Etap Validation Cases and Comparison Results: Load Flow
Etap Validation Cases and Comparison Results: Load Flow
Etap Validation Cases and Comparison Results: Load Flow
In accordance with OTI's Quality Assurance Program, all procedures and activities related to the quality of
ETAP software are subject to internal and external audits, including nuclear clients and ISO 9001:2000
certification assessments. Test cases are reviewed during the audit process.
Load Flow
Load Flow Comparison Case #1
Comparison of ETAP Load Flow Results against a Published Textbook Example
Short-Circuit ANSI Comparison Case #1
Comparison of Short-Circuit Results against Hand Calculations based on Application Engineering
Arc Flash
Arc Flash Comparison Case #1
Comparison of ETAP Arc Flash Results against hand calculated results based on IEEE Standards
Harmonic Analysis Comparison Case #1
Comparison of ETAP Harmonic Analysis Results Against IEEE Example
Transient Stability
Transient Stability Comparison Case #1
Comparison with Field Measurement Data for Generator Start-Up Condition
System Description
This is a six-bus system that is composed of lines, cables, transformers, generators and utility. The line
impedance and charging effects are considered. The schedule of generation and loading for each bus were taken
as described in Table 6.2 of the published example.
% % Diff % Diff % Diff
Mag. Ang. % Mag. Ang. Mag % Mag. Ang. Mag % Mag. Ang. Mag
1 105 0 105 0 0.00 105 0 0.00 105 0 0.00
2 110 -3.34 110 -3.3 0.00 110 -3.3 0.00 110 -3.3 0.00
3 100.08 -12.78 100.08 -12.8 0.00 100.08 -12.8 0.00 100.08 -12.8 0.00
4 92.98 -9.84 92.97 -9.8 0.01 92.97 -9.8 0.01 92.97 -9.8 0.01
5 91.98 -12.33 91.98 -12.3 0.00 91.98 -12.3 0.00 91.98 -12.3 0.00
6 91.92 -12.3 91.92 -12.2 0.00 91.92 -12.2 0.00 91.92 -12.2 0.00
Table 1: Bus Voltage Comparison for all three Load Flow methods against published results.
From To
% Diff %Diff % Diff %Diff % Diff %Diff
MW Mvar MW Mvar MW Mvar MW Mvar MW Mvar MW Mvar MW Mvar
1 4 50.907 25.339 50.91 25.34 -0.01 0.00 50.91 25.34 -0.01 0.00 50.91 25.34 -0.01 0.00
1 6 44.3 17.913 44.3 17.92 0.00 -0.04 44.3 17.92 0.00 -0.04 44.3 17.92 0.00 -0.04
2 3 17.183 -0.01 17.18 -0.01 0.02 0.00 17.18 -0.01 0.02 0.00 17.18 -0.01 0.02 0.00
2 5 32.832 18.446 32.82 18.45 0.04 -0.02 32.82 18.45 0.04 -0.02 32.82 18.45 0.04 -0.02
3 2 -15.419 2.582 -15.42 2.57 -0.01 0.46 -15.42 2.57 -0.01 0.46 -15.42 2.57 -0.01 0.46
3 4 -39.58 -15.57 -39.58 -15.57 0.00 -0.01 -39.58 -15.57 0.00 -0.01 -39.59 -15.57 -0.03 -0.01
4 1 -48.497 -17.15 -48.5 -17.15 -0.01 -0.02 -48.5 -17.15 -0.01 -0.02 -48.5 -17.15 -0.01 -0.02
4 6 8.916 -0.824 8.92 -0.83 -0.04 -0.73 8.92 -0.83 -0.04 -0.73 8.92 -0.83 -0.04 -0.73
Table 2: Power Flow Comparison for all three Load Flow methods against published results.
1. “Computer Aided Power System Operation and Analysis,” R.N Dhar, page 89.
