JBOSS Installation and Getting Started Guide
JBOSS Installation and Getting Started Guide
JBOSS Installation and Getting Started Guide
Installation And
Getting Started Guide
by JBoss Community
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... vii
1. Help Contribute .................................................................................................... vii
1. What's new In JBossAS 5 ........................................................................................... 1
1.1. Overview ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Component Highlights ......................................................................................... 1
1.3. Major Component Upgrades ................................................................................ 2
1.4. Project Structure Changes .................................................................................. 3
1.4.1. SVN Information ...................................................................................... 4
1.4.2. The Project Directories ............................................................................. 4
1.5. Configuration Notes ............................................................................................ 6
1.5.1. JBoss VFS .............................................................................................. 6
1.5.2. Hibernate Logging .................................................................................... 7
1.5.3. jbossall-client.jar ..................................................................................... 7
1.5.4. EJB3 ...................................................................................................... 7
1.5.5. Other JBossAS ....................................................................................... 7
1.5.6. Clustering ................................................................................................ 8
1.6. New Configurations ............................................................................................. 8
2. Getting Started .......................................................................................................... 11
2.1. Pre-Requisites .................................................................................................. 11
2.1.1. Hardware and Operating System Requirements ....................................... 11
2.1.2. Configuring Your Java Environment ........................................................ 11
3. Installation Alternatives ............................................................................................. 15
4. Installation With Binary Download ............................................................................. 17
4.1. Download and Installation .................................................................................. 17
5. Installation With Source Download ............................................................................ 19
5.1. Download and Installation .................................................................................. 19
5.2. Installing and configuring ANT ........................................................................... 19
5.3. Building with Apache ANT ................................................................................. 20
5.4. Java6 Notes ..................................................................................................... 22
6. Setting the JBOSS_HOME variable ............................................................................ 25
6.1. Setting the JBOSS_HOME variable in Linux. ........................................................... 25
6.2. Setting the JBOSS_HOME variable in Windows. ..................................................... 25
7. Uninstall JBoss .......................................................................................................... 27
8. Test your Installation ................................................................................................. 29
9. The JBoss Server - A Quick Tour .............................................................................. 31
9.1. Server Structure ................................................................................................ 31
9.2. Server Configurations ........................................................................................ 31
9.2.1. Server Configuration Directory Structure .................................................. 33
9.2.2. The "default" Server Configuration File Set .............................................. 34
9.2.3. The "all" Server Configuration File Set ..................................................... 43
9.2.4. EJB3 Services ...................................................................................... 43
9.2.5. ............................................................................................................. 44
9.3. Starting and Stopping the Server ....................................................................... 44
9.3.1. Start the Server ..................................................................................... 44
JBoss Application Server
14.5. Configuring JBoss Messaging Persistence Manager .......................................... 85
14.6. Creating a JDBC client .................................................................................... 86
A. .................................................................................................................................. 89
B. Further Information Sources ......................................................................................... 91
JBoss Application Server is the open source implementation of the Java EE suite of services. It
comprises a set of offerings for enterprise customers who are looking for preconfigured profiles of
JBoss Enterprise Middleware components that have been tested and certified together to provide
an integrated experience. It's easy-to-use server architecture and high flexibility makes JBoss
the ideal choice for users just starting out with J2EE, as well as senior architects looking for a
customizable middleware platform.
Because it is Java-based, JBoss Application Server is cross-platform, easy to install and use on
any operating system that supports Java. The readily available source code is a powerful learning
tool to debug the server and understand it. It also gives you the flexibility to create customized
versions for your personal or business use.
Installing JBoss Application Server is simple and easy. You can have it installed and running in
no time. This guide will teach you to install and get started with the JBoss Application Server.
1. Help Contribute
If you find a typographical error in the Installation Guide and Getting Started Guide, or if you have
thought of a way to make this manual better, we would love to hear from you! Please submit a
report in JIRA: http://jira.jboss.com against the project JBoss Application Server and component
Docs/Installation and Getting Started Guide.
If you have a suggestion for improving the documentation, try to be as specific as possible when
describing it. If you have found an error, please include the section number and some of the
surrounding text so we can find it easily.
svn co https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/docs/community/5
--username yourusername
Chapter 1.
JBossAS 5 is the next generation of the JBoss Application Server build on top of the new JBoss
Microcontainer. The JBoss Microcontainer is a lightweight container for managing POJOs, their
deployment, configuration and lifecycle. It is a standalone project that replaces the famous JBoss
JMX Microkernel of the 3.x and 4.x JBoss series. The Microcontainer integrates nicely with the
JBoss framework for Aspect Oriented Programming, JBoss AOP. Support for JMX in JBoss 5
remains strong and MBean services written against the old Microkernel are expected to work.
Further, it lays the groundwork for JavaEE 6 profiles oriented configurations and JBoss AS
embedded that will allow for fine grained selection of services for both unit testing and embedded
JBossAS 5 is designed around the advanced concept of a Virtual Deployment Framework (VDF),
that takes the aspect oriented design of many of the earlier JBoss containers and applies it to
the deployment layer. Aspectized Deployers operate in a chain over a Virtual File System (VFS),
analyze deployments and produce metadata to be used by the JBoss Microcontainer, which in turn
instantiates and wires together the various pieces of a deployment, controlling their lifecycle and
dependencies. The VDF allows for both customization of existing component modules including
JavaEE and JBoss Microcontainer, as well as introduction of other models such as OSGi and
Chapter 1. What's new In JBos...
• The definition of the non-kernel deployers and deployment is now defined a Profile
obtained from the ProfileService [http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-11694]. The
ProfileService also provides the ManagementView for ManagedDeployments/ManagedObjects
[http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-11349] used by the OpenConsole admin tool.
• JBoss EJB3 included with JBoss 5 provides the implementation of the latest revision of the
Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) specification. EJB 3.0 is a deep overhaul and simplification of the
EJB specification. EJB 3.0's goals are to simplify development, facilitate a test driven approach,
and focus more on writing plain old java objects (POJOs) rather than coding against complex
• JBoss Messaging is a high performance JMS provider in the JBoss Enterprise Middleware Stack
(JEMS), included with JBoss 5 as the default messaging provider. It is also the backbone of
the JBoss ESB infrastructure. JBoss Messaging is a complete rewrite of JBossMQ, which is the
default JMS provider for the JBoss AS 4.x series.
• JBossCache that comes in two flavors. A traditional tree-structured node-based cache and
a PojoCache, an in-memory, transactional, and replicated cache system that allows users to
operate on simple POJOs transparently without active user management of either replication
or persistency aspects.
• JBossWS is the web services stack for JBoss 5 providing Java EE compatible web services,
• JBoss Transactions is the default transaction manager for JBoss 5. JBoss Transactions
is founded on industry proven technology and 18 year history as a leader in distributed
transactions, and is one of the most interoperable implementations available.
• JBoss Web is the Web container in JBoss 5, an implementation based on Apache Tomcat
that includes the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and Tomcat native technologies to achieve
scalability and performance characteristics that match and exceed the Apache Http server.
• JBoss Security has been updated to support pluggable authorization models including SAML,
XACML and federation.
JBossAS 5 includes features and bug fixes, many of them carried over upstream
from the 4.x codebase. See the Detailed Release Notes [https://sourceforge.net/project/
shownotes.php?release_id=645033&group_id=22866] section for the full details, and Section 1.3,
“Major Component Upgrades” for the major component versions included in JBossAS as well as
their project page locations.
Project Structure Changes
For a full list of the JBoss and thirdparty libraries used with JBoss AS 5.0.0.GA check the
pom.xml found in the component-matrix directory of the source code distribution. To see the
maven dependency tree you can run 'mvn dependency:tree' from the thirdparty directory of the
source code distro.
A common theme for JBossAS 5 is the breaking out of internal subsystems into stand-alone
projects and the introduction of SPIs throughout the server codebase. Those changes should
not affect directly the end user but they are an important part of the JBoss strategy for making
available the various EE services as independent projects, so that they can be wired-together
and be consumed à la carte inside different runtime environments and not only inside the JBoss
Application Server. If you are building JBossAS from source you'll notice we are migrating to a
maven2 build. At this point the build is a hybrid one because it declares all JBoss dependencies
as maven2 artifacts, however after the dependencies are resolved/imported the legacy ant based
build is used to compile and build the distribution. This will change to a full maven build at some
point in time. The jboss maven repo can be found here [http://repository.jboss.org/maven2/].
Starting from AS5 CR2, please note how the -sources.jar are also downloaded to thirdparty by
Chapter 1. What's new In JBos...
default. To disable downloading of the sources to thirdparty, define the property skip-download-
sources to true either on the command line or in your maven settings.xml.
Server aspects
The server bootstrap that loads the JBoss Microcontainer
The server build directory which contains the main build.xml. See Section 5.3, “Building with
Apache ANT”Building with ANT for more on building the server.
A maven project that declares the dependcies for the jboss-all-client.jar
Clustering related services and integration
A maven project the declares the external dependencies consumed by the server. This is
used to build the thirdparty/* library structure.
JCA implementation and integration code.
The Project Directories
Obsolete admin console. See JBoss Embedded Console [http://www.jboss.org/jopr/]project
for the future direction of the server admin console.
JSR88 deployment services code.
EJB3 integration code.
