2018 Motions
2018 Motions
2018 Motions
2018 Motions
Listed with most recent tournaments first. Can't find a tournament? Send us the motions here
2018- Brandeis IV Open_Quarters This house believes that the southern african
12-01 development community (SADC) should
pursue political union
2018- Brandeis IV Open_Final THBT the ACLU should work to maximize civil
12-01 liberties regardless of ideology.
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- Seattle IV Open_Final You are presented with a choice before you
12-01 2018 are born. You can be born into this world, or
you can be born into a world without any
religion or spirituality. Regardless of your
choice, once born, you will not remember
having made such a choice. THW choose to
be born in a world without religion
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- Cambridge IV Open_Quarters Actually, THW rather see one innocent man
11-16 2018 go to jail than see 100 guilty men walk free.
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- UCLA IV 2018 Open_Semis The United States should cease all diplomatic
11-10 and military operations in the Middle East
2018- Oxford IV ESL_Semis THBT the US should cut all political, economic
11-09 2018 and military ties with Saudi Arabia.
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- Oxford IV Open_Semis THBT the use of erotic capital by women does
11-09 2018 more harm than good.
2018- Oxford IV Open_Final THP a world where people believe you should
11-09 2018 maximize productivity to a world where people
believe you should maximize leisure.
2018- Huber 4 THW allow for free and open use of CRISPR
11-03 Debates 2018 technology in all medical research.
2018- Huber Novice_Final thbt the search for new, habitable planets
11-03 Debates 2018 should be prioritized in space exploration
2018- Huber Open_Quarters THBT Canada should take the lead in seeking
11-03 Debates 2018 the diplomatic isolation Saudi Arabia
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- Tilbury House 2 This House would introduce quotas for women
10-27 Cologne in League of Legends Esports teams
Open 2018
2018- Tilbury House 3 This House believes that the West should
10-27 Cologne impose an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia
Open 2018
2018- Tilbury House 5 In states with high rates of violent crime This
10-27 Cologne House supports assassination of individuals
Open 2018 credibly accused of participating in organized
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2018- Tilbury House Open_Semis This House believes that the open immigration
10-27 Cologne policy is not good for Germany
Open 2018
2018- Tilbury House Open_Final Assuming that a technology exists that can
10-27 Cologne accurately measure and transfer intelligence
Open 2018 This House would radically redistribute
intelligence among the population
2018- Yale IV 2018 Novice_Final This House believes that the horrors of history
10-26 are incompatible with a belief in a Judeo-
Christian God
2018- Yale IV 2018 Open_Quarters In a plurality of cases, this House believes that
10-26 the "me too" movement should, on balance,
prioritize a path towards redemption over
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- Yale IV 2018 Open_Final This House would legalize and train sex
10-26 workers specifically to work with disabled
2018- Sofia Open 2 THBT Putin is good for Russian power on the
10-20 2018 international stage
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- Hart House 1 This House Would Not Consume The Art of
10-12 Inter-Varsity People Who Have Engaged in Gravely
2018 Unethical Behavior
2018- Hart House 3 This House, as the US, would stop all arms
10-12 Inter-Varsity sales, military support, and other aid to Saudi
2018 Arabia
2018- Hart House Open_Quarters Provided that it wins control of Congress and
10-12 Inter-Varsity the White House, this House believes that the
2018 Democratic Party should increase the number
of justices on the Supreme Court.
2018- Hart House Open_Semis This House believes that the liberalization of
10-12 Inter-Varsity sexual behaviour prompted by the sexual
2018 revolution fails women today
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- China BP Open_Octos This House opposes the dominant social norm
10-03 in favor of monogamy
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- China BP Open_Semis This House Believes That the Pope should be
10-03 elected by Catholics around the world
2018- HWS IV 2018 3 This House believes that the LGBT movement
09-28 should embrace the message that sexuality is
a choice
2018- HWS IV 2018 4 This House believes that United States foreign
09-28 policy should seek to significantly restrict
Iran's influence over Syria
2018- HWS IV 2018 Novice_Final This House would allow the creation of Savior
09-28 Siblings* (*a child who is born for the purpose
of providing an organ or cell transplant to a
sibling who is affected with a fatal disease)
2018- HWS IV 2018 Open_Quarters This House would allow individuals to sue
09-28 religious institutions in their community for
propagating beliefs that cause them significant
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- HWS IV 2018 Open_Semis This House believes that the Obama
09-28 administration should have prioritized
affordable tertiary education over affordable
2018- HWS IV 2018 Open_Final This House believes that the state should curb
09-28 assortative mating* (*the phenomenon of
people primarily entering relationships and
building families with those of similar social
and economic characteristics)
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- Cedar College Open_Semis THW make rehabilitation the sole criteria for
09-14 Debating releasing criminals from prison
2018- Jewell Debate 3 This house believes that the Democratic Party
09-14 Tournament should move toward socialism in candidate
selection and policy platform.