2. ETAP Load Flow V&V Documents, Case Number TCS-LF-006.
System Description
This is a nine-bus system that is composed multiple machines including induction motors and synchronous
# # MW Mvar MW Mvar % Diff %Diff MW Mvar % Diff %Diff MW Mvar % Diff %Diff
MW Mvar MW Mvar MW Mvar
1 4 71.6 27 71.64 27.05 -0.1 -0.2 71.64 27.05 -0.1 -0.2 71.64 27.05 -0.1 -0.2
2 7 163 6.7 163 6.65 0.0 0.8 163 6.65 0.0 0.8 163 6.65 0.0 0.8
3 9 85 -10.9 85 -10.86 0.0 0.4 85 -10.9 0.0 0.4 85 -10.86 0.0 0.4
4 5 40.9 22.9 40.49 22.89 1.0 0.0 40.49 22.89 1.0 0.0 40.49 22.89 1.0 0.0
4 6 30.7 1.03 30.7 1.03 0.0 0.0 30.7 1.03 0.0 0.0 30.7 1.03 0.0 0.0
6 9 -59.5 -13.5 -59.46 -13.46 0.0 0.0 -59.46 -13.5 0.0 0.0 -59.46 -13.46 0.0 0.0
7 5 86.6 -8.4 86.62 -8.38 0.0 0.2 86.62 -8.38 0.0 0.2 86.62 -8.38 0.0 0.2
7 8 76.4 -0.8 76.38 -0.8 0.0 0.0 76.38 -0.8 0.0 0.0 76.38 -0.8 0.0 0.0
8 9 -24.1 -24.3 -24.1 -24.3 0.0 0.0 -24.1 -24.3 0.0 0.0 -24.1 -24.3 0.0 0.0
9 8 24.2 3.12 24.18 3.12 0.1 0.0 24.18 3.12 0.1 0.0 24.18 3.12 0.1 0.0
1. “Power System Control and Stability”, P.M. Anderson and A.A. Fouad, page 38.
2. ETAP Load Flow V&V Documents, Case Number TCS-LF-008.
System Description
This is a forty-four bus system that is composed of lines, cables, transformers, generators, and a utility
connection. The line impedance and charging effects are considered. The schedule of generation and loading for
each bus was taken as described in Figures 6-5 through 6-7 of the published example. Only the base load flow
case was compared in this test case.
System Description
Typical industrial system with 5 MVA transformers, reactors, cables and induction motors. The available
MVAsc rating of the utility is 250. X/R = 15. There is a lumped 19,900 HP of induction motor load at 2.4 kV
and 800 HP at 0.480 kV.
X/R (separate R&X networks) 4.106 4.100 0.1 5.578 5.600 0.4
Contribution from Bus 2 (kA) 22.526 22.526 0.0 17.272 17.271 0.0
1. “Short-Circuit Current Calculations for industrial and Commercial Power Systems,” General Electric,
Section III, Examples of AC Short-Circuit.
2. ETAP Short Circuit ANSI V&V Documents, Case Number TCS-SC-005.
System Description
This is a four-bus radial system that consists of a generator, transformer, transmission line, load transformer and
load. The fault is located at Bus C. The generator is rated as 25MVA, 10 kV and its Subtransient Reactance is
Comparison of Results
The following tables of comparison show the differences between ETAP Results and those published in Paul
Anderson’s book for an unbalanced LG fault. Please notice that the maximum deviation in the results is less
than 0.5%.
1. Faulted Power System Analysis” by Paul Anderson, 1973, pages 38-40.
2. ETAP Short Circuit ANSI V&V Documents, Case Number TCS-SC-105.
System Description
This is a 44 Bus system as modeled in ETAP. The system has a utility tie and in-plant generators.
Both the utility tie and the generators are in service and supplying power to the plant. The system
rotating-load is typical of a system operating near to full capacity. The system contains both induction
and synchronous motors. The utility is operating at 69 kV and the generators at 13.8 kV. Several
motors that are rated less than 50 HP are modeled as composite motors in ETAP. Medium size
machines (rated higher than 50 Hp) are modeled individually.
Table 8: Comparison of ETAP Interrupting Short-circuit results against published IEEE Std 399-1997
Section 7.7 Example results for a fault at Bus 10: EMERG.
1. IEEE Brown Book: IEEE Std. 399-1997, Section 7.7, page 187-205.
2. ETAP Short Circuit ANSI V&V Documents, Case Number TCS-SC-162.
System Description
This is 3-phase system operating at 50Hz. The Utility connection is operating at 380 kV. The utility connection
transformers are two 350 MVA (primary winding rating) with 350 MVA 120 kV secondary and 50 MVA 30 kV
tertiary windings. The system has two PowerStation units. One is operating at 21 kV and is rated for 150 MVA.
