Ketamine For Pain Management.7

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Ketamine for pain management

Rae Frances Bella,*, Eija Anneli Kalsob

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Keywords: Ketamine, Pain management

1. Background Key Points

1.1. Basic pharmacology and mechanisms of action 1. There is good evidence that perioperative ketamine
of ketamine decreases postoperative pain scores and opioid require-
Ketamine is commonly used as an analgesic in emergency ments, but there is a lack of consensus on dose, for both
medicine and as an adjuvant drug in the perioperative setting. In bolus and infusion.
addition, it is used as a third-line adjuvant drug for opioid-resistant 2. Despite limited evidence, a trial of low-dose intravenous or
pain in palliative care and for intractable chronic noncancer pain. subcutaneous ketamine adjuvant to morphine may be
More recently, ketamine is increasingly being used to treat major warranted in refractory cancer pain.
depression and other mood disorders. 3. There is only very limited evidence for the use of ketamine
Ketamine is a phencyclidine derivative that was developed in in chronic noncancer pain and concerns and a lack of
the 1960s as an anaesthetic agent. The most important safety data concerning long-term or repeated treatment.
pharmacological properties of ketamine are due to it being Importantly, there is no strong evidence to support the
a noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antag- current practice of treating chronic noncancer pain with
onist, and its analgesic action at subanaesthetic dose is believed repeated intravenous infusions.
to be primarily due to NMDA receptor antagonism in the brain and 4. Ketamine has dose-dependent adverse effects, and there
spinal cord.33 The NMDA receptor is important for learning, are good arguments for avoiding high doses.
memory, and synaptic plasticity. Regarding pain, the NMDA 5. Spinal administration is associated with neurotoxicity,
receptor is involved in the amplification of pain signals, the whereas oral ketamine has low bioavailability and is
development of central sensitization, and opioid tolerance.49 associated with adverse effects.
Ketamine has been shown to have antihyperalgesic effects and to
reduce or reverse opioid tolerance.22,24
modulate (suppress) pain transmission by limiting astrocyte and
Ketamine also interacts with other receptors and channels,
microglial activation.46
including nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, opioid
Ketamine gives robust and rapid relief of major depression and
receptors, monoaminergic receptors, and voltage-sensitive
suicidal ideation.1 The mechanism for this effect is as yet not fully
sodium channels.41 It enhances endogenous antinociceptive
elucidated, but major depressive disorder is associated with
systems, increasing the descending inhibitory serotoninergic
synaptic downregulation in the prefrontal cortex and hippocam-
pathway.33 Recent research indicates that ketamine may also
pus, and it is believed that ketamine causes a glutamate surge
that leads to a series of events resulting in synaptogenesis and
Sponsorships or competing interests that may be relevant to content are disclosed
at the end of this article.
reversal of the negative effects of depression and chronic stress.1
a A recent functional magnetic resonance imaging study in patients
Regional Centre of Excellence in Palliative Care, Haukeland University Hospital,
Bergen, Norway, b Perioperative, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, University of with treatment-resistant depression compared with healthy
Helsinki and Pain Clinic, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland volunteers demonstrated that ketamine normalized depression-
*Corresponding author. Address: Regional Centre of Excellence in Palliative Care, related prefrontal dysconnectivity.2
Haukeland University Hospital, 5021 Bergen, Norway. Tel.: 147 90 09 2382; fax: 147 Ketamine has anti-inflammatory effects, modulating the pro-
55 97 58 25. E-mail address: (R.F. Bell). duction of different proinflammatory mediators. A recent study
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear using a rabbit model of gonarthrosis found that ketamine
in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on suppressed the inflammatory response in osteoarthritis,28
the journal’s Web site (
whereas a systematic review concluded that intraoperative
Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf
of The International Association for the Study of Pain. This is an open access article
ketamine reduces the postoperative IL-6 inflammatory response
distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CCBY), which in surgical patients.15
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the The most commonly reported adverse effects of ketamine are
original work is properly cited. psychotomimetic (hallucinations, agitation, anxiety, dysphoria,
PR9 3 (2018) e674 and euphoria). Administration of ketamine may also cause dizziness, nausea, sedation, and tachycardia. Ketamine’s

