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2018 Motions

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4/1/2019 2018 Motions

2018 Motions
Listed with most recent tournaments first. Can't find a tournament? Send us the motions here

Mobile version (motions2018-mobile)

Date Tournament Round Motion

2018- Brandeis IV 1 THW require all isolated religious communities

12-01 (eg. Hasidic Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.)
to give all 18-year-olds a 'Rumspringa'.

2018- Brandeis IV 2 THW significantly tax vacant homes


2018- Brandeis IV 3 THW ban media sources from taking

12-01 institutional stances on the innocence or guilt
of people who have been charged with a
crime, but not yet convicted or acquitted

2018- Brandeis IV 4 THBT environmental organizations should

12-01 start a campaign of sabotage and destruction
against major pollution companies

2018- Brandeis IV 5 This house regrets South Africa's rainbow

12-01 nation narrative

2018- Brandeis IV 6 THW pay politicians the median wage in their

12-01 country

2018- Brandeis IV Novice_Final TH prefers a world in which children are

12-01 raised to aspire to be single rather than

2018- Brandeis IV Open_Quarters This house believes that the southern african
12-01 development community (SADC) should
pursue political union

2018- Brandeis IV Open_Semis TH regrets art that glorifies gaining material

12-01 wealth

2018- Brandeis IV Open_Final THBT the ACLU should work to maximize civil
12-01 liberties regardless of ideology.

2018- Seattle IV 1 After a speaker has been invited, THW allow

12-01 2018 university students to vote to reject the
speaker from coming to campus.

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2018- Seattle IV 2 THBT LGBT+ Pride campaigns should focus

12-01 2018 on direct protest rather than celebration

2018- Seattle IV 3 TH, as a western democracy, would prefer

12-01 2018 relations with a stable autocracy as opposed
to an unstable democracy

2018- Seattle IV 4 Assuming the technology to significantly alters

12-01 2018 the body exists (eg, changing memory
capacity, limb reinforcements...) thw recognize
a right to morphological freedom

2018- Seattle IV 5 TH, as an indvidual, W not consume works

12-01 2018 produced by immoral artists

2018- Seattle IV 6 Many food ethics movements (local foods,

12-01 2018 slow foods, farm to table) condemn corporate
production. Such as Farm to Table (add
examples) THBT food ethics movements
should disavow sustainable consumption
marketed by large corporations (eg,
Starbucks, Chipotle)

2018- Seattle IV Open_Quarters THBT cities should not use investment

12-01 2018 incentives to attract businesses

2018- Seattle IV Open_Semis TH, as the UN, would facilitate independence

12-01 2018 referendums when requested by semi-
autonomous regions

2018- Seattle IV Open_Final You are presented with a choice before you
12-01 2018 are born. You can be born into this world, or
you can be born into a world without any
religion or spirituality. Regardless of your
choice, once born, you will not remember
having made such a choice. THW choose to
be born in a world without religion

2018- Cambridge IV 1 TH opposes the attempts by the feminist

11-16 2018 movement to redefine roles and behaviours
traditionally associated with women (e.g.
wanting to be a housewife, wearing make-up
and heels) as empowering.

2018- Cambridge IV 2 THS countries withdrawing from the

11-16 2018 International Criminal Court in order to create
their own regional replacements (e.g. an
African Criminal Court, an InterAmerican
Criminal Court).

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2018- Cambridge IV 3 In areas of chronically low academic

11-16 2018 attainment, THBT the general approach of
educational charities should be to focus
resources on maximising the potential of
exceptional students, over helping the lowest

2018- Cambridge IV 4 THS the rise of computational creativity

11-16 2018 (Infoslide: Computational Creativity' is a
scientific field researching AI models that
simulate or replicate human creativity.
Projects in the field include but are not limited
to using AI to script films, compose music,
write poetry, and paint).

2018- Cambridge IV 5 THW give legislative veto power to a Future

11-16 2018 Generations Commission (Infoslide: For the
purposes of this debate, a 'Future
Generations Commission' is an independent
body mandated with mapping the long-term
impacts of governmental policy on the young,
or unborn generations).

2018- Cambridge IV ESL_Semis Where resources are significantly limited,

11-16 2018 THBT states should actively promote religion
in areas of high poverty.

2018- Cambridge IV ESL_Final TH prefers a world in which all children are

11-16 2018 conceived with DNA from a global genetic

2018- Cambridge IV Novice_Final THBT it is immoral for individuals who have

11-16 2018 met their basic needs to not donate any
excess wealth to utility maximising causes.

2018- Cambridge IV Open_Quarters Actually, THW rather see one innocent man
11-16 2018 go to jail than see 100 guilty men walk free.

2018- Cambridge IV Open_Semis THR 'Operation Car Wash'. (Infoslide:

11-16 2018 Operation Car Wash' is a broad investigation
conducted in Brazil that revealed extensive
corruption. As a result of the operation, the
left-leaning Workers' Party have lost power,
and far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro has
been elected president)

2018- Cambridge IV Open_Final From behind a veil of ignorance, TH would

11-16 2018 choose to not be born.

2018- UCLA IV 2018 1 Ban football for minors


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2018- UCLA IV 2018 2 Democrats should abandon identity politics as

11-10 a central tenant of their campaigning strategy

2018- UCLA IV 2018 3 Ban the use of persistent surveillance systems

11-10 by police forces

2018- UCLA IV 2018 4 Given the technology to grant immortality

11-10 exists, it would be treated as a positive right

2018- UCLA IV 2018 5 The dangers of fat acceptance outweigh the

11-10 harms of fat shaming

2018- UCLA IV 2018 6 The Trump administration should abandon its

11-10 widespread use of tariffs as a tool to boost the
US economy

2018- UCLA IV 2018 Open_Semis The United States should cease all diplomatic
11-10 and military operations in the Middle East

2018- UCLA IV 2018 Open_Final State governments should refuse to uphold

11-10 mandates from the Supreme Court of the
United States

2018- Oxford IV 1 Assuming feasibility, THW ban all research

11-09 2018 into the possible genetic origins of sex, race
and sexuality.