Obsolete JBossAS emebedded project that has been moved toSVN
embedded [http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/embedded/] for further
development. See the Design of Embedded JBoss [http://www.jboss.com/
index.html?module=bb&op=viewforum&f=266] forum for design discussions.
Hibernate deployment integration code.
JacORB integration code for IIOP support.
JMX remoting and JTS integration code
javax.management.* package implementations
A javax.management.remote.JMXConnector implementation
The main() entry point code
JSR77 mbean view generation code
JBoss JMX extensions
JBoss Messaging integration code
The JBossAS root maven pom
The ProfileService, ManagementView, and DeploymentManager implementations.
Chapter 1. What's new In JBos...
JBoss Security integration code
The legacy EJB2 containers, deployers and detached invokers
Spring bean deployment integration
ProfileServiceBootstrap implementation and management code
MBean service component model and deployers
The JBossAS testsuite
The maven2 thirdparty project which builds the local thirdparty jars used by the ant build.
JBossWeb integration code and deployers
build tool jars
Various misc services
JBossWS integration code and deployers
Hibernate Logging
up access to deployment artifacts. This means that files in deploy/ remain open as long
as they are accessed and then closed by a reaper thread after a 5 seconds inactivity. On
window platforms this may cause locking issues if files are re-deployed too quickly. Use
jboss.vfs.forceNoReaper=true to disable reaping.
• jboss.vfs.optimizeForMemory, true if zip streams should be kept in memory with their entries
in ZipEntry.STORED format.
1.5.3. jbossall-client.jar
The client/jbossall-client.jar library that used to bundle the majority of jboss client libraries, is now
referencing them instead through the Class-Path manifest entry. This allows swapping included
libraries (e.g. jboss-javaee.jar) without having to re-package jbossall-client.jar. On the other hand,
it requires that you have jbossall-client.jar together with the other client/*.jar libraries, so they can
be found.
1.5.4. EJB3
If using proprietary JBoss/EJB3 annotations, those have moved (since Beta4) into the
org.jboss.ejb3.annotation package, EJBTHREE-1099. Those are now included in a new artifact,
Interoperating with previous JBoss EJB3 implementations may present problems due to
serialVersionUIDs issues, EJBTHREE-1118.
Use of JBoss Cache 3.x. has a significantly different API from the 1.x releases used in JBoss AS
4.x and 3.2.x.
Chapter 1. What's new In JBos...
The Farm service from 4.x has been removed, and replaced with a
HASingletonDeploymentScanner that integrates with the ProfileService.
JBoss 5 is stricter when it comes to verifying/deploying JavaEE artifacts. EJB3 deployments that
run in AS 4.2 may fail in AS5. We have tried to keep the validation messages as accurate as
possible in order to help you modify your deployment descriptors/annotations to be in-line with
the JavaEE 5 requirements.
The default conf/jboss-log4j.xml configuration now includes the thread name for entries in log/
server.log (JBAS-5274).
All the security related configuration files are now grouped under the deploy/security directory
(JBAS-5318). The security configuration changes are further described in SecurityInJBoss5 [http:/
/www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-12199] wiki.
1.5.6. Clustering
A new jboss.jgroups.udp.mcast_port property is to control easy configuration of multicast port. It
defaults to ${jboss.jgroups.udp.mcast_port:45688}.
Per webapp configuration of useJK, snapshot mode and snapshot interval (JBAS-3460). Default
for useJK is whether jvmRoute is set (JBAS-4961).
Total replication (rather than buddy replication) is the default setting for session replication (JBAS-
Loopback is now set to true for all JGroups UDP stacks (JBAS-5323).
New Configurations
• conf/jndi.properties has
• conf/jacorb.properties
• deploy/iiop-service.xml
• lib/avalon-framework.jar
• lib/jacorb.jar
The web config is a new experimental lightweight configuration created around JBoss Web that
will follow the developments of the JavaEE 6 web profile. Except for the servlet/jsp container it
provides support for JTA/JCA and JPA. It also limits itself to allowing access to the server only
through the http port. Please note that this configuration is not JavaEE certified and will most likely
change in the following releases.
Another notable change is that the majority of the libraries common to the different configurations
have moved to a new shared location, JBOSS_HOME/common/lib/. This is so we avoid having
multiple copies of the same libraries in the distribution. The location of the common library directory
can be controlled by the following properties:
You can see that the library directory of the individual configurations is still in place, although in
some cases it's empty (e.g. JBOSS_HOME/server/default/lib/)
Chapter 2.
Getting Started
2.1. Pre-Requisites
You must have adequate disk space to install JDK and JBoss Application Server while also
allowing enough space for your applications. Before installing JBoss Application Server you must
have a working installation of Java. Since JBoss is 100% pure Java you can have it working on
any Operating System / Platform that supports Java.
• Wider datapath: The pipe between RAM and CPU is doubled, which improves the performance
of memory-bound applications.
• 64-bit memory addressing gives virtually unlimited (1 exabyte) heap allocation. However large
heaps affect garbage collection.
• Applications that run with more than 1.5GB of RAM (including free space for garbage collection
optimization) should utilize the 64-bit JVM.
• Applications that run on a 32-bit JVM and do not require more than minimal heap sizes will gain
nothing from a 64-bit JVM. Barring memory issues, 64-bit hardware with the same relative clock
speed and architecture is not likely to run Java applications faster than their 32-bit cousin.
Installing and Configuring 32-bit Sun JDK 5.0 or JDK 6.0 on Linux
• Download the Sun JDK 5.0 or JDK 6 (Java 2 Development Kit) from Sun's website:
http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index_jdk5.jsp for JDK 5.0 or http://java.sun.com/javase/
downloads/ for JDK 6.0. Select the JDK Update <x>" (where x is the latest update number) for
download and then select "RPM in self-extracting" file for Linux . Read the instructions on Sun's
website for installing the JDK.
• If you do not want to use SysV service scripts you can install the "self-extracting file" for Linux
instead of choosing the "RPM in self-extracting" file. In that case you can skip the next step
mentioned here. But it is recommended to use the SysV service scripts for production servers.
Chapter 2. Getting Started
• Download and install the appropriate -compat RPM from JPackage here [ftp:/
/jpackage.hmdc.harvard.edu/JPackage/1.7/generic/RPMS.non-free/]. Please ensure you
choose a matching version of the -compat package to the JDK you installed.
• Create an environment variable that points to the JDK installation directory and call it
JAVA_HOME. Add $JAVA_HOME/bin to the system path to be able to run java from the command
line. You can do this by adding the following lines to the .bashrc file in your home directory.
Set this variable for the user account doing the installation and also for the user account that
will run the server.
• If you have more than one version of JVM installed in your machine, make sure you are using
the JDK1.5 or JDK1.6 installation as the default source for the java and javac executables.
You can do this using the alternatives system. The alternatives system allows different versions
of Java, from different sources to co-exist on your system.
• As root, type the following command at the shell prompt and you should see something like
Make sure the Sun version [jre-1.5.0-sun in this case] is selected (marked with a '+' in the
output), or select it by entering its number as prompted.
Configuring Your Java Environment
Selection Command
*+ 1 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/bin/javac
Enter to keep the current selection[+], or type selection number:
You should verify that java, javac and java_sdk_1.<x> all point to the same manufacturer
and version.
You can always override this step by setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable
as explained in the previous step.
• Make sure that the java executable is in your path and that you are using an appropriate version.
To verify your Java environment, type java -version at the shell prompt and you should see
something like this:
Installing and Configuring 32-bit Sun JDK 5.0 or JDK 6.0 on Microsoft
• Download the Sun JDK 5.0 (Java 2 Development Kit) from Sun's website: http://java.sun.com/
javase/downloads/index_jdk5.jsp for JDK 5.0 or http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/ for JDK
6.0. Choose the JDK Update <x>" (where x is the latest update number) for download and then
select your Windows Platform options to perform the installation.
Chapter 2. Getting Started
• Create an environment variable called JAVA_HOME that points to the JDK installation
directory, for example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_14\. In order to run java from
the command line add the jre\bin directory to your path, for example: C:\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_14\jre\bin. To do this, open the Control Panel from the Start Menu,
switch to Classic View if necessary, open the System Control Panel applet, select the Advanced
Tab, and click on the Environment Variables button.
Chapter 3.
Installation Alternatives
You can install the JBoss Application Server in one of these two modes:
In this form of installation, simply unzip the downloaded zip file to the directory of your choice.
You can unzip the JBoss Application Server on any operating system that supports the zip
format. The zip file is available on http://labs.jboss.com/jbossas/downloads/. Please ensure you
have met the pre-requisites required before proceeding with your installation. Pre-requisites are
discussed in Section 2.1, “Pre-Requisites”. Further details on installation using the Binary files
are discussed in Chapter 4, Installation With Binary Download
JBossAS 5.0.0 can be compiled with both Java5 and Java6. The Java5 compiled binary is our
primary/recommended binary distribution. It has undergone rigorous testing and can run under
both a Java 5 and a Java 6 runtime. When running under Java 6 you need to manually copy the
following libraries from the JBOSS_HOME/client directory to the JBOSS_HOME/lib/endorsed
directory, so that the JAX-WS 2.0 apis supported by JBossWS are used:
* jbossws-native-saaj.jar
* jbossws-native-jaxrpc.jar
* jbossws-native-jaxws.jar
* jbossws-native-jaxws-ext.jar
In this form of installation, download the source files from the web and build the source files
locally. On successfully building your source files you can manually copy the built file into a
desired folder and start the server. Please ensure you have met the pre-requisites required
before proceeding with your installation. Pre-requisites are discussed in Section 2.1, “Pre-
Requisites”. For more instructions on building your source files, please refer to Chapter 5,
Installation With Source Download.
