Sem 3

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Gujarat University

Bachelor of Computer Applications

Semester III (CBCS)
(Effective from June 2018)

COURSE TITLE Computer Organization

Session Per Week 4
Total Teaching Hours 40 HOURS
To study and understand the basic organization of computers and the working of each component.
On the completion of the course students will:
1. Understand the working of basic computer components and CPU operation.
2. Data Representation in computers.
3. Understand the concepts related to computer memory.
Logic Circuits and Components of Digital Computers 10
Digital Logic Circuit
• Digital Computers
• Logic Gates 2
• Boolean Algebra
• Combinational Circuits
o Half-Adder 2
o Full-Adder
• Flip-Flops
o SR Flip-Flop 2
o D Flip-Flop
o JK Flip-Flop
o T Flip-Flop
Digital Components
• Integrated Circuits
• Decoders 2
o NAND Gate Decoder
o Encoders
• Multiplexers
• Registers
• Shift Registers
• Binary Counters
• Memory Unit
o Random-Access Memory
o Read-Only Memory
o Types of ROMs
Representation of Data and Register Transfer with Microoperations 10
Data Representation
• Data Types
o Number System
o Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers
o Decimal Representation
o Alphanumeric Representation
• Complements
o (r-1)’s Complement
o (r)’s Complement
• Fixed-Point Representation
o Integer Representation
o Arithmetic Addition
o Arithmetic Subtraction
o Overflow
o Decimal Fixed-Point Representation
• Floating-Point Representation
2 • Error Detection Codes
Register Transfer and Micro-operations
• Register Transfer Language
• Register Transfer
• Bus and Memory Transfers
o Three-State Bus Buffers
o Memory Transfer
• Arithmetic Micro-operations
o Binary Adder
o Binary Adder-Subtractor
o Binary Incrementer
o Arithmetic Circuit
• Logic Micro-operations
o List of Logic Micro-operations
o Hardware Implementation
• Shift Micro-operations
• Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit
Design and Organization of Basic Computer, CPU 10
Basic Computer Organization and Design
• Instruction Codes
o Stored Program Organization
o Indirect Address
• Computer Registers
o Common Bus System 2
• Computer Instructions
o Instruction Set Completeness
• Timing and Control
• Instruction Cycle
o Fetch and Decode
o Determine the Type of Instruction
3 o Register-Reference Instructions 2
• Memory-Reference Instructions
• Input-Output and Interrupt
• Complete Computer Description
• Design of Basic Computer
• Design of Accumulator Logic
Central Processing Unit
• Introduction
• General Register Organization 3
• Stack Organization
• Instruction Formats
• Addressing Modes 3
• Data Transfer and Manipulation
• Program Control
Organization of Input-Output and Memory 10
Input-Output Organization
• Peripheral Devices
• Input-Output Interface 2
• Asynchronous Data Transfer
o Handshaking
• Modes of Transfer 3
• Priority Interrupt
4 • Direct Memory Access
Memory Organization
• Memory Hierarchy
• Main Memory
• Auxiliary Memory
• Associative Memory
• Cache Memory 3
• Virtual Memory
Text Book:
Computer System Architecture (3rd Edition)
By: M. Morris Mano
Publisher: Pearson
1. Computer Architecture and Organization (2nd Edition), By: B. Govindrajalu, Publisher: TMH


COURSE TITLE Data Structures

Session Per Week 4
Total Teaching Hours 40 HOURS
This course introduces students to get the detail knowledge of Basic data structures, representations, building and use of
those data structures in different applications in real world.

Students would be able-
1) To understand the concept, role and importance of Data.
2) To recognize the use of Data Structure for real applications.
3) To identify the key differences between various data structures.
4) To comprehend the type of data structure to apply according to the scenery of applications.
5) To be aware of the real building of the data structure using various programming languages.
6) To implement the various operations of data structures by using algorithms.
7) To deal with every tiny elements of the Data Structures.

Introduction to Data Structures, Arrays & Linked List 10

• Introduction
o Data
o Data Types
▪ Abstract Data Types (Primitive)
▪ User-Defined Data Types (Non-Primitive)
1 o Data Structures:
o Definition
o Classification of Data Structures and details of each classifications

• Array
o Definition
o Mapping
o Sparce Matrix
• Linked list
o Comparison of Array and Linked List
o Types of Linked Lists
o Representation of Linked Lists
o Operations on Doubly Linked Lists (Algorithm and Explanation)
▪ Creation
▪ Traversal
▪ Insertion 2
i. At Front
ii. In Between (After and Before)
iii. At End
▪ Deletion
i. From Beginning
ii. From Between
1 iii. From End

• Searching:
o Introduction to Searching
o Searching Techniques: 2
▪ Sequential Search
▪ Binary Search

• Sorting:
o Introduction to Sorting
o Sorting Techniques:
▪ Bubble sort
▪ Selection sort
▪ Insertion sort
▪ Quick sort
▪ Merge sort

Stack & Queues 10

• Stack:
o Introduction (Idea of the Stack)
o Operations of the Stack (Algorithm and Explanation)
o Implementation of the Stack (Using Array and linked list)
o Applications of the Stack: 5
▪ Definition: Reverse and Polish
2 ▪ Conversion: Infix to Postfix using manually and stack for parenthesis
and Non-parenthesis (with Algorithm)
▪ Recursion(Definition)

• Queue:
o Introduction (Idea of the Queue)
o Types of Queue 5
o Operations of Simple and Circular Queue (Algorithm and Explanation)
o Implementation of the Queue (Using Array and Linked list)
Tree 10
• Introduction
• Terminology
• Binary Tree:
o Definition
o Representation of Binary Tree
o Operation on Binary Tree
▪ Creation
▪ Insertion
▪ Deletion
▪ Traversal (Pre-Order, In-Order and Post- Order) Ecluding general
3 binary tree
▪ Conversion from (Pre, In or Post) into Binary Tree
• Types of Binary Tree
o Full Binary Tree
o Complete Binary Tree
o Binary Search Tree
o Expression Tree 5
o Threaded Binary Tree
o Heap Tree
o Height Balanced Tree (AVL Tree)
o B-Tree

Graph 10

• Introduction
• Basic Terminology
• Representation of Graph
o Adjacency Matrix (Array)
4 6
o Adjacency Linked
• Traversal of Graph
o Breadth First Traversal (Algorithm and Tracing)
o Depth First Traversal (Algorithm and Tracing)

• Application of Graph
o Spanning Tree
▪ Mnimum Spanning Tree (BFS and DFS)
▪ Prim’s Algorithm 4
▪ Kruskal’s Algorithm
o Shortest Path Algorithm
o Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Data and File Structures using C Publisher: Oxford

By Reema Thareja
• Chapter-4 (4.1, 4.2, 4.3) – Introduction to Data Structures
• Chapter-5 (5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.6.5, 5.16) – Array and Searching
• Chapter-8 (8.2, 8.7) – Linked List
• Chapter-9 (9.1, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.7, 9.8, 9.11, 9.12, 9.13, 9.14, 9.16*Only Definition+,9.17*Definition and 9.17.1+ ) –
Stack & Queues
• Chapter-10 (10.1, 10.2, 10.4*excluding 10.4.4+ ) - Tree
• Chapter-11 (11.1, 11.2.2, 11.2.3, 11.3, 11.4 *Definition and 11.4.2+, 11.6*Definition and 11.6.2+ ) - Tree
• Chapter-12 (12.1*Definition and 12.1.1, 12.1.2+ ) - Tree
• Chapter-13 (13.1, 13.4, 13.5, 13.7*excluding 13.7.5+ ) - Graph
• Chapter-14 (14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 14.5, 14.6) - Sorting

1. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ Publisher: Dreamtech
By B. M. Harvani
2. Magnifying Data Structures Publisher: PHI
By: Arpita Gopal
3. Data Structures using C & C ++ Publisher: Wiley-India
By : Rajesh K. Shukla
4. Introduction to Data Structures in C Publisher: Pearson Education
By: Ashok N. Kamthane
5. Data Structures Using C Publisher: Pearson Education By : A. K Sharma
Turbo c

COURSE TITLE Object Oriented Concepts and Programming

Session Per Week 4
Total Teaching Hours 40 HOURS
1.) To get in-depth knowledge of Object Oriented Programming language.
2.) To obtain knowledge of programming for real life applications.

On the completion of the course students will:
1. Understand the features of C++ supporting object oriented programming
2. Understand the relative merits of C++ as an object oriented programming language
3. Understand how to produce object-oriented software using C++
4. Understand how to apply the major object-oriented concepts to implement object oriented programs in C++,
encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.
5. Understand advanced features of C++ specifically stream I/O, templates and operator overloading

OOPS Introduction 10
* Overview of Object Oriented Programming
o Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
o Procedure Oriented and Object Oriented
o Difference Between C and C++
o C++ Output/ Input
o Keywords in C++
o New style of header file specification
o Comments in C++
o Variables in C++ 6
o Reference Variables in C++
o The bool Data type
o Importance of function prototyping in C++
o Function Overloading
1 o Default Arguments
o Inline Function
o Scope Resolution Operator
Classes And Object
o Structures in C
o Structure in C++
o Access Specifier
o Classes
o Objects in C++ 4
o Characteristics of Access Specifier
o Function outside a class
o Initialization of variable in C++
o Arrow Operator
o ‘this’ pointer

More on++Classes and Object, Dynamic Memory

Management, Constructor & Destructor 10
* More on Classes and Objects
o Member Functions and Data Members
o Friend Functions
o Friend Class
o Array of Class Object
o Passing Class Objects to Function
o Returning Objects from Functions
o Nested Classes
o Namespaces
* Dynamic Memory Management
o Introduction
o Dynamic Memory Allocation Using “new” 2
o Dynamic Memory Deallocation

* Constructor and Destructor

o Constructor
o Characteristics of Constructor
o Types of Constructor 3
o Destructor
o Characteristics of Destructor
Inheritance and Polymorphism 10
* Inheritance
o Introduction
o Advantages of Inheritance
o ‘Protected’ Access specifier
o Inheritance using different access specifier
o Initialization of Base class members through
derived class object
o Different forms of Inheritance
o Function Overriding

3 * Virtual Functions and Inheritance
o Introduction
o Pointers to derived class
o Rules for virtual function
o Internals of Virtual Functions
o Pure virtual function 5
o Virtual Base class
o Virtual destructor
o Abstract class
o Limitations of virtual Function
o Early binding v /s Late binding

Operator Overloading, Working with Files and Templates 10

* Operator Overloading
o Introduction
o Operators that can be overloaded
o Overloading Unary Operator using member
Functions (-,++ and --)
o Overloading Unary Operator using friend
Functions (+,-,++ and --)
o Overloading Binary Operator using member
Functions (+,-,*,/,>,<,==,!=,>= and <=)
o Overloading Binary Operator using friend
Functions (+,-,*,and /) 5
o Why to Overload Operators using friend function?
o Rules for Operator Overloading
o Type Conversions
* basic type to class type
* class type to basic type
* class type to another class type
o Excluding Assignment operators (=,+=,*=,/=,-
=,%=,&=,|=,^=), Bit-wise Operator, Dereferencing,
4 New, Delete, Subscript, Function call, Logical and

* Working with Input, Output and Files

o Introduction
o Stream Class Model of C++ (istream,ostream,ifstream,ofstream,iostream)
o Text Files
o Test mode input using ‘extraction’(>>) operator, ‘get()’ function and ‘getline()’ function
o Text mode output using ‘insertion’ (<<) operator and ‘put()’ function

* Templates
o Introduction
o Function Templates
o Function Templates with multiple parameters
o Overloading Function Template 3
o Class Template
o Class Template with multiple parameters
o Nested Class Templates
o Advantages of using Templates

1. Object Oriented Programming with C++
Publication: Pearson
By Subhash KU

1. Object-Oriented Programming with C++ (Second Edition)
Publication: PHI
By Poornachandra Sarang
2. Object Oriented Programming using C++
Publication: Cengage Learning
By Joyce Farrell
3. Object Oriented Programming In C++
Publication: Wiley India Edition
By Rajesh K. Shukla


Turbo C

COURSE TITLE Fundamentals of Operating System

Session Per Week 4
Total Teaching Hours 40 HOURS
To understand the fundamentals of processes, scheduling concepts, memory management, I/O and file systems in a
typical operating system.