2018- Jewell Debate Open_Final In areas of high crime, this house would
09-14 Tournament impose a curfew on men.
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- Joynt Scroll 5 TH, as India, would embrace China’s One Belt
08-25 (NZ Prepared One Road initiative
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- Novi Sad 3 This House believes that the State should
07-30 EUDC 2018 fund the creation of, and access to, realistic
androids that simulate romantic relationships.
2018- Novi Sad 5 This House Believes That South Korea should
07-30 EUDC 2018 abandon the goal of, and all policies which
aim at, Korean reunification
2018- Novi Sad 8 This House Believes That Artists should not
07-30 EUDC 2018 participate in the ongoing interpretation of
their art.
2018- Novi Sad ESL_Semis THR the decline of labour union power in the
07-30 EUDC 2018 West
2018- Novi Sad Open_Octos THW prefer a religion which preaches that
07-30 EUDC 2018 one's fate in the material world is
predetermined rather than one which
preaches that choices influence it
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- Novi Sad Open_Quarters THBT the IMF should require direct control
07-30 EUDC 2018 over a country's monetary policy as a
condition of national bailouts.
2018- Novi Sad Open_Final THR the shift in the #MeToo movement from
07-30 EUDC 2018 victims sharing their experiences to holding
public figures to account
2018- Split Open 1 This House would mandate by law that all
07-14 2018 couples must equally share domestic work
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- Novi Sad 4 This House would allow victims (and families
05-12 Open 2018 of deceased) of gun violence to sue the
sellers of the gun used in the act for
2018- Novi Sad 4 This House would allow victims (and families
05-12 Open 2018 of deceased) of gun violence to sue the
sellers of the gun used in the act for
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- 1st Copa 4 THBT sovereign debt must be insured with the
05-10 Leones de assets of that country, including, among
Debate (CLD) others, land, natural resources and state
at University enterprises, in case of non-compliance
2018- 1st Copa 4 THBT sovereign debt must be insured with the
05-10 Leones de assets of that country, including, among
Debate (CLD) others, land, natural resources and state
at University enterprises, in case of non-compliance
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- 1st Copa 6 THW punish natural or legal persons who are
05-10 Leones de accused of cultural appropriation
Debate (CLD)
at University
2018- 1st Copa 6 THW punish natural or legal persons who are
05-10 Leones de accused of cultural appropriation
Debate (CLD)
at University
2018- 1st Copa 7 THBT human beings must sow terrestrial life
05-10 Leones de forms on other planets even if that destroys
Debate (CLD) endemic life forms of those planets
at University
2018- 1st Copa 7 THBT human beings must sow terrestrial life
05-10 Leones de forms on other planets even if that destroys
Debate (CLD) endemic life forms of those planets
at University
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- 1st Copa Open_Final Assuming it is legal, THW justify that federal
05-10 Leones de states with high rates of violence, hire
Debate (CLD) mercenaries (private armies) to fight
at University organized crime.
2018- 1st Copa Open_Final Assuming it is legal, THW justify that federal
05-10 Leones de states with high rates of violence, hire
Debate (CLD) mercenaries (private armies) to fight
at University organized crime.
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- NZ Easters Open_Semis This house believes that charities should not
03-31 2018 accept money from donors they consider
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- North America 2 THBT the left should publicly support the
03-01 Womxn's and violent suppression of alt-right speech
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- North America Open_Semis a 2014 study reported that 19% of trans*
03-01 Womxn's and people were denied health care by their
Gender provider due to their gender identity; 28%
Minorities' experienced harassment in a medical setting;
Debate 28% postponed care due to discrimination.
Championship Currently,there are approximately 6 doctors in
2018 the US and 2 in Canada that perform genital
reconstruction surgery. Trans* people may
have transition-related needs that create
dependency on the healthcare system.
Motion: THW establish and fund separate
health clinics to provide accessible and
comprehensive care to trans*gender people
2018- North America Open_Final THBT the media should portray mass
03-01 Womxn's and shootings as exclusively the result of social
Gender narratives of masculinity and systemic
Minorities' misogyny
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- UBC IV Open_Semis This House believes that the US should make
01-20 aid to Israel conditional on the establishment
of peace talks with Palestine
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- Mexico 4 This house would limit the amount of time that
01-01 WUDC 2018 a museum can display a given piece of art to
3 months out of every 10 year period, rather
than allow museums to display their works as
long as they choose.
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4/1/2019 2018 Motions
2018- Mexico EFL_Final This house believes that it is better for the
01-01 WUDC 2018 general population to be more optimistic about
the current and future state of the nation
(including societal cohesion, peace
processes, the state of the economy) than an
objectively accurate judgement.
2018- Mexico Open_Final This House would rather save the live of a
01-01 WUDC 2018 single child over extending the life of 5 adults
by 10 years
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