Three types of server configurations will be included in your installation - minimal, default, and all.
Chapter 4.
1. jboss-5.0.0.CR2.zip [http://downloads.sourceforge.net/jboss/jboss-
2. jboss-5.0.0.CR2-jdk6.zip [http://downloads.sourceforge.net/jboss/jboss-5.0.0.CR2-
In this form of installation, simply unzip the downloaded zip file to the directory of your choice on
any operating system that supports the zip format.
• Unzip jboss-<release>.zip to extract the archive contents into the location of your choice.
You can do this using the JDK jar tool (or any other ZIP extraction tool). In the example below
we are assuming you downloaded the zip file to the /jboss directory.
[usr]$ cd /jboss
[usr]$ jar -xvf jboss-<release>.zip
• You should now have a directory called jboss-<release>. Next you need to set
your JBOSS_HOME environment variables. This is discussed in Chapter 6, Setting the
JBOSS_HOME variable.
Chapter 5.
[user@localhost]$ cd /jboss
[user@localhost]$ tar -xvf
• You should now have a directory called jboss-<release>-src.tar.gz. The next step is to
build your source files. In this example we are using Apache ANT. This is discussed in the
following section.
You will need to build your JBoss Application Server source files before you can run the application
server. Apache Ant is shipped with the JBoss Application Server source files and can be executed
from the <source_directory>/tools/bin directory.
The source files can also be built using Apache Maven which is also shipped with the JBoss
Application Server source files under <source_directory>/tools/maven directory. For more
information about Apache Maven, please refer to http://maven.apache.org/ [].
Like Java, you also need to set the environment variables for Apache ANT and/or Apache Maven.
The following example illustrates a desirable configuration for the .bashrc file. In the example the
file is edited using the gnome text editor (gedit).
Chapter 5. Installation With ...
# User specific aliases and functions
# The following are the environment variables for Java , ANT
and Maven
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_07/
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin
To implement the changes you've made to the .bashrc file, type the following on a terminal.
If any errors are displayed, please check your .bashrc file for errors and ensure that all directory
paths are correct.
[user@localhost]$ cd /home/user/downloads/jboss-<release>-src/build
[504][valkyrie: jboss-5.0.0.GA-src]$ ls
aspects hibernate-int security
bootstrap iiop server
build j2se spring-int
client jbossas system
cluster jmx system-jmx
component-matrix jmx-remoting testsuite
connector main thirdparty
console management tomcat
deployment mbeans tools
docbook-support messaging varia
ejb3 pom.xml webservices
embedded profileservice
Building with Apache ANT
From the contents of the build directory above, you can see the build.xml file which is used by
Apache ANT as a configuration file when building your source files. The next step is to perform
the build using Apache ANT as illustrated below.
Trying to override old definition of task property
[copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/svn/Releases/jboss-5.0.0.GA-src/build
[echo] groups: default
[echo] modules:
[echo] Calling mvn command located in
Total time: 21 minutes 34 seconds
A successful build will have the above message. The first time you build the tree it will download
a large number of thirdparty files from maven repositories. After that, these will be used from the
local repository and the build will be much faster. Typical initial build times can be 30 minutes with
subsequent build times 3 minutes. If your build fails, please check the error log and ensure that
your configuration files and environment variables are correctly set. The JBoss Application Server
files are built under the build/output/jboss-<release> directory as indicated below.
At this point the JBoss Application Server source files build is a hybrid one (builds
in both Ant and Maven) because it declares all JBoss dependencies as maven2
Chapter 5. Installation With ...
artifacts, however after the dependencies are resolved/imported the legacy ant
based build is used to compile and build the distribution. The JBoss Application
Server source files will change to a full maven build soon.
[578][valkyrie: build]$ ls
VersionRelease.java build.sh local.properties
build-distr.xml build.xml output
build-release.xml docs pom.xml
build.bat eclipse.psf
build.log etc
[579][valkyrie: build]$ ls output/
[580][valkyrie: build]$
The jboss-<release> directory contains your successful JBoss Application Server files. You
can copy this folder to a different location or run the server from this folder after setting
the JBOSS_HOME environment variable in your .bashrc file. Next you need to set your
JBOSS_HOME environment variables. This is discussed in Chapter 6, Setting the JBOSS_HOME
The other option is to download the jdk6 distribution (jboss-5.0.0.GA-jdk6.zip) in which case no
configuration changes are required. If you still have problems using JBoss with a Sun Java 6
runtime, you may want to set -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true, as described in
JBAS-4491. Other potential problems under a Java 6 runtime include:
ORB getting prematurely destroyed when using Sun JDK 6 (see Sun Bug ID: 6520484)
Unimplemented methods in Hibernate for JDK6 interfaces.
When JBossAS 5 is compiled with Java 6, support for the extended JDBC 4 API is included in the
binary, however this can only be used under a Java 6 runtime. In this case no manual configuration
steps are necessary.
Java6 Notes
Chapter 6.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_07
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
export ANT_HOME=/usr/ant/apache-ant-1.6.0
export PATH=$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin
export JBOSS_HOME=/usr/jboss/jboss-<release>
If no errors are displayed on your terminal, you are now ready to run your JBoss Application Server.
• Create an environment variable called JBOSS_HOME that points to the JBoss Application Server
installation directory, for example: C:\Program Files\JBoss\jboss-<release>\.
• In order to run JBoss Application Server from the command line, add the jboss-<release>\bin
directory to your path, for example: C:\Program Files\JBoss\jboss-<release>\bin. To do
this, open the Control Panel from the Start Menu, switch to Classic View if necessary, open the
System Control Panel applet, select the Advanced Tab, and click on the Environment Variables
Chapter 6. Setting the JBOSS_...
Chapter 7.
Uninstall JBoss
The JBoss Application Server may be uninstalled by simply deleting the JBoss Application Server's
installation directory. You will also need to remove the JBOSS_HOME environment variables
discussed in Chapter 6, Setting the JBOSS_HOME variable for your Linux or Windows platform.
Chapter 8.
Your output should look similar to the following (accounting for installation directory differences)
and contain no error or exception messages:
JAVA: /Library/Java/Home/bin/java
Chapter 8. Test your Installation
Now open http://localhost:8080 in your web browser. (Make sure you dont have anything
else already on your machine using that port). The contents of your page should look similar to
the following: Figure 8.1, “Test your Installation”.
Note that on some machines, the name localhost may not resolve properly and you may need to use the local loopback
address instead.
Chapter 9.
You don’t have to run a large, monolithic server all the time; you can remove the components
you don’t need (which can also reduce the server startup time considerably) and you can also
integrate additional services into JBoss by writing your own MBeans. You certainly do not need
to do this to be able to run standard Java EE 5 applications though.
You don’t need a detailed understanding of the microcontainer to use JBoss, but it’s worth keeping
a picture of this basic architecture in mind as it is central to the way JBoss works.
The JBoss Application Server ships with three different server configurations. Within the
<JBoss_Home>/server directory, you will find five subdirectories: minimal, default, standard,
all and web - one for each server configuration. Each of these configurations provide a different
set of services. The default configuration is the one used if you don’t specify another one when
starting up the server.
has a minimal configuration—the bare minimum services required to start JBoss. It starts the
logging service, a JNDI server and a URL deployment scanner to find new deployments. This
is what you would use if you want to use JMX/JBoss to start your own services without any
other Java EE 5 technologies. This is just the bare server. There is no web container, no EJB
or JMS support.
is a base Java EE 5 server profile containing a default set of services. It has the most frequently
used services required to deploy a Java EE application. It does not include the JAXR service,
the IIOP service, or any of the clustering services.
Chapter 9. The JBoss Server -...
The all configuration starts all the available services. This includes the RMI/IIOP and clustering
services, which are not loaded in the default configuration.
is the JavaEE 5 certified configuration of services.
is a lightweight web container oriented profile that previews the JavaEE 6 web profile.
If you want to know which services are configured in each of these instances, the primary
differences will be in the <JBoss_Home>/server/<instance-name>/deployers/ directory
and also the services deployments in the <JBoss_Home>/server/<instance-name>/deploy
directory. For example, the default profile deployers and deploy directory contents are:
Server Configuration Directory Structure
jmx-invoker-service.xml vfs-jboss-beans.xml
while the web profile deployers and deploy directory contents are:
The default configuration is the one used if you don’t specify another one when
starting up the server.
To start the server using an alternate configuration refer to Section 9.3.2, “Start the
Server With Alternate Configuration”.
Directory Description
conf The conf directory contains the bootstrap.xml bootstrap descriptor file for
a given server configuration. This defines the core microcontainer beans that
are fixed for the lifetime of the server.
Chapter 9. The JBoss Server -...