On the completion of the course students will:
1. Know the components of an operating system
2. Understand the basics of process management and memory management.
3. Know the concepts of I/O and file systems
4. Provide information about the functions and roles of each of the components of the operating system.

Introduction to Operating System &Processor Management 10
• Introduction to Operating System
o What is Operating System?
o Operating system software 2
o Types of Operating System
• Memory Management: Early System
o Single User Contiguous Scheme
o Fixed Partitions
o Dynamic Partitions
o Allocation and deallocation methods
1 o Relocatable Dynamic Partitions
• Memory Management: Virtual Memory
o Paged Memory Allocation
o Demand Paging
o Page Replacement Algorithms 5
▪ First In First Out
▪ Least Recently Used
o Segmented Memory allocation
o Segmented/Demand Paged Memory allocation
o Virtual Memory
Processor Management 10
• Job Scheduler, Process Scheduler,
• Job and Process Status
• Process Control Block
• Process Scheduling Policies
2 • Process Scheduling Algorithms:
(Examples to be done with or without Arrival time)
• First Come First Serve, Shortest Job Next, Priority Scheduling, Shortest
Remaining Time, Round Robin

Deadlock and Process Synchronization 10

• Deadlock
o Seven cases for deadlock
o Conditions for Deadlock
o Strategies for handling Deadlocks 5
o Starvation(Dining Philosophers Problem)

3 • Process Synchronization
o What is parallel Processing?
o Typical Multi processing configurations
o Process Synchronization Software-test and set, Wait & Signal
o Semaphores 5
o Process Cooperation- Producers and consumers

Device Management & File Management 10

• Device Management
o Types of System Devices
o Communication among devices
o Management of I/O requests
o Device Handler Seek Strategies
4 ▪ SSTF
▪ Elevator(Look)

• File Management
o The File Manager
o Physicals to rage allocation 4
o Data Compression
o Access Control Verification module

Text Book:
Operating Systems
Publication: Cengage learning By Flynn/McHoes,

1. OperatingSystemsConceptsPublication:PearsonHigherEducationBySilberschatz,Galvin&Gagne

2. OperatingSystems:InternalsandDesignPrinciples,5/EPublication:PearsonHigherEducation
By William Stallings



Session Per Week 4
Total Teaching Hours 40 HOURS
To develop the skill about the basic statistics.
To develop the ability to find approximate solutions and/or answer by choosing correct statistical technique for a given

On the completion of the course students will:

1. Get a working knowledge of statistical methods.
2. Understand the use of statistical methods with computer related computational approach.
3. With statistical techniques so that they are prepared to apply the knowledge in the field of computer science.
Introduction and Measures of Central Tendency 10
•Meaning of Statistics
•Types of Statistical Methods 1
•Scope or Importance of Statistics
•Limitations of Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency
o Introduction
• Characteristics of a Good Average.
• Different Types of Measures of Central Tendency
o Mean
• Arithmetic Mean
• Arithmetic Mean of Grouped Frequency Distribution
• Short-cut Method and Step-Deviation Method of
• Obtaining Arithmetic Mean (Excluding Mathematical Properties of A.M)
• Combined Arithmetic Mean
1 • Cumulative Arithmetic Mean
• Advantages, disadvantages and uses of Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean,
G. M, H.M.
• Relation Among A.M.,G.M.,H.M. 9
• Weighted Arithmetic Mean
o Median
• Individual Frequency Distribution
• Ungrouped Frequency Distribution
• Grouped Frequency Distribution
• Advantages, disadvantages and uses of Median
o Mode
• Individual Frequency Distribution
• Ungrouped Frequency Distribution
• Grouped Frequency Distribution
• Advantages, disadvantages and uses of Mode

Measures of Dispersion 10
• Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles
• Introduction, Objectives and essentials of a good measure 1

o Absolute and Relative Measures of Dispersion

o Range
o Quartile Deviation
• Advantages and disadvantages of Q.D.
• Coefficient of Quartile Deviation

o Mean Deviation
2 • Coefficient of Mean Deviation
• Advantages and disadvantages of M.D.
o Standard Deviation 5
• Alternative Method of Standard Deviation
• Relationship among Q.D., M.D., S.D.
• Advantages and disadvantages of S.D.

o Variance (Excluding Properties of S.D)

• Coefficient of Variation
• Direct Method 2
• Step-Derivation Method
Probability and Probability Distribution 10

o Introduction
o Definitions of Some Important Terms
• Random Experiment
• Trial Event
• Favorable Cases 2
• Equally Likely Events
• Mutually Exclusive Events
• Exhaustive Events
• Dependent Events
3 • Independent Events

o Statistical approach to probability

o Modern approach to probability
o Symbols associated with probability
o Algebra of sets 6
o Conditional Probability
o Theorems (Laws) of Probability(Without Proof)
o Baye’s Rule(only for two events)
o Random Variable
o Probability Distribution and its types
o Binomial Distribution 2
o Characteristics of Binomial Distribution
Correlation Analysis And Regression Analysis 10
Correlation Analysis
o Introduction
o Types of Correlation
• Positive, Negative and Zero Correlation
• Linear and non-linear Correlation
• Simple, Multiple and Partial Correlation 6
• Positive, Negative and Zero Correlation
• Methods of Measuring Correlation
4 • Karl Pearson’s Product Moment Method
• Spearman’s Rank Method
Regression Analysis
o Regression Equation.
o Method of Least Squares.
o The regression equation of Y on X 4
o The regression equation of X on Y
o Regression Coefficient & Its Properties (without proof)
o Correlation Versus Regression
Business Statistics (Fourth Edition)
Publication: Vikas Publication House Pvt.Ltd.
By J.K.Sharma

Chapter- 1 (1.4 to 1.7)

Chapter- 3 (3.4 to 3.11)
Chapter- 4 (4.3, 4.4, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3)
Chapter- 6 (6.1 to 6.6)
Chapter- 7 (7.1, 7.2, 7.5.1)

1. Business Statistics (Third Revised Edition)
Publication: S.Chand
By Padmalochan Hazarika
2. Business Mathematics and Statistics
Publication: Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited
By N G Das and J K Das



COURSE TITLE Data Structures Practicals

Session Per Week 3
Total Teaching Hours 40 HOURS
Student will be provided with practical knowledge of basic data structures, representation, building and use of various data
structures in different applications in real world.

1.) To gain the knowledge of various advanced data structure topics practically.
2.) To develop skills for effective use of the pointers and structures in programming.

The students are expected to write program in “C or C++ Programming “languages unit wise as given below. The list in each
unit is indicative only and may or may not be asked in the examination. The programs given below are only sample example
for practice in lab.
Linked List 10

1. Write program to implement following operations using

Singly link list
• Insert at first
• Insert at Last
• Insert at specified location (Before or After the Node)
1 • Delete from first
• Delete from last 4
• Delete any specified node
• Traversal
• Sorting
• Splitting
• Merging
• Counting Operations( Total no. of nodes, even and odd no. of nodes)
2. Write program to implement following operations using
Doubly link list
• Insert at first
• Insert at Last
• Insert at specified location (Before or After the Node)
• Delete from first
1 • Delete from last 6
• Delete any specified node
• Traversal
• Sorting
• Splitting
• Merging
• Counting Operations( Total no. of nodes, even and odd no. of nodes)
Searchin and Sorting 10

1. Write a program to implement sequential search.

2. Write a program to implement binary search.
2 3. Write a program to implement bubble sort.
4. Write a program to implement selection sort
5. Write a program to implement merge sort 8
6. Write a program to implement quick sort
7. Write a program to implement insertion sort.
Stack 10

• Stack:
1. Write a program to implement following operations in stack Using array and Linked List.
3 • PEEP
2. Write a program to implement Evaluation of given postfix expression.

3. Write a program to implement conversion of infix

expression into postfix expression (parentheses and non parentheses).
4. Write a program to implement recursion.
5. Write a program to reverse the string using the stack.

Queue and Tree 10

1. Write a program to implement Simple Queue operations
using Array and Linked List.
• Traversal (display) 5
2. Write a program to implement Circular Queue operations
Using Array.
• Traversal (display)
3. Write a program to implement following operations on
Binary Search Tree using Linked List.
4 • Creation 5
• Insertion
• Traversal( In-order, Pre-order, Post-order)

Data and File Structures using C Publisher: Oxford
By Reema Thareja

1. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ Publisher: Dreamtech
By B. M. Harvani
2. Magnifying Data Structures Publisher: PHI
By: Arpita Gopal
3. Data Structures using C & C ++ Publisher: Wiley-India
By : Rajesh K. Shukla
4. Introduction to Data Structures in C Publisher: Pearson Education
By: Ashok N. Kamthane
5. Data Structures Using C Publisher: Pearson Education By : A. K Sharma
Turbo c

COURSE TITLE C++ Practicals

Session Per Week 3
Total Teaching Hours 40 HOURS
1.) To get in-depth practical knowledge of Object Oriented Programming language.
2.) To obtain practical knowledge of programming for real life applications.

On the completion of the course students will:
1. Understand the features of C++ supporting object oriented programming
2. Understand the relative merits of C++ as an object oriented programming language
3. Understand how to produce object-oriented software using C++
4. Understand how to apply the major object-oriented concepts to implement object oriented programs in C++,
encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.
5. Understand advanced features of C++ specifically stream I/O, templates and operator overloading

Introduction to OOP, Classes & Objects 10
1. Write a program to calculate the area of circle, rectangle and square using function
2. Write a program to demonstrate the use of default arguments in function overloading.
3. Write a program to demonstrate the use of returning a reference variable.
4. Create a class student which stores the detail about roll no,name, marks of 5 subjects, i.e.
science, Mathematics, English,C, C++. The class must have the following:
• Get function to accept value of the data members.
• Display function to display values of data members.
• Total function to add marks of all 5 subjects and Storeit in the data members named total.

5. Create a function power() to raise a number m to power n, the function takes a double
value for m and int value for n,and returns the result correctly. Use the default value of 2 for n
to make the function calculate squares when this argument is omitted. Write a main that gets
1 the values of mand n from the user to test the function.
6. Write a basic program which shows the use of scope resolution operator. 10
7. Write a C++ program to swap the value of private data members from 2 different classes.
8. Write a program to illustrate the use of this pointer.
9. An election is contested by five candidates. The candidates are numbered 1 to 5 and the
voting is done by marking the candidate number on the ballot paper. Write a
program to read the ballots and count the votes cast for each candidate using an array
variable count. In case a number is read outside the range of 1 to 5, the ballot
should be considered as a ‘spoilt ballot’ and the program should also count the number of
spoilt ballots.
10. Write a program to call member functions of class in the main function using pointer to
object and pointer to member function.