2018- Oxford IV 2 THBT environmental advocacy groups should

11-09 2018 prioritise lobbying governments to change
environmental policy (e.g. cap and trade
policies, banning environmentally harmful
chemicals) rather than convincing individuals
to take responsibility for their contribution to
environmental damage (e.g.
reducing/recycling waste, taking public

2018- Oxford IV 3 TH, as Israel, would end compulsory military

11-09 2018 service.

2018- Oxford IV 4 THR the depiction of the everyday life of

11-09 2018 people with disabilities as inspirational.

2018- Oxford IV 5 THBT the South African government should

11-09 2018 incentivize the movement of people out of
townships, rather than focus on policies that
try to economically develop townships.

2018- Oxford IV ESL_Semis THBT the US should cut all political, economic
11-09 2018 and military ties with Saudi Arabia.

2018- Oxford IV ESL_Final THBT social movements should reject the

11-09 2018 glorification of political violence.

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2018- Oxford IV Novice_Final THBT post-conflict states should actively

11-09 2018 promote a unifying national narrative in the
history curriculum.

2018- Oxford IV Open_Quarters THW allow city and local governments to be

11-09 2018 held civilly responsible for deaths that can be
ascribed to homelessness.

2018- Oxford IV Open_Semis THBT the use of erotic capital by women does
11-09 2018 more harm than good.

2018- Oxford IV Open_Final THP a world where people believe you should
11-09 2018 maximize productivity to a world where people
believe you should maximize leisure.

2018- Huber 1 THW eliminate trial by jury and replace it with

11-03 Debates 2018 trial by judge

2018- Huber 2 As an author of a non-colonial language

11-03 Debates 2018 (Inuktitut, isiXhosa, Gikuyu, etc) THW only
write in one's native language.

2018- Huber 3 Assuming the two are mutually exclusive,

11-03 Debates 2018 THW prefer wage subsidies over a raised
minimum wage.

2018- Huber 4 THW allow for free and open use of CRISPR
11-03 Debates 2018 technology in all medical research.

2018- Huber 5 Other than a prospective student's net family

11-03 Debates 2018 income, THW remove all social factors (ie,
race, gender, disability status) from university
admissions' decision processes.

2018- Huber Novice_Final thbt the search for new, habitable planets
11-03 Debates 2018 should be prioritized in space exploration

2018- Huber Open_Quarters THBT Canada should take the lead in seeking
11-03 Debates 2018 the diplomatic isolation Saudi Arabia

2018- Huber Open_Semis THW hold social media companies legally

11-03 Debates 2018 liable for content on their platform

2018- Huber Open_Final TH prefers a world where romantic

11-03 Debates 2018 relationships are initiated by an algorithm that
matches prospective partners to a near-
perfect degree.

2018- Penguin 1 This House would create a military space

11-02 Invitational force.

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2018- Penguin 2 This House would require all voters to attend

11-02 Invitational civic education classes.

2018- Penguin 3 THBT science is the key to human flourishing.

11-02 Invitational

2018- Penguin 4 As the US Federal Government, THW

11-02 Invitational significantly increase spending on foreign aid.

2018- Penguin 5 THBT social media is ruining democracy.

11-02 Invitational

2018- Penguin 6 THBT affirmative action should be scrapped.

11-02 Invitational

2018- Penguin Open_Semis TH encourages fluidity in expressions of

11-02 Invitational identity.

2018- Penguin Open_Final THW have elected representatives take an

11-02 Invitational oath to pursue policies only if those policies
2018 are supported by a significant majority of their

2018- Tilbury House 1 This House regrets the societal expectation of

10-27 Cologne going to the University
Open 2018

2018- Tilbury House 2 This House would introduce quotas for women
10-27 Cologne in League of Legends Esports teams
Open 2018

2018- Tilbury House 3 This House believes that the West should
10-27 Cologne impose an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia
Open 2018

2018- Tilbury House 4 Assuming the technology existed, This House

10-27 Cologne would allow the use of technology X.
Open 2018

2018- Tilbury House 5 In states with high rates of violent crime This
10-27 Cologne House supports assassination of individuals
Open 2018 credibly accused of participating in organized

2018- Tilbury House Open_Quarters This House regrets the demonization of

10-27 Cologne Donald Trump
Open 2018

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2018- Tilbury House Open_Semis This House believes that the open immigration
10-27 Cologne policy is not good for Germany
Open 2018

2018- Tilbury House Open_Final Assuming that a technology exists that can
10-27 Cologne accurately measure and transfer intelligence
Open 2018 This House would radically redistribute
intelligence among the population

2018- Yale IV 2018 1 This House would remove quarterly reporting

10-26 requirements for publicly traded companies

2018- Yale IV 2018 2 This House believes that prominent

10-26 institutions in marginalized communities
(churches, schools, community centres, etc.)
should practice the politics of respectability

2018- Yale IV 2018 3 This House supports the US's use of

10-26 economic warfare (tariffs, targeted sanctions,
etc.) against China in order to force
compliance with the rules of the global
neoliberal economic order (opening up its
economy, protecting intellectual property, not
engaging in currency manipulation, etc.)

2018- Yale IV 2018 4 This House would remove all health

10-26 restrictions for prospective adoptive parents

2018- Yale IV 2018 5 This House believes that developing countries

10-26 should never commit to having their sovereign
debt disputes settled by courts in foreign

2018- Yale IV 2018 6 In countries with vigorously contested

10-26 campaign contribution regulations, this House
believes that the political left should not
contest the premise that money is speech and
should, instead, contest how that speech is

2018- Yale IV 2018 Novice_Final This House believes that the horrors of history
10-26 are incompatible with a belief in a Judeo-
Christian God

2018- Yale IV 2018 Open_Quarters In a plurality of cases, this House believes that
10-26 the "me too" movement should, on balance,
prioritize a path towards redemption over

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2018- Yale IV 2018 Open_Semis In legal systems where constitutional courts

10-26 practice judicial review, this House would
apply the "no precedential effect rule" to
judgments by single judge margins

2018- Yale IV 2018 Open_Final This House would legalize and train sex
10-26 workers specifically to work with disabled

2018- Sofia Open 1 THW allow people to sue partners who

10-20 2018 cheated on them

2018- Sofia Open 2 THBT Putin is good for Russian power on the
10-20 2018 international stage

2018- Sofia Open 3 THBT the Bulgarian government should pay

10-20 2018 reparations to all those who were subjected to
the Revival process

2018- Sofia Open 4 THBT the western companies and investors

10-20 2018 should pull out of the Saudi Arabia's Neom

2018- Sofia Open 5 THR the increasing presence of nihilism in

10-20 2018 popular culture (eg. BoJack Horseman, Rick
and Morty etc.)

