peak in the visible at about 530 nm for
Phidippus (DeVoe et al. 1969) and at about 500-520 nm for Plexippus (Blest et
al. 1981).
Blest et al. (1981) marked spectrally characterized cells by the injection of
Lucifer Yellow, and showed that peripheral layer 1 and peripheral and central
layer 2 of the retina contain green cells, and layer 4 contains UV cells. Cells in
the central layer 1 and layer 3 were not marked. They also found that the spac-
ing between receptor layers 1 and 4 is matched to the chromatic aberration of
the eye; if green light from an object in front of the spider is focused on layer 1,
UV light will be focused on layers 4 and 3, and that a staircase of the distal ends
of layer 1 receptors enable the spider to receive in-focus images from objects at
distances between 3 cm-a) in front of it. Blest et al. concluded that tiering of
the receptors and the staircase of layer 1 compensate both for the chromatic
aberration of the dioptrics of the eye and for its inability to accommodate. The
discrepancy between the results of Yamashita and Tateda (1976 a) and those of
Blest et al. (1981) remains to be elucidated (see also Blest, Chap. V, this Vol.).
114 S. Yamashita

Table 2. Spectral sensitivities of the secondary eyes (AL, PM and PL) and cerebral photosensi-
tive neurons (CP). AL, anterior lateral eye; PM, posterior median eye; PL, posterior lateral eye

FamUy Species Eyes Receptor type Method Reference


Salticidae Menemerus AL,PL Green (535-540) ERG Yamashita and

confusus Tateda, 1976a
PZexippus PL Green (535) Intracellular Hardie and
vaZidus recording Duelli, 1978
Lycosidae Lycosa AL,PM Green (505-510) ERG DeVoe et aI.,
baZtimoriana PL 1969
L. miami
L. carolinensis
L. baZtimoriana AL Green (510) Intracellular DeVoe, 1972
L. miami recording
L. Zenta
Argiopidae Argiope PL UV(360), Intracellular This chapter
bruennichii blue (480-500), recording
A. amoena green (540)
A. bruennichii CP blue (420-440) Extracellular Yamashita and
A. amoena recording of Tateda, 1983
Dinopidae Dinopis PM Green (517) Intracellular Laughlin et a1.
subrufus recording 1980

The anterior and posterior lateral eyes of the jumping spiders are movement
detectors (Homann 1928; Crane 1949; Land 1971; Duelli 1978). Land (1971)
showed that when any small object is moved within a short distance in the visu-
al field of the lateral eyes, the spider executes a single rapid turn to face the
moving object. For detection of moving objects, it is not necessary for the lat-
eral eyes to discriminate color. The lateral eyes indeed have only one type of
visual cell, with a maximum sensitivity at about 535-540 nm for Menemerus
(Yamashita and Tateda 1976a) and at 535 nm for Plexippus (Hardie and Duelli
1978) (see Table 2).

4.2 Lycosidae

In studies on wolf spider eyes, DeVoe (1972) showed that visual cells in the an-
terior lateral eye have a maximum sensitivity in the visible at 510 run and a sec-
ondary maximum in the near ultraviolet at 380 run. Cells in the anterior median
eyes all responded maximally both in the visible at 510 run and in the ultra-
violet at 360- 370 nm. The ratio of ultraviolet to visible sensitivities varied
from cell to cell. DeVoe concluded that visual cells of the anterior median eye
contain variable amounts of both a visual pigment absorbing maximally in the
visible light region and one absorbing in the ultraviolet.
Spider Photoreceptors: Spectral Sensitivity and Efferent Control 115

DeVoe et al. (1969) studied the spectral sensitivities of wolf spider eyes by
recording ERG's from intact animals, and found that when the spectral sen-
sitivities of the anterior median eyes were once again obtained from the same
eyes after 7 - 10 weeks, the spectral sensitivities differed from those obtained at
the first recording. The difference was large in the visible, but small in the
ultraviolet. The difference is similar to that between the circadian high and low
sensitive states of the orb-weaving spiders. Therefore, the wolf spider eyes may
have a similar circadian change in sensitivity, although DeVoe et al. (1969)
thought such changes were unlikely in the case of wolf spider eyes.

4.3 Dinopidae

The posterior median eye of the net-casting spider, Dinopis subrufus, a noc-
turnal predator, has a single type of visual cell with a maximum sensitivity at
517 nm (Laughlin et al. 1980).

4.4 Argiopidae

In orb-weaving spiders, both the anterior median eyes and the posterior lateral
eyes have three types of visual cell, suggesting that there is no remarkable dif-
ference in function among the four pairs of eyes (cf. Figs. 1 A and 3). Possession
of three types of visual cell suggests the possibility for color vision, although
there is no behavioral evidence to support this idea. The sensitivity of the blue
cell was higher than that of the green and UV cells. The orb-weaving spiders
build their webs before sunrise. It is reasonable to consider that in this species
there are mechanisms which permit adjustment of the visual system over a wide
range of light intensities. This can be explained by the duplicity theory of
vision. The blue cells may correspond functionally to the rods of the vertebrate
retina while the green and UV cells may correspond to the cones.

4.5 Comparison with Other Arthropods

Many insects, though belonging to another class of Arthropoda, can discrimi-

nate color by means of compound eyes which have different types of visual
cells, UV and blue and/or green cells (see review by Menzel 1979). In most
cases, maximum sensitivities· of the UV, blue, and green cells are around
330 - 380 nm, 420 - 460 nm and 490 - 540 nm, respectively. In addition to the
UV, blue and green cells, long wavelength receptors, red cells, have been detect-
ed photochemically and physiologically in 9 out of 17 species of butterflies
tested (maximum sensitivity is 610 nm) (Bernard 1979), electrophysiologically
in the butterfly, Papilio aegeus (610 nm) (Horridge et al. 1983; Matic 1983) and
the dragonfly, Sympetrum rubicundulum (620 nm) (Meinertzhagen et al. 1983).
The peak sensitivities of UV and green cells in spider eyes correspond to those
of UV and green cells in insect eyes. The peak sensitivities of blue cells
116 S. Yamashita

(480- 500 nm) in spiders, Menemerus and Argiope are similar to those of green
cells rather than blue cells in insects. Yellow cells in Menemerus may cor-
respond to red cells in butterflies and dragonflies.

Barlow RB Jr, Bolanowski SJ Jr, Brachman ML (1977) Efferent optic nerve fibers mediate
circadian rhythms in the Limulus eye. Science 197:86-89
Bernard GD (1979) Red-absorbing visual pigment of butterflies. Science 203:1125-1127
Blest AD, Hardie RC, McIntyre P, Williams DS (1981) The spectral sensitivities of identified
receptors and the function of retinal tiering in the principal eyes of a jumping spider. J
Comp Physiol 145:227 - 239
Chamberlain SC, Barlow RB Jr (1977) Morphological correlates of efferent circadian activity
and light adaptation in the Limulus lateral eye. Bioi Bull 153:418-419
Crane J (1949) Comparative biology ofsalticid spiders at Rancho Grande, Venezuela. Part N.
An analysis of display. Zoologica 34:159- 214
DeVoe RD (1962) Linear superposi.tion of retinal action potentials to predict electrical flicker
responses from the eye of the wolf spider, Lyeosa baltimoriana (Keyserling) J Gen Physiol
DeVoe RD (1967 a) Nonlinear transient responses from light-adapted wolf spider eyes to
changes in background illumination. J Gen PhysioI50:1961-1991
DeVoe RD (1967b) A nonlinear model for transient responses from light-adapted wolf spider
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DeVoe RD (1972) Dual sensitivities of cells in wolf spider eyes at ultraviolet and visible wave-
lengths of light. J Gen Physiol 59:247 - 269
DeVoe RD (1975) Ultraviolet and green receptors in principal eyes of jumping spiders. J Gen
Physiol 66: 193 - 207
DeVoe RD, Small RJW, Zvargulis JE (1969) Spectral sensitivities of wolf spider eyes. J Gen
Duelli P (1978) Movement detection in the posterolateral eyes of jumping spiders (Evareha ar-
euata, Saltieidae). J Comp PhysioI124:15-26
Fahrenbach WH (1969) The morphology of the eyes of Limulus. II. Ommatidia of the com-
pound eye. Z Zellforsch 93:451-483
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neurosecretion and ocular innervation. Z Zellforsch 144:153-166
Fleissner G, Fleissner G (1978) The optic nerve mediates the circadian pigment migration in
the median eyes of the scorpion. Comp Biochem Physiol (A) 61:69-71
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pion, Androetonus australis. Cell Tissue Res 224:233 - 238
Fleissner G, Schliwa M (1977) Neurosecretory fibers in the median eyes of the scorpion, An-
droetonus australis L. Cell Tissue Res 178: 189 - 198
Gwilliam GF (1963) The mechanism of the shadow reflex in Cirripedia. I. Electrical activity
in the supraesophageal ganglion and ocellar nerve. BioI Bull 125:470-485
Gwilliam GF (1965) The mechanism of the shadow reflex in Cirripedia. II. Photoreceptor cell
response, second-order responses, and motor cell output. Bioi Bull 129:244- 256
Gwilliam GF (1976) The mechanism of the shadow reflex in Cirripedia. III. Rhythmical pat-
terned activity in central neurons and its modulation by shadows. Bioi Bull 151:141-160
Hardie RC, Duelli P (1978) Properties of single cells in posterior lateral eyes of jumping
spiders. Z Naturforsch 33c:156-l58
Homann H (1928) Beitrlige zur Physiologie der Spinnenaugen. I. Untersuchungsmethoden.
II. Das Sehvermogen der Salticiden. Z Vergl Physiol 7:201-268
Horridge GA, Marcelja L, Jahnke R, Matic T (1983) Single electrode studies on the retina of
the butterfly Papilio. J Comp Physiol 150:271 - 294
Kaplan E, Barlow RB Jr (1980) Circadian clock in Limulus brain increases response and de-
creases noise of retinal photoreceptors. Nature (London) 286:393 - 395
Spider Photoreceptors: Spectral Sensitivity and Efferent Control 117

Kiistner A (1950) Reaktionen der Hiipfspinnen (Salticidae) auf unbewegte farblose und far-
bige Gesichtsreize. Zool Beitr 1:12-50
Kennedy D (1960) Neural photoreception in a lamellibranch mollusc. J Gen Physiol
Land MF (1969) Structure of the retinae of the principal eyes of jumping spiders (Salticidae:
Dendryphantinae) in relation to visual optics. J Exp Bioi 51:443-470
Land MF (1971) Orientation by jumping spiders in the absence of visual feedback. J Exp BioI
Laughlin S, Blest AD, Stowe S (1980) The sensitivity of receptors in the posterior median eye
of the nocturnal spider, Dinopis. J Comp PhysioI141:53-65
Matic T (1983) Electrical inhibition in the retina of the butterfly Papilio. L Four spectral types
of photoreceptors. J Comp PhysioI152:169-182 .
Meinertzhagen lA, Menzel R, Kahle G (1983) The identification of spectral receptor types in
the retina and lamina of the dragonfly Sympetrum rubicundulum. J Comp Physiol
Melamed J, Trujillo-Cen6z 0 (1966) The fine structure of the visual system of Lycosa
(Araneae: Lycosidae). Part I. Retina and optic nerve. Z Zellforsch 74:12- 31
Menzel R (1979) Spectral sensitivity and colour vision in invertebrates. In: Autrum H (ed)
Comparative physiology and evolution of vision in invertebrates. Handbook of sensory
physiology, vol VII, 6A. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 503- 580
Oertel D, Stuart AE (1981) Transformation of signals by interneurons in the barnacle's visual
pathway. J Physiol (London) 311:127-146
Peckham GW, Peckham EG (1894) The sense of sight in spiders with some observations of the
color sense. Trans Wiss Acad Sci Arts Lett 10:231- 261
Stuart AE, Oertel D (1978) Neuronal properties underlying processing of visual information in
the barnacle. Nature (London) 275:287 - 290
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Yamashita S, Tateda H (1976a) Spectral sensitivities of jumping spider eyes. J Comp Physiol
Yamashita S, Tateda H (1976b) Hypersensitivity in the anterior median eye of a jumping
spider. J Exp BioI 65:507- 516
Yamashita S, Tateda H (1978) Spectral sensitivities of the anterior median eyes of the orb web
spiders, Argiope bruennichii and A. amoena. J Exp BioI 74:47 - 57
Yamashita S, Tateda H (1981) Efferent neural control in the eyes of orb weaving spiders. J
Comp PhysioI143:477-483
Yamashita S, Tateda H (1982) Importance of calcium and magnesium ions for postexcitatory
hypersensitivity in the jumping spider (Menemerus) eye. J Exp BioI 97:187 -195
Yamashita S, Tate9a H (1983) Cerebral photosensitive neurons in the orb weaving spiders, Ar-
giope bruennichii and A. amoena. J Comp Physiol 150:467 - 472
vn Mechano- and Chemoreceptive Sensilla

I Introduction. 118
2 Mechanoreceptors: Tactile Hairs, Spines, Scopula Hairs 118
2.1 Tactile Hairs. . . . . . 119
2.2 Spines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
2.3 Scopula Hairs in Spiders .......... . 123
3 Chemoreceptors: Contact Chemoreceptors, Pore Hairs, Tarsal Organs 125
3.1 Contact Chemoreceptors . 125
3.2 Pore Hairs. . 129
3.3 TarsalOrgans . 131
4 Other Receptors . . 132
5 Concluding Remarks 134
References . . . . 134

1 Introduction

Arachnids do not have antennae, but bear most of their sensory organs on their
extremities. In particular the palps and first two pairs of legs carry a variety of
mechano- and chemoreceptors. The basic receptor form is represented by the
sensory hair or hair sensillum. According to the mode of innervation we can dis-
tinguish two broad categories: (1) hair sensilla with dendrites ending at the hair
base (mechanoreceptors), and (2) hair sensilla with dendrites that enter the hair
shaft and communicate with the outside through pores in the hair wall
(cheinoreceptors). Other sensilla, e.g., for thermo- and hygroreception, certainly
occur in arachnids but have not yet been studied systematically.

2 Mechanoreceptors: Tactile Hairs, Spines, Scopula Hairs

Mechanoreceptive sensilla of arachnids comprise (1) tactile hairs, (2) tri-

chobothria, (3) slit sensUla, and (4) joint receptors. Only the first type of receptor
will be discussed here in detail, the other sensory organs are dealt with in Chap-
ters VIII, IX, and XII, this Volume.

Universite de Fribourg, Institut d'Anatomie, I, Rue Gockel, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland

Mechano- and Chemoreceptive Sensilla 119

Fig. 1. Different types of hair sensilla on the tarsus of the spider Liphistius. Irregular rows of
tactile hairs (T), taste hairs (c), and trichobothria (Tr , two types here) are identified. A small,
club-shaped sensillum of unknown significance is marked by an asterisk. x350

Most arachnids are. active at night and thus do not primarily rely on vision.
Their most important sensory input comes from mechanical stimuli such as
touch, vibrations and air currents. Even among the hunting spiders, which are
supposedly visually oriented (e.g., the Lycosidae), we find many species which
lie quietly in ambush and react mainly to mechanical cues. Direct contact is
perceived by movable tactile hairs, air currents by slender trichobothria, and
substrate vibrati~ms by special slit sensilla embedded in the exoskeleton (see al-
so ReiBland and Gomer, Chap. VIII and Barth, Chap. XI, this VoL).

2.1 Tactile Hairs

Despite a large variety in size and shape (Fig. 1), the mechanosensitive hair
sensilla of arachnids share the following characteristics: (l) A hollow cuticular
shaft, suspended movably in a socket via an articulating membrane, and (2)
several sensory cells whose dendrites are attached to the base of the hair shaft
(Fig. 2). A multiple innervation is typical for arachnid mechanoreceptors,
whereas tactile hairs in insects are singly innervated (for review see McIver
1975). Table 1 gives the number of neurons associated with tactile hairs in three
different arachnid orders.
The dendritic terminals always end at the proximal side of the hair base and
contain a characteristic tubular body (Thurm 1964). This structure consists of
120 R.F.Foelix



Fig. 2. Tactile hair of a spider, longitudinal section. (Henksmeyer 1983.) The hair shaft (hs) is
suspended in a narrow socket via an articulating membrane (m). Three dendrites (d) with
tubular bodies (tb) terminate at the hair base. cr ciliary region; ec 1-3 enveloping cells; ect exo-
cuticle; hy Hypodermis; ml e meso/endocuticle; ric receptor lymph cavity; s socket septum

Table 1. Tactile hair sensilla in arachnids

Order Number of References

sensory cells

Acari 2 Chu-Wang and Axtell 1973

Haupt and Coineau 1975
Hess and Vlimant 1983

Araneae 3 Eckweiler 1983

Foelix and Chu-Wang 1973a
Harris and Mill 1973

Scorpiones 7 Brownell and Farley 1979

Foelix and Schabronath 1983

tightly packed microtubules which are usually interconnected by an electron-

dense substance; furthermore, the peripheral microtubules form short bridges
to the dendritic membrane (Fig. 3 a). The tubular body of insect sensilla is con-
sidered to represent the site of sensory transduction (Gnatzy and Tautz 1980;
Moran et al. 1976; Thurm 1965, 1982). Since the structure of the tubular body
of arachnid sensilla corresponds closely to that of insect mechanoreceptors, it
seems reasonable to assume the same function. The occurrence of a tubular
Mechano- and Chemoreceptive Sensilla 121

Fig. 3 a-d. Innervation of tactile hairs in spiders (cross-sections). a Lycosa punctulata. Three
dendritic endings with tubular bodies (tb), surrounded by a dendritic sheath (ds) and a layer of
cuticular granules. x21,OOO. Inset the peripheral microtubules of each tubular body connect to
the dendritic membrane. x77,OOO. b, C Amaurobiusferox. b The three outer dendritic segments,
enclosed by a thin dendritic sheath (ds) and three enveloping cells (1- 3). x19,OOO. c Three cili-
ary regions (CR) with the typical 9 x 2 + 0 arrangement of microtubules. x28,OOO. d Zygiella
x-notata. Three sensory axons, wrapped by a glial cell (g/). Axons show septate (circle) and gap
junctions (arrow). e'r smooth endoplasmic reticulum. x20,OOO

body in a dendritic terminal is now generally accepted to be a diagnostic fea-

ture of an arthropod cuticular mechanoreceptor, comparable to the character-
istic microvillar cell border in photoreceptor cells.
Dendrites with tubular bodies are not restricted to purely mechanoreceptive sensilla but
also occur in many contact chemoreceptors, thus providing a dual modality for that sensillum
(see below). In fact, some arachnid orders (e.g., Amblypygi, Uropygi) seem to have only such
combined receptors and lack purely tactile hairs.

Another common feature of arthropod sensilla is a narrow ciliary region

which divides the dendritic process into an inner and an outer segment
(Fig. 3 c). This ciliary region consists of nine peripheral doublets of micro-
tubules which arise from triplets in a basal body (cf. Fig. 7). A central pair of
microtubules, as is typical. for motile cilia, is lacking in the sensory cell's den-
122 R.F.Foelix

drite, yet single ("free") microtubules may be seen to traverse the central re-
gion. The ciliary region of arthropod sensilla is thus characterized by the for-
mula 9 x 2 + 0, and this arrangement of microtubules holds generally true for

most arachnids as well. Some tick species, however, show consistent deviations
from this pattern, namely 10 x 2 + 0, 11 x 2 + 0, and 12 x 2 + (for summary
see Hess and Vlimant 1982). The significance of the ciliary structure is not yet
understood, but perhaps it plays an active role in sensory transduction (Moran
et al. 1977).
The dendrites of the sensory neurons are enclosed by several enveloping
cells (Fig. 3 b), which probably correspond to the tormogen cell, the trichogen
cell and the dendritic sheath cell of insect sensilla (Schmidt and Gnatzy 1971;
Ernst 1972; Gaffal 1976; Steinbrecht and Muller 1976; Keil 1978). A clear
homology cannot be drawn So far, because there are only very few and in-
complete ontogenetic studies on arachnid sensilla (Harris 1977; Haupt 1982). It
is likely, however, that the innermost enveloping cell produces the dendritic
sheath that surrounds the outer dendritic segments. The following sheath cell
(trichogen cell) is probably responsible for the formation of the cuticular hair
shaft, while the outer sheath cell (tormogen cell) surrounds the receptor lymph
cavity underneath the hair base (Fig. 2).
The dendritic sheath is attached to the hair base and also to the inside of the
hair socket. Its inner surface is studded with peculiar granules which may in-
dent the dendritic membrane (Fig. 3 a). The outer dendritic segments are sur-
rounded by an additional extracellular sheath, the so-called socket septum. This
structure is well known from insect sensilla (Gaffal et al. 1975; Gaffal and
TheiB 1978), where it apparently transmits a compression onto the dendritic
terminal, when the hair is bent.
The somata of. the bipolar sensory cells lie 100 - 200 11m proximal of the
hair base and measure 20-80 11m in length (Foelix 1970a; Eckweiler 1983).
They always have a rather large, round nucleus and relatively little cytoplasm.
The axons exit proximally from the soma and are engulfed by a glial cell
(Fig. 3 d). The axons from one sensory hair may run separately within the hypo-
dermis or they may join axons of other sensilla to form larger bundles. Eventu-
ally they enter the hemolymph-filled lumen of the leg in the form of a small
sensory nerve.
Only few studies have dealt with the physiological aspects of tactile hairs in
arachnids (Harris 1977; Sanjeeva-Reddy 1971). Moving a single hair while
recording from it electrophysiologically has yielded several classes of spikes.
Since it was known from histological studies that these sensilla are multiply in-
nervated, this was to be expected. However, it is puzzling that of the three sen-
sory cells in a spider's tactile hair only two cells responded and likewise only
four to five units of the seven neurons in a scorpion sensillum reacted. In the
spider tactile hair the two identified receptor cells are mainly phasic units
which respond primarily to a downward deflection (Harris and Mill 1977 a).
Movements of the hair shaft in other directions produces a reduced response in
both units; thus there is little evidence for a directional sensitivity, where each
sensory cell would react preferentially to a certain direction of bending. Such a
multidirectional sensitivity has, however, been demonstrated for spider tri-
Mechano- and Chemoreceptive Sensilla 123

200 ms
Fig.4. Recording from a large spine during full elevation (70°). Lower trace mechanical dis-
placement of spine. Note response of one phasic (large spike) and one phasic-tonic unit (small
spike). (Harris 1974, unpublished)

chobothria (Gomer 1965; Harris and Mill 1977 a; see also ReiBland and Gor-
ner, Chap. VIII, this Vol.).

2.2 Spines

Another interesting mechanosensitive hair that has been studied in spiders

refers to the erectile bristles or spines (Harris and Mill 1977 a). These large
hairs normally lie rather flat along the leg cuticle but can be moved hydrauli-
cally (i.e., by increased hemolymph pressure) to an almost vertical position.
Electron microscope examination showed that the spines have the same triple
innervation as the smaller tactile hairs. Electrophysiologically, however, spikes
could be elicited only during erection of the spine but not during deflection.
Two units could be distinguished, namely a fast-adapting phasic unit and a
slowly adapting .phasic-tonic unit (Fig. 4). Since the spines lie flat when the
spider is at rest and respond only during erection, it seems questionable
whether they can be classified as tactile hairs. Instead, the authors suggested
that the function of the erectile spines is to act as hemostatic pressure receptors.

2.3 Scopula Hairs in Spiders

The scopula hairs represent a type of adhesive organ that enables some ground
spiders to walk sure-footedly on vertical or even on overhanging smooth sur-
faces. Each hair resembles a miniature brush with about 1000 cuticular exten-
sions ("endfeet") that act as points of adhesion with the substrate (Homann
1957; Foelix and Chu-Wang 1975; Hill 1977). True scopula hairs are restricted
to the very tip of a leg where they form the so-called claw tufts (Fig. 5 a). In
many wandering spiders very similar scopulate hairs extend onto the ventral
surface of the tarsus and sometimes even the metatarsus. These scopulate hairs
(Fig. 5c) are apparently specialized for prey capture, providing an effective
"power grip" for large, struggling prey (Rovner 1978; Foelix et al. 1984). Im-
mediately before grasping prey, the scopulate hairs are activated hydraulically
to move out of their flat resting position, in a way similar to that described for
the erectile spines.
Until recently it was thought that these adhesive hairs were not innervated
(Foelix and Chu-Wang 1973a). A closer examination of the claw tufts in a
124 R.F.Foelix

Fig. 5. a Claw tuft of Phidippus audax, ventral view. About 200 scopula hairs are arranged
symmetrically beneath the claws. (Hill 1977.) x250. b Cross-section of scopula hairs of Portia
schultzi below the hair base. Most hairs are provided by one dendrite (d) and one enveloping
cell (ec), but several sensilla (asterisk) lack innervation. (Henksmeyer 1983.) hi hemolymph
xI5,000. c Two scopulate hairs from the metatarsus of Portia. Tiny adhesive endfeet (arrows)
are protruding from the underside of each hair. x2800. Insect cross-section of scopulate hair
showing leaf-like structure of hair shaft and regularly emerging stalks of endfeet. (Henksmeyer
1983.) x7000
Mechano- and Chemoreceptive Sensilla 125

jumping spider showed, however, that most of the scopula hairs are supplied by
one sensory neuron (Fig. 5 b; Henksmeyer 1983). This implies that these hairs
not only serve as an adhesive device, but also provide a sensory feedback after
contact has been made.
The tactile sense certainly plays an important role in arachnid behavior, be
it when inspecting friend or foe or when attacking prey. The primary stimulus
will be a depression of the hair sensillum on contact with the substrate. The
sensitivity of this system is perhaps best exemplified by the observation that
stimulating a single hair suffices to trigger a behavioral reaction of the animal,
i.e., either escape or attack (Foelix 1982; Foelix and Schabronath 1983).

3 Chemoreceptors: Contact Chemoreceptors, Pore Hairs, Tarsal Organs

An exchange of chemical signals may have been one of the oldest forms of com-
munication to evolve among arachnids (Weygoldt 1977). Long-standing and
numerous observations have shown that arachnids react to odors as well as to
direct contact with certain "chemicals" (taste). It took, however, almost a cen-
tury to identify the corresponding receptors.
Basically, we can distinguish three types of receptors: (1) contact chemo-
receptors (taste hairs), (2) pore hairs, and (3) tarsal organs. The first type is
characterized by a rather thick-walled hair with many dendrites inside and an
opening at the hair tip. Pore hairs have thin or thick walls which are perforated
by numerous small pores. Tarsal organs are usually pits or invaginations on the
tarsus with several dendrites ending near tiny pores.

3.1 Contact Chemoreceptors

Practically all arachnids probe their environment with the tips of their legs and
apparently can perceive the chemical properties of a substrate by simply touch-
ing it. This ability of "taste-by-touch" (Bristowe 1941) is also well known from
many insects: flies and butterflies, for example, extend their proboscis after
their tarsi have contacted a sugar solution (Dethier 1963). Their tarsal chemo-
receptors (taste hairs) have been extensively studied, both morphologically (for
reviews see Altner and Prillinger 1980; Zacharuk 1980) and physiologically.
Arachnids have very similar chemosensitive hairs (Foelix 1970b, 1976).
Although they may vary in their outer appearance, these sensilla are always
socketed and have a relatively thick wall with a double lumen (Fig. 6). The in-
ner, circular lumen contains many dendrites which run through the entire shaft
to an apical pore opening. This pore provides for a communication with the en-
vironment and is therefore a crucial prerequisite for a chemoreceptor.
It is rather difficult, however, to demonstrate that small orifice (diameter less than 0.5 J-lm)
under the microscope. An indirect method calls for submerging the taste hairs in dye solutions
(crystal violet, methylene blue) and observing the gradual diffusion ofthe dye into the hair tip
(Slifer 1970; Foelix 1970b). Even under the scanning electron microscope, the pore opening
may not be seen, because it is often clogged with receptor lymph. In the transmission electron
microscope the pore is, however, clearly visible, provided one can achieve sections of the very
126 R.F.Foelix

a b


Fig. 6a, b. Diagrams of contact chemoreceptors in spiders (a) and scorpions (b). a Series of
cross-sections of the hair shaft. Bottom in the lower part the dendrites are still surrounded by
the dendritic sheath while ascending the circular lumen C,. The crescent-shaped lumen C2 is
filled with receptor lymph. Middle the dendritic sheath vanishes soon after the dendrites enter
the C,-Iumen. Top just below the hair tip the lumen C, opens to the outside. (After Foelix and
Chu-Wang, 1973 b.) b Longitudinal section of hair base. Two mechanosensitive dendrites (md)
end inside the socket septum (ss), while the chemosensitive dendrites (chd) enter the C,-Iumen
of the hair shaft (hs) . The large outer receptor lymph cavity (orlc) extends into the C2-lumen,
the inner receptor lymph cavity (irlc) into the C,-Iumen. Inset shows cross-section of hair shaft.
(Foelix and Schabronath 1983.) d inner dendritic segments with basal bodies (bb); ds dendritic
sheath; exo, endo exo- and endocuticle; glc gland cell; iec, oec inner and outer enveloping cell

hair tip (Foelix and Chu-Wang 1973b) or if one looks at whole mounts of exuviae (Foelix
1974; Harris 1977).
Most interesting is the fact that all dendrites actually reach the pore opening
and are thus directly exposed to the environment. In electrophysiological exper-
iments one could stimulate single taste hairs by slipping a tiny pipette contain-
ing salt solutions over the hair tip (Drewes and Bernard 1976; Egan 1976; Har-
ris and Mill 1977 b). Several classes of spikes could be recorded, but it was not
Mechano- and Chemoreceptive Sensilla 127

Table 2. Contact chemoreceptors in arachnids

Order Number of Number of References

chemoreceptive mechanorecep-
dendrites tive dendrites

Acari 3-8 2 Chu-Wang and Axtell 1973

Foelix and Chu-Wang 1972
Hess and Vlimant 1982
Amblypygi ca. 10 2 Foelix et al. 1975
Araneae ca. 20 2 Foelix and Chu-Wang 1973 b
Harris and Mill 1973
Opiliones ca. 16 ? Foelix 1976
Pseudoscorpiones 3-5 ? Foelix unpubl.
Scorpiones ca. 20 4 Foelix and Schabronath 1983
Solifugae 12 4 Haupt 1982

possible to identify the sensory cells individually as in the taste hairs of the
blowfly (sugar cell, water cell, two salt cells). This is understandable, because
the taste hairs of arachnids have up to 20 chemosensitive neurons per sensillum,
compared to only 4 in flies.
Another characteristic of taste hairs in arachnids is the presence of "ac-
cessory" mechanoreceptors at the hair base. These dendrites terminate with
typical tubular bodies as in the purely tactile hair sensilla. In contrast to insects,
which have only one accessory mechanoreceptor in their taste hairs, we find
usually several among arachnids (Table 2). In most cases these mechanore-
ceptors simply join the chemosensitive dendrites and are enclosed by the same
dendritic sheath and enveloping cells. In ticks, however, the mechanoreceptive
dendrites are separated by their own sheath (Foelix and Axtell 1972; Foelix and
Chu-Wang 1972).
The presence of mechanoreceptive dendrites in taste hairs implies that they
actually have a dual function, namely first to register the mechanical contact
and then to test the chemical properties. Both functions could be proven in elec-
trophysiological recordings, although only one mechanoreceptive unit respond-
ed consistently (Harris and Mill 1977b).
The fine structure of the chemosensitive hairs corresponds largely to that
outlined for tactile hair sensilla (e.g., several bipolar neurons with dendritic
ciliary regions, three enveloping cells; Figs. 6, 7). The number of sensory cells
per taste hair in various arachnid orders is given in Table 2 (see also Fig. 8).

Distribution. Contact chemoreceptors occur on all extremities of arachnids and

are particularly concentrated on the distal segments (tarsus, metatarsus) of the
front legs (Foelix 1970b; Foelix and Schabronath 1983), where the first contact
with the environment is made. However, taste hairs are also found on the
mouth parts and chelicerae, and even on the spinnerets of spiders (Zim-
mermann 1975). Most arachnids have at least several hundred contact chemo-
128 R.F. Foelix

Fig.7a-d. Contact chemoreceptors in consecutive cross-sections (a, b in the whip spider

Heterophrynus; c, d in the scorpion Androetonus). a Hair shaft with typical double lumen; the
dendrites lie only in the circular lumen x43,500. b Below the hair base the dendrites are sur-
rounded by a granular dendritic sheath (ds) . The two large dendrites exhibit tubular bodies
typical of mechanoreceptors, the 12 small dendrites are chemosensitive x21,OOO. c Ciliary re-
gions of eight dendrites (J -8), surrounded by microvilli (Mv) of the ill1,1er enveloping cell
x45,OOO. Inset 1 ciliary structure after tannin-uranyl-acetate treatment. The nine doublets are
connected to the dendritic membrane by an electron-dense substance x60,OOO. Inset 2 the cili-
ary region arises from a basal body with a triplet structure x45,OOO. d Many septate junctions
(cf. Inset I, x48,OOO) and gap junctions (gj, arrows; cf. Inset 2, x82,OOO) occur between inner
dendritic segments and also toward the inner enveloping cell. x34,OOO
Mechano- and Chemoreceptive Sensilla 129

Fig. Sa-d. Cross-sections of chemosensitive hairs in various orders of arachnids: a Scor-

piones (Euscorpius); b Pseudoscorpiones (Neobisium); c Opiliones (Siro); d Acari (Amblyom-
ma). Note the relatively thick hair wall and the characteristic double lumen

receptors covet:ing their legs, but some orders (e.g., Acari) have relatively few-
although these are "strategically" located.

Function. In addition to the obvious gustatory function, contact chemoreceptors

also playa role in courtship. Male spiders, for instance, follow the trail of a
conspecific female and perform typical courtship rituals in response to female
threads (Tietjen 1979; Tietjen and Rovner 1980, 1982). It is likely that some
kind of pheromone is associated with the female drag lines. Ticks and certain
parasitic mites choose their hosts on the basis of chemical information gathered
by tarsal contact chemoreceptors (Egan 1976).

3.2 Pore Hairs

Among insects, pore hairs represent the typical olfactory receptors. Pore hairs
are usually nonsocketed and lack any mechanoreceptive innervation. In arach-

Fig. 9a - f. Various types of pore hairs in cross-sections. a -d Heterophrynus (Amblypygi); e

Gradungula (Araneae); f Amblyomma (Acari). a Typical pore tubules (arrows) connect pores
and dendritic membranes x43,500. b Dendritic processes enter the pores, yet pore tubules are
absent xI3,OOO. c Thin-walled rod hair with one branching dendrite (db) inside a dendritic
sheath (Ds), surrounded by microvilli (Mv) of sheath cell xIS,500. d Thick-walled rod hair
with six dendrites, dendritic sheath and many microvilli xIS,500. e Pore hair with a single den-
drite (d) that gives off small branches (arrows) xI3,500. f Thick-walled pore hair with lentil-
shaped plugs in each pore. The lumen of the hair shaft contains many dendritic branches (db)
and microvilli (Mv). xIS,OOO
Mechano- and Chemoreceptive Sensilla 131

nids we find some orders (Acari, Amblypygi) which have almost identical pore
sensilla, yet in some others (Araneae, Scorpiones) pore hairs are very rare or
absent. The largest variety of pore sensilla occurs on the antenna-like front legs
of whip spiders (Fig. 9 a - d; Foelix et al. 1975; Beck et al. 1977). One type has
relatively thick, perforated walls with typical pore tubules, which are con-
sidered as a stimulus-conducting system for odor molecules (Steinbrecht 1973;
Keil 1982). The dendrites inside the hair shaft are unbranched and belong to
20 - 30 sensory cells. A similar type of pore hair has even more neurons
(40-45) but lacks pore tubules. Another type of pore sensillum, the rod hair,
occurs only in clusters at the tip of the first leg; here only a single sensory cell
with branching dendrites enters the hair lumen. Although the function of these
pore hairs has not been tested electrophysiologically, olfaction seems most
probable. Behaviorally, olfaction can easily be demonstrated in whip spiders:
exposure of the leg tip to strong odors leads to a quick withdrawal of the entire
In ticks we find also several kinds of pore sensilla (F oelix and Axtell 1971,
1972; Leonovich 1977; Hess and Vlimant 1982): (1) Single-walled hairs with
large, plugged pores and pore tubules (Fig. 9 f), and (2) double-walled sensilla
with narrow slit pores. In the first category - which is typical for all Acari - the
walls can be either thick or thin and the hair shaft contains dendritic branches
of 3 - 5 neurons. In the second category the dendrites of the sensory cells (1-7)
remain unbranched. From a few electrophysiological studies it seems evident
that the plugged pore sensilla are olfactory (Sinitzina 1974; Hess and Vlimant
1980), but the function of the double-walled pore hairs remains to be deter-
In spiders, opilionids and scorpions, pore hairs seem to be rare or even ab-
sent. Among the many spider species investigated with the electron microscope,
I have found only one specimen, namely the New Zealand spider Gradungula,
which exhibited a single pore hair (Fig. ge). It was located on the dorsal side of
the tarsus, distal of the tarsal organ (cf. Fig. 11). Some pore hairs were noticed
on the legs of opilionids (Foelix 1976; Gnatzy and Dumpert 1978, personal
communication), but none have been found in scorpions so far. Although it is
quite likely that new types of pore hairs will be discovered among the arach-
nids, it still seems safe to say that they are generally less developed than in in-

3.3 Tarsal Organs

Originally, tarsal organs have been described only for spiders (Blumenthal
1935). They represent small depressions or invaginations on the dorsal side of
each tarsus (cf. Fig. 10). From the bottom of such a pit a small cuticular cone
projects, which is perforated by 6 - 7 canals. Each canal contains 3 - 4 dendrites
which end in small pores at the tip of the cone (Foelix and Chu-Wang 1973b).
It has long been postulated that the tarsal organ serves for olfaction and pos-
sibly humidity reception (Blumenthal 1935). Only recently did we obtain proof
for the olfactory function of this organ by recording electrophysiologically from
it (Dumpert 1978); however, hygroreception is still not ruled out.
132 R.F. Foelix


~ I
Fig. 10. Diagram of the tarsal organ in a scorpion. (Foelix and Schabronath 1983.) Two small
pore openings (P) lie inside a slight cuticular wall (ew) and several dendrites (d) are exposed
there to the outside. exo, en do exo- and endocuticle; irle, orle inner and outer receptor lymph
cavity; ds dendritic sheath; ee enveloping cells; gle gland cell

In a few cases the tarsal organs form cuticular extensions rather than invaginations
(Forster 1980). Although they look superficially like hair sensilla, their internal structure is
typically that of tarsal organs (Fig. 11 c). An interesting question is which form represents the
ancient type - whether the hair-like tarsal organs are plesiomorphic and the invaginated form
is to be considered derived, or vice versa.
Recently we found tarsal organs also in scorpions (Foelix and Schabronath
1983) and probably also in whip spiders (Foelix et al. 1975). Perhaps Haller's
organ in ticks is a homologous structure, although it is restricted to the first pair
of legs, whereas the tarsal organs occur on all legs of spiders and scorpions. The
olfactory function of Haller's organ and its role in host detection is well-known
from the classical work of Lees (1948). In web spiders olfaction seems to be in-
volved in courtship, i.e., male spiders are attracted by the scent of the mature
female (Blanke 1973). Most likely the tarsal organs are the receptors for the
pheromone, as was shown electrophysiologically for the ctenid spider Cu-
piennius (Dum pert 1978).

4 Other Receptors

Several specialized sensilla occur among the arachnids which could not be dis-
cussed in this brief review. I only want to point out the pecten sensilla of scor-
Mechano- and Chemoreceptive Sensilla 133

Fig. 11 a-c. Hair-shaped tarsal organs from the New Zealand spiders Otira (a) and
Gradungula (b, c). a A slit near the tip of the hair shaft connects the outside and the dendrites
inside x570. b The broken-off hair shaft reveals several dendritic sheaths (Ds) entering the hair
base x9600. (Photos a, b Forster.) c Cross- section below hair base shows five dendritic sheaths
(Ds) containing three dendrites each. x15,OOO

pions, which now seem to be contact chemoreceptors (Foelix and Miiller-Vor-

holt 1983; Ivanov 1981), and the malleolar organs in solpugids, which may be
olfactory (Brownell and Farley 1974). Even less clear is the function of the
hundreds of "sensilla ampullacea" which lie inside the tarsus of the pedipalps
in solpugids (Bauchhenss 1983). Furthermore, new types of hair sensilla are be-
ing discovered now in spiders (Pulz 1983, personal communication) and ticks
(Hess and Loftus 1984) which act as thermoreceptors.
134 R.F.Foelix

5 Concluding Remarks

As this survey has amply shown, hair sensilla of arachnids closely resemble
those of other arthropods, especially those of insects. A remarkable difference
lies in the number of neurons per sensillum, i.e., most arachnid sensilla have
relatively more sensory cells than insect sensilla. This is particularly true for
mechanoreceptors, which are singly innervated in insects, but multiply in-
nervated in arachnids. Whether this "surplus" of sensory neurons is of any
physiological advantage seems questionable, because we have hardly any evi-
dence that the additional sensory cells provide any additional information. The
tactile hairs of spiders, for example, did not show a directional sensitivity de-
spite their triple innervation. The same is true for the contact chemoreceptors,
where one can only wonder about some 20 neurons per sensillum, when flies do
apparently quite well with only four (Dethier 1971). Perhaps this difference can
be better explained in terms of phylogeny rather than function: a high number
of neurons per sensillum may si.mply be an ancient feature that was retained in
arachnids. In this respect it is interesting that the scorpions, which belong to the
oldest (and most "primitive") arachnids, also have the highest number of sen-
sory cells, both in their mechano- and chemoreceptors. As we shall see in Chap-
ter X, this Volume, a similar reasoning can be applied to the organization of the
peripheral nervous system in arachnids.


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VIII Trichobothria

I Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . 138
2 Occurrence and Definition . . . . 139
3 Morphology of Spider Trichobothria 140
4 Functional Properties . . . . . . 144
4.1 Detection of Transient Air Movements 144
4.2 The Sound Near-Field of Buzzing Insects 145
4.3 Dynamics of the Receiver ..... 147
4.4 Transfer Properties of the Receptor Cell 149
4.5 What is the Adequate Stimulus? 153
5 Behavior . . 153
6 Conclusions. 157
References . 157

1 Introduction

Trichobothria are hair sensilla on the integument of various terrestrial arthro-

pods. They are characterized by a cup-shaped cuticular structure (Latin both-
rium, cup) out of which a hair (Greek .9Qi(, rQ1xoa, hair) protrudes into the
air. This hair is either long and thin (therefore in insects the sensillum is usually
referred to as thread-hair) or it has the shape of a racket or a club. In spiders
trichobothria have been known for a century. In 1883 Dahl observed that they
were deflected by the sound of a violin and therefore called them H6rhaare
(hairs of hearing). The racket-shaped trichobothria were described by Simon in
1892. The respective literature on spider trichobothria has been reviewed by
Chrysanthus (1953), Schuh (1975), Krafft and Leborgne (1979) and Barth
Here we will give a survey on where trichobothria occur, briefly describe
the morphology of these sensilla in spiders and then deal in detail with their
physiology and behavioral significance. Nothing is known yet on information
processing in the central nervous system that links data from the receptor with

Universitat Bielefeld, Fakultat fUr Biologie, Postfach 8640, D-4800 Bielefeld 1,

Federal Republic of Germany
Trichobothria 139

2 Occurrence and Definition

Trichobothria are found on the walking legs and pedipalps of all true spiders
(Millot 1968), but not in Solifugae (wind scorpions), Ricinulei and Opiliones
Not only the distinct location of the trichobothria in different arthropods
(Table 1) suggests that they are apomorphal structures. Indications as to the
different origin of insect and arachnid sensilla are the following: (1) Tri-
chobothria (thread-hairs) in insects are innervated by one mechanosensitive re-
ceptor cell (see, e.g., Altner 1977; Juberthie and Piquemal 1977), while those in
arachnids possess several such cells (Christian 1971, 1972; Ignatiev et al. 1976;
MeBlinger 1981). (2) The mechanosensitive dendrite of the insect sensilla ends
in the distally open molting channel of the hair, whereas the dendrites of spi-
ders, mites, and myriapods have only indirect contact with the hair base (Gos-
sel 1936; Gomer 1965; Christian 1971, 1972; MeBlinger 1981). Whether the tri-
chobothria of scorpions and spiders are homologous structures is not clear
(Weygoldt and Paulus 1978).
Despite the different phylogenetic origins of the trichobothria it is worth-
while comparing them from a functional point of view: the sensory system may
have similar biological tasks, and there must be common reasons for the con-
vergence of trichobothrial morphology. Let us first have a look at what is
known about biological utilization of the organs.
Scorpions use their trichobothria in anemotactic orientation (Linsenmair
1968) and for the location of prey (Krapf on Androctonus and Buthus, personal
communication). In cockroaches it has been shown that the "normal" tricho-
bothria serve for detecting puffs of air which signal an approaching predator
(Camhi and Tom 1978 a, b; Camhi 1980; Tautz and Markl1978). Trichobothria
with a club-shaped hair on the cerci of crickets are gravity receivers Nick-
laus 1969; Bischof 1974, 1975; Hom and Bischof 1983) and possibly ground-
vibration receivers. Some trap-door spiders have spoon- or racket-shaped
trichobothria on their front leg tarsi, which they probably use for the de-
tection of substrate vibrations that indicate nearby prey (Buch1i 1969). The

Table 1. Occurrence oftrichobothria in arachnids other than spiders

Animals Location Reference

Pseudoscorpions Pedipalps Weygoldt 1966

Gabbut 1969, 1972
v. Helversen 1966
Mahnert 1976
Scorpions Pedipalps Vachon 1973
Hoffinann 1965, 1967
MeBIinger 1981
Mites Body and tarsi Pauly 1956
Tarman 1961
Haupt and Coineau 1975
140 A. Reillland and P. Gomer

spectrum of biological functions is obviously wide. Surprisingly, one of the

oldest ideas, i.e., that trichobothria might be tactile organs (Hansen 1917) has
been confirmed recently: Bauer (1982) showed that carabid larvae detect
collemboles, on which they feed, by touching them with their antennal tri-
chobothria. The touch is slight enough for the springtails not to notice, so that
the larvae have a chance of catching them.
It is obvious that not only the structure, but also the biological function of
trichobothria appears to be diverse. The reason for this is the morphological
definition which refers mainly to the cup-like socket of these hair sensilla. We
would arrive at a more functional definition if we precluded such sensilla that
have a broadened hair. Since most "normal" trichobothria share the property
of being air movement receivers (cf. Sects. 4.2 and 4.3), we could redefine tri-
chobothria as sensilla that are receivers of weak air currents and sound near-
fields. However, in this case we would be excluding the tactile sensilla. To
avoid such difficulties we will leave the term as it is and specify it when neces-
Experiments on the biological function of the trichobothria in spiders will
be dealt with in detail at the end of this chapter. First we will examine their
morphology and their physiology.

3 Morphology of Spider Trichobothria

Distribution. Spider trichobothria are located on the tibia and the tarsal seg-
ments of all walking legs and the pedipalps. They stand together in groups or
rows which are innervated by a common nerve (see below). This order is
characteristic of each family and, in some cases, even of the species. Tri-
chobothria have therefore been used as taxonomic characters (Dahl 1911; Leh-
tinen 1967, 1975; Emerit 1976). Scorpions and pseudoscorpions can be classi-
fied by this criterion (Vachon 1973; Mahnert 1976).
The trichobothria of spiders develop and grow gradually during ontogeny
(Emerit 1970), the first ones appearing during the first molting. Their devel-
opment has been investigated in Liphistiidae (Vachon 1958), Pholcidae (dad-
dy-long-legs spiders) (Vachon 1965), Argiopidae (orbweavers) (Emerit 1972)
and Pisauridae (nursery-web spiders) (Emerit 1974; Bonaric 1975; Emerit and
Bonaric 1975). The first hairs that occur in Agelena labyrinthica - a funnel-web
spider - are those that eventually become the most distal ones. Their
topographic position on each leg segment moves distally with each molt while
new sensilla emerge (unpublished work). The final number of hairs in the tarsal
and the metatarsal rows and the tibial groups (cf. Gomer 1965) varies somewhat
with the eventual size of the adult animal (Fig. 1).

Length and Surface Structure. Agelenidae have about 10 trichobothria on each

pedipalp and about 25 trichobothria on every walking leg (Palmgren 1936).
Their lengths diminish within most fields from distal to proximal. The longest
hair in Agelena labyrinthica is found on the metatarsus, measuring up to
755 11m. This is similar to the hair length in the caterpillar of the cabbage moth
Trichobothria 141

Fig. 1 a, b. Topography of trichobothria

. )

of first right leg of Agelena labyrinthica.

a caudal, b lateral view. Bristles are also
drawn and indicated by dots. (Gomer and
Andrews 1969)

Barathra brassica (up to 650 11m) (Tautz 1977). In the wandering spider Cu-
piennius the maximal length is 1.3 mm (Barth 1982), in the bird spider Seri-
copelma it is 2.5 mm (Den Otter 1974). In other arthropods the figures are simi-
lar, e.g., 1.8 mm in scorpions (MeBlinger 1981) and 3 mm in the cricket Gryllus
(Gnatzyand Schmidt 1971).
The hair bears many fine emergences twisted around its axis (Figs. 2 a, b,
3) so that the viscous forces that deflect the hair are increased. Scanning elec-
tron microscope (SEM) pictures of scorpion trichobothria (MeBlinger 1981)
show that in some families the hair is flat and in some cases also twisted prob-
ably to increase its surface. In both scorpions and crickets the hair can be lon-
gitudinally ribbed.

Lumina. All trichobothria1 hairs are hollow. In Agelena the cavity is subdivided
into three lumina of varying width (Christian 1971). All are connected to the
epithelial lumen but do not contain dendrites. The dendrites end in a helmet-
like cuticular structure (Figs. 2c, 3) (Gomer 1965). In scorpions, the dendrites
end in a short separate basal lumen (MeBlinger 1981) and in insects in an open
tube, the molting channel (Gnatzy and Schmidt 1971; Schmidt and Gnatzy
1971; Gnatzy 1976).

Hair Base. The hair base is suspended in its socket by a corona of radial fibrils
that are covered distally by a membrane (Fig. 3) terminating the hair socket
(Fig. 2c). Such a socket or inner cup is typical of arachnid trichobothria. Fibril-
lar hair suspension also occurs in scorpions (Ignatiev et al. 1976; MeBlinger
1981), in mites (Haupt and Coineau 1975) and in some insects (Juberthie and
Piquemal 1977), while in other insects the hair is hinged (Gnatzy and Schmidt
1971; Gnatzy 1972, 1976; Gnatzy and Tautz 1977, 1980). Beneath the mem-
brane the hair is connected with the helmet (Fig. 3). By microscope observation
142 A. ReiBland and P. Gomer

Fig. 2a - c. Spider trichobothrium. a hair tip (Tarantula); b cup and basal hair shaft (Tege-
naria); c microscopic view (Tegenaria). (a, b courtesy H. Muller; c after Gomer 1965)

Gomer (1965) found that the helmet appears to be tri-Iobed in most tibial sen-
silla. This has not been confirmed by SEM investigation so far (cf. Christian

Receptor Cells. In Tegenaria the trichobothrium receptor cells are situated close
to the cup just beneath the hypodermis (Gossel 1936). Four ciliary dendrites in-
sert into the helmet (Christian 1971, 1972). Here at least one of them possesses
a tubular body (tarsi and metatarsi of legs); in some groups a tubular body is
found in three or all four dendrites (on all tibiae). If the hair is deflected in a
given direction, the appropriate dendrite is bent over the rim of the helmet and
most probably the tubular body is compressed (Gomer 1965). Dendrites with
tubular bodies have been found in all cuticular mechano-sensilla of arthropods
(Thurm 1964; Barth 1971, 1981; Gaffal and Hansen 1972; McIver 1975 and
others), and it is agreed upon that it is their deformation that causes the re-
ceptor potential (Thurm 1964, 1982).
Extracellular electrophysiological recordings from spiders upon hair de-
flections in different directions (Gomer 1965; Harris and Mill 1977; ReiBland
1978) have shown that either two or three receptors respond. The function of
the fourth dendrite which, like the other dendrites, probably belongs to a sepa-
Trichobothria 143

........ .. ..... -

Fig.3. Fine structure of trichobothrium (Tegenaria) . C cup; Cu cuticula; S hair shaft; SE ex-
tension of hair shaft; F fibrils; M membrane; So cuticular socket; Co connection of hair with
helmet; He helmet; TB tubular body; CE extension of cilia; FSh fibrillar sheath; LS receptor
lymph space; LLS inner lining of lymph space; E epidermis; Mi microvilli; ve ventral; do dor-
sal; di distal; pr proximal; veD ventral, doD dorsal dendrite. (Christian 1972)

rate bipolar neuron, is unknown. Similarly, recordings from scorpion tri-

chobothria revealed that fewer cells respond (one in Euscorpius carpathicus,
Hoffmann 1967; two to three in Buthus eupeus, Ignatiev et al. 1976) than can be
found by EM methods (probably four in Euscorpius, MeBiinger, personal com-
munication; six to seven in Buthus). It appears that supernumerary dendrites
are characteris.tic for cuticular mechanoreceptive sensilla in arachnids. In all
cases the function of the silent cells remains obscure. Peripheral synapses that
occur occasionally in arachnids (Yamashita and Tateda 1981; Hayes and
Barber 1982; Foelix 1975, 1976; Foelix, Chap. X, this Vol.) have not been found
in these sensilla.

The Cup. The outer cuticular cup (bothrium) that surrounds the basal hair shaft
is strengthened inside by lamellae of varying structure (Hoffmann 1967; Barth
1969; MeBiinger 1981). The obvious purpose of the cup is to limit the deflection
of the hair, preventing damage to its suspension. In Agelenidae the cup is in-
clined by about 30° distally (Gomer 1965) and the hair can move 23° distally,
but only 13 ° proximally before touching the edge of the bothrium. Curiously,
the stimulated receptor cell concerned stops discharging at extensive hair de-
flections in distal direction, while it continues to respond in proximal direction
(ReiBiand 1978). This can be explained by asymmetries of the bothrium, the
helmet, or the dendritic attachment.
144 A. ReiBland and P. GOmer

The innervation of the extremities of spiders consists of three parallel nerves

(Parry 1960; Rathmayer 1966; Emerit 1967, 1969; Foelix et al. 1980) of which
the dorsal nerve (nerve C) supplies the trichobothria and other mechano-re-
ceptive hairs. At each of the three segment groups, trochanter-femur, tibia, and
metatarsus-tarsus, this nerve bifurcates into a dorsal and a ventral root. The
ramifications of the dorsal root supply the various trichobothrial groups (see
also Foelix, Chap. VII, this Vol.).

4 Functional Properties

The exposure of the trichobothrial hairs to the air and their good movability
suggest at least one of the following functions: (1) the reception of transient or
stationary air currents; (2) the reception of air vibrations; (3) the reception of
substrate vibrations that result in motion of the hair base relative to the hair.
Experiments and calculations that were carried out to test these possibilities
will be described in the following. There is, however, the further possibility,
that the trichobothrium is a tactile organ as found by Bauer (1982) for carabid
larvae .. This alternative can be discarded for spiders as most of the tri-
chobothria are shorter than the majority of the other mechano-receptive hairs
and bristles (Foelix 1976; McIver 1975; Foelix, Chap. X, this Vol.).

4.1 Detection of Transient Air Movements

We shall consider now whether airstreams caused by prey animals can be de-
tected by the trichobothria. Generally these currents are weak.
Humming midges emit a dipole field. This was shown by sound pressure
measurements on the yellow-fever mosquito Aedes aegypti by Tischner and
Schief (1955). Tautz and Markl (1978) measured the current and the vi-
brational field generated by a wasp (Dolichovespula media) by aid of a hot-wire


• •
c: O
.Q length:4001J~ •
~ 5 • 0

300'6m 382IJm
... ...
... amplitudes in
sound field of 100 Hz
... 400IJm
o ro ~ ~ ~ ~

air particle velocity [mm 5-1]

Fig. 4. Deflection of trichobothria of different lengths in laminar airstream (e, 0) and sound
far-field (A) (Tegenaria). Bars indicate estimated errors of measurement. (ReiBland and G6r-
ner 1978)
Trichobothria 145

anemometer. They found that as far as 70 cm behind the wasp the air move-
ment is strong enough to deflect the trichobothria of Barathra caterpillars. The
airstream produced by the beating wings measured at a distance of 50 cm from
the wasp amounted to 9 ± 2 cm S-1.
Rei Bland and Gomer (1978) report that a buzzing fly held 1 cm away from
a house spider (Tegenaria sp.) caused deflection oftrichobothria and oscillation
about the resulting position. Figure 4 shows the velocities of stationary laminar
airstreams that cause hair deflections in the range of physiological efficiency
(Gomer 1965; Harris and Mill 1977; ReiBland 1978, 1979). Their order of
magnitude is 1 cm S-1. This means that air currents generated by insects are
strong enough to deflect the trichobothria. However, we shall see that it is not
the position of the hair but its movement that stimulates the receptor cell.

4.2 The Sound Field of Buzzing Insects

Let us now consider the second candidate stimulus, viz. the airborne sound
field. This has been the subject of detailed investigations during the last 20
years (Gomer 1965; Gomer and Andrews 1969; Markl and Tautz 1975; Tautz
1977, 1978, 1979; ReiBland and Gomer 1978; Fletcher 1978). We will first take
a closer look at the physics of sound in a gaseous medium.
The propagation of sound is determined by the wave equation which reads
in Cartesian coordinates (cf., e.g., Skudrzyk 1971)


where p is the sound pressure, c the sound propagation velocity (c = 343 ms- 1 at
20 DC and a static pressure of 1 bar), and t time. c refers to the propagation of
the dynamic disturbance of the medium but not to the particle velocity of the
air molecules that vibrate about their resting position. As every sound event can
be described as a superposition of sine waves, we need only consider these. The
wavelength A. 01' a sine wave is given by


where f denotes the frequency of the wave. We shall see that frequencies which
trichobothrium receptors can transduce into pulse trains range from 0.1 Hz to
1 kHz, corresponding to sound wavelengths from 3430 m to 34.3 cm.
The wave equation has many solutions from which we shall pick the ones
that apply to our biological problem. The most simple solution describes a
sound field that is generated by a pulsating sphere (monopole). Further solu-
tions describe an oscillating solid sphere (dipole) and other more complicated
sources (Skudrzyk 1971). A whirring insect emits a dipole field, so we are in-
terested in the solution describing a wave that travels away from a dipole.
The monopole function can be obtained if we introduce the spherical coor-
dinates r, e and rp into the wave equation. For spherical waves this then depends
146 A. ReiBland and P. Gomer

only on r (distance from sound source) and reads

a2 (rq» 1 a2 (rq» (3)
r2 c2 at 2
where q> denotes the velocity potential from which the sound pressure p and the
air particle velocity v can be derived:

p = Q at
an d v=
- grad q>. (4)

The dipole solution can be derived by superimposing two monopole func-

tions, generated by a positive and a negative monopole. The final solution for
the sound pressure generated by a dipole reads (cf. Skudrzyk 1971)

[ I.]
cos e cos (w t - k r) + - - sm (w t - k r) , (5)
nr kr

where Q is the density of the air (Q = 1,2 kg m- 3 ), k = 2nl}, is the wave number,
D is the dipole moment, and cos e describes the directionality of the dipole.
The first term has, apart from the factor cos e, the form of the solution for a
pulsating sphere and is therefore a monopole function. It decreases with I1r.
The second term is the dipole function. It decreases with l/r2.
It must be noted that p is a scalar quantity. An object that is small compared
with the wavelength can be compressed, but not moved, because there is no
pressure gradient between both sides of the object.
The air particle velocity, on the other hand, is a vector. It has one com-
ponent (vr) that is directed radially away from the dipole and one (va) that is
directed transversally to vr , lying in the plane of the dipole. The radial com-
ponent is (cf. Morse and Ingard 1968)

Vr = -k
D cos
e [ cos(wt - 2
kr) +-sin(wt
- k r) - -4- cos (wt- kr) ].

The first term is a monopole function. It oscillates in phase with the pressure
and, consequently, is responsible for the energy transport in the sound wave.
Like the pressure, it declines with I1r. The second term ofvr represents the par-
ticle flow that is 90 0 out of phase with the pressure and therefore does not con-
tribute to the energy transport. It decreases with I1r 2 and thus is restricted to the
vicinity of the sound source: doubling the distance results in a decrease by
12 dB. This term is called near-field velocity, and the monopole term the far-
field velocity of the sound field. Near the dipole, the near-field velocity is pro-
portional to k and thus is greater than the far-field velocity which is pro-
portional to k 2 • The third term decreases with I/r3 and can be neglected except
for very small distances from the sound source.
The transversal component is (Morse and Ingard 1968)

Va = kD sin e (sin (w t - k r) - _1_ cos (w t - k r»). (7)

4n~ kr
Trichobothria 147

vf) is zero in the direction 8 = 0, i.e., in the direction of the dipole axis. The first
term is 90 0 out of phase with the dipole oscillation and 180 0 out of phase with
the radial component of the near-field velocity. Figure 5 a shows the result of an
experiment that confirms this phase difference. The second term can be
neglected except in very close vicinity to the sound source.

4.3 Dynamics of the Receiver

Let us now have a look at the physics of the air particle velocity receiver (Markl
and Tautz, Rei Bland and Gomer, Fletcher, already cited; Barth and Blickhan
1984). Trichobothria can be moved only by the near-field velocity of biological
sound sources.
If the trichobothrial hair is considered to be a stiff cone that is hinged at its
base (Tautz 1978) the moment of inertia Ih can be calculated as
Ih = S1rQo r2 y2 dy = 1rQo r5 P/30 (8)
(Fletcher 1978), where I is the length and ro is the basal radius of the hair
and Qo::::::; 1100 kg m- 3 is its mass density. We will assume 1= 500 /lm and
ro = I /lm, which are dimensions found for spider trichobothria.
Because of the small hair diameter the force acting on the hair in a sound
field is caused almost entirely by the viscosity of the air (Stokes 1851, Fletcher
1978). This force can be separated into two components. One (F 1) is the damp-
ing force caused by the air that streams past the hair. It is 180 0 out of phase
with the hair velocity. The second component (F 2) arises from the air that en-
trains the hair by viscous forces. This is in phase with the hair movement and
appears as a mass added to the mass of the hair itself. The moments Ll 2 exert-
ed on the hair by the two forces are '
Ll = SFlY d y and L2 = SF 2 Yd y . (9)
o 0

If the deflection angle of the hair is denoted by a, the equation of motion reads
where k a describes the restoring torque caused by the elastic suspension at the
hair base. Calculating L1 and L2 and introducing them into the equation, we ob-
tain (Fletcher 1978)


where v = 1.5 . 10- 5 m 2 S-l is the dynamic viscosity of air under normal con-

ditions; g = 0.58 + In ; V 2:f ; G = g ( n )' ; v is the sound particle

g2+ _
148 A. ReiBland and P. Gomer

velocity. The equation describes a damped harmonic oscillator driven by the

force that appears on the right side.
Ia = (12)
is the moment of inertia of the entrained air particles. As Ia is positive and
varies with lIf it contributes increasingly more to the overall moment of iner-
tia with decreasing frequency.
The ratio of Ih and Ia for a spider trichobothrium amounts to 2.7 x 10-3 at 1 Hz, 1.1 X 10-2
at 10 Hz, 7.5 X 10-2 at 100 Hz, 0.46 at 1 kHz and to 1 at 1.45 kHz. This means that the moment
of inertia of the hair itself can be neglected in the whole range of frequencies that affect the
Measurements in an intense sound field did not reveal resonances of tri-
chobothria in spiders and the same counts for the deflection by a weak alternat-
ing electric field in a vacuum (ReiBland and Gomer 1978).
This was doubted by Tautz (1979), who found a resonance of approximately 150 Hz for
Barathra caterpillar trichobothria if driven by vibrating air and not by a strong electric field.
To settle the discrepancy we observed the free movement of a spider trichobothrial hair from a
deflected position back to its resting position. It appeared that it returned to its resting position
in about I s without overshoot and was therefore hypercritically damped. Resonances cannot
be observed in this case.
For the equation of motion [Eq. (11)], the strong damping of spider tri-
chobothra has the consequence that the first term on the left side can be
neglected. Solving the simplified equation for the case of a resting leg and quiet
air, we obtain an exponentially decreasing function IX (t). In the case of the har-
monic sound particle velocity v = vo sin2nft the equation reads (cf. Fletcher


where tan 150 = n2 /2 g. For the present case we get 150 = - 38.1 ° at 10 Hz and
-43.8° at 100 Hz. The equation has no compact solution. There is a phase lead
of about 30° in the frequency range from 10 to 120 Hz (Fig. 5a). Therefore the
system differentiates the input signal or, in other words, has high-pass proper-
Obviously, the trichobothria are deflected by airborne vibrations if the
substrate on which the spider sits is at rest. However, Hergenroder and Barth
(1983 a) have shown that substrate-borne vibrations may also cause deflections
(Fig. 5 b). These are substantially smaller than deflections caused by sound
propagation perpendicular to the hair.
The movability of the trichobothria in spiders is about the same in all de-
flection directions as was shown by measurements in the sound fields at various
frequencies (Rei Bland and Gomer 1978).
For other trichobothria the directional mechanical sensitivity is anisotropic (Nicklaus
1965, 1967; Hoffmann 1967; Bischof 1974; Gnatzy and Schmidt 1971; Gnatzy and Tautz 1980;
Tautz 1977). In Barathra caterpillars sensilla can be found with both isotropic and anisotropic
Trichobothria 149


10 50 100 10 100 1000

frequency [Hz] frequency [Hz]

Fig. 5. a Phase-frequency response in sound near-field (Tegenaria); b amplitude-frequency re-

response upon substrate vibration (Cupiennius). (a ReiBland and Gomer 1978, b HergenrOder
and Barth 1983a)

directional sensitivity. This can be explained by the bend of the hair which results in direction-
dependent viscous forces.

