San Lorenzo Ruiz

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San Lorenzo Ruiz

Lorenzo Ruiz was born in Binondo, Manila between 1600 to 1610. His father was
Chinese and his mother was a native Tagalog.

During his youth he was an altar boy, sarcistan at the Binondo Church which serves the
Filipino-Chinese community. He was educated by the Dominican Fathers and was their
escribano (scribe) because of his skillful hand and unsurpassed penmanship.

It is most commonly believed that he left the Philippines in 1639 because the Spaniards
believed he had committed a crime against them.

He left his wife and three children on 10 June 1636 with the aid of the Dominican
Fathers led by Fr. Domingo Gonzales. He initially thought that they were bound for
China but he later learned that the Dominican Fathers were in fact on a mission to plant
the seeds of the Faith in Japan.

In Japan, Christians were persecuted and put to death as order by Tokugawa Yeyasu,
the reigning shogun. St. Lorenzo Ruiz together with his imprisoned companions were
captured and brought to Nagasaki around 10 July 1636. There they suffered incredible
torture as they were hung by their feet and submerged in water till they neared death
which brought some of St. Lorenzo's companions to recant their faith. Needles were
pressed in between their finger nails and skin and they were beaten unconscious.
These needles were then plucked like guitar strings. St. Lorenzo never lost his faith.

On 27 September 1637 he was taken with his companions to the "Mountain of Martyrs",
the place of execution. There he was hung upside down into a pit in what was called a
'horca y hoya'. This was the most painful way to die in those times and involved using
rocks to add weight to the person so that the person suffocates faster and is crushed
from their own and added weight. After two days, St. Lorenzo died. His body was
cremated and his ashes were thrown into the sea.

He was beatified by Pope John Paul II during the Papal visit to Manila on 18 February
1981, the first beatification outside of Vatican City. St. Lorenzo Ruiz was elevated to
sainthood and received canonization on 18 October 1987 by His Holiness Pope John
Paul II in Vatican City, Rome.

According to preserved records of his trials, when asked if he would renounce his Faith
in order that he may live, St. Lorenzo said in reply, "That I shall never do, because
I am a Christian and I shall die for God. I did not come to Japan to die as
a martyr but for Him I will give a thousands of lives if I had them. And so
do with me as you will please."

The miracle that led to his canonization took place when Cecilia Alegria Policarpio, a 2
year old girl suffering from a rare brain disease, brain atrophy (hydrocephalus), was
cured through the intercession of the family and supporters to Lorenzo Ruiz. This took
place in 1983. She was diagnosed shortly after her birth and was treated at Magsaysay
Medical Center. Primary Treating Physicians was Dr. Felicidad Sotto. I remember
reading a magazine article of the child's cure. She was shown holding a statuette of
then-Blessed Lorenzo. When asked what happened, she said that she was lying on her
sick bed, almost motionless from the pain of her brain disease when she noticed a light
coming from where here feet were. She noticed a man holding a rosary, looking
heavenward. The man did not speak and she did not know who he was. The vision did
not last long. The following morning she was already feeling well and was even sitting
on her bed. What she did not know was that her mother and friends prayed a novena to
Blessed Lorenzo and placed a picture of the Beato on her pillow.

Submitted by:
Jan Carlo T. Daodaoen

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