2018- Sofia Open Open_Semis TH prefers to be an averagely intelligent

10-20 2018 person to a genius

2018- Sofia Open Open_Final THBT it is NOT legitimate to shame public

10-20 2018 figures for non:criminal actions they did when
they were young (eg. partying, alcohol
consumption, soft drugs use, political views

2018- Rocky 1 THW mandate retirement from Congress at

10-19 Mountain IV age 65.

2018- Rocky 2 This house, as a Palestinian, would advocate

10-19 Mountain IV for a 1-state solution.

2018- Rocky 3 THBT universities that invite controversial

10-19 Mountain IV speakers should be required, within a
2018 reasonable time frame, to invite a speaker that
supports the other side of the controversy.

2018- Rocky 4 THBT the feminist movement should actively

10-19 Mountain IV recruit conservative women.

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2018- Rocky 5 Assuming Democratic control of the House,

10-19 Mountain IV THBT the Democrats should prioritize the
2018 impeachment of President Trump.

2018- Rocky Novice_Semis TH supports ANTIFA. Good luck everyone.

10-19 Mountain IV

2018- Rocky Open_Quarters “The premises of this mission should be

10-19 Mountain IV inviolable. The agents of the receiving state
2018 may not enter them, except with the consent
of the head of the mission.” Motion: THW
repeal Article 22 Subsection 1 of the 1961
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

2018- Rocky Open_Final THW create specific zones where community

10-19 Mountain IV members can legally participate in nonviolent,
2018 illicit behavior (e.g. sex work, drug use).

2018- Roosevelt 1 THS an Opinio System of Education

10-13 Open 2018

2018- Roosevelt 2 THS recall elections for national leaders (i.e.

10-13 Open 2018 presidents, prime:ministers, ministers)

2018- Roosevelt 3 TH as the EU would significantly increase

10-13 Open 2018 sanctions on Russia as opposed to lifting

2018- Roosevelt 4 THBT parents should teach morality to their

10-13 Open 2018 underage children through religious context
(e.g. “it is a sin to lie”; "help thy neighbor" etc.)

2018- Roosevelt 5 THW allow workers to sell their rights in

10-13 Open 2018 exchange for higher pay (e.g. health and
safety protections, right to maternity/paternity
leave etc.)

2018- Roosevelt Open_Quarters THO rise of social media influencers

10-13 Open 2018

2018- Roosevelt Open_Semis THBT music streaming services (e.g. Spotify,

10-13 Open 2018 Apple etc.) do more harm than good

2018- Roosevelt Open_Final Given the choice, THBT US Supreme Court

10-13 Open 2018 Justices should be elected by a vote among
federal judges rather than a popular vote

2018- GV Debate 1 "In the context of the Brazilian civil-military

10-12 dictatorship begun in 1964, This House would
directly engage in armed struggle."

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2018- GV Debate 2 "This House condemns the rise of the use of

10-12 social networks as a vehicle for public

2018- GV Debate 3 "This House would rather live in a world where

10-12 globalization had not occurred so intensely."

2018- GV Debate Open_Semis "Thanks to the hierarchy, this House believes

10-12 that combating "class oppression" is more
important than combating "oppression of

2018- GV Debate Open_Final "Forced to vote between Haddad and

10-12 Bolsonaro, This House would vote for

2018- Hart House 1 This House Would Not Consume The Art of
10-12 Inter-Varsity People Who Have Engaged in Gravely
2018 Unethical Behavior

2018- Hart House 2 This House Regrets The Belief That

10-12 Inter-Varsity Technology Firms Will Solve The Climate
2018 Crisis

2018- Hart House 3 This House, as the US, would stop all arms
10-12 Inter-Varsity sales, military support, and other aid to Saudi
2018 Arabia

2018- Hart House 4 This House would prefer a world where

10-12 Inter-Varsity memory is permanent and infallible.

2018- Hart House 5 This House opposes the continued progress

10-12 Inter-Varsity towards deep global economic integration
2018 (e.g. very low tariffs and free movement of
capital and labour across borders).

2018- Hart House Novice_Final With the goal of improving representation in

10-12 Inter-Varsity media, this House would create original
2018 characters who belong to underrepresented
groups, rather than re-imagine existing

2018- Hart House Open_Quarters Provided that it wins control of Congress and
10-12 Inter-Varsity the White House, this House believes that the
2018 Democratic Party should increase the number
of justices on the Supreme Court.

2018- Hart House Open_Semis This House believes that the liberalization of
10-12 Inter-Varsity sexual behaviour prompted by the sexual
2018 revolution fails women today

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2018- Hart House Open_Final This House opposes the propagation of

10-12 Inter-Varsity Canadian exceptionalism

2018- China BP 1 This House Regrets narratives that glorify the

10-03 elderly (e.g. "The old know better"; "The old
deserve more" etc.)

