Choosing A Topic For Your Final Year Project

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Choosing a Topic for your Final Year Project

The first step is to select a teammate and pick a topic that you would enjoy working. Start thinking
about possible topics well before the project course begins. Consider ideas that sound interesting
because of a desire to know more about a subject, a desire to learn how to use a particular software
package, or a goal of working professionally in this area after graduation. Perhaps you would like to
investigate a research idea presented in one of your classes. Whatever the reason, the project topic
should be something that you and your teammates choose rather than something assigned to you. It
is much more enjoyable to put in time on a project if it is yours rather than someone else’s.
You can think of developing a system or application that is applicable in real life situation. For this you
can find a company, and develop a useful software for them. Chances are, you might be hired once you
finish your studies.
Start by reading technical books, professional articles, or interesting Web pages. Talk with faculty and
other professionals—perhaps people you are working with for Industrial Training. Your goal is to have
a well-defined problem statement ready for design as early as possible.
Tips for Perfect Final Year Project
For an effective project, it is advisable to carry out the following activities:

· Defining the objectives of the project.

· Acquiring background information about the problem and its possible solutions.

· Establishing the criteria by which your solution(s) to the problem will be judged.

· Determining by what process the work will be carried out.

· Planning the detailed phases of the project.

· Adopting one or more design methodologies.

· Analysing requirements.

· Using (or constructing) tools.

· Construction of one or more artefacts (hardware, software, document).

· Evaluating your solution to the problem.

· Reporting on your work.

Whatever the nature of the problem you set out to solve, the conclusion of your project should be
whether you solved it successfully or not.

Steps involved in doing a Mini / Final Year Project

You need to structure your work in order to meet the goals of your mini or final year project.

The below process could guide you through the various stages of the project, and at the same time help
you to achieve its purposes. The process involves the following steps:

(i) Developing your project proposal

(ii) Developing your problem description

(iii) Following the objectives

(iv) Presenting and analysing your data

(v) Drawing your conclusions and identifying future work if any

(vi) Presenting and defending your work orally

(vii) Preparing your final version of the report

The process has three checkpoints where the examiner or the supervisor performs a quality control.
These checkpoints come after steps (i), (ii) and (v). The first two checkpoints assess the quality of the
proposed project and the problem description. The third checkpoint is the last quality control before the
work is presented and defended. The reason for these early checkpoints is based on experience; a good
start is facilitated by a strong project proposal and problem description. If the project has a good
problem description with clearly defined goals, then the rest of the work becomes easier; it is easy to
keep focused. You may have heard the saying: knowing the problem well is like having half the solution.
This is very often true. Finally, after step (vii) there is a final examination where the examiner
recommends or decides the grade for your work.

How to prepare a project report for your final year project

You can follow the below order and content for preparing your final project report:

• Table of Contents

• Abstract

You begin your Final Report with a Abstract. Write this section last as it is here that you will step back
and give an overview of what has been achieved. In one page, certainly not more than two, list the
main features of your project, what problem you were solving and how you solved it.

• Introduction

How did the problem originally present itself to you in the first place, and how did it evolve over the
course of the project. Give a detailed summary of the problem as well as a review of the literature or
the market survey.

• The Solution

Describe your solution in detail. You may refer to the Appendix for detailed program code or other
technical materials, but some summary or overview diagrams of the solution should be placed in the
body of the report. This will help the reader get a sense for the overall structure of the solution.

• The Implementation Process/Results

Describe the process you went through to complete the project and compare what actually happened
with the goals you were trying to achieve. Highlight any major variations from your original plans.
Discuss the behavior of the finished program, and show some of its functionality.

• Conclusion

What has been accomplished and what are the major things that you learned from this project? What
work still needs to be done on the system and how can it be improved and/or enhanced? Do you have
any future plans for this software package?

• References

Include here all materials referenced within your report.

• Appendix

Some of the minute detail of the sections above can be relegated to the Appendix and referenced from
the body of the report. Include all relevant documentation, computer coding, screen shots, etc.

In summary, the Final Report should be written in the style of a finished and fully polished document
that you would be willing to show to either a prospective employer or the admissions officer of an PG

Problems faced in your final year project and ways to avoid

Your academic project would be a demanding, but an exciting learning experience. However, it is not
without problems which, if not identified and addressed, could seriously effect the final result and
ultimately reduce your marks. Here we mentioned some of these problems and how to avoid them.

The “Overachiever” Problem:

A common problem is selecting a topic that is far too ambitious for the allotted time. Remember that
you have only a few weeks to finish the design, development and testing of your project. Be careful not
to select a topic that is unrealistically large. This can lead to frustration as well as errors caused by
“cutting corners” and hurrying through the implementation. Discuss with your supervisor the scale of
what you are planning. If he or she thinks it may be too large, consider implementing the project in
stages, each complete in itself. When stage I is working move on to stage II. If you do not finish stage
II, however, you still have a functioning system.

The “Do It Tomorrow” Problem:

The project weeks alloted for completion sounds like a long time, but it goes by quickly. You need an
implementation schedule that allocates reasonable amounts of work throughout the entire semester.
Then you must stick to that schedule. Don’t be tempted to postpone work on the project because your
due date seems so far off. All that happens is that during the final few weeks you rush madly to get
something working, and project implemented in a rush rarely works correctly!

The “Sleeping Member” Problem:

In the ideal world, all team members have equal ability, equal interest in the problem, and work equally
hard. In the real world that may not happen. You may have one (or more) team members who do not
carry their share of the workload, not because of a lack of ability, but rather lack of interest or
motivation. This is a serious problem because, although part of your marks is based on each individual’s
effort, another part is based on successfully finishing the project. A non-contributing team member can
slow down or prevent completion of the work. If you have a teammate who is not doing his or her share
of the work, talk to them and stress the importance of everyone doing their job. If this does not solve
the problem then talk to your supervisor. Don’t let the failure of others prevent you from completing
the work and receiving good marks.

The “Poop Out At The End” Problem:

You have worked hard for many weeks to complete the project. You have spent many late nights and
chased down hundreds of bugs, but it is now working, so are you done? Absolutely not! The project
evaluation is not based only on the programs you develop but also on your written reports and oral
presentations. Even though you may be “burned out” from implementation, remember there is still
work to do. Don’t produce a poorly witten paper or give a poorly organized presentation. That will
negate much of your good work. Put in the time needed to prepare both a well written, high-quality final
report and a well organized, polished presentation. A good job on these last steps will insure that you
receive the marks that fairly represents the work you have done.

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