CS8494 Software Engineering

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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203




CS8494-Software Engineering

Regulation – 2017

Academic Year 2019 – 2020

Prepared by

Dr. S.Ravikumar, Assistant Professor (Sel.G)/IT

Ms. R.Thenmozhi, Assistant Professor (Sel.G)/IT

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.



Academic Year 2019-2020




Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Process, Perspective and Specialized Process Models –Introduction
to Agility-Agile process-Extreme programming-XP Process


Q.No. Question BT Level Competence

1 Define Software process. BTL1 Remembering

2 Illustrate the umbrella activities of a software process BTL3 Applying

Mention the characteristics of software contrasting it with

3 BTL2 Understanding
characteristics of hardware.
4 Define Business process Reengineering. BTL1 Remembering
If you have to develop a word processing software product,
5 what process model will you choose? Complete your answer BTL3 Applying
with justification.
Define software prototyping. What are the prototyping
6 BTL1 Remembering
approaches in software process?
Point out two deficiencies in waterfall model. Which process
7 BTL4 Analysing
model do you suggest to overcome each deficiency?
What led to the transition from product oriented development
BTL3 Applying
to process oriented development? Examine

9 Summarize the Drawbacks of RAD Model. BTL5 Evaluating

10 List the process maturity levels in SEIs CMM. BTL1 Remembering

11 List the Characteristics of a software BTL4 Analysing

Compare and contrast the relative advantages of object

12 BTL2 Understanding
oriented and function oriented approaches to software design.

13 Why crystal called a family of agile method? BTL4 Analysing

14 BTL1 Remembering
What is software Engineering?

15 State the difference between process and products BTL2 Understanding

What are the potential advantages of adhering to life cycle

16 BTL1 Remembering
models for software?
Collaborate the Agile modeling is more effective than
17 BTL6 Creating
traditional modeling.

18 What is spike solution in XP? BTL2 Understanding

Formulate the relationship between Work product, task, activity

and System
BTL6 Creating

20 ‘Software doesn’t wear out‘ Justify BTL5 Evaluating

Q.No. Question BT Level Competence
What is a process model? Describe the process model that you
1 would choose to manufacture a car. Explain by giving suitable BTL1 Remembering
i.Formulate and prepare the Software Engineering
2 Myths(7)
BTL6 Creating
ii.Generalize on Capability Maturity Model activities
and its level in detail.(6)
Discuss the following process models & write their Advantages
& Disadvantages
3 BTL2 Understanding
a. Spiral Model (7)
b. Rapid Application Development Model (6)
Describe the various phases of Software Development life cycle
4 BTL1 Remembering
and identify deliverables at each phase. (13)
i. Define Prototyping. Explain the types of prototyping. (7)
ii.Summarize the prototype paradigm in software BTL5 Evaluating
models. (6)
How ASD development model is used for building complex
BTL3 Applying
software and system. Explain in detail with adaptive cycles.(13)

i. Draw the layered architecture of software engineering (3)

ii. What are the merits and demerits of using formal methods for
7 BTL1 Remembering
developing a software? (3)
iii. Explain the CMMI model to assess the organization level(7)
i. List the principals of agile software development(7)
8 ii.Describe Agility for a software projects in your own BTL4 Analysing
Why does an iterative process make it easier to manage change?
9 Is every agile process is iterative? Is it possible to complete a BTL3 Applying
project in just one iteration and still be Agile.(13)
10 i.Define software engineering? Explain the concept of System
engineering and product engineering.(7)
BTL4 Analysing
ii. Compare and contrast software engineering with System
Which process model is best suited for risk management?
11. Discuss in detail with an example. Give the advantages and BTL2 Understanding
disadvantages of the model.(13)
i. Discuss the prototyping model. What is the effect of
designing a prototype on the overall cost of the software
12. project? (7) BTL2 Understanding
ii.Describe the type of situations where iterative enhancement
model might lead to difficulties. (6)

Describe the XP concepts of refactoring and pair

BTL1 Remembering
Explain about various life cycle models and justify which
14. BTL4 Analyzing
process model is more suitable for software development.(13)