4.4 Transfer Properties of the Receptor Cell

Extracellular electrophysiological investigations of trichobothrial receptor cells

have been made in Dictynidae (Harris and Mill 1977), in Agelenidae (Gomer
1965; ReiBland 1978, 1979), in Argiopidae (Frings and Frings 1966), in scor-
pions (Hoffmann 1967; Ignatiev et al. 1976), and in insects (Nicklaus 1965;
Camhi 1969; Draslar 1973; Bischof 1975; Tautz 1978; BUllo et al. 1981; Tobias
and Murphey 1979; Westin 1979). In spiders the receptors are not spontaneous-
ly active as they are in cockroaches (Bullo et al. 1981).
The signal transfer properties of the receptor cell typical for Tegenaria tri-
chobothria has been summarized in a heuristic model (Fig. 6). The input signal
is a deflection of the hair by which the dendritic tubular body is compressed.

Rectifier. The rectifier symbolizes that the majority of the cells only respond to
deflections away from the resting position (Fig. 7 a). However, in Tegenaria


Fig. 6. Model of the Tegenaria trichobothrium receptor. Explanation in the text

150 A. ReiBland and P.G6rner

~ ~


stimulus frequency [Hz]

c d
:1: ~8.5deg ~12deg

~I ____~__~r--
~ 0 200 600
time ems] I I
o time Ems]

Fig. 7 a -d. Response of Tegenaria trichobothrium receptors to hair deflections (direct cou-
pling to vibrator) from resting position to one side; a left normal receptor, responding to cosine
deflection; right receptor responding to return movement as wen; b amplitude-frequency re-
sponse (mean of 13 receptQrs, bars indicate standard deviation; hair deflection amplitude ap-
proximately 8.5°). c response to ramp stimulus; d voney discharge. Note that the first differen-
tiation of natural stimuli which results from the transformation of air movement into hair
movement is not to be seen in the figure

30% of the receptor cells responded to the return movement as well (ReiBland
1979). TIle responses were generally weaker and only occurred in the medium
working range.

High-passes. The upper branch of the model contains two high-passes. The first
high-pass means that the input signal is differentiated. Figure 7 a demonstrates
this for a cosine stimulus that causes a pulse rate of the same shape with a
phase lead of approximately 90 0 • As the pulse rate is constant at constant hair
deflection velocity, the receptor is a velocity receiver (Fig. 7 c). This is typical at
least for the upper half of the working range (deflection velocity from 1 to
100 0 S-l). Half of the receptors investigated are purely phasic for all hair de-
flection velocities.
In scorpions, trichobothria are phasic in the lower working range (Hoffmann 1967; unpub-
lished work of the authors), however, some have an initial peak in the pulse rate curve if a
ramp stimulus of higher velocity is applied. In cockroach and cricket trichobothria such a
peak occurs regularly (Bufio et al. 1981; Bischof 1975).
Trichobothria 151

The second high-pass refers to the slow exponential decrease of the receptor
response to step stimuli. Contrary to the maximal pulse rate, these depend on
the hair deflection angle which therefore is responsible for the "memory" of the
Response Limiter. The response limiter in the model means that the pulse rate
cannot exceed a maximal value, which can be close to 1000 impulses per sec-
ond. In scorpions the figures are similar. The maximal pulse rate does not de-
pend on the hair deflection angle (unpublished work).
The exponential decline of the response is in discordance with the power·
law dynamics (proportionality to t- k ) of the adaptation course of many other
sensory cells (Thorson and Biederman-Thorson 1974; Barth 1967, 1978; Tautz
1978). We may suppose that in the case of trichobothria, adaptation is caused
by a single relaxation process, while in most other cases several such processes
distributed in time and space are superimposed (Thorson and Biederman-
Thorson 1974).
Amplifier. The logarithmic amplifier in the model symbolizes the fact that the
amplitude-frequency response is a logarithmic curve (Fig. 7b). Above 200 Hz
the response consists of only one pulse per cycle.

Delay. The delay is a constant period of approximately 2 ms (ReiBland 1979)

that is probably mainly due to pulse generation and propagation to the site of
pulse recording around 2 mm from the trichobothrium.
Adaptation. The lower branch of the model describes the mechanism of receptor
adaptation. The integration symbol means that adaptation takes place on re-
peated stimulation. The memory symbolizes the experimental finding that the
effect of hair deflection decreases with time; the decrease has been assumed to
be exponential. In trichobothrial receptors, time-dependent processes can in-
clude transient behavior of strain-sensitive conductances in the transducer
membrane producing the generator current and accommodation of the axonal
encoder determining the impulse frequency (Mann and Chapman 1975). As ac-
commodation appears to be negligible except for the lowest deflection veloc-
ities, we suppose that adaptation is caused mainly by the properties of ·the
transducer membrane. The maximum instantaneous pulse rate is hardly affect-
ed by adaptation. Therefore it is likely that the spider evaluates this parameter.
The effect of adaptation can be measured by the increase of latency and the
decrease of response duration. The pulse train length increases with the hair de~
flection amplitude. Pre-stimulus static hair deflection has an additional adap-
tation effect (Fig. 8). Except for the higher stimulus frequencies the receptor
eventually ceases to respond. In the model, adaptation is assumed to be an in-
crease of pulse generation threshold.
The receptor model has been realized on an analog computer. Some cal-
culated curves are shown in Fig. 9. They show the same essential features that
have been found by electrophysiological recordings from original tri-
chobothrium receptors in Tegenaria. A few experimental findings which have
not been incorporated in the model will be described in the following.
152 A. ReiBland and P. Gomer

Fig. 8 a-c. Receptor adapta-

tion (Tegenaria). a adaptation
due to repeated stimulation
with constant deflection ve-
locity; b adaptation after a stat-
ic pre-stimulus hair deflection
that continued for 4 min; c same
for a greater pre-stimulus hair
deflection. rJ. deflection angles
of pre-stimulus and stimulus
deflection; no initial number-of

, ., JO 20 50 fO
stimulus number; k time constant of the
adaptation. (ReiBiand 1978)

The threshold hair deflection angle at which the receptor responds does not
depend on the deflection velocity except for very slow deflections. It amounts to
1 ° - 2 0, a value that is in agreement with that of scorpions (2 ° - 3 ° , Hoffmann
1967) and of Barathra caterpillar larvae (2.5°, Tautz 1978). At smaller de-
flections the dendritic tubular body obviously is not deformed sufficiently to in-
duce action potentials. At very slow hair deflections the threshold angle in-
creases which is probably due to accommodation.
The lower limit of the working range of spider trichobothria is approxi-
mately 1° S-1. Here the pulse train is interrupted by irregular breaks, and some-
times the receptor is silent for a whole cycle. The tip of a 500-llm-long hair then
has a velocity of less than 90 Ilm s-\ a value that is smaller by a factor 100 than
the airstream velocity necessary for physiological hair deflections (Fig. 4). As-
suming this velocity is reached within a time interval as long as lOs, there is
still a safety factor of 10 by which the air particle velocity exceeds the hair tip
velocity necessary for evoking a receptor response. Therefore every slow natural
air movement that deflects at least the longer hairs causes a response of the tri-

Fig. 9 a-e. Input signals, equivalent to direct
coupling as in Fig. 7 (upper curves) and output
signals (lower curves) calculated by an analog
computer according to the model of Fig. 6.
a Latency increases upon repeated stimulation;
b response duration decreases if input amplitude
is doubled; c both effects diminish by doubling
of frequency; d both effects increase by doubling
of amplitude; e constant responses to constant
velocity inputs, increasing logarithmically with
slope of input curves. Note that the output cur-
ves of a - d are not pieces of sine curves but of
ei logarithmically deformed sine curves
Trichobothria 153

chobothrial receptors. If the hair is moved sinusoidally with an amplitude of

about 10 0 , the receptors respond to signals of 0.1 to 0.2 Hz (ReiBland 1979).
Such slow signals are emitted neither by prey nor by predators. These measure-
ments, therefore, suggest that the trichobothria in funnel-web spiders may serve
as wind-detectors.
Some of the trichobothrium receptors in Agelenidae respond to constant hair deflection
velocity with a volley-like pulse train rather than a constant pulse rate (Fig·7 d). Therefore we
suppose that the signal time course is evaluated by the superposition of responses of different

4.5 What is the Adequate Stimulus?

The question as to what is the adequate stimulus for a trichobothrium requires
consideration of both the mechanical and the receptor cell transfer properties.
The mechanical structure has high-pass properties, and the same applies for the
receptor cell. Consequently, the natural input signals are differentiated twice.
Therefore the adequate stimulus is suggested to be air particle acceleration.
Behavioral experiments on cockroaches are in agreement with this assumption.
They escape from puffs of air that exceed a threshold acceleration (Camhi
If we assume that the adequate signal range is where the least signal de-
formation by the receptor takes place we arrive at a signal frequency range
around 1 Hz. Even if a straightforward conclusion cannot be drawn from this
consideration we can at least suppose that the hum frequency of insects is not a
candidate parameter to be evaluated by the trichobothria. If the peak in-
stantaneous pulse rate were evaluated, a single trichobothrium would be able to
encode a constant hair deflection velocity of around 100 0 S-1 or a frequency up
to about 200 Hz. By summing the outputs of several sensilla, even higher fre-
quencies could be discriminated, as in this case Wever's volley principle would
apply. However, behavioral experiments appear not to support this hypothesis.

5 Behavior

Behavioral experiments with definite stimuli, that are crucial for revealing the
biological function of a sensory system, have been carried out on trichobothria
only during the last 15 years (Gomer and Andrews 1969; Hergenroder and
Barth 1983a, b; Rei Bland and Habigsberg, in press). From observations by Gor-
ner and by Riechert and Luczak (1982) it is known that Agelenids are able to
seize insects that fly by within a few millimeters from the spider. The plausible
assumption that the trichobothria are involved in the catching reaction was test-
ed by using a vibrating paper disc as a prey substitute (Gomer and Andrews
1969). Agelena labyrinthica turned towards the dummy prey, and in many cases
even seized it. The turning angle (for definition see legend of Fig. 10) was al-
ways somewhat smaller than the stimulus angle, a result that was also found in
Cupiennius (HergenrOder and Barth 1983b) for turning reactions toward a
buzzing fly. The turning angle as defined in both series of experiments has its
vertex outside the spider and therefore is probably not the angle that is cal-
154 A. ReiBland and P. Gomer



71 % reactions .
. :.: ,.~., .
', ..
'" I ,',

. r:": ·F:":.:' . Fig. 10. Orienting reaction

. ,~j~. ': of Agelena toward a vibrat-
-150 ...,.¥ 150
ing disc. Intact side of spi-
stimulus angle [deg] der compared with side de-
prived of trichobothria.
Stimulus angle angle be-
tween long axis of spider
.:.~:.~. ':" trichobothria removed and axis through stimulus
site and center of pros om a
30% reactions
before reaction; turning
angle angle between the
spider's long axis before
and after reaction; stimulus
-150 frequency 20 Hz, N=5

culated by the animal. Experimental data with respect to a spider-centered

coordinate system are not available so far.
The reaction frequency of Agelena labyrinthica is substantially reduced by
ablation of trichobothria (Gomer and Andrews 1969). When unilaterally de-
prived animals were stimulated from the front they turned to the intact side.
Therefore the trichobothria were made responsible for prey detection and con-
sidered to be F erntastsinnesorgane (organs of touch at a distance, term coined
by Dijkgraaf in 1947). Later experiments showed that the turning angle is the
same on stimulation of either side of unilaterally deprived spiders (Fig. 10).
The orienting reaction was the same in both stimulus directions even if stimu-
lation was performed from the front of the spider, a discordance that is not yet
settled. However, it was established that localization of prey is also possible
without trichobothria and therefore other organs must be involved. These can-
not be receivers of web vibrations induced by airborne sound, since Gomer
and Andrews performed many of their experiments with spiders partly sitting
OIl solid ground. What remains as a candidate stimulus is the sound pressure
field that can be received by single slit sensilla on the tarsus (Barth 1967, 1982).
We will assume these to be the only such sensilla in the following.
To stimulate the trichobothria and the single slit sensilla separately different
stimuli were applied: (1) a disc vibrating with a frequency of 10 Hz; (2) a
bundle of fine copper wires that was periodically charged with a frequency of
200 Hz (both these stimuli deflected the trichobothria, but electrophysiological
recordings showed that the single slit sensilla were not excited); (3) the disc
vibrating with 200 Hz (stimulating both single slit sensilla and trichobothria) as
a control stimulus. The reaction frequency upon stimulation of the tri-
chobothria alone was significantly smaller than in the control experiments
Trichobothria 155

a b 100 n =360 859 475

lI!II leS1S

~ corllrols

10Hz 10Hz 200Hz

',4Cycies 8cycleS
eiecirOSl 311c
near field sl imulus stimulus

Fig. 11 a, b. Percentage of reactions of Tegenaria upon a stimulation of trichobothria by a

sound near-field of 10 Hz and different duration, and by an electric field of 200 Hz; differences
significant; N=4. b stimulation with minispeaker generating a sound far-field of 200 Hz; right
bar control with vibrating disc; left bar control with silent minispeaker whether trichobothria
were accidentally touched; differences significant; N = 2. (ReiBland and Habigsberg, in press)

(Fig. 11 a). On the other hand, a modified miniature loudspeaker was used to
generate a far-field stimulus. Excitation of the single slit sense organs alone can
release a catching reaction (Fig. 11 b). Moreover, localization of the dummy
does not deteriorate (unpublished work). Therefore trichobothria in agelenids
are not essential for localizing prey whirring in the air. It rather appears that
they usually playa role as a trigger of the catching reaction. Only if the intact
side competes with the side that is deprived of trichobothria, which is the case
if a stimulus is applied from the front, can the turning angle be influenced by
the trichobothria.
Hergenr6der and Barth (1983 a, b; see also Barth, Chap. XI, this Vol.) inves-
tigated the release of predatory and flight behavior in the wandering spider Cu-
piennius salei by vibratory stimuli. If Cupiennius is stimulated by substrate
vibrations of a frequency lower than 100 Hz and a peak-to-peak amplitude
below 140 /lm, it responds in many cases with an orienting movement (jump or
turn) toward the side of the stimulus, or with search movements in that direc-
tion. At higher stimulus frequencies or amplitudes increasingly more with-
drawal reactions occur. The substrate vibrations also cause stimulation of the
trichobothria which has the following consequences for the behavior.
(1) If the trichobothria are removed, the threshold vibration displacement
for the release of withdrawal is increased (Fig. 12 a), the supra-threshold prob-
ability of approach reactions is increased, and the probability of withdrawal re-
actions is decreased (Fig. 12 b). This means that the trichobothria inhibit the
readiness for approach. Moreover, Hergenr6der and Barth (1983 a) have shown
that the trichobothria of only one leg are sufficient to cause the full effect of
inhibition (Fig. 12c, 2nd, 4th and 6th bar). A buzzing fly does not alter this re-
sult. The inhibition, however, is smaller if two adjacent legs are intact (Fig. 12c,
5th bar).
156 A ReiBland and P.Gomer

~ 100
3 -4Hz 2O -26Hz 9O· 12OHz 350· 460Hz

'0 c 100
i. 11. l
tf • .If
i3rd .4 th L4th leg

III~ ~
11 10

" inlact
• trichobothria removed

j ro
Ql 10 100 1000
stirrulus centra l frequency [Hz]

Fig.12a-c. a Threshold curves and b supra-threshold reaction frequencies of Cupiennius

stimulated by substrate vibration with band-limited noise centered at different frequencies.
Hatched and dotted areas of histograms denote percentage of reactions of approach and of
withdrawal, respectively; free areas denote no response at 140 11m stimulus amplitude: (Her-
genrOder and Barth, 1983 a). c Percentage of reactions found with stimulation by substrate vi-
bration and/or fly buzzing in air. i intact legs, k deprived of trichobothria (5th column: all tri-
chobothria except those on 3rd and 4th leg ablated; 6th column: all trichobothria except those
on 4th leg ablated); areas of histograms as in b. (After HergenrOder and Barth 1983a)

(2) At stimulus frequencies above 1 Hz, the threshold for withdrawal is sig-
nificantly increased by removing the trichobothria. From (1) and (2) it is evi-
dent that these sensilla reduce the readiness for predatory reactions and lower
the threshold for releasing escape reactions. However, simultaneous stimulation
by a fly which generates a different spatio-temporal near-field pattern in con-
junction with an airborne far-field appears to compete with the inhibition of
predatory behavior (Fig. 12c, 1st, 3rd and 5th bar).
(3) Moreover, the trichobothria allow discrimination between substrate-
borne sine stimuli and band-limited noise centered at the corresponding fre-
quency (10 Hz and 140 Hz tested, Hergenroder and Barth 1983a). Therefore
signals from the trichobothria may well be used by the spider to recognize the
frequency content of vibrational stimuli.
To summarize these results we conclude that the behavioral response of Cu-
piennius results from competition of the input signals caused by substrate-borne
vibrations and by airborne vibrations and currents (cf. Hergenroder and Barth
Hergenroder and Barth (1983 b) also analyzed the turning angles of Cu-
piennius under various stimulus conditions. These were always smaller than the
stimulus angle and did not differ significantly, whether intact spiders or spiders
deprived of trichobothria were stimulated by substrate vibration, or whether
intact spiders were stimulated by a buzzing fly. If the trichobothria were re-
moved from all legs except the third and fourth on one side and both were
Trichobothria 157

stimulated by a fly and simultaneous ground vibrations, the turning angles re-
sulting from both stimuli added up. Under the prerequisite that the new find-
ings on the role of airborne sound receivers in Agelena (ReiBland and Habigs-
berg, in press) also apply for the orienting behavior of Cupiennius (Klamer and
Barth 1982; Hergenr6der and Barth 1983 a), it can be assumed that the neuronal
signals from the single-slit sense organs converge with those from the substrate
vibration receptors whereas the trichobothria do not contribute to the angle of
Orb weavers possibly use their trichobothria for the detection of enemies.
Zygiella and Nephila often respond to airborne stimuli with defensive be-
havior, but never with attack behavior (Klamer and Barth 1982).

6 Conclusions

We know that scorpions use their trichobothria for different purposes. It may
well be that this is also the case in spiders. Clear-cut behavioral experiments
have been made on only a few species. Spiders that live on solid ground can use
these sensilla both for releasing flight and predatory behavior (Hergenr6der
and Barth 1983a, b). In funnel-web spiders, which have a densely woven web,
the significance of airborne stimuli for prey detection can still be considerable
(ReiBland and Habigsberg, in press). Here trichobothria playa role in pre-
datory but perhaps not in flight behavior. Contrarily, orb weavers, living on
very elastic webs, detect their prey after it has been caught in the web and here
trichobothria serve probably only for the detection of enemies (Klamer and
Barth 1982). Wind detection may be another purpose of spider trichobothria,
but no experiments have been done on this.


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IX Slit Sensilla and the Measurement
of Cuticular Strains

I Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
2 Definitions and Principles . . . . . . . 163
3 Occurrence and Distribution of Slit SensiIla 166
4 Functional Morphology of the Receptors . 168
4.1 Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
4.2 Input Transformation and Mechanical Filtering 168
4.3 Morphological Variation . . . . . . . 171
4.4 Sensitivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
5 Receptor Mechanisms and Transfer Functions 172
5.1 Receptor Mechanisms. . . . . . 172
5.2 Transfer Functions and Adaptation 173
6 Lyriform Organs . . . . . . . . . . 175
7 Sources of Load and Sensitivity to Load Components 178
7. I General Implications of Slit Distribution 179
7.2 Sources of Load and Mechanical Sensitivity 180
7.3 In Vivo Measurements of Cuticular Strains During Locomotion 182
8 Behavioral Significance. 184
9 Concluding Remarks . 185
References . . . . . . 186

1 Introduction

Information about the strains occurring in a piece of material under load is im-
portant in many design problems, where economy of material investment and
optimization of mechanical properties are essential. Accordingly, strain-
measuring techniques are applied in a wide range of industries, including such
different fields as aircraft and bridge construction and design of pianos and
The most commonly used strain-measuring device in technology is the
strain gauge. Basically, this is a piece of wire or semi-conductor which changes
its resistance when strained. By incorporating the strain gauge into an electrical
circuit the mechanical events can be measured with high precision.

Zoologisches Institut der 1. W. Goethe-Universitat, Gruppe Sinnesphysiologie, Sies-

mayerstraBe 70, 0-6000 Frankfurt am Main I, Federal Republic of Germany
Slit Sensilla and Cuticular Strains 163

Arthropods have sensilla built into their exoskeleton which can be con-
sidered a biological version of technical strain gauges. Based on their own func-
tional principles, these sensory receptors measure the effects of loads generated
in the cuticular skeleton by muscular activity, hemolymph pressure, gravi-
tational forces, and substrate vibrations. The most intriguing version known of
this unusual mechanical sense, which is unique to arthropods and intimately
linked with their exoskeleton, is that of spiders. Their "slit sensilla", which are
also found in the other arachnid groups, form a sensory system of considerable
refinement which evidently provides its bearer with a very detailed picture of
the mechanical events going on in its exoskeleton.
This chapter illustrates the functional principles involved in the activity of
these sensilla and the behavioral relevance of a sense whose .study has been
neglected for a long time, due in part perhaps to its remoteness from human

2 Definitions and Principles

Adequate appreciation of a particular type of sense organ largely depends on

an understanding of its natural input. Here we first ask what happens in a piece
of material that is subjected to forces applied externally. Several parameters are
relevant with respect to the slit sensilla and also their insect analogs, the cam-
paniform sensilla.

Stress. This is the force per unit area (A) generated in the material under ex-
ternal forces (P) and resisting them. Normal to a given plane, stress is
(J= A [N/m 2 = Pal· (1)

Strictly speaking applied stress has to be distinguished from resulting stress.

Applied stress is the ratio of load per unit-area.

Strain. Stress and strain are intimately related with each other. Inevitably stress
is paralleled by a deformation of the specimen, minute as it may be. Strain (e)
is defined as relative change in length of a unit volume in a given direction,
e=1;' (2)

10 being the original length and Al the change in length. Strain then is without
dimension. Negative strain describes a decrease of 10 , i.e., compression, in
everyday language.

Young's Modulus. Up to the elastic limit (Hookean range) stress and strain are
often proportional to each other. In the simple case of a bar under tension
(J (J
e=- or E = - [Pal. (3)
E e
164 F.G.Barth


"" ,a


stretch compress shear bend twist

b c
strain E

.S A~/11 Q)
displacement w length S -a
Fig. 1 a-c. Some basic mechanical principles. a A piece of material (shaded) is loaded (ar-
rows) in different ways and thereby deformed (unshaded). Basically the same phenomenon oc-
curs in all cases at the surface. A circle drawn onto it deforms into an ellipse, indicating strains
in two directions perpendicular to each other and with opposite sign. b A bar under tension
(arrow) shows that displacement has to be distinguished from strain. c As seen from a single-
ended cantilever under load (arrow), the sites of maximal stress or strain need not coincide
with those of maximal displacement. See text. (a Barth 1972a; band c Barth 1972 b)

E, the ratio of stress to strain, is called the elastic modulus in tension or Young's
modulus.· There is also an elastic modulus in shear, giving the ratio of tan-
gential force per unit-area to angular deformation.

Displacement. Strain of a unit volume is different from the displacement (w) of

a particular point in a piece of material under load. In the simple case of
monoaxial stress, which is found in a bar under tension for instance (Fig. 1 b),
displacement equals the integral of strains at the site s under consideration
w=Jeds. (4)
With multi axial stresses the situation is more complex. Even in the simple case
of the bar under tension, strain (and stress) do not change along the specimen in
the same way as displacement. Whereas strain (and stress) are constant all
along its axis, displacement increases with its length, due to the increase of the
summed strains of the unit volumes. It is also worth noting that places of
Slit Sensilla and Cuticular Strains 165

greatest stress do not coincide with those of greatest displacement. This is easily
shown by a simple cantilever with a point load at its end (Fig. 1c). Stress is
maximal where the coupling maximally resists displacement, whereas displace-
ment is greatest at its free end, where strain (and stress, respectively) is mini-

Surface. There are many different ways in which a piece of material can be
loaded. It may be stretched, compressed, sheared, bent, buckled, or twisted
(Fig. 1 a). At the surface of a specimen the same situation applies to all these
cases: at a given point there will always be tension (+e) in one direction and
compression (- e) perpendicular to it. Unless load is applied directly to the sur-
face, there will be only stresses and strains parallel to it. This is important to
note, since the sensory endings of the strain detectors under consideration here
attach to the surface of the cuticular exoskeleton. Interpretation of the mechan-
ical effects resulting from the various ways in which loads may be applied is
thereby simplified.

Definition of Receptors. According to numerous studies using the electron

microscope, electrophysiological techniques and model experiments (Barth
1971, 1972a, b, 1981; Barth and Pickelmann 1975) the auxiliary structures of
the slit sense organs are "designed" and arranged in a way that provides de-
formation even by very small forces. The most important one of the parameters
listed above is displacement: the slit sense organs (and the analogous campani-
form sensilla in insects) measure absolute displacement of two points or lines in
the cuticle, and not strain, which denotes a relative change in length.
A characterization of the receptors according to these physical parameters
depends on the level of consideration, however. Whereas "displacement de-
tectors" would be the adequate terminology at the receptor level, the sensilla
may well be called "strain detectors" at the level of the larger skeletal region
they are built in. Like strain gauges used by technology they measure the local
deformation of the skeleton. Taking the whole body part (mainly the legs,
where the organs are most numerous) as reference, the slit sensilla of arachnids
and the camp ani form sensilla of insects present themselves as "force detectors",
measuring the forces which lead to cuticular deformations and finally displace-
ment at the receptors (Barth 1976, 1978, 1981; Seyfarth 1978b; Blickhan and
Barth 1985).
Seen from the point of view of the animal's behavior, the main question is:
which parameter is the spider or other arachnid most interested in? This is
hard to say. It seems likely, however, that displacement at the receptor as such
is not the main point of interest. A more reasonable assumption is that strain
and thus also the deformation of the skeleton is one type of information need-
ed, for instance to avoid its failure. In addition, it seems likely that the animal
relies on information about the forces acting on its skeleton, since these are of
great potential importance for its locomotor behavior (Seyfarth 1978 a, b; B1ick-
han and Barth 1985). Since slit sensilla in arachnids vary widely with respect
to their arrangement in the skeleton, it is not surprising that they have been
found to be involved in quite different aspects of behavior, where different pa-
166 F.G.Barth

rameters such as stepping pattern, substrate vibration and muscular force are
the biologically relevant input (see below). Similarly, technical strain-gauges
are used to measure different physical quantities such as displacement, pres-
sure, load, acceleration and others, depending on their arrangement in the par-
ticular type of transducer.

3 Occurrence and Distribution of Slit Sensilla

Slit sense organs, a peculiarity of arachnids, were first mentioned by Bertkau in

1878. Following early descriptions of their occurrence in spiders (Vogel 1923;
Kaston 1935; Mc Indoo 1911), study of their distribution in the exoskeleton of
various arachnids was taken up again, together with work on their functional
design and physiology, after Pringle's (1955) pioneering experiments had
shown that they are mechanoreceptive.
The best-studied case is still that of the spiders. Different species are very
similar with respect to their slit sensilla. In Cupiennius salei, a large Central
American hunting spider (Ctenidae; Lachmuth et al. 1985), about 3300 slits
were counted (Fig. 2) (Barth and Libera 1970). The majority of these, i.e., 86%,
lie on the legs and pedipalps, embedded in hard, sclerotized exocuticle. The 96
slits found on the opisthosoma (without petiolus) are exceptional in being sur-
rounded by soft mesocuticle.
The slit sensilla of spiders - and in fact of all arachnids - are classified as
single isolated slits, relatively loose groups of slits, and compound or lyriform
organs with up to 30 slits that are closely arranged in parallel (Fig. 3 a). In Cu-
piennius about half of all slits are either single slits or small groups. The rest
forms a total of 144 lyriform organs which are only found on the extremities
(134 on walking legs and pedipalps and 10 on spinnerets and chelicerae). While
close vicinity to joints is typical of lyriform organs, isolated slits usually occur at
some distance from articulations. They form rows on the anterior and posterior
side of the walking legs and pedipalps; some lie close to muscle attachment
sites, for instance on the ventral opisthosoma. Both isolated slits and lyriform
organs are'typically (with exceptions) found on the lateral aspects of the re-
spective appendage and are oriented roughly parallel to its long axis. Typical
groups occur on the walking leg trochanter, the chelicerae and petiolus (Fig. 2).
A comparison of the slit sensilla on the walking legs among representatives
of five arachnid orders (spiders, scorpions, whip spiders, whip scorpions, har-
vestmen) shows the wide spectrum of sensillar supply and the relative share
held by isolated slits, groups of slits, and lyriform organs (Barth and Stagl
1976). While Cupiennius has at least 325 slits on each leg, there are only 58 and
45 in case of the whip spider and harvestman. Also, lyriform organs are charac-
teristic of spiders; there are 15 on each leg, but none or only one or two in the
case of other arachnids. In all species studied, there is a concentration of slits
proximally in the leg and the trochanter is the segment always most richly sup-
The mechanical significance of these morphological findings is discussed in
Sections 6 and 7.
Slit Sensilla and Cuticular Strains 167

nl. .
..... . .... " "'~




10 ...

- _.

I ·~t
• I ~


Fig. 2. Distribution of the slit sensilla in the exoskeleton of the spider Cupiennius salei Keys.
Small arrows point to single slits longer than 30/lm. Long arrows in insets give orientation of
long axis of the respective body appendage and point distally. Co coxa; Tr trochanter; Fe femur;
Pa patella; Ti tibia; Me metatarsus; Ta tarsus; Sp spinneret; L lung slit; Ep epigyne; La labium;
St sternum. For the walking leg and the pedipalp both the anterior and posterior aspects are
shown. (After Barth and Libera 1970)
168 F.G.Barth

4 Functional Morphology of the Receptors

4.1 Structure

Slit sensilla are slit-shaped holes in the cuticular exoskeleton. They are from 8
to 200 !lm long and 1 to 2 !lm wide, and covered by a membrane only about
0.25 !lm thick and made up mainly of epicuticular material. To this membrane
the dendrite tip of a bipolar sensory cell attaches in an area specialized as a
small "coupling cylinder". The dendrite ends in the cylinder's interior
(Fig. 3 d). As in other arthropod cuticular mechanoreceptors the prominent fine
structural feature of the dendrite tip is a tubular body. It is one of the few mo-
dality-specific structures known in sensory receptors.
Seen in more detail the the cuticle consists of two parts. The outer
part is that referred to above: it lies in the exocuticle and is trough-shaped and
flattened toward both ends of its longitudinal axis. The dendrite runs through a
small hole in its bottom upward to the coupling cylinder, surrounded by "re-
ceptor lymph" (see below). Apart from the mechanosensory ending, all cellular
components are contained in the inner, second part of the cuticular hole in the
meso- and endocuticle (see Barth 1969, 1970, 1973 for details of spider cuticle).
This second part extends toward the epidermis bell-shaped from the bottom of
the exocuticular hole.
Most of the cellular components of the slit sensilla are those typical of
arthropod cuticular sensilla in general (see Foelix, Chap. VII, this Vol.). The
distal section of the dendrite is surrounded by a noncellular dendritic sheath
and proximally starts with a ciliary segment. It is the continuation of the den-
drite's inner segment which ends as a prominent swelling containing a rich sup-
ply of mitochondria. At least three auxiliary cells are associated with a slit sen-
sillum and surround the dendrite as sheath cells. While the innermost secretes
the dendritic sheath, the other two are considered homologous to the insect
trichogen cell and tormogen cell respectively (Barth 1971).
A striking cellular peculiarity of slit sensilla is the presence of a second den-
drite originating from the soma of a second bipolar sensory cell, the function of
which is not understood at all (Barth 1971; Seyfarth and Pfluger 1984, Seyfarth
et al. 1984). Similar "supernumerary" sense cells, from which no spike re-
sponses could be recorded so far, are also typical of other arachnid sensilla. In
case of the spider slit sensilla, the dendrite of the second cell ends at the inner
membrane of the exocuticular slit and a number of arguments were put forward
against its significance in monitoring slit deformation (Barth 1971, 1972a, b).
The reader interested in more details of the internal structure of slit sensilla is referred to
an electron microscope study (Barth 1971) and earlier reviews (Barth 1976, 1981). General as-
pects on the cellular organisation of arachnid cuticular sensilla are covered in Foelix, Chapter
VII, this Volume.

4.2 Input Transformation and Mechanical Filtering

Conduction and transformation of the adequate mechanical input from the

general cuticle toward the dendrite tip has been described in detail, together
Slit Sensilla and Cuticular Strains 169


~ 10~ y.224S , . 038 b

• j ,..-_d.,..._009--.-7ST(~Deg~)~'--_"--"""T""T"""'''''·-' ·'_-_·--'-l'~;' : ·_·~_~ : ~

01 1 10 70

Fig. 3a- c. Types of arrangements. Slit sensilla of arachnids occur as single isolated slits
(a showing example on opisthosoma; arrow points to dendrite attachment area), relatively loosely
arranged groups (b example on trochanter), or lyriform or compound organs with a close
parallel arrangement of slits (c example on trochanter). d stimulus uptake and transformation.
Compression of the slit proper by forces (arrows) at right angles to its long axis further bends
pre-bent outer membrane (MA), which in turn results in a deformation of the dendrite tip
(DE) within the coupling cylinder (KZ) predominantly by monoaxial compressional forces.
e step responses of slit sensilla typically follow a power-law function. Example shows response of
slit 2 of lyriform organ HS-8 (Fig. 5 a) to two step stimuli differing in amplitude (given as lat-
eral displacement d of the metatarsus in degrees) by a factor of four. Note corresponding
change in equation which implies constant gain. Continuous lines are fitted to measuring
points (average frequency for 0.1 s intervals) to the left of arrows and correspond to power
function. (a - c Barth 1981; d Barth 1976; e Bohnenberger 1981; Cupiennius salei, Araneae)
170 F.G.Barth

with the functional implications resulting from the morphology of the struc-
tures involved (Barth 1972a, b, 1976, 1981). It may therefore suffice to point
out some aspects of particular importance here.

1. In principal, arthropod mechanoreceptors and in fact all mechanore-

ceptors can be divided into two groups: displacement receivers and force re-
ceivers. Although there is no displacement reception without the involvement
of at least small forces, and no force reception without at least small displace-
ments, the extreme cases can certainly be distinguished (Barth and Blickhan
1984): arachnid trichobothria (see ReiBland and Gomer, Chap. VIII, this Vol.)
- as insect thread hairs - are typical displacement receivers. Their hair shaft,
which is an extremely light-weight structure and articulated very flexibly in the
cuticular skeleton, is deflected by the slightest movement of the air. The pres-
sure or force aspect of the stimulus is of only minor importance here. Arachnid
slit sensilla and insect campaniform sensilla (review: Barth 1981) on the other
hand, are so designed as to detect minute deformations in the skeleton due to
the forces set up by various internal and external loads.
2. As in all mechanoreceptors, transduction of the mechanical input energy
into the electrochemical response of the sensory cell finally relies on dendrite
deformation. This deformation is nonuniform and brought about by nonuni-
form pressure (in contrast t9 "hydrostatic" pressure). The resulting strains are
predicted to be negative (compressive) parallel to the long axis of the dendrite
and positive perpendicular to it.
3. The cuticular auxiliary structures of slit sensilla, which take up the stimu-
lus from the surrounding cuticle, are designed and arranged in a way that pro-
vides for the dendrite's deformation even by very small forces. Thus the slit is
set apart from the cuticular holes associated with other arthropod cuticular re-
ceptors, since it is its own deformation which is the adequate input to the sen-
4. According to fine structural, model, and electrophysiological studies
(Barth 1971, 1972a, b, 1976, 1981; Barth and Pickelmann 1975) the sequence of
events leading to ~he deformation of the dendrite tip in the coupling cylinder is
the following (Fig. 3 d): Compression of the slit at right angles to its long axis;
as a consequence further inward bending of the covering membrane and in tum
deformation of the coupling cylinder, in particular at its outer side and pre-
dominantly at a right angle to the long axis of the slit; finally deformation of the
dendrite tip in the coupling cylinder by monoaxial compressive forces.
5. There are several mechanical "tricks" involved in this sequence by which
the stimulus is focused from the general cuticle to less than 111m2 of dendrite
area (Barth 1972 b). They help explain the high sensitivity (see below) of slit
sensilla even when embedded in cuticle like that of the spider leg. Here the
elastic (Young's) modulus of the cuticle (18 GPa, Blickhan and Barth 1979) is
very similar to that of vertebrate bone (Yamada 1970). Skeletal deformations
are therefore bound to be very small (also due to the hollow cylindrical shape
of the leg segments which implies high second moments of inertia). These
"tricks" are: (a) Due to its elongated shape, the slit is most easily deformed by
Slit Sensilla and Cuticular Strains 171

forces roughly perpendicular to its long axis 1. (b) Due to its arched cross-sec-
tion and thinness the covering membrane is most effectively further bent by lat-
eral forces acting on it during slit compression. The trough-like shape enhances
the bending moment resulting from such lateral forces and at the same time
stiffens the covering membrane against bending along its long axis. (c) Finally,
the coupling cylinder is attached to the bottom of the covering membrane, that
is, to an area where the bending moment is greatest.

4.3 Morphological Variation

When comparing the many slit sensilla found in different places in one species
(Barth and Libera 1970; Barth and Wadepuhl 1975) or at corresponding body
parts in arachnids of different orders (Barth and Stagl 1976), morphological pa-
rameters such as slit length, location of dendrite tip along slit, and slit orienta-
tion relative to the main axis of the respective body part are seen to vary. In
addition, the degree of association with other slits to form "loose groups" or
compound lyriform organs varies to a large extent, and even the curvature of
the covering membrane was found to vary. Since these variations all have a
pronounced effect on the deformation of a slit in a given position and thus also
on its sensitivity, they are likely to reflect important aspects of the adaptive
radiation of slit sensilla.
Slit length varies from just a few microns to about 200 11m. As described
earlier (Barth 1972a, b, 1981; Barth and Pickelmann 1975), both the absolute
amount of deformation and its directionality increase with increasing slit
length. From the directionality of the slit follows that highest sensitivity is
achieved in cases with an orientation roughly perpendicular to the load direc-
tion. In a single slit (the more complex situation in Iyriform organs is treated
below) deformation is invariably greatest in the middle along its length, which
is therefore the most sensitive position of the dendrite tip and in fact typical for
single slits. Curvature of the covering membrane, which - through its impact
on the bending, moment - influences deformability as well, was seen to be less
pronounced in the short slits of lyriform organs (presumably adding to their
relative insensitivity due to short length) and more so in the long ones (Barth

4.4 Sensitivities

Although the mechanical sensitivity of the dendrite proper must be considered

crucial, the measurements of threshold sensitivities in slit sensilla seem to
underline also the effectiveness of the non-neural stimulus-conducting struc-

I Mechanically, dilatation of the slit is equivalent to compression. Electrophysiological exper-

iments, however, demonstrate that it is an ineffective stimulus. This in turn can be explained
mechanically by the arrangement and shape of the coupling cylinder, for which slit dilatation
is not at all equivalent to its compression (Barth 1972b).
172 F.G.Barth

tures. Stimulation of slit sensilla ultimately depends on the deformation of the

exoskeleton. Two examples (Cupiennius salei) demonstrate that sensitivity of
slit sensilla is high despite the rigidity of the skeleton.
1. Lyriform organ HS-8 (Fig. 4 b) can be stimulated effectively by a back-
ward deflection of the metatarsus. When using ramp stimuli angular displace-
ments (zero position: articular condyles just touch each other) between 0.010
and 0.920 excite most of the slits (Barth and Bohnenberger 1978). With sinu-
soidal stimulation at 100 Hz values are as small as 0.006 0 (Bohnenberger 1978,
1979). The forces inducing such a deflection are about 40 /IN. Even at 0.001 Hz
the gravitational forces acting on the spider leg would suffice to excite at least
some of the slits in this organ (Bohnenberger 1981).
2. The metatarsallyriform Qrgan, an exteroceptor, is highly sensitive to sub-
strate-borne vibrations reaching it through tarsal displacement (see Barth,
Chap. XI, this Vol.). At frequencies of 1 kHz, threshold displacement is as small
as 10-6 to 10-7 cm; smallest threshold acceleration values are ca. 0.02 cm S-2 at
1 Hz (Barth and Geethabali 1982).

5 Receptor Mechanisms and Transfer Functions

5.1 Receptor Mechanisms

Our knowledge of the mechnisms underlying mechano-electrical transduction

in arachnid slit sensilla is far from complete. Questions such as the exact distri-
bution of currents leading to the generation of spike potentials are still open for
further argument, as in most other sensory receptors. From a number of quite
diverse observations, however, valuable insights into some of the key problems
involved have emerged. Despite the similarities in the cellular "Bauplan" of the
slit sensilla with that of insect cuticular sensilla (Barth 1971, 1981), the most in-
teresting findings may be those pointing to differences in their primary pro-

Potentials. A transepithelial standing potential can be measured at the site of

many insect epithelial cuticular receptors, both mechano- and chemosensitive.
It shows the receptor lymph in the extracellular space surrounding the outer
dendrite segment to be 10 to 100 mV positive with respect to the hemolymph
space. Upon stimulation, a negative receptor potential is recorded which de-
creases the transepithelial potential and sets off the spike discharge (reviews
see: Thurm 1974, 1982a, b; Thurm and Kiippers 1980). All three types of po-
tential are also known from insect campaniform sensilla (on the haltere), the in-
sect version of arthropod cuticular strain detectors. Thurm (1974) has suggested
that the sensor region of the dendrite is a variable resistance whose conductivity
is increased by adequate stimulation of the receptor. Stimulation in turn would
increase the current flow to the sensory cell that is driven to a considerable ex-
tent by a non-neural battery of one of the auxiliary cells also responsible for the
standing potential. Several findings indicate that this battery is located across
Slit Sensilla and Cuticular Strains 173

the microvillous apical border of the tormogen cell and is an electrogenic K+-
pump driving K+ into the receptor lymph (Kiippers 1974; Thurm 1982a;
Thurm and Wessel 1979).
There are significant differences between the above insect cases and slit sen-
silla. There is no standing potential. No receptor potential can be recorded and
the main component of the spikes is negative and not positive as in most insect
cases under similar recording conditions (Barth 1976; Thurm and Wessel 1979;
Seyfarth et al. 1982).

Receptor Lymph. The lack of a standing potential in slit organs and other spider
sensilla is paralleled by a difference in the chemical composition of the receptor
lymph. It is rich in K + in the insect cases, which supports the electrogenic pump
concept (Kiippers 1974; Kaissling and Thorson 1980). By contrast, it is rich in
Na+ and poor in K + in the slit sensillum which correlates with a lack of fine-
structural evidence for an electrogenic K+-pump in the tormogen cell mem-
brane (Barth 1971; Rick et al. 1976).

Electrical Stimulation. In a recent study Seyfarth et al. (1982) have added new
aspects to the transduction processes in slit sensilla. Outward current (surface-
negative) passed through the slit was found to be excitatory and inward current
to be inhibitory, just the opposite from the case of insect epithelial receptors
referred to above. This finding is interpreted as indicating that spike initiation
occurs in the dendrite, which seems reasonable in a sensillum with the cell soma
about 200 11m away from the slit. A localized-spike initiation site and trans-
duction processes not involving the distant soma and implying relatively small
current fields are also compatible with the failure of all our attempts to record
receptor potentials from the cuticular surface. Finally, the high Na+ concentra-
tion in the outer lymph space (instead of K +) is as expected for conventional
electrical excitability.

5.2 Transfer Functions and Adaptation

The transfer functions of the spider slit sensilla are similar to those of homolo-
gous insect campaniform sensilla (Chapman et al. 1979) and in fact to many re-
ceptors of even different modalities (Thorson and Biederman-Thorson 1974).
With few exceptions known so far, they are slowly adapting and their step re-
sponses follow a simple power-law function (Fig. 3 e)
y (t) = a . d . t-k , (5)
where a is a constant describing gain, d stimulus amplitude, t time, and k a re-
ceptor constant which determines both the slopes of the response decline and of
the frequency response. k was found to vary between 0.2 and 0.7, which implies
that slit sensilla take a position in between pure displacement receptors (the re-
sponse of which would be independent of stimulus frequency; k = 0) and pure
velocity receptors, that is, first-order differentiators (k = 1). The frequency
range of slit sensilla is very wide, like that of campaniform sensilla starting at
174 F.G.Barth

"C3 20
a: 10

I I t " iii i I I i i II II i i liiill

a 0.1 10 100
TIME (sec)
Fig. 4a, b. Joint mechanics and step response. Comparison of the relaxation of strain (filled
circles k=-O.I) measured at the site of Iyriform organ HS-8 (Fig. 4b) on the tibia (Ti) and the
spike response (Imp s-') of slits in the same organ to ramp and hold stimuli. The starting fre-
quency of the spike response is given the same coordinates as the initial strain value in order to
make the difference in decline steepness clear. Shaded area of receptor responses covers the
range of decline velocities (k varies between -0.3 and -0.7) found in different slits of same
organ. Obviously the high-pass characteristics of the slits are only little influenced by the
viscoelastic properties of the joint. G articular condyle; Me metatarsus. (After Blickhan et al.

roughly 5 mHz and covering about 5 powers of 10 (Bohnenberger 1979; Chap-

man et al. 1979).
Probably, the cause for the power-function decline and the mechanisms
underlying adaptation can be assigned exclusively neither to the mechanical fil-
ter properties of the stimulus conducting cuticular structures nor to the spike
initiation process itself. Much of the mechanical behavior of highly polymer-
ized materials such as plastic and cuticle is commonly described by power-law
dynamics (Bohnenberger 1981; Wainwright 1976). The viscosities explaining
the adaptation during maintained mechanical stimuli could, for instance, be
contained in the slit's covering membrane, its coupling cylinder or in the outer
receptor lymph. Viscous relaxation of the forces acting in the joint region, how-
ever, could be excluded in the case of Iyriform organ HS-8. This organ is locat-
ed distally on the tibia and effectively stimulated by slight lateral displacement
of the metatarsus. The force measured at the metatarsus as well as the cuticular
strain at the site of the organ (Fig. 4) change only little during step-like stimu-
lation (Bohnenberger 1981; Blickhan et al. 1984). Examination of the visco-elas-
tic properties of this joint has essentially confirmed this. The k value for the
force decline which follows a power-law function is only 0.04, which implies a
nearly perfect elastic behavior of this joint, and would not explain the decline in
the spike response (Blickhan 1983, Blickhan and Barth 1985).
The following arguments are in favor of the transduction and/or encoding
processes as the main cause for the power-law dynamics in the spike response:
(a) Power-law dynamics are found in receptors of many different modalities in-
cluding chemoreceptors and eyes which are not subject to the mechanical filter
Slit Sensilla and Cuticular Strains 175

properties of stimulus conducting structures (Biedermann-Thorson and Thor-

son 1971; Thorson and Biedermann-Thorson 1974); (b) power-law dynamics
are common in the electric behavior of dielectric materials (Jonscher 1977);
(c) in campaniform sensilla of the cockroach adaptation was found to be main-
ly due to the encoding processes and not to coupling and transduction (Mann
and Chapman 1975).
Experiments using electrical instead of mechanical stimuli could potentially
solve the question unambiguously: similar adaptation under both conditions
would support the above arguments. As a matter of fact, there is no adaptation
to maintained electrical stimulation. The latter result is difficult to interpret,
however, because the generator current paths and spike initiation sites may dif-
fer from those under mechanical stimulation (Seyfarth et al. 1982).

6 Lyriform Organs

The most obvious morphological variation among arachnid slit sensilla is that
among compound or lyriform organs where several slits (2 to ca. 30) are closely
arranged in parallel. Slit deformation is drastically influenced by this type of
So far, the consequences of only one such arrangement have been studied in
detail, using model experiments and morphological studies to investigate the
main mechanical implications and electrophysiological recordings to see the
physiological properties directly (Barth and .Pickelmann 1975; Barth and Boh-
nenberger 1978; Bohnenberger 1981). The main results of these combined
studies - all done with lyriform organ HS-8 distally on the spider tibia (Figs. 4 b
and 5 a) - are the following.
1. There is a considerable difference in deformation among the seven to
eight slits, which depends both on slit length and on slit position within the
group. The neighboring slits reduce the deformation of a given slit, peripheral
slits take up more load than intermediate ones. In a modellyriform organ HS-8
compression of the slits varied by up to 26 dB (Barth and Pickelmann 1975).
2. The differences predicted from these findings with regard to threshold
sensitivity of the component slits were demonstrated by electrophysiological ex-
periments. They amount to about 40 dB, which does not even include the most
and the least sensitive slit of the group (which have so far resisted reliable re-
cordings). There is no stimulus range fractionation among the slits, however,
which implies that the stimulus amplitude ranges covered by the more sensitive
slits include also those of the less sensitive ones (Barth and Bohnenberger 1979).
3. A concentration of different threshold sensitivities at one particular lo-
cation in the exoskeleton is one advantage of a lyriform group of slits over a
single slit. Another is the increase of the linear working range and range of high
sensitivity (Bohnenberger 1981). Increment sensitivities of the individual slits
drop considerably at stimulus amplitudes only 10 dB or less above threshold.
The linear parts of the working ranges of the organ's slits, however, are linked
with little overlap (Fig. 5c and d). This, as well as the responsiveness to low fre-
176 F.G.Barth

a b

c d
.. S3

100 Ch
: ".'
..• -'
al., ~ : , S2
;;; 5 <
w II)
II) ~
-' -'
~ ~
a. 50 ~
~ S4 ....
... ..J
0 05

Fig. Sa-d. Functional design of Iyrifonn organ HS-8 (Cupiennius solei, Araneae). a Iyri-
form organ HS-8 on the posterior side of the tibia (Fig. 4 b). Out of eight slits four were stud-
ied electrophysiologically (numbers); arrows point to those presented in c. b lateral aspect of
distal tibia with location of Iyriform organ HS-8 (bar indicated by arrow) according to ten-
sion optical experiment using an araldite model under load, equivalent to that generated by
flexor muscle activity in the original leg. Organ HS-8 lies in an area where compression lines
(--) run roughly at a right angle to its long axis. Note tension lines (-) ventrally. c response
of three slits (S2, S3, S4) to sinusoidal stimulation of organ (0.01 Hz). Instantaneous response
(spike frequency) plotted versus instantaneous stimulus amplitude. d linearity ranges of same
slits as in c as calculated from values in c (see Bohnenberger 1981). (a, c and d Bohnenberger
1981; b Barth and Pickelmann 1975)

quencies down to fractions of 1 Hz, seems appropriate for an organ that has
proprioceptive functions (Barth and Seyfarth 1971; Seyfarth and Barth 1972;
Seyfarth 1978 a, b; see also Seyfarth, Chap. XII, this Vol.) and that is probably
part of a feedback system and monitoring small deviations from the desired
4. According to the threshold curves (tuning curves), the different slits in or-
gan HS-8 (Bohnenberger 1981) all behave like high-pass filters with relatively
high thresholds at low frequencies up to roughly 10Hz and steadily decreasing
values toward higher frequencies.
They share this high-pass characteristic with the pretarsal ("claw") slits (Speck and Barth
1982) and with the slits of the vibration-sensitive metatarsal Iyrifonn organ (Barth and
Geethabali 1982; B1eckmann and Barth 1984). The only exception known is a tarsal slit, which
responds to air-borne sound and exhibits a minimum threshold curve with highest sensitivity
at frequencies between 0.3 kHz and 0.7 kHz (Barth 1967).
Slit Sensilla and Cuticular Strains 177

5. The tuning curves (0.005 Hz to 1 kHz) of the individual component slits

of organ HS-8 (and also of other organs: Barth and Geethabali 1981; Speck and
Barth 1982; see Barth, Chap. XI, this VoL) show that a previous attractive hy-
pothesis is wrong. All slits behave like high-pass filters; their differences in
length do not result in differing tuning to particular small ranges of frequencies
(Bohnenberger 1981). In this sense, the term "lyriform" is misleading, since
there is strong evidence against the involvement of different resonance frequen-
cies in frequency discrimination.
6. Orientation of a single slit and of lyriform organs with respect to load
direction is of crucial consequence for its deformation, and thus for its sensi-
tivity. As a rule of thumb, compression of the slits is greatest with pressure
loads roughly perpendicular to the long axis of the organ. The tension-optical
analysis of a model-leg tibia - subjected to forces simulating joint forces natu-
rally generated by muscular activity - showed that the lines of principal stress-
es at the site of lyriform organ HS-8 are compression lines and in fact oriented
almost perpendicular to the organ's long axis (Fig. 5 b) (Barth and Pickel mann
From a theoretical point of view, it is hard to predict exactly what mechan-
ical consequences arise from the various slit arrangements found in different
lyriform organs (Fig. 2). In addition, the application of forces from varying
directions in the original and simultaneous measurement of slit deformation
and/or recording of their nervous activity meets with considerable difficulties.
Therefore model studies were designed again to see what the various shapes of
lyriform organs might be good for (Barth et aL 1984).
The results indicate several remarkable effects and considerable refinement
in the design of this biological strain-measuring system. They suggest that the
original organs are specifically adapted to meet the different requirements for
strain measurement that are relevant at the particular site where they occur.
Such requirements would, for instance, be an especially wide angular working
range, a large range of absolute sensitivities, or directional properties providing
a basis for an analysis of load direction (Fig. 6).
Five slits were cut into Araldite or Plexiglas discs which were loaded statically in their
plane from various directions. Deformation of the slits was measured with a strain gauge de-
vice inserted at different points along the slits.
The wealth of shapes found in arachnid Iyriform organs was reduced to three basic config-
urations named according to their outline shape (Fig. 6) (a) "oblique bar" with slits of equal
length and a regular lateral shift between each other; (b) "triangle" with regular graduation of
slit lengths and various modifications of their lateral shift resulting in isosceles, rectangular
and scalene triangles, respectively; (c) "heart" with the largest slit in the middle and shorter
ones on both sides. In arrangement (a) the deformation of all slits is very similar and the range
of load angles leading to slit compression (i.e., the angular working range) is particularly wide
(Fig. 6). Possibly a wide spread of strain directions and its measurement is typical of the sites
in the exoskeleton where such arrangements occur. From a mechanical point of view, great
differences in threshold sensitivity among the original slits are as unlikely as great changes in
the excitation pattern within the group with load direction, which in other cases may provide a
basis for the central nervous analysis of strain direction. The main feature of the triangular
arrangements (b) is a great difference in deformation among the slits. This suggests stimulus
amplitude range-fractionation and the occurrence of strains widely differing in amplitude at
the respective sites in the skeleton. The heart-shaped configurations (c) are peculiar for the
178 F.G.Barth

a ·5 b C


60 0
Load Angle Load Angle


___ 5

0'0.............. : ....~...... doo: :, . ~ . . . ~j,,...

"'- _ _ _ , . , : , . . _ ' - - - ' I "
90° 120°
-.-----,.- Load Angle
Fig.6a-c. Deformation of modellyriform organs. Five slits (1-5) were cut into araldite
discs in three arrangements (insets) typical of many originallyriform organs. Graphs give de-
formation of individual slits (1 - 5) at the site corresponding to dendrite attachment (filled cir-
cles in insets) in relative units (r.u.). Slit compression plotted above x-axis, slit dilatation be-
low, as a function of load angle (0° parallel to slits). Note great differences in deformation
patterns. (Barth et al. 1984)

large spread ·of the load angles at which deformation of the five model slits is highest. Accord-
ing to this finding and a considerable change in the deformation pattern within the group with
changing load direction the heart configuration may be adapted to the analysis of strain direc-

7 Sources of Load and Sensitivity to Load Components

Having dealt with many aspects of the slit sensilla per se the main question is
now: which are the sources of cuticular strains and how effective are they? This
is a complex field of research and only recently methods have become available
to do the adequate mechanical measurements with the necessary precision
(Blickhan and Barth 1979; Blickhan 1983; Barth and Blickhan 1984; Blickhan et
al. 1984).
In this paragraph I will first extend Section 3 on the occurrence of slit sen-
silla, and add a few general statements on the functional significance of
Slit Sensilla and Cuticular Strains 179

topographical features typical of many of them. Then the sources of load

and the mechanical sensitivity of the exoskeleton will be discussed for a rep-
resentative example. Finally, in vivo measurements of cuticular strain will be

7.1 General Implications of Slit Distribution

All sorts of load applications such as bending, buckling, twisting, compressing,

stretching and shearing, and combinations of these are potential sources of ad-
equate stimulation for slit sensilla (Fig. 1 a). This may in part explain the wide
spectrum of their topographical peculiarities. A few unifying rules pertaining at
least to a large proportion of the slits nevertheless emerged from a comparison
of the walking legs - where the majority of the slits occurs - of representatives
offive arachnid orders (Barth and Stagl 1975).
1. In all arachnid species studied there is a concentration of slits proximally
on the leg. Concentration of musculature proximally in the leg (Frank 1957;
Parry 1957; Millot et Vachon 1949; Snodgrass 1965) has been suggested as the
main reason, plus the fact that the main return and power-stroke components
are produced here during locomotion. Since the activity of these muscles causes
cuticular strains, the accumulation of slits proximally on the leg is no surprise.
2. The lyriform organs all lie close to or directly at the joints. Here forces are
transferred from one segment to the next by articular condyles or hinge lines,
the surface of which is much smaller than the cross-sectional area of the leg.
The resulting concentration of stresses seems to be a good argument for the lo-
cation of slit sensilla right behind the load-bearing surfaces. Some, however,
are found clearly not in the immediate neighborhood of condyles and hinges.
As argued before (Fig. 1b), displacement may well increase up to some dis-
tance from the areas of load transfer. In addition, bending of the cuticle, which
is likely to occur when compressional forces are transferred at the joint, will be
larger at some distance from the joint proper, where it is kept minimal due to
particularly thick cuticle that is heavily sclerotized and well-placed with respect
to the second moment of area.
3. In contrast to most lyriform organs, single slits on the leg (and
opisthosoma of spiders) are often found far from the joints but close to muscle
attachment sites, which are another source of bending forces.
4. A general finding on the legs of spiders and other arachnids are slits not
only close to a joint but laterally on the leg and oriented roughly parallel to the
long leg axis. As shown for a lyriform organ on the spider tibia (Fig. 5 b) this
particular position is in an area where strains resulting from the joint forces
generated by muscular activity are not only compressive (i.e., stimulating), but
in addition oriented roughly at right angles to the long axis of the slits. This lat-
ter finding implies maximal mechanical sensitivity due to the directionality of
the lyriform organ (Figs. 3d, 6).
Although the above rules can serve as a guide to an understanding of the
mechanical implications of the topography of many slit sensilla, they are by no
180 F.G.Barth

means exhaustive. In many cases the particularities of an area in the skeleton

have to be considered separately. An example is the vibration-sensitive meta-
tarsallyriform organ (see Barth, Chap. XI, this Vol.).
It should also be noted that in addition to the magnitude and orientation of
strains at a particular area their time course may be another criterion for the
presence of a slit (see Sect. 7.3).

7.2 Sources of Load and Mechanical Sensitivity

Recently the strains actually occurring in the exoskeleton under biologically rel-
evant loading conditions and the force components producing them were mea-
sured (Blickhan et al. 1982; Blickhan 1983; Blickhan and Barth 1985; Blickhan
et al. 1984). For that purpose miniaturized transducers were developed, which
permit the precise measurement of all relevant parameters simultaneously and
also in vivo. Thus, apart from minute strain gauges (active area 0.5 mm2) for
the measurement of cuticular strains, strain gauge-based pressure and force
transducers were designed. Obviously these cannot be applied everywhere. The
analysis was therefore restricted to the tibia of the walking leg and its distal
joint with the metatarsus. This area was selected for two reasons: (I) four Iyri-
form organs are present here, one of which is the best studied lyriform organ of
all (see review Barth 1981); (2) here extensor muscles are lacking and function-
ally substituted by hemolymph pressure as at other joints with a dorsal hinge
line and typical for spiders. Consequently the mechanical effects of hemolymph
pressure and muscular activity can be separated.

Sources of Load. There are two "active" sources of load in a spider sitting on
the ground, carrying its own weight and with the tibia under dorso-ventralload
(Fig. 7). One is muscular activity flexing the joint, the other is the hemolymph
pressure, which extends the joint and thus functions as antagonist of the flexor
muscles. These two active components compensate the dorso-ventral com-
ponents Fy of the ground reaction force and the torque generated i?y it. Lateral
(F z) and axial (Fx) forces generated extrinsically (as for instance by the body
weight) are instead mainly passively absorbed by the cuticular material of the
The momenta produced by the two active load sources are determined ac-
cording to the following equations:


This tells us that Mm , the momentum (M) of the rotation generated by the
flexor muscles (m), is a function of both the direction and the amplitude of the

2 In Cupiennius but not in theraphosid bird spiders, there is a third median condylus at the
tibia-metatarsus joint. It may to some extent be used for active compensation by an asymmetry
of the flexor activity.
Slit Sensilla and Cuticular Strains 181

Fl. met. aCc.