3 (2018) e674 1

R.F. Bell, E.A. Kalso 3 (2018) e674 PAIN Reports®

adverse effects are dose-dependent. At low dose, it acts as an medicine and intensive care, although there are certain concerns
NMDA receptor antagonist, providing an analgesic effect; but at because of its effect on intracranial pressure and ocular pressure.
higher doses, it acts on other receptors and channels including The use of ketamine in emergency medicine and intensive care is
dopamine D2 receptors, monoaminergic receptors, and opioid beyond the scope of this review.
receptors.62 Ketamine dose dependently inhibits monoamine Ketamine’s antihyperalgesic, antidepressant, and anti-
transporters, and it has been suggested that this may be one inflammatory effects, together with its beneficial interactions with
mechanism behind its psychotomimetic adverse effects.41 opioids, including reduction of opioid tolerance, make it an
Chronic abuse of ketamine is associated with a range of adverse especially interesting drug to use in pain management. However,
effects, some of which have also been reported in pain patients depending on the clinical setting, the extent to which ketamine is
treated with ketamine (Tables 1 and 2). clinically useful depends not only on its efficacy and tolerability but
also on other factors such as ease of administration, costs, and
long-term safety.
1.2. Pharmacokinetics and administration of ketamine
The best evidence for efficacy and tolerability comes from
Ketamine is available as a racemic mixture or as the S(1) systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), whereas
enantiomer that is approximately twice as potent as racemic case reports provide valuable information on adverse effects. In this
ketamine and about 4 times as potent as the R(2) enantiomer.33 review, we will examine the current evidence for the benefits and
Ketamine is N-demethylated by liver microsomes into the major harms of ketamine and its clinical usefulness in pain management.
metabolite of racemic ketamine, norketamine, which is rapidly
metabolized to ketamine’s major secondary metabolite, 6-
2. Ketamine for acute postoperative pain
hydroxynorketamine, and to the lesser metabolites 4-
hydroxyketamine and 6-hydroxyketamine.33 Ketamine has been There is a large body of literature addressing the use of ketamine
shown to have antinociceptive effects and to reduce opioid in the perioperative setting. Adjuvant treatment with IV racemic, or
tolerance, whereas norketamine has been shown to have S(1) ketamine is common, to improve postoperative pain relief
antinociceptive properties in animal studies, but little is known and reduce opioid requirements. Epidural ketamine has also
about its analgesic effects in humans. A study in healthy been used in this setting. In some cases, ketamine has been used
volunteers found that S(1)-norketamine after S(1) ketamine with the aim of preventing chronic postoperative pain.
dosing did not have significant antinociceptive properties and
even made a negative contribution to S(1) ketamine analgesia.39
2.1. Evidence for efficacy and adverse effects
Six-hydroxynorketamine in an animal model failed both to
demonstrate antinociceptive properties and to attenuate opioid A search of PubMed on February 23, 2018, using the terms
tolerance.26 “ketamine” AND “postoperative pain” and the filter “systematic
Ketamine may be given by multiple routes of administration reviews” yielded 56 hits, 11 of which were systematic reviews
including intravenous (IV), subcutaneous, oral, intranasal, trans- addressing perioperative ketamine for acute or chronic post-
dermal, and spinal (epidural and intrathecal). Spinal administration operative pain4,8,16,21,30,36,42,55,59,60,63 (Table 3). A recently
of ketamine has been shown to be associated with neurotoxicity, completed Cochrane review,14 currently under review, has also
safety data are lacking and no NMDA receptor antagonists have been included.
been approved for neuraxial use in humans.57 The oral bio- Perioperative ketamine decreased postoperative pain
availability of ketamine is low, reportedly 17% to 24% for oral scores,4,8,16,21,30,36,42,55,60,63 increased the time to first analgesic
racemic ketamine and 8% to 11% for oral S(1)-ketamine.41 After request,21,60 and reduced postoperative opioid require-
oral intake of ketamine, norketamine plasma concentrations are ments.4,8,16,21,42,55,59,60,63 Ketamine also reduced postoperative
much higher than those of the parent drug.41 nausea and/or vomiting.4,21,36,55,60,63 Interestingly, Laskowski
Ketamine does not cause respiratory depression and does not et al.21 found that ketamine had significant analgesic benefit for
decrease blood pressure, making it a useful drug in emergency major procedures involving the upper abdomen and thorax,