Directory Description
data The data directory is available for use by services that want to store content
in the file system. It holds persistent data for services intended to survive a
server restart. Serveral JBoss services, such as the embedded Hypersonic
database instance, store data here.
deploy The deploy directory contains the hot-deployable services (those which
can be added to or removed from the running server). It also contains
applications for the current server configuration. You deploy your application
code by placing application packages (JAR, WAR and EAR files) in the
deploy directory. The directory is constantly scanned for updates, and any
modified components will be re-deployed automatically.
lib This directory contains JAR files (Java libraries that should not be hot
deployed) needed by this server configuration. You can add required library
files here for JDBC drivers etc. All JARs in this directory are loaded into
the shared classpath at startup. Note that this directory only contains those
jars unique to the server configuration. Jars common across the server
configurations are now located in <JBoss_Home>/common/lib.
log This is where the log files are written. JBoss uses the Jakarta log4j
package for logging and you can also use it directly in your own applications
from within the server. This may be overridden through the conf/jboss-
log4j.xml configuration file.
tmp The tmp directory is used for temporary storage by JBoss services. The
deployer, for example, expands application archives in this directory.
work This directory is used by Tomcat for compilation of JSPs.
The "default" Server Configuration File Set
| | |-- jms
| | |-- jmx
| | |-- netboot
| | | `-- netboot.war
| | `-- varia
| | |-- deployment-service
| | |-- derby-plugin.jar
| | |-- entity-resolver-manager
| | | `-- xmlresolver-service.xml
| | `-- jboss-bindings.xml
| `-- schema
|-- lib
| |-- commons-codec.jar
| |-- commons-httpclient.jar
| |-- commons-logging.jar
| |-- concurrent.jar
| |-- endorsed
| | |-- serializer.jar
| | |-- xalan.jar
| | `-- xercesImpl.jar
| |-- getopt.jar
| |-- jboss-common.jar
| |-- jboss-jmx.jar
| |-- jboss-system.jar
| |-- jboss-xml-binding.jar
| `-- log4j-boot.jar
`-- server
|-- all
| |-- conf
| | |-- bootstrap/
| | | |-- aop.xml
| | | |-- bindings.xml
| | | |-- aop.xml
| | | |-- classloader.xml
| | | |-- deployers.xml
| | | |-- jmx.xml
| | | |-- profile-repository.xml
| | | |-- profile.xml
| | | |-- vfs.xml
| | |-- bootstrap.xml
| | |-- bootstrap-norepo.xml
| | |-- jacorb.properties
| | |-- java.policy
| | |-- jax-ws-catalog.xml
| | |-- jboss-log4j.xml
| | |-- jboss-service.xml
| | |-- jbossjta-properties.xml
| | |-- jndi.properties
| | |-- login-config.xml
Chapter 9. The JBoss Server -...
| | |-- props
| | | |-- jbossws-roles.properties
| | | |-- jbossws-users.properties
| | | |-- jmx-console-roles.properties
| | | `-- jmx-console-users.properties
| | |-- standardjboss.xml
| | |-- standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml
| | `-- xmdesc
| |-- deploy
| |-- deploy-hasingleton
| | `-- jms
| |-- deployers
| `-- lib
|-- default
| |-- conf
| | |-- bootstrap/
| | | |-- aop.xml
| | | |-- bindings.xml
| | | |-- aop.xml
| | | |-- classloader.xml
| | | |-- deployers.xml
| | | |-- jmx.xml
| | | |-- profile-repository.xml
| | | |-- profile.xml
| | | |-- vfs.xml
| | |-- bootstrap.xml
| | |-- bootstrap-norepo.xml
| | |-- jacorb.properties
| | |-- java.policy
| | |-- jax-ws-catalog.xml
| | |-- jboss-log4j.xml
| | |-- jboss-service.xml
| | |-- jbossjta-properties.xml
| | |-- jndi.properties
| | |-- login-config.xml
| | |-- props
| | | |-- jbossws-roles.properties
| | | |-- jbossws-users.properties
| | | |-- jmx-console-roles.properties
| | | `-- jmx-console-users.properties
| | |-- standardjboss.xml
| | |-- standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml
| | `-- xmdesc
| | |-- AttributePersistenceService-xmbean.xml
| | |-- ClientUserTransaction-xmbean.xml
| | |-- JNDIView-xmbean.xml
| | |-- Log4jService-xmbean.xml
| | |-- NamingBean-xmbean.xml
| | |-- NamingService-xmbean.xml
The "default" Server Configuration File Set
| | |-- TransactionManagerService-xmbean.xml
| | |-- org.jboss.deployment.JARDeployer-xmbean.xml
| | |-- org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer-xmbean.xml
| | `-- org.jboss.deployment.SARDeployer-xmbean.xml
| |-- data
| | |-- hypersonic
| | |-- jboss.identity
| | |-- tx-object-store
| | `-- xmbean-attrs
| |-- deploy
| |-- lib
| |-- log
| | |-- boot.log
| | |-- server.log
| | `-- server.log.2008-08-09
| |-- tmp
| `-- work
| `-- jboss.web
| `-- localhost
`-- minimal
|-- conf
| |-- bootstrap/
| |-- bootstrap/aop.xml
| |-- bootstrap/classloader.xml
| |-- bootstrap/deployers.xml
| |-- bootstrap/jmx.xml
| |-- bootstrap/profile.xml
| |-- bootstrap.xml
| |-- jboss-log4j.xml
| |-- jboss-service.xml
| |-- jndi.properties
| `-- xmdesc
| |-- NamingBean-xmbean.xml
| `-- NamingService-xmbean.xml
|-- deploy/
|-- deploy/hdscanner-jboss-beans.xml
|-- deployers/
`-- lib
|-- jboss-minimal.jar
|-- jnpserver.jar
`-- log4j.jar
The files in the conf directory are explained in the following table.
Chapter 9. The JBoss Server -...
File Description
bootstrap.xml This is the bootstrap.xml file that defines
which additional microcontainer deployments
will be loaded as part of the bootstrap phase.
bootstrap/* This directory contains the microcontainer
bootstrap descriptors that are referenced from
the bootstrap.xml file.
jboss-service.xml jboss-service.xml legacy core mbeans that
have yet to be ported to either bootstrap
deployments, or deploy services. This file will
go away in the near future.
jbossjta-properties.xml jbossjta-properties.xml specifies the
JBossTS transaction manager default
jndi.properties The jndi.properties file specifies the
JNDI InitialContext properties that are
used within the JBoss server when an
InitialContext is created using the no-arg
java.policy A placeholder java security policy file that
simply grants all permissions.
jboss-log4j.xml This file configures the Apache log4j framework
category priorities and appenders used by the
JBoss server code.
login-config.xml This file contains sample server side
authentication configurations that are
applicable when using JAAS based security.
props/* The props directory contains the users and
roles property files for the jmx-console.
standardjboss.xml This file provides the default container
standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml This file provides a default configuration file for
the JBoss CMP engine.
xmdesc/*-mbean.xml The xmdesc directory contains XMBean
descriptors for several services configured in
the jboss-service.xml file.
The "default" Server Configuration File Set
File Description
alias-deployers-jboss-beans.xml Deployers that know how to handle The know
how to handle <alias> in <deployment> as true
controller context. Meaning they will only get
active/installed when their original is installed.
bsh.deployer This file configures the bean shell deployer,
which deploys bean shell scripts as JBoss
mbean services.
clustering-deployer-jboss-beans.xml Clustering-related deployers which add
dependencies on needed clustering services
to clustered EJB3, EJB2 beans and to
distributable web applications.
dependency-deployers-jboss-beans.xml Deployers for aliases.txt, jboss-
dependency.xml jboss-depedency.xml adds
generic dependency on whatever. aliases.txt
adds human-readable name for deployments,
e.g. vfszip://home/blah/.../jboss-5.0.0.GA/
aliased to ales-app.ear.
directory-deployer-jboss-beans.xml Adds legacy behavior for directories, handling
its children as possible deployments. e.g. .sar's
lib directory to treat its .jar files as deployments
ear-deployer-jboss-beans.xml JavaEE 5 enterprise application related
ejb-deployer-jboss-beans.xml Legacy JavaEE 1.4 ejb jar related deployers
ejb3.deployer This is a deployer that supports JavaEE 5 ejb3,
JPA, and application client deployments, .
hibernate-deployer-jboss-beans.xml Deployers for Hibernate -hibernate.xml
descriptors, which are similar to Hibernate's
.cfg.xml files.
jboss-aop-jboss5.deployer JBossAspectLibrary and base aspects. Why is
this in deployers, dependencies?
jboss-jca.deployer jboss-jca.deployer description
Chapter 9. The JBoss Server -...
File Description
metadata-deployer-jboss-beans.xml Deployers for processing the JavaEE metadata
from xml, annotations.
seam.deployer Deployer providing integration support for
JBoss Seam applications.
security-deployer-jboss-beans.xml Deployers for configuration the security layers
of the JavaEE components.
The files in the deploy directory are explained in the following table.
File Description
ROOT.war ROOT.war establishes the '/' root web
cache-invalidation-service.xml This is a service that allows for custom
invalidation of the EJB caches via JMS
notifications. It is disabled by default.
ejb2-container-jboss-beans.xml ejb2-container-jboss-beans.xml
UserTransaction integration bean for the EJB2
ejb2-timer-service.xml ejb2-timer-service.xml contains the ejb
timer service beans.
ejb3-connectors-jboss-beans.xml ejb3-connectors-jboss-beans.xml EJB3
remoting transport beans.
ejb3-container-jboss-beans.xml ejb3-container-jboss-beans.xml
UserTransaction integration bean for the EJB3
ejb3-interceptors-aop.xml ejb3-interceptors-aop.xml defines the
EJB3 container aspects.
ejb3-timer-service.xml ejb3-timer-service.xml an alternate quartz
based timer service
hdscanner-jboss-beans.xml hdscanner-jboss-beans.xml the deploy
directory hot deployment scanning bean
hsqldb-ds.xml configures the Hypersonic embedded
database service configuration file. It sets
up the embedded database and related
connection factories.
