Energy - Optimized Virtual Machine Scheduling Schemes in Cloud Environment

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Energy Optimized Virtual Machine Scheduling Schemes in Cloud Environment (14-18)

Energy – Optimized Virtual Machine Scheduling Schemes in Cloud

Ghanshyam Parmara, Dr. Vimal Pandyab
RAI University, Saroda, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India.,
Shri H. K. Arts College, Ahmadabad, Gujarat, India.,

The Cloud Computing services such as IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS are provided to the consumers are based on the subscription
given by the providers. Consumer can acquire their instances as per their requirements like reservation, on-demand or spot or
any other methods given by the service providers. Consumers can use networked storage space or computer resources through
high-speed internet at their own place. In Cloud computing Virtual Machine is allowing to use large amounts of computing
power in para-virtualized, full-virtualized mode where combined resources are used. Cloud computing signifies energy
optimization of Virtual Machine resources such as hardware, software, LAN, networked devices. For achieving energy
optimization the main objective is reduce energy consumption and improvement in utilization of VMs. In this paper we
proposed Priority – Based Energy Optimized Scheduling Scheme called PEOSS, where an auto – scheduler software manages
all VMs as per the request of the consumers in reservation or on-demand manner. The auto VM on or off, pause or resume is
taken place as per the date and the time duration of the consumer request. So, by making pause or off the VM, when they not
required the amount of energy consumption is reduce. For consumer satisfaction before the time VM is started. To manage
and test this scheme the cloud environment is developed in VMware Workstation.
Keywords: Virtual Machine; auto-scheduler; energy; power; PEOSS; VM request;

1. Introduction increases when usage for no of computer resources

Cloud computing is a computing term which based on
utility, consumption and sharing of computer For managing Virtual Machines a scheduler is
resources. Cloud computing can also be categorized as required as per the requirement selected by consumer
a new paradigm for the online provisioning of provided in the form of reserved or on-demand
computing software, hardware, data as a service instances. The job of the scheduler to schedule
through different pricing models like, reserved or (ON/OFF) VMs as per the date and time or duration of
leased, on-demand, spot, pay-as-you-go. Services the request in such a way to achieve greater consumer
provided by the Cloud computing is Infrastructure as a satisfaction, proper resource utilization, load
Service, Software as a Service, and Platform as a balancing and saving energy.
Service. The cloud can be basically deployed as
In this paper we discuss review of energy optimization
private, public or hybrid. Cloud computing is open
schemes, background of our Priority Bases Energy
source to developers of cloud environment. To
Optimized Scheduling Scheme (PEOSS) which use
develop open source or commercial cloud
Auto-Scheduler, detail of algorithmic design with
environment the Virtual Machine Monitor or
step-by-step process of scheduler and conclusion of
hypervisors are used.
this paper. We refer virtual machine as VM and virtual
The main technology that supports cloud computing is machine request as VM request in this paper.
virtualization. Virtualization software splits a physical
2. Review of Energy Optimization Schemes
computing device or physical computer into one or
more virtual computers, each of which can be work In this paper we refer many algorithms, methods,
separately. Cloud computing is available as open approaches, paradigms, techniques, schemes for how
source and commercial base for cloud developers. to scheduling virtual machines running on physical
Virtualization can be deployed by different Hardware and also focus on less energy consumption,
hypervisors namely KVM, VMware [11], Xen, Virtual resource optimization, load balancing, and no misuse
box, Eucalyptus etc. The services can be offered by on of physical machine’s resources.
the bases of energy, power, pay-per use, on-demand
A. Beloglazov et al., [2] proposed a scheduling
models. [3] The hardware of computer system
scheme where the problem of VM allocation can be
consumes highest energy. Energy consumption is
divided in two: the first part is the admission of new
VOL. NO. 2(2), July 2015, ISSN NO.-2321-8088 Page 14
Energy Optimized Virtual Machine Scheduling Schemes in Cloud Environment (14-18)

