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Estimation of Poisson's ratio along a fault zone from amplitude analyses of the two-
ship seismic reflection data in the Kumano oceanic basin

Tetsuro Tsuru1, Seiichi Miura1 and Jin-Oh Park2

1 Research Program for Data and Sample Analyses, Institute For Research on Earth Evolution (IFREE)
2 Research Program for Plate Dynamics, Institute For Research on Earth Evolution (IFREE)

1. Introduction were zero-phase wavelets (Fig. 2a), because the data contain both
Fault shear zones near the plate boundary are observed as source and receiver ghost-reflections from the sea surface.
reflection interfaces with negative polarity on seismic reflection Therefore, we identified the polarity by picking the maximum
profiles at many subduction zones [Shipley, et al., 1994; Tsuru, et amplitude positions of the isolated reflections within the zones.
al., 2002; Park, et al., 2002], however physical properties of Namely, if the maximum amplitude existed at a positive ampli-
which are not yet clarified. We established a method to evaluate tude position (blue color), the polarity was regarded as normal. If
the properties based on the two kinds of amplitude analyses using it was at a negative amplitude position (red color), the polarity
seismic reflection data: near-trace stacking followed by its cross- was reverse. Accordingly we identified that the reflections in
correlation and AVO (Amplitude Variation Offset) analysis of zones A and C have normal polarity whereas those in B and D
long-offset data. We report here the outline of the procedure and show negative polarity.
show the resulting spatial variation of Poisson’s ratio along a
splay fault [Tsuru et al., 2005], which was found at the Kumano 3.2 AVO modeling
oceanic basin [Park et al., 2002]. AVO modeling was conducted to examine Poisson’s ratio of
the fault zone. We used a Zoeppritz equation for P-to-P reflections
[Aki and Richards, 1980] to calculate amplitude variations.
2. Seismic reflection data used for the analyses Because there were no well log data available for the study area,
We used long-offset seismic data collected by a two-ship sur- we used representative velocity and density values for the model.
vey, which had been conducted using the COP (common offset For the upper layer (incident side of the interface), a P-wave value
profiling) technique [e.g., Buhl et al., 1985; Fliender and White, of 4.0 km/s was adopted from the previous seismic refraction
2003] at the Kumano oceanic basin in 2002 (Fig.1). The research [Nakanishi et al., 2002] and reflection [Park et al., 2002] surveys.
vessels (R/Vs) Kairei and Kaiyo of the Japan Agency for Marine- A P-wave velocity for the lower layer (transmitted side of the
Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) were used for the sur- interface) was calculated from the reflection coefficient of the tar-
vey. The data acquisition parameters are summarized in Table 1. get reflection, which was estimated from the amplitude ratio
between the seafloor reflection and the target reflection on the
near-offset stacking section as well as the reflection coefficient of
3. Amplitude analyses the seafloor. Here we assumed a constant Q value (Q=300 within
3.1 Identification of polarity 5-30 Hz) in calculating the reflection coefficient of the target
Identifying reflection polarity is essential in AVO analysis reflection. The reflection coefficient of seafloor was obtained
[Ostrander, 1984], because its misidentification directly causes a from the amplitude ratio between seafloor reflection and multiple
wrong categorization of AVO effects, leading to incorrect estima- [Warner, 1990]. A density value was given as a function of the P-
tion of the physical properties. There exist two problems in the wave velocity according to Nafe and Drake [1957].
identification for our two ship data. One is the ringing with larger For the S-wave velocity of the upper layer, we assumed two
offsets. The other is anxiety to the tuning effect, which is caused values of 2.14 and 1.63 km/s. These velocities correspond to
when the thickness of an objective layer is thinner than one fourth Poisson’s ratios of 0.30 and 0.40. The selected range in Poisson’s
of wave length of the reflections from the layer. For the former ratio is based on that estimated for rocks of the island arc crust in
problem, we used near-offset stacking records by using data of the western Nankai Trough by the seismic refraction study
offsets 0.5-1 km (Fig. 2c), in place of stacking records of offsets [Takahashi et al., 2002]. Under the above assumption, we tested
0-10 km (Fig. 2b). For the latter, we adopted a cross-correlation in several values for contrast in Poisson’s ratio between both sides of
order to minimize misidentification of the reflection polarity. the interface, because it is one of the main parameters that affect
Here we cross-correlated the seismic reflection records of the amplitude variation with offset [Shuey, 1985].
Figure 2c with those in Figure 2a, which includes reflections from Modeled amplitude variation with the angle of incidence was
the seafloor, at CDPs 3800-4600 where reflections from the splay compared with the observed amplitude values for the four zones
fault are observed. We applied a band-pass filter (5-30 Hz) to both (A, B, C, D), as shown in Figure 3. In the top figures, reflection
of the input datasets before the cross-correlation, in order to use coefficients of the reflections from the splay fault and modeled
only the common dominant frequency band. Figure 2d is the sec- AVO-response curves are indicated by dots and solid lines,
tion formed by the cross-correlation. As a result, the four zones A, respectively. In the bottom figures, parameters used in the model-
B, C, D in Figures 2c and 2d were chosen. In the polarity identifi- ing are described. For the normal polarity reflections (A and C),
cation, waveforms of our two ship data can be handled as if they the modeled curves for Poisson’s ratios 0.275 and 0.37 for A and