Dynamic Memory Management, Constructor &

Destructor, Inheritance 10
1. Using friend function find the maximum number from given two numbers from two
different classes. Write all necessary functions and constructors for the program.
2. Using a friend function, find the average of three numbersfrom three different classes.
Write all necessary memberfunctions and constructor for the classes.
3. Define currency class which contains rupees and paisa as data members. Write a friend
function named AddCurrency( )which add 2 different Currency objects and returns a
Currencyobject. Write parameterized constructor to initialize the values and use appropriate
functions to get the details from the user and display it.
4. Create Calendar class with day, month and year as data members. Include default and
parameterized constructors to initialize a Calendar object with a valid date value. Define a
function AddDays to add days to the Calendar object. Define a display function to show data in
“dd/mm/yyyy” format.
5. Create a class named ‘String’ with one data member of typechar *, which stores a string.
Include default, parameterized and copy constructor to initialize the data
member. Write aprogram to test this class.
6. Write a base class named Employee and derive classes Male employee and Female
Employee from it. Every employee has an id, name and a scale of salary. Make a function
ComputePay(in hours) to compute the weekly payment of every employee. A male employee
is paid on the number of days and hours he works. The female employee gets paid the wages
for 40 hours a week, no matter what the actual hours are. Test this program to calculate the
pay of employee.

7. Create a class called scheme with scheme_id, scheme_name,outgoing_rate, and

message_charge. Derive customer classform scheme and include cust_id, name and
mobile_no data.Define necessary functions to read and display data. Create amenu driven
program to read call and message informationfor a customer and
display the detail bill.
8. Write a program with use of inheritance: Define a class publisher that stores the name of
the title. Derive two classesbook and tape, which inherit publisher. Book class
containsmember data called page no and tape class contain time forplaying. Define functions
in the appropriate classes to get andprint the details.
9. Create a class account that stores customer name, account no,types of account. From this
derive classes cur_acc and sav_acc to include necessary member function to do the following:
• Accepts deposit from customer and update balance
• Compute and Deposit interest
• Permit withdrawal and Update balance.
10. Write a base class named Employee and derive classes Male employee and Female
Employee from it. Every employee has an id, name and a scale of salary. Make a
functionComputePay (in hours) to compute the weekly payment ofevery employee. A male
employee is paid on the number ofdays and hours he works. The female employee gets paid
thewages for 40 hours a week, no matter what the actual hoursare. Test this program to
calculate the pay of employee

Virtual Functions, Operator Overloading 10

1. Create a class vehicle which stores the vehicleno and chassisno as a member. Define
another class for scooter, which inherits the data members of the class vehicle and has a data
member for a storing wheels and company.
Define another class for which inherits the data member of the classvehicle and has a data
member for storing price and company. Display the data from derived class.
Use virtual function.
2. Create a base class shape. Use this class to store two doubletype values that could be used
to compute the area of figures.Derive two specific classes called triangle and rectangle from
the base shape. Add to the base class, a member function get_data() to initialize the base class
data members and another member function display_area() to compute anddisplay the area
of figures. Make display_area() as a virtual function and redefine this function in the derived
class to suit their requirements.

3 Write a program to demonstrate the use of pure virtual function.
4 Create a class time with member data hour and minute. Overload ++ unary operator for class
time for increment and -- unary operator for decrement in time object value.
3 5 Create a class string with character array as a data member and write a program to add two
strings with use of operator overloading concept.
6 Create a class distance which contains feet and inch as a datamember. Overhead = =, <and>
operator for the same class. Create necessary functions and constructors too.
7 Create a class MATRIX of size mxn. Overload + and – operators for addition and subtraction
of the MATRIX.
8 Define a class Coord, which has x and y coordinates as itsdata members. Overload ++ and –
operators for the Coordclass. Create both its prefix and postfix forms
9 Create one class called Rupees, which has one member data tostore amount in rupee and
create another class called Paise which has member data to store amount in paise. Write a
program to convert one amount to another amount with use of type conversion.
10 Create two classes Celsius and Fahrenheit to store temperaturein terms of Celsius and
Fahrenheit respectively. Includenecessary functions to read and display the values.
Defineconversion mechanism to convert Celsius object to Fahrenheitobject and vice versa.
Show both types of conversions in mainfunction.

Templates, Files 10
1 Write a program to create a function template for finding maximum value contained in an
2 Write a program to create a class template for the ‘Array’ class.
3 Create a template for the bubble sort function.
4 Write a program to create a function template for swapping the two value.
5 Write a program to illustrate the use of put(), get() and getline() functions for Text mode
6 Write a program to read character, integer and string from keyboard and write it in
4 “data.txt” file and read from file in text mode.
7 Write a program to read your name and roll number from keyboard and write it in
“mydata.txt “ file and read from file in text mode.
8 Write a program to read product name and product price from keyboard and write it in
“product.txt” file and read from file in text mode.
9 Write down a program to create a file temp.txt, write into the specific file than read the
same data from the file
10 Write a program to create num.txt file which stores number. Find max value from a file
nums.txt and print it on standard output device.
1. Object Oriented Programming with C++
Publication: Pearson
By Subhash KU

1. Object-Oriented Programming with C++ (Second Edition)
Publication: PHI
By Poornachandra Sarang
2. Object Oriented Programming using C++
Publication: Cengage Learning
By Joyce Farrell
3. Object Oriented Programming In C++
Publication: Wiley India Edition
By Rajesh K. Shukla


Turbo C
Elective Course
EC-201(1) Soft Skills Development

Course Introduction:
In the age of liberalization, privatization and globalization, the need has arisen to inculcate such
habits and attitudes which help students to adapt to the occupational set-ups. Such behavioral
competencies are known as Soft Skills.

1.) To help students do well in academics.
2.) To motivate students to personal and professional growth.
3.) To provide students with tools for success and character building.

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 2
Teaching Hours: 20


Changing Ourselves to Change the World
• Understanding what are soft skills,
• Realizing the need for personality growth and development for a better
life and a better world,
1 • Need for Soft Skills in today’s world,
• Learning to recognize our wants and our choices, Anticipating and
understanding changes,
• Preparing and dealing with change: Reacting to change in our lives;
attitudinal barriers to change
Time Management and Stress Management
• Importance of Time Management, How to regulate the way you spend
time, Identifying and eliminating time wasters, Strategies for
Managing Time,
• Understanding stress: Causes of Stress and its consequences,
Techniques to manage stress
Reading Skills
• Importance of Reading
• Pleasure of Reading
• Types of Reading
• Calculating Reading speed and Accuracy
• Techniques to read faster and better
• Technique of SQ3R, Practising Comprehension
• How to identify the core ideas of reading material
Writing and Speaking Skills
• Importance of writing effectively
• Methods of writing better
• Selecting a topic, Knowing your audience
• Writing an outline, Researching, Organizing, Writing and revising
• Making quick notes
• Writing your resume and covering letter

Text Book:

The ACE of Soft skills

Publication: Pearson
By Gopalaswamy Ramesh, Mahadevan Ramesh

Corporate Skills
Publication: Rupa & Co 2010, New Delhi .
By Gulati, Sarvesh

Reference Books:

1. Soft Skill for Everyone

Publication: Cengage
By Jeff Butterfield

2. Contemporary Business Communication

By Scott Ober

3. Business Communication Today

By Bovee, Thill, Schazman

4. Enrich your English

By CIEFL (Academic Skills book)

5. Contemporary English Grammar

By Raymond Murphy

6. Essential English Grammar

By Raymond Murphy

7. English and Soft skills

Publication: Orient Blackswan
By S.P.Dhanavel:
Elective Course
EC-201(2) Carbon Credit

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 2
Teaching Hours: 20

Syllabus and text book as per B.S.C Syllabus Semester III Elective Course.
Elective Course
EC-201(3) Learning from Great Indian Thinkers
Course Introduction:
This course aims at revisiting the Indian culture with the objective of inspiring students to
become better citizens. The course is designed to adopt any pedagogy suited to teach the values,
ethics and works of some of the world renowned thinkers who have changed history and brought
about a renaissance in the cultural and spiritual heritage of mankind.

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 2
Teaching Hours: 20 hours


Extracts from
• Ancient India:(Any three)
o The Vedas
o Stories from the Mahabharata
o Ramayana and Bhagvad Gita
o Tales from the Buddha’s Life/Jataka
o Tales from the life of Mahaveer/Jain stories and folklore
o Upanishadic and Pauranic Stories
1 o Extracts from the Sangam Literature, the Milinda Panho,
the Arthasshastra, and the Charak Samhita
o Foreign travelers account
o Life stories of Panini, Gargi, Maitreyi, Aryabhatta
o Varahmihira
o Ashtavakra
o Shankracharya
o Charvak
Extracts from life stories
• Modern India(Any three)
o Raja Ram Mohan Roy
o Iswar Chand Vidyasagar
o Swami Dayanand, Saraswati
o Swami Vivekananda
o Rabindranath Tagore
o P.C. Ray
o Swami Sahajanand Saraswati
o Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan
o Sri Aurobindo
o Veer Savarkar
o Sardar Patel
o Bal Gangadhar Tilak
o Gopal Krishna Gokhale
o Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
o Subhashchandra Bose
o Jawaharlal Nehru
o Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar
o Vinoba Bhave
o Jayprakash Narayan
o Sarojini Naidu
o Madam Bhikaji Kama
o Ram Manohar Lohia
o FieldMarshall Manekshaw
o Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya
Extracts from the life stories of
• Contemporary Indian Leaders: (any three)
o K.R. Narayanmurthi
o Azim Premji
o A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
o Jagdish chandra Bose
o Ramanujan, Meghnad Saha
o Vikram Sarabhai
o Mother Teresa
3 o Dhirubhai Ambani
o J.R.D Tata
o Ghanshyam Das Birla
o L. N. Mittal
o Subhash Chandra
o Baba Amte, Varghese Kurien
o Ela Bhatt
o Medha Patkar
o Nandan Nilekani, Gita Piramal, C.K. Prahlad
o Case Study-Setting Goals at State Bank of Vermont
Extracts from the life stories of
• Philosophers(all eras) (any three):
o J. Krishnamurty
o Rajneesh (Osho)
4 o Ram krishna Paramhansa
o Raman Maharshi
o Amartya Sen
o Maharshi Arvind
Elective Course
EC-201(4) Introduction to Indian Constitution
Course Introduction:
To create awareness of Fundamental Law of the land and generate common civic sense.

The Student will be able to:
1.) Understand the basic features of the Constitution of India, as set out in the Preamble.
2.) Identify your fundamental rights and learn how they can be enforced.
3.) See how the Directive Principles of State Policy influence the law makers of the country.
4.) Get an understanding of your fundamental duties.