Pa Ti

b nerve artery dorsal channel

c Tarsus

~~~~~~~~----,T'----~~ ~. ,

Fig. 7 a-c. Active sources of load in the spider leg exoskeleton, represented by the tibia-
metatarsus joint where extensor muscles are missing and functionally substituted by
hemolymph pressure. a Flexor muscles (FI) in the tibia (Ti); Dep depressor; Pr promotor; Pa
patella; Me metatarsus. b blood channels ("open") in the tibia; note dorsoventral channels end-
ing ventrally across Ti-Me joint, i.e., far away from dorsal axis of rotation, which implies a
large momentum produced by the hemolymph pressure. c forces acting on tibia under dor-
soventral load. Fi/1ed arrows indicate forces induced by flexor muscles (M); GM ground re-
action force; 1M joint force developed under load. Open arrows indicate forces induced by
hemolymph pressure; P wall pressure; m forces induced in the articular membrane which is
folded like a bellows; Gp ground reaction force, 1p joint force developed under load, I; joint
force including m. - lyriform organ HS-8. (a and b Blickhan and Barth 1985; c Barth and
Blickhan 1984)

force vector (Fm) and depends also on the position of the center (c) of gravity
(re) of the muscle attachment area relative to the joint axis.


The momentum (M) produced by the hemolymph (h) pressure is given by the
pressure amplitude (P), the area (A) and orientation (nA) of the effective cross-
section, and the position of its center of gravity (fs) with respect to the relevant
182 F.G.Barth

axis. The overall joint force is not only determined by the two momenta above,
but also by momentum Ma , which results from the ground reaction force Fa
and its moment arms of force vector r:
iii. Ma=rxFxyz . (8)

Mechanical Sensitivity to Force Components. The next question is: how sensitive
are the various cuticular sites where the lyriform organs are found to the above
load components. The mechanical sensitivity, which serves as a calibration con-
stant, is defined here as
S = strain [elN]. (9)
This question could be answered quantitatively by using miniaturized strain
gauges glued to the cuticular surface and loading the distal metatarsus in the
dorsoventral, axial, and lateral directions, respectively (Blickhan and Barth
1979; Blickhan 1983; Blickhan and Barth 1985). The measurements quoted here
were done on a big theraphosid (bird) spider which has a relatively thick tibia
(diameter ca 3 mm). The sites studied are those of lyriform organs HS-8 and
HS-9 (posterior), VS-4 (anterior), and VS-5 (ventral) (Figs. 2,4, 8).
1. SY' for the active dorsoventral forces F~, measures up to 20 lle/mN (that
is, a piece of cuticle changes its length by a factor of 20 x 10-6 when loaded by
1 mN). While muscle forces induce negative strain (compression, i.e., adequate
stimulation) at the site of organs HS-8, HS-9 and VS-4, they induce dilatation
(i.e., no stimulation) of ventral organ VS-5. By contrast, organ VS-5 is com-
pressed by the hemolymph pressure, which in tum dilates the other organs. Ex-
cept for the site of organ HS-8 strains developed by hemolymph pressure are
much higher than those due to muscular contraction at the other organs. At the
si te of organ HS-8 strains are remarkably independent of the joint angle.
2. Sz, for the passive lateral forces F~, measures up to 101le/mN at organ
HS-8, but less than 3 lle/mN at organs HS-9 and VS-4. These values are much
dependent on the joint angle IX. Thus organ HS-8 is compressed both by pos-
terior deflection of the metatarsus if IX < 180 0 , and by anterior deflection if
IX > 180 0 • Similar findings apply to the other organs.
3. Sx, for the axial forces F~, is low with less than 0.81le/mN and, like Sz,
strongly depending on IX. Under pressure load organs HS-8, HS-9 and VS-4 will
be compressed, if IX < 170 0 and under tension load, if IX > 170 0 • By contrast or-
gan VS-5 is compressed at the reversed load directions. All organ sites are
more or less unaffected mechanically at a joint angle of about 170 0 •
It is easy to see that from these data a number of predictions can be made
on the strains occurring in the freely walking animal. In vivo measurements are
described in the following.

7.3 In Vivo Measurements of Cuticular Strain During Locomotion

With the new techniques strains together with the leg-kinematics, ground re-
action force and hemolymph pressure could be measured in t!J.e tibial exo-
Slit Sensilla and Cuticular Strains 183

a C HS8 leg L _tl. L16

=- -50
~ -70
~ -90
...0 °
~ 3
II: 2

° 2
TIME (sec]
Fig. 8 a-c. Strains at the site of Iyrifonn organs. a miniature strain gauge glued onto the
cuticle (here at site of organ HS-8 on tibia) for in vivo strain measurements. b during flexion
induced by muscle forces negative strains (bars below horizontal lines indicating site of Iyri-
form organ) implying slit compression are measured at the site of the organs laterally on the
tibia (Ti; VS-4 anterior side; HS-8 and HS-9 posterior side) and positive strains (slit dilatation)
at the site of the ventral organ VS-5. During extension induced by hemolymph pressure, the
ventral organ is the only one compressed (negative strain). Me metatarsus. c mechanical pa-
rameters measured simultaneously in vivo during slow locomotion of untethered spider. From
top to bottom leg movement (leg 4), strain at lyrifonn organ HS-8, ground reaction force (verti-
cal component), hemolymph pressure. A drop of - 80 j.le coincides with the power stroke.
Hemolymph pressul'e remains low. (Blickhan et al. 1982)

skeleton of bird spiders during slow locomotion when inertial forces are negli-
gible (speed 1 to 10 cm S-l; stepping frequency 0.3 to 1.5 Hz) (Fig. 8).
Under these circumstances the angle between tibia and metatarsus varies
only between 160 0 and 180 0 in all legs. According to the angular dependence of
the sensitivity factor S this implies that cuticular strain is mainly due to muscle
force (largest value ca. 200 mN) and hemolymph pressure (largest value ca.
5.3 kPa; duringjast locomotion and jumps up to ca. 50 kPa). Whereas the abso-
lute strain values measured at a right angle to the long axis of the organ are
strikingly similar (10 to 20 Ile, during fast locomotion up to 120 Ile) at the vari-
ous lyriform organs, their time courses differ markedly. The organs are stimu-
lated during different phases on the stepping cycle and the main reason for hav-
184 F.G.Barth

ing severallyriform organs at one joint is likely to be the ability to distinguish

between the phases of the stepping cycle and between muscular force and
hemolymph pressure (Fig. 8 b). The general similarity of the strain amplitudes
is interpreted as an indication of uniform strain distribution and uniform
strength of the skeleton under the conditions of slow locomotion.
For the second leg this means in more detail: organ HS-8 is compressed during the power-
stroke and therefore appears to be well suited to monitor the moments generated by the flexor
muscles. At organ HS-8 negative strain rises already at the onset of the swing phase and chang-
es into positive strain midway during the stance phase. At organ VS-4, compressional strain
did not occur in any phase, and it is concluded that this organ is not stimulated at all during
slow locomotion. Organ VS-5 is exceptional not only with regard to its location ventrally on
the distal tibia. It is the only organ not dilated by an increase in the hemolymph pressure but
compressed (during the return stroke) and appears well placed to monitor hemolymph pres-
A comparison among different legs shows great similarity in the time
courses of the strains but remarkable differences in strain amplitudes. These
are much higher in leg 4 than in the other legs. Thus at organ HS-8, strain val-
ues of - 80 IlB are found which is more than four times the value at the cor-
responding site on leg 2. This is explained by the smaller angle taken by leg 4
with respect to the ground which increases the vertical component (40 mN) of
the ground reaction force. Hemolymph pressure also reaches higher values in
leg 4 than in leg 2. Unlike the situation in leg 2 it rises from about 2.2 kPa to up
to 5.3 kPa at the onset of walking. According to the mechanical sensitivities S,
the share attributable to the hemolymph pressure in the strain measured at the
site of organ HS-8 amounts to ca. 25%.

8 Behavioral Significance

The behavioral significance of slit sensilla is closely linked to locomotion which

is also known in insect campaniform sensilla (Zill and Moran 1981 a, b; Zill et
al. 1981). This is no surprise, since the majority of them are found on the legs,
many close to joints or muscle-attachment sites. Also, the majority of slit sen-
silla so far studied electrophysiologically seem well suited for a proprioceptive
function. Their frequency range is large and includes low frequencies down to
fractions of 1 Hz (Bohnenberger 1981; Barth and Geethabali 1982). Some ad-
ditional properties of lyriform organ HS-8 support this argument: here high in-
crement sensitivity seems to be more important than a large range of absolute
stimulus amplitudes typical of far-reaching exteroreceptors such as eyes, nose,
and ears (Fig. 5 b). This seems appropriate for proprioceptors, which are often
parts of feedback loops monitoring small deviations from the desired state.
Our knowledge of the role of slit sensilla in behavior is fragmentary. Sur-
prisingly, in spiders normal, undisturbed locomotion is not at all or only slightly
affected by the ablation of lyriform organs or even more drastic sensory defi-
cits. This may be interpreted either as a prevalence of the central nervous sys-
tem in the control of this behavior or an impressive redundancy of the proprio-
ceptive sensory input (see Seyfarth, Chap. XII, this Vol.). On the other hand,
the ablation of only a few or even one lyriform organ on four legs does clearly
Slit Sensilla and Cuticular Strains 185

interfere with ideothetic orientation in Cupiennius (Barth and Seyfarth 1971;

Seyfarth and Barth 1972; Seyfarth et al. 1982; see also Gomer and Claas, Chap.
XIV; Seyfarth, Chap. XII, and Mittelstaedt, Chap. XV, this Vol.). Lyriform or-
gans are the first and so far the only identified receptors shown to be involved
in this remarkable orientation behavior, which does not rely on landmarks but
on memorized information from previous walking sequences. Collection of the
memorized data and possibly also precise course control depend at least partly
on proprioceptive input from lyriform organs.
Another behavior depending on the intactness of certain lyriform organs is
leg reflexes (Seyfarth 1978 a, b; see also Seyfarth, Chap. XII, this Vol.). It is not
the resistance reflexes, which are widespread among arthropods, which are af-
fected by ablations. Instead the destruction of lyriform organs results in a
failure to elicit certain synergic reflexes which activate muscles augmenting the
imposed movement and thus relieving the strain.
As amply demonstrated by the vibration-sensitive metatarsallyriform organ
and the pretarsal slits, slit sensilla may also have exteroceptive function in be-
havior (see Barth, Chap. XI, this Vol.).

9 Concluding Remarks

Arachnid slit sensilla nicely demonstrate the complex mechanical phenomena

occurring in the cuticular armor of the arthropods and their use for the control
of various behaviors. Despite the advances now made in an understanding of
the principles underlying "strain" detection in the spider exoskeleton there are
several fields of research which have almost not been touched. With the new
knowledge and techniques available, the ground now seems prepared for their
One main line of future research should concern the central nervous system.
Valuable insights into the general organization of the central nervous system of
arachnids and in particular the spiders have been gained from neuroanatomical
work (see Babu, Chap. I, this Vol.; Babu and Barth 1984). Almost nothing,
however, is known at the single neuron level about the specific path taken by
the information from the many slit sensilla and about the integration, con-
vergence and interaction of their activities with those of other sensory mo-
dalities. The beginning made with respect to the spider vibration sense is prom-
ising (see Barth, Chap. XI, this Vol.). Both the fine neuroanatomy based on
single-cell stains and the electrophysiological recording from identified in-
terneurons may eventually give us an idea of what the concerted activity of
hundreds or thousands of slits distributed over the skeleton "sounds" like to the
brain of a spider or an other arachnid.
Our knowledge about the involvement of slit sensilla in behavior is just a
beginning. Studies on idiothetic orientation and many ablation experiments
without resulting in drastic behavioral deficits have amply shown that their role
may be quite subtle and often hard to detect. A larger variety of behaviors such
as feeding, silk production, and web construction and the potential involvement
of slit sensilla should be considered.
186 F.G.Barth

The biomechanical studies which have so far concentrated on one represen-

tative joint region should be extended to other areas of the exoskeleton, includ-
ing the relatively soft cuticle of the spider opisthosoma and other arachnids.
Starts, stops, and jumps presumably causing strains much higher than those oc-
curring during slow locomotion await further analysis. Finally, for all those in-
terested in the mechanical design of a cuticular exoskeleton, the slit sensilla will
prove to be an excellent guide: their distribution and arrangement, shaped dur-
ing evolution by predominantly mechanical selective pressures, are likely to be
a mirror image of the mechanical situation they have to cope with in a particu-
lar area.
Acknowledgments. The generous financial support of the author's laboratory by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft and the loyal collaboration of my students and associates over the
years are gratefully acknowledged. I thank Mrs. H. Hahn for expert help with the preparation
of the figures, Mrs. U. Ginsberg for typing the manuscript, and Dr. E.-A Seyfarth for critical

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X Sensory Nerves and Peripheral Synapses

I Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
2 Sensory Nerves: Distribution and Fine Structure 189
2.1 Distribution, Number, and Diameter of Fibers 189
2.2 Fine Structural Organization 191
3 Peripheral Synapses . . . 192
3.1 Fine Structure . . . . . . . 192
3.2 Peripheral Integration. . . . 194
3.3 Giant Fibers and Associated Synapses 197
4 Conduding Remarks . 198
References . . 199

1 Introduction
The peripheral nervous system of arachnids is usually represented as fine exten-
sions of the condensed central nervous system (CNS) located in the prosoma (Ger-
hardt and Kaestner 1938). These fiber bundles emanating from the CNS consti-
tute the major nerves which supply the appendages and the opisthosoma. Only
the leg nerves have been studied in some detail. They consist mostly of afferent
fibers coming from leg receptors, and of efferent fibers innervating the leg
muscles. Some of the efferent fibers belong in another category; they contain
small dark granules and are considered to be neurosecretory.
A few years ago numerous synaptic connections were discovered at the re-
ceptor cells and wi thin the small sensory nerves of arachnids (F oelix 1975). As a
consequence, the seemingly simple picture of their peripheral nervous system
becomes now much more complex. The functional significance of these periph-
eral interactions is at present hardly understood.

2 Sensory Nerves: Distribution and Fine Structure

2.1 Distribution, Number, and Diameter of Fibers

The sensory cells of the various leg receptors give offaxons which lie first
within the hypodermis. They bundle together with axons from neighboring sen-

Universite de Fribourg, Institut d'Anatomie, 1, Rue Gockel, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland

190 R.F. Foelix

silla and form small sensory nerves. These leave the hypodermis to join larger
sensory nerves in the hemolymph space of the leg (Fig. 1, inset). In the arachnid
tarsus we find two sensory nerves which run on either side of the leg artery.
While proceeding proximally, these two nerves merge (in spiders at the level of
the metatarsus) to form one large sensory nerve. This nerve, C (Rathmayer
1965), consists of thousands of small nerve fibers, whereas the motor nerve, B,
contains only about 100 large axons. The actual number of sensory fibers in
nerve C depends on the density of leg receptors and also on the size of the ani-
mal. In the small spider Zygiella we counted over 7000 sensory axons in the first
leg, about 4400,4200 and 3900 in legs 2, 3, 4, and 2200 in the palp (Foe1ix et al.
1980). In comparison, the large house spider Tegenaria had 5000 to 6000 sen-
sory fibers in one palp (~: 6400, 0: 5000; Hiilser, personal communication). In
the antenna-like first legs of whip spiders we found over 23,000 axons compris-
ing the two tarsal nerves (Beck et al. 1977), so that the total sensory input of one
first leg can be estimated to come from about 30,000 fibers. These numbers are
quite comparable to those from certain insect antennae, where 50,000 have
been reported for the locust (Boeckh et al. 1976) and 65,000 for the bee (Ess1en
and Kaissling 1976).
The high numbers of fibers in these sensory nerves can only be achieved if
the axons are of rather small diameter. For the spider Zygiella we found the

Fig. 1. Inset Cross-section of a spider tarsus (Lycosa); the two sensory nerves are outlined with
ink. x80. Cross-section of one tarsal nerve (spider Zygiella). About 400 sensory axons are seen,
enclosed by a thin glial lamella (gl) and a basement lamina (bl). Note area on the left, where
synaptic contacts (s) occur between axons. (Photo Miiller-Vorholt). x6600
Sensory Nerves and Peripheral Synapses 191

Fig. 2a, b. Comparison of sensory nerves from a whip spider tarsus (a) and a cockroach an-
tenna (b). In both cases extensions of glial cells (gl) enclose bundles ofaxons, rarely single
axons (Ax). The basal lamina is indicated by arrows in (a) and appears as grey areas in (b). The
outline of the glial cell in (b) is enhanced by an ink line. a x9300; b x I 1,500

sensory axons to measure from 0.1 to 211m in thickness (mean: 0.36 11m), with
most fibers in the range between 0.1 and 0.2 11m (Foelix et al. 1980). Similar
values were noted for the whip spider's tarsal nerves, i.e., a mean diameter of
0.25 11m (Foelix and Troyer 1980). Although the fiber diameter may vary along
the course of an axon, the mean values remain the same in distal and proximal
regions of the leg.

2.2 Fine Structural Organization

Each sensory nerve is formed by three components: (1) sensory axons, (2) glial
cells, and (3) a basal lamina (Fig. 1). Even close to their origin, when consisting
of only a few fibers, the sensory nerves are already enclosed by at least one glial
cell. As the number of fibers increases, glial processes extend radially into the
nerve, thus giving rise to several fascicles. Each fascicle encases from a few up
to several hundreds of "naked" axons (Fig. 2 a). The surface of the glial cells is
covered with a prominent basal lamina, which often contains distinct collagen
fibrils. The basal lamina is most pronounced on the outside of the sensory
nerve. At more proximal levels, a thin layer of connective tissue cells may be
added, which one could call a perineurium.
192 R.F.Foelix

The general organization of arachnid sensory nerves is thus very similar to

that of insects (Fig. 2 b; Lane and Treheme 1973; Smith 1968) and need not be
discussed here in detail. There is, however, one feature which sets the sensory
nerves of arachnids distinctly apart from those of any other arthropods, and
that is the occurrence of synapses.

3 Peripheral Synapses

It is generally believed that sensory axons of arthropods proceed into the central
nervous system to make their first synaptic contact with second-order neurons
(Bullock and Horridge 1965). Consequently, no synapses are to be expected in
the peripheral nervous system. Although this assumption may be valid for in-
sects and crustaceans, it certainly does not apply for arachnids.
After the first discovery of peripheral synapses in the specialized giant fiber
system of whip spiders (see below), it soon became apparent that synapses are a
common feature in the peripheral nervous system of all arachnids (Foelix
1975). These synapses are most abundant in the periphery itself, i.e., at the level
of the sensory cells and their processes. They are still frequently seen in small
sensory nerves but are rare inside the main sensory nerves, where they may
form occasional axo-axonal contacts. At the receptor level we find axo-den-
dritic, axo-somatic, axo-axonal and even axo-glial contacts (Fig. 3). Before ad-
dressing the difficult question which elements are pre- and postsynaptic, we
shall take a closer look at their fine structure.

3.1 Fine Structure

The peripheral synapses of arachnids are a good model for fine structural stud-
ies of synapses in general, because they fix unusually well and certainly show a
much better preservation than any central synapses. The main features of an
arachnid synapse are the following (Figs. 4, 5): (1) A presynaptic membrane
density in the shape of a rod (bar); (2) many synaptic vesicles which aggregate
around this bar, and (3) a postsynaptic side consisting typically of two (or
more?) fibers which lie opposite and symmetrical to the presynaptic bar. This
type of synapse is therefore often referred to as dyad or bar synapse. It is quite
common in the central nervous system of insects (Wood et al. 1979; Tolbert and
Hildebrand 1981) and other arthropods (Fahrenbach 1979). The "grid" type
synapse, which is typical for vertebrates (Akert and Peper 1975) but which also
occurs in the CNS of insects (Wood et al. 1979), was never seen in the nervous
system of arachnids, either centrally or peripherally.

3.1.1 Presynaptic Membrane Thickening

The presynaptic density is apparently the center of the synapse, because the
synaptic vesicles gather in clouds above it (Fig. 4, inset).
Sensory Nerves and Peripheral Synapses 193

Fig. 3. a Ten axons (J - 10) synapse on a dendritic branch (db) of a giant neuron in the tarsus
of a whip spider (Heterophrynus). x22,OOO. b Axo-somatic synapse from a tarsal hair sensillum
in a spider (Gradungula). Note the flattened synaptic vesicles and the cisterna of the en-
doplasmic reticulum (ER), which is closely apposed to the cell membrane. Go Golgi appara-
tus; N nucleus, s synaptic contact. x31,OOO. Inset an axo-glial synapse, where the presynaptic
density faces the cleft between two glial extensions (G/). So soma. x38,OOO
194 R.F.Foelix

This density can be up to 1 Ilm long, but measures only 0.05 Ilm in width and height. It is
covered by a delicate "capping membrane" at a distance of 50-60 nm from the presynaptic
membrane. Some fine fuzzy material extends from the bar and the capping membrane and
seems to connect to the adjacent synaptic vesicles (Foelix and Choms 1979). Usually, only one
bar is present in the presynaptic fiber, but occasionally several can be seen lying parallel to
each other. In the axo-dendritic synapses of the giant fiber system in whip spiders, this seems
to be the rule rather than the exception (Foelix and Troyer 1980).

3.1.2 Synaptic Vesicles

About four different kinds of vesicle can be differentiated presynaptically:

(1) spherical, (2) flattened, (3) dense-core, and (4) coated vesicles. The first two
types appear relatively light and represent the typical synaptic vesicles.
Several studies have related spherical vesicles to excitatory synapses and flattened (or
smaller) vesicles to inhibitory synapses (Uchizono 1965, 1967; Tisdale and Nakajima 1976; At-
wood and Kwan 1979). We also obs.erved flattened (or small) vesicles mostly in axo-somatic
synapses (Fig. 3); if they were spherical, then they were distinctly smaller than in axo-dendritic
synapses (spider: 32 vs. 37 nm, Foelix and Choms 1979; whip spider: 51 vs. 62 om, Foelix and
Troyer 1980). In the spider eNS we noticed two kinds of synapses, one with large vesicles
(37 om, excitatory?) and one with smaller ones (32 nm, inhibitory?). Dense-core and coated
vesicles appear often in the periphery of a synapse; the latter seem to bud off the presynaptic
membrane (Fig. 5) and are thought to playa role in membrane retrieval (Gray and Pease
1971; Heuser and Reese 1973).
Close to the presynaptic membrane the synaptic vesicles become grouped in
a single row on either side of the dense bar (Fig. 4). Apparently, the vesicles at-
tach to specific sites of the presynaptic membrane and then fuse with it. This
exocytosis can be seen as "omega" figures in electron micrographs (Fig.4c).
The bar is supposed to represent the site of transmitter mobilization and/or re-
lease (Govind and Meiss 1979).
Other typical presynaptic organelles are mitochondria, smooth endoplasmic
reticulum, and microtubules, but they are usually restricted beyond the cloud of
synaptic vesicles (Fig. 5). The synaptic cleft is rather unstructured and does not
show any "cleft line" as in vertebrate synapses. Similarly inconspicuous is the
postsynaptic side, where membrane thickening is weak or lacking altogether.
Sometimes, however, cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum are closely ap-
posed to the postsynaptic membrane (Fig. 3 b).

3.2 Peripheral Integration

As we have already seen, the typical arachnid synapse is represented by the

dyad configuration, where one presynaptic fiber contacts two (or more) post-
synaptic fibers. This kind of divergence is commonly found in the CNS of
arthropods (Schiirmann 1971, 1974; Fahrenbach 1979). Most of the peripheral
axo-axonal synapses in arachnids are simple dyads (one pre- on two post-
synaptic fibers), but sometimes the situation is more complex. For instance, the
postsynaptic fiber may also contain synaptic vesicles and form synapses with
another fiber ("serial" synapse; Fig. 4a) or even with the presynaptic fiber ("re-
Sensory Nerves and Peripheral Synapses 195

Fig. 4a - e. Fine structure of peripheral synapses in the pecten of a scorpion (Androctonus) .

a Typical dyad synapse with one presynaptic fiber opposing two postsynaptic fibers (1, 2). Syn-
aptic vesicles gather on either side of the presynaptic density. Note that fiber 2 is also post-
synaptic to fiber 1 (arrow). ER endoplasmic reticulum; Mt microtubule, gj gap junction.
x82,500. b, c Attachment and fusion of synaptic vesicles to the presynaptic membrane. m cap-
ping membrane. x140,OOO. d Longitudinal section of bar synapse with synaptic vesicles ar-
ranged in rows on the presynaptic side (pr) . x90,OOO. eTangential section of bar synapse show-
ing part of the presynaptic density in the center. x97,OOO
196 R.F. Foelix

@ @


Fig. 5. Diagram of the dyad synapse. The presynaptic bar forms the center of the synapse and
is covered by a thin capping membrane (m). Synaptic vesicles (sv) gather around the bar and
attach to the presynaptic membrane. Further presynaptic organelles are mitochondria (M),
smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with associated microtubules (Mt) and coated vesicles
(cv) which seem to originate from the presynaptic membrane (arrow). Gap junctions (gj) occur
often on both sides of the synaptic center. Inset three-dimensional representation of a dyad
synapse in spiders. (Foelix and Choms 1979)

ciprocal" synapse). This is the case in the plexus underlying the pecten sensilla
in scorpions, which shows a high density of synaptic interactions of sensory
Synaptic interactions at the receptor level have been recently demonstrated in
the peripheral nervous system of Limulus, one of the most ancient arthropods.
There, the chemosensitive sensilla establish synaptic contacts through axon col-
laterals (Fig. 6) and it is believed that peripheral summation occurs at these
sites (Hayes and Barber 1982). Quite probably, many of the axo-axonal syn-
apses in arachnids can be interpreted in the same way.
Axo-dendritic synapses on peripheral sensory cells are more difficult to ex-
plain. In a spider joint receptor we proposed that the presynaptic input comes
from efferent fibers which might exert an inhibitory function (Foelix and
Choms 1979). This conclusion was based on the small size of the synaptic ves-
icles, and on the observation that these alleged efferent fibers increased in num-
Sensory Nerves and Peripheral Synapses 197

Fig. 6. Neural plexus formed by the in-

teraction of three chemoreceptive sensilla
(1, 2, 3) in Limu/us. Note that synapses are
formed by axon collaterals. (After Hayes
and Barber 1982)

ber toward the periphery, presumably by branching. We also assumed an in-

hibitory function for the axo-somatic synapses, possibly controlling receptor ac-
tivity. Axo-somatic synapses were seen on sensory cells of many other receptors
as well, such as hair sensilla, slit sensilla and even on retinula cells of photo-
receptors (scorpions: Fleissner and Fleissner 1978; spiders: Foelix and Choms
1979; horseshoe crab: Fahrenbach 1981).
It is evident that any functional interpretation of peripheral synapses in
arachnids is at present largely speCUlative. There is only one example where the
synaptic connectivity can be explained reasonably well, and that is in the giant
fiber system of whip spiders (Amblypygi) and whip scorpions (Uropygi).

3.3 Giant Fibers and Associated Synapses

Whip spiders have modified first legs: they are extremely elongated (up to
25 cm) and are not used for walking. Instead, they have a purely sensory func-
tion, scanning the environment in a way similar to that of insects with their an-
tennae. Thousands of mechano- and chemosensory hairs cover the tarsi of these
legs. Their axons bundle together to form two large tarsal nerves which contain
more than 20,000 fibers. Most of these axons are very thin (0.1- 0.2 11m), but a
few are exceptionally large (up to 20 11m). These giant fibers belong to in-
temeurons whose large somata lie within the tarsus. Each giant neuron sends
out 1- 2 branching dendrites distally and these form numerous synapses
(Figs. 3 a, 6). The presynaptic input comes apparently from large hair sensilla
(bristles), which respond to mechanical deflection (Foelix and Troyer 1980;
Igelmund 1983, personal communication). The role of the giant fibers would be
to transmit nerve impulses rapidly to the central nervous system (Fig. 7). Mech-
anical stimulation of the tip of the first leg triggers indeed a rapid withdrawal
198 R.F.Foelix

Fig. 7. Synaptic connectivity in the giant fiber system of the whip spider tarsus. Sensory axons
from mechanosensitive bristles make en passant synapses with dendritic branches of a giant
neuron. The sensory input is probably integrated by the giant neuron and then rapidly sent to
the eNS via the giant axon. (After Foelix and Troyer 1980)

reaction from the animal. Using high speed film analysis we measured 80-
120 ms as reaction times in a leg of 10 cm length. This corresponds to a con-
duction velocity of at least 1 m s-t, which is certainly much faster than one
would expect in the thin sensory axons. Recent electrophysiological recordings
from these giant fibers gave values of 5-6 m S-1. Even more important were
the following observations: (1) Deflection of one large bristle elicits spikes in
the giant fiber, and (2) input from many bristles converges on one giant axon
(Igelmund 1984, personal communication). In fact, two giant neurons with
overlapping sensory fields could be detected in these experiments: one in the
distal tarsus which receives input from about 500 bristles, and the other, cover-
ing the more proximal part, which responds to about 1000 bristles.
This new information calls for a correction of our original wiring diagram
(Fig. 7), where we omitted any synapses on the giant axon. Although we had
seen such axo-axonal synapses occasionally in our electron micrographs, we had
not realized how numerous they actually must be on an axon that is 10- 20 cm
When we compare the giant fiber system of whip spiders to that of insects,
crustaceans, annelids or molluscs, we notice one important difference: in all
other invertebrates investigated so far, the giant neurons are always localized in
ganglia (i.e., the CNS), whereas in whip spiders they lie far out in the periphery.
Perhaps this evolved as a necessary consequence of having such extremely long
sensory appendages.

4 Concluding Remarks

The sensory nerves of arachnids look at first glance very much like those of
other arthropods, i.e., they consist of axon bundles which are enclosed by glial
cells and a basal lamina. However, a closer examination reveals many synaptic
contacts, especially in the very peripheral sensory nerves. At first, one is rather
puzzled about the widespread occurrence of these peripheral synapses - after
Sensory Nerves and Peripheral Synapses 199

all, they are hardly known from insects or crustaceans (for one exception see
King and Wyman 1980).
Also, we have to admit that the significance of most of these synapses can-
not be explained satisfactorily. Their presence indicates, however, that a great
deal of nervous integration must already take place in the periphery. This may
be an ancient character, linking the arachnids to other, more primitive arthro-
pods (such as Limulus) which still have diffuse peripheral nerve plexus rather
than strictly centralized ganglia.


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200 R. F. Foelix: Sensory Nerves and Peripheral Synapses

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C Senses and Behavior
XI Neuroethology of the Spider Vibration Sense

I Introduction. 203
2 Signals and Noise 204
2.1 Plants. . . . 205
2.2 Water Surface 205
2.3 Orb Web . . 207
3 Wave Types and Signal Transmission 207
3.1 Plants . . . . 207
3.2 Water Surface . 209
3.3 Orb Web . . . 210
4 Vibration Sensitivity 211
4.1 Receptors. . 211
4.2 Interneurons . 215
4.3 Behavior . . 216
5 Orientation . . . 218
5.1 Cues Contained in Stimuli 218
5.2 Neuronal Networks. 220
5.3 Active Localization. . 222
6 Identification . . . . . . 222
6.1 Prey, Enemy, or Mate? 222
6.2 Background Noise and Kleptoparasites 224
6.3 Frequency and Amplitude Discrimination 224
7 Multimodal Interaction . 225
7.1 Trichobothria . . 225
7.2 Vision. . . . . . 226
8 Concluding Remarks. 226
References . . . . . 227

1 Introduction

Spiders are not the favorite animals of most people. Despite much irrational
antipathy, however, generally one finds admiration for the beauty shown by the

Zoologisches Institut der 1. W. Goethe-UniversiUit, Gruppe Sinnesphysiologie, Sies-

mayerstraBe 70, D-6000 Frankfurt am Main I, Federal Republic of Germany
204 F.G.Barth

regular cartwheel geometry of the orb web and for the swiftness and precision
of spiders that are lured and guided to prey by the slightest vibrations.
This chapter deals with the vibration sense of spiders. Prey capture, court-
ship and escape from predators all greatly depend on this sense. This is not only
true for orb-weavers and for other spiders building less conspicuous webs, but
also for the many "wandering" or "hunting" spiders which receive vibratory
signals through the ground, plants, and even the water surface and do not build
webs at all (review Barth 1982). Spiders do not only perceive vibratory signals
but also emit them as, for instance, in their highly developed courtship rituals
(on acoustic communication and reproductive isolation see Uetz and Stratton
How can we explain the behavior that is guided by vibratory signals in
terms of the activities of the nervous system including its sensory input stage?
Courtship behavior of Cupiennius salei (Rovner and Barth 1981) may serve as
an example to illustrate the practical background of this question.
Cupiennius is a nocturnal Central American hunting spider courting on
bromeliads, agaves, and banana plants (Barth and Seyfarth 1979). Its courtship
follows a stereotyped pattern of events. These bring together mates which may
sit at different ends of the same plant, more than 1 m distant from each other
and without visual contact. The male starts emitting vibratory signals after he
has come across an area where the female has previously left an aphrodisiac
pheromone. The male's signals travel through the plant and reach the female,
which in tum produces her own vibratory response. Communication by re-
ciprocal signaling goes on. The vibrations emitted by the stationary female
guide the male on his way to his mate.
Among the main events to be scrutinized and the questions to be asked in
this and other cases of behavior guided by vibratory signals are the following:
What are the prominent physical features of the signals? How are they trans-
mitted and modified by the various media involved? What are the physiologi-
cal characteristics of the vibration receptors and of the interneurons handling
vibratory input? How does the receiver recognize a particular, biologically rel-
evant signal and distinguish it from background noise? What mechanisms are
involved in the localization of the signal source and the orientation toward it?
Evidently the selective pressures at work during the evolution of spiders
have led to efficient solutions of the general problems involved in the detection,
identification, and localization of vibratory signals. In the following, answers
will be sought to the above questions, starting with an evaluation of the
vibrations relevant in the given context.

2 Signals and Noise

There are many reports describing the vibrations caused by bouncing and jerk-
ing spiders and prey entangled in the web or passing by on solid substrates; all
these evidently attract the spider's attention (review Barth 1982). Only recently,
however, adequate measuring techniques and critical physical evaluation have
been app~ied to the vibratory stimuli we are interested in.
Spider Vibration Sense 205

According to present knowledge, the frequency contents of prey signals and

background noise that potentially interferes with the relevant messages clearly
differ. Very small bandwidth and low frequencies seem to be typical of back-
ground noise, while prey signals were found to be broad-banded and to extend
to much higher frequencies. Courtship signals, at least those produced by the
male spiders, are, in addition, clearly patterned in the time domain (Krafft
1978; Schuch und Barth 1985).
These general conclusions are illustrated in Figs. 1 and 3 b, c and discussed
in the following for signals carried by plants, the water surface, and the orb

2.1 Plants

The male signals received by a female Cupiennius during courtship on plants and
referred to in the introduction show a very regular temporal structure (Fig. I a). The
"syllable", its basic element, comes in trains of up to 50 and at intervals of ca.
350 ms. Its frequency content peaks at about 75 Hz (due to leg and abdominal
oscillations) and 115 Hz (due to palpa1 movements). The female signal, by con-
trast is a single "syllable" and more irregular than the male signal as reflected
by a broader frequency spectrum with most of the signal concentrated from 20
to 50 Hz. It is precisely placed into a narrow time frame after the end of the
male train. Analysis of complete courtships showed that the male signaling con-
tains several cues that are potentially used by the female for such precise timing
and species recognition (Rovner and Barth 1981; Schuch and Barth 1985).
Prey signals such as those generated by a cockroach running on the pseudo-
stem of a banana plant and effectively eliciting prey capture by Cupiennius dif-
fer from male courtship signals. They are more irregular in the time domain
and contain both a broader band of frequencies and higher frequencies with
peaks between 400 and 700 Hz. The vibrations caused by background noise, i.e.,
mainly by the wind, and measured on banana plants and bromeliads in the
natural habitat of Cupiennius contain much lower frequencies than the court-
ship and prey signals. There is a peak at about 1.4 Hz and often hardly any
vibration above about 10 Hz (Barth et aI., in preparation).

2.2 Water Surface

Water-borne vibrations are known to be an important source of information for

the semi-aquatic spider Dolomedes triton, which also produces them itself while
courting (Roland and Rovner 1983). This spider runs toward prey when
alarmed by the surface waves generated by an insect that is trapped on the
water (Bleckmann and Barth 1984). Both prey- and wind-generated noise sig-
nals are known from the natural biotop of Dolomedes (Bleckmann and Rovner
1984; Bleckmann and Barth 1984, see also Lang 1980). Again there is a clear
difference (Fig. 1b). The wind-generated vibrations are characterized by much
lower frequencies (maximum reI. displacement between ca. 1.4 Hz and 8.2 Hz)
than prey signals (struggling fly, fish touching water surface: ca. 5 Hz to 150 Hz).
206 F.G.Barth





Wind 0


Fly ---t


Wind 20
0 20 40 60 80100
Fig. 1 a, b. Representative examples of vibratory signals relevant for hunting spiders and
reaching these through plants (a) (agave, banana plant) or the water-surface (b). Original
recordings on left, corresponding frequency spectra on right. High signal-to-noise ratios were
obtained by recording acceleration in case of low amplitude signals containing high frequen-
cies (first two recordings from above) and displacement in case of signals containing very low
frequencies (all other recordings). Note different calibration of frequency axis in spectra (cali-
bration of lowermost spectrum also applies to those without numerals below x-axis). Signals
from above to below: courtship of male Cupiennius salei on Agave americana showing six syl-
lables; cockroach (Periplaneta americana) running along pseudostem (height ca. 3 m, diameter
ca. 20 cm) of banana plant (probably Musa sapientum); wind-generated vibrations of banana
pseudostem (same as above); fly struggling on water-surface; fish touching water surface from
below; wind-generated water surface waves (Dow lake, Ohio). Calibration of y-axis differs in
different recordings. (The cooperation of H. Bleckmann, W. Schuch and E.-A. Seyfarth in
gaining these data is much appreciated.)
Spider Vibration Sense 207

2.3 Orb Webs

Studies with the laser-Doppler vibrometer and other advanced techniques have
now also provided reliable data on vibrations generated in and transmitted by
elements of the orb web of Nuctenea sc/opetaria (Masters and Markl 1981). This
araneid spider dashes from the hub of its web toward entangled prey, guided
by prey-produced vibrations which have most of their energy at frequencies be-
low 50 Hz, unless generated by buzzing insects, when components above 100 Hz
become important as well. Vibrations due to wind, however, have most of their
energy below 10 Hz (Masters 1984 b) (Fig. 3 b, c).

3 Wave Types and Signal Transmission

Vibratory signals are modified by the conducting medium on their way from
the sender to the receiver. They are changed in amplitude (generally, but not
always, they are attenuated) and in frequency composition and time course.
The underlying physics is complex and differs with the various media and the
size and shape of the transmitting structure. Here we will concentrate on
boundary vibrations, for which experimental data relevant to spider substrate
vibration sensitivity are available. The transfer characteristics of the substrates
(plants, water surface, orb web) introduced above will be discussed in the same
Contact vibration (receiver directly touched by sender, with rhythmically varying pressure)
and near field medium vibration (receiver stimulated by the alternating flow of air or water pro-
duced by rhythmic movements of sender), are other types of vibratory stimulation (Markl
1973, 1983). For details on sand-conducted vibrations such as those relevant to scorpions, see
Brownell (1977). For a full treatment of boundary waves, textbooks of physics (Cremer et al.
1973; Skudrzyk 1971; Sommerfeld 1970) and a recent review by Markl (1983) should be con-

3.1 Plants

Bending waves. There are several types of boundary wave. They differ with re-
spect to type of motion, propagation speed, and attenuation. According to the
available data, bending waves are of particular importance not only in the plants
used by insects such as "small cicadas" (Cicadina) and cydnid bugs (Michelsen
et al. 1982) and leafhoppers (Keuper and Kuhne 1983), but also in those, the
spider Cupiennius is living on (Barth et aI., in preparation).
In bending waves, particle motion is in a plane perpendicular both to the
direction of wave propagation and to the surface of the plant which is rhythmi-
cally bent as a whole. Apart from the direction of motion, the feature generally
used to identify this wave type is the propagation speed. It is in general very
low as compared to that of other wave types occurring in plants (see below).
Also, wave propagation is dispersive, i. e., it depends on frequency.
208 F.G.Barth

Phase velocity Cph has to be distinguished from group velocity <;, which refers to the
carrier wave envelope of a wave "group". In rods with a diameter d < )..16 (l wavelength)


(E Young's modulus, J axial moment of inertia, m' mass per unit length, co = 2nf, ffrequency).
Since C ph (and C g ) is proportional to the fourth root of both E, J and lim' it varies little
with large changes in the mechanical properties of the bending structure. J is proportional
to the fourth power of beam radius rand m' to the second power of r. Therefore C ph is propor-
tional to and to Vf.
Michelsen et al. (1982) studied bending waves in a variety of slim plant stems differing
widely in mechanical properties such as soft bean plants and stiff reed and maple. Using laser-
Doppler vibrometry they found propagation velocities between 36 and 95 m S-l at 200 Hz and
between 120 and 220 m S-l at 2 kHz. Measurements on plants that are used by bushcrickets
during stridulation support the concept of bending waves (Keuper and Kuhne 1983).
In our measurements on banana plants 1 (which is one of the substrates used
by Cupiennius when receiving Or emitting vibratory signals) we found values
below 50 m S-l at 100 Hz and 500 Hz for both the leaves and the pseudostem
(Barth and Bohnenberger, unpublished).
Although the available studies suggest that bending waves in plants are pri-
marily used for the transmission of vibrations by arthropods, the biological rel-
evance of other types of wave cannot generally be excluded.
Other types of wave potentially relevant in the given context are the following. (I) Surface
waves like Rayleigh waves: Rayleigh waves, like bending waves, have a motion component
perpendicular to the surface. Their propartion velocity, however, is much higher approach-
ing that of transverse waves, where Ct = G/p; (G = EI2 . (I +.J.l); E Young's modulus; p
density; Ii Poisson ratio). Rayleigh waves only occur in structures that do not prevent the wave
in one or more dimensions as is the case in thin plates or slim rods. (2) Quasi-longitudinal
waves: particle motion mainly in same direction as wave propagation, with an additional local
transverse change in the diameter of the structure according to its Poisson ratio. Such waves
occur in structures that are small with respect to wavelength in one or two directions such as in
many plant leaves. (3) Transverse waves: particle motion at a right angle to wave propagation
and in the plane of the structure's surface. This wave type occurs in structures able to transmit
elastic shearing forces like in plates which are large with respect to the wavelength. (4) Tor-
sional waves: particle motion as in transverse waves, with no component perpendicular to the
surface provided the structure is rotational symmetric. This wave type is found in structures
that are long as compared to their diameter.

Attenuation. The next question to be asked is that of frequency filtering and at-
tenuation of a signal on its way through a plant. An elegant w~y to measure this
is to apply a noise band containing all the frequencies of interest and to com-
pare its frequency spectrum at the point of origin (or close to it) with that at
various points along the plant. With Cupiennius in mind, we have undertaken
such a study with both a banana planP (Musa sapientum, Fig. 2) and an agave
(Agave americana): Without considering various complex physical aspects that
are reflected by certain irregularities of the attenuation curves, the main result
implies that Cupiennius uses a substrate very well suited for its vibratory com-

I I am indebted to A Michelsen, who made these measurement possible in his laboratory in

Odense, Denmark.
Spider Vibration Sense 209


10 :
~... W~ ,j ..::."'::~' :.' :.:;;'. :-' _:......-.-:::: -_.
_i!! -.-
4050 ._-::::..*:~.:--: . -,.'.'~ ---------~
-.- ~~~
12.5 50 100 12.5 50 100 1000 5000 0'<> d'

Fig. 2. Attenuation of vibratory signal traveling through banana plant (Musa sapientum) from
its site of origin at leaf I (V) to leaf II and the pseudostem III. Graphs are based on spectral
analysis of noise signals and laser-Doppler vibrometry and give attenuation values at different
sites (1 to 8) on leaves and pseudostem. OdB (no attenuation) corresponds to value measured
at reference point R close to Von leaf 1. (Barth and Bohnenberger, unpublished)

munication. Attenuation at 75 Hz (dominant frequency of male signal)

averages only 0.3 dB cm-l • Even when traveling from one leaf to another or
from a leaf to the pseudostem of the banana plant, typical average values are
only 0.3 to 0.4 dB cm-l • The values are even smaller at the dominant frequency
of the female signal (for a comparison with other media see Barth 1982). This is
certainly one of the reasons why reciprocal signaling during courtship occurs
over distances of at least 1.5 m. Attenuation increases with frequency in a non-
monotonous way. The irregularities are mainly between about 150 Hz and
I kHz and probably due to resonances and reflections from the end of the plant.
Even at 5 kHz, i.e., the highest frequency used, attenuation is surprisingly low
with up to ca. 0.35 dB cm- l if averaged for a signal that has traveled about 1 m
from one leaf to another or down the pseudostem.

3.2 Water Surface

In water-surface waves, particle movement is along ellipses or circles (depend-

ing on water depth) in a plane perpendicular to the surface at rest. Transmis-
210 F. G. Barth

sion is characterized by dispersion: propagation velocity changes with frequen-

cy (wavelength). Natural signals which will always contain several or many fre-
quency components will change their shape along their path, with the high and
very low frequency components traveling increasingly ahead of frequency com-
ponents between ca. 5 Hz and 20 Hz. Group velocity of such signals is minimal
at about 6 Hz (17.5 em S-l) and increases toward both lower and higher fre-
quencies (e.g., 55 cm S-l at 100 Hz). Attenuation is much stronger than that of
bending waves in plants and again highly dependent on the frequency. Exam-
ples for concentric surface waves are 1.67 dB cm- 1 at 10 Hz and 8.57 dB cm- 1
at 140 Hz (distance from source ca. 3 em). Consequently, a water-surface wave
signal will also change its spectral energy contents while traveling, and having
progressed for a few cm will practically contain no more frequency components
above 200 Hz. More details on the physics of water surface waves are found in
Sommerfeld (1970) (see also Lang 1977, 1980; Bleckmann and Schwartz 1982;

3.3 Orb Web·

Vibration transmission in the orb web of Nuctenea sclopeteria was recently

studied with the laser-Doppler vibrometer, a noncontact procedure which is of
particular value when dealing with a superlight structure weighing only 1 to
2 mg such as the spider web (Masters and Markl1981).
The three types of vibration distinguished here are transverse (motion per-
pendicular to long axis of thread and plane of web), lateral (motion per-
pendicular to long axis of thread and in the plane of the web), and longitudinal
vibrations (motion along long axis of thread and in the plane of the web). A
fourth type of vibration, torsional waves, which may occur in elongated struc-
tures (motion perpendicular to surface provided rotational symmetry of the
structure's cross-section), could not yet be measured, and there are no data
available on their biological significance.
In the ,empty web, the radii which are the main signal line in an orb web
transmit longitudinal vibrations from the catching area to the hub over about
7 cm with a total attenuation of only 1 to 2 dB in a remarkably wide range of
frequencies (1 Hz to 3 kHz). This corresponds to ca. 0.2 dB cm- 1 , a value simi-
lar to that found for the bending waves in plants. There is even amplification by
up to 10 dB above about 3 kHz. Transverse and lateral vibrations, on the other
hand, are attenuated by at least 10 to 30 dB and even 50 dB (7.1 dB cm-1 ) above
about 40 Hz, where transmission curves become irregular, partly due to reso-
nances (Masters and Markl 1981). Apart from their effective transmission,
longitudinal vibrations along the radii also provide information about the
radius the spider has to choose to get to the signal source: there is a particularly
large difference in amplitude between the vibrated radius and its neighboring
In a more relevant situation, the web is not empty but loaded by the spider
and its prey or mate. Under these circumstances (weight of spider 200 mg; data
refer to measurement of tarsal motion) attenuation of longitudinal vibrations
Spider Vibration Sense 211

Q 0
z -20


i i 111111 i 11111111 I Ii 1111'1 i 1IIIlii

a 10 100 1000 10000

a: q ... •..
. ~.
.•../ . . 'longitudinal
E r.J :
~ : 1.., \ "lateral
r" I

I 20 ".
.. • transverse

L., ~~.......". ~
W ,,
W L,
'\ ~
S:f 0 L, o ~:-.,
-l L~ \...-( \ ~......
11. L
•. t:(
is 10 100 1000 1 10
Fig. 3a-c. Vibrations in the orb web of Nuctenea sclopetaria measured with laser-Doppler
vibrometry. a Transmission oflongitudinal vibrations through a radius from the middle of the
catching area to the tarsus of the spider at the hub (distance ca. 7 cm); curves measured for
three individual animals. b Vibrations generated by a fly (Calliphora erythrocephala, 38 mg) in
an otherwise empty web and measured at the hub at a distance of ca. 9 cm. Solid line indicates
that fly was struggling but not buzzing; dashed line indicates buzzing fly. c Frequency spectrum
for the three types of web vibration in wind-induced signals. Measurements made at edge of
hub near one of the spider's forelegs. Given are the means (one web, eight samples averaged
for each type of vibration) for natural wind gusts. (a Masters 1984 a; band c Masters 1984 b)

(Fig. 3 a) increases to about 2 dB to 18 dB (at a distance of 7 cm this amounts to

ca. 2.5 dB cm- I ) up to ca. 300 Hz, depending on the radius and the web chosen.
The transmission curve drops steeply beyond about 300 Hz at a rate of ca.
20 dB/decade, with an attenuation peak as large as ca. 40 dB between 2 and
3 kHz (Masters 1984a). Comparable measurements for transverse and lateral
vibrations are not available.

4 Vibration Sensitivity
4.1 Receptors
Types. The most sensitive receptor known in spiders for vibrations transmitted
through solid substrates (as opposed to air) is the metatarsal lyriform organ
(Fig. 4). This is a compound slit sense organ consisting of up to about 21 slits
212 F.G.Barth


Fig. 4 a-c. Metatarsallyriform

organ (Cupiennius salei). a posi-
b tion of organ on legs (circle).
(Courtesy E.-A. Seyfarth); b de-
tails of joint between tarsus (Ta)
and metatarsus (Me) in lateral
~~ ,A1~11 view; note metatarsal organ bridg-
ing a furrow on the dorsal aspect
::::--~. ~9 of distal metatarsus; a.m. articular
5-~-C-~ membrane; c dorsal view of slits in
4' 3 ~-----____-- metatarsal organ.
Arrow points toward tarsus; note
orientation at right angle to leg
long axis. (Barth and Geethabali
c 1982)

whose arrangement follows the same basic pattern in a variety of species from
different families, irrespective of differences in slit number (van de Roemer
1980) (e.g:, 21 in Cupiennius salei, 11 in Salficus scenicus). It lies dorsally on the
distal metatarsus and is oriented perpendicular to the leg. The slits are com-
pressed, that is, adequately stimulated by upward displacement of the tarsus
beyond the point when it just touches the distal end of the metatarsus. In addi-
tion, dorso-Iateral and even lateral displacement of the tarsus stimulates some
of the slits in the organ (Barth 1972; Barth and Geethabali 1982; see also Barth,
Chap. IX, this Vol.).
The other receptor with well-established sensitivity to substrate vibrations is
the pretarsal slit (Speck and Barth 1982). This is a single slit (length in Cu-
piennius ca. 45 /lm) on each ventrolateral side of the pretarsus behind the claws,
and in the immediate neighborhood of the ventral articular membrane.
The participation of both the metatarsal organs and the pretarsal slits in the
localization of a stimulus source (as, for instance, during prey capture) has been
demonstrated experimentally (Barth 1982; Hergenroder and Barth 1983 a; KIar-
ner and Barth 1982; Bleckmann and Barth 1984). Behavioral evidence indicates
Spider Vibration Sense 213

the existence of still other vibration receptors, however: prey capture jumps can
still be elicited after ablation of the above receptors, at least by strong
vibrations (elevation of threshold; Barth 1982; Hergenr6der and Barth 1983a).
Among the candidate receptors serving in this additional vibrosensitive func-
tion are sensory cells coupled to the claws (Zygiella, Foelix 1970; Cupiennius,
Seyfarth et aI., in preparation), serrated bristles on the ventral side of the tarsus
tip specialized for grasping thread (Zygiella, Foelix 1970), and other slit sensilla
more proximally on the leg.

SensitiVity. In Cupiennius electrophysiologically determined threshold curves

are available for about half of the 21 slits of the metatarsal organ for frequen-
cies between 0.1 Hz and 1 to 3 kHz (Barth and Geethabali 1982). All slits be-
have like high-pass filters (Fig. Sa). Up to 10-40 Hz stimulation frequency
their threshold sensitivity is low; threshold values expressed as displacement of
the tarsus tip are from 10-3 cm to 10- 2 cm. Thresholds decrease steeply - up to
ca. 40 dB/decade - beyond 10 to 40 Hz and reach 10-6 to 10-7 cm at 1 kHz.
Whereas the threshold curve roughly follows constant displacement at low fre-
quencies, it approximately follows constant acceleration beyond about 40 Hz.
A characteristic feature of all slits studied is the lack of a pronounced tuning
to limited sections of the frequency range tested, which includes the most im-
portant frequencies contained in behaviorally relevant signals (see Sect. 2). This
finding also applies to the cases where the tarsus and even the whole animal
(Barth and Hahn, unpublished) where not firmly coupled to the vibrator, but
were free to move as in natural stimulus conditions. Tuning of different slits to
different frequency bands can therefore not be used for the discrimination offre-
quencies picked up by the metatarsallyrifonn organ. Frequency discrimination -
as it was shown to exist in behavioral experiments (Hergenr6der and Barth
1983 a) - however, could be based on sensitivity differences of the various slits
at particular stimulus frequencies. These differences amount to more than
20 dB. They result in frequency-dependent activity patterns of the metatarsal
organ as a whole. .
At least some of the slits of the metatarsal lyriform organ are sensitive to
lateral as well as dorso-ventral displacements of the tarsus, with threshold
curves very similar both in shape and absolute values. Using band-limited
noise stimuli (bandwidth 113 octave, Q = 0.35) instead of sinusoidal ones
(vibration of the tarsus) lowers the threshold values by up to ca. 10 dB (Barth
and Hahn, unpublished).
Recordings from individual slits are only available for the metatarsal organ of the hunting
spider Cupiennius salei (Barth and Geethabali 1982) and for the semi-aquatic spider
Dolomedes triton (B1eckmann and Barth 1984). In Zygiella, an orb-weaver, summed recordings
from the leg nerve were made (Liesenfeld 1961). The typical high-pass filter properties are
basically the same in all cases, irrespective of the substrate the spider is living on. This finding
is surprising in view of the differences in the respective joint mechanics. Whereas the metatar-
sus-tarsus joint in Cupiennius and Dolomedes allows considerable excursion of the tarsus both
laterally and dorsoventrally, it is much stiffer in Zygiella and other orb-weavers like Nephila
(van de Roemer 1980).
According to studies in Cupiennius (Speck and Barth 1982), the pretarsal
slits are not tuned to limited frequency ranges either. Thresholds again are high
214 F.G.Barth

a b


withdtlw. 1

to · _':~~:::h
UJ ...z
'-f-I'-. "f .
al)pfo8ch \
< UJ 10"
t---t_'" '~""....
a. 10" ::f
(/) UJ
a 0

10" SLIT6
\. (/)
a 10'

Irlchoboctvia removed
N- . '1
n -10-'7
I f Ii II'I 'I ';""1 ' '""",1 i i'i"'"
, I

1 10 100 1000 10 100 1000


c d


...Z 10"
~ ...
a. 10" w 10"
(/) ~
a UJ
a. 10'
10" (/)
n -18-24
I , ""lii • • liii"i
, 4 " .... ,
10 100 1000 1000 0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 5a- d. Vibration sensitivity of receptors (a) and behaviors (b- d) determined for spiders
receiving signals through different media. a threshold curve of slit 6 (cf. Fig. 4c) in the meta-
tarsal organ of Cupiennius salei. (Barth and Geethabali 1982); b behavioral threshold curves
for the withdrawal and approach reaction of C. salei measured with sinusoidal stimuli (0, e)
and narrow noise bands (= , _ ) respectively. (HergenrOder and Barth 1983a); c behavioral
threshold curve for prey capture reaction of orb weaver Zygiella x-notata. (Klamer and Barth
1982); d threshold curve for prey-capture reaction of semi-aquatic spider Dolomedes triton
elicited by water-surface waves; values represent means of the lowest five values found at each
frequency among a total of 271 values. (Bleckmann and Barth 1984) In a to c standard de-
viation given by vertical bars. N number of animals; n number of trials
Spider Vibration Sense 215

(pretarsal displacement 10-2 cm to 10-3 cm) up to ca. 40 Hz. At higher frequen-

cies they decrease at a rate of ca. 18 dB/decade, which is less than in the case of
the metatarsal lyriform organ (ca. 40 dB/decade). Accordingly, the threshold
values reached at 1 kHz are only 10- 4 cm to 10-5 cm. Threshold varies with dif-
ferent preset tension in the articular membrane. This suggests a mechanism for
active sensitivity adjustment by the spider (lowering of sensitivity by lifting
pretarsus ).
Both in the metatarsallyriform organ and the pretarsal slits functionq.l mor-
phology and electrophysiological data suggest an additional proprioceptive role.
The pretarsal slits are also stimulated by an active downward movement of the
pretarsus, resulting from muscular activity or increased hemolymph pressure,
and the consequent inward buckling of the ventral articular membrane (Speck
and Barth 1982). Like the pretarsal slits those of the metatarsal organ are slowly
adapting to a maintained stimulus. They therefore appear well suited to moni-
tor low frequency tarsal movement occurring during locomotion (Barth and
Geethabali 1982; see also Barth, Chap. IX, this Vol.).

4.2 Interneurons

Together with the palpal and opisthosomal ganglia, the leg ganglia form the
subesophageal mass of the spider central nervous system (see Babu, Chap. I,
this Vol. and Babu and Barth 1984). According to elctrophysiological work
there are several types of substrate-vibration-sensitive interneurons among the
neurons located ventrally in the ganglia and close to the median axis of sym-
metry of the suboesophageal mass (Fig. 6) (Speck and Barth, in preparation).
These interneurons differ with respect to their tuning (threshold) curves and
their connectivity to the input from other ipsi- or contralateral legs. All
threshold curves, however, differ from those found for both the behavioral and
receptor response (Fig. 5) in that they are minimum curves; these interneurons
are in fact tuned to restricted frequency ranges.
A frequently found "intraganglionic" cell type is only activated by stimu-
lation of the ipsilateral leg (tarsus) corresponding to the respective ganglion.
Three subgroups have their best frequencies in the low (ca. 80-100 Hz), medi-
an (ca. 200 Hz), or high frequency (ca. 900 Hz) range and their lowest threshold
values at ca. 0.13 ~m of tarsal displacement (peak to peak). Typically the fre-
quency range that elicits a response is broader in case of the first and second leg
ganglion than in the third and fourth. In the latter, low stimulus frequencies
elicit the smallest response (e.g., neurons with best frequency at 800 Hz; fre-
quency range in 1st ganglion 40 Hz to 1 kHz, in 3rd ganglion 100 Hz to 1 kHz,
4th ganglion 200 Hz to 1 kHz; maximum stimulus amplitude used 40 dB above
Another type of interneuron is "interganglionic" or "plurisegmentaf', that is,
it is activated by stimulation of anyone of the ipsilateral legs. These cells have
a broad tuning curve with best frequencies between 80 Hz and 200 Hz and ab-
solute threshold sensitivity (but not frequency range) often (but not always)
gradually decreasing with stimulation of legs 1 to 4 (e.g., at 80 Hz: stimulation
216 F.G.Barth


10- 2 Fig. 6. Vibration sensitivity

E of intemeurons in the
E sub esophageal nerve mass
z (leg ganglia;filled circle in
w inset marks recording site)
~ of Cupiennius salei. LF, MF
w and H F intemeurons most
~ sensitive in the low, middle
Cl. and high frequency range;
(J) curve with horizontal bars
5 10- 3
was measured using narrow
noise bands as stimuli in-
stead of sinusoidal
vibrations (same MF
neuron). Lower inset
~26Hz recording of spike activity
-;- N-1, n-3 of LF neuron. Vertical bars
~ N- 4.n -5 t llWJ IW~UU~, LF give standard deviation;
N number of animals;
n number of trials. (Speck
I I i I 11 11 iii i I and Barth, in preparation)
10 100 1000

of leg I, O.4l!m; stimulation of leg 4, 1.6I!m). Other "segmental" neurons re-

spond to stimulation of both the ipsi- and contralateral leg of the same segment
and other "plurisegmental" ones to the sensory input from any of the 8 legs.

4.3 Behavior

Behavioral threshold curves can also tell us something about the integration of
sensory input by the central nervous system. They were measured in spiders re-
ceiving vibratory signals through plant tissue, a web, and the water surface.
1. Cupiennius responds to vibrations when sitting on a platform (Fig. 5b)
divided into two mechanically independent halves, one being immobile and the
other coupled to a vibrator (Hergenroder und Barth 1983a). The spider, with
some of its legs resting on the mobile part of the platform, either moves toward
Spider Vibration Sense 217

the stimulus source ("prey capture") or turns away from it (avoidance or es-
cape) as soon as the platform is vibrated. Its decision depends on the properties
of the stimulus (see Sect. 7). Similar to the receptors, the behavioral tuning
shows low sensitivity up to ca. 10 Hz and steadily decreasing threshold values
beyond that frequency. In the case of the approach reaction, absolute values are
ca. 100 in the insensitive range and about 10 at the highest frequency
tested (550 Hz). This latter value is higher than the receptor thresholds by
about three powers of ten. This does not necessarily imply a generally smaller
sensitivity in the behavior, however, since the reaction studied may not be the
most sensitive indicator.
2. Zygiella x-notata, an orb-weaver, is a particularly convenient experimen-
tal animal. Most of the time it sits in its retreat in the web periphery, with one
or both of its front legs on the signal thread through which it receives vibrations
generated anywhere in the web. Upon experimental vibration of the signal
thread it dashes toward the hub. The behavioral threshold curve again looks
like that of a high-pass filter and again the threshold values are high compared
with the receptor thresholds (Klamer and Barth 1982; Liesenfeld 1961)
(Fig. 5c). In case of transverse sinusoidal vibrations of the signal thread (per-
pendicular to the plane of the web; stimulus applied about 6 cm away from the
spider) the threshold values are about 1 mm at 10 Hz, and 3 to 4 at 1 kHz.
With longitudinal vibration, these values decrease by 3 to 4 dB. In contrast to
Zygiella, the threshold curve for the responses of Nephila clavipes to vibrations
of a radius is a minimum curve with lowest values between 280 and 420 Hz
(Klamer and Barth 1982).
3. The semi-aquatic spider Dolomedes triton is most sensitive to single fre-
quency, water-surface waves between 40 Hz (2.1 and 70 Hz (1.0, with
higher thresholds at both lower and higher frequencies (ca. 60 at 10Hz; ca.
14 at 100 Hz) (Fig. 5d) (Bleckmann and Barth 1984).
Considering the frequencies contained in natural signals and the sensitivity
of the spiders to various substrate vibration frequencies, a few examples can be
quoted which look like special adaptations in the frequency domain. One is the low
sensitivity of the substrate vibration receptors to low frequencies; this appears
to be a filter that keeps background noise away from the information-process-
ing system (Barth and Geethabali 1982). Another example is that, among the
spiders tested, the metatarsal organ of Cupiennius is the most sensitive at fre-
quencies between 40 Hz and 100 Hz, which is the range of its courtship signals
(Barth and Geethabali 1982). Also in Cupiennius, one type of the vibration-
sensitive intemeurons was found with a best frequency between 80 and 100 Hz.
Potentially it is particularly important for the processing of the male courtship
signal (Speck and Barth, in preparation). Finally, in Dolomedes the behavioral
threshold curve has a minimum between 40 and 70 Hz (Bleckmann and Barth
1984). This may be a special adaptation to the stimulus propagation properties
of the water surface, where high frequencies are unlikely to occur under natural
conditions (Lang 1980). The argument is supported by the difference to find-
ings in Zygiella and Cupiennius, which both show a high-pass characteristic in
their behavior that is similar to that of the receptors (KUhner and Barth 1982;
Hergenr6der and Barth 1983a).
218 F.G.Barth

5 Orientation

Following adequate stimulation, spiders turn toward substrate-borne vibrations

which indicate a potential prey. The turning movement is very precise with re-
spect to the turning angle in both orb-weavers and spiders hunting on the water
surface (Klamer and Barth 1982; Bleckmann and Barth 1984). At least for we.b
spiders, this seems to reflect the unlikeliness of a change in position of the prey
within the time needed for an approach even from many body lengths away.
Cupiennius employs a different strategy. It usually waits motionless in ambush
on its plant until prey has come within a few centimeters of its body periphery.
It then quickly turns just far enough to grasp its victim with its front legs and
pulls it toward its chelicerae (Melchers 1967). Speed and short duration of the
turn seem to be of utmost importance since the prey, warned by its own sensi-
tive vibration receptors and free to move, might otherwise escape.
If Zygiella x-notata receives a prey stimulus from the web through the signal thread, it
runs down to the hub, turns toward the stimulus, and then follows the radii toward the prey.
The mean "error angle" Act (difference between stimulus angle CXg and turning angle ctt) is only
3.6 0 (± 7.7 SD), irrespective of the stimulus angle. Nephila clavipes, which usually sits in the
hub while at rest, orients with similar precision (7 0 ± 8.20 SD), on average also turning slight-
ly short of ct" in particular at large values of ct, (ct" 0 0 to 50 0: Act = 3.9 0 ± 5.6 SD; ct, 50 0 to
100 0: Act = 10.1 0 ± 9.1 SD) (Klamer and Barth 1982). Dolomedes triton turns toward a source