Table 1
Adverse effects of ketamine, other than psychotomimetic, reported in cancer/palliative care pain management.
Adverse effect Authors Comment
Neurotoxicity (subpial vacuolar myelopathy) Karpinski et al., 199720 Intrathecal ketamine with preservative
(benzethonium chloride) 5 mg/d
Neurotoxicity (focal lymphocytic vasculitis in Stotz et al., 199948 Intrathecal ketamine with preservative
medullary tissue, nerves, and leptomeninges of (benzethonium chloride), mean dose 67.2 mg/d
the thoracic and lumbar spinal cord)
Neurotoxicity (severe histological abnormalities: Vranken et al., 200554 Intrathecal preservative-free S(1) ketamine 20–50
central chromatolysis, nerve cell shrinkage, mg/d
neuronophagia, microglial upregulation, and
Generalized hyperalgesia and allodynia Mitchell, 199934 After abrupt cessation of 3-wk subcutaneous
infusion 200 mg/24 h.
Urotoxicity Storr et al., 200947 Oral administration 50–170 mg 3 4. 3 cases
Needle site irritation Mitchell, 199934; and Oshima et al., 199040 Subcutaneous infusion 60–360 mg/24 hrs; and
subcutaneous infusion 200 mg/24 h
Angina Ward et al., 200356 Subcutaneous infusion of ketamine 150 mg/24 h
3 (2018) e674 3

Table 2
Adverse effects of ketamine, other than psychotomimetic, reported in chronic noncancer pain management.
Adverse effect Authors Comments
Urotoxicity Grégoire et al., 200817 CRPS-1. Oral ketamine titrated to 8 mg/kg/d.
Urological symptoms (dysuria, frequency, urgency,
and incontinence) noted after 9 d of treatment.
Symptoms decreased when ketamine reduced to 6
mg/kg/d, disappeared at dose of 2 mg/kg/d, but
reappeared when dose increased to 5 mg/kg/d
Hypertension Van Hecke et al., 201452 Chronic back pain. Oral ketamine, initially 20 mg 3
4, increased to 20 1 20 1 20 1 30 mg daily.
Reduction in ketamine dose led to reduction in
blood pressure
Hepatotoxicity Noppers et al., 201138 CRPS-1. One or 2 continuous intravenous 100-h
S(1)-ketamine infusions (infusion rate 10–20 mg/h),
with a 16-d interval between infusions
Anosmia Mayell et al., 200929 Chronic pelvic/abdominal pain after surgery and
radiotherapy. Intranasal ketamine. Dose: 14 mg per
spray, up to 4 sprays 4 hourly, as required
Dependency Bonnet, 201512 See supplemental digital content 2, http://links.
CRPS, complex regional pain syndrome.