The second unit is operating at 10.5 kV and is rated for 100 MVA.
Bus I"K (kA) I"k %Diff Ip(b) (kA) Ip(b) %Diff Ip© Ip© %Diff Ib Ib %Diff Ik (kA) Ik %Diff
40.6447 40.6449 0.0 100.577 100.5783 0.0 100.568 100.576 0.0 40.645 40.64 -0.0 40.635 40.635 0.0
31.7831 31.7817 -0.0 80.8249 80.50905 -0.4 80.6079 80.6963 0.1 31.57 31.576 0.0 31.663 31.662 -0.0
19.673 19.6724 -0.0 45.8249 45.82378 -0.0 45.8111 45.9764 0.4 19.388 19.398 0.0 19.623 19.623 -0.0
16.2277 16.2273 -0.0 36.8041 36.80346 -0.0 36.8427 37.0397 0.5 16.017 16.015 -0.0 16.196 16.195 -0.0
33.1894 33.1873 -0.0 83.6266 83.62118 -0.0 83.4033 83.5906 0.2 32.795 32.807 0.0 32.997 32.995 -0.0
37.5629 37.5626 -0.0 99.191 99.19047 -0.0 98.1434 99.2752 1.1 34.028 34.166 0.4 34.356 34.356 -0.0
25.5895 25.5893 -0.0 59.094 59.09395 0.0 51.6899 51.8932 0.4 23.212 23.305 0.4 22.276 22.276 0.0
13.5778 13.5777 -0.0 36.9201 36.92002 0.0 36.9227 36.6847 -0.6 13.578 13.578 0.0 13.573 13.573 -0.0
Table 9: Comparison of ETAP 3-phase short-circuit IEC results against IEC Standard example for I”k, Ip and Ik.
Table 10: Comparison of ETAP unbalanced short-circuit IEC results against IEC Standard example for I”k and Ip.
1. IEC Standard 60909-4 2000, Example 4.
2. ETAP Short Circuit IEC V&V Documents, Case Number TCS-SCIEC-082.
Comparison of ETAP Arc Flash Results against hand calculated results based on
IEEE Standards
Comparison of ETAP Arc-Flash analysis results against hand calculated results based on the equations
listed in IEEE standard 1584 2002.
The calculations include both open air and enclosed equipment
The calculation results are within the specified range of validity of the IEEE 1584 Equations.
The hand calculated results were developed based on a program developed in Matlab version 6.5.0
Release 13.0.1
ETAP results and the Matlab hand calculated results have a percent difference less than 0.001% in all
System Description:
The Arc-Flash calculation in ETAP for different bus voltages and input parameters was entered into different
Buses in the program. Each bus had a different type of equipment as described in the IEEE standard. The
following types of equipment were described for each bus at different voltage levels.
Cable Bus
Open Air
1. IEEE standard 1584 2002 Pages 4-13
2. ETAP Short Circuit ANSI V&V Documents, Case Number TCS-SC-120
Verification of ETAP Arc Flash NFPA 70E results against Hand Calculations
System Description
The systems consist of multiple faulted buses that are configured to test all the situations that are
related to a 600 Volt system. Each faulted bus tests a different situation, which includes open-air
systems rated at 600 Volts, above or below. In all cases, the buses are energized by Power Grids.
The following is a sample of the MathCAD calculations for a fault at Bus2 based on ANSI short-circuit
Table 1: ETAP Arc-Flash NFPA 70E Results and Hand Calculated results
Table 2: Comparison of ETAP Arc-Flash results against Hand Calculated values based on Section
D.7 of NFPA 70E 2004.
1. Standard NFPA 70E 2004 Section D.7
2. ETAP Short Circuit ANSI V&V Documents, Case Number TCS-SC-157.
System Description
This is a 3-Phase system that consists of three induction motors. One of the induction motors at the 0.480 kV
bus is being started at t = 0 sec. The CKT model parameters are as shown on the Model page. The motor being
started is 50St100Ld-1.