of water waves with similar precision (9.3 0 ± 1.3 SD), also with a surprising independence of
stimulus direction (Bleckmann and Barth 1984). This is not so with Cupiennius salei, where the
error angle increases significantly the more the stimulus comes from the rear (stimulation un-
der first leg Act = 12 0, under fourth leg Act = 80 0) (Hergenr6der and Barth 1983 b).
Behavioral evidence suggests that the "fishing" spider Dolomedes triton,
when starting its run, has extracted information from water-surface waves not
only on goal direction but also on goal distance (Bleckmann and Barth 1984).
Little is known on how the spiders accomplish such orientation behavior.
Parameters contained in vibrational stimuli which can provide the information
needed are discussed in the following.

5.1 Cues Contained in Stimuli

Angular Orientation. In the web the task appears easy. Once the spider detects
the radius vibrating most, it simply has to run along it to get to the entangled,
and thus stationary, prey. The most relevant question then seems to be which
types of vibration caused by the prey are most appropriate to tell the spider the
proper radius. Longitudinal waves are the most "directional" ones: the differ-
ence amplitude between the vibrations of a radius coupled to the vibration
source and its neighbors is much larger in longitudinal waves than in the lateral
and transverse vibration components (Masters and Markl 1981). Just like the
low attenuation values (see above), this points to the particular relevance of
longitudinal waves in orb webs.
The water surface, as well as plants, seem to present a more difficult task.
They lack the "track" automatically leading to the goal once it has been chosen
Spider Vibration Sense 219

1. Amplitude gradients between the stimuli arriving at the various legs due to
different traveling distances can be used by Cupiennius salei for its angular
orientation (Hergenroder and Barth 1983 b; see below). According to the at-
tenuation values measured for banana plants (Fig. 2), which is a favorite dwell-
ing site of Cupiennius (Barth and Seyfarth 1979), and a diagonal leg span of ca.
10 cm, gradients to be expected under natural conditions amount to about 4 dB
for the frequencies prominently contained in the courtship signals. On the water
surface, and taking Dolomedes triton and D. fimbriatus as the examples studied
(Bleckmann and Barth 1984), the amplitude differences at the different legs
(distance 4 to 7 cm) amount to about 15 dB at 40 Hz, which is the frequency
these spiders most readily respond to.
2. Time differences as small as 0.2 ms between the arrival of vibratory signals
at different receptors (between events of the same phase, respectively), which
depend on propagation velocity and distance between the receivers (i.e., the leg
tips), are an important indicator of target angle for the desert scorpion, Paruroc-
tonus mesaensis, on and in sand (here surface-Rayleigh-waves seem to be of
particular importance; Brownell and Farley 1979b). They also elicit oriented
behavior in Cupiennius which - with its legs vibrated at different times (in-
terval used 4 ms) - always turns toward the leg first stimulated (Hergenroder
and Barth 1983 b). Time differences are even more likely to indicate the target
angle in Dolomedes, where they are as high as 200 ms or more in the spider's
most sensitive frequency range, due to the low propagation velocity of water-
surface waves (Bleckmann and Barth 1984).
Taking a propagation speed of 50 m S-1 of the waves relevant in a banana plant, the time
difference between leg tips IO cm apart in Cupiennius amounts to 2 ms. Propagation velocities
of water-surface waves are only 23 to 40 cm S-1 at 10 to 140 Hz (Sommerfeld 1970). At 40 Hz,
which is in the most sensitive frequency range of Dolomedes, the difference in arrival time at
legs 4 to 7 cm apart amounts to ca. 200 ms. By carefully controlled phase-shifted stimulation,
Wiese (1974) demonstrated the backswimmer's (Notonecta) ability to resolve phase differences
between the water-surface waves reaching its legs simultaneously. No similar experiments are
yet available for spiders.
Clearly, many more experiments are needed before it can be decided which
parameters are actually used by spiders for angular orientation. Measurement
of the gradients occurring in the relevant substrates between the spider legs in
situ and of their variation due to heterogeneities of the media and changes in
the position of the spider are necessary. This also applies to the mechanisms
underlying the estimation of source distance.

Source Distance. Absolute amplitude of the vibratory movement alone is no re-

liable indicator of source distance: it depends on distance as well as on the ener-
gy put into the signal by the sender, and in many situations it will be subject to
resonances, standing waves, and reflections hard to predict for the spider.
On the water-surface, time differences may in theory be used to determine
target distance, if interpreted as a measure of the curvature of the water wave
front which decreases with the distance it has traveled from its source. Surface-
feeding fish are known to have this ability (Hoin-Radkovski et al. 1984). For
Dolomedes there is no direct proof yet. Due to decreasing time differences, the
220 F.G.Barth

accuracy of such a mechanism should decrease with both increasing source dis-
tance and increasing frequency (increase of propagation velocity).
The dispersive nature of the propagation of polyfrequency wave signals im-
plies still another possibility of making use of the physics of the stimuli for an
estimate of goal distance. Since high frequencies travel faster than low ones
(above 13 Hz in water-surface waves) and are in addition more attenuated, the
shape of complex (i.e., nonsinusoidal) signals changes with distance. The sur-
face-feeding fishes, Aplocheilus lineatus and Pantodon buchholzi can indeed re-
solve and process such differences in frequency Plodulation and, probably, also
in amplitude modulation (Bleckmann and Schwartz 1982; Bleckmann et al.
1984; Hoin-Radkovski et al. 1984).
In the desert scorpion different solutions were proposed to the problem of
distance determination. At target-distances of up to 15 em, the amplitude gradi-
ent across the sensory field of the eight legs could well be the cue. This ampli-
tude gradient, however, sensitively decreases with source distance. Larger dis-
tances could in theory be determined from the difference in time of arrival of
surface (Rayleigh) waves and compressional waves at the two classes of re-
ceptors which are supposed to selectively respond to them, i.e., tarsal slit sen-
silla and tarsal hair sensilla (Brownell 1977; Brownell and Farley 1979a, b).

5.2 Neuronal Networks

In addition to the analysis of the relevant signal parameters a quite different
approach to the mechanisms underlying orientation behavior is making use of
behavioral experiments designed to find out about the rules governing the cen-
tral nervous integration of the sensory inputs from the eight legs. Such exper-
iments were carried out with Cupiennius (Hergenroder and Barth 1983 b).
In field conditions, Cupiennius usually sits and waits until its prey comes
very close to its legs and within the reach of a quick jump. When standing with
one or more legs on an experimental platform that begins to vibrate, it turns
toward the platform if the stimulus resembles prey-generated vibrations. Its
turning angle depends on the particular combination of legs that are stimulated.
For simplicity, stimulation of the legs was simultaneous and with the same in-
tensity. The comparison of turning angles in conditions where different legs
were vibrated individually and in combination with other ipsi- or contralateral
legs, directly indicates the contribution of individual legs to the "turning com-
mand". The turning angle can be quantitatively predicted by the application of
an inhibitory network based on the following rules (Fig. 7).
a) Single Leg Stimulation. The mean-error angle (difference between stimulus
and turning angle) increases from the front legs to the hind legs. This implies a
stronger weight of the sensory input from the front legs in establishing the turn-
ing angle in cases of stimulation of leg combinations. The respective weighting
factors F, which are ratios between turning (ft) and stimulus (oc) angle, are 1.2
for the first leg 2 and 0.6, 0.4 and 0.4 for the following legs.

2 If one of the first legs is stimulated alone, F is reduced to 0.6, which implies that the spider
even in this case does not tum beyond the target.
Spider Vibration Sense 221

2 2

3 3

4 4

\1IJt\R ,.,

R, +R2 :
oc: ' R ·~ R, · t 2 +~ R2 ' 0.5
{3 • (aC: R, · 1.2 +aC: R2 ' 0.5)1-

R, + R2 + l, :
ii· [.c R, ·1.2 +,z R2 ·(06-0.1l·0.5+ aCl,·t2]!

Fig. 7. Inhibitory network derived from behavioral experiments with Cupiennius salei and de-
scribing possible central interactions of the sensory inputs from the eight legs in determining
the turning angle toward a source of vibration. Equations on lower right exemplify the calcu-
lation of the turning angle P for a situation in which right legs R, and R2 alone and right legs
R, and R2 together with left leg L, are stimulated. F factor "weighting" the input (iX, stimulus
angle, i.e., angle formed by long axis of the animal and long axis of the stimulated leg) from
different legs, J additive constant quantifying ipsilateral inhibition; C multiplicative constant
quantifying contralateral inhibition; ~ addition, with reversal of sign at black quadrant; 0
multiplication; r and I input values modified by F and J. For more details see text. (Her-
genr5der and Barth 1983 b)

b) Stimulation of Leg Combinations. The stimulation of anterior legs reduces F

of all posterior legs on the same side by J = 0.1, which is an additive ipsilateral
inhibition. Stimulation of legs on both lateral sides of the body reveals a re-
ciprocal, mUltiplicative contralateral inhibition, again acting exclusively from
front to back and reducing F by the factor C = 0.5.

c) Calculation of Turning Angle. Stimulus angies are assigned positive and nega-
tive signs for the right and left legs, respectively; they are weighted according to
the above rules and added for the right and left legs. The sum of both values is
divided by the number of stimulated legs, and thus indicates the turning angle
(see Fig. 7).
Additional properties of this inhibitory network are revealed by a stimulat-
ing situation in which the spider sits on two movable plates and different legs
receive one of two signals differing either in amplitude or onset time. Such con-
222 F.G.Barth

ditions reflect the natural signal propagation, which requires time and involves
attenuation. In both cases the spider behaves as if only the legs receiving the
earlier or larger vibration were stimulated. It seems likely, then, that Cupiennius
makes use of time and amplitude differences under natural conditions. The
minimal gradients necessary were not determined yet, but a time difference of
4 ms and an amplitude ratio of 3 were found to be sufficient to see an effect.
The block diagram developed for Cupiennius (Fig. 7) partly both agrees and
differs with similar, though only qualitative connectivity models conceived for
the scorpion Paruroctonus (Brownell and Farley 1979b) and the backswimmer
Notonecta (Murphey 1973). All three models require an inhibitory network
with both ipsi- and contralateral inhibition. In the backswimmer a gradation of
the inhibitory effects similar to those in Cupiennius was found (Murphy 1973).
A peculiarity of Cupiennius is the differential weighting of the sensory inputs
from the various legs for determining turning angle. Another feature only found
in the Cupiennius model, that is, the exclusively backward direction of the in-
hibitory effects, is not likely to be a distinctive feature under most natural con-
ditions in which the various legs are stimulated with time and amplitude dif-
ferences. Evidence for this conjecture is derived from the above observation
that animals turn towards legs stimulated earlier or stronger - just as if their
sensory input inhibited the inputs from both more anterior and posterior legs
(Hergenroder and Barth 1983 b).

5.3 Active Localization

Localization of objects hanging motionless in the web is common among orb

weavers (Liesenfeld 1956). These spiders actively vibrate the web and thus de-
tect objects as light as 0.05 mg (Zygiella). The mechanisms involved in this ca-
pacity are not yet fully understood. From experiments with threads under in-
creased tension, we concluded that the information used by the spider is not de-
rived from thread tension itself, but from properties of the vibratory echo
(Klamer and Barth 1982).

6 Identification

Who is it that vibrates? For a preying spider it is important to identify prey sig-
nals among irrelevant background noise. For the male Cupiennius courting on a
banana plant and emitting vibratory signals himself, it may be life-saving to be
identified as a male by the female and not confused with prey and killed. Some
answers to the neuroethological questions involved are just beginning to ac-

6.1 Prey, Enemy, or Mate?

Cupiennius, when resting on a movable platform with one or more legs and
stimulated with different vibrations, does indeed decide the above questions: It
Spider Vibration Sense 223

either approaches the source of substrate vibrations (predatory behavior) or

withdraws from it (escape behavior). In other words, it does identify. Various
signal-parameters were found important for the release of one or the other be-
havior (Hergenroder and Barth 1983 aV
For sinusoidal stimulation, thresholds for the withdrawal reaction are high-
er by up to about 20 dB than for the approach reaction. Noisy signals, even if
limited to a small frequency band (bandwidth 113 octave, Q = 0.35), reduce the
threshold values for the approach reaction by up to 10 dB, whereas those for
the escape reaction remain almost unaffected (Fig. 5b). The number of with-
drawal reactions increases steadily with increasing amplitude of sinusoidal
stimuli. Approaches, on the other hand, are most numerous at particular am-
plitudes, each characteristic for the frequency chosen. Using narrow-band noise
signals the two reaction types again differ. Whereas the number of approaches
markedly increases with bandwidth, that of withdrawals is only little affected
by it. Shifting the frequencies from low to high values shows that withdrawals
are unlikely to occur at low frequencies. The proportion of the two behaviors
can be predicted from the relation of the stimulus amplitude to their respective
threshold curves (Hergenroder and Barth 1983 a).
Summarizing these and similar data one would predict a prey signal to be
attractive if it is of low amplitude, nonsinusoidal, made up by a wide range of
frequencies and irregular in the time domain. It is readily seen that the prey sig-
nals presented in Fig. 1 do indeed differ with regard to these properties from
the respective background noise. The decrease of the threshold values with in-
creasing frequency - measured both in the behavior (for the approach re-
action) and in the substrate-vibration receptors - indicates that the high fre-
quency components (i.e., higher than those providing most of the energy con-
tent of the power spectrum) of prey signals are involved in their identification
and may indeed be of particular importance. These arguments also apply to
semi-aquatic spiders like Dolomedes, where the power spectrum of vibrations
produced by a fly trapped on the water-surface differs markedly from that of
background noise by being much broader and extending to higher frequency
components (Lang 1980; Bleckmann and Barth 1984).
Similar arguments may be applied to courtship signals. Why does the
female Cupiennius not misinterpret the male signal as that of a prey, al-
though its main frequency component (ca. 80 Hz) is within the range of prey
signal frequencies? As the male approaches, the increasing amplitude of its sig-
nal decreases the likelihood of aggressive female behavior, since it is increas-
ingly likely to reach and then surpass the threshold value for the withdrawal re-
action. In addition, a signal containing only a narrow band of frequencies with
a very "orderly" temporal pattern such as the male courtship vibrations differs
greatly from a typical prey signal (Fig. 1 a) (Schuch and Barth 1985).
Recent behavioral studies using synthetic vibrations (Schuch and Barth, in
preparation) have indeed shown that various temporal parameters contained in
the male signal may vary only within narrow limits and still effectively elicit the

3 In the experiments described in the following, trichobothria were removed.

224 F.G.Barth

female's vibratory response (Rovner and Barth 1981). Thus, for example, a du-
ration of the syllable (see Fig. 1 a) of 70 ms (duration of silent pause between
syllables kept constant) is most effective (natural value ca. 100 ms), whereas al-
most no female responses at all are recorded at values below ca. 40 nis and
above ca. 250 ms. Similarly, a pause between the syllables (duration 70 ms)
lasting for less than ca. 50 ms or more than ca. 400 ms renders the male signal
ineffective. There is also a clear "optimum" for the ratio pause duration/
syllable duration and more complex temporal relationships such as those de-
scribed by Schuch and Barth (1985) are currently being examined.
The existence of a narrow frequency filter in the female courted by a male
clearly emerges from the same type of experiment, where the number of her re-
sponses is related to the frequency chosen to make up the male syllables. The
female Cupiennius most often responds if the frequency is close to the natural
value, i.e., at ca. 100 Hz. She does not respond at all if it is either below ca.
50 Hz or above ca. 210 Hz, even though the other signal parameters are kept at
their natural values (Schuch and Barth, in preparation).

6.2 Background Noise and Kleptoparasites

One of the main consequences of the low threshold sensitivity of the substrate
vibration receptors to frequencies below about 30 Hz may be to filter out back-
ground noise, which is characterized by very low frequencies (Figs. 1 and 5 a).
The same conclusion comes from the behavioral threshold curves, both for the
withdrawal and approach response (Fig. 5b, c).
Some animals have obviously learned to make use of this and in this way
to prevent the spider's prey capture or aggressiveness. We have repeatedly
watched animals like grasshoppers, frogs and salamanders in the field when
coming very close to Cupiennius or even passing by it as if undetected. The
reason appears to be their slow and regular gait, which elicits plant vibrations
of only very low frequencies (Barth et aI., in preparation).
Some insects have even found a safe way into spider webs as commensals or
kleptoparasites. They also move in a distinctive slow and "careful" way, in par-
ticular as long as the web owner is motionless (review: Barth 1982). Argyrodes, a
spider kleptoparasite in the web of Nephi/a, is even known to guard against a
sudden release of tension when it "cuts out" the stolen prey from the web. The
end of the cut radius is held by the first legs which are then slowly stretched
(Vollrath 1979 a, b). Low frequencies and the lack of fast transients also appear
to be a safe route for young commensal spiderlings in their mother's web (Tret-
zel 1961).

6.3 Frequency and Amplitude Discrimination

For Cupiennius there is behavioral evidence both for frequency and for ampli-
tude discrimination. It derives from experiments in which the spider's reaction
was tested with stimuli of constant amplitude and varying frequency and vice
versa (Hergenroder and Barth 1983 a). Vibration frequency, however, was
Spider Vibration Sense 225

shown to be an unlikely basis for prey species discrimination in the spider web,
because of much overlap and variability of the various signals. Instead, maxi-
mal signal amplitude at impact seems to be a more reliable parameter (Suter
1978). '

7 Multimodal Interactions

Spider behavior in its natural context is probably never determined by sub-

strate vibrations alone. Inputs from other sensory channels were shown to be
relevant even in the cases where substrate vibrations are a sufficient condition.

7.1 Trichobothria

The foremost attention has to be given to the trichobothria, which respond to

the slightest movement of the air, including the vibrations in the near-field of a
vibration source (see ReiBland and Gomer, Chap. vm, this Vol.; Barth and
Blickhan 1984). Trichobothria affect predatory behavior in different ways with
spiders living on different substrates. Whereas stimulation by air-borne prey
stimuli elicits predatory behavior in spiders, like Cupiennius, living on plants
(HergenrOder and Barth 1983a) or on densely woven sheet webs as in Tegenaria
and Agelena (Gomer and Andrews 1969), this is not so in orb weavers like
Zygiella and Nephila (Klamer and Barth 1982). In orb weavers invariably a
thread-borne signal is required to indicate prey entangled in the web and to
elicit prey-capture behavior; this seems reasonable since a jump from the web
into the air may not be an effective way of catching prey. Air-borne stimuli are
ineffective. They rather elicit startle responses, and it may be that the spider as-
sociates them with its own predators such as. wasps and birds (Klamer and
Barth 1982). In semi-aquatic spiders like Dolomedes, prey capture can be elicit-
ed by air-borne stimulation alone, provided the buzzing fly is no more than
10 cm away (Bleckmann and Barth 1984). Here - as well as in the case of plant-
living spiders ~ it appears a good strategy to wait until the potential prey is
within reach of a quick maneuver. Not entangled and immobilized by the
sticky web and warned by its own sensitive receptors, the prey's chance for a
successful escape from the predator is quite realistic - as can indeed be ob-
served in the field.
A comparison of behaviors toward substrate-borne vibrations of intact
spiders and spiders lacking trichobothria shows surprising effects. Since tri-
chobothria are deflected by the air-borne sound generated by the substrate
motion, their ablation affects the behavior of Cupiennius on the vibrating plat-
form (see Fig. 5b). The thresholds for the withdrawal reaction and the reaction
times increase significantly. Those for the approach reaction remain un-
changed, however, which indicates a special relationship between the presence
oftrichobothria and the withdrawal response (HergenrOder and Barth 1983a).
Surprisingly, the percentage of responses to substrate vibration is dramati-
cally increased by removal of the trichobothria. This observation and the result
226 F.G.Barth

of experiments in which air-borne stimulation with a buzzing fly was used in

addition to the stimuli produced by substrate vibration has led to conclusions
about the central-nervous interaction of both sensory systems (Hergenroder and
Barth 1983a, b). When both systems receive either a "prey-like" stimulus or a
stimulus eliciting withdrawal, their effects add to, but when trichobothria re-
ceive stimuli "unlike prey", they inhibit the approach reaction that would
otherwise be triggered by substrate vibration alone.
In Dolomedes the orientation toward a source of water-surface waves be-
comes "worse" after ablation of all trichobothria with respect to angular orien-
tation and running speed, but improves with respect to the spider's estimate of
distance. Again then, the trichobothria are involved in the response, even if on-
ly surface waves stimuli are applied (Bleckmann and Barth 1984).

7.2 Vision

The importance of the interaction of several sensory systems under natural con~
ditions is underlined by the observation that in Cupiennius, as well as in
Dolomedes, blinding increases the readiness to respond to vibration stimuli. On
the other hand the movement of an object or a shadow not indicating prey de-
creases the readiness of the spider to respond to substrate vibration as do air-
borne nonprey stimuli received through the trichobothria. This shows that vi-
sion is another sensory channel involved in the shaping even of behavior ob-
viously dominated by vibratory input.

8 Concluding Remarks

Spiders have proved to be a good choice for neuroethological studies of the

vibration sense. Principles underlying the signal and information flux are
gradually emerging. Knowing both the reach of the signals and the sensitivity
of the vibration receptors we can now give a good estimate of the active space
of the vibratory communication system. We seem to have found central nervous
filters matched to various biologically significant vibration frequencies. Analy-
sis of the releasing mechanisms with synthetic signals and knowledge of the nat-
ural vibratory Umwelt of the spiders underline the importance of both spectral
and temporal patterns in the identification process. There is also a first crude
idea about "hardware" properties of the central nervous system which may un-
derly oriented behavior.
Nevertheless, we are still far from a full understanding of what we would
like to know the shaky world of spiders and the ways in which evolution
has adapted them to make such Qbviously rich use of vibratory signals.
Thus the sensory pathway dealing with substrate vibrations has been fol-
lowed electrophysiologically only to the first stage of integration in the subeso-
phageal nerve mass. All further stages of processing, as well as the genesis and
control of the motor programs, are still a terra incognita at the neuronal level.
The inhibitory network developed from behavioral studies to explain the turn-
Spider Vibration Sense 227

ing behavior of Cupiennius toward sources of vibration provides hypotheses on

some of the principles involved, which will be helpful for future work on the
central nervous system. Also, recent studies into the neuroanatomy of the spider
central nervous system (Babu and Barth 1984) will be of great assistance, in
particular if they are extended by single neuron stains following electrophysio-
logical recordings.
The complex interaction of the various sensory systems, including that for
air-borne vibrations with that for substrate vibrations, deserves much more at-
tention than so far received, both at the level of the stimuli and of multimodal
intemeurons and central nervous sensory convergence.
Another field of research to be extended is the physics and biological signifi-
cance of the various wave types generated and traveling in the different media
used by different spiders, including not only the soil, leaves, and tree trunks, but
also a multitude of webs differing in, shape and mechanics. Solving the problem
of signal localization calls for precis,e measurements of amplitude and time dif-
ferences actually found under natural stimulus conditions. The available data,
although only a modest beginning, point to the particular value of field work
and information which ties up behavior with ecology.
Acknowledgments. The author's research and that of his students and associates was generously
supported by grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB45/A4). Prof. Dr. A. Mi-
chelsen kindly shared his laboratory facilities in Odense to measure the data presented in
Fig. 2. The help of Mrs. H. Hahn with the preparation of the figures, the secretarial work of
Mrs. U. Ginsberg, and the critical comments of Drs. E.-A. Seyfarth and H. Bleckmann on the
manuscript are gratefully acknowledged.

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Wiese K (1974) The mechanoreceptive system of prey localization in Notonecta. J Comp
Physiol 92:317 - 325
xn Spider Proprioception: Receptors, Reflexes,
and Control of Locomotion

I Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
2 Gross Morphology of Spider Legs, Muscles, and Nerves 231
3 Proprioceptor Types . . . . . 232
4 Proprioceptive Muscle Reflexes 236
5 Spider Locomotion . . . . 239
5.1 General Considerations . . 239
5.2 Specifics of Stepping . . . 239
5.3 The Relative Roles of Central Control and Sensory Feedback 240
5.4 Consequences of Proprioceptor Ablations in Tethered Walking of Spiders: Recent
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
6 Conclusions: Current Developments and Prospects 244
6.1 Afferent Pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
6.2 Coordination of Central and Reflex Control 245
6.3 Ablation Experiments and Behavioral Deficit 245
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246

1 Introduction

Historically, the question of how animals control their own movements has
been a major concern of behavioral physiology. Much of the early and recent
work has focused upon the recurring debate about central versus peripheral
control of repetitive behavior such as locomotion. While many rhythmic be-
haviors such as walking, flying, or breathing can be maintained in the absence
of patterned sensory input, there is now apparent consent among neurobiol-
ogists that peripheral feedback by way of sensory receptors (such as proprio-
ceptors) is essential for fine control of certain behavior patterns and for reacting
to the environment as the situation may demand (Delcomyn 1980; Selverston
Arthropods and their rhythmic behaviors have played a central role in such
research (see, e.g., reviews by Hoyle 1976; Bowerman 1977; Wendler 1978; and
in Herreid and Fourtner 1982). In comparison with insects and crustaceans,

Zoologisches Institut der J.-W.-Goethe-Universitiit, Gruppe Sinnesphysiologie, Sies-

mayerstraBe 70, D-6000 Frankfurt am Main I, Federal Republic of Germany
Spider Proprioception 231

however, little has been done with the arachnids. Notable exceptions are stud-
ies of scorpions (see Root, Chap. XVII, this Vol.) and work such as Wilson's
(1967) ablation experiments with tarantulas.
Spiders show some unique features in their motor behavior (e.g., web-
building), in their complement of sensory receptors (such as lyriform slit sense
organs), and in their mode of limb movement (interaction of leg-muscle con-
traction with hydraulic mechanisms) that set them apart from the other arthro-
pods. These and other peculiarities are worth studying in their own right as
well as in comparison with other arthropod groups.
This chapter is not an exhaustive review. The emphasis will be on recent
morphological and electrophysiological studies of leg receptors and sensory leg
nerves in spiders. This will be followed by a brief discussion of certain proprio-
ceptive reflexes. I will then summarize the literature on spider locomotion and
outline some of our recent results on tethered walking and sensory ablation ex-
periments. Finally, problems and prospects of current and future research re-
garding central and reflex control are highlighted.

2 Gross Morphology of Spider Legs, Muscles, and Nerves

Spider legs consist of seven segments with seven joints (Fig. I a). Movement at
each joint is generally in one preferred plane - either flexion/extension or pro-
motion/remotion. The two most proximal articulations allow considerable mo-
bility in both planes. There are two "knees" which predominate in flexion/ex-
tension movements, one between femur and patella, and another between tibia
and metatarsus. The main promotion/remotion in the distal part of the leg oc-
curs in the patella/tibia joint. Extension at the two knees and the metatarsus/
tarsus joint is by hydraulic force; all other segments have one or several sets of
muscular agonists and antagonists.

Fig. 1 a, b. Walking leg ofthe

Central American wandering
spider, Cupiennius salei Keys. Pa
a Posterior aspect of right fore-
leg; note large spines at TilMe
and Me/Ta joints reaching ven-
trally across articulations. Co
Co coxa; Tr trochanter; Fe femur; Ti
Pa patella; Ti tibia; Me meta- psTi
tarsus; Ta tarsus. b Arrange-
ment of main leg nerves and of
major sensory nerves (posterior
view). The small leg nerve (A)
branches into two parts near
FelPajoint (AI, A2); main leg
nerves Band C run through leg
as one bundle (BC). psFe,
psPa, psTi posterior sensory
nerve-branches in Fe, Pa, and
Ti. (After Eckweiler 1983) a b
232 E.-A. Seyfarth

Fig. 2 a-c. Typical examples of the three known proprioceptor types in spider legs. a Lyri-
form slit sense organ. Left stereoscan micrograph of organ HS-9 located on posterior tibia of
Cupiennius; right camera-Iucida drawing from cobalt-filled preparation; each of the 9 slits is
innervated by 2 sensory neurons (in this example, the second neurons of the short slits 6 to 9
had remained unstained and were therefore not drawn). (After Seyfarth and Pfluger 1984).
b Hairs and large spines bridging the tibia/metatarsus joint (Til Me). Left stereoscan micro-
graph, anterior view of slightly flexed joint region; right each tactile hair is innervated by 3
bipolar sensory neurons. A axon; S soma; D dendrite; T mobile hair shaft. (Eckweiler 1983).
c Internal joint receptors. Left schematized view of posterior metatarsus/tarsus joint (Me/Ta);
the branching dendrites from a cluster of receptor cells (R) end beneath the articular mem-
brane; S single slit-sense organ; D large ventral spine (Eckweiler 1983). Right longitudinal sec-
tion of internal joint receptor RIO in femur/patella joint (Fe/ Pa). Ten sensory cells form
ganglion (G) and send branching dendrites (D) into hypodermis (Hy) beneath joint membrane
(Jm). The axons of RIO join the small leg nerve (A), which branches into 2 parts distally (J and
2). En endocuticle; Ex exocuticle. (After Foelix and Choms 1979).

The number of leg muscles involved in active movements is much greater in

spiders than in other arthropod groups. Insects typically have about 10 leg
muscles and crustaceans and scorpions about 16 per walking leg, whereas
spiders have at least 30 (Ruhland and Rathmayer 1978). This comparison does
not even take into account that extension of several joints in spiders is by hy-
draulic and not by direct muscular force. Furthermore, each of the 30 spider leg
muscles is generally innervated by more motor neurons than in other arthro-
pods. Crustaceans have about 35 motor neurons for the muscles of each leg
(Page 1982); in spiders, with their highly polyneural innervation of each mus-
cle, 35 neurons (or more) may supply just the seven femur muscles - that is, the
muscles in only a single leg segment. The functional significance of these ana-
tomical features is not at all obvious. But could it be that spiders move their
legs with more subtlety than other arthropods and that peripheral control is cor-
respondingly refined?
Each of the four paired leg ganglia in the sub esophageal nerve complex (see
Babu, Chap. I, this Vol.) sends out three main leg nerves, A, B, and C (nomen-
clature of Rathmayer 1966). The small leg nerve (A) carries both sensory and
motor fibers and ends in the metatarsus. Nerve B, consisting only of motor
axons, and nerve C, the largest, run through the leg together (Fig. 1 b). Nerve C
is purely sensory and contains thousands of ascending axons from the various
leg receptors (see also Foelix, Chap. X, this Vol.).

3 Proprioceptor Types

Three types of mechanoreceptors have been described near the joints of spider
legs; they are stimulated during joint motion and hence can act as propriocep-
tors (Seyfarth and Pfliiger 1984). These include (1) numerous slit sense organs
in the leg exoskeleton, primarily single slits and compound ("lyriform") organs
located in the immediate joint vicinity, (2) hundreds of "trichoid" sensilla (sen-
sory hairs and several large cuticular spines) bridging articulations, and (3) sev-
eral clusters of multiterminal sensory neurons, whose dendrites end between hy-
Spider Proprioception 233


100 " m



c R10

podermal cells beneath the articular membranes ("internal joint receptors").

Figure 2 shows typical examples of each proprioceptor type and details of their
cellular arrangement.
All leg joints are supplied with at least one, and usually several sets of each,
proprioceptor type. In addition, the tarsal claws and part of the scopulae, i.e.,
the hair tufts underneath the claws of many wandering spiders, are innervated
by sensory neurons (Foelix 1970, and Chap. VII, this Vol.). Table 1 summarizes
Table 1. Important features of proprioceptor types found in the spider leg N

Type Number of Type of Adequate Response Possible Reference

organs per leg sensillum stimulus types proprioceptive

Slit sense Ten compound Two bipolar Load-induced Fast-adapting Monitor strains Reviews:
organs organs plus sensory cells per cuticle and slowly in exoskeleton; Barth (1976; 1981)
numerous slit (2-29 slits strains adapting units perceive muscle Barth and Blickhan (1984)
single slits per compound forces Barth, Chap. IX; this Vol.

Joint- Several Trichoid; 3 bi- Displacement Fast-adapting Signal join t Foelix and Chu-Wang (1973)
hairs and hundred; often polar sensory of hair shaft units angles; perceive Harris and Mill (1977)
spines interdigitating cells per hair ground contact Foelix, Chap. VII, this Vol.

Internal At least Clusters of Displacement Fast-adapting Monitor direction Parry (1960)

joint 18 groups multi terminal and strain of and slowly and rate of joint Rathmayer (1967)
receptors sensory cells joint membrane adapting units movement; signal Rathmayer and Koopmann (1970)
(3-13 per group) joint position Mill and Harris (1977)
Foelix and Choms (1979)
Seyfarth and PflUgler (1984)

Spider Proprioception 235

studies of the topography and morphology, fine structure, and sensory

physiology of each receptor type. Slit sense organs and trichoid sensilla are
treated in other chapters of this book (Barth, Chap. IX, and Foelix, Chap. VII,
this Vol.). Foelix and Choms (1979) provide a detailed ultrastructural study of
an internal joint receptor in the femur/patella joint of Zygiella and Cupiennius,
and their results may apply to other internal joint receptors. The following
points not contained in the survey of Table 1 should be mentioned:
1. The number and location of proprioceptive organs are remarkably simi-
lar in various araneid species - hunting spiders and orb weavers (see also
Foelix 1982).
2. In all three receptor types the number of electrophysiologically detectable
units is (at least) one less than that determined morphologically (Harris and
Mill 1977; see also Foelix, Chap. VII, this Vol.).
3. We have no indication that spiders (or other arachnids) possess complex
sensilla with scolopales such as the chordotonal organs typical of crustaceans
and insects.
There is, however, some circumstantial evidence that another internal type of propriocep-
tor might exist in the spider leg. Morphological data suggest that the patella/tibia joint has a
muscle receptor organ (MRO). Parry (1960) found a small muscle in Tegenaria legs and Ruh-
land and Rathmayer (1978) reported a pair of small muscles in Dugesiella legs with fiber di-
ameters in the range of 18-30 flm - that is, much thinner than in normal leg musculature. The
pair in Dugesiella legs originates near a nerve cell on the dorsal wall of the patella. The pos-
terior member of the muscle pair terminates in connective tissue of the tibia, while the an-
terior fibers continue to form a thin tendon, which in tum inserts on the tendon of the claw
depressor muscle in the metatarsus. It is conceivable that these putative muscle receptor or-
gans monitor movement of the most distal three leg segments and of the claws - perhaps in an
arrangement similar to the "tendon receptor organ" that spans two proximal segments in the
legs of Limulus (Hayes and Barber 1967).
4. The most proximal joint in spiders between the prosoma and coxae pro-
vides great passive mobility and is operated by a great number of muscles
(Palmgren 1981). Yet little is known about the proprioceptors at this joint. In
Cupiennius, we have recently found groups of slightly curved, innervated hairs
on the anterior and posterior sides of the coxae; these hairs are deflected when
the bulging pleural membrane "rolls over" them during lateral leg movements
(Fig. 3). The similarity of these distinctly grouped hairs to the trochanteral
hairplates of insects (Pringle 1938; Markl 1962; Pfluger et al. 1981) is striking.
In addition, single slit sense organs in the sternum may be stimulated during
displacement of the coxae (Barth and Libera 1970). Our preliminary cobalt
stains show that there are also internal joint receptors at this joint (Seyfarth et
al. 1985).
5. We have recently used cobalt backfilling of sensory nerves in the legs of
Cupiennius to clarify the innervation pattern of the various proprioceptors in
each leg segment (Eckweiler 1983; Seyfarth and Pfluger 1984; Seyfarth et al.
1985). As a rule, axons from the sensory neurons in the joint region form
ascending nerves (often bilateral pairs) that enter the main leg nerve shortly be-
fore reaching the next proximal joint. This geometry is especially apparent in
the tibia and femur (Fig. 1 b). The situation is not as uniform in the shorter leg
segments such as patella and trochanter. In the latter only axons from the lyri-
236 E.-A. Seyfarth

Fig. 3. Hair plate on the anterior side of

the leg coxa (stereoscan micrograph; Cu-
piennius salei). When the coxa moves for-
ward, pleural joint membrane Urn) folds
and bends the hairs down by "rolling"
over them. Unlike the other tactile hairs
near joints, the trichoid sensilla of hair
plates are short and slightly curved. (cr.

form organs and hair sensilla run together, while the fibers from the internal
joint receptors ascend in separate small sensory nerves.

4 Proprioceptive Muscle Reflexes

Having identified various proprioceptors that are stimulated during limb

movement, the next step is to look for muscle reflexes correlated with the ac-
tivity of a particular type of proprioceptor; one can then check - via ablation
experiments and controls - whether these sense organs actually elicit the reflex.
We have simultaneously recorded the sensory and motor activity in legs of re-
strained hut otherwise intact spiders (Cupiennius and Aphonopelma), and so far
we have found two types of reflex, each of which can be traced to a particular
type of proprioceptor: (1) "resistance reflexes" that are mediated by internal
joint receptors, and (2) "synergic reflexes" associated with lyriform slit sense

Resistance Reflexes. These oppose an imposed joint movement. They activate

muscles intrinsic to the joint being stimulated and can serve as negative feed-
back control of limb position. Such intrinsic resistance reflexes were found in
the muscles of all leg segments so far examined (patella, tibia, and metatarsus;
Fig. 4 shows the arrangement of muscles in these segments). Reflex activity per-
sists after removal of all external proprioceptors (i.e., hairs and lyrifonn organs)
at the joint being stimulated (Seyfarth 1978 a, b) but ceases after the sensory
nerves which carry the axons of internal joint receptors are cut (Seyfarth and
Pfluger 1984). Figure 5 shows the results of successive steps in an ablation ex-
Spider Proprioception 237

Fig. 4a, b. Arrangement of a Pa Ti Me Ta

muscles in distal leg seg-
ments of Cupiennius. a Pos- ~ 2S ~

terior view ofleg; abbrevi-

ations as in Fig. lb. b Sche-
mati zed diagram of the
FIMetl FIMetb LeUn
muscles and their distal in-
sertions. Joints are drawn as
rectangles and position of
pivot axes is indicated by dot-
and-line symbols. PrTii ReTi
promotor/remotor tibiae;
FITi flexor tibiae; FIMetll
FIMetb flexor metatarsi
longuslbilobatus; LeUn/
DeUn levator/depressor un-
gium; C "collar" serving as
slide-guide for claw ten-
dons. (After Eckweiler

=~~~~W!~~II~~I~I~U~UlIIIU, ~i~
Fig. 5 a-d. Resistance reflex
in flexor metatarsi muscle; ab-
lation experiment demonstrat-
ing the involvement of internal
joint receptors (ijr). a Simulta-
neous recordings from anterior
sensory nerve branch in tibia
(upper trace, ijr), showing in-
ternal joint receptor activity af-
ter the ablation of all external
proprioceptors (hairs and Iyri- II 1I111~ ~II II
form organs), and from flexor
metatarsi muscle (fm) respond-
ing reflexly to an applied, step-
wise elevation (10°) of meta-
tarsus from horizontal starting @
position (trace st). T.wo units,
one slowly adapting and one
fast-adapting (arrow), are re-
solved in trace ijr. b After the
anterior nerve was cut, sensory
discharges from anterior ijr
disappeared and reflex re-
sponse was weaker. c Sub-
sequent cutting of the posterior ------~------------------------
sensory nerve in tibia (carrying
the axons from the posterior
ijr) caused reflex failure. d flex-
or muscle response to air puff
directed at spider body demon- I SOOma I

strates that the muscle re-

mained undamaged and can
still contract despite the earlier
sensory surgery. (After Sey-
farth and Pfluger 1984)
23S E.-A. Seyfarth

a b Remotor tibiae

Remotor tibiae N=433,:a71.2 Intact

32 __~~-L____~f~=~41~6~~1~5~~~
, .4.11 '" utili' • • 1 ,.

N=190.0~62.6 H5-9
H5-a c: ] f=472~21.5 ablated
e", 32 _ _-.::;__-L._ _-'-"'.....

50Qmsec ~ 32]_____________________ ablated


c;;;-;:;;;;::~---;:;-_-H-!f9.;,._....,,-\ ~st.
~ Ti lMi<l:
Fig. 6a, b. Synergic reflex in remotor tibiae muscle. a Simultaneous extracellular recordings
from the muscle (top trace) and from lyriform organ HS-S (second trace) during imposed,
sinusoidal backward movement (third trace) of metatarsus. The muscle response is delayed
considerably with respect to that of the lyriform organ. Bottom diagram shows a schematized
view of leg parts and the stimulus direction; organ HS-S is located on posterior tibia close to
organ HS-9 (see also Fig. 2). b Reflex failure after selective ablation of HS-S. Top intact lyri-
form organs; peristimulus-time-histogram for muscle responses to 10 sinusoidal mechanical
stimuli. Middle destruction of HS-9 reduces reflex strength. Bottom additional ablation of HS-
S causes complete reflex failure. Other tests show that destruction of HS-S alone causes reflex
failure. N mean number of muscle potentials ± SE; T mean position of activity peak on time
axis (± SE) after stimulus onset (also indicated by arrows). (After Seyfarth 1975a, b)

periment demonstrating the involvement of internal joint receptors with a re-

sistance reflex in the long tibio-metatarsal flexor muscle.

Synergic Reflexes. These act in synergy with an imposed leg movement. We

found them not in muscles controlling the stimulated joint itself but rather in
extrinsic muscles of the same leg. For example, lateral deflections of the meta-
tarsus against the fixed tibia - which compresses and thus stimulates lyriform
organs on each side of the tibia separately - causes activity of patellar muscles.
Hence, in their capacity as promotor and remotor tibiae (see Fig. 4), these
muscles operate so as to augment the imposed leg movement; they also act to
relieve strain due to the lateral bending and so may be protective. Simultaneous
sensory and muscle recordings and the successive stages of an ablation exper-
iment demonstrate the failure of synergic reflex activity after destruction of a
particular lyriform organ (Fig. 6).
Spider Proprioception 239

Regarding hair sensilla, touching the long hairs on tarsus, metatarsus, and
tibia leads to "withdrawal activity" in several muscles, moving the leg away
from the stimulus (Seyfarth and Pfluger 1984). So far, we have not seen that
selective stimulation of proprioceptors in one leg elicits reflexes in other ipsilat-
eral or contralateral legs. Also, our present extracellular muscle recordings
(electromyograms) resolve only excitatory motor activity and do not reveal pos-
sible inhibition of muscles. The innervation pattern of spider muscles is poly-
neural (Fourtner and Sherman 1973; Sherman, Chap. XVI, this Vol.) and both
excitatory and inhibitory motor neurons exist in spiders as in other arthropods
(Brenner 1972; Ruhland 1976). In the case of resistance reflexes, for instance,
one would expect (by analogy with the situation in other arthropods) that ac-
tivity of a muscle is reflexly inhibited when its antagonist is excited.

5 Spider Locomotion

5.1 General Considerations

Early observers (e.g., Dixon 1892; Kaestner 1924) noticed that spiders typically
move their legs in two functional groups, resulting in the "alternating tetra-
pods" gait that has often been described for arachnids: the set of legs R4, L3,
R2, Ll tends to alternate with L4, R3, L2, Rl (L and R are the body sides; the
legs are numbered from front to rear). Orb weavers such as Araneus adhere to
this alternating gait even during web building when they use their hind legs
both for walking and for placing thread (Jacobi-Kleemann 1953). The joints
and segments of the four leg pairs are anatomically very similar in most spiders;
consequently the ranges of joint movement do not vary greatly from front to
hind legs (Ehlers 1939; Frank 1957).
During forward walking, each leg is lifted and brought forward relative to
the body (protraction or "return stroke"), then put on the ground and moved
backward so that leg pairs 1 and 2 pull and leg pairs 3 and 4 push the animal
forward (retraction or "power stroke"). Hence the main propulsive force is pro-
duced by flexor muscles in the forelegs and by extensors (including hydraulic
mechanisms) in the hindlegs. The "stride length" of the third leg, which is often
somewhat shorter than the others, is effectively increased by a greater degree of
rotation about its long axis at the proximal joints (Kaestner 1924; Ehlers 1939)
or by doubling the stepping rate (crab spiders; Ferdinand 1981).

5.2 Specifics of Stepping

Spiders generally do not "march" for periods as long as do many insects, so that
statistical analyses of gaits are difficult. In studies of spider locomotion it has
been noted that the relative timing of each leg's motion with respect to the
others can vary considerably from that in the strictly "alternating tetrapods"
gait and that spiders readily adapt to the loss of a leg (Kaestner 1924; Ehlers
1939; Jacobi-Kleemann 1953; Wilson 1967). Often such variable coordination
240 E.-A. Seyfarth

between appendages has been considered a sign of prominent peripheral - that

is, reflex - control of walking. Wilson (1966, 1967) used sequences of "footfall"
to characterize the stepping pattern of various arthropods. His descriptive mod-
el of metachronal sequences in the stepping order of ipsilateral legs has proved
useful for discussion of walking patterns and the variability ofleg coordination;
Delcomyn (1982) discusses critically Wilson's and other models.
In the tarantula, Wilson (1967) found several stepping orders, some of
which did not fit his model and none of which were systematically correlated
with stepping rate, i.e., with walking speed. The prevalent stepping order (in
more than % of all data) was "4, 2, 3, 1" (Table 4 in Wilson 1967). With the ex-
ception of Pardosa tristis (Moffett and Doell 1980), subsequent studies have
shown the same pattern to be dominant in other species (Agelena labyrinthica:
Frohlich 1978; various crab spiders: Ferdinand 1981). Scorpions (Bowerman
1975) use the same "4, 2, 3, 1" sequence almost exclusively, and Seyfarth and
Bohnenberger (1980) have confirmed Wilson's generalization in compensated
walking of tarantulas on an active spherical treadmill.

5.3 The Relative Roles of Central Control and Sensory Feedback

Various means of interfering with the normal function or sequence of leg use
provide certain hints about the relative roles of central control and peripheral
feedback. Several results in spiders are here compared with their analogs in
similar experiments on other arthropods:
1. Amputations of whole limbs (often through induced autotomy) cause dras-
tic changes in gait. For example in the tarantula, Wilson (1967) removed one
foreleg and the contralateral hind leg. The operation resulted in a walking pat-
tern in which adjacent ipsilateral legs "often" continued to alternate, but in-
trasegmental, contralateral legs (L2 and R2, L3 and R3) moved in synchrony,
thus violating the "rule" that legs of the same body segment alternate. (Note,
however, that as Wilson made explicit and as casual observation shows, this
rule is often violated in normal eight-legged walking.) Such results indicate that
sensory input (or its lack after ablations) causes changes of the behavior which
are difficult to explain by assuming rigid, preprogrammed central commands.
Insect studies have suggested, however, that such adaptive changes cannot be
maintained at very high stepping rates, when central control seems to predomi-
nate (Delcomyn 1982).
2. Tying up the middle legs such as the third pair results in partial decou-
pling of the adjacent second and fourth segments and in increased tendency of
the tarantula not to walk at all (Wilson 1967). Comparable findings in insects
have been interpreted in the sense that the normal intersegmental transfer of
neuronal information is blocked if a pattern generator receives the long-lasting,
unusual sensory inputs caused by leg immobilization (Delcomyn 1982).
3. Ablations of proprioceptors in a leg - for example, destroying alllyriform
organs at a joint or cutting major sensory nerves in the tibia and femur - has
very little effect on the basic, rhythmic forward-backward motion of the leg
Spider Proprioception 241

treated; movement of the other, intact legs remains unaffected (Parry 1960; Sey-
farth and Barth 1972; Seyfarth and Bohnenberger 1980; see also the new results
described below). Parallel findings in other arthropods include Bassler and
Graham's (1978) report that cutting the tendon of the chordotonal organ in a
leg of the stick insect does not alter the manner of leg movement significantly.
Similarly, leg use is often spared following myochordotonal ablation in crus-
taceans (reviewed by Evoy and Ayers 1982). Such results of course emphasize
the potential power of the CNS with respect to preprogrammed "pattern gener-
ators", independent of feedback. Extensions of these kinds of experiments to
more drastic ablations in spiders, in our own current work, are described below.

5.4 Consequences of Proprioceptor Ablations in Tethered Walking of Spiders:

Recent Results

Both to facilitate electrical recording from nerves and muscles during walking,
and to simplify observation of leg use following ablations, we (collaboration
with J. Bohnenberger and J. Thorson) have developed methods for tethered
walking of large spiders (Cupiennius and tarantulas). The method and several
results are described briefly here.

Tethering Methods. Figure 7 shows the tethered spider walking on a 25-cm-diameter, air-sus-
pended spherical shell. Our method follows the earlier techniques of Carrel (1972) and Dah-
men (1980) for smaller insects. The spiders require some vertical freedom, provided by the
pivoted, spring-loaded beam. Moreover, they struggle against the constraint unless the at-
tachment to the beam includes a short (I-mm) length of thread, allowing some rotational mo-
bility beyond that allowed by sphere rotation.

Fig. 7. Arrangement for teth-

ered walking ofw!lndering spi-
ders, on a 25-cm-diameter, air-
suspended styrofoam sphere. A
small cardboard plate waxed to
the prosoma bears a short
length of thread and a rod that
can be clamped (by a set
screw) to a thin beam (B),
which is pivoted (P) and
steadied by a weak spring (S).
The spring is adjusted so that
the beam exerts no vertical
force on the spider in its usual
walking posture. The vertical
struts below the pivot bear
strain gauges for force
measurement. The eyes of the
spiders are covered with black
·A·I r
paint 60mm
242 E.-A. Seyfarth

Free and Tethered Walking. Wandering spiders such as Cupiennius tend to run
in short bouts of a few steps each, in nature (Seyfarth, unpublished ob-
servations in Central America), in arenas (Seyfarth and Barth 1972; Fig.8A
and B) and on the spherical treadmill. Indeed, the muscles are not equipped
biochemically for sustained running (Linzen and Gallowitz 1975).
In voluntary and slow walking, gait and speed are extremely variable. More
reproducible, fast bouts result from stimulation by an air puff; a fast leap (leg
pairs 3 and 4 extending in synchrony) merges into several steps of approximate-
ly alternating-tetrapods gait.
Several of these bouts are shown in Fig. 8 for Cupiennius and the tarantula,
in the form of body/substrate speed-versus-time diagrams. Note that speed
fluctuates considerably even in these fast bouts - and that the changes are rare-
ly synchronized with the stepping cycles (arrows, Fig. 8) - both in free walking
on a fixed substrate (Fig. 8A and B) and in tethered walking on the various
spheres (Fig. 8 C- F).
Speed change is a good estimate for the energetics of walking and the "smoothness" of
stepping in any gait pattern , and it offers interesting comparison with other animals. As
Graham (1983) has pointed out, stick insects progress with horrendous inefficiency, often de-
celerating to a stop after each step. Crickets (Weber et al. 1981) modulate forward speed by
20-40% within bouts (rather like the spiders' performance in Fig. 8), whereas in man and
many quadrupeds forward speed varies by only a few percent in walking and running (Ca-
vagna et al. 1977).

The evidently natural tendency of these spiders to vary speed also allows us
to demonstrate that, in tethering, choice of the correct mass ("inertial match-
ing") of the air-suspended spherical shell in Fig. 7 is worthwhile: when a subset
of the legs exerts a net forward force in free walking, the mass of the body is
accelerated; with a tethered animal it is the substrate that is accelerated. It can
be shown (Dahmen 1980; Weber et al. 1981) that equal forces will produce
equal body/substrate accelerations (in both the free and tethered cases) if the
mass of the air-suspended spherical shell is 312 the mass of the animal. The
9.5-g tarantula of Fig. 8 (C- F) is approximately matched inertially by a 15-g
spherical shell, whereas it is unable, in these running bouts, to perform its natu-
ral (A and .D) speed overshoot and fluctuation on the too-heavy 30- and 70-g
spheres (E and F); accelerational reafference (and hence reflex operation) is ab-
normal on the latter.

Total Deafferentiation of a Joint. The resistance (Fig. 5) and synergic (Fig. 6)

reflexes triggered by internal joint and lyriform receptors at the tibia/metatar-
sus joint are useful candidates for ablation experiments, because of their ac-
cessibility. Moreover, this joint (the "second" knee) is usually flexed promi-
nently and is easily monitored in tethered Walking. .
Both tibial sensory nerves were cut in single legs of several Cupiennius
(either leg 1 or leg 3). All hairs near the joint were broken off, for some of these
may be innervated via the main leg nerve. Three Cupiennius females used a
foreleg (and seven a third leg) following this operation, in a manner we could
not distinguish from normal use. Some "skipping" of steps is seen shortly after
the operation, but nearly full use, with tibia/metatarsus flexion, can occur
Spider Proprioception 243

60 I I
E Free C. sa lei
40 £
20 en
~\- __ ~I
a b
0 .2 .4 .6 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.2 1.4

10-g sphere 15g

60 I I I I
40 £
20 D-
C d
30g 70g
I I en..... I
40 E
20 Q)
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 0 .2 .4
Time (s)
Fig. 8a - f. Speed fluctuations during air-puff-induced running bouts. The ordinate gives
body-substrate displacement per 20-ms TV-frame interval, and arrows demark instants of suc-
cessive lifts (beginning of protraction) of one leg, in the course of the step cycles. a, b Free
spiders running on a fixed horizontal cardboard surface. c- f Tethered bouts by a 9.5-g
tarantula on too-light (10 g), matched (15 g) and too-heavy (30 g, 70 g) styrofoam spheres, in
the apparatus of Fig. 7. Vertical error bars estimated measurement error (± 0.5 mm120 ms) on
TV -screen. Dashed lines span missing measurements due to signal interference. All recordings
were made at room temperature (20 0 - 24 0 C)

within an hour. Not all animals show such sparing ofleg use. If the operation is
not done with great care, even sham operations can result in the leg being held
in the air at least for many days.

Tarsus removal. The many tarsal and claw proprioceptors and the sense organs
at the metatarsus/tarsus joint, are likely to be stimulated at each footfall (Barth
and Geethabali 1982). To ask whether involvement of these inputs can be dem-
244 E.-A. Seyfarth

onstrated in coordinated stepping, we removed (after anesthetization by chil-

ling) a tarsus plus 1 mm of the distal metatarsus in one leg per animal, and
sealed the wound with wax. The results show a variable pattern of slow recov-
ery of leg use for legs 1 and 2, contrasted with the more rapid and complete re-
covery of use (from 3 hours to 2 days) for legs 3 and 4 (4 Cupiennius each).
For the more "exploratory" legs 1 and 2, two of eight animals retained clear
deficit (holding leg in air during slow walking) for 2 months, while in the others
coordination improved progressively over periods offrom a few to 18 days.
Hence rather drastic ablations - more severe than Parry's (1960) cutting of
the small leg nerve in the femur of Tegenaria - can fail to demonstrate de-
pendence on peripheral input. The experiments also underline the difficulties
of interpreting and controlling for deficit when it occurs, and the need to ob-
serve behavior over days or weeks following such operations.

6 Conclusions: Current Developments and Prospects

Physiological research on spider proprioception and on the neuronal mecha-

nisms involved in the programming and control of movement has only recently
begun. So far, there have been no extensive studies systematically combining
investigations of the sensory, motor and behavioral aspects of movement con-
trol. Nevertheless, applications of newly developed techniques and of well-es-
tablished morphological and electrophysiological approaches offer some en-
couraging prospects.

6.1 Afferent Pathways

Given our present knowledge of the distribution and physiology of the various
proprioceptor types in the spider leg, it is obviously of interest to ask just where
the afferent fibers from particular sense organs project in the central nervous
system. In view of the probably multisegmental processing of afferent informa-
tion and in consideration of the known central organization in other arthropods,
will such pmjections be confined to one side, or to one segment? Selective de-
generation procedures and methods for marking sensory axons with cobalt and
fluorescent dyes are now being applied to these questions (Babu, Chap. I, this
But even the situation in the periphery - that is, at the level of the sensory
neurons - may still tum out to be more interesting and complicated than antici-
pated. There is ultrastructural evidence in the case of the internal joint re-
ceptors (Foelix and Choms 1979) of synaptic contacts between presumably
efferent fibers and the somata and dendrites of the sensory cells. Apparently
hair sensilla and slit sense organs receive similar synaptic input (Foelix, per-
sonal communication; see also Foelix, Chap. X, this Vol.). It is therefore con-
ceivable that parameters of proprioceptor function such as sensitivity and gain
are under efferent control. Moreover, the preliminary reports mentioned above
on the existence of one or several muscle receptor organs in spider legs await
fine-structural and electrophysiological confirmation.
Spider Proprioception 245

6.2 Coordination of Central and Reflex Control

How are muscular contraction and hydraulic extension coordinated to produce

movements of the spider's individual leg segments? Methods are now available
for measuring the hemolymph pressure in the legs of walking tarantulas with
chronically implanted transducers (Blickhan and Barth 1985) and simultane-
ously recording the muscle activity in the prosoma and the legs. However, reflex
connections from particular sense organs to muscles producing and modulating
the hydraulic pressure have not yet been described.
A detailed analysis of motor control - that is, the interaction between puta-
tive central pattern generators and afferent signals - will require measurements
of synaptic events at the level of single interneurons and motoneurons. It is
therefore encouraging that extracellular and intracellular recordings from cen-
tral neurons in the sub esophageal complex of spiders are now being pursued,
despite the difficult accessibility of the CNS and problems associated with the
high hemolymph pressure (Speck, in preparation; Barth, Chap. XI, this Vol.).
Equally urgent is a search for "simple" behavior patterns that lend them-
selves to such analyses at the level of identifiable central neurons. If at all, intra-
cellular recordings from the CNS will be feasible only in situations in which ani-
mals can be tethered and are relatively still. One possibly useful observation
(Seyfarth and Thorson, in preparation) is that alert, standing Cupiennius can
activate leg muscles via resistance reflexes in response to small transient dis-
placements of the substrate. This situation may resemble that encountered by
an animal when it stands on a plant leaf moved by the wind.

6.3 Ablation Experiments and Behavioral Deficit

The sensory ablations described above in wandering spiders show that con-
siderable peripheral input can be removed without noticeable long-term change
of leg and joint use. This despite the fact that spiders are often considered to
depend especially upon reflex control, as compared with insects (Sect 5.3,
above). Ablatio'n experiments - the classical approach to clarification of the
role particular sense organs play in a behavior - involve fundamental difficul-
ties. If post-operative deficit is seen, then even the best-designed sham opera-
tions may not be decisive, and more careful ablations may spare function, as
the history of vertebrate deafferentiation demonstrates (see the thoughtful es-
says by Delcomyn 1980 and DeLong 1971).
If, on the other hand, no deficit is seen following ablation, this is the clearest
result, and may indicate the prevalence of central control or a redundancy of
proprioceptive input that is not disrupted by the operation. However, in such
absence of deficit, the assay for behavioral malfunction may simply not be
sensitive enough to detect it. Ablation of lyriform organs in spiders provides a
telling example. Destruction of all lyriform sensilla at a joint, or asymmetrical
subsets of them, does not result in discernible abnormality of walking or turn-
ing tendency (Cupiennius: Seyfarth and Barth 1982), not even in films of com-
pensated walking (tarantula: Seyfarth and Bohnenberger 1980). However, a dif-
246 E.-A. Seyfarth

ferent picture appears when one examines (in Cupiennius) the spiders' idiothet-
ic orientation performance - the ability to return to retreats or to lost prey
based on "memorized" information about their own previous movements (see
Mittelstaedt, Chap. XV, and Gomer and Claas, Chap. XIV, this Vol.).Here, ab-
lation of lyriform organs results in a significantly poorer performance than
shown by sham-operated and normal animals (Seyfarth and Barth 1972; Sey-
farth et al. 1982).

Acknowledgments. Several points made in this article stem from discussions with John Thor-
son. I thank him and Friedrich G. Barth for their critical advice and encouragement. Johannes
Bohnenberger contributed greatly to the design of our tethered walking system. I also appreci-
ate the helpful suggestions of Ann Biederman-Thorson and Rainer F. Foelix. Klaus Hammer
and Wolfgang Eckweiler kindly helped prepare the figures for publication. Parts of our re-
search were supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 45/A3).


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xm Target Discrimination in Jumping Spiders
(Araneae: Salticidae)

I Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . 249
2 Visually Mediated Behaviour . . . 251
2.1 Non-Discriminatory Reactions. 251
2.2 Discriminatory Tactics . . . . 251
3 Spatial Determinants of Perception 252
3.1 Size and Developmental Contingencies 253
3.2 Peripheral Detection of Targets 253
3.3 Discriminatory Function of the Principal Eyes 253
3.4 Depth Perception . . . . . . . . 254
3.5 Ambient Illumination. . . . . . . 255
4 Optical Components of the Principal Eye 256
4.1 Resolution of the Eye . . . . . . 256
4.2 Refractive-Index Distribution of the Lens 256
4.3 Properties of the Retina . . . . . . . 258
5 Visual Attributes of the Target . . . . . . 258
5.1 Spectral Sensitivities of the Principal Eye 260
5.2 Size of the Target . . . 260
5.3 Movement of the Target 260
5.4 Shape of the Target 262
6 Parameters of Shape Perception 266
7 Retinal Model.. . . . . 267
8 Summary and Conclusions 270
References . . . . . . . 272

1 Introduction

Of all the families of spiders, the Salticidae or jumping spiders undoubtedly

possess the finest eyesight (Homann 1928, 1971; Land 1969a, b, 1972, 1974 and
Chap. IV, this Vol.). This is reflected in their ability to detect and localise mov-
ing objects in their environment (Land 1971; Duelli 1978), to chase, creep up on
and jump at prey (Drees 1952; Gardner 1964, 1966; Forster 1977, 1979a,
1982 a), to recognise conspecifics (Crane 1949; Jackson 1982; Forster 1982 b)

Otago Museum, Great King Street, Dunedin, New Zealand

250 L.Forster

Fields of v iew



Fig. 1. Horizontal section through the head of a jumping spider showing the position, relative
size, and fields of view of six of the eight eyes (diagramatic). The anterior-median (AM) or
principal eyes have narrow fields of view but they are extended horizontally and vertically by
conjugate eye movements (see Land, Chap. IV, this Vol.). The anterior-lateral (AL) fields
overlap in front by about 25 0 while the posterior-lateral (P L) eyes survey an area of about
130 on either side of the spider. Note the elongated capsules of the principal eyes and the

small pits to the rear where the layers of the retinae (R) lie. (Forster 1979a)

and to distinguish between prey and prospective mates (Drees 1952; Land 1974;
Forster 1979 a, 1982 b). Six of their eight eyes (Fig. 1) mediate these tasks. The
lateral eyes are primarily long-range movement detectors (Land 1971) while the
peripheral regions of the anterior pair mediate and control chasing behaviour
(Forster 1979 a); the principal - anterior median - eyes are used in near-field
approach tactics and target discrimination (Forster 1982 b). For details of the
structure and optics of the eyes see Land, Chapter IV, and Blest, Chapter V, this
Several features of the principal eyes - the long focal length of the lenses,
the four-layered retinae and their respective chromatic sensitivities, the central
foveal regions of greater receptor density in the two deepest layers, and the mo-
tility of the eye capsules - combine to mediate a range of visual behaviours of-
Target Discrimination in Jumping Spiders 251

ten likened to those of some amphibians, birds and mammals (Crane 1949;
Land 1974; Forster 1982a, b). To be successful in such behaviours, however, a
jumping spider must be able to discriminate between objects in its en-
vironment. What are the visual properties which signify prey or an enemy, for
instance? By what features are mates identified, and how are these features pro-
cessed on the retina?

2 Visually Mediated Behaviour

2.1 N on-Discriminatory Reactions

Although the foremost tasks of a jumping spider - to escape, to catch prey, and
to mate - appear to be fundamentally different, common elements limit the be-
havioural options involved. If, for instance, there is a movement in its surround-
ings, the spider swivels towards it, provided that at least two closely spaced re-
ceptors of the lateral eyes have been stimulated (Land 1971; Duelli 1978). It is
immaterial whether the turn is elicited by the motion of an enemy, prey, or po-
tential mate.
In principle, after orienting, the spider should identify the target before the
subsequent behaviour is initiated, but in practice, a great deal depends on the
mobility of the target. If the target departs rapidly, the spider will chase it, of-