associated with high pain scores or high opioid requirements. such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, amitriptyline, and
This finding was also reported by the most recent Cochrane gabapentinoids. Published case reports demonstrate that ket-
review.14 amine is used for refractory pain in palliative care in many
One review that focused on ketamine for persistent post- countries, and that treatment regimens differ widely using IV,
surgical pain30 did not find an overall reduced risk of developing subcutaneous, oral, intrathecal, and topical routes of adminis-
chronic postoperative pain in the ketamine group compared with tration. A Cochrane review on ketamine as an adjuvant to opioid
placebo. However, when exclusively IV ketamine studies were for cancer pain,9 first published in 2003, described 32 case
analysed, they demonstrated statistically significant risk reduction reports involving 246 patients treated with ketamine. Doses
at 3 and 6 months. According to the authors, this could have been ranged from 1 mg/kg/d as a subcutaneous infusion, to 600 mg/
due to spinal NMDA receptors playing only a minor role as targets d as an IV infusion and 67.2 mg/d intrathecally.
for ketamine in postoperative pain, or due to ketamine having
lower systemic efficacy when it is administered by the epidural
3.1. Evidence for efficacy and adverse effects
Most systematic reviews report that perioperative ketamine A simple search of PubMed using the terms “ketamine” AND
was well tolerated, with adverse effects being mild or absent. “cancer” and the filter “systematic reviews” yielded 14 hits, 4 of
Most studies provided dichotomous data on central nervous which were systematic reviews on ketamine for cancer pain. Three
system adverse events.14 of the 4 titles were different versions of the Cochrane review on
ketamine as an adjuvant to opioid in cancer pain in adults, which
has been twice updated, most recently in 2017.9 The fourth title was
2.1.1. Clinical considerations
a comprehensive review of all available English language literature
Although most trials investigated ketamine given by the IV route, on ketamine for cancer pain in children and adults13 (Table 4).
clinical regimens differed, especially regarding dose. Data from The recently updated Cochrane review included 3 RCTs. Two
the review by Brinck et al.14 indicate that 77 of the 130 trials used small cross-over trials investigated IV ketamine in 2 doses31 or
racemic ketamine as an IV bolus, with 35 of these studies using intrathecal ketamine58 as an adjuvant to morphine. Both trials
a dose less than 0.25 mg/kg. Twenty-one studies used a bolus found that ketamine reduced pain intensity and morphine
dose of 0.5 to 1 mg/kg. Forty-two trials used racemic ketamine as requirements. A third larger trial with a parallel-group design and
a continuous IV infusion, with the most common dose being 2 to 5 185 participants investigated rapid titration of subcutaneous
mg/kg/min. Ten trials used S(1) ketamine, of these 8 used ketamine to high dose (500 mg) in participants who were using
a preincisional IV bolus (0.075–0.5 mg/kg), followed by an IV different opioids.18 In this trial, there was no difference between
infusion (0.25–6.7 mg/kg/min). One trial used R(2) ketamine as an groups regarding patient-reported pain intensity, and there was
IV bolus (1 mg/kg). almost twice the incidence of adverse effects in the ketamine
Ketamine seems most beneficial when pain scores are high, group. Two serious adverse events (bradyarrhythmia and
suggesting that it is primarily useful for surgery associated with cardiac arrest) believed to be related to ketamine were reported
high levels of postoperative pain. Given that ketamine reduces in this trial. The update concluded that current evidence is
opioid requirements, it may also be indicated for subgroups such insufficient to assess the benefits and harms of ketamine as an
as opioid tolerant or opioid-dependent patients. adjuvant to opioids for refractory cancer pain, and that rapid
dose escalation of ketamine to high dose (500 mg) does not
seem to have clinical benefit and may be associated with serious
3. Ketamine for opioid-resistant pain in
adverse events.
palliative care
The review by Bredlau et al.,13 which used a comprehensive
Ketamine is widely used as a third-line drug for cancer pain, when approach and less stringent methodology than the Cochrane
the pain has not responded to opioid in combination with drugs review included 5 RCTs and 6 prospective uncontrolled trials on
R.F. Bell, E.A. Kalso 3 (2018) e674 PAIN Reports®

Table 3
Systematic reviews of ketamine for postoperative pain.
Type of surgery Authors No. of RCTs/ Outcomes Comments
participants (N)
All Brinck et al., 201814 130, N 5 8341 Postoperative opioid consumption; pain IV ketamine. Cochrane review
intensity; time to first analgesic request;
hyperalgesia; and adverse effects
Spinal Pendi et al., 201842 14, N 5 649 Postoperative opioid consumption; and pain Searched for all routes of administration, but
intensity all included studies used IV ketamine
Laparoscopic Zhu et al., 201863 6, N 5 294 Pain intensity; postoperative opioid IV ketamine
cholecystectomy consumption; length of stay; and adverse
Thoracotomy Moyse et al., 201736 15, N 5 360 Postoperative opioid consumption; pain IV, IM, and ED ketamine
intensity; and adverse effects
Laparoscopic Ye et al., 201761 5, N 5 212 Pain intensity; postoperative opioid IV ketamine
cholecystectomy consumption; and adverse effects
All Assouline et al., 20164 19, N 5 1453 (1349 Percent decrease in cumulative 24-h IV ketamine added to an opioid in a PCA
adults morphine consumption; pain intensity; device
and 104 children) PONV; and respiratory adverse effects
All Wang et al., 201655 36, N 5 2502 Pain intensity; cumulative morphine IV ketamine added to PCA containing
consumption; patient satisfaction; PONV; morphine or hydromorphone
and adverse effects
All McNicol et al., 201430 17, N 5 1800 Prevalence of PPSP; intensity or severity of Ketamine given by any route
PPSP; and adverse effects
All Yang et al., 201459 5, N 5 266 Pain intensity; postoperative morphine Ketamine given preoperatively
consumption; time to first analgesic; and
adverse effects
All Laskowski et al., 201121 70, N 5 4701 Total postoperative opioid consumption pain IV ketamine. Included trials performed in
intensity; time to first analgesic; and adverse children
All Bell et al.*, 20068 37, N 5 2240 Postoperative PCA opioid consumption; pain Ketamine by any route or added to a PCA
intensity; rescue medication; time to first device. Cochrane review*
analgesic request; and adverse effects
All Elia et al., 200516 53, N 5 2839 Pain intensity; cumulative morphine Ketamine by any route or added to a PCA
consumption; time to first analgesic request; device. Included trials performed in children
and adverse effects
* Cochrane review by Bell et al.8 not updated since 2006, therefore marked “Withdrawn” in Cochrane Library.
ED, epidural; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; PCA, patient-controlled analgesia; PONV, postoperative nausea and vomiting; PPSP, persistent postsurgical pain; RCT, randomized controlled trial.