2018- China BP 2 This House Believes That Supreme Courts

10-03 should refrain from making decisions on
controversial social issues (e.g. gay rights,

2018- China BP 3 During economic crises, This House Believes

10-03 That states should prioritise fiscal stability (i.e.
balancing budget) over increasing public

2018- China BP 4 This House Believes That international

10-03 criminal tribunals should introduce the death
penalty for individuals convicted of crimes
against humanity

2018- China BP 5 This House Believes That academic journals

10-03 should not publish articles that characterize
colonialism as positive

2018- China BP 6 Assuming feasibility, in countries with

10-03 conscription, This House Would forcibly delete
all soldiers' memories of combat situations
upon their discharge

2018- China BP 7 This House Believes That the deaf rights

10-03 movement should disproportionately
emphasize the positive experiences
associated with being deaf

2018- China BP 8 This House, as Iran, Would resume its nuclear

10-03 weapons program

2018- China BP 9 This House Would allow political parties to

10-03 make binding electoral promises that, once
broken, will immediately trigger reelection

2018- China BP Novice_Semis This House prefers a world with a dominant

10-03 norm of not expressing strong emotions

2018- China BP Novice_Final This House Would abolish constitutional

10-03 monarchies

2018- China BP Open_Octos This House opposes the dominant social norm
10-03 in favor of monogamy

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2018- China BP Open_Quarters This House Believes That President Vladimir

10-03 Putin is good for Russia

2018- China BP Open_Semis This House Believes That the Pope should be
10-03 elected by Catholics around the world

2018- China BP Open_Final This House Believes That Asian education

10-03 systems should actively promote the view that
Asian culture is superior to Western Culture

2018- HWS IV 2018 1 This House would consider politicians under

09-28 oath when making public statements on
political issues* (* thus making them criminally
liable for perjury if they lie about facts)

2018- HWS IV 2018 2 In countries where compulsory military service

09-28 for men exists, this House believes that
feminists should advocate for the conscription
of women

2018- HWS IV 2018 3 This House believes that the LGBT movement
09-28 should embrace the message that sexuality is
a choice

2018- HWS IV 2018 4 This House believes that United States foreign
09-28 policy should seek to significantly restrict
Iran's influence over Syria

2018- HWS IV 2018 5 This House opposes Consumerist Culture*

09-28 (*Consumerist Culture is a culture where
consistently purchasing goods is expected
and considered a marker of social status)

2018- HWS IV 2018 6 This House believes that in Western states

09-28 with high rates of unemployment the state
should act as an employer of last resort (i.e.
the state should directly employ people who
are unable to find a job elsewhere)

2018- HWS IV 2018 Novice_Semis This House would allow communities to

09-28 reduce the amount of policing employed within
their neighborhoods

2018- HWS IV 2018 Novice_Final This House would allow the creation of Savior
09-28 Siblings* (*a child who is born for the purpose
of providing an organ or cell transplant to a
sibling who is affected with a fatal disease)

2018- HWS IV 2018 Open_Quarters This House would allow individuals to sue
09-28 religious institutions in their community for
propagating beliefs that cause them significant

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2018- HWS IV 2018 Open_Semis This House believes that the Obama
09-28 administration should have prioritized
affordable tertiary education over affordable

2018- HWS IV 2018 Open_Final This House believes that the state should curb
09-28 assortative mating* (*the phenomenon of
people primarily entering relationships and
building families with those of similar social
and economic characteristics)

2018- All-Nigeria 1 TH supports the symbolized popularization of

09-23 Universities painful historical events in modern pop
Debating culture.
University of
Ilorin 2018


09-23 Universities LEGISLATION
University of
Ilorin 2018


Debating INFLUENCE (e.g, The Adeleke Family in
Championship Osun State - Davido's family) TO CONTEST
University of
Ilorin 2018


09-23 Universities VALVE
University of
Ilorin 2018


University of
Ilorin 2018

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University of
Ilorin 2018

2018- All-Nigeria 7 The 2018 FIFA World Cup champions,

09-23 Universities France, won the tournament with an ethnically
Debating diverse team who could trace their origins to
Championship Guadeloupe, Algeria, Guinea, Mali, French
(ANUDC), Guiana, Dr Congo, Martinique, Morocco, and
University of Senegal. Motion:THBT colonial states that
Ilorin 2018 directly benefit in sports from the integration of
athletes with roots to former colonies, should
actively pay dividends to these former
colonies, separate from existing financial

2018- All-Nigeria Open_Octos THW ABOLISH COMPULSORY

09-23 Universities REPRESENTATION
University of
Ilorin 2018

2018- All-Nigeria Open_Quarters THBT ethnic minorities and movements that

09-23 Universities seek to break their ceilings(e.g glass,
Debating bamboo, black) and eliminate their
Championship underrepresentation should prioritize notions
(ANUDC), of intersectionality over their actual objectives.
University of
Ilorin 2018

2018- All-Nigeria Open_Semis THR the practice of banking secrecy

09-23 Universities
University of
Ilorin 2018

2018- All-Nigeria Open_Final TH as a person appointed as a medical proxy

09-23 Universities will be held culpable by the patient upon
Debating recovery for decisions opposed to their
Championship preferred life choices (ideologies, medical
(ANUDC), choices etc) but crucial to their recovery
University of
Ilorin 2018

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2018- McGill Central 2 THR the glorification of self-made success

09-21 Novice

2018- McGill Central 3 THBT state subsidization of art should be

09-21 Novice distributed through a random lottery

2018- McGill Central 4 THW eliminate the government's ability to

09-21 Novice enact back to work legislation for all education
Championship workers.

2018- McGill Central 5 THBT democratic governments should never

09-21 Novice be allowed to exercise prior restraint, even in
Championship cases of national security.

2018- McGill Central Novice_Final In Canada, criminal court judges are

09-21 Novice appointed. In other countries, such as the US,
Championship Japan, and Switzerland, judges are elected.
The methods and voting systems used to
elect these judges varies based on country
and municipality. In the US for example,
judges run for local office in the same way as
other politicians (eg, mayors, council people,
etc.), and sometimes have a party affiliation
for campaigning. Motion: THP elected over
appointed judges in criminal courts

2018- Cedar College 1 THBT political representatives should

09-14 Debating deliberately seek to achieve the best political
Championship outcomes for their own local community or
2018 constituency, even at the expense of the
national interest.