requests for VM provisioning and placing the VMs on development in Desktop Cloud System. [5]. Li et al.,
hosts, whereas the second part is the optimization of (2011) proposed Hybrid energy efficient scheduling
the current VM allocation. The first part can be seen algorithm which is use for private cloud computing.
as a bin packing problem with variable bin sizes and The algorithm which use dynamic migration. The
prices. For solve that they use to solve it we apply a experiment results shows reduce response time,
modification of the Best Fit Decreasing (MBFD) conserve more energy and achieve higher level of load
algorithm. The optimization of the current VM balancing. [7]
allocation is carried out in two steps: at the first step
A. Beloglazov et al., (2010) proposed the underlying
we select VMs that need to be migrated, at the second
infrastructure is represented by a large-scale Cloud
step the chosen VMs are placed on the hosts using the
data center comprising n heterogeneous physical
MBFD algorithm.This algorithm basically minimize
nodes. Each node has a CPU, which can be multicore,
the Migration of VMs.
with performance defined in Millions Instructions per
Pinheiro et al., [8]. In this work the authors have Second (MIPS). The software system architecture is
proposed a technique for minimization of power tiered comprising a dispatcher, global and local
consumption in a heterogeneous cluster of computing managers. The local managers reside on each physical
nodes serving multiple web-applications. The main node as a part of a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM).
technique applied to minimize power consumption is They are responsible for observing current utilization
concentrating the workload to the minimum of of the node’s resources and its thermal state. The local
physical nodes and switching idle nodes off. This managers choose VMs that have to be migrated to
approach requires dealing with the power or another node. The local managers send to the global
performance trade-off, as performance of applications managers the information about the utilization of
can be degraded due to the workload consolidation. resources and VMs chosen to migrate. The system
Requirements to the throughput and execution time of operation consists of New requests for VM
applications are defined in SLAs to ensure reliable provisioning, Dispatching requests for VM
QoS. provisioning, VM migration, VM resizing, VM
scheduling. [1]
T. Thanavanich and P. Uthayopas et al., (2013)
proposed an energy aware scheduling for the cloud R. Vijindra et al., (2012) proposed a Ranking
called EHEFT is proposed. This algorithm trying to Algorithm for virtual machines. By using the ranking
achieve more energy reduction while maintaining the algorithm, virtual machines are ranked based on the
same performance as much as possible. The approach resources. The algorithm accepts the user request
of EHEFT is to use performance metric called RE to based on the job characteristics, it will goes to the
help identify inefficient processor in the system. Then, resource broker, and after that it goes to policy
shutdown these processors and reschedule the task to prioritizer. The scheduler is responsible for priority
some other processors. The simulation results show policies, match making services of the user request.
that the proposed method can help reduce the energy Ranking algorithm is used to rank the virtual machines
consumption without increasing schedule length (VMs). [10]
substantially for many classes of parallel applications.
3. Backgrounds
The result of this work can lead to a more energy
efficient cloud. In the future, the reduction of time To compare and implement Energy Optimization
complexity of this algorithm can be explored along schemes are complex tasks, various virtualization
with how to make more efficient use of DVS support supported tools required, tools capability with para-
that is built into the processor. Some extension to virtualization, full-virtualization, VM scheduler, load
maintain the same make span for the task is one of the balancing on virtual machines which are provided to
areas that will be investigated further. [9] consumers.
Devare et. al., (2010) implemented the Desktop Cloud 3.1 Basic Architecture of Cloud Computing:
system, at the University of Calabria. This system uses
In basic architecture of cloud computing, the
the idle resources of the desktops with permission of
virtualization is done on the actual or physical
the owner. The system works on the ―utilization
machine is called host machine, and the guest machine
factor and mutual agreement between ―the scheduler
is called the virtual machine. For differentiate the
strategies, owner and consumer. The various new
physical and virtual machine the terms host and guest
cloud lease schemes and strategies are under
is used. To create virtual machine on host or physical


VOL. NO. 2(2), July 2015, ISSN NO.-2321-8088 Page 15
Energy Optimized Virtual Machine Scheduling Schemes in Cloud Environment (14-18)