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 2
Teaching Hours: 20


Introduction to Constitution of India
• The Background
1 • Making of the Constitution
• Basic Principles
• The Philosophy of the Constitution
More on Constitution of India
• Salient Features of the Constitution
• Special Features of the Constitution
• The Preamble
• The Union and Its Territory
• Citizenship
Fundamental Rights & Duties
• Introduction of Fundamental Rights
• Right to Equality
• The Right to Freedom
• The Right against Exploitation
3 • The Right to Freedom of Religion
• Cultural and Educational Rights
• A Right to Constitutional Remedies
• An Assessment
• The Directive Principles of State Policy
• Fundamental Duties
Members In Parliament, Judiciary and Federalism
• The Union Executive
• The Vice President and the Attorney-General
4 • The Union Legislature – The Parliament of India
• Legislative Procedure
• The Union Judiciary – the Supreme Court
• The Machinery of Government in the States
• Judiciary in the States
• The Federal System
• Administrative Relations between the Union and the States
• Financial Relations between the Union and the States
• Inter-State Trade and Commerce

An Introduction to the Constitution of India
Publication: Vikas Publications
By Dr. M V Pylee

Reference Book:
1. Introduction to the Constitution of India
Publication: PHI Publications
By Brij Kishore Sharma

2. Introduction to the Constitution of India

Publication: LexisNexis Publications
By Durga Das Basu

COURSE TITLE Digital Marketing

Session Per Week 2
Total Teaching Hours 20 HOURS

* To Provides comprehensive coverage of the developments and use of Internet as a marketing planning tool
* To Presents the ability of the digital world to increase efficiency in established marketing functions
* To Provides insights on how organizations can leverage the benefits of social media
* To Discusses cutting-edge business strategies such as differentiation, and cost leadership that generate revenue while
delivering customer value
* To Includes both Indian as well as global case studies of companies such as Vodafone, Ford, Aviva India, Bacardi, Amazon

On the completion of the course students will:
1.Understand the marketing in the digital era.
2. Understand the business drivers in the virtual world; such as social media, online branding, traffic building on web-site, e-
3.Understand the online tools for marketing.
4.To understand the contemporary digital revolution
Marketing in the Digital Era 5
* E-marketing
1 * The Online Marketing Mix
* The Online Consumer
* Customer Relationship Management in a Web 2.0 World

Business Drivers in the Virtual World 5

* Social Media
* Online Branding
2 * Traffic Building
* Web Business Models
* E-commerce
Online Tools for Marketing 5
* Engagement Marketing through Content Management
* Online Campaign Management
3 * Consumer Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning using Online Tools
* Market Influence Analytics in a Digital Ecosytem
Online Tools for Marketing 5
* Engagement Marketing through Content Management
* Online Campaign Management
3 * Consumer Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning using Online Tools
* Market Influence Analytics in a Digital Ecosytem

The Contemporary Digital Revolution 5

* Online Communities and Co-creation
4 * The World of Facebook
* The Future of Marketing Gamification and Apps

1. Digital Marketing
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Author: Vandana Ahuja


Foundation Course
FC-201(1) Principles of Management
Course Introduction:
The field of management has undergone a sea change and has today assumed a form of a
profession with a well-defined body of knowledge. This knowledge is continuously evolving and
new issues and findings are constantly emerging. This field is attracting many people who want
to undergo a formal training in this area.

The student would be able
1.) To get a basic understanding with reference to working of business organizations through
the process of management.
2.) To understand the managerial functions of planning and organizing.
3.) To discuss on the managerial functions of staffing, directing and controlling.

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 3
Teaching Hours: 40 hours

Introduction to Management, Planning and Organizing 10 hours
• Management
o Meaning and process of management

• Planning
o Meaning
o Planning process
1 o Planning premises
o Types of plans – based on breadth and use.

• Organizing
o Introduction
o Meaning of organizing
o Principles of organizing.

More on Organizing and Staffing 10 hours

• Departmentation
o Meaning

• Bases of departmentation
o Function wise
o Product wise
2. o Territory wise
o Process wise
o Customer wise.
• Delegation
o Meaning
o Elements of delegation
o Principles of effective delegation.

• Centralization and decentralization

o Meaning
o Factors affecting degree of centralization and
• Staffing
o Meaning
o Human Resource Planning
o Job Analysis
o Recruitment
 Only sources of recruitment
o Selection
 Only the selection process
o Training
 Methods of training-job rotation
o Lectures/conference vestibule(a short note on these)
Directing 10 hours
• Meaning of directing
• Principles of directing
• Motivation
o Meaning
o Theories of motivation
 Herzberg’s Two-Factor theory
 McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y , Theory Z
• Leadership
o Meaning of leadership
o Types of leadership
 Theories of leadership-Blake and Mouton’s
 Managerial grid
 Leadership continuum
o Communication
 Meaning and Importance
Control 10 hours
• Meaning and Nature of control
• Importance of control
• Control process
• Essentials/principles of effective control system
• Techniques of control-Break-Even Analysis

Principles of Management (Fifth Edition)
Publication: Tata McGraw Hill
By P C Tripathi, PN Reddy,

Reference Book:
1. Fundamental of Management, Concept, application, skill development
Publication: Cengage Learning
By Robert N. Lussier

2. Entrepreneurship and Managemen

Publication: Pearson
By: S. Nagendra, VS Manjunath

3. Management-Concept, Practice and Cases

Publication: Tata McGraw Hill(first Edition-2010)
By: Karminder Ghuman and K. Aswathapa
Foundation Course
FC-201(2) Mass Communication
Course Introduction:
With the advances in ICT, the new methods of mass communication have been developed. More
and more, radio, TV channels as well as news papers are been made available to the society.
Since, the student having good knowledge of ICT will have openings in mass media field. It is
essential that the student should know different aspects of mass media and communication. This
subject makes an attempt to expose the students to the role of electronic and print media, in
corporate as well as societal communication.

1.) To gain understanding of mass communication and its processes.
2.) To become aware of the effects of mass media upon society.
3.) To understand the theoretical underpinnings and ethical standards within mass media
4.) To enhance media literacy.
5.) To learn about the norms and practices within mass media fields.

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 3
Teaching Hours: 40

Mass Communication: An Overview 10 hours
• Mass Communication & Society
• Uses & Effects
• Content of Media
• Impact o f Mass Media on children, women & others
1 • Target Audience & Objectives
• Cultural Context & Psychology
• Technology in Communication
• Various Media
• Convergence & New Media: E-Commerce, E-learning
• Effective Presentation Skills
Print Media & Corporate Communication 10 hours
• Newspapers
• Magazines
• What is news?
• News Values, Types & Sources
• Role of Editors & Reporters
• Technology used in print media
• Content analysis of newspaper
• What is Corporate Communication?
• In-house Communication
• Corporate Identity: Definition & Types
3 Radio 10 hours
• Importance of Spoken words
• Strength & Weaknesses of Radio as a Medium
• Functioning of Radio Stations
• Public & Private Radio Stations
• Different Production Formats & Genres
• Technology in Radio
• Ethics in Broadcasting
4 Television 10 hours
• Basics of Photography
• Early Experiments of Television
(SITE, KCP, Jhabua project,etc)
• Developing Ideas & Script Writing
• TV Production Formats
• Planning & Budgeting
• Camera Compositions, Framing, Movements
• Editing
• Television Crew & Functioning of Studio
• E-Content

Reference Book:
1. Mass Communication in India
Publication: JAICO Publications
By Keval J. Kumar
Cyber Law
About the course: Development of Cyber law is a recent phenomenon. It is still in a nascent stage
and continuously evolving every passing day. Even the most learned legal luminaries find it
difficult to solve the legal problems posed by technology. India has emerged as a hub of the IT
industry due to the phenomenal growth of the IT sector. However, this huge growth rate has
brought with it the inevitable legal complications due to a switch over from paper-based
commercial transactions to e-commerce and e-transactions.
The purpose and object of the course:
To introduce the cyber world and cyber law in general
To explain about the various facets of cyber crimes
To enhance the understanding of problems arising out of online transactions and provoke them to
find solutions
To clarify the Intellectual Property issues in the cyber space and the growth and development of
the law in this regard
To educate about the regulation of cyber space at national and international level
The syllabus is divided in four units:
Unit 1: Internet, E-Commerce and E-Governance with Reference to Free Market Economy
• Modern Era: The scene and problems
• Need for Cyber Laws
• What is E-commerce? Various Modes of E-commerce
• Illustrative cases about cyberspace jurisdiction
• Basic laws of Digital and Electronic Signature in India

Unit II: Law Relating to Electronic Records and Intellectual Property Rights in India
• Legal aspects of electronic records/ digital signatures
• The roles and regulations of certifying authorities in India
• Protection of intellectual property rights in cyberspace in India
Unit III: International efforts relating to cyberspace laws and cyber crimes
• International efforts related to cyberspace laws
• Council of Europe convention on cyber crimes
Unit IV: Penalties, compensation and offences under the cyberspace and Internet in India
• Penalties, compensation and adjudication of violations of provisions of IT Act and judicial
• Some important offences under the cyberspace law and the internet in India
• Miscellaneous provisions of IT act and conclusions

Cyber Laws and IT Protection by Harish Chander
Publication: PHI Learning PVT LTD
Reference Books:
1) Textbook on Cyber Law by Pavan Duggal
Publication: Universal Law Publishing

2) Cyber Law: Law of Information Technology and Internet by Anirudh Rastogi

Publication: LexisNexisa
Gujarat University
Bachelor of Computer Applications
Semester IV (CBCS)
(Effective from June 2018)

COURSE TITLE Database Management System - II

Session Per Week 4
Total Teaching Hours 40 HOURS
The aim of the course is to make student how to use these concepts in database applications.

Students would be able to:
1) Decide where and how to store and retrieve the information effectively using advanced concept of database
2) Recognize the elements of Database for real life applications.
3) Familiar with the advanced database concepts such as distributed database, business intelligence and data
warehouse etc.

Introduction to SQL 10
●Introduction to SQL
●Data Definition Commands
o Data Types
o Creating Table Structures
o SQL Constraints 5
●Data Manipulation Commands
o Adding Table Rows
o Saving Table Changes
o Listing Table Rows
o Updating Table Rows
o Restoring Table Contents
o Deleting Table Row

●Select Query
o With Conditional Restrictions
o Arithmetic Operators
o Logical Operators
o Special Operators
●Advanced Data Definition Commands 5
o Changing a Column’s Data Type
o Changing a Column’s Data Characteristic
o Adding a column
o Dropping a column
o Advanced Data Update
o Copying Parts of Table
o Adding Primary and Foreign Key Designations
o Deleting Table From The Database
●Aggregate Functions
Transaction Management and Concurrency Control 10
● What is a Transaction?
● Concurrency Control
● Concurrency Control with Locking Methods
2 ● Concurrency Control with Stamping Methods
● Concurrency Control with Optimistic Methods
● Database Recovery Management

● DistributedDatabase
Systems 10
o Evolution of DDBMS
o Distributed Processing and Distributed Database 2

● Levels of Data and Process Distribution

o Single-Site Processing, Single-Site Data(SPSD) 3
o Multiple-Site Processing, Single-Site Data(MPSD)
o Multiple-Site Processing, Multiple-Site Data(MPSD)
● Distributed Database Transparency Features
● Distributed Transparency
● Transaction Transparency
o Distributed Requests and Distributed Transactions
o Distributed Concurrency Control
o Two-Phase Commit Protocol
● Performance Transparency and Query Optimization

Advanced SQL 10
● Set Operators
o Union 2
o Union All
o Intersect
o Minus

● SQL Join
o Cross Join
o Natural Join
o Join Using Clause
o Join On Clause
o Outer Join
4 ● SQL Functions
o Date and Time
o Numeric
o String
o Conversion

● Sub Queries
o Where Sub Queries
o In Sub Queries
o Multirow Sub Query Operators: Any and All 3
o From Sub queries
o Attribute list Sub queries
o Correlated Sub queries
● Sequence

Database System Concepts (First Edition: 2008)
Publisher: Cengage Learning
By Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel

Chapter-10 (10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)

Chapter-12 (12.1, 12.3, 12.6, 12.7, 12.8, 12.9, and 12.10)
Chapter-7 (7.1, 7.2 (7.2.4, 7.2.5, 7.2.6, 7.2.7) 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6.3) Excluding (7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.2.3)
Chapter-8 (8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5)

1. Introduction to Database Management Systems (First Edition 2006)
Publisher: Tata McGraw-Hill
By ISRD Group

2. An Introduction to Database Systems (Eighth Edition 2006)

Publisher : Pearson
By C. J. Date, A. Kannan & S. Swamynathan

3. An Introduction to Database Systems

Publisher: Pearson
By ITL Education Solutions Limited

COURSE TITLE System Analysis, QA and Testing

Session Per Week 3
Total Teaching Hours 40 HOURS
To develop the skill about System Analysis, Quality Assurance and types of Testing Methods
To make the students able to design CD,DFD, UML Diagrams and test the existing systems.