Compare the following lifecycle models based on their
distinguishing factors, strengths and weaknesses-waterfall
1 model, RAD model, SPIRAL models and formal methods BTL5 Evaluating
model.(Present in the form of table only-use diagrams
wherever necessary)(15)
List out various umbrella activities which support software
development process and discuss about their necessity in
2 BTL5 Evaluating
maintaining the quality in both software process and product
that is being developed for railway reservation system(15)
Assume that you are the technical manager of a software
development organization. A client approached you for a
software solution. The problems stated by the client have
3 uncertainties which lead to lose if it is not planned and BTL4 Analysing
solved. What software development model you will suggest
for this project? Justify. Explain that model with a neat
sketch along with the pros and cons.(15)
Explain in detail about agile process development model with
4 example.(15) BTL4 Analysing


Software Requirements: Functional and Non-Functional, User requirements, System requirements,

Software Requirements Document – Requirement Engineering Process: Feasibility Studies, Requirements
elicitation and analysis, requirements validation, requirements management-Classical Analysis :
Structured system Analysis, Petri Nets-Data Dictionary.
Q.No. Question BT Level Competence

1 Discover the need of requirement engineering. BTL3 Applying

2 Predict the meaning of feasibility analysis. BTL2 Understanding

Draw a use case diagram for an online shopping which

should provide provisions for registering, authenticating the
3 BTL6 Creating
customers and also for online payment through any payment
gateway like paypal.

4 Conclude on the need of Requirement management. BTL5 Evaluating

Identify the following as functional/ non-functional

requirements for a banking system
(a) Verifying bank balance.
5 (b) Withdrawing money from bank. BTL1 Remembering
(c) Completion of transactions in less than one second.
(d) Extending the system by providing more tellers for

6 Write a brief note on Petri Nets. BTL1 Remembering

7 Analyze the Requirements Engineering Process Functions. BTL4 Analysing

Examine the terms inception, elicitation, and elaboration with

8 BTL3 Applying
reference to requirements.

9 Point out the difficulties in Elicitations. BTL4 Analysing

10 Summarize the characteristics of good SRS. BTL2 Understanding

11 An SRS is traceable. Comment. BTL5 Evaluating

12 Define Quality Function Deployment (QFD). BTL1 Remembering

Examine the advantage of using traceability tables in the

13 BTL3 Applying
requirement management phase.

14 What is the purpose of a data dictionary? BTL1 Remembering

15 Point out the linkages between data flow and E-R Diagram BTL4 Analysing

16 What are the types of prototypes? BTL1 Remembering

17 Identify the Objectives of Requirement Analysis. BTL1 Remembering

18 Interpret the usage of ERD. BTL2 Understanding

19 Give examples for functional & nonfunctional requirements. BTL2 Understanding

20 Formulate the content of the data object in a data dictionary. BTL6 Creating


Q.No. Question BT Level Competence

What is requirements engineering? Explain in detail the

1 BTL1 Remembering
various processes in requirements engineering.(13)
Describe about the following requirement engineering
i. Inception (1)
ii. Elicitation(2)
2 iii. Elaboration (2) BTL2 Understanding
iv. Negotiation(2)
v. Specification(2)
vi. Validation(2)
vii. Requirement’s Management(2)
Describe the functional and behavioral models for software
3 BTL2 Understanding
requirement process. (13)

i. What is feasibility study? How it helps in requirement

engineering process?(3)
ii.How will you classify the requirement types for a project?
4 BTL1 Remembering
Give example. (3)
iii.List the stake holders and all types of requirement for an
online train reservation system. (7)

i.Explain about functional and non functional

5 BTL5 Evaluating
ii. Explain the metrics used for specifying non-functional
Identify the difference between SRS document and design
6 document. Examine the contents that should be present in the BTL1 Remembering
SRS document and design document. (13)
i. Explain the template of IEEE standard software
requirements document(7) Analysing
7 BTL4
ii. What is the need for feasibility study? How are the
requirements are validated?(6)
Draw usecase & data flow diagrams for a “restaurant
system”. The activities of the Restaurant system are listed
below. Receive the customer food orders, Produce the
8 customer ordered foods, Serve the customer with their BTL3 Applying
ordered foods, collect payment from customers, store
customer payment details, order raw materials for food
products, pay for raw materials & pay for labor.(13)
Consider a simple “Online Vehicle Purchase System”. Apply
9 scenario based modeling and develop the appropriate BTL3 Applying
diagrams for it.(13)
Generalize in detail the requirement Engineering process.
10 What is the major distinction between user requirements & BTL6 Creating
system requirements.(13)
i.Explain the organization of SRS and highlight the
importance of each subsection (7) Analysing
11 BTL4
ii. Requirements analysis is unquestionably the most
communication intensive step in the software engineering
process. Why the communication path does frequently breaks
down? Analyze and give your answer .(6)
i. Describe about user and system requirements (3)
12 ii. Describe the requirements change management process in BTL1 Remembering
detail. (10)
What is requirements elicitation? Briefly describe the various
activities performed in requirements elicitation phase with an
13. BTL2 Understanding
example of a watch system that facilitates to set time and
alarm. (13)
What is the purpose of data flow diagrams? What are the
notations used for the same. Explain by constructing a Analysing
14. BTL4
context flow diagram level-0 DFD and level-1 DFD for a
library management system.(13)


Discuss various steps in requirements engineering process?