The "default" Server Configuration File Set
File Description
contains the detached invoker that supports
RMI over HTTP. It also contains the proxy
bindings for accessing JNDI over HTTP.
jboss-local-jdbc.rar is a JCA resource adaptor that implements the
JCA ManagedConnectionFactory interface for
JDBC drivers that support the DataSource
interface but not JCA.
jboss-xa-jdbc.rar JCA resource adaptors for XA DataSources
jbossweb.sar an mbean service supporting TomcatDeployer
with web application deployment service
jbossws.sar provides JEE web services support.
jca-jboss-beans.xml jca-jboss-beans.xml is the application
server implementation of the JCA specification.
It provides the connection management
facilities for integrating resource adaptors into
the JBoss server.
jms-ra.rar jms-ra.rar JBoss JMS Resource Adapter
Chapter 9. The JBoss Server -...
File Description
simple web interface for managing the MBean
jmx-invoker-service.xml jmx-invoker-service.xml is an MBean
service archive that exposes a subset of the
JMX MBeanServer interface methods as an
RMI interface to enable remote access to the
JMX core functionality.
jmx-remoting.sar jmx-remoting.sar is a
javax.management.remote implementation
providing access to the JMX server.
legacy-invokers-service.xml legacy-invokers-service.xml the legacy
detached jmx invoker remoting services.
jsr-88-service.xml jsr-88-service.xml provides the JSR 88
remote deployment service.
mail-ra.rar mail-ra.rar is a resource adaptor that
provides a JavaMail connector.
mail-service.xml The mail-service.xml file is an MBean
service descriptor that provides JavaMail
sessions for use inside the JBoss server.
monitoring-service.xml The monitoring-service.xml file configures
alert monitors like the console listener and
email listener used by JMX notifications.
profileservice-jboss-beans.xml profileservice-jboss-beans.xml
properties-service.xml The properties-service.xml file is an
MBean service descriptor that allows
for customization of the JavaBeans
PropertyEditors as well as the definition of
system properties.
quartz-ra.rar quartz-ra.rar is a resource adaptor for inflow
of Quartz events
remoting-jboss-beans.xml remoting-jboss-beans.xml contains the
unified invokers based on JBoss Remoting.
scheduler-service.xml The scheduler-service.xml and schedule-
manager-service.xml files are MBean
service descriptors that provide a scheduling
type of service.
security/security-jboss-beans.xml security-jboss-beans.xml security domain
related beans.
The "all" Server Configuration File Set
File Description
security/security-policies-jboss- security-policies-jboss-beans.xml
beans.xml security authorization related beans for ejb and
web authorization.
sqlexception-service.xml The sqlexception-service.xml file is an
MBean service descriptor for the handling of
vendor specific SQLExceptions.
transaction-jboss-beans.xml transaction-jboss-beans.xml JTA
transaction manager related beans.
transaction-service.xml transaction-service.xml
ClientUserTransaction proxy service
uuid-key-generator.sar The uuid-key-generator.sar service
provides a UUID-based key generation facility.
The "all" server configuration file set is located in the <JBoss_Home>/server/all directory. In
addition to the services in the "default" set, the all configuration contains several other services
in the conf/ directory as shown below.
File Description
cluster-service.xml This service configures clustering
communication for most clustered services in
deploy-hasingleton-service.xml This provides the HA singleton service,
allowing JBoss to manage services that must
be active on only one node of a cluster.
httpha-invoker.sar This service provides HTTP tunneling support
for clustered environments.
iiop-service.xml This provides IIOP invocation support.
juddi-service.sar This service provides UDDI lookup services.
snmp-adaptor.sar This is a JMX to SNMP adaptor. It allows for
the mapping of JMX notifications onto SNMP
Chapter 9. The JBoss Server -...
Finally, in the EJB3 "all" configuration there are two additional services.
For more information including setting up multiple JBoss server instances on one
machine and hosting multiple domains with JBoss, please refer to the Administration and
Start the Server With Alternate Configuration
On starting your server, your screen output should look like the following (accounting for
installation directory differences) and contain no error or exception messages:
JBOSS_HOME: /home/user/jboss-as-version/jboss-as
JAVA: java
CLASSPATH: /home/user/jboss-as-version/jboss-as/bin/run.jar
More options for the JBoss AS run script are discussed in Section 9.3.2, “Start the Server With
Alternate Configuration” below.
Note that there is no "Server Started" message shown at the console when the
server is started using the production profile, which is the default profile used
when no other is specified. This message may be observed in the server.log file
located in the server/production/log subdirectory.
Using run.sh without any arguments starts the server using the default server configuration file
set. To start with an alternate configuration file set, pass the name of the server configuration file
set [same as the name of the server configuration directory under JBOSS_DIST/jboss-as/server]
that you want to use, as the value to the -c command line option. For example, to start with the
minimal configuration file set you should specify:
Chapter 9. The JBoss Server -...
[bin]$ ./shutdown.sh -S
Running as a Service under Microsoft
-h, --help Show this help message (default)
-D<name>[=<value>] Set a system property
-- Stop processing options
-s, --server=<url> Specify the JNDI URL of the remote server
-n, --serverName=<url> Specify the JMX name of the ServerImpl
-a, --adapter=<name> Specify JNDI name of the MBeanServerConnection to use
-u, --user=<name> Specify the username for authentication
-p, --password=<name> Specify the password for authentication
-S, --shutdown Shutdown the server
-e, --exit=<code> Force the VM to exit with a status code
-H, --halt=<code> Force the VM to halt with a status code
Using the shutdown command requires a server configuration that contains the jmx-invoker-
service.xml service. Hence you cannot use the shutdown command with the minimal
You can configure the server to run as a service under Microsoft Windows, and configure it to
start automatically if desired.
Unzip the package and use the JBossInstall.bat file to install the JBoss service. You must
set the JAVA_HOME and JBOSS_HOME environment variables to point to the jdk and jboss-as
directories before running JBossInstall.bat. Run JBossInstall.bat with the following syntax:
Where <depends> is the name of any service that the JBoss AS server depends on, such as the
mysql database service.
Once the service is installed the server can be started by using the command net start JBoss,
and stopped with the command net stop JBoss.
Please refer to the documentation included in the JavaService package for further information.
Chapter 9. The JBoss Server -...
The JMX Console is the JBoss Management Console which provides a raw view of the JMX
MBeans which make up the server. They can provide a lot of information about the running server
and allow you to modify its configuration, start and stop components and so on.
For example, find the service=JNDIView link and click on it. This particular MBean provides a
service to allow you to view the structure of the JNDI namespaces within the server. Now find the
operation called list near the bottom of the MBean view page and click the invoke button. The
operation returns a view of the current names bound into the JNDI tree, which is very useful when
you start deploying your own applications and want to know why you can’t resolve a particular
EJB name.
Look at some of the other MBeans and their listed operations; try changing some of the
configuration attributes and see what happens. With a very few exceptions, none of the changes
made through the console are persistent. The original configuration will be reloaded when you
restart JBoss, so you can experiment freely without doing any permanent damage.
If you installed JBoss using the graphical installer, the JMX Console will prompt
you for a username and password before you can access it. If you installed using
other modes, you can still configure JMX Security manually. We will show you how
to secure your console in Section 9.6.4, “Security Service”.
Start JBoss if it isn’t already running and take a look at the server/production/deploy directory.
Remove the mail-service.xml file and watch the output from the server:
Basic Configuration Issues
Then replace the file and watch JBoss re-install the service:
Eventually this file will be dropped as the services are converted to microcontainer
beans or mbeans that are deployed as deploy directory services.
Note that because the mbeans definition had nested comments, we had to comment out the
mbean in two sections, leaving the original comment as it was.
Chapter 9. The JBoss Server -...
If you then restart JBoss, you will see that the JNDIView service no longer appears in the JMX
Management Console (JMX Console) listing. In practice, you should rarely, if ever, need to modify
this file, though there is nothing to stop you adding extra MBean entries in here if you want to.
The alternative is to use a separate file in the deploy directory, which allows your service to be
hot deployable.
Logging is controlled from a central conf/jboss-log4j.xml file. This file defines a set of
appenders specifying the log files, what categories of messages should go there, the message
format and the level of filtering. By default, JBoss produces output to both the console and a log
file (log/server.log).
There are 6 basic log levels used: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL. The logging
threshold on the console is INFO, which means that you will see informational messages, warning
messages and error messages on the console but not general debug messages. In contrast, there
is no threshold set for the server.log file, so all generated logging messages will be logged there.
If things are going wrong and there doesn’t seem to be any useful information in the console,
always check the server.log file to see if there are any debug messages which might help you
to track down the problem. However, be aware that just because the logging threshold allows
debug messages to be displayed, that doesn't mean that all of JBoss will produce detailed debug
information for the log file. You will also have to boost the logging limits set for individual categories.
Take the following category for example.
This limits the level of logging to INFO for all JBoss classes, apart from those which have more
specific overrides provided. If you were to change this to DEBUG, it would produce much more
detailed logging output.
