Mapeh 9

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Concepcion, Misamis Occidental
email address:

NAME OF STUDENT: _____________________________ PARENT’S SIGNATURE: _________________



I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The period when the Christian Church highly influenced culture and political affairs in Europe was the:
a. Medieval Period b. Renaissance Period c. Baroque Period d. all of the above
2. A through-composed vocal music composition written and expressed in a poetic text.
a. Troubador Music b. Mass c. Madrigal d. none of the above
3. There are five main sections of the Mass. Which of the following is the only section of Mass with Greek
a. Kyrie b. Gloria c. Agnus Dei d. Fugue
4. Baroque music is known for its grandiose and elaborate ornamentation. Which of the following Baroque
Music forms was developed through imitative counterpoint.
a. Concerto Grosso b. Fugue c. Oratorio d. Kyrie
5. Refers to the extended musical setting of sacred music.
a. Fugue b. Chorale c. Oratorio d. Kyrie
6. The period also known as the Middle Ages.
a. Medieval Period b. Renaissance Period c. Baroque Period d. Primitive Period
7. The following statements are characteristics of a Gregorian Chant, EXCEPT:
a. Plainsong b. Free in Tempo c. Used Neumes d. Polyphonic Texture
8. Popular music during the latter part of Medieval Period which is not bound by Catholic traditions.
a. Sacred Music b. Secular Music c. Instrumental Music d. Solo Music
9. Believed to have marked the renaissance music.
a. The use of Lute instrument. c. Start of secular music compositions
b. The birth of Gregorian Chants d. Establishment of Concertos
10. The event that paved the way for a wide distribution of Renaissance Period’s compositions.
a. The invention of printing
b. Martin Luther’s protestant reformation
c. The discovery of earth’s actual position in the solar system
d. The invention of compass that enhanced navigation
11. Refers to the primary form of Sacred vocal polyphony.
a. Motet b. Mass c. Madrigal d. Troubador
12. Most of mass music’s text were set to melismatic. Melismatic means __________________.
a. One note set to one syllable c. One note to many syllable
b. Few notes set to one syllable d. Many notes to one syllable
13. A Baroque music style developed mainly by imitative counterpoint.
a. Fugue b. Toccata c. Oratorio d. Chorale
14. Which statement is true about the Baroque Period?
a. Known for the simplicity of the musicians
b. Music compositions are accessible
c. Early composers favored homophonic texture
d. Melodies are less dynamic
15. A concerto referring to a presentation with full orchestra and a soloist.
a. Concerto Grosso b. Solo Concerto c. Basso Continu d. Tutti
16. It is a method of painting water-based pigments on a freshly applied plaster usually on wall surfaces.
a. Encaustic b. Fresco c. Acrylic d. Tropme-l’-oeil
17. It is a method of applying pigments mixed with beeswax and fixed with heat after its application.
a. Encaustic b. Fresco c. Acrylic d. Tropme-l’-oeil
18. It is an art process where you create an image using an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stones,
or other materials.
a. Stained glass b. collage c. mosaics d. Tropme-l’-oeil
19. It is a stone coffin, often inscribed or decorated with a sculpture.
a. Tomb b. megaliths c. pyramid d. sarcophagus
20. It is a colored glass used to form decorative or pictorial designs.
a. Encaustic b. mosaics c. stained glass d. collage
21. What system in sports is used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules?
a. Sports Officiating b. Sports Psychology c. Sports Science d. Sports Youth
22. In games which require the official to run continuously, what fitness component should the official
a. Balance b. Endurance c. Power d. Strength
23. For sports officials to have lean muscles, what type of food should they eat?
a. Carbohydrates b. Fats c. Iron d. Protein
24. Hydration is important in officiating especially in running continuously for long minutes. Sports officials
do not have the luxury of a time out. If they want to hydrate their body, what’s the best drink to take?
a. Energy Drinks b. Soft Drinks c. Sports Drink d. Water
25. What lifestyle-related disease will an official have if he/she continues to smoke and eat without
cholesterol-rich foods?
a. Cancer b. Diabetes c. Heart Disease d. Stroke
26. Sports officials mostly use their arms for signaling. What fitness component will be developed with this
regular movement?
a. Cardio Vascular Endurance c. Flexibility
b. Muscular Endurance d. Muscular Strength
27. Aside from improper eating habits, what habit also causes diabetes?
a. Genetics b. Jogging c. Environment d. Sedentary Lifestyle
28. Officiating has a high physical demand, especially in sports like basketball, soccer, and combative sports.