On the completion of the course students will:

1.Understand different models and draw data flow diagrams
3.Understand the basic android terminology and technology
4.Learn how to draw uml diagrams
5.To understand the basic terminologies and types of testing

Software Development Models
o Waterfall Model
o The Incremental Model 4
o The Spiral Model

Requirement Modeling / Fact-finding techniques

1 Interview
Document review
Questionnaires and surveys 6
Overview Feasibility Study
Operational , Technical , Economic , Schedule Feasibility
Data Flow Diagram: Concepts, Symbols, Rules,
Construction of CD and DFD
Object Oriented Analysis 10
The Constituents of OOAD:
o Objects and Classes
o Links and Association
o Generalization and Specialization
o Aggregation and Composition
o Coupling and Cohesion
o Components
2 o Interfaces
Use-Case Diagram:
Benefits of Use-Case Diagram
o Actors, Use-Cases , Relationship between Actor and Use Case 6
Sequence Diagram:
Elements of Sequence Diagram:
Life Lines, Messages, Activation, Guards, Combined Fragments, Objects

Activity Diagram:
Elements of Activity Diagram:
Initial State, Final State
Action / Activity
Transitions , Decision 6
Synchronization, Fork and Join
Swim lanes, Object and Object Flow
Class Diagram:
o Elements of Class Diagram:
User Interfaces and Layouts
o Viewgroups
o Built-in Layout classes 4
o FrameLayout, LinearLayout, RelativeLayout,TableLayout, GridLayout
o Multiple Layouts on a screen

Quality, Quality Assurance and Quality Control
White Box Testing
Black Box Testing
Integration Testing
System and Acceptance Testing
Performance Testing 4
Regression Testing
Test Metrics and Measurements
UNIT 1 :
System Analysis and Design Methods
Publisher: Cengage Learling
By: Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Harry J. Rosenblatt

UNIT 2, 3
Magnifying Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Publisher: PHI
Author: Arpita Gopal and Netra Patil

UNIT 3, 4
Software Testing: Principles and Practices
Pearson Education
Srinivasan Desikan Gopalaswamy Ramesh





Session Per Week 4
Total Teaching Hours 40 HOURS
To develop the skill about the basic knowledge of java programming language with oop concepts and provide knowledge
about platform independent concept.
To provide knowledge of interface exception handling,threading, package and applet details through java.

On the completion of the course students will:
1.Understand the java programming and oop concepts.
2.Understand the concepts of Inteface, exception handling, threading, and package.
3.Understand the basic concepts of applet.

Java Introduction 10
• Principles of Object oriented language
• Java Essentials
• Java Virtual Machine
• Java Features
1 • Program Structure 3
• Java Improvements
• Difference between Java and C++
• Installation of JDK 1.7
• Integrated Development Ebvironment

• Java Programming constructs

o Variables
o Primitive Data Types
o Identifier
o Literals
o Operators
o Expressions
o Precedence Rules and Associativity
o Primitive type conversion and casting
o Flow of Control
• Classes and Objects
o Class, Objects, Class declaration in java, Creating Objects 3
o Methods, Constructors, Cleaning Up Unused Objects

Array, Inheritance and Interface 10

o Class Variable and Methods - Static Keyword
o this keyword
• Arrays
o One dimensional, Two dimensional 4
o Using For..each with array
o Passing arrays to methods and returning arrays from method
• command line arguments
• Inheritance
o Deriving classes using extends keyword
o Overriding Method 4
o super keyword, final keyword
o Abstract class

• Interface
o Variables in Interface
o Extending Interfaces 2
o Interface vs Abstract class

Package, String and Exception Handling 10

• Packages
o Creating Packages
o Using Packages
o Access Protection
3 • java .lang Package 5
• java.lang.Objects class
• java.wrapper classses
• String class
• String Buffer Class

• Exception
o Introduction
o Exception Handling Techniques 5
o User Defined Exception

Multithreading and Applet 10

• Introduction
• Multithreading in java
• java.lang.Thread
• Main Thread
• Creation of new Threads 5
• Thread State in java
• Thread Priority
• Multithreading using isAlive() and join( )

• Applet
4 • Introduction
• Applet class
• Applet Structure
• Example Applet Program
• Applet Life Cycle
• Common methods used in displaying the output 5
• paint(), update() and repaint() methods
• More about applet tag
• Methods of Graphics class
o drawLine(), drawArc(), fillArc(), drawOval(), fillOval(), drawPolygon(), fillPolygon(),
drawRect(), fillRect(), drawRoundRect(), fillRoundRect()

Programming in Java
Oxford Publication
By Sachin Malhotra and Saurabh Choudhary

1. Programming in Java 2
Jaico publishing house
By Dr. K. Somasundaram

2.The Complete Reference Java2

TMH Publication
By Herbert Schildt


1. Any editor of Windows or Linux/UNIX.
2. JVM version 1.8


Session Per Week 4
Total Teaching Hours 40 HOURS
To develop the skill about the basic and important terminology of Internet.
To make the students able for web site design fundamentals using HTML scripting.

On the completion of the course students will:
1.Understand the meaning and syntax of different tags of HTML5
2.Learn the basic differences between HTML and HTML5
3.Understand the basic internet terminology and technology
4.To design web pages using simple and advanced tags of HTML5.
5.To understand the fundamental concept of Google AdSense and Analytics.

1 Introduction to E-Commerce 10
• E-Commerce: The revolution is just beginning 3
o What is E-Commerce?
o The difference between E- Commerce and E-Business
o Eight Unique Features of E-Commerce Technology
o Introduction to Web 2.0
o Types of E-Commerce

The Internet and World Wide Web : E-Commerce Infrastructure

• The Internet: Technology Background 7
o The Evolution of the Internet 1961 – the Present
o The Internet : Key Technology Concepts
o Other Internet Protocols and Utility Programs
• The Internet Today
o The Internet Backbone
o Internet Exchange Points
o Campus Area Networks (CANs)
o Internet Service Providers
o Internets and Extranets
• Introduction to Internet 2
• The Internet and the Web: Features
o E-mail
o Instant Messaging
o Search Engines
o Intelligent Agents (Bots)
o Online Forums and Chat
o Streaming Media
o Cookies

2 Online Security and Payment System 10

• The E-Commerce Security Environment 10
o Scope of the problem
o What is good E-commerce security?
o Dimensions of E-commerce security
o The tensions between security and other values
• Security Threats in the E-Commerce Environment
o Malicious code
o Unwanted programs
o Phishing and Identity theft
o Hacking and Cyber vandalism
o Credit Card Fraud/Theft
o Spoofing and Spam Web Sites
o Sniffing
o Insider attacks
o Poorly designed server and client software
• Technology solution
o Protecting Internet communications
o Encryption (excluding: limitation of encryption solutions)
3 Payment Systems, Social Networks and Online Auctions 10
• Types of Payment systems 5
o Cash
o Checking transfer
o Credit card
o Accumulating balance
• E-Commerce payment systems
o Online credit card transaction
o Digital wallets
o Digital cash
o Online stored value systems
o Digital accumulating balance payment systems
o Digital checking payment systems
o Wireless payment systems

Social Networks, Auctions and Portals

• Social Networks and Online Communities 5
o What is online social network?
o Difference between Social networks and Portals
o Social network features and technologies
o The future of social networks
• Online Auctions
o Defining and measuring the growth of auctions and dynamic pricing
o Why are Auctions so popular? Benefits and costs of
o Auctions(excluding: market-maker benefit)
o Types and examples of Auctions

4 Ethical, Social and Political issues in E-commerce 10

• Understanding Ethical, Social and Political Issues in ECommerce
o A model for organizing the issues
o Basic ethical concepts: responsibility, accountability and liability
o Analyzing ethical dilemmas
o Candidate ethical principles
• Intellectual property rights
o Types of Intellectual property protections
o Copyrights: the problem of perfect copies and encryption
o Patents: business methods and processes
o Trademark: online infringement and dilution
• Governance
o Public government and law
o Introduction to Taxation

E-Commerce – Business, Technologies, Society (2008), 4th Edition
Publication: Pearson
Kenneth C. Laudon, Carol Guercio Traver

1. E-Commerce Strategy, Technology and Implementation
Publication: Cengage Learning
By Gary P. Schneider
2. Electronic commerce
Publication: TATA Mc Graw Hill
By Bharat Bhasker
3. Electronic Commerce A Managers’ Guide
Publication: Pearson
By Ravi Kalakota, Andrew B. Whinston
4. Electronic Commerce A simplified Approach
Publication: JAICO
By Munesh Chandra Trivedi
5. e-Business 2.0
Publication: Pearson
By Ravi Kalakota, Marcia Robinson




To develop the skill about the basic knowledge of SQL.
On the completion of the course students will:
1.Understand the SQL concepts.

SQL 10
Create table structures.
o With Different data types of SQL
o with use of necessary constraints
_ Primary Key
_ Foreign Key
5 hours
_ Not Null
_ Unique
_ Default
1 _ Check

Perform following data manipulation commands on table

For Example:
o Adding Table Rows
o Saving Table Changes
o Listing Table Rows 5 hours
o Updating Table Rows
o Restoring Table Contents
o Deleting Table Row

SQL 10

Perform select queries on different tables.

with arithmetic operators
o with conditional restrictions 8 hours
o with logical operators
o with special operators

2 Apply advanced data definition commands on table

For Example:
o Changing a Column‟s Data Type
o Changing a Column‟s Data Characteristic
o Adding a column
o Dropping a column 2 hours
o Advanced Data Update
o Copying Parts of Table
o Adding Primary and Foreign Key Designations
o Deleting Table From The Database
Advanced SQL 10 hours

Perform select query with aggregate functions

o Min
o Max
o Count 2 hours
o Sum
o Avg

Apply set operators on any given two tables.

3 o Union
o Union All 2 hours
o Intersect
o minus

Perform join on given two or more than two tables.

o Cross Join
o Natural Join
o Join Using Clause 6 hours
o Join On Clause
o Outer Join

Advanced SQL 10 hours

Demonstrate the use of SQL functions using SQL query on different

o Date and Time
o Numeric 3 hours
o String
o Conversion

4 Demonstrate the use of sub queries on different tables.

o Where
o In
o Having
o Multi rows (Any/ All) 6 hours
o From sub query
o Attribute list
o correlated

Create sequences and demonstrate the use of sequence.(Create, Use and Delete) 1 hours
Following type of sample questions can be asked in the final examination

1) Write a query that display purchase detail of all customers based on sale date.
2) Display the Name of customers who are born in 1985.
3) Display the name of product starts with “s”.
4) Display details of product having maximum sales.

1) Display details of male customers only.
2) Display the details of account opened in 1999.
3) List all records where current balance not less than 4000.
4) List all branch names where branch number is 1 or 3.

1) List DEPTNO as DEPARTMENT NUMBER, Count of Employees as “Number of Employees”
FROM Employee table.
2) List all employees who earn more than the average salary of their departments.
3) List DEPTNO, sum of salary department wise of employees who earn more than 2000.
4) Create a view on all the employee details of deptno=10.


1) List all persons in Norway and USA:
2) Select only the records with NULL values in the "Address" column
3) List firstname,lastname with an Order month “November”.
4) Count the no of persons having average order price=20;

1) How many programmers have done the PGDCA course.
2) Display the institute names from the Studies table without Duplicates.
3) Display details of software having maximum scost.
4) Display the names of the programmers whose names contain 2 Occurrences of the letter
Database System Concepts (First Edition: 2008)
Publisher: Cengage Learning
By Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel

1. SQL, PL/SQL: The Programming Language Of Oracle (4th Revised Edition) by Ivan Bayross
Publisher: BPB Publications
2. An Introduction to Database Systems (Eighth Edition 2006)
Publisher : Pearson
By C. J. Date, A. Kannan & S. Swamynathan



Session Per Week 4
Total Teaching Hours 40 HOURS
On the completion of the course students will:
1.Understand the language Visual Basic .NET
2.Learn the basic Visual and Windows Components / Controls.
3.Understand Object Oriented Programming with VB.NET.
4.Connectivity with Database.
5.Generting Reports with crystal reports.