As another example, let’s say you wanted to set the output from the container-managed
persistence engine to DEBUG level and to redirect it to a separate file, cmp.log, in order to analyze
the generated SQL commands. You would add the following code to the conf/jboss-log4j.xml
Security Service
<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %-5p [%c] %m%n"/>
<category name="org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp">
<priority value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="CMP"/>
This creates a new file appender and specifies that it should be used by the logger (or category)
for the package org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.
The file appender is set up to produce a new log file every day rather than producing a new
one every time you restart the server or writing to a single file indefinitely. The current log file is
cmp.log. Older files have the date they were written added to their filenames. Please note that
the log directory also contains HTTP request logs which are produced by the web container.
Almost every aspect of the JBoss server can be controlled through the JMX Console, so it is
important to make sure that, at the very least, the application is password protected. Otherwise,
any remote user could completely control your server. To protect it, we will add a security domain to
cover the application. This can be done in the jboss-web.xml file for the JMX Console, which can
be found in deploy/jmx-console.war/WEB-INF/ directory. Uncomment the security-domain
in that file, as shown below.
The Java Authentication and Authorization Service. JBoss uses JAAS to provide pluggable authentication modules. You
can use the ones that are provided or write your own if you have more specific requirements.
Chapter 9. The JBoss Server -...
This links the security domain to the web application, but it doesn't tell the web application what
security policy to enforce, what URLs are we trying to protect, and who is allowed to access them.
To configure this, go to the web.xml file in the same directory and uncomment the security-
constraint that is already there. This security constraint will require a valid user name and
password for a user in the JBossAdmin group.
A security constraint that restricts access to the HTML JMX console
to users with the role JBossAdmin. Edit the roles to what you want and
uncomment the WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml/security-domain element to enable
secured access to the HTML JMX console.
An example security config that only allows users with the
role JBossAdmin to access the HTML JMX console web application
That's great, but where do the user names and passwords come from? They come from the
jmx-console security domain we linked the application to. We have provided the configuration
for this in the conf/login-config.xml.
<application-policy name="jmx-console">
<login-module code="org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule"
<module-option name="usersProperties">
Additional Services
<module-option name="rolesProperties">
This configuration uses a simple file based security policy. The configuration files are found in the
conf/props directory of your server configuration. The usernames and passwords are stored in
the conf/props/jmx-console-users.properties file and take the form "username=password".
To assign a user to the JBossAdmin group add "username=JBossAdmin" to the jmx-console-
roles.properties file (additional roles on that username can be added comma separated). The
existing file creates an admin user with the password admin. For security, please either remove
the user or change the password to a stronger one.
JBoss will re-deploy the JMX Console whenever you update its web.xml. You can check the server
console to verify that JBoss has seen your changes. If you have configured everything correctly
and re-deployed the application, the next time you try to access the JMX Console, it will ask you
for a name and password.
The JMX Console isn't the only web based management interface to JBoss. There is also the Web
Console. Although it's a Java applet, the corresponding web application can be secured in the
same way as the JMX Console. The Web Console is in the file deploy/management/console-
mgr.sar/web-console.war.. The only difference is that the Web Console is provided as a simple
WAR file instead of using the exploded directory structure that the JMX Console did. The only real
difference between the two is that editing the files inside the WAR file is a bit more cumbersome.
Detailed information on all these services can be found in the JBoss Application Server:
Configuration Guide, which also provides comprehensive information on server internals and the
implementation of services such as JTA and the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA).
Since the username and password are session variables in the web browser you may need to restart your browser to
use the login dialog window.
Chapter 10.
The EJB3 plugin injects references to an EntityManager and @EJB references from one EJB
object to another. However this support is limited to the EJB3 MBean and the JAR files it manages.
Any JAR files which are loaded from a WAR (such as Servlets, JSF backing beans, and so forth)
do not undergo this processing. The Java 5 Enterprise Edition standard specifies that a Servlet
can reference a Session Bean through an @EJB annotated reference, this was not implemented
in JBoss Application Server 4.2.2.
Chapter 11.
Sample Applications
The JBoss Application Server, ships with various sample applications under JBOSS_HOME/docs/
For further details, please refer to the accompanying readme.txt for the respective sample
applications under the above directory.
Chapter 12.
• Entity objects - These objects represent the data model; the properties in the object are mapped
to column values in relational database tables.
• JSF web pages - The web interface used to capture input data and display result data. The data
fields on these web pages are mapped to the data model via the JSF Expression Language (EL).
• EJB3 Session Bean - This is where the functionality is implemented. We make use of a Stateless
Session Bean.
The 'Entity class' to 'Database Table' mapping information is specified using EJB3 Annotations in
the 'Todo' class. This eliminates the need for XML configuration and makes it a lot clearer. The
@Entity annotation defines the Todo class as an Entity Bean. The @Id and @GeneratedValue
annotations on the id property indicate that the id column is the primary key and that the server
automatically generates its value for each Todo object saved into the database.
public class Todo implements Serializable {
public Todo () {
title ="";
description ="";
Chapter 12. Sample JSF-EJB3 A...
@Id @GeneratedValue
public long getId() { return id;}
public void setId(long id) { this.id = id; }
• index.xhtml: This page displays two options: 1. Create New Todo 2. Show all Todos. When
you click on the Submit button the corresponding action is invoked.
<li><h:commandLink type="submit" value="Create New Todo" action="create"/></li>
<li><h:commandLink type="submit" value="Show All Todos" action="todos"/></li>
• create.xhtml: When you try to create a new task, this JSF page captures the input data. We use
the todoBean to back the form input text fields. The #{todoBean.todo.title} symbol refers to the
"title" property of the "todo" object in the "TodoBean" class. The #{todoBean.todo.description}
symbol refers to the "description" property of the "todo" object in the "TodoBean" class. The
#{todoBean.persist} symbol refers to the "persist" method in the "TodoBean" class. This method
creates the "Todo" instance with the input data (title and description) and persists the data.
<h:form id="create">
JSF Web Pages
<h:inputText id="title" value="#{todoBean.todo.title}" size="15">
<f:validateLength minimum="2"/>
<h:inputTextarea id="description" value="#{todoBean.todo.description}">
<f:validateLength minimum="2" maximum="250"/>
<h:commandButton type="submit" id="create" value="Create"
Figure 12.1, “The "Create Todo" web page ” shows the "Create Todo" web page with the input
fields mapped to the data model.
• todos.xhtml: This page displays the list of all "todos" created. There is also an option to choose
a "todo" item for 'edit' or 'delete'.
The list of all 'todos' is fetched by #{todoBean.todos} symbol referring to the 'getTodos()' property
in the 'TodoBean' class. The JSF dataTable iterates through the list and displays each Todo
object in a row. The 'Edit' option is available across each row. The #{todo.id} symbol represents
the "id" property of the "todo" object.
<h:dataTable value="#{todoBean.todos}" var="todo">
<f:facet name="header">Title</f:facet>
Chapter 12. Sample JSF-EJB3 A...
<f:facet name="header">Description</f:facet>
<a href="edit.faces?tid=#{todo.id}">Edit</a>
<h:commandButton action="create"
value="Create New Todo" type="submit"/>
Figure 12.2, “The "Show All Todos" web page ” shows the "Show All Todos" web page with the
data fields mapped to the data model.
• edit.xhtml: This page allows you to edit the "todo" item's 'title' and 'description' properties.
The #{todoBean.update} and #{todoBean.delete} symbols represent the "update" and "delete"
methods in the "TodoBean" class.
<h2>Edit #{todoBean.todo.title}</h2>
<h:form id="edit">
<input type="hidden" name="tid" value="#{todoBean.todo.id}"/>
<h:inputText id="title" value="#{todoBean.todo.title}" size="15">
<f:validateLength minimum="2"/>
<h:inputTextarea id="description" value="#{todoBean.todo.description}">
<f:validateLength minimum="2" maximum="250"/>
EJB3 Session Beans
<h:commandButton type="submit" id="update" value="Update"
<h:commandButton type="submit" id="delete" value="Delete"
Figure 12.3, “The "Edit Todo" web page ” shows the "Edit Todo" web page with the mapping
to the data model.
We will explore the two important source files associated with the Bean implementation in our
application: TodoDaoInt.java and TodoDao.java.
We define here the methods that need to be implemented by the bean implementation class.
Basically, the business methods that will be used in our application are defined here.
Chapter 12. Sample JSF-EJB3 A...
The @Stateless annotation marks the bean as a stateless session bean. In this class, we
need to access the Entity bean Todo defined earlier. For this we need an EntityManager. The
@PersistenceContext annotation tells the JBoss Server to inject an entity manager during
public class TodoDao implements TodoDaoInt {
private EntityManager em;
Configuration and Packaging
In Chapter 11, Sample Applications, we looked at the directory structure of the jsfejb3 sample
application. At the command line, go to the jsfejb3 directory. There you will see a build.xml file.