Hand Calc's
Single2 Model:
MotorkV := 4
MotorMVA := 0.4408
ZB := ZB = 36.29764
MotorMVA R2LR := 0.0123Z
⋅ B R2LR = 0.44646
R1 := 0.0383Z
⋅ B R2FL := 0.0152Z
⋅ B R2FL = 0.55172
X1 := 0.1029Z
⋅ B
X2LR := 0.093⋅ ZB X2LR = 3.37568
Xm := 3.652⋅ ZB
X2FL := 0.1167Z
⋅ B X2FL = 4.23593
Find rated slip using trial and error until current (I1) is satisfied:
s rated := 0.0155022
Zeq := R1 + X1i + ⎛ 1 + 1 ⎞
⎜ Xmi R2 ⎟
Zeq = 32.61631+ 15.92816i
⎜ + X2⋅ i ⎟
⎝ s rated ⎠
MotorkV ⋅1000
I1 := I1 = 63.62373
Calculate the relationship (K) between Pout and Pag to compensate for rotational losses:
Kga := Kga = 1.01705
Pout rated
Single2 Model:
Benchmark ETAP % Diff
S (pu) t (s) P (kW) Q (kvar) P (kW) Q (kvar) P (%) Q (%)
0.899978 0.876 7.45864 1558.67 7.45861 1558.58 0.0 0.0
0.699989 2.362 32.1615 1605.76 32.1615 1605.66 0.0 0.0
0.689957 2.416 35.0731 1634.12 35.0731 1634.02 0.0 0.0
0.670009 2.517 41.2157 1684.88 41.2158 1684.78 0.0 0.0
0.62994 2.722 47.4067 1647.67 47.4068 1647.57 0.0 0.0
0.55019 3.237 58.7214 1542.35 58.7214 1542.26 0.0 0.0
0.250022 4.417 332.613 1749.12 332.525 1749 0.0 0.0
0.013967 10 336.174 179.364 336.174 179.312 0.0 0.0
Double1 Model:
Benchmark ETAP % Diff
S(pu) t (s) P (kW) Q (kvar) P (kW) Q (kvar) P (%) Q (%)
0.900043 1.369 5.59035 2332.06 5.59033 2332.38 0.0 0.0
0.749985 2.831 17.7119 2400.7 17.7119 2401.03 0.0 0.0
0.739948 2.911 18.7474 2405.82 18.7473 2406.15 0.0 0.0
0.720057 3.072 20.8734 2414.29 20.8734 2414.61 0.0 0.0
0.690032 3.331 23.6091 2389.87 23.6091 2390.19 0.0 0.0
0.619981 4.126 29.7549 2299.64 29.7549 2299.95 0.0 0.0
0.499961 5.21 73.4686 2829.61 73.4686 2829.61 0.0 0.0
0.249992 7.744 215.571 2794.31 215.571 2794.69 0.0 0.0
0.003514 10 344.09 168.2 344.09 168.321 0.0 0.1
Double2 Model:
Benchmark ETAP % Diff
S(pu) t (s) P (kW) Q (kvar) P (kW) Q (kvar) P (%) Q (%)
0.89999 1.364 5.5933 1072.45 5.5933 1072.48 0.0 0.0
0.749945 2.82 17.716 1136.02 17.716 1136.06 0.0 0.0
0.739993 2.899 18.7427 1141.19 18.7426 1141.23 0.0 0.0
0.720021 3.06 20.8773 1151.11 20.8773 1151.15 0.0 0.0
0.689995 3.318 23.6125 1149.11 23.6126 1149.14 0.0 0.0
0.620011 4.109 29.7526 1132.15 29.7526 1132.19 0.0 0.0
0.499838 4.515 408.839 3357.97 408.84 3358.07 0.0 0.0
0.249964 4.677 578.276 2995.05 578.275 2995.15 0.0 0.0
0.003522 10 344.084 164.803 344.084 164.83 0.0 0.0
Table 14: Comparison of ETAP Motor Starting Results with a Torque Control Starting Device against
Hand Calculations at various Motor Slip points.