0.25 and 0.36 for C best correspond with the observed amplitude EPM 2,1-21, 2002.
variation if we assume Poisson’s ratios in the upper layer to be Ostrander, W.J., Plane-wave reflection coefficient foe gas sands at
0.30 and 0.40, respectively. These changes correspond to an 11% nonnormal angles of incidence, Geophys., 49, 1637-1648, 1984.
decrease of Poisson’s ratio on average. For the negative polarity Park, J.-O., T. Tsuru, S. Kodaira, P.R. Cummins and Y. Kaneda,
case, the modeled curves for Poisson’s ratios 0.34 and 0.445 for B Splay fault branching along the Nankai subduction zone, Science,
and 0.32 and 0.445 for D best correspond to the observations. 297, 1157-1160, 2002.
Although the value of 0.445 may be unrealistic because the depth Shipley, T.H., G.F. Moore, N.L. Bangs, J.C. Moore and P.L. Stoffa,
of the layer can be estimated to be 8-10 km, the value surely sug- Seismically inferred dilatancy distribution, northern Barbados
gests an increase in Poisson’s ratio. Therefore, in this case, these Ridge decollement, Geology, 22, 411-414, 1994.
changes correspond to an 11% increase on average. Thus the Shuey, R.T., A simplification of the Zoeppritz equations, Geophysics,
AVO modeling demonstrated contrasting spatial-variations in 50, 609-614, 1985.
Poisson’s ratio along the splay fault shear zone. Takahashi, N., S. Kodaira, A. Nakanishi, J-O. Park, S. Miura, T.
Tsuru, Y. Kaneda, K. Suyehiro and N. Hirata, T. Iwasaki, Seismic
structure of western end of the Nankai trough seismogenic zone, J.
4. Discussion Geophys. Res., 107, ESE2-1-19, 2002.
The present study suggests the possibility that fluid migration Tsuru, T., J.O. Park, S. Miura, S. Kodaira, Y. Kido and T. Hayashi,
along the fault shear zone is spatially inhomogeneous. This con- Along-arc structural variation of the plate boundary at the Japan
clusion is strongly supported by the observation of alternating Trench margin: Implication of interplate coupling, J. Geophys.
reflection polarities along the fault and by corresponding changes Res., 107, ESE 11,1-15, 2002.
of the contrasts in Poisson’s ratio. Where the reflection polarity is Tsuru, T., S. Miura, J.-O. Park, A. Ito, G. Fujie, Y. Kaneda, T. No, T.
positive and Poisson’s ratio decreases downward across the splay Katayama and J. Kasahara, Variation of physical properties
fault may represent regions outside the channel-like fluid migra- beneath a fault observed by a two-ship seismic survey off the
tion path suggested by Shipley et al. [1994]. The regions may be southwest Japan, J. Geophys. Res., 110, B05405, 2005.
accumulating seismic strain. Warner, M., Absolute reflection coefficient from deep seismic reflec-
tions, Tectonophysics, 173, 15-23, 1990.

5. Conclusions
We established a method to evaluate the physical properties
along the fault zones based on the amplitude analyses: near-trace
stacking followed by its cross-correlation and AVO analysis. The
former enabled us to understand that both normal and reverse
polarities exist along the splay fault shear zone at Kumano ocean
basin. The latter using long-offset seismic reflection data indicat-
ed the possibility that the Poisson’s ratio of the splay fault shear
zone change spatially. A varying distribution in reflection polarity
and Poisson’s ratio contrasts may signify that fluid migration is
localized in the fault shear zone.