This is our Ant build script for compiling and packaging the archives. To build the application, you
need to first of all edit the build.xml file and edit the value of jboss-dist to reflect the location
where the JBoss Application Server is installed. Once you have done this, just type the command
ant and your output should look like this:
[mkdir] Created dir: /jboss/gettingstarted/jsfejb3/build/classes
[javac] Compiling 4 source files to
[javac] Note: /jboss/gettingstarted/jsfejb3/src/TodoDao.java uses
unchecked or unsafe operations.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[mkdir] Created dir: /jboss/gettingstarted/jsfejb3/build/jars
[war] Building war: /jboss/gettingstarted/jsfejb3/build/jars/app.war
[jar] Building jar: /jboss/gettingstarted/jsfejb3/build/jars/app.jar
[ear] Building ear:
Total time: 3 seconds
If you get the BUILD SUCCESSFUL message, you will find a newly created build directory with
2 sub-directories in it:
Chapter 12. Sample JSF-EJB3 A...
• app.war : web application which provides the front end to allow users to interact with the
business components (the EJBs). The web source (HTML, images etc.) contained in the
jsfejb3/view directory is added unmodified to this archive. The Ant task also adds the WEB-
INF directory that contains the files which aren’t meant to be directly accessed by a web
browser but are still part of the web application. These include the deployment descriptors
(web.xml) and extra jars required by the web application.
• jsfejb3.ear : The EAR file is the complete application, containing the EJB modules and the
web module. It also contains an additional descriptor, application.xml. It is also possible
to deploy EJBs and web application modules individually but the EAR provides a convenient
single unit.
Now that we have built the application, lets take a closer look at some of the important
Configuration files. We have built the final archive ready for deployment - jsfejb3.ear. The
contents of your EAR file should look like this:
|+ app.jar // contains the EJB code
|+ import.sql
|+ Todo.class
|+ TodoDao.class
|+ TodoDaoInt.class
|+ persistence.xml
|+ app.war // contains web UI
|+ index.html
|+ index.xhtml
|+ create.xhtml
|+ edit.xhtml
|+ todos.xhtml
|+ TodoBean.class
|+ style.css
|+ faces-config.xml
|+ navigation.xml
|+ web.xml
|+ META-INF // contains the descriptors
Configuration Files
|+ application.xml
|+ jboss-app.xml
• application.xml: This file lists the JAR files in the EAR (in our case app.jar) and tells the
JBoss server what files to look for and where. The root URL for the application is also specified
in this file as 'context-root'.
<display-name>Sample Todo</display-name>
• jboss-app.xml: Every EAR application should specify a unique string name for the class
loader. In our case, we use the application name 'jsfejb3' as the class loader name.
• app.jar: This contains EJB3 Session Bean and Entity Bean classes and the related
configuration files. In addition, the persistence.xml file configures the back-end data source
(in our case the default HSQL database) for the EntityManager.
<persistence-unit name="helloworld">
Chapter 12. Sample JSF-EJB3 A...
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect"/>
<property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="create-drop"/>
• app.war: This contains the Web UI files packaged according to the Web Application aRchive
(WAR) specification. It contains all the web pages and the required configuration files. The
web.xml file is an important file for all JAVA EE web applications. It is the web deployment
descriptor file. The faces-config.xml file is the configuration file for JSF. The navigation.xml
file contains the rules for JSF page navigation.
Deploying the Application
This will take you to the information for the Hypersonic service MBean. Scroll down to the bottom
of the page and click the invoke button for the startDatabaseManager() operation. This starts
up the HSQL Manager, a Java GUI application which you can use to manipulate the database
You should see something close to the following output from the server:
Chapter 12. Sample JSF-EJB3 A...
15:32:26,311 INFO [SchemaExport] Running hbm2ddl schema export
15:32:26,312 INFO [SchemaExport] exporting generated schema to database
15:32:26,314 INFO [SchemaExport] Executing import script: /import.sql
15:32:26,418 INFO [SchemaExport] schema export complete
15:32:26,454 INFO [NamingHelper] JNDI InitialContext
15:32:26,484 INFO [JmxKernelAbstraction] creating wrapper delegate for:
15:32:26,485 INFO [JmxKernelAbstraction] installing MBean:
jar=app.jar,name=TodoDao,service=EJB3 with dependencies:
15:32:26,513 INFO [JmxKernelAbstraction]
15:32:26,557 INFO [EJBContainer] STARTED EJB: TodoDao ejbName: TodoDao
15:32:26,596 INFO [EJB3Deployer] Deployed:
15:32:26,625 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jsfejb3,
15:32:26,914 INFO [EARDeployer] Started J2EE application:
If there are any errors or exceptions, make a note of the error message. Check that the EAR is
complete and inspect the WAR file and the EJB jar files to make sure they contain all the necessary
components (classes, descriptors etc.).
You can safely redeploy the application if it is already deployed. To undeploy it you just have to
remove the archive from the deploy directory. There’s no need to restart the server in either case.
If everything seems to have gone OK, then point your browser at the application URL.
You will be forwarded to the application main page. Figure 12.5, “Sample TODO” shows the
sample application in action.
Chapter 13.
Using Seam
JBoss Seam is a framework that provides the glue between the new EJB3 and JSF frameworks
that are part of the Java EE 5.0 standard. In fact, the name Seam refers to the seamless manner
in which it enables developers to use these two frameworks in an integrated manner. Seam
automates many of the common tasks, and makes extensive use of annotations to reduce the
amount of xml code that needs to be written. The overall effect is to significantly reduce the total
amount of coding that needs to be done.
If you are new to Seam, you can find more introductory information from the following url and book:
We have included two versions of the example application, one coded using EJB3 / JSF
without using Seam, and one using Seam, to demonstrate clearly the difference in application
development using the Seam framework.
public class Todo implements Serializable {
public Todo () {
title ="";
description ="";
@Id @GeneratedValue
public long getId() { return id;}
public void setId(long id) { this.id = id; }
public String getTitle() { return title; }
Chapter 13. Using Seam
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
The @Entity annotation defines the class as an EJB3 entity bean, and tells the container to map
the Todo class to a relational database table. Each property of the class will become a column in
the table. Each instance of the class will become a row in this table. Since we have not used the
@Table annotation, Seam's "configuration by exception" default will name the table after the class.
@Entity and @Table are both EJB3 annotations, and are not specific to Seam. It is possible
to use Seam completely with POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) without any EJB3-specific
annotations. However, EJB3 brings a lot of advantages to the table, including container managed
security, message-driven components, transaction and component level persistence context, and
@PersistenceContext injection, which we will encounter a little further on.
The @Name annotation is specific to Seam, and defines the string name for Seam to use to register
the Entity Bean. This will be the default name for the relational database table. Each component in
a Seam application must have a unique name. In the other components in the Seam framework,
such as JSF web pages and session beans, you can reference the managed Todo bean using
this name. If no instance of this class exists when it is referenced from another component, then
Seam will instantiate one.
The @Id annotation defines a primary key id field for the component. @GeneratedValue specifies
that the server will automatically generate this value for the component when it is saved to the
Seam provides support for model-based constraints defined using Hibernate Validator, although
Hibernate does not have to be the object persister used. The @NotNull annotation is a validation
constraint that requires this property to have a value before the component can be persisted into
the database. Using this annotation allows the validation to be enforced by the JSF code at the
view level, without having to specify the exact validation constraint in the JSF code.
At this point the only apparent difference between the Seam version and the EJB3/JSF version of
the app is the inclusion of the validator annotation @NotNull, and the @Name annotation. However,
while the EJB3/JSF version of this application requires a further TodoBean class to be manually
coded and managed in order to handle the interaction between the Todo class and the web
interface, when using Seam the Seam framework takes care of this work for us. We'll see how
this is done in practice as we examine the implementation of the user interface.
JSF Web Pages - index.xhtml and
13.2. JSF Web Pages - index.xhtml and create.xhtml
The index.xhtml file used is the same as in the EJB3/JSF example.
create.xhtml begins to reveal the difference that coding using the Seam framework makes.
<h:form id="create">
<f:facet name="beforeInvalidField">
<h:graphicImage styleClass="errorImg" value="error.png"/>
<f:facet name="afterInvalidField">
<s:message styleClass="errorMsg" />
<f:facet name="aroundInvalidField">
<s:div styleClass="error"/>
<h:inputText id="title" value="#{todo.title}" size="15"/>
<h:inputTextarea id="description" value="#{todo.description}"/>
Chapter 13. Using Seam
The first thing that is different here is the Java Server Facelet code at the beginning, which works
with the @NotNull validation constraint of our todo class to enforce and indicate invalid input to
the user.
Also notice here that rather than requiring the use of a TodoBean class as we did in the EJB3/JSF
example we back the form directly with a Todo entity bean. When this page is called, JSF asks
Seam to resolve the variable todo due to JSF EL references such as #{todo.title}. Since there
is no value already bound to that variable name, Seam will instantiate an entity bean of the todo
class and return it to JSF, after storing it in the Seam context. The Seam context replaces the
need for an intermediary bean.
The form input values are validated against the Hibernate Validator constraints specified in the
todo class. JSF will redisplay the page if the constraints are violated, or it will bind the form input
values to the Todo entity bean.
Entity beans shouldn't do database access or transaction management, so we can't use the Todo
entity bean as a JSF action listener. Instead, creation of a new todo item in the database is
accomplished by calling the persist method of a TodoDao session bean. When JSF requests
Seam to resolve the variable todoDao through the JSF EL expression #{todoDao.persist},
Seam will either instantiate an object if one does not already exist, or else pass the existing stateful
todoDao object from the Seam context. Seam will intercept the persist method call and inject
the todo entity from the session context.