ten persisting, in the case of Trite p/aniceps, even when the quarry is 30 cm
away. Moreover, the target does not need to be identified with any certainty,
except that it should be not more than twice the size of the spider itself (Forster
1979b). During the chase, which is mediated by the anterior-lateral eyes (Fors-
ter 1979a), the principal eyes track the target.
Tracking, one of four eye movements described by Land (1969b), enables
the central regions of the two motile principal retinae to remain fixated on the
If, however, the intended target runs sharply towards the jumping spider,
the jumping spider may turn and run, or scuttle backwards, a reaction probably
requiring only that a large part of the retina is suddenly stimulated. In either
chasing or retreating, the intended target could be prey, a conspecific and per-
haps a mate, or another animal altogether, but the target acts of running away
from or dashing towards provoke responses from jumping spiders not consistent
with any acute discriminatory processes.

2.2 Discriminatory Tactics

Given a suitably sized target which does not loom up, or depart rapidly, a
jumping spider advances either in a predatory mode (if the target has appropri-
ate prey features) or in a courtship or agonistic mode (if the target has ap-
propriate conspecific features). Thus discrimination hinges on the visual
properties which define these target classes and the jumping spider's perception
of them.
252 L.Forster

Fig. 2. A male salticid raises his forelegs in

reaction to his image in a mirror. This raised
foreleg stance is common to a number of sal-
ticid species while mirror image per-
formances, which are almost identical to in-
ter-male interactions (see Forster 1982 b), tes-
tify to the visual nature of these responses

Of the eight eyes found in jumping spiders, only two, the principal - an-
terior median - pair (Fig. 1), are responsible for discriminating between
stationary or almost stationary targets (Forster 1979a, 1982a, b). Land (1969b)
showed that the retinae of these eyes scan back and forth and rotate across the
image of an immobile object, thus facilitating identification and preventing
fixation blindness.
Since prospective mates, other adult conspecifics, as well as prey are likely
to be stationary or quasi-stationary during approach, jumping spiders must be
able to distinguish between them. Distinctive behaviours exhibited with re-
markable consistency towards these classes of target demonstrate this. (1) In re-
sponse to prey, the spider advances, stalks, crouches and jumps (Forster 1977);
(2) in response to a female, the male spider approaches with species-specific
postures and movements (Crane 1949); (3) in inter-male encounters (Fig. 2)
equally characteristic acts are performed (Forster 1982 b) but if the principal
eyes are occluded, the spider can do none of these things (Homann 1928; Crane
1949; Drees 1952; Forster 1979a).

3 Spatial Determinants of Perception

Three spider-target distances have a pronounced effect on behaviour. These are

the distances at which (1) orientation, (2) target discrimination, and (3) jump
(if prey) or Leg-frontal (if mate) (see Forster 1982b) occur.
Target Discrimination in Jumping Spiders 253

3.1 Size and Developmental Contingencies

Although, to a large extent, reactive distances vary according to the size of the
spider, Euophrys parvula males, for example, recognise mates from almost the
same distance as the very much larger Trite p/aniceps (Forster 1979 a and un-
published). Nor is there always a linear relationship between size and reactive
distances at different ages. During development, jump-at-prey distances in T.
auricoma increase by 20% relative to body length (Forster 1977) while recog-
nition of prey, which reliably begins at 20 mm in the young spider, is extended
to some 20 cm in the adult (Forster 1979b) thus demonstrating that the target-
recognition distance has undergone a tenfold increase, while body length has
barely quadrupled.
Since discrimination distances are related to the resolution of the eye, con-
tributing optical parameters in the principal eye apparently develop allometri-
cally, thus providing enhanced resolution and increased distance perception for
the mature spider. This would be especially advantageous to the adult during
sexual encounters, not only allowing for the greater probability of correct dis-
criminations but also, by enlarging the spatial and temporal dimensions of ap-
proach, for facilitating the multiple functions of courtship (Forster 1982 b).

3.2 Peripheral Detection of Targets

Orientation responses depend less on specific spider-target distances than on

the angular subtense between adjacent receptors in the lateral eyes, as well as
the mobility of the target. Land (1969b) showed that in Metaphidippus
aeneolus, for example, receptor spacing is ca. lOin the posterior-lateral eyes
and that an object must move through a minimum distance of 1 0 at a velocity
between 10-100 0 S-1 to be effective. Bearing in mind the diversity of prey
(various larvae, ants, moths, collembola, aphids, leafhoppers, webworms, a
large range of flies as well as other spiders) that jumping spiders are known to
catch, it is clem' that the level of activity plays a part in the distance at which
peripheral detection occurs.

3.3 Discriminatory Function of the Principal Eyes

Once the spider has oriented, the distance separating it from the stimulus has a
significant bearing on the spider's capacity to determine the nature of it. Trite
planiceps, for example, can consistently distinguish between prey and a po-
tential mate at 20 cm, but recognition of conspecifics by Portia schultzii, a klep-
toparasitic salticid which invades other spiders' webs (Murphy and Murphy
1983), is limited to ca. 10 cm, nor do they respond to prey items at distances
greater that this (Forster 1982a; Forster and Murphy, in review).
Another species, Portia Jimbriata, is reported to discriminate between prey and potential
mates at distances of up to 27 cm (Jackson and Blest 1982b), the improved resolving power of
the principal eye accruing from a diJfraction-limited corneal lens, and a pit lens which ef-
254 L. Forster

fectively increases the focal length of the corneal lens by one and a half times (to l701I!m), as
well as closely spaced receptors in the central area of layer 1 of the retina corresponding to a
visual angle of 2.4 arc min (Williams and Mclntyre 1980). This means that P. jimbriata has an
acuity considerably better than Land (l969a) found for M. aeneolus (II') and P. johnsoni (9')
although it is not known whether these species also possess optically useful pit lens. By impli-
cation, however, because of the much-reduced discriminatory distance of P. schultzii, the res-
olution of its principal eyes must be significantly poorer.
At 3 or 4 cm from stationary prey, the jumping spider crouches and jumps;
at much the same distance, males cease their precursory overtures and direct
their lowered forelegs towards the female. What causes these changes in behav-
iour at such discrete and predictable distances?

3.4 Depth Perception

One explanation for these spatially accurate behavioural changes is that they
correspond with the projection of an appropriate image on to pre-programmed
receptors in each of the anterior-lateral eyes within their regions of binocular
overlap (see Fig. 1), a mechanism of depth perception referred to as the in-
tersection theory and discussed in detail by Burkhardt et al. (1973). This prop-
osition is supported by Blest et al. (1981), who further argue against the possi-
bility of the retinal "staircase" of the principal eye (see their Fig. 8) functioning
as a range-finder, since the depth of field at all points on the staircase is too
large. Very probably the anterior-lateral eyes do act in such a capacity to keep a
target within range while it is being chased (see Sect. 2.1) and perhaps contrib-
ute to spatial information at specific distances. But Forster (1979 a) also showed
that, when the anterior-lateral eyes of T. planiceps were occluded, these spiders
still stalked their prey, or courted their mates from about 20 cm, hence the in-
tersection proposal is not the full story. Evidently the principal eyes themselves
possess a mechanism for depth perception despite their lack of binocularity,
convergence, and accommodation (Homann 1928; Land 1969a, b).
There are numerous reports of salticids which creep up on and jump at dead
or immobile objects (Hei! 1936; Drees 1952; Dill 1975), either normally as in P.
schultzii (Forster 1982a), or occasionally as in E. parvula (Forster and Forster
1973). Without doubt, it is the side-to-side motility of the principal retinae that
allows stationary or dead flies (in the case of E. parvula) or quiescent spiders (in
the case of P. schultzii) to be stalked and pounced upon, particularly at short
range, since this makes near objects appear to move faster than more distant
objects, a phenomenon known as motion parallax (see Wehner 1981). The ef-
fect generates both "movement stimulation" and "depth cues", more especially
when horizontal disparities are large, i.e. when the target is close.
It seems likely, therefore, by virtue of the binocularity of the anterior-lateral
eyes, that jumping spiders make use of the intersection technique for 10nger-
range distance judgments but, by virtue of the motility of the principal retinae,
that they rely mainly on motion parallax for short-range depth perception. In
practice, intersection range-finding may only be useful when the spider is chas-
ing a target moving at high angular velocities (see Sect. 5.3.2), whereas once the
target is stationary or quasi-stationary, perhaps the spider only needs to know
Target Discrimination in Jumping Spiders 255

"what it is" and not "how far away it is" until it is close enough for motion par-
allax to come into effect. The fact that T. planiceps, for example, can make dis-
criminations up to 20 cm, may merely reflect the limits of its spatial resolution
and not its capacity to assess target distance at that stage of the proceedings.

3.5 Ambient lllumination

In bot.h P. schultzii and T. planiceps, spatial discrimination progressively dimin-

ished to 30 - 40% of the original distances when ambient illuminances were re-
duced from ca. 1300 Ix to less than 50 Ix (Forster 1982a and unpublished). Tests
showed (Forster, in preparation) that even when restricted to light intensities of
ca. 10 Ix and wavelengths of ~ 580 nm, all 15 T. planiceps test spiders stalked
and caught prey visually, albeit very slowly and with prolonged pauses (mean
pursuit time 5.3' ± 6.9'), staring at the target and occasionally rotating the pro-
soma from side to side. Of interest, too, is that under these conditions, periph-
eral swivels rarely occurred (and those that did were inaccurate), spiders mostly
orienting to prey in the frontal fields of view with a series of "tantalus-like
turns" (as described by Land 1974) presumably mediated by the principal eyes.
At wavelengths of ~ 600 nm (and 10 Ix), 93% of test spiders caught prey (mean
pursuit time 8.2' ± 8.6'), but there were no peripheral swivels and no chases,
stalks began at < 6 cm and a number of spiders repeatedly jumped "short",
subsequently seizing their prey with an additional jump or lunge. In complete
darkness, however, 88% of spiders seized prey, probably by means of vibratory
cues (Forster 1982c).
These results suggest that only the principal eyes can function in light of
longer wavelengths and/or at reduced retinal illuminances and that depth per-
ception is apparently affected. Whether this means that one or more of the
retinal layers is unable to function under these circumstances, or whether this is
evidence for some receptors having a spectral sensitivity of ca. 600 nm are mat-
ters of much interest. However, Blest et al. (1981, Chap. V, this Vol.) demon-
strated that receptors in layer 2 and the peripheral regions of the homogeneous
receptor population of layer 1 in Plexippus validus contain only green receptors
peaking at ca. 520 nm. If this is also true of the T. planiceps eye, perhaps the
"inferior" pursuit and jump performances merely reflect the minimal sen-
sitivities of these receptors under the prescribed experimental conditions,
although one might have expected that the lateral eyes, with receptors peaking
at 535 nm (Hardie and Duelli 1978), would also remain reactive (see also
Yamashita, Chap. VI, this Vol.). More tests along such lines are required to in-
terpret these findings in greater detail.
Since the principal eyes have optical qualities which bestow some surprising
capabilities upon these spiders, it is worthwhile looking briefly at the de-
terminants of such visual skills.
256 L. Forster

4 Optical Components of the Principal Eye

4.1 Resolution of the Eye

The lens system is responsible for image formation, but the quality of this
image is established by the diffraction limit as dictated by the size of the aper-
ture as well as aberrations of the optical system. Resolution of the eye is deter-
mined by the quality of the image produced and the fineness of the receptor
grain upon which this image is projected (for a full treatment of this topic see
Land 1981, and Chap. IV, this Vol., and Wehner 1981).

4.2 Refractive-Index Distribution of the Lens

Multiple Beam Interference (MBI) methods developed by Vickridge (1982)

with reference to the work of Glauert (1951), Hunter and Nabarro (1952), and
Tolansky (1973), indicate that the principal corneal lenses of T. planiceps
(Fig. 3 a) have a refractive-index distribution ranging from 1.385 just inside the

b c


Fig. 3. a Horizontal section (8 !-1m thick) of the principal lens of T. planiceps, sandwiched be-
tween two reflective plates, showing the fringe modulations in the core of the lens. These
modulations were shown to result from a refractive index gradient in the lens. (By courtesy
of I. Vickridge.) b Diagram of horizontal section through principal eye showing rear lens por-
tion with curvature separated from the main lens. no average refractive index from Multiple
Beam Interference; n2 refractive index of vitreous (or spider ringer). (Courtesy of!. Vickridge.)
c Schmidt corrector plate with curvature which resembles that of rear curvature of lens
shown in b except that the curvature is reversed. Note that the figurings in the Schmidt plate
are greatly exaggerated. (Born and Wolf, 1980)
Target Discrimination in Jumping Spiders 257

cornea to a minimum value of 1.36 towards the centre, i.e. there is a lower re-
fractive index at the core than at the periphery in contrast to the lenses of some
other salticids as shown by Williams and McIntyre (1980). The MBI method al-
so showed, on average, a smaller refractive index (1.37) than that calculated by
the hanging drop (1.39), the method of measuring the focal length of a lens first
used by Homann (1928, see also Land, Chap. IV, this Vol.).
The two surfaces of the lens, characterised by the radii of curvature (rl' the
corneal surface and r 2, the rear surface) separate three media (no = refractive
index of the lens, n 1 = 1 [air], n 2 = 1.335 [vitreous or spider ringer]). The lens
has a thickness (d), and the general formula for the focal length (f) of the sys-
tem is given by the following formula (Born and Wolf 1980):


The profile of the rear surface of the lens shows considerable variation be-
tween species, being convex in P. johnsoni and M. hwfordi (Eakin and Bran-
denburger 1971), somewhat flatter in M. aeneolus (Land 1969a) and slightly
concave in P.Jimbriata"(Blest et al. 1981). Figure 3a shows that the rear surface
of the T. planiceps lens is also slightly concave.
When this concave surface is modelled (Vickridge 1982), assuming r 2
to be 1500l1m and using Eq. (1) where r 1 = 380 11m, d = 420 11m and
f2 = 993 ± 2.9 11m, the refractive index is shown to lie between 1.38 and 1.405
when the error limits of f2 are taken into account. When a rear flat surface is
assumed (r2 = infinity), the refractive index lies between 1.37 and 1.39, values
more consistent with those obtained from MBI methods than from the hanging
drop. Thus the simple homogeneous model best assumes a rear flat surface.
What effect then does the rear curvature have?
Vickridge (1982) noted that this profile in the T. planiceps lens (see Fig. 3 b)
is strongly reminiscent of the Schmidt corrector plate (Fig. 3 c) (Born and Wolf
1980) which is used to pre-correct plane wavefronts entering an optical system
and so compensating for spherical aberration. However, in the spider lens it is
effectively reversed and presumably, therefore, would serve to increase spheri-
cal aberration.
Ray tracing through two models of the lens, the first assuming a homoge-
neous refractive index structure and flat rear surface, and the second using the
refractive-index distribution and curvatures found in T. planiceps (Vickridge
1982), showed that image quality, as judged by the "circle of least confusion"
for axial rays of no more than 0.188 radians, was much worse for the second
model than for the first. This is further support for the view that the principal
lens in this spider is working to increase spherical aberration.
Land (1969 a) concluded that resolution of the principal eyes in M. aeneolus
and P. johnsoni is probably limited by spherical aberration of the corneal
lenses. In P. validus the limiting aperture is relatively narrow so that spherical
aberration is not a problem and the eye is assumed to be diffraction-limited
(Blest et al. 1981). However, when Williams and McIntyre (1980) examined the
corneal lenses of P. Jimbriata and several other salticids (not identified) in a
258 L.Forster

hanging drop and by interference microscopy, they found that spherical aber-
ration is corrected by a graded refractive-index distribution (core greater than
periphery) in the lens, an optical device also adopted by some nocturnal spiders
(Blest et al. 1981).
If, as Vickridge (1982) suggests, the principal lens of T planiceps has been
designed to promote spherical aberration, then some other factors, such as a
trade-off between tolerable distortions of the image and depth of focus, for
example, might have been at work. That this lens does, in fact, possess a large
depth of focus is illustrated in Fig. 4a and b. Seemingly, there are marked in-
ter-specific differences in the refractive-index distribution of the principal lens
in this family, with varying consequences for image quality.

4.3 Properties of the Retina

The ability of a receptor mosaic to resolve an image depends on the distance

between adjacent receptors as well as the focal length of the eye, and this is
usually expressed as the visual angle. In the central region of layer I (Fig. 5) in
the salticid eye, Land (1981) notes that the 2-Jlm receptors are packed quite
closely, to the point where a greater density would impair resolution; in P. john-
soni, for example, the visual angle is II arc min. (Land 1974). However, Blest et
al. (1981) found that the long receptors of this high resolution mosaic in both P.
validus and P. Jimbriata are even more tightly packed, but that they are con-
structed in a way which suggests that they function as light guides, a necessary
condition if good resolution is to be achieved. In the latter species, moreover,
resolution has been enhanced, not only by these innovations, but also by the use
of a telephoto system which has effectively increased the focal length of the cor-
neal lens some one and a half times (Williams and McIntyre 1980). Presumably
retinal illuminance would have been reduced by these developments, a con-
straint no doubt aggravated by the apparent preference of P. Jimbriata for
shady habitats (Jackson and Blest 1982a). To some extent, this problem may
have been overcome by the very slow reaction rates and locomotion in this
species, a ploy which would serve to increase the photon sampling time of the
receptors (Snyder 1977). Interestingly, slothfulness is found in other species of
this genus which are apparently not confined to such dimly lit habitats; in P.
schultzii, for example, its usefulness seems to relate to the spider's kleptopara-
sitic habits and the need for caution, rather than compensating for extended
spatial thresholds and hence reduced ambient illuminance.

5 Visual Attributes of the Target

The distinctive sets of reactions displayed by jumping spiders to various objects

in their environment is evidence of their ability to distinguish between them.
Visual attributes of the target clearly include size, movement and shape, but
just what dimensions do these attributes have and how are they perceived?
Does colour play any part in interactions between these spiders?
Target Discrimination in Jumping Spiders 259

Fig. 4. a The image of a house fly formed by the principal lens of T. planiceps in a hanging
drop. The fly was held against a ruler with I mm divisions and this was positioned at 35.6 cm
in front of the lens. At this distance the lens is shown to be capable of resolving points about
0.5 mm apart, giving an angular resolution of about 5 arc min. b The fly has been re-posi-
tioned at 2.5 em in front of the lens. Even at close range the whole fly is pictured, showing that
the lens is surprisingly wide-angled. (Courtesy, I. Vickridge)

0 00
00 00
0000 00
0000 0 00 00
0°000 0000
0 000 000 0
o 00 00 0 0
0 0 000 00 0000 00
o 000 000 0
0000 0000 0
0 000
o 00 000 0
0 0 0
0 0
0° 00
0 0
o 0

Fig. 5. The two retinae of the most proximal layer I of the princi-
pal eyes of M. aeneolus as they would appear in an oph-
thalmoscope. Boxed area in the centre encloses the area of higher
receptor density referred to as the fovea. (After Land 1969a)
260 L.Forster

5.1 Spectral Sensitivities of the Principal Eyes

The use of colour vision has been an attractive proposition ever since the Peck-
hams (1894) described the brightly coloured secondary sexual characters and
epigamic displays of mature jumping spiders. This proposition was greatly
strengthened when Land (1969 a) discovered a four-layered retina in the princi-
pal eye of P. johnsoni and realised its potential for responding preferentially to
light of different wavelengths by virtue of the spatial relationships of the layers
to the longitudinal chromatic aberration effects of the corneal lens. Support for
such a function in the principal eye came from De Voe (1975) and Yamashita
and Tateda (1976a).
Recently Blest et al. (1981) demonstrated the absorption of wavelengths in
the region of 520 nm (green) and 360 nm (ultra-violet) by different retinal
layers but could find no evidence for long wavelength receptors (see also Blest,
Chap. V, and Yamashita, Chap. VI, this Vol.). Nevertheless, many behavioural
studies suggest that, in some species at least, long wavelengths are significant.
For example, the Peckhams (1894) tested the effectiveness of coloured markings in elicit-
ing courtship in many species by obliterating them, Crane (1949) demonstrated the necessity
of yellow patches on black and white models for releasing sexual displays in Corythalia xan·
thopa, and Kaestner (1950) found that, under appropriate conditions, Evarcha fa/cata could
quite readily discriminate blue or orange stripes from grey. Consider, moreover, the green
world of the Lyssomanes spider, and the flashing of scarlet-emblazoned palps during courtship
(Forster, personal observation). Surely these attributes have visual significance?

5.2 Size of the Target

Tests with different sizes of prey, conspecifics, and two-dimensional models

(see Sect. 5.4.1) established that a target lost its attractiveness and elicited re-
treat when it was more than one and a half times the size of the spider (Forster
1979 b). Furthermore, T. planiceps manifested an ability to assess the absolute
size of the target by always jumping at house flies and the very much smaller
fruitflies from the same distance. However, Drees (1952) calculated the upper
limits for prey size in Salticus scenicus as being equivalent to that of the spider
itself but he also showed that this size limit increased as the spider's hunger in-

5.3 Movement of the Target

Since most jumping spiders will not react to a target, regardless of its apparent
attractiveness, unless it has moved, it is not easy to separate the influence of
movement from the influence of shape.

5.3.1 Stimulus Characteristics

In a wide-ranging series of experiments (Forster 1979a, b; 1982a, and unpub-

lished), it was found that almost all test species chased (but did not stalk) and
Target Discrimination in Jumping Spiders 261

jumped at a variety of fast moving, inanimate lures of suitable size, regardless

of their shape and colour. However, although motionless lures elicited stalking
(but not chasing), only the "dead fly" lure induced the spider to complete the
sequence by crouching and jumping. Nevertheless, if any lure not exhibiting di-
rectional movement was jiggled or twirled (quasi-stationary), spiders ran and
jumped at it repetitively.
One of the exceptions mentioned above was Portia schu/tzii, a web-building species (Mur-
phy and Murphy 1983; Forster 1982a), which did not discriminate between the inanimate and
dead fly lures, stalking and lunging at all of them, provided that they were stationary, or nearly
so. They seemed less affected by jiggling or twirling except that their progress towards a target
was more consistent. In contrast to other salticids, moreover; they did not chase any lures, nor
did they chase live, active prey.
Drees (1952), who conducted similar experiments with Sa/ticus scenicus, concluded that,
whereas size, movement and shape were all individually involved in triggering prey capture,
response intensity (chasing ... sic) was increased by the sum of these stimulants, rather than
any intrinsic properties of the prey, and that sharp vision was only necessary at distances of
less than 6 cm. His conclusions were based on the belief that all post-detection behaviours are
mediated by the principal eyes as implied from "blinding" tests by Homann (1928) and Crane
(1949), so he endeavoured to account for his findings by ascribing all observed capabilities to
the principal eyes. This, as we shall see, is not necessarily the case.

5.3.2 Angular Velocities of the Target

The solution to the problem of interpreting what often seem to be contradictory

observations lies in the division of labour not just between the two anterior
pairs of eyes (the principal and the anterior-lateral eyes) but also between dif-
ferent regions of the anterior-lateral eyes (Forster 1979 a). Over much of their
retinae, anterior-lateral receptors mediate turns (Land 1971) but the peripheral
receptors with visual fields directed towards the frontal midline of the spider
(see Fig. I) apparently have another role (Forster 1979a). When a target is
moving at more than ca. 4 0 s-l, it is probable that these functionally specialised
regions mediate chasing behaviour, in which case discrimination of a moving
target requires no more than an assessment of size. When the target is moving
at less than 4 0 s-l, however, the principal eyes mediate behaviour; under such
circumstances, directional activity is relatively insignificant while shape is a
critical variable.
These findings, from studies in which the four anterior eyes of T planiceps
were systematically occluded (Forster 1979 a), help to explain results from a
number of investigations. For example, Heil (1936) found experimentally that
size, shape and jerky movements were all instrumental in effecting prey cap-
ture, but he was unable to explain why E. falcata often stalked and jumped at
dead flies, usually only from a few centimetres away. This apparent inconsis-
tency can be accounted for if we suppose that Heil experimented with targets
moving at different angular velocities, so that the observed responses were
sometimes mediated by the anterior-lateral eyes and sometimes by the princi-
pal eyes.
One explanation for P. schu/tzii's inability to chase prey in the manner of most salticids
(see Sect. 5.2) is that their anterior-lateral eyes do not function in the manner described here,
262 L.Forster

perhaps because of a limited or non-existent overlap between these two eyes, or perhaps be-
cause the appropriate receptors have not acquired (or no longer possess) the necessary special-
isation, possibilities that warrant investigation.

5.4 Shape of the Target

The problem of how animals recognise shapes and patterns and differentiate
between them is of interest to neurobiologists and ethologists alike. To this end,
many investigators have made use of predictable behaviour in an animal and,
by presenting it with a range of two-dimensional black and white models, have
attempted to measure various stimulus parameters from the reactions obtained.
For example, notable studies of shape discrimination have been undertaken
with octopuses (Sutherland 1960 et seq.), toads (Ewert et al. 1978), and insects
such as desert locusts (Wallace 1958) and honey bees (Wehner 1967 et seq.;
Cruse 1972 a, b; Anderson 1977 a, b, c).
Jumping spiders are excellent candidates for such methods, yet most of the
information we have today has come from the work of just two people, Crane
(1949) and Drees (1952). More recent investigations (Forster 1979b), in which
30 T. planiceps spiders were presented with "potential" prey shapes, are out-
lined here; it is hoped that they will lead to more extensive and systematic

5.4.1 Experiments with Two-Dimensional Shapes

Thirty black, two-dimensional shapes which had an 80% stimulus contrast when
attached to the white interior surface of a cylinder (27 cm diameter) were rotat-
ed at 10 mm S-1 and either 25 mm S-1 or 50 mm S-1 around the freely moving
spider. Because angular velocities of the target vary inversely with spider-target
distances, a decrease in this distance leads to an increase in angular velocity.
But in the rotating cylinder, when within about 6 em of the target, spiders
generally sidled along facing the target, thus keeping the target more-or-Iess
motionless relative to the principal eyes. However, spiders only sidled at slow
target speeds; at faster speeds a greater percentage of chases and jumps were
elicited by relatively unattractive targets, thus suggesting that discrimination
was less accurate.
Only 12 of the 30 shapes are analysed here (see Table 1), but those not il-
lustrated include smaller and larger versions of the discs, ellipses and squares
(results of these tests are summarised) as well as a range of vertical and hori-
zontal stripes. .
Prey-catching events used to evaluate shape parameters were Capture (the
spider jumped at the target) and Retreat (the spider scuttled backwards or
turned and ran). From the results (Table 1) it was found that at a speed of
10 mm S-1, shapes 1,2,4,5 and 7 were significant (p < 0.001) in eliciting cap-
ture responses. Smaller discs and ellipses elicited relatively fewer responses
(Fig. 6 a, b); moreover, once the vertical dimension of a target became greater
Target Discrimination in Jumping Spiders 263

Table 1. Response data for Trite planiceps when presented with test shapes moving at the
stated speed

Shape N Speed %c %R Speed %c %R

mms-1 mms-1

10 12 60 0 50 70 0

2 20 12 95 0 50 80 0

3 0 14 12 40 0

4 15 12 66 0 25 86 0

5 14 12 64 0 25 64 0

6 10 12 0 40

7 14 12 60 0

8 10 12 0 70 50 0 70

9 }c:::( 15 12 0 30

• 20 12 5 0 50 40 0









N: Number of spiders tested.

%C: Percentage captures (spiders jumped at the target).
% R: Percentage retreats (spiders retreated from the target).

than 5 mm, or its horizontal component greater than 7 mm, capture responses
diminished and 'gradually retreat reactions were substituted. At the lower speed
the solid ellipse (no. 2) was the most successful shape, but at 25 mm S-1 the fly
shape (no. 4) evoked the greatest capture percentage (86%). However, when a
hollow ellipse (no. 3) was presented, the capture percentage was markedly re-
duced indicating that solid figures are preferred.
Of three fly shapes (nos. 4, 5 and 6) presented, no. 4 was positioned so that,
during rotation of the cylinder, its legs were masked by a grating, an effect that
simulated "running". This proved most effective at a target speed of 25 mm S-1
when a capture percentage of 86% was recorded. A comparison of the percent-
age captures of this shape with the subsequent fly shape (no. 5) shows no ap-
preciable difference at the lower speed but a significant difference (p < 0.001)
at 25 mm s-I, a finding which implicates the additional stimulation of the "run-
ning legs" in the reaction rate. Hence "flicker" played a part when targets were
chased (as opposed to stalked) for at this speed sidling did not occur and since
angular velocity was greater than 4 0 s-t, "flicker" apparently had an effect on
264 L. Forster

a b

g40 60
i# C. 40
~o 0

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 7
Olam (mm) Length of ellipse (mm)

C d


~ .50mrns-1

• #.

• 0

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
length of square (mm) Length of square (mm)

Fig. 6a - d. Response percentages, obtained from tests with T. p/aniceps for different stimulus
speeds (mm S-1), plotted against the size (mm) of stimulus shapes. Captures are shown as a
function of reactions to: a disc size; b ellipse size; c square size. Frights (Retreats) are shown as
a function of reactions to d square size

the reactivity mediated by the anterior-lateral eyes. A rough estimate of the

flicker fusion frequency placed it at about 40 flashes per s (40 f S-l). If jumping
spiders are indeed responding at this frequency, then their eyes must be cat-
egorised as "slow" compared to the "fast" eyes of bees, wasps and flies, whose
critical flicker fusion frequencies range from 250-300 fs- 1 (Autrum 1948a, b).
Of interest in this context are the experiments by Edwards (1980), who showed
that Plexippus paykulli were more likely to attack alates or pseudoalates (ants
with false wings) than ants without wings, perhaps because of an increase in
"flicker" resulting from the presence of wings.
By contrast, spiders retreated in 40% of trials when presented with the sub-
sequent fly (no. 6) which exhibited a pronounced asymmetry. Supernumery
tests with skewed two-dimensional shapes support the contention that asym-
metry contributes to retreat, presumably because the corresponding retinal
excitation is irregular (see Sect. 7). Moreover, quite apart from its occurrence in
these tests, sidling is a very common tactic in jumping spiders, which frequently
sidle from lateral to frontal positions when preparing to jump at prey. One
reason for this may relate to the need to obtain equivalent stimulation on the
retinae of the principal eyes and also perhaps, the anterior-lateral eyes.
Target Discrimination in Jumping Spiders 265

The diamond shape (no. 7) was an effective "prey" target, with a 66% cap-
ture rate; moreover, no retreats were elicited. Figures 6 c, d show that 1 x 1 mm
squares did not evoke retreat, or capture, but once a size of 2x2 mm was
reached, retreats regularly occurred with the rate increasing as target size ex-
panded. At higher speeds, however, squares elicited occasional captures.
It was also found that if lines were added to the hollow ellipse (no. 9), retreats
(30%) rather than captures were elicited. Evidently quite small changes in target
configuration can be detected.
When the previously successful ellipse was halved (no. 10) or sub-divided
(nos. 11 and 12), only higher target speeds led to captures. Since, at 10 mm s-1,
circular or elliptical shapes of comparable area to this half ellipse elicited an
appreciable capture rate (ca. 40%) (Forster 1979b), it must be supposed that
certain features of this shape, such as the angular cut-off portion, were respon-
sible for inducing retreat. (This portion was the leading edge in these tests.)
Thus, it seems likely that the "double half' (no. 11), which spiders rejected as a
prey object at 10 mm s-1, were seen as two shapes at this speed, rather than one.
Other experiments (Forster I979b) in which the gap in this figure was progres-
sively narrowed and to which spiders then responded as for the ellipse (no. 2)
support this view. This assumption can be applied to the results for shape
no. 12 which was sub-divided into three parts. It was demonstrated, moreover,
that spiders did not "capture" single stripes of similar dimensions to the central
stripe in this figure but if an ellipse was divided into progressively smaller and
smaller partitions, spiders eventually responded as to a complete ellipse and not
as to a set oflines.

5.4.2 Collaborative Role of the Anterior-Lateral Eyes

Spiders were apparently less discriminatory at higher target velocities, as shown

by the fact that only at 50 mm S-l were appreciable capture rates recorded for
shapes 10, II and 12. This may be due to the fact that, when spiders are en-
gaged in chasing a fast-moving object, the anterior-lateral eyes play the greater
part in mediating behaviour (see Sect. 5.3.2).
Experiments by Drees (1952) in which Sa/ficus scenicus treated all shapes depicted in
Fig. 7 as prey, suggest that they were moving at high angular velocities and hence were moni-
tored by the anterior-lateral eyes, which means that they may not be reliable indicators of
shape perception in jumping spiders.
Land (1969 a) showed that the anterior-lateral eyes in M. aeneolus and P.
johnsoni have poorer acuity than the principal eyes, a condition no doubt also
true for T. planiceps. It is also probable that at the higher angular velocities cit-
ed, the principal eyes would be unable to engage in scanning movements, the
pattern of eye mobility that Land (l969b) found to be crucial to the identifica-
tion of objects in their fields of view. It should not be overlooked, however, that
during chasing, the principal eyes are probably tracking the target, and since
the central area of each retina is thereby fixated on the target (Land 1969 b),
this may provide an opportunity for target evaluation. Behavioural tests cer-
tainly suggest that discrimination is less acute during this phase, but this does
266 L. Forster

Fig, 7. These test shapes used by Drees (1952) were all successful in eliciting prey capture
from Epiblenum scenicus

not eliminate the possibility of target evaluation altogether. Perhaps the enig-
matic layer 2 (see Blest et al. 1981), of similar shape to layer 1 but with coarser
receptor grain (see Land 1969 a, his Fig. 5), has a collaborative role with the an-
terior-lateral eyes during this more active phase of hunting behaviour. Such a
concomitance would provide an explanation, moreover, for the presence in the
receptral processes of layer 2 df an exceptionally large number of mitochondria
presupposing some greater metabolic activity in this part of the retina (Eakin
and Brandenburger 1971).
Overall, these experiments with two-dimensional shapes suggest that the
most favourable properties of target which are perceived by the principal eyes
and to which the spider responds are: suitable size, solidity, curvaceous out-
lines, adequate contrast with the background, singleness, an elliptical configura-
tion, and some degree of symmetry.

6 Parameters of Shape Perception

One of the suggestions put forward by Drees (1952) was that the amount of
contour was a factor in shape perception in Salficus scenicus. This parameter
had been used by Hertz (1929 a, b) to account for the greater number of visits
made by honey bees to shapes with higher contour lengths, as well as to explain
why they had not been able to discriminate between simple figures such as tri-
angles, squares and circles when they had similar outline lengths. In a series of
ingenious experiments, Wehner (1967, 1969, 1971, 1972a, b) demonstrated that
honey bees make use of a second parameter system, one based on the distri-
bution of an area within a shape and dependent on the assumption that bees
store a point-to-point representation of target configurations and compare them
by perceptual superimposition. This shape-comparison hypothesis was modi-
fied by Cruse (1972a, b), who suggested that discrimination involved an addi-
tive interaction between these two parameters, expressed by the sum of area-
distribution differences (A.D.D.) and contour-density (contour-Iength-to-area
ratio) differences (CD. D.), a model which was quite successful in explaining
many earlier experiments.
Anderson (1977 a) concluded that a bee compares shapes by remembering
at least two parameters, area and contour density. He suggested that the bee
measures area differences by Wehner's (1969) method of shape comparison
although Wehner (1975) himself draws attention to some aspects of memory ca-
pacity in the bee as yet unresolved. Anderson (1977 a) further suggested that
contour density could be measured by a mechanism similar to the "flicker" de-
tection system originally proposed by Wolf (1933). Wehner (1981), however,
Target Discrimination in Jumping Spiders 267

points out that if bees are attracted spontaneously by high spatial frequencies,
whether of the whole pattern (Anderson 1977 a) or within certain parts of the
pattern (Anderson 1977 c), there might be a need to add another term to An-
derson's formula to account for this phenomenon.
The contour length, area, and density of the two-dimensional shapes pre-
sented to T. planiceps (see Sect. 5.4.1) were tested for their correlation with cap-
ture frequencies (see Table 1) but no significant relationships were demon-
strated. The data were further treated according to the models of Cruse (1974)
and Anderson (1977 a) but, as might be expected, no significant relationships
were revealed. Apparently, jumping spiders are not able to discriminate shapes
by any of these parameters. It would be worth while, nevertheless, to assess the
responses of jumping spiders to test shapes that can be altered in specified
ways, as Anderson (1977 a, b c) did in his experiments, a procedure that permits
a more thorough analysis of the influence of the various parameters upon spa-
tial discrimination.
One other potentially useful line of investigation emerged. "Flicker" ap-
pears to playa part in target perception in jumping spiders as well as in honey
bees, judging from responses to quasi-stationary lures and the simulated move-
ments arising from the test with "running legs" (see Sect. 5.4.2). There is a good
case to suppose that jittery movement detectors (JMDs), neurons which seem to
be designed to detect small jiggling movements against whole field movements
and against changes in ambient illumination (see Wehner 1981), might be in-
volved. Perhaps the "hypersensitivity" discerned by Yamashita and Tateda
(1976 b) in the photoreceptor cells of the principal eyes of Menemerus confusus
following repetitive light flashes provides support for this suggestion (see also
Yamashita, Chap. VI, this Vol.).

7 Retinal Model

Shape perception in jumping spiders is apparently not a function of contour

length or area, or any relationship between these parameters, hence it is worth
considering whether target discrimination could be based on a geometrical rep-
resentation of relevant images on the retina. We know that the principal lens is
capable of focusing an image of an object into the retina (see Fig. 4), but the
next question concerns the extent to which the retina is capable of extracting
information from this image. While we cannot as yet provide direct evidence,
the retinal model proposed here offers one possibility.
This model makes use of the ophthalmoscopic representation of the foveal
region of the paired first layers of the principal eyes of M. aeneolus (see Fig. 5)
as depicted by Land (1969 a). Its use here is justified by its approximate simi-
larity to that of T. planiceps (Forster 1979b) and the fact that Blest et al. (1981)
noted that in those species they had examined, layer 1 always possesses a reg-
ular array of receptors forming a high-resolution mosaic and appears to be the
only layer suited to acute vision. Moreover, because the two foveas are ef-
fectively contiguous in image space and move in tandem, it is convenient to re-
gard the principal eyes as a single "cyclopean" unit.
268 L.Forster

Fig. Sa-f. Six stimulus shapes (see Table I) as they might be projected on to the "cyclopean
fovea" of the principal retinae of T. planiceps from a distance of about 10 cm: a square; b set of
ellipses; c diamond; d frontal profile of a house fly; e lateral profile of a house fly; f distorted
fly shape. Note that in the tests these shapes were solid but they are shown here as outlines so
that the arrangement of the receptors they overlie can be seen

Figure 8 depicts some of the stimulus shapes as they might be represented

on the conjunct foveas from a distance of about 10 cm in front of the spider.
Perhaps the square (Fig. 8 a) simply stimulates a large number of receptors, but
other tests suggest that angular objects induce retreat, although this aspect needs
further study. When elliptical shapes (within the experimental size range)
(Fig. 8 b) are superimposed on the receptor mosaic, they fit neatly; the diamond
(Fig. 8c) excites a similar set of receptors, and is frequently seen as prey. The
frontal (Fig. 8 d) and lateral (Fig. 8 e) views of a fly occupy comparable regions
but an asymmetrical shape (Fig. 81) encompasses a greater proportion of one
retina than. the other. Although, in the course of scanning, images would be
rhythmically shifted from one retina to the other, it is possible that each eye
"remembers" the components of an image and routinely compares one view
with the other. Thus, a substantial difference in visual input between the two
eyes might stimulate retreat. The regular occurrence of sidling behaviour, which
would expedite equivalent retinal stimulation in the principal eyes, is indirect
support for this hypothesis.
What other visual consequences arise from scanning?
Blest et al. (1981) found that the distal ends of the central layer I receptors
form a staircase (see Sect. 3.4), laterally to medially, across the horizontal axis,
the purpose of which seems to be to extend the overall depth of field closer to
the spider. Hence, the spider is able to receive focused images of objects at dis-
tances from about 3 cm in front of it to infinity. This means that, as the retinae
sweep across the image, it will always be in focus on some part of the staircase
of layer I, within those distances. It is of some significance, too, that this near-
Target Discrimination in Jumping Spiders 269

Fig. 9. The retinal model postulates that the geometrical arrangement of receptors in the
"cyclopean fovea" of the principal eyes of jumping spiders resembles a set of confocal ellipses
intercepted by a series of hyperbolas. When a mathematical model (after Spiegel 1959) having
these characteristics is superimposed on the fovea, it is apparent that many receptors are over-
lain by both an elliptical edge and a hyperbola. Several sizes of prey and mate can be ac-
commodated by this arrangement and when various leg orientations are present in the picture,
retinal scanning strategies determine their relevance. Tests with stripes (Forster 1979b) suggest
that only thick legs are visible, which may explain why male forelegs are often enlarged. Prob-
ably, therefore, motionless legs of flies are undetected but when legs are being groomed, their
movement may be seen as "flicker"

field focal position approximates the distance at which the spatially determined
jumping and leg-frontal postures occur (see Sect. 3.3).
How can the notion that "particular features of the prey have receptor cor-
relates" explain the recognition of a prospective mate?
A system of confocal ellipses and hyperbolas modified from Spiegel (1959)
suggests one solution. This model (Fig. 9) shows an interesting and appropriate
goodness of fit with the disposition of receptors in the fovea of the conjunct
layers 1. Many receptors fit both an ellipse and a hyperbola, i.e. a receptor lying
on an intercept belongs to two systems: (I) it is one of a set of nested elliptical
receptive fields; and (2) it is one of a system of hyperbolas crossing the ellipses
more or less at right angles.
This arrangement of receptors presumes a simplification of pictorial input
at the fovea as well as neural circuitries which reflect this retinal organisation
perhaps at the first- or second-order glomeruli. It is proposed that when the el-
liptical circuitry alone is stimulated by an appropriate target, the spider is "in-
structed" to perform prey-catching behaviour, but when the second hyperbolic
circuitry is activated the first is inhibited and prey-catching reactions are sup-
pressed. Concomitantly, agonistic or courtship behaviour is initiated depending
on the geometry of lines present in the picture.
The view that legs held at certain angles playa part in eliciting agonistic or
courtship behaviour is supported by several investigations. For example, Drees
(1952) showed experimentally that when jumping spiders were pursuing "prey"
lures, the sudden elevation of wires (legs) to the lure, immediately initiated
courtship display. Drees also found that the percentage of courtship responses
270 L.Forster

Fig. 10. Shapes which were effective in

'&'''*JO\IW\te\,...- releasing courtship when presented to
no . 3 4 8
Salticus scenicus (Drees 1952). Success
8s 58 51 49 36 32 13 17
percentages are shown beneath each shape


Fig. 11. a Front view of a resting female spider showing the angular relationship of the legs
with the substrate. b Diagrams showing the manner in which line detectors in the retinae
might sample the leg postures of the female spider. (Land 1972)

was greatly increased by the presence of legs on two-dimensional dummies

(Fig. 10). In another study, Land (1969b) examined leg angles in resting female
salticids and found that they corresponded with the orientation of probable
"line detectors" in the retina (Figs. 11 a and b).
In the central region of the jumping spider retina where the crucial features
are perceived and distinguished, there are only some 100 receptors (Land
1974). Within this limitation, the shape parameters revealed by the two-dimen-
sional tests (suitable size, solidity, symmetry, curvaceous outlines, singleness, an
elliptical configuration, and adequate contrast with the background) are quite
realistic since they could well represent the extent to which the retina is capable
of extracting information from a "prey" image. Moreover, the receptors prob-
ably respond to off-stimuli, since white targets on black backgrounds do not
elicit responses (Forster 1979b) as Duelli (1978) also found in the anterior-lat-
eral eyes in Evarcha arcuata, hence the need for adequate target contrast with
the background. Mobile eye capsules not only cater for the phasic nature of
photoreceptors and motion parallax but also permit a relatively small number
of responding units to transmit essential spatial information.
The unique set of eyes in jumping spiders is beautifully adapted to the tasks
of spatial discrimination, but it is clear that studies of shape perception in this
group are decades behind comparable studies in insects, for example. It is
hoped that the present review encourages neurobiologists and ethologists alike
to further investigate not only "how these spiders see", but also "what they

8 Summary and Conclusions

The lives of jumping spiders are dominated by their visual reactions to objects
in the environment. A functionally specialised set of eyes, consisting of a pair of
principal eyes directed frontally, and two pairs of lateral eyes which between
Target Discrimination in Jumping Spiders 271

them cover almost the entire visual ambit, mediate these reactions. Objects
which merit their attention are usually much about their own size, are dark
compared to the background, and usually move. How do jumping spiders de-
cide which objects must be avoided, or which can be pursued as prey, or court-
ed as mates?
In the first instance, jumping spiders swivel towards unspecified objects in
the environment through stimulus-dependent angles which bring these objects
into the fields of view of the principal eyes. Escape responses are elicited if the
intended target then looms up suddenly and consequently stimulates a large
portion of the retina. Should the target recede at angular velocities greater than
4 0 s-t, however, most salticid species chase it, a locomotory reaction which is
mediated by the anterior-lateral eyes. Targets which remain stationary, or move
at angular velocities of less than 4 0 S-1 are evaluated by the principal eyes, and
appropriate behaviour, such as prey-catching or courtship, may eventuate.
Target discrimination operates by means of a well-designed optical system
and closely spaced receptors in the most proximal layers of the stratified
retinae. An important property of these retinae is their conjugate mobility,
manifested by four different patterns of activity executed under varying cir-
cumstances. Two of these are important to the present discussion. Tracking, in
which the fovea is fixated on the target, occurs when the target is moving about,
often at high angular velocities. Scanning, in which the fovea is also fixated on
the target, depends on a motionless target and it is this movement which facili-
tates the discrimination processes. Eye movements probably prevent fixation
blindness, promote depth perception by motion parallax at close range, and en-
able a relatively small number of receptors to transmit essential spatial infor-
It is suggested that the high resolution mosaics of the two layers I function
as a cyclopean eye, that the organisation of receptors in this "eye" resembles a
set of confocal ellipses intercepted by a series of hyperbolas, and that many re-
ceptors participate in both systems. It is proposed that these two receptor sys-
tems are linked to appropriate neural sub-programmes; when the elliptical cir-
cuitry is activated by suitable prey targets, the spider is instructed to set about
catching the target, but when the second hyperbolic circuitry is activated by
legs held at prescribed orientations, the first system is inhibited, prey-catching
behaviour is suppressed, and courtship or agonistic behaviour is initiated.
Support for this model of the retina is provided by tests in which 30 two-
dimensional shapes were presented to Trite p/aniceps (Salticidae). Elliptical
shapes were the most successful in eliciting prey capture; many acceptable prey
items fall roughly within this elliptical configuration. Earlier studies showed
that the presence of legs and elevated leg postures are instrumental in eliciting
sexual displays.
The model proposed here fits the evidence at present available but there are
other factors such as colour, pattern and type of movement which need to be
taken into consideration in determining the basis of target discrimination. Per-
haps elevated leg postures merely advertise the presence of another jumping
spider, whereas colour, pattern and movement serve to announce their species
identity and sexual status.
272 L. Forster

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XIV Homing Behavior and Orientation in the
Funnel-Web Spider, Age/ena labyrinthica Clerck

1 Introduction. . . . . . 275
2 Experimental Procedure 276
3 Optical Navigation. . . 278
3.1 Orientation with Respect to a Lateral Light Source 278
3.2 The Perception of the Pattern of Polarized Light 282
3.3 Do Spiders Take into Account Changes of the Sun's Azimuth? 286
3.4 Optical Navigation in Other Spiders . . . . : . . . . . . 286
4 Idiothetic Navigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
4.1 Interaction Between Optical and Idiothetic Cues in A. labyrinthica 287
4.2 Idiothetic Distance Orientation . . . . . . . . 287
5 Orientation by Means of Directional Cues of the Web 290
5.1 Return Runs on Natural Webs 290
5.2 Return Runs on Composite Webs 291
6 Navigation by Means of Gravity 293
6.1 Gravity Navigation in A. labyrinthica? 293
6.2 Gravity Orientation in Other Spiders 294
7 Conclusions. 295
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295

1 Introduction

This paper reviews what is known to date about the homing abilities of the
funnel-web spider and discusses recent research in this field based on new and
partly unpublished data. To provide a more comprehensive overview of the
ability of spiders in general to orientate, research on other species will also be
considered. A theory of the optical and idiothetic navigation of the funnel web
spider will be presented in Chapter XV by H. Mittelstaedt, this Volume.
Much of our knowledge about orientation in spiders is derived from re-
search on the funnel-web spider, Agelena labyrinthica. This species is widely
distributed and thus easily available; moreover it is suitable for experiments.

Universitat Bielefeld, Fakultiit fUr Biologie, Postfach 8640, D-4800 Bielefeld 1,

Federal Republic of Germany
276 P. Gomer and B. Claas

Fig. 1. Agelena labyrinthica, sitting in front of its retreat at the edge of a web mounted on a
circular frame

Agelena spins horizontal webs which in nature are slightly sloped toward a
funnel at the margin of the web. The funnel serves as a retreat where the spider
spends most of its time and to which it returns after every excursion (Fig. I).
On the web the spider navigates by both external (allothetic orientation) and
internal (idiothetic orientation) cues. To date it has been determined that al-
lothetic orientation is based on optical and gravitational cues as well as
mechanical cues of the substrate. As will be shown, Agelena stores the informa-
tion about these cues in a memory. Since the spider loads its memory anew dur-
ing each excursion, it is a suitable object for investigation of the properties of
this memory and of the spider's ability for orientation.

2 Experimental Procedure

The data presented below derive from a basic experimental procedure: in a dark
room two identical light sources are installed (Ll and L2), the beams of which
intersect at the center of the horizontal web at an angle of 90 0 • Ll and L2 can
be switched on alternately with a tumbler switch. At the beginning two pre-ex-
perimental runs are performed with the same light source switched on (pre-run
I and pre-run 2, Exp. 1 a, a', Fig. 2). One light (say Ll) is switched on and a fly
is cast on the web. Led by the vibrations caused by the scrambling insect, the
Homing Behavior in Agelena labyrinthica 277



a a' R b

2 ~ 6 hours
(iJ 8

3 9

1-2 --"'0

----runout } L1orL2
- - run bock on t:. L1 on
.. , .. run in darkness
"" spider lifted
'** • L1 off
L2 on
L 2 off

Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of the experimental procedure showing runs by Agelena in some
of the experiments described in this chapter. The first experiment (1) describes the basic pro-
cedure. a, b Two pre-runs with fixed light source (Ll); c experimental run in which the light is
switched over from Ll to L2 after Agelena has arrived at the prey site S. e starting angle be-
tween retreat R, starting point S (prey site) and point T, the intersection of a circle around S
with the indirect route home. In the actual experiments (2 -10) the position of the light source
and the shape of the frame varied but are standardized here for reasons of clarity. In some of
the experiments illustrated, one or two pre-runs have been omitted. Arrows in expo 9: direction
of positive (a) and negative (b) phototaxis
278 P. Gomer and B. Claas

spider catches the fly and carries it back to its lair. In the experimental run the
light source is switched from L1 to L2 just before the spider picks up its prey
and starts to return (Exp. 1 b, Fig. 2). Due to the change of light, Agelena de-
viates from the direct course to the retreat, running in a compromise direction
between optical and other cues, but eventually arriving. The experimental run
is followed by two pre-runs with L2 on and then again by an experimental run
in which the light source is switched from L2 back to Ll. For each run back to
the lair the starting angle e at the site of prey capture is measured (see Exp. 1 b,
Fig. 2). Runs obtained under different experimental conditions are normally
evaluated by comparing the mean angles e of the various deviations from the
direct route back to the retreat.
Instead of comparing the starting angles e, the frequency of run patterns un-
der different experimental conditions may be compared. In experimental runs
on a natural web many of the runs back were curved throughout or changed ab-
ruptly. Others led straight back to the spider's lair. On the basis of these dif-
ferences the runs are roughly classified in three categories: (1) a straight or
slightly curved run with a deviation according to the change of direction of the
light source (run pattern 1); (2) a run curved throughout or a run which at the
start leads more or less toward the retreat but then changes direction abruptly
(run pattern 2); (3) a fairly straight run back to the retreat (run pattern 3). On
composite webs whose artificial elasticity pattern differs from those of natural
webs (see Sect. 5.2), run pattern 2, with abrupt changes of direction, and run
pattern 3 occurred .very rarely, and the mean compromise angle increased.
Since the three run patterns occur with different frequencies on different webs,
and since the definition of the starting angle e is somewhat arbitrary in curved
runs, it is obvious that the mean compromise angle e differs in experiments on
different webs under otherwise similar experimental conditions.

3 Optical Navigation

Optical navigation is of major importance in the homing behavior of the funnel

web spider. This is not surprising since in its natural biotope the animal is al-
ways able to make use of astronomical or other optical cues.

3.1 Orientation with Respect to a Lateral Light Source

Several authors have investigated the factors which determine the reference
angle to the light source (angle between long axis of spider and line connecting
its prosoma with light source) when Agelena returns to its retreat. Their findings
suggest that there are memories which are loaded before or while the spider is
moving on its web. This will be described in more detail below. (Actually there
are at least three memories, as is pointed out in Chapter XV by Mittelstaedt,
this Volume.)
In the experiments, the deviation from the straight route back to the lair was
taken as a measure of the extent to which the spider's memory of the reference
Homing Behavior in Agelena labyrinthica 279

angle to the light source has been loaded. It had to be taken into account that
several other factors also influence the degree of deviation. (a) Light intensity.
The mean compromise angle was 66 0 at a light intensity of 800 Ix (1180 stilb),
whereas it was only 42 0 at 22 Ix (33 stilb, Dornfeldt 1975 a). (b) The angle of
fixation of the light source. This influence becomes obvious if one compares
runs with the light source (1) lateral and (2) right in front of or behind the
spider on its way back. The compromise angle was larger in the first case (see
Sect. 3.1.4). (c) The mechanical features of the web (see Sect. 5).

3.1.1 Loading the Memory

Before the spider begins an excursion on the web, it usually sits motionless in
its retreat. Is the memory (of the angle of fixation of the light source) 1 loaded
during this motionless phase? This problem has been considered in several in-
vestigations leading to different outcomes (Gomer 1958; Moller 1970; Dorn-
feldt 1975 b). In a series of experiments, Dornfeldt found that the memory is not
loaded while the spider rests in its retreat. .
In one of his experiments (Exp. 3, Fig. 2) the spider rested in its retreat in
darkness. The light source (say Ll) was switched on for 5 min. After Ll had
been switched off, the spider was lured onto the web, lifted off (in order to pre-
vent an idiothetic orientation, see p. 282) and set down again, after which L2 was
switched on. Instead of returning directly to its retreat, the spider ran in the op-
posite direction from the light source L2 and missed its retreat. When Exper-
iment 3 was repeated with L2 in a different location the outcome was the same.
Dornfeldt's conclusion that the starting direction simply reflected negative
phototaxis does not imply the existence of a memory.
However, using a slightly modified method Mittelstaedt (1983) recently
found that the spider Tegenaria is indeed able to load its memory while resting
in its retreat (cf. Fig. 9, Mittelstaedt, Chapter XV, this Vol.). Further exper-
iments should be conducted to find out whether the difference between his and
Dornfeldt's resuJt is a consequence of the different spiders (Agelena and Tege-
naria) or the different methods used.
The following experiments reveal that the memory of the reference angle to
the light source can also be loaded by one run out to the prey, even if the dis-
tance moved is no more than 5 cm.
Spiders which had been kept in the dark for some time were lured onto the
web after a light source had been switched on (Dornfeldt 1973). Before the
spiders returned, the azimuth of the light source (the angle between the retreat,
the center of the web and a point obtained by vertical projection of the light
source on the "horizon", i.e., the edge of the web) was changed by 90 0 (Exp. 2,
Fig. 2). The spiders deviated from the straight route back to the lair by a mean

I In Chapter XV in this Volume, Mittelstaedt implies on theoretical grounds that the exper-
iments described in this section must involve two separate memories.
280 P. Gomer and B. Claas

angle of 620. Approximately the same angle of deviation was obtained in ex-
periments in which the spiders had to perform two pre-runs with the same light
source before the azimuth was changed (Exp. 1, Fig. 2).
Another experiment (Exp. 4, Fig. 2) shows that the memory can also be
loaded on the way back, but the mean angle of deviation after switching over
the light source was considerably smaller (e = 42 0 ) than 62 0 (Dornfeldt 1973).
(In this run and in the one or two preceding pre-runs, the light was on only dur-
ing the spider's way back to the retreat). It seems that for the spider the infor-
mation gathered on its way out weighs stronger than that on its way back.

3.1.2 Reloading the Memory

The first series of experiments done up to 1970 was performed with only one
pre-run. This was followed by an experimental run in which the light azimuth
was changed. Thereupon the spider deviated from the straight direction to the
retreat. If this experimental run was immediately followed by another (Exp. 5,
Fig. 2), the spider again deviated (although to a lesser degree) from the straight
route back (Gorner 1958). The experiments show that the memory had been re-
loaded, although not completely (Moller 1970). In a series of three runs with
fixed light azimuth following an experimental run (Exp. 6, Fig. 2), small de-
viations in the same direction as in the experimental run occurred in the first
run. Obviously the spider "remembered" the azimuth of the light sources be-
fore it was switched over in the preceding run. The deviations decreased in the
second run and were no longer detectable in the third. Therefore, experimental
runs are now generally preceded by at least two pre-runs with a constant light
source (see Exp. 1 a, a', Fig. 2).
The reloading of the memory is not a sudden event: it takes place continu-
ously while the spider moves on the web, as is shown in the following exper-
iment. The light source was switched over as the spider moved from its retreat
to the prey (Exp. 7 a, Fig. 2). The earlier this switch occurred, the smaller the
degree of deviation from the straight direction to the retreat, i.e., the stronger
the influence of the new light position. This shows that the memory was reload-
ed during the second part of the trip toward the prey (Gorner 1958; Dornfeldt
1975 a). However, it may happen that the route from the funnel to the prey is
not sufficiently long to reload the memory completely. This is apparent from
experiments (Exp. 7b, Fig. 2) in which the light source was switched over be-
fore the spider had started from its retreat - but it nevertheless deviated from
the direct route to its lair (Bartels 1929; Holzapfel 1934; Gorner 1958).
Since Agelena is also able to load its memory on the way back to the retreat
(see above), the question arises whether this is also possible when the spider
runs in a compromise direction after the light source has been switched over.
This question is by no means trivial: the compromise angle implies that the
spider "expects" to find the funnel in a different ("wrong") place. It can only
correct its "error" after reaching its retreat. In the experiment (No.8) described
in Fig. 2 and in more detail in Fig. 3, it could do so only on the basis of
idiothetic information (Gorner, in press).
Homing Behavior in Agelena labyrinthica 281

a b C

\ ..

r·O.52 £··23.0·

..' ," .
r·O.93 u·34.5 r·O.89
u·20.9 n·26 U·26.4


.." .- '
.;.0. ""

-0- R ~{) R -0-

Fig. 3a- c. Reloading of Agelena's memory during runs in a compromise direction (Exp. 8,
Fig. 2). In pre-run 2 (a) Agelena runs straight back from the starting point S to its retreat R. In
the experimental run (b), in which the light is switched over, Agelena runs in a compromise
direction between optical and idiothetic cues. If the light is switched off before the spider en-
ters its retreat and switched on again (c) after the spider has again been lured to the starting
point S, the mean starting angle is significantly smaller than in the preceding run. Black dots
starting directions of eight A. labyrinthica; straight arrows mean vectors (r); 1f direction of mean
vector; (J circular standard deviation; n number of runs

3.1.3 The Functional Role of the Principal and the Secondary Eyes

Spiders have eight simple eyes: two everted principal eyes with a moveable ret-
ina and six inverted secondary eyes with a tapetum (see Land, Chap. IV, this
Vol.). These morphological differences between the two eye types, as well as a
comparison of their respective fields of vision, point to a difference in function.
In Agelena the visual field of the secondary eyes covers the whole sky, including
the field of the principal eyes in front of the spider extending dorsally beyond
the zenith (Gorner 1958; Dornfeldt 1975a). Clear differences between the prin-
cipal and secondary eyes are evident in navigation by polarized light, as will be
shown in Section 3.2.2. The experiments to date have not revealed whether the
different types bf eye have separate functions with respect to optical navigation
by a light source. When Dornfeldt (1975 a) covered the principal eyes with lac-
quer caps, Agelena Was able to navigate by a lateral light source using the sec-
ondary eyes alone; similarly, it navigated by the principal eyes alone when the
secondary eyes were blindfolded. The secondary eyes are more sensitive than
the principal eyes. Even at a light intensity of 1.15 apostilb (this is 4 to 5 orders
of magnitude lower than the intensity of the full moon), the spider reacted to a
90 0 change of the light azimuth by deviating from the straight course. With on-
ly the principal eyes intact, the light had to be 100 times more intense (III
apostilb) to cause the same deviation.
Under certain experimental conditions, the starting angle of the return run
seemed to be influenced by the principal eyes. In Exp. 3 (Fig. 2), showing nega-
tive phototaxis, Agelena deviated from its straight way back to the retreat when
the light had been switched over for a short time while the spider rested in its
retreat. When the same experiment was conducted with the principal eyes
282 P. Gomer and B. Claas

covered, these negative phototactic runs no longer occurred, i.e., the spider re-
turned straight to its retreat.

3.1.4 Phototactic Components in Optical Navigation

Like other arthropods (v. Buddenbrock 1952; lander 1963), the funnel-web
spider spontaneously orientates with respect to a light source under certain ex-
