Bahirji Naik Jahnavi July 2019 ISSUE 38-21-25
Bahirji Naik Jahnavi July 2019 ISSUE 38-21-25
Bahirji Naik Jahnavi July 2019 ISSUE 38-21-25
In Newworldencyclopedia, it is described as - Early Life Not much is known about the early
Ch. Shivaji’s conflicts with the Mughals, life of Bahirji but his expeditions and
which started from the year 1657, served as adventures as a spy in Ch. Shivaji’s army tell
one of the primary reasons for the hatred us of him great contributions in Shivaji’s
Empire. There is no concrete information
Assistant Professor & Head Dept of Sanskrit, available in the death of Bahirji. It was found
Deogiri College, Aurangabad
in Burhan, that he died while espousing
Bhopalgad. His tomb is now situated on
Khan very sharply and succeed a great war 4. Attack on Surat – Twice, Shivaji
against Adilshahi Saltanate. Maharaja attacked on Surat, Aurangazeb’s
financial capital and carried away much of
3. Attack on Shahista Khan- Bahirji its wealth. Mr. Sardesai remarked that, two
Naik was expert in detective work, he or three Banian merchants lost several
entered in Lal Mahal to bring all plans and millions, and the total loss was estimated at
information of Shahiste Khan. He brought 30 millions.15 An author reported the
total information of Khan, his body guards, openions of some historians that Inayat
his bedroom, his kitchen, entertainment Khan was the chief of the Surat city during
yard and so on. An author compared the the attack by Marathas. The city was
army forces of Shaista Khan and Ch. secured by 10,000 soldiers but Bahirji and
Shivaji and he stated that, Lal Mahal was his detectives reported to Maharaja that on
guarded by 1,00,000 soldiers and warriors. paper there were 10,000 soldiers. But
Ch. Shivaji Maharaja chose 300 Mavale to actually city was guarded by only 1,000
implement his world’s greatest commando soldiers. Inayat Khan made fraud of 9,000
operation against Shahiste Khan.12 In this soldiers salary for his personal expenses.16
operation, Ch. Shivaji Maharaja lost only 6
Mavale. He attacked on Khan and safely This information was very helpful to Ch.
discharged from the Lal Mahal. This Shivaji Maharaja to work out his Surat attack
operation was the remarkable example for plan. This historical loot was successful and a
commandos. mile stone in the victory of Ch. Shivaji
Maharaja and Bahirji too. Sri. Varnekar
mentioned in Sivarajyodayam- Suratdahanm
In Sivarajyodayam, references are found about chapter such as-
Shahista khan’s attack. Ch. Shivaji Maharaja भयू : स भू वा बत भारवाही कोषाि तकािDOवतां चचार।
had sent detectives to collect the information
िच6ेप च6:ु ]विचद धcु पी िनगढू कोषेषु िहरIमयेष।ु ।17
about Khan’s arm...........................................
It means that,before Surat loot, Shivaji
त$यामेव िनशीिथ यां चरा: कपटकोिवदा:। Maharaja sent Bahirji before one month to find
\रपु xािण िवYातंु स+ं चेc: िशवाYया।।13 out the secret places, the richest merchants in
Sri. Varnekar described here about the entry of Surat. Being Blind, Labor Beggar he searched
Bahrji’s detectives, who entered in Shahista secret ways in forests and mountains and
khan’s area to find out the situations in his returned to Raigad.
army. Conclusion-
In the same way, Sri From all above the discussion, it may
Umashankar Sharma Tripathi stated in his conclude that, Historians have different
“Kshatrapatimahakavyam” about the covert opinions on how Bahirji was linked to
operations by Bahirji in Khan’s army. Bahirji Swarajya. Whatever the differences, there is
and his team enterd in Afzal Khan’s army in no doubt that Bahirji was with Ch. Shivaji
the get up of actors and dancers for their Maharaja from the very early stage of
entertainment. They took the information Swarajya. The task of keeping ‘know’ Shivaji
about the food board, how many infantry, Maharaja in all the ways is clearly
cavalcade, elephants, guns and ammunition, demonstrated by his manipulation. The credit
people close to it and the soldeir’s habits. for the making of a visualization of Shivaji
अथ सप नबलं समवेि6तंु कलियतंु च रह$यमनोरथम्। Maharaja’s conceptualisation of the film
would definitely go to Bahirji Naik. By adding
िशवचराW\रता\रिबड<बना: सिवनयं िविवशु: िशिवरं िDष:।।14 sharp wisdom and timing to adventure, he has
played unmatched performance in the history
The credit for getting rid of Shivaji Maharaja of Maratha Empire From the time of
from Panhala like Bajiprabhu and Siva Kasid Mahabharata, the doctrine of the state
also goes to Bahirji as well. government has been highlighted, the
importance of the intelligence is highlighted.18
In Arthasastra, it is stated as the It was unquestionable that Bahirji Naik and his
commander’s arms and intelligence is the eyes detectives were the best monitors of that era.