What are the different requirements elicitation techniques? Evaluating
1 BTL5
Explain how clearly these elicitation techniques capture the
clients requirements.(15)
An independent truck company wants to track and record its
drivers driving habits. For this purpose the company has
rented 800 phone numbers and has printed the numbers on
the front, back and sides of all trucks owned by the company.
Next to the 800 numbers a message is written “PLEASE
CALLINGTHIS NUMBER”. The hacking company waits for
you to develop a system that : Evaluating
2 BTL5
(i) Collects information from caller about the driver
performance and behavior as well as truck condition,
(ii) Generates daily and monthly reports for each driver and
truck management.
(iii) Reports problems that require immediate action to an on-
duty manager. Analyse and explain the problem statement
and list major functions to be incorporated with the SRS
Consider an online book stores. It accepts individual/bulk
orders, process payments, triggers delivery of the books.
Some of the major features of the system include:
 Order books.
 Use friendly online shopping cart function.
 Create, view Modify and delete books to be sold.
 To store inventory and sales information in database.
 To provide an efficient inventory system’.
 Register for book payment options.
3 BTL6 Creating
 Request book delivery.
 Add a wish list.
 Place request for books not available.
 To be able to print invoices to members and print a
set of summary reports.
 Internet access.
 Analyze the system using the context diagram and
level 1 DFD for the system. Explain the components
of DFD.(15)

Consider the process of ordering a pizza over the phone.

Draw the use case diagram and also sketch the activity
diagram representing each step of the process from the
moment you pick up the phone to the point where you start
4 eating the pizza. Include activities that others need to BTL6 Creating
perform. Add exception handling to the activity diagram you
developed. Consider at least two exceptions(e.g. delivery
person wrote down wrong address, deliver person bring
wrong pizza.(15)


Design process – Design Concepts–Design Model– Design Heuristic – Architectural Design –
Architectural styles, Architectural Design, Architectural Mapping using Data Flow- User Interface
Design: Interface analysis, Interface Design – Component level Design: Designing Class based
components, traditional Components.

Q.No. Question BT Level Competence

1 Point out the principles of good design. BTL4 Analysing

2 Define data abstraction. BTL1 Remembering

3 Give the need for architectural mapping using data flow? BTL2 Understanding

Develop CRC model index card for a class “Account” used in

4 BTL6 Creating
a banking application.

5 Examine the need of internal and external design. BTL3 Applying

Demonstrate how to apply modularization criteria for

6 BTL3 Applying
monolithic software.

7 Give the meaning of design quality attribute “FURPS”. BTL2 Understanding

8 Draw the zero level data flow diagram of an ATM system BTL6 Creating

9 When is transaction mapping applied? BTL1 Remembering

Differentiate the notion of software architecture and design

10 BTL4 Analysing
Is cyclomatic complexity measure a good indicator of system
11 BTL5 Evaluating
design? Justify.

12 Distinguish between fan in and fan out. BTL2 Understanding

13 Express the qualitative criteria for measuring independence. BTL2 Understanding

If a module has logical cohesion, what kind of coupling is this

14 BTL3 Applying
module likely to have? Illustrate.

Mention the design quality model proposed by Hewlett

15 BTL1 Remembering

16 Rank the various types of coupling. BTL5 Evaluating

17 List down the steps to be followed for user Interface design. BTL1 Remembering

Tabulate the benefits of horizontal and vertical partitioning.