2018- Cedar College 2 TH prefers bail-ins to bail-outs

09-14 Debating

2018- Cedar College 3 THBT feminist movements should mobilise

09-14 Debating masculinity in service of feminist goals (e.g.
Championship "real men respect women") rather than
2018 deconstruct it (e.g. raising awareness to the
issue of toxic masculinity)

2018- Cedar College 4 THBT India should actively oppose Chinese

09-14 Debating aggression in Asia

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2018- Cedar College Open_Quarters TH does not regret internet piracy

09-14 Debating

2018- Cedar College Open_Semis THW make rehabilitation the sole criteria for
09-14 Debating releasing criminals from prison

2018- Cedar College Open_Final TH, as a member of Pakistan's Economic

09-14 Debating Advisory Council, would resign.

2018- Jewell Debate 1 This house regrets the commercialization of

09-14 Tournament social movements.

2018- Jewell Debate 2 This house would require companies to

09-14 Tournament provide economic compensation & job
retraining to those unemployed by the
automation of their work.

2018- Jewell Debate 3 This house believes that the Democratic Party
09-14 Tournament should move toward socialism in candidate
selection and policy platform.

2018- Jewell Debate 4 Developing countries should ban the entry of

09-14 Tournament charitable organizations that tie aid or services
to religious conversion.

2018- Jewell Debate 5 This house believes that anonymous

09-14 Tournament resistance from inside the Trump
administration is a heroic act.

2018- Jewell Debate Open_Final In areas of high crime, this house would
09-14 Tournament impose a curfew on men.

2018- Israel's 1 THW exclusively fund African NGOs instead

09-12 English Cup of Western NGOs working in African
2018 countries.

2018- Israel's 2 THW strongly subsidize and promote feminist

09-12 English Cup pornography.

2018- Israel's 3 TH would forbid western tech companies from

09-12 English Cup accepting chinese standards in order to
2018 access the chinese market (e.g. Google
accepting censorship, Apple moving servers
to china etc).

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2018- Israel's Open_Semis THW ban ownership of 3D printers for

09-12 English Cup personal use.

2018- Israel's Open_Final This House Opposes cultural and academic

09-12 English Cup boycott.

2018- Joynt Scroll 1 THW require all schools in New Zealand to

08-25 (NZ Prepared become co-educational

2018- Joynt Scroll 2 THW replace the Māori seats in Parliament

08-25 (NZ Prepared with a Māori upper house

2018- Joynt Scroll 3 TH regrets that President Obama did not

08-25 (NZ Prepared enforce the ‘red line’ in Syria

2018- Joynt Scroll 4 TH, as a US Democratic presidential

08-25 (NZ Prepared contender, would make repeal of the second
Debating amendment part of their core policy platform
Tournament) for 2020

2018- Joynt Scroll 5 TH, as India, would embrace China’s One Belt
08-25 (NZ Prepared One Road initiative

2018- Joynt Scroll 6 You are a relatively successful indie film-

08-25 (NZ Prepared maker who has been approached by a major
Debating movie studio to direct a major film franchise.
Tournament) THW turn down the offer

2018- Joynt Scroll Open_Semis TH regrets the Obergefell decision

08-25 (NZ Prepared

2018- Joynt Scroll Open_Final TH prefers a world where everyone believes

08-25 (NZ Prepared in free will

2018- Novi Sad 1 This House Believes that the US Democratic

07-30 EUDC 2018 Party should move to the left in candidate
selection and policy platform

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2018- Novi Sad 2 This House believes that State Health

07-30 EUDC 2018 Services should allow private companies to
run hospitals for profit

2018- Novi Sad 3 This House believes that the State should
07-30 EUDC 2018 fund the creation of, and access to, realistic
androids that simulate romantic relationships.

2018- Novi Sad 4 This House Regrets the glorification of the

07-30 EUDC 2018 immediate postcolonial leaders in Sub-
Saharan Africa.

2018- Novi Sad 5 This House Believes That South Korea should
07-30 EUDC 2018 abandon the goal of, and all policies which
aim at, Korean reunification

2018- Novi Sad 6 This House regrets the increasing trend of

07-30 EUDC 2018 popular shows featuring neurodivergence* as
the central theme. *Neurodivergence refers to
those whose psychology is non standard, e.g.
for reasons of mental health, mental disability,

2018- Novi Sad 7 This House, as Colombia, would cease

07-30 EUDC 2018 cooperation with the USA in the War Against

2018- Novi Sad 8 This House Believes That Artists should not
07-30 EUDC 2018 participate in the ongoing interpretation of
their art.

2018- Novi Sad 9 This house supports first generation

07-30 EUDC 2018 immigrants to Western Europe encouraging
their children to fully assimilate and identify
with the local culture

2018- Novi Sad ESL_Quarters THBT the EU should decriminalise human

07-30 EUDC 2018 smuggling*. * Human smuggling is the aiding
of a willing person to illegally cross a border. It
is distinct from human trafficking, in which the
person does not consent.

2018- Novi Sad ESL_Semis THR the decline of labour union power in the
07-30 EUDC 2018 West

2018- Novi Sad ESL_Final This House supports the promotion of

07-30 EUDC 2018 collective guilt after large scale crimes against

2018- Novi Sad Open_Octos THW prefer a religion which preaches that
07-30 EUDC 2018 one's fate in the material world is
predetermined rather than one which
preaches that choices influence it

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2018- Novi Sad Open_Quarters THBT the IMF should require direct control
07-30 EUDC 2018 over a country's monetary policy as a
condition of national bailouts.

2018- Novi Sad Open_Semis THBT liberal democracies should

07-30 EUDC 2018 constitutionally enshrine the right of regions to
unilaterally secede

2018- Novi Sad Open_Final THR the shift in the #MeToo movement from
07-30 EUDC 2018 victims sharing their experiences to holding
public figures to account

2018- Split Open 1 This House would mandate by law that all
07-14 2018 couples must equally share domestic work

2018- Split Open 2 TH opposes left wing media using mockery to

07-14 2018 cover the far right e.g. The Daily Show, Last
Week Tonight

2018- Split Open 3 This House would prefer that US Supreme

07-14 2018 Court Justices were elected by popular vote

2018- Split Open 4 THBT Croatian Democratic Party (HDZ)

07-14 2018 should disassociate from Thompson including
but not limited to not playing his songs on their
rallies, not making public appearance at their
rallies etc.