and ears of the body of the state. It is the
principle that, eyes and ears are as sensible,
sharp as the state is secure.
Now, we know that, the References
Swarajya was calm, happy and secure state,
its credit goes to Bahirji Naik. Mr. Prashant “The Maratha Empire”, Culturalindia
Aher, a reporter of Maharashtra Times focused “The Maratha Empire”,
this risky job of detectives in his article. He Pandeya, Mahabharata, p270, p222 and p284
stated there as – “Whatever the laws of Pt. Joshi, Bharatiya Sanskriti Kosha, p403
“ Bahirji Naik”, Wikipedia
country cannot do in the framework of the 6
“ Bahirji Naik”, World Heritage Encyclopedia
laws of the country, the government of 7
Chapter 1, Shodhganga, p11 & p12
intelligence and intelligence is needed. For the 8
Kangale P., 1982, Kautilya Arthasastra, p30
sake of patriotism, this secret to fight enemies 9
Varnekar, 1972, Sivarajyodayam, p177
of the enemy is in the land of enemy nations. 10
Chapter 4, Shodhganga, p27
This work is not as risky as it is in non- Varnekar, 1972, Sivarajyodayam, p80-81
nations. But, to get the right information from Chapter 4, Shodhaganga, p28
the right places, the detectives must have it.19 14
Varnekar, Sivarajyodayam, p173
Intelligence, they are from Tripathi, Ksatrapatimahakavyam p200-201 &
any age but not have glamor. Because they do p230-231
Serdesai, The Grand Strategist, p341
not challenge the enemy by taking a bare 16
Chapter 4, Shodhganga, p29
sword in hand. Their prowess does not come 17
Varnekar, Sivarajyodayam, p177
in front of people, because they are not a 18
Pandeya, Mahabharata, p222
witness. The fighters fight in battle, but the 19
Mr. Aher P., “World of Goblins”, 16 April 2017
detectives also have to fight in peace. This 20
“Bahirji Naik”, Wikipedia
battle is mostly of patience and intellect. It is
easy to disguise, but it is difficult task to get Bibliography
started, so that we have to study it carefully.
Believe it is an eextraordinary personality that
Bahirji Naik is cconsidered to be thinking 1) Anonymous. “The Maratha Empire.”
a b o u t t h e a b o v e . Learn.culturalindia. March 15. 2019.
An author stated his openion
about the intelligence systems, their success empire.html
and anonymous works of the spies. He said
such as- “ The research that has been studied 2) Anonymous. “Maratha Empire”.
about the intelligence systems in the 21st Newworldencyclopedia. March 15. 2019.
century has been an important form of
intelligence and failure of the intelligence try/Maratha_Empire.
agencies. That formula means to remain
anonymous. As long as the detective remains
anonymous he succeeds”.20 Bahirji Naik was 3) Pt. Ramanarayandatta Pandeya. 1992.
also an unknown. But he remained unknown “Shanti Parva”. Chapter 83/51 and
because he was successful or could remain 89/15. Mahabharata, vol-5. Geetapress
anonymous so that the answer is no more than Grakhapur. 14 Edition. p270 and p284
historians or not. How old was the age of
technology and without the help of 4) Pt. Mahadevshastri Joshi. 2009. “Her”.
technology, how did the manipulation of “Baharatiya Sanskrirti Kosha”. vol-10.
information collected by analysis, analyses so Published by S. M. Hodarkar. Edition III.
accurately how to get geographical knowledge Pune. p403
and how to convey this information to the
desired person at the right time is a puzzle. It 5) Anonymous. “ Bahirji Naik”. Wikipedia.
is impossible to say that Bahirji Naik created March 11. 2019.
an updated ‘information technology’ system.