Characteristic Model:
S (pu) t (s) V (%) I (%) PF (%) Q (kvar)
0.900083 0.838 72.2158 359.635 25.803 1557.5
0.689961 2.354 76.409 373.631 27.883 1609.15
0.67999 2.407 77.88 380.351 28.024 1636.17
0.599963 2.822 78.7452 380.733 29.146 1633.47
0.500036 3.645 72.5149 344.736 31.038 1480.61
0.013515 10 99.9902 144.196 82.498 359.303
S (pu) t (s) V (%) I (%) PF (%) Q (kvar)
0.900083 0.838 72.2145 359.664 25.79 1557.54
0.689961 2.354 76.4068 373.627 27.872 1609.03
0.67999 2.407 77.8787 380.353 28.012 1636.07
0.599963 2.822 78.7406 380.735 29.14 1633.38
0.500036 3.645 72.5145 344.72 31.03 1480.44
0.013515 10 100.008 144.195 82.49391 359.351
% Diff
S (pu) t (s) V (%) I (%) PF (%) Q (kvar)
0.900083 0.838 -0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.0
0.689961 2.354 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0
0.67999 2.407 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.599963 2.822 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.500036 3.645 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0
0.013515 10 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0
Table 16: Comparison of ETAP Motor Starting Results with a Torque Control Starting Device against
Hand Calculations at various Motor Slip points.
1. ETAP Motor Acceleration V&V Documents, Case Number TCS-MS-149.
System Description
This is 3-Phase system that consists of three induction motors. One of the induction motors at the 0.480 kV bus
is being started at t = 0 sec. The CKT model parameters are as shown on the Model page. The motor being
started is 50St100Ld-1.
Comparison of Results
The following plots show the similarity between motor acceleration results obtained using ETAP Motor
Acceleration and those obtained using ETAP Transient Stability. The TS model has been validated against hand
calculations and field measured results as shown in the TS Verification & Validation Test Cases published on
the ETAP Web site.
The compared plots are the Motor Current (Amps), Motor Electrical Power Demand (MW), Motor Reactive
Power Demand (Mvar) and the Motor Slip (%).
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Motor Current in TS and MS (Amps)
Current (TS)
Current (MS)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (sec)
Power (MW)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (sec)
Power (Mvar)
Mvar (TS)
0 2 4 6
Time (sec)
Slip (%)
Slip (%) TS
40 Slip (%) MS
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (sec)
1. ETAP Motor Acceleration V&V Documents, Case Number TCS-MS-083.
System Description
To model the unbalanced distribution thirteen-bus system found in the web site above, an equivalent system (as
shown in Figure 1) was designed in ETAP with the following conditions:
1. This case covers only the portion below Node 632 due to the same ETAP transformer tap for three
2. The portion above Node 632 is modeled using the internal impedances of the utility.
3. Cables are modeled using impedances.
4. The distributed load is modeled using two lumped loads at both line terminals.
5. The single phase load of constant current is modeled using an approximate lumped load.
¹ 632-671: Phase A: 474.6 + 4 = 478.6 ² 671 - 632 Phase A: 474.6 - 4.2 = 470.4
Phase B: 200.6 + 15.1 = 215.7 Phase B: 200.6 - 15.1 = 184.9
Phase C: 448.7+ 28.9 = 477.6 Phase C: 448.7 - 28.9 = 419.8
1. IEEE Distribution System Analysis Subcommittee for an IEEE 13-bus feeder system found on
2. ETAP Unbalanced Load Flow V&V Documents, Case Number TCS-ULF-002.
System Description
This is a large industrial plant system furnished at utility transmission voltage. The system is composed of
multiple transformers, induction motors, variable frequency drives (as harmonic sources) and utility.
Note: 1. The harmonic currents listed in Table 13.1 of IEEE Std. 519, for the Static Power Converter
(SPC) harmonic source have errors. The correct values used by ETAP are given below:
Harmonic PU Value Harmonic PU Value Harmonic PU Value
1 1 19 0.0027 37 0.01
5 0.0192 23 0.02 41 0.0009
7 0.0132 25 0.016 43 0.0008
11 0.073 29 0.00136 47 0.008
13 0.057 31 0.0012 49 0.007
17 0.0035 35 0.011
2. Errors results are given in absolute value due to small results values and insufficient number of digits.
3. ETAP gives branch harmonic currents in percentage of fundamental current.
4. The larger discrepancy in harmonic voltage values between the ETAP calculated and IEEE Std 519
values is due to insufficient number of digits in ETAP output. In the ETAP output, the harmonic
voltage components are reported to second digit after the decimal point.