2018- Split Open 5 TH as the UK Conservative Party would hold

07-14 2018 a second Brexit referendum

2018- Split Open Open_Final THBT athletes should not be permitted to

07-14 2018 express political views during major sporting

2018- Novi Sad 1 This House supports individuals publicizing

05-12 Open 2018 the identity of people who attend far right
protests and gatherings in the USA to their
community (coworkers, employers, family etc.)

2018- Novi Sad 1 This House supports individuals publicizing

05-12 Open 2018 the identity of people who attend far right
protests and gatherings in the USA to their
community (coworkers, employers, family etc.)

2018- Novi Sad 2 This House would privatize NASA

05-12 Open 2018

2018- Novi Sad 2 This House would privatize NASA

05-12 Open 2018

2018- Novi Sad 3 This House opposes Twitch's decision to ban

05-12 Open 2018 sexually suggestive content on their platform

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2018- Novi Sad 3 This House opposes Twitch's decision to ban

05-12 Open 2018 sexually suggestive content on their platform

2018- Novi Sad 4 This House would allow victims (and families
05-12 Open 2018 of deceased) of gun violence to sue the
sellers of the gun used in the act for

2018- Novi Sad 4 This House would allow victims (and families
05-12 Open 2018 of deceased) of gun violence to sue the
sellers of the gun used in the act for

2018- Novi Sad Open_Final This House believes that prominent

05-12 Open 2018 individuals outside politics (e.g. business
leaders, celebrities) from developing countries
should emphasize the positive aspects of their
country, rather than the negative aspects
when speaking on an international platform

2018- Novi Sad Open_Final This House believes that prominent

05-12 Open 2018 individuals outside politics (e.g. business
leaders, celebrities) from developing countries
should emphasize the positive aspects of their
country, rather than the negative aspects
when speaking on an international platform

2018- 1st Copa 1 THBT religious institutions should to take

05-10 Leones de custody of children in street situations, even
Debate (CLD) without the consent of their parents
at University

2018- 1st Copa 1 THBT religious institutions should to take

05-10 Leones de custody of children in street situations, even
Debate (CLD) without the consent of their parents
at University

2018- 1st Copa 2 If it were discovered during an armed conflict

05-10 Leones de that a population hides terrorists, THW not
Debate (CLD) consider a war crime to attack civilians
at University

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2018- 1st Copa 2 If it were discovered during an armed conflict

05-10 Leones de that a population hides terrorists, THW not
Debate (CLD) consider a war crime to attack civilians
at University

2018- 1st Copa 3 THBT government must grant economic

05-10 Leones de compensation to those unemployed by the
Debate (CLD) automation of their work
at University

2018- 1st Copa 3 THBT government must grant economic

05-10 Leones de compensation to those unemployed by the
Debate (CLD) automation of their work
at University

2018- 1st Copa 4 THBT sovereign debt must be insured with the
05-10 Leones de assets of that country, including, among
Debate (CLD) others, land, natural resources and state
at University enterprises, in case of non-compliance

2018- 1st Copa 4 THBT sovereign debt must be insured with the
05-10 Leones de assets of that country, including, among
Debate (CLD) others, land, natural resources and state
at University enterprises, in case of non-compliance

2018- 1st Copa 5 TH, as a public educational institution, would

05-10 Leones de prohibit all school football programs due to the
Debate (CLD) risks of CTE
at University

2018- 1st Copa 5 TH, as a public educational institution, would

05-10 Leones de prohibit all school football programs due to the
Debate (CLD) risks of CTE
at University

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2018- 1st Copa 6 THW punish natural or legal persons who are
05-10 Leones de accused of cultural appropriation
Debate (CLD)
at University

2018- 1st Copa 6 THW punish natural or legal persons who are
05-10 Leones de accused of cultural appropriation
Debate (CLD)
at University

2018- 1st Copa 7 THBT human beings must sow terrestrial life
05-10 Leones de forms on other planets even if that destroys
Debate (CLD) endemic life forms of those planets
at University

2018- 1st Copa 7 THBT human beings must sow terrestrial life
05-10 Leones de forms on other planets even if that destroys
Debate (CLD) endemic life forms of those planets
at University

2018- 1st Copa 8 THS the creation of similar groups to the

05-10 Leones de Gulabi Gang in Latin America
Debate (CLD)
at University

2018- 1st Copa 8 THS the creation of similar groups to the

05-10 Leones de Gulabi Gang in Latin America
Debate (CLD)
at University

2018- 1st Copa Novice_Final THBT it should be prohibited all acts of

05-10 Leones de election campaign with the exception of public
Debate (CLD) debates
at University

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2018- 1st Copa Novice_Final THBT it should be prohibited all acts of

05-10 Leones de election campaign with the exception of public
Debate (CLD) debates
at University

2018- 1st Copa Open_Semis THW choose China

05-10 Leones de
Debate (CLD)
at University

2018- 1st Copa Open_Semis THW choose China

05-10 Leones de
Debate (CLD)
at University

2018- 1st Copa Open_Final Assuming it is legal, THW justify that federal
05-10 Leones de states with high rates of violence, hire
Debate (CLD) mercenaries (private armies) to fight
at University organized crime.

2018- 1st Copa Open_Final Assuming it is legal, THW justify that federal
05-10 Leones de states with high rates of violence, hire
Debate (CLD) mercenaries (private armies) to fight
at University organized crime.

2018- Maynooth 1 THR The Rise of Far Left Politics in Western

04-14 Open 2018 Countries

2018- Maynooth 1 THR The Rise of Far Left Politics in Western

04-14 Open 2018 Countries

2018- Maynooth 2 Open Motion

04-14 Open 2018

2018- Maynooth 2 Open Motion

04-14 Open 2018

2018- Maynooth 3 THB Women Are Legitimate in Using Erotic

04-14 Open 2018 Capital

2018- Maynooth 3 THB Women Are Legitimate in Using Erotic

04-14 Open 2018 Capital

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2018- Maynooth 4 Open Motion

04-14 Open 2018

2018- Maynooth 4 Open Motion

04-14 Open 2018

2018- Maynooth 5 THBT African states should extend dual

04-14 Open 2018 citizenship status to members of their
diaspora, including the right to vote in
elections, and right of return, as part of the
AU's diaspora initiative.