What should the referee do PRIOR to doing his/her officiating task?
a. Warm up c. Static Stretching
b. Dynamic Stretching d. Instantly proceed to officiating
29. In what way will our knowledge and skills in sports officiating skills help our community?
a. Save money during sports competition.
b. Train youth in sports related activities like as athletes and sports official.
c. Reduces the case of delinquent youth in the communities.
d. All of the above.
30. What is the BEST value that a sports official must process?
a. Fairness b. Punctuality c. Unjust d. All of the above
31. Which best describes Community health as an art and science?
a. Maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all members of the community through organized
and sustained community efforts.
b. Maintain and improving the health of all members of the community through organized and sustained
community efforts.
c. Protecting and improving the health of all members of the community through organized and
sustained community efforts.
d. Maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all members of the community.
32. Which does not describe a healthy community?
a. A clean and safe environment
b. An environment that meets everyone’s basic needs
c. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone
d. An environment that is fully aware of its daily opportunities
33. Primary health care is an approach launched by Department of Health, which is not part of the services
given by the PHC?
a. Provisions of free medicines c. Road Safety
b. Blood Pressure Screening d. Inspections of Food Establishments
34. Which service is given by Maternal Health Care unit in your community?
a. Control of Diarrheal Disease c. Tooth Extraction
b. Post-Natal d. Provisions on Free Medicine
35. Which best describes the value acquired having a healthy environment?
a. Less distance, less health care cost.
b. Active community involvement
c. More budget on health problems, increase supply of medicines
d. More community projects in the community development
36. Which of the following problem has a leading effect on the environmental destruction?
a. Social Erosion b. Oil Spill c. Illegal Mining d. Deforestation
37. What environmental problem reduces the ability to support biodiversity?
a. Soil Erosion b. Oil Spill c. Illegal Mining d. Deforestation
38. What environmental problem does this picture depict?
a. Water Pollution b. Deforestation c. Improper waste disposal d. Flashfloods
39. The following statements are the effects of Climate Change except one:
a. Kills trees if oil reaches the roots
b. Increased risk of drought, fire and floods
c. More health related illness and disease
d. Economic losses
40. Which of the following environmental problems is experienced worldwide?
a. Oil spill b. Deforestation c. Destruction of the ozone layer d. Flashfloods
41. Which is an old method of disposal through burning waste into ashes.
a. Landfills b. Incineration c. Recycling d. Dumps
42. Which basic method of Refuse Disposal is the next step after storage?
a. Burning b. Composting c. Collection d. Final Disposal
43. Which is a destructive change in the environment which harms health.
a. Pollution b. Climate Change c. Population d. Incineration
44. Which program of the Department of Health promotes community health?
a. Maternal Health c. Child Health Care
b. b. Primary Health Care d. Control of Communicable Diseases Control
45. why do we need to ensure community health in planning a community development?
a. To attain a luxury of life
b. To keep the safety of the community
c. To live in a clean, safe and comfortable home
d. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle
II. IDENTIFICATION. Directions: Identify what art period is being described. Choose the answer from the box.

Prehistoric Ancient Egypt Greek Classical Roman Classical Gothic

Byzantine Romanesque

46. Their paintings were found inside caves.

47. The emphasis of their arts depicts the importance of life after death.
48. Their sculptures show perfect human anatomy and proportions.
49. They developed a form of architecture based on Megaliths.
50. Temples were designed in one of the three architectural styles or orders.
51. In this period, emperors erected huge halls and arenas for public games, baths, and procession.
52. The architectural design in this era depicts pointed arches, high ceiling vaults, and stone vaulting.
53. The Court of Empress Theodora mosaic is an example of an artwork during this period.
54. Venus of Willendorf and Venus of Brassempouy is a sculpture that exist from this era.
55. The Last Judgment, Tymapnum of the West Portal, Cathedral of Saint-Lazare are examples of sculptures
from what era?

III. DRAWING. Draw an example of the Western Classical Art. (5 points)

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