1. IEEE Standard 519-1992 Example 13.1, page 89-92.
2. ETAP Harmonic Analysis V&V Documents, Case Number TCS-HA-001.
System Description
The studied hydro generation station shown in Figure 1 is a backup power source for a nuclear power
generation plant. Under emergency conditions, hydro generators of the station must be started as a black
start source to pick up the auxiliary loads of the nuclear generation plant. In this study, the generator is
dynamically modeled with ETAP IEEE Standard 2.1 type. The Exciter/AVR and Turbine/Governor are
modeled with ETAP built-in exciter STD1 type and governor HYDR type. The induction motors in the
system are dynamically molded with ETAP double-cage independent bars type. The system including
generator, motor, and network is flagged using frequency-dependent model.
13.2kV Keo#2
ACB 04
4kV B1TS
4kV B2TS
NO B1T-07 NO B2T-07
3TD-14 3TE-14 3TE-01
3TC-01 3TD-01 4kV 3TE
4kV 3TC 4kV 3TD
3TD-00 3TD-03 3TD-09 3TD-10 3TD-11 3TD-12 3TD-13 3TE-00 3TE-03 3TE-09 3TE-12
3TC-03 3TC-08 3TC-09 3TC-10 3TC-11 3TC-13
Simulation Events
The simulation events on the study are set up exactly the same as the site test procedures, which are as follows:
• Start generator, with the exciter running in field flushing mode and governor in start control mode, @
t = 0 second
• The voltage-per-hertz switch continuously checks the generator terminal V/Hz value
• Exciter will switch to AVR mode when it reaches 74% V/Hz
• The voltage relay checks the generator terminal voltage, if it reaches 76% V, it will trip to close the
main feeder circuit breakers
• A sequence loading will follow by starting-up motors and adding loads by closing individual circuit
In Figure 2, the measurement spikes at the start-up (up to 8 seconds) are noise related. The simulated result
at the more critical portion of the curve (generator speed above 50% of its rated value) has a very close
correlation with the field measurement data.
Similar to the speed response, the generator voltage response in Figure 3 from the simulation also closely
correlates the field measurement, in particular in the region more critical (voltage above 50% of its nominal
The generator current from the ETAP simulation and the field measurement in Figure 4 shows almost
identical results in the final settle down time and final values. The difference at the beginning (initial
transient in the generator current) may be due to an error with the measuring device, i.e., difficulty with
recording fast changing singles.
The comparison for generator electrical power response in Figure 5 shows close correlation for the major
parameters, including the peak of oscillation, settle down time, and final values. The difference in the initial
high-speed transient is probably due to the responding time of the measuring equipment.
The motor voltage response for motor LPSW-3B in Figure 6 from the simulation very closely agrees to the
measured data.
The motor current response for motor LPSW-3B in Figure 7 from the simulation also very closely agrees to
the measured current curve.
The motor electrical power response for motor LPSW-3B in Figure 8 from the simulation closely agrees to
the measured electrical power curve. In particular, the motor starting time (duration of the inrush time) and
the full load power both are identical between the simulation and the measurement.
Figures 9-11 show motor voltage, current, and electrical power comparison for motor HPI-3B. Simulation
results also very closely agree to the measured data.
Similar results and conclusions can be reached for another starting motor MDEFW-3B as seen in Figures
The results and conclusions for comparison of the accelerating motor RBS-3B in Figures 15-17 are the same
as for the other motors in the previous figures.
1. JJ Dai, Di Xiao, Farrokh Shokooh, Christopher Schaeffer, and Aldean Benge, “Emergency Generator
Start-Up Study of a Hydro Turbine Unit for a Nuclear Generation Facility,” IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications, Vol. 40, pp.1191-1199, September 2004.