18 BTL1 Remembering
Which architectural styles are preferred for the following
systems? Analyze and give your answer.
19 (a) Networking BTL4 Analysing
(b) Web based systems
(c) Banking system
What UI design patterns are used for the following?
(a) Page layout
20 (b) Tables BTL1 Remembering
(c) Navigation through menus and web pages
(d) Shopping cart


Q.No. Question BT Level Competence

Explain the fundamental software design concepts Explain

1 various modularity and control system commonly used on BTL5 Evaluating
any organizational module.(13)
Describe the design principles in detail. (7)
2 What are the advantages of modular design? State the design
BTL1 Remembering
heuristics for effective modularity. (6)
What are the good characteristics of good design? Discuss
3 how structural partitioning can help to make software more BTL2 Understanding
Explain data modeling? Draw the ER diagram for Library
4 Management System, Student Management System and
BTL3 Applying
Hospital management system.(13)
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board(TNEB) would like to automate
its billing process. Customers apply for a connection
(domestic/commercial).EB staff take readings and update the
system. Each customer is required to pay charges by-monthly
according to the rates set for the type of connection.
5 Customers can choose to pay either by cash/card. A bill is
generated on payment. Monthly reports are provided to EB BTL6 Creating
Manager. Design the following
i. Give a name for the system (2)
ii. Draw the Level – 0 DFD(Context Flow
diagram) (5)
iii. Draw the Level- 1 DFD(6)

Explain the steps involved in conducting component level

design .When it is applied for object oriented system. (13) BTL3 Applying
What is transform mapping? Describe the design steps of the
transform mapping and transaction mapping.(13) BTL1 Remembering
What are the characteristics of a good user interface design?
8 Describe how UID may be developed for a data acquisition
system.(13) BTL2 Understanding
Describe the core activities involved in user interface design
process with necessary block diagram.(13) BTL1 Remembering
What is cohesion? How is it related to coupling? Discuss in
10 detail different types of cohesion and coupling with suitable
BTL4 Analysing
Describe the following in a very short manner.
i. Design Heuristics (3)
11 ii. User-interface design (3)
BTL1 Remembering
iii. Component level design (3)
iv. Data/Class design (4)
i.What is modularity? State its importance and describe
coupling and cohesion (7)
ii.Discuss the difference between Object Oriented and
BTL2 Understanding
Function Oriented Design (6)
What is Structured design? Explain the structured design
process from DFD to structured chart with a case study.(13) BTL4 Analysing
What is software architecture? Describe in detail different types of
software architecture with illustrations(13) BTL4 Analysing

Explain in detail about the following

1 i. Architecture design. (8)
BTL4 Analysing
ii.Data acquisition system. (7)
Explain in detail about Software architecture design, with
2 emphasize on far in, far out, coupling, cohesion and BTL5 Evaluating
For any problem of your choice (say for example stock
monitoring system or key word frequency vector or key word
in context that is used in Information Retrieval
system).Design at least four different architectural design
3 BTL5 Evaluating
solutions using four different architectural styles. Compare
these solutions based on at least three quality attributes. Note
that the problem can be of your choice , the example given
need not be considered. (15)
Can you substitute an alternative for a user interface design?
4 BTL4
Justify your answer.(15) Analysing


Software testing fundamentals-Internal and external views of Testing-white box testing - basis path
testing-control structure testing-black box testing- Regression Testing – Unit Testing – Integration
Testing – Validation Testing – System Testing And Debugging –Software Implementation Techniques:
Coding practices-Refactoring-Maintenance and Reengineering-BPR model-Reengineering process
model-Reverse and Forward Engineering.


Q.No. Question BT Level Competence

What is the difference between black box testing and white

1 BTL4 Analysing
box testing?
What methods are used for breaking very long expression
2 BTL1 Remembering
and statements?

3 What is the need for regression testing? BTL1 Remembering

4 List down the generic characteristics of software testing. BTL1 Remembering

5 How do you measure cyclomatic complexity? BTL5 Evaluating

6 What is smoke testing? BTL1 Remembering

Determine about software maintenance problem?

7 BTL3 Applying

Define boundary value analysis.

8 BTL4 Analysing

9 How can refactoring be made more effective? BTL1 Remembering

10 How are software testing related to reliability of software? BTL3 Applying

11 What are side effects while debugging? BTL1 Remembering

In Unit testing of a module, it is found a set of test data, at

12 maximum 90% of the code alone were tested with the BTL3 Applying
probability of success . What is the reliability of the module?

13 Distinguish between alpha and beta testing. BTL2 Understanding

List two testing strategies that address verification. Which

14 BTL4 Analysing
types of testing address validation?

15 Formulate the best practices for coding. BTL6 Creating

Differentiate verification and validation? Which type of

16 BTL2 Understanding
testing address verification?
What happen if the software fails after it has passed from
17 BTL6 Creating
acceptance testing? Examine.