perimental conditions. Spiders set on a web and illuminated with lateral light
spontaneously ran in one of several directions: 39% ran toward the light and
15% away from it, while 46% ran either to the right or left (Moller 1970). Dorn-
feldt (1975 a) obtained a similar distribution when he lured dark-adapted
spiders to the center of the web and then switched on the light. This behavior
can be interpreted as positive, negative, or lateral phototaxis respectively.
In order to prevent idiothetic orientation, the spiders were lifted off the web at the prey
site and set down again. This was done as follows: after catching a fly attached to a thread, the
spiders were lifted from the substrate together with their prey. This procedure caused them to
lose their idiothetic reference direction. Back on the web the prey was removed from the
spiders' claws and another fly was presented. The spiders caught the fly and started on their
return course.
The influence of positive or negative phototaxis was also revealed in the ex-
periments on optical navigation of the funnel web spider. An influence of posi-
tive phototaxis in the run back to the lair was evident when the light was in
their latero-frontal field of vision (Exp. 9, Fig. 2) whereas an influence of nega-
tive phototaxis was found when it was in their latero-caudal field of vision
(Exp. 9b, Fig. 2, Moller 1970). This influence increased when the switch in the
light azimuth was preceded by an interval of darkness, or when the spider ran
to the prey partly or completely in the dark (Dornfeldt 1975 a). A phototactic
component manifest in the menotactic orientation of several arthropods led
lander (1957) to develop his compensation theory of photomenotaxis. Although
his ideas are not directly applicable to optical navigation in the funnel web
spider (cf. Mittelstaedt, Chap. XV, this Vol.), there are striking parallels in the
way phototactic components influence the optical navigation of Agelena and
other arthropods.

3.2 The Perception of the Pattern of Polarized Light

3.2.1 Polarized Light Navigation

Like many other arthropods, the funnel-web spider is able to analyze the plane
of polarized light. This has been demonstrated under experimental conditions
in the laboratory (Gomer 1958, 1962). Rotation of a polarizing filter above the
web caused the spiders to deviate from their route back to their retreat, turning
to the right or left with a considerable scatter.
To see whether the natural polarization pattern of the blue sky is of biologi-
cal significance for the spider's celestial navigation, the following experiments
Homing Behavior in Agelena labyrinthica 283

were performed. The spiders were taken outside, placed in an arena from which
only the sky was visible, and lured onto the web. Then either the web frame was
rotated by 180 0 or the sun was shielded and reflected from the opposite side
onto the web ("Santschi's mirror-experiment"). The spiders deviated more of-
ten from their course back in the first case than in the second, showing that in
their astronomical orientation the polarization pattern is more relevant than the
azimuth of the sun. This is corroborated by the following experiments.
The plane and the degree of polarization differ in different regions of the
blue sky, changing during the daily course of the sun. For Agelena the pattern
of polarization around the zenith seems to be of major importance. In an out-
door experiment the spiders were lured onto the web, after which the frame was
covered with a polarization filter, the direction of maximal transmission of
which coincided with the e-vector ofthe polarization pattern in the zenith. The
spiders found their way straight back to the retreat. Conversely, when the direc-
tion of maximal transmission of the filter was perpendicular to the e-vector of
the polarization pattern in the zenith, the spiders often deviated from the
straight path to the lair. This was also the case when local landmarks were vis-
ible and when the visible section of the sky was small.
The ability to analyze the plane of polarized light has also been demon-
strated in lycosids (see Sect. 3.4) and in the orthognate spider Aphonopelma cali-
fornica (Henton and Crawford 1966), but seems not to be common among
spiders (see also Land, Chap. IV, this Vol.): in their principal eyes, salticids
possess a layer of receptor cells which are well suited for the analysis of polariz-
ed light according to the arrangement of their rhabdomers (Land 1969). How-
ever, the spiders obviously do not orientate to the natural plane of polarization.
Experiments with Phidippus pulcherrimus were carried out using an artificial "plant" with
a series of horizontally and orthogonally arranged wooden branches (Hill 1979). In the first
experiment, the "plant" was illuminated from above with an artificial light source. The spider
faced from below a fly attached to a thread: it ran in pursuit up the stem and reorientated to
the "expected" fly (which had been removed by the observer) on one of the radial branches. It
used only optical cues from the "plant" when the surround was screened with a cylinder. This
was obvious from experiments in which the "plant" was turned by 90 0 around its long axis as
soon as the spider had started to run. It ran up the stem on that radial branch which would
have led it close to the prey before turning the "plant". When the surround was visible, how-
ever, the spider orientated by means of background cues in a significant fraction of runs (43%)
neglecting the turning of the "plant". In another experiment the surround was screened, but
instead of the lamp the blue sky above the cylinder was visible. This time, the spider orientat-
ed by means of optical cues from the "plant" only, as if the polarized light pattern had not
presented an additional optical cue (although the spider sighted the prey and the blue sky
from beneath).

3.2.2 The Functional Role of the Principal and Secondary Eyes

Agelena could not navigate by the pattern of polarization when its principal
eyes were covered by an opaque cap (Gomer 1958, 1962), although its ability to
orientate by unpolarized light remained unaffected (Dornfeldt 1973). However,
covering the secondary eyes did not affect the spider's ability to navigate by
284 P. GOmer and B. Claas

polarized light. It is not yet known whether the secondary eyes contribute to the
perception of polarized light; however, their contribution can be of only minor
importance. When the principal eyes were covered and the polarization filter
was rotated by 90 0, the mean direction of the runs was n.ot affected; however, the
scatter increased compared with those runs in which the plane of polarization
had not been changed (Dornfeldt 1973).
The reflection pattern of the substrate may be responsible for the increase in
scatter, but not for Agelena's ability to navigate by polarized light. (The intensi-
ty of the reflected light from the substrate changed by up to ± 20% when the
plane of polarization was turned by 180 0 , Gomer 1962.) Spiders carrying a
small screen on their prosoma to prevent the perception of the polarized light
from above were not influenced when the polarization filter was turned,
although they perceived the reflection pattern from the substrate. On the other
hand, spiders carrying a small tube on their prosoma so that they saw only the
overhead polarized light orientated themselves to the plane of polarization.
Similar results have been reported in lycosids. Arctosa orientated well under a clear sky in
the shade without visible landmarks when the secondary eyes were covered with black varnish
(Magni et al. 1964). However, when the principal eyes were covered, the spiders showed only a
weak tendency to run in the direction corresponding to the flight direction in their natural
habitat. The experiments with lycosids again reveal that the principal eyes are crucial for
analyzing polarized light. Whether the secondary eyes contribute to navigation by polarized
light cannot yet be determined. Possibly the pattern of light intensity in the sky gives the
spider some information about the position of the sun. Further investigations are necessary to
solve this question.

3.2.3 Analysis of the Plane of Polarization

Baccetti and Bedini (1964) investigated the neuroanatomical correlates of the

spider's ability to analyze the light's e-vector. In cross-section, most of the elon-
gated sensory cells in the principal eyes of A. variana have a pentagonal profile
with a rhabdom on every edge. Since for geometrical reasons regularly formed
pentagons cannot cover an area completely, the edges of the sensory cells vary
in length.- On the basis of theoretical considerations, only irregular pentagonal
cells respond to a certain plane of polarization with maximal excitation. The
degree of excitation depends on the degree of asymmetry of the cell, but is al-
ways smaller than in cells with equally orientated rhabdomeres (which of
course cannot occur in these pentagonal cells). Therefore an analysis of the
e-vector by the central sensory cells seems very unlikely. Morphological data
(Schroer 1974, 1975, 1976) suggest that polarized light from above is analyzed
in the ventro-peripheral region of the principal eyes' retinae. These data are in
accordance with the finding that under a cloudless sky the zenith is essential for
navigation by polarized light in the funnel-web spider (see above). Schroer
found dramatic differences between cells from different regions in the principal
eyes of Agelena graci/ens. Those located in the center and the dorsal periphery
have an irregular pentagonal profile like those in the principal eyes of Arctosa.
Unlike those of Arctosa, the rhabdomeres lie along only two to four of the five
long edges of the sensory cells (Fig. 4a). The cells located at the ventral rim of
Homing Behavior in Agelena labyrinthica 285

Fig. 4a, b. Electron micrographs of the principal eye of Agelena graci/ens. a Cross-section
through the central area of the retina below the mass of crystal cells with an irregular arrange-
ment of the rhabdomeres. b Orthogonally arranged rhabdomeres in adjacent rows of sensory
cells in the ventral rim of the retina. (Courtesy ofW. Schroer)

the eye, however, are more or less rectangular in profile, with rhabdomeres on
only one side or on two opposite sides (Fig. 4b). Adjacent cells toward the cen-
ter have their rhabdomeres at right angles to those of the periphery. This ar-
rangement is well suited for analysis of the plane of polarization. Kirschfeld
(1972) has demonstrated that simultaneous analysis of the plane of polarization
requires three polarization-sensitive channels with different angles of maximal
sensitivity. Since in the arrangement of the sensory cells in the ventro-periph-
eral region there is no indication of a three channel analyzer, Agelena probably
performs a successive analysis. In principle, this can be done with only one
channel (Kirschfeld 1972); however, as Schroer (1974) has pointed out, a sys-
tem working with two perpendicularly arranged analyzers is independent of
light intensity and operates on the basis of comparison. It is therefore more ef-
fective than a system using a one-channel analyzer. The principal eyes of
Agelena are well suited for a successive analysis, since their retinae move con-
tinuously; it is not unlikely that the retinae are even rotated to scan the zenith
(Schroer 1974).
Orthogonally arranged analyzers for polarized light from above directed to the zenith
have recently been described for bees (Labhart 1980) and flies (Hardie 1984). Bees have about
140 anatomically specialized ommatidia on the dorsal rim of the compound eye, which consist
of two populations of UV receptors having orthogonally arranged rhabdomeres and maxima
of polarization sensitivities at 0° and 90°. Behavioral experiments (v. Frisch 1965; Wehner
1982) show that the dorsal rim area is important, and in many cases essential, for navigation
by polarized light.
286 P. Gomer and B. Claas

3.3 Do spiders Take into Account Changes in the Sun's Azimuth?

The azimuth of the sun and the pattern of polarization in the sky change in the
course of the day. Many arthropods and vertebrates which navigate by as-
tronomical cues are able to take these changes into account. This ability has al-
so been shown to exist in lycosid spiders of the genus Arctosa (Papi 1955 a, b,
1959; Papi et al. 1957; Papi and Syrjamaki 1963). Under experimental con-
ditions where landmarks were hidden, the spiders compensated for the chang-
ing azimuth of the sun during the course of the day by using their "internal
clock" so that the mean flight direction was well in accordance with the direc-
tion to the habitat.
It is not yet known whether funnel-web spiders calculate the path of the sun. This ability
would be useful during "search runS" in which Agelena spontaneously leaves its retreat. Such
runs occur up to 3 h after the spider has left its prey on the web (e.g., because ofa disturbance)
and fled to its lair (Bartels and Baltzer 1928; Holzapfel 1934; Gomer 1958).

3.4 Optical Navigation in Other spiders

Though optical navigation is probably common among spiders, little is known

about this ability in other spiders with the exception of lycosids. Wolf spiders
of the genus Arctosa live on the edges of rivers and ponds. When thrown onto
the water, they run straight back to the edge. Different populations adopt dif-
ferent flight directions according to the location of their habitat with respect to
the water (Papi 1955a, 1955b, 1959). In sunny weather Arctosa navigates by as-
tronomical cues, as was shown in an experiment using a round water-filled glass
basin without visible landmarks. The spiders ran in the direction which in their
natural habitat would have led them to the water's edge. Orientation by means
of the polarization pattern of the sky has been demonstrated indirectly with
Santschi's mirror experiment. The reflected sun caused the spiders (A. variana)
to run in a direction which probably constituted a compromise between the two
conflicting cues of sun azimuth and polarization pattern. Other experiments in
a glass basin showed that, under a clear sky, lycosids were nearly as well orien-
tated in the shade as in direct sunlight. Under an overcast sky, their flight direc-
tions were randomly distributed (Papi 1955b).
Experiments with the orb-weaving spider Araneus diadematus (Peters 1932) reveal that op-
tical input is relevant for their ability to return to their hub on the vertical web. Wind scor-
pions (Galeodibus olivieri and Galeodes barbarus), like agelenids, are able to orientate them-
selves relative to a lateral light using either the two principal eyes or the four secondary ones
(Linsenmair 1968). They ran spontaneously (without conditioning) at a certain angle to a lat-
erallight source and could retain this angle for hours. The angle varied from individual to in-
dividual and for the same animal at different times of day. Intensifying the light from 0.09 to 8
stilb increased the angle; conversely, after 30 min of darkness the angle decreased. Additional
experiments suggested that the principal and secondary eyes have different functions in the
optical navigation of wind scorpions, but this question has not yet been answered definitively.
Homing Behavior in Agelena labyrinthica 287

4 Idiothetic Navigation

4.1 Interaction between Optical and Idiothetic Cues in A. labyrinthica

In the experiments on optical orientation, the starting angle was interpreted as a
compromise .between optical and idiothetic information (e.g., Gomer 1972).
This interpretation requires some modification, since it did not take into ac-
count the structure of the web. Comparing return runs made on artificial and
natural webs demonstrates that this factor does have an influence. On com-
posite webs constructed from parts of natural ones (see Sect. 5.2), the mean
starting angle e is smaller than 90 ° (ca. 60 ° , see Fig. 10 b) but larger than that
on natural webs (ca. 45°, see Fig. 3b) (Gomer and Claas 1980). Hence, we in-
terpret e as a compromise between optical and idiothetic information which is
additionally influenced by the web structure.
Convincing proof that idiothetic navigation occurs is provided by exper-
iments in which the spiders were lured to a prey via a detour during which the
light source was switched off. At the capture site, either the former light source
was switched on again or the light's azimuth was changed by 90 0. In the first
case (Exp. lOa, Fig. 2) the spider ran straight back to its retreat; in the second
(Exp. lOb, Fig. 2) it deviated from the straight direction to the retreat as in the
experimental runs (Gomer 1966). Thus, Agelena was able to recalculate its
angle toward the light source during its run in darkness as though the light had
still been on. This could only have been done by making use of idiothetic infor-
mation. When, instead of running the detour, the spider was lifted up (method,
see p. 282) and set down where the previous detour had ended (Exp. IOc, Fig. 2)
it was unable to calculate the detour. Instead, when put onto its web, it ran at an
angle to the light source which would have been correct before it was lifted
from the web (see also Dornfeldt 1975b and Mittelstaedt, Chap. XV, this Vol.).

4.2 Idiothetic Distance Orientation

The memories described in the preceding sections store the reference direction
with respect to a light source. They can be loaded (or reloaded) in the retreat,
on the way out, or on the way back. The experiments described below show that
information about the actual location of the spider after path integration is also
stored in a memory (see Mittelstaedt, Chap. XV, this Vol.).
There is only indirect experimental evidence for the existence of this
memory. Dornfeldt (l975 b) lured spiders from the retreat R to point A on the
web (Exp. II, Fig. 5), and then moved the light by 90° from Ll to L2. From A
the spiders ran to point S where the prey was located (distance RA = AS). The
angle RAS is approximately the same as the mean compromise angle the
spiders would have run if they had started home from A. Thus, S is the location
at which the memory should be emptied. Starting home from S the spiders
moved about randomly for a short while suggesting that they had indeed
"expected" to have arrived at their retreat.
In another series of experiments, Dornfeldt (1973) observed spiders to run
roughly the same distance on their way back as that between their funnel and
288 P. Gomer and B. Claas

- .............

-----.... Fig. 5. Distance orientation in A. labyrin-

thica. Ll is on (broken arrows at left of
-... diagram). The spider is lured from retreat
R to point A, at which time the light
source is switched over to L2 (solid arrows
.. _--.... on top of diagram). The spider is lured to
S, lifted up and set down again. The start-
---. "\) _--- A ing directions (dots) are distributed nearly
... at random, indicating that the animal's
-- ---- location memory is empty. (After
Dornfeldt 1975b)

the prey, and then sometimes suddenly change their course. He interpreted
these turns as an indication that the spiders were searching for their retreat. The
same "searching turns" occurred when the spider Tegenaria sp. orientated by
means of idiot hetic input only (see Mittelstaedt, Chap. XV, this Vo1.).
Idiothetic distance orientation has also been found in two other families,
salticids and ctenids, and seems likely to exist in lycosids as wel1.
Sitting on a horizontal bar, the salticid Phidippus pulcherrimus faced a fly at
a distance of about 25 cm (Hill 1979, Fig. 6a). When the spider turned on the
bar to pursue the prey, the fly - which was attached to a thread - was removed
and the light switched off. When it was switched on again after a short time, the
spider had run a certain distance and reorientated in the direction where it pre-
sumed the prey to be. The initial orientation angle (see Fig.6b) measured
when the, spider first faced the prey differed significantly from the later re-
orientation angle. However, the latter was in accordance with the calculated
(movement-compensated) reorientation angle which the spider should have
adopted if the prey had been visible (Fig. 6c, d). Phidippus' ability to calculate
the direction to the prey during the pursuit run by means of idiothetic informa-
tion and to reorientate accurately ("route-referent orientation", to use Hill's
term) is remarkable, since ths spider did not actually run the distance to the
prey but rather calculated it solely from visual input.
The wandering spider Cupiennius salei returned to a prey from which it had
been chased away, even without the help of external directional cues (Barth and
Seyfarth 1971; Seyfarth and Barth 1972; Seyfarth et a1. 1982). The return path
was interrupted by short stops and turns. Reaching the capture site, from which
the prey had been removed, the spider turned sharply, obviously "searching"
for the lost prey. These "searching loops" were taken as an indication of the
spider's ability to estimate distances correctly. For chasing distances of up to
20 cm, all spiders would have reached the prey, i.e., they came within 5 cm of
Homing Behavior in Agelena labyrinthica 289

, 2
c ,
:- .~/ .
. .. .." ..

'". •
. .. .\......
.. I .

« 6O ~(.
• •• *
• .* .*• •
.~.. A: . I·
•• ;A&. •
..,'* .
.- •• I •

.. .../.. -.' . ..
'~·"T· • • I·
.. •. .
.. •• # •
J30 , . /
,/ :.~


.a , ,,
, .. /' ..
r = 0.78
~= 12.6±0.~
//~", .
//" n- 120
r= 0.83
0 ~=6.8 em

°0 30 60 30 60 900
Initial Ie) Compensated Reorientation Angle lee)
Orientation Angle
Fig.6a-d. Idiothetic distance orientation in a female Phidippus pulcherrimus. a The spider
faces a fly (1), runs in pursuit in darkness (2) and reorientates in darkness (3). b Schematic
drawing of a. c The observed reorientation angle 8 r (for definition see b) differs by about 13 0
from the initial orientation angle 8. d 8 r is in agreement, however, with the compensated re-
orientation angle 8 c which the spider should take if it calculates the distance it has run from 1
to 3. Broken line linear regression ofY on X. (After Hill 1979)

the capture site. With increasing distance the scatter of the starting angles in-
creased while the number of successful returns decreased but still exceeded 60%
at distances of more than 40 cm. Like Ageiena, Cupiennius is able to com-
pensate for a detour. When driven away from the prey through a semi-circular
corridor, it returned from the exit to the capture site by the shortest route
(Fig. 7 a). The sharp turns of these runs (indicating the start of a "searching
loop") began at a distance only slightly larger than the distance from the start to
the prey. When the lyriform slit sense organs on all leg femora were experimen-
tally destroyed, the scatter of the return runs increased. Although the spiders
started off more or less correctly, they eventually drifted off the ideal route and
less than 50% of the runs reached the capture site (Fig. 7b). The searching loops
of most of the spiders were performed at an approximately correct distance,
however, indicating that the spider's path-integration ability has not been im-
290 P. Gomer and B. Claas

a b
Fig. 7 a, b. Return runs of Cupiennius salei after having been chased from the capture site (1)
through a semi-circular corridor (arrows). a On its return run from (2), the intact spider takes a
short cut to the capture site. b The spider whose lyriform organs on all femora were ablated
misses the capture site. Large numbers stops; small numbers "walking error". (The "walking er-
ror", calculated from each turning point as en = Vn (1 - cos ()(), is a measure of the accuracy of
the spider's ability to find the shortest way from the start to the capture site and a measure to
determine the onset of the searching loops). In 5 the spider starts "searching loops" (large
walking error); ()( starting angle. (Seyfarth et al. 1982)

The significance of the lyriform slit sense organs for idiothetic navigation is
also shown by experiments with wolf spiders (Gomer and Zeppenfeld 1980).
Female Pardosa amentata were anesthetized with CO 2 and their cocoons re-
moved. After recovery, they meandered in circles in the vicinity of the releasing
point. When driven 5 cm away, their searching runs were directed toward the
release point. (The experiments were done with red light to exclude optical
orientation.) If the lyriform organs on the coxae of the second and third legs
were covered with glue, however, the searching runs were no longer directed
toward the releasing point. Covering the organs on the coxae of the first and
fourth legs had very little effect. Obviously, the sensory organs on the second
and third legs are of major importance for perception of leg movement. This
seems plausible, since during locomotion the amplitude of horizontal move-
ment of the second and third legs is much greater than that of the first and
fourth legs (Ehlers 1939; Frohlich 1978).

5 Orientation by Means of Directional Cues of the Web

5.1 Return Runs on Natural Webs

Baltzer (1930) and Holzapfel (1934) found that web elasticity is relevant to the
spider's orientation. If a web attached to a square frame was deformed into a
rhombus, Age/ena ran along the line of highest tension instead of back to its re-
treat (Fig. 8). Obviously the spider is able to perceive variations in web tension.
Does it also use this ability to find its way under natural conditions? Holzapfel
(1934) investigated the elasticity of the web at different points. She found 'that
elasticity decreases with increasing distance from the retreat, which is sur-
rounded by a densely woven area. Consequently, the spider should be able to
Homing Behavior in Agelena labyrinthica 291

Fig. 8. The influence of web tension on the 1------

run back to the retreat by A. labyrinthica. I r---------~----I
Dotted line Age/ena's route from R to S.
When the spider arrived at S, the frame was I
experimentally deformed to a rhombus. Solid
line Age/ena's route from S. (Baltzer 1930)

find its retreat by running against the gradient of elasticity. Indeed, Agelena
sometimes finds its way to its retreat without having been able to store informa-
tion from other orientational cues or to navigate by means of idiothetic infor-
mation. For example, this is the case when a male runs straight to the funnel of
a female's web (Holzapfel 1935).
There is further evidence for orientation by means of special features of the substrate. (1)
On some webs spiders deviated consistently from the direct route back to the retreat (un-
published). Since all other cues remained constant, this behavior must have been a function of
the substrate. (2) When the position of the light source was changed during the experimental
run, the spiders normally missed the retreat. After meandering in circles, they sometimes sud-
denly headed straight back to their funnel. This suggests that they are able to "switch" from
optic-idiothetic orientation to orientation by means of parameters of the web.
A puzzling question is why the spiders did not orientate themselves by
means of the web pattern in experiments in which they were lifted from the
web in darkness. Back on the web they started in any direction, i.e., no use of
orientational cues was discernible (Gomer 1966; Kurth 1972; Moller 1970;
Dornfeldt 1975 a). It may be that the spiders have to run a certain distance be-
fore they are able to "switch" to orientation according to the elasticity pattern
of the web.

5.2 Return Runs on Composite Webs

Since the substrate obviously influences the course of the spiders, a composite
web was constructed from parts of natural ones (Gomer and Claas 1980). At the
periphery the web was connected either to the natural or to an artificial funnel.
The spiders accepted these artificial webs. As on natural webs, they ran in a
compromise direction between optical and idiothetic cues in the experimental
run. Most of the runs occurring belonged to pattern 1 (see Sect. 2), the more or
less straight course with a deviation of about 60 0 from the directions to the re-
treat. Very few curved runs (pattern 2) and direct runs to the retreat (pattern 3)
occurred. The same run patterns were obtained in an experiment in which the
spiders started their return course from the periphery lateral to the retreat so
that they traversed the web (Exp. 12 and 13, Fig. 9a, b).
292 P. Gomer and B. Claas

R n·21

Fig. 9a- d. Return courses of 14 A. labyrinthica, starting at the periphery of the web after the
light has been switched over in the experimental run. On a natural web (a) the spiders follow
the change of the light azimuth in only II out of 25 runs. In the other cases, the spiders either
run directly back to the retreat (pattern 3) or else start in an optical-idiothetic compromise
direction and then tum round toward the retreat. (This type of run can be regarded as a special
case of run pattern 3.) On a web composed of pieces of natural webs (b), most runs traverse the
web in the compromise direction. If the composite web is placed on nylon threads strung either
perpendicular and parallel to a diameter of the web through the retreat (c) or at an angle of
45 0 and 135 0 (d, see insert), the spiders follow in some of their runs the exact direction of the
threads (heavy lines in d)

We conclude from these experiments that in a conflict situation, the spider

may orientate itself by the pattern of the web either at once or after a short run
in a compromise direction. (In his theory on optical and idiothetic orientation
of A. labyrinthica Mittelstaedt (1978) presented a computer simulation which
showed run patterns similar to those obtained from Agelena in the case of con-
flict between optical and idiothetic input. However, in his simulation the in-
fluence of the web was not taken into account. See also Kroll 1983 and Wanger
This hypothesis is corroborated by another series of experiments in which a
composite web was placed on a net of nylon threads strung in a round frame. In
the experimental run the spiders sometimes followed one thread quite exactly
Homing Behavior in Agelena labyrinthica 293

for a while, then changed their course to follow another perpendicular thread
(Exp. 14, Fig. 9c, d).
Agelena's ability to follow the line of highest tension in an experimentally
deformed web or to run against the gradient of elasticity can be interpreted as a
simple taxis ("baso-taxis", lander 1963). It is also possible that spiders are able
to navigate by the elasticity pattern of the web as they do by optical and
idiothetic cues, i.e., during their runs they may store and integrate information
about orientational cues of the substrate. However, there are no experiments to
date which prove this hypothesis. It is not yet known either how Agelena per-
ceives the tension or elasticity pattern of the web.
It may measure the extent to which the web gives way under its legs and, by
comparing these values, discriminate 'between points of higher and lesser elas-
ticity. It may also take into account the time-, frequency- and amplitude spectra
of the vibrations reflected from the edge of the web (see also Barth, Chap. XI,
this Vol.).

6 Navigation by Means of Gravity

6.1 Gravity Navigation in A. labyrinthica?

Under natural as well as laboratory conditions, most webs made by the funnel-
web spider slope toward the retreat (Bartels 1929; Holzapfel 1934). This sug-
gests that gravity may be used as a cue for orientation. (In the experiments de-
scribed above, only horizontal webs were used. Thus an orientation by means of
gravity was excluded. Flattened horizontal webs were obtained by lifting the
margin of natural webs onto the top edge of the frame.)
Bartels (1929) showed that Agelena does in fact orientate by means of grav-
ity. He tilted the web in such a way that instead of the retreat, the frame corner
adjacent to it was the lowest point within the web. Under these conditions, the
spider running back from its prey headed toward the lowest point instead of the
funnel. Bartels and Holzapfel were able to show that Agelena stores information
about its direction with respect to gravity during its runs on the web. Nothing is
known to date about the properties of this type of memory, however.
If gravity orientation is organized similarly to optical and idiothetic navi-
gation, this should become obvious under similar experimental conditions.
Preliminary experiments (unpublished) do suggest the possibility that de-
tours are calculated in gravitational orientation as well. In these experiments,.a
segment of the web was tilted up by either 45 0 or 90 0 (Fig. 10). The spiders
were blindfolded and then lured from the retreat to the prey on the elevated
part of the web either directly or via a detour. With the segment turned up by
90 0 , the spiders ran a short distance straight down and gradually took a direct
route back to their retreat. With the segment sloped by 45 0 , the spiders re-
turned by almost the shortest route. Although these experiments do not com-
pletely rule out either idiothetic orientation or orientation by means of the pat-
tern of elasticity of the web, they suggest that Agelena is able to navigate by
294 P. Gomer and B. Claas

b c

Fig. lOa - c. Single runs and starting directions of seven A. labyrinthica on a horizontal web
(a), and on a segment of a web which is inclined 45° (b) or 90° (c); filled circles direct course
to prey site B; open circles detour via A to B; thin arrow mean vector of starting directions;
thick arrow direction to gravity. All but one of the spiders were blindfolded

iP>1 ~ 9O'li--~-~-~-~-_"T-o_
l( n- 126
r >- r - 0.83
~o 0
~ -:I)

a ]-~--~~~~--~--~~
-90 -fIJ -:I) 0 30 fIJ 9<f
Inclination of lnitiol Oriental,,,,, '0 Prey ('b')
Fig. 11 a, b. Gravity orientation in Phidippus pulcherrimus. a The spider sitting on a vertical
disc, facing a fly (1), jumping at but missing the fly because the latter has been removed (2-4),
climbing its dragline d (5); and reorientating (6). b Correlation between initial orientation
angle to the prey and reorientation angle to the "expected" prey. (From Hill 1979).

6.2 Gravity Orientation in Other Spiders

From the experiments of Peters (1932) it seems likely that orb weaving spiders are
able to orientate by means of gravity. There is, however, no convincing evidence
of this ability (see also La Guelte 1969). Support for gravity orientation in Sal-
Homing Behavior in Agelena labyrinthica 295

ticidae has been presented by Hill (1979) in an elegant experiment. He showed

that Phidippus pulcherrimus is able to take the same position with respect to
gravity on a vertical disc which it had taken before it jumped to catch a fly (for
further details see Fig. II). Because visual cues could not be used for determi-
nation of its position on the disc, the spider probably oriented by means of

7 Conclusions

Although a great deal of data about the orientational faculties of Agelena have
been gathered and the theoretical analysis of this material has progressed a con-
siderable distance, we are still far from having a comprehensive understanding
of the mechanism that governs Agelena's homing behavior. Only a few of the
sensory organs involved in allothetic and idiothetic orientation are known.
Gravity receptors, for example, have not been found in spiders to date; re-
ceptors involved in idiothetic orientation have only been dealt with in detail in
ctenids, and hardly anything is known about either data processing in the eNS
of the spider or the neuroanatomical correlates of the different memories. The
amazing faculties of the funnel-web spider in finding its way about its web are
unlikely to be exceptional among spiders. Indeed, the results of the few investi-
gations carried out on orientation in other spiders suggest that they may have
still other, as yet undiscovered, capabilities.

Acknowledgments. Our thanks are due to Dr. H. Mittelstaedt and the colleagues of our de-
partment for many valuable discussions, to Dr. Ursula Gomer and U. Will for translating the
manuscript, and to Dr. Diana Forsythe for critical reading and correcting of the English draft.
We are grateful to Martina Koppers and K. Weigel for technical assistance. Supported by a
grant of the Minister fUr Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein- Westfalen to
P. Gomer.


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XV Analytical Cybernetics of Spider Navigation

I Aims and Means . . . . . . . . . 298
2 Basic Alternatives. . . . . . . . . 299
3 Basic Constituents of Path Integration 300
4 The Angular Information . . . . . 302
5 Interaction of Idiothetic and Visual Angular Information 302
6 A Cartesian Solution 304
7 Consequences . . . . . . . . . . . 304
8 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
9 Prerequisites. . . . . . . . . . , . 308
IO Space or Spatial Frequency . . . . . 311
II Conclusively Inferred System Properties 313
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . 315

1 Aims and Means

The navigation of the funnel web spider is a complex behavioral performance:

it depends on the animal's motivation, which in tum changes seasonally, diur-
nally, and by dint of various vicissitudes including the consequences of its own
success of failure; it uses allothetic sources of spatial information such as the
overall light distribution, specifically the sun and the polarization pattem.ofthe
sky, the structure and the inclination of the web, as well as idiothetic sources
such as stored records of the animal's own movements provided by propriocep-
tors or efference copies (see also Gomer and Claas, Chap. XIV, this Vol.); it
employs large arrays of receptors and effectors connected by a central nervous
organization which might lead to perfect navigation, were it not for the ever-
present influence of noise at all levels of the system.
Consequently, it is impossible to predict the navigational behavior at any
moment, e.g., the exact trajectory in space and time of a spider which has, for
example, captured a fly at the periphery of the web and is just starting to move,
prey in claw. Nor would it ever be possible in retrospect, after the spider has
completed its excursion, to retrace all the processes which actually shaped its
course. How, then, do we come to understand the homing performance of the

Max-Planck-Institut fUr Verhaltensphysiologie, D-8131 Seewiesen, Federal Republic of

Analytical Cybernetics of Spider Navigation 299

animal? By extracting, from observation of the temporal behavior, exactly those

time-invariant properties of the underlying system which make the navigational
performance possible. This search is guided by questions such as: what infor-
mation is needed, how is it gained, and how is it processed to yield the perform-
ance. In fact, ours is an engineering task in reverse: whereas the scientific en-
gineer tries to attain a desired performance from his knowledge of the theory of
the system, the biologist tries to develop the theory of the system from his
knowledge of its performance.
As the history of this kind of research shows, its first steps can successfully
be done using common sense to design experiments, and common language to
formulate conclusions. Very soon, however, as we shall find out below, the
limits of such means become apparent. In order to control one's assumptions,
sharpen one's conclusions, and formulate precise hypotheses about the inner
structure of the information-processing system, one needs the methodological
and theoretical tools of modem information technology. Yet, since the biol-
ogist's task is the inverse of the engineer's, he needs a different method of ap-
proach. Whereas the latter is free to use any ways and means to achieve at least
a sufficient, or at best an optimal performance, the former must disclose the
way the performance is attained in the biological case at hand. Therefore, in-
stead of suggesting merely sufficient or even optimal solutions, I shall try to fol-
Iowa dialectical sequence of deductions and experimental cross-checks, thereby
climbing, as it were, the logical tree of the theoretically possible alternative so-
lutions to our problem.

2 Basic Alternatives

The female of the funnel-web spider (family Agelenidae) spins a flat, more or
less horizontal web covering an area of 300 to 1000 cm2 with a downsloping
open end tube situated normally, but not necessarily, in one comer, her retreat.
Alarmed and guided solely by mechanical cues caused by a prey, thence she
darts out to capture, and thither she dashes back. The primary alternative initi-
ates the first question: is homing achieved with or without information about
the spatial relation between spider and retreat? Clearly, when the outbound
path was straight, an about-face at the point of return would suffice (cf. Bartels
1929); yet, as shown by Gomer (1958, see also Chap. XIV, this Vol.), Agelena
can home by the shortest way after detours on the way out, in any starting posi-
tion, and from any location. In these cases, then, the spider must have had in-
formation about its relation to home.
This opens the next alternative: is this information gained at the point of re-
turn ("on-site information") or on the way to it ("en-route information")? The
alternative may be resolved by passive transport, under cueless conditions, to
the "site of release". Agelena as well as Tegenaria is perfectly able to home in
total darkness, yet, if the spider is lifted from her retreat in darkness and set
down somewhere on the web (Moller 1970; Dornfeldt 1972) or if, again in the
dark, she is lured out to a prey and lifted with the prey to some other place on
the web, she appears to be totally disoriented. In the first case, she mostly starts
300 H. Mittelstaedt

scurrying around; in the second, she mostly takes a straight but randomly ori-
ented course (Dornfeldt 1972; Kurth 1974). It would be premature, however, to
exclude "on-site information" altogether. A statistical analysis of the second
case in Tegenaria (Manert 1983) shows a small but higher than chance number
of perfect returns in an otherwise circularly homogeneous distribution. Also,
upon hitting the border of the web, which in this case was perfectly circular, she
usually returned alongside it, yet chose in a significant (p < 0.001) number of
cases (72%) the shorter one of the two ways (see also Gomer and Claas, Chap.
XIV, this Vol.). The decisive point in our case is, however, that although on-site
cues ~hould abound on a web constructed by the user herself, and be easily ac-
cessible to an animal equipped with highly developed mechanoreceptors (see
Chaps. VII to IX, XI and XII, this Vol.), the spider homes rather poorly when
forced to use them, yet almost perfectly when en-route information is available.
The spider even homes, in darkness, from the first excursion on a web spun by
another animal or assembled from various pieces on top of an artificial netting
by the experimenter.
Opening our third alternative, en-route navigation can be done by "pilot-
ing" or by "path integration". In the first case the information consists of a se-
quence of stored local features picked up on the way out, in the second in a run-
ning computation of the present location from the past trajectory. The first al-
lows, but also constrains, its user to retrace his outward path; the second per-
mits return on the shortest line and even detours on the way. In large samples of
return runs in Tegenaria one occasionally finds a few cases which seem to copy
the detours of the outbound excursion; in general, however, the shape of the
outbound trajectory is not correlated with the shape of the inbound trajectory.
There can be no doubt, then, that, for a fast, efficient and reliable homing per-
formance, path integration is both necessary and sufficient.

3 Basic Constituents of Path Integration

In order to compute one's present location from one's past trajectory, it seems
intuitiveI.y evident that one must somehow take account of all rotatory as well
as translatory movements made on the way. But from here on, sheer com-
monsense begins to fail us: For instance, would it be sufficient to compute the
mean of the summed rotations weighted by the respective path segments? In the
example of Fig. 1 this would lead to

= A qJ) • As) + (A qJ) + A 1/12) AS 2 + (A qJ) +AI/12 + AIP3) AS 3 = 3450 (1)

qJres As)+As 2 +As 3 ••

At the start for home, a rotation about the angle A qJhome

A qJhome = qJres - (A qJ) + A qJ2 + A qJ3) ± 180 0 (2)

would then turn the spider very closely into the right direction. However, a few
detours and loops on the outward excursion will result in disastrous deviations.
Hence, integration, over the path, of the angles by which the spider deviates
Analytical Cybernetics of Spider Navigation 301

starting location
sum of t.Yi s

lP,es = IPhome + 180'


W ~~----~------~----~ A
initial direct. t.x) + t.Xl + t. X3
(Po = 0' sum of t. Xi
Fig. 1. Simplified example of homing to show geometrical basis of path integration. W initial
location = place of the spider at the beginning of the outbound excursion; W - A initial direc-
tion = direction of the spider's long (X-)axis at that moment. rp deviation of the spider's X-axis
from initial direction; L1s length of straight path segments; S location of the spider at the be-
ginning of the return. If the path segments L1 Si and the orthogonal components of rp, sin rpi and
cos (f!j, are known, the coordinate values of the animal's location may be computed as
L: L1 Yj = L: L1 Sj sin rpj and L: L1 Xj = L: L1 Sj cos rpj. Their quotient yields the tangent of rpr." which is
the inverse of the direction fPhom. into which the spider must head for a perfect return. In the
general case, the L1si must be sufficiently small or summation be replaced by continuous in-

from the starting direction, while tolerable for moderately curved trajectories, is
insufficient to ~xplain the animal's actual performance. As may be seen from
Fig. I, the mathematically correct solution to our problem is

tan IfJres
2:: LI Yi
= ~ = "\'
2:: LI Si sin lfJi (3)
L. LI Xi L. LI Si cos lfJi
that is, one needs the vector sum of the path segments or, in the general con-
tinuous case, the two integrals, over the path, of the sines and the cosines of the
deviations lfJi from the starting direction lfJo

Ssin lfJi ds (4)

tan ifJres = Scos ifJi d'

This solution could be implemented by actually computing the two integrals of

Eq. (4) separately, that is, by representing one's location in Cartesian coor-
dinates. Possibly, it may also be realized by summation of the vectors in a joint
angular representation, that is, in polar coordinates. Before we can tackle this,
302 H. Mittelstaedt

our fifth alternative, however, we first need to know the source of the angular
information and the way it is processed.

4 The Angular Information

The angular information may either be idiothetic (Mittelstaedt and Mit-

telstaedt 1973), that is, derived from a stored record of the animal's own ro-
tations, or allothetic, that is, originating from sources which are unaffected by
the animal's movements. As to the condition of total darkness, this (6th)
alternative is decided by luring the spider to a fly and then rotating the frame of
a perfectly horizontal, circular web about the vertical axis through its center,
relative to the laboratory. Agelena (Gomer 1958) and Tegenaria (Mittelstaedt
1978) nevertheless return to the retreat as perfectly as without rotation. This
outcome also excludes inertial origin of the idiothetic information, thus also de-
ciding the 7th and opening the 8th alternative: is the idiothetic information
based on inflow or outflow, that is, on mechanoreceptive signals which monitor
the movements of the legs, or from efference copies of the commands which
control them? Unfortunately, by contrast with the respective state of affairs in
Cupiennius (Barth and Seyfarth 1971; Seyfarth and Barth 1972; Seyfarth et al.
1982), this important problem has not yet been tackled in Agelena or Tegenaria.
Howbeit, there remains no doubt that the spider navigation system can com-
pute a representation of the angular deviation from some starting reference -
based on nothing but a record of its rotations relative to the substratum.
If the spider loses contact with it, however, the value of this information is
in jeopardy: it could hardly be supposed to be still correct, if, say, the spider fell
through a hole and clambered up again on its twistable safety thread. Indeed
there is evidence that its influence on the return run is actively shunted: as men-
tioned above, the animal resorts to searching and on-site information if it is lift-
ed from the web in darkness. Careful analysis shows, furthermore, that the
deviation of the return direction from home is then not correlated with the
angular difference between lift-up and drop-down. Conclusive evidence on this
point will. result from the subsequent inquiry into alternatives for angular infor-

5 Interaction of Idiothetic and Visual Angular Information

If the animal is lifted from the web in sunlight, it returns straight home, more
or less. If, in addition, the web is rotated by 90 0 when the spider is in mid-air, it
runs in the reverse of the compass direction of the outbound excursion missing
the home direction by - 90 0 • If it is not lifted during the rotation, it runs mostly
into intermediates between the home and the reversed compass direction.
Taken together, this proves the point made above about the inactivation of the
idiothetic information after a lift-off. It also shows the influence of visual angu-
lar cues. But how do they interact with the idiothetic ones?
When many runs of this type are plotted with reference to the home direc-
tion, the pattern resulting in the third experiment (Fig. 2) resembles neither a
Analytical Cybernetics of Spider Navigation 303

Fig. 2. Left side return trajectories of a female of Agelena labyrinthica (recorded in collabor-
ation with P. Gomer) after a shift of light direction of .de = - 90°. The abscissa coincides
with the normalized inbound excursions (not shown). Right side computer simulation of this
kind of test based on the filter frequency theory. (Mittelstaedt 1978; cf. later in the text.) Sand
Wsee Fig. I

Fig. 3. Definition of homing error e. Woutbound, S in-

bound starting points. e the angle subtended, at S, by W
and the intersection of the return path with a circle
about S with radi us of % the distance WS

superposition of the patterns of the first two, nor a shift of one of them into an
intermediate direction. A crude but nevertheless rather instructive way of
evaluating such a pattern is to determine the "homing error" E: as the angle, at
the point of return, sub tended by the retreat and the intersection of the return
trajectory with a circle of a radius of two thirds of the home distance (Fig. 3),
and sum the home deviations vectorially, treating them as unit vectors. In the
laboratory experiments, the sun is replaced by two projectors with controllable
shutters, and the spider. trajectory is recorded automatically for computer
evaluation. As was first shown by Moller (1970), the system behaves as if the
mean homing error, e, were the resultant of two vectors, one pointing home-
ward and the second deviating from home by the angle LI e of the light shift, or,

E sin e+ L sin (li - LI e) = 0 (5)

and hence
_ sin LI e
tanE:= E (6)
-+ cos LIe
where ElL is the relative magnitude of the idiothetic vector E to the light vector
L. Whereas the former is assumed to be constant, the latter proved to be a
304 H. Mittelstaedt

monotonic, probably logarithmic or power function of the light intensity

(Dornfeldt 1975 a). The homing error after a lift-off obtains with E = O.

6 A Cartesian Solution

If the visual system indeed provided variables which are proportional to the
sine and cosine of the deviation fJ of the spider's long axis from the azimuth of
the sun, and the idiothetic system respectively of the deviation (J of the long
axis from some direction on the web, e.g., its midline, the theoretical require-
ments laid down in Eqs. (3) and (4) would be met in a rather clear-cut way: to
begin with the light, let the sine and cosine components of fJ be separately in-
tegrated over the path s during the entire excursion and the result be perma-
nently cross-multiplied with the actual components of fJ during the return trip,
then a rotatory command rlight to the legs is obtained which will tum the animal
into the home direction.

rlight = L sin fJ J Leos fJ ds - Leos fJ SL sinfJ ds. (7)

If all operations are executed correctly during the return, the two integrals will
be zero when the spider has again arrived at the retreat. The same would be
true for an idiothetic homing command ridio:

ridio = E sin (J S E cos (J ds - E cos (J SE sin (J ds. (8)

If both commands are added, the relations of Eq. (6) would result indeed (with
ElL replaced by P/L2). In an analysis of the dynamics of spider navigation,
Wanger (1984) has shown that a system of this kind does not only yield the
mean values of the experimentally found homing errors e, but, with plausible
assumptions about the stochastics of the intervening noise, also leads to similar
patterns of homing trajectories as those shown in Fig. 2.
Altho,ugh the present, "Cartesian", solution to our problem appears to be
sufficient, at least for an explanation of the results given above (cf. Fig. 4), it
cannot be relied on before we are sure about its place on the "logical tree" of
possible alternatives, specifically on the "polar-Cartesian" alternative (the
fifth) left open above. I suggest postponing the decision further, however, un-
til we have explored some important consequences of the present solution. Be-
cause they pertain also to the "polar" alternatives, this can be done without loss
of generality.

7 Consequences

A system operating according to Eq. (7) provides homing independent of the

initial azimuth fJo of the sun. The same is true for Eq. (8) as to the initial value
of the idiothetic azimuth (Jo, and even if both are combined additively, provid-
ed this is done after the formation of the motor commands rlight and ridio of Eqs.
Analytical Cybernetics of Spider Navigation 305


® €~ O ./)
S --A _~------- A

w .,.:....~----\- w.:~...
:. . --~--- - - A

Fig. 4. Test paradigms revealing basic traits of homing performance. Woutbound, S inbound
starting points. Dotted line runs in total darkness. Loop from H to S lift of the spider from
point H to S; W -A initial direction of the spider's long axis; e see Fig. 3; L1 e angular shift of
light direction from source Ll to L2; grey zone at S standard deviation of homing errors f:j
(approximate values!). For details see text

(7) and (8):

r = rlight + ridio· (9)

Since the sun's azimuth changes by more than 180 0 on a mid-European sum-
mer day, this would be a very valuable property of such a system. It has conse-
quences, however, which can be readily tested, for instance by the paradigms
shown in Fig. 5. In the experiment D the outbound excursion is divided into
two legs, the first to the right in the light, the second across the web in the dark.
Before the inbound start at S, the same light is switched on again. Equation (9)
now predicts a deviation of the return path to the right, since ridio alone would
direct the spider homeward, whereas rlight alone would direct it into the reverse
direction of the first leg. In fact, however, the spider heads straight home! One
might suspect, of course, that an intelligently constructed system should realize,
as it were, that the visual information must now be misleading if summed as
usual, and hence disregard it in this case. That should indeed be possible, pro-
vided the two modalities were separately integrated and hence all four integrals
be available for separate cancelation. An additional light shift just before the
306 H. Mittelstaedt

L, swi tcb. d ,n


\ L,



Fig. 5. Test paradigms of crucial experiments D, E, F. In all four, the spider is led on a two-leg
path along the sides of a nearly equilateral triangle. Visual and/or idiothetic conditions are
changed midway and/or at the point of return. D point where light was turned off; all other
symbols as in Fig. 4

s H
." --- --- - - "'-. ..... . .--<


. '"
o W' o

Fig. 6. Eighteen runs under test paradigm DH of a house spider (Tegenaria). Under light from
source Ll, the spider is led on a more or less winding path to different points Di , from there in
the dark to points Hi , lifted there from the web and dropped down at points Si . In the right
diagram, all 18 recordings are normalized with respect to distance and direction of Wi - Hi'
Small full circles points Di ; D their mean with standard deviations (nota bene of the normaliz-
ed recordings; in absolute terms they would be stilllarger!). The return paths (left diagram) are
segmented with '16 of WH, and the coordinated segments x---x summed vectorially with refer-
ence to the direction H - W through S. Around the sixth segment (arrow) runs begin to arrive
at the home location (small open circles) causing a convergence of the mean vectors with the
mean home location (large open circle). Neither the mean vectors nor the single runs show any
noticeable correlation to theform of the preceding path W-D-H, whereas the mean homing
performance is nearly perfect
Analytical Cybernetics of Spider Navigation 307

inbound start (Fig. 5 E), however, does result in exactly the same deviation
from home as in Fig. 4C, showing that the light influence is not canceled. One
might try to catch at a straw by assuming that the integration is always exclu-
sively idiothetic and the light modality is merely used for the computation of the
final return direction, additively of course in order to satisfy Eqs. (5) and (6).
The experiment of Fig. 5 F shows, however, that the light influence is operative
all the time. Otherwise the amount of the return path deviation should be as in
Fig. 4C. In fact it is significantly smaller [and, by the way, close to the deviation
predicted by Eqs. (7), (8), (9)]. To top it all, in addition to the treatment of the
test in Fig. 5 D, the spider is lifted from the web after a detour in the dark, be-
fore the initial light is turned on again (see Fig. 5DH). The hypothesis of Eq.
(9) now predicts a return in the reverse direction of the leg traversed in the light
(i.e., 8 = -9::SWD). In fact, the animal runs in the direction 8 = -9::SWH which
would have led it straight home if it had been set down where it was lifted!
This, as well as tests D and E, appears to strictly falsify the additive solution
Before jumping to conclusions, though, we ought to be quite sure that no
loophole remains, for instance the possibility, however remote, that in the ex-
periments (Dornfeldt 1975b) a "menotactic" light angle may have been
trained-in by long sequences of return runs from the same inbound starting
point S, or as a consequence of the peculiar geometric constraints resulting
from runs in equilateral or isosceles triangles. Thus we have repeated the criti-
cal experiments with the house spider Tegenaria, yet tried to shuffle those con-
ditions as much as possible. An example of paradigm DH is given in Fig. 6.
Although the situation was further aggravated by working under a reduced in-
fluence of the light, which (expectedly) caused an increase in variance, the
average inbound direction in paradigm DH turned out to be perfectly parallel
to the line W - H, thus corroborating the earlier results. Hence we seem to be in
the precarious position of having to salvage or to abandon the explanatory ve-
hicle, which so far has served us so well.

8 Conclusions '

Taking stock of the situation, one discovers that the source of the predicament
is a general problem of any additive bimodal convergence: Although otherwise
beneficial, the bimodal summation would wreck the navigational performance,
if one party is lacking or merely weakened during a detour en route (and how
often may that happen under the shifting sunlight of a windy day!). Actually,
however, the system behaves in tests D, DH, and E as if the amplitude of the
joint input components (the length of the "resultant input vector") were always
of standard magnitude, no matter whether both parties are operative or merely
one. Yet, almost miraculously, the deviations in tests C, E, and F are neverthe-
less proportional to the relative amplitudes of the rivaling parties! Obviously it
would even be no help if the light input were intensity-independent.
To resolve these seemingly irreconciliable contradictions, I have suggested
(Mittelstaedt and Mittelstaedt 1973, 1978, 1983 a) that before integration the
308 H. Mittelstaedt

components are normalized, that is, mathematically, divided by a common fac-

F = V(L sinp + Esinoy + (L cos 13 + Ecos 0)2. (10)

Hence, the amplitude parameters Land E in Eqs. (7) and (8) will be replaced
by L/F and ElF respectively. In order to understand how this normalization
may solve our problems, let us consider the special case that, at the beginning
of an excursion, the light azimuth Po = a o= 0, so that both may be substituted
by the starting direction rpo of the spider. Hence the idiothetic input angle a may
be substituted by rp, and the light input angle 13 by rp - L18. Let the normalized
components be summed to become
E sin rp + L sin (rp - L1 8)
Ynorm = F (11 a)
E cos rp + L cos (rp - L1 8)
x norm = F (11 b)

respectively, and the normalization factor F be

F = V[E sin rp + L sin (rp - L1 8)]2 + [Ecos rp + L cos (rp - L1 8)]2. (12)

The rotatory command r (to the left: positive) after integration and cross-
multiplication then reads
r = Ynorm SXnorm ds - X norm SYnorm ds. (13)
This solution directly yields the outcome of all tests reviewed, since
F = VE2+ U+ 2 EL cosL18 (14)
and, consequently, the amplitudes of Xnorm and Ynorm become unity in all cases.
As may easily be seen, this is even true after a light shift, so that even then, (e.g.,
in tests C and E) the integrals become zero after a deviating run at a distance
equalling the distance WS. In these experiments the spider does then, in fact,
show the typical sharp turns at this point (Dornfeldt 1972; see also Mittelstaedt
1978, Fig. 9 p. 167). In test F, however, the predicted "home distance" is much
larger, usually even extending beyond the web's border. Indeed, on the return
run the spider is often in danger of falling out of the web at full speed! The
most striking evidence results if in test F the light shift is done in the opposite
direction (L1 8 = - 90 0 , when the spider is otherwise led as in Fig. 5 F). By the
incidental (unwitting!) combination of an equilateral triangle as standard path
and a value of ElL = cotan 60 0 , the predicted "home point" does coincide with
the inbound starting point S: and indeed, instead of dashing off, the spider
lingers or scurries around it (Fig. 7).

9 Prerequisites

Normalization is, then, a necessary condition for the explanation of the results
of Fig. 5. As a consequence, however, the independence of the performance
Analytical Cybernetics of Spider Navigation 309

Fig. 7. Recordings of the return trajectory in paradigm F (see Fig. 5 and text) made by Dorn-
feldt (1975 b). The spider is lured along the base of an (almost) equilateral triangle under L.,
and along the right side under L2 (LIe = + 90° or - 90°) to the tip of the triangle, where it is
left to its own devices. Note the striking difference seen when (left) the light shift LIe had been
positive (in the same direction as the change of path) or negative (right) . According to the
theory (Mittelstaedt 1973, 1978,1983), the home location computed by the spider's navigation
system after the light shift is at twice the height of the triangle from the tip "downward" in the
first case, whereas at, or very close to, the tip of the triangle in the second - provided ElL ~
cotan 60°

from the initial azimuths, discussed above, is no longer guaranteed. This can be
most easily seen if the azimuth of the sun is in opposition to the initial position
of the spider: Po = (Jo + 180 0, and L = E; or consider the outcome of test DH or
BH with Po = (Jo - 90° (the simplest way is to use Eqs. (11) to (14), but let the
light be shifted by 11(9 = 90° before the beginning of the outbound excursion!).
Consequently, it must be secured that, at the outbound start, the deviation of
the visual components from their reference is equal to the deviation of the idio-
thetic components from theirs, in other words: that the two "vectors" point in
the same direction.
With this latter condition we encounter another general problem of a bi-
modal convergence. Also, only under this condition may the organism reap the
benefits which the additive convergence would then entail, namely an increase
of the signal-to-'noise ratio due to the increase of the input amplitudes. How
may the problem be solved? I have suggested (Mittelstaedt 1978) that the actual
values of at least one set of input components, preferably the visual ones, are
stored at a given moment ("registered"), to serve as a permanent reference, un-
til the need for a new adjustment arises; for instance when the sun deviates from
its initial azimuth by an intolerably large angle. Figure 8 shows the definition
of the input angles. In this article, all angles are defined, in a righthanded sys-
tem, with reference to the web X-axis [whereas, nota bene, the earlier publi-
cations (Mittelstaedt 1978, 1983a) used an animal-fixed reference system]. Let
the angle (Jo be the deviation of the spider's long axis from the X-axis of the
web which it had at the crucial moment of storage of the visual information,
and let Po be the angle between the long axis and the light source azimuth at
that moment. If the light input is computed from the difference between the
angle Po and the current light angle Pi, and if the idiothetic input is, respective-
ly, proportional to (Ji - (Jo = rp, then the two inputs would be equal as long as the
310 H. Mittelstaedt

light azimuth remains constant: ai - a o = Pi - Po = rp, if LIe = O. Since the light

may shift en route from Ll to L2 by LIe, however, the light input would in gen-
eral be proportional to rp - LIe. Hence the conditions of Eqs. (11) to (14) are
realized at any initial azimuth of the sun and of the spider.
It must be ascertained, however, that the light reference Po has always been
properly registered. In the experiments on Agelena (Gomer 1958; Dornfeldt
1972), it was attempted to ensure this by means of three training runs under the
light source Ll before each critical test. A series of experiments to be reported
elsewhere in detail has shown that this suffices in most cases. In order to find
out whether the reference has been correctly registered after a training run in
the light, we tum it off before the start, lure the spider out in the dark - nota
bene to a d(fferent location than in the preceding training run - lift it from the
web, and switch the same light on just before or shortly after the animal drops
onto the web again. The spider will now run in the right direction, namely
homeward, if it has come down where it was lifted (yet in a d(fferent direction
to the light than in the training run!), if and only if the reference is correctly
registered (Fig. 9). By means of this check it has been possible to show that,
when the spider sits "at attention" in front of its retreat, not more than 7 s of
exposure to a light source, at any arbitrary light azimuth, are sufficient to set a
new reference. On the other hand, it may happen that the animal stubbornly
sticks to its old reference even after three consecutive training runs under a new
light direction. This explains, by the way, why, if the light direction is changed
before the outbound start and kept constant during the entire run, the spider -
after lift-off and set-down at the same spot - sometimes deviates in the same
direction as in Fig. 4 C (yet by a smaller angle than in test C, if ElL < 1, by a
larger angle, if ElL> 1!). Also, some puzzling earlier results under such con-
ditions (Bartels and Baltzer 1928) may thus find their explanation.

L2 $"""", ,,
, Fig. 8. Definition of input angles. Web-
fixed right-handed reference system. Ab-
>< scissa X-axis of web; ordinate Y-axis of
en web. Line W -A direction of the spider's
X-axis at the moment of "registration"
(reference setting; see text). fli (Ll) , fli (2)
angles between present X-axis of spider
and light direction from source L, or L2
respectively. flo angle between spider
~\ L,
~\ X-axis and light direction (L,) at the mo-
I ment of "registration". O"i present angle
between spider's and web's X-axes; 0"0
____ --:"--...,..,.:----:,--~ _ _- i . . _ X angle 0" at the moment of registration of
flo. LI e angular difference between light
directions from L, to L 2 , to left positive
- - - {Ji -{Jo = IJ.{J
[in the diagram all angles except fli (L2)
= ui - ao = cp are positive]. O"i - 0"0 = ({J idiothetic input
- f3i - flo = cp - !J.{} angle; fli - flo = ({J - LIe light input angle
Analytical Cybernetics of Spider Navigation 311

Fig. 9. Experimental check of reference setting in the house spider Tegenaria. After a training
run a under a light source L. (inbound start from point Sai), the spider in a subsequent run b is
lured out in darkness to a different spot Hbi , lifted, and the light source L. turned on again just
before or immediately after the spider drops down at point Sbi (see left side diagram, which
shows preceding training run to Sai, and subsequent test from Sbi of run I). Eleven cases of
successful "registration" have been selected from a large number to demonstrate the in-
dependence of the performance from the light directions (right side diagram; hinged arrows,
the rear part signifying the light direction at the preceding run, the front part that at the runs
shown). All inbound runs are drawn with reference to the directions Wbi - Hbi of the paths in
darkness, with the set-down points Sbi as common origin Sb, and the distance W bi , Hbi is
marked by crossbars (W'bi) near the base. All runs would have led the spider homeward, if it
had been set down where it was lifted (i.e., if Hbi = Sbi). Since this was normally not the case;
"searching turns" occur at about the expected distance (i.e., around W'bd

10 Space or Spatial Frequency

We are now in a position to tackle the postponed fifth alternative: "polar" ver-
sus "Cartesian" solutions, representation of directions by spatial maps or by
Fourier components, space versus spatial frequency. This indeed concerns a
problem of paramount interest in the neurobiology of the visual system. Visual
information processing, at least in its primary stages, appears to be done in neu-
ral layers where visual angle is mapped into neuron position, that is, where
space is represented spatially. In the funnel-web spider the very inputs, at any
rate, the rhabdomeres of the eight eyes, map the panorama of the surrounding
light distribution in such a way. Eventually, however, the information thus rep-
resented must be-transformed into scalar variables fit to control a muscle. In our
312 H. Mittelstaedt

case, then, the alternative is an inclusive one: the question is just where the
transformation occurs.
In my own hypothesis of 1977 (Mittelstaedt 1978) this is supposed to be
done at the very beginning by a spatial low pass filter which provides the first 3
or 5 harmonics through a simple weighting process (see also Mittelstaedt 1982,
1983 b). After the reference setting, they are summed with the respective idio-
thetic components, and then normalized by an internal feedback loop which al-
so permits to extract the first harmonics, that is, just two variables proportional,
at LIe = 0, to sin rp and cos rp respectively. Only those two are then integrated
over the path variable s, which may be procured by proprioceptors of the legs
or by an efference copyI, thus satisfying Eqs. (13) and (14). Computer simu-
lation of this hypothesis shows a reasonably good fit with the empirical data,
particularly with the pattern seen in test C (see Figs. 2 and 4): for bifurcation
phenomena are due to occur, if and when the higher harmonics are out of