• Comparison between ETAP Transient Stability Simulation Results and I.E.E. Japan (IEEJ) Electrical
Power System Standard Benchmark
• A 100 MW generator oscillation and stability with respect to a power grid
• Long transmission line network with large charging capacitance
• 3-phase fault in the middle of a transmission line
• ETAP built-in salient-pole subtransient synchronous machine model
• ETAP User-Defined Dynamic Model (UDM) for the IEEJ thermal and nuclear LPT-1 type
turbine/governor model
• ETAP User-Defined Dynamic Model (UDM) for the IEEJ LAT-1 type excitation/AVR model
• Very close correlation between ETAP results and the benchmark
• Accepted and published results by IEEJ
System Description
The system to be modeled is an IEEJ Electrical Power System Standard Model (reference: 2001 National
Convention Record I.E.E. Japan). This system includes a generator connected to a power system through
transmission lines, as shown in Figure 1. The generator is rated in 100 MW and modeled in ETAP as a
subtransient salient-pole type. IEEJ Thermal and Nuclear LPT-1 type Turbine/Governor model and IEEJ LAT-1
type Exciter/AVR model are used, and modeled using ETAP User-Defined Dynamic Model (UDM) module, as
shown in Figures 2 and 3.
Bus2 Bus3
T1 CB1 CB2
Gen1 Bus1 T2 Bus4 Utility
Rotor Angle
Active Power
As shown in the above figures, peak values, settle down time, final stable values, oscillation frequency, and
general response curve shapes are sufficiently equal between the two programs for the generator rotor angle,
active power, and terminal voltage. It is noted that the ETAP results show a slightly larger sub-oscillations than
IEEJ Y-Method during the settle down time for the rotor angle and active power. This is due to the generator-
damping coefficient used in the IEEJ Y-Method, which is not available and a typical value is used in the ETAP
As shown from the generator output response comparison curves, simulation results produced by Y-Method and
ETAP are sufficiently equal to each other.
2. IEEJ: Electrical Power System Standard Models, Technical Report No. 754, 1999.
3. ETAP Transient Stability V&V Documents, Test Case Number TCS-TS-238, 2005.
• Comparison between the ETAP Transient Stability simulation results and actual fault-recorder
measurements before and after a three-phase fault in an industrial system
• A post-fault system transient response simulation study for a real industrial power system
• Simulation of 3-phase fault, followed by fault isolation and then a generator trip
• System includes multiple voltage levels, a power grid connection, on-site generators, motors, and lumped
• ETAP built-in round-rotor subtransient synchronous machine model
• ETAP built-in IEEE ST type turbine/governor model
• ETAP User-Defined Dynamic Model (UDM) for client excitation/AVR model
• ETAP Transient Stability simulation results compared to the filed fault recorded instantaneous waveforms
including generator current and voltage, and a feeder fault current
System Description
The modeled system, shown in Figure 1, is an actual industrial power system located in Japan. This system has
four generators, five large pumps, and one utility connection. All other loads are modeled as lumped loads. In
this study, generators Gen-A, Gen-B, and Gen-C are out of service. Generator Gen-M is modeled in ETAP as a
round-rotor type with ETAP IEEE Standard ST type Turbine/Governor model. The Exciter/AVR model, shown
in Figure 2, was modeled with a User-Defined Dynamic Model (UDM).
T3 T2 T1
Z5 Z2 Z3
Bus2 Bus3 Bus4
Z4 CB3 CB2
Bus6 Bus5
LUMP2 LUMP4 52-1 VR1
Z10 Z12 Z11
Z1 CB5
Gen-A Gen-B Gen-C
Fig. 2. ETAP User-Defined Dynamic Model (UDM) for Client Exciter/AVR Model
Simulation Events
The simulation events in this study are set the same as the recorded events from the fault recorder, which are as
• 3-phase fault at Bus10 @ t = 0.12 second
• Open CB 52-2 @ t = 0.5 second
• Open CB 52-1 @ t = 0.92
As shown from the comparison plots, a very close agreement is clearly demonstrated between the ETAP
Transient Stability simulation results and the field measurements for the generator voltage and current, and the
feeder fault current.
1. ETAP Transient Stability V&V Documents, Case Number TCS-TS-295.
Case No. 4
9-Bus Multi-Machine System Benchmark
ETAP TS V&V Case Number TCS-TS-126
• Comparison between the ETAP Transient Stability simulation results and a 9-Bus
Multi-Machine System Benchmark (Power System Control and Stability by
Anderson and Fouad)
• Rotor angle stability study in a multi-machine transmission system
• 9-bus 3-machine benchmark system
• End of transmission line fault and fault isolation simulation
• Synchronous generator rotor angle post-fault response study
• ETAP built-in synchronous machine dynamic model
• ETAP built-in excitation/AVR model
• Comparison of generator relative and absolute rotor angle responses
• Nearly identical results in terms of the initial rotor angles, maximum rotor angles,
oscillation frequency, and the overall curves of the rotor angle swing
1. System Description
A 9-bus 3-machine system transient stability study is applied in this validation case.