1 Design interface and implement functionalities for Arithmetic calculator with power, square, log,
factorial, square root and clear functionalities.
2 Design interface and implement functionalities for Loan calculator. Take Amount, No of installments
and Rate of interest from the user. Also user can choose Early Pay option through a checkbox. Calculate
installment amount using pmt() function. Do proper validation for inputs taken by the user.

3 Design an application which will have 2 radio buttons. One will convert the Celsius to Fahrenheit and
another will convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. Show the appropriate output depends on the user’s
selection. (Use radio button to take user choice and use textbox to enter value).

4 Design a form having two text boxes, combo box and a label. Make the validation so that user can enter
only numbers in both texboxes, if user has entered both numerical values then make the combo box
visible. The combo box has options like 'ADD', 'SUB', 'MUL' and 'DIV'. According to user's choice from
from combo, result will display in label.

5 Create an application with a textbox in which user can enter a sentence then displays
1) Number of vowels
2) Number of spaces
3) Number of digits
4) Number of special symbols
When user press “analysis” button.

6 Design and implement a Tic Tack Toe game (Two Player).

7 Write a program to transfer an item from First Listbox to Second Listbox and from Second Listbox to
8 Print multiplication table into Listbox. For multiplication take value using Numeric up down.
9 Take 3 Radio buttons showing the name of 3 Countries. Load the image of the Flag of the country
selected by the user from the given Radio buttons in the Picture box.
10 Take a Timer control which will delay to load MainForm by 10 seconds. Show the progress bar in the
wait time. Also use Time control to scroll a label having text “Gujarat University”, also take two more
labels to show date and time on the tick event of the timer.

1 Take 3 Scrollbars indicating values of Red, Green and Blue colors from 0 to 255. Take 3 labels to show
the values of the scroll bars. Depending upon values selected by the user with the help of scrollbars
make a color and shows it in the picture box. Place a button having text ‘Apply Color’, and on the click
event of the button apply that color to the form.
2 Implement Textpad application using Rich textbox. Make menus like File (New, Open Save, SaveAs and
Exit), Edit (Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo), Format (Bold, Italic, Underline, Font, Color) etc. Use all
common dialog controls and implement functionalities.

3 Take a Rich Textbox and implement Find, FindNext, Replace and ReplaceAll functionalities.

4 Write a program to Read and Write Text file.

5 Write a program to Read and Write Binary file.
6 Accept no from user and perform following operations using user defined sub routines or functions:
1) Factorial of number
2) Odd/even

7 Create MDI form. It must have File menu with option open, Close and Exit. It should also have window
menu to arrange the child forms like Tile Horizontal, Tile Vertical, Cascade and Arrange Icons.

8 Create MDI form. It must have File menu with option Open, Close and Exit and one picture box. Allow
users to open any picture using open dialog box, that picture should be displayed in the picture box.

9 Write function or subroutine to Find maximize, minimize value from an array and also to sort an array.


1 Create shape class as abstract class having area as must override function. Derive rectangle, triangle,
square class based from this class.
2 Write a program to create class Person. Make at least three properties and one method “show detail”
of this class. Now inherit class Student and Faculty from class Person and override method “show
detail”. Create objects of Student and Faculty class and call show detail function for both objects to
show details in appropriate text boxes.

3 Write a program to implement the class Employee. Show Constructor Overloading.

4 Write a program to implement the class Book. Show Method Overloading.

3 5 Create an Invoice application in which user enters the customer name, description, unit price and
quantity for the item ordered, then clicks the add item button. The application calculates the order total
by multiplying the unit price by the quantity. And calculates a discount based on the order total. The
user can then add another item to the order by using all information.

6 Create a user control called myTextBx, having all the properties of the TextBox. Add Four Properties to it
called EnterClr as Color, LeaveClr as Color and MandatoryClr as Color and Mandatory as boolean. Use
this control on Windows Application. Object of this control will show EnterClr when it is being focused.
On Leave if Mandatory property is TRUE and Textbox is Empty then MandatoryClr has to be applied
otherwise LeaveClr is applied to the Textbox.

7 Write an application, which works like a window's explorer, using combo box and list box.
1. The combo box should display the list of drives.
2. The list box should display the list of files and directories.
1 Write a Program to develop a Database Application with ADO.NET with Record Navigation and Add,
Delete, Save and Update Facility for Books table (BookID,BookName, Qty, UnitPrice,TotalPrice).

2 Create a login form which will validate user name and password from the database. On validation show
MDI form. Show appropriate message if user name and password is incorrect.

3 Create two tables State(StateCode, StateName) and City(CityCode, CityName, StateCode). Design a
form which will list all the state in the ComboBox. After selection of the StateName, another ComboBox
should display all the Cities which belong to the state selected by the user in the first ComboBox.

4 Write a program to create a table Emp with the following fields:

Field Name Datatype
Eno Integer
Ename Varchar(20)
4 Salary Single
Birthdate Date
Designation Varchar(20)
Design a form which perform Select, Insert, Update and Delete operations on the table Emp. On Insert
Eno has been generated automatically.
5 Create below mentioned Crystal Reports for the above application.
• List all the Employees having salary more than 25000
• List all the Employees who are above the age 35.
• List all the Employees designation wise.

6 Design a following table in Access. Table name = Book (Bookcode, Booktype, Bookpublisher,
Bookauther, Bookpage, Bprice). Design Form that Display Above detail. Provide Add, Update, Delete,
Next, first, last, pervious functionalities. Create Crystal Report for above application.

7 Design a crystal report for the table given in the Q:6. Report should be Author wise and summarize it
with Book count and Total of the price (Author wise).




1. Visual Studio 2008




Session Per Week 3

Total Teaching Hours 40 HOURS
To develop practical skill about the basic java programming language with OOP concepts.
To provide development skill of interface, exception handling, threading and applet.

On the completion of the course practically students will:
1. Understand the java programming and Object Oriented Programing concepts.
2. Understand the concepts of Interface, Exception handling, Threading, and Package.
3. Understand the basic concepts of Applet.

1 Java Introduction 10
Write a program to evaluate simple interest of a given principle, rate and time.
A motor cycle dealer sells two-wheelers to his customer on loan, which is to be
repaid in 5 years. The dealer charges simple interest for the whole term on the
day of giving the loan itself. The total amount is then divided by 60(months) and
is collected as equated monthly instalment (EMI). Write a program to calculate
the EMI for a loan of Rs. X, where X is given from command line argument. Print
the EMI value in rupees.
A car accessories shop assigns code 1 to seat covers, 2 to steering wheel covers ,
3 to car lighting and 4 for air purifiers. All other items have code 5 or more.
While selling the goods, a sales tax of 2% to seat covers ,3% to steering wheel
3 covers, 4% to car lighting, 2.5% to air purifiers and 1.2% for all other items is
charged. A list containing the product code and price is given for making a bill.
Write a java program using switch statements to prepare a bill.

Write a java program to scan 3 integer values from the command line argument
4 and display the maximum number using conditional operator.

Write a program to calculate the hypotenuse of right angled triangle when other
5 sides
of the triangle are given. (Hypotenuse = square root (x*x + Y *Y))
Write a program to calculate the area of square and rectangle by overloading
6 the area method.

Create a complex number class. The class should have a constructor and
7 methods to add, subtract and multiply two complex numbers and to return the
real and imaginary parts.
A shop during festival season offers a discount 10% for purchase made up to
12% for purchase value of Rs.1,000 or more up to Rs 1,500 and 15% for
purchase value
8 of Rs.1,500 or more. Write a program to implement the above scheme for a
given sales
and print out the sales and print out the sales value, discount and net amount
payable by
a customer. Create necessary methods and constructors.
A bank gives 6.5% per annum interest on deposits made in that bank. Write a
program to calculate the total amount that a person will receive after the end of
9 5 years for a deposit of Rs.5000 for compound interest. Create necessary
methods and constructors too.

Write a java program to display powers of 2 i.e. 2,4,8,16 etc up to 1024 using
bitwise operators.
2 Array, Inheritance and Interface 10
Write a program to sort the elements of one dimensional array. Read value of
array elements through command line argument.
Write a program to create an array to store 5 integer values. Also initialize the
2 array with 5 numbers and display the array Elements in reverse order.

3 Write a program to find sum of two matrices of 3 x3.

Write program to create an array of company name and another array of price
4 quoted by the company. Fetch the company name who has quoted the lowest
Write an interface called numbers, with a method in Process(int x, int y). Write a
class called Sum, in which the method Process finds the sum of two numbers
5 and returns an int value. Write another class called Average, in which the
Process method finds the average of the two numbers and returns an int.
Create a class called NumberData that accept any array of the five numbers.
Create a sub class called Numplay which provides methods for followings:
1. Display numbers entered.
2. Sum of the number.
3. Average of the numbers.
6 4. Maximum of the numbers.
5. Minimum of the numbers.
Create a class that provides menu for above methods. Give choice from the
command-line argument.

Declare an abstract class Vehicle with an abstract method named numWheels(

).provide subclasses Car and Truck that each implements this method. Create
instance of these subclasses and demonstrate the use of this method

Write an interface called Exam with a method Pass(int mark) that returns a
Boolean. Write another interface called Classify with a method Division(int
average) which returns a string. Write a class called Result which implements
8 both Exam and Classify. The pass method should return true if the marks is
greater than or equal to 35 else false. The division method must return “First”
when the parameter average is 60 or more, “second” when average is 50 or
more but below 60, “no division” when average is less than 50.
Create class calculation with an abstract method area( ). Create Rectangle and
9 Triangle subclasses of calculation and find area of rectangle and triangle.

The abstract Vegetable class has four subclasses named cabbage, carrot and
potato. Write an application that demonstrates how to establish this class
hierarchy. Declare one instance variable of type string that indicates the color of
a vegetable. Create and display instances of these object. Override the toString()
method of object to return a string with the name of the vegetable and its color.

3 Package, String and Exception Handling 10

Create a package P and within that package create class PackClass which have
method called findmax( ) which find maximum value from three numbers. Now
import the package within another class DemoClass and now display the
maximum number.
Write a program that creates three different classes in three different packages
2 and access them from default package. All the three packages should be at the
same level.
Create package pack1 within this package create class A which contains one
instance variable and one instance method. Create another package pack2
within this package create class B. where class B is calling the method and
variable of class A
Write a program that accepts a string from command line and perform following
1. Display each character on separate line in reverse order.
4 2. Count total number of chracters and display each character's position too.
3. Identify that whether the string is palindrom or not.
4. Count total number of uppercase and lowercase characters in it.
Write a Java program to input n integer numbers and display lowest and second
5 lowest number. Also handle the different exceptions possible to be thrown
during execution.
Write a program that takes a string from the user and validate it. The string
6 should be at least 5 characters and should contain at least one digit. Display an
appropriate valid message.
Write an application that accepts marks of three different subject from user.
Marks should be between 0 to 100, if marks of any of the subject is not belong
to this range, generate custom exception out of RangeException. If marks of
7 each subjects are greater than or equal to 40 then display message “PASS” along
with percentage, otherwise display message “FAIL”. Also write exception
handling code to catch all the possible runtime exceptions likely to be generated
in the program.
Write a program which takes the age of 5 persons from command line and find
the average age of all persons. The program should handle exception if the
argument is not correctly formatted and custom exception if the age is not
between 1 to 100.
Write an application that converts between meters and feet. Its first command-
line argument is a number and second command line argument is either
"centimeter" or "meter". If the argument equals "centimeter" displays a string
reporting the equivalent number of meters. If this argument equals "meters",
9 display a string reporting the equivalent number of centimeter. If unit is not
given properly then generate custom exception Unitformatexception. If first
argument is not proper format then generate numberformatexception.
Generate other exception as per requirements. (1 meter=100 centimeter)
Write a program that accepts 5 even numbers from command line , if any of the
10 numbers is odd then throw custom exception OddException and count such
invalid numbers.
4 Multithreading and Applet 10
Write an application that starts two thread. First thread displays even numbers
in the range specified from the command line and second thread displays odd
numbers in the same range. Each thread waits for 300 milliseconds before
1 displaying the next numbers. The application waits for both the thread to finish
and then displays the message “Both threads completed”.