ketamine for cancer pain in adults. No RCTs in children were standard therapy, the literature supports considering ketamine as
identified, but the authors considered 5 retrospective studies. The an adjuvant therapy.”
review found that ketamine reduced opioid requirements, and Several reports have described neurotoxicity when ketamine
may improve pain control, at the same time noting the significant was administered intrathecally in the palliative care setting.20,48,54
limitations of the current evidence and the wide variation in Abrupt cessation of a continuous subcutaneous infusion was
dosages, routes, duration, and frequency of ketamine adminis- reported to result in generalized hyperalgesia.34 Storr et al.
tration in the published literature. The authors also expressed reported 3 patients treated by a palliative care team who
concerns regarding ketamine’s neurotoxic effects, recommend- developed urological symptoms (frequency, haematuria, dysuria,
ing that intrathecal administration and epidural administration and bladder pain) after oral ketamine.47 For reports of adverse
should be avoided. The review concludes that “In children and effects of ketamine, other than psychotomimetic, in the
adults with cancer pain that has not responded adequately to management of refractory cancer pain, see Table 1.

Table 4
Systematic reviews on ketamine for refractory cancer pain.
Pain condition Authors No. of trials/ Outcomes Comments
Cancer pain Bell et al., 20179 3, N 5 215 Patient-reported pain intensity; total opioid Included only randomized, double-blinded,
consumption; rescue medication; adverse events; placebo-controlled trials addressing ketamine given
patient satisfaction/preference; function; and by any route and in any dose as adjuvant to
distress preexisting opioid
Cancer pain Bredlau et al., 201313 16, N 5 483 adult Aimed to provide a synthesis of the data on Included 5 RCTs and 6 prospective, uncontrolled
participants ketamine for refractory cancer pain in children and trials in adults. No RCTs in children were identified,
adults, including dose, route of administration, but 5 retrospective studies were reviewed
duration of treatment, effect, and adverse effects
RCT, randomized controlled trial.
3 (2018) e674 5