phase at the point of summation.
Alternatively, by realizing the equivalent mathematical operations of cross-
and autocorrelation, reference setting, summation, normalization, and integra-
tion may also be done on a map. Figure 10 shows, for the visual system, the
activity of a circle of neurons after integration, as it might look at the end of the
excursion of Fig. 1. In order to determine the home direction, this pattern
should now be cross-correlated with the pattern of the actual light distribution,
which would be a slender single peak in our example. The resulting maximum
would then nearly coincide with rpl' however, instead of with what is wanted,
namely: rpres = rphome + 180°. As has been shown by Kroll (1983), the resulting
constant error would be the greater the more the path directions diverge, and
the more the higher spatial harmonics invade the frequency spectrum of the
light (or idiothetic) distributions. The pith of the matter is that information
about the spider's true relative location resides in the first harmonics only, and
nothing but these can eventually be admitted in a correct computation of the
home course.
Consequently the final cross-correlation cannot be done before extraction of
the first harmonics, e.g., by smoothing the mapped distributions in analogy to
the weighting process suggested above. And this affords a conclusive way of
falsifying the correlation hypothesis: If the spider had made an outbound ex-
cursion in the beams of two identical light sources impinging from opposite
directions (/31 = /32 + 180°), no first harmonics would be present on the map of
Fig. 10; and the spider, if it had been deprived of idiothetic information all the
way, would be bound to rotation or search. This is true even if the idiothetic
information were only canceled at the inbound starting point. The pattern on
the integrated map would then contain a first harmonic indeed. However, the
latter would have no counterpart in the pattern of the actual distribution after a

I The latter alternative is interesting because it may result in a direct dependence of the
idiothetic influence on the spider's distance from the computed "home" (cf. Kroll 1983) and
hence may help to explain the pattern of test C and its modifications (cf. Dornfeldt 1972, p. 72,
Fig. II and Gorner 1985, in press).
Analytical Cybernetics of Spider Navigation 313


.......... 0'

Fig. 10. Path integration in polar coordinates. At the outbound start, a remote light source, say
the sun, is assumed to have been located in the direction W - A of the abscissa of Fig. I
(flo = rpo = 0). The signals of a uniform circular array of light receptors have been integrated
over (here: mUltiplied by) the path segments As, to As, of Fig. I and are then stored in a circu-
lar "retinotopic" representation. X-axis internal representation of the spider's long axis; for-
ward (0°) positive; Y-axis internal representation of spider's transverse axis; to left (+ 90°)
positive (note that in the transition from a web fixed to an animal fixed coordinate system the
sign of rp changes) Black columns As, to Ass state of the system in case of nonoverlapping light
receptors and a point source. Smooth curves state of the system in case of a fuzzy light source,
sensory overlap or a Gaussian jitter of the animal's course (no quantitative precision intended)

lift-off, which contains only even number harmonics. Hence its contribution to
the result of the cross-correlation would be zero throughout (because
f [sin (rp - r) sin2nrp] drp = 0). The frequency filter hypothesis of 1977, how-
ever, would have the animal then turn into the home direction or its reverse,
thereby permitting rotation through obtuse as well as acute angles. This has, in
fact, been observed in pilot experiments on Tegenaria (Mittelstaedt 1978). Be-
cause of the import of the decision, a repetition, and a parallel test in Agelena,
is certainly called for. If secured, the result would indicate that the transforma-
tion from maps to components occurs before the integration over the path vari-
able. Reference setting and bimodal convergence, however, may well be ex-
ecuted on maps; in fact, such a hybrid system appears to be the most appealing,
if not the most likely.

11 Conclusively Inferred System Properties

Although many details have had to be omitted (which may be found in Mit-
telstaedt 1978 for the structure of the system, in Kroll 1983 for its mathematics,
and in Wanger 1984 for its dynamics), at last, I have come to the present-day
314 H. Mittelstaedt




. .
'--, ,. PATH - X.1f


Lsin LCOS '--

ypos = JYnarmds ----:Ypos
X pos =I Xnorm ds Xpos

ds =((it.)
Lsin ((3i - (30) Lcoo 'flI'- (30) Esin I(J Ecosl(J


sin, cos ((3i - (30) I(J=Cli-Clo=/rdt
Pi f(3o


EYES L///////

F .. RUN!"
.. TURN!"

(3 r X
XJ r
() CI r
I (J =/rdl L

Fig. 11. Block diagram of the signal-processing operations which are shown to be necessary
for the experimentally demonstrated navigation performances of the funnel-web spider (see
last paragraph). The diagram illustrates how they could be connected in a "Cartesian" solution
such that the entire control system is also sufficient; constraints: the spider moves on a flat hori-
zontal web devoid of on-site cues; the higher spatial harmonics in the inputs, the quantitative
temporal properties of the system, and the sideways movements of the spider are disregarded
(for attempts at lifting these constraints see Mittelstaedt 1978; Kroll 1983; Manert 1983;
Wanger 1984). Boxes signal processing operations; lines variables (arrows direction of caus-
ality); Qj addition (reversal of sign at black quadrant); 0 mUltiplication. x"ff efferent com-
mand leading to a translatory velocity x in the direction of the spiders long axis (forward posi-
tive). Yeff efferent command leading to a rotatory velocity r (counter-clockwise positive). For
other symbols see text and Fig. 8
Analytical Cybernetics of Spider Navigation 315

end of a long way - with apologies to my learned readers for taxing them with
the tedium of logical exertions. Hopefully it has become clear, though, why the
procedure is necessary as well as rewarding: certainly, more often than not, dis-
coveries are made by intuition rather than method, and new lines of thought
are developed from "models" which are neither sufficient nor necessary. If the
quest for a physical explanation of mental and behavioral performances is to
succeed, however, a methodological approach is needed which demands and
affords conclusiveness and consistency. The gains are insight into the workings
of a complex system which could hardly be won otherwise.
To summarize them in the present case: any physiological realization of the
spider navigation system must meet the following requirements (cf. Fig. 11):
1. There have to be at least three different stores: one for the retention of the
reference angle Po, one for the running computation of the idiothetic angle rp,
one for the result of the path integration, that is, the representation of the
spider's computed location (Ypos, xpos) at any moment (and, in addition, one for
the coordinates of the location of a deposited prey to which the spider wants to
return later - probably just another integrator to be set at zero before the ani-
mal leaves that location).
2. The idiothetic and light inputs must be normalized such as to satisfy Eq. (14).
3. The reference storage and the computation of the difference Pi - Po has to be
performed before the bimodal convergence, and the normalization must pre-
cede the path integration.
4. If the normalization is done by internal feedback (as in Mittelstaedt 1978),
joint integration of the idiothetic and, the light inputs and joint computation of
the motor commands is a necessary condition. (Yet, if the normalization is done
by feedforward division, albeit through a, necessarily, joint factor (F), the two
modalities could in principle be integrated separately, although that does not
seem very likely. But then, all integrals must be cross-multiplied or cross-cor-
related with the actual (normalized) inputs of both modalities in order to cor-
rectly compute the motor commands.)
5. Independently of whether the computation of the relative location is done in
space or spatial. frequency, it must be exclusively based on the first harmonics.
Their production must occur before the integration, if indeed, deprived of idio-
thetic information, the animal is still able to tum into the home direction thorne
or alternatively into thorne plus the multiples of 2 nln (with n even) under a light
distribution which contains only even number harmonics.

Note added in proof:

This decisive ability has been further corroborated in recent experiments under two opposing
light sources of equal intensity.

Acknowledgments. I wish to thank Peter Gomer, Clemens Kroll, Michael Manert, Werner
Mohren, Michael Potegal and Sepp Wanger for stimulating discussions, and, last but not least,
the many temporary and permanent staff members whose help has made this work possible.
316 H. Mittelstaedt: Analytical Cybernetics of Spider Navigation

Bartels M (1929) Sinnesphysiologische und psychologische Untersuchung an" der Trich-
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der Trichterspinne Agelena labyrinthica mit Hilfe einer Lichtquelle. Dissertation, Freie
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Dornfeldt K (1975a) Die Bedeutung der Haupt- un~ Nebenaugen fUr die photomenotaktische
Orientierung der Trichterspinne Agelena labyrinthica (Cl.). Z Tierpsychol 38:113-153
Dornfeldt K (1975b) Eine Elementaranalyse des WirkungsgefUges des Heimfindeverrnogens
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Kurth B (1974) Die Orientierung der Trichterspinne Agelena labyrinthica (Cl.) nach Parame-
tern des Netzes. Diplomarbeit, Freie Univ Berlin
Manert M (1983) Rechnergestutzte Untersuchungen uber das Verhalten der Trichterspinne bei
der Suche der Warte nach Hochheben bei Dunkelheit Diplomarbeit, Tech Univ Munchen
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pp 822-830
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pp 794-801
Mittelstaedt H, Mittelstaedt M-L (1973) Mechanismen der Orientierung ohne richtende
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der Trichterspinne Agelena labyrinthica. Z Vergl Physiol 66:78 - 106
Seyfarth E-A, Barth FG (1972) Compound slit sense organs on the spider leg: Mechanore-
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spider - compensation of detours and estimates of goal distance. Behav Ecolll:139-148
Wanger J (1984) Navigationsmotorik bei Trichterspinnen. Dissertation, Tech Univ Munchen
D The Motor System
XVI Neural Control of the Heartbeat and Skeletal
Muscle in Spiders and Scorpions

I Introduction. . . . . . . . . 319
2 Neural Control of the Heartbeat 319
2.1 Spiders . . . . . . . . . 320
2.2 Scorpions . . . . . . . . 326
3 Skeletal Neuromuscular Systems. 327
3.1 Spiders . . 327
3.2 Scorpions . 332
4 Conclusions. 334
References . . 334

1 Introduction

Neural control of muscle systems in arachnids is poorly understood in compari-

son to the other large classes of arthropods, namely the crustaceans and insects.
The vast majority of arachnid studies have involved spiders and scorpions, and
they have been directed primarily to the muscles of the heart and leg. In this
report, the existing information on the neural control of these muscles will be

2 Neural Control of the Heartbeat

There are basically two different mechanisms for the iilitiation of the heartbeat.
Either muscle cells in the heart itself spontaneously exhibit action potentials
that initiate rhythmic contractions of the myocardium or neural elements inti-
mately associated with the myocardium generate periodic bursts of action po-
tentials which are conducted to the myocardial cells, causing them to contract.
In the former case, the heartbeat is myogenic; in the latter, the heartbeat is
neurogenic. Well-known examples of myogenic hearts occur in molluscs and
vertebrates. Perhaps the best-known neurogenic hearts are those of the lobster
and horseshoe crab (Prosser 1973).

Department of Zoology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056, USA

320 R.G.Sherman

2.1 Spiders

The gross morphology of the heart will not be described; the reader is referred
to Foelix (1982) for spiders and to Randall (1966) for scorpions in this respect.

2.1.1 Origin of the Heartbeat

The first indication as to the origin of the heartbeat in spiders came from the
finding of a cardiac ganglion on the heart of Geolycosa missouriensis (Sherman
and Pax 1967), Heteropoda venatoria (Wilson 1967) and Scodra calceata
(Legendre 1968). The ganglion is a thread-like structure that lies mid-dorsally
on the heart and extends nearly its entire length (Fig. I). Demonstration that
the cardiac gangl,ion contains neuron somata and numerous axons came from
staining longitudinal sections through the mid-line of the heart with silver
(Sherman and Pax 1968). This procedure also showed that axons arising from
neuron somata in the cardiac ganglion occur in the myocardium.
Subsequent examination of dozens of different spider species revealed that
the presence of a cardiac ganglion on the heart is commonplace in spiders
(Sherman et al. 1969). A detailed histological study of the cardiac ganglion in
Geolycosa missouriensis and Eurypelma marxi showed that there are an average
of 57 neurons in the cardiac ganglion of the former and 85 in the latter (Bursey
and Sherman 1970).


Fig. 1. Lateral view of Eurypelma marxi showing the relationship between the cephalothoracic
(prosomal) nerve mass (CNM), abdominal (opisthosomal) nerve bundle (ANB), nerve VIIIB,
heart (N), cardiac ganglion (CG) and the cardioregulatory nerve (CRN) . The opposite mem-
ber of the paired nerve VIIIB cannot be seen. PE pedipalp; CH chelicera; A anterior aorta; L
lorum; DA depressor "abdominis"; MLA musculus longitudinalis anterior; MDA musculus
dorsoventralis "abdominis"; as ostium; N AB continuation of the abdominal nerve bundle.
(Drawing by F. Gonzalez-Fernandez)
Cardiac and Skeletal Neuromuscular Systems 321

Fig. 2. Recordings that show the sequence of events in a heartbeat. A Simultaneous recording
of cardiac ganglion electrical activity (lower trace) and the depolarization of a myocardial cell
(upper trace) during a heartbeat. A burst of impulses in the ganglion begins just prior to the
myocardial cell depolarization which is maintained until the burst ends. The myocardial cell
depolarization is 35-45 mV in amplitude and consists of summating excitatory postsynaptic
potentials. B Simultaneous recording of the myocardial cell membrane potential (lower trace)
and contraction of the heart (upper trace). Two heartbeats are shown The prolonged depolari-
zation of the myocardial cell starts just before and continues throughout the contractile phase
of the heartbeat. (Bursey and Sherman, 1970)

The first direct physiological information about the origin of the spider
heartbeat came from making external electrical recordings of heart activity dur-
ing the heartbeat Recordings from isolated hearts immersed in artificial
physiological solution and from hearts left intact in the animal showed that
periodic bursts of electrical impulses are associated with each heartbeat
(Fig. 2A) (Sherman and Pax 1968). This type of electrical activity is character-
istic of neurogenic hearts, and is unlike the electrocardiogram of myogenic
hearts. The observation that nerve impulses can be recorded from a ganglion
that has been removed from the heart and immersed in physiological solution is
evidence that they originate in the cardiac ganglion. Impulses cannot be record-
ed from the heart itself, which ceases to beat once the ganglion is removed.

2.1.2 Function oj the Cardiac Ganglion

The burst of impulses in the cardiac ganglion initiates the heartbeat as seen in
intracellular recordings of the myocardial cell membrane potential during a
heartbeat. Just preceding a heartbeat, and persisting throughout the systolic
phase, is a prolonged depolarization of each cell in the myocardium (Fig.2B)
(Bursey and Sherman 1970). The depolarization occurs immediately after the
onset of a burst of impulses in the cardiac ganglion (Fig. 2A). It is not an action
potential such as occurs in myogenic hearts. Instead, the depolarization is a
series of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP's) that sum together to pro-
duce the prolonged depolarization of 0.5 s or more.
Direct demonstration that impulses from the cardiac ganglion elicit EPSP's
in the myocardial cells comes from recently conducted experiments in which
the cardiac ganglion was electrically stimulated between burst of impulses
(Gonzalez-Fernandez and Sherman, unpublished). At the same time, the mem-
322 R. G. Sherman

rrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrr-
Fig. 3. Recording of the transmembrane potential of a myocardial cell (upper trace) and time
of dectrical stimulation (downward deflections) of the cardiac ganglion (lower trace). The
ganglion was electrically stimulated (E) at a frequency of 8 Hz just after the occurrence of a
normal heartbeat (S). An excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) is elicited in the myocardial
cell by each stimulus. The EPSP's sum together at this frequency to produce a maintained de-
polarization similar to that elicited by a burst of impulses from the cardiac ganglion. In A a
stimulation voltage of 3 V was used, which activated one motor axon to the myocardial cell. In
B a second motor axon was recruited along with the first by increasing the stimulation voltage
to 4.2 V. This indicates that the cell receives input from two different cardiac ganglion
neurons. The vertical calibration line equals 10 mY; the horizontal line equals Is. (Gonzalez-
Fernandez and Sherman unpublished)

brane potential of a myocardial cell was recorded with microelectrodes. Indi-

vidual EPSP's occur during the stimulation on a 1: 1 relationship with each
stimulus. By using a stimulation frequency of 8 Hz, a maintained depolari-
zation is produced as a result of summation of the EPSP's (Fig. 3). Upon in-
creasing the stimulus voltage, a greater depolarization, occurs in a stepwise
fashion, indicating that each myocardial cell receives excitatory synaptic input
from more than one neuron in the cardiac ganglion. In the example shown in
Fig. 3, the myocardial cell receives input from two motor neurons, since only
two discrete levels of depolarization could be elicited by stimulation of the
Neuromuscular synapses are present on the myocardial cells (Fig. 4), and
may be found at more than one location along the surface of the myocardial
cell (Sherman 1973 a; Ude and Richter 1974). The latter is consistent with the
physiological evidence for multiple neuronal input to each myocardial cell. At
least some of the neuromuscular synapses presumably are made by motor
neurons leaving the cardiac ganglion. Axons have been observed to leave the
ganglion and penetrate the myocardium (Fig. 5). However, one cannot rule out
the possibility that other neurons besides those in the cardiac ganglion may
make direct synaptic contact with myocardial cells.
Cardiac and Skeletal Neuromuscular Systems 323

Fig. 4. Transmission electron micrograph of a neuromuscular synapse in the myocardium

(M). Numerous spherical synaptic vesicles are prominent in the nerve terminal (N). x30,OOO.
(Sherman 1978)

2.1.3 Regulation of Cardiac Ganglion Activity

While the cardiac ganglion functions to initiate the heartbeat, to coordinate the
synchronous contraction of the myocardial cells and to set the basal rate and
strength of the heartbeat, it is clear that both extrinsic neurons and a variety of
chemicals can influence the activity of the heart. The literature contains reports
on the effects of several different kinds of chemicals that alter the rate and
strength of the heartbeat (Sherman and Pax 1970a, b; Ude and Richter 1974).
Some of these may be released by intrinsic and extrinsic nerves that connect to
the heart, while others may serve a hormonal function.
Decades ago, Carlson (1905) reported that electrical stimulation of the spi-
der prosomal nerve mass leads to inhibition or acceleration of the heartbeat.
This suggests that neurons in the prosoma innervate the heart directly, since a
ventral nerve cord is absent in spiders. The neurons would modulate the
periodic bursting activity of the cardiac ganglion to alter the rate of the heart-
A neural connection between the central nervous system and the heart was
found by Legendre (1968) and Gonzalez-Fernandez and Sherman (1979), who
traced branches of nerve VIII b in the opisthosoma to the cardiac ganglion.
Nerve VIII b arises in the opisthosoma from the main ventral opisthosomal
nerve bundle that extends posteriorly from the prosomal nerve mass (Fig. 1)
(see also Babu, Chap I, and Legendre, Chap III, this Vol.).
324 R. G. Sherman

Fig. 5. Transmission electron micrograph showing that axons (asterisks) from neurons (N) in
the cardiac ganglion extend into the myocardium (MY). x5500. (Sherman 1973 b)

Fig. 6. Effects of an acceleratory axon on cardiac ganglion electrical activity (lower trace) and
contractions of the heart (upper trace). The cardioaccelerator axon was stimulated at 50 Hz
during the period shown by the line. The calibration line equals 4 s. (Gonzalez-Fernandez and
Sherman 1984)
Cardiac and Skeletal Neuromuscular Systems 325


Fig. 7. The effects of an inhibitory axon on cardiac ganglion electrical activity (upper trace)
and contractions of the heart (lower trace). The cardioinhibitory axon was stimulated at 20 Hz
during the period shown by the line in B. The recording is continuous from A to C. The ca-
libration line equals 2 s. (Gonzalez-Fernandez and Sherman 1984)

Electrical stimulation of either the opisthosomal nerve bundle or nerve

VIIIb produces' inhibition and acceleration of the heartbeat (Gonzalez-Fer-
nandez and Sherman 1984). Stimulation of other nerves which arise from the
main opisthosomal nerve has no effect on the heart rate. Severing the branch of
nerve VIIIb that connects to the cardiac ganglion abolishes the effects of electri-
cal stimulation. These observations demonstrate that two branches, one from
each member of the paired nerve VIIIb, function as cardioregulatory nerves.
The actions of the cardioregulatory neurons on cardiac ganglion activity are
illustrated in Figs. 6 and 7. When an inhibitory axon is stimulated, it reduces
the number of impulses in each ganglionic burst and increases the interval be-
tween bursts (Fig. 7). This decreases the rate and strength of the heartbeat.
Activation of an acceleratory axon has the opposite effects. It increases the
number of impulses in each burst and decreases the inter-burst interval (Fig. 6).
Thus far, the spider heart does not appear to differ significantly from the
well-known neurogenic hearts of the lobster and horseshoe crab in terms of
basic mechanisms.
326 R. G. Sherman

2.2 Scorpions

2.2.1 Origin oJthe Heartbeat

Police (1902) first described the presence of a nerve on the dorsal surface of the
scorpion heart. Zwicky and Hodgson (1965) demonstrated that in Uradacus
novaehollandiae this nerve is a cardiac ganglion. They found neuron somata in
the nerve and noted that axons arising from some of the somata leave the
ganglion to innervate the myocardium. Naidu and Padmanabhanaidu (1975)
have reported a cardiac ganglion in HeterometrusJulvipes.
Physiological studies have shown that a burst of electrical impulses in the
ganglion precedes each contraction of the heart (Zwicky and Hodgson 1965;
Naidu and Padmanabhanaidu 1975). Removal of the cardiac ganglion causes a
cessation in beating. Transection of the ganglion in several places leads to asyn-
chronous contractions of the affected areas of the myocardium.
These observations strongly suggest that the heartbeat in scorpions is neuro-
genic, and that the cardiac ganglion functions to initiate and to coordinate the
heartbeat. Additional studies employing microelectrode recording methods and
transmission electron microscopy are needed to further elucidate the role of the
cardiac ganglion in the heartbeat.

2.2.2 Regulation oJthe Heartbeat

Zwicky (1968) has demonstrated the presence of cardioregulatory neurons in

U. novaehollandiae. He found that agitation of the scorpion leads to cardiac ac-
celeration; this effect is abolished by transecting the ventral nerve cord anterior
to the first free ventral ganglion. By transecting the cord and segmental nerves
at other locations, Zwicky concluded that the cardioacceleratory nerves reach
the first free ganglion and travel to the heart via the first pair of segmental
nerves. From similar transection experiments coupled with electrical stimu-
lation of the ventral nerve cord, he concluded that the cardioinhibitory fibers
exit to the heart in segmental nerves from the first two pairs of free ventral
ganglia. Presumably, the cardioregulatory axons innervate the cardiac ganglion,
and perhaps other structures in the heart, but this has not been demonstrated
directly in scorpions.
Only a few studies have tested the actions of well-known neurotransmitter
chemicals on the scorpion heart. Curiously, acetylcholine reduces the heart rate
(Kanungo 1957; Zwicky 1968). This is surprising, since neurogenic hearts typi-
cally are excited by acetylcholine (Prosser 1973). Eserine alone is excitatory on
the heart; however, it prevents the effects of exogenously applied acetylcholine
and potentiates the inhibition produced by the electrical stimulation of the seg-
mental nerves. Clarification of these effects awaits a careful investigation of the
sites of action of these chemicals, for there are several locations in the neuro-
genic heart system where they may be active.
Choline esterase activity has been reported in cardiac muscle of H. Julvipes
(Venkatachari and Naidu 1969; Naidu 1974). Eserine inhibits the esterase ac-
Cardiac and Skeletal Neuromuscular Systems 327

tivity. The possible role of acetylcholine in the scorpion neurogenic heartbeat

deserves further study.

3 Skeletal Neuromuscular Systems

The gross anatomy of the skeletal muscles will not be reviewed here. The reader
is referred to Ruhland and Rathmayer (1978) and Bowerman and Root (1978)
for details of walking leg muscle morphology in spiders and scorpions respec-
tively (see also Seyfarth, Chap. XU, this Vol.).

3.1 Spiders

3.1.1 Muscle Ultrastructure

The ultrastructure of spider skeletal muscles has been described by Kawaguti

and Kamishima (1969), Zebe and Rathmayer (1968) and Sherman and Luff
(1971). The fibers are transversely striated, contain thick and thin myofila-
ments, show an H zone in the center of the A band, and have from 8 to 12 thin
myofilaments around each thick myofilament. A sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
and a transverse tubular system (TTS) are very abundant. Dyads are prevalent
and the SR and T-tubule membranes facing each other show specialized struc-
tures associated with the dyadic junction (Franzini-Armstrong 1974).
Since the length of sarcomeres has been shown to be inversely related to
contraction speed in some crustacean muscle fibers (Jahromi and Atwood
1969), sarcomere length in spiders is of particular interest. Zebe and Rathmayer
(1968) examined four different leg muscles in Dugesiella hentzi and found sar-
comeres ranging from 3.0 to 7.3/lm. Kawaguti and Kamishima (1964) reported
that the femoral flexor muscle of Heteropoda venatoria has sarcomeres from 3.5
to 5.5 /lm in length. Neither study reported if this range occurs in each muscle
or if some muscles characteristically have shorter sarcomeres than others. The
first known attempt to determine if spider muscles differ in sarcomere length
was done by Sherman and Luff (1971). They measured sarcomeres in the two
tarsal claw muscles, the levator praetarsi and the depressor praetarsi, in Eu-
rypelma marxi. Sarcomeres in the former average 3.2 + 0.2/lm and in the latter,
6.2 + 0.4 /lm. To date, there have not been any attempts to directly relate con-
traction speed with sarcomere length in arachnids.

3.1.2 Motor Innervation

In the first physiological study of the innervation of an arachnid skeletal

muscle, Rathmayer (1965) found that the basitarsus flexor muscle fibers in D.
hentzi are innervated by three excitatory neurons (Fig. 8). All three elicit
EPSP's of similar amplitude and time course, but they differ in the degree of
facilitation. Two of them produce fast contractions of the whole muscle, while
328 R. G. Sherman

I l!!.!!!sec
Fig. 8. Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP's) recorded from the basitarsus flexor muscle
of the spider Eurype/ma (Dugesiella) hentzi. In A one motor axon was stimulated; in B a second
motor axon was recruited along with the first resulting in two EPSP's that summed together. In
C a third motor axon was recruited, resulting in a third EPSP's adding to the first two. (Rath-
mayer 1965)

Fig. 9. Whole muscle tension record-

ing from the tarsal claw levator
muscle of Eurypelma marxi. During
the recording, the strength of the elec-
trical stimulation of the motor nerve
was gradually increased. A slow-grad-
ed contraction (S) was evoked first,
followed later by fast, twitch con-

tractions (F) evoked at a higher stimu-
lus strength. Stimulation frequency is
3 Hz; calibration line equals 10 s.
s (Sherman 1973b)

Fig. 10. Hyperpolarizing inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP's) recorded from the pro-
motor tibiae muscle in Dugesiella hentzi. A shows IPSP's evoked by low frequency axon stimu-
lation. B shows that the IPSP's are abolished by adding picrotoxin, a known GABA blocker, to
the saline. In C the axon was stimulated in normal saline at a higher frequency than in A. Note
the progressive increase in IPSP amplitude, indicating facilitation. Vertical calibration equals
500 ~V; horizontal calibration equals 100 ms in A and B, and 200 ms in C. (Brenner 1972)
Cardiac and Skeletal Neuromuscular Systems 329

the third elicits a slow contraction. Both slow-graded and fast muscle con-
tractions also were found for the claw levator muscle of E. marxi (Fig. 9) (Sher-
man 1973b).
Transmission electron microscopic studies have revealed between 1 and 12
axonal profiles associated with each region of synaptic contact on spider skele-
tal muscle fibers (Zebe and Rathmayer 1968; Sherman and Luff 1971). Neither
of the above studies determined the total number of neurons to each muscle.
In a morphological study, Land (1969) reported that each of the six muscles
that move the anterior median eye in salticids is innervated by a single motor
axon. This suggests that each muscle represents a single motor unit. Melamed
and Trujillo-Cenoz (1971), studying the anterior median eye muscles in ly-
cosids, found only two muscles involved. One was innervated by three neurons
and the other by one neuron.
Rathmayer (1966) demonstrated that each muscle fiber in the leg flexor tar-
si major and minor in Eurypelma (DugieseUa) hentzi is innervated at places
along its entire length and that each receives input from three excitatory
motoneurons. Thus, the innervation of these muscle fibers can be characterized
as both multi terminal and polyneuronal. The available information suggests
that this is true in general for spider skeletal muscle fibers, except in those cases
where some muscles seem to be innervated by only one neuron.
The first report of peripheral inhibition in spider skeletal muscle was pub-
lished by Brenner (1972). In studying the promotor tibiae muscle in D. hentzi,
he recorded small hyperpolarizing potentials which were evoked by electrical
stimulation of the motor nerve (Fig. 10). The potentials underwent facilitation
as the stimulation frequency was raised. Brenner also was able to record a de-
crease in the amplitude and the facilitation of EPSP's when the inhibitory axon
was activated prior to the excitatory axon. The application of gamma-aminobu-
tyric acid (GABA), a known crustacean inhibitory neuromuscular transmitter,
to the preparation reduced substantially the amplitude of neurally evoked slow
muscle contractions. GABA also reduced the membrane input resistance of
slow muscle fibers, and this effect was prevented by picrotoxin, a known GABA
There is evidence for the occurrence of an inhibitory motoneuron to the
superficial fibers in the depressor praetarsi muscle of D. hentzi, in addition to
the three excitatory motoneurons that are present (Ruhland 1976).

3.1.3 Synaptic Ultrastructure

The ultrastructural features of neuromuscular synapses are basically the same

for all of the spider muscles examined except for the number of axon terminals
(Zebe and Rathmayer 1968; Melamed and Trujillo-Cenoz 1971; Sherman and
Luff 1971; Sherman 1973b).
Each motor axon gives off numerous branches which extend over the
muscle fiber surface perpendicular to the long axis of the muscle (Fig. 11 A).
Each branch forms multiple synaptic contacts. The smaller axon branches are
embedded beneath the basement membrane portion of the sarcolemma in a
330 R. G. Sherman
Cardiac and Skeletal Neuromuscular Systems 331

Fig. 11. Neuromuscular synapses formed by a motor axon and two muscle fibers in the claw-
levator muscle of Eurypelma marxi. In A the main axon (A) gives off a branch (A') between the
muscle fibers (MI, M2). Numerous synaptic contacts (asterisks) are formed by the axon. Glial
processes (unlabeled arrow) occur between adjacent synapses. Both clear-cored (CV) and
dense-cored (D V) vesicles are present in the axon. B is an enlarged view of an area of synaptic
contact between a motor axon and a muscle fiber in the tarsal claw-levator muscle of E. marxi.
The axon (A) is surrounded by glial elements (G) except in the synaptic cleft (asterisks). The
sarcoplasm (S) beneath the synapse has a granular appearance and lacks myofilaments. Gap
junctions formed by glial and muscle fiber membranes are indicated by the unlabeled arrow. I
band and A band contractile regions of the muscle fiber are designated IB and AB respective-
ly. (Sherman 1973b)


trough formed by an indentation of the muscle fiber or by a slight expansion of

the basement membrane outward from the fiber surface. The axon branches are
enveloped by glial cell processes except at the point of synaptic contact between
axon and muscle fiber.
The synapses have the usual details, including clusters of spherical, electron-
lucent vesicles of 45-60 nm diameter, axon and muscle fiber membrane densi-
ties and dense material in the synaptic cleft (Fig. II B). Omega figures sugges-
tive of synaptic vesicles releasing their contents were observed by Melamed and
Trujillo-Genoz (1971). Less numerous vesicles, larger in diameter and electron-
opaque, also occur at some synapses (Atwood et al. 1971). See also Foelix,
Chap. X, this Vol., on synapses found in the peripheral nervous system.

3.1.4 Neuromuscular Transmission

Ultrastructural studies of neuromuscular synapses in spider skeletal muscles

have demonstrated the occurrence of numerous synaptic vesicles, some actually
preserved while apparently releasing their contents (Zebe and Rathmayer 1968;
Melamed and "frujillo-Cenoz 1971; Sherman and Luff 1971; Sherman 1973b).
This is morphological evidence for a quantal release process for neurotrans-
mission in spiders.
There also is physiological evidence for the quantal release of the
neurotransmitter at different leg muscles of D. hentzi. Brenner and Rathmayer
(1973) recorded randomly occurring spontaneous miniature excitatory post-
synaptic potentials in the muscle fibers (Fig. 12). By focal extracellular record-
ing of synaptic current, they were able to study transmitter release events at
single synaptic regions. The nerve evoked release of transmitter occurred in a
quantal fashion and followed Poisson's theorem at the synapses studied. The
facilitation of transmitter release at these synapses could be explained purely as
an increase in the probability of release of transmitter packets (presumably the
synaptic vesicles).
The external calcium ion concentration greatly affects the amplitude of the
EPSP's in spider leg muscle. Doubling it with respect to normal results in a two-
fold increase in the amplitude of the EPSP, while reducing it by 50% reduces
332 RG.Sherman

A 'ts
h.; =,
....,. ,.c t
.. raJ"
. . . . . . . . . .~~. .__. . . .
. I.L

_ __ ~. - ~ I
Fig. 12. Miniature excitatory junction potentials (MEJP's) recorded from a skeletal muscle in
Dugesiella hentzi. Several MEJP's are shown in A. B shows a simultaneous extracellular (upper
trace) and intracellular (lower trace) recording of a MEJP. Vertical calibration equals 0.5 mY
for extracellular trace and 1.0 mY for intracellular traces; horizontal line equals 20 ms. (Bren-
ner and Rathmayer 1973)

the EPSP amplitude by one-half (Rathmayer 1965). The mechanism by which

calcium ions affect EPSP amplitude has not been examined in spiders. Based
on such studies on other animals, calcium ions may increase the postsynaptic
membrane input resistance and/or increase the probability of transmitter re-
The identity of the neurotransmitters at spider skeletal muscle synapses is
unknown. There is some evidence that GABA is the transmitter chemical re-
leased by inhibitory motoneurons (Brenner 1972). It reduces postsynaptic mem-
brane input resistance, EPSP amplitude and slow muscle contractions.
Picrotoxin, a known GABA antagonist, blocked the neurally evoked inhibitory
postsynaptic potentials and the effect of GABA on membrane resistance.

3.2 Scorpions

3.2.1 Muscle Ultrastructure

The initial ultrastructural description of a scorpion skeletal muscle was made

by Auber-Thomay (1963), who examined the tibia extensor in Buthus occitanus
and Euscorpius carpathicus. The muscle fibers possess sarcomeres about 3.0 !lm
in length. H zones are present, and 10 to 12 thin myofilaments surround each
thick myofilament. A similar description was provided for the claw-closer
muscles of Leiurus quinquestriatus by Gilai and Pamas (1970, 1972), who also
reported the presence of an abundant SR and ITS, with dyads formed in a
manner very similar to those in spiders. The area of TIS membrane was cal-
culated to be six times that of the surface membrane.
The most extensive study of muscle ultrastructure for any arachnid was
done by Root and Bowerman (1981), who examined seven leg muscles in the
scorpion Paruroctonus mesaensis. Their results conform to those of previous
Cardiac and Skeletal Neuromuscular Systems 333

studies, and in addition, indicate that the sarcomere lengths of fibers in all
seven muscles did not differ substantially.
Thus far, it appears that skeletal muscle fibers in spiders and scorpions do
not display the range of diversity that occurs in crustacean skeletal muscle
fibers. There do exist some differences in sarcomere length, but it is unknown
whether these differences are functionally significant.

3.2.2 Motor Innervation

Gilai and Pamas (1970) determined that in L. quinquestriatus the long claw-
closer muscle receives four excitatory neurons, while the short claw closer re-
ceives six excitors. Each muscle fiber is innervated by two excitors. One evokes
small EPSP's that facilitate and elicit small twitch contractions. The other axon
elicits spikes which produce large contractions.
Two types of electrical response were also found in the tibia extensor and
flexor muscles of Centruroides gracilis, EPSP's, and fast spikes (Fountain 1970).
Each muscle fiber in these muscles is innervated by up to three excitatory
Root and Bowerman (1979), using electrophysiological methods, studied
seven different leg muscles in P. mesaensis and found that each muscle was in-
nervated by three to seven excitatory neurons. They determined that each
muscle fiber receives a motoneuron that elicits fast spikes which overshoot
(termed a fast motoneuron) or a fast motoneuron and a slow motoneuron that
produces EPSP's that facilitate production of graded spikes (see Fig. 3 a in
Root, Chap. XVII, this Vol.).
In an extensive study of the motoneurons that innervate the 16 muscles in
each walking leg of P. mesaensis, Bowerman and Burrows (1980) identified
each motoneuron as to the muscle it innervated by recording soma spikes and
then staining the motoneuron using the cobalt sulfide method (see also Root,
Chap. XVII, this Vol.). They confirmed the finding of up to seven excitatory
motoneurons to each muscle, located classes of leg muscle motoneurons in the
sub esophageal ganglion that correspond to each leg movement, and determined
that the motoneurons have a cellular morphology that is similar to that of other
None of the studies of scorpion skeletal muscle innervation has found any
evidence for the existence of peripheral inhibition.

3.2.3 Synaptic Ultrastructure

The only published descriptions of neuromuscular synapses in scorpion skeletal

muscle are those by Smith (1971) and Root and Bowerman (1981). The details
for scorpions are very similar to those noted above for spiders. Especially note-
worthy, however, is the presynaptic rod that overlies a row of synaptic vesicles
located next to the presynaptic membrane of the axon (Smith 1971). Smith pro-
poses that the rod may be a microtubule which might be involved in vesicle
alignment at the transmitter release site (see also Foelix, Chap. X, this Vol.).
334 R. G. Sherman

3.2.4 Neuromuscular Transmission

Mechanisms of transmitter release have not been directly studied for any scor-
pion. Indirect indications that transmitter release may occur in packets of trans-
mitter come from the finding of synaptic vesicles at the neuromuscular synapse
(Smith 1971; Root, personal communication) and the recording of miniature
excitatory postsynaptic potentials in scorpion skeletal muscle fibers (Gilai and
Parnas 1970).
There is a paucity of neuromuscular transmitter candidates for scorpions.
Gilai and Parnas (1970) could detect no effect of GAB A, picrotoxin, and gluta-
mate on electrical or mechanical activity even after treatment of muscle fibers
with pronase to eliminate diffusion barriers.

4 Conclusions

Heart muscle in both spiders and scorpions is controlled by at least two neural
networks. The cardiac ganglion initiates and coordinates the heartbeat; inhibi-
tory and excitatory cardioregulatory nerves arising from the eNS affect the rate
and strength of the heartbeat.
Many, but not all, skeletal muscles in the legs of scorpions and spiders show
fast and slow types of contraction, which suggests that two types of excitatory
motoneuron are present. There is evidence for direct inhibitory control of some
spider leg muscles, but none exists as yet for scorpion muscle.
There are numerous aspects of the neural control of arachnid muscle for
which there is very little information. For example, no neurotransmitter has
been identified for any arachnid neuromuscular system; and studies are needed
on other arachnids besides spiders and scorpions.

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xvn Central and Peripheral Organization
of Scorpion Locomotion

I Introduction. 337
2 Walking Behavior . . 338
3 Sensory Mechanisms . 340
4 Motor Mechanisms . 342
5 Central Nervous Mechanisms 345
6 Conclusions. 347
References . . . . . . . . 347

1 Introduction

Studies of invertebrate locomotion have recently become successful model ap-

proaches for the analysis of behavior because invertebrates offer the advantage
of being relatively simple, and locomotion, although it is a complex behavior, is
stereotyped and easily comparable among different animals.
The scorpion used in our studies, Paruroctonus mesaensis offers several ad-
vantages for the study of locomotion. For example, it is a large, durable animal,
easy to maintain in the laboratory, and the cuticle of its leg is quite transparent,
allowing the viewing of leg muscles and even some nerves without dissection.
Also, the scorpion central nervous system, like that of most arachnids, is highly
cephalized, in contrast with the nervous systems of the crustaceans and insects
whose locomotion patterns have been studied more extensively (Root 1985). Of
particular interest, is that the scorpion's leg nerves enter the large subeso-
phageal ganglion, which contains sensory and motor centers for many be-
haviors. In contrast, the leg nerves of crustaceans and insects typically enter
separate ganglia in the ventral nerve cord. Therefore, the generation and
coordination of walking in the scorpion may rely upon different neuronal
The descriptive work on scorpion locomotion was begun by Bowerman
(1975 a, b). Since that time there have been published studies of various aspects
of the behavior, leg proprioceptors, the anatomy ofthe leg motor system, and of
some motor centers in the brain. Current work includes studies of leg muscle

Biology Department, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont 05753, USA

338 T.M.Root

physiology, the role of leg receptors in shaping motor output (see also Seyfarth,
Chap. XII, this Vol.), and recordings from the brain. After a brief review of the
walking behavior, I will describe some of these sensory, motor, and central ner-
vous system mechanisms that we believe are controlling locomotion in the scor-

2 Walking Behavior

To document the walking behavior, scorpions are filmed at various angles and
data are recorded for such features as when each of the legs step, how far lat-
erally the legs are held relative to the body, how far each leg is raised as it is
brought forward, and the joint angles between any two leg segments. Utilizing
cinematographic techniques, Bowerman (1975 a) found, for example, that the
scorpion uses a strict pattern of leg movements (Fig. I A). In 97% of the cases,
the gait was the stepping sequence of legs 4, 2, 3, 1 respectively, with a tendency
for the fourth and second legs to step together. Since the fourth and second leg
pair on one side steps simultaneously with the third and first leg pair on the op-
posite side, the result is that two tetrapods of legs alternate with one another
during forward walking. Actually, each of the legs in a tetrapod does not step at
exactly the same time, but rather, there is a slight latency between the step of
each leg that allows a smooth, forward movement.
Each of the eight legs goes through a similar cycle of movement, which is
composed of a step phase, when the leg is on the ground, and a swing phase,
when the leg is off the ground. However, each leg accomplishes these phases
differently (Fig. 1B). For example, the fourth and third legs are raised very
slightly off the ground as they are brought forward and put back down. How-
ever, the second leg, and to a greater extent the first leg, are raised much higher
as they are brought forward, perhaps to sense obstructions in its pathway.
Another difference was noted in the angles of certain joints during walking
(Root and Bowerman 1978). For example the femur-patella joints in the third and
fourth legs extend during their stance phase, but this same joint in the first leg
flexes duririg its stance phase. In the second leg, this joint undergoes a com-
plicated movement consisting of a sequence of flexion, extension, followed by
another flexion and extension. Finally, although the joints go through rather
complex series of movements, the leg tip remains parallel to the body as the
animal moves forward (Fig. 1 C). Therefore the motor program for each leg
must be a complicated series of muscle movements unique to each leg.
The strongly patterned gait observed in the scorpion is the result of strictly
timed latencies in the movements of the legs. Standardized latency data, ex-
pressed as the latency to step between two legs divided by the time for a com-
plete cycle of leg movement, is termed a phase value. The phase value ranges
from 0.0 to 1.0, and a value of 1.0 indicates that two legs are stepping exactly
together, while a value of 0.5 indicates that two legs are stepping exactly in
When the phase values for all eight legs are studied, some interesting rela-
tionships describing leg coordination are observed. For example, if the phase
Scorpion Locomotion 339


-- --------------------- -~
------------------------------- 2
<. 30)
------- - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - 3 2
---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
----------------- - _ - - 1
RIGHT ---_------_------_------_- 2 3
----------------------- 4
<. 10)
4 -'. 4
COO) ...... C 50)

Fig. lA-C. Walking behavior in the scorpion. A Stepping patterns illustrate changes in gait
as an animal prepares to stop. White spaces indicate when each leg is on the ground and black
spaces indicate when each leg is off the ground. Prior to stopping, the fourth and second legs
on one side and the third and first legs on the opposite side step approximately together
(Bowerman 1981 a). The phase relationships between all eight legs are shown to the right of
the stepping sequence. The phase values are expressed relative to the left fourth leg, which is
assigned a starting values of 0.0. Adjacent contralateral legs have differences in phase values of
approximately 0.5, and adjacent ipsilateral legs have differences in phase values of approxi-
mately 0.6. As a result of the phase differences, two sets of diagonally coupled legs step to-
gether (Bowerman 1975 a). B Viewed from the side, each of the legs is lifted off the substrate
differently as they are brought forward (Root and Bowerman 1978). C Viewed from above, the
leg tips remain parallel to body axis when they are on the substrate. (Root and Bowerman

values for all legs are plotted relative to the left fourth leg, which is assigned a
value of 0.0 (Fig. I A), then it becomes clear that adjacent contralateral legs
have phase values approximating 0.5 (Le., they step in strict alternation), and
adjacent ipsilateral legs have phase value differences approximating 0.6 (i.e.,
they step in a time slightly greater than alternation). Bowerman (1975 a) ob-
served that these phase relationships are very constant over a wide range of
340 T.M.Root

walking speeds, indicating tight coupling between the neural control centers for
each leg, and suggesting that this coupling is responsible for the almost invari-
ance of the 4, 2, 3, I gait.
Ablation experiments, in which one or two of the legs were removed, caused
slight, predictable modifications in the leg coordination and gait of the animal
(Bowerman 1975b). These experiments suggested that although the central ner-
vous system generates the basic movements of the legs, peripheral sensory feed-
back is also important in maintaining normal locomotion. It was found, for
example, that following the removal of one leg, a scorpion was able to reorga-
nize its normal pattern of leg coordination to achieve a new stepping pattern for
stable forward movement. Specifically, removing one leg caused a shift in the
phase between ipsilateral legs, and those contralateral legs anterior to the site of
leg removal. The result was a new gait that insured that two legs on each side of
the aniinal were always on the ground together.
Other changes from the normal gait of the scorpion were found when the
movements of the legs during starting, stopping, turning, and backward walking
were studied (Bowerman 1981 a). During the first few cycles of leg movement
before a stop or after a start, the normal 4, 2, 3, I gait could be altered dramati-
cally. Similarly, a different pattern of leg movements was used for backward
walking, and three different classes of turn (spin turn, arc turn, and pivot turn),
all utilizing different gaits, were also observed.
Therefore, although during normal forward locomotion the scorpion utilizes
a rather stereotyped, coordinated pattern of stepping which suggests strong neu-
ral coupling, each of the legs can also be utilized differently as the circum-
stances of the environment dictate, and it is likely that sensory systems within
each of the legs are utilized to aid coordination.

3 Sensory Mechanisms

It is clear from the findings of the behavioral studies that some sensory in-
fluences are involved in the ability of the scorpion to alter its gait. In an attempt
to understand how these sensory systems control leg movements, we have iden-
tified some of the leg receptors that we believe may be involved (see also Sey-
farth, Chap. XII, this Vol.).
One group about which we currently know very little are the slit sensilla.
We have confirmed the location of many of the slit sensilla in the legs of
Paruroctonus mesaensis that Barth and Wadepuhl (1976) described for the scor-
pion Androctonus australis. We have begun to study some of the grouped slits
near the leg joints, and although we believe that they may provide timing infor-
mation about when a leg is on the ground, and also initiate reinforcement re-
flexes to muscles that are active during the stance phase, we do not yet have
good physiological data.
Bowerman (1981 b) has recorded from a group of unidentified receptors in
the tarsus which may signal when the leg touches the substrate (Fig. 2A). He
located them in the last tarsal segment and by tracing the sensory nerve
branches with cobalt sulfide, he was able to find a series of bipolar sensory cells
Scorpion Locomotion 341


t.. t .......
UP DOWN 100m

-. . .• •• ••
••• • • • • •• • •• • ••
JOINT 100° • • •
ANGLE 50 ·· ••
Fig. 2 A - C. Sensory receptors in the pretarsus of scorpion leg. A Solid boxes indicate sites for
recording electrodes (Bowerman 1981 b). B Recordings from the tarsal claw receptors during
walking show that these receptors are only active when the leg is on the ground (downward ar-
rows). Upward arrows indicate when a leg is off the ground (Bowerman 1981 b). C Recordings
from the femur-patella joint receptors (upper trace), movements of the shutter from a movie
camera (middle trace), and determinations of the joint angle from the movie film (lower rec-
ord). Two units are identified (2) and (3) among the few sensory units in the record. These
units are active primarily at different times during extension of this joint. (Weltzin 1981)

that are involved. Whether these belong to hair sensilla or sensory slits is still an
open question. Recently, Foelix and Schabronath (1983) described the structure
of the tarsal sensilla. In addition to finding some receptors that are apparently
chemoreceptive, they also described mechanoreceptive hairs and bristles, and
some slit sensilla.
By implanting fine wire electrodes near the nerves in the tarsus, Bowerman
(1981 b) was able to record electrical activity from the tarsal nerve during walk-
ing (Fig. 2 B). He found that these receptors were active in bursts only when the
leg was on the ground, and therefore were an accurate monitor of leg position
during the stance phase. This suggests that the tarsal claw receptors could be
assisting the switching between the groups of leg muscles responsible for the
stance and the swing phase.
Weltzin (1981) described the location of other groups of receptors at the leg
joints, and studied in particular those at the femur-patella joint. He back-filled
342 T.M.Root

the dorsal leg nerve branch with cobalt sulfide, and identified several bipolar
cells that innervate the hypodermis at this joint. With suction electrode record-
ings from the dorsal leg nerve of restrained animals, he characterized single
units whose activity was correlated with different phases of the flexion and ex-
tension of this joint. Also, by implanting wire electrodes near the dorsal leg
nerve in walking animals, he was able to simultaneously record the activity of
these receptors while filming the joint's movement. The response of two identi-
fied cells are shown in Fig. 2 C. Cell 2 fired throughout the extension of the
joint, and its firing frequency increased with faster rates of extension. Cell 3 al-
so fired during extension, but did not initiate firing until extension was ap-
proximately 30% completed, and its firing frequency also increased at faster ex-
tension rates. Bowerman (1976) recorded from sensory nerve branches at sev-
eral leg isolated legs and found a similar pattern of sensory activity
from unidentified units. In response to imposed movements, he found that each
joint had several sensory cells that could define the position, direction and rate
of movement of the joint based on their firing rates. In conjunction with Welt-
zin's study, this work suggests that the leg joints have many receptors that pro-
vide specific and sometimes redundant information about the location of the
leg joints, and the direction and velocity of their movement.
Therefore, we believe that the slit sense organs on the leg surface may sense
loads on the legs, the touch receptors in the tarsus may respond to contact of the
leg with the ground, and receptors in the membranes at the leg joints may
monitor the position and movements of the joints. We are continuing to study
the structure and function of several of these sensory systems. We are also
analyzing the phasic influence of several different receptors upon the motor
program in walking animals, by simultaneously recording from leg muscles and
sensory nerve branches before and after perturbation of these receptors.

4 Motor Mechanisms

The movements of each leg are controlled by IS muscles. Seven of these

muscles, which are located in the trochanter, femur, and patella segments, are
of particular interest, since they control the major elevation and depression
movements and the major flexion and extension movements of the legs. When
examined with light and electron microscopy, it was found that the muscles
were very similar in structure (Root and Bowerman 1981). Each muscle had
tubular muscle fibers with only minor differences in their fiber diameters, in
their sarcomere lengths, and in the structure of their transverse tubule systems
and sarcoplasmic reticulum.
In addition, all of the muscles that we examined were very similar to one
another. For example, the mean muscle fiber diameters of these seven muscles
were very similar, ranging from only 18 to 21 /lm. Similarly, the mean sarco-
mere lengths were also very similar, ranging only from 2.5 to 4 /lm. The number
of thin or actin filaments surrounding each thick or myosin filament was very
consistent, as were the details of the T-tubule system and the sarcoplasmic re-
ticulum. Therefore, it appears that the muscles are structurally quite uniform.
Scorpion Locomotion 343

There is no obvious structural difference in the fibers such as is seen in the slow
and fast muscle fibers of insects and crustaceans.
Recent histochemical work, however, suggests that the fibers within a
muscle may have different capacities to produce and sustain tension (Root and
Gatwood 1981). When stained with the enzyme myosin ATPase, for example,
several fibers within the muscle stain very darkly for. the enzyme, whereas
others stain very lightly, suggesting differences in the ability of these fibers to
provide rapid energy for contraction. Similarly, when stained for two oxidative
enzymes (alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase and succinic dehydrogenase)
there were also differences, some muscle fibers staining very lightly, some stain-
ing very darkly, and others with intermediate levels of stain. Therefore, the
fibers within a muscle may be capable of producing different levels of tension
quickly, and of sustaining contraction.
We have also noted differences in the innervation pattern of different
muscle fibers on the basis of electrophysiological recordings (Root and Bower-
man 1979). By stimulating a motor nerve and recording intracellular potentials
from muscle fibers, we characterized their innervation on the basis of their
synaptic potentials. We found two types of innervation, similar to those ob-
served by Gilai and Parnas (1970) for the pedipalp closer muscles of the scor-
pion Leiurus quinquestriatus. Some muscle fibers were innervated only by a
single "fast" motoneuron, while other muscle fibers were innervated by both a
single "fast" and a single "slow" motoneuron (Fig. 3A). The fast motoneuron
elicited a brief, all or none, over-shooting spike potential. The slow motoneuron
elicited smaller and longer postsynaptic potentials which showed considerable
facilitation. In most of the muscles examined, there was a mixture of these two
types of innervation, but there was no evidence for inhibitory motoneurons. We
are currently examining the question of peripheral inhibitory motoneurons in
more detail, since they are a common feature of crustacean and insect neuro-
muscular systems. (1981 b) studied the basic elevation and depression motor pro-
gram of the leg by recording from the trochanter-femur elevator and tro-
chanter-femur depressor muscles with fine wire electrodes as the animal was
free to walk (Fig. 3 B). As expected, these two muscles alternate rather strictly
with one another. The depressor muscles show bursts of activity when the leg is
on the ground, concomitant with the tarsal claw receptors, and the elevator
muscles show bursts of activity when the leg is off the ground. Changes in walk-
ing speed were accomplished primarily by changes in the duration of bursts in
the depressor muscle, while the duration of bursts in the elevator muscle re-
mained relatively constant, except at the fastest walking speeds, when the ac-
tivity of both muscles was reduced by similar amounts.
Interesting differences were also noted at the switching points between ac-
tivities in these two muscles (Fig. 3 C, D). The depressor muscles are always
turned off prior to the elevator muscles being turned on, but the converse is not
true. Although the elevator muscles may be turned off prior to activity in the
depressor muscles, in some instances these two muscles are co-activated, and
there are also instances in which the depressor muscles are turned on prior to
cessation of activity in the elevator muscles. Therefore, although this basic
344 T.M.Root

L ii....r-

tJ. t J. l' "- ........
100 ms



] 250

b 1 ... ....
~ 25: '~~'~'(- '. -
.It : • ~ "

6 500 1000


Fig. 3 A-D. The leg motor system. A Intracellular potentials recorded from single muscle
fibers illustrating two innervation patterns (i). In the first pattern, only one response, a fast
spike-like potential was elicited with increasing intensities of stimulation (ii). In the other pat-
tern, at low stimulating intensities an excitatory postsynaptic potential was elicited (1), which
became a graded spike with repetitive stimuli (2). With increasing stimulus intensities a sec-
ond motoneuron was recruited that caused a fast spike-like potential (3) (Root and Bowerman
1979). B Simultaneous electrical recordings from the trochanter-femur depressor muscle (up-
per trace), trochanter-femur elevator muscle (middle trace), and tarsal claw receptors (lower
trace). The two muscles alternate in their activity, and the depressor muscles are active when
the tarsal claw receptors are active (i.e., when the leg is on the substrate) (Bowerman 1981 b).
C Plot of the latency between the cessation of activity in the depressor muscle and the initia-
tion of activity in the elevator muscle, as a function of depressor cycle time (i.e., walking
speed). The latency values are always positive, indicating that these two muscles are never co-
active (Bowerman 1981 b). D Plot of the latency between the cessation of activity in the elev-
ator muscle and the initiation of activity in the depressor muscle, as a function of cycle time.
There are numerous occasions when these latency values are zero (i.e., the muscles are co-ac-
tivated), and numerous occasions when the latency values are negative (i.e., the depressor
muscle is activated prior to the end of activity in the elevator muscle). (Bowerman 1981 b)
Scorpion Locomotion 345

motor program consists of rather strict alternation between the elevator and the
depressor muscles, there appear to be different neural mechanisms for achiev-
ing faster walking speeds, and there also appear to be different mechanisms for
ceasing activity at the end of the step phase than at the end of the swing phase.

5 Central Nervous Mechanisms

Although there is much infoqnation about some of the sensory and motor
mechanisms involved in locomotion, only recently have there been attempts to
probe into the central nervous system in scorpion locomotion. All eight leg
nerves contain both motor and sensory fibers, and the nerves enter into the
large subesophageal ganglion of the brain region. Using cobalt sulfide, and in
some cases horseradish peroxidase, we have determined the location of the
motoneuron cell bodies in the subesophageal ganglion. Two groups of
motoneurons are located for each leg ventrally in the subesophageal ganglion,
near the entrance of each leg nerve. Currently, it is not known how these groups
of motoneurons are interconnected.
Bowerman and Burrows (1980) were able to inject cobalt sulfide into single
motoneuron cell bodies and study their cyto-architecture (Fig. 4A). The struc-
ture of these cells is comparable to those in other arthropod nervous systems.
The cell body gives rise to a neurite that is only 2 to 9 !lm in diameter and free
of dendritic processes for the first 150 to 200 !lm of its length. The dendritic
branches arise from the next 1000 !lm segment, branch profusely, and are some-
what planar. The long axon passes from this region uninterrupted into the leg
Bowerman and Burrows (1980) were also able to record from single
motoneurons by impaling them with glass micro electrodes in the brain while
the animal was free to move its legs. They studied the connection between indi-
vidual motoneurons and leg muscles by stimulating the cell, noting the muscu-
lar response, and also often recording simultaneously from the muscle. Exam-
ples of two cell responses are shown in Fig. 4B. The spontaneous synaptic ac-
tivity of one cell (upper trace) reveals considerable depolarizing and hy-
perpolarizing synaptic potentials. In another motoneuron (lower traces) spon-
taneous spike potentials were correlated with potentials recorded from a
Future work will examine the connections between these and other
motoneurons and between the motoneurons and interneurons in the brain. The
close proximity within the brain of all of the motoneurons for a single leg, and
of the motor centers for the eight different legs makes possible neural control
mechanisms that rely upon direct communication between motoneurons. By
studying the functional connections between motoneurons we can answer this
346 T.M.Root

A posterior



\1 mV
Fig.4A, B. Motoneurons in the central nervous system. A Camera lucida drawings of two
motoneurons in the subesophageal ganglion which were stained with cobalt sulfide. B Intra-
cellular recordings from the somata of motoneurons in the subesophageal ganglion. i Record-
ing showing spontaneous synaptic activity (indicated by dots). ii Simultaneous recordings from
a motoneuron soma (upper trace) and from the muscle it innervates (lower trace). The activity
of one spike in the motoneuron is phase-locked to the activity of a spike from the muscle rec-
ord (arrows). (Bowerman and Burrows 1980)
Scorpion Locomotion 347

6 Conclusions

To date, we have completed detailed studies of leg movements during walking,

major descriptive work on the sensory and motor systems of the legs, and exper-
imental studies of the role of some receptor systems, leg muscles and
motoneurons in locomotion. Our current work is to simultaneously study ongo-
ing muscle and receptor activity during walking to understand the phasic role
of proprioceptive feedback in shaping the motor program. We also will be
studying how locomotion is initiated and maintained by control centers in the
brain. Because of the advances being made on several different fronts, it is an-
ticipated that the control of scorpion locomotion may be understood on many
different levels.

Barth FG, Wadepuhl M (1976) Slit sense organs on the scorpion leg (Androctonus australis L.,
Buthidae). J Morphol145 (2):209- 228
Bowerman RF (1975a) The control of walking in the scorpion. I. Leg movements during nor-
mal walking. J Comp PhysioII00:183-196
Bowerman RF (1975 b) The control of walking in the scorpion. II. Coordination modification
as a consequence of appendage ablation. J Comp Physiol 100: 197 - 209
Bowerman RF (1976) Electrophysiological survey of joint receptors in walking legs of scor-
pion, Paruroctonus mesaensis. J Comp Physiol 105 (3):353 - 363
Bowerman RF (1981 a) Arachnid locomotion. In: Herried CF II, Fourtner CR (eds) Loco-
motion and energetics in arthropods. Plenum Press, New York London, pp 73-102
Bowerman RF (1981 b) An electromyographic analysis of the elevator/depressor motor pro-
gramme in the freely-walking scorpion, Paruroctonus mesaensis. J Exp BioI 91:165-177
Bowerman RF, Burrows M (1980) The morphology and physiology of some walking leg motor
neurons in a scorpion. J Comp Physiol A 140:31-42
Foelix RF, Schabronath J (1983) The fine structure of scorpion sensory organs. I. Tarsal sen-
silla. Bull Br Arachnol Soc 6 (2):53 - 67
Gilai A, Parnas I (1970) Neuromuscular physiology of the closer muscles in the pedipalp of
the scorpion Lieurus quinquestriatus. J Exp BioI 52:325 - 344
Root TM (1985) (in press) Scorpion neurobiology. In: Poli GA (ed) Biology of the scor-
pionida. Stanford Univ Press, Stanford
Root TM, Bowerman RF (1978) Intra-appendage movements during walking in the scorpion
Hadrurus arizonensis. Comp Biochem PhysioI59A:49-56
Root TM, Bowerman RF (1979) Neuromuscular physiology of scorpion leg muscles. Am Zool
Root TM, Bowerman RF (1981) The scorpion walking leg motor system: muscle fine structure.
Comp Biochem Physiol 69 A:73 -78
Root TM, Gatwood SC (1981) Histochemistry of scorpion leg muscles. Am Zool21 (4):941
Weltzin R (1981) Dorsal leg nerve joint receptors in restrained and freely-walking scorpions.
MS Thesis, Univ Wyoming, Laramie
E Neurobiology of a Biological Clock
xvm Neurobiology of a Circadian Clock in the
Visual System of Scorpions

I Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
2 Circadian Rhythm in the Visual System of the Scorpion 352
3 In Search of the Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
3.1 Anatomy of the Visual System ........ 356
3.2 Mechanisms of Endogenous Adaptation in the Retina 359
3.3 The Circadian Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
3.4 Efferent Neurosecretory Fibers (ENSF): Link between the Clock and Its Hand 365
3.5 The Physiological Importance of the ENSF System 367
3.6 The Organization of the Clock 368
4 Conclusions. 371
References . . . . . . . . . . 372

1 Introduction

What does a circadian clock look like in terms of its anatomy and physiology?
This is a challenging question for neurobiologists, on which we have been fo-
cusing our research for the past several years. .
Basic features of the circadian clock, such as free-running under constant
conditions, synchronization by Zeitgeber, and other properties have been in-
tensively studied for about the last 30 years. Although several general reviews
have been published (Aschoff 1981; Block and Page 1978; Brady 1974; Bunning
1973; Cloudsley-Thompson 1978; Enright 1980; Pittendrigh 1974; Rusak and
Zucker 1979; Saunders 1982; Winfree 1980), the interior of the circadian clock
has largely remained a mystery. Only little is known about the physiological
mechanisms involved, about the site and nature of the oscillators, and about the
interactions between them. Even the true function of the Zeitgeber is not fully
understood. Amongst the invertebrate studies, those on the opisthobranch snail
Ap/ysia seem to be the closest to the single neuron level of the clock mechanisms
(Jacklet and Rolerson 1982; Jacklet et al. 1982). Within the arthropods, the
scorpion is the first where this search for the clock has been brought down to
the cellular level within its CNS (Fleissner and Heinrichs 1982). This chapter

Zoologisches Institut der I-W.-Goethe-Universitat, Arbeitskreis Neurobiologie Circadianer

Rhythmen, SiesmayerstraBe 70, D-6000 Frankfurt am Main I, Federal Republic of Germany
352 G. Fleissner and G. Fleissner