machine the Virtual Machine Monitor is used which is off, clone, pause / resume on VMware Workstation. In
a software or firmware. [3] In our domain VMware VIX API the set of functions are given into a library
Workstation is a hypervisor which schedules number which contains scripts and programs to automate
of virtual machines. An auto-scheduler application is virtual machines. This scripts and programs are in
also design which schedules virtual machines. The high-level languages so it is, easy to use, easy to
hypervisor have capability migrate, clone, pause, programming for script developers and application
resume virtual machines on physical machine through programmers. The VIX API is designed for three
auto-scheduler using Application Programming kinds of users: Technically Adventurous Users,
Interface (API). The virtual machine request of Partners, and VMware Engineering. [12]
consumer is in the form of reserved and on-demand
The VIX API supported operating systems are manly
instances which provides by clouds provider on web.
Microsoft Windows and Linux platforms. In Windows
The consumer request contain the type of instance
and Linux the version supported are Windows-95 or
(reserved / on-demand), configuration of virtual
later and 2.4.x kernel or later. The support of
machines, for reserved instance subscription type (in
programming languages are C, Perl, and COM based
months / years) and time duration to utilize VM, for
langaues like VBscript, and C#. [4] For VMware
on-demand instance date and time duration.
Workstation 10 VIX API version 1.13 is supported.
Consumer Software / Consumer Software / 4. Priority Based Energy Optimized Scheduling
Application Application Scheme (Peoss)
Windows Linux In this significance we introduce Priority based
Energy Optimized Scheduling Scheme PEOSS with
Virtual Machine-1 Virtual Machine-2 Virtual Machine (VM) power ON / OFF, clone, pause,
resume based on the consumer request coming as First
Hypervisor (VMWare Workstation) Come First Serve (FCFS). Here, there are two modes
Host Operating System (Windows) are given to the consumer for instance purchasing
reserved and on-demand. In the reserved instance the
Hardware VM may occupied not for one day and some hours of
time, but for long period of days with specific time.
CPU Memory Storage NIC Other than in on-demand instance the VM is occupied
at specific date and stipulated time. So, here priority
Figure 1. Basic Architecture of Cloud Computing based means each and every request of consumer is
given priority, so no one has to wait for VM. The
3.2 VMware Workstation:
consumer request is coming in FCFS manner but
VMware Workstation is a hypervisor that runs on assigning VM to the request is based on the priority
Intel 32 or 64 bit computers. It enables users to set up and therefore if no VM is free available than clone
one or more virtual machines (VMs) on a single process of new VM is proceed. Here, working of auto-
physical machine, and use them concurrently along scheduler application taken place, which manages the
with the physical machine. Each virtual machine can VM request. Consumer provide request in the form of
execute its own operating system, including versions advanced reservation or on-demand using Request
of Microsoft Windows, Linux, BSD, and MS-DOS. Management System (RMS) which collect these
[13] requests in queue, VMs are also in queue, PEOSS
schedules request to VM, implementation is as shown
VMware Workstation supports bridging existing in below Fig. 2. working procedure of PEOSS.
host network adapters and share physical disk
drives and USB devices with a virtual machine. In 4.1 Features of PEOSS
addition, it can simulate disk drives. It can mount an  Use Power ON / OFF, pause, resume, and
existing ISO image file into a virtual optical disc drive clone of VMs as per the consumer requests.
so that the virtual machine sees it as a real one.
Likewise, virtual hard disk drives are made  Scheduling the VMs as per the time and
via .vmdk files. [13] duration given into the request.
The VIX API of VMware gives you the rich set of  Utilization of less VMs by power ON / OFF.
functions to manage VM operations like power on /


VOL. NO. 2(2), July 2015, ISSN NO.-2321-8088 Page 16
Energy Optimized Virtual Machine Scheduling Schemes in Cloud Environment (14-18)

 Auto check for availability of VM for use Pause: Virtual machine is running state to pause state.
than consider pause or power OFF.
Resume: Virtual machine is pause state to resume
 The VM is not used by consumer and that is (running) state.
4.3 Parameters used in PEOSS:
VMI – Set of total Virtual Machine (Guest) in a Host
and I = 1, 2, 3, 4,…, n.
R – Incoming requests from consumer for VM as
PaaS, R1, R2, R3, R4, … Rn.
RR – Request for advanced reservation.
Database RO – Request for On-demand.
CR – Request of Virtual Machine requires Clone.
LR – List of request of current date.
Get info. for RST – Time for PowerOn VM for current request
Create Queue RST + 1 – Time for PowerOn VM for next request
RET – Time for PowerOff VM
VM2 CT – Current time of Host
R1 R2 R3 Rn
DT – Difference of RET and RST + 1
4.4 Functions used in PEOSS:
Allotment PowerOn( ): Virtual Machine starts as per the
consumer request and time.
PEOSS PowerOff( ): Virtual Machine is shutdown when in no
longer use for saving energy.