3.1.1. Clinical considerations However, outpatient treatment seems to be on the increase, and in
13 the United States, a large number of “ketamine clinics” have been
We concur with the review by Bredlau et al. that although the
established offering infusions for a variety of conditions, including
evidence is limited, ketamine may be useful as a third-line drug for
chronic pain, depression, and other mood disorders. A Medscape
selected patients with refractory cancer pain. Many of the case
report suggests that there may be more than 1000 such clinics
studies describe a dramatic effect of ketamine, but as yet, we are
currently operating in the United States.51 For chronic pain, these
unable to identify characteristics of responders. The choice of
clinics offer a series of infusions on an outpatient basis, followed by
opioid may be of importance because recent animal studies have
“maintenance therapy” for example, involving monthly ketamine
shown that ketamine and norketamine attenuate morphine
infusions.5 Although racemic ketamine is an inexpensive drug,
tolerance more effectively than oxycodone tolerance.25
patient costs associated with this treatment are high (supplemental
There seem to be good arguments for keeping the ketamine
digital content 1,
dose low. Ketamine has dose-dependent adverse effects.
Terminally ill cancer patients may have reduced hepatic function
because of metastases and diminished liver perfusion. Hepatic
4.1. Evidence for efficacy and adverse effects
impairment can cause reduced drug metabolism and significantly
impaired clearance.37 Increased age has also been shown to be A search of PubMed on February 23, 2018, using the terms
associated with substantially reduced ketamine clearance.23 “ketamine” AND “chronic pain” and the filter “systematic reviews”
Examples of low-dose regimens adjuvant to opioid, primarily yielded 20 hits, of which 4 were systematic reviews on ketamine
morphine, are racemic ketamine 1 mg/kg/24 hours per day,7 or for chronic noncancer pain in adults6,19,32,61 (Table 5).
S(1) ketamine (0.5–2 mg/kg/24 hours) as an IV infusion, with Of the 2 reviews published in 2018, Michelet et al.32 included
careful individual titration.10 only randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded trials on
The evidence for efficacy and tolerability for ketamine in this ketamine for chronic pain in adults (Table 6). The authors found
setting is limited. It is undeniably challenging to conduct RCTs in low-level evidence (GRADE) demonstrating that ketamine was
this patient group. What then in theory could be the indications for ineffective regarding the primary outcome of the review, failing to
ketamine treatment? When cancer pain or pain in a palliative care decrease pain intensity at 4 weeks after the beginning of
patient is refractory to opioid and adjuvant drugs, then ketamine treatment. When only trials not judged to have a high risk of bias
may be an option. There are many reasons for pain in this patient were analyzed, they found moderate-level evidence that ket-
group. Ketamine could be especially relevant when there are amine was effective at 4 weeks after treatment, suggesting
problems of opioid tolerance, a significant neuropathic pain a long-lasting effect. However, the clinical implications of this
component, inflammatory pain, depression, or any combination finding are uncertain because trial sequential analysis found the
of these factors. In fact, this may be the pain patient group that is meta-analysis to be underpowered and methodological short-
most likely to need a trial of ketamine and where the risk benefit comings in several of the included trials have been noted. The
ratio is the most beneficial. A trial of ketamine does not need to be authors judged the trials by Mitchell et al.35 and Amr3 to be at high
lengthy and if there is no clear benefit, then ketamine treatment risk of bias, whereas the methodology and conclusions of the trial
should be terminated. by Schwartzman et al.,44 which was prematurely terminated
before even half of the planned number of patients had been
included, have also been challenged.11 The carefully performed
4. Ketamine for chronic noncancer pain
trial by Sigtermans et al.45 found that ketamine infusions gave
It is more difficult to formulate clear indications for the use of pain relief for patients with complex regional pain syndrome
ketamine in chronic noncancer pain. Given ketamine’s range of (CRPS) type I but did not result in functional improvement. As the
adverse effects and the lack of safety data concerning long-term authors pointed out, blinding in this trial was possibly compro-
treatment, there is good reason to be cautious when treating mised by ketamine-related adverse effects. Follow-up times in
complex chronic pain problems with this drug. Possible these chronic pain RCTs were 1 week,53 9 days,35 11 weeks,45
indications could be refractory neuropathic or inflammatory pain and 3 months.43,44
with, or without, depression in carefully selected patients. Ketamine was generally associated with more adverse effects
Ketamine is increasingly being used as a third-line drug for than placebo. The studies were heterogenous regarding dose,
refractory chronic noncancer pain. In this setting, it is commonly route of administration, and duration of treatment, and the
administered as intermittent IV infusions. Patients may be offered authors of the review were unable to recommend any treatment
hospital admission and infusion treatment over several days. regimen, noting the need for further trials.

Table 5
Systematic reviews of ketamine for chronic noncancer pain.
Pain condition Authors No. of trials/ Outcomes Comments
Chronic noncancer Michelet et al., 201832 6, N 5 149 Pain intensity; and adverse effects Included only randomized and placebo-controlled
pain trials (Table 6).
CRPS Zhao et al., 201861 15, N 5 258 Pain intensity; and percentage participants One RCT. Included cohort/retrospective studies
achieving 30% or higher pain relief
CRPS Azari et al., 20126 19, N 5 NA Efficacy and safety Included 3 randomized, placebo-controlled trials,
7 observational studies, and 9 case reports
Chronic noncancer Hocking et al., 200319 24 published No clearly defined outcomes Assessment of all published evidence, including
pain reports, case reports
N 5 198
CRPS, complex regional pain syndrome; NA, not available; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
R.F. Bell, E.A. Kalso 3 (2018) e674 PAIN Reports®