2018- Maynooth 5 THBT African states should extend dual

04-14 Open 2018 citizenship status to members of their
diaspora, including the right to vote in
elections, and right of return, as part of the
AU's diaspora initiative.

2018- Maynooth Novice_Final THW Pull the Switch

04-14 Open 2018

2018- Maynooth Novice_Final THW Pull the Switch

04-14 Open 2018

2018- Maynooth Open_Semis TH, As the EU, would trigger Article 7 if

04-14 Open 2018 Hungary failed to commit to democratic reform

2018- Maynooth Open_Semis TH, As the EU, would trigger Article 7 if

04-14 Open 2018 Hungary failed to commit to democratic reform

2018- Maynooth Open_Final Open Motion

04-14 Open 2018

2018- Maynooth Open_Final Open Motion

04-14 Open 2018

2018- NZ Easters 1 This house believes that we should

03-31 2018 exclusively fund political parties through public

2018- NZ Easters 1 This house regrets written constitutions.

03-31 2018

2018- NZ Easters 2 This house believes that, in highly populated

03-31 2018 urban areas, the government should set a
maximum rent that may be charged for
residential tenancies.

2018- NZ Easters 2 This house would abolish income tax in favour

03-31 2018 of consumption taxes.

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2018- NZ Easters 3 This house would prefer a world where it is

03-31 2018 commonly believed that free will does not

2018- NZ Easters 3 This house supports a movement towards

03-31 2018 granting human rights to AI.

2018- NZ Easters 4 A Western democratic nation has recently

03-31 2018 been the target of a relatively large terrorist
attack. That nation has elections scheduled in
a week. This house would cancel those

2018- NZ Easters 4 This house believes that social media

03-31 2018 companies should aggressively exclude
extremist political content from their platforms.

2018- NZ Easters 5 You are one of New Zealand's top historians

03-31 2018 and have been asked by the Waitangi Tribunal
to provide a record of harm borne by an iwi.
You are confident your report will be accepted
as true. This house would alter the historical
documents to increase the iwi's likely Treaty

2018- NZ Easters 5 You are an innkeeper. It is approximately 0BC.

03-31 2018 The King has issued an edict requiring all
newborns to be handed to his soldiers in pain
of death. You know of such a newborn, he is
in your inn’s stable. You suspect the child may
be sacred to your God. This house would
hand over the child.

2018- NZ Easters 6 This house believes that feminists should

03-31 2018 criticise decisions made by women that seem
to entrench patriarchal norms even where
women claim it is their choice (e.g. foregoing
careers to raise children, having cosmetic

2018- NZ Easters 6 This house would enforce surrogacy

03-31 2018 contracts, even if the surrogate mother
refuses after giving birth.

2018- NZ Easters 7 This house regrets the Truth and

03-31 2018 Reconciliation amnesty process.

2018- NZ Easters 7 This house believes that in post colonial

03-31 2018 countries, land confiscated by colonial powers
should be seized by the state without

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2018- NZ Easters 8 This house believes that the criminal law

03-31 2018 should not distinguish an attempt to commit a
crime from successfully committing a crime.

2018- NZ Easters 8 This house believes that juries, not judges,

03-31 2018 should be entirely responsible for sentencing

2018- NZ Easters Open_Semis You are a humanitarian charity operating in a

03-31 2018 conflict-zone and have been instructed that to
remain working in the country you must
provide 50% of your donations to the
government or else all access to the country
will be forcibly cut off. This house would
remain in the conflict-zone.

2018- NZ Easters Open_Semis This house believes that charities should not
03-31 2018 accept money from donors they consider

2018- NZ Easters Open_Semis This house supports student unions who

03-31 2018 disaffiliate controversial student groups.

2018- NZ Easters Open_Semis This house believes that we should recognise

03-31 2018 a right to be free from intentionally offensive

2018- NZ Easters Open_Final This house believes that Western democratic

03-31 2018 countries should unilaterally evacuate relics of
historical or cultural importance located in
unstable countries and take possession of

2018- NZ Easters Open_Final This house believes that the International

03-31 2018 Criminal Court should use private military
contractors to arrest people wanted by the

2018- North America 1 THP antiheroes as the dominant female

03-01 Womxn's and archetype in literature and film

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2018- North America 2 THBT the left should publicly support the
03-01 Womxn's and violent suppression of alt-right speech

2018- North America 3 THS the seizure and redistribution of land

03-01 Womxn's and owned by the descendants of former
Gender colonizers in post colonial states

2018- North America 4 THP a world where nobody can lie

03-01 Womxn's and

2018- North America 5 THW nationalize pharmaceutical research

03-01 Womxn's and

2018- North America Novice_Semis THBT having children is immoral

03-01 Womxn's and

2018- North America Novice_Final THBT successful minority activists have a

03-01 Womxn's and duty to donate their effects to schools that
Gender represent their community (eg: women's
Minorities' universities, HBCUs, Tribal Colleges, etc)

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2018- North America Open_Quarters THW ban non-disclosure agreements in the

03-01 Womxn's and private sector

2018- North America Open_Semis a 2014 study reported that 19% of trans*
03-01 Womxn's and people were denied health care by their
Gender provider due to their gender identity; 28%
Minorities' experienced harassment in a medical setting;
Debate 28% postponed care due to discrimination.
Championship Currently,there are approximately 6 doctors in
2018 the US and 2 in Canada that perform genital
reconstruction surgery. Trans* people may
have transition-related needs that create
dependency on the healthcare system.
Motion: THW establish and fund separate
health clinics to provide accessible and
comprehensive care to trans*gender people

2018- North America Open_Final THBT the media should portray mass
03-01 Womxn's and shootings as exclusively the result of social
Gender narratives of masculinity and systemic
Minorities' misogyny

2018- UBC IV 1 This House Would subsidize large scale

01-20 geoengineering such as massive carbon
sequestration (capture of atmospheric co2 out
of the atmosphere and into storage) rather
than environmental adaptation (eg: cleaner
fossil fuels, ethanol, recycling technology, etc)

2018- UBC IV 2 This House believes that states should seek

01-20 to participate in multinational currency unions

2018- UBC IV 3 This House regrets the glorification of

01-20 entertainers by the LGBTQ+ community

2018- UBC IV 4 In the event of the development of a

01-20 technology that makes the recipient unable to
knowingly commit any crimes, This House
Would ban the research, production, and use
of this technology.