Write a program that create and starts five threads. Each thread is instantiated
from the same class. It executes a loop with ten iterations. Each iteration
2 displays the character 'x' and sleep for 500 milliseconds. The application waits
for all threads to complete and then display a message ‘hello’.

Write a java program to create 2 threads each thread calculates the sum and
average of 1 to 10 and 11 to 20 respectively. After all thread finish, main thread
3 should print message “ Task Completed”. Write this program with use of
runnable interface.
Create two thread. One thread print ‘fybca’ 4 times and another thread print
4 ‘sybca’ 6 times. Set priority for both thread and when thread finished print
‘tybca’ from main.
Create an applet which draws a line, rectangle and filled circle in applet display
5 area.

Write applets to draw the following shapes.

a. cone
b. cylinder
c. cube
Write an applet that take 2 numbers as parameter and display their average and
Write a Java applet that draws a circle centred in the centre of
the applet. The radius of the circle should be passed as a parameter.
9 Write an applet that draw a circle divided in 6 equal parts.

10 Write an applet that draw a rectangle divided in 5 equal parts.

Programming in Java
Oxford Publication
By Sachin Malhotra and Saurabh Choudhary

1. Programming in Java 2
Jaico publishing house
By Dr. K. Somasundaram
2.The Complete Reference Java2
TMH Publication
By Herbert Schildt

1. Any editor of Windows or Linux/UNIX.
2. JVM version 1.8
Foundation Course
FC – 202(1) Scientific Computing

Course Introduction:
The course introduces the Computer Science student to the numerical methods necessary for
scientific computing such as Error, propagation, solutions of Non linear and Transcendental
Equations, interpolation and Curve Fitting.

1.) To understand the concepts, techniques & applications of scientific computing.
2.) To develop the skills of solving real life problems by using computer programming.
3.) To make students to understand the art of applying Mathematical techniques to solve some
real life problems.
4.) To gain knowledge of scientific computing.

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 3
Teaching Hours: 40 hours

Errors in Computation 10 hours
• Introduction
• Significant Digits and Floating-Point Representation
• Floating point Arithmetic
o Addition Operation 5 hrs
o Subtraction Operation
o Multiplication Operation
1 o Division Operation
• Errors in Computation
• Absolute and Relative Errors
5 hrs
• Calculation of Absolute and Relative Errors
• Error Propagation
Practical Demo should be given for Floating point Arithmetic and
Error in C/C++
Numerical Methods for Nonlinear and Transcendental Equations 10 hours
• Introduction
• Graphical Method 2 hrs
• Tabulation Method
• Iteration Methods
o Bisection Method
4 hrs
2 o False Position Method
o Newton–Raphson Method
Numerical Integration 4 hrs
• Introduction
• General Quadrature Formula (GQF)
• Trapezodial Rule
• Simpson’s 1/3 rule
Practical Demo should be given for Iteration Method in C/C++
Interpolation 10 hours
• Introduction
• Lagrange Interpolation Method
• Methods Based on Finite Differences 5 hrs
• Forward Differences and the Forward Difference Table
3 • Newton’s Forward Interpolation Formula
• Backward Differences and the Backward Difference Table
• Newton’s Backward Interpolation Formula
• Divided Differences and the Divided Difference Table for 5 hrs
Unequally Spaced Points
• Newton’s Divided Difference Interpolation Formula
Practical Demo should be given for Interpolation Method in C/C++
Curve Fitting 10 hours
• Introduction
• Straight Line Fit Using the LSF Method
• Reverse Straight Line Fit 5 hrs
• Polynomial Fit by the LSF Method
4 • Power Function Fit Using the LSF Method
• Exponential Function Fit by the LSF Method
• Error Estimation in LSF Method
• Weighted Least Square Approximation 5 hrs
• Straight Line Fit Using the WLSF Method
Polynomial Curve Fit Using the WLSF Method
Practical Demo should be given for different Methods of Curve
Fitting in C/C++

Note: - C/C++ Programs and Algorithms should not be asked in theory examination.
Numerical Analysis with Algorithms and Computer Programs in C++
Publication : PHI Learning Private Limited
By Ajay Wadhwa
Chapter-1, 2, 4, 8

Reference Book:

1. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods

Publication: Khanna Book Publishing Co. Ltd.
By R.S.Salaria

2. Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers (Third Edition)

Publication: PHI Learning Private Limited
By K. Sankara Rao
Foundation Course
FC-202(2) eGovernance
Course Introduction:
Students will be provided with basic awareness of ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ of e-governance as
well as impact of e-government on different stake holders. E-government implementation requires
multi-disciplinary approach. Discussion of Case Studies of successful e-governance projects in
developing countries will increase understanding of the technical, public administration, economic,
managerial perspective of e-government to the students.

Students would be able to
1.) Comprehend the Need and Scope of E-governance.
2.) Understand how projects affecting mass and different stakeholders are planned and

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 3
Teaching Hours: 40 hours

Introduction 10 hours
• E-Government: Definition and Scope
o Nature of Clients Served and the Service Delivery Process
o E-Government: Different Stages of Evolution 3 hrs
o E-Government verses E-Governance.
• E-Government in the Context of Developing Countries
o Nature of Applications for Different Types of Clients
o Challenges in Design and Implementation
1 o Investments in E-Government
o Reasons for Implementing E-Government
5 hrs
o E-Government Readiness of Countries
o Status of E-Government in India
o Key Challenges in Further Development of E-
• Making E-Government Work for Rural Citizens
o How can ICT Use and E-Government Help the Poor 2 hrs
o Challenges in Building Pro-poor E-Government
Benefits and Impact of e-Government 10 hours
• Potential Benefits of E-Government for Key Stakeholders
o Benefits for Citizens : Results from an Impact Assessment
5 hrs
o Benefits for Businesses: Results from an Impact
Assessment Study
o Benefits for Agencies Implementing E-Government
• Impact of E-Government on Transparency and Corruption
o Results from a Study of Impact on Corruption
o Improvement in Transparency through E-Government
5 hrs
o Dealing with Corruption through E-Government

E-Governance Projects and its Success 10 hours

• Guidelines for Implementing Projects Successfully
o Life Cycle of an E-Government Project
o Conceptualizing Project Definition and Scope: Starting Small
o Process RE-engineering
3 o Designing a Citizen-centric Service Delivery mechanism
o Communicating with Users 10 hrs
o Seeking Partnerships: Avoiding Reinvention of the wheels
o Phasing Implementation
o Capacity to manage change
o Strong Internal leadership and Project Management
o Risk Factors in Implementing E-Government Projects
Case Studies and the road ahead 10 hours
• Government of Citizen (G2C) Applications
o Online Delivery of Municipal Services: Ahmedabad
Municipal Corporation, Vijaywada, Kalyan-Dombiwali
4 • Government to Business (G2B) Applications
o Online Tax Filing Systems in Different Countries 8 hrs
o Computerization of Interstate Border Check posts in Gujarat
• Government to Government (G2G) Applications
o Computerization of the Treasuries in Karnataka (Khajane)
• E-Government : The Way Ahead 2 hrs

Unlocking E-Government Potential: Concepts, Cases and Practical Insights
Publication: Sage Publications
by Subhash Bhatnagar

Reference Books:
1. E-Governance Today
Publication: ICFAI University Press
by Sowmyanarayan Sadagopan

2. Government Online: Opportunities and Challenges

Publication: Tata McGaw Hill
by M P Gupta, Prabhat Kumar, Jaijit Bhattacharya
Foundation Course
FC-202(3) Interpersonal Skills
Course Introduction:
A study related with the interpersonal skill and behavior patterns. The topics include
interpersonal communication to problem solving and management with good leadership skills.

The student would be able to:
1.) Manage their interpersonal skills and conflicts in an efficient way.
2.) Understand leadership skills and maintain team building.
3.) Practice time management and solve problem related with it.
4.) Solve problems of any issue by resolving conflicts and negotiating.
5.) Structure their ethical decision making.
6.) Appreciate and respect the culture difference and manage cross cultural differences.

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 3
Teaching Hours: 40 hours

Skill: An Introduction 10 hours
• Interpersonal skills and effective management behavior
o Behavior
4 hrs
o Motivation
o Skill and the need for skills training
1 • Self Management
o Clarifying Values
3 hrs
o Setting Goals and Planning
o Group Exercise-The Alligator Rives
• Applying Emotional Intelligence
3 hrs
o Group Exercise-Head versus Heart
Problem Solving 10 hours
• Ethical Decision Making
o Group Exercise-Mini Cases 3 hrs
o Group Exercise-Anticipating Ethical Conflict
• Creative Problem Solving 2 hrs
• Resolving Conflict 2 hrs
• Negotiating
3 hrs
o Group Exercise-The used car Negotiations
Leadership and Team Building 10 hours
• Leadership Qualities and Team Building 3 hrs
• Team Building 3 hrs
• Team Motivation
o Goal Setting 4 hrs
o Case Study-Setting Goals at State Bank of Vermont
Communication of Management 10 hours
• Time Management 3 hrs
• Stress Management 2 hrs
4 • Communicating across cultures
o Group Exercise-What just happened? 3 hrs

• Cross Cultural Etiquette 2 hrs

Training in Interpersonal Skill
Publication: PHI
By Stephen P. Robbins and Phillip L. Hunsaker
Elective Course
EC-202(1) History of Gandhian Movement
Course Introduction:
Mahatma Gandhi is the father of the modern India. According to him Truth is God and God is
Truth. His life was an experiment with truth and he had strong faith in peace, truth and non-
violence. Basic education was his brainchild and its principles were based on his philosophy of
life. The course focuses on Gandhiji’s childhood, youth and the movement started by him at
South Africa and India.

The Students would be able to:
1.) To know the principles followed by Gandhiji.
2.) To understand how he involved in Satyagraha movement.
3.) To also know how he dealt with injustice done by the British Government before
4.) To understand the life and works of Gandhiji.

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 2
Teaching Hours: 20


Gandhiji’s Childhood and Youth
• Birth and parentage
• At school
• Marriage
• Stealing and Atonement
• Glimpses of religion
• In England as student
• In India as Barrister
Gandhiji in South Africa
• Arrival in South Africa
• Getting acquainted with the Indian Problem
• Civil rights movement in South Africa
• ‘Indian Opinion’
• The Phoenix settlement
2 • The Zulu ‘Rebellion’
• Domestic Satyagraha
• The advent of Satyagraha
• Tolstoy Farm
Gandhiji in India
• Founding of the Ashram
• Champaran and Kheda Satyagraha
• Non- Cooperation Movement
3 • Salt Satyagraha (Salt March)
• World War II and Quit India Movement
• The Rowlatt Act
• ‘Navajivan’ and ‘Young India’
• The Birth of Khadi
World Leaders Inspired by Gandhiji
• Nelson Mandela : The South African leader
• Martin Luther King Jr
• Aung San Suu Kyi: The Burmese leader
• Barack Obama

Gandhi the Man
Publication: Jaico
By Eknath Easwaran

Reference Book :
1. Gandhi and the Mass Movements
Publication: Atlantic Publishers
By S.R.Bakshi

2. Gandhian Non-Violence And India’s Freedom Struggle

Publication: Mahesh Jain
By Asha Rani

3. Gandhiji’s Autobiography
Publication: Navjivan Publishing House

4. Gandhi and South Africa

Publication: Navjivan Publishing House

EC-202(2) Introduction to Science and Technology

Course Introduction
This course offers an introduction of Science and Technology to students from non-science
background. The course will deliver positive and informed values and attitudes towards
themselves, others and science and technology.