Table 6
Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded trials on ketamine for chronic pain in adults (Michelet et al., 201832).
Condition Authors No. of Outcomes Comments
Neuropathic pain secondary to spinal Amr, 20103 40 Pain intensity; and adverse effects Ketamine infusion as an adjuvant to oral
cord injury gabapentin
Limb ischaemia secondary to Mitchell and Fallon, 35 (28 completed the BPI; total opioid requirements past 24 h; Single IV infusion of low-dose ketamine
peripheral vascular disease 200235 study) and sensory changes (0.6 mg/kg over 4 h). Thirty-three
patients treated with morphine, 2 with
7 withdrawals, 5 due to a surgical
procedure, and 2 due to an acute medical
Neuropathic pain Rigo et al., 201743 42 Pain intensity Oral ketamine 30 mg 3 3 vs oral
methadone 3 mg 3 3 vs (oral ketamine
30 mg 1 oral methadone 3 mg) 3 3
CRPS (not specified whether CRPS-I or Schwartzman et al., 19 Overall pain level (NRS); activity; QoL; and 4-h IV infusion of racemic ketamine daily
CRPS-II) 200944 sensory changes for 10 d. Maximum 0.35 mg/kg/h, not to
exceed 25 mg/h (100 mg of ketamine
over a 4-h period). “CRPS medications”
CRPS-I Sigtermans et al., 60 Pain intensity; sensibility; and function S(1) ketamine 4.2-d IV infusion, 1.2 mg/
200945 kg/min (or 5 mg/h for a 70-kg patient),
titrated at regular intervals to a maximum
of 7.2 mg/kg/min (or 30 mg/h for a 70-kg
patient). Participants using strong opioids
were excluded from the study.
Central pain Vranken et al., 200553 33 Pain relief; health status; and QoL Iontophoretic S(1) ketamine 50 and 75
30% of participants were using strong
BPI, Brief Pain Inventory; CRPS, complex regional pain syndrome; IV, intravenous; NRS, numeric rating scale; QoL, quality of life.

Zhao et al.61 addressed ketamine infusions for CRPS-I and (“K-cramps,” “K-belly”), vomiting, anaemia, and GI bleeding, in
CRPS-II and analyzed data from 258 participants in 15 trials. 25% of inhalational abusers of ketamine seeking treatment for
However, only one of the 15 included studies was an RCT, and urotoxicity, and advise that young patients presenting with upper
retrospective studies were also included. Fourteen of the 15 GI symptoms should be questioned about the recreational use of
studies used S(1) ketamine infusions, whereas one used racemic ketamine. It is not common knowledge that repeated adminis-
ketamine. The authors concluded that that ketamine may provide tration of ketamine may cause GI symptoms. Whether such
short-term pain relief, but that further studies are required to symptoms could arise in relation to repeated infusions of
confirm this conclusion. ketamine is unknown, but there is a possibility that ketamine-
related GI toxicity could be overlooked in the clinical setting.
Ketamine’s potential for addiction should also be considered
4.1.1. Clinical considerations
when patients are treated with intermittent IV infusions. Ketamine
Sigtermans et al.45 when discussing the lack of functional is a popular club drug. In animal models, repeated administration
improvement in the ketamine group speculated whether more in subanaesthetic doses causes sensitisation, a characteristic of
prolonged treatment, possibly in combination with physical therapy drugs such as cocaine. Trujillo found the results of his rodent
or rehabilitation strategies, could be necessary. Combining studies to be sufficiently concerning as to advise caution
ketamine treatment with rehabilitation strategies is an important regarding the repeated use of ketamine, both recreationally and
aspect, which as yet, has not been addressed by any RCT. in the clinical setting.50 Bonnet12 report a patient initially treated
The addiction literature contains numerous reports on the for back pain and recurrent depression who subsequently
neurotoxic, hepatotoxic, and urotoxic adverse effects of ket- abused and developed an addiction to ketamine (supplemental
amine. There are also case reports concerning similar ketamine- digital content 2,
related adverse effects in patients with chronic pain (Table 2). Because ketamine’s adverse effects are dose-dependent,
Grégoire et al.17 described cystitis in a 16-year-old patient treated high doses should be avoided. Adding a low dose of ketamine to
for CRPS-I with oral ketamine. A patient with chronic back pain an opioid, especially morphine, seems to improve pain relief.
developed uncontrolled hypertension (blood pressure 224/ However, combination treatment with potentially addictive drugs
124 mm Hg), 1 week after starting treatment with oral ketamine.52 such as ketamine and opioid in a patient group with normal life
Noppers et al.38 described 3 of 6 CRPS-I patients treated with expectancy and where treatment may be long term or repeated
ketamine who developed hepatotoxicity after S(1)-ketamine multiple times may cause problems in susceptible individuals.
infusions. A patient with chronic pain after cancer therapy and
with no detected recurrence who received treatment with
intranasal ketamine developed permanent anosmia 6 months 5. Conclusions
after starting treatment.29 Ketamine is a drug with complex mechanisms of action and many
Liu et al.27 have recently reported ketamine-related upper properties which make it interesting for pain management.
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