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Dialectic Analysis of Growing Up in Mudas

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Adriel Thadeus V.

Reyes M4
12 – Josefa Llanes Escoda CNF

Dialectic Analysis
“Growing Up in Muddas”

Lines/ Passage from the Paragraph no. & Page no. Your response,
text comments, questions,
analysis, or connections to
life experiences
“Once inside the movie Paragraph 5, page 2 The joys you get as a
house, they would wait youngling is truly
patiently for the dark and irreplaceable. I remember
for the magic images to when 3D movies were
appear on the screen.” trending, me and my family
would be astounded with
moving pictures coming out
of the screen. It was
magical when I was a child.

“…one day we ourselves Paragraph 6, page 2 It is painful to lose a loved

would be on one of the one. It’s a scarring pain that
boats and someone we puts a void in your spirit.
loved would be left behind, Losing my grandmother
never, never to see again.” when I was in 9th grade was
terrible. I knew that I loved
her, but I never told her
that. And one day, she was
just gone. I never knew I
was her favorite grandson,
now I’ll make her proud to
make it up to her.
“With these tunes the years Paragraph 7, page 3 Music from the olden days
moved headlong toward never fail to put a smile on
mid-‘60’s and Beatles- my face. Music nowadays
time” are good, but some are rare
to find a deeper meaning in
such a song. 80’s music are
my go-to playlist to pick up
my mood. Such bliss.
Adriel Thadeus V. Reyes M4
12 – Josefa Llanes Escoda CNF
“The sea was the best Paragraph 13, page 4 I was light skinned at a
playground.” young age. But when I first
learned how to swim, it was
hard to get me out of the
water. Remembering all
those trips to the beaches of
Boracay as a child. There, I
really became tan. It holds
a special place in my heart
as I always played with my
cousins (as I am an only
child). Making sand castles,
digging holes, collecting
seashells, etc. Since then,
going to a beach is
nostalgic for me. And I
understand how it feels to
have the sand and sea to be
your playground.
“The physical punishment Paragraph 24, page 6 I remember breaking the
rules as a playful child. My
being pinched hard on the
ears and the paternal grandmother
inner thigh…” would always punish us for
playing out in the street.
This is one of her tactics on
disciplining us. Back then,
this was terrifying. But
now, as I’ve grown, I only
look back and laugh at
these moments. Imagining
my past self getting
punished. I bet I was crying
and apologetic the whole
Adriel Thadeus V. Reyes M4
12 – Josefa Llanes Escoda CNF
“…but one fine day, like all Paragraph 31, page 8 There are a few things I
things rare and beautiful, it could relate this passage to.
had come to an end.” My previous relationship,
the loss of my grandmother,
our upcoming SHS
graduation, etc. But as I go
about my life, going
through the struggles…it all
must come to an end. Even
my favorite movie
franchise’s next movie is
the end (Avengers:
Endgame). Reflecting back
on the good, and the bad
things I’ve done is truly
wisdomful. It makes me
appreciate what I had, and
what I have now.
Your feelings, or responses to the text as a whole
This literary piece was truly nostalgic at its finest. It made me realize that if I hadn’t
done those things before, I never would’ve appreciated them now. To the author’s point
of view, life was hard yet beautiful. And to me, I agree. There will never be an easy way
to life. Only how the way you’ll live, is how you’ll truly know who you are. Life was
simpler back then. Where technology was still developing to what it is now. Back then,
people wrote letters, talked to each other, only used phones for emergencies. This piece
made me miss the times when I was a child. But now I’m a young adult. And when the
time is right, I’ll have my own kids someday. Then they’ll experience their own
memories to have.

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