18 What is the difference between testing and debugging? BTL2 Understanding

19 What is business process reengineering? BTL2 Understanding

Who Should perform the validation test, software developer

20 BTL5 Evaluating
or the software users? Justify your answer.


Q.No. Question BT Level Competence

Discuss on
i. Unit testing(4)
1 ii. Regression testing(3) BTL2 Understanding
iii. Validation testing(3)
iv. Acceptance testing (3)
What is Boundary value analysis? Explain the technique
2 BTL4 Analysing
specifying rules and is usage with the help of an example (13)
What is Equivalence class partitioning? List rules used to
3 define valid and invalid Equivalence class. Describe the BTL1 Remembering
technique using example.(13)
4 With the help of example Describe system testing in detail .(13) Remembering

Discuss the various Black box and white Box testing

5 BTL2 Understanding
techniques. Use suitable example for your explanation. (13)
Describe about the various Integration & Debugging
6 BTL1 Remembering
strategies followed in software development.(13)
i. Explain software implementation techniques What is the
percentage in total cost of the project? How do you expedite
7 the implementation stage (7) BTL5 Evaluating
ii. What is meant by control flow testing? Is it always falling
with data flow in case of software? Justify? (6)
Illustrate about :
(i) Structural Testing (4)
(ii) System Testing and debugging (3)
8 (iii) Integration Testing (3) BTL3 Applying
(iv) Black box Testing. (3)
i. Explain the categories of debugging approaches.(7)
9 ii. Why is testing important? Relate the path testing procedure
in detail with sample code. (6)
Develop BPR model to increase the efficiency of business BTL6
10 Creating
i.Express the need for refactoring. How can a development
model benefit by the use of refactoring?(7)
11 BTL2 Understanding
ii.Why does software testing need extensive planning?
i.Compare and contrast alpha and beta testing(7)
ii.Consider a program for determining the previous date. Its
input is a triple of day, month and year with the values in the BTL4
range 1<=month<=12,1<=day <=31,1990 <=year <=2014. Analysing
The possible outputs would be previous date or invalid input
date. Design and explain the boundary value test cases (6)
i. Consider the pseudo code for simple subtraction
given below:
(1) Program ‘Simple Subtraction’
(2) Input (x,y)
(3) Output (x)
(4) Output (y)
13 (5) If x>y then DO
(6) X-y=z BTL3 Applying
(7) Else y-x=z
(8) EndIf
(9) Output(z)
(10)Output “End Program”
Perform basis path testing and generate test cases. Illustrate
the steps properly.(7)
ii. What is refactoring? When is it needed?
i.Highlight Forward engineering process for different types
of architectures.(7)
ii.Outline how the reverse engineering process helps the
14 BTL1 Remembering
software engineer to understand the internal design structure
of complex problems(6)


How Reverse Engineering is used for Data, Processing and BTL5

1 Evaluating
User Interface? Justify your answer.(15)
i.Enumerate the various types of software test. Which type of
testing is suitable for boundary condition? Justify. (8)
2 BTL6 Creating
ii. How do you relate software testing results with reliability
of the product? Explain. (7)
i.What are all the formulas for cyclomatic complexity?
Formulate cyclomatic Complexity for greatest of
3 three numbers. (7) Creating
ii.How would you design test cases for the given project?
Explain in detail. (8)
Write the program for sorting of n numbers. Draw the flow
4 chart, flow graph, and point out the cyclomatic Analysing


Software Project Management: Estimation – LOC, FP Based Estimation, Make/Buy Decision

COCOMO I & II Model – Project Scheduling – Scheduling, Earned Value Analysis Planning – Project
Plan, Planning Process, RFP Risk Management – Identification, Projection - Risk Management-Risk
Identification-RMMM Plan-CASE TOOLS.


Q.No. Question BT Level Competence

1 What are the Decomposition Techniques? BTL1 Remember

2 How do we compute the “Expected Value” for Software Size? BTL3 Apply
What are the different types of productivity estimation
3 BTL1 Remember

4 What is Work Breakdown Structure? BTL1 Remember

5 List a few process and project metrics. BTL1 Remember

6 What is risk management? BTL1 Remember

7 What are the factors that lead to Risk? BTL4 Analyse

What is risk likelihood?