Acknowledgements. Thanks are due to the captains, the seismic par-

ties and the crews of R/Vs Kairei and Kaiyo for their efforts in obtaining
seismic data in very difficult survey condition. This study was conduct-
ed by collaboration with the Research Program for Plate Dynamics.

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Methods, Volume I, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York,
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Nakanishi, A., N. Takahashi, J.O. Park, S. Miura, S. Kodaira, Y.
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c ean 000

O 00 34°

um CO
T ro
Na -4000

0 33°
0 50 100km

136° 137° 138° 139°

Figure 1. Study area and seismic survey lines.

Figure 2. An analysis on reflection polarity on COP1. An enlarged section of seafloor reflections is shown in the top figure (a).
The CDP stacked section (b) from 0-10 km offsets data are compared with a near-trace stack section (c) from 500-1000 m offsets
data. The bottom figure represents a cross-correlation between the seafloor reflections (a) and the near-trace stacked records (c).
Arrows show target reflections from the splay fault. The reflections have normal polarity in zones A and C, while negative polari-
ty in zones B and D.


0 5
: σ1=0.40
.4 .47
.40 =0 =0
=0 σ 2
σ 2
: σ2=0.30 σ 2 σ2=0.445
30 σ2=0.34
σ2 =0.4
σ 2=0.27
σ : σ1=0.40
2= σ σ2=0.37
35 2 =0 : σ1=0.30

ρ1=2410 kg/m3 ρ1=2410 kg/m3

θ θ Vp1=4.0 km/s θ θ Vp1=4.0 km/s
Vs1=2.14 (1.63) km/s Vs1=2.14 (1.63) km/s
Upper Layer σ1=0.30 (0.40) Upper Layer σ1=0.30 (0.40)
Lower Layer ρ2=2440 kg/m3,Vp2=4.18 km/s Lower Layer ρ2=2360 kg/m3, Vp2=3.67 km/s
Vs2=2.41-2.23 (2.01-1.70) km/s Vs2=1.96-1.50 (1.36-0.80) km/s
σ2=0.25-0.30 (0.35-0.40) σ2=0.30-0.40 (0.42-0.475)

(a) AVO response in Zone A (b) AVO response in Zone B

: σ1=0.40 0.48
σ 2=
: σ2=0.30 .37
σ 2=0 σ2=0.32
0.30 σ2=0.445
σ 2= 8
= 0.3 σ2 =0.27
σ2 .36 σ2 =0
=0 .40
σ .25
σ 2=0
σ 2 =0. : σ1=0.40
2 =0
.32 : σ2=0.30

ρ1=2410 kg/m3 ρ1=2410 kg/m3

θ θ Vp1=4.0 km/s θ θ Vp1=4.0 km/s
Vs1=2.14 (1.63) km/s Vs1=2.14 (1.63) km/s
Upper Layer σ1=0.30 (0.40) Upper Layer σ1=0.30 (0.40)

Lower Layer ρ2=2460 kg/m3, Vp2=4.35 km/s Lower Layer ρ2=2320 kg/m3, Vp2=3.41 km/s
Vs2=2.66-2.32 (2.24-1.91) km/s Vs2=1.91-1.55 (1.39-0.67) km/s
σ2=0.20-0.30 (0.32-0.38) σ2=0.27-0.37 (0.40-0.48)

(c) AVO response in Zone C (d) AVO response in Zone D

Figure 3. Observed amplitude changes and AVO modeling results for normal polarity reflections (Zones A and C) and
reverse polarity reflections (Zones B and D). The top figure on each zone shows observed reflection coefficient values (dots)
and AVO response curves (solid lines) by the modeling. The bottom figure on each zone represents physical properties used
for the modeling. We showed three kinds of AVO response curves, for uppermost case, lowermost case and most likely case in
Poisson’s ratio beneath the splay fault, under the assumption that Poisson’s ratio above the fault ranges from 0.30-0.40.

Table 1. Data acquisition parameters.

Line Name COP1 (NNW-SSE)

Shooting vessel Kaiyo
Receiving vessel Kairei
Total line length 325 km
Energy source Air gun, 200 liters (12000 cu. in.)
Shooting interval Constant time interval (see Table 3)
Receiver Digital streamer, 156-204 channels
Cable depth 20 m
Group interval 25 m
Offset length 100-20,000 m
Sampling interval 4 ms
Record length 20 s
CDP folds 100 (standard)

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