Let's have a look at the TodoDao class (defined in TodoDao.java) to see how this injection
capability is implemented.
public class TodoDao implements TodoDaoInt {
@PersistenceContext (type=EXTENDED)
private EntityManager em;
Data Access using a Session Bean
private List <Todo> todos;
public void findTodos () {
todos = em.createQuery("select t from Todo t")
if (id != null) {
todo = (Todo) em.find(Todo.class, id);
} else {
todo = new Todo ();
@Remove @Destroy
public void destroy() {}
Chapter 13. Using Seam
First of all notice that this is a stateful session bean. Seam can use both stateful and stateless
session beans, the two most common types of EJB3 beans.
The @In and @Out annotations define an attribute that is injected by Seam. The attribute is injected
to this object or from this object to another via a Seam context variable named todo, a reference
to the Seam registered name of our Todo class defined in Todo.java.
The @PersistenceContext annotation injects the EJB3 Entity manager, allowing this object
to persist objects to the database. Because this is a stateful session bean and the
PersistenceContext type is set to EXTENDED, the same Entity Manager instance is used until the
Remove method of the session bean is called. The database to be used (a persistence-unit)
is defined in the file resources/META-INF/persistence.xml
Note that this session bean has simultaneous access to context associated with web request (the
form values of the todo object), and state held in transactional resources (the EntityManager).
This is a break from traditional J2EE architectures, but Seam does not force you to work this way.
You can use more traditional forms of application layering if you wish.
The @DataModel annotation initializes the todos property, which will be outjected or "exposed" to
the view. The @Factory annotated method performs the work of generating the todos list, and is
called by Seam if it attempts to access the exposed DataModel property and finds it to be null.
Notice the absence of property access methods for the todos property. Seam takes care of this
for you automatically.
Let's take a look at the JSF code that we use for displaying and editing the list of todos, to get an
idea of how to use these interfaces in practice.
JSF Web Pages - todos.xhtml and edit.xhtml
<a href="edit.seam?tid=#{todo.id}">Edit</a>
<h:commandButton action="create"
value="Create New Todo" type="submit"/>
When the JSF variable resolver encounters {#todos} and requests todos, Seam finds that there
is no "todos" component in the current scope, so it calls the @Factory("todos") method to make
one. The todos object is then outjected once the factory method is done since it is annotated with
the @DataModel annotation.
Constructing the view for the edit page is similarly straight forward:
<h:form id="edit">
<f:facet name="beforeInvalidField">
<h:graphicImage styleClass="errorImg" value="error.png"/>
<f:facet name="afterInvalidField">
<s:message styleClass="errorMsg" />
<f:facet name="aroundInvalidField">
<s:div styleClass="error"/>
<h:inputText id="title" value="#{todo.title}" size="15"/>
Chapter 13. Using Seam
<h:inputTextarea id="description" value="#{todo.description}"/>
Here we see the same factors in play. JSF validation code taking advantage of the validation
constraints defined in our Entity Bean, and the use of the todoDao Session Bean's update and
delete methods to update the database.
The call from todos.xhtml: edit.seam?tid=#{todo.id} causes Seam to create a todoDao and
set it's id property to tid. Setting its id property causes the todoDao to retrieve the appropriate
record from the database.
The functionality that allows the edit page to be called with a parameter in this way is implemented
through pages.xml. Let's have a look at the pages.xml file and how it is used by Seam
In the case of our sample application we are using it to define a Seam page parameter. The
pages.xml in this example contains the following code:
Further Information
<page view-id="/edit.xhtml">
<param name="tid" value="#{todoDao.id}"
This defines a parameter named tid for the edit.xhtml page. When the edit.xhtml page is
loaded, the HTTP GET request parameter tid is converted to a Long value and assigned to the
id property of the todoDao object. You can have as many page parameters as required to bind
HTTP GET request parameters to the back-end components in your application.
Chapter 14.
Having a database included with JBossAS is very convenient for running the server and examples
out-of-the-box. However, this database is not a production quality database and as such should
not be used with enterprise-class deployments. As a consequence of this JBoss Support does
not provide any official support for Hypersonic.
In this chapter we will explain in details how to configure and deploy a datasource to connect
JBossAS to the most popular database servers available on the market today.
Local transaction datasources are configured using the local-tx-datasource element and XA-
compliant ones using xa-tx-datasource. The example file generic-ds.xml shows how to use
both types and also some of the other elements that are available for things like connection pool
configuration. Examples of both local and XA configurations are available for Oracle, DB2 and
If you look at the example files firebird-ds.xml, facets-ds.xml and sap3-ds.xml, you’ll
notice that they have a completely different format, with the root element being connection-
factories rather than datasources. These use an alternative, more generic JCA configuration
syntax used with a pre-packaged JCA resource adapter. The syntax is not specific to datasource
configuration and is used, for example, in the jms-ds.xml file to configure the JMS resource
We would also highly recommend consulting the JCA wiki pages at http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/
Next, we’ll work through some step-by-step examples to illustrate what’s involved setting up a
datasource for a specific database.
Chapter 14. Using other Databases
To make the JDBC driver classes available to the JBoss Application Server, copy the archive
mysql-mysql-connector-java-5.1.5-bin.jar from the Connector/J distribution to the lib
directory in the default server configuration (assuming that is the server configuration you’re
Then create a text file in the deploy directory called mysql-ds.xml with the following datasource
The datasource is pointing at the database called test provided by default with MySQL 5.x.
Remember to update the connection url attributes as well as the combo username/password to
match your environment setup.
Using the test client described in Section 14.6, “Creating a JDBC client”, you may now verify the
proper installation of your datasource.
Configuring a datasource for Oracle DB
In this section, we'll connect the server to Oracle Database 10g Express Edition using the latest
JDBC driver (11g) available at http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/
To make the JDBC driver classes available to JBoss Application Server, copy the archive
ojdbc5.jar to the lib directory in the default server configuration (assuming that is the server
configuration you’re running).
Then create a text file in the deploy directory called oracle-ds.xml with the following datasource
descriptor :
The datasource is pointing at the database/SID called “xe” provided by default with Oracle XE.
Of course, you need to update the connection url attributes as well as the username/password
combination to match your environment setup.
Chapter 14. Using other Databases
SQL> connect;
Enter user-name: SYSTEM
Enter password:
SQL> begin
2 dbms_xdb.sethttpport('8090');
3 end;
4 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select dbms_xdb.gethttpport from dual;
The web server started by Oracle XE to provide http-based administration tools is now running
on port 8090. Start the JBossAS server instance as you would normally do. You are now ready to
use the test client described in Chapter 6.5 to verify the proper installation of your datasource.
Then create a text file in the deploy directory called mssql-ds.xml with the following datasource
descriptor :
Configuring JBoss Messaging Persistence
<check-valid-connection-sql>SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects</check-valid-connection-sql>
<type-mapping>MS SQLSERVER2000</type-mapping>
The datasource is pointing at a database “pubs” provided by default with MS SQL Server 2000.
Remember to update the connection url attributes as well as the username/password combination
to match your environment setup.
Using the test client described in Section 14.6, “Creating a JDBC client”, you may now verify the
proper installation of your datasource.
You can view the hsqldb-persistence-service.xml file in configurations based on the all or
default configurations:
<JBoss_Home>/server/all/deploy/messaging/hsqldb-persistence-service.xml and
Please note that the Hypersonic database is not recommended for production
environments due to its limited support for transaction isolation and its low reliability
under high load
Chapter 14. Using other Databases
<%@page contentType="text/html"
DataSource ds = null;
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement pr = null;
InitialContext ic;
try {
ic = new InitialContext();
ds = (DataSource)ic.lookup( "java:/DefaultDS" );
con = ds.getConnection();
pr = con.prepareStatement("SELECT USERID, PASSWD FROM JMS_USERS");
ResultSet rs = pr.executeQuery();
while (rs.next()) {
out.println("<br> " +rs.getString("USERID") + " | " +rs.getString("PASSWD"));
}catch(Exception e){
out.println("Exception thrown " +e);
if(con != null){
} %>
Open up a web browser and hit the url: http://localhost:8080/jdbcclient/client.jsp. A list of users
and password should show up as a result of the jdbc query:
Creating a JDBC client
dynsub | dynsub
guest | guest
j2ee | j2ee
john | needle
nobody | nobody
Appendix A.
Revision History
Revision 5.0.0 Jan 08 2007 SKittoli
Updated Content
Revision 5.0.0 Apr 07 2007 SKittoli
Merge Content
Revision 5.0.0.GA Dec 08 2008 SStark
Complete the
Appendix B. Further Information
Developers wanting to get familiar with software development and implementation in JBoss
Application Server can read: JBoss: A Developer's Notebook. (O'Reilly, 2005. Norman Richards,
Sam Griffith).
For more comprehensive JBoss documentation covering advanced JBoss topics, refer to the
manuals available online at http://www.jboss.org/jbossas/docs.
For general EJB instruction, with thorough JBoss coverage, see Enterprise JavaBeans, 4th
Edition. (O'Reilly, 2004. Richard Monson-Haeful, Bill Burke, Sacha Labourey)
To learn more about Hibernate, see Java Persistence With Hibernate. (Manning, 2007. Christian
Bauer, Gavin King)
For complete coverage of the JBoss Seam framework, we recommend JBoss Seam: Simplicity
And Power Beyond Java EE. (Prentice Hall, 2007. Michael Yuan, Thomas Heute).