The system is documented in Power System Control and Stability by Anderson and
Fouad. The system includes three generator and three large equivalent loads
connected in a meshed transmission network through transmission lines as shown in
Figure 1. The generators are dynamically modeled with the classical equivalent
Load C CB12
CB11 102.637 MVA
CB9 CB10
Bus 5 Bus 6
230 kV 230 kV
Load B
Load A
CB7 CB8 92.449 MVA
135.532 MVA
Bus 4
230 kV
Bus 1
16.5 kV
247.5 MW
2. Simulation Events
Simulation events for this system are set up as follows:
• 3-phase fault at the end of Line3 (near Bus7) @ t = 0
• Clear fault @ t = 0.083 second and open CB9 and CB11 @ t = 0.084
4. Conclusions
In this study, the ETAP Transient Stability generated simulation results for both the
generator relative and absolute angle response behaviors, including their initial
values, maximum values, oscillation frequencies, and overall shapes are all almost
identical to the benchmark results.
1. P.M. Anderson and A.A. Fouad, Power System Control and Stability, Vol. 1, The
Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA, 1977.
• Comparison of simulation results between the ETAP Transient Stability simulation results and PTI
PSS/E program
• Sequential motor dynamic acceleration study involving six motors
• An islanded system with no power grid support
• ETAP built-in salient-pole subtransient synchronous generator model
• ETAP built-in IEEE ST2 excitation/AVR model
• ETAP User-Defined Dynamic Model (UDM) for Woodward Diesel engine/governor model
• ETAP built-in double-cage induction machine model
• ETAP Transient Stability program simulation results compared to the PSS/E results
• Comparison includes generator real, reactive and mechanical power, exciter voltage, generator speed,
and induction motor terminal voltage and slip
• Nearly identical results from ETAP and PSS/E
System Description
The system includes a generator and a group of induction motors as shown in Figure 1. The diesel unit generator
is rated in 1.87 MW, and modeled in ETAP with Subtransient salient-pole type. Exciter/AVR is modeled with
ETAP built-in IEEE Standard ST2 type, and Turbine/Governor is modeled with ETAP User-Defined Dynamic
Model (UDM) Woodward Diesel type, shown in Figure 2. The induction motors ratings are ranged from 225 to
400 HP, and dynamically modeled with ETAP double-cage integrated bars type.
1.87 MW
0.48 kV 0.48 kV
Simulation Events
The simulation events on this system are scheduled to start-up one-by-one all six induction motors with 5
second intervals between each starting.
Simulation results for generator real and reactive power outputs and mechanical power input in Figures 3 and 4-
1 show a very close agreement between the two simulations in terms of their peak values, final values, rising
time, and overall response shapes. Note that the PSS/E results show a spike-like motor inrush in the generator
reactive power curve at the beginning of each motor acceleration, which are not present in the ETAP results. In
the ETAP simulation results, these motor inrush values are present for each individual motor reactive power
demand (Figure 4-2), but not for the generator since the overall demand on the generator includes the combined
effects of the starting motor inrush and the normal reactive power demand of all of the previously started
motors, which are running.
Figures 5 and 6 show a comparison for generator exciter voltage and speed responses. No significant difference
is noticed between the two simulation results. It is pointed out that the initial load flow condition is not stable in
the PSS/E simulation results.
The motor terminal voltage responses for all six accelerating motor buses display the same patterns and values
in both simulation, shown in Figures 7 and 8.
The motor slip response curve comparison in Figures 9 and 10 shows the motor acceleration time and final slips
for all six accelerating motors are almost identical. Note that the motor slip is defined here as (ωmtr - ωsys)/
ωsys, which is normally defined as (ωsys - ωmtr)/ ωsys.
1. ETAP Transient Stability V&V Documents, Test Case Number TCS-TS-181, 2005.