The student would be able:
1.) To develop their knowledge and understanding of the role of science in creating/
changing: the environment, information & communication, life-styles products and
services, agriculture, health and nutrition.
2.) To understand the impact of technologies people select and use; how these technologies
affect other people, the environment and the future
3.) To introduce students to the some aspects of science of the future times and how it will
affect human kind.

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 2
Teaching Hours: 20 hours


Introduction to Science and technology and its role
• Introduction to Science
o History of science
o Major Historical Scientific and technological
achievements in India
• Role of science and technology in today’s world
o Science and technology and the developing countries
o Science Policy in India
1 o Role of science in India
o Societal aspects of science and technology in India
• Emergence of modern Science in India
o Science & technology in the 20th century
o Science and technology infrastructure in India Today
o Overview of India’s achievements in Science & tech.
o Variety of Science Communication Media
Nuclear Technology & Material Technology
• Nuclear Technology
2 o Nuclear Energy
 Introduction and Scientific basis of nuclear
o Advantages and Disadvantages of nuclear Fission Energy
o Reactor Safety systems
o Radioisotopes & its applications
o Medical Diagnosis using nuclear medicine
o Radiotherapy
o Radiation and Environment
o Radiation damage and its study
o Research and development in nuclear technology in India
• Material Technology
o Nanoscience and nanotechnologies
 Basics of Nanoscience
 Introduction to Nanomaterials
o Applications of Nanotechnology
o Cryogenics
o Laser and Photonics
 Photonics and its applications
 Lasers and its applications
Space Technology & Earth Sciences in India
• Space Technology
o Launch Vehicle Technology
o Propulsion method for launch vehicles
o Satellites and their orbits(GTO orbits)
o Global Positioning System
o Scientific Experiments on the space station
o Remote Sensing
3 o Some Important Indian satellites
o Brief about PSLV & GSLV

• Earth Sciences in India

o Introduction to earth science
• Meteorological science
o Meterology
o Weather Prediction
o Weather Modification and cloud seeding
Defence and Biotechnology
• The effects of weapons of Mass destruction
• Nuclear Weapons
• Effects of Nuclear weapons
• Biological and toxin weapons
• Missile Technologies
• Defence in India
o Defence Research and development organization
o BRAHMOS cruise missiles
o Stealth technology and aircraft
• Biotechnology
o What is Biotechnology?
o Important techniques used in Biotechnology
o Nanobiotechnology
o Cloning
o Bioinformatics technology
o Major Application Areas of Biotechnology

Text Book:

Science and technology

Publisher: Tata McGraw Hill
Author: Ashok Kumar Singh
Chapters 1 to 13, 26 to 30 and 33 to 39 (to be covered)

Reference Books:


Publisher: Tata McGraw Hill
By Bernard Cohen

2. The Good Earth: Introduction to Earth Science

Publisher: Tata McGraw Hill
By David McConnell, David Steer,
Katharine Owens, Catherine Knight

3. Understanding Space: An Introduction to Astronautics + Website

Publisher: Tata Mc Graw Hill
By Jerry Sellers, William Astore,
Robert Giffen, Wiley Larson
Elective Course
EC-202(3) Introduction to Humanities
Course Introduction:
This elective course in humanities aims at introducing to the subject of social science, with
special emphasis on the issues pertaining to evolution of human society, emergence and various
aspects of society in modern India. It also covers issues pertaining to social, political and
administrative systems existing in India. The course is framed to familiarize students with the
developments in economics, arts and aesthetics and the present day challenges experienced by
India and the World societies.

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 2
Teaching Hours: 20 hours


Human Society And Its Evolution
• World Perspective
o Introduction: Meaning of Society, relevance of human
beings in relation to the study of social sciences,
Evolution in tools/technology in various ages(Stone Age,
Bronze Age and Iron Age), Rise of religions of the world.
o Role of nature and its adaptation by human beings through
different ages, Evolution of human beings as thinking
individuals, Evolution of Knowledge( magical form,
Scietific and Religious form), Geographical discoveries
and Colonisation.
o Emergence of the modern world: Fuedalism, Capitalism,
Humanism, Secularism.
o Post Renaissance influences-on literature,
Architecture,Art, Philosophy and Science.
1 o Industrial Revolution and its influence on the society
• Indian Perspective
o Pre-colonial economy: characteristics pertaining to
agriculture, trade and handicrafts industry.
o Evolution of colonial rule and its impact on India (Drain
theory, De-industrialization), impact on the indian agrararian
o Important movements in the Indian History before and after
Gandhian Era, Economic developments in the pre and post
independence period.
o Concepts of secularism, nationalism, internationalism,
communalism, regionalism.
o Major Challenges: Education, Upholding Democracy,
Bueracracy etc.
Social, Politica And Administrative Systems
• Social Structure
o Meaning of social structure; concept of ROLE and STATUS,
Components of Social structure- Social stratification and
Division of labour.
o Social Institutions: Family, Marriage.
o Economic Institutions: Types of economic systems( Hunting
and gathering, pastoral and horticultural economy, agrarian
economy and industrial economy. Political systems and
types of authority which impact the social structure.
o Religion: Positive and Negative aspects of Religion on
o Marginalized groups in a society: meaning, Types: orphaned,
delinquent, destitute children, Disabled, Women in distress,
Commercial sex workers, Scheduled castes, Scheduled
tribes, OBCs, Denotified tribes, Minorities. Social Changes
and the factors causing them(Biological, geographical,
• Political systems: (with reference to India)
2 o History, composition and basic features of the Indian
o Democracy: meaning, state institutions and the democratic
process, role of non-state institutions/groups in the
democratic process.
• Administrative Systems
o Administrative Structure: Role of The Chief Executives at
Union level, state level and district level.
o Composition of line agencies: departments, public
corporations and public enterprises, boards and
o Composition of staff agencies: General agencies, technical
agencies and auxilliary agencies.
o Important Administrative Processes: Planning, Decision-
making, Communication, Control and co-ordination.
o Governance issues and strategies: Characteristics,
functions and difference between state and Government.
o Governance: its concept, significance and characteristics,
relevance of good governance.
Economic Development, Development of Arts and Aesthetics
• Indian Economy
o Features, Development and Growth strategies through
planning in the post independence period. Performance of
3 the Indian Economy post 1990(economic reforms era)
• Arts and Aesthetics: (with reference to India)
o Literature: Introduction to Poetry, fiction, drama, novels,
short stories.
o Fine Arts: Introduction to Paintings( pre and post medieval
ages, modern era)
o Dance: History and Types of Indian Classical Dances
o Music: History and Types of Indian Music and major
indiginous musical instruments.
o Theatre and Indian Cinema: Forms of Theatre in Modern
Era, Cinema in modern era and Its impact on the society.
Contemporary Concerns and Challanges: (with reference to India
for sub points
• Human Security
o Valuing human beings as assets/resources, concept of
human rights, concept of human security including health,
• Educaton and Awareness
o Aims and importance of education, challenges to
education in the modern era.
4 • Informaiton and Communication Technology
o Role of ICT, Socio- economic implications of ICT
• Peace and. Conflict
o Challenges to World Peace, Role, functioning and
obstacles to Efforts of the UNITED NATION,
• Globilisation
o Pros and cons.
• Environment
o Environmental initiatives in India and challenges.
Elective Course
EC-202(4) Disaster Management
Course Introduction:
This course aims to provide an insight into immensely significant area of common welfare. The
course will enable a student to understand the major types of natural and man-made disasters and
also methods of mitigating their ill-effects on the human race. The course also covers a few
modern disasters which are hitherto not experienced by humankind across the globe.

Course Objective:
The student would be able
1) To understand the concept of managing the Disasters when it occurs.
2) To apply their technical knowledge to manage the Disasters.
3) To identify the key points and area where and how to use the Information Technology to
manage the damage in disasters.
4) To get detailed knowledge of various Government agencies and NGOs dealing for disaster

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 2
Teaching Hours: 20 hours


Introduction to Disasters / Hazards
• Definition of disaster:
• General Effects of disasters
• Causal Factors
• Disasters and development (cause and effect)
• Meaning of Disaster Management
• Types of Disaster/Hazards:
• Natural
• Anthropogenic
• Sociological
• Technological
1 • Transport
• Climate change
• Social and Psychological dimensions of disasters
• Coping with stress, anxiety and fears
• Technology and disaster management
• Latest Technological equipment
• Disaster Response:
• Reasons for concern
• Objectives
• Study of responses in Kutch Earth-quake, 2001
Disaster Management
• Definition
• Need
• Obstacles
• Disaster Relief and Factors
• International approach to integrated disaster risk management
• Risk Mitigation Strategies
• Participatory assessment of disaster risk
• Disaster Reduction
• Communicable diseases occurring after natural disasters
• Their prevention
• Mass casually management
• Technology and disaster management and latest technological
equipment to combat disasters
Relief, Rehabilitation, Recovery and Role of NGO and Government
• Relief
• Rehabilitation
• Displacement and Development
• Priorities and opportunities in Rehabilitation and reconstruction
• Relevance of Mitigation and its techniques
• Mitigation measures
3 • People’s Participation
• Disaster Recovery
o Business continuity planning
• Role of NGO in Managing disasters
• India’s natural disaster’s proneness:
o Management of disasters in India
o Institutional and policy framework
o Government Policies for Disaster Planning
Use of IT in Disaster Management, Applications and Future of
Disaster Management
• Use of IT in Disaster Management:
o Computer Attack
o Other latest technological Equipments:
 CENS (Community Emergency Notification
4  CREST (Consolidated Reporting of Earthquakes
and Tsunamis)
 CUBE (Caltech USGS Broadcast of Earthquakes)
 DART (Deep Ocean Assessment and Reporting of
 EAS (Emergency Alert System)
 EMWIN (Emergency Managers Weather
information Network)
 GPS (Global Positioning System)
 ITIC (International Tsunami Information Center)
 NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
 NWS (National Weather Service)
 PTWS (Pacific Tsunami Warning Center)
 RACE (Rapid Alert Cascadia Earthquake)
 REDI (Rapid Earthquake Data Integration)
 SAWS (Simultaneous Announcement Wireless
 THRUST (Tsunami hazard Reduction Using
System Tech.)
 WC/ATWC (West Coast/Alaska Tsunami
Warning Center)
 Audio Evacuation System
o Laser Scanning
o Remote Sensing-GIS Integration
o Atmospheric Water Generator
o Mobile Electronic Warfare Platform
• Applications in Disaster Management:
o Bio-terrorism
 Framing the Problem
 Threat assessment
o Statistical Seismology and its application

Textbook: Disaster Management

Publisher: Himalaya Publishing House
By M. Saravana Kumar

Reference Books:

1.Introduction to Disaster Management

Publisher: Macmillan
By Satish Modh

2.The Disaster Recovery Handbook

Publisher: PHI
By Michael Wallace and Lawrence Webber

3.Citizen’s Guide to Disaster Management

Publisher: Macmillan
By Satish Modh
Elective Course
EC-202(5) History of Gujarat and its Culture

No. of Credits: 2
Theory Sessions per week: 2
Teaching Hours: 20 hours

Syllabus and text book as per B.B.A Syllabus Semester III Elective Course.

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