Common Green Sand Flaws: Defect Detective
Common Green Sand Flaws: Defect Detective
Common Green Sand Flaws: Defect Detective
clay and the amount of moisture tested many ways, two one of the Shrinkage
needed to make the mold. major casting quality tests used Shrinkage is a depression in the
• Consistent mulling, using the after the casting is made is visual cured metal due to uneven solidifica-
right sequence of raw materials, inspection. tion. A shrinkage cavity is a void left
and selecting the right tempera- Nine types of defects can be visu- in cast metals as a result of solidifica-
ture of the sand. ally identified on a casting: cracks, tion shrinkage and the progressive
• The cleanliness and condition of holes, rough surfaces, tear-up/drop, freezing of metal toward the center.
horizontal and vertical patterns, friable edges, excess parting spray, Excessive moisture (high com-
as well as core placement. missing components, loose sand pactability) in green sand molds can
result in mold wall movement. This
can cause dimensional variation and
an increased chance of shrink defects.
Elevated gas content in the metal can
magnify the size of the shrink.
Gas Porosity
The two types of gas porosity
defects are entrapped and soluble.
Entrapped Gas
When molten metal is poured
into the mold, it heats up the green
sand. If the sand is too moist, it
creates steam, causing air to become
entrapped in the mold. Metal cannot
displace air in the mold. Air can also
be a by-product of some sand addi-
tives when they are heated.
Without venting this entrapped air,
blowholes can be produced. Keeping the
sprue full while pouring helps to prevent
air from being trapped in the metal.
Soluble Gas
Gas-related defects can also be
caused by soluble gasses in metals.
• Aluminum alloys will dissolve
Fig. 1. Shown are nine common types of green sand defects.
• Cast iron alloys will dissolve will be expelled from the metal as it casting surface. Surface defects are
hydrogen and nitrogen. solidifies. During solidification, the purely cosmetic and typically do not
• Copper-based alloys will dissolve dissolved gases will precipitate into alter the properties of a casting.
hydrogen and oxygen. tiny bubbles of gas, forming pin- The hot metal also produces
• Steel alloys will dissolve hydrogen, holes in the casting. steam in the sand. When the steam
nitrogen, and oxygen. reaches the sand where the tempera-
The problem is molten metal Sand Expansion ture is less than the boiling point, it
can hold a greater amount of gas in Expansion defects originate, in will condense, making the sand wet
solution than solid metal can. This part, from the expansion of the sand and weaker.
means large amounts of gas that may grains when heated by the metal The three types of sand expan-
dissolve in the liquid metal during entering the mold. These defects can sion defects are rattails, buckles,
melting, pouring, and mold filling cause a positive or negative on the and scabs.