8 BTL1 Remember

Will exhaustive testing guarantee that the program is 100%

9 BTL3 Apply
correct? Examine.

10 Classify the activities in project planning. BTL4 Analysing

11 What is the difference between direct and indirect measures? BTL2 Understanding

12 How to measure the function point FP? BTL5 Evaluating

13 Differentiate measure, metric and indictors. BTL2 Understanding

14 Why LOC is not treated as a standard metric? Justify. BTL6 Evaluating

Formulate the metrics computed during error tracking

15 BTL6 Evaluating
State the importance of scheduling activity in project
16 BTL2 Understanding

17 How the two customer related and technology risks? BTL5 Evaluating

An Organic software occupies 15,000 LOC. How many

18 BTL3 Applying
programmers are needed to complete?

19 How is productivity and cost associated to Function points? BTL2 Understanding

20 What do you infer about EVA? BTL4 Analysing


Q.No. Question BT Level Competence

1 i. Summarize the methods of decomposition for software

cost estimation. (7) Remembering
ii. Describe the various estimation techniques.(6)
2 i. Describe about COCOMOI / II model cost estimation.(7) BTL1 Remembering
ii. Summarize the types of project plan.(6)
3 How the cost of a software is estimated using
i.Function Point metric Model(7)
ii.COCOMO(by three Methods)(3) BTL3 Applying
iii. What is the contribution of technology complexity factor
in function point model(3)
Discuss in detail about RMMM.(13) BTL2 Understanding

Discuss Decision tree to support Make/buy decision. (13) BTL2 Understanding

6 i.Describe the basic principles of software project scheduling (7) Remembering

ii. Describe the relationship between people and effort with
diagram (6)
7 i.Pointout the challenges of risk management. (7)
BTL4 Analysing
ii. How to track the schedule for the project? Explain in
detail. (6)
8 i.Examine the various technical metrics and measures for
software? (7)
BTL3 Applying
ii. Demonstrate Software cyclomatic complexity metric
with an example. (6)
9 State the need for Risk Management &explain the activities
BTL4 Analysing
under risk management. (13)
10 Describe the following
i. Project scheduling .(7) BTL1 Remembering
ii. Project Time Line chart & Task network .(6)
11 Summarize the following:
i.Make/Buy decision (7) BTL2 Understanding
ii.COCOMO II (6)
12 i. An application has the following: 10 low external inputs, 8
BTL6 Evaluating
high external outputs, 13 low internal logical files, 17 high
external interface files, 11 average external inquires and
complexity adjustment factor of 1.10. Formulate the
unadjusted and adjusted function point counts? (3)
ii. Discuss Putnam resources allocation model. Develop the
time and effort equations (10)
13 i. Suppose you have a budgeted cost of a project as Rs. 9,00,
000. The project is to be completed in 9 months. After a
month, you have completed 10 percent of the project at a
total expense of Rs.1,00,000.The planned completion should
have been 15 percent. You need to determine whether the
project is on-time and on-budget? Use Earned Value analysis
approach and infer.(7)
ii.Consider the following function point components and BTL4 Analysing
their complexity. If the total degree of influence is
52,Analyse and find the estimated function points.(6)
Function Type Estimated count Complexity
ELF 2 7
ILF 4 10
EQ 22 4
EO 16 5
EI 24 4
14 Explain in detail COCOMO model for software cost
estimation. Use it to estimate the effort required to build
software for a simple ATM that produces 12 screens,10
BTL5 Evaluating
reports and has 80 software components. Assume average
complexity and average developer maturity. Use application
composition model with object points.(13)

i.Design the effort and duration using the above details for
basic COCOMO model. (7)
Number of user inputs = 15
Number of user outputs = 3
Number of external interfaces = 11
1 BTL6
1 function point = 20 LOC (as fourth generation language is
used). Values of constant used in basic COCOMO model. a
=2.4, b = 1.05, c = 2.5, d = 0.38.
Prepare in detail about the
i.Scheduling (4)
ii.Error tracking.(4)
Explain in detail about on:
i.SCM . (5)
2 BTL5
ii. Software cyclomatic complexity metric. (5)
iii. Software cost estimation. (5)

Explain the following task set for project planning in detail

i.Project Scope and Feasibility (4)
3 ii.Risk Analysis and Resource requirements (4) BTL5
iii.Cost and effort estimation (3)
iv.Project schedule development (4)
Given the following project plan of tables table 1 and 2:
Table 1

Table 2

4 BTL5 Evaluating

Perform an analysis of the project status at week 13,using

EVA. Use the CPI and SPI to determine project

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