summarizes our knowledge on the circadian clock controlling the sensitivity of

the eyes in the fat-tailed scorpion Androctonus australis (Buthidae, Scorpiones).
Androctonus is found in desert areas and oases of North Africa (Vachon 1952,
1953). It is extremely well-adapted to arid environments and therefore an ideal
candidate for long-term experiments. Unfortunately it is "one of the two most
deadly species in the world" (Cloudsley-Thompson 1956, for details about its
venom see Goyffon et al. 1982 and Zlotkin et al. 1978).
The first documentation of an endogenous sensitivity change in an arthropod eye goes
back to Kiesel who described rhythmic changes of eye glow in the moth Plusia gamma as early
as in 1894. Later this phenomenon was also investigated in crayfish (reviewed by Welsh 1938),
and in 1940 Jahn and Crescitelli were the first to report an endogenous ERG rhythm in the
compound eyes of beetles. It was, however, about 30 years before this subject was investigated
again, when a circadian rhythm of retinomotoric processes was demonstrated anatomically in
the eyes of Tenebrio molitor (Wada and Schneider 1968). Long-term recordings over weeks
and months of the ERG rhythms of crayfish (Arechiga and Wiersma 1969) and scorpions
(Fleissner 1971) were then the start of neurobiological work which consequently led to the
search for the circadian clock itself (crayfish: for review Arechiga et al. 1973; Arechiga 1977;
Larimer and Smith 1980; Limulus: for review Barlow 1983; scorpions: for review see this chap-
ter; insects: Bennett 1983; Kohler and Fleissner 1978; Fleissner 1982; Tomioka and Chiba

2 Circadian Rhythms in the Visual System of the Scorpion

If any eye is kept long enough in darkness, its sensitivity usually increases to a
maximum (for rev. Autrum 1981). For a physiologist, such a dark-adapted eye
seems to be in a well-defined state, however, in the median eyes of the scorpion
there is an additional endogenous factor modifying the sensitivity (Fig. 1 a).
This is reflected in both single-cell recordings and in mass responses of the
Electroretinogram (ERG) recordings offer many advantages for long-term observations.
They not only allow precise measurements of the sensitivity of an eye, but are also harmless to
the animals and may be tolerated for many months without any sign of damage. It has there-
fore been our chosen method in the search for answers to most of our questions.

Fig. 1 a-d. Circadian rhythm of sensitivity in the dark-adapted median and lateral eyes of
the scorpion, Androctonus australis. Unless indicated otherwise, all experiments are in continu-
ous darkness (DD). In long-term experiments (c, d) the darkness was only interrupted by short
test light flashes of 30 ms duration every half hour. a Electroretinograms (ERG) of a median
eye: Circadian day state (left) and circadian night state (right), same light stimulus, DC re-
cording. !::" 0 refer to the intensity-response curves in b. b Intensity-response curves of ERG-
on-effects during circadian day (!::,) and night (0), demonstrating a sensitivity change of 4log
units in the median eye. Arrows in insets mark the registration time within the circadian pe-
riod. c Time course of ERG-amplitudes simultaneously recorded in a median and a lateral eye
during several circadian periods. Note the flat but clearly circadian oscillation in the lateral
eye showing a less than twofold change in sensitivity, whereas the median eye sensitivity varies
by a factor of> 1000 in a square wave-like time course. d Simultaneous ERG recordings from
both median eyes of the same scorpion. Only one eye (0) is illuminated for 2 h (white bar).
Note the synchrony of the ERG rhythms in both eyes, which is not disturbed by unilateral ex-
posure to light. (a and b after Fleissner 1974; c Fleissner 1977 d; d Fleissner 1977 a)
Neurobiology ofa Circadian Clock 353



! 1,0



-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 o
b reI. intensity ( log I)

lateral eyes

.,~ /

• .• _

' \

c 12 h

1~ i4
d tomo 01 d ay
354 G. Fleissner and G. Fleissner

Under constant conditions the time course of this endogenously controled

sensitivity change reveals an extremely clear-cut circadian rhythm (Figs. 1, 2).
The state of low sensitivity (the circadian day state) alternates with a state of
about 1000- to 10,000-fold higher sensitivity (the circadian night state)
(Fig. 1 b, Fleissner 1971, 1972, 1974). Both states are about 11 h long with tran-
sition phases between them lasting 2 to 3 h. In the steep middle part of the tran-
sition phase the sensitivity change can reach up tq two log units per hour
(Fig. 1 c, Fleissner 1975, 1977 d). The resulting nearly square wave time pattern
enables us to measure the circadian period length with an accuracy of about
1 min (better than 1 in 1000).
A strong criterion for a true circadian rhythm is a phase shift of at least one circadian
period length against the 24-h scale under constant conditions (Lohmann 1964). Using this
definition the scorpion was the first arthropod in whose eyes a true circadian sensitivity
rhythm in this strict sense could be demonstrated (Fleissner 1971). Its sensitivity rhythm shows
all the characteristics of a circadian oscillation (e.g., free-running, synchronization by Zeitge-
ber cycles (Fig. I d, 2): Fleissner 1971, 1974, 1975, 1977 a, b; temperature-compensation of To
Michel and Fleissner 1983).
The circadian ERG rhythms in the eyes of Androctonus are remarkably
rigid and tightly coupled to one another, which suggests that only one clock
may be responsible for them. The rhythm appears to remain stable throughout
the life-time of an animal (recording period with an individual scorpion more
than 8 months). Under constant conditions of continuous darkness (DD) the
maximum value of sensitivity is attained within the first circadian period. The
rhythm is always exactly the same in both median eyes, and in the intact animal
we could never see any phase-angle differences between them. If only one eye is
exposed to light for some hours, the contralateral eye shows exactly the same
phase-shift (Fig. 1 d). Both eyes thus remain oscillating in precise synchrony
(Fleissner 1972, 1977 a). This rigidity of the circadian ERG rhythm contrasts
with that of other arthropods, e.g., some species of beetles which have loose cir-
cadian systems. Their ERG rhythm can completely disappear and reappear
spontaneously, and it can even exhibit different period lengths in the left and
right eye of the same animal (Kohler and Fleissner 1978).
In contrast to the median eyes, the lateral eyes only alter their endogenously
controlled sensitivity by a factor of about 2 or even less (Fleissner 1975).
Although the endogenous adaptation is comparatively small, a circadian
rhythm is also clearly recognizable (Fig. 1c). In everyone of the ten lateral eyes
it is in complete synchrony with the rhythm in the median eyes.
Since the innate period length of a circadian clock generally differs from
24 h, synchronization by an external Zeitgeber is necessary. Without this the
rhythm would free-run against the environmental cycles and important ad-
vantages of the circadian clock would be lost. The ERG rhythm of Androctonus
can be synchronized with light intensities as low as about 0.1 mIx (Fig. 2)
(Fleissner 1977b). Both the median and the lateral eyes are able to mediate the
Zeitgeber information (Fleissner 1977 a, b). They represent an interesting
combination of different features: the median eyes exhibit the distinct circadian
sensitivity rhythm and are designed for good image processing (Jander 1965;
Linsenmair 1968). In contrast, the lateral eyes are obviously sacrificing image
Neurobiology ofa Circadian Clock 355

time (hI
o 12 24 12 24

~ 30 ====
E ~
~ 40

l;' 50,-
1:1 ~

Fig.2. Circadian rhythm of sensitivity in a median eye during continuous darkness (DD: days
1-26 and 38-70) and light-dark cycles (LD: days 27-37) (bars below the graph). The
circadian night state of the eye is represented by black stripes in the graph. LD: natural light
regime (L not exceeding 3 mix) applied via a light guide to median and lateral eyes of one
side. Note clear entrainment to 24 h during LD in spite of the very low light intensity. In DD
the rhythm is free-running with a period length r = 25.3 h (before LD) and r = 25.6 h (after

information (Schliwa and Fleissner 1980) in favor of functions similar to those

of exposure meters; they are more sensitive and exhibit neglectably weak circa-
dian fluctuation in their sensitivity. The combination of these two types of light
receptor could enable the brain to calculate the time of dusk and dawn more
precisely than only one of them would be able to do (Fleissner 1975, 1977 d).
All five species of the scorpion families Buthidae and Scorpionidae we have
studied so far have shown this ERG rhythm, which would therefore seem to be
a general feature of scorpions. Surprisingly, all publications of other authors
dealing with vision of the scorpions (Angermann 1957; Bedini 1967; Belmonte
and Stensaas 1975; Carricaburu et al. 1982; Carricaburu and Cherrak 1968;
Fouchard and Carricaburu 1971; Machan 1967; Yinon 1969) have neglected
both the circadian sensitivity rhythm in the visual system and the fact that the
scorpions, with only rare exceptions, are strictly night-active animals (Cloudsley-
Thompson 1956; Wuttke 1966). It follows that all of this work has been done on
356 G. Fleissner and G. Fleissner

eyes in their biologically less meaningful day state. The only exception is the
paper of Machan (1968) in which, based on 16-h dark adaptation, the possibili-
ty of a diurnal sensitivity change was mentioned.

3 In Search of the Clock

Using the scorpion as a model system, our present aim is to try to understand
how a circadian clock system is organized, both functionally and anatomically,
at the level of its neuronal connections. The strategy we are following may ap-
pear rather simple, but applied consequently enough to this system it has
proven to be rather effective: considering the ERG rhythm as a "hand" of the
clock we just have to follow "cog by cog" until we find the "balance-wheel",
i.e., the pace-making oscillator. The following questions have to be answered:
- What are the mechanisms of the endogenous sensitivity changes in the
retina? (see Sect. 3.2)
- What is the circadian signal which controls these mechanisms? (see Sect. 3.3)
- Which pathways are taken by the circadian signal? (see Sect. 3.4)
- Where is the circadian oscillator located? (see Sect. 3.5)
- How is the scorpion's circadian clock organized as a whole? (see Sect. 3.6)
Before we proceed to answer these questions, however, we need some fun-
damental knowledge on the visual system of the scorpion.

3.1 Anatomy of the Visual System

The anatomy of the ocellar-like median and lateral eyes of the scorpion has
been the subject of some earlier papers (Scheuring 1913; review Kaestner
1941). Several fundamental features of the eyes described in the older literature
have to be corrected and extended with new cellular elements like the arhabdo-
meric cells (Fleissner and Siegler 1978; Schliwa and Fleissner 1979) and the
efferent neurosecretory fibers (Fleissner and Schliwa 1977). Some of the more
recent data are summarized by Root (1985).

3.1.1 Types of Eyes

Androctonus australis has 12 eyes. The two median eyes with a lens diameter of
little more than 500 !lm, are positioned centrally on the carapace. Two groups
of lateral eyes, 5 on each side, are located at the anteriormost lateral edge of the
prosoma (see Fig. 1c). Three lateral eyes in each group have a lens diameter of
about 300 !lm, the remaining two measure between 100 and 200 !lm. Apart from
ocular photoreception, an extraocular light sense has also been found in the
metasoma of the scorpions Urodacus novae-hollandiae (Zwicky 1968) and
Heterometrus fulvipes (Geethabali and Rao 1973). The visual systems of other
chelicerates like Limulus contain several other types of photoreceptors such as
median and lateral rudimentary eyes. A ventral eye and additional receptor
Neurobiology of a Circadian Clock 357

cells scattered along the optic ganglia have also been described (for review Fah-
renbach 1975). In the spiders Argiope bruennichii and A. amoena photosensi-
tivity of the brain has been demonstrated (Yamashita and Tateda 1983, see also
Yamashita, Chap. VI, this Vol.), so it would therefore not be surprising to find
similar receptors in the scorpion as well. Sometimes clusters of pigmented cells
can be observed at the surface of the first median eye ganglion, which might,
for example, be such receptors. In this chapter, however, we will only consider
the median and the lateral eyes.

1. The Median Eyes. Dioptric Apparatus. The prominent spherical cuticular lens,
together with a well-designed vitreous body, form the dioptric apparatus of the
median eyes. Carricaburu (1968) found these eyes to be very hyperopic in An-
droctonus. According to his own data, however, these eyes are well focused for
long distances, as long as the vitreous body is also taken into account, the exis-
tence of which he has simply overlooked. This vitreous body is bordered by
cells full of screening pigment granules (Fleissner 1971, 1974), resulting in a
sharply defined iris-like aperture which improves image-processing in the
median eye. The large aperture of this iris with a f-number of < 0.5 contributes
to the physiologically demonstrated high sensitivity of the scorpion eyes
(Fleissner 1977 c). For further details on the optics of arthropod eyes refer to
Land (1981) and to Land, Chapter IV, and Blest, Chapter V, this Volume.
Retinae. Both the median eye retinae have a common envelop formed by a
pre- and postretinal membrane (see Fig. 7 a), which separates them from the
hemocoel in a fashion similar to the way a brain-hemolymph-barrier ensheaths
the CNS (Lane and Harrison 1980). The. retina mainly consists of the elongated
visual cells which are surrounded over their whole length by very thin and rich-
ly fenestrated pigment cells. Arhabdomeric cells (Fleissner and Siegler 1978;
Schliwa and Fleissner 1979) and neurosecretory fibers (Fleissner and Schliwa
1977) are further constituent parts of the retina. The postretina consists of a sec-
ond type of pigment cells. All the axons of the visual and arhabdomeric cells
and also the neurosecretory fibers form one common optic nerve.
Retinulae. Five visual cells make up a retinular unit (Fig. 3 a, b). These re-
tinulae, 500 to 600 in one median eye, are arranged parallel to each other in a
hexagonal pattern similar to the ommatidia of compound eyes. In the distal
plane of the retina the period length of this pattern is about 25 /lm (Fleissner
1971). In cross-sections each visual cell contributes a V-shaped rhabdomere to
the fused star-like rhabdome (Fig. 3 a). The distal tip of the rhabdome is rather
sharply pointed in the light-adapted eye and ends 20 to 30 /lm away from the
preretinal membrane (see Fig. 5 b). Thus the screening pigment granules, which
are densely packed in the distal part of the visual cells, effectively shield the
rhabdomes against incident light. One arhabdomeric cell is always present in
each retinula (Fig. 3 b). Its soma, which is located below the perikarya of the
visual cells in the center of the retinula, gives rise to an axon proximally and
sends one or two dendrites up to the base of the rhabdome distally. Except for
its uppermost part, the entire arhabdomeric cell is ensheathed by pigment cells.
The naked distal dendrite sends arborizations into the visual cells, suggesting
areas of electrical contacts. The visual cells only produce graduated receptor
358 G. Fleissner and G. Fleissner

Neurobiology ofa Circadian Clock 359

Fig. 3 a-d. Fine structural details of the retina of the median (a and b) and of the lateral eyes
(c and d) of Androctonus australis. a and c Cross-sections through the retinulae at locations as
indicated by arrows in the respective scheme (b and d). b and d Schematized longitudinal sec-
tions through a retinular unit. Insets distal part of the dendrite of the arhabdomeric cell at
higher magnification. A arhabdomeric cell; D dendrite; Liens; P pigment cell; PM preretinal
membrane; R receptor cell; Rh rhabdome; "Vb vitreous body; arrows in a, profiles of
neurosecretory fibers. (a Fleissner and Schliwa 1977; b Schliwa and Fleissner 1979; d Schliwa
and Fleissner 1980)

potentials, whereas the arhabdomeric cells give rise to propagated action po-
tentials, which encode the time course of the receptor potentials (Fleissner
1971, 1985 a). Regarding its retinal anatomy and function, the neuronal organi-
zation of the scorpion median eyes reveals striking similarities to the median
(Jones et al. 1971; Nolte and Brown 1972) and lateral eyes of Limulus (for re-
view Fahrenbach 1975).

2. The Lateral Eyes. The lateral eyes differ from the median eyes both in their
absolute sensitivity (Fleissner 1977 c) and in image processing. Although both
types of eye contain the same retinal elements (Fig. 3 c, d), their morphology
shows characteristic differences: The cornea does not form a focusing lens (Car-
ricaburu 1968), a vitreous body is lacking, and the rhabdomeres of all visual
cells are fused to a net-like rhabdome over the whole retina. The retinular units
consist of merely two or three visual cells, one arhabdomeric cell and several
neurosecretory fibers (Schliwa and Fleissner 1980). The lack of image informa-
tion in this type of eye obviously appears to enhance the measurement of
brightness (Fleissner 1975).

3.1.2 The Optie Ganglia

Before entering the brain, the optic nerve shows a thickening, the first optic
ganglion or lamina (Fig. 4). Our tracing experiments with cobalt and Lucifer
Yellow CH in the periphery of the visual system established that the axons of
the receptor cells, which constitute the bulk of the fibers in the optic nerve, ter-
minate within the lamina. A smaller number of fibers (those arising from the
arhabdomeric cells) terminate in the second ganglion or the medulla (Fleissner
1985a). This ganglion is shared by the median and lateral eyes of one side. Be-
tween the lamina and medulla there is a chiasma. Optic ganglia of higher order
are also shared by median and lateral eyes (Babu 1954, also Chap. I, this Vol.).
Further proximally, commissures to the contralateral side and connections to
neuropils, like the central body, are formed (see Fig. 10).

3.2 Mechanisms of Endogenous Adaptation in the Retina

In principle, a photoreceptor has many possibilities to change its sensitivity (for

review see Autrum 1981). In the median eyes of Androetonus we found periodic
360 G. Fleissner and G. Fleissner

fibers (ENSF)


Fig. 4. Schematic represen-

tation ofthe neural com-
ponents in the retina and
the periphery of the visual
--- system of Androetonus aus-
tralis (not to scale). In the
brain retina one retinular unit is
shown and one efferent
lateral eye neurosecretory fiber. Pig-
ment cells and lateral eye
lateral eye nerve projections not shown.
(Fleissner 1985 a)

migration of the screening pigment within the visual cells (Fleissner 1972,
1974): during the circadian night state, it is largely retracted into the depth of
the retina, fully exposing the rhabdomes to the incident light (Fig. 5 a). During
the circadian day state, the screening pigment fills the distal part of the visual
cells, shielding the rhabdomes against the light (Fig. 5b). In this position it
functions as a filter with a transmission of 10-3 to 10-4 (Fleissner and Betz, un-
published). This corresponds exactly to the difference between the sensitivities
in the circadian day and night state. The screening pigment migration may
therefore be regarded as the main circadian adaptation factor in the median
As an additional mechanism of adaptation there is most probably a move-
ment of pigment granules in the radial direction superimposed on the pigment
migration along the visual cell axis. By opening small light channels, this mech-
anism could change the light flux to the rhabdomes within minutes. The speed
with which the eye can reach an artificial night state triggered by electrical
stimulation of the optic nerve (see Fig. 8 a, Fleissner and Fleissner 1985) and
the circadian variation of the acceptance angle of single visual cells (Marschall,
unpublished) indicate the existence of such a mechanism.
The size and shape of the rhabdomes also appear to change. During the
night the rhabdomes approach the preretinal membrane with their distal ends,
and their tips are broadened, thus enlarging the aperture of the retinula
(Fleissner 1974). Further study is required in order to estimate the contribution
of this mechanism to the endogenous sensitivity control. In other arthropods a
voluminous membrane tum-over as the structural basis of circadian sensitivity
rhythms has been well established (for review Williams 1982; see also Blest,
Chap. V, this Vol.).
Neurobiology of a Circadian Clock 361


Fig. Sa, b. Longitudinal sections through the median eye retina after 40 days in darkness dur-
ing the circadian night state (a) and circadian day state (b) revealing the different positions of
the screening pigment within the visual cells and the changed size and shape of the rhab-
domes. (Abbreviations see Fig. 3.) (After Fleissner 1974)

3.3 The Circadian Signal

There are at least three possible sources of the circadian signal controlling these
adaptation mechanisms in the eyes:
1. The circadian oscillation is generated within the retina as demonstrated for
the eye of Aplysia (Jacklet 1969);
2. the oscillation is generated in the CNS and controls the effectors via a hor-
mone (Rao and Gropalakrishnareddy 1967);
3. the oscillation is generated within the CNS but mediated along neuronal
362 G. Fleissner and G. Fleissner

For scorpion eyes the third possibility applies: whenever the optic nerve is cut,
the sensitivity of the eye either remains at the low day-state level (Fig. 6) or, if
the lesion has been performed during a circadian night, the high sensitivity im-
mediately drops to the day-state level. The histology of the deefferented medi-
an eyes shows the corresponding day-state position of the screening pigment
(Fig. 7). The circadian oscillation never comes back in the respective eye
(Fleissner 1977b; Fleissner and Fleissner 1977, 1978). It can therefore be con-
cluded: (1) No circadian oscillator is present in the retina, but must instead be
located within the brain. (2) The circadian signal is delivered through the optic
nerve. (3) The signal is tonic and has to remain "switched on" for as long 'as the
night-state lasts. (4) The pigment distribution in the day state can be seen as a
resting position.
The sensitivity decrease after cutting the optic nerve is neither due to manipulations dur-
ing the operation, e.g., effect of light and CO 2 narcosis (Fleissner and Fleissner 1978) nor to
wound reactions of the receptor or the arhabdomeric cell axons (Fleissner 1983; Fleissner and
Fleissner 1985).
Spontaneous and rhythmic bursts of "efferent" action potentials can be re-
corded from the eye nerve, similar to those also found in a spider (Yamashita
and Tateda 1981; see Yamashita, Chap. VI, this Vol.). In the case of An-
droctonus, however, this activity does not follow the circadian time pattern and
is not actively conducted by the optic nerve. Its source might be the same as
that of the noncircadian "prosomian nerve activity" described by Goyffon et al.
(1975) for four species of scorpion. In our opinion Limulus therefore remains
the first, and so far the only, arthropod where efferent action potentials which
are mediating the circadian signal to the eyes could be convincingly demon-
strated (Barlow et al. 1977; Barlow 1983).
The deefferented median eyes of the scorpion react, both in vivo and in vi-
tro, immediately upon electrical stimulation of the optic nerve (Fig. 8). Within
less than 10 min (much faster than we have observed in the undisturbed cir-
cadian rhythm) their sensitivity reaches its typical night state as indicated by
the shape and amplitude of the ERG waves (Fig. 8a, Fleissner and Fleissner

24 24 24 24 24

time (h)
Fig. 6. Circadian sensitivity rhythm in both median eyes during a transection experiment (in
DD). Single arrow optic nerve of the right median eye (e) cut; double arrow same operation
with the left median eye (0). Cutting the nerve irreversibly abolishes the circadian oscillation
in the respective median eye and keeps the sensitivity at the low day-state level. (After
Fleissner and Fleissner 1978)
Neurobiology ofa Circadian Clock 363

a 200jJm


100 jJm
Fig. 7 a, b. Histology of pigment distribution in the retina in intact and deefferented eyes dur-
ing circadian night state. a Transverse section through the dorsal part of the prosoma at the
level of the median eyes, optic nerve of the left eye cut about 10 h previously. Note: In the
deefferented eye Qn the left side the shielding pigment is positioned distally as in a day-state
eye. b As a, but only one half of the eye nerve is cut. Note: Three zones of pigment distri-
bution, I. night-state position in the intact dorsal part of the retina; II. day-state position in the
deefferented ventral part; III. intermediate position as a consequence of partial deefferen-
tiation of single visual cells

1985). To what extent this is also true for morphological aspects is still under
investigation. Stopping the current pulses causes an immediate decrease of
sensitivity to the day-state level, an effect resembling that of severing the nerve
during the circadian night. Electrical activity in the optic nerve is obviously a
necessary prerequisite for night-state conditions in the retina. The question re-
mains as to whether it is really a completely sufficient one. Stimulation of the
distal part of the cut optic nerve for more than 24 h can answer this question.
The artificially increased sensitivity drops down to the day-state level after
about 10 to 16 h, in spite of continued electrical stimulation (Fig. 8b). The time
364 G. Fleissner and G. Fleissner

a~ circadian
day state

~V v----=:
{I. circadian
night atate

optic nerve




4 days
. ............... ~-
. . .- . . . . . . ,. .,. . . . ._. . . ,. . . . ._. . . .
-. • . . . . . . . . . .0 • • •

"""D ._ :g>1l~
i i i It i I I -
12 24 12 24 24 12 24

b time (hI

Fig. 8a, b. Artificial "night-state" in a median eye caused by electrical stimulation of the cut
optic nerve. a ERG from a median eye in DD before and after cutting the optic nerve and dur-
ing electrical stimulation of the nerve. Note: The ERG, which typically goes into the day state
after the nerve is cut, changes to a typical night-state less than 10 min after nerve stimulation
commenced. (Ae recording.) b ERG-on-effect amplitudes of the two deefferented median
eyes of the same scorpion in DD and their response to nerve stimulation. Note: Prolonged
stimulation can exhaust a "night-state factor", 9 days after cutting the nerve the preparation is
still able to react. Bars period of nerve stimulation, open and black bars refer to the corre-
sponding curves (constant current pulses, 7 pps, 5 ms, 10 ).lA, pos. polarity). (Fleissner and
Fleissner 1985)

course of this decrease resembles that of the end of the circadian night state.
Degeneration processes do not explain the limited temporal effectiveness of
electrical stimulation, because the same result is obtained when the stimulation
is first started several days after cutting the nerve. Exhaustion of a factor, the
synthesis of which depends on the soma, is a more plausible explanation. Since
generally in neurosecretory cells the electrical nerve activity controls the release
of the neurosecretory substance from the terminal structures (Gersch and Rich-
ter 1981, p 164), our findings seem to suggest that the circadian signal is of
neurosecretory nature.
As almost nothing is known about the pharmacology of scorpion eyes, we
have to refer to findings in other arthropods when searching for a likely trans-
mitter candidate. In Limulus eyes octopamine has been demonstrated to par-
tially simulate the effect of the circadian signal (Battelle et al. 1982; Kass and
Neurobiology ofa Circadian Clock 365

Barlow 1984). Mancillas and Selverston (1984) could show by means of histolo-
gy and electrophysiology that a Substance P-like peptide (10 out of 11 amino
acids are identical with those of Substance P, Mancillas 1983) is another trans-
mitter which seems to be involved in the efferent sensitivity control of the
Limulus eyes. The effect of Substance P, as well as the normal circadian oscil-
lation in the eye, could be prevented by a Substance P-blocker. Fibers with
Substance P-like immunoreactivity could be identified (Mancillas 1983; Man-
cillas and Brown 1984). Because of the close phylogenetic relationship between
Limulus and scorpions it was worthwhile testing the effect of Substance P and
octopamine on the sensitivity of the median eyes of Androctonus. Preliminary
results (Bhatti, unpublished) clearly demonstrate: octopamine applied to the in-
ter-retinal space, generally produces changes of the ERG waves and increases
the sensitivity as it is typical for the circadian night state. The possible role of
Substance P-like proteins, so far, remains less clear. On the one hand, it seems
to produce effects comparable to those of octopamine (Fleissner, unpublished),
but on the other hand, the first immunocytological test in the retina and brain
of the scorpion rules out Substance P itself as the transmitter of the circadian
signal (Heinrichs and Schwab, unpublished).

3.4 Efferent Neurosecretory Fibers (ENSF): Link Between the Clock

and Its Hand

The anatomical identification of the structures responsible for the transmission

of the circadian signal from the brain to the retina would represent a further
step toward the more central parts of the clock. The results reported in the pre-
vious sections seem to indicate that the search for neurosecretory structures in
the retina and the optic nerve of the median eyes would prove promising.
Ultrastructural analysis of the retina and of the optic nerve of Androctonus
has revealed the presence of numerous neurosecretory fibers (Fig. 3 a). These
terminate in synaptoid contacts on the visual cells in the median (Fleissner and
Schliwa 1977) a,s well as the lateral eyes (Schliwa and Fleissner 1980). The sy-
naptoid terminations contain both clear "synaptic" vesicles and neurosecretory
granules, which points to the possibility of two neuroregulators within the same
cell (Fig. 9). The fibers are characterized by their many varicosities and
neurosecretory granules of about 100 nm in diameter, which have connections
to all elements of the retinula unit. An individual fiber may terminate in several
visual cells of the same retinula, as shown by dyade-like contacts to the receptor
cells. It may also contact several receptor cells of neighboring retinula units, and
the individual visual cell is innervated by several branches of different fibers.
The fibers are terminal arborizations of an efferent system. Their cell bodies
lie somewhere in the brain proximal to the optic nerve. Serial sections through the
retina did not reveal any perikarya containing neurosecretory substance; cutting
'the optic nerve results in the degeneration of these fibers distally and in an ac-
cumulation of neurosecretory granules proximally to the cut (Schliwa and
Fleissner 1977). Forthwith we will refer to this system as the efferent
neurosecretory fiber system (ENSF).
366 G. Fleissner and G. Fleissner

Fig. 9a, b. Cross-section of an efferent neurosecretory fiber (ENSF) in the median eye retina.
a A presynaptic element of an ENSF (note the presence of clear vesicles beside the neurosecre-
tory granules) forms a dyade-like connection with two visual cells of the same retinula. bThe
neurosecretory granules at higher magnification. (Abbreviations see Fig. 3.) (Fleissner and
Schliwa 1977)

The central course of this fiber system, although outlined in previous

papers, has not yet been fully described (Fleissner and Heinrichs 1982;
Heinrichs and Fleissner 1982). Included here are the latest results obtained in
our lab by Stefan Heinrichs (Heinrichs 1983, 1985; Heinrichs and Fleissner
1985 a, b). The final anatomical analysis is still under investigation. The
ENSF's, although randomly distributed throughout the cross-section of the op-
tic nerve, then converge to form one bundle which passes next to the lamina
and medulla and continues superficially along the dorsolateral edge of the
supraesophageal ganglion (Fig. 10). It appears that they then make contact with
the central body and send branches to the contralateral side, which extend to
the contralateral median eye nerve. On either side of the central body the fibers
descend to end in two groups of 10 to 20 cells near the circum oesophageal con-
nectives. The cells, stained via the optic nerve, could be identified in ultrathin
sections. They possess all the characteristics of neurosecretory cells and the
neurosecretory granules are of the same size as those in the retinal ENSF. Gabe
(1966) and Habibulla (1970) have described several types of neurosecretory
cells in the brain of scorpions, but none of them are identical with the somata of
the ENSF that we found.
The number of NS granules in the soma is remarkably small compared to
the number to be observed, for instance, in the soma of a neuron which termi-
nates in a neurohemal organ. However, since the terminal arborizations of the
ENSF in the retina are in close contact with the effectors, this system is able to
function with small neurosecretory quantities, and is highly effective.
On each side of the brain the ENSF sends fine branches toward the optic
ganglia. These fine terminals resemble spines and synaptic buttons, suggesting
Neurobiology ofa Circadian Clock 367

areas of information-processing. Other similar contact zones are visible within

the central body. Recent results with double staining methods (Heinrichs 1985)
reveal that most, if not all, of the cells project into both median eyes at the same
time. The complex interlacing of this fiber system between the left and right
side may be the anatomical basis for the reported strong coupling between the
circadian oscillations in the median eyes (see Fig. 1 d).
The lateral eye retinae also have efferent neurosecretory fibers with all the
characteristics described above for the median eyes (Schliwa and Fleissner
1980). Interestingly, there seem to be only very few neurosecretory cells on each
side positioned within the cluster of the somata of the median eye ENSF. The
central course of the fibers differs only slightly from that of the median eyes,
but the terminations can be observed in exactly the same areas where arbori-
zations of the median eyes ENSF are found (Heinrichs and Fleissner 1985 b).

3.5 The Physiological Importance of the ENSF System

Knowing which course the ENSF's follow in the eNS provided the basis for
investigating their physiological significance for the clock. Their fairly super-
ficial position allowed the fibers to be cut in several places without damaging
too many other tracts or neuropils (Fleissner 1983). In general, two conclusions
can be drawn from these experiments (Fig. 11 and see Figs. 6, 7): (1) Whenever
and wherever the ENSF's have been interrupted, the circadian rhythm in the
median eyes was seriously damaged or even obliterated. (2) Details of the effect
strongly depend on the position of the cut. The more distal the fibers were cut,
the more direct and serious was the effect in the ipsilateral eye and the weaker

Fig. 10. Course taken by

the efferent neurosecretory
fiber system in the CNS.
Schematic reconstruction of
the supra esophageal gangli-
on (S£G) showing the
fibers and cell bodies of
two symmetrical ENSF
units. All nerves except the
lateral and median eye
nerves (MON) omitted. The
reconstruction is based on data
obtained using several dif-
ferent staining techniques:
Lucifer Yellow, cobalt, HRP,
double staining with pro-
pidium iodide and HRP,
and selective degeneration.
(oe esophagus; I, II, III,
I V, V optic ganglia; cb cen-
tral body). (After Heinrichs
and Fleissner 1985 a)
368 G. Fleissner and G. Fleissner

left right

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
a b Days
Fig. 11 a, b. Effect of cutting the ENSF within the eNS on the circadian rhythm in the median
eyes of the scorpion. a Schematic drawing of the supraesophageal ganglion and the ENSF of
the median eyes showing the position of the lesion (dorsal view, drawn in one plane). b Time
course of the ERG amplitudes after the operation (Op). Note: The circadian oscillation, which
is only slightly disturbed immediately after the nerve-cut, disappears on the 7th day in the ip-
silateral (right) eye. In the contralateral eye, the rhythm which had become progressively ob-
scured in the beginning also returned to normal on the 7th day. (Fleissner 1983)

it was in the contralateral eye. The more centrally the lesion was placed, the
later the effect appeared ipsilaterally and the more pronounced was the distur-
bance of the rhythm in the contralateral eye. Any disconnection of the ENSF's
from their cell bodies finally obliterated the circadian rhythm in the ipsilateral
eye, whereas the rhythm in the contralateral eye was only temporarily affected.
These results, together with those of the electrical stimulation of the optic
nerve, are strong evidence for the circadian mediator function of the ENSF's. In
addition to this they tell us the following about the nature of the clock: (l) The
circadian signal cannot come from the neurosecretory cell bodies, because the
circadian rhythm in the eyes continued for a whole week after disconnection of
the cell bodies from the ENSF's (Fig. 11 b). (2) It seems more likely that the
ENSF's do not produce a circadian rhythm themselves, but receive it from an-
other structure. (3) Several pieces of evidence point to the lateral part of the
supraesophageal ganglion as the site where the circadian signal is probably
coupled into the ENSF. (4) In the clock system there are contralateral inhibi-
tory connections. (5) Rather complex interactions between left and right side,
perhaps involving feedback signals from the retina, are possible.

3.6 The Organization of the Clock

How is the circadian clock, which drives the ERG rhythm, organized? Does it
consist of one circadian oscillator or a combination of at least two or even
more? In molluscs (Jacklet 1969), crayfish (Sanchez and Fuentes-Pardo 1977),
Neurobiology of a Circadian Clock 369

and insects (Kohler and Fleissner 1978; Fleissner 1982; Tomioka and Chiba
1982) the circadian ERG clock has been proven to be a bilaterally symmetrical
multi oscillator system, and in general this seems to be a fundamental feature of
any circadian clock (Pittendrigh 1974). We therefore might expect the circadian
clock of the scorpion to be a multi oscillator as well. Surprisingly, it always be-
haves like one functional unit: desynchronization of the rhythms in the various
eyes of an individual scorpion never occurred spontaneously, nor was it pos-
sible to induce it by unilateral LD cycles (Fig. 1d). The rhythms of both me-
dian eyes remain tightly coupled to each other. However, there are also several
clues which suggest multioscillator organization of the scorpions' clock: in
synchronization experiments we observed "phase-jumps" and complex oscil-
lations following the exposure of the lateral eyes to LD cycles (Fleissner
1977b). We interpret these reactions as indicative of a multi oscillator system.
Dissociation of the ERG rhythm into ultradian components could also be seen
when the body temperature of the scorpion was lowered (e.g., to 20°C, Fig. 12)
(Michel and Fleissner 1983). In addition to this, a few of our lesion experiments
(e.g., cutting the ENSF within the CNS) sometimes revealed slight phase-angle
differences of some degrees between left and right median eyes occasionally
even of 180 0 • However, internal desynchronization (which is based on different
period lengths) such as we find in beetles (Kohler and Fleissner 1978) was
never observed. Obviously further experimental evidence is necessary in this
case to resolve the multioscillator question in the scorpion.
What role does this clock play in the organism as a whole? Androctonus aus-
tralis, like nearly all the other scorpions, is a nocturnal animal (Cloudsley-
Thompson 1956; Constantinou and Cloudsley-Thompson 1983). The pattern of
its locomotor activity can vary between a clear uni- or bimodal circadian rhythm
and near arrhythmicity (Dube, in preparation). Since so far we could not ob-

~ 40-~~:::t~~

50-~ I I I I I I
o 12 o 12 12 o
time (h)
Fig. 12. Circadian ERG rhythm at different levels of constant temperature in continuous
darkness. The night state dissociates into several peaks after a few days in 20 °C. ~ time of
temperature change). (Michel and Fleissner unpublished)
370 G. Fleissner and G. Fleissner

... --
- ..
:~ - ....
~ i~

- --

- ...

<= ~

- - - - -""' -
- -- ..

_ 20- ~. ~ .a;
~ ~

..... ..........

. ...
> .&

... -
,& "..

.. -


- ..... -
... - -... .- -

-- -..

- -

'.... - -

o 12 o 12 o 12 o
time (hours)
Fig. 13. Simultaneous recording of the circadian ERG rhythm (l]ID) of one median eye and
the locomotor activity (_) of the same scorpion. The animal, which was tethered above a glass
plate, was able to move its legs freely. The graph shows the amount of activity per half hour
performed by one leg. The locomotor activity is obviously gated by a circadian rhythm with
the same period length as that of the ERG rhythm. Note: The blocks of locomotor activity
have an ultradian period length, which does not match that of the circadian rhythm.

serve this broad variability in the ERG rhythms, it seemed uncertain whether
both functions were controlled by the same circadian oscillator. This situation
has, however, now been changed due to recently recorded data from our labora-
tory: (1) Simultaneously recording both parameters in the same animal
(Fig. 13, Fleissner 1985 b) demonstrates that the locomotor activity is basically
driven by an ultradian oscillator (with about 5-h period length) but it is gated
by a circadian oscillation with the same period length as the ERG rhythm. (2)
C. Dube discovered that under LL conditions (about 1 Ix), the pattern of loco-
motor activity can reach exactly the same clearness, shape, and precision as the
ERG rhythm usually shows at temperatures above 25°C (Michel and Fleissner
1983). (3) On the other hand, S. Michel demonstrated that the almost rectangu-
lar-shaped night state of the ERG rhythm sometimes dissociates into several
blocks of high sensitivity with a time pattern which looks very similar to that of
the ultradian blocks of activity.
It may therefore be that differences between the rhythms of ERG and loco-
motion are caused by differences in the coupling mechanisms of the two pa-
rameters. Rao and Gropalakrishnareddy (1967) have proposed a blood-borne
factor as being responsible for coupling the locomotor activity to the oscillator
and we have demonstrated that the ERG rhythm is driven via neurosecretory
As a result of these observations we propose the following hypothesis:
- In the scorpion the ERG rhythm and the rhythm of locomotor activity pos-
sess a common oscillator, in the form of a circadian master oscillator, which
in tum gates several ultradian oscillators.
- The differences in the time patterns of the respective overt rhythms can be
accounted for by the different nature of the link between the circadian oscil-
lator and the effectors.
Neurobiology of a Circadian Clock 371

- These coupling mechanisms are sensitive to temperature changes and differ

in their optimal temperature.
- Light, and possibly other external inputs, may additionally vary the time pat-
tern of the overt rhythm.

4 Conclusions

Specialization in a particular field of research has led to the fact that

neurobiology and circadian rhythmicity have often been viewed as completely
separate topics. Even recent papers on these subjects sometimes fail to link the
one aspect with the other. In spite of the fact that the sUbjective condition of an
animal can alter its sensory behaviour, neurobiological work often does not
take the circadian factor into consideration. On the other hand, much of the cir-
cadian research work still lacks a neurobiological basis.
When trying to analyse the circadian clock controlling the sensitivity in the
eyes of arthropods, the interdependence of these two aspects becomes clear:
1. The sensitivity of the scorpion's eyes is controlled by a circadian clock lo-
cated in the CNS. During the subjective night the median eyes are 1000 times
more sensitive than during the subjective day. As scorpions are nocturnal ani-
mals, it would therefore seem more sensible to focus future experiments on the
vision of these animals in their naturally active condition, i.e., the subjective
2. Efferent input to receptors seems to be a very widespread phenomenon
and an important part of sensory physiology (see also Yamashita, Chap. VI, this
Vol.). The visual system could provide a model which might enable further in-
vestigation of this principle.
3. Efferent neurosecretory fibers (EN SF's) mediating the circadian signal
from the CNS to the periphery appear to be present in other arthropods as well
as in scorpions. It is possible that similar structures are generally responsible for
the transmission of circadian signals.
4. By following the course of the ENSF's, the neural organization of the cir-
cadian clock may be unraveled. These fibres are probably not the source of the
oscillation, but merely mediate the circadian signal. The input regions to the
ENSF system in scorpions seem to lie near the third or fourth optic ganglion.
5. The circadian clock controling the ERG rhythm may well serve a pace-
maker function for the multioscillator system of the whole animal.
6. Several observations have revealed similarities in the neuronal organi-
zation of the circadian systems in scorpions and other arthropods, indicating
perhaps a common principle in the neurobiology of the circadian systems in
these animals.

Acknowledgments. We want to express our appreciation to Mr. Saadallah, Ie Directeur de

Forets, Ministere de l'agriculture in Tunis for giving us permission to collect specimens of An-
droctonus in Tunesia. We would also like to thank Mrs. Elke Noring for her careful mainte-
nance of the animals. We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance provided by Karl-
Heinz Schmitt, and thank Mrs. Susan Bhatti for the revision of the English text. Last, but not
least, we want to thank all members of the Arbeitskreis Neurobiologie circadianer Rhythmen
for their friendship and collaboration during the past years.
372 G. Fleissner and G. Fleissner

This investigation was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: Priority pro-

grams Biologie der Zeitmessung, Mechanismen biologischer Uhren, and Vergleichende Neuro-
biologie des Verhaltens (SFB 45).


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SUbject Index
Page numbers in bold italics refer to figures and tables

Abdominal ganglia 4, 5, 7, 11, 13 neurosecretion and stomatogastric nervous

nerves 6 system 45
ablation experiments 244, 245 sensory nerves and peripheral
Acari synapses 190,191,193
hair sensilla 120, 127,129,130, 131 slit sensilla 166
neurosecretion and stomatogastric nervous amines 15
system 46 amplitude discrimination 224
trichobothria 139 gradients, orientation 219
acetylcholine 326 Androctonus australis 340, 352ff
acetylcholinesterase 15,326 Androctonus sp. 128, 139,195
acron 22,23,26,30 angular orientation 218ff, 276ff, 298ff
active localization, vibratory 222 resolution, visual 259
activity rhythm, locomotory 370 information 221, 303
adaptation antennal glomeruli 32, 33
scorpion eye 359 Aphonopelma cali/ornica 283
slit sensilla 169, 173 Aphonopelma sp. 236
trichobothria 151 Aplochei/us lineatus 220
see also dark-light adaptation Aplysia sp. 351,361
adequate stimulus Arachnata 22, 23
slit sensilla 170, 180 ff Araneae
trichobothria 153 central nervous system 3 ff, 5, 7, 11, 14,
adhesive hairs 123 20ff, 215, 216
Aedes aegypti 144 chemoreceptors 125 ff
Aeschna 53 eyes 53 ff, 79 ff, 103 ff
Agelenidae 34 heartbeat, neural control 319 ff
Agelena gracilens ·284, 285 homing behavior and navigation 249ff,
Agelena labyrinthica 275ff,298ff
gait 240 locomotion, control of 230ff
homing behavior and navigation 275ff, mechanoreceptive hair sensilla 118 ff
276, 281, 288, 291,294, 298ff, 303 muscle reflexes 236 ff
polarization detection 76, 286 neuromuscular system 327 ff
Agelena sp. 157,277, 299, 302, 310 neurosecretion and stomatogastric nervous
air movement detection l44ff,225 system 40ff, 41, 43
air particle velocity 145 peripheral synapses 192ff
airy disk 61 proprioceptors 232ff
allothetic information 302 sensory nerves 189 ff
Amaurobiusferox 121 slit sensilla and cuticular strains 162 ff
Amblyomma sp. 129, 130 trichobothria 138 ff
Amblypygi vibration sense and behavior 203 ff
central nervous system 6,21,27, 28, 29, visually guided behavior of
31,32,33 salticids 249ff
giant fiber system 197,198 Araneus cornutus 40
hair sensilla 127, 130, 131 Araneus diadematus 286
378 Subject Index

Araneus quadratus 40 photosensitive neurons 108,109

archicerebrum 26, 30, 32 stomatogastric nervous system 38 ff
Arctosa sp. 284, 286 tracts, longitudinal and transverse 10, 11
Argiopesp. Centruroides gracilis 333
central nervous system 12,33,34 cerebral photosensitive neurons 104, 110
eyes 75,84,85,87,106, 108, 109, 110, 111 cheliceral ganglion 4
Argiope amoena 104,105,113,114 CheliJer cancro ides 46
Argiope bruennichi 40, 104,105,113,114 chemoreceptors 119, 125ff, 129, 133
Argiopidae 34,70,84,85, 113,114, 115, 140 see contact chemoreceptors, olfactory
Argyrodes sp. 224 receptors, tarsal organ
association centers: see central body, corpora chordotonal organs 235
pedunculata chromatic aberration 73
attenuation, vibratory signals 208, 209, 211 ciliary region, sensilla 121, 168
autocorrelation 312 circadian clock 351 ff, 368
axillary ganglia 41 rhythm 106, 108, 352, 353. 354, 355, 362,
signal 36lff
Background noise, vibratory 205, 206, 211,
claw tufts 123,124
clock, biological 35lff
Barathra brassica 141, 145, 152
club-shaped sensilla 119
bar synapse 192
C/ubiona sp. 84
bending waves 207
C/ubionidae 64, 84, 85
bimodal convergence 307,309
coelomic cavities 22
binocularity 60
Coe/otes sp. 40
binocular overlap 254
color vision n,75, I 12ff, 260
bird spiders, "tarantulas": see Myga/omor-
commissures 27
phae, Dugesie//a, Eurype/ma, Poeci/otheria,
communication, vibratory 204
Sericope/ma, Theraphosidae
compound slit sense organs, see lyriform
anatomy 4ff
conduction velocity 198
cellular cortex 7
connectives 12,27
neurosecretion and circadian clock 365 ff
contact chemoreceptors 119, 125 ff, 126,
number of cells 12
127,128, 133
ontogeny 20 ff
correlation hypothesis, homing
photosensitive neurons 108, 109
behavior 312
Buthus eupeus 143
corpora allata 39
Buthus occitanus 45, 332
cardiaca 39
Buthus sp. 139
pedunculata 7,8,14, 18,23,33,34
Corytha/ia xanthopa 112,260
Calcium, neuromuscular transmission 331 courtship behavior 204, 270
campaniform sensilla 170, 184 courtship signals
cardiac ganglion 320, 321, 322, 324, 326 vibratory 206, 223
cardioaccelerator 324 visual 269,270
cardioinhibitor 325 crab spiders, see Tharpyna, Xysticus
cardioregulatory nerve 320, 325, 326 cross correlation 312
central body 8, 10,14,16, 18,25,28,31,33, Cupiennius sa/ei
34 central nervous system 4,5,6, 7, 8, 11, 12,
central control, locomotion 240, 337 ff, 345 14,16, 17,215,216, 221
central nervous system 3 ff, 5 courtship behavior 204,205, 206, 223
anatomy 3ff leg anatomy 231, 237
circadian clock 365 ff leg reflexes 236ff, 237, 238
controloflocomotion 240ff,345ff locomotion 239ff, 241, 243
inferences from orientation beha- orientation, vibratory 218,219,220,221
vior 220ff,299ff orientation, idiothetic 185,246,288,290,
neurochemistry 15 302
neurosecretion 38ff,365ff proprioception 230 ff
number of cells 12 proprioceptor types 232, 233, 236
Subject Index 379

efferentinnervation,eye 84,104,108,109,
slit sensilla and cuticular strains 162 ff, 110, 111, 365ff
166,167, 169, 176, 185 electroretinogram ERG 106, 108, 110, 353,
tarsal organ 132 362,364
trichobothria 141,149, 153, 155,156, 157 elevation, brain anlage 25
vibration receptors 211,212 en-route information, spider orienta-
vibration sense 203 ff tion 299
vibration sensitivity 213,214, 215, 216,217 enveloping cells 122
vibratory signals and discrimination Epeira sp. 87
of 206, 207, 208,209, 222ff Epiblenum scenicus 266
cuticular strains, sensory measurement erectile bristles 123
of 162ff Eremobates sp. 44
cut-off frequency, visual 61 eserine 326
cybernetics, spider navigation 298 ff escape behavior 214, 223, 263, 264
esophageal connectives 12
Dark-light adaptation 71,86, 104,105 Euarthropoda 22
deafferentiation 242 Eukoenenia austriaca 44
defensive strike, scorpion 17 Euophrys parvula 253, 254
dendrite deformation, mechano- Eurypelma hentzi 328, 329
receptors 142, 170 Eurypelma marxi 320, 327, 329, 331
dendritic sheath 122, 168 Euscorpius carpathicus 45, 143, 332
depth offocus 73 Euscorpius italicus 45
depth perception, visual 254 Euscorpius sp. 129
Dermacentor albipictus 47 Evarcha arcuata 270
Dermacentor variabilis 47 Evarchafalcata 112,260,261
detour compensation 289, 290; see also E-vector 76
path integration excitatory postsynaptic potentials
deutocephalon 22, 23, 30 EPSP 321,322,331,332
deutocerebrum 4,22,23,30,31,32 exoskeleton, strain measurement 162ff
development, nervous system 12, 20ff, 24, eye movements, salticids 74, 75
. 25,26, 27, 33ff eyes, spiders
diapause 42 color vision and behavior 112ff
Diastylis sp. 21 efferent control 106 ff
diffraction 61 fine structure related to function 79 ff
dimming response 110,111 morphology and optics 53ff
Dinopidae 71,89,114, 115 homing behavior 281
Dinopis sp. 57,62,66,68, 70, 71, 72, 84, 85, spectral sensitivity 75, 104 ff
86,87,89,92,97,98, 114' target discrimination, jumping
dioptric apparatus. spiders 249 ff
scorpion 356 ff eyes, scorpion
spiders 53 ff anatomy 356 ff
discrimination circadian rhythm 351 ff
vibratory 155,156, 222ff, 225
visual 251 ff Field of view 57, 58, 5~ 250
displacement receiver 170 first harmonics, extraction of; homing
distance orientation 219,288, 289 behavior 312
diurnal adjustment, rhabdom size 85 fishing spiders, nursery web spiders,
Dolichovespula media 144 see Dolomedes
Dolomedesfimbriatus 41,219 flicker fusion frequency 264
Dolomedes triton 205,213,214, 217, 219, focal length 61,61,71
225,226 force receiver, sensilla 170
Dugesiella hentzi 235,327,328,332 forehead 23
dyad synapse 196 fovea 259, 267
Dysderidae 34, 55 frequency discrimination, vibrations 213,224
frequency filtering, vibrations 208,209,211
Ecdysis 44 funnel web spider, see Agelena, Agelenidae,
ecdysteroids 42 Tegenaria, Coelotes
380 Subject Index

Gabe's organ 39 inertial matching 242

gait 239,242,338,339 inhibition, muscles 239,343
Galeodes barbarus 286 inhibitory network 221
Galeodes olivieri 286 interference reflector 55
Galeodes sp. 4, 6, 8, 12 internal clock 286
gamma-aminobutyric acid, GABA 329, inter-receptor angles, eye 53, 60, 61, 71
332,334 intersection theory, binocularity 254
gap junction 196 invagination, ganglion development 21,24
Garypus beauvoisi 46 Isopoda 88
Geolycosa missouriensis 320
Geolycosa sp. 89 Joint receptors, internal 232, 234, 236, 237,
giant crab spiders, see Sparassidae 341
neurons 15,197 jumping spiders, see Saiticidae and Corytha-
fiber system 198 lia, Epiblenum, Euophrys, Lagnus, Lampo-
glial cells 33, 8 I na, Lyssomanes, Menemerus, Menneus, Me-
globuli cells 7,8,14 taphidippus, Phidippus, Plexippus, Portia,
glomeruli 7, 9, 10, 14, 32 Salticus, Spartaeus, Trite, Yaginumanis
glutamate 334 .
Gnaphosidae 64, 82, 84, 85 Kleptoparasites 224
Gradungula sp. 130, 131,133,193
gravity orientation 293ff,294 Lagnus sp. 82
ground reaction force 183 Lampona sp. 82, 84, 87, 88, 89
Gryllus sp. 141 lateral eyes: see eyes
vesicles, brain development 28, 3 I, 32
Haft 8 Latrodectus mirabilis 42
hair plates 235, 236 leg coordination 240, 338, 339
hair sensilla 119 ganglia 7, 11, 12, 16
chemoreceptors 125 ff, 126, 128, 129, 130 muscles 232, 237, 344
mechanoreceptors II9ff, 119,120,121, nerves 6, 189ff, 190, 191,231,232
123,124, 232,234,239; see also reflexes 185, 236 ff
hair plates and trichobothria use 243
Haller's organ 132 Leiurus quinquestriatus 332, 333, 343
hanging drop method 63 lens diameter 71
harvestmen, see Opiliones Leplograpsus sp. 86
head morphology 22 light guide 72, 258
heartbeat, neural control 319ff,321 vector, homing behavior 303
hemolymph pressure 181,181 Limulus 8,32,33,53,54,84, 108, 196,197,
Heptathela sp. 21 199,235,352,356,359,362,364
Heterophrynus sp. 128, 130, 193 line detectors, vision 270
Heteropoda venatoria 320, 327 Liphistiidae 140
H eterometrus fulvipes 326, 356 Liphistius sp. 119
Heterometrus sp. 4,5,6,8,13,14,16, 17,21 locomotion
high-pass properties scorpion 337 ff
slit sensilla 176,2 I 3, 214 spider I 82ff, 183, 230ff, 239ff
trichobothria 150 Lycosa baitimoriana 113, 114
homing behavior 275 ff, 298 ff Lycosa punctulata 121
error 303 Lycosa sp. 59,64,67, 71, 190
huntsman spider, see Heteropoda, Olios Lycosidae
Hydrachna sp. 47 corpora pedunculata 34
hydraulic force, spider leg 181,183,231 eyes 56,59,61,64,71,75,89,90, 113, 114
hygroreceptors 131 optic neuropile 9
orientation 284, 286
Identification, vibratory signals 222 ff Iyriform organs 166,167, 169, 174, 175ff,
idiothetic information 302 176, 178, 183, 232, 238, 245, 289; see also
orientation 185, 246, 287 ff, 290, 302 ff sli t sensilla
vector 303 lynx spiders, see Oxyopidae
image formation, spider eye 61 Lyssomanes sp. 91, 92, 93, 96, 260
Subject Index 381

Malleoli 3,6, 12, 133 neurosecretion 15, 38 ff, 41, 43, 108, 365 ff,
Mandibulata 22,23 366, 367, 36~
Mastigoproctus sp. 44 neurosecretory cells 8, 39, 365, 366, 367, 368
mechanical loads, sensory measure- nodal point 62
ment 180ff, 181, 183 normalization, homing behavior 308
mechanoreceptors 118ff, 138ff, 162ff, Notonecta sp. 219,222
232ff,341 Nuctenea sclopetaria 207,210,211
median eyes: see eyes nursery web spiders, see Pisauridae,
memory 278,279,280,281,287,315 Dolomedes
Menemerus sp. 73,96, 112,113,114,267
Menneussp. 70,71,84,89,97,98 Ocellus 79
Meta menardi 40 octopamine 364, 365
metameres 22 ogre-faced spiders, see Dinopidae, Dinopis
Metaphidippus aeneolus 112,253,254,257, olfaction 131
259,265,267 olfactory receptors 129ff,129, 130, 132, 133
Metaphidippus hardfordi 257 Olios sp. 59, 67, 71
Metaphidippus sp. 72, 112 on-site information, homing behavior 299,
metatarsal1yriform organ 172,212, 214 300
microvilli, visual receptors 71, 76, 81, 82 Onychophora 21
microwhipscorpions, see Palpigradi, Oonopidae 55
Eukoenenia ophthalmoscopy 63, 67
miniature excitatory synaptic potentials 332 Opiliones
mites, see Acari, Hydrachna central nervous system 6,21
molt cycle 40, 42, 44 chemoreceptors 127,129
molting gland 44 slit sensilla 166
motor innervation 327,333,343 trichobothria 139
nerve 190 optical navigation 278 ff, 302 ff
neurons 8,11, 12,13, 14, 343, 345, 346 performance, spider eyes 66 ff
multimodality 225 ff; see also 275 ff, 298 ff optic ganglia 8,9,18,34,359
muscle arrangement, spider leg 237 lobes 9,32
neural control 319 ff nerves 4,5, 107,362,364
receptor organ, MRO 235 neuropile 10
reflexes 236 tract 9
ultrastructure 327,330,332 orb weavers, see Araneus, Argiope, Meta,
mushroom bodies, see corpora pedunculata Nephi/a, Nuctenea, Zygiella
myocardial cell 322, 323 orientation 218ff, 275ff, 298ff
Mygalomorphae, see Aphonopelma, tarantula, orienting reaction 154,155, 156, 218 ff
Dugesiella, Eurypelma Otl1Oes saharae 44
Myriapoda 21,39. Otira sp. 133
Oxyopidae 89,90
Navigation, spider 275 ff, 298 ff, 314
near-field sound 144,145 Palaemonetes varians 32
Neobisium caporiaccoi 46 palisade, optic system 9
N eobisium muscorum 24 Palpigradi 21,44
N eobisium sp. 129 Pantodon buchholzi 220
Neophrynus sp. 8 paraesophageal gland 39
Nephi/a sp. 157,224,225 paraganglionic plate 39,41
neural lamella 4 Pardosa amentata 290
plexus 197 Pardosa sp. 23
neuroblast 21 Pardosa tristis 240
neuroglia 4 Paruroctonus mesaensis 219,222,332,333,
neuromeres 22,23,24,27,31 337,340
neuromuscular transmission 322, 323, 329, path integration 300, 301, 313;
330,331,334 see also detour compensation
neuronal network properties, orientation pattern generator 240
behavior 220,221; see also 314 pectines 3,6,12,132,195
neuropile 7, 27, 33 pedipalpal nerves 6
382 Subject Index

peripheral control, locomotion 240, 337 proprioceptor ablation 241

inhibition 329, 333 types 232,232,234
integration 194 ff prosocephalon 22, 23, 30
nerves 189ff, 192ff, 195 prosocerebrum 30,31,32
synapses 192ff,195 prostomium 26
pharmacology, scorpion eyes 364 protocerebral bridge 31
Phidippus audax 124 protocerebrum 4, 8, 14, 30, 32
Phidippus johnsoni 112 Pselaphochernes scorpionides 26
Phidippus pulcherrimus 283, 288, 289, 294, Pseudoscorpiones
295 brood pouch 23
Phidippus regius 73, 113 central nervous system 23, 24, 25, 26
Phidippus sp. 71 chemoreceptors 127,129
Pho1cidae 140 head morphology 23
photon bumps 72 neurosecretion and stomatogastric nervous
photopic receptors 86 system 46
photoreceptors trichobothria 139
fine structure 79 ff, 357 ff pseudoscorpions, see Pseudoscorpiones, Che-
spectral sensitivity 103 ff lifer, Garypus, Neobisium, Pselaphochernes
see also eye, retina punctate mosaics, spider retina 89, 90
phototactic orientation 282
Phrynichus sp. 4,6,8,10, 12,14 Quasi-longitudinal waves 208
Phrynus whitei 45
picrotoxin 329, 332, 334 Rayleigh waves 208
piloting 300 receptor dimensions, spider eye 71
Pisaura mirabilis 41, 43, 44 lymph 172
Pisauridae 85,89,90, 140 mechanism, slit sensilla 172 ff,
plant vibrations 205, 206 trichobothria 149 ff
Plexippus sp. 59,67,72,73,82, 85,91, 95, mosaics, spider eye 87 ff, 88, 90
96 potential, slit sensilla 172, 173, visual
Plexippus validus 113, 114, 255 cells 104
Plusia gamma 352 recurrent nerve 39
Poecilotheria sp. 4, 5, 10 reference, registered, homing behavior 309,
polarization detection 75 310,311
polarized light navigation 282ff reflexes, leg 230 ff
Polybetes sp. 42 refractive index, - barrier 90, 256
pore hairs 129,130 resistance reflexes, leg 236, 237, 245
tubules 131 resolution, visual 60ff, 64, 256
postembryonic growth, eNS 33 retina 67, 83, 84,88,91, 250,258,259,357,
postsynaptic potentials 358
heartbeat' 321,322 retinal layers, salticid eye 72
neuromuscular system 327,328,329,331, model, salticids 267, 268, 269
332, 333, 344 organization, functional implications 87 ff
Portiafimbriata 253,254,257,258 structure, taxonomic implications 97 ff
Portiajohnsoni 254,257, 258, 260, 265 retrocerebral endocrine organ 39,41,45
Portia schultzi 124, 253, 258, 261 return trajectories, homing behavior: see path
Portia sp. 53,60,61,66,68,71,82,92,93, integration
94,95 rhabdom 56,81,82,85,357,360,361
Portia validus 258 rhabdomeral networks 87,88
power-law function 169, 173, 174 Rhipicephalus sanguineus 47
preantennulary ganglion 31 rhodopsin 80, see also spectral sensitivity
segment 23,31 Ricinulei 21, 44, 139
predatory behavior 153ff, 154, 155, 156, ricinuleids, see Ricinulei
214, 216ff, 223,266 rostral nerves 6, 39
pretarsal slit 212,213 rotary command 221, 304, 308
prey signals 205,206, 207, 211, 223
principal eyes, see eyes Sac spiders, see Clubionidae, Clubiona,
proprioception 176,184,215, 230ff, 244 Polybetes, Supunna
Subject Index 383

Salticidae trichobothria 144ff

central nervous system 9 vibratory 211 ff
eyes, fine structure 82, 85, 90, 91, 92, 94 visual 65 ff, 70, 352ff
eyes, morphology and optics 56,57,59, sensitivity change, circadian 106, 353, 355,
60,62,64,66,70,71,74 362
eyes, spectral sensitivity 112,113, 114 sensory
gravity orientation 295 ablations 245
scopula hairs 124 feedback 240, 314, 340
target discrimination, visual 250ff nerves 4,5, 106ff, 189ff, 190, 191, 231,
Salticus scenicus 212,260,261,265,266, 242, 341, 362, 365 ff
270 receptors, see sensilla
sampling frequency, retina 60 systems, structure and function 51 ff
Santschi's mirror experiment 283,286 Sericopelma sp. 141
sarcomeres 327 shape perception 266 ff
Schmidt corrector plate 256, 257 sheath cells, sensilla 122, 168
Schneider's organ 40, 41, 43 signal processing
Scodra calceata 320 turning angle 221
scopula hairs 123,124,233 homing behavior 314
scopulate hairs 123,124 signal transmission, vibrations 207 ff
Scorpiones Sicariidae 55
central nervous system 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 16, Siro sp. 129
17,21,359 skeletal muscle, neural control 319ff
chemoreceptors 126, 127,128, 129, 131, slit sensilla 33, 154, 162ff, 232, 234, 340, see
132 also lyriform organs
circadian clock 351 ff socket septum, sensilla 122
heartbeat 326 Solifugae
locomotion 337 ff central nervous system 6, 13,21
neuromuscular system 332ff chemoreceptors 127
neurosecretion and stomatogastric nervous neurosecretion and stomatogastric nervous
system 45, 365, 367 system 44
pecten sensilla 132 optical navigation 286
peripheral synapses 195 trichobothria 139
slit sensilla 166, 341 sound near-field 145ff
tactile hair sensilla 120 Sparassidae 58, 59,64,71,84,85,88,89
trichobothria 139, 143 Spartaeus sp. 96
scorpions, see Scorpiones, Androctonus, spatial discrimination, salticids 255
Buthus, Centruroides, Euscorpius, frequency, homing behavior 311
Heterometrus, Leiurus, Paruroctonus, low pass filter 312
Uradacus, Uroctonus spectral response 108
scotopic receptors· 86 sensitivity 96, 104,105,106, 110, 113,
screening pigment 71,84,90,91,93,360, 114,260
361,363 spherical aberration 257
searching loops 288, 290, see also idiothetic spiders, see Araneae
orientation spines 123, 123,232,234
secondary eyes, see eyes Spisula solidissima 111
segmental composition, prosoma 22,31 stepping cycle 183,239,339
sensilla, sensory organs, see chemoreceptors, step response, slit sensilla 174
eyes, hair sensilla, Haller's organ, hygrore- stimulus transformation
ceptors, joint receptors, lyriform organs, eyes 60ff
malleoli, muscle receptor organs, pectine slit sensilla 168ff,169, 175ff, 178, 183
sensilla, proprioceptors, scopula hairs, slit trichobothria 144 ff
sensilla, spines, tactile hairs, tarsal organ, stinger, scorpion 15
thermoreceptors, trichobothria stomatogastric system 22, 38 ff
sensitivity Storena sp. 68, 69
lyriform organs 175ff strain detection 162ff,183
slit sensilla 171 ff, 175 subesophageal mass 4, 5, 10, 11, 16
spectral 103 ff substance P 365
384 Subject Index

supernumerary dendrites 122,143,168 treadmill, spherical 241, 242

supraesophageal ganglion 4,5, 7, 11, 14, 16, trichobothria 33, 119, 138 ff, 170, 225
33,34 trichogen cell 122, 168
Supunna sp. 99 trilobites 22
surface waves, vibratory 208 Trite auricoma 253
sympathetic nerves 6 Trite planiceps 251,252,254,255,256,257,
synapses 258,259,260,261,263,264,265,267,271
neuromuscular 319ff, 322, 323, 329, 330, tritocephalon 22, 23, 30
333 tritocerebrum 4, 22, 30, 32, 33
peripheral nervous system, in the 192ff, Trochosa sp. 67
193 Tropfenkomplex 40, 41
synaptic vesicles 194 tubular body 119,121, 142, 152, 168
synaptoid endings, retina 84 tuning curves, slit sensilla 177
synergic reflexes 238 turning angle 221
turnover, rhabdomeral membrane 85
Tactile hairs 119,120,121, 140
tapetum 55,56, 57, 58, 67, 68, 69 Uradacus novaehollandiae 326, 356
canoe-shaped 56, 57 Uroctonus sp. 45
grate-type 56, 57,64 Uropygi
Tarantula marginemaculata 27, 28, 32, 45 central nervous system 6, 21
Tarantula sp. 142 stomatogastric nervous system 6, 21
tarantula 240,241,243,245 slit sensilla 166
target discrimination, visual 250 ff
tarsal claw receptors 341 Vector sum, homing behavior 301
nerve 190 Vejovis sp. 9, 11
organ 131,132,133 ventral nerve cord 4, 5, 6
taste hairs 119, 125 ventral organ 21
Tegenaria sp. vibration receptors, substrate 211 ff, 212,
eyes 55, 56, 57,68 214; see also trichobothria for air move-
homing behavior and orientation 279, ment
288,299,302,306,311 vibration sense 203 ff
muscle receptor organ 235 vibration sensitive interneurons 215 ff
neurosecretion 40 vibration sensitivity 185,211 ff, 214, 216
predatory behavior 225 vibratory noise 204ff
sensory nerve, palpal 190 vibratory signals, substrate borne 204 ff,
trichobothria 142,143,144, 145,149,150, 206; see also trichobothria for air move-
155 ment
telephoto system 67, 258 vision 53 ff, 79 ff, 103 ff, 249 ff; see
Tenebrio molitor 352 also 275 ff, 298 ff, 351 ff
tethered walking 241 visual angle 258
Tharpyna sp. 59, 67 perception, salticids 252 ff
Thelyphonus sp. 4,6,8, 10, 12 test shapes, salticids· 263
Theraphosidae 10 visually mediated behavior, salticids 251 ff;
thermoreceptors 133 see also 351 ff
Thomisidae 34,56,57,59, 64,71
Thrombidium sp. 47 Walking leg, spider 231
ticks, see Amblyomma, Dermacentor, walking pattern, see gait
Rh ipicephalus wandering spiders, see Cupiennius
tiered retina 72 water surface vibrations 205, 206, 209
time differences, orientation 219 wave types, vibratory 207ff
tormogen cell 122,168 web, directional cues 210,218,290,292
torsional waves 208 web tension 291
transfer properties web vibrations 207, 210, 211
slit sensilla 173 ff weighting process 221,312
trichobothria 149 ff whipspiders (tailless whipscorpions), see
transmitter 109, 326, 329, 332, 334, 364, 365 Amblypygi, Heterophrynus, Phrynichus,
transverse waves 208 Phrynus, Tarantula
Subject Index 385

widow spiders, see Latrodectus Xysticus sp. 71

wind generated vibrations 206, 207, 211
windscorpions, see Solifugae, Eremobates, Yqginumanis sp. 92, 93, 94, 96
Galeodes, Othoes
whipscorpions, see Uropygi, Mastigoproctus, Zeitgeber 354
Thelyphonus Zodariidae 68, 69
wolf spiders, see Lycosidae, Arctosa, Lycosa, Zygiella sp. 157,190, 213
Geolycosa, Pardosa, Trochosa Zygiella x-notata 121,214,217,225,235
working range
Iyriform organs 175
trichobothria 152
M.Heisenberg, R. Wolf

Vision in
Genetics of Microbehavior

1984. 112 figures. IX, 250 pages

(Studies of Brain Function, Volume 12).
ISBN 3-540-13685-1

Contents: Introduction. - Eye, Brain, and

Simple Behavior: The Compound Eye.
Neuronal Architecture of the Visual
System. Motion Sensitivity Under Open
Loop Conditions. Toward Correlating
Structure and Function. - The Behavioral
Structure of the Visual System: Flying
Straight. Endogenous Behavior in Yaw
Torque Fluctuations. Orientation Toward
Objects. Menotaxis. Foreground-Back-
ground Experiments. Visual Control in
Free Flight. Selective Attention. Plasticity
ofVisuo-Motor Coordination. Valuation.
Berlin - Synopsis. - Appendix 1: List ofNeuro-
Heidelberg logical Mutants. - Appendix 2: Symbols,
New York Dimensions, Abbreviations. - Refer-
Tokyo ences. - Subject Index.
Neural Basis of
Elementary Behavior
in Stick Insects
Translated from the German by C. M. z. Strausfeld
1983. 124 figures. XI, 169 pages
(Studies in Brain Function, Volume 10)
ISBN 3-540-11918-3

Contents: Introduction. - Behavioral Components

of Twig Mimesis - Experiments on the Femur-
Tibia Joint. - Other Behaviors of the Stationary
Animal. - Walking. - Orientation. - Anatomy of
the Muscles, Nerves, and Sense Organs of the
Carausius Thorax. - References. - Subject Index.

Research into the neural basis of behavior concen-

trates on invertebrates primarily because the
number of neurons involved is smaller than in
An ideal subject for such research is the stick insect,
which exhibits behavior patterns similar to those in
mammals, in particular walking, catalepsy, rocking
and joint positioning.
In this volume, the author summarizes the current
status of neuroethologica1 research on the diurnal
behavior of the stick insect, Carausius morsus.
Drawing primarily upon studies conducted in West
Germany, he begins with a quantitative description
Springer-Verlag of stick insect behavior before describing the
systems of which the behavior patterns are an
Berlin expression, and the neural mechanisms underlying
Heidelberg these systems. The investigatory methods used are
New York drawn from behavioral physiology, systems theory
Tokyo and electrophysiology.

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