2018- UBC IV 5 This House would ban people whose net

01-20 worth is in more than the 90th percentile from
running for office

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2018- UBC IV Open_Semis This House believes that the US should make
01-20 aid to Israel conditional on the establishment
of peace talks with Palestine

2018- UBC IV Open_Final This House believes that regions with

01-20 extremely high rates of gendered violence
should grant amnesty to women for violent
crimes they commit

2018- York IV 1 In school districts in France where Arabic is

01-20 the majority language, THW make Arabic the
language of primary instruction in schools.

2018- York IV 2 TH supports filial responsibility laws.


2018- York IV 3 If sometime in the future the opportunity

01-20 arose, she'd be the one to run for president.
The first woman president, Ivanka entertained,
would not be Hillary Clinton; it would be
Ivanka Trump." Motion: TH, as Ivanka Trump,
would publicly distance herself from her father.

2018- York IV 4 TH believes that provocation should not be a

01-20 consideration in legal sentencing

2018- York IV Open_Final TH, as an agnostic, would take the pill.


2018- Inner Temple 1 THS the increasing use of technology in the

01-19 IV 2018 sex industry. (e.g. sex robots, virtual reality

2018- Inner Temple 2 THW work for Don-Roberts Holgerrson.

01-19 IV 2018

2018- Inner Temple 3 THBT South Korea should re-open the

01-19 IV 2018 Kaesong Industrial Region.

2018- Inner Temple 4 THW impose legal obligations on major online

01-19 IV 2018 media companies (YouTube, Twitter, Reddit,
etc.) to censor the Manosphere. (e.g. blocking
accounts, taking down content)

2018- Inner Temple ProAm_Final THW Prefer a world without lying

01-19 IV 2018

2018- Inner Temple Open_Semis TH prefers common law legal systems

01-19 IV 2018

2018- Inner Temple Open_Final THB in the right to bear arms.

01-19 IV 2018

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2018- Mexico 1 This house would ban all communication tech

01-01 WUDC 2018 companies (such as Google, Apple,
Facebook, Whatsapp, etc.) from encrypting
their users data, including the content of their
communications, in such a way that the
company cannot retrieve that data even under
a court order.

2018- Mexico 2 This house supports job security legislation.

01-01 WUDC 2018

2018- Mexico 3 This house would redefine the criterion for

01-01 WUDC 2018 excessive force in the US to be any use of
beyond what is reasonable given all the facts
of the case, including the benefit of hindsight
(e.g. whether the individual had a gun, not
whether it was reasonable to believe he had a

2018- Mexico 4 This house would limit the amount of time that
01-01 WUDC 2018 a museum can display a given piece of art to
3 months out of every 10 year period, rather
than allow museums to display their works as
long as they choose.

2018- Mexico 5 This house would allow citizens to vote on

01-01 WUDC 2018 individual bills in place of their representative,
with the representative retaining the voting
power of those of their constituents who did
not directly vote on that specific bill.

2018- Mexico 6 This house believes that all states should

01-01 WUDC 2018 mandate that research on and use of CRISPR
technology be exclusively carried out by
institutions funded entirely by the state.

2018- Mexico 7 This house, as Iran, would cease all support

01-01 WUDC 2018 for military groups in the Middle East (e.g.
Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, etc.).

2018- Mexico 8 This house prefers a world in which all

01-01 WUDC 2018 individuals who have achieved a middle class
standard of living choose to pursue the
highest level of achievement in their chosen
career, rather than a wold in which those
individuals priorities day-to-day enjoyment
over work.

2018- Mexico 9 This house would not allow out of court

01-01 WUDC 2018 settlements for workplace discrimination and

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2018- Mexico EFL_Semis This house believes that Catholic religious

01-01 WUDC 2018 officials in Mexico should not make
statements in support of governmental
policies, political parties, or candidates.

2018- Mexico EFL_Final This house believes that it is better for the
01-01 WUDC 2018 general population to be more optimistic about
the current and future state of the nation
(including societal cohesion, peace
processes, the state of the economy) than an
objectively accurate judgement.

2018- Mexico ESL_Quarters This house, as the Chinese Communist Party,

01-01 WUDC 2018 would lift all restrictions on foreign
investments in China, except restrictions
critical to national security.

2018- Mexico ESL_Semis This house prefers a non-adversarial legal

01-01 WUDC 2018 system

2018- Mexico ESL_Final In democratic post-colonial states, This house

01-01 WUDC 2018 believes that opposition parties to the party of
independence should claim and use the
legacy of anti-colonial resistance.

2018- Mexico Open_Partial_Double_Octos This house believes that ASEAN should

01-01 WUDC 2018 negotiate all investment deals with Chinese
government entities as a bloc (with decisions
made by majority vote of its members), so that
no member state can enter into investment
deals without the rest of the world.

2018- Mexico Open_Octos This house supports the court's decision to

01-01 WUDC 2018 acquit Tehlirian

2018- Mexico Open_Quarters This house, as a parent of a child with ASPD,

01-01 WUDC 2018 would enable and support that child given that
child’s aims based on their current
psychological makeup, instead of trying to
make them more empathic.

2018- Mexico Open_Semis This house would create an international court

01-01 WUDC 2018 with the ability to classify national debt as
“Odious Debt” at the debtor nation’s request
and remove the obligation of that nation to

2018- Mexico Open_Final This House would rather save the live of a
01-01 WUDC 2018 single child over extending the life of 5 adults
by 10 years

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© 2016 Jessica Yung.

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