Figure 2. Working Procedure of PEOSS Pause( ): Pause the running VM for saving energy.
IsPause( ): Check whether the VM is in pause state
no longer to be used than VM is power OFF and return True or False.
otherwise pause. Unpause( ): Resume the pause VM for saving energy.
 All VMs are allocated than clone of that type Clone( ): Cloning of one VM to another VM on same
of VM is created and assigned. Host.
4.5 Pseudo code for PEOSS:
Steps of Algorithm:
4.2 States of Virtual machine:
// Set default values of CR, LR, RST, RET, CT, and DT.
Virtual machine is running on different modes, we say
state of virtual machine categories in different states 1. Start
and use these states in our PEOSS see fallowing 2. Create LR for current date
states. 3. if (RI == RR) then
Check for availability of VM for given time
Running: virtual machine is ON and waits for Job
request from consumer.
If available then update CR = Yes
Active: Virtual machine is running and executes job. else CR = No
end if
Power ON: Virtual machine is just powering on state. end if
Power OFF: Virtual machine is shutting down state. 4. if (RI == RO) then


VOL. NO. 2(2), July 2015, ISSN NO.-2321-8088 Page 17
Energy Optimized Virtual Machine Scheduling Schemes in Cloud Environment (14-18)

Check availability of VM in LR [4] Deshwal , A. and A. Dobhal. "Virtualization: A Tool to a

If available then update CR = Yes Sustainable Education System." International Journal of
else call Clone( ) function Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software
end if Engineering III.3 (2013): 539-544.
end if
5. if (RST == CT) then [5] Devare, M., M. Sheikhalishahi and Grandinetti Lucio. "A
Call function IsPause( ) Prototype Implementation of Desktop Clouds." International
if True then UnPause( ) VM workshop on HPC, Grids and Clouds. Cetraro, Netherland, 2010.
else PowerOn( ) VM
[6] Kumar, P., D. Singh and A. Kaushik. "Power and Data Aware
end if
Best Fit Algorithm for Energy Saving in Cloud Computing."
end if International Journal of Computer Science and Information
Technologies V.5 (2014): 6712-6715.
6. if (DT < 15 minutes) then Pause( ) VM
else PowerOff( ) VM [7] Li, Jiandun, Junjie Peng and Wu Zhang. "A Scheduling
end if Algorithm for Private Clouds." Journal of Convergence
7. Exit( ) Information Technology VI.7 (2011): 1-9.

5. Conclusion [8] Pinheiro, E., et al. "Load balancing and unbalancing for power
and performancee in cluster-based systems." Workshop on
In Platform as a Service (PaaS), resource (VMs) Compilers and Operating Systems for Low Power. 2001. 182–
allocation and scheduling is a key issue in the cloud 195.
computing environment. In this paper we propose
an Energy Optimized Scheduling Scheme for the [9] Thanavanich , T. and P. Uthayopas. "Enhancing Energy-Aware
cloud environment, where consumer requires a Scheduling for Parallel Applications on a Cloud." Journal of
service, PaaS, where each consumer had its own Communications and Information Sciences III.4 (2013).

VM. The challenging part is how to manage VMs [10] Vijindra, R. "Energy Efficient Scheduling Framework for Cloud
so, less energy can be consume. For less energy Computing using Ranking Algorithm." International Journal of
consumption, means less power consumption. Our Scientific & Engineering Research III.10 (2012).
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VMs as per the date and time or time duration. [11] VMware. "Virtualization for Desktop & Server, Application." n.d.
PEOSS provides auto-scheduler, which 15 May 2015. <>.
automatically manage VMs by PowerOn, PowerOff, [12] VMware. "VIX API." n.d. 16 May 2015.
Pause, Unpause, Clone as per the consumer request. <
It will reduce energy consumption by using Pause, api/vix16_reference/intro.html>.
Unpause where PowerOff then On function take
more energy. When use of VMs is completed for [13] VMware. "VMware Workstation." n.d. 16 May 2015.
stipulated time and not used for longer time then it <>.
will PoserOff otherwise it will be Pause. PEOSS is Authors
always beneficial for service providers who Ghanshyam Parmar is working as Assistant
provides Platform as a Service. Professor at N. V. Patel College of Pure and Applied
Sciences, Vallabh Vidyanagar. He received his M.C.A.
References Degree from Sardar Patel University, Anand, Gujarat.
He is a Research Scholar in Rai University, Saroda,
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[2] Beloglazov, Anton, Jemal Abawajy and Rajkumar Buyya. Dr. Vimal Pandya is working as Head of Computer
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"Energy-aware resource allocation heuristics for efficient
H. K. Arts College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He received
management of data centers for Cloud computing." Future
his Ph.D. Degree from Dr. Bavasaheb Ambedkar Open
Generation Computer Systems (2012): 755-768. University, Ahmedabad.
[3] Buyya, Rajkumar, James Broberg and Andrzej Goscinski.
CLOUD COMPUTING: Principles and Paradigms. A Jhon Wiley
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VOL. NO. 2(2), July 2015, ISSN NO.-